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Wings Over Scotland

Blue Is The New Orange

Posted on April 14, 2017 by

It’s now more than a year since we said this:

And it’s probably time to start keeping track.

1. NEILL GRAHAM (Paisley Northeast and Ralston)

“In March 2014, Mr Graham shared a Facebook post by the ‘Proud to be a Protestant banter’ group which showed a picture of the Parachute Regiment during Bloody Sunday.”

(The email name listed for Mr Graham was “neillrfc1690nosurrender”.)


“Writing about the Nice truck attack in which 86 people died, Ms Iancu, 30, said: ‘The French brought this on themselves. They supported the Muslims.’

And in another post linked to her Facebook page, heartless Ms Iancu claimed Syrian refugees ‘deserved’ what had happened to them and wrote: ‘Karma can be a real bitch.'”

3. DONALD GATT (Keith and Cullen)

“The civil servant at RAF Lossiemouth contested the Moray seat for UKIP in the 2010 General Election and the Scottish Election the following year, finishing fifth on each occasion with the fewest amount of votes.

Highlands and Islands MSP, Douglas Ross, added: ‘The council will benefit from people like Donald, who has very relevant experience and a track record of service to our country.”

4. GEORGE McINTYRE (Bonnyrigg and Lasswade)

“Sickened to the core! The entire City of Glasgow childrens flu innoculations were halted because a handful of Muslims are whinging about the fact there was geletine in the mix and they can’t take it!!!

“Well don’t frigging take it then and shut your whinging mouths, no wonder people get sick to the back teeth of you! If you are that way minded go and live in a Muslim country where you do not get any free preventive medication.

“Oh but you won’t do that will you…. ungrateful baskets I’m sick to the back teeth of them. Its for our councillors to man up and tell them to sod off.”

5. RON McKAIL (Westhill)

6. KEN MacBRAYNE (Benbecula and North Uist)

Wouldn’t it be a great idea if somebody stuck a dolop of duck tape over Nicola Sturgeons mouth and covered her head with a bag.

After that they could deposit her in the middles of the Kalahari desert WITHOUT a compass. That way we would all get some peace from her constant braying about independence.'”

7. KATHLEEN LESLIE (Burntisland, Kinghorn and Western Kirkcaldy)

“She also laid into the lottery-winning Weir family, who have donated millions to the Yes movement, ridiculing them as ‘uneducated fat f******’ […] and potentially smeared half the voting population by saying that ‘only a racist supports a Nationalist ideology’, in a run of vitriolic social media updates”

8. IAN JAMES (Strathtay)

“James, who is seeking election to Perth & Kinross Council, described the term ‘African American’ as a ‘stupid politically correct euphemism’ and hailed the days of ‘political characters’ like Enoch Powell, who achieved notoriety with his Rivers of Blood speech.

The posts included sharing a Tommy Robinson video, which was caveated by Mr James saying he did not agree with everything the former English Defence League leader believes in.

The Strathtay hopeful also called Nicola Sturgeon a ‘poison dwarf’ and a ‘poisonous Oompah fr****n Loompah’.”

9. ALISTAIR MAJURY (Dunblane and Bridge Of Allan)

“Alastair Majury was elected for Dunblane and Bridge of Allan in last week’s local elections. However it has been revealed he had a long-time secret identity on social media site Twitter as ‘Mulder1981,’ an account he used to make references to ‘Tarriers’—a historically derogatory term for Catholics—and to ‘joke’ that all Catholics were paedophiles.

In messages posted under the ‘Mulder1981’ Twitter handle, the 35-year-old appears to liken Scottish nationalists to Nazis, dismisses homelessness and food support charity Start- Up Stirling, attacks benefit claimants and says the SNP were too busy talking about gay marriage.

It also emerged Majury boasted of his penis size on a dating website. In one entry, he claimed his manhood was “7-8 inches” long with a “medium to thick girth”.

He added: “I can’t believe that most women would be satisfied with less than 5 inches (or even less than 6?), other than in ‘other ways’.”

When the Scottish Conservatives were contacted a spokesperson confirmed he had apologised for making the comments.

They said: ‘The comments highlighted are completely unacceptable, and Councillor Majury apologises sincerely for any upset they have caused. He has been warned in no uncertain terms that this kind of conduct cannot be repeated.’

Rumours claiming Councillor Majury had resigned appeared online on Wednesday afternoon, but the Conservatives moved to deny this and say that he had no intention of stepping down.

The 25th (Stirling) Dunblane Boys’ Brigade, of which Councillor Majury was a leader, did, however, confirm that he has been asked to step back from his role there in light of the revelations.

A statement said: ‘We take these things very seriously and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards from our volunteers.’”

10. ROBERT DAVIES (Forth and Endrick)

“Mr Davies posted three tweets which all featured black and white images.

The first one features a crowd of black people standing in front of an aeroplane and is captioned: ‘In the interests of security keep your loin cloths with you at all times. Spears go in the overhead locker.’

The second shows a large crowd of black men looking upwards and Mr Davies has written: ‘No, I am not your lunch. I am your flight attendant.’

A spokesman for the Scottish Conservatives said: ‘These are completely unacceptable remarks which we strongly condemn. The individual involved accepts this was wrong, apologises for any upset caused, and has been warned severely by the party about his future conduct.'”

11. John Buchan (Peterhead, activist)

“A fisherman who has campaigned with Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has been reported to police over a series of abusive messages to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Peterhead skipper John William Buchan is facing an investigation for a string of messages on his Twitter page, which call for the SNP leader to ‘taken down’ and Holyrood to be ‘blown up’. 

He several times referred to Sturgeon as “Bitch” which is embarrassing for Davidson who has frequently condemned such language used against women.

Racist messages have also been posted on his social media pages, alongside a story about a Calais migrant being run over and killed.

In February when Brendan Cox, widower of the MP Jo Cox murdered by a white supremacist, tweeted to ask for help to mark the anniversary of her death, Buchan tweeted: ‘You are having a laugh’ and in another reference to Brendan Cox tweeted: ‘For fcuks sake give us a break you socialist liberal wankers!!!’

He has tweeted his support for far-right French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen: ‘If I was a Frog I know where my cross would go viva le Pen!’

In reply to a tweet by Owen Jones saying ‘Tim Farron refusing to say whether gay sex is a sin is horribly damaging to young LGBT people struggling with their sexuality,’ Buchan tweeted: ‘Is it not about time that Christians had some rights !! Stop ramming your life styles into their faces.’

In August last year Buchan tweeted: “No Surrender!!! Orange & proud!!”

12. Steven MacGregor (Stirling, activist)

“MacGregor, of Alva’s East Stirling Street, is no stranger to making abusive calls. As reported in the Advertiser previously, in September 2012 he launched a vicious torrent of racist abuse at a Sky call centre worker – in which he told his victim to ‘go home and take your disease with you’.

He told the handler: ‘Have some damn respect for this country. I don’t respect you. I’m British. We rule you. I don’t have to respect you. Typical immigrant coming here, stealing our jobs. I don’t like you. Put me on to a British person. What’s your postcode and I’ll grass you to the f***ing border agency and get you deported for being a bloody immigrant stealing British jobs. Are you black?’

Returning to court last week to face this fresh charge, fiscal depute Ruaraidh Ferguson explained that MacGregor initially telephoned Aviva to enquire why his insurance had been cancelled. The 43-year-old was told it was due to non-payment. MacGregor was said to have taken umbrage at the handler’s remarks.

He menaced: ‘You wouldn’t say that to my face.’ When asked if he was making threats, the accused replied: ‘Of course I’m threatening you. If I knew where you lived I would come down and I would kick your f**king c**t in.’

MacGregor made similar remarks to other call handlers, branding them ‘dumb’, ‘cowards’, a ‘bunch of b**tards’ and ‘f**king c**ts’.

He asked one Aviva employee: ‘You sound a bit gay. Are you gay?’ When asked if he was a homophobe, MacGregor replied: ‘Of course I’m a homophobe.’

Whilst on the phone to a worker with the last name Fitzpatrick, the accused called him a ‘scummy Irish man’.

Aviva managers eventually reported the abuse to the police. When interviewed by officers, MacGregor failed to accept responsibility.”

It seems reasonable to posit that such characters, while some are officially disowned when the public finds out about them, are taking their cues from high-ranking party figures like Murdo Fraser and Adam Tomkins, who have been noted repeatedly using highly-charged dog-whistle terms associated with sectarian Loyalism such as “WATP”, “GSTQ” and “Queen’s Eleven” on social media – along with “These Colours Don’t Run” which is generally linked to football hooliganism and fascism – and even soliciting contact with notorious “Rangers” watering hole The Louden Tavern.

(Ironically, as some alert readers may have noticed, the issue of the Scottish Catholic Observer carrying the Alistair Majury story saw Tomkins sharing the front cover, with the trail for an article hypocritically bemoaning sectarian chanting at Scottish football.)

We can only speculate as to how many more are still lurking underneath stones in dark corners of Scotland, covertly nurtured in a party which regularly has the chutzpah to lecture others on vetting their candidates. But we’ll keep our eyes open.

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Scotland’s shame, they’re not known as that for nothing..

David Martin

No.3 is standing in my constituency. Didn’t know he was a (ex)UKIPPER. He was always going to be ranked last on my ballot though. However trying find out about the “Independent” candidates is proving difficult. As one of my buddies said yesterday, “Good luck finding the information you need. We’ve got an independent candidate (standing in our ward)and can find absolutely nothing online. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want anyone to know who the f*ck he is”.


Obviously you are not going to get elected to office in Scotland standing for UKIP or the BNP so those actually seeking office are looking to stand for the Tories instead.

If these were left wing firebrands hostile to the Israeli state standing for Labour the press would be all over them like a rash.

If they were SNP or Green of course we would never hear the end of it.

BTW does anyone know why Michelle Thomson MP is being stonewalled over her readmittance to the party? No case to answer etc. I suspect they are running scared of the media.

Lenny Hartley

Can’t they be done for hate crimes, particuarly the Anti Islamic comments. Maybe it’s time to turn the tables on The 77th regiment and infiltrate the face book pages and blogs that these extremists utilise and report any hate statements to the police ?


The comments from the perinnial failure Murdo Fraser regarding Rangers fans flooding to the polling booth to vote no.. is absolute garbage, i mean literal BS.

As a Rangers fan i can assure everyone that i am not alone in my thinking. There are several thousand fans of the club that believe in not only self-determination but also an independent Scotland.

The likes of these alleged politicians who on the whole haven’t won any election and resoundingly rejected by the electorate are nothing more than opportunistic vermin.

They have no concept of the real harm what they support means and how it can effect a family.

No i am sorry but persons like this hell divide and segregate our communities.

They speak for no-one but themselves!!!


My Slovene girlfriend has to be the most laughable WATP chump, in that line up. No greater zealots than the converts, like Prof Smirky, all the way from Gillingham, North Dorset.

Dr Jim

Nothing wrong with supporting any football team you like but if the reason you give for that support is sectarian bigotry then you have no place in civilised public life and certainly not in our legislative bodies

That’s the difference between these bigots and our First Minister who supports sporting achievement by all our athletes on merit


Just sickening to the core. Extremist racists have no place in Scotland, and the likes of Davidson should be ensuring they have no place in her tory party! Disgrace.


Even under Thatcher and Major the Tories were never as right wing extremist as they are today.
Closet Fascists are now being emboldened to crawl out of the sewer and its only going to get worse as a result of Brexit when the checks and balances the EU provided are removed.

God help us all if Scotland doesn’t take its Independence within the next few years because it wont be a country worth living in if we don’t.


The Tories want to Ulsterise Scotland, primarily to leave Labour out in the cold. It does mean that they attract the rather more literally minded.

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Robert Louis

Seems like, you turn a Tory stone, and their is an extremist British Nationalist hiding. Or an orangeman.

It is a terrible and frankly irresponsible game the Tories are currently playing in Scotland, and they know it, but they just don’t care. The Tory mantra seems to be, if it damages Scotland, then let’s do it. Tories really hate Scotland.

Therefore, at the May council elections, rank ALL the candidates, with Tories last.

For example if you support the SNP, rank SNP candidates first, second and so on, then greens, then others (including even Labour), but very importantly (and it is vital) rank the Tories last.

If you support greens, rank them first, second, etc, then SNP candidates, then all the others (including Labour), then make sure the Tory candidates and nutters like UKIP come last.

For example, SNP would be number 1, then SNP number 2, then maybe the green candidate number 3…and so on, with Tory candidate ranked as last (maybe number 6 or seven on the list of candidates.

It is very important that you don’t simply not rank the Tories, you must rank all candidates in order of preference, with Tories last. If you don’t rank a candidate, then it is actually easier for them to be elected.

This is just true for the council elections in May.

Said it before, but I’ll say it again, I am sickened by Ruth Davidsons support for the rape clause. Truly despicable piece of legislation.

Ian McCubbin

Makes my mistaken tweet to Church of Scotland saying MrMalky was blocked for asking about Rape Clause (when he was blocked for asking why Alistair Carmichael was an elder of Church of Scotland yet a proven lier.
Seems my error a much bigger issue with them than what they did.
Seems like they and Tories have similar communications tactics
Point out sawdust in someone else’s eye before addressing bigger issues of their own.


The last refuge of a scoundrel

Robert Louis

I have to say. by indulging these extremists and nutters, Ruth Davidson is showing EXACTLY why she is wholly unfit to lead a jamboree, never mind a political party, or (OMG) Scotland.

Ruth Davidson’s naivety is showing big time, when she says nothing in response to these incidents and the fractious sectarian comments of Murdo Fraser. Happy to destroy Scotland, just to score points against the SNP. What a silly way to behave.

Ian Brotherhood

@Mac (1.40) –

Hear hear.

Bob Mack

I honestly think they are playing to an ideology that is being overtaken by events. My parents were mixed marriage ,as is my daughter and also my son. Fortunately I , nor they, Base their lives on what 90 minutes of football ,did or does represent.

I have friends who support both teams (Celtic and Rangers) and are voting yes. Many Rangers fan take unbelievable abuse from fellow supporters on forums because they support yes. The tide is turning and the tories and labour are playing to an ever diminishing audience with this stuff.

My grandparents on my father’s side were Orange Lodge to the core, and only accepted him back after many years of absence when he was told to leave the family home for daring to get engaged to a Catholic.

In my career as a health care professional, I never once asked a person their religion. What difference does it make ?

Time changes everything.


Gatt is running where I live. Why the change from UKIP to Tory? Does he think he is on to a winner jumping on the Tory bandwagon? 😀 hmm….frying pan….fire…

True, there are many retired, English folkies in Moray – many who have a ‘leaning’ towards the right, however I’d be surprised if he got in Keith/Cullen ward – people have long memories and running for UKIP then jumping ship to the Torys will linger.

We have two very good SNP candidates and two Independents also running. Talking of candidates, I see Sean Morton is standing in Fochabers but it doesn’t state who for – assume independent?

I’m sure the P&J will give Gatt lots of support. They do their level best to ensure the SNP BAD message is put across. And Sean will have….well, his Mum supporting him.

Socrates MacSporran

Here in East Ayrshire – God’s Orange County – you virtually have to opt-out, signing your statement in blood, NOT to be a Rangers fan.

I am surrounded by Ra Peepul, but, I think I can count on the fingers of one hand, those who are Tories. Most are still supporting Labour, but, the SNP are winning converts.

I think the likes of WATP Tomkins and Queen’s XI Fraser have been seduced by the corporate hospitality boxes at Ibrox.

As an aside, my late father was, although not “Orange” a member of the old Scottish Unionist Party. He firmly believed: “Home Rule means Rome Rule”, but always maintained the SUP mght have taken the Tory whip at Westminster, but, by being there, being Scottish, they made certain the Tories paid attention to Scotland’s needs.

Today with no Scottish MP apart from that useless Fluffy, the Tories can quite happily ignore and denigrate Scotland, since, they do not need our support to rule.

Training Day

Bigots, racists and apologists for rapists.

That’s Ruth Davidson’s ‘ecumenical’ Tories.


HandandShrimp says:
14 April, 2017 at 1:49 pm
The Tories want to Ulsterise Scotland, primarily to leave Labour out in the cold.

Orange Order got massive boosts 2014, from, er, progressive liberal The Guardian.

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There’s dozens of The Guardian’s sudden out of the blue love for the OO, in archive is but this one is very orgasmic, by the last photo Severin came too, so many union jacks, in our Scotland, its always going to be ours, oh god…

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I have the misfortune of being in a constituency with a UKIP candidate.
There are 2 SNP,1 Green, 1 LD, 2 independents, 1 of which is ex tory, the other no info available, 2 lab, 2 cons, 1 UKIP.


liz Gray

What does WATP stand for ?


When the Tories have a branch manager as disgustingly inhumane, uncaring, narcissitic, ignorant, as Davidson what else can we realistically expect? 😉

Still never mind at least we can all rest assured that Davidson is getting on with her day job and concentrating on her next appointment!

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Bob Mack

@Liz Gray,

We are the people.

mike d

Mac 1.40pm agree with you there,my brother in law who is a rangers fan is also an avid yes supporter . but he is one of the intelligent ones who can see through the divide and conquer sectarian sh**e.


As far as I know this person is still a candidate in the Dingwall Ward.

German journalist who has lived in the Highlands for nearly 40 years claims Scots are racist and villagers once taunted him with Hitler moustaches

REINER LUYKEN claims that locals in Achiltibuie once marched past him in a local pub wearing Hitler moustaches among his allegations in German newspaper Die Zeit.

Luyken was unapologetic He said: “The whole of Scotland is racist. It’s as racist as any country in Europe – in fact it’s a lot worse.

Having emailed the Tank about him I have had no reply.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Most of us on here have known for a long time that it was always going to boil down to this.

An Outward Looking, Tolerant Nation


An Insular, Fascist, Racist, Empirical State.

It has now become more than iScotland vs Union.

It has crystalised into a straight contest between Good vs Evil (I joke not).

That’s pretty much the stark choice Scotland is now facing and the Blue Tories aren’t even trying to hide how despicable they are.

I think tRuthless and Co are believing their own MSM/BBC manufactured hype as did Murphy.

More undecideds will have been seeing tRuthless and her ‘No Surrender to Referendums Party’ for what they are.

These muppets should be totally unelectable in the 21st Century and I suspect would be if we didn’t have to suffer such a compliant MSM/BBC in Scotland (Glen Campbell, Torrance, Massie, Daisley et al).

They are desperate to protect their precious Union at ANY cost.

The electorate affected by their inhumane policies are just acceptable collateral damage.

As are anyone who gets on the wrong side of their ‘Neo-Facist 1690 an’ a’ that Boot Boys’.

For The Conservative & Unionist (Scotland Chapter) ably supported by British Labour in Scotland and the Fib Dems.

The end will always justify the means.

No cost will never be too high.

After all they won’t be the poor sods paying it.

And anyway the Victor writes the history and the Brit Natz believe that they are going to win.

I say “Nae chance, ‘vote ’til you boak’, It’ll be Blue and Red Tories Bottom and Second Bottom respectively for me closely followed by the Fib Dems even though I don’t want to gie Wee Wullie W*nkstain the satisfaction”.


Ruth Davidson is just playing a game and its all good fun to her. When its over and she is bundled out the door she will turn up somewhere else. Like the teenager breaking folks windows … just for a laugh.


liz Gray WATP= We Are The People

liz Gray

Bob Mack 3.13

liz Gray

2.13 even


Well said Mac.


Davidson, Fraser, Tomkins et al are the ‘well spoken’ middle class ‘acceptable’ faces of these bigoted racist sectarian and vile views. As far as I’m concerned they are at their core of the exact same mentality of those named and shamed atl.

If you vote Tory in Scotland now, you are aligned with those who hold to these views. On your conscience be it if any of that ilk should hold any position of authority within our political system in Scotland. They are a poison to our communities and wider society.

Proud Cybernat

WATP – What A Total Pr**k.

Robert Graham

Mac – i have to agree with you , linking the unsavory elements of any political party or football team to the majority is lazy and servers no purpose , all it does is provoke a reaction in the opposite direction , and certainly wont encourage people to join with the independence movement , it’s not what we were its where we are going thats important .

clan rossy


Tories ruthless xenophobic right wing fascists on a par with the 1930s nazis.

absolute disgrace to scotland, how the f–k can anyone with an
clear conscience vote for them is beyond me .

jesus christ what a world we live in its rotten to the core
i would rather die in abject poverty than vote for they
evil b—–ds .


The Tories have always had an element which was way out on the right. Support in WM for the Rhodesian whites, apartheid South Africa, fascist Chile, and so on. People who should have been in a fascist party were tolerated in the Tory ranks.

The difference now is that the internet shines a spotlight into places which previously weren’t so open to the general public.

Another difference is that sub fascism has perhaps currently it’s greatest ever following in England. This emboldens the hard right to do what the hard right does, except more openly.

I don’t think the Tories have a vetting problem, these people didn’t sneak in under cover, they are just typical of that extreme right faction the Tories have always accepted, welcomed even.

My advice to Ruth Davidson (which of course she would ignore even if she heard it), would be to start moving her party back towards the Scottish right of centre, and away from the UK far right.

Proud Cybernat

Then there’s the ObeyWans…ganglanstyle…

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Walter Scott

Hello ! Hello! We are the Tory Boys!


They are also upsetting their ‘traditional tory’ vote who wouldn’t want to be seen in the same room together.

The women in the UJ jackets did not look very welcome at the party conference, nobody sat anywhere near them.

donald anderson

The far right laptop warriors in Scotland have take over the online comments in the hootsmon. Big fans of Brian Wilson though.


At Liz Gray and Bob Mack

ROFLMAO I thought WATP Meant what a total P**** …like mine better… Lol


Sorry for O/T here but came across this petition. Let’s do the right thing folks.

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I come from a protestant west of Scotland background but I never got the whole ‘orange’ thing. ‘No surrender to Rome’ – well that’s all well and good, but then why surrender to Westminster? The overwhelming obvious truth that the British government couldn’t care less about these people but are happy to use them as pawns (or cannon fodder) always seemed to be completely lost on them.


cearc says:

The women in the UJ jackets did not look very welcome at the party conference, nobody sat anywhere near them.

Good point. Older Tory voters will often see themselves as gentile, polite, well mannered … not brash and in yer f’in face.

Will those Tories be put off the new brash shouty hard right? It would be nice to thinks so!


‘Will those Tories be put off the new brash shouty hard right? It would be nice to thinks so!’

No: They will regard them with contempt, but they will nonetheless encourage and exploit them for all that they can.


I’ve mentioned on here before about a friends dad and brothers. Whilst being Orangemen that regularly go to NI for parades, they all voted Yes. My friend, who isn’t a member, reckons they just go for a yearly piss-up.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Blue Is The New Orange It’s now more than a year since we said this: And it’s probably time to start […]

Robert Peffers

@liz Gray says: 14 April, 2017 at 2:11 pm:

“What does WATP stand for?

Just in case no one’s answered you, Liz Gray :-

We Are The People


“shiregirl”, so that tory prat that put a leaflet through my door yesterday is actually a ukipper in disguise. Their was no mention of that in his leaflet.

Also Sean Morton is campaigning under another name, I believe it is “Sean Murray”, as he doesn’t want people to remember what he has been charged with !!! , as his court case has not been to trial yet.


Politics is a complex business. And ever it was so. Some hark back to 1690 without a notion of what was really going on.

Basically there was a Europe (and colonies) wide struggle between the Hapsburgs and the Bourbons.

The Dutch, with William of Orange, the Pope, and others were on the Hapsburg side.

James VII/II sided with Louis XIV of the Bourbons.

The struggle between James and William was part of a bigger picture. The Pope was on William’s side and may have contributed financially to his efforts.

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Incidentally, the next punch up between the Hapsburgs and the Bourbons led to an English/Dutch force capturing Gibraltar.

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@galamcennalath 2:30 pm :

“The Tories have always had an element which was way out on the right. Support in WM for the Rhodesian whites, apartheid South Africa, fascist Chile, and so on. People who should have been in a fascist party were tolerated in the Tory ranks.”

Umm like an ex-PM, one Margaret Thatcher? 🙂

Admittedly I don’t think she supported UDI in Rhodesia but that’d only be because of fiduciary losses to the “mother country” – England.

Reluctant Nationalist

Nice to see democracy is alive and well in Scotland with all tastes catered for. Heheh


Though I recognise entirely that this might be a bigger ‘problem’ for the parties of the right, this is not just a Tory issue. In the west, this goes deeper than voting Tory, hence Ruth Harrison has managed to dislodge quite a bit of the labour vote.

For the Tories, it’s primarily the candidate issue and seeking to capitalise on the orange vote. For Labour, it’s primarily about losing the orange vote to the Tories. How can the Labour Party justify having orangemen and women as members? And please, don’t insult my intelligence about it being a non-sectarian organisation.

This sectarian nonsense needs to be addressed in Scotland. It will take well past my lifetime to die out. And that’s not quick enough.

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Nasty people nasty parties, I’ve just sent in my postal vote SNP 1 and 2, then the Greens got my third vote.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Louis @ 13:51,

If you only have a single Tory candidate and you would have rated him/her last, you can safely leave that last box empty. It won’t alter anything.

If there are two of them, the same applies unless you really want to give one of them the edge over the other (eg. a moderate over one of these fascistoid roasters).

Rude Gal and her merry band must be desperate for their “no to a ref” strategy if they are depending on a neanderthal vote to get their turnout. But it’s playing with fire, and the height of hypocrisy, to be stoking sectarianism or any other nasty -ism in order to prove their fake “divisive” case.

It makes it all the more essential, though, that every yes supporter gets their vote in and also spreads their preferences generously around all the pro-yes candidates.


What a motley crew of utter nasty idiots,nice work Rev 🙂

The umpa lumpa flute band.

Derick fae Yell

Richardinho says:
14 April, 2017 at 2:50 pm “Rome”

Since I first encountered this stuff, having moved to central Scotland from Shetland in my mid 30s, I’d always wondered what these guys were ‘not surrendering’ to.

Turns out it was Rome, then. Righto. But are they not 1,806 years too late for that, given that the Romans withdrew from Scotland in 211 AD?

Dr Jim

The very people who helped create religion and Islamic terrorism created the same thing in Christianity to control the weak minded, a tactic as old as time and used over and over again

Sell us more cure all snake oil with new and improved healing properties from the stuff they’ve been selling us for thousands of years

I’m sure when newspapers first became a thing there were all the warnings about how bad they would be for us, then came radio, the devils work, Television, don’t let your kids watch it something bad will happen to them
Now every day they tell us mobile phones will be addictive and tablets are really bad and our kids’ll all go nuts

Isn’t it funny only the powerful people reckon they should control this stuff and tell us how and when to consume it because they know better and then go and stand in a church pretending they believe in it while planning some other suckers downfall

You wouldn’t guess I’m an Atheist would you
Well until a brightly lit misty divine superbeing comes into my living room to tell me different that Murdo Fraser and chums are the good guys can I be forgiven for not falling for their divisive crap

And I mean all of them of any divisive persuasion!

Craig P

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

If you can find no info about an independent, treat them with maximum suspicion and rank them below everyone except the Tory.

#4 George McIntyre *is* the independent candidate, having now been expelled from the Conservative party. But amusingly not until *after* all his election communicaton leaflets were delivered. Going to confuse Lasswade Tories when they get in that polling booth!


having witness my nephew appalling bigoted i assumed it was his brain washing palls in Northern Ireland. Having read this i wondering now if some of it is the Tory Party


The Independent Candidate issue, there are two standing in the ward I’m standing For Me who dared to question SNP policy and practise and the other one who was a tradeunionist who was blacklisted and had to pursue a different career
I personally was gratified to find someone called us a “Pair of Tories in disguise”
There are a lot of rejected SNP candidates out there, who are standing for many reasons

Bill Hume

Off topic, but I’d like some answers. I have no Green party candidate to vote for in the upcoming election, but I do seem to have a Scottish Libertarian Party candidate. They say they are pro independence but also want to dismantle the welfare state and privatise the NHS.
Now, I won’t be placing them anywhere in the top 4 or 5 on my ballot paper, but I would like to know more about them….e.g…..who is financing them?


A wee reminder to you all Scotland is more than the west coast read a previous post about a ‘mixed’ marriage had to stop and think that means colour or race in the East not religion. The whole Catholic Protestant thing is simply not an issue. I really believe that in an Independent country we could learn to live together and put the scourge of sectarianism behind us. HAPPY EASTER to all whoever your God is

Robert Peffers

May I point out to Wingers that between WWI & WWII it was touch and go whether the UK, and mainly certain classes of people, supported the NAZI Party or not.

It was from the very highest in the land that the British NAZI party drew its main support:-

link to

link to


WATP – What A Total Pr**k.

LOL That is what I thought it meant too



Can someone confirm for me if this is the best order to put candidates in for Aberdeen-ward 6.

1. Alexander McLellan – SNP
2. Jim Noble – SNP
3. Alex Arthur – Green
4. Jenny Wilson-Lib Dem
5. Ramsay Milne – Labour
6. Grant Ross – Labour
7. Dave MacDonald – National Front
8. Stephen Adams – Ukip
9. Emma Farquhar – Tory

Not sure if I need to change around 7 & 8


For goodness sake end this farce. Change to FPTP. Many of these candidates are obnoxious. Why are voters being expected to vote for them? To insult the public intelligence. A damned disgrace.
No wonder people do not vote. Millions of the electorate will not know they have to vote for people/Parties they can’t stand to get the candidate/Party they support elected. It is absolutely non democratic. A total farce. The public have to bear the 3rd rejects getting elected again and again wasting £Million/Billions of public money and not funding essential services properly. Without any recourse.

Re pensions. Now public services are being privatised. Public sector workers will be relying on private companies for pension provision.


WATP – What A Total Pr**k.

Cant beat a re brand.

My Slovene girlfriend’s gone from republican trot, Prof Smirky at Law, toryboy MSP, raging Herald/Graun btl commentator, pretending to be a Slovene anti Scots indy crackpot, now she’s ultra loyal Gers watp, still my girl though. Tomorrow?

Its Friday people! and you really cant beat a re, re, re, brand:D

link to

liz Gray

Thanks to all who replied about the WATP.
Hasn’t Nicola recently taken that phrase for the Independence movement?
We are the people and we say yes!
It’s ours now, and we are keeping it right?


If you vote for plastic Greens they will collude with unionists for remuneration and Office and ruin the local economy. This electoral system is just appalling, Having to vote for UKIP and BNP etc. Appalling.

Giving Goose

I’m going to say something controversial here but I say it to illustrate a point; which is the sheer lack of intellect displayed by the far right in Scotland.

Take their hatred of moslems; where do moslems come from? Answer – from England, where there are well established communities that have been living in England for generations. There is a quite natural movement of people within the British Isles and because there are 1.5 to 2 million UK nationals that are moslem then some will move to Scotland. And the far right Scots nutjobs in their strange logic want to stay joined to England which has a large moslem community.

New Moslem non EU immigrants will come from England as well, because that is where they will (largely) enter the UK. And the far right Scots nutjobs want to stay ruled by England.

Brexit will not have any effect on any of the above for obvious reasons. Yet the far right nutjobs have invented a narrative that convinces themselves that both Brexit and being ruled by England is somehow going to solve their silly xenophobic concerns.

They are truely irrational thinkers.

Apologies if this post caused offence; it isn’t meant to but is intended to illustrate some of the bizarre non-logic and stupidity of far right unionist thinking.


Have often wondered whether Tomkins and Fraser join in when their fellow supporters start singing about being “up to our knees etc,etc…..”

R-type Grunt

“I’ve never… intentionally joined a party ‘like’ the British National Party”, said the Conservative & Unionist candidate.

Robert Louis

The problem is this, when people like Murdo Fraser refers to things like ‘The queens eleven’ and adds hashtags like ‘GSTQ’, he would say, it’s harmless banter.

Indeed, if questioned I do not doubt Ruth Davidson might very well respond the same way, but it isn’t harmless. Sadly, as we know all too well, their are REAL nut jobs who will take succor from the fact that a Tory MSP used such terminology, and it might well then lead (rightly or worngly) to what that nut job sees as a tacet agreement of Tories with their own extremist views. They would reason; ‘of course Murdo can’t speak of such things in public, but he is giving us real hints as to what he thinks. ~It is up to people like me to take action’.

Any sensible person knows this is the case, yet for some reason, those Tories who apparently seek to court the extremist vote are oblivious to EXACTLY the breed of person they will attract. These people, at least some of them, are seriously dangerous. Like, for real. Go ask people in Belfast who have suffered over decades from such offhand unguarded ‘banter’ from N.Ireland politicians.

Every Scot regardless of politics, should be angry at what the Tories are up to in Scotland. They want to stir up old problems, and seek to cause strife. Of course, as somebody else above pointed out, to Ruth Davidson, it is all just a hoot, just a big joke, if it all goes wrong, she’ll just move on to something else, and will take ZERO responsibility. That is the measure of her – and her party.

Jockanese Wind Talker

In reply to @ maureen says at 3:50 pm

Aberdeen City Ward 6.

3 Councillors to be elected.


1. Alexander McLellan – SNP
2. Jim Noble – SNP
3. Alex Arthur – Green

Look right to me (but at the end of the day it is your choice).

2 x BLiS and 1 x SNP got elected in your Ward in 2012. BLiS 1st & 2nd, SNP 3rd).

I’d swap 7 & 8 around personally as NF are more abhorrent to me than UKIP (although MacDonald only got 51 votes last time round though he was standing in Ward 3).

The NF candidate in Ward 6 in 2012 only got 25 votes but this was Pre Brexit and the craziness of the MSM which may give these Boot Boys a boost.

Hopefully not 🙂


Cairnallochy says:
14 April, 2017 at 4:03 pm
Have often wondered whether Tomkins and Fraser join in when their fellow supporters start singing about being “up to our knees etc,etc…

Look at it this way, if you were a spook, scoping around for trouble making agitators, in high and low places, Prof Smirky’s line might be worth a tap or three. These reprobates are not going to go quietly, scorched Scottish earth more like.

Its how Trump and Putin’s extremely close “friendship” and maybe even treason bubbled up to the surface.

Further right you go, anywhere, the more they embrace violence for their politics, as we all know.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Forgot to add

@ maureen says at 3:50 pm

Aberdeen City Ward 6.

Your Local SNP Branch (or campaign leaflet) should be able to tell you which way 1 & 2 to place the 2 SNP Candidates

1. Alexander McLellan – SNP
2. Jim Noble – SNP


1. Jim Noble – SNP
2. Alexander McLellan – SNP

Conan the Librarian

There’s a petition against that clause here.

The map is a revelation.

link to


….such a pity this Scotland still exists. Division over religion promoted by the UK state. If you doubt that manipulation by the state then you have neglected the study of history across these isles. Any political party which condones the language of these bigots does not deserve to be in power.
The Tory Party is proud of it’s association with these people. It is willing to put them up as candidates at elections. It turns a blind eye to it’s elected officials promoting foul comments in the public domain.

By turning a blind eye to her elected officials bigotry Ruth Davidson now demonstrates her willingness to use ANY means to save the union.

I am from a staunch Protestant NI family and rejected that World as a young teenager. I find it unbelievable that it still exists in a modern Scotland. I find it disgusting that elected officials would be party to it.

Ruthie….clean your house out.


The Tory party aren’t the nasty party. Nasty, as a term, doesn’t begin to cover what they represent. Through words and actions they apparently and unreservedly stand full square behind societal division along lines of whom they deem worthy. This would include ethnic and sectarian bigotry, elitism, patronage and class.

To all of this and from the heart of my bottom I can only say this IS their idea of better togetherness. This IS their idea of union and unity. Their UK, their ‘Britain’ is a ‘know your place’ Britain. Its a deference Britain, an intolerant Britain an isolationist Britain and no my constant use of what they believe ‘Britain’ should stand for is no accident. This is Britain and Britishness as they would define the term.

The defining trait you see, appears to be hatred. Hatred of anything that doesn’t fit, ain’t from around here, doesn’t conform. Under those defining terms I’m afraid I simply don’t qualify and for that I, for one, am profoundly and eternally grateful.

A wee note to Labour at this point (and we know you read these threads). Do you NOW see what your complicity with the Tories in 2014 has bought yourselves and the Scottish electorate? Do you NOW see why your federalism will not and can never work?

I will never vote Tory. They are UKIP with a smiley face. They are the party of deference and exclusion.

Don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve never been one for conformity or ‘knowing my place’ and today I mainly feel like standing on my feet and holding out my hand.


No wonder the terraces are empty. No one likes what they are selling. Millionaires trying to take a lend of the punters. Cheats on steroids. £Billions of public money being used to prop them up. To ones who get the most public money win. The consumer pays for cheating, lying fraudsters.

Letting paedophiles and tax evaders run the game. 2019 the debts will be called in. The drugsters game will be up.


Davy says:
14 April, 2017 at 3:05 pm

“Also Sean Morton is campaigning under another name, I believe it is “Sean Murray”, as he doesn’t want people to remember what he has been charged with !! as his court case has not been to trial yet.”

hmm. Using his middle name as his surname so he isn’t recognised?! Didn’t Kez say he was a bright new talent back in 2015?!

Gatt put a leaflet through my door too. I’m not on twitter (now) but was reading some of his imperialistic sounding tweets…now I know why he gives himself the ‘Esq’ handle.
He doesn’t come across as the most tolerant or understanding.

Dorothy Devine

I see Tim Farron is merrily describing the SNP as ‘extremists” -I thought there were only two jokes in the Liberal Party , one called Wullie and the other Carmichael – there appears to be another.

I love the fact that he is suggesting that ” extremism lies beneath the surface of the SNP’ – how can he see it then? Particularly as his knowledge of Scots , the SNP and all points in between are presumably furbished by afore mentioned Wullie.

Mr Farron should take a good look around him at his colleagues in Westminster and his erstwhile partners there – extremism as forced on the UK by the ‘christian’ Tory government.

Craig P

Maureen – personally I consider UKIP and NF worse than Tory and would rank them last. But as they have no realistic chance of being elected I can see where you are coming from.


Email from Nicola..

Dear Croomp,

The council elections are now in full swing, with the premiere of our new campaign film earlier this week.

link to

Share on Facebook and Twitter

We’ve got five key priorities, ranging from new nurseries and extended free childcare to building more affordable homes. Read all about our plans here and keep up to date with our campaign diary which launched this week.

As always, there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved. Join us today.

In other news this week, unemployment in Scotland has fallen – below the UK level.

A new analysis showed a greater proportion of pupils from deprived communities are going on to higher education at college or university.

The M8 ‘missing link’ will open later this month – ahead of schedule! The new motorway will cut 20 minutes off peak journey times between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

And finally, we’ve announced a new review to widen access to nursing and midwifery.

Have a great holiday weekend – full of campaigning!

Nicola Sturgeon
SNP Leader

willie fae kilwinning

WATP – We Avoid Tax Paying.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Would it happen to be this Fib Dem Joker??

@ Dorothy Devine says at 4:33 pm

link to

Another Establishment War Monger.

Fib Dems, The PFI lovin’ coalition partners of BLiS at Holyrood, who renegaded on tuition fees, voted with the Tories to allow up to 49% of ENHS to be privatised and are the original ‘Post Truth Party’ (just ask Alistair ‘lied for political, not personal gain’ Carmichael.

Robert J. Sutherland

maureen @ 15:50,

I would definitely be boaking at voting for BNP organiser MacDonald, who sneakily ambushed Ann Begg MP (as was) in that notorious shared photo back in indyref1. Likewise the Kipper and the Tory.

While in general I support giving a pref to as many candidates as possible, you really don’t need to take this to the extent of voting for fascistoids. They will very likely be the first eliminations anyway so your prefs, if you were to use them, won’t even land on them.

Stick with 1-6 and keep in mind JWT good advice about order of the two SNP people.


Sorry to say but – not every criticism of islam is unjustified. Referring to one of the points made here.

Hint: its a religion, not a race 😉

Albert Herring


You don’t have to vote for these people, Ken.

It’s “Vote till you boak” i.e. Stop voting when you start boaking.


So I got my letter telling me which way around to put the two SNP candidates which is good. The Independents – one was YES in IR1, the other looks like he would be a YES so that’s 3 and 4. Then it’s going to be – Alex Gallagher – 5, in spite of his “indy supporters are anti-English” stupidity which is good, I actually like the guy and he’s a good councillor and would have had a conscience problem putting him last. Then the Tory 6th. He’s also a good councillor, very active in getting a skate park back 10 or more years ago, and does support the SNP on certain issues. Mind you all our councillors stand together on the likes of keeping Ardrossan to Brodick.

I think there’ll be a fair few Tory councillors groaned at May “make the council elections a vote against IR2”, then were devastated at Harrison’s support for the R Clause. Well, get a new leader, and vote YES for Independence and get away from the toxic Westminster Tories – simple.


Vesta says

People who should have been in a fascist party were tolerated in the Tory ranks.

Umm like an ex-PM, one Margaret Thatcher?

Yes, how does Thatcher compare on the loony right scale with the present lot?

Thatcher started from a different position in a different UK. She sold everything off she could, destroyed the Unions, damaged society permanently.

She moved the UK significantly to the right.

May is starting from where Thatcher left off because no one ever rolled things back.

The plan now is to remove individual rights, create a low wage low tax economy, allow business to function with minimal regulation, peel the welfare state right back to the bare minimum, make the rich even richer.

Thatcher and May seem just as bad as one another. Just as far out on the loony right.

stu mac

@Robert Louis says:
14 April, 2017 at 4:07 pm

Yeah. It was exactly the same with Enoch Powel back in the 60s. He used erudite vocabulary and classical quotes to disguise the ugliness of his message but the racists in the UK got his message anyway. No Blacks. But he always claimed he wasn’t sending out a racist message. Just because you’re not crude doesn’t mean you’re not nasty. If he even kidded himself into thinking he wasn’t being racists why didn’t it occur to him to wonder why so many were taking a racist message from his speeches. Fact he ended up in NI says it all. In a smaller way another Mosley.

Proud Cybernat

“The defining trait you see, appears to be hatred. Hatred of anything that doesn’t fit, ain’t from around here, doesn’t conform.”

It’s that superiority complex they possess. The WATP complex. Simply the BEst – Better than all the rest crap they believe. In THEIR dim minds there is only division when others refuse to agree with THEM – then YOU are divisive. How so very dare you disagree with THE PEEPUL.

They haven’t an effing clue. Too stupid to see their own hatred, bigotry and general shortcomings. To be pitied more than pilloried. I think.

mike d

Nice one willie fae Kilwinning lol.


In my ward I have
1 Independent ( ex SNP)
1 Independent, no past allegiances, moved into area a few years ago but with some BT lines in his blog such as “holding to account”, ” making the best of” & uk gets a few mentions
1 Lib-dem
1 Tory

4 places up for grabs

Going to need to hold my nose and put libdem in 3rd place


I always thought it was – “something/something/The/Pope”
Everything else seems to be



What a horrendous lower order :O


Thanks everyone for all the advice! Going to buy a big bag of sweeties to eat after I vote to combat the sick in my mouth. Never thought I would have to vote for some of these characters. Makes me ashamed to be an Aberdonian that they are even on the ballot.

mike d

Croompenstein 4.45pm. Aye,but ur’nt they essenpee still baaaad.(i know i know,it’s pathetic).lol.

Robert J. Sutherland

maureen @ 17:36:

Never thought I would have to vote for some of these characters.

Well, worry not, you don’t. (See my earlier post.)

Get the sweeties or not as you please, but not for any political reason!


This is exactly the kind of investigative unearthing for which you are hated, Sir. Well done, that man.


Robert J. Sutherland says:
14 April, 2017 at 5:53 pm

maureen @ 17:36:

Never thought I would have to vote for some of these characters.

Well, worry not, you don’t. (See my earlier post.)

Get the sweeties or not as you please, but not for any political reason!

So basically the last 3 are irrelevant and I need not boak after all! I will definitely be getting the sweeties.


Have a swatch at this folks:

..the Order came into a close alliance with the Conservatives, Orange Brethren in many cases being the catalysts for the formation of local Conservative Associations..

Over the course of the last quarter of the 18th Century, Several prominent Conservative politicians and some peers of the realm, including Lord Ruthven and the Earle of Hopetoun, joined the Order in Scotland.

As we pass our 200th year, the decision of the Scottish people to opt for a devolved parliament also holds out a challenge to the order to adapt its Unionist principles to meet the new situation, but firmly rooted in Scottish soil as it is, the Order will play its part as a distinctly Scottish and British institution.

I’ll just leave this here for further perusal:

History of the Orange Order
link to

Gene Maxwell

Having suspended George McIntyre they stood up his partner, Penny Winchester, in his place. You may wonder why her Twitter account is now a bit thin…. Pinnywinch for those who have dabbled in the far extremes of the yoon-sphere.

Robert J. Sutherland

maureen @ 18:10,

Yup. The Tory is less irrelevant of course, but if that person would be last on your list anyway, leaving her off also is no big deal. The other two are likely going nowhere. It’s just posturing and a bit of free publicity for their repellent views.

“Boaking” doesn’t necessarily mean going right down the list. It depends on the circumstances. You should be OK.

So keep a clean conscience and enjoy the sweeties!


thanks Robert J Sutherland. That’s what I like about Wings, there is always someone who is able to clarify concerns.
Said it before, will say it again, Wings is an education for us who may not be as politically minded.


I’ve always felt like a black sheep, standing up to my Irish Catholic mother, and questioning from about 13, why I was being dragged to mass, for some old man screaming hellfire from a pulpit. I saw my relatives acting like savages, and would say – that’s not very Christian, and receive a slap for my observations.

It seems this Scotland’s shame, has been going on for decades, when it comes to religion, because although I was on the opposing ‘side’, I saw behaviour and tribalism that made no sense. Needless to say, I’m an atheist.

I think the above politicians are contemptible, and disgusting. Religion has NOTHING to do with how good a candidate, or politician you will be, and it throws up divides, where there should be none.

Who remembers a young Robbie Coltrane doing his character Mason Boyne? That was decades ago, so it’s been laughed at, and yet it still being revived and promoted.

From the other ‘side’, I’ve asked people how they feel supporting a religion that actively hides child abuse in its ranks, or as in Ireland is unearthing mass graves of ‘illegitimate’ babies, to avoid shame for young single mothers, organised by the church.

Tip of the iceberg too.

I firmly believe religion should be a private affair, but not so private, that secrecy allows abuse or illegal activities.

Not a big ask.

W. Habib Steele

Dr Jim, I regret that you dismiss the Christian Faith because of the likes of Christian Tories like Davidson, May, Cameron, Carmichael etc., As a Christian, I simply cannot reconcile Christian Faith and Tory ideology.

Jesus said that he came to “proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.” Luke 4:18-19. Tory ideology is, to the contrary, to make people captives in prison when they could serve sentences in the community, make people captive to debt, make people captive to Maximus assessors who have no medical experience, blind people by spreading hatred between uneducated people of the Protestant and roman Catholic religions, and hatred for Hindus, Sikhs and other religions, oppress disabled people by taking away their transport helps, oppress victims of rape by making them choose to reveal their horrific experience to strangers or to deprive them of funds they need to feed the poor wean, oppress us all by funding Trident rather than put that money into healthcare and other social services, practising ideological austerity for poor people, which is not working, engage in wars of aggression, and the list could go on.

Christians, and indeed all people, are called to be loving people. Indeed since humanity is created in the image of God, who is Love, we too ARE love. Sin is failing to be and do what we are. St, Paul said, “Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail” 1 Corinthians 13:4-6

It seems to me that we have a government in Scotland, which, while being imperfect, seeks to exemplify these qualities, without claiming to be a Christian government. We have a government that wishes well to and for all the population of Scotland.

The Tory Government in England seems to me to wish well to and for the wealthy, corporations, and supporters of their parties. It wishes ill to and for the poor, deprived, disabled, ill and unemployed. I believe this ideology is utterly contrary to Christian Faith, and I could never be a Tory or vote for a Tory.

I’m sorry that you reject Christian faith as a superstition. I would like to recommend to you two popular books by N.T. Wright, Professor of New Testament in the University of St. Andrews: Simply Jesus, and Simply Christian. You may wish to follow those up by reading some of the writings of the late T.F. Torrance, who was Professor of Christian Dogmatics in the University of Edinburgh.

I believe that there is an intelligent case for Christian faith, which to ignore is to deprive oneself.

Ian Brotherhood

@Valerie (6.51) –

Well said.

Totally empathise with your comment, feel as if it mirrors my own experience almost precisely.


Who remembers a young Robbie Coltrane doing his character Mason Boyne? That was decades ago, so it’s been laughed at, and yet it still being revived and promoted.”

I do! and his lovely daughter, Orangina.

Brian Doonthetoon

Ah! The memories!

Here you go, heedtracker…

link to

There are a number of clips at YouTube:-

link to“Mason+Boyne”



Just seen the list of local candidates for my ward.

1x SNP
4x independents (only one of whom I’m familiar with)
1x Labour
1x Coservative
1x Libertarian ????

What in the name of the wee man did we do to deserve that?

I repeat. FFS!


Brian Doonthetoon says:
14 April, 2017 at 9:58 pm
Ah! The memories!

That’s the one. Coltraine’s from a nice part of Rutherglen, and its town house still has a giant union jack flying over it. Its changed rather a lot since he made that Masonic comedy but not that much.


Bob Mack says:
@Liz Gray,

“We are the people.”

Pronounced “Wee r ra peeepel”.

ergo, “yoose r no, wi’ yur hi-fallutin’ facts ‘n logic ‘n stuff”.

Just to be contrarian. As it turned out, it was a damned good idea that we used to fear and demonise Rome, and by extension Catholicism. It was way much more than just a religious empire.
Understandable, what with the inquisitions and burning shit.
300 or so years ago !

You probably wouldn’t have anywhere near our 21st C level of technological, never mind social and economic development otherwise.


Little bit of advice?

Helping friends with ranking in various wards around Glasgow.

So East Dunbartonshire

3 councillors from a candidate list of 6. One of them is an ‘independent’, Duncan Cumming, he’s ex libdem, split away due to coalition welfare cuts back in 2012, my question is simply do I get them to place him before Libdem, so it would look like this on the ballot?:

2 Green
3 Independent
4 Libdem
5 Labour
6 Tory

Or does anyone have any info. regarding this fella that would suggest he should be placed beneath the libdem or lower?


Did anyone mention the nick of they two, wae their matching black puffa jaikets out side Shoe Zone.

They look scary.

That would scare a squirrel away from its cereal.

Iain More

The Cooncil Elections are sure dragging out all the hibernating Brit Nat reptiles from under their rocks.

Jack Collatin

Why has Glasgow Uni not sacked this odious little creature yet?
He is teaching and shaping minds FFS.
The Cold Heartless Bastards Together; Davidson Dugdale Rennie Carmichael Mundell and Murray, and the endless list of Red Blue and Yellow Tory hangers on
continue to corrode the body politic like a cancerous growth.
They are the Enemies of the People of Scotland; a danger to all the people,whether we believe in Independence or the Union.
The are shit stirrers and would rather see Scotland destroyed than accept that we may choose to make our own way in the world following England and Wales choosing Brexit.
The Cold Heartless Bastards.
They punish children, widows, pensioners, rape victims, the low paid, the homeless so that JK Rowling can get even richer than she already is.
Money goes to money.
Ruth and Murdo and Adam will seriously fuck you up for ever in order to preserve their well heeled wold, and domination of the people of Scotland by a now clearly Fascist Upper Class Establishment.
They don’t give a rat’s arse about Sellick or Ranjurs. I doubt if Fraser or Tomkins could explain the offside rule.
They are doing what Himmler did. Fire up the ill educated disenfranchised White Trailer Trash to act as their modern day Brownshirts, and threaten chaos and violence if the Jocks don’t get back in their box.
Where do the organised religions stand in all of this?
Total silence.
The Church of Scotland, oh, the irony, is now a conservative mainstay of the Establishment? Is that so? The religion that abhorred hierarchies, outlawed bishops and cardinals, insisted on a separate religion in Scotland in 1707, has suddenly gone deaf and dumb as children, widows,pensioners, the infirm, disabled, financially exploited workers, 18-21 year olds made homeless by the Tories are targetted?
And the Catholic Church, brought to the point of ruin by child abuse scandals and closet gay priests exposed as anti-gay hypocrites, isn’t saying anything at all.
Yet Fraser Tomkins and that irksome little endomorph, Kelly, spout this Sellick Ranjurs shit every chance they get.
Evil stalks this land.


To all posters who are losing sleep (or their breakfast) over voting Tory/Ukip think of it not as voting but as ranking the candidates in order of their ability to do the job.


The Queen’s 11? Pardonnez ma francaise, but have ye ivir heard sae much UTTER SHITE in aw yer life? Whit a CLOWN.


It was only a few weeks ago Tompkins stated “we are the people”

Terry Entoure

The most charming Donald Gatt (Esquire wtf?) is also a climate change denier.

Scroll down to the comments here:

link to

“Spend no taxpayers’ money on the non-problem
of man made climate change until a Royal
Commission has heard both sides of the
scientific case and has reported.”

Free Scotland

More dirt on Donald Gatt, ex-UKIP, now vile Tory.

link to


Nothing wrong with supporting any football team but I would feel in a support like rangers just association with some of them
Would be enough to stop me going why are the good supporters not put off
The rest of the nation think deep down you like it


I have written to the publication featuring Professor Tomkins. Asking them if they challenged him on HIS sectarian language while he was condemning others.


Many of these articles referred to and the offensive behavior that these individuals show saddens me very much. How in todays world do they get away with these actions? The fact that the Tories only ask for an apology makes me feel sick. It is clear that these individuals have extreme views that are not acceptable in a civil society. They should simply be charged for rude, offensive and inflammable language to incite public disorder and riot as was done in 2011 down in Manchester England. Why is it that publically elected people seem to have rites above others.

[…] exposure of Buchan followed a catalogue of exposés involving several Scottish Conservative councillors. The revelations included a new Scottish […]

[…] perhaps explains the nationalistic, racist, misogynistic and sectarian views of many of her new Tory Councilors. Views that are far more in tune with the values of a Brexit UK than those held by most […]

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    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: “Here’s another one: On Wings BTL, it is widely assumed that gregor is the sole reader of his own posts.Jan 22, 07:07
    • Jeannie McCrimmon on A short treatise on stalking: “Sit doon Mr Kelly is a personal Holyrood favourite.Jan 22, 04:57
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Ah well, who knows, give him a break. As we used to joke asking the local Germans back in the…Jan 22, 01:59
    • Skip_NC on A short treatise on stalking: “In this context, “tortured sole” is correct. James Kelly is like a fish out of water.Jan 22, 01:50
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Still waiting for a meaningful factual reply yoon (or is it scum!). Heck I don’t know but you sound well…Jan 22, 01:45
    • Skip_NC on A short treatise on stalking: “Alba is doing something. It’s just that the media don’t talk about it.Jan 22, 01:43
    • gregor on The Great Hollowing: “BBC (2025): Gray apologises over football match meetings: “Health Secretary Neil Gray has apologised for “inadvertently” misleading MSPs over the…Jan 22, 01:37
    • gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “Olde Throne: Greyfriars Kirkyard: “Oh, Greyfriars Where the Covenanters lay Ceased by the black judge Cut down by his hand…Jan 22, 00:55
    • gregor on The Great Hollowing: “Funnily enough – same could be said for J.K. Rowling (et al)… 22, 00:06
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “another classic from the archiveJan 21, 23:50
    • gregor on A short treatise on stalking: “If you insist, McFetish… “The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of…Jan 21, 23:50
    • Confused on A short treatise on stalking: “main cavorts with satan and a black cat under moonlight in greyfriars a heretic by any measureJan 21, 23:42
    • yoon scum on A short treatise on stalking: “One thing that has always un-settled me about a very large part of the YES movement is the rage that…Jan 21, 23:33
    • yoon scum on A short treatise on stalking: “Don’t forget not one single YOON has ever had a job a “fact” I have been told by a good…Jan 21, 23:20
    • Derek on A short treatise on stalking: “Chains? There’s a rope in the play, I think.Jan 21, 23:13
    • gregor on The Great Hollowing: “The Fraud (2025): How will bequests have helped the SNP’s finances by millions: “The SNP have received millions in will…Jan 21, 23:10
    • Hatey McHateface on The same old tricks: “Your remedy is obvious, Confused. Scorn the accumulation of all stuff. Then you can enjoy the last laugh. BTW, if…Jan 21, 23:07
    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: “It’s a complex subject and there are lots of nuances that could be discussed, on a forum that had the…Jan 21, 23:01
    • Martin on A short treatise on stalking: “The two Davies will think his return to the SNP is big big news and will welcome him into team…Jan 21, 22:46
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “this is the enemy he wants to steal your stuff  expects you to be grateful about it  fart in your…Jan 21, 22:45
    • Confused on The same old tricks: “This is why the UN needs to be involved; they know all the tricks and won’t stand for them. If…Jan 21, 22:44
    • sarah on A short treatise on stalking: “There’s more than one way to skin a cat. As someone who dislikes living the lie of a Union which…Jan 21, 22:38
    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: ““hee haw else to write about” On the sites I read, they’re publicising that President Trump has announced to the…Jan 21, 22:35
    • Northman on A short treatise on stalking: “I assume that is partly because sensible posts don’t rile people up. People nod their heads and read on. We…Jan 21, 22:34
    • Scot Finlayson on A short treatise on stalking: “The 2022 census found that of the 514,543 people residing in Edinburgh, 47.9% identified with a Scottish identity.Jan 21, 22:32
    • Insider on A short treatise on stalking: ““Salvo, as the campaigning group for, have formed a Scottish People’s Liberation Movement”. ? Is this a Monty Python…Jan 21, 22:31
    • yoon scum on A short treatise on stalking: “With the current lot in Holyrood An independent scotland would welcome anyone with open arms no matter how much they…Jan 21, 22:26
    • Hatey McHateface on A short treatise on stalking: “As we are phasing out burning of gas 5 years sooner than they are in England, he’ll have to move…Jan 21, 22:22
    • yoon scum on The Great Hollowing: “Did you actually read the post above? The majority of the English you hate Also hate the idiots in WestminsterJan 21, 22:19
  • A tall tale

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