News Of The World
It’s funny how things suddenly become journalism, isn’t it?
We wonder what the secret is.
David Leask conspicuously hasn’t so far been one of the Scottish hacks (and former hacks turned political apparatchiks) lining up to congratulate John Ferguson of the Sunday Mail on winning a gong at last night’s British Journalism Awards for Best Mainstream Reporting Of Stories Broken By Wings Over Scotland Two Years Earlier.
Now, we’ve got no beef with John, who we’ve spoken to a couple of times and is a decent enough fella. These awards are little to do with journalism and are more just a bunch of pals getting together for an annual social event and to blow their own trumpets and pretend to themselves that newspapers are now anything much more than handy digests of yesterday’s Twitter, and that’s nice.
It would also be somewhat hypocritical of us to start huffing about a shortage of wee perspex paperweights when we’ve had this on the front page of our website since its first day of existence:
Because at the end of the day what matters is that the story gets out, not whose name is on the byline, and that those involved are held accountable for their actions. And to that end the more widely the story is propagated the better.
But still, just to keep the record straight or for those joining us after a lengthy coma or somesuch, it might be worth recapping a brief timeline of events:
Wings exclusively breaks the story of the missing fundraiser money.
Wings directly alerts the Scottish media to the story (and is ignored).
After a close analysis of the SNP’s own accounts, Wings exclusively breaks the story that the SNP’s membership figures are a lie, and that the party has tens of thousands fewer members than it claims.
(While that was a hard-fact story based on incontrovertible financial figures, we went on to speculate in March 2021 that that 87,000 figure was likely to have subsequently fallen substantially further, which also proved to be true.)
It’s not until February 2023, two and a half years after our original revelations, that the Scottish press finally manages to pick up on the story and starts giving itself awards for it.
When he declines to respond, the party’s members throw him out and elect a new treasurer, to whom we repeat the questions.
MARCH 2021
(The new treasurer had been trying to get to the bottom of the matter, but was also denied access to the books and eventually went on to resign in turn. Fair play to the Scottish press, they reported that one first when it happened, if only because by then we’d temporarily retired.)
APRIL 2021
The Scottish media reacts with sneers.
But two days later the papers all splash the appearance of “fraud cops”.
(Despite ostensibly being to cover short-term cashflow for the 2021 Holyrood election, half of the loan still hasn’t been paid back two and a half years later.)
The articles linked in the timeline above represent only a tiny fraction of the scores and scores that Wings has run on the events around Operation Branchform. (That reminds us, we need to get round to creating a tag/category for it – the “corruption” one is rather more wide-ranging.)
But everybody involved in Scottish politics knows whose story it really is.
So we don’t begrudge John Ferguson his recognition for doing what most of his contemporaries failed to do and finally catching up with Wings’ old-fashioned actual journalism. We have no desire for a black plastic brick with a big Union Jack on it, nor for the acclaim of a group of people for whom we by and large have zero professional or personal respect.
We do think it’s important to have the accurate facts on the books, though. Which of course is rather how this whole saga started in the first place.
It’s good reading your exposé’s again Stu. It’s a nice read when put together like this.
Were you overlooked because you’re not a “real” journalist? Much like the issue that landed Craig Murray in jail. You only count as a proper one (and get the recognition and protection) if you get your stories printed on low-grade, smudgy paper.
Anyone with any brains knows where to come for proper journalism…Keep it up Stu…
And on a brighter note, Wishing you a fun filled Xmyth and we’ll see how next year turns out….
It’s like howling into the void.
They won’t touch the fact that the most pernicious political influencing operation in Scotland (John Smith Centre) goes to some length to avoid disclosing the sources of its funding.
A simple, compelling, public interest story with negligible research required.
Should our host ever desire his own, entirely deserved, plastic paperweight for his investigative journalism he has the Email address of this old pensioner who will be delighted to stump up the cost of any such item of his choice.
If he feels that he can do without such an item, please do just accept the gratefull thanks and respect of your readers.
Congratulations to John Ferguson on winning the Lady Dorian Pariah trophy –
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“Lady Dorrian specifically stated that bloggers and mainstream media should be treated differently, as mainstream media are self-regulated.
Murray is the first person to be imprisoned in the UK for a media contempt for over 50 years, and in Scotland for over 70 years.”
I would like to nominate to Sean Clarkin, Stuart Campbell and Benjamin Harrop for the ACE – link to – International Anti Corruption Excellence award.
Set the truth free Wings Over Scotland. Unbowed. Unbroken. Undefeated. God bless Alex Salmond. The Dream Shall Never Die.
I like this. One wonders if the right word is “coincidental” or “foreshadowing” given the little spat on twitter? ?
They’d never give you credit. They’re yoons.
Everything has to be draped in the Union Jack or the BBC.
The population knows tho.
We’ll crowdfund a gong & a well stocked sweetie
The SNP have bankrupted the Scottish Government.
The anti-white racist Humza Youseless and his cheeky wee smile pals in the Green party want to take even more money out of the pockets of Scottish people so they can waste it on Youseless people who ‘work’ for the Scottish Government.
At the same time they’re coming for your wages, Youseless and co. are making rural and urban Scots significantly poorer through the Scottish Government’s next big unforced socioeconomic disaster, the heat pump scheme. Which should be more accurately called the Nae Heat, Yer Pumped scheme.
Why is our first minister somebody who has a serious problem with “white people” as well as competence and telling the truth, and why are oddballs and extremists allowed to hold power over the Scots?
They are the “real” journalist though. No need for any work or actual research. You just wait until Wings puts up an article.
I don’t think I could attend an event and accept such an award knowing it was blatant plagiarism and EVERYONE knew it.
I suppose it is slightly better than bedding an insider at the SG to get a “leaked” story.
It is notable that these ‘award-winning’ journalists only publish stories when it is deemed ‘safe’ to do so, and their editors approve. So they wait a couple of years, unable to rock their well upholstered boat for fear of being ejected, and only when a general consensus that the SNP have blown it, and the ones they didn’t dare cross have gone, do they publish. And in doing so, pretending that they have suddenly done a spate of research, when all they are doing is belatedly printing the work of others, who have suffered abuse and jail for their pioneering work. Previously they were too comfortable in the cosy world of Holyrood favours and expenses, pathetically grateful for the crumbs Sturgeon and co fed them to keep them quiet. Their spineless acceptance of a clearly corrupt status quo was pathetic, so to revel in some kind of ‘truth to power’ status now is as hypocritical as their refusal to question the SNP at the time. particularly as a brave few were telling them where to look. The whole saga has told us a lot about the relationship between the media and the Scottish administration, and none of it is good.
This might be a paradigm for Scottish politicians, bureaucrats, functionaries, leaders and the kind of politics they beget.
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Round and round and round chasing the backside of the one in front, never deviating, never questioning, never conceiving there is any other possible route, any alternative world.
This «set» needs not just a shift but a totally new mindset*
* A belief that orients the way we handle situations, the way we sort out what is going on and what we need to do.
Craig Murray. Your Man in Saughton Jail:
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“People who have never been a physical threat of assault to anybody, are held in conditions that would be viewed as barbaric and unenlightened for that class of prisoner by almost any other European state. I, a journalist and civil prisoner, was locked in a tiny barred cell for 23 hours a day, never allowed anywhere unescorted, held behind multiple walls and razor wired fences, with eight locked and guarded gates and metal doors between me and the outside world.”
What I saw was levels of security and cruel and harsh conditions that differ little from Victorian times, apart from the plumbing. All prisoners are subjected to utterly unneccessary levels of security and physical discomfort.
In the cell block next to mine was kept Peter Tobin, Scotland’s most notorious serial killer, repeat sexual abuser and murderer of little girls. He was kept in precisely the same conditions and security levels as the shoplifter and the seller of little packets of cannabis. Peter Tobin was held in exactly the same conditions as me, a journalist in jail as a civil prisoner.”
Our Man In Saughton Jail. God bless Craig Murray. Scotland’s political prisoner. The real journalists and wings over Scotland.
Every man must stand behind the men behind the wire. For freedom. I do. And when the corruption is exposed. Of which is will be. Justice will be a dish best served cold.
Thank you for everything you do.
THIS: “Were you overlooked because you’re not a “real” journalist? Much like the issue that landed Craig Murray in jail. You only count as a proper one (and get the recognition and protection) if you get your stories printed on low-grade, smudgy paper.”
What are the “rules”?
How many sheets of paper need to be printed and given away (or sold) to ensure folk can be recognised as journalists and not bloggers? Similarly…if said sheets were distributed in, say, Bath and Glasgow, would that qualify as an “international” newspaper
Just askin for a friend…
Well said.
They’ll do the exact same trick over GRR when the coast is clear & it’s suddenly safe to do so after throwing everyone else under a bus years beforehand..
I’ll take this opportunity to again push the point I made at the time about the strange amount “loaned” to the SNP.
If you look at the exchange rate at the time, and account for some minor transaction fees, what was obviously “loaned” to the SNP was precisely US$100,000.
That’s a thread that should still be pulled. Who in the US gave them $100,000?
Pritzker, maybe?
If someone has to receive credit then let it be from his/her own achievements not someone else’s.
I think you’ll be happy if the award is Independence I’ve no idea when it’ll be delivered but it’ll be won award we’ll all look forward to, if we live long enough to see it.
Just to change the topic a wee bit, who would have thought ten years on from losing the 2014 Ref, it looks like Ukraine has more chance of joining the EU than Scotland. I wish Labrokes had put odds on that, it would have been well worth a small bet for a large return.
I think there is a confusion between the Rev and a Journalist.
The Rev’s task is to shine light on truth.
A journalist’s task is to sell advertising space.
John Swinton on the independence of the press.
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We the readers know who the best journalist in Scottish politics is by a country mile & it isn’t John Ferguson or any other media hack .
That accolade goes to you Stuart Campbell & we thank you for all that you do. If you weren’t around then we’d all resemble mushrooms- kept in the dark & fed on S.H.1.T
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Press Gazette – The UK has the second lowest level of trust in the press in the World:
“Last year’s Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found that just over a third (34%) of people in the UK trusted the news, a large fall from the 51% reporting faith in the media in 2015.”
A reminder that the Vow was a lie.
A reminder that Lady Dorian reprimanded woman H 4 times for trying to lead the jury. Stating she’d be in contempt if she did so again.
And a reminder that Sarah Smith. Was overheard saying to her Camera Man. They’ll never believe her (Woman H). Before participating in the Kirsty Wark retrial with Dani Garavelli and James Cook. Because they didn’t like the verdict of the Jury in the biggest failed conspiracy this country has ever seen. That was. The stich up of Alex Salmond the hero of Scottish Independence.
I’m looking forward to the day of reckoning. With the courts saying that the redacted James Hamilton report FOI must be released to Wings Over Scotland journalist, Benjamin Harrop. As part of the anti corruption movement in Scotland which is building by the day.
I’ll leave my posts at that. Fantastic journalism as ever from the truth teller. Stuart Campbell of Wings Over Scotland.
it is a far, far better thing the rev has done, in these, the best and worst of times
It beggars belief that Salmond hasn’t simply scattered the frauds, swindlers and assorted London puppets in the SNP before simply taking over the party again. He could blow Humza ugly bloke (London agent) away with the whiff of his fart.
Other London puppets, like Kirsty Blackman, could then be told to sling their hooks.
The SNP is riddled with two big problems right now: Self-serving Shiite bags, and people who are blatantly trying to alienate the public to hinder full autonomy.
Blackman’s comments about “unlimited migration” in an independent Scotland is a prime example of how London agents are deliberately trying to annoy the public in order to scupper the main indy vehicle. She knows that the housing situation is a disgrace, so that’s why she has made the comment.
Salmond should stop pissing around with Alba and simply make a triumphant return to the helm of the SNP. Numbers are clearly well above 50%, and London clearly knows it. The shite must be running down their legs down there.
Maybe it’s dawning on the shitebags that it wasn’t a good idea to treat Scots – and the rest of the common people on this island – like utter crap for 3 straight decades.
The sooner, the better. And if these silly alienation tactics are the best that London can do, it’s going to be a daudle at the next referendum.
Looking forward to seeing which journalist wins the Travel award based on their description of completing the NC500 circuit in the SNP camper van.
Do the SNP/Murrell’s/whoever still own the camper van or has it been sold?
This comment, shamelessly plagiarized from Lollysmum, sums up my thinking 100%:
Lollysmum says:
15 December, 2023 at 2:50 pm
We the readers know who the best journalist in Scottish politics is by a country mile & it isn’t John Ferguson or any other media hack .
That accolade goes to you Stuart Campbell & we thank you for all that you do. If you weren’t around then we’d all resemble mushrooms- kept in the dark & fed on S.H.1.T
Do they still print newspapers? I’ve not bought one for over 25 years.
…and they wonder why.
A plague on all their plagiarisms.
And today 2 more Al Jazeera journalists in this concentration camp that is Gaza, are targetted and wounded by the genocidal Israeli Govt. Netanyahu and his fascist govt. are desperate to stop the horror of what they are doing, getting out. We owe these journalists a hell of a lot.
It is being reported that the police have begun a corporate manslaughter investigation into the Scottish Governments care home policy during Covid. THIS is the main course.
Congratulations on all the hard work that has gone into your journalism being recognised, albeit through the less hard work of someone else, and a massive thank you for exposing the corruption of these utter deviants. If we ever meet in person, the drinks are most definitely on me.
If you want to know why Scotland isn’t independent yet then just look at our “journalists”. They have a lot to answer for and will be exposed for what they are someday. I hope I live to see it. You are by far the best political journalist on Scottish affairs Stuart. You can hold your head up high, because you and we know the truth.
As some ancient Chinese guy said “If you stand by the river for long enough, then the bodies of your enemies will float past”. Alex Salmond knows the truth of that.
Stu to be awarded a prize by these clowns and placemen would be offensive.
They are propagandists pedaling unionist nonsense.
If an indy Scotland appears you must be the press regulator with the power to fine and imprison for fake news racism and hate pedaling.
Andy Storrie 3.35pm.
“Its going to be a daudle at the next referendum”
Well. Speaking for myself Andy I don’t want another referendum on Scottish independence. Even if we voted for independence 100%, the result would still show that we had rejected it.
We will have to achieve independence by other means, because Westminster will never let us out of their clutches voluntarily. Not just because of our resources but because we are strategically positioned in the North Atlantic, and a lot of other reasons.
Can’t recall the last time I bought a dead tree scroll. It was probably a copy of The National as my mother was a fan. When I pointed out it was simply Nicla’s fanzine and fit only for consumption by Wee Ginger Dugs, she decided her pennies were better spent elsewhere.
Stu… The day you become like those you feature above is the day I cancel my subscription.
Keep on keepin’ on!
I have to say that I’ve lost quite a lot of respect for several highly intelligent friends who’ve ignored the evidence of corruption presented on this site, merely for the fact of appearing on this site. I’m talking about published authors and people with successful careers, here. “Stuart Campbell is a bigot” they argue, as if that in itself were sufficient to discount everything he says. (Even if it were true, which it patently isn’t, unless you have already swallowed the trans ideology whole.)
I know that they read Wings, at least occasionally, because, as the numbers of hits show, everyone who’s interested in Scottish politics reads it.
And I know they have the reasoning power to work out that not every allegation detailed here can possibly be completely false and baseless, so they must surely all merit consideration. (Personally, I’m willing to believe almost anything bad of the Scottish Government by this point.)
Yet they seem to be terrified to even admit that they read Wings, much less that there might be some substance to Mr Campbell’s claims.
It’s all a bit of a mystery to me, and I’m sorry to say I can only ascribe it to either cowardice or groupthink, or perhaps a burning desire to continue publishing on Bella Caledonia?
First time on ‘Wings’ for a week or so.
As is usual, I read the comprehensive and accurate articles that the Rev Stu has produced in my absence, but shy away from the comments. I can almost guarantee that at least 50% of them are exactly the same drivel that follows every article. I am far too polite to name any names but regular readers will know exactly who I am referring to.
I have read the comments on this article and am struck by the fact that the initial posts are from ‘names’ who I rarely see on here. It is obvious that far more people read Wings than actually bother to post, often umpteen times per day.
Unfortunately, I suspect that it will not be too long before the deranged regulars pile in with their perceived wisdom which, in reality, is mostly abuse and shite.
I often wish that ‘Wings’ had a greater audience as far too many in Scotland are simply unaware of the skuldugerry, dishonesty and sheer incompetence of our elected officials. I do however sense that the tide is turning, at long last.
More power to your keyboard Stu. Keep going-you ARE making a difference.
Stu a heartbreaking article in many respects. Plagiarism is now an acceptable norm in Journalism. And it’s not just the facts of the matter but they also steal phrases or witticisms as their own. It’s intellectual theft by any other name. We often hear about breaking news on WoS. I dropped a story about 24 charges and multiple persons being arrested. I wonder if John Ferguson (No relation) will claim it as his own. To cheer you up I met an Aberdeen supporter this afternoon on Princes Street Edinburgh on his way to the final from Stockton. Wonderful character claimed to be the person that formed the Scotland Travel Club. His prediction one nil Aberdeen. No way I said Rangers will get a penalty. Two one Aberdeen.
Stu. We all know who deserves the highest of accolades, not just for one scoop, but for serious investigative journalism over a number of years. If you’re feeling hard done by, and I suspect you’re not. I suggest that you read a poem by Leigh Hunt called Abou ben Adhem.
More power to your elbow.
The rev turns over so many stones to find horrors underneath
All missed by the supine media
They steal your work and then give themselves an award from themselves for it… I have never seen such a set of utter wankers as the ‘Scottish’ media.
I echo what the rest of the commenters are saying , unfortunately I do not have the same respect for Mr John C Ferguson the LEAST Mr Ferguson could have done is recognise and attribute his success to the investigative journalistic qualities of Stuart Campbell the well known divisive owner of Wings Over Scotland the PREMIER and most outspoken independence online news carrier for Scots and Scotland
Mr Ferguson’s lack of honesty and integrity is only to be expected from presstitutes who wish they had your ability
I would suspect your circulation has been considerably higher than John Ferguson’s.
You’re a far the better journalist and writer than any of those named above, and they know it.
At the moment, there are certain subjects where anyone winning a prize , other than you, is akin to being the ‘champion’ transwoman swimmer. By that, I mean a fraud .
I’m assuming you like that quotation for its ‘home rule’ connection with Montague rather than the Ronald Reagan desk-helper?
Anyway. I’m delighted that you didn’t win a newspaper award because because, if you had, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the best journalism in Scotland on your site.
Robert @ 5:07 pm
“I have to say that I’ve lost quite a lot of respect for several highly intelligent friends who’ve ignored the evidence of corruption”
Denial of oppression is a key part of the colonial mindset. In postcolonial theory the co-operative native bourgeoisie come in for special criticism, being the group most pampered by colonialism and hence defensive of their position and the regime. It takes a while for the penny to finally drop with this group.
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Och, gie yersel a wee pat on the back, Rev. It’s a circus. You’re the ringmaster, not the clown. We all appreciate what you do and know that you are streets ahead of them. Sometimes, folk just hate anyone for being right about something they don’t want others to see or to see themselves. Many a kicking I’ve had for standing up for you and insisting that you are, in fact, quite sane. Horrible people. There is no money for investigative journalism anymore, not in most newspapers, and anyone who doesn’t trumpet the script is soon hounded out, anyway, so real, investigative pieces are now few and far between, sadly. We are all lucky to have you.
The real story here Rev is your insightful and truthful journalism, we know who the real journalist here and that’s why thousand read your articles.
It’s funny isn’t it but as the comments sink lower down the page they become less and less related or relevant to the point of the article. Shit finds its own level as they say.
On this occasion, I popped my head up above the surface a little prematurely so I’ll take my leave and will see you later where I will be happily wallowing in the shite with Geri.
O/T There was mention of the FOI / SNP / Hamilton evidence in the new Private Eye. Page 14.
johnlm says:
15 December, 2023 at 2:38 pm
I think there is a confusion between the Rev and a Journalist…’
That lad Swinton is quoted as saying that in 1880. 1880! I am trying to imagine the concentration of power , wealth and influence that has developed since then. That is frightening.
Congradulations on your award Stu hell of a decent Mr Ferguson volunteering to look after it for you.
Well this is a very special Christmas.
Seeing the Holy land ethnically cleansed of the literal descendants of biblical times by a mental ultra racist supremacist set of nutters descended from Khazaria.
Come on every one.
“O Hoooooly night…”
New novel set in the 22nd century, in an independent Scotland. The way things are going/disintegrating here, it will take that damned long to get there, if we ever do.
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What about this week’s story about a Jaguar iPace, cost near to £100,000, paid for by the SNP and seen being driven about by Someone’s Husband?
There is a historical irony.
David of the Israelites killed the much larger champion of the Philistines by slinging a stone at him.
Gaza is pretty much, geographically, the area once occupied by the Philistines.
Proper old school investigative journalism of the highest order which is why it is in your own website and not the propaganda rags.
holymacmoses 6.20pm:
‘You’re a far better journalist and writer than any of those named above, and they know it‘.
Hear, hear. And we know it. And since their colleagues and paymasters probably read Wings too, they all know it. And they know that we know that they know. And the usual naysayers are strangely quiet tonight.
Congrats as well, Rev. Stu, for this News Of The World piece ‘to keep the record straight’ – a lesson in accuracy, honesty and good grace.
So unjust for the real source of the story to have his hard work stolen.
Ferguson should have had the decency to mention that you not only cut the first tough you kept digging until hit the paydirt.
This again reconfirms how pathetic the Britnat press is that anything anti independence is nirvana and it must be repeated like the Lord’s Prayer.
Unionist journalism is a monotonous dance to their paymaster’s tune.
“We have no desire for a black plastic brick with a big Union Jack on it, nor for the acclaim of a group of people for whom we by and large have zero professional or personal respect.”
Of the people, by the people, for the people.
Acclaim of the grassroots is what matters.
I had to look it up.Stockton on tees. Why would an Aberdeen supporter be there?. He told me he was a sparkie in Seafield Colliery Fife. As a 16 year old I went deep mine in Frances Colliery as a one day school visit. He called that mine a degatory name, sounded like gubbins (Princes Street noise) The next door mine. I have researched that a lot of the ex Scottish mining community went to Stockton on Tees. He was 68 recalled all the new firm matches. Wonderful day Christmas shopping when you meet a character like him. I only told him what bus to catch.
Stu. TBH I wouldn’t read their articles, scoops, exclusives etc. I get the news I want here. Ta Stu and fellow wingers and as Bolan said , all the cats, you know who you are.
“Project to bring renewable power from Scotland to England awarded £1.8bn”
Who in Scotland was responsible for this then!? Who gave authority for this to go ahead? Why have the people of Scotland not been consulted? This is theft!!!
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the pillage never ends, but they have a hard time just telling use from WHERE
– and let’s have a look at what you could have won …
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membership of the small, rich countries club
but but, don’t those anglos know about ohms’s law, for the leccy gets tired as it comes through the border …
ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated
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it’s ex-regios money, mind, just past narnia, let mr tumnus show you the way
for shits and giggles, take your household budget, cross out income and replace with £368 (per MONTH)
– this is called “universal credit” and allows for great comic possibilitie as you try to live on it
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no one word responses to this one, keep it positive; one final thought for the evening
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don’t get any ideas now
The wind will join the fish & rejoice they’re British..
Scotlands wind will be worthless shite that doesn’t blow correctly.
£368 – wooohooo! Minted!
That’ll cover a 10 bed Mansion, an iPhone, A holiday in the Costas, a new car, a 80 inch plasma telly & as much porridge as we can eat..
Drinks all round..
I’m surprised to have seen no other mention of this btl.
So I will.
A festive,sneaky way of grooming kids. If you feel responsible for children in any way, you should be aware by reading all the stuff at the link.
Bad Santa
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Oh, and I forgot to include that I agree with all the comments btl, praising Rev Stu for his journalistic skills, his seeking of the truth and his support for the independence of our nation.
Off Topic
I recd a response to my complaint to the biased bullshitting corporation re “Judge throws out bid to withhold Nicola Sturgeon inquiry evidence”
“Having reviewed the article, we are satisfied that the story is correct in saying that Ms Sturgeon was cleared by Mr Hamilton of breaching the ministerial code in each of the four issues that he examined, including an allegation that she misled parliament in relation to her meetings with Alex Salmond and others.”
“Mr Hamilton said it was “regrettable” that Ms Sturgeon did not mention one of these meetings – with Geoff Aberdein on 29 March 2018 – in her statement to parliament on 8 January 2019 but that he accepted the omission “was the result of a genuine failure of recollection and was not deliberate”.”
It appears sturgeon has been giving lessons to Sunak in how to claim “no recollection” or “don’t recall” or “don’t remember” as his appearance at the covid enquiry attests
HTF can we elect so many politicians wae bad memories or is it early onset dementia or just LYING
Some myths say it was a bargain she broke, other versions say Apollo was so smitten with the beauty of Cassandra that he just gave her the power of prophecy, to see the future. When Cassandra rejected his advances, or broke the bargain, Apollo added a curse, that nobody would believe Cassandra’s predictions as valid.
Thus, Cassandra was blessed with the power to predict future, but powerless to warn people, influence or change events.
I have always wondered who was cursed. Cassandra, or the multitude of people with their intellect darkened by incurable cynicism.
It is rather ironic that no one is talking about the corporate manslaughter investigation which is an even bigger scandal than missing fundsI guess that just illustrates the whole point of this article. As I say ironic.
@President Xiden, 9:18am
I thought the police started this investigation in July 2023. What’s new?
Rev, I expect the reason that John Anderson has taken all the credit for your investigative journalism is because of your “There’s no limit to where a man can go….if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit”.
Clearly, he doesn’t want to inhibit your journey. 🙂
For myself, I want to see you quoted every single day on BBC, STV, all the printed press and the radio channels. One can’t have too much truth.
Well done Stu. Ferguson has stolen the clothes you ripped off the Emperor. He’ll get maximum credit for reading your great copy and copying it when the coach was clear. There is a genuine crisis in journalism which is full of soft left graduates, most of whom can’t count and many of whom are totally driven by the pet policies they embraced as students. It’s a worldwide problem in fact the house magazine of the globalist bien pensant The Economist, has a feature in it. Great journalists like Matt Taibi, Bari s and Michael Shellenberger are telling the truth about both Biden and Trump on substack. That’s because the people who are supposed to report without fear or favour are openly favouring the elite narrative. Whether it was lockdowns where they were hosed with money to keep them afloat, the climate gaslighting or identity politics, they are all on the same page. Stu and honourable others (some many on here might see as irredeemably right wing such ans Toby Young are the real truth tellers.
These faux journalists are pathetic compared to the rev.
Whoops, I am not an alert enough reader. John Ferguson, not Anderson.
Slinks away in shame.
Cirsium it’s not the age of the enquiry it’s the content. It is far far more serious than Branchform.
McDuff says:
These faux journalists are pathetic compared to the rev.
I looked online and couldn’t find what Stuart Campbell was a “Rev.” of.
Anyone know?
If he isn’t a Reverend, but advertises himself as one, isn’t that “faux” journalism too?
Dundee Scot –
You’ll find the answer in this interview.
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Don’t know what happened to my username in the pre-moderated comment Rev.
Dundee Scot –
You’ll find the answer in this interview.
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In short, Stuart Campbell admits he deliberately misleads people by calling himself a Reverend.
If other people did this, Stuart Campbell (and commenters here) would label them Faux journalists.
Brian, don’t you think he should be held to the same standards he imposes on others?
Rev Stu why aren’t you publishing in the Times/Guardian/Herald/Scotsman, I’m not a fan of independence, but I assiduously check into Wings Over Scotland everyday because you ALWAYS have the latest and most accurate take on what matters in Scotland – where I am from and live. Seems to me that you go where others fear to tread. Please keep it up.
On a slightly different note, I find your writings very well written, erudite, pithy, and always right on the nose.
I guess Lulu and Lady Gaga and Banksy and anyone who uses a non-de-plume is on a sticky wicket then?
Brian, glad to see you admit you have a double standard when someone you support (Stuart Campbell) deliberately lies about himself.
Or perhaps you go to Lady Gaga for insight on Scottish independence?
Explain the “double standard”?
Dundee Scot says:
17 December, 2023 at 11:14 pm
In short, Stuart Campbell admits he deliberately misleads people by calling himself a Reverend.
Does he call himself that?
He may use Rev. , but what does that of necessity mean?
Show us where he calls himself “a Reverend”, please.
Why arent these so called award winning Yoon Press Whores asking the most i9mportant question of all and that is Why IS THE Brit Political Establishment protecting Sturgeon and Murrel????