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Wings Over Scotland

In half with a knife

Posted on July 19, 2013 by

This must be a sad day for the deputy leader of the Labour Party in Scotland. After all, we’ve spent much of the last few weeks hearing how very uncomfortable Scottish Labour types are with the idea of their relatives becoming “foreigners”.


So the news that Anas Sarwar’s dad has decided to renounce being a proud Scot and return to his native Pakistan must have come as quite a blow. Our sympathies to the Sarwar family on this terrible and upsetting division. Damn separatists.

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31 to “In half with a knife”

  1. Bugger (the Panda)

    just chortles

  2. Erchie

    I would be surprised if Mr Sarwar Jr had uttered any of the “foreigner” garbage. I would put a few quid on him having family in Pakistan and elsewhere anpresumably ly does nothave the same distaste for foreigners as his colleagues

  3. Jiggsbro

    I assume he’ll be sectioned when he tries to fly out. No one in their right mind would just give up British citizenship, so mental illness is likely. But to do that – to voluntarily become foreign – is nothing compared to the madness of moving to Pakistan, a country which separated from India, which had rejected Britain. As a region which has suffered double independence, and so become a basket-case with no influence, there can be nothing there which could persuade someone to give up being British. In Britain. So he’s mad, no question about it, and he needs to be taken to a place of safety where he can be treated and given time out to think about what he’s planning to do. It’s for his own good.

  4. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    “I would be surprised if Mr Sarwar Jr had uttered any of the “foreigner” garbage.”

    Indeed. When I was compiling the quotes for “Foreigner Watch” I remember thinking it was odd that he hadn’t been called on to repeat the line all the other senior TLPiS types were trotting out. And curiously, the only recorded instance I can find of him using the word is from a Commons debate in January where he disowned it:

    “No one on the Labour Benches used the words ‘foreigners’ or ‘border controls’.”

    Maybe someone should ask him his opinion of the line next time he’s on telly. Yeah, right.

  5. sneddon

    Maybe he craves the security of a country with  nuclear weapons.  Although the politics of Pakistan may be a shock to him as I understand that unlike in Glasgow,  there is some sort of political accountability (granted it’s called the army but ye know what I mean)

  6. Davy

    So is he going to be a “foreigner” or a “better together foreigner” (BTF), you know the type of foreigner who totally destroys family’s, society’s and country’s depending on which political party you support. Compared to an ordinary foreigner who is normally just a friend you haven’t met.
    Vote YES, Vote Scotland.

  7. CameronB

    @ Jiggsbro
    Apparently he has been offered a job in London, so he wont be leaving the blessed shores of good old Blighty.

  8. Atypical_Scot

    London is his final destination as a Pakistani politician. He’s off to pick up his brief. 

  9. Bugger (the Panda)

    It says Pakistani High Commissioner in London in the graphic above.

  10. Jiggsbro

    Apparently he has been offered a job in London, so he wont be leaving the blessed shores of good old Blighty.
    He’s off to Pakistan for a meeting with Nawaz Sharif. I assume that’ll take him a couple of months, because there’ll be no transport at all in an independent squared country, so he has time to come to his senses. When he sees the wasteland that independence created in the wasteland that independence created, he’ll come crawling back to Britain.

  11. Atypical_Scot

    He’s turned down the London job to settle in Pakistan running the Punjab. 

  12. Bill C

    Just wondering what happened to ‘Better Together’?

  13. CameronB

    Independence squared.  🙂

  14. SCED300

    It can’t be anything to do with Independence Referendum, as according to the better Togethers and David Cameron et al, the vote for Independence is tiny, no remote chance of it happening.
    It can’t be a the thought of seeing another Conservative Government in power, as they are all saying the status quo is the best possible thing for Scotland.
    Maybe it is the thought of now having to be so British, that to move an inch from the position from being British will bring a ton of British bricks down on his head, from the Big British down south, and the superBritish Labour Party (North Brition, Non Separation Division).

  15. rgweir

    The history of this man is intersesting,It seems he came to Scotland with nothing and worked hard to build up his vast wealth.
    Fair play to the guy but there is a couple of things i would like to know.
    First is he moving back Pakistan for good,Second is he moving his money to Pakistan.
    There are a lot of people in Scotland who came here and built a business and decided to stay,Look back at the many Italians who settled here and opened chip shops and cafe’s.There is one i know and use that is run by an italian family and they have their grandparents working in them.
    Mr Sarwar will not be living in the Pakistan that we see on the TV,Dirt poor and just getting by.Mr Sarwar will be living well away from the lower class Pakistani’s.

  16. Bugger (the Panda)

    Do you think he has seen the polls and is legging it to Pakistan to secure his pension, now that the road to ermine is going to be blocked?

  17. Iain More

    We could always invade Pakistan and make them all Bwitish again. Oh wait a minute our Lords and Masters let them have nuclear weapons. OOPS!
    Oh wait a minute again! Have they any oil? Nah! Invasion off! Oh well they will just have to be foreigners then!

  18. CameronB

    @ Atypical_Scot
    That was a joke? I had heard he is to become the Paul Bremer of Balochistan. 🙂

  19. Atypical_Scot

    @Cameron B;
    maybe Thrown_Together have sent him to study match fixing?

  20. Dal Riata

    You may be right enough when questioning Sarwar Junior’s use of ‘others’ as foreigners, but as much as he may not like it, he is a prominent member of Scottish Labour, a party that * has* used the term ‘foreigners’ in a derogatory sense when asserting that family members would become foreigners to Scots should they be living in another country post-Scottish independence.
    If Sarwar Junior’s party, Scottish Labour, is going to allow this kind of scaremongering terminology to be in the public domain then it is going to be perceived as the thinking and belief of *all* the party members, reluctantly or not.

  21. Doug Daniel

    I hope they’re prepared for their expenses bills to suddenly double in size. For all his wealth, Mr Moneybags sure loved making the taxpayer shell out to support the life he became accustomed to when he was an MP.
    I wonder if this will negatively impact Anas at all? Glasgow politicos are talking about a void opening up in Glasgow Labour, so Sarwar Snr obviously still has a lot of influence, which I suspect Anas has utilised fully to get where he is now.

  22. Dave McEwan Hill

    Just as well none of the charges stuck

  23. Hazel Lewry

    Oh, sorry. Haven’t a sensible word to say. I’ve laughed so hard at this I’m still mopping up!

  24. The Rough Bounds

    I had to pass through his constituency just a few years ago. I have rarely seen a more depressing place. Sick looking people, broken pavements, broken windows, bookies and litter everywhere.
    Sarwar is a multi millionaire. It didn’t look to me like he cared much for his Scottish constituents. I doubt if he will care for the average Pakistani either.
    Pakistan is welcome to him; he won’t be missed in Scotland.

  25. Manic Monday

    Another blow for the NO Scotland campaign. Its falling apart by the day
    How can Anas or A darling say that our relatives in England will be foreigners if we votes YES in 2014?

  26. Kendomacaroonbar

    Manic Monday
    google  1949 Ireland Act and look at section 2 which states that Ireland is not deemed to be a foreign country.

    its unbelievable that the BT guys try to convince us that Scotland would be considered foreign upon independence

  27. Training Day

    Can he not retain British citizenship if we declare Islamabad as UK sovereign territory?

  28. Davymcc

    Does he still get a postal vote?
    Nudge Nudge.Wink Wink,Smiley face.

  29. john king

    dont let the door hit you on the anas on the way out, 
    soor ploom anyone? 🙂

  30. TYRAN

    Pakistan and India are Better Together as British Raj, separate Pakistan breaking away, tearing apart, Dear Leader Jinnah, Sepratist Sarwar, blah, blah

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