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Wings Over Scotland

Traitor Pete

Posted on November 09, 2022 by

As you might expect, our return to Twitter yesterday caused quite a commotion among the more sensitive flowers on the social media platform. At the head of the pouting mob was of course our dear old pal SNP MP Pete Wishart, who was clutching his pearls as usual about such terrible elements as ourselves – “vile abusers” – putting people off independence.

And at such times, it’s useful to remember how much he cares about independence:

Because by his own admission, Pete Wishart would sell out Scottish independence at its most crucial moment for the sake of getting to wear the Speaker’s silk gown – adorned on special state occasions with golden lace, frogs and a wig – in the House Of Commons and uphold all its ancient traditions like a good little Briton.

Scotland’s whole future, 300 years of struggle to regain control of its own destiny, could hang in the balance, held solely in the hands of one man, and rather than disappoint the grey eminences of the British establishment and risk being frowned upon in their oak-panelled subsidised dining rooms, Pete Wishart would say “No”.

(We don’t know if you get an even bigger pension for being the Speaker than the £50,000 or so a year that Wishart will trouser when he leaves the UK Parliament after 20 years of spectacular non-achievement, but we’d be prepared to hazard a guess.)

There’s a word to describe people like that, which is never used on Wings, but we’re making an exception just this once.

0 to “Traitor Pete”

  1. Margaret L says:

    Well let’s face it, for “Cosy Toes Pete” a wig would make a vast improvement. But let’s face it, the vast majority of them would sell their grannies, mother’s, Wives and daughters to keep a hold of their power/positions/fat salaries. Oh wait…

  2. Margaret L says:

    PS, welcome back.

  3. Cuilean says:

    There are many repulsive sides to this most infamous of British toadies, but his dental homage to the brown Callanish Standing Stones must be up there.

  4. Cameron Lochiel says:

    You’re living rent free in his head, his car, his spare bedroom, his loft and his socks

  5. Alastair Naughton says:

    That’s a little charitable isn’t it, Stu? I can think of words for more, shall we say, colourful, to describe this Quisling! But you’ve certainly got the right idea! 🙂

  6. Geri says:

    Do you ever wish Murphy had just decked him in the lobby?
    He’s a pure fanny who baits for attention. Is there any Yes followers still left on his feed?

  7. twathater says:

    I am absolutely fucking disgusted at this sell out merchant , I was totally unaware that this FAKE indy politician believed that this betrayal of the people of Scotland would be accepted , BUT there again his leader and the rest of his fellow cringing cowardly excuses for Scottish representatives have shown themselves for the unionists that they are

    HTAF could anyone who was aware of this statement vote for this piece of offal

  8. Confused says:



  9. Rab Davis says:


    Had a good chuckle after hearing some guy got arrested for throwing eggs at the English parasite, wife murdering King Charlie the Turd.

  10. Bugger the Panda says:

    The French word used in France during WW2 was


    Works in English too.

  11. Hartley Robinson says:

    Welcome back. Go get ’em.

  12. sarah says:

    Anybody feel like drawing this to The National’s attention? Seems like ideal front-page material.

  13. Rab Davis says:

    Sarah 6.20pm

    Here’s what was said about it in The National on September 2019.

    link to

  14. ian foulds says:

    welcome back.

    nice to see you start as you mean to go on.


  15. Geri says:

    Hedging his bets for a job as the election before 2019 gave him a thumping majority of ummm…


    *Gies a job* Pete. Desperate to cling on to the WM tit.:D

  16. Dan says:

    A wee reminder of just how effectual sending Scottish MPs to Westminster is.
    There’s an awful lot of taxpayers’ dosh been spent over the years paying Scottish politicians very well for achieving next to nowt.

    link to

  17. sarah says:

    @ Rab Davis: Thanks for the extremely efficient, speedy, tracking down of this article!

    However it doesn’t report his acceptance that he would have to vote against independence in the event of a tied vote. I wonder if they ever reported that.

    But what it does say is mildly interesting- it quotes P Wishart as saying “I will work flat out for independence” instead of standing as Speaker.

    Has anybody seen any evidence of him doing that?

    And another reason for wanting to be Speaker is that no-one stands against the Speaker in a General Election. Comfy position indeed. 🙂

  18. Highland Wifie says:

    So good to see you back.

    And delighted that you’ve started as you mean to go on – contrite, discreet and unobtrusive, lol. Keep up the good work!

  19. Republicofscotland says:

    Wishart, is a Judas, a Benedict Arnold, a backstabbing treacherous b*stard, I haven’t a good word to say about the man.

  20. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Sarah (6.54) –

    “I will work flat out for independence”

    Flat out on his back more like.

    I love this post. It’s a return to the ‘X Is A Liar’ posts back in the day and no one is more deserving of one than PW. He’s a national disgrace and every bilious remark he’s aimed at Stu and this place over the years is nothing more than projection.

  21. Mike says:

    The speaker gets the same salary as the PM and gets a pension of 50% of their final salary so about £75-80k p/a.

  22. George Ferguson says:

    I think the chances of Pete Wishart being the Speaker are infinitesimal, so its hypothetical. But his use of words ie vile to describe the wrong kind of Independence supporters is concerning. One definition of vile I like, “There isn’t anything more vile than intellectual dishonesty”. Standing for a supposedly Independence party and willing to support a casting vote against Independence is the definitive act of vile behaviour.
    Good luck to For Women Scotland this week in your legal action. Tremendous inspiration you are providing.

  23. David Beveridge says:

    I can’t wait to see that clown out on his treacherous arse at the next GE. It’ll be worth staying up half the night just for that. Hopefully the whole rancid cesspit of a party will get their Labour 2015 moment.

  24. Dan says:

    Now I may have missed it in amongst his disproportionate twitter content of whining about hate, toxic, bla bla bla, but I don’t see any mention of this in his twitter feed, which you might have thought some working flat out for Indy would have mentioned and run with.
    Referendum Super Majority Bill.

    link to

  25. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @David Beveridge (7.35) –

    You can imagine PW scanning Twitter right now and getting his slippers in a fankle, feeling all hard done by.

    Yeah, he’s getting a hard time, and it’s likely to get worse as this post is retweeted and spreads further.

    And it’s all self-inflicted.

    I just saw a tweet there, a montage of Wishart tweets. I hadn’t seen them before, and one, in particular, is just jaw-dropping. You can see it, top-right, here:

    link to

    ‘the most loathed character in Scottish politics’?


    Does PW seriously imagine that he would *ever* have managed to secure a place anywhere in Scottish politics without standing on Alex Salmond’s shoulders?

    I hope Rev does a one-off fundraiser to ‘celebrate’ his return to Twitter – nothing grinds their gears like the auld Blue Peter-style accumulator.

    It’s been a great day altogether – on top of Sturgeon’s calamitous Egyptian sortie, it feels like we can dare to hope that a shift in our favour is imminent.


  26. Andy Ellis says:

    Of course no nationalist worth their salt could ever believe what Wishart says, still less go public with it.

    Just as you tweeted: “When people tell you who they are, believe them.”

    Devolusionists, one and all. Independence for them is like the Lucy van Pelt’s football and the movement is Charlie Brown.

  27. Ruby says:

    Pete Wishart, who was clutching his pearls as usual about such terrible elements as ourselves – “vile abusers” – putting people off independence.

    That sounds very familiar!

    Every now and again there is a post on Wings by ‘Pete Wishart’

  28. shug says:

    Would the “vile abusers” term apply to the numerous SNP councilors and politicians accused of touching up their followers or does it just apply to those that want independence.

    What a woos

  29. Dan says:

    Has anybody actually checked Pete hasn’t been hacked by Marius Josipovi??

  30. Dan says:

    Ach, arsing wordpress can’t handle accent on c.

    Marius Josipovic

  31. Hatuey says:

    He’s also as thick as two planks, let’s not forget that.

    There’s no excuse for being that dumb in the internet age.

    Where’s Ruby?

  32. Hatuey says:

    Ah, okay, I see you’ve appeared, Ruby… thought you’d been booted.

  33. Ruby says:

    Is it the ‘vile baad’ bloggers who have a weird obsession with trans people?

    I must admit it’s trans people (whatever that means) that are uppermost on my mind lately.

    I was sorry comments on ‘Safeguarding is universal’ was closed down.

    I have just been reading this
    link to

    Scottish government back in court over definition of ‘woman’

    This is the interesting bit:

    The Scottish government responded by revising the guidance that accompanies the legislation, to stress that it covers women as defined by the Equality Act – but also trans people as defined by the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA).

    The guidance quotes directly from the 2004 Act, and reads: “Where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is female, the person’s sex is that of a woman. And where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is male, the person’s sex becomes that of a man.”

    I believe the root cause of all the problems lie with the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA)

  34. Ruby says:

    Hatuey says:
    9 November, 2022 at 8:32 pm

    He’s also as thick as two planks, let’s not forget that.

    There’s no excuse for being that dumb in the internet age.

    Where’s Ruby?

    Did you think I had been booted for being dumb?

  35. Merganser says:

    Andy Ellis @ 8.15. Lucy van Pelt’s football.

    A very good analogy, Charlie.

    And the next thing for you to have a kick at is …. a meaningless referendum, de facto or otherwise.

  36. Ruby says:

    I don’t think you get booted from Wings for being dumb but you might get booted for calling another poster dumb.

    I don’t have a problem being labelled dumb it’s a lot less stressful than being a ‘high achiever’

    If Pete Wishart were to post on Wings how would we stand vis a vis personal abuse would be obliged to ‘be kind’?

  37. shug says:

    I see the Rev Ian Paisley’s son is introducing a bill to require a super majority in referendums in Scotland and N Ireland.

    How will the SNP vote on that one, how many will be pulling a sickie or be at the hairdressers

  38. Linda McFarlane says:

    Sooooo glad you’re back Stu.

  39. Republicofscotland says:

    This guys go the Judas Wishart down to a tee.

    link to

  40. McDuff says:

    I keep having to remind myself that the SNP is not actually a unionist party.

  41. Robert Louis says:

    Pete Wishart, a legend in his own imagination. Aside from his joy at being in London and Westminster (and he really, really does seem to enjoy it), he really does not have much talent. He is not a very good debater, or public speaker. He is not especially thoughtful or educated, and comes across badly when interviewed on TV.

    In my opinion, he is a ‘senior’ SNP MP, for one reason only, he has managed to stay on the London gravy train for a very long time.

    In my opinion he is utterly devoid of talent, and when interviewd, does more harm to the cause of indy than anybody else.

    In some ways he should be congratulated. for making such a little go a very long way. Their is no other career avenue which could have made him so wealthy as to be an SNP MP.

    We really do need wings back properly to expose the wastrels who are making a very good living from promising independence, then doing nothing. Their are a lot of them about, they are called SNP MP’s. Bought and sold, like Labour before them.

  42. willie says:

    Just listened to the 10 O’Clock Sky News which said that all 23 NHS Trusts in Scotland had agreed to strike.

    Thereafter the Westminster health Minister declared that the 17% claim was outrageous in the current conditions. Britain can not afford these increases.

    So there you are, Swinney and the Scottish Parliament have nothing to do with the 23 Trusts in Scotland. Makes you wonder what Sturgeon’s mickey mouse parliament look after. She’s a great wee Brit.

    Or are Sky getting it wrong.

  43. John Main says:

    @ willie says:9 November, 2022 at 10:12 pm

    “Or are Sky getting it wrong”

    I would say Sky have it right. Neither Britain nor Scotland can afford 17% pay rises for SNHS personnel if nothing else changes.

    But if other factors do change? Widespread layoffs across the SNHS would find that money.

    So would severe cuts to other, non-health services, such as education, police, fire, the courts, etc etc.

    Maybes we can all pay more tax. Holyrood tax varying powers anyone?

    I guess this will go very much against the grain of this thread, but I don’t envy any politician who has to try to sort out this absolute clusterfuck. Beats me how it can be solved, so I hope somebody else can post on here with credible real-world proposals that can be implemented within a short time frame.

  44. John Main says:

    @ Ruby says:9 November, 2022 at 8:53 pm

    “If Pete Wishart were to post on Wings how would we stand vis a vis personal abuse would be obliged to ‘be kind’?”

    Pete Wishart has posted on Wings BTL a few times over the past few months.

  45. Dave Llewellyn says:

    Oh the hate ? Oh you must be Alba. Never in my whole life . Wishart has become a caricature of himself. I think the whole yes movement should stand against him.

  46. George Ferguson says:

    @willie 10:12pm
    It’s not just about money although you cannot understate that as an issue. Nurses and Doctors don’t feel safe in terms of the number of patients and the rota cover. Humza had the Summer to sort it out, he produced a Winter Plan for the SNHS. On the back of a fagpacket I know. How many breaches of this plan?. Let’s take no 4 consecutive nights shifts. This information should be freely available (Of courses it’s redacted) but just speak to SNHS staff. The Strategic plan of a reduction in beds, in Nurses, in Doctor FY numbers were down to Nicola. But the remedial work was down to him over the Summer. He took 2 months holidays and forthcoming patient deaths are down to him not Covid. But primarily Nicola was the instigator.
    He got his chance and couldn’t deliver. Time for both of them to go!

  47. Ebok says:

    Time for a reality check. In 2019 Wishart + (Con) Forbes together took 87% of the Perth vote in a 75% turnout. Only the Cons can beat Wishart and they need a swing of more than 7%. For Tories to do that with their contemptable record is nothing to celebrate.
    It is the same in many constituencies.

    Sure, Wishart is a shining example of the depths NSNP has sunk, but his egomania will take care of itself: gloating won’t change things. The next GE can only tell us whether ALBA is making an impact, or not. We really must start putting serious numbers on the board – not necessarily winning numbers, but something to alert voters that there IS an alternative Indy party.

    Otherwise, as someone (perhaps Dorothy Devine?) asked recently, ‘who CAN you vote for?’
    There is growing evidence that things are beginning to go pear shaped at the top of Scotadmin and every indication that the natives are aware of Scotland’s unfolding disaster, yet Alba are still pushing pieces around on the tactics board.

    It’s clear that NSNP won’t honour the trust of Indy voters, and, as yet Alba can’t win the trust of Indy voters. If we (Alba) are unable to do something extraordinary in the two upcoming council by-elections, then the only remaining hope is a massive united non-political movement.

    And Alba would be well placed to coordinate such a movement, having the experience and most of the rank-and-file support. But there must be unity and leadership across the board. What we can’t afford to do is fritter away two more years hoping for better days.

  48. Colin The Keelie says:

    Contrary to SNP thinking, Scottish independence is a decision to be made in Scotland by the people of Scotland. Not by MPs in Mr Wishart’s beloved Westminster.

    If the UK Supreme Court rules indyrefs cannot be held, there is no justification for SNP or Alba sending MPs to serve in the imperial oppressors’ parliament.

  49. Hatuey says:

    “Did you think I had been booted for being dumb?”

    Not at all, Ruby… there was no intended connection between those two facets of my comment.

    I hadn’t seen any of your comments over the last couple of days and was just wondering where you were.

  50. Lekraw says:

    I wouldn’t mind getting back on Twitter now that it seems to be going in the direction of sensible moderation.

    Still permabanned after 2 months for NAFO operations that upset a vatnik genocide apologist. He accused me of “making violent threats” against him, and the bot (or bots) agreed.

    This led to the most ludicrous sentence I never thought I’d ever type, as I explained in the appeal that I do not actually own my own personal nuclear aresenal with which to nuke his country, and that an actual human, if one ever gets around to looking at it, would immediately see that it was a hypothetical question, not a threat.

    And yet, 2 months later, still banned. Maybe its because I called Elon Musk a genocide apologist, who knows?

    As for Wishart…Christ he gets on my tits. Self-appointed arbiter of acceptable behaviour in the independence movement, who would even vote against indy if it suited his ambitions. An odious little piggy at the gravy trough. He’s about the worst of the whole bunch of indy freeloaders.

  51. Kevin Cargill says:

    This is exactly what we’ve been missing Stu. Unrefutable facts. They’ve been sorely missed in this world of woke anecdotes within debate. The time has begun for the fall of the house of Sturgeon.

  52. Ebok “the only remaining hope is a massive united non-political movement” my pal was arguing for this & taking tae the streets last night.

    PS So happy you’re back oan Twitter Stu x

  53. X_Sticks says:

    Does this mean you’ve ‘un-retired’ now Stuart?

  54. Cath says:

    The irony is that Pete Wishart is one of the most abusive people on Twitter. I remember clearly the unionist abuse for being SNP in the run up to the referendum, when Salmond’s SNP were a genuine threat and we were actually going for independence. It was shocking and the kind of abuse you don’t forgive, and why Labour died so hard afterwards. As soon as Alba emerged, the exact same level and type of abuse was aimed at that, but even worse, with far worse smears and lies. And most of that came from the SNP, including PW. He doesn’t get to whinge about people hating him when he caused them to. The abuse, smears and lies about Alba last year from a joint front of unionists and supposed pro Indy people stole the SNP was eye opening. There’s no going back from that.

  55. Doug McGregor says:

    Don’t forget that the speaker is also an MP who by convention faces no election battles whilst in the job , normally becomes a Lord after the gig too. You can see the attractions for Comfy Pete.
    Afterthought,will Sunak relent and ennoble Bercow?

  56. Chris Downie says:

    As loathsome as the prospect of him being Speaker is, there are worse outcomes; the thought of him leaving politics behind, then resurrecting Runrig with Labour apparatchik Donnie Munro and churning out third-rate teuchter emo pop almost makes me want to paint my hand red and shout “No Surrender!”

  57. Breeks says:

    Cath says:
    10 November, 2022 at 8:20 am
    The irony is that Pete Wishart is one of the most abusive people on Twitter…

    Wasn’t it Wishart who parodied Chewing the Fat’s “Good Guy / Wank” sketch? Classy Pete Wishart.

    Just to be clear, I’m not a prude and thought Chewing the Fat was funny. It’s Wishart’s double standard hypocrisy and selective piety that grates. Definitely not a good guy. Lol

  58. stuart mctavish says:

    Ach wouldnt be too worried about what motivates Rockstar MPs, Wishart, in particular, is prolly having a laugh and has a fair point about the hate – its not something you want (or will ever be able) to build a society around..

    Which bring us nicely to page 3 of document :

    link to

    which states, inter alia :

    « PMJT : what are the next steps ? You’ve said the OPP are going in. Are they keeping you apprised and do they understand the urgency ? They can’t talk this out for 3 weeks, they need to act immediately

    PDF : they’ll act, but without directing them, it’s hard to describe their game plan. They’ll have a plan unlike Ottawa [where] they didn’t have a plan. I’ll get briefed tomorrow from the solicitor general and we’ll keep you updated. This is critical, I hear you . I’ll be up their ass with a wire brush.

    (PMJT = prime Minister Jutine Trudeau, PDF, Premier Doug Ford (Ontario))

    The transcript was published in the context of the mandatory (covid related) inquiry triggered by the Trudeau Emergency Act, and shows the Emergency Act to have been unnecessary (except and to extent it stopped the judiciary running away by making the inquiry* mandatory 😉 ) as well as the application of undue political pressure and (premeditated) blame allocation but what caught my attention was the relative absence of hate speech police (pls take note Mr Wishart) in higher management circles.. coupled with an intriguingly casual attitude toward promises of anal rape !

    *Any French speakers who suspect it might be a whitewash may yet enjoy learning that its being coordinated by commissioner, the Honourable Paul S Rouleau.

  59. Hatuey says:

    Hahahahahahahaha @ 9.34


  60. Merganser says:

    Kevin Cargill @ 8.02

    A variation on ‘Better together’ perhaps:

    ‘Better to get her out’

  61. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is a must-read.

    (My paragraph breaks)

    ‘Today we watched the 1st day’s proceedings today of @ForWomenScot taking @scotgov to court. The topic is really very niche but will impact us all if the Judge rules for @scotgov (we won’t know the outcome for at least a month or 2) so let’s share what we learned.

    Let’s say you are male, called John, & you feel uncomfortable in your body for some reason. You acquire a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) that allows you to change the sex on your birth certificate to female. We’ll call this John’s “certificated sex”.

    Scottish Gov says that this GRC makes John female in ALL respects. So you ask for a female Doctor to do your smear & John turns up to do it because his certificated sex is now female. You attend a rape counselling session (job description was for females only) & John runs it.

    So all the provisions in the Equality Act that create single-sex spaces for females, for safety or privacy or dignity can now include John. Tomorrow we hear how @scotgov are going to justify this. This is going to be good.

    Conversely, say you are female & called Alice and you acquire a GRC so your certificated sex is now male. Scotgov says you are now male in all respects. As was pointed out today, Alice would lose any protection in law under the Abortion Act because it specifically mentions
    Women (and it means females) because only females can get pregnant or need an abortion and ScotGov says Alice is now male. Should Alice get pregnant (because a Scottish GRC requires no change of body, dress or behaviour to change your certificated sex so of course male Alice can get pregnant) the legislation that protects from discrimination during pregnancy, or while breast feeding, refers specifically to women, females. So sorry Alice, no legal protection.

    Should Alice be paid less in her job because everyone knows Alice is really female & treats her as such, despite being a certificated male, then Alice has no recourse in law because she’s now male. Should Alice want IVF to get pregnant, she can’t have it. Should Alice want to be a surrogate mother, to provide a baby to John perhaps, she can do what the hell she wants because the surrogacy legislation refers to women, females. Alice doesn’t fall in the scope because her certificated sex is now male.

    If Alice needs treatment for a gynaecological issue (as she has kept her female reproductive organs) she can be excluded from the female-only gynae ward (if such a thing exists on Scotland in 2022) but John would be allowed on that ward.

    Mind blown yet?

    What was of particular interest was that the body created to look after the implementation of the Equality Act, @EHRC are supporting Scotgov’s legal defence in court. Yes, that’s right, the body given the job to uphold the law covering 9 protected characteristics believes that a GRC grants the holder a certificated sex in ALL respects. John becomes female and Alice becomes male & everyone else has to live with the consequences & women will bear the brunt. From the age of 16 Scotgov wants any male to be able to acquire a GRC, no medical diagnosis, no gatekeeping, no safeguarding & get a certificated sex of female. So young girls & women will have to accept John as female at all times, even when giving us internal examinations, or mammograms, serving time in a female prison, on our hospital ward, whereas the Alices of the world will be forced to be male in ALL aspects. Alice will be placed in male prisons, in male hospital wards, have males examine her.

    We can’t wait to hear tomorrow how @scotgov & EHRC justify this absolutel madness, imposed on the whole of the UK (oh yes, this shit will not just be in Scotland, sorry!). The impact of this little judicial review is HUGE.’

    link to

  62. Lorna Campbell says:

    Unfortunately, as well as being well-endowed with natural resources, Scotland has also been well-endowed with craiturs ready to sell their birthright and birthplace down the river. A wee placie but a lot of sellers. God help us if we can’t help ourselves. Mair pow’r tae yer elbow, Rev.

  63. Scott says:

    Emma Roddick MSP is leading a ‘debate’ on…

    “Stigma relating to personality, dissociative, and psychosis-related disorders, mean that people with psychiatric conditions are less likely to be employed or remain so.”

    1245, aujourd’hui – link to

    JFC, Emma claims a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder so expect lots of bias and emotional lability in her presentation.

  64. Geri says:

    Doug 9:28

    Didn’t Bercow switch sides once he stepped down?


    I thought EHRC were going to put a stop to this nonsense.
    The crazies really have taken over the building.
    This is akin to religious fanatics being given the green light to terrorise women from Thier safe spaces.
    Now we’re just unisex FFS.

  65. Breeks says:

    Chris Downie says:
    10 November, 2022 at 9:34 am
    As loathsome as the prospect of him being Speaker is, there are worse outcomes; the thought of him leaving politics behind, then resurrecting Runrig with Labour apparatchik Donnie Munro and churning out third-rate teuchter emo pop….

    Hmmm, mutter, mutter mumble…
    I wasn’t really a fan, as in I maybe only ever bought one album, but I have to confess I did have excellent nights on each of the 3 Runrig concerts I went to. Can’t lie, I was young and rockin out in Gaelic had something exotic about it. I enjoyed myself, and so did the folks I was with.

    But forced to agree there was something about Runrig live that got lost in translation on a recording. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the standing on tables, or maybe it was the company I was with drinking beer and dancing on tables, but I have fond memories. But maybe that’s a live music thing… Dundee Students Union was one venue.

    There was also a bar in Dundee, I can’t remember what it was called, (I want to say Chambers?), but I don’t remember, and it used to have live bands that were often good, and occasionally brilliant. A mate who played guitar told me there were lots of session musicians in Dundee, who would just turn up and jam, so you’d occasionally get 6 or even an 8 piece band playing with the usual guitars and drums, but brass instruments, sting instruments and all sorts. Absolutely no idea who they were, what the band was, but I was amazed at what I was hearing in a pub. Some of them were excellent. It wasn’t a very big place either, so you got it right in both lugs.

    It had a nurses night too as I recall, but unless you knew sign language there was zero chance chatting anybody up.. I think it maybe was Chambers… Pretty central, but kinda heading down towards he docks and the Unicorn. For some reason the Handsome Cab comes to mind too – although I have no recollection of ever going in. Lol.Funny what you remember and what you don’t.

  66. Muscleguy says:

    The Graun reports that boundary changes will mean TWO fewer seats in Scotland despite our increasing population and EIGHT fewer for much smaller Cymru. 10 more for Englandshire of course.

    Jiust in case us uppity Celts get ideas above our station and get into a situation of being kingmakers at WM. The NI unionists are untouched of course.

    We so need out of this septic union soonest.

  67. Ruby says:

    -pete/#comment-2710071" rel="ugc">link to
    Ian Brotherhood says:
    We can’t wait to hear tomorrow how @scotgov & EHRC justify this absolutel madness

    See my earlier post:

    -pete/#comment-2710033" rel="ugc">link to

    The Scottish government responded by revising the guidance that accompanies the legislation, to stress that it covers women as defined by the Equality Act – but also trans people as defined by the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA).

    The guidance quotes directly from the 2004 Act, and reads: “Where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is female, the person’s sex is that of a woman. And where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is male, the person’s sex becomes that of a man.”

    How the 2004 GRA came about is interesting.

  68. Ruby says:

    Links in first post are a mess due to moderation of ("Tractor" - Ed).
    I’ll try again.

    link to
    Ian Brotherhood says:
    We can’t wait to hear tomorrow how @scotgov & EHRC justify this absolutel madness

    See my earlier post:

    link to

    The Scottish government responded by revising the guidance that accompanies the legislation, to stress that it covers women as defined by the Equality Act – but also trans people as defined by the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (GRA).

    The guidance quotes directly from the 2004 Act, and reads: “Where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is female, the person’s sex is that of a woman. And where a full gender recognition certificate has been issued to a person that their acquired gender is male, the person’s sex becomes that of a man.”

    How the 2004 GRA came about is interesting.

  69. David Ferguson says:

    If the pension packer was really smart he would come on here, deliberately do a double post, then call the cops and say he was living in genuine fear of being killed with hammers…

  70. Frank says:

    I’ve been calling him Lord Wishart of Turncoatery for years now. He’s a courtier and will be the first SNP MP in the Lords a charlatan.

  71. Cameron Lochiel says:

    His Twitter feed is considerably quieter since this was published

  72. Cameron Lochiel says:

    Pension Pete has form:

    link to

  73. Harry McAye says:

    Is he still in that Westminster band with his Tory and Lib Dem mates?


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