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Wings Over Scotland

Friendly help for the Daily Mail

Posted on July 14, 2015 by

As part of their tireless campaign against abuse and threats on the internet, the Mail’s ever-alert reporters will doubtless be wanting to run a major piece on the deputy leader of UKIP calling today on a widely-read website for Nicola Sturgeon to be killed.


No need to thank us for the tip-off, guys. All part of the service.

The article by Paul Nuttall MEP is pretty unambiguous.

“Tuesday is Emmeline Pankhurst Day, and whilst I am not going to throw myself in front of a horse to make my point about British democracy on this occasion, this is a vitally important constitutional matter and perhaps we should throw Sturgeon in front of a hunt horse as part of the commemorations.”

Throwing someone under a hunt horse is obviously highly likely to result in their death, and by citing Emmeline Pankhurst Day Nuttall is explicitly linking the comments to the Suffragettes, and the infamous death of Emily Davison under the hooves of the King’s horse at the 1913 Derby.

So we keenly await the all-channels media hysteria as an elected representative calls for Scotland’s democratically-elected First Minister to be murdered, akin to those we invariably see when a few random internet loonies tell JK Rowling or Michelle Mone to go and get knotted and such.

In the meantime, though, we can’t help raising a smile at another line:

“Democracy means that you’ll win some, you’ll lose some, but at least the decision will be made by those whose constituents are effected by the outcome. That is the only way there can be democratic accountability.”

Scottish matters being decided by MPs whose own constituents are not in Scotland, of course, is something that would simply never do.

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Only cybernats are abusive, but it’s perfectly acceptable for Ukippers and Tories to be eccentrically rude.

Andy Murie

Incitement to murder, surely a police matter?

Jim Thomson

“effected” ?


No no no...Yes

I know that the Unionists love Scotland and want us to remain part of the UK and I look forward to their condemnation of this hideous man across the BBC, STV ,Twitter and Facebook throughout the day.

I’m sure fellow leading Scottish parliament politicians Kez and Ruth will lead the pack with the charge, “FFS- For Fox Sake”


Idiot. Inciting hatred and harm towards our FM.

But then, coming from UKIP/DM, what do you expect?

The hypocrisy and blatant bias makes me want to hurl. One can only imagine the outcry if some eejit said this regarding Cameron or Farage and happened to be Scottish (they would obviously be a nasty cybernat – no questions asked)

I’m no holding my breath for it to be on the lunchtime news…


Somebody should report this to the police.

This is playing into any nutter’s hands and there’s too much of it going unchecked.

Nothing is being done by the authorities to give our FM proper protection.

Jim Thomson

O/T – sorry if too early, but …

link to

The tipping point comes closer still



Don’t advise a ‘collective holding of breath’ 🙂

If any channels report it, that will be something ’cause remember there is no such thing as anti – scottish feeling south of the border.

And no unionist trolls exist either that’s a fact Stu (the BBC said so)

Rab Nixon

The ugly side of British Unionism! We shouldn’t be surprised though, it’s what we’ve come to expect from that lot.


Given the modern interpretation is that the poor woman concerned didn’t intend to kill herself but her death may have eventually led to the suicide of the jockey it seems bizarre to recommend the repeat of a tragic accident that coincidentally may have had a greater impact than that originally intended.

That aside I was glad to see that the horse involved actually survived but it does kind of emphasise the point that those in support of Fox hunting using horse and hounds either regard the horse as some kind of tank and invulnerable or simply don’t give a shit about it or it’s rider.


The mask is well and truly off now.

You can just feel the love eh!


All primed for the howls of outrage at this incitement to violent action against an elected head of state or in Scots Law ‘threatening violence to the lieges’


He is targeting Nicola because she is Scottish and the current representative of Scottish views and aspirations. His views are aimed at us all.

Imagine if he targeted Moslems, Jews, black people, Asians, Arabs, French or even …. English people … in such a way.


Jim Thomson says:
14 July, 2015 at 10:55 am
“effected” ?

‘Affected’ ?



Nuttall by name, “Nut all’ their by nature”.

What a numpty.


Make a complain and put in the Polis in to the racist thugs. They stir up racial hatred They get away with illegally funding a Political Party with public funds. Embezzling. Faradge should be in jail.


galamcennalath says:

14 July, 2015 at 11:24 am

He is targeting Nicola because she is Scottish and the current representative of Scottish views and aspirations. His views are aimed at us all.

Imagine if he targeted Moslems, Jews, black people, Asians, Arabs, French or even …. English people … in such a way.

She’s a nat, and jock nats are all vermin in their eyes. Believe me, they would set the hounds on us if they thought they could get away with it.


A few years ago, Charlie Brooker had this advice for how Nigel Farage could get rid of all the loonies and extremists in his party:

“Put the membership list up on a computer and then press the delete button”.

Worth a try!


Michelle is furthering her ‘career’ helping the Tories on the BBC, wasting public money which could be better spent. Slave labour, sanctioning the most vulnerable and starving people to death. Cold, worried starving people, don’t sleep and get sick.

When will Cameron and Odbourne declaring their earning? Where’s the Chilcot Report? That’s been forgotten about.

Les Wilson

This should be pointed out in Parliament, get responses, er or not! What are UKIP now anyway?.

Robert Pennington

Reported to Police Scotland as hate crime/incitement.


Usual bizarre UKOK British journo response from them too-

“Ukip’s Paul Nuttall Branded ‘Misogynistic’ For Saying Nicola Sturgeon Should Be Thrown In Front Of A Horse”

Calling for murder is not ‘Misogynistic.’ Can teamGB get anymore repellant? Ofcourse it can.

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N Mackenzie

Headline news on STV site. Strangely, no mention on BBC.


“Tuesday is Emmeline Pankhurst Day, and whilst I am not going to throw myself in front of a horse to make my point about British democracy on this occasion, this is a vitally important constitutional matter and perhaps we should throw Cameron in front of a hunt horse as part of the commemorations.”

That ought to get a responce if the original doesn’t.

Anne Lawrie

Didn’t see anything in MSM about the hundreds of YES voters & SNP supporters who had porn on their timeline on FB, making it look like they had put it there themselves. I was one of those – a 69 year old grandmother. The first time I saw an instance of it was one of my FB friends & I immediately deleted him. Perhaps the plan is to stop us communicating with each other.

Dr Jim

On a lighter note, looks like the Hootsmon’s going bust

Maybe good sometimes does triumph over EVEL sometimes


Nuttall is a racist biggot. FACT. He HATES Scotland. Nuttall’s infamous anti-Scots “Take, Take, Take” rant as highlighted on Wings Over Scotland proves…

link to

This latest incitement to harm a person is outrageous. Any “ordinary” person so doing would already have been arrested. So why is Paul Nuttall allowed to preach hate without any police action?

The trouble for Nuttall and UKIP is they have peaked and are going down the tubes. That is when their MEP’s arent being sent to HM Prison for 5 years…

link to

So Nuttall is trolling for attention in ever more desperate attempts to get the oxygen of publicity.

The problem is, Nuttall has sailed very close to the police on several occasions. It is surely just a matter of time before someone makes a formal complaint against him. Rather than exotic cyber-crime or incitement, a simple Breach of The Peace would be relatively easy to prove against any one of Nuttall’s violent outbursts…

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A Breach of The Peace can carry a custodial sentence at the discretion of the judge…

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I’m heartily sick of the racist bigot Nuttall and am off to find out which police service such a complaint is best directed to.

Anyone care to join me?

I think the right address for a Breach of The Peace complaint against Nuttall in this thread where Nutall has publicly called for Nicola Sturgeon to be harmed or worse is:-

The Chief Constable
Canning Place
L1 8JX

Tel – Merseyside Police: 0151 709 6010

Source: link to

Please can anyone who definitively know which police force I (and possibly others) need to report Nuttall to revert on this thread with the update advice. Thanks.

The Paul Nuttall contact details I am referencing:-
UKIP North West 0151 375 9660
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This is probably a really stupid question but if Unionist MPs representing Scottish constituencies vote on English matters, that’s ok? Is just the SNP MPs that aren’t allowed a voice?

Am almost positive that all Unionist MPs in Scotland over the last few decades fully participated in Westminster voting without anyone raising an eyebrow – and the SNP traditionally abstained from anything not affecting Scotland – a highly honourable position.

It seems to me that so long as you’re acting under a UK – i.e. London – whip then you may participate; dare to express a dissenting voice and you must shut up.

Sooner we’re out of this farce the better.

Geoff Huijer

The man’s an erse; best ignored.

Which I’m sure the Daily Mail et al
will do because… er… UKOK.

I’m sure the Police have more
important stuff to deal with.

Helena Brown

Dear No Voters, how long can this Union continue, how long will you continue to feel safe in a place where you no longer count, where you can safely be ignored, that you are essentially a second class citizen and that you are certainly not as good as an English Person?

Dan Huil

Unionist hypocrisy is alive and well. Like the foxes?

Bob Mack

He is exactly the kind of bloke that made it necessary for Mrs Pankhurst and the other suffragettes to wage their campaign.

call me dave

But to a ranter it’s just banter don’t you know it’s just a jock…er joke!

But really! What a mess in South Britain land with the tories, they seem to have no strategy at the moment to progress some of their more controversial minor agenda items. Maybe some unemployed labour strategists could be co-opted onto the the team to get them organised.

Matters only delayed I fear but every little helps.


Oh it’s that 56 number again. Hootsman says SNP at 56% in latest poll

But 1 seat for UKIP 🙁 at 5% of the vote… surely not?

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Affected! Surely? those that wish to taunt should at least not demonstrate how uneducated they are……idiot.


Awe, Horatio Nelson and chum’s got some real rule Britannia insight going on, first it’s kill Nicky Sturgeon, know its Scotland’s like Greece. eh!

Dear neo fascist UKOK,

Who’s been running Scotland’s economy for last how many years etc?

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Fraser Nelson ?@FraserNelson 4 mins4 minutes ago
An independent Scotland could easily have been the next Greece, says Toby Young link to

Far right tory boy world gets more desperate by the hour.


First Mr Salmond knocked down by a bus type statements, now First Minister Sturgeon under a horse references,these grievance hunting Unionists are breaking up Britain rather than saving it.

Keep it up,you are doing a great job for us separatists. 🙂

Peter Macbeastie

Ah, but the standard rules apply.

You expect UKIP to be abusive morons so you’re not surprised when it happens.

It’s exactly the same as how you expect the Tories to be self serving, elitist, privatising capitalist scum of the worst possible type and they never disappoint.

The right wing press… indeed, almost all the press, seem uniquely blinkered to it.

I’m sick of having to put up with the relentless ‘nasty nat’ lines without so much as a hint of notice that they might actually have some really nasty nutters amongst their numbers.

A couple of years ago, when the independence campaign was just starting to get warmed up a little, a Unionist on social media asked me to provide proof that anyone on his side had been directly abusive to any on the Yes side. I posted the rather misnamed piece by Ray MacRobbie titled ‘The Alex Salmond Fanclub.’ You couldn’t really move far without picking up a whiff of sheer bigoted vitriol. The response?

‘Oh aye, I know about that. I was just wondering if you could point to any real abusive behaviour.’

I admit, I gave up at that point. The only way you could get more abusive than some of that stuff is by walking up to Eck and skelping him with a baseball bat; actual physical violence.

To some people, and I suspect some still exist, online is not connected to the real world where you know you can’t just say whatever the hell you like without consequences. So if it’s not connected, the rules are different and you can say anything without fear of reproach.

Thankfully the rules have rather changed on hate speech and people are, broadly, getting the hint that it’s unacceptable to abuse someone online as well as in the real world. That particular character, however, is probably one of those who still thinks ‘names will never hurt me.’

Or to put it another way, a complete and utter idiot.

donald anderson

Who was the Lumpen MP that wanted Alex Salmond under a bus?


Here is Tory MP Peter Bone describing our elected representatives as “that shower”.. Feel the love Scotland..

link to

Bob Mack

Guy on Daily Politics representing the Anti Corbyn Alliance just came up with a summary of where Labour are just now.
“We must go where the voters are ,and not be misled by some fantasy of an idealistic Labour Party”


I must admit, due to the never-ending bitter and vicious rhetoric that emanates from the media these days, it does leave me rather apprehensive for both our ‘nationalist’ politicians, as well as all the activists who support the ‘independence’ cause. We all saw how ‘better together’ we really were on the 19th September when the ‘Unionists’ decided to ‘celebrate’ in George Square. ‘Blood’ was what they were after (and lots of it), and they were determined to get it any way possible!

The violence in George Square came on the back of sensationalist media headlines as they ‘gloated’ over Alex Salmond’s ‘great failure’. Triumphalism marched proudly that day. So much for compassion and understanding.

There is the possibility, that a combo of our SNP politicians being really pro-active in Westminster over the next year combined with the bitter vitriol of the newspapers, that sooner or later, some idiot out there will begin to believe that it really is within the interests of the Union to have a quiet word with ‘these nationalists’; whether it is Joe Public or one of our politicians.

If the Papers honestly believe that berating the Scottish nation on a daily basis, will somehow not only put us back in our box, but force us to accept British rule and keep our traps shut for the foreseeable future, then they must surely be kidding themselves. They are either turning up the volume; knowing that what they are writing is absolute drivel, but will help to make plenty of money from sales …or they truly are foolish, arrogant and ignorant.

I just hope we don’t have a scenario where we find some loon finally decides to act on the ‘advice’ of one of the headlines and does something daft in an act of violence (and no …I don’t think someone is going to kidnap our FM and throw her under a horse!)

Hoss Mackintosh

11:54 am

“This is probably a really stupid question but if Unionist MPs representing Scottish constituencies vote on English matters, that’s ok? Is just the SNP MPs that aren’t allowed a voice?”

Not a stupid question as that is the way it used to work before we elected 56 SNP MPs. After the indy ref we were just supposed to go back to normal and vote for Unionist parties again. But something went wrong….

The three remaining Unionist MPs will probably now abstain from EVEL as they will be told not to vote by their London head office – just to highlight SNP bad.

Bob Mack

I have to be honest and say I wonder if politics actually does anything to facilitate permanent change.The article today highlights an attitude that should have died out years ago ,but remains with us.
Just the other day,I posted an extract from the “Sunshine of Socialism ” speech by Keir Hardy,within which he highlighted lack of municipal housing,the need for a minimum wage,child poverty and workers rights.
Things seem to have been stuck for the past 100 years.

call me dave

I hear Jackie the Bird stating that “Cameron has outfoxed the SNP by delaying the vote”. Good old auntie!’s the way you tell’em!

More info on the Scotsman’s woes in print form.

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“”Strangely, no mention on BBC””…..More strange if it was !!

Nana Smith


These tories are a dead eyed bunch. Their sense of entitlement just oozes out of them.

Mr bonehead maybe better watch out. Mhairi Black due to make her maiden speech today.

call me dave

Lots of pubs in South Britain called the “Fox and Grapes”

Looks like it’s the ‘Fox and Sour Grapes’ at Westminster as Cameron complains.

link to

From Aesop!

Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength.

As he went away, the fox remarked ‘Oh, you aren’t even ripe yet! I don’t need any sour grapes.’ People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.


Scotland has also been compared by the No campaign with North Korea, Albania ,Belarus, Serbia, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and (during the banker’s crisis) with Iceland and Ireland.
Never with small successful countries like Norway, Denmark and Sweden.


I was against the SNP voting on the fox bill cos I thought it could be used against us but now I’m all for it.

Anything that gets up the UK govs nose is OK IMO.

Also if we get but, but you said etc, we can point out English MPs voting on Scottish only issues.


Anyone who spends any time observing the UK political scene on Twitter will quickly realise that the most abusive tweeters are the Ukippers.

They are by far the most offensive, racist and arrogant contributers to the online debate.

One of them said to me once, during an anti-jock rant, that they weren’t racist or bigoted, they were just brought up to believe they were better than everyone else. Says it all really.

Someone should set up a UKIP polis bot (along the lines of the britnat abuse bot) to collect all their wicked utterances on Twitter.


@ call me dave says at 1:21 pm ”I hear Jackie the Bird stating that “Cameron has outfoxed the SNP by delaying the vote”. Good old auntie!’s the way you tell’em!”

Just listening to her doing her usual by giving leading questions to allow another to do her / BBC dirty work for them by highlighting how ‘bad’ the SNP are.

It would suit her better to inform the Scots that the Westminster cabal have knocked back every amendment put forward in relation to the Scotland Bill. Will she? I don’t think so. Wage and prestige versus honesty and morality. What a legacy to leave your children Ms Bird.

Christian Wright

Well, the Nuttall narrative is surely best countered with this simple metaphor (sometimes you don’t need words).

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Colin says:

14 July, 2015 at 1:25 pm

“”Strangely, no mention on BBC””…..More strange if it was !!

I think the BBC have also been wrong-footed and they are now struggling to come up with a suitable anti-SNP narrative (knowing full well that it was a very popular decision). I can imagine the headlines they had lined up in the expectation that the SNP would abstain. Too bad, Auntie, too bad.

Proud Cybernat


Cameron just on Radio 2. “SNP decision opportunistic.”

Well, Cammy. When you’re fighting a battle, you take every opportunity that comes your way. When your MPs voted done every single SNP ammendment to the Scotland Bill, that’s the moment you let that genie out the bottle. Two can play your game. Hell slap it into you.

Craig P

Fireproofjim says:

Scotland has also been compared by the No campaign with North Korea, Albania ,Belarus, Serbia, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and (during the banker’s crisis) with Iceland and Ireland.

Hey Jim, don’t forget Bangladesh and Mugabe’s Zimbabwe!

Not yet Somalia, but there’s time enough for the Britnats to rectify that oversight during Indyref 2.

Dr Jim

Let’s team up with our Elvish Welsh friends and

Hunt some Orc

Before the “Master of all he surveys” lets loose his dogs of war

Coz he will

Wee Nippys aboot tae get intae a fight

Great innit

[…] Friendly help for the Daily Mail […]


People who tell Jakey Rowling and Michelle Moan to stop whining are evil vile cybernats. People who want Nicola Sturgeon trampled by a horse or Alex Salmond run over by a bus are expressing their devil-may-care light-hearted humour. We should know this by now, folks.


This Paul Nuttall character is the very same person who has been quoted as saying that his Party (UKIP) “would ruthlessly deal with those who step out of line.”

That statement was attributed to Nuttall after one of his own were suspended over offensive twitter messages.

UKIP’ Jack Sen was suspended for sending those messages but Sen blamed an admin for sending them.

Sound’s familiar, eh, spineless racist UKOK scum!

Roger Mexico

There’s a nice irony here that the SNP deciding to oppose foxhunting means that Cameron is now forced to admit that his EVEL proposals wouldn’t have stopped them doing so anyway. As this is exactly the sort of ‘English only’ issue that EVEL was supposed to ‘solve’, it must make even his supporters wonder what the whole thing is about.

Given that he was unable to convince his awkward squad to back his previous EVEL proposals, anything stronger was never a starter. And public support is bound to be lukewarm, trying to crank it up under the banner of “EVEL – so my mates can go round killing animals” is not going to be popular with a public only 20% of whom think ‘fox hunting should be made legal again’.

The SNP may have shot more than one fox here.


Fireproofjim says:
14 July, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Its brilliant in its teamGB simplicity, Horatio Nelson’s red and blue tory boy economics destroyed Scotland’s heavy industries, then they ProjectFear terrorise the Scots away from Scottish democracy with their own viciously unfair socialism for the rich, austerity for the poor, showering hundreds of billions on tory shyster City banksters, and all hammered home minute by UKOK minute via ferocious NO media led by insanely corrupt BBC freak show.

I say Horatio, jolly clever!


Scots oil worthless, UK oil jewel in the crown. pip pip

Proud Cybernat

Feeling out-foxed, Dave?

link to


@ Barontorc says at 11:15 am ‘’Somebody should report this to the police. This is playing into any nutter’s hands and there’s too much of it going unchecked. Nothing is being done by the authorities to give our FM proper protection.’’

You’re right Barontorc. It’s high time that we all clamped down on those who have been / are breaching the Racist (National and Ethnic) and / or the Defamation Act (defined as anything which tends to lower the pursuer in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally.) That would include people like David Cameron, Boris Johnston, Theresa May, Katie Hopkins and of course many in the MSM.

Over many years the mainstream media, such as via television and radio, has had a field day in brainwashing it’s viewers / listeners, through using ethnic stereotype, into believing that the Scots are a financial liability or abusive drunks. We now see with the swing towards the SNP and the great desire for Scottish Independence that we have become a real threat to the State and that the State is fighting back using every tactic, including dirty, at their disposal such as demonising a minority group in the UK …. SNP supporters and more so our Party Leaders. Comments made by politicians and journalists are leading the way for whole swathes of society to think that it’s acceptable to say / print what they like about us and in doing so they could be said to be breaching a number of Laws and inciting harassment.

This drip, drip, drip of racist and / or defamatory comments is becoming far too commonplace to the point in fact that many Scots consider some of the comments such as ‘jockalypse’ or ‘cybernat’ to be no more that being a bit of banter. Experts will tell you that ignoring such behaviour doesn’t work and that so-called benign ‘jokey’ comments such as ‘sweaty socks’ being used to describe Scots leads to the creation of a society whereby the stereotype becomes acceptable … the ‘norm’ … and paves the way for more name calling, ridicule, exclusion and can often lead to more serious forms of racism such as violence and murder.

IMO we, all of us, should report every incident to the Police and IPSO if for no other reason than they may get fed up with us and actually do something about it. SNP MPs should also mention this …. racist and defamatory comments being made against a Scots … in the Commons.

Laws differ to some extent between Scotland and England so consideration would have to be made in relation to the location of the source and so on.

The following are Legal examples:

‘Under the Law of the United Kingdom, “incitement to racial hatred” was established as an offence by the provisions of 17-29 of the Public Order Act 1986. It was first established as a criminal offence in the Race Relations Act 1976. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 made publication of material that incited racial hatred an arrestable offence.

This offence refers to:

• deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group
• distributing racist material to the public
• making inflammatory public speeches
• creating racist websites on the Internet
• inciting inflammatory rumours about an individual or an ethnic group, for the purpose of spreading racial discontent.’

‘Protection from Harassment Act 1997 ……. Scotland’

link to

‘In the UK law it is illegal for someone to be treated differently or to suffer harassment because they have a different …….. nationality ….. ethnicity. (Single Equality Act, 2010).’

‘It is illegal to commit an offence which incites racial or religious hatred (Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006) and if someone commits a crime which is racially motivated, it is considered a racially aggravated offence which increases the seriousness of the offence and results in a heavier sentence.’

‘Crime and Disorder Act 1998. People can also be prosecuted and charged with ‘Malicious Communication’ (Malicious Communication Act, 1988) if they are being racist online, via social media, text message, email or telephone.

Threatening letters or other articles – Section 1 Malicious Communications Act, 1988

The Malicious Communications Act 1988 section 1, see Stones 8.20830, deals with the sending to another of any article which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false, provided there is an intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient. The offence covers letters, writing of all descriptions, electronic communications, photographs and other images in a material form, tape recordings, films and video recordings. Poison-pen letters are usually covered.
Particularly serious examples may justify a more serious charge, e.g. threats to kill.

The offence is one of sending, delivering or transmitting, so there is no requirement for the article to reach the intended recipient.

The terms of section 1 were considered in Connolly v DPP [2007] 2 All ER 1012, and “indecent or grossly offensive” were said to be ordinary English words. The fact that there was a political or educational motive behind the accused sending graphic photographs of aborted foetuses did not help her, and her argument that her behaviour was protected by Articles 9 and 10 ECHR (freedom of religion and speech) did not succeed, because the restrictions on those rights were justified under Articles 9 (2) and 10 (2).

A person guilty of an offence under section 127 CA 2003 shall be liable, on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine or to both.’

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Cameron plans to make it official with EVEL – we will definitely not be Better Together from now on.


All hell is about to break loose.

Popcorn ready! 🙂


Really wish everyone would stop going on about this. its no biggy.

Its really not a big issue; ’cause it does not sit with establishment view of the ‘Empire’.

It was a no vote at indyref were part of an equal union and JK somebody is not the butt of any degrading comment.

If the BBC don’t report it then it didn’t happen – nothing to see move along … you know how it works folks.

Now the news where you are !

Roger Mexico

Still on the subject of the Daily Mail the tables are now available from Survation:.

Constituency: SNP 56%, Lab 20%, Con 14%, Lib Dem 7%, Green 2%, UKIP 1%

Region: SNP 45%, Lab 19%, Con 12%, Lib Dem 8%, Green 11%, UKIP 5%

According to Scotland Votes (using exact percs):

SNP 71 (+2)

Lab 24 (-13)

Con 14 (-1)

Lib Dem 7 (+2)

Green 12 (+10)

UKIP 1 (+1)

Westminster: SNP 51%, Lab 21%, Con 17%, Lib Dem 7%, UKIP 2%, Green 2%. Again according to Scotland Votes the only change would be Conservatives picking up BRS from the SNP.

However IndyRef2 still shows a small No vote (Yes 43%, No 47%, Undecided 9%, Rather not say 1% – which resolves to Yes 48% No 52%). 41% want a new referendum within 5 years, but another 19% in 5-10 years. So it’s not going to go away.

call me dave

Sturgeon must have big pockets, how many is that in there now?

Three hiccups since the election…Human rights;EVEL and the foxes as I read somewhere this morning on a facebook post?

(I can read facebook but I better not touch) Poison Ivy’ish thing

James has some of his numbers done on the poll:

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So Cameron has cancelled the vote, whoa the knives are really out now, how to stop the SNP voting on anything! Who won? The foxes, the SNP, cameron snidy little creep, or the people? Hmmm.,


Meanwhile, back at Tory HQ:

“For fox sake! How are we going to deal with these vermin?”

“Well, PM, we could make a few changes to the amendment”

“Not the bloody foxes, you idiot, I was referring to the SNP!”

chris kilby

UKIP are beyond irrelevant to Scottish politics. Even more so than Labour.


Mhairi Black giving her Maiden Speech in the Commons right now.


This is the nutter who came to Porthmadog, a town where most people live their lives through the medium of Welsh, to hold a meeting in English with no Welsh material or translation facilities. He got very upset when people wanted to ask questions in Welsh.
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Great speech from Mhairi Black,well said. Great applause too 🙂

Nana Smith

Go Mhairi!! what a speech.


Mhairi Black’s giving her Maiden Speech in the Commons right now.

Just mentioned that as a 20 year old MP she’s the only under 21 year old in the WHOLE of the UK who will not be having her housing benefit removed. Ho ho ho! That’ll go down well with the working classes across the UK and highlights the absolute hypocracy and differing rules for the rich versus the poor.

Mentioned William Wallace which resonated with the speaker as she comes from Elderslie.

Great speech and finished up with them, SNP, all clapping, cheering and getting a reprimand.

I’m hoping Stu (or another) will post her speech on here.


Mhairi Black’s speech recorded anywhere?

I asked Edinburgh uni’s Prof Jill Stephenson and she said “If electors vote for a foul-mouthed slut like M Black”

Takes guts and grit, women like Sturgeon and Black to go up against unionists.


It’s on parliament live: link to

She is superb



Thank’s for the article. I hadn’t realised what an utterly vile bunch of racist bigots this UKIP lot really are until you highlighted the violent message from the idiot Nuttall to our First Minister.

Here is just a sample of how dreadful the UKIP stain on public life are…

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Absolutely petra, an utterly storming speech by Mhairi.

My wife, who to my disgust has ZERO interest in politics, was absolutely captivated by her speech!!

I was almost stuck for words!!


Excellent maiden speech from Mhairi, although you’re not allowed to clap your hands…

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@ Christian Wright

Have I offended you in some way. You are blocking me on Twitter

fred blogger

foxy lady strikes back.

Grouse Beater

Croompenstein: you’re not allowed to clap

Westminster is all about conformity – applause is a spontaneous emotion, generous, and shared.

‘Hear, hear’, is wig and gown handed down from the privileged benches. One person can speak it, but one person clapping sounds like the idiot in the crowd.

Both responses ought to be allowed.

PS: A fine speech from Mhairi.


Crikey, Mhairi Black hit it out of the park, what a speech. To me it’s the best of the SNP maiden speeches to date and there’s been some great ones.

She wasn’t glued to her notes, she spoke out to the house, she knew what to say and she meant every word…an intelligent, passionate and compassionate speech and an excellent call and challenge to Labour to get it’s act together and be an actual opposition. What a role model.

And then the deputy speaker had to call for order because the SNP MPs were moved to applause. You can show your appreciation…just don’t clap. Tradition and civility and decorum my erse. Some folks, including some SNP supporters have said she’s too young…pish. Something tells me it’s the youth of our nation that might well show us the way, and how things out to be done.

No no no...Yes

indigo 3:334pm
Thanks for the link to Mhairi Black’s speech. Fantastic and very, very moving words.

Douglas Macdonald

My thanks to all, who posted the link to Mhairi Black’s s
maiden speech in the House of Commons.

As a pensioner in his 70s, I was deeply moved by everything she said. Despite all the sniping and sneering by various members of the Labour Party, she was still prepared to offer the hand of friendship towards the official opposition(?) for the common purpose of an effective opposition to Tory hegemony. We shall soon see if that is accepted, but I very much doubt it.

I have seen a future prime minister of Scotland at work and it gladdens my heart.


@GB –

Westminster is all about conformity

archaic nonsense Grouse, what did you make of Bone calling the SNP MP’s ‘that shower’ ?

link to


Tommy Sheppard’s Maiden Speech was amazing not just because the content was totally inspirational but because he spoke from beginning to end without having to use any notes at all: Unheard of in the Commons as far as I can make out.

I see that Mhairi Black more often than not just spoke from the heart too and rarely referred to her notes. Does anyone else see a young Margo MacDonald in the making?

Nana Smith

O/T some advice for the bbc. Too late.

link to

Brian Powell

Watched Mhairi Black’s maiden speech, I remember meeting and listening to her in Kircaldy not long after the Referendum at a ‘what we will do now’ meeting. Her quality came through then and showed the how strong felt were her convictions.

People across Scotland should see her speech in Westminster apart from on the Parliament channel and you tube.

However our lumpen, petty politics, tribal, wedded to the Labour past, BBC Scotchland, won’t be able to rise to the occasion.

Robert Peffers

@Croompenstein says: 14 July, 2015 at 12:54 pm:

“Here is Tory MP Peter Bone describing our elected representatives as “that shower”.. Feel the love Scotland..”

link to

Yes Croompenstein, but that is acceptable to the Speaker.
It’s only if you politely applaud the opposition that is totally unacceptable in the house.



There have been quite a number of good maiden speeches from the new SNP intake.

You can hear them all (updated until this morning) from the links provided by Stirling SNP ;

link to

I believe Marion Fellows in next, on Thursday.


Mhairi Black’s speech was the best yet. 20 years old for gawds sake. If you’ve never been to the Palace of Wastemonters, daunting doesn’t even come close. All the red and blue tory old farts that haunt the joint know it too.

The future of Scotland is in great hands.



Mhairi Black’s speech recorded anywhere?

Yes, here:

link to


Disgusting comment about FM –

How cool & ‘playground’ would it be if STV news story reported that BBC refused to cover this story ?

Go on STV you know you want too !!!!


Pure quality from Mhairi Black today!

Thanks to all those who posted links.


@ Brian Powell says at 4:20 pm ”People across Scotland should see her speech in Westminster apart from on the Parliament channel and you tube. However our lumpen, petty politics, tribal, wedded to the Labour past, BBC Scotchland, won’t be able to rise to the occasion.”

Well I don’t know about that Brian they may very well broadcast a section of her speech, omit the essence of it of course, such as ‘their sense of humour is cracking’. If so it’ll be par for the (manipulative) course.


We know exactly how thd unionist press would react if someone representing the SNP called for the same fate for David Cameron, it would be front page news for days.

I think in reality we all know how this will pan out, at best it will be written off as UKIP nonesense, then quietly swept under the carpet.

We can’t win in this department the unionist press will not play fair.

Independence my friends is the only real way to a progressive media in Scotland, even then I have my doubts.

Kevin Evans

Great speech


link to A 20 year old Scottish woman makes a wonderful maiden speech to the HoS as the youngest UK MP eve, yet these miserable liars and conman can’t even bring themselves to report it on THEIR BBC.

Dr Jim

Mhairi Black



One brilliant Maiden Speech after another. Martyn Day is on now ….fantastic!

Dal Riata

@JLT at 1:01 pm

“The violence in George Square came on the back of sensationalist media headlines as they ‘gloated’ over Alex Salmond’s ‘great failure’. Triumphalism marched proudly that day. So much for compassion and understanding.”

Triumphalism is what Britnats do best.

The neverending ‘commemorations’ and ‘celebrations’ of ‘triumphs’ in war situations, taking all the praise for having ‘won’ WW1, WW2, Battle of Britain, the Falklands, Waterloo, Agincourt, la-di bloody blah. And all dutifully forced down people’s throats by the UK’s corrupt MSM ad nauseam.

Then there’s the Orange Order marching on the streets proclaiming their right to ‘walk on the Queen’s highway’ while threatening Catholics and others, and certain sectarian factions who attend a certain Glasgow footballing venue who sing about being ‘up to our knees in Fenian blood, surrender or you’ll die’ to celebrate a battle that took place 325 years ago, FFS…

And it’s all wrapped up in the Union Jack, God save the Queen!

These triumphalist Britnats are stuck on glories of the past. They still have an empirialistic mindset. They cannot move on.

Oh to be in an independent Scotland able to move on into a positive future and leave these morons far, far behind.


call me dave, 1.32pm

From Aesop!

Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength.

As he went away, the fox remarked ‘Oh, you aren’t even ripe yet! I don’t need any sour grapes.’

That classical Greek story made it’s way into remote, cold, “Ultima Thule” Finland. Only, people had no idea what grapes were so they substituted grapes with a native fruit-bearing tree.

“‘Sour’, said the fox of the rowan berries.”

There’s an old favourite confectionary in Finland, individually wrapped rowanberry marmelade. The wrapper, of course, has a picture of a fox (foxes are likeable rougues and heroes in Finnish folklore). They’re called “fox sweets” and so well known people even knit mittens with the distinctive wrapper design! 😀
link to

Robert Peffers

@Croompenstein says: 14 July, 2015 at 3:40 pm:

“Excellent maiden speech from Mhairi, although you’re not allowed to clap your hands…

link to

As the Commons seem utterly terrified of getting the clap from SNP members could I suggest they begin to establish a tradition in the house of some other polite show of approval and of disaproval? Some Common’s traditions are really not so very old and some are actually not even written down.

If the methods adopted are not already mentioned in Erskine-May : –
link to

Then the speaker will have quite a job ruling it out of order. Such a practice would establish the presence of the SNP in the house even when an SNP member was not actually speaking.

Robert Peffers

@Douglas Macdonald says: 14 July, 2015 at 4:11 pm:

“I have seen a future prime minister of Scotland at work and it gladdens my heart.”

You know something, Douglas? Exactly the same thought went through my mind too.

Robert Peffers

@heedtracker says: 14 July, 2015 at 4:57 pm

link to

” A 20 year old Scottish woman makes a wonderful maiden speech to the HoS as the youngest UK MP eve, yet these miserable liars and conman can’t even bring themselves to report it on THEIR BBC.”

Hey! heedtracker, They do have it now under politics and on the right hand side panel
link to


What planet are some folk on rewriting history

Tony Benn hide the McCrone Report, and did everything he could to delay Scottish Devolution. He did not believe in self determination.

donald anderson

Reply to Ken500
“What planet are some folk on rewriting history
Tony Benn hide the McCrone Report, and did everything he could to delay Scottish Devolution. He did not believe in self determination.”

Tory Benn was responsible for closing most of the Scottish Coal pits, before Thatcher when he supported Nuclear Energy as Min of Tech, when he built Torness and Hunterston Nuclear Power Stations.

He also supported Labour Troops IN to Ireland in 1969 and was a signatory to the PTA which broke most of European Civil Rights laws.

He also supported a Labour no per cent pay freeze and supported Troops IN to Glasgow to scab on Ambulance, Fire Engine and dustcart drivers.

He was in Labour’s Friends of Israel.

Only Labour could produce such an upper class, old Viscount, “radical”.


@ Nana Smith at 4:18 pm ”Some advice for the bbc. Too late.

link to

Thanks for the link Nana. Very interesting and I wonder what BBC Scotland plan to do now? Whatever it is, as you say, it’s ”too late”.

@ Marcia says at 4:26 pm ”Petra there have been quite a number of good maiden speeches from the new SNP intake. You can hear them all (updated until this morning) from the links provided by Stirling SNP. I believe Marion Fellows is next, on Thursday.” link to

Thanks for that Marcia. I missed one Maiden Speech today so that helped me to catch up. All brilliant! In fact every last one of them just makes my heart burst with pride. I know that some have sacrificed their beloved careers such as Philipa Whitford and many will be missing their families. They made their choices for the betterment of Scotland. I hope they visit Wings and see how much we admire and appreciate them … and more than anything will always support them.


@ Robert Peffers says at 5:58 pm ”As the Commons seem utterly terrified of getting the clap from SNP members …”

Robert this has just given me, and some folks visiting, a real laugh tonight! Ta for that.

Eckle Fechan

Meanwhile, back on-topic, I applaud Al-Stuart @ 11:34am.

Anyone who’s witnessed The Nut Job’s prior performances on QT will know the make of the man. He’s a BNP Candidate in the making and his open hostility towards everything North of the border is plain to see and hear.

An absolute fucking jumped-up nobody. He’ll be gone rom political life soon enough imho.

maxi kerr

Mhairi, well done hen.

Grouse Beater

Croompenstein: archaic nonsense, Grouse.

Aye, I agree. Anachronism.
You watch in disbelief. the “that shower” denotes an element of nervousness, if not fear, to my mind.

But anybody who takes time to read my essay reports of life among the elite class of London will know I meet that attitude every day. They detest Scots ‘escaping’ from their cage.

Les Wilson

Thinking about Westminster and their problem with clapping,
on occasions a slow hand clap would be most appropriate.

Mhairi chose some things that suited her purpose that labour could not argue with when talking about Benn.

She was appealing to labour to support the SNP and their own principles. She was putting them in a position that they had to agree with her.

Yes, he was the wrong person to aspire to, but it had purpose if not historically accurate, she did her job.


That’s another UKAY HOORAY series started last night with David Dimbleby and his wee boat.

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