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Wings Over Scotland

An early failure

Posted on January 25, 2018 by



Although you’d think at least one of them would have caught this:

Ah, but wait. Apparently it can’t be fake news if you can complain about it and maybe get a microscopic correction printed three months later:

Oh, wait, sorry, we mean “very prominent” correction:

You know, like this:

(And this.) So everything’s fine, then. Phew!

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We all know what will be classed as fake news….it will be anything not supporting the Union or the Royal Family


Mr Leask protests too much. It was political propaganda fake news by third rate lazy journalists. Pretty much standard for what is served up in newspapers these days.

Scott Murray

Its not that they, the unionist media. got it wrong about the flags…whatever….but that it should caution any sane person to question every..yes..EVERY….headline that they put up…..

Helena Brown

Never trust a grown man that calls you Dude.

Heather McLean

I’m just absolutely so scunnered with this flag crap that I took the unprecedented step of writing to complain to The Times today for their story with Theresa May’s opinion on it.
What is the main aim of this other than to stir up anti Scottish sentiment? Isn’t it enough that they’ve stirred up enough racism and anti EU citizen xenophobia already because of Brexit, now they’re stirring up anti Scottish feeling too.
Letter to The Times – a lot more polite and restrained than I’m actually feeling at the moment!

“To whom it may concern,
Not normally a person to complain about the proliferation of inaccuracies in the British Press these days, but today’s article in the Times about Theresa May’s opinion and involvement in the Union Jack being removed from Scottish Government buildings, is the final straw!
Does nobody actually check any facts any more or do you just print any fake news story presented to you by the anti SNP or or anti Scottish Government brigade?
If you had bothered to investigate the flag saga, you would know that the removal of Union Jack flags on Scottish Governments, actually has NOTHING to do with any recent decision by First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon or any of the Scottish Government, but in fact was approved eight years ago Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, following a discussion at Balmoral Castle with the then First Minister Alex Salmond.
This was already thoroughly debunked on social media and The National newspaper on Wednesday 24th January, so why it is one of the main stories in today’s Times email bulletin and no doubt in the paper itself, is a complete mystery!
There is absolutely NO reason to approach Theresa May for her opinion and for this to be an article in today’s Times.
You really have to wonder what the agenda is when a formerly respected publication such as The Times, perpetuates what can only be termed as “fake news”!
At a difficult time for politics in the U.K. in general, it is really extremely unhelpful to stir up and add to what can only be described as more anti Scottish feeling.
I would not normally take the time to complain but I would expect better of a publication such as yours and I hope that you take the time to publish the correct version of the story.”

Auld Rock

Noticed at the time that the EBC did not include itself as a major contributor to ‘FAKE NEWS’ and all that this entails.

Dorothy Devine

Heather , well done you and I hope these charlatans that call themselves journalists have the courage to publish your letter but I doubt it.

The whole thing is a farce and the BBBC having anything to do with ‘educating’ people on ‘fake news’ is even more farcical.

The stupidity and arrogance displayed is breathtaking.

robert mcdonal

David Leask actually said “Dude”?
That is so uncool.


Without deploying fake news as a propaganda tactic, the Union would now be over.

Fake news and manipulation by omission have become stock-in-trade of the UKOK loyal msm.

It seems a particularly odious move when they try to redifine ‘fake news’ as the alternative to their own often dubious line.


OT link to

We are officially a region! along with Wales and Northern Ireland

Try it and see. Its funny how England is not a region of the “UK” just the poor wee countries who are better together with England apparently.

link to


Isn’t it funny how the mainstream media and Tory government can scream about fake news and what a bad thing it is, and how it needs eliminated, but the minute Nicola Sturgeon utters the word they’re all like, “Oh my God, Sturgeon said fake news, how Trumpy of her, not a good look, etc etc.”


I cannot tell you how happy I will be when Scotland becomes Independent.


robert mcdonal says:
25 January, 2018 at 12:12 pm

David Leask actually said “Dude”?
That is so uncool.

What are you, like, saying? It’s no biggie.


On BBC’s London orientated political agenda.

On to-night’s BBC TV Question Time from Scotland

Presenter David Dimbleby Arch Brit Nat
Panellist Michael Forsyth Tory Lord
Panellist Chris Williamson Unknown English Labour MP
Panellist Fiona Hyslop SNP
Panellist Maggie Chapman Greens
Panellist Peter Oborne Daily Mail

Again BBC distorts the political balance in Scotland by have two right wing Tories on the panel.

We never have a majority of Indy panellists but regularly a majority of anti Indy figures. Tonight 4 -2 including the Chairman for the Brit Nats.

Mike d

Ah the purveyors of fake news , screaming ,its no fair, when people are starting to disbelieve them.karmas a wonderful thing.

Robert J. Sutherland

Hmmm, having a complaints procedure is a guarantee of non-fakery, eh, Mr.Leask? Can’t understand why we needed to spend all that millions on the Leveson Inquiry then. (It was certainly money wasted, but only due to the lack of follow-up from the craven toady Cameron.)

The typical way the press and BBC handle disagreements reveals the utter fig leaf that their complaints procedures represent. Even when they do concede something, it’s hidden away in some insignificant corner, as in the example that Stu gives, or as we saw recently with Sarah Smith on Twitter, likely (and one suspects intentionally) missed by the vast majority of older TV viewers.

If I had a blog site, I could easily implement a complaints form which automatically sent the complainant the message “Your complaint has been received and noted. Thank you for taking an interest in this site.” And otherwise ignored. Would this then automatically make me a non-faker? Yet the BBC process in particular is just a significantly more convoluted way of doing the exact same thing.


“Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded”

Virginia Woolf, birthday today.

What happens when something which never happened also gets recorded?

Of course today is also Robert Burns’ birthday.

“Some books are lies frae end to end”

We are saddled with a media determined to undermine Scottish democracy. That isn’t going to change until iScotland is firmly established!

Our role as activists is to make sure the media don’t succeed in stopping independence.

While I look forward to the many positive changes which I have faith independence will bring, I am more and more looking forward to simply having a lot of negatives removed!

Mike d

I’ve read G A ponsonbys ‘london calling’. We know all about you ebc, and YOUR fake news.

Old Pete

Willy Rennie just called the First Minister a liar and the Presiding Officer allowed it?
After First Minister replied the Presiding Officer told them both off. The Presiding Officer needs to go and sooner the better.

Socrates MacSporran

After FMQs – can Willie Rennie sink any lower?


Do hypocrites ‘never’ realise their own hypocrisy.


Is deliberately withholding information fake news?

If the full details that the Royal Standard of Scotland was being flown on days marking royal events with the agreement of the Queen been include I doubt this would have had as much mileage.

Even then some of the reports that the Queen herself was being snubbed indicate that reports have been written without that knowledge. Showing perhaps a co-ordinated effort by newspapers who willingly allowed themselves to be used to spread bullshit without checking the full facts.

Richard Hunter

I wonder if it’s time that we stopped talking about ‘fake news’ and started talking about ‘fake newspapers’?

Bob Mack

Set a thief to catch a thief should spring to mind, but I cannot help but think they would have to catch themselves.

Yesterday one poster Reluctant Nationalist was very unhappy that the SNP were going to introduce such a thing in our schools. Perhaps now he or she will see why we need to do it.

Max Keiser recently tweeted that when he made programmes with the BBC all content was edited by officials before broadcast to ensure no embarrassment to the State,whereas with RT no such step was taken. Therefore having scrutinised a pile of lies they decide to broadcast anyway.

If this is not state control, tell me what is?


Sinky says:
25 January, 2018 at 12:33 pm
On BBC’s London orientated political agenda.

On to-night’s BBC TV Question Time from Scotland

Presenter David Dimbleby Arch Brit Nat
Panellist Michael Forsyth Tory Lord
Panellist Chris Williamson Unknown English Labour MP
Panellist Fiona Hyslop SNP
Panellist Maggie Chapman Greens
Panellist Peter Oborne Daily Mail

Again BBC distorts the political balance in Scotland by have two right wing Tories on the panel.

Sinky- That’s not including how they research and select the members of the audience to ensure a Britnat majority, with a nice sprinkling of raging activists, who have an SNP Bad story.

Then its a matter of selecting the questions to suit Britnat’s objectives, and of course give the questions to the Britnat panelist before the show.

If push comes to shove and anything or person scores an Independence goal- Old Dimbumble is there to hastily interrupt and move on to the next pro Union question.

Its all unbiased just like George Orwell predicted.

Fake News, Double Speak, just take anything in the UK media as
a Lie, a Distortion, or snippet out of context.

I would trust the BBC with their Time Clock.


The BBC to help students identify fake news, really ? If the students watch BBC Scotland every day they will very quickly become aware of how insidious fake news is. Fox and hen house springs to mind. Why does the SNP not campaign to abolish the BBC from Scotland.


Apologies if I am 1,000’s of miles wide of the mark here. 😉

I think the ridiculous pieces of sh*te written by ignorant incompetent useless braindeied journalists about the Butcher’s Apron being hauled down is yet another fine example of Unionist over-reaction. Over-reaction to what you may ask. Well I’ll tell you. 😉

Since the beginning of the month we have suffered day after day fawning by the Britnat media over:

a) a hinger on and his wife having a baby
b) an ex soldier and an American actress (allegedly) getting married
c) a second, lower grade hinger on havinga baby
d) a second, lower grade hinger on (obviously NOT the same lower grade hinger on having a baby cause as we all know hingers on just don’t do that sort of thing)getting married to a wine merchant!

The Britnat media have finally realised,after hours of fawning and reams of earse kissing that the people of Scotland could give a s**t about any of this alleged Royal nonsense so they had to come up with another jolly good wheeze to get those rebelious Scots back into line.

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you …*drum roll* … the biggest Fake News story of the year … First Minister of Scotland hauls down Butcher’s Apron. 😀


The utterly sad thing is how much this article could be expanded on using examples prior to these BBC & government “taskforces” inception.

I remember having the distinct feeling when Donald Trump first trumpeted the phrase “Fake News” and it was immediately seized upon by media types that it would be a convenient idiom to decry uncomfortable truths, now we have a fake news unit – Ministry of Truth anyone??

I’m so done, will find a peaceful cave to live out the rest of my existence.


It’s miraculois that we have come so far really. That nearly half the population supports independence and our support is still rising, they’re no really ‘that’ great ur they at that propaganda stuff, or are we all a lot brighter than we realise in Scotland?


Oborne appears to be one of the few paid-up members of the TM Fan Club these days. Meanwhile, in another part of the ‘Mule’, it’s suggested that if the chair of the 1922 Committee receives one more demand for a leadership contest from a backbencher then he may be forced to trigger the election procedure.
Still not much sign of things stabilising.

Hugh MacDiarmid

I remember David Leask from years ago as a very fine journalist. According to the above he seems to have taken leave of his senses.


I’m always reading on here “why don’t SNP do more & tackle the unionist lies.” Well now they are doing just that & we all need to do our bit to support it. If you’re already on social media ie Facebook or Twitter you maybe already are supporting as part of your dailty routine but those who aren’t-how are you supporting the cause?

Have a read of this & then see what you can do to help.

Taking a stand link to via @ScottoVoceBlog

Proud Cybernat

The whole ‘Fake News’ schtick being peddled by the UK Gov and BBC I think is a double-edged sword – for them. Because it raises the VERY QUESTION in the minds of people who don’t know any better; people who don’t actually realise that news can be and is manipulated.

Even if the UK Gov and BBC are the ones doing the ‘informing’ that there are news sources ‘out there’ that are fake, it will make those people think, “Well, wait a minute – if there are fake news sources, how do I know YOU are not one of them?”

In short, by the UK Gov and the BBC raising the very spectre of ‘fake news’ will cause these unwary folks to be made aware hat such a thing exists but will make them wary of news sources in general, including the UK Gov, the BBC and the BritNat corporate press.

Which can only be a good thing for the indy movement. People will look for properly sourced info which is what Wings Over Scotland specialises in doing. Unlike the SMSM.


Aye, with quite a few uncomfortable truths now coming out, our good old British Brainwashing Corporation has decided it is time to act. Irony bypass or what? The latest ploy seems to be to label anything inconvenient, anything that does not fit the “Labour good, Ruthie good,BREXIT good, IndyRef2 bad, SNP bad” yoon narrative; must be neutralised as “fake news”.

Fake news = what they don’t want you to know. 🙂

This false flag nonsense is a complete and utter joke. But Hey Ho, anything that distracts from the significant good news for Scotland must be headlined. The fact that they would use such a pathetic squirrel story this time shows just how desperate they have become. You can almost smell the fear. 🙂


Its only logical that the beeb gimps are taking on their bias problems, their often horrific bias. Its quite clever really, intuitive, hucksters intuition, the old bait n switch, look, fake news, where, over there, not here and Blammo! Future Lady Sarah Smith’s latest SNP Out stuff is blaring at us.

Scotland’s merely a region of greater England and the beeb’s task is to make sure that this does not change, ever.

Losing control of Scotland is a massive deal for England.

Very mad looking Tony Blair was on SKY news yesterday, explaining in great detail how Brexit is going to diminish the UK, although not that big problem grinned El Tone, but the UK will be diminished a lt Leaving the EU.

Imagine what they’ll be like next, when they lose control of almost half their country?

There’s a hell of a UKOK lot on the shoulders of Donalda and chums in Pacific Quay and we are not going away either, are we:D



I like the idea of this new Government Fake-News unit having the title of The Ministry of Truth. It does have a certain ring to it.


It’s such a relief to know that everything’s fine. Phew. The British nationalist rags, the bastion of truth, honesty and most of facts. Only, their own version of news does fact as fiction and fiction as fact, it’s all so very topsy turvy!

There should be a regulator to make sure corrections are immediate and equivalent in size to the fake articles they print. Oh wait, what happened to that? UK politics with Britnats running the show, is a fake, a faux competence, but what their disgusting attacks on the poor and vulnerable is very real.


Effijy says:
25 January, 2018 at 12:54 pm
Sinky says:
25 January, 2018 at 12:33 pm
On BBC’s London orientated political agenda.

On to-night’s BBC TV Question Time from Scotland

Presenter David Dimbleby Arch Brit Nat
Panellist Michael Forsyth Tory Lord
Panellist Chris Williamson Unknown English Labour MP
Panellist Fiona Hyslop SNP
Panellist Maggie Chapman Greens
Panellist Peter Oborne Daily Mail

Looking at the line up for tonight’s Let’s run down Scotland show a.k.a. Question Time I notice that yet again *YAWN* there is NO Labour politician, M.P. or M.S.P., from a SCOTTISH constituency. I can not remember the last time there was Scottish Labour politician on Q.T. when the show was in Scotland. Surely tonight’s episode of putting down Scotland would have been an ideal opportunity for whatshisname, the manager of the Labour branch office to get on and spread his sh*te about how sh*t the SNP are and how great 😀 the branch office is. Alas we are yet again denied this great opportunity to have a countrywide collective laugh-in. 😀


Is this not also a case of the BBC hand in glove with UKGov playing the ‘nanny state’ card, telling everyone ‘what they should or shouldn’t be’ reading, watching etc. Just look at the attacks on RT recently here and in the states, is this the lead up to shutting down web addresses/news sites that don’t conform to their versions of ‘the news’?

And is this why the tech companies are being called on to ‘do their bit’ wrt ‘fake news’ by TM?

It’s all beginning to look a bit ‘co ordinated’. So ‘only’ the BBC determines what is ‘fake news’ as the arm of the British State doing its bidding. Yesterday’s fleg fiasco rather comfirms it’s only ‘their fake news’ that’s to be regarded as ‘real news’.

Double think times two multiplied by the sum of their total lies equals ‘I smell shite’.


@Heather McLean

Neatly and well done.


Pretty self evident that the media have clearly jumped the shark on all things Scottish. They literally have nothing to fear in terms of rebuke from peers. They know they have the backing of the state, the establishment parties and their support. They feel invulnerable…

Freedom of the press isn’t freedom to slander, smear, manipulate opinion and emotions, though clearly that is exactly what they believe it to be. They believe themselves above public right of reply, opinion or complaint. They reckon they have deep enough pockets to either crush or wait out in court anyone brave enough to take them on. They will NOT change unless the public make them change and the only way to do that is deny them the oxygen of cash or moral support.

Until the offending publishers feel the pinch financially and the weight of public opinion turns against their editorial staff, they will continue to behave in exactly the same fashion.

Blair Paterson

The very term fake news is fake as some one else said it is lies pure and simple


Effijy says @ 12.54

Concerns about to-night’s Question Time audience selection confirmed by this personal experience.

link to


This wee gem has appeared on The National’s website. 😉

link to

I wonder if anyone in Dumfries tonight will be permitted (forelock duly tugged) to demand a response from Oborne to the news he is about to be investigated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Yes I know IPSO is just a boys own club where newspaper chiefs talk idly amongst themselves and practically NEVER find in favour of the claimant but always in favour of the defendant, namely themselves. However it is a wee small step to show the ignoramuses in the world of the corrupt British media that the Scottish Government has had enough and will from now when it feels it necessary start hitting back at the incompetent media.


What the BBC will be doing in schools under the guise of fake news spotting is re-enforcing the culture of watching lots of TV.
What the Government is most afraid of is the electorate abandoning TV altogether.
Fake news is just another story to keep the brainwashed watching.

Stuart Dickson

Next Scottish parliamentary election – Most seats – current odds:

SNP 2/5
Labour 4/1
Con 6/1
LD 100/1
Gen 200/1

(Coral, Ladbrokes)

[…] Wings Over Scotland An early failure December: January: Although you’d think at least one of them would have caught this: […]

Peter McCulloch

25 January, 2018 at 1:30 pm

Given the calibre of Labour MPs and MSPs we have here in Scotland.
Do we really want any of them appearing on a biased UK national TV programme?


Fake news is just another story to keep the brainwashed watching.

They started at Blue Peter in my day, just your entry level, BBC is a lovely institution run by lovely people telling you lovely things about being British…

They never gave their Scotland region much thought even then. But at the very least, the generation of beeb gimps that sat and watched the after school crap that was Blue Peter, barring the Caron Keating era, who later emigrated to OZ, are doing stuff like,

link to

Local democracy reporters! ain’t no shyster like a beeb gimp shyster.

BBC Scotlandshire

Dude, Leasky is absolutely correct in what he says.
We have a complaints procedure and would never dream of just making up a news story.
Try making a complaint yourself, if you don’t believe it.
link to


David Leask can be a thoughtful journalist, but feels his job is to protect the traditional media, and attack the new media, without trying to see if there’s a way traditional media can work with the new media. Yet he regularly quotes tweets which support whatever story he’s coming out with, to support that story.

Go figure!

(never trust a person who says “go figure”)


The Hedge Fund manager at Davos. Fake News. Hypocritical liars.

Scottish Steve

So much anti-Scottish bile in the comments of the mainstream papers. Feel that Better Togetherness. Of course, if it was us making those comments about the blessed English…

mike cassidy

For those looking forward to seeing Chris Williamson on Question Time.

From his twitter account.

“Catch me on #BBCQT tonight and join the debate on Twitter. After yet another week where the establishment has been exposed as economically incompetent and morally bankrupt, you can rest assured that I won’t be pulling my punches! “

Ah! Great! A class warrior fighting injustice.

Not really.

link to

Thomas Valentine

Identify fake news.
Turn on TV. Switch channel to BBC news. Watch.

Proud Cybernat

The truth shall set us free – and that’s what they’re afraid of.


My Slovene girlfriend is always applying to be on Question Time but he never gets on. She’s got some good things planned for her Scotland region too, because we all took her advice 2014 and kept things just as they tory are.

Adam Tomkins MSP
Verified account

18h18 hours ago
More Adam Tomkins MSP Retweeted Murdo Fraser


Murdo Fraser
Verified account

Looking forward to tomorrow’s debate @ScotParl and the opportunity to vote to repeal the ludicrous, hated and illiberal Offensive Behaviour at Football Act – hundreds of constituents have urged me to do so


My Slovene girlfriend says read this, its very important that the SNP’s ludicrous, hated and illiberal Offensive Behaviour at Football Act is scrapped because the BBC Scotland great and the good say so.

link to

“All opposition parties want to scrap the legislation, which was passed with SNP votes alone in 2011 in a bid to crack down on sectarianism.”

And the reason ALL opposition parties are, er, in opposition? is not the beeb gimp point and probably not the pass answer the BBC essay markers will be looking for, after they have re educated students of beeb gimpery.

D-. See me after.


They ignored and rewrote history after the Treaty, many still don’t know there were riots all over Scotland after Scotland was sold out.

The modern day equivalent is underway, they rewrite it as we speak and write on here. No matter the number of times we complain, they will blatantly ignore our voices.

It is as Macart states, it is by withdrawing from the media, relinquishing our tv licenses, not buying their rags, that we will impact their voices.

Silence of the cash register is the only sound they understand. Our participation as enablers has to cease.

I believe this is what is driving their fury, else they wouldn’t be so furiously trying to circumvent alternative interpretations of ‘the news’ by inventing terms like ‘fake news’. Alternative news outlets are challenging their dominance, and those who participate btl in forums, discussing and sharing information that contradicts and shines a light on the lies that we are fed, are part of what constitutes that threat.

It’s a ‘sales trick’ that is underway with this: Their ‘brand’ is being rubbished, so now they have to rub out their competitors by rubbishing them. They believe their brand is still ‘respected’ enough that enough people will believe their interpretation of ‘fake news’.

The more people walk away from the mainstream take on events etc, the more their power is diminished, the more they will fight back. Clearly in Scotland with half the population not comforming, they have already lost that battle.

We win the war by doing what we do best. By continuing to talk to people, sharing well sourced factual information and allowing/encouraging others to ‘make up their own minds’.

That formula is what has gotten us this far. We’re the roots and we’ve the boots on the ground.

We’re winning.

Robert J. Sutherland

mike cassidy @ 14:06,

Ah, but he’s by no means alone among the People’s Representatives of Corbyn’s Great Socialist Revival Party, is he?

You wonder how long it has to take before their remaining flock in North Britain finally wake up to the reality that there ain’t gonna be a Second Coming, just more of the same old recycled flannel.

Some of course never will. (Eh, Gerry?)


@robert mcdonal
Dude, where’s my car? Sweet!

@Hugh MacDiarmid
David Leask wrote a fine series of articles about “How others see us” during Indy Ref 1. Someone (perhaps DMcE-H) posted that he supports Indy, and I thought the same.

He seems to be allergic to the Rev and Wings, and conflates some of the more extreme social media excesses with just aout anyone who posts these days.

Although he comes below the line, it’s to lay down the law “I’m a professional journalist what do you know”, rather than being prepared to debate as an equal. Still, at least he DOES post btl.


@Hugh MacDiarmid

Not left his senses I suspect but more like moving upwards to the Editor’s hotseat means he is much closer to his paymasters without a friendly editor to make a case on his behalf as would have pertained hitherto.

The owners will ensure his erse is heated if he so much as thinks an independent thought so he cannot even allow such thoughts lest they blurt out as such are wont to do.


It’s interesting that the Spanish Government are also looking at bringing in legislation in order to combat “fake news”. This has been sparked off by the political situation in Catalonia.

The recent political crisis in Catalonia brought the issue of “fake news” to the forefront in Spain. While the central government has looked for ways to address the spread of disinformation via legislation, journalists concerned about the implications of new laws on freedom of expression have called for a campaign to promote media literacy instead.

Moreover, experts say that while the work of fact-checkers and journalists to combat false information has been commendable, many issues remain, from the media’s inability to build trust to the possible exploitation of the concept of “fake news” by Spanish politicians.

“The biggest problem in Spain has been the political and economic dependence of media,” Pérez said.

Grueso agreed, noting that while media outlets “have a big responsibility” when it comes to educating people, Spain’s traditional media suffered from a “reputational problem” that had led people to start doubting the reality portrayed in newspapers and television.

link to


Fake News

The map is not the Territory
The flag is not the Country it symbolises
The symbol is not the Thing it symbolises

That’s the sort of stuff they need to be pointing out in schools – but simplified!


Alba Jock

Fake news in itself! Train and educate students with what? Lies!

Rab Pollock

I think that the ominous timing of this timely fake flag news story was to swamp any mention of the world wide celebration of Burns and Scottish culture going on today from the front pages of MSM. Can’t have Scotland taking it’s place on the world stage you know old chap.


I think there’s a good few pro-Indy journalists do what they can in the articles, in an almost uniformly pro-union MSM. Basically by proportion49% of them should be pro-indy if not more!

Robert J. Sutherland

yesindyref2 @ 14:23,

Leask has a point, in that not all social media carries the pure and unvarnished truth. We have to concede that.

Ironically, what’s happening now is just like the public eruption of alternative views and beliefs that occurred in 16th century Europe with the advent of the printing press. The very technology that he still depends upon today.

His case, though, would carry far more conviction if we weren’t so aware of the many deliberate egregious evasions and distortions from the very media which he seeks to defend.

As someone already said, you can’t demand respect, you have to earn it. And the UK media plainly haven’t. Au contraire. In their ever-wilder desperation to suppress independence in Scotland, they are actually diminishing their reputation, in effect debasing their own coinage.

Welsh Sion

For Scotland: Happy Burns Night tonight!
For Wales: Happy Santes Dwynwen Day for today!

No Burns Night Supper for us at London SNP tonight, but note the following:

Attendees in London, the English capital, of SNP Members for Burns Night 2015: 75.
Attendees in Edinburgh, the Scottish capital of “Scottish” Labour Members for Burns Night, 2015: 0.


I think at times Leask is just trying to clean up the YES act. And he’d have a point. If we clean up it leaves the other side all out in the open in their emperor’s birthday suit!

George S Gordon

Leask claimed they have evidence of what Oxfam said about Scotland, but has ignored my request for the evidence – like a link.

Herald tweeted “Scotland’s wealth inequality is ‘out of control”” The single quotes means the newspaper *might* be taking liberties with whatever Oxfam actually said.

That Herald tweet was retweeted by Oxfam Scotland, and then subsequently deleted by them – as far as I can see – if you find the retweet, let me know.

Oxfam have been publicising their inequality research like mad but maybe, just maybe, they realised ‘out of control’ was a step too far.

Reluctant Nationalist

Bob Mack – “Perhaps now he or she will see why we need to do it.”

‘We’ don’t need it at all. But it’s happening regardless.


@George S Gordon
From what I’ve seen over time, Leask isn’t very good on twitter, he’s too reactive and defensive – and aggressive with it. I don’t do twitter and thank God for that, by the time I’ve put a posting together and mostly got rid of typos, some of them I just never post at all. I do use a (reconditoned) iPhone 4S for short texts and some (very little) family chat, but the “keyboard” annoys the sh^^ out of me with my stubby fingers, even sideyways, I can feel myself getting angry, so it’s very few and far between.


Is a correction 1mm high a prominent antidote to a page of lies?


Peter McCulloch says:
25 January, 2018 at 1:56 pm
25 January, 2018 at 1:30 pm

Given the calibre of Labour MPs and MSPs we have here in Scotland.
Do we really want any of them appearing on a biased UK national TV programme?

You know Peter that is not as easy question to answer as it first appears.

On the one hand there is the obvious answer of no we don’t want any Labour politician on cause then EVERYONE gets to see how poorly thought out our elections are … at least for some people.

However, on the other hand I’d have to say yes we do, if for no other reason than to show the rest of this corrupt and broken union just how dire, incompetent,useless and ignorant the Labour branch office is here in Scotland.

Colin Alexander

After The Vow, I’m very disappointed that Nicola Sturgeon decided to write for the Daily Record.

But, it’s up to her what she does.

Robert Peffers

@Theunicorn says: 25 January, 2018 at 12:56 pm:

” … Why does the SNP not campaign to abolish the BBC from Scotland?”

Yeah! I’ve been waiting for it – and here it is – It’s apparently all the SNP’s fault so it is, according to Theunicorn anyway.

Then these types have the hard neck to complain when their hidden motives are exposed. The Westminster Establishment ironically announce they are setting up a special unit to expose fake news and this in addition to their other massive surveillances units:-

Home Office, Department for Transport, Defence Scientific Advisory Council, Ministry of Defence, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Cabinet Office, National security and intelligence, HM Treasury, UK Hydrographic Office, Centre for Defence Enterprise, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Stabilisation Unit, National Counter Terrorism Security Office, Defence and Security Accelerator and National Cyber Security Centre, GCHQ, and The 77th Battalion.
Then there is this:-

link to

We already saw the scandal of undercover police officers having sexual relationships and fathering children then disappearing some even getting married then vanishing.

There are more surveillance cameras in the United Kingdom countries than any other country in the World. But according to some on Wings it’s all the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon’s fault and, anyway they are useless and do nothing.


CameronB Brodie

We live in a normative world defined through narrative. The BBC’s narrative is always aimed at supporting British nationalism. The BBC can not abide pluralism of thought that might undermine the totalised conception of Scotland being British and what that means in terms of Scots knowing our place in the world.

Developing a critical mind against fake news

Having moved from light surfing, babbling and chatting to data mining for the purpose of manipulation and destabilization, the digital transformation of the media landscape underscores the growing importance of media and information literacy. This form of education must rethink the media and the political and ethical foundations that legitimize it.

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What is ‘Fake News’?

What we are seeing with the growth of ‘fake news’ is perhaps the weaponisation of epistemology. In other words, ‘fake news’ as a construct is becoming a discursive component of our repertoire of contention. Far from entering a post-truth era, we are seeing truth becoming a mobilising device in a new way, encouraging ‘us’ to defend ourselves from ‘them’ predicated on the absolute falsity of their worldview. It’s the playing out in an epistemic register of what Chantal Mouffe, drawing on Carl Schmitt, describes as a friend/enemy distinction. Rather than the political other being an adversary to be struggled against, nonetheless regarded as legitimate, they are cast as an enemy to be destroyed. Rush Limbaugh offered a pure expression of the epistemological logic of the friend/enemy distinction in this 2009 rant:

What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax, exposes,” he said, “is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It’s all lies!

We live in two universes. One universe is a lie. One universe is an entire lie. Everything run, dominated, and controlled by the left here and around the world is a lie. The other universe is where we are, and that’s where reality reigns supreme and we deal with it. And seldom do these two universes ever overlap.

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Fake news and critical literacy
An evidence review

The extent of the problem

Globally, one in three internet users were estimated to be under the age of 18in 2017 (Livingstone, Carr and Byrne, 2015), and 12 to 15-year-olds spend more than 20 hours online in an average week (Growing Up Digital taskforce, 2017). Yet, the current computing curriculum does not address several key aspects of online life, including how to critique content and spot fake news (Children’s Commissioner for England, 2017).

A UK survey found that 58% of 8 to 11-year-olds and 72% of 12 to 15-year-olds said they visited news sites or apps in 2016. Of these, just over one fifth believed all the information they found there to be true. The percentage of 12 to 15-year-olds that believed this increased from 14% in 2015 to 20% in 2016 (Ofcom, 2016).

A 2017 survey of UK adults found that only 4% of respondents were able to identify all three true new stories presented within a selection of six, and 49% thought at least one of the three fake news stories was true (, 2017).

There is a need for children and young people’s critical literacy skills to be updated for the digital age, including improving awareness of the methods and motivations behind fake news production (e.g. Leu et al., 2010, Wohlwend and Lewis, 2011; Holmes-Henderson, 2014; Polizzi, 2017).

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Robert Peffers

@K1 says: 25 January, 2018 at 1:05 pm:

” … or are we all a lot brighter than we realise in Scotland?”

In probability it is something we all knew subconsciously but had what we thought were more important things to worry about.

Old SNP supporters like myself have spent a lifetime trying to tell folks the truth but it was only when the Westminster Establishment’s behaviour got far too cocky for their own good that more ordinary Scots began to pay more attention.

Here’s a truth – I noted the Rev Stu said, “At one time you could elect a monkey in Scotland if it wore a Labour Party rosette”. I believe I must have been almost about the only active SNP supporter in the then mining community of Kelty in Fife when I attended a Willie Hamilton election meeting way back in the 1970s.

Willie was laying it off his chest and someone asked him if he wasn’t worried about the rise of Scottish Nationalism. Willie came away with the then common saying, “You could elect a collie dog here in West Fife if it had a Labour Rosette pinned to its collar.

Just by chance Willie was walking up the centre of the rows of seats in the hall as he said this and I said, (in range of the Microphone), Aye! An Ah’m lookin richt at it”.

I found myself being manhandled by four, “Burly”, Hamilton bodyguards out into Kelty Main Street. I was later told by some miner friends that this had been the highlight of the meeting.


The main problem I had with the Oxfam report was that not only was it potentially misquoting their report but at the same time gave the impression of attacking the SNP before they’d even had a chance to use the taxation powers now available to them.

If there’s a political motivation behind it then no doubt it’ll be to justify some not supporting the Scottish budget on the grounds that it doesn’t go far enough.


So while Mr Average has a voice on the Record, there are those who would deny Sturgeon one.

It’s A Question of Balance, and if Sturgeon didn’t have a column there the Unionists would be On The Threshold of a Dream.

Highland Wifie

If anyone reading here is still swithering about getting rid of the TV licence I would say don’t hesitate just do it. This house got rid of it last summer and I can honestly say we have not missed it in the slightest. Apart from the lowered blood pressure and the lack of constant ‘jolly hockey sticks isn’t it great to be British’ pap that comprises most of the output, I feel cleaner and more clear headed.
I choose what I watch on boxed sets, catch up (except I player), Netflix etc. There’s the odd drama I would have liked to see but I can wait until it’s available elsewhere or can watch with the rellies.

I get my news from Wings and Nana’s brilliant links, from social media, from RT, other news outlets. But here’s the best bit, it’s like Scotland is already an independent country. Without the drip,drip of propaganda and Britnat garbage, watching UK shenanigans is like being a bystander looking at another country (which it is of course).
Free yourself of all that dross. You’ll never regret it.


BBC says…

” The papers: Scotland’s Union Flag ‘snub’ “

“Scotland’s Union Flag”

” SNP stops British flag flying… “

“British flag”

What exactly are these two flags that you speak of BBC?

Scotland and Britain don’t have a countrywide union flag, it’s only the current United Kingdom that does.

Scottish flags:
1) Lion Rampant
2) Saltire
3) EU crested SCO (international)

Hey BBC fake news, you would fail on Family Fortunes XXX.

The Night is nearin’ fur awe that.

Dan Huil

@Highland Wifie 3:49pm

Well said. Why give money to promote British nationalist propaganda?

Robert Peffers

@K1 says: 25 January, 2018 at 1:33 pm:

“Is this not also a case of the BBC hand in glove with UKGov playing the ‘nanny state’ card, telling everyone ‘what they should or shouldn’t be’ reading, watching etc.”

Of course not, K1, it will be a completely independent, and cross-party, committee of Westminster Establishment nominated and chosen totally independent members and the chairperson will be a titled member of the £300/day attendance money drawing House of Lords making a little bit extra on the side.

It will be guaranteed to be every bit as independent as the Glesca Arms-length hived off, (nice little earner), organisations.

You can bank that I’m sure.


If you thought you already knew how powerful government information via official channels can be then you might want to think again.

At the beginning of World War II, a government pamphlet led to a massive cull of British pets. As many as 750,000 British pets were killed in just one week. This little-discussed moment of panic is explored in a new book.

The pamphlet said: “If at all possible, send or take your household animals into the country in advance of an emergency.” It concluded: “If you cannot place them in the care of neighbours, it really is kindest to have them destroyed.”

link to

The population of the UK at the start of WWII was 41 million living in just 16 million homes so for 750,000 pets to be destroyed in just one week must have been in a large proportion of households that owned a pet.

Just one pamphlet was capable of that. Makes you think.

CameronB Brodie

In short, by the UK Gov and the BBC raising the very spectre of ‘fake news’ will cause these unwary folks to be made aware hat such a thing exists but will make them wary of news sources in general, including the UK Gov, the BBC and the BritNat corporate press.

Which can only be a good thing for the indy movement. People will look for properly sourced info which is what Wings Over Scotland specialises in doing. Unlike the SMSM.

Perhaps the opposite? Perhaps those who are only moderately engaged with politics will simply turn off from politics, even more? This is ultimately what both ‘left’ and ‘right’ extremes want, as it will allow them to get on with running things without uncomfortable engagement and interaction with the public.


Well you all have been told, don’t say you weren’t warned. 🙂

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Peffers @ 15:45,

My da worked in the Co-Op all his life so got to encounter some of these characters closer up, and he always said the same thing but with “wooden post” instead of “monkey”. Which was probably more accurate, since there was at least some chance of a monkey doing something!

Which goes some way to explaining the disdain of Labour high-fliers like Robin Cook over devolution. After having sucked Scotland dry of its brightest and best, and left little hope among those who remained.

Basically that’s what underlay Labour’s conviction before, during and after Smith, and all the way through to today, that the Scots can’t be trusted to run their own affairs. All judged by the the only people they know well – their own dunderheid representatives!


The UJ only applies to the UK.

Just a matter of a fact.

Ah meringue?

Giving Goose

Brexit is being framed as a National Emergency, like World War 2 revisited. The UK is the Goodie and the EU is the Baddie.

You can read the mood music – all things Great British are evoked, e.g. spitfires, Dunkirk, the Empire, Edward Elgar’s music, Royal weddings etc.

I suspect that somewhere in the background the Scottish Government has a card up it’s sleeve that it will play and the consequences of which cannot be ignored. The Westminster Government is fully aware of this potential gameplay and is actively utilising their propaganda assets – the newspapers, radio, TV and online footprint, to set a narrative that will be used to counter the Scottish Government’s future gameplay.

Hence the incessant monstering of all things Scottish.

Scotland is being set up as some kind of fifth column in the Brexit “war”.
And we all know how fifth columnists are treated in time of war, don’t we?

We should expect the worst.

George S Gordon


Agreed re Twitter on phones – I do almost all of it on my laptop! I suspect Leask does too as he doesn’t have many typos – its just the thoughts he transcribes can be a bit hard to swallow.

Robert Peffers

Just to while away the time while I am presently replaying the now old computer game, “Grand Theft Auto V”, that was released way back on September 17, 2013. Now this game was mainly done in Scotland and there are many uniquely Scottish things to be found in the game. Including quite a few Saltires and Scottish Place names but what is to, much of the outside World, incomprehensible Scottish humour that the average non-Scot just does not get.

Just last evening I heard one I had not noticed first time playing the game. Throughout the game you hear random, totally irrelevant), snippets of conversations as you journey around the game set area and this one, (from Mid September 2013), is highly topical today.

A female voice is heard saying something along the lines of, “Don’t be silly, it isn’t sexual harassment if I like it”.

joe macfarlane

Arbroath1320 says:

Looking at the line up for tonight’s Let’s run down Scotland show a.k.a. Question Time I notice that yet again *YAWN* there is NO Labour politician, M.P. or M.S.P., from a SCOTTISH constituency. I can not remember the last time there was Scottish Labour politician on Q.T. when the show was in Scotland.

Think it was Kezias moment of silence .

Roy Moore

Interesting that the much maligned RT News carried an accurate article on Tory MP’s falling for the union flag fake news tripe.

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 16:12,

Interesting, but I doubt we would respond similarly now. Just because we wouldn’t be so trusting and credulous these days. It’s become almost the reverse, after the likes of John Gummer fed a BSEburger to his wee daughter while telling us it’s perfectly safe to eat. Aye, right!

If some UKGov rep now says something like “let me be perfectly clear, the fundamentals of this business are sound”, you sell your shares in it straight away!


Could Mr.Alexander please inform us who will provide the platform for Scottish Independence?
The Scottish Government aka the SNP or Unionist Party’s of any colour?
Undermining N.Sturgeon,at this particular time in history,seems self defeating if you support Independence,or just plain Unionist divide and rule tactics……..!

Robert J. Sutherland

Scotspatriot @ 16:32,

Och man, dinna encourage him!

Ye’ll get muckle screeds o verbiage, but it’s the ane question he nivver answers. And we aa ken why…


Only two ever previous posts, clearly a set up. Don’t get sucked in.

Proud Cybernat

From Twitter…

Andy Wightman MSP?Verified account
Following Following @andywightman


Court of Session hearing Friday 2 Feb at 1000hrs on petition to seek referral to CJEU of question of revokability of Article 50

Gawn yersel, Andy!!!!


Another nail in the fake coffin that is the UK media.

Please Scotland, get real. There’s a future out there and these guys are dragging Scotland around like an afterthought.

Good journo work there Rev, glad you logged this one.

The UK MEDIA is now very creepy.


The Alex Salmond Show delivers a Burns Special

link to

Colin Alexander


“Could Mr.Alexander please inform us who will provide the platform for Scottish Independence?”

Probably the best platform we have is us, the people of Scotland to speak up for independence. SNP, Greens, other minor pro-indy political parties like SSP and Solidarity. We also have Wings, The National, / Online Social Media / Pro-indy websites.

Whereas, the pro-Union side will probably have: BBC, ITV, almost every other newspaper including the Daily Record.

Unlimited UK Govt resources officially and unofficially via covert and diplomatic means etc. Millionaire backers. Bankers, businesspeople, who’s who of the Honours List and British Establishment.


I’m not sure what’s funnier :

a) the BBC preaching about “fake news”;

b) the idea young people take any notice of the BBC for anything other than Baking Danceoffs on Ice and such.


Scotspatriot, you are out of order.
Asking trolls questions?


Highland Wifie says:
25 January, 2018 at 3:49 pm
If anyone reading here is still swithering about getting rid of the TV licence I would say don’t hesitate just do it. This house got rid of it last summer and I can honestly say we have not missed it in the slightest. Apart from the lowered blood pressure and the lack of constant ‘jolly hockey sticks isn’t it great to be British’ pap that comprises most of the output, I feel cleaner and more clear headed.

Whit’s a T.V. licence HW?
Ah’ve searched oor wee flat high and low and ah cannae find ane. Is it something of importance like say the instructions on how to operate oor cooker? If it is then ah may know where tae find oors if it isnae then it looks like we dinnae actually hae yin and have no had yinn for some considerable time! 😀

joe macfarlane says:
25 January, 2018 at 4:28 pm
Arbroath1320 says:

Looking at the line up for tonight’s Let’s run down Scotland show a.k.a. Question Time I notice that yet again *YAWN* there is NO Labour politician, M.P. or M.S.P., from a SCOTTISH constituency. I can not remember the last time there was Scottish Labour politician on Q.T. when the show was in Scotland.

Think it was Kezias moment of silence .


link to


For the love of God it’s a tag team set up. Ignore.

Robert Peffers

So that does it. I’ll never set foot into any Scottish Football ground that has anything to do with the SFA or Scottish Leagues.

As they want to have rife sectarianism they have made the beautiful game ugly. They can keep it.


Nice to see ye posting again LA. 🙂


Online you can find trustworthy news, and totally fake news, and everything in between. At least that way anyone who takes the time to understand an issue can begin to discern.

The problem Scotland has right now (and arguably the whole UK to a lesser extent) is that the broadcast and legacy media, almost entirely as one, often run the same fake news! The flag shite being a perfect example. There is no full spectrum from trustworthy to fake off line.

Only online, and with research, can you find the truth.

If there were only offline, then broadcast and legacy would exercise absolute control over the population!

I’m sure there are good historical example where the truth was completely hidden from the masses in the UK. Perhaps the antics of Edward VIII while he was still Prince of Wales. Foreign media reporting his wild behaviour, UK media nothing. Or during wartime – the sinking of the Lancastria or the Scottish troops left in France after Dunkirk – easily hidden from the populace.

The establishment must hate the freedom which online media brings. Freedom from establishment control, that is of course!

Watch more TV! Read more newspapers! Scots should behave and conform like they used to!

Aye, in the past, never again.


Old Pete says:
25 January, 2018 at 12:47 pm
Willy Rennie just called the First Minister a liar and the Presiding Officer allowed it?
After First Minister replied the Presiding Officer told them both off. The Presiding Officer needs to go and sooner the better.

I noticed this as well and having complained to him about the things Ruth Davidson says and nothing is done double standards from him.Below is a typical from him.

I would like to assure you that I speak to my colleagues and to party leaders about a range of issues including proceedings in the Chamber and how they may or may not have been perceived and I will continue to actively monitor b_ehaviour and to remind all Members about the conduct that is expected of them.

The Deputy Presiding Officers and I do not wish to inhibit debate and the legitimate holding of the Government to account, but we will continue to remind all members to consider very carefully their choice of words and the tone in which they are delivered.


@stuart dickson 1.53pm

Re your “next Scottish Election odds”

That is fake news in the making.

If Scotland votes YES later this year/early next, that Scottish Election will be a very different animal indeed.

Point one. All current unionist parties WILL NOT be eligible to take part in such a future post Yes election.

The individuals could stand as either independents of as a part of a newly formed party, but hey…”Vote me in an indyScottish election which i vehemently opposed” will be a hard sell.

Point two. As the party which were seen to deliver independence, no matter what follows the Yes vote in relation to the new political set up in Indy Scotland, the 1st post-indy election will surely produce a huge SNP government, which will give stability as other political groups find their feet.

2/5 odds in that circumstance, is an utter steal. But it is also fake, as such odds will never be offered in a post-Yes election.

It really bursts ma tits when folk talk about “the next Holyrood election” in realtion to the current constitutional settlement.

That does not bear thinking about.


I notice that the Beeb’s web story about fake news was illustrated by a made-up image of a newspaper. So fake news story was supported by a faked picture.

There might just be a few real examples they could have used?

Jack collatin

I fully expect the Queen’s Private Secretary to write to the Dead Tree Scrolls and Jackie Bird demanding a full blown apology and correction.
Poor Auld Betty, getting lies told about her on the BBC.
Bang goes Burd’s OBE.


Sites like this, Twitter and Facebook must be driving them stir crazy. Narcissists can’t stand losing control especially when all of their dirty wee secrets are being exposed. They’ve (the Establishment) worked their butts off to rewrite history, especially the Empire’s and ours, and cover up current and future plans, however the worm is turning and it’s not just individuals who are seeing the light and complaining about the bias and lies, organisations are now publicly doing likewise.

Nicola Sturgeon should think of employing an anti-propaganda Minister, someone to peruse the news on a daily basis and deal with it. Someone like Ponsonby. However I don’t see that happen as even although many people want Scotland to become independent and are scunnered with the fake news they don’t seem to be too keen on putting their money where their mouth is and supporting the SNP who received the miserable sum of £96,000 in donations last year. Compare that to the Tory and Labour millions. Some complainers can’t even get round to buying the National. Sad or what?

This latest Flaggate affair seems to involve T May and David Mundell now who accused Nicola Sturgeon, at Westminster (Scottish Questions) yesterday, of prioritising restricting the flying of the Union Jack over doing her day job. He at least should be sacked. I’m also wondering why the very person who could have nipped this in the bud, the Queen, has remained silent? The Royal spokesperson is not long in releasing a statement on behalf of the Queen when it comes up her humph. Queen of the Scots my backside.

The BBC is of course at the forefront of the vast propaganda machine working on behalf of it’s bosses. Nana posted a link earlier today highlighting a debate at Davos whereby a BBC lackey was trying to undermine Anna Belicina of RT. Anna was informed that the BBC is regulated by Ofcom. No mention that it was unregulated by any independent body for 90 years with Ofcom only taking over regulation last year. Anna of course retorted that RT is also regulated by Ofcom, as though the BBC didn’t know. What a bunch of chancers.

And now we’ll have another BBC chancer, Dimbleby, appear on screens tonight broadcasting propaganda right into your living room, that is if you pay for the license or not, lol. Question Time paid for out of the Scottish ‘budget’. How they must all have a great laugh at that one. Sticking two fingers up to the Scots. Not only do they cherrypick the panel members and the audience, they also choose questions to consider in advance. Then they give certain panel members the heads up of issues to be covered in advance as can be seen clearly on a recent QT programme with Piers Morgan running his finger along the paper work in front of him and peering at / reciting his lengthy scripts. Does this wee BBC ‘quirk’ apply to SNP panel members?

Anyway look on the bright side. Their days of duping the Scots are well and truly numbered and it won’t be too long before we get rid of the whole kit and caboodle. They can all converge then, sit in a huddle south of the border and lie their heads off to each other.


K1 says:
25 January, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Nice to see ye posting again LA. ?

Thanks K1.

I’m just doing some other stuff online that seems to be taking more ofmy time up so when I get a chance I do try, and TRY is definitely the operative word here, to slide in a wee comment, snide or otherwise who knows … more importantly who cares! 😀


‘..the very person who could have nipped this in the bud, the Queen, has remained silent?..’

That’s why the ‘monarchy’ and the influence of previous ‘rulers’ must be removed from the legislative process, in England’s parliament, if a future grown-up nation is to thrive.



John Reith, 1st Baron Reith who was born in Stonehaven was the first General Manager of the British Broadcasting Company as it was then in 1922. It later in 1927 became the British Broadcasting Corporation when it was taken fully into public ownership by the Conservative Government.

I guess that this was a first ever Nationalisation by Conservatives as they had to buy out the shareholdings belonging to the likes of General Electric and Marconi who were among the original investors.

The day after the start of WWII the government set up the “Ministry of Information”.

The MOI was initially organised in four groups. A ‘Press Relations’ group was responsible for both the issue of news and censorship. A ‘Publicity Users’ group (split into ‘foreign’ and ‘home’ sections) was responsible for propaganda policy. A ‘Publicity Producers’ group (split according to media) was responsible for design and production. These were overseen by a ‘Co-ordination and Intelligence’ group responsible for administration.

Lord Macmillan was appointed as Minister for this new department of government in Sept 1939 only to be replaced just 4 months later by the now Sir John Reith who had by then left the BBC. Reith himself didn’t last any longer than his predecessor as when in May 1940 Churchill took over from Chamberlain as Prime Minister he immediately sacked Reith (they didn’t get on) and replaced him with his own man Duff Cooper.

Cooper wasn’t very popular with the general public and was accused of “spying on them”.

The MOI was subject to further criticism in July 1940 when it was accused of using ‘Gestapo’ tactics to spy on the British public. Popular newspapers seized on reports about MOI-sponsored opinion polling and denounced the department’s staff as ‘Cooper’s Snoopers’. Home intelligence reports recorded complaints from those who felt that the British state was ‘becoming dangerously akin to the one we are fighting’.

link to

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The UK government have been for a long time expert at disinformation or propaganda in other words which is much the same in many respects as the “Fake News” we talk of today.

Jack collatin

Nice one,Petra.
Not long now.
Brexit’s about to blow, one way or the other.
If the Filthy Rich of the President’s Men ‘Charity’ had their way, we’d Remain.
Freedom of Movement for young Latvian handmaidens to have their bums felt by dirty old men is their red line I’d imagine.
England/London is akin to the last days of the Roman Empire now. Debauched mad men and corruption.
We’re well out of it.


Well the dolt who droned on about the OBFA has finally had it repealed as you say.

Even though just about every poll suggested that the Scottish public backed the OFBA. The unionist naesayers at Holyrood, who serve their Westminster masters, voted down the act.

It’s as if those unionist MSP’s know that to help keep division rife and ergo independence at bay, that the OBFA had to be removed. Also that sectarianism has to be maintained in Scotland keeping factions fighting takes minds off what really matters.

Now the neanderthals who spout sectarian bile will now see this as a green light to step up their abusive behaviour. Serious consequences of the repeal should be laid squarely at the feet of those who voted to repeal it.


I’m neither republican nor monarchist. As far as it goes it’s the bottom line of the monarchy I’d be more interested in, how much do they bring to the economy. In that respect I doubt Scotland get’s our fair share, Balmoral and around Deeside, maybe Mey in the north, some for Holyrood Palace and that’s about it. The Princess Royal does more for Scotland IMHO.

But yes, the Queen or her spokesperson should have spoken out about this. It’s her Royal Standard which is different from Scotland anyway:

link to

but in the case of UK versus Lion Rampant, for info there’s

link to

but officially:

link to

The ‘Lion Rampant’ Flag

This is not a national flag and its use by citizens and corporate bodies is entirely wrong.

Gold, with a red rampant lion and royal tressure, it is the Scottish Royal banner, and its correct use is restricted to only a few Great Officers who officially represent The Sovereign, including;

the First Minister as Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland,
Lord Lieutenants in their Lieutenancies,
the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland,
the Lord Lyon King of Arms,
and other lieutenants specially appointed.

Its use by other, non-authorised persons is an offence under the Act of Parliament 1672 cap. 47 and 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 17.


the First Minister as Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland

As Queen of Scots, she is derelict in her duty not setting the record right.


O/t first time watching stv news with I’m John Mackay for years. Yoon fest starring obfa, English and Irish reporters, legal system shite and the rangers 2012™. It’ll be another few years until I subject myself to that again


An interesting fact just as an aside.

George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in “1984” was based on the UK’s Ministry of Information where his wife worked during WWII. Hmmm.


Expect in the not to distant future, certain “celebrities” whatever they are? to start highlighting fake news “courtesy of the Empire media”.
Whether its the failed Tolkien or some “TV competition star?” the BBBC will play the youth like gullible stooges.
The BBC “Making real news out of fake news and calling everyone else a liar”

It must be true I heard it on the BBC!!
aye right enough.

So Useless Kelly scores a poachers goal against the SNP, with an assist from his actual enemy the “Tories”, well done James you are a real man of ra peepel.

Most of us in Scotland of a certain age will have seen first hand what the plod used to get up to regarding the supporters of a West Coast team, when turning a blind eye when bother started after all you cannot upset the Empires “order”. ( Hence the need for this bill)
Thanks to Jamesy boy, Scotland should twin itself with Orange County.


Very effective it was too in countering the German Propaganda. I read about it years back. It did this with complete co-operation from the BBC, and considering the circumstances that was completely correct too. For instance Dunkirk was a defeat, a rout, and the morale was incredibly low, not just in the armn but in the popualtion as a whole.

But the BBC turned Dunkirk into a “victory”, an opinion that persists to this day, helped restore the morale, and in its way helped turn the tide of war.

Problem is that the Cold War started soon after, and being a “war”, the BBC continued its propaganda, and has never stopped.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but the ‘Lords’ are debating Devolved Administrations and Brexit.

So far we’ve had ‘divisive second independence ref’ and…no I can’t be assed repeating them all but I bet you get my drift.

It just seems so wrong they can debate this without any input from the SNP to correct wrong comments.

It’s on BBC Parliament now.

Robert J. Sutherland

me at 16:42,

Scotspatriot @ 16:32,

Telt ye! We’re nae wiser noo. (But dinna care a docken onnywye.)


No, on second thoughts don’t watch it! It will do your health no good whatsoever!

Lord Lang of Monkton, Tory, no idea who he is, has just said ‘persistent calls for the unattainable’ were rebuffed by the EU leaders. The EU have ‘ consistently told Scotland it is not a sovereign nation state and this is something that was settled again firmly in 2014’ and scotlands economy is so rubbish they would never have them and Scotland is teetering on the verge of a recession.

Not sure how much more I can stand of this twaddle.


Lang always was a langer, once a langer always a langer.

Meg merrilees

Who else thinks Flag gate was planned…

We, via the Scottish newspapers ONLY, were treated to pictures of Theresa may ‘swathed in tartan’ on sunday night when she delivered a speech about how important this precious Union of ours is and how it means SO much to her.

Apparently Scottish traditions and tributes mean SO much to her that they only had the Haggis as a starter preferring to eat venison as their main course ( probably from one of her Tory supporter’s estate).

Now 24 hours later, the same newspapers who showed us the PM ‘swathed in tartan’ have launched the broadside about the FM supposedly removing the Butcher’s Apron from the buildings they think they should really own. And guess what, T May can come out and pretend how upset she is by all of this because ‘our precious Union means SO much to her’ and it gets reported in the Scottish papers again and in a BBC broadcast which does not make sense.
And all this hoo-ha isn’t even mentioned in the English papers today and the BBC fact check says that Nicola has been right all along.

I see the Scottish Daily Heil has backed down today, after having received a lawyers letter from the FM demanding an apology, but the Scotsman ( -there’s an ironic title if ever there was one) and the Failing Express add extra oomf.

Nicola should sue them!

Then to top it all today, she is accused of telling a lie – openly and publicly by Willie Rennie at FMQ’s – not a blink from the Presiding Officer.
FMQ’s is so embarrassing watching so-called adults play petty politics in front of one of the finest politicians we have ever had leading this country.

One of the surest ways to know that this is all a game is to watch the face of Tavish Scott seated behind Rennie. Someone should tell him to stop smirking whenever Rennie is questioning the FM – IT GIVES THE WHOLE GAME AWAY.

I detest the lack or respect shown to Nicola Sturgeon – she is a politician and a person of the highest calibre and this is cr*p.

Marie Clark

Meindevon, The said Lord Lang, was tory MP for part of Dumfries and Galloway for quite a few years. As useless as the rest of them, but wae a guid conceit o’ himsel. He was big hands with one Michael Forsyth. Both Thatcher’s henchmen. Yeuch.

I mind one night a wheen o’ years ago, a neighbouring farmer of ours was trying to get my husband to attend a Tory meeting where the said Ian Lang was to be present. Hubby politely declined, at which point the neighbour suggested that perhaps I would go in his place. To which hubby replied, ” Christ naw, she’s no going, she’ll cause an absolute riot”. A yes, a man who knows me so well. I hated the bloomin sight o’ that crawlin bastard.


Channel 4 News this evening – Chukka Ummuna “doesn’t know if Mr Corbyn wants to stay in the Customs Union”. Labour are all over the place on Brexit.


Just having a listen to Dick Gaughin’s Westlin Winds…lovely rendition.

I know Dick used to look in here, here is wishing you well Dick.


Yeah, clocked this OBFA farce. The will of parliament…huh.

So long as they remember that it was also the ‘will of parliament’ to offer Scots a choice via a referendum once the details of brexit became known.

As for OBFA itself? Flawed it may have been, but it was also undeniably popular with the majority of the public. The parties who voted for its repeal should be made aware of this at the earliest opportunity. People will be put in harms way because of this selfish, childish and politically motivated action. Those who voted for it rather than working to overhaul and improve it could see no farther than assaulting the Scottish government. That’s pretty much the bottom line.

Then there’s the football culture which sectarian bigotry uses as an excuse to display its tribalism. Clubs paying lip service to fair play, anti sectarianism, anti racism, anti homophobia, anti anything you like really. Lip service is all they’ve ever paid. It’s action that only ever counts and how’s that worked out for them in Scotland to date then?

I never took my kids to football matches, mainly because they’re not exactly family friendly in Scotland. Not exactly seeing how this will attract families back to the game myself.


In spite of it not being true, the SG should pull down every UJ in Scotland for good

That would really boil the yoons’ pish


Well it looks like the pathetic useless ignorant incompetent MSP who goes by the name of James Kelly has got his wish … the OBDA is to be repealed. Anyone know what his alternative is … oh that’s right he hasnae got a Scooby cause this whole repeal the act shite was always only ever about buying votes for Labour nothing more nothing less.

While we all look at the Numpty Kelly for his alternative to the OBFA, don’t hold your breath on ANYTHING coming from Kelly on this by the way, NEVER forget it was the Scottish Greens who helped push him over the winning line!

Colin Alexander

Robert J. Sutherland said:

“We’re nae wiser noo. (But dinna care a docken onnywye.)”

I’m envious. I wish I had said that comment aboot youse. It sums youse up perfectly.

harry mcaye

Meg Merrilees – I can’t stand that Tavish Scott. Every FMQs he’s the same. He’s just a smirk in a suit.


I just find Leask an utter hypocritical wanker. No debate, just blocks you and continues to lie.



Kelly never had a thought in head about alternatives or consequences. None of them did Arb. It was always about damaging the Scottish government. We’re talking about parties who stood by for generations whilst this running sore in our society got on with the job of festering. Remove it from our society? They positively rely on it for seats.

When the first casualty from drunken sectarian violence hits the news stands, just watch these self same wastes of space DEMAND the First Minister does something about the shit storm they created.


And we used to point and laugh at Russia, the Eastern Europeans and Pravda. How the tables have turned.

Greatest thing ever to happen to the written word since the invention of the Printing Press in the 15th Century was the birth of the Internet. It was the masses own nuclear option in countering the brain-washing propaganda from the London Establishment, the UK Government and it’s mealy-mouth piece, the media.

And I know a number of Unionists who also confirm that not only is the media appallingly bad in the way that it is delivered, but also that facts are twisted or just not told. When even your own supporters know that your lying …then something has gone horribly wrong! The more they deceive, the more they are mistrusted. It’s a vicious circle that they somehow can’t break …even if they wanted too. To tell the truth would bring the whole house crashing around their ears.

And now we have this bleating from the Establishment (and Scottish Tories) that they want a Union Jack flown here, there and everywhere while demanding that kids should sing ‘God Save the Queen’ before the school day begins. I’m sure half of Scotland will be telling their kids NOT to sing it (should it try to be enforced), and if the teachers do try to push the agenda, then you can bet a lot of parents will visiting the local school to give their own piece of mind to said teachers.

Scotland has changed. Half of the nation will never be British again. They’re culturally Scottish from this point on. British identity is dead to them. And trying to tell them on a daily basis that they are British before they are Scottish …well …that is only going to harden folks view against it and create even more resistance to the idea of a British Identity for everyone. Especially when Scots are sickened on a daily basis with the very face of British Identity in corrupt MP’s, tax dodging from the rich, the daily fawning of the Royal Family, arms deals to highly-dubious states, the belief that what the English electorate want …they get …no matter what the other home nations say, and the lie that Britain is the most enlightened, greatest and fairest nation in the world (it isn’t!)

So …here’s to the Constitutional Crisis that may yet still come thanks to Brexit when push finally becomes shove from both sides.


@Marie Clark
Forsyth isn’t so bad, he gets forced into honesty, like it was him that said in the Lords:

“If Scotland leaves the United Kingdom, the United Kindgom ceases to exist”.

He repeated it later on in that session too, when another lord disagreed with him (possible Wallace).

Craig P

Perhaps the Lodge can arrange a march past James Kelly’s office this summer in thanks for his sterling work in preserving tradition.

stu mac

Something we have to look out for:
link to

Whatever your views on Zionism, censorship is surely a no-no.


Re: Watching STV and BBC Scotland.

IF If If you have to watch your favourite soap, then can I suggest you watch them on either ITV England or BBC England.

And whatever you do, DON’T watch any news bulletins shown on STV or BBC Scotland.

I used to watch their teatime bulletins and found that I was STILL angry at bedtime.

I stopped about a year ago and what a difference it has made to my family life.


I think we should have a flag of James Kelly Labour as the Intellegencia Officer of their branch office. Upside down of course.

Let’s wait and see if the pair wee souls on the fitba terracing will behave. I go to junior and professional games. We enjoy banter, pie and bovril but do not see the need to stand in blood or shoot soldiers unlike 2 big teams from Glasgow. They don’t exchange banter they exchange bile and for as long as I can remember the polis gave a wee nod to their antics- pitch invasions excepted.

James Kelly doesn’t speak for me. Nor does the lib Dems or greens. Tories are already in the gutter.

If one coin is thrown, one sectarian chant heard ( despite the BBC turning the volume down) one pitch invasion, stabbing in the street. We know who to blame.

Snpbad. Fake news we ain’t seen anything yet. Ain’t that right erchie.

Dave McEwan Hill

Arbroath1320 at 13.20

I suspect that vote has done more damage to Labour and the Greens than it had done to the SNP


You’re absolutely correct there Macart repealing the OBFA has ALWAYS been about damaging the Scot Gov. NONE of those who voted to support Kelly were thinking about ther constituents it was all bout flexing their pathetic feeble muscles. NONE of those who voted to repeal the act cares a jot about victims of sectarianism of bigoted abuse it’s ALL about ans it has ALWAYS been about and that is showing off to the gallery and buying votes for Labour!

If Kelly the numbskull of Holyrood was serious about the OBFA not working then he would have come up with an alternative. As it is he, as we all knew he would, came up with NOTHING it was all about the ME ME ME rhetoric from Kelly. He was, is and ALWAYS will be interested in ONLY one thing … buying votes with his LIES for Labour.

Kelly couldn’t care less about the victims of sectarianism or bigoted abuse they are the LAST people he is interested in either listening to or representing.

Perhaps Craig P hits the nail on the head in his post:

Perhaps the Lodge can arrange a march past James Kelly’s office this summer in thanks for his sterling work in preserving tradition.

Bittie Glakit

Remember when Theresa May announced a snap election and said she had decided to have it whilst on her walking holiday? More or less the following day the Tory so-and-sos turned up with their matching blue jackets and placards.
The Tories must have been in the know for much, much longer that we were led to believe.

The fella that opposed Pete Wishart was clearly expected to win but he didn’t -yet he had clearly been earmarked for the Scottish office because he was very quickly made Baron Duncan and installed in the SO. Why was he so important?

That was when Mr Mundell stopped looking so panic-stricken and started to look smug. Now they seem to be recruiting extra staff. What for? Is it to help return powers to Scotland? If not that, then are they in place to take over when Theresa May has a snap ‘close Holyrood’ rule passed by special ‘Tudor’ measures?


Dave McEwan Hill says:
25 January, 2018 at 7:56 pm
Arbroath1320 at 13.20

I suspect that vote has done more damage to Labour and the Greens than it had done to the SNP

I hope you are right Dave.

The Labour voter is blank piece of paper as far as I’m concerned. You just need to look at how Corbyn willy washes his way all over the place over Brexit to get an idea of the average Labour voter. There are clear thinking Labour voters who WILL see Kelly and his repeal motion for what it is I just hope they are in the majority and are prepared to give Kelly and his motley crew a damned hard kicking at next election.

As for the Greens well what can I say. I have never voted for them but in the early days I did have a soft spot for them. However over time that soft spot has slowly but surely disintegrated. After what they did tonight regarding the OBFA they all go rot in hell as far as I’m concerned. Like Labour voters I really do hope voters at the next election give the massive kicking they deserve after this betrayal of all victims of sectarianism and bigoted abuse.

Just so I’m clear … the OBFA was not perfect in my view. This is no reason to REPEAL it it is reason to revisit the act and look to reform it for the betterment of all. What Kelly and his Tory and Green mates have done tonight is nothing more than set back the fight against sectarianism and bigoted abuse decades in my view!

If as is clear from tonight’s vote Kelly and co. hate the OBFA so much and are all so unprepared to work together with Scottish government to improve the weaknesses then there can only be one option left to fight sectarianism and bigotry and that is in my view to deduct 6 points from every team where supporters are hear/observed to be carrying out sectarian/bigoted abuse. I see people on Twitter referring to this sort of idea as Strict Liability. Yes it will hurt the lawful respectful football supporter but it will also encourage them to report/point out those carrying out the abuse. Even the most dunderheided of dunderhieded sectarian and bigot will eventually realise the error of their ways as their team drops down the leagues. It won’t be easy. It won’t happen overnight. It will take time but it could/should work in my view.

The pone outstanding issue over this is how to enforce the footballing authorities in Scotland to get up of their butts take their thumbs out of their earses and get with the programme!


Here’s an excellent letter to The National by Peter Bell – give it a thumbs up, it deserves as much recognition as possible:

Peter A Bell 25th January 11:38 pm

“The real significance of the stooshie over flags may not be immediately obvious. Firstly, it has to be recognised that the issue here is not flags at all, but the casually malicious dishonesty of the British media and British politicians. But the most interesting aspect of the whole affair is the way British Nationalists have played right into Nicola Sturgeon’s hands.
It has been evident for some weeks now that the SNP, both as a party and as an administration, was taking a more robust approach to challenging the smears and lies which ooze like stinking pus from the British parties at Holyrood and their accomplices in the print and broadcast media to pollute Scotland’s politics. Targets of this venomous propaganda include, not only the SNP and the Scottish Government, but the Scottish Parliament, NHS Scotland, Police Scotland and any institution, organisation, process or tradition which is representative of Scotland’s distinctive political culture.
The First Minister herself hinted at this new approach when, in her New Year address, she referred to the Scotland that would emerge in 2018 being “an emboldened, more confident and more assertive nation”. It was clear that this would require a change in the way our elected representatives dealt with the ongoing campaign of disinformation and denigration being conducted through media which are either meekly compliant or actively cooperating.
There was always going to be a tipping point. While the new assertiveness was initially confined to social media – where responses from SNP MSPs and MPs became notably more pointed – Nicola Sturgeon could be certain that the British press would provide her with an opportunity to very publicly challenge the falsehoods. And that’s precisely what has happened.
There will be a backlash. The imperious sense of entitlement that characterises ‘One Nation’ British Nationalism is, perhaps, nowhere more strongly manifested than in a certain breed of journalists’ conviction that they have a some sort of dispensation which permits them to act with total impunity. Any who protest the deplorable behaviour and challenge the arrogant attitude will be loudly denounced as the enemies of free speech by those with all the power to drown out dissenting voices. We all must stand strong against the witch-hunt which will surely ensue now that Nicola Sturgeon has had the temerity to confront the corrupt propagandists and insist on basic standards of journalistic professionalism.
If you like the idea of an emboldened, more confident and more assertive Scotland then you must be prepared to play your part. Just as Nicola Sturgeon is playing hers.”

Well said Peter.

Robert J. Sutherland

Meindevon @ 19:01,

Borders Tory MP Ian Lang was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland by John Major in 1990. He held that office between smarmy Malcolm Rifkind and ultra-Thatcherite Michael Forsythe.

He had a fairly unremarkable term, as I recall, which is saying something compared to the others, I suppose (not least the utterly witless current incumbent).

He was given his free pass to the Great Hall of the People (Ermine Branch) after his electoral defeat in the 1997 UKGE.

Bob Mack

Well it appears James Kelly is leading the fightback against the Tories who grabbed the Orange vote . Mr Kelly is attempting to get it back and expand it by winning over the other side as well.

Revolting stuff Mr Kelly.


CRISIS is the new propaganda buzz word in Scotland. STV have been running ‘crisis’ news every night of the week. Last night it was a ‘poverty crisis’, the night before that a ‘Police crisis’, the night before that an ‘NHS crisis’ (some nights 2 critical situations) and tonight it was a ‘legal aid crisis’ with the roving reporter actually putting the word into the interviewee’s mouth … “would you say this is a crisis?” The laugh of it all is that night after night they’re told no it’s not a crisis by the people concerned, such as tonight a smiling cop told the RR that there was no crisis, the new legal aid policy was only 16 hours old and all was going well. The general public can no doubt see right through this with, for example, the Police crisis in Scotland relating to Gorman and alleged bullying tactics (plus SPA which will get sortit) versus cops on the ground breaking a most vicious drug running gang recently and the judiciary putting them behind bars.

Wee ignoramus James Kelly, with his nasal monotone, was delighted with the outcome of the OBFA vote stating that it was supported by human rights campaigners, etc, etc. Thankfully Colin MacKay reminded the viewers that the general public overwhelmingly supported the SNP on this and that time would tell, following matches, what the outcome of Kelly’s actions would be.


ITV news followed outlining genuine crisis in England and Wales. Hellish stats relating to the Police Force: “Crime rates rising as the Police Force was shrinking.” Knife crime of epidemic proportions since the Tories took over in 2010.

Then they covered rough sleepers, now around 4,500, risen since 2010 when rough sleepers numbered 100 people.

Quick mention of the English NHS and then they swung over to NIreland where the NHS is in crisis to the point that the Red Cross is having to help them out. Main cause severe lack of staffing which will no doubt be / is being exacerbated by Brexit. Oh no, I forgot NIreland is trying to get 500 nurses from the Philipines, or India, to cover the shortfall. Crazy or what?


Not looking good for Tessa Jowell. Bercow raved about her yesterday saying that she is the most decent politician that he’s ever had the pleasure to meet (or words to that effect). Tessa is off to Germany for brain tumour treatment that’s not available in the UK. Let’s hope it’ll be successful.


So just to be clear. When voting for unionist establishment parties, you vote both with and in support of Brexit, austerity, patronage, elitism, bigotry, racism (well pretty much any kind of societal intolerance) and isolationism.


Robert J. Sutherland

Petra @ 20:29,

So it’s a “crisis crisis” then? =grin=

It’s getting silly, all this inflated hyping-up of nothing. Even ordinary folk are surely starting to notice.

Satire, we need much more satire. It’s exactly what these buffoons deserve.

Robert Peffers

Not only will there be an almost instant rise in sectarianism at football but also around football grounds. Not to mention abuse on intercity rail services.

There will also be a rise in the numbers of abused WAGS and families come Saturday nights plus an increase in visits to A&E come Saturday and mid-week football nights.

Nor will it be too long before the number and frequency of OO marches gets more frequent. To these people they have just been granted carte blanche to do as they please – when they please and how they please.


With Ian Lang langing, seems a good time to post this debate “A Time to Choose” before the Devolution Referendum:

link to

and this

link to

Lang got booted out by the electorate in 1997. Bye now.

Robert J. Sutherland

Macart @ 20:37,

Oh all that, but not hatefully blood-and-soil nationalistic. No, no, not at all that. Supremely high-minded, not flag-waving-obsessed an’ all. Shurely shumeone else…

Meg merrilees

So this is what they really mean about the Ulsterisation of Scottish politics???

Kick up a fuss about the Butcher’s Apron; next day throw out the OBFA.

As you rightly say Mr. Peffers, they have just lit the touch paper to a whole lot more violence and bigotry. Only someone as obtuse as Mr Kelly could have agreed to be responsible for this repeal. (t)Ruthless’ minions will be delighted.

Reluctant Nationalist

Can you feel it? Can you feel it coming?


O/T Lot of noise from Unionists re “UK single market”. Can anyone explain why according to HMRC Scotland exports 17% to EU yet the UK exports 43% to EU?


Ian Lang was dubbed “Cool Hand Luke” by the Unionist press of the time.

“Cool Hand Luke is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg,[3] starring Paul Newman and featuring George Kennedy in an Oscar-winning performance. Newman stars in the title role as Luke, a prisoner in a Florida prison camp who refuses to submit to the system.” (Wiki)

I didn’t realise quite how inappropriate that was.


@Robert J Sutherland

Pretty much Robert.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: Kelly.

Did someone mention ‘satire’?

These, from early 2014, are forever stuck in my memorybockers.

link to

link to

Colin Alexander

Dave McEwan Hill

Before the SNP WoS mob join in slagging Labour voters.

Just remember:

Yes is gonnae have to rely on people who have voted Labour to win independence for Scotland.

Cos at the last GE the SNP vote share was 36.9%. Even with almost no Greens standing.

So, if we supposed to be gearing up for indyref, why are people on here still obsessed with party politics?

Robert Peffers

The Kelly folly will become apparent after the next Rangers vs Celtic or the Aberdeen vs Rangers encounters and, to use the appropriate technical term, the ba will bi oan the slates.


JLT says:
25 January, 2018 at 7:50 pm

‘Greatest thing ever to happen to the written word since the invention of the Printing Press in the 15th Century was the birth of the Internet.’

The invention of the printing press caused the Reformation, a massive revolution that was the biggest upheaval for centuries, perhaps ever, in Europe. Perhaps the internet is about to do the same, that’s why the Establishment are crapping themselves. Remember its only about 15 years since the masses got connected.

David P

It’s just after 9pm…

I confidently predict that tonight’s Question Time will contain at least one audience member who manages to tell a “shocking” personal story, who subsequently turns out to be a mad-as-a-box-of-frogs unionist.

Let’s see now:

The nurse who “had” to use food banks

The boy in the orange bomber jacket who was, I think, “in the ludge”

Any other “loons” that people can remember?

Bill McLean

Robert – maybe this is just what Westminster and their Scottish lackeys want – trouble at games, on the streets, in homes and in hospitals so they can say “Holyrood can’t govern – better just close it!”. I don’t trust any of them one millimetre (how’s that for modern)!


Mmm, just watching that debate in 1992, Langer:

over 90% of the CBI survey reached the view that it [Devolution] would be bad for business, the Institute of Directors sums up its member’s view by saying that if such an assembly was set up with these powers we would move company headquarters out of Scotland

Well did they. and has the story changed with Independence?


Mmm, vintage Alex Salmond (1992):

I think Ian Lang’ a brass neck basically, every word he utters is designed to undermine the confidence of the Scottish People

That’s changed now with today’s Unionists, errr, hasn’t it?


This is NOT Fake News.

The worlds biggest arms dealers are the USA, UK, Russia, France and China. Who coincidentally are the five permanent members of the laughably named United Nations Security Council.

There are 15 members whose “primary responsibility is for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

How then do you identify Fake News? Fecked if I know.


Kelly may soon achieve the fame he has strived for, but it may not be the one he was hoping for. Every sectarian outbreak around football will now to me be the Kelly consequentials.

Oh listen they are playing Kelly’s sash in the background on Sportscene. His name will forever be linked by me as the sectarian enabler.

Dr Jim

The First Minister writes for the people of Scotland

Newspapers only print it

Some people can’t distinguish between the car that knocked you down or the person driving it

I’m writing now, is it for WOS or for the reader


Laing, Sec of St, friend of Thatcher and initiator of GERS to obfuscate Scottish wealth and undermine the ideas of self determination!


@ Macart at 7:50pm … “Demand that the FM does something about it.”

That’s what really cracks me up in relation to the Holyrood fiasco, Macart. Not only are these Unionist politicians spending 100% of their time point scoring with no thought given to the consequences of their actions on their constituents, such as the poor miserable women and children of wound up sectarian nut cases, but when things go belly-up … rise in A&E admissions, related crimes, applications for safe houses and so on they blame the SNP and then to add insult to injury they DEMAND, as you say, that Nicola Sturgeon should do something about it.

The worst example of this, imo, was when Davidson, Rennie and Lamont united in overturning the abolition of the Corroboration Law, proposed by the SNP. The abolition of which would have ensured that children, in particular, would have got justice and many paedophiles would have been put away. Then when a FoI request showed that the numbers of children who had been sexually abused had risen dramatically they made an SNP Baad meal of it and DEMANDED that the SNP do something about it. Absolutely sickening. How on earth can these people sleep at night?

And what’s going on with Harvie? Just trying to show that he doesn’t always side with the SNP? If this was about legislation relating to a ‘green’ issue or LGBT victimisation he’d be right behind it I’m sure, like Davidson’s focus on the same issue while not giving a damn about hundreds of thousands of people in Scotland suffering due to her party’s obsession with austerity cuts / lining the pockets of tax avoiders / evaders. All playing wee games whilst getting paid to pursue their personal hobby-horses?

We should all start complaining about what’s going on at Holyrood, if not doing so already, such as that these politicians start working for their money, for example what are they doing whilst Nicola Sturgeon is running around like a maniac, working her butt off on our behalf? MacIntosh seems to be getting money for nothing and showing his bias too. Behaviour exhibited at Holyrood has been abysmal since he took over the post. Standards dropping.


For Robert P.

Robert you mentioned that the Queen has had to make some yearly vow to the Scots since her Coronation. Could you elaborate on that? That is if I picked up on this correctly at all?


I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure visiting this site today. Chock full of excellent information and some great personal accounts.

Colin Alexander

Dr Jim says:

“Some people can’t distinguish between the car that knocked you down or the person driving it”

Some people can’t realise that carrying an ally as a passenger doesn’t turn an enemy tank into a friendly tank.

One column in an enemy to independence, such as the Daily Record, only serves to give the D R credibility when it pumps out anti-indy propaganda all the rest of the time.


This tweet from Rev’s feed says it all re OBFA repeal:

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Colin Alexander at 9.13

With the risk of boring everybody by repeating myself I will point out – yet again – the last GE was not about independence and the SNP did not mention independence at any point in it.

What part of that do you not understand? All of it probably. The last GE turned out to be a binary who wins at Westminster contest which brought a few more of the diminishing band of Labour and Tory voters out and lots of SNP supporters didn’t bother voting (which those of us on the ground were screaming to SNP HQ about through the campaign).

Reliable polls show about half of Labour support in Scotland will vote YES in any subsequent referendum. The LibDems do not exist in any significant sense and only feature because the BBC keeps putting Rennie on the telly.

In the final analysis it will be Scotland against the remaining Tories at the next referendum


BBC TV national news at 9 am on increasing violent crimes fail to mention this is only in England. No mention of lower crime rates in Scotland or no knife deaths here.

Jockanese Wind Talker

OBFA result is simple

Vote SNP for progressive forward looking policies

Vote the rest to look back 300 years to religious intolerance

No SNP Majority Govt = the shite that just happened re OBFA.

Dr Jim

Wales has their flag flying everywhere you look, The English don’t complain
Welsh people speak Welsh all over the place, the English don’t complain
Welsh people even deliberately speak Welsh when they hear English voices so the English wont understand them, the English still don’t complain

The very mention of the word Scotland seems to set the English off and the Scottish Unionists into a complete hate fest of all things Scottish

Make your own minds up

Dan Huil

Britnats seem to think being anti-Scottish will strengthen their so-called united kingdom.


‘ Especially when Scots are sickened on a daily basis…corrupt MP’s, tax dodging from the rich, the daily fawning of the Royal Family, arms deals to highly-dubious states, the belief that what the English electorate want …they get …no matter what..’

Like how arms dealing naturally follows royal family.

Our UK Establishment is a murderous clique, scheming from on high, cashing in from global conflicts, oozing divisiveness, remaining aloof, regal, legal

Yes, legal. ‘cos Henry VIII said so’

The Deil himself would shudder.

Dave McEwan Hill

I winder if BBC and STV have noticed this is actually Burns Night.


Petra @ 10.05pm

I think the Oath taken by the Queen in relation to Scotland is the one she makes at the Accesion Privy Council which is held as soon as possible after the death of the previous monarch. Taking the Oath which relates to the Church of Scotland is the first act undertaken by the New monarch.

Details from Accesion Council web site:
“”One of the first acts of the new Sovereign after making His or Her Declaration is to take and subscribe to the Oath relating to the security of the Church of Scotland as required by the 25th Article of the Act of Union 1707 (6 Anne c.11). This Oath has been taken by every Sovereign at their Accession since George l in 1714. (By way of background, in Scotland there is a division of powers between Church and State, with each supreme in their own sphere. The Church is self governing in all that concerns its own activities. Its supreme authority is the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, presided over by a Moderator chosen each year by the Assembly itself. So the Sovereign is required to take the Oath to preserve the security of the Church of Scotland at His or Her Accession.)

The new Monarch reads the Oath aloud.””
You can read full details here:
link to

As far as I am aware the Oath is not taken annually



“Do hypocrites ‘never’ realise their own hypocrisy.”




“Why does the SNP not campaign to abolish the BBC from Scotland.”

Rock (20th September 2014 – “Keep ‘em peeled”):

“A very public and massive boycott of the BBC should now be the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. They destroyed our hope for a fair society, we must destroy them in Scotland starting NOW.”

With hindsight I can say that this is not going to happen because the most stupid people on earth are in Scotland.

Scotland will never become independent as long as the BBC exists in Scotland.


‘The very mention of the word Scotland seems to set the English off and the Scottish Unionists into a complete hate fest of all things Scottish’


If Andy Murray was Welsh and Carwyn Jones had waved the Welsh flag at Wimbers, they would all have thought it was a jolly good show.

Not when the untermenschen Scots show pride in their countrymen though.

Meg merrilees

David P

although no on QT…

Don’t forget the guy with the broken ankle who walked around on it for a week because A and E was too busy and now look at how much damage that has done to him!!!

And you could also add on the wife of the Police inspector who is being personally taunted by Nicola Sturgeon , insisting that her husband is being bullied when I think that was the reason for his suspension and maybe she’s a bit of a bully herself – as an ex inspector of Police ( i think). there’s bound to be others.



Complaint Summary: 1 Story DOES NOT dominate Scotland’s front pages

Full Complaint: This BBC website page illustrates 12 Scottish distributed newspapers.

“The papers: Flag ‘storm’ accusations fly” is the title of this page.

“One story continues to dominate Scotland’s front pages – the row over guidelines for flying the Union Jack over public buildings in Scotland.” is the body text lead – in bold typeface.

Of those 12 papers, all are well known, or should be, to most BBC website readers.

1 has a very small page foot item on this subject.

8 DO NOT have any mention of this subject at all on the their front page.

3 front pages are genuinely dominated by this story.

The story was shown to be factually false before lunchtime today. In other words no fact checking was done either by the papers before printing nor before the BBC website editors ran this page.

3 out of 12 is not a widely known definition of DOMINATE.


So runs the complaint I sent today to the BBC website for their summary of The Important Newspaper Stories Today (Scottish News).

Expectant of apologies, or even acknowledgement? Unlikely.

Highland Wifie

@Arbroath 1320
Dinna worry it’s no important at a’. Ye’ll no find it if ye dinna need it!
Preaching to the converted my speciality lol!


Dave McEwan Hill says:

I wonder if BBC and STV have noticed this is actually Burns Night.

There was something about poet Robert Ferguson at 7pm BBC2. Eh?

At the rate they are going it will be …. don’t mention Sc..nd, whatever you say, don’t discuss it! Maybe they think if they ignore all things Scottish we will simply forget it exists!

Nae chance!


OT – defence
Pretty fair article here about the Type 26 on the Clyde:

link to

My gut feeling is that BAE lost interest anyway, and not because of “we only build UK warships in the UK”, not because of the “threat” of Independence, not even because of delays in esign of the Type 26.

No, I think it happened back around when the Type 45 was cut from 12 to 8 in 2004, and then to 6, which was back in 2008. And was it cut to 6 because of the dreaded SNP? No, it was over-budget, and late. In 2009 the MOD and BAE agreed a 15 year TOBA (Terms Of Business Agreement) where the MOD would guarantee an annual sum even if no ships were built. BAE could have invested with that assurance, they didn’t.

Never mind, for those who appreciate these things, this is what Clydebuilt means (apart from the jennies which were a budget risk which didn’t work) with some glorious photos:

link to

The Clyde will again build such ships, with the Type 26 (probably just 6 in my opinion), but also with Independence.



“Undermining N.Sturgeon,at this particular time in history,seems self defeating if you support Independence,or just plain Unionist divide and rule tactics……..!”

If Nicola had struck while the iron was hot and not spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen, Scotland would have been on the verge of independence.

The SNP having 56 out of 59 MPs, 50% of the vote, a remain vote in Scotland, the EU’s eyes favourably) on Scotland, the unionist parties without leaders and completely lost.

Instead of striking when the iron was hot, she tried to be ultra cautious.

She was then outsmarted by the collusion between Saints Theresa and Ruth on one hand, and Corbyn on the other.

Result: fall in SNP support from 50% to 37%, loss of half a million voters and 23 MPs.

The moment has been lost. In my view there is a 1% chance of an independence referendum happening before Brexit has been completed. I will be happy to be proved wrong.

After Brexit has been completed, Scotland will be at the mercy of the Westminster government, with no official status in the EU other than a region of the UK.

There is 0% chance of winning a referendum held after Brexit has been completed for the next 620 years.

mike cassidy

Well worth reading on the anti-fake news-unit.

link to

Good to be reminded that Orwell had a more complex relationship to the subject of Truth.

And a morsel of history about the tension between such a unit and the BBC.

link to

(not archivable)

And a more up-to-date look.

link to

Lenny Hartley

Re the proliferation of butchers aprons everywhere, has anybody noticed on TV programs they are appearing all over the place, currently watching a classic cars program, they were in a paint shop and what has been pinned to the wall in the background, its so obvious that it has just been put up for the segment they are filming. Same for another new Brit classic car series called the Goblin Garage they have a butchers apron on their wall in shot most of the time. these are Independent production companies making these programs somebody must be pulling their chains.


QT in Scotland…still awaiting a Scottish Question…

Tory tit Forsyth going full 2014 unionist bingo..labout tit trying to claim SNP implementing austerity….!!

Deary me…utterly pathetic fayre.


Highland Wifie says:
25 January, 2018 at 11:16 pm
@Arbroath 1320
Dinna worry it’s no important at a’. Ye’ll no find it if ye dinna need it!
Preaching to the converted my speciality lol!


Thanks for that HW 😀


OBFA doesn’t impact upon me. I don’t go to matches any more and have only a passing interest in the scores. It matters not a jot to the 5m or so Scots that don’t attend matches.

However, those repealing the act now own sectarianism. If we get a repeat of the events that led up to the act they cannot, as last time, wail “why doesn’t somebody do something?” Hopefully nothing serious will happen but I think some fans will prove a liability to their clubs and James Kelly/Labour. I know other parties backed him to the hilt but I think it will park itself at Labour’s door.


@ Petra and Legerwood

The Queen does make her oath to the Scottish people, through the Church of Scotland, on an annual basis. She can do this in person or in writing.

This was detailed in the written evidence given by a top lawyer in the Supreme Court Hearing after the Brexit vote.

“The accession oath which was sworn by Elizabeth II before the Accession Privy Council on the day immediately after her accession, and which is renewed by her each year (whether in writing or in person) before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is in the following terms:….”


A quick list for the arses who main about Scotland actually daring to get any Type 26 built here, they should have been shared around the UK, ungrateful bastard nationalist Scots complaining it’s only 8 not 13:

QE blocks were built all round the UK
Astute is not built in Scotland
Successor will not be built in Scotland
Typhoon is not built in Scotland
The 15% of 3,000 of the F35 will not be in Scotland
AFV’s weren’t and aren’t built in Scotland
The L115A3 wasn’t built in Scotland
Plenty more not built in Scotland

The MOD is not in Scotland
The Admiralty is not in Scotland
Navy Command is not in Scotland
RAF HQ Air Command is not in Scotland
Army HQ is not in Scotland
RUSI is not in Scotland
GCHQ is not in Scotland
Plenty more not in Scotland

All we get is a few ships.



Regarding Burns, they had an insert on The One Show. Apparently Burns didn’t write the poems according to a Glasgow Prof. That was their story anyway. Presented by someone from Bargain Hunt.


Yet another pathetic edition of QT from Scotland – at least that summersetwhathername wasn’t on this time.

What we need is a weekly Scottish QT on either PQ or STV using the same format but with balanced panels.

I don’t suppose it will happen because if it did it might lead to viewers actually becoming acquainted with the truth.

Robert Peffers

@Bill McLean says: 25 January, 2018 at 9:22 pm:

“Robert – maybe this is just what Westminster and their Scottish lackeys want – trouble at games, on the streets, in homes and in hospitals so they can say “Holyrood can’t govern – better just close it!”. I don’t trust any of them one millimetre (how’s that for modern)!”

Which is exactly my point, Bill. Thing is that more and more Joe and Josephine publics have not been getting fooled by the Westminster Establishment for quite some time now. As the slow but steady rise in the opinion poll statistics show.

That is in spite of wall to wall YoonYoonism blaring out of United Kingdom radios and wall to wall yoonyoonism flickering at us out of smart TV screens while the Yoons attempt to infiltrate our social media on the net – the support for independence is still creeping up inexorably.

Now to me that says only one thing. Those stats creeping towards independence are in spite of the wall to wall YoonYoonist propaganda.

It is patently failing Westminster and that is why they are adopting ever more desperate, and ever more transparent, propaganda. It just isn’t working anymore and the Indy2 campaign has not even started.

So my opinion, for what it is worth, is that when the upsurge, in domestic and sectarian violence comes it will probably exceed the highest figures from before the SNP/SG pushed the act through Holyrood and the now more enlightened electorate will blame James Kelly and the Westminster YoonYoonist parties.

Let us just wait and see.

In politics it is often a mistake to act in haste and repent at leisure – after you are voted out of office. As the defeated Prime Minister said, after a vote of no confidence, “Well it seemed like a good idea at the time”.

David P

QT… I stand corrected…no crazies.


Bob Mack

@ Rock,

For heavens sake get a grip on reality. You claim Nicola should have struck when the iron was hot. When exactly was that ? I ask because EVERY opinion poll still had NO in front ,as did the latest by only one percent admittedly.

To be more accurate you feel Nicola should have struck when YOU felt the iron was hot. You are not in the majority mate.

She is playing the cards as they are dealt. If she had followed your advice we would have already lost again and be denied another opportunity for probably decades.

By all means contribute but make it based on fact.

Robert Peffers

@jfngw says: 25 January, 2018 at 9:37 pm:

“Kelly may soon achieve the fame he has strived for, but it may not be the one he was hoping for. Every sectarian outbreak around football will now to me be the Kelly consequentials.
Oh listen they are playing Kelly’s sash in the background on Sportscene. His name will forever be linked by me as the sectarian enabler.”

Now your talking, jfngw, but let us keep it short and sweet like all good catch phrases – Let’s refer to all subsequent reports of increased sectarianism or increases domestic abuse statistics simply as, “The Kelly Effect.”


Just a wee outside the box thought here

A quick list for the arses who main about Scotland actually daring to get any Type 26 built here, they should have been shared around the UK, ungrateful bastard nationalist Scots complaining it’s only 8 not 13.

I thought it was 13 Type 26 PROMISED in 2014 … this was later CUT to 8 around 2016 I think and it is now only 3. I think the former Defence Secretary, you know the one the guy who needs his assistant to protect him from STV reporters, confirmed in 2017 the figure was now only 3 or am I way off target as usual? 😀


Fake News-God – BBC’s own definition for ‘Fake News’ is de facto Fake News. A definite universal definition for Fake News does not exist, and never will. It is all about individual, group and community perception, and the ability to disseminate and understand actions, messages and information (i.e. an interconnected, inclusive, tolerant, diverse, just and free society) – in my opinion.

Robert Peffers

Rock still at it I see.

He/she/it is living proof of the claim that the most stupid people on Earth living in Scotland.

The BBC licensing chasers are on a hiding to nothing and there is ample proofs of that fact. For example they have been threatening to call and investigate my address for unlawful viewing of live broadcasts for over 6 years. If my case is typical just how many other Scots homes are in the same situation? It is notable that the BBC refuse to reveal such information.

All the time wasting BBC money and time for the very good reason that I live alone since my wife died and I’m well over 75 and could watch for free if a cared to. If they ever get round to a visit they are in for a few surprises and will be sent away with a very large, “Flech i the lug”, (Flea in the ear).

What is more they will attempt to browbeat me at their peril, for any attempt to do so will be on video disc and lodged with Police Scotland as evidence of a complaint of behaviour against the laws of Scotland.

If the Police fail to do their duty by the law, (submit the case to the Procurators Fiscal), I’ll have their guts for garters too – but I’m fairly confident they will do things by the book.

Which is more than the BBC, (would be), debt collectors do in the form letters they send out to any address they have no record of having bought a TV Licence. In point of fact those letters are in contravention of the laws of Scotland – and particularly so if there is a succession of letters thereof.

It is against Scots law to threaten anyone in an attempt to extract money, or other gain from them, by means of threats and those threats specifically include threatening with legal action.

If you do get one of these letters, read it carefully with that fact in mind and you will see what I mean.


Kremlin funded foreign agent (‘useful idiot’) RT News is properly discussing the issue and helping to inform the public (thanks for nothing Stalinist BBC): link to

Dr Jim

@ the arsehole troll

The Daily Record is a credible paper because it sells the stuff you moronic idiot and because half the Nation says it is and buys it, not because you say it isn’t because who the F… are you anyway but a wee Nicola Sturgeon hater because she doesn’t love you back


David P

‘QT… I stand corrected…no crazies’

The big Donald Trump fan with the middle parting and caked in make up certainly came across as a bit less than sane.


Hope this works, great Burns night and great video from FM Sturgeon, as WATP bigots are back on the streets again. Why oh why is Scotland plagued by SLabour. If they can creep back in, we’re all fcuked.

link to


Question Time:

Dimbleby got his bit in from the off by introducing Maggie Chapman as a Green Party politician. “The party that props up the SNP. ”

First speech given by Maggie Chapman and some in the audience started booing.

Forsyth ruling the roost, by making sure that he has his say.

NHS: Discussing the NHS however it’s convoluted and confusing with the NHS being devolved to Scotland. I can’t understand why they hold this in Scotland and then invite English politicians / media mutts onto the panel. Members of the audience were also asking questions and making comments that related to England.

Presidents Club: Peter Osborne Daily Mail can’t figure out why Great Ormond Street Hospital doesn’t want to accept money from them.

Forsyth got round a difficult question (for him) by quoting Burns “They’re a parcel of rogues in a Nation” to rousing cheers. What irony, eh? The audience overall seems to be pro-Tory with a faction definitely anti-Green. And if there’s a BBC plant in there I reckon it’s an anti-Labour guy who has a lot to say for himself.

Question: Is the Labour Party being taken over by Momemton extremists? Dimbleby looks surprised at the question as though he had no idea it would be brought up. Aye right!

Forsyth deliberately calling the SNP the Scottish Nationalist Party even when corrected by Fiona Hyslop and then getting into Fiona Hyslop’s face by bringing up the old chestnut of blaming the SNP for Thatcher getting in. Michael’s pal Maggie. Dimbleby cuts Fiona off when she tries to respond to Forsythe.

Brexit: Nothing of interest.

Trump: Nothing of interest.

Forsyth quoting verses from a seemingly pro Union Burns poem. Another rousing cheer / applause.

Banks: Forsyth and Osborne for the closures. The rest against.

Last question about some English footballer getting paid £500,000 a week. Forsyth and Osborne for it. The others against.

Fiona Hislop stood her ground and answered all questions well. She also seemed to have some support amongst audience members and wasn’t booed like Maggie Chapman.

All in all boring, waste of time, and you got the impression that Forsyth was made aware of the questions in advance.


8 are still promised, it’s the first batch is for 3, which is standard ordering in batches. There can be design changes, and even build efficiencies. It’s very unlikely another 3 wouldn’t be built, [1] and reasonably unlikely whatever Project Fear 2 says, they’d be swtiched from the Clyde, as it says on UKDJ of all places:

Eight Type 26 Frigates are to be built in total by their designers BAE, the contract for the second batch will be negotiated in the early 2020s. Why have we included it despite this? There are no other yards in the UK to build the Type 26, it’s a BAE product and their only surface shipyards are in Glasgow. The ships are not going anywhere unless the Royal Navy take the incredibly unlikely decision not to replace their frigate fleet.

link to

In theory it could be switched say to Portsmouth, but it’d surely take a year or two to get that shipyard up and running again, and the RN can’t afford any more delays, the T23 is due to be retired one a year from 2023, and the switch would cost too much anyway.

It won’t stop the Unionists making their threats of course.

[1] The RN works on a rule of 3, so to have 1 deployed needs 3 ships, with one repair / refit / maintenance, the other training / exercises / working up. And it needs at least 2 operational to escort the QE, though for a NATO operation other countries could supply an anti-sub frigate.


Question Time:

Dimbleby got his bit in from the off by introducing Maggie Chapman as a Green Party politician. “The party that props up the SNP. ”

First speech given by Maggie Chapman and some in the audience started booing.

Forsyth ruling the roost, by making sure that he has his say.

NHS: Discussing the NHS however it’s convoluted and confusing with the NHS being devolved to Scotland. I can’t understand why they hold this in Scotland and then invite English politicians / media mutts onto the panel. Members of the audience were also asking questions and making comments that related to England.

Presidents Club: Peter Osborne Daily Mail can’t figure out why Great Ormond Street Hospital doesn’t want to accept money from them.

Forsyth got round a difficult question (for him) by quoting Burns “They’re a parcel of you know what’s in a Nation” to rousing cheers. What irony, eh? The audience overall seems to be pro-Tory with a faction definitely anti-Green. And if there’s a BBC plant in there I reckon it’s an anti-Labour guy who has a lot to say for himself.

(Omitting a certain word as something’s blocking the post).
Question: Is the Labour Party being taken over by Momemtem extremists? Dimbleby looks surprised at the question as though he had no idea it would be brought up. Aye right!

Forsyth deliberately calling the SNP the Scottish Nationalist Party even when corrected by Fiona Hyslop and then getting into Fiona Hyslop’s face by bringing up the old chestnut of blaming the SNP for Thatcher getting in. Michael’s pal Maggie. Dimbleby cuts Fiona off when she tries to respond to Forsythe.

Brexit: Nothing of interest.

Trump: Nothing of interest.

Forsyth quoting verses from a seemingly pro Union Burns poem. Another rousing cheer / applause.

Banks: Forsyth and Osborne for the closures. The rest against.

Last question about some English footballer getting paid £500,000 a week. Forsyth and Osborne for it. The others against.

Fiona Hislop stood her ground and answered all questions well. She also seemed to have some support amongst audience members and wasn’t booed like Maggie Chapman.

All in all boring, waste of time, and you got the impression that Forsyth was made aware of the questions in advance.


Well, there’s now an ignore poster “x”, make of that what you will!


QT was just utter nonsense (more than usual)

Forsyth clearly trolling !!

Problem is, that may have played well with the loaded unionist audience, but normal Scots elsewhere would be utterly disgusted.

Pathetic stuff all round, so basically all we expected.


Oops apologies for the double post.

Marker Post

Anyone else notice the proof in the Guardian yesterday (if any were needed) of BBC controlling the news agenda on equal pay?

“Creasy, who was furious that the BBC blocked journalists who had tweeted their support for Gracie from presenting on-air segments about the pay row, was one of 72 MPs writing to the culture secretary, Matthew Hancock, to warn of a “chilling effect”.”

North chiel

Ref “ Meg Merrilees @ 0714pm” , completely agree with your excellent post and in particular your comment as regards “ Willie Rennie” accusing the First Minister of our country of “ lying” . This “ supposed politician” is none other than the “ face” of “ Britnat London controlled unionism” ( liberal sub branch) here in our country of Scotland . How rich indeed his “despicable slur “ on our FM coming from a “ political nobody toady” ,synonymous with the London led unionist political establishment , masters of the propagation of “ Fake news and sleighed untruths purveyed on the Scottish people “ for as long as I can remember and probably as far back as the late great Liberal William Ewart Gladstone who promised “Home rule” for Scotland ,the century before last.
Rennie couldn’t “ lace our FM’s proverbial shoes “( and he knows it). What a pathetic “ little” man who’s unparliamentary language this afternoon was an embarrassment to even his own colleagues ..

Jack collatin

Look on the bright side. SKY and BT won’t have to apologise for bad language when their pitchside mics pick up the odd ‘Fuck the Pope’, or ‘Fuck the Queen’ any more. It’s all perfectly legal now.
They can pump up the volume when the ‘working class’ loyals and rebels spew out hatred and sectarianism from the terracings as captured in those pleasant little ditties, ‘the Billy Boys’, and ‘The Boys From The Old Brigade’.
We don’t want to criminalise ‘working class heroes’ spouts the that self confessed ignoramus about all things football, Neil Findlay.
Apparently if you work with your hands, are any kind of artisan, you are up to your knees in Fenian Blood or supporting IRA psychos.
Findlay’s capacity for utter stupidity never ceases to wane.
This is Labour’s and the Green’s biggest folly to date.
The OBFA was universally welcomed by football fans, and the citizens of cities and towns outside Glasgow, who have to put up with drunken hordes pissing in their front gardens for decades, and indeed in most of the sane people Glasgow itself.
I hold Jim Kelly, Neil Findlay, that other Dick, ‘The Scarf’ Leonard responsible for the next working class lad who ends up in hospital, or worse, now that you have reintroduced hatred and sectarianism to the WoS .
Patrick Harvie, I don’t know who is advising you, but you have signed the Green’s death warrant by siding with the Red Blue and Yellow Tories on this, just to flex your puny muscles’ You now stand shoulder to shoulder with the smirking fool Kelly and joined in with your arch enemies in embarrassing the SNP Administration.

I watched QT. There were actually some Scottish accents in the Audience. Not many mind.
The Doctor plant at the get go, Scottish NHS Shite, 24 Consultants short, SNP Bad set the scene for the usual John Lewis shirted Brexit Tories feast of Unionism.
A Tory Councillor, right down at the front was de facto the 7th member of the panel.
There is nothing left to say about BBC Scotland.
They are State sponsored anti Scottish fifth columnists.



RE: Your earlier response to my post

Politics as it is practised. The very thing that brought most of us to the YES movement in the first place. People are sick of how our public servants conduct themselves and the system which allows/enables such behaviour.

Politics is a historically dirty business the world over. Adversarial politics out of control. Strategies, tactics, triangulation all in the name of beating your opposition at any cost. The politics of persuasion by debate and consensus long forgotten. I reckon what we see today is the direct byproduct of the system in charge of the population instead of the population setting the ground rules for the system.

A system of government and practice of politics should be answerable to the public for its conduct. That’s how you’d think a democracy would work.

Last night was one of those Q.E.D. moments which allows you to see the tail wagging the dog.


Re: Repeal of OBFA.

Sectarian bigotry.This must be the “Union Dividend” that Gordon Brown was on about in Sept 2014.
Kelly a bigger Numptie and total embarrassment to Scotland you couldn’t find. Then again there is Murdo of Queens 11 fame.


Heedtracker @ 12:55am
Loved the Burns night Joke about the English Doctor in the Scottish hospital,couldn’t stop laughing.


Robert Louis

Now that Patrick Harvie and the green party have voted to allow the singing of obscene racist and sectarian songs in Scotland – for that is how the thick sectarian bigots view it – they will no longer have my respect or (as has happened on occasions) my vote. I have read Patrick’s feeble nonsense he has used to justify his vote, but it makes no sense. If we argue, allowing such behaviour is in some twisted way about freedom of speech, then surely it is the slippery slope towards repealing laws which protect gay people like myself, and other minorities or racial groups from abuse.

Those who voted to repeal the obscene behaviour at football act WILL in the coming months have blood on their hands. They have given the racist, sectarian bigoted morons who sadly still shuffle along the streets of Scotland, free license. They have forgotten WHY the law was introduced in the first place. They have forgotten how utterly ashamed Scots were of the behaviour at some football matches.

IMHO, Patrick Harvie is a fool, caught up in ‘studenty politics’ theoretical ramblings about freedom of speech, well divorced from the real problems that exist and ACTUALLY damage (and even end) people’s lives. What a disgrace. What an utter, utter, shameful disgrace.

This should forever, like an albatross, be hung around the neck of Patrick Harvie.