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Wings Over Scotland

The Grand Alliance

Posted on April 09, 2024 by

We have a solution to this problem.

(Story 1 and story 2.)

In a spirit of unity, Wings officially endorses both statements.

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Common Future????
Where’s the Common Sense????
Nusnp and greens can gtf.


Not long now. Can’t wait.


Go on, Rev. Give us a hint. 🙂


In the O/L Telegraph, a headline: “Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion”.

Sounds like a hate crime to me. The Telegraph’s, I mean. Should I lodge a complaint with the Polis?

Kevin Cargill

Vote Alba.

Young Lochinvar

The partners in this shotgun marriage of inconvenience appear to be having a domestic about who holds the TV remote control.

As the old saying goes; marry in haste and repent at leisure.


For a while I’ve been depressed thinking I’m not going to have anyone to vote for at forth coming elections, John Nicholson and Keith Brown are both beyond the pale. Now however I know for certain I will have an independent candidate who knows the difference between the sexes and with any luck an ISP or Alba candidate to give some sort of choice. Still a bit down that politics in general and the left in particular is such a shit show at the moment but at least a glimmer of light.


Abstain. It’s the only way to show contempt to both britnat Westminster and our own useless political parties which claim to be for independence but do everything in their power to screw up the independence movement.


@ Graeme: how lucky you are to have an Independent for I candidate. Barrhead boy said on Sunday that a 3rd is about to be announced – for somewhere in Edinburgh.

Campbell Clansman

The dueling headlines show that BOTH parties are run by politicians who care about power first, and principles last.
And if some fringe party like Alba ever got a close to obtaining office, they’d act exactly the same way.
Politicians take care of THEIR OWN needs first, not ours.


“And if some fringe party like Alba ever got a close to obtaining office, they’d act exactly the same way.”

And that is why we need independence, with a PR system and a lot more parties. We need to get away from the one or two big parties and one smaller one that can gain undue influence to keep one in power. I don’t know about nationwide, but there will be a few Alba candidates in Glasgow.


So Campbell Clownsman in your unbiased and fair hahaha opinion who should independence voters who want competent governance vote for


Shit floats, and is incredibly hard to flush. This lot needs to go.

Mark Beggan

I still demand a ‘None of the above’ Option on the ballot.x

Andrew F

A platter of shit sandwiches is on offer – if you choose one they will say that’s an endorsement.

Vote “Dick’n’Balls” by drawing your best rendition of that on the paper. Or write whatever suits you, be creative.

That way, at least they know you were bothered enough to turn up to register your rejection of them all. They do notice such things.

Campbell Clansman

Cath says:
9 April, 2024 at 2:10 pm
“And if some fringe party like Alba ever got a close to obtaining office, they’d act exactly the same way.”

And that is why we need independence, with a PR system and a lot more parties.

In practice, just the opposite will happen. A PR system and a multiplicity of parties results in MORE politician’s office-seeking, MORE pursuit of self-advancement, not less.


Mark Beggan @ 9 April, 2024 at 2:38 pm

“I still demand a ‘None of the above’ Option on the ballot.x”

Scrawling “#EndTheUnion” diagonally across the ballot paper achieves the same effect.


Greens ban fire! Next, they plan to go against shoes.


If you read the wording and look at the picture it’s the greens making the biggest point and attacking the SNP on their governance, once again the greens are screwing the SNP over and leaving the SNP along and cold in the dark.

I was just wondering how many times I’ve heard the SNP say don’t split the Indy vote, just an obvious point for the SNP, the party should have acted on these mandates the party was given and prevented these smaller Indy parties forming, if anyone is to blame about splitting the Indy vote look no further the NS.

Alba Party
socialist party to only name but a view. The SNP might be in bigger trouble than they realize. Election night might just be the most interesting tv we see this year.

I am no lover of Foote but he’s leading the SNP up the garden path towards oblivion.


@ Campbell Clansman: Are you aware of the Scottish constitution whereby politicians are subject to direct prohibition by the people? As Switzerland also does?

All we need to do is get our constitution restored into practice by a non-political National Convention. See


Here in the South of England I contemplate voting Green. But I am alarmed at the prospect of a coup by carpetbagging gender nutters, as I’ve seen.

Oh well, tactical voting…

John C

It might pain supporters of the Greens but Yousaf is right. If you really are seriously an SNP supporter then voting Green is a wasted vote in a general election. There’s one, maybe two seats in the entire UK where the Greens stand a good chance of electing a candidate in a general election. None of the seats in Scotland will see a Green MP. Hell, they’ll be lucky to finish second in their targeted seats.

The Greens aren’t a serious proposition for government. We’ve seen how they are at governing in Scotland, as well in places like Brighton where they’ve made a mess of things. They’ve purged all the adults from the party over the last decade, leaving people like Harvie and Ross bloody Greer in charge.

People face a difficult choice in the general election. The Tories need to go. They’ve caused so much damage, pain and anguish to people over 14 years that realistically, they should be out of government for decades. Yet the choices we have are at best, weak. Labour will be slightly less awful & the SNP won’t do anything to push independence in Westminster which is the only reason they should be there. As for the Lib Dems, well, they’re the ones who helped put the Tories in power in 2010 and they’re as far from being liberal as they’ve ever been.

So we need shot of the Tories but we’re left with a terrible situation which is why people are increasingly disillusioned with politics.


@Graeme 9/4 1:32pm & @sarah 9/4 1:48pm
Forgive me if I’ve missed an obvious thing somewhere but is there an agreed concept of independent for indy or is it just a catch-all for any indy supporting independent?

I must admit I’ve considered over the years entering myself under something like a position of a vote for me is a vote for independence but I would not take a seat in the unlikely event I won. Just wanting to be somewhere to register support for independence for those who would otherwise abstain or spoil.

Bit late now of course so hopefully I get someone I’m my area I can vote for.

John C

Vote Alba.,

Why? They’ve went back on their position on women and LGB rights and it’s increasingly looking like a grift. It’s just another wasted vote.

Campbell Clansman

sarah says: Are you aware of the Scottish constitution ….
In the real, legal, world, there is no “Scottish constitution” to be “aware” of.

whereby politicians are subject to direct prohibition by the people
“direct prohibition”–What does that even mean?

all we need is “a non-political National Convention”
Do you really believe that any convention that meets to decide political issues will be “not-political?” What fairytale land do you live in?


The SNP is to stupid to come in from the cold, the Greens article is in the Herald and the SNP article is in the Rag, just think about what party is attracting the biggest audience. The Rag doesn’t even sell in the shops anymore where as the Herald does, if the SNP keep using the Rag as its source of getting its massage across to the public its destined to fail and fail big.

This is the reason we’ll never be Independent with the SNP in charge.


@John C

Vote Alba never, a party who’s leader is a Tory lover and wants to give away Scotland’s land and water. There’s a reason why Alba has never passed 1% and its your leader, change leader and what Alba rise, Id vote for Ash. Isn’t everyone leaving the party who joined like Barheadboy, Eva and everyone in this household just to name but a few.


I see a unionist/Tory-apologist “name” has re-emerged with the new moniker of ‘Campbell Clansman’

So, to quote the question Twathater at 2.16pm;

“So Campbell Clownsman in your unbiased and fair hahaha opinion who should independence voters who want competent governance vote for…”

A reply came there none…..silence and tumbleweed….Meh.


Dear Campbell Clansman: if you had read about the Swiss version of democracy you would realise that it IS perfectly feasible to keep politicians under the control of the electorate.

If Swiss MPs [equivalent] pass a law that impinges on the rights of the citizens then the public can call a referendum on the issue. When they win it, the law is gone.

It is the real world that I inhabit! 🙂

Hatey McHateface

“Greens tell voters to reject SNP at GE”

Uh-oh. It could be that the Greens are so confident of the surge of support they are garnering for their brave, progressive and popular policies that they think it is time to go it alone.

I know that in the echoing silo that is Wings BTL that seems to be a fanciful notion, but as the man once said, “I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken”.

Come to think of it, even thinking it possible to be mistaken is a fanciful notion too far for many Wingers too.

I can’t wait for the GE myself. Rumours it could be November now. Starmer will walk on water. For about 4 weeks.

Mark Beggan

@ duncanio

I have something a bit more explicit in mind.

“#EndTheUnion” That has no meaning to me now. I’m just waiting for justice to be served.


Campbell Clansman
Ignored says:
9 April, 2024 at 1:52 pm

You are pushing the Tory party ye waste of fuckin’ air.


@John C

Vote Alba never, a party who’s leader is a Tory lover and wants to give away parts of Scotland land and water. There’s a reason why Alba has never passed 1% and its their leader, change leader and whatch Alba rise, Id vote for Ash. Isn’t everyone leaving the party who joined like Barheadboy, Eva and everyone in this household just to name but a

I’m with you John C.

Hatey McHateface

@sarah says: 9 April, 2024 at 3:48 pm

If Swiss MPs [equivalent] pass a law that impinges on the rights of the citizens then the public can call a referendum on the issue. When they win it, the law is gone

Great place Switzerland. Like the exemplar for Scottish aspirational nationhood, Norway, not in the EU either, so that probably explains it.

They’re not too keen on inwards migration either, unless you are contributing from Day 1.

Campbell Clansman

Dear Sarah, I’m quite familiar with referendums, in Switzerland and elsewhere.
But that isn’t what you wrote in your original comment. I don’t blame you for trying to rewrite the “politicians are subject to direct prohibition” to the at-least-rational “political laws are …” Referendums make LAWS subject to the people’s will–not the politicians themselves. The latter is what elections are for.

BTW can you come up with an instance, in all of recorded history, of a “non-political” Constitutional Convention?


Mark Beggan
Ignored says:
9 April, 2024 at 3:53 pm
@ duncanio

I would settle for that as well. Sturgeon and Murrell getting charged then jailed. Once they have been exposed we can move forward.

Campbell Clansman

I’m delighted to see that the aptly-self-named “Hatey McHateface” is in favor of referendums deciding issues.
So when is “Hatey” (and others here) going to accept the decision of the Independence Referendum?

Or are referendums a good thing only when the voters vote your way?

Dorothy Devine

Streuth ! They fair crawl out of the woodwork don’t they.

Hatey McHateface

@Campbell Clansman says: 9 April, 2024 at 4:19 pm

I’m delighted to see that the aptly-self-named “Hatey McHateface” is in favor of referendums deciding issues.
So when is “Hatey” (and others here) going to accept the decision of the Independence Referendum?

Or are referendums a good thing only when the voters vote your way?

You’re new here so won’t know plebiscitary elections are the way forwards from now on. The only stopper so far is that no party is offering them, probably because every party thinks they are a sure fire vote loser.

That’s odd to me because this year’s WM election is a guaranteed decimation of the existing ruling Scottish parties, and thus a perfect opportunity to try something new. What is there to lose given Starmer’s shoe-in position?

But never mind. Let’s give Starmer his 5 years and then look at it again in 2029. No rush.

BTW, that aptly-self-named bit is a little hurtful.

Mark Beggan




“Are you aware of the Scottish constitution whereby politicians are subject to direct prohibition by the people? As Switzerland also does?”

Bang on Sarah.

link to


Don’t waste or otherwise spoil your ballot uselessly.
Repurpose your vote instead

link to

Ruby Tuesday

Just testing.

Christopher Pike

Does anyone on here listen to IndyTruckDavy/Two Davies on YouTube?

They dislike being informed that polls show the SNP losing at least half of their seats at the next GE.

Heads. Sand. Buried.


@ faolie 5.09pm I agree with the sentiment of repurposing your vote and it is an action that my combined family will undertake, for it to be effective it has to be a united groundswell where people are engaged and outraged at having no representation or the representation on offer is DIRE, I think everyone knows that we have been in that situation for at least 9 years and counting
Unfortunately it requires for that “saying” to be the most prominent and most accepted for it to register with the electorate, unfortunately as is the way with Scots we now have Barrhead boy pushing another saying of “not my parliament” thought up and pushed by a Dundee man who maintains he’s never heard of the #EndTheUnion proposal, TBQH I have argued with Peter A Bell repeatedly over his refusal to see the snp for the ("Tractor" - Ed)s they were but I believe he has got it right this time, we should be united with the wording to have the best impact and the most publicity and it only creates frustration and enmity when personalities clash


We really need to show the SNP that they are not the YES or INDY movement, they are a political party which WAS aligned with that vision and desire (not any more). To do that we need Independents, Alba, ISP, any grouping of alternative YES options we can vote for including spoiled ballots, anything other than the unionists and devolutionists. As for the greens, those carpetbaggers need evicted and banished from our nation. Harvie on the dole or on the big issue, good luck with that!


If we don’t punish the SNP and they somehow manage to hang on we are lost, at least for anther decade, it is simply that important.


I’ve been arguing for some time that the only moral and rational way to vote is to vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP candidate in your constituency. I suspect that by the time the General Election comes along, many more will agree with that standpoint than agree now.

It’s really imperative that the SNP is destroyed, and the sooner, the better. There are a thousand reasons for taking that view, but most compelling of all is the dire political state we find ourselves in today which is entirely down to those con artists.

We know that how we vote in General Elections doesn’t really matter, at least, not in any measurable positive terms as far as independence goes. General Elections in Scotland, then, are really nothing more than opportunities to stick two fingers up at whoever we dislike the most. And there surely isn’t one person here who would argue against the position that the SNP is, and should be, the party we dislike the most right now.

We have a couple of hopeless political years in front of us, at least. It would only prolong the agony if we came through the next few years with the SNP still sitting there, still ripping us all off.

Green, Blue, Red, Orange, I don’t care, as long as we get the SNP to fuck.

Andrew scott

Clown to the left of us jokers to the right
Scotland stuck in the middle

Hatey McHateface

@Hatuey says: 9 April, 2024 at 6:39 pm

I’ve been arguing for some time that the only moral and rational way to vote is to vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP candidate

Have you, though?

How many weeks is it since you were repeatedly posting that the only subject that matters in Scotland and to Scotland is Gaza?

Four? Six?

What is it with you? Do you think none of us can read? Or is it a limited attention span thingy?

Anyhoo, I hope you will take this supportive, constructive and sympathetic criticism in the warmly fraternal manner it is intended.


«In the hierarchy of colors, green represents the social middle class, self-satisfied, immovable, narrow…»

Wassily Kandinsky.
Expressionist painter


Personally…. If there isn’t an ALBA or ISP candidate I’ll vote for whichever troughing Unionist is best placed to remove the SNP troughing Unionist…including, for the first time, the Tory troughing Unionist, if needs be. After all, a troughing Unionist is a troughing Unionist, irrespective of the colour rosette.

Independence for Scotland!
SNP Out!


Robert Knight; “….a troughing Unionist is a troughing Unionist, irrespective of the colour rosette.”

That’s absolutely true, Robert – Tory/Lab/LibDem are English parties with troughing MP’s/MSP’s in Scotland, Greens and SNP Scottish based troughing Unionist/devolution parties.

If there’s no Alba or ISP candidate here (Tory scum central so I doubt it) I would rather ‘#EndTheUnion’ than vote for any of them, and I would rather eat sand than vote Tory, just could never do it, the worst of the worst; lying, corrupt warmongering chancers that hate the Scots, despite what the ‘names’ popping up on here are pushing….

Robert Hughes

@ Hatuey

Hard to fault yr reasoning here , but I can see potential pitfalls

Yes , it may hasten the snP to the door marked FUCK OFF, but it would be construed n parlayed as endorsement of the status quo – Scotland in the Union . The motivations of people like ourselves in voting for unionist parties would neither be known nor acknowledged .

From this the Unionists could say they have a mandate to rewrite the TOU , and who could stop them if they did ?

None of this would matter , at least , could be surmounted , if we had an ” entity ” , non-Party political but with sufficient social/political credibility – * weight * – that was prepared to reject all entreaties to W.M ( ie Brit State ) and turn the focus entirely to Scotland .

No Anglo static . We determine the destiny of our country here , on our own . I don’t think there is any other way .

We know what happens in and as a consequence of G.Es is determined by England and whatever Scotland wants/needs is of absolutely no significance , so I reckon #EndTheUnion is preferable to voting for any of the unionist monstrosities


Greens urge people to stop using wheels on their barrows.
SNP urge people to become unionists.
Both urge me to throw up.


caption contests are always fun :

“when you decided to get into DOGGING, for a bit of excitement, but pull into the car park and suddenly realise the error of your ways … ”

it’s an unknown unknown of interest to many jaded souls, just how dumb are the greens?

someone should prank them, ask if they are against coal burning and would thus support


and bonus points for them saying –


– and that loses them the young womens vote right off.

You could also refer them to the ultimate environmental catastrophe predicted, with “the science” and “maffs”, by our own illustrious Lord Kelvin (maybe the smartest dude ever) of


all you people, stop doing anything at all, you are creating entropy.

brainwave : get the scotgov to BAN ENTROPY as a HATECRIME

James Jones

@Robert Hughes at 8:03 pm.
Scottish independence is a very remote prospect at the moment and no political party realistically offers it, so doesn’t it make sense to momentarily abandon that single issue and vote to protest the status quo of electoral and financial corruption and the strong influence of sexual deviants on Scottish law which blind Indie voting has inadvertently delivered?

When you read the issues which worry BTL the most only the Tories voted in agreement with them, yet they’ll never get support because of outdated class-based voting.

I’m guilty of the same; never voted Tory and not sure I ever could, but when you look at the opposition and the way the political spectrum has shifted I question whether they’re currently a worse option.

A spoiled vote is counted as such, not just rejected and ignored, and I’ve shown up to spoil my vote hoping enough will do the same to get the disgust noticed. Scrawl ‘None of the above’ on the ballot paper.


@Sarah at 3:05pm

Sarah, I read your comment as meaning to restore a Scottish National Convention outwith the compromised mainstream political system currently inflicted on the Scots by Westminster.

You clearly reference Salvo who state :

Salvo was formed to restore Scotland’s constitution. Salvo is not a political party. We are the campaigning arm of Liberation Scotland.

We are dedicated to restoring Scotland’s national, constitutional and historic rights as set out in our interim constitution.

Our mission is to bring the Scottish people together again and awaken them to the fact that Scotland’s constitutional future is not dependant on any political deal with a Westminster government.

Instead, we will make them aware of the Claim of Right, which was not destroyed by the Treaty of Union but was a critical part of the UK’s creation and remains the lawful guarantee of Scotland’s deliberately hidden constitution.

And for those who don’t know what Salvo means, it means this:

From 1592 to 1707, during sessions of the Scottish Parliament, the concept of “salvo” was invoked.

At the end of each session, the Parliament acknowledged the sovereignty of the people by offering a “salvo”. This meant that any person who wished to do so was invited to challenge any legislation that prejudiced their civil rights or freedoms.

Essentially, it allowed individuals to contest laws that could compromise their fundamental rights.

If only we still had the right to salvo.

And although a National Convention of any kind is by nature involved in the politics of a nation (everything is politics, anyway) it isn’t a political party and in that sense is non-political. That’s how I understood your comment.

Check out Salvo in more detail here: Salvo Website


Now it is only really an intellectual question about whether it is better to abstain, or to vote for the party most likely to unseat the SNP, no matter who they are…

I am long past abstain. Long past.

Right now, I’d one-time vote for the Genghis-Khan-Hitler-Stalin party if I thought it would cleanse the SNP off the political map.

You’ve got to use ‘something’ disposable to wipe the shit off your shoe. And then, them, like the shit they wiped off, goes in the bin.

I am voting tory.


The best thing everyone in Scotland could do is just not vote.

It would be fun watching TV and seeing all the folk sitting at empty tables with nothing to count.

Then seeing the politicians turning up to the count and being told nobody voted! You have all lost your deposit.

alf baird

robertkknight @ 7:13 pm

“a troughing Unionist is a troughing Unionist”

Scotland’s enforced Brexit followed by the UK Supreme Court decision refusing our ‘inalienable right to self-determination’ confirmed that Scots have no veto over the UK Anglo-Scottish Parliament legislating for Scotland; these actions therefore confirmed Scotland’s colonial and hence subordinate status, that ‘Unionists’ are really colonialists, and the UK Union is a myth and a political deceit.

Unfortunately, the SNP, being party to the union myth and hence behaving as colonialists, have also become part of the political deceit, which postcolonial theory predicts (Fanon).


For pity sake voting Tory would be like a working class form of euthanasia.

The only way Westminster could ever act responsibly would be for independents to become MPs and work for their own constituency and not the corrupt parties who only ever put themselves and the party before all else.

Use your vote even if it’s for the honestly named Raving Loony Party


Robert, I don’t mind unionists saying stuff like that. They have been saying stuff like that since 2014.

If Unionists claiming victory would be annoying, for me it would be a lot less annoying than the SNP sitting there claiming victory (as they essentially make sure no progress is ever made towards independence or anything else).

As for rewriting the terms, good; I want them to do that. Ideally they’d ditch Barnett and close down Holyrood, two mechanisms that play a central part in keeping us under Westminster’s thumb.

As we sit here cold and hungry (in a resource rich country) waiting to be dragged into another immoral war, the case for independence has never been stronger and simpler. Everything is falling to pieces; the NHS, housing, roads, education, dentists, everything is crumbling and collapsing.

The SNP know they can do fuck all to help and have decided to become a government in hiding. Whatever lies ahead, getting those duplicitous losers out of the equation could only make things better.


Mac: “You’ve got to use ‘something’ disposable to wipe the shit off your shoe. And then, them, like the shit they wiped off, goes in the bin… I am voting tory.”

You really couldn’t have put that any better.

Quote of the year so far.




FOA Geri & anyone else who is interested.

Banned word list continue.

I’ve done Pu*tin & Anu*s already
(also every word that contains Pu*tin or Anu*s)

Ski&er is another banned word.
(every word that contains ski&er ie riski&er, friski&er duski&er etc etc)

Set*tler also a banned word.

Al*ba g*u brà*th is banned.
Uk*raine banned

This is the list so far. That’s not hard to remember.
Al*ba g*u brà*th

Explanation for my post testing guff. I was wondering if the gu
in Al*ba g*u brà*th might be banned but it’s fine.

Russia is fine too.


@ Northcode at 9.36: “I read your comment as meaning to restore a Scottish National Convention outwith the compromised system currently inflicted on Scots by Westminster…. For more detail see Salvo website.”

Exactly Northcode! Thank you for clarifying. It can’t be publicised too often.


9 April, 2024 at 7:50 pm

Robert Knight; “….

No way would i vote for any of England’s uniparty candidates. No fucking chance would I have that on my record. Like youself James it would be a Scottish nationalist or if none is on the ballot no vote/spoiled vote.


I like the Salvo route. How about in the election, if no other choice, or even as a best first choice for us all. I claim Salvo! or #SALVO. Work to be done but is there also a route there which is not political but ultimately the voice of the People! and a way to get past the political impasse and doldrums we find ourselves in. In other words, not the election but another forum where we all declare. I know we have had this before with campaigns to all sign something, but if this was structured properly and framed properly it could be the end game? Is that indeed what Salvo aims for, I for one hope so. Get the legals sorted then ask the people and get enough to commit and carry the day. We then declare and let the Deil….


I see the bbc is going strong strong worker lacing a wee bot with laxatives. Anyone know the back story. Did she do it at her job or was the nhs piece tied in by the beeb

alf baird

JockMcT @ 11:03 pm

“is there also a route there which is not political but ultimately the voice of the People! and a way to get past the political impasse and doldrums we find ourselves in”

Some astute and concerned Scot(s) might seek legal advice and then lawful remedy to the many violations of both the Articles of Union, and the Scottish Constitution:

link to

link to

Jason Smoothpiece

SNP must be shown the door.

Labour will destroy the country.

Vote Alba it makes sense.

Remember if you vote Tory you will go to hell.

James Jones

alf baird at 11:48 pm
“Some astute and concerned Scot(s) might seek legal advice and then lawful remedy to the many violations of both the Articles of Union, and the Scottish Constitution.”

I wish they would so we wouldn’t have to keep hearing that absolute poppycock. Do it.


Just to clarify, I will consider holding my nose and voting Tory if required because the SNP has become a cancer in the Indy movement and must be removed, or Indy will die the same slow death in Scotland that it has done in Quebec.

The ONLY way to do it is to hit the SNP in its finances and deny it the oxygen of short money and other incomes associated with having elected representatives. No representatives = no revenues = no SNP.

If anyone has any better ideas I’d love to hear them.


I have not visited you in a long time because you have departed from the original intention, which is Scottish independence.

You now just seem like a crazy guy from Bath.

Do something to change it or we will leave you in our droves.

All the best


Anyone got a link for the recent wings / Salmond podcast?


‘ i have long said to myself, what are the advantages Scotland reaps from this so called union, that can counterbalance the annihilation of her independence and her very name’
Robert Burns 10 april 1790, 234yrs ago today.


Is ALBA standing in all seats in the 2025 UK GE? If not then it is Keir Starmer or wee Rishi whatshisface.

No way would I vote for a total sleaze bag like Starmer, the SNP is obviously a huge no-no, leaving the tories. And as they are odds on to lose to Labour anyway it is an excellent time to tactically vote tory (to fuck the SNP) as they have no chance of being in government anyway.

If the local tory candidate had no chance but the labour one did, I might reluctantly vote labour but I am not sure I could after the hate bill and Starmer being an absolute wrong’un, he is worse than any tory, he is that bad..

If it was a Scottish GE there is no way I’d vote for either Yousless or Sarwar after their anti-white Hate Speeches. I am not voting for anyone that has a problem with me doing a top job or any job due to the colour of my skin. As a fuck you I’ll be voting WHITE!1/ALBA2.

Dorothy Devine

Some interesting suggestions regarding the election – some of them promoting a rare party in Scottish voting terms.

There are some strange folk turning up , we’ll be leaving the Wings site i droves eh? I’ll be more than happy when some of the naysayers leave.

Dorothy Devine

P.S those aforementioned don’t seem to pop up on other indy sites, I wonder why??


Alan @ 08.43

Not entirely clear who the “we” are, Alan. Still, go well, don’t slammthe door.
That “guy from Bath” is our kinda guy !


The SNP bitchin that the Westminster government gives more per head to Canary Wharf in London that it does to Scotland per head, well they know what to fuckin do about that but the self serving b*stards won’t do SFA about it, all they are doing is trying to garner votes and justify their places at Westminster and Holyrood.

Get the SNP out along with the vile Greens both parties have NO interest in a progressive Scotland which can only be achieved through independence.

link to


Sarwar has absolutely no clout whatsoever on this, his boss in London the millionaire knight of the realm Sir Keir Starmer, will put Sarwar in his place, BLiS is nothing more than a mouthpiece for London at Holyrood.

Of course it wouldn’t have come to this if the treacherous SNP/Greens hadn’t sold us out on independence.

“THE SNP have called on Anas Sarwar to “grow a backbone” over Labour’s NHS privatisation plans.

It comes after shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, in an article for the Sun, said he would force the NHS to use services from the private health sector.

The top Labour MP also claimed that people complaining about it were “middle-class lefties” – and added that a Labour government would not provide any additional funding for the health service unless the private sector is used to cut waiting lists.

SNP MSP and convener of Holyrood’s Health Committee, Clare Haughey, said Scottish Labour leader Sarwar was “noticeably quiet” after the comments.

Healthcare is devolved to Scotland but funding decisions made by the UK Government for the services in England have a direct impact on funding north of the Border.”


Meanwhile the genocide enabling government in England will continue to supply the monstrous Zionist regime with weapons to kill innocent civilians in Gaza.

“DAVID Cameron has said the UK will not be suspending arms exports to Israel despite “grave concerns” about humanitarian access in Gaza.

The Foreign Secretary said the UK Government’s position on arms export licences to Israel is “unchanged” following a review of the latest advice.”


The SNP isn’t ever going to deliver Independence. So I’ve decided how is the best way I can help Scotland and our people, the SNP and the Scottish government is the biggest threat to our very existence and for me this threat has to be eliminated by what ever means even if it means voting for a unionist party who is in the strongest position to beat the SNP candidate at the next Westminster election.

I’ve stated on here about another option to have a go at the SNP and thats to not give a single penny or to donate to any SNP MP re-election campaign let them either fund it themselves or withdraw.

I know certain people will think how could you vote for a Tory? Well its eassier to vote for a Unionist than a ("Tractor" - Ed), because remember 10yrs that SNP has been at Westminster in large numbers and not once have any MP done anything for Scotland. They have shown no loyalty to Scotland or our people. We all know that even if the SNP won 59 out of 59 seats nothing will change. So I’ve decided its better to rid our selves of enemy who has single handed been stopping our movement from moving forward, make no mistakes the SNP is never ever going to deliver Independence there the party that cries wolf at ever hilltop. I honestly believe as soon as we rid ourselves of the SNP we’ll see PROGRESS FOR SCOTLAND.

I’ll hold my nose and vote for the lesser of to evils, and hope every single SNP is wipe of the face of the Scottish map and for good, but I won’t forget the people in the SNP who destroyed the party and Scotland chance at being Independent at the moment.

So I do welcome people on here saying that they won’t vote for the SNP no matter what and they’ll use there vote to get rid of the SNP, remember folks if you have got another Indy party or Independent that you are prepared to vote for thats good news but if you haven’t got someone to vote for then voting for a Unionist is 1 vote for the unionist but two votes against the SNP and thats worth remembering.



Is this what you are looking for?

link to


There does not seem to be as much ‘comment’ on Wings these days.

It may be something to do with people being put off with the same shite being posted everyday from the bitter, one track mind, site numpties who love to pursue lost causes which the millions of sane Scots have no real interest in.

How much did Baird pay Northcode?


link to

DISASTER written all over” the Hate Crime Act
Scotland Speaks with Alex Salmond

This link is for the above starting from the beginning the earlier link was time stamped to where Stu came on.

The sound is a bit wobbly when Stu speaks. The following is for those you are not familiar with ‘You Tube’ videos.

If you press the little cc button you will get subtitles.
You can read what he says although that might require a bit of speed reading.

Some good comments too.

I wonder who @vivian9187 is? He/she says

Shocking to make the hate monster the colour of an indigenous scot after a day in the sun. Hateful some might say


It’s all about the Cass Report today.

My view on all of this is that the GRA 2004 is the root cause of everything involving gender recognition.

Maybe time for Neale Hanvey and Joanna Cherry to recognise this.

The UK law states people can change sex and that ‘transwomen are women’ and ‘transmen are men’ that is a lie.

Maybe if you didn’t lie to young people they may not be looking for a solution to their problems at these gender clinics.

I’m hoping ‘The Woman’s Party’ stand in Scotland.


@Alf Baird

Thanks for your reply to me on the previous thread, Alf.

Is it worthwhile, do you think, exploring if legal grounds exist for voiding the Treaty because it was made under duress? I guess that might be problematic.

John Jones

so why the hell are the greens still in government? why have they not been shown rhe door? or is it just more shit from the SNP?


Scotland has a pre-nup agreement written into its forced marriage contract with England.

Some of our ancestors were worried that Scotland would lose her character; her judicial character, her religious character, and her constitutional character in the forced marriage.

So they made it a condition of the union and the treaty that Scotland’s constitution be upheld.

Here are just some of the rights Scots have under the terms of that pre-nup agreement:

It is a crime in Scotland for a parliament to claim it is soverayne over the people, a crime punishable by forfeiture of power.

It is a crime in Scotland to attack human rights.

It is a crime in Scotland to attack the right to protest.

It is a crime in Scotland for her parliamentarians to gie money tae ther pals without parliamentary oversight.

It is a crime in Scotland to use the law to go after your political enemies.

Salvo has been busy excavating the Scottish constitution, a constitution which is still alive and kicking.

Watch Sara Salyers explain the Claim of Right


link to

Posie Parker is the best.

James Barr Gardner

Vote ALBA, End London Rule.

Iain More

A plague on both thier Yoon houses.


There is indeed less comment BTL these days, mainly because your bum chum Genocide John Main has thankfully reduced his shitty output somewhat, and I therefore we don’t have to post to correct all his factual errors.

How is your bitter one track mind?


The Britnat BLiS party shows its ugly unionist face.

“A SCOTTISH Labour candidate at the centre of a row over her sharing “racist” tweets has been criticised for reposting messages calling for Holyrood to be abolished.

Labour’s Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy General Election candidate Wilma Brown

It has now also emerged she has liked several posts that claim the Scottish Parliament should be “shut down”, or “brought under special measures by the British Government”.”

alf baird

sam @ 12:11 pm

“Is it worthwhile, do you think, exploring if legal grounds exist for voiding the Treaty because it was made under duress? I guess that might be problematic.”

Treaty violations are many and ongoing. For instance, Westminster and Holyrood seem increasingly intent on diminishing or more likely now ending what we ken as ‘Scots Law’ as a ‘separate’ legal system; Scots law remains a mystery as well as an institutional inconvenience and perhaps also standing as a final ‘domestic’ constitutional barrier to any UK legislature ultimately fulfilling its ‘one nation Britain’ ideology – which arguably requires Scotland to perish as a prospective future sovereign state.

Under these circumstances I should think the Scottish legal establishment might best start to defend itself against repeated constitutional attacks by confirming Scottish sovereignty via legal opinion, i.e. through reminding Westminster where sovereignty really lies insofar as Scotland is concerned, if not also declaring in the process that the treaty is violated and thus potentially void.

Having said that, any individual or group with sufficient resources surely is able to proceed with such an action. We might question also why 6 elected SNP national majorities have never bothered to seek legal opinion on the numerous ToU violations, which is precisely the Treaty alliance we require to end in order to bring about independence.

All things being equal, a violated and void treaty = independence!



You do realise that your post above could be construed as a hate crime! If it was not for the the possibility of bringing Stu’s site into disrepute it would be reported as such.
If your comment was made to me in the street I doubt if I would go that far. A skelp in the mouth, with the dislodgement of a few of your teeth would suffice.
You are clearly not the fizziest tin of Irn Bru in the fridge.

John Main

@Johnlm says: 10 April, 2024 at 2:06 pm

I therefore we don’t have to post to correct all his factual errors

That’s an unforced example of how you struggle to string together a coherent sentence of a dozen words. You lack the language skills to correct anybody. Soz.

bum chum

Do you think I’m gonna descend to your level to rip you a new one? I don’t have to. I can run rings around you without half trying.

And that’s what sticks in yer pathetic craw.

Anyhoo, looks like Chas is peeved. Hope you have private dental. Ask yer maw when she drops of yer denner tray at yer bedroom door.


Great stuff guys!
Top notch banter.

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