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Archive for February, 2012

(Dirty) business as usual 1

Posted on February 07, 2012 by

Well, we had quite the fun time yesterday. Having revealed by virtue of our ace investigative-journalism skills that the Telegraph’s dear Alan Cochrane had something of a beam in his own eye when it came to attacking the First Minister for using the word “Gauleiter”, we were mildly surprised when the Telegraph – which normally has a pretty liberal comment-moderation policy, certainly when it comes to its readers hurling abuse at the Scots – experienced a sudden outbreak of censorship.

Comments on Mr Cochrane’s column – which rumour has it are moderated by Alan himself – referring to the mildly embarrassing hypocrisy started to disappear at a rate of knots. We counted over 22 comments either linking to or quoting our piece which vanished, before the moderator gave up as user after user simply kept re-posting them. The result – as tends to be the case when people try to suppress information on the internet – was the biggest single day’s traffic in Wings Over Scotland’s history. But over and above our daft wee comedy tussle with Mr Cochrane hovers the wider agenda.

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Pot, meet kettle 14

Posted on February 06, 2012 by

We were perhaps a little unfair on Alan Cochrane earlier today. After all, the core of his comment about Alex Salmond’s reaction to being banned from commenting on the Six Nations at the weekend:

“We could be generous and suggest that calling the hapless BBC mandarin a “Gauleiter” displays either an imperfect knowledge of the English language or of 20th century history – or both. But knowing our Dear Leader as we know, it is entirely possible that he thinks it is perfectly all right for him to liken those who dare to defy him as some kind of Nazi. “
(Alan Cochrane, the Telegraph, 5 February 2012)

…is a fair point, strongly made. After all, what sort of thoughtless idiot would casually toss around a highly-charged, potentially-offensive word like “Gauleiter” in reference to an obviously petty and trivial matter?

“I am on the horns of a dilemma this weekend. I have been invited to a posh dinner in the Scottish Parliament later this week and there are to be pre-dinner drinks in the Members’ Bar at Holyrood.

Although I have accepted the dinner invite, I am somewhat constrained in accepting the one to the pre-prandial cocktails. The reason is that the Scottish Parliamentary Journalists’ Association, of which I have the honour to be a member, is boycotting the said watering hole. We have taken this principled – if unusual – stance because we have been offered only limited rights of access by that Gauleiter of Holyrood’s catering facilities, Labour MSP Duncan McNeil.”
(Alan Cochrane, Scotland On Sunday, 22 January 2006*)

Whoops! Still, you have to admit, if the First Minister has sunk to Alan Cochrane’s level, maybe he DOES need to stop and think for a minute about his comportment.

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The two faces of Unionism 4

Posted on February 06, 2012 by

Not that it’s unusual or surprising or anything, but sometimes it’s hard not to raise a smile at the lack of self-awareness and the sheer brass neck of it.

“We could be generous and suggest that calling the hapless BBC mandarin a “Gauleiter” displays either an imperfect knowledge of the English language or of 20th century history – or both. But knowing our Dear Leader as we know, it is entirely possible that he thinks it is perfectly all right for him to liken those who dare to defy him as some kind of Nazi.” (dear old Alan Cochrane, frothing away furiously as usual in the Telegraph today)

The word “gauleiter”, of course, doesn’t necessarily mean a Nazi. According to Collins, it can also simply mean “a person in a position of petty or local authority who behaves in an overbearing authoritarian manner”, which is clearly the sense Alex Salmond used it in at the weekend – and perfectly appropriately, after ludicrously being banned from the BBC’s coverage of the Six Nations. But we were disappointed all the same to hear the FM – normally so careful with words – use a term which would so easily and so certainly be misrepresented by the Unionist media.

However, we’re not sure anybody writing for the Telegraph can be the one to lay any claim that particular moral high ground, as one of the paper’s alert readers pointed out.

I’m sorry, but I cannot agree with the general sense of outrage sparked by calls for an EU bureaucrat – or German gauleiter, as depicted in some quarters – to take control of the Greek economy.”
(Jeremy Warner, the Telegraph, Jan 2012)

“I always love Ken’s attempts to blame Boris Johnson for absolutely everything that’s gone wrong in the world, from global warming to the death of Shergar. Now, game as ever, the old boy is trying to drag City Hall’s despised blond gauleiter into the News of the World hacking affair.” (Andrew Gilligan, the Telegraph, July 2011)

“A section of Ms Britton’s interview concerned itself with how Blair took his church attendance incredibly seriously, how it re-energised him in office when he was exhausted, with his former Gauleiter and evidently still very current image masseur Alastair Campbell popping up to confirm Blair’s duty to his devotions. “ (George Pitcher, the Telegraph, Dec 2009)

Is the Telegraph saying Angela Merkel, Ken Livingstone and Alastair Campbell are all Nazis, then? (The last of those using the capital-G form of the word which Collins specifically notes as normally being used in the Nazi context. And yikes, the first one might conceivably be seen as just a little on the tactless side.) We think someone should investigate. Are you busy today, Mr Cochrane?

This is, of course, all an absolutely standard modus operandi for the Unionist camp – see also their propensity to bleat piously about being called names and bullied by Nat supporters, while simultaneously likening Alex Salmond to a whole string of murderous, psychopathic dictators. We shouldn’t expect anything to change in the next two-and-a-half years: indeed, it’s likely to get a lot worse. But it’s always comforting to have their clumsy, overt hypocrisy laid bare in black and white.

The other side of the coin 0

Posted on February 06, 2012 by

As our fast-growing number of readers (all viewing records broken again last week) will be glad to hear, we’re just about back online after a weekend cursing the ineptitude of the laughably-named TalkTalk Business (“Here to help you 24/7, where by 24/7 we mean 10/5”). We’ve still got a somewhat restricted service, but fortunately enough access to direct you to this excellent piece on Newsnet Scotland, which eschews the site’s unfortunate tendency towards wild-eyed polemic in favour of a calmly insightful and perceptive look at the reality of one of the Unionist camp’s favourite scare stories – that Scotland would be kicked out of the EU if it became independent.

It’s a terrific bit of analysis, pointing out how disastrous such a scenario would be for the rump UK and how it would also mean Scotland being able to walk away from the Union without any share of Britain’s crippling £1trn (and rising) debts. Call us optimists, but we’d love to believe it means the end of that particular tired old canard from the FUDs. We’re not holding our breath, though.

The Scotsman: a user’s guide 9

Posted on February 03, 2012 by

The Scotsman is a big paper (in terms of content if not readership). Today’s issue is 104 pages long, a full five of which are devoted to its front-page lead story. But here at Wings Over Scotland we appreciate that you’re busy people and can’t always afford to devote hefty chunks of your day to reading everything in full, especially when there’s so much happening in the world of Scottish politics at the moment.

So to save you some time we’ve helpfully edited the article down, cutting it off at the point where you can safely stop reading without fear of missing anything. (It doesn’t just work today – any time you see these three words, you can confidently move on.)

“ONE of Scotland’s leading experts on public finance has cast doubt on the Scottish Government’s ability to produce fair and accurate economic reports, ahead of the debate on independence. Professor Arthur Midwinter -“

That’s a good 15 minutes of your life rescued there, in which you can get on and do something more productive and rewarding instead, such as seeing if you can make the sky turn purple just by thinking at it. No need to thank us, it’s all part of the service.

Alex Salmond Dictator-Comparison Bingo! 59

Posted on February 03, 2012 by

It won’t have come as any surprise to SNP supporters that the media – the same one that devoted hundreds of column inches to misrepresenting Joan McAlpine’s “anti-Scottish” comments on Twitter – was today absolutely silent on Labour MP Denis McShane’s comparison of Alex Salmond to Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.

MacShane, who voted in favour of the Iraq War, hasn’t deleted the tweet, despite a storm of protest on Twitter. But he’s only the latest in a long line of Unionist politicians to compare Scotland’s democratically elected First Minister (who as far as we know isn’t implicated in a single death) to murderous genocidal dictators.

Labour in particular are fond of crying about the nasty cybernat “bullies” who occasionally call Labour politicians names online, but those are pseudonymous internet users with not a shred of evidence that any of them are members of – or even vote for – the SNP. We’re not aware of any elected Nat representative or even pro-independence journalist ever having likened Gordon Brown or Tony Blair or Ed Miliband to Hitler, but the brave defenders of the Union have no such scruples. MacShane is merely the latest in a long and ignoble line, so we thought it’d be a good idea to keep track and see if we can get a full house.

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And it was (nearly) all yellow 5

Posted on February 02, 2012 by

There’s a new poll on Holyrood voting intentions out today – a proper Ipsos/MORI one with a valid sample size, not some of the useless micro-polls the press have been getting in a lather about lately – and the results are dramatic.

While the SNP have actually dropped very slightly – down 2 points to 49% – they’ve still extended their lead over Labour, who fall 6 points to an all-time low of 23%. It’s the first time the SNP have ever polled over twice Labour’s figures, and the Nats continue to find favour with more voters than the three main opposition parties combined (at 49% to a total of 46% for the others).

When translated to a predicted outcome via, the spectacular findings are that Labour are reduced to ONE – yes, one – constituency seat (from 15 now), that of Elaine Murray in the Borders constituency of Dumfriesshire. With the exception of the Tories taking back Eastwood from failed Labour leadership candidate Ken McIntosh and holding onto one other Borders seat (Roxburgh & Berwickshire), the rest of the entire Scottish mainland goes canary yellow, with the SNP securing 73 seats overall to increase their Parliamentary majority to 17. It’s quite a picture, no?

Stay positive, Unionists!

Behind our backs 61

Posted on February 02, 2012 by

Proceedings in the House of Lords are little seen by the public. While it’s possible for the determined to locate online coverage in the depths of the internet, very little ever makes it to popular broadcast media, and as a result the general public remains mostly ignorant of what goes on there. So we’d very much recommend you find a few minutes to watch some of this. (Annoyingly requires Microsoft Silverlight.)*

It’s the Lords debate on the Scotland Bill, which took place on the 26th of January 2012. It starts at 11:36.55 in the embedded video above (we think the timestamp on the clip represents the time of day the debate took place), and goes on for some hours. Don’t panic, you don’t need to watch all of it – you’ll get the gist from the first 20 minutes or so, by watching the speeches from Lord Forsyth and Lord Foulkes.

There are no SNP representatives in the House of Lords. This is how they talk about us when we’re out of the room.

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The mask slips 13

Posted on February 01, 2012 by

Among Scotland's professional media, there's a pretty wide consensus that the Herald is the best of a bad bunch when it comes to fair and balanced reporting. It's arguably Scotland's only genuine remaining "quality" newspaper, the Scotsman having to most intents and purposes become a large-format tabloid, full of shrieking headlines and "SNP accused" churnalism fed by Unionist-party press releases. While openly opposed to independence, the Herald offers regular commentary from all sides of the political spectrum, takes a mostly non-partisan line in editorial and rarely allows overt bias to seep into its news coverage.

Every now and again, though, it lets its guard down.

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Premature evaluation 1

Posted on February 01, 2012 by

There could have been nothing more predictable in the independence debate than that the Unionist parties, having furiously demanded a clear, simple, yes/no question for the last eight months, would be in a tumultuous rage when they finally got one. The First Minister had barely announced the Scottish Government’s chosen ten-word proposition to the Scottish people when a chorus of angry voices in the Unionist camp were on the airwaves denouncing it as “leading”, “unfair” and “rigged”.

Supposed experts were hastily summoned to explain to us how the phrasing of the question was designed to lead brainless voters down a “cognitive chute”, because the poor stupid Scottish electorate had no idea of what the SNP meant by “independent”. The Telegraph leapt into action, conducting its own polls with various possible versions of the question in an attempt to demonstrate how widely responses could be altered by simple changes in wording. It then swiftly wrote up the results in doom-laden terms, thundering in the article’s strapline that:

“The “loaded” question Alex Salmond wants to ask in the Scottish independence referendum leads to at least a 10-point increase in public support for ending the Union”

That analysis came a little TOO swiftly, as it turned out.

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    • Patsy Millar on Things happen slowly: “I suppose it must give you a wee bit of satisfaction to know that this latest ‘scoop’ is a rehash…Oct 6, 13:58
    • Fiona on Things happen slowly: “Eventually…when forced , is spot on….. Also correct about the imperial masters protection, now that our country is almost milked…Oct 6, 13:57
    • Robert Hughes on The whole caboodle: “I don’t have the slightest interest in ” educating ” you , pal . I put those links up for…Oct 6, 13:55
    • Sven on Things happen slowly: “To be known, it seems, as the PM’s “Envoy to the Regions”. An envoy being, I vaguely recall, some type…Oct 6, 13:49
    • Alf Baird on The whole caboodle: ““Make it crystal clear beforehand that winning a majority of Scottish seats at WM, or a majority of seats at…Oct 6, 13:48
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “I didn’t expect any “mobile gas van” references before the anniversary tomorrow. Congrats on getting in early.Oct 6, 13:38
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    • Confused on The whole caboodle: “Ellis fears the mobile gas van. “reading the room”  – whistle a happy tune, statistical fluctuations and all that, the…Oct 6, 13:21
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    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “Applying logic to the situation Martyman? It’ll never catch on amongst the “usual suspects”. Their worldview doesn’t extend much beyond…Oct 6, 12:53
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    • diabloandco on The whole caboodle: “I did enjoy that! Thank you.Oct 6, 12:49
    • Andy Ellis on Things happen slowly: “There must be a competition to decide the epitaph. It should be decided by the greatest number of pluses in…Oct 6, 12:46
    • Hatey McHateface on Things happen slowly: “One day, somewhere in Scotland, there will be a lifesize statue of Rev Stu. On the plinth will be his…Oct 6, 12:44
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    • McHaggis69 on The whole caboodle: “You see – this is lie number one. Planning is reserved in Scotland and Freeports don’t change that fact by…Oct 6, 12:23
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    • Ian McCubbin on Things happen slowly: “Let’s hope the all at once happenings are soon. Snp with Swinney at the helm is incredibly close to falling…Oct 6, 12:16
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