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Wings Over Scotland

Out of a bright blue sky

Posted on October 12, 2023 by

Well, we must admit we didn’t see that one coming.

Although maybe it’s just because over the last few years the concept of an SNP MP having any sort of principles has become so wildly implausible.

There’s no doubt that Lisa Cameron’s card was already marked within the party. She was about to be deselected and replaced with this oily chancer (the one on the right, not the lovechild of Frankie Boyle and Kevin Bridges):

Grant Costello is yet another from the SNP’s neverending production line of ambitious woman-hating young gay men who’ve never had any kind of job or life outside politics, having previously been the chair of the sexual-abuse-and-bullying-infested Scottish Youth Parliament. Remarkably, he’d already been publicly backed by a number of SNP politicians to oust Cameron as the candidate next year.

Cameron, meanwhile, had been ostracised in the SNP chiefly for raising concerns about sex pest Patrick Grady, and as a result the party had made her life an absolute misery. Her statement said:

“I do not feel able to continue in what I have experienced as a toxic and bullying SNP Westminster group, which resulted in my requiring counselling for a period of 12 months in Parliament and caused significant deterioration in my health and wellbeing.

“I will never regret my actions in standing up for a victim of abuse at the hands of an SNP MP last year, but I have no faith remaining in a party whose leadership supported the perpetrator’s interests over that of the victims and who have shown little to no interest in acknowledging or addressing the impact.”

So being replaced by Costello would have been an intolerable irony.

Contrary to a report in The National, Dr Cameron told Wings this morning that she had NOT “had a significant change of heart about independence”, but that like many other people – including this site – she would have grave misgivings about it being achieved under the current SNP leadership.

(And frankly, independence is no more or less likely with Lisa Cameron in the Tories than it was with her in the SNP, because neither of those parties wants it to happen.)

Cameron can expect a torrent of abuse in the coming days, and wisely appears to have already deleted her Twitter account. The move is surprising in that it gives the SNP an obvious get-out: the party’s base will turn viciously on an apostate, and it’s certainly unlikely to trigger a flood of other unhappy M/SPs following in her wake.

(But time is running out for those people anyway. They’re going down with the ship.)

What it certainly isn’t is a career move. Cameron told Wings that she won’t be running again next year, and a Tory ticket in East Kilbride (rock-solid Labour until the 2015 tsunami) would be unlikely to be a winner anyway. In contrast to Costello, she has professional skills and experience in other fields and should have no trouble finding work outside of politics.

(Although if we were the Tories we’d probably make her a peer next year for lolz.)

In the meantime she told us she plans to use her time in Parliament being a voice for abuse victims and the disabled, which is a more honourable pursuit than most, and that she intends to work constructively with anyone towards those goals and on “staying in touch with people I respect, which isn’t anyone in the SNP”.

And while SNP loyalists will doubtless scream that she should stand down and trigger a by-election, we doubt that Humza Yousaf would be so keen – his skint, divided and dysfunctional party needs neither the cost nor the humiliation so soon after Rutherglen.

Cameron crossing the floor will certainly send a shockwave through Scottish politics, and there remain some unanswered questions about why she’d choose to join the Tories, whose record on disability issues is dubious at the very best. But perhaps the real question we should all be asking is why it took quite so long for someone in the SNP to find the courage to willingly jump off the gravy bus.

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John McDonald

Okay, but moving to the Tories?


As bizarre as it feels to say so, fair play to her and good luck for her post politics career.


The demise of the SNP continues.


Took so long?
The shameful truth is they have nowhere else to go.
Joining another party is their only option,but who would have them?


I applaud the tone of your article, Rev. I come here as a conservative to learn about serious Scottish nationalism and,it has to be said for the best reporting on the woke woo woo. This ex SNP MP is clearly struggling with ideas and principles which may not endear her to socialist and leftist nationalists, but which show that to be a nationalist you do not have to be on the left or a pacifist or a vegan or any other fashionable ideology.

Black Joan

“Unlike Costello, she has professional skills and experience in other fields and should have no trouble finding work outside of politics.”

Lisa Cameron’s experience and professional skills include working inside the State Hospital, Carstairs (the Scottish equivalent of Broadmoor). So it’s saying something that the atmosphere inside NewSNP was too toxic to bear.


Wonder why she didn’t move to Alba. Perhaps she needed to get as far away from the SNP as physically possible and that meant having to actually cross the floor of the house. All very disturbing in any case.


But perhaps the real question we should all be asking is why it took quite so long for someone in the SNP to find the courage to willingly jump off the gravy bus.

Yeah! We should but could we perhaps go back to talking about Johnlm’s new air fryer? 🙂

What happens to her gravy now? Will she get her gravy but a more Bourguignonne and less Bisto type of gravy?

BTW You can do gravy in an air fryer if you got the extra gravy pot but you can’t grill gravy.


William Wallace went to Westminster to be tried and executed for his people.

SNP MPs go there for the poppers, nightclubs, and cute 19 year old interns.


All for folk taking a stance but the Cynic in me feels there’s a Holyrood List seat with her name pencilled in after the “Thanks to the PM!” blurb

4 months severance pay should help tide the Tory over until Holyrood elections come around and a high List placing in a safe block Tory vote area


The SNP response has been interesting. I won’t go through all the denials and alternative histories being put forward but we should be able to establish very easily whether Stephen Flynn and Lisa Cameron did or did not have dinner together recently. Flynn said they did, Cameron said they didn’t. One is lying about it and I don’t think it’s trivial to find out who that person is.


Cameron, a useful idiot or Unionist/MI5 mole quitting the sinking ship? Or is that too conspiratorial for the nature of this case?
Truly, the SNP, should it survive at all, must be more «forensic» in selection of candidates for seats. Believing in Scottish independence as top target, and detailed reasons for such a belief would be a good start. Other social concerns and personal ambitions then follow.
The insanitary Sturgeonite clique that still appears to control the ship ought to go down with it, all hands.
A restored SNP should put itself as far as possible outside the «junior common room» conventions of British politics. It should be unashamedly antiBritish, Scotland first and last and quit the colonialist public school anteroom, Westminster.
The notion that the party is a collection of intellectual eunuchs has to be «neutered».
An SNP 2, should be run as a very tight and «straight» ship.
I wonder what Winfred Ewing or Margo Mac Donald might think of this?

Ian McCubbin

Yes OK on her reasons for leaving but joining Alba would have gained her huge acclaim and given her a chance of re-election against that strange individual.
Even saying I will remain as an Independent MP would have been acceptable, but joining the Tories, makes no sense.

Jeremy Wickins

@John McDonald: I get your point, but which other party would you suggest? Labour and Green both claim not to know what a woman is unless it suits them. I don’t know if it is possible to become independent or become an MP for a party that has no sitting representatives, such as the ISP or Alba, or what the implications of doing so would be. I’m sure someone else does, though.

Cameron Lochiel

I would have preferred her to join Alba, but I respect her decision…as much as I despise the Tories!

Never forget that this is a direct result of her standing up for the victim of a pervert and abused. The party’s wagons rolled around in favour of the abuser


Good move in my opinion. Independence is more likely to be achieved under the Tories than the SNP. Just as an aside, why did we stand back and do nothing as the lunatics took over the asylum?

Alf Baird

“Dr Cameron told Wings this morning that she had NOT “had a significant change of heart about independence”,”

So she still does not believe in independence then.


The crux of this is that she is a decent human being with good morals and she should have been an asset to the SNP rather than being ostracised for standing up to a sex pest.


“But perhaps the real question we should all be asking is why it took quite so long for someone in the SNP to find the courage to willingly jump off the gravy bus”

It does not look she jumped off the gravy bus. She joined another one, the tory one. And in doing so, she showed uttermost contempt for the democratic rights of the pro-independence voters in her constituency who put her where she is.

She may have a huge list of professional qualifications, but, from where I am standing, certainly principles, integrity and respect for democracy seem to be absent in that list.

She claims she will not be standing next year. Well, with this move, her chances of succeeding getting a seat are close to zero. She could have sat as an independent or join the other pro-independence party in the HoC, Alba.

It looks like this woman chose the easiest route for herself and the one that caused the biggest damage to the prospects and morale of the independence supporters in her constituency that handed her the seat.

Shame on her.


Could someone possibly be onto a wee promise?
“Scottish Secretary Alister Jack to stand down at the next election”


“But perhaps the real question we should all be asking is why it took quite so long for someone in the SNP to find the courage to willingly jump off the gravy bus.”

“In contrast to Costello, she has professional skills and experience in other fields and should have no trouble finding work outside of politics.”

I think there might be a connection there. Most of them have no skills at all, and precious little experience.


I always find it amusing that in a country which has political parties like the Greens and all the subgroups in the SNP like AIM and worse (usually linked to gender woowoo and intimidating women), people say that the Scottish Conservatives are “toxic”.

But death threats to Joanna Cherry from SNP members are not? Maggie Chapman?

Cameron Lochiel

I, of course, meant to type *ABUSER* instead of “abused” there!

Iain More

I hope this puts to an end the SNP 1 Alba 2 Bull Fuckin Shit for all time. Alba needs to call out the corrupt SNP for the Fuckin Yoon Traitors they are.

Politically Homeless

Yeah, clearly her gripes with the SNP were legitimate but colour me skeptical about this decision. If this was truly “not a career move” surely she would have gone to join the heavyweight likes of Kenny McAskill in Alba?

At the end of the day, with the farce of “representative democracy” being what it is (you supposedly vote for a “person not a party”), it is still important not for MPs not to kick their voters in the teeth, and I can’t imagine a more precisely aimed kick in the teeth than East Kilbride getting a Tory MP. I mean, come on.


Not surprised to see Lisa Cameron go. She was abysmally treated by the SNP. I am however disappointed to learn who she has gone to. The Tories are after all to give them their full title The Conservative and Unionist Party.

But as the Rev absolutely correctly points out, the SNP, or what masquerades as a once broad church independence party is now a unionist party. And save for a few exceptions, the SNP unionist party is now a party composed only of paid elected troughers who will without a shadow of a doubt be wiped out at the next election.

Lisa Cameron had sound traditional values. She was also a solid independence supporter. Leaving the rotting SNP will not have changed that, and one has to suspect therefore that she might not be the present that her new found party thinks she might be.

Of course the time for a new movement, a Scotland United Front is now becoming so crystal clear. Independence, the desire for it has not gone away, and Lisa Cameron is now an independence supporter in the Tory Party.

I too wish her well. The sooner the SNP are gone and replaced with a broad church Scottish Independence Front the better. Lisa Cameron’s departure from the rotted SNP only reinforces that.

Sue Varley

Joining the Tories does make sense in one area at least – her card was marked on gender issues as well as supporting Grady’s victim. The Tories are the only party at least somewhat willing, and able, to stand against what the TRAs are pushing for. It will also make the biggest political impact, and there’s no point in her joining Alba since she wants to leave parliament at the end of this term.

Graf Midgehunter

Once again it was the Rev who brought some sense and light in to the situation and avoided the hysterical reactions of some of the knee jerk posts at the end of the last thread.

The SNP is a dead man walking and I’m certain that we still have a few surprises in the making over the next few months.

The stink of brats like hairy Black milking the SNP, compared to the few, very few who at least tried to hold on long enough to see a way back from the brink. Hope is almost dead… 🙁


I get why she joined the Tories.

They are the onky party that is standing up to this trans infestation of hatred of women and intimidate them for daring to speak out in regards to womens safety.

Knowing she is leaving politics shortly is again why she didn’t deflect to the ALBA party as she is finished with it xompletely but still wishes to represent her consituients as an MP,

Fair play but I sadly don’t see this as a wake up call to all those that still believe in the SNP.


Lisa was the consummate careerist from the outset and being a politician was part of that path.Independance was possibly never a deeply held passion or philosophy just a “that might be quite nice” idea.


link to

I’m no expert on political processes but I believe Kenny MacAskill & Neale Hanvey are both Alba MPs.

The Tories do not know what a woman is either. If they did they would repeal the GRA 2004

Don’t let the Tories fool you they believe a man can become a woman just like all the other political parties.

The only party that doesn’t is the new Posie Parker Party.


Fervently hope she went to the Tories because both Alba and ISP refused to have her.


Sturgeon set out to destroy the tree of Scottish nationalism.
She may, unintentionally, have performed a service. The diseased and sterile wood is instantly recognizable, should be pruned and new stronger growth allowed to develop.
If that task is delayed or not undertaken through «fear» aka cowardice the prospects are in the lap of the gods.


Ian McCubbin, 11:16
Of the available options, it’s the one that should feel most like a kick in the balls to the SNP, though it’s telling that gender-critical politicians only have one mainstream party to align to these days (no offence to Alba intended).

What I find interesting is that the Scottish Conservatives now have (at least) one pro-independence MP. How many have the SNP got?

Andy Storrie

Probably a Tory/London plant from the word go. She must have been. What sense does it make to leave the 2nd most useless Party at Westminster only to join the runaway 1st place squad of useless arse holes? A scripted set up.


What connects Cameron and Costello is they both belong to that class of people who just want to be elected politicians, and it doesn’t much matter to them which party they belong to. Which, alas, is the majority of politicians. The political class.


“staying in touch with people I respect, which isn’t anyone in the SNP”

Well, by undemocratically transforming on her own accord an anti-union MP seat into a pro-union one, she certainly did not show much respect for the pro-independence voters who handed her the seat nor the pro-independence movement as a whole. Clearly her pro-independence convictions were never there in the first place.

This is from a BBC article:

“She rowed back on her support for Scottish independence, describing it as divisive. She said she would instead focus on “constructive policies”.”

This is from the Herald:

“I have come to the conclusion that it is more helpful to focus my energies upon constructive policies that benefit everyone across the four nations of the UK, and to move towards healing these divisions for the collective good”.

Oh yeah, because systematically and forcefully overruling democracy for the pro-independence movement in Scotland is so constructive and healing, isn’t it?


Clearly Cameron has further ambitions in politics, otherwise she would just have quietly left the stage. Just because she’s not defending her Westminster seat as a Tory – which she couldn’t win – doesn’t mean she won’t stand as a Tory for Holyrood next time.

Peter Johnston

“John McDonald says:
12 October, 2023 at 10:54 am

Okay, but moving to the Tories?”

She was an example of the SNP’s “broad church” this is now crumbling along with the SNP.


The British disease.
link to
A psychological dependency a suitable case for shock treatment.

Margaret Wilson

Lisa Cameron is my MP and I’m not surprised that she’s left the SNP. What pathetic chancers there are amongst our elected parliamentarians. The very fact that she was willing to communicate with you shows that she’s an independent thinker. How many years now have we wasted waiting for that promised day of a referendum? I have to say I agree with her thoughts on the SNP getting us to a yes vote and I certainly wouldn’t want that lot ruling over us when their priority is having a bunch of men dressed up as women in power.

Wee Chid

desimond says:
12 October, 2023 at 11:27 am
“Could someone possibly be onto a wee promise?
“Scottish Secretary Alister Jack to stand down at the next election””

I’m wondering if that seat is reserved for Mundell Junior.


Cameron is married to Mark Horsham, who is an SNP councillor in South Lanarkshire. Is he going to defect too? Or is he happy in the unionist party he’s in?


Perhaps moving to the Tories was a career choice. Scottish Tories tend to be left alone by WM and not too much is expected of them.

I’m not sure very many politicians of any ilk care too much about social justice unless it suits a political ambition they have at the time.


Thud! Is that the sound of another nail being driven into the SNP coffin? Her choice of defection does surprise me. A genuine independence supporter would probably go for Alba, but perhaps it is a cynical career move – have the tories offered her some gravy opportunities? We will find out soon enough.


An SNP MP defecting to the Tories is no more despicable than the whole damned Party using Scottish Independence as their meal ticket for the best part of a decade, and having the whole party and Scottish Government defect to a Devolutionist stand point which abandoned Independence and abdicated Scotlands constitutional rights, and instead dedicated itself to the furthering of transgender delinquency rather than the mandates given by the people.

There isn’t an honourable apple in the barrel.

Ian Smith

How many MP/MSPs could not swap between Tories, SNP and Labour without having to do a marginal shift in mind set?

There is barely a cigarette paper to fit between them despite all the pantomime outrage of austerity, privatising the NHS, demand/horror over the prospect of a referendum.

It just boils down to who’s mates pack the spad positions and pick up the contracts.


Lisa Cameron will know the identities of all those involved in the Salmond persecution, and the roles that they played (as does every Holyrood and Westminster politician, the judiciary, the police, the press, and many readers of wings).

Salmond was a victim.

What better way for Lisa Cameron to help a victim than use Westminster parliamentary privilege to let the ordinaty people – the voters, know the truth of what whent on and who was involved.

Scottish politics can have no credibility until this despicable wrong has been exposed for all to see. It exists as a mocking charade of democracy, hiding behind an untouchable blanket of secrecy and deceit.

I hope there are a few people who sleep less soundly with this annoncement. It makes sense to go to the Tories, blow the gaff, and get out.


She clearly did not fit in with the ‘progressive’ SNP. Jumping ship to the Conservative & Unionist party as an independence supporter is difficult to understand.


Lisa Cameron could have joined the Alba party who’s leader is a Tory lover.

Has the SNP always been activist for the Tories but promoted we the public have never voted Tories for the last fifty years, well for me I thought the SNP & Alba thought the worst thing for Scotland and its people were the Tories, so I thought but not Salmond.

The Tories are Scum and so are those who support them.

David Hannah

She’s obviously suffering from Stockholm syndrome from all of the abuse in Westminster.

Vivian O’Blivion

“Crossing the floor” is the title of a John Cooper Clarke poem concerning the Trans phenomenon.
“I feel like Madonna but I look like Bill Oddie”
“I feel like the Shirelles but I look like Showaddywaddy”

Politically Homeless

Alright I think I’ve solved this mystery of “why the Tories?” and indeed “why now?”

If you Google Cameron’s involvement in (.. let me think what form of words is politically correct at this point..) “the Middle East peace process”, shuttling to the UAE with Liam Fox and others to discuss the so-called Abraham Accords it seems to me what’s happened is, Humza’s stance on the current violence in Israel/Palestine (perhaps the only thing that twerp’s ever done that I endorse) is being seen as a career-breaker, not only by Camerson, but also perhaps by the defence wonk-linked Alyn Smith, who’s today also making dissonant noises.


Is this the twlight zone? In all my life, just about the ONLY switch that would NEVER have been considered would be SNP to Tory. Somebody bang the gong, wake up ffs… Let’s watch and see what juicy tidbit she’s scored for this move.


Bortwhiskels says:
12 October, 2023 at 11:58 am

Ian McCubbin, 11:16
Of the available options, it’s the one that should feel most like a kick in the balls to the SNP, though it’s telling that gender-critical politicians only have one mainstream party to align to these days (no offence to Alba intended).

Which party is that?


“What better way for Lisa Cameron to help a victim than use Westminster parliamentary privilege to let the ordinaty people – the voters, know the truth of what whent on and who was involved”

According to Wikipedia, she has been sitting in Westminster since 2015. She has therefore had plenty of opportunities to use parliamentary privilege to disclose that information. But she chose not to.

What advantage for the Tories, a unionist party, would bring disclosing that information, when it is likely it will leave elements of the UK establishment in a bad position too?

The SNP is already finished. The establishment does not need to use that to finish them off. They need that information hidden to keep key elements of the SNP on a leash. The establishment will ensure those key elements remain as gatekeepers. For the tories, labour and the UK establishment, it is far more convenient to keep Mr Salmond tainted in the eyes of the voters right before the next GE.

I see absolutely nothing to progress the cause of independence and everything to stop it in this incredibly self-serving move of hers.

Michael Pryor

The push I get, the pull is less obvious. She must know by joining the Tories she’s taking some focus off the SNP’s awfulness, but she’s also making the inevitable pile-on worse for her. It is worth keeping an eye on what she does next to see whether that sheds further light on her decision and principles.

David Hannah

The SNP judas. She’s signed for the other team. Not even standing as an Independent.

She’s trailblazing for her corrupt colleagues to cross the floor to stay on the gravy train.

Secretly that’s what she’s doing.


Mia 12.13pm:
“Oh yeah, because systematically and forcefully overruling democracy for the pro-independence movement in Scotland is so constructive and healing, isn’t it?”

and Politically Homeless 11.39am:
“I can’t imagine a more precisely aimed kick in the teeth than East Kilbride getting a Tory MP. I mean, come on.”


We the electorate send our representatives out there to work for independence. That’s it. That’s why we put the X on the ballot paper. It’s a ‘contract’ based on trust. What a broken system it is though.

David Hannah

Scotland United for Independence now has a Tory MP which might not be the worst thing in the world after all.

Although she said she’s standing down as you say.

It’s never boring in Scottish politics!


Lisa Cameron- MP-obviously a serious flaw in the SNP selection process.

Was she selected by SNP because she was a female with mental health problems who can’t stand up for themself?

Great idea to defect to the Tories the party crippling the NHS the producers of the first ever Consultants, Doctors and Nurses Strikes.

How will that auger for her receiving mental health support?

We need more on what was toxic and who was bullying and it must be addressed but are SNP capable of seeing their mistakes? They didn’t want to hear the majorities outrage at Trans access to women only changing rooms etc.

This mentally ill woman has joined a Party where Minister Priti Patel was bailed out of a bullying charge by a tax payer funded £375,000 payout to the victim.
A Party where the Deputy PM Dominic Rabb was eventually forced to stand down for- BULLYING .

She is indeed mentally ill.


Cameron only joined the SNP after the 2014 referendum result. Within about four months of joining she had been selected as an SNP candidate for the 2015 GE. That lends considerably to the view of her as simply an opportunist.

Now she’s saying independence would be divisive. Oh yeah? Is unionism non-divisive?

John Drake

Disgraceful move. Less than 21% of EK voted Tory in the last GE. If she had any principles at all she would resign completely. She is my MP, and I’m pretty disappointed I’m now represented by a Tory

Michael Laing

@ 100% Yes:

“Lisa Cameron could have joined the Alba party who’s leader is a Tory lover.

Has the SNP always been activist for the Tories but promoted we the public have never voted Tories for the last fifty years, well for me I thought the SNP & Alba thought the worst thing for Scotland and its people were the Tories, so I thought but not Salmond.”

I’ve no idea what point you are trying to convey. It appears to have been written by a random-word generator. Would you like to rewrite it so that it actually makes sense?


Ruby @ 11.48 am

“The Tories do not know what a woman is either. If they did they would repeal the GRA 2004”


The Tories could have resolved the gender issue years ago, but instead they’ve just quietly let it dig in and take root. They don’t need to openly support it, all they have to do is sit back and let it happen.

panda paws

Well according to a Tory newspaper, she’s not for independence.

” she also hit out at the ‘division’ the party’s pursuit of independence has caused and revealed she will focus on policies which benefit the four nations of the UK.

She said: ‘Families like mine experienced significant division regarding the issue of Independence. This has taken its toll and I have come to the conclusion that it is more helpful to focus my energies upon constructive policies that benefit everyone across the four nations of the UK, and to move towards healing these divisions for the collective good.’

Muscular unionism will not heal any divisions dear!

Hearing rumours she’s been promised a seat in HoLs but also would make sense her getting a list seat in Holyrood 2026 and of course she would be allowed to do both as Baroness Annabel Goldie did for a time and Baroness Katy Clark currently does for Labour!

James Che

Every bill or piece of legislation or bill being made or proposed that bring in new laws in the devolved Scottish government is first read, either approved or not is then sent to the sovereign? Parliament of Westminster for the go ahead and given royal assent to go ahead if they approve it,

So regardless of which party Switch sides or suggests awful laws for Scotland or changes any law in Scotland under all the Colonial administration of Scotland parties they all send the for approval of Westminster,

every one of the devolved parliament parties in Scotland can switch and interchange the colour on their jacket lapel in five seconds,
But their allegience and oaths that were taken in Scotland are not for benefit of the Scottish the

This is why you take a oath to a specific entity other than Scotland, All parties are for the union,

Blue, Red, Green, Yellow or rainbow. They All Have the same roots system.
It may be fashionable to “not think” and keep voting for the same old rooster parties of Colonialism for the past 30 years.or more,

We are giving it a miss, because no matter who you vote for in Scotland you end up with the same colonial roosters crowing.

David Searil

Roll on the Westminster election to get her out. EK has never elected a tory and never will, sadly thoughit looks like Labour will be back in again


It really annoys me how ignorant people are about the GRA 2004.

As a result of that ignorance the Tories are able to fool them into thinking they support women’s rights.

Tories support sex changes, self-id, men dressing up as women using women’s toilets, changing rooms & all the rest.

Please please please get yourselves informed, well that is if you support women’s rights and if you know what a woman is. I am referring to women who don’t have a cock and have never had a cock. I mean an actual cock not a rolled up piece of an arm or a male chicken.

Maybe start by asking yourself about the activities of Eddie Izzard in Tory England.

Would you say Eddie has or hasn’t just self-id’d as a woman in Tory England?

The Tory PM claims a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Well sure a woman is a woman they have a cock and beard or not because as is kept being repeated ‘transwomen are women’ and as the GRA 2004 says transwomen are women.

Is Eddie Izzard is a woman!
Is India Willioughby a woman.
Is Robin Moira White a woman
Is Ellie Gomersall a woman

I’ve never heard any Tory say they aren’t.

You can’t support women’s rights and support sex changes and men living as women at the same time and the Tories support sex changes and men living as women


If there was no GRA there would be no GRR.

The way I see it there is no difference.

David Hannah

Wha will be a ("Tractor" - Ed) knave? Wha can fill a coward’s grave! Wha sae base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee!


I suppose this means there is at least one tory who knows something about the SNP now.

Instead of just making sh*t up like Ross and the rest of them do.

Lorna Campbell

The Tories certainly put on a show of knowing what a woman is, but I’m not sure the leadership is fully on board, albeit some MPs and MSPs are. The way that Douglas Ross eviscerated Nicola Sturgeon on the subject of the ‘woman’ rapist in a female prison marks him out as not being afraid to speak his mind on this issue, but when push comes to shove, how many will stand with women?

Ruby: you are spot on as per. The PP Party is the only sane response to this insanity in England that has engulfed public (and many private) institutions, although, of course, ALBA, in Scotland, has publicly stated its position on this issue.

However, only repeal of the 2004 GRA is going to knock this back because it is used as the springboard to illegalities that require to be addressed and amended. Actual laws are being breached every day, and lies form most of the Stonewall narrative.

I am certainly not anti gay and have always supported full civil and human rights for gay people of both sexes, not least because gay people were discriminated against quite appallingly and without justification, but gay men have all but taken over the Scottish parliament, and their numbers far outweigh their actual presence in society. I’m not for a moment suggesting that gay men or lesbians cannot also understand others’ needs and priorities, or that they cannot stand for seats, but I would suggest that their fight for rights is a very different one to that of the ‘trans’ lobby.

The ‘trans’ also aim to take over far in excess of their actual numbers in the wider society, and they are often backed by gay men in parliament. ‘Trans’ people have all their civil and human rights and are actually campaigning for an extension to their rights that no one else is allowed by law Repeal of the 2004 GRA is the only antidote. This must be addressed. If our parliament, or any other, is to represent the people of this Scotland and UK properly, they need to reflect the demography of Scotland and of the UK. If that does not happen, females will walk and will set up their own party(ies) to reflect their needs and requirements.

Gay and ‘trans’ identified males also need to understand that females are not going to put up with misogyny and that they will abandon the established institutions if they must and set up their own. Then, naturally, they will take the fight to their tormentors. I grew up in the 1970s, a time of rampant misogyny and sexism, but I have never experienced anything like that which is happening now. If the aim of the misogynists is to cow women into submission, they are in for a shock because their vicious, anti female tactics are having the opposite effect and welding us into a sisterhood across borders and nations.

Any fool should know that oppressing people leads to resistance and to a backlash. Any fool should know that setting up a totalitarian society, as the hard left ‘trans’ lobby appears to want to do, always leads to chaos and loss of life – and always for those who led the ‘revolution’. Be warned ‘trans’ lobby, you are setting yourselves up as targets, and, just because your activists cover their faces does not mean that the agents of the state, the agents and the state that you will have created, cannot sniff you out. Think Hitler, think Stalin.

They will go the way of the Brown Shirts and the ‘enemies of the state’ in a fascist/totalitarian society if they are successful in creating one. History tells us that – every time. The ‘trans’ lobby uses the word, ‘genocide’ in a selfish and utterly stupid way because, essentially, it is an appallingly stupid lobby, unable to see how it is being used, lured by porn and misogyny, to create the Queer Post Modern State. Oh Lord, the gullibility! Don’t they know that the right always wins when the hard left is on the march? Once that fascist/totalitarian state is up and running, nothing will save them. Nothing may save us either, but they will go down with us, whether they believe it or not. But, hey, what do I know? I’m just a useless female with no power.


I wonder if this will trigger a wave of resignations from the remaining few independence supporters in the SNP.

I don’t like the Tory party, but compared to the SNP, the Greens, or Labour, it is a beacon of normality to the person in the street.

Or maybe this is her cunning plan to subvert the Scottish Tories. 🙂


Still folk upthread talking about clearing out the rot in the SNP or realigning them. .

They’re deid, gone, kaput. And if anything, hellbent on doubling down and getting even worse. They think we’re the problem, not them.

Dr Cameron has fairly let rip. What a damning indictment on the greatest shower of grifters, sell outs and Massey Fergusons Scotland has ever seen. Greater now even than the 1707 mob that got us into this mess.

It’s beyond time pro-indy parties refused to sit at WM. Looking at you now Alba. Get serious.


Mia @ 1.01.

I’m not saying she will blow the gaff, but she may do. She is obviously looking for revenge for the way the SNP has treated her – hence rubbing their nose in it by going to the Tories.

The threat of exposure would cripple any SNP regrouped party. Actual disclosure could blow the SNP out of the water for good and allow a genuine independence party to emerge.

The Tories are toast anyway. Sunak has probably given up on the next election, and is looking ahead to the next but one. He may also gamble on the fact that disclosure might put back the liklihood of independence for many, many years.

She is not standing again, so if she is going to do it, there is not much time. It would be the sweetest of revenge for her. And she could be hailed as the saviour of independence by sinking the SNP quickly and enabling the genuine independence people to take over.

If she doesn’t do it, the nasty smell will linger over Scottish politics and taint Scotland’s ability to present itself as an open, democratic, and honest country. Scotland cannot move on until this boil is well and truly lanced.

Anton Decadent

From my experience both personal and reading comments under articles in the Herald and Guardian etc the people most likely to use ableism as a means of insult are of the Left. Jibes like off yer meds, nurse, the screens etc.

Re why didn’t she move to Alba, perhaps she wanted to move to a party which not only did not openly despise women but also did not engage in public condemnation of white people for the sins of the fathers. For that to be the Tories is a sign of how deep we have sunk as a society.

For the politically homeless such as myself the entire political environment is a burning skip.

James Che

Tories are strongly anti- independence of Scotland, always have been,
voting tory in Scotland or labour another anti- independent Scotland party is like voting for henchmen parties in Scotland,

It might be the thing to do as a option down south, but not so in Scotland,
They have bought us years of austerity and spent taxes and some really stupid hair brained stuff not related or beneficial to Scotland,

Anyone want a bridge?, Tory BJ can sell you the one between Ireland and Scotland which wasted loads of money,

Or maybe a railway,


Lorna Campbell says:
12 October, 2023 at 1:38 pm
The Tories certainly put on a show of knowing what a woman is, but I’m not sure the leadership is fully on board

We’ve had Tories in government for 13 years and they can’t (won’t) keep drag queens out of primary schools.

Never trust the Tories. They’re a nest of snakes.


100%Yes @ 12.42

Sorry, I’m not quite following your comments re Mr Salmond (I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the box, I’m frequently told so online).
For me Mr Salmond is the Party Leader who, as FM took a minirity administration through to the largest single party administration in Holyrood, achieved a legal Referendum on independence, and took the SNP from a fringe player through to being the Scottish Administration at Holyrood from 2007-2014, where it has remained in that position until the present time despite the demonstrable incompetence of Ms Sturgeon & Mr Yousaf.
The logic of suggesting (if I’m following your post) that Mr Salmond is not totally committed to Scots independence totally escapes me.


She was never pro-independence; she is a ("Tractor" - Ed) to her electorate. As simple as that.


moixx says:
12 October, 2023 at 1:17 pm

The Tories could have resolved the gender issue years ago, but instead they’ve just quietly let it dig in and take root. They don’t need to openly support it, all they have to do is sit back and let it happen.

Maybe that is because they like the idea of women ‘staying at home ironing their husbands shirts & scrubbing the scullery floor’
basically the are all Captain Yossarians.

Captain Yossarians = sexist misogynists who think women should know their place.

Anyway they can fuck off I don’t iron anything and I have a robot that scrubs the scullery floor.

James Che

The Tory facade is pretend to be the normal ones after you create a problem for everyone else.


Ruby – none of those people are women.

But where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods? There’s not a single drop of heterosexual Scottish testosterone in the entire Scottish Parliament. They’re all fannybaws and weaklings.

Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?


There is nothing honourable about Lisa Cameron, irrespective of the snakes after her within the SNP.

I was there at her selection and her Westminster fundraiser for 2015

She’s at home in the Tories

Wouldn’t be at all surprised to see her ex military husband follow suit and jump back home with her!


Well, here’s another nice mess my former party’s gotten into. (Humza scratches top of head whilst whimpering incoherently).

James Che

The GRA bill in Westminster certainly opened the door for the GRR in Scotland,
Maybe that was always the intent, to trial it out in Scotland first, the same as the poll tax,

The the tories down south look good if they pretend to go against the parties in Scotland,
Set the table, and sit down and enjoy their meal.

Scotland baad.


Gay men who are highly supportive of trans rights are just like all the other men who are highly supportive of trans rights sexist misogynists.

My experience of gay men which is quite extensive is that they fall into two groups one group that loves women and the company of women and the other group who claim ‘to smell fish’ every time a woman is around ie women haters.

It looks to me as if it’s mostly the ‘fish smellers’ that are in the SNP.

A fine example of a gay man who loves women is Mr Menno.
I Heart Mr Menno.

I have known a few Mr Mennos and I’ve loved them and been very close friends with them the only down side of those friendships was I came into contact with the ‘fish smellers’

It wasn’t a great problem or specific to the gay community there were an equal if not a greater number of Captain Yossarians within the heterosexual community.

Gayness is not the problem misogyny is. The GRA has given these misogynists carte blanche to be as abusive as they want.

Apart from the odd ‘fish smeller’ I have never had a problem with gay men just the opposite they were great company, great friends, funny, creative & generally brilliant.

The only thing I have a problem with now is their rainbow flag and their close relationship trans activists.


“Cameron crossing the floor”: her clansman “Call me Dave” had intellectually crossed the floor before he even became PM.

Though I suppose to combine “intellectually” with an allusion to Blairism is inviting hooting and jeering.


You see, there’s the problem with appointing parliamentary candidates capable of earning a living outside politics. The buggers might show flashes of independent thinking.


Sounds like a middle finger to the SNP.

Anton Decadent

@James Che

A lot of people don’t realize what’s really going on. They view life as a bunch of unconnected incidents and things. They don’t realize that there’s this, like, lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything. Give you an example, show you what I mean: suppose you’re thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly someone’ll say, like, “plate,” or “shrimp,” or “plate of shrimp” out of the blue, no explanation. No point in looking for one, either. It’s all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.


To sort all this shite out maybe the trans lobby , mob or whatever should have their own party instead of infesting all the others.
Then you may get some true figures on what support they have?

Back in the day -2014 wasn’t there a survey done by Rev Stu or some others as to what the breakdown(albeit not usre on the 100% accuracy of it) ?

Maybe then you can get a truer figure on how many weirdo’s they’re are in the country that want frocks for cocks !

YES VOTE of the 45%


1. SNP 97% ish
2. LABOUR- 30-40-% ish
3. Them yella wans 7% ish
4. Them T’s wans 3% ish
5. REST- not sure% ?


For the next 12 months she can cause whatever havoc she wishes.

If she’d moved to Alba it would have been a ten minute wonder and then ignored. As an independent, Labour would be trying to have her recalled. The Tories would support a recall, but won’t do so for “one of their own.”

The Tories will parade her as one of them. She’ll always be there. And until her last day there SNP will be worrying that she will use parliamentary privilege to out the whole cabal.

It’s all about the response of the media, and they’ll be lapping this up. She couldn’t be nasty about SNP if she’d moved to Alba. That would not be beneficial to Alba.

Labour would love to say they have more MPs than pandas, but they wouldn’t allow her the freedom to drop little hints. By the end of the month Labour WILL have more MPs than Pandas because Yang Guang and Tian Tian are returning to China.

This move will result in more publicity than becoming an Independent MP or moving to Alba. It’s quite genius 🙂



The “fish smellers in the SNP”.

One could refer to them as smelling of shite of course.

The Forge

Joining the Tories sends a clear message that the SNP is very, very broken.
I believe that this is why she did it, to send an obvious message to the electorate that the SNP has completely collapsed from internal rot. Also, if the SNP is so rotten and you have been treated so very badly then why not also get a bit of revenge in against the Westminster SNP mob. Stick it between the ribs then twist for maximum hurt and humiliation.


Intersting how the ol’ kneejerk ‘Tories are evil’ stuff is coming out BTL on this. Just want to remind all those happy campers of two things: it was the tartan Tories of the North East who kept independence on life support for a long time while we were all thinking voting Labour was any kind of idea at all. As far as Scotland is concerned, Labour and their corruption, lies and tacit collaboration with the power base in Westminster did more harm to Scotland than any other party, period.

We’re never achieving independence if we keep using the tropes we’ve been programmed with that keep us thinking about the wrong things.

Independence is a primary objective. Party politics or tribal affiliations or what have you are secondary.

Any argument, party or politician that muddies the water and conflates achieving independence with any other issue is working against the primary objective.


Fair play to her for having the courage to call out Grady, but I find it seriously bizarre why she doesn’t feel happy winding down her time in parliament as in independent, where she can say whatever she wants on any issue unrestricted.

There’s something here that just doesn’t feel right to me.


@ Red at 11:14 am
“SNP MPs go there for the poppers, nightclubs, and cute 19 year old interns”
I wondered for a long time

Was Blackford the Procurement Officer?
And How many more Grady type incidents have been covered up and who?
Are these suspects?Sturgeon,Murrell,McCann,Martin any others

Just how does sit within Yousaf’s Mosque


I applaud her decision…..

What worries me is the number of people who say
“I loath the Tories”

You can dislike policy, and ideas….sure, I get that

But once you say you “loath” me…..that kind of stops the discussion….


Come now, Mark, do you really want people to deny their inner Nazi?


Dr Cameron being friendly with Ms Forbes and, indeed, a fellow Wee Free, wouldn’t it be interesting if Ms Forbes replaced Mr Yousaf as Party Leader at some future time and Dr Forbes experienced yet another Damascene conversion, returning to the SNP fold in time to gain an SNP List seat at the next Holyrood election.
Always wheels within wheels …

James Che

Anton Decadent,

I am fully aware of the lattice connections, interlinked companies branches hiding but often held by a few politicians at the top, politicians that have their fingers in many investments and pies, and the resulting policies in legislation or statues to ensure their financial bucket fillith over,
I am aware ot land grabs being taken from people around the world that by government policies,

Even the Tory that used to own the Scottish voting Franchise,
The very loose nuts and bolts that do not secure the treaty of union to Westminster,

And fully aware of of the back room funding to governments around the world being bought to bring in agendas of one world governance from outside by big agencies to encourage regime changes in nations,
for the purpose of dismantling Societies in nations through chaos and divergence, gender, defund police, depopulation which PMs Johnstons father wrote a book about,
scientology, gates and Clinton foundations.
Sorres and his son with open source and stonewall,
That Henry Kissinger speech, that, first We ” will take down the eastern Countries and then ruskie land and Chima
Dilute nations indigenous populations and Countries by mass migration will leave a nation with no indigenous voice.
That is happening in Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales, advertising our Countries in MSM and given free accommodation and mobile phones and some tax payers money free,
With the outlook to flood and change mainly with a new male population a nation, so itbecomes lost.
Euthenasia of the old, the poor, the disabled, the veterans, and the homeless.
There is nothing like long term planning is there?
You will own nothing, eat bugs, not need money, be happy.and human life will depend on your ID credit score if you comply with one world government.

Thing is even Kissingers speech seems to be still in operation personally judging by events going on around the world.

The joining together of the dots or lattice work as you say, policies that seem individual wrong to humanity and one off bad ideas by all individual governments will break until eventually no government will be fit for purpose.

To be replaced by one government owning the world.
Claiming there will be no wars or poverty, if there is one government ruling the world.
That would quickly become a big time mafia style government of dictatetorship.

I read everything, truth and propaganda and then make a personal discerning choice and judgement on what policies our governments are implementing.

Austerity, gender issues, immigration. Black against white rhetoric, Women’s rights and freedom disappearing under women with beards. hate speech limiting free speech, lockdown experiments. Making it difficult to travel, 15 and 20 minute cities, etc.

The big picture is Scary and unwarranted, except for a few.. who want the ultimate control of all resources, even human resources.

And all of it is inhumane.


“….But once you say you “loath” [the Tories]…..that kind of stops the discussion…”

How about “Fuck The Tories”? Is that better for you?
Works for me….

Was always a popular slogan here in Scotland…


Falling life expectancy. Widespread poverty. NHS on its knees. Economy likewise.

Doncha just love the Tories.

James Che

The world and its all it governments have not all got some kind disease that simultatiously combusted of their own accord into synchronised madness.
The madness, chaos and funding for that madness has a bigger ideal, to delete indigenous populations, individual nations, individual governments and individual Countries.

If that is considered a conspiracy theory, why is it taking shape and form within goverment policies.?
Conspiracies are not meant to be true or accurate,


Brexit. Windrush. Rwanda exports.

Cuddly Tories.

Bob Mack

Like Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh. I believe she was formerly a Conservative prior to joining the SNP.


Well done lassie. She has a pair, which is more than can be said for Costello.


Perhaps she’s one of those strange people who believe that women don’t have penises?

John McDonald says:
12 October, 2023 at 10:54 am
Okay, but moving to the Tories?


Stonefree says Just how does sit within Yousaf’s Mosque

Mr Yousaf’s religion is one of those modern curiosities.

Seems we’re meant to celebrate it, but never ask any questions about what Mr Yousaf’s beliefs might be.

Scotland the Feart.



How on earth does Dylan Mulvaney become TikTok “Woman of the Year”. What was that old saying about, “The inmates are running the Asylum).

Michael Laing

@ Mark at 4.20pm:

“What worries me is the number of people who say
‘I loath the Tories'”

I have not the slightest hesitation in stating that I loathe the Tories. Given that Scotland has been rejecting them at general elections for the best part of a century, yet we’re still lumbered with them, I would say that Tory governments and their unwanted policies are a major reason – possibly the main reason – for the demand for Scotland to be independent.

N.B. That’s loathe, not “loath”, which has a different meaning.

Mark Beggan

As Autumn sheds her golden cloak.
I reflect on the year and wonder why
Scottish politics has become a Fucking joke.


Bob Mack @ 17.16

Having joined the Conservatives after having been a Labour Party member for some two years in the 1990s.
Any way the wind blows …


link to
Lisa Cameron says the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has been supportive in her battle with mental health but there has been no contact from the SNP leadership

I’ve archived and posted this for anyone who might be interested.

I find I have lost interest in all things SNP.

I loathe the SNP!
Fuck the SNP!

At this point in time I loathe the SNP more than the Tories.

Double fuck the SNP.

Was Rishi Sunak a mental health professional before he got into politics?


Lisa is already on wikipedia as a conservative, the idea to even call them a friend never mind join their party is abhorrent. Lets be honest how many others from Scotland who sit in Westminster from the SNP and Alba who’d love to do whats she just done. Do any of them really support Independence?

Both the Tory’s and Labour unqualified support for British right to exist for eternity. Leaving Scotland at the mercy of the English state in all but name, how can anyone call themselves a Scot and then join or call these Tories a friend, there Scotland public enemy number 1 and then say we have to be prepared to give away parts of Scotland to be Independent. I for one will never give up any part of Scotland to be Independent, we just have the wrong person Negotiating on Scotland behalf.

link to


Merganser says:
12 October, 2023 at 1:44 pm

Mia @ 1.01.

I’m not saying she will blow the gaff, but she may do. She is obviously looking for revenge for the way the SNP has treated her – hence rubbing their nose in it by going to the Tories.

The threat of exposure would cripple any SNP regrouped party. Actual disclosure could blow the SNP out of the water for good and allow a genuine independence party to emerge.

Blowing the gaffe on the conspirators would vindicate Alex Salmond.

That is not an outcome welcome in unionist and devolutionary circles.

If she wants to damage the current SNP, all she has to do is obtain a cushion, sit back and watch them do it all by themselves.


Labour councillor Deena Tissera called a ‘new Scot’ in racism row

I saw this headline and decided to find out more

link to

Sigh! I wish I hadn’t bothered.

Calling someone a ‘New Scot’ is racist.

“I would like to be respected,” Tissera told the chamber. “I do not appreciate those comments. I have taken the Life in the UK test to become a citizen. I probably know more than you do.” . 🙂

Meanwhile woman of the year Dylan Mulvanney says

“Knowing that my community sees me this way and acknowledges my womanhood is all I need to keep going,” said Mulvaney in a Wednesday statement.


Sven says:
12 October, 2023 at 5:55 pm

How on earth does Dylan Mulvaney become TikTok “Woman of the Year”.

Stop being transphobic, the best man won.

James Che


If something does not feel right, it probably isn’t.
Instinct is your best judge.


@Ruby She became a UK citizen in June?
What the hell else could she be but a “New Scot”.
And she’s now playing the race card, FFS.

She thinks she knows more than a person born here?
She’s missing the point entirely

Sick of these people being here 5 mins, no matter where they come from, getting elected.

We give away our identity too easily.
No doubt the SNP person will get charged with a hate crime.


Rev wrote: “And while SNP loyalists will doubtless scream that she should stand down and trigger a by-election, we doubt that Humza Yousaf would be so keen –”

I’m late to this thread so this may already have been said. The BBC in Scotland text service is quoting him demanding she do just that, stand down and trigger a by-election.

Rev also wrote: “Cameron crossing the floor will certainly send a shockwave through Scottish politics, and there remain some unanswered questions about why she’d choose to join the Tories, whose record on disability issues is dubious at the very best.”

Yes, and they’re not exactly pro-indy which she still claims to be. Very strange! I wonder why she didn’t cross to ALBA if she’s still pro-indy? Maybe someone could enlighten me? Anyone?

Alf Baird

James Che @ 5:09 pm

“If that is considered a conspiracy theory, why is it taking shape and form within goverment policies.?”

Indeed, and as the national party carcass is pecked away, it should be clear to most observers now that the colonial chess board is jammed full with the colonizer’s pieces, all ‘agents of colonial administration’. There are no real gaps, all players well vetted to ensure they act in the colonizer interest. It seems the Murrell’s done a fine job.

Two points from Frantz Fanon worth remembering:

“Colonialism secures for itself the services of these confidential agents by pensioning them off at a ransom price”;

and, as to the ignorance of that spectacular volunteer movement we witnessed in 2014:

“While the native thought that he could pass without transition from the status of colonized person to that of a self-governing citizen of an independent nation, he made no real progress along the road to knowledge. His consciousness remained rudimentary”

David Hannah

Margo Mcdonald once represented East Kilbride. I’m sure of it?

She was a great woman one of the SNPs most famous politicians. Up there with the best.

Not many people like her around today.


Ruby says on 12 October 2023 at 6:27 pm: “Labour councillor Deena Tissera called a ‘new Scot’ in racism row. I saw this headline and decided to find out more. link to
Sigh! I wish I hadn’t bothered. Calling someone a ‘New Scot’ is racist.”

Me too! She should be sent packing with a firm metaphorical boot up her arse. Sick of fly-by-nights playing the “racist” card for the slightest tiny thing. How the Francis can calling someone a “New Scot” be in any way racist? It’s only ever meant as a compliment. Aberdeen should tell her to grow up and GTF. (angry face emoji) The thick SNP twat who said it has apologised, apparently, and stood down to allow an investigation.

PS: Sorry to anyone named Francis if i’ve offended you. LOL!

Anton Decadent

@James Che, thank you for the reply, on point.

@Ruby, one of the people looking to have New Scots termed hate speech is Leask.


Try not to post twice per article here, however – and this is an honest question to everyone, what do people think re. conservatism versus Scottish Independence? Seems to me that if Scotland does become independent, we’ll face the same troublesome issue of democratic free will that other sovereign countries face, i.e. there will be Scots who are conservative, or right wing, or luntic left fringe, etc.


Serena Cowdy ,the partner of Stewart Hosie , is standing for election in the seat he is vacating.She is London born and describing herself in her election pitch as a New Scot,Is she being racist to herself?


There are Conservatives in Scotland of course.
Their is the Laird Alistair Jack with his shooting estate,
Labour’s Lord Robinson who has made a fortune after the cover up of his connection with the Dunblane massacre killer.
There is the Linesman DRoss not good enough to be a referee who thinks he could be first minister. Lol
Michelle Moan Scotlands most famous gold digger and faulty PPE expert.

Generally around 17% of Scottish votes over the years but a full 70 years of Scotland overwhelmingly rejecting the Tories who I can’t see ever gaining a Scottish majority.

Scots tend to be nice sharing caring people who will help others.
Nothing in common with Conservatism breaking society and support services while screwing the workforce for every penny they can get.

The abbreviation Con is for Confidence Tricksters.


Paul @ 6.10pm.

Yes it would vindicate Alex Salmond, but I don’t think he is considered too much of a threat to the Union now. Too much mud has been thrown at him and he will always remain damaged goods in some people eyes. He’s getting on a bit now as well, and he can’t go on for ever. Many lesser people would have gone under long ago with what has been thrown at him.

The Unionists might just think it’s worth the risk to do the exposure now with a vew to finishing off independence for the forseeable future.

The problem is, it’s got to come out sooner or later before Scotland can move on. It might be better to get it out of the way now rather than wait for the moment when we are on the verge of independence, and see it scuppered by the revelations. I would rather see the SNP blown away now, and we can start afresh with no skeletons in the cupboard to use against us at an opportne moment.

I also want to see justice for Alex Salmond; and for him to see it in his lifetime.

Wullie B

Why are we getting all hot under the collar about who Lisa Cameron left the SNP for, who gives a shit, its happened, get over it, and move on.
Many folk who live in he north of Scotland are what you would term small “c” conservatives, crofters, fishers, small business owners, o and that other crowd the religious ones but they are not an enemy, in fact they are needed as much as the other crowd, small”s” socialists, as long as they keep supporting independence then all is good.
I am more worried about the other cheek of the unionist arse re infiltrators, all those “Ex” labour voters who joined the SNP en masse, they are the ones who helped destroy the SNP since 2015, the Tory vote has pretty much stagnated over the same time apart from a wee up chuck when the Tank Commander was in charge and her ex MSM buddies went full on Ruthie propaganda.
To tell the truth, if this were the states, I would be full on libertarian, but its not, so I have had to keep voting for an independence party, sadly the one who has got most of those votes are just as unionist as the Britnat Partyz,so got to wait to see who stands here for next years GE to see if I vote ISP or ALBA, certainly wont be SNP.


The mud at Salmond from all sides, the might of the U.K. media and any and all Special Government Services found him cleared of all charges.
3 Judges and a Jury of mainly women found he had nothing to answer for.

Let’s compare that man to Boris Johnson the pathological liar, the man who ditched his 1st wife when she was diagnosed with cancer, made 5 different pregnant, has the police called out to him when he was physically restraining Carrie while refusing her screens to get off and get out. The PM who partied through Covid lockdown, the racist who has put in print his hatred of the Scots.

Let’s check again, one of these men isn’t good enough to be a leader and the other the great white hope to become PM again.

Bernard de Linton

Pension Pete will follow next.only 2 to 1 at the bookies just now.


Effijy says:12 October, 2023 at 9:01 pm

Scots tend to be nice sharing caring people who will help others. Nothing in common with Conservatism breaking society and support services while screwing the workforce for every penny they can get.

That doesn’t hold with reality as seen in this article and many others who have shown the bullying and harassment of individuals inside outside of the SNP towards those who disagree with their views.

I can’t help but feel that part of the problem with Scottish politics is that too many Scots have this rose-tinted view of the society that they live in and it creates this herd mentality where they vote for anybody who knows how to talk the talk and walk the walk.

I doubt that this is going to change anytime soon but the one good thing about devolution is that we Scots are at least on one level of government is getting who we vote for and we need to take responsibility to deal with that government we vote for when they no longer represent the views of the people who had voted them in.


I was listening to Radio Scotland earlier; it was suggested that she’d moved from a party of the left to one of the right. Nobody objected to this, which – I’d suggest – is odd; the SNP is definitely not a party of the left.


“Ruby says:
12 October, 2023 at 6:06 pm

At this point in time I loathe the SNP more than the Tories.”

At least the Tories are fairly honest about who they are and what they stand for. I don’t think that the SNP have reached their levels of bastardry yet, though… not quite…

Stuart Campbell

Met Cameron once, consulate grifter sussed out in a couple of minutes. Not surprised one bit about her defection but let’s be honest…… she’s now less of a danger to Scotland……..


She is my MP and have always liked her and principles. I do wish though , she defected to be an Alba or independent MP. The nazis had a better track record than the tories on disabled rights , do her mantra doesn’t really marry up to me.


@ Stoker at 6:54 pm
I wonder if she did it for spite/vengeance ,we don’t know what shit she was taking at WM or who was doing it,She did have to join the tories, but did ,she could have just resigned from the SNP and stayed on as a independent ,But didn’t If she was tory all along she is no different to 75% of the SNP on the green leather,
Humza would be have Hissy fits every 15min all day, and then home for a domestic


I agree with Mia on this she was elected as snp on a independence ticket (I Know, I know)to move to the tories who vehemently oppose indy doesn’t sit right , and TBQH the talk about not standing for re-election also doesn’t sit right

stuart mctavish

One upside being she’s now liberated from any omerta on ridiculing Rutherglen’s (ahem) sovereign postal voter(s) – and can avoid the morality trap of questioning how quickly they forgets about illegal wars*, supreme courts and imprisonments – by jumping straight to discovering why (how) so many (permanent?) holidaymakers and second home owners, who couldn’t be in the constituency on day of election, favour labour instead of scottish conservative

John Drake

She probably has enough income from her property portfolio to fall back on, never mind her MP income

Cameron, Dr Lisa (East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
One residential property in South Lanarkshire: (i), and from 28 November 2019, (ii). (Registered 05 June 2015; updated 14 February 2019 and 28 February 2020)
One residential property in Edinburgh: (i) and, from 19 August 2021, (ii). (Registered 05 June 2015; updated 14 February 2019 and 16 September 2021)
Four residential apartments in South Lanarkshire: (i) and (ii). (Registered 05 June 2015; updated 14 February 2019)

Alf Baird

John Drake @ 7:53 am

“She probably has enough income from her property portfolio to fall back on, never mind her MP income”

Despite the ‘torture of colonial bilingualism’, in a colonial society the native bourgeoisie tend to move easily between colonized and colonizer cultures. Which is why liberation of the people depends more on the lumpen proletariat as the basis of the movement.


Liz says:
12 October, 2023 at 6:49 pm

Sick of these people being here 5 mins, no matter where they come from, getting elected.

Maybe time for more than 1/3 of the electorate to turn up to vote in council elections.

Me too Liz I’m utterly sick of people playing the race card.

My message to this New Brit & to Humza Yousaf is
the more you play the race card the more racist I become.
You are making me racist.

Yes I am racist and I am transphobic what you going to do about it?

My gut feeling is both this New Brit & Humza Yousaf are as racist as I am perhaps even more so. I don’t for example have a problem living in a country where the majority are white, white, white.

Sure I will obey all the crazy laws but that won’t mean that I am not racist. I will be treating you differently to I would a white person in that I will be walking on eggshells when around you afraid of being arrested and charged with racism.

You want special treatment you’ve got it.

You on the other hand don’t have that problem you can treat me like shit and accuse me of being racist any time you fancy or are looking for some attention.

BTW Humza What is a white woman?

William Russell

Having an Indy MP in the Tories is a step forward, which is more than the entire SNP have managed in the previous 9 years. The great british tory Pete Wishart must be fuming with pride.

Alf Baird

Ruby @ 9:06 am

“the more you play the race card the more racist I become.
You are making me racist.”

Postcolonial theory (Memmi; Fanon etc) confirms what you say, Ruby, and explains the difference between the racism of the colonizer and that of the colonized:

– The colonizer’s racism is always ‘aggressive’ as among other things it is intended to make the colonized subordinate in all respects, and worse.

– Conversely, the racism of the colonized is ‘defensive’, seeking only to protect the rights and very existence of the oppressed group against the ‘aggressive’ racism of the colonizer.

Ebenezer Scroggie

Electoral law needs to be amended.

When an elected MP or MSP defects to another Party there
should be an immediate by-election because a lot of voters will have voted for a party rather than an individual.

VOTE SNP; GET CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST is not how democracy is supposed to work.

Is there any wiggle room for the constituents to ‘recall’ their MP and force a by-election?

The SNP would no doubt be gubbed on a scale similar to the recent Rutherglen landslide. Hell mend ’em.

Wally Jumblatt

To win independence, you must surely expect to have to attract a broad range of views. Left, Centre & Right. There is no rule that says you have to be one shade only to support independence.
So for one of SNP’s MPs to defect to the Tories, should only be of minor concern. What should matter first and foremost is whether she was a good constituency MP. Sounds like she was.
You can argue that if she didn’t represent the local constituents on the selection committee, then she wasn’t the right candidate. So were they asleep?
If the current iteration of the SNP was really only just old Labour in a pretty new yellow frock, it should wither and fade away. The sooner the better.
I’m sure Alex Salmond in Alba sees the value in a broad church, a term noted earlier in replies above.

London Scott

My husband a Conservative Cllr & Unionist, in spite of partial Scottish/ Irish ancestry, met her a few years ago. He was impressed by her and being both Catholics they ‘gelled’.

I can understand her switch. I have been a Conservative activist for 40 years. I was even a Cllr for 16 years. But people’s political priorities change with age. Mine are now free speech and women’s rights, not Conservatism. I want to work with people accross ALl parties to make the gender issue and similar lunacy a big issue locally at the GE. As a student in the 70s I worked with Labour Liberal and SNP students against the Trots. So o will relive my youth!

Maybe LC feels that this stuff is more importent and urgent than independence. Maybe she worries that an independent Scotland run by Marxist SNP and Greens will be a totalitarian state with people locked up for misgendering?

[…] in an interview with the Wings Over Scotland website, Dr Cameron said she had not “had a significant change of heart about […]

Lorna Campbell

Ruby says: “… Gay men who are highly supportive of trans rights are just like all the other men who are highly supportive of trans rights sexist misogynists… ”

Absolutely agree, Ruby, but there is a definite correlation between gay men in the parliaments and the pushing of ‘trans’ rights. Of course there are many, many gay men who support women and children – Mr Menno, The Jester, Clive Simpson and Dennis Kavanagh, Neale Hanvey to name a few, and there are many others, just as there are heterosexual men – but that was not my point. Too many are rampant misogynists who appear to actually hate females and their presence in the parliaments is so often as a vanguard for the ‘trans’ movement. The intimidatory behaviour of that Lloyd Moyles whatshisface was not even called out by the Speaker at Westminster.

I also fully understand that gay men and lesbian women are also under threat from the ‘trans’ lobby and we need to support each other, but we also need to be honest and call out misogyny everywhere we see it. I equally call out the moronic females who salivate over the ‘trans’ identified males as if they were gods in frocks, like the brain dead one at the recent Liverpool ‘Let women speak’ event, who asked in all seriousness: “why shouldn’t/wouldn’t a woman have a c**k?” I’m afraid that my patience with all of these pampered, brainwashed and/or stupid people is long gone. Repeal the 2004 GRA.

Frank Anderson

Give her some credit. I will resign and trigger a by election. Oh wait a minute, I still have a year to go at £85K, pension pot contributions a resettlement grant when I am booted out, no I’ll just stay.
How do I get maximum publicity and damage to the SNP. Not by going Independent, as the MSM would hardly have covered it. I’ll join the Tories. That’ll give the MSM a field day, they can use any strap line to portray the SNP as bad. The Tories have ran with the ‘she never supported Ondependence’ and Labour will revive the ‘tartan tories’.
On the eve of the SNP conference, they are all running around like headless chickens trying to sneak out the support Humza’s motion on Indy or else. They reap what they sow. Normally it is own goals they line up but this was a goal from the centre spot.

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