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Wings Over Scotland

Fire Water Burn

Posted on September 08, 2022 by

Robert Burns was well known for liking a wee dram. He grew up in the aftermath of the failed rising of 1745, living through the harsh and brutal consequences inflicted on Scotland by the Act of Proscription.

In “Earnest Cry and Prayer” the Bard was responding to the UK Parliament’s Scotch Distillery Act of 1786, a protectionist act aimed at supporting London’s gin industry by hiking duties on whisky sold in England and by taxing Scottish still capacity. It was a call for action to Scotland’s 45 members of Parliament from a man who understood the destructive power of such acts.

He asked which Scot would not feel his blood boil at seeing the resources of the nation’s stills destroyed and its wealth plundered, roaring to the MPs:

“God bless your Honors! can ye see’t,
The kind, auld, cantie carlin greet,
An’ no get warmly to your feet,
An’ gar them hear it,
An’ tell them wi’ a patriot-heat,
Ye winna bear it?” 

As the UK Parliament is set to return from its summer holiday it is hard not to see continued parallels over the ages and again today.

Then it was whisky, for decades it was black gold and now it’s our renewable fortune. And as fate would have it, nearly 300 years later, as Westminster continues to seize our resources for the benefit of the City, still we have a feeble 45 willing to bear it.

Before she set off on her own summer tour of the Edinburgh Fringe and Book Festivals, the announcement by the First Minister of her route map to indyref 2 briefly injected much fire into the bellies of the independence movement.

(As someone that was treated as a pariah, even booed by SNP conference delegates, for attempting to make policy much of what Nicola Sturgeon has now adopted as her grand strategy, I did allow myself a wry smile.)

But as the cool heads in the independence stepped back to think about what was announced, it became quickly clear that this was not the masterstroke that many who previously treated a Plan B with a gush of fury and vitriol thought it was. Nor, for one very important reason, was it the same plan previously advocated for.

Back in 2019 we knew the path before us: there would be a General Election within a matter of months and there would be a Holyrood election in 2021. Senior figures such as Ian Blackford warned that a Plan B wasn’t needed as victory at a UK election would blow away any opposition Boris Johnson had to a “Gold Standard” referendum.

Some of us pointed out that if Johnson’s Government wasn’t willing to accept a triple mandate that the Scottish Government already had then a fourth and a fifth mandate would make no difference, and so it turned out.

For Plan B to work we needed the First Minister to issue the Prime Minister the rules of the game we would play – firstly that a General Election victory back in 2019 would be the final mandate for a referendum that would be sought, and that if Westminster persisted to refuse then the Scottish Government would proceed with its own vote.

If the UK Government used courtrooms to stop the people having their say then they would make their voices heard at the ballot box by turning the 2021 election into a de facto referendum on independence.

This required nuance. It required a concerted campaign at each step of the way to build up popular support in Scotland to ensure that each stage on this journey secured the required international recognition, thanks to the popular legitimacy forged in the process by the people.

On paper, the Plan B announced by Nicola Sturgeon still wants a referendum by agreement with the UK Government through the granting of a Section 30 order. But by virtue of the imprudence of referring the matter directly to the UK Supreme Court, Boris Johnson was allowed to spend the summer on a beach rather than being forced to answer the question as to why the people of Scotland are denied their right to self-determination in this supposed union of equals.

And so the weakest Prime Minister in history got to step down this week as Prime Minister having easily resisted the Scottish Government’s half-hearted attempts to respect successive mandates for an independence referendum.

As for the Supreme Court, is there a single member of the Scottish Government that believes that the London justices will side with them? The same court eviscerated the Scottish Government on the matter of the UN Charter On The Rights Of The Child, and that was an issue that every single member of the Scottish Parliament voted for.

By the manner in which the Lord Advocate has asked the question on competency, you could be excused for thinking she was asking them a rhetorical question. Dorothy Bain is a highly competent, experienced lawyer, but why the First Minister would appoint a Lord Advocate who doesn’t have confidence in the right of the Scottish Parliament to assert its own sovereignty is a question only Nicola Sturgeon can answer.

The Supreme Court may simply use the Scottish Government’s own arguments against them from the Keatings case at the Court Of Session. The Lord Advocate argued then that it would be premature to make a decision as no bill had been put forward to the Scottish Parliament. What’s different now? The Supreme Court may simply dismiss the case as premature and send the Scottish Government home to think again.

This would of course cause an almighty problem for the Scottish Government as the Lord Advocate has all but engraved in tablet that she doesn’t think the Scottish Parliament has the competence to hold an indyref.

If this eventuality prevails then the Scottish Government best get on with the job of separating the job Lord Advocate as both head of Crown Office and the Government’s Chief Legal Officer. Keeping the current incumbent in the former and appointing an individual willing to advocate the position of Scottish Ministers to the latter might be a good starting point.

However, all of this will be academic if the Supreme Court do what many expect it will relish to do – put the Scottish Government back in the box where the London establishment believes it belongs.

How different things could have been if the Scottish Government pursued its mandate(s) with democratic determination. The argument that the Scottish Parliament has the competence to hold a referendum on independence is much stronger if it’s sent to the Supreme Court by UK law officers after the people’s parliament of Scotland had decreed that there should be such a referendum.

It’s certainly a much stronger position to stand on than asking the Supreme Court, yourself, to get you out of a political fix.

And so, as opposed to having a strategic plan to bring the country with us, increasing support each step of the way as Scotland is denied its right to self-determination by London governments and institutions we didn’t vote for and who don’t have Scotland’s interests at heart, the plan to hold a referendum will be over by Christmas.

At this stage in my original “Plan B” I proposed that a pro-independence majority of seats in an election would act as the mandate Scotland needed to enter straight into independence negotiations with the UK Government.

This of course should’ve been a Scottish Parliament election. Why? Because it’s our franchise. To exclude 16- and 17-year-olds, as well as hundreds of thousands of new Scots from a de facto Referendum is an act of folly that stacks the odds against us.

On the back of a resourced campaign to get to that stage, that built a broad majority coalition in favour of the legitimacy of that approach, team Scotland could have marched to Downing Street to demand the UK Government come to the table.

But that’s not what Nicola Sturgeon has proposed. At first Angus Robertson refused to answer the question of what the success line in a de facto indyref would be, and then John Swinney was briefed against by special advisors that he had given the wrong answer when he said that a majority of seats would be the benchmark.

(And who could blame the Deputy First Minister? He was simply stating SNP policy pre-2000 and I am quite sure there hasn’t been a debate to say otherwise.)

The First Minister says that an SNP majority of votes would be required. But that requires the opposition to play along with the idea that the election is a proxy referendum. In general elections people take issues such as the cost of living, the state of public services, and their general dislike of the government into account. Many people will vote according to their own priority issues, such as the SNP’s hugely unpopular plans for gender reform.

So demanding that the only way to exercise your support for Scottish independence is by voting for a single political party, warts and all, is doomed for failure. Nobody demanded that Boris Johnson required a majority of votes to take Scotland out of the EU, it was deemed democratic for him to do so with a majority of seats.

If this is to be the way forward then it can only be a success if the ballot paper is free from the drawbacks and tribalism of party politics and instead takes the form of a united front, with a single candidate in every seat who stands for independence.

It is welcome that the SNP state they will have a debate on this policy at their conference next month. But it’s time for senior figures in the party and across the movement to speak up.

If they don’t, by the stroke of a pen, the First Minister will have undone the agreement of two decades ago made between Alex Salmond and Donald Dewar, that the Scottish Parliament had the right to hold a referendum if that’s what the people wanted.

We are now subjects of yet another Tory Prime Minister that we haven’t voted for. It’s long past time for the Scottish Government to start getting serious in its efforts to bend Westminster to the will of Scotland, as it failed to do during the chaotic reigns of Theresa May and Boris Johnson.

Dozens of pro-independence MPs have the capability of wreaking regular havoc and embarrassment on the UK government through Parliamentary interventions. Instead of urging MPs to treat the House Of Commons with respect, they should be compelled to treat the Westminster establishment with the same respect that it treats Scotland.

Britain has few friends in the world. There has never been a better time to reach out to the world to make the case for Scottish independence whilst highlighting that the UK Government – who are willing to send arms elsewhere in the world to defend democracy – are suppressing the right of Scotland to determine its own future.

All of this is in the backdrop of hard pressed Scots asking themselves why they are being forced into destitution by soaring energy costs when we live in a land of energy plenty that is self-sufficient in gas and generates enough electricity through renewables to power every home in Scotland.

With motivated leadership, people are ready to follow a mass movement of popular protest and demonstration, led by example in the Commons. It remains to be seen whether they’re given the opportunity.

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Dan says:
13 September, 2022 at 2:03 pm

You’ve mis-attributed that quote to me with your formatting fail! It was MB who stated it.

I deleted reference to original author, hoping the central topic of lightbulbs would be illumanaltied.

I at no time tried to associate you with Biscuity Boyle.

Not guilty is my solemn plea.


Here is my protest re the BBC

James che

So the old the Old English parliament made a decision not to allow the Sovereign Scots to have a vote on joining the treaty of the union,

So who joined the treaty of the union in 1706/ 1707.

James che

The members of the old Scottish parliament entered into a treaty of union with Englanglands parliament.
They are captured,

but the Sovereign Scots that the Scottish parliament had passed the Claim of Right for eight years earlier in 1689.

No, they are not in the treaty of union.

James che

There is a treaty of union between the Old Scottish parliament and the Old English parliament.

The Old Scottish parliament is now been defunct since 1707, to make way for the British parliament.

How could the British parliament sue the Old Scottish defunct obsolete Parliament for Breaking the Treaty of the union.

James che

The British Parliament can no longer sue a Scottish parliament they made defunct and obsolete in Scotland in 1707, for breaking the Treaty of union.

The Devolved Scottish parliament is under British westminster legislation for its existence, they would be sueing themselves for breaking the treaty of the union,

James che

To summerise my musings.

The Old Scottish parliament roughly 8 years before signing the Scottish parliament to a union with Englands parliament had released the Scots OFFICIALLY to be Sovereign Scots in Scotland.

The Old English parliament OFFICIALLY decided not to ask the Sovereign Scots to vote to join the treaty of the union,

The parliaments of both England and Scotland joined in a union,

Then the English Parliament and the Scottish closed their parliament doors in their respective Kingdoms. To create the British parliament.

The British parliament can no longer sue the old Scottish parliament for breaching the Treaty of the union.

The Scottish devolved parliament is British in legal form.

Who and how can any British government hold Sovereign Scots with a prior “Claim of Right “to account,

Certainly not through a obsolete Scottish parliament,
Certainly not through Scots signing into a treaty of union.
Certainly not through a british devolved government in Scotland.

Dorothy Devine

I was so looking forward to Sunday and meeting up with some weel kent faces! Yours being one of them Ian B!

Ian Brotherhood

@Dorothy Devine –

Tbh, I wasn’t even going to attend. For me the balloon burst a long time ago.

It would be great to meet again but I’ve given up on the HOF/AUOB gatherings. There’s just too much division and rancour now and we all know who’s to blame. If memory serves, the last time we had a decent Dow’s social was the day Sturgeon hijacked the George Sq gathering and there was argument in the pub – between Wingers – about her presence before we’d even shifted upstairs.

I can only envisage meeting again if it’s private and strictly between folk who know where each other stands on characters like Sturgeon, Blackford, WGD etc. I can’t bear being in the company of folk who give those tractors any credence or ‘benefit of the doubt’. Giving them any leeway does no one any favours and just keeps them in public life longer than they deserve.

Maybe it sounds melodramatic or paranoid but I’m ultra-wary of trusting anyone now. The security services will have had us all on their radar way back in 2012/13, as soon as we started using this place. They were bold enough to send folk to have a go at us at The Counting House in April 2014 and there’s no doubt they’ve had people posting here for years, some of whom will surely be good enough to pass as ‘genuine’.

Am I one of them? Who can tell?

In any case, here’s hoping we can and will have another social sometime, even if it’s just to reminisce. If I’d known back then what our hopeful and joyous movement was heading for I’d have made sure to enjoy myself a lot more and not always bolted for that last train home!



Does anyone actually read the constant barrage of shite that Che constantly posts?
Do you think it makes him/her/it feel important and knowledgable, when in reality, it makes him/her/it the exact opposite.

Andy Ellis

@Chas 3.45 pm

From the content I hae ma doots James Che reads them, or would be able to tell us what was meant by them in the unlikely event anyone else went back and tried to decipher them at some later date.

Truly the Spameron Brodie de nos jours.

James Che


Selective history.
Or art,

It appears that some agree with you after all, selective history as art it is then.

Nothing I wrote is a lie unless all the historians are fake, and academia has false foundations.

James Che

As I recall those that cannot prove their point or disprove anothers point with intelligent debate, often return to insults when intelligence fails them.

James Che

As Also remember the attempts at bluster and insults the last time.
Which displayed no intellect in anwer.

The question will be asked a fourth time,

What date were the sovereign Scots asked to join the treaty of the union?

Even although a link was given I expect insults and bluster in response if they have no specifics in month or year.

I doubt there is no information forthcoming because there is none.

James Che

Here is a second question which I will ask of you,

How can the British parliament sue a non existent 1707 Scottish government for breaking the treaty of the union now.


Hatuey says:
13 September, 2022 at 9:41 am

Pipe down, Andy,

That’s all a bit philosophical, but I think ordinary people who stumble in here and read the sort of things you type would go away feeling quite shitty and disappointed.

Well done Hatuey for spotting this. I thought I was the only one who noticed.


Chas says:
13 September, 2022 at 3:45 pm

Does anyone actually read the constant barrage of shite that Che constantly posts?
Do you think it makes him/her/it feel important and knowledgable, when in reality, it makes him/her/it the exact opposite.

If as you suggest nobody is reading James Che’s post then why are you getting your knickers in such a twist about her posts?

If you are not happy with what someone posts you can contact Stu and tell him.


Scott says: at 2:20 pm

I deleted reference to original author, hoping the central topic of lightbulbs would be illumanaltied.

Not guilty is my solemn plea.

On the latter, your not guilty plea is formally accepted, but I had to make the correction so your quoted text didn’t give the appearance that I’m some kind of moonhowling academic roaster that pontificates a great deal about stuff, but doesn’t have a scooby doo about the basic fundamentals of oor existence such as Ohm’s Law and the conservation of energy.

On the former, well the whole low electricity consumption “eco friendly” light bulb thang could just be a nifty ploy being punted by the oil and gas industry.
Referring back to the conservation of energy principles, some of the “inefficiency” of tungsten filament light bulbs is that for a given emitted brightness, they also generated a lot of heat.
That “wasted” heat actually helped heat the room, so if you switch to low leccy power consuming LED bulbs, you lose the “wasted” heat effect, and thus require to generate the missing heat to keep you warm through burning the oil or gas heating.
It’s a cunning plan, and they would have got away with it too if it weren’t for pesky kids like me.


Andy Ellis says:
13 September, 2022 at 3:55 pm

@Chas 3.45 pm

From the content I hae ma doots James Che reads them, or would be able to tell us what was meant by them in the unlikely event anyone else went back and tried to decipher them at some later date.

Truly the Spameron Brodie de nos jours.

Why don’t you contact Stu and tell him how unhappy you are with James Che’s posts?

Please do let us know what he says.

Ian Brotherhood

If you or anyone in your family (or friends or neighbours, or perhaps your business/work) has been affected adversely by the ‘vaccine’, there’s still time to get involved in the official inquiry by the Scottish Government. I wasn’t even aware of it until I saw this tweet (and that alone speaks volumes – has anyone else here ever heard of it?)

Anyway, the link contains contact details for the inquiry – the tweeter himself has been badly affected and is very active in trying to raise awareness so he’ll know folk who can help.

I suspect the registration for anyone wanting to submit evidence is very soon, possibly later this week, so best to move quickly. Even if you’re not directly involved, please help raise awareness of this. Thanks.

link to


It’s very unpleasant watching someone being bullied.

What is the matter with these guys?

I’m definitely getting a ‘domestic abuser’ vibe from all four of them.


It’s a fake inquiry, Ian. I’ve explained why I say that on here before. And if you go to the inquiry website and look at scope/interpretation of Terms of Reference, you’ll find the following;

“the inquiry can consider only “Scottish matters” as defined in section 28(5) of the Inquiries Act 2005”

“the inquiry respects the independent role of the Lord Advocate in relation to the prosecution of crime and the investigation of deaths in Scotland”

link to

The defined role of the Lord Advocate essentially guarantees nothing will reflect too badly on ScotGov — and as we all know, the Lord Advocate is ScotGov.

Limiting the scope to Scottish matters is quite an affront when you consider that they chose to be in lockstep with the UK government, and most of the big and controversial decisions such as pursuing the ‘herd immunity’ strategy were taken at that UK level.

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey (5.46) –

I haven’t much information on it all so you may well be right. But if it has been set up to fail we can at least hope that some participants push them hard for answers.

The lad who sent the tweet seems genuine, as does his appeal. I’m hoping that people will respond to him rather than any cynical government ‘invitations’.


link to

Very well done to David Davies for writing this letter.

David Davies seems to be one of the good guys.

James Che


Once again I am beholden to to for pointing out the repeated abuse from a certain section on here not just to myself but many others as well, thank you,
Sooner or later I will along with many others here may start reporting the abuse.

Sticks and stones on a rare occassion, fair enough.

Repeated abuse is just that, Abuse.

Still though they have not been able to answer a few simple questions that they purport to be wrong.

James Che


A question arises why the Scottish lord Advocate is working within a British devolved government system at all?

Scots law was to remain separate from English law in the treaty of the union,
It should not be being used at all within the british legisture of the devolved government.

What a myth this treaty of union is.


Dan says:

On the former, well the whole low electricity consumption “eco friendly” light bulb thang could just be a nifty ploy being punted by the oil and gas industry.
Referring back to the conservation of energy principles, some of the “inefficiency” of tungsten filament light bulbs is that for a given emitted brightness, they also generated a lot of heat.
That “wasted” heat actually helped heat the room, so if you switch to low leccy power consuming LED bulbs, you lose the “wasted” heat effect, and thus require to generate the missing heat to keep you warm through burning the oil or gas heating.
It’s a cunning plan, and they would have got away with it too if it weren’t for pesky kids like me.

I bought as many of the twirly bulbs as I thought looked sane when Dumfries Morrison’s reduced them to 49p in 2009.

I still use 2 bought then and gave loads to plenty of folk over time. And left 2 hooses with a full set after flitting.

The new LED ones give off too much blue, more lumens/implied Wattage than predecessors and hurt my eyes…I’ve red and green bulbs to help with that.

Expanding the topic to supply to electrical currents and circuits in sequence/series, if I may?

Due to a poor menu of subjects, I took O Grade & Higher Physics with gritted teeth; The teacher was a grump, and partially deaf, in the 80s days before the ‘PC brigade’ existed and the common law and dark sarcasm in the classroom ensured the humming prank was performed as naturally as when some arsehole pupil got shocked if the Van Der Graaf Generator was oot.

Preamble over…

Why do houses need meters to monitor consumption when output is guided by demand and self-executing within normal operational conditions of the circuitry?

I consume 4kwh/day apparently, but that leccy flows through my hoose, it doesn’t go invisible within it.

Would a ‘Utilities’ tax be easier to sell to the electorate if control of power rested where it should, for the evident oil/gas/electricity/broadband/telephone/water/utility of the people?

We’re in the early days of a brand new constitution and there’s hee-haw new to discover that’s easy to find online at the moment…this does not prove Mr Broon right about the usefulness of school-level Physics to me in the future…or does it? Hmmmm….


I’m no fan of Laura Kuenssberg, but this is quite shocking in my opinion.

” You will be pleased to know hospitals are cancelling appointments for cancer patients on the day of the Queen’s funeral as a “mark of respect” and no, this one is not satire either. This island is getting a little too sinister for my liking.”

link to

James Che

Ian Brotherhood.

I see someone down south has been awarded financial damages for their partner dying after having had a direct link to the vaccine,

It was helpful that the doctor acted accordingly and reported the cause of death on the death certificate,

One of the problems is finding a doctor willing to do that,
However as one or two of the NHS staff and private practices also lose lives themselves after having had vaccines these instance recorded on the death certificate for cause of death may rise signifinantly.

It seems it is up to friends and relatives to pressurise the doctors to report a honest cause of death, if their relative had none of these symtoms before taken the vaccines.

James Che


Here is another good question to ask of energy comsumption.

When the energy companies reduce the energy to house on mass, and raise it back up to normal during times of higher usage, ie meal times,

Do the energy Companies reduce your Bill accordingly to the times they reduce the households energy.

Or do they just charge you the same rates all the time.?


The criticism of David Davies’s letter to Chief Constable of Police Scotland is that this is a Scottish matter & he shouldn’t be interfering.

Could Scottish politicians write a letter like this to the Chief Constable would it not be a breach of the rules.

Even if they could would anyone of them do it.

It curious that David Davies has done this.

What is behind it?

Am I right in thinking that he could if he wanted read out the names of the Alphabetties and be protected by parliamentary

I’m trying to remember what it was he read out before. It had something to do with the Alex Salmond trial.


Republicofscotland says:
13 September, 2022 at 6:11 pm

I’m no fan of Laura Kuenssberg, but this is quite shocking in my opinion.

Is it actually Laura Kuenssberg? The account is
Laura Kuenssberg Translator

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:13 September, 2022 at 6:11 pm

And so another lie sets off around the world, while the truth hunts for its laces.

Are medical procedures being cancelled as a “mark of respect”, or are they being cancelled because it’s a fucking bank holiday and nothing/nobody will be running/working/in/there/available?

Just asking.

Although, with the obligatory 30 seconds online research, looks like it is indeed a fucking holiday.



What exactly is a fuckin’ bank holiday? Is it obligatory?

Is that when all sales of condoms are banned? How would they know if you were observing the holiday or not.

The bank holiday is a mark of respect therefore medical procedures are being cancelled as a mark of respect.



@ Ruby

What David Davis said on March 16th 2021

link to


Dan says:
13 September, 2022 at 6:58 pm

@ Ruby

What David Davis said on March 16th 2021

link to

Cheers Dan! That’s the very thing I was looking for.


Chris Hedges exposes the British royals for what they really are.

link to

John Main

@ Ruby says:13 September, 2022 at 6:55 pm

“The bank holiday is a mark of respect therefore medical procedures are being cancelled as a mark of respect.


Uh oh, Ruby reading my posts again.

Millions of people intend to not work on the day on which the funeral of the late Queen will occur. Some of them out of respect. Some of them because they want to watch a historic event. Some of them cos it’s a good excuse to bunk off.

The government has recognised that the disruption from all of those millions being absent will be so total, that there is little point in the remainder of the workforce attempting to work normally.

So it has bowed to the inevitable, and allowed everybody the day off.

Think of it as like what will happen in Scotland, on the day after we get Indy.


Assuming you have a job, you, Ruby, are free to try to work as normal. If you find that everything is closed, including your workplace, you will have all day to post on here.


Ruby @6.44pm.

Regardless of whether it is or not.

link to

“The decision to cancel appointments comes as hospital waiting lists hit an all-time high: almost 6.8 million people were waiting for appointments at the end of July. More than 377,000 of these patients had been waiting for more than a year.

And NHS data shows that nearly 40% of cancer patients had their treatment delayed beyond the two-month maximum.”

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:13 September, 2022 at 7:22 pm

I stopped reading at “white supremacy”.

Interesting that I used to like reading about the Zulu kings. I just never knew they were buttressing white supremacy.

I guess that Emperor Haile Selassie was another white supremacist.

Strange times we live in. No wonder Hatuey has thrown most of his books away.

Ian Brotherhood

@Republicofscotland –

In case you haven’t heard, Morrison’s has also decided that we must all show respect when using the self-checkouts. This will be achieved by the machines not ‘pinging’ when we scan our purchases.


Dan says:
13 September, 2022 at 6:58 pm

@ Ruby

What David Davis said on March 16th 2021

link to

Stu wrote ‘The boy’s a timebomb’ That’s what most people would have thought but there’s been no time bomb absolutely nothing and that is pretty strange. Same applies to all the other police investigations.

As a result you begin to forget that the Alex Salmond trial ever took place.

I’m interested in knowing what exactly David Davis is up to now.


link to

Can anybody recall Mr Horsebox defending Marion Millar’s right to protest in a peaceful fashion with that ribbon?


“History is present at all times, but the only truth is reality” – Anon

HM Advocate k/a Lord Advocate – some facts.

Criminal cases in the Sheriff courts (eg Breach of Peace) & High Court are prosecuted in the name of HMA on behalf of the monarch as protector of the common & statutory laws. ie HMA v Accused

HMA is one of Scotland’s law officers – advisor to the monarch, and, uncontroversially, principal counsel to the Scottish Government.

HMA is also responsible for the effectice application of justice wrt the defendant in criminal cases, as evidenced by recent public apologies.

HMA also *silently* protects the rights of each side in civil cases in the Sheriff courts and Court of Session [- ensuring that those choosing to present their own case can do so without prejudice and receive the necessary guidance from the court as the case proceeds at each stage. Few claim this right, but it exists. Expensive briefs not needed at all times…]

The functions/officers/powers of the ‘crown in Scotland’ are analogous to those of an overlord & ruler – Scots law doesn’t allow it, because of the common good that’s baked in, notwithstanding the absolute right of the King to administer the union of his crowns.

HMA Dorothy Bain KC is a signatory to the Order in Council that gave Scotland to the Scottish Government & the new Great Seal to the First Minister of Scotland for the common benefit of the people of the kingdom of Scotland.

Her predecessor is the other guy, from Elizabethan Scotland.

Ian Brotherhood asked who would know if he, or anyone, was an impostor btl on WoS.

It’s an excellent question, which I’ll attempt to answer using logic…I’d draw a flowchart if I could because they’re undeniably useful, but here we are and go.

Q: If Ian Brotherhood, or anyone, is/isn’t a tractor/impostor, what information is available that provides a large enough sample to produce an opinion either way likely to land on the right answer?

A: From btl comments of Ian, there’s evidence of twitter (standalone source of ‘info’), email, previous meetings with posters, area of residence etc. From t’wider t’web he’s an author, alumus of Glasgow Uni.

All seemingly banal and benign, although setting crosswords takes patience and skill.

Now, I’m in no way implying any direct connection between Ian and Andy Ellis when writing the following…

*If* you could be a tractor/impostor/agent provocateur, and Ellis was assessed to be so, the link to the admin of the blog created, but also deserted by St Andy (and comments within deleted to avoid any association with him – failed again innit, lolz), namely ‘Scots_Republic’, may cooper the defence.

From memory, Ian sought privacy and stressed importance of such when trying to interact with Michael Laing (Rock Dinsoaur of Ellis’ abandoned effort) further down the chain of the hosting site.

This is only a circumstancial and tenuous link to someone Ian has accused of being l’agent provocateur, but does exist. And he did raise the issue….

On the balance of probabilities, I don’t care who anyone is. I know who I am. I know who Rev Stuart Campbell is.

I make no accusation of tractor status for Ian, reaffirm the cunt status of Ellis, and celebrate the freedom of Scotland given to us by King Charles III.

So, I bid you farewell, I know I’ll never be back.

They’re moving me tomorrow to that tower down the track, but you’ll be hearing from me, dafties, long after I’m gone.

They don’t let a tractor kill you, in the tower of song.

Fin x

Andy Ellis

So, I bid you farewell, I know I’ll never be back.

We can but hope.


Now, you can say that I’ve grown bitter but of this you may be sure
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor
And there’s a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong
You see, you hear these funny voices in the Tower of Song

Ian Brotherhood

@Scott (7.56) –


Not sure whether to be flattered or alarmed. It’s shocking how much of ourselves we give away via these places whether we like it or not.

For me, WOS was always a place where honesty and openness was, in some ways, rewarded – it was much easier to get to know people and ‘find’ them in real life when they were already more than Gravatars. I don’t know if you’ll remember a weekend night, must’ve been early 2014, loads of regulars revealed their real names and ditched the ‘handles’. It was great. Not everyone could do it for obvious (mostly work-related) reasons but it was a real filip at the time and helped cement a feeling of togetherness. It’s really quite hard to remember what that felt like now.

Must admit I do sometimes regret getting involved at all. It felt right at the time and I met some great people, aye, but what’s the cost down the line? Even the folk who use handles will be well-known to the spooks and & 77ers. If there comes a day when we’re all rounded up and taken away, ooooft, that’ll be a sore one and I don’t think my missus would ever forgive me. But it would have to be a mighty operation because there are surely many thousands of us. It would be hard to incarcerate all of us in one fell swoop.

All the more reason to stick with it. Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, eh? And it looks like a lot of folk are thinking likewise. One raised voice here, another there, and the reaction via social media is now driving the narrative (did you hear the build-up to the Liverpool/Ajax game? The fear of a protest during the ‘period of silence’ was tangible) .

By the time they get Auld Liz to London there could be mass ‘protests’ which involve nothing more than citizens (not subjects) standing silent, holding up pages of blank paper.

In the meantime, we can only wait to see if Craig Murray, Iain Lawson and others decide to go to George Square on the 18th. If they do then many of us will feel very tempted, nay obliged, to join them.


For the first time in days the British Boak Corporation Teletext Service (Scotland branch) has resumed adding other “news” stories to their page. The page usually contains a total of 10, supposedly, top news stories each day but recent days have seen only boak-inducing articles in relation to ‘Lizzie’ appear on it. One day there was 4 stories and 6 blank spaces. Another day saw 7 stories and 3 blank spaces. And on another day it was crammed full with all 10 articles relating to her.

There was also one night where 6 BBC channels halted all normal programming and all 6 ran with the exact same footage and reporting from early evening until 6 or 7 am the next morning. Absolutely no need for that. All they had to do was dedicate just one of those channels for those who wanted to view proceedings. They could have dedicated their NEWS24 channel or BBC2, say. The 6 channels that night included the 3 supposedly “Scottish” ones: BBC One Scotland, BBC Scotland and BBC ALBA. The other 3 channels were BBC2, BBC3 and BBC4. And add to them the rolling 24/7 coverage from their “News” channels.

A couple of nights ago, the only footage of all this guff i’ve witnessed, i was unfortunate to land on James Cook sycophantically gushing his best ‘I want an MBE’ performance. Stating that many folk in the Ballater area support Scottish Independence but just as many support the Union – cue cut to a couple from Northern Ireland waxing sycophantically lyrical about just how great Queenie was. That’s it, one couple from over there who do not come from the Ballater area. Thing is, most of us would spot that but most outwith Scotland wouldn’t have a Scooby.

Aye! Talk about propaganda? Good Auld Aunty never lets us down. Milking their monarch’s death for all it’s worth. They have no shame! Don’t know about anyone else but my puke-pale runneth over. Thank f@ck for Netflix! The most watched entertainment platform in my household, EVER!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the rest of us will continue our preparations for facing death in the face this fast approaching winter as we struggle to heat or eat. My top tip, folks? Invest in a good set of dice. Or if you have a pack of playing cards you could always play cut the pack, Aces high.


I’m tempted to go a wee wander west anyway and have a walk around; if nothing else, I’ve pals in Glasgow that I haven’t seen in ages.

Must remember to take a blank sheet of paper…

Ian Brotherhood

Further to the vaccine-inquiry tweet I posted earlier today, this is another with a direct link which may be useful.

link to

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B and Stoker: but don’t you think all the frenzy of conformity whipped up by the BBC is powered by a Great Fear that most people were at best finally pretty neutral on the queen and frankly can’t stand Charles III, WEF poster boy?

All the usual sycophants called to perform before the cameras do remind me collectively of an apparently serene swan whose feet are working furiously below the surface to head off resistance but is increasingly desperate and worried about how the proles will react once they’ve had time to take it all in, especially when they see folk arrested for holding up blank sheets of paper.

I sense the desperation of the Establishment in this very awkward interim period and I’m sure many Yessers could have predicted the banning of the Festival on Sunday on whatever pretext could be thought up.

The next few days will be very interesting.

Robert Hughes

” I stopped reading at “white supremacy”.

You would have missed this bit then

” The royals are oligarchs. They are guardians of their class. The world’s largest landowners include King Mohammed VI of Morocco with 176 million acres, the Holy Roman Catholic Church with 177 million acres, the heirs of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia with 531 million acres and now, King Charles III with 6.6 billion acres of land. British monarchs are worth almost $28 billion.

The British public will provide a $33 million subsidy to the Royal Family over the next two years, although the average household in the U.K. saw its income fall for the longest period since records began in 1955 and 227,000 households experience homelessness in Britain. ”

Does K.C.3 n The Moonshine Band reeeeally need that $33m d’ye think ?

Ian Brotherhood

@Derek (8.51) –

As it happens, I’ve been discussing a long-overdue post-covid swally with some pals.

Sunday seems as good a time as any.

Interested in meeting up at some point, preferably in a pub which doesn’t have a telly?!



Very few without a tv, certainly in the centre. Blackfriars, maybe, or the West brewery (never been there yet) on the Green? Ben Nevis hasn’t, but that’s in Finnieston.

Ian Brotherhood

@Derek –

I’m aiming to be there about 12.30ish.

Still waiting to hear from others if they can make it.

The whole ‘telly’ thing isn’t a big deal anyway.


It seems to me that this place had a more pleasant atmosphere today, with less bickering and more interesting conversations taking place. That’s good, I think. Hopefully we can keep it up and all get along better.

I should remember to kick Andy Ellis’s ass into line more often.


Brian Doonthetoon

RE: Sunday 18th.

I have my buses booked. Saturday, to Cumbernauld, where Ronnie is collecting me. I will work on his iMac Saturday evening, then on Sunday pm, we should be in Glasgow, in Dows from teatime onwards, till I go for my bus at 19.10.

See you there!

Ian Brotherhood



PS I know this is a hardy perennial argument, but when is ‘teatime’?!



IanB, I might be able to get out for a couple of beers on Sunday too, if I get permission.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breastplate –


Brian Doonthetoon

HI Ian B.

Around 5pm is traditional teatime, at least in this neck of the central belt.

Ian Brotherhood


If you’re in your familiar jaikit I shall find ye sah!



“Teatime” is a moveable feast, but I’d guess at around 4-ish onwards…


Hatuey says:
13 September, 2022 at 10:59 pm

It seems to me that this place had a more pleasant atmosphere today, with less bickering and more interesting conversations taking place. That’s good, I think. Hopefully we can keep it up and all get along better.

I should remember to kick Andy Ellis’s ass into line more often.

Very well done! Keep up the good work!


“Today (03/06/2020), through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset…”:

link to


World Economic Forum: Great Reset:

“…determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons…”:

link to


The sad thing about all these people paying respects to the Queen is that she isn’t going to know.

There is no TV in the valley of the dead.

Andy Ellis

I should remember to kick Andy Ellis’s ass into line more often.

That’s hilarious. The idea that sad inadequate like you could kick anyones ass in here given your output doesn’t stand up to the least scrutiny. Little better can be expected from someone prepared to publicly flaunt his philistinism on line of course, however much it panders to the loud claque of moonhowlers who have taken up residence below the line.

Anyone who you’ve picked a fight with has quickly exposed your otiose reasoning, as your recent pearls of wisdom about the value of degrees and the hard of thinking agreeing with you are a case in point.

Being king of the dung heap isn’t the achievement you seem to think. 🙂


OMG Gregor’s back!

‘The 5 boys’ are going to have a major meltdown!

I think there may only be 4 boys but there wasn’t a bar of chocolate called 4 boys.

link to

Why do you think I call them after a bar of chocolate?


Andy Ellis

You have got to laugh at some of them on here. I know it is difficult to do so but it is probably best to try and ignore the more obvious of the nutters.
Will you be popping along to the soiree on Sunday to mingle with the BPHB? Personally I will give it a miss. The fact that I am in sunnier climes at the moment is irrelevent. I would not be going anywhere near them at any time.


What would you call someone who regards degrees in history, politics, social sciences, international relationships as being as useful as a chocolate teapot?

I’m wondering if telling someone they have a useless degree is worse than calling them a cunt?


Chas says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:06 am

Andy Ellis

You have got to laugh at some of them on here. I know it is difficult to do so but it is probably best to try and ignore the more obvious of the nutters.

Pearls of wisdom for Andy from Chas.
Will he pay any attention?

I’m wondering if getting one of these ‘chocolate teapot degrees’ causes you to lose all reason. What do you think Chas.

It’s good of you to give Andy advice especially when you regards you as ‘a snivelling online coward’


Andy Ellis says:
14 September, 2022 at 7:49 am

I should remember to kick Andy Ellis’s ass into line more often.

That’s hilarious. The idea that sad inadequate like you could kick anyones ass in here given your output doesn’t stand up to the least scrutiny. Little better can be expected from someone prepared to publicly flaunt his philistinism on line of course, however much it panders to the loud claque of moonhowlers who have taken up residence below the line.

Anyone who you’ve picked a fight with has quickly exposed your otiose reasoning, as your recent pearls of wisdom about the value of degrees and the hard of thinking agreeing with you are a case in point.

Being king of the dung heap isn’t the achievement you seem to think.

FFS Andy you really need to learn how to insult using fewer words. Can I suggest cunt might be a good word. That really hits home. The last guy I called a cunt has been greetin’ about for well over six months.

Nobody is going to hang around to listen to the above. Your opponent will have run off given you the V sign and told you to fuck off before you even get past ‘The idea that sad inadequate’



@ gregor

Good timing. Last night whilst looking through Horsebox’s stable of tweets for something, I happened to find this one from Nov 2020 when he was going for SNP Presidency.
Another individual reeling out that ever so common short unimaginative phrase.

link to

But presumably Build Back Better doesn’t include ferries…


My francophone great grandmother has called these current spectacles «la danse macabre de la monarchie anglaise».
No republican she, «Now i am embarassed , Allah!, i’m turning republican».
There is hope yet for the «benighted».


«la danse macabre de la monarchie anglaise».

As Alex Salmond said to Lord Leveson

monarchie anglaise – I like that.


@ Ruby

With all yesterday’s talk on art, I was hoping Chas is actually Morph’s plasticine mate from the art show Take Heart, and thus he’d be well equipped to school moonhowlers lacking knowledge and appreciation on all things art.

1.30min of the lads.
link to


“Under cover of the Queen’s death, Liz Truss lifted the fracking ban two days ago. A swathe of fracking licences across the country is the result.”

“Energy is reserved to Westminster they could override Holyrood as feared with the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020.”

link to


Andy, all the subjects you tried to lockdown and all the arguments you made, about covid, the war, claim of right, etc., they’ve all unraveled in the last few weeks.

Even the Pope agrees with those of us who attributed blame to NATO and arms dealers.

You’ve unraveled.

I blame the education system, as I said.

What use is an education system that makes people so wrong and so intolerant?


Dan says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:58 am

@ Ruby

With all yesterday’s talk on art, I was hoping Chas is actually Morph’s plasticine mate from the art show Take Heart, and thus he’d be well equipped to school moonhowlers lacking knowledge and appreciation on all things art.

Hi Dan

I did reply to your post but it seems to have disappeared.
It might appear later.


Dan says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:58 am

@ Ruby

With all yesterday’s talk on art, I was hoping Chas is actually Morph’s plasticine mate from the art show Take Heart, and thus he’d be well equipped to school moonhowlers lacking knowledge and appreciation on all things art.

That would be handy we could do with some art lessons. He could bring Morph if he wanted.
Chas is currently in Spain doing the ‘birdy dance’ & shouting at deaf Spaniards.
Maybe when he gets back he’ll educate us members of ‘The Bonny Purple Heather Brigade’
Bonny his spelling not mine.

FYI I’m currently working on a cartoon. It’s about two blocks who have taken it outside and are having an argument in the pub car park. It’s great just how many ideas you get here on Wings.

One has a tee shirt with a ‘Chocolate Teapot & MA PHD on the front and has a gigantic speech bubble. Still working on the other guy.

FFS Just received an email to say all Edinburgh Leisure swimming pools & gyms will be closed on Monday.


HM, as PofW, was rather buddy buddy with the gang of Davos.
He is too old a leopard to change his spots.
Under the funeral pall the beast is stirring.


Tinto Chiel says on 13 September, 2022 at 9:08 pm:

“…but don’t you think all the frenzy of conformity whipped up by the BBC is powered by a Great Fear that most people were at best finally pretty neutral on the queen and frankly can’t stand Charles III, WEF poster boy?”

Oh without a doubt, Tinto, there will be a certain degree of this motivating them. They see the “popularity” of the monarchy slipping further now she’s gone. Diana’s spectre (or should that be sceptre 😉 ) is looming large too. LOL!

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 10.21 am

As so often in the past, you asserting things and those things bearing any relationship to reality are two quite different things.

None of the things you mention have unravelled as you assert. Vaccine denial remains a-scientific tosh. Vlad and his nice bunch of lads are now being rolled back from the territory they invaded. The claim of right remains a sideshow to actually bringing about independence.

Turning to the Pope as support for your woo woo beliefs probably isn’t the slam dunk move you think.

I’m not intolerant of arguments at all, still less do I try to shut them down. Pointing out that the arguments made are both fallacious and lacking in popular support is as much fun as it is an obligation.

As stated before, I’d much rather the arguments of covidiots, regressive nativist, and sophomoric shills for Vlad the Invader were exposed to the full light of day to be revealed in all their idiocy.

The philistinism of your recent commentary on here tells anyone with any insight what they need to know about your worldview. Nobody is stopping you exposing your intellectual nakedness, but don’t let the enthusiastic clapping of a handful of cranks in here convince you that you’re actually clothed in the latest of intellectual designer couture.


Some bank holiday where you can’t do anything but stay at home and watch TV.

Even the foodbanks are closed! So’ they’ll not even be any popcorn.

Still I could work on my cartoon.

I’ve decided ‘Chocolate Teapot’ MA PHD man will have his 3 mates behind him backing him up.
One is as red as a beetroot and looks like a lump of plasticine, he’s flapping his arms in the air as if he’s doing the birdy dance. As yet his tee shirt is blank. Is he protesting or will I add a nifty little symbol? decisions! decisions! decisions!

PS Does anyone here believe in re-incarnation?
Are you praying that the Queen has ‘a fortunate re-birth’ & doesn’t return in the ‘wrong body’?


intellectual designer couture?

The mind boggles!

Is an old cardigan with leather arm patches part of the ensemble?

Andy Ellis

@Chas 8.06 am

Will you be popping along to the soiree on Sunday to mingle with the BPHB? Personally I will give it a miss.

Sheesh, can you imagine it….? It’d be the real life version of walking in to the Clansman in Still Game. 🙂

Ruby as Isa Drennan, Brotherhood as Winston Ingram and Hatuey as Tam Mullen.


This is an unusual twist on the UKSC’s decision on an indyref. However, I think the UKSC will swiftly move on past it, after giving it a cursory once over.

“A POLITICAL party which advocates for English independence has applied to intervene in the Supreme Court case on Scotland’s right to hold a referendum.”

link to

James Che

5th time asking the question.

Just for clarification,
We know what date the Old Scottish parliament signed up to enter the treaty of the union with England’s parliament,

We know what date the old Scottish parliament closed it’s doors.


James Che


I just read that as well.

James Che

The People of England are in the same situations as Scotland, they are losing their identity.
Losing their old original Constitution of england by being called British not English,
British is many nationalities,

James Che

The British government is a institution.
The English people are not a institution,
The Scots are not an institution,
The Irish are not an institution,
The Welsh are not and institution.

They are natives as indigenous to there Countries,
Scots have there own language, Welsh have their own language, Irish have their own language, even England has its own language that its shared around the world,

For indigenous nations live in Britain.with their own music language and national dress,

Andy Ellis

@James Che 12.12 pm

The reason you’re not getting much response, apart from the understandable ennui with your monomania amongst most BTL, is that your question is anachronistic. I encourage you – if for no other reason than to gie us all some peace – to go and read the article by Professor Karin Bowie, entitled “Public, People and Nation in Early Modern Scotland”, easily available in any search engine. 26 pages for you to read and inwardly digest, explaining why your question is flawed.

The section discussing the Nation in particular shows why your idée fixe is pointless. The franchise remained limited to propertied elites. The parliamentary act establishing representatives for smaller nobles, barons and substantial freeholders of crown estates, the new shire commissioners, in 1587 were there to help the king understand the needs of the “commons of true realm”.

The rise of shire and burgh commissioners in the early 17th century – effectively a “Scottish Commons” – may have implied that the Parliament represented more than just the limited franchise of actual electors, but that doesn’t mean Parliament accepted modern notions of universal suffrage.

James Che

You mean you can not give an specific accurate answer,

James Che

If I recall, the shires in Scotland petitioned against joining the treaty of the union.
The Scots also said No to joining the treaty of the union,

6th time asking.

What date did the Sovereign Scots join the Treaty of the union?


Sorry if my uneducated opinion is offensive to you or anyone else, Andy.

About 99% of your attacks on people in here are waged on the basis of your deep concern for what visitors might think and how certain views might negatively impact on support for independence.

But I don’t know how that concern can be considered sincere when we have educated cadres like you and Boyle telling us things like the Irish brought the famine on themselves, the war in the east is a just war against Russian aggression, etc.

The Vatican, for what it’s worth, has guidance on taking a political stance. From memory they came up with that guidance in the 1960s when they were under a lot of pressure over their stance on the nazis. It’s interesting. The upshot is that they generally want to remain impartial on politics except when there’s compelling moral arguments for taking a stance.

We can assume, then, that the Pope and his advisors thought very carefully before they made comment on the war in the east. And we can assume that their attribution of blame to NATO and western arms dealers was couched in the most diplomatic terms they could find. That’s how it reads.

Regardless, I think people should be allowed to discuss these things here without being attacked in the most scathing terms you can muster.

And I think Scottish people should be allowed to express national pride and celebrate their Scottishness without being told they are vile nationalist fruitcakes.

Education-wise, I’m definitely a pig satisfied, which I can confirm is more fun than being Socrates dissatisfied.


Naïve Scots nats, SNP included, have flirted with independence for England parties as if there were some common ground. There is not. These tiny groups stress that rid of Scotland, Wales and N Ireland England would be very much richer, England being the UK’s economic powerhouse and the rest effectively «carpetbaggers».
Of course that we’d be better off argument has the true utilitarian ping of the «nation of shopkeepers» check out.


This royal pomp and circumstance is getting beyond a joke now, the latest is that you are being advised not to go out for a cycle on your bike during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. It’s bad enough that that people are being brainwashed with almost24/7 coverage of every minor detail, backed up with a host of fawning sycophants relaying every second’s worth of footage and what it means, that some folk will now be wary of going out on their bikes for a bit of exercise.

“Don’t go for a ride during the Queen’s funeral, cyclists told
As detailed here, a host of events have been cancelled or postponed on the day of the Queen’s funeral on Monday, prompting mixed responses.

Guidance issued by British cycling has now emerged that suggest people should avoid going out on their bike while the service and “associated processions” take place.

“British Cycling strongly recommends that anybody out riding their bike on the day of the State Funeral does so outside of the timings of the funeral service and associated processions,” a statement said.”


James Che.

You might find this of interest.


The ‘Claim of Right’ is the only act ratified by both parliaments that carries a death penalty for anyone who disavows it. We even have a £2 coin.”

link to

Meanwhile as royalist bemoan those that protest against royalty during this period of mourning for Queen Elizabeth. I wonder what they make of the now King Charles III, giving staff their redundancy notices during the church service for Queen Elizabeth.

link to


That’s hilarious, RoS.

God save the king… oh, and btw, you’re fired.

I’m sure John Main will be along soo to explain it. He seems to believe in sharing our sovereignty with monarchs, for reasons that are hard to explain, but is deeply opposed to sharing sovereignty with Europeans through EFTA or whatever, even though doing so would bring a multitude of measurable benefits.

All of the loudmouths are unraveling on here.

I’m sitting looking over the Clyde with a latte listening to Shostakovich’s 7th symphony, which seems very appropriate for a bunch of reasons. Good students of history will know why.


So the UK government is going to increase Scottish oil and gas production and create a massive new level of debt to fund a subsidy to Iberdrola and other eu based energy providers who will now face a windfall tax in the eu. Essentially thanks to UK incompetence we will be paying for eu firms windfall tax payments to the eu.
You could not make this stuff up
How long will the totally incompetent Nicola stay quiet on this on.

John Main

@Robert Hughes says:13 September, 2022 at 9:48 pm

”King Charles III with 6.6 billion acres of land”

Hmmm, that amounts to about 18% of the entire non-watery surface of the Earth, so I am going to be frank and assert it is utter shite.

Defo getting an insight into this multiple-IDs thingy though. The only other poster on here who regularly displays mind-boggling numerical illiteracy is Ruby.

John Main

@Hatuey says:14 September, 2022 at 10:21 am

“What use is an education system that makes people so wrong and so intolerant?”

Dunno if you are claiming to be educated or naw.

When you were on here calling for death to the unvaxxed, was that wrong, intolerant, both, neither?

Or just a historical fact, which according to your current fad, can be written off as shite?

John Main

@Hatuey says:14 September, 2022 at 4:07 pm

“I’m sure John Main will be along soo to explain it. He seems to believe in sharing our sovereignty with monarchs, for reasons that are hard to explain, but is deeply opposed to sharing sovereignty with Europeans through EFTA or whatever, even though doing so would bring a multitude of measurable benefits”

It’s a fact that King Charles 3 is King Of Scotland. Belief or disbelief doesn’t change a fact. Feel free to convince a majority of Scots that this fact should be undone by democratic means. Be sure to list the compelling advantages for each Scot. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that ideological purity, “stands to reason”, or “it would be nice”, will cut any ice with apathetic rationalists.

As for sharing (AKA diluting) our sovereignty with the EU, Alf Baird demonstrated quite conclusively just the other day that the Scots majority for Remain was simply an artifact of our colonised, cringing state.

Hardly any time on here since there was a Hatuey telling us how he was a firm convert to the “Scotland as colony” trope.

But that can’t be this Hatuey. The curse of the multiple, self-contradicting posts under the same ID strikes again!

John Main

@Shug says:14 September, 2022 at 4:54 pm

“Essentially thanks to UK incompetence we will be paying for eu firms windfall tax payments to the eu.
You could not make this stuff up”

Rich countries sub the EU, Shug. Poorer countries hold their hands out.

As long as you are not one of the pro-EU, “dragged out by our hair, kicking and screaming against our wishes” brigade, you have a valid point.

Otherwise, your thinking could do with some joining up of the dots.

On a different but related point, Iberdrola owns Scottish Power. Plenty of Scots might still own the Iberdrola shares they got when Scottish Power was taken over.

Robert Hughes

John Main says:
14 September, 2022 at 4:58 pm
@Robert Hughes says:13 September, 2022 at 9:48 pm

”King Charles III with 6.6 billion acres of land”

” Hmmm, that amounts to about 18% of the entire non-watery surface of the Earth, so I am going to be frank and assert it is utter shite. ”

I admit I did think that was a typo , but if you read the piece ROS posted by Chris Hedges – a REAL journalist , scrupulous in his information , the figure quoted is in a different font , I assume to emphasise that it’s not a typo . I find it hard to believe he would make such a howler , then draw attention to it

Maybe this figure relates to all the land on which he has some claim worldwide ?

Even if it is a mistake – the fact of the matter is the Monarchy are fabulously wealthy , and that their still happy – indeed think it’s their right – to take money from the people of the UK tells you everything you need to know about the parasitical nature of the Windsor Corporation


John Main says:

Defo getting an insight into this multiple-IDs thingy though. The only other poster on here who regularly displays mind-boggling numerical illiteracy is Ruby.

How do you explain artistic licence to someone like John Main?

Dicitonary definition:
plural noun: billions
the number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000 or 109.
“a world population of nearly 5 billion”
a very large number or amount of something.

“our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now”
a billion pounds or dollars.
“the problem persists despite the billions spent on it”

Same will apply to millions & shitloads.
Do you think he’ll get it?

PS You’ve caught me I do have multiple identities although Robert Hughes isn’t one of them. Time to be honest. Might come as a bit of a shock but I am Andy Ellis and so is my husband. Andrew and Andrea Ellis.

James Che


Thanks for the infomation, and No I did not know that,

I have a “did you know? ” for you too.

The 1st Parliament of Great Britain,
The legal background to convening of the 1st parliament.
The continuity of the English Parliament.
Source wikipedia :

The article talk is intriguing it debates wether the English Parliament held continuity into the British parliament.

Which of course would breach the treaty of the union on day one of the treaty of the union,
Apparently this has never been tested.

Note, See/ read also: the Triennial Act 1694 English Parliament.

John Main

@Ruby says:14 September, 2022 at 5:41 pm

“Might come as a bit of a shock but I am Andy Ellis”

Cool, that means I can call you a .

Naw, better naw 🙂

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 1.55 pm

Sorry if my uneducated opinion is offensive to you or anyone else, Andy.

As the old saw has it, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. You’re entitled to yours, I’m entitled to mine. I’m entitled to say I think your opinion on certain issues is regressive, or barking, or ill-informed or offensive. Such is life.

About 99% of your attacks on people in here are waged on the basis of your deep concern for what visitors might think and how certain views might negatively impact on support for independence.

Not 99%, though it is certainly part of the reason I’m prepared to engage, and if I think the individual concerned or what passes for their argument merits it to attack both their argument and them if I find their argument and way of interacting merits it. You and others are free to disagree as is often pointed out. Nobody (within the contraints of Rev Stu’s patience) is stopping you, or censoring you, or trying to close you or others down. Idiocy and arguments that have something of the night about them SHOULD be subject to the light of reason. Happy to help!

But I don’t know how that concern can be considered sincere when we have educated cadres like you and Boyle telling us things like the Irish brought the famine on themselves, the war in the east is a just war against Russian aggression, etc.

To be clear, I don’t particularly care if you think my concern is sincere or not. I don’t accept that you’re a good faith actor in this. Mr Boyle can speak for himself as to whether your summation of his analysis of the Irish Famine is correct. Like all such major issues there are nuances that some people – knowingly because they have an axe to grind, or unknowingly because they are ignorant of the facts, or don’t know enough to see beyond their own world view – simply don’t want to hear.

The war in the East is a just war against Russian aggression, whether they felt surrounded or threatened by NATO, or any of the other reasons Vlad and his apologists come out with. The fact they sincerely believe something doesn’t make it true. Similarly, the fact that some people here think the US / West is The Great Satan, and are quite unselfconscious about saying so, doesn’t render it factual, or accepted by more than a small minority of Scottish voters or those in the independence movement.

I know it triggers some to be told that Scotland is not and never has been a colony, and that Scots were enthusiastic participants in and beneficiaries of the British Imperial adventure, but it remains true irrespective of the poverty of many Scots, or the clearances.

Regardless, I think people should be allowed to discuss these things here without being attacked in the most scathing terms you can muster.

You and others keep asserting that people aren’t “allowed” to discuss things. It simply isn’t true. People don’t like being told by others that they find their opinions politically regressive, or damaging to the movement or even morally loathsome. Big deal. There is no right not to be offended.

And I think Scottish people should be allowed to express national pride and celebrate their Scottishness without being told they are vile nationalist fruitcakes.

People should also be allowed to point out that there are vile nationalist fruitcakes however, and too many people shilling for their regressive worldview. As you’ll have seen, the moonhowlers in here have absolutely no compunction about labelling those who disagree with them as plants, closet unionists, Sturgeonistas, or just cunt calling them and telling them to fuck off.

Perhaps it’s just me but I think being called out as being a regressive nativist, or at least supporting a regressive nativist position, or being described as a moonhowler for endorsing conspiracy theories, or maintaining that the people of Country 404 “had it coming” is entirely fair comment. It’s certainly nowhere near as bad as being called a *tractor (ed) or a plant, or not a “real nationalist”.

Since you’re a fan of Shostakovich you’ll know that even his life and work is the subject of revisionist and anti-revisionist interpretations. Since you’re an avowed philistine however I’ll leave you to your milky drink and dreich outlook, whether intellectual or geographic.


John Main says:
14 September, 2022 at 6:08 pm

@Ruby says:14 September, 2022 at 5:41 pm

“Might come as a bit of a shock but I am Andy Ellis”

Cool, that means I can call you a .

Naw, better naw ?

You can call Andy Ellis a cunt any time you want but be warned you will never hear the end of it. I do believe you did call me a cunt on ‘billions’ of occasions.

I want to ask you a personal question and I genuinely do not mean it in a nasty way I would just like to know as I would prefer not to be making jokes about you taking everything so literally.

Are you autistic? I don’t know that much about autism I just read the following article & that’s the extent of my knowledge.

link to


Andy Ellis says:

Big deal. There is no right not to be offended.

Is that really true? What about hate crimes, race crimes etc.


@john main
Your starting to should like sensible dave

Do you share shifts with him



Mark Boyle

Republicofscotland says:
14 September, 2022 at 10:19 am

“Under cover of the Queen’s death, Liz Truss lifted the fracking ban two days ago. A swathe of fracking licences across the country is the result.”

“Energy is reserved to Westminster they could override Holyrood as feared with the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020.”

link to

Here we go again.

This is a prime example of what happens when people get their “facts” off Twitter, the 21st century equivalent of “a bloke down the pub told me.”

Truss said she was lifting the ban BEFORE the Queen died – indeed it was one of the last things she announced to the House of Commons before it went into limbo.

link to

Published: 12:03, 8 September 2022 | Updated: 14:37, 8 September 2022

Much as I despise Truss, who is going to make Boris look like a paragon of virtue and competence by comparison faster than your worst fears can imagine, it’s reprehensible to attribute her with doing a Jo Moore on this count – she actually lifted the fracking ban just hours before the Queen’s death: fortuitous timing on her part rather than design.

What she DID do on Monday was reveal the massive amounts of money – well over half a million – she received for her leadership campaign, a lot of it from the energy lobby (£100 000 alone from an “ex-BP director”). BP “just happens” to co-own a series of companies involved in the extraction of “unconventional gas”.

But anyone following her leadership campaign had already guessed as much: she does have form as an energy industry arsepiece mouthpiece.

Robert Hughes

Right , it’s fess-up time

” Robert Hughes ” is a name I use when I’m writing factual stuff

” Andy Ellis ” is my nom-de-prune
when I’m writing fiction

” Ruby ” is the name I use when I’m writing comedy

” Chas ” is the name I use when I’m steamin’ n don’t know or care WTF I’m writing

My real is name is ………..Silas Haslam 🙂


Andy Ellis says:
14 September, 2022 at 11:42 am

@Chas 8.06 am

Will you be popping along to the soiree on Sunday to mingle with the BPHB? Personally I will give it a miss.

Sheesh, can you imagine it….? It’d be the real life version of walking in to the Clansman in Still Game.

Ruby as Isa Drennan, Brotherhood as Winston Ingram and Hatuey as Tam Mullen.

Too many ‘scheemies’ in that bar for you Andy?

Ellis describes people who live in social housing as ‘scheemies’ personally I think that is despicable and he definitely merits being called a cunt and told too fuck off.

He and Chas no doubt will be off for a drink in ‘The New Club’ where if they show any signs of being independence supporters will be asked to leave by the back door.


Mark Boyle @7.30pm.

I didn’t say that Truss hadn’t planned it previously, I merely passed on when she did it, via Twitter. Queen Elizabth died on Thursday, and we are going through mourning period where everything is focused on the queen, what better a time to implement your earlier policy, when you’d be least likely to have widespread demos outside Westminster.


Re my 8.09pm. comment.

Mark Boyle.

Interestingly your link is dated the 8th of September, and Queen Elizabeth died on the 8th of September, I will however give you the benefit of the doubt that Liz Truss did announce it first.


” Andy Ellis ” is my nom-de-prune
when I’m writing fiction

‘Aye but see your ‘Historical Fantasy BDSM Shapeshifters’ stories they gie me nightmares.

John Main

@Ruby says:14 September, 2022 at 6:27 pm

“I do believe you did call me a cunt on ‘billions’ of occasions.”

OK, Ruby, I am prepared to take your belief at face value and I am prepared to consider your use of “billions” as artistic/autistic license.

But, as I have absolutely no recollection of calling you that, NOT EVEN ONCE, you need to either put up or shut up.

Please post a reference to where I have called you that, and I will apologise.

Thank you.

Andy Ellis

Ellis describes people who live in social housing as ‘scheemies’ personally I think that is despicable and he definitely merits being called a cunt and told too fuck off.

Who knew someone with such a foul mouth would be such a delicate wee pearl clutching flower? So sheemie = despicable, moonhowler = bad, nativist = bad. Cunt = just fine, being told too (sic) fuck off = just scheemie bantz. Riiiiight….uh huh…

Luckily there are plenty of bars in Edinburgh to avoid folk like Ruby, assuming she’s not already barred with a mouth like hers of course.

Mark Boyle

Republicofscotland says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:16 pm

Re my 8.09pm. comment.

Mark Boyle.

Interestingly your link is dated the 8th of September, and Queen Elizabeth died on the 8th of September, I will however give you the benefit of the doubt that Liz Truss did announce it first.

And as from THE TIMES WHEN THEY WERE POSTED ONLINE it was clearly before the Queen’s death.

What part of Published: 12:03, 8 September 2022 | Updated: 14:37, 8 September 2022 do you have reading comprehension difficulties with?

Not only was on the article, but which I clearly posted underneath to make the point.

John Main

Mark Boyle

Not even Scotland is self-sufficient in renewable energy generation ALL OF THE TIME. The requirement for a base load generating system to cover shortfalls due to lack of wind and hydro power, etc. which with current technology requires gas, justifies North Sea expansion and onshore fracking.

In the absence of artificial petrochemical-derived fertilizers, not even Scotland will be able to grow sufficient food to avoid hunger. Organic agriculture is not viable as the sole means of feeding ourselves.

Post-Indy, should Scotland become self-sufficient in energy and food, we will have a hungry and resource-poor neighbour to the south, plus any number of European countries in the same situation. Scotland stands to make huge sums in foreign exchange by exploiting its fossil petrochemical reserves. Even if all of Europe becomes carbon zero for energy, the absolute necessity for petrochemical-derived fertilizers will remain.

I am very pleased indeed to see new North Sea job opportunities opening up for Scots.

As for that COP26 nonsense, I said at the time that we were crazy to stop our own gas developments whilst we were still dependent on gas. February 24, 2022 proved me right.

And meantime, our friends in India, China, etc. are continuing to ramp up their own fossil fuel use. World demand for oil and gas on current trends won’t peak until 2050 or so. Anything we do here will barely show on the graphs of climate destruction.


We are supposed to be here to talk up Scotland. Why are people being called schemies and moonhowlers?

When was the last time anyone saw Andy Ellis say something positive about Scotland?

When was the last time anyone saw the scientist John Main say something positive about anything (except the Queen)?

And please stop bullying Ruby. I find the way you viciously attack her very unpleasant to witness and if you did that to a woman in the street I’d definitely feel compelled to intervene — seriously, stop it.

Brian Doonthetoon

The term “Billion” has been appropriated, in order to water down its significance.
In terms of Mathematics, A “Billion” is a Million to the power of 2 (bi). That is, a Million x a Million. Similarly, a “Trillion” is a Million to the power of 3 (tri). That is a Million x a Million x a Million.

However, in economic terms, a “Billion” has been assumed to be a Thousand “Million”. Similarly, a Trillion is taken to be a thousand times a Billion.

Yer average peep on the Fintry bus can grasp the concept of a Million, coz that used to be what could be won on the pools.

When you start to water down the figures, it makes it a lot more difficult for the peep on the Fintry bus to grasp the concept of the figures involved in any discussion.

The Holyrood “grant” from the UK parliament is around 35 Billion. But, is that 35 Thousand Million, or 35 Million Million? I suspect it is the lower figure of 35 Thousand Million.

Talk is in “Billions” to confuse us.

John Main

Hatuey, walking along street, spots an earnest ongoing conversation.

Woman: You just called me a cunt.

Man: I think you are mistaken.

Woman: You did, you called me a cunt, lots of times.

Man: I don’t remember that, when did I call you a cunt? Remind me and I will apologise.

Hatuey (to man): You speak to her once more like that and I will be compelled to intervene.

Man (to Hatuey): [adopting Stewie voice] Uh huh ???

John Main

Brian Doonthetoon

The 1000 million usage is American.

The 1 million million used to be the one we used here, but like so much of our culture and general usage, we became Americanised. Hence a billion is almost always 1000 million these days.

UK GDP is a bit over 2 trillion (2 million million), thus you will see that the HR grant can’t be 35 million million, it has to be the 35 thousand million.

Trust me. I’m a scientist and still have all of my books.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 8.42 pm

Seriously, stop defending low lives like Ruby. Nobody sane takes her victim claiming remotely seriously when she tries playing the misogyny card herself, it’s even less believable coming from you.

She’s not being bullied nor is she being targeted because she claims to be female: she’s being called out for being a thoroughly nasty piece of work.

People with a-scientific, conspiracy theorising MO’s promoting their woo-woo ad infinitum are being accurately described as moonhowlers. If the term scheemie gives you a fit of the vapours, but folk being routinely described as cunts, told to fuck off, and being described as plants and closet yoons seems acceptable to you, then you’re part of the problem not part of the solution. Of course, you’re only interested in defending the abusers because it suits your purpose.

if there’s something positive to shout about in Scotland, I’ll be happy to do it….it just seems to me there aren’t a hell of a lot of things to be positive about right now. That being said, I’m not running around like Chicken Licken prophesying that the sky is going to fall like some in here either.

Mark Boyle

@John Main.

I for one am not against other fuel sources, but I am completely against an airhead signing off chits to her financial backers caring not a Mile High Club whether they’re remotely realistic – and fracking, no matter what its apologists may claim, is a Ponzi scheme which rears its head whenever there’s energy concerns.

Scotland has past experience of this, and the collapse of over a third of the entire Scottish professional football league in 1925-26 due to the shale oil industry’s collapse once the funds for mugs dried up is a stark warning from our own backyard.

The moral tale of how Christopher Faulkner conned all Texas ought to have killed this rubbish stone dead, but as Barnum said there’s a sucker born every minute, especially amongst the rich and greedy. But it’s all too often the poor, via government bailouts to “entrepreneurs” from their taxes, who pay.

link to

link to

And this was the bullshit he spun the environmental lobby right up to his arrest.

link to



It’s heartening to see that your passion, public interest and level of commitment appears to remain resolute, while we collectively endure the greatest global systematic meltdown/power-shift in modern history.


Thanks for the link re. buildbackbetterSNP. It’s indisputable, WEF shills/useful idiots are everywhere spewing similar pathetic plastic sound-bites, on a level and at a scale that blows ‘They Live’ away.

Should bbb preside over Scotland ferries, I would likely focus on the issuing of state contracts towards Scot Gov’s private corporate strategic WEF partners. should be fully aware that it cannot bbb-anything …with zero integrity.

@Ottomanboi re. “He is too old a leopard to change his spots.
Under the funeral pall the beast is stirring.”

WEF King accepts bags stuffed with cash (e.g. from fellow WEF members: £2.6m, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani), while simultaneously playing a key role in the same organisation aiming to murder cash through implementation of it’s own global digital currency/human identity system (‘the devil’ must be lovin’ the rank duplicity and disgusting malfeasance).

…It’s good to know that the public is alive and kicking:

link to


John Main says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:21 pm

@Ruby says:14 September, 2022 at 6:27 pm

“I do believe you did call me a cunt on ‘billions’ of occasions.”

OK, Ruby, I am prepared to take your belief at face value and I am prepared to consider your use of “billions” as artistic/autistic license.

But, as I have absolutely no recollection of calling you that, NOT EVEN ONCE, you need to either put up or shut u

You don’t remember calling me pubes?

If someone could tell me how to make a link to a post I could link to loads of your posts where you called me pubes. pubes/cunt its the same thing in case you didn’t realise.


gregor says:
14 September, 2022 at 9:57 pm


It’s heartening to see that your passion, public interest and level of commitment appears to remain resolute, while we collectively endure the greatest global systematic meltdown/power-shift in modern history.

What are you on about Gregor?


Andy Ellis is a lost cause.

He just doesn’t get it.

No point wasting any time on him.


@ Ruby

Re. Linking to specific posts. Hover over the date and time stamp at the bottom of a particular post, then right click and copy link, then paste it into your new comment.

@ gregor

Indeed, there’s a lot of simple minds out there…
I was getting some lame Scotland is too wee, too poor shite with regard to energy earlier today whilst speakingto a few folk. So nipped home, grabbed my laptop and returned to the group and proceeded to open various web pages showing that Scotland is resource rich in many ways. TBF the folk I showed this info to were very interested in learning the reality rather than in denial about.
I notice earlier John Main was trying the niche angle stating that Scotland can’t provide all the power we need all the time from renewables, well which other countries currently can.
And on the very few occasions when Scotland does import a very small amount of leccy power from England, it is worth remembering that England generates most of that power from combined Cycle Gas Turbine generators, which consume gas from… Scotland, and some from Norway as the live data shows.

link to

I’ll drop a Big Dish track in for the Scottish band theme.
Prospect Street (vid contains some Glasgow scenes, and a Hillman Imp)

link to


Dan says:
14 September, 2022 at 10:59 pm

@ Ruby

Re. Linking to specific posts. Hover over the date and time stamp at the bottom of a particular post, then right click and copy link, then paste it into your new comment.

Cheers Dan. Easy when you know how.

Christopher Pike

Andy Ellis says:
14 September, 2022 at 9:09 pm
@Hatuey 8.42 pm

Seriously, stop defending low lives like Ruby. Nobody sane takes her victim claiming remotely seriously when she tries playing the misogyny card herself, it’s even less believable coming from you.

She’s not being bullied nor is she being targeted because she claims to be female: she’s being called out for being a thoroughly nasty piece of work.


Women often play the victim card when losing an argument. Apparently, you’re not allowed to criticise or debate with a woman because that makes you a ‘misogynist’. These women are nearly always backed up by white knight, simping men who are desperate for female validation. The independence movement is full of simping, female-dominated men.



“What are you on about Gregor?”

Essentially, you (et al) appear to care about our collective predicament, otherwise you would not be here.


@Dan re. “Scotland can’t provide all the power we need all the time from renewables, well which other countries currently can.”

When I studied sustainable environmental management at university over a decade ago, the consensuses was that Scotland has so much renewable energy potential (one of the best in Europe), that it could run an energy surplus.

Yet today, Banana Scotland is facing an energy crisis.

Andy Ellis

Ruby says:
14 September, 2022 at 10:55 pm
Andy Ellis is a lost cause.
He just doesn’t get it.
No point wasting any time on him.

And yet here you are again, a dog returning to its own vomit such is the extent of your obsession. Having lost the plot and the argument you’re now reduced to shamelessly waving the misogyny card for all its worth, in a last desperate attempt to bolster what passes for your case.

Let’s not forget you were the one who spent weeks after Rev Stu issued an exasperated instruction that we not refer to each other even indirectly doing just that, and specifically daring him to do it. You even had the effrontery to continually paste his warning post in to your responses as some kind of badge of honour. Luckily for you – but unluckily for the quality of BTL discourse – Stu either wasn’t paying attention, or had given up.

Perhaps when you’re trawling through John Main’s past posts desperately trying to find evidence for your baseless assertions that he’s as bad as you are, you could link to the number of times you cunt called me and others “Ruby”?

You’ve been laughed at before for your pretensions of being BTL comment prefect and your attempts to tone police what other people say, while spewing vulgar abuse at others and waiting for the usual suspects in here to egg you on.


link to

But worth remembering this, whilst also noting that the Convener of the SNP Member Conduct Committee has worked in PW & JS’s constituency offices for yonks.

link to


Andy Ellis says:
15 September, 2022 at 8:08 am

Ruby says:
14 September, 2022 at 10:55 pm
Andy Ellis is a lost cause.
He just doesn’t get it.
No point wasting any time on him.

Perhaps when you’re trawling through John Main’s past posts desperately trying to find evidence for your baseless assertions that he’s as bad as you are, you could link to the number of times you cunt called me and others “Ruby”?

YCBS! I called you a cunt ‘billions’ of times others next to never. I have openly admitted it. I ain’t gonna be trawlin’ through ‘billions’ of old posts to create links although I am keen to practice the new skill Dan taught me.

Hey! just had an idea! I could use my newly acquired skill to link to posts where old Chas called me ‘Menopausal Maggie’ or some such sexist shit! Please note I never once called old Chas a cunt that one was reserved just for you. Although I can see myself telling old Chas where he can stick his ‘Bonny Purple Heather’ there will be no mention of cunts although I might have to watch out for that banned word and remember to add an underscore.

As for John Main it’s up to him to prove he’s holier than thou. I admit I am much much much badder than John Main but you have to admit I am a whole lot less pedantic & well b o r i n g!

This one just for you Andy.

link to

On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered ’round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
Said, “Leave this one alone”
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

Happy now?


What’s going on today?

How much closer are we to a full on Fascist state?

I find myself agreeing with a lot of what Unionists said about the SNP during the ‘never again 2014 IndyRef’

It’s started with ‘now is not the time’ then ‘once in a generation’ and now it’s ‘never again’

IndyRef2 on the’12th of Never’?

I’m planning a few rebellious acts ‘cos as you know I am bad!

I’m going to go to the food bank and stock up on popping pop corn. On Monday I am going to make loads of noise popping all the popcorn pop! pop! pop!

I’ll leave the lid off the popcorn maker and the corn will be popping off the walls.
ping! ping! ping! pop! pop! pop!

Then I am going crunch it and make loads of noise.

I should be OK if the police call as I’ll be busy following Todd’s recipe

link to

Cheers Todd.

I’ll also put a couple of sheets of blank paper in my window.

What you gonna do?

link to

UK cinemas opt to close or screen Queen’s funeral for free on Monday – but don’t expect popcorn

Popcorn too noisy!

Andy Ellis keeps telling others that I have tourettes. Lets say I did have tourettes would I be banned from these cinema and from paying respect to the Queen?

What do you think?

Brian Doonthetoon

Spotted something interesting this morning.

There is usually a Saltire flying from the flagpole on the top of Dundee’s Auld Steeple and has been for years.

However, this morning what is up there is a butcher’s apron at half mast.

What I’d like to know is who in the council decided that the Saltire at half mast was inappropriate for the Queen of Scots and why the union flag was more appropriate?

Andy Ellis


I called you a cunt ‘billions’ of times others next to never. I have openly admitted it.

Three sentences later….:

Please note I never once called old Chas a cunt that one was reserved just for you.

So within the space of a few sentences you can’t help contradicting yourself, whether because your memory is as bad as your language, or just because you’re flat out lying remains to be seen. Why you think it’s appropriate to over use the word is a matter for yourself.

On top of your shameless victim claiming and falsely characterising anyone remonstrating with you because you’re a woman a sexist or misogynist, you’re quite happy to dole out your own accusations against others giving off a “domestic abuser vibe” wasn’t it? Doubtless anyone who wants to can use Dan’s instructions to find that little hostage to fortune up-thread Ruby, which on the face of it is a much more serious matter than your allegations of sexism and misogyny.

Of course, being a snivelling anonymous on-line coward perhaps you feel protected? Others might feel constrained to try and find out who you were to force an apology for defamation, but I reckon the Streisand effect applies. Pleasing as it would be to see you taken to the cleaners, it’s not worth giving attention seekers the oxygen of publicity. Indeed, I’m with the late, great Linda Smith on the matter when she opined on Lord Archer on his release from prison: “I’m not that happy with him having the oxygen of oxygen, actually.”

Most of your …I don’t think we can call it input, more like effluent… BTL here is directed at abusing other posters. You rarely if ever post an original thought, or discuss anything else. One might almost think there was a reason for that.

Andy Ellis

@Dan 8.36 am

I doubt anyone with experience of the SNP is surprised by that outcome. Why Tim Rideout would want to be associated with a deeply flawed organisation like the SNP is beyond me. His response to them is pretty diplomatic, which suggests he’s one of those who thinks it’s worth staying inside the party. He must have the patience of a saint. I hope he does appeal against the judgement, but I have my doubts he will.

As we’ve all seen with their lack of action against those abusing Joanna Cherry, Joan McAlpine and others, and the mishandling of the behaviour of Grady, Mackay et al, there is little prospect of justice at the hands of those directing the SNP.


@ BDTT at 10.46: “butcher’s apron flying at half-mast on Dundee’s Auld Steeple..”.

That is sad, Brian. Will you be emailing/ringing the council to complain so they know it has been noticed and disapproved?

@ Dan at 10.59 p.m. yesterday: “nipped home to fetch the laptop” to enlighten some folk about Scotland’s energy resources.

Thank you Dan for going to the trouble of doing this – it all helps the cause. I was pleased yesterday meeting a relative and mentioning the cost of power when Scotland is self-sufficient, to my surprise [as I thought she might have been a 2014 No voter] she said yes she knew and it is all wrong that Scotland gets charged the most!

John Main

@ John Main says:
14 September, 2022 at 8:21 pm

@Ruby says:14 September, 2022 at 6:27 pm

“I do believe you did call me a cunt on ‘billions’ of occasions.”

OK, Ruby, I am prepared to take your belief at face value and I am prepared to consider your use of “billions” as artistic/autistic license.

But, as I have absolutely no recollection of calling you that, NOT EVEN ONCE, you need to either put up or shut up.

Please post a reference to where I have called you that, and I will apologise.

Thank you.

Tumbleweed …

OK, Ruby, I will go further. Not only will I apologise, but I will also donate £20 to the charity of your choice.

Over to you, Ruby.


I think I get it now. You guys are basically saying the victim in this case, Ruby, deserves abuse. That’s probably an unusual defence in these sort of situations, right?

Sorry for the intrusion.

James che

Scottish prices,

Well those that move to Scotland to live will apparently discover the imbalance of The Uk in fairness and finances.

From energy, food and beer, and value for pound.
We have known these things for years,

It must make newcomers that would like to live here want to be independent from UK.

I myself have not found any evidence Scots are in the treaty of union,
It may be time to start ignoring until evidence is found.

James che

Do you know if Breeks is ok?


Here’s the simple solution to all your problems with me Andy.

If you guys leave me alone I’ll do likewise.


Any mention of me resembling ‘Isa Drennan’ or suggestions that I post dodgy figures or making a snide comment because of a typo etc etc etc then I will respond.

I do not cower in the corner when men lash out! I am a ‘bad’ ‘bad’ woman.

You guys should be very grateful for ‘bad’ women like me. For example I wouldn’t allow some man that I didn’t fancy no matter who he was to put his hand on my thigh and say nothing until five years later when I would accuse him of sexual assault. I think that makes me a bloody good woman.

OK I might risk losing my job or being accused of being one of ‘those lesbians’ but I would definitely take the risk. I might even go as far as to jab his hand with my dinner fork or to accidentally pour my red wine on his crotch and hopefully that would be the end of it.

Don’t go twisting my words and suggesting I am accusing you of sexual assault. I am not.

You really don’t get that I am doing you a huge favour by pointing out the error of your ways.

Not too sure if I can stand by and watch you bully another women or anyone else for that matter. So maybe you could just cut out all the bullying & name calling.

Away you go and stand on your head. Who knows some blood to the head might result in a eureka moment!

NB I am referring to the one attached to your neck. Just thought I would point that out as I’ve noted you seem obsessed with the size of the other head.

PS I’ll give you a free past for this one:

15 September, 2022 at 10:50 am

link to

The solution is in your hands you can take it or leave it.

James Che

Triennial Act 1694 English parliament.

James Che


Hello Ruby, yes I have been verbally attacked by this same set of men?

If Stu is monitoring this site as he said he would, he would have to be blind not to see the same group verbally attacking a large majority of his commenters that have supported him for years,

Perhaps he could explain how to go through the complaint system on his site for the benefit of those not so good on computers,

And perhaps we could post when we have made a complaint so we all have an idea of how many are going in.


link to

I have no interest in your apology or your £20.

Stick it up there along with a sprig of “Bonny Purple Heather’

You are the one who wants to prove your innocence so go ahead.

It’s up to you to prove you didn’t call me ‘pubes’ and to convince others that pubes and cunt are in anyway different and then you could perhaps convince others that you never swear.

The stage is all yours ‘Innocent John’

James Che


Well done for attempting to stop the bullying yesterday,

Like Mentioned,

Occasionally a strong debate is good, heated conversations are inevitable,

But the constant brow beating and name calling, belittling, snide comments from the same people for months that do not have any alternative suggestions to independence other than a similarity to the SNPs crosses the line from the odd heated conversation to verbal diatribe of bullying of just about everyone on Stu’s site over many months.

I am sure Stu is well aware,
But perhaps he needs us to make it official.

Andy Ellis


Why would anyone believe your protestations though “Ruby”? By your own admission you ignored Rev Stu’s strict instruction not to refer to me even indirectly, and when he didn’t ban you, even went so far as to celebrate getting away with it and re-posting his post with the instruction just to rub it in. During that period I studiously avoided any interaction with you, or even indirect references to you, despite your repeated and flagrant posts ignoring Stu’s warning.

Neither you or anyone else is being bullied. You are being confronted for your own disruptive behaviour. Victim claiming and trying to hide behind your sex – even assuming that behind the anonymous ID you are in fact a woman – isn’t some get out of jail free card for you to behave however you like.

If you’re so sure you’re in the right, come out and own the defamatory post below publicly in your own name and see if any of those you’re abusing want to take it further. I definitely don’t think you’re worth the effort, but others might.

link to

James Che


There has been a lack of action for those abusing Joanna Cherry.

There has also been a lack of action for those abusing wing Commentators.


James Che says:
15 September, 2022 at 1:05 pm


Hello Ruby, yes I have been verbally attacked by this same set of men?

If Stu is monitoring this site as he said he would, he would have to be blind not to see the same group verbally attacking a large majority of his commenters that have supported him for years,

Perhaps he could explain how to go through the complaint system on his site for the benefit of those not so good on computers,

And perhaps we could post when we have made a complaint so we all have an idea of how many are going in.

Honestly JC I have no interest in making a complaint. I’m quite happy to get stuck in.

Although Stu doesn’t like it when it turns into what he describes as ‘fuckin’ playground shit’.

I don’t care what these guys call me I think their pathetic name calling tells us more about them than it does about me. I’ve been a woman all my life so I’m used this kind of stuff.

I think what you do to complain is go to the top of the page and press the contact button. I think you definitely have a valid complaint. So Good Luck with that.
I’ll post this then check out the contact button and let you know what happens. I would imagine it might be a contact form or an email address.


OK JC I checked out the contact button and it’s pretty straight forward you get a little form which you fill in with your name email subject and and message.


link to

Oh no here we go

‘I am not a normal woman’

I’ve heard that one before many times. Not a normal woman, probably a lesbian and now it’s maybe even a man masquerading as a woman.


It’s all so predictable!

I really have to go now. I’ll be back later to post what is expected of a normal woman.

James Che






I wish the complaint to be noted by yourself for the following reasons.



We are all bored sick of it, James. Wings is too. It’s not a good look and reflects badly (isn’t that supposed to be important to someone in particular?)…

Ruby has made an offer and I hope all concerned can now move on.

James Che


I must have been writing my complaint while you were responding to me,

There is more than one way to swing a cat, what I can’t manage on this old ipad one way there is always another.

So I posted it publicly for everyone to see.

James Che

Thanks for the effort you went to on behalf of myself and others.

I can take it to, but the point is, we should’nt have to, bullying is not acceptable as a constant.

James Che


Hopefully we can all move on and Rev Stu will take note of my Publicly made Complaint.


Police Scotland officers who arrested a woman in Edinburgh who held up a placard demonstrating against the monarchy, felt embarrassed about the arrest, and they themselves thought the arrest was unlawful, however their superior made them arrest the woman, in what can only be described as an attack on the freedom speech.

Police Scotland has ow switched their arrest from sporting a placard to breach of the peace, even though the woman never spoke whilst holding the placard aloft.

link to

John Main

@Ruby says:15 September, 2022 at 1:16 pm

“You are the one who wants to prove your innocence so go ahead”

Oh deary, deary me.

It’s a fair cop, Ruby.

Like everybody else in Scotland, and indeed, everybody else in the entire world, and furthermore, everybody who has ever lived, and lastly, everybody yet to be born, right up to the end of time, I can’t “prove my innocence”.

[those of a religious persuasion are welcome to mentally add an exemption for those historical figures who may have achieved supernatural or transcendental abilities]

Andy Ellis

@John Main 2.41 pm

Like everybody else in Scotland, and indeed, everybody else in the entire world, and furthermore, everybody who has ever lived, and lastly, everybody yet to be born, right up to the end of time, I can’t “prove my innocence”.

There again, we do have it on the authority of someone up thread that you and a few of us give them a certain vibe John. Have they asked you when you stopped beating your partner yet?

Odd isn’t it that they lack the self awareness to see the link between that behaviour and the worrying precedent being set by Police Scotland arresting those guilty of not grieving hard enough. 🙂

John Main

Meantime, back in the “real” world, a relevant article in Unherd:

link to

James Che

Over the last year I have joined in with many other topics, touching on the following, from the,

The money going from Britain to that unmentionable country.
Gender issue.
Treaty of union,
Deaths in the family.
Devolving counties from Westminster ( levelling up)
The devolved government.
Water supplies.
The supreme court.
WEF. ( crimes against humanity)
And many other topics others have raised.

However I feel that I am mainly mocked by Andy Ellis and a particular group when the topic of the Treaty of the Union comes to the fore.

This must be close to the phrase “hitting the nail on the head” , or “over the target”.

This is the topic that is often suggested we ignore, why that deflection?

James Che


So are we to presume that the superiors are not fit to hold their position of office,
That freedom of speech is illegal even if you do not speak in Scotland.
That the superior is effect making the police look bad to the public.

John Main

Andy Ellis 2:52

Can Scots actually do that? Stop beating their partners, I mean?

I have been critical of your progressive viewpoints in the past. Rightly so, if this is where they have taken you.

Sounds like you must be trapped in a living hell 🙂


James Che @3.22pm.

James, I can only presume that the officers in question, their superiors, are royalists, not unheard of in the Scottish police force, or that they themselves felt it entirely inappropriate for anyone to be demonstrating against the monarchy at that time, either way it is, and not just my opinion, but other folk as well, an attack on freedom of speech.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:15 September, 2022 at 2:40 pm

Many people would like to sympathise with a sovereign Scot whose freedom of speech is being infringed.

Of course, actually read the article you linked to, and we find that is not what happened at all.

As to the placard “Fuck Monarchy”, somebody should conduct an experiment by going to a playpark, say, or a mosque, and shouting “fuck”. See how they fare in the absence of polis to keep them safe, the results would be interesting.

Maybes try “fuck the pope” at Parkheid.

It’s their right to free speech innit?


“Many people would like to sympathise with a sovereign Scot whose freedom of speech is being infringed.”

John Main.

The woman in question is from Mexico.

“As to the placard “Fuck Monarchy”,”

According to the article this is what was written on the placard.

“after she held up a sign that read: “Fuck imperialism. Abolish monarchy.””

I doubt that you even bothered to read the article.


Andy Ellis is a lunatic, if he thinks it impossible to sue ‘anonymous pork markets’ for defamation, or inherently clueless about Scots law and how to seek remedy – I’ve got some ‘knews’ for him.

He could raise an action against person k/a ‘moonhowling tourette’s addled stain on the movement what keeps calling me a cunt’ and have notices placed in the Gazette notifying the person, while using other means to seek identity in order to have papers served.

He won’t do that though, because he’s stoopid. And a cunt. And a bully. And a fucking narcissist prone to rage. And a failure. And the evidence of his own ‘targeted harassment’ and willing engagement with others might actually count against him.

Free speech, innit.

On the subject of the 2 arrests reported, breach of the peace is a relatively minor charge to face – commenting on live cases is discouraged but I will say that no laws or procedures were broken by the polis when arresting the accused.

[I sent a letter in mitigation to the JP in 90s and was admonished (effectively – it never happened; there are no disclosure requirements for admonishment); When notified of the charge, I was unaware I’d even been at a crime scene.]


Professor Antonio Rabbia, Psychiatrist.

Formerly, lecturer at the University of Padua.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:15 September, 2022 at 3:45 pm

As a committed republican, although perhaps slightly lacking in eloquence, I can see that former Mexican and now New Scot Mariángela [redacted] has your fool seal of approval.

Will she be permitted a vote in the next Indy Referendum, then?

I recall usually it suits you to demand for New Scots to be disenfranchised.

Should there be a register of approved New Scots? Or a blacklist of those who fail to meet your requirements?


His writing style is fucking boring anaw, I hope he writes his own submissions if he decides to sue anyone…the judgement would undoubtedly mention the form of presentation. Judges enjoy the freedom to criticise with respect, and analogy.


John Main @4.06pm.

A clumsy attempt to dodge the points mentioned, I’ll leave it at that.

John Main


You’re right, I was wrong.

The placard says “Fuck Imperialism”, not “Fuck Monarchy”.

Add to her lack of persuasive eloquence, a stunning lack of historical knowledge, as she attempts to blame British imperialism for the sufferings of indigenous peoples in what is now Mexico. Could be one of Hatuey’s bookless students, who knows.

The police did right to close her down for her own safety. Passions are running high, and a lot of the people who wish to attend these events and ceremonies are doing so for strongly held reasons.

I don’t want to see the crowd tear anybody limb from limb. Not even you.

stuart mctavish

Republicofscotland @2:40

Irony being that, unless and to extent reasonable commentators like (ahem) David Davis are simply deflecting from the shocking failure to reject Margaret Ferrier’s guilty plea in favour of a NOT PROVEN verdict, it was clearly the police and their superior officers who acted in breach of Section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing Act by exhibiting behaviour likely to cause a reasonable person fear or alarm..




Show me the post where I have derided your spelling.
I was, until now, unaware of your disability, is dyslexia really a disability or are you trying to play the sympathy card? As far as I am aware intelligence has nothing to do with dyslexia. Are you certain it is not a mental disorder you have? In saying that it would explain a lot.
Your modus opperendi appears to me to criticise, in no uncertain terms, anybody and anything that does not meet your narrow and bigoted view of events, people and the world at large. You are certainly no shrinking violet and I have said before if you can’t take it back don’t dish it out.
Do you recall asking if I was a Scottish cunt?
I trust Stu will look back at your multitide of previous posts and correctly decide who is the derider.
Lastly, I consider your post pathetic………most of them are.


Good to see certain people have moderated their behaviour and heeded my concerns.

John, Andy, Chas, keep it up guys, and thanks.

We can do this.




See post above.

I thought it was Ruby who made the complaint against the wise men. Looks like it was your goodself.

The same sentiments apply to you. Bore us all to death again with 300 year old stuff that less than 5% of the Scottish electorate are remotely interested in.
Do you really think that Westminster will repeal the Union on the strength of all the crap you continually post? Do you really think if the Union was magically repealed because of past injustices this would be acceptable to the current MAJORITY of the electorate who wish to remain?
Give us all a break and simply disappear.

Hugh Jarse

What a lovely gesture of Heathrow to cancel 200 plane loads of innocent travellers, so as not to disrupt Lizzy’s funeral proper.

This attention to detail sits awkwardly besides how utterly fuck witted it was to put people with/untested against the ‘rona into the very last place they should be.
The very last place.
Tens of thousands of the ‘ordinary’ aged not even given the Dignity of a thought for their well being.
All Alba knows why.

James che

why would she be arrested if she was not shouting and screaming, not fighting with anyone,


To whom?

Peaceful protest is allowed in Scotland,

Unless your police force superiors apparently show political bias and cancel you’re peaceful marches for independence repeatedly although purportedly giving various reasons over time, while allowing other marches to proceed, and show political prefrentiel bias to arresting Scots that may protest,

I also did not think that it was complusory to like the conditions you may have been force to live in, in another country previously.

The snp according to history are also good at these favoured bias arrests.

Maybe like john Main they were perhaps to quick to presume she was a native to Scotland, rather than a mexican. New to Scotland.

Surely then the onus Of racial bias may be added to political bias,

Andy Ellis

I see John Mason has been given a written warning by the SNP. I find his views pretty loathsome and always wondered why he was in the SNP at all. Given the treatment of Joanna Cherry, Joan McAlpine, Ferrier and others, you’d think Sturgeon’s Candy Floss haired SA would have had Mason thrown to the wolves long before now?

link to

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 6.03 pm

I can’t speak fro Chas or John (despite the moonhowlers insisting we’re one person of course) but I for one wouldn’t accept you being some kind of honest broker or disinterested neutral arbitrator trying to bring two opposing sides together for a nano second. It’s probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen on here in a while, not that it’s a particularly high bar, granted.

The usual suspects will continue their behaviours because they just can’t help themselves.


Chas says:
15 September, 2022 at 6:06 pm

Do you really think that Westminster will repeal the Union on the strength of all the crap you continually post?(1) Do you really think if the Union was magically repealed because of past injustices(1) this would be acceptable to the current MAJORITY of the electorate who wish to remain(2)?

(1) Insert “the new King recognising 4 distinct peoples, parliaments and governments, significantly also recognising the kingdoms of Scotland, & seperately, England.

(2) Insert “The union of the crowns is a matter for the new monarch to decide. Kiss the royal ring, nod in assent or stick it up yer jumper.

It’s one aspect of the constitution RESERVED to monarch & PC, save for absolute control of the army. The legislatures will legislate with the same force & effect as previously, in the territories agreed by the King. The old ‘Firm’ has a new capomandomento and he ain’t respecting old arrangements, technically.

How the future develops is unknown, but more clarity will appear. Scotland isn’t mourning, because the Queen has gone forever from the kingdom, notwithstanding the individual right to their own grief. That’s how the constitution of the UK works, because it’s in Scotland’s. If her will is subject to Scots law because of place of death, it may be published, but that would be an ecumenical matter.

This is my competition entry.


Marco Malipiero. First Counsellor, to the High Court.

James che

Chas last and only comment to you,

I will leave REV STU to back Check any appropriate posts he may wish to check in relation to complaint over previous months.
And the fact that I mentioned that I was dyslexic on Wings this last year,

Just be grateful I have not made a complaint as yet about the derision I suffered from a certain group here when four of my close family members died all within eight months, at the same time contending with my mother and husband both have cancer,
I was mocked and scoffed at on Wings,

If iI wanted to play victim here there is plenty of material been provided to do so.


GeorgeNews(19/14/2022): Sen. Rand Paul rakes Dr. Anthony Fauci over the coals at Monkeypox hearing: Video:

link to



Why not go the whole hog and make it your last post on the site?
I rarely read any of your drivel so how would I be aware you are dyslexic? My name being mentioned simply caught my attention.
I never made a single comment re the losses in your family and your current situation. How would I know if I skip by your dross? Do you think you are alone in your losses and deserve special treatment?
If you are a woman why do you ‘sign in’ as a man? I shall refrain from asking the ‘obvious awkward’ question.



Thanks for the usual shite from you.

John Main

@ Hatuey says:15 September, 2022 at 6:03 pm

“Good to see certain people have moderated their behaviour and heeded my concerns.

John, Andy, Chas, keep it up guys, and thanks.

We can do this.


I have moderated my behaviour by offering to apologise to Ruby if she can find the post or posts(s) from myself exhibiting the personal insult she claims I made.

After her uninterested reply, I upped my offer to include a charitable donation. Her reply to that was to tell me where I could stick my donation, along with a new claim that I actually called her something else.

I can’t speak for Andy and Chas, but I really think I have tried to meet Ruby half way on this.

I think I will throw the offer open to anybody on here.

Find a post where I called Ruby a cunt and I will apologise (to Ruby) and donate £20 to the charity of the finders choice.

Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I have a bit of an aversion to baseless claims, stemming from a simple belief that the truth will indeed set you free.

Whether at individual, or national, level.


Ctrl F “pubes” on that page and you can see it wasn’t a one off.

Mark Boyle

James Che, today you’ve managed no less than twelve posts already to add to the sixty two you’ve already made, much of the same broken record – and for that said record most of it, contrary to your claims, utterly ignored.

Seventy four posts of an endless loop of the same absurd Peter Dow type “Cunning Plans” interspaced with bursts of ‘Poor Little Me’. Seventy four posts of largely mind, body and soul destroying offal that would get you call blocked by the Samaritans.

Ruby meanwhile has managed one hundred and nineteen posts 62 of those in the last 72 hours alone.

And before you play your other favorite scratched 78 rpm classic – “what about Andy?” – your and Ruby’s “Great Satan” Mr Ellis – whom you two hyper-attention seekers claim “picks” on you 24/7, has managed only fifty five posts in the comment to this article, just over a quarter of you two have managed between you to date.

And you claim Andy’s the problem round here?

To put matters into further perspective, in the comments for this article, Andy managed to be mentioned in fifty eight posts – three more than he’s made, and twenty five of those from Ruby alone. Obsessed, much?

(For the record, number of times Andy has actually posted directly or indirectly to/about Ruby? Thirteen – and that was stretching it).

Par for the course. By way of putting matters into further perspective, poor misunderstood Ruby has replied or mention me in no less than seven posts, even though I’ve made it plain back in the spring she’d be getting response directly or indirectly to her increasingly unhinged verbiage.

But that hasn’t stopped her from five months of ceaseless “Look at me! Look at me!” to just about every post I make here – as she has to countless others in her pathetic 24/7 search for reflected relevance via this site, confident that all the “I’ve just had about enough of this shit” and the “I’m going to be monitoring the comments … you’ll be sent to your rooms, no pudding for a week,” etc. etc. etc. threats from the owner had all the sincerity of some feckless Weegie parent droning to their feral brat (“Right Nathan, stop it, see, there’s the man coming to get you intae trouble ‘un shout at ye, so he is …”) as he recreates the St Bartholomew’s Massacre in the Argyle Street Poundland.

Face it guys, the owner doesn’t care less, so why should we do his job of rebutting those making HIS website look like an annex of David Icke’s? Life’s too short.

Treat the likes of James Che, Ruby, “Scott”, Hatuey, RepublicOfScotland, Twathater and the rest of the Sockpuppet Horde as dead, discuss only with those clearly not looking for “bites” or a substitute for real life encounters with carbon based life forms, and move on.

Ian Brotherhood

Link for petition to remove Andrew as Earl of Inverness.

link to


The Lancet (14/09/2022): Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic:

(Page 10): The origins of SARS-CoV-2:

“The laboratory notebooks, databases, email records, and samples of institutions involved in such research have not been made
available to independent researchers.

Independent researchers have not yet investigated the US laboratories engaged in the laboratory manipulation of SARS-CoV-like viruses, nor have they investigated the details of the laboratory research that had been underway in Wuhan.47.

Moreover, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has resisted disclosing details of the research on SARS-CoV- related viruses that it had been supporting…”:

link to


This evening’s Scottish music track to provide an interlude to the bickering highlights more Scottish mineral resources.

Simple Minds – New Gold Dream 8182,83,84

link to

Biggest gold nugget found in Scotland in 400 years goes on display at Glasgow Hunterian Museum

link to

Mining company hunts for precious minerals under Aberdeenshire farms

link to

John Main

@Dan 7:10 & 7:12

So you are claiming that “pubes” = “cunt”?


For starters, I have pubes. And a lot of the young women I see in specialist mags don’t.

Good to see you are trying though.

£20 to your choice of charity if you come up with anything.

Andy Ellis

@Dan 7.12 pm

The (false) claim was that John Main had cunt-called her, and the challenge from John related to that as I’m sure you’re well aware.

Since you’re so keen to make excuses for the individual concerned and seem a bit of a whiz with analysing BTL comments, care to enlighten us on how many times they’ve cunt called me and others?

I have a feeling it’d be quite a task, as Mark’s post at 7.14 pm suggests.

Brian Doonthetoon

When replying to a comment btl on WOS, what would be the thinking behind a commenter replacing the published username with the word “pubes”?

Dan’s link:-
link to

Control-F (windows) or Command-F (Mac) to see the 6 examples.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sarah and anyone else with a fragment of interest.

Paste of an email I sent to my City Centre Councillors tonight, copied to The Courier.

“Hi City Centre Councillors.

For years, a Saltire has been on the flagpole on the top of the Auld Steeple.

I was disappointed and offended this morning, when I noticed from my bus to work, that the Saltire had been replaced by a union flag (known in Scotland as “the butcher’s apron”), flying at half-mast.

After the death, in Scotland, of Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, how did the council reach the decision that it would be inappropriate to fly the Saltire at half-mast?

Why did the Council think that flying the union flag would be more appropriate?

The union flag is the flag of the political union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, which dates back to 1707. The union flag does not represent the monarch. It is the flag of the UK.

The monarch has a Scottish Standard and an English Standard.

I live in Dundee, which is in Scotland. The Saltire on the Auld Steeple should have been lowered to half-mast – not replaced with an inappropriate rag.”

I await developments…

Andy Ellis

@Brian 8.27 pm

You like to (try?) and present yourself as a reasonable voice Brian, so it might seem more than a tad odd to some folk that you seem so incensed at the use of the word “pubes”, but not the word “cunt”? Why is that?

Care to take a stab at how many times Ruby called me and others a cunt Brian?

Very little faux outrage about that from the usual suspects. Passing strange that kind of double standard isn’t it?


@ John Main at 8.04pm

Dare I say you’re splitting hairs there John…
But I’m not “claiming” anything. I’m merely pointing out that highlighting somebody calling another individual “pubes” repeatedly is pretty much exactly the sort of playground level shit that Stu had had enough of.

Out of respect for Stu and the Wings platform he provides us to comment on, maybe we all should self-moderate what we say a bit more, because anyone with a semblance of self-awareness can see that the overly personal bickering is far more prevalent than decent mannered discussions about promoting Scotland returning to self-governing status.

Refreshes page to preview…

And there’s AE quick as ever to jump in as a voice of “reason and balance” and provoke a response whilst claiming victimhood and that others are not defending him.
But just how many times has he corralled multiple folk into his derogatory groupings, which is arguably worse than calling out a specific individual as it is basically trolling multiple folk to respond which of course perpetuates a prevalence of bickering and discord away from decent valid discussion.

Alf Baird

James che @ 6:22 pm

“The snp according to history are also good at these favoured bias arrests.”

I was interested to learn that the Scottish civil service terms of employment state that: “Your employer is the Scottish Ministers, as agent of, and acting on behalf of, the Crown.”

I suppose that makes SNP Ministers ‘Crown Agents’, which possibly helps explain their anti-independence behaviour.


The laddies doth protest too much, methinks.

‘cunt called’ is this a new made up verb? 🙂

Mark Boyle
Treat the likes of James Che, Ruby, “Scott”, Hatuey, RepublicOfScotland, Twathater and the rest of the Sockpuppet Horde as dead, discuss only with those clearly not looking for “bites” or a substitute for real life encounters with carbon based life forms, and move on.

That’s a brilliant idea!
A better idea would be if you set up your own WordPress site it would save you all the hassle of trying to moderate ‘Wings’ especially when you believe ‘the owner doesn’t care less’
You could select who you wanted on your site and you wouldn’t have to put up with all the above undesirables.


PS That was a cracker of a typo you made in the middle of your very long post. 🙂

John Main

@Dan says:15 September, 2022 at 8:38 pm

“Dare I say you’re splitting hairs there John…”

Haha, good one, Dan.


More puss from the Boyle, I see;

“Treat the likes of James Che, Ruby, “Scott”, Hatuey, RepublicOfScotland, Twathater and the rest of the Sockpuppet Horde as dead, discuss only with those clearly not looking for “bites” or a substitute for real life encounters…”

You all got that?

I’d love to see a “real life encounter” with Boyle and a few Irishmen after he explained his theory that their ancestors brought the famine on themselves…

I see John Main the scientist has taken on board my concerns and offered peaceful coexistence with Ruby, and that’s great, but Andy isn’t demonstrating enough remorse for me and so my special military operations will need to continue…

My enemy’s enema is my friend, Andy… and I think you should understand that as well as anyone.


Ian Brotherhood

Does anyone have chapter-and-verse on the current law relating to people ‘meeting’ in public spaces?

George Square, Sunday coming – it was meant to be the Hope Over Fear ‘Yestival’ but that has been postponed until October 8th.

Some of us have arranged to meet up (at no specific time). There’s a possibility that Craig Murray and some other well-kent pro-independence bloggers will be there.

Do Police Scotland have the right to stop and question anyone there if the ‘official’ event is not going ahead?

Are we obliged to give our personal details if requested?

Curious to know the state of play.


John Main

@Alf Baird

Scotland is a hereditary monarchy.

We can attempt to change that. Using democratic means, all we need to get is a majority in favour of whatever the replacement will be.

Of course, it will help if the Scots voters know in advance what the alternative will be, and how it will be better.

I favour an appeal to personal benefit, as it gels with what everybody who has ever studied the human condition finds. Individual people are out for what they can get. Show them how something different or new will be better for them, then stand aside, or you will be trampled in the rush.

If you can only appeal to “stands to reason”, or “just have faith”, then don’t be surprised if noting changes.

The monarchy debate and the Indy debate have lots in common. That doesn’t mean that they need to be lumped together though. Vote for Indy and lose the monarchy at the same time is IMO one of the things that is holding back support for Indy.

But don’t just take my word for it. Open your eyes, look around, and observe the actions and behaviours of the large numbers of Scots who care about this.

Then ask yourself does it really make sense to permanently corral them into the No camp.


@ Juanita Sisterhood

If y’all rock up in rainbow colours everything will (probably) be irie. 😉

John Main

@Hatuey says:15 September, 2022 at 9:27 pm

“More puss from the Boyle”

So close to a memorable pun, Hatuey, yet still so far.

You meant ‘pus’ didn’t you, not ‘puss’.

See, you should have kept the books!


@ BDTT at 8.33: Your email to the Dundee city centre councillors about their decision to fly the butcher’s apron on the Auld Steeple instead of the saltire is excellent. I especially like “I live in Dundee, which is in Scotland.” 🙂 🙂

I await with interest their response.

Ian Brotherhood

Well done Hearts!

😉 🙂 🙂

Rab Davis

Ian Brotherhood 7.31pm

Signed that Prince Andrew removal petition.

Then forwarded to SNP HQ .

I can just see it now,,, Sturgeon will threaten anyone who even tries to open the email with ex-communication from the Party.


John, I’ll be honest… if you knew how bad my spelling was, you’d run me out of town instead of idolising me. Why the hell would it only have one s? Totally illogical but I’ll take note and am always glad to be kept right.

Rab Davis

Regards Lizzie funeral.

Still haven’t watched one bit of coverage on TV.
Still haven’t read a single word about it in any newspaper.
Still haven’t went onto any website that will contain information about it.
Still haven’t listened to a single news bulletin on car radio about it.

Wings seems to be free of any updates regarding funeral.

I will continue my self imposed ban on anything relating to Lizzie funeral.

I know for a fact it will be full on English Establishment Bullshit.

And I must say,,,I am feeling better for it,,,,I know I just couldn’t handle it.

Anyone affected by English Establishment Bullshit syndrome should give it a go

A total ban on the Lizzie funeral will do the trick.

And I knew the bastards would stop the Yestival


As a mark of respect to the Queen, Liz Truss is calling on everyone in the UK to cancel their direct debits to energy companies on the day of the funeral.

– it’s what she would have wanted.

In ancient times a new reign would start with a debt jubilee – time to brink back tradition.

I wonder if the royal flunkeys are aware when the coffin descends, huge 1000 ton granite plinths will come down, blocking their exits, so they can serve their mistress in the afterlife; Nicholas Witchell is pretty stoked about it.

The corgis will be thrown on her funeral pyre.

A white bull will be slaughterd by the Remembrancer using a kukri invoking Baal and Moloch

comment image?width=1300&quality=45&fit=max&dpr=2&s=0e784fb15fbfb6c9e2013f255b457b5b

Ian Brotherhood

@Rab Davis –

One of the most shocking images of Sturgeon (for me anyway) was of her accompanying Prince William when he was up here on some gig or other and she was wrinkling her wee nose to look a bit more like him. Nauseating stuff. It was well after the event that the image surfaced (perhaps here?) and it really shook me. She was like a star-struck teenager.

It seems a long time ago now but this place was the first (or certainly the most high-profile) to openly call her out her as ‘The Betrayer’.

That single post was, and remains, as accurate a marker of the Great Indy Split as historians will ever get.

Rab Davis

Ian Brotherhood 10.39pm

And let’s not forget “bowing” to that English dildo David Cameron on the steps of Bute House.

I still cringe at the image.

Rab Davis

Sturgeon just loves a good old Royal get-together.

Another chance to talk about the Union with like minded friends.

Rab Davis

Sturgeon’s English granny has got a lot to answer for.

Rab Davis

And don’t think I am being anti-English in my self imposed ban on the English Lizzie funeral.

I would impose the exact same ban on myself if by any chance of good fortune that bastard Sturgeon died.

Mark Boyle

Ian Brotherhood says:
15 September, 2022 at 10:16 pm

Well done Hearts!

? ? ?

Lovely to see their faces tripping them on the “Scottish” news having to report the result – they couldn’t get away from the story quick enough. 😀

Why oh why don’t they give Ginnelly and Forrest Jnr a start together? Think old Robbie’s one of those managers like Levein who likes his favourites ahead of ability (the bane of far too many Scottish football clubs), and that’s why they keep being benched.

BTW what was Ginnelly booked for? Playing too well? Could have wept for him delivering all those inch perfect crosses to a bunch of hoofers who think a one-two is what a roadie says into microphones to test the Marshall Stack!

Will be tricky for them the next two matches – Fiorentina have had an awful start to the season domestically and in Europe: to all intensive purposes they must beat Hearts in the next two games or they’re out already. But sometimes team’s seasons turn on a single game, and this may be what they need to get theirs going.

Ian Brotherhood

@Rab Dvis (10.54) –

‘Sturgeon’s English granny has got a lot to answer for.’

Kin right.

(Have you watched ‘Hereditary’?)


Ian Brotherhood

@Mark Boyle –

I only ever listen to the football, don’t subscribe to any telly channels. It sounded great.

I just like hearing Scottish voices, even if I’m not actually ‘listening’ a lot of the time.

Probably makes me a ‘nativist’?


Ian Brotherhood

@Confused (10.35) –

I like the imagery.

No idea what age you are but you don’t perchance own any ‘Crass’ albums?

Rab Davis

Ian Brotherhood

Re, the movie Hereditary.

Aye, the ghost of English granny Sturgeon is haunting Scotland.

Ian Brotherhood

@Rab Divis –

For many months now Sturgeon has had the look of someone who knows that the axe is about to fall.

She’s, what, 51?

Doesn’t seems so long ago she was walking barefoot along a sports horse (Lesley Riddoch, at or about that time, described her as ‘beautiful’). She seemed driven but friendly and approachable. Now she’s like something out of ‘Macbeth’.

But there’s a jarring here…

If she was good enough to bluff so well (in different ways) and maintain energy throughout those Salmondgate and ‘covid’ years, how come the physical front (i.e. her face and manner with people) has changed so utterly in this past 18 months or so?

She looks as if she’s given up – the sheer weight of what she knows-but-can’t-ever-say is finally taking its toll.

And it’s taking its toll because she knows, one way or another, it’s all coming out – she’s fearful.

Rab Davis

Ian Brotherhood 12.31am

Sturgeon has lost her soul.

She is death personified.

Cold dead eyes.

Without feeling.

Her mission is to save the Union,,, even if it is the death of her.


A bit of alcohol abuse going on into the wee small hours to help her sleep.

A woman possessed.

Dead woman walking.

If she went to her grave tomorrow I’d have a party, because a lot of good honest Indy supporters have went to THEIR grave not see an independent Scotland,,,,all because of the utter sell-out by Sturgeon.


I’m not certain if we will ever know what happened to Sturgeon.

The best bet is they had something on her and used it, probably early 2017. I remember PM May came up to visit and stayed in a Glasgow hotel. There was no ceremony or red carpets or anything, just a quiet little visit to have a chat with Sturgeon.

link to

If that’s true, I think we can safely assume Sturgeon fulfilled her side of the bargain, and I think we are in the living hell that her doing so incurred.

It’s a bit vague, probably bound to be, but I also get the impression the Tories stopped worrying about her and stopped taking her and the SNP as seriously around then too. It’s as if they have been laughing up their sleeves at something, like a joke that’s too vulgar or rude to share.

At the same time, BBC Scotland called off the dogs and started giving her an easy ride on a lot of things whilst supporting her position on others. The independence movement became their common enemy.

Rab Davis

Hatuey 1.15am

Do you think they have video evidence of Sturgeon and her female friend at the French Embassy?

Or something similar?

Hidden cameras in hotel rooms,,,, that kind of thing?


We can only speculate, Rab. There’s a few possibilities. On a certain level it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that she goes.

It feels like Scotland has been in the grip of dark forces these last few years.

Robert Hughes

” It feels like Scotland has been in the grip of dark forces these last few years.”

It really does . It also feels like some kind of denouement is approaching – * END OF SEASON * cliffhanger or resolution to the entire drama ?

Will the series be renewed , or just end , unsatisfactorily ?

If the former , will some of the principal characters be killed off . They’re definitely looking pretty tired .


Further to the interesting discussion about the faculty of Arts and its correct place in the hierarchy of ‘all things’ –

{Arts, Engineering, Science. All the other Faculties} ? {Faculty of Mathematics}

I’ll further elaborate by drawing a sphere on this ear, two dimensional surface, before your very eyes…that you can see through.

[(4 x Pi) multiplied by the radius cubed]/3 – this represents the contained volume of a sphere, the inside bit.

(4 x Pi) x r squared – the surface area: a complete 3D sphere, literally. Alert readers will know that this also represents the internal area of 4 circles, and will also know that a sphere casts a circular shadow on a flat plane making it possible to work out its surface area & volume even if its millions of miles away.

Remember all that for the chance to win free drink off stoopid people in the pub.

More interesting than a card trick, which {game theory} partially explains?

Degrees outwith maths are also as useful to a person as the debt their estate is in when they shuffle off this orbital coil, the knowledge handed down remains subject to Occam’s Razor in a way that proofs in mathematics no longer are, which is why we had to tell the children not to run with scissors in art class, innit.

First principles matter first.

And nothing else matters, because they’re a nology in reality and application.

Mathematics didn’t create the quest for knowledge and its teaching {science}, yet without it nothing would exist.

You can add up the parts, but you won’t have the sum.

You can strike, Up the March!, on your little broakin dirrum.

There is only one true God – Mathematics and Leonard Cohen.



And to put the right moonhowling cultists in their place – astrophysics is a pile of wank. It’s not a branch of maths, ever. It’s art and religion combined.

The theory of a fourth dimension proposed by some of the fruitloops in the club falls to be disproven by the following…

“In the proposed ‘dimension’ objects would be invisible yet cast solid shadows, rather than 3D canny trip over version of now.

4D prevents 3D existing by reversing the role of light to shadow and darkness as its creator”

They should sack the members of that strand of academia and employ them as something useful like fruit pickers or food for bears.

John Main

@Ian Brotherhood says:16 September, 2022 at 12:31 am

“the sheer weight of what she knows-but-can’t-ever-say”

Where some see the most arcane fantasies (indicative of their own neuroses, perhaps), I wonder if the truth is a lot more mundane.

Perhaps she has realised that collectively, as a nation and a people, we are just not up to it.

She mounted what she was told would be a raging tiger, and now sees it dragging its paws, panting rather than roaring, and staggering around in ever-decreasing circles, as it nears the point of collapse.

An uncomfortable image certainly, so let’s all collectively ignore it and believe instead there are compromising images around somewhere.

Jeezo, that might have been credible 100 years ago, but public morality and attitudes have moved on since then, even in Scotland.


Einstein’s special theory of relativity isn’t as special as some mummers do ‘ave it

Albert lad: What if ‘space time’ bends?

The properties of light: Yeah, about that straight line between two points and prism thing…you haven’t returned our call.

Ergo, it doesn’t.

E = mc hammer


@ Scott

Best not float the idea that light bends or there will be a load of garage owners pissed off that they spent thousands of green queens kings on fancy laser suspension and wheel alignment kit.
Being an uneducated dumb ass cheapskate, I just use a bit of string pulled taut to get a straight line.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 1:44 am

“It feels like Scotland has been in the grip of dark forces these last few years.”

Mair like chree hunner year, an mair.

Some of these ‘dark forces’ might be seen guarding 4 corners of a coffin these past few days, bow in hand, feather in bunnet.

And yes, SNP Scottish Ministers appear to be fully living up to their official title of ‘Crown Agents’ by acting to delay independence and protecting the interests of the Imperial power.

Scotland does not just need independence; like any former colony it will also require a new ‘Establishment’ holding to a different national allegiance, culture, identity and values, and a different vision for the nation of course. Otherwise we’ll aye be stuck with the same ruling elites, many of whom have been on display the past week, who will continue to exploit and undermine Scotland and are the root of inequality and injustice in oor laund.

What we have seen on display the past week is the power of a dominant Cultural Imperialism, which is primarily held in place by a co-operative elite in Scotland. Fowk cannae ser twa maisters.

As Fanon said, independence above all else “is a fight for a national culture” and the removal of a dominant suffocating and alien Imperial culture.

link to

Andy Ellis

@John Main 8.16 am

I think you might be on to something. For a lot of people believing or even just entertaining the possibility that our current situation is the result of some convoluted conspiracy theory or grandiose Machiavellian plan by “the others” to deny us what is rightfully ours is far easier to accept than the quotidian reality.

The idea that anyone really cares about Sturgeon’s private life or thinks she’s been “turned” by the establishment is fanciful of course. Far easier to apportion blame for the lack of progress of the independence movement to some external power than actually analyse why we are stuck where we are.

“In the long run the most unpleasant truth is a safer companion than a pleasant falsehood.”

Perhaps it’s true that we’d be better leaving those enamoured with their pleasant falsehoods to themselves. Maybe that’s the only way it “works” in here: two groups just talking past each other in their wee bubbles. Worth a try….?


Societies are where they are through the influence and manipulation implemented by those that rule over us in various levels of power.
If the views and needs of citizens of each respective society were actually represented by their elected politicians rather than their politicians sucking up to lobby groups and external ideologies we would be in a very different place.


Andy Ellis says:
16 September, 2022 at 9:29 am

Perhaps it’s true that we’d be better leaving those enamoured with their pleasant falsehoods to themselves. Maybe that’s the only way it “works” in here: two groups just talking past each other in their wee bubbles. Worth a try….?

How would that work would you have a header on your posts stating ‘FAO John Main, Chas & Mark Boyle Only’

How would you go about preventing ‘the undesirables’ from reading & responding to these post meant only for a selective few?
ie How would you prevent ‘cunt calling’

Would it not be better if you set up your own ‘exclusive’ WordPress site?

You would have full control and you could specify who exactly who you wanted on your site
ie No moonhowlers, no schemies, no disabled, no women & whatever you wanted.

You would have full control over moderation.

You could even insist on checking IDs and members only using their full names and putting their address & DOB in their bio.

I could help you with that I’m fairly good at the old html, CSS, SEO & all that stuff I could even think up a catchy imaginative name for your site.


PS If you decide to reply to my post could you make it short. Cheers


I would love to see more women posting on Wings especially on the issue of Sturgeon.

I get the impression women have a better understanding of how sneaky, devious & nasty women can be. I don’t think men really believe that ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’

Vast generalisation I know but weren’t the ‘Alphabetties’ described as ‘innocent victims’ poor wee helpless souls mostly by men?

A mostly female jury had a different opinion.

Andy Ellis

Face it guys, the owner doesn’t care less, so why should we do his job of rebutting those making HIS website look like an annex of David Icke’s? Life’s too short.
Treat the likes of James Che, Ruby, “Scott”, Hatuey, RepublicOfScotland, Twathater and the rest of the Sockpuppet Horde as dead, discuss only with those clearly not looking for “bites” or a substitute for real life encounters with carbon based life forms, and move on.

Yup. Definitely worth a try.


I’m much more interested in the stuff Scott is talking about. There are, of course, 10 known dimensions. Maybe he can explain the double slit experiment, but nobody else can. Still, I like a man who is confident in his views, even when his views are flawed.

Those who doubt the speculation on Sturgeon have just as much explaining to do as Scott, though. I’m all ears.

The first thing you need to explain is the dramatic change in Sturgeon’s attitude in 2017, one minute committed, defiant, and resolute, the next timid, defeatist, in effect at war with her own side. Then you need to explain the way BBC Scotland went from being her constant antagonistic enemy to essentially protecting her and turning a blind eye to her obvious “issues”.

The suggestion that blackmail, honey traps, and other forms of manipulation that hinge on sexual matters, have no place in modern politics is so at odds with the evidence that I don’t know where to begin. Maybe Epstein island would be as good a place as any.

There are huge questions marks in British politics and it would be great if John and Andy could fix it for us to understand them.

One thing they don’t need to explain is the millions that Prince Andrew paid to Virginia Giuffre — we know what that money was for.

If a Prince is willing to pay let’s say £10 million to stop the truth getting out, it isn’t a stretch to imagine that a compromised politician would be willing to pay up in other ways, as any Chief Whip will confirm.

I agree with Alf Baird again. Our whole political class is corrupted and rotten and needs to be replaced.


Dan says:
16 September, 2022 at 8:45 am

@ Scott

Best not float the idea that light bends or there will be a load of garage owners pissed off that they spent thousands of green queens kings on fancy laser suspension and wheel alignment kit.
Being an uneducated dumb ass cheapskate, I just use a bit of string pulled taut to get a straight line.

I’ve had discussions with people who are convinced that lasers and broadband and satellites prove Einstein’s theory correct….because the end produces what they want to see. Fixed points can be moved relative to the start and ignore the laws of physics, just because or something….

To measure light speed you’d need a tape measure ‘one light year on earth in length’ and mirrors placed such that 2 earth years after switching on it’d reflect from a point on the same horozontal plane as the source. I’m not volunteering to hold the wrong end, it’s sore enough for 3m version.

Light reflects from objects and that’s it – literally rejecting the colours not absorbed.

Ain’t slyence brilliant…


Andy Ellis says:
16 September, 2022 at 10:29 am

Face it guys, the owner doesn’t care less, so why should we do his job of rebutting those making HIS website look like an annex of David Icke’s? Life’s too short.
Treat the likes of James Che, Ruby, “Scott”, Hatuey, RepublicOfScotland, Twathater and the rest of the Sockpuppet Horde as dead, discuss only with those clearly not looking for “bites” or a substitute for real life encounters with carbon based life forms, and move on.

Yup. Definitely worth a try.


See my earlier post. If ‘the owner doesn’t care less why are you bothering to try to ‘save this site’?

Set up your own site and appoint a moderator who in your opinion cares.

This is all very reminiscent of Apartheid (Afrikaans for “apartness” )

Also living together apart.

Does it work?

Dorothy Devine

Ooh! A whole seven and a half hours without the ‘famous five’!



The double slit experiment only proves that the idea of wavicles made sense once upon a time – it doesn’t prove light follows a wave pattern, save for after reflection. the properties of the ‘surface’ combine with the new path of light, but without considering how charge + or – or anything beyond angular reflection affects the new so-called wave.


Dorothy Devine

Blast! I mentioned prickly object and am now in moderation.


All focus is on Sturgeon but how does she manage to keep all her MPs quiet?

I read something the other day but can’t remember the full details I’m guessing it was the Tory party and how they covered up for those accused of child abuse etc and by doing this they had power over that person.

Is this what happen re Patrick Grady
Also a complaint about Alex Salmond was reported and it was decided that the complaint would be kept on file just in case it was needed at a later date.

Have the SNP got a file on all their MPs. Would even trivial incidents like a jokey text be enough to fire that person and have the press denounce them as sex pests over a five day period?

I have some doubts about what happened to Derek MacKay.

Anything to do with him preparing an altering GERS?

Why is he so quiet now?


More fun facts about the illusion of reality

Not every constant is actually constant.

A prime example is altitude of an aircraft according to its instruments – air pressure at the destination airport is needed to accurately calibrate the altitude of the plane in flight relative to the runway – all relative to standard atmospheric pressure at mean sea level.

eg Plane sits parked at altitude of 36m QNH 1001, taxis and takes off, flies around for a while then when before it lands the altitude is reported as Nm, QNH ??? which may or not be 36m.

I’ll never fly again, but you’re all weclome to.


This blog folded its wings long ago.
Time to say adieu.


Did somebody mention GERS?

Statistical models are like Airfix models.

Neither accurately portray the original drawings or their proofs, but can look the part depending entirely on perspective and attention to detail and accuracy.

GERS is a Lancaster bomber, canopy covered in glue and destined to have a terrible accident.


Ottomanboi says:
16 September, 2022 at 11:15 am

This blog folded its wings long ago.
Time to say adieu.

That isn’t true. The currently article was posted on 8th September
Although I agree it’s time for those who aren’t happy with the site to say adieu.
I don’t think their ‘Apartheid idea’ will work to their satisfaction do you?


See the sun and how it’s a big ball of fire floating at a fixed point in space shining light in every direction?

If that’s the case how, on earth and elsewhere, is it possible to see it as a circle? If it emits light in every direction we should only ever see ‘light’ and not the form of the source…and you can’t look at it directly or you’ll go blind, except when you can look straight at its circular orangeness approaching darkness.

And earth shouldn’t be visible from the moon, but if it is…it should appear 3.666667 times bigger than the moon appears from earth, which it never does in any NASA photo I’ve seen.

Not that any of that matters, and wouldn’t if outlandish claims hadn’t been made throughout history which have been both accepted and dismissed equally, but with no absolute settled will.

Peer review is an ongoing process, and I like that. It gives cunts something to do. Good cunts, bad cunts. All the cunts.

I see a little silhoutte of a man…because there’s only one dimension…the one we live in.

And, just to fuck with your mind even more….the saying ‘belive none of what you hear and only half of what you see’ has basis in fact.

Unless you’re a cyclops or blind in one eye, you always produce a composite image of what’s in front of you, only half of which is real…and we only see what’s projected onto a 2D plane in the eye. We only see in 2D. We cannot accurately identify 3D objects by sight alone, as so-called 3D drawings prove.

Anyone else going stir crazy at the lack of new ‘news etc’ and allergic to ‘microwavicles’ from the sun?

Andy Ellis


This blog folded its wings long ago.
Time to say adieu.

Perhaps so. Many already have. Perhaps like the denizens of Bes?el and Ul Qoma in China Miéville’s “The City and the City” others will find a way to inhabit the same space for different ends?

It’s not as if there are other forums serving the same purpose, which is why folk looked for alternatives before when it looked like WoS was going be wound down before in the immediate aftermath of Stu losing his Twitter account and originally announcing he was going to scale it back and potentially end it altogether. So far I’ve seen no realistic alternatives, though doubtless some have wandered off to pastures new, or just stopped bothering.

Since there isn’t much substantive happening politically at present maybe it doesn’t matter all that much? Time will tell I suppose.


Is the investigation into the leak to the D. Record still ongoing.

Are SNP MPs taken aside and told we’ve had this complaint about you. The complaint may or not be true but if this is leaked to the press your career is over and your family will be embarrassed.

Ah the power of the press it’s amazing.

See masses mourning the Queen!

Scott says:
16 September, 2022 at 11:16 am

Did somebody mention GERS?

Statistical models are like Airfix models.

Yes I mentioned GERS but I’m sorry I haven’t clue about Airfix models.

I haven’t a clue about a lot of things being discussed here which includes football but hey I guess that might be a gender thing.

No problem! Talk of Airfix models & football definitely makes a change from the ‘Horrible Histories’ and I can easily scroll past anything I am not interested in or don’t understand.

For the most part you guys are great but I would still like more women to post here.


Everything is constrained by its own definitions – meaning changes relative to applicatiom.

Legislation is constructed such that definitions within only apply to application of its purpose – they don’t necessarily have the same meaning in every Act or in the great nupretender %d2454FG Stonewall the Rainbowheart, defender of the Spanish Inquisition and silly walx – see women (and men – corollary)



Why do you bother with t’web? Things you don’t know never interest you unless you’ve come here to find out things easily found in the articles or wider fora.

My deid ‘stepfather’ bought scud books ‘just for the articles’ is the image created at times, just saying.

[Funnish facts:

He had one with 18 year old Demi Moore in it. Bum, tits, fanny, the lot – on a beach somewhere. “Oui” was the name, not Mayfair, Playbirds, Knave or Fiesta.

You never come across random piles of burning ‘adult mags’ these days…they’ve gone like white dug shite, Cabanas and Creamola Foam. Why did we bring our children into such a cruel world?


Roll on Tuesday.

Whenever there’s less normality and associated things of stimulating effect, I actually end up over stimulated, not less. The sudden change in ambient noise for rona lockdown was a brutal attack on my senses, living in Glasgow near roads, railways, flight paths…it was so quiet I ended up with insomnia at night and anxiety through the day. Grrr…it really took me to my limit more than one time.

Today is just another day in my paradise, as I stumble to my bed. (Someday I will learn to be still, standing on a corner in Wilmslow, Az or on a dark desert highway, cool wind in my head, warm smell of coitus rising up through the air)

Welcome to Wings Over Scotland – you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

John Main

@Hatuey says:16 September, 2022 at 10:33 am

“If a Prince is willing to pay let’s say £10 million to stop the truth getting out”

Oh FFS Hatuey. The truth has been out for years – PA fucked a 17 year old woman.

The ten mills was paid in compensation, AKA to make her go away.

Why do you have to turn everything into some kind of fantastic conspiracy? Is reality really so lacking in edginess for you that you always have to enhance it in some way?

John Main

@Alf Baird says:16 September, 2022 at 9:10 am

“What we have seen on display the past week is the power of a dominant Cultural Imperialism”

Naw, Alf, what we have seen is Scots mourning the death of their monarch.

Lowland Scots have had kings for just about forever. In the Highlands, Clan Chiefs served the same purposes.

If that’s “dominant Cultural Imperialism”, then WTF culture do the Scots have to talk about at all?

Despite the Late Queen purring at the result of the Indy Ref, I have zero doubt that if the result had been Yes, she would have silently and whole-heartedly worked towards the success of an iScotland. And why not, it’s only the eejits on here who continually insist that iScotland has to be a republic.

And by doing so, continue to alienate that large segment of the Scots voters who in the absence of a better alternative, are happy to keep Scotland as a constitutional monarchy.

But as is usually the case on here: ideological purity trumps the wrong kind of Yes voter every day of the week.


Scott says:
16 September, 2022 at 12:13 pm


Why do you bother with t’web? Things you don’t know never interest

Interesting question. Why do you bother with t’web Scott?

It’s untrue to say things that I don’t know never interest me. It’s the things that I don’t know that interest me most. Currently I am very interested in the relationship between Sturgeon, the press and all that jazz.

As for science I do know my limitations lots of science is beyond me that could be due to be being more right brained than left brained.

I have no interest in looking at pictures of Bum, tits, fannies (except perhaps ‘La maja desnuda’ and that would be more for the story behind the picture) but if I were then t’web would be the place to find them.

I guess t’web has meant the death of Mayfair, Playbirds, Knave or Fiesta & random piles of burning ‘adult mags’

Creamola Foam is still available you can find it easily enough on t’web.

My answer to your question would be: I bother with t’web so that I can enjoy Creamola Foam.
Every tried it with a dash of gin. Cheers! 🙂

Perhaps ‘t’web’ is of interest to those who like to look at naked women/men/trans folk as it’s is easier than sneaking into the newsagents and pretending the mag is for a friend or that it has many interesting articles.

I’ll await your answer to my question. 🙂
It’s nothing to be ashamed of you I don’t think you’ll go blind.

Keep up the good work there are lots of left brainers on here who will enjoy discussing your posts.

Personally I want more posts by women and about Art. Also about ‘who dunnit’ in the Salmond mystery an if a ‘crime passionnel’ was committed in the Balmoral Hotel involving ‘un fer à repasser’

PS Maybe a post about the science behind being born in the wrong body,re-incarnation, the existence of God & the female brain might be of interest. I promised I will do my best to understand but could you try to keep in simple.

Apologies in advance for any typos & stuff I am multi-tasking & typing at the speed of light.


Looks like John Main isn’t going along with the new rules set by Mark Boyle & Andy Ellis.

He’ll be drummed out of the ‘Apartheid Boys Exclusive Club’

How about us ‘Moonhowlers’ consider John Main to be ‘dead’

Bang! Your dead John Main.

John Main

@Scott says:16 September, 2022 at 11:41 am

You give us much to ponder over today.

“And earth shouldn’t be visible from the moon”

Why not, Scott?

“believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see”

I am seeing your post in front of me now. Would you be able to mark in some way the half of your future posts we should disbelieve?

Or is your statement above already in that half of this post?

Re the sun’s microwavicles. Dodge them, Scott, just dodge them. But not when crossing the road!

John Main

@Scott says:16 September, 2022 at 12:13 pm


Why did we bring our children into such a cruel world?”

Who cares about the “Balmoral incident” when we have real, juicy goss on here?

Look’s like she is forgiving you your mags, Scott, so a rapprochement could be on the cards.

Do keep us posted!

James che

Alf Baird.

It will take a while I presume for the Scottish independence movement to realise that the devolved government is the Crown in Scotland,
It is the second British British government in Scotland and used as such to overlay English Westminster law over Scots law through the back door,

The presumption of what was going to be when first voted for was deceitful to say the least, it legal stretch and terms into Scotland were not throughly understood at the time,
Nor was it explained to the Scots,

I was not in Scotland at that time, but I suppose its the same with all Westminsters agreements with Scots, there is as much under the table as layec out on top.

The devolved government is the Crown, the Crown is in westminster, westminster government attempts to claim british sovereignty over the crown,

The in-road,s weaving there way into Scottish sovereignty and Scots laws through the back door to change the treaty of union contract by stealth.

If they claim the British legislated devolved Scottish government is a Scottish government then it must be, because they pretend it is, Here in Scotland we are supposed to pretend as it is as well.

We are supposed to pretend the devolved government work for us in Scotland while all that sail in her swear a oath to the crown and crown laws.

James che

You would think those that are practice Scots Law would be in the know,
and any MP or MSP working in the devolved government would certainly know who they Swore an oath to was the British Crown, not to the Scots,

The facade is falling away and the pretend Scottish independence parties no longer feel they have to pretend.

As the snp state, Were British first, Scots second,
The problem is, the devolved government is British first, Scottish second.


Stop right there pedants:

When I said that I was typing at ‘the speed of light’ I just meant very fast.

I haven’t a clue what the speed of light actually is.

But then having read some of Scot’s posts I would be asking how on earth you would measure the speed of light.

I could actually record the speed of my typing by setting the timer and typing

‘The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow’

with my eyes closes

Shit! I cheated I opened my eyes to dind the z. & maybe other letters.

I’ll do it again

The qucik brown foc jumped oeer the la`y cow.

Ah shit never mind most folk will understand when I say I type at the ‘speed of light’

Hey John Main your dead! Stay down!

Bang! Bang! I shot him down.


Was today of all days, in Wales, which is Owain Glyndwr day, chosen by the royals, especially with King Charles III to visit Cardiff castle in mind.

King Charles, as a young Prince Charles had his investiture ceremony at Carnarvon castle in Wales that officially saw him given the title of Prince of Wales. Could today’s visit be a prelude to King Charles III having his eldest son Prince William, made officially the Prince of Wales at a later investiture ceremony.

There are crowds of people in Wales waving flags and cheering King Charles III cavalcade, as it winds its way through the narrow streets to Cardiff castle.

I suppose many Welsh folk will be unaware of the symbolism of Owain Glyndwr day.

“Owain Glynd?r Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated in Wales on September 16. It is dedicated to the national hero of Wales who was the last native Welshman to hold the title Prince of Wales. Many considered him an unofficial king of Wales.”

link to


John, if the money paid by Prince Andrew was simply compensation, you’ll need to tell us what it was compensation for. The Prince has repeatedly denied everything. There is no record of him admitting anything anywhere.

It follows then that the money was to keep the details and accounts of his antics out of public view and off the record. There is no other explanation.

That isn’t a conspiracy theory.


Scott @ 10.48 am.

“Bach’s team reduced the intensity of the incident beam so that only one electron was detected each second, thereby guaranteeing (to greater than 99.9999% probability) that only a single electron was present between the source and the detector at any time. The experiment ran continuously for two hours and, initially, the individual electrons appeared to arrive at random points on the screen. But as more and more electrons were detected, an interference pattern with bright and dark regions gradually emerged”

link to

One electron doesn’t make a wave, Scott. And yet those individual elections behaved in a wave-like fashion. One of the real oddities that comes up time and time again is that the particles, electrons, and atoms, seem to behave differently if they are being monitored.

Nobody has as yet been able to explain any of this.

I don’t see how you can discount time as a dimension or factor when no thing can exist unless it exists over a period of time. Ergo, if a thing does not exist over a period of time, it never did exist.

Everything in mathematics is hypothetical when you get right into it and you can’t hypothesise about unknown unknowns. That in itself is a mathematical fact.


John Main says:
16 September, 2022 at 1:18 pm

@Scott says:16 September, 2022 at 11:41 am

You give us much to ponder over today.

“And earth shouldn’t be visible from the moon”

Why not, Scott?


Because of the light from the sun blocking it from view due to brightness; only light should be seen in space, not darkness if the sun is a floating ball of flame emitting bright light in every direction – it’s allegedly 1.3927 million km in diameter, so the light from a ‘circular sun’ should also be 1.3927 million km in diameter in every direction to infinity or an object that blocks its path. Earth is only 12742 km in diameter….which is the width of shadow cast, assuming it’s a sphere or hemisphere or disc. The moon is allegedly smaller still.

As I’ve said the reality doesn’t matter, because reality remains, well reality even if all we’re ever told are lies.

And black holes are just theoretical systems that are expanding at the speed of light constantly, with its surface area representing the points that light hasn’t reached yet ie black….they aren’t the result of gravity and density and implosion preventing its escape, that would be not possible. Similarly, at temperatures approaching absolute zero, light isn’t a liquid as posited by some lunatics in the land of academia.

Research grants aren’t necessarily worthy of award…anyone can order a pint of light ale at room temperature, nobody can order a pint of light at Kelvin degrees of absoluteness….it’s a bonkers proposition. It makes light a gas at some point…..and a solid…wibble…wibble…wibble etc.

Hugh Jarse

Hat. The act of monitoring/observing the particle entails doing something to it, eg shining a beam of photons on it. This collapses the wave function, as does the particle hitting the actual detector in the double slit experiment.
Or so i believe. Been wrong before.

James che

I am wondering how the union can possible maintained over the next year or so, even without Scotlands determination for independence,

With the mess made by Westminster politicians and politics the people of England are struggling to survive and rumblings of wanting to separate from london altogether, rather than just the levelling up policies are growing louder,

Wales meanwhile are realising that their separation may be along the road to independence, that too is growing stronger the more Westminsters policies of widening the dividing gap between rich and poor continues,

Ireland is only a breath away from uniting back into the old emerald Isle it was before the divide and conquer methods were forced upon them all those years ago.

A lot of the old Colonies are also talking of removing themselves from Britain,

Scotland for Westminster Can be compare to Britain exiting the EU,
For if Scotland was to leave it might inspire others to quicken their efforts,

However while they keep their eyes on Scotland and Scots under the tightest control possible, it could be their lasting error for Britain, for the ( Great ) has gone from before Britain, and most of Britain and associates is barely above the bread line standard of living,
Something akin to famine is not that far away, freezing and unable to cook a meal with fuel poverty, and unable to see a doctor may not be what breaks the ( people ) into submission. But rather the instigator to enforce change in politicians, and politic perhaps desperation will not wait for a fixed voting democracy.

For many out with Scotland are not so patient or democratic by nature and character in their path as Scotlands people, and are more aggressive and volatile as personality Countries,

There is a tendency here for Westminsters Britain to be looking the wrong way at the wrong time, and London to become the only part of the once Great Britain left on its own,


Hatuey says:

I don’t see how you can discount time as a dimension or factor when no thing can exist unless it exists over a period of time.


Time is a measurement of distance between two points, and is a constant no matter how far apart those points are.

Time represents velocity of an object in motion and distance travelled between two points.

Time is an arbitrary term – but if it means something at point A, it means the same at point B and every point in between. And then B to C to D to infinity…


James, I agree. I’ve never attached any importance to the devolved administration, except as an effort to thwart independence.

When you boil it down, Holyrood is basically a big toxic fish farm that serves to kill off the natural political life that would exist and thrive in its absence. All those people that are politically inclined, the natural agitators, people who look at the state of the country and would want to promote change, socialists, economists, you name it, they are all safely corralled into the Holyrood fish farm and effectively neutralised.

The impact of that fish farm on the rest of us is unimportant to them. All that matters is that the fleecing continues, the people pay for it with their poverty, and all those who might have otherwise got in the way are bought off.

Incidentally, it’s a fairly standardised model if you look around the world and isn’t exclusive to colonial setups like ours. They call it democracy. Just about everything is controlled by big business (resources, markets, politics itself, water, you name it, everything you need to live), and since they are in cahoots with the politicians you’ll never be given an opportunity to change anything that matters.

None of this ends with independence unless people wise up.


Hugh, yes, I understand, and it has been considered that the act of measuring interferes in some way. On that basis they moved the instrumentation so that it technically couldn’t interfere and they got the same results. So I believe.

I think there’s a prize available for the person that solves it.


Everything’s arbitrary, Scott, and relative. What we call up is actually down if you’re Australian, etc.

Regardless of whether it’s in a motion or not, it’s impossible to conceive of something existing without conceiving of it existing over a certain period of time. Relative to everything around it, it needn’t be considered in motion.


While we’re on the subject of politics and the Scottish Parliament, alert readers will believe that when King Charles gifted the new Seal for Scotland to the First Minister of Scotland by proclamation and Statutory Instrument related to union of the crowns (not the political union of 1707), it surely repealed the bits of WM legislation in Scotland Act that allowed/enabled it under the previous monarch’s royal assent. This seems highly significant for Scotland and status within one of ‘constitutions’. (and for Wales, who received the same gift)… I do stand to be corrected here, but havem’t been so far….

Ian Brotherhood

Interesting wee clip of the brand new king being delivered to somewhere in Wales.

Not sure what all the strange noises are for. No doubt someone at the BBC will explain that when Welsh people cheer it sounds like what the rest of us call ‘booing’.

link to


That is brilliant Ian.

Will be interesting to see what happens when he visits Scotland.

All the lot who were out in Edinburgh paying respects to the royal family had was the clap.

Except a couple of ‘redacted’ who got arrested.

Did you know that for the four days that all these roads that were closed in Edinburgh nobody could get any deliveries. The postman had four days worth of mail and parcels to deliver today. I expect it will be the same for all the other delivery drivers. Not sure about the drones delivery. They would probably have been shot down by the Queens archers.

Just as well we have email although the way things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if the internet is totally closed down on Monday out of respect.

What you all going to be doing on Monday?


Hatuey says:
16 September, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Everything’s arbitrary, Scott, and relative. What we call up is actually down if you’re Australian, etc.

I’m glad you mentioned relativity on earth and within its atmosphere.

Consider 6 identical aeroplanes flying at the same time.

One is directly over North Pole;

One over South Pole;

Other four are over the equator, equidistant from each other.

1 glass of champagne poured on each plane to the person in seat 1A, at the same moment, using same method etc….what happens next?

Gravity may pull something towards a point, but it also equally repels in the opposite direction – it’s a ‘force’ that cannot be rationalised to conclusive proof of effect or strength as a constant, which casts huge doubt as to what the fuck ‘gravity’ actually is and how objects are formed and shaped…

If weights were needed to stop Neil n Buzz floating off the moon for lightyears, they really shouldn’t have been able to lift their feet at all.

If planets are spherical because of the ‘to the middle concept’, why isn’t everything a sphere?

If space is a vacuum, what do spaceships thrust against to propel themselves forward backwards and sideways?

Newton’s law of ‘what goes up must come down’ only really proves that nobody is strong enough to through an apple into space, and the ground just stops granny smith from falling into it?


Hatuey says:
16 September, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Everything’s arbitrary, Scott, and relative. What we call up is actually down if you’re Australian,

This is getting a bit surreal. Ah! Art this is what I like

What about this

link to

It’s by René Magritte he was a surrealist.

The English translation is ‘This is not a pipe’ I expect you all knew that but you never know.

If that isn’t a pipe then what is it?


Ian @3.43pm.


Craig Murray has an excellent article on why the dragging of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin to the four corners of the UK is all about promoting the royals.

link to


“Relative to everything around it, it needn’t be considered in motion.”

Even objects at rest are considered to be in a state of motion relative to something else. Does the lift move or the tower block, given humans can’t actually tell if they’re moving up or down at the time?

V = d/t ; t = d/V ; d = Vt

If a train leaves Glasgow at 0914 bound for Edinburgh, it’s because it’s either running late or just out of service because there isn’t one scheduled at that time as Neil Findlay found out on the bird app;

Regardless of when it arrives in Edinburgh the distance/velocity/time ratio remains a constant at all points of the journey- even when at the last point of rest before departure and first of arrival.


I’ll have you all thinking like a mathematician…mark my numbers!!!

James Che

Here a bit of interesting news from MSM.

Oil is not Scotlands only wealth, that is about to be raped from Scotland for big global corporations.

Appantly the have flown over Scotland and discovered the minerals needed to make lithium batteries,
Colbolt being one of three,

The seam of minerals is said to run from somewhere around Maud to Belhelvie etc, in Aberdeenshire,
Expensive minerals and not so common, profits and pound signs must be rolling under their eyelids in Westminster,
I feel another MacCrone report in the making.

Plenty of reasons to keep Scotland yet from gaining incependence.


Talking of numbers, as a language and their relationship with things with hidden meanings.

88 – two fat ladies.

69 – nom nom nom nom

99 in the Shade – A song by Bon Jovi about hidden homosexuality during a reunion….go listen

Punctuation: it, can also … — -. mean letters n words nat ???!%(*, depeding on your point of *cough* view – deciphering the enigma code wasn’t as abstractly difficult as made out to be…thanks to good old logic, and the Polish & French who robbed an original machine and got the doings to near the future city of circles, in a recession while Thatcher was still alive.

“Numbers make the world go round” – Gregorian philosophy that lead to Clare Grogan going stupid in Cumbernauld.

James Che

Plenty of reasons yet from gaining independence.


The devolved government kept quite about that one.

James Che

So as a Colonised country under a treaty the same as other colonised countries were,

Do we get to ask for our cultural heritage back,
The Royals and Westminster Government should return the Stone of Destiny

Its Scotland cultural heritage.


Would I get arrested for holding up a placard saying “Not My Liege Lord”? How about “Not My Spaniel”?

James Che

When it comes to cultural heritage that was stolen from the country of Scotland thats a biggie and a obvious one.

Elgin marbles , I dont think we want them. They can have them,

Does land come under cultural heritage to a nation and country,?


@ James Che at 4.57pm

Aye, I dropped in a link to that last night along with the big gold nugget find.
Jist waiting on the investor hawks doing what they do.
It’ll no doubt be sold to the punters along the lines of what hydro power was back in the day. EG ” The lithium will make batteries so cheap we’ll all be driving new Teslas bought for a tenner”…


Ruby says:
16 September, 2022 at 4:22 pm

If that isn’t a pipe then what is it?

To answer your question, if ‘that’ isn’t a pipe then ‘that’ is everything, nothing at all, a quantity of things that isn’t everything that may or may not include a pipe among it, the parts of a pipe not wholly assembled…

The image wasn’t a pipe; The statement was correct, however the whole thing is an example of circularity – The image drawn to justify the conclusion reached by the statement; Art for art’s sake, but quirky enough to make it literally likeable.

Ian Brotherhood

Leaky pens may not be his biggest problem…

‘Buckingham Palace has seen its fair share of scandals over the years, but in the wake of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s death, a potential hidden love child in the family could be the biggest yet.

Simon Charles Dorante-Day, 56, claims he was conceived in 1965 by a 17-year-old Charles and 18-year-old Camilla, long before they began their affair.

His unlikely claim has never been confirmed, but he’s determined to settle the matter once and for all.’

link to


Gravity is stronger at the poles, Scott, and that in turns means that time passes more slowly at the poles. The reason it’s stronger at the poles is because you are nearer the earth’s core where gravity is at its strongest.

Yes, gravity slows down time, as does moving — the faster you move, the slower time passes.

If you want to live long, get close to the earth’s core and move really fast.

All of that has been confirmed with science, like much else that I have said on here.

Art can’t offer eternal life, but science can. In the future they will pity us for having to die, just as we pity people in the past who had to wash their clothes in urine.

John Main

@Scott 4:12

Nobody needs weights to stop them from floating off the moon.

And, yes, space is a vacuum.

As to your belief that space should be filled with light so blinding that nothing else can be seen, my best response to that is that you must really hate the Star Wars franchise for its lack of scientific accuracy.


‘I’ll have you all thinking like a mathematician’

Please God, NO !

John Main

@Hatuey 5:59

If you can contrive to get to the Earth’s core, you will be weightless.

Simples, really. All of the Earth’s mass will be distributed evenly around you, thus the gravitational pull will be equally strong from every direction. The net pull on you will therefore be zero.

As for washing stuff in urine, it’s a fundamental stage in the traditional manufacture of tweed. Thus something we need to celebrate as part of our rich cultural heritage.

Lots of good learning in books, Hatuey. Keep them close in future.

Hugh Jarse

Auntie mentioned the booing,cool like it’s just an aberration.
What if Chas starts to look like our Joe?
With William,the new £23m/annum gaffer of the Cornwall protection racket as his Hunter.
Let’s go…


Hatuey says: at 5:59 pm

…just as we pity people in the past who had to wash their clothes in urine.

You what? This is news to me…
Should I be using something other than piss to wash my clothes in these days?

Hugh Jarse

You’ll have the weight of the World, acting in a gravitational manner upon your bad ass John!


Klaus Schwab (2021) says nationalism is a threat to the Great Reset. Video:

link to


World Economic Forum (2020): Agenda: …redrawing the geo-political map of the world – this week’s Great Reset podcast:

“…On nationalism – we are seeing it pop up all over the place…

Countries going to have national clouds, national internets – balkanisation of technology, decoupling – that’s only going to damage our efforts…

…if there is a decoupling, or retrenchment against globalisation it is going to be complicated and messy….”:

link to


World Economic Forum: Forum Members:

“…Forum Members are fully integrated into the World Economic Forum vision…”:

World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon: Office of the First Minister of Scotland:

link to


“Simon Charles Dorante-Day, 56, claims he was conceived in 1965 by a 17-year-old Charles and 18-year-old Camilla, long before they began their affair” – Ian Brotherhood.

Before they began an affair?

Possible if a single happenstance can’t be ruled out – it guarantees a probability of truth > 0

she basted herself using his wank syringe, carried the child to term and gave birth, all while under the influence of midazolam?


Hatuey says:
16 September, 2022 at 5:59 pm

Gravity is stronger at the poles, Scott, and that in turns means that time passes more slowly at the poles.

*clenches teeth*

John Main

@Dan 6:14

No harm in washing your clothes in piss.

Watch out when drinking it though. Unless the piss is certified as fit for human consumption, steer clear.


John Main says:

“As to your belief that space should be filled with light so blinding that nothing else can be seen, my best response to that is that you must really hate the Star Wars franchise for its lack of scientific accuracy.”

Actually, you’re very wrong.

I hate it because Episode V is fucken rubbish – the prequels etc are just gimmicks, even though I know nothin about the plots or most characters.

And the notion that Lord Vader couldn’t detect his own fucking daughter from 2 feet away kinda ruins episode IV.

Episode VI redeems the original franchise somewhat with the speeder bikes and the antics of the gonks known as Ewoks.

Harrison Ford must rank alongside Tam the milkie on the boulevard of really wooden things, so fuck Star Wars. Star Wars is a prick, and Indiana Jones is a narsehole.


Republicofscotland @ 4.33pm

I saw that article by Craig Murray, he’s done a couple of good ones on all this.

The bit you highlighted about moving the coffin around the country is interesting though. Would it not have made sense, from a security point of view, to have immediately (and very quietly) moved her body to London/a secure location? And what people have been queuing up and lining the streets to see, has basically just been an empty box? It would still have generated all the desired effects, but without the actual security risk.


Urine was traditionally used to help create dyes for use in textile production – ammonia etc catalyst for whatever chemical process happens when you have a slash on some organical pigmentations.


Times (15/09/2022): Nicola Sturgeon’s climate change trip to New York is called off:

“Nicola Sturgeon has scrapped a planned trip to New York during the United Nations general assembly.

The first minister’s aides had been making plans for a second visit to the US in four months to coincide with climate week, which will take place on the fringes of the summit of world leaders.

A source said the decision not to travel to the week-long event, which begins on Monday, was taken before the death of the Queen…

…Opponents have criticised Sturgeon for travelling abroad while domestic troubles have piled up…”:

link to


Fun facts about piss/pish

Doctors used to drink piss to test for diabetes.
It’s probably safe to drink.. Has it not gone through a purifying process before being …… well pissed?

Recently POTS (Pissed Off Trannies) had a piss in and left bottles of piss outside the EHRC offices. One of them was photographed dousing his dress with piss. Although the bottle of piss may not have been a bottle of piss.

What’s the french for bottle of piss?

I’m off to research the origin of pissed off & there’s pished in being drunk.

I believe being pissed on is another fetish. I’ll research what the exact term for that fetish is too.

Maybe it’s called ‘doing the laundry’

Back later with some fun facts about pish (that’s piss in Scottish)

Oh shut up! There are people on here who don’t know that.

I’ll have to add why piss is pish in Scotland in my research.


Well done Scott. Your answer sounded good. No idea if it’s right or wrong. I do believe I will make you into an art critic long before you can ever get me thinking like a mathematician. Others have tried!

Here’s another one for you this one is called ‘The Rape’ again by Rene Magritte.
It’s a bit less quirky & likeable than ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’

link to

I think of that painting every time a politician fails to answer the question:
What is a woman although.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Scott at 4:12 pm.

You remarked,
“If planets are spherical because of the ‘to the middle concept’, why isn’t everything a sphere?

But planets aren’t spheres. They are oblate spheroids.

At 5:00 pm, you typed,
“Talking of numbers, as a language and their relationship with things with hidden meanings.

88 – two fat ladies.

69 – nom nom nom nom

99 in the Shade – A song by Bon Jovi about hidden homosexuality during a reunion….go listen”

In citing 99, you forgot about the Luftballons…

link to

Also, possibly the most important number –

“the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything else is 42.”

And more about 42 here, if you scroll down.

link to

To finish, nobody will ever change my belief that Dundee Law has a height of 571 feet.

Tinto Chiel

gregor says: “Klaus Schwab (2021) says nationalism is a threat to the Great Reset.”

Perhaps the best vindication of nationalism/patriotism EVER, as the adverts say.

Of course, we all know busted-flush Nikki is now a globalist on the hunt for her next punty-up the WEF ladder, wherever that may lead her.

And where it leaves us.


‘Golden Shower’ is what it’s called.

The medical term is
‘Urolagnia is an inclination to derive sexual satisfaction from the vision or idea of urination’

I wonder if the sex of the urinator matters? Would the sexual satisfaction be stronger for men if they were in the ladies loo?

My research into pish might take longer than I thought I’m stuck on pish-posh.

Oh shut up! Sometimes talking pish can be educational.


Creepy Police Scotland officers follow a girl home and stop her for holding up a blank placard.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi John Main at 6:31 pm.

You warned Dan et al,
“Watch out when drinking it though. Unless the piss is certified as fit for human consumption, steer clear.”

Unless you have something wrong with you internally, your urine is sterile, ie it will do you no harm. Any bacteria, etc, are already in your body. I wouldn’t recommend trying anybody else’s though.

Alf Baird

Ruby @ 7:03 pm

“I’ll have to add why piss is pish in Scotland in my research.”

A’m nae sae shuir aboot thon, tho mebbe hits juist anither lanerly Scots wird. Oor braw Scots dictionar haes mony mair exemples:

pish n something of no value, rubbish
pish doon v rain
pish-oot – A complete downpour of rain
pish-pot n chamberpot
pisht adj. drunk
pishmire – An ant, a fairy


Cheers for the pish info folks. But I’m still working my way through a box of Corona donated to me by a neighbour for being such a helpful critter, so I’m one step up the amber elixir chart from urethra issued fluid for the time being.

Numberwang wise
99 is surely chocolate flake in ice cream cone.


NewYorkTimes (04/06/2005): Prince Charles Postpones Wedding to Attend Funeral:

“Prince Charles announced today that he would delay by 24 hours the often troubled arrangements for his marriage here to Camilla Parker Bowles and attend Pope John Paul II’s funeral at the Vatican on Friday as a representative of Queen Elizabeth II…”:

link to

Independent (16/09/2022): Vatican says Pope will not attend Queen’s funeral:

“The Pope will not attend Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral, the Vatican has announced.

In a statement realeased on Friday, Rome said the church would instead be represented by a senior official who acts as the Vatican’s representative on foreign affairs at Monday’s ceremony…”:

link to


As if there won’t already be a saturation on the overkill side, of the broadcasting of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral on Monday, Edinburgh city council has decided to place a giant screen outside the Palace of Holyrood House for folk to watch the funeral from 8am till 5pm.

The funeral doesn’t take place until 11am, so whoever watches it on the big screen will have three hours fawning to watch beforehand.

Roll on Tuesday.

link to


@Tinto Chiel

re. “…we all know busted-flush Nikki is now a globalist on the hunt… …where it leaves us.”

…Where are you, Scotland.

Where are we going…


Ruby says:
16 September, 2022 at 7:15 pm

Well done Scott. Your answer sounded good. No idea if it’s right or wrong. I do believe I will make you into an art critic long before you can ever get me thinking like a mathematician. Others have tried!

Some old Italian guy tried to heighten my interest in the ‘right good paintings’ at the gallery at the Mound years ago – “Urbino! Urbino!” he pleaded as I replied in the confusion of my own ignorance – “oor Wullie? oor Wullie?’

I like art in the form of song, mainly…prose can be interesting too.

“The painter stood before her work, she looked around everywhere;

She saw the pictures and she painted them, picking colours from the air;

Green to green, red to red, yellow to yellow in the light;

Black to black when the evening comes, blue to blue through the night.

It’s a long road behind me, it’s a long road ahead;

If you follow every dream, you might get lost.” – The Painter, Neil Young

Magic man said,

“You know my dear, you are living inside a dream? – Believing the things I do are what they seem…”

Life is a trick that runs too quick, for a volunteer from the crowd; The volunteers only see what’s been allowed.

The players practice to deceive, with paper flowers none perceive, and disappearing down the top hat corridors.

Art and illusion – The magic show won’t let you go.”

– Art & Illusion, Twelfth Night

“In the bible, one thousand years BC, there’s a story of ancient history ’bout a fella who was strong as he could be, till he met a cheatin gal who brought him tragedy!

Oh run Forrest, run. Delilah’s on her way.

Ran Samson, run. You ain’t got time to stay.

Run, rabbit run. On your mark you’d better start – I’d sooner eat a custard slice than a bowfin bakewell tart.” – Scott Sedaka


If ‘The Moonhowlers’ formed a pub quizz team I reckon we could be very successful.

Google research states

The winning pub quizz team usually wins alcohol.

Don’t get too excited that could be a bottle of Pimms which is the only alcohol I’ve ever won.
Any drinks that are known be numbers?

Would the number thing count if you had to include the word number?
Number 2?


If it’s not bad enough that our treacherous FM is a member of the Trilateral Commision, she’s now involved with the Rockerfeller Foundation, along with her heroine the warhawk Hillary Clinton.

The Rockerfeller Foundation is tied at the hip with the US government and funds its NGO arms and foundations, such as the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rajiv Shah, was/is the President of Rockerfeller Foundation, he also worked for the notorious Gates Foundation.

link to


Dan says:
16 September, 2022 at 7:52 pm

Cheers for the pish info folks.

Numberwang wise
99 is surely chocolate flake in ice cream cone.

99 in the Shade – Ice cream wouldn’t melt and make the bottom all soggy.

Word association wise – Dan’s Underpants by The Macc Lads is amusing.


Open Your Mind (by Whisky Kiss):

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@gregor (8.31) –

Nice one, cheers.


Tinto Chiel

gregor says:
16 September, 2022 at 8:11 pm
@Tinto Chiel

“re. “…we all know busted-flush Nikki is now a globalist on the hunt… …where it leaves us.”

…Where are you, Scotland.

Where are we going…”

Sadly, me old haricot, on a voyage to Uranus…

See RoS’s 8.23:

“If it’s not bad enough that our treacherous FM is a member of the Trilateral Commision, she’s now involved with the Rockerfeller Foundation, along with her heroine the warhawk Hillary Clinton.

The Rockerfeller Foundation is tied at the hip with the US government and funds its NGO arms and foundations, such as the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rajiv Shah, was/is the President of Rockerfeller Foundation, he also worked for the notorious Gates Foundation.”

Tinto Chiel

@gregor: tried answering your 8.11 but fell foul of the incomprehensible Stu filter.

Think it might have to do with a planet so will try this:

gregor says:
16 September, 2022 at 8:11 pm
@Tinto Chiel

“re. “…we all know busted-flush Nikki is now a globalist on the hunt… …where it leaves us.”

…Where are you, Scotland.

Where are we going…”

Sadly, me old haricot, on a voyage to Ur*nus…

See RoS’s 8.23:

“If it’s not bad enough that our treacherous FM is a member of the Trilateral Commision, she’s now involved with the Rockerfeller Foundation, along with her heroine the warhawk Hillary Clinton.

The Rockerfeller Foundation is tied at the hip with the US government and funds its NGO arms and foundations, such as the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rajiv Shah, was/is the President of Rockerfeller Foundation, he also worked for the notorious Gates Foundation.”

Tinto Chiel

PS: may I echo Mr Brotherhood, gregor, to thank you for your YT clip to that nativist filth @8.31?

Keep ’em coming.


link to

Ach, you’ve got to grasp the positives when they arise… at least two of oor ferries aren’t producing engine emissions…

@ gregor

In the melting pot of music, that Whisky Kiss – Open Your Mind track originally by USURA samples the Simple Minds – New Gold Dream 81,82,83,84 track I linked to last night.

Here’s one for SNP members… Simple Minds – All The Things She/Her Said

link to

@ Scott

For the record I am not the Dan in that song, and also haven’t shat myself in over half a century.


Dan says:
16 September, 2022 at 9:11 pm

@ Scott

For the record I am not the Dan in that song, and also haven’t shat myself in over half a century.

I’d believe you, but for the fact your loving mum had sowm your ducking name inside…


When the then alive Queen died, the Southern General renamed after her set the roof lights to red, white n blue.

Gartnavel General has a Butcher’s Apron projected into it ce soir…never seen anything like it.

I’m scared to look towards the Juby Lee Hosphotel in Clydebank noo…


@Dan, et al

Thanks for your inspiring contributions.

…and keep expressing yourself…

@Tinto Chiel

“Sadly, me old haricot, on a voyage to Ur*nus…”

…that’s their future.

Why not self-determine our own future (it’s our choice)…

Primal Scream – Movin’ on Up:

link to

Iain More

James Che says:
16 September, 2022 at 4:57 pm

Here a bit of interesting news from MSM.

Oil is not Scotlands only wealth, that is about to be raped from Scotland for big global corporations.

Appantly the have flown over Scotland and discovered the minerals needed to make lithium batteries,
Colbolt being one of three,

The seam of minerals is said to run from somewhere around Maud to Belhelvie etc, in Aberdeenshire,
Expensive minerals and not so common, profits and pound signs must be rolling under their eyelids in Westminster,
I feel another MacCrone report in the making.

Plenty of reasons to keep Scotland yet from gaining incependence.
Scott says:


Ah FFS Min. Dinnae tell the fuckin English.


Scott says

I like art in the form of song, mainly…prose can be interesting too.

I know what you mean. I’m a fan of Leonard Cohen
‘Which I don’t pretend to understand at all’

link to

I’m sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can’t stand the scene
And I’m neither left or right
I’m just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen
But I’m stubborn as those garbage bags
That time cannot decay
I’m junk but I’m still holding up this little wild bouquet
Democracy is coming to the USA
To the USA

I love the country but I can’t stand the scene

Dorothy Devine

Gregor , great way to start the day – my only reservation being that Scotland looks so beautiful that far too many folk from south of the border might decide to come and live here having sold up teeny weeny flats in London for a fortune!


Ruby says:
17 September, 2022 at 7:27 am

I know what you mean. I’m a fan of Leonard Cohen
‘Which I don’t pretend to understand at all’

Here is your crown; And your seal and rings; Here is your love, for all things.

Here is your cart;
Your cardboard and piss;
And here is your love, for all of this.

May everyone live! May everyone die!

Hello, my love; And my love, goodbye.

Demonarchy is coming to the ‘us’, k?

Robert Hughes

Glad to see you’re a fan of L.C , Ruby .

My mates n I- in our youthful ignorance , used to mock him as ” Laughing Len ” for his sepulchral monotone – he was * depressing * * boring * * a cure for insomnia *

Can’t remember exactly when n how that changed – possibly through noticing the quality of his songwriting via interpretations of his work by other artists eg Nina Simone’s version of ” Suzanne ” n Roberta Flack’s of ” Hey , That’s No Way To Say Goodbye ” , both outstanding .

I doubt his entire oeuvre contains more than 8 chords – most of his songs typically 3 or 4 . He’s a master of ( deceptive ) simplicity and a lyricist of genius . An overused appellation , but in his case , merited .

” They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin “

Robert Hughes

Scott too 🙂


Robert Hughes says:
17 September, 2022 at 8:27 am

Scott too ?

Ever since a pal stuck ‘Songs of Leonard Cohen’ on and heard “Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river…” (1986 after the cricket, for added on drivel)

It’s a struggle to only pick one song from each of his other albums for allegorical purposes…but they all highlight the arbitrary nature of studio albums v live performances. (I don’t mind Phil Spector’s ego too much in Death of Ladies’ Man – don’t go home with your hard-on is a veritable wall of sound advice, easily forgotten when pished and horny. She was 100, but she was wearing something tight…)

He offered her an orgy in a many mirrored room;
He promised her protection for the issue of her womb;
She moved her body hard against a sharpened metal spoon;
She stopped the bloody rituals of passage to the moon;

So the great affair is over, but whoever would have guessed it would leave us all so vacant and deeply unimpressed?

It’s like our visit to the moon or to that other star, I guess you go for nothing, if you really wanna go that far.

I shed a tear when he died. I was 47.

Robert Hughes

” Scott too ” ie he’s also a fan of L.C

Brilliant examples of his lyrical prowess Ruby .

Can’t say I shed a tear when he died ( I was saving them for QE2 – HA ! ) , just thought ….. aw fck , another great gone ; though his letter to the eponymous Marianne – written just after her death and not long before his own , did cause a little moistening round the eyes – musta been a bit of grit , a fly or maybe the bracing Highland air . Or * something *

John Main

A casual reader, dropping in here, might conclude that Wings BTL is having a wee rest.

Maybes the word “interregnum” would come to mind.

Surely naw?

But what other reason could there be?

Robert Hughes

Correction …. as she was dying , rather than ” just after her death “


John Main says:
17 September, 2022 at 10:20 am

A casual reader, dropping in here, might conclude that Wings BTL is having a wee rest

Why would they care about btl comments?

Do you think nobody comes here for the articles in the archive?

Seems a tad self-indulgent, while ignoring the fact that btl comments are still open.

Does that qualify as a reason for your ‘strawman with no apparent point to make’?

Robert Hughes

” John Main says:
17 September, 2022 at 10:20 am

” A casual reader, dropping in here, might conclude that Wings BTL is having a wee rest. ”

Well , John , not much happening on the Indy front eh ? As far as I can make out , nothing will be until someone/thing proves capable of releasing NS/NU SNP’s stranglehold . No sign of that happening soon ; or soon enough .


Robert Hughes says:
17 September, 2022 at 10:09 am

Can’t say I shed a tear when he died ( I was saving them for QE2 – HA ! ) , just thought ….. aw fck , another great gone ; though his letter to the eponymous Marianne – written just after her death and not long before his own , did cause a little moistening round the eyes – musta been a bit of grit , a fly or maybe the bracing Highland air . Or * something *

Adam Cohen/The Webb Sisters gave a stunning performance of So long, Marianne at the Tower of Song memorial concert in 2017, which included a recitation of his father’s letter. Right hair-raising stuff, for me. (Not enough to cover the baldy bits, but that’s what hats and staying inside are for.) Can’t find a copy on ytube and doubt the disclaimer of wanting to share btl on WoS would bypass copyright for me to upload a copy…shame really as the body language on display raises points to ponder.

“If it be your will, that a voice be true, from this broken hill I will sing to you.” – The Webb Sisters

link to

John Main


I am one of these readers who finds the comments at least as interesting as the articles, and often more so.

The comments often demo more raw passion and engagement.

Think of when you are ranting and raving BTL and telling other posters to go fuck themselves.

You don’t get that in the articles.

Me and my strawmen all love a good cabaret.

Robert Hughes

@ Scott

Thanks for that . ??

Robert Hughes

Ooops – that should have been an ??

Robert Hughes

Fck !! should have been a * heart / love * emoji !!

Robert Hughes

Christ !! Having a bit of muddled posting morning – meant to address the comment beginning …” ” Scott too ” ie he’s also a fan of L.C….” to you Scott , rather than Ruby


Tinto Chiel @8.54pm.

I believe Sturgeon models herself on Hillary Clinton, Clinton also used women’s right as a way of accessing and maintaining her power from the female voters, yet she too backstabbed them.

Hillary Clinton is an unabashed warhawk, who called out loudly for war in Iraq and an attack on Afghanistan, and who could forget her chilling quote when Gaddfi was killed.

I also think Sturgeon and Murrell model themselves on Bill and Hillary, though they don’t quite have the power those two have.

Have a read about Sturgeon’s heroine Hillary, the similarities in my opinion are there to be seen.

link to

Dorothy Devine

Scott and Robert Hughes , that’s me got Suzanne stuck in my head for the foreseeable future – I’m sure it will suit my general mood.

Robert Hughes


The only way to remove an * earworm * is to listen to it’s cause – repetitively if necessary . But not to the point of becoming dulled by the repetition 🙂


John Main says:
17 September, 2022 at 10:52 am


I am one of these readers who finds the comments at least as interesting as the articles, and often more so.

The comments often demo more raw passion and engagement.

John son, it’s me, it’s yer Maw.

1. Who are these others that find the comments at least as interesting as the article and do they find the comments at least as interesting for the same reasons as you, if not what are their reasons? Do all these others also sometimes find the comments more interesting, just some of them or none of them?

2. The comments are the engagement, but it’d be wrong to assume that everyone has read the article. Those people who don’t are btl groupies, and are a cohort in their own right – their hierarchal position is unclear. Perhaps you can do the math on that, for liguistic clarity? (specifically, assign intent for anyone who can’t be arsed to read articles that politely tell others to fuck off at times.)

3. Tidy yer room before lunch and put a clean jumper on.


I see they’re closing foodbanks for the funeral. It’s a nice gesture, I’m sure she’d have liked that. Hunger, as we all know, has a sort of uplifting moral effect on people.

My only concern is that the starving won’t all be able to watch the funeral on TV. A lot of them, I’d imagine, don’t even have TV sets. Many that do probably don’t have electricity.

Maybe they’ll be able to watch on big screens in parks or in town squares, with entry restricted to those with rumbling tummies.

Thinking of all those hungry people and the royal funeral, the flags, the pomp, it’s just one big advert for the Union really.

If foodbanks and the Union lasts for a thousand years, men will say: this was their finest hour…


The postie has just delivered something I’d been forgetting to re-add to my collection for years… one of the finest albums to come out of Scotland- “Can’t Stand the Rezillos”

Somebody’s gonna get their head kicked in tonight…I like it. lol

Andy Ellis

@John Main 1052 am

I am one of these readers who finds the comments at least as interesting as the articles, and often more so.

Seems entirely reasonable, and it used to be one of the real pluses of this site, certainly in comparison with many others. As a wise man once said: “O tempora, o mores!”


Dorothy Devine @ 11.17.

Did you know that the tea Suzanne gave him with the oranges was called Constant Comment? I wonder if anyone who posts on here drinks a lot of it. Same wavelength.


And yet still so many Scots are *willing to live their lives under London Rule with all the grief that brings.

link to

*Obviously if the Scottish Government Administrators of Devolved Powers in Holyrood weren’t acting like a McPoundshop Westminster by mirroring the implementation of unwanted policies and the extensive corruption like in London town, then jist maybe more Scots might have the confidence to support Scotland returning to self-governing status…


@ Dan at 11.59: “..McPoundshop Westminster…unwanted policies…corruption..”

Exactly so. It is tragic that there’s no SNP MSPs or MPs willing to stand up and challenge what is going on. Not a single one.

And not a single party member willing to put themselves forward as leader at National Conference in order to at least get some debate.

Leonard Cohen mood just about covers it.


Here, what happens when you break the seal on a vacuum?

Does it, likesy, remain a vacuum or does the leakage cause issues in the now complete nusystem?

Asking for a nastronaut.

Robert Hughes

Scott says:
17 September, 2022 at 11:51 am
” The postie has just delivered something I’d been forgetting to re-add to my collection for years… one of the finest albums to come out of Scotland- “Can’t Stand the Rezillos”

Somebody’s gonna get their head kicked in tonight…I like it. lol ”

As a sad loiterer on Anorak’s Corner , I can inform you that that song was the B-Side of ( the original ) Fleetwood Mac’s – sublime – ” Man Of World ” single . If you didn’t already know that , I bet your world has taken-on a shimmering glow now that you do .

Agree with yr assessment of the Rezillos’ album . * Punk * – with a few exceptions – left me largely indifferent ; but the Rezillos were a burst of Day Glo / Sci Fi / * Wacky * colour amidst the 1-2-3-4 faux-rebellious conformity of the time .

If only MY * baby * had done ” good sculptures ” . * sigh *

Dorothy Devine

Robert Hughes, I am not making progress with your earworm cure , in fact I seem to dropping in to a Cohen abyss.

Merganser, thought you were pulling my leg for a moment so googled and lo and behold you were not!

James Che

5:18 pm yesterday.
My apologise, Just scrolling and catching up from yesterday an just noticed your comment regards Scotland,

The more we learn the more we realise the resources of Scotland are need to support the very people who falsely claim they are supporting.
It appears that everything coming to Scotland that is gifted from Westminster is in a seive,
But very solid substantial going from Scotland to Westminster,
I bet that is not taken into account in the Barnett formula.

John Main

@Hatuey 11:49

Are they closing food banks for the funeral?

Or are they closing food banks cos it’s a public holiday?

Do foodbanks usually close on public holidays?

I’m betting they do, so unless you already have some history of criticising foodbanks for closing on public holidays, I call faux outrage on your part and write your virtue signalling off as meaningless noise.

As always, willing to be proved wrong. Maybes you can link to a post dated 1st January, lambasting the selfish bastards who closed foodbanks so they could celebrate the Hogger.

Sure you wouldn’t be happier on the Guardian BTL? They do moderate on there, but your standard post template of “There’s bad stuff happening, and somebody richer than me should sort it out” is a shoe-in for publication.


Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but I just heard on the radio that
U.K. exports to the EU are down by 33%.

Another Brexit bonus to go with 5 mile queues at Dover,
a severe shortage of lorry drivers, fruit pickers, abattoir workers, nurses, doctors and hospitality workers to name but a few.

My mobile now faces charges in the EU now that we are out and I have to stand in line to enter the EU.

The cost of leaving must be circa £100 billion.

But at least money laundering and tax avoidance is still safe for the rich here.

Robert Hughes

” Dorothy Devine says:
17 September, 2022 at 12:40 pm

” Robert Hughes, I am not making progress with your earworm cure , in fact I seem to dropping in to a Cohen abyss.”

Lol . sorry , DD . You may just have to immerse yrsel in the ( sardonic ) melancholia of L.C until that earworm wriggles out : or maybe try blasting it loose with some Stevie Wonder(ful) . A proven antidote to a surfeit of * gloom * . His ” Another Star ” usually works for me


The bank holiday is for the funeral, genius.

I don’t read newspapers or watch TV news, btw. I get most of my info from David Icke, science, deductive reasoning and inference.

My point had nothing to do with rich people or bad stuff. It was about the UK Union.

Try and keep up. I refuse to dumb down what I say on here any further.

John Main

Effigy 1:12

Got any links there?

Only, my standard 30 seconds of internet research reveals articles with headlines such as “New ONS data shows that British exports to the EU reached their highest ever levels”. That’s dated July 2022.

I was prepared to shed a tear over your mobile roaming costs though, until I recalled the TV ads for no EU roaming fees plans. If you can’t be arsed to change provider, then so be it.

Meantime, shops are hoaching with fruit, veg and meat, so the shortages you claim may not be as important as you think.

Still, if you believe it to be madness for a wee country to leave a much bigger union, you are entitled to your opinion. Odd that you would express it on a pro-Scots Indy site, but maybes joined up thinking is not your forte.

James che

Our governments are not the masters in their houses

They are chosen actor leaders picked from a pre-educated and trained group that entered into universities and schools by a larger entity.

All governance around the world are crashing their economies,
all governance around the are imprisoning free Speech,
All governance around the world are bringing people to rely on a universal wage.
all governance around the world has energy and fuel crises.
All governance around the world had their people vaccinated,
All governance around the world allowed mass migration and immigration,
All governance around the world are reducing peoples ability to travel.
All governance around the world are following climate change.
All governance around the world are reducing medical care.
All governance around the world are altering their countries justice systems and laws,
All governance around the world are experimenting with cloud seeding,
All governance around the not are educating your children in the three R’s but in gender and racial issues.
All governance are hyping up wars and segregation of people against each other.

For that to happen, there is a bigger government above them all, given them the orders and their policies.

Our devolved government in Scotland is just following orders from above.
Getting rid of NS and the SNP is not the solution, for she will just be replaced with the next party leader that has gone through the same trained education system,


Effijy; “Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but I just heard on the radio that U.K. exports to the EU are down by 33%.”

It hasn’t been mentioned.

Sterling is steadily losing value too and is likely to lose more when the big welfare package for energy companies is announced and the required borrowing is outlined. Those who normally buy government bonds will be concerned about all this and hesitate… the only solution is to increase interest rates and give them a better return. That in turn will probably kill the housing market and consumer spending, taking everything further into the mire.

The technical term is “shit show”. Normally when Sterling loses value we’d see a concimitant increase in exports, but Brexit fucked that natural mechanism up too.

On a positive note, for balance, I heard that Nauru is close to signing a deal for British mutton. That’s the very sort of Global Britain deal we were told to expect after Brexit. Pity Nauru only has a population of about 10 thousand.

John Main

@Hatuey 1:36

No further dumbing down is necessary.

The meaning of your earlier post is crystal: Something you disapprove of is happening, so it shouldn’t because of … hungry people somewhere.

Meantime, on a daily basis, things you approve of are happening, so the hungry people may be ignored.

Doesn’t take genius to see through your virtue signalling hypocrisy, but thanks anyway.

Tinto Chiel

@Republicofscotland 11.12: : “Clinton also used women’s right as a way of accessing and maintaining her power from the female voters, yet she too backstabbed them.” Ironically, many female voters found Bernie Sanders more to their taste because I think they finally saw through her.

Apart from being generally hawkish, she seems to have a dangerous desire to pick a fight with Iran at any cost.

Both HC and NS now look to me to have the same dead expression behind the eyes. Whether this is a sign of something not right with their consciences or souls, I know not but it is quite disconcerting.

John Main

Ah yes, Brexit.

The source of all our woes, if you can perform the mental gymnastics to airbrush Covid and The War out of the picture.

Sit at the feet of Hatuey to learn how.

Meantime, in full sight, Alf Baird has used his Scotland As Colony theory to explain how Scotland’s elites have been turned against the indigenous Scots, thus neatly explaining how Scotland’s majority vote for Remain (a state of affairs benefitting our elites and penalising our working and benefits classes) was simply a cringing artefact of an oppressed and colonised people.

Sit at Hatuey’s feet as long as you like – he can’t join these dots so you will learn nothing.

John Main

Tinto Chiel

When you have a country that has sworn to exterminate another country, do you think it fitting and expedient to take a “hawkish” attitude to the first country?

Just wondering. I would hate to see an iScotland that at a government level took an approach of “whatever” to threats (promises?) of genocide. After all, somebody might want to exterminate us.


Scott says: at 12:15 pm

Here, what happens when you break the seal on a vacuum?

Does it, likesy, remain a vacuum or does the leakage cause issues in the now complete nusystem?

Well firstly, you won’t be able to return the unused hoover to the shop for a refund if the packaging is opened.
When I am jarring up my jams and pickled beetroot I seal the lids asap after the jars are filled with hot produce so as they cool a vacuum is pulled which helps with storing them. I tend to hear the lids pop down after half and hour or so as the trapped air cools and its volume reduces.
When I later open the cooled down jars the vacuum is released.

If yer interested in the scienz then oor man Boyle and his mate Charles have a laws about such stuff.
I read up a bit further on the subject when I was piloting a ROV during oil well drilling procedures. We were on “bubble watch” duty to see if any escapes of gas occurred on the seabed as the hole got drilled deeper.
This was in the early stages of drilling the well as the various casings sections were being installed and cemented in place to seal the well properly, so pre BOP fitting which controls well pressure and kicks.
Trouble is that if you see a bubble the size of a football at 600 meters deep, that will be a huge volume of gas when it reaches the surface, plus it could be toxic as heck too.

Anyway, was just in for a cuppa, back to the house renovations…


Merganser says:
17 September, 2022 at 11:57 am

Dorothy Devine @ 11.17.

Did you know that the tea Suzanne gave him with the oranges was called Constant Comment? I wonder if anyone who posts on here drinks a lot of it. Same wavelength.

I think I comment enough so I won’t be trying that tea just incase.

A lot of these herbal teas sound great but then I’m always disappointed when I taste them and then just go back to the tried and tested Rooibos.

Anyone who has read ‘The No 1 Ladies Detective’ will know that Mama Ramotswe drinks bush tea.
Bush tea is Rooibos also know as Redbush.

link to

I suspect Alexander McColl Smith receives a complimentary lifetime supply of Rooibos.

I read the ‘The No 1 Ladies Detective’ and ‘The Kalahari Typing School for Men’ after that I lost interest in Alexander McColl Smith although I find all the titles of his books intriguing.

I highly recommend Rooibos to you all the best tea I have ever tasted and it’s 100% natural and totally caffeine free.

Fingers crossed someone from Rooibos reads these comments and I might get a few freebies. 🙂

James Che

All governance is following the re ing programme.
All governance will reduce meat intake and farming,
All governance are attempting to digitalise their financial control of your’e money.
All governance are crashing the housing supplies and mortgages,
All governance do not recognise what a woman is.
All children have been prohibited from playing in parks, or green spaces with sign posts, by Councils around the world.

Syncronised thinking in syncronised governments around the world,

What is the probability of ALL the leaders being bad economists, bad at free speech, bad at retaining human rights, and bad at not protecting children through their female mothers, what is the probability that they All act crazy and disjointed in their policies at the same time in every country and all the people in every country around the world suffering in their hands.

A massive scale of Crimes against humanity that perhaps WW2 had tested its roots.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with people on here having a friendly chat about their favourite singer/song writer, author, tea, recipe or whatever.

If you were to invite ‘undecided voters’ to an event you would start with a friendly chat and a cup of tea/coffee. The initial chat might even be about tea & coffee. You would chat about a load of different things and then eventually you might get down to the issue of independence. ie ask them ‘How do you feel about Scottish Independence?’

I think that would be more effective in winning over voters than you having a heated argument about history/the franchise & moonhowling’ with your follow campaigner and just ignoring the undecided voter. It would probably also be better if there weren’t a group of grumps in the corner.

Hello undecided voter do you have a favourite tea. Come on in and join us and tell us all about your favourite tea.

I’m considering setting a challenge for the Leonard Cohen fans on here. I am going to challenge them to reply to every post with an appropriate line from a Leonard Cohen song. 🙂


Ruby. For Hatuey 11.49.

‘She is wearing rags and feathers from Salvation Army counters’


Dan @11.59am.

Thanks for the lik to the good article.

Dan as workers in Scotland, and the UK fight for a wage rise that gives them a fighting chance against inflation. In the likes of the US, the goal is to drive worker’s wages down, one route is the use of high unemployment.

link to

link to

The UK is moving closer to the model of America on worker’s rights, where it becomes a low wage economy, workers need to join a union to fight for their working conditions which are usually first to go.

James Che

Has the Devolved government committed crimes against humanity in Scotland?

Did the Devolved government lock up Scottish people, ( lock up/ lock down ) in to their homes under penalty of police survaillance and fines before being charged and notified of a crime under Scots law, which caused arrest.

Did the Devolved government stop Scottish children’s education,?

Did the devolved government commit a crime by interfering in family matter through gender identifying?

Did the devolved government commit a crime against the Scots by not recognising the Sovereignty of the Scots in Scots law and Constitution by going to the supreme court for a decision on referendums?

Did the Devolved commit a crime by not recognising the family unit and women?

Did the Devolved government commit a crime against Scots by supplying another country with Scottish tax payers money for a war the Devolved government are not participating in.?

Did the Devolved government commit a crime against Scots by holding closed justice courts in Scotland?

Did the Devolved government commit a crime when it did away with juries in Scots law?

Did the Devolved government commit a crime by mishandling the Scottish economy and large corporations lobbying.

Did the Devolved government commit a crime when they do not follow the Scottish Claim of Right as wrote down in the treaty of the union and Scots history.

Did the Devolved government accept English law to overlay and intervene in Scots law through the devolved government.

There are many reasons, to many to mention that the Devolved government and law firms may be held accountable for crimes against humanity in Scotland.

Scots law differs from English law

And it is time to charge the devolved government with these crimes of humanity against Scottish people,

James Che

I am not the first to mention these crimes against humanity in Scotland
Nor am I the first to recognise the colonisation of the treaty of the union by Westminster and of Scotland. Which is a major crime against humanity.


Iain Macwhirter today

“If the SNP is to exploit the forthcoming economic crisis, and the evident unpopularity of the new Tory leader, she [NS] is going to have to show a kind of insurgent leadership that she has failed to show in the past. She’ll have to fire up little short of a nationalist revolution, complete with staged confrontations, mass demonstrations and civil disobedience – things that are entirely alien to the First Minister’s lawyerly instincts.”

Absolutely. If Scotland is serious about indy it needs to get in people’s (England’s) faces about it. Disruption and disobedience. Non-violent but disrupting.

He also said:

“An early confrontation is likely over reform of the Gender Recognition Act, an issue very much to Nicola Sturgeon’s heart. Suella Braverman, Liz Truss’s choice as Home Secretary, has said she will block Scotland’s decision to allow men to self-identify as women because it would have an impact across the entire UK. Westminster can block legislation even on devolved issues. ”

Is this right? Are the Tories going to shoot down NS’s Self ID baby? THAT will be funny!



Could they not send canaries down to the bottom of the sea in cages to check for gas leakage? Generations of them have been shiftless since Thatcher shut the coal mines and not a cheep in the papers.

Any idea if guy with the funny name who was the second man on the moon took a flask with him, and if he likes pickle or jam on his cheese rolls?

@ Ruby

I don’t like tea, I like gin.

Andy Ellis

@Roger 3.58 pm

Is this right? Are the Tories going to shoot down NS’s Self ID baby? THAT will be funny!

It’s a toughie right enough. I’d happily see the legislation shot down, but it OUGHT to be being shot down in Holyrood, not by Westminster. It will however almost be worth seeing it happen just to watch the Candy Floss haired Sturmabteilung’s collective heads explode.

Even for those of us opposed to the legislation of course, it’s still possible to use the fact Westminster is dictating terms as ammunition for the independence cause. Between the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on undyref2 and the prospect of Westminster kicking the GRA in to touch on the basis it impacts on the whole UK, perhaps some more Scots might realise that the union just isn’t working?

As for Sturgeons “lawyerly instincts” I don’t think we can set much store on the fact that she was (briefly) a very mediocre lawyer who some think jumped before she was pushed given the professional misconduct allegations against her. Nicola is no Roddy Dunlop or Joanna Cherry. Her political tin ear and lack of judgement is a big part of the reason we are where we are today.

James che

Workers rights are human rights, which is something (workers unions) seem to be veering away from,

The right to a fair days pay, for a fair days work.

However while the devolved government are squandering there ability to handle taxes and ensuring there is less work available in the Scottish economy by closing businesses through mishandling revenues, such as sending large amounts scottish tax revenues to another country,

If she had taken up the baton of land tax the large corporations that with drew any mineral or use out of Scotlands land would not be Scot free.
Instead all revenues fill the coffers for other countries.

James che

If Council tax is not poll tax with a different heading.

How does any one explain there is no Council tax on a building until you officially enter it.

And council tax records follow the people around not the buildings.

It still a poll tax on the person with a bit of wordsmithing

Hugh Jarse

“Awaiting moderation”.
Read, Gone to data heaven!

Has booing been made illegal yet?
What’s the rules?
Is Sarcastic booing okay?
Would saying you were supporting feudalism to the judge, by booing the booers cut the mustard?

I’m fascinated by thinking about what will happen if booing becomes a thing.


James che says:
17 September, 2022 at 4:46 pm

If Council tax is not poll tax with a different heading….

All taxes are effectively voluntary: you can opt out of PAYE by going self-employed, and legally take payment in cash which isn’t taxable. You don’t even need to use your real name or address when you do it that way.

You can also opt out of VAT, excise duties etc by becoming a shoplifter – There’s no law that says you can’t, natural or artificial.

The first casualty of a cost of being alive crisis is


@Dorothy Devine

re. “reservation… too many folk from south of the border might decide to come and live here having sold up teeny weeny flats in London for a fortune!”

I’m sorry you feel this way.

Beautiful Scotland should provide peace of mind to its people.

James Che


The point Being made is Council tax = poll tax,

Identical except in name

Its on the person not the building, not instigated until you as a person who enters the building , it is attached to a person,
The record does not follow a building from site to site. Nor is the council tax bill sent to the building without you in it.
The council tax is on the person in the building,
The council tax does say if you cannot pay, the building will pay,
Nor does it say if the building is empty the council will pay,
But as a person those whom are next of kin to you are to pay the tax, or a sibling or lodger if not you.

This establishes that the council tax is a person tax.

No one mentioned not paying taxes, I don’t know how you came to that conclusion.

Poll tax is still illegal, so a person tax is illegal.
So how do councils retrieve the council tax for empty buildings? They don’t.

They wait till a person enters and taxes the person, Poll tax,


James Che says:
17 September, 2022 at 5:46 pm


The point Being made is Council tax = poll tax

Yeah, I acknowledged that bit…payment of taxes is a voluntary action as is giving your real name.

If you volunteer to engage with ‘officialdom’, you lock yourself into that process…

eg Letters from Telly Licencing keep arriving for The Legal Occupier – I’m waiting on them paying a visit to serve papers on the property or interview it under caution to establish if it watches my telly. I hope I’m in when they do…to act as unnamed witness.

{and if folk haven’t paid a bill and get ‘demand’ from agency who’ve bought the debt, you can ignore them entirely because unless you do, you effectivley admit they have a cause, even if you deny liability by telling them to stop sending you letters etc.)

Consent is a central pillar in the operation of the common laws in Scotland.


Scott says:

@ Ruby

I don’t like tea, I like gin.

I had to check if that was a Leonard Cohen line.
Brilliant Aldi advert! I love it. 🙂

“Gin & Cremola Foam” they tell me it as good a cocktail as ‘The Red Needle’

I don’t smoke no cigarette
I don’t drink no alcohol

but I do buy loads of the ‘coffin nails’ & ‘liver damaging spirits’ for my husband & encourage him to drink loads & smoke like a chimney until hopefully his liver & lungs pack in. Only kiddin’ well I might if he had loads of money.

@Hatuey You’ve got the idea. Slight change to the challenge it can be as many lines as you like. 🙂
If you don’t like Cohen if can be any song of your choice.

John Main

Anybody done any research on how average wages here stack up against those in France, Germany, etc?

Or Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria?

Or China, India, Japan, Brazil?

I’m confident they are much higher than the wages in many of these countries. Because many citizens from some of these countries come here to “get rich”. And cos much of the stuff we buy comes from these countries, mostly because the people who make that stuff get paid peanuts.

So, the questions are, why does anybody believe we Scots have a “divine right” to be paid more than the world going rate for the same work?

If we intend to buy into that strand of “Scottish exceptionalism”, how can we maintain that differential in an ever-globalising world, in which hundreds of millions of desperate people are on the move as they seek to escape wars, climate destruction, and resource depletion?

These are genuine and difficult questions. Maybes somebody has genuine and easy answers.


Wikipedia: Devi Sridhar:

“…She worked with Chelsea Clinton and used principal agent theory to study… She worked with Julio Frenk on the need for an independent and impartial World Health Organization.

…She regularly contributes to The Guardian, BBC World Service, CNN, Channel 4 News, and BBC Radio 4. She is a member of Iyiola Solanke’s Black Professors Forum.

Sridhar praised the resulting Scottish government strategy to deal with the pandemic, a strategy whose goals are 1) “to reduce exposure” and 2) “to keep daily new cases as low as possible.”….

During the summer of 2020 Scotland recorded the third highest death toll in Europe. Despite this, many journalists praised the apparent success of Scotland’s “zero covid” policy…”:

link to

HeraldScot (2020): ‘Janey Godley, Dolly Parton, Professor Devi Sridhar and more’:

Professor Devi Sridhar:

“If one expert voice on Covid and public health has stood out in the last year… Sridhar became a kind of public health superstar, speaking out against the “herd immunity” approach.

She is a member of a group that advises the UK’s SAGE team, and one of the experts who advises the Scottish Government.

Sometimes she came under fire for how outspoken she was – for instance, when she issued the tweet, “It is the tragedy of history that when a serious pandemic hit the world where leadership and good governance were required, Donald Trump was US President and Boris Johnson was UK Prime Minister…”:

Joe Biden:

“Joe Biden seems a decent enough sort. Getting on a bit, to be fair… But his success in November’s US Presidential election should be celebrated…”:

link to

John Main

@Scott 5:59

If I am driving along, get stopped by the polis, refuse to give them any details, then say I don’t consent to being stopped and drive off, how is that likely to go?

What about when hill walking was banned during Covid? Should hill walkers simply have refused to acknowledge polis, politely swerved past them, and continued onto the hill?

Do you practice what you preach? How’s your council tax account looking ATM?

I assume you have leccy as you are posting on here. How do you avoid paying for it?


World Economic Forum (2020): Agenda:

Race, racism and COVID-19: World Vs Virus podcast: Why are people of colour – ethnic minorities in Europe and North America – at greater risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19? …Devi Sridhar, Professor of Global Public Health at Edinburgh University, has some ideas:

“These are structural issues around discrimination and racism,” Sridhar says.

“It makes people uncomfortable to talk about it, and is seen as being quite political, especially now with what’s happening with the protests in the Black Lives movement….

When you have groups of individuals who all kind of look the same and approach problems the same, they tend to hire people, mentor people, support studies that fit with their world view,” Sridhar says…

…not only about ethnicity. It’s also about gender. It’s about class. It’s about all the various bits that make people who they are. And making sure that you have people who often disagree with you in the room…”:

link to

BMJOpinion (2017): Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar: Five tasks for the new WHO DG:

“…We believe the newly elected DG must move quickly to outline his vision for the organization…

Firstly, Dr Tedros must determine WHO’s priorities.

…these priorities must include health emergency preparedness and response, continued technical assistance in key areas…

…and plans on how it will help advance the sustainable development goals agenda, particularly as it relates to universal healthcare coverage and climate change…”:

link to


Guardian (13/09/2022): (Devi Sridhar): What’s behind the mystery of thousands of excess deaths this summer?

“…people are dying from lack of timely medical care. This winter, the cost of living crisis and concerns about fuel poverty will add to these contributory factors, given the links between deprivation and ill health. So we may see these excess death numbers continue.

…We know extreme weather events are becoming more common, and that higher temperatures can lead to strokes, heart attacks and blood clotting in elderly and vulnerable groups…

But most importantly: Covid-19 is still circulating and killing people…

Global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are making us all sicker.”

link to

Prof. Devi Sridhar: Twit (13/09/2022):

“The blowback from today’s column (as usual) is coming from all directions -> while I (of course) listen to the feedback of trusted colleagues, I don’t let random attacks on twitter affect what I write.

I write what I think is most accurate from the data.”:

link to

World Economic Forum: People:

Chelsea Clinton; Devi Sridhar; Dr Tedros; Joe Biden; Nicola Sturgeon

“WEF: Forum Members are fully integrated into the World Economic Forum vision…”


Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but I just heard on the radio that
U.K. exports to the EU are down by 33%.


Roger says:
17 September, 2022 at 3:58 pm

Iain Macwhirter today

Where is Iain MacWhirter writing today?
He got canned from The Herald for his ‘coconut cabinet’ jibe.

Is this right? Are the Tories going to shoot down NS’s Self ID baby? THAT will be funny!

I believe Andrew Tickell said they can’t do that. In another article it was suggested that the Scottish GRC wouldn’t be recognised by the UK passport office & and there could be am problem due to an influx of trans people seeking a Scottish GRC.

The POTS I would imagine would have been pissed off about that.

Funny? Everything going on in the UK at the moment is funny! Bloody hysterical.

Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
She says, “Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side”


Ruby says:
17 September, 2022 at 6:08 pm

I don’t smoke no cigarette
I don’t drink no alcohol

Old Ideas ranks near the ‘top of the pops’ wrt LC albums.

I love to speak with Leonard.

He’s a sportsman and a shepherd; He’s a lazy bastard living in a suit.

He will speak these words of wisdom like a sage, a man of vision, though he knows he’s really nothing but the brief elaboration of a tube.


John Main


Interesting stuff re Covid.

Coincidentally, I read an interview with Devi Sridhar just this week (can’t recall where). She points out that for most Scots, Covid is now less dangerous than flu.

Having had both, I can attest that’s exactly what I had personally concluded.

Makes you think, eh?


Here, John Main…why do you keep ‘begging the question’? It’s a boring as fuck way to engage apart from in the shower – the only true forum for winning imaginary arguments.

Your rant about wages in other places could have been prevented by doing that thing you advise others to do – “search the internet for 30 seconds” – but watch you don’t get electrocuted in the process.


As for the ‘always with the scenarios rather than a valid counterpoint’ bit about getting stopped by the polis…you consented to writing that pile of wank.


A quick look through the day’s btl and I’m not seeing anything about pressing for the Claim of Right by signing up to the Edinburgh Declaration via and others e.g.

100,000 signatures are needed as the UN needs to see that a significant number of the populace have formed a Scottish Liberation Movement.

I know of 10 people I passed the message to who have signed. It would be cheering to get some feedback from others on numbers.

It is obvious to all btl that Scotland’s people are in crisis – we must act as soon as possible to leave the UK in order to start repairing the damage done.

Ian Brotherhood

We’ve had a link to this interview before on btl, a long time ago, but this clip is particularly concise and revealing.

The fact that Stanley Johnson actually has solid numbers to his fingertips when asked about ‘ideal’ population numbers is one thing, but then to hear that he wrote an official government paper about population control as far back as 1972 is surely worthy of attention. Has any interviewer taken him up on this since the current ‘pandemic’ kicked off? (The numbers he trots out here are on a par with those in the now-infamous ‘Deagel’ forecast.)

This is what Tories and globalists and King Charleses really mean when they talk about ‘the climate’ and ‘the environment’ – straightforward culling of beastly useless-eater humans cos we is awfy bad for the coral an the polar bears an the whales an aw that…

link to

Rab Davis

Awe this fuss coz sum auld English wummin died in a hoose in the middle of the Highlands.

Robert Hughes

Devi Sridhar is one of the many nice middle class people that had a ” good pandemic ” – new stars born out of the coalescence of * consensus * gases – mostly nitrous oxide n sulphurous messaging . She was proven wrong numerous times , but it didn’t matter a damn – actual Science ie open , honest debate on a complex subject, was shouted down early on.Last heard she was doing the media rounds , flogging her book . She’ll go far that girl . She got the look


@ Ian B

I’ll just add this too.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Hughes (8.05) –

Thanks for the link. No, have never heard of that but it does, from the chapter headings at least, appear to have grim entertainment value:

‘The Transition of the Year 2000: The Fourth Stage of Human Society
Megapolitical Transformations in Historic Perspective
East of Eden: The Agricultural Revolution and the Sophistication of Violence
The Last Days of Politics: Parallels Between the Senile Decline of the Holy Mother Church and the Nanny State
The Life and Death of the Nation-State: Democracy and Nationalism as Resource Strategies in the Age of Violence
The Megapolitics of the Information Age: The Triumph of Efficiency over Power
Transcending Locality: The Emergence of the Cybereconomy
The End of Egalitarian Economics: The Revolution in Earnings Capacity in a World Without Jobs
Nationalism, Reaction, and the New Luddites
The Twilight of Democracy
Morality and Crime in the “Natural Economy” of the Information Age’

Sridhar is an ‘interesting’ character, eh? Vernon Coleman publicly damned her via one of those videos in which he ended up weeping with sheer fury. But she’s right in there with her WEF pals as detailed upthread (sorry, can’t be arsed scrolling back – was it ROS perhaps?)

Anyone going to ‘George’ Square tomorrow? Looks like Scottish Prism is going, aiming to do a live broadcast about 2-ish (I haven’t seen this confirmed so please don’t take that as gospel).

Unlikely that there will be enough of us to warrant the bussing-in of angry young Bears. However, if recent reports from Edinburgh are accurate then we may have more to fear from police officers threatening to follow us home.


Ahoy, Scurveys! Listen to this then…

We’re sailing on a strange boat, heading for a strange shore, carrying the strangest cargo ever hauled aboard.

Sail away with me, what will be will be; I want to hold you now, now, now.

We’ve got one million bags of the best ‘Sligo Rags’, we’ve got two million barrels of ‘Stones’. We’ve got ‘brown paper packages’ tied up with string, for Granma’s party tonight.

I’ve been talking drunken gibberish, falling in and out of bars.
Trying to get some explanation here, for the way some people are.

How did it ever come so far? – there was fuck all else to do.

Ian Brotherhood

Sorry Dan, it was you I should’ve been thanking for the link. Robert’s comment got mashed in with it inside my heid.

It’s been one of those days.

And it ain’t over yet…


Rab Davis

Celtic AND Rangers are both in trouble with UEFA.

Celtic for unfurling a “FUCK THE CROWN” banner,(looked ok to me).

And Rangers for their fans singing “GOD SAVE THE KING”.

We are in strange times.

Rangers supporters don’t seem to have a problem getting behind Charlie the wife murderer.

link to

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B 7.52: maybe the “worthless eaters” are those who do not pay tax and don’t do meaningful work. Just a thought.

Incidentally, the Great Barrier Reef seems to have recovered and polar bear numbers are up on the 60s estimates: link to

@Robert Hughes: Devi seems embedded in the WEF, Chatham House and the Wellcome Trust, despite having no medical degree or expertise in immunology or virology and is one of NS’s besties, of course.

I must admit that my views on climate change and other issues have undergone re-evaluation since my experience of MSM behaviour since the appearance of Covid in the spring of 2020.


James Che, some of your comments today have been up there with the best of them. Good to see you are comfortable being yourself again on here. Don’t let the bastards get you down and all that… let a thousand thistles bloom.

(Feel free to steel the thistles line anyone, for a book or blog title, or to perhaps put on cups and/or t-shirts… no attribution necessary)

Robert Hughes

” I must admit that my views on climate change and other issues have undergone re-evaluation since my experience of MSM behaviour since the appearance of Covid in the spring of 2020. ” .

Likewise T.C ; and I wonder if the people who are aware of the power of mass suggestion they’re witnessing with the current Royalist frenzy – and finding disturbing – are reflecting on the fact it was exactly the same with the pandemic * story * – relentless reinforcing of a single , all-powerful narrative . Ditto the W.I.U .

There’s nothing new in this , of course , propaganda has been around as long as * Politics * . But the degree now , the reach , the mediums available to distort , manipulate , censor any dissident voices is vastly beyond anything hitherto . Kinda scary really .

Can we add Phillip K Dick to the Orwell/Huxley dystopian Glee Club yet ?


Robert Hughes

” There ” = typo

John Main

Hey Scott

I ask questions cos I am genuinely interested in the answers.

But I get few answers.

Could be because my questions have no answers. Certainly looks that way to me.

Always a bad sign when enthusiasts for a cause can’t handle awkward questions, but hey ho.

John Main

@Rab Davis

“Charlie the wife murderer”

FFS Rab, hardly any time since somebody posted on here it was Betty wot did it.

Why don’t you loony toons get together and get your stories straight?

You are coming across as if you just make it up as you go along.


Tinto Chiel says:
17 September, 2022 at 8:34 pm

I must admit that my views on climate change and other issues have undergone re-evaluation since my experience of MSM behaviour since the appearance of Covid in the spring of 2020.

Climate change – Temperature increase in one place results in an equal temperature drop elsewhere. Entropy & thermodynamics.

If Earth is a ‘bubble’ floating in space, atmospheric temperature should have a maximum value that’s related to the minimum temperature already in existence in the here and now. The sun ain’t getting ‘hotter’…and the right freezing cold temperature of space doesn’t help cool us down either, despite it nearly being cold enough for light to turn to liquid form.

Assuming that the accepted laws of thermodynamics hold true….I’m open to reason on the whole CO2 etc debate. (Why don’t they capture the excess, compress it and send it on a rocket to infinity and beyond? Or plant hemp, which grows as big as Jack’s beanstalk exposed to enough of it while helping the soil and water table be healthy…)

Ian Brotherhood

@TC (8.34) –

‘polar bear numbers are up on the 60s estimates…’

FFS, that’s all we need. Before you know it they’ll be raking through the bins.

Tinto Chiel

@Robert Hughes 9.00: it seemed to me that the dodgy Covid argument was based on the now infamous Imperial College and other “modelling” (i.e. load your projections with all sorts of assumptions to get the result you wanted), control of the media and censoring of any alternative voices, however eminent in their fields.

Then I compared it to the climate change debate and found disturbing similarities and hysterias (like the royal one you referenced). I’d accepted the Al Gore narrative unquestioningly but I’m afraid my doubts began to pile up when I encountered the same M.O. with Covid.

We can forget the MSM as a source of reliable information, so have to triangulate our truth from a range of other sources. Not an easy job but we can perhaps simplify things by asking, “Is it true, or did you hear it on the BBC?” as a starting point.


Or we can just run the world into the ground and make a killing selling survival gear…

It looks to me like the decision has been made on climate change. All of a sudden they want to send people to the moon? Penny starting to drop yet?

I’m afraid we are only going to need so many social scientists in the new lunar world. By “so many” I mean none. Oh well.

And howling at the moon is going to seem like an increasingly reasonable way for you all to pass the time when you work out where all the smart guys and good looking women have gone… by which time your asses will be charcoal or something.

Of course, our new world and new future will need more people. There will be important work to be done up there.

I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

Tinto Chiel

Ian B: “‘polar bear numbers are up on the 60s estimates…’

FFS, that’s all we need. Before you know it they’ll be raking through the bins.”

Actually, Ian , some Inuit people are experiencing problems with PBs encroaching on their fishing areas. Everything’s a search for balance, innit?

@Scott: your mind-bending stuff reminds me of the hugely entertaining Daedalus column in the New Scientist in the 70s/80s. Don’t suppose it exists now but no reason for you to stop.


Tinto Chiel says:
17 September, 2022 at 9:26 pm

@Scott: your mind-bending stuff reminds me of the hugely entertaining Daedalus column in the New Scientist in the 70s/80s. Don’t suppose it exists now but no reason for you to stop.

“Daedalus had dreamed up the “inverted aqualung”: a transparent, sealed suit filled with water that a dolphin could wear on land. Its flippers would fit in large paddles to give the cetacean traction in air and propel a railcar upon which it was mounted. The unfortunate beast would be “able to explore the world freely before diving back into the pool”.

link to

The man was a genius, y’ask me. Who wouldn’t want to see a dolphin cuttin aboot toon…?

I’m off to polish my vapour drill…

Ian Brotherhood

Ayr’s Wallace Monument in red white & blue, as a mark of ‘respect’:

link to


Why are evolutionists or religionists so concerned about climate change?

Both cohorts should be celebrating the fact, just for different reasons.

The optimists, nihilists, existentialists, pragmatists and defeatists have no cause for concern either.

That just leaves you.


The anybody can atom – true or false?


Effijy says:
17 September, 2022 at 6:37 pm

Don’t know if it’s been mentioned but I just heard on the radio that
U.K. exports to the EU are down by 33%.

HMRC data confirms: Brexit has decimated UK exports

link to
HMRC data confirms: Brexit has decimated UK exports

The number of UK businesses exporting goods to the EU fell 33 per cent to 18,357 in 2021, from 27,321 in 2020.

link to

UK trade deficit widens while exports to EU hit record high

The war also resulted in exports to the EU rising to the highest level on record,

William Bain, head of trade policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, a business association, said the overall trade picture was “concerning”.

Could that be William Bain famous for ‘The Bain Principle’

Conclusion re EU exports:

And when they were up, they were up
And when they were down, they were down
And when they were only half-way up
They were neither up nor down

And me I’m up here waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come


@ Scott

A couple of Doug Stanhope comic vids touching on the subject of religions.

8 mins Jew (with retro Scottish / Edinburgh fringe anti-semetic accusation)
link to

3 mins Christianity
link to


Good News

link to

British bike exports hit record high

There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That’s a fact
It’s a thing we can’t deny

Robert Hughes

” Scott says:
17 September, 2022 at 11:01 pm

” The anybody can atom – true or false? ”

Trulse : up n atom you strangely charming quark 🙂


Dan says:
17 September, 2022 at 11:25 pm

@ Scott

A couple of Doug Stanhope comic vids touching on the subject of religions.

His ‘I hate the jews’ routine is perfect – buckled every time I watch it…but who gives a fuck what he thinks, he’s a comedian. Give me publicity, I hate everyone.


Robert Hughes says:
17 September, 2022 at 11:42 pm

” The anybody can atom – true or false? ”

Trulse : up n atom you strangely charming quark ?

Doesn’t exactly verify if anybody can split the atom….


Ian Brotherhood says:
17 September, 2022 at 9:15 pm

@TC (8.34) –

‘polar bear numbers are up on the 60s estimates…’

FFS, that’s all we need. Before you know it they’ll be raking through the bins.

Could also mean Stu won’t ever be able to return to Wings full-time.

Robert Hughes

” Doesn’t exactly verify if anybody can split the atom… ”

They can if they take enough acid . They might even find themselves in Subatomic Land . A stranger in a very strange land

Brian Doonthetoon

Polar Bears use Ecoeats.

link to


@ Dan

Re: comedy and religion.

In Carpet Remnant World (which is hilarious throughout), Stewart Lee tells a tale of his young son seeing one of these muslims they have now wearing a full burkha outfit and asking if she was a ghost like they have in Scooby Doo.

At the end of the story…

“Years ago I wouldn’t have faffed about if asked why ‘God’ wanted her to wear it…I’d have said it’s because she’s religious, and that’s the same as being mentally ill”


Robert Hughes says:
18 September, 2022 at 12:08 am

” Doesn’t exactly verify if anybody can split the atom… ”

They can if they take enough acid . They might even find themselves in Subatomic Land . A stranger in a very strange land

Eminently possible at this time of year – silly season, according to a fun guy I know.


Has anybody here seen Boyle?

I don’t care what he did to his women, I don’t care what he did when he drank.

I just want one note from that lonely old goat, about how many comments we’ve all made.


Meow means “woof” in cat – George Carlin


Brian Doonthetoon says:
18 September, 2022 at 12:15 am

Polar Bears use Ecoeats.

Ecoeats was started by St Andrews Uni students and isn’t backed by big business.

Seed cash was provided by their trust funds and all profits are reinvested back into etc


The new industrial revolution is missing an obvious trick that can solve so many contentious issues…

Cyclists et al could power the nation, reducing demand for leccy, gas, oil etc in the process.

A carriage fulla static bikes connected to the drive mechanism would power the trains…and one of they things you get in Spain with four seats and a sun shade can be adapted to tow the buses. And on perfect days for cycling up a mountain, they can make the windmills work.

Turn the 24hr gymns into houses, apart from the one up the road from me – it’s for back into the bingo, and let the fuckers use all that kinetic potential energy to run the factory machines etc.

It’ll keep them off the roads, give them purpose and free up the cycle lanes for the benefit of ever

The savings would be enormous – although the cunts would be even more insufferable about how important they are to the planet.


Why hasn’t someone invented a network of pipes that enable people and goods to travel faster than planes n boats n trains et voitures?

Think of the canister of cash in the supermarket getting sooked up to the cash office.


a capsule flushed using water (in sealed systems nothing touches the inside of the pipe as it moves through it – even jobbies go round bends intact)

..scaled up you’d be able to travel from La Weege to Steak & Kidney in time to collect the ‘snag n bouncer’ pizza you ordered and it still be roasting hot when sitting back down in Osprey Heights in time for The Sullivans.

But only on days when it’s on.

Tinto Chiel

This is the place for you, Scott: link to

It may have been Breeks or some other savant who mentioned this mind-bending tome a few years ago on here.


NHS (18/09/2022):

SEARCH: “Pericarditis”:

RESULT: “Pericarditis causes chest pain and a high temperature. It’s not usually serious…”:

link to

“Myocarditis means inflammation of the heart muscle. In the United Kingdom, one young person dies suddenly each week due to undiagnosed myocarditis. It can affect anyone at any age..” (MyocarditisUK):

NHS (18/09/2022):

SEARCH: “myocarditis”:

RESULT: “No results found for myocarditis”:

link to


Tinto Chiel says:
18 September, 2022 at 8:14 am

This is the place for you, Scott: link to

It may have been Breeks or some other savant who mentioned this mind-bending tome a few years ago on here.

Thanks for the nod.

PERSPECTIVE and scale are bound to each other – the eternal triangle.

Tinto Chiel

“The eternal triangle.”




“…Nicola Sturgeon’s government – enjoyed a posh dinner date with Sanjeev Gupta, Lex Greensill, Jay Hambro and Tim Haywood… This meeting too place without any civil servants being present and without any minutes having been taken.

…we now know there are potential liabilities for Scottish taxpayers running into the hundreds of millions as a result of deals done between Greensill, Gupta and the Scottish Government.

…worth noting is the name Tim Haywood. He was at the slap-up meal in June 2017 too. …he was later suspended from his job as a city fund ­manager at GAM Holdings and fined by the Financial Conduct Authority for failing to manage conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest involving…you guessed it…Lex Greensill…. Haywood was caught accepting “gifts and entertainment…

…Ms Sturgeon’s power purchase guarantee created exposure of approximately £586m for taxpayers. All so that Gupta (currently under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office for fraud and money laundering) could expand his industrial portfolio in the UK. And all further backed by Greensill Capital which had been caught up in a serious lobbying row…

The SFO investigating suspected fraud, fraudulent trading and money laundering, by the people the SNP have done deals with at taxpayer risk. …that Nicola Sturgeon would also have “sponsor” an SNP conference drink event…

Amid resigning auditors under investigation… we need to know the extent of the relationship between Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP and the businessmen they chose to jump into the proverbial bed with.”:

link to


World Economic Forum: Organizatons:


link to

GFG Alliance:

link to


Wikipedia: GAM:

“…appointed Peter Sanderson as Group CEO… Before joining BlackRock in 2006, his engagements included Mondrian Investment Partners and KPMG…

…Soros Fund Management had built up a 3% stake in the company, which it subsequently sold.

December 2019, GAM was accused of accounting ‘misstatement’ by the Swiss bourse.”

World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon:

link to

World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

Sanjeev Gupta:

link to


Tinto Chiel says:
18 September, 2022 at 5:22 pm

“The eternal triangle.”


Thanks. ? (My emojis normally appear as questions marks)

Tinto Chiel

Emojis don’t work in Stu’s comment box. Colon and bracket makes a smile and semi-colon and bracket makes a wink.


🙂 😉

Tinto Chiel



WashingtonPost (24/10/2017): World leaders rehearse for a pandemic that will come ‘sooner than we expect’:

“The government ministers were facing a new infectious disease outbreak. The mysterious virus was sickening and killing people with alarming speed. Some patients had to be placed on ventilators to help them breathe. The new virus seemed resistant to antiviral medicine.

Within a week, officials had closed a major hospital and schools and quarantined thousands of people. Fear and panic spread quickly as people in neighboring countries became infected and died.

That scenario was part of a pandemic simulation held during the World Bank’s annual meeting in Washington this month. It’s not the kind of event that people would typically associate with the World Bank. But it’s the fourth such exercise the bank has helped organize in the past year, reflecting what experts say is the growing awareness outside the traditional global health sector of the increasing threat and economic disruption posed by a global pandemic.”:

link to


CentreForHealthSecurity (John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health): Completed Projects (October 2017):

SPARS Pandemic Scenario:

“The Center’s SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future…

While engaged with a rigorous simulated health emergency, scenario readers have the opportunity to mentally “rehearse” responses…

The scenario is hypothetical; the infectious pathogen, medical countermeasures, characters, news media excerpts, social media posts, and government agency responses are entirely fictional.”:

link to


World Economic Forum: Organizations/Agenda Contributors:

Johns Hopkins University:

link to

The World Bank:

link to

Oxfam (17/01/2022):Ten richest men double their fortunes in pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall:

link to


Devi Sridhar (17/09/2022): Twit: re. ‘The Book’:

“Thank you – felt it was important to capture what we all lived through – why different governments responded in divergent ways, where COVID originated- and how safe and effective vaccines were developed in record time.”:

link to

PenguinBooks: Devi Sridhar: Preventable:

How a Pandemic Changed the World & How to Stop the Next One:



“…sensational story of how a disaster was turned into a catastrophe, with the clarity, precision and humanity that you would expect from one of the most important voices of reason of the COVID era. A brutally compelling reminder that if voices like Devi’s had been listened to, so many more could have lived…”:

link to


World Economic Forum: Organizations:


“Bertelsmann is a media, services and education company that operates in about 50 countries around the world. It includes the broadcaster RTL Group, the trade book publisher Penguin Random House…”:

link to

NewsCorp: (owner: The Sunday Times):

link to


World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

Pooja Chhabria:

Digital Editor, World Economic Forum Geneva: Multimedia journalist for Digihub, the BBC World Service’s digital-first team based in London.

World Economic Forum: Agenda Contributor:

Claudia Hammond:

Broadcaster, BBC Radio 4: …psychology lecturer. She is the presenter of All in the Mind & Mind Changers on BBC Radio 4 and Health Check…

World Economic Forum: People:

Dawood Azami:

Multi-Media Editor, BBC World Service (London); Visiting Lecturer, University of Westminster (London) and Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum…

World Economic Forum: People:

Frances Cairncross:

Rector, Exeter College: …Regular presenter, BBC Radio Four’s Analysis programme…

World Economic Forum: People:

Mishal Husain:

Presenter, BBC News: BBC Radio 4, television news on BBC1 & BBC World News…

World Economic Forum: People:

Anne McElvoy:

Executive Editor, Strategy, The Economist: …Presenter of BBC radio programmes, “Start the Week”, “Free Thinking”…

World Economic Forum: People:

Vivienne Parry:

Head of Engagement, Genomics England: Hosts medical programmes for BBC Radio 4…:

link to


SNP (2020): Nicola Sturgeon’s full statement on additional COVID restrictions:

“…the most important priority is saving lives and protecting health.

But there are other priorities too…”:

link to

Scotsman (19/08/2022): Devi Sridhar:

“People who threaten public… should face “harsher penalties”, public health expert Devi Sridhar has said…”:

link to

BBC (20/09/2022): Deaths in Scotland spike to almost 10% above average:

“Deaths in Scotland rose by almost 10% compared with the five-year rolling average, new quarterly figures show.

A total of 14,982 people died between 1 April and 30 June, up 9.7% on the five-year average of 13,660.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) found that there was no single major reason for the increase…”:

link to



“Done to prevent someone from dying.”

“She had a life-saving operation to remove a blood clot.”

link to


Dominic Kennedy: Twit (2020):

“Coronavirus conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, Davos and biological warfare … “These people have access to the next generation of young people and are able to cast doubt about the clear realities of modern life.” says former MP Richard Benyon”

Public response:

“Hi Dominic, Bill Gates is the second largest donor to the WHO – who just happens to be affiliated with the World Economic Forum via the Gates Foundation. Please tell us where the ‘conspiracy’ is? All I see is factuality.”

link to


World Economic Forum: Organizations:

News Corp (owner: The Times)

World Economic Forum: People:

David Wighton: Associate Editor, Business and Politics, The Times

World Economic Forum: People:

Bronwen Maddox: Director and Chief Executive, Chatham House: …The Times, supervising the paper’s 10 correspondents in the US…

World Economic Forum: People:

Robert Thomson: Chief Executive Officer, News Corporation: …2002-07, Editor, The Times…

(source: World Economic Forum)


Leaked phone call (11/09/2022):

Dominic Kennedy, Investigations Editor at The Times:

Why he’s not investigating vaccine injuries and deaths:

link to


World Economic Forum: Twit: Davos (2018):

Jes Staley:

“Connectivity between regulators, banks and academics has increased. Not only do they look at what to fix but how to work collaboratively to avoid the next crisis.”

link to


World Economic Forum (2020): Partner in Shaping History:

“…we at the World Economic Forum are just getting started.”:

link to


AltFi (2021): High street banks see profits soar in post-Covid-19 surge:

“While digital banks are just starting to eke their way to profitability, traditional banks have reported soaring profits.

All the biggest UK high street banks saw their profits above the £1bn mark during this Q3 results season, with Barclays hitting a record £6.9bn (before tax) quarterly profit earlier this month.

“On top of a good first half, a strong third-quarter performance means Barclays has delivered its highest Q3 YTD pre-tax profit on record in 2021, demonstrating the benefits of our diversified business model,” Barclays CEO Jes Staley said, just days before he resigned.

In the last quarter alone, Lloyds lent an additional £2.7bn in home loans taking its total mortgage lending to £15.3bn and pushing its profits to £2bn…”:

link to

EveningStandard (23/02/2022): Barclays withholds bonus payments to Jes Staley as Epstein investigation continues:

“Barclays is withholding bonus payments from Jes Staley, the chief executive who left last year amid an investigation into the details of his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, the financier and convicted sex offender.

Staley is getting £2.4 million in pay and a £120,000 pension allowance, however, for 2021.

The annual report shows that Staley was paid around £24 million in his near 7-year stint at the bank. And that he holds 18 million shares in Barclays including £3.3 million worth granted by Barclays as an “unvested” award for 2021-2023…”:

link to


Guardian (07/09/2022): 1 million more people in UK face poverty this winter, analysis shows

link to

World Economic Forum: People:

Joe Biden:
Nicola Sturgeon:
Liz Truss:

World Economic Forum: Organizations:

Lloyds Banking Group:
NatWest Group:

(‘The Big Four’)


BBC (20/09/2022): Liz Truss defends plan to lift cap on bankers’ bonuses:

“Prime Minister Liz Truss has said she was prepared to take “difficult decisions” such as removing a cap on bankers’ bonuses to boost the economy.

In an interview with the BBC, Ms Truss admitted that spurring economic growth may mean doing unpopular things.

Her government is considering removing a cap on bankers’ bonuses as part of a post-Brexit shake-up of City rules.

Speaking in New York ahead of a meeting with President Joe Biden, the PM said she was about “delivering for people”…”:

link to


“Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG …DJ, television and radio personality who hosted BBC shows…

…hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse made against him were investigated, leading the police to conclude that he had been a predatory sex offender and possibly one of Britain’s most prolific…” (Wikipedia)

Nicola Sturgeon, quotes (2011):

“Sad news about Jimmy Savile.

Once had lovely chat with him in Franco’s at Central Station.

A real treat for a child of the Jim’ll Fix It era.”

link to


Wikipedia: World Economic Forum:

“…The Forum suggests that a globalised world is best managed by a self-selected coalition…

It sees periods of global instability – such as the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic – as windows of opportunity to intensify its programmatic efforts….”:

link to


World Economic Forum: People:

Kwasi Kwarteng: Chancellor of the Exchequer, HM Treasury of the United Kingdom:

link to

World Economic Forum (14/09/2022): Agenda:

Economic growth – a weak outlook for OECD countries:

link to

BBC (20/09/2022): Treasury refuses to publish UK economic forecast:

“The Treasury is refusing to publish a forecast of the UK’s economic outlook alongside this Friday’s mini-Budget.
Independent forecaster the Office for the Budget Responsibility (OBR) has already provided a draft to Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, the BBC understands.

The Treasury Select Committee says a forecast is “vital” given recent government moves to curb living costs…”:

link to



“An organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you.”

link to



“The ability to judge what needs to be done and take action, esp. without suggestion from other people.”

link to



“Men, women, and children.”

link to


Google: Search (20/09/2022):

“world economic forum grand scheme”:

Search Result:

The Great Reset: World Economic Forum (“…the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative…”):

link to


Reevaluation of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection in anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic antibodies and mRNA-vaccine antisera using FcR- and ACE2-positive cells:

Published: 16/09/2022:


“…we demonstrate that certain monoclonal Abs (mAbs) approved as therapeutic neutralizing anti-S-protein mAbs for human usage have the potential to cause ADE in a narrow range of Ab concentrations.

Although sera collected from mRNA-vaccinated individuals exhibited neutralizing activity, some sera gradually exhibited dominance of ADE activity in a time-dependent manner.

None of the sera examined exhibited neutralizing activity against infection with the Omicron strain. Rather, some ADE of Omicron infection was observed in some sera.

These results suggest the possible emergence of adverse effects caused by these Abs in addition to the therapeutic or preventive effect.”:

link to


CDC: Twit (20/09/2022):

“Providers: The estimated number of patients needing anticoagulants is expected to double by 2050.

Learn how you can improve the use of these therapies to optimize care for your patients…”

link to


JustTheNews (20/09/2022): ‘Highly suspect’: DARPA tried to hire executive at Wuhan lab funder as COVID emerged…

Virologist who suppressed lab-leak debate through social media fact-checks had “obvious conflicts of interest” through undisclosed gain-of-function research, former Senate investigator says:

“Sixteen months after the Biden administration conceded COVID-19 might have emerged “from a laboratory accident,” largely ending social media censorship of the onetime “conspiracy theory,” fresh scrutiny is falling on a nonprofit conduit for federal research grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and a purported fact-checker.

A former vice president of the EcoHealth Alliance claims it “developed” SARS-CoV-2 and “described in detail” how it would do so in its successful research proposal to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its component National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)…”:

link to


RenzLaw, LLC (12/09/2022):

“Evidence included herein demonstrate the following key points (amongst others):

1. SARS-COV2 was created in the lab in Wuhan, China;

2. Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work;

3. The US Intelligence Community was aware of and appeared to have been involved with the funding of said Gain-of-Function work;

4. A number of well-connected public and private partners were involved in the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in the creation and release of SARS-COV2;

5. Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover-up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2.

The story of SARS-CoV-2 involves many government officials and agencies; academic research centers and research centers; and funding sources. We will discuss many of them here, but have
determined that only a few bare most of the responsibility for SARS-CoV-2, and this document focuses on these individuals and organizations:

• Peter Daszak and his organization EcoHealth Alliance,

• Anthony Fauci, head of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,

• Shi Zhengli, Chinese virologist who headed the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,

• Ralph Baric, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

We believe that in the coming weeks and months, partly in response to making this document public, more evidence will become available. We do not expect new disclosures to change any
conclusions herein; but rather that more people coming forward will strengthen our findings…”:

link to


AmericanRedCross (14/09/2022):

“We don’t label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient. If you have safety concerns about potential blood transfusions, please speak with your medical care team.”

link to

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