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Wings Over Scotland

Black affronted

Posted on September 18, 2017 by

We struggled to summon up much more than a weary sigh about a story in a couple of the minor papers today (the Herald and Express), about a micro-scuffle at Saturday’s pro-indy rally in Glasgow. The most interesting thing about it appeared to be that the Express had written its article several hours before the event took place.

But we weren’t quite right.

Two Unionists had turned up with a giant Union Jack in an attempt to provoke trouble, and slightly succeeded when one numpty angrily yelled at them for a few seconds and broke their flagpole. The Herald managed to blow this teacup storm up into 500 words of shock-horror reportage, featuring the definitely-not-over-egging-it quote:

“That march showed that elements of the Yes movement  are no better than the White Supremacists who ascended upon Charlottesville or the yobs within the Scottish Defence League.”

Which turned out to be a curious choice of analogy when an alert reader pointed out who the Unionists in question were.

The man with Neill, Oluf “Ollie” Marshall – who reported the non-incident to the police after taking a Lion Rampant flag from the angry marcher who approached him and refusing to give it back – appears to be the man who’s standing in front of him in the Mail picture above with David Coburn, and was the party’s candidate for East Lothian at the 2015 UK election, finishing 6th. The Herald, oddly, makes no mention of either man’s political affiliations.

As ever, we’ll leave our readers to form their own conclusions about the motivations of both Mr Neill and Mr Marshall, and those of the Herald.

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Corrado Mella

And yet, when I point out that the money some of us pay for the National pays the wages at the Herald, I get yelled at.

Grouse Beater

“University of the West of Scotland” same as Hassan. Oh dear Are we nurturing UKip racists in our universities?

Neil MacKenzie

@Corrado No more

dandy dons 1903

The Herald is an odious BritNat rag with an obvious agenda against Scotlands rightful independence nothing could be clearer with this non incident-seems manufactured, total setup with 2 britnat ukipper stooges doing the provoking.


A clown. I couldn’t have called it better.

Ken MacColl

While I have no intention of visiting the Herald website it would be interesting to know what distinguished member of their elite press corps was responsible for that epic quotation.
Name and shame is surely called for when such mince is peddled!

Big Jock

It reminds me of the Rangers fans who spend 90 minutes being racist, bigoted and anti Scottish at a football match. Then a player makes a gesture and they break out in mock outrage!

The real question should be why a unionist felt it appropriate to turn up at a pro-indy march just to cause a scene. The same ones who invade twitter and Wings. They are so angry that anyone has a different opinion to them about the future of a nation. That they then seek to deny or subvert the groups identity by proclaiming them as owned by their identity.

Never argue about bigotry with a bigot. There’s is the only legitimate identity and everyone else who belongs to another is wrong. That’s how they operate. Unsophisticated red mist flag and empire unionists.

The press love these guys though…doesn’t that tell you everything.

Brian watters

Such a shame the Herald article is closed to comments. Seems to be happening quite a lot these days with the more extreme of their snp baaad stories


Read on FB that Ollie grabbed an SNP flag off the guy who reacted by trying to grab their flag, hence the footage.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Black affronted We struggled to summon up much more than a weary sigh about a story in a couple of […]


Might also be worth investigating who the “attackers” were. Was this a genuine incident or was this a false flag set up?


Nice guy, not! The Herald, nasty little rag, does anyone still buy their crap.

I would have thought the police might be interested in these utterly offensive photos, and that the university should also be looking into this. It blights their reputation.

Wonder if the Herald or other daily rags will put these on their front page. I was reading an article just two days ago, about how peaceful protest is twice as likely to succeed regards the aims and objectives, mainly due to outside perception. People will support the downtrodden say, but not if they are violent.

Still it’s something the media and governments know which is why they use false flag tactics to get what they want. Be difficult not to react to a guttersnipe UKIPer though. Are people so incredibly blinkered that they would believe a one sided story like this anyway.

Jim McIntosh

Someone linked me to this story on Neill’s FB page yesterday. I posted that he was only there to cause trouble, so he called me a fascist. ?

I then commented on the irony of a member of the xenophobic, bigoted UKIP calling someone else names. His reply was “I’m not a member of UKIP”. ?????

I queried that by posting a link to the Daily Mail article above and he deleted it from the thread twice. ???

The wee boys a bit touchy about that I think.


Ollie Marshall was also part of the Unionist group (cheer lead by Alistair McConnachie) at the corner of Union Street and Argyle Street who were shouting abuse at the Scottish Indy machers as they went by. And people have the pictures to prove it.


The police should have arrested the Unionist flag waver. The parade had full permissions. Remember the last lot of butcher lovers standing on a main road blocking the parade allowed by the police. I saw at a OO walk in Glasgow a guy being physically pushed off the street as he tried to cross the road between the parade. Police respond? Of course not.
It looks like any independence parade will have some brit nats trying to antagonise.

Bob Mack

Created on a Herald storyboard and brought to life by a couple of willing stooges. When news is in short supply ,you create your own.


One expects manifestations of bizarre behaviour from such manifest light weights. Those whose vote contributed to the election of the creepy Mr Coburn must feel so proud that he’s keeping his end up for Britain and the residual bits of empire.


I realise that my subscription and also my daily purchases of The National go somewhat to subsidise The Daily Mail, The Herald and The Sunday Herald. I did naively think they were separate units but not so, they are all owned by one conglomerate. So as from now my money will stay firmly in my pocket.


He’s probably not the full ticket to be fair. Although that also doesn’t slow down unionist hacks in Scotland one bit.

Doug Daniel

Nah, the Daily Mail is owned by a completely different company from the one that owns the Herald, Sunday Herald and The National.

Peter McCulloch

Its sometimes feels like hitting your head off a brick wall,because no matter how often you tell some people not react or approach racist unionists who are trying to provoke trouble.

You will always get someone, who thinks they know better,and goes over and confronts them.

The result is we see newspaper headlines like that one,
pro indy supporter attacks two men with a union flag.

But that’s the job done as far as the unionist media are conderned, biased reporting with no mention about the intentions of or the political affiliations of the two men holding the union flag


Provocation by British Nationalists and Unionist rags ready to inflate the reaction. To be expected. In fact, expect more.

Every YES activist needs to ignore any provocation. Like dog shite on the path, we can simply avoid it.


Can the links between right wing extremism and the UK media not get any more transparent and darker?
When the media starts to get into bed with UKIP then you know just how far right extremist the UK state has gone and how much further it will be willing to go in order to keep its right wing extremist patronised privileged establishment.
It wasn’t bad enough reading excuses for the Tory Government getting into bed with the DUP coupled with the ranting about how bad it would be for Labour to get into bed with the SNP but when you’ve got the media openly cooperating with UKIP publicity stunts you have to ask what its going to take to wake up the majority of the Scottish public to the very nature of the UK state.
Imposed austerity, illegal warmongering, enquiry after enquiry cover ups, immoral if not illegal arms trading, Devolution denied, Devolved powers removed, broken promise after broken promise, the Scottish Government denied direct access to the UK Government, Sectarian homophobic xenophobes elected as Tory councillors, Fucking Brexit!

Seriously what the fuck is it going to take? Euthanasia?


If it’s stage managed then they did a far more convincing job than Jim Murphy getting egged. The footage on that shows him tensing up beforehand then relaxing before actually being hit.


This guy Jack Neil appears to be a criminal justice student FFS.

Just remember folks, anyone in the YES movement so much as drops a crisp, the media will run with it for weeks. They will use anything and by any means to discredit indy supporters and protect their precious UKOK.


I hate this:

“That march showed that elements of the Yes movement are no better than the White Supremacists who ascended upon Charlottesville or the yobs within the Scottish Defence League.”

Not (just) because it associates an overwhelmingly peaceful movement with the most violent, repressive elements in history, & not just because it’s so grotesquely hypocritical for a UKIP candidate to accuse anyone else of this. It’s because it makes a complete and utter mockery of all those hurt, injured, or killed by the sort of people represented in Charlottesville & the SDL.

1985: BNP member convicted for possession of 10 grenades, 7 petrol bombs, & 2 detonators, & attempted bombing of Worker’s Revolutionary Party offices.

April, 1999: 3 dead and 129 injured from a nailbomb explosion planted by a former BNP & National Socialist Movement member.

July, 2007: former BNP member convicted for possessing what police described as “the largest amount of chemical explosive of its type ever found” in the UK.

November, 2007: British People’s Party local organiser convicted for possessing explosives & terrorist literature.

June, 2008: Nazi sympathiser convicted for possession of nail bombs & other weapons.

December 2008: would-be terrorist convicted for possession of bomb manuals and racially aggravated harassment.

July 2009: man convicted of possession of explosives & planning a bombing campaign against “non-British.”

April 2013: 1 stabbed to death by right-wing extremist & bomb detonated outside mosques in Walsall & Wolverhampton for the purposes of starting a “race war.”

June 2016: Jo Cox murdered.

June 2017: 1 killed, 10 injured in attack in Finsbury Park.

September 2017: 4 British soldiers arrested on suspicion they were members of banned fascist group National Action.

By comparing the Scottish Independence movement, which has not killed a single soul, with the idealogies which have murdered so many people in the UK, you might as well walk up to the victims of those crimes and spit in their faces.

At least then you’d be honest.


The dafties who rose to the bait gave the 2 Yoons, plus their camera operator, exactly what they were there for. Was it not obvious?


How to get rid of all the extremists and loonies in UKIP:

Put the membership list up on a computer and then press the ‘delete’ button.


Next to no mention of Catalan shut down of democracy; yet we have non incident at a YES rally reported like this from numpty media hacks.

Rev covers it as it should be warts & all.

Read papers or get the facts at WoS.

Journos that read WoS and tolerate this guff from colleagues, hang your heads in shame; paper media in Scotland is dead as a Norwegian blue parrot !

Proud Cybernat

So this elusive indy supporter allegedly attacks a couple of right wing British Nationalists.

How is it that we know the names of those attacked? Sure – they reported it to the police / press. How convenient for them. Oh and how odd that these indy supporters never seem to get caught whether they break flags or chuck eggs – never get caught. Why would that be?

Because if they get caught then they would have to be identified and named – cover blown.

This has MI5, Special Branch, #77 fingerprints all over it on BOTH sides of this little fabricated fracas. Operative pretends to be an indy supporter, attacks right wing British Nationalists. Aye sure. Unless I’ve mssed something this is a total false flag, manufactured event from top to bottom.


Congratulations in getting 700,000 comments and thanks for the tireless work!

Colin Dawson

Who was the “one numpty [who] angrily yelled at them for a few seconds and broke their flagpole”? It would be interesting to know whether he was a true supporter of independence or whether this was a BritNat false flag operation (if you’ll excuse the pun) designed to discredit the independence campaign.

Jock McDonnell

@Proud Cybernat you are probably correct, the British nationalists are desperate now.

As you said last night, brexit forces them to play their cards before our FM has to play her own.

And to those who think we need a S30 order, such a thing would be convenient but not necessary. The constitution is fluid. A way will be found to recognise our Independence if its necessary for Westminster to save face. Depends on how we play our cards to be honest.


Meet Ollie

link to


Saw the geezer on Saturday prancin about like a British Nationalist of September 19 – 2014.
Lookin for trouble with the press in tow.
Had ‘egg gate’ written all over it.
He was trying it on at Dunfermline also.

Cant arrange a rally but always follows the Yes events like bad smell.

Folks register the face & then ignore. The press orgasm over this stuff cause they hate YES get it ?

Ian Brotherhood

Jim from Troon pointed out that flag to me as we were chatting. Neither of us, nor anyone near us, gave them so much a second glance before carrying on with our conversations. It would be interesting to know how long the incident took from start to finish. (I’m guessing the flag appeared approx 2.15-ish?)

More of an annoyance was The Bird Man of George Square who insisted on attracting a couple of hunner scabby-lookin doos right into the centre of our wee assembly – that caused more of a flap and flutter than the apron-wielders.


Does anyone know the flag pole breaker? Can anyone vouch that he is an Indy supporter?

Like others I’m suspicious of the whole thing. It seems possible the entire episode was staged. By whom? IMO, no one of consequence – a fringe group of activists or gutter press. A false flag operation by someone more significant would be much bigger, I fear.


Jim MacIntosh @1.00pm

Maybe the young chap has indeed left the UKIP crowd. Rats often leave a sinking ship. Maybe he has found a welcoming new home with the oddballs of Mrs Harrison’s Rape Clause Party.


Problem with this incident is that we now have Yoon loyalists saying on Twitter that they intend to turn up in force at the next Indy march and rip up their Scottish flags.

The eejit who went for the yoon flag has nothing to boast about and isn’t to be congratulated.



Aye, that was my first thought too. It seems just too pat.

Does anyone know the person responsible and if he really is an Indy supporter?

Proud Cybernat

“…we now have Yoon loyalists saying on Twitter that they intend to turn up in force at the next Indy march and rip up their Scottish flags.”

Not a problem so long as no one on the indy side is provoked into doing something stupid. If anyone on the INDY side DOES do something stupid then make sure you keep your phones handy folks and get a good photo of the individual (they may not be a genuine indy supporter but more of a plant). And, of course, if the Yoons start an fracas, you’ll have the evidence on your phones. Just film their fizzin’ wee faces as you march proudly by.


Never saw him, we were having too much fun!

J. Neill of UKIP has evil eyes.

He is a cold-calling, egg provoking, self-centered human unbeing.

I’ve seen a similar look once before in the eyes of one Anas Sarwar… the night I passed by and briefly met eyes with him, as he was coming out of a function at the Central Hotel at Glasgow Central, where I later learned that he had just resigned some previous position.

As they all poured out of the hotel, his slab mates then mockingly asked him if he wanted to go to a nightclub… he ignored them, made a bee-line for the taxi rank, got in a hack, then disappeared.

I felt nothing from Anas but cold eyes, eerily cold eyes.

The Glasgow Herald
The Glasgow Herald
The Glasgow Herald

Beware of the evil MSM and evil eyes!

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 18 September, 2017 at 2:47 pm:

“Does anyone know the flag pole breaker? Can anyone vouch that he is an Indy supporter?”

Aye! galamcennalath, Nana nails him in her comment on this thread :-

link to


“It would be interesting to know how long the incident took from start to finish. (I’m guessing the flag appeared approx 2.15-ish?)”

Probably about 3 minutes-ish. First clocked them at the corner of North Hanover St. They then walked about half way along the front of the Millennium Hotel and waved their Butcher’s Apron about for a minute or two, but nobody took any notice.

They then walked down to the corner at Queen St at the lights. They’d shouted something a couple of times but it wasn’t possible to make it out above the traffic noise. Then a couple of folk took the bait.

The police were NOT there at the time. They’d got bored and wandered off sometime before that.


Just spotted an FT headline on google … “Theresa May must set out the many benefits of Brexit”

Can’t see the article because it’s hidden. However that sounds enticing. I would love to see someone’s ideas of benefits from Brexit!

Like the Union, the positive case seems elusive. Yes, lots of nostalgia and British nationalism.

Here we are in Scotland 3 years since IndyRef1 and around five years of anti Indy propaganda. But where is that positive case for their glorious Union?

Wavers of Union flags …. what is it you see that makes you a supporter? Beats me!

Robert Peffers

@Jimbo says: 18 September, 2017 at 2:54 pm:

“The eejit who went for the yoon flag has nothing to boast about and isn’t to be congratulated.”

Yes he has – as the comment by Nana, up-thread shows:-

link to

He is a set-up and is one of the Yoons. Credit though goes to, “Everard Pisswiddle”, on Twitter that Nana posted the link for.

I do not tweet but those wingers who do would do well to get that tweet out on the twitterspere.


@Robert Peffers & @Nana

The allegation is that Ollie is one of the Unionists who grabbed a flag off an Indy supporter to provoke a backlash. It still looks like an Indy supporter took the bait. Was he a real Indy supporter? Looks like it, actually.


@ Robert Peffers

I can’t see any comment from anyone called Nana, Robert.

Only ones I can see are two comments from Ya’akov Sloman

Are you able to copy & paste it.

Tam the Bam.

Robert Peffers @3-36pm

Those two characters in the Tweet are identified Robert.
Gala is referring to the 3rd character involved…the flagpole
breaker.It would indeed be more than interesting to ascertain his
status re Indy!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Jimbo.

Nana’s post is at this link:-

link to


Thanks, Brian

Robert Louis

Take a step back from the minutiae of this, and look at the big picture. Just look at where the Westminster Government is taking the entire United Kingdom.

Scotland, a country in a voluntary union with England, is bullied, abused and treated with utter, utter contempt by those in London who on other days, with crocodile tears (I’m thinking of you you liar, David Cameron) profess their undying ‘love’ for Scotland.

The UK is quite literally sliding into the toilet. You have rampant racism on the rise in England, aided and abetted by leading political figures whom the media give excessive uncritical coverage to. Racist slurs are now commonplace, in mainstream media – something that only a few years back would have seen resignations.

Scotland needs out of this undemocratic, wasteful, disrespectful, hateful union with England, before we too start sliding down into the toilet with them.

England is finished. It is bankrupt, both monetarily and morally. It is a decrepit country, led by liars cheats and spivs. Hell bent on leaving the EU, and isolating itself from the whole world, England is locked in a beery, blurry nostalgia for a glorious past that never truly existed. While the ruling elite get richer by the second, those on low incomes or the disabled – and their children- literally starve. England is one truly f*cked up place, and it is only getting worse.

Scotland cannot become independent too soon.


Hmm, as suggested by others above, there’s an idea that might be useful to our future marches and rallies…

When we were taking a leisurely walk down ‘Union Street’ (at the turn of Argyle Street) we just uninterestingly swaggered past the protesters, singing Flower of Scotland, how peaceful and invigorating it was too.

Next time, we sing FoS (or Caledonia), BUT, we ALL get our camera-phones out and record the rUKers en passant. (a bit like the gig-goers do at music concerts, would look cool and make them realise that they are now the minority.)

Same goes for the now evidently staged antics with J. Neill n co.

Laugh at them, blow them kisses, embarrass them away.

If ye record anything useful, keep it, if not, delete.

For now, we remain at stage four.

Dr Jim

A couple of rallies ago we saw a Rangers shirt with a man in it being lifted by each arm backwards into a van by the cops
the watching crowd including me laughing our heads off at what he was shouting as he went

“Ahm a Prodisint Ahm a Prodisint”

Some of the calls in reply were “So urr we So urr we”

And you know they still don’t get it do they, we’re all religions and no religions, which is the real representation of the people in Scotland and what they represent was imported on both sides and used by the British government for it’s gullibility to do the British job for them, divide and rule

You’d think they’d read a book and confirm to themselves they’re being used for mugs by the Empire who stuffed them in the first place in favour of England which is the really important place and they probably thank God those same Mugs
reside in Scotland out of their way


ronnie anderson
Free Scotland

The Express was geared up and ready to publish more than 10 hours before the rally began. Publishing was not their only input, then?


If the Express published it hours before it happened then that is a bit of a clue.


This is interesting. Apologies for being o/t

link to


Meant to say it’s about Ruth Davidson, more apologies


I stopped reading and commenting in the Herald about 3 months ago, I wouldn’t even give them the pleasure of my clicking on any of their articles.
I feel much better for it.
Try it folks it does wonders for your blood pressure.

Alex Clark

@Proud Cybernat

The guy that threw the egg at Jim Murphy was an Independence supporter and was identified and fined after handing himself in and admitting to his “crime”.

link to

The guy being reported on today may or may not have been an Independence supporter, we don’t that yet but one thing is clear the provocateurs waving the Union flag were UKIP supporters. Not just supporters but one at least has stood for election, a General Election as a candidate for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath and the other appears to have been a UKIP candidate for East Lothian also in the General election.

These pair of arseholes were out to provoke and unfortunately someone appears to have fallen for it unless of course it was all staged which to be honest I wouldn’t rule out.

I’d like to see whoever it was that lost the plot tried and convicted, it’s a reminder all the same of how we that attend these events represent not just ourselves but the whole Yes movement.

The solution is simple, use the head and don’t allow yourself to be provoked, else it will be used against the grassroots. This is not cowardice more common sense. I’ll not be intimidated or cowed by provocation, neither would I lash out though at something so obvious from a couple of Kippers.

The real embarrassment for me though is that Jack Neil and Oluf Marshall have the brass neck to stand for election in Scotland and people will vote for them. These people are nobodies who will be chuffed today with their 5 minutes in the spotlight.

Ignore the trolls on the streets as you would do online and let’s get on with the real business of winning our Independence.


Robert Louis says:

England is …. led by liars cheats and spivs. Hell bent on leaving the EU, and isolating itself from the whole world

A few years from now, the people of England will look across The Channel, the Irish Sea, and the Border with iScotland … and the penny will final drop …. they will realise they have been taken for fools and things in their not-so-green and unpleasant land need to change.

I wish them only the best and hope their revolution will be as peaceful as ours.


Lots of people annoyed with the Herald and angry at the Daily Heil but it’s the Express that’s the UKIP-supporting excuse for a newspaper. Hardly takes MI5 to stage this set-up. If it were I’m sure it would be less pathetic. I’m sure their rotund leader put them up to it. These sad people will end up in the Conservative party when UKIP shut up shop.
Utter nobodies. Best to keep it that way.

Ian Brotherhood

@Normski –



Yeah, tricky one this article. The thing I would add is that firstly Marshall said two rally stewards helped him and recommended he call the police. That shows the rally itself condemns and doesn’t condone such acts. And the other thing to add would be that of course we condemn extreme acts and acts of violence where they occur.

For me the article needs that blanket condemnation.

Robert J. Sutherland

galamcennalath @ 16:47,

Actually, I have the notion that the main reason why the English Establishment is so determinedly antagonistic to Scottish independence is not necessarily the issue of natural resources, important as that certainly is, but rather that the departure of Scotland from the UK would create such a large shock to the body politic in England that it would bring wholesale reform of the entire fossilised system directly in its wake. And that prospect is one that they just can’t handle.

It’s that understanding which eludes those in Scotland who mistakenly believe that “voting for Corbyn” will achieve significant change. Au contraire, all that will do, is help perpetuate the “Buggins’ turn” system that only offers ongoing stagnation.

It’s only Scottish independence which will achieve real change. On both sides of the border.

ronnie anderson

Stephen Doggart now BLOCKED from .

Alex Clark

@Robert J. Sutherland

I agree, that’s it in a nutshell why England won’t let go, the changes that would result “On both sides of the border.” would be a step into the unknown for them.

They fear being found out as too wee, too poor and too stupid.

CameronB Brodie

Perhaps Mr. Neill is satirising Scotland’s general lack of authentic self? Of course, this might suggest that Mr. Neill has a critical appreciation of Fanon. If so, his delivery lacks a sense of satire, IMHO. Given his associates, I’m drawn to the assumption that he’s simply a racist dick.

black skin white masks
link to


Since it seems the police were involved, I hope they take it seriously enough to get any CCTV footage around – there must surely be multiples around there. And prosecute if and who appropriate. (though commonspace article says no police report)

Love this by the way from commonspace (quoting YES Bikers):

““Whilst on the route of the Procession, as we travelled down Union street, we informed the police of our decision to breach the council’s biased decree, to which the police placed their van in the middle of Argyle Street in a feigned attempt to stop us.

“Then peacefully yet assertively we halted the procession with many participants sitting down on the road in protest.

“It was at this point the police made a judgement call and moved their vehicle out of the way to allow us to process towards Freedom (George) square.””

Beautiful, just beautiful. Poetry whoever wrote that 🙂

Blair Paterson

Scotland in a volintary union with England I think not the union was forced on the scots by bribes and threats when the people heard about it there were riots in Ayreshire Glasgow etc ., the people did not want it it was forced upon them there was nothing volintary about it


galamcennalath; Was this what you were referring to, @ 3:29pm?

FT: Theresa May must set out the many benefits of Brexit;
link to

ronnie anderson

link to

Is this what all the stooshie’s aboot .


There no mention of the pro indy guy who was attacked by 3 unionists , In Glasgow i hear they tried to kneecap him

link to

Alex Clark

@ronnie anderson

Cheers ronnie, that clears a lot of things up for me.

1. He was inviting and hoping for trouble by going back to George Square.

2. He’s a cowardly UKIPPER who wouldn’t actually go into the square.

Tells you all you need to know really. An absolute set up by these clowns.


Why aren’t these two UKIP offensive racists not charged with racist and bigotry offences.


From what I saw of the stushie from the other side of the square, a tall ginger headed guy appeared carrying a large UJ on a tall collapsible fibre glass pole and started walking toward the Bikers for Yes hardware. He got about midway and something happened. By the time I had walked across the square it was all over. An elderly lady and her daughter got caught up in it and were a bit distressed as they were simply leaving the rally and going to Buchanan Street bus station.

They were getting the same bus as me (Halbeath P&R) so I accompanied them.

It seemed to be a deliberate act of provocation and apparently they got the reaction wanted, very conveniently caught on camera. Hate to think what might of happened had he reached the bikers!

Time would have been just after 2pm.

The rally was peaceful, with many happy folk laughing and enjoying the spectacle of the bikes and flags on display. The Unicorn was also magnificent!


Ignorant kippers. More to be pitied.

ronnie anderson

@ Alex Clark He’s clearly on a mission to aggravate once wasn’t enough for him . I cant stop the vid at the exact spot to if I recognise the Indy supporters at his back .

If anybody has the where with all to slow the vid down and take a snapshot of the Indy guy’s .

Colin Alexander

I think the independist people on here that respond to reasonable comments with vile abuse should be more of a concern to the YES movement than any UKIPPER black and white minstrel with his butcher’s apron.

Aye you listening, Heedtracker?

Colin Alexander

I want to talk about the Independists who came and marched – or rode their bikes- for Scotland’s freedom on Saturday, not some clowns.

Praise and credit to you for showing your support for Scotland’s liberation.

When are the official SNP/YES marches and other events?

Or is it left to Hope Over Fear nowadays to campaign for Scotland’s freedom?


Also, could J. Neill have possibly chosen a larger UJ flag to make his alleged solo protest with ffs.

Standing by yourself (with yer side-saboteur) and a massive British Nationalist flag is just going to wind folk up either-way, especially when Yes are having our rally in Freedom Square that day.

Imagine doing the same with one of our big saltires on an extendable pole, on their ‘Orangefest’ day in the Square. The Glasgow polis would probably have to ask you to leave for your own safety (if you were allowed within the confines in the first place.)

Or you could use the emblem analogy of certain elements of two popular Glasgow football teams.

Or remember the Yesser that got behind the naw side back in Sept ’14, who climbed the wall at the City Chambers, who then lifted his Yes banner up to a rousing cheer from us… to escape, this fine fellow came within an inch of his life!

A bit like this:
link to

Please ignore the first and last two seconds of the video.


Some of us never stop campaigning for indy.

I dried up my tears and dusted myself down 4 days after indyref. I don’t get into arguments with British Nationalists but I do provide information for anyone who cares to be informed.

I will of course step my efforts up a gear or 4 when the starting pistol is fired.


Herald article on Richard Murphy’s submission for the comittee tomorrow, focussing on his “crap” comment, rather than the real issues in his submission, and Margaret Cuthbert’s (natural) reaction to that. I hope she reads his submission carefully and thinks about the spending outside Scotland but charged to Scotland, and the resulting loss of revenue and GDP, and endorses those comments. As they are correct.

link to


Agree Cactus – the first UFlag he had was like something you’d see disgracefully flown over Edinburgh Castle – no wonder his pole broke. LOL.

ronnie anderson

Coffin Dodgers away weekend , an a wee sojourn tae Dundee , an nae doot ah few drams of Auldpulteney
link to

Chick McGregor

We put the live stream on. It was a bit flaky and disappeared intermittently but I got the impression that the march route was not as expected and I seem to remember someone saying, paraphrasing wildly, ‘that will be why their taking us down here’ when the UJs were spotted.

Very possibly wrong about that, but that was the impression the wife and I had.



Wings Over Scotland has now exceeded over 700,000 comments.

Congratulations to all who have contributed.

Less than 300,000 to go.


ronnie anderson

Dey ah need ah Lawyer .

link to

Glasgows fine est Britnat traffic wardens , am no gonny swear but I call into question their dubious parentage .

Brian Powell

Richard Murphy’s use of the word ‘crap’ was an acronym he created:




I don’t think Margaret Cuthbert understood that.


@Brian Powell
Didn’t know that. Kind of like my FART 🙂

ronnie anderson

The Rally route was finalised on the Mon at a meeting with GCC , they wanted the Rally to finish at Glasgow Green & people to make their way back to Freedom Square ( processions committee ) playing silly burghers ) We had other ideas & flipped the Fingers at GCC .

uno mas

@ Cactus

And I think you must have been responsible for about 690,000 of them! 🙂

Liz g

Ronnie Anderson @ That’s part two of it Ronnie.
He admitted in the blurb at the bottom of the video that he went up a side street mended his flag pole attached “a smaller Butchers Apron and headed to the city chambers.

The original appearance of him and Apron Gigantus was over at the corner of the hotel where the bin lorry hit.
And unfortunately one of the one’s who went over had a Wing’s flag.
So be prepared for that fotay tae surface.

If it’s who I think it is ….and by that I mean they really don’t know Glasgow….cause they asked me in which direction was the Clyde,and just to point,later in the day.
But it could have been just the same hat….. whole thing stinks!

Alan Mackintosh

yesindyref2. Yes I’ve read his blog where he clarifies that acronym, as something he teaches his students. Not just something he composed for GERS as I recall.


@ Proud Cybernat; yes, does seem a plausible description.


@Alan Mackintosh
Thanks Alan and Brian, used that point now.

William Wallace

I spoke to that ginger lad (he had an English accent) after the pole breaking incident and asked him why he was so intent on provoking a reaction from a peaceful independence gathering right in front o a Journo . It was a pure set up. The journo was already in place bent doon and snapping away.

I was calm with him and asked him why he was being intentionally provocative etc. I have the verbal exchange with him on audio recording but, not on vid as the battery was running oot.

I know the lads who went waving their flags at the flag bearer to blank oot his butchers apron. They are not the lads that broke the pole.

Some other guy came running over and snapped it and a couple of indy guys pulled him up on it. He replied “Im fae place unknown” “ah don’t give a fuck” and then disappeared. Fae what I could gather (happened fairly quickly) he was dressed in black and I didnae notice any colours, clothes or flags to indicate he was part o the indy gathering.

After going through some of the footage I captured earlier I have a video of the ginger lad clearly standing with the zoomers at the corner of Argyle/Union street I think it was and making gestures to the passing marchers.

I am currently transferring the vids over to computer and will upload the vid(s) somewhere online as soon as I can.


Smallaxe says:

FT: Theresa May must set out the many benefits of Brexit;
link to

Thanks for the link.

So ex chancellor Lawson highlights just two benefits, not exactly many!

1. ” cost of EU membership falls from £12.6bn in 2018/19 to zero in 2019/20″

Not as simple. That sounds like the wishful think of Leave at EURef. If the UK has access to the single market Norway style, even for a transition period, it will have to pay a similar amount. Or, if the UK is out there will be tariffs to pay by businesses and that will impact on the economy and tax revenue. The net gain might be a net loss!

2. ” the ability to comb through the vast corpus of EU regulation, amending it to suit the best interests of British business and our economy “

That may be an advantage for business but I seriously don’t think a deregulated UK will be of any benefit to ordinary folks. Where business / employee relations are concerned, deregulation which suits employers will almost by definition be at the expense of workers rights.

Also, regulations include health and safety, product quality, drugs testing, food standards etc etc.. Erosion of these certainly won’t benefit the wider public.


Has there been any explanation of how The Herald managed to publish the story 13 hours BEFORE the incident took place?
Huge if true.

Lenny Hartley

o/T I am shocked that the Scottish Government is letting this go on, Staff car parking charges is also an issue at the new Southern General. We should be letting our political representatives know that it is totally unacceptable for Staff to be paying parking charges and extortionate penalties.

link to

Les Wilson

Lenny Hartley says:
Hospitals in Scotland are free to park, made so by the SNP, with the exception of PFI run Hospitals. Under signed contract via labour and outwith the scope of the SNP.

Legally nothing they can do, to my knowledge.


Btw, I take it everyone recognises the nasty subtle message in the first image of J. Neill in a bath or wet room.

Three things:

1) Coloured face
2) Washing liquid (foam)
3) Over-sized cleaning brush

Put em together an what have ye got…



@ CameronB Brodie – thx for link to the Frantz Fanon book, “Black Skin White Masks”. Chapter 4 on the “So-Called Dependency Complex of Colonised People” is particularly apt.

Liz g

William Wallace @ 7.49
Did you have,a Wing’s flags with you and were you wearing a hat?
Just trying to work out if it was you I saw over there!


Lenny h

Labour introduced the charges. SNP tried to negotiate the contracts away but it was going to £100 of millions.

Thank the Labour Party and their big business partners.

I would have that you knew that.

Dave McEwan Hill

Lindy at 1.10pm

Where do people get this sort of absolute nonsense?
Or is this just another attack on the entirely independent National by our enemies?

Al Dossary

Re Mr Neill and his flag antics – may I suggest we just leave this narcissistic clown to wallow in his own stupidity and grief (his sister was found dead in Dalgety bay at the age of 16 in 2013 amid claims of bullying at school).

His facebook is still wide open for all to see – the only reason I can see for this is for him to milk it for abuse from we “scotnazis” as some of the comments have us branded as.

Leave things be with the nugget – i have a feeling we shall be seeing him bleating in the lying press about the bullying he has received since yesterday very soon.

He’s had his 15 minutes of fame – now just let him fade into insignificance.

1 thing for sure – I can’t see his dream of joining the CID coming true after recent exploits.

Reluctant Nationalist

Just goes to show what a peaceful bunch SNP marchers are, that this tiny pre-arranged argument was all that could be used to justify the pre-written article. That was IT?! Oh lowdy the KKK nazis are in town, run for your lives!

The Express printing it is understandable – it’s the worst paper in the land. But the Herald?

Btw, ex porn mogul Dick Desmond is looking to sell the Express to the Mirror group. Folk are concerned it’ll affect media plurality. Haha. No, really, I’m serious.

Liz g

Cactus @ 8.17
Thanks for that….. I actually didn’t know that was the full explanation.
I knew it was racist ofcourse but not in that detail.
Pretty obvious though now you have said….nasty,nasty stuff!
Wonder how many No voter’s know that’s the kind who are leading them?


“As ever, we’ll leave our readers to form their own conclusions about the motivations of both Mr Neill and Mr Marshall, and those of the Herald.”

Buy the fake “independence supporting” The National to keeps its elder sister, The Herald, alive.

Dave McEwan Hill

To fill some people in the National is published by Newsquest UK which is owned by Gannett,a US publishing company with titles in 36 US states.

Newsquest has 205 titles in the UK (160 newspapers, 45 magazines) and has nothing to do in real terms with the editorial direction of most of these. The Herald, now a national disgrace, supports the union and the National supports independence and is entirely free to do so as it is editorially independent. The National, like the Herald and the rest of Newsquest’s portfolio, is required to pay for itself.

That is all and attacks on the National here and in other places are generally made by unionists, some of them masquerading as supporters



Yes indeed. The reference is to the barbaric practice during slavery and probably after that, when they used to sit black people in the bath and scrub them till they bled, to make them white. Anyone remember Robinsons jam jars? Not so long ago!

I knew someone who did his art degree about slavery, oppression and it went right up to the present. I cried when I saw the show. Britnats, racist nationalists right to the core, still. It’s no minor matter and must be challenged, always. To even consider that these disgusting individuals could be in any position of power is truly scary.

Robert J. Sutherland

The most troubling aspect of this whole episode (and there is more than one) is the apparent eagerness (some might even say preparedness) of the media to tar the yes movement with the same brush as white supremacists in the USA.

An outrageous inversion that chimes very well with typical BritLab self-entitlement that they are the sole keepers of the progressive flame and their worn-out old smear that those “nationalists” are vile pretenders with shady far-right undertones.

On the contrary, this episode even hints that The Herald, for all its BritLab posturing, may itself be getting rather too close for comfort with reactionary rightwing types.


Rev. Stuart Campbell,

“Sigh. The amount of money The National contributes to Newsquest’s finances is microscopic. It makes absolutely no difference to anything. In return we get the only pro-indy presence on newsagents’ shelves. If the paper were to go down the toilet, it’d hurt us far, far more than it would hurt Newsquest or the Union.”

I know this is your website, but I totally disagree with you on this one.

In my view, The National has had near zero positive effect on support for independence since it was launched.

8,000 diehard independence supporters buy it.

It is no more than a feel good factor for them.

It would not hurt the independence cause one bit if it didn’t exist.

Three years after the independence referendum, support for Yes has hardly moved in a positive direction.

Was The National of any help when SNP support fell from 50% to 37%, a loss of half a million voters and 23 MPs, at the last election held in Scotland?

Every penny helps to share the overhead costs of publishing The Herald.

Without this extra cash, Newsquest would be forced to re-think about continuing The Herald with its declining sales.

In my view, The National is like what Labour in Scotland was for decades before its true colours became apparent to many of its supporters.

CameronB Brodie

Alex Clark
I shared a flat with Stuart Mackenzie for a bit, Jim Murphy’s, egg assailant. He supported BLiS___d not independence, though that was some time back. He may even have been a member, though my memory is sketchy. Perhaps he saw the light?


Rock 9.04pm
I have to say I agree with your post. The National is in no way influencing the “don’t know“ vote towards independence.


The National cover for tomorrow, Tuesday the 19th:
link to

See us and all our renewable energy.

Think I’ll buy 2 copies.

Lenny Hartley

Les Wilson, the new Southern General is not PFI, when I was a guest there for several weeks the staff were constantly complaining about lack of parking for staff and costs if they found a parking spot. Patients could Park for free but staff had to pay which in my opinion is a disgrace.
Hamish 100 no I did not know that, still an Effin disgrace , another labour PFI scam that is costing patients and staff a fortune.
link to

Jack Collatin

What a disgraceful dollop of Nazi ordure from a ‘senior News Reporter’ at the Herald Britland.
We are in the midst of a 1933 Fascist revival.
These disgusting UKippers are portrayed as victims?
How do the hacks peddling this crap sleep at night?
They are right wing UKIP fascists, plain and simple.
By association and on the basis of this perverted reporting, we lump the Herald Scribes in with this Far Right White Supremacy Mob. Are they happy with being tarred with the same brush of shame?
Are the staff at the Herald a bunch of Right Wing Fascists? If not, explain this perverted report.

You bet your boots they don’t give a feck either way. Who needs a conscience when it pays for the beers in the bar?
We are in despair.
Our newspapers are only fit for cat litter and wiping dogs’ arses in the park.
These hacks must surely be on the brink of redundancy as sales plummet.
There are only so many ancient White Supremicist Blue Red and Yellow Tories left alive clutching to the image of Merrie Britland and the Union Fleg, waiting for Boris Johnson to reinstate Empire 2 when he gives Johnny Foreigner a bloody nose once and for all.
Our Fourth Estate has lost it completely.
How supposedly intelligent men and women can stand by while our country is sold down the river by our English Neighbours stretches credulity to breaking point.
Or have they been brainwashed from birth, schooling, religion and culture to Carry On Regardless, and fuck Scotland and the people of Scotland?


Rock 9.04pm

I have to say i`m inclined to agree with your post.
As only committed indy voters read it, it has little or no influence in converting the “don’t knows“ towards independence.

Robert J. Sutherland

Rock @ 21:04,

I have long since stopped engaging with you, since your endless posturings are never more than a stock handful of themes that you regurgitate at random intervals.

However, just this once I would like to politely ask, exactly what is the point you are trying to achieve on here?

If you are truly a supporter of independence as you claim, can you think of any useful purpose your depressing self-justifying moans might actually serve? Seriously?

This isn’t a thereaputic encounter group, you know. You are perfectly entitled to your own view of life, but your boring repetitious claims of how your dark view on everything has always been right simply win no favours with anyone, and more to the point, they win no converts to indy either. Is that what you really aim to achieve?

You would do far better for the indy movement and for yourself into the bargain if you were to spend your precious remaining time elsewhere with your allotment, grandkids, dog or whatever else might hopefully bring real joy into your life.


‘Scotland pro-Independence rally attack two men with a Union flag.’

The usual dramatic, misleading headline conjuring up a vision of two men being jumped by hordes of Independence supporters. Not unlike Jackie Bird with her ”Jim Murphy egged by mob” BBC news report in 2014 when as we know one man only was involved.

Strange too that the article was published before the incident actually happened. How did they manage that one, lol? I’m also trying to figure out who did what? Was it an employee of a newspaper who actually filmed (or was in attendance at) the ‘event.’


@ Alex Clark says at 4:46 pm …. ”The guy being reported on today may or may not have been an Independence supporter, we don’t that yet but one thing is clear the provocateurs waving the Union flag were UKIP supporters. Not just supporters but one at least has stood for election, a General Election as a candidate for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath and the other appears to have been a UKIP candidate for East Lothian also in the General election.

These pair of arseholes were out to provoke and unfortunately someone appears to have fallen for it unless of course it was all staged which to be honest I wouldn’t rule out.

I’d like to see whoever it was that lost the plot tried and convicted, it’s a reminder all the same of how we that attend these events represent not just ourselves but the whole Yes movement.

The solution is simple, use the head and don’t allow yourself to be provoked, else it will be used against the grassroots. This is not cowardice more common sense. I’ll not be intimidated or cowed by provocation, neither would I lash out though at something so obvious from a couple of Kippers.

The real embarrassment for me though is that Jack Neil and Oluf Marshall have the brass neck to stand for election in Scotland and people will vote for them. These people are nobodies who will be chuffed today with their 5 minutes in the spotlight.

Ignore the trolls on the streets as you would do online and let’s get on with the real business of winning our Independence.”

Spot on Alex. Says it all. Ignore them completely …. especially as we may find that the numbers of agitators increase over the next few months …. other than using your phones to monitor who they are just in case the ‘evidence’ is required at a later date.

This incident is clearly just another example of what Neil Findlay highlighted recently about Murphy setting out with the clear intention of provoking and recording an aggressive reaction to subsequently feed to the MSM (IF it was an Indy supporter). Don’t fall for it folks.

And does anyone else reckon that the University should be notified of their behaviour and IPSO re. the newspapers publishing a one-sided story?


@ Lindy says at 1:10 pm …. ”I realise that my subscription and also my daily purchases of The National go somewhat to subsidise The Daily Mail, The Herald and The Sunday Herald. I did naively think they were separate units but not so, they are all owned by one conglomerate. So as from now my money will stay firmly in my pocket.”

Lindy did you see Stu’s post?

@ Rev. Stuart Campbell says at 12:55 pm …. ”Sigh. The amount of money The National contributes to Newsquest’s finances is microscopic. It makes absolutely no difference to anything. In return we get the only pro-indy presence on newsagents’ shelves. If the paper were to go down the toilet, it’d hurt us far, far more than it would hurt Newsquest or the Union.”

Dave McEwan Hill

McDuff at 9.25

Utter rubbish. Even having it with its marvelous front pages on news stands is a step for us. So how is it you influence “don’t knows”? Pray tell us – or are you just Rock agreeing with himself

Jack Collatin

I see David Clegg’s Record is now running with this perversion of Truth.
The end justifies the means to crush Scotland and the Scottish People at all costs.
Who is banking these loss making rags these days?
Three years on and still our dead tree scrolls lie and pervert the truth to keep us subjugated.
Bow Down to your Imperial Masters, Scotland.



“Rock 9.04pm
I have to say I agree with your post. The National is in no way influencing the “don’t know“ vote towards independence.”

It flogs itself as “independence supporting” but hardly ever has WOS style hard hitting front page top headline articles which might perhaps catch the eyes of unionists and enter their conscience.

It is claimed that The National is hidden by the big supermarkets.

Why does Newsquest, a big company, tolerate this?

What does it do to promote The National to the general population?

I am quite surprised that the astute Rev. Stuart Campbell should express his support for what I believe is a chameleon.

I have long called for the Rev. Stuart Campbell to be made in charge of writing the front page headline news articles in the “independence supporting” The National.

As far as I know, until now, only one article written by the Rev. Stuart Campbell has been published in The National, and not as headline news.

Chick McGregor

I got miffed at The National and emailed them to concel my subscription. They pointed out that I was only paid up for a couple of weeks anyway and could just let it lapse.

Meanwhile, I went to the roadshow in Forfar with the WGD and Richard Walker. After which I realised something of the ‘reality’ within the MSM bubble. Reading between the lines of what was said at that event, the bulk of the Scottish journalist fraternity have been programmed into accepting Britonia as being the ‘norm’ and indy as being ‘aberrant’.

That is the reality within which pro indy journalists have to work.

As Murray Ritchie, former political editor of the Herald put it some years ago, those journalists who start writing indy friendly output suddenly find life has become ‘unusually complicated’.

I renewed my subscription with more understanding of how things are.


Paper covers rock…

So I with my daily National win! 😀


Polls in Catalunya reveal why Spain is going apeshit,
Disregarding democracy YES 66%% No 34%.

If only Scotland were that brave ?


@ Dave McEwan Hill says at 8:52 pm ….. ”… attacks on the National here and in other places are generally made by unionists, some of them masquerading as supporters.”

Exactement Dave. We’ve even got some saying that ”the National is in no way influencing the “don’t know“ vote towards independence.” … ”The National has had near zero positive effect on support for independence since it was launched.”

Utter claptrap. How do they know how many people the newspaper has influenced? I know for a fact that the National alone has ‘converted’ some prior no voters to stating categorically that they’ll vote yes next time round. They didn’t / don’t buy it rather just read the newspapers left lying around at work. It also functions like this site in relation to ‘educating’ its readers often including data / facts that I’ve never come across, even on here. Data that I can use to advantage elsewhere.

You wonder why any Independence supporter would want to extinguish the only newspaper that supports Independence, especially as we have ascertained that our main obstacle is Unionist control of the MSM? Reflect on that one.

There are a number of great articles in the National again today by individuals such George Kerevan and Carolyn Leckie plus an 8 page spread (with loads of photographs) on the Independence rally at the weekend. Anyone else notice any other newspaper publishing as much as a few lines on the rally never mind 8 pages?

It’s also worth pointing out that Richard Walker continues as the Consulting Editor of the National, is a Vice-Convenor of the Scottish Independence Convention (the other is Lesley Riddoch) and as such was one of ten people who met up with Nicola Sturgeon recently.

link to

link to


STV news reporting that Scotland will be taking control of over 11 benefits from Westminster providing over 1,500 jobs in the main in Glasgow and Dundee (right across Scotland).

Jeanne Freeman has just been interviewed by John MacKay on Scotland Tonight. VERY impressive as usual.


Good idea for a show about the Raploch revisit,
Ruined by party political broadcast 1/2 way thru ?
What was that all about.
Somebody at BBC salivated when they found a link to Kezias Labour party ?? Veered off into nice propaganda shoot.
Impartiality intact – aye right guys.

Should have stayed off all party interests – you are failing badly Donalda but I guess you don’t care.

mike cassidy

The timing on the article may be a paper publishing quirk.

Something similar on one of her previous articles.

link to


Kippers a fishy tale. Two pence short of a Euro. Bit smelly.


No idea if this link will work but it does show that the small unionist contingent were hardly out for a peaceful demonstration. I think someone also said that the chap with the megaphone was actually kicked out of UKIP for being too extreme.

No real surprise that the Express has thrown their hat in that ring but the Herald? They should hang their heads in shame. Hard to respect a paper that has gone down that route.

link to


Lenny Hartley @ 9.23pm

I know there have been complaints about a shortage of parking at the QEUH in part because not all the car parks were in place was ready in time for the opening of the hospital.

Parking for the staff is by permit but I do not think they pay for the parking. Some staff parking is also available in the visitor car parks on a first come first served basis – again free.

As to the Ferret article, they state that the claim about parking charges being abolished at Scottish Hospitals is ‘half true but it is more than that. Parking charges have been abolished at 14 hospitals but still exist at the 3 PFI controlled hospitals. This means that charges have been abolished at 82% of hospitals where charges previously existed.

That they still exist at those 3 is not good but taking £100 million or more out of the health budget to buy out the companies would have a noticeable negative impact.


The breast cancer rates in the UK has risen 50% since 2012. Although more people survive. 1 in 8 will be affected.


Ian Wood gave £10Million to build a 1.000 space multimillion storey car park at Aberdeen Infirmary. chronic shortage. After his wife couldn’t find a car space. Opened?

William Wallace

Here is a nice clear pic of Ollie earlier that day

link to

And a wee vid of him with his friends

link to

mike d

Gordon 10.49pm. On the way back to England,we stopped at moffat where my english wife wanted to buy me a ‘Scotland the brave ‘t.shirt. love her!.Had to explain i wouldn’t be seen dead in it. As there is f**k all brave about Scotland.


@ gordoz says at 10:49 pm …. ”Polls in Catalunya reveal why Spain is going apeshit. Disregarding democracy YES 66%% No 34%. If only Scotland were that brave?”

I reckon that the Scots are brave in the true sense of the word gordoz, very brave indeed, however they’ve been kept in the dark by the Westminster Establishment / propaganda machine and therefore been fed bullsh*t for over 300 years now. Sheer ignorance is the chronic condition that they suffer from and some who frequent this site, it would seem, want that to continue by trying to destroy the only Independence supporting newspaper that we have in Scotland. What would motivate them to do such a thing? Fathom that one out. Duh!

If only Scotland had control over a higher percentage of newspaper outlets and had its own broadcasting service of course, as is the case in Catalonia on both counts, support for Independence would go through the roof, imo.

Catalonia has control of over 16 Catalan-language newspapers alone.

link to


‘Did you know?

Catalonia is territorially divided into 41 counties, called comarques in Catalan, and 947 municipalities.

Barcelona is one of the non-State capital cities with most consulates – nearly 100 – together with Hong Kong, New York and Hamburg.

EU institutions are represented in Catalonia: both the European Parliament and the European Commission have offices in Barcelona.

Catalonia has its own police force, called the Mossos d’Esquadra, and a national public television broadcasting service, whose main channel is TV3.

Catalonia’s capital city, Barcelona, hosts the Union for the Mediterranean headquarters – a multilateral partnership between 43 States that aims to increase the potential for regional integration and cohesion among Euro-Mediterranean countries.

The refurbished Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site has become a hub of international organisations, including the Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility of the United Nations University (UNU-GCM) and the European Forest Institute (EFI).’

link to

North chiel

” Petra@ 1053″ , ” 1500 jobs for Dundee & Glasgow. Yes excellent news, however how many additional jobs could be ” repatriated” with Full Independence ? Jobs presently ” reserved” to Westminster as regards the ” administration” of Scotland. How much of a boost to the Scottish economy would the employment of a new Independent Scottish civil service responsible for both devolved& reserved powers be?
Department of Energy in Aberdeen?
Tourism& environment in Inverness?
Trade & industry in Glasgow ?
Defence in Stirling/Perth
Home office/ immigration in Edinburgh
Employment & equal opportunities Dundee?
Broadcasting? Bath ?? ( overseas territory)
What about all these embassies in Edinburgh?
All in all revenue& taxes raised in Scotland , spent in Scotland on our country’s administration
and not in Whitehall London.

CameronB Brodie

Cactus @ 8.17
We’ll need to start calling you Mr. Semiotic. Well spotted.

William Wallace

@Liz G

I did not have a hat but had a flag. I was completely courteous and civil with the guy though. I did nothing that would reflect badly on the movement. I could smell a trap like that a mile off.

Meg merrilees


that’s a great article about (t)Ruthless. I’ve reposted the link to it in case it got lost on today’s thread.

link to

Also how many heard the news headlines tonight about the British cyclist who has cycled around the world in 79 days.
Mark Beaumont from Perthshire,Outer England, has beaten the previous world record by about 40 days, cycling on average about 240 miles a day.

CameronB Brodie

That normative post is going to be a wee while. I need a new graphics card before I can access the material I have in mind.

Money’s not an issue folks, ma heed is. Plus stuff. 😉

Meg merrilees

Cameron @11.43 re Cactus’ post @ 8.17pm

Surely you mean ‘Professor’ Semiotic…

Thanks for the explanation, Prof. – the subtlety had gone over my head!

William Wallace

As an aside here.

Having looked through quite a few bits of video, there were not that many Royal banner flags on the march itself. I have not seen the guy that is featured on mainstream media outlets anywhere on various footage I have of the march.

I filmed most of the procession at various points during the march and I genuinely can’t find the guy.

Liz g

William Wallace @ 11.44
So gald it was someone with a bit of sense William.
When I saw the wings flag over there I did think oh shit.
And wondered if it was a real winger,because, as you say it was clearly, a set piece for the camera’s.


@ CameronB Brodie – OK. No rush, we’re all going to be here for some time!
I blamed the Herald up-thread for breaking the story 13 hours before it happened. I should have said The Express. Really express!

This incident looks very like a set-up, a very clumsy one. When have kippers been subtle? But the vile MSM are involved so we can expect to be pilloried as divisive and racist. Tedious.

Still Positive

Meg n merilees @ 11.48

So proud about Mark Beaumont. He was young alumnus of the year some years ago at my alma mater. Think he might be well on course to be alumni of the year.

From reading his travails in The National today I suspect this will be his last.

After all he has a young family to consider.

Talking about him with my son tonight he said Mark B should be used by the SG to get more children into sport.

I also think the SG should use all our sportspeople to encourage communities to get active.

Lenny Hartley

Ledger wood I was a guest at the new Southern General for over six weeks, the staff were not allowed to park in visitor spaces and had to pay (can’t remember how much exactly being nearly deid) however one Nurse I was discussing the issue with was at her wits end and said she was considering packing in Nursing after 20 odd years due to the lack of staff parking and the cost of it.
Somebody had purchased some adjacent waste ground and set up a private car park and the staff were using it as it was cheaper than the official areas. Maybe things have improved recently but
It was certainly having a negative impact on staff moral.

Alex Clark

@CameronB Brodie

Re the guy that threw the egg at Jim Murphy, I can remember you talking of sharing a flat with him at one time. It was his lawyer at his trial who stated that he was an Independence supporter.

Maybe he changed his mind from when you knew him or maybe he just made that bit up for his defence.

There’s no doubt that Murphy was being provocative everyday on his 100 day tour with the crates and the Irn Bru, that was the point he wanted a reaction for the simple reason that he would gain negative headlines that he hoped would damage the cause of Independence.

Same goes for those that were provocative on Saturday at George Square and on the route of the march. They wanted a reaction to use their friendly media to damage Independence with negative headlines.


@ North chiel says at 11:35 pm …. ”Petra, 1500 jobs for Dundee & Glasgow. Yes excellent news, however how many additional jobs could be ”repatriated” with Full Independence? Jobs presently ” reserved” to Westminster as regards the ”administration” of Scotland…..”

Oh I know NC. Tell me about it. Scotland would become one of the most vibrant and thriving countries in the world, imo. More than anything the feelings that many people experience, such as depression, anxiety and a sense of helplessness and hopelessness would lift.

The report on the news earlier actually REALLY lifted my spirits because for once STV gave an unbiased report. Mentioned how the SG was going to do things differently from Westminster with more compassion etc. Talked about the impact of Tory austerity, food banks and so on and how Nicola Sturgeon wanted to get rid of them. Interviewed people who were 100% behind Nicola and what she was trying to do. They had of course to ask how it would be paid for which is a reasonable enough question and brought up the subject of raising income tax (which they were dying to do). That was followed right enough by Wullie Rennie making a speech at the LibDem Conference in Bournemouth running down the SNP … education, education. He says as the SNP go down support for the LibDems is rising. Aye right. Dream on Wullie. The STV reporter Colin MacKay followed up by saying that they now had 5 MSPs at Holyrood, ha, ha, ha.


I was just looking at this video from the rally in June. Are folks coming up from England to get involved in this? Or are English relocators to Scotland at the forefront of these Unionist agitators.

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@ Meg merrilees says at 11:48 pm …. ”Also how many heard the news headlines tonight about the British cyclist who has cycled around the world in 79 days. Mark Beaumont from Perthshire, Outer England, has beaten the previous world record by about 40 days, cycling on average about 240 miles a day.”

What a guy Meg. 240 miles a day. Unbelievable in fact. If he had come from Inner England it would have been splattered all over the news for days to come. In fact they would have been reporting on his journey on a regular basis. As it is news of this far from ‘no mean feat’ by a great Scot has been reported in the National.

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@ Alex Clark

If you’re still here (or later if you’re not) – and o/t.

This is what we were talking about on Saturday; it seems we were a bit impatient:
link to


If I could make a suggestion, well I’m going to anyway, it’s that any march, any gathering, any rally, treats itself like a military operation. There are stewards, so as well as the regular stewards you have flying stewards. One of the neccessities for an operation is intelligence and scouting. If there’s 1,500 who know others who know others who know others, effectively there’s up to 1,500 scouts and intelligence operatives.

The rules of engagement are simple: do not engage. Do not engage with potential provocateurs, UK flag carriers, small demonstrations. Do not leave the march or rally to talk to them. Do not wave or make gestures, nor wave saltires in their general direction. Ignore them. The rules of engagement are made clear to all participants, and potentially even on placards at the front and various places of the march or rally. The reason can be made plain on the placard “If any engagement takes place it will be used against Independence supporters, whatever is the reality”. That could get a bit of publicity in itself.

Whoever of the 1,5000 scouts notices a potential trouble spot, they pass intelligence back to the flying stewards, and two of the nearest fliers make their way close to the trouble spot, and shepherd any straying marchers away from the trouble spot. It might be an idea to discuss this with the police in advance. It would be their wish as well to avoid trouble, and they could have some helpful hints or suggestions.

Clearly it’s a good idea to get recordings where possible, as some have done. That’s about it, basically.

Alex Clark


The guy with the microphon in that video from June was also there on Saturday apparently he’s a Scot. He also is a former UKipper and has a bit of history regarding extreme views. He even managed to be kicked out of UKip and it seems has links with the Orange Order who paid him for work on social media in the run up to the referendum.

“He was expelled from Ukip for a year after which the party refused to renew his membership.”

link to

A Wings article from the Rev in 2013 reveals a bit more than I can.

link to


Thanks for the link.


OT – defence
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A through-deck amphib capable of taking an F35-B, 72 expected to be commissioned over the next 10 years, for what seems to be an average cost of £280 million each – not much more than the supposed fixed cost of a T31-E (£250 million).

You know, the SDF could consider one or two of them after a couple of years, perhaps North Atlantic, Arctic and NE / NW passage duties along with the Nordics. Cost of an F35-B by then flyaway cost down to £100 million or even much less each – less than a Typhoon.

These guys are just going to have to do an update!

link to

Math Campbell-Sturgess

This is why we need better stewarding at YES events.

The moment the unionist showed up, yes stewards should have been over to provide a shield between yes people and the unionists. Even if these ones were knuckledraggers, they’re still within their right to protest us, and we look bad, not them, if something like this happens.

We should have full on steward training a lot more. Teach them how to liaise with police better etc.
those guys shouldn’t have gotten anywhere near so close without being virtually surrounded by stewards. Four our safety as well as their own.


McDuff says:
18 September, 2017 at 9:25 pm
Rock 9.04pm

“I have to say i`m inclined to agree with your post.
As only committed indy voters read it, it has little or no influence in converting the “don’t knows“ towards independence.”

Nah. It’s worth remembering how much impact the title page headline has, and the National is all we have.

The problem with the National is honesty.
Do the Yoon press fess up to their agenda, or purport to be benign And neutral ?

Some would be funny guy at my local McColls keeps flipping over the Heil & Express top copy to the sports, and moving the National into eyeline. 😉


The National (others) will run a story about the incident. Calling out who these people were trying to make trouble. Counter complaint can be made to the Police using the visual record. Thanks to people’s diligence and visual accounts. It will receive wider publicity and further complaint about the behaviour of the minority kippers. Losing even more. A nonentity in Scotland. People will be aware of who these people are and be aware of the staged stunt with the collusion of the Press giving false report. It will back fire on them. A complete failure to discredit. They will discredit themselves. It all smells fishy these manipulating non representative kippers.



How would you vote if a Scottish independence referendum were held today?
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Free movement: How open borders helped the British economy soar
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Government faces Brexit revolt from unhappy carmakers over customs
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Exclusive: 10,000 UK finance jobs affected in Brexit’s first wave – Reuters survey
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Yet nothing reported about this yesser beaten up and left back and blue link to


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MPs seek clarity on cross-border pensions after Brexit
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MEPs to raise alarm on Fukushima food imports
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Robert Louis

Wow. What a fraud Jo Swniston of the Liberal Democrats is. Just watching her interviewed on SKY, and it seems she has lost her Scottish accent.


What an utter shamefaced charlatan.


On BBC radioshire.

Ineos chief. Grangemouth is quite profitable now.

Please delete.



Did you miss the bit about the super duper car factory to be built SOMEWHERE on the East Coast.

Inter view switched to fracking licenses also on the EAST coast, and how well the USA were doing from Fracking.

I smell another pie in the sky Dundee Motorola Radio factory about to come along


Thanks for the great links Nana! USA Today says, Aberdeen’s oil boom’s bust. But why is Norway’s oil boom, er booming? They do not say.

“Luckily for the beleaguered community, the combination of high hills, local skills and strong winds make this corner of Scotland bursting with lucrative opportunities for renewable energy. Scotland has around a quarter of the European Union’s potential for wind power, according to the Scottish regional government.”

Scotland has had around a quarter of Europe’s wind energy potential for at least 40 years, certainly since the roll out and expansion of wind energy across the European continent, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and so on. Except not in Scotland, where we’re decades late, and the oil’s bust.

Could it all be because the union jack still flaps over and around Scotland?



Aint no shyster like a tory shyster.

“Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has made much of Sturgeon being ‘preoccupied’ with a second independence referendum. She argues that Scottish voters are “sick to death” of the independence debate and wish the SNP would focus ‘on the day job’.

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Dorothy Devine

I have just visited the herald site and feel a tad unclean – I will no longer give the herald a capital ‘H’.

I suspect it is time to remind them of the death threats against Alex Salmond , Nicola Sturgeon and the morons of George Square after the independence referendum

How in the name of the wee man can this newspaper print the drivellings of any Tom , Dick or Harriet?


How in the name of the wee man can this newspaper print the drivellings of any Tom , Dick or Harriet?

Its a good sign though, that the britnat tories in Scotland are this desperate, really good:D


Ineos as Landrover builder? There may be a market but I think most farmers have moved to the industrial strength Toyota hilux beasts. Dacia seem to have cornered the low cost end.

I think he hinted pretty strongly that there were EU options. That said, he sounded like he didn’t believe full Brexit was going happen.

Brian Powell


Maybe my computer but the videos of the FM won’t run properly, though did get something from the second smaller screen from Ross Coll.


Fracked US Gas is being imported into Grangemouth. £Billions of gas from Norway is being imported.

The Scottish Oil and Gas sector is being illegally taxed at 40% since Jan 2916. Leading to its decline. Illegally high Westminster Tory taxes has led to a decline in the Scottish Oil & Gas sector. Losing 120,000 jobs in Scotland. Scotland could have full employment. This would lead to more money being raised, higher wages and better essential public services.

More Oil & Gas has to be imported, putting up the balance of payments deficit and losing Scotland over £4Billion+ a year. Since 2010. £28Billion (plus £28Billion ++ imported) Over £60Billion? since 2010. Tory/Westminster mismanaging of the Scottish economy . Losing Scotland £Billions. Everywhere they is Westminster unionist illegal mismanagement.

Total even more £20Billion+? a year. £9Billion a year in ‘non identified’expenditure. On the accounts. What is that for? £9Billion in ‘non identified expenditure’ That is illegal. UK Gov fraud. The reason why accounts are done is to identify expenditure. £3Billion lost in tax evasion. £Billion on Trident, £1Billion a year on ‘no minimum pricing’ (since 2012 – five years = £5Billlion). Scotland pays £3Billion in debt repayments it does not borrow or spend. On money that is borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK.

The UK gov does not enforce the tax Laws. HMRC is not fit for purpose. Whisky co etc tax evaded and do not pay taxes on vast profits. Scotland can’t apply for EU renewable/grants because of Westminster indecision. Lost £Billions. Lost EU CAP payments made to Scotland, as part of the UK Scotland received the lowest CAP payments in the EU. Lost £Billions in CCS projects (coal) at Longannet in Fife and (Gas) at Peterhead.

Scotland could have had full employment. More money for public services. . Been more prosperous with Independence in the EU. Instead of Westminster wasting it and killing and maiming millions of people worldwide, Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. Cheating and lying on all fronts. The reason the Tories want out of the EU is so they and their cronies can tax evade and embezzle and waste £Billions of public money. £Trns in debt. Enough is never enough for them.

Westminster unionists are criminally responsible for wasting public money, lying,sanctioning, maiming and killing millions of people world wide and damaging the world economy. Lying and manipulating elections and Ref breaking electoral Laws. Criminally responsible.

Now Brexit which will damage the Scottish economy even more. An absolute disgrace. Of complete and utter shamblolic mismanagrment from Westminster. Westminster unionists are ruining the world economy, starving and killing innocent people. Unionists and their cronies are lining their pockets with £Billions of public money. Embezzled from the public purse. Squandering and wasting it, in order to line their own pockets. Enough is never enough for them. Greedy, lying sycophants.
‘Pycho bastards’.

Scotland raises £58Billion in taxes. The UK raises £533Billion. Take £58Billion from £533Billion = £475Billion. Divide by 11 (11/12 pop average) = £43.5Billion. The rest of the UK raises £14Billion a year less pro rata. (average). The rest of the UK borrows and spends £100Billion more. (£10Billion pro rata average)? Totally fraudulent accounts and illegally mismanagement.

Scotland would be far better off and more prosperous, happy and equal. FFA/Independent in the EU.

Vote SNP/SNP. Vote for Independence in Europe for a brighter more prosperous happy future.


Brian Powell says:
19 September, 2017 at 9:17 am

The vid is down near the bottom of the report. Sturgeon must have extreme patience levels, having listened to the whole of the BBC Scotland led tory gimp network rage at Scots, NO ref2 you servile scum, since 2014. And now Colonel Ruth does her sneaky shit tory thing.


The Herald has now reached parity with the Mail and Express in its descent into becoming a unionist propaganda rag.

It is difficult now to imagine that it was once a serious well respected serious provider of news.

Scot Finlayson

could have been written today,

Stands Scotland where it did?

?????Alas, poor country!
Almost afraid to know itself. It cannot
Be called our mother, but our grave, where nothing,
But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile;
Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rend the air
Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems
A modern ecstasy. The dead man’s knell
Is there scarce asked for who, and good men’s lives
Expire before the flowers in their caps,
Dying or ere they sicken.


The lying LibDem Conference is empty. An embarrassment. Who could vote for these people, especially in Scotland. Tory enablers to destroy the world economy. Some people have short memories.

Mark Beaumont will have filmed his adventures and achievement. Documented series. It will be shown on the BBC. He will get (public) remuneration. Raises money for charity.


The quest for our independence is plainly a revolutionary act. Nothing will be or can be the same. A return to full sovereignty will truly be the ‘end o ane auld sang’. We can’t continue in the present rut. Very soon we are going to have to decide whether we want independence enough to risk a bit of blood on the carpet. With the British state historical evidence indicates that is what we might end up having. It should not be our blood.
Btw it might help if some Scots got over the notion that there is a ‘Scottish exception’ that we, unlike our peoples, can just mark a slip of paper and hey, we’re free. The reality is BritState will be tenacious and fight us to the bitter end.



Great Scot, incredible achievement! But BBC r4 gimps yesterday for example went on and on about this great brit and then they played the tape of their great brit talking. Beeb gimpery does love to troll its Scotland region right enough.

link to

If Scots and Scotland are being airbrushed completely out of teamGB existence, we can always go abroad to hear about our non country.


The Herald is losing readers. Hardly any. Losing money. The ‘National’ readership is increasing. There are distribution problems? More could be sold. As the Herald readership fall, the ‘National’s increase. The ‘National’ is not losing money.


Richard Murphy is presenting evidence on GERS today. Don’t know which committee room yet.

link to

Lenny Hartley

Where are you getting your figures regarding the National circulation? According to the editor of the National circulation has dropped since GE.
Regarding distribution. It’s Menzies , they are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, it’s not only the National they screw up.

Tinto Chiel

Meg merrilees, 11.43:

“Mark Beaumont from Perthshire,Outer England,”.

Rapidly becoming Perthshire, Inner England, Meg, something increasingly reflected at the ballot box.

Don’t worry, Robert Louis, Swinson talks mince in any accent. Wonder how her expenses difficulties are getting on?

People in East Dunbartonshire could have had a real MP, too.

Smooth choice , suckas!


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28 mins in.

“Its bad. Some US media have declared war on Trump…”

If youre bored, BBC BritScot of the Millennium Andy Marr’s Start the Week show yesterday, has a weird interview with top beeb correspondent Jon Sopel, flogging his new book about Scotland, “There are more competing ideologies in Jon Sopel’s ‘Notes from Sturgeons Scotland.’

Its not that great really but Sopel explains/rages against the the UK media in Scotland, who he says they have all decided to become the main and only opposition to SNP and Scots gov, mercilessly, monstering, mocking, laughing at FM Sturgeon and Scottish indy. Its a very very bad thing says Mr Sopel, bad for democracy, bad for the media itself. but mostly v v bad for democracy.

I’m lying, this beeb gimp’s book is all about America and attacks the US media, who really are going after Orange Hitler big style, which Mr Sopel just doesn’t like it all. Its anti democratic, not the job of the media, who must always be holding power to account, only. So really and as per, in the UKOK zone, tory’s be crazy.

“American’s have lost any belief in government, which is odd…”says Andrew.

This is actually what every single day’s BBC Scotland output does fundamentally, destroying Scotland’s belief in its own government. But we are merely a region of greater England still, so its not important to mention, for the great Mr Marr.



Last week I returned from my 7th visit to the WW1 Battlefields in Belgium and Northern France having spent a week based in Ypres.

It is acknowledged that Scotland and the rest of The UK is in the midst of a disastrous Housing Crisis.

Travelling extensively in Flanders and the Nord/Pas de Calais regions of France I have always been impressed by the high standard of and beauty of the houses.

On my travels in these areas I have never seen any sign of the drab Council Schemes which blight the landscape here nor have I seen evidence of the Private Schemes of near identical little boxes crammed together which are the norm here.

No two houses are the same and the quality is obvious plus the fact that they are nearly all much larger than our houses an architects’ paradise given the variety of designs.

Not having seen any obvious council schemes I questioned my Belgian guide who surprised me with the answer that there is very little social housing in Belgium (I’m not sure what the position is in France).

It would appear that the standard of living and house prices in Belgium are such that most people can afford to buy high quality houses and that being in the EU is not the disaster we are continually told of.

As far as housing is concerned can anybody suggest what can be done here to replicate the situation in Belgium

Although Belgium is much smaller than Scotland it has a higher population and on what I saw is doing very nicely.

To end on a lighter note – watching CNN in my hotel room the newscaster astonished me when reporting the inquiry into Murdoch’s UK Operations by quoting a statement from a UK Minister that, and I paraphrase, ‘The UK has very strict regulations regarding bias in the broadcast media’.

Perhaps said minister should avail himself of a trip to Scotland so that he could sample the daily deluge of unionist propaganda excreted by BBC Scotland.

Tinto Chiel

heed: please don’t do that at. I read you third para literally and now have to clean my laptop of tea.


Tinto Chiel says:
19 September, 2017 at 10:26 am
heed: please don’t do that at. I read you third para literally and now have to clean my laptop of tea.

Well you know, that’s what happens listening to these absolutely staggering tory beeb professional lying hypocrites, like yesterday’s Start the Tory Creep Out Week. But only if you’re a YES Scot, in Scotland two thousand and seventeen.

BBC Scotland led Scottish haha media’s merciless destruction in our belief in Scottish gov, is extremely serious though. How often do you hear Scots saying, “all politicians are all the same, bad.” As Jackie Bird’s botox smirk gets bigger, broader, smirkier?

Dawn in NL

O/T It occurs to me that the SNP/SG are indeed getting on with the day job, and further, considering the info on their FB feed recently, they are starting to work as if they are already the government of an independent country (as far as is possible).

Good strategy for eventual independence or not, they are doing their best for Scotland imo.


Re the National. It is mostly, nearly always in fact, to be found on the bottom shelf, upside down, sometimes front page torn off, in our local coop. In fact bizarrely, Scottish cheese, proper, good highland and local cheeses, are also always turned upside down and pushed to the back, so it can’t be seen. Seemed a coincidence, but seeing it in all our local and not so local coops. Scottish beers put on very top shelf, you need a ladder to reach it! Or a nice tall, yes supporter, handsome guy lol!

Anyway, I should get a job there as I spend half my time sorting their goods so they can be seen, the Scottish products!


Re; Dawn@10.42am

Well said. The britnats in Scotland do not realise just how bad things could be for Scotland. Though some in Tory/Labour takeover councils might be a bit peeved that their bins are collected only 3 weekly, and their kids have no teaching assistant, even if they have a learning disability. Well done eh.

Very bad memories of Labour councils and their ‘no money for your kids learning support’, tough. But hey lets send £1.5 billion 2006/7, to WM, nothing to spend it on in Scotland! Caused my son to suffer PTSD, due to bullying and no support. Gits.


@ Alex Clark says at 2:11 am …. ”Petra the guy with the microphon in that video from June was also there on Saturday apparently he’s a Scot. He also is a former UKipper and has a bit of history regarding extreme views. He even managed to be kicked out of UKip and it seems has links with the Orange Order who paid him for work on social media in the run up to the referendum. “He was expelled from Ukip for a year after which the party refused to renew his membership.”

Oh right thanks for that info Alex. A right trouble maker in other words. I thought that he had an English accent as does the black guy at the beginning who’s complaining about being puched / fracas or whatever. Then again he may be an Independence supporter?

They know what they’re doing of course. I was at that rally of around 20,000 people and everyone was on their best behaviour and then they just stand on the one spot and film everyone walking past them and it looks as though many people are badly behaved.

We’ll have to get our act together. Suggestions like those of Math Campbell-Sturgess at 3:58 am could be taken on board.

In fact I’d like to see some ‘umbrella’ group co-ordinate the grass root section, such as the Scottish Independence Convention. Organise the events, advertise the events not only on the Internet but in BritNat newspapers etc, train stewards, get the message out to ignore these agitators and so on.

For anyone thinking of joining:

link to


Thanks for the links Nana. Many pointing out once again that people / agencies are demanding to know how catastrophic Brexit is going to be, whilst as we know the Tories continue to hide their research findings from the public.

Secrecy seems to be the keynote of the Westminster Establishment. Absolutely horrendous that the DWP is making a point of not sharing this information. Well worth passing this info around.

‘The government wants to save this money so it does not tell you about the scheme. They would clearly rather that people were made homeless, were hungry and cold.’

link to

Well worth remembering too that Nicola Sturgeon is going to do things differently in Scotland, in a simplified, compassionate and empathetic way, when they get the 11 new benefits up and running …. whilst Westminster still has control of around 85% of welfare powers.

And then you find out that as Tory politicians and others complain about spending money on countries abroad the EU has been spending money not only in the UK but in UK colonies. It looks as though Brexit is going to be a nightmare for these people too.

‘The House of Lords EU committee said that money from the European Development Fund accounted for 36 percent of Anguilla’s capital budget in 2016. The island has just been devastated by Hurricane Irma. The 13 British overseas territories, remnants of Britain’s empire, will lose access to the fund when the U.K. departs the EU and their status means they don’t qualify for British overseas aid money…..’

link to

And are the tanks heading towards Catalonia?

link to


@ heedtracker says at 8:53am ….. ‘’Aint no shyster like a tory shyster.’

Too bad that the BBC and STV never broadcast speeches like this HT. Always edited to meet their brainwashing agenda.

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Ja50001 says at 7:29am ….. ‘’Yet nothing reported about this yesser beaten up and left back and blue.’’

You should pass that on to the National, Ja50001.

link to


Oh well looks as though this post is not acceptable so splitting up!

Thanks for the links Nana. Many pointing out once again that people / agencies are demanding to know how catastrophic Brexit is going to be, whilst as we know the Tories continue to hide their research findings from the public.

Secrecy seems to be the keynote of the Westminster Establishment. Absolutely horrendous that the DWP is making a point of not sharing this information. Well worth passing this info around.

‘The government wants to save this money so it does not tell you about the scheme. They would clearly rather that people were made homeless, were hungry and cold.’

link to

Well worth remembering too that Nicola Sturgeon is going to do things differently in Scotland, in a simplified, compassionate and empathetic way, when they get the 11 new benefits up and running …. whilst Westminster still has control of around 85% of welfare powers.

And then you find out that as Tory politicians and others complain about spending money on countries abroad the EU has been spending money not only in the UK but in UK colonies. It looks as though Brexit is going to be a nightmare for these people too.

‘The House of Lords EU committee said that money from the European Development Fund accounted for 36 percent of Anguilla’s capital budget in 2016. The island has just been devastated by Hurricane Irma. The 13 British overseas territories, remnants of Britain’s empire, will lose access to the fund when the U.K. departs the EU and their status means they don’t qualify for British overseas aid money…..’

link to

And are the tanks heading towards Catalonia?

link to


@ heedtracker says at 8:53am ….. ‘’Aint no shyster like a tory shyster.’

Too bad that the BBC and STV never broadcast speeches like this HT. Always edited to meet their brainwashing agenda.

link to


Ja50001 says at 7:29am ….. ‘’Yet nothing reported about this yesser beaten up and left back and blue.’’

You should pass that on to the National, Ja50001.

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Alex Clark


Not just “a right troublemaker” but an extreme right wing troublemaker looking for a fight. That’s why they hate us, it’s the politics of left and right and nothing to do with identity.


Usual STV studious avoidance of SNP Scots gov mentions today. If people had even an inkling of how hard LibDem’s fought to block any by-pass at all for Aberdeen and the north east of Scotland, we’d have an actual press and not an endless UKOK propaganda machine. LibDem’s blocked the AWPR for so long, its costs tripled to over £1.5bn, adding decades of delays. Why the britnats like LibDem’s think that Scotland should not have an infrastructure anywhere near as advanced as England’s, is just another one of the mountains of creepy teamGB mysteries.

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Why do people keep saying that “Ollie” dude grabbed the flag off the Indy supporter? He didn’t he picked it up off the ground after the Indy supporter dropped it prior to making a a beeline for the flag pole, a pole which appear to be broken after his advance and after a breaking sound can be heard in the clip.

The meme posted a few times showing Ollie is rather pointless. We know he was at the March, we know he was demonstrating with fellow yoons and we know he picked up the yellow flag so what exactly does the meme prove? I just don’t get it.

If the pro Indy supporter is genuine then he is a fool for reacting, hundreds if not thousands had marched past them on union street and didn’t feel the need to get physically aggressive/violent but opted to exchange a few ‘pleasantries’ instead. That is exalt how they should be treated, leave the violence to the yoons.

Was he stooge? Wouldn’t surprise me but I’m more convinced he was a genuine pro independence supporters we.

Jack Murphy

On Topic.
Daily Express England–“The World’s Greatest Newspaper” it calls itself.
Headline: ‘May:I’m Driving Britain out of EU’ 🙁

I just hope she takes Ruth Davidson and her other Tory pals up here with her.

Dorothy Devine

Heedtracker , was it not delayed and protested because the road was going to be a tad too close to Nicol( the Nose) Stevens house?

I seem to remember something about it when the charming Lib/Lab coalition were in power at Holyrood – a bunch of lying back scratchers.


Dorothy Devine says:
19 September, 2017 at 12:52 pm
Heedtracker , was it not delayed and protested because the road was going to be a tad too close to Nicol( the Nose) Stevens house?

Maybe but that by-pass round Aberdeen is a very long novel in waiting, about UKOK yoon culture WTFery in Scotland, for decades.

Right from the beginning of the oil boom, Aberdeen got called the oil capital of Europe but the transport infrastructure was and is Victorian.

SLab ACC, yoon owned, take a bow Lord and Sir Wullie Young OBE, sat on a Aberdeen by-pass for decades, UK gov pumped hundreds and hundreds of billions into England’s 21st C motorway network, for decades, and all the time cities like Aberdeen got fcuk all.

Then the SNP finally got in and AWPR plans got going, only to be blocked by all kinds of money, retired wealthy Colonel Blimp tories, English academics at Aberdeen uni, Rudolf Steiner Schools, LibDem’s down in the bad lands of Arbroath, for gods sake, Friends of the Earth, the Greens, Patrick Harvie, lots more wealthy retired City, ex pat oil exec types, and endless of AWPR bad, all blocked a by=pass in their Scotland region, for decades. Creepiest opposition of all is really neo fascist Voice of the North Press and Journal who, just like the rest of the tory media gimp network, gives voice to any arshole ready to SNP bad anything.

And throughout all the decades of halk a trillion NOT Scots oil and gas revenues pumped into the English transport network, where every single English city, town, village and hamlet now has a by-pass, its still SNP bad, Aberdeen voted NO and now we’ve lost Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson.

They’ll be back, no matter how insane yoon culture in Scotland gets:D


@ heedtracker says at 12:20 pm … ” Why the britnats like LibDem’s think that Scotland should not have an infrastructure anywhere near as advanced as England’s, is just another one of the mountains of creepy teamGB mysteries.”

It’s no rocket science HT. The Libdems are an English political party that employ a few wee stooges living in Scotland to do their dirty work for them. As more and more infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the Stonehenge 1.8 mile new tunnel road costing £1.6 billion (same cost as the Queensbury Crossing), are being announced in England my car is hitting more and more pot-holes in Scotland. And to add insult to injury we Scots will probably have to contribute 9% of the costs.

Scotland which could be one of the richest countries in the world with, at present, the most powerfully devolved parliament in the world, as per Mundell, Ian Murray et al, has some of the most run down areas of any country in the civilised world, not just Europe.

Meanwhile we read Gus’s post (10:19am) about housing in Belgium.

”Travelling extensively in Flanders and the Nord/Pas de Calais regions of France I have always been impressed by the high standard of and beauty of the houses. On my travels in these areas I have never seen any sign of the drab Council Schemes which blight the landscape here nor have I seen evidence of the Private Schemes of near identical little boxes crammed together which are the norm here ……………………. It would appear that the standard of living and house prices in Belgium are such that most people can afford to buy high quality houses and that being in the EU is not the disaster we are continually told of.”

Eh, something’s no working in Scotland. I wonder what it could be, lol? Maybe Wullie Rennie could tell us?


As more and more infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the Stonehenge 1.8 mile new tunnel road costing £1.6 billion (same cost as the Queensbury Crossing), are being announced in England my car is hitting more and more pot-holes in Scotland. And to add insult to injury we Scots will probably have to contribute 9% of the costs.

The English went BIG road mad ages ago Petra. Have you been down there even around Stonehenge? You can zoom around the south east of England, over to Wales, East Anglia, in a flash, all centred on M25 London and the Chunnel.

They cant stop themselves building more and more giant USA style motorways. Its one of major drivers behind England’s economic success, as the world’s 6th biggest economy. Real issue facing English planners is ofcourse Brexit, England’s just part of the huge EU wide supply and construction network, that they’ve flounced out of. Its why the North has not benefited from EU membership like the south east, its just not close enough to the Chunnel.

They have tried though, the English motorway network connecting Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle is light years ahead of anything in Scotland today. Look at the A9 and the M8.

Always, always, Scottish planners are playing catch up, trying to make up for 4+ decades of yoon culture in Scotland going, ah fuck em, its good enough.


Sorry to hear about your nose bleed all over the carpet, I think it can be a sign of high blood pressure.


The English went BIG road mad ages ago Petra. Have you been down there even around Stonehenge? You can zoom around the south east of England, over to Wales, East Anglia, in a flash, all centred on M25 London and the Chunnel.

That is until you venture onto the one road leading north from Birmingham, which I suppose can be equated with the old map caption “Dragons be here”.

The M6 is a total disgrace, but of course it only leads (eventually) to Scotland. Block that road and we are cut off from escape from the sceptered isle via the English south coast. Last week I experienced an accident delay whilst southbound, 3 hrs to even get off the motorway onto the country lanes which masquerade as A roads, another two hours to circumnavigate the blocked motorway. Years and years of underinvestment by successive WM governments, at least 4hrs lost with all the costs involved. Missed ferries, drivers out of hours, cargos delayed.

The infrastructure sucks. On the other hand you can drive from Donostia to Sevilla straight over the high Spanish plateau, no traffic, no delays, great food in the roadside stops. Some of the most amazing engineering with soaring bridges and curving tunnels. Before someone says tolls, there are none south of the mountain section to the very north.(And these are time limited) Meantime we can enjoy the A702 connecting Edinburgh with the outside world.

Rant over.

I believe that the AWPR was first mooted in 1948, so it’s only taken 70yrs and a devolved government of non WM parties to realise it. A free Scotland will need to look quickly at improving our entire road network, but also in ensuring we do not have to travel through injun country. As a matter of priority the Rosyth ferries must be reinstated to connect us with the rest of the EU without having all that TIR nonsense through England.

[…] newspaper which once again chooses to inflate a stushie into a stramash, ably deconstructed here. But I do have to comment on […]

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