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Wings Over Scotland

The bidding war

Posted on November 27, 2019 by

Remember this, readers? What a long time ago it seems.

And we don’t just mean Ruth Davidson being in favour of staying in the EU.

Remember the days when politics was to be settled by democracy?

“You don’t get a referendum for free, you have to earn it. So if the Greens and the SNP – and the SSP or any of the other parties who’ve declared an interest in independence – get over the line and can make a coalition, make a majority, get the votes in the Parliament, then they’ll vote through a referendum, and that’s what democracy’s all about… it’s perfectly simple”

It’s all so different now. Nobody cares about boring old democracy any more, grandad.

Tomorrow: 2103. Because hey, why not?

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Paul Miller

I’d love to see how theyre going to hold the SNP to once in a generation. Where legally is that written, surely it would be a 5 minute job in a court.


Tories are terrified.


Dear Scotland,

You had your democracy in 2014!

You chose to be subservient, and we will never allow any of our Unionists to change their minds.

Luv UK.

Bob Mack

No new indy vote till 2054 ? Once in a generation ?

Are people real!y living for 140 years these days?

The shorter version reads___ never again wil! you be allowed to votd for indy.


I love the smell of BritNat fear in the morning. Gets the day off to a good start.

Merkin Scot

Ruth who?


Aye right! The one trick pony parties in Scotland herding together to keep Scotland caged “like a lion” just like Boris says. 🙁

Sturgeon warned about NHS sell off and it looks like Jeremy has found the dodgy dossier. An open goal for Labour but how will he use it.

Not just the NHS drugs and costs but includes regulations on food and labelling and employment laws.

FM begins her manifesto speech now.

Boris lied again. 🙁 No surprise there then.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Self-determination in International Law:

The principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations.

But we are to believe that the BritNats WONT allow the Scottish People another Referendum on our Self Determination?

Aye, right.

Douglas Porter

If you truly believe in Scotland, and that you believe in Scotland’s well-being and future, that you care for the NHS then, vote SNP on 12 December and Yes in 2020. Independence is normal, being governed by another country is not.


I wonder where these people think we’ll all go if there are continual democratic mandates for another referendum and it keeps being blocked..??

I suspect the next place to go would be the courts, but after that, it would surely be peaceful protest, which would continue and ratchet up until the referendum is agreed. Suppressing democracy is just not a healthy or good or sustainable thing to do…


If as seems likely just now, the SNP win yet another mandate to request a second article 50 (yes, I know how ridiculous that looks, but that’s how it is), hold a second referendum and if they lose that, then yes, no more referendums for the long term future.

I’m a fervent independence supporter and I believe that if people are pressing for a second Brexit referendum, then that should be applied equally across the board and so Scotland should have a second independence referendum too since everything has changed since the last one.

I know the argument that people have the right to change their mind in a democracy BUT…… can’t go on holding referendums every couple of years. That may be democratic but it’ll cause society to stagnate.

Eventually, someone will have to say ‘Right. we’ve had enough referendums and win or lose, this is the position we find ourselves in, so let’s get on and deal with it as it is.’

It’s simply not possible to have endless referendums in a democracy so if we Scots lose the next independence referendum, then we really should just bite the bullet and get on with things.


The Scottish Express is beginning to froth at the mouth now.
They will be quoting hell and damnation next.
If it was not so tragic it would be quite funny.

Andrew (Andy) Crow

If Scotland is to be held to ‘once in a generation’ I want to see Boris Johnson ‘Dead in a ditch’.

End of nonsense, please.


And now for the actual situation in Scotland, hot from the SNP manifesto ….. “it must be for the Scottish Parliament not Westminster to decide when an independence referendum should be held – and the SNP intends that it will be in 2020. “


Well said FM.

Questions from ….Brian Taylor asks about Art 50 revoking it.


Even discussing ‘Having to ask’ says it all really.

A Union of Equals my backside.

Latest SNP Manifesto stating loud and CLEAR that an SNP Victory is a mandate for a referendum in 2020 decided by the SCOTTISH parliament.

Looks like those courts are gonna be busy in 2020 but who sees a UK Supreme Court as doing us a favour.


I presume the next bid will be 2321, the equilateral rule they will decide is the next option, maybe one for James Kelly.


OT full manifesto….

link to


‘Independence’ occurs 13 times in the manifesto, and always in robust language.

Example … “An SNP election victory will be a clear instruction
by the people of Scotland that a new referendum on independence should be held next year, on a precise date to be determined by the Scottish Parliament.”

No one can say the gauntlet hasn’t been thrown down for 2020.


Mist001 11;33am
The people of Scotland will decide when we have a referendum, If we lose this one the find Brexit is a disaster, do you propose the Scots just meekly lie down, We have been meekly lying down for 300 years and now its over.



With rising sea levels Westminster might be underwater by then. Of course Scotland will have long since left the union to avoid a different kind of total submersion.

Colin Alexander

Politicians stating opinions and beliefs and hoping to persuade is all part of politics.

The British Imperials are entitled to believe no indyref should be held if Scotland has a chance of establishing the nation supports independence. Just as they can believe the “sun never sets on the British Empire”. However, it comes across as not only foolish but arrogant and dictatorial. An Imperial edict.

Once in a generation. Clearly it was a mistake to state an opinion and make it sound like a fact. Has that lesson been learned?

Now Nicola Sturgeon tells us, and acts on the premise or belief, that a s30 transfer of power and UK state cooperation is necessary and desireable. (Although, for the first time that I’ve heard, she admitted, that’s not a legally established fact, only her belief).

Yet again, the people of Scotland are held ransom to the beliefs and opinions of politicians on both sides of the: British Empire’s colony v independence debate. Already, we’re back to arguing about Scotland’s FUTURE economic and political status as an independent nation (or sovereign member state of the EU) v as a colony of the UK.

Crystal ball-gazing opinions. Mince. eg Andrew Neil’s interview with Nicola Sturgeon. Back to “Jam the morra” political campaigns, especially from the Imperials.

Where is Scotland’s Gina Miller? Where is Scotland’s champion who will establish the legal answers to Scotland’s constitutional status regarding sovereignty / self-determination / dissolving the Union and the legal / constitutional consequences of that?

We haven’t even established what we are and what we have constitutionally and economically NOW, so we are left with political hot air. Authoritative oratory may be impressive for politicians and their devotees but I think ordinary people prefer facts, truth, legal certainties.


Stu has mainly focused on fact-checking and myth-busting. That’s why Stu’s blog has been the most respected, most feared (and most hated) by the professional politicians of the British imperial political parties AND the SNP and Scottish Greens.

It’s been a winning formula but must seem like being in the film Groundhog Day. Facts beat assertions and opinions and Project Fear. That’s why the Wee Blue Book made such a positive impact.

Now it’s Groundhog Day 2. We are back to debating the Empire’s narrative about the future of Scotland. Imperial Edicts. Opinions, promises, assertions, deception.


Just watched Nicola Sturgeon’s speech at the manifesto launch. Thought she was excellent and handled the press questions with great skill. The Guardian were live streaming it. Now for the BBC to edit it skillfully as we know they do.

Jack Murphy

gullaneno4 said at 11:36 am:

” The Scottish Express is beginning to froth at the mouth now.
They will be quoting hell and damnation next.
If it was not so tragic it would be quite funny. ”

For the record here’s the Front Page of the ‘Scottish’ Express:

“TORIES: NO NEW INDY VOTE TILL 2054”. [screaming Front Page]

Meanwhile down in Express England their Front Page is:


Remember folks,this and other papers are regurgitated repeatedly throughout the day on the State Broadcaster in Scotland as a ‘discussion’.

Frankly, this incestuous System stinks.


The majority of Scots now believe that independence will happen. The debate has moved to being about timing and process.

In that respect, YES supporters want action ASAP, while NO supporters want to delay as long as possible.

The delaying approach of BritNats reveals totally their expections of winning IndyRef2. Not high.

IMO we can boost the YES vote significantly by two things. Firstly get young people engaged, registered, voting. Secondly commit to bring the state pension up to at least the EU average.

Colin Alexander

Is that the modern version of the “How many….does it take to change a light bulb” joke?

How many mandates does it take to hold a referendum?


As I mentioned above it looks like the ‘various’ NHSs are going to play a much bigger part in the GE election.

Boris has much huffing and hawing to do to explain what the 6 meetings with the US and UK representative have been up to.

Jeremy has the ‘non-redacted’ minutes.

Craig P

We need another referendum as soon as possible. But it won’t be in 2020, or even 2021. I reckon we are looking at 2024, when a natural majority for it will already exist.


We are having a referendum in 2020. We can have another one in in 2024 if we want. We can have as many referendums as we want.

Arthur Thomson

A superb speech from Nicola Sturgeon.

We are so fortunate to have her.


@starlaw says:

There were riots for several weeks after the Parliamentary Union. Then there was the ’45 with the promise of the parliament returned. The various radical movements in the 19thC. Various Home Rule promises (not lived up to because reasons but in there because of public opinion on the matter).

All these show we have not been meekly lying down for 300years.

Blair Paterson

I don’t know if 56 out of 59 MPs was not a reason for another Ref., what is we seem to be going over the same procedure over and over again I hate to say it but it sounds like the old unionist trick of jam tommorow what about today ???

Dr Jim

2054 So a clear indication of when the Tories think the oil runs out and not a week on Tuesday at all, or it could be they believe medical advances in Scotland will be so good that life expectancy in Scotland will soar to everyone living productive lives for over 140 years, I think most of us would get so bored with living that long we’d be pulling the plug on ourselves

The Launch: Notice how relaxed the FM is at these turnouts of *journalistic chums* because when you don’t have to lie you don’t have to flim flam
Compare and contrast with Corbyn and Johnson both of them flibble wobble planion and reeble all over the place waving bits of paper or documents to distract from themselves

Nicola Sturgeon just stands there and delivers confidence and assured dialogue without resorting to any historyonics or bluster, she just tells it as she sees it

Robert J. Sutherland

Craig P @ 12:19,

It’s passive attitudes like this that make me despair. If you can’t see a main chance when it’s sitting up, flashing a big neon light, and shouting out loud right in front of your face, you’ll never win anything, ever. Loser.

2024 or 2054, it’s all the same. Delay and give our opponents a chance to recover from the almighty guddle they are currently in and use their enhanced “Henry VIII” powers to lock us down? What planet indecisive are you on? It’s Unionists who are desperate for delay now, as we can clearly see from how they are reacting. They realise that their fake-imperious “allow” strategy is failing, and this is all they have left.


IndyRef2 is a ‘threat’, say the Scottish branch of the London based Tory Party. So, a normal independent Scotland is already a threat, eh, like every other normal independent country is a ‘threat’.
Jackson Carlaw has very little brain for a leader of the so-called Scottish Conservative Party. But then, none is needed.

AD Connell

Can anyone confirm that within the “Good Friday Agreement” the definition of a “political generation” is agreed to be 7 years.


What is wrong with the SNP – why can’t they campaign in this GE on a straightforward ticket of independence? They still seem stuck in this Stop Brexit madness and seeking yet another mandate for Indyref2 – we have our mandates (clocking up at 3 at the last count)! This whole S30 has put the SNP down a rabbit hole.

Why is not being stressed from all SNP leadership that we already have the mandate as agreed in the Scottish Parliament, and that it will be enacted in this parliamentary term regardless of the outcome of the GE?
What is all this talk from the SNP that ‘Scotland should get to choose its own future’? Scotland has already gave that permission via its 3 mandates.

As for doing deals with British Labour, well that will end in disaster and betrayal! Although the likelihood of Labour forming a government is so remote that this looks like nothing more that a distraction.

We need to vote SNP as we have no other choice – I accept that. But at the same time they are pushing independence supporters (of which many are not necessarily SNP voters)to the brink.
Time to man up and get tough.

Robert J. Sutherland

Blair Paterson @ 12:35,

You just don’t get it. (Nothing unusual there, then.) It’s not about numbers in HoC, it’s about the people of Scotland demonstrating to themselves and to others just where it sits about its own future.

Realising that it’s at a big fork in the road and has to choose, and is consequently willing to make an opportunity to choose. Which is why Nicola said just a few minutes ago that this is the most crucial WM election yet.


So that will be the date the last drop of any natural resource on Scottish territory is extracted, and placed under total WM control.
Any future natural power generation post 2054 will belong to our Imperial masters.
Too Wee, Too Poor, Too Stupid ???
Wake up Scotland. Prove us wrong.
SNP= The Future.

LBC running with Corbyn releases documents to prove what the shyster Tories have been getting up to regards USA brexit trade deals.
By simply doing that for the public to see, the man should be miles ahead in the poles with his morals and honesty, but no chance of that because he simply recognises the state of Palestine, and the right wing Zionist media don’t like.( That’s it in a nutshell)
He could apologise every day, but because of his Palestinian beliefs, it will never be enough.
If I lived in England he would get my vote as he is the only one with any principles / credibility in the Yoon parties, unfortunately his party have no idea about Scotland.


Just waiting for the BBC to jump all over this and speak up for the democratic will of the people. 2103 indeed.

Stuff the BBC and all the horrible unionist media. they must be crapping it!!


Just watching the Politics program its always the same Jo Coburn really goes to town on the SNP and Lab but a very softly,softly tone when its a Tory.
Come on please all vote SNP.


We all know this don’t we.

No one and no group of people other than a majority of Scots
decide when a referendum is held!

Nobody can dictate that referendums are once in a generation.

The Tories have never done anything for Scotland in their history and Labour nothing in the last 50 years.

SNP has the best performing NHS in the UK even with 10 years of Westminster austerity cuts taking £2 Billion from our budget.

They froze the Council Tax when it was going out of control.

They stopped prescription charges

Hospital Parking Charges

Road and Bridge Toll Charges

Introduced free further education- saving me £27,000 for my child

Delivered 95% of school leavers heading to a positive destination

Saved Preswick Airport, the Steel jobs and fighting to save our

Free personal care.

Negated the Tory Bedroom Tax imposed on the disabled.

There is much more but this is a lunch break.

By voting for a Westimster Party you can insure that Scotland has no voice. Insulted and ignored in London, no say in Brexit negotiations, with 1 Tory MP out of 59 Scottish Seat we end up with a Tory Secretary of State and when the 1 Labour MP in Scotland fell out with Corbyn the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland was an English MP from Cumbria?

When Scotland speaks Westminster walks out.

When Wallonia and Saxo Coburg get to sit at the table with all the EU Leaders to determine Scotland’s future relationship with them, Scotland is not allowed to participate.

Recognise that if every Brexit vote in Scotland was to Remain
the English would still be dragging us out against our will.

Scotland must rid itself of Westminster’s corruption, lies and deceit for ever no matter what it takes.


Let’s be clear. At the election on the 12th the only game in town is to give the SNP with the biggest vote possible – and then take it from there.

Westminster and the British state is no democracy. But armed with an electoral majority and the majority of MPs gives us the opportunity to deliver what we want, what we need.

Let England enslave it’s populace, remove all social and employment protections, and privatise the NHS.

Blair Paterson

Mr Sutherland I think it is you don’t get it we are entitled to our own views on here and I can do without your playground sarcasm


McTernan on Sky Burley show stabbing Corbyn in the back but discretely.

This many time loser admits that if Jeremy doesn’t win the election he will be booted out.

He knows that both are a done deal, but who would follow, McTernan?

He is a Thatcherite leading Labour right up the creek.


If the Indy movement is to be held to a throwaway line of “once in a generation” hen the Vow should be met and the PM should be dead in a ditch. They want us to stick to promises or soundbites while they don’t have too.

Gloves have to come off at some point.


God yes maybe the SNP government are doing too good a job with free care for the elderly, and making Scotland’s National Health service far too effective so that people are living so long an all! 2054?!!

What the Britnats gonna do? Put themselves into cryogenic stasis so they can come out and haunt the actual living young folks demanding an indy ref in 2045 or 2054! ‘No more referendums’ wooooo, wooooo.

Or maybe they will demand a 99% turnout or you lose lolz.
My they are desperate, oh well what goes round comes round Britnats, you can’t keep attempting to tamper with democracy to suit yourselves!

Stuart MacKay

Colin Alexander @12:07pm

We are back to debating the Empire’s narrative about the future of Scotland.

Well said. It’s an excellent point and everybody should go to great lengths to avoid giving this any oxygen of publicity since whoever controls the narrative controls the debate.

However I think “date inflation” is a clear sign that this approach is no longer working. Other “why you can’t” memes like the Spanish veto are apparently on their last legs too. With nothing but tired old negatives and nothing positive being offered this is clearly the last dregs of energy and will to keep it together. All that is needed is to push home the advantage.


Leni Kuenssberg quick off the mark to defend Boris Johnson NHS sell off, rest of BBC journalists move to damage limitation and immediately move onto anti-semitism.

It won’t off course be sold as a job lot, much more subtle than that. More like the BBC where whole sections are sold to private companies but the executives will remain to manage the contracts. The bits with the best returns will be sold then these companies will attempt to monetise them for their advantage. You put in a low bid to gain the contract but ensure certain aspects are excluded (or obfuscated) and can then be billed for outside the contract.


MSPs back compromise on indyref2 question

link to


Funny how democracy often seems to end with right wingers in power,not planned or anything.

Pure coincidence,so it is.



Right now…

Shelagh Fogarty on LBC asking whether Scottish Independence is inevitable… very fair so far…


Spoke too soon… two apparent YES to No voters… albeit thoroughly unconvincing they ever were YES voters… but it was good before.


Brian says:

If the Indy movement is to be held to a throwaway line of “once in a generation” hen the Vow should be met and the PM should be dead in a ditch.

Indeed ….

– once in a generation
– partnership of equals
– The Vow
– as close to federal as is possible
– dead in a ditch

…. the road to Indy is paved with rapidly superseded sound bites.


Aye it was a good hours worth of radio, only heard one Yes to No, a lass from Glasgow.


BBC snips out the nearly all of the long aaapplauusse after FM
sentence ends with “it’s not up to you”as she refers to Boris and Jeremy not allowing a Scottish referendum.

Err!.. Too long so had to go for technical reasons says BBC. 🙂


Breeks . . Trust nothing from London, and you will never be disappointed, LBC needs a license from Westminster to broadcast.


What next from the Tories?

Is Annie Wells going to say she’s built a time machine similar to the fictional one created by her namesake H. G. Wells? She’s been to the year 802 721 A.D. and the Morlocks have just agreed to an indyref2.

So no more talk of independence Scotland, till the Eight Thousandth and Twenty-Eighth Century!

Robert J. Sutherland

Breeks @ 13:58,

Yes, that’s another tactic, and one we’ve seen before. The young black youth in 2014 who appeared on at least two BBC programmes, each time as a self-declared “undecided” at the start, but by the end of the programme had become a definite “no”. (Whatever happened to him?)

Vox pops and the like be damned. They are a tool that can be used to “prove” any old thing. Ought to be banned, and not least during elections.

A variant of the kind of thing we’re rather familiar with on here and elsewhere. “I’m a supporter of indy but…”

(Some of course are just idiots. =sigh=)

Bob Mack

somebody had better tell Labour there is no hope of raising £11 billion from oil and gas. They seem to think its possible.

There’s Scotlands deficit and more .

Meanwhile Norway posts profits of around £20 billion yet again with the same number kf fields. Im beginning to think some accounting trick is concealing ghe UKs total take from energy. Silly me.



Unfortunately one of my friends who voted Yes with all of his Family is also a leave voter and will be voting No in next Indyref.

Shame but that’s the reality of it.


There will be no indyref2 until Grand Moff Tarkin parks the death star in Earth’s orbit in 2860…and Boris is going to die in a ditch over that pledge.


Gary45% says:
27 November, 2019 at 2:10 pm
Aye it was a good hours worth of radio, only heard one Yes to No, a lass from Glasgow.

Yes to No- wtf?

Obviously she’s had a bang on heid and been associating too much way Annie Wells and Zer Murdo Fraser at OO walks during the summer.



Thanks for the link.

Good to see one of the amendments calls for legislation to make it an offence to mislead during referendums. That hopefully will cover the media. I so hope that one gets passed.

Joris Bonsi

I made John Nicholson a nice cuppa, whist in the Adam Smith Building albeit last century.


The frightening thing is, if one postulates that some of the older Tories actually expect to be around in 2054, or indeed, 2103 or 2707, it makes you wonder,

just how many of the Tories were around in 1707.


Note to self: buy more garlic.

Robert J. Sutherland

TheItalianJob @ 14:23,

Well, if too many think like them they’ll get their leave all right, and then a lifetime afterwards to regret it, because that’s all they’ll get. (Oh, except being told thereafter to be grateful and shut up.)

It’s really a question about what is more important: have a future that we can choose for ourselves (with all the majority choices that will in due course follow, like them or not, as we all eventually will) or one that someone else forces upon us regardless.

I’m reminded of a very similar kind of choice that Ben Franklin posited, though about security: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither”.


Okey-doke, this is what we need from Sturgeon, it gives the press solid headlines: “Nicola Sturgeon puts indyref2 at heart of SNP election manifesto”.

Not so good is Nicholson thinking he’s standing for East Dunbartonshire, and Alyn Smith thinking he’s standing for the Green Party. How on earth can these people make such basic blunders? Both in marginal seats, both reviously likely to win their seats.

It’s kind of like the time Bob Hope stood on stage at the Apollo to huge applause and said “Gee, it’s great to be back in England”, to be booed straight off stage.

Stephen McKenzie

callmedave 14:11

Yes I noticed that as well! The BBC at is very best!

They never learn on how many people now actually look for examples of their deception and selective editing in order to educate others on what they are up to.

Dr Jim

I found it strange that the chief Rabbi in England had to make a public point of directly addressing Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP, a party from another country and party with the best record in the UK of standing up for minorities and faiths, over *concerns* about Jeremy Corbyns anti semitic problems and behaviour in England

Did the chief Rabbi want Scotlands FM to support a particular party or none, the Liberal Democrats as far as I’m aware haven’t been mentioned on this topic, why not? they have a history of supporting and indeed in coalition with the Tories so why not mention them

What about asking the Greens not to support or deal with somebody, or the Brexit party, or Plaid Cymru, why a public statement directed towards the SNP a political party in another country whose sole aim is to divorce themselves from UK politics not reinforce them

England and its people really should get a grip of who and what they think Scotland is, we’re not a region of England and we have no power in their country, even the parliamentary system excludes Scotland from making certain decisions that Westminster thinks Scotland should have no locus in (EVEL)

Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister of a devolved government in another country (Scotland) not the leader of the UN or something (well not at the moment) did the chief Rabbi ask the Welsh FM or Arlene Foster to get involved or not get involved in political or racial problems in a country outwith their remit? I doubt it, so what’s going on?

Scotlands FM can do no more that condemn racism happening in another country by another political party she can’t interfere in it’s policy decisions she can only comment or offer persuation against it

I’m sure the chief Rabbi is an excellant man but he’s talking to the wrong Minister in the wrong country, Boris Johnson is the Prime Minister of all four countries, has the chief Rabbi no confidence in him, if not that’s the point he should be addressing to the media not what the nice lady FM in Scotland should be doing


This post further up caught my eye, so I thought it was worth discussing:

“galamcennalath says 27 November, 2019 at 11:50 am

‘Independence’ occurs 13 times in the manifesto, and always in robust language.

Example … “An SNP election victory will be a clear instruction
by the people of Scotland that a new referendum on independence should be held next year, on a precise date to be determined by the Scottish Parliament.”

No one can say the gauntlet hasn’t been thrown down for 2020.”

Re-read it carefully and let it sink in.

It says “SHOULD be held next year”

Which is a completely different thing from saying it WILL be held next year.

The other parties will simply say ‘Well, we don’t think it SHOULD be held next year.

And we’re back to having yet another mandate that’s ignored all round by all the political parties, including it has to be said, the SNP. They’ve managed to ignore the existing mandates well enough so far.

Watch the weasel words on ALL sides. They’re politicians, remember? It’s what they do.


Counting the days, bored out of my box with politics atm.

Don’t know how you do it Stu but I’m ready to savage the next prick that tries to tell Scotland what to do!


Must admit wan o ma favs on the twitter this week

Good auld dear xx

link to


– just on the telly …

adam tompkins bullshit needs to be called out

– what is hard about YES or NO
– in what way did it fail before
– are you saying scottish people do not understand a binary question

he parrotts a lot of unsubstantiated nonsense

“rigging the rules”
“ramming a bill thru parliament”
“an unwanted second referendum”
“dodgy questions”

– any good interviewer would challenge every one of these assertions and the implied assumptions under each

this is another sneaky tactic – the layering of implied assumptions, which go unchallenged

ha – he is saying “all questions have to be tested with all people throughout the UK”
– fuck off
– what a fucking dick
– he talks so fast so you cannot challenge his bullshit
– the other guy needs to smack him down for talking over people


– just watched war of the worlds – these tripod fellas have quite a bit about them – theyre not asking for a “section 40 – permission for alien invasion” to be granted by westminster; its brash, its confident, its ballsy – maybe someone can send them an SNP membership form; useful bunch of lads (- we should get them flu shots tho)


BBC up to its tricks again – this clip was ostensibly to allow Johnston to refute claims about the NHS being sold off to the US…. but Johnston in this edited clip is still allowed to get his key message over about ‘Getting Brexit Done’

This should have been edited out…. unless of course the BBC are part of the Tory propoganda machine

link to


The Tories have suspended their candidate in Glasgow Central over alleged anti-Muslim remarks. How many candidates will they manage to take with them to polling day?


The Tories are now two candidates down in Scotland. Ruth’s encouragement of ultra right wingers into the party is now bearing very rotten fruit.


I hear that it is not settled that Boris will be challenged by Brilo,I don’t he will get the same grilling as the FM.

mr thms

Who sanctioned this?

Compare the BBC’s coverage of the SNP manifesto launch today.

link to

(That article has EIGHT reporters contributing to it!)

with their anonymously written article about Scottish Labour’s manifesto!

link to

BBC interference?

And I don’t mean the reception.


Basically the unionist politicians in the UK are saying we don’t care if you have a majority or a mandate, you can stuff your democratic process we’re not giving the people of Scotland the right to choose their future.

This is what they think of you, your votes and voices on self determination are in their eyes nil and void, and probably always will be.


Here was me? a generation was 16/18 years not a life time.


So, now all the parties have laid out their plans and timescales for IndyRef2.

And, in the traditions of democratic choice whoever wins in Scotland gets to dictate the arrangements. Yes?

Somehow, I don’t quite think that’s what the BritNats, Tories in particular, have in mind! They will get thrashed in this country in this election but will then ignore their defeat and the SNP’s win.

William Purves

What about the promise to stay in the EU, that was only made 3years ago.


robbo says:

Must admit wan o ma favs on the twitter this week

Yup, an auld wummin who can spot a buffoon when she sees one.

I have heard the rumour that Tory activists are being met with a lot of “don’t like Boris” and to a lesser extent “Brexit is mad” from their supporters.

We hope this translates into them not voting, for once.

A lot of elderly Tories believe the party they have given life long support to is something quite different to what it has become. Boris may be the catalyst which finally opens their eyes. One nation / centre-right conservatism died long ago.

Craig Fisher

I’m past caring what a party from another country has to say about an independence referendum for Scotland.


Thing is, if the BritNats had kept their promises …. DevoMax, partnership of equals, staying in the EU, etc …. then it is highly unlikely we’d be talking about IndyRef2.

Actions have consequences.

From our perspective, their actions have given us opportunities.


40 years! FFS, there are lots of folk who are grandparents at 40, that’s into a third generation.

Not that I am at all conceding that Alex Salmond’s opinion, which he made clear was his own opinion, was in any way binding on the SNP nor that it was about anything other than imagining the SNP losing power after the referendum and taking some years to get back.

Robert J. Sutherland

William Purves @ 16:21,

Ach, it’s well-known that Unionist promises (and Vows) are entirely disposable, whereas indy promises are immutable, no matter what. Even the ones that weren’t made. (Where did 2054 come from?)

The mainstream media tell me so every day, by their skewed words and deeds. By their abject failure to pursue the truth – the whole truth.


MSP calls for East Dunbartonshire MP Jo Swinson to return £14k she accepted from the director of a fracking company, who’d have thought it eh.

link to


The following is based on something I read somewhere, maybe even here on Wings, some time ago. I have never been able to check it out, so if it’s mistaken information please let everyone know and correct it.

The only place I ever heard of where the term ‘a generation’ is legally defined, moreover in regard to re-running a referendum, is in the Good Friday agreement. There, I am told, ‘a generation’ is specifically defined as ‘seven years’. A second (or, presumably, third or fourth) referendum on Northern Ireland leaving the UK and joining the Republic can apparently take place seven years after the previous such referendum, and those seven years are considered ‘a generation’.

In that case, coming six years and three months after September 2014, the end of 2020 would be only nine months short of ‘a generation’. Given the truly extreme change of circumstances since 2014, and that some no doubt voted ‘No’ in 2014 precisely in order to be sure of staying in Europe, I don’t believe it would be reasonable to suppose that a mere 9 months should be enough to stop us from going ahead with Indyref2.


William Purves says: at 4:21 pm

What about the promise to stay in the EU, that was only made 3years ago.

This 100%. Apart from the obvious point that Scotland’s geographic location means we are in the European continent. The EU with approx. 550 million folk is arguably the most successful trading block on the planet with high standards of regulation, which as a Member State we have a say in influencing for the greater good as and when new technology or discoveries become known.
It’s utter fucking madness to think an isolated little shit of “a country” with around 65 million will have any significant leverage to haggle good trade deals with much larger trading blocks.
The UK is about to find out first hand what it’s like suffer as Scotland has for 300 years, namely being dictated to by a larger entity.

Plus in this day and age there is the obvious environmental impact of shunning products from your “local” area only to transport products from more distant continents that will most likely be of lower standards.

The 2014 Indyref, and the EU ref. results are incompatible.
Due to the stupidity of David Cameron trying to deal with the infighting in his own Conservative party between the Eurosceptics and Europhiles and holding the EU ref. we find ourselves where we are.
ALL this shit is on them so they can simply piss off if they think they can shit the bed and ask us to stay and sleep in it.


Re ‘Generation ‘
I’m pretty sure that the clue’s in the name.
I.e. The time between birth, & having kids of your own.
Guess, around 27ish years.
Let them howl at the moon, we will decide when.


Why would they want to delay ?

‘With limited opportunities in society, rationing is achieved through higher entry requirements to both the labour and housing markets. The extent to which people can meet those requirements is still a matter of where they were born in the social hierarchy, rather than when they were born.

Indeed, wealth is generally transferred from older to younger generations via inheritance, rather than withheld: the problem is that this reinforces inequalities within cohorts, as richer people benefit more from transfers of family wealth.

People’s access to health care, education and housing are determined by policy and the economy, not their date of birth, and the hype about generational conflict only serves to mask the real inequalities in society’

Robert J. Sutherland

Defo @ 17:22,

They don’t even have a consistent play on that, because increasingly it’s being morphed into “once in a lifetime”, as the Labour stooge / SiU shill told me at the door a few days ago. Moving goalposts being a BritNat speciality.

What they really mean – but are far too cowardly to say straight out – is “never”. Because they greatly fear that when it does happen next year they are going to lose.

Dr Jim

I’ve had goldfish that have died after a couple of days, I’d say that was a generation to them
Some places you can be a grannie by 20 and if you’ve got a banjo you can be in the band to celebrate it

Stuff changes and they know it, they’re just hanging on to any words anybody said sometime about something, if we stuck to stupidity like that we’d never have invented boats in case we sailed off the edge of the world

There’s a well known few words of course “I have in my hand the piece of paper” two minutes later we were at war… again

All three British political parties are pathetic weasles 300 years ago we’d have just killed the Bastirts for being arseholes now we can vote their arseholes out


In ancient Athens, ostracism was the process by which any citizen, including political leaders, could be expelled from the city-state for 10 years. Once a year, ancient Athenian citizens would nominate people they felt threatened democracy—because of political differences, dishonesty, or just general dislike.

When the Athenians meant “voted out” they really did mean it!


BTW the FM of N.I. can call a referendum every 7 years if he/she wants. It is written into the Good Friday treaty.

Meg merrilees

Just listened to Stewart Hosie being interviewed by the British Brainwashing Conglomeration – Seems that James Kelly’s 50% idea is gaining traction.

So the BBC has now decided that unless we achieve over 50% of the vote then it is undemocratic to become Independent- oh, and it seems that if Brexit is cancelled then we have NO mandate for a second Indy ref .

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the wording says … ” a significant change in circumstances e.g. being dragged out of Europe against our will” but Nicola herself said, in the last few days, that we only need to look at how Scotland has been ignored, blocked out of negotiations,and generally being treated as insignificant in the past few years to realise that this is no longer a Union of Equals – a significant change I think.

However, the BBC is now saying that we need to get 50% or more of the vote for it to be truly democratic. Hosie was good and managed the last word which was that the whole idea that the UK can be elected on 37% of the vote, Brexit can be enacted by a similar total but Scotland has to get 50% as ‘Preposterous!!!”

Robert J. Sutherland

Now that we (sorta) know what the Tories would prefer, what I’m just bursting to discover is what “indyref event horizon” Jo Swindleson and Dicky Mouseheart are each wishing for Christmas.

Is it anything definite, or receding apace into the distant future like the Tory goalposts?


The SNP leaders seem to have an electronic interferometer in their pockets since everytime they appear on BBC the sound gets scrambled! Gosh and jings.


Watched the politics show where coburn involved a couple of her panel to ask if Scotland should be given PERMISSION for another indy ref, her chooms gleefully trashed the idea , THIS is exactly why Nicola should constantly highlight the FACT that Scots are not asking PERMISSION but are ONLY seeking agreement regarding the outcome

Needless to say the television was a ba hair away from destruction , but do these churnalists never ever think to look at history do they constantly have to SHOW their ignorance , Scotland voluntarily ( boak ) signed up to a treaty of union where 2 kingdoms agreed to join as equal partners and coalesce into a united kingdom, at no time then or since has Scotland relinquished her equality or been subsumed or captured

It is merely having elected unionist tory and liebour collaborators in our country for generations that the english exceptionalists have assumed that they have captured us , and with the willing collusion and cooperation of a rampant biased media the brainwashing and denigration has amplified .

I like many other Scots have had the scales removed from my eyes and will NEVER go back to being quashed
And the sooner these unionist collaborators are removed from OUR parliament alongside their media shills the sooner Scotland will flourish


Partner just finished a UGov poll.

One Q How is PM BJ doing and FM NS doing.

She wont tell me more. 🙁


Madame de Pompadour still tweeting furiously in defence of Boris Johnson.


It would seem the BBC Scotland newsroom confeerence call in the morning goes like ‘what handouts do we have from Lab/Tory/Libdem, if there is nothing then lets just go with a SNHS story, we’re only on day ten so it still has legs’.


Worth a peek. Curates egg stuff.

link to


The Unionists are running scared, not because of Scotland’s Independence, but because of the consequences for England. Economically, the losses will be incalculable, but the loss of face as the British Empire breathes its last on Independence day will be extremely hard to bear for our Imperial Masters.


Is it not about time that you can only stand for the Scottish Parliament if you have registered party based in Scotland. What other country allows politicians controlled by another country into its legislator.

Colin Alexander

Stuart Hosie was questioned about indyref2 on the BeeB’s Radio 4.

The Beeb, as in British Evil Empire Broadcasters.

Mr Hosie tells the BeeB the SNP have 3 mandates already for indyref2 and seeking a fourth. So indyref2 cannot be refused.

According to the Empire’s radio presenter, the SNP don’t have a mandate for indyref2 and won’t unless they win most seats in Scotland AND 50% plus of the votes cast in Scotland.

Mr Hosie compared the situation with the Empire’s govts and pointed out largest party with most seats earns the right to put their manifesto into effect.

That doesn’t apply for the SNP in Scotland though, as they’re no the British Govt, says the man from the BEEB.

Another reminder that Scotland is treated like a colony.


Lest there be any doubt or wormtongues:

The choice of making Scotland an independent nation is in your hands

There is a clear mandate to hold a referendum on independence during the current term of the Scottish Parliament. Scotland has already voted for it but Westminster has so far refused to respect that mandate.

A vote for the SNP in this election, therefore, is a vote to endorse the following position:

• the people of Scotland have the right to choose their own future in a new referendum on becoming an independent country,
• it must be for the Scottish Parliament not Westminster to decide when an independence referendum should be held – and the SNP intends that it will be in 2020.

An SNP election victory will be a clear instruction by the people of Scotland that a new referendum on independence should be held next year, on a precise date to be determined by the Scottish Parliament.

link to



Another reason they want to keep Scotland is it covers their economic failures, they fall back on ‘it’s all going well, it’s Scotland, Wales & NI that are dragging us down’. When these three countries leave then the cumulated failure of their policies will be there for all to see.

It takes a certain amount of myopia to believe that the vast majority of the deficit of the UK falls to the three smallest countries.


@jfngw at 6.37. Of course you are right. And I wrote to the FM saying that only Scottish parties should be allowed to stand candidates in Scotland. No satisfactory response, I’m afraid. Perhaps FM thinks it would stir up too much opposition and frighten the No voters?

But the advantage would be that they would have a smaller pool of money for campaigning and it might even make them stand up more for Scotland? [Don’t laugh.]


The most obvious result of the poll in Scot goes Pop, is the projected 366 seats for the Tories. Labour will surely not come from 167 seats back to either win or form a minority government. A Tory victory will seal England’s fate and leave Scotland with no choice. At least it will be clear-cut and therefore easier for the Scottish government to deal with.

Vote SNP. Vote Scottish Independence. Vote Remain EU.

Dr Jim

The Labour party have said they won’t stand for another election until 2060 if Boris Johnson wins this one

Well that’s what they said in their PPB when they said “This is a once in a generation chance to vote Labour”


I believe that the Conservative (Westminster Government) has indicated “we won’t allow it”, referring to the demands for another independent ref,
Does that mean we’re slaves, with no rights ?.


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Cracks appear in the dam holding back thousands of valuable artefacts looted by ‘British’ forces from the Colonies.

“Bronze cockerel to be returned to Nigeria by Cambridge college”

“Benin bronze statue at Jesus College to be repatriated after 1897 theft by British forces”



It’ll be interesting to see if the various polling out there is able to be receptive to and reflect the apparent recent and seemingly large voter registration uptake by younger folk.

Heard from a few of sources that many younger folk who couldn’t vote in 2014 Indyref but are now old enough to vote in their first GE are mobilising.
My local electoral office carpark was packed which is unusual, and I suspect they had extra staff in to process applications. It was a hive of activity in the office itself and I’ve never seen it so busy with many more staff than usual milling about with piles of applications, which I duly added to…

Here’s hoping those young minds hold a positive belief less corrupted by BBC propaganda, and that they can envisage that Scotland, with its incredible volume of diverse resources, can be a better place to live once we reclaim the power to govern ourselves from Westminster.


Well there you have it, the British state propaganda machine is substituting Neil for Kuenssberg when Johnson takes up the hot seat. The fix is in the decks stacked the games rigged.

“This Friday night, Laura Kuenssberg will be interviewing Boris Johnson as part of our Leaders Interview series. This will conclude our Leaders interview series ahead of the General Election on December 12th.”

link to

Davie Oga

THE FM getting slapped down using GERS figures on Sky fact check. Whose bright idea was it to go along with with the guesstimate propoganda. Should never have given any credence to it at all until audited accurate figures were forthcoming. At least their was no SNP representative to with validating, the “deficit is getting better” pish.



It’s a fake account, Johnson is not being interviewed by anyone, not even Madame de Pompadour. He is avoiding any scrutiny, in fact there seems to be a number of Tories currently in hiding. They are just putting up those who they think the public like, when you consider one of these is Michael Gove you realise just how short of talent they rally are.



Oh right, I see, had my blood pressure when I first read it.



New Tory motto … “Hide when you think you are ahead.”

katherine hamilton

Anyone know if the 7.30pm Neil v Swinson was pulled. Checked in at 7.45pm to a documentary.

mr thms

Davie Oga @ 7:41 pm

“THE FM getting slapped down using GERS figures on Sky fact check.”

link to

I notice it does not dispute the £340 billion in revenues collected by the Treasury.


OT, but relevant. This is an interesting article about professional trolls. The context is Russia versus America. Our enemies will not be in Russia. However the modus operandi sounds awfully familiar.

“Professional trolls are good at their job. They have studied us. They understand how to harness our biases for their own purposes. The professionals know you catch more flies with honey. They don’t go to social media looking for a fight; they go looking for new best friends. As good marketers, professional trolls manipulate our emotions subtly. “

link to


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Read this and suddenly Boris is a planet killer.

Climate emergency: world ‘may have crossed tipping points’
Warning of ‘existential threat to civilisation’ as impacts lead to cascade of unstoppable events


Just a small point, but if the UK Tories, the US Government and US Medicare Companies have been talking about post-Brexit Trade Deals for over 3 years, doesn’t that mean the UK has been breaking EU Law?

Robert J. Sutherland

Breeks @ 21:18,

I wondered about that as well, but they get round it, I think, by saying it’s just “talks about talks”.

But the subject matter is revealing all the same. Potential sellouts by the dozen, on the US side (big pharma) and the EU side (continued access to Scottish waters).

Anyone who still believes BoZo’s assurances about any of these is in need of urgent psychological help.


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Tory caught lying, cheating and deceiving.

Is there anything else they can do?


I’ll be 68. Bring it on!


Breaking..Reuter’s are reporting Yougov poll tonight will show a significant lead for Tories.
Now, I implore anyone out there , who thinks they’re Scottish, to vote SNP.
Drop all your existential bollocks and make sure you vote SNP !

The poll is important as this same projection from Yougov was the most accurate poll in 2017.


link to

BBC Bias you better believe it.

They just don’t give a damn about trying to cover it.


Monica Lennon getting all hot and bothered about temporary operating theatres at Hairmyres. She is going to be livid when she finds out they have been used in Labour run Wales (2017).

Tam Fae somewhere

Mr Johnson hiding from 30 minutes against Andrew Neil.

What a coward.

Is this behaviour of a real leader? Nope. Definitely not.


That forecast from yougov has only 2 Tory seats being taken in Scotland, the rest predicted from Labour:

‘The SNP are on course to secure a further eight seats, although crucially for the Tories’ chance of securing their majority, only two come from Boris Johnson’s party (Stirling, and East Renfrewshire). By contrast, Labour are set to lose five seats to the SNP, with the Lib Dems losing one.’

How can anyone still keep those other 11 Tory seats in Scotland after this past 2 years, I mean Labour are wiped out down to 2 MP’s but the Tories predicted to retain 11?

Doesn’t make sense.


K1 it’s a YouGov poll!!
If the Tories keep those seats then 2 things.
Plague and pestilence on those seats, cause the F***Wits will reap what they sew
I’ll eat my pants!!

Robert J. Sutherland

scotspatriot @ 21:45,

Well, just another poll, but it could foretell a lot of bubbles being popped right there, another EURef included.

Conclusion: if need be, still time for folks to recalibrate and not invest their future on no-hopers and dead-ends, which in Scotland means – as you rightly say – vote SNP, no question about it.

I just hope all those newly-registered young’uns are sufficiently well-informed to avoid another generation of people being led nowhere except to more BritNat broken promises, betrayal and heartbreak.

Heart of Galloway

Quick summary of a surprisingly balanced piece by Lorna Gordon from Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock on BBC 10 news.

Ex-Labour voter: “I’m voting Tory to stop the SNP.
Gordon to anothet ex-Labour voter: “How did you vote at the last election?”
– SNP.
– And now?
– SNP.
– Does that mean you’re in favour of independence?
– I suppose so, aye.

At Ayr Ice Rink, that hotbed of Yes-dom.
Gordon to lady curler:

– Europe, Leave or Renain?
– My husband has a business which trades abroad. So Remain, absolutely.
Second lady ciurler – I’m voting for Boris Johnson to keep a check on NS. (!!)

Lassie in social enterprise cafe in Ayr: “We need some change for people at the margins. The social security system does not work.”

– “How will you vote?”
– “I’ll be voting SNP.”

And that’s alll folks.

If the SNP can take seats like this one it will strengthen their arguments that Scotland’s future should be in Scotland’s hand.


The reality is as always its E


The reality is as always that it is England that is dictating what we can and can`t do but as usual hiding behind the UK
Because of the population differential there is no democracy for Scotland we get what England decides so NS needs to start aggressively reminding Westminster of that fact.

Heart of Galloway

Edit to my post above: That last paragraph was Laura Gordon’s concluding comment.

Meg merrilees

Dr Jim @3.14

At the risk of being accused on anti-semitism, the Chief Rabbi may well be citing the FM as an example of a country standing up hate speech but it seems he is a good( ?) friend of Boris Johnson and there is a tweet of him + group photo congratulating his friend Boris upon becoming the PM.

You don’t suppose for one minute that there could have been mischief ??? in his remark which is causing so much headline discussion – even headlining on the World Service.

It all stems from Corbyn’s principled refusal to fully back the recent definition of Israel owing to his wish to stand up for Palestine ( Those dreadful terrorists, don’t you know….)

mike cassidy

And its a certainty Kuennsburg will give Johnson a political blowjob in that interview.


Is there a pinochio nose emoji!,that would be handy
or nosey!

BBc nosenight
the nose at six
the nose at ten


Check out YouGov poll and scroll down to the Scottish conclusions.
The Tories are predicted to hang on to eleven seats in Scotland (losing two) but many of them are shown to be vulnerable.
The borders and the North East may have five or six safer Tory seats but I don’t think they will hold all eleven

mike cassidy

“The essence of a class system is not that the privileged are conscious of their privileges, but that the deprived are conscious of their deprivations”

Clive James

link to


“You don’t suppose for one minute that there could have been mischief ??? ” Yes
Miriam Margolyes spoke on Channel 4 News last night she spoke highly of Corbyn and his personal views ie him not being antisemitic, BUT not as a leader.
If the Tories are seriously worried over a defeat,or even a close tie.
Does anyone think that all that Tory backer are alledged to have riding on this ,that seeds could or would not have every chance of being planted in the ear of the Chief Rabbi


Yes, that model of impartiality, the Chief Rabbi:

link to

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote on Facebook: “I am delighted to congratulate Boris Johnson, a longstanding friend and champion of the Jewish community, on becoming the next leader of the Conservative Party and our next Prime Minister.” (July 23, 2019)

link to


It doesn’t matter what was said in the past, when you fulfil the latest criteria they’ll move the goalposts yet again. The wording of the Edinburgh Agreement is long forgotten, the words spoken when signing it have evaporated. Thatcher’s words “if Scots want independence all they need do is return a majority of SNP MPs to Parliament” are VERY much consigned to the bin.

Whatever promises they make are always lies, it’ll never happen unless we can force it…

Heart of Galloway

Debate night on 115 was very much the Joanna Cherry show.

JC Reallt got tore in to the odious Miles Briggs.

So tore in fact that she almost had to be physically restrained by host Stephen Jardine.

And most importantly the Fife audience seemed a fair reflection of the Kingdom at large – on balance pro SNP, hostile to the Tories, Lib Dems a sideshow.

And Labour? Glesca coonciillor Matt Kerr was stultifyingly bad.

Despite being separated from Joanna Cherry by the amply proportioned Briggs, at almost every turn he ignored Tory austerity to weigh against JC – to zero effect with the audience.

The almost quizzical expression on their faces spoke more volumes than the Encylopedia Brittanica.

And the unspoken message was unmistakeable: “Oh aye, the Labour Party. I remember them once.”

Labour, emaciated and fleabitten, will soon have a HUGE call to make on IndyRef2.

But in all likelihood they will forget how Being Better Together with the Tories cut them off at the knees in Scotland.

How alonst half of their remaining voters would vote for Indy.

And how – as Stu’s recent analysis showed – that former Labour voters make up around 30 per cent of the current SNP support.

A blind man in a darkened room can see where Labour’s only road to recovery lies.

But the northern branch office dimwits’ bitterness towards the SNP and the wider YES movement is such that it renders them incapable of saving themselves.

The same goes for the Lib Dems – whose GE aspirations are diminishing faster than Jo Swinson said she would launch a nuclear war.

Johnson may yet do something so catastrophically crass that enough people are shocked into understanding that he is a reckless lying fraud.

But I won’t hold my breath. There is a huge media collusion with BawJaws’ campaign point man to ensure such a thing never happens.

Never in the field of recent political history has getting the SNP vote out been so important.

Dr Jim

MSP SNP Minister Aileen Campbell’s office has been vandalised and smeared with paint reading SNP OUT, Police Scotland are investigating


Totally off topic buuuuuuut – Trump might just intend on pardoning Julian Assange.

Remember it was your favorite contributor to the WOS comments that told you.:)

Robert J. Sutherland

dadsarmy @ 00:00,

Religious leaders of any kind are ill-advised aligning themselves with any particular political movement or figure, not only because it risks dangerously conflating religious belief with political belief – an anathema which has taken Europe centuries of bloody history to (mostly) learn, even if the lesson apparently hasn’t been sufficiently learnt in Israel of all places – but also because it risks – as in this particular case – bringing their beliefs into serious disrepute by association with unsavoury persons of low moral worth.

Robert J. Sutherland

Heart of Galloway @ 00:15:

Despite being separated from Joanna Cherry by the amply proportioned Briggs, at almost every turn [Lab cooncillor Kerr] ignored Tory austerity to weigh against JC


But in all likelihood they will forget how Being Better Together with the Tories cut them off at the knees in Scotland

Oh, they have forgotten. Totally. (Those who even knew it.) Last weekend the NorthBritLab canvasser who came by our place unselfconsciously handed out an anti-SNP “save the pound” leaflet by Tory front SiU. The Red Tories entered a Faustian bargain with BT and at some election soon Auld Nick is coming to reclaim the soul they so readily signed away.

Dr Jim

The Irish Times is reporting a border poll is now inevitable and even the Loyalists have accepted it will happen

Well we knew that when Johnson backed down on the EU deal, Norn Ireland costs the UK money, but it’ll work out well for the Irish in the end


There is a problem that people are afraid now to speak out against any Jew, for any reason, but it does seem other Jewish groups aren’t happy with him.

On the other hand it could be said the Catholics started it by effectively saying “don’t vote Tory”.

link to

As a general rule religion and politics don’t mix well.


There are several countries which allow for a system known as ‘Direct Democracy’.

In that system, a referendum on any issue can be compelled by a percentage of the electorate voting for it in a petition.
The usual required percentage to invoke the referendum is somewhere around 5 or 10% of the electorate.

It would, of course be ridiculous to have a figure of 50% since those who wish to see the measure raised by the referendum invoked would be voting to have the referendum and then voting for it again in the referendum That is, more than half the voting electorate would have voted twice for the measure before it was invoked.

A meaningless exercise because time and money could have been spared by simply adopting the measure on the first vote and dispensing with the referendum.

In the case of a Scottish independence referendum, they are treating the support for the SNP at the GE as nothing more than a petition for an indyref2 but one in which more than 50% of the vote is the qualifying bar for that referendum.

How ludicrous is that? Especially when it is a known fact that significant pro-indy support exists among supporters of other parties.

It should also be pointed out that they ‘agreed’ to ‘allow’ an indyref1 when support for indy was only 30%ish as indicated in polls.

To put things in context. In the ‘totalitarian, anti-democratic’ and ‘evil’ Eastern Bloc they had a Direct Democracy principal. In Ukraine, from memory, the petition threshold was around 300,000. A Ukraine indy ref was run and Boris (sic) Yeltsin was presented with the result and accepted it and Ukraine became an independent country.

Surely the mother of democracies can do better than the old evil Empire.

Robert J. Sutherland

Dr Jim @ 00:58,

I wish the Irish well, but I just hope that we have our poll before they have theirs. Firstly to show better strength of purpose, and secondly to avoid the worst electoral consequences here of reunification there.

Dr Jim

Once the *football supporters* digest the fact that players coming in from abroad will be the decision of the English FA over Scotlands SFA because the quotas for players are going to be centralised in England under one body then wait and see them get the hump

They won’t like England being in charge then


Dr Jim,
I’m amazed that Brexit ramifications around ‘Bosman ruling no more’ have not percolated to the surface of the football ‘intelligensia’ yet.


RJS @ 1.20 am I agree with your assessment it is IMPERATIVE that Scotland is free of the yoonion before a border poll takes place , anyone who thinks this would not severely harm our independence goal has not seriously taken cognizance of the sectarianism within the central belt and the upsurge in OO marches throughout Scotland , and don’t believe for a nanosecond that our imperial bastards (sorry) masters would not capitalise and manipulate that very circumstance


Anyways, now my vote for the SNP IS in the post I can go back to thinking like young Giles in that Giles cartoon:

“If I was old enough to vote, I wouldn’t vote for anyone old enough to vote.”


Dr Jim

Yoonworld is very desperate now Sky news is now claiming Nicola Sturgeon is lying about the UK thieving Scottish assets, they say it used to be true but it’s not any more and Scotland couldn’t have had the same money as Norway because the oil price dropped

I’m quite sure the price dropped in Norway too but they’re alright, maybe differing oil prices are selective in the countries it affects eh, so ten years ago Scotland had lots of money to steal but we don’t have it anymore so that’s that

Yoonworld news is definitely panicking that Corbyn might do well or they wouldn’t be inventing themselves as *fact checkers* a thing they never indulged in to this degree ever before because they never bothered their shirt with Scotland now all of a sudden we’re very important, particularly calling certain politicians liars but not others, when I say others I mean Johnson who they seem to laugh and shrug because it’s just jokey Boris

There’s a deep determination to make sure the SNP fail so that Corbyn gets no help and Scotland doesn’t leave the Union

There’s definite trouble brewing from the result of this election, I’ll be going round the pub having a look for Murphy the spy tomorrow


Good Friday Agreement
Get your pdf copy here
link to

Hopefully the link works else just google “Good Friday Agreement 1998 pdf”

Section 1 on Polls

Summary a poll can be conducted when the Secretafy of State determines that there is sufficient support…
A new poll cannot be conducted within 7 years of a previous poll.

I believe that this is, what was at the time, referred to as a “political generation”

National Health Service and Trade deals
link to

Everything is up for grabs. Patents to be extended and drug prices to be increased 4 fold, example given in article.

This is indyref dynamite and we need to archive this story. Pretty please can somebody do this before it gets erased.

link to

Tories lead has steadily reduced in the last few weeks. This is significant as some polling companies have tried to use a more accurate methodology to reflect that the Brexit party is no longer standing in Tory seats and that they are looking at poll results from individual constituencies.
Tory lead now only at 34 previously 80 then 78 then 60 as I recollect. This recent tumble could continue given the upsurge in voter registrations.


Just reading this page, and this offends me as the last line and a half are political in their very nature:

link to

The tradition that does seem to have been lost is that Speakers often step down just before a general election and let the new parliament choose their successor. This was done by both George Thomas (in 1983) and Bernard Weatherhill (in 1992). That is probably a good tradition as it lets voters in all seats choose between the major parties and avoids voters in any single seat being effectively disenfranchised. John Bercow chose not to follow that tradition, resulting in a likely uncontested election in the marginal seat of Chorley, which deprives voters there of a say. That’s not the best example of democracy in action.

“which deprives voters there of a say. That’s not the best example of democracy in action”

Isn’t it the Tories who really disliked Bercow? Which could indidcate those behing electoral calculus have a Tory bias. Even if it is a fair comment!

Just a thought. Anyway, I’d not write off Corbyn yet.


An excellent analysis of Brexit so far (two Keepers for the future indyref2)
EU law expert Professor Michael Dougan of Liverpool Uni

link to

Also on the same theme Sir Ivan Rogers (ex Senior UK Civil Servant)

link to

mike cassidy

Courtesy of WOS twitter

The great political insight of the Better Together campaign.

link to

Socrates MacSporran

The answer to this football quotas issue, which has suddenly arisen is simple. All it needs is for the SFA to implement “the three foreigners rule,@ and limit a team to only being able to field three non-Scots in any domestic game.

They always insisted (wrongly) this rule could not be implemented whiile we were inside the EU. This was mince, because the English RFU has a rule which states 70% of a match-day squad had to be “England-qualified.”

As for thinking the English FA will have jurisdiction. I am pretty certain there are FIFA rules in place which determine that a player from outside the EU had to have played in a certain percentage of his countries’ recent internationals before he could play in the EU.

If that now filters down to the UK, it will limit who the big clubs can recruit. And, in any case, the big names will still generally go to England (until the English economy crashes) – which will mean the less-good, displaced English players will still come up here. It will make little difference to the game in Scotland. Domestically, our game will still be shite.

call me dave


‘Scottish’ Labour just removed their candidate in Falkirk.
Auntie wie a kilt tells us.

On my tablet can’t archive.

I see a pattern forming!

Old Pete

Why is the Tory vote holding up so well in Scotland ?
I understand the white settlers from down south vote Tory in huge numbers and the fanatics who are loyalists are solid Tories but all the rest ? Are they so greedy so selfish or just thick and stupid ? Most are probably the later.
If you want Scottish Independence the only party you can vote for at this election is SNP a vote for any, any other party is a concise decision to vote against your country its people and its future.


Kick Unionism out of Scotland.
This is a unique case where ‘one party state’ is highly desirable.

Meg merrilees

call me dave

Same thing happened yesterday with a tory candidate in Edinburgh ?
seems that they will still be on the list for the actual vote as it is too late to remove them – I guess if the party wins that seat then they would have to ‘insert’ a new candidate or possibly hold a by-election??? anyone know what the protocol is?


Old Pete says:

Why is the Tory vote holding up so well in Scotland ?

Elections, Tory vote
2010 16.7%
2011 13.9%
2015 14.9%
2016 22.0%
2017 28.6%

Their increase in popularity occurred when it became clear that Indy was still on the agenda, IMO.

I suspect the traditional hardcore (white settler, loyalist, nostalgic vote) amounts to about 15%.

The BritNat establishment and their media needed to push someone/something as champion of the Union – enter media construct Davidson and her NoIndyref Party. Then the Tories got some additional NO votes, probably from Labour and LibDems.

But why is it “holding up”? They still try to present themselves as the NoIndyref Party, however Johnson is exposing their true nature. They won’t get 28.6% this time.


Everyone signed up to learn Gaelic, then?

link to


After Trumpet photo shops his head on Rocky, can any of you artists stick Sniveler Johnsons head on a chicken?


The sale of the NHS is now being spoken about on BBC progs. perhaps they don’t want to share the blame on this by their covering up for the Tories and burying bad news. This has some way to run yet would be good if we could get some costs of medication in the USA eg. Ive been told that the blue Ventolin asthma inhaler cost $68 in the States. If this is so what price are other common medicines ?

Stuart MacKay

galamcennalath @10:44am

Could the vote simply be polarising into pro-independence (SNP) and pro-union (Conservatives) camps with Labour, LibDems and the Greens being squeezed in the process?

If it is the Conservative vote will hold up as people willfully ignore or simply don’t understand the consequences.


Wonder how the 16,000 LAB voters will split now that their candidate has been hooked.

Seems a straight fight between the SNP- 20952 votes and the
CONS- 14088 votes

figures from GE in 2017. Link supplied but only if you have to.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Gary45%.

From David Braidwood’s Facebook page:-

comment image



In Scotland there is very little Anti-Tory feeling among Labour voters.
It has been like this since the Tory-Labour-LibDem Alliance was formed in 2012 in a hate-SNP, hate-independence campaign.

Labour in Scotland have taken on the mantle of Tory treachery, as have the LibDems.

CameronB Brodie

This is beyond tiresome now, and is indicative of the end of an ideological epoch, i.e. that of colonialism. Scotland’s residents deserves more control over their lives than contemporary British nationalism can accommodate. Remember, it is not posible to make effective claims to human rights, without first being recognised as possessing a leagally forecefull and defensible identity. Unfortunately, the British constitution appears unable to defend the identity and legal rights of those living in Scotland, from the cultural demands of xenaphobic, populist, English nationalism.

Human Rights and the Excess of Identity: A Legal and Theoretical Inquiry into the Notion of Identity in Strasbourg Case Law
link to


Brian Doonthetoon@11.31
Cheers for that, I knew a “winger” would come up trumps, no pun intended.
Nice One.

CameronB Brodie

This is serious shit folks. If Scots allow themselves to be dragged out of the EU, it confirms Scotland as legally subourdinate to England. As such, the residents of Scotland will have no legal grounds on which to make any future complaints against ill-treatment or bad governance from Westminster.


2.2 The ethical dimension of human rights

The very specificity of the concept of “human rights” is that they belong to the individual in his or her quality as a human being, who cannot be deprived of their substance in any circumstances; these rights are thus intrinsic to the human condition.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights all give expression to this fundamental ethical basis in their first preambular paragraphs by recognizing “the inherent dignity and … the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family”.

Here, then, is an expression of the principle of universality of rights, including the right to equal protection before the law and by the law, which, as will be seen in Chapter 13, is a fundamental principle conditioning the entire field of international human rights law….

link to


In Scotland, it’s more important to be Tory Tory, than Remain Tory, if you’re a Tory.

Scotland is seriously disabled by political blindness.

If every brainwashed person in Scotland had a guide-dog, no-one could possibly go anywhere on foot.

Bob Mack

No matter what colour of rosette is pinned on Tory, Lib Dem, or Labour, we remember that a Unionist is a Unionist.

We fight them all.

This is no small matter.It is against several English based partys with in house Scots for cosmetic appeal, who wish to deprive us of our choice of liberty.

Their jobs mean more to them than somebody elses as wel! as their own freedom.

Self deluding that you are a friend rather than a servant of a powerful master is the very fabric of Empire

Fair enough, but we have gathered strength and numbers. The situation will turn eventually, just as in Ireland where practical reasons to unite such as Nationalist population growth supercede any other factors.

Like Canute they will try to hold back the tide, which wil! swallow them eventually.

Socrates MacSporran

I am becoming increasingly annoyed at the way the Tories and Labour are politicising apparent problems in the SNHS.

It seems to me, there might be a case for a clean-out of top officials in some of our Health Boards, but, to try to make it all the fault of the Health Secretary and the Scottish Government is hypocrycy of the highest-order.

If he could speak Braid Scots, I would love to hear small Dick Leotard reciting Holly Willie’s Prayer, he has the correct level of long-suffering angst to do it brilliantly. When he rises to speak, he is the epitome of the Unco Guid.


“I now look forward to paying more attention to my South African and international businesses and to finally having the time to work with my children in the manner I had intended before my duty to Rangers put that plan on the backburner.” (Dave King, Chairman)



Bombshell telephone poll gives SNP mammoth 18% lead over the Tories – and puts support for independence at 50%

link to


Scotland has the best health service in the UK, We won’t let Boris sell it.

Jack Murphy

call me dave said on this Thread at 9:46 am today:


‘Scottish’ Labour just removed their candidate in Falkirk.
Auntie wie a kilt tells us.

On my tablet can’t archive.”

For new readers to Wings and those not up to speed on everything political here’s a snapshot of the current situation in Scotland.

It’s from ‘Election 2019’ BBC Main on-line Site. and severely redacted by me for purposes of brevity:

“Labour has removed one of its general election candidates over allegations that she made anti-Semitic posts on Facebook.

Safia Ali had been due to stand for the party in the Falkirk seat in next month’s election.

Meanwhile, the Scottish Conservatives suspended their Glasgow Central candidate, Flora Scarabello, on Wednesday after she was accused of using “anti-Muslim language”.

Last week, the Tories also suspended their candidate for Aberdeen North, Ryan Houghton, over allegations he had made anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and homophobic comments…….”


Only two weeks to go till BBC Scotland drop the hospital infection story, now on day 15 I think, it’s hard to keep up. Daily newsroom meetings must spend quite a bit of time discussing how they can spin this out for the whole election campaign.


Neil Gray SNP MP, had a very small majority in GE19. So why are the Greens putting a candidate up against him in this Election.

Greens – pretending to be friends, behaving like Unionists.




CallmeDave The same poll has Scots opposing indyref2 50% to 42% and the Scottish Tories on 26%?

mike cassidy


44 – 26 = 18

Colin Alexander

CameronB Brodie

Nice to see you contributing again.

Jack Murphy

Socrates MacSporran said at 12:21 pm:

” I am becoming increasingly annoyed at the way the Tories and Labour are politicising apparent problems in the SNHS.

It seems to me, there might be a case for a clean-out of top officials in some of our Health Boards, but, to try to make it all the fault of the Health Secretary and the Scottish Government is hypocrycy of the highest-order……”

I agree.
I view a lot of the BBC 6:30pm and 10:30pm England and London output [their versions of BBC Reporting Scotland] and rarely,if ever are hospital problems and heartbreaking personal maternity tragedies politicised and laid at the door of Matt Hancock,Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in England.

This happens only with the BBC in Scotland!

Here’s a BBC England on-line reporting of the heartbreaking tragedies at

” ‘Hundreds more cases’ in Shropshire maternity scandal “.

By Dominic Hughes
Health correspondent England

This is a straightforward example of unbiased apolitical reporting.

link to

Colin Alexander

Political definitions:

Unionist: another name for a British Imperialist. Also, known as a Colonialist.

Colonialist: someone who supports other countries, such as Scotland, being treated as a colony. In Scotland often associated with the phrases: “I’m a proud Scot but” and “I’m alright, Jack” and “GERS”

GERS, reference to a set of financial figures that are supposed to estimate Scotland’s economy. Also, a reference to a football team whose fans are often (rightly or wrongly) considered to be supporters of the British Empire.

The Union: a euphemism for British Imperialism where Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are treated as colonies of the British Empire.

British Empire: Largely now a historical Empire which formerly included North American colonies and India.

A political and economic unit headed by Emperors or Empresses. The current Empress being Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The British Empire is based on military conquest, forced subjugation, denial of democracy and sovereignty for subjects and countries of that Empire.

The most notable remaining victims of that Empire include Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Dr Jim

The *Loyal* Labour supporters voting Tory kinda shows their *Loyalty* wasn’t really to their beloved Labour party at all, it was something else, Hmm? I wonder what it could be?


For the confused, who are many.

Scotland will spell the end of the UK as co-signatory with England of the Act of Union 1707.

It works just like a marriage ; it takes two to make one, but only one to end it, after which there is no marriage.

When Scotland decides for Independence, there will be no UK.
Anything else is make-believe or propaganda.


I am so sick of the snivelling Greens, and their pompous wee leader.

We must prepare now for Holyrood 2021 (because, when Boris gets back in, a 2020 indyref will look very unlikely).

Wings must put up list candidates and hopefully then campaign to rid us of all ‘list’ Greens – they can return in an Indy Scotland – but we have to get there, first!


Candidate withdrawals seem to be a little more frequent than we perhaps would expect. Coincidence or collusion, they do have form after all.

Blair Paterson

Any time a unionist says Scotland is to small to survive on its own I always answer is that why you hid the Macrone report for 30 years??? that shuts them up I wish our SNP msps would do the same on the tv when these lies are put to them don’t hold backt


The favourable ratings tend to show which party has a better chance of getting the floating voters.

link to

Net approval ratings:
0 Sturgeon
-7 Rennie
-21 Swinson
-25 Carlaw
-33 Leonard
-47 Corbyn
-52 Johnson



Thanks for posting that link.


Blair Paterson says:
“I wish our SNP msps would do the same on the tv when these lies are put to them”

I fully agree, Blair. How many times has an SNP spokesperson missed an open goal on TV, choosing instead to either say something uninteresting or saying nothing at all. It is a serious failure.

It pains me to say it, but the SNP Communications team of speech and slogan writers have been a disappointment over the years. I can’t call to mind a single saying or slogan that was really clever. Even ‘Stronger for Scotland’ was borrowed from overseas political parties. So dull and unimaginative, and very ‘average’.
Looks like the SNP have a dearth of creative talent in that department. They seem to be interested in other issues. A great pity.

Dr Jim

@Marcia 2:46pm

They’ll need to change that title to disapproval ratings
I always find zero rating the most peculiar, does that mean they have no opinion, or don’t care, I wonder what the question asked can be to bring forward the answer that is no answer
The ratings for the others being minus looks like folk are saying they don’t like that person or prefer to mark them down in some way for whatever reason, do the approves and the disapproves just cancel each other out to a perfect score of zero, if so then you might say people think Nicola Sturgeon is the most middle of the road politician in the world

I think she’s great and it’s a +yes from me
Somebody will cancel me out in a minute

Dr Jim

I saw an interesting thing on the BBC talky news where they were saying that India China and America were some of the worst polluters of the planet and they had on an Indian Minister who said that yes they do but interestingly and actually per head of population India produces less CO2 than England

The BBC news guy was irritated

Terry callachan


The often said idea that people only get to vote on an issue once in a generation is absolute nonsense, there is nothing whatsoever that is or will ever be tied to a once in a generation vote.
People who continue to spout such drivel are just diabolically ridiculous.
A vote is a democratic choice , a choice that can be made as often as a society chooses there is no limit.
If you want a referendum every year or every two years or five years about the same thing you can do it nothing can stop a country having regular referendums about the same thing.
General elections and council elections are held regularly nobody dares to say they will be once in a generation votes because it is just diabolically stupid to say once a generation is sufficient choice for anything.

Scotland is still suffering Brexit even though we decided comprehensively that we want to remain in the EU.
This general election on 12.12.2020 is about Brexit Scotland doesn’t need this GE election to help it decide if it wants Brexit its England and only England that wants and needs this GE to decide Brexit, don’t hear anyone saying NO you are not having a GE until 2054 because the last Brexit referendum was a once in a generation vote to determine Brexit.


@manandboy 3:11
The SNP is rather shy of attacking unionists and unionism and calling the thing by its true name.
It may be the generation of the leadership and the desire to be above ‘that sort of thing’ but getting the boot in to the self-serving crew whose precursors sold Scotland into colonial dependency would resonate with many. It is possible to be too subtle.

Terry callachan

Robert j Sutherland 1251hrs 27th

“you just don’t get it”

ROBERT…saying that to someone who is expressing their opinion just shows you to be short on ability to accept that there are opinions other than your own .

Liz g

Terry Callahan @ 3.44
Not forgetting that the Fixed Term Parliament Act,is supposed to allow for an General Election every 5 year’s!
An Act debated on in both the Westminster Chambers and signed off by Auld Lizzie Windsor.
Which is a wee bit more of an assurance than a line in a prospectus or a comment on T.V.
Westminster is on it’s 3’rd General Election in 4 year’s??
The British Nationalist Politicians are no in any position to comment on timings,it would be mair in their line to get their own house in order…..

Terry callachan

HYUFD…your post at 1.36pm said

allmeDave The same poll has Scots opposing indyref2 50% to 42% and the Scottish Tories on 26%

Terry callachan

HYUFD…your post at 1.36pm said

allmeDave The same poll has Scots opposing indyref2 50% to 42% and the Scottish Tories on 26% “”

Are you a Scot?


In Switzerland citizens can propose a constitutional amendment. If 100 000 citizens add their names to the proposal within 18 months then a referendum is held. And the executive can’t prevent it going ahead.

Contrast that with Britnat bullying and bluster to try and create an atmosphere against an already mandated indyref2.


I phone a tradesman to do a job on my property, but soon discover he is untruthful about his estimates and prices, and because of the considerable sums involved, I decide not to go ahead and get someone trustworthy. All very sensible, with family and friends agreeing I did the right thing.

But when we turn to Boris Johnson PM, the above approach is ditched. Possibly the biggest liar in English political history, and the latest polls say the Tories will win by a distance, with Boris ‘Liar’ Johnson as PM for the next 5 years.

Why the difference between the tradesman and the Prime Minister.

Is ‘tribalism’ so strong in England, that the requirement of personal integrity in politicians has been utterly dispensed with, and that it is now accepted that lying, cheating, and corruption of every conceivable kind is to be considered ok.

But not for the general public. Not for the voters. Not for tradesmen.

Is this what leaving the EU ‘at any price’ includes.

This has always been known as ‘selling your soul’.

England must be in a very dark place. If so, then Scotland should stay well clear of it. And vote SNP for Independence.

Uncharted waters indeed.

Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.


BBC lied to Labour team that Johnson was signed up to face Neil, he isn’t. The BBC only said Johnson was so that Neil’s grilling of Corbyn could go ahead.

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Marcia @ 2.46pm

Never, ever, did I imagine I would see the day when, as with the poll you so-kindly posted, Wee Willie Rennie was ranked as the best of the Unionist politicians in Scotland.

My gob has never been as soundly smacked. Willie Rennie, the best of the bunch.

Jings, crivvens, help ma Boab, what is the world coming to.


Just read the BBC in their piece about why the Metropolitan Police were justified in not investigating complaints about Ms Roberts being sex trafficced through London.

Nothing to do with them they say. It’s an American matter if Epstein carries out sex trafficking in London.

No doubt her Majesty on behalf of her child using son had a big influence in this.

Maybe our Royal Sleaze Bag would like to reflect that child abuse on someone’s daughter is just that – abuse!

Everyone with a conscience should remember that and play it back to these freeloading lushes who are the titular head of our country.

Old Pete

‘Don’t be a Jock, be a proud Scot’ snappy slogan that.


An attempt by MSP James Kelly Lab to add a turnout threshold to a referendum has failed.

He said a referendum result should only be valid if the votes cast represent a minimum of 50% of those entitled to vote, arguing it would add democratic credibility.

He was defeated 9 -2.

Just a reminder about the last Labour shell game wheeze!
Which was successful… 🙁

The government returned to the issue of devolution in November 1977. Separate bills for Scotland and Wales were published and support from the Liberals was obtained.

In spite of continued opposition requiring another guillotine motion, the Bills were passed.[1] During the passage of the Scotland Act 1978 through Parliament, an amendment introduced by Labour MP George Cunningham added a requirement that the bill had to be approved by 40% of the total registered electorate, as well as a simple majority (50% + 1).[2]


As Socrates McS alluded to upthread it would be interesting to know the make up of these various health boards and who exactly is it they are representing , previously on WOS there were many posts relating to the dynamic and memberships of these boards and if memory serves me right there were many liebour politicos who made up the core numbers , is this still the case or have they all been replaced

And has been commented on previously who is responsible for the removal of Clerks of Works to oversee building standards , and were the 2 new hospital construction companies permitted to sign off on these buildings without SG oversight

The constant drip feed by the biased bullshit corporation probably supplied info by the yoonunist coterie and force fed into living rooms throughout jockland must have an effect on the unwary and culpable

The SNP SG must be ruthless and forensic in exposing any person or organisation with ANY responsibility for damaging the public’s belief in our SNHS


SNP drop candidate over claims of anti-Semitism

The SNP has dropped its candidate for a key target seat after allegations of anti-Semitism were made against him.

Neale Hanvey is contesting the Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath constituency, where Labour has a majority of 0.6%.

However, the SNP has now withdrawn all support for the former councillor’s candidacy, saying he had been suspended pending disciplinary action.

Business convener Kirsten Oswald said: “Anti-Semitism has no place in Scotland, and no place in the SNP.”

Mr Hanvey’s name will still appear on the ballot paper, but the SNP has pulled support from his campaign

Dr Jim

HYFUD lives in Epping in England where he is a failed Tory politician who can’t get elected to his local council so spends his time still being loyal to the cause of English Imperialism by insisting Scotland (a country in which he does not live) remain shackled to his idea of his democracy which is England rules OK

I believe he went to the Edinburgh festival once so that obviously gives him claim to ownership of Scotland, oh and he believes himself to be smarter than all of us Jocks which is a natural progression and trait of the less well educated

Ian McCubbin

The point with this is the SNP will play along and go to a UK court.
When what any left wing government wanting to run there own country would see it is colonialism and go straight to the UN and request uniquivical recognition as new state.

Colin Alexander

British Empire’s Radio Scotland made me laugh:

“We are now interrupting normal service for a political broadcast from the Conservative and Unionist Party.”

Tory and Labour party propaganda is normal service for the British Empire’s BBC TV and radio services.



You bring up James “how is the oil fund to be funded” Kelly…
…just as I was watching a German clip re. Norwegian Oil Fund.

link to

I wish German DW News would do a report on the UK Oil Fund…

Probably go along the lines of “Das Government of UK ist verrückt verschwendet haben so ein oppurtinuty”.

Robert J. Sutherland

Terry callachan @ 15:58,

Hi, just chipping in belatedly for your tag team pal, eh? Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion about anything, no matter how ignorant and misinformed it may be, and if they somehow feel a need to demonstrate that to the general public, that’s just fine by me.

But when they do, I’m equally at liberty to express my opinion about that. (Goose and gander principle.) So who exactly is allergic to debate here?

And unlike either of you, I didn’t whine, I gave full justification for mine.


Shame about the Kirkcaldy candidate. How hard is to vet social media before selecting a candidate. This is causing problems for every party and mucking up ballot papers all over the place. That was a winnable seat.

Robert J. Sutherland

Ian McCubbin @ 17:56,

So in a couple of weeks’ time, against all the odds, if Corbyn and Co happen to prevail, we’ll get an immediate review of our colonial situation, will we? With all the power of the UK state in their hands, no need even to appeal to the UN. Job done, same as the Chagos islanders. Great. I can’t wait.

Or is magic grandad not left-wing enough for you, perhaps?

Merkin Scot

Has the SNP just gifted Labour the Kirkcaldy seat? WTF.


The shameless London propaganda news outlets STV news and Reporting Scotland again for the umpteenth week in a row lead with the SNHS bad SNP government very bad.

Meanwhile the Tory party branch office in Scotland aired their party political broadcast at 6.25pm on STV tonight.

It was basically five minutes of ranting on about no to a second independence referendum for Scotland. The Tory lackeys in Scotland are so predictable.

Pete Barton

Robert Peffers, are you still ‘lurking’?

Are you doing ok?


Merkin Scot Kirkcaldy situation a farce.
No lessons learnt from previous elections involving comments on social media. At least Indy Supporters can vote Green and activists help in North Fife.

Scot Finlayson

Nicola on channel 4 at 7,

No show Boris has been replaced by a lump of ice,

maybe Andrew Neil could do the same for BBC,

he dosn`t let you reply to any accusations anyway so might as well have a lump of ice as Boris.

Dr Jim

Labour candidate in East Renfrewshire said at a hustings “Don’t vote for me Labour doesn’t deserve to win” this weeks Labour leader Robert Leopard was a tad annoyed that his candidate told the truth about the anti semitism culture that doesn’t exist but he’s sorry that it does