Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing
As more horrific experiences from survivors of rape torture gangs surface from across the UK, we must focus not on knee-jerk political posturing but on the root cause that led to the failure of these children by our society.
Political inaction has now opened the door to inevitable political mileage, nurtured from stoking vengeance in a rightly-angered public. Those only interested in creating cultural conflicts no more support justice for survivors than those who allowed this abomination to fester by looking away or worse, covering up the problem.
For any functioning society, inflicting unimaginable pain on children on an alarming scale seems unimaginable. Yet, the evidence has been in front of us for years – so why has immediate action to ensure the safeguarding of children – and vulnerable adults – not been a pressing priority?
The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. Ten years have passed since Professor Alexis Jay’s damning report from her 2014 investigation into the Rotherham child sexual abuse scandal, and two years on her twenty recommendations of the final report of the broader Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, there has been a failure in seeing any tangible action. Why?
We must ensure these recommendations are implemented fully and without further delay. In parallel, an investigation into why no action has been taken must happen but it is critical that a line is now drawn – no more children should be failed by a society that should protect them.
Equality is a noble cause, but it must be one of equal opportunity and responsibility. Closing down valid questions to those in positions of power can never be justified. We do not protect the innocent by providing cover for abuse but by ensuring robust safeguarding and that those accused of crimes are judged solely by their actions.
Children need safeguarding so that they are protected from those who would do them harm. They cannot consent to being raped, abused or commodified. Who amongst us was not shocked to their core to hear reports that Police and support services talked of “lifestyle choices” and “child prostitutes”, among other horrific terms used to desensitise us to the abhorrent crimes being inflicted on children by adults?
Children cannot ever be prostitutes – they are victims of rape and child sexual abuse who deserve a society that gives them safety, agency and justice – yet have we made significant strides forward in safeguarding our children and vulnerable adults or has complacency slid out of safeguarding in a wave of back-slapping our “progressive” society?
Some of the most shocking testimonies to come out from survivors are about how victims were treated by those who should have given them agency, support, protection and justice. They failed repeatedly and were treated like collateral damage in a system that became too broken to fix. This is not good enough – the law must be consistently applied to protect the vulnerable from exploitation.
The consultation for my Unbuyable Bill – to tackle the sexual commercial exploitation of prostitution – demonstrated the truth behind the background trauma of those, mainly women, caught up in the sex industry. The concept of ‘choice’ is directly impacted by life experiences and opportunities. Against a childhood scarred by rape and child abuse, is prostitution ever a free choice when many feel that they have no value beyond that of sexual commodities for others?
Ensuring safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is consistent and robust is not right-wing but simply right. Only public trust from transparent, consistent processes that centre safeguarding and equality of justice squeeze out those who seek to create and enflame cultural grievance to destabilise society further.
Protection from those who impose supposedly ‘cultural values’ that damage others is best achieved through robust safeguarding and severe legal consequences, with everyone treated equally under the law.
As the ultimate guardians of our society, the public must actively advocate for stronger safeguarding measures. Our collective responsibility is to ensure that policy at all levels clearly states that abuse is not tolerated and that no one is beyond the law’s reach. Without a transparent, solution-focused environment across public life where safeguarding is centred above all other considerations, we leave the innocent vulnerable and the guilty shielded with impunity.
The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals from discrimination based on the fundamental premise that we are all equal under the law. No characteristic, protected or otherwise, should provide impunity from the consequences of harming others.
Public trust is not just a desirable element of a functioning society; it is paramount. For that trust to be upheld, we must feel safe and protected by the laws of the land. Transparency in all processes is key to maintaining this trust. Safeguarding our most vulnerable must never be assumed; all policy levels must continually and robustly test it to ensure it is fit for purpose and not malleable to any other consideration.
It is time governments got serious about public trust through transparency and rigour across public bodies and public funding. Robust checks must ensure direct responsibility and accountability for consistently upholding safeguarding standards as a funding condition—any breaches must invoke withdrawal and even reclaiming of grant funding.
Organisations that work with those with protected characteristics must not be positioned as beyond scrutiny – they must be held to the highest standards of safeguarding to ensure they are protecting their vulnerable clients. Abuse of trust in organisations that have vulnerable clients has severe consequences for public trust, as we have seen from scandals at Edinburgh Rape Crisis and LGBT Youth Scotland.
We must not be complacent in Scotland nor shy away from exposing problems where they exist. All bodies responsible for safeguarding across; Police, social services, schools, support services and children’s charities, Rape Crisis, Women’s aid, Children’s Commissioner, and Children’s Hearings must proactively demonstrate their safeguarding robustness.
I am writing to the Government to ensure they prioritise safeguarding and that public funds’ administration proactively demonstrates safeguarding compliance and Cass Compliance across all funding schemes for organisations working with children. The Scottish Government has accepted all of Dr Cass’s recommendations, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has now been enacted in Scotland.
The UNCRC defines children as everyone under eighteen; therefore, all funding of organisations with contact under eighteen must be Cass compliant. We cannot passively await the next scandal to hit the press if we want to build public trust.
A key first step to restoring public trust is the freedom of speech and expression to ask questions without being shouted down or labelled as phobic or some such smear. Without whistleblowers, so many scandals would not have been uncovered and tackled – yet it is too often at great personal cost to those who bravely speak out against prevailing denial or apathy.
Solutions are not built from silencing concern but from engaging in robust debate to understand different perceptions and expose and explore the consequences of proposed solutions—positive and negative—to ensure they meet objectives without creating damaging unintended implications.
Women may make up 51% of the population, yet in politics and public life, we are all too familiar with the labels and smears used to silence us. Yet, as the past few years have shown, women across the geographic, demographic and political spectrum have stood side by side, shoulder-to-shoulder, presenting a collective force of resistance to threats to the dignity, privacy and safety of women and children from ill-thought-through laws and policy.
This collective action culminated in November, when the question of “What is a woman?” was taken to the highest court in the land in For Women Scotland v The Scottish Ministers.
Women across Scotland and beyond have bravely faced a wave of abuse yet refused to be told to wheesht by those who would patronise and bully them. Long may this continue, as it is only by refusing to be silenced that real progress is made and better solutions for a truly progressive society are found.
“Women across Scotland and beyond have bravely faced a wave of abuse yet refused to be told to wheesht by those who would patronise and bully them. Long may this continue.”
Hear, hear!
“Truly progressive”.
Progressive, yet another hijacked word by the woke and the deviant enablers whose only real link to the word is that “they are getting progressively divorced from reality”.
It’s to late for a political rant on goodness. Way to late for any arsewipe politicians.
Well said, Ash
And your solution?
Never too late doll.
“No characteristic, protected or otherwise, should provide impunity from the consequences of harming others.”
THIS! There should be no characteristic that allows those claiming it to be immune from the safeguarding and scrutiny that is intended to protect the vulnerable. There must be no group for which any attempt to raise issues (based on evidence) means you are subjected to abuse and slander or worse.
Let’s remind ourselves what Nikla said said about (some – weasel word) of those opposing self id -“that cloak themselves in women’s rights to make it acceptable, but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well”. A vile attempt to smear those with genuine concerns.
Of course you shouldn’t stigmatise an entire grouping because some within it are criminal but you also should ensure that no grouping gets a “get out of jail free” card because you make people too afraid to speak out about them.
Jess Phillips
“Today I saw George Galloway on the beach I told him he was a rape apologist. Another thing ticked off bucket list”:
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It is so hard to get one’s head around the fact that too many people would overlook extreme prejudice against children rather than criticize a particular group. It is almost as if certain sections of society are above the law, have impunity to do as they please because they are classed as ‘victims’.
This is where intersectional feminism and diversity and inclusion has take us – from university/academic postmodernism to this. Anyone with a functioning brain cell should be able to say: maybe I was wrong; this is not what I wanted to happen. Instead, they double down on their stupidity.
It was well-known years ago that these types of courses were leading to brain melt when it started to be claimed that women and men were no different from each other in any way. In many ways, they are not; but, in many others, they most decidedly are. It was just a short step to claiming that they were interchangeable.
Well, guess who always loses out? These men are paedophiles and child molesters, first and foremost. That they were also, many of them, contemptuous of females and whites is also becoming evident. That their religion allows them this kind of leeway is now also evident, just as Christianity once allowed such licence.
To be silenced for stating what is patently evident to all but the most captured ‘woke’ mind, is, perhaps, the most evident thing of all. Fear serves many purposes, not least, the ability to silence. If we actually live in a democracy, or even the remnants of one, this self-evident truth should be stated.
We will look back on this time and shudder when we think of how we permitted the ‘woke’ agenda/postmodernist nihilism to ruin our way of life and the slow, but sure, path we were on to a real sense of equality.
We should get our own house in order. There has been a convicted paedo gang sitting in Glasgow awaiting sentence for over a year whilst we await reports wtf ? Get them jailed the paper work can catchup
A few years back I watched a documentary about this where a Senior Police Officer was questioned on why these rape allegations were not investigated by the police.
He said the authorities above him had instructed them to focus on motoring convictions.
How can anyone take such an order to abandon young girls who are being regularly abused?
Why don’t we know who and where such an instruction could be passed from. The officials behind this should also be behind bars.
Why in our own country are we tip toeing around Pakistanis?
I’m proud to have an Asian in the family and I asked why we can’t abbreviate the Pakistani they why we say he is a Scot, a Swede, a Pol, a Fin and Aussie, etc etc.
Those who relocated from that country would be brought up to have little respect for women.
If a woman claims rape over there it can only be followed up if multiple men are will to support her claim.
I’d rather deport these criminals than spend thousands every week keeping them in our prisons.
Will they be released early due to ‘good behaviour’ and overcrowding?
“We cannot passively await the next scandal to hit the press if we want to build public trust.”
Yet, despite all the similar sentiments expressed in previous cases and examples of the abuse of minors – when they eventually came to light – that has been the case consistently.
Just looking back from the post world war two period only, we have had such home grown scandals which have similarly impacted on victims in various ways over not just twenty-five years but over generations. From the deportation of orphans and children of unmarried women and young girls to Australia and New Zealand in the 1950’s through to the Kincora Boys Home (and other children’s homes), Rochdale/Cyril Smith, Jimmy Saville and various politicians just to identify a small sample from memory.
All were to a greater or lesser extent covered up or/and involved collusion and corruption of so called “unique” to Britain “values” involving institutions from the police service, media, social services, political parties and others from the very top all the way down to the local micro level.
The point being that the cover-up and lack of action in this case is not unique. It is not a one-off or an aberration, but an integral feature of the double standards which is consistent over a long period of time.
If there is to be a break from the passivity which inevitably precludes the next such scandal in a long, consistent line of such scandals, we also need to acknowledge this reality rather than let it this atrocity and the others that preceded it be hijacked by those groups and sub-groups present in any society who always kick the arse out of anything and everything to pursue particular agenda’s.
Who will certainly seek to memory-hole some or all of those past home-grown scandals with suggestions or claims which seek to portray such scandals as unique only to specific groups from outside these islands.
The effects of neoliberalism in the punitive dismantling of social welfare and the creating of poverty and deprivation leaves women, children and others vulnerable to attack and exploitation.
MSM have long demonised the weak and vulnerable as scroungers.
Not only the Corporate media but too many institutions – the Church of England and Catholic Church* scandals spring to mind – as well as hangers on kicking the arse out of the situation to advance their own agenda’s by conveniently forgetting those home-grown scandals in order to do their own generalised scapegoating and demonisation.
Which merely plays into the divide and rule approach of those doing a lot of the covering up.
*Presumably, to coin a phrase, similar widespread scandals involving the Church of England and the Catholic Church, would make those religions – along with the domestic organisations and institutions who have helped to cover them up “incompatible with our free democratic society”?
I suspect how UK governments managed to turn an issue of civil rights into a full scale civil war is perhaps the greatest example of UK institutional harming of children and adults.
There are many, many examples of the abdication of social responsibility of UK governments.
Each year at least 3100 billion is lost to money laundering and £190 billion to fraud.It happens because it is allowed to happen through under resourcing, indifference and corruption.
Absolutely, that is undoubtedly the case Dave. Let us not forget inclusion of that other institution “incompatible with our free democratic society”, the British Monarchy some members of whom have left an indelible stain on the lives of their victims.
If Stuart Hogg was an ordinary man and a celebrity would the beast be in the Jail Now.
It is called Statutory R@pe for a reason.
The victim cannot consent, in any way. It is r@pe no matter what. The only wriggle room is when both parties are underage and that clearly was not the case here. These are grown men with 12/13 year old children…
All of those men should have been instantly arrested and charged no matter what revolting excuses they trotted out.
But to hear the police and prosecutors making these disgusting “she was asking for it” type excuses and be not enforcing the law, is astonishingly wrong and reeks of some form of corruption.
You cannot have sex with children no matter what putrid excuse you concoct.
The fact these r@pes are against children and are all racially aggravated should have triggered hate crimes and much harsher sentencing, instead it meant the police gave them protection.
Can Scotland and its tribes holistically agree that “Safeguarding our most vulnerable” (re. children) is a Scotland value ?
Instead of trashing the notion…
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“The beliefs people have, especially about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, that control their behaviour:
Family/moral/traditional values.”:
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Promoting LGBT+ culture:
“As for the future, Scotland is committed to finding ways to further support LGBT+ communities where possible, helping to lead the way in ensuring a diverse and accepting culture for everyone.”
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Stonewall: The truth:
How does a person know they are trans?
“Many people know they’re trans from a young age… Other trans people do not know until they are teenagers or adults.
There is no right or wrong way to be trans, but what is clear is that it’s not something that’s a fad or a ‘lifestyle choice'”:
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The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC):
“Every child has a right to PROTECTION from harm. All organisations that work with or come into contact with children should have SAFEGUARDING policies and procedures in place to help them keep children SAFE.
Setting up and following good SAFEGUARDING policies and procedures means children are SAFE from ADULTS”:
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Photograph of me in my childhood while I was being institutionally sexually abused, by my so-called adult protectors (predatory child groomers) –
Look at me in the eyes/soul you treacherous cowards –
Thankfully today, I’m still holding the champions trophy (standing stronger than ever), and I promise Scotland’s most vulnerable/abused children, that those complicit in such wicked acts (heinous crimes) and grotesque societal wrongdoings, will face the severe consequences of their actions/non-actions…
Yours sincerely
Captain Retribution
#Repent #NoEscape
Excellent post well said and agree 100%
These r@pists were by all accounts depraved beyond belief, twisted, perverted, sadistic, violent.
Yet they were allowed to beast young children for decades by the police, prosecutors and it seems likely our current PM….
I know it is different police forces blah blah blah but really they seem much the same to me and I cannot stop and think of the police’s casual, dismissive, non- response to some of the most disgusting child r@pists to have walked the planet, men so depraved they should be serving life IMHO, versus how they treated an innocent man in Alex Salmond.
The UK police are clearly not the ‘police’ in any conventional sense.
As Dave Hansell above points out… it happens over and over again and it involves people all the way to the very top.
They just voted down a public inquiry so no lessons will be learned because they are deliberately looking the other way, yet again for the umpteenth time.
The trust in Scottish Politicians will possibly begin when Sturgeon is in Jail. Not a moment before.
When suttee (look it up – horrific practice) was banned in India, priests complained to the colonial governor about British interference. He replied along the lines that ‘your custom is burning widows, but mine is hanging men who burn women alive. Let us both act according to our customs’. It is time we remembered what our customs are.
Burning to death, burying alive, throat slitting, etc. of widows used to be commonplace throughout the world, Craig, and stemmed from the laws that stipulated the wife and children as chattel of the man. I’m afraid to say that the grooming gangs, the ‘woke’ ‘trans’ movement, child abuse, wife abuse, FGM, etc. all stem from the same source across every nation.
Is this just an England problem or do other countries have these monsters,but covered up.
Do Scottish cities have similar rape gangs but kept quiet by the police and media for fear of citizens taking the law into their own hands.
50 + the number of gangs cited in England.
Scotland does have similar issues. There have been 3 police operations in Glasgow re “grooming gangs” though very little is known about them.
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Indeed, today a Romanian “grooming” gang has been convicted of abuse and rape of 10 women in Dundee showing exactly why no group or identity should ever be immune to scrutiny.
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It’s been alleged recent violence in Auckinleck was linked to drug and grooming gangs in the area but I’ve no hard evidence that was the cause other than online comments. But something prompted the following –
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So this isn’t an England only issue. Child (and adult women) sexual abuse and exploitation is unfortunately everywhere.
It should not matter a jot who the perpetrators are: male, female, white, black, brown, whatever, or what religion they are or what ideology they adhere to. The law of the land must be able to be colour blind, sex blind, gender blind, etc. in order to operate properly and for the whole population. We are now in the 21st century and, still, stupidity, cupidity and silence rule.
By the way, Rev, a Scottish nurse is bringing a case against NHS Fife, allegedly, for being forced to share a changing room with a doctor, allegedly, who refuses to vacate the female nurses’ and doctors’ changing room. No mention of a GRC, so could be self-ID, which is contrary to EQA 2010. Illegal. SNHS has tried to keep under the radar, allegedly. Already a similar case in England, but this will be a major case for Scotland, the SNHS and the SG’s provocative ‘woke’ policies.
I fear it is almost too late to protect our women and children.
As we allow the third world to invade our country we will become the third world.
The far left are acting against the people of the country.
People are now slowly realising that Muslim culture is incompatible with our free democratic society.
Look around the world which Muslim run state would you like to stay in with your family.
Before anyone suggests that I am racist Islam is not a race.
I worry for our children and grandchildren.
No, Ash, you are right: safeguarding of our most vulnerable citizens is not right-wing. Everything that does not accord with the various strands of orthodoxy now prevalent, are deemed to be right-wing. That lets anyone off the hook who has behaved badly but is also part of a favoured demographic or group. It has become the trope of the hard left/postmodernism that is so captured by ideology no longer based on reason or a priori evidence, but some vague virtue-signalling, ‘feel good/be nice’ nonsense. It reeks of self-righteousness and wrong-headedness.
Blah, Blah, Blah , Blah , I am sorry Ash your words do not inspire me , YOU alongside others sat silently back while a corrupt and venal Scottish contingent of sycophantic sturgeon apologists sought to DESTROY a man who had been a shining light in the fight for Scotland’s independence
For Women Scotland have had to source (sorry BEG and GROVEL) for funds to fight deviant and perverted policies and laws that are CLEARLY aimed at undermining and DESTROYING WOMEN’S SAFETY and SECURITY imposed by the very government you served in ,whilst the defence of these lunatic and perverted proposals has been financed through Scottish TAXES
Where was all the OUTRAGE and disgust that the LIARS within the Scottish administration were BLATANTLY and DELIBERATELY obfuscating and misinforming the electorate especially our womenfolk what their DESPICABLE bill actually means for REAL FEMALES
YOU attempted to be elected as the snp leader through all the LIES and misinformation about the membership numbers yet YOU failed to be a whistleblower in exposing the outright corruption at the heart of the snp which was governing Scotland , through your inability to expose the TRUTH ,Scotland, Scots and especially our womenfolk have suffered further years of physical and emotional abuse continued on by humza USELESS and SPINELESS MAYOR SWINNEY
I have heard that you are looking to become the leader of ALBA, reflecting on how you have failed to expose the despicable machinations of the party you served in I have little faith that you would protect and serve Scotland and Scots to independence
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Alexis Jay’s inquiry