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Wings Over Scotland

Missing Memory Man

Posted on May 17, 2024 by

We watched Question Time last night for the first time in about nine years, and this comment from SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn raised an eyebrow.

Because we couldn’t remember ANY times that Flynn had publicly expressed any problems with the Scottish Greens during their governing alliance.

So we checked, as we do, and sure enough:

We can only assume that Humza Yousaf must have come up with such an alternative proposal, because as soon as he announced he was kicking the Greens out, Flynn jumped right on board, praising his great “leadership”.

We’re still struggling to find evidence of Flynn voicing any opposition to the Bute House Agreement BEFORE Yousaf ended it (and immediately afterwards, his own reign as First Minister), though. If any readers find any that we’ve missed, do send it in.

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It would appear that Flynn suffers from Sturgeonitis.

Cameron Lochiel

Flynn’s body language when Eck was talking was in stark contrast to that of Màiri McAllan, who sat transfixed, eyes agape, occasionally shaking her head, probably because she was confused by the words being articulated.

On the substantive point, though, Flynn is trying to remodel himself, probably with a view to being SNP leader – I nearly typed FM there! As such, he’s certainly going to have to engage in a spot of revisionist history, almost as much as Imelda.

Finally, Fiona Bruce is an exceptionally poor host. The show is dreadful enough, but she brings nothing good to the table with her fatuous remarks and histrionics

Hatey McHateface

voters would not “take kindly to us navel-gazing”

Oh I don’t know.

Every time they knuckle down to doing something else the results are very much less than adequate.

So maybe a prolonged period of navel-gazing would be the preferred and safest option for us long-suffering Scottish tax payers.


– while he put it to his lips, he “never inhaled”, is that it?

I bought a ticket, but never got on the ride?

John C

I watched that bit & was bemused. I know some politicians lie openly, but this was brazen, though I don’t think the audience bought it overall. I also found Flynn’s comments when questioned about Cass bizarre & I can only think he was trying to get it off the topic by being as disingenuous as possible.

Also, I found the audience reactions when Cass was discussed interesting. Question Time audiences are hardly a good judge of the general public’s opinion but it’s still interesting to see Trans/Queer theory being treated so negatively & certainly it makes Labour’s shift away from it a smart move. It’s also extraordinary that lawmakers like Flynn have clearly not read it, and I saw Kirsty Blackman admitting on her Twitter account that’d she’d not read it. This is their job to read, understand and work out how such report shape future policy.

The other thing that came out of that is there needs to be a serious conversation about energy, including oil and gas obviously. I suspect the votes Labour may gain in the North East of Scotland in regards their position on Cass will be offset by their position on oil and gas.


Wasn’t it Flynn that persuaded / told Humza to ditch the Greens?


Just like the whole Bute agreement, what exactly was the point of him too?

I’m still scratching my head over that disastrous move too.

John C

Finally, Fiona Bruce is an exceptionally poor host. The show is dreadful enough, but she brings nothing good to the table with her fatuous remarks and histrionics

Her treatment of Flynn (as much as I found Flynn evasive and just clearly lying) was out of hand, especially when she gave Sarwar a relatively easy ride. I also think she goes to parts of the UK and completely fails to understand local issues as time and time again on Question Time she’s left looking lost when people discuss what’s important to them where they live. She’s happier discussing Westminster issues and UK wide talking points.


He’d be a lousy poker player. He has so many ‘tells’ when he’s lying. That smug wee smile and trying to avoid blinking. Obviously he’s had them pointed out, but hard to suppress.

I’m sure Starmer would love to see Flynn as SNP leader, whenever he opens his mouth his whole body language leaks insincerity. Some people are like that. They can say all the right things, but there’s something about them that makes your hackles bristle. The you just know you won’t buy whatever he says he’s selling.


John C

They don’t read things because the memo they were given stipulated “no debate”

That’s how this Queer nonsense has run rampant despite public opinion.

The reason they don’t debate it is because it falls apart under even under the flimsiest of scrutiny & then they turn on the drama.

Blackman doesn’t even know what genitals she has & announced that to the whole world via Westminster – despite birthing children. LOL The fairies must’ve left them..

Campbell Clansman

Notice how Flynn (good Irish name, BTW) does the thing most mealy-mouthed politicians do when challenged with a question–tries to change the topic.
“The important point here …” is one of the 8 tricks “Yes Prime Minister” identified as ways to evade answering a question.


He has modeled himself on Tony Blair and David Cameron, and look where that got us. He’s wee and sleekit, ready for the main chance.


A better politician would have answered that question without being seen to stab his Green partners in the back.

But I’m glad he’s another two-faced egoist — his instincts and skill-set will be useful when the walls come tumbling down and he turns on the skank.

Anyone know the difference between ‘perverting the course of justice’ and ‘attempting to defeat the ends of justice’ ?

David Hannah

I watched it earlier. Young cardinal Steven Flynn raised my eyebrows when he said he’d be comfortable with teachers guiding his children…

Below the surface he’s a full on believer of gender ideology. Him and Mhairi Black as they clink champagne and eat lobster on the Westminster terrace.

He’s a fake. He’s a backstabber. He’s a plotter. I suspect he plotted Blackford’s downfall as well as Humza Yousafs. We know they met in a bowling club. Which was a fitting venue for an SNP meeting.

They couldn’t run a bowling club never mind run the country.

Flynn is the reason I’ll never vote SNP again. He loves gender ideology.

Salmond put him in his place when he said we’re finally bringing reason and science to this toxic debate.

Ban gender ideology in schools. ASAP.

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon – in the closet. Where she belongs. Read her words today.

Stomach churning divisive poison from Nicola Sturgeon.

In the closet. And afraid. Where she belongs.

We don’t care for what you have to say anymore NICOLA. We hope you’re Nicked alongside lavender Pete!

David Hannah

Flynn. Trampling on old friends to climb the ladder – He’ll be replaced by a tory in due course!

The people of Aberdeen want oil and gas. Not wind turbines. And his party failed to set up the state owned renewables energy company.

Everytime you look at Flynn. Remember the ScotWind auction. His mob gave away Scotland’s renewables energy future. He’s poision.

And he’s poison for his children. I hope he daren’t transition them. You can tell he’s reading him the same books provided by Mhairi Black via flowjob! A terrible father. Too busy clinking champagne on the Westminister terrace.

That’s a fact!


“The important point here …” is one of the 8 tricks “Yes Prime Minister” identified as ways to evade answering a question.

This was and still is one of my all time favourite TV shows, when you watch it it is still all current despite being written over 40 years ago.
If you watch the EU episodes they still apply, well before brexit and everything else was even a twinkle in yo mommas eye

David Hannah

Last thing I’ll say. How many children have been harmed by Steven Flynn, and the SNPs sexualisation of schools?

His friends and him voted for gender self ID remember. The damaged children should haunt him for the rest of his life.

He’s put them all at risk of harm. Flynn has done that!


Alex Salmonds showed once again his class. He was head and shoulders above the rest. A great loss to frontline Scottish politics.

Charles (not the R one)

Hatuey says:
17 May, 2024 at 1:57 pm

Anyone know the difference between
1.‘perverting the course of justice’ and
2.‘attempting to defeat the ends of justice’ ?

In the first case, justice WAS perverted.

In the second case, the accused TRIED to pervert justice, but by some means was stopped before managing to do it


Watched PMQ’s last night Salmond still has it, next to the other dolts he knew what he was talking about, and he easily put Anas Sarwar and Stephen Flynn in their places.

I was rather surprised that LBC host Iain Dale who professed to being a quarter Scottish said that he would vote for Scottish independence, and that Scots have a right to vote for Scottish independence.

At times Stephen Flynn looked really disinterested as Alex Salmond spoke a few home truths with the SNP in mind, and he revealed that Labour’s policy with oil and gas in mind would also see the shedding of around one hundred thousand jobs in the Aberdeen area.

Alex Salmond is head and shoulders above any politician in Scotland right now as it clearly showed in the QT programme last night, is it any wonder the unionists parties and the SNP/Greens fear him.

I couldn’t say whether or not Flynn wanted the BHA with the Greens dissolved before last nights programme, he did however appear to agree that the Cass Review/Report actions should be implemented after governmental scrutiny, however politicians are renowned for saying one thing and backing another.


He missed a couple of easy goals I thought.

When Labour were in power at Holyrood they built 6 homes for rent in a 5 year period but
Now say SNP’s 10’s of thousands of homes is unacceptable.

The Tories claim to be looking after Scotland?
Look at the their Broken Britain today with their disaster Brexit and wasted money projects PPE and HS2.
The Scots recognise the Tories for what they are and that is why they have been consistently rejected for 75 years in a row.
They will again be wiped out in Scotland at the next election.

doug bryce

To be fair to Stephen Flynn…
He DID speak up in favour of oil and a managed energy transition on multiple occasions. One of the few voices in SNP who did openly critisce the windfall tax (for the correct reasons)

link to

Iain More

Kicking the backstabbing Greens out of the Govt is very definitely in the Scottish National Interest. I think just kicking them IN THE NUTS is also in the Scottish National Interest.But none of them have any baws so it is an act of futility. Now how do we get all the Anti Indy Queers out of the Scottish Govt?

Ruby Tuesday

I was very confused about the answers to the question about gender idiology being taught in schools and what the Cass Report had to do with that.

Your help would be appreciated.

Ruby Tuesday

The other point that confused me was Flynn bringing up the tragic story of Iain Duncan Smith’s sister who died of ovarian cancer.

Flynn claims she didn’t have access to the health care required to treat ovarian cancer but that is not true.

She had the same access to health care as any other woman but the problem was that she didn’t believe she was a woman.

It’s a really tragic story.

I read it a good few years ago.

If you are going to claim for example that trans men are men and it is very important for that person to believe they are male then that person will not avail themselves for smear tests and also if the person’s sex is registered as male they will not be called for a smear test.

‘Gender Idiology’ caused the death of this woman.

Iain Duncan Smith referring to his sister as his brother definitely didn’t help.

I will try to find a link to the story for those who haven’t read it and post it later.

Flynn was talking about this story as if it were something that happened recently.

John C

Blackman doesn’t even know what genitals she has & announced that to the whole world via Westminster

Blackman knows exactly what a woman is, the realities of sex & that gender is bollocks. She’s so far down the rabbit hole that she can’t admit that so we get this performative nonsense in order for her to keep in with the Queer Stasi. I suspect she’ll end up losing her job as an MP before she even begins to admit she’s a reality denier.

John C

The people of Aberdeen want oil and gas. Not wind turbines. And his party failed to set up the state owned renewables energy company.

There’s no reason to have both for now. It shouldn’t be a zero sum game, especially as carbon based fuel isn’t going to be around forever & will get increasingly difficult to get in decades to come.

Of course if the SNP/Greens hadn’t flogged off ScotWind for a pittance essentially privatising what should be a nationalised industry, we might have better control over it. Especially as there will have to be a transition point so get in retraining and establishing new industries now rather than a decade down the line.

John C

I was very confused about the answers to the question about gender idiology being taught in schools and what the Cass Report had to do with that.

If you mean Flynn’s answer I don’t think anyone bar Flynn knows what on earth he was talking about. I think what he was trying to do was get off the subject but he just ended up sounding like he wasn’t listening, which when it comes to Cass, sums the SNP up perfectly.


link to

“My brother died of ovarian cancer’: Why Deputy Lords Speaker Ian Duncan is campaigning for trans health”

It’s a very sad story.

“He was very nearly getting the whole package together,” says Duncan. “And then it was blown apart by a legacy of his former self.”



You’d think his time would be better spent campaigning against his chums privatising the NHS.

Sounds like he couldn’t afford healthcare so didn’t bother.

That’s not the fault of ignorance but of funding.


I seldom watch QT but I am glad I did last night. It was refreshing to listen to Alex Salmond giving clear answers to the questions. It left Stephen Flynn with a very glazed and dazed looked on his face. He was, in contrast to Salmond, lacking in coherent arguments. These arguments he should have had at the tips of his fingers and he should have been able to deliver them convincingly.
No wonder Sturgeon wanted rid of Salmond permanently; he makes anyone in the Scottish government and in Westminster look as if they are struggling achieve the status of second rate.
OT there is an interesting piece in Yours for Scotland on the question of ferries. I’ve written to the different Transport Ministers for Scotland about the Stuart Ballantyne offer on two occasions and got tripe as answers. CalMac vs Stuart Ballantyne is a no-brainer except for the Scottish Government, it seems.


He’s a horrible, nasty man and such a lightweight. Can’t understand why he’s touted as leadership material. Then again, I understand it only too well.


Grouser @ 17.00.
The insurmountable obstacle to both Prof Baird & Dr Ballantyne is, I fear, that not only do both have immense goodwill towards Scotland, more importantly they each have years of proven expertise in the field of marine engineering.
There is just no way that anyone even halfway competent could ever be permitted within touching distance of any of our devolved administration. The comparison between our self interested career politicians and professional men who actually want to do good rather than just look good would never be permitted.


John C says:
17 May, 2024 at 1:09 pm

I also think she goes to parts of the UK and completely fails to understand local issues as time and time again on Question Time she’s left looking lost when people discuss what’s important to them where they live. She’s happier discussing Westminster issues and UK wide talking points.

As always, it’s in the name, she works for the British Broadcasting Corporation.

It’s the role of her and the company she works for to present a British perspective in it’s output but for politics, a lot of it is devolved.

The only things that are British are the big issues like the economy, defence and foreign policy which while is important, people are more interested in more pressing issues like health, education and policing.

Ruby Wednesday

Alex Salmond is the best. Here’s a link to last weeks show.

link to

Spartan 117

Been many years since I watched QT, mainly due to the pish-poor standard of panellists and the equally knobbled audiences that always seemed to feature left-wing activists.

Nuggets like the above Snip WM “Leader” continue to keep my opinion of politicians lower than criminals, they’d deny the sky was blue if it suited them.

Agent x

“Trans Scots paedo caught with three children in his home avoids prison

Ryan Scott, who was convicted of a similar offence as a female called Coral Scott last year, was placed under social work supervision for three years.”

A transgender sex offender who was caught with three vulnerable children locked in his home has avoided a prison sentence.

By the time police officers forced open paedophile Ryan Scott’s door he had already been engaged in sexual activity with a 14-year-old girl.

Scott, 21, – who was convicted of a similar offence as a female called Coral Scott last year – was placed under social work supervision for three years.
link to

Ridiculous sentence.

agent x

Compare my previous comment to:

Teacher Rebecca Joynes faces lengthy jail sentence after being found guilty of sex with schoolboys

‘Sexual predator’ told to be under no illusion about sentencing after jury returns unanimous verdict after trial at Manchester Crown Court”
link to

Billy Carlin

Geri 10 May 2024 5;14pm

The NHS has always been Private – It is registered on Dun & Bradstreet and is being traded on the New York Stock Exchange as is every single NHS Hospital and Doctors Surgery etc and they are all worth $BILLIONS at least and are there for the simple purpose of creating massive PROFITS for the Private Drug Companies and the Mafias that own and control all of them including the Private Corporation Governments etc.

Question Time is a limited hangout programme on the BBC Private Corporation that is also registered on Dun & Bradstreet and being traded on the New York Stock Exchange for PROFIT as well and also worth $BILLIONS at least as well while they rob the people of a TV Licence to be BRAINWASHED and INDOCTRINATED with LIES and PROPAGANDA by this corrupt Private Corporation on behalf of these Mafias that own and control it and the Governments etc – You will NOT get anyone on that programme or on any other mainstream media talking about any of this or about the corrupt Debt and Interest and Inflation Banking and Financial System SCAM that is controlling our countries and destroying our economies and the FACT that our governments should be printing their own Debt and Interest and Inflation FREE money with absolutely NO need for taxes the way it used to be as per the Greenback Dollar and Bradbury Pound etc.

The only bit of the NHS that does any good is the ER with regard to saving people lives with emergencies etc – the rest of it is poisoning people with TOXIC Drugs and Vaccines creating so called diseases and cancer etc creating lifelong customers and PROFITS for the Drug Companies.

Got to laugh with one of the voters top concerns is the NHS when people are responsible for their OWN health and it is their OWN fault they get so called diseases and cancer etc because of all of the TOXINS they stuff into themselves or allow the Health Service to put into them via the TOXIC Drugs and Vaccines etc or via the TOXIC Radiation from their Mobile Phones, WI-FI, Smart Meters etc because they are too lazy to actually use their brains to research things for themselves – plenty of Doctors and other Experts out there been warning about all of this for decades at least about all of this with EVIDENCE while most of the dumb masses will not look beyond the corrupt controlled mainstream media and political parties etc.

“The Public has become a race of brain-washed drug addicts, with doctors acting as unpaid salesman for gigantic drug combines. Their victims pay the salesmen. And neither salesman nor victims will listen.” – Dr Ulric Williams.

Some excellent books for those who want to learn of the QUACKERY and CORRUPTION of the medical system :

“Virus Mania – How The Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense.”

“The Final Pandemic – An Antidote To Medical Tyranny – Dr Mark Bailey & Dr Samantha Bailey.”

“Can You Catch A Cold – Untold History & Human Experiments – Daniel Roytas.”

“Deadly Medicines And Organised Crime – How Big Pharma Has Corrupted health Care – Peter C Gotzsche.”

“What Really Makes You Ill – Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong – Dawn Lester & David Parker.”

Andrew scott

How come this pervert is not in jail???
Like theMelrose butcher


Andrew, because he’s under 26 and therefore (according to ScotGov) not a mature adult. Utter madness.


Billy Carlin
do you have a tinfoil hat? 🙂


Winge for the day

Jack appearing like a colonial Viceroy again.

Constance – releases more prisoners, how long before the first low risk prisoner stabs somone and appear in the papers.

More Gaza sorry to gear it but nothing I can do but an interesting lesson for nationalists. These folk in london don’t give a jot about how many are killed, why do you think they will play ball with you.

Police Scotland arrest a journalist, was he posing as a journalist dident know there was such a thing; n scotland now.

Someone promoted to minister whining about not being able to sit in a car!!! Fuck me the bar is low these days.

Greens self implode

GMB calling a strike!! Is there an election due??

Another minister talks about stress

Given talks about europe , you missed that bus plonker

Youth seem to think they are getting back into europe. Nicola told that bus to drive on

Gender for a better future, well that bus has passed as well

Westminser didn’t treat me well whine whine

Women are under represented, i think we need more clarity on the type of women.

If this is the best the nationalists have, Scotland is goosed.

Far from extreme I Am overwhelmed by the despair in the whole lot of them.

Andrew scott

@ anduelette

The Flying Iron of Doom

Rob says:
17 May, 2024 at 10:33 pm

Billy Carlin
do you have a tinfoil hat? ?

I suggest a new Scottish term for this:

Bacofoil bonnet n. (Scot.) Headwear fabricated from thinly-pressed aluminium, worn to block or reflect imagined electromagnetic radiation; a wearer of such


You only have to look at this man to see the duplicitous sleekit creep that couldn’t lie straight in bed

Robert Louis

Stephen Flynn – one of many careerists in the SNP. Independence is just a word to the likes of Stephen.

The SNP, the ‘devolution-lite’ careerist party.

Ruby Tuesday

Franchise Fanny says

I’m saying that plenty of Scots are not “ethnically” Scottish.

Oh aye?

This is surreal it reminds me of the Magrite painting
“Ceci n’est pas une pipe’

Plenty of Scots are not Scots.
Plenty of English people are not English.
Plenty of Irish are not Irish
Plenty of Welsh people are not Welsh.
Plenty of Geordies are not Geordies
Plenty of Muslims are not Muslims

Ach I suppose we’ll need to get used to this type of surrealism what with all the self-id and having to accept that

Plenty of women aren’t women.

I quite fancy being Irish today. I’m off to learn how.

link to

I’m wondering if you can say Barry’s tea is barry?

Whit Jaffa cakes are Irish?
I never knew that!

I think it might take a few lessons before I can pass as Irish.


Aye. Theres something very unlikeable about that guy.

James Che

I took notes on a small detail
He said,

“Every one was put in place for a reason”

Well you just need to look at the state of Scotland and the legislation thats been passed since the original agreement, to observe the reasons,

James Che

Billy Carlin,

Is the Bank of England a private registered Corporation?

I think it used to be a corporation, not sure if was registered at a early date or if they have scammed their way around it.


Salmond was the only person if substance in the platform on Thursday.

The only chance the SNP has is to get him back but the people in charge know they will be our a job and facing jail. If they keep him out it is only their jobs they lose.


@James Che, no the BoE is not a privatised corporation. It was fully nationalised in 1946.

James Che


Thank you for response,

So does that imply that it was a private Corporation prior to and from 1707 until 1946.

I was wondering how the national debt of great- britain could be a shared national debt when the bank of England was a private Corporation, and not the bank of great britain until 1946,


Hello again James Che, it was in effect fully private till 1931* but there was, legally very tight control on what it could or couldn’t do. As for the national Debt, that would be very difficult to quantify as it changes so much over time. For instance here in the UK it was astronomically high after the Napoleonic wars. That was paid off completely over 90 years, so by the beginning of the 20th century. Since then it has built up again, obviously. There was a huge global rise in national debt for many countries post covid. The BoE is now functionally independent of government but still owned by the state. It has no shareholders and pays no dividends.
*In 1931 the Government assumed a great deal more control, possibly because of the Great Depression and debt from WW1. This culminated in the total nationalisation of 1948.


Bit of a car crash on QT.

Claimed the SNP housing program was a success, the day after the housing emergency was announced.

James Che


Thanks again, for helping out with my question?

John McGregor

Does anybody know when the Salmond v sturgeon trial is going ahead ???

Alex Montrose

am I still banned?

Alex Montrose

am I still banned? if so why?

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