Ach yesterday’s news. Operation Kiss Arse has already kicked off. Ye have to hand it to Ruthie. She doesn’t hang about. 🙂
5 years ago
Bungling Boris has the Backing of more Tory MPs than
His closest 2 rivals put together.
With the double speak clots that are the Scottish Tory Party
This is equal to a great success in stopping Boris?
Should they perhaps support Boris and maybe kill off his chances that way?
We know through the years that whatever the stories say in Scotland, the opposite is true.
Another option is for multi loser McTernan to back Boris and apply the kiss of death.
5 years ago
Boris Johnson. What a fkng humiliation.
5 years ago
Personally I’m getting conservative brain death…..every piece of news on the TV, Radio, News??Papers is all about the conservatives……Can we just have a referendum on independence and forget all about these shysters ??
If BJ becomes PM, I will be ordering the finest, bestest deluxe popcorn ever.
5 years ago
Oh no it appears they dopey tolie voters doon sooth are no listening to the Oracle tRuthless or is this just a cunning stunt ( huv a goat that right ) to divert our attention , I like the thought of operation Arse it encompasses all the contenders
Meanwhile the great Rory the tory Scoatland’s and the onions saviour has had his erse skelpit
5 years ago
Operation Arse is still active, but now it refers to anything that is emitted from Ruth Davidson. Is she now going to be saying ‘Boris, he’s the man for me’, somehow I think so. Not really a leader, just an acolyte to the latest leader. The motto for Tories in Scotland ‘no matter where you lead we will follow’, a craven bunch with no backbone.
Jock Junior
5 years ago
Isn’t that typical? I’m all ready to make my very first comment to Wings, and I’m struck speechless. Damn it.
Time for Ruthie to kiss arse and make up, I guess.
BTW where is SnackBeard? He has been awfy quiet of late.
Socrates MacSporran
5 years ago
Now, now, come on; Colonel Yadaftie is a winner donchaknow.
The good Colonel will get on either her water buffalo or her tank and will head the bounder off at the pass.
This is her finally standing-up for Scotland. By her heroic and successful plan to discredit Boris and knock him out of the leadership race, Truthless has, yet again – shown she is a the true champion of Scotland.
The reality of course is, with BoJo in Number Ten, the chances are we will have Ross Thomson in Dover House; which makes Independence all the more certain.
Cheers, Ruthie.
auld highlander
5 years ago
It’s really quite entertaining as the assorted sacks of offal try and discredit other sacks of offal.
yeah, i know it’s awful.
5 years ago
Mundell and Davidson now lying prostrate at the feet of Boris confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness. What will the great one decide their penance will be?
5 years ago
Apart from the horror of it all though think of the laughs we’re gonna have. And cheers Stuart.
5 years ago
In the vassal state that is the Boris nugget, he thinks he is Winny Churchill, and mark my words will take us to war if given half the chance.
Under his premiership we will be a “genuine American state,” and will simply be sold off to the highest bidder, so long as the f**kwit can feather his own nest.
“Caricature coupon Farage” will be exactly the same.
The UK is F**KED which ever way you look at it.
Scotland WAKE UP.
5 years ago
so operation Earse “might” be reinstated by the *coughs* “wonderful Tories in Scotland.
Johnson allegedly “thinking” (does he even DO thinking I wonder?) about proroguing parliament when he is dressed by his juniors in his new clothes.
Stewart threatening to hold parliament across the road in the Methodist Central Hall.
Looks like English Civil War II is getting closer by the day peeps.
Nice to see the British media are STILL stuck firmly up the Colonel’s earse!
Ruth’s new script on its way up to Scotland via Boris’s private gunboat so’s nobody’ll know it’s a secret script
5 years ago
When Mundell and Davidson are summoned before ‘The Leader’ about Operation Arse will their excuse be ‘we were only obeying orders’.
I’m more interested in what they will say after we chose independence, after all they have basically chosen to support another countries decision over their own country (Mundell excuse no doubt will be, he believed Scotland was extinguished so should not be held responsible for his treachery).
5 years ago
If Scottish voters don’t switch to Indy after the election of Boris….they never will!
5 years ago
Just goes to prove that a vote for a Tory in Croydon is much better than a vote for a Tory in Edinburgh Central, if you want Scottish Independence.
schrodingers cat
5 years ago
the question isnt whether mundel and ruth will turn tail and kiss arse………. of course they will
the question is whether the scot tory voters will too. some will, no question, but not all, how the numbers eventually fall is yet to be seen
my money is on the scots tory mps getting wiped out and ruth the “saviour” gettin’ crucified
[…] Wings Over Scotland
Great work, lads
Looking forward to that reactivation. (WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW.) Don’t all celebrate […]
Lenny Hartley
5 years ago
Bojo will be PM, and there will be an autumn ge so that it eats more time into The Oct31 Brexit deadline and he will have a substantial majority according to the poll the Rev shared on his twitterfeed on Wed. Ways things are going we are likely to be at War with Iran sometime in the forseeable future, probably not until the winter. One thing is for sure it is very unlikely that the Iranians carried out the attacks on the oil tankers.
I said to a colleage at work in 2003 whilst looking at a large World Map on his Office Wall that Syria would be next in order to make a path for ground forces to Iran. Thanks tothe Russians they have failed to overthrow the Assad Regime, they will now instead try and manufacture a reason to takeout the Iranian Regime. Itsnot going to be pretty.
schrodingers cat
5 years ago
Arbroath1320 says:
Looks like English Civil War II is getting closer by the day peeps.
it wont happen, lost soft brexit tory voters will simply be replaced by new hard brexit tory voters and the english Civil War II wont even register on curtice of james kelly’s opinion polls.
in reality the real Civil War will be among scottish tory voters, they are about to be ripped in half and and the soft brexiters cast adrift.
that is why ruth mounted operation arse in the 1st place
5 years ago
This should prove to Tories (as if proof were needed) that no one in the WM government listens to anyone from Scotland. It doesn’t matter what your political persuasion is, if you are from Scotland then London Tories see you are an irrelevance. You have no influence there whatsoever.
I’m sure Boris would say, Ruth who?
5 years ago
Ruth may move to muster support for ‘Operation Turn The Other Cheek’
5 years ago
F**KWITS priorities will include a water pipeline all the way from Jockoland down to the Saf East. wifwaf, wibble wobble.
Coming to a cinema near you: Dr Ruthless or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Boris!!!
Robert J. Sutherland
5 years ago
Apparently there has been a rise in Tory Party membership down south from older white gammon types keen to ensure that BoJo succeeds in his inexorable rise up the greasy pole.
As for the Scottish Tories, is there even a remnant of their former willingness to stand up for Scottish interests? Especially given the craven surrender of their leadership, the shouty but irresolute Little Corporal and the spineless and clueless Toom Tabard. Their reputations are crashing and burning, but is there anyone with enough foresight and gumption to see them off the premises in a palace revolution?
Step up Murdo! Cometh the hour, cometh the former reject. =cough= Revenge could be tasty when served this cold…
we are presently at about 100,000 wbb2, less than half we had in indyref1.
think about that, if you realise just how important wbb1 was in indyref1, this should spur wos lurkers to donate.
we are going to need these very very soon. time is running out
Frank Gillougley
5 years ago
A serious question.
I know some will have asked this before, but I am beginning to fear the worst, given the looming political climate on the horizon.
Is there really anything to prevent the Scottish Parliament being closed down by Westminster? Or, alternatively have its devolved powers substantially stripped to the extent that it is literally no more than a talking shop?
Any reassurance would be gratefully received.
5 years ago
I wish someone would ask Davidson what she thinks about Javid not being invited to the Queens banquet would she slag off May and the Queen of her precious Union.
Robert J. Sutherland
5 years ago
Frank Gillougley @ 17:45,
They can’t formally abolish without a referendum, but they can degrade its functioning from without and within, using the “mitigation” weapon together with the power grab and Henry VIII powers, and aided-and-abetted as per usual by the hapless NorthBritLab, for whom Holyrood has become a serious losing game.
So in the longer term no assurance whatever, I’m afraid. We have become “too big for our boots” for our “masters” in London. So we have to find properly-sized boots with which to deliver the only message they will understand, or be robbed of even the little we currently possess.
It’s keep moving on now or perish.
Robert J. Sutherland
5 years ago
North chiel @ 17:25,
No, just “repurposed”. Instead of a boot being applied, now it’s a tongue…
5 years ago
You never know under F**KWITS leadership spaffing might become an Olympic sporting event, I am sure he will try the commonwealth games committee first. “Empire and all that bollocks” tallyho.
Expect speaking Latin to become trendy in pubs, “dan the Veteris Canis et Phasianum.” innit.
Retro in arca Scocie.
5 years ago
A big arse is the Scotsman journalist (ha ha) who just prints what he is told by the Britnat parties.
Paris you are an arse. Proper journalists take risks all over the world to get to the truth. What do they do in Scotland for the Britnat press – tell lies for their political masters. What does that make them – propaganda writers.
5 years ago
After JM Barrie, “There is indeed no finer sight than a Scotswoman on the make”.
Davidson, Johnson’s joshing jockess?
5 years ago
Looks like it has turned into Operation Rectal Prolapse and Davidson needs to apply some preparation H to heal the wounds between herself and The Leader.
It makes you wonder how Ruth’s brief is worded. It’s crystal clear that her role is to keep Scotland subservient at all costs.
Great to see her job description.
Bet there is a big reward clause written in.
5 years ago
Why does Ruth Davidson dislike Boris Johnson so much? They’ve got lots of common ground.
They’re both pathologically ambitious. Both love zany photocalls. They have very similar power-grabbing propensities. They both hate Scotland.
Maybe that’s it. They’re just too much alike.
5 years ago
They do seem to be a bit arse about face. 😎
Old Pete
5 years ago
Paris in the Scotsman never writes anything positive about Independence the SNP or Scotland. The man is a disgrace.
As regards Boris Johnson, might be a few martyrs in the protracted fight for Independence if he becomes PM. The man thinks he is Winston Churchill,ably supported by ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s like Davidson, Mundell and the rest we could face armed occupation for years to come.
Robert Peffers
5 years ago
@blackhack says: 13 June, 2019 at 4:22 pm@
” … Can we just have a referendum on independence and forget all about these shysters ??”
Yes, Blackhawk, of course we could have an indyref anytime we want to – and we could also lose it any time we don’t want to. Just like the last time we tried it.
As for me, I don’t believe I’m better informed and know as much of what’s going on as the FM, SG and SNP. So I’ll leave it to them and not to the numpties who believe they know best. Many of whom I believe are, by either design, by or by arrogance and ignorance doing Westminster’s work for them.
5 years ago
next week…….Mundell and Davidson kiss the feet of Johnston saying they always supported him and his greater Engerland.
Yes great leader we will impose austerity on the scotch, more foodbanks, we take the fish to Grimsby where it always belongs and stamp them with the UJ flags, no more silly parliaments for the Celts — who needs them –when we have the Mother of All parliaments- Can we get a wee bauble for our trouble they ask….
My contempt for those three knows no bounds.
Robert Peffers
5 years ago
@call me dave says: 13 June, 2019 at 4:23 pm:
! … Butt…butt…I thought Davidson was the ar*e.
I can see I’m a little behind ? Must keep up”
Well, just call me Dave, you might be a little behind but from what I can see Davidson most certainly is has not a little behind.
5 years ago
Surely the Tories could have had this election over in one day by using STV. The Tories horror show continues. Davidson does what she is told.
5 years ago
This woman is a mealy-mouthed, serial liar and nothing more than a one trick pony. She has one agenda and only one agenda – stop Scotland seceding from the UK Union.
That’s it.
She and her northern branch of a godawful party have nothing to offer the Scottish people. Nothing at all. She wants nothing more than to see Holyrood shut down and herself shuttled off to Westminster as a major thank you from her colonial overlords.
However, while Ruth’s eyes are forever glancing southwards thinking of possible glories …maybe she should have a look around her own backyard first. She might just find that things are not so cosy as she thinks.
For come the next Scottish Elections, she just might find herself unemployed, especially if she continues to back London charlatans that are determined to hand everything over to the Americans. I mean …seriously. …has it even dawned on her that standing side-by-side with these delusional extreme Tory idiots might not be the best thing for your career, especially if your seat is in a country that despises these people. Seeing Scotland dragged out of the EU against its will and is coerced into handing over its own NHS to the Americans …might not be the best thing for your political career while your seat is in Scotland.
I have a feeling if Scotland is absolutely battered by Brexit in the months to come …she’s gone come the next Scottish elections.
Dorothy Devine
5 years ago
ot but did anyone see that STV news won an award as the best wee story tellers in Scotland?
I often wonder who votes for these pillocks, sure ain’t open to the public.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
I think I might have suggested (t)Ruthless in no supporter of liberal democracy. She’s an opportunistic political thug who’s ‘credability’ is entirely a creation of the media. Scotland would need a lobotomy in order to trust their biological security and future to her form of civic morality. Hence the BBC in Scotland.
The public conception of morality in John Rawls’ political liberalism
This paper proposes an interpretation of the conception of morality that remains relatively vague in John Rawls’ political liberalism. It begins with Rawls’ remark that the political conception of justice is also a moral conception, which is puzzling when taking into consideration Rawls’ explicit avoidance of comprehensive moral doctrines in constructing the political conception of justice. In response, this paper proposes the public conception of morality that is structurally justificatory rather than substantively foundationalist.
This conception is then further developed by addressing two critical questions concerning the necessity of avoiding comprehensive moral foundations and the source of objective prescriptivity in a justificatory view of morality. The former is situated in an analysis and reinterpretation of Alasdair MacIntyre’s reading of Søren Kierkegaard’s Either/Or, and the latter is demonstrated through a comparative study of two leading justificatory theories of morality by Rainer Forst and Thomas Scanlon. Finally, the public conception of morality is fully developed to show that it both defines and defends the political conception of justice.
morality, John Rawls, political liberalism, pluralism, justification, Rainer Forst, Thomas Scanlon
You typed, “Expect speaking Latin to become trendy in pubs, “dan the Veteris Canis et Phasianum.” innit.
Retro in arca Scocie.”
Amawi here mane. (I’m not, actually. I’m taller than average and no’ sae hairy these days.)
Caesar adsum iam forte. (Don’t know what he had for supper.)
Congrats to us all for breaking the crowdfunding record!
Robert J. Sutherland
5 years ago
Robert Peffers @ 18:48,
Well, I’m sure we’ll all look forward to having you back again once the SG has made up your mind for you. =grin=
In the meantime, most of us are happy to debate the issue, among others. After all, that’s precisely what the BTL is for. It keeps the grey cells active and the spirits up while we necessarily have to bide our time.
5 years ago
According to Mr Google.
Dan the old dog and pheasant.
Back in your box Scotland.
I struggle with English never mind Latin.
Socrates MacSporran
5 years ago
Robert J Sutherland @ 5.56pm
You mentioned the possibility of a Boris-led Toerag Government possibly invoking “Henry VII powere.”
I would like to think, if they ever did, that would be the move which would force the Scottish Justiciary, who are well-known for being almost Britnats to a man and woman, to finally wake up, stand-up for the independence of Scots Law, guaranteed you remember by the Treaty of Union and tell the London Government to get lost.
Then, we are home and dry, with the full backing of the Scottish Legal Establishment. Since Henry VII was never King of Scots, “Henry VII powers” can never be used in Scotland surely.
Socrates MacSporran
5 years ago
Bloody keyboard – Henry VIII, not Henry VII.
5 years ago
Gary45% says: at 7:40 pm
“According to Mr Google.
Dan the old dog and pheasant.
Back in your box Scotland.
I struggle with English never mind Latin.
Hey, I ain’t that old!
Commenting as the holder of a Grade B French O Grade…
Je suspect the “dan” might mean “in” which would be a word fit, as “dans” means “in” in La Lingo de la Frenchio.
Welsh Sion might be able to assist further.
5 years ago
Wow, what kind of politician has to announce to the world that she is so professional that (whisper, whisper) she has even been known to enter negotiations with the First Minister. OMG, imagine that!
She is a product of the Public Relations men. Watch carefully her facial expressions in the above video. It’s all an act. She’s a fraud and would struggle to survive in a position of true responsibility where her every move was minutely examined and questioned.
Ye cannae fool us, Ms Davidson. Remember we’re Scots, and we can see a fraud a mile off.
As our grannies used to say, “She’s fair away wi’ hersel’, but she’ll come doon to earth wi’ an awfy clatter.”
5 years ago
For almost 40 years, for the vast majority of Scots, the Tories have been seen as the party of the Devil incarnate! Nasty, abusive, elitist, social vandals. Ripping off ordinary folks to make an elite richer.
I suspect the actual word Tory wasn’t know widely across Europe. Now, everyone knows the word, and what it really stands for.
IMO this has considerable bearing on the independence cause. It will be absolutely clear to the majority of Europeans now why Scotland wants out of its union with England. Our future is a normal European country, and nothing like the loony right display being put on in London.
I hope come IndyRef2 this results in the backing of our fellow Europeans against the ‘mid Atlantic’ madhouse we will be trying to detach from.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
Here’s one for Scotland’s judiciary, who need to prove through their “actions”, that they are rational liberals who are supportive of multicultural pluralism and the rule-of-law (see the British constitution). It is more than a little alarming they have not already done so, frankly.
‘Multiculturalism’ means different things to different people. There is agreement on its general definition: public recognition of cultural differences and their effects within a society. But when it comes to explaining what purpose is properly served by multiculturalism – and consequently the precise form that multicultural policy should take – opinions are divided.
There is on the one hand a more conservative view that multiculturalism should properly amount to no more than a pragmatic vehicle for integrating new migrants into the cultural mainstream (Galligan and Roberts 2004: ch. 4). Within this conservative position there are those, especially representing business interests, who see the principal purpose of immigration, and therefore of multiculturalism, as the promotion of economic growth. On this view, cultural diversity enhances the skilled labour pool, multiplies contacts for overseas trade, and expands domestic markets.1
On the other hand, some people conceive of multiculturalism in more radical terms, as a vehicle for the rejection of dominant norms that pretend to universality but that are in reality parochially Western (Tully 1995; Parekh 2000). This radical position is, in turn, condemned by its detractors as political correctness run riot, based on a romanticising of indigenous and non-Western cultures, and implying a foolish abandonment of the standards of liberal democracy and even reason itself (Sandall 2001).
I propose a rationale for multiculturalism that is located between these conservative and radical poles. The view I shall defend is intended to avoid both the complacent acceptance of current norms (in particular, narrowly economic conceptions of well-being) and the radical relativising of all standards. The ethical basis of my argument is the concept of ‘value pluralism’. This is the idea, associated in particular with the work of Isaiah Berlin, that there are at least some generic universal values, but that these (and other more local values) are irreducibly multiple, frequently conflicting, and sometimes ‘incommensurable’ with one another.
Pluralism in the Berlinian sense thus contains elements of moral universality and diversity. It also seems, immediately, to intersect with multiculturalism. If there are many distinct human goods, then one would expect that different combinations of these would constitute many genuinely valuable ways of life that are worthy of public recognition.
However, I shall also argue that the kind of multiculturalism that is supported by Berlinian pluralism is distinctly ‘moderate’. By this I mean to identify a form of multiculturalism that is more than a mere instrument of integration, but less than a demand for cultural sovereignty. In particular, I shall argue that pluralist multiculturalism is subject to liberal principles, rather than a radical view in which liberal values represent only one legitimate cultural perspective on a moral par with others.
Further, those liberal principles include a strong public commitment to the ideal of individual autonomy that will usually override toleration of individual and group practices. I thus take issue with much of the existing literature in which pluralists have touched on multiculturalism. A dominant current within that literature has identified value pluralism with cultural pluralism in a strong sense, thus suggesting a link between pluralism and unrestricted multiculturalism – unrestricted, that is, by liberalism. This tendency, I shall argue, rests on a misunderstanding of pluralism and its political implications.
My discussion is divided into three sections. First, I review the concept of value pluralism as it is found, in particular, in the work of Berlin. Second, I argue that Berlinian pluralism suggests a form of multiculturalism that is not unrestricted but subject to liberal principles. These principles include a public commitment to the ideal of individual autonomy, in contrast with alternative, toleration-based models of liberal multiculturalism. Third, I list some qualifications to the view I defend.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, not sure which) its likely Europe wont be the same place politically or economically for long by the time Scotland becomes independent. Assuming that happens.
Intransigent successive national governments and the EU commission disconnect from real people, slower economies being damaged by inflexibility with the Euro and the migrant crisis have done their damage.
Germany holds it all together economically.
Tick tock.
5 years ago
That went well then, he got enough MP votes to win outright were it a FPTP vote and enough, assuming he survives the next round to get him in the final two.
Once in the final two, unless he actually murders someone, or withdraws, he’ll be our next PM – God help us all…
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
Would it please you to see the EU fail?
call me dave
5 years ago
Scotland is the place for rockets and here’s another. 🙂
@Lenny Hartley says:
13 June, 2019 at 4:56 pm
I said to a colleage at work in 2003 whilst looking at a large World Map on his Office Wall that Syria would be next in order to make a path for ground forces to Iran. Thanks to the Russians they have failed to overthrow the Assad Regime, they will now instead try and manufacture a reason to takeout the Iranian Regime.
Also, thanks to the yanks themselves and their inability to see who the real enemy is, they will be unable to use Iraq as a path for their forces either. The Shia majority would rise against them if they did – they see the Iranian Shias as their brothers. If Sadam Hussein was still in power it would be no problem for them (mind you they backed him in an invasion of Iran and that failed too – though with a great cost to 100,000s of Iranians and Iraquis).
America blames Iran for attack on oil tanker near Strait of Hormuz,
what happens next ?
the French,UK and American oil companies keeping the middle east destabilized while they pillage and plunder,
they have f@cked over Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan,Yemin,Sudan and Syria,
and control Saudi,Israel,Kuwait,
Scotland is oil rich,
if they can`t infiltrate and control they destroy.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
And another for Scotland’s ambivalent judiciary, who appear not to value “new natural law”.
Neil Gorsuch, Natural Law, and the Limits of Judicial Power
When President Donald Trump announced his first nominee to the Supreme Court, many observers quickly noted that Neil Gorsuch wrote his doctoral thesis under the supervision of the Oxford legal philosopher John Finnis. Some immediately asked whether Gorsuch’s approach to constitutional interpretation might be shaped by the “New Natural Law Theory” (NNLT) pioneered by Finnis and others.
The columnist George Will, for instance, expressed the hope that Gorsuch might “effect a philosophic correction” to what Will regards as a lacuna in Justice Antonin Scalia’s theory of originalism. In his 1997 book A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law, Scalia wrote, “there is no such philosophizing in our Constitution, which, unlike the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man, is a practical and pragmatic charter of government.”
Will takes a different view. Natural rights, he claimed, may be “independent of the Constitution” insofar as they “are grounded in [human] nature.” But natural rights are also, Will stated, what the Constitution exists to protect. Will concluded by suggesting that the fact the Gorsuch studied under the author of Natural Law and Natural Rights (1980)—the book which some believe single-handedly revitalized natural law theory in jurisprudence and philosophy more generally—might foreshadow more attention to natural rights in Supreme Court deliberations.
No one can predict with certainty Gorsuch’s take on any question on which he might be called to deliberate if he receives Senate confirmation. But before too much ink is spilled speculating on whether natural law in general or NNLT in particular will influence Gorsuch’s thought, it is worth reflecting on two important prior questions. How does natural law theory view constitutionalism? And what does this mean for the exercise of judicial power?
Power Maps or Normative Ends?
Answering such questions requires clarification of the purpose of constitutions. Constitutions are usually regarded as (1) the written documents that outline the powers of different political institutions as well as (2) the legal rules, customs, and conventions that define the system and workings of government.
But in his 1998 book An Introduction to Constitutional Law (published in the same series as Natural Law and Natural Rights), Eric Barendt notes that constitutions are more than a type of power map. For if this were the sole purpose of constitutions, it would be possible for a tyrannical regime to comply formally with constitutional law while carrying out fundamentally unjust policies….
Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.
Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.
One for using down the pub.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
And some Constitutional Legal Theory that Scotland’s judges might want to consider.
Rethinking the boundaries of democratic secession: Liberalism, nationalism, and the right of minorities to self-determination
Whereas secession has been dealt with extensively in international law, in connection with the creation and recognition of states, it has received little attention as a possible tool in the constitutional protection of minority rights. This paper examines the more frequent uses and invocations of secession and assesses their potential adaptability as means of promoting minority group rights.
It argues that international law and the international community have never provided coherent guidance for responding to nationalistic minority aspirations or, specifically, to secessionist challenges. At the same time, constitutional models regarding the management of national diversity have also failed to reconcile liberal democracy and nationalism.
From a substantive point of view, there is probably no solution to such difficulties. Neither available model of “constitutional coexistence” nor of secession is likely, ultimately, to be satisfactory. Nonetheless, the adoption of an explicit constitutional procedural approach to secession provides the best means of averting the worst dangers and excesses.
Issue Section:
A. Rights at the intersection of international, transnational, and private legal regimes
Our Auld Alliance partners are not best pleased at the prospect of a BoJo premiership, according to Le Monde. link to
It has always been Europe or bust for Scotland, ever since every part of our country voted to remain.
The EU knows and acknowledges that desire but has had to keep quiet because the UK is still a member state.
Not for much longer.
Just as warm words and a the promise of a warm welcome from our fellow EU countries will be Scotland’s ace cards in IndyRef 2, so they will drive a stake into the heart of Bitter Together’s *ahem* campaign.
I look forward to PM Johnson’s (*shudder) response to the prospect of Scotland becoming the EU’s 28th member state.
It will be a wonderful thing to behold – and in all probability an Eton mess of veiled threats and crude blandishments.
Jpohnson may be a clown – but the forces behind the buffoon will stoop to any tactic to ‘bind Scotland fast’*copyright speaker of the House of Commons 1707* in their ‘precious union’.
Slowly, slowly the stars are aligning for Scotland.
And with Europe at our backs we will win.
Mundell has seen the light. He can work with Boris.
All those quotes from him about Boris being a fool were inaccurate apparently. Fake news you know.
If ever any man lacked class,principle or backbone ,it is Mundy. An invertebrate for sure.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
IMHO, the conduct of the British state during the first indyref, was pretty feckin’ “militant”. Time for a bit more Constitutional Legal Theory?
Militant democracy, legal pluralism, and the paradox of self-determination
The legality of militant democracy – Can a constitutional democracy act legally in an antidemocratic manner to combat threats to its existence? – is far from clear. The legality of legal pluralism – the extent to which international law authorizes political agendas that seek to implement various forms of autonomy – is also unclear.
The elusive legality of these developments creates conditions for the abuse of power both by states defending democracy and by religious, cultural, and national communities seeking a measure of independence. Marked by a shared normative commitment to the paradox of self-determination, the relationship between legal pluralism and militant democracy provides insight into the legality of both developments in ways that might be overlooked by viewing each in isolation.
This is revealed dramatically by the recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Refah Partisi v. Turkey, in which the Court upheld the banning of a political party that was advocating a form of legal pluralism that would introduce elements of Islamic law into the Turkish legal order. Refah establishes a legal site in which contestations over the constitutional boundaries of legal pluralism and militant democracy will take place in the future.
Boris Johnson proroguing parliament while Rory Stewart holds parliament across the road in the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster.
A building which I noticed on SKY News tonight has 2 large fasces carved either side of the front door!
A fasces is an actual, bone fide symbol of Fascism.
Fascism, the radical right-wing, authoritarian ultra-nationalism
Which we now see rising in England via the ERG, FaRadge (no typo) and Yaxley-Lennon unquestioned (an in many cases cheer-led by the BBC & Non-Dom Media Barons of the broadcast and print media).
5 years ago
The complete lack of substance, the inability to stand for anything, exhibited by Davidson and Mundell is straight from In The Thick Of It. Everything is spin and craven personal ambition. Funny but unedifying.
5 years ago
Empty vessels make the most noise, never been more apt than with Ruth Davidson.
She has been the Tory voice in Scotland for eight years and can anybody remember any actual positive contribution she has made to Scotland in this period, I’ve tried but nothing comes to mind. It’s just been one long self period of self promotion and disappearing lines in the sand, a lot of bluster then falls into line with head office.
5 years ago
Word on da street iz that engineers in the energy sector are developing the technology to harness the seemingly perpetual power emitted by the flip-flopping of Buffalo Gal.
5 years ago
Brian Doonthetoon says:
Hey Tuttie Taiti
Appears to be the French Navy and Commandos Marine in particular who like our ancient tune. Here’s another recent one. Very solemn national homage to two fallen servicemen. Macron present.
The Tories clearly getting ready to dismantle devo, no matter who wins the leadership.
Scotland’s choice is between governing ourselves or 100 million miles of hard road
5 years ago
Rumours are they are going to remake ‘I’m Alright Jack’ but update it, latest version suggestion is ‘I’m Alright Jacking Off’. In stead of playing cards they are having a mutual pleasuring session, that’s the modern workplace for you apparently, if you disagree you are a bigot!
A huge amount of decent English folk expressing their desire to come to Scotland to get away from England while at the same time a huge amount of abusive Rangers fans in Scotland expressing their desire that Scotland be like England
The solution seems obvious, we could do it like a prisoner exchange, they get the head cases they want, we get the nice folk we want, I know where they go on Saturdays, we could just throw a net over them
I concur. ‘dans’ in Frogspeak is definitely ‘in + specific object’ as opposed to ‘en’ which is ‘in’ which is less definite (excluding countries, places etc.)
Could s.o. provide feedback on Adam’s performance (and that of the audience/other members of the panel/la Brucette) on tonight’s QT, please? I don’t have the stomach to watch.
Thanks beaucouply.
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
There are many tell-tales signs that (t)Ruthless is not serious about democratic pluralism and Scotland’s best interests, if you look closely enough. Firstly, she’s a Tory. Secondly, she’s a Tory…..
The Constitution, Political Culture, and Civic Virtue
….So what does it mean for the ruler to truly be a servant? What does it mean for someone holding political office and exercising political power to rule well? Well, at the most basic level, abstractly, it means making and executing decisions for the sake of the common good, not for the sake of any individual interest that the ruler happens to have, not for the sake of the rulers group or clan or tribe or family or class, but for the common good. Such decisions will necessarily be compatible with the requirements of justice, and at the same time, they will embody justice.
If we understand the concept of the common good properly, and I am going to say a word about that in a moment, then we will see that no decision that violates a requirement of justice, any requirement of justice, even the smallest, can truly be for the common good. And no decision that genuinely upholds and serves the common good will fail to advance the cause of justice. I will explain that in a moment….
Over to you Scotland’s judiciary, prove you’re rational liberals and not reactionary Tories.
Calum McKay
5 years ago
Ms Davidson has a record of flip flopping, putting her foot in it, backing the wrong horse, insulting people, advocating pernicious policies, blaming others for her failures and being economical with the truth!
When caught out Davidson resorts to bluster, shouting, insults and dismissive arm waving!
If it were not for her friends in the press and bbc supporting her career, she’d be nowhere!
Davidson and Johnson are a perfect match and will bring the curtain down on this toxic union!
5 years ago
First, the new big lie. Boris is a changed man, and now realises the true magnitude of the job which awaits.
Two. The Tories don’t believe in, and therefore don’t actually practise democracy. As with the Theresa May ‘elevation’, the plan now is to rinse and repeat for Boris. All the rest is just hoodwinking the gullible masses – in England, which controls the democratic deficit in the so-called United Kingdom.
Three. Boris is on a very short leash, reined in by his ‘minders’, to minimise press or public access and therefore to rule out, or at least minimise, the possibility of Boris saying something self-destructive of which he is eminently capable.
Four. The Establishment are recovering their composure and have come up with ‘the Johnson plan’, as a means of restoring order in the UK, the mini-Empire – as was before June 23, 2016, and the EU referendum.
Five. The British Establishment is trying desperately to squeeze the Brexit genie back into the Empire bottle, but such an effort is doomed to fail, as we all should know by now.
Six. The Brexit avalanche continues unabated downhill.
Seven. Don’t bet against the tide of History.
5 years ago
The ethical and enlightened ideas of a gifted economist talking up the entrepreneurial state. A framework for a newly independent Scotland with its massive economic potential;
‘…substitutes “managed democracy” for more democratic forms of rule based on shared power’…A more positive theory of public value requires beginning with a notion of the public good not as a correction to a failure, but as an objective in itself; an objective that can only come about if linked to a process through which value is created…Thinkers such as Ricardo, Mill and even Adam Smith recognised that unfettered markets were often inefficient, prone to capture by special interests and could have negative distributional outcomes without ongoing intervention by the state. In particular, there was a recognition between productive profits and economic rents that represented unearned income deriving from arbitrary control over resources…’
Versus the non-ideas of a boorish, bungling ex Bullingdon Club boy ‘I am committed to supporting the iconic Scottish whisky industry’, telling lies and playing everyone for laughs whilst talking up himself;
‘the Johnsonian way. The lies, the performative phrases, the layers of persona—they accrete, one on top of another, flecked here and there with Latin, until everyone has forgotten what the big deal was…The jolly feel around Johnson enables him to air sinister ideas and dodge the consequences…His self-belief is matched only by his capacity for self-sabotage. Until this moment, Johnson’s life and career have been a kind of monument to wishful thinking—of ridiculous expectations shockingly fulfilled. Brexit is much the same. “I’ve got nothing,” Johnson said. Britain is about to find out what nothing means’
The consequences for those who live and toil in the real world will be very stark for much longer than a generation, Scotland must grasp the thistle and get out of this toxic, failing British state.
“Either they’re negligent in understanding what leaving on World Trade Organisation terms means, or they just don’t care…If the Tory Party choose a leader prepared to walk us off a Brexit cliff edge, our country will live with the economic consequences of that for a generation.”
More deliberate confusion between the EU and the Eurozone. (D’ye think we don’t notice, or if you say it loud and often enough à la Goebbels it will begin to work ?)
Your stock of Leaver lies, distortions and straw men is getting worn out from excessive reuse. Give it (and us) a rest.
If you were a genuine supporter of independence, you would
save your persistent minority dissidence until such time as we here in Scotland are able to decide properly for ourselves, free of all outside interference. (Including from where you live.)
Harping on and on and on with your splitterist monomania in a Scottish context only serves the Union. Which places you firmly in the “knaves or fools” category.
Personally, I favour the former, but it’s a close call.
Brian Doonthetoon
5 years ago
Hi galamcennalath at 10:16 pm.
You typed,
“Appears to be the French Navy and Commandos Marine in particular who like our ancient tune. Here’s another recent one. Very solemn national homage to two fallen servicemen. Macron present.
Stirring when the pipes begin.”
Orri and I had a wee blether about this a week or so ago. If you go to this link, then click on the second link, you’ll get more background info.
(Just scroll down, looking for me or Orri.)
It’s the comment that starts with “Hi yesindyref2” (who is now, apparently banned from this blog).
Colin McKay did a good job on Jo Swinson just minutes ago.
Heart of Galloway
5 years ago
Aye Brian, fair mak’s the hert sing. Ecosse! En avant!
5 years ago
I see Chuka Umunna has joined the libdems now.
More parties than 1983!!
CameronB Brodie
5 years ago
re. the full-English Brexit and Britain’s constitutional crises. Surely it is not beyond the wit of humanity to avoid such a debilitating mess? Well, has anyone ever wondered what happens if you mix Constitutional Legal Theory with International Public Law? Perhaps Scotland’s judiciary might want to examine the source of their ambivalence to natural justice? Perhaps they’d rather not?
The relationship between international law and
national law in the case of Kosovo:
A constitutional perspective
This paper addresses the relationship between international law and national law in the case of Kosovo, using its constitutional law as a backdrop to the main question of the paper. After introducing the theoretical background to the field in question, the paper argues that the Constitution of Kosovo provides for a monist model of relationship between international law and national law, while recognizing the direct applicability and incorporation of treaties in the domestic legal order, and, to a certain extent, also of customary international law.
The paper goes on to explain the relationship in question through reviewing a large portion of literature in the field with a view to enabling the reader to understand the specific provisions of the Constitution of Kosovo on the relationship concerned. The paper also attempts to explain the penetration of international human rights law in the national legal order, including an account of the broad constitutionalization of international human rights instruments that is apparent in the Kosovo Constitution.
Finally, the paper concludes that the Constitution of Kosovo builds a ‘happy’ relationship between international law and national law, thus following a modern approach toward the relationship between the two.
Quite frankly nothing that the Ruth Davidson says or does is surprising.
The Colonel is a political prostitute of the highest order. She’d drop the political drawers for Boris in an instant if he became PM. A veritable Monica Lewinsky of politics.
But there we have it. Whoever gains leadership of the Conservative party our wee bag will follow on as the serving handmaiden. No wonder the Colonel’s Conservative
party only got 10% in the last European Elections.
But hey ho, disregard the analogies, what does any of it matter to a Bobbing Joh to a political slut like Davidson.
5 years ago
Brexit – impossible to classify, politically and economically
‘Strong and Stable’ – almost the definition of a complete loss of judgement, courtesy of the British Prime Minister, leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party. To be succeeded shortly, most likely, by someone who, by comparison, makes Theresa May appear like a clone of King Solomon, who was renowned for his peerless wisdom.
But then, when a train goes completely off the rails and heads for a nearby cliff, what does it matter that the driver is called Johnson.
schrodingers cat
5 years ago
yesindyref2” (who is now, apparently banned from this blog).
Liz g
5 years ago
Briandoonthetoon @ 9.29
The tune fair makes the heart sing.
A beautiful tune right enough!!!
But as the clips show…
We can’t have that as our National Anthem.
The French are burying their war dead to it,to win medals in sport to it, where the French compete would be in such bad taste…..
Such is Life…..
My pitch would be for “Auld Lang Syne” and for three reasons.
Firstly – The Writer is indisputably “A son of Scotland” , and a famous one at that ( he even has his own day/night).
Secondly – Nae Wars,Bloody Tombs or mention of The English.
Our past relationship with England should not make it into our National Anthem, ( and by default Robert de Bruce dose speak to a Scottish/English past) but rather, it should be about the face Scotland presents to the world today!
Thirdly – International Recognition.
Most people can only recognise one or two National Anthems!
Most people can only sing one or two lines of them as well!
Auld Lang Syne,is sung once a year the World over and it’s generally sung as a sign of friendship.
The World knows this song,it is arguably more famous than G.S.T.Q, which it is as least as old as, ( and it has to be said written by a one hit wonder) and speaks about friendship not crushing anybody!!
It’s demonstrably OURs…
It could be said that, we have given it to the world to sing and keep safe during “The Union Years”….
Now we are bringing it home where it always belonged….
5 years ago
Just getting a chance to catch up now. Today’s comments on this are just class. I read a few right down to about 4.30pm, and thanks, the Scottish wit is alive and well, brilliant. It keeps us all sane, at least some of the time! 🙂
On a serious note dreadful stuff going down re Iraq and the US attempt to blame them for oil ships being bombed. Scary indeed.
Liz g
5 years ago
Shrodingers Cat @ 12.08
I’m thinking the same as you… EH?
First I’ve heard!
I was actually worried because Yesindyref2 had had a health scare a wee while back.
I was actually hoping that the indecent with the oil tankers would bring him back out from lurking so I’d know for sure he was ok….!!
Any Wingers know him????
Robert J. Sutherland
5 years ago
Brian Doonthetoon @ 22:48, schrodingers cat @ 00:08, Liz g @ 00:25,
yesindyref2 banned? Seriously? Shurely shome mishtake. (How would we know, though?)
I hope he’s just taking a break and nothing more. I don’t know him personally, alas, so I can’t help. Maybe someone should e-mail Stu?
5 years ago
Mr Stewart told Sky News that if Mr Johnson prorogued parliament, “every other MP will sit across the road in Methodist Central Hall and we will hold our own session of parliament and we will bring him down”.
He said: “You don’t ever lock the doors on parliament in this country. Somebody who attempted to subvert our constitution, our liberties, our parliament, and who dared to stand as prime minister and claim they could lock the doors on parliament would not deserve to be prime minister.
“This parliament would meet, whether he locked the doors or not, and we would bring him down.”
Strong and stable and here we have a contender to be the next Prime Minister declaring that he and other MPs will form an alternative Parliament.
Time I think for the guns to come out with troops on the street. Proroguing Parliament was the prelude to the English Civil War.
Mr Stewart told Sky News that if Mr Johnson prorogued parliament, “every other MP will sit across the road in Methodist Central Hall and we will hold our own session of parliament and we will bring him down”.
He said: “You don’t ever lock the doors on parliament in this country. Somebody who attempted to subvert our constitution, our liberties, our parliament, and who dared to stand as prime minister and claim they could lock the doors on parliament would not deserve to be prime minister.
“This parliament would meet, whether he locked the doors or not, and we would bring him down.”
5 years ago
And aside of having to get the troops on the street to maintain control that will be a forced Brexit by Johnson and his Junta, can you imagine the carnage as riven GB tries to fight Europe.
Maybe Trump will put in American forces to support the Johnson Junta because he’s there already having been invited in to support the Junta.
But we in Scotland must not be complacent. The Johnson Junta want to smash Scotland entirely for the recalcitrant colony that it is. In Northern Ireland the UK now has more undercover special forces operating that did so during the Troubles. They’ll do the same in a Scotland and no one should be in any doubt as to the extent military intelligence is operating here.
The media control, the dark money, the surveillance, and the preparation for a martial clampdown and the suspension of the Scottish Parliament. It’s all here.
But Sturgeon and the SG know that and that is why our government takes the steady stable steps that it does whilst staying close to Europe. The UK will burn but we must not burn with it.
Flower of Scotland
5 years ago
Wow, next Week, guess who is on the Alex Salmond show. Can’t wait!
Lenny Hartley
5 years ago
Liz g, the cat et all, was thinking tonight that had not seen anything from yesindyref2 for a while. We have been in contact via email before so will email now and see what the script is.
Liz g
5 years ago
Robert J Sutherland @ 1.05
Let’s give it some time…
It’s late and we don’t know if other Wingers know him yet!
Let’s give it till…
Mibbi Saturday tea time, after the march!!
The Rev will Mibbi have read through the posts and would have said some by then.
If he didn’t and if nobody else has I’ll email the Rev to check!!
If everyone is ok with that??
Liz g
5 years ago
Lenny Hartley @ 1.33
Oh thank you Lenny please let us know as soon as you hear.. 🙂
5 years ago
When Johnston becomes PM, Davidson and Mundell’s ”Operation Ar*e” will do a Tory flip-flop and become known as Johnston’s ”Operation boot up the Ar*e”.
Meanwhile we’ll all be laughing our asses off in Scotland. Johnston as PM, and better still with groper Thomson as SoS for Scotland, will be an absolute gift for us.
So come on folks. Back Johnston for PM. What a guy. Boris, Boris, Boris we, the Scots, love you Boris. Don’t believe Ruth the Mooth Boris when she tells you that you scunner the Scots and that you’ll end the Union. She’s a wee liar (like yourself) Boris. Slowly, slowly catchy monkey, ha, ha.
WGD:- ‘What democracy is all about.’
… ”Ruth Davidson preaches about democracy while espousing deeply undemocratic positions. She preaches about the dangers of division while her own party has proven to be the most dangerously divisive force in the UK. She rails against the replacement of patriotism by nationalism while representing the most narrowly and viciously nationalist party that has ever been in government in Britain. Her own party is a minority government, and is hell bent on forcing the most extreme form of Brexit imaginable on the UK. Yet have you heard her say that the British government can’t foist its Brexit upon us all until it achieves an electoral majority to do so? No. Neither have I.”…
Willie @ 1.17 & 1.21
Calm the fuck doon Willie…
We don’t do violence,the British State is better at it than us.
They have had years of practice!!
We are not going down that road,there’s been enough Scottish blood spilt…. Not one fucking drop more…
We are better than that and we’ll find our way…
Do not ye doubt it 🙂
5 years ago
What a load of old tommyrot …. Lies. Read the tweets to get a semblance of the truth.
As I said Liz Nicola Sturgeon and the SG are going down the steady and stable route. They know how dangerous and vicious the British state is, and that approach is good.
However, we must be mindful of how the British state operates. They are past masters at subversion and they certainly know how to do violence. And they will do it at the drop of a hat.
The stability of the Scots Parliament is something that stands against the chaos of Westminster as it descends into a civil war.
A disunited minority Conservstive government threatening to prorogue Parliament so that a Johnson Junta or other can crash the UK out of Europe is about as dramatic as you can get. No wonder they plan for troops on the street and martial control.
It is a serious as that. The response yesterday by the Prime Minister and Nigel Farage to the clown Jo Brand’s joke about battery acid milkshakes shows just how concerned they are about violence. Of course the clown Brand should never have said this, even as a joke, but it has rung a bell with the politico’s – as their reactions show. The politico’s know the story and in truth fear it, at least for their own safety.
The UK is tearing itself apart, politically and economically.. Austerity descends on the many whilst the elites prosper. Big corporation pillage at will. Unfairness and state victimisation such as the Hostile Environment are very much in play.
Good lord, even the poor D Day veterans trailed out likevperforming monkeys in support of the glorious dead are now going to have to pay to watch a TV.
England is rotten, there is no community, it is bitterly divided, and it is time we got out peacefully so that we do not burn with them.
That is all I was trying to say Liz.
Liz g
5 years ago
Willie @ 3.44
Aye fine…. Just say it a wee bit mair peacefully…
We aw know how nasty Westminster can be!!!
Let’s be as cool as Nicola, and the Yes’rs!!
Now is the time tae bring Scotland the gither!!
Don’t Ye think??
We canny play their violence game,they are so good at it,that’s no our script… They canny handel anything else they don’t know how …. We must keep it “civil”, and legal…. Aye??
Socrates MacSporran
5 years ago
I was doing somethng else, so forgot to switch-off “This Week” when it came on. Then I noticed David Starkey was doing a piece, so, on the basis of let’s hear what shite he is spouting – I watched his, actually quite funny take on the Tory Leadership Stakes.
Starkey said Rory the Tory had been a “Guards officer,” only to be corrected by Oor Andra: apparently Rory’s military service was five months as an officer in The Black Watch.
So I suppose that makes him what George Macdonald Fraser termed: “A Rupert – an Anglo-Scots officer whom the Jocks will follow anywhere, usually out of a morbid sense of dread as to which catastrophe he was about to lead them into.”
On another topic, I note some posters are mentioning the potential for violence on the streets of Scotland under a Johnston Junta.
Worth bearing in mind, perhaps the most-successful escape from British Rule was via Gandhi’s peaceful Power of Non-Violence approach in India. OK, thanks to the Muslim campaign for a separate Muslim state (Pakistan), it all fell apart after the Raj left, but, Non-Violence worked, because the British, spoiling for a fight, didn’t know how to handle him.
And, if Johnston, perhaps with Toom Tabard Thompson as SoS for Scotland does shut-down Holyrood, they could always do what Rory the Tory is suggesting for Westminster – meet elsewhere.
Would the Church of Scotland make the Assembly Rooms available again?
And if it came to that, what would Small Dick and Wee Willie and their troops do? Join the majority, or stand outside calling them names alongside Colonel Yadaftie, Mad Murdo and the Orangemen?
5 years ago
This is a complete FU. There is NO appropriate Tory candidate for PM. And Corbyn is on his way out.
There is sheer pandemonium at Westminster. There is panic in both major parties..
MPs are finally coming around to realise that the UK is (as many people have been saying) is close to National Emergency, civil unrest and complete meltdown.
The Drug Donkey Derby of the Tory Party is a complete farce. It’s not a search for talent or a search for a statesman that can steer the UK out of a hole. It’s the proverbial rearrangement of the deckchairs as the ship goes down… Old men trying to retain control of a disaster.
Cameron, you steered the UK into a friggin Iceberg… you took a risk that wasn’t yours to take.
The only way forward now is back… a General Election AND a Referendum under control of some type of citizens assembly. (We cannot even trust these Donkeys to run an Emergency Coalition Government ..)
The last 12 months direction has pointed towards this catastrophe and we have not changed direction. Stiff upper lip, eh what? The BTL comments on most media has expanded exponentially and people are screaming the same warning for months.
How many times do ordinary people need to point out the obvious? The UK is in crisis, bordering on National Emergency.
The UK and Westminster will not emerge from this catastrophe undamaged. (culturally, politically, economically, constitutionally and most of all psychologically)
Scotland, man the fucking lifeboats!
5 years ago
I would love to see the National run any Iran ‘news’ next to archive Iraq news. These warmongering halfwits are so dim they are using the same playbook (press already got their drum kits out to start their beating). Hunt already handed US a blank cheque by stating that starting point is to believe the US. The US! – what is he, 10 years old. Only a complete mug would believe anything the US says (by US of course I mean, the real Government behind the Government). Good American people are as frustrated as we are – The ‘government’ will soon be testing Trump and they failed last time with Syria (those ‘launches’ landed in an agreed disused airfield)
Also noted the ramping up of recruitment campaigns since the glorious D day celebrations. Pathetic.
5 years ago
Socrates MacSporran says:
14 June, 2019 at 5:46 am
…And, if Johnston, perhaps with Toom Tabard Thompson as SoS for Scotland does shut-down Holyrood, they could always do what Rory the Tory is suggesting for Westminster – meet elsewhere.
I remember back during the Scottish Parliament Building debacle, it was said that the Scottish Parliament could meet in a field if it chose to.
Holyrood is the coming together of two conflicting phenomena; a delegation / devolution of power and integrity given by Westminster, and arguably, this devolution could theoretically be cut off at source.
However, that overlooks the second phenomenon, whereby it was the Democratic will of the sovereign people of Scotland that delivered the mandate to have a Scottish Parliament, and it is the democratic choice of the sovereign people of Scotland which determines who gets to sit in that parliament. In these respects, the Scottish Parliament represents a covenant between the Scottish people and their chosen / delegated leadership, and the Parliament of Westminster has absolutely no Constitutional jurisdiction to interfere.
It is therefore at least credible to suppose that Westminster might choose to remove such powers and authorities from a Holyrood which it can remove, but as a Constitutionally Sovereign people, we can do to Westminster the self same thing that Westminster would do to Holyrood, and essentially remove the franchise which allows it to operate. Scotland’s popular sovereignty trumps the UK Parliamentary Sovereignty, and Westminster has no power over Scotland which doesn’t have its origins in authorities first delegated by Scotland.
There is another complexity to add to this, because it is arguable that this arrangement is an issue of Constitutional Law, not merely ephemeral popular opinion, and as such, it is not contingent upon any equally ephemeral democratic mandate in a referendum. The Union wasn’t created via democracy but legal treaty agreed under franchise. So logically, it can be ended by the same protocols whereby it was created.
That means in my opinion, if Scotland elects an SNP Government, that Government can terminate the Treaty of Union without any need for further referendum. However, given the modern principles of democracy, it would help greatly with Scotland’s international standing if such a decision to break up the Union did have a majority in a referendum, OR a ratification Plebiscite after the event.
Where Scotland is strong and unassailable is having the sovereignty of our people undisputed.
Where we are weak however, is having that sovereignty codified into a constitution which addresses all the ambiguities and conundrums which confound us. In simple terms, the sovereign will of over 5 million people is a clumsy and unwieldy juggernaut to steer and control, but somehow, we need to find a way to do it.
Normal countries delegate power to their government every day all around the world, and those governments are by and large left to get on with it, and the “principle” of democracy is technically satisfied because the Government’s mandate to govern expires and needs the will of the people to authorise a new parliamentary session.
In crude terms, what Scotland has in Westminster is the delegation of power from the people to create a Government, but there is no expiry date on the franchise which requires public support to renew the mandate. It’s like a democracy without the opportunity for electoral renewal… which yes, is a contradiction in terms and irreconcilable paradox. It’s a Union of consent stripped of the necessity and opportunity to renew that consent.
5 years ago
…. It’s a Union of consent stripped of the necessity and opportunity to renew that consent….
But I meant to say, the Union will run forever without our agreement to renew it, but that doesn’t interfere in any way with a singular initiative to end it.
5 years ago
Sorry, bit scattergun this morning…
Another point I meant to make was that I think Scotland could demonstrate the power of sovereignty without actually ending the Union by unilateral resolution to renew Scotland’s consent be part of the Union.
We flick the switch. Rather than orchestrating an initiative to leave the Union, we adopt a different but thoroughly democratic protocol, whereby we leave by default unless we choose to remain after the mandate expires.
We elect a complete government every 4 or 5 years. Why not elect to stay or leave the UK Union by the same principle?
Just imagine the ructions at Westminster… having to be extra nice to Scotland and make a progressive case for the Union every 4-5 years, or see the Union collapse. Oh the fun we would have…
David P
5 years ago
How about Scotland votes – decisively – to leave the UK.
Simple. Straightforward.
Unambiguous. And permanent.
Anything else is tinkering round the edges.
5 years ago
@ Breeks.
3 very good posts.
Our Sovereignty until now has been fairly successfully hidden from view by the usual westminster/establishment smoke and mirrors. Cramped and confined using pseudo convention and compliant political London based parties operating in Scotland.
Teaching Scots that their Sovereignty trumps any dictat from Westminster is the key. WGD wrote in one of his blogs that Scotland wasn’t poor, it was impoverished. The same could be said for our Sovereignty, we aren’t powerless, we have just forgotten how to wield that power.
This is from the beginning of this week’s @CommonsEUexit Select Committee. The message is clear, a no deal Brexit would devastate UK manufacturing.
video link to
Northern Ireland’s DUP not seeking ‘earth-shattering’ changes to Brexit deal link to
Esther McVey claimed £8,750 in expenses for personal photographer link to
EU says reneging on Brexit bill would damage UK economy link to
BRITAIN’S new F-35 fighter jets risk breaking if they fly too quickly for too long, according to a leaked report from the Pentagon. link to
5 years ago
Correct DavidP.
But what if we lose, or the SNP never gets around to winning? Trick question, sorry. Even if we lose, we can’t lose, we’d just be back at ground 0 again.
But yes, you’re right. Mostly. But didn’t the Catalans vote decisively to leave Spain? Apparently a vote needs more than a majority. It’s not awareness that Sovereignty depends upon, it’s formal recognition. Situation as of right now is we don’t actually have that. We should have it, I know, but technically we don’t. If we’re not recognised as sovereign, then what is it that will make our vote be recognised as sovereign? And if it’s not sovereign, then it’s an aspirational opinion poll.
Yes, democracy in the modern world can take command and establish sovereignty, but at what risk are creating a new ersatz or Sevco Scotland, rather than resurrecting the Auld Ancient Kingdom of Scotland? Do we want a new Sovereignty that’s one day old? Or is it all that Scotland has ever been from it’s dawn in prehistory through all the drama and tribulations of a thousand years raw history? I want the same Scotland that declared itself in the Declaration of Arbroath. Independence for me is an act of liberation, not creation.
The other counter argument to what I said is that Scotland cannot arbitrarily change the terms of the Union Treaty with any greater success than England might… not that they pay much heed of that.
I’m not advocating these things as recommendations, but I would very much like to encourage a much wider and more sophisticated understanding of what our Sovereignty is and what it means. For some of us, that means thinking the unthinkable. For others, it opens up a world of imagination they never knew existed.
When you think sovereign, suddenly the Treaty of Union seems like a pompous and irksome piece of paper that wouldn’t pass the legitimate provenance test to warrant a home in a museum. Maybe pinned to the wall in Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks beside all the other illusions and curiosities.
The Declaration of Arbroath is a priceless artefact which creates and defines a Nation. The Treaty of Union is an historical curio which creates nothing but a paper manacle. The one is not the equal of the other.
Meet Duncan Buchanan, Policy Director of the Road Haulage Association (RHA). The RHA is the UK industry organisation for freight transport. He tweets among other things about the UK’s preparedness for No-Deal. Spoiler: It’s bad. link to
Waiting for someone in the SNP with the cheek to say to the Tories get on with it, just elect Johnson.
UK safe in his hands. Hee! Hee!
Hunt, interviewed R4, “America is our closest ally, we must trust them”, OK…Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran?
Robert Peffers
5 years ago
@Joe says: 13 June, 2019 at 8:28 pm:
” … Unfortunately (or fortunately, not sure which) its likely Europe wont be the same place politically or economically for long by the time Scotland becomes independent. Assuming that happens.”
You English/British exceptionalists do blether a right load of lies and twaddle. In the first place there is no chance that Scotland will not end the United Kingdom.
” … Intransigent successive national governments and the EU commission disconnect from real people, slower economies being damaged by inflexibility with the Euro and the migrant crisis have done their damage.”
First of all no EU member state can be forced to adopt the Euro. EU states do so when they, not the EU Government, decide to do so. Not even Greece and it was not the EU, or was it the EC, that caused the problems that Greece brought upon itself and no one forced Greece to continue use of the Euro, Greece decided to do so all by itself because they knew they brought the problems upon themselves.
So, when Scotland becomes the member state, or remains the legacy member state when the UK ends, then the EU has no way of forcing them to adopt the Euro. Then, as an EU member state, Scotland will have a veto to use as Scotland sees fit. The EU has no laws, rules or other mechanisms, to force member states to do anything because the EU is both democratic and it works by consensus.
The truth is that a third of EU member states have never adopted the Euro and one such member state is the United Kingdom and another is Sweden, both have been EU member states since the EU began and both have never adopted the Euro.
As to Germany holding it all together, I see no signs of Germany going to stop doing so.
Oh! And by the way there isn’t, and never has been, a queue of states wanting to join the EU. If a state awaits joining it waits because it does not comply with the conditions required of EU member states to be EU Member states.
Unlike the United Kingdom there isn’t 50% of EU member states wanting out of the EU and, if leaving is done in an orderly manner, no EU or EC rules prevent a member state from leaving the EU. The reason the UK has trouble doing so is because they are attempting to obtain special concessions and are threatening not to pay the dues they agreed to pay.
In the United Kingdom the Westminster Government not only forces both United Kingdom member kingdoms to use the pound but they are attempting to prevent 50% of the member kingdoms from ending the two kingdom United Kingdom and skimming off the wealth of one member state to prop up the other member kingdom while attempting to stop one of the two member kingdoms from ending the union.
Lenny Hartley
5 years ago
Hi folks, have received a response from yesindy2ref , he is ok, but does appear to have been banned from commenting, possibily due to ciritism of the rev’s twitter. he is ok with that as he has other things to get on with.
5 years ago
Davidson’s hypocrisy being exposed in The National.
Once Boris is PM, I suggest we just wander up to the cross outside St Giles, read out a Declaration of Independence, and nobody will argue.
5 years ago
Rev twitter is too trans. Given up reading it. Read about Alex Salmond show. Now mainstream. Good job. A break through. Next. Although Rev does not need it. Wings is the best Indy website. Great fund raiser.
Yesindyref2 has been posting on Newsquest.
Everyone should complain and he might be back again. Heedy too.
5 years ago
Johnstone would not last long. Until October? The Tories will stagger on until a GE. Then toast.
What a mess. A total shambles.
5 years ago
Catalonia. Population 7.5Million. Children 1million. Electorate 5.5. 2.2Million Yes. Many did not vote. One million do not get a vote. EU citizens? Or not registered.
5 years ago
Watched a bit of This Week as I spotted David Starkey and he is always good for a laugh, along with Portillo’s predictions.
He was in full rant mode, not enough of the right class now in Westminster, he really likes the rulers & serf society. I thought he was a historian but he had to be corrected on his facts, but he has such hubris that he just ignored these errors, he was still correct in his mind.
I was watching Liz Kendall’s face during his diatribe and it looked fizzing, I thought she might explode but didn’t, disappointing.
5 years ago
@Craig Murray
Nice one. Saw your two programmes on Alex Salmond show a few weeks back. Your discussions and knowledge on all subjects I found enthralling.
Good to hear that your blog is going well.
5 years ago
I have seen on the internet calls for the Scottish Government to pay for the over-75’s TV licence for those pensioners residing in Scotland. No, they cannot mitigate all the bad decisions made in London. The calls for the SG to do this should be resisted. It is time for the real pain of Westminster rule to be felt.
Don’t worry Willie there will be no troops marching into Scotland
We’ve got drones, they’re terrified of them, It’s our weapon of mass confusion that strikes terror into their hearts
5 years ago
Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then.
The view from Europe, and guess what? It’s not what you’ll see, hear or read from the British Nationalist media.
Frank Gillougley
5 years ago
Hmmm. Sitting here with twenty quid to my name, this is what I’m looking at currently – An Orwellian Johnson Junta.
A ‘rules-based’ gerrymandered sham democracy, as we have known it up until now, I believe will soon be over and we will shortly enter into the world of full-on English Trump mob politics and previously unelectable mouthpieces will be given even more unwarranted continued prominence through political deals with the Junta (e.g. Farage and Davidson etc.)
Fresh from a no-deal xenophobic English civil war and victory over Europe, they will not stop there. The next course of action (as it is their only political philosophy – action) will be against the enemy within and that special measures will soon be taken to shore up and consolidate what territories England controls i.e. Scotland. These measures (the dissolution of a devolved parliament by whatever means, whether overtly, or fiscally) will be justified politically, via a complicit media, as being necessary to preserve the integrity of the UK, or Great Britain, or whatever you want to call it – the USS UK? Anyone can imagine the ensuing propaganda. It will be only academic that Scotland may return 59 SNP MPs to Westminster in the next GE. It won’t make any difference. That arcane Victorian parlour game is over.
Sovereignties, treaties, legally-binding documents, Section 30s, the rule of law, the legal establishment will all be set aside by the Junta via their appointed place men, all in the name of the preservation of the United Kingdom/ Great Britain. Direct rule will be reinstated as everyone knows that ‘power devolved is power retained’.
Of course, some may think this is an alarmingly bleak prognosis and that governance of Scotland as outlined will inevitably be unsustainable.
The policy of ‘lets wait and see the fall-out from Brexit’ before we decide our course, surely has to be over and the SNP has to mobilise onto a far more pro-active stance (which I am sure it has fully considered its tactical options available). I am 100% positive that the Scottish electorate will realise that their future will lie in Europe.
However, I suspect that the political situation will get much worse, before we begin to see real progress on Scotland regaining its independence in Europe.
I hope you don’t mind me copying it here it’s just so fantastic seeing Mundell squirm when confronted with evidence that he too said he couldn’t work with the Boris should the Boris ever be PM
Davidson and Mundell how did we ever end up with two despicable two faced sods like them , oh yes , there are people in Scotland who actually vote for them
Unbelievable !
5 years ago
From the Herald online
“UK Government to get ‘cabinet room’ in Edinburgh”
“”The opening of a new UK Government hub in Edinburgh has moved a step closer.
Property developers Artisan Real Estate formally hand over the keys of the building to Scottish Secretary David Mundell.””
Rest of article is behind a paywall
Below the line comments are worth a read though.
Ian Brotherhood
5 years ago
WOS Twitter is full of folk expressing serious worry over the whole ‘self-ID’ issue and SG’s handling of it.
And no wonder.
Many of us have avoided the topic. Dunno about anyone else but I find it impossibly confusing and frustrating but I’ve (selfishly, aye) made the excuse that we all have the right not to be forced to have an opinion on every fuckin thing.
But this is becoming an existentital threat to the indy movement – if NS and the SNP hierarchy insist on pushing this agenda in the face of such widespread and heartfelt opposition, we can kiss indy2 goodbye.
Vague assurances that ‘Nicola has a plan’ simply won’t wash. Aye, we can surely trust her and her team on the strategic/tactical side of day-to-day political machinations, but this is different. Just when we are so close – so fuckin close! – to achieving the aim we’ve spent years (in some case, decades) pursuing, there’s a real danger of it all being wrecked. And for what?
Can’t remember feeling this scunnered since the morning after indy1.
5 years ago
And if anyone thinks this is a niche interest not worthy of the bubble that is BTL on WoS, ask the SNP how many members have left ALREADY because of this?
I dare you, all you dinosaurs who think they know the mood of the electorate and what is really important. Ask them, it is hundreds, if not thousands and there will be many more when this is fully publicised.
This is an impending crisis of enormous proportions for the SNP, both financially and in terms of votes for the Holyrood elections and if you cannot see this, then more fool you.
I have tried to communicate to the SNP hierarchy my concern over this. I have received bland platitudes about equality for all in return. My male SNP MP is apparently terrified to speak out of turn. Nicola Sturgeon has been both dismissive and patronising in her replies, when she eventually replied that is.
Wake up before it is too late, this will cost votes and goodwill.
One would almost believe Nicola Sturgeon is deliberately scuppering her chances because she wants to move to the UN, destroying the hard work Alex Salmond fought for.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Cassandra your post at 1013 hrs
Hello, the subject you raise is a very simple one if you are lucky enough to be born into the world with the body and mind of a man or body and mind of a woman woman and are happy with that creation.
however if you have the body of a man but feel as if you are a woman
or you have the body of a woman and feel as if you are a man
or at some point in your life you feel that you are not what society says you are
then you will be finding life to be very difficult
the world does not make life so simple once you are considered different
and you will not have done anything wrong to deserve your difficult life.
It is our responsibility to help and protect all people in difficulty
Some of what you say is incorrect too especially the part about women’s space , the discussion we had about men’s space many many years ago showed that in reality there is no such thing as women’s space or men’s space we share the world and all its spaces and can make sure that risks are not increased for women when for example there are toilet areas at work and in hospitals etc that are shared by men and women it works effectively all over the world and can do so here in UK in fact it already does there are many places where cubicles are shared as toilets and changing rooms in perfect safety, hospitals, swimming pools, aircraft and so on, yes of course safety has to be of paramount importance and as yet there is no evidence to show that paramount importance has not been given.
5 years ago
@Ian brotherhood
I’ve been avoiding the issue as well.
The MSM are being careful not to criticise the SNP yet. They want this to pass so they can then crucify the SNP with it when it is law.
winifred mccartney
5 years ago
I have to agree that this selfID legislation will seriously damage the rights of women and damage the SNP if it goes ahead. The rights of any person cannot take away the rights of another group of people otherwise it really is every decreasing circles.
5 years ago
I have been watching Chernobyl – the new series by HBO. This series should be a mandatory watch for all those advocates of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Horrific. Terrifying.
5 years ago
I forget which arsehole it is (Duncan Hothersall maybe) that makes the wild predictions where the opoposite always comes true but if only we can get him to back Boris then its sure to make him lose.
The only problem is we are still left with one of the other cretinous bastards to deal with!
5 years ago
@Ian Brotherhood at 10:57 am
I’ve always been an open-minded, live and let live, treat others as you’d want treated yourself, etc kinda person. However the pushing of this Self ID stuff is ridiculous when there are so many other more important things to deal with.
In my experience of talking to folk when I’m out and about they are pretty much aligned with my own views.
Try explaining this Self ID stuff on the doors to the majority of our small c conservative society and see what reaction you get.
Sport has a huge interest for many. Yesterday when out mountain biking I was speaking to a female athlete who was training and she is disgusted at biological males potentially being allowed to competing against her because they “feel” like a woman.
I try to keep myself fit so know just how hard people have to train to be competitive in their endevours in their same sex classes.
If we are at a point where biology and science can now be ignored, then that opens a whole Pandora’s Box.
It just the same old situation. A lot of people that strive for power and influence are exactly the personality types that shouldn’t have it, as they’re often ego and vanity driven and unable to consider the views and concerns of others.
So aye, scunnered is a fine word to describe how I feel about all this too.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Ian Brother hood and Cassandra
The gender recognition act 2004 is actually an Act of parliament from Westminster
It’s not a Holyrood Act
It’s not an SNP Act
The Scottish government in trying to implement the gender recognition act 2004 found that it was not treating certain groups of people fairly
so it carried out a consultation over a 15 months period beginning 2017 and concluding November 2018
and it looked at what other countries around the world were doing in this respect.
Here is a fact sheet from the Scottish parliament showing where things are now
Proposals are not finalised link to
Get the facts right
scaremongering on an important issue is a poor show
SNP and Scottish government cannot reject the gender recognition act 2004 it’s a UK Westminster government Act of parliament
SNP and Scottish government are consulting experts across the world to find best workable practices , that’s a good thing
Knocking on doors during an SNP campaign for Scottish independence and spreading falsehoods about gender recognition really is the wrong thing to do
The final report with recommendations for improving the 2004 gender recognition act has not even been published
Get a grip of yourself
You may have strong views about it but at least show some dignity in waiting until the final proposals are known
The Internet is chock full of people announcing they’re leaving or have left the SNP yet the membership increased in the last 3 days
Any political party looks at numbers, they have people who do that, and if those numbers demonstrate a shift in something or a trend one way or another, political parties generally move with it, pressure groups can sometimes turn political events with the right kind of strategies but attempting to bully political parties or figures within those parties has never and will never work no matter how much or how loud they shout because at the end of the day the party being threatened counts numbers and if they add up they carry on regardless because numbers don’t lie
While it would be impossible to codify a list of values upon which we could all agree are somehow uniquely Scottish, it might be easier to state what our values are not:
1. Deliberately creating division in society in order to promote one section and sacrifice another. That also applies to the countries of the UK as much as their citizens.
2. Tolerating the concept and use of Foodbanks.
3. Promoting the idea abroad that we are somehow better than the rest of the planet.
4. Sustaining and rewarding the rich and powerful simply because they are rich and powerful.
5. Disparaging the idea that caring for each other is secondary to caring only for oneself.
6. Sustaining a democracy which is fundamentally broken and corrupt.
7. Electing a Prime Minister who equates his own ambition with that of his or her country.
If I had more time, I could go on and I dare say others could add to the list.
If you’re looking for a positive and simple definition of Scottish values, perhaps it could be summarised in one word: Freedom. It is that desire which is driving us towards it.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
Knowing why the gender recognition act 2004 is now being discussed is important.
Reviewing and if necessary improving its content and practices is very important
Here is more information about where we are NOW and have been since 2004 when the Act came into force
“A trans man or woman can change their name and whether they are shown as a man or a woman for almost all their records without having applied to the Gender Recognition Panel under the 2004 Act.
For example, they can change their UK passport, driving licence, academic records, and medical records such as their community health index number without having been legally recognised in their acquired gender.
To change a birth certificate issued in the UK to be consistent with their other documents, they will need to apply for recognition under the 2004 Act.”
Legal recognition may also affect rights to pensions and benefits.
So when you criticise the Scottish government for reviewing the 2004 Act just be aware of how things are right now and have been since the gender recognition act came into being in 2004 as a UK Westminster government act of parliament
What the SNP and the Scottish government are doing is looking at ways of improving the 2004 Act
Christ on a bike!! every country in the world expresses their values in the way they’d like to have them but here we go again Scotland’s the only country NOT *allowed* to have values now except for the ones we’re told to have by another bloody country’s loyal supporters who enjoy the controlling of and removal of culture language and values of every country they’ve slaughtered their way through and imposed their own bloody non culture upon
It’s stuff like this that makes me more and more adamant and I’ve had a bloody long life of being adamant
That’s adamant not Adam Ant
5 years ago
Terry C. – since you’re well informed, is the date, June 25th, correct? I’ve seen nothing, yet I’d assume supporters would be briefed in advance. I have female friends & family to feel concern about.
“is the date, June 25th, correct? I’ve seen nothing, yet I’d assume supporters would be briefed in advance. I have female friends & family to feel concern about.”
Take it from me, the date is correct.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
Some more facts about the gender recognition Act 2004
Which as I have said is a UK Westminster government act of parliament
It’s not an SNP or Scottish government act
The Scottish government is reviewing it
They have carried out an extensive consultation
The proposals for improving the 2004 Act have NOT yet been published
Let’s wait and see what they propose
Let’s make sure we understand how things are at present so that once the proposed amendments are published we truly understand them
I refuse to get drawn into an argument with you over the GRA or any aspect of the contentious debates it has thrown up and I reject your accusation of ‘scaremongering’.
The point I made was simple enough – the SG handling of this is causing consternation among SNP/indy supporters. That is an easily observable fact:
As you will see the biggest group to respond in Scotland was religious , no surprise there
Groups who responded to the Scottish governments consultation but did not want their response published were as follows, why would you want your response kept secret ?
I’d like to know for example what the royal bank of Scotland response was because I bank with them but theirs is on the secret list
We also received responses from the organisations listed below who did not give us permission to publish their response.
Australian Radical Feminists
Director of Public Health, NHS Forth Valley
East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid
Evangelical Alliance
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Hawick Baptist Church
Snizort FCC Church Isle of Skye
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Trans Pride Scotland
YWCA Scotland
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Rev Stu Campbell..your post of 1207hrs
Excuse me but I’m not lying
I was responding to a post by Cassandra at 1013hrs in which she said, and I quote
“Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then”
Check it for yourself ,that is exactly what she said
Lenny Hartley
5 years ago
Ian Brotherhood at 10:57 agree with your comments , if any SNP elected person reading this , i am another SNP Member totally scunnerred with the Party Hierachy in pushing this.
Looks to me if Sturgeon and Co are trying to destroy any chance of winning Indy Ref 2 if they ever grow a pair and get on with organising one. I do not know of one SNP Member who is in favour of Self Id.
The complaint by people seems to be that people can expose themselves in public places then claim it’s OK, but that’s still against the law under the Indecent exposure law where nobody can expose themselves to anybody because it’s a crime and you get arrested for it
5 years ago
Frank Gillougley 10.25am. ‘Direct rule will be reinstated as everyone knows that’ power devolved is power retained’. Everyman/woman and their dog knows this frank, but just haud oan a minute and you’ll have the resident troll screaming repetitively at you. Do you know this, where is your proof, tell me tell me blah blah blah.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
The thing is a man been able to identify as a woman and a woman as a man since the 2004 gender recognition act came into force
Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
Sorry ignore my 1221hrs post it’s part of a previous post duplicated incorrectly
Proud Cybernat
5 years ago
SNP will be making a MASSIVE BLUNDER if they do not put this Self-ID issue to a referendum. This issue is just too contentious and cannot be pushed through HR. It MUST go to a referendum. If it does not go to a referendum then this issue will destroy the SNP.
Women need safe spaces. This Bill, if passed, would allow ANYONE with a cock to legally enter what are presently protected female spaces (toilets, changing rooms and so on) and those abusing the legislation to potentially have legal access to assault them.
This cannot be allowed to be pushed through HR – it MUST go to a referendum. If the FM pushes this through then she will have single-handedly compromised women’s rights and the very demographic she needs to win over to have a real shot at Indy will desert her as will, undoubtedly, many men, myself included.
FM – do not be so BLOODY STUPID with this. Put it TO A REFERENDUM where ALL the people of Scotland can have a say over such a contentious issue.
5 years ago
Ian Brotherhood says:
14 June, 2019 at 10:57 am
Can’t remember feeling this scunnered since the morning after indy1.
Can anybody explain the up side of driving Independence supporters to the actual brink of despair?
Asking for a friend.
5 years ago
The consultation was skewed. Only 49% of respondents live in Scotland. Most of the groups consulted were trans supporting groups. Two women’s organisations consulted depend for their funding on the Scottish Government who demand they support trans rights. It should be binned.
I have written to the SNP and my local Branch to complain about the possible announcement on 25th June. I will resign if Self ID legislation is enacted and will not vote for the SNP again.
5 years ago
Re all this self ID malarkey. It wouldnt surprise after 50yrs down the line under a FOI , we find out that (to save our precious union mind) the SNP had been infiltrated by agents of the brutish state. Just my humble opinion mind……and no i dont have any proof of this.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
The biggest group to respond in Scotland were religious
5 years ago
@ Cubby at 11:20am …… “Chernobyl.’
I’ve just started watching this programme too, Cubby (3 episodes) and yes it’s absolutely terrifying. Most of all that the population were kept in the dark before, during and after the event.
It reminded me that I’ve actually come across MANY people in Scotland who don’t have a clue about the nuclear weapons that we “house”, far less the implications relating to risks and accidents. It also reminded me that the Local Councils should be issuing informative leaflets to householders as to what to do in the event of an attack or accident, in particular in the regions that the convoys pass through. It’s unbelievable to think, know, that the Scottish people are being kept in the dark, no doubt at the behest of Westminster / their Scottish lackies, in line with the Russian people portrayed in the HBO show.
I reckon that we should all contact our Local Councils and demand that they produce and disseminate information on this subject, ASAP. It’s even more of an imperative now when we see what’s current and looming, such as the instability of the planet, the Iranian situation and Scotland out of the EU and under the control of the warmongering nutters of the World such as Trump and Johnston (any potential Tory PM).
Meanwhile Chernobyl is a “must watch”, imo.
5 years ago
@Rev Stuart Campbell
The advocates of sexual/gender mash-up in the SNP government are treating this matter as they did same sex marriage. link to
They’re getting rather good at skewing, ducking and divng and not telling it like it is.
Sturgeon and pals, I regret to say, seem more concerned with this gender social engineering stuff than the mega massive issue in the room.
5 years ago
Swimming pools have had missed changing rooms for years. There are separate changing rooms and families cubicles. Absolutely no problems.
In some swimming pools people have to sign a register to take family photos. There are plenty of staff available.
The problem with toilets is men pee on the floor. More cleaning up. Many smaller cafes have had mixed toilets for years. Absolutely no problems.
A total storm in a teacup.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
What we are talking about here is trying to make life easier for people who have real difficulties in their lives
The gender recognition Act was passed in 2004
By the UK Westminster government
The EU reached a decision recently saying human rights are involved here
The Scottish government is reviewing the 2004 Act with a view to proposing amendments to improve what is in the Act
The review has not been published and yet we are seeing so many people issuing scare stories about women being forced to share toilets and changing rooms with men
Well since the 2004 Act came into force men have been able to present themselves as women and women as men so there probably has already been instances of them doing so and possibly in toilets and changing rooms without people being aware it wouldn’t be that difficult if you put your mind to it
So let’s wait and see what the Scottish government consultation comes up with and evaluate whether or not it improves the 2004 Act
The problem is at present that so many people commenting here and elsewhere are complaining about things they are frightened the Scottish government will introduce but they are things that the 2004 Gender recognition Act already allow
5 years ago
If I was a British Nationalist seeking to destroy public support for the SNP and, by extension, Independence, this is exactly the type of legislation I would promote. The Greens are also tarnished by this.
Ruth Davidson’s demand that the SNP win an outright majority won’t be necessary if the Greens also lose support.
5 years ago
Chernobyl has a cover over which will last 100 years. There was a programme about the construction on TV. Fascinating. The work had to be done outside the safe guideline. A French Company.
5 years ago
@ Proud Cybernat at 12:22pm …. “Referendum.”
Spot on PC. This issue should be put on hold, explained clearly to the Scots in general, including the Law and the UN / EU stance, followed by a Referendum. The Unionists are sitting waiting with bated breath on this being pushed through. Not to worry right enough as people like James Kelly, who have kept their mouths shut throughout, will be at the forefront of having it knocked back, overturned, and taking the credit for it no doubt.
5 years ago
Swimming pools etc have had mixed changing rooms for years. Totally no problems.
5 years ago
What I’m talking about here is biology. It is not possible to change sex. Sex is determined at conception through either xx or xy chromosomes developing into a foetus. Yes I know there are anomalies but the vast majority – over 95% are either male (xy) or female (xx). This can never change throughout life.
It is delusionary to say that you can be born into the wrong body.
Biology still works in Scotland.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Capella your post of 1228hrs
You are wrong the percentage of respondents from Scotland was 63.03% not 49%
Here is the result look half way down the page 104 of 165 submissions were from groups in Scotland
We can have a progressive ScotGov building an inclusive society but absolutely NOT at the expense of impinging one group’s hard won rights over those of another’s.
Put it to a Referendum, FM.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Capella your post of 1257 hrs
I agree with you that the biology is set pretty much as you say but surely you cannot dispute that there are men who are very girlie and women who are very much more like men in their behaviour and how they feel and how they present themselves to the world.
You can’t just consider the biology in isolation
You have to consider how a person feels and how they present themself to the world
It’s cruel it’s unjust not to consider these
Human rights law recognises that ignoring what is called gender dysphoria is wrong
the condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex
5 years ago
Hang in there guys we are making progress and what a positive result in the Wings fund raiser.
Could I make a comment on someone using a toilet or changing facility that you feel they are not entitled to?
If a man was to fake his sexual orientation and wear a dress to enter a changing room in order to act in a perverted fashion, you call the police.
If a man not faking anything just pushes his way in with perversion in mind, call the police.
If a person in transition uses your changing room and acts in the same fashion as everyone else giving each their space and privacy
then what is there to complain about.
Do men refuse a female doctor if they have issues with their genitalia?. Do women reject male gynecologists?
If any person is going about their duties or daily life acting in a reasonable manner and not reaching beyond accepted boundaries
I really don’t see a problem.
Travelling in France I recall using urinals with women walking behind me to use the cubicles.
I was a little uncomfortable as it was the first I’d encountered this type of thing but I just used the facility keeping my self to myself and the ladies the same.
If I exposed my self deliberately or women were to act inappropriately I’m sure actions would have been taken by others there and the police contacted if necessary.
I also thought Thailand had a really relaxed outlook to transgender people. I did unfortunately stare at people who where obviously big burly men walking up the street in short shirts and
lip stick but the Thai people don’t give them a second glance.
Its just people who have made their own choices going about their daily business.
Lets revisit our own minds before we try to change the minds of those we don’t know.
5 years ago
Independence, first and foremost.
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To proud cyber at your post 1.02pm
Who’s rights are being impinged by whom ?
Who are the groups you are referring to ?
The proposals from Scottish government appear to be tightening certain areas of the gender recognition act 2004
For example they suggest that people wanting to to be recognised as a different gender should go before a judge or JP provide evidence and information to support their request and then have to sign a declaration agreeing to particular terms
schrodingers cat
5 years ago
I agree this legislation should be kicked into the long grass
it is too divisive at the exact moment we need to unite and push for the most important issue of our generation. independence.
Harry mcaye
5 years ago
To watch Chernobyl don’t you have to give Rupert Murdoch money? No thanks.
I’m with Stu on self-ID. It’s nonsense and I can’t believe the SNP are about to press self-destruct just when things are going so well (and Johnson as PM is about as good as it’s going to get for perfect Indy conditions). I’ll just turn up at the gym, say I identify as a woman and walk right in to see the naked ladies!
5 years ago
The bloke from The Apprentice that enjoys saying “You’re fired!” has endorsed Boris Johnson.
That makes BoJo a Sugar-coated pillock.
5 years ago
@ TC – of course I accept that men and women have a range of behaviours that traditional sex stereotypes say they shouldn’t have. So change the stereotypes.
But 98% of violent offences are committed by biological men and that doesn’t change if they call themselves women. That’s why safe spaces for women and girls are necessary.
Proud Cybernat
5 years ago
@ Callachan.
Watch my lips.
Got it?
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To Effijy your post at 1.09pm
I agree with the points you make
The place where women suffer most abuse , assault , ill treatment , sexual assault
Is in their own home
Usually by someone that knows them well or is a relative
as we have seen too often the risk is in places that have a certain isolation
or places where the abused either cannot leave or its difficult to leave freely
The place where they actually live
care homes for children
Church establishments
Youth clubs and sports clubs
Terry Callachan
5 years ago
To proud cybernat…your post at 1.21pm
Sorry I wasn’t watching
Can you do that again
I missed your lips moving
Hang on ..I can’t lip read
Hang on how can I watch your lips on wings ?
Explain please
OH , you can’t
How about a name change
Proud Cyberprat
Jack Murphy
5 years ago
So,I quote:
“Ruth Davidson confirms she would work with Boris Johnson,if he became Prime Minister”.
Here EXACTLY is what Lord Patten a Senior Tory
former Tory Party Chair
former European Commissioner
and former Chairman of the BBC Trust thinks about Boris Johnson !
“”Many smaller cafes have had mixed toilets for years. Absolutely no problems.””
Small cafes have a Single toilet which men and women use at DIFFERENT times.
They are NOT in the same toilet space at the same time.
This is not the first time you have used this as an argument on this issue. It is a totally false argument/example.
Robert Peffers
5 years ago
@David P says: 14 June, 2019 at 7:39 am:
” … How about Scotland votes – decisively – to leave the UK.
Simple. Straightforward.
Unambiguous. And permanent.
Anything else is tinkering round the edges.
I said it, long ago. here on Wings, ” … Scotland’s greatest strength is that her people are legally sovereign and Scotland’s greatest weakness is that her people are legally sovereign.
Yet getting them all together to use their legal sovereignty is Scotland’s biggest problem.”.
Nothing much has changed since I said that – excepting for the fact that getting them to act together is a great deal closer now than at any time in my lifetime.
It’s comin yet fir aa that.
5 years ago
A large number of posts from Callachan on this thread and not one of them containing his usual anti English bigotry. Well done Terry old boy.
5 years ago
A big shout for the Scottish women’s football team. Get right into them.
H Scott
5 years ago
Scotland world cup match on BBC. English commentator!
Very strange coincidence. Bojo looks a shoe-in for PM, hard Brexit on the cards, SNP membership starts to climb again, legislation for indyref 2 in preparation. When suddenly……..
Wooosh – one almighty stushie about this gender ID (of which I havent the foggiest). SNP BAD SNP BAD.
Amazing coincidence, don’t you think? The timing couldn’t have been better for the British establishment.
But wie was never really in the game in the first half except for passing backwards or square and not too confident at that either. 🙁
Must do better in next half.
5 years ago
Quote from the Guardian…
“Boris Johnson has claimed he can achieve an “orderly, managed Brexit” on deadline by ditching the Northern Irish backstop in favour of “alternative arrangements”.
As I understand it, “ditching the Backstop” effectively means ditching the Good Friday Agreement, which is an Internationally recognised Peace Treaty which you “ditch” at your peril.
You won’t get a Trade Deal with the US for a start, and you will be held accountable for any resumption of the Troubles. I must assume that’s international ostracism and trade sanctions are what he means by “alternative arrangements”.
I love it when a plan comes together
The arse is on the foot now, or something.
Should be termed Codename Verbal Diarrhoea – from both Camps.
This is what happens when you follow the Great Leader
I’ve stopped worrying as unless there’s some voting happening soon I can do nought about it. Now I just find the whole thing throughly entertaining.
Ach yesterday’s news. Operation Kiss Arse has already kicked off. Ye have to hand it to Ruthie. She doesn’t hang about. 🙂
Bungling Boris has the Backing of more Tory MPs than
His closest 2 rivals put together.
With the double speak clots that are the Scottish Tory Party
This is equal to a great success in stopping Boris?
Should they perhaps support Boris and maybe kill off his chances that way?
We know through the years that whatever the stories say in Scotland, the opposite is true.
Another option is for multi loser McTernan to back Boris and apply the kiss of death.
Boris Johnson. What a fkng humiliation.
Personally I’m getting conservative brain death…..every piece of news on the TV, Radio, News??Papers is all about the conservatives……Can we just have a referendum on independence and forget all about these shysters ??
Butt…butt…I thought Davidson was the ar*e.
I can see I’m a little behind 🙂 Must keep up.
If BJ becomes PM, I will be ordering the finest, bestest deluxe popcorn ever.
Oh no it appears they dopey tolie voters doon sooth are no listening to the Oracle tRuthless or is this just a cunning stunt ( huv a goat that right ) to divert our attention , I like the thought of operation Arse it encompasses all the contenders
Meanwhile the great Rory the tory Scoatland’s and the onions saviour has had his erse skelpit
Operation Arse is still active, but now it refers to anything that is emitted from Ruth Davidson. Is she now going to be saying ‘Boris, he’s the man for me’, somehow I think so. Not really a leader, just an acolyte to the latest leader. The motto for Tories in Scotland ‘no matter where you lead we will follow’, a craven bunch with no backbone.
Isn’t that typical? I’m all ready to make my very first comment to Wings, and I’m struck speechless. Damn it.
Time for Ruthie to kiss arse and make up, I guess.
BTW where is SnackBeard? He has been awfy quiet of late.
Now, now, come on; Colonel Yadaftie is a winner donchaknow.
The good Colonel will get on either her water buffalo or her tank and will head the bounder off at the pass.
This is her finally standing-up for Scotland. By her heroic and successful plan to discredit Boris and knock him out of the leadership race, Truthless has, yet again – shown she is a the true champion of Scotland.
The reality of course is, with BoJo in Number Ten, the chances are we will have Ross Thomson in Dover House; which makes Independence all the more certain.
Cheers, Ruthie.
It’s really quite entertaining as the assorted sacks of offal try and discredit other sacks of offal.
yeah, i know it’s awful.
Mundell and Davidson now lying prostrate at the feet of Boris confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness. What will the great one decide their penance will be?
Apart from the horror of it all though think of the laughs we’re gonna have. And cheers Stuart.
In the vassal state that is the Boris nugget, he thinks he is Winny Churchill, and mark my words will take us to war if given half the chance.
Under his premiership we will be a “genuine American state,” and will simply be sold off to the highest bidder, so long as the f**kwit can feather his own nest.
“Caricature coupon Farage” will be exactly the same.
The UK is F**KED which ever way you look at it.
Scotland WAKE UP.
so operation Earse “might” be reinstated by the *coughs* “wonderful Tories in Scotland.
Johnson allegedly “thinking” (does he even DO thinking I wonder?) about proroguing parliament when he is dressed by his juniors in his new clothes.
Stewart threatening to hold parliament across the road in the Methodist Central Hall.
Looks like English Civil War II is getting closer by the day peeps.
Nice to see the British media are STILL stuck firmly up the Colonel’s earse!
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If the groik gets to no10 there will be numerous outbreaks of
foot n mouth.
Ruth’s new script on its way up to Scotland via Boris’s private gunboat so’s nobody’ll know it’s a secret script
When Mundell and Davidson are summoned before ‘The Leader’ about Operation Arse will their excuse be ‘we were only obeying orders’.
I’m more interested in what they will say after we chose independence, after all they have basically chosen to support another countries decision over their own country (Mundell excuse no doubt will be, he believed Scotland was extinguished so should not be held responsible for his treachery).
If Scottish voters don’t switch to Indy after the election of Boris….they never will!
Just goes to prove that a vote for a Tory in Croydon is much better than a vote for a Tory in Edinburgh Central, if you want Scottish Independence.
the question isnt whether mundel and ruth will turn tail and kiss arse………. of course they will
the question is whether the scot tory voters will too. some will, no question, but not all, how the numbers eventually fall is yet to be seen
my money is on the scots tory mps getting wiped out and ruth the “saviour” gettin’ crucified
bring it on bojo
[…] Wings Over Scotland Great work, lads Looking forward to that reactivation. (WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW.) Don’t all celebrate […]
Bojo will be PM, and there will be an autumn ge so that it eats more time into The Oct31 Brexit deadline and he will have a substantial majority according to the poll the Rev shared on his twitterfeed on Wed. Ways things are going we are likely to be at War with Iran sometime in the forseeable future, probably not until the winter. One thing is for sure it is very unlikely that the Iranians carried out the attacks on the oil tankers.
I said to a colleage at work in 2003 whilst looking at a large World Map on his Office Wall that Syria would be next in order to make a path for ground forces to Iran. Thanks tothe Russians they have failed to overthrow the Assad Regime, they will now instead try and manufacture a reason to takeout the Iranian Regime. Itsnot going to be pretty.
Arbroath1320 says:
Looks like English Civil War II is getting closer by the day peeps.
it wont happen, lost soft brexit tory voters will simply be replaced by new hard brexit tory voters and the english Civil War II wont even register on curtice of james kelly’s opinion polls.
in reality the real Civil War will be among scottish tory voters, they are about to be ripped in half and and the soft brexiters cast adrift.
that is why ruth mounted operation arse in the 1st place
This should prove to Tories (as if proof were needed) that no one in the WM government listens to anyone from Scotland. It doesn’t matter what your political persuasion is, if you are from Scotland then London Tories see you are an irrelevance. You have no influence there whatsoever.
I’m sure Boris would say, Ruth who?
Ruth may move to muster support for ‘Operation Turn The Other Cheek’
F**KWITS priorities will include a water pipeline all the way from Jockoland down to the Saf East. wifwaf, wibble wobble.
This will not go down well with the Tories in Scotland Mr Johnson
The Tory party in Scotland is there to represent the people of the UK not Scotland
Wheee! we’re Independent already!!
Looks like “ operation arse” has been “ holed” somewhat below the waterline then?
I have not so far heard Mundel or Ruth threaten to resign if Boris is PM
Reports coming in from SNP, membership applications are flooding in already
Looks like it turned into Operation Arise instead…….as in Arise Prime Minister Johnson.
(putting it here too, just because)
From Wings twitter:
The call has been answered, congrats to everyWingerbuddy 🙂
The 2019 Wings fundraiser remains OPEN…
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Last orders…
Coming to a cinema near you: Dr Ruthless or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Boris!!!
Apparently there has been a rise in Tory Party membership down south from older white gammon types keen to ensure that BoJo succeeds in his inexorable rise up the greasy pole.
As for the Scottish Tories, is there even a remnant of their former willingness to stand up for Scottish interests? Especially given the craven surrender of their leadership, the shouty but irresolute Little Corporal and the spineless and clueless Toom Tabard. Their reputations are crashing and burning, but is there anyone with enough foresight and gumption to see them off the premises in a palace revolution?
Step up Murdo! Cometh the hour, cometh the former reject. =cough= Revenge could be tasty when served this cold…
ps, great work, Wingers of 2019
Cactus says:
The 2019 Wings fundraiser remains OPEN…
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Last orders…
can I second that cactus?
every pound donated today = 4 wbb2
we are presently at about 100,000 wbb2, less than half we had in indyref1.
think about that, if you realise just how important wbb1 was in indyref1, this should spur wos lurkers to donate.
we are going to need these very very soon. time is running out
A serious question.
I know some will have asked this before, but I am beginning to fear the worst, given the looming political climate on the horizon.
Is there really anything to prevent the Scottish Parliament being closed down by Westminster? Or, alternatively have its devolved powers substantially stripped to the extent that it is literally no more than a talking shop?
Any reassurance would be gratefully received.
I wish someone would ask Davidson what she thinks about Javid not being invited to the Queens banquet would she slag off May and the Queen of her precious Union.
Frank Gillougley @ 17:45,
They can’t formally abolish without a referendum, but they can degrade its functioning from without and within, using the “mitigation” weapon together with the power grab and Henry VIII powers, and aided-and-abetted as per usual by the hapless NorthBritLab, for whom Holyrood has become a serious losing game.
So in the longer term no assurance whatever, I’m afraid. We have become “too big for our boots” for our “masters” in London. So we have to find properly-sized boots with which to deliver the only message they will understand, or be robbed of even the little we currently possess.
It’s keep moving on now or perish.
North chiel @ 17:25,
No, just “repurposed”. Instead of a boot being applied, now it’s a tongue…
You never know under F**KWITS leadership spaffing might become an Olympic sporting event, I am sure he will try the commonwealth games committee first. “Empire and all that bollocks” tallyho.
Expect speaking Latin to become trendy in pubs, “dan the Veteris Canis et Phasianum.” innit.
Retro in arca Scocie.
A big arse is the Scotsman journalist (ha ha) who just prints what he is told by the Britnat parties.
Paris you are an arse. Proper journalists take risks all over the world to get to the truth. What do they do in Scotland for the Britnat press – tell lies for their political masters. What does that make them – propaganda writers.
After JM Barrie, “There is indeed no finer sight than a Scotswoman on the make”.
Davidson, Johnson’s joshing jockess?
Looks like it has turned into Operation Rectal Prolapse and Davidson needs to apply some preparation H to heal the wounds between herself and The Leader.
Nice One.
It makes you wonder how Ruth’s brief is worded. It’s crystal clear that her role is to keep Scotland subservient at all costs.
Great to see her job description.
Bet there is a big reward clause written in.
Why does Ruth Davidson dislike Boris Johnson so much? They’ve got lots of common ground.
They’re both pathologically ambitious. Both love zany photocalls. They have very similar power-grabbing propensities. They both hate Scotland.
Maybe that’s it. They’re just too much alike.
They do seem to be a bit arse about face. 😎
Paris in the Scotsman never writes anything positive about Independence the SNP or Scotland. The man is a disgrace.
As regards Boris Johnson, might be a few martyrs in the protracted fight for Independence if he becomes PM. The man thinks he is Winston Churchill,ably supported by ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s like Davidson, Mundell and the rest we could face armed occupation for years to come.
@blackhack says: 13 June, 2019 at 4:22 pm@
” … Can we just have a referendum on independence and forget all about these shysters ??”
Yes, Blackhawk, of course we could have an indyref anytime we want to – and we could also lose it any time we don’t want to. Just like the last time we tried it.
As for me, I don’t believe I’m better informed and know as much of what’s going on as the FM, SG and SNP. So I’ll leave it to them and not to the numpties who believe they know best. Many of whom I believe are, by either design, by or by arrogance and ignorance doing Westminster’s work for them.
next week…….Mundell and Davidson kiss the feet of Johnston saying they always supported him and his greater Engerland.
Yes great leader we will impose austerity on the scotch, more foodbanks, we take the fish to Grimsby where it always belongs and stamp them with the UJ flags, no more silly parliaments for the Celts — who needs them –when we have the Mother of All parliaments- Can we get a wee bauble for our trouble they ask….
My contempt for those three knows no bounds.
@call me dave says: 13 June, 2019 at 4:23 pm:
! … Butt…butt…I thought Davidson was the ar*e.
I can see I’m a little behind ? Must keep up”
Well, just call me Dave, you might be a little behind but from what I can see Davidson most certainly
ishas not a little behind.Surely the Tories could have had this election over in one day by using STV. The Tories horror show continues. Davidson does what she is told.
This woman is a mealy-mouthed, serial liar and nothing more than a one trick pony. She has one agenda and only one agenda – stop Scotland seceding from the UK Union.
That’s it.
She and her northern branch of a godawful party have nothing to offer the Scottish people. Nothing at all. She wants nothing more than to see Holyrood shut down and herself shuttled off to Westminster as a major thank you from her colonial overlords.
However, while Ruth’s eyes are forever glancing southwards thinking of possible glories …maybe she should have a look around her own backyard first. She might just find that things are not so cosy as she thinks.
For come the next Scottish Elections, she just might find herself unemployed, especially if she continues to back London charlatans that are determined to hand everything over to the Americans. I mean …seriously. …has it even dawned on her that standing side-by-side with these delusional extreme Tory idiots might not be the best thing for your career, especially if your seat is in a country that despises these people. Seeing Scotland dragged out of the EU against its will and is coerced into handing over its own NHS to the Americans …might not be the best thing for your political career while your seat is in Scotland.
I have a feeling if Scotland is absolutely battered by Brexit in the months to come …she’s gone come the next Scottish elections.
ot but did anyone see that STV news won an award as the best wee story tellers in Scotland?
I often wonder who votes for these pillocks, sure ain’t open to the public.
I think I might have suggested (t)Ruthless in no supporter of liberal democracy. She’s an opportunistic political thug who’s ‘credability’ is entirely a creation of the media. Scotland would need a lobotomy in order to trust their biological security and future to her form of civic morality. Hence the BBC in Scotland.
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Hi Gary45% at 6:03 pm.
You typed,
“Expect speaking Latin to become trendy in pubs, “dan the Veteris Canis et Phasianum.” innit.
Retro in arca Scocie.”
Amawi here mane. (I’m not, actually. I’m taller than average and no’ sae hairy these days.)
Caesar adsum iam forte. (Don’t know what he had for supper.)
Congrats to us all for breaking the crowdfunding record!
Robert Peffers @ 18:48,
Well, I’m sure we’ll all look forward to having you back again once the SG has made up your mind for you. =grin=
In the meantime, most of us are happy to debate the issue, among others. After all, that’s precisely what the BTL is for. It keeps the grey cells active and the spirits up while we necessarily have to bide our time.
According to Mr Google.
Dan the old dog and pheasant.
Back in your box Scotland.
I struggle with English never mind Latin.
Robert J Sutherland @ 5.56pm
You mentioned the possibility of a Boris-led Toerag Government possibly invoking “Henry VII powere.”
I would like to think, if they ever did, that would be the move which would force the Scottish Justiciary, who are well-known for being almost Britnats to a man and woman, to finally wake up, stand-up for the independence of Scots Law, guaranteed you remember by the Treaty of Union and tell the London Government to get lost.
Then, we are home and dry, with the full backing of the Scottish Legal Establishment. Since Henry VII was never King of Scots, “Henry VII powers” can never be used in Scotland surely.
Bloody keyboard – Henry VIII, not Henry VII.
Gary45% says: at 7:40 pm
“According to Mr Google.
Dan the old dog and pheasant.
Back in your box Scotland.
I struggle with English never mind Latin.
Hey, I ain’t that old!
Commenting as the holder of a Grade B French O Grade…
Je suspect the “dan” might mean “in” which would be a word fit, as “dans” means “in” in La Lingo de la Frenchio.
Welsh Sion might be able to assist further.
Wow, what kind of politician has to announce to the world that she is so professional that (whisper, whisper) she has even been known to enter negotiations with the First Minister. OMG, imagine that!
She is a product of the Public Relations men. Watch carefully her facial expressions in the above video. It’s all an act. She’s a fraud and would struggle to survive in a position of true responsibility where her every move was minutely examined and questioned.
Ye cannae fool us, Ms Davidson. Remember we’re Scots, and we can see a fraud a mile off.
As our grannies used to say, “She’s fair away wi’ hersel’, but she’ll come doon to earth wi’ an awfy clatter.”
For almost 40 years, for the vast majority of Scots, the Tories have been seen as the party of the Devil incarnate! Nasty, abusive, elitist, social vandals. Ripping off ordinary folks to make an elite richer.
I suspect the actual word Tory wasn’t know widely across Europe. Now, everyone knows the word, and what it really stands for.
IMO this has considerable bearing on the independence cause. It will be absolutely clear to the majority of Europeans now why Scotland wants out of its union with England. Our future is a normal European country, and nothing like the loony right display being put on in London.
I hope come IndyRef2 this results in the backing of our fellow Europeans against the ‘mid Atlantic’ madhouse we will be trying to detach from.
Here’s one for Scotland’s judiciary, who need to prove through their “actions”, that they are rational liberals who are supportive of multicultural pluralism and the rule-of-law (see the British constitution). It is more than a little alarming they have not already done so, frankly.
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Johnson will be a shockingly bad PM (as he was FS). The only joy will be watching Davidson eat crow pie and pretend to be able to work with the man.
Mundell will likely get the boot despite a rear guard action by the self same Fluffy one to play down his worries about Boris.
Then there’s this one. lol
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Unfortunately (or fortunately, not sure which) its likely Europe wont be the same place politically or economically for long by the time Scotland becomes independent. Assuming that happens.
Intransigent successive national governments and the EU commission disconnect from real people, slower economies being damaged by inflexibility with the Euro and the migrant crisis have done their damage.
Germany holds it all together economically.
Tick tock.
That went well then, he got enough MP votes to win outright were it a FPTP vote and enough, assuming he survives the next round to get him in the final two.
Once in the final two, unless he actually murders someone, or withdraws, he’ll be our next PM – God help us all…
Would it please you to see the EU fail?
Scotland is the place for rockets and here’s another. 🙂
From WoS twitter… yea not!
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@Lenny Hartley says:
13 June, 2019 at 4:56 pm
I said to a colleage at work in 2003 whilst looking at a large World Map on his Office Wall that Syria would be next in order to make a path for ground forces to Iran. Thanks to the Russians they have failed to overthrow the Assad Regime, they will now instead try and manufacture a reason to takeout the Iranian Regime.
Also, thanks to the yanks themselves and their inability to see who the real enemy is, they will be unable to use Iraq as a path for their forces either. The Shia majority would rise against them if they did – they see the Iranian Shias as their brothers. If Sadam Hussein was still in power it would be no problem for them (mind you they backed him in an invasion of Iran and that failed too – though with a great cost to 100,000s of Iranians and Iraquis).
America blames Iran for attack on oil tanker near Strait of Hormuz,
what happens next ?
the French,UK and American oil companies keeping the middle east destabilized while they pillage and plunder,
they have f@cked over Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan,Yemin,Sudan and Syria,
and control Saudi,Israel,Kuwait,
Scotland is oil rich,
if they can`t infiltrate and control they destroy.
And another for Scotland’s ambivalent judiciary, who appear not to value “new natural law”.
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Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.
Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.
One for using down the pub.
And some Constitutional Legal Theory that Scotland’s judges might want to consider.
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Our Auld Alliance partners are not best pleased at the prospect of a BoJo premiership, according to Le Monde.
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It has always been Europe or bust for Scotland, ever since every part of our country voted to remain.
The EU knows and acknowledges that desire but has had to keep quiet because the UK is still a member state.
Not for much longer.
Just as warm words and a the promise of a warm welcome from our fellow EU countries will be Scotland’s ace cards in IndyRef 2, so they will drive a stake into the heart of Bitter Together’s *ahem* campaign.
I look forward to PM Johnson’s (*shudder) response to the prospect of Scotland becoming the EU’s 28th member state.
It will be a wonderful thing to behold – and in all probability an Eton mess of veiled threats and crude blandishments.
Jpohnson may be a clown – but the forces behind the buffoon will stoop to any tactic to ‘bind Scotland fast’*copyright speaker of the House of Commons 1707* in their ‘precious union’.
Slowly, slowly the stars are aligning for Scotland.
And with Europe at our backs we will win.
Hi Heart of Galloway.
I think your comment may allude to this.
“Hey Tuttie Taiti”.
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Cheers for yer seconding schrodingers cat at 5:42pm, aye aye
ps, the Saj is live on LBC at present
For your entertainment and involvement tonight frae 10pm
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It’s quiz night, yipee!
Mundell has seen the light. He can work with Boris.
All those quotes from him about Boris being a fool were inaccurate apparently. Fake news you know.
If ever any man lacked class,principle or backbone ,it is Mundy. An invertebrate for sure.
IMHO, the conduct of the British state during the first indyref, was pretty feckin’ “militant”. Time for a bit more Constitutional Legal Theory?
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@Capella 9.01
Ayup! That other shoe should drop fairly soon.
Well. More of a pit boot. 😎
Irony =
Boris Johnson proroguing parliament while Rory Stewart holds parliament across the road in the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster.
A building which I noticed on SKY News tonight has 2 large fasces carved either side of the front door!
A fasces is an actual, bone fide symbol of Fascism.
Fascism, the radical right-wing, authoritarian ultra-nationalism
Which we now see rising in England via the ERG, FaRadge (no typo) and Yaxley-Lennon unquestioned (an in many cases cheer-led by the BBC & Non-Dom Media Barons of the broadcast and print media).
The complete lack of substance, the inability to stand for anything, exhibited by Davidson and Mundell is straight from In The Thick Of It. Everything is spin and craven personal ambition. Funny but unedifying.
Empty vessels make the most noise, never been more apt than with Ruth Davidson.
She has been the Tory voice in Scotland for eight years and can anybody remember any actual positive contribution she has made to Scotland in this period, I’ve tried but nothing comes to mind. It’s just been one long self period of self promotion and disappearing lines in the sand, a lot of bluster then falls into line with head office.
Word on da street iz that engineers in the energy sector are developing the technology to harness the seemingly perpetual power emitted by the flip-flopping of Buffalo Gal.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
Appears to be the French Navy and Commandos Marine in particular who like our ancient tune. Here’s another recent one. Very solemn national homage to two fallen servicemen. Macron present.
Stirring when the pipes begin.
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The Tories clearly getting ready to dismantle devo, no matter who wins the leadership.
Scotland’s choice is between governing ourselves or 100 million miles of hard road
Rumours are they are going to remake ‘I’m Alright Jack’ but update it, latest version suggestion is ‘I’m Alright Jacking Off’. In stead of playing cards they are having a mutual pleasuring session, that’s the modern workplace for you apparently, if you disagree you are a bigot!
A huge amount of decent English folk expressing their desire to come to Scotland to get away from England while at the same time a huge amount of abusive Rangers fans in Scotland expressing their desire that Scotland be like England
The solution seems obvious, we could do it like a prisoner exchange, they get the head cases they want, we get the nice folk we want, I know where they go on Saturdays, we could just throw a net over them
dan @ 7.53 pm
I concur. ‘dans’ in Frogspeak is definitely ‘in + specific object’ as opposed to ‘en’ which is ‘in’ which is less definite (excluding countries, places etc.)
Could s.o. provide feedback on Adam’s performance (and that of the audience/other members of the panel/la Brucette) on tonight’s QT, please? I don’t have the stomach to watch.
Thanks beaucouply.
There are many tell-tales signs that (t)Ruthless is not serious about democratic pluralism and Scotland’s best interests, if you look closely enough. Firstly, she’s a Tory. Secondly, she’s a Tory…..
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Over to you Scotland’s judiciary, prove you’re rational liberals and not reactionary Tories.
Ms Davidson has a record of flip flopping, putting her foot in it, backing the wrong horse, insulting people, advocating pernicious policies, blaming others for her failures and being economical with the truth!
When caught out Davidson resorts to bluster, shouting, insults and dismissive arm waving!
If it were not for her friends in the press and bbc supporting her career, she’d be nowhere!
Davidson and Johnson are a perfect match and will bring the curtain down on this toxic union!
First, the new big lie. Boris is a changed man, and now realises the true magnitude of the job which awaits.
Two. The Tories don’t believe in, and therefore don’t actually practise democracy. As with the Theresa May ‘elevation’, the plan now is to rinse and repeat for Boris. All the rest is just hoodwinking the gullible masses – in England, which controls the democratic deficit in the so-called United Kingdom.
Three. Boris is on a very short leash, reined in by his ‘minders’, to minimise press or public access and therefore to rule out, or at least minimise, the possibility of Boris saying something self-destructive of which he is eminently capable.
Four. The Establishment are recovering their composure and have come up with ‘the Johnson plan’, as a means of restoring order in the UK, the mini-Empire – as was before June 23, 2016, and the EU referendum.
Five. The British Establishment is trying desperately to squeeze the Brexit genie back into the Empire bottle, but such an effort is doomed to fail, as we all should know by now.
Six. The Brexit avalanche continues unabated downhill.
Seven. Don’t bet against the tide of History.
The ethical and enlightened ideas of a gifted economist talking up the entrepreneurial state. A framework for a newly independent Scotland with its massive economic potential;
‘…substitutes “managed democracy” for more democratic forms of rule based on shared power’…A more positive theory of public value requires beginning with a notion of the public good not as a correction to a failure, but as an objective in itself; an objective that can only come about if linked to a process through which value is created…Thinkers such as Ricardo, Mill and even Adam Smith recognised that unfettered markets were often inefficient, prone to capture by special interests and could have negative distributional outcomes without ongoing intervention by the state. In particular, there was a recognition between productive profits and economic rents that represented unearned income deriving from arbitrary control over resources…’
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Versus the non-ideas of a boorish, bungling ex Bullingdon Club boy ‘I am committed to supporting the iconic Scottish whisky industry’, telling lies and playing everyone for laughs whilst talking up himself;
‘the Johnsonian way. The lies, the performative phrases, the layers of persona—they accrete, one on top of another, flecked here and there with Latin, until everyone has forgotten what the big deal was…The jolly feel around Johnson enables him to air sinister ideas and dodge the consequences…His self-belief is matched only by his capacity for self-sabotage. Until this moment, Johnson’s life and career have been a kind of monument to wishful thinking—of ridiculous expectations shockingly fulfilled. Brexit is much the same. “I’ve got nothing,” Johnson said. Britain is about to find out what nothing means’
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The consequences for those who live and toil in the real world will be very stark for much longer than a generation, Scotland must grasp the thistle and get out of this toxic, failing British state.
“Either they’re negligent in understanding what leaving on World Trade Organisation terms means, or they just don’t care…If the Tory Party choose a leader prepared to walk us off a Brexit cliff edge, our country will live with the economic consequences of that for a generation.”
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The Confederation of British Industry is warning that a no deal Brexit could cause Scotland’s food and drink industry lose £14 billion
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Joe @ 20:28,
More deliberate confusion between the EU and the Eurozone. (D’ye think we don’t notice, or if you say it loud and often enough à la Goebbels it will begin to work ?)
Your stock of Leaver lies, distortions and straw men is getting worn out from excessive reuse. Give it (and us) a rest.
If you were a genuine supporter of independence, you would
save your persistent minority dissidence until such time as we here in Scotland are able to decide properly for ourselves, free of all outside interference. (Including from where you live.)
Harping on and on and on with your splitterist monomania in a Scottish context only serves the Union. Which places you firmly in the “knaves or fools” category.
Personally, I favour the former, but it’s a close call.
Hi galamcennalath at 10:16 pm.
You typed,
“Appears to be the French Navy and Commandos Marine in particular who like our ancient tune. Here’s another recent one. Very solemn national homage to two fallen servicemen. Macron present.
Stirring when the pipes begin.”
Orri and I had a wee blether about this a week or so ago. If you go to this link, then click on the second link, you’ll get more background info.
(Just scroll down, looking for me or Orri.)
It’s the comment that starts with “Hi yesindyref2” (who is now, apparently banned from this blog).
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David Mundell receives key to executive toilet, he’s made it in the remake ‘Are You Being Servile’.
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Colin McKay did a good job on Jo Swinson just minutes ago.
Aye Brian, fair mak’s the hert sing. Ecosse! En avant!
I see Chuka Umunna has joined the libdems now.
More parties than 1983!!
re. the full-English Brexit and Britain’s constitutional crises. Surely it is not beyond the wit of humanity to avoid such a debilitating mess? Well, has anyone ever wondered what happens if you mix Constitutional Legal Theory with International Public Law? Perhaps Scotland’s judiciary might want to examine the source of their ambivalence to natural justice? Perhaps they’d rather not?
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Quite frankly nothing that the Ruth Davidson says or does is surprising.
The Colonel is a political prostitute of the highest order. She’d drop the political drawers for Boris in an instant if he became PM. A veritable Monica Lewinsky of politics.
But there we have it. Whoever gains leadership of the Conservative party our wee bag will follow on as the serving handmaiden. No wonder the Colonel’s Conservative
party only got 10% in the last European Elections.
But hey ho, disregard the analogies, what does any of it matter to a Bobbing Joh to a political slut like Davidson.
Brexit – impossible to classify, politically and economically
‘Strong and Stable’ – almost the definition of a complete loss of judgement, courtesy of the British Prime Minister, leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party. To be succeeded shortly, most likely, by someone who, by comparison, makes Theresa May appear like a clone of King Solomon, who was renowned for his peerless wisdom.
But then, when a train goes completely off the rails and heads for a nearby cliff, what does it matter that the driver is called Johnson.
yesindyref2” (who is now, apparently banned from this blog).
Briandoonthetoon @ 9.29
The tune fair makes the heart sing.
A beautiful tune right enough!!!
But as the clips show…
We can’t have that as our National Anthem.
The French are burying their war dead to it,to win medals in sport to it, where the French compete would be in such bad taste…..
Such is Life…..
My pitch would be for “Auld Lang Syne” and for three reasons.
Firstly – The Writer is indisputably “A son of Scotland” , and a famous one at that ( he even has his own day/night).
Secondly – Nae Wars,Bloody Tombs or mention of The English.
Our past relationship with England should not make it into our National Anthem, ( and by default Robert de Bruce dose speak to a Scottish/English past) but rather, it should be about the face Scotland presents to the world today!
Thirdly – International Recognition.
Most people can only recognise one or two National Anthems!
Most people can only sing one or two lines of them as well!
Auld Lang Syne,is sung once a year the World over and it’s generally sung as a sign of friendship.
The World knows this song,it is arguably more famous than G.S.T.Q, which it is as least as old as, ( and it has to be said written by a one hit wonder) and speaks about friendship not crushing anybody!!
It’s demonstrably OURs…
It could be said that, we have given it to the world to sing and keep safe during “The Union Years”….
Now we are bringing it home where it always belonged….
Just getting a chance to catch up now. Today’s comments on this are just class. I read a few right down to about 4.30pm, and thanks, the Scottish wit is alive and well, brilliant. It keeps us all sane, at least some of the time! 🙂
On a serious note dreadful stuff going down re Iraq and the US attempt to blame them for oil ships being bombed. Scary indeed.
Shrodingers Cat @ 12.08
I’m thinking the same as you… EH?
First I’ve heard!
I was actually worried because Yesindyref2 had had a health scare a wee while back.
I was actually hoping that the indecent with the oil tankers would bring him back out from lurking so I’d know for sure he was ok….!!
Any Wingers know him????
Brian Doonthetoon @ 22:48,
schrodingers cat @ 00:08,
Liz g @ 00:25,
yesindyref2 banned? Seriously? Shurely shome mishtake. (How would we know, though?)
I hope he’s just taking a break and nothing more. I don’t know him personally, alas, so I can’t help. Maybe someone should e-mail Stu?
Mr Stewart told Sky News that if Mr Johnson prorogued parliament, “every other MP will sit across the road in Methodist Central Hall and we will hold our own session of parliament and we will bring him down”.
He said: “You don’t ever lock the doors on parliament in this country. Somebody who attempted to subvert our constitution, our liberties, our parliament, and who dared to stand as prime minister and claim they could lock the doors on parliament would not deserve to be prime minister.
“This parliament would meet, whether he locked the doors or not, and we would bring him down.”
Strong and stable and here we have a contender to be the next Prime Minister declaring that he and other MPs will form an alternative Parliament.
Time I think for the guns to come out with troops on the street. Proroguing Parliament was the prelude to the English Civil War.
Mr Stewart told Sky News that if Mr Johnson prorogued parliament, “every other MP will sit across the road in Methodist Central Hall and we will hold our own session of parliament and we will bring him down”.
He said: “You don’t ever lock the doors on parliament in this country. Somebody who attempted to subvert our constitution, our liberties, our parliament, and who dared to stand as prime minister and claim they could lock the doors on parliament would not deserve to be prime minister.
“This parliament would meet, whether he locked the doors or not, and we would bring him down.”
And aside of having to get the troops on the street to maintain control that will be a forced Brexit by Johnson and his Junta, can you imagine the carnage as riven GB tries to fight Europe.
Maybe Trump will put in American forces to support the Johnson Junta because he’s there already having been invited in to support the Junta.
But we in Scotland must not be complacent. The Johnson Junta want to smash Scotland entirely for the recalcitrant colony that it is. In Northern Ireland the UK now has more undercover special forces operating that did so during the Troubles. They’ll do the same in a Scotland and no one should be in any doubt as to the extent military intelligence is operating here.
The media control, the dark money, the surveillance, and the preparation for a martial clampdown and the suspension of the Scottish Parliament. It’s all here.
But Sturgeon and the SG know that and that is why our government takes the steady stable steps that it does whilst staying close to Europe. The UK will burn but we must not burn with it.
Wow, next Week, guess who is on the Alex Salmond show. Can’t wait!
Liz g, the cat et all, was thinking tonight that had not seen anything from yesindyref2 for a while. We have been in contact via email before so will email now and see what the script is.
Robert J Sutherland @ 1.05
Let’s give it some time…
It’s late and we don’t know if other Wingers know him yet!
Let’s give it till…
Mibbi Saturday tea time, after the march!!
The Rev will Mibbi have read through the posts and would have said some by then.
If he didn’t and if nobody else has I’ll email the Rev to check!!
If everyone is ok with that??
Lenny Hartley @ 1.33
Oh thank you Lenny please let us know as soon as you hear.. 🙂
When Johnston becomes PM, Davidson and Mundell’s ”Operation Ar*e” will do a Tory flip-flop and become known as Johnston’s ”Operation boot up the Ar*e”.
Meanwhile we’ll all be laughing our asses off in Scotland. Johnston as PM, and better still with groper Thomson as SoS for Scotland, will be an absolute gift for us.
So come on folks. Back Johnston for PM. What a guy. Boris, Boris, Boris we, the Scots, love you Boris. Don’t believe Ruth the Mooth Boris when she tells you that you scunner the Scots and that you’ll end the Union. She’s a wee liar (like yourself) Boris. Slowly, slowly catchy monkey, ha, ha.
WGD:- ‘What democracy is all about.’
… ”Ruth Davidson preaches about democracy while espousing deeply undemocratic positions. She preaches about the dangers of division while her own party has proven to be the most dangerously divisive force in the UK. She rails against the replacement of patriotism by nationalism while representing the most narrowly and viciously nationalist party that has ever been in government in Britain. Her own party is a minority government, and is hell bent on forcing the most extreme form of Brexit imaginable on the UK. Yet have you heard her say that the British government can’t foist its Brexit upon us all until it achieves an electoral majority to do so? No. Neither have I.”…
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Willie @ 1.17 & 1.21
Calm the fuck doon Willie…
We don’t do violence,the British State is better at it than us.
They have had years of practice!!
We are not going down that road,there’s been enough Scottish blood spilt…. Not one fucking drop more…
We are better than that and we’ll find our way…
Do not ye doubt it 🙂
What a load of old tommyrot …. Lies. Read the tweets to get a semblance of the truth.
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Liz g @ 01:35,
Thanks, Liz. I’m good with that.
Boris Johnston brags constantly about his Mayor of London record.
One of the tweets:-
Some of Boris’ projects when Mayor:
Garden Bridge £54m
Routemaster buses £321.6m
Cable cars £21m
Water cannons £320,000
Hire bikes £225m
Estuary Airport £5.2m
Olympic Stadium conversion £305.5m
Orbit Statue £6.1m
Total : over £940m .. all disasters!
Cut police, sold fire stations.
As I said Liz Nicola Sturgeon and the SG are going down the steady and stable route. They know how dangerous and vicious the British state is, and that approach is good.
However, we must be mindful of how the British state operates. They are past masters at subversion and they certainly know how to do violence. And they will do it at the drop of a hat.
The stability of the Scots Parliament is something that stands against the chaos of Westminster as it descends into a civil war.
A disunited minority Conservstive government threatening to prorogue Parliament so that a Johnson Junta or other can crash the UK out of Europe is about as dramatic as you can get. No wonder they plan for troops on the street and martial control.
It is a serious as that. The response yesterday by the Prime Minister and Nigel Farage to the clown Jo Brand’s joke about battery acid milkshakes shows just how concerned they are about violence. Of course the clown Brand should never have said this, even as a joke, but it has rung a bell with the politico’s – as their reactions show. The politico’s know the story and in truth fear it, at least for their own safety.
The UK is tearing itself apart, politically and economically.. Austerity descends on the many whilst the elites prosper. Big corporation pillage at will. Unfairness and state victimisation such as the Hostile Environment are very much in play.
Good lord, even the poor D Day veterans trailed out likevperforming monkeys in support of the glorious dead are now going to have to pay to watch a TV.
England is rotten, there is no community, it is bitterly divided, and it is time we got out peacefully so that we do not burn with them.
That is all I was trying to say Liz.
Willie @ 3.44
Aye fine…. Just say it a wee bit mair peacefully…
We aw know how nasty Westminster can be!!!
Let’s be as cool as Nicola, and the Yes’rs!!
Now is the time tae bring Scotland the gither!!
Don’t Ye think??
We canny play their violence game,they are so good at it,that’s no our script… They canny handel anything else they don’t know how …. We must keep it “civil”, and legal…. Aye??
I was doing somethng else, so forgot to switch-off “This Week” when it came on. Then I noticed David Starkey was doing a piece, so, on the basis of let’s hear what shite he is spouting – I watched his, actually quite funny take on the Tory Leadership Stakes.
Starkey said Rory the Tory had been a “Guards officer,” only to be corrected by Oor Andra: apparently Rory’s military service was five months as an officer in The Black Watch.
So I suppose that makes him what George Macdonald Fraser termed: “A Rupert – an Anglo-Scots officer whom the Jocks will follow anywhere, usually out of a morbid sense of dread as to which catastrophe he was about to lead them into.”
On another topic, I note some posters are mentioning the potential for violence on the streets of Scotland under a Johnston Junta.
Worth bearing in mind, perhaps the most-successful escape from British Rule was via Gandhi’s peaceful Power of Non-Violence approach in India. OK, thanks to the Muslim campaign for a separate Muslim state (Pakistan), it all fell apart after the Raj left, but, Non-Violence worked, because the British, spoiling for a fight, didn’t know how to handle him.
And, if Johnston, perhaps with Toom Tabard Thompson as SoS for Scotland does shut-down Holyrood, they could always do what Rory the Tory is suggesting for Westminster – meet elsewhere.
Would the Church of Scotland make the Assembly Rooms available again?
And if it came to that, what would Small Dick and Wee Willie and their troops do? Join the majority, or stand outside calling them names alongside Colonel Yadaftie, Mad Murdo and the Orangemen?
This is a complete FU. There is NO appropriate Tory candidate for PM. And Corbyn is on his way out.
There is sheer pandemonium at Westminster. There is panic in both major parties..
MPs are finally coming around to realise that the UK is (as many people have been saying) is close to National Emergency, civil unrest and complete meltdown.
The Drug Donkey Derby of the Tory Party is a complete farce. It’s not a search for talent or a search for a statesman that can steer the UK out of a hole. It’s the proverbial rearrangement of the deckchairs as the ship goes down… Old men trying to retain control of a disaster.
Cameron, you steered the UK into a friggin Iceberg… you took a risk that wasn’t yours to take.
The only way forward now is back… a General Election AND a Referendum under control of some type of citizens assembly. (We cannot even trust these Donkeys to run an Emergency Coalition Government ..)
The last 12 months direction has pointed towards this catastrophe and we have not changed direction. Stiff upper lip, eh what? The BTL comments on most media has expanded exponentially and people are screaming the same warning for months.
How many times do ordinary people need to point out the obvious? The UK is in crisis, bordering on National Emergency.
The UK and Westminster will not emerge from this catastrophe undamaged. (culturally, politically, economically, constitutionally and most of all psychologically)
Scotland, man the fucking lifeboats!
I would love to see the National run any Iran ‘news’ next to archive Iraq news. These warmongering halfwits are so dim they are using the same playbook (press already got their drum kits out to start their beating). Hunt already handed US a blank cheque by stating that starting point is to believe the US. The US! – what is he, 10 years old. Only a complete mug would believe anything the US says (by US of course I mean, the real Government behind the Government). Good American people are as frustrated as we are – The ‘government’ will soon be testing Trump and they failed last time with Syria (those ‘launches’ landed in an agreed disused airfield)
Also noted the ramping up of recruitment campaigns since the glorious D day celebrations. Pathetic.
Socrates MacSporran says:
14 June, 2019 at 5:46 am
…And, if Johnston, perhaps with Toom Tabard Thompson as SoS for Scotland does shut-down Holyrood, they could always do what Rory the Tory is suggesting for Westminster – meet elsewhere.
I remember back during the Scottish Parliament Building debacle, it was said that the Scottish Parliament could meet in a field if it chose to.
Holyrood is the coming together of two conflicting phenomena; a delegation / devolution of power and integrity given by Westminster, and arguably, this devolution could theoretically be cut off at source.
However, that overlooks the second phenomenon, whereby it was the Democratic will of the sovereign people of Scotland that delivered the mandate to have a Scottish Parliament, and it is the democratic choice of the sovereign people of Scotland which determines who gets to sit in that parliament. In these respects, the Scottish Parliament represents a covenant between the Scottish people and their chosen / delegated leadership, and the Parliament of Westminster has absolutely no Constitutional jurisdiction to interfere.
It is therefore at least credible to suppose that Westminster might choose to remove such powers and authorities from a Holyrood which it can remove, but as a Constitutionally Sovereign people, we can do to Westminster the self same thing that Westminster would do to Holyrood, and essentially remove the franchise which allows it to operate. Scotland’s popular sovereignty trumps the UK Parliamentary Sovereignty, and Westminster has no power over Scotland which doesn’t have its origins in authorities first delegated by Scotland.
There is another complexity to add to this, because it is arguable that this arrangement is an issue of Constitutional Law, not merely ephemeral popular opinion, and as such, it is not contingent upon any equally ephemeral democratic mandate in a referendum. The Union wasn’t created via democracy but legal treaty agreed under franchise. So logically, it can be ended by the same protocols whereby it was created.
That means in my opinion, if Scotland elects an SNP Government, that Government can terminate the Treaty of Union without any need for further referendum. However, given the modern principles of democracy, it would help greatly with Scotland’s international standing if such a decision to break up the Union did have a majority in a referendum, OR a ratification Plebiscite after the event.
Where Scotland is strong and unassailable is having the sovereignty of our people undisputed.
Where we are weak however, is having that sovereignty codified into a constitution which addresses all the ambiguities and conundrums which confound us. In simple terms, the sovereign will of over 5 million people is a clumsy and unwieldy juggernaut to steer and control, but somehow, we need to find a way to do it.
Normal countries delegate power to their government every day all around the world, and those governments are by and large left to get on with it, and the “principle” of democracy is technically satisfied because the Government’s mandate to govern expires and needs the will of the people to authorise a new parliamentary session.
In crude terms, what Scotland has in Westminster is the delegation of power from the people to create a Government, but there is no expiry date on the franchise which requires public support to renew the mandate. It’s like a democracy without the opportunity for electoral renewal… which yes, is a contradiction in terms and irreconcilable paradox. It’s a Union of consent stripped of the necessity and opportunity to renew that consent.
…. It’s a Union of consent stripped of the necessity and opportunity to renew that consent….
But I meant to say, the Union will run forever without our agreement to renew it, but that doesn’t interfere in any way with a singular initiative to end it.
Sorry, bit scattergun this morning…
Another point I meant to make was that I think Scotland could demonstrate the power of sovereignty without actually ending the Union by unilateral resolution to renew Scotland’s consent be part of the Union.
We flick the switch. Rather than orchestrating an initiative to leave the Union, we adopt a different but thoroughly democratic protocol, whereby we leave by default unless we choose to remain after the mandate expires.
We elect a complete government every 4 or 5 years. Why not elect to stay or leave the UK Union by the same principle?
Just imagine the ructions at Westminster… having to be extra nice to Scotland and make a progressive case for the Union every 4-5 years, or see the Union collapse. Oh the fun we would have…
How about Scotland votes – decisively – to leave the UK.
Simple. Straightforward.
Unambiguous. And permanent.
Anything else is tinkering round the edges.
@ Breeks.
3 very good posts.
Our Sovereignty until now has been fairly successfully hidden from view by the usual westminster/establishment smoke and mirrors. Cramped and confined using pseudo convention and compliant political London based parties operating in Scotland.
Teaching Scots that their Sovereignty trumps any dictat from Westminster is the key. WGD wrote in one of his blogs that Scotland wasn’t poor, it was impoverished. The same could be said for our Sovereignty, we aren’t powerless, we have just forgotten how to wield that power.
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Colonial masters takeover
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David Mundell is an absolute joke.
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This is from the beginning of this week’s @CommonsEUexit Select Committee. The message is clear, a no deal Brexit would devastate UK manufacturing.
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Northern Ireland’s DUP not seeking ‘earth-shattering’ changes to Brexit deal
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Esther McVey claimed £8,750 in expenses for personal photographer
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EU says reneging on Brexit bill would damage UK economy
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BRITAIN’S new F-35 fighter jets risk breaking if they fly too quickly for too long, according to a leaked report from the Pentagon.
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Correct DavidP.
But what if we lose, or the SNP never gets around to winning? Trick question, sorry. Even if we lose, we can’t lose, we’d just be back at ground 0 again.
But yes, you’re right. Mostly. But didn’t the Catalans vote decisively to leave Spain? Apparently a vote needs more than a majority. It’s not awareness that Sovereignty depends upon, it’s formal recognition. Situation as of right now is we don’t actually have that. We should have it, I know, but technically we don’t. If we’re not recognised as sovereign, then what is it that will make our vote be recognised as sovereign? And if it’s not sovereign, then it’s an aspirational opinion poll.
Yes, democracy in the modern world can take command and establish sovereignty, but at what risk are creating a new ersatz or Sevco Scotland, rather than resurrecting the Auld Ancient Kingdom of Scotland? Do we want a new Sovereignty that’s one day old? Or is it all that Scotland has ever been from it’s dawn in prehistory through all the drama and tribulations of a thousand years raw history? I want the same Scotland that declared itself in the Declaration of Arbroath. Independence for me is an act of liberation, not creation.
The other counter argument to what I said is that Scotland cannot arbitrarily change the terms of the Union Treaty with any greater success than England might… not that they pay much heed of that.
I’m not advocating these things as recommendations, but I would very much like to encourage a much wider and more sophisticated understanding of what our Sovereignty is and what it means. For some of us, that means thinking the unthinkable. For others, it opens up a world of imagination they never knew existed.
When you think sovereign, suddenly the Treaty of Union seems like a pompous and irksome piece of paper that wouldn’t pass the legitimate provenance test to warrant a home in a museum. Maybe pinned to the wall in Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks beside all the other illusions and curiosities.
The Declaration of Arbroath is a priceless artefact which creates and defines a Nation. The Treaty of Union is an historical curio which creates nothing but a paper manacle. The one is not the equal of the other.
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Meet Duncan Buchanan, Policy Director of the Road Haulage Association (RHA). The RHA is the UK industry organisation for freight transport. He tweets among other things about the UK’s preparedness for No-Deal. Spoiler: It’s bad.
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Last link for now, a reminder to sign this
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Waiting for someone in the SNP with the cheek to say to the Tories get on with it, just elect Johnson.
UK safe in his hands. Hee! Hee!
Hunt, interviewed R4, “America is our closest ally, we must trust them”, OK…Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran?
@Joe says: 13 June, 2019 at 8:28 pm:
” … Unfortunately (or fortunately, not sure which) its likely Europe wont be the same place politically or economically for long by the time Scotland becomes independent. Assuming that happens.”
You English/British exceptionalists do blether a right load of lies and twaddle. In the first place there is no chance that Scotland will not end the United Kingdom.
” … Intransigent successive national governments and the EU commission disconnect from real people, slower economies being damaged by inflexibility with the Euro and the migrant crisis have done their damage.”
First of all no EU member state can be forced to adopt the Euro. EU states do so when they, not the EU Government, decide to do so. Not even Greece and it was not the EU, or was it the EC, that caused the problems that Greece brought upon itself and no one forced Greece to continue use of the Euro, Greece decided to do so all by itself because they knew they brought the problems upon themselves.
So, when Scotland becomes the member state, or remains the legacy member state when the UK ends, then the EU has no way of forcing them to adopt the Euro. Then, as an EU member state, Scotland will have a veto to use as Scotland sees fit. The EU has no laws, rules or other mechanisms, to force member states to do anything because the EU is both democratic and it works by consensus.
The truth is that a third of EU member states have never adopted the Euro and one such member state is the United Kingdom and another is Sweden, both have been EU member states since the EU began and both have never adopted the Euro.
As to Germany holding it all together, I see no signs of Germany going to stop doing so.
Oh! And by the way there isn’t, and never has been, a queue of states wanting to join the EU. If a state awaits joining it waits because it does not comply with the conditions required of EU member states to be EU Member states.
Unlike the United Kingdom there isn’t 50% of EU member states wanting out of the EU and, if leaving is done in an orderly manner, no EU or EC rules prevent a member state from leaving the EU. The reason the UK has trouble doing so is because they are attempting to obtain special concessions and are threatening not to pay the dues they agreed to pay.
In the United Kingdom the Westminster Government not only forces both United Kingdom member kingdoms to use the pound but they are attempting to prevent 50% of the member kingdoms from ending the two kingdom United Kingdom and skimming off the wealth of one member state to prop up the other member kingdom while attempting to stop one of the two member kingdoms from ending the union.
Hi folks, have received a response from yesindy2ref , he is ok, but does appear to have been banned from commenting, possibily due to ciritism of the rev’s twitter. he is ok with that as he has other things to get on with.
Davidson’s hypocrisy being exposed in The National.
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The Yoons in my local supermarket are hiding The National on a daily basis now which shows how much it gets to them.
If even 10% of Wings readers were to subscribe or buy The national regularly it would transform its effectiveness.
Once Boris is PM, I suggest we just wander up to the cross outside St Giles, read out a Declaration of Independence, and nobody will argue.
Rev twitter is too trans. Given up reading it. Read about Alex Salmond show. Now mainstream. Good job. A break through. Next. Although Rev does not need it. Wings is the best Indy website. Great fund raiser.
Yesindyref2 has been posting on Newsquest.
Everyone should complain and he might be back again. Heedy too.
Johnstone would not last long. Until October? The Tories will stagger on until a GE. Then toast.
What a mess. A total shambles.
Catalonia. Population 7.5Million. Children 1million. Electorate 5.5. 2.2Million Yes. Many did not vote. One million do not get a vote. EU citizens? Or not registered.
Watched a bit of This Week as I spotted David Starkey and he is always good for a laugh, along with Portillo’s predictions.
He was in full rant mode, not enough of the right class now in Westminster, he really likes the rulers & serf society. I thought he was a historian but he had to be corrected on his facts, but he has such hubris that he just ignored these errors, he was still correct in his mind.
I was watching Liz Kendall’s face during his diatribe and it looked fizzing, I thought she might explode but didn’t, disappointing.
@Craig Murray
Nice one. Saw your two programmes on Alex Salmond show a few weeks back. Your discussions and knowledge on all subjects I found enthralling.
Good to hear that your blog is going well.
I have seen on the internet calls for the Scottish Government to pay for the over-75’s TV licence for those pensioners residing in Scotland. No, they cannot mitigate all the bad decisions made in London. The calls for the SG to do this should be resisted. It is time for the real pain of Westminster rule to be felt.
Don’t worry Willie there will be no troops marching into Scotland
We’ve got drones, they’re terrified of them, It’s our weapon of mass confusion that strikes terror into their hearts
Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then.
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The view from Europe, and guess what? It’s not what you’ll see, hear or read from the British Nationalist media.
Hmmm. Sitting here with twenty quid to my name, this is what I’m looking at currently – An Orwellian Johnson Junta.
A ‘rules-based’ gerrymandered sham democracy, as we have known it up until now, I believe will soon be over and we will shortly enter into the world of full-on English Trump mob politics and previously unelectable mouthpieces will be given even more unwarranted continued prominence through political deals with the Junta (e.g. Farage and Davidson etc.)
Fresh from a no-deal xenophobic English civil war and victory over Europe, they will not stop there. The next course of action (as it is their only political philosophy – action) will be against the enemy within and that special measures will soon be taken to shore up and consolidate what territories England controls i.e. Scotland. These measures (the dissolution of a devolved parliament by whatever means, whether overtly, or fiscally) will be justified politically, via a complicit media, as being necessary to preserve the integrity of the UK, or Great Britain, or whatever you want to call it – the USS UK? Anyone can imagine the ensuing propaganda. It will be only academic that Scotland may return 59 SNP MPs to Westminster in the next GE. It won’t make any difference. That arcane Victorian parlour game is over.
Sovereignties, treaties, legally-binding documents, Section 30s, the rule of law, the legal establishment will all be set aside by the Junta via their appointed place men, all in the name of the preservation of the United Kingdom/ Great Britain. Direct rule will be reinstated as everyone knows that ‘power devolved is power retained’.
Of course, some may think this is an alarmingly bleak prognosis and that governance of Scotland as outlined will inevitably be unsustainable.
The policy of ‘lets wait and see the fall-out from Brexit’ before we decide our course, surely has to be over and the SNP has to mobilise onto a far more pro-active stance (which I am sure it has fully considered its tactical options available). I am 100% positive that the Scottish electorate will realise that their future will lie in Europe.
However, I suspect that the political situation will get much worse, before we begin to see real progress on Scotland regaining its independence in Europe.
Ho hum.
Be afraid. Be very afraid, as they say.
As if you need reminding, watch from 8.20 onwards
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f.g. at 10.25
why does the word imbecile come to mind every time I see that creature.
Craigs angle on Oil Tanker Attack, he has got it spot on again.
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To Alexicon your post 8.24 thurs 13th
I hope you don’t mind me copying it here it’s just so fantastic seeing Mundell squirm when confronted with evidence that he too said he couldn’t work with the Boris should the Boris ever be PM
link to
Davidson and Mundell how did we ever end up with two despicable two faced sods like them , oh yes , there are people in Scotland who actually vote for them
Unbelievable !
From the Herald online
“UK Government to get ‘cabinet room’ in Edinburgh”
“”The opening of a new UK Government hub in Edinburgh has moved a step closer.
Property developers Artisan Real Estate formally hand over the keys of the building to Scottish Secretary David Mundell.””
Rest of article is behind a paywall
Below the line comments are worth a read though.
WOS Twitter is full of folk expressing serious worry over the whole ‘self-ID’ issue and SG’s handling of it.
And no wonder.
Many of us have avoided the topic. Dunno about anyone else but I find it impossibly confusing and frustrating but I’ve (selfishly, aye) made the excuse that we all have the right not to be forced to have an opinion on every fuckin thing.
But this is becoming an existentital threat to the indy movement – if NS and the SNP hierarchy insist on pushing this agenda in the face of such widespread and heartfelt opposition, we can kiss indy2 goodbye.
Vague assurances that ‘Nicola has a plan’ simply won’t wash. Aye, we can surely trust her and her team on the strategic/tactical side of day-to-day political machinations, but this is different. Just when we are so close – so fuckin close! – to achieving the aim we’ve spent years (in some case, decades) pursuing, there’s a real danger of it all being wrecked. And for what?
Can’t remember feeling this scunnered since the morning after indy1.
And if anyone thinks this is a niche interest not worthy of the bubble that is BTL on WoS, ask the SNP how many members have left ALREADY because of this?
I dare you, all you dinosaurs who think they know the mood of the electorate and what is really important. Ask them, it is hundreds, if not thousands and there will be many more when this is fully publicised.
This is an impending crisis of enormous proportions for the SNP, both financially and in terms of votes for the Holyrood elections and if you cannot see this, then more fool you.
I have tried to communicate to the SNP hierarchy my concern over this. I have received bland platitudes about equality for all in return. My male SNP MP is apparently terrified to speak out of turn. Nicola Sturgeon has been both dismissive and patronising in her replies, when she eventually replied that is.
Wake up before it is too late, this will cost votes and goodwill.
One would almost believe Nicola Sturgeon is deliberately scuppering her chances because she wants to move to the UN, destroying the hard work Alex Salmond fought for.
To Cassandra your post at 1013 hrs
Hello, the subject you raise is a very simple one if you are lucky enough to be born into the world with the body and mind of a man or body and mind of a woman woman and are happy with that creation.
however if you have the body of a man but feel as if you are a woman
or you have the body of a woman and feel as if you are a man
or at some point in your life you feel that you are not what society says you are
then you will be finding life to be very difficult
the world does not make life so simple once you are considered different
and you will not have done anything wrong to deserve your difficult life.
It is our responsibility to help and protect all people in difficulty
Some of what you say is incorrect too especially the part about women’s space , the discussion we had about men’s space many many years ago showed that in reality there is no such thing as women’s space or men’s space we share the world and all its spaces and can make sure that risks are not increased for women when for example there are toilet areas at work and in hospitals etc that are shared by men and women it works effectively all over the world and can do so here in UK in fact it already does there are many places where cubicles are shared as toilets and changing rooms in perfect safety, hospitals, swimming pools, aircraft and so on, yes of course safety has to be of paramount importance and as yet there is no evidence to show that paramount importance has not been given.
@Ian brotherhood
I’ve been avoiding the issue as well.
The MSM are being careful not to criticise the SNP yet. They want this to pass so they can then crucify the SNP with it when it is law.
I have to agree that this selfID legislation will seriously damage the rights of women and damage the SNP if it goes ahead. The rights of any person cannot take away the rights of another group of people otherwise it really is every decreasing circles.
I have been watching Chernobyl – the new series by HBO. This series should be a mandatory watch for all those advocates of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Horrific. Terrifying.
I forget which arsehole it is (Duncan Hothersall maybe) that makes the wild predictions where the opoposite always comes true but if only we can get him to back Boris then its sure to make him lose.
The only problem is we are still left with one of the other cretinous bastards to deal with!
@Ian Brotherhood at 10:57 am
I’ve always been an open-minded, live and let live, treat others as you’d want treated yourself, etc kinda person. However the pushing of this Self ID stuff is ridiculous when there are so many other more important things to deal with.
In my experience of talking to folk when I’m out and about they are pretty much aligned with my own views.
Try explaining this Self ID stuff on the doors to the majority of our small c conservative society and see what reaction you get.
Sport has a huge interest for many. Yesterday when out mountain biking I was speaking to a female athlete who was training and she is disgusted at biological males potentially being allowed to competing against her because they “feel” like a woman.
I try to keep myself fit so know just how hard people have to train to be competitive in their endevours in their same sex classes.
If we are at a point where biology and science can now be ignored, then that opens a whole Pandora’s Box.
It just the same old situation. A lot of people that strive for power and influence are exactly the personality types that shouldn’t have it, as they’re often ego and vanity driven and unable to consider the views and concerns of others.
So aye, scunnered is a fine word to describe how I feel about all this too.
To Ian Brother hood and Cassandra
The gender recognition act 2004 is actually an Act of parliament from Westminster
It’s not a Holyrood Act
It’s not an SNP Act
The Scottish government in trying to implement the gender recognition act 2004 found that it was not treating certain groups of people fairly
so it carried out a consultation over a 15 months period beginning 2017 and concluding November 2018
and it looked at what other countries around the world were doing in this respect.
Here is a fact sheet from the Scottish parliament showing where things are now
Proposals are not finalised
link to
Get the facts right
scaremongering on an important issue is a poor show
SNP and Scottish government cannot reject the gender recognition act 2004 it’s a UK Westminster government Act of parliament
SNP and Scottish government are consulting experts across the world to find best workable practices , that’s a good thing
Knocking on doors during an SNP campaign for Scottish independence and spreading falsehoods about gender recognition really is the wrong thing to do
The final report with recommendations for improving the 2004 gender recognition act has not even been published
Get a grip of yourself
You may have strong views about it but at least show some dignity in waiting until the final proposals are known
“Knocking on doors during an SNP campaign for Scottish independence and spreading falsehoods about gender recognition really is the wrong thing to do
The final report with recommendations for improving the 2004 gender recognition act has not even been published
Get a grip of yourself
You may have strong views about it but at least show some dignity in waiting until the final proposals are known”
Please stop lying, Terry. The final proposals are known, as is the government’s response to the skewed consultation.
link to
The Internet is chock full of people announcing they’re leaving or have left the SNP yet the membership increased in the last 3 days
Any political party looks at numbers, they have people who do that, and if those numbers demonstrate a shift in something or a trend one way or another, political parties generally move with it, pressure groups can sometimes turn political events with the right kind of strategies but attempting to bully political parties or figures within those parties has never and will never work no matter how much or how loud they shout because at the end of the day the party being threatened counts numbers and if they add up they carry on regardless because numbers don’t lie
People do
“The Internet is chock full of people announcing they’re leaving or have left the SNP yet the membership increased in the last 3 days”
Says who?
From Graham A Fordyce in The Herald comments on
link to
While it would be impossible to codify a list of values upon which we could all agree are somehow uniquely Scottish, it might be easier to state what our values are not:
1. Deliberately creating division in society in order to promote one section and sacrifice another. That also applies to the countries of the UK as much as their citizens.
2. Tolerating the concept and use of Foodbanks.
3. Promoting the idea abroad that we are somehow better than the rest of the planet.
4. Sustaining and rewarding the rich and powerful simply because they are rich and powerful.
5. Disparaging the idea that caring for each other is secondary to caring only for oneself.
6. Sustaining a democracy which is fundamentally broken and corrupt.
7. Electing a Prime Minister who equates his own ambition with that of his or her country.
If I had more time, I could go on and I dare say others could add to the list.
If you’re looking for a positive and simple definition of Scottish values, perhaps it could be summarised in one word: Freedom. It is that desire which is driving us towards it.
Knowing why the gender recognition act 2004 is now being discussed is important.
Reviewing and if necessary improving its content and practices is very important
Here is more information about where we are NOW and have been since 2004 when the Act came into force
“A trans man or woman can change their name and whether they are shown as a man or a woman for almost all their records without having applied to the Gender Recognition Panel under the 2004 Act.
For example, they can change their UK passport, driving licence, academic records, and medical records such as their community health index number without having been legally recognised in their acquired gender.
To change a birth certificate issued in the UK to be consistent with their other documents, they will need to apply for recognition under the 2004 Act.”
Legal recognition may also affect rights to pensions and benefits.
So when you criticise the Scottish government for reviewing the 2004 Act just be aware of how things are right now and have been since the gender recognition act came into being in 2004 as a UK Westminster government act of parliament
What the SNP and the Scottish government are doing is looking at ways of improving the 2004 Act
@manandboy 11:43am
Christ on a bike!! every country in the world expresses their values in the way they’d like to have them but here we go again Scotland’s the only country NOT *allowed* to have values now except for the ones we’re told to have by another bloody country’s loyal supporters who enjoy the controlling of and removal of culture language and values of every country they’ve slaughtered their way through and imposed their own bloody non culture upon
It’s stuff like this that makes me more and more adamant and I’ve had a bloody long life of being adamant
That’s adamant not Adam Ant
Terry C. – since you’re well informed, is the date, June 25th, correct? I’ve seen nothing, yet I’d assume supporters would be briefed in advance. I have female friends & family to feel concern about.
“is the date, June 25th, correct? I’ve seen nothing, yet I’d assume supporters would be briefed in advance. I have female friends & family to feel concern about.”
Take it from me, the date is correct.
Some more facts about the gender recognition Act 2004
Which as I have said is a UK Westminster government act of parliament
It’s not an SNP or Scottish government act
The Scottish government is reviewing it
They have carried out an extensive consultation
The proposals for improving the 2004 Act have NOT yet been published
Let’s wait and see what they propose
Let’s make sure we understand how things are at present so that once the proposed amendments are published we truly understand them
Here are some facts
link to
@Terry Callachan –
I refuse to get drawn into an argument with you over the GRA or any aspect of the contentious debates it has thrown up and I reject your accusation of ‘scaremongering’.
The point I made was simple enough – the SG handling of this is causing consternation among SNP/indy supporters. That is an easily observable fact:
link to
Keith Brown said when Boris won the first round the membership just went up
Here is a Scottish government circular which shows you the kind of groups that responded to the gender recognition 2004 Act review.
link to
As you will see the biggest group to respond in Scotland was religious , no surprise there
Groups who responded to the Scottish governments consultation but did not want their response published were as follows, why would you want your response kept secret ?
I’d like to know for example what the royal bank of Scotland response was because I bank with them but theirs is on the secret list
We also received responses from the organisations listed below who did not give us permission to publish their response.
Australian Radical Feminists
Director of Public Health, NHS Forth Valley
East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid
Evangelical Alliance
Glasgow Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Hawick Baptist Church
Snizort FCC Church Isle of Skye
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Trans Pride Scotland
YWCA Scotland
To Rev Stu Campbell..your post of 1207hrs
Excuse me but I’m not lying
I was responding to a post by Cassandra at 1013hrs in which she said, and I quote
“Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then”
Check it for yourself ,that is exactly what she said
Ian Brotherhood at 10:57 agree with your comments , if any SNP elected person reading this , i am another SNP Member totally scunnerred with the Party Hierachy in pushing this.
Looks to me if Sturgeon and Co are trying to destroy any chance of winning Indy Ref 2 if they ever grow a pair and get on with organising one. I do not know of one SNP Member who is in favour of Self Id.
The complaint by people seems to be that people can expose themselves in public places then claim it’s OK, but that’s still against the law under the Indecent exposure law where nobody can expose themselves to anybody because it’s a crime and you get arrested for it
Frank Gillougley 10.25am. ‘Direct rule will be reinstated as everyone knows that’ power devolved is power retained’. Everyman/woman and their dog knows this frank, but just haud oan a minute and you’ll have the resident troll screaming repetitively at you. Do you know this, where is your proof, tell me tell me blah blah blah.
The thing is a man been able to identify as a woman and a woman as a man since the 2004 gender recognition act came into force
Everyone who claims here to canvass for the SNP, try explaining the new self-ID policy to doubtful voters.
Tell them that women will no longer have a claim to any space on the basis of their sex. Tell them sex used to be a protected status in law but is no longer any such thing in Scotland.
Tell them any man can identify as a women and enter their spaces, be it a toilet where a group of school girls have stopped off on a school trip, a changing room in a shop or even at a leisure centre. Tell them if they object, they are the bigot. Tell them men’s feelings are paramount now and their right to gratification in their chosen identity will now be law. Tell them there are other things far more important and they are missing the point of ‘Independence’.
Tell them this is personally endorsed by Nicola Sturgeon who does not feel threatened so why should they. Really, try it, if you can honestly explain any of that positively, well done.
Then try to tell them the Claim of Right says THEY are ‘sovereign’…if they haven’t shut the door in your face by then
Sorry ignore my 1221hrs post it’s part of a previous post duplicated incorrectly
SNP will be making a MASSIVE BLUNDER if they do not put this Self-ID issue to a referendum. This issue is just too contentious and cannot be pushed through HR. It MUST go to a referendum. If it does not go to a referendum then this issue will destroy the SNP.
Women need safe spaces. This Bill, if passed, would allow ANYONE with a cock to legally enter what are presently protected female spaces (toilets, changing rooms and so on) and those abusing the legislation to potentially have legal access to assault them.
This cannot be allowed to be pushed through HR – it MUST go to a referendum. If the FM pushes this through then she will have single-handedly compromised women’s rights and the very demographic she needs to win over to have a real shot at Indy will desert her as will, undoubtedly, many men, myself included.
FM – do not be so BLOODY STUPID with this. Put it TO A REFERENDUM where ALL the people of Scotland can have a say over such a contentious issue.
Ian Brotherhood says:
14 June, 2019 at 10:57 am
Can’t remember feeling this scunnered since the morning after indy1.
Can anybody explain the up side of driving Independence supporters to the actual brink of despair?
Asking for a friend.
The consultation was skewed. Only 49% of respondents live in Scotland. Most of the groups consulted were trans supporting groups. Two women’s organisations consulted depend for their funding on the Scottish Government who demand they support trans rights. It should be binned.
I have written to the SNP and my local Branch to complain about the possible announcement on 25th June. I will resign if Self ID legislation is enacted and will not vote for the SNP again.
Re all this self ID malarkey. It wouldnt surprise after 50yrs down the line under a FOI , we find out that (to save our precious union mind) the SNP had been infiltrated by agents of the brutish state. Just my humble opinion mind……and no i dont have any proof of this.
The biggest group to respond in Scotland were religious
@ Cubby at 11:20am …… “Chernobyl.’
I’ve just started watching this programme too, Cubby (3 episodes) and yes it’s absolutely terrifying. Most of all that the population were kept in the dark before, during and after the event.
It reminded me that I’ve actually come across MANY people in Scotland who don’t have a clue about the nuclear weapons that we “house”, far less the implications relating to risks and accidents. It also reminded me that the Local Councils should be issuing informative leaflets to householders as to what to do in the event of an attack or accident, in particular in the regions that the convoys pass through. It’s unbelievable to think, know, that the Scottish people are being kept in the dark, no doubt at the behest of Westminster / their Scottish lackies, in line with the Russian people portrayed in the HBO show.
I reckon that we should all contact our Local Councils and demand that they produce and disseminate information on this subject, ASAP. It’s even more of an imperative now when we see what’s current and looming, such as the instability of the planet, the Iranian situation and Scotland out of the EU and under the control of the warmongering nutters of the World such as Trump and Johnston (any potential Tory PM).
Meanwhile Chernobyl is a “must watch”, imo.
@Rev Stuart Campbell
The advocates of sexual/gender mash-up in the SNP government are treating this matter as they did same sex marriage.
link to
They’re getting rather good at skewing, ducking and divng and not telling it like it is.
Sturgeon and pals, I regret to say, seem more concerned with this gender social engineering stuff than the mega massive issue in the room.
Swimming pools have had missed changing rooms for years. There are separate changing rooms and families cubicles. Absolutely no problems.
In some swimming pools people have to sign a register to take family photos. There are plenty of staff available.
The problem with toilets is men pee on the floor. More cleaning up. Many smaller cafes have had mixed toilets for years. Absolutely no problems.
A total storm in a teacup.
What we are talking about here is trying to make life easier for people who have real difficulties in their lives
The gender recognition Act was passed in 2004
By the UK Westminster government
The EU reached a decision recently saying human rights are involved here
The Scottish government is reviewing the 2004 Act with a view to proposing amendments to improve what is in the Act
The review has not been published and yet we are seeing so many people issuing scare stories about women being forced to share toilets and changing rooms with men
Well since the 2004 Act came into force men have been able to present themselves as women and women as men so there probably has already been instances of them doing so and possibly in toilets and changing rooms without people being aware it wouldn’t be that difficult if you put your mind to it
So let’s wait and see what the Scottish government consultation comes up with and evaluate whether or not it improves the 2004 Act
The problem is at present that so many people commenting here and elsewhere are complaining about things they are frightened the Scottish government will introduce but they are things that the 2004 Gender recognition Act already allow
If I was a British Nationalist seeking to destroy public support for the SNP and, by extension, Independence, this is exactly the type of legislation I would promote. The Greens are also tarnished by this.
Ruth Davidson’s demand that the SNP win an outright majority won’t be necessary if the Greens also lose support.
Chernobyl has a cover over which will last 100 years. There was a programme about the construction on TV. Fascinating. The work had to be done outside the safe guideline. A French Company.
@ Proud Cybernat at 12:22pm …. “Referendum.”
Spot on PC. This issue should be put on hold, explained clearly to the Scots in general, including the Law and the UN / EU stance, followed by a Referendum. The Unionists are sitting waiting with bated breath on this being pushed through. Not to worry right enough as people like James Kelly, who have kept their mouths shut throughout, will be at the forefront of having it knocked back, overturned, and taking the credit for it no doubt.
Swimming pools etc have had mixed changing rooms for years. Totally no problems.
What I’m talking about here is biology. It is not possible to change sex. Sex is determined at conception through either xx or xy chromosomes developing into a foetus. Yes I know there are anomalies but the vast majority – over 95% are either male (xy) or female (xx). This can never change throughout life.
It is delusionary to say that you can be born into the wrong body.
Biology still works in Scotland.
To Capella your post of 1228hrs
You are wrong the percentage of respondents from Scotland was 63.03% not 49%
Here is the result look half way down the page 104 of 165 submissions were from groups in Scotland
link to
We can have a progressive ScotGov building an inclusive society but absolutely NOT at the expense of impinging one group’s hard won rights over those of another’s.
Put it to a Referendum, FM.
To Capella your post of 1257 hrs
I agree with you that the biology is set pretty much as you say but surely you cannot dispute that there are men who are very girlie and women who are very much more like men in their behaviour and how they feel and how they present themselves to the world.
You can’t just consider the biology in isolation
You have to consider how a person feels and how they present themself to the world
It’s cruel it’s unjust not to consider these
Human rights law recognises that ignoring what is called gender dysphoria is wrong
the condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex
Hang in there guys we are making progress and what a positive result in the Wings fund raiser.
Could I make a comment on someone using a toilet or changing facility that you feel they are not entitled to?
If a man was to fake his sexual orientation and wear a dress to enter a changing room in order to act in a perverted fashion, you call the police.
If a man not faking anything just pushes his way in with perversion in mind, call the police.
If a person in transition uses your changing room and acts in the same fashion as everyone else giving each their space and privacy
then what is there to complain about.
Do men refuse a female doctor if they have issues with their genitalia?. Do women reject male gynecologists?
If any person is going about their duties or daily life acting in a reasonable manner and not reaching beyond accepted boundaries
I really don’t see a problem.
Travelling in France I recall using urinals with women walking behind me to use the cubicles.
I was a little uncomfortable as it was the first I’d encountered this type of thing but I just used the facility keeping my self to myself and the ladies the same.
If I exposed my self deliberately or women were to act inappropriately I’m sure actions would have been taken by others there and the police contacted if necessary.
I also thought Thailand had a really relaxed outlook to transgender people. I did unfortunately stare at people who where obviously big burly men walking up the street in short shirts and
lip stick but the Thai people don’t give them a second glance.
Its just people who have made their own choices going about their daily business.
Lets revisit our own minds before we try to change the minds of those we don’t know.
Independence, first and foremost.
To proud cyber at your post 1.02pm
Who’s rights are being impinged by whom ?
Who are the groups you are referring to ?
The proposals from Scottish government appear to be tightening certain areas of the gender recognition act 2004
For example they suggest that people wanting to to be recognised as a different gender should go before a judge or JP provide evidence and information to support their request and then have to sign a declaration agreeing to particular terms
I agree this legislation should be kicked into the long grass
it is too divisive at the exact moment we need to unite and push for the most important issue of our generation. independence.
To watch Chernobyl don’t you have to give Rupert Murdoch money? No thanks.
I’m with Stu on self-ID. It’s nonsense and I can’t believe the SNP are about to press self-destruct just when things are going so well (and Johnson as PM is about as good as it’s going to get for perfect Indy conditions). I’ll just turn up at the gym, say I identify as a woman and walk right in to see the naked ladies!
The bloke from The Apprentice that enjoys saying “You’re fired!” has endorsed Boris Johnson.
That makes BoJo a Sugar-coated pillock.
@ TC – of course I accept that men and women have a range of behaviours that traditional sex stereotypes say they shouldn’t have. So change the stereotypes.
But 98% of violent offences are committed by biological men and that doesn’t change if they call themselves women. That’s why safe spaces for women and girls are necessary.
@ Callachan.
Watch my lips.
Got it?
To Effijy your post at 1.09pm
I agree with the points you make
The place where women suffer most abuse , assault , ill treatment , sexual assault
Is in their own home
Usually by someone that knows them well or is a relative
as we have seen too often the risk is in places that have a certain isolation
or places where the abused either cannot leave or its difficult to leave freely
The place where they actually live
care homes for children
Church establishments
Youth clubs and sports clubs
To proud cybernat…your post at 1.21pm
Sorry I wasn’t watching
Can you do that again
I missed your lips moving
Hang on ..I can’t lip read
Hang on how can I watch your lips on wings ?
Explain please
OH , you can’t
How about a name change
Proud Cyberprat
So,I quote:
“Ruth Davidson confirms she would work with Boris Johnson,if he became Prime Minister”.
Here EXACTLY is what Lord Patten a Senior Tory
former Tory Party Chair
former European Commissioner
and former Chairman of the BBC Trust thinks about Boris Johnson !
2 minute VIDEO CLIP with article last month:
link to
@ Callachan
Nice try. No’ biting. We see you.
Ken500 says:
14 June, 2019 at 12:48 pm
“”Many smaller cafes have had mixed toilets for years. Absolutely no problems.””
Small cafes have a Single toilet which men and women use at DIFFERENT times.
They are NOT in the same toilet space at the same time.
This is not the first time you have used this as an argument on this issue. It is a totally false argument/example.
@David P says: 14 June, 2019 at 7:39 am:
” … How about Scotland votes – decisively – to leave the UK.
Simple. Straightforward.
Unambiguous. And permanent.
Anything else is tinkering round the edges.
I said it, long ago. here on Wings, ” … Scotland’s greatest strength is that her people are legally sovereign and Scotland’s greatest weakness is that her people are legally sovereign.
Yet getting them all together to use their legal sovereignty is Scotland’s biggest problem.”.
Nothing much has changed since I said that – excepting for the fact that getting them to act together is a great deal closer now than at any time in my lifetime.
It’s comin yet fir aa that.
A large number of posts from Callachan on this thread and not one of them containing his usual anti English bigotry. Well done Terry old boy.
A big shout for the Scottish women’s football team. Get right into them.
Scotland world cup match on BBC. English commentator!
Just as the US of A gears up to re-elect Trump…
The Tories: ‘Hold my beer’.
Good luck Scotland 🙂
Play your best game and enjoy =)
We are all so proud of you already 🙂
Robert Peffers @ 01.50 pm and David P @ 7.39 am
Aye Aye to you both =)
It IS comin yet fir aa that 🙂
Very strange coincidence. Bojo looks a shoe-in for PM, hard Brexit on the cards, SNP membership starts to climb again, legislation for indyref 2 in preparation. When suddenly……..
Wooosh – one almighty stushie about this gender ID (of which I havent the foggiest). SNP BAD SNP BAD.
Amazing coincidence, don’t you think? The timing couldn’t have been better for the British establishment.
What is going on?
“What is going on?”
link to
Wie was robbed…kinda thing!
But wie was never really in the game in the first half except for passing backwards or square and not too confident at that either. 🙁
Must do better in next half.
Quote from the Guardian…
“Boris Johnson has claimed he can achieve an “orderly, managed Brexit” on deadline by ditching the Northern Irish backstop in favour of “alternative arrangements”.
As I understand it, “ditching the Backstop” effectively means ditching the Good Friday Agreement, which is an Internationally recognised Peace Treaty which you “ditch” at your peril.
You won’t get a Trade Deal with the US for a start, and you will be held accountable for any resumption of the Troubles. I must assume that’s international ostracism and trade sanctions are what he means by “alternative arrangements”.
Just when independence is within sight, they look to bring a self-id policy in, alienating all those women.