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Wings Over Scotland

Never learned to shovel

Posted on July 27, 2023 by

Me talking about debanking on TalkTV earlier today.

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Good interview from you but he’s a bit of an interrupter isn’t he?


Great interview Stu, would be good to see you in the public eye more.


HSBC has been fined for money laundering and tax avoidance in the past. Now they’re pretending to be morally judging people. They’re fooling no one except the woke idiots.

David Beveridge

There must be a few customers of this bank that read Wings. Maybe time for a bit of solidarity and take your business elsewhere?

It’s more than a wee bit scary to think you could be financially ostracised for your views. What’ll be next if they get away with this?

Alisdair Mclean

There is something to be said for having a hefty cash-float under the mattress.


*Hannah Grath who is a bloke that used to be in the army*


There’s 300,000 Trans all losing their shit & greeting into their lattes…

Lol at carbon footprint on moving money ffs!

Sounds like the CEO of NatWest had Budweiser on speed dial on how to make a shitty bank even more shittier with fairy dust & wipe ££££s from its value.

Well done on getting your message out. This is dangerous territory & they shouldn’t get away with it.

Has Cherry said anything? I may have missed it.


Good interview, enjoyed listening to it. I hope he gets you back for more interviews in future.


Good interview. Interesting but worrying.

How have so many unqualified greens and wokies managed to weasel their way into senior positions of power and influence? That’s what really gets me – these dogmatic chumps aren’t even qualified to do what they do. It’s almost like a secret society – once one gets in, he/she does everything to promote like-minded lunatics. Then the entire organisation rots from the inside. Banks, MSM, companies, political parties, government executives etc etc all affected. They may be a minority but certainly look out for their own. Bad influence, really bad. Sounds ridiculous, but this affects us all, and it will continue to do so more and more, until we stand up to those cowardly bullies.

Lorna Campbell

These idiot ‘wokerati’ have infiltrated every nook and cranny of public and private life, and they are determined to crash the economy business by business. As Barry Wall, the court jester, says: get them out before they destroy your business/department. The utter mess the SNP is in stands testament to their toxic and deadly influence. The banks, egged on by the Stonewall illegality dept. are using limited laws and powers bestowed by terrorism and financial misuse of taxes to bludgeon people into ‘trans’/’woke’ compliance. Totalitarians, every one of them

George Ferguson

An excellent interview Stu. I enjoyed your measured approach whilst commenting on a nightmare scenario with your bank.

Patsy Millar

Cracking interview.

Glenn Elder

Alisdair Mclean says:

“There is something to be said for having a hefty cash-float under the mattress.”
I always keep a reasonable amount of money in cash but it becomes ever more difficult to use it. As Suart Campbell stated when he went to get a pint in a pub the establishment was a card only business.

Recently I wanted change for the collection at an AA meeting I go to, so I went for a coffee and tried to pay in cash. Nope. I ended up with a coffee I didn’t want and no change.

Not so much a case of things to come but a paucity of people, by accident or design,ignorant of what is already here.

Patricia Spencer

Bloody brilliant interview Stu ?? it’s almost
unbelievable that every organisation/ institution are now enforcers of the ‘progressive left’!!

Patricia Spencer

Bloody brilliant interview Stu ?? it’s almost unbelievable that every organisation/ institution are now enforcers of the ‘progressive left’!!


I do hope you’re considering legal action.

I see the people responsible at Coutts have gone.

Only a matter of time until Nat West follows suit. Or the buck will stop with the big boys in HSBC.

Stephen O'Brien

I hope somebody stood you, a pint!


Well said Lorna.

It’s PIE, imo.
After being banished back to their sewer in the 80/90s they’ve became organised on the dark web to get into every area of government & world institutions.

I feel sick at the latest nonsense that male pedos/transwomen can *chestfeed* babies.

Given drugs to artificially lactate with absolutely zero research on those chemicals passing to a vulnerable baby with whatever cocktail of drugs is in that shit they’re lactating. It’s certainly not life saving milk but will be their bodies secreting toxins as the human body is hardwired to do.

These sick bastards needs stopped immediately. Get the Greens OUT at the next election FOREVER. Get the SNP out at the next Westminster GE. Hopefully when they lose 40 + seats Dumbzas position will be untenable & he’ll be out of Holyrood.

John Jones

if I’m ever in the position of a shop/cafe saying card only I’ll drop the cash on the counter take my goods & walk out.
certainly not stealing.

Neil in Glasgow

I doubt you’ll get any kind of detailed response from First Direct if they’ve been cuter than Coutts were with Nigel Farage and closed your accounts on supposed anti-money laundering grounds, which would be the most likely thing anyone’s account would be closed for in similar style. In fact, they legally can’t tell you anything other than your account went against it’s terms and conditions if that’s the case. They would be ‘tipping off’ otherwise, i.e. letting you know that they and the NCA, who should have been alerted to any dodgy dealings, were on to you, and that’s an offence. Hope the interviews put a bit of pressure on them though.

Good to see you on with Mike Graham too. I used to like the Two Mikes on Talk Sport and actually started listening to Talk Radio when he went there. It was generally a good listen although it went too far to the right for me at times laterally (although not into GB News realms – thankfully their all day coverage of the 12th of July was cut a bit short by the Huw Edwards stuff!) and it was actually some of the anti-independence comments, including those against Nicola Sturgeon, from some of the presenters without anyone to come back on them that made me stop watching. This is why it’s puzzling me a bit that MG’s had Alex Salmond on so much recently. I understand his Scottish background but he’s a staunch Unionist and he’s not daft enough to not know about the shenanigans that’ve been going on, so why give the man who’s still the most dangerous to Unionism the airtime? And as he said, he follows you and was happy to have you on and ask about Scotland specifically, the cybernat they fear the most. Genuinely puzzled by it, but hope it continues because the folk that watch Talk TV I’d say are generally the ones somewhere in the middle and the ones that need to be won over so the more air time for you both, the better!

Captain Yossarian

Campbell and Salmond would make Yousaf and Harvie look and sound unstable. I never expected it would come to this, but here we are.

panda paws

Always but always have accounts with at least two different banks/building societies that don’t come under the same overall organisation (First Direct is part of HBSC group for example). That way if you are debanked with one, you don’t need to wait until new cards are issued etc., they can transfer your money immediately. Split your direct debits so they don’t always come out of the same account. That reduces the later admin if one account is closed. You can set up automatic transfers to ensure that enough money is in both.

It might take time to set up but at least you can do it at your leisure and not when you’re stressed out of your mind because you can’t access any funds!


HSBC seems to entertain no reservations about dealing with the Chinese Communist Party though. Perhaps you should be flattered to be reckoned a greater menace to mankind than that mob.

Put otherwise: what a bunch of bonus holes they are.


That’s the very best interview I’ve seen you do Mr Wings – you seemed extremely relaxed. BTW our monthly payment will go through to you as normal – yes?


My first job after leaving school in 1973 was with The Royal Bank of Scotland and the first thing I was told upon walking through the door was never discuss the financial affairs of customers with anyone outside the bank. How the fuck do you become CEO of Nat West and not know that?

Back then banks were content to simply do their job; they looked after your money when you had some and lent you money when you didn’t. Much has changed since those days of course but one thing is clear: all the benefits of automation, computerisation and the drift towards a cashless society have gone to the banks, in particular the top bosses. Their hapless customers are left scratching their heads wondering how these people have managed to get away with it for so long.

Dorothy Devine

Well done Stu – surely this should be illegal for a bank.

James Che

A excellent interview. You came across as a calm well balanced intelligent human being, and that comes as no surprise to those of us on wings.
Well done.


I saw this coming a long time ago – when the woke lose an argument online, they go after you personally for being a “bad person”; doxxing was their favourite method, but now it seems they have the clout with corporations and -banks- the most capitalist of all institutions; it was bad enough when Mammon was in charge, now its Moloch and Asmodeus.

An anonymous handle allows a useful compartmentalisation; in my professional life for example, I treat everyone with a rigorous equality, even english-cunts and trans-freaks. Live and let live.

Cash, in almost all normal situations, solves a lot of problems. I always keep a good wad in my wallet, even to cover most likely emergencies.

Outsourcing social control to private companies is a clever move – try and do anything without a bank account or credit card, your options become limited to where you can walk and food you can buy for cash. An insidious surveillance is imposed on us – companies asking for photo id, biometrics, 2 factor authentication now (so you need a smartphone), and even the fingerprint logon; also smartmeters – note the recent scandal about “throttling” and people being bumped onto higher tariffs without their knowledge.

Once they embed the smartphone apparatus into our bodies, we are no more than tagged cattle.


That’s the very best interview I’ve seen you do Mr Wings – you seemed extremely relaxed. BTW our monthly payment will go through to you as normal – yes?

yes, hopefully there’s no interruption to the subs. We need Wings more than ever right now.


Got this email from the Scot Gov re the consultation on their proposals for a new Human Rights Bill. They’re aiming for it to be voted on during this parliamentary session. It runs for 16 weeks and closes on 5 October.


Scotland has made great strides in our collective human rights journey and has committed to go further through a new Human Rights Bill. This will incorporate international human rights standards already signed and ratified by the UK into domestic law in Scotland.

The recently launched consultation on the proposals for a Human Rights Bill to be introduced within this session of the Scottish Parliament, seeks the views of everyone on that vision.

During the consultation we will be running a series of public events across Scotland to allow individuals and communities to come along to share their views and inform the Human Rights Bill.

Engagement events are taking place in Dumfries, Glasgow, Inverness, Portree, Dundee and online, find out more and book your place.”

The consultation is at: link to

The public engagement events are on there too.

It’s quite lengthy but, having skimmed over it, in ‘Section 6: Incorporating Further Rights and Embedding Equality’ one of the recommendations is to “Include an equality clause which aligns with the Equality Act 2010 and provides equal access to everyone to the rights contained within the Bill.”

and notes:

“we are also considering whether we should specifically list LGBTI and older age as grounds for protection…Putting these groups specifically on the face of the Bill could help to ensure clarity of exactly who the provision is intended to protect.”


I went into Boots the other week . I couldn’t pay for a pair of reading specs without a bank card. They said you can only pay by card. I said, ” what the actual xxxxxxx ”

Well you can buy a gift voucher over there and come back here and pay by that. It’s ridiculous.

I remember two guys at the local market years ago telling me they are trying to stop the use of cash as a means of tracking everything you actually do. I didn’t take it all in-but I do now.

Keep the doe in cash at places only you know and let family members where to locate it if ever sonmething happens.

The whole fecking world has gone bonkers with shit.

Merkin Scot

Great stuff, Rev.

Robert Louis

Ahhhh, the banks, those paragons of virtue, who advertise on the basis of everything but banking services. Some claim ‘to always be there for you’ (aye, right!), other claim to be a ‘helping hand’, while Lloyds, quite bizarrely, seems to be involved solely in child welfare and Farrier services.

Of course the reality is that each and every one of them is in it for one reason alone, to make vast profits. Does it need saying, they really, really do not care about you or anybody else.

But these debanking cases do highlight the dangers of moving to a cashless society. Once that happen,s those banks literally have us all by the short and curlies. We regularly see banks saying they will disallow payments to crypto exchanges, due to the risk of folk losing all their money. Yet, those very same banks allow (and even actively promote) the purchase of shares. Of course as everybody knows you can also with great ease, lose all your money from shares – as the banks themselves found out in 2008.

The fact that major banks now see crypto currencies as a direct threat to their market control, monopoly of service and profits, is supposedly ‘nothing to do with it’. Apparently, they are just blocking crypto purchases to ‘protect their customers’. How very noble of them.

The lesson from all of this is simple. Use cash wherever possible, and decline purchses where cash is not an option. Let retailers and service providers know. Also, there is no law against having several current accounts, so if possible keep two – usually possible if you open a savings account with the second – which is also a good idea. The old motto, ‘do not keep all your eggs in one basket springs to mind.

It is obvious that banks are now using card and other electronic transactions to profile folk, not for credit purposes, but to determine if you are a ‘good citizen’ – just like the government is doing in communist China right now. By using cash, you make it difficult for them. Only use electronic payments when absolutely necessary.

We must not let these banksters push us into a cashless society.

Given the recent nonsense, it might now also be wise to keep a small chunk of ready cash in your house, just in case.

It isn’t just banks, VISA, Mastercard and Paypal, have also joined the morality bandwagon, cutting off funding to those they ‘don’t approve of’.

I must admit, whilst I despise Farage, he is right, and quite entitled to be angry.

It takes a very special kind of clown to deliberately antagonise and remove banking services from somebody like Farage, because they hold different views. I mean seriously, did Coutts think Farage would just tut, roll his eyes, and walk away quietly??? For that single reason of epic stupidity, the entire board of NatWest should go. They have also made a mess of RBS, so they may as well f*** right off anyway.

Never forget, bankers are just legalised ‘crooks in suits’, no more, no less.

Daisy Walker

As the old poem goes…

First they came for the Nigels
But I did nothing
Cause Nigel was a racist, Britnat bore

Then they came for Wings Over Scotland
And I did nothing
Cause the Rev said bad things about Queen Nikla

Looks like Nigel has done his job of delivering Brexit, and he’s being told to wind his neck in. No more British Establishment promotion now. They clearly don’t want him stealing the tory thunder anymore.

As for the Rev, well, they no doubt consider pesky Indy Scot bloggers to be low hanging fruit to shoot down as a matter of course.


Moixx, they can’t do anything without boosting ‘LGBTI’can they? For ‘LGBTI’ read ‘TQ’ and they rather ignorantly forget that there is no such thing as ‘intersex’. The correct medical term is DSD: disorders/differences of Sexual Development and most individuals with these conditions prefer this designation. At least they’ve laid their cards on the table though, it’s more woke shite

Anton Decadent

Yesterdays Herald had an article claiming that the only reason that Nigel Farage had a successful outcome to his account being closed was that he was right wing and therefore had the backing of right wing media and that if he was left wing this would not have been the case.

The Herald has mutated into a bad parody of the Guardian.

Robert Louis

Susan AHF at 433pm,

Have to agree. It isn’t Gay and lesbian rights they will protect, just the ‘trans and queers’, the TQ+++, you might say – which has nothing to do with gay or lesbian. You are also correct on the outdated ‘intersex’ terminology, since most folk with disordered sexual development know they are either male or female anyway. Besides, DSD is exceptionally rare, but the ‘trans’ loonies try to use it to justify their false claim of there being more than two sexes.


Stuart, thank you for that excellent interview.

Also a HUGE thank you for pointing out the morally bankrupt thieves of political parties by dishonest means. By that I mean the “bloke who used to be in the Army” Hannah Grath. Thank you for helping the voting public understand how these manipulative trans-sexual fetish promoting deviants infiltrate areas of our lives for which they hold no qualifications (most with MAP people and their Minor Attracted Persons in their ranks – EG: Drag Queens in primary schools with dildos and their MAP Nutella agenda for 5 year old children).

Years ago, the Wokerati captured the SNP.

This year, the Wokerati captured the banking system.

Next year, the Wokerati will make it mandatory EVERY CITIZEN tests the the butt-plug and 12 inch an@l dildo on themselves to see if we like it or not. It is a new campaign called: “Sharing Trans Feelings & Understanding”.

When will people wake up to this dangerous strategy of Woke-capture?

The Hanna Grath person has NO banking skill set, yet wiped millions of pounds (3%) off of the bank’s share price.

Most importantly as Stuart indicated, Stu., (and many of us) will have nightmares of stress worrying whether our bank accounts had been hacked. Then 3 weeks more stress sorting out new bank accounts and changing direct debits etc. All because some coward at Human Resources in the bank was too frightened to tell a Wole tw@t that he/she/it/they were not actually qualified for the job and just caved in: giving the Army bloke/lady a job because of his/her/its sex-politics. Utterly hypocritical and I deeply suspect legally dubious.

Most of all Stuart, without your fearless journalism and integrity, none of us would be aware of what Sturgeon and her son, Humza Sturgeon have in place for Scotland…

link to


It is interesting because the PEP system was introduced to monitor transactions in politically exposed persons accounts, partly to stamp out corruption but be came a complete account review passed to the the NCIS. nobody ever asked what they did with it and I never recall anyone facing any charges arising from it. so when they see a bung landing what happened, answer an offer they could not refuse.

So for how long and what details did they have on Nicola and her chums and what triggered the investigation this time???


From the BBC.

FinCEN is the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. These are the people at the US Treasury who combat financial crime…

..Suspicious activity reports, or SARs, are an example of how those concerns are recorded. A bank must fill in one of these reports if it is worried one of its clients might be up to no good…

…The documents in the FinCEN files cover about $2tn of transactions and they are only a tiny proportion of the SARs submitted over the period…

…HSBC allowed fraudsters to move millions of dollars of stolen money around the world, even after it learned from US investigators the scheme was a scam.
JP Morgan allowed a company to move more than $1bn through a London account without knowing who owned it. The bank later discovered the company might be owned by a mobster on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list.
Evidence that one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest associates used Barclays bank in London to avoid sanctions which were meant to stop him using financial services in the West. Some of the cash was used to buy works of art.
The husband of a woman who has donated £1.7m to the UK’s governing Conservative Party’s was secretly funded by a Russian oligarch with close ties to President Putin.
The UK is called a “higher risk jurisdiction” and compared to Cyprus, by the intelligence division of FinCEN. That’s because of the number of UK registered companies that appear in the SARs. Over 3,000 UK companies are named in the FinCEN files – more than any other country.
Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich once held secret investments in footballers not owned by his club through an offshore company.
The United Arab Emirates’ central bank failed to act on warnings about a local firm which was helping Iran evade sanctions.
Deutsche Bank moved money launderers’ dirty money for organised crime, terrorists and drug traffickers. More details (BuzzFeed News)
Standard Chartered moved cash for Arab Bank for more than a decade after clients’ accounts at the Jordanian bank had been used in funding terrorism.


I thought it was illegal not to accept cash?

Doesn’t Queenie’s Face promise to pay the bearer with a squiggly signature from the issuing bank?

I remember this rather well as my Mam, on a visit to England to stay with us for a while, brought Barclays bank to a standstill as some snotty nosed teller debated if she could withdraw her own money & if Scotland had a foreign currency to exchange first LMAO!! Whit a dunce!

Added to the fray was an eejit in the queue who clearly upset at the debate thought he’d interject with some pearls of wisdom because he was a policeman …oh are yeh now? Let’s ask the real police & find out.. (who happened to only be across the road)

He was arrested for impersonating a police officer & the teller was promptly told to do one to the back office by the branch manager who suddenly made an appearance LOL!

*Is there anything else we can help you with today?*

Yes, as it happens. I’ll withdraw the whole lot now, ta..

Oh how we lolled over our tea & jam that day.. God love Mams & some eejit telling them they cannie do something with their own money.. they get short shift.


From the BBC.

FinCEN is the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. These are the people at the US Treasury who combat financial crime…

..Suspicious activity reports, or SARs, are an example of how those concerns are recorded. A bank must fill in one of these reports if it is worried one of its clients might be up to no good…

…The documents in the FinCEN files cover about $2tn of transactions and they are only a tiny proportion of the SARs submitted over the period…

…HSBC allowed fraudsters to move millions of dollars of stolen money around the world, even after it learned from US investigators the scheme was a scam.
JP Morgan allowed a company to move more than $1bn through a London account without knowing who owned it. The bank later discovered the company might be owned by a mobster on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list.
Evidence that one of Russian President Vlad Emir Put it in’s closest associates used Barclays bank in London to avoid sanctions which were meant to stop him using financial services in the West. Some of the cash was used to buy works of art.
The husband of a woman who has donated £1.7m to the UK’s governing Conservative Party’s was secretly funded by a Russ Ian oligarch with close ties to President Put it in.
The UK is called a “higher risk jurisdiction” and compared to Cyprus, by the intelligence division of FinCEN. That’s because of the number of UK registered companies that appear in the SARs. Over 3,000 UK companies are named in the FinCEN files – more than any other country.
Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich once held secret investments in footballers not owned by his club through an offshore company.
The United Arab Emirates’ central bank failed to act on warnings about a local firm which was helping Iran evade sanctions.
Deutsche Bank moved money launderers’ dirty money for organised crime, terrorists and drug traffickers. More details (BuzzFeed News)
Standard Chartered moved cash for Arab Bank for more than a decade after clients’ accounts at the Jordanian bank had been used in funding terrorism.”


LMAO at that passport..

auld highlander

Meanwhile the banks were using your money when you could not get one penny of it. Just as well it was only a pint you needed and not a ?

Perhaps we should get back to cash and pull our wages and or pensions the moment they are paid in. There are vast sums of customers money swirling around and the thieving b’stards are using it to line the shareholders pockets at our expense and giving us sweet f all for the use of it.

Would you let a stranger borrow your car for a month? They why the hell should we let them use our money.

Cameron Robson

Cash rejection? You should see what happens when I turn up at a counter with a goat and a basket of eggs. Maybe Americans are right in investing in silver.

Anne Johnston

Looking good Stu..TV star in the making.


@ Al-Stuart

FYI, as that’s a twitter link at the end of your post, it means an awful lot of folk still aren’t aware of whatever point it made, because the platform has blocked non account holders from viewing all content.
Seeing as twitter also regularly suspends, censors, or bans individuals for their expressed views, I want a twitter account about as much as I want a bank account with First Direct.
Why do switched on folk keep going back to organisations that have been so influential in leading us into the shitfest we currently find ourselves in. Boycott the twats!


The hypocrisy of these disgusting institutions knows no boundaries , those same institutions and personnel who were bailed out and saved from total bankruptcy because of their criminal incompetent actions by ordinary law abiding tax paying citizens who were NOT asked for permission to utilise their contributions

Those same disgustingly over paid SHYSTERS and incompetents have the audacity to sit in moral judgement over views and opinions held by their EMPLOYERS, and unfortunately this is where we are going with every institution and organisation where the customer has little or no rights, is treated with total contempt or ignored because there is no recourse

The ordinary public must waken up and organise themselves they are the ULTIMATE POWER over everything , bring on the revolution


Is there not something a bit sinister in all of this? I find it hard to believe that all the institutions in this country (and others) simply came under the influence of Stonewall.

It does bear all the hallmarks of infiltration, with people popping up in the higher echelons who self-id as something or other, like the person mentioned in Stuart’s interview. Called Hannah now, this person was an officer in the military but on leaving the army had it seems, almost instant elevation to a high position in HSBC from which, it would seem, he can exercise control over who holds an account with HSBC or subsidiaries.

I was intrigued to find via another story that the military is now fully woke. A highly respected colonel found himself having to resign rather than accept being carpeted or disciplined simply for sharing a tweet held to be hostile to transgender religion though it was inoffensive to all but trans zealots who now seem to include the higher echelons of the military, God help us.

It only seems a few years ago when being gay in the army was something that individuals had to keep secret due to facing dismissal or homophobic intolerance. Now it is a disciplinary offence to believe that men cannot be women? There are reported to be transgender officers already in the army. Again, a very conservative institution, like the police and the legal system, for the first time ever in my experience, in the vanguard of extraordinary and unprecedented social change. Excuse me for being suspicious about where this is coming from.

I agree with Lorna Campbell in just about everything she writes on this subject but I have to demur about this being from the hard left. Granted the ideas on sexual tolerance were promulgated in the last century by the left – ‘free love’ and all that pushing sexual boundaries and some of the attacks on sexual boundaries regarding children were articulated by such as Foucault. The commune movement of the 70s and 80s were infected by those who wanted to push the limits but the paedophile infiltrators helped cause the collapse of many of the communes since parents of children began to rebel against those who used creches to sexually molest their children. In the end, they were, thankfully, first of all parents.

Yes, the commune experience is being openly tried on society at large now just as in the 70s and 80s. However, this is something that the commune dwellers could never have envisaged. Is it credible that hippies could have achieved the capture of these powerful institutions like the military and police and the judiciary?

People with the sexual proclivities we have seen beginning to emerge under the umbrella of the trans movement, like bestiality, sado-masochism and paedophilia, have always existed at every layer of society and no matter their political persuasion. No doubt left wing politics might have seemed a welcoming home to people with those proclivities that challenge social mores but I find it strange that the most conservative establishment institutions succumbed so easily to a movement that seems acceptable to (vaguely) leftist politicians.

That’s why I think whatever is behind this has nothing to do with what we normally conceive of as democratic politics. It has much more to do with control and this movement is quite malign in its desire for control above everything. After all, it reaches into every part of our lives – education, civil authority, even the NHS. But for me the most sinister in accomplishment is the involvement of the police and the military and the legal system.

But who or what is being ‘captured’? Capture suggest passivity and compliance, like having something done to you against your will. Does anyone really believe that Stonewall would be likely to be so very persuasive to military commanders and police upper echelons with a ‘just be kind’ to people ‘born in the wrong body’ mantra? The ‘flower power’ hippies never achieved such penetration of these ultra conservative institutions, so what is different about this ideology?

I think these bastions of the conservative establishment would be the hardest to overcome. I can’t really believe that these institutions actually believe the transgender ideology so there must be another reason why they are so keen to uphold and actively promote it. We, the proles, will be the last to find out what is really at the dark heart of this though this sly banking manoeuvre might be a sign of things to come.


Good interview but quite frustrating how the chap has a tendency to ask something then comes in over the top of you before you complete your response. Otherwise a good chat to listen in on. Hope the fella creates more content involving you, Stuart.

Mr Graham asks in the interview how Patrick Harvey became so powerful? Simples! Sturgeon made him that way. Sturgeon made the very deliberate decision to make him and the “Scottish Greens” the king-makers when she so very easily could and should have chosen a different path.


JGedd @ 18.01

I believe that we are now seeing the fruits of “Common Purpose”, founded in 1989, coming to maturity.
This programme carefully selected the potential high flyers from all the “establishment” institutions such as Police, Fire, Ambulance, Academia, the Armed Forces etc and carefully groomed them in the types of “wokery” we are now experiencing.
In keeping with the philosophy of the Fabian Society, whose very emblem is a wolf in a sheepskin, this has been a long term plan to completely change societal values and attitudes.
How very well George Orwell could see what was coming.

John Main

@auld highlander says:27 July, 2023 at 5:34 pm

Perhaps we should get back to cash and pull our wages and or pensions the moment they are paid in

Too bloody right.

Any business trying on the card-only trick, politely explain why you will take your custom elsewhere, and then walk away.

When we reach the point where life is nearly impossible without a bank account and a mobile phone, our individual freedoms have been entrusted to external agencies, who can choose whether to allow them to continue, or cut them off.

This latest bourach over bank accounts being withdrawn shouldn’t be quite the wake-up call many are treating it as, though.

Storm Arwen was all many people needed to show them how their lives stopped working when there was no power or communications for days.

And hence no working cards, bank accounts, tills, etc.


This rainbow-washing is as useful to the corporate world as it is for political parties. By mouthing a few platitudes, they escape criticism while still making life hell for ordinary people.

Jim Bo

An excellent interview Stu and a hearty virtual slap on the back to you.
Now, what are the chances we’ll get to see you as one of the “goodies” on Alex’s opening night?



link to

Do folk understand that it takes huge amounts of energy to create hydrogen. And it is only “green” hydrogen if the specific process used to produce the hydrogen gas is powered from bonafide renewable sources. Burning fossil fuels to generate the power required to create hydrogen gas is not green. All the associated necessary infrastructure and manufacturing of all the components required to transition to hydrogen power will also use huge amounts of minerals and energy intensive process.
This push to hydrogen has the whiff of oil companies looking to “diversify” into hydrogen to retain their market share (profits) instead of them being dropped like a stone and everyone moving to leccy.
If you have enough renewable power to produce the huge volume of hydrogen that would be required to heat homes and businesses, then just use the fucking leccy directly to heat the properties using cheaper to produce, less complex, and more reliable electric heating systems supplied with power through the existing electricity grid.
Conservation of energy principle applies, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but there are losses incurred in the process of changing its state.

A little more info on the subject to mull over including a bit about Edinburgh airport.

link to

But the first thing you have to do is get a huge amount of existing Scottish properties’ insulation levels significantly improved before any of this new tech is even considered to be worthwhile fitting.
Because trying to retrofit insulation properly after all this overly complex new crap has been installed on properties is made all the more difficult.
And getting all these older properties insulation levels improved means that planning rules really have to be looked at and amended.
It makes no sense to tell folk they have to go “green” yet block folk installing double glazing and forcing them to retain draughty old high heat loss single glazing. Especially when double glazing units can now be styled very closely to older windows to retain the character and aesthetics of a particular area.

John Main

Beats me why today’s good news is not getting more coverage. Umpteen soft No’s will switch to hard Yes’s as soon as this goes mainstream:

“easier for people, including those seeking to reconnect with family roots, to gain citizenship”

“priority in the migration policy is to encourage people to live and work permanently in Scotland”

“remove disincentives to people choosing to settle here”

“re-join the EU as an independent country, Scottish citizens will be able to enjoy all the benefits of EU citizenship”

Woohoo, good times just around the corner!

But wait, still sitting on the fence? Get your head around this bad boy:

“An independent Scotland would ditch post-Brexit blue passports and return to the EU’s burgundy colour”

Genius! There can be no arguing against that one.


@ Stoker re: constant interruptions by interviewer.

I’ve watched a few clips of Alex Salmond when he was on TalkTv and he had the same style which was different from his laid back and friendly style on RT.

I’ve got a feeling it is a editorial decision for that style maybe because they have a short time-frame for interview and need to get as much questions in as possible as well as keeping interviewee answers as short as possible.

Informative in getting the message across in a short time period but not an enjoyable watch.


The Economist

“Corrupt capital flows to Britain from all over the world, but no one doubts that Russ Ian loot is a major contributor to a money-laundering problem that the National Crime Agency puts conservatively at £100bn ($125bn) a year…

…In the macroeconomic scheme of things the gains were small and concentrated, mostly filling the pockets of a select group of bankers and lawyers. The costs were more pervasive. London’s growing reputation as a repository for tainted money has undermined its financial centre and tarnished its legal system.”


We really need an Elon Musk type to fund a lawfare attack on the banks. Most of this garbage is coming from the middle management, the people who think they’re safe hiding in the bowels of the establishment, anonymously issuing these decrees to destroy people’s ability to live any kind of normal life. If you target one or more of these people, drag them out into the light, force them to defend themselves in court threaten to take their houses in legal fees, it might put manners on them.

John Main


Turns out I owe you an apology.

Figures released today tell us that the world is at peak consumption of both oil, and coal.

That’s right. For all the greenwashing and eye-watering investments in renewable technology, the world is consuming more oil, and more coal, than ever before.

So your list of Scotland’s coal reserves is very much relevant.

And the answer to heating these leaky, drafty, old Scottish properties is to heat them as they were designed to be heated: coal-burning open fires or stoves. The only means of heating that will really get air flowing so that the damp is extracted from the building.

Time to re-open the pits. Even if we don’t burn it ourselves, world demand is at record highs and growing.


Did anyone see in france a group around 60 have been going into supermarkets filling a trolley full each and then when they point out its card only, leaving it all at the till one after another.

They ask go and take every table at a cafe and do the same thing.


Neil in Glasgow says:
27 July, 2023 at 3:25 pm

I doubt you’ll get any kind of detailed response from First Direct if they’ve been cuter than Coutts were with Nigel Farage and closed your accounts on supposed anti-money laundering grounds, which would be the most likely thing anyone’s account would be closed for in similar style. In fact, they legally can’t tell you anything other than your account went against it’s terms and conditions if that’s the case.


Only way to know is a “subject access request”


From LSE

“The UK’s top 10 per cent is a fragile group. Most people aren’t in it for the majority of their lives. While they perceive of themselves – and there is status in being seen – as largely independent from the state, it is time for the top 10 per cent to be presented with an alternative framework. Making our social services – our schools, housing and health – more efficient and equitable will help all of us through predictable and unpredictable phases of our life and in turn prevent inequality from continuing to exert such a huge drag on our productivity[SHOW US THE MONEY] and well-being. Dr Tania Burchardt, echoing the words of the late John Hills, at a recent Resolution Foundation event reminded the audience that “when we are talking about redistribution, we are largely talking about redistribution from ourselves to ourselves at a different point in our lives and not from ‘us’ to ‘them’.” Higher earners should know that greater equality is really in their interest as well.

Iain More

Alisdair Mclean says:
27 July, 2023 at 1:57 pm

There is something to be said for having a hefty cash-float under the mattress.

You obviously missed the bit where he said that his local pub refuses to take cash now Alisdair. I was at Hampden park for the Spain game and I had to dig my Debit card out because they also refuse to take cash at the food and drink stalls inside the Ground.

Iain More

We have always know that the City Of London was a haven fro Dirty Money and the Proceeds of Crime. I am a bit shocked to find out that it is now also a haven for Trans Nazis.


I see that Personal Independece Payments (PIP) have doubled in the last couple of years.
I wonder why?
The pension industry, stock markets and banks are heading for a reset.
The system isn’t broken it was planned this way.


“Advanced Testing of Low, Medium, and High ECS CMIP6
GCM Simulations Versus ERA5-T2m”

by Nicola Scafetta in Geophysical Research Letters

In other words how sensitive is the climate to carbon dioxide emissions and how good are the General Circulation Models (computer runs) at measuring that.

Plain Language Summary The last-generation Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIP6)global circulation models (GCMs) are used by scientists and policymakers to interpret past and future climatic changes and to determine appropriate (adaptation or mitigation) policies to optimally address scenario related climate-change hazards. However, these models are affected by large uncertainties. For example, their equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) varies from 1.83°C to 5.67°C, which makes their 21st-century predicted warming levels very uncertain. This issue is here addressed by testing the GCMs’ global and local performance in predicting the 1980–2021 warming rates against the ERA5-T2m records and by grouping them into three equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) classes (low-ECS, 1.80–3.00°C; medium-ECS, 3.01–4.50°C; highECS, 4.51–6.00°C). We found that: (a) all models with ECS > 3.0°C overestimate the observed global surface warming; (b) Student t-tests show model failure over 60% (low-ECS) to 81% (high-ECS) of the Earth’s surface.
Thus, the high and medium-ECS GCMs do not appear to be consistent with the observations and should not be used for implementing policies based on their scenario forecasts. The low-ECS GCMs perform better, although not optimally; however, they are also found unalarming because for the next decades they predict moderate warming”


@ John Main

I’ve been involved in several complete old house renovations. We’re talking 250 year old stone built properties with knocking on for 3 foot thick walls and slate roofed.
Completely gutted to just 4 walls and a roof, the largest had a complete new roof with replacement trusses, sarking boards, and Scottish slate. We built a completely new chimney on that one too which meant mocking up the build on the ground, then lifting engine block sized and weight stones up ladders to the 30 feet high roof top. Then lime mortar build the stones into a chimney.
Ground floor was completely removed down to the sandy solum then a full damp proof course installed before rigid insulation and concrete pour over the 5 x 15m floor area. As the concrete is above the insulation it becomes a bit of a thermal battery to better store and regulate internal heating.
The full DPC at ground level makes a huge difference to eliminating dampness in the air. I did the same on my own property and it was so obvious how the dryer air didn’t feel so cold compared to how it had been previously. But it is a huge amount of work.
Also have to be careful of damp issues when insulating the walls of these old properties as the dew point caused by variable temperature differentials can come in to play. I’ve installed a few more large vent stones around the lower walls to help air circulation to dry out any moisture that forms in the cavity between the stone walls and my internal insulation, this air gap flows right up to the roof and breaths out through the sarking boards and slates. I’ve effectively built a complete new insulate box within the existing property’s walls. The sandstone and lime mortar walls should help wick out any moisture too.
I restored the cast iron conservation skylights because it is a listed building. (Even though neighbours have solar PV on their roofs and modern velux roof windows which ain’t quite 1800 imo…)
Stripped down those old skylights to bare metal, primed with oil based red oxide, then painted with black gloss. Cut new glass to size then puttied the panes in places, waited a month for putty to cure then paint putty.
Interestingly the glass panes are only puttied in on the top and sides, and the bottom leaves an 1/8th of an inch gap for airflow, and any moisture in the building tends to condense onto the cooler single glazed panes and then runs down and out that gap thus removing moisture from the internal air. Those old timers certainly knew what they were doing.
I’ve installed wiring for leccy heaters in the future as that to me is the most viable way to go as described in previous post. But I have a woodburner too, and plan to install a thermosyphon (pump-less) heat-exchanger to capture flue heat which will flow to a coil in the water tank to heat water to supplement the leccy immersion element.
Hopefully with all the work insulating it shouldn’t require a huge amount of energy to keep warm.

Martin Brooks

God I remember dismissing Wings in 2014 as some piece of Nat propaganda.

You should be getting Pulitzers for your work and that’s what terrifies the established media.

I don’t support indi as for me it’s always been framed as some left wing utopia now intertwined with hardcore identity politics but I’d be a willing audience if a party lead by Cherry, Salmond and Forbes but forward an agenda that put the economy centre and ditched all this woke nonsense. I think one of the biggest mistakes of 2014 was to dismiss the right wing as evil. I doubt Salmond would make that mistake again, not so sure about the movement as a whole though.

If Stu wants to start a crowdfund to sue the shit out the banks my wallet is open.


JGedd says@18.01
It only seems a few years ago when being gay in the army was something that individuals had to keep secret due to facing dismissal or homophobic intolerance
There really are a significant number of influential trans who are ex military with very long term “distinguished” careers (with half a dozen kids) who become ladies.. survey from 2013 showed that 20 percent of transgender people have served in the military, which is double the percentage of the U.S. general population that has served.

John Main

@sam says:27 July, 2023 at 8:33 pm

Nothing improves productivity like knowing there is a direct connection between your graft and your take home.

Nothing adversely affects productivity like the realisation that working harder or longer just means more tax.

Soz, but that’s how it works.

when we are talking about redistribution

I would like to see everybody who advocates talking about redistribution leading from the front – publish their audited, redistributive accounts yearly. Show us their generously redistributed money.

Here, in Scotland, we are well up in the top rank of redistributive western economies, because we not only have record high rates of UK tax, we have additional Scottish ones too. I wonder what that crippling burden is really doing to Scottish industry, jobs, investment and brain drain?

John Main

@Dan says:27 July, 2023 at 9:02 pm

That’s a very informative post.

Interesting to hear about the skylights. On my place the skylights were replaced by Velux windows before I bought the place. Constantly streaming with condensation in the winter.

If I have to lift some floor boards to sort something, and it’s winter, there’s a reasonable chance of finding standing water. I think that’s due to the rising water table. Every winter I swear to improve the drainage around the property, and every summer I put it off.

It’s oil-fired CH, and the boiler must be about 30 YO. I have been thinking about replacing the boiler with a recent second-hand unit, on the expectation that people will be ripping their oil-fired boilers out and more or less scrapping them as worthless.

Brian Doonthetoon

Good interview. The power the banks wield is terrifying.
Add to that a central bank digital currency which is also actually controlled by a commercial bank (current proposal). Doesn’t bear thinking about…


Regards the military & trans ..

Look for it getting a whole lot worse as Biden is funding trans surgeries for those who serve.

As for the left being responsible for the trans movement-

I think that’s a Trojan horse they’ve piggy backed in on, imo – cause they’re easy targets with their live & let live world view.

The trans nutters are totalitarian & would happily start erecting the gallows to start administering public punishments & a good burning at the stake. Fueled by all the writings, art & comedians they take offense at & as we see here, a Gestapo already curtain twitching to report a neighbour to the *trans authorities* & lest we forget – initiating the trans youth. That’s more akin to Nazism than to the left who need to take their head out of their arse & stop defending this shitshow. We’re way past the live & let live stage..

Neil in Glasgow


Correct. Sure Stu said he’d put one in. 28 day turnaround required. My main point was though that if they’ve been clever and used certain legislation for nefarious purposes he’ll never truly know. But if they’ve been as stupid as Coutts then the proverbial may well hit the fan.

Michael Laing

There’s a regular commenter on here who claims that wokism is a left-wing ideology because the SWP, or some other tiny, irrelevant extreme-left faction which represents almost no-one, carries woke banners at its demonstrations. I don’t know what power that commenter thinks obscure political factions with no elected representatives have to impose gender ideology and all the other nonsensical woke garbage on society. We don’t even have a left-wing government, we have an extreme right-wing one! Wokism is self-evidently the ideology of the capitalist elite, and it’s the elite who are served by the division and factionalism it creates. While society divides and fragments and atomises, multi-national corporations carry on wrecking the planet, stealing all its wealth and resources for themselves and leaving the overwhelming majority of us with nothing but the crumbs from their table.

Captain Yossarian

Dan – Another excellent post. Makes this site worth following. You’ll get condensation on these old rooflights! Plus, they don’t sit high enough above the roof line so that any accumulations of leaves, leads to water flooding-in the sides. What do you do for windows? Single-glazed or double?

Wee Crabbit Bas

A pub that doesn’t take cash! WTF?

The interview with Afshin Rattansi is the one I’d like to see (he follows you), if they could make room for some ‘domestic’ analysis. Bit busy on the international front but sure he’d have some interesting Q’s for you, and no bother hooking you up to Dubai.


I can’t see any of this after typing letters in many times.
What am I missing that nothing happens after copying the letters?
Why not just a link to open?

David Hannah

This bloke Hannah Graff is obviously experiencing some PTSD from his military days. To think his forefathers fought and died for the free democracy we live in today. They didn’t graft in the trenches for this little twat to destroy the freedom they fought and died for!

Hannah Graff. A disgrace to the badge. And the poppy!

Daisy Walker

Can’t speak for the English laws, but by closing your account without forewarning you (for whatever reason) the bank in effect could be accused of committing extortion, if it was because of your legally held political views (in an attempt to hinder you from voicing them) then we’re getting into the realms of an act of Terrorism under UK law.

This might seem a bit far fetched, but recall (if you’re old enough) wheelclamps… legal in England, but legally deemed to be extortion in Scotland. It took a complaint (and a very conscientious Police Constable) to get it to court, but the courts agreed.

Ian Murray

Why are you all complimenting Stu for being able to do an interview ?

Is it because you were all waiting for the interviewer to make a comment that might set him off, honestly I was.

I am glad it was a routine event

Well done Stu


Is moving millions of bank accounts to credit unions the answer?

Wouldn’t it be a great idea if the tax payers who bailed out the banks actually had bought them and if the had the goal to make no profit or loses so that all the billions in profits for the
few is given to the public.

Nationwide claims to be a members society but the board have been over stuffing their pockets for years by offering no interest on current accounts and savings and mortgage rates always beaten by banks.
Nationwide move like a bullet to put mortgage and loan rates up drag their heels sharing increases with savers.
They might as well become a bank and what goes into the boardroom can be shared with shareholder members

Anton Decadent

@Michael Laing

“There’s a regular commenter on here who claims that wokism is a left-wing ideology because the SWP, or some other tiny, irrelevant extreme-left faction which represents almost no-one, carries woke banners at its demonstrations. ”

You have deliberately misquoted me which is a shoddy tactic. What I said was that SWP banners along with ANTIFA and hammer and sickles are regularly brandished at trans demos. If you address me in the future please refrain from lying.

John Le Scot

Well Done for being so well measured and level in your interview. Really good to see & hear that your story has gone mainstream.

David Hannah

link to

Alexey Cherkukov. The gravifler. Anti gravity propulsion.

I commmented on a Nasa press conference on youtube and a commentor told me to search Alexey Cherkukov.

He’s made his own home made anti gravity UFO.

Perhaps this technology has existed for centuries and the military industrial complex don’t want us to know we’re capable of it.

David Hannah

I just discovered that warpdrive link when I googled alexey Cherkukov. The gravifler. In it he mentions:

The TR-3B. Secret Military Plane. Youtube it. Powered by anti gravity propulsion.

It’s on youtube so it’s not much of a secret now!

Perhaps the key to stopping global warming is anti gravity technology. Tin foil hat stuff.

We can create electricity with magnets these days, that’s how wireless phones are charged.

You can buy a levitating plant pot on Amazon.

Aparently it’s hidden in nature. The scarab beetles have anti gravity properties to them.

Check it out. See what you think.

David Hannah

Global warming and climate change will destroy Scotland. The Forrest fires of Greece today could be Loch Lomond tomorrow.

Scotland the land of invention and rain, should produce the rain drone.

Through cloud seeing and electricity, water droplets increase in size by 5-15% allowing them to fall to earth and stop evaporating before landing. Pre tempting forrest fires before they begin. Check it out!

Check it out on youtube. The University of Reading and British scientists have sold the technology to the UAE.

Instead of funding wars, why doesn’t our governments put the billions into this technology to save the planet?

Why doesn’t the EU military block, and the world come together and stop the people trafficking from Africa?

What about the rain drone for Africa to stop drought?

Why can’t we do something special? I’ll tell you why. The greed of man knows no bounds. Robert Kennedy Jr. He’s going after Joe Biden. He’s saying all these things.

Ruby Tuesday

Not that long there were places where you couldn’t use a credit card for purchases under £10. I believe this was because credit card charges were very high and not worth it for purchases under £10.

What has changed? Have credit card charges been reduced or did businesses find out during the pandemic it is was more economical to use credit cards and dispense with the staff required to do the banking, fill up the self-check out tills with cash etc etc
Does credit card use mean fewer jobs?

If I want to buy a 30p bottle of water in Lidl for example my choice is to stand in a very long queue of people waiting at the only till that accepts cash or quickly go through the ‘credit card only self check out tills’ and charge 30p to my credit card.

Anyone know what the credit card companies charge for credit card transactions. Whatever it is the ‘credit card only’ places seem happy to pay it and obviously the credit card companies will be happy they’ll get their cash and will be able to keep track of what you’re buying.

We seem to have gone for no credit card for purchases under £10 to all credit card charges acceptable even if it’s as little as 10p.

John Main

@David Hannah says:28 July, 2023 at 5:25 am

Global warming and climate change will destroy Scotland

Physically, a bit warmer weather might improve things a bit. I doubt we will see forest fires raging here. Dig into what is happening in Greece for example, and you find human mismanagement and careless stupidity as a big contributor. I hope we will be better organised.

As a nation and culture, the millions of New Scots will change us utterly, but that’s a different issue. We could do something about that, but we lack the collective will.

Why can’t we do something special? I’ll tell you why. The greed of man knows no bounds.

Is it greed? Billions of people, wanting only the things we already have, like electric lights, refrigeration, convenient transport, etc. Individually, not much to ask. Collectively, the death sentence for the world as we know it.

stop the people trafficking from Africa

That’s a symptom of the disparity between our standard of living and theirs. It will stop when that disparity disappears, either by Africa levelling up, or by us levelling down. Go figure which is most likely. Go figure, if you really care about the world and the environment, which is best for that.

Ruby Tuesday

I don’t think Lidl do gift cards but all the other supermarkets do. Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Marks & Spencer.

A John Lewis gift voucher will work both in John Lewis & Waitrose. I use that quite a lot because I don’t buy a lot in Waitrose just a croissant now and again that I have with the free coffee that’s on offer. Rather than make a whole load of very small credit card charges I use the gift voucher. You can buy these with cash and although you might have to queue for the cash till you only have to do it once ever now and again and not every time you want to buy a 30p bottle of water. The self-check out credit card only tills accept gift cards.

There is also the One4All ‘gift card’. Often on sale in the post office.
That is more like a debit card with credit rather than a gift card. Not as straight forward as the gift card. Anyway it’s accepted in loads of place.

Here is a list of the food & drink places that accept the One4All:
link to

Might be something that could be handy to have just in case you get cut off by your bank or if you would prefer to ‘pay cash’ in the ‘credit card only’ places. Warning gift cards do expire if not used after I think it’s after 2 years.

Hope you find my ‘hot tips’ helpful and you might consider letting me leave the naughty step.
I’m a bit fed up with the ‘pre-moderation malarky.’ 🙂
That was all I could think about when I watched your video!


Hey Dan

You have a good knowledge of this stuff.Any ideas or thoughts’ on this?

link to

Just thinking. Do we need thousands of ugly windmills all over the place after all?

Drax I assume is another foreign conglomerate . Surely Scotland should have done this years ago.


For me.

Scotland is the only country in the world that sells it’s assets to the lowest bidder and all we get is the goffer jobs and all the good stuff goes to foreign owners, directors ,shareholders.

Makes me sick.


It is a fantasy to say that Wokism is left wing in any way as evidenced by the Rev, who has left leaning views, having his bank account and at one time his attempts of funding cancelled.

The problem is though that the left has been unable to form a cohesive argument or defence against it even though they are affected it as much as the right.


On climate change.

Sigh, there’s nothing worse than noisy, ignorant green activists and politicians that have read a couple of books on (unproven) climate change theory and think they know it all. Of course this is unproven – as mentioned above, even the weather next week cannot be accurately predicted. I’m not saying that human activity hasn’t had an impact (who wants to live in a cave?), but it has been blown way out of proportion. It’s in certain individual interests to make a meal of this. All those scaremongering businesses, activists, scientists and politicians that have made lucrative careers out of climate change – they ain’t exactly going to come clean and spoil the party, are they?

Some of the so-called “remedies” are actually worse for the environment (and economy). Remember, so-called experts and doom merchants have been claiming that the earth is going to boil (next year) for over 50 years. Still waiting. BTW if you look at historical natural trends, we are actually overdue the next ice age. Just saying. Enjoy this extended inter-glacial period whilst ye can. 🙂


Good interview. Interviewer clearly takes literally his TV channel’s title and talks far too much though…would have been good to hear more from you and less from him.


An example of the utterly abusive society in which we now live. An interesting comment, attributed to have been said by Vladimir Putin but more probably attributable to our own backyard is that he who controls the IT controls the world.

Never a truer word spoken an the example of freezing peoples bank accounts be it trucker in Canada or Farage and Campbell here, shows just how easy it is to foreclose. And they now want to get rid of money and replace it with only banking cards and apps.

But do people care. For the most part I truly wonder if they do. ike cattle in a pen I marvel at how many people are rushing to ditch cash.

Totally surveillanced into where they are, how much they spend, what they spend om, and totally totally dependent on technology controlled not by them, but by powerful corporations and the powerful people and governments who control the technology , isn’t the general public so absolutely trusting in its headlong rush into an Orwellian society.

No doubt the very same people believe the BBC is honest and straight, the power companies looking out for their interests and in fact the whole neo liberal shift just designed to deliver them the nirvana that so many are currently now enjoying.

This in the light of what happened to Farage, the Church Minister in England, and now you should be an absolute warning to the sheeple.

Thanks for posting a very informative interview.

stuart mctavish

David Beverage @1:55pm

Bit scary to think you could be (financially) ostracised for your views..

Happens all the time. The lads at Berkshire, Mckinsey or even those that police the dress code at local clubs might not even be wrong to adopt the belief that its mostly self imposed (ie once education, health and opportunity are removed from the equation)

What might be interesting in the Farage affair though, over and above the paradox of an infamously right wing gentleman persuading a conservative government to embrace marx and interfere in the direction of private enterprise, is what* (currently) makes discriminating against an opinionated customer so different from discriminating against their medical history – particularly in event of any such prejudice arising despite the person being abused by the trader, supplier or service provider being in excellent health at the moment of worst treatment.

*My best guess is misogyny (lady CEO being the only one to take the hit so far)/ gay mafia but what remains of my shoulder chip wont let go of the possibility that the FFS word ‘scotland’ in part of the Coutts/ Nat West portfolio might also be relevant.


@ robbo

Hmm, Drax sounds a bit too much like a big nefarious corporation in a James Bond film to me.
Screed of words on how lovely and “green” Drax biomass power station is…

link to

As you read down the page you may zone out in a dreamy blissful state induced by thinking that the likes of Drax are helpfully “saving the planet” on our behalf… before you’ve read the last sentence…

In 2022 our biomass was sourced from established, responsibly managed working forests in the US South, Canada, Europe, Brazil and Russia. Drax Group, Pellet Production, and Drax Power Station sources of fibre are disclosed in our ESG Data Supplement.

Oh! The page abruptly ends there, but I was really hoping to read about and see pictures of the huge sailboats powered by natural sea breezes, and crewed with brave new age eco-warriors dressed in responsibly sourced hemp couture, that circumnavigate the high seas of our planet bringing in the biomass so Draxx can claim large “green” subsidies. Ye ken, just to confirm they aren’t using big fuck off bunker fuel powered cargo ships to lug huge tonnages of wood dust around the planet…

link to


Robbo @ 07.23

Pump storage schemes, as at Cruachan, have a lot to commend them, I believe. The Coire Glas proposal demonstrates the potential available for future power generation. And, of course, unlike wind or solar sources gravity is a free, natural source which is predictable 24/7.
Whilst (unlike so many of our politicians) I’m very content to leave detailed comment to those who know better (your cue Dan ?) it truly is an exciting development.
Now, if only our devolved administration had a genuine National Energy Development Company …


No surprises here then.

“Detectives have not reported any cases for prosecution over the high-profile investigation into alleged SNP fraud.

A spokesperson said: (Crown Office) “The police haven’t reported any Branchform cases to COPFS for consideration of prosecution.”

Stuart MacKay

Luigi, you’re missing out. Glaciation is also climate change and you can be sure those same scaremongering businesses, activists, scientists and politicians would be jumping on that bandwagon to continue their lucrative careers.

If there’s one thing that’s really obvious, it is, since The Conflict started all kinds of people have realised that catastrophic thinking really grabs the attention and media funded by advertising, really loves them some attention grabbing. Common sense and reasoned thinking is boring. It simply doesn’t pay the bills.

The climate is changing and relatively quickly. If you look at nature, then species of birds typical of the Mediterranean are now showing up more frequently in places like Iceland (Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egret). There are many other examples. So something is going on. Given the scale of industrial activity and the size of the stabilising human population, it’s not unreasonable to conclude we’re involved. Proving scientifically though, is another matter.

Anyways, back to your scaremongering businesses. It’s quite telling that nobody, NOBODY, is saying that there has to be radical change, (with a capital R). No, no, all that’s needed is a few tweaks around the edges and we can keep living and most importantly consuming at prodigious rates. Nobody is suggesting there should be a complete ban on civil aircraft, or that cars should be no more than a couple of hundred kilograms in weight, or alternatively, ban them too. That would certainly start to address the problem, but then nobody would be making any money.

Fun times, sadly.

Stuart MacKay

…and now back to the topic at hand, sort of.

So, regarding the alternative news/chat sites like UK Column and Talk TV, why, as far as I am aware, hasn’t anything north of the border been created? The fragmentation of “traditional” media has been going on for a while, so why hasn’t anything of medium size shown up? Blogs never really grow beyond one person and, with a few exceptions, even that is not really sustainable. All the eyeballs are pulled away by international media, when independence really needs something closer to home. Salmond’s new shpw is likely to be short-lived. However, if he could build an audience maybe some of that could be used to expand and pull in other producers.

I’d even settle for a Disunited Kingdom TV which promoted the idea that the UK’s days are over and everyone should go their own way.


From the Torygraph

“A High Street bank has blocked a gender-critical parents group from opening a new account amid a row over its political views.

Metro Bank refused to open a new business account for Our Duty, a group of more than 2,000 parents who believe that it is harmful for transgender children to undergo a medical transition.

The group’s founder, Keith Jordan, claimed that a manager told the group it could not open a business account because “the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing”.”

Ebenezer Scroggie

The forces of Malice have long used bogus allegations of sexual malfeasance against people who go against a government.

They did it against Craig Murray. They did it against Julian Assange. They did it against Alex Salmond. Now they are trying to do it against Scott Ritter.

Now the forces of Malice have found a new weapon: de-banking.


Is it not illegal to discriminate in the provision of a service on the ground of holding a philosophical belief? Philosophical belief would include a gender critical belief.

i suspect Stu already knows this to be so.

John Main

@stuart mctavish says:28 July, 2023 at 8:43 am

infamously right wing

Aw, gie’s a fecking break.

He campaigned for Independence for the UK, nothing more, nothing less.

Are you really claiming that Scots campaigning for Independence for Scotland is infamously right wing?

Is it that campaigning for Indy is all good and progressive and cuddly, but campaigning for true Scottish Independence (outside of the EU) is infamously right wing?


Ian Brotherhood

Iain Lawson’s latest is a really useful breakdown of different types of ‘democracy’.

link to

EEPJames Che

Changing Scotland into a new paradigm.

More than two sex species of human

Change all the Countries animals for new ones.

Take cash out of Scotland,

Reduce the employed and employees.

Climate change lockdown people

stuart mctavish

@John Main

Wait what, you dont think Farage is right wing (enough)?

Corbyn and Johnson were infamously keen to leave the EU too, but I doubt even nuFarage himself would consider either of them to be particularly (far) right.

Murdo Ritchie

This practice does not only affect individuals. Some years ago, two entirely legal campaigning organisations I’m a member of -the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign- were forced to close their bank accounts under pressure from US bankers themselves under pressure from the US government.

This type of practice needs to be made illegal.



if Humza was going to crash the Scottish parliament and call a Holyrood election what would the timeline look like.

when would he need to change the standing orders

when resign

when call a vote

remember they did promise a referendum in Oct

Leslie Ross

Robbo, Sven and others

More (theoretical) global studies of potential pumped storage including scottish sites here
link to

and discussion paper here
link to

Anton Decadent

Re the denial of the Left in the trans lobby, no one has explained yet why people like Billy Bragg and Owen Jones back it or why ANTIFA is providing muscle at the demos in different Western countries. The SWP recruiting stations and banners, the Hammer And Sickle signs etc. Some peoples idealistic view of the Left is a see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil one.

Re corporate involvement, look up The Long March Through The Institutions. Re the denial, look up Rules For Radicals.


Anton Decadent says: 28 July, 2023 at 12:52 pm

Re the denial of the Left in the trans lobby, no one has explained yet why people like Billy Bragg and Owen Jones back it or why ANTIFA is providing muscle at the demos in different Western countries. The SWP recruiting stations and banners, the Hammer And Sickle signs etc. Some peoples idealistic view of the Left is a see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil one.

Re corporate involvement, look up The Long March Through The Institutions. Re the denial, look up Rules For Radicals.

Let’s look at this another way.

If somebody had said Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson & Donald Trump represented the right and what is wrong with it, a lot of conservatives would right laugh at them.

The left isn’t one monotheistic group-think entity and certainly the likes of Bragg or Owens doesn’t represent the left.

I will agree that apart from the likes of the Communist party, the left hasn’t been able to make a cohesive stance against Trans and kept silent on woman’s rights or as you say the three wise monkeys syndrome of the left of keeping omerta.

Even at that, why isn’t the right out in the street protesting about Trans themselves? Given the amount of exposure the right wing press gives it, you would think cities would be burning over it?



**He campaigned for Independence for the UK, nothing more, nothing less.**

You sure about that?
I seem to remember he was a racist.

Posters, vans, hoards, Turks & an EU army were coming to blighty.

Stood on a beach shouting at ppl drowning.

Promised the fishermen as much gold as they could eat.

He also acted like a racist fanny in the EU parliament.
He helped create the toxic atmosphere of Brexshit that resulted in an MP murdered.

Shall I go on? He is rabid right-wing.

What exactly did he win, btw? It certainly wasn’t independence or Brexshit.
Why did he only want independence from the EU & not English independence full stop?
Or for his own devolved parliament? He’d maybe have had a gig at England’s *devolved administration* & we’d get to see his annual accounts.

He is a scrounging leech. His bank probably closed his accounts for dubious funding.

He was going to tour the UK – then went home.
He was going to instigate Irexit – then went home.
He was going to tour the EU to exit – then went home.

He’s a racist, right wing wee shite.

Alf Baird

PacMan @ 1:10 pm

“Let’s look at this another way”

…which is that independence is never a matter of left or right or of socialism versus capitalism. The most urgent priority is freeing the people.

If Humza and the SNP remnants understood this or what independence means (i.e. decolonization) he would abandon running the colonial administration and as Shug @ 12.44 suggests “crash the Scottish parliament and call a Holyrood election”.


Precisely when did Farage stand on a beach shouting at people drowning?
Trying to justify your visceral hatred of Farage by spouting such patent nonsense totally undermines your credibilty.

Dave Hansell

” PacMan says:
28 July, 2023 at 7:58 am

It is a fantasy to say that Wokism is left wing in any way as evidenced by the Rev, who has left leaning views, having his bank account and at one time his attempts of funding cancelled.

The problem is though that the left has been unable to form a cohesive argument or defence against it even though they are affected it as much as the right.

This may be of interest:

link to

“In this provocative book, Umut Özk?r?ml? reveals how the Left has been sucked into a spiral of toxic hatred and outrage-mongering, retreating from the democratic ideals of freedom, tolerance and pluralism that it purports to represent. Exploring the similarities between right-wing populism and radical identity politics, he sets out an alternative vision. It is only by focusing on our common humanity and working across differences that the Left will successfully find a constructive and consensual way back from “woke”.2


I know that you have been through alot with these people Stuart, but stick with it please as we need you.
They fear you and we need you!

Thanks for all you do for the independence cause!

Ebenezer Scroggie

I see that the fantasy of SNP handing out “Scottish” passports is overtly laughable.

It claims that it is where you were born that determines nationality. An acquaintance has three siblings and a son who were all born in the Middle East. They are all as Scottish as heather, so using their place of birth as a determinant of nationality is an archaic throwback to the days before mechanised travel.

Jesus Christ was born in a stable. That didn’t make him a fucking horse, did it?


Andy Verity of BBC.

“An investigation into the rigging of Libor, the benchmark interest rate that tracks the cost of borrowing cash, has been unexpectedly closed.

The decision comes despite evidence that implicates the Bank of England.

It means no one will now be prosecuted in the UK for so-called “low-balling”, where banks understate interest rates they pay to borrow cash….

…In a statement, the SFO said: “Following a thorough investigation and a detailed review of the available evidence, there will be no further charges brought in this case. This decision was taken in line with the test in the Code for Crown Prosecutors.”

The code states that the evidence must support a realistic prospect of conviction and must be in the public interest.”


**Precisely when did Farage stand on a beach shouting at people drowning?**

He was filmed out on boats with Border Force in England’s tiny wee bit of water.
His minions also stood on beaches with megaphones shouting at refugees.

Did you miss all that?


Dumbza & passports..

He just doesn’t get the return to *popular sovereignty* bit does he?

It’ll be Scotland who will decide citizenship through public consultations. Not politicians & especially not one that has shut down all methods of the public taking part.

The SNP really need, dare I say, to get on with the day job instead of dreaming up fantasy they’re intent on keeping on the never, ever.

The SNP really are being played like a fiddle by whatever eejits they have advising them.


Molesworth @14.04

Was that not Geri at 13.33 who originated those comments ? John Main certainly enjoys posting debatable points, however I’m pretty sure that his only quote in that post ended with, “He campaigned for Independence for the UK, nothing more, nothing less”.
A quick clue to authorship in posts, if they contain the term, “wee sh*te” they most likely originate from Geri.


link to

Nigel Farage flees Edinburgh pub in police van after anti-Ukip protest

Do you remember when Farage came to Edinburgh?

He claimed the protest had nothing to do with UKIP and all the protesters were just anti-Enlish.

From what I’ve read Stu got a worse deal from his ex-bank than Farage did from Coutts. For example they didn’t leave him stranded without any money and unable to buy a pint.

A Scot Abroad

Ebenezer Scroggie,

you know as well as I that the only acceptable franchise for an IndyRef to most WoS BTL commenters is someone whose forebear fought at Bannockburn, isn’t brown, and has taken an oath to vote Yes. Even if that disenfranchises most of them.


Libor is London Interbank Offered Rate.

It is a global benchmark interest rate used to set a range of financial deals worth an estimated 450 trillion dollars.

As well as helping to decide the price of other transactions, it is also used as a measure of trust in the financial system and reflects the confidence banks have in each other’s financial health.

Traders at several banks conspired to influence the final average rate, the official Libor rate, by agreeing amongst themselves to submit rates that were either higher or lower than their actual estimates.

During the past three years Barclays Bank, JP Morgan, Swiss bank UBS, Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank have all been fined by financial regulators for this practice, which is seen as market manipulation and corrosive to trust in the financial markets.

John Main

@Geri says:28 July, 2023 at 1:33 pm

Stood on a beach shouting at ppl drowning

Naw, you are getting mixed up with something else.

I’m thinking either “Titanic” or “Dunkirk”. Give me a minute, I’ll check it out and get back to you.

Di Caprio maybes. If it was, then you’re thinking of “Titanic”.

Incidentally, Farage is 5 feet 8 inches tall, so is not much under the UK adult male average of 5 feet 10. That average is probably skewed towards younger men, so as Farage is 59 YO, he is not at all what can accurately be described as “wee”.

Maybes you’re thinking of Peter Dinklage. His name ends in “age” too, so it would be easy to mix them up.

John Main

@Molesworth says:28 July, 2023 at 2:04 pm

totally undermines your credibilty

I’m thinking that you’ll be a bit of an expert on undermining.

It’s your name that gives it away!

Anton Decadent

@Pac Man

Thank you for such a reasoned and informed reply, very much appreciated.

I know that the Left is not a homogeneous entity, what I meant was the outright denial of involvement which you yourself also recognise. Any voices of dissent from within Left leaning circles have been non personed and it has been like this for a few years now. The treatment of the women who have spoken out in academia or as organised womens groups should be a wake up call for everyone regardless of political affiliations. A womens group was banned from Glasgow Womens Library a few years ago for pointing out that some of the groups being given access to it were not actually women.

Re the Right, as you correctly point out also not a homogeneous entity, my only actual experiences of the Right beyond fistfights with them in the 80s and early 90s has been reading about them whereas my experience of the Left is more of a lived one.

Re why are the Right not out protesting against trans, I think that in some cases they are although as I see online in locations such as Eire I would not describe them as the Right but a coalition of concerned citizens who have put any ideological differences aside but the numbers are not high enough to register on a national level. They will be demonised by the Left and Centre press though and the Right press won’t really want to associate with them as it is usually a working class white presence whereas if it is a Muslim pushback that is deemed more worthy of sympathetic or at the least neutral coverage.

Re why no riots, in the West we are usually high trust societies and people have not quite yet twigged to expect the worst from the political classes and their financial handlers. I believe that this is moving at a faster pace in Scotland though as the population recognise a political class across the spectrum which is not fit for purpose and has pretty much nothing in common with the majority of Scots regardless of outlook with regard to independence.



Gremlins ate my homework.
I’ll try again..

Frog face was on patrol boats/ border force – filming boats.
His minions were also on the beaches with megaphones shouting at dingies.

Sorry you seem to have missed all that nonsense. No doubt Main & Co will spin it was really a cuddle puddle welcoming party?

Ruby Tuesday

link to
Britain First storms building to retaliate against left-wing group that confronted Nigel Farage

Britain First big fans of Farage.

Britain First were in Edinburgh when Farage had his rally in Chesser. I think that might have been just before he had to have a police escort from the ‘Canon’s Gait’ pub.

They were all ready to defend Farage.

I think they may even have had a Britain First tank. They were all dressed up in their camouflage gear.

It all looked very right wing to me.



Do try keep up.

Every. Single. Election. Going. Forward. 50%+1.

With or without the SNPEEE!

Vote independence or vote dependant.

Vote independence = instant negotiations on our exit.

Vote dependant = then live with dependent policies by direct London rule.

Holyrood election – franchise already set.
WM election – franchise already set.

IF, in the event the international community request a super duper confirmatory vote, like a referendum – that ref is conducted under strict international rules with the people of SCOTLAND deciding it’s criteria on who gets to vote on its constitution. NOT part time outsiders. This may shock you to know, is international best practice & what the UK government uses itself.

If it’s London rule – we try again.
Every. Single.Election until 50%+1.

Even for you to grasp surely?


“Ahead of his programme, GB News posted a video of Mr Farage discussing the scenes at hand, in which he accused the migrants of stealing the boat they were on.

‘This boat hasn’t even got an engine, it’s probably been stolen, they haven’t paid traffickers, they’re coming on their own,’ he said.

‘Often we see people who cant afford the fare, who cant afford the fee, and this is how they’re now travelling.

‘They’ve got a lovely day. If the weather was to puff up, that would be the end of that lot.’…

…The clip generated a strong response from viewers, with many calling out GB News and condemning them for filming the ‘potentially perilous’ scenes, on top of slamming Mr Farage’s commentary.

‘This is so vile,’ one wrote, as another penned: ‘I’m not sure even Fox News would go this low.’

‘I know you don’t expect much from this so-called “news” channel but this is disgustingly low even for them,’ a third said, with a fourth adding Mr Farage has ‘absolutely no shame’.”

Metro 7/2021

PS A man who has to wiki Tom Devine….


Ebenezer Scroggie says:
28 July, 2023 at 2:56 pm

It claims that it is where you were born that determines nationality.

Far be it from me to defend the idiots in the SNP, but for the record there is a definition of Nationality that is precisely that, a single, binary and unalterable place where somebody was born, and that every subsequent “presumption” of Nationality isn’t actually Nationality at all, but a right to automatic citizenship.

Naturally, that automatic citizenship is determined by something other than the unalterable technicality of where you were born.

Same difference? Well, that depends how binary you want your definition of Nationality. Some will say it’s splitting hairs, but you simply cannot be born in two places at once, and nationality is a legitimate and defining distinction.

It also works in reverse. You may or may not lose your citizenship, but you can never be stripped of your Nationality.

A Scot Abroad


from the last England, Wales and NI census (Scotland being a bit shy of revealing its last one), there’s about 350,000 children of U.K. nationals being born abroad each year. Does that mean they are French, Spanish, Hong Kong, Australian or whatever?


These are not refugees as they had ‘refuge “ in France. They are also not “asylum “ seeker for the same reason. Yes we should take our share of genuine asylum seekers but not illegal economic migrants.


Ebenezer Scroggie says: at 2:56 pm

Jesus Christ was born in a stable. That didn’t make him a fucking horse, did it?

This is Scotland, if the son of god (or anybody else for that matter) Self ID’s as a cuddie then woe betide and a hate crime charge await anybody that says they aren’t.


**PS A man who has to wiki Tom Devine….**

If the ultra unionist, plastic historian & revisionist, Neil Oliver, didn’t say it on GB news then it didn’t happen.

Farage will be a direct descendant of the Duke of Cumberland by tea time & not only singlehandedly saved the Union from verminous Scots running about daft but saved England from the hoardes of Scottish colonisers just waiting on the borders. It was a fun day, apparently.

Maybe we need more statues to celebrate? That could be this week’s burning phone in as every Rangers fan from NI phones in to enthusiastically agree that Scots *are stuck in the past* as Billy tunes fae 1690 play in the background Lol!

Ebenezer Scroggie

In my passport it states my Nationality.

Not much diameter of hair to split in that matter.

It also states my place of birth.

Nowhere on that page does it conjoin the two matters. Nor should it.

OK, back in the 15th, 16th and 17the centuries women didn’t globe-trot, but as early as the establishment of The East India Company Scottish women spawned in numerous faraway countries.

Their children were accepted as Scottish without question.

If a woman gives birth in a treehouse, does that make the child a squirrel? I don’t think so.



Refugees have a right to live where they please.
That is the international agreements the UK government signed up to.
The UK don’t choose for them. That is a myth.

France isn’t a refuge if you don’t speak French.

Neither is it their problem when they get onto boats.

The UK shouldn’t have continually shafted France over not paying it’s bill over *the jungle*

Nor is it up to France to give a huge chunk of land to the English (Lolz! Exceptionalism at its absolute worst!) For *sorting* centres.

The likes of Farage perpetuate the myth it’s everyone else’s fault but the UK government. Don’t let them continue spouting bullshit.

They open their own sorting centres & sort out their own quotas & with their own safe routes.

Brexshit happened because of racist bullshit. If the UK doesn’t like UN agreements then man up & pull out of them.



Too right! Jesus was the first trans don’t you know!

A Scot Abroad


50%+1 only applies to IndyRefs. Not elections contested by multiple parties over a wide range of issues.

To think that’s a way forward is ludicrous. And no international body is going to recognise the result when the existing law allows for a specific referendum.

When there’s clear and sustained evidence that there’s a majority in favour of Indy, Scotland will be having an IndyRef. Until then, it won’t.


@Geri 6.06

“..every Rangers fan from NI phones in to enthusiastically agree that Scots *are stuck in the past* as Billy tunes fae 1690 play in the background Lol!”

Scots played their part in the colonising of Ireland. First, with Montgomery and Hamilton then James VI and I.

Many Scots did not go willingly. For many, it was go or be hanged. The Armstrong family of border reivers had to upsticks or hang, for instance.

They ended up settling in Fermanagh, the county that later marked part of the border between North and South.

The Scots who went to Ulster were regarded by their own ministers, who went with them, as the “scum of the earth”.

Despite being the subject of religious intolerance (which caused many to leave early for America) as were the Catholics (Irish) Scots were soon internally colonised.

They served as yeomanry for the controlling English and were used by them as buffers against Irish rebellions.

Despite that many Ulster Scots joined the United Irishman and took leadership roles in Belfast. Others played a part in suppressing the United Irishmen in 1798.

There is little doubt Ireland was a colony and part of it remains a colony today.

The elite of the Ulster Scots who governed the province in the latter part of the 20th century helped the UK government to turn what was a civil rights issue into a civil war.

Post Culloden there can be little doubt that the British government behaved as colonists and sought to wipe out the Gael


Jeezo, I see some councils now have their staff’s preferred pronouns on their ID cards.
But why not also list their religious beliefs, preferred footy team, cat or dog lover, inny or outy belly button, or even whether they are diabetic or epileptic which might actually be of more use in a life or death situation.


Geri says on 28 July 2023 at 6:23 pm: “Jesus was the first trans don’t you know!”

My money is on the Egyptian Pharaoh Hatshepsut. 😉 LOL!


Very simple really, it’s all about control.
The same MO as applied in the SNP before a few of us started questioning in earnest.

By the way, the hated and despised conservatives seem to have found a champion in the form of the even more hated and despised Nigel Farage?
Perhaps the contributors to these pages need to think again about what is really important in this life. Number one freedom of expression.

George Ferguson

@Dan 7:06pm
Pronouns are so last year. Its critical race theory in the coming year. Best to ignore.

Ian Brotherhood

This is just jaw-dropping. Sturgeon and her hideous protege should be hauled over the coals for this alone. Absolutely fucking disgusting and whoever is representing the woman assaulted in Aberdeen a few days ago should take note.

Neale Hanvey MP ??????????
When I spoke to Somerville in 2019 she told me she knew predators were a risk, but that as GRR was Nicola’s priority so I shouldn’t say anything.

I have never, for a single second, regretted ignoring this dangerous advice.
6:29 PM · Jul 28, 2023


@ George Ferguson

Hmm, you could well be on to something there in this multicultural and inclusive world we inhabit. To prevent embarrassing howlers or international incidents kicking off it would be great to know someone’s preferred race when asking them out for a kebab.

link to

David Hannah

link to

BBC Scotland live right now. Josh Quigely, 30 years old. Cycling Saved my life. A suicide survivor started cycling at 27. Now going for Tour de France.

What an unbelievable story. You can’t believe this.

Bring the commonwealth games back home to Glasgow. Come on.

David Hannah

Scottish men need role models like Quigley. What a story about never giving up.

We need the male Me Too Movement and mental health movement to kick off.

Bring back the commonwealth games to Glasgow.

Check out Quigley’s story. Inspirational.

John Main

Silver stars to all posters today, bar one.

A gold star to Geri for “refugees have a right to live where they please”.

Geri, you now get to sit at the back.

(Or is it the front, damn my failing memory of my school days)


@ Ian Brotherhood

Aye, so years earlier they knew this yet still pushed on with it.
There’s been many articles on here on the subject but I’m particularly minded of these two by contributors to this site.
The first from just prior to the vote last December was still making the point about predators and risks.

link to

And from early last year which contains a fair amount of stats.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan (8.23) –

I don’t know if I’m going OTT a bit with this, I just can’t believe that this hasn’t come out before now.

Or did it? Did I miss it?

It’s solid evidence pointing to something really rotten in the very heart of government in this country. With all the big show they make of having checks and balances for this that and whatever and we’ve all to be kind and wheesht for all sorts of reasons…at the same time, a minister can say something so evil? (Okay, depends what your definition of that word is but to me it’s the complete absence of empathy – that’s what SAS and Sturgeon both display)

I know who most of us would trust between Sturgeon, Shirley Anne Sommerville and Neale Hanvey. If he has any witnesses then this should nail those two horrors once and for all, no big lengthy reports and inquiries needed.

They are sociopathic monsters.

Captain Yossarian

David Hannah – I’m a cyclist and my club was Glenmarnock Wheelers in King’s Park. One of our members was Robert Miller. You may remember him, he went-on to become King of the Mountains in the Tour de France in the mid 80’s. One of the best sporting achievements of any Scotsman in my opinion. He used to live in the high flats at Pollockshaws and his old-dad was a lorry driver. We actually had a better cyclist at the time, Tam Brodie, who was a fireman but he stayed at home and didn’t progress it as a career as Miller did. Miller went to the French club ACBB which was amateur/professional and based in Paris and was a success and it took off from there. I met him in Glasgow at Christmas time a few years after he became a professional and he told me his biggest problem was descending the Alps, not climbing the Alps. He would often be first to the top but 4 or 5 other guys used to pass him on the descents. Cycling’s not for anyone who gets easily frightened.

John Main


Is the USA a colony?

How about New Zealand, Brazil or Peru?

When does the statute of limitations expire and a colony become accepted as a Sovereign Nation in its own right?

As a Sovereign Scot, I remain perturbed at that bit in the Declaration of Arbroath about us “throwing out the Britons and completely destroying the Picts”.

Therefore, I would prefer to downplay the colonialist trope, as it looks as if all of us Sovereign Scots are descended from the original genocidal colonists of Scotland.


Don’t tell the UN.

John Main

28th July – Statehood Day for what I must still call Country 404 on here.

Maybes one day an Independent Scotland will have a Statehood Day of her own.



Neale has an excellent interview with Canadian Billboard Chris as a pinned tweet.

Stu should ask permission to publish it on this site. Or Neale to ak to get it as much exposure as possible.

Neale is a top bloke & has integrity & genuine concern for the damage being done. He does that by actions, not mealy mother lip service .

Somerville is vile & was promising Gay Pride outcomes that hasn’t even passed through parliament. That was a huge red flag this was a shoo-in. She is everything that has been wrong with Sturgeons leadership *We know the dangers but just shut up. We know best. Who cares the harm it does* in Sturgeon & Evans narcissistic, mad hatter, Frankenstein drive to win Gold Star awards & point tokens from the UN & Stonewall.

Dogmatic, dangerous & dictatorship.
She couldn’t even manage to win those awards either as they gave the awards to others! Lol! Yet another Sturgeon FAIL.


Whilst checking other stuff out. From a few weeks back in the FT. Gupta / GFG Alliance related.

link to

Article includes “GFG Alliance is also under investigation from the UK’s Serious Fraud Office.

Which I assume is this investigation mentioned a year earlier.

link to

archived link

link to

Last line.
Sites were visited across England, Scotland and Wales.

Ian Brotherhood

@Geri (9.32) –

Aye, all noted, with thanks.

Looking at the indy blogs overall right now (the ones worth reading at any rate) there seems to be a gradual movement towards listening to what SALVO has been saying.

Some may still view Claim of Right etc as clutching at straws but at least it’s something solid – on the historical/legal/constitutional record – to work with.

The current hopeless mob in Holyrood are just generating despair and anger. We need a reminder/reinforcement of principles, real ideas we can agree upon.

We cannot have these SNP charlatans finger-wagging at us any longer. This farce – an utter travesty of any form of ‘democracy’ – has to end.



I’m sure Neale posted an article on Wings a while back about how he has always spoken up for vulnerable children in his NHS career & that, thankfully, he wasn’t ever someone who went along with an injustice just to keep the peace at work.

The trans brigade came after him in 2019 for saying ppl couldn’t change sex & that’s why the SNP deselected him from standing in the GE. (Didn’t they trawl him & Denise Brodie twitter’s feeds to find jumped up *anti Semitic* charges that never happened as their excuse to deselect them & remove their membership?) Absolutely shameful bullying.

So he stood as an independent & won anyway.

The SNP has been toxic with gender ideology since way back 2017/18?

I first came across Sturgeons mad plan at a UN Q&A. An Aussie investigative reporter directly asked her about England taking children into care if their parents didn’t agree with puberty blockers & children as young as seven being groomed they were trans & that if left alone, research shows kids grow out of it – would Scotland be following? She basically called him a liar, didn’t happen & they didn’t grow out of it & anyway *children could make up their own minds about sex* Step forward a few months later & the scandal of Tavistock & Mermaids started to slowly unfold until the damn burst wide open with whistblowers & now we know England’s NHS was being *run* by idiot gender activists who don’t have a single medical qualification between any of them.

Yet STILL Sturgeon pressed on regardless to the scenes in Holyrood.

Totally bonkers. Something evil is throwing £billions at this bullshit behind the scenes.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 8:58 pm

“I would prefer to downplay the colonialist trope”

Sure you would. Denial (of oppression) is a key part of the ‘colonial condition’ which permits the hoax to work. You might prefer the ‘Scots built the empire’ trope, instead of useful colonial functionaries and cannon fodder wi a radge (i.e. ‘invalid’) language.


@ Captain Yossarian

Re. Cycling.

Were you aware of Scottish amateur cyclist Robbie Mitchell and his impressive record breaking ride round the NC500 in just 29 hours a couple of years ago?
The record has since been broken by 30 mins by Mark Beaumont who had much greater technical support and planning in place, and of course also had the ride data from Robbie’s run to hand so he could pace himself. (There is a documentary programme covering Mark’s attempt)
I understand Robbie and his support crew mates just took a couple of days off work when they could and went for it. Think there was a fair headwind he had to contend with as he traversed east across the top coast section too. And at one point he was sick of only taking in various supplements on the move so stopped in a layby and had a fry up!

I can also recall Graham Obree and his record attempts with the homemade bike that caused some controversy.


“A Scot Abroad says:

…there’s about 350,000 children of U.K. nationals being born abroad each year. Does that mean they are French, Spanish, Hong Kong, Australian or whatever?”

Yes, unless they choose otherwise, because they’re born abroad and registered as born abroad. Best place to be born, outside of Plague Island.


That should be Graeme Obree, not Graham.

Tack on link to the Neale Hanvey article Geri mentions.

link to


@ Anton Decadent

Not sure what you want me to say.




Yes. Her final act of betrayal (as if Salmond stitch up wasn’t bad enough) was to transfer the indyref vote of 2021 (NO it’s no buts) Holyrood election win to the Self-ID cause.

On absolutely no one’s say so. Not mentioned in the manifesto, no mandate for it by the public & transferred her election win to two fringe nutters, Harvie & Slater, for absolutely no reason or SNP benefit whatsoever & resulting in those horrific scenes in Holyrood by *Beth* & incur a section 35 in the process & those eejits trashing Holyrood every single day since.

Then leadership contests & Dumbza STILL pressing on with the madness despite the knowledge they’d lost over 50,000 members..

& *sigh* the membership vote for the donkey when Indy was right there on the table for the taking..

I truly loathe & despise those fcking midgets. Sturgeon, Murrell & Harvie..

Anyone left in the SNP now is not an independence supporter. They’ve all left the membership. There is absolutely no way back for them after this betrayal at the next election either. They’ll lose way more than just 20 or so seats, imo. (Labour won’t win them either so they can pipe down) They’ll go to Scotland United.

Sturgeon will be happy, for now. It’d have killed her to see Alex back in Holyrood with SNP – so I suggest we all get him back there ASAP lol & hopefully Salvo/Liberation & various YES parties & groups in that indy mix too.

Ian Brotherhood

@Geri (10.10) –

Hear hear.

Something ‘diabolical’.

The current turmoil in Hollywood is surely significant.


Thanks for the link, Dan.

I’ll go read for a refresher.

I can’t seem to post clickable links on here because my device uses an app that converts them into dead links on this site.


Geri 6.19
OK they are all refugees none being economic migrants.
So how many would you allow to settle in this country?
100,0000 , 200 000, 1 million , 2 million, no limit?

Billy Carlin

David Hannah 5.25am

The fires in Greece are over-reported BS and LIES to scare the dumb into the Global Warming – oops they changed it to Climate Change because the planet has actually been COOLING for decades. The fires in Greece are NOT widespread and they were caused by people setting these fires who have actually been arrested and reported to have been arrested in Greece but the corrupt mainstream media has been totally ignoring this FACT as they are putting out this Climate Change agenda on behalf of the WEF, UN Agenda 21/UN Agenda 2030 agenda and all of our corrupt governments agenda for a One World Communist Social Credit Digital Currency Government. The SCAMDEMIC this last few years has also been part of this agenda – the next worst lockdown as part of this agenda is going to be at the end of this year/early next year and certainly next year as the US Presidential Elections is next year – the last lockdown started just before the last Presidential Election.

Go look at what was on the Georgia Guidestones – someone blew them up last year – what is on them is UN Agenda 21/UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF Agenda. They want the worlds population to be reduced to under 500 million by 2050 – wonder how they will manage that without the dumb masses knowing what they are up to – why do you think they were scaring everyone stupid enough into taking the SCAM Vaccines that are causing the massive rising all over the world of excess deaths and people seriously injured on disabilities etc. They were claiming that Covid was being driven by Climate Change and that it is going to cause more pandemics because the FAKE rising temperatures are going to cause the FAKE viruses to proliferate. There are NO such things as viruses as has been PROVEN by the VIROLOGIST Dr Stefan Lanka in the German Supreme Court in 2017 using the Measles virus as an example. Plenty of DOCTORS such as Dr Sam Bailey and her husband Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan etc totally exposing the FAKE viruses. As I said before go get the excellent books “Virus Mania How The Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics Making Billion Dollar Profits At Our Expense” and also “What Really Makes You Ill”. The medical system is totally corrupt just like everything else poisoning the people for profit with their TOXIC drugs and vaccines that goes along with their population reduction agenda hence why they do NOT have cures for anything and shut down anyone exposing cures especially for cancer.

The Tom Nelson Youtube channel totally exposes the Climate Change SCAM as does Dr Patrick Moore and Willie Soon etc. All of these SCAMS are part of the same agenda as is the deliberate destroying of the worlds economies to bring in their digital currency with no cash to tell you what you can and cannot buy – you are not going to be allowed to own anything and you are going to be happy and if you do not like this or do as you are told your social credit will be switched off – you are getting a taste of this just now with what has happened to Stu and Farage.



John Main says:
28 July, 2023 at 8:58 pm

Is the USA a colony?

How about New Zealand, Brazil or Peru?

When does the statute of limitations expire and a colony become accepted as a Sovereign Nation in its own right?

As a Sovereign Scot, I remain perturbed at that bit in the Declaration of Arbroath about us “throwing out the Britons and completely destroying the Picts”.

Therefore, I would prefer to downplay the colonialist trope, as it looks as if all of us Sovereign Scots are descended from the original genocidal colonists of Scotland.


Don’t tell the UN.



I seem to recall from history that America gained Independence in a bloody War of Independence around 1776?

Don’t you recall Mr Main- or is it ancient guff ?

Just asking for many of my compatriots in here and elsewhere.

John Main

@Alf Baird 10:12

I’m downplaying the colonialism trope because we Scots were arch colonialists. Right through the past millennium or so, since we started flagrantly boasting about it in the Declaration of Arbroath.

As for the “English made us do it” defence, that was shot down in flames at Nuremberg. I see no justification for selectively repudiating that judgement as it has been internationally accepted.

To attempt to claim we are innocent of colonialism is Scottish Exceptionalism at its most ludicrous.

Why not just build a solid economic and democratic case for Indy? Seems to me it would be a lot easier.

A Scot Abroad

Captain Yossarian,

I’ve always been quite keen on the cycling, but never a member of a club. Still, done a few long rides (Calgary to Yellowknife, and Caen to Nice).

I recall coming down Mont Ventoux on the latter trip. It had taken a very long time to get up, but after the top it was 24 kilometres of downhill on my steel touring bike. Proper fast, and proper scared after a only a short while. I saw that my front wheel was very slightly dished, which you wouldn’t normally see at flat speeds. GPS read 69 km/h maximum by the time I got to the bottom. 69km/h is nothing for the pros, probably even club cyclists, but it was the fastest I’d even gone on a bike, and it was more than fast enough.

I’m not going to try to repeat that!

John Main


It’s “no limit”. Always has been, always will be.

John Main


Your recollection is at fault.

The majority of the indigenous inhabitants of that land mass we call America were systematically exterminated. Their surviving remnants were herded onto reservations and left to rot.

Astonishing you are ignorant of this. So many of our Scottish ancestors were complicit and active in the process.

My question remains unanswered – surprise, surprise. Why do we treat the countries erected on these stolen lands, e.g. New Zealand, USA or Brasil, as countries and not colonialist outposts?


I was thinking of weighing in on this colonialism ‘debate’ but is there any point when everyone is just scoring points off each other?


Scotland is a colony.

The very fact we are forbidden to hold a referendum while our resources are asset stripped & plundered is all the confirmation anyone needs.

Scotland doesn’t need to do this, do that, jump through end an internationally recognised document. It can do it wtf it likes.

Peter Walker

Brilliant interview, Stu, I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you speak after following the website for some time, I too was ‘debanked’ by Natworst earlier this year after having both my accounts frozen last November with similarly embarrassing consequences. No one from Natworst has even yet told me why, in spite of producing a letter detailing everything that had happened, and sending it to CEO Rose, the Chairman, the Lancaster branch management and the various other addresses that popped up during my debanking, 6 letters in all and I received a single reply telling me they didn’t have to give any reason for their actions!
Keep up your great work, I’ve contributed £100 tonight…..



**50%+1 only applies to IndyRefs**

Who says?

Elections can be about whatever is put in a manifesto. That’s how they work.

A Scot Abroad


Scotland can do WTF it likes once it has held a binary democratic event on a single issue of independence. That will come when there’s serious, credible and sustainable evidence that is what a majority of Scots want. That doesn’t exist at the moment.

Scotland can’t keep having referenda on demand. There needs to be a defined period between referenda. Someone once said “once in a generation”, which makes the next one due in 2035.

Meanwhile, nobody, including Alex, Failure to Achieve Anything Worthwhile At All, And Quite Frankly Fast Getting Past It, Salmond, has any ideas whatsoever as to what to do with an iScotland. Absolutely nothing solid to offer on the policy front. And in the absence of any policies, the intelligent people in Scotland are going to vote No.


Elections are democratic events.

No one needs to show *sustainable support* That’s a nonsense you just made up.

Scotland can have as many referendums as it likes (Scot bill & Smith Commission)

Once in a generation wasn’t stated anywhere on any legal document. Again, something you just made up. No international law against it either. A country doesn’t need permission. Especially from another country.

Policies will be stated with the express notification that a vote will be counted as a YES – see brexit bus slogans. A transition period thrashes out plans by the elected government of the day – again, see brexit.

Alex achieved a lot inc a referendum & he makes Unionists shit themselves – that deserves a lifetime achievement award alone.

Sure yer not talking about Cameron , Mayhem, Bojo, Truss, Sunak there.. what was their great achievements?

Captain Yossarian

ASA – Mont Ventoux is the most famous of the Tour climbs and the views of it are fabulous. There is no other Tour climb that looks anything like Ventoux.

My wife’s old uncle Frank takes part in L’Etape de Tour every year. I don’t know how he manages at his age, but he insists on going and taking part.

One year he crashed on a descent and broke 3No ribs and had various other injuries and was airlifted to hospital. They delivered his bike to him the next day.

I remember asking him at the time: “How did you manage that, Frank?” and he said: “I just turned a corner and the sun was in my eyes”.

Pat Magee

The highlight of my cashless society has to be the card only public toilets at Troon beach. Watching some older people walk up and be baffled that they couldn’t pay their 30p unless they had a card.

Red Wall

It’ll be interesting to see what the DSAR turns up – when does the 30 days end?
I was actually commenting the other day that you were steering clear of this to avoid association with Farage, I’m glad to see I was wrong.

Ruby Tuesday

Red Wall says:
29 July, 2023 at 8:51 am

It’ll be interesting to see what the DSAR turns up – when does the 30 days end?
I was actually commenting the other day that you were steering clear of this to avoid association with Farage, I’m glad to see I was wrong.

I don’t understand your comment ‘Red Wall’ principally because I don’t know who you are addressing it to. Who is this ‘you’ you are referring to.

John Main

50% +1

No rational Scot is going to get behind this until somebody defines WTF it means.



I wonder why so many Jamaicans have Scottish surnames? Weird isn’t it? Sugar plantations come to mind perhaps?

As for the US, of course it was a colonised country, colonised by Europeans: English, Scottish, French etc. They later sought independence from the countries whence they came. The indigenous people were killed or displaced (see also NZ,Australia etc). Slaves were brought from Africa en masse to serve the Europeans and make them lots of money.

Ditto Jamaica (which also had an indigenous population, the Arawak) where much of that money is now cemented in the grand buildings and estates all over the UK and very much Scotland too. One Scot actually brought back a slave from his Jamaican plantation to Scotland in the 18th century, to continue to serve him. Famously Joseph Knight took his ‘owner’ to court and he was freed after strong arguments by Henry Dundas, setting a precedent that no-one could own slaves in Scotland (a later case determined this in England too). Of course the money kept pouring in for the plantation owners via their slaves’ labour in Jamaica.


Any news on the SAR?
Publication of Farage’s saw the defenestration of Rose and Flavel. Good to see same happen to HSBC.

Ebenezer Scroggie


Did you know that the last British-owned slave to die in Britain had been Scottish-owned and is buried in Burntisland?

Even more surprisingly, she died in the 20th century.

Her name was Petronella, nicknamed Black Pete.

John Main

Ebenezer Scroggie

Your post only makes sense if you believe the slave keepers currently residing in modern-day Britain aren’t British.

There’s a reason just about every commercial operation in Britain’s has a Modern Day Slavery policy. Slavery nowadays is more than shackles, branding and cotton.


Ebenezer Scroggie I did not know this, very interesting, though looking it up, she was freed before she left Suriname with the Kirkes (and had to be as slaves were not permitted to leave the country) so was never a slave on Scottish soil.

Modern day slavery is indeed alive and well John Main, sadly, so well said.

[…] surveillance, and the vulnerability of individuals to technological failures or cyberattacks6. Additionally, a cashless society may exclude individuals who do not have access to digital payment […]

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