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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 01, 1968 by

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1398 to “Quarantine”

  1. Paula Rose

    Let the light flood in…

  2. Brian Doonthetoon

    If you’re almost out of your strop, you could be taken right out by something jolly?


  3. Paula Rose

    Back in strop – Rev changing things without telling, not fair *smashes crockery*

  4. Brian Doonthetoon

    Just noticed I made an @r$€ of that last link.


  5. Patrician

    While sorting through some old files on a hard disk, I came across a text file containing the following “jokes”. They are quite old and most people will have read most of these but they made me chuckle.

    “Apparently, after every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form, called a ‘gripe sheet’, which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems; document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.

    Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humour. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by Qantas’ Pilots and the solutions recorded by maintenance engineers.

    Pilots: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
    Engineers: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

    Pilots: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough. Engineers: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

    Pilots: Something loose in cockpit. Qantas airline bug report
    Engineers: Something tightened in cockpit.

    Pilots: Dead bugs on windshield.
    Engineers: Live bugs on back-order.

    Pilots: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
    Engineers: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

    Pilots: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
    Engineers: Evidence removed.

    Pilots: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
    Engineers: That’s what they’re for.

    Pilots: Suspected crack in windshield.
    Engineers: Suspect you’re right.
    More Exchanges Between Qantas Pilots and Their Engineers

    Pilots: Number 3 engine missing.
    Engineers: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

    Pilots: Aircraft handles funny.
    Engineers: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

    Pilots: Target radar hums
    Engineers: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

    Pilots: Mouse in cockpit. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
    Engineers: Cat installed.

    Qantas Pilot: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
    Engineers: Took hammer away from midget

    The following letter was written by a retired Qantas pilot to his former colleagues:

    Dear All,

    Please find enclosed a home study simulator course [HSSC] for those of you who still hunger for the romance and adventure of airline travel.

    If you follow all the steps in this HSSC you will experience that ‘Romance and Adventure.’

    1] Do not go to bed

    2] Sit in your most uncomfortable chair, preferably in a cupboard, for 9 or 10 hours facing a 4 foot wide panoramic photo of a flight deck

    3] Have two or three noisy vacuum cleaners on high, out of sight but within hearing distance and operating throughout the night. If a vacuum cleaner fails, do the appropriate restart checklist

    4] Halfway through your nocturnal simulator course, arrange for a bright spotlight to shine directly into your face for two or three hours, simulating flying eastbound into the sunrise

    5] Have bland overcooked food served on a tray halfway through the night

    6] Have cold cups of coffee delivered from time to time, and ask your spouse to slam the door frequently

    7] At the time when you must heed nature’s call, force yourself to stand outside the bathroom door for at least ten minutes, transferring your weight from leg to leg, teasing the discomfort. Don’t forget to wear your hat.

    8] Leave the cupboard after the prescribed nine or ten hours and turn on your sprinklers in the garden and stand out in the cold and “rain”, for twenty minutes, simulating the wait for the crew car

    9] Head for your bedroom, wet through and with your suitcase and flight bag. Stand outside the door till your wife gets up and leaves, simulating the wait while the maid makes up the hotel room

    10] When your spouse inquires, ‘Just what in the hell have you been doing?’ just say, ‘Recalling the allure of all night flying to romantic places.’ as you collapse into bed

    11] If you are a purist, make this a two-day trip instead of a turn-around, so do this two nights in a row. Above all ‘Enjoy Yourselves.’

    Regards…………………..Jim Retired.”

  6. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Patrician.

    Typing about things one has saved on one’s hard drive…

    Think you are having a bad day ?

    Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask.

    A post-mortem test revealed that the man died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification. Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clothed diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire.

    It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the man went diving off the coast, some 20 miles from the forest. The fire fighters, seeking to control the fire as quickly as possible, had called in a fleet of helicopters with very large dip buckets. Water was dipped from the ocean and emptied at the site of the forest fire.

    You guessed it. One minute our diver was making like Flipper in the Pacific, the next, he was doing the breast stroke in a fire dip bucket 300 feet in the air.

    Some days it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed. but keep reading….

    Still think you’re having a bad day ?

    A man was working on his motorcycle on the patio, his wife nearby in the kitchen. While racing the engine, the motorcycle accidentally slipped into gear. The man, still holding onto the handlebars, was dragged along as it burst through the glass patio doors.

    His wife, hearing the crash, ran in the room to find her husband cut and bleeding, the motorcycle, and the shattered patio door. She called for an ambulance and, because the house sat on a fairly large hill, went down the several flights of stairs to meet the paramedics and escort them to her husband.

    While the attendants were loading her husband, the wife managed to right the motorcycle and push it outside. She also quickly blotted up the spilled petrol with some paper towels and tossed them into the toilet.

    After being treated and released, the man returned home, looked at the shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle. He went into the bathroom and consoled himself with a cigarette while attending to his business. About to stand, he flipped the butt between his legs.

    The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard a loud explosion and her husband screaming. Finding him lying on the bathroom floor with his trousers blown away and burns on his buttocks, legs and groin, she once again phoned for an ambulance. The same paramedic crew was dispatched.

    As the paramedics carried the man down the stairs to the ambulance they asked the wife how he had come to burn himself. She told them. They started laughing so hard, one slipped, the stretcher dumping the husband out. He fell down the remaining stairs, breaking his arm.

    Still having a bad day ?

    Just remember, it could be worse..

    The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.

    Still think you are having a bad day ?

    A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman.

    STILL think you’re having a bad day ?

    Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn, Germany. Suddenly, all two thousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly. The two hapless protesters were trampled to death.

    There now, feeling better ?

  7. Derek Cameron

    Hey guys ,Regarding the upcoming Aberdeen get together I take it you know BrewDog have recently opened a new bar in the old Athenaeum building at Castlegate.

  8. maureen

    Can I have a name badge, maureen will do!

  9. Brian Doonthetoon

    Noted, maureen. You’re third on the list after Pete the Camera and Brian Doonthetoon.


  10. Wuffing Dug


    Can I have a badge with ‘Wuffing Dug’ on it please?

    Thinking of pursuing a career in seal rehabilitation right now.

    Didnae know this quarantine area existed.

  11. Brian Doonthetoon

    Wuffing Dug and carjamtic added to the badge list.

  12. Wuffing Dug

    Thanks Brian.

  13. carjamtic

    Quality Brian

    Where am I ?……..:-)

  14. Ronne


    Best put me down for one too.

    List currently numbers 20, but jdman +1 seems doubtful.

    However, I won’t remove anyone unless they confirm they’re not going.

  15. X_Sticks

    Please, sir, can I be on the list? I’ve always wanted to be on a list.

  16. Paula Rose

    @X_Sticks – which list would you like *smiles sweetly*

  17. Ronnie


    My earlier post seems to have disappeared…

    Please add a ‘Ronnie’ to your product list.

  18. X_Sticks


    Any one, as long as it’s not your naughty list 😉

  19. Brian Doonthetoon

    I’ve added X_Sticks and Ronnie to the badge list but – an interloper calling himself “Ronne” has also claimed a badge, at 10.59 last night.

    Is this “Ronne” a troll, or a typo, explaining why Ronnie’s post didn’t appear as expected?

    X_Sticks – does Fiona want a badge?

    PS: I hear that Ronnie Anderson will be at ‘Wings Over Aberdeen’, come hell or high (Dee) water…

  20. cearc

    I should be there unless Aberdeen freezes over.

  21. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi cearc.

    You’re now on the list. You’ll probably know – why did the chicken think again about crossing the road?

    Here’s the current list I have for those attending ‘Wings Over Aberdeen’, who want a souvenir badge.
    Pete the Camera
    Brian Doonthetoon
    Wuffing Dug
    Ronnie Anderson
    Paula Rose

  22. Paula Rose

    Beedeeteetee, Honey and Pete the Hunk, Honey – can I have some more of those special badges?

  23. cearc

    ‘Cos it was nearly teatime?

  24. Ronnie


    I genuinely didn’t have my post of 10.59 last night on screen this morning – so assumed some glitch.

    But there’s only one of me – as X-Sticks and Wuffing Dug will vouch for!

    It will be a pleasure to finally get to meet Ronnie Anderson.

    For those who have not met either of us – I’m the good-looking one.

    This is gonna be better than I expected!

    Incidentally, I don’t think Brewdog’s Aberdeen II is open yet – pity, we could have had a 50 yard triangular pub crawl.

  25. Ronnie


    ‘Ronne’ is my alter ego.


  26. Brian Doonthetoon

    I guess ‘Ronnie’ will be at WOA and ‘Ronne’ (which reads a tad feminine – Paula Rose can decide) will be staying at home, handling herself/himself in the corner. He/she should really get an agent to handle his/her affairs.

    Paula Rose – I understand your plea is under favourable consideration…

  27. Brian Doonthetoon

    cearc – I don’t have a scooby! You’re the chicken expert!


  28. X_Sticks


    “does Fiona want a badge?”

    She will undoubtedly want a badge 🙂

  29. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi X_Sticks.

    I’ve added Fiona to the badge list.

  30. kendomacaroonbar


    Julia Blechenden-Roe might pitch up. I’ve been asked to forward to her details of the event – can some nice bod forward me the doings.


  31. Capella

    @ BDTT can I have a souvenir badge please? I plan to be there barring floods or blin drift.

  32. Brian Doonthetoon

    Julia Blechenden-Roe and Capella added to the list.

    Hi kendomacaroonbar.

    Details here:-

  33. Quinie frae Angus

    Hi all

    I would like a badge please! And a rumour has it that Cearc knows of a cheap hotel…..any clues please?

  34. Ronnie


    Travelodge Bridge Street is advertising £34.

  35. Quinie frae Angus

    Ooh, thanks Ronnie – I will suss that out.

  36. cearc


    The prices are per room, do you want to share?

    It was x-sticks who mentioned the Premier Inn.

  37. Paula Rose

    Can I share?

  38. Quinie frae Angus

    Happy to share with you, Cearc, and was wondering if TJenny might like to come along? Alas I no longer have her email address as I lost a lot when I changed computers.

    Paula dear, you’re always welcome to come and have a bit of fun in the girls’ room!

  39. Paula Rose

    * rapid needlework on pink lacy flouncy stuff – waves*

  40. cearc

    T Jenny said (on another thread) she couldn’t do overnighters to exotic places.

    I’ll do the booking for a twin-bedded room. I’ll be booking for the night before as well if you want to come early.

    Ahh, a new exotic outfit instead of the scarlet sequined number!

  41. Brian Doonthetoon

    Quinie frae Angus is now on the badge list.

  42. Quinie frae Angus

    That’s great Cearc – I will give you half the money for the Sat night when I see you, if that’s OK? If not I can get it to you before then somehow – let me know.

    Not sure about the Friday night yet but will let you know asap.

    Cheers – looking forward to it!

  43. Quinie frae Angus

    BDTT & PtC

    Ta for the badge!

  44. Brian Doonthetoon

    JEEZ! I didn’t realise – I got first post on the new page in Quarantine!


  45. Paula Rose


  46. Paula Rose

    He’s doing it on purpose.

  47. X_Sticks

    @Brian & Pete

    Another three names for WoSABZ – Mal Bremner, Kenny Nicol & Jim Dewar. Would all like a Wings badge

    Mal says that the brewdog (old Atheneum) is open now, but very busy. He says there is also a Bowie tribute night at Drummonds which is a 3 min walk from Simpson’s/Blackfriars.

    See you caught the first post on the blog! Well done. it was beginning to look like a one party state in here & on O/T 😉

  48. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi X_Sticks.

    Names added. Here’s the up to date list:-

    Pete the Camera
    Brian Doonthetoon
    Wuffing Dug
    Ronnie Anderson
    Paula Rose
    Julia Blechenden-Roe
    Quinie frae Angus
    Mal Bremner
    Kenny Nicol
    Jim Dewar

    17 for badges so far…

  49. Brian Doonthetoon

    Forgot to mention…

    If Brewdog in Aberdeen is anything like Brewdog in Dundee, it’ll need a mortgage for a pint.

    A FOURTH venue?

    The thing is, we don’t really want Wingers spread all over the shop, do we? The Wetherspoons/Blackfriars thing could work, if we regard the Archibald Simpson as home base and Blackfriars as the dugout.

  50. carjamtic

    Hi Brian

    Sorry for leaving it late,but can confirm mrs carjamtic will accompany me on Saturday,is it too late for a badge,carjamtic 2… 🙂


  51. Paula Rose

    Bdtt – I think “carjamtic’s OWNER” might be a better badge to provide for mrs carjamtic

  52. carjamtic

    @Paula Rose


    Aye yer no far wrang….lol

    On 2nd thoughts… SHMBOAAT…would be safer…..


  53. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi carjamtic.

    I’m confuzzled. Do you want,

    Mrs carjamtic
    carjamtic 2
    SHMBOAAT (?)

    on your wife’s badge?

    BTW: the cut-off point for requesting a named badge for the Aberdeen get-together is 11.59pm, on Wednesday, 27th January, ie a week on Wednesday.

  54. Thepnr


    Already booked, keep me a badge 🙂

  55. carjamtic


    Badge name : Caroline


  56. Luigi

    Brian Doonthetoon,

    A wee badge for me also, please. Ta.


  57. Brian Doonthetoon

    That’s Thepnr, Caroline and Luigi added to the badge list.

  58. Paula Rose

    Um – where are we meeting up around 7ish – asking for a friend.

  59. Ronnie


    Tell your friend to go to the Archibald Simpson – and look for a bunch of nutters!

    We may drift over to the Old Blackfriars later, it’s got cosy nooks and crannies.

  60. Paula Rose

    BDTT – another one for the badge list –

    Mr Malky

  61. Brian Doonthetoon

    Mr Malky added to the badge list.

  62. Paula Rose

    BDTT babe – another lurker – Neil

  63. Brian Doonthetoon

    Neil added to the badge list.

  64. Bittie Glakit

    Can I have a badge please?
    Here are some pics    

  65. Brian Doonthetoon

    Bittie Glakit added to the badge list and Julia Blechenden-Roe removed.

  66. tartanpigsy

    Hey Brian DTT, just put this in O/T like the numpty I am.
    If still not too late love a badge for the weekend

  67. Betty Boop


    Brian, sent you an email simply for info this morning.

  68. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi tartanpigsy.

    Totally misread your username until I copied and pasted onto the badge list. I was reading you as “tartanpigSTY”. Sorted though.

    Hi Betty Boop.

    Email noted.

    That’s the badge list closed. If you’re coming, and you haven’t asked for a badge, you’ll get a ‘Wings Over Aberdeen Alert Reader’ badge.

  69. X_Sticks

    Folks, I’m trying to get Cinderella to the ball on Saturday.

    I have managed to arrange a coach and horses (courtesy of tartanpigsy) to get her there, but needing a bit of help to get her home on Saturday night. She must be home before midnight (or even a bit earlier). She lives near Huntly so no train and bus pretty hopeless. I’m reckoning a taxi from Aberdeen will cost about £50-60. Are there enough of us prepared to chip in a bit to get Cinderella home?

  70. Paula Rose

    X_Sticks – raffle?

  71. kendomacaroobar

    @X_Sticks. if it’s Miss F I’ll chip in 50 send me your paypal account and i’ll transfer it over

  72. X_Sticks


    You put that in to the big pot if you know what I mean (did you see my email BTW?) – I reckon Paula has just volunteered to run a raffle 😀

  73. kendomacaroobar

    @X_Sticks Yes, I saw the emails thank you Colin. I think F’s priority now is to get a van that gives her transport to work – if you know anybody who is in the auto biz I’m certain she’d be delighted to talk to them.

  74. Brian Doonthetoon

    Paula Rose DARING to run a raffle, when Irene King is gonna be there?

    I wanna see that! Handbags at 7…


  75. X_Sticks


    Are John & Irene coming? They’re no on yer list.

  76. Paula Rose

    Eek that’s not what I meant, I can’t run anything in these heels – just thought some of the raffle money could go towards the fare that was all *regrets trying to be helpful – goes back to sewing outfit*

  77. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi X_Sticks.

    The Kings… Mention on one of the main pages today. You know how backward they are in coming forward…


  78. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi X_Sticks.

    The Kings… Got to ask him what ‘jdman’ is all about…

  79. X_Sticks


    Think the jdman is device dependant if my memory serves me.

  80. A doric loon

    Last minute stuff was supposed tae be workin, but broke ma fit so in aberdeen,try an persuade wife tae drop in.
    Been followin wings aboot a year noo, be guid tae meet some o you.

  81. Paula Rose

    A doric loon – *waves* yay babe looking forward to meeting you xx

  82. jdman

    Its funny you should ask if we’re coming, we are, BUT got up to a lot of white stuff falling out of the sky, anybody tell me what the A92 northwards is like?I’m thinking sticking to the coast might be a good plan

    the name jdman comes from a nickname I was given several years ago by a younger colleague who saw anyone over the age of 40 as suffering from dementia it simply refers to John dementia man,

    Sorry if we’ve been messing with the numbers BDtt
    I didn’t mean to keep you and Pete in the dark, suppose its too late for one o Petes special badges?

  83. Ronnie

    Wings over Aberdeen.


    You did say earlier in January that you two were unlikely to make it because you needed to cough up for wheel-bearings. But I kept you on my list as a ‘maybe’.

    Slight dusting in the city this morning. Shouldn’t deter a stalwart like yourself – but wrap up well.

    X-Sticks and ALL attendees.

    Yes, I had planned to have a raffle (got the Cloakroom tickets).

    All donated ‘prizes’ welcome.

    All proceeds to ‘Fiona’s Fund’.

  84. jdman

    Thanks Ronnie, looking forward to meeting you at last,

  85. Capella

    Xsticks there are trains from Aberdeen to Huntly but the last one leaves at 10.00 getting in at 10.50.

    However, happy to chip in for a taxi if needed. Should book beforehand though.

    Is it at the Archibald Simpson or the Blackfriars? I’ve seen both mentioned?

  86. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi John King.

    Saw your post on the main page on Thursday morning so added you and Irene to the badge list. Finished off the artworks on Thursday afternoon. Delivered to Pete Friday morning.

    Re your route to Aberdeen: the northbound A90 is closed at Stracathro, currently, due to an accident. Probably better to stick to the coast road. More picturesque onnyhoo.,2,35,43

  87. Brian Doonthetoon

    7pm at the Archibald Simpson, Capella.

  88. Lenny Hartley

    Just to let you know that I’ll be thinking of y’all up in Aberdeen, had to change plans due to a pals funeral which I never got to anyway due to no boats, The perils of Island living but i would not have made it up to Aberdeen anyway unless I left on Thursday . Maybe the next time.

  89. cearc


    Nice sunny day here in Aberdeen, roads fine.


    Any idea when you are arriving?

  90. jdman

    The navigator says 2.00pm, what hotel are you at? ours is the IBIS 5min walk from venue

  91. cearc

    Apologies to all, I packed up some eggs for the raffle and then left them at home.

    Still, we could draw for the lucky person who won’t have to carry eggs home in a less than sober state!

  92. jdman

    “Re your route to Aberdeen: the northbound A90 is closed at Stracathro, currently, due to an accident. Probably better to stick to the coast road. More picturesque onnyhoo.”

    you read my mind, exactly what I was thinking as well.

  93. cearc

    Myself and Quinie, when she gets here, are at the Doubletrees on the Boulevard, it was cheaper at 59/room/night B&b with free parking.

    Don’t see why you couldn’t pop in here to say hello and leave your car, there’s loads of space and they don’t ask for registration numbers at check-in.

  94. jdman

    Cheers Cearc see you all later, we’re setting off now.

  95. X_Sticks

    Phew. Last part of the puzzle sorted. Cinderella’s coach home booked – estimated cost £60-70, but she lives a bit out in the sticks, so bus/train would mean she’d have to somehow get from Huntly back home. I’ve arranged it through a Huntly taxi co rather than an Aberdeen one.

    Glad you and Irene are going to make it John and look forward to seeing you all tonight.

    PS Thanks for the support folks.

  96. ronnie anderson

    Sorry People for late call of I have been spewing since Thurs afternoon , had Frid off but no better, for all you,s that make it ,hiv a guid nicht.

  97. cearc

    Sorry to hear that Ronnie.

    Don’t let yourself get dehydrated. See you next time.

  98. Ronnie

    @ ronnie anderson,

    Sad to get that news, was looking forward to meeting you.

    Hope you get better fast.

    (Ca’ canny wi the talc)

  99. Ronnie

    Wingers over Aberdeen

    Any Wingers worried aboot the caul in Aiberdeen – this is for you…

  100. cearc


    Not sure about the best gown though with you lot.

  101. X_Sticks

    Sorry ye’ll no make it Ronnie, but dinnae worry, I’ll drink your for ye 😀

    Hope you mend soon.

  102. cearc

    What a generous, self-sacrificing laddie oor X-Sticks is!

  103. cearc

    Has anybody heard from Quinie?

    I have no idea when she is expecting to be here.

  104. Paula Rose

    Been a delay – we will be there, I’m still in Brechin, Quinie and Thepnr are picking me up shortly.

  105. cearc

    OK, I’ll wait here ’til youse all arrive?

  106. cearc

    Paula Rose,

    You’ve all got my phone no.

  107. Paula Rose

    It’s going to take us an hour from here – probably best if we meet up at the pub.

  108. Paula Rose


  109. Conan the Librarian™

    Have just the one for me folks. I think I had one too many in Edinburgh last time…

  110. cearc


    I take it you mean each of us having ‘one for you’ including X-Sticks who has already nobly offered to drink for Ronnie A as well?

    Should be quite a night!

  111. cearc

    Paula Rose,

    phone me.

  112. Paula Rose

    cearc – Quinie and Thepnr on their way to me now, be here 20 minutes, ETA Aberdeen 7:30 – message from them – “We’ll see you in the pub”

  113. cearc

    Give me a ring, you have my number..

  114. X_Sticks


    You’n’me both dude! 😉

    No sure if ah’ll manage yours and Ronnie’s as weel.

  115. Paula Rose

    I can’t find it! Quinie’s just phoned, she hasn’t got it either – they’re picking me up in 5 minutes – see you in the pub.

  116. Quinie frae Angus

    Cearc I am so so sorry! I have negle Ted to put your number in my phone and thoughts I’d sent you an email earlier but it maybe hasn’t come through for some reason. Can’t get emails on my phone. I just have a wee rucksack so don’t need to check in to hotel. Thepnr and I have just picked Paula Rose up in Brechin and will just meet you in pub xxx

  117. Jock Scot

    Hi. Just noticed this..hope you all have a ball tonight. Cheers.

  118. Quinie frae Angus

    Aw Jock Scot, so sorry you, Cactus, Ian Brotherhood, Conan and TJenny weren’t there this time. Looking forward to seeing you all again.

    I am lying awake in Paula Rose’s spare foldey-down bed in the wonderful City of Brechin right now, unable to sleep. (Have still never made it home even yet!!)

    Reason I am unable to sleep is because my mind is still doing overtime thinking of all the brilliant forensic work being done by Rev Stu, Scot goes Pop, Derek Bateman etc – brave fearless journalism in the face of the cowardly, supine pish from most of the Scottish press pack. (Spannergate just the latest example).

    Also thinking about the wonderful, diverse, and passionate bunch that are the Wings readers I have had the great fortune to read comments from or meet in real life.

    I am going to write a more descriptive post about the particulars of the Aberdeen night later once I’m up and about. Will put it on Off Topic.

  119. Patrician

    Coz I is bored again:

    If only science had been this interesting at school.

  120. Betty Boop

    @ Patrician

    Thanks for such a worthwhile link. That is a really interesting and, dare I say, “intelligent” post. Enjoyed that.

  121. Paula Rose

    Off to bed you lot.

  122. ronnie anderson

    Hi all I will be at Wazy,s on the 26th Bdtt put ma nane doon fur a Badge

  123. Brian Doonthetoon

    Names for 26th get-together so far…

    Ian Brotherhood
    Pete the Camera
    Brian Doonthetoon
    Ronnie Anderson

  124. Brian Doonthetoon

    For badges, that is…

  125. Ian Brotherhood

    @BDTT –


    Didn’t take long for youse lads to swing into action…


    Could you please make my badge ‘IanB’?

    Full name’s too big for wee circle – ends up tiny.


  126. Cactus

    Hi aye BDTT, I’d like a badge for WoS at WoC please. Will see if I can muster a crowd together for the 26th.

  127. Ruglonian

    Hiya BDTT, can I join the list for a badge please 😀

    As far as I know there’s a group from my area going into the town for a bit of a march on the 26th, so I’ll see if they want to nip into Waxys afterwards. I’ll let you know the response and any badge uptake on Friday.

    Btw, nice work IanB – I was going to sit down tonight and phone round places but you bet me to it 😉
    I think Waxy O’Conners will be a great venue, I’m really looking forward to it!

  128. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Ian B, Cactus and Ruglonian.

    All noted.

  129. Tam Jardine

    Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Brian

    Can you put my name down for a badge. Looks like I will definitely make it.

    Ian Brotherhood and others

    Well done for putting this together- looking forward to it

  130. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Tam J.

    Noted. See you in Waxy’s.

  131. crazycat

    @ Brian

    Could I have a badge for the 26th too, please?

    crazycat with a lower case c to start would be excellent.

    I’m hoping to be on the march, plus at a CND stall at the rally at the end, before moving on to Waxy’s.

    See you all then.

  132. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi crazycat.

    You’re on the list…

  133. Kishorn Commando

    Badge for me please for 26th name is a bit long so a dayglo KC will do !

  134. Brian Doonthetoon

    You’re now on the list, Kishorn Commando, full name or contraction – I’ll see what fits.

  135. Michael McCabe

    Hi Brian Doonthetoon. A Badge please for me and one for Lynn Please. Cheers. and a big shout out to your partner in crime Pete the Camera. Looking forward too seeing you all on the 26th

  136. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Michael McCabe.

    You’re added to the badge list. What will Lynn want on hers? Lynn McCarthy?

  137. Bevrijdingsdag

    @Brian Doonthetoon.

    Looking forward to our first Wings get the gither.
    Could i have a badge please with my name Thomas and one for my wife Mary.

  138. Michael McCabe

    Brian Doonthetoon 2:13pm Lynn McCarthy is Perfect. Cheers Brian.

  139. Thepnr

    Badge please for me too Brian.

    @Michael McCabe

    I sent you an email buddy, get back to me when you can. Ta.

  140. Brian Doonthetoon

    Thepnr has been added to the list. You’re 14th out of 32 who have told Ian B that they’ll be in Waxy’s.

  141. Michael McCabe

    @ Thepnr 10:45pm just sent you an email hope I have done it right. All the best to you & yours.

  142. Cherry

    Hi Brian
    I’m going to be a cheeky so in so! I’m one of the team of Inform-Scotland, Ian Brotherhood has my email address coz I sent him the email invitation to the “dooo” However I’m house bound and so will only be there in spirit and heart also through live streaming. Can I have a badge? Won’t ask for one again and will gladly pay any and all costs. Send me an email to let me know thanks 😉

  143. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Cherry.

    You’re added to the badge list. We’ll pass it on on the day, to whoever proxy you want to nominate.

  144. Cherry

    🙂 will ask Simon to get it for me. Please tell me how much,is it a donation for food bank?

  145. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Cherry.

    No charge for get-together badges.
    Our contribution to the cause.
    Who’s Simon?


  146. Cherry

    Hopefully he will be there. He’s another team member. Cadogan may be too busy to have time to post. Simon is also busy but I think would have easier access to posting to me. But leave it with me as my next door neighbour said he might go so if he does he’s “it” lol. Thanks will keep you up to date 😉

  147. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Cherry.

    No doubt everything will fall into place.

    Meanwhile, here’s a song for you.

  148. Cherry

    😉 well that’s one of my favourite Neil Diamond songs…saw him twice in Glasgow…he was amazing! Red, red wine is another och my list goes on! 🙂

  149. Quentin Quale

    @Brian, oooh, badges for me and Chipmonkey, please!

  150. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi QQ.

    You and the minkie added to the list. Have you a lassonce for ze minkie?


  151. Brian Doonthetoon

    RE: my previous post.

    My YouTube curiosity was piqued…

  152. Quentin Quale

    Thanks Brian. Must dash, I hear ma pheaun is ringing.

  153. chasanderson200

    Testing my technology!

  154. Taranaich

    Brian, put me down for a badge. “Taranaich” as usual.

    Also, could you whip one up saying “Hero of the Federation”? Will have a special guest coming along!

  155. Ruglonian

    Hi Brian, I have a motley crew from the Rutherglen and Cambuslang area requesting badges, here goes:

    Jim ST
    Robert McNulty
    The Nomad

    There’s a few prominent Wingers unable to make this do. By virtue of the fact that they’ll still be part of the conversation – ie we’ll be talking about them 😉 – is there anyway you’d be able to make a badge saying something like ‘My absence was noted at…Wings over Glasgow’ and they can be passed along to the shirkers!

  156. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi peeps.

    Have added to the list the names above, after QQ and ‘the minkie’.

    Good to see you got your posting problem sorted out, chas200!

    A wee heads-up…
    The souvenir, personalised badges are only made for those who were there and remember it well. We don’t do badges for those who ‘wish they were there’…

    Onnyhoo, here’s the current list I have of those who have indicated that they will be there on the 26th and have requested a named badge.

    Ian B
    Pete the Camera
    Brian Doonthetoon
    Ronnie Anderson
    Tam Jardine
    Kishorn Commando
    Michael McCabe
    Lynn McCarthy
    Quentin Quale
    Hero of the Federation
    Jim ST
    Robert McNulty
    The Nomad

    As you can see, there are 28 names on the badge list. However, Ian B has been keeping a list of those who have said that they’ll be there and that list is pushing 50 so a fair number of those haven’t asked for a badge.

    I’ll type again – you have until 11.59pm on Wednesday, 23rd March to claim your named badge.

    I’d prefer a rush on Sunday night, rather than a rush on Wednesday night; the badges are individually printed and hand-crafted, which takes time…

  157. Brian Doonthetoon

    BTW: we will have a limited number of “I Was There” badges, for Wingers who turn up, previously unannounced…

  158. Paula Rose

    I always feel so guilty asking for a badge cos I know how much time and effort you put into it – but you know – if you have the time…

  159. Brian Doonthetoon

    Brechin’s beauty has been added to the list…

  160. CameronB Brodie

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Re. badges. We don’t need…, add me to you list please. I like lists. Wish I had a list. I’ll need to start making my own. 🙂


  161. Simone

    Rather than face the full wrath of Paula, I better confirm I’ll be there and I’ll be bringing ScaryCath with me for immoral support.

  162. Brian Doonthetoon

    Also added to the badge list:-

    CameronB Brodie

    I will now retire for an hour or three. Snooze and myoozack beckons…

  163. X_Sticks

    Looks like I’m going to be there next Sat so I better get on the list 😀

    Looking forward to seeing you all there.

  164. Brian Doonthetoon

    X_Sticks added.

  165. Quinie frae Angus

    Would love a badge, please! Thanks. Looking forward to the day/evening.

  166. Craig Sheridan

    Looking forward to meeting more of you next Saturday in between giving Kevin a hand with his live stream. Could you add me to the list as CRAIGthePICT please (I’ll bring another 3 people, Mark, Mandy, Grant). I would urge everyone who can make it to attend the march as well and build up a thirst 🙂

    P.S. Please share

    P.P.S. Please sign

  167. Simone

    Sorry one more to add to the list: Preston

    That’s it, I promise 🙂

  168. Brian Doonthetoon

    More names added to the badge list:-

    Quinie frae Angus

  169. Brian Doonthetoon

    Bob Sinclair and Gwen have been added to the badge list, via posts in ‘off-topic’ last night.

  170. chasanderson200

    Reaching scunner point trying to post here. Am I hitting a spam filter or some such? One test post snuck through on 17th but since then – Nada, zero, bugger all. It’s bloody frustrating not being able to add my experience to the great comments and arguments put forward here which is far and away the best site of its type.
    No problems posting on other sites (munguins,scot goes pop),
    the only problem is here, which is where I wish to contribute to the debate.
    If this post makes it then I look forward to Glasgow on Saturday where someone maybe able to give me the benefits of their wisdom.


  171. chasanderson200

    Yee-bloody-ha success at last. Coincidence that it coincided withe the Arabs scoring at tannadice? I think I know what the problem was but am too embarrassed to publish it. How can an ex accountant who sat at a desk for 40 years still have hands like bunches of bananas?

    Answer – bloody clumsiness.

    Roll on Saturday!

  172. Paula Rose

    Looking forward to meeting you chasanderson200.

  173. Valerie

    I’m hoping to make it along next Saturday 🙂

    It will be good to put faces to the forum handles.

  174. Brian Doonthetoon

    That’s Valerie added to the badge list.

  175. Valerie

    Many thanks BDTT! Didn’t like to ask, just saw a message from Ian B about getting accurate numbers, as its getting popular!

  176. cearc

    Ok. Count me in.

  177. Ian Brotherhood

    @cearc –

    It’s just clicked – you’re 50th?!



  178. Brian Doonthetoon

    Yep, cearc added to the badge list.

  179. cearc

    Nah. not even my birthday and 50th. was a looong time ago!

  180. AllyPally

    Just noticed Saturday’s get together. What time?

  181. castle hills chavie

    Hey folks

    It seems that I will be able to make the shindig on Sat, it’ll be good to catch up.

    Pleease Brian can a ave a badge.


  182. Paula Rose

    @AllyPally 3-5 for the workshop details in Cadogan Enright’s comment on Off-topic 12th March 10:59. Thereafter till closing all sorts of capers.

  183. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi AllyPally.

    See Ian B’s comment at this link:-


    Thistle (via ‘off-topic’) and ‘castle hills chavie’ are added to the badge list.

  184. carjamtic


    Please excuse delay,yes,I would like a badge.


  185. Brian Doonthetoon

    And carjamtic also added.

  186. Brian Doonthetoon

    I could let you see the badge design we’ve come up with for the 26th, but the wee Numbskull in my brain’s ‘artistic department’ said to me, “Gonnae no’ dae that? Keep it as a surpeez…”

  187. Betty Boop


    Brian, add Betty Boop and Jim T please.

  188. Quinie frae Angus

    Ian B et al

    Much to my annoyance I now have to work in London all week which means I will be driving back up to Glasgow all day Saturday.

    This means I should still be able to come along for the sociable evening part (will keep in touch with Thpnr, Paula Rose and X-sticks whose numbers I have in my phone).

    However I will miss the the “business” part of the day (Inform Scotland etc).

    So sorry about this. Was really looking forward to that. But will get along as soon as I can in the evening.

  189. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Quinie.

    Your effort to get there will be appreciated.


    Hi Betty Boop.

    “Betty Boop” and “Jim T” or “Jim Thomson”?

  190. Betty Boop

    @ Bdtt

    Jim Thomson

    Ta muchly

  191. Quinie frae Angus

    Thanks BDTT.

    Also,I know there was some idea about this many moons ago but I’ve not had time to keep up with Wings posts over past few weeks – is there a mini-bus or anyone going back up to Dundee or Carnoustie after we finally wrap up? If so I would gladly pay for the lift! Would rather crash out in Glasgow but family organising an Easter picnic on Sunday and we’re leaving early doors…..

  192. Paula Rose

    Um – is there one going from Dundee to Glasgow – I don’t need the return.

  193. Quinie frae Angus

    Paula dear, we could share a return ticket! You do it forwards, and I’ll do it backwards – like we usually do! X

  194. Paula Rose

    Indeed we could! Only problem is I’ve seen no such mention of the sort of luxury to which we are both accustomed, but I’m sure our gallant knights will ride to the rescue.

  195. Brian Doonthetoon

    Betty Boop and Jim Thomson added to the badge list.

    Hi Paula Rose and Quinie.

    Just had a text conversation with Pete the Camera.

    Paula – get into Dundee around Saturday lunchtime and you can have a seat with us to Glasgow. Departure time to be confirmed. Will email you in a couple of days.

    Quinie – Pete says no problem getting you back to Carnoustie after the event.


  196. yesbot

    Hi all

    Haven’t posted before but am a big Wings fan and lifelong Indy supporter; would love to come along on the 26th if that’s OK?

    Sounds like quite an event, was hoping to sneak in unannounced but it seems to be getting very busy, so thought I’d better overcome my posting reticence and check in!

    Really looking forward to it.

  197. Paula Rose

    @Quinie our knights in shining armour!

  198. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi yesbot.

    Welcome to the world of proud cybernattery!

    You’d better turn up on Saturday – I’ve added you to the badge list!


  199. Liz g

    Hi Brian,can you do a badge for me please

  200. yesbot

    Hi Brian

    I’ll definitely be there and I’ll be delighted to have a badge, thank you so much.

  201. Brian Doonthetoon

    ‘Liz g’ added to the badge list.

  202. AllyPally

    Am I too late for badges?

    AllyPally of ClanDestiny and Alistair of ClanDestiny if there’s room, otherwise just the names.

  203. chasanderson200

    My first one too, glad to know I’ll not be the only vigin(?) there.
    I look forward to meeting you.

  204. Paula Rose

    Lots of vigins – how lovely!

  205. chasanderson200

    Paula, you are beginning to scare me ?

  206. Paula Rose

    Don’t worry Honey I’m very gentle really.

  207. Brian Doonthetoon

    AllyPally of ClanDestiny and Alistair of ClanDestiny added to the badge list.

  208. carjamtic


    Sorry Brian,wee familly thing has come up,means,relatives coming from up north and distant shores,need to kip at mine,need to feed and water them for a few days.

    Need to miss this WoS in Glesga gig,gutted.

    Distributors for any WoS stuff,needed in ABZ count me in should such an occasion arise 😉

    Enjoy the night,lucky buggers.

  209. Lenny Hartley

    Re sat night in Glasgow, can u put me and Tam Kerr down for badges ta

  210. Lenny Hartley

    Just booked the ferry for Saturday afternoon and have also somebody mentioning something on during the day.

    I seem to have missed that, can somebody fill me in so to speak?

  211. Lenny Hartley

    Bugger just seen the forecast for Saturday, might not make it. Strong winds over 50 mph

  212. Cactus

    Aweright BDTT, could I request a badge for Dixie please.

    Busy in here, how many Wingers do we have now?

  213. Brian Doonthetoon

    carjamtic – noted. Maybe see you again at the next one, wherever…

    Lenny Hartley and Tam Kerr added to the badge list. Hopefully, it will be a fair wind on Saturday…
    Check out posts by Cadogan Enright and Ian Brotherhood in ‘off-topic’, particularly,

    Dixie also added to the badge list.

  214. chasanderson200

    I don’t know Glasgow pubs very well nowadays but I note that there seems to be two fairly close to each other. Which one are we using for the main bash?

  215. chasanderson200

    Oops, that should have read two Waxys close to each other. All the excitement is getting to me!

  216. Brian Doonthetoon

    Badge list closes in half an hour.


    Hi Chas.

    Have a look at this link, then zoom out of it. You’ll get your bearings. The top end of George Square can be seen at the right, before you zoom out of Streetview.

    Had a blether with Ronnie Anderson tonight. He’s suggested that Wingers can meet up, after the march, at the usual spot, under Sir Walter Scott’s feet, before heading to Waxy’s.

  217. chasanderson200

    Paula, Brian
    Thank you got my bearings now.

  218. Quinie frae Angus

    Ooh this is shaping up to be an exciting Wingers’ night out, what with old friends and lots of “virgins” to meet and greet.

    Looking forward to seeing the Clan Destiny team to work on an idea I have for next IndyRef….haven’t seen you guys for ages.

    Virgins – including people coming on their own – fear not! You will find that everyone is so friendly and welcoming and just delighted to meet like-minded intelligent people. Who understand why WoS and sites like it (although there is nothing like it!!) are so crucial for helping us scythe through the daily bullshit fed to us by the corporate unionist media.

    Looking forward to Saturday. BDTT and IanB, suggest you do regular bullet point reminders to peeps of the three meeting point possibilities! These threads are long and unwieldy and new peeps are catching on to them every evening….they won’t know what was discussed three days ago up the thread.

    If you are reading this and still a nervous lurker, worried about the eccentric weirdos you may encounter on Saturday, please take it from me.

    Just get your wee Scottish Indy ass along. Yes we are all mad as a box of frogs and yet brimming with political common sense. All different shades of left, right, green and bendy-shaped. You will laugh like a drain and go home wih a heid brimming with the intensity of purpose.

    Above all, we will ALL enjoy an evening where we DON’T have to waste the evening answering stupid questions like “But how could we afford it? ” etc etc.

    Come on, Wingers. Paula Rose in particular is waiting to envelop you in her loving arms.

  219. Lenny Hartley

    BDTT can you cancel my order for badges ( hope not to late) forecast is grim Saturday and I doubt if I will get off the Island.mif I do I will still be there but not looking good just now.

  220. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Lenny Hartley.

    If you can let us know by around 10am, tomorrow, whether or not you and Tam are going to achieve a mainland landfall, that would be handy.


  221. Lenny Hartley

    BDTT sorry just seen ur message, on boat now so unless wind gets up shortly will se y all tonight

  222. Bevrijdingsdag

    Test 🙂

  223. Bevrijdingsdag

    🙂 test

  224. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Bevrijdingsdag.

    If you were testing to see if your posts worked here, your test was successful.

    However, if you were testing to see whether you could attract Paula Rose to Quarantine, like a moth to a candle, I fear you have failed.


  225. Paula Rose

    I don’t like oblongs.

  226. Arbroath1320

    I want so more emojis but they never work for me so lets try this!

    😕 (: and ? )
    8) ( 8 and ) )
    :X ( : and X)
    😯 (8 and O)

    let’s see how many of these, if any work. 😀

  227. Brian Doonthetoon

    For Chic McGregor.

    Remove the * from the link below before you try to paste it into the address bar. (Long story…)


    (Just trying to post a link after four unsuccessful attempts on the main page and one in ‘off-topic’.)

  228. Andrew Mclean

    Hi are you about?

  229. Brian Doonthetoon

    I’m keeping a watching brief – but shhhh; you ain’t seen me, coz this week, I will mostly be eating gravy.

  230. Smallaxe

    I’m here Andrew

  231. Paula Rose

    Me too – guzzles gravy.

  232. Smallaxe

    You two know what curiosity did to the cat?


    Peace Always

  233. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Smallaxe.

    I know that cat was called ‘Curiosity Kilt’ but I could never understand why. I’ve never seen a cat in a kilt, never mind a curiosity one. Maybe I will learn when maturity hits me.

    Of course, maybe CameronB Brodie has the answer in his notes…

  234. Smallaxe

    Brian Doonthetoon:

    Have you heard about Rudolph’s pal Olive?


    I’ll bet CameronB has.

    Peace Always

  235. Andrew Mclean

    Hi guys, sorry small axe was otherwise, ?
    How are you doing, I hope you’re well?

  236. Brian Doonthetoon

    I’m gonna paste this in here coz it escaped comment last night after I posted it next door at 10.15pm and, TBH, with it containing a couple of factoids, I thought somebody would have typed something…

    I haven’t stuck on any music for a while so here’s one from 1968 to waken you up. It features Adrian Gurvitz, who went on to write a classic – in an attic.

    The second two are from the early 70s. In the first, substitute the phrase “ESSO understands” in the choruses and think about a Morris Minor wending its way through English country lanes. Fans of Marmalade can check out the producer/arranger named on the label.

    From the same band is this one, which, when I reheard it a couple of years ago I recognised but I’d never known who did it. It was unlocked from a dusty corner of my musical memorybockers.

  237. Smallaxe

    Hi Andrew I’m fine thanks,whats on your mind?

  238. Andrew Mclean

    Guzzling,,siping surely?

  239. Brian Doonthetoon

    I have no idea about Rudolph’s pal Olive, Smallaxe. But it’s late and I’m about to have my supper, so there!

  240. Smallaxe


    Olive the other reindeer 🙂

  241. Smallaxe

    This is a very poor medium for communication!

  242. Andrew Mclean

    Yes, isn’t it just.
    For a den of iniquity, we are too full of whatever God you believe in.
    Anyway a bad night is better for the company of friends.

    Peace love and understanding as someone would say?

  243. Smallaxe

    Agreed Andrew,there’s nothing funny about that!

  244. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Smallaxe.

    Apart from Popeye’s burd, the only other Olive I knew was the cashier in Claude Alexander in Dundee, where I worked in the 70s.

    But that’s neither here nor there; that was then. Ken?

  245. Smallaxe

    Brian Doonthetoon:

    If you sing Rudolf the red nosed reindeer,you will find Olive

  246. Andrew Mclean

    Indeed not my friend.
    My dad used to say “cool heads” his favourite poet was Kipling, the poems resonated with him.
    Kipling was pro war til he paid the sacrifice of loosing his son.

    “They believed us and perished for it. Our statecraft, our learning”
    If any question why we died,
    Tell them, because our fathers lied.
    red not rob:

    And this
    Therefore I lied to please the mob.
    Now all my lies are proved untrue
    And I must face the men I slew.
    What tale shall serve me here among
    Mine angry and defrauded young?

  247. Smallaxe


    I am trying to get this as I want it, critisism please!

    Contrary to what some people insist
    I am real l do exist
    I am the burn that runs deep and cold
    I am the mountains…millennia old
    I am the lochs the islands the sea’s
    I am the tall majestic trees
    I am real
    I am the Grouse unseen in heather
    I am the wind I am the weather
    I am the stag I am the wildcats lair
    I am the snow white mountain hare
    I am the sly marauding seagull
    I am the eyrie of the Golden Eagle
    I am real
    I am the iconic highland cattle
    I am the echo of some ancient battle
    I am the sound of drum and pipe
    I am the field of barley ripe
    I am the soil beneath your feet
    I am the land that scorns defeat
    I AM REAL!
    I am Not,grand words, on a rogue signed unction.
    I,nor my people,gave you leave for this corruption
    I leave you behind,with your contempt
    and my frustration
    I am Scotland,a Kingdom,a Nation!

  248. Andrew Mclean

    I am Scotland, proud Kingdom and Nation.

    Despite what you have been told
    I am real, behold!

    I am the burn that runs deep and cold
    I am the mountains…millennia told
    I am the lochs the islands the stream
    I am the dark Caledonian dream

    I am the Grouse unseen in heather
    I am the gale, in heart and weather
    I am the stag Across the wildcats lair
    I am the snow white mountain hare
    I am the sly marauding seagull
    I am the eyrie of the Golden Eagle,

    I am the iconic highland cattle
    I am the echo of some ancient chattel
    I am the sound of drum and Fife,
    I am the field of barley ripe
    I am the rock beneath your feet
    I am the land that scorns defeat

    I am never Mere ,man’s words, on a rogue signed unction
    Ne’er my Kin proffered you leave for this corruption
    What you left behind, was dereliction, a cowards want,
    an insurrection!

    Your poetry was better. But clever man you are, thanks for the distraction.

    My friend

  249. Smallaxe

    Thanks Andrew,that gives me thoughts to work with.Maybe I should put more Scots words in for flavour.

    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it.
    IF. R.K.

    Peace Always

    I may be taking a chance here knowing this crowd of reprobates
    but if you have a throw away,try
    If you just put “Test”then I know that it is still functioning
    and get back to you.If not we can talk again my friend.

  250. Smallaxe

    Don’t use that first (dot)

    Peace Always

  251. Smallaxe

    I have discarded that email address.
    let me know if you want another.

    Peace Always

  252. Cactus

    Upon independence, we break the chains.. then we build bridges.

  253. Brian Doonthetoon

    Oh, hello Cactus. Yilliv hud yir tea?

  254. Cactus

    Aye aye Brian, it was tasty.. very very tasty 🙂

    I wonder who will comment on this page next, this early am.

    Upon independence..

  255. Ruglonian

    Hi folks, check my post on o/t – hope to see ya’ll on Saturday x

  256. Ruglonian

    My post appears to have disappeared – if it shows up, apologies for the duplication

    Wings gathering this Saturday – see my message on o/t

  257. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Ruglonian.

    Where are you moving to?

  258. chasanderson200

    Been off grid for a few weeks so only just catching up now. I notice there is a gathering plannned for Aberdeen — where and when?

  259. chasanderson200

    Scrap that last message. Equipment in meltdown mixing dates between years!

  260. K1

    Bdtt? Could you repost the means by which we find commenters on wings again? When you’ve a moment? My old hard drive was replaced thereby all my old bookmarks gone and I can’t for the life of me remember how to do this. Thanks in advance. 🙂

  261. Smallaxe

    K1: I hope this is what you’re looking for my Friend. Copy into Google: Wings over Scotland “K1 says”: ” Nana says” etc. Please tell Nana that I’m ok but will be busy for a while, I may post occasionally: Tell all I send Peace Love and Solidarity
    K1: Don’t post this bit:

    I am going back to what I do best (Climbing drainpipes) metaphorically speaking. Things are coming to a head regarding our cause, as you know and I have to make my small contribution (Peacefully of course)while I am still able.I will explain all in due course, I am starting to sound like James Bond 🙂 it’s nothing like that because I’m better looking than him 🙂

    Keep up your excellent posts and look after yourself. See you soon as possible. Your Friend Billy

  262. K1

    Sorry I didn’t come back to quarantine earlier now! I note you’ve already let everyone know ye’ll be back soon. Nevertheless loud and clear Billy, take care and guid luck wi the drainpipes…ah hud ma suspicions that you were better looking Billy…guid tae huv confirmation 😉

    Thanks for the encouragement re posts, felt quite numb struck earlier on main thread wi the palpable hate that’s being spouted in some posts…and some really weird rationalisations that clearly mask bigoted viewpoints. Anyways ahm no done fightin’ for our independence and I’ll no be put aff by a bunch of numpties emboldened by toxic britnat xenophobic pish and citing said pish as ‘tactical’ examples of ‘how’ we should go about attaining our freedom from London rule.

    (Ah knew ye wur feedin’ that haggis by the lamp post, glad we unerstaun each other 😉 )

  263. Andrew McLean

    test test

  264. Brian Doonthetoon

    Test noted.

  265. Andrew McLean

    The unionists lies are like greenfly on Scotland’s prize flower’s, luckily we have banned DDT, but have an even more potent weapon in our arsenal the SNP.

    I once agreed with some who said that the Saltire was all of Scotland’s flag, but now now I understand that it is, what it actually is and always was, right back long before the Scots And Pict’s fought the English King Athelstan, it’s the flag of Scotland, The Flag of Rebellion, the flag of Scotland’s right to exist.
    And this is the truth most won’t like, but you can’t be a unionist and wave the Saltire, life is not like that, neither can you wear the plaid, be involved in anything in Scottish culture, or even call yourself a Scot.
    And the reason is this, the Westminster unionists are now in agreement that Scotland was extinguished by the act of union, in the English press and Parliament, dangerous vile people rage against the Scots, only because we assert our inalienable rights, those rights that generations of Scots, died to win and protect, we don’t win power like that anymore, what we do is vote, what that anus fallon and arse licker gove say is we will not give you the vote, and that right cannot be taken away, because if you allow that, if you give them that power, then you truly are finished as a nation and as a people!

    Today in Scotland we have in our mists persons who commit treason by betraying his or her country, (there is a short word for that but it’s banned for some inexplicable reason now) and the unionists support have now to decide what side are they on, do they wish to be absorbed into little England, or fight for their God given country. when Ruth Harrison, whatever the red other one is called says this nation is divided, so stop it you bad independence people, what they want is to for Scotland to continue as the dog, forever watchful of the scraps that fall from his masters table. and how can you say you are a Scot and tolerate that!, the fact is, the truth is you can’t. You can’t be a free man and a slave!

    And when our independent Scotland welcomes all those from whatever country, whatever religion and whatever ethnicity, because we understand that together we can build, together along with our European brothers and sisters, we can make our country proud, and be a beacon for tolerance and understanding, that could light the path for others in these dark days in our planet’s history.

    No the Saltire, the Name Scotland and everything Scottish and belonging to Scotland is ours, it always was and will continue to be forevermore ours!

  266. Andrew McLean


  267. Andrew McLean

    I once agreed with someone who said that the Saltire was all of Scotland’s flag, but now now I understand that it is, what it actually is and always was, right back long before the Scots And Pict’s fought the English King Athelstan, it’s the flag of Scotland, The Flag of Rebellion, the flag of Scotland’s right to exist.

  268. Andrew McLean


  269. Jim Thomson

    I think that it’s about time Stuart created a new topic just for links. Off-topic is now pretty much unusable.

    Haven’t been in there for months for that very reason.

  270. Paula Rose

    Other option is to start using this page in the way off-topic was intended for.

  271. Jim Thomson

    Indeedy. I think that’s the sensible option. If we could get that happening I think a grown-up, self moderation, would also need to be applied.

    *hunts around for thicker skin coat*

    Did I just imply you were sensible? Hmmm, time for my meds I think.

  272. Betty Boop

    @ Paula Rose

    Nice and quiet in here – like a reading room 🙂
    Will you be in Aberdeen next weekend?

  273. Paula Rose

    I still have notifications for this page but no longer for off-topic, which I check once a day but rarely comment on now.

  274. Paula Rose

    Hi Betty – yes I’ll be there and yes it is rather sedate in here, more suited to my style these days, I fear the all-night parties and wild times are behind me now.

  275. Betty Boop

    Catch you in Aberdeen no doubt. Mind and wear your hat as ID!
    We’ll be up there from Thursday till Saturday. Thinking of staying over Saturday night too as it is such a long drive back to the south west boonies.

  276. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi peeps.

    I’m still leaning against the wall in the corner, a whisky and Iron Brew (Lidl) in one hand and a bespoke nicotine tube in the other.

    Just keep the noise down; hushed, reverent whispers are ok…

  277. Paula Rose

    *puts BDTT in a chair*

  278. Brian Doonthetoon

    I don’t need no steenkin’ chair!

  279. Paula Rose

    Calm down Dear suck on this.

  280. Smallaxe

    I apologise, most sincerely if my playing of music is what is causing the problem, I can assure you that if this is the case then I will refrain in future from doing so.

    I did not realise that I was, nor was it my intention to disrupt or spoil things for anyone.

    Again, my sincere apologies.


  281. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Smallaxe.

    I don’t think it’s the music links per se. I can see the attraction in peeps trading YouTube links in the wee sma’ ‘oors, when there’s ßügg€r all else goin’ on.

    The problem arises when you clock in in the morning and find 30+ links to work through, while you’re having your morning coffee and trying to catch up with overnight posts on the main pages and emails and various Twitter feeds. Something has to go…

    Maybe we need a modicum of ‘self-policing’ in ‘off-topic’, say everybody limits themselves to two YouTube links per day, but you get an extension if you’re providing a link that is pertinent to a link someone else has posted?

    AH! That brings me to something I was thinking about in the past couple of weeks. You may recall that in the late 70s or early 80s, Ann Nightingale had a show on Radio 1 on Sunday afternoons. One of the segments in it was called “Daisy Chain”. I never caught how it had started but the way it worked was that a single was played and the person who sent in the first correct letter (!) identifying the track and artiste, provided the track for the next Sunday.

    Bear with me and you’ll be able to work out when I was thinking about this. One Sunday, I recognised the track and artiste but coudnae be @r$ed writing in. The track was “Grannie’s Got A Painted Leg” by the Roy Young Band. Ring any recent bells?

    Onnyhoo, I was thinking about trying to introduce a similar sort of ‘parlour game’ to ‘off-topic’. It would begrail…

    I would provide a link to a music track. The idea was that the next contributor would provide a link to another track, whose title featured at least one word from the title of the example I had provided. Chronology would be determined by whose post first appeared in the thread.

    The example to start off was “Sky Pilot”.

    Say a couple of peeps came up with continuations – “Sky High” and “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” but “Sky High” was posted a minute earlier than “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds”. The game would continue with someone suggesting a track that contained “Sky” or High”, and so on.

    As you can see from the length of this post, I bodyswerved the idea when the Roy Young band was rattling round my brainbockers. I couldn’t see anyone taking the time to get their head round the idea.

    If you think it could take on, I have a fine suggestion to start it off. We could link to this post for an explanation of how it works.

    Thoughts appreciated.

  282. Smallaxe

    Hi, Brian, I think that what you suggest is a fine idea and would likely be quite popular my friend.

    However, I am disappointed and rather embarrassed by the fact that some of you, whom I have always thought of as friends could not have said something to me before now, instead, I find out by chance, when noticing a conversation going on here that it concerns myself.

    As you said in your post, Brian, Something has to go…! I think for the sake of peace, that, “something” has to be me.

    I will look in now and then, just to keep up and maybe to answer anyone who may direct a post to me.

    My sincere apologies to all and I wish you all the best in the future.

    Peace Always

  283. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Billy.

    Dinnae be daft! Some “thing” is not some “person”! I’ve been reading EVERYTHING in ‘off-topic’ although, I admit, not listening to every track that has been linked to. I just don’t have the time, what with being out out of hovelhold at 7.55am to earn a crust and so on.

    See when you read something in ‘off-topic’ that reminds you of a personal memory? Post your recollection – I’m sure peeps would find that of interest. We have gathered that you have a ‘bit of history’.

    Spill it, as you are inspired to do so! Dinnae be retreating into meh corner of Quarantine…

  284. Smallaxe

    Brian, I am well aware that when you said “Something” that you were not referring to me, that was just my take on the situation.

    I realise that you have to go out and work, that is probably one of the things that I miss most, now that I am retired and for the most part housebound, I have more time on my hands than I can cope with and am finding it hard to deal with. Unfortunately, I have used that time in inadvertently making a nuisance of myself which I am now aware I have been doing on WoS.

    I am still involved in quite a few other things, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth etc. in which I will now probably devote more of my time, As for retreating, I have never done so yet and will not be starting now.

    I do have a history, as you rightly say but to divulge my past dealings with the establishment would most certainly put myself and my family in very real danger. I am telling my story to a person who want’s to write a book which if it is to be published then it will have to wait until I have passed on. So no signed copies I’m afraid. 🙂

    Please carry on with the good work on Wings. I have my own way of fucking up the bastards who would subjugate and piss on Scotland and her people. I have taken no offence and hold no malice towards anyone on Wings, far from it, I admire all who work for the betterment and freedom of our nation.

    Again, Brian, I wish you and the others everything that I myself wish for.

    Your Friend and Brother

  285. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Smallaxe/Billy.

    You typed,
    ” I have my own way of fucking up the bastards who would subjugate and piss on Scotland and her people.”

    Now, don’t mince words – type what you REALLY think!


  286. Smallaxe

    What I really think! (Know)

    We are and have been for centuries used as a Piggy bank for indescribably corrupt, paedophilic, murdering lying PIGS. Since the “Sixties” when I was fortunate enough to meet some people in London who clued me up on what was happening around me and 99% of decent people, I have made it my business to do something about it.

    I am a Mark Master Freemason, a Knight of St Columba and a member of the Orange Lodge. Guess why! I have had a hand in jailing MPs and their associates for their disgusting behaviour, others have had to resign their positions “To spend more time with the family”.

    Peace, my arse! I have been beaten up stabbed and shot twice by “Security Services” and their minions. I count among my “acquaintances” some of the most dangerous gangsters in Glasgow, London and other cities in the UK. Gangsters, they may be but some are also Patriots who at times have helped in no small way to put certain documents into my possession.

    The organisations that I am a member of, I hold nothing but contempt for but a lot of things can be found out from them in unguarded moments (drunk or drugged) by guess who!

    I have now said too much and hope that it does not come back and bite me on the arse. I hope this helps you to understand my furious frustration that I am no longer capable of doing as much as I used to but I will still do as much as I can until death.

    Dramatic words, I know but as I have said more than once.

    My Heart is in my Words (and my actions) without a moment of regret for what I and others have achieved thus far.

    If you are reading this Rev.Campbell I hope you will do me the courtesy of deleting this post 24hrs after my posting this. thank you.

    Your’s for Scotland’s Freedom,
    The Small AXE!

  287. Cactus

    Upon independence..

  288. Betty Boop

    @ Paula Rose, 10/03/17, 10:19am

    The problem I see with using Quarantine as a substitute for Off Topic is that Q is the place where folk sometimes go for a particular conversation, leave explanations/information and lists for our events.

    There is generally only the odd conversation and rarely a thread of any kind. Turning it into what was OT would make it useless for those purposes.

    Be good to catch up next week.

  289. Paula Rose

    Hey Smallaxe my friend you carry on using off-topic the way you are – it’s not a criticism and it’s not aimed at you, the page has evolved and is now working fine the way it is.

    Jim and I are just considering using this page for more discussion without the music and other links breaking it up that’s all and as a message board which we can easily get alerted to.

  290. Smallaxe

    Paula Rose:

    Thank you, Would you do me the favour (If possible) of filling this page and in so doing shove my 12:06am post well back into oblivion, in case the Rev. does not or cannot delete it.

    I wrote it while my emotions were sort of out of control and as you can see, said more than I probably should. I would be very much obliged if you will do me this small favour.Thank you.

    Your Friend and Brother

  291. Paula Rose

    My dear dear Smallaxe you are as big as they come my dear friend – us old ancient wings people embrace you – you dear dear man – you bring joy to our lives xx

  292. Paula Rose

    Smallaxe hard luck babe you is total winger xx

  293. Smallaxe

    Paula Rose: “By any other Name”

    We are part of a garden in which we can grow and bloom together
    It takes flowers of all colours to show just how Beautiful
    This garden can become when weeds no longer stifle our growth
    And in growing we shall bloom
    bathed in enlightenment
    And acceptance of the myriad of fragrances
    That entice and delight our six senses
    Six being the sense of inclusion

    Written at 1:12am
    Billy the Rhymer
    last of the Hippys
    If lost and found
    Return to me please
    but if you like it
    Please have it
    And keep it
    In Peace xx

  294. Cactus

    Upon independence…

  295. Smallaxe

    Upon Independence

    I know I
    And I know you
    I know what I and you will do
    I and you and you and me
    Will then be Us
    We shall then be We
    Upon independence
    We shall be free
    Upon Independence
    Free from those
    Who’s whole Dependence
    Upon Scotland will die
    Upon Independence

    Peace and Love Always for Scotland and Her People

  296. Cactus

    Aweright Smallaxe, dig it, Yebo!

    Got me thinkin’…

    Yes! means Yes!

    Let’s rip this thread!

    One may ask the question again soon…

  297. Cactus


    Upon independence..

  298. Smallaxe

    Upon independence
    There will be no Utopia
    No instant fix for us to
    Hope for a
    World at peace
    People set free
    That will take work
    From you
    And from me
    And also from them
    Whose eyes still
    Don’t see
    The work will be hard
    Not done overnight
    For there is much
    that is wrong
    That WE
    Have to make

  299. Cactus

    “The work will be hard
    Not done overnight
    For there is much
    that is wrong
    That WE
    Have to make

    Upon independence.. we shall be.

    Let’s do something amazing!

    Your turn. Over to you Wingers..

    Upon independence…

  300. Cactus

    Rapon independence, what shall be..?

    I ask thee, Brian doon da T..?

    Ask me… anybuddee.

  301. Cactus

    Aweright geeo ~


    ***** ***** ***

    geeo says (earlier this evening):

    “An independent Scotland will get the Governments the PEOPLE vote for, EVERY TIME.

    An independent Scotland will gain FULL CONTROL of ALL fiscal levers required to grow the economy.

    An independent Scotland IMMEDIATELY gains £23 BILLION which is sent to WM via General Taxation, (£53Bn sent south, only £30Bn returned to Holyrood).

    An independent Scotland will have ZERO debt on independence day, ALL £1.8 trillion DEBT is LEGALLY WM DEBT. My source? WM Treasury.

    An independent Scotland will take 100% control of oil revenues, the tax regime will be changed to benefit the Scottish people.
    This will bring in £Billions in revenue.

    An independent Scotland takes FULL CONTROL of all revenue streams currently taken by WM and credited to English accounts.

    WHISKY is a prime example.
    Currently, whisky brings in £5.6 BILLION/YEAR.

    Only £800,000 is currently credited to Scottish accounts via GERS.
    £4.8 BILLION is classified as ‘English revenue’.
    Not after Independence.

    After independence, Scotland will no longer part fund non barnetted infrastructure spending like HS2, Crossrail (1 and 2, House of Commons refurbishment, london sewers and so on…thats around £5 Bn saved.

    An independent Scotland will no longer have to pay £5BILLION/YEAR to service Uk debt. (Debt interest payments).

    The Tories stated in 2014 they would refuse a mutually beneficial temporary currency union.

    Fine, no CU this time means no share of assets = no share of liabilities = debt free independent Scotland on day 1.

    An independent Scotland will use the pound short term until we introduce the Scottish pound. Any country on earth can use any internationally traded currency, simple legal fact.

    Oh..nearly forgot…there is £3.8 BILLION lodged at the Bank of England which guarantees Scottish issued banknotes, that money will be payable to the SG on demand upon independence.

    So…quick recap.

    Independence has an immediate net gain annually of….

    General taxation £23 Bn.

    Whisky £4.8Bn

    Not paying uk debt/interest £5Bn

    Not paying for non barnetted infrastructure spending minimum £5Bn

    Repatriated monies from Bank of England £3.8 Bn.

    That is £41.6 BILLION already, all available to an indy Scotland government, to be ADDED to the £30 BILLION we already receive from General Taxation returned via the block grant.

    The Scottish government already runs most major public services from the £30bn block grant, having an extra £41 Bn (minimum, there are many more revenue streams not quoted, notably OIL which i have not even quoted income from) would easily pay all other outlayings required to run a successful country.

    I am happy to invite evidence to the contrary. Real evidence though….not pish like GERS, which DELOITTE, in their state of the nation report, clearly stated were ABSOLUTELY NOT an indicator of the financial health of an independent Scotland.”

    ***** ***** ***

    Upon independence.

    Nice one geeo.

    Cheers to ye.

  302. Cactus

    Priming page for the next Glasgow social 🙂

    Testing 1 2 3. Check.


  303. colin alexander


    Sharing the pound?????? Seriously? C’mon yer having a laugh surely?

    I thought people on WoS want people to vote FOR independence.
    They won’t do that if we repeat the same “sharing the pound”
    nonsense again.

    However, spot on about GERS, it’s a pile of keech. And that’s the polite version.

  304. Defy

    Was told to get on this after the picnic. Hello everyone. This is my first time commenting on the Wings site. Hope you’re all having a lovely evening.

  305. crazycat

    @ Defy

    Hello! And thanks for the picnic – it was a lovely idea and well worth attending.

  306. Defy

    You’re very very welcome.

    Hoping to plan a christmas/winter event too. It’s still in the early stages but would folks want me to

    a) book a restaurant


    b) book a hall and we can bring our own food/s, music etc


  307. crazycat

    @ Defy

    I’ve been to a number of restaurant get-togethers for campaigners, and the problem (for me, anyway) is that it’s difficult to move around and talk to people other than immediate neighbours at the same table.

    So on the whole I would favour a hall; that’s just my view, though.

    It’s really good of you to take this on for everybody 🙂

  308. Ian Brotherhood

    Can anyone who’s up for possible Friends of WOS Glasgow social on Sep 16th please start ‘checking-in’ here with plans and suggestions etc.

    It’s supposed to be a fortnight on Saturday!

  309. Paula Rose

    Hi Honey – was just thinking about that, why I’ve been checking my wardrobe.

  310. Cactus

    Checking in bro 🙂

    Glasgow Clutha is always an option.

    A lot can happen in politics within sixteen days!

  311. Ian Brotherhood

    @Paula & Cactus –

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    We ‘may’ have the 13th Note in King St booked. It’s not confirmed yet. Soon as it is, we can get the word out. But even if it isn’t available, there will be a gathering that night, for sure!

  312. Paula Rose

    Gathers in the wings.

  313. Cactus

    Aye aye Ian Brotherhood ~

    13th Note is an excellent venue, old school feel to it too, good size.

    Ample parking is provided nearby.

    Hey Paula, mwah x

    Whose next?

  314. crazycat

    @ Ian B

    I’d be interested in the 16th Sept – possibly plus a few if they are not already booked for something else – they seem to be very busy.

  315. Valerie

    Hi Ian
    I might come along on 16th, so will keep an eye on developments.

    Thanks for organising?

  316. Cactus

    Hey crazycat & Valerie x ~

    Whose next?


  317. Cactus

    Roll up, Roll up!

    Upon iScotland…

  318. Liz g

    Count me in Ian

  319. William Wallace

    Thinking aboot coming if nothing else gets in the way and everyone is fine with that. I’ll be on meh best behaviour – honest 🙂

  320. Tinto Chiel

    Should be ok, if I can get my legs waxed.

    What time?

  321. Valerie

    @ Tinto Chiel

    What kind of night is this then?

    Might have to rethink ma outfit.

    I’m sure Paula will advise, once she has sorted hers out.

  322. Tinto Chiel

    Quite so, Valerie: imagine if anyone clashed with PR in the outfit dept. Blood on the tracks…..

    Think it’s come as you are, unless someone decides otherwise.

    There’s a good Russian restaurant near 13th Note (Cossachok) for those who get hungry. Reasonable prices and the cocktails very cheap, for some weird reason.

  323. Robert J. Sutherland

    Brotherhood @ 23:11,

    Just catching up on the M/T when I saw your posting. I think I would be free then and am definitely interested in attending…

  324. Robert J. Sutherland

    Ian Brotherhood @ 23:11,

    Just catching up on the M/T when I saw your posting. I think I would be free then and am definitely interested in attending…

  325. Ian Brotherhood

    @Abody –

    Good stuff.

    What we really *really* need right now is for Mr Ronnie Anderson to let us know if the place is booked or not. I’ve e-mailed him but ‘no answer’ came the reply. Would someone else who has Ronnie’s e-mail address mind dropping him a line?

    At this time, a fortnight from now, we’ll be letting wur hairs down – if we want a decent turnout and enough time to organise the usual raffle etc then we need to start getting a bit of a buzz going, inviting new faces and spreading the word.

    And before we can start doing that…

    ‘Broadsword calling Ronnie Anderson…Broadsword calling Ronnie Anderson…’


  326. Ian Brotherhood

    @Paula Rose –

    Cheers, but me no do FB.


  327. Paula Rose

    Ian dear you hardly do anything but we still love you xx

  328. Ian Brotherhood

    True, I don’t do much.

    But when I do it, ah does it right…


  329. Brian Doonthetoon

    Me and Pete the Camera are intending to be at George Square and any meet-up afterwards.

  330. Macart

    Wait, there’s a night oot? Been away for a wee while minding a store. Any firm deets?

  331. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Macart.

    You haven’t really been keeping up with plans, have you?

    Go to
    then read onwards up to tonight.

  332. Macart

    Cheers Brian. 🙂

  333. Cactus

    Roll up, roll up recent comments watchers…

    Upon Saturday!

  334. Betty Boop

    George Square, Saturday.

    Ronnie suggests meet behind Prince Albert’s statue as usual -cannae miss him, he’s on a big horse (Albert that is, not Ronnie, as far as I know).

    That’s to the right of the stage at the west (Queen St Station end) of the square, facing the Baltic building with your back to the City Chambers.

    For the lost, Prince Albert’s statue is No 9 on the map in this article:

    No Wings stall this time for technical reasons :-). After entertainment will have to be decided on the hoof (sorry!) unless someone has made a booking somewhere.

  335. Betty Boop

    Re the Rally in George Square

    Ronnie has confused the issue somewhat by say the statue intended is quote “the one with the bloomers”. So, presumably he means Q Victoria. Not much of a problem as the statues are next to each other…

    We’ll see you somewhere in the vicinity 🙂

  336. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Betty Boop.

    For the past couple of years, at the rallies in George Square, the congregating point for Wingers has been at the feet of Sir Walter Scott.

    With the horses’ arses being at either side of the stage, will that whole area not be a tad busy?

  337. Betty Boop

    Hi Brian

    Just passing on what Ronnie said. We used the Sir Walter Scott statue area when we had a gazebo and stall, but, that won’t be the case tomorrow. We have congregated at the Albert and Vic statues (to the right of the stage) at the front before.

    No doubt folk will be at one or the other. I’m not sure anyone other than your good self is paying any attention anyway 🙂 I see some talk about what might be arranged, but, it seems no one has lifted the ball and run with it.

    Might see you tomorrow, all being well.

  338. CameronB Brodie

    Reluctant Nationalist
    You were quoting from Big Book of Racism the other day, so I’m not sure if you’re the best judge and guide to ethical normative practice. I’m happy to be corrected though.

  339. yesindyref2

    Perhaps a wary eye should be kept on both, looking at this, this, this and this. Many a slip twixt intent cup and lip, and considering the use of some old-fashioned deodrant like right guard might be advisable.

  340. Cactus

    Morning tya yesindyref2 ~

    Re your above.

    I tend to agree.

    For obvious reasons.

  341. CameronB Brodie

    yesindyref2 & Cactus
    I thought the first three were specific but not particularly prejudiced in tone. Simply a perspective from a culture other than BritNat, Christian, secularism. I hadn’t spotted the last post.

    Sorry, I should have responded earlier but thought the matter dead. Not that I think I’m the final arbiter, obvs.

  342. Cactus

    A merry Sunday mornin’ fellow time-travelers, here ye this…

    Ahm oan a “secret quest” hehe, Jock Scot knows about.

    Playin’ a game, keep fillin’ in the gaps good Wingers.

    Perception always. Scotland as is always.

    There is method to the madness.

    A groovy toon Chris.

    Be back soon… 🙂

  343. Brian Doonthetoon


    The post I submitted around 2.15pm and then again around 2.45pm (with added preamble) seems to have been lost in transmission. I’ll try splitting it to see what WordPress doesn’t like.

    NOTE: the first video in my previous post will, probably, start around 3 minutes into it (the “&t=213s” at the end of the link).

    Onnyhoo, this video was produced by/for the YES Bikers and shows a series of still pics from George Square in September this year.

  344. Brian Doonthetoon

    Take 3 of second half. Lokks like the short link I produced is being rejected.

    Finally, this link is to a ‘Google Image Search’ for “Yes Bikers” results page. Loadss of pics on it.

  345. Brian Doonthetoon

    Just a test…

  346. Brian Doonthetoon

    Just a second test…

  347. Marky Booth

    Just saying that the yesindyref2 account above is nothing to do with me, I’m sure Stu could confirm with IP addresses.

  348. Brian Doonthetoon


  349. Cactus

    Aye 2nd yours Brian Doonthetoon…

    It is Friday night!

    Hey Wingers.

    On the qt.


  350. Cactus

    Burpin’ on the qt… let us rattle dis thread on da qt.

    Ahm in Capaldi’s bar.



  351. Cactus

    Now ahm gone Bddt…

    Gaun somewhere else…..

    Ra Caring City is callin’

    Goin’ South….

    Mon join me.




  352. Cactus

    Back in there again GO Friday night like baby Yes…

    Bought two EM’s lottery tickets 2.

    Scotland i2019 knows.

    The Prisoners ken.

    Nicola kens.



  353. Cactus

    Thurs a party aboot tae start…

    Oan the quarantine..


  354. Brian Doonthetoon

    Yi dancin’?

  355. Cactus

    Fuckin’ right BDTT..

    Whit ye playing?

    Ur choice…


  356. Brian Doonthetoon


    Here’s a wee musical extravagance, designed to stimulate the Terpsichorean Gland.

  357. Cactus

    Diggit dude 🙂

    Ah’ve headed back HOME briefly for some Pete Tong.

    Aye Love the R.S.

    Heidin’ back oot there SOON!

    Love it.

    Commenteer Mike hath been collared honda M/T aye & by the boss.

  358. Brian Doonthetoon

    To reactivate this page…

  359. Cactus

    Evenin’ Brian

    NOW is the time to reactivate…


  360. Cactus

    Here be yin that Rab wrote for every one of us and his Nancy

    Westminster will sever

  361. Cactus

    This you tube video has over half a million views

    Featuring Peter Griffin and a wild bird as the last two entries

    Presented waeoot comment (other than the above)

  362. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Cactus.

    “Scottish people being Scottish”.

    I think most of them were Westcoasters…


    Onnyhoo, let’s travel east to that Dundee…

    And you will find the actual documentary here:-

  363. Brian Doonthetoon


    Nothing here since August?

  364. Smallaxe

    Hi, Brian,

    It is quiet in here, thank’s for your greeting on O/T. I hope you and yours had good Christmas. I spoke to big Ronnie on the phone the other day and he says that he’s going to the march on the 11th.

    He doesn’t know if there’s going to be a Wings stall there as it’s now Gillian who takes care of that now. I will be doing my best to get there if only for a couple of hours so I hope to see you there if your going.

  365. Brian Doonthetoon

    Eh Smallaxe, it is a peaceful oasis here. I saw your reply here just after Christmas and meant to reply but things got on top of me (brother died on 23rd).

    I remembered today. Gillian is doing a WOS stall at Glasgow Green on the 11th. Chris (my son) and I will be joining the march around Union Street.

    See you at GG!

  366. Brian Doonthetoon

    Well, this place is rather empty…

  367. Brian Doonthetoon

    Still empty…

  368. Brian Doonthetoon

    Right, gonna utilise this page.

    Below is from 30th June.


    I’ve posted this on a couple of Facebook pages today (17th June). If you don’t understand how the voting system for a Holyrood election works, it may be worth reading, highlighting, copying and sharing.
    Quite a long post here but if you read the quick summary, you may want to read how it was worked out.
    (I’ve corrected it, because in my first version, I forgot the the Tories had won a constituency seat.)
    How could a new pro-Indy party, standing only in the REGIONAL vote, affect the total number of pro-Indy MSPs in the Scottish Parliament?
    I’m gonna give an example of my own region, North East Scotland.
    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Tories 4 MSPs
    Labour 2 MSPs
    Lib-Dem 1 MSP

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 3
    Labour – 2
    Pro-Indy – 1
    Lib-Dem – 1

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 3
    Pro-Indy – 2
    Labour – 1
    Lib-Dem – 1
    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won 9 out of 10 seats. The 10th was a Tory gain from the SNP in Aberdeenshire West.
    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 44.7% (137,086) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.

    The Tories had 28% (85,848) of the votes, resulting in 4 regional MSPs.
    Labour had 12.6% (38,791), resulting in 2 MSPs.
    Lib-Dems had 6% (18,444), resulting in 1 MSP.
    Greens got 4.9% (15,123), resulting in NO MSPs.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?
    For the regional vote – each seat is awarded in a round of calculations. The twist is, the winner of the first list seat in each region isn’t necessarily the party with the most votes in that region. That’s because each party’s regional vote is divided by [the number of seats they’ve already won +1].

    So, in the case of the SNP, in North East Scotland, where they won 9 constituencies, their regional total was divided by 9+1=10, resulting in an effective total of 13,709 (13,708.6).
    The Conservatives won 1 constituency seat so their regional total was divided by 1+1=2, resulting in an effective total of 42,924.
    Now we can see that people giving both their constituency and regional votes to the SNP was very inefficient in gaining an pro-indy majority. And the question under debate is whether there’s a better way.

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in North East Scotland in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have 34,272 (34,271.5) votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 102,814 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.
    Tories, with an effective total of 42,924 (85,848/2), take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 85,848 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 28,616.

    Labour, with a total of 38,791, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 38,791 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 19,396 (19,395.5).

    The third regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 34,272. Their regional vote then becomes 34,272 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 17,136.

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 28,616. Their regional vote then becomes 85,848 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 21,462.

    The fifth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 21,462. Their regional vote then becomes 85,848 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 17,170 (17,169.6).

    The sixth regional seat goes to Labour with their 19,396. Their regional vote then becomes 38,791 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 12,930 (12,930.33repeat).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Lib-Dems with their 18,444.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Labour – 2 (no change)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    Lib-Dem – 1 (no change).
    So, Pro-Indy has taken a Tory scalp…

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 82,252 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 8,225 (88,252/10).

    The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 54,834.
    Pro-Indy, with a total of 54,384, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 54,834 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 27,417.

    Tories, with an effective total of 42,924, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 85,848 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 28,616.

    Labour, with a total of 38,791, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 38,791 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 19,396 (19,395.5).

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 28,616. Their regional vote then becomes 85,848 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 21,462.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy, with a total of 27,417. Their regional total then becomes 54,834 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 18,278.

    The sixth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 21,462. Their regional vote then becomes 85,848 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 17,170 (17,169.6).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Lib-Dems with their 18,444.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Labour – 1 (-1)
    Lib-Dem – 1 (no change).
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Labour.

    One of the reasons for using this system in the first place, I think, was to confuse voters, who were used to First Past The Post.

    I have, so far, crunched the numbers from 2016 for Mid Scotland and Fife and Central Scotland, which you will find below.

    I intend to work out the other regions in the next few days

  369. Brian Doonthetoon

    Mid Scotland and Fife.

    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Tories 4 MSPs
    Labour 2 MSPs
    Green 1 MSP

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 4
    Labour – 2
    Pro-Indy – 1
    Lost 1 Green

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 3
    Pro-Indy – 2
    Labour – 2
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Green.

    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won 8 out of 9 seats. The 9th was a Lib-Dem gain from the SNP in NE Fife.

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 41.3% (120,128) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    The Tories had 25.2% (73,293) of the votes, resulting in 4 regional MSPs.
    Labour had 17.6% (51,373), resulting in 2 MSPs.
    Lib-Dems had 7.0% (20,401), resulting in no MSPs.
    Greens got 6.1% (17,860), resulting in 1 MSP.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?

    For the regional vote – each seat is awarded in a round of calculations. The twist is, the winner of the first list seat in each region isn’t necessarily the party with the most votes in that region. That’s because each party’s regional vote is divided by [the number of seats they’ve already won +1].

    So, in the case of the SNP, in Mid Scotland and Fife, where they won 8 constituencies, their regional total was divided by 8+1=9, resulting in an effective total of 13,348 (13,347.555r).

    The Lib-Dems won 1 constituency seat so their regional total was divided by 1+1=2, resulting in an effective total of 10,201 (10,200.5).

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in Mid Scotland and Fife in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have 30,032 votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 90,096 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    The Lib-Dems vote, 20,401, would be immediately reduced by 1+1 (2) = 10,201 (10, 200.5) because they won a constituency seat.

    Tories, with a total of 73,293, take the first regional seat for Murdo Fraser. Their regional total then becomes 73,293 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 36,647 (36,646.5).

    Labour, with a total of 51,373, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 51,373 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 25,687 (25,686.5).

    The third regional seat goes to the Tories (Liz Smith) with their 36,647. Their regional vote then becomes 73,293 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,431.

    The fourth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 30,032. Their regional vote then becomes 30,032 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 15,016.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Labour, with a total of 25,687. Their regional total then becomes 51,373 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 17,124 (17,124.33r).

    The sixth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 24,431. Their regional vote then becomes 73,293 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,323 (18,323.25).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Tories with their 18,323.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 4(n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    Labour – 2 (n/c)
    Lib-Dem – 0 (n/c).
    And we’ve lost 1 Green.

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 72,077 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 8,009 (8,008.55r) – 72,077/8+1=9. The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 48,051.

    Tories, with a total of 73,293, take the first regional seat for Murdo Fraser. Their regional total then becomes 73,293 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 36,647 (36,646.5).

    Labour, with a total of 51,373, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 51,373 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 25,687 (25,686.5).

    The third regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 48,051. Their regional vote then becomes 48,051 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 24,026 (24,025.5).

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories (Liz Smith) with their 36,647. Their regional vote then becomes 73,293 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,431.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Labour, with a total of 25,687. Their regional total then becomes 51,373 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 17,124 (17,124.33r).

    The sixth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 24,431. Their regional vote then becomes 73,293 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,323 (18,323.25).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 24,026 (24,025.5).

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Labour – 2 (n/c)
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Green.

  370. Brian Doonthetoon

    Central Scotland.

    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Labour 4 MSPs
    Tories 3 MSPs

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 4
    Tories – 2
    Pro-Indy – 1
    And we’ve lost one Tory.

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 3
    Tories – 2
    Pro-Indy – 2
    And we’ve lost one Tory and 1 Labour.


    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won all 9 seats.

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 47.7% (129,082) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    Labour had 24.8% (67,103), resulting in 4 MSPs.
    The Tories had 16.1% (43,602), resulting in 3 MSPs.
    Greens got 4.7% (12,722), resulting in no MSPs.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?
    The SNP’s regional vote, 129,082, was immediately divided by the number of seats they had already won +1, i.e. 9+1=10, giving them an effective regional vote amounting to 12,908.

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in Central Scotland in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have 32,271 (32,270.5) votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 96,811 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the first regional seat (Richard Leonard). Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the third regional seat (Monica Lennon). Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,551.

    The fourth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 32,271. Their regional vote then becomes 32,271 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 16,136 (16,135.5).

    Labour, with a total of 22,551, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 16,776 (16,775.75).

    Tories, with a total of 21,801, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 14,534.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour with their 16,776

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 4 (n/c)
    Tories – 2 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 77,449 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 7,745 (7,749.9). The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 51,633 (51,632.8).

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the first regional seat (Richard Leonard). Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 51,633, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 51,633 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 25,817 (25,816.5).

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the third regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the fourth regional seat (Monica Lennon). Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,551.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 25,817, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 51,633 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 17,211.

    Labour, with a total of 22,551, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 16,776 (16,775.75).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Tories with their 21,801.

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 3 (-1)
    Tories – 2 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Labour.

  371. Brian Doonthetoon

    The latest Pro-Indy party is talking about winning 24 regional seats. Assuming they didn’t stand in the two regions where the SNP have their four regional MSPs, that leaves six regions for 24 seats or 4 per region.
    What percentage shift of SNP to Pro-Indy would be needed to win 4 seats? What would have happened at 100% shift in Central Scotland in 2016?

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 129,082, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 129,082 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 64,541.

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 64,541, take the third regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 129,082 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 43,027 (43,027.33r).

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 43,027, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 129,082 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 32,271 (32,270.5).

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 32,271.

    Pro-Indy – 4
    Labour – 2
    Tories – 1

    What about 90%?

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 116,174, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 116,174 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 58,087.

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 58,087, take the third regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 116,174 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 38,725.

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 38,725, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 116,174 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 29,043.

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 29,043.

    Pro-Indy – 4
    Labour – 2
    Tories – 1


    Pro-Indy, with a total of 103,266, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 103,266 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 51,633.

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 51,633, take the third regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 103,266 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 34,421.

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 34,421, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 103,266 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 25,816.

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 23,701.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 25,816.

    Pro-Indy – 4
    Labour – 2
    Tories – 1


    Pro-Indy, with a total of 90,357, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 90,357 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 45,179.

    Labour, with a total of 67,103, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,552 (33,551.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 45,179, take the third regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 90,357 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 30,119.

    Tories, with a total of 43,602, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 43,602 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 21,801.

    Labour, with a total of 33,552, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,103 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 23,701.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 30,119, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 90,357 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 22,589.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour with their 23,701.

    Pro-Indy – 3
    Labour – 3
    Tories – 1

  372. Brian Doonthetoon

    I’ve just completed the wurky-out for the Glasgow region.


    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Labour 4 MSPs
    Tories 2 MSPs
    Greens 1 MSP

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 4 (n/c)
    Greens -1 (n/c)
    Tories – 1 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    And we’ve lost one Tory.

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 3 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Greens -1 (n/c)
    Tories – 1 (-1)
    And we’ve lost one Tory and 1 Labour.


    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won all 9 seats.

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 44.8% (111,101) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    Labour had 23.8% (59,151), resulting in 4 MSPs.
    The Tories had 11.9% (29,533), resulting in 2 MSPs.
    Greens got 9.4% (23,398), resulting in 1 MSP.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?
    The SNP’s regional vote, 111,101, was immediately divided by the number of seats they had already won +1, i.e. 9+1=10, giving them an effective regional vote amounting to 11,110.

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in Glasgow in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have 27,775 votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 83,326 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Labour, with a total of 59,151, take the first regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 29,576 (29,575.5).

    Labour, with a total of 29,576, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 19,717.

    The third regional seat goes to the Tories with their 29,533. Their regional vote then becomes 29,533 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 14,767 (14,766.5).

    The fourth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 27,775. Their regional vote then becomes 27,775 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 13,888 (13,887.5).

    Greens, with a total of 23,398, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 23,398 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 11,699.

    Labour, with a total of 19,717, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 14,788 (14,787.75).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour with their 14,788.

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 4 (n/c)
    Greens -1 (n/c)
    Tories – 1 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 66,661 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 6,666. The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 44,440.

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Labour, with a total of 59,151, take the first regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 29,576 (29,575.5).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 44,440, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 44,440 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 22,220.

    Labour, with a total of 29,576, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 19,717.

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 29,533. Their regional vote then becomes 29,533 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 14,767 (14,766.5).

    Greens, with a total of 23,398, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 23,398 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 11,699.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 22,220, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 59,151 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 14,813r.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour with their 19,717.

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 3 (-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Greens -1 (n/c)
    Tories – 1 (-1)
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Labour.

    What’s the minimum transfer of votes from SNP to Pro-Indy that would have been required in Glasgow to guarantee 1 Pro-indy seat?
    Well, from my figures for 25% transfer, Pro-Indy would have to have garnered around 14% of the SNP vote (rough working) to gain 1 seat – but it would be a close-run thing.

  373. Jill Sharpe

    Waste of time – the real world doesn’t work like that.

  374. Brian Doonthetoon

    It’s not the real world – they are HYPOTHETICAL examples of what could have happened in 2016, to demonstrate that voting for a Pro-Indy party, in most of the regions, wouldn’t have impinged on the number of seats the SNP gained, in the regional vote.

  375. Jill Sharpe

    Pointless exercise – results from one election are nothing to do wth the next.

  376. Brian Doonthetoon

    So, what do you see happening at the next Holyrood election, whenever, between now and May 2021?

  377. Brian Doonthetoon

    OK, I’ve now completed the hypothesis for LOTHIAN. What would have happened in 2016 if a SINGLE Pro-Indy party had stood for election in the region.


    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Tories 3 MSPs
    Labour 2 MSPs
    Green 2 MSP
    Lib-Dem – 0

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 3
    Labour – 2
    Green – 1
    Pro-Indy – 1
    Lib-Dem – 0
    Lost 1 Green.

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 2
    Pro-Indy – 2
    Labour – 2
    Greens -1
    Lib-Dem – 0
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and, probably Andy Wightman (Green).

    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won 6 out of 9 seats. Tories, Labour and Lib-Dems had 1 each.

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 36.2% (118,546) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    The Tories had 22.9% (74,972) of the votes, resulting in 3 regional MSPs.
    Labour had 20.8% (67,991), resulting in 2 MSPs.
    Greens got 10.6% (34,551), resulting in 2 MSPs.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?

    For the regional vote – each seat is awarded in a round of calculations. The twist is, the winner of the first list seat in each region isn’t necessarily the party with the most votes in that region. That’s because each party’s regional vote is divided by [the number of seats they’ve already won +1].

    So, in the case of the SNP, in Lothian, where they won 6 constituencies, their regional total was divided by 6+1=7, resulting in an effective total of 16,935.

    The Tories won 1 constituency seat so their regional total was divided by 1+1=2, resulting in an effective total of 37,486.

    Labour won 1 constituency seat so their regional total was divided by 1+1=2, resulting in an effective total of 33,996 (33,995.5).

    The Lib-Dems won 1 constituency seat. There is no info on their votes for the region.

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in Lothian in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have had 29,637 (29,636.5) votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 88,909 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Tories, with an effective total of 37,486, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 74,972 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,991 (24,990.6r).

    Greens, with a total of 34,551, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 34,551 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 17,276 (17,275.5).

    Labour, with a total of 33,996, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,991 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,664 (22,663.6r).

    The fourth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 29,637. Their regional vote then becomes 29,637 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 14,819 (14,818.5).

    The fifth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 24,991. Their regional vote then becomes 74,972 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,743.

    Labour, with a total of 22,664, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,991 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 16,998 (16,997.75).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Tories with their 18,743.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3(n/c)
    Labour – 2 (n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    Greens -1 (-1)
    Lib-Dem – 0 (n/c).
    And we’ve lost 1 Green.

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 71,128 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!
    The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 10,161 (10,161.143) – 71,128/6+1=7. The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 47,418 (47,418.4).

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 47,418, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 47,418 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 23,709.

    Tories, with an effective total of 37,486, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 74,972 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,991 (24,990.6r).

    Greens, with a total of 34,551, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 34,551 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 17,276 (17,275.5).

    Labour, with a total of 33,996, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,991 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,664 (22,663.6r).

    The fifth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 24,991. Their regional vote then becomes 74,972 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,743.

    The sixth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 23,709. Their regional vote then becomes 47,418 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 15,806.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour with their 22,664.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 2(-1)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Labour – 2 (n/c)
    Greens -1 (-1)
    Lib-Dem – 0 (n/c).
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory and, probably, Andy Wightman (Green).

    What’s the minimum transfer of votes from SNP to Pro-Indy that would have been required in Lothian to guarantee 1 Pro-indy seat?
    Well, from my figures for 25% transfer, Pro-Indy would have to have garnered around 15% of the SNP vote (rough working) to gain 1 seat – but it would be a close-run thing.

    Here’s how the regional seats were actually allocated.

    Tories, with an effective total of 37,486, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 74,972 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,991 (24,990.6r).

    Greens, with a total of 34,551, take the second regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 34,551 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 17,276 (17,275.5).

    Labour, with an effective total of 33,996, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,991 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,664 (22,663.6r).

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 24,991. Their regional vote then becomes 74,972 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,743.

    Labour, with a total of 22,664, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 67,991 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 16,998 (16,997.75).

    The Tories, with a total of 18,743, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 74,972 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 14,994 (14,994.4).

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Greens with their 17,276.

    A Pro-Indy party would have to have taken 17,277 votes from the SNP to have won the last regional seat, replacing the Green. That is 14.57% of the SNP vote or 5.8% of the total regional vote.

  378. Brian Doonthetoon

    I’ve now completed the hypothesis for West Scotland. What would have happened in 2016 if a SINGLE Pro-Indy party had stood for election in the region?
    (I’ve rechecked the figures 4 times and found a mistake every time. I think this version is correct but if you spot a mistake in the numbers, let me know.)

    West Scotland.

    Quick summary…
    2016 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Labour 3 MSPs
    Tories 3 MSPs
    Greens 1 MSP

    2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 3 (n/c)
    Tories – 3 (n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    Greens -0 (-1)
    And we’ve lost one Green.

    2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Labour – 3 (n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Tories – 2 (-1)
    Greens – 0 (-1)
    And we’ve lost one Tory and 1 Green.


    In the 2016 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won 8 out of 10 seats. Tories took 1 seat (Eastwood – J. Carlaw) from Labour. Labour held Dumbarton (J. Baillie).

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 42.2% (135,827) of the votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    Labour had 22.5% (72,544), resulting in 3 MSPs.
    The Tories had 22.2% (71,528), resulting in 3 MSPs.
    Greens got 5.3% (17,218), resulting in 1 MSP.

    Labour regional vote, because they won one constituency seat, is divided by the number of seats they had already won +1, i.e. 1+1=2, giving them an effective regional vote amounting to 36,272.

    Tories regional vote, because they won one constituency seat, is divided by the number of seats they had already won +1, i.e. 1+1=2, giving them an effective regional vote amounting to 35,764.

    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?
    The SNP’s regional vote, 135,827, was immediately divided by the number of seats they had already won +1, i.e. 8+1=9, giving them an effective regional vote amounting to 15,092.

    Let’s assume there was a new pro-Indy party. Let’s call it “Pro-Indy”. What would have happened in West Scotland in 2016, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Pro-Indy? Well Pro-Indy would have 33,957 votes.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 101,870 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Labour, with a total of 36,272, take the first regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,181.

    The second regional seat goes to the Tories with their 35,764. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 23,843.

    The third regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 33,957. Their regional vote then becomes 33,957 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 16,979 (16,978.5).

    Labour, with a total of 24,181, take the fourth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,136.

    Tories, with a total of 23,843, take the fifth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 17,882.

    The sixth regional seat goes to Labour with their 18,136. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 14,529.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Tories with their 17,882.

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 3 (n/c)
    Tories – 3 (n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 1 (+1)
    Greens – 0 (-1)

    We’ve lost 1 Green.

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Pro-Indy, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 81,496 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 9,055. The Pro-Indy vote would then have been 54,331.

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Pro-Indy, with a total of 54,331, take the first regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 54,331 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 27,166.

    The second regional seat goes to Labour, with their 36,272. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,181.

    The third regional seat goes to the Tories with their 35,764. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 23,843.

    The fourth regional seat goes to Pro-Indy with their 27,166. Their regional vote then becomes 54,331 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 18,110.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Labour with their 24,181. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,136.

    The sixth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 23,843. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 17,882.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Labour, with their 18,136.

    So the final total is,
    Labour – 3 (n/c)
    Pro-Indy – 2 (+2)
    Tories – 2 (-1)
    Greens -0 (-1)

    We’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Green – and Pro-Indy missed taking the last seat by 27 votes.

    What’s the minimum transfer of votes from SNP to Pro-Indy that would have been required in Lothian to guarantee 1 Pro-indy seat?

    Here’s how the regional seats were actually allocated.

    The first regional seat goes to Labour, with their 36,272. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 24,181.

    The second regional seat goes to the Tories with their 35,764. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 23,843.

    Labour, with an effective total of 24,181, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 18,136.

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 23,843. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 17,882.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Labour with their 18,136. Their regional vote then becomes 72,544 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 14,509.

    The Tories, with a total of 17,882, take the sixth regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 71,528 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 14,306.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to the Greens with their 17,218.

    A Pro-Indy party would have to have taken 17,219 votes from the SNP to have won the last regional seat, replacing the Green. That is 12.7% of the SNP vote or 5.8% of the total regional vote.

  379. Clapper57

    Just making a comment in the sanctuary of the Quarantine part of WOS where no response is likely or needed but gives me an opportunity to vent how frustrated, angry and sad I feel at the current situation within Scotland.

    Currently there is a cess pit of corruption, lies, duplicity and gross incompetence being played out by politicians within the UK.

    Confined by the restrictions imposed by this virus many Pro Indy Scots are unable to group en masse to voice their anger , frustration and passion for some kind of action to be taken to begin the process for campaigning for independence.

    Social media is awash with both indignation and humour and as some write comments and are clearly enraged, some write with wit, which is a welcome respite, and some write with incredulity at what is being played out.

    Mere mortals meanwhile are swamped with constant ever changing information , news, opinions and are left feeling despair because there seems no solution and no effort being applied to resolve or change anything.

    The road to independence is blocked it seems and not just by those we assumed were the ones applying barriers but incredibly by some of those on our side.

    Without a plan from those we elect then we have no hope. Where there is a lack of will from those we elect there is also seemingly no hope.

    The lack of action is demoralising and the words being used to placate us are become tiresome and meaningless.

    If not now then when.

    Who is really speaking for Scotland. Words that are being used as threats are not being backed up by any plan of action and it is not just us who are aware of this but those whom we threaten are aware of this too.

    So we in Scotland are in status quo territory seemingly in an eternal limbo.

    A succession of mandates given to our government who seem to have willingly conceded to the opposition to enable them, the opposition, to eventually be able to dictate the terms, time and ultimately game the whole the process to their advantage and to Scots detriment……meanwhile mere mortals such as I are given mere crumbs of empty rhetoric that is becoming tired and jaded.

    I no longer add comments onto the MT because I am so tired and disillusioned at the whole sh*tfest being played out on both sides of the border.

    I am sick of being played, dictated to, conned and used.

    As I get older and with each year that passes all I am doing is seeing my precious time being wasted on supporting and campaigning for something where the party I have voted for seems to be unbelievably withholding the progression of some movement to achieve the very thing they are meant to represent.

    What is really sad is all of those who have campaigned and fought for Indy and who are now no longer with us.

    It is not apathy that I feel just a real sense of despair and I know I am not alone.

    I care not on jot for the media, politicians, celebrities or tired ex politicians input because I choose to ignore them as I have never been swayed by lies, misinformation and those who choose to speak to promote what is only beneficial to them while wilfully ignorant of what matters and is beneficial to me and mine.

    It’s be nice to write this knowing it’s in a kinda of wilderness but still very respectful of this site and it’s owner enabling me to be able to do it.

    Fitting it’s a comment in quarantine as seems to be a apt metaphor of where Scotland is just now.

  380. Clapper57

    @ me @ 1.52pm

    ” It’s be nice to write this knowing”

    obvs should be ” It’s BEEN nice etc etc”

    “It’s be” seems somewhat Yorkshire in speech…as in ‘What ‘be’ you doin ?”…..can’t have that now can we…. on a pro Scottish Indy site.


  381. Jill Sharpe

    Thing is though you never know who you might meet in here or what it might start – butterfly wings and hurricanes and all that

  382. Clapper57

    @ Jill Sharpe @ 5.59pm


    I tend to have more of a ‘Wasp’ effect….when I comment a lot of people run away….Lol

    Just read my comment above again and so many mistakes in it I’m glad it is confined to quarantine as I would be embarrassed if it was on MT as would expose me as a rambling idiot…my weak excuse is my heart is not in this anymore……Lol

    Hope you are well Jill…..have a good day (if you drop in here again and see my comment to you)

  383. Clapper57

    In self imposed quarantine again.

    Just checked prominent ‘liberal’ minded remainers on Twitter today….and so far NONE of them have noted/highlighted that a Tory MSP who resigned from Tory party has now defected to Farage’s new party The Reform party……and is their ‘New’ Scottish leader aka only (un) elected member who was originally also unelected under former party……

    What possible reason for their collective lack of interest….well the obvious one is they just do not care a flying f*ck….our problem innit….irrespective of the fact they have been tweeting endlessly for the last 4 years plus about Farage and his accomplices as the real enemies of the people……

    Even yon Ian Dunt who supposedly is some kinda editor at large of….UK aka England……how “at large” does he go? …well obvs not as far as Scotland…..

    Maybe they will all notice when they see a Reform Party MSP noted somewhere as having seat in Holyrood and then will need to check as to …How did that happen ?

    Mind you we Scots need not feel ignored for long as I am sure that they will all pile in come next Indy ref….for sure…for sure…..will be strange/ironic/hypocritical for some of them to ‘come together’ as remainers and unite with the likes of Brexiteers such as Farage , Gove, Johnson and others that they, the remainers, have never stopped berating before and since 2016 EU Ref…..the division of Brexit will be healed by their uniting over their opposition to Scottish independence….Rule Britannia innit.

    We are truly, us scots voters , on our own …and it would be best if we deploy the three monkeys strategy when it all kicks off….as it will…..i.e. when fingers are eventually pulled out…politically I mean not actual fingers being pulled out….L..O…f**king…L…..

  384. Brian Doonthetoon

    Congratulations on the first ‘Quarantine’ comment of 2021!

  385. Clapper57

    @ Brian Doonthetoon @ 5.56pm

    Hi Brian ……the first yes…. but not the last .. 😉

    Have a good evening

  386. Brian Doonthetoon

    Thank you.

    I still have to complete my hypothesis on what would have happened in 2016, if percentages of the SNP regional vote had switched to a ‘pro-indy’ party.

    Haven’t yet done H&I and South Scotland, the two regions where the SNP achieved 1 and 3 MSPs, respectively.

    See above from,
    and subsequent posts.

  387. Clapper57

    @ Brian Doonthetoon @ 6.16pm

    Hi Brian….I read your previous posts on SNP and figures…excellent work.

    Will look forward to your subsequent projections on other pro Indy party/s potential list seats….

    BTW..noted Twitter a/c Brexit Shambles NOW mentioning Reform party in Scotland and Michelle Ballantyne…added onto their Twitter a/c after 6pm tonight….better late than NEVER…I await to see IF other uber Remainer a/c’s retweet this…..or leave well alone….as OUR problem….sorry meant OUR business….currently most of them today have deployed the three wise monkeys strategy to this particular story aka obvs non story to THEM doon sarf….L…O…f**king…L.

  388. Clapper57

    Also going to add that a lot of these uber Remainer ‘liberal’ minded Twitter a/c’s are mega absorbed with what’s happening in the USA just now…. as their Twitter a/c’s are AWASH with all things WASHington and Trump and naturally less interested in what is happening in…what they like to call…their own back yard aka the weak colony belonging to THEIR country…..

    Their hatred of Farage is boundless but when he gets a foothold (temporarily) in the Scottish parliament they are seemingly uninterested…..mind you they claim to know what is best for Scots…..while oblivious to what is REALLY REALLY going on in Scottish politics……so who are the baddies ?

    Well to paraphrase Animal farm…..”The Scots outside looked from ‘liberal’ minded Pro Remainer to Uber Brexiteer, and from Uber Brexiteer to ‘liberal’ minded Pro Remainer, and from ‘liberal’ minded Pro Remainer to Uber Brexiteer again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”……

  389. Astonished

    Excellent work briandoonthetoon.

    The woke and sturgeon must be bricking it. hope murrell is having porridge for breakfast – to acclimatize.

  390. Brian Doonthetoon

    2021 Updates (when I have the time).

    How could Alba, standing only in the REGIONAL vote, affect the total number of pro-Indy MSPs in the Scottish Parliament? What was Sturgeon so afraid of? Was it that she wanted to keep Unionists in their seats or dreaded the idea of Alex Salmond at First Minister’s Questions?

    Last summer, while furloughed, I worked out what would have happened in 2016 if 25% and 40% of the SNP regional vote had switched to a hypothetical pro-indy party. I did it for the 6 regions where the SNP won no seats.
    (See above at this link –

    I’ve recalculated for my own region, North East Scotland, using the actual results from the 2021 election..

    Quick summary…

    2021 actual result in the regional vote:-
    Tories 4 MSPs
    Labour 2 MSPs
    Green 1 MSP

    2021, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Labour – 1 (-1)
    Alba – 2 (+2)
    Greens – 1 (+1).
    Lib-Dems -0 (-1)

    So, Alba has taken both a Tory and Labour scalp… and the Greens have punted the Lib-Dem.

    2021, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to Alba:-
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Alba – 3 (+3)
    Labour – 1 (-1)
    Lib-Dem – 0 (-1).
    Green – 0
    And, in gaining 3 pro-indy Alba MSPs, we’ve lost 1 Tory, 1 Lib-Dem and 1 Labour.

    You can see how the figures were worked out below.

    Last summer, I also worked out, for one region, what would happen if 100% of SNP regional votes switched to another pro-indy party. I found out, by calculating for 100%, 90%, 80% and 70% that at somewhere between 70 and 80%, the pro-indy party would have won 4 regional seats and couldn’t improve on that, no matter how much of a bigger percentage switched.


    In the 2021 CONSTITUENCY vote, the SNP won 9 out of 10 seats. The 10th was a Tory hold in Aberdeenshire West.

    In the REGIONAL vote, the SNP had 147,910 votes, which resulted in NO SNP MSPs for the region.
    The Tories had 110,555 of the votes, resulting in 4 regional MSPs.
    Labour had 41,062, resulting in 2 MSPs.
    Greens got 22,735, resulting in 1 MSP.
    Lib-Dems had 18,051, resulting in No MSPs.
    Alba had 8,269, resulting in No MSPs.

    Greens gained a seat from the Lib-Dems.
    Why did the SNP get no regional MSPs?

    For the regional vote – each seat is awarded in a round of calculations. The twist is, the winner of the first list seat in each region isn’t necessarily the party with the most votes in that region. That’s because each party’s regional vote is divided by [the number of seats they’ve already won +1].

    So, in the case of the SNP, in North East Scotland, where they won 9 constituencies, their regional total was divided by 9+1=10, resulting in an effective total of 14,791.
    The Conservatives won 1 constituency seat so their regional total was divided by 1+1=2, resulting in an effective total of 55,277.5.
    Now we can see that people giving both their constituency and regional votes to the SNP was very inefficient in gaining an pro-indy majority. And the question under debate is whether there was a better way – and why Sturgeon didn’t want the ’supermajority’ that would have resulted..

    What would have happened in North East Scotland in 2021, if even 25% of the regional SNP vote had switched to Alba? Well Alba would have 36,977.5 of the SNP votes. Add on the 8,269 that they got anyway and they have a total of 45,246.5.
    The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 110,932.5 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway!

    So how would the seats for parties have worked out? In the calculations, seats already won are taken into account.

    Tories, with an effective total of 55,277.5, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 110,555 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 36,851.67.

    The second regional seat goes to Alba with their 45,246.5. Their regional vote then becomes 45,246.5 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 22,623.25.

    Labour, with a total of 41,062, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 41,062 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 20,531.

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 36,851. Their regional vote then becomes 110,555 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 27,638.75.

    The fifth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 27,638.75. Their regional vote then becomes 110,555 divided by 4+1 (5), giving them 22,111.

    The sixth regional seat goes to Greens with their 22,735. Their regional vote then becomes 22,735 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 11367.5.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Alba with their 22,623.25.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Labour – 1 (-1)
    Alba – 2 (+2)
    Greens – 1 (+1).
    Lib-Dems -0 (-1)
    So, Alba has taken both a Tory and Labour scalp… and the Greens have punted the Lib-Dem.

    At 40% of the SNP regional vote swinging behind Alba, we would have had this scenario. The SNP regional vote would have fallen to 88,746 but it makes no difference – they didn’t get any regional MSPs anyway! The effective SNP regional vote ends up as 8,874.6 (88,746/10). The Alba vote would then have been 59,164 + the 8,269 that they got anyway giving them a total of 67,433.

    Alba, with a total of 67,433, take the first regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 67,433 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 33,716.5.

    Tories, with an effective total of 55,277.5, take the second regional seat. Their regional total then becomes 110,555 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 36,851.67.

    Labour, with a total of 41,062, take the third regional seat. Their regional vote then becomes 41,062 divided by 1+1 (2), giving them 20,531.

    The fourth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 36,851.67. Their regional vote then becomes 110,555 divided by 3+1 (4), giving them 27,638.75.

    The fifth regional seat goes to Alba, with a total of 33,716.5. Their regional total then becomes 67,433 divided by 2+1 (3), giving them 22,477.67.

    The sixth regional seat goes to the Tories with their 27,638.75. Their regional vote then becomes 110,555 divided by 3+1 (5), giving them 22,111.

    The seventh (and last) regional seat goes to Alba with their 22,477.67.

    So the final total is,
    Tories – 3 (-1)
    Alba – 3 (+3)
    Labour – 1 (-1)
    Lib-Dem – 0 (-1).
    Green – 0
    And we’ve lost 1 Tory, 1 Lib-Dem and 1 Labour.

    One of the reasons for using this system in the first place, I think, was to confuse voters, who were used to First Past The Post. As you can see above, the calculations can be perceived as “complicated”.

  391. Brian Doonthetoon

    Ignore the above comment. I made an @r$e of it.

  392. Cactus

    Tail between legs and apols for me recent random ramblings, I do mean well. Hopefully there will be good reasons for Wings to continue after November. Wings is the only show in town. Cheers for now.

    It’s one step from the political jungle to the zoo:

  393. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Prickly One.

    Your comment didn’t appear until yesterday afternoon at 14:32.

  394. Scott

    What time does this place open?

  395. Brian Doonthetoon

    It’s open 24/7 but not always occupied.

  396. Scott

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    7 November, 2022 at 3:09 pm

    It’s open 24/7 but not always occupied.


  397. Brian Doonthetoon


    While having my lunch, I’ve just watched ‘The Darling Buds Of May’ series1 episode 5 ‘A Breath of French Air – Part 1’.

    Tres perfick!

  398. Dan

    Just back from work (dayshift so won’t be posting during the night hours 😉 )
    Begbie mode on / Awright, nae cunt leaves here till we find oot which cunt(s) broke the main thread commentting facility…

  399. Dan

    Aw Shite, hopes BDtt doesn’t notice superfluous “t” in “commenting”….

  400. Scott

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    7 November, 2022 at 4:18 pm


    While having my lunch, I’ve just watched ‘The Darling Buds Of May’ series1 episode 5 ‘A Breath of French Air – Part 1’.

    I’ve never watched a single episode. I only know Larkin, David Jason, Catherine Zeta Jones, and perfick from the papers of the day.

    Period dramas have their place, specifically morning TV in the 70s and The Flashing Blade. They could have dubbed and edited that into Monarch of the Glen if they wanted, but I’m just guessing here as I’ve not seen it either. UK TV banal obsession with rewriting the same story in a futile attempt to prove that the water in Majorrca don’t taste like what it oughta, innit, or something that makes sense.

    All those radio waves from all those channels…that’s a lot of electrical power. But we’re to blame for etc?

  401. Hackalumpoff


  402. Brian Doonthetoon

    Time we reawakened ‘Quarantine’.

    Rev Stu created these repositories with a purpose in mind. It’s up to us to use them appropriately.

    IE, stuff that doesn’t suit the main pages or ‘off-topic’.


  403. Ebok

    ‘IE, stuff that doesn’t suit the main pages or ‘off-topic’

    Good point BDDT, only a couple of downsides, one being that it’s hard to keep rigidly on the topic of the header post without straying and a bit like Chinese whispers, it is almost inevitable btl comments will eventually bear no resemblance to the original.
    The second is that only a small number of ‘recent posts’ and ‘recent comments’, around 15, are listed, so any comment going into ‘Quarantine’ will very quickly be lost do just that!
    However, if the Quarantine page was ‘pinned’ it could work very well for O/T comments.

    An additional option for this page would be to use it to enable readers to ask questions or clarification on comments posted currently (or anything else), because not everyone is savvy to what’s going on WRT the skulduggery or modus operandi of top-level politics, and it would be a good place to find out and possibly encourage more readers to contribute.

  404. Brian Doonthetoon

    A decent comment Ebok – missed by me until now, because I keep forgetting to reload ‘Quarantine’. MEA CULPA!

  405. Brian Doonthetoon

    In the past week, there’s been mention of a possible ‘Friends of WOS’ get-together after Glasgow Green on 6th May.

    I suggested The Clutha or Dows. Someone else suggested the West Brewery, adjacent to Glasgow Green.

    My suggestions were based on the facts that The Clutha is ‘Yes-friendly’ (They sent pizzas to the WOS stall at a previous Glasgow Green rally) and Dows, because we have had get-togethers there previously and it’s near the railway stations and bus station for those travelling from outwith Glasgow.

    Onnybuddy got onny input to the debate?

  406. crazycat

    Brian – I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend on May 6th, but if I do, I wouldn’t go to the Clutha. Too small, and with a very unpleasant atmosphere every time I’ve been there (just my opinion of course). Both Dows and West Brewery are nicer.

  407. Dorothy Devine

    bdtt, Dows for me – dead handy for busses and stations.

  408. Yesbot

    crazycat says: I wouldn’t go to the Clutha. Too small, and with a very unpleasant atmosphere every time I’ve been there

    What happened on those occasions? I always thought it is a very supportive venue?

    Looking forward to a Wingers get the gether, not a fan of Dows though…

  409. Brian Doonthetoon

    If Dows isn’t liked, there’s always The Counting House, which has been used for get-togethers in the past. Involves keeping an eye on seats being vacated so we can all move into the same area.

  410. crazycat

    @ Yesbot

    Hassle from other clients – might not have been a widespread experience, but I know other people who’ve stopped going there. It might be absolutely fine, of course, and it’s not up to me to decide what others do.

    Nowhere is ideal, either for location or for the venue itself.

  411. Lenny Hartley

    If they took time to think of Wingers by sending Pizza’s why would you consider anywhere other than the Clutha?

  412. James Barr Gardner

    The Counting House is a Spoons, Neverspoons no cash for Tim Martin Uber Brexshiteer !

    Clutha is okay reasonable prices and the food good, overspill into the Victoria Bar or the Beer Garden, friendly staff, nae flights of stairs tae the cludgie.

    The Pot Still is’nae bad an’ the pies are great.

    The Scotia is smashin’ but nae pies !

  413. ronald anderson

    I wont be there SoS but as Lenny said Clutha supported the Wings stall & supported WoS with cash donations David & his brother are Wingers .

  414. Brian Doonthetoon

    I think we should just choose The Clutha. There’s a regular bus from the bus stop up the road from it to Buchanan Bus Station.

    Nothing formal – if Wingers are going for a pint or three after Glasgow Green, they’ll meet other Wingers in The Clutha.

  415. Brian Doonthetoon

    Got my buses booked for the 6th May.
    Arrive in Glasgow around 11.35. Kick my heels until 12, when the chipper at the corner of West George Street and Buchanan Street opens. Buy my fish supper and wander to George Square to eat it. Hopefully, not a dreich day.
    Join march as it passes the square, then to Glasgow Green.
    Bus home booked for 19.10 so, hopefully, time for a couple in The Clutha before catching a bus to Buchanan Bus Station. (Every 15 minutes or so, from Hamilton.)

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