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Wings Over Scotland

Glory days

Posted on October 10, 2023 by

The SNP put out this party political broadcast (PPB) last night.

And alert readers might already have noticed something odd.

Because Mhairi Black – who narrates the broadcast and is depicted strolling around London for much of it with a Very Serious Expression on her face, cut with lots of grim shots of Glasgow for contrast – hasn’t looked like that for YEARS.

The bizarre hairstyle that she came into Parliament with in 2015 – basically bleached blonde, dunked in chip fat and combed hard with a paint scraper – steadily softened over the years into the much more traditional wavy brown locks she now sports.

This was her at her wedding last year, for example.

But the blonde colouring was gone way before that. Here’s 2019, for example:

And in fact she was back to her natural colouring at least as early as 2017.

When we noted this on Twitter, an alert reader quickly identified that the very distinctive and ominous-looking block of flats seen at 1m 13s in the video:

was actually Norfolk Court in the Gorbals, which was knocked down in 2016.

The area has been extensively redeveloped and looks like this now.

And then another alert reader remembered that the footage of Black serious-facing her way around Westminster came from a previous SNP PPB, way back in October 2015.

We can certainly understand why the party is desperate to hark back to happier times. And we know its finances are currently… difficult, although even so it seems a bit of a leap to imagine that they couldn’t stretch to someone pointing an iPhone at Black for 20 seconds of up-to-date footage.

And it also makes sense of why the party would snivellingly capitulate to an MP who’s already announced she’s quitting at the next election, when she decided she fancied riding roughshod over the SNP’s selection process for her would-be successor.

Black quitting before the Rutherglen vote would have made no difference to the outcome – there’d have been press coverage, of course, but “MP who already quit quits again” isn’t much of a story. Having someone who wasn’t even a member front a PPB a few days later, though, would obviously have been properly embarrassing even by the standards of a party currently doing a decent impression of Sideshow Bob.

It’s not an isolated case. When we went to the SNP’s YouTube page to see if last night’s broadcast was there so we could embed it in this post, the highlighted video was another PPB: this one from half a decade ago.

The clip put the hapless character of “Davey” in his place by listing a series of the party’s achievements, including the abolition of tuition fees (a policy enacted by Alex Salmond), scrapping prescription charges (Salmond again), putting a thousand extra police on the streets (Salmond, now undone), same-sex marriage (Salmond), abolition of bridge tolls (guess who?), the Queensferry Crossing and Borders railway (well, you’re getting the idea by now), and even audaciously claiming credit for “protecting” initiatives of the previous Labour administration like free personal care and bus passes for the elderly.

But the SNP’s glory days are long gone and its future looks bleak.

So we probably shouldn’t be surprised it’s having one last maudlin reminisce.

“Think I’m going down to the well tonight
And I’m gonna drink my fill
And I hope when I get old I don’t sit around
thinking about it, but I probably will

Just sittin’ back tryin’ to recapture
a little of those glory years
But time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister
but boring stories of glory days”

But just like “Davey” at that 2018 party, nobody’s listening to their stories any more.

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Poundshop Party


In relation to spending money on an updated PPB, did someone put their Foote down and refuse point blank I wonder…


Not quite as on the nose as these Springsteen lyrics perhaps, but The Vines’ Winning Days is another song that leaps to mind in the circumstances.

Cameron Lochiel

Perish the thought that old videos are being recycled because there’s no money left to pay bog standard production companies to make new ones


Why the public need to know where all the money has gone.
Branchform better not be a whitewash.


The SNP are in this mess because of their current supporters, everyone else with any sense has already read the writing on the wall some time ago.

The only thing left for these idiots is to blame everyone else for their own demise.

The reasoning behind blaming Alex Salmond in particular is hilarious with hindsight, that his tarnished reputation would hurt the party is certainly now a side splitter.


LOL are they trying to memory hole it, unfortunately the Ministry for Truth (aka the BBC), haven’t received the memo yet lol

link to


I thought the party had spent a small fortune on av equipment and hi tech computers?

Ian McCubbin

Just mord straw clutching by the troughers as they one by leave the sinking ship.
God help us under Sarwar, (buf no god to help us).
Gone wilm be bus passes, free prescriptions any chance of A9 upgrade and help for the poor.


That complete list of things Mhairi Black has achieved for Scotland:

Vivian O’Blivion

YouGov, Westminster voting intention Scotland, field work 2 – 6 Oct, sample size 1028, (changes from 2019).
Con 20% 8 seats (+2), Lab 32% 25 seats (+24), LibDem 5% 5 seats (+1), SNP 33% 21 seats (-27).
SNP and unionist parties have equal number of MPs.

Holyrood voting intention, constituency (changes from 2021).
Con 20% 11 seats (+6), Lab 29% 11 seats (+9), LibDem 9% 5 seats (+1), SNP 37% 46 seats (-16).
Holyrood voting intention, regional list (changes from 2021).
Con 19% 13 seats (-13), Lab 28% 28 seats (+8), LibDem 7% 3 seats (+3), SNP 28% 1 seat (-1), Greens 11% 11 seats (+3).
Aggregate MSP allocation: Con 24, Lab 39, LibDem 8, SNP 47, Greens 11.
71 unionist MSPs v’s 58 SNP and Greens.
Which gravy slurper gets the ONE, SNP regional seat?


Black either doesnae wash her hair at all – or she still dips it in chip fat before she leaves the house..!

How does her wife put up wae that…ugh.


“Anas Sarwar on track to be First Minister, says poll”

I am curious. How should we interpret a turnout for the Holyrood election lower than a 50%? As a vote against the status quo? As a total rejection of the Scotland Act and UK politics?

Will the British establishment force Sarwar down our throats as FM even if we have a repeat of the last by-election where less than a 40% of the electorate could be bothered to cast a vote?

And such circumstances, what kind of mandate would he have? Because if less than 50% cast a vote, it would not be credible.

I am bemused at the Sunday Times moving this fast to position Sarwar as the next FM when, given the last by-election result, the very first concern for the British establishment and its mouthpieces should be that 50% or more cast a vote in the next Holyrood election. Because if they do not, I do not see how the result of that election can ever be sold as “victory”, can be sold as representative of Scotland and can be sold as mandate for anything, never mind democratic.


O’Blivion @ 1:57pm:

Don’t think you’ve read the MP numbers correctly – unionist parties would have 38 seats to SNP’s 21 on those numbers (although in fact I don’t think there will be 59 seats to contest after boundary changes).


What Geri said @1.37pm.

I also hope we find out how much was wasted on hotel rooms and free bar parties.

Captain Yossarian

Charles Kennedy was supplanted by Blackford at the same time Douglas Alexander was supplanted by Black. The voters would have been better sticking with what they had; the SNP has just bled them dry.

James Che


Just imagine what the message would be if less than 40% voted against the status quo, pretty much a vote against uk politics,

It is has great potential as a thoroughly legal method to regain our voice and Sovereignty of people in Scotland,

Just saying,
I am not telling anyone who to vote for.

Vote at your own discretion.


“That’s not how elections work”

Absolutely. But habit does not transform into democratic a process where the result is no longer representative of the electorate majority. This only happens because we are letting the political body get away with it.

If there is a turnout lower than 50% no political party can ever credibly claim they won or that they have a mandate. It is a victory for “none of the above” and it strongly suggests the option the majority would have voted for is missing from the list.

If the option the majority wants is left out of the ballot, then the election is no longer democratic.

Following the last by-election where less than 40% cast a vote, we have to start wondering at what point we establish the lower limit of turnout beyond which an election result is no longer acceptable.

For instance, are we going to still consider an election as democratic and a victory as legit/representative of the electorate when only 5% cast a vote?

James Che

Does multitudes not voting at all, send a message to politicians of the UK that the Scots are rejecting the policies of the Scotland Act and the politicians therein?

I suppose it depends on how many people in Scotland veto their vote to reject UK politicians and politics, before the UK realise their is a serious difference between Scotland and England,
And that Scotland is rejecting the limited politics of party political choices of permanent war and austerity Scotand.


My daughter was in that advert for the SNP. Think she had blue or green dye in her hair and I was dead chuffed at the time.

James Galt

The money saved can be spent on Foote’s salary, and as for the party conference I hear that Marquee hire can be quite reasonable.


“It is has great potential as a thoroughly legal method to regain our voice and Sovereignty of people in Scotland”

Only if we reject it as a valid result. If we continue to acquiesce to a “victory”, no matter how low the turnout, then it will achieve us nothing.

James Che

“That is not how election work”

Perhaps that could be re-phrased to that is not how elections “used” to work,
Because politics has always provided us with a limited choice of the same umbrella parties under a variety of of different rosette colours, but run from the same source.

Steady and persistent rejection of these political parties in Scottish elections or in Uk elections would see their demise,

This is what is happening to the SNP right now,
The same can be applied to other political parties in Holyrood ….”rejection”.


I wonder if one of the reasons why they chose that old video of Black is because she looked young and fresh at that point.

It might just be my own biased opinion, but physically, to me she looks completely different now. She does look far older than her age and completely worn out. In other words, not the kind of celebrity you would use in a video if you want to get the attention of young people.

For every other age bracket, she is, just as much as Nicola Sturgeon turned out to be, a busted flush.

Goodness, if digging the old shelves to find and recycle back to life obsolete material is the grand strategy the new SNP CEO is pursuing to win the next GE, he is being seriously overpaid.

John C

It was clearly shot years ago as there was no signs of how she’s changed due to enjoying certain aspects of the wage and lifestyle she’s had since 2015.

James Che


I agree with you,

Politics in Britain is set up so you usually only have to select one of the limited political parties the UK put forward for you,
That is not democracy,

But what if we gradually deselected this limited choice that Scotland has, it is not against the law to vote for neither so as long as we are offered a vote in Britain under the heading of democracy.

Snp first,
then the other parties in Council elections, by elections, general elections,

Change the face of Scottish politics legally.
And it is up to each person individually to act on their Sovereignty and democracy.


The Labour Party seems to have ideas about increasing devolution.

link to

Here’s a bit of it.

“To deal with the epidemic of drug deaths in modern Scotland, drug policy should be fully devolved to Holyrood. This would be accompanied by the full devolved administration (short of full devolution of power) of all social security – including Universal Credit. This would sit alongside the raft of benefit entitlements the Scottish government gained power over after the 2016 Scotland Act, many of which have still to be taken up by the SNP administration.”

Comment. Does not seem to grasp the causes of some addictions and the problem of drugs and “deaths of despair” (increasing in England) could remain high.

“Raft of benefit entitlements” is rich.


More of the Sturgeon legacy and where is the alternative?
Labour party Westminster Unionism by default.
Were Sarwar to replace Yousaf would any notice the change?

James Che


Their “victory” would be short lived,
If we do this at every variety and level of elections in Scotland democratically.

James Che

We are given a democratic choice in our voting rights even under UK laws,

Use it to the best advantage of Scotland to steadily change the political landscape in Scotland.

Stuart MacKay

Mia @2:12pm

There was also a comment, I think also in The Times, made by Starmer that Scotland would at the head of a Labour victory in the next General Election. That doesn’t sound like a party brimming with confidence of capturing a whole swathe of seats in England, that were lost to the Tories. Sounds more like, “well there’s not much difference between the two, so let’s give Labour a shot”


John C says: 10 October, 2023 at 3:26 pm

It was clearly shot years ago as there was no signs of how she’s changed due to enjoying certain aspects of the wage and lifestyle she’s had since 2015.

None of the talkative, excitability and nervous energy that went with all the Kit-kats she’s been eating as part of her Rockstar Westminster career.


As a famous quote from Trainspotting I will be using sums it up perfectly

It’s shite being Scottish

Colin Dawson

I not licensed to watch iPlayer, it’s not available on STV Player and I still can’t find the SNP Party Political Broadcast anywhere else. Very strange. Someone usually copies things like this to YouTube relatively soon after a broadcast takes place. Are the SNP trying to suppress this broadcast?


Stuart MacKay says:

You’re quite right, there is no excitement about Sir Keir Starmer or a New New Labour government in England.

Zero. Nane. Nuthin.

It’s not like 1997, it’s like one of those sad and unwanted reboots of a film that was popular a generation ago. Nobody is optimistic about the future anymore and the last 25 years have led to a deserved collapse in public trust of politicians and institutions. The Labour wing of the Uniparty is currently “winning” because the Tory wing told all of its voters to eat dirt.

The English are the captive audience of a political system that doesn’t represent them, same as the Scots. Nothing will get better until we figure out a way of electing better people.

Owen Mullions

RofS, you seemed to want to engage me yesterday in a game of ‘my atrocity’s bigger than your atrocity’ – perhaps I should have posted a clip of the 85 year old granny being abducted in a golf cart by four (yes FOUR) heavily armed grinning Hamas ‘fighters’.

I see myself as on the left in politics but I refuse to subscribe to the woke group think of the Palestinians as perpetual victims. Your facile and frequent mentions of America as the Great Satan tells me all I need to know about you. Go away and celebrate the Hamas death culture with someone else.

Captain Yossarian

Jordan Peterson was on QT a couple of years ago. According to him, we should have fewer higher calibre people at Westminster and that means paying them more and giving them the job security they would have in the private sector. Someone in charge of immigration should know about it, ditto for education, trade and so on. Thereafter, more is devolved to the regions and devolved governments. When the block grant/Barnett formula money is handed-over to the SG, there should be proper accountability of how it is spent, as is done in the German and French systems. These people would have to be put forward for election by the public of course. The problem with it of course is that a lot of high quality people were driven out of politics by the march of the SNP and that has impoverished both Westminster and Holyrood for the past 10-years. That is one of the reasons their fall has been so precipitous. The public are just sick and tired of them now.


From The National: ‘Passionate anti-poverty campaigner’, Jacqueline Cameron, seeks to replace Mairi Black’ in Renfrewshire. But no mention of independence – anywhere.

James Barr Gardner

So Slab leader Anas Sarwar says his party is “reaching out” to Indy supporters ahead of the next years general election.

Millionaire Anas Sarwar is totally opposed to any referendum on Scottish Independence.

Opening of LieBore conference, backdrop a massive butcher’s apron (NOT the usual Red Wall), a tribute to the plague queen, who was one of the richest folk on the planet, meantime 4.2 million UK children in poverty !

Just to round it off a wee sing song god save the king, not save the children!

Millionaire Sur Kid Starver telling folk that there would be no new licenses for oil/gas firms to drill in the North Sea, conditional on LieBore winning next years GE !

Rosebank Oil Field (NOTE ! it was discovered in 2004 !) is in the North Atlantic NOT the north sea !

Yessers know all of this !

Red Tory Anas Sarwar is totally delusional if he thinks Yessers would ever vote LieBore !

Mark Beggan

Intergalactic News!!!

Meanwhile on the Planet Callydon!….

The evil Surge the Stink and her disciples were locked in a bitter fight with Captain Stormer and his dental assistant Lieutenant Zaarvar.

Un-beknown to Captain Stormer and his chum. Stink the Surge had been hatching a cunning plan with Syphilis Greenback the two inch hardon.

However their plan was being undone by Maybelater’ the Green Ally from the planet Matchsticks. Who had her own cunning plan which had nothing to do with anything at all whatsoever.

Tune in next week for further adventures of

‘Who the Hell is going to save the Planet Callydon!’


Party Political Fraudcast.


Mairi (Pinocchio) McAllan says: ” We are not a party who ever take our success or our support from the people of Scotland for granted”.

Don’t bang your nose on the way out Mairi.


Labour conferences used to end with the singing of The Red Flag. With its last line ‘We’ll keep the red flag flying here’.

Now for Labour it’s ‘We’ll keep the red, white and blue flag flying here’.


Captain Yossarian,
What is wrong with Scotland’s people being responsible and accountable for Scotland’s decisions?

When you talk about the Barnet formula money being handed over, there are 2 possibilities of where that money comes from, either within Scotland or outwith Scotland, the direction of travel is what people seem to get agitated about.

A British Nationalist like yourself will either get distressed about not getting money from England (these are known as scroungers) or giving money to the Scots (these are the people calling Scots scroungers).
The Scottish ‘scroungers’ believe in the benevolence of England and the name callers believe in the benevolence of England, it is incomprehensible to these people that Scotland might actually be the country that is the benevolent party in this “Union”.


Mia, what do you suppose wore her out?

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – It is immaterial where the money comes from. In the end though, it is the job of the Scottish Government to make sure it is accountable for what it gets spent on. Before his untimely departure for pastures new, John Swinney was responsible for doing that and he promised money to a whole range of organizations and the money never materialized. Hence, the only point I am making here is that the Scottish Government should show respect to its citizens by showing where all the money is spent. And I mean all money, that is Barnett money and Block Grant money. That’s what is done in just about every other devolved administration, certainly in Europe. My argument with you is not about the source of the money, it is about the accounting of expenditure and making sure all groups get their fair share. A few of these groups helped the unemployed back into work – they were promised funding by John Swinney and the money was diverted elsewhere and they received nothing. That is not right, is it.


If Mr Foote is the brains in the SNP, what a colossal mistake. The RedTorys 1 point behind the SNP, I wished the Torys would call a general election so would watch all these Klingons fall 1 by 1 on election night.

If Sturgeon thought that Humza was going to be the best candidate for leadership, that was a colossal mistake.

One thing the SNP is good at making colossal mistakes.


“Glory Days” is hugely apposite, too. From back when Springsteen was actually making great music.


100% Yes @ 5.55pm

I would suggest you are mixing-up your Star Trek baddies. I think the current SNP troughers are more Borg than Klingon.

On another allied subject: looking at social media at the moment, I can see Alyn Smith and “Marmalade” Robertson positioning themselves to take over when Haunless Youseless is booted out.


link to

Sven says:
10 October, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Ruby @ 10.17

Just a tentative suggestion, since you asked for assistance re achieving world peace.

I have heard something similar before maybe a bit less hippy.
I was a Buddhist for three weeks. I had some amazing teachers,the philosophy was sound but as I said I was only a Buddhist for three weeks.
I would say if you are looking for world peace Buddhism would be the place to start.

What is not clear in your post is if you are taking sides with Captain Yosssarian, John Main & Cylists.

Captain Yossarian certainly thinks you are.

link to
Captain Yossarian says:

Sven – Thanks for that. “My name is Yossarian and I am a cyclist”

That could be problematic for you Sven you could be seen as supporting the most vile personal abuse in the case of John Main and a constant stream of sexist abuse – Captain Yossarian.

I will just be continuing as usual. Sorry if you feel you’ve wasted your time. But hey you’ve made Captain Yossarian happy and John Main will probably be over the moon.

The cyclists will have no complaints as I will continue to drive very careful in the knowledge that many of them haven’t a clue of the rules of the road.


MaryB says:
10 October, 2023 at 4:34 pm
From The National: ‘Passionate anti-poverty campaigner’, Jacqueline Cameron, seeks to replace Mairi Black’

Why do all these ‘passionate anti-poverty campaigners’ want to force Scottish people to live in Net Zero poverty?

Is it because they’re dishonest grifters?


“what do you suppose wore her out?”

Keeping the charade up for 8 years, perhaps?


But just like “Davey” at that 2018 party, nobody’s listening to their stories any more.

That is true and I’m even struggling to read stories about them.

Hopefully that will change when we get more of the ‘true crime’ variety of stories.

James Che

There is a captain of the ship forgetting that Scotland is a Country,.
That the one and same only country that is supposed to be in a treaty of union with the Country of England.

Now is there another Country besides England holding a treaty with itself. If not there is no union,
There is no union of Countries, kingdoms, or parliaments.

So captain do you think only the Country of England is Great Britain?

Just to let you know I am not bias towards England and the english population I think you are correct.
there only being one country in the treaty of non-union.
Scotland Country was diverted from joining when the Westminster parliament dissolved the Scottish parliament out of it, and was extinguished in England in 1707,

See I Agree with you, that Scotland is not a Country in the 1707 treaty.

However it has retained its status of Country especially since 1707.

Captain Yossarian

FFS – The spinster’s back.



“And I mean all money, that is Barnett money and Block Grant money.”



Ruby @ 18.17

Many more years with Taoism than 3 weeks instant Zen.
I take no sides … you asked for advice re achieving world peace (a worthy objective). My constructive suggestion was one I follow myself, start with where and what I am, move out from there.
How Yossarian or others view me is, honestly, not a concern of mine, you will have noted I have passed no comment on his posted observations. Had he asked for general advice as you did my suggestion to him would have been generally similar.

James Che

Why o so many unionist not understand or comprehend if the are in a treaty with another Country or not,

It is not a selective thing when it suits.

You either are or your not,


What is bullying?

ACAS gives information about bullying in the context of work.

“Although there is no legal definition of bullying, it can be described as unwanted behaviour from a person or group that is either:

offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting
an abuse or misuse of power that undermines, humiliates, or causes physical or emotional harm to someone

Bullying might:

be a regular pattern of behaviour or a one-off incident
happen face-to-face, on social media, in emails or calls
happen at work or in other work-related situations
not always be obvious or noticed by others
It’s possible someone might not know their behaviour is bullying. It can still be bullying even if they do not realise it or do not intend to bully someone.

Examples of bullying
Examples of bullying at work could include:

constantly criticising someone’s work
spreading malicious rumours about someone
constantly putting someone down in meetings
deliberately giving someone a heavier workload than everyone else
excluding someone from team social events
putting humiliating, offensive or threatening comments or photos on social media”

Offensive, insulting behaviour. How many of us do that?

James Che

How many idiots does it take to change a l treaty of union light bulb to one Country?


Captain Yossarian says:
10 October, 2023 at 11:26 am

It’s not my campaign, Ruby. I simply stepped forward at the time to tell everyone they had better get this checked. Look upon it as a “Julian Assange” story. Since you keep on mentioning it, time after time after time after time, it is coming to an end soon. Any day now in fact.

Whose campaign is it?

Do they have a website?

Any press coverage?

Which school is it?

What does Julian Assange have to do with it.

James Che

So is it considered racist, and discriminating to call Scotland a region and not a Country ?


Captain Yossarian says:
10 October, 2023 at 6:38 pm
FFS – The spinster’s back.

I wonder if this post is

“putting humiliating, offensive or threatening comments or photos on social media”


Sven says:
10 October, 2023 at 6:48 pm

Ruby @ 18.17

Many more years with Taoism than 3 weeks instant Zen.

Are we having a competition?

I had thirty years of Christianity but I reckon my 3 weeks of Buddhism had more impact on me that the 30 years of Christianity.

The 3 weeks of Buddhism was a bit of a joke. It’s a ongoing interest but I don’t practice and I didn’t want anyone to think I was an expert in the teachings of Buddha. It’s Tibetan Buddism I am talking about not Zen.
But I don’t expect there isn’t much difference with regard to not killing any form of sentient life.

Here’s the answer to world peace.

The first of the five precepts—Buddhist guidelines for an ethical life—is to refrain from taking life, often phrased as a vow not to kill living creatures. What qualifies as a living creature varies among Buddhist schools, but humans and all other animals are included.


Ruby @ 19.28

No competition, just giving a wee bit of background as you raised the question of a background belief system or philosophy.
My only exposure to Buddhism on a personal level came from training in Aikido, where over the years many of the students were into either Zen or Amida schools.
However, I digress from both Scottish independence and, indeed, the path to world peace. Your original objective.


sam says:
10 October, 2023 at 7:12 pm

Captain Yossarian says:
10 October, 2023 at 6:38 pm
FFS – The spinster’s back.

I wonder if this post is

“putting humiliating, offensive or threatening comments or photos on social media”

Have you figured out who the spinster is? 🙂

Formerly known as the ‘Wings Bunny Boiler’

Sometimes the Christianity in me takes over and the idea of an eye for eye comes to the fore.

Sorry Sven!

Alf Baird

sam @ 6:56 pm

“offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting
an abuse or misuse of power that undermines, humiliates, or causes physical or emotional harm to someone”

You mean like the longstanding British institutional treatment of the indigenous Scots language an fowk wha speak Scots as ‘invalid’? Which is arguably the basis of the Scottish Cultural Cringe, a psychological condition also known as the ‘colonial mindset’.


Ruby @ 19.53.

You owe me no apology, Ruby, it is yourself you present with your posts, as do we all.
I’d only suggest that as your quote comes from the Tenach and is then modified by Messiah in the New Covenant scriptures it is hardly the Christianity in you which is “coming to the fore”.
As I am now becoming a serial diverter of both this thread and the cause of Scottish independence discussion I trust you’ll excuse me if I bow out. Returning to my more usual position of interested observer of some posts; skipper over of some posters.


Sven your posts are very interesting so I wouldn’t worry about going off topic.

The cause of Scottish independence isn’t dead exactly but it’s definitely sleeping so I think we can afford to change the subject now and again.

If you have been observing you will have noticed all the weird of wonderful topics that are discussed here.

I do think we need more posters to keep the observers entertained.

Just post anything you fancy. I would quite like to hear from someone who practices martial arts with regard to the ongoing controversy regarding women in Jiu Jitsu having to fight men aka transwomen.


‘A passionate anti-poverty campaigner’; indeed-I would imagine she is vastly better off by now and selflessly seeks to pass on her good fortune to another useless placemate grifter; at least your votes were not in vain.

Captain Yossarian

Alf – I used the word “spinster” and Sam accused me of possibly infringing the site’s rules and you are suggesting it is indicative that I have a colonial mindset.

The way I see it is that it is a Scots word used on this occasion and (I think) one previous occasion, by a Scotsman. Harmless and victimless. Is this another Wings pile-on?

David Holden

Good god it is getting harder to wade through the rubbish in here to find the few informative comments. For a while it was Cameron with his endless links then it was our old pal Randy Trellis and Scooby bitch slapping each other and now we have the Broad Scot and the second coming of Scooby gumming up the works. One constant is old Jonny Main with his constant show me the money crap which he nicked from a B movie. At least the content of the blog is still top notch but the comments section is getting into WGD territory.


Red @ 6.21
Your reply was lost in all the noise on here.
Jacqueline Cameron says fine words, but without independence nothing will change. Perhaps you can tweak round the edges – baby boxes, child payments. But Scotland has multiple deprivation and needs to tackle income, drug abuse, health, housing, education in a single strategy. As this hasn’t been addressed yet through devolution, then it’s just more of the same – fine words and no action.
But she’s standing for the SNP and no mention of independence. So, yes, have to assume it’s more gravy in the offing. How many of the new SNP candidates mention the ‘I’ word?


@ Alf Baird

Yes, like the cultural cringe.


I must admit I have probably met this description of bullying here.


Ruby @ 20.41

It may not bother you to wander waay off topic, Ruby, however it does me.
When I trained with Bob Clark, Charlie Allmark, Eric Marshall et al at the BJJA HQ dojo, “Lowlands” in Liverpool it wasn’t unknown for higher grade women to fight with men, although in the 1970s Juko – Ryu Ju Jitsu did not have competitions.
Similarly at the Glasgow School of Ju Jitsu in Milton training was mixed.
Traditional Aikido in which I trained with guys such as Foster Sensei, Tom Weir, Slim Coyle also had no competition; so I have no personal experience in competition in those martial disciplines.
In general, I’d guess that if biological women wished to compete with biological men that would be their choice.
I have problems in identifying biological men or women as the opposite sex. Therefore, to me, biological men (identify as they choose, their lifestyle is their choice) should be competing against biological women only with mutual consent.
Which is the last off topic post I have to make.


Who would have thunk it in 2014/5 eh.


David Holden says:
10 October, 2023 at 8:56 pm

Good god it is getting harder to wade through the rubbish in here to find the few informative comments. For a while it was Cameron with his endless links then it was our old pal Randy Trellis and Scooby bitch slapping each other and now we have the Broad Scot and the second coming of Scooby gumming up the works. One constant is old Jonny Main with his constant show me the money crap which he nicked from a B movie. At least the content of the blog is still top notch but the comments section is getting into WGD territory.

Why the reluctance to name names? There is nobody here called Scooby.
WTF is Randy Trellis?

Maybe you could post a link to a couple of your posts to give folk an idea of what you expect from BTL posts on Wings.


David Holden says:
10 October, 2023 at 8:56 pm

Good god it is getting harder to wade through the rubbish in here to find the few informative comments. For a while it was Cameron with his endless links then it was our old pal Randy Trellis and Scooby bitch slapping each other and now we have the Broad Scot and the second coming of Scooby gumming up the works

I have figured out that David Holden is talking about me when he uses the name Scooby.
What an absolute coward!
Talk about lacking cojones!

That’s Bunny Boiler
Spinster and now Scooby all in one day!

Could WGD be any worse than this?


Sven says:
10 October, 2023 at 9:03 pm

Ruby @ 20.41

It may not bother you to wander waay off topic, Ruby, however it does me.

Nae bother Sven.

À chacun son goût

I prefer to post something as Stu needs the hits.

It wouldn’t be much of forum of there were nae posts.

David Holden would definitely have something to complain about then.


How long does it take the police to examine the SNP Accounts?

Are the police just good at politics these days as they avoid actual policing.

Will it take 5 years and £10 Million for a report to be produced that does nothing.
How did the enquiry go into the illegal Iraqi war or the Edinburgh trams?

Looks like they will need to sit on the books until after the general election.

Have the police still got the battle bus/ mobile home?

There must be an old Tory Peer who needs a long term job to look over the books.


“What is not clear in your post is if you are taking sides with Captain Yosssarian, John Main & Cylists.”

Not all cyclists (sp) have the same political viewpoint.


Captain Yossarian,
“It is immaterial where the money comes from”

Is it?
You seem to believe that Scotland should justify spending to Westminster and not the other way round. I think we should simplify the equation buy removing that part, let’s have a Scottish Government justifying spending to the Scottish people.

If I collected a tenner from you, gave you a pat on the head, 50p and sent you to the £ shop, what could you buy?

You Nationalists do make me chuckle, you’re very funny, really.


Re the “Spinster” comment by “Captain” whatever.

What a wanker.


Interestingly, it seems that the Greens have prevented the orthodoxy from hanging Israeli flags outside the Scottish parliament “in solidarity”. Maybe they have a use after all…


Well, I can see the video to the song now.
Wee Pete singing on the motor home , sorry cycle.
Nicola let me in , i wanna guard your dreams and visions
Just wrap your legs ’round these velvet rims
And strap your hands ‘cross my engines
Together we could break this trap
We’ll run ’til we drop, baby, we’ll never go back. Tramps like us , baby we were born to run.


Derek says:
10 October, 2023 at 10:27 pm

“What is not clear in your post is if you are taking sides with Captain Yosssarian, John Main & Cylists.”

Not all cyclists (sp) have the same political viewpoint.

I thought they were all Green voters!

Only kiddin’

It wasn’t about their political views it was about my problem with Captain Yosssarian, John Main & Cylists. 🙂

An odd grouping but Sven did group them together as things I had a problem with and suggested I……..
I can’t remember now what he said I think it was ignore be kind or something.

Just generally try to be a better person.


Funny thing today the herald has 2 articles saying the snp must focus on the cost of living and education rather than talking about undy which nobody wants to hear about.

Why would a unionist take this line

Hmmmmmm let me think

Snp us in a hile cause they do t talk indy


Scotspine says:
10 October, 2023 at 10:30 pm

Re the “Spinster” comment by “Captain” whatever.

What a wanker.

I thought it was worse when he suggested I should be at home ironing my husbands shirts & scrubbing the scullery floor.

If it were a choice between being a “Spinster” and being at home ironing by husbands shirts & scrubbing the scullery floor I think I would choose being a “Spinster”

Brian Doonthetoon

Ruby – you’ve become awffie argumentative against certain males, since you first starting posting btl.

Before you hit the “submit comment” button, ask yourself a question: “Does this comment add to the general discourse btl, or does it disrupt it”?


Vivian O’Blivion
10 October, 2023 at 1:57 pm

Vivian, if you look again at the figures you posted, I’m sure you’ll see the inconsistency surrounding the likely outcome of list seats as presented: –

Holyrood voting intention, regional list (changes from 2021).
Lab 28% 28 seats (+8)
SNP 28% 1 seat (-1)
Con 19% 13 seats (-13)
Greens 11% 11 seats (+3)
LibDem 7% 3 seats (+3)

The great AMS/D’Hondt scam is certainly the worst of the four ‘horses for courses’ methods of electoral decision making we have in Scotland. But to win only 1 list seat from 28% of the vote could only happen if SNP won a huge majority of the constituency seats, and that ain’t gonna happen.

If the SNP vote halves (for them, best case scenario) from 1.2 million to 600,000, the constituency divisor for votes being counted on the list will be much smaller, and a far greater number of second votes will come into play, so this will give a good number of list seats to SNP, resulting in the Greens being crushed.

The Greens are on course for a total wipeout because their 2021 seats were the result of 185,000 SNP1/Green2 votes, taking them from 35,000 constituency to 220,000 list, and 8 seats.

As an aside, those urging the gaming of the system in 2021 must realise that the system WAS gamed, but it was gamed in favour of Greens, not ALBA.

All this is, of course, as things stand today. SNP are still digging that hole and there’s no telling how far down they’ll go.


Brian Doonthetoon says:
10 October, 2023 at 11:32 pm

Ruby – you’ve become awffie argumentative against certain males, since you first starting posting btl.

Before you hit the “submit comment” button, ask yourself a question: “Does this comment add to the general discourse btl, or does it disrupt it”?

I do and I never worry about whether my comments disrupts the general discourse or not. Why should the ‘general discourse’ whatever that is be more important than what I’m saying?

I am an awffie person. What can you do?

I have become worse since folk started asking asking why can’t a woman have a cock.

I hope you are not suggesting that this woman who doesn’t have a cock should wheesht. 🙂

I am absolutely ragin’ and I’ll probably get worsen before I get better.

I think we need more awffie people doing awffie things like me.

Where did all this niceness & consideration get us.


How you are feeling Brian.

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

it may simplify your life to know that in terms of international recognition (UN, IMF, World Bank etc), there is only one country: the UK.

The moment the Treaty of Union came into effect, it ceased to have any practical significance, because two countries instantly melted together into one. So that’s how a Treaty can be between one country and itself.

In modern terms, we have some regional variations of bye-laws in Scotland, but they aren’t really that different, nor are they important. The regional council in Holyrood is allowed a bit of leeway here and there on raising taxes (normally upwards), but all of the grown up decisions are made in the single country’s single Parliament.

As for things that don’t matter much, but are fun, such as sport, we have a single national conceit to decide we can enter World Championships as four separate regions. One region even plays rugby as part of a different country, but there’s some complex history behind that as the other country was once part of our country.

That’s it.


Scot abroad

If we are ine country why did the move the maritime border


I really don’t think men appreciate how women feel about being erased.

I’ve noted that I’ve had a few subtle suggestions that I should behave better but I haven’t seen anyone suggest to Captain Yossarian that the vile sexist abuse he has subjected me to is out of order.

That is disappointing.

However not to worry I am capable of handling it myself.
But don’t expect me to listen to any of your complaints about me being argumentative or disrupting the flow of your discussion about Rory the Tory or some other obscure subject.


Ruby – 12 posts thus far in this thread from 95 POSTS TOTAL. That is what I meant by 99 the other night, 99 posts total in that other thread. Give it a rest with the constant posting. Seriously. You seem to think this is your Own personal playground. It’s not.


Onlooker says:
11 October, 2023 at 12:25 am

Ruby – 12 posts thus far in this thread from 95 POSTS TOTAL. That is what I meant by 99 the other night, 99 posts total in that other thread. Give it a rest with the constant posting. Seriously. You seem to think this is your Own personal playground. It’s not.

Wow I’m doing a good job keeping the ‘observers’ entertained.

I take it you don’t like what I post. Are you a misogynistic person
who wears a magenta pink face mask?

How many posts have you made today & yesterday?



Any truth in the rumour that Keir Starmer is now referred to as Gary by his mates in the labour party following his speech yesterday?

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – What I said was that the SG should do accounts to explain to Scots where the money is being spent. When you don’t do that, all you get is cover-ups.



“but I haven’t seen anyone suggest to Captain Yossarian that the vile sexist abuse he has subjected me to is out of order.”

Hand shoots up. Please, miss…

I used to be involved in the resolution of instances of bullying in the workplace.

I can recognise bullying and the typical reaction of bullies to being called out.


socratesmacsporran says:
10 October, 2023 at 6:16 pm

On another allied subject: looking at social media at the moment, I can see Alyn Smith and “Marmalade” Robertson positioning themselves to take over when Haunless Youseless is booted out.

That’s like deciding whether the SNP wants kept in its grave permanently by either a stake through the heart or a stone wedged in the mouth.

It would seem there is no end in sight for the SNP’s dismal decline into irrelevance and absurdity.

The SNP seems “blessed” with the polar opposite of a talent pool. You needn’t look further than Mhairi Black rising to Deputy Leadership in Westminster. I truly can’t decide whether that’s the worst decision ever made, for the simple reason Kirsty Blackman once held the same position.

(It’s not actually a “joke” appointment is it? Serious question.)

Alyn Smith should have retired after his speech and standing ovation in the European Parliament. Had he stepped away from politics back then, I’d have thought quite highly of the man. Instead I’ve learned what a self serving narcissistic reptile he is, a character right at the epicentre of all that’s wrong with the SNP, and someone truly worth his weight in horse manure.

Sadly, I strongly suspect such accolades must mean Smith is now considered a front runner to get the job.

These must be such heady times for that small Mi5 office in Whitehall.


Well, I suppose Mhairi Black dipping her hair in the chip pan makes a change from Fergus Ewing dipping his face in it.

Captain Yossarian

Sam – kindly present your case (that the word “spinster” is grossly offensive) to the owner and let him decide.


“Captain Yossarian says:
11 October, 2023 at 8:30 am
Sam – kindly present your case (that the word “spinster” is grossly offensive) to the owner and let him decide.”

It isn’t the “owner” who decides what is offensive.Nor is it you. It is the target of the remarks and she has already made that decision. It is “vile sexist abuse”.


sam says:
11 October, 2023 at 6:35 am


“but I haven’t seen anyone suggest to Captain Yossarian that the vile sexist abuse he has subjected me to is out of order.”

Hand shoots up. Please, miss…

I used to be involved in the resolution of instances of bullying in the workplace.

I can recognise bullying and the typical reaction of bullies to being called out.

Good man! We need more people like you.

There’s a lot of bullying going you can see it every time there’s a ‘Let woman speak’ event.

That doesn’t seem to get much of a mention BTL here on Wings.

Do you think special training is required to recognise bullying?

What causes bullying Sam?

It looks to me as if the whole trans rights issue is bullying.
Sexism is bullying. Personal abuse is bullying.

These are mainly women’s issue but then there’s colonialism which is definitely bullying and that affects men, woman & children.

Maybe I’m wrong to think men would recognise sexism without special training.

Sorry guys I’ve been asking too much.

Anyway yer old fashioned sexism is the least of our worries.

I recognise that I might be a bit of a bully but then what should I do? Not stand up to the bully?

Be a good little wifie & iron my husbands shirts & scrub the scullery floor?

The sad truth is that could well be what is expected of Scotland.
Be a good little country and attend to domestic matters and leave the main issues to Mr Westminster.

Dorothy Devine

Yep Ruby , it is the ‘shut up and eat your cereal” time for the country , not just women.

BDDT, hope you are feeling much , much better!

Captain Yossarian

Sam and Ruby are site’s experts on bullying and the word “spinster” is a red-flag and a dead give away I am indeed a bully. They explain their thinking above. I should thus be barred for a period of years.


A Scot Abroad said;

“in terms of international recognition (UN, IMF, World Bank etc), there is only one country: the UK.”

ASA, the Union is a single country only from the perspective of the other countries of the world, and that is perfectly reasonable, and to them it presents itself as ‘the United Kingdom’.

But internally the Union is a partnership of two kingdoms which agreed to joint governance of their two territories from a single shared parliament. That agreement did not create a full in-depth merger of the two kingdoms, it never came remotely close to doing that; it actually merged only two things;

1. It merged their two parliaments into one for the purpose of conducting the daily negotiations of joint governance, with both kingdom’s MPs still representing their parent kingdoms as two distinct and separate groups;

2. It merged their two monarchies’ titles to present a single ‘head of state’ to parallel the new shared parliament, but that is as far as the monarchical merger went because the two kingdoms’ monarchical privileges and powers, and their two constitutions were and still are incompatible and irreconcilable.

Everything else was a clumsy compromise, and always bent into a form that suited the overweening English partner, which has never hidden its utter lack of respect for its equally sovereign partner.

“The moment the Treaty of Union came into effect, it ceased to have any practical significance, because two countries instantly melted together into one. So that’s how a Treaty can be between one country and itself.”

Bollocks on stilts, and that last sentence, if ever uttered at the UN, would have its occupants struggling to breathe from laughing so hard!

“In modern terms, we have some regional variations of bye-laws in Scotland, but they aren’t really that different, nor are they important. The regional council in Holyrood is allowed a bit of leeway here and there on raising taxes (normally upwards), but all of the grown up decisions are made in the single country’s single Parliament.”

Westminster’s single shared Parliament carefully models its Union as a partnership of 650 constituencies, which didn’t sign a Treaty. This lets it present a simple flat majority voting system as a democratically fair way to make the Union’s decisions, which just ‘happens’ to give the English partner’s ten to one numeric superiority almost sole control of the Union, despite the total lack of authentic constitutional justification for it.

The real model of the Union is of two partners which did sign a Treaty.
So when do they ever get to vote one on one, ASA?



Yes, I think some knowledge is needed to know what is bullying. It can often be well disguised.

“It looks to me as if the whole trans rights issue is bullying.”

I agree. I have been following some Employment Tribunal cases brought by women against the discriminatory practices of their employers over “gender critical” beliefs. The latest is that of Jo Phoenix against the Open University.The bullying by some of the “woke” lobby is a feature.

You might,if you wish, get a view (a bit mangled at times at Tribunal Tweets threads. i don’t do Twitter/X but thread reader is still accessible.

link to

Alf Baird, upthread, makes the link with the bullying/violence in Scottish schools to implant English language over Scots.

James Joyce satirised English.

Power and its use is at the heart of bullying.

Trade unions dominated by men tend to discriminate against women members, sometimes causing equal pay claims eventually.


MaryB says:
10 October, 2023 at 8:57 pm
Red @ 6.21
Your reply was lost in all the noise on here.
Jacqueline Cameron says fine words, but without independence nothing will change. Perhaps you can tweak round the edges – baby boxes, child payments. But Scotland has multiple deprivation and needs to tackle income, drug abuse, health, housing, education in a single strategy. As this hasn’t been addressed yet through devolution, then it’s just more of the same – fine words and no action.
But she’s standing for the SNP and no mention of independence. So, yes, have to assume it’s more gravy in the offing. How many of the new SNP candidates mention the ‘I’ word?

Scotland has gotten poorer, dirtier and more degraded since the Scottish Parliament was set up. Many of the reasons are not under the Scottish Parliament’s control (open borders at the UK and EU levels, Westminster tax and energy policies, the Net Zero experiment) but there are some things they can do.

There’s nearly 200,000 off grid households in rural Scotland. Most can’t afford to install and run heat pumps, and the cost of living is already a major problem. England has decided to give rural people a wee bit of relief by harmonising its boiler ban with the EU.

Humza has decided that rural Scotland will get no relief. He’s going to make sure Scotland sticks with the most self-destructive Net Zero in Western Europe.

“Why are we so cold, Mummy?”

“Because of Scotland’s Party, my wee darling


I don’t know much about Captain Yossarian or even if he is a Civil Engineer but I do know way back I clocked him as sexist misogynist.

I don’t remember his exact words but they’ll still be there on the thread where he posted them.

He was referring to female civil engineers involved in his sinking school project and he described them as ‘shrivelled up torn faced old spinsters’ or something similar.
Whatever it was it was extremely sexist & misogynistic.

I have no idea if this is common among Civil Engineers or even if Captain Yossarian is a Civil Engineer.

I would be surprised but then what do I know.


To correct myself. Gender dysphoria is real. It is cultural. Genes don’t change over 20 years. In Ireland those most affected by gender dysphoria are former Romanian orphanage children and the autistic.


Captain Yossarian says:
11 October, 2023 at 9:33 am

Sam and Ruby are site’s experts on bullying and the word “spinster” is a red-flag and a dead give away I am indeed a bully. They explain their thinking above. I should thus be barred for a period of years.

I don’t think anyone wants you barred.
I want you to stay here as an example of what a sexist
misogynistic bully looks like.

Any update on the sinking school project.
Whose project is? Name of person in charge?
Have you got a link to their website?
Any articles in the newspapers.
Info about meetings with the SG?

Scot Finlayson

She/her is what `positive discrimination` leads to,

people being promoted for their minority/marginalised status instead of an ability to do the job,

(instead of positive action where people who have ability from a minority/marginalised status are fast tracked)

These people, who are without ability, are now running things.

fruitella the hun

As one would expect you argue for extending oil demand claiming “There’s nearly 200,000 off grid households in rural Scotland.” which, you infer, can only be economically heated by oil.

Which grid are they off? Where did you get that figure?

A Scot Abroad


as far as I’m aware, there has never been a vote in the single U.K. Parliament in which the Scottish MPs were given the same voting weight as the English MPs. Which might just tell you that your idea of equal voting weight isn’t held to be a serious concept. It’s a very lonely furrow that you are playing. Hasn’t happened since 1707, isn’t happening now, won’t happen in the future. At the most, Scotland gets a jumped up parish council in Holyrood with deliberately restricted powers.

The only acknowledgement that Scotland is standalone is with the unimportant fripperies: oaths of office, irrelevant nonsense about Claims of Right and other ancient guff, some ruddy stone the monarch sits in, a useless football team, and quite a good rugby team. Fill your boots. It’s not important.

Captain Yossarian

“‘shrivelled up torn faced old spinsters’ or something similar.” The description used was “vapid middle-aged women”. The over-promotion of these women is what has ruined engineering in Scotland. Most of them are not even engineers and should be working as school-dinner ladies. Now – please, please, please get me barred?


fruitella the hun says:
11 October, 2023 at 10:38 am
As one would expect you argue for extending oil demand claiming “There’s nearly 200,000 off grid households in rural Scotland.” which, you infer, can only be economically heated by oil.

Which grid are they off? Where did you get that figure?

They are off the gas grid, and the figure comes from the Scottish Government.

Fergus Ewing (no longer welcome in the SNP because he’s a Scottish nationalist) has been doing good work on this.

link to

Heat pumps are a nightmare and there’s no scientific reason to ban oil boilers.



“At the most, Scotland gets a jumped up parish council in Holyrood with deliberately restricted powers.”

“The loss of the yes campaign in the Scottish Independence Referendum (2014) can be identified as a contemporary example of the Scottish cringe. The people of Scotland shunned their opportunity to reclaim their liberty the reasons for which are captured in sociological theorist Paulo Freire’s quote ‘’The oppressed, having internalized the image of the oppressor and adopted his guidelines, are fearful of freedom’’ (Freire 2016, p.46).”

link to


The calls to Mr Harvie follow a recent poll in which 80% of 1,000 off-grid property owners said the cost of installing a heat pump would be unaffordable.

It’s all so unnecessary.

The cost of installing hundreds of thousands of heat pumps is crippling. The cost of running them is also crippling, because heat pumps are horribly inefficient and eat electricity like sweeties.

Those unfortunate facts should tell us heat pumps aren’t the way to go.

The purported carbon dioxide reductions are a mouse fart in a hurricane, Scottish people are going to suffer life-changing poverty to save the equivalent of about 1 and a half seconds of Chinese CO2 emissions. Just so deranged perverts in Edinburgh can pursue an arbitrary ideological agenda.


Just been reading that Israeli lawmaker, Revital Gotliv, has called on the government for the use of Jericho missiles to “level” Gaza “ without mercy.

With Israel understood to have between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads Gotliv followed up her post about nuclear missiles with calling for the “crushing and flattening Gaza.”

“Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security! It’s time to kiss doomsday. Shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighbourhood,” she posted. “Otherwise we do nothing.”

Kind of puts into perspective that our Great British government and its US allies are absolutely right behind nations with sentiments like this – with in fact the US currently sending an aircraft carrier task force to support Israel.

Is the world getting ready to burn and burn big. Or am I missing something Wings readers?

Michael Laing

@ A Scot Abroad at 10.42am:

“as far as I’m aware, there has never been a vote in the single U.K. Parliament in which the Scottish MPs were given the same voting weight as the English MPs. Which might just tell you that your idea of equal voting weight isn’t held to be a serious concept. It’s a very lonely furrow that you are playing. Hasn’t happened since 1707, isn’t happening now, won’t happen in the future. At the most, Scotland gets a jumped up parish council in Holyrood with deliberately restricted powers.”

So, because the status quo exists, that means it’s set in stone and beyond criticism or challenge, regardless of how unjust, immoral or illegal it is? That’s an even more stupid argument than ‘the majority agree with me, therefore I’m right’. Why do you waste so much time and effort posting such utterly fatuous drivel on here?

Captain Yossarian

Willie – The way we see it is that women, old-folk and kids are not the enemy and should be spared but that’s not the way the protagonists here see it. They have an entirely different way of thinking.


I find it tiresome all this Scotland is a colony pish and if you don’t agree you are victim of social conditioning and basically you don’t have a brain to think the right way because you are a conditioned minion (absolute bollocks) people on here trotting this bollocks out are no better than the orange order types who would never vote for Indy even if you offered to put and oil well in their garden with free whisky deliveries ever week. In fact the opposite can be said to be true, it’s those who question nationalist and OO mantra,s who have the brains. Harping back to 1770 s and the 300 year old shite being posted here does a great disservice to those seeking to advance the Indy cause, you are part of the problem and you will never be the solution to Indy question , the colonial shite will not advance the Indy cause 1mm if that’s the net net of your agreement. The Yes movement needs to be a progressive face of any future Scotland one that we can all be proud and one that makes doubters be prepared to take a leap of faith based on a set of modern day principles base around the worry beads of the soft NO camp. How we pay Pensions, Currency, Health Care etc need to be front and centre of any plan and not and not some bitter glimpse back to the past (always the victim mentality)we all know the history , fuck the past it won’t put a loaf on your table today . Workable costed policies that drive our Economic future with a set of firm social policies is what we need. Since 2014 we have seen nothing nada to help us move forward there are way too many people ( on both sides) stuck in the past alienating fellow countrymen based on entrenched historical views.

Alf Baird

sam @ 11:14 am

“The loss of the yes campaign in the Scottish Independence Referendum (2014) can be identified as a contemporary example of the Scottish cringe.”

Indeed, and what is the ‘Scottish Cultural Cringe’ but a very serious and debilitating psychological ‘condition’ (i.e. the colonial mindset) that is created and therefore manufactured by colonialism. In the absence of colonialism there would be no such feeling of inadequacy or its consequence, a ‘dependency complex’, among a native people.

At least we know the only remedy for this condition is ‘liberation’, otherwise referred to as ‘independence’. Failing which colonial assimilation and oppression will continue, ultimately leading to the subordinated people, their culture and nation perishing.



“Harping back to 1770 s and the 300 year old shite”

Harp on about today. Scotland is denied employment law so it cannot end zero hours contracts. Scotland is denied control of welfare policies so it must put up with the removal of welfare rights and the use of benefit sanctions.Scotland does not control its economy so it must put up with UK policies that feed the rich and starve the poor.

What is that if not colonisation?

The past matters, too, because it shows that precisely the same withholding of powers was done to colonised Canada and colonised Ireland.


Den @ 11.49

Oh Dear, sorry Den, I fear that I will put the absolute mockers on your sensible post, by my agreement with the thrust of your argument.
I can’t help recalling how between the years of 2007-2014 a certain Mr Salmond managed to achieve a boost in support for Scottish independence in the order of around 24% to nigh on 50%. Not by returning to the 1700s or promoting post colonial theory. But, rather, by providing demonstrably competent administration during those years. Conditions improved, public services, in the main, worked and there was a general feeling that this upward trajectory could be maintained.
Then came Mr & Mrs Murrell … and we all know what happened subsequently.


Can’t remember who wrote above about Alyn Smith and Angus ‘Viennetta’ Robertson…
Alyn Smith is being challenged for his MP seat by the husband of Stirling’s MSP…either this is the prelude to a graceful exit or it could point to relations having broken down between MP Smith and MSP Tweed.
As for Viennetta, someone who has as much baggage and ‘exposure’ as he has will not make a serious attempt for the leadership.
This should be obvious to anyone paying attention or with the tiniest knowledge of these people.

Frank Gillougley

God, this is depressing. Post 2014, I really don’t think Scotland will ever achieve independence. Why do i say this? Because this country has been subsumed by its tenfold larger neighbour.
I don’t believe there’s a hugely significant amount of cultural difference between the two countries (whereas between Ireland and England there was).
Also that Scotland doesn’t have any real all-defining grievance against its neighbour (whereas the famine and emigration in colonial Ireland was a deeply felt grievance – One million dead and one million emigrated).
Ireland did not achieve its independence by the promotion of some abstract ideology, but by deeply felt reason and cause.
The SNP and Scottish politics just now are irrelevant. The real question for decades to come will be, what is scotland’s raison d’etre that will set it apart from Westminster and that Scottish people will be truly inspired by.
I am truly sorry, but thats where I am at just now.


A Scot Abroad said;

“your idea of equal voting weight isn’t held to be a serious concept.”

Don’t be so silly and obtuse, ASA, of course it’s a serious concept, it’s adopted in institutions like the EU precisely because it’s so serious. It just isn’t held to be a serious concept by the partisan English establishment because it would deprive the English partner of its ability to unfairly dominate its Scottish partner on the false basis it’s using now.

And it’s all the more serious in the UK because the highly unequal voting weight one that’s being exercised in Westminster is not just a seriously dishonest, unconstitutional sham, it is also a deeply abusive one, and it needs loudly called out as such, because it will never be properly resolved until we Scots, and especially our so-called MP representatives, create a major and very public strop over it, a strop that could and should end the Union!


Ruby: you’re like some tired inept SNP MSP female whiner who calls everybody male who disagrees with you or doesn’t like you a – sigh – ‘misogynist’ because you don’t like men. A pathetic passive-aggressive defence at best, though very tiresomely modern. The woman is never at fault, it’s the evil male sexists she’s tirelessly fighting who can’t understand her selfless fight against (sneer) ‘the patriarchy.


It’s because you post psychotic crackpot gibberish like this:

“I never worry about whether my comments disrupts the general discourse or not. Why should the ‘general discourse’ whatever that is be more important than what I’m saying?

“I am an awffie person. What can you do?

I have become worse since folk started asking asking why can’t a woman have a cock.

I hope you are not suggesting that this woman who doesn’t have a cock should wheesht. ?

I am absolutely ragin’ and I’ll probably get worsen before I get better.

I think we need more awffie people doing awffie things like me.

Where did all this niceness & consideration get us?”

That is the incredibly immature, bizarre, deluded, solipsistic rantings of a teenage girl. “I don’t care what the site is about, or the conversation, my random misogyny-accusing non-sequitur shite is all-important! Women won’t wheesht! I hate men! Teehee, aren’t I a rowdy female rebel?”

I won’t be engaging with you again, no matter what your vacuous, raving reply is. Have a nice life.

James Che


The moment the treaty of union was signed it became one Country, did it?

I can see you Do not dwell to hard on the details to much,

1: Queen Anne whom gave royal assent to the Treaty of union supposedly on Scotlands half, was never Crowned or coronated Queen of Scots or Scotland
She was only the Queen of England and Wales. There was no union of Crowns at this point.

2: The queen Anne of England and Wales, legally not Having a Scottish kingdom or being a Scottish crowned Queen was not related to the Scottish parliament, or our Country in fact she had no authority to have her Commissioners in Scotland at all.

3: You can not join the two parliaments of England and Scotland respectively to make a united single parliament if one parliament (Scotland) was extinguished by agreeing to the treaty,
One made the other void, and cancelled the treaty out. ….. (See Uk parliament site 2023 for details)

4: the parliament of Westminster in England used its domestic legislation to dissolve the Scottish parliament, England had no jurisdiction legally in Dissolving a parliament outside its own Country when you pay attention to the fact the , the crowns, the kingdoms we were not under one person crowned monarch of two Countries individually.

James Che


Do you even know which monarch was last crowned and coronated monarch of Scots was,


Re nukes becoming acceptable.
Check out – Nordstream Bomb was not 0.000125 kt TNT equivalent but 2.5kt TNT equivalent. It was a “mini2-nuke.- on Rumble
For balance, check out the John Main, ‘Polish yacht rental’ theory, of course.


Rev wrote: “And alert readers might already have noticed something odd.”

I did, immediately. Last time i seen MB sitting on the Westminster benches, not too long ago, she was certainly 1-2 stone heavier than the fraudulent PPB picture.

Rev also wrote: “And it also makes sense of why the party would snivellingly capitulate to an MP who’s already announced she’s quitting at the next election,”

Which gives the SNP an easy out. They can simply claim further down the line that everything said was said by someone who is no longer an MP.

Holyrood Magazine states: “An SNP spokesperson said: We do not comment on internal party processes.”

LOL! That’s what all the corrupt organisations say. Those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.

James Che


Harping back to 300 year old Shite,


The treaty of union is 300 year old propaganda shite,

It was a concept that never reached maturity because The parliament of Westminster in England using its domestic law dissolved and extinguished the parliament of another Country from the treaty of union, namely Scotland.

Thus legally both in England and Scotland by extinguishing and dissolving the Scottish parliament they did not unite the two parliaments.
The monarch of England was not the monarch of Scotland, Scots or its kingdom, as she ( queen Anne) had never been Coronated or crowned as such.
She was falsely Claiming massive Lie.

Ian Smith

Independence may cure colonialism, but there are pretty few examples where it radically improves the existence for the working man.

It just creates newer, slightly closer centers of governmental power, control and positioning, worse that they are now populated by the devout, rather than those that blundered in through circumstance and inheritance.

James Che


The treaty of union was a concept.

It never progressed passed the signing, because once ratified by both countries it was agreed, no political union of parliaments would take place or continue,

Thus we see the Westminster parliament of England acting as only the parliament of England slip up a few times when it created the union with Ireland in 1800,
Or when it created the trade treaty with America as the parliament of England.


It’ currently very quiet last post I can see was posted at 1.42pm. as it’s now 14.31pm I think it should be safe for me to slip in a few posts.

Question No1

If Scotland isn’t a colony what is it?



Why don’t you just live up to your moniker?



RE: All the international outrage about the Scottish parliament not showing an Isreali flag in solidarity (Some key greens not happy apparently).

How about a simple suggestion – show an Isreali AND a Palestinian flag together as support for all innocent victims and a cry for peace? C’mon Scotland – show the world how to do it.

Does Humza have the guts to do this?


link to
Onlooker says:
11 October, 2023 at 12:52 pm
I won’t be engaging with you again, no matter what your vacuous, raving reply is. Have a nice life.

Why is that then not got the cojones?

So is that it then a grand total of three posts here on Wings all directed at me.

Young Lochinvar

And Yousaf wonders why the SNP now has credibility issues!?!

Let’s not forget Black jumped ship from Labour to the SNP claiming “Labour left her”..

As far as polls go it’s just finger counting and guessing.
The reality in my humble opinion is all that we saw at Rutherglen is the same as the optical illusion of two free falling parachutists (Labour and SNP) with the one who opens their parachute first appearing to go upwards relative to the other still freefalling. The reality is both are still descending, just one (Labour) more slowly than the other (SNP) seemingly intent on doing a Roman candle!

Simply put; Labour won Rutherglen Hamilton West despite themselves and the result looks likely to repeat itself at following elections as the two (and a bit) parties in power at the two parliaments have made such a mess while still believing their core voting pool will rally at elections regardless.


The whole lot of them, Labour included are a bad joke and people are sick and tired of them.

Perhaps the electorate should spoil their ballot papers (in a manner of their own preference) to show a unified front that people are prepared to go out and vote, it’s just none of the career chancers are worthy of support, only disgust.


link to

Captain Yossarian says:
11 October, 2023 at 11:01 am

“‘shrivelled up torn faced old spinsters’ or something similar.” The description used was “vapid middle-aged women”. The over-promotion of these women is what has ruined engineering in Scotland. Most of them are not even engineers and should be working as school-dinner ladies. Now – please, please, please get me barred?

OK I can see I let you off very lightly.

I have absolutely no wish to get you barred.

Especially not before you post some information about your sinking school.

I repeat
Which school is it?
Who is running the sinking school project?
Do they have a website?
Any press coverage?
Who did they speak to in the Scottish Parliament?
Do they have a crowdfunder?
Will the school have to close?


Where’s John Main?

Could it be his very strange homoerotic fantasising involving a hand-grenade got him pre-moderated?


Just in case some people would be interested, here is a podcast with
The Lesley Riddoch and guest-Graeme McCormick and Mike Russell.

After listening to Mike Russell, no wonder Independence is riding high and the SNP is in trouble. Here is a man who is so anti Independence isn’t truly shocking, I have no idea why he even joined the SNP. He actually wants the SNP to continue on the same plan of 60% and UKG will grant the SNP everything they want including a Section 30.

If there is any SNP member out their for god sake stop this moron being president again.

He doesn’t even have any evidence that the UKG would give a referendum if the population got to 60% who wanted Independence, its something thats keeps him on graving train.

Have a listen, because its evident the reason why Scotland isn’t going any where.

link to


Some here should feel ashamed.

link to

“Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism Project – an online initiative to catalogue instances of sexism – is trying to combat this worrying development. She said:

“We are seeing young women and teenage girls experiencing online harassment as a normal part of their existence online. Girls who dare to express opinions about politics or current events often experience a very swift, misogynistic backlash. This might be rape threats or comments telling them to get back in the kitchen.

“It’s an invisible issue right now, but it might be having a major impact on the future political participation of those girls and young women. We won’t necessarily see the outcome of that before it’s too late.”

Laura experiences online abuse every day for speaking out for women’s rights…”


Luigi – my suggestion is let’s fly the bonny blue flag of our nation’s patron St Andrew and nothing else.

People who want to fly other countries’ flags are free to leave my country at any time.

Captain Yossarian

Sven – The Alex Salmond years were marked by the impression given to Scots that Holyrood was the trusted authority. It was in charge of things. New infrastructure was being commissioned (the Queensferry Crossing for example) and life was demonstrably better for almost all Scots. He wasn’t perfect though and I can recall him promising that he had been given legal advice that an independent Scotland’s place would be secure inside the EU. Of course, there was no such legal advice and that appears to have been a lie. Nevertheless, all things considered, he was the best FM Scotland has ever had by a mile. There is no short-route to independence and what Salmond achieved will have to be equalled for a sustained period of time as a precursor and I think everyone knows that.


I’ve just watched Barrhead Boy’s Midweek special on the Prism Show with guests Lloyd Quinan and Finbar Markey. ” One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” An excellent show that cuts through all the bullshit propaganda; it’s a must-watch.

A Scot Abroad

Xaracen, @ 12:31 pm,

you clearly don’t realise that around 90% of EU decision making is decided by Qualified Majority Voting (QMV), in which it is necessary for states with 65% of the EU population to approve or disapprove a proposed new law, and for 55% of the total countries voting. Use of QMV is growing, because there were issues in the 1990s/2000s with individual countries having vetoes. The current proposal is that 95% of all EU votes should be by QMV by 2030, which in my view is the earliest iScotland could join the EU even iff there was an IndyRef tomorrow.

Scotland’s population is around 1.4% of the EU population. That would drop to around 1% based on other countries in the queue to join by 2030. If Ukraine joins, Scotland’s population would be around 0.7% of the total.

Equal weighting, my arse. Around 1% of the weight, in reality. And if you don’t like the result, you’d still have to suck it up.

The smaller countries such as Croatia, Lithuania, Cyprus and Estonia complain about being bullied by the EU. iScotland would be a smaller country.



100% agree but of course this does not sit well with the fanatics and fantasists.
Absolutely nothing stops them from posting their same repetitive shite every single day. They don’t care about Scotland-their pish is far to0 important, but only to them and a few other simple minded souls.

I note that the individual suffering from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy is still suffering. It appears that the antibiotics are not working! Wings readers suffer as a result.

George Ferguson

If the Independence movement takes the side of one of the protagonists in this conflict then they will be cast aside by the Scottish Public. Already moving from a localised conflict to a probable Regional conflict. Coordinated action is the evidence of other International forces in play. The Gas pipeline sabotage from Finland to Estonia another example. How are we going to get roped in? If anything happens to the Gerald Ford USS Carrier Strike Group on the International sea. We are all in under Article 5. A humanarian corridor out of Gaza for women and children under the auspices of the UN seems sensible. Equally the right to protect your citizens is an inalienable right. How the Independence movement present themselves in this situation especially when the SNP are disintegrating is paramount.


Captain Yossarian says:
11 October, 2023 at 3:43 pm
He wasn’t perfect though and I can recall him promising that he had been given legal advice that an independent Scotland’s place would be secure inside the EU. Of course, there was no such legal advice and that appears to have been a lie.

Whether he did or didn’t have legal advice it wouldn’t have made any difference.

During the IndyRef14 there were a whole series of lawyers & experts giving advice about EU membership but what was missing was the UK Gov approaching the EC for a definitive answer. They didn’t do that because they didn’t want there to be an informed debate. This allowed Ruth Davidson to state the only way to retain EU membership was to vote NO.

That was a much bigger lie than any fib Alex Salmond told about legal advice.

Any update on you sinking school project?

Michael Laing

@ Chas at 4.30pm:

Absolutely nothing stops them from posting their same repetitive shite every single day. They don’t care about Scotland-their pish is far to0 important, but only to them and a few other simple minded souls.

How absolutely predictable. Insult us some more, why don’t you! It makes whatever point you’re attempting to make so much more convincing.

I am joking, of course. If you have such strong objection to the opinions held by supporters of independence that you find it necessary to hurl insults and abuse, why don’t you bugger off to a Yoon site?


Chas says:
11 October, 2023 at 4:30 pm

I note that the individual suffering from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy is still suffering.

Not got the cojones to name names. Who is the individual suffering from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy?
Are we expected to guess?

What a fuckin’ coward!
Scared of some wee lassie!

You one of those misogynists who goes out shouting a woman wearing your magenta face mask?

link to

Captain Yossarian

I’ve spent a few years in Arab countries and my impression was that they had great sympathy for Palestine, but wouldn’t do anything to help and the Palestinians that I worked with knew that. Another thing is their norms of civilized behaviour are nothing like ours and humanitarian corridors for women and kids are something that should gain traction but conceivably might not, for a variety of reasons. For one thing, the population of Gaza is over 2-million and more than half that number are kids. Lastly, maybe Humza should sit this out and leave diplomacy to the UK Gov. Tragically, he has a personal stake in the outcome and it is unfair to expect him to represent any distinctively Scottish viewpoint when that is the case.

James Che

And just to remind those that still want the union to be a reality but in the same breath state old history is useless to be harping on about, ( there stand contradictory minds, if ever there was)

The Scots and their nation were never signed up to the treaty of union,

Just as a wee reminder,

UK parliament site 2023,

The debate was held on wether to give the Scots a vote to join the treaty of union,
The parliament and commissioners decided againts asking the Scots to have a vote as they would probably vote No,

So if the Scots nation has not joined the treaty of union.
Who did?

Those names that signed and layed there seal to the parchment to be precise, that were supposedly members of the Scottish parliament,
But the Scottish parliament was extinguished and dissolved from the treaty of union in 1707,

If the Scots were not asked to join the union and they have no united parliament in the union, then WHO is in the Union with England?


Michael Laing

I and a few others point out the inadequacies of some of the repetitive posters on here. You may not like it but I don’t really care.

Some supporters want Independence with not a clue thereafter of how to proceed. Who do you see currently who will provide honest, competent Government in an Independent Scotland? The failing SNP? Alba-who could not even put up a candidate at the recent by election? Or do we even need such a Government in your mind.

A lot of Independence supporters, like me, want answers to a myriad of questions and nobody is even trying to answer them.

Constant posts about 300 year old shite and supposed Colonialism might be important to you and your ilk but I can guarantee that they are a huge turn off to the sane amongst us. You obviously enjoy reading the pish that Che, Baird, ROS and others produce every single day. By all means you continue reading their posts and nodding your head in agreement. It appears that you are allowed to criticise others who do not share your views but only one way traffic is permitted. Does that sound about right?

I am being as kind as I can to you and similar like minded individuals. The ones who are stuck in the past and are unable to look forward.

What do we want-Independence
When do we want it-now
What will it mean for the people of Scotland-fuck knows.

James Che

It will take many years for those that thought there was union and those that want the union to be real.
To work it out in their heads that there never was a union other by the propaganda that has been promoted for the last three hundred years by the Parliament of England,

Even now when that same parliament in England puts it in Writing on their site in 2023 for the whole world to read….not just Scots.

They are even now still in denial of the facts provided to them by the parliament of England,


link to

“Protection from Harassment Act 1997
This Act will generally be the focus of personal injury solicitors involved in harassment claims. It complements the common law. Different sections apply to different parts of the United Kingdom.

In Scotland, the victim can seek damages on the basis set out in s 8, under which “a person must not pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another and– (a) is intended to amount to harassment of that person; or (b) occurs in circumstances where it would appear to a reasonable person that it would amount to harassment of that person”. “Harassment” of a person includes causing the person alarm or distress; and a course of conduct must involve conduct on at least two occasions.”


Chas says:
11 October, 2023 at 5:38 pm

A lot of Independence supporters, like me, want answers to a myriad of questions and nobody is even trying to answer them.

If you don’t have any answers why are you supporting independence?

Why would you expect other ordinary independence supporters like yourself to supply you with answers?

I think you are about as much of an Independence supporter as
Captain Yossarian and The Scot Abroad.

At least these two are honest.



“I and a few others point out the inadequacies of some of the repetitive posters on here. You may not like it but I don’t really care.”

Thanks for that I’ll take a screenshot. Do it again (point out inadequacies) to Ruby in your usual fashion and you may find I report you to the polis.It’s against the law in the UK to use the phone system, which includes the internet, to cause alarm or distress.

James Che

Whats not to like, about learning the records and facts regarding the treaty of union and straight from the horses mouth too.
The site of Westminster parliament of England.

Shame for those dyed in the wool people here wanting there to be a union with all their heart,
Only to find Westminster is telling you it is not true,

The Scots aren’t in it 😉


Reading the obvious UKers on here is like being on the veranda at the Britannia club in Singapore after hours and a bit of opium pipe. Another sling gents ?

James Che

Some people forget that it has recently been passed into the law of Scotland by the devolved goverment from Westminster back door that hate crime is not allowed in Scotland,
To cause harm distress, to be racist.
Hence I suppose the Devolved Scottish government under the Hate Crime bill cannot fly the flag of Isreal without equally flying the flag of Palestine without being accused of racism and hatred towards another nation or Country set of people.

I would presume in the same manner you could not provide financial aid towards one race, and not towards another as we did in uk rain and not in Ruskie land,

It would be a preference and planned hate crime under being racist.


Den says:
11 October, 2023 at 11:49 am

I find it tiresome all this Scotland is a colony pish and if you don’t agree you are victim of social conditioning and basically you don’t have a brain to think the right way because you are a conditioned minion

If Scotland isn’t a colony what is it?

Please let me know if you don’t understand my question?

George Ferguson

I have seen some unbalanced reports by James Cook of the BBC over the years but that one tonight topped the lot. I won’t bother complaining, as past experience tells me it’s a waste of time. The SNP are putting the Independence movement in the bin along with them.


If Humza’s In-Laws and wife’s sick 92 year old Grand Mother are trapped in Gaza with the Israelis bombing the place daily then I think he is and should be involved.

He is one in a million who is trying to put forward the plight of ordinary Palestinians.

Their country has been a prison for decades with Israel the prison guards the judge and jury over every aspect of their life.

I fully condemn the holocaust and the hamas attack but no one is willing to discuss the occupied forces actions that have the blessing of the US and U.K. governments.

The radio today justifying the Israeli bombings of residential housing blocks.
It seems they send text messages to advise residents of the block it’s about to be blown up so that seems to be alright in their eyes.

Some missile land 10-15 seconds after the text as they launch nearby.
Can you imagine reading you have seconds to get your kids down 10 flights of stairs in that time. Are there citizens without phones, are their numbers that are not registered are people sleeping, in the shower, or with flat batteries?

When missiles hit the building next door to the so called target and the families are wiped out it seems that’s just in error, a technicality, it’s OK to them.

There are 2 sides to every coin and 2 wrongs never make a right but not when it comes to Palestine it seems.

Captain Yossarian

George – I keep up to date with the situation in the Middle East by reading the Saudi Press. I just read a report on the future manager of my football team. You can read all the detail about it there: bonus for winning the League, bonus for Champions League and all the rest of it, if he gets sacked he gets paid for 4-years regardless. The deal seems to have been done. It’s a disappointment to the Saudis of course who wanted him themselves but Saudi life is not for everyone. They are doing this by the way so that MBS can engage with young Saudis and you do that by being seen as a patron of world football.

David Holden

Wings Watch and 22 hours on things are not improving in the comments section. The usual suspects are stinking out the place drowning out those with some interesting comments or information .Anyway time to go and search for my missing cojones. I blame the cold weather.


What is Humza going to do, LOL

Humza: “Hello white people, I am Humza Youseless and here is my Distinctively Scottish Middle East Peace Plan…”

The State of Israel: “C’mere.”

Humza’s opinions are of no interest to anybody. He should stick what he knows: making TikToks and riding scooters.

Michael Laing

@ Chas at 5.38pm:

You never contribute anything constructive to the debate. All you do is cast insults and repeat ad nauseam your fatuous claim that nobody knows what independence will mean. It’s the same old insulting ‘too wee, too poor, too stupid’ trope that we’ve been hearing since time immemorial.

What will independence mean for Scotland? It’s perfectly simple. It means Scotland not being ruled by governments that Scots have overwhelmingly rejected for longer than my entire lifetime. It means Scotland not having its wealth and resources syphoned off to fund mega-projects in London and the south of England. It means Scotland not having its budget dictated by England. It means Scotland having the necessary tools to reduce inequality and eradicate poverty. It means Scotland having the power to protect its culture, language and national identity. It means Scotland always getting the government that Scots vote for.

I would suggest that the question of whether Scotland would be richer or poorer in macro-economic terms is irrelevant to people in zero-hour contracts or who are struggling to survive on benefits. What they want is an equitable distribution of wealth, a decent quality of life and to be able to play their full part in society. These things can never happen so long as Scotland is tied to the UK.


Luigi @ 2:43pm,

I absolutely agree with that. People are suffering on both sides.

We’re being coerced into picking a side with the “if you ain’t for us you’re agin us” shite.
We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be strong armed in this manner.

George Ferguson

@Captain Yossarian 7:03pm
Captain some people would say it was because of the closeness of Saudi Arabia to signing the Abraham Accord that precipitated these events in the first place. The signs are there for a regional conflict. As a Unionist you must be happy the Independence movement is being put in the bin by the SNP. And most people are unaware of the underlying reasons.



You have got me terrified to the extent that I will be shaking every time I hear a knock at the door.

You mentioned a name-I did not. When I see the name of said individual I simply scroll past without reading. I shall adopt a similar tactic in future when I see a post from your goodself.

It is perfectly acceptable and within the site rules, for you to ignore any posts from me-but think on what you will be missing!

However, I must admit that I am intrigued as to why you thought I was referring to the individual YOU named. Sadly, I will never find out!

It seems that on posting on this site it is perfectly acceptable for only some people to criticise others. Strange.

Have a pleasant evening.

Captain Yossarian

George – I know several Palestinians and they blame the British, specifically the Balfour Declaration signed during WW1. (Balfour sounds like a Scotsman, doesn’t he). What I liked about the Palestinians was that they were pragmatic, generally accepting of it all, and “that’s the life” as one of them used to say all the time. I have no care about the SNP situation really. As I said earlier, Salmond wasn’t perfect but he set a trajectory for the SNP which, if it had been followed, we would have been independent by now. I voted “No”, but I would have been happy enough with Salmond. Countries need strong leaders even if they are imperfect and there was never a better example of that than Gaddafi. Salmond would have done for me.


Michael Laing

Great stuff Michael. Can you please inform me where the Government is that will fulfil all your admirable points or will it all happen by magic? Is it in hiding?

I have posted umpteen times on how I think Scotland can move forward. I criticise others for their repetitive postings therefore I am not going to do the same. I assume that you are relatively new to ‘Wings’ but, in all honesty, I am not really interested if you are or not.

‘I would suggest that the question of whether Scotland would be richer or poorer in macro-economic terms is irrelevant to people in zero-hour contracts or who are struggling to survive on benefits’. You may be correct in your assumption but I suggest that it is very relevant to people in work or retired on a pension. Would you not agree?

Too wee-NO
Too poor-the jury is out until someone/anyone provides us with some figures
Too stupid-Well we continually vote SNP in but maybe things are changing.

George Ferguson

@Captain Yossarian 7:34pm
Captain I am talking about recent events and the contextual narrative that led to the current Regional situation in the middle east. I worked in a country UAE that signed the Abraham Accord. That was the way ahead. But they are forward looking State. I believed in a two State solution but rather like Independence it’s in the bin now. And before anyone else comments I thought Royal intervention was ill advised without qualification. A strategic mistake by the Israelis as well. A humanarian corridor on the Israeli side is practicable at very short notice. Nobody should complain about the death toll at the end of this war. A failure to communicate or Government management of their people?


@ Ruby asks “ If Scotland is not a colony then what is it” ?

I think that has already been answer for you by the Supreme Court. Whilst Scotland can and does participate in the democratic institutions of the UK it will never be seen as a colony in any court in any land and not just the UK SC. You can argue all day long re: the legitimacy in your eyes of the UK SC, but ems the breaks .

President Xiden

Those flats at Norfolk Court went down as if an aircraft hit them.


Anyway, to get back on topic,
I got an air fryer today.


Den says:
11 October, 2023 at 8:21 pm

@ Ruby asks “ If Scotland is not a colony then what is it” ?

I think that has already been answer for you by the Supreme Court. Whilst Scotland can and does participate in the democratic institutions of the UK it will never be seen as a colony in any court in any land and not just the UK SC. You can argue all day long re: the legitimacy in your eyes of the UK SC, but ems the breaks .

That doesn’t answer the question.

OK The UK court doesn’t see Scotland as a colony but what does it see Scotland as?

Mark Beggan

It’s Hate Week in Glasgow 14th-20th. Official.

It’s Hate Week every week in the contested lands. Official.

Send Humza Boy to the Middle east to help these folk sort out their beef.

Arbeit Macht Frei Humza!


Johnlm says:
11 October, 2023 at 8:32 pm

Anyway, to get back on topic,
I got an air fryer today.

Congratulations is it your first?

I’ve got two. Had air fryers for a very long time.

They are brilliant.

George Ferguson

Back on topic are we. OK I watched this PPB live. It immediately jarred with me because I thought the SNP had reverted to Stronger for Scotland 2015 as a current marketing campaign. Thank goodness they have dropped believe in Scotland I thought. A wee resume of that 2015 campaign. I put this campaign leaflet through the letterboxes of thousands of constituents. We nearly got 50% of the vote. Landslide SNP win. 56 MPs one of which was Chris Law. But I was also at his selection event. Guess who else was a candidate none other than Nads on BBC Scotland tonight current wife of the FM. Spoke more about Palestine than Dundee West. When they tell you what they are believe them.

Captain Yossarian

The present generation support the attitude of their parents and grandparents. The Indians that I have worked with liked the British and the Palestinians that I have worked with disliked the British. Agreements made during war years are are often pretty bad deals for someone. The fundamental problem for Palestinians will never be solved because Israel was gifted their land.


@Ruby, I suggest you ask your local SNP candidate what the UK SC see Scotland as. They seem to be pretty fond of referring their issues to this establishment for resolution at great cost to the Scottish Taxpayer.


100%Yes says:
11 October, 2023 at 3:19 pm

Just in case some people would be interested, here is a podcast with
The Lesley Riddoch and guest-Graeme McCormick and Mike Russell.

After listening to Mike Russell, no wonder Independence is riding high and the SNP is in trouble. Here is a man who is so anti Independence isn’t truly shocking, I have no idea why he even joined the SNP. He actually wants the SNP to continue on the same plan of 60% and UKG will grant the SNP everything they want including a Section 30.

If there is any SNP member out their for god sake stop this moron being president again.

He doesn’t even have any evidence that the UKG would give a referendum if the population got to 60% who wanted Independence, its something thats keeps him on graving train.

Have a listen, because its evident the reason why Scotland isn’t going any where.

link to

100%Yes. That was good of you to post this link in case some people might be interested.

I really tried but it just didn’t hold my interest.
That applies to everything SNP related.

SNP no more, Mike Russell no more, Lesley Riddoch no more, Mhairi Black no more.

Sorry Stu.

However if things change and we get some ‘true crime’ related SNP articles I will be very interested and stay rigidly on topic.

As it stands I would rather talk about air fryers than the SNP.


Den says:
11 October, 2023 at 9:09 pm

@Ruby, I suggest you ask your local SNP candidate what the UK SC see Scotland as. They seem to be pretty fond of referring their issues to this establishment for resolution at great cost to the Scottish Taxpayer.

OK Den I can see you don’t know the answer.

I’ve got Tommy Shepherd and Angus Robertson and I wouldn’t trust them to tell me the time of day.

I just thought with you being so sure Scotland wasn’t a colony you would know what Scotland was.

Let me ask you a different question

What do you think Scotland is?


My air fryer is like Mhairi Black’s maiden speech – very impressive.
Let’s hope the similarity ends there. – career up in smoke etc.


Johnlm says:
11 October, 2023 at 9:40 pm

My air fryer is like Mhairi Black’s maiden speech – very impressive.
Let’s hope the similarity ends there. – career up in smoke etc.

Surely not!
With the air fryer nothing should get greasy and that includes your hair.


Johnim @ 21.40

Just don’t be trying the air frier equivalent of “Deep Fat” frying any KitKats, you’ll be fine. (And maybe steer clear of trying Mars Bars in it also).


The Hamas fighters who set out to kill 1000+ Israelis knew they were going to their death.The Israeli pilots who have killed a 1000+ Palestinians know they will back in their mess for a kosher supper.

Geoff Anderson

Scotland Tonight had halfwit Kelly Given stating Humza was wonderful, the Greens are great, and nobody mentioned the TransCult.
Looks like I’m voting Tory in Argyll under FPTP next year.
Please don’t have a rant about the Tories. I know how bad they are but Brendan O’Hara and the SNP need an even bigger message obviously.

A Scot Abroad

Ruby, @ 8:43 pm,

if you are so interested in understanding what the UKSC sees Scotland as, why don’t you submit an FOI and ask them direct? It ain’t hard. Asking other commenters to second guess a Court’s view when the Court has never been asked that question seems a bit hopeful.

Courts rule on what’s put in front of them. Not what’s _not_ put in front of them.


A rescue mission is being arranged for Humza’s in-laws.
A dangerous prisoner, Mx. Snake Plissken (AKA Isla Annie Bryson), a is to be injected with chip fat and sent into Gaza to affect a rescue.
The chip fat injection will prove fatal within 48hrs unless ze receives an antidote
developed by top Scottish scientists based at our IrnBru Laboratories.
PoliceScotland have pinpointed the likely location of Gaza as being in Poland.



The Supreme Court, their Lordships, has decided very recently that Scotland is not a colony.

They didn’t ask the Scots people what they thought about the matter though some Scottish Lords were involved in making the decision.

A Court in a country which has (certainly in the past) colonised another decides that country is not now a colony.

But then…

“Similarly, Lord George Robertson remarked “Scotland has no language and culture” (NewsNet Scotland 2014) during the 2014 Referendum; a comment which is a wonderful example of cultural inferiority insofar as it suggests Scotland is void of a recognised culture by its own political elite and representatives. Billy Kay enquired to a Fife headmaster if pupils were encouraged to engage with Scottish Literature and was startled by his response: ‘’No. This is not a very Scottish area” (Robinson 2008, p.5).”

link to


James Galt

“…and as for the party conference I hear that Marquee hire can be quite reasonable.”

I recon there’s a lockup somewhere with a Billy Smart’s Circus Big Top that someone could lend them for a couple of quid.

It’d be somewhere that Westminster’s clowns, IndyRef2’s fund jugglers, Holyrood’s acrobats, Salmond’s knife-throwers and Sturgeon’s bearded “ladies” could feel right at home!

However, with the current state of the SNP the conference itself qualifies as a sideshow, so perhaps Mike’s Horse Box is all that’s required.

Roll-up, roll-up…


Very quiet here on Wings again.

No idea why I get complaints about me making too many posts.

I’m guessing it’s just more of the old Unionist sexism.

Imagine how full of hate one has to be to go to the effort of counting my every post.

I didn’t clutter up the thread, make too many post or go off topic last night nobody did.

Result nothing for the old ‘observers’ to read and no hits for Stu.

His SEO rankings will have taken a hit.


I see the torrent of lies being pumped out by the Israelis and carried by the Western supporters of Israel’s as justification for the cutting off electricity gas water food and medicine to 2.3 million people is being exposed as a tissue of lies.

With yesterday President Joe Biden having to disclaim the outrageous line about Hamas cutting of the heads of hundreds of babies the west’s well trodden path of feeding the population black propaganda is once again being exposed.

But how many have been taken in as our controlled media tells us what to think, who to hate.

It’s a truly Orwellian world we live in where the fog of propaganda is all around us. But we know that even from our own better together back yard.


For pity sake no one can possibly vote Tory unless you have zero morals and are making a killing from their corrupt contract give away.

Hundreds of billions wasted on Emergency contracts without tender to their supporters.
£45 Billion wasted on a pathetic track and trace, £4.7 Billion wasted on Brexit Ships, £100 billion wasted on the Brexit disaster, 10’s Billions over spend on London Crossrail and incalculable billions wasted on HS2 that will cut train times to Birmingham by 15 minutes but take more than that to get to the remote London terminus.

First decade in 150 years where the workforce have seen their standard of life and lifespan fall. Millions of families thrown into poverty, record debts heading toward £3 Trillion, the NHS being crippled, the first ever Doctors and Consultants strike, food inflation hits 20%, 14 mortgage increases in 15 months, schools crumbling with inferior concrete, Some English schools closing early on Fridays as their budgets ran out, Royal Mail sold off to find an inferior service with less secure jobs, redundancies and the price of stamps doubling.
Selling knighthoods for donor money, record Foodbanks and now heatbanks with energy costs doubling.

And some suggest encouraging them to continue with their good works.
Vote for Lord Such or anyone independent but never Tory! Ever!


link to

A Scot Abroad says:
It ain’t hard. Asking other commenters to second guess a Court’s view when the Court has never been asked that question seems a bit hopeful.

My last question was not asking the court’s view I was asking Den his view. If you are so sure what the court said vis a vis Scotland not being a colony you must have some idea what you believe Scotland is.

What about yourself what do you think?
Are you from a region of Lesser England or from an actual country.

Is it not the case that the UK Parliament make the laws.
Why would they make the law that Scotland was in fact a colony when for some strange reason they want to hang on to a country which they claim is an economic basket case?

Further more they wouldn’t want the shame of being seen to be colonisers which I believe they are.

I don’t trust the supreme court so I wouldn’t be asking them anything.

You Unionists are not doing a very good job for your cause.

Firstly I’m told to ask the SNP for the answer now you tell me to send a FOI to the supreme court surely you BritNat activists should have these answers at your fingertips.


Aye Willie, the propaganda is wall to wall, has been for many years.

It is as if we are living in an ‘Empire of Lies’… hmmm who said that again.

People who lived through 2014 and saw how the media tried to fuck us at every turn, blindly and eagerly swallowing all the tripe they spout about Ru$$ia and now P@lestine/Isr@el. Some people never learn and never will.

Britain especially is saturated with it.


You’ve got some seriously crazy laws in the UK.

UK law states a man can become a woman and even that a ‘woman’ can have a cock.

Please don’t ask me to believe that the lawmakers in this country are anywhere close to sane and people I should have faith in.

Sure Scotland isn’t a colony and that person with a cock and beard is a ‘woman’.

“Yes, my lord”

stuart mctavish

Den 11/10 @8-21pm

Were Scotland to behave as a founding partner in UK (and, perhaps more importantly given your reference to the supreme court, be treated as such by (members of) it’s institutions) our FM would have been able to send the SAS to rescue his wife’s parents and family already.

Ostensibly to protect him from risk of blackmail, it would also allow Holyrood to ease our collective conscience with parcels of solar panels, freezers and a decent chunk of the butter mountain* whilst demanding cool heads and cessation of hostilities to better enable the actual perpetrators and facilitators being shot or brought to trial.

Hopefully such an operation is in progress regardless

* ie to help relieve any deliberate suffering imposed by the angry, insane, or outrageously corrupt hunger for innocents’ eyes in exchange for innocents’ teeth.

Black Joan

Lisa Cameron has left the SNP. And joined the Tories.


An MP has quit the SNP and joined the Scottish Conservatives,


We could really do with some more emojis here on Wings.

I understand Stu doesn’t like fruit & veg so the peach & the aubergine are not something we would be likely to get but how about a rolling eyes emoji.


Black Joan says:
12 October, 2023 at 9:34 am
Lisa Cameron has left the SNP. And joined the Tories.

Here’s what she said.

She attributes her treatment from colleagues to her decision to speak out in support of the harassment victim of fellow SNP MP Patrick Grady.

Ms Cameron said: ‘I do not feel able to continue in what I have experienced as a toxic and bullying SNP Westminster group, which resulted in my requiring counselling for a period of 12 months in Parliament and caused significant deterioration in my health and wellbeing as assessed by my GP including the need for antidepressants.

‘I will never regret my actions in standing up for a victim of abuse at the hands of an SNP MP last year, but I have no faith remaining in a party whose leadership supported the perpetrator’s interests over that of the victims and who have shown little to no interest in acknowledging or addressing the impact.

‘It is also true that I have received no contact from party leadership in the past weeks, despite members of every other main political party contacting me to offer support and compassion during what has been an extremely difficult time.

Read between the lines. Sounds like the SNP’s Westminster contingent is a gay mafia and they expect Omerta.


SNP MP Lisa Cameron defects to the Tories, I mean she could have defected to the Alba or ISP but the Tories. Now we know the SNP MP are Tories.


Black Joan says:
12 October, 2023 at 9:34 am
Lisa Cameron has left the SNP. And joined the Tories.’

A rare gleam of sanity in SNP ranks


link to

Trans rights crowd ‘assaulted’ guests at gender book launch

Every time the ‘Trans rights crowd’ protest the number of people supportive of trans rights drops.

Last poll I saw the number of people supporting them had dropped to a third.

However even it dropped to zero the SG would still be spending millions sending their ‘Marilyn Monroe sound alike’ to court.

I’m guessing the third of people who support trans rights are made of for the most part of your sexist misogynistic male who own magenta pink balaclavas and have recently been counting my every post here BTL on Wings.

James Che

Not voting for tories,
Not voting for labour.
Not voting for Snp.
Not voting for greens.
Not voting for li dems,
Not waiting until it becomes fashionable to think of ourselves.


62% of the 781 members of the House of Lords went to a public (i.e. private schools charging fees) school. Around 7% of the general population of the UK went to such a school.42% of the Lords went to Oxbridge.

These people should have a shrewd idea of what is a colony and they have decided that Scots are not fit to decide our own future.Though that, curiously, does not make us a colony.


Norman Finkelstein on what is going on…

Got to admit the genocidal rhetoric right now from high ranking US politicians and the collective punishment of millions of people, shutting off water, food, fuel or electricity, is off the scale.

Scott Ritter says H@mas is deep underground and that bombing these buildings (which all seem to collapse like a house of cards) are not military targets, again collective punishment.

We are really on the brink of something much bigger if the extremists win the day. The solution to terrorism is not committing war crimes.


It was only weeks ago she was threatening legal action if she wasn’t selected again for that seat, so by these actions you would have thought bullying wasn’t a issue or why would you want to be selected again to fight the same seat, when she would have left months ago and joined the Tories.


“Lisa Cameron has left the SNP. And joined the Tories.”

A case of rats and sinking ships, I would imagine.

James Che

There is enough infiltration in Alba already, so I suppose adding Lisa Cameron would not make much difference,


Does Lisa Cameron’s defection to the Tories mean another by-election?

I can’t stand it.

C’mon you police boys in the Branchform unit get a wiggle on.
How about the perjury case, the leaking to the D.Mail etc etc can you not be a bit more speedy?

I’ve probably forgotten loads of the ongoing police enquiries because they take so long.

It’s always such a slow plod!

Plod, plod, plod, slow slow slow.

Still I expect they are doing a very thorough job.


Ruby – The activists attempted to block access to the launch venue, a lecture theatre at the foot of 40 George Square, the building formerly known as David Hume Tower.

David Hume has already been cancelled and erased, they’ll be coming after the rest of our nation’s historical greats and try to replace them with Fatima Jojo or Humza or big greasy Mhari.

Protesters chanted “shame on you” at each person who entered the building, as well as “trans rights are human rights”. They also held rainbow placards.

When we get our country back, I want Scotland to lead the world in excellent mental health services for all of our suffering citizens. Mental health is our worst public health crisis, care in the community isn’t working and neither is affirming people’s delusions.

James Che

When labour demonished their political hold on Scotland they all jumped party like roaches to the Snp and other scottish parties,
The fight for the continued personal financial to themselves was more important than moral loyalty to the electric.
When the Snp ship started floundering those old snp/labour members have been jumping ship to Alba,

Their political policies, thinking and stance did not change, only the colour of the rosette to maintain their income and political career.


Aye ‘100% Yes’ it’s all very strange.

James Che

Boris Johnson does not believe in Devolution as the Celtic nations of Britain tend to Branch away from Westminster UK rule and think for themselves more like a federation of Countries according to BBC.

Iain More

So Lisa Cameron has defected to the Tories citing a toxic and bullying atmosphere.


Clearly yet another SNP MP etc that didn’t believe in Scottish Independence. Yet another Traitor. Yet another Quisling. Yet another Fuckin Yoon. Yet another MI6 Plant. Good fuckin riddance to the fuckin Yoon Tory.


Dr Lisa Cameron and the Transylvanian Question.

A few months ago she annoyed people in the Scottish National Gay Dating and Fabulous Pensions Party by writing to the Scottish Secretary to complain about the SNP/Green gender bill.

Wisnae a popular move in the SNP, but the GRR isnae popular either.

This was one of the most highly voted comments on The National:

She wasnt representing the SNP, she was representing her own personal agenda, and has actually betrayed democracy by her action

The GRR is one of the most unwanted pieces of legislation in Scotland since the Poll Tax, the public “consultation” ignored the public, the “debates” were a farce, and it’s unlawful.

But this woman “betrayed democracy”. That sounds mental to me, and so does the idea that your Dad can become yer Maw.

The NuSNP and their supporters are making the Tories look like the voice of reason. Like John Gordon Sinclair, I have that sinking feeling.

James Che

Do’ya think BJ and bbc should have added colonial UK rule in their conversations of controlling the other tree nations,

It certainly comes across that,

London rule, the unofficial capital of Britain.


Lisa Cameron- obviously a serious flaw in the SNP selection process.

Was she selected by SNP because she was a female with mental health problems who can’t stand up for themself?

Great idea to defect to the Tories the party crippling the NHS the producers of the first ever Consultants, Doctors and Nurses Strikes.

How will that auger for her receiving mental health support?

We need more on what was toxic and who was bullying and it must be addressed but are SNP capable of seeing their mistakes? They didn’t want to hear the majorities outrage at Trans access to women only changing rooms etc.

This mentally ill woman has joined a Party where Minister Priti Patel was bailed out of a bullying charge by a tax payer funded £375,000 payout to the victim.
A Party where the Deputy PM Dominic Rabb was eventually forced to stand down for- BULLYING .

She is indeed mentally ill.


“Lisa Cameron has left the SNP. And joined the Tories.”

If more proof was ever needed that most SNP MPs are pro-union and therefore have been deceiving the electorate for the last 8 years, here it is.

Rather than sitting as an independent or joining the alternative pro-independence party Alba, this woman has chosen to display uttermost contempt for the pro-independence voters who put her where she is and, just like that, by her own decision, overrule the democratic decision of that constituency to be represented by an anti-union seat and instead, forcing on them a pro-union one. I think this was a rather shameless and selfish move. Consideration for her constituents, never mind democracy, being the last in her list of priorities.

We already knew Scotland is shamelessly treated as a colony and the Scottish political class, including the SNP and Greens, are complicit.

We all know that for as long as we remain in this union, real democracy for Scotland will be denied to stop independence. But goodness, judging by the way this woman has overruled the will of the pro-independence voters in that constituency, it seems the corrupt political class can no longer be arsed in even pretending.

I did not know much about this particular MP, but this last move of hers together with the way Ms Ferrier was treated have been certainly an eye-opener of what the SNP really has been since 14 November 2014: a deceiving machine whose mission is to stop independence, not facilitating it.


I wonder how ‘Johnlm’ is getting on making his breakfast in his new air fryer.

It’s great for grilling the bacon not to too sure about the porridge or brochan as we Adli shoppers call it.

I’ll do some research and let you know. Grilled brochan might be just the thing to put in your Bento lunchbox.

BTY It seems from my research into air fryers those without an air fryer are shunned by the in crowd at parties.

I’ve got two one with a plate that puts these grill stripes on my fillet steak/lorne sausage and the other for my Marks & Spencer’s frites.

OMG I’ll be winding up the ‘Magenta Mask Boys’ today. 🙂 They’ll already be counting my posts and thinking up more weird & wonderful names to call me.

Anyone heard from John Main?

Alf Baird

100%Yes @ 9:49 am

“SNP MP Lisa Cameron defects to the Tories”

One wonders how soon the somewhat larger group of SNP MPs ‘formerly’ loyal to British Labour ‘values’ (i.e. can we hiv mair devolution/colonialism, please) will grasp the apron of Sir Keir?

SNP mankit elite in its final dying throes.

That’s quite a job our procurer has done on the Scottish independence movement. Though all part of the well-trod decolonization template.

link to

James Che


“The GRR is one of the most unwanted pieces of legislation since the poll tax”

Pretty accurate description of GRR and the poll tax.

Both impoverish Families in Scotland. Immoral behaviour financially and politically.

It has to be said that both were racist in imposing them in Scotland rather than all of Britain at the same time.
Not forgetting that both need royal assent to pass,
And both had no political party in Scotland objecting to loudly.

stuart mctavish

James Che @10-15

Now the SNP1/ Alba2 strategy been a bit footshot by cunning planners in the snp, its not impossible that labour and conservative are better placed to guarantee a Holyrood list seat – at which point, the more SNP MPs defecting to the English parties, the more likely Holyrood is to retain its (alleged 🙂 ) pro indy majority (obedience to their favoured whip notwithstanding) – so I’d argue more the merrier, regardless.


“But this woman “betrayed democracy””

She might have not betrayed democracy at that point, but she has certainly overruled it now by transforming, on her own accord, an anti-union MP seat into a pro-union one. If that is not betraying democracy, what is.

So, we have had the democratic will of the constituents in Rutherglen and Hamilton West, of having an anti-union MP representing them, overruled by the political class by despicably attacking their MP to force a by-election, so the pro-independence MP was ejected and instead a pro-union MP installed (never mind over 60% of the electorate did not even cast a vote).

Now we see the overruling of Scotland’s democracy escalating yet another notch: an SNP MP overrules, on her own accord and for her own convenience, the pro-independence voters in her constituency by transforming the seat into a pro-union one. And to hell with what her constituents want.

I wonder what their next step will be: to deny the people of Scotland the right to participate in elections to stop them electing “the wrong kind of MP”?

Is there still any doubt that Scotland is a colony and that if it remains trapped in this union it is only because the corrupt Scottish political class refuses to have it any other way, despite what the electorate wants?

Billy Carlin

Effijy 6.47 pm

There NEVER was a Holocaust. As I have said on here before the Jews have claimed that 6 million of them have been Holocausted HUNDREDS of times at least BEFORE Hitler even took power in 1933. The first time was when they claimed that the Romans Holocausted 6 million of them in the Jewish/Roman War in 70 AD and all the times they claimed many different countries Holocausted 6 million of them between 1900 and 1933. The Red Cross kept watch on every POW and Concentration Camp on both sides during the war and their records that millions of us all over the world have copies of which show that 271504 people died in ALL of the German camps in total mostly of TYPHUS and ONLY 40% of those deaths were JEWS. There was NOT even anywhere near 6 million Jews in Europe back then and funny how there were MORE Jews AFTER WW2 than before it as per the records as well.

The FAKE Gas Chamber at Auschwitz was built by the Soviets AFTER WW2 by converting the Morgue by knocking down all of the inside walls and cutting four holes in the roof and building a chimney out side that is 6 foot away from the building and NOT even connected to it but the gullible sheep will believe anything that they are told and shown. They can even show FAKE flimsy aluminium coke can planes on 9/11 flying through thick steel and reinforced concrete buildings on 9/11 without even getting a single scratch or dent and THEN explode INSIDE all totally AGAINST the laws of physics because most of the gullible sheep are so easy to SCAM.

That is what the Holocaust is – a massive money making SCAM. Millions of Jewish “Holocaust survivors” got lucrative compensation and lifelong pensions for “surviving” the FAKE Holocaust and the State of Israel has ripped off the German people since WW2 with this SCAM as well – it is this money and “$billions” from the US taxpayers since WW2 because of this FAKE Holocaust that keeps the state of Israel going – they cannot survive without it and they use the SCAM Holocaust to keep support on their side for stealing the Palestinian land and everything that they do there and elsewhere in the world. It also makes huge PROFITS for Hollywood which is mostly owned by JEWS as is most of the media as well especially in the US.

There have even been Jews exposing all of this such as David Cole who totally exposed the Holocaust as being FAKE and he has been attacked by the Jewish gatekeepers for doing so – you need to go and hunt for his EVIDENCE like you do with anything else that exposes this HOAX. Another who is exposing the Holocaust as a money making SCAM in his book The Holocaust Industry is Norman G Finkelstein.

Another big lie of the Jews is that there ever was a nation of Israel or even 12 Tribes of Israel. The 12 Tribes of Israel are just simply the 12 Signs of the ZODIAC and the Lost Tribe of Israel is the 13th Sign of the ZODIAC – just like the 12 Disciples in the Bible are as well and all of the other 12s in the Bible because ALL religions and secret societies are the EXACT same OCCULT ripped off from ASTROTHEOLOGY and the ZODIAC, NUMEROLOGY etc and other ancients MYTHS etc – stealing other peoples land based on the LIES of their religion. Gilad Atzmon exposes the lies in his book THE WANDERING WHO as does Shlomo Sand in his THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE as do other Jews as well.

It is all divide and conquer people and as a DISTRACTION from what is really going on especially the massive EXCESS DEATHS from the bio-weapon CLOT SHOTS that are happening in ever country and Israel as well as they were the first and most eager to jab that crap into their population. HAMAS is owned and controlled as well and that is why they do not care what happens to the Palestinian people as they knew that Israel would just bomb and flatten all the Palestinian areas and take over more land which happens every time they fire these rockets into Israel. Funny how the “terrorists” have just started in Rotterdam and Turkey now as well after hiding from the Covid COMMON COLD these last few years – got to keep the DISTRACTIONS and FEAR up.

Stuart MacKay

Breaking News…

Colonial Administration staffed by colonial administrators.

The SNP are here to govern. They are not here to declare independence. Even if they wanted to, there are so many day to day details and matters of importance that get in the way.

The members of parliament that joined the SNP because they wanted to drive independence forwards have now been replaced by middle management who can, with a few bumps in the road, keep the engine ticking over, more or less.

The problem for everybody else is that displacing the SNP is probably impossible without a major shock. No, Sturgeon going to jail won’t make any difference. As long as they remain pro-Scottish they will be able to garner support from the general population, particularly since independence is rather far down the list of priorities for many.

That could all change with a charismatic leader. Sadly there are none available and the entire party structure is geared towards making sure that none will appear.

So, it’s time to take of the rose-tinted glasses and start looking more objectively at what the reality is, rather than what we want it to be.

This might be worth a read, link to, to explain why things aren’t working out the way you expected them to. It’s all about the near war not the further away war but the real message is to start looking at what’s actually on the ground rather than what you think it is.

Remember, with low expectations, nobody is ever disappointed.


James Che says:
12 October, 2023 at 11:05 am


“The GRR is one of the most unwanted pieces of legislation since the poll tax”

Pretty accurate description of GRR and the poll tax.

Are you quite happy with the GRA but not the GRR?


Ruby says:
12 October, 2023 at 12:25 pm
James Che says:
12 October, 2023 at 11:05 am


“The GRR is one of the most unwanted pieces of legislation since the poll tax”

Pretty accurate description of GRR and the poll tax.

Are you quite happy with the GRA but not the GRR?

Down with that sort of thing.

James Che

In a nut shell No,

Scotland should be in charge of its own parliament and laws,
Where people Democracy and sovereignty may kick these career one world government of their to high paid backsides perches, return our Country from Colonisation an take charge of the politicians we pay and vote for,

Not these schills that take our money and then follows other policy agendas.


Ha, I’d forgot Torrance was a thing.
Is he still aboot? Pure irrelevance that bit.

Bernard de Linton

Billy Carlin,Drugs ruin punctuation ability,thanks for confirming.

Chris Sinclair

I remember Mhairi came out with a mysogyny victim story about Alex Salmond when she said he had offered her advice on changing her style and appearance and that she was insulted by it. Funny how she ended up taking that advice after all.
I truly despise her now and I made a sculpture of her at one time. An actual lesbian who thinks men can be lesbians just by thinking it so.
I call her cokeheed wokeheed

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    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “The new format may be a matter of taste, but being able to nest comments directly under a post has…Oct 6, 11:18
    • BigJay on The whole caboodle: “As an avid reader of & very occasional contributor to this site, I’d just like to state that the move…Oct 6, 11:07
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: ““derail” = interject facts, figures and logic. ”conversation” = echo chamber monologue. Happy to help!Oct 6, 10:54
    • Iain c on The whole caboodle: “Is this another case of the MSM catching up with Wings. I recall a story here about amazing amounts allegedly…Oct 6, 10:34
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “I’m not accepting my understanding of Independence is “rudimentary”. I can lay out the route in three simple steps: 1)…Oct 6, 10:26
    • Stuart MacKay on The whole caboodle: “Interesting to see the new comments system is already having an impact: Threading is making it harder for a couple…Oct 6, 10:07
  • A tall tale

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