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Wings Over Scotland

Doublethink, Expert Level

Posted on January 27, 2023 by

This is incredible.

We couldn’t put it better than Alba MP Neale Hanvey, who said:

A cunning plan… let’s fight to preserve a law we’ve just done a major U-turn on, completely undermining our claims it was ‘safe’. Remember when Scottish Labour played opposite sides of the argument? Well, even they didn’t argue both sides on the same front page on the same day.”

The SNP are a flailing shambles of incompetence, under a leader fast losing her iron grip on her own party as they watch her turning it into a laughing stock with growing horror. More and more disquiet reaches our ears from within her increasingly leaky and nervous Parliamentary groups. Who will be the first to tie their courage to a flagpole and make the move to mutiny? We can only wait and see.

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0 to “Doublethink, Expert Level”

  1. red sunset

    A flying “iron grip”?

  2. Awkward Westie

    think NuSNP is already well past “turning it into a laughing stock” stage. That destination was reached a long time ago, we are now at the posing a clear and present danger to the people & nation of Scotland stage

  3. SusanAHF

    Sturgeon is a fkn moron. She had the nerve to say opponents of the Bill were racist and homophobic as well as transphobic. Trans ideology is inherently homophobic and sexist. What a fruitloop

  4. Ted

    But will the voters of Scotland finally wake up to what the rest of the UK has known all along: that Sturgeon and the SNP are a disgrace to Scotland and the UK. Tragically, Scotland is now a laughing stock getting worse by the day. But if the Scottish electorate doesn’t rally behind Alba, if they want independence, or to one of the unionist parties if they don’t, then as the man in the sitcom said: we’re all doomed.

  5. Calum

    It’s farcical but at least the more she fucks up, the better the chance we have of seeing the back of Sturgeon.

  6. robertkknight

    Q: When is a woman a “woman” and when is a woman a “man”?

    A: When Sturgeon says so.

  7. Dave Hansell

    The future in a single diagram

  8. lothianlad

    Sturgeon, like all rulers who think they are invincible, is seeing her leadership and credibility crumble!.
    The cultists now have a choice, go down with the ship or develop a spine.
    Maybe like rats, they will look for a new refuge!
    Alba beware!

  9. Ottomanboi

    «The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism»

    John C Calhoun
    (American statesman, political theorist and vice president)

    Are we there yet?

  10. tamson

    UK Supreme Court blocks Scottish Parliament’s right to hold a referendum on Scottish independence, the constitutional reason for the SNP’s existence:

    SNP’s response: grumble, plan to talk about it in 3 months or so.

    UK Government block’s Scottish Parliament legislation allowing men to legally become women for the price of a pint:

    SNP’s response: Outrage! Scandal! we’ll take this to the highest court we can!

  11. Johnny


    Whatever the case, it is ludicrously bad politics to call vast swathes of the electorate names.

    In the US, Clinton did this and then spent years wailing that it was everyone else’s fault that folk in swing states didn’t vote for her.

    Also abject idiocy, and this is just the same (as you say).

  12. Cuilean

    Ted says:
    27 January, 2023 at 11:16 am
    But will the voters of Scotland finally wake up to what the rest of the UK has known all along: that Sturgeon and the SNP are a disgrace to Scotland and the UK. Tragically, Scotland is now a laughing stock getting worse by the day. But if the Scottish electorate doesn’t rally behind Alba, if they want independence, or to one of the unionist parties if they don’t, then as the man in the sitcom said: we’re all doomed.

    Ted, Scottish Labour and Scottish Liberal Democrats were the most enthusiastic in voting for the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, in Scotland.

    Keir Starmer is just as captured by the Borg as Nicola Sturgeon.

    Far from rest of UK being a beacon for women rights, the English Labour Party and the English Liberal Democrats Party are just as captured and enthralled to the No Debate Gender Borg. Only the Tories in England oppose the Borg.

    In Scotland we can vote Alba rather than Tory, so I prefer Scotland’s choices to England’s, at the moment.

    At the next Holyrood Election Sturgeon could lose her Constituency seat (although she’s is completely safe, as head of the SNP’s regional list vote). Muslims in Govan are more than a little concerned that their MSP has torn up the right for women to only be seen by female doctors and nurses, or to use public changing areas only frequented by, (as Ricky Gervais describes us, ‘those old fashioned women, you know, the ones with wombs’).

    Hell mend her.

  13. Bob Mack

    Reminds me of Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Constantly arguing with himself whether to kill”master” or not.

    They are heading for the exit door.

  14. Alex Browne


  15. MacCumhail

    “The SNP are a flailing shambles”

    The job’s a good one in Sturgeons eyes in that case. Mission accomplished.

    This will damage the SNP at the next election.

    Her handlers in the security services (or perhaps she has always been a sleeper) believe this will weaken independence.

    I can’t see any other explanation for such an absolute clownfest, she’s a lawyer, she cannot be this stupid.

  16. Mia

    “as they watch her turning it into a laughing stock with growing horror”

    I don’t mean to be rude, but either those MPs/MSPs are completely stupid or they had to see this coming from the get go.

    So no sympathy from me, I am afraid. They made their choice to put females and children at risk despite knowing they would be hit by a huge backlash. Now it is time they reap what they sow. If they did not plan this, then serves them right for being so stupid and selfish by sticking their fingers in their ears instead of doing their jobs which is to protect the interests of their constituents.

    If it is what they planned all along to make the SNP non-electable, then they must be delighted at the prospect of sacrificing their jobs for the sake of the union. I am sure they will soon get their gongs and bubbles rewards for deliberately destroying their political careers and deliberately betraying the Scottish people to save the union. They deserve the title of Scotland’s 21st century parcel of rogues.

    Those MSPs, MPs and SPADS are as much to blame as Sturgeon is: they watched while this train wreck abused our pro-indy votes for years while driving the party at speed towards a stone wall (pun intended). Yet, instead of chucking this loser out of the driving seat and hit the breaks before crushing against the wall, they chose to do the establishment’s dirty work by letting her remain standing on the gas.

    Now they will have to live with the consequences of their indulgence, self-interest and cowardice. I honestly hope each and every single MSP who voted for this crap and every MP who promoted it lose the seat at the next election.

    As per “taking the fight of the block to EU”, more bollocks typical of the loser Sturgeon and her overpriced spin doctors who clearly think the people of Scotland are idiots drinking the kool-aid.

    This hypocrite and her minions whine about the “undemocratic” move of Westmintser to block HOlyrood when it is perfectly in its right to do so. All while this loser opened the consultation for Scotland’s legislation to the entire effing world, so the actual people of Scotland’s views could be silenced by third party’s interests, and then proceeded to undemocratically force through, against the will and interests of the majority of the people of Scotland, with no rational justification whatsoever, legislation so aberrant, so destructive and so utterly ridiculous that would make even the most staunch 20th century fascist and flat-earther red with embarrassment.

    What pisses me off the most is that this is yet another opportunity for the loser Sturgeon to waste even more of our taxpayers funds for a known lost cause, I wonder if this is to inflate the apparent costs of running Scotland for when the next propaganda report, aka GERS comes along.

    Honestly, who does this loser and her masters think their are fooling?

  17. Luigi

    Apparently the great claim (excuse) that all trans prisoners will be fully assessed and that no she-rapists will be put in women’s prisons is a nonsense. Some experts in these matters have already stated that the assessment tools necessary for trans-offenders haven’t been developed or tested yet – they simply don’t exist. But hey, no problem, as long as the government insist on robust assessments by experts (poor sods), then everything is going to be hunky dory, right? What a mess, I just hope nobody gets seriously hurt because of this nonsense. How much will this cost taxpayers, once the legal challenges begin?

  18. Dickie Tea

    So why were the SNP not laying written declarations about the failure of the UK govt to issue a Section 30 order?

    Happy to go marching to Strasbourg on behalf of a small minority of violent thugs but not for those who wish independence.

  19. PhilM

    Absolute power (no public criticism, no say on policy, no pushback) makes politicians lose the plot…remember chief mammy?…she’s not just losing her iron grip on the party but her grip on reality as well.
    It all started so well in a way but maybe the seed of her undoing was there to begin with…her inflated sense of self agreed to a 12,000 auditorium celebration…constant need for attention…presidential style…those Covid podiums…you wanted total control and now you’ve royally f***ed it all up…own it…realise when your time is up…now get the f*** off the stage!

  20. Geoff Anderson

    What a brilliant strategist Sturgeon is. She cannot ask the People of Scotland (they would give the wrong answer) so she goes to the EU to give an opinion that she is then going to present to Brexit Tories to lever them into dropping the section 35 order.

    She is not stupid enough to do it herself. She needs an absolute idiot to pursue, enter Bardell

  21. David Beveridge

    You do get the feeling that we’re watching the dying embers of Sturgeon’s time in office and the final coup de grace for this abysmal failure of a “leader” can’t come quick enough.

    I hope the cultists have all got some counselling sessions lined up.

  22. Scotsrenewables

    She’s pressed the self destruct button.

  23. Andrew F

    Alex Browne:

    I just re-read “nineteeneightyfour” after about ten years since last time.

    I have a vivid memory from “occupy” days of placards along the lines:

    ‘1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual!’

    Saw them again in the last couple of years at our Australian Freedom rallies.

    What the SNP is up to here isn’t some localised outbreak of weirdness, it’s part of an internationally co-ordinated and controlled plan to introduce this type of “new normal” across the world, or at least especially across the US empire controlled part of the world.

    Drag story time became a “thing” here at the same time it did over there, and everywhere else for that matter.

    “What a coincidence!”

  24. Dubh

    Apparently the court had decreed that he be remanded at Barlinnie – but *someone stepped in and he was pamped at Cornton Vale.

    And let’s not forget the arsewipes of the Greens/Slabour/LibDems who all supported the concept of believing Trans people when they say who they actually are. Slabour even ignored the Bain Principle to vote in the GRA’s.

    Not because they thought it would be a ‘wheeze’. Not because they wanted the Scots Parliament to crash and burn – but because they actually believe than men CAN be women at the flick of some fag ash.

    Can we no save ourselves? Are…are we waiting for someone to do it for us?

  25. MacCumhail

    She’s actually backstabbing her trougher MSP’s and MP’s too who were looking forward to a Scottish Labour style extended period of snouts in the trough whilst delivering nothing.

    Every cloud eh!

  26. Kevin Cargill

    When is a transwoman not a transwoman?

    When he proves the argument against making it easy to obtain a GRC!

  27. Mia

    “She is not stupid enough to do it herself”

    Personally, I do not think is so much a matter of being stupid as it might be a matter of being a pathetic and unprincipled coward hiding behind a fake PR persona. This would explain why this loser is wasting so much of our taxpayers’ funds in “advisors” and still getting everything wrong.

    Did you notice like me that whenever this loser messes up, instead of owning up to her mess, as a principled leader would do, and face up the consequences of her actions, she either throws a male MSP/MP under the bus as a scapegoat to protect her fake pro-indy PR persona or she has the usual handful of MSPs/MPs (and they are always the same), as her front-line praetorian guard taking the wrath for her so she can hide in the shadows until the storm she created settles.

    This strategic “genius” clearly thinks she is successfully distracting us from the fact that she is such a coward that did not even have the guts to bring the referendum bill to Holyrood.

    This could be either because she had to whip her MSPs to vote against it, risking her fake pro-indy persona to be fully exposed and with it the end of her position, or the bill would pass comfortably, putting Westminster and the Supreme Court in a much more difficult position to stop it, never mind to hide it to the world.

    So the coward had another willing establishment minion, aka the lady Advocate, blocking the entry of the bill for on her behalf, so she could indirectly stop that bill while keeping her fake pro-indy PR persona intact. Another advantage is that such move gave her another brilliant excuse to haemorrhage a few more million of our taxpayers’ funds in another lost cause, her favourite past-time now, artificially inflating the legal costs of running Scotland

    Why is she not taking to the EU court of justice the fact that we, the people of Scotland, have given several mandates for an independence referendum therefore that bill should have passed through HOlyrood and why is she instead taking this crap legislation opposed by the majority of the people of Scotland?

    Why, as a leader of the SNP, isn’t she whipping the SNP MPs to temporarily suspend the treaty of union by transferring their powers to Holyrood so the referendum can take place?

    Because this loser appears to be another lying coward doing the dirty work of the UK establishment to stop Scotland’s independence instead of delivering it.

    Shame on all SNP MPs and MSPs who have let this establishment minion get away with blatantly lying, denying us of our democratic rights and right to self-determination, robbing Scotland’s assets on behalf of the establishment and third parties and endangering and betraying the people of Scotland for 8 fucking years.

  28. PhilM

    ‘The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Transwomen
    Gang aft agley’.
    Robert Burns (he/him)

  29. Scotsrenewables

    I feel sorry for genuine long-term trans people who were quietly getting on with their lives.

    This cannot possibly be good for them.

  30. Wullie B

    Did you see Steven Marwick calling for Dr Lisa Cameron’s expulsion from the SNP due to her contacting the Scottish Secretary re the GRR S35, the twitler youth are the ones that need expelling along with the genderwoowoo agitators

  31. Ottomanboi

    A possible result of all this will be a greater awareness and heightened intolerance of these «communities». By dragging these recondite orientations from the private space into the public square ridicule may be the least worst response.
    Discretion and circumspection even in the shouty, look at me era of social media, is still the best option for the minority. The wise know to keep their own council in especially «recherché matters».
    That aside, the collateral political damage is also likely to be significant. Politicians of all tendencies need to cease posing on their handcarts before the vehicles reach their inevitable fiery destination.

  32. Solleir

    Trans rights activist techniques, as blindly followed by Sturgeon and her goons in the NuSNP, is the epitome of bigotry: a hardline denial of material reality, self-righteous zealotry, an absolute refusal to engage with alternative views and opinions (‘no debate!’) yet they insist that everyone else voicing contrary views is only motivated by bigotry, phobias, etc.

  33. What Rot


    Can we PLEASE just get the gaffer back?? Somebody who knows what he’s doing, and who has some respect for the electorate? Someone who can get the SNP back to some kinna functioning, independence campaigning normality?

  34. Rev. Stuart Campbell



  35. Jason Smoothpiece

    Dear god save Scotland. I hope the FM does no more harm before she goes.

    Any time now they will flee from the SNP as they realise it is finished.

    Alba indeed is the only hope for independence but they must guard the gate’s against any of the mad SNP types gaining influence.

    We live in crazy times people using food banks, people unable to afford to live, war, refusal of democracy and what sets the SNP into a rage yup the trans issue it’s almost funny.

  36. Tom Kane

    That’s a keeper.

    The National and this FM in the same nutshell.

    I nearly choked on my lunch seeing that… ?

  37. SusanAHF

    Scotsrenewables, I don’t feel sorry for them. Tha majority happily breached women’s boundaries with regard to toilets, giving the current crop of freaks an excuse to push the door wider. The time for “kindness” is long gone. Cold, hard truth is the way forward. No men, however they identify, in women’s spaces. Reclaim the word woman as NEVER being appropriate for any subset of men. Trans make their own arguments for 3rd spaces for themselves.

  38. Geri

    She didn’t see fit to defend Independence.

    She’s ran off to Europe with a bad law that Scots don’t want & who the UN told her was a danger to women..

    Instead of running off to them with the SC decision that we’re a colony, without the right to a ref or self determination, despite being a co signatory to the Act of Union with its non negotiable terms..

    Yet still Yessers believe Sturgeon will deliver Indy.. FFS!

    I now see what the Tories meant regards the Betty sue tourists regards this bill. The women’s prison in Scotland has been used as a test lab for gender shit. That’s absolutely sickening..I know they lost thier liberty when sentenced but FFS they have rights & shouldn’t be thrown in with sharks. When did we move to China FFS!

    Johny re Clinton, 11:32

    so true. It’s delicious to watch them act surprised. Mhari Hunter was the same, spent her whole day noising up Yessers & calling ppl names, trailer trash etc then has the nerve to be shocked she lost her seat. It genuinely seems to be a shock to these arrogant barstewards..

  39. Geri

    As for Sturgeons fanzine..

    Another comedy front page.

  40. Geoff Anderson

    A clear indicator that all is not well in the ranks of the SNP is to watch those who are expert at looking after their careers

    Where is Alyn Smith of late? His profile has shrank dramatically. The face that always pushed to the front has suddenly become ultra low profile. Months ago he was a TransCult champion and now he has vanished from the spotlight…….Always watch the Rats to get an early indication of a ship sinking.

  41. James Che

    Is it done and dusted as a awful policy?

    We have to remember although trialed in Scotland first, like the poll tax, the Labour party have the same gender ideology policy ideas, along with the green party, members of the liberal democrats and some tories,

    With a slight change to details and wording this could still enter Scotland and the Uk through the back door. Very similar to the poll tax.

    After all a empty building nor a area, ever pays council tax, it still relates to a person. It is just the poll tax re-phrased to appear its not a personal head tax.

    The same could happen with the gender issue, a tweek here and there, after the initial experiment has been trialed,

    It also has a very neat way of making only one political party whom stayed quite. The go to for any elections that may appear on soon,
    Engineering results, pretty clever think tanks.

  42. Allium

    I’d love to know who she still listens to, if anyone. Big names in the SNP who allegedly support this shite are notable by their lack of support. I suppose she’ll cling on, but it’d be nice to think of her away by Easter. At this point citing mental health reasons wouldn’t even look like a lie.

  43. Wally+Jumblatt

    I have great confidence that we are -every day- a little closer to the day when Sturgeon stands on the balcony of Bute House with Mrs Sturgeon, and like Ceausescu in 1989, finds that the rabble below have turned, and it’s all over.

    I suspect that she won’t even turn up at the next SNP convention.

  44. stuart mctavish

    @Scotrenewables @12:33


    The timely reminder of those that die in mens prisons (from Aimee Challenor on wings twitter) being, presumably, one of the fundamental reason SPS has discretion in the matter to begin with.

    Makes you wonder though, if they’re allowed to vote in local or general elections (unlike me), why prisoners shouldn’t be allowed to vote on who gets to share the estate with them – ideally you’d get volunteers from either side and the inmates could vote for their favourite(s), via HMP tinder or some such, whereupon living together in mixed spaces, supervised as appropriate*, can be encouraged as part of the rehabilitation process.

    *whatever that means in the post reality tv era

  45. Jontoscots21

    It’s all unravelling like a badly knitted balaclava. The parallels of SPS gauleiters intervening to divert this beast from BarL to Cornton Vale with the Pakistani grooming gangs in England, is striking. In both cases a bureaucracy ignored the rights of victims to protect the identity of perpetrators. That identity hustling shamed the community from which it was claimed. So legitimate trans people and the majority of Pakistani people now live with the stain. Bardell’s unhinged pals in the trans lobby pressured idiot seat fillers in SPS such as Cruikshank, to place beast had to be in a women’s prison. Only when another of Sturgeons Gauleiters Sandy Brindley. This is the eejit who put a trans zealot in charge of a rape crisis centre, then says a rapist shouldn’t be in with women. When Brindley said no Sturgeon get permission to say it. Such is the stranglehold of this tiny minority of crackpots. But oh wait we must refer to that beast as she or he’ll be deadnamed. Meantime the Scottish Groomers (The Greens), who give no shit about the environment hide their resident loony Chaptrans from public view.

  46. Wilson McBride

    Sturgeon quite literally thinks she is God,,,deciding on a whim who is man and who is woman.

    A straight jacket will be required to remove her from Hollywood.

    Screaming and shouting,,,and high heels lashing out,,,this lunatic will not go quietly.

  47. Stoker

    THIS! Just this! Everything else is irrelevant:

    tamson says on 27 January 2023 at 11:31 am:

    “UK Supreme Court blocks Scottish Parliament’s right to hold a referendum on Scottish independence, the constitutional reason for the SNP’s existence: SNP’s response: grumble, plan to talk about it in 3 months or so.

    UK Government block’s Scottish Parliament legislation allowing men to legally become women for the price of a pint: SNP’s response: Outrage! Scandal! we’ll take this to the highest court we can!”

  48. Liz

    According to the Telegraph,

    “Of almost £600,000 in taxpayers’ cash handed to the Equality Network last year, £100,000 was ringfenced for the Scottish Trans Alliance.”

    Is that where our indy money went?
    Also how can this be justified for a tiny group.

    I really hope this is the end for Sturgeon although I still see folk on twitter blaming WM.

  49. Astonished

    I don’t think she has long. And all those who unquestioningly aided and abetted her must be worrying about their futures (or lack of futures). Good – They deserve all that is coming.

    The questions for the rest of us are – Who will replace her ?

    Will they rid the nuSNP of the transcult ?

    And will they further the cause of independence ?

    Sturgeon has left the nuSNP skint. Devoid of a great many of the active members and deeply split on the trans issue.

    All of this could, and should, have been avoided. The only reasonable conclusion you can reach is that her actions, and the actions of her supporters, were calculated to destroy the SNP.

    Sturgeon’s legacy will be disgrace, distrust, disharmony and disaster.

  50. lothianlad

    Just looking for a wee bit of hope…
    is it likely, at some point in the not too distant future,

    Sturgeon, the Alphabets, and the Vietnam groups activities be brought out to the public?

  51. Luigi

    The more erratic the FM’s behaviour seems to get, the more I think she must be seriously compromised, but by who? It’s possible that a few people (on both the indy and yoon sides) already have enough dirt to sink the FM at the time of their choosing. And that’s the key – she will be left in place until either side deems it’s time for her to go. There are reasons for both sides to keep her on just a wee bit longer. Remember folks, the FM may be playing tiddlywinks with the Scottish public, but there are grandmasters lurking in the shadows who may be pulling her strings. Some of her loyal followers may consider her a queen but in reality she may be another pawn in a bigger game. She will hang on until she is told to go. Her political protection will be removed. It could be five years from now, it could be next week. It could happen suddenly, without warning, a sure sign that the powerful wee pawn is no longer considered useful.

  52. Wilson McBride

    I can’t think of one thing that Sturgeon can take credit for,,, nothing.

    Everything she has overseen has turned to failure. (Including her Gender Bill).

    Every department of the Scottish government is in turmoil.

    Hopefully her motives for trying to destroy the once vibrant YES Movement become clear in the near future,,, because, to date, no one has been able to explain WHY.

    I personally think she was having conversations with Pat Harvie long before she became First Minister regarding Trans issues,,,and a plan was hatched to make Scotland the Tras capital of Europe.

    Scottish Independence was never on the agenda.

  53. I. Despair

    What a world when scumbags like IslaAdamGrahamBryson, thanks to his well-timed court case, end up doing more to focus attention on women’s rights in Scotland than the ragbag of dimwits listed here

  54. Lorna Campbell

    The SNP/Greens were always going to put themselves on the line by actually trying to outwit Westminster with the GRRB. They were always going to have to defend the indefensible by advocating that, whatever happens, no matter how many women were adversely affected, they were going to fight this thing. Did they do that for independence. I should cocoa.

    Please, folks, can we get away from the “long-term true ‘trans’ ” stuff. Six + decades have passed since Blanchard and Bailey encouraged, without bothering to ask women, paraphiliac men into women’s spaces. In all that time, not one ‘true’ ‘trans’ has lifted a finger to create third spaces for ‘trans’ identified people. Had the “true’ ‘trans’ not been squatting in women’s loos for over 60 years, leaving the door ajar for this latest wave of new ‘trans’ to invade every space, right, job, etc. of women, we would not be in this mess today. The “just be kind” female cohort as just as culpable. People need to understand that this is a movement for total sexual licence and power; it is misogynistic and homophobic. Funding it, apart from government institutions, are American billionaires who see it as the gateway to making even more money on the backs of the gullible.

    The crux of the matter is: if a GRC gets you legal status as a woman across th board, and it will, and for a song, and no medical hurdle, the vast majority of ‘trans’ identified men will opt for it, and it will be impossible to keep them out of anything female because the 2010 Equality Act is not strong enough. Why is that so hard to comprehend for these morons? Hasn’t it dawned on them yet that even their cosy billet in Holyrood will come under threat because I would bet my bottom dollar that these men will attempt to, and probably succeed in, replacing every single female MSP, as well as fill every female role in local government, public boards, etc. This is happening in Ireland where, the propaganda informs us, all is sweet in the Emerald Isle. Well, it’s not. It’s not sweet anywhere this stuff has been introduced.

    Evidence is scarce because evidence is locked down and suppressed on this issue – everywhere – and only the hard work of people like the Rev, Graham Linehan, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, Genevieve Gluck, Karen Davis, Exulansic, women’s groups, Mumsnet and many, many more brings it to light. We either face it head on and call a spade a shovel, or we will lose big-time. These people are relentless. Utterly relentless. The sexual paraphilias/fetishes and their encouragement by the multi-million porn industry is where we have to strike. “Just be kind” will help us to lose, and it won’t just be women, children and gay people.

  55. JGedd

    lothianlad @ 2.27pm

    Too much to hope for I think. Based mainly on my pessimism – or learned experience – that things I wish for never happen. I’m still waiting on Blair, Brown, the Clintons, Henry Kissinger, the Bushes et al getting their comeuppance. ( Kissinger is in his 100th year.) The gods have not ordained it. Unfortunately.

  56. Andrew scott

    Who will rid us of this nest of vipers

  57. 100%Yes

    I’ll never ever forgive Sturgeon for what she did to an honest and good man who she’ll never match his achievements in any lifetime in any century.

    The day this woman walks out of politics and Bute house will be a day too late for me. I as a Scot can only hope the shame, she caused us, the world will recognize it as Sturgeon shame not Scotland’s.

  58. Cicero

    Sturgeon must be asked: are trans rapists, rapists?

  59. Ebok

    More than a year ago I had a btl discussion with @Hatuey about how to put a stop to SNP madness. My view then was that it could only be achieved in a reasonably short period of time if done from within, and would require 8 or more rebels, reducing SNP/Green to NOC.

    I naively figured that the maths would prevent the administration from going astray and force them back on track to their primary reason for being elected.
    There is now a group of rebels in SNP who could potentially achieve that goal, but for the fact it would require the whole opposition to vote with the rebels AGAINST any wacky Scotgov policies, whilst the rebels would of course continue to support all moves advancing Indy.

    However, it is clear many opposition MSPs are in fact quite comfortable with SNP committing a political form of Harakiri and may, as demonstrated by the GRRA, support (or abstain from) all sorts of crazy legislation.

    Whether the prediction of Sturgeons impending doom is another false dawn, or not, we are still going to be left with (let’s be generous) 100+ dim, useless, spineless articles in HR, and, lord help us, no matter how the pack is shovelled, they will still dim, useless, spineless MSP articles for another 3 years and 3 months.

    Wherever SNP infighting takes us, Scotland will remain rudderless and deeply divided for some time to come, and (other than Independence – which is now further away than ever) I have yet to hear any plausible suggestions on how we are to replace the entirety of HR and associated bodies of governance, and with whom?

    We are in dangerous, uncharted territory and if ALBA don’t make a dramatic impact on the political scene very soon, well, I don’t know, I’ve no idea, I’m just lost and can’t take in what has happened to Scotland since the rapture the unity and total belief we had just a few years ago …

  60. Gregory Beekman

    When is a man a woman?

    When its cock’s in a jar…

  61. John Main

    Occam’s handy razor says there may be a simple reason why NS is referring the gender woowoo to our “friends” in Europe, whilst she did not refer the Referendum No ruling.

    Plenty of people on here speculating about why the gender shite is getting traction everywhere. So follow the logic. Perhaps NS is confident of a result on gender, cos they are on side with the new orthodoxy.

    Just as she knew she would get nowhere on the referendum question.

    Just imagine. Our European “friends” want us to prototype a gender dystopia against the wishes of a big majority of us, but couldn’t care less about our independence. Not too surprising though, if you look at the record on popular democratic movements this century. From Greece, through Italy, to Hungary, the European elites reject popular democratic movements wherever they arise.

    Anyhoo. Don’t take it out on me. Just look at the facts as we currently know them.

  62. Holymacmoses

    The way to get rid of Sturgeon is to argue the case – not the person.

  63. Red

    Nicola’s angry and it’s all your fault.

    In fact, I’ve heard some support policies… that run counter to women’s rights. We have legislation looming later in this Parliament on criminal justice reform to try to deal with issues of low conviction rates for rape and sexual assault,

    Translation: there’s going to be a lot more malicious prosecutions in Scotland’s future.

    we are likely to be dealing with legislation in months to come around abortion buffer zones. And I think it will be interesting to see how many of the so-called defenders of women’s rights in the context of the trans debate

    Translation: we’re going to jail a few elderly Christians, because we can.

    but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

    Translation: you’re all horrible people and you’ve let Oor Nicola down.

  64. SusanAHF

    Gregory Beekman, was that meant to be a joke? Dickless men are not women, just as women are not dickless men.
    Well said Lorna Campbell.

  65. James che

    Lets do a regime change like every other country gets, change the head politicians for a outside replacement.

    I cannot think of the snp as any thing other than ("Tractor" - Ed)s to Scotlands people and in the very same sense and manner our politicians were bought in 1707.

    Greed an power is a terrible infliction to be place on the shoulders of the poor and those that have been prevented from free speech in Scotland.

    However opting for political parties like tories, labour or Green party is a twisted road full of obstacles, these very parties are saying ” No” to independence for Scotland.
    “Now is not the time”

    It will never be the right time if you are a unionist party.

    So while we bray for a [partial regime change ] of a political party in Scotland,
    the job is only half done if we still accept a Colonial placed overseer of Scotland laws, Scotlands people, and the freedom to choose our own peaceful future of life.

    Freedom from dictatorship means we are capable of looking after our self, being able to choose our freedom,
    Not waiting for a section 30 order, or permission to hold a referendum.
    When you have to beg another for permission to be free you are nought but a slave to a Colonial power.
    Whom run your country, and wether you have choices in your life from a colonial branch office placed in your Country under the laws and rules of another country.

    The balls and chain that make ” you a slave” are almost invisible, until you wonder what is holding you back from becoming free nation.

  66. Geoff Anderson

    A reminder on the D’Hondt system.
    Sturgeon’s Cult Party could lose dozens of constituency seats and, with the divisor going down on that loss, her list seat total will rise. She planned way ahead to get the Greens onboard who will keep their list seats due to the environment carrot.
    Any SNP rebels will be replaced by a long queue of morons with their rainbow lanyards.

    The SNP vote has to drop drastically and we need to keep raising awareness of who and what she is. She planned ahead expecting a few rebels….it is the voters we need to focus on.

  67. 100Yes

    Sturgeon was asked if Bryson is a man or a woman, she couldn’t answer. Hasn’t this woman put her whole career and party in a ditch and no matter what she says or does she going to look like a court jester. Nicola the world doesn’t revolve around you and no the planet isn’t flat and yes, we live on a planet with two genders Male and Female. Watch out Mr Murrell she’ll need someone to blame, I wouldn’t put any red meat on the table and I’d look like I’m ironing these shirts/blouses. It couldn’t have happened to a nastier person.

  68. Republicofscotland

    So the SNP will take the fight for the unamended GRRB to the European courts, yet these perverted b*stards have accepted the UKSCs rule on Holyrood’s competence to hold an indyref.

    There are no Scottish independence minded parties at Holyrood not the SNP nor the Greens, their twisted unamended GRRB is far more important to them than liberating Scotland from this onesided prison of a union. Get these degenerates and their vile agenda out of Holyrood.

    Look at how hard they are prepared to fight to allow men dressed as pretendy women into women and children’s safe spaces, do you honestly think the SNP and the Greens will give up now on it now.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba, protect our women and children

  69. shug

    When her time comes and she will be expecting Westminster’s kickback for crashing the SNP and trying to jail Salmond, I think she might find they will not deliver.

    Who would recommend such an incompetent for a position in the UN or other body.

    They will treat her with more contempt than the nationalists she betrayed. They always do.

    The only mitigation she has, is the SNP MPs and MSPs supported her in all she did.

    None of them blew the whistle.

    my my my

    What an inglorious end she will have

  70. JGedd

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Leeze Lawrence her former ‘selfie’ friend a bit of a racist as well as a misogynist?

    There’s an astonishing lack of awareness that she, along with all those who voted for the GRRB as well as voting against the amendment that would have denied the right to a GRC to sex offenders, are demonstrably misogynist.

  71. shug

    The SNP has a matter of weeks if not days to dump her and bring in someone with some degree of competence before all is lost for years to come.

  72. Neil Anderson

    Now that this particular genie is out of the bottle, I’d expect the Scottish public will have no hesitation in expressing its’ opposition to this insanity.

    Can we move, now, on highlighting the ancient – and ongoing – attacks on women’s liberties by way of abusive men in all areas and walks of life? Domestic violence is still something of a taboo subject, but the facts are that this is a far more dangerous and commonplace source of mental and physical attacks on women than anything emanating from the trans issue. Every single day. And too often resulting in death.

    The fact that women and girls bear the brunt of economic discrimination in all aspects of our society is an issue that needs to be tackled with urgency.

    It’s time for men everywhere to begin supporting women in a more sustained and meaningful way. As we know, there are many superb women’s campaigning groups and organisations doing wonderful work in promoting the safety and well-being of women and girls. It’s high time that the male population added their voices, and gave their time, to end the skewed nature of our society, and to help create a truly equal status for all of our people.

  73. Gregory Beekman



  74. Dan

    @ JGedd at 4:35 pm

    Indeed re. LL, more details here.

  75. Viscount Ennui

    The Sturgeon-Swinney axis will be broken.
    It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’.
    The latter has compiled an admirable c.v. of failures from finance to education and it will take decades to recover from the damage he has done to this once proud nation.
    N.S. has been an even greater disaster and she knows all too well that her days are numbered. All that matters now is finding a half-credible excuse to jump ship and a new gravy train to jump aboard. Sadly her her, Jacinda is about to step into something that will, or should, always elude the fake FM.
    So the real question now is who will succeed her and perhaps more importantly, how will her disastrous legacy dicate the march to independence.

  76. Nally Anders

    In case you are ever asked. Good twitter thread outlining the harms to women from Self ID.
    Scotgov and Robison says there is no evidence. Possibly not, when men’s crimes are listed as women’s.

  77. Ebok

    Geoff Anderson says:
    27 January, 2023 at 4:00 pm

    ‘A reminder on the D’Hondt system.
    Sturgeon’s Cult Party could lose dozens of constituency seats and, with the divisor going down on that loss, her list seat total will rise’

    Yes, Geoff, I’ve warned of this many times. In 2021, with 62 constituency seats, SNP could manage only 2 more on the list, in 2016 with 59 constituency seats could only manage 4 on the list, but in 2011 with only 53 constituency seats, managed to get 16 on the list because of the lower divisor and achieved overall control, something that D’Hondt was designed to make almost impossible.

    To put this in context, in 2007, with only just over half of the constituency (660,000) and regional (630,000) votes recorded in 2021, SNP still managed to win most seats (47) which led to minority gov., so they will have to lose a huge amount of support before being marginalised.

  78. Robert Louis

    So, a man who raped women said he himself was a woman with a dick and balls, and was put into a women’s jail. Now, because of the furore, the man is getting moved into a man’s prison. Given that Sturgeon and her gender loony friends insist that ‘trans women are ACTUAL women’, then QED, Sturgeon has just decided to put an ACTUAL woman into Barlinnie.

    I assume this rapist has access to a lawyer, because my goodness what a case he will have.

    This is the utter nonsense, this is the mess the SNP have created, whislt pandering to the whims of a bunch of utter creeps.

    This could all so easily have been avoided by the SNP, if they had stopped and listened to wise heads for just one freaking second. But no, they carried on with their newly adopted mantra, and just look at the mess it has gotten them into. Their were clearly more moderate changes they could have made to the gender recognition process, bit by bit, slowly, or ‘andante andante’ as ABBA so aptly put it. That could have satisfied everyone, with a review to assess issues one year on. Appropriate safeguards of women’s spaces, and NO freaking MALE rapists in women’s prisons (no matter how lovely their wigs and lipstick.

    An utter, utter shambles. And independence?? What of that? Not even happening anytime soon. Not even getting any attention from the SNP. Driven and utterly obsessed with the gender Kool-aid. Gulping it down.

    What a mess Nicola. Your mess. Own it, and resign.

  79. Robert Louis

    Stoker at 156pm,

    Yip. The nuSNP fighting London over this gender nonsense, but just NOT interested at all in the nonsense verdict from the illegal and unconstitutional English pretendy ‘supreme’ court in England, regarding independence.

    Priorites all wrong.

  80. Luigi

    As mentioned by another poster, Alyn Smith seems to have gone unusually quiet of late. I wonder why that is. Is he hiding? C’mon Alyn, time to speak up: What’s your opinion on this matter?

  81. Geoff Anderson

    On Guido
    A full year has passed since the CEO of the Scottish National Investment Bank inexplicably quit, and the £260,000-a-year job is still vacant with “no expectations” for when it will be filled. The state-owned bank was launched in 2020, with the SNP promising to throw £2 billion at it over ten years to push Scotland towards Net Zero. Its first Chief Executive, Eilidh Mactaggart, resigned after just 18 months. Neither the Bank nor the SNP initially gave an explanation. In fact, it wasn’t even publicly disclosed until 25 February…

    In the meantime, the hunt for a replacement is proving more difficult than expected. Apparently no-one’s particularly interested…

    A spokesperson for the bank says:

    “We have retained an Executive Search agency, Spencer Stuart, for a contract of £175,000 that includes recruitment for the CEO. We have also incurred additional expenses of £5,400 for candidate testing used as part of the selection process. The contract with Spencer Stuart remains in place with no additional search fees beyond the original £175,000. There are no expectations for when the appointment will be announced and the role filled.”

    So that’s billions in taxpayers’ money for a bank which currently has no permanent leader, and doesn’t know when it will find one…

  82. Tinto Chiel

    @Nally Anders: IIRC Humza Yousaf has said previously that these rapists’ assaults in prison would be classed as female crimes, making this an even greater affront to women and natural justice. I wonder if he would give the same answer now that the crapola has really hit the fan?

    Lorna Campbell: “These people are relentless. Utterly relentless.” Yes and I believe experts will tell you that criminal paedophiles (there may be those who do not act on their impulses) are relentless too, which is why they are so dangerous: no off-switch for them.

    @JGedd: FM’s cheesy selfies with Leeze Lawrence (“a force of nature” according to her) have always astonished me, given her obvious hatred for men. I just don’t get it, and the “be kind” mantra which seems to influence so many young women so strongly doesn’t really explain it satisfactorily.

    By the way, does anyone think there would have been the U-turn re the site of Bryson’s incarceration if The Rev had not returned to the fray and highlighted (with Graham Linehan) this issue so articulately?

  83. Republicofscotland

    Even after the public outcry over the double rapist Adam Graham, aka Isla Bryson who was sent to a woman’s prison, then moved to Saughton prison a male prison, Sturgeon still sees occasions when a rapist SHOULD be allowed into a women’s prison.

    “The First Minister said the “general principle” should be that someone who rapes a woman should not be held in a female prison, but that there may be exceptions to this rule.”

    We must get these degenerates out of office, god only knows how many more women will be raped in prison whilst this lot are in office, get the SNP and the Greens out, protect our women and children.

    Can Sturgeon the Judas be impeached in Scotland?

  84. Republicofscotland

    Sturgeon the Judas thinks because we oppose rapists and paedos entering women and children’s safe spaces and rapists being sent to women’s prisons that we are women haters, homophobes, and racist to boot.

    The Judas is completely delusional.

    “There are some people that I think have decided to use women’s rights as a sort of cloak of acceptability to cover up what is transphobia.”

    “But there are people who have opposed this bill that cloak themselves in women’s rights to make it acceptable, but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

  85. Red

    Neil Anderson says:

    It’s time for men everywhere to begin supporting women in a more sustained and meaningful way.

    Bloody hell, Neil. I already took the bins out. Gie’s peace.

    Geoff Anderson says:
    27 January, 2023 at 6:01 pm
    On Guido
    A full year has passed since the CEO of the Scottish National Investment Bank inexplicably quit, and the £260,000-a-year job is still vacant with “no expectations” for when it will be filled. The state-owned bank was launched in 2020, with the SNP promising to throw £2 billion at it over ten years to push Scotland towards Net Zero. Its first Chief Executive, Eilidh Mactaggart, resigned after just 18 months. Neither the Bank nor the SNP initially gave an explanation. In fact, it wasn’t even publicly disclosed until 25 February…

    The quiet farce of the SNIB deserves more attention than it’s gotten. Looks like yet another very expensive shitshow and jobs for the girls white elephant that’ll deliver precisely nothing of value while diverting resources from education and health.

    Time to sack the board and get Fergus McCann in.

  86. Merganser

    Women’s rights being used as a cloak of acceptability for transphobia, says Sturgeon.

    Can someone not take the shovel off her. She’s too low down in the hole to chuck any more dirt out.

    How to alienate 97% of the voting population in a few short weeks.

  87. ronald

    Republicofscotland 6.41.

    And again the compliant media don’t ask the questions / in what circumstances would a male rapist be put in a woman’s prison

  88. Viscount Ennui

    Lokk you f*cking cretins who post on WoS:
    Nicola gave us:
    *Abolition of the hated council tax
    *A national energy company
    *Free laptops for kids
    *Free bikes for kids
    *Cut-down classroom doors
    *Abolition of the attainment gap
    *Baby boxes
    *2 spanking-new ferries
    *An innovative renewables company at BiFab
    *Smelting at F8uckknowswhere
    *A recycling system for bottles
    *Progress towards a net zero economy (i.e of no benefit to anyone)
    I am missing something….err….Oh yes, and she delievered on her promise of a referendum as well.
    What more could a woman do?

  89. Dan

    @ Red 6:57 pm

    Robin McAlpine wrote a couple of articles with regard to the SNIB – Scottish National Investment Bank last year.

    March 2022:

    Jun 2022:

  90. Bob Mack


    I would change it slightly. I think womens rights are being used as a cloak for ultra mysoginy by trans.

    Why is that not obvious to the SNP?

  91. Merganser

    There is a great article on Reaction. Sorry I don’t know how to link it. It sums up all her failures and character defects. Well worth a read.

    Bob Mack: There’s none so blind as those who have been told what they are allowed to see.

  92. George Ferguson

    @Merganser 6:59pm
    I have been supporting women’s rights er.. erm.. for the women in my life. Nothing to do with a cloak of concealment aka a Romulan device. Look out for the HCB development of Misogynist definitions due in Parliament in the coming months. If anything, will be a lot worse than GRRB. More legal combat to come. It’s important equalities law applies to everyone. So I expect the Scot Gov to develop a definition for Misandry.

  93. sarah

    @ Dan at 7.31: link to Robin McAlpine on “..what’s wrong” at the SNIB.

    It’s more of the same, isn’t it, Dan? Scot gov funding friends who make money from the public money spent by the public bodies that Sturgeon’s friends run.

    Similar to the Scot gov funding the anti-women groups that are run by her friends.

    The whole administration of Scotland is ruined. How on earth can we put it right even if the FM is ousted? There seems to be no-one with any integrity left in place to rectify these problems.

  94. Viridarius

    re merganser at 7.47
    It’s the front page here:

  95. Viscount Ennui

    Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, a diminished ability or unwillingness to empathize with others’ feelings, and interpersonally exploitative behavior. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders.[1][2] It is often comorbid with other mental disorders and associated with significant functional impairment and psychosocial disability.[1]

    Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring and inflexible maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating from those accepted by any culture. These patterns develop by early adulthood, and are associated with significant distress or impairment.[

  96. PacMan

    Republicofscotland says: 27 January, 2023 at 6:53 pm

    Sturgeon the Judas thinks because we oppose rapists and paedos entering women and children’s safe spaces and rapists being sent to women’s prisons that we are women haters, homophobes, and racist to boot.

    The Judas is completely delusional.

    “There are some people that I think have decided to use women’s rights as a sort of cloak of acceptability to cover up what is transphobia.”

    “But there are people who have opposed this bill that cloak themselves in women’s rights to make it acceptable, but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

    Somebody needs to make a Downfall/Hitler rant YouTube with that.

  97. RobertG

    When Sturgeon goes, no doubt her husband as the CEO of the SNP will also be ousted from his position. However, they desperately need each other to be in their respective roles to maintain complete control of the party. I do wonder if Sturgeon and her husband have no option but to try and hang on to power because of the ongoing “ringfenced indyref two funds” issue. Could the lack of any movement/ progress on this investigation be deliberate in order to keep them both in place?

  98. Effijy

    God what a mess!

    Now it can and has happened that females have raped males and been convicted.
    If a female was guilty of this and announced they were Trans male, can they go to a male prison?
    Would they be safe in there?

    If they have a certificate that says they are male can they then sue the prison service in the court of human rights for not having equal rights?

    Sturgeon says a Trans who states that they are female and is handed a custodial sentence for fraud would they offer a threat to women in Cornton Vale?
    could they be tempted to commit rape for the first time when in there.

    Can Trans people be Bi Sexual like some male and females and commit rape.
    If 2 shared a cell and rape happened how could it be proved with no witness’?

    What if some Trans change their minds twice will we relocate them each time they make a request?

    What if a heterosexual couple are jailed can one of their claim trans to stay together in the same prison and continue their physical relationship?

    You have a penis I see a Willie
    You say vagina but that’s just F’ ing silly
    Let’s call the whole thing off.

    This nonsense will see a Strictly Come Dancing competitor get more votes than the SNP.

  99. Marie Clark

    Viridaruis @ 8.18 Wow just wow. Excoriating piece.

  100. Bob Mack

    Do I recall an SNP banner with Sturgeon stating something along the lines of when people attack you personaaly it’s because they have lost the political argument?

    Yet she now attacks those who try to protect womens rights.

    Anyone care to explain to me how she can say everything she has at an interview and then forget she ignored it all by clearly intervening to get that thing out of womens prison.

    She is struggling to cope with the level of public dissaproval after being so cosseted by sycophants around her pouring praises and compliments in her ear.

    This time though it turned out to be poison

  101. Merganser

    Viridarius @ 8.18.

    Thanks for linking this for me. I see Marie Clark likes it as much as I did.

  102. Iain More

    The English Agent Daniel Defoe is alive and well and operating in Holyrood in 2023. He is occupying the body of Queen Nicla Sturgeon.

  103. Alf Baird

    Viscount Ennui @ 8:34 pm

    “Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring and inflexible maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating from those accepted by any culture.”

    The likely psychological impacts of what we are dealing with in terms of a national psyche extends well beyond one individual or small elite group. According to postcolonial theory, the ‘Colonial Mindset’ or ‘Disease of the Mind’ which occurs as a result of the process of ‘Cultural Assimilation’ and related institutionalised oppression constitutes a serious psychological condition. This ‘condition’ has wide ranging adverse health impacts including higher levels of ‘Appropriated Racial Oppression’ which can severely impact a large element of any colonised people and may lead to them refusing to accept their oppression, to consider their subordination as deserved, and even to reject their own liberation, much as we saw in 2014.

  104. JGedd

    Tinto Chiel @ 6.30pm

    Yes, Sturgeon appears to have little self-awareness. Her opponents are accused of having the full gamut of ‘isms’, as well as misogyny, which would appear to sit oddly with them arguing for women’s rights. That particular prejudice would appear to be evidenced more by her pet minority activists who make no attempt to conceal their aggressive misogyny. Yet, Sturgeon seems blind to it.

    I don’t think it’s really hatred of men but I think that she is one of those people with limited empathy. I imagine that she only feels comfortable with those whose loyalty she feels she can rely on. The trans activists are ardently loyal to her as long as they get all they ask for and then within her party, are obviously many who are indebted to her for their advancement.

    Like many people in leadership positions, she might only trust those who are bound to her for advancement or obliged to her by bonds of confidentiality ( we might be able to guess why.)

    That leaves the rest of us that are not so susceptible to control and I think that she has to feel in control. She can declare herself a feminist with little evidence that she is. For Women Scotland can find very little sign of feminist causes being of great importance to her.

    In fact, despite her protestations about being ‘a feminist to her fingertips’, I can’t detect any warmth towards the generality of women and certainly since she decided to adopt the trans cause, her coldness towards women can hardly be disguised. Surrounding herself with a coterie of women who depend on her for their career and mutual confidentiality, does not mean that she likes women in general.

  105. robertkknight

    The Dear Leader speaks…

    “But there are people who have opposed this bill that cloak themselves in women’s rights to make it acceptable, but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

    Would be funny if not so pathetic.

  106. Geoff Anderson

    Even the Cult cannot keep up with the changing rules…
    We need Wee Blue Book of Pronouns.

    “I had such an upsetting experience on twitter today. A trans activist – exactly a person you’d expect to understand the importance of pronouns – completely disrespected my ghost/ghostself pronouns, which are clearly listed on my profile. Ghost/ghostself pronouns are pronounced with silence and a slight head nod – the easiest pronouns to pronounce – because they are the ghost of a pronoun.”

  107. John Main

    @Republic 8:42

    NS accuses reality dwellers of being the following:


    This jarred my memory, so I went back a couple of days to the article where the full flush was first listed, to see what the missing card is in Sturgeon’s deck.


    You need all 5 cards in your hand if you are to win at this game.

    Looking forwards to NS and her disciples calling Scots realists fascists in the weeks to come. Clear proof that the realists will have won the argument.

  108. John Main

    Heard a recording of Otis Reading singing “When A Man Loves A Woman” last week.

    How long until that song will come with trigger warnings for vulnerable Scots?

    Explanations, maybes diagrams, for modern, woke Scots?

    Or maybes just banned, as too complex and confusing for Scots to deal with.

  109. Mia

    “The English Agent Daniel Defoe is alive and well and operating in Holyrood in 2023. He is occupying the body of Queen Nicla Sturgeon”

    Oh, I think Gordon Brown has been beyond stellar in the role of Daniel Defoe for the last 9 years.

    Sturgeon’s oscar deserving performance as the 2nd Duke of Queensberry has also been magnificent.

    Defoe and Queensberry, both minions of the crown ensuring the survival of the treaty of union and with it the legitimacy of the English monarchy in Scotland.

  110. John Main

    @Alf Baird

    What does your theory say about massive augmentation of a colonised people by inwards migration?

    How long does it take the immigrants to adopt the cringe of the colonised natives? Are they immune for a generation, maybes longer?

    Can we get to Indy by importing enough uncolonised New Scots to vote or organise us free?

  111. Tinto Chiel

    @JGedd: whether it’s hatred or lack of empathy is a moot point, perhaps. I believe lack of the latter is a marker of at least two serious psychological conditions which I wouldn’t want any leader of a supposed democracy to have but since I think we’ve both experienced her Death Stare and are of different sex, maybe it’s just her serious PC shining through (hardly a consolation, innit?).

    As a man, I simply can’t understand her attitude to real women, real feminists, you know, the ones who actually care about women’s welfare and safety.

    And like many men on here who are husbands and fathers and grandfathers of females, I do have a lot of “skin in the game” to use a crude expression. It’s the grandchildren who are the greatest worry, since old guys my age will not be around much longer to fight against the Woke nonsense I fear they will be exposed to in schools.

    Here’s hoping her whole rotten and sordid House of Cards is on the verge of collapse and that decency and common sense will eventually prevail.

  112. Maureen

    apologies if already posted

    Trans athletes likely to be barred from female classifications
    World Athletics set to move towards a new open category in which trans and intersex competitors take on elite men in track and field

  113. Viscount Ennui

    @ Alf Baird

    In my capacity as a senior memnber of staff at an independent Scottish school, I once attended a lecture given by Tom Devine about the clearances.

    Afterwards over copious quantities of red wine, I asked him why there had been no uprising against ‘colonialisation’ and put forward my hypothesis that those with the political will and determination had read the signs and emigrated (or assimilated).

    He looked perplexed and said that he had never considered this to be a factor.

    Which surprised me.

    The clearances removed the ‘leadership’ that Scotland required at the time to defend itself. Which is what Sturgeon has done since 2014.

  114. Dan

    I had to have a double take at the Scot to Eng figure for last week’s GB Grid electricity transfers… 452 GWh!

    Pity we are generating so much power to export but over the last month or so we have had hundreds of Scots being admitted to hospital suffering hypothermia because energy prices are so high they can’t afford to keep their abode warm. And the knock on burden that will inevitably have on our already stretched NHS Scotland’s services.
    Any First Minster worth their salt who was serious and genuinely looking out for those living in Scotland would surely be making more political capital out of this situation…

  115. Tinto Chiel

    @Viscount Ennui: look at the Scots who became Queen Anne’s Commissioners in 1706/7 for those who weakened Scotland long before The Clearances, starting with the Earl of Glasgow (and others).

    The reaction you got doesn’t surprise me at all. Wasn’t he knighted in 2014?

  116. George Ferguson

    @Viscount Ennui 10:53pm
    I replied to Tinto Chiel but the post has disappeared. The real Scottish way finding a solution. My wife’s family were of the clearances Broubster village. We were working class gadgies when married but sent our kids to private school. All to doing brilliantly. I want all Scottish Children to experience that education. And because of Sturgeon the grandchildren will not go to a state school. If only we concentrated on the betterment of the people and young people in particular. And not gender woo woo.

  117. Kcor

    I will not care if Sturgeon and her fellow corrupt criminals who tried to jail Alex Salmond on false charges of rape spend lengthy jail terms in male jails or in female jails.

    They must not be allowed to get away with their crimes.

  118. Ian McCubbin

    Let’s hope she messes up enough as each day begins she has to resign for sheer incompetence.
    She has and is totally incompetent as a leader.

  119. Big Jock

    You know when the team you support have signed a terrible manager. A manager who continually screws up, but the board keep backing him.

    There comes a point where you want your own team to lose, to hasten the managers demise. That’s the point I am at with Sturgeon. I am now willing the next cock up in the SNP, in order to get rid of her.

    I am pretty sure Aberdeen fans will know exactly how it feels. Sometimes you have to want the opposition to humiliate your team, fir change to happen. As twisted as that may sound.

  120. Alf Baird

    Viscount Ennui @ 10:53 pm

    “He looked perplexed and said that he had never considered this to be a factor. Which surprised me.”

    As an academic coming from the working class this disnae surprise me; few native intellectuals undertake what Fanon termed “a reasoned study of colonial society”, which is necessary in order for the people to more fully understand that independence is decolonisation. This challenge is also made more problematic because most of the intellectuals in the colony may not be natives, whilst native elites tend to be culturally assimilated.

    Fanon also tells us that colonialism “is a co-operative venture” with native elites who assume the culture, language and values of the coloniser, and who serve theirs and their own interests at the expense of the mass of the oppressed native people; the latter having limited access to socio-economic opportunity within a society with a cultural division of labour favouring the coloniser group found emigration often the only realistic alternative. Elite schools and universities and the resultant social and cultural segregation arguably remain a central feature here.

  121. PhilM

    Lost the f***ing plot 2
    The Scotland Act 1998 as amended in 2016 states that only the Scottish people can abolish the Scottish parliament by means of a referendum. A referendum to set it up and a referendum to abolish it. Pretty fair from a Tory govt all in all.
    So WTAF is Sturgeotti doing by saying the Tories will try to abolish it when only we can do so? It’s the f***ing law of the land you utter cretin! Stop playing to your declining base of weirdoes and village idiots and try telling the truth…but to please those of us who wish to stay sane…clear your desk you serial failure…NOW!!!

  122. Studhog

    When is Sturgeon getting her own thread on Kiwi Farms? Long overdue.

    I couldn’t do the OP but I certainly could add to it.



  123. David Hannah

    Sturgeon wishes Kier Starmer will take Labour back into the EU single market to cancel the mandate.

    She says she fears Holyrood being shut down by the Tories – this a warning by Nicola on why she can’t resign as First Minister.

    P.s. You’re all racist transphobic homophobic bigots.

  124. Robert Louis

    Mia at 1001pm,

    Oh, I so very much agree, Gordon Brown is the very reincarnation of Daniel Defoe. A house jock, Scuttling off to England on a regular basis, to tell them how to keep ‘those other uppity jocks’ in their box.

    I feel re-assured, however, that decades from now, the history books will NOT be kind to Gordon Brown and his London worshipping kind.

    Burns so aptly summed it all up, with the phrase, “for London’s gold, they are bought and sold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation”.

  125. paul

    It takes a long time,and no lttle pain, to realised you’ve been mugged off.

  126. Viscount Ennui

    Alf Baird says:
    28 January, 2023 at 12:38 am
    “Elite schools and universities and the resultant social and cultural segregation arguably remain a central feature here.”

    The whole issue of private schools bothers me a lot.
    I held senior positions in both sectors but sent my kids to the local school because I wanted them to have roots in the community. This is despite having a staff discount for a good independent school. No regrets.
    I was 100% behind state education until I worked for a local authority and then witnessed the debacle of the last 10-15 years.
    If I had to choose now, it would be the independent sector, primarily because it is independent (largely) of local authority and state control and can thus aspire to be excellent without tokenistic initiatives and SNP social engineering.

  127. Astonished

    “Here’s hoping her whole rotten and sordid House of Cards is on the verge of collapse and that decency and common sense will eventually prevail.” Tinto Chiel

    Amen to the above.

    I think it is dawning on the nuSNP transcult that they are finished. And facing jail. Especially the plotters.

    Alyn Smith, Mhairi Black, Kirsty Blackman, Peter Murrell, Shireley-anne, Humza Yusuf, Kirsten Oswald et al have gone very quiet. And are not being ‘doorstepped’ by the BBC. Do you think they are all hunkered down in the same bunker ?

    Not long now.

  128. akenaton

    Sturgeon will be gone in a short time, perhaps weeks, more probably months, but certainly within one year.
    She has been brought down chiefly by the bravery and bloody hard work from Mr Campbell and the slightly deranged contributors to this site. Take a bow, but don’t sink back into a self congratulatory torpor, as there is still important work to be done.
    What is to be done with the SNP sitting members who will be scrambling for the lifeboats? Do they deserve rescue? I think not!
    How are we to draw the Independence argument together and make a proper political case re the economy, currency, borders, immigration, a possible attempt to re-join the EU (madness) and all the other issues which worry the sane part of the Scottish electorate.
    Finally weed out sexual weirdos of all descriptions, as these people have only one driving characteristic and raison d’etre, normalising their sexual behaviour, and they will use any political
    platform to that end, to the detriment of our fight for Independence which despite our impending victory over the forces of darkness (Murrell & Co) will still be long and bloody.

    So have a big dram to celebrate a job well done, but don’t relax for too long. Who is fit to lead the New Independence Movement? What? did I hear a mighty roar of “Mr Campbell” (Shurly shome mistake…ed) :0)

  129. Breastplate

    Dan @ 11:08pm,
    Yes, an energy rich Scotland shouldn’t be in this position.
    The real reason that energy prices are so high is to necessitate self regulation by Joe and Josephine Public of the scant energy resources we have in reserve due directly to self imposed sanctions.

    An energy rich independent Scotland wouldn’t be under control and self interest of Westminster.

  130. akenaton

    robertkknight says:
    27 January, 2023 at 9:39 pm
    The Dear Leader speaks…

    “But there are people who have opposed this bill that cloak themselves in women’s rights to make it acceptable, but just as they’re transphobic you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

    Would be funny if not so pathetic.”

    I heard this rant and have no doubt who she was referring to in her blind panic….You dear readers!

  131. Dorothy Devine

    David Hannah , pity there isn’t a vowel in there like ‘o’
    then we could all be THROBS or BROTHS.

  132. Paul Davies

    NS must be a long standing agent of the British Government to have done what she has done. That would explain why she has never come out with a rebuttal to all of those pathetic Westminster arguments as to why Scotland cannot be an economic and financial success after independence. Can’t be anything else can it?

  133. Dan

    @ Dorothy Devine

    How about bravely identifying as Ordinary to get the O.
    Ye ken, like the relatively plain, sane, mundane folk that make up the majority of society jist trying to get by in life that don’t buy into all this bullshit.

  134. Dan

    @ Paul Davis

    We could all lobby for twisted scheming and iron hurling to be new Olympic sports, and then she could jist fuck off and do something she is actually good at…

  135. Dorothy Devine

    Dan, good idea !

  136. Mia

    “What is to be done with the SNP sitting members who will be scrambling for the lifeboats?”

    Other than the rebels who stood up to this 2-faced political fraud because they recognised the danger she was exposing children and women to for the sake of her sick political and geopolitical games, eject them all from the seats.

    Somebody who considers women and children disposable or collateral, somebody who indulges this political fraud in the wasting of precious taxpayers’ funds on this nonsense and infests our public services and schools with this crap so they can puts the fantasies, fetishes and comforts of perverts, paedophiles and rapists before the safety of the people of Scotland, is not fit to represent a constituency and certainly are not speaking for Scotland.

    “Do they deserve rescue?”
    No. Chuck them out. All of them. You do not treat women and children as disposable/collateral and then get rewarded with a second chance.

    By the way, the manner in which this bill was forced through thanks to Sturgeon’s toothless SNP collusion with the Greens, Labour and Libdems demonstrates these party names and flags mean absolutely nothing anymore. They are all the exact same thing and pursuing the exact same aim: damaging the interests of the people of Scotland.

    Needless to say therefore that the above regarding ejecting perverts’, paedophiles’ and rapists’ enablers and apologists from our seats applies as much to Sturgeon’s toothless SNP as it does to every single Labour, Green, Tory and Libdem MSP who betrayed women and children by voting for this thing.

    It is not fair to focus only on the SNP. That does not solve the problem. Labour, libdems, Greens and some tories also put the wants of perverts and rapists before the safety and interests of women and children. They are therefore as much part of the sewage that needs cleaning as Sturgeon’s SNP is.

    Let’s send a strong message by voting Alba, ISP or simply spoiling our ballot to chuck all these disgraces out of our parliament.

  137. akenaton

    Good post Mia, but how would Alba keep their nest clean? Candidates need to be vetted more thoroughly.
    Perhaps numbers of LGTB representatives should reflect their percentage in the population.

  138. Munky

    It really does make me laugh when people say “why do you think Scotland is incapable of running itself as an independent country?”

    This. Exactly this.

    You get what you vote for. This was in the SNP Holyrood elections manifesto. While skimming for how many times the word ‘independence’ appeared all this hot burning garbage was ignored. If you voted SNP you own this. All of it.

  139. Vronsky

    “I have yet to hear any plausible suggestions on how we are to replace the entirety of HR and associated bodies of governance, and with whom?”

    Well, the standard plan is always simply to elect a different party of “dim, useless, spineless articles” in the expectation that they will do better than the last lot. Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity? (Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.)

    Commonweal suggested what looks to me like the beginning of a solution. See what you think.

  140. Dan

    Munky says: at 12:45 am

    You get what you vote for. This was in the SNP Holyrood elections manifesto. While skimming for how many times the word ‘independence’ appeared all this hot burning garbage was ignored. If you voted SNP you own this. All of it.

    But the Self ID element which is a major issue in all this wasn’t specifically mentioned in the SNP election manifesto.

  141. Stoker

    Munky says on 29 January 2023 at 12:45 am
    “It really does make me laugh when people say “why do you think Scotland is incapable of running itself as an independent country?” This. Exactly this.”

    Any thoughts on the promotion, love-in and knighting of Sir Jimmy Savile and how he was the darling of your beloved Westminster and its Unionist politicians?

    Any thoughts on the great Unionist big Cyril Smith and his connections with paedophilia and how Unionist ranks closed-in and turned a blind eye etc? Any thoughts on all the other paedophile connections to your beloved Westminster?

    Any thoughts on the murder of hundreds-of-thousands of innocent Iraqi’s? Any thoughts on your beloved Westminster’s barbaric history around the globe such as inventing concentration camps, long before the Nazis, in the first ‘Boar War’?

    Would you like me to continue? Nah! Didn’t think so! And every one of those mentioned above are a whole lot worse than Sturgeon’s ‘Pervert Permit’, as bad as it is.

    And then, of course, we have all the financial scandals associated with that medieval cesspit Westminster. There’s even one quite prominent in the current news. Surely you must have seen it? Aye! A filthy corrupt Tory Unionist, who has ridiculed Scottish Independence quite a bit recently, has been caught failing to keep his taxes in order.

    You know, those taxes that help to run the schools, NHS, military and countless other projects. Yeah! All those Unionist scumbags with offshore accounts not wanting to use their fortunes to help contribute to the running of their beloved ‘GRAND BRITANIA’.

    Don’t make me laugh you demented hypocrite. Sturgeon’s ‘Perverts Permit’ is a disgraceful production of Sturgeon’s Nonce Party and their partners in crime ‘The Greens’ where they have hijacked the indy movement to pass their unpopular sick agendas. It has absolutely eff-all to do with the majority of the indy movement or Scotland’s right to self-determination.

  142. Mia

    “Sturgeon’s ‘Perverts Permit’ is a disgraceful production of Sturgeon’s Nonce Party and their partners in crime ‘The Greens’ ”

    Personally, I do not think this is true. SNP and Greens are simply the useful idiots acting as enablers.

    The moment you have labour and libdems voting for it in masse and even elements from the tories, and the minute you notice there has been a blackout in the press for years about denouncing the dangers of this, you know this is not just a political fabrication from the SNP.

    It is a much more sophisticated and complex fabrication from whatever entity has been moving the strings of what has been passing since 14 November 2014 as the SNP “leadership”.

    When diametrically opposed political parties vote together on something so evidently toxic to deliberately force on the people of Scotland a piece of really dangerous legislation, which is opposed by the majority of the electorate, you realise it has to be the exact same entity moving the strings of the “leadership” of all “parties”.

    In such case, what we have in HOlyrood are not political parties, but rather different brands of the exact same product: the political arm of such entity.

    I find it fascinating that a great effort is being made to focus all the blame here on the SNP but none on Libdems and labour when these irresponsible cowards also used women and children as collateral for their sick political games the moment they enthusiastically voted to force this aberration through.

    I also find it fascinating that people cannot see the tories are also performing a role in this charade: the wolf dressed as a lamb, “the good cop”.

    In my view, whoever came up with the script for this charade certainly have a wicked sense of humour. Portraying the heartless and self-serving tories, despised in Scotland, as the good cop and women saviours really is beyond the joke, particularly when not that long ago we had the conservatives foisting on us the disgusting rape clause.

    What entity has the power and access to enough resources to infiltrate and control all what passes by political parties in the UK?

    What entity has the power and access to resources to bring down the boundaries between the executive, judicial and legislative power in Scotland, so they are all merged into one and can be used as a weapon to deny democracy by proactively and relentlessly blocking the will of the people of Scotland?

    What entity has the power and access to enough resources to direct lord advocates to block the entry of legislation into Holyrood, despite passing those laws being an explicit democratic mandate from the people of Scotland?

    What entity has the power and access to enough resources to stop or not instigating the prosecution of deeply corrupt lord Advocates despite having openly acknowledged malicious prosecution inflicting millions of pounds in cost to taxpayers?

    What entity has the power to direct the COPFS or lord advocates to instigate a malicious prosecution?

    What entity has the power and resources to direct English and Scottish judges in an English court to actively violate Scotland’s Claim of Right, effectively making the Treaty of Union null and void, and yet, keep the Treaty of Union is still standing?

    What entity has the power and resources to direct Lord Advocates and Crown Agents to gag a committee and witnesses in a parliamentary inquiry to suppress the release of information of high public interest into the public?

    Who was the judge who handed over life-long anonymity to perjurers representing in such court?

    who was the crown agent acting on behalf of when they broke protocol and instructed the police to waste our taxpayers’ money in hunting down Mr Salmond? What entity has the power and access to resources to instruct or give consent to a crown agent to break protocol and proceed to force an investigation on the police in order to enact a prosecution on the flimsiest of charges?

    What entity has the power to instigate the obscene waste of our taxpayers’ money into forcing a criminal case based on flimsy, ridiculous charges?

    Who was that judge who recently attempted to blur the boundaries between gender and sex representing in that court when they made that ruling?

    who was that judge who made a complete fool of themselves and embarrassed their profession by sending Mr Murray to prison on ridiculous, laughable excuses, representing in that court?

    Who are the English and Scottish judges sitting in that English court that is continuously being used as a weapon to frustrate our right to self-determination, acting on behalf of ?

    Nicola Sturgeon or the SNP do not have the power nor the resources to control the COPFS, the Scottish courts, English judges or English courts, crown agents, UK-wide broadcasters and press, lord advocates, or the leadership of “opposition” parties.

    The entity with power and resources to control all this is well above Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP or the Greens. Sturgeon, the greens and the SNP are simply acting as this entity’s useful idiots, just as libdems, labour or tories are.

  143. akenaton

    All politicians are scared shitless of the “Media LGBT+ alliance” It’s as simple as that, for years they have pushed the boundaries and at long and weary last ordinary folk are beginning to pay attention.
    There is no fiendishly devised plan by the Tories, the “Military industrial complex”, Or any other bogey men and women.
    Simply a shower of grifters seeking advantage by using the immense power of media and sexual minorities, allied to the craven fear of the person in the street to be thought “on the wrong side”
    I am of the opinion that without Mr Campbell and this forum we would be truly fucked. Don’t forget to send your thanks via PP

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