But where are they headed. Well that’s easy. Many now have their sights on being parachuted in to a new slot the Hollyrood parliament election. The list is already being made up.
The SNP have learned nothing. Their disdain and disregard for the public is absolute. And that is why they will be utterly replaced in 2026.
Some of those bloated whales are already making devious plans to secure selection as List MSP candidates in 2026. Let’s name and shame them when they surface.The fewer of these rotting, bloated beasts are elected, The better.
“Vote SNP 1 and 2”
You just know it’s coming.
6 months ago
Nothing to see but soon there will be a big stink.
Stuart MacKay
6 months ago
Now. What to do with the corpses?
Antoine Roquentin
6 months ago
Excellent commentary! As good as it gets, in my opinion.
6 months ago
They are all dead grifters walking. And they know it.
Thanks to them we have to suffer an English party winning in Scotland.
They will be fighting like rats in a sack for list places.
P.S. Great cartoon.
6 months ago
I wonder where the bodies will be buried?
Spartan 117
6 months ago
Indeed. A fine metaphor.
Meanwhile, a week into the new London regime, already we’ve seen a coal mine shut, North Sea oil & gas cancelled (“Net Zero”… I.e. Net Zero freedom and prosperity), a wave of violent crims about to be released onto the streets… Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss. The electorate was definitely Fooled Again.
Anyone seen the National comic front page regarding the fitba? Pure unfiltered bigoted jingoism. Imagine the – entirely justified – uproar if an English rag printed similar stuff about the Scots.
6 months ago
We’re going to need a bigger patio.
6 months ago
I’ve more sympathy for the Pilot whales than I have for that bunch of treacherous b*stards at the SNP.
6 months ago
Another cracker of a cartoon from talented CC. Plus my WOS set of “Hate Monster” badges arriving.
Turning out a better week than I had hoped for.
6 months ago
Says it all.
6 months ago
If John Swinney was the answer to the question then what was the question?
He’s done worse than Humza, I seen on the MSM the SNP will have a sort fall in funds of 9million. Was Swinney really the answer YES to protect Sturgeon in order for her to return what all the mess was settled I can’t help but hope the SNP is well gone before that.
6 months ago
Has anyone noticed how The RAG has become the newspaper for Labour.
6 months ago
More of an Undertaker than a Caretaker, but the party faithful love him anyway… just check the Wee Ginger Home for the Emotionally Fragile for confirmation.
Nice work Mr Cairns.
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
Call me Jonah !
The Blubber has beached itself – to nobody with a even a modicum of truthful perception’s surprise . Only the Blubber lacked/lacks the latter to foresee treating your own support with utter contempt for almost a decade was always going to result in 1000s of harpoons being aimed & fired successfully at such as easy , dim-witted , slothful and deserving target .
Whale meat again . Don’t know when ; don’t know why ( anyone would want to )
James Che
6 months ago
I am still replying to your comments on Stu’s previous post heading, ( At a Loss) so as not to interfere with newer posts on wings,
“With the election seeing the SNP return just nine MPs, down from 48 in 2019, Mr McDonald added that voters had effectively put a “hard pause” on the party’s independence agenda.
It’s possible I may have to get a likeness of this obsequious wee turd turned into a punchbag for stress relief. Not for punching you understand, but for running it over multiple times with a tractor.
6 months ago
Up yours mate…it’s OUR flag of OUR United Kingdom.
6 months ago
100%Yes says on 13 July 2024 at 10:59 am: “Has anyone noticed how The RAG has become the newspaper for Labour.”
If that’s The Daily Record you are referring to then that’s the way it always has been, for as far back as i can remember. It has always promoted Labour
6 months ago
ex mp McDonald wants a serious mass debate within the snp about stuff…..figures…let’s have more politicians engaging in sterile, narcissistic onanism.
Politicians really are the problem, when grouped in mutual admiration «parties» the problem grows exponentially.
McDonald is an old fashioned nato «war hawk».
He also fancies England and Scotland could be security «equals». Pure fantasy.
No loss.
6 months ago
Breeks @ 11.29.
Affix the harrow to the tractor and have a few extra runs for me, Breekster. Preferably whilst humming that old Rolling Stone’s number, “It’s all over now”.
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
Alf Baird, Sara Salyers & John Brown doing podcast right now.
(Have stripped away the http bit in case it doesn’t get through.)
6 months ago
I feel there is a link here, something ahabian, but in reverse.
– they could rewrite the melville classic where ahab talks about “oh that white whale, whits he like, ahm gonnay get him”, while the pequod sails around the caribbean, visiting all the fleshpots, not hunting whales at all; the pequod is now a vast cruise liner, where the tourists just get fat and pass venereal diseases on to each other.
“From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”
Independence needs an Ahab.
Hate, again. Hate can change your life, embrace it. And if you don’t feel it right now, just wait if a certain football team get another lucky decision tomorrow night.
6 months ago
I am infinitely uninterested in football and in any sporty gamey stuff of any kind.
But could England winning the Euros – and the intolerable gloating; the triumphant, yet discordant, ‘tunes’ of glory that would inevitably follow – be the spark that stirs the Scots into demanding their liberation from such shallow and infantile ‘stewardship’?
Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George! History, of a meaningless sporty sort, beckons.
And with it, perhaps, Scotland’s liberation. Who knows?
Nice pictorial statement of a truth wrapped in a topical metaphor.
Though I doubt any recently ‘retired’ SNP MSP\MP will comprehend its meaning.
Campbell Clansman
6 months ago
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Alf Baird, Sara Salyers & John Brown doing podcast right now.
and a whopping 85 people viewed the youtube podcast at some point or another.
Out of 5.5 million Scots.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
Definitely “on point” Chris. Bravo!
I heard on the news this morning that scientists think pilot whale mass strandings may be the result of the close relationships within the pod, and that sadly some of the surviving whales were being euthanised as they were too far gone to save.
Sadly there appears to be no political equivalent to put the carcass of the SNP out of it’s misery.
6 months ago
Great cartoon Chris and so apt,unfortunately it is the wrang bloated rancid carcases that have washed up on that beach ,at least real living whales have a funation, the other bloated and rancid carcases have shown they had NO FUNCTION
Hatey McHateface
6 months ago
@Confused says:13 July, 2024 at 1:37 pm
“Hate, again. Hate can change your life, embrace it”
That’s for sure. I can vouch for that.
BTW. Surely everybody should be cheering on England?
What better way to unite us Scots in hatred than a thumping win for England, followed by half a century of never hearing the end of it?
I’d go further. The correlation between the drop in concrete, tangible progress towards Indy and the lack-lustre performance of the English squad in recent years is clear.
Correlation, not proven causation, but still, makes you think.
Ruby Saturday
6 months ago
Why are ‘The Cunt & The Cock-a-leekie’ always so angry about Salvo?
It’s seems very strange.
Likewise about people discussing an alternative franchise?
They are a very weird pair the ‘Old Cunt & the Cock-a-leekie’ Mention salvo or franchise and it sets them off. They start screaming
You don’t have to read or reply to anything ‘The Cunt & The Cock-a-leekie’ say. Ignore them give them the V.
They are just trouble making angry English Unionists and on top of that they just say the same thing over and over and over again.
Ruby Saturday
6 months ago
I read that these whales that are washed up on the shores would be the runt of the school and the ones that would have been caught by whalers.
Bring back whaling.
Sam posted a link to a video of Ireland I can’t remember which part of Ireland it was. The women there would stay at home keeping the home fires burning while the men went off to England to work in construction for most of the year then would come home for for three months to cut the peat, fix the roof and generally do all the heavy chores at home. It looked like a very hard life.
It all looked very similar to life in the outer Hebrides the only difference was that men in the outer Hebrides didn’t go to England to work in construction they went whaling.
That was a long time ago now there is no cutting peat and no whaling.
6 months ago
The SNP is without a leader and without direction. They could stand upp offering free beer and bread and still they would crash.
The strange irony is having good John Swinney trying to manage the system is the final blow.
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.
Simply refusing to participate in that discussion or, worse, pretending that it doesn’t exist, is juvenile.
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
If it’s okay for Ellis’s England-born ‘gammons and nativists’ (as he describes them in the previous thread) to up-sticks to Scotland and then be granted a vote on independence, why then isn’t the same privilege extended to those Scots, now ‘ex-pats’, who left Scotland for work?
Non-Scots who move to Scotland ‘for work’ – vote.
Scots who left Scotland ‘for work’ – no vote.
That’s just one of the strands that have to be discussed and thrashed out one way or another because sticking with the 2014 franchise is kamikaze material.
Nothing that Ellis or his wee gang say can change that fact.
Campbell Clansman
6 months ago
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
Good to see someone here has some grasp of reality.
But your proposed solution:
“Scots who left Scotland ‘for work’ – no vote.”
Would disqualify WoS’s Stuart Campbell from voting!
Do you want to disqualify “Rev.” Stu?
6 months ago
Nativism is a largely American notion and is rarely debated in Western Europe.
So perhaps the term ‘Indigenism’ is more appropriate when discussing those arguments put forward by indigenous peoples in support of the preservation of their historic cultural identities many of which are very ancient in their origins.
Anthropologist Ronald Niezen uses the term to describe “the international movement that aspires to promote and protect the rights of the world’s ‘first peoples’.”
However, there are several variations in meaning for the term which extend its application to other groups – including the Scots, I would suggest.
Indigenist arguments strike a powerful chord among Scots – those indigenous natives belonging to the ancient nation of Scotland.
Natives for whom such indigenist arguments resonate in their villages and in their towns and in their cities; across their lochs and their great mountains; throughout their cloistered islands and over their abundant seas; but most of all in their Scottish hearts. Hearts countless generations in the making.
The great hearts of a great people of a great nation.
Alf Baird
6 months ago
Ian Brotherhood @ 4:48 pm
“The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.”
Indeed so. Self-determination and the goal of decolonization is about a defined ‘people’ and culture. Independence is a matter only for the colonized group.
Scots are by any criterion a minority ethnicity which has the right to protect and promote itself.
The big guys, the imperialists, call that nationalism.
Big guys conceive nationalism in their own perverted, predatory image.
Best to ignore such conceit.
6 months ago
Trying to kindle your interest in Ireland I have tried to lead you down the Raglan Road and spokem about the Atomic Theory with regard to bicycles in particular.
Now to sayings from Myles na Gopaleen and Flann O’Brien.
“Waiting for the German verb is surely the ultimate thrill.”
“The Plain People of Ireland: Isn’t the German very like the Irish? Very guttural and so on?
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: People say that the German language and the Irish language is very guttural tongues.
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: The sounds is all guttural do you understand.
Myself. Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: Very guttural languages the pair of them the Gaelic and the German.”
“Descartes spent far too much time in bed subject to the persistent hallucination that he was thinking. You are not free from a similar disorder.”
“Your talk,” I said, “is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand.”
“The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at a crossroads.”
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
@Campbell Clansman (5.37) –
You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.
I was stating the current situation, not what I’d like to see.
Yes, Stu is in England and has been for a long time. But he’s Scottish because he was born here. So, he should be eligible to vote. As should anyone born in Scotland to parents of whatever nationality.
But people who were not born in Scotland and/or haven’t been resident for a reasonable minimum number of years should not be allowed to have a vote in a referendum deciding this country’s future.
I wouldn’t go to work in, say, Wales, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Australia or anywhere else and expect to be entitled to vote on such an important matter. Local council elections? Aye, maybe. But I wouldn’t dare cast a vote on crucial constitutional issues in anyone else’s country, even if offered, because it’s wrong. No-one coming to Scotland, for whatever reason, should expect to be given such a ‘right’ automatically.
6 months ago
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.
Simply refusing to participate in that discussion or, worse, pretending that it doesn’t exist, is juvenile.
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
But that’s nonsense.
If the franchise can determine the result, then it defeats the purpose of having a referendum.
Why stop at the franchise? If the monopolised indoctrination on mainstream media passing itself off as “debate” is free to skew the narrative and break Purdah laws with impunity, then doesn’t that render the referendum result meaningless?
Keep it simple, but that doesn’t mean dutifully follow Westminster conventions or protocols.
Determine the state of the Union Treaty by it’s objective legitimacy under Scots Law, and since we already know it’s been irredeemably breached, terminate the Treaty and hold a ratification plebiscite of Scottish Nationals deemed eligible to vote by established International conventions.
In effect, we could even adopt Brexit as our precedent, where the decision to leave / end
the treaty was final, but a period and process of orderly transition was mutually agreed to allow an orderly disengagement of affairs.
The franchise argument is a red herring, a distraction, albeit the Establishment managed to misdirect the 2014 Referendum away from International convention. There are already internationally recognised conventions for who gets to vote in a constitutional referendum.
Why reinvent the wheel? Because Westminster demands we do? Kinda funny how Westminster always insists we Scots have to do things the hard way. We’re not the ones in habitual breach of the Articles of Union and defying Scotland’s sovereign constitution. Tell them to butt out of Scotland’s constitutional affairs.
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
@Campbell Clansman (5.37) –
You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.
I was stating the current situation, not what I’d like to see.
Yes, Stu is in England and has been for a long time. But he’s Scottish because he was born here. So, he should be eligible to vote. As should anyone born in Scotland to parents of whatever nationality.
But people who were not born in Scotland and/or haven’t been resident for a reasonable minimum number of years should not be allowed to have a vote in a referendum deciding this country’s future.
I wouldn’t go to work in, say, Wales, Ireland, Japan, Australia or anywhere else and expect to be entitled to vote on such an important matter. Local council elections? Aye, maybe. But I wouldn’t dare cast a vote on crucial constitutional issues in anyone else’s country, even if offered, because it’s wrong. No-one coming to Scotland, for whatever reason, should expect to be given such a ‘right’ automatically.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
If it’s okay for Ellis’s England-born ‘gammons and nativists’ (as he describes them in the previous thread) to up-sticks to Scotland and then be granted a vote on independence, why then isn’t the same privilege extended to those Scots, now ‘ex-pats’, who left Scotland for work?
Because that’s not the way self determination franchises work. They have almost invariably used open, residence based criteria. Very few have varied that basic principle and the few which have have usually been seen as outliers because there was a strong argument in favour of varying it.
This was the case in e.g. Timor L’Este (due to historic colonisation and decades of Indonesian oppression and ethnic cleansing) or New Caledonia, which is regarded by the UN as a non self governing territory and thus clearly a case od de-colonisation.
Elsewhere, the franchises used were in line with that used in Scotland in 2014, or in some cases even more open. Many former Soviet republics allowed Soviet troops and recent immigrants (many of whom had been “planted” there post 1945 by Moscow to help cow the natives in to submission) to participate in their self determination votes.
People who have moved away from Scotland should not be given a vote, even if they *might* become citizens of Scotland post independence. How many of the estimated 800,000 Scots born folk in the rest of the UK have an intention of ever returning? How many might take up citizenship? I bet the answer is not many to the former, and a lot more in the case of the latter. That still doesn’t mean they should get a say in whether independence happens though, as they have no real skin in the game right now, do they?
The political kamikazes here are the nativists and franchise restriction advocates. The international community will never accept it. Many in your own movement wont accept it. The UK government is likely not to accept it. You don’t have the support and are vanishingly unlikely ever to be able to build a majority for it either, because it looks and feels Trumpian/Faragist to most Scots, who – however much it pains you – remain resolutely wedded to civic nationalism.
Nativism has all the intellectual rigour, and similar levels of popular support, to TRA extremism and genderism. Another wedge issue that’s a crap idea advanced by a minority of cranks.
The Flying Iron of Doom
6 months ago
Campbell Clansman says:
13 July, 2024 at 5:37 pm
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
Good to see someone here has some grasp of reality.
But your proposed solution:
“Scots who left Scotland ‘for work’ – no vote.”
Would disqualify WoS’s Stuart Campbell from voting!
Do you want to disqualify “Rev.” Stu?
Don’t mind me, I’m just having a wee laugh over your failure to comprehend what was a straightforward message as is my God-given right 🙂
Campbell Clansman
6 months ago
Northcode speaks of “indigenism”–“those indigenous natives belonging to the ancient nation of Scotland.”
Precisely who would be “indigenous” (and, presumably, entitled to vote) in Northcode’s world?
Certainly not recent Irish immigrants and their descendants. Who, BTW, make up a large proportion of the Indy movement. Among those who aren’t (by Northcode’s definition) “indigenous” Scots are Ash Regan, Stephen Flynn and John Swinney. Not to mention the late Sean Connery.
Certainly not Anas Sarwar and Humza Yousaf.
Certainly not Nicola Benedetti of the Edinburgh Festival.
Certainly not director Armando Ianucci.
Certainly not Alba Party Chairperson, London-born Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.
Would everyone is Scotland have to take a DNA test to prove their ancestors were “ancient Scottish” (whatever that is) and thus entitled to vote?
6 months ago
I’m all but done here now, but listen to these cretinous unenlightened moonhowling bigoted nativist sympathisers.
Did Ellis ever compose anything that made the charts? Maybe I missed the edgy Morris dancing folk song classic about how he and his inlaws shat it with not liking the roll out of civic nationalism in Enlandshire, what with Tory Rule and all those pesky foreigners arriving so they chose to decamp to Scotland for a better life and services like lazy parasites taking the easy option rather than digging in and striving to make their own locale better.
Or maybe there was a Blues song conveying disappointment with his moonhowling fringe nutter spawn of a daughter who studies “ancient guff” and who sports the pronouns in her bio because she lacks the fortitude to fend off the genderwoowoo insanity.
Some quality gene pool that…
And the latest incarnation of the endless stream of btl trolls, Captain Caveman, another week and still waiting for you to produce a positive take for the citizens of the UK on London Rule making such a catastrophic fuck up of managing the UK’s energy resources.
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
@Breeks (6.49) –
If by ‘nonsense’ you mean my statement that we’d lose another referendum tomorrow, that’s fair enough because I’m shite at predictions. I thought we’d win in 2014 with, if memory serves, 63.4% or thereabouts. I also had £15 on Scotland to emerge from the group stages in the fitba. 🙁
The constitutional argument, in legal terms, is one thing. You believe it’s solid as do I and many others here. But there are also those who dismiss it out of hand as ancient irrelevant guff. How that can ever be resolved, and by whom, is well beyond my ken. But that’s one for the lawyers.
Our role, as mere voters, is simply to vote. And that’s why the franchise ‘argument’ is anything but a red herring – the determination of eligibility raises vital questions of identity that can’t be ignored for the sake of conforming to some nebulous here-today-gone-tomorrow ‘woke’ version of democracy.
It could be claimed that the franchise is as close to a legal definition of ‘nationality’ as anyone can reasonably expect. So we have to get it right, for all our sakes, and being ‘accommodating’ as per the 2014 franchise is madness when we have so many bad faith actors at large.
6 months ago
And where did all our industries go under London Rule?
Google “Scotland shipbuilding” and click images
Then open a new tab and google “Norway shipbuilding” and click images.
The preponderance of black and white Scottish images kind of give the game away…
And we’re nae aw driving British Leylands noo are we. Na, let’s jist gie up and import foreign products coz this land is so fucked up we cannae even make anything these days.
Site host gets name check at 1min 30seconds.
“You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.”
Your point was perfectly clear, Ian.
I suspect it was deliberately isolated from its original context and used in what rhetorical terms is called ‘fallacy of accent’.
A deceitful ploy in argument that twists the original words of an opponent which are then used to attack that opponent’s own argument.
If used subtly it can be a very effective tactic. But it was used clumsily against you, and so the tactic failed.
6 months ago
Of course, other, non-indigenous, resident groups and individuals might well deserve, and indeed be extended, the right to vote in the constitutional affairs of indigenous peoples. But which groups and who should be a matter to be decided entirely by those peoples alone and without external interference.
Big Jock
6 months ago
I gave an Irish surname, and have Irish ancestory. Essentially going back 3 generations. I consider myself an indigenous Scot. My name comes from my great great grandfather, who moved to Greenock in 1835.
I also have Grant and Jones. So like most Scots a bit of an amalgam. I don’t think for one minute Northcode was suggesting we had to trace our ancestors back to Kenneth Mcalpin to be indigenous.
Non indigenous is first generation settlers. Or those with no traceable Scottish heritage.
6 months ago
Don’t forget that Scotland is a country an older country than England that is in an illegal union, held together by smoke and mirrors and some treacherous House Jocks.
If we had the right people in place today we could set whatever criteria we wanted to, and there’s not a thing that Westminster could do about it, all that’s stopping this from happening is House Jock gatekeepers at Holyrood.
Once its widely exposed that the union is a lie and never existed in the first place (read the link) the English security services, which are NOT a friend to Scotland but an enemy in which one of their remits is to thwart Scots from finding out the truth about the union (they have created fake Salvo and Liberation websites) and Wingate W*nkers like you and Clansman are tasked with playing down The Claim of Right and any possibility of Scotland going it alone without stipulated criteria.
The foreign media in Scotland (Scotland has NO media to speak of) also plays its part in reinforcing the lie that the union exists when it doesn’t. I’ve yet to see any MSM news programme mention the CoR or any supposedly BBC/STV political programme debate it, most Scots are unaware that the union is a lie and the foreign media plays its part to keep it that way.
English governments are no friends to Scotland they’ve perpetuated the lie of the union for 300+ years and robbed Scotland blind using the myth of the union.
No “criteria” is required to leave something that we were never part of in the first place.
David Hannah
6 months ago
In 5 years time Britain will vote for Reform in big numbers. And Scotland will vote for Reform as well. That’s what will happen. I see Labour is abandoning Scottish oil and gas.
Sir Kier would prefer the false green agenda. The global south and world war 3 as his new religions of Britain.
The SNP will be bankrupt? Or will they survive on a shoe string budget?
Alba Party have to act fast. They must adopt anti-immigration rhetoric – although they will never do so. Reform came out of nowhere and finished third because they are anti-immigration.
That’s the truth. We need an Alba Party that believes in cultural protectionism. A Scotland for the Scots.
Yet the French voted left wing? So they’ll say OH look at France OH we believe in OPEN FUCKING BORDERS VIVA FRANCE.
That’s what they’ll say.
6 months ago
Things are unraveling fast…
“Mhairi Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing”
“The Operation Branchform police investigation had been a major factor in the collapse…”
(Scottish Daily Express)
On the split within the party, she refers to division between the progressive left and the conservative right. We have heard a few people referring to a split recently. It’s an interesting prospect.
As I understand it, what they are saying is the LGBTQ+++ wing of the party is either going to leave or be thrown out.
Okay, that might make sense and be described as a split on some level, but who are we to believe the Conservative Right within the party is, and how come we didn’t hear a peep from them before?
Look at this. The French have polarised. They’ve gone left wing and right wing.
The lefties have it! A divided France. But the SNP will say. “Oh look. Look at the PROGRESSIVE, INCLUSIVE OUTWARD LOOKING, EUROPEAN, EU LOVING FRENCH FUCKS.
Voting for open fucking borders and the globabal communist world order.
Get me another covid vaccine, pronouns they/them.
Explain that one to me?
6 months ago
David Hannah
13 July, 2024 at 9:11 pm
They did a similar thing in Hungary. The globalist parties formed a bloc to try and oust Orban. The EU commission brokered it there.
Some uneasy partners now in France in their so called Popular Front. It will be a fuck up. Nonces, Islamists, Ultra woke fake left etc etc
– this really bugs the nigels; if you are an anglo-narcissist then “to be an englishman is to have won the lottery of life …” and this hacks at the heart of this, core belief; no, we are not just anglos with funny accents, we are a separate people. It also implies, the most natural thing, is for us all to fuck off someday. More panic, living darn south, on a floodplain, with all the ethnics, and no escape hatch with a lot of really reasonably priced property.
England Germany semifinal 1996 – I was in Skye, glorious day, had climbed Sgurr nan Gillean and descended down the back via Lota/Harta corrie; got back to the Sligachan Hotel for some food and a beer … the fucking england game was on the bigscreen … and so watching it, noshing away I realise … wait a minute, this place is full of english cunts, just everywhere – WHY OH WHY DO WE NOT COMPEL THEM TO WEAR TOP HATS IN PUBLIC UP HERE? – and they were getting their hopes up, but I thought – Germany, reliable, and they did not disappoint. Silence, desolation – and more beer for me. Happy days.
curiously – KUNTZ scored for Germany that day, but – CUNTS – always score for england. Gazza missed a sitter, late on, and Southgate missed the penalty.
there may have been sporadic choruses of flower of scotland and deutschland uber alles.
from the times before women had tattoos and a man could wear a suit like that and not be gay
6 months ago
“Dan says:
13 July, 2024 at 6:58 pm
Did Ellis ever compose anything that made the charts?”
Dunno about that, but my band got airplay on national radio. Never got farther than being a self-financing hobby, though.
6 months ago
Reports coming in that Donald Trump had to be rushed off stage at a rally after gun shots.
We need to await for the news to break but this suggests the USA is a country that could rip itself apart very easily.
David Hannah
6 months ago
Trump’s been shot at. He gives a fist pump. Looks like his ear is bleeding.
That’ll be the deep state. Their cage is rattled. Watch America implode over this.
Mother fuckers trying to kill democracy at all costs.
David Hannah
6 months ago
Only trump could survive an assassination attempt. It’s unbelievable. Nothing can stop him.
Good luck to Trump. I don’t agree with lots of his politics. The rhetoric he uses about migrants flooding in from emptying jails – I don’t agree with that. But I do agree with cultural protectionism. For Britain. I want control of our borders. And I agree with Trump’s plans to cancel Gender Ideology. So there’s a lot you can like about him.
Stop the war. I hope he wins. victory to Donald Trump!
6 months ago
Trump has been shot! Tragedy! He’s still breathing!
David Hannah
6 months ago
The shooter is dead and two by-standers dead.
The bullet grazed his ear. Unbelievable.
David Hannah
6 months ago
I want him to win. Big time. I hope he wins. We’ve suffered woke ideology. Black lives matter. War in the blue and yellow country. The climate change scam.
We need him to win to tear up the west. and rebuild.
David Hannah
6 months ago
Joe Biden at the NATO conference was too much for them.
Get it fucking up them. They fucking failed. We need to abolish NATO.
6 months ago
David Hannah…
Always suspected you were a bit of a dick.
I was wrong…
You’re a total bell end.
6 months ago
Trump want to end the War.
The Biden administration want war. The American establishment want war.
With Trump doing well electorally it’s not difficult to guess that the deep state wanted to take Trump out. That’s how the US works. It’s how the Brit establishment works too… DR David Kelly, Willie MacRae, Pat Finucane et al.
6 months ago
The crazy times continue.
It looks like Trump is okay and that’s good, but America could plunge into chaos over something like this.
6 months ago
Not sure why you are laying into David Hannah, robertknight. I think he’s one of the few on here worth reading.
6 months ago
” If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”
And so tweeted BBC correspondent David Aaronovitch not so many days ago. And but by a literal hairsbreadth, his recommendation was narrowly avoided. And it was a hairsbreadth as the bullet grazed Trump’s right ear.
But others standing nearby were not so lucky.
The call by the BBC’s senior correspondent raises serious questions. Britain and the US want war. Trump doesn’t and it could well be that Aaranovich was bang on the money.
In many country’s if anyone called for someone to be murdered then that would be a crime. Not however if you are a senior
BBC correspondent.
But what if someone said the Nationalist in Scotland should hurry up and murder let us say Sir Keir Starmer,or King Charles or in fact anybody. How would that go down?
Very concerning. And then you look at how the state pursu3d Alex Salmond. Like Trump is pursued by legal case after legal case. It’s all so similar.
David Hannah
6 months ago
Robert. I believe in the Scottish and a Scotland for the scots.
It’s why reform finished third. Alba need to recognise that the migrants are pissing off the natives because they are being elevated higher in society than the natives.
Like the free bus passes for asylum seekers. Why would we pay for illegals to come and roam our country for free?
Have you seen the Channel 4 documentary about the muslim man that pushed his preganant wife off the cliff – Arthur’s seat – murdering her in 2021?
In our country – we don’t tend to throw our women from tall buildings or high heights. We need a bit of cultural protectionism. Homes for the Scots. Rest in peace to the victim.
Which is why reform came third in Scotland. Until the SNP and the Alba Party start listening to the natives then the woke left can get off their high horse. We don’t give a damn what you think. We don’t like the migrants.
David Hannah
6 months ago
*We don’t tend to push people from tall heights. Unless you’re related to El Nakla and an SNP politician. My apologies.
6 months ago
Dan or Ruby how do you search for a comment by an individual on wings
6 months ago
Mac 10 July, 2024 at 10:11 am
“This is I think the most dangerous time I have ever lived in.
Trump is set to win a landslide. I don’t think they will let that happen. I don’t (see) how they can…
This few months between now and November is when it will happen, if it happens.”
Sorry for quoting myself but this is really horrible now.
Grazed his ear FFS… that is how close the entire world just came to WW3.
Every single person on this planet should know now that they are in an existential war with the deep state.
It is impossible to see the ramifications of this right now but this is huge, a game changer.
His ear… wow, does not get closer than that. Incredible.
In a very strange way this might be the best thing to have happened.
We are about to find out for sure.
6 months ago
Mac @ 05.46.
I’m at the stage where I truly don’t know what to believe now, Mac. Assassination attempt or “False Flag” ?
Thesis … Appear to make an attempt on Trump’s life.
Antithesis … Trump support rallies, sweeps to victory.
Synthesis … Even more crushing and authoritarian state measures to crush resistance in
the name of “security and public safety”.
I know, I’m entering the land of the terminally silly here, and yet I feel the presence and actions of the puppeteers behind the actors onstage whose performances we see.
And, David Hannah, you’re mentioning interesting things.
6 months ago
My goodness, that photo I’m seeing all over the internet is so totemic it could almost be posed.
The clear blue sky backdrop, the surrounding SS agents framing rather than protecting Mr Trump from any further shots, an American flag clearly in shot and right in the middle the man himself. Photogenic trickle of blood, defiant under attack, hand raised in triumph in a pose which is reminiscent of the group of American soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima.
How fortuitous.
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 3:33 am
Dan or Ruby how do you search for a comment by an individual on wings
Mornin’ twathater
This is how I would do it. Dan might have a better method.
You would open the page and then go to find in browser.
I’m using Firefox and I go to Edit then ‘find in page’ and a search box comes up at the foot of the page. Type in name of individual. There are little up/down arrows to scroll through results.
I imagine it would be pretty similar in other browsers.
To search entire site you would type the following into address bar in browser
site: wingsoverscotland.com word/phrase/name of poster you want to find
site: wingsoverscotland.com twathater
You could do that first and then refine search with method described above.
Have fun!
Alan Austin
6 months ago
Read the post above re ship building on the Clyde. Shipbuilding on the Clyde disappeared as the river Clyde is too shallow to build the vessels used today. The warships built by BAE on the Clyde is purely a political move by the British Government to maintain employment there. Building a warship in 2 sections and moving the hull to Rosyth is extremely expensive and would not happen in an independent Scotland. I am sure the independence supporters know this.
Liam G
6 months ago
There is also the WOS Search facility below the About comment at the Top Right Hand Side of the web page.
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
If anyone has been looking at U.S MSM recently they couldn’t have failed to notice the totally unhinged Anti-Trump hysteria emanating from a high % of that bought-and-paid-for Smoke n Mirror Factory , also from that paradise of Prog-Think with absolutely nothing shady in it’s past/present – Holywood . Not much different in the U.K , check fat bastard Aronovitch’s ( allegedly , something called a ” journalist ” ) outrageous comment quoted above .
According to * them * , if Trump wins it will be the end of Civilisation , the death of something they call * Democracy * ( LOL ! ) the introduction of concentration camps for ” Liberals ” ( that’s those guys who want to enforce total uniformity of thought re * gender * , * race * * climate * etc ) and , perhaps the greatest threat of all …..an end to U.S military * involvement * in other countries’ affairs . WHAT ! NEVER ! Who’ll protect the World from godless Whateverism ?
So , without knowing who/what is behind this *incident* one thing is certain ……there are no limits to which the ” Dark State ” ( go on , call that concept a ” conspiracy theory ” , I know * you * want to , so much easier , isn’t it ? ) won’t go to protect it’s interests , ie it’s virtually unlimited and definitely unaccountable POWER. If Trump is perceived as a risk to that power n those interests – and it appears he is so perceived – he will simply not be allowed to win : one way or another , he’ll be eliminated from the White House .
I’m mean FFS , they are actually still trying to animate the political corpse of their man – Biden – even after the entire World has seen the the pathetic state of the man ; though it’s looking like the Donor Class who pretty much determine who runs for POTUS are not liking the odds of their investment paying-off this time .
If , as is being speculated , Biden gets the hook and is replaced by the vacuous ,language-assassinating , shite-babbling moron Harris we’ll know the U.S Political Class has lost it’s last remaining vestiges of sanity .
We’re now ” through the looking glass ” & wandering , lost in the ” wilderness of mirrors ” – cracked mirrors at that .
The Truth won’t be along any time soon .
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
Oh , and predictably , the putative perp has been , conveniently , ” taken out ” . Another Deep State ” patsy ” ?
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
Oh , and , predictably , the putative perp has been – conveniently – ” taken out ” . Another Deep State ” patsy ” ?
6 months ago
“If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”
Said but a few days ago by BBC correspondent David Aaronovich.
Good old BBC calling it like it is, or do I misunderstand.
6 months ago
USA, the world leader in dysfunction..
Lets spin that, world leader in participatory democracy…..cool.
6 months ago
Robert Hughes @ 09.13.
Please stop, Robert, I’m barely hanging on to the rim of the rabbit hole by my fingernails as is.
Brain hurts !
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
@ Sven . Lol , I know !
Of course , it COULD be what it’s being portrayed as , ie a ” lone gunman ” incensed at the prospect of another Trump presidency
This is about the case David Hannah mentioned earlier.
It’s interesting but the ad breaks are very long.
Islamic divorce
Honour based abused are new terms to me.
It’s a whole different culture.
‘Behaving like a British women.’ is an insult.
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
In the ‘murder on the cliff’ trial they couldn’t introduce the concept of ‘Honour based killings’ or ‘Honour based abuse’ because the jury wouldn’t understand!
There are definitely a lot of problems with multiculturalism.
David Hannah
6 months ago
We need Trump to win.
Look at our energy bills. With the war in Europe. We’ve had to pay through the roof in Scotland. The land of energy plenty.
Sturgeon wants to shut down Scotland’s north sea oil and gas. And so does Sir Kier. How DARE they! Trump will restore the United States oil and gas industry. What’s not to like about prosperity?
Humza Yousaf gave all of our money away. £24 million to John Kerry – The climate SCAM! To level up Africa. That’s building a new river nile. Even Ethiopia – the World’s poorest country is building a multi billion Mega Dam. And the Scots can’t even build a road – the A9.
Our politicians want to shut down our economy. The LEZ. The business rate increases. The demolition of our high streets – buchanan galleries, the concert hall and st enochs centre in glasgow all sheduled for demolition. The city is a disgrace.
The NHS is fucked. The nurses are using foodbanks because the cost of living has SKYROCKETED! like the missiles over the middle east!!! And they import foreign labour. Elevate them above the natives. Give them jobs.
They despise our country. They despise our way of life. They hate us.
They hated Alex Salmond. The Me Too Movement. Then we had Black lives Matter.
They’ve came and stolen football from us. The Sport is unaffordable for many. They’ve sanitised the beautiful game. The players can’t talk to the referee. The players can’t tackle or celebrate a goal.
I’m fucking sick of it. And Gender has poisoned our country. Destroyed the independence cause and put women at risk.
Domestic abuse – you want to increase domestic abuse. You let the scourge of the third world in from Afghanistan, Iraq. Where there is no democracy. Where they flood europe with weapons funded by NATO. They destabalise our way of life further.
I can’t be the only person that so clearly sees this.
Then they give the migrants free bus passes.
Get to fuck SNP. GET TO FUCK!
David Hannah
6 months ago
The climate change Scam. SNP. Stronger for Africa.
Sir kier. “I want to level up the global south.”
Ed Milliband – no more oil and gas licenses.
Bend the knee. To the new Fascist world order. Pronouns HE/HIM!
Bend the knee. Council houses for the foreigners. The illegals. Not the real migrants we want. The illegal boat crossers housed in the Britania hotel in Glasgow.
Destroying our way of life. Stealing and pick pocketing where they go. They have no right to be here when the natives can’t get affordable housing.
Reform came third. We need cultural protectionism.
I’m defiant. They tried to kill trump. The free speech champion. We need to defend free speech.
David Hannah
6 months ago
We don’t want county lines.
We don’t want county lines. Abusing our young women and girls. Allowing them to punt their smack and do their dirty work.
We don’t want our young woman treated like “KAFIR”
Whores. That’s what these migrants are doing. I took a walk up the river clyde yesterday. All the way up to glasgow green. Transmit music festival is on. Liam Gallacher. All the glasgow girls are dolled up.
GANGS of loitering BLACK migrant men. GANGS. Oggling the girls. They have never seen woman like this before in their country. And they see them as Whores some of them.
Fortunately we beleive in freedom in the west. OUR FREEDOM. Our country.
Which is ironic because we’re the only country that rejected its own freedom – ahahaha. But I voted YES. My conscience is clear.
I tried to Free Scotland. I chose Hope Over Fear. We are the 45!
This is about the case David Hannah mentioned earlier.
It’s interesting but the ad breaks are very long.
Islamic divorce
Honour based abused are new terms to me.”
You can get the entire show on Youtube Ruby. It’s amazing to see inside the court room. Scottish legal did a brilliant job.
What I meant when I raised that is, that women are objectified in Islam. They are told to cover up. They can’t go to school in Afghanistan.
They clung to planes when Joe Biden pulled the American’s out of Afghanistan. My mate was a British Solider. He got out fine. There was peace there. Quite. He came home alive. Within weeks the American’s pulled out and the entire country was taken over.
I’m sick of being told I am to remain poor so we can fund the foreign wars. I want politicians to start listening to the working class.
Stop demonising the working class. Stop demonising men. Stop correcting our thoughts and pushing woke ideology. We’ve got to bend the knee and kiss the ring. We’ve got to bow to Gender ideology.
The Scottish Government cant even fly the Scottish flag on its buildings. For 2 months its been the pride flag. We need to take our country back again. From the GAY mafia that Run it. That have built empires for themselves.
It’s time to reclaim Scotland for the Scots and protect our women and girls.
6 months ago
Joe Biden was pleased to hear that Kamala Harris was ok following the shooting.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
What a world we live in. Who could have foreseen in the heady days of #indyref1 that a decade later we’d still be shackled to the rotting corpse of the British nationalist state, and that BTL comments here would be full of out and out racists like “David Hannah” praying for a Trump victory, and a coterie of xenophobic bigots, nativists and blood and soil nationalists.
“O tempora, o mores!” seems inadequate, but expresses the general feeling that we’re for hell in a hand cart.
6 months ago
Re Trump incident.
Heard a witness interview stating the guy , boy, was visible for minutes before any shooting.
I can’t be the only one wondering if he was just waiting for the trigger track
“Right ear , right now.”
6 months ago
So a patsy tried to take out a puppet at a political rally in the (US), the only real questions are who put the patsy up to it.
This attempt on Trump should see him romp it to the Whitehouse, it was all or nothing for those that wanted him gone and they failed.
I had to laugh watching the testimonies of leaders mainly from the West that there’s no place for this in a democratic society meanwhile their weapons are killing thousands in G–a-z-z-a, Afric–a and South A-meri-ca.
The patsy was executed as is often the case so he/she cannot be questioned.
6 months ago
Derek @11.39am.
Excellent sarcasm, did you see the look on Zzz’s face when G-en-oc-ide Joe, introduced him as President Pooooo-t-in.
Some of the media puppets are so programmed to applaud whatever a G–rea–t S–at-an POTUS says something that they burst into applause when B-id–en said it.
Alf Baird
6 months ago
Andy Ellis @ 11:58 am
“Who could have foreseen in the heady days of #indyref1 that a decade later we’d still be shackled to the rotting corpse of the British nationalist state”
Duh! Extensive postcolonial theory accurately predicts exactly what we have seen, and what we have yet to see. The independence leadership needs to read up on it. They (and you) might finally discover what independence means, i.e. decolonization:
Sven says on 14 July 2024 at 7:55 am:
“My goodness, that photo I’m seeing all over the internet is so totemic it could almost be posed. The clear blue sky backdrop, the surrounding SS agents framing rather than protecting Mr Trump from any further shots, an American flag clearly in shot and right in the middle the man himself. Photogenic trickle of blood, defiant under attack, hand raised in triumph in a pose which is reminiscent of the group of American soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima.”
What’s this all about, Sven? I’ve been out of the loop for a few days. Someone attempted to take Trumps life?
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
David Hannah
You can get the entire show on Youtube Ruby.
Cheers David
The ad breaks on ITV are ridiculous.
6 months ago
Stoker @ 13.03.
A 20 year old registered republican male was shot and killed by a Police sniper at a Republican rally yesterday after shooting at ex President Trump and wounding his right ear.
One male bystander was killed and two others wounded.
That’s about the clearest info I’ve got Stokes, doubtless more is yet to come.
6 months ago
@ Ruby at various times
It’s not just Islam (not that you said it was); the woman who founded this is/was a Sikh: link to karmanirvana.org.uk
She’s written a number of books about her own and other people’s experiences of forced marriage, which are listed on the organization’s site. I give them donations from time to time.
6 months ago
Interesting that the guy was a republican. I suppose that makes sense though, when you think about it.
I wonder what they had on him.
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 1:24 pm
Stoker @ 13.03….
A republican male?
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 1:44 pm
Interesting that the guy was a republican…
Aye, Interesting and like you imply convenient.
6 months ago
Since nothing much is happening in the world – mostly some big-game hunting story; sports bore me – I’ve been poeming.
…attempting the Cinquain style.
The Cinquain is a free verse form of twenty-two syllables arranged in five lines. It’s modelled on the Japanese hokku and tanka.
There are five;
The names of things…the names of things
Unseen…the names of things
Unknown…the names of me…
And you.
by Northcode
That is the Cinquain form as devised by Adelaide Crapsey (1878 -1914), American poet. I got the quintessential idea for my poem from one of hers:
These be
Three silent things:
The falling snow . . . the hour
Before the dawn . . . the mouth of one
Just dead
by Adelaide Crapsey
But three into five don’t go, so I think Adelaide’s might be better than mine – but only just.
6 months ago
Cheers, Sven, Hats and gm.
Young Lochinvar
6 months ago
It’s the whales I feel sorry for.
As far as metaphors goes Sturgeons SNP turned into Lemmings heading full tilt for the cliff edge starting with SNP 1 and 2 and attempted character assassination of Alex Salmond followed by becoming all too willing swingers with the Khmer Vert.
The ferries are just a distraction and “small change” compared to incompetent UK fiscal decisions.
6 months ago
The West is at war with its own people. Anybody that stands up for the people, or attempts to tell them what’s going on, is on the hit list.
That’s who they were really trying to take out last night, the American people. Half of them are living in abject poverty. Trump wants to give them jobs and make their lives great again.
Scotland went through what America is going through now back in the 1980s. We were ahead of the curve. We didn’t have a Trump to make Scotland great again and, being a colony, life was never that great here anyway.
The Scottish people have no fight in them. That’s what’s missing. Some say it’s historical, a defeated spirit that can be traced back to Culloden. I think they’re probably just conflicted.
Charles Findlay
6 months ago
Donald. Duck.
6 months ago
Ignored says:
14 July, 2024 at 1:56 pm
But three into five don’t go, so I think Adelaide’s might be better than mine – but only just.
Nope. Adelaide’s was crapsey, yours was simply crap.
6 months ago
Northcode @ 13.56.
Take encouragement in your Cinquain composing from the words of Hokku master Katsushika Hokusai, Northy.
“I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.
You have many poppies yet to bloom I am sure. Remember, the only zen you will find in your work will be that which you brought with you.
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 2:43 pm
The West is at war with its own people. ..
I see it that way as well Hatuey. The Outer party has formed. State institutions sold off or neutered, private institutional capacity outsourced, the traditional press no more than a tool of the Outer party. Universities corrupted. It’s a crumbling mess.
The vast bulk of the people do not believe in extreme economic and political liberalism and are therefor an enemy of sorts.
Campbell Clansman
6 months ago
Ignored says:
14 July, 2024 at 1:44 pm
Interesting that the guy was a republican
“The assassin was an Antifa supporter and a Dem Party donor.
When he was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote.”
6 months ago
You’re a gentleman.
Looks like I didn’t do enough erasing and re-writing and just went with my first effort We live and we learn – well, some us, anyway. I might try a Limerick next. Five lines long where the dominant foot is the anapest.
I’ll make a start now…
There once was a twat called dasBlimp…
6 months ago
“The West is at war with its own people. Anybody that stands up for the people, or attempts to tell them what’s going on, is on the hit list.”
In the West democracy is dead with regards to politics, oh we vote for a new PM or POTUS, but nothing changes in the background the war/corporate machine never skips a beat. We aren’t allowed to vote on which country we go to war with or which country we regime change or apply sanctions to, in the most part we are just voting for a face, the face changes every x-amount of years but that’s really all that changes.
As Chomsky once said.
“If voting made a difference it would be made illegal.”
Yes the west is now trying its hardest to control its citizens by fear, it has a history of doing so with Operation Gladio and Gladio B. Gladio was an operation of instilling fear and tension in Europeans in that Europe’s governments the Americans and the Atlanticists constantly put the fear of god into citizens that U–S-S-R was about to invade Europe, of course it was nonsense.
Gladio B was pretty similar the big difference was the enemy was brown skinned folk who you we were supposed to fear because they were all terrorists and they wanted to kill us all, again it was utter nonsense.
“There once was a twat called dasBlimp”,
Who walked with an unpronounced limp.
6 months ago
Rubbish! You’re 3/5ths short.
George Ferguson
6 months ago
Never mind getting exercised about an almost routine occurrence in American politics, that being an assassination attempt on a President. Ever since their Independence day it was ever thus. Look out for partisan disinformation. Also the forthcoming European Championships final. I am on an emotional roller coaster watching a Scotsman trying to win a Scottish Open. Come on Bob MacIntyre.
6 months ago
Any poster using the obnoxious term ‘moonhowler’, whilst seemingly not self-aware enough to realise that anybody who posts here sneering away constantly could qualify for that selfsame offensive rubric…needs to take a long hard look at themselves. Obsessive mental illness is writ large in some people here. Does that apply to you? You tell me…. 😉
6 months ago
There once was a guy called dasBlimp
Who walked with an unpronounced limp,
Though Blimpish by name
And by nature the same
We happily tolerate the imp.
Boom Boom.
6 months ago
Ruby @ 8.00am thank you for your response Ruby, keep going with your calling out of the cunt and his unionist groupies like the cock with the leakies
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
Obviously the Onlooker doesn’t know ‘The Cunt’ very well.
No chance of ‘The Cunt or The Cock-a-leekie’ taking a long hard look at themselves! Ha! Ha! Ha! that suggestions made me laugh.
Onlooker must be a new boy.
Those who need to take a long hard look at themselves are those crazies who reply to ‘The Cunt or The Cock-a-leekie’ and continue this never ending discussion about the franchise.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
Any poster objecting to the labelling of those howling at the moon as moonhowlers probably needs to unbunch their panties and stop trying to tone police the internet and this site in particular.
The mentally ill obsessives are those advocating regressive nativism, shilling for Uncle Vlad, punting tin foil hat conspiracy theories, and posting endless drivel about post colonial theory, the Treaties of Union and “cunning plans for indy”.
If this applies to you, guess what you’re a moonhowler.
Wear your badge with pride!
6 months ago
Cheers for the links, RoS. I was familiar with Gladio and the immediate post-war problem of what to do with all the communists and socialists in the “liberated” countries (those who were on our side and who we supported against the Nazis).
The situation in Greece at the end of the war was particularly interesting. By interesting I mean totally shocking and disturbing. It’s still a sensitive issue to this day.
It seems like we have transitioned to a system where big business, hedge funds, and banks are in the driving seat, where before they were simply passengers who had a lot of influence over politicians and the direction of travel. It’s flipped.
We are essentially talking about fascism but it’s considered somewhat old fashioned today to give emphasis to the essential business-oriented purpose of fascism — today a fascist is defined as a bad man or something but it wasn’t always that simple. As Mussolini put it;
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism…”
All sorts of unpleasant things happen in societies that give too much power to the rich. History, in a sense, is really a journal of examples.
Hatey McHateface
6 months ago
C’moan Engerlund!
The cry that should be on the lips of every Scots Indy supporter today.
Where else are we going to get another 50 years of constant reminders of English exceptionalism, to grind our gears, and drive us onwards to freedom?
Or are we going to allow the few fleeting hours of joy at their defeat, to out rank the decades of anger and determination an English victory will inspire?
6 months ago
Nice one Sven. Much better than that effete dross Northcode dribbles onto his keyboard.
Alf Baird
6 months ago
Hatuey @ 6:33 pm
“today a fascist is defined as a bad man or something but it wasn’t always that simple”
The ‘origins of fascism are to be found in colonialism’, according to Aime Cesaire. And for ‘peoples’ still dominated by colonial rule, such as Scots, we can be sure that fascism aye lurks nearby.
6 months ago
Ellis, you refuse to answer basic questions but that won’t make the questions go away.
What difference does it make to you what others in here believe or say about independence, Vlad, nativism, etc?
The route to independence that you support couldn’t be more dead. Alba didn’t win one single seat. The SNP is in tatters. The legal/constitutional route is probably more unlikely than a people’s revolt.
You’re a busted flush, kiddo.
6 months ago
I do not dribble onto my keyboard – I gush…with feeling.
6 months ago
Okay, I guess you’re all waiting on my prediction for the football…
I expect Spain to hammer England and score 4 goals. If England get a goal, it’ll be a penalty or some sort of fluke.
My only concern is that Spain go one or two up and start defending…
35 to 1 at Ladbrokes for Spain to in 4-1.
Alf Baird
6 months ago
Hatuey @ 6:55 pm
“The route to independence that you support couldn’t be more dead.”
Yes, and that is because it depends on the ‘infinite generosity’ of the dominating colonial power, which never materializes of course. Only those suffering from a dependency complex would adopt such a path, which leads the people into a blind alley, as the SNP has demonstrated.
6 months ago
I see in the media that the Trump shooter has been repeatedly described as a Republican voter.
In some states of America, they operate a system called Closed Primaries where you need to register to the party you want to vote for. These are elections to vote for the Presidential candidate.
In these states, supporters of the opposite party declares themselves as a supporter of the other one in order to vote for the worst candidate that will face their candidate at the Presidential election.
In this case, Democrats declares themselves as Republicans even though they have never voted for Republicans or financially contribute to the party and get to vote in the Primaries where they will vote for the weakest candidate in the hope they are elected Presidential candidate and make it easier for Biden to get re-elected.
There’s nothing illegal about this tactic but a strange way to run an electoral system.
It’s possible that the shooter had did this or maybe is a genuine Republican supporter. Strange though that the media are making a lot about this fact above other things as well as reminding us at every minute about the 2020 ‘insurrection’.
I don’t have a dug in the fight about this one but the whole things feels surreal.
6 months ago
Northcode @ 19.17.
I have always thought of you as posting thoughtfully, considerately, articulately … and with immense emotional content.
But then, I have always ploughed a lonely furrow to the beat of a different drum.
6 months ago
Was a bit bored and was sitting through the start of the ITV coverage of the Euro’s final.
Up pops Sir Knight of the realm and his Labour party political broadcast laced in with the occasional reference of how big an English supporter he is and a win for England unite the ‘nation’
Compare this to the election campaigning where he kept schtum about who he professes to support and at one time wore a white t-shirt whereas all those around him worse English tops.
Entirely predictable the total change after he has won and shows his true character to those who are gullible to think his is going to bring genuine change.
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 6:33 pm
It seems like we have transitioned to a system where big business, hedge funds, and banks are in the driving seat, where before they were simply passengers who had a lot of influence over politicians and the direction of travel. It’s flipped.
We are essentially talking about fascism but it’s considered somewhat old fashioned today to give emphasis to the essential business-oriented purpose of fascism — today a fascist is defined as a bad man or something but it wasn’t always that simple. As Mussolini put it;
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism…”
I would like to sit down with somebody who comes out with this name calling of fascists and have a genuine conversation about what fascism means.
I get the impression though it would be a really short conversation.
As to fascism, it is running society to the alignment of business and political interests to the point where the two are indistinguishable.
We are seeing this more evidently now and it’s only going to get worse.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
@Hatuey 6.55pm
Delusional nonsense as usual: already addressed on the other thread.
Scotland has a Champion. Competence and sporting success is a small start to return from the consequences of post SNP nihilism.
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
‘The Cunt’ says he’s not mad!
It’s everyone else who is mad!
Mad! Mad! Mad! Moonhowling mentalists! Natavistic Vlad Fluffers with their cunning plans for indie. Mad! Mad! Mad!
‘The New Boy Onlooker’ might know ‘The Cunt’ a wee bit better now.
Ach go on tell him again that he should be more self-aware. Ha-ha he he ho ho!
They´re coming to take him away,
Haha, they´re coming to take him away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where’s ‘The Cock-a-leekie’? His pal might need some emotional support!
Come on Cock-a-leekie let’s hear your cock-a-doodle doo!
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
Name this tune!
Que bonito es el Mar Mediterráneo
La Costa Brava y la Costa del Sol
El Fandango y la sardana me emocionan
Y en sus notas hay vida y hay calor
6 months ago
Ellis, your party, its policies, and its proposition for the advancement of independence was put to the people in an election just a few days ago. It was resoundingly rejected.
You are in no position to be putting anyone down when it comes to the Indy cause.
But the defeat represented even more than that. As Alf intimates, the very idea that independence can be achieved through the ballot box with the consent of the colonial masters in London now looks as far-fetched as any moon-howling plan you’ll find on here.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream. I’m just bored with your unending attacks on others who at least deserve credit for not buying into it in the first place.
I wonder what ‘Scottish’ Labour has to say about this?
6 months ago
We must not forget that the USA welcomed with open arms thousands of Knna–ttz–is in after WWII. The G-re-at S-at-an (US) has an affiliation with them, you just have to look at them propping up the Knne-o Kna-tt–zzi regime in U and their relentless support for the Zzz-io-Kn-att–z-z-is that are committing G-en-o-cide- in Ga–z–zza.
There were upwards of a thousand Kna–ttzi-s who were used by U.S. intelligence after the war by the CIA, the FBI, the military and other U.S. intelligence agencies — both in Europe as well as inside the United States, in Latin America, in the Middle East, even a few in Australia. And these were seen as basically cold warriors who served as spies, informants and in other intelligence roles.
George Ferguson
6 months ago
As the commentary just said. The best team won the tournament.
6 months ago
Well done Spain.
6 months ago
George Ferguson – indeed. Inevitable outcome really, always going to be a very tough ask for England who were second best but they were not embarrassed. Football won tonight with Spain’s victory, they are the complete side.
Big Jock
6 months ago
England played for 10 minutes. Utter domonation from Spain. England remind me of Walter Smith’s Rangers. They got to a final but noone knows why. We can all rest easy now. Will be few British Rangers fans back in their union Jack boxes as well.
I swear the Rangers fans are getting worse every year with their anti Scottish England love in. Truly warped.
Dorothy Devine
6 months ago
A good day for Spain , first Wimbledon with young Carlos and then the daft game wi’ a wee ba’- felicidades!
6 months ago
PacMan: “It’s possible that the shooter had did this or maybe is a genuine Republican supporter. Strange though that the media are making a lot about this fact above other things…”
Everything becomes much less strange if you assume the shooter was blackmailed or in some other way coerced. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that he was a Trump supporter.
The shortcomings of the security around Trump (access to the roof, failure to respond to the shooter’s presence, etc.) become less strange too if you start with the same assumption.
Trump should have had elevated security as a presidential candidate, above normal levels that presidential candidates might expect (plenty of people were predicting that there would be an attempt on his life). But he seems to have had less than normal levels of protection.
All easily explained if you start with the right assumption.
Welcome to the murky practices of an essentially fascist polity.
6 months ago
So much for Prince William playing a bigger part to save the Union.
Prince George and Prince William experienced a full range of emotions as they watched England play Spain in the Euros 2024 final.
The royal father and son watched the Three Lions lose against Spain at Olympiastadion in Berlin this evening.
After Spain scored earlier in the match, Prince George looked visibly disappointed as he took a seat next to his father.
But Cole Palmer’s glorious goal reignited the royals’ dream of a Euros win this evening.
The father-and-son looked visibly tense and holding their heads in their hands as Cole neared the goal.
The father and son appeared visibly heartbroken as they stared out at the pitch with their heads in their hands
The royal pair then jumped up out of their seats and shouted in celebration alongside Keir Starmer.
Following their celebration, Prince William turned to hug Prince George, who appeared overwhelmed with joy.
However, William and George’s joy was short-lived as Spain scored again just minutes later – thereby securing the Euros 2024 victory.
The father and son appeared visibly heartbroken as they stared out at the pitch with their heads in their hands.
Posting from the official Kensington Palace account just seconds after
the final whistle, he commiserated with the team after watching them closely miss out on victory.
William wrote: ‘This time it just wasn’t meant to be. We’re all still so proud of you. Onwards @England. W.’
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to be asked to spend more time in Scotland under plans reportedly being drawn up by palace officials to bolster the Union.
Kate and William would spend additional time at Balmoral and strengthen ties with their former university town of St Andrews if the proposals go ahead, according to the Sunday Times.
The report comes just days after the couple’s tour of Scotland in which William said the country was “so important” to himself and wife.
On the final day of their visit, William and Kate held a meeting with Gordon Brown who has recently launched a renewed campaign to save the Union.
Iain More
6 months ago
There will be much mourning at Ibrox as neither the boring anti Footie Sassanachs or the Dutch won the Euros. I am no fan of the Spanish but the right team won.
6 months ago
@ Hatuey
Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?
That isn’t too much of a fanciful idea considering how addicted mostly young people are with their lack of emotional development. due to not socially interacting with people as much as they should. The individual is already in a vulnerable position and joins a Whatsapp group with unknown actors egging him on until he gets in the position he is in now.
I’m sure they’ll make a Hollywood movie out of it someday.
6 months ago
That’s correct, RoS. The same thing happened in East Asia where the victorious angels of democracy set about reconstructing the Japanese Empire.
In places like Korea, the Japanese marched straight back in after the war alongside the Americans, their heinous crimes conveniently shoved down the memory hole in the name of reconstruction.
Most of the wars and coups in Asia in the 50s and 60s were aimed at securing Japanese access to markets and resources, the so-called “great crescent”. The cover story, that they were trying to contain Soviet communism, like the war in the east today, fell apart under the lightest scrutiny.
It’s all unraveling now and we should be glad that a relatively benign country like China is set to be the architect of the future global economy.
6 months ago
PacMan: ”Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?”
Possibly. In most cases I would expect it’s easier to just threaten, bribe, blackmail, etc.
Sirhan Sirhan seems to believe he was hypnotised in some way and thought he was shooting at a firing range when he took aim at RFK. RFK junior believes him. One way or another, something like 13 shots were fired and Sirhan’s gun was capable of firing only 8…
The attempt to assassinate Trump has all the hallmarks of an inside job. Al Jazeera had an eye witness on last night that said matter of factly that there were two shooters. Other witnesses claim the police were alerted to the presence of a shooter and did nothing.
The way they’re playing it down is highly suspicious, too. I missed Biden’s appeal for calm — “nothing to see here, eat your porridge and stfu” — but I see that all of a sudden we are supposed to bow to Biden’s wisdom and authority. What a difference a week makes.
David Hannah
6 months ago
It was the deep state that tried to kill Trump.
I believe that Hilary Clinton and her horrible husband – friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Lolita Express are the culprits. Although it will never be proved.
With 82 police charges levelled at Trump. He’s got them by the pussy hasn’t he?
Sorry. Locker room talk!
David Hannah
6 months ago
I despise Bill Clinton. A truely horrible man. Who cheated on his horrible wife Hilary.
As he got his massage on Epstien Island by the young women. We know this happened. We just can’t prove it.
The clintons the hilary clinton foundation. Her deeds would shame all the devils in hell.
I will take great delight in seeing them all SACKED across the pond. It’s coming. And not a day too soon.
David Hannah
6 months ago
We know that Obama likes men to. Joan Rivers had her vocal chords severed. She spoke the truth about Michael Obama.
And we know from Tucker Carlson. That Barack loves to do COKE and have GAY SEX with male Prostitutes in town for the weekend. in 1999. He loves it doesn’t he.
Corrupt and bend as they come. Donald trump will absolutely. SACK THEM ALL! He’s coming to sack the deep state.
David Hannah
6 months ago
He’s unstoppable. Donald Trump. Meanwhile the democrats have senile and demented puppet Joe Biden as candidate.
Dementia is setting in rapidly. He should be in a home. But EVIL JILL. She’s pure EVIL. The first lady SHAME on her.
Kate Forbes has her orders from the Clinton Foundation. Not to rock the boat.
Well. It’s time that the Americans sacked the lot of them. I hope. And I pray. That this all materialises. It’ll be a great day for humanity when trump is elected by the americans. Black lives matter will be absolutely raging.
We’ve suffered long enough. No more apologising for existing. Come on Donald. Bring it home!
David Hannah
6 months ago
Big pharmacy will be facing lawsuits.
Gender ideology will be banned from schools.
Medical mutilators will take the stand where poison came from on day 1.
No more Woke Ideology in the West. He MUST WIN!
James Che
6 months ago
Perhaps someone could set Campbell Clansman right on the, ” Claim of right” over on Stu’s previous post thread ” At a Loss,
He might be literate but he cannot combine it with intelligent historical records.
James Che
6 months ago
The princes of Englands rebranded Great-Britain,
I am away to bed as I have been up all night with Spouse, I hope I don’t have nightmares in the day time,
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
@Hatuey 8.58 am
It’s true Alba did badly. Time will tell whether the party makes progress between now and the 2026 Holyrood elections I suppose. If a week is a long time in politics, who knows what might happen? I think anyone trying to extrapolate from the performance of Alba in a Westminster election to the failure of, and need to replace, the whole parliamentary system is simply delusional.
Speaking of delusional, Alf’s curious obsession with post-colonial theory appears to enjoy even less support than Alba. Since the adherents of “cunning plans for indy” aren’t going to be putting themselves up for anything as troublesome as elections, or using a referendum or plebiscitary election victory to show us they enjoy majority support, it’s up to them to demonstrate how they operationalise their novel route to independence and persuade the international community to recognise the outcome.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream either. I’m just bored with the unending pish coming out of the usual suspects and their assurances – with no evidence whatsoever – that their approach could ever work. They don’t deserve any credit credit in my view. The fact they are credulous enough to buy into such magical thinking in the first place tells us everything we need to know about them.
6 months ago
14 July, 2024 at 11:06 pm
@ Hatuey
Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?
That isn’t too much of a fanciful idea…
Wee quote from Franciscan Friar and scholastic philosopher, William of Ockham (1285–1347/49) that pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate, “plurality should not be posited without necessity.”
In other words, if there are two competing theories, (or more), as a general rule, the simplest theory is the more likely explanation.
This is the philosophical principle of Occam’s Razor.
Borderline heresy for a Monk and Catholic Theologian trying to sell the Bible stories as divine acts of God, but I’m sure there’s a very simple explanation for that… 😉 It’s ok, I’ll just get ma coat…
For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish. Dumb kid with too easy access to a firearm and a roof. But this is America dude.
Wasn’t impressed by Trump’s Security either. Get your man to safety and out of harms way FFS. Don’t expose him to the assailant(s) and allow him back in the firing line just to fist pump the crowd. If there was a backup shooter, and there could have been… Nasty.
Evidence from social media is indeed showing the crowd aware of the gunman a couple of minutes before the shooting, but meh, it’s also demonstrating the shooter wasn’t in position until moments before the attempt. Yes, 2 minutes is moments. Very difficult to defend against that, but the SWAT / Snipers didn’t muck around once the first shots rang out.
Haven’t seen it, but the weapon was described as an AR15 style weapon, an Armalite assault rifle, (and who knows of course), but typically they have a 20 round magazine. Crooks stopped shooting after 5 or 6.
Manifestly the SWAT guys were better shots than Thomas Crooks.
10 out of 10 for SWAT Security. Perimeter Security? Not so good. Conspiracy? I don’t think so. Solo nut-job who got lucky until he got dead.
Sigh. Another patsy methinks. No way that young dude could have gotten so close (upper ear). Had Tr*mp not moved his head slightly in that spilt second? That and the surprising security failure. Something smells peculiar about this. Was there another shooter? I suppose the truth may come out – in a hundred years or so.
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
You are all mad, all stupid, all delusional and Andy Ellis aka ‘The Cunt’ is bored with your unending pish.
You’d better all buck up otherwise ‘The Cunt’ might never post here again or do you the big favour of reading your unending pish.
Where’s his pal ‘Cock-a-doodle Cock-a-leekie’? ‘The Cunt’ needs some back up.
What has happened to John Main has he got another new moniker?
Maybe Rob might step in and help he says
I am also quite talken with the new to me term moonhowling which seems to perfectly describe several seemingly derange conspiracy theorist and fantasist on this site, I am keeping that term for use outside as well.
He also says
Gaelic has nothing to do with being scottish.
Rob also says:
If women want equality they should be prepared to fight on the front line. I’m wondering if he got that idea from Starmer and if the army barracks will be mixed sex. Obviously if men start identifying as women when they get their call up papers then the solution will be all sexes/genders or whatever have to go to war.
Rob don’t deny it remember I can search. See earlier post.
PS I’m happy to name names unlike Ellis, Rob & Cock-a-doddle’ who cowardly use terms like ‘usual suspects’
Who are these ”usual suspects’ is it everyone except the above named three.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
It’s always amused me that the usual suspects like to hi-jack Rev Stu’s blog to try and give some (wholly unwarranted) attention to their wedge issue, fringe nutter views.
Of course it triggers most of them when it’s pointed out that the owner of Scotland’s premier pro-independence site thinks they’re moonhowlers or worse. They will instantly retort that Stuey is just an individual and point out how awful it that I’m sucking up to him, even as they use his platform to advertise views he’s already rubbished.
Seems Stuey agrees with the assessment most folk have of all the usual suspects. He just liked an X post I made yesterday in response to someone complaining about his focus on TRA’s, copied here for your delectation and education:
Pace the nativist window lickers infesting BTL comments on your blog, the movement now seems scunnered & split.
Regressive magical thinkers put faith in “cunning plans for indy”. Realists see a slog to destroy @theSNP then rebuild to enable plebiscitary elections.
Despite years of pumping out their bilge BTL here in a vain attempt for people to notice them, their magical thinking remains just that: Oh dear, never mind, eh? 🙂
I know ‘women’s rights’ is not something that’s very popular on this site but I know talk of war definitely is so the following might be of interest.
In the event of war or national subscription what would happen regarding ‘women’ going to war/doing national service.
We don’t know what Starmer will do re national service because he had the Rose Garden approach. He never promised you a Rose Garden so who know what will happen.
‘Self-id’ is the perfect way to get out of doing national service/going to war.’
Starmer might have to specify what a women is or introduce national service for women.
Then what would army barracks be mixed sex? If not why not?
C’mon guys maybe you could answer that one.
Should army barracks be mixed sex?
What happens if half the squadron or whatever you call them becoming pregnant and are sick every morning?
Would these soldiers require to undergo an abortion?
‘Come on Rob you should be able to answer this one.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
@Alf Baird 9.12 am
so your response to it being pointed out that claims of any widespread support or traction for the “cunning plans for indy” position is yet another self referential link to your own work?
That’s it?
And on opening one of the links, imagine our surprise to find such was the outpouring of interest and support for your piece on the Colonial Mindset in March 2024 on Iain Lawson’s “Yours for Scotland” blog that it had a whole nineteen (yes 19!) comments in 4 days, and 1 of those was from Lawson himself.
That’s not exactly indicative of mass support is it….?
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Mist From Marseille
My opinion and I stress, it is only my opinion, is that you’re getting too bogged down in all this trans debate. Your writing before that seemed to be a lot more free and invigorating. Maybe you need to regain a sense of focus?
This is only my opinion, though.
Mist from Marseille remember him. He got banned from Wings.
His complaints is too much talk of womens rights.
I’ve heard that on before!
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
It seems it’s very important for Ellis to be Stuey’s little pet.
Not too sure if having Ellis as his little fan boy is such a good thing for Stuey.
We don’t know who ‘the usual suspects’ are and what Stuey thinks of them.
If Ellis is speaking for Stuey then why doesn’t he make it clear to every one of ‘the usual suspects’ that they are not welcome here.
Too cowardly to do that Ellis?
6 months ago
Andy Ellis said;
“Since the adherents of “cunning plans for indy” aren’t going to be putting themselves up for anything as troublesome as elections, or using a referendum or plebiscitary election victory to show us they enjoy majority support, it’s up to them to demonstrate how they operationalise their novel route to independence and persuade the international community to recognise the outcome.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream either. I’m just bored with the unending pish coming out of the usual suspects and their assurances – with no evidence whatsoever – that their approach could ever work. They don’t deserve any credit in my view. The fact they are credulous enough to buy into such magical thinking in the first place tells us everything we need to know about them.”
A, taking the UN decolonisation route isn’t novel, you bombastic ignoramus, and B, ‘they’ don’t need to demonstrate how it would work because the relevant mechanisms are already in place, and have been for years. They just need to collate the already extensive evidence to build their case, and they are under no obligation to show it to you first!
If the relevant international court finds against the UK, the Union is legally over, and it can’t come back. And its verdict needs no democratic majority to validate it.
6 months ago
I found it comical listening to G-en-oci-de Joe Biden say that “Politics Shouldn’t be a Killing Field” when the G-r-ea-t Sa—tan has killed, usurped and regime changed countless politicians around the globe to further (US) interests.
The G-r-ea-t S-a—t–an made over 600 attempts to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro, some with the help of the English security services.
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Stu seems to be looking for a topic to write about that would be of interest.
Womens Rights/Gender Id is definitely not a topic that would be of interest.
What can he write about?
C’mon help the guy out.
6 months ago
Andy Ellis said;
“Seems Stuey agrees with the assessment most folk have of all the usual suspects. He just liked an X post I made yesterday”
Great, Andy! Erm, how many didn’t ‘like’ it?
Ruby Sunday
6 months ago
They will instantly retort that Stuey is just an individual and point out how awful it that I’m sucking up to him, even as they use his platform to advertise views he’s already rubbished. Andy Ellis
Can I remind you that Stu put words like Pu*tin and UK-raine on his banned list in order to prevent talk of either of these topics on his blog yet you used his platform 24/7 to advertise your views of both these topics.
Colonial, colonial mindset or anything colonial is not on his banned list.
6 months ago
Breeks: “For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish.”
That’s probably how it was meant to look. Maybe that’s the simplest explanation…
“but the SWAT / Snipers didn’t muck around once the first shots rang out.”
Once it was too late. Had Trump not randomly turned to one side, he would be dead right now.
Former CIA operative Larry Johnson discussed all of this with a former FBI sniper on YouTube last night. Both of them had direct experience in preparing locations for security purposes. I’ve looked into what others say about basic protocols in these situations…
Nobody anywhere can explain how somebody was able to access a roof at that distance, let alone somebody with a rifle.
FWIW, I think Occam’s Razor is bullshit. I’d love to see someone explain quantum entanglement with an approach like that.
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
@ Xaracen
1st . an overdue ( from me anyway ) * hat-tip * to you for yr obvious command of yr subject ( broadly , the Constitutional * issue * ) and commendable tenacity/patience in answering the repetitive , tedious , studied ignorance of the trance-inducing Political Party dinosaurs .
As for the latter …..if people like Andy Ellis are representative of ALBA’s position re Independence – and it appears that he is – we can add that Party to the list of hopeless cases that have wasted and continue to waste our time and effort by – however much ALBA may attempt to camouflage it – ultimately deferring to WM , ie the Brit State as the final arbiters of our aspiration to Independence .
You would think given the hiding it got in the G.E – and when the similarly whupped SNP are simply incapable of seeing the absolutely essential , existential need to change – that a recently formed Party like ALBA would equally see the need for a radical rethink on where it’s failing : but , no , it seems it , like the burnt-out husk of a Party that is it’s progenitor , is just going to persist on the same fruitless path ; merely seeking to replace the SNP but – in reality – offering nothing new .
Never mind though , the heavenly host of angels are melodiously proclaiming panegyrics to ALBA because ……………
Stu ” liked ” a tweet of Albandy . Hallelujah !!!
6 months ago
“Stuey” WTF? LOL
Stu could lock the comments to his articles if it bothered him.
Tho it’d have a negative affect on the traffic to this site between articles.
I bet AlbaAndy would absolutely love that. His pish & disruption btl here isn’t gaining adoration so like the typical narcissist he is he’d rather *burn it down* so no one else can have it & it’d shut up *cunning plans for Indy*
He’s so fcking full of himself & suffers delusions of grandeur. The only feckers who give him any backup are yoons. That tells us all we need to know about his real motives here.
Absolutely spot on about Alba btw. They want to be SNP Part Deux. Aye, good luck with that approach. The rest of us are moving on from that failed route. Holyrood is an administration. The time to come out the traps fighting has been missed by Alba THREE times.
Fck about, find out.
Play stupid games – win stupid prizes.
People aren’t voting for the same shit, different rosette.
BTW, if we’re name dropping – I’ve had multiple likes & even some retweets. I guess I’m dead famous now.
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
@Tourettes Ruby 10.33am
It seems it’s very important for Ellis to be Stuey’s little pet.
Not too sure if having Ellis as his little fan boy is such a good thing for Stuey.
Important, no. Hilarious given how it riles the moonhowlers up….? Hell yes. 🙂
Doubtless Stuey can speak for himself. It certainly seems he’s made his position on this particular issue pretty clear given that he liked a comment describing those punting “cunning plans for indy” as nativist window lickers and magical thinkers.
We don’t know who ‘the usual suspects’ are and what Stuey thinks of them.
It’s not hard to figure out who the usual suspects are Rubes, even for someone as cloth eared as you surely? Any of those afore mentioned window lickers and magical thinkers posting repetitively about how “cunning plans for indy” are going to solve everything. I’m sure even you can manage to work out the identities.
Doubtless if Stuey wants to make his personal views known he can do so. Or not if he choses not to.
If Ellis is speaking for Stuey then why doesn’t he make it clear to every one of ‘the usual suspects’ that they are not welcome here.
Too cowardly to do that Ellis?
I never claimed to be speaking for him. It does seem pretty obvious that on this issue he shares my take on it though doesn’t it, or at least given his response on X that he doesn’t fundamentally disagree?
As for not excluding those he disagrees with, we all know that Stuey is also very loathe to exclude people, however annoying, or unless he gets fed up with them as both you and I have found in the past Ruby.
It took a long time for him to exclude Cameron Brodie in the past, and he lets James Che run off at the mouth. The ignore function introduced to try and alleviate things hasn’t really achieved it’s purpose, as sadly the contributions of those you red cross don’t disappear.
I’m not sure what it is you think I’m being cowardly about. It’s pretty obvious given who I’m responding to on the issues who are included in the usual suspects. Are you being purposefully dim, or are you just disingenuous by nature?
Campbell Clansman
6 months ago
Andy, are you pleased that you’ve morphed (in the eyes of the moonhowlers) from a “British security service” secret agent to Stu’s “fan boy”?
I wonder what the moonhowlers will come up with next… That you (and I) are paid by MI5 (or by the CIA? by the WEF? by the long-dead Queen Anne?) to embarrass the secret, but nonetheless cunning, plans of the moonhowlers (all 50 of them) to achieve Indy?
Andy Ellis
6 months ago
@Robert Hughes 11.58am
….we can add that Party to the list of hopeless cases that have wasted and continue to waste our time and effort by – however much ALBA may attempt to camouflage it – ultimately deferring to WM , ie the Brit State as the final arbiters of our aspiration to Independence
Utter codswallop from the usual suspects of course. Alba is promoting plebiscitary elections. Those aren’t subject to the final arbitration of the Brit State. Of course it’s hardly surprising that someone whose views are so out there has little clue about real politics or Alba’s real positions on anything.
Just more assertion of cunning plans and magical thinking.
Don’t you have some windows to lick?
Big Jock
6 months ago
Naw Cmpbell. We just think you and your alter Ego are just on this forum to cause mischief. But whatever floats your boat!
I used to have an imaginary friend as well , when I was 6.
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Oh FFS it’s pointless talking to someone with absolutely zero self-awareness.
*Ellis you are an absolute cunt
and obviously Stu agrees with me and that is why you got banned and Stu banned your favourite words Pu*tin & UK*raine.
Don’t give folk lectures on respect when you are they most disrespectful poster on this forum.
Who are the usual suspects?
Name them?
Is it everyone except yourself, your pals ‘Cock-a-doodle Cock-a-leekie’, Chastitty & ‘Rob Gaelic isn’t Scottish’?
* Do you think I’m being too subtle?
Ellis maybe you could tell everyone why you had to have all your posts pre-moderated by Stu?
Big Jock
6 months ago
Apparently they were aiming for Trump’s wig.
The police are combing the area.
Trump said he will just brush this off.
Biden said it was an act of hair-esy.
The FBI said there are no Short-cuts to the truth , and they are casting their hair-net wide.
A local Big-Wig has been called to give evidence as a material Wigness.
Ian Brotherhood
6 months ago
Text of article published by Grousebeater today:
by John Drummond
‘Several commentators last week insisted that “Scotland is not a colony”, and that British rule over Scotland cannot be seen as colonial in nature. This bears some clearing up. On the most trivial level, “Scotland is not a colony” because “colony” was one particular form of governance within the British Empire, which never applied to Scotland.
But many other parts of the British Empire were not officially “colonies” either. Some, like Malaya and the Trucial States, were protectorates. Some, like Canada after 1867 and South Africa after 1910, were “dominions”. Some, like Gibraltar and Bermuda, are now called “overseas territories”.
“Scotland is not a colony” because imperial rule over Scotland was established by treaty, not conquest. But that also applies to much of the British Empire. Imperialism-by-treaty was a common mode of expansion.
The imperial power just needs to apply the right pressure to the right people. Find the parcel of rogues and pay them off. When that fails to pacify people, then send the redcoats in to uphold the treaty – there is a clear line between 1707 and 1746.
“Scotland is not a colony” because the Scottish elite actively cooperated with and benefitted from imperial rule. Of course they did. Every successful empire brings native elites on board – and has done since the first Gaul, seeing what side his bread was buttered, donned a toga and learnt Latin.
Being absorbed into an empire can be beneficial for these assimilated elites. They have economic opportunities that would otherwise be denied to them. Above all, they gain protection against their own people.
There might even be a “sahib” class of elite natives who have been so socialised into the imperial ruling system that they are trusted to manage things, so long as they do so in the ultimate interests of the Empire and not in the interests of their fellow countrymen. There are still a lot of these Scottish sahibs about, quietly running Scotland and keeping a lid on things.
“Scotland is not a colony” because we have self-government. So did most colonies. Colonialism entails the subordination of high politics to imperial ends – a colony loses the power to determine its own destiny on the world stage, to make war and peace, to conduct international affairs. Low politics may be left in local hands. Indeed, general patterns of rule across the British Empire were hands-off. Most colonies had devolved legislatures, with broad powers over their own affairs, but subject to London’s ultimate veto. Does that sound familiar?
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland has seats in Westminster. So did Ireland. But somehow the same people who deny Scotland’s colonial status are happy to acknowledge the colonial nature of British rule in Ireland.
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland was a coloniser – as if the two were mutually incompatible. Unfortunately for those who like their historical narratives clear and simple, the world is not divided into goodies and baddies. Some, looking at their grim opportunities in Scotland, willingly took the boat. Others, looking at their burning clachans, were rounded up and forced to the quayside. That is how easily the colonised become colonisers.
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scots fought proudly and bravery in the British Empire’s wars. That’s also a common feature of empires. A colonially governed country is a useful source of canon fodder, to be sure; colonised people with “martial traditions” like Punjabi Sikhs or Scottish Highlanders can be put to work on behalf of the imperial scheme.
“Scotland is not a colony” because there was no cultural oppression. That must be why this article is being written in English, while the native languages of Scotland are preserved like curios on signposts.
“Scotland is not a colony” because colonialism is all about racism, and therefore it cannot happen to white people. This is the most ridiculous argument of all. Go tell it to the Ukrainians.
“Scotland is not a colony” because others had it worse. Aye, and some had it better. Most were given independence when they asked for it. Scotland is denied that opportunity.
Denying the nature of imperialism
In short, to deny the colonial nature of the British Empire’s rule over Scotland is either to misunderstand the complexity and ambiguity of the British Empire or else to downplay the reality of Scotland’s subjection to British imperial rule.
The good news is that all empires die. They get to a pinnacle where all lies at their feet, and end as a ruin in the desert with the inscription: “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
The final death throes of the British Empire can be easy or hard. The easy way is to allow the peaceful, democratic, transition to independence, as it was done across much of the world by post-war British governments. The hard way is to fight it and lose.
Which is Sir Keir Starmer to emulate: Harold Macmillan or Lord North?’
“Breeks: “For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish.””
That’s they way it was meant to look as though some lone nut gunman had a grudge against the Orange One, and he somehow managed to climb up that building and snipe across at the Orange One without being detected by the security services.
I recall when Regan was POTUS he wanted to reform the CIA, headed up by Bush senior at the time, Reagan found himself in the middle of an assassination attempt, needless to say it didn’t take a rocket scientist to join the dots on that one.
Michael Laing
6 months ago
I reckon I’m going to invest in a saltire t-shirt and stick ‘MOONHOWLER’ on it in large-size lettering. If believing passionately in independence makes me a moonhowler, then a moonhowler I shall proudly be!
Go here to hear ‘The Cock-a-leekie’ cock-a-doodle dooing’
He’s doing it for Andy! He ‘cock a doodle doos’ for Andy!’
Also known as fluffing.
What can we say about ‘The Cunt’ & ‘The Cock-a-leekie?
I’m going with ‘Better Together’
A three line poem with chorus
The Cunt
The Cock-a-leekie
Better Together
Better Together
Better Together
Better Together
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Robert Hughes confirmed as a usual suspect!
6 months ago
Another good reason to kick out the SNP in 2026, along with them selling us out over indy.
“Nearly 2,000 affordable homes have been stalled due to SNP budget cuts, according to a house building group.
Homes for Scotland’s Jane Wood said the huge drop in funding had been “devastating” for the sector.
Humza Yousaf’s short-lived Government was blasted after announcing a near £200m cut to affordable housing last year.
This was in spite of homelessness rising, councils declaring a housing “emergency” and young people struggling to buy homes.
HFS said data collected from their members revealed that around 5,000 “new, high quality, energy efficient homes” had stalled as a result of the cuts.
They said 1,826 are designated as affordable housing.”
6 months ago
Re my previous comment on the SNP and the dire lack of affordable/social housing. Lets get the indy roadblock (the SNP) out of Holyrood in the 2026 elections.
“Homelessness in Glasgow has risen again months after the SNP-run council declared an “emergency” in the city.
The number of children living in temporary accommodation has also jumped to 2,832.
“While housebuilding plummets once again, the SNP is ploughing ahead with its disastrous plans to slash funding for affordable housing.”
A total of 7,265 people were in temporary accommodation as of April 1st, but new figures show an increase to 7,371 in June.
The statistic for children rose from 2,765 over the same period.
Other figures from the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership reveal £27m has been handed to private hotels and bed and breakfasts in 2023/24 to house the homeless.”
6 months ago
OK, somebody has to give a shout out to the excellent Ramones title pun in the title of this cartoon. Rockaway/Rot-away Beach indeed… ?
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
@ Dafty
You have been asked and – as is your want – failed to answer the question – what happens when the Brit State says ” Fuck off ” in the event of a * successful * Plebiscite Election , as it almost certainly will ? Maybe , like the dunces in Nu SNP think appeals to * Democracy * will be sufficient to …..” bend WM to our will ” .
Would ALBA be prepared to declare U.D.I ? Naw , cannae see it .
I’d rather ” lick windows ” that Stu/Alex Salmond’s arse , as you so plainly delight in .
You’re a conceited , know-fuck-all buffoon whose one consistent trait is being laughably wrong about everything .
Don’t worry , your Party , not having even reached the height of minimal public awareness , won’t have far to fall & you’ll still have yr job in the Arms ( more accurately the Death ) Industry .
Any luck persuading your in-laws ( which presumably you’ve known since at least before the 2014 Ref ) of the merits of Independence ? Na , didn’t think so . Those ” Nu Scots ” , what are they like , eh ?
6 months ago
Interesting, was he an actor? and we all know the power BlackRock has.
“The man identified as the shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump has been spotted in a now-pulled BlackRockadvert.
In the advert filmed at Bethel Park School, Thomas Matthew Crooks can be seen in the middle of an economics class, watching the whiteboard.
The clip was a promotional tool to show how BlackRock can help those thinking about retirement.”
Scotland is not a Colony because Imperial rule was established through a Treaty,
Scotland is a Colony because Scotland did not have a Monarch until The parliament of England passed a Act in 1702 after the ( fallacious treaty of union) to extend the Monarch of Englands kingdom into Scotland meaning she was not the monarch of Scotland previous to that act,
So a falsified shared monarch prior to the treaty of union makes the treaty a Colonising fact of in its self.
Scotland is Not a Colony because it has seats in Westminster,
The Scots have no seats or representatives in Westminster, because the Scots were not invited to Join the treaty of union in 1707,
(Westminster parliament in 2024)
So the Scots are in a proven Colony of and under Westminster parliament.
Scotland is not a Colony because there was no cultural oppression.
Explain that to all the Scots including myself that were forced to speak the Queens English and not there own language by beatings and oppressive measures at school,
Scotland is not Colony because Colonialism is all about racism,
Who wants to mention Boris Johnstone repeating a foul racist poem, made by another racist towards Scots.
Obviously they thought not enough Scots had been exterminated during the highland clearences,
Or the last first minister of Scotland impling there are to many white Scots people in their own nation and Country in positions and places of power,
Many instances of Colonial Racism toward Scots by people employed under the falsehood of a treaty that was never legally set in Scots domestic law..
Scotland is a Colony because England suppresses the right of all Scots the right to self determination under their own terms by refusing to let the Country or the people of Scotland go,
a supposed mutual treaty, from Westminsters Colonial Imperialism.
The biggest advertisement of Colonialism , suppression and oppression deleting the “Scots” Scottish Culture through being forced to be a British and English speaking people nation instead of a Scottish nation.
Wait for the usual suspects to reply who can only call moonhowlers because have no evidence to contraire , and never provide
James Che
6 months ago
John Drummond blindly falling over the Act of Colonialism.
By ” telling” the Scots in Scotland You are not Colonised, not by asking the actual people themselves, but by telling them you are not Colonised,
Ha haa ha haa.
6 months ago
Ian Brotherhood
15 July, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Text of article published by Grousebeater today:
Absolutely nails that yin stane deid does he no’?
Big Jock
6 months ago
Scotland is only not a colony if it is a region , rather than a nation.
If we are a nation, then holding us against our collective wills is colonialism.
If we are not a nation then why do we have a national flag, anthem, legal system, national sporting teams, a few national languages, national dress, a government, bank notes, education system, national police and fire service.
We already had a referendum to determine our nations future. So England cannot define us as a region of England or the UK. I don’t think it needs further explaining.
Our people voted time and time again for a government that received mandates to hold a referendum. A foreign court ordered it illegal. So we are the very epitome of a colony.
Alf Baird
6 months ago
Ruby Sunday @ 10:55 am
“Colonial, colonial mindset or anything colonial is not on his banned list”
It stands to reason if ye support independence ye hiv tae want decolonization; because independence means decolonization.
The more assimilated native (e.g. privileged bourgeoisie?) are usually the last to figure this out (Cesaire).
Hatey McHateface
6 months ago
Only a true professional attempt to take Trump out would look so amateurish.
(And only a true professional attempt would miss the target)
You couldn’t make this stuff up, but then, on Wings BTL, you never have to.
And on a different subject, the missing of the great potential boost to Indy’s fortunes yesterday is being celebrated, not lamented.
I refer, of course, to England’s defeat.
We Scots just don’t do strategy, do we. We don’t understand the long game. We can’t think much beyond the immediate visceral satisfaction of somebody getting it right up them.
So we’re going to stick to just calling people cunts for another ten years. Have faith it will work better this time!
Bad luck with your prediction Hatuey. But keep on predicting. One day the law of averages guarantees you’re going to get something right.
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
That is a very good article be Grousebeater.
I have to Google Lord North.
Any relation to ‘Senza Nespresso’?
Only kiddin’
David Hannah
6 months ago
He didn’t miss the target. He hit Trump. He didn’t bargain for Trump turning his head at the right time.
These things NEVER happen. It’s quite astonishing. He’s been blessed by God.
He has to win. I wasn’t a Trump fan a few years ago. In fact I write a diary. And I despised him during Covid 19.
But now. After seeing the way we were locked away by the deep state.
And controlled by Nicola Sturgeon. Who has sabotaged Independence. The wars. The uncontrolled migration. 1,000 boats have crossed since Labour took office.
Trump’s message couldn’t be more powerful. He deserves to win. He’s coming to sack the deep state. And not a day too soon. The World will be a better place when he returns to office. We’re stuck in the American sphere of influence and a Trump return will PISS off the globalists in the corrupt British politics.
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford KG, PC (13 April 1732 – 5 August 1792), better known by his courtesy title Lord North, which he used from 1752 to 1790, was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1770 to 1782. He led Great Britain through most of the American War of Independence. He also held a number of other cabinet posts, including Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer.
North’s reputation among historians has varied wildly, reaching its lowest point in the late 19th century, when he was depicted as a creature of the king and an incompetent who lost the American colonies.
Now I have to find out what Harold MacMillan did.
Is it because he was responsible for the decolonisation of Africa or because of the Profumo Affair.
You just don’t get sex scandals like you used to. Is it all down to super injunctions or because men have been eating too much chicken and there are no more sex scandals just sex changes?
Which is Sir Keir Starmer to emulate: Harold Macmillan or Lord North?’
Seems they both did the same thing vis a vis decolonisation.
Help needed.
6 months ago
@ Robert Hughes, the franchise fanny is fair trying to demean and denigrate the Yours For Scotland website run by Iain Laws on who alongside Sara Salyers and the groups SSRG, SALVO and Liberation.Scotland have done more for independence than he has ever done
IMO it is pure unmitigated envy because REMEMBER the franchise fanny Ellis thought he was so intelligent, captivating and erudite with his political nous that he set up his own website to educate the masses ,unfortunately for the franchise fanny Ellis nobody was interested in his erudition or his unproven pronouncements that he so grandly excretes so naebody visited his website, it was such a devastating blow for such a narcissistic prick but fear not he just decided to hijack his best mate Stueys website instead,because like him Stuey hates moon howlers and nativist windae lickers
I think maybe the franchise fanny should reactivate his website because he is getting even more fan boys like Rob and the clansmen cunt plus Chastitty and Jenny side bastard taxes John MOAN, MAYBE even STUEY would give him a LIKE on his forum, and even better maybe ALEX SALMOND would invite him to stand for alba
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Hatey McHateface
15 July, 2024 at 4:54 pm
So we’re going to stick to just calling people cunts for another ten years. Have faith it will work better this time!
Oh look John Main is an Ellis Fluffer too! Who would have thunk it.
I take it the above question was address to me.
My answer is no not people just your pal Ellis at the moment.
Surely you are not going to start claiming that all the so called ‘moonhowlers’ have tourettes.
I just wish we had spotted the cunts ten years ago and called them out then.
Yeah I think calling people cunts when we spot them will work better for us this time around.
Ruby Monday
6 months ago
Onlooker reckons the title of this article comes from a Ramones song.
Not sure if it’s Stu or Chris who creates the titles for the cartoon articles. Could be either.
I have recently become aware that a lot of Stu’s titles come from pop culture.
I’m hopeless at pop culture I had to have ‘All out of Bubblegum’ explained to me.
I’m going to ask another favour. Could those who are au fait with the pop culture point out where the inspiration for the titles of articles come from.
I’m guessing ‘An Offer You Can’t Understand’ is from ‘The Godfather.
“Onlooker reckons the title of this article comes from a Ramones song.
Not sure if it’s Stu or Chris who creates the titles for the cartoon articles. Could be either. “
It’s about 95% me. “Rot-away Beach” is indeed a play on “Rockaway Beach”. “An Offer You Can’t Understand” is, as you surmise, “The Godfather” (via an old joke). “Winky’s World” was rather explained in the article text.
Ruby Friday
6 months ago
Bloody hell!
Ga*za is a banned word.
I’ll try again. Last post got modded
Ruby Monday
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
15 July, 2024 at 6:58 pm
Humza Yousaf faces probe after donations worth £250k sent to Ga*za aid fund
I think it would be fair enough to call some folks cunts at least for the next 2 years.
Although there is the risk of being charged with numerous hate crimes if you were to call Humza names.
Islamphobia Racism & misgendering.
We might need a secret code.
6 months ago
“Bad luck with your prediction Hatuey. But keep on predicting. One day the law of averages guarantees you’re going to get something right.”
Spain could easily have scored 4.
As for the assassination attempt, apparently one of the Secret Service snipers had the guy in his sights for 3 minutes but his boss refused to let him take the shot until it was too late… the internet is buzzing with all this.
I’ve not heard anyone suggest or say it, but I’ll predict the local police or someone was running some sort of drill on the day, “simulating an attempt to assassinate the former president” or some such junk — anything to add an additional layer of confusion.
Biden, speaking on behalf of those behind the plot (whether he knows it or not), is urging calm and asking the people to unite and put an end to division. You’ve got to admire their gumption.
Who’s really in control, Ted Bundy?
6 months ago
Ruby @2:26pm
You might know this already, but FYI just in case you don’t, your three line poem is called a Tercet – a poetic triplet.
It’s a legitimate form of rare poetry, unmetered and unrhymed, that forms a complete three-line stanza. It’s a form of the Japanese haiku and it’s been kicking around in English since 1890 or thereabouts.
Here’s another example:
The west wind whispered,
And touched the eyelids of spring:
Her eyes, Primroses.
by R.?M. Hansard
I think your tercet is pretty clever – so I’m repeating it here:
The Cunt,
The Cock-a-leekie:
Better Together
by Ruby
I’ve added a comma and a colon – hope you don’t mind.
6 months ago
Sven @14th July 7:30 pm
Thanks for the sentiment, Sven. It’s Very kind of you to say so and greatly appreciated.
6 months ago
Looks as though you need a tinfoil hat to post on BTL these days.
Just checked. Looks as though I’m all out.
6 months ago
I don’t know much about the guy.
Former US President Donald Trump has announced Ohio Republican Senator J.D. Vance will be his running mate in the 2024 Election.
6 months ago
Reports of concerns about public money and how it may have been used to facilitate Humza Yousaf’s wife’s family evacuation from Gaza.
Story report is as follows
” The Scottish government is set to investigate the country’s former first minister, Humza Yousaf, over a £250,000 donation made by Edinburgh to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, when his relatives were trapped in Gaza, The Telegraph has reported.
Yousaf is facing accusations of a conflict of interest and a breach of the ministerial code by interfering in the distribution of foreign aid, the paper said in an article on Saturday.
The former first minister is married to fellow Scottish National Party (SNP) member Nadia El-Nakla, who was born to a Palestinian father and a Scottish mother. El-Nakla’s parents, who had traveled to Gaza to visit relatives, got stuck in the enclave amid the escalation that followed an incursion into Israel by Hamas on October 7 last year, the article said.
According to The Telegraph, a donation of £250,000 (around $325,000) from the Scottish government to UNRWA was officially announced on November 2, 2023. The next day, Yousaf’s father-in-law and mother-in-law were given safe passage out of the besieged Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt.”
No doubt a blessed relief for the ex First Minister whereby his in laws managed to get safely out, but the allegation of public money being hypothecated to secure the return of the El Nakla family because of who they are connected to will not sit well with the public. Why them?
Maybe that is why Humza resigned, knowing that this story was going to break.
6 months ago
David Hannah
Who are you kidding? Lol.
Anyone who tried to drain the swamp is either pushing up daisies or given a warning.
Trump will not be any better than Biden & don’t forget he has also given orders to assassinate world leaders.
They’re all off their chump. There’ll be a civil war soon – maybe then they’ll be too fcking busy to play world police starting everyone elses.
They’re bankrupt & their empire is over. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of psychotic nutters. Maybe now the rest of the world will be able to reclaim their Sovereignty, ditch the slavish bullying to follow US foreign policy & a new international organisation to start implementing international law (regardless of who the fck they are) will now be established.
Excellent article from Grousebeater as always.
Methinks sir kid starver won’t have a choice soon as a shock is coming & economic predictions claim the UK is first in line. Colonialism is over. Maybe they all tuned into Brexit ‘take back control of our money & our borders’ & thought what an excellent idea, let’s do that too. Lol
As for the Elites going along with whatever regime is in charge no matter how fcked up & despot they are – spot on. Money may not buy them happiness but it sure does buy a pass not to be in a tyrants cross hairs.
I sure wish “Stuey” wouldn’t add words for censorship without a list FFS. It’d stop his mod box filling up. Are we not to discuss world events? Just the SNP?
6 months ago
According to his bio he supports illegal invasion, land grabs & mass murder.
He doesn’t support aid to U tho. The should give their lives for free.
Another space cadet then..
As for Dumbza. Scotland sent aid to help a war zone. TWICE. One was with permission. The other was NOT.
The Scottish government has given £7 million to buy shiny weapons & kit to help U play Naz Rambos, who had a peace deal but bojo rejected it. They also helped take in refugees.
& They gave £250,000 to G for food & medical aid that’s an actual fucking humanitarian crisis.
Go figure..
Probe away..pricks. I know which one was more deserving. Clue, it’s not the Naz..
6 months ago
From a short distance, it’s pretty obvious that the American establishment realised two things last week: they are pretty much stuck with Biden and he can’t possibly win against Trump.
It is in that context that the attempt to Assassinate Trump should be evaluated; when they realised they couldn’t replace Biden, they tried to replace Trump.
You have to wonder what they will try next.
A good guess, having tried and failed to replace Biden and Trump, is that the US establishment will now do its best to replace the world that the new administration will operate in.
The overarching concern is the commitment to keeping up the pressure on Vlad. Trump “surrendering” on that front would be considered a complete disaster, not just for the US, but for Europe, the Atlantic Alliance, and the West’s reputation in the world. From Team Genocide’s perspective (i.e. The West), that just can’t happen.
And, so, the goal now is probably to escalate to an extent that forces Trump’s hand and makes it impossible for him to “surrender” to Vlad. I don’t know what that fait accompli might look like, but we are pretty close to a direct confrontation now.
If the US was officially at war, would that not make it impossible for Trump to “surrender”?
The prognosis is officially grave.
6 months ago
Geri; “The Scottish government has given £7 million to buy shiny weapons & kit to help U play Naz Rambos”
I’m pretty sure it was closer to 70 millions.
George Ferguson
6 months ago
Once again BTL comments try solve every problem in the World except the problems at home. Today I was in the Grassmarket area of Edinburgh. Some race was in progress. Impeding lawful business.
A totally plum English man stopped me and said stay away from the left side of the steps. My hand was on the right side of the rails at the time. Why? Anybody that went to a Scottish School Academy knows descending stairs you stay on the right side. On ascending stairs you stay on the right side. The red mist was upon me. Luckily my wife stopped me from going to jail. I was up for a barney.A microcosm of muscular Unionism. I will not take instructions from a wee shite. Should I complain to Edinburgh City Council?. Or regret rolling down the stairs
in combat? I think I made the wrong decision.
6 months ago
For all the Forbes fans out there..here’s the neocon being a good little soldier for her yankie handlers.
She signed up to £65 million cuts from Scotland’s budget.. £7 million already gone along with the costs associated with housing refugees.
“It will be used to help provide state-of-the-art equipment including air defence systems and vital kit for soldiers.”
That’s nice. Shouldn’t the yanks be paying it tho? Oh. wait, I forgot that’ll be a handout to weapons shareholders.
“Ms Forbes said “Scotland stands for democracy, human rights and the rule of law at home and abroad.”
Lol U isn’t a democracy, (neither is the UK for that matter) is murdering & persecuting her kin folks (fellow Christians) & has no rule of law. It had Natz volunteer battalions before being given new names & is corrupt as feck.
“However, we are clear that this must not be seen as any kind of precedent which leads to devolved budgets being used to help pay for clearly reserved policy areas.”
But she went along, just this once mind.. she had no right to give it & the UK had even less to take it out of our money.
Meanwhile, down at Wales..
“One minister said they had agreed to the spending, but had been told by the Treasury that their budget would be cut and there was “no consultation”.
So the next time some yoon cries about our public services going to shit, a housing crisis or our NHS under stress – tell them to wave their wee U fleg & suck it up cause the money went to help U fight the good fight on the yanks behalf providing weapons.
“To date the Scottish Government has committed over £300 million resource and £25 million
in capital over financial years 22-23 and 23-24 to support U resettlement and has
committed £40 million resource and £5 million capital for the U Resettlement budget
in 24-25.
The Scottish Government’s decision to act as a Super Sponsor necessitated setting up
temporary accommodation, incurring additional costs not replicated in other areas of the UK,
including a hotel estate and 2 passenger ships. This temporary accommodation estate along
with Local Authority resettlement support has been successful in preventing homelessness,
with presentations among U at extremely low levels unlike in England.
The Scottish Government has also funded local authorities over and above the level
provided by UK Government funding, providing £12 million in grant funding over 22-23 and
23-24 specifically to boost council resettlement teams to deal with the extra demand for their
services due to the Homes for U scheme. ”
So they can kiss my arse at a lousy £250,000 peanuts from Dumbza. He sent that money to an actual crisis. Not to buy weapons to fund shareholders.
President Xiden
6 months ago
Good to have family funeral director John Swinnney on hand to bury these whales after he has buried the SNP.
6 months ago
BTW Hatuey
I dunno if you followed the Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp trial?
There was a whole barney that went viral between Depps Lawyer & Amber Dud arguing over what “Pledged” meant LMAO. Amber Dud insisted it meant the same as already paid in full. Lol..
(Hence why I looked up what’s actually been deducted so far)
£7 million+ What a waste of our money with absolutely heehaw say over UK foreign policy. But Forbes just rolled over – along with the Freeport nonsense. & Folks in the SNP think she should be FM…strewth. We’d be in neec of foreign aid ourselves if she was in charge of the purse..
6 months ago
A possible civil war to distract the masses?
Tensions already at fever pitch over in yankie land over immigration/Trump/ Looney tunes Democrats.
Same in France with rigged elections.
Same in Germany pissed at their economy being deliberately crashed.
Spain getting in on the action too.
Turkey looks like it’s leaving them to it..
All off them have brand new *police powers* isn’t that uncanny?! Why it’s almost as if they knew this was coming..
The West has a problem. Their fruit loop minions sent out to be puppets in the EU never took into account the flat out refusal from Joe Public to be cannon fodder. EU countries already distancing themselves & wondering if they should exit, others flat out refuse to get involved while polling shows no support for signing up to their hair brained schemes.
So that just leaves full fascist & start battering people to make them an offer they can’t refuse. Jail or go sign up..
I hope Main is served first LOL. No age restrictions either.
He’ll be ecstatic at living the dream…
6 months ago
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if it was America that broke up instead?
That really would be Karma. Kallas getting her wish of breaking up someone else’s land to make loads of wee countries she can manage. It’d be a laugh if it backfired & it was the states that severed themselves from each other instead & it was all their own doing.
Civil war leading to separatist states. They’ve enough guns for everyone to be a terrorist & probably all made by them too. According to stats gun sales sky rocketed in 2020. Over 40% believe violence against the government can be “somewhat justified” They’ve more privately owned weapons than 25 countries combined. At least they wouldn’t need aid then LOL.
It’s a ticking time bomb. Racists, TRAs, immigration, far right, Trump, the unaccountable swamp, corruption, assassination attempts & bent judges & senators. It’s just waiting on a spark if Trumps attempted assassination hasn’t sparked it already.
Robert Hughes
6 months ago
Ignored says:
15 July, 2024 at 10:06 pm
” Looks as though you need a tinfoil hat to post on BTL these days. ”
A ” Tinfoil hat ” , really ? Have you looked at the * news * recently ?
The West has gone insane : it’s ( supposed ) Leader a shuffling zombie being held together by oligarch prayers n daily injections of formaldehyde .
There has just been an assassination attempt on the only * serious * rival to Big Capital’s current puppet-of-choice . The fact that he IS the only serious rival in itself an indication of the degenerate condition of the U.S political shitstem .
An insane Proxy War is being waged with the express purpose of instigating yet one more ” regime change ” , to allow the rabid dogs of Forever War access to another countries resources : only this time they targeted a people/regime that will never surrender to US bullying , threats n intimidation . NEVER .
Which part of ” A world without *ussia is not a world we can contemplate ” are the fckn juvenile delinquents in the US State Dept , EU , * NATO * failing to grasp ?
The forces-that-always-are would rather take the World down in a nuclear firestorm than release their grip on the reins of global domination .
Look at the obscenity that’s taking place under U.S imprimatur over by in ….what’s it’s sobriquet again ? ah , that’s it …..The Holy Land : whilst the * civilised world * stands-by , indulging in metaphysical debates about the meaning of words , eg *en.c.e , as rivers of civilian blood flow through the bomb-ravaged streets people once called home .
Meanwhile , people in positions of power n influence are trying to force us to accept that humans can change sex ; that some are ” born in the wrong body ” ; that mangling a human body – slicing bits off here , stitching bits on there , eliminating the natural stages of human growth & development with a lifelong chemical cocktail requirement – is productive of anything other that a grotesque parody of a human being .
Need I go on ?
It’s not a ” tinfoil hat ” you need : it’s a ” thinking cap ” that will allow you the capacity to fully grasp the total lunacy of what we’re being subjected to , what we’re being asked …told … to accept as * Reality * and the inferno of all Rationality we’re being driven towards .
Bravo! Bravo! Brilliant Chris, just brilliant!
Nusnp. I pledge my trough. That’s it.
There looks to be about 49 whales in this toon.
But where are they headed. Well that’s easy. Many now have their sights on being parachuted in to a new slot the Hollyrood parliament election. The list is already being made up.
The SNP have learned nothing. Their disdain and disregard for the public is absolute. And that is why they will be utterly replaced in 2026.
Some of those bloated whales are already making devious plans to secure selection as List MSP candidates in 2026. Let’s name and shame them when they surface.The fewer of these rotting, bloated beasts are elected, The better.
“Vote SNP 1 and 2”
You just know it’s coming.
Nothing to see but soon there will be a big stink.
Now. What to do with the corpses?
Excellent commentary! As good as it gets, in my opinion.
They are all dead grifters walking. And they know it.
Thanks to them we have to suffer an English party winning in Scotland.
They will be fighting like rats in a sack for list places.
P.S. Great cartoon.
I wonder where the bodies will be buried?
Indeed. A fine metaphor.
Meanwhile, a week into the new London regime, already we’ve seen a coal mine shut, North Sea oil & gas cancelled (“Net Zero”… I.e. Net Zero freedom and prosperity), a wave of violent crims about to be released onto the streets… Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss. The electorate was definitely Fooled Again.
Anyone seen the National comic front page regarding the fitba? Pure unfiltered bigoted jingoism. Imagine the – entirely justified – uproar if an English rag printed similar stuff about the Scots.
We’re going to need a bigger patio.
I’ve more sympathy for the Pilot whales than I have for that bunch of treacherous b*stards at the SNP.
Another cracker of a cartoon from talented CC. Plus my WOS set of “Hate Monster” badges arriving.
Turning out a better week than I had hoped for.
Says it all.
If John Swinney was the answer to the question then what was the question?
He’s done worse than Humza, I seen on the MSM the SNP will have a sort fall in funds of 9million. Was Swinney really the answer YES to protect Sturgeon in order for her to return what all the mess was settled I can’t help but hope the SNP is well gone before that.
Has anyone noticed how The RAG has become the newspaper for Labour.
More of an Undertaker than a Caretaker, but the party faithful love him anyway… just check the Wee Ginger Home for the Emotionally Fragile for confirmation.
Nice work Mr Cairns.
Call me Jonah !
The Blubber has beached itself – to nobody with a even a modicum of truthful perception’s surprise . Only the Blubber lacked/lacks the latter to foresee treating your own support with utter contempt for almost a decade was always going to result in 1000s of harpoons being aimed & fired successfully at such as easy , dim-witted , slothful and deserving target .
Whale meat again . Don’t know when ; don’t know why ( anyone would want to )
I am still replying to your comments on Stu’s previous post heading, ( At a Loss) so as not to interfere with newer posts on wings,
Jeezus wept… If you don’t laugh you’d cry.
link to archive.ph
“With the election seeing the SNP return just nine MPs, down from 48 in 2019, Mr McDonald added that voters had effectively put a “hard pause” on the party’s independence agenda.
It’s possible I may have to get a likeness of this obsequious wee turd turned into a punchbag for stress relief. Not for punching you understand, but for running it over multiple times with a tractor.
Up yours mate…it’s OUR flag of OUR United Kingdom.
100%Yes says on 13 July 2024 at 10:59 am: “Has anyone noticed how The RAG has become the newspaper for Labour.”
If that’s The Daily Record you are referring to then that’s the way it always has been, for as far back as i can remember. It has always promoted Labour
ex mp McDonald wants a serious mass debate within the snp about stuff…..figures…let’s have more politicians engaging in sterile, narcissistic onanism.
Politicians really are the problem, when grouped in mutual admiration «parties» the problem grows exponentially.
McDonald is an old fashioned nato «war hawk».
link to reformscotland.com
He also fancies England and Scotland could be security «equals». Pure fantasy.
No loss.
Breeks @ 11.29.
Affix the harrow to the tractor and have a few extra runs for me, Breekster. Preferably whilst humming that old Rolling Stone’s number, “It’s all over now”.
Alf Baird, Sara Salyers & John Brown doing podcast right now.
(Have stripped away the http bit in case it doesn’t get through.)
I feel there is a link here, something ahabian, but in reverse.
– they could rewrite the melville classic where ahab talks about “oh that white whale, whits he like, ahm gonnay get him”, while the pequod sails around the caribbean, visiting all the fleshpots, not hunting whales at all; the pequod is now a vast cruise liner, where the tourists just get fat and pass venereal diseases on to each other.
“From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”
Independence needs an Ahab.
Hate, again. Hate can change your life, embrace it. And if you don’t feel it right now, just wait if a certain football team get another lucky decision tomorrow night.
I am infinitely uninterested in football and in any sporty gamey stuff of any kind.
But could England winning the Euros – and the intolerable gloating; the triumphant, yet discordant, ‘tunes’ of glory that would inevitably follow – be the spark that stirs the Scots into demanding their liberation from such shallow and infantile ‘stewardship’?
Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George! History, of a meaningless sporty sort, beckons.
And with it, perhaps, Scotland’s liberation. Who knows?
Nice pictorial statement of a truth wrapped in a topical metaphor.
Though I doubt any recently ‘retired’ SNP MSP\MP will comprehend its meaning.
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Alf Baird, Sara Salyers & John Brown doing podcast right now.
and a whopping 85 people viewed the youtube podcast at some point or another.
Out of 5.5 million Scots.
Definitely “on point” Chris. Bravo!
I heard on the news this morning that scientists think pilot whale mass strandings may be the result of the close relationships within the pod, and that sadly some of the surviving whales were being euthanised as they were too far gone to save.
Sadly there appears to be no political equivalent to put the carcass of the SNP out of it’s misery.
Great cartoon Chris and so apt,unfortunately it is the wrang bloated rancid carcases that have washed up on that beach ,at least real living whales have a funation, the other bloated and rancid carcases have shown they had NO FUNCTION
@Confused says:13 July, 2024 at 1:37 pm
“Hate, again. Hate can change your life, embrace it”
That’s for sure. I can vouch for that.
BTW. Surely everybody should be cheering on England?
What better way to unite us Scots in hatred than a thumping win for England, followed by half a century of never hearing the end of it?
I’d go further. The correlation between the drop in concrete, tangible progress towards Indy and the lack-lustre performance of the English squad in recent years is clear.
Correlation, not proven causation, but still, makes you think.
Why are ‘The Cunt & The Cock-a-leekie’ always so angry about Salvo?
It’s seems very strange.
Likewise about people discussing an alternative franchise?
They are a very weird pair the ‘Old Cunt & the Cock-a-leekie’ Mention salvo or franchise and it sets them off. They start screaming
Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers! Moonhowlers!
You don’t have to read or reply to anything ‘The Cunt & The Cock-a-leekie’ say. Ignore them give them the V.
They are just trouble making angry English Unionists and on top of that they just say the same thing over and over and over again.
I read that these whales that are washed up on the shores would be the runt of the school and the ones that would have been caught by whalers.
Bring back whaling.
Sam posted a link to a video of Ireland I can’t remember which part of Ireland it was. The women there would stay at home keeping the home fires burning while the men went off to England to work in construction for most of the year then would come home for for three months to cut the peat, fix the roof and generally do all the heavy chores at home. It looked like a very hard life.
It all looked very similar to life in the outer Hebrides the only difference was that men in the outer Hebrides didn’t go to England to work in construction they went whaling.
That was a long time ago now there is no cutting peat and no whaling.
The SNP is without a leader and without direction. They could stand upp offering free beer and bread and still they would crash.
The strange irony is having good John Swinney trying to manage the system is the final blow.
The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.
Simply refusing to participate in that discussion or, worse, pretending that it doesn’t exist, is juvenile.
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
If it’s okay for Ellis’s England-born ‘gammons and nativists’ (as he describes them in the previous thread) to up-sticks to Scotland and then be granted a vote on independence, why then isn’t the same privilege extended to those Scots, now ‘ex-pats’, who left Scotland for work?
Non-Scots who move to Scotland ‘for work’ – vote.
Scots who left Scotland ‘for work’ – no vote.
That’s just one of the strands that have to be discussed and thrashed out one way or another because sticking with the 2014 franchise is kamikaze material.
Nothing that Ellis or his wee gang say can change that fact.
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
Good to see someone here has some grasp of reality.
But your proposed solution:
“Scots who left Scotland ‘for work’ – no vote.”
Would disqualify WoS’s Stuart Campbell from voting!
Do you want to disqualify “Rev.” Stu?
Nativism is a largely American notion and is rarely debated in Western Europe.
So perhaps the term ‘Indigenism’ is more appropriate when discussing those arguments put forward by indigenous peoples in support of the preservation of their historic cultural identities many of which are very ancient in their origins.
Anthropologist Ronald Niezen uses the term to describe “the international movement that aspires to promote and protect the rights of the world’s ‘first peoples’.”
However, there are several variations in meaning for the term which extend its application to other groups – including the Scots, I would suggest.
Indigenist arguments strike a powerful chord among Scots – those indigenous natives belonging to the ancient nation of Scotland.
Natives for whom such indigenist arguments resonate in their villages and in their towns and in their cities; across their lochs and their great mountains; throughout their cloistered islands and over their abundant seas; but most of all in their Scottish hearts. Hearts countless generations in the making.
The great hearts of a great people of a great nation.
Ian Brotherhood @ 4:48 pm
“The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.”
Indeed so. Self-determination and the goal of decolonization is about a defined ‘people’ and culture. Independence is a matter only for the colonized group.
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
Scots are by any criterion a minority ethnicity which has the right to protect and promote itself.
The big guys, the imperialists, call that nationalism.
Big guys conceive nationalism in their own perverted, predatory image.
Best to ignore such conceit.
Trying to kindle your interest in Ireland I have tried to lead you down the Raglan Road and spokem about the Atomic Theory with regard to bicycles in particular.
Now to sayings from Myles na Gopaleen and Flann O’Brien.
“Waiting for the German verb is surely the ultimate thrill.”
“The Plain People of Ireland: Isn’t the German very like the Irish? Very guttural and so on?
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: People say that the German language and the Irish language is very guttural tongues.
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: The sounds is all guttural do you understand.
Myself. Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: Very guttural languages the pair of them the Gaelic and the German.”
“Descartes spent far too much time in bed subject to the persistent hallucination that he was thinking. You are not free from a similar disorder.”
“Your talk,” I said, “is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand.”
“The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at a crossroads.”
@Campbell Clansman (5.37) –
You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.
I was stating the current situation, not what I’d like to see.
Yes, Stu is in England and has been for a long time. But he’s Scottish because he was born here. So, he should be eligible to vote. As should anyone born in Scotland to parents of whatever nationality.
But people who were not born in Scotland and/or haven’t been resident for a reasonable minimum number of years should not be allowed to have a vote in a referendum deciding this country’s future.
I wouldn’t go to work in, say, Wales, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Australia or anywhere else and expect to be entitled to vote on such an important matter. Local council elections? Aye, maybe. But I wouldn’t dare cast a vote on crucial constitutional issues in anyone else’s country, even if offered, because it’s wrong. No-one coming to Scotland, for whatever reason, should expect to be given such a ‘right’ automatically.
Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.
Simply refusing to participate in that discussion or, worse, pretending that it doesn’t exist, is juvenile.
The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.
But that’s nonsense.
If the franchise can determine the result, then it defeats the purpose of having a referendum.
Why stop at the franchise? If the monopolised indoctrination on mainstream media passing itself off as “debate” is free to skew the narrative and break Purdah laws with impunity, then doesn’t that render the referendum result meaningless?
Keep it simple, but that doesn’t mean dutifully follow Westminster conventions or protocols.
Determine the state of the Union Treaty by it’s objective legitimacy under Scots Law, and since we already know it’s been irredeemably breached, terminate the Treaty and hold a ratification plebiscite of Scottish Nationals deemed eligible to vote by established International conventions.
In effect, we could even adopt Brexit as our precedent, where the decision to leave / end
the treaty was final, but a period and process of orderly transition was mutually agreed to allow an orderly disengagement of affairs.
The franchise argument is a red herring, a distraction, albeit the Establishment managed to misdirect the 2014 Referendum away from International convention. There are already internationally recognised conventions for who gets to vote in a constitutional referendum.
Why reinvent the wheel? Because Westminster demands we do? Kinda funny how Westminster always insists we Scots have to do things the hard way. We’re not the ones in habitual breach of the Articles of Union and defying Scotland’s sovereign constitution. Tell them to butt out of Scotland’s constitutional affairs.
@Campbell Clansman (5.37) –
You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.
I was stating the current situation, not what I’d like to see.
Yes, Stu is in England and has been for a long time. But he’s Scottish because he was born here. So, he should be eligible to vote. As should anyone born in Scotland to parents of whatever nationality.
But people who were not born in Scotland and/or haven’t been resident for a reasonable minimum number of years should not be allowed to have a vote in a referendum deciding this country’s future.
I wouldn’t go to work in, say, Wales, Ireland, Japan, Australia or anywhere else and expect to be entitled to vote on such an important matter. Local council elections? Aye, maybe. But I wouldn’t dare cast a vote on crucial constitutional issues in anyone else’s country, even if offered, because it’s wrong. No-one coming to Scotland, for whatever reason, should expect to be given such a ‘right’ automatically.
If it’s okay for Ellis’s England-born ‘gammons and nativists’ (as he describes them in the previous thread) to up-sticks to Scotland and then be granted a vote on independence, why then isn’t the same privilege extended to those Scots, now ‘ex-pats’, who left Scotland for work?
Because that’s not the way self determination franchises work. They have almost invariably used open, residence based criteria. Very few have varied that basic principle and the few which have have usually been seen as outliers because there was a strong argument in favour of varying it.
This was the case in e.g. Timor L’Este (due to historic colonisation and decades of Indonesian oppression and ethnic cleansing) or New Caledonia, which is regarded by the UN as a non self governing territory and thus clearly a case od de-colonisation.
Elsewhere, the franchises used were in line with that used in Scotland in 2014, or in some cases even more open. Many former Soviet republics allowed Soviet troops and recent immigrants (many of whom had been “planted” there post 1945 by Moscow to help cow the natives in to submission) to participate in their self determination votes.
People who have moved away from Scotland should not be given a vote, even if they *might* become citizens of Scotland post independence. How many of the estimated 800,000 Scots born folk in the rest of the UK have an intention of ever returning? How many might take up citizenship? I bet the answer is not many to the former, and a lot more in the case of the latter. That still doesn’t mean they should get a say in whether independence happens though, as they have no real skin in the game right now, do they?
The political kamikazes here are the nativists and franchise restriction advocates. The international community will never accept it. Many in your own movement wont accept it. The UK government is likely not to accept it. You don’t have the support and are vanishingly unlikely ever to be able to build a majority for it either, because it looks and feels Trumpian/Faragist to most Scots, who – however much it pains you – remain resolutely wedded to civic nationalism.
Nativism has all the intellectual rigour, and similar levels of popular support, to TRA extremism and genderism. Another wedge issue that’s a crap idea advanced by a minority of cranks.
Don’t mind me, I’m just having a wee laugh over your failure to comprehend what was a straightforward message as is my God-given right 🙂
Northcode speaks of “indigenism”–“those indigenous natives belonging to the ancient nation of Scotland.”
Precisely who would be “indigenous” (and, presumably, entitled to vote) in Northcode’s world?
Certainly not recent Irish immigrants and their descendants. Who, BTW, make up a large proportion of the Indy movement. Among those who aren’t (by Northcode’s definition) “indigenous” Scots are Ash Regan, Stephen Flynn and John Swinney. Not to mention the late Sean Connery.
Certainly not Anas Sarwar and Humza Yousaf.
Certainly not Nicola Benedetti of the Edinburgh Festival.
Certainly not director Armando Ianucci.
Certainly not Alba Party Chairperson, London-born Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.
Would everyone is Scotland have to take a DNA test to prove their ancestors were “ancient Scottish” (whatever that is) and thus entitled to vote?
I’m all but done here now, but listen to these cretinous unenlightened moonhowling bigoted nativist sympathisers.
Peter Gabriel – San Jacinto
link to youtube.com
Midnight Oil – The Dead Heart
link to youtube.com
Did Ellis ever compose anything that made the charts? Maybe I missed the edgy Morris dancing folk song classic about how he and his inlaws shat it with not liking the roll out of civic nationalism in Enlandshire, what with Tory Rule and all those pesky foreigners arriving so they chose to decamp to Scotland for a better life and services like lazy parasites taking the easy option rather than digging in and striving to make their own locale better.
Or maybe there was a Blues song conveying disappointment with his moonhowling fringe nutter spawn of a daughter who studies “ancient guff” and who sports the pronouns in her bio because she lacks the fortitude to fend off the genderwoowoo insanity.
Some quality gene pool that…
And the latest incarnation of the endless stream of btl trolls, Captain Caveman, another week and still waiting for you to produce a positive take for the citizens of the UK on London Rule making such a catastrophic fuck up of managing the UK’s energy resources.
@Breeks (6.49) –
If by ‘nonsense’ you mean my statement that we’d lose another referendum tomorrow, that’s fair enough because I’m shite at predictions. I thought we’d win in 2014 with, if memory serves, 63.4% or thereabouts. I also had £15 on Scotland to emerge from the group stages in the fitba. 🙁
The constitutional argument, in legal terms, is one thing. You believe it’s solid as do I and many others here. But there are also those who dismiss it out of hand as ancient irrelevant guff. How that can ever be resolved, and by whom, is well beyond my ken. But that’s one for the lawyers.
Our role, as mere voters, is simply to vote. And that’s why the franchise ‘argument’ is anything but a red herring – the determination of eligibility raises vital questions of identity that can’t be ignored for the sake of conforming to some nebulous here-today-gone-tomorrow ‘woke’ version of democracy.
It could be claimed that the franchise is as close to a legal definition of ‘nationality’ as anyone can reasonably expect. So we have to get it right, for all our sakes, and being ‘accommodating’ as per the 2014 franchise is madness when we have so many bad faith actors at large.
And where did all our industries go under London Rule?
Google “Scotland shipbuilding” and click images
Then open a new tab and google “Norway shipbuilding” and click images.
The preponderance of black and white Scottish images kind of give the game away…
And we’re nae aw driving British Leylands noo are we. Na, let’s jist gie up and import foreign products coz this land is so fucked up we cannae even make anything these days.
Site host gets name check at 1min 30seconds.
Big Country – Steeltown
link to youtube.com
“You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.”
Your point was perfectly clear, Ian.
I suspect it was deliberately isolated from its original context and used in what rhetorical terms is called ‘fallacy of accent’.
A deceitful ploy in argument that twists the original words of an opponent which are then used to attack that opponent’s own argument.
If used subtly it can be a very effective tactic. But it was used clumsily against you, and so the tactic failed.
Of course, other, non-indigenous, resident groups and individuals might well deserve, and indeed be extended, the right to vote in the constitutional affairs of indigenous peoples. But which groups and who should be a matter to be decided entirely by those peoples alone and without external interference.
I gave an Irish surname, and have Irish ancestory. Essentially going back 3 generations. I consider myself an indigenous Scot. My name comes from my great great grandfather, who moved to Greenock in 1835.
I also have Grant and Jones. So like most Scots a bit of an amalgam. I don’t think for one minute Northcode was suggesting we had to trace our ancestors back to Kenneth Mcalpin to be indigenous.
Non indigenous is first generation settlers. Or those with no traceable Scottish heritage.
Don’t forget that Scotland is a country an older country than England that is in an illegal union, held together by smoke and mirrors and some treacherous House Jocks.
There is no union.
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
If we had the right people in place today we could set whatever criteria we wanted to, and there’s not a thing that Westminster could do about it, all that’s stopping this from happening is House Jock gatekeepers at Holyrood.
Once its widely exposed that the union is a lie and never existed in the first place (read the link) the English security services, which are NOT a friend to Scotland but an enemy in which one of their remits is to thwart Scots from finding out the truth about the union (they have created fake Salvo and Liberation websites) and Wingate W*nkers like you and Clansman are tasked with playing down The Claim of Right and any possibility of Scotland going it alone without stipulated criteria.
The foreign media in Scotland (Scotland has NO media to speak of) also plays its part in reinforcing the lie that the union exists when it doesn’t. I’ve yet to see any MSM news programme mention the CoR or any supposedly BBC/STV political programme debate it, most Scots are unaware that the union is a lie and the foreign media plays its part to keep it that way.
English governments are no friends to Scotland they’ve perpetuated the lie of the union for 300+ years and robbed Scotland blind using the myth of the union.
No “criteria” is required to leave something that we were never part of in the first place.
In 5 years time Britain will vote for Reform in big numbers. And Scotland will vote for Reform as well. That’s what will happen. I see Labour is abandoning Scottish oil and gas.
Sir Kier would prefer the false green agenda. The global south and world war 3 as his new religions of Britain.
The SNP will be bankrupt? Or will they survive on a shoe string budget?
Alba Party have to act fast. They must adopt anti-immigration rhetoric – although they will never do so. Reform came out of nowhere and finished third because they are anti-immigration.
That’s the truth. We need an Alba Party that believes in cultural protectionism. A Scotland for the Scots.
Yet the French voted left wing? So they’ll say OH look at France OH we believe in OPEN FUCKING BORDERS VIVA FRANCE.
That’s what they’ll say.
Things are unraveling fast…
“Mhairi Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing”
“The Operation Branchform police investigation had been a major factor in the collapse…”
(Scottish Daily Express)
On the split within the party, she refers to division between the progressive left and the conservative right. We have heard a few people referring to a split recently. It’s an interesting prospect.
As I understand it, what they are saying is the LGBTQ+++ wing of the party is either going to leave or be thrown out.
Okay, that might make sense and be described as a split on some level, but who are we to believe the Conservative Right within the party is, and how come we didn’t hear a peep from them before?
How long before they all realise it’s all over?
link to nytimes.com
Look at this. The French have polarised. They’ve gone left wing and right wing.
The lefties have it! A divided France. But the SNP will say. “Oh look. Look at the PROGRESSIVE, INCLUSIVE OUTWARD LOOKING, EUROPEAN, EU LOVING FRENCH FUCKS.
Voting for open fucking borders and the globabal communist world order.
Get me another covid vaccine, pronouns they/them.
Explain that one to me?
David Hannah
13 July, 2024 at 9:11 pm
link to nytimes.com..
They did a similar thing in Hungary. The globalist parties formed a bloc to try and oust Orban. The EU commission brokered it there.
Some uneasy partners now in France in their so called Popular Front. It will be a fuck up. Nonces, Islamists, Ultra woke fake left etc etc
“We are not english, nor do we want to be”
link to archive.is
– this really bugs the nigels; if you are an anglo-narcissist then “to be an englishman is to have won the lottery of life …” and this hacks at the heart of this, core belief; no, we are not just anglos with funny accents, we are a separate people. It also implies, the most natural thing, is for us all to fuck off someday. More panic, living darn south, on a floodplain, with all the ethnics, and no escape hatch with a lot of really reasonably priced property.
England Germany semifinal 1996 – I was in Skye, glorious day, had climbed Sgurr nan Gillean and descended down the back via Lota/Harta corrie; got back to the Sligachan Hotel for some food and a beer … the fucking england game was on the bigscreen … and so watching it, noshing away I realise … wait a minute, this place is full of english cunts, just everywhere – WHY OH WHY DO WE NOT COMPEL THEM TO WEAR TOP HATS IN PUBLIC UP HERE? – and they were getting their hopes up, but I thought – Germany, reliable, and they did not disappoint. Silence, desolation – and more beer for me. Happy days.
curiously – KUNTZ scored for Germany that day, but – CUNTS – always score for england. Gazza missed a sitter, late on, and Southgate missed the penalty.
there may have been sporadic choruses of flower of scotland and deutschland uber alles.
a classic
link to youtube.com
from the times before women had tattoos and a man could wear a suit like that and not be gay
“Dan says:
13 July, 2024 at 6:58 pm
Did Ellis ever compose anything that made the charts?”
Dunno about that, but my band got airplay on national radio. Never got farther than being a self-financing hobby, though.
Reports coming in that Donald Trump had to be rushed off stage at a rally after gun shots.
We need to await for the news to break but this suggests the USA is a country that could rip itself apart very easily.
Trump’s been shot at. He gives a fist pump. Looks like his ear is bleeding.
That’ll be the deep state. Their cage is rattled. Watch America implode over this.
Mother fuckers trying to kill democracy at all costs.
Only trump could survive an assassination attempt. It’s unbelievable. Nothing can stop him.
Good luck to Trump. I don’t agree with lots of his politics. The rhetoric he uses about migrants flooding in from emptying jails – I don’t agree with that. But I do agree with cultural protectionism. For Britain. I want control of our borders. And I agree with Trump’s plans to cancel Gender Ideology. So there’s a lot you can like about him.
Stop the war. I hope he wins. victory to Donald Trump!
Trump has been shot! Tragedy! He’s still breathing!
The shooter is dead and two by-standers dead.
The bullet grazed his ear. Unbelievable.
I want him to win. Big time. I hope he wins. We’ve suffered woke ideology. Black lives matter. War in the blue and yellow country. The climate change scam.
We need him to win to tear up the west. and rebuild.
Joe Biden at the NATO conference was too much for them.
Get it fucking up them. They fucking failed. We need to abolish NATO.
David Hannah…
Always suspected you were a bit of a dick.
I was wrong…
You’re a total bell end.
Trump want to end the War.
The Biden administration want war. The American establishment want war.
With Trump doing well electorally it’s not difficult to guess that the deep state wanted to take Trump out. That’s how the US works. It’s how the Brit establishment works too… DR David Kelly, Willie MacRae, Pat Finucane et al.
The crazy times continue.
It looks like Trump is okay and that’s good, but America could plunge into chaos over something like this.
Not sure why you are laying into David Hannah, robertknight. I think he’s one of the few on here worth reading.
” If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”
And so tweeted BBC correspondent David Aaronovitch not so many days ago. And but by a literal hairsbreadth, his recommendation was narrowly avoided. And it was a hairsbreadth as the bullet grazed Trump’s right ear.
But others standing nearby were not so lucky.
The call by the BBC’s senior correspondent raises serious questions. Britain and the US want war. Trump doesn’t and it could well be that Aaranovich was bang on the money.
In many country’s if anyone called for someone to be murdered then that would be a crime. Not however if you are a senior
BBC correspondent.
But what if someone said the Nationalist in Scotland should hurry up and murder let us say Sir Keir Starmer,or King Charles or in fact anybody. How would that go down?
Very concerning. And then you look at how the state pursu3d Alex Salmond. Like Trump is pursued by legal case after legal case. It’s all so similar.
Robert. I believe in the Scottish and a Scotland for the scots.
It’s why reform finished third. Alba need to recognise that the migrants are pissing off the natives because they are being elevated higher in society than the natives.
Like the free bus passes for asylum seekers. Why would we pay for illegals to come and roam our country for free?
Have you seen the Channel 4 documentary about the muslim man that pushed his preganant wife off the cliff – Arthur’s seat – murdering her in 2021?
In our country – we don’t tend to throw our women from tall buildings or high heights. We need a bit of cultural protectionism. Homes for the Scots. Rest in peace to the victim.
Which is why reform came third in Scotland. Until the SNP and the Alba Party start listening to the natives then the woke left can get off their high horse. We don’t give a damn what you think. We don’t like the migrants.
*We don’t tend to push people from tall heights. Unless you’re related to El Nakla and an SNP politician. My apologies.
Dan or Ruby how do you search for a comment by an individual on wings
Mac 10 July, 2024 at 10:11 am
“This is I think the most dangerous time I have ever lived in.
Trump is set to win a landslide. I don’t think they will let that happen. I don’t (see) how they can…
This few months between now and November is when it will happen, if it happens.”
Sorry for quoting myself but this is really horrible now.
Grazed his ear FFS… that is how close the entire world just came to WW3.
Every single person on this planet should know now that they are in an existential war with the deep state.
It is impossible to see the ramifications of this right now but this is huge, a game changer.
His ear… wow, does not get closer than that. Incredible.
In a very strange way this might be the best thing to have happened.
We are about to find out for sure.
Mac @ 05.46.
I’m at the stage where I truly don’t know what to believe now, Mac. Assassination attempt or “False Flag” ?
Thesis … Appear to make an attempt on Trump’s life.
Antithesis … Trump support rallies, sweeps to victory.
Synthesis … Even more crushing and authoritarian state measures to crush resistance in
the name of “security and public safety”.
I know, I’m entering the land of the terminally silly here, and yet I feel the presence and actions of the puppeteers behind the actors onstage whose performances we see.
And, David Hannah, you’re mentioning interesting things.
My goodness, that photo I’m seeing all over the internet is so totemic it could almost be posed.
The clear blue sky backdrop, the surrounding SS agents framing rather than protecting Mr Trump from any further shots, an American flag clearly in shot and right in the middle the man himself. Photogenic trickle of blood, defiant under attack, hand raised in triumph in a pose which is reminiscent of the group of American soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima.
How fortuitous.
Mornin’ twathater
This is how I would do it. Dan might have a better method.
You would open the page and then go to find in browser.
I’m using Firefox and I go to Edit then ‘find in page’ and a search box comes up at the foot of the page. Type in name of individual. There are little up/down arrows to scroll through results.
I imagine it would be pretty similar in other browsers.
To search entire site you would type the following into address bar in browser
site: wingsoverscotland.com word/phrase/name of poster you want to find
site: wingsoverscotland.com twathater
You could do that first and then refine search with method described above.
Have fun!
Read the post above re ship building on the Clyde. Shipbuilding on the Clyde disappeared as the river Clyde is too shallow to build the vessels used today. The warships built by BAE on the Clyde is purely a political move by the British Government to maintain employment there. Building a warship in 2 sections and moving the hull to Rosyth is extremely expensive and would not happen in an independent Scotland. I am sure the independence supporters know this.
There is also the WOS Search facility below the About comment at the Top Right Hand Side of the web page.
If anyone has been looking at U.S MSM recently they couldn’t have failed to notice the totally unhinged Anti-Trump hysteria emanating from a high % of that bought-and-paid-for Smoke n Mirror Factory , also from that paradise of Prog-Think with absolutely nothing shady in it’s past/present – Holywood . Not much different in the U.K , check fat bastard Aronovitch’s ( allegedly , something called a ” journalist ” ) outrageous comment quoted above .
According to * them * , if Trump wins it will be the end of Civilisation , the death of something they call * Democracy * ( LOL ! ) the introduction of concentration camps for ” Liberals ” ( that’s those guys who want to enforce total uniformity of thought re * gender * , * race * * climate * etc ) and , perhaps the greatest threat of all …..an end to U.S military * involvement * in other countries’ affairs . WHAT ! NEVER ! Who’ll protect the World from godless Whateverism ?
So , without knowing who/what is behind this *incident* one thing is certain ……there are no limits to which the ” Dark State ” ( go on , call that concept a ” conspiracy theory ” , I know * you * want to , so much easier , isn’t it ? ) won’t go to protect it’s interests , ie it’s virtually unlimited and definitely unaccountable POWER. If Trump is perceived as a risk to that power n those interests – and it appears he is so perceived – he will simply not be allowed to win : one way or another , he’ll be eliminated from the White House .
I’m mean FFS , they are actually still trying to animate the political corpse of their man – Biden – even after the entire World has seen the the pathetic state of the man ; though it’s looking like the Donor Class who pretty much determine who runs for POTUS are not liking the odds of their investment paying-off this time .
If , as is being speculated , Biden gets the hook and is replaced by the vacuous ,language-assassinating , shite-babbling moron Harris we’ll know the U.S Political Class has lost it’s last remaining vestiges of sanity .
We’re now ” through the looking glass ” & wandering , lost in the ” wilderness of mirrors ” – cracked mirrors at that .
The Truth won’t be along any time soon .
Oh , and predictably , the putative perp has been , conveniently , ” taken out ” . Another Deep State ” patsy ” ?
Oh , and , predictably , the putative perp has been – conveniently – ” taken out ” . Another Deep State ” patsy ” ?
“If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”
Said but a few days ago by BBC correspondent David Aaronovich.
Good old BBC calling it like it is, or do I misunderstand.
USA, the world leader in dysfunction..
Lets spin that, world leader in participatory democracy…..cool.
Robert Hughes @ 09.13.
Please stop, Robert, I’m barely hanging on to the rim of the rabbit hole by my fingernails as is.
Brain hurts !
@ Sven . Lol , I know !
Of course , it COULD be what it’s being portrayed as , ie a ” lone gunman ” incensed at the prospect of another Trump presidency
Who knows ?
Excuse the double post
link to channel4.com
The Push. Murder on the Cliff.
This is about the case David Hannah mentioned earlier.
It’s interesting but the ad breaks are very long.
Islamic divorce
Honour based abused are new terms to me.
It’s a whole different culture.
‘Behaving like a British women.’ is an insult.
In the ‘murder on the cliff’ trial they couldn’t introduce the concept of ‘Honour based killings’ or ‘Honour based abuse’ because the jury wouldn’t understand!
There are definitely a lot of problems with multiculturalism.
We need Trump to win.
Look at our energy bills. With the war in Europe. We’ve had to pay through the roof in Scotland. The land of energy plenty.
Sturgeon wants to shut down Scotland’s north sea oil and gas. And so does Sir Kier. How DARE they! Trump will restore the United States oil and gas industry. What’s not to like about prosperity?
Humza Yousaf gave all of our money away. £24 million to John Kerry – The climate SCAM! To level up Africa. That’s building a new river nile. Even Ethiopia – the World’s poorest country is building a multi billion Mega Dam. And the Scots can’t even build a road – the A9.
Our politicians want to shut down our economy. The LEZ. The business rate increases. The demolition of our high streets – buchanan galleries, the concert hall and st enochs centre in glasgow all sheduled for demolition. The city is a disgrace.
The NHS is fucked. The nurses are using foodbanks because the cost of living has SKYROCKETED! like the missiles over the middle east!!! And they import foreign labour. Elevate them above the natives. Give them jobs.
They despise our country. They despise our way of life. They hate us.
They hated Alex Salmond. The Me Too Movement. Then we had Black lives Matter.
They’ve came and stolen football from us. The Sport is unaffordable for many. They’ve sanitised the beautiful game. The players can’t talk to the referee. The players can’t tackle or celebrate a goal.
I’m fucking sick of it. And Gender has poisoned our country. Destroyed the independence cause and put women at risk.
Domestic abuse – you want to increase domestic abuse. You let the scourge of the third world in from Afghanistan, Iraq. Where there is no democracy. Where they flood europe with weapons funded by NATO. They destabalise our way of life further.
I can’t be the only person that so clearly sees this.
Then they give the migrants free bus passes.
Get to fuck SNP. GET TO FUCK!
The climate change Scam. SNP. Stronger for Africa.
Sir kier. “I want to level up the global south.”
Ed Milliband – no more oil and gas licenses.
Bend the knee. To the new Fascist world order. Pronouns HE/HIM!
Bend the knee. Council houses for the foreigners. The illegals. Not the real migrants we want. The illegal boat crossers housed in the Britania hotel in Glasgow.
Destroying our way of life. Stealing and pick pocketing where they go. They have no right to be here when the natives can’t get affordable housing.
Reform came third. We need cultural protectionism.
I’m defiant. They tried to kill trump. The free speech champion. We need to defend free speech.
We don’t want county lines.
We don’t want county lines. Abusing our young women and girls. Allowing them to punt their smack and do their dirty work.
We don’t want our young woman treated like “KAFIR”
Whores. That’s what these migrants are doing. I took a walk up the river clyde yesterday. All the way up to glasgow green. Transmit music festival is on. Liam Gallacher. All the glasgow girls are dolled up.
GANGS of loitering BLACK migrant men. GANGS. Oggling the girls. They have never seen woman like this before in their country. And they see them as Whores some of them.
Fortunately we beleive in freedom in the west. OUR FREEDOM. Our country.
Which is ironic because we’re the only country that rejected its own freedom – ahahaha. But I voted YES. My conscience is clear.
I tried to Free Scotland. I chose Hope Over Fear. We are the 45!
“Ruby Sunday
Ignored says:
14 July, 2024 at 9:54 am
link to channel4.com
The Push. Murder on the Cliff.
This is about the case David Hannah mentioned earlier.
It’s interesting but the ad breaks are very long.
Islamic divorce
Honour based abused are new terms to me.”
You can get the entire show on Youtube Ruby. It’s amazing to see inside the court room. Scottish legal did a brilliant job.
What I meant when I raised that is, that women are objectified in Islam. They are told to cover up. They can’t go to school in Afghanistan.
They clung to planes when Joe Biden pulled the American’s out of Afghanistan. My mate was a British Solider. He got out fine. There was peace there. Quite. He came home alive. Within weeks the American’s pulled out and the entire country was taken over.
I’m sick of being told I am to remain poor so we can fund the foreign wars. I want politicians to start listening to the working class.
Stop demonising the working class. Stop demonising men. Stop correcting our thoughts and pushing woke ideology. We’ve got to bend the knee and kiss the ring. We’ve got to bow to Gender ideology.
The Scottish Government cant even fly the Scottish flag on its buildings. For 2 months its been the pride flag. We need to take our country back again. From the GAY mafia that Run it. That have built empires for themselves.
It’s time to reclaim Scotland for the Scots and protect our women and girls.
Joe Biden was pleased to hear that Kamala Harris was ok following the shooting.
What a world we live in. Who could have foreseen in the heady days of #indyref1 that a decade later we’d still be shackled to the rotting corpse of the British nationalist state, and that BTL comments here would be full of out and out racists like “David Hannah” praying for a Trump victory, and a coterie of xenophobic bigots, nativists and blood and soil nationalists.
“O tempora, o mores!” seems inadequate, but expresses the general feeling that we’re for hell in a hand cart.
Re Trump incident.
Heard a witness interview stating the guy , boy, was visible for minutes before any shooting.
I can’t be the only one wondering if he was just waiting for the trigger track
“Right ear , right now.”
So a patsy tried to take out a puppet at a political rally in the (US), the only real questions are who put the patsy up to it.
This attempt on Trump should see him romp it to the Whitehouse, it was all or nothing for those that wanted him gone and they failed.
I had to laugh watching the testimonies of leaders mainly from the West that there’s no place for this in a democratic society meanwhile their weapons are killing thousands in G–a-z-z-a, Afric–a and South A-meri-ca.
The patsy was executed as is often the case so he/she cannot be questioned.
Derek @11.39am.
Excellent sarcasm, did you see the look on Zzz’s face when G-en-oc-ide Joe, introduced him as President Pooooo-t-in.
Some of the media puppets are so programmed to applaud whatever a G–rea–t S–at-an POTUS says something that they burst into applause when B-id–en said it.
Andy Ellis @ 11:58 am
“Who could have foreseen in the heady days of #indyref1 that a decade later we’d still be shackled to the rotting corpse of the British nationalist state”
Duh! Extensive postcolonial theory accurately predicts exactly what we have seen, and what we have yet to see. The independence leadership needs to read up on it. They (and you) might finally discover what independence means, i.e. decolonization:
link to salvo-cor.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
Sven says on 14 July 2024 at 7:55 am:
“My goodness, that photo I’m seeing all over the internet is so totemic it could almost be posed. The clear blue sky backdrop, the surrounding SS agents framing rather than protecting Mr Trump from any further shots, an American flag clearly in shot and right in the middle the man himself. Photogenic trickle of blood, defiant under attack, hand raised in triumph in a pose which is reminiscent of the group of American soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima.”
What’s this all about, Sven? I’ve been out of the loop for a few days. Someone attempted to take Trumps life?
Cheers David
The ad breaks on ITV are ridiculous.
Stoker @ 13.03.
A 20 year old registered republican male was shot and killed by a Police sniper at a Republican rally yesterday after shooting at ex President Trump and wounding his right ear.
One male bystander was killed and two others wounded.
That’s about the clearest info I’ve got Stokes, doubtless more is yet to come.
@ Ruby at various times
It’s not just Islam (not that you said it was); the woman who founded this is/was a Sikh:
link to karmanirvana.org.uk
She’s written a number of books about her own and other people’s experiences of forced marriage, which are listed on the organization’s site. I give them donations from time to time.
Interesting that the guy was a republican. I suppose that makes sense though, when you think about it.
I wonder what they had on him.
14 July, 2024 at 1:24 pm
Stoker @ 13.03….
A republican male?
14 July, 2024 at 1:44 pm
Interesting that the guy was a republican…
Aye, Interesting and like you imply convenient.
Since nothing much is happening in the world – mostly some big-game hunting story; sports bore me – I’ve been poeming.
…attempting the Cinquain style.
The Cinquain is a free verse form of twenty-two syllables arranged in five lines. It’s modelled on the Japanese hokku and tanka.
That is the Cinquain form as devised by Adelaide Crapsey (1878 -1914), American poet. I got the quintessential idea for my poem from one of hers:
But three into five don’t go, so I think Adelaide’s might be better than mine – but only just.
Cheers, Sven, Hats and gm.
It’s the whales I feel sorry for.
As far as metaphors goes Sturgeons SNP turned into Lemmings heading full tilt for the cliff edge starting with SNP 1 and 2 and attempted character assassination of Alex Salmond followed by becoming all too willing swingers with the Khmer Vert.
The ferries are just a distraction and “small change” compared to incompetent UK fiscal decisions.
The West is at war with its own people. Anybody that stands up for the people, or attempts to tell them what’s going on, is on the hit list.
That’s who they were really trying to take out last night, the American people. Half of them are living in abject poverty. Trump wants to give them jobs and make their lives great again.
Scotland went through what America is going through now back in the 1980s. We were ahead of the curve. We didn’t have a Trump to make Scotland great again and, being a colony, life was never that great here anyway.
The Scottish people have no fight in them. That’s what’s missing. Some say it’s historical, a defeated spirit that can be traced back to Culloden. I think they’re probably just conflicted.
Donald. Duck.
Nope. Adelaide’s was crapsey, yours was simply crap.
Northcode @ 13.56.
Take encouragement in your Cinquain composing from the words of Hokku master Katsushika Hokusai, Northy.
“I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.
You have many poppies yet to bloom I am sure. Remember, the only zen you will find in your work will be that which you brought with you.
14 July, 2024 at 2:43 pm
The West is at war with its own people. ..
I see it that way as well Hatuey. The Outer party has formed. State institutions sold off or neutered, private institutional capacity outsourced, the traditional press no more than a tool of the Outer party. Universities corrupted. It’s a crumbling mess.
The vast bulk of the people do not believe in extreme economic and political liberalism and are therefor an enemy of sorts.
Ignored says:
14 July, 2024 at 1:44 pm
Interesting that the guy was a republican
“The assassin was an Antifa supporter and a Dem Party donor.
When he was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote.”
You’re a gentleman.
Looks like I didn’t do enough erasing and re-writing and just went with my first effort We live and we learn – well, some us, anyway. I might try a Limerick next. Five lines long where the dominant foot is the anapest.
I’ll make a start now…
There once was a twat called dasBlimp…
“The West is at war with its own people. Anybody that stands up for the people, or attempts to tell them what’s going on, is on the hit list.”
In the West democracy is dead with regards to politics, oh we vote for a new PM or POTUS, but nothing changes in the background the war/corporate machine never skips a beat. We aren’t allowed to vote on which country we go to war with or which country we regime change or apply sanctions to, in the most part we are just voting for a face, the face changes every x-amount of years but that’s really all that changes.
As Chomsky once said.
“If voting made a difference it would be made illegal.”
Yes the west is now trying its hardest to control its citizens by fear, it has a history of doing so with Operation Gladio and Gladio B. Gladio was an operation of instilling fear and tension in Europeans in that Europe’s governments the Americans and the Atlanticists constantly put the fear of god into citizens that U–S-S-R was about to invade Europe, of course it was nonsense.
Gladio B was pretty similar the big difference was the enemy was brown skinned folk who you we were supposed to fear because they were all terrorists and they wanted to kill us all, again it was utter nonsense.
link to wikispooks.com
link to wikispooks.com
“There once was a twat called dasBlimp”,
Who walked with an unpronounced limp.
Rubbish! You’re 3/5ths short.
Never mind getting exercised about an almost routine occurrence in American politics, that being an assassination attempt on a President. Ever since their Independence day it was ever thus. Look out for partisan disinformation. Also the forthcoming European Championships final. I am on an emotional roller coaster watching a Scotsman trying to win a Scottish Open. Come on Bob MacIntyre.
Any poster using the obnoxious term ‘moonhowler’, whilst seemingly not self-aware enough to realise that anybody who posts here sneering away constantly could qualify for that selfsame offensive rubric…needs to take a long hard look at themselves. Obsessive mental illness is writ large in some people here. Does that apply to you? You tell me…. 😉
There once was a guy called dasBlimp
Who walked with an unpronounced limp,
Though Blimpish by name
And by nature the same
We happily tolerate the imp.
Boom Boom.
Ruby @ 8.00am thank you for your response Ruby, keep going with your calling out of the cunt and his unionist groupies like the cock with the leakies
Obviously the Onlooker doesn’t know ‘The Cunt’ very well.
No chance of ‘The Cunt or The Cock-a-leekie’ taking a long hard look at themselves! Ha! Ha! Ha! that suggestions made me laugh.
Onlooker must be a new boy.
Those who need to take a long hard look at themselves are those crazies who reply to ‘The Cunt or The Cock-a-leekie’ and continue this never ending discussion about the franchise.
Any poster objecting to the labelling of those howling at the moon as moonhowlers probably needs to unbunch their panties and stop trying to tone police the internet and this site in particular.
The mentally ill obsessives are those advocating regressive nativism, shilling for Uncle Vlad, punting tin foil hat conspiracy theories, and posting endless drivel about post colonial theory, the Treaties of Union and “cunning plans for indy”.
If this applies to you, guess what you’re a moonhowler.
Wear your badge with pride!
Cheers for the links, RoS. I was familiar with Gladio and the immediate post-war problem of what to do with all the communists and socialists in the “liberated” countries (those who were on our side and who we supported against the Nazis).
The situation in Greece at the end of the war was particularly interesting. By interesting I mean totally shocking and disturbing. It’s still a sensitive issue to this day.
It seems like we have transitioned to a system where big business, hedge funds, and banks are in the driving seat, where before they were simply passengers who had a lot of influence over politicians and the direction of travel. It’s flipped.
We are essentially talking about fascism but it’s considered somewhat old fashioned today to give emphasis to the essential business-oriented purpose of fascism — today a fascist is defined as a bad man or something but it wasn’t always that simple. As Mussolini put it;
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism…”
All sorts of unpleasant things happen in societies that give too much power to the rich. History, in a sense, is really a journal of examples.
C’moan Engerlund!
The cry that should be on the lips of every Scots Indy supporter today.
Where else are we going to get another 50 years of constant reminders of English exceptionalism, to grind our gears, and drive us onwards to freedom?
Or are we going to allow the few fleeting hours of joy at their defeat, to out rank the decades of anger and determination an English victory will inspire?
Nice one Sven. Much better than that effete dross Northcode dribbles onto his keyboard.
Hatuey @ 6:33 pm
“today a fascist is defined as a bad man or something but it wasn’t always that simple”
The ‘origins of fascism are to be found in colonialism’, according to Aime Cesaire. And for ‘peoples’ still dominated by colonial rule, such as Scots, we can be sure that fascism aye lurks nearby.
Ellis, you refuse to answer basic questions but that won’t make the questions go away.
What difference does it make to you what others in here believe or say about independence, Vlad, nativism, etc?
The route to independence that you support couldn’t be more dead. Alba didn’t win one single seat. The SNP is in tatters. The legal/constitutional route is probably more unlikely than a people’s revolt.
You’re a busted flush, kiddo.
I do not dribble onto my keyboard – I gush…with feeling.
Okay, I guess you’re all waiting on my prediction for the football…
I expect Spain to hammer England and score 4 goals. If England get a goal, it’ll be a penalty or some sort of fluke.
My only concern is that Spain go one or two up and start defending…
35 to 1 at Ladbrokes for Spain to in 4-1.
Hatuey @ 6:55 pm
“The route to independence that you support couldn’t be more dead.”
Yes, and that is because it depends on the ‘infinite generosity’ of the dominating colonial power, which never materializes of course. Only those suffering from a dependency complex would adopt such a path, which leads the people into a blind alley, as the SNP has demonstrated.
I see in the media that the Trump shooter has been repeatedly described as a Republican voter.
In some states of America, they operate a system called Closed Primaries where you need to register to the party you want to vote for. These are elections to vote for the Presidential candidate.
link to en.wikipedia.org
In these states, supporters of the opposite party declares themselves as a supporter of the other one in order to vote for the worst candidate that will face their candidate at the Presidential election.
In this case, Democrats declares themselves as Republicans even though they have never voted for Republicans or financially contribute to the party and get to vote in the Primaries where they will vote for the weakest candidate in the hope they are elected Presidential candidate and make it easier for Biden to get re-elected.
There’s nothing illegal about this tactic but a strange way to run an electoral system.
It’s possible that the shooter had did this or maybe is a genuine Republican supporter. Strange though that the media are making a lot about this fact above other things as well as reminding us at every minute about the 2020 ‘insurrection’.
I don’t have a dug in the fight about this one but the whole things feels surreal.
Northcode @ 19.17.
I have always thought of you as posting thoughtfully, considerately, articulately … and with immense emotional content.
But then, I have always ploughed a lonely furrow to the beat of a different drum.
Was a bit bored and was sitting through the start of the ITV coverage of the Euro’s final.
Up pops Sir Knight of the realm and his Labour party political broadcast laced in with the occasional reference of how big an English supporter he is and a win for England unite the ‘nation’
Compare this to the election campaigning where he kept schtum about who he professes to support and at one time wore a white t-shirt whereas all those around him worse English tops.
Entirely predictable the total change after he has won and shows his true character to those who are gullible to think his is going to bring genuine change.
14 July, 2024 at 6:33 pm
I would like to sit down with somebody who comes out with this name calling of fascists and have a genuine conversation about what fascism means.
I get the impression though it would be a really short conversation.
As to fascism, it is running society to the alignment of business and political interests to the point where the two are indistinguishable.
We are seeing this more evidently now and it’s only going to get worse.
@Hatuey 6.55pm
Delusional nonsense as usual: already addressed on the other thread.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Scotland has a Champion. Competence and sporting success is a small start to return from the consequences of post SNP nihilism.
‘The Cunt’ says he’s not mad!
It’s everyone else who is mad!
Mad! Mad! Mad! Moonhowling mentalists! Natavistic Vlad Fluffers with their cunning plans for indie. Mad! Mad! Mad!
‘The New Boy Onlooker’ might know ‘The Cunt’ a wee bit better now.
Ach go on tell him again that he should be more self-aware. Ha-ha he he ho ho!
They´re coming to take him away,
Haha, they´re coming to take him away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where’s ‘The Cock-a-leekie’? His pal might need some emotional support!
Come on Cock-a-leekie let’s hear your cock-a-doodle doo!
Name this tune!
Que bonito es el Mar Mediterráneo
La Costa Brava y la Costa del Sol
El Fandango y la sardana me emocionan
Y en sus notas hay vida y hay calor
Ellis, your party, its policies, and its proposition for the advancement of independence was put to the people in an election just a few days ago. It was resoundingly rejected.
You are in no position to be putting anyone down when it comes to the Indy cause.
But the defeat represented even more than that. As Alf intimates, the very idea that independence can be achieved through the ballot box with the consent of the colonial masters in London now looks as far-fetched as any moon-howling plan you’ll find on here.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream. I’m just bored with your unending attacks on others who at least deserve credit for not buying into it in the first place.
Hi Ruby.
link to youtube.com
Article link to what I was talking about the Labour leader saying ‘whole country is behind England’
link to archive.is
I wonder what ‘Scottish’ Labour has to say about this?
We must not forget that the USA welcomed with open arms thousands of Knna–ttz–is in after WWII. The G-re-at S-at-an (US) has an affiliation with them, you just have to look at them propping up the Knne-o Kna-tt–zzi regime in U and their relentless support for the Zzz-io-Kn-att–z-z-is that are committing G-en-o-cide- in Ga–z–zza.
There were upwards of a thousand Kna–ttzi-s who were used by U.S. intelligence after the war by the CIA, the FBI, the military and other U.S. intelligence agencies — both in Europe as well as inside the United States, in Latin America, in the Middle East, even a few in Australia. And these were seen as basically cold warriors who served as spies, informants and in other intelligence roles.
As the commentary just said. The best team won the tournament.
Well done Spain.
George Ferguson – indeed. Inevitable outcome really, always going to be a very tough ask for England who were second best but they were not embarrassed. Football won tonight with Spain’s victory, they are the complete side.
England played for 10 minutes. Utter domonation from Spain. England remind me of Walter Smith’s Rangers. They got to a final but noone knows why. We can all rest easy now. Will be few British Rangers fans back in their union Jack boxes as well.
I swear the Rangers fans are getting worse every year with their anti Scottish England love in. Truly warped.
A good day for Spain , first Wimbledon with young Carlos and then the daft game wi’ a wee ba’- felicidades!
PacMan: “It’s possible that the shooter had did this or maybe is a genuine Republican supporter. Strange though that the media are making a lot about this fact above other things…”
Everything becomes much less strange if you assume the shooter was blackmailed or in some other way coerced. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that he was a Trump supporter.
The shortcomings of the security around Trump (access to the roof, failure to respond to the shooter’s presence, etc.) become less strange too if you start with the same assumption.
Trump should have had elevated security as a presidential candidate, above normal levels that presidential candidates might expect (plenty of people were predicting that there would be an attempt on his life). But he seems to have had less than normal levels of protection.
All easily explained if you start with the right assumption.
Welcome to the murky practices of an essentially fascist polity.
So much for Prince William playing a bigger part to save the Union.
link to archive.is
For background, article from 2021:
link to archive.is
There will be much mourning at Ibrox as neither the boring anti Footie Sassanachs or the Dutch won the Euros. I am no fan of the Spanish but the right team won.
@ Hatuey
Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?
That isn’t too much of a fanciful idea considering how addicted mostly young people are with their lack of emotional development. due to not socially interacting with people as much as they should. The individual is already in a vulnerable position and joins a Whatsapp group with unknown actors egging him on until he gets in the position he is in now.
I’m sure they’ll make a Hollywood movie out of it someday.
That’s correct, RoS. The same thing happened in East Asia where the victorious angels of democracy set about reconstructing the Japanese Empire.
In places like Korea, the Japanese marched straight back in after the war alongside the Americans, their heinous crimes conveniently shoved down the memory hole in the name of reconstruction.
Most of the wars and coups in Asia in the 50s and 60s were aimed at securing Japanese access to markets and resources, the so-called “great crescent”. The cover story, that they were trying to contain Soviet communism, like the war in the east today, fell apart under the lightest scrutiny.
It’s all unraveling now and we should be glad that a relatively benign country like China is set to be the architect of the future global economy.
PacMan: ”Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?”
Possibly. In most cases I would expect it’s easier to just threaten, bribe, blackmail, etc.
Sirhan Sirhan seems to believe he was hypnotised in some way and thought he was shooting at a firing range when he took aim at RFK. RFK junior believes him. One way or another, something like 13 shots were fired and Sirhan’s gun was capable of firing only 8…
The attempt to assassinate Trump has all the hallmarks of an inside job. Al Jazeera had an eye witness on last night that said matter of factly that there were two shooters. Other witnesses claim the police were alerted to the presence of a shooter and did nothing.
The way they’re playing it down is highly suspicious, too. I missed Biden’s appeal for calm — “nothing to see here, eat your porridge and stfu” — but I see that all of a sudden we are supposed to bow to Biden’s wisdom and authority. What a difference a week makes.
It was the deep state that tried to kill Trump.
I believe that Hilary Clinton and her horrible husband – friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Lolita Express are the culprits. Although it will never be proved.
With 82 police charges levelled at Trump. He’s got them by the pussy hasn’t he?
Sorry. Locker room talk!
I despise Bill Clinton. A truely horrible man. Who cheated on his horrible wife Hilary.
As he got his massage on Epstien Island by the young women. We know this happened. We just can’t prove it.
The clintons the hilary clinton foundation. Her deeds would shame all the devils in hell.
I will take great delight in seeing them all SACKED across the pond. It’s coming. And not a day too soon.
We know that Obama likes men to. Joan Rivers had her vocal chords severed. She spoke the truth about Michael Obama.
And we know from Tucker Carlson. That Barack loves to do COKE and have GAY SEX with male Prostitutes in town for the weekend. in 1999. He loves it doesn’t he.
Corrupt and bend as they come. Donald trump will absolutely. SACK THEM ALL! He’s coming to sack the deep state.
He’s unstoppable. Donald Trump. Meanwhile the democrats have senile and demented puppet Joe Biden as candidate.
Dementia is setting in rapidly. He should be in a home. But EVIL JILL. She’s pure EVIL. The first lady SHAME on her.
Kate Forbes has her orders from the Clinton Foundation. Not to rock the boat.
Well. It’s time that the Americans sacked the lot of them. I hope. And I pray. That this all materialises. It’ll be a great day for humanity when trump is elected by the americans. Black lives matter will be absolutely raging.
We’ve suffered long enough. No more apologising for existing. Come on Donald. Bring it home!
Big pharmacy will be facing lawsuits.
Gender ideology will be banned from schools.
Medical mutilators will take the stand where poison came from on day 1.
No more Woke Ideology in the West. He MUST WIN!
Perhaps someone could set Campbell Clansman right on the, ” Claim of right” over on Stu’s previous post thread ” At a Loss,
He might be literate but he cannot combine it with intelligent historical records.
The princes of Englands rebranded Great-Britain,
I am away to bed as I have been up all night with Spouse, I hope I don’t have nightmares in the day time,
@Hatuey 8.58 am
It’s true Alba did badly. Time will tell whether the party makes progress between now and the 2026 Holyrood elections I suppose. If a week is a long time in politics, who knows what might happen? I think anyone trying to extrapolate from the performance of Alba in a Westminster election to the failure of, and need to replace, the whole parliamentary system is simply delusional.
Speaking of delusional, Alf’s curious obsession with post-colonial theory appears to enjoy even less support than Alba. Since the adherents of “cunning plans for indy” aren’t going to be putting themselves up for anything as troublesome as elections, or using a referendum or plebiscitary election victory to show us they enjoy majority support, it’s up to them to demonstrate how they operationalise their novel route to independence and persuade the international community to recognise the outcome.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream either. I’m just bored with the unending pish coming out of the usual suspects and their assurances – with no evidence whatsoever – that their approach could ever work. They don’t deserve any credit credit in my view. The fact they are credulous enough to buy into such magical thinking in the first place tells us everything we need to know about them.
14 July, 2024 at 11:06 pm
@ Hatuey
Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?
That isn’t too much of a fanciful idea…
Wee quote from Franciscan Friar and scholastic philosopher, William of Ockham (1285–1347/49) that pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate, “plurality should not be posited without necessity.”
In other words, if there are two competing theories, (or more), as a general rule, the simplest theory is the more likely explanation.
This is the philosophical principle of Occam’s Razor.
Borderline heresy for a Monk and Catholic Theologian trying to sell the Bible stories as divine acts of God, but I’m sure there’s a very simple explanation for that… 😉 It’s ok, I’ll just get ma coat…
For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish. Dumb kid with too easy access to a firearm and a roof. But this is America dude.
Wasn’t impressed by Trump’s Security either. Get your man to safety and out of harms way FFS. Don’t expose him to the assailant(s) and allow him back in the firing line just to fist pump the crowd. If there was a backup shooter, and there could have been… Nasty.
Evidence from social media is indeed showing the crowd aware of the gunman a couple of minutes before the shooting, but meh, it’s also demonstrating the shooter wasn’t in position until moments before the attempt. Yes, 2 minutes is moments. Very difficult to defend against that, but the SWAT / Snipers didn’t muck around once the first shots rang out.
Haven’t seen it, but the weapon was described as an AR15 style weapon, an Armalite assault rifle, (and who knows of course), but typically they have a 20 round magazine. Crooks stopped shooting after 5 or 6.
Manifestly the SWAT guys were better shots than Thomas Crooks.
10 out of 10 for SWAT Security. Perimeter Security? Not so good. Conspiracy? I don’t think so. Solo nut-job who got lucky until he got dead.
Andy Ellis @ 8:01 am
“Speaking of delusional”
Colonialism is not really that complicated:
link to salvo.scot
However, denial (of oppression) forms an important part of the ‘colonial condition’:
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
Sigh. Another patsy methinks. No way that young dude could have gotten so close (upper ear). Had Tr*mp not moved his head slightly in that spilt second? That and the surprising security failure. Something smells peculiar about this. Was there another shooter? I suppose the truth may come out – in a hundred years or so.
You are all mad, all stupid, all delusional and Andy Ellis aka ‘The Cunt’ is bored with your unending pish.
You’d better all buck up otherwise ‘The Cunt’ might never post here again or do you the big favour of reading your unending pish.
Where’s his pal ‘Cock-a-doodle Cock-a-leekie’? ‘The Cunt’ needs some back up.
What has happened to John Main has he got another new moniker?
Maybe Rob might step in and help he says
I am also quite talken with the new to me term moonhowling which seems to perfectly describe several seemingly derange conspiracy theorist and fantasist on this site, I am keeping that term for use outside as well.
He also says
Gaelic has nothing to do with being scottish.
Rob also says:
If women want equality they should be prepared to fight on the front line. I’m wondering if he got that idea from Starmer and if the army barracks will be mixed sex. Obviously if men start identifying as women when they get their call up papers then the solution will be all sexes/genders or whatever have to go to war.
Rob don’t deny it remember I can search. See earlier post.
PS I’m happy to name names unlike Ellis, Rob & Cock-a-doddle’ who cowardly use terms like ‘usual suspects’
Who are these ”usual suspects’ is it everyone except the above named three.
It’s always amused me that the usual suspects like to hi-jack Rev Stu’s blog to try and give some (wholly unwarranted) attention to their wedge issue, fringe nutter views.
Of course it triggers most of them when it’s pointed out that the owner of Scotland’s premier pro-independence site thinks they’re moonhowlers or worse. They will instantly retort that Stuey is just an individual and point out how awful it that I’m sucking up to him, even as they use his platform to advertise views he’s already rubbished.
Seems Stuey agrees with the assessment most folk have of all the usual suspects. He just liked an X post I made yesterday in response to someone complaining about his focus on TRA’s, copied here for your delectation and education:
Pace the nativist window lickers infesting BTL comments on your blog, the movement now seems scunnered & split.
Regressive magical thinkers put faith in “cunning plans for indy”. Realists see a slog to destroy @theSNP then rebuild to enable plebiscitary elections.
Despite years of pumping out their bilge BTL here in a vain attempt for people to notice them, their magical thinking remains just that: Oh dear, never mind, eh? 🙂
link to x.com
I know ‘women’s rights’ is not something that’s very popular on this site but I know talk of war definitely is so the following might be of interest.
In the event of war or national subscription what would happen regarding ‘women’ going to war/doing national service.
We don’t know what Starmer will do re national service because he had the Rose Garden approach. He never promised you a Rose Garden so who know what will happen.
‘Self-id’ is the perfect way to get out of doing national service/going to war.’
Starmer might have to specify what a women is or introduce national service for women.
Then what would army barracks be mixed sex? If not why not?
C’mon guys maybe you could answer that one.
Should army barracks be mixed sex?
What happens if half the squadron or whatever you call them becoming pregnant and are sick every morning?
Would these soldiers require to undergo an abortion?
‘Come on Rob you should be able to answer this one.
@Alf Baird 9.12 am
so your response to it being pointed out that claims of any widespread support or traction for the “cunning plans for indy” position is yet another self referential link to your own work?
That’s it?
And on opening one of the links, imagine our surprise to find such was the outpouring of interest and support for your piece on the Colonial Mindset in March 2024 on Iain Lawson’s “Yours for Scotland” blog that it had a whole nineteen (yes 19!) comments in 4 days, and 1 of those was from Lawson himself.
That’s not exactly indicative of mass support is it….?
Mist From Marseille
My opinion and I stress, it is only my opinion, is that you’re getting too bogged down in all this trans debate. Your writing before that seemed to be a lot more free and invigorating. Maybe you need to regain a sense of focus?
This is only my opinion, though.
Mist from Marseille remember him. He got banned from Wings.
His complaints is too much talk of womens rights.
I’ve heard that on before!
It seems it’s very important for Ellis to be Stuey’s little pet.
Not too sure if having Ellis as his little fan boy is such a good thing for Stuey.
We don’t know who ‘the usual suspects’ are and what Stuey thinks of them.
If Ellis is speaking for Stuey then why doesn’t he make it clear to every one of ‘the usual suspects’ that they are not welcome here.
Too cowardly to do that Ellis?
Andy Ellis said;
“Since the adherents of “cunning plans for indy” aren’t going to be putting themselves up for anything as troublesome as elections, or using a referendum or plebiscitary election victory to show us they enjoy majority support, it’s up to them to demonstrate how they operationalise their novel route to independence and persuade the international community to recognise the outcome.
I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream either. I’m just bored with the unending pish coming out of the usual suspects and their assurances – with no evidence whatsoever – that their approach could ever work. They don’t deserve any credit in my view. The fact they are credulous enough to buy into such magical thinking in the first place tells us everything we need to know about them.”
A, taking the UN decolonisation route isn’t novel, you bombastic ignoramus, and B, ‘they’ don’t need to demonstrate how it would work because the relevant mechanisms are already in place, and have been for years. They just need to collate the already extensive evidence to build their case, and they are under no obligation to show it to you first!
If the relevant international court finds against the UK, the Union is legally over, and it can’t come back. And its verdict needs no democratic majority to validate it.
I found it comical listening to G-en-oci-de Joe Biden say that “Politics Shouldn’t be a Killing Field” when the G-r-ea-t Sa—tan has killed, usurped and regime changed countless politicians around the globe to further (US) interests.
The G-r-ea-t S-a—t–an made over 600 attempts to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro, some with the help of the English security services.
Stu seems to be looking for a topic to write about that would be of interest.
Womens Rights/Gender Id is definitely not a topic that would be of interest.
What can he write about?
C’mon help the guy out.
Andy Ellis said;
“Seems Stuey agrees with the assessment most folk have of all the usual suspects. He just liked an X post I made yesterday”
Great, Andy! Erm, how many didn’t ‘like’ it?
They will instantly retort that Stuey is just an individual and point out how awful it that I’m sucking up to him, even as they use his platform to advertise views he’s already rubbished. Andy Ellis
Can I remind you that Stu put words like Pu*tin and UK-raine on his banned list in order to prevent talk of either of these topics on his blog yet you used his platform 24/7 to advertise your views of both these topics.
Colonial, colonial mindset or anything colonial is not on his banned list.
Breeks: “For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish.”
That’s probably how it was meant to look. Maybe that’s the simplest explanation…
“but the SWAT / Snipers didn’t muck around once the first shots rang out.”
Once it was too late. Had Trump not randomly turned to one side, he would be dead right now.
Former CIA operative Larry Johnson discussed all of this with a former FBI sniper on YouTube last night. Both of them had direct experience in preparing locations for security purposes. I’ve looked into what others say about basic protocols in these situations…
Nobody anywhere can explain how somebody was able to access a roof at that distance, let alone somebody with a rifle.
FWIW, I think Occam’s Razor is bullshit. I’d love to see someone explain quantum entanglement with an approach like that.
@ Xaracen
1st . an overdue ( from me anyway ) * hat-tip * to you for yr obvious command of yr subject ( broadly , the Constitutional * issue * ) and commendable tenacity/patience in answering the repetitive , tedious , studied ignorance of the trance-inducing Political Party dinosaurs .
As for the latter …..if people like Andy Ellis are representative of ALBA’s position re Independence – and it appears that he is – we can add that Party to the list of hopeless cases that have wasted and continue to waste our time and effort by – however much ALBA may attempt to camouflage it – ultimately deferring to WM , ie the Brit State as the final arbiters of our aspiration to Independence .
You would think given the hiding it got in the G.E – and when the similarly whupped SNP are simply incapable of seeing the absolutely essential , existential need to change – that a recently formed Party like ALBA would equally see the need for a radical rethink on where it’s failing : but , no , it seems it , like the burnt-out husk of a Party that is it’s progenitor , is just going to persist on the same fruitless path ; merely seeking to replace the SNP but – in reality – offering nothing new .
Never mind though , the heavenly host of angels are melodiously proclaiming panegyrics to ALBA because ……………
Stu ” liked ” a tweet of Albandy . Hallelujah !!!
“Stuey” WTF? LOL
Stu could lock the comments to his articles if it bothered him.
Tho it’d have a negative affect on the traffic to this site between articles.
I bet AlbaAndy would absolutely love that. His pish & disruption btl here isn’t gaining adoration so like the typical narcissist he is he’d rather *burn it down* so no one else can have it & it’d shut up *cunning plans for Indy*
He’s so fcking full of himself & suffers delusions of grandeur. The only feckers who give him any backup are yoons. That tells us all we need to know about his real motives here.
Absolutely spot on about Alba btw. They want to be SNP Part Deux. Aye, good luck with that approach. The rest of us are moving on from that failed route. Holyrood is an administration. The time to come out the traps fighting has been missed by Alba THREE times.
Fck about, find out.
Play stupid games – win stupid prizes.
People aren’t voting for the same shit, different rosette.
BTW, if we’re name dropping – I’ve had multiple likes & even some retweets. I guess I’m dead famous now.
@Tourettes Ruby 10.33am
It seems it’s very important for Ellis to be Stuey’s little pet.
Not too sure if having Ellis as his little fan boy is such a good thing for Stuey.
Important, no. Hilarious given how it riles the moonhowlers up….? Hell yes. 🙂
Doubtless Stuey can speak for himself. It certainly seems he’s made his position on this particular issue pretty clear given that he liked a comment describing those punting “cunning plans for indy” as nativist window lickers and magical thinkers.
We don’t know who ‘the usual suspects’ are and what Stuey thinks of them.
It’s not hard to figure out who the usual suspects are Rubes, even for someone as cloth eared as you surely? Any of those afore mentioned window lickers and magical thinkers posting repetitively about how “cunning plans for indy” are going to solve everything. I’m sure even you can manage to work out the identities.
Doubtless if Stuey wants to make his personal views known he can do so. Or not if he choses not to.
If Ellis is speaking for Stuey then why doesn’t he make it clear to every one of ‘the usual suspects’ that they are not welcome here.
Too cowardly to do that Ellis?
I never claimed to be speaking for him. It does seem pretty obvious that on this issue he shares my take on it though doesn’t it, or at least given his response on X that he doesn’t fundamentally disagree?
As for not excluding those he disagrees with, we all know that Stuey is also very loathe to exclude people, however annoying, or unless he gets fed up with them as both you and I have found in the past Ruby.
It took a long time for him to exclude Cameron Brodie in the past, and he lets James Che run off at the mouth. The ignore function introduced to try and alleviate things hasn’t really achieved it’s purpose, as sadly the contributions of those you red cross don’t disappear.
I’m not sure what it is you think I’m being cowardly about. It’s pretty obvious given who I’m responding to on the issues who are included in the usual suspects. Are you being purposefully dim, or are you just disingenuous by nature?
Andy, are you pleased that you’ve morphed (in the eyes of the moonhowlers) from a “British security service” secret agent to Stu’s “fan boy”?
I wonder what the moonhowlers will come up with next… That you (and I) are paid by MI5 (or by the CIA? by the WEF? by the long-dead Queen Anne?) to embarrass the secret, but nonetheless cunning, plans of the moonhowlers (all 50 of them) to achieve Indy?
@Robert Hughes 11.58am
….we can add that Party to the list of hopeless cases that have wasted and continue to waste our time and effort by – however much ALBA may attempt to camouflage it – ultimately deferring to WM , ie the Brit State as the final arbiters of our aspiration to Independence
Utter codswallop from the usual suspects of course. Alba is promoting plebiscitary elections. Those aren’t subject to the final arbitration of the Brit State. Of course it’s hardly surprising that someone whose views are so out there has little clue about real politics or Alba’s real positions on anything.
Just more assertion of cunning plans and magical thinking.
Don’t you have some windows to lick?
Naw Cmpbell. We just think you and your alter Ego are just on this forum to cause mischief. But whatever floats your boat!
I used to have an imaginary friend as well , when I was 6.
Oh FFS it’s pointless talking to someone with absolutely zero self-awareness.
*Ellis you are an absolute cunt
and obviously Stu agrees with me and that is why you got banned and Stu banned your favourite words Pu*tin & UK*raine.
Don’t give folk lectures on respect when you are they most disrespectful poster on this forum.
Who are the usual suspects?
Name them?
Is it everyone except yourself, your pals ‘Cock-a-doodle Cock-a-leekie’, Chastitty & ‘Rob Gaelic isn’t Scottish’?
* Do you think I’m being too subtle?
Ellis maybe you could tell everyone why you had to have all your posts pre-moderated by Stu?
Apparently they were aiming for Trump’s wig.
The police are combing the area.
Trump said he will just brush this off.
Biden said it was an act of hair-esy.
The FBI said there are no Short-cuts to the truth , and they are casting their hair-net wide.
A local Big-Wig has been called to give evidence as a material Wigness.
Text of article published by Grousebeater today:
by John Drummond
‘Several commentators last week insisted that “Scotland is not a colony”, and that British rule over Scotland cannot be seen as colonial in nature. This bears some clearing up. On the most trivial level, “Scotland is not a colony” because “colony” was one particular form of governance within the British Empire, which never applied to Scotland.
But many other parts of the British Empire were not officially “colonies” either. Some, like Malaya and the Trucial States, were protectorates. Some, like Canada after 1867 and South Africa after 1910, were “dominions”. Some, like Gibraltar and Bermuda, are now called “overseas territories”.
“Scotland is not a colony” because imperial rule over Scotland was established by treaty, not conquest. But that also applies to much of the British Empire. Imperialism-by-treaty was a common mode of expansion.
The imperial power just needs to apply the right pressure to the right people. Find the parcel of rogues and pay them off. When that fails to pacify people, then send the redcoats in to uphold the treaty – there is a clear line between 1707 and 1746.
“Scotland is not a colony” because the Scottish elite actively cooperated with and benefitted from imperial rule. Of course they did. Every successful empire brings native elites on board – and has done since the first Gaul, seeing what side his bread was buttered, donned a toga and learnt Latin.
Being absorbed into an empire can be beneficial for these assimilated elites. They have economic opportunities that would otherwise be denied to them. Above all, they gain protection against their own people.
There might even be a “sahib” class of elite natives who have been so socialised into the imperial ruling system that they are trusted to manage things, so long as they do so in the ultimate interests of the Empire and not in the interests of their fellow countrymen. There are still a lot of these Scottish sahibs about, quietly running Scotland and keeping a lid on things.
“Scotland is not a colony” because we have self-government. So did most colonies. Colonialism entails the subordination of high politics to imperial ends – a colony loses the power to determine its own destiny on the world stage, to make war and peace, to conduct international affairs. Low politics may be left in local hands. Indeed, general patterns of rule across the British Empire were hands-off. Most colonies had devolved legislatures, with broad powers over their own affairs, but subject to London’s ultimate veto. Does that sound familiar?
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland has seats in Westminster. So did Ireland. But somehow the same people who deny Scotland’s colonial status are happy to acknowledge the colonial nature of British rule in Ireland.
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland was a coloniser – as if the two were mutually incompatible. Unfortunately for those who like their historical narratives clear and simple, the world is not divided into goodies and baddies. Some, looking at their grim opportunities in Scotland, willingly took the boat. Others, looking at their burning clachans, were rounded up and forced to the quayside. That is how easily the colonised become colonisers.
“Scotland is not a colony” because Scots fought proudly and bravery in the British Empire’s wars. That’s also a common feature of empires. A colonially governed country is a useful source of canon fodder, to be sure; colonised people with “martial traditions” like Punjabi Sikhs or Scottish Highlanders can be put to work on behalf of the imperial scheme.
“Scotland is not a colony” because there was no cultural oppression. That must be why this article is being written in English, while the native languages of Scotland are preserved like curios on signposts.
“Scotland is not a colony” because colonialism is all about racism, and therefore it cannot happen to white people. This is the most ridiculous argument of all. Go tell it to the Ukrainians.
“Scotland is not a colony” because others had it worse. Aye, and some had it better. Most were given independence when they asked for it. Scotland is denied that opportunity.
Denying the nature of imperialism
In short, to deny the colonial nature of the British Empire’s rule over Scotland is either to misunderstand the complexity and ambiguity of the British Empire or else to downplay the reality of Scotland’s subjection to British imperial rule.
The good news is that all empires die. They get to a pinnacle where all lies at their feet, and end as a ruin in the desert with the inscription: “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
The final death throes of the British Empire can be easy or hard. The easy way is to allow the peaceful, democratic, transition to independence, as it was done across much of the world by post-war British governments. The hard way is to fight it and lose.
Which is Sir Keir Starmer to emulate: Harold Macmillan or Lord North?’
link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
“Breeks: “For what it’s worth, the Trump shooting attempt looks very amateurish.””
That’s they way it was meant to look as though some lone nut gunman had a grudge against the Orange One, and he somehow managed to climb up that building and snipe across at the Orange One without being detected by the security services.
I recall when Regan was POTUS he wanted to reform the CIA, headed up by Bush senior at the time, Reagan found himself in the middle of an assassination attempt, needless to say it didn’t take a rocket scientist to join the dots on that one.
I reckon I’m going to invest in a saltire t-shirt and stick ‘MOONHOWLER’ on it in large-size lettering. If believing passionately in independence makes me a moonhowler, then a moonhowler I shall proudly be!
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Go here to hear ‘The Cock-a-leekie’ cock-a-doodle dooing’
He’s doing it for Andy! He ‘cock a doodle doos’ for Andy!’
Also known as fluffing.
What can we say about ‘The Cunt’ & ‘The Cock-a-leekie?
I’m going with ‘Better Together’
A three line poem with chorus
The Cunt
The Cock-a-leekie
Better Together
Better Together
Better Together
Better Together
Robert Hughes confirmed as a usual suspect!
Another good reason to kick out the SNP in 2026, along with them selling us out over indy.
“Nearly 2,000 affordable homes have been stalled due to SNP budget cuts, according to a house building group.
Homes for Scotland’s Jane Wood said the huge drop in funding had been “devastating” for the sector.
Humza Yousaf’s short-lived Government was blasted after announcing a near £200m cut to affordable housing last year.
This was in spite of homelessness rising, councils declaring a housing “emergency” and young people struggling to buy homes.
HFS said data collected from their members revealed that around 5,000 “new, high quality, energy efficient homes” had stalled as a result of the cuts.
They said 1,826 are designated as affordable housing.”
Re my previous comment on the SNP and the dire lack of affordable/social housing. Lets get the indy roadblock (the SNP) out of Holyrood in the 2026 elections.
“Homelessness in Glasgow has risen again months after the SNP-run council declared an “emergency” in the city.
The number of children living in temporary accommodation has also jumped to 2,832.
“While housebuilding plummets once again, the SNP is ploughing ahead with its disastrous plans to slash funding for affordable housing.”
A total of 7,265 people were in temporary accommodation as of April 1st, but new figures show an increase to 7,371 in June.
The statistic for children rose from 2,765 over the same period.
Other figures from the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership reveal £27m has been handed to private hotels and bed and breakfasts in 2023/24 to house the homeless.”
OK, somebody has to give a shout out to the excellent Ramones title pun in the title of this cartoon. Rockaway/Rot-away Beach indeed… ?
@ Dafty
You have been asked and – as is your want – failed to answer the question – what happens when the Brit State says ” Fuck off ” in the event of a * successful * Plebiscite Election , as it almost certainly will ? Maybe , like the dunces in Nu SNP think appeals to * Democracy * will be sufficient to …..” bend WM to our will ” .
Would ALBA be prepared to declare U.D.I ? Naw , cannae see it .
I’d rather ” lick windows ” that Stu/Alex Salmond’s arse , as you so plainly delight in .
You’re a conceited , know-fuck-all buffoon whose one consistent trait is being laughably wrong about everything .
Don’t worry , your Party , not having even reached the height of minimal public awareness , won’t have far to fall & you’ll still have yr job in the Arms ( more accurately the Death ) Industry .
Any luck persuading your in-laws ( which presumably you’ve known since at least before the 2014 Ref ) of the merits of Independence ? Na , didn’t think so . Those ” Nu Scots ” , what are they like , eh ?
Interesting, was he an actor? and we all know the power BlackRock has.
“The man identified as the shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump has been spotted in a now-pulled BlackRockadvert.
In the advert filmed at Bethel Park School, Thomas Matthew Crooks can be seen in the middle of an economics class, watching the whiteboard.
The clip was a promotional tool to show how BlackRock can help those thinking about retirement.”
link to msn.com
Ian Brotherhood,
Scotland is not a Colony because Imperial rule was established through a Treaty,
Scotland is a Colony because Scotland did not have a Monarch until The parliament of England passed a Act in 1702 after the ( fallacious treaty of union) to extend the Monarch of Englands kingdom into Scotland meaning she was not the monarch of Scotland previous to that act,
So a falsified shared monarch prior to the treaty of union makes the treaty a Colonising fact of in its self.
Scotland is Not a Colony because it has seats in Westminster,
The Scots have no seats or representatives in Westminster, because the Scots were not invited to Join the treaty of union in 1707,
(Westminster parliament in 2024)
So the Scots are in a proven Colony of and under Westminster parliament.
Scotland is not a Colony because there was no cultural oppression.
Explain that to all the Scots including myself that were forced to speak the Queens English and not there own language by beatings and oppressive measures at school,
Scotland is not Colony because Colonialism is all about racism,
Who wants to mention Boris Johnstone repeating a foul racist poem, made by another racist towards Scots.
Obviously they thought not enough Scots had been exterminated during the highland clearences,
Or the last first minister of Scotland impling there are to many white Scots people in their own nation and Country in positions and places of power,
Many instances of Colonial Racism toward Scots by people employed under the falsehood of a treaty that was never legally set in Scots domestic law..
Scotland is a Colony because England suppresses the right of all Scots the right to self determination under their own terms by refusing to let the Country or the people of Scotland go,
a supposed mutual treaty, from Westminsters Colonial Imperialism.
The biggest advertisement of Colonialism , suppression and oppression deleting the “Scots” Scottish Culture through being forced to be a British and English speaking people nation instead of a Scottish nation.
Wait for the usual suspects to reply who can only call moonhowlers because have no evidence to contraire , and never provide
John Drummond blindly falling over the Act of Colonialism.
By ” telling” the Scots in Scotland You are not Colonised, not by asking the actual people themselves, but by telling them you are not Colonised,
Ha haa ha haa.
Ian Brotherhood
15 July, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Text of article published by Grousebeater today:
Absolutely nails that yin stane deid does he no’?
Scotland is only not a colony if it is a region , rather than a nation.
If we are a nation, then holding us against our collective wills is colonialism.
If we are not a nation then why do we have a national flag, anthem, legal system, national sporting teams, a few national languages, national dress, a government, bank notes, education system, national police and fire service.
We already had a referendum to determine our nations future. So England cannot define us as a region of England or the UK. I don’t think it needs further explaining.
Our people voted time and time again for a government that received mandates to hold a referendum. A foreign court ordered it illegal. So we are the very epitome of a colony.
Ruby Sunday @ 10:55 am
“Colonial, colonial mindset or anything colonial is not on his banned list”
It stands to reason if ye support independence ye hiv tae want decolonization; because independence means decolonization.
The more assimilated native (e.g. privileged bourgeoisie?) are usually the last to figure this out (Cesaire).
Only a true professional attempt to take Trump out would look so amateurish.
(And only a true professional attempt would miss the target)
You couldn’t make this stuff up, but then, on Wings BTL, you never have to.
And on a different subject, the missing of the great potential boost to Indy’s fortunes yesterday is being celebrated, not lamented.
I refer, of course, to England’s defeat.
We Scots just don’t do strategy, do we. We don’t understand the long game. We can’t think much beyond the immediate visceral satisfaction of somebody getting it right up them.
So we’re going to stick to just calling people cunts for another ten years. Have faith it will work better this time!
Bad luck with your prediction Hatuey. But keep on predicting. One day the law of averages guarantees you’re going to get something right.
That is a very good article be Grousebeater.
I have to Google Lord North.
Any relation to ‘Senza Nespresso’?
Only kiddin’
He didn’t miss the target. He hit Trump. He didn’t bargain for Trump turning his head at the right time.
These things NEVER happen. It’s quite astonishing. He’s been blessed by God.
He has to win. I wasn’t a Trump fan a few years ago. In fact I write a diary. And I despised him during Covid 19.
But now. After seeing the way we were locked away by the deep state.
And controlled by Nicola Sturgeon. Who has sabotaged Independence. The wars. The uncontrolled migration. 1,000 boats have crossed since Labour took office.
Trump’s message couldn’t be more powerful. He deserves to win. He’s coming to sack the deep state. And not a day too soon. The World will be a better place when he returns to office. We’re stuck in the American sphere of influence and a Trump return will PISS off the globalists in the corrupt British politics.
Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford KG, PC (13 April 1732 – 5 August 1792), better known by his courtesy title Lord North, which he used from 1752 to 1790, was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1770 to 1782. He led Great Britain through most of the American War of Independence. He also held a number of other cabinet posts, including Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer.
North’s reputation among historians has varied wildly, reaching its lowest point in the late 19th century, when he was depicted as a creature of the king and an incompetent who lost the American colonies.
Now I have to find out what Harold MacMillan did.
Is it because he was responsible for the decolonisation of Africa or because of the Profumo Affair.
You just don’t get sex scandals like you used to. Is it all down to super injunctions or because men have been eating too much chicken and there are no more sex scandals just sex changes?
Which is Sir Keir Starmer to emulate: Harold Macmillan or Lord North?’
Seems they both did the same thing vis a vis decolonisation.
Help needed.
@ Robert Hughes, the franchise fanny is fair trying to demean and denigrate the Yours For Scotland website run by Iain Laws on who alongside Sara Salyers and the groups SSRG, SALVO and Liberation.Scotland have done more for independence than he has ever done
IMO it is pure unmitigated envy because REMEMBER the franchise fanny Ellis thought he was so intelligent, captivating and erudite with his political nous that he set up his own website to educate the masses ,unfortunately for the franchise fanny Ellis nobody was interested in his erudition or his unproven pronouncements that he so grandly excretes so naebody visited his website, it was such a devastating blow for such a narcissistic prick but fear not he just decided to hijack his best mate Stueys website instead,because like him Stuey hates moon howlers and nativist windae lickers
I think maybe the franchise fanny should reactivate his website because he is getting even more fan boys like Rob and the clansmen cunt plus Chastitty and Jenny side bastard taxes John MOAN, MAYBE even STUEY would give him a LIKE on his forum, and even better maybe ALEX SALMOND would invite him to stand for alba
Oh look John Main is an Ellis Fluffer too! Who would have thunk it.
I take it the above question was address to me.
My answer is no not people just your pal Ellis at the moment.
Surely you are not going to start claiming that all the so called ‘moonhowlers’ have tourettes.
I just wish we had spotted the cunts ten years ago and called them out then.
Yeah I think calling people cunts when we spot them will work better for us this time around.
Onlooker reckons the title of this article comes from a Ramones song.
Not sure if it’s Stu or Chris who creates the titles for the cartoon articles. Could be either.
I have recently become aware that a lot of Stu’s titles come from pop culture.
I’m hopeless at pop culture I had to have ‘All out of Bubblegum’ explained to me.
I’m going to ask another favour. Could those who are au fait with the pop culture point out where the inspiration for the titles of articles come from.
I’m guessing ‘An Offer You Can’t Understand’ is from ‘The Godfather.
What about Winky’s World?
“Onlooker reckons the title of this article comes from a Ramones song.
Not sure if it’s Stu or Chris who creates the titles for the cartoon articles. Could be either. “
It’s about 95% me. “Rot-away Beach” is indeed a play on “Rockaway Beach”. “An Offer You Can’t Understand” is, as you surmise, “The Godfather” (via an old joke). “Winky’s World” was rather explained in the article text.
Bloody hell!
Ga*za is a banned word.
I’ll try again. Last post got modded
Ruby Monday
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
15 July, 2024 at 6:58 pm
Here it is
link to tinyurl.com
Humza Yousaf faces probe after donations worth £250k sent to Ga*za aid fund
I think it would be fair enough to call some folks cunts at least for the next 2 years.
Although there is the risk of being charged with numerous hate crimes if you were to call Humza names.
Islamphobia Racism & misgendering.
We might need a secret code.
“Bad luck with your prediction Hatuey. But keep on predicting. One day the law of averages guarantees you’re going to get something right.”
Spain could easily have scored 4.
As for the assassination attempt, apparently one of the Secret Service snipers had the guy in his sights for 3 minutes but his boss refused to let him take the shot until it was too late… the internet is buzzing with all this.
I’ve not heard anyone suggest or say it, but I’ll predict the local police or someone was running some sort of drill on the day, “simulating an attempt to assassinate the former president” or some such junk — anything to add an additional layer of confusion.
Biden, speaking on behalf of those behind the plot (whether he knows it or not), is urging calm and asking the people to unite and put an end to division. You’ve got to admire their gumption.
Who’s really in control, Ted Bundy?
Ruby @2:26pm
You might know this already, but FYI just in case you don’t, your three line poem is called a Tercet – a poetic triplet.
It’s a legitimate form of rare poetry, unmetered and unrhymed, that forms a complete three-line stanza. It’s a form of the Japanese haiku and it’s been kicking around in English since 1890 or thereabouts.
Here’s another example:
I think your tercet is pretty clever – so I’m repeating it here:
I’ve added a comma and a colon – hope you don’t mind.
Sven @14th July 7:30 pm
Thanks for the sentiment, Sven. It’s Very kind of you to say so and greatly appreciated.
Looks as though you need a tinfoil hat to post on BTL these days.
Just checked. Looks as though I’m all out.
I don’t know much about the guy.
Former US President Donald Trump has announced Ohio Republican Senator J.D. Vance will be his running mate in the 2024 Election.
Reports of concerns about public money and how it may have been used to facilitate Humza Yousaf’s wife’s family evacuation from Gaza.
Story report is as follows
” The Scottish government is set to investigate the country’s former first minister, Humza Yousaf, over a £250,000 donation made by Edinburgh to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, when his relatives were trapped in Gaza, The Telegraph has reported.
Yousaf is facing accusations of a conflict of interest and a breach of the ministerial code by interfering in the distribution of foreign aid, the paper said in an article on Saturday.
The former first minister is married to fellow Scottish National Party (SNP) member Nadia El-Nakla, who was born to a Palestinian father and a Scottish mother. El-Nakla’s parents, who had traveled to Gaza to visit relatives, got stuck in the enclave amid the escalation that followed an incursion into Israel by Hamas on October 7 last year, the article said.
According to The Telegraph, a donation of £250,000 (around $325,000) from the Scottish government to UNRWA was officially announced on November 2, 2023. The next day, Yousaf’s father-in-law and mother-in-law were given safe passage out of the besieged Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt.”
No doubt a blessed relief for the ex First Minister whereby his in laws managed to get safely out, but the allegation of public money being hypothecated to secure the return of the El Nakla family because of who they are connected to will not sit well with the public. Why them?
Maybe that is why Humza resigned, knowing that this story was going to break.
David Hannah
Who are you kidding? Lol.
Anyone who tried to drain the swamp is either pushing up daisies or given a warning.
Trump will not be any better than Biden & don’t forget he has also given orders to assassinate world leaders.
They’re all off their chump. There’ll be a civil war soon – maybe then they’ll be too fcking busy to play world police starting everyone elses.
They’re bankrupt & their empire is over. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of psychotic nutters. Maybe now the rest of the world will be able to reclaim their Sovereignty, ditch the slavish bullying to follow US foreign policy & a new international organisation to start implementing international law (regardless of who the fck they are) will now be established.
Excellent article from Grousebeater as always.
Methinks sir kid starver won’t have a choice soon as a shock is coming & economic predictions claim the UK is first in line. Colonialism is over. Maybe they all tuned into Brexit ‘take back control of our money & our borders’ & thought what an excellent idea, let’s do that too. Lol
As for the Elites going along with whatever regime is in charge no matter how fcked up & despot they are – spot on. Money may not buy them happiness but it sure does buy a pass not to be in a tyrants cross hairs.
I sure wish “Stuey” wouldn’t add words for censorship without a list FFS. It’d stop his mod box filling up. Are we not to discuss world events? Just the SNP?
According to his bio he supports illegal invasion, land grabs & mass murder.
He doesn’t support aid to U tho. The should give their lives for free.
Another space cadet then..
As for Dumbza. Scotland sent aid to help a war zone. TWICE. One was with permission. The other was NOT.
The Scottish government has given £7 million to buy shiny weapons & kit to help U play Naz Rambos, who had a peace deal but bojo rejected it. They also helped take in refugees.
& They gave £250,000 to G for food & medical aid that’s an actual fucking humanitarian crisis.
Go figure..
Probe away..pricks. I know which one was more deserving. Clue, it’s not the Naz..
From a short distance, it’s pretty obvious that the American establishment realised two things last week: they are pretty much stuck with Biden and he can’t possibly win against Trump.
It is in that context that the attempt to Assassinate Trump should be evaluated; when they realised they couldn’t replace Biden, they tried to replace Trump.
You have to wonder what they will try next.
A good guess, having tried and failed to replace Biden and Trump, is that the US establishment will now do its best to replace the world that the new administration will operate in.
The overarching concern is the commitment to keeping up the pressure on Vlad. Trump “surrendering” on that front would be considered a complete disaster, not just for the US, but for Europe, the Atlantic Alliance, and the West’s reputation in the world. From Team Genocide’s perspective (i.e. The West), that just can’t happen.
And, so, the goal now is probably to escalate to an extent that forces Trump’s hand and makes it impossible for him to “surrender” to Vlad. I don’t know what that fait accompli might look like, but we are pretty close to a direct confrontation now.
If the US was officially at war, would that not make it impossible for Trump to “surrender”?
The prognosis is officially grave.
Geri; “The Scottish government has given £7 million to buy shiny weapons & kit to help U play Naz Rambos”
I’m pretty sure it was closer to 70 millions.
Once again BTL comments try solve every problem in the World except the problems at home. Today I was in the Grassmarket area of Edinburgh. Some race was in progress. Impeding lawful business.
A totally plum English man stopped me and said stay away from the left side of the steps. My hand was on the right side of the rails at the time. Why? Anybody that went to a Scottish School Academy knows descending stairs you stay on the right side. On ascending stairs you stay on the right side. The red mist was upon me. Luckily my wife stopped me from going to jail. I was up for a barney.A microcosm of muscular Unionism. I will not take instructions from a wee shite. Should I complain to Edinburgh City Council?. Or regret rolling down the stairs
in combat? I think I made the wrong decision.
For all the Forbes fans out there..here’s the neocon being a good little soldier for her yankie handlers.
She signed up to £65 million cuts from Scotland’s budget.. £7 million already gone along with the costs associated with housing refugees.
“It will be used to help provide state-of-the-art equipment including air defence systems and vital kit for soldiers.”
That’s nice. Shouldn’t the yanks be paying it tho? Oh. wait, I forgot that’ll be a handout to weapons shareholders.
“Ms Forbes said “Scotland stands for democracy, human rights and the rule of law at home and abroad.”
Lol U isn’t a democracy, (neither is the UK for that matter) is murdering & persecuting her kin folks (fellow Christians) & has no rule of law. It had Natz volunteer battalions before being given new names & is corrupt as feck.
“However, we are clear that this must not be seen as any kind of precedent which leads to devolved budgets being used to help pay for clearly reserved policy areas.”
But she went along, just this once mind.. she had no right to give it & the UK had even less to take it out of our money.
Meanwhile, down at Wales..
“One minister said they had agreed to the spending, but had been told by the Treasury that their budget would be cut and there was “no consultation”.
So the next time some yoon cries about our public services going to shit, a housing crisis or our NHS under stress – tell them to wave their wee U fleg & suck it up cause the money went to help U fight the good fight on the yanks behalf providing weapons.
link to bbc.co.uk
£65 million is Pledged
£7 million paid out so far.
Then there’s all this shit too..
“To date the Scottish Government has committed over £300 million resource and £25 million
in capital over financial years 22-23 and 23-24 to support U resettlement and has
committed £40 million resource and £5 million capital for the U Resettlement budget
in 24-25.
The Scottish Government’s decision to act as a Super Sponsor necessitated setting up
temporary accommodation, incurring additional costs not replicated in other areas of the UK,
including a hotel estate and 2 passenger ships. This temporary accommodation estate along
with Local Authority resettlement support has been successful in preventing homelessness,
with presentations among U at extremely low levels unlike in England.
The Scottish Government has also funded local authorities over and above the level
provided by UK Government funding, providing £12 million in grant funding over 22-23 and
23-24 specifically to boost council resettlement teams to deal with the extra demand for their
services due to the Homes for U scheme. ”
So they can kiss my arse at a lousy £250,000 peanuts from Dumbza. He sent that money to an actual crisis. Not to buy weapons to fund shareholders.
Good to have family funeral director John Swinnney on hand to bury these whales after he has buried the SNP.
BTW Hatuey
I dunno if you followed the Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp trial?
There was a whole barney that went viral between Depps Lawyer & Amber Dud arguing over what “Pledged” meant LMAO. Amber Dud insisted it meant the same as already paid in full. Lol..
(Hence why I looked up what’s actually been deducted so far)
£7 million+ What a waste of our money with absolutely heehaw say over UK foreign policy. But Forbes just rolled over – along with the Freeport nonsense. & Folks in the SNP think she should be FM…strewth. We’d be in neec of foreign aid ourselves if she was in charge of the purse..
A possible civil war to distract the masses?
Tensions already at fever pitch over in yankie land over immigration/Trump/ Looney tunes Democrats.
Same in France with rigged elections.
Same in Germany pissed at their economy being deliberately crashed.
Spain getting in on the action too.
Turkey looks like it’s leaving them to it..
All off them have brand new *police powers* isn’t that uncanny?! Why it’s almost as if they knew this was coming..
The West has a problem. Their fruit loop minions sent out to be puppets in the EU never took into account the flat out refusal from Joe Public to be cannon fodder. EU countries already distancing themselves & wondering if they should exit, others flat out refuse to get involved while polling shows no support for signing up to their hair brained schemes.
So that just leaves full fascist & start battering people to make them an offer they can’t refuse. Jail or go sign up..
I hope Main is served first LOL. No age restrictions either.
He’ll be ecstatic at living the dream…
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if it was America that broke up instead?
That really would be Karma. Kallas getting her wish of breaking up someone else’s land to make loads of wee countries she can manage. It’d be a laugh if it backfired & it was the states that severed themselves from each other instead & it was all their own doing.
Civil war leading to separatist states. They’ve enough guns for everyone to be a terrorist & probably all made by them too. According to stats gun sales sky rocketed in 2020. Over 40% believe violence against the government can be “somewhat justified” They’ve more privately owned weapons than 25 countries combined. At least they wouldn’t need aid then LOL.
It’s a ticking time bomb. Racists, TRAs, immigration, far right, Trump, the unaccountable swamp, corruption, assassination attempts & bent judges & senators. It’s just waiting on a spark if Trumps attempted assassination hasn’t sparked it already.
Ignored says:
15 July, 2024 at 10:06 pm
” Looks as though you need a tinfoil hat to post on BTL these days. ”
A ” Tinfoil hat ” , really ? Have you looked at the * news * recently ?
The West has gone insane : it’s ( supposed ) Leader a shuffling zombie being held together by oligarch prayers n daily injections of formaldehyde .
There has just been an assassination attempt on the only * serious * rival to Big Capital’s current puppet-of-choice . The fact that he IS the only serious rival in itself an indication of the degenerate condition of the U.S political shitstem .
An insane Proxy War is being waged with the express purpose of instigating yet one more ” regime change ” , to allow the rabid dogs of Forever War access to another countries resources : only this time they targeted a people/regime that will never surrender to US bullying , threats n intimidation . NEVER .
Which part of ” A world without *ussia is not a world we can contemplate ” are the fckn juvenile delinquents in the US State Dept , EU , * NATO * failing to grasp ?
The forces-that-always-are would rather take the World down in a nuclear firestorm than release their grip on the reins of global domination .
Look at the obscenity that’s taking place under U.S imprimatur over by in ….what’s it’s sobriquet again ? ah , that’s it …..The Holy Land : whilst the * civilised world * stands-by , indulging in metaphysical debates about the meaning of words , eg *en.c.e , as rivers of civilian blood flow through the bomb-ravaged streets people once called home .
Meanwhile , people in positions of power n influence are trying to force us to accept that humans can change sex ; that some are ” born in the wrong body ” ; that mangling a human body – slicing bits off here , stitching bits on there , eliminating the natural stages of human growth & development with a lifelong chemical cocktail requirement – is productive of anything other that a grotesque parody of a human being .
Need I go on ?
It’s not a ” tinfoil hat ” you need : it’s a ” thinking cap ” that will allow you the capacity to fully grasp the total lunacy of what we’re being subjected to , what we’re being asked …told … to accept as * Reality * and the inferno of all Rationality we’re being driven towards .