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A trip down Memory Lane

Posted on February 23, 2016 by

This was a little cruel, frankly.

(From today’s Daily Politics.)

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Grouse Beater

The Bonfire of the Inanities.


This is rather cruel. Can’t imagine them treating a Westminster leader with this lack of respect. Still this is what Kezia asks for.

Did think the bearded guy was Stu initially!

Dan Huil

She obviously loves being patronized by the britat media. She knows her place.

Donald Anderson

The London studio makeover department managed to do a better job of Keziah Dugdale than their minions in the NB branch offices. Nice herr cut. Pity they could do nothing with her brain and teach her to answer the questions asked. Surprisingly, she said she supported Nicola Surgeon in getting the best deal for Scotland in the current negotiators.


I think the only thing that might save Kezia after May, would be nobody else wanting the job.

bookie from hell

could of been more brutal

name the SNP as well

Socrates MacSporran

To be fair to Dippity Dug, she was somewhat set-upon by the smart-arsed London/Westminster media bubble set.

I thought the lassie did ok, and I don’t blame her for forgetting Anas Sarwar and Subway Gray – she is probably trying to forget they exist, and, who can blame her.


Cruel and a bit patronising.


Well we all know that Jo Coburn and her cohort Andrew Neil are cruel by nature, however what a bl**dy embarrassment for Scottish Labour. One abysmal failure trotted out after another including Kezia Dugdale herself. I wonder how long she’ll last for?

Grouse Beater

Dan: She obviously loves being patronized by the Britnat media. She knows her place.

That’s a perceptive comment. What they dish out to the ‘renegade’ SNP, they dish out to unionist losers.


Probably another 9 weeks approx for their latest one. Lamont didn’t stay up there long “because of the independence vote” makes no sense either. They won the referendum, they stood bettertogether, red tory with blue and the BBC and they won.


Oh jings.

That even made me squirm.


Aw, poor wee lassie, that was b! But it did bring a smile to my face.


Could we maybe have a bit more info to give some context in future posts please, for those of use viewing on work computers who can’t see videos?


if you treated a dog like that the RSPCA would have you.


Yeah! I was one of the 40 votes from North Ayrshire & Arran!

Dr Jim

The difference between Scottish Labour being patronized and the SNP being patronized are the same words may be used by the tone is completely different

When it’s the SNP the words are spat accusingly (Nasty people think you’re smart)
When it’s Labour it’s gently comedic (Ah poor souls)


The leader of a party with 1 MP in Westminster. No wonder the Imperial Broadcasters felt they could treat her like a joke.

call me dave

No need for that was there… was there?
Scotland is just a joke to them in the bubble darn Sarf!

She should have done a Galloway on them.
We all know labour are pants but just the same they’re Scottish ….Oh wait!

Kezia (who I oft times lampoon) made a figure of fun just for a laugh on tv. Glad I’m not paying for the licence or the fancy timeline board. It was a cheap shot. 🙁


The studio seating might need re-upholstering.
And the point of all that was ?


I watched it for less than a minute. Much as KD brought it on herself, it just looks like bullying. To ridicule is a type of bullying. Are the ebc patronising her because it’s ‘Scottish Iiebour’. I guess it serves them right. What a joke they truly are.

The real issue is perhaps, that ‘Scottish Labour’, so called, are bringing the Scottish parliament down, making it look inadequate and ineffective, It’s an arrogant, plotted attack on Scottish politics, but works a treat for the tories and london liebour.

This perhaps just confirms westminster and much of englands contempt for Scotland.

(I am thinking of my pretendy lefty friends in Newcastle who will lap this up, with their ignorant belief that Scotland is a basket case).


ooft. bit of a nasty dig including sawar in that, was it not?


Sorry but i thought she got off lightly.

Claimed the SNP had spent monies 12 times already !!!!

Delivered with a straight face and not even a hint of shame.
Now you would think such a bold statement would be challenged as a bit dubious, but alas no. Accepted without question by Coburn.

The ONLY way these yooney toons can make such clearly nonsensicle claims is if they know in advance that they will NOT BE challenged on the guff they spew.

Absolute car crash of a performance all round.


To be honest, I think that broadcast says as much about the BBC as it does about the disaster that is “Project Labour” in Scotland, now that everyone has seen the Red Tories for what they are — active enemies of the poor and disabled.

Still, Kezia does campaign so hard to be in this wonderful UKOK union which gives us the BBC… and the BBC is her greatest helper — certainly a greater helper than Labour canvassers or their feeble representatives in Holyrood.

I would feel sorry for Kezia…. except that I know that, if she manages to squeak out at least one “SNP bad”, then she will leave the studio with a skip in the air, considering it a job very well done….

That is why I cannot understand why the likes of Annabel Goldie join the Tories and campaign for the union. Can you imagine the way the Bullingdon Boys and their toffee-nosed wives look down their nose at “those frightful Jock frumps”?

Are the Red Yellow and Blue Tories of Scotland REALLY not aware of how despised they are by their WM masters? What was it that former Labour cabinet minister said about losing all the Scottish Labour MPs? It was not pleasant reading to those same Scottish Labour MPs — although a very apt description of the likes of Curran et al.

[Actually, the broadcast is not just purile and cruel, but unprofessional — would have been better to point out the time period when Dug tried to join the SNP; but I doubt they are even aware of this]


There you go Slabers, that’s what your Imperial masters think of you. Disrespected, reduced to an object of ridicule. Hear the English laugh, roll up roll up, see a better together Jockwoman grinning like a Cheshire cat. Hear them whispering “she’s so shallow” and she doesn’t realize they’re, what do the Sweaties call it, ripping the pish. The fair and balanced BBC, on your side.

Surely some of you are thinking of voting Yes next time.

Scot Finlayson

The Great Brutish Empire invites one of its tame subjugated natives/barbarians to be laughed at and dehumanized in front of the Toffs of Englandshire,

much as I despise Kezzy,it makes my blood boil to see any Scot treated as a buffoon by elitist Oxbridge BBC snobs.


O/T Nicola on the fiscal farce

link to

Robert Peffers

@Wulls says: 23 February, 2016 at 2:03 pm

“if you treated a dog like that the RSPCA would have you.”
Ah! But! Wulls. The RSPCA are the English Animal Cruelty folks and they prosecute those who abuse DOGS and other animals.

In Scotland it is the SSPCA and they prosecute those who abuse DUGS and other animals and Zezia is the DUGdale.

Just by the by, the English RSPCA and English RSPCC both advertise for charitable donations in Scotland knowing full well that many Scots don’t realize they only operate in England & Wales.

They are, though, very happy to take Scots people’s donations but never, ever, inform the Scots their donations will never ever be used to save a single Scottish animal or child.

Just one more reason for Scottish independence. I wonder how many Scottish people have died throughout the years and left large donations to the RSPCA and RSPCC in their wills to these English only charities?


ooft. bit of a nasty dig including sawar in that, was it not?

But Anas is next. May 7 2016, “my fellow yoonarians, it’s with great honour and much humbleness, I accept the SLabour leadership crown, its what BBC creep show wants, Ligger Neil’s a god, I come not bury Kez, #SNPbad…


I see the London Stock Exchange has just announced it is in merger talks with Deutsche Boerse. Not sure if it’s merger of equals or who will be on top. Frankfurt and London joined in unholy matrimoney.

Now is that going to be better for the innies or the outies?

De Valera

Perhaps I’m over thinking this, but could it be a ploy by the BBC to drum up sympathy for the Red Tories?

No mention of Jim Sillars, I thought he was the first leader of Scottish Labour.


…and for the amusement of the inner M25 elite here is a pet unionist Scot still willing to amuse you for a few minutes of “fame” on Britnat TV.


posting again, first comment disappeared.

I watched it for less than a minute. Much as KD brought it on herself, it just looks like bullying. To ridicule is a type of bullying. Are the ebc patronising her because it’s ‘Scottish Iiebour’. I guess it serves them right. What a joke they truly are.

The real issue is perhaps, that ‘Scottish Labour’, so called, are bringing the Scottish parliament down, making it look inadequate and ineffective, It’s an arrogant, plotted attack on Scottish politics, but works a treat for the tories and london liebour.

This perhaps just confirms westminster and much of englands contempt for Scotland.

(I am thinking of my pretendy lefty friends in Newcastle who will lap this up, with their ignorant belief that Scotland is a basket case).


…and for the amusement of the inner M25 elite here is a pet unionist Scot still willing to amuse you for a few minutes of “fame” on Britnat TV.

Herself and chums get business class red eye down to London, BBC chauffeurs to BBC multi billion HQ of UKOKness, Smirky Jo great fun, good lunch, Westend shopping this afternoon, back home in time for late Eastenders, lovely day out on expenses, bish bosh, rule BBC Britannia is what its all about. Enjoy it while it UKOK lasts.


Totally out her depth,poor lassie doesnt even know they are ripping the pure piss out her.

Haha dont blame us Kez blame your wee pal Ruthie for that one ,you just got toried again when will you eejits ever learn.


£60k+ expenses to talk nonsense, as long as it lasts. What’s Jo on. Comedy Gold.

Dr Jim

Yookay Blackmail should be the DRs next headline

Take the deal or we’ll impose a deal of our own and “Fukc you” says the Yookay treasury,

The FM used nice language to point out exactly what they’re up to, and it’s the usual shower of lying Bastirts that the Yookay are

I’ll take bets right now at any odds something in the election Manifesto is going to refer to this “Deal” as the Straw that broke the proverbial, even if the EU vote is an IN we’re on our way out of the Yookay

And that’s a YES from me

Robert Peffers

Heartfelt thanks Nana Smith for your links to the Swinney and Sturgeon statements. I’m struggling greatly just now.

My rather expensive large 64 bit entertainment Laptop that I upgraded to Windows 10 has proven to be problematic but finally became usable – only to then blow it’s mains power unit/charger.

I thus reverted to my large 64 bit desktop that unfortunately is still set up to run in 32 bit mode and is running Vista. Only to find that Microsoft are no longer supporting IE9 or IE10 and I cannot get some video links to run.

I still await delivery of the mains unit/battery charger for the laptop. It has been a quite frustrating episode.
Incidentally the prices asked by HP for the spare charger unit ran to three figures but the identical unit by the original Chinese manufacture is less than £30 and that includes postage. HP are real rip-off experts.

I changed the habits of a lifetime and instead of designing and building my own unites bought OEM. That’s another lesson learned.


@de valera

No, first leader of a Scottish Labour Party was Robert Bontine Cunningham Graham.


DerekM says:
23 February, 2016 at 2:58 pm
Totally out her depth,poor lassie doesnt even know they are ripping the pure piss out her.

Oh she knows all right – she is just having to squirm her way through it with a bit of fake humour. ‘Scottish’ Labour are just treated as a joke now.

I see Kezia says she backs Nicola on the Scotland bill framework.
But if the Tories backtrack on the Vow, then what can labour do about it?

They must realize now they were used and left to look like fools by campaigning for the Tories. Any labour member left with any dignity will be switching to the SNP in order to send the Tories a message.
Or campaigning for independence next time, as it looks like the alternative is Tory rule for years to come.

One good thing to come from this is that if the Scotland Bill falls through, then no-one is going to believe any last minute promises next time.


That is the broadcasting wing of the British state openly taking the piss out of a Proud Scot but political representative. This would have been unheard of even 10 years ago. Dugdale’s imperial masters are clearly not impressed, and to be fair they have very good cause not to be impressed by the political void that she represents. As soon as she cannot say SNP Bad, Kezia Dugdale soon stumbles and crashes. A one trick pony. Can anyone in Scotland genuinely imagine Dugdale fighting hard on their behalf?


@ Robert Peffers says:

Uninstall Windows 10 its a nightmare and Microsoft . Go online using Google or Mozilla and get a Windows 7 upgrade for Vista.

link to


Just listening to FM on Scottish questions seems the stumbling block is the No Detriment clause, I only hope we don’t take these powers they seem like a trap door. On Labour just ignore. On the EU debate it sounds like the Scottish Indy Ref, project fear is alive and kicking, as a Vote Leave supporter I don’t think I can take anymore shite from business and Politian’s who are in it for them selves. VOTE LEAVE SCOTLAND.


@Robert Peffers

Happy to help Robert. Computer problems I’ve had quite a few times. Thankfully my husband is very tech savvy and usually able to fix.

Mind you he’s rather annoyed at the moment as three times he has had to return a ‘part’ he bought for the office computer. I think it’s meant to enable more memory or something. I tend to switch off when things get too technical.


@ Onwards

Oh she figures it out near the end but she had no idea they were going to spring that on her.

The tories can sniff out a corpse as well,being parasitic predators they have a nose for that and destruction of labour in Scotland is actually something they have always wanted so now they are moving in to pick the bones clean after we mauled it.

And like lambs to the slaughter Labour duly obliged.

But then who cares there is this wee lassie and damn she is good and she has a team of very good people around her and she is no fool, i am going to vote for her and her team 🙂

Dan Huil

SNP x 2 in May

Vote Stay in EU because England will vote Leave


It’s all the fault of Breakfast TV when they brought they 3 piece suites and the Green Goddess exercising into our living rooms before we went to work.

Brainwashing on a scale that even Pravda couldn’t match.

The Rough Bounds

I actually felt sorry for her…for about half a second, then I remembered all the patronising crap that I as a Scottish Nationalist had to take from her Party for decade after decade.

On that programme she was placed over a barrel and royally humped by the English establishment. Labour in Scotland asked for this. She obviously has a very low opinion of herself to allow such shocking treatment, but she has a very low opinion of Scotland so it should come as no surprise that she allowed herself to be shafted like that.

If that doesn’t convince her that we Scots are being treated as second class then nothing will. Hell mend her.


@Scot Finlayson

The Great Brutish Empire invites one of its tame subjugated natives/barbarians to be laughed at and dehumanized in front of the Toffs of Englandshire,

much as I despise Kezzy,it makes my blood boil to see any Scot treated as a buffoon by elitist Oxbridge BBC snobs.

I understand what you are getting at Scot, but to me Kezia Dugdale is a tame Jock poodle for the British state, and will not fight for Scotland at all. If she even gave a merest hint of being prepared to fight for the Scottish electorate then I would be happy to give her some credit. But to me she is the epitome of the careerist politician, happy to trough and pick up a salary, while the majority suffer.


…and for the amusement of the inner M25 elite here is a pet unionist Scot still willing to amuse you for a few minutes of “fame” on Britnat TV.

Precisely. I wonder if even Kezia Dugdale has twigged whether her imperial masters are taking the complete piss out of her and SLAB, or is she genuinely that dim not to even realise the contempt she and other Scottish unionists are held in? Either way she is happy enough to act like a poodle for Westminster rule.


For a little while I felt sorry for her, but then I’m not as cruel as Scottish labour who told so many lies to vulnerable people in 2014.


But they have to have a narrative for each of the Leaders.

That they needed more time with family, that they always saw their role as caretaker etc etc.

Because failing to keep the books in order, stabbed in the back by brother in London, accepting donations from people not allowed to give, hiding in Sandwich shops, stabbed in the back by lifelong student friend or exiled by the voters despite a tsunami of late postal votes in your favour – just does not sound so good.

chris kilby

That’s no way to treat yer pet Dug.

(The look on her face. What must have been going through her poor wee mind? Who said: “Not much…”?)


Kez must wonder where she would be today if only she had been successful when she applied for the job with the SNP prior to falling into the clutches of Zebedee Foulkes.

Chances are she might now be in NC’s cabinet or filling a seat at WM.

Still, all is not lost as she has ditched the Max Wall hairstyle.

chris kilby

That’s all the thanks you get, hen. That’s what yer Westminster pals think of us. They think we’re a joke. Maybe some day you’ll wise up. Then again, maybe not…


Cruel and demeaning too. I’m not used to feeling sympathy for Kezia. But she doesnt seem to have the wits (or wit) to deal with that sort of ambush.

‘Hohoho, they had to get a new leader when the previous one dropped dead, chortle chortle ha ha.’ Who’s idea was that? No winners there.

Slightly o/t, but still on the subject of hapless branch office leaders, Ruth Davidsons election bumf dropped through my letterbox, today. And although she doesn’t realise, she’s come round to independence. She writes;

“we need a government which is 100% dedicated to the issues that affect us all every day”.

Hear hear. Is that not the absolutely perfect case for independence? Who best represents the interests of the people who live in Scotland, the politicians we DO elect to Holyrood, or the politicians we DON’T elect to Westminster? In a nutshell “we need a government which is 100% dedicated to the issues that affect us all every day”. Thank you Ruth for clarifying that.

That right there is how/why I moved from undecided to the raving separatist I’ve now become. All roads lead to indy. Tick tock.


chris kilby

What do you suppose Nicolas Sturgeon’s reaction would be if those smug, smirking, metropolitan media twats tried to pull a stunt like that with her?

(They wouldn’t Fucking dare. That’s the difference between Dug dale and Sturgeon. Well, one of the differences…)

chris kilby

Just to be clear. I’m no fan of Kezia Dugdale, Scottish Labour or Yooners generally. But that was a Fucking disgrace!


Crude crass unprofessional behaviour.

Certainly not worth paying a licence fee for.

chris kilby

I’m usually quite a placid individual, but I want to punch that beardy twat more than Donald Trump wanted to punch that heckler!


Hm. Almost felt a little pang of sympathy there for Kez. Then I remembered all her mis-speakings.


I think her new hairstyle is a lot nicer and suits her better than the old one.

As to the ambush, well Labour in Scotland have had all those leaders and that was one way of making the point, a very sharp and pointed way.


Thing is, Nicola is respected as a heavyweight politician in London, might not be universally loved but they know she is on the ball. She would brush that sort of rubbish aside.

Kez on the other hand. Duh Kezia who?

Now, she obviously agreed to go on that show and, however cruel, it was her own (un)doing

Sympathy, well maybe but inept, absolutely!

De Valera

I stand corrected. I wonder if Kezia’s branch will last longer than Sillars’ party?


A timeline of Westminster nodding dogs, who’ve held Scotland back.


Looks like she was ambushed by the lundin media who probably didn’t know all the names either till they looked them up. Must be a new tactic to get the sympathy vote.


All she had to say was: “You tell me”, and so burst the program balloon.

Consider, Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, how would they have dealt with this mocking? With ease.

And credit to Galloway who wasn’t having their nonsense. Kezia bombed it. She is next on the list of “were Leader of Slab”.


Wondered what had happened to Garry Bushell.

Was going to say that cunt Garry Bushell, but thought better of it.


She doesn’t feel sorry for any of the lies that she spouts on behalf of the establishment she is so keen to represent and the effects of those lies on ordinary people’s lives. Honestly people like Kezia Dugdale live in a wee bubble of privilege imagining that everyone ‘aspires’ to be a ‘somebody’ in the way that she does.

So good on us all for having compassion but remember we’re projecting our goodness onto others for the most part because we do care about others genuinely and it’s hard to watch any human being basically being humiliated even if they ‘ask for it’.

Compassion I have but nay sympathy. She put herself in this ludicrous position, after the Holyrood elections she’ll be gone (credibility wise)…she’s being used and paid well for that ‘privilege’.


I’ve tried to explain many times to stupid yoons that in the big London, were all Scotch tramps, even the British ones.

Maybe some will wake up to this eventually.

Dave McEwan Hill

Still like Kezia. But it’s not a political thing probably.

She could do good things on the right side

paul gerard mccormack

Fuds all.


Even though they are a bunch of assholes in the London bubble, that is how the Scottish media should deal with a ‘party’ that has 1 MP in Westminster.

They wouldn’t dare try that with the SNP on the Daily Politics because they know what they would get back.

Tbf the Daily Politics patronises mostly everyone that appears on the show like this, it is a pitiful, dumbed down embarassment of a show.

Clive Scott

Kezia is an embarrassment to Scotland. What an utterly pathetic media performance. Everything about her is so wrong. She is totally out of her depth. A craven puppy quivering with fear rolling on her back in submission in the presence of a big dog. Then there is the stream of incoherent nonsense that spills out of her mouth. It will be a kindness for a big SNP x 2 in May to hasten her inevitable sacking as branch manager.

Chic McGregor

And so a helmet hair style, after all that ridicule from the slabbering bray of yoons, appears to have become de rigueur after all.

I suppose impersonation is the best for of flattery.

But Shhh! Don’t tell them, its what the hairstyle surround that is important.

Chic McGregor

If I can just repeat that last post more legibly, forgive me I spent many years on the internet on forums where post editing was allowed and cannot seemt to get out of the habit of hitting return then looking for errors.

And so a helmet hair style, after all that ridicule from the slabbering bray of yoons, appears to have become de rigueur.

I suppose impersonation is the best form of flattery so they say.

But Shhh! Don’t tell them, its what the hairstyle surrounds that is really important.

Chic McGregor


“Tbf the Daily Politics patronises mostly everyone that appears on the show like this, it is a pitiful, dumbed down embarassment of a show.”

There’s a Jocko on guys. Party time!


@ Clive Scott. Anent Kezia rolling on her back in submission, I suppose we must be grateful it aint Jackie Baillie! 🙂

Brian McHugh

I wonder which Universities Jim Murphy has applied to?… I assume it will be to start in September/October time?

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