The Wrecking Crew
We took the day off today because we didn’t trust ourselves to watch the Hate Crime Bill debate without doing something violent. By all accounts it was the smart call.
While the debate overran and will conclude with a vote tomorrow, there’s no suspense about the outcome. With the backing of the snivelling, hateful, misogynist Greens (one female MSP out of six, entirely by choice), the bill will pass and Scotland will become a country where almost anything you say could be a hate crime.
The bill is designed to terrify normal people into silence about almost any subject, as an automatic habit. Even in your own home you won’t be safe from denunciation.
And while an amendment by Adam Tomkins of the Scottish Tories – it has come to the stage, readers, where we’re reduced to needing the Tories to try to save us from the SNP – should help a lot of people escape being convicted, that’s not even the point. Malicious, vexatious complaints will have put them through months of worry and fear, effectively punishing them even though they’re innocent, and most people – especially women – will simply hold their tongue to avoid the trauma.
For the last couple of years this site has been critical of the SNP’s failure to make any sort of progress on independence. But this is far, far worse even than that. Because if they somehow miraculously achieved independence tomorrow, we’d be afraid to live in the Scotland they’re creating.
Our country doesn’t have a SINGLE political party remotely fit for government. Voters in May face a choice between the evil, the stupid, and the evil and stupid. And they can’t even be angry about it, because even the politest anger is now a hate crime.
We wish we had a constructive course of action to suggest to you, folks. But we don’t, because democracy has failed you. There is no way you can vote that will fix the ruins the SNP have made of Scotland. We cannot see a way forward. It is becoming nearly impossible to evade the conclusion that all is lost. Nicola Sturgeon has destroyed it.
The reign of terror begins. Fuck them.
A living nightmare.
Then if all is lost, then why not close this blog and hand the baton on to those are more hopeful?
The SNP might or might not be evil and stupid, but the Tories are definitely eviler and stupider, so there is still plenty of reason to vote for the lesser of the two evils, and at the same time the brighter of the two dumb.
well its a case of flooding the courts, fuck them over at their own game
They’ll be getting fuck all vote fae me, in fact I’ll do all I can to campaign against them.
This is why people like me now back staying in the Union. While its far from perfect, at least the Westminster HOC and HOL have people that will stand up against the UK Government, and that includes backbench Tories. Holyrood should be closed, its corrupt and the parties are all inadequate and in the case of the SNP & Greens completely deranged. No new Indy party or George Galloways party can save it.
Why is there silence from the decent establishment, why a country like this being allowed to descend into darkness.
The only way I can see out of this is and that is once covid restrictions are over there is mass and I mean mass demonstrations outside Holyrood.
Sturgeon is not doing this on her own.
S.Perspective why even bother coming on here with your shite. You don’t have to read it you know.
Nearly impossible …….. but not quite
We are back to the witch trials!
Its not the tories doing this its the F##king SNP.
Oh the hu-insertpronounasappropriate-ity!
Welcome aboard. What took you so long?
Penny still waiting to drop for many on this site.
I fucking hate the Murrels. I fucking hate the police. I fucking hate Lord Wolfe and the COP Fucking S.
I fucking hate the fucking Hate Crime Bill.
I reserve and defend my fucking right to hate and let it rip.
“Then if all is lost, then why not close this blog and hand the baton on to those are more hopeful?”
I’m not stopping anyone from starting a blog. But what I am stopping is you posting on it any more, you tedious wee troll prick.
That was the most stupid debate I’ve ever watched in my life.
Stu I have you got a spare bedroom available in Bath for my wee wife and my arab wearing scarf cat. Strictly on humanitarian grounds. I try to be optimistic but this is a low point for me. This will not end well. I see trouble ahead. When Nicola said she would bring the house down. She wasn’t talking about the SNP, or the Scottish Government but Scotland itself.
I’d just like to say that this bill is, no, I better not say anything at all.
Fuck em , another party will arise
Nae bother. Ah don’t live in Scotland so if any o’ youse want tae say sumfin bad, like a wumman isnae a man? Let me know and ah’ll say it fur ye.Nae charge.
So we have to vote for one of the list parties, it’s the only hope, And it’s a slim hope, no votes to the greens and we could possible have ISP or AFI holding the powers the greens have.
What annoys me is there are two of them so it makes it difficult they really should combine their lists.
So put forward a single list I’m sure it’s possible because of the alliance in the 80s. Which was two parties but stood on a joint ticket
Rev, I’m of the belief that this is a line in the sand moment. To exclude women is such a monumentally, colossal clusterfcuk that it will come back and bite them big time?
And anytime you pass legislation that proffers rights to others by removing rights away from someone else, is the day that the game is up.
I’m surrounded by women(voters) in my life and they are incandescent with anger and the horrible coincidence tonight of the murder of Sarah Everard has heightened that anger massively and of course further highlights the gigantic pointlessness and stupidity of the hate crime bill and of the SNP.
All part of a greater plan, even the EU was just a stepping stone towards the globalist , technocratic super State that is now just a few years away. Almost all our politicians are complicit in this. Just look at the state of the man they have put ( not voted) but put into the White House and the goons which surround him. All the cards are now in place, it’s just a matter of time. This will no doubt be denounced as a conspiracy theory. Just the the agendas of the world economic forum, and the Trilateral commission for everything you need to know about what is happening. It’s no conspiracy, they are up front about what is happening.
Boris Johnson has said devolution has been “a disaster north of the border” and “Tony Blair’s biggest mistake”.
Given that the Media Studies lecturers who you have elected to power are going to pass the Hate Crime Bill that looks pretty astute to me.
Just you keep telling it is how it is, Stu.
“Rev, I’m of the belief that this is a line in the sand moment. To exclude women is such a monumentally, colossal clusterfcuk that it will come back and bite them big time?”
Even if you were right, HOW could it bite them? The SNP are 30 points ahead. The worst that could happen to them is that they lose their majority, and they’d be absolutely delighted about that for reasons we’ve gone into at length before now.
Where’s Voltaire when you need him ?
Seriously though, it’s just crazy. The country is being ruled by cretins.
I could honestly cry, I cant vote for this
Saying nothing… just in case Alexa picks it up…
Also what is wrong with Hate,
It’s an emotion so you can’t actually control it and surely Hate is healthy in certain circumstances.
Why shouldn’t we hate people that are ruining our and other people’s lives?
And hate can give you energy to change things. It’s a positive emotion rather than depression and dejection.
It’s just so f*cking middle class, be kind to think Hate can’t be good and a healthy emotion
I’ll ask again – when is a big hitter going to start a list party or join one and seize the space that’s opening up on the political spectrum?
We are close to being let down (again), this time by those with some political clout refusing to step up and use it to challenge and provide an actual opposition, as well as providing folk who want independence but do not want to support all SNP policies unquestioningly.
“hate crime” was in invention of the american radical left as an attack on the 1st amendment
– but we don’t even have a 1st amendment!
maybe time to start deleting your twitter and online history. Use a VPN. Use TOR.
wait till they start to go after “historical crimes”.
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They’ll be tying the dissenters to chairs and pushing them from rooftops for claiming that there are only two sexes.
They don’t have enough prison places, there’s a lot more of us than them and we should call their bluff.
Re the wokemafia, this has been a long time coming, the Arts in Glasgow are monopolised by a rotten clique of them who use Creative Scotland as a personal bank and that treats them as favourite children and same with other funding bodies to the extent that it’s a racket of cronyism, nepotism and political favouritism whilst projecting an image of altruism to the gullible.
This isn’t going away, now they have the law on their side.
Os there anything afoot stuart or are we stuck with the stasi?
“When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything” G K Chesterton
It’s not much to offer, as we’re just a list party, but the ISP is absolutely anti Hate Crime and anti GRA. It also has a policy of a free vote on matters of conscience more generally.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
10 March, 2021 at 10:15 pm
“Even if you were right, HOW could it bite them? The SNP are 30 points ahead. The worst that could happen to them is that they lose their majority, and they’d be absolutely “
They are only about 25% ahead on latest polls. The SNP voting intention is dropping. If the opposition can run a half decent campaign…,.. we might be looking at a unionist FM probably Sarwar just because it’s easier for Tories to back Labour than vice-versa
Acht it’s life Jim, but not as we want it.
Time I went back to the Catskill Mountains and meet up with them dwarfs again. Obviously I never drank enough of their liquor and woke up too early. This clusterfuck will take years to remedy.
It’s goodnight from me, and goodnight from him.
An SNP government that is about to introduce this dreadful legislation? ??? ?????
I’m now worried that someone might take the law (or lack of it) into their own hands. Too many are ‘on the edge’ mentally with lockdown it won’t take much to push some over.
I’ll try that again.
An SNP government that is about to introduce this dreadful legislation? a-ni gwaen-chan-seum-ni-da
I am ashamed that I have helped Scotland come to this. I promise that I will never forgive or forget those who have made ashamed of the SNP.
“la vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo”
wtaf!!!!! As a woman (with a vagina, has given birth to two children) wtaf!!! NOT IN MY NAME!!
SNP/Greens are toxic, lab, Con and Lib are unionists through and through.
I HAVE NO VOTE AND NO RIGHTS and they stole my bra tonight so I can’t even burn it again!!!My rights have gone, my sex has gone. The world has gone completely fekking off its’ trolley!!
Sick, beyond despair.
Angry and disillusioned doesn’t even come close to how I feel.
And that’s before I start on the cowardly Greens and SNP MSP’s who did not stand up for true democratic accountability in OUR parliament!!
made me ashamed – obviously
Rev @10.10
Absolutly brilliant reply!
So, shall we have to use special codes now to express our feelings?
e.g. the apples in the barrel are well rotten now; this is not a barrel I would have selected ; I suppose I’ll just have to stop eating apples now.
Rev, I’m of the belief that this is a line in the sand moment. To exclude women is such a monumentally, colossal clusterfcuk that it will come back and bite them big time?
As Rev says, how? There is literally no one to vote for. Scotland is now a country which is a one party state: one unionist party with 5 heads. There is no democratic route out of this shit. And the SNP has brought us here. Unless there is a mass defection of decent (if there are any) SNP MSPs and MPs to a list party which could provide a strong challenge, there is no hope. And even if that were to happen, once this bil goes through it’s doubtful anyone could campaign safely. They’re already trawling ISP candidates old tweets: after tomorrow they can have people literally arrested and threatened with jail for anything they can claim is offensive.
Scottish politics is a mess. So many parts need addressed, and this SNP/Green pact is causing horrendous damage in many different ways.
I still desperately want Nicola Sturgeon gone this year, ideally before the election. Since Sturgeon’s committee appearance, have you given up hope on this particular matter Stu?
Would it be possible to take the SG to court over this? I’m sure a crowdfund would be popular including people outside of Scotland
We build again. I wasted many years voting and promoting these gutless cowards, but I won’t give in now.
We lay the foundations to promote another party which will take us through to our goal.
A word of caution. I had a cousin who was an MP in Westminster. After 5 years he had become an insufferable fecker as opposed to how he started out. Entitled, opinionated ,arrogant. There should be a time bar on serving.
It’s not just the money. It’s the perks of power and privelage that undermines their personna.
Never give up. We have a goal, beginning with removing those who would defy the public for their own pecadillos.Vote them out.
I wouldn’t worry too much. What are they going to do, put three quarters of the Scottish public in jail? Then what, who will pay their taxes to afford them a life of luxury? Just another ill thought out piece of nastiness from the SNP. What we desperately need is a new Independence Party, and one that is solely for the benefit of all of Scotland, not the few.
If anyone is unhappy with the SNP or any other politicians. I have a simple solution:
Don’t vote for them.
The bill isn’t law until it receives Royal assent. That could be weeks away but I am not sure when it will be.
Aye well at this point in time I’d vote for the ghost of General Pinochet if he was standing against Sturgeon’s SNP. At least he didn’t pretend to be any better than he was. I’ve voted SNP for nearly thirty years, this is honestly painful to me, but I am at peace with it now.
Denise, I agree with you. We will have FM Sarwar in two months’ time, propped up by Dross. We’re about to watch the longest slow-motion-car-crash of a campaign there has ever been. St. Nicola will have pitched it as her covid lap of honour and it will just be disaster after disaster after disaster. It’ll make Theresa May in 2017 look like FDR. I’ve been saying it for months and I’ve seen no reason to change my mind.
Pride comes before a fall. Fuck these bastards. My poor country!
Re the now banned S.Perspective:
“Vote for the lesser of two evils”.
Fuck right off, we want and deserve a better Scotland than that.
I’m looking forward to asking the police to investigate Humzas racist hate speech, where he denounced everything establishment as white, as if it’s a crime to be white.
Maybe I am being naive or ignorant of politics but is there a chance if they lose their majority, that the other parties can repeal GRA & HCB like they did with named person policy?
If Nicola Sturgeon were found to have been guilty of misdeeds in the Salmond affair and that she had tainted both the justice system and the democratic process of Scotland and then is put out of office; could that make the bills etc passed, during that period, unsafe and therefore capable of being struck down
Never mind you can still hate plain ordinary women. who would you believe, are not covered by this legislation.
I have never in my life supported Joanne Lamont but she is right on every amendment she put forward – just a pity the woke brigade outvoted her – terrible times we live in when to be an ordinary man or women leaves you vulnerable to hate crimes which are mostly perpetrated on women.
Aye well they are going to need some mighty big fkn jails then .
When the people fear the government that’s dictatorship , when the government fear the people that’s democracy , let’s get back to democracy it works better for most folk .
Swindler might have escaped a vote of no confidence today , but real voters have a chance soon to right a wrong ,
As for the Queens they might just be out on their arses shortly as well
It could be worse just imagine you are a Labour,Tory,or Liberal voter , that’s 11 years of grief most of us have only had this hopeless feeling for a few months , Christ years doesn’t bare thinking about
Sturgeon was stirring up hatred of Salmond in her enquiry appearance. She should be first to the tollbooth.
Patrick Harvie is at the root of this. No one else demonstrated as much vindictive hatred towards women tonight. He associated the women who spoke out in Holyrood with Right-wing Christian fundamentalists and mooted the loss of abortion rights amongst other outrageous possibilities if the amendments the women wanted were allowed to pass.
Humza Yousaf is staggeringly stupid but dangerous because of the office he holds. Most of the women speakers were fantastic and what a fearless woman Johann Lamont was. If only she was standing against Yousaf, I think the result might be very different this time.
So how do we minimize the Green vote? We need to let people know what they are voting for with him.
I doubt there will be any door to door but no one should be under any illusions that the SNP did themselves any favours tonight. The cowardice from those that voted this pile of sh*te through will be remembered.
Humza is a prick
Nicola is a stupid wee bint
Peter Murrell is a cockwomble
Say it loud and say it proud…
because you might not get a chance after tomorrow
Have you all seen this on the twitter?
Humza says it’s OK, phew, women will have some protection in the hate crime bill after all! Hurrah! Oh wait, someone needs to be mistaking you for a transwomen for it to count.
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the link to the clip where he says it is here:
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@ S Perspective @10.01 pm
‘hand the baton on’ – to whom? Wings has been, is, and will be (for lack of any competition) the only blog consistenly holding the powers that be in Scotland to account.
He is the only one who can write a coherent account, daily; the only one who can refer you to facts, the only one I rely on for the truth, and, like him, I am broken-hearted.
From the euphoria of the 2014 campaign to this. From arguing since childhood for independence, to this. This dystopian misery of a country.
My only hope is that Sturgeon gets voted out of office. We get a new leader and they repeal the hate crime bill.
If that doesn’t happen Scotland is fucked.
Probably not the best site to discuss the Royal Family, but I’ll give you an example of how I see the future.
Meghan Markle said the Royal Family didn’t want to give her son a title due to the colour of his skin. Cue shouts of racism.
But a 100 year old law prevents him from getting a title until Charles becomes King, as he’s not in the direct line of succession. It’s a FACT. It’s written down and dated.
Meghan Markle seems to think a law made decades before she was even born is all about her. This level of narcissism of off the scale.
This is the future, people finding ANY way to offended, a victim, how they, ‘feel’ and words twisted to suit their narrative, even though facts state otherwise. This is what the Hate Crime Bill will do.
The world is so crazy just now it’s got me defending the Royals because I’m a person who would rather deal in facts, evidence etc, which these days seem to be thin on the ground.
Been trying to tell people what’s coming, but they think I’m going crazy. This is why my moniker on here is ‘Lost’ because I am.
An observation. We live in a world where neither Huxley or Orwell won Nobel Prizes. So whats new folks?
very wee chance with me; I remain a Nationalist, also a lawyer pursuing law , wee chance,
They may be absolutely delighted with no majority for the reasons you’ve gone into before but if they do get a majority will they not be forced to hold the referendum then we get a real choice of existing and new parties at the first Scottish general election. Or is that wishful thinking?
I think I have said this before, Scotland was where a burning terrorist at Glasgow Airport was given a kicking! Do the people who squander our money and take away womens rights think we will just accept their fucked up realities and corruption with no reprrcussions ?
According to Humza Useless women ARE protected – but only if the aggressor thinks the woman is a trans woman.
How feckin pathetic is that? Here’s the clip
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Outraged, fucking outraged.
In other news, Gail Ross has just announced her new job. As Head of Communications. With the Dounreay Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. A UK Govt Department. Those who had an idea there were infiltrators….
Denise says:
10 March, 2021 at 10:23 pm
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
10 March, 2021 at 10:15 pm
“Even if you were right, HOW could it bite them? The SNP are 30 points ahead. The worst that could happen to them is that they lose their majority, and they’d be absolutely “
They are only about 25% ahead on latest polls. The SNP voting intention is dropping. If the opposition can run a half decent campaign…,.. we might be looking at a unionist FM probably Sarwar just because it’s easier for Tories to back Labour than vice-versa
I agree Denise, this is the line in the sand moment. All empires fall and the fall starts somewhere. It’s my belief that tonight is the start of the fall……will it happen overnight no, but they have made so many women splentically, blood vessel burstingly angry that the dam has cracked and it will only get bigger.
Sturgeon and Humza’s Scotland.
Get your house broken into and you’ll get a crime reference number and told “we’ll be in touch”. State your opinion online though and the bizzies will come crashing through your front door at 6 o’clock the next morning.
Chin up Stu, legal challenges may still save the day…
We won the case (albeit for now) against the ONS and census debacle, you never know what the future holds.
All the best.
Fk where is screaming lord Sutch and the Monster Raving Loony party when you need them
Oops fk they are still here and standing in a constituency near you and you never noticed
It’s all you voters fault , you voted to let these basket cases near the till and then into parliament to spend your money on what they want now that’s really obliging of you isn’t it
Lady Lyon – given that this bill has just taken away women’s rights, can we start a crowdfunder to sue the Scot govt for the withdrawal of our, women’s, human rights?
How many women are there in Scotland? I can’t imagine any of them approve of this.
Maybe we need a Women’s Rights Party.
I am fuckin’ furious about this.
Is Nikla really a man or a tran? This is not the action of a woman.
No woman should ever again vote for the SNP.
All is not lost as this will be the straw that broke the camels back for many and perhaps in the end, civil disobedience was the only way. Once Sturgeon has lost the ability to hide behind Covid restrictions she’s finished. I could see 100,000 people marching on Bute House in the near future. Could police Scotland contain that?
Your despair depresses me.
I had hoped that we would see a coup from within the SNP but I suppose we will have to get used to 5 more years of incompetence and corruption.
I have personal reasons from wanting to see the back of Swinney but this is also my country which I used to love but is now soiled by the stain made by NS and her appalling cabal.
Contrary to others contributing to this blog, I think that the country is in grave danger of becoming a failed state under the SNP.
We have lost our mojo.
And the corruption we have witnessed with AS, Mark Hirst, Craig Murray etc is only the tip of a very big iceberg.
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Far be it for me to defend a royal but it is only George that is entitled to be Prince before the Queen dies because it’s great grandchildren in direct line to the throne But the Queen intervened to give Charlotte and Louis Princess and Prince titles but not Archie. Seems a fair enough reason for Meghan to be upset
One would have thought a(n)
GovernmentAdministration would require a specific electoral mandate from the sovereign people of Scotland before they pass into legislation a policy which has so many far reaching implications for our society.I see no mention in their 2016 Election Manifesto informing the electorate of their intention to pursue such an agenda.
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Chin up Stu, legal challenges may still save the day…
We want – need – is independence. We needed it before Brexit. The last thing we need is to be tied up instead in never-ending bloody court cases. Alex Salmond has been tied up that way for 3 years and you’re now taking about all of us tied up with ridiculous cases fighting for things that were already won and have now been chucked away. I don’t even know how to express the way I feel about Sturgeon’s cabal right now, or the supine SNP MPs and MSPs who’ve brought us here. I just can’t…
How did Ireland manage to thrown off their Westminster devolutionists and gain independence? I think I need to go and read some books on how their people managed it.
Denise says:
10 March, 2021 at 10:17 pm
“It’s just so f*cking middle class, be kind to think Hate can’t be good and a healthy emotion”
Thanks Denise – I was beginning to think it was just me and that I was weird. Didn’t Sturgeon say she hated Thatcher – Ach but she was a woman so I suppose it doesn’t count.
Keep hoping ther is a Von Stauffenberg type character in the SNP who will deliver us from all evil.
Sturgeon is creating a country, where being normal is frowned upon. If we don’t belong to some self identified minority, or sexual fetish club. Then we are Neanderthals.
I’m not that old but I’m wise beyond my years…
We’ve had a frightful few years, Brexit, Coronavirus, the fall of the SNP, etc.
All you can hope to do when things go against you is learn from the experience and wait it out.
Dark forces are at work in Scotland.
But….respect to Jackie Baillie (again) and Johann Lamont.
Strange times when you find yourself admiring what used to be the opposition.
Anyway, this is the song for today. Great Scottish band, the Delgados. Possibly a banned song from tomorrow…
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How does Gail Ross pass a UK security clearance at Dounray when she is meant to be for independance against Westminster.
What a tangled web has been woven or security is totally shit.
In my opinion you are probably correct. But what does it say about us that we need a European human rights convention, inserted by the fucking Scotland Act, to protect us from our own Parliament?
Mea culpa!
Is it unlawful now to hate injustice?
Deeply disturbing, sinister, and evil as fu**.
A huge direct and immediate threat to free-society (Scottish/Western values).
We all know the direction intended by this legislation
But I think the key will be to use it in reverse
The police are expected to start from the base that ‘hate’ has taken place purely because the complainer says so
Then, for example
If someone complains about you wearing a “Woman-Adult Human Female” t-shirt as an act of hate
Just complain back on the grounds that their attitude is an act of hate against you
It won’t take long to blow the system
I’m not stopping anyone from starting a blog. But what I am stopping is you posting on it any more, you tedious wee troll prick.
I didn’t think I could laugh after that shitefest today. Cheers Stu.
Shame and humiliation today. Could go into a big shit, but no. Quick note:
Patrick Harvie is a really, really, like childfest weirdo, disturbing. Disgusted with those who voted against women and girls.
So proud of Johanna, Joan and even Elaine. Well done girls. Only hope Joan is safe. Brave Women.
This was also a Stop Wings Fest as I’m sure we all know.
Nicla’s stop Indy fest too. You bunch of ..actually lost for words…

so what happens if you just can’t stand somebody because they are a f*****g wee arsehole but they happen to have one of the protected characteristics? Did you have to prove that your hatred is motivated by the person’s arseholeism? Let’s face it – most of these TRAs are wee arseholes.
As auld Bryan(the renfrew) Ferry once chanted , nothing lasts forever, that I’m sure. Neither will Sturgeon. I know we have been failed, but I say again, there are good good people in the SNP and a load of shite I may add, its all we have at the moment until the keeck is jettisoned.
Our best hope of getting rid of this hateful steaming pile of totalitarian shit might well not be the ballot box but the courts. Our judiciary does tend to be reasonably independent, and certainly not keen on being telt what to do by a jumped up failed junior solicitor.
It’s not hard to imagine some daft charge (for instance arising from the Ribbon Horror reported on yesterday) being chucked out by some no-nonsense sheriff. Or the appeal court might declare the whole thing incompatible with the right to free speech.
We can only hope.
Well Stu. If you want to start a crowdfunder in advance for legal fees, let us know. Because no doubt Wings will be on Humza’s hit list.
The SNP have banned their members from posting on it already. Thout shall be cast out.
Stuart I feel your despair and most on here fully understand your frustration and anger at this abrogation of basic democracy. I still cannot bring myself to accept that this nonsense will become law. If it does we will be living under a regime which eclipses even Westminster for criminal corruption and oppression. As public awareness grows this can only end in violence and tears and will ultimately be reversed. The likliehood of Boris disbanding Holyrood grows ever more likely and perhaps many might feel it would be the lesser of two evils. Holyrood has been infested by people who care nothing for our country, its democracy, or the wellbeing of its population. It is controlled by a cult solely interested in perpetuating their power and wealth and promoting their offensive policies. If ever there was a need for a pre election message this is it. VOTE THIS SCUM OUT OF OFFICE! 5 years of unionism would be a small price to pay to be rid of this lot.
Like many Scots I will not be complying with their 2 shiny new “laws”, they are an offence to decency and the right of self expression. I sincerely hope the SNP will be deposed come May and this nonsense reversed. Either way we need you more than ever Stuart. If they try to muzzle blogs like yours one option might be to continue to publish your exposees from outwith Scotland without allowing comments. That way we will still have the lowdown on what these criminals are up to without risk of any prosecutions. I am sure contributions to your blog would continue unabated.
I realise how hard you have worked, particularly over the last few hectic months, but this site is a beacon of hope for all those who truly want independence for their nation and we need you to continue. They say it is always darkest before the dawn and I believe that the iniquity that has been visited upon us cannot last much longer. There will be a new dawn and a day of reckoning for the criminal cabal we call a government. Be there to share it with us.
“We wish we had a constructive course of action to suggest to you, folks. But we don’t, because democracy has failed you. There is no way you can vote that will fix the ruins the SNP have made of Scotland. We cannot see a way forward. It is becoming nearly impossible to evade the conclusion that all is lost. Nicola Sturgeon has destroyed it.”
That’s brilliant.
The SNP have hogged all the talent in Scotland for the last 20 years. But now the Rev has crossed the floor, we have a chance now.
At the very least he is not playing against us.
And in case anybody is wondering
I can’t remember the last time I didn’t vote SNP
Not a chance this time
A Person says:
European human rights convention- no longer protects us as we are not part of the EU.
Otto Skorzeny would be better.
Harvie and his Greens are the enablers of Sturgeon’s pathological regime. That won’t be forgotten.
They can come arrest me. Sex is binary. Non binary is nonsense. Transwomen are men. Even if they shut me up they can’t change my thoughts.
Nevermind a list party, we need a heavy hitting Indy party full stop. Is there still time for AS to pull a rabbit out of a hat and kill this insanity stone dead. Please…
A Person- and to think we were worried about the Tories taking away human rights outside tge EU.
Our own fecking government does it.
I am gonna be sentenced to life , cause I hate every cu@£.
The super sinister Hate Bill in the hands of this ultra-corrupt SNPG and Lord Advocate and COPFs is carte blanche to shut up all dissent.
They will use tax payers money to pay lawyers to financially exhaust you (as a tax payer) while you have to pay your own bills twice (to prosecute you and defend your self).
This is ‘lawfare’ and the SNPG exploit it to the max as Alex Salmond knows.
The Queen offered to make him a Prince inline with his cousins, but they refused. He has the right to the title of Lord now, but they refused that too.
This ‘controlling the narrative’ shite really bugs me. They’ve turned down all these titles, but then suggests racism as the cause of him NOT having a title, when facts AND THEIR actions say otherwise.
People will just react to anything anyone says now, not stopping to think ‘is this right?’ We’re just going to have generations of kids physically and emotionally reacting to anything they see on social media.
Morgatron- Careful with the word ferry. That has connotations in parts of Glasgow! Someone might be upset.
I will keep repeating this until it is used in every constituency in Scotland.
Some on here are a bit slow in the uptake.
I am not saying vote Labour in Glasgow Southside because I am a mad mental Labour supporter.
I am saying vote Labour in Glasgow Southside because they have the best chance of unseating Sturgeon.
Just the same as I would be saying, vote Tory if Sturgeon was the sitting MSP in a Tory area.
Get it now???
So I’ll try again for the slow of thinking
Vote for ANY Party other than the SNP.
Worth repeating because I think it is a brilliant idea, If you are in GLASGOW SOUTHSIDE, then Vote Scottish Labour.
Labour 1,,,ISP 2.
This will kick Sturgeon out of Scottish Politics for good.
Her enemies are closing in on all sides and she’s that thick she can’t even see them.
Sturgeon is the most evil woman ever to enter into Scottish Politics.
Get rid of Sturgeon first,,,then maybe we can start to think again about things like Scottish Independence.
The Tomkins amendment is particularly bonkers because – as far as I can tell – it basically involved him saying that a hate crime could only be a hate crime if it involved stirring up hate, which is sort of worrying if they have to add that sort of thing in at the last minute.
link to
“You are not committing a hate crime unless you cross that threshold of saying something that is not only offensive, but saying something that a reasonable person would hold to be threatening or abusive in a manner that intends to stir up hatred.”
If you want to go down a particular rabbit hole go and have a look at the board of the clinic in England which carries out gender reallingment on children. A number of senior medical staff resigned when they said that their professional medical diagnosis of spectrum disorders rather than gender dysmorphia were being overruled by the board for ideological reasons. Then do the same with Mermaids.
Maybe a peoples action is the way to go, let’s all chip in and see them in court. We are sovereign, time to call this shit out!
@Solarflare 11:17 pm
Substitute reasonable person with an SNP voter.
Will the Tories vote for this bill now that Adam Tomkins’s amendment was passed? He seems to think his amendment was a massive improvement while simultaneously saying the bill is bad law.
Like, wouldn’t it look a bit silly for them to vote against it now, when their amendment has already been approved?
And if they DO vote against it what was the point of the amendment?
They’d be idiots to vote against it, this bill is a huge opportunity to bring down the SNP, why would you muck such a good card?
I wonder what Joan McAlpine will do, she must be under such pressure from the whip, I wonder if they’re threatening to remove it?
Agree with all you say… big rant got lost due to an accidental swipe… so I will recap briefly.
Scotland is absolutely fucked now. There is no way on earth we can let these corrupt deranged bastards in the SNP win in may. They will destroy the country. Not only must the SNP lose but we must decapitate the party and ensure that sturgeon loses her seat because after today’s disgrace in allowing the lying shit Swinney to survive I am now convinced she is going to try and tough it out to the election. She has the crown office in her pocket and despite the fact she clearly committed perjury in the committee she won’t be charged.
Get the bastards out now people! Stand up for your country and freedom!
The problem is that this BS goes through most of civil society, politics, academia and large corporations. They get to tell you what you can read, who you can listen to, what you can say, all in the name of progressive politics.
“We wish we had a constructive course of action to suggest to you, folks. But we don’t, because democracy has failed you.”
There is only one way left – we need the help of Scots or friends of Scots living in democratic countries outside Scotland’s juridiction to reveal in full the conspiracy to jail Alex Salmond on false charges.
Lumilumi or Kiwilassie or Skip or Mist to the rescue?
Sturgeon is pure evil and the most wicked woman ever to have lived in Scotland.
Will I not be able to write that tomorrow?
Will freedom of expression, a fundamental human right, not apply in Scotland anymore?
It will be time to fight this in the same way as the poll tax. Let them fill the jails.
The SNP witch Sturgeon is infinitely worse than the Tory witch Thatcher, IMHO.
ClanDonald says:
10 March, 2021 at 11:22 pm
“I wonder what Joan McAlpine will do, she must be under such pressure from the whip, I wonder if they’re threatening to remove it?”
If they do I hope she stands as an independent. Solves the problem about how to vote for a good MSP but avoid voting for SNP.
Soon, a safe and secure public will have to do what prisoners do, and create our own language/communication system, in secret, despite already having a perfectly legitimate Scottish language and communication system (systematically wrecked by ‘THEM’).
@Glasgow Racer
May I add to that?
It’s really important.
I’m voting Tory. Fuck the SNP. Scotland is actually safer in the UK. Not that it’ll matter. Unless enough women are so fucked off that they can make a massive change in May, we’re fucked. There are still people on SM saying SNP1/2. What the fuck is going on, are they thick, in the dark, or don’t they care??
They’ve destroyed my country. Bastards.
@Glasgow Racer
100% this
Sturgeon must go, if she wins in may she will have 5 years to hide her crimes and corrupt Scotland beyond repair. Another indy ref is not going to happen with her around. All she cares about is power and keeping it. The only chance at salvation is to get her out of power and then make sure she faces the fullest extent of the law for what she has done. I have no doubt she conspired to pervert justice and has committed perjury.
Morgatron says:
10 March, 2021 at 11:13 pm
“I am gonna be sentenced to life , cause I hate every cu@£.”
We could be sharing a cell.
OK so posted a link to the BBC news page about the Hate Crime Bill. This one.
link to
Put a wee note on saying to people be careful what you post on social media as you could receive a visit from the Police, once this law passes.
Facebook have removed it, without reason. Refresh the feed looking for it. Top of feed, posts of dogs.
Seems I need to undergo re-training to change my thinking.
What an absolutely incredible clip. He really is the thickest man in politics.
He’s my MSP, I had been planning to spoil my paper but I’m now leaning towards holding my nose and voting for the candidate most likely to oust him or more realistically put a dent in his majority.
Gregor says:
10 March, 2021 at 11:26 pm
“Soon, a safe and secure public will have to do what prisoners do, and create our own language/communication system, in secret, despite already having a perfectly legitimate Scottish language and communication system (systematically wrecked by ‘THEM’).”
Just use Scots – it’s no posh enough for them.
Colin Alexander says,
“If anyone is unhappy with the SNP or any other politicians. I have a simple solution:
Don’t vote for them.”
Totally agree.
I don’t really want to think about it to tell the truth, it’s too distressing. How much time money and energy has the SNP spent bringing shit legislation – and how money does it cost others to challenge their shit legislation.
I was doing some tactical-voting speculation over on Barrheadboy’s blog, having mulled it over for a while – not positive or anything, just looking at what might produce the better outcomes. It’s been a long year, since January 2020, and the things we’ve discovered this past year,,, not great anyway, but we’ve gòt to make the best of it – so I’ll give you the pleasure of my speculation here too:
So much is changing so fast these days, it’s impossible to predict how things might go: I’ve been trying to think of the consequences of Nicola Sturgeons actions, and how we can consider mitigating any consequences, to rescue independence. There will be tarring of the same brush by the MSM, so if Nicola sturgeon is portrayed as corrupt and/or a loony cult leader, independence, while still supporting her (not that the media will care, they’ll make out that’s the case anyway), will also be tarred thus.
The SNP failed to ‘clear house’ and MSPs still fully support NS – that is, it’s not just NS that’s a liability, it’s now the whole SNP. And while I agree that you shouldn’t expect the supposed good guys to have to leave the SNP – mainly, though, because they are sitting politicians and have responsibilities towards their staff and constituents! – they do have to consider how remaining in the SNP will affect their standing. I’m not saying all is lost for the SNP, but that all is lost before the May election, there are just too many scandals-in-waiting to make NS and the whole SNP anything but a liability. They will be suffering reputational damage over the coming weeks I think, and so will the independence movement.
In general, any political scandal results in a low voter turn-out, whatever the scandal or the party. There is no positive message for people, and as soon as it gets to nasty bitching politics, people switch off – it’s irrelevant, and it’s always detrimental to gaining votes.
A major political upheaval a month or so ago, I think, would have given us time to repair and recover and keep momentum on the pro-Indy messages – but not now everything is overshadowed by other events. (Having looked at the detail of the evidence in the harassment Committee inquiry, seeing NS doubling down on not doing the right thing, and no political moves from others while this evidence comes to light, it’s too late, I think, to do anything but delay the disaster further, and unionists will not be delaying for much longer).
With a predicted low voter turn-out, what we could have is, those of us with critical faculties still intact having a bigger proportion of the vote. Say, those that read and engage in blogs are only a small percentage of the voting population, so normally how we’d vote would have little consequence – but it now might be greater. There is no consensus, of course, and I don’t think we can have until nearly the last minute (because things will be changing fast and often until May).
People ARE looking for a direction of travel: so what should it be? Assuming most people with critical faculties are more intent on independence than party politics, we could do with a few broad strategies to ensure we get a chance to vote effectively in May on constitutional pro-Indy matters, but also we should be ensuring independence isn’t wholly associated with the SNP.
Our final strategy, when all else is lost, could be to throw a blinder, vote in very unpredictable ways, confound the pundits, have Curtice baffled and unable to comment – always give opinion polls different from what you think from now up until May etc. If we have a hung parliament, no one able to form a government, we get another GE in a few months time and get another chance, is my thinking here.
I can’t think of a positive strategy that doesn’t involve wholeheartedly ditching the SNP, though. That’s going to be nigh on impossible for those people that have a long history with the party: I’ve had a difficult enough time coming to terms with the lies and subterfuge, to then realising the SNP is dead in the water – I suspect many will be unable to come to terms with that last bit for a while to come.
What does the independence movement have going for it? Several other pro-Indy ‘list’ parties have been established (which I think is healthy in any event), and there are several established non-party ,,, things, like SIC, AUOB, common weal, and the Scottish currency group (though this is sort of SNP) – these groups have been working on plans for transition and independence (some too long winded and up their own arse to be usable perhaps, but at least things are being done, unlike in the SNP) – and the latest non-political Now Scotland, that should help with coordination, we hope. Mostly it’s coordination and getting messages out to the wider public are the biggest problems – well, as well as political backbone.
What have working against us? The British State (of course, and we can’t know the full extent, but including the MSM), the SNP, the Scottish Greens, and a pandemic preventing normal campaigning methods (the need for direct word of mouth communication).
What will happen if the SNP vote collapses? Our d’hondt system gives an interesting twist to the FPTP system. Also, even though unionist parties stand in constituencies, their tactics tend to prioritise regional list seats – and we could also assume that they’ll coordinate to maximise the unionist vote rather than party vote. Polls suggest SNP will take most constituency seats – if they fail to do that, and the unionist parties suddenly get those FPTP seats, then their regional seats will be vastly reduced – but those constituency seats will not specifically be for party, having planned just to maximise the unionist vote, so no one party has a majority there. Then, on the pro-Indy side: the SNP is more likely to get regional list seats, BUT if everyone has not voted SNP on the list, not so much. Less unionists, maximised alternative pro-Indy parties gain regional list seats. Possibly a hung parliament. It will be amusing (wryly amusing) if the unnaturally elevated candidates on the SNP lists get voted in, but none of the big-hitters, and they are left with less than less capable MSPs. (Hell mend them) Will this bring about major changes within the SNP too?
If people still vote SNP on the constituency seats – we might have more of the pro-Indy parties on the list if people wisely do not use their second vote for the SNP – this is likely to reduce the unionist seats overall, but we still have the SNP in government – still pushing their Queer Theory ideology in schools etc – and the scandals associated with independence still in existence. I don’t believe the SNP can fix anything internally, not if they get a majority vote supporting the current regime, and even worse if they get into a coalition with the Scottish Greens. I think this is the worst outcome for independence itself – the status quo of the positive independence message from the SNP is going to be lost soon enough; do we drag it out, or move on? The lady is not for turning, the current regime has absolute control of the SNP and have no intention of bringing about independence. We are dead in the water with the same problems as we have now – more time for planning and coordinating other strategies, but meanwhile the positive messages for independence are being worn down and the majority support will be lost. And it’s a long time until the next GE.
The benefits of seeing the SNP out of government: independence isn’t associated with fantastical extremist ideologies, those ideologies aren’t imposed on us through legislation (possibly, who knows what the unionists might do if they get to form a gov’t – but at least it isn’t associated with independence then), and there is no change on whether or not we get independence. Downsides are that the general population have already realised the SNP were selling them mince. If the independence movement suddenly shift and say ‘nah, actually, the SNP aren’t good enough’ at least we can say support for independence has some integrity.
Taking a dispassionate, practical view of what is the best thing to do for independence itself – to enable it happening – keeping up the positive polling for it and getting politicians that are willing to bring it about into some form of power. Here I think voting anyone in on a pro-Indy plebiscite platform is good – that is, direct and unequivocal support for independence – and if that’s only on the regional lists, then so be it. Ensuring everyone is backing the same candidates/party in each region – same as what the unionists do, we don’t need to reinvent this tactic – will be good. It will have to be discussed after campaigning starts.
The fly in the ointment is the SNP and the constituency vote – I think ditching the SNP, ignoring them as irrelevant, would be the best outcome – but the British State won’t allow it, and the SNP of course, and the many people still buying into the ruse. And people DO want to use their constituency vote. At the moment I can’t think of a way to do that – only abstention. With a new party standing on the constituency vote, they won’t get the coverage and publicity to give the wider population an opportunity to consider them, so are unlikely to get voted in, but it would still give us something positive to vote for.
On the tactical voting scale: voting for a new pro-Indy party on the list, (and definitely not the SNP), ALWAYS has a good outcome. I’d say this is a must, whatever the strategy.
What outcome do we want, what is the best we can hope for, and how do we go about making it happen?
So – is a hung parliament to best outcome at this juncture? (More time to sort things out, delay another undesirable gov’t becoming embedded until the next official GE, make our dissatisfaction with the status quo heard)
Can we support and mobilise some of the new pro-Indy parties, to ensure the liklihood of a coalition gov’t using them, and can we maximise the seats gained by them? This is a bit unlikely, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try (if decent manifestos appear).
I’m just working through some thoughts here – some what-ifs – some ways of looking in new directions when we don’t have everything wholly dependent on the SNP, and examining what might happen as a consequence. Are hardened SNP + independence supporters capable of ditching the SNP and employing purely tactical voting (that is non party political) practices? Will the wider population follow the trend if so? I could be wrong in all my assumptions on the potential outcomes of the election – but that’s why I’m posting the comment! I need to know if my thinking has gone awry on the general principles – so any feedback is appreciated.
18 hate crimes a day accoriding to Humza, what are the these crimes each day ? being, rightfully called a fanny for being a fanny or an arse for being an arse.
The needs of the many outway the needs of the few.
Tollerance is what is needed not more wokey pish that reduces Womens or mens rights as we are the many.
Anyone still voting for the lesser of two Evils has missed the point. We don’t have democracy. We need a people’s revolution not a vote.
I have no doubt that our big hitters will come back with something strong.
Indy on the back foot for a bit, but we’ve been here for a long time.
Today was the tipping point I think for many engaged Indies.
Unfortunately most snp supporters/Indy supporters/Scottish voters are not that engaged and are being collectively kept in the dark. People don’t actually know what’s going on and some just don’t give a fuck.
Scottish politics is really weird atm. Men in cocktail dresses whilst people are homeless and living on the cold streets.
That actually tells it all. First things first men in cocktail dresses. That’s nicla’s pet love. Well Nicla, I was in Dundee a year ago and there was a young man in a skimpy dress with a boner walking about Iceland as if he was on a film set. He was amused and throwing Oscar Wilde quotes about.
At the same time drug addicts and presumably their children were running about homeless with no food, but so long as this fecking pervert in a frock was okay, then that’s okay then??
Priorities you f*********g b**************ds
Wee Chid @ 11.29pm.
We can at least hate every cu@£ together.
Al. Yes Scots will accept it. They’ll believe anything.
When do the re-education centres open up for us.Has Humza been in direct contact with the Chinese to get some tips?
How about I say to a transvestite “I love you but you are a man.”
Is that hate under the meaning of the law?
The dictionary definition of hate is to feel intense dislike for. In some situations that is not enough. The definition of despise is to feel contempt or a deep repugnance for. If you are reading this Sturgeon – I despise you, Swinney, Evans, Loyd, Wolffe and the rest of your little gang for your corruption and what you have done to my country. You now have an extreme example of hate speech. Fill your boots.
The Hate Crime bill is really a collusion by unionists and Sturgeon’s cabal and its real purpose is to target the pro-independence intelligentsia.
Do you think the reason we haven’t heard much from the politicians who do not follow NS, is because they need to see just how far the crazies will go?
Information gathering is slow work, but the results in May might show a few surprises.
Clan Donald, if you accept for a minute that Tories tend to be quite pragmatic they can both provide an amendment AND vote against the bill. They know they cannot block the ghastly bill, but they can do a little to ameliorate it. I hope that makes sense.
WGAF? Take that rubbish back to Hello magazine or the Express letters pages.
Big Jock @ 11.16pm
By God your right, sorry to anyone out there for any offence for my use of the word Ferry , I fully accept this may have caused some people upset and initiated a mental collapse. I will also not ask my butcher to mince & neither will I go camping, be gay at my work or eat any more Mr Kippling’s non binary cakes.
When you meet one of these new species of woman in the pubs and clubs and you say “you’re not a woman” and they say, “yes I am a woman, that’s a hate crime, I’m reporting you to the polis”
Just say “show me your fud then sweet cheeks”
Patrick Grady. That’s the type of sex case Sturgeon keeps under her wing. A real sex offender not an innocent man this time. When we’re dealing with such blatant hypocrisy we are in fact dealing with Fascists.
Yup I think if the bill passes you would commit a crime saying that.
Just as me saying a hairy arsed man in a dress isn’t a woman or that transsexuals should not be allowed to compete in women’s sport.
Fuck all of them. Kick them out.
If the transvestite concerned perceives it as hateful then the law would be very likely to support them. It would be classed as misgendering which is the worst thing one can do to anyone ever apparently. Also even using the word transvestite is dodgy territory, transgender is the favoured term. The best case scenario for you Jim is a visit from the police and months waiting to find out if you’re going to court.
“How about I say to a transvestite “I love you but you are a man.”
Is that hate under the meaning of the law?”
Short answer: yes.
Time for some old-fashioned collusion between the Tories and the Queen.
Liz says to Boris: ‘My family and I are not doing too well at the moment. We need some good publicity to get popular again, especially in Scotland. Any ideas, Boris, old chap!’
‘Well, Tin Liz, as a matter of fact, I might just have the perfect thing for you. Let’s see …’
‘Oh, Boris! Don’t be such a tease! Hurry up, man: out with it, whatever it is, that grand idea of yours! Otherwise it will be off with it!’
‘Off with it, Ma’am. What do you mean ‘off with it’?’
‘Well, I am not allowed to have your head any more, young man. But I can still order one of my Beefeaters to have a go at your ridiculous hair-style. Off with it! These loony locks of yours will have to go – unless you tell me, and very fast, what your bright idea is!’
‘Well, Ma’am, you know how pesky these Scots are. Well, at the moment they’re all depressed – just read Wings btl, Ma’am, and you’ll see. And you have it in your power to perk them up no end! And even do my government a little favour at the same time! …’
‘How’s that, Boris!’
‘Well, Ma’am, I don’t want you to get ideas. Even though I bow before you because there is no one higher than you, except the Almighty by whose grace you reign, … I still wouldn’t like you to get above yourself. You’re only a constitutional …’
‘Boris, be careful!’
‘Yes, Ma’am. Let me put it this way: What you could never do to Westminster, you CAN STILL do to that Holyrood mini-parliament thing up there in Edinburgh. That ‘wee’ place where your Phil’s still the Chookie … if you see what I mean!’
‘You mean … Carry on, Boris …’
‘Yes, Ma’am, I mean … Don’t put your seal on their silly Hate Crime Bill, which these ridiculous people up there have just voted in favour of … and …’
‘But I always put my seal on these damned things, don’t I?’
‘Yes, Ma’am … But just this once, don’t be so seal-happy, and desist! My spies up there tell me you’ll suddenly become immensely popular among 99.6% of these Scottie-dogs up there if, just this once, you kick that automatic sealing habit of yours and … well, refuse to turn their wretched Hate Crime Bill into law …’
‘But what will happen then? Won’t that cause one of these, what do you call them? Oh I hate that word. It sticks in my gullet’
‘You mean ‘craw’, Ma’am’
‘Yes Ma’am… this is Sc’lan’ we are talking about. They all have craws up there, y’know …’
‘No, that’s not the horrible word I am looking for. Won’t it cause one of these, y’know, – horrible word – constitutional things, fankles, problems or something … if you know what I mean.’
‘No, Ma’am. it won’t. You see, I will come to your rescue. Between us, we’ll get them and tie them up in knots again, these Scots. Our knots, not the SNP’s knots … You’ll say the Hate Crime Bill is unconstitutional – if you can get the word out – and I’ll back you. Ride to your rescue, sort of thing, and agree 100% with you. And it’ll give me the perfect opportunity to interfere with that ghastly Scottish parliament. And even if I can’t get rid of it altogether, I will do enormous damage to it, and to these awful SNP people. They’ll never recover from this one. You’ll be popular like anything with them, all these pesky Scots. You’ll be their saviour and you will be able to purr again …’
‘Don’t you dare mention that word to me …’
‘No Ma’am. Sorry Ma’am, I was just saying that I too, me and my Tory Party, we too, at last, will be the cat’s whiskers up there. Everyone will love us, for saving them from the SNP’s Hate Crime nonsense. They’ll be so happy that they can carry on hating, and we’ll get everyone out on the doorsteps to clap for hating the SNP … and Scottish independence and everything else … ‘
‘But Boris, it’s ME their saviour, isn’t it? NOT you, little man … !’
‘Yes, Ma’am. Of course, Ma’am. You are absolutely right, Ma’am. This is the UK, ma’am: YOU FIRST! Absolutely …’
‘That’s better. I am beginning to see what you mean, Little Boris. Mmmmm I think I quite like that …’
And when she refuses to sign the HCB into law, Boris and the Tories will support her and use this as an excuse to dismantle Holyrood, and they’ll do it in such a way that they will completely galvanise the independence movement while making that movement fully conscious that it does indeed really need to be shed of the SNP … and hey presto! We’re in business again …
OK, this is all nonsense. I know it’s not going to happen like that. But I am not in despair. NS may think she has won, and it might look as if she has, but I think she has gone too far this time. I don’t doubt that it’ll all backfire very quickly, and unravel sooner rather than later.
This is the opportune moment for some pro-Indy anti-SNP big hitters to enter the fray, not just to get independence but also to save Scotland from the totalitarian nightmare that imposters are trying to impose on all of us. Stramash time, no doubt. But if so, that’s what’s needed, and what will come out of it will be for the best, not the worst. Remember all that talk about ‘battles’ and ‘wars’ … well, no need to despair! Not in the slightest. It might be torrid for a while, but here we come … The New SNP thinks it’s winning, but actually its victories are Pyrrhic, and it’s self-destructing. maybe even with exponential rapidity ..,
In 2014 NS was handed a party known for its integrity compared to others. I’m incandescent with rage at where we are now.
Kapelmeistet. The policies are coming from the UN.
I’m still voting SNP.
Is that me banned?
A week’s a long time in politics, just as a year now seems to whizz-by in the snap of a finger. Everything must change, nothing stays the same. The people will eventually cotton-on to the charlatans, unfortunately a little late in the day, but cotton-on they will.
So, looks like we’re waiting until the next GE in May ’24 to bomb the bastards out. I don’t know which new indy Party will be taking SNP votes, but one thing’s certain – the SNP will fail. All things being equal, I’ll be doing my part to flush that SNP garbage right down the lavvy pan.
The OBFA was repealed.
The HCB can be repealed as well.
Did Sturgeon write Harvie’s speech? What will that cost the SNP? Unless he was stupid enough to get obsequiously nauseating for nothing. Am I allowed to say that now?
When positive law becomes crazy, and over-reaches itself, natural law always finds a way to undermine it and reassert itself, and common sense with it. It might take a longer or a shorter time to do so, but do so it surely will. The SNP are actually dismantling themselves, even while they have the illusion of asserting themselves (and imposing their unreal, purely ideological and fantastically shallow and entirely imaginary worldview.
Reality is greater than mere ideas, and will win through in the end, exposing such ideas for the illusions that they are. They will suddenly vanish like a puff of smoke, just as quickly as they first appeared, and seemed for a moment to terrify us.
That is all they are: they have as much substance as a puff of smoke.
Humza the bearded laddie, champion of the bearded lady and scourge of the freethinkers.
@Positive Thinking
I was just correcting a poster. I don’t like inaccuracies
Al The European Convention on Human Rights predates and supercedes the EU.
Few things.
Please, please can Sarwar beat Sturgeon. I know it’s a long shot but it would be worth to see the look on her face.
Let’s hope they try and take on JK Rowling. Not in the sense of putting her through the mill, but the resulting media storm that is a certainty.
Scots renewable daft maybe but banned?
Pixywine says
Al The European Convention on Human Rights predates and supercedes the EU
Thought they had slipped us a curve ball.
Would anyone donate to a crowdfunder so I can move somewhere else…im thinking Syria…Yemen…Middle East…if I’m going to live in a fkn danger zone I’d rather be bombed than fon raped in a bathroom or have to be fearful thanks to rape that they’re not just a trans and are Mary in Tuesday and donning a dress for voyeurism and making sure to brag and then get women charged if we dare speak up….I have bpd…this is triggering me. (I’m not going to this is said in jest from here on in)
Borderline personality disorder has suicide ideation as part of it. Wonder if I did it and blamed sturgeon and her gender movement would she even have a pang of sympathy. I doubt it. Having a mental health condition I notice much narcissism about nicola. And dont get me started on her wokeratti nicophants…did you hear about Patrick Grady…
Xzwhat this site has had to say about Ana’s Sarwar:
link to
This is you: “Don’t worry, I know we don’t like these gulags and purges but we managed to exert some pressure on Lenin several years ago, we need to wheesht for communism, I’ll still be CCCP 1 and 2”
There was an act passed in 1956, whereby, if X introduced Y to Z, and then Y and Z had sex without being married to each other, and one of Y or Z was under 21, then X was guilty of “procuring”.
I’m fairly sure many of us would have been guilty under those laws! Luckily a few years after this stupid law was passed the tide turned in social attitudes, and I don’t think anyone was ever convicted.
So there’s some hope that natural law will, in the end, prevail.
However as you predict a promise by Johnson to simply over-ride this bill could have a VERY interesting effect on Scottish politics…oh God…
Vote Ana’s Sarwar to keep Sturgeon out? Have you seen what Stu thinks of Sarwar?
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@Anton Decadent
Well, that has made me feel quite ill. These people have connections and power.
Mermaids, jeezo. How does anyone survive that if you are a child?
I wonder if it will be retrospective this hate crime Bill.
I have come to the conclusion that the defeat of the SNP and a unionist coalition in power would be infinitely better for independence than a corrupt criminal SNP government.
With the SNP out of the way, a new genuinely independence party would arise in time to stand on a plebiscite manifesto at the next Westminster election.
Tactical voting against the SNP in every constituency, and a list vote for one of the new pro independence parties.
To those who have voted for the SNP for decades – don’t feel guilty, you didn’t leave the SNP, the SNP betrayed you.
No one in the history of Scotland has betrayed independence more than Sturgeon has.
@ ScotsRenewables
Your choice just shows you are as corrupt as they are.
There was a guy on yesterday called Robert Graham and he was having a go at posters who used unusual anonymous names.
What’s the betting a poster with the name Graham Roberts suddenly appears tomorrow.
Or is he the rebellious type?
We’ll see how mouthy he is in future posts.
I did notice that ‘queer’ was mentioned by that ‘queer’ and ‘othered’ wee specky weirdo. Can I say that atm, or will there be retro laws??
Too auld to give a fuck but I do feel for the young women and women currently employed. And any brave young soldier man that sticks up for them.
Also Stu got a mention from that ugly faced, and inside weirdo, what was that again? Worried wee dwarf, ugly.
This reminds me of the Clearances. Different type of clearances, but clearances nevertheless.
Soz men in frocks, and American bucks. Not in Scotland.
We’ll see.
Harvie is so full of hate and power. Remember his S&M days?? I do. The world is a small place you nasty, misogynist.
ScotsRenewables says,
“Have you seen what Stu thinks of Sarwar?”
That was before Sturgeon and her corrupt criminal cabal in the SNP completely betrayed Scottish independece and plotted to put an innocent Alex Salmond in jail.
This is what the Rev. Stuart Campbell said very recently after Sturgeon’s utter betrayal:
“Sarwar is the sort of Labour MSP that Tory voters could feel very comfortable backing, and the seat also has a sizeable Asian community. In the event that the opposition parties came to a quiet “understanding” similar to the one Ian Murray benefits from in his Westminster constituency – which he turned from Scotland’s most marginal seat into its safest one in the space of two elections thanks to Tory tactical votes – things could get unexpectedly interesting.”
“But a scandal-weakened SNP leader, vulnerable to tactical voting and now operating without a safety net, must have Labour salivating like hungry lions outside a home for old blind antelopes. Sarwar would be a huge underdog and would have nothing of any consequence to lose, but a potentially gigantic win.”
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Scot renewables
Awe diddums,,,are you leaving us?
Awe naw, how will the Movement survive without your fighting input?
We’ll just need to try and soldier on without you.
Give Nicola my love…
You are a paid up member of the SNP. Already a politician, who suddenly realises the end is nigh and so is the gravy train. You are an East coast politician. You are an SNP MSP and I claim my fiver.
Dear God,
Just look at how far we have drifted away from our primary aim in life,,, Scottish Independence???
AI says 10 March at 11.10pm
You confuse the European Convention on Human Rights with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It is the latter, the Charter, that is the EU Institution, not the Convention. The Convention predates the EU, is an extension of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is overseen by the Council of Europe and enforced by the European Court of Human Rights – all of which are thankfully beyond the purview and not part of the EU. So your European human rights remain intact. Although the route Scotland is about to take, you have to worry.
Today to my astonishment I saw members of every party talk good sense, except the two parties to whom I have solely given my votes in the past seven years.
I was disgusted already with the SNP. And now I am further disgusted with the Greens, for having reneged and voted instead to keep Swinney in power: in a position to continue concealing information and to continue corrupting education in Scotland.
Attempting to outlaw hate, that most natural of human emotions, will have social consequences that’ll mirror one-hundred-fold, the sheer madness of this wholly misbegotten, reality defying project.
Tannadice Boy says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:32 am
You are an SNP MSP and I claim my fiver.
I have ringfenced your fiver
Will this bill be well received by Humza’s religion. Will Muslims in his constitency still vote for him?
Glasgow racetrack says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:30 am
Scot renewables
Awe diddums,,,are you leaving us?
What do you mean, us, paleface?
Scot renewables
You still here???
We’re you just kiddin on you were leaving?
Looking for the sympathy posts?
Surprise surprise,,, you never got one.
Who decides what is Hate?
h**ps:// who is telling big Arnie that he would have to discipline these kids
What constituency and regional seat is Nicola Sturgeon standing in? Govan and South Glasow or something?
Might it be worth targeting these areas with more attention? – well, leave Labour to fight the constituency, but blanket-leaflet with one of the pro-Indy List parties? Definitely seems a good idea to ensure she’s NOT elected, it would certainly take some of the strain off. Swinney needs to go as well though.
Patrick Grady is my MP – glasgow north I think (I honestly can’t remember the names of all the various constutuencies) – I doubt he’d be re-elected if there was a by-election, he won by significantly less votes the last time & I think voters would revert to Labour with any wiff of scandal. Westminster votes are meaningless anyway.
Just saying
We Love You Grouse Beater
Lost for words in a good way. Thank you.
We’ll meet again
Alba gu brath
Hate is a very strong emotion. If you can merely dislike something, then you can save your hate for something that really deserves it.
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2 women, 2 days
murdered by men
The ring fenced fiver is hilarious.
Derek. Can we use ” dislike” as a loop hole?
I am ashamed to say that if either the SNP madness doesn`t stop, or even worse Sturgeon were to active independence, I would have no choice but to ask my work for a transfer to a base south of the border.
@ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:40 am
Tannadice Boy says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:32 am
You are an SNP MSP and I claim my fiver.
“I have ringfenced your fiver”
Don’t you mean there are no records of this?
Early footage has been discovered has been discovered of the SNP Wokeratti origins. Early indications suggest it may have been filmed on campus at Stirling University.
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At a wee bit of risk, I have some HOPE for you Stuart.
God knows a little hope is needed as we head towards the darkest time in Scotland’s history for 701 years.
The Statecraft Playbook which I am sure several on here have read has been followed with exquisite success thus far.
Objective A: Destroy the possibility of IndyRef2.
Objective B: Render the SNP useful idiots until ready to destroy that organisation.
Testmark1: “Turn” large swathes of SNP supporters into voters who refuse to vote SNP and if possible further “turn” them into State assets by making them into Conservative or Labour voters (whichever UK Establishment party/coalition is in power at London. This first brief was written in early 2015, 4 months after IndyRef1).
Objective C: Activate “assets” and “sleepers” in ScotGov on a need to know, so they pass the requisite legislation to achieve the first two preliminary objectives. In certain circles this has been known as: The lady IS for turning,”
Objective D: Destroy any leadership ALTERNATES of the SNP either by traducing their candidates’ reputations or as an absolute last measure, by the Gordon Jackson Ipcress protocol (seriously some squirrels really speak that way: proper old school).
This may all seem obscure and fanciful. What do you think the Squirrel HQ in Cheltenham do with all that money and staff? Play bridge and Cluedo? They have an average IQ of 148 in many of their departments and they ain’t losing the most prized possession of the British Empire. What everyone here HAS witnessed cost millions of pounds, hundreds of thousands of hours and some serious lateral thinking by real, positively vetted geniuses.
If you’d read the main book, specifically the post-Iraq edition, it devotes a whole chapter on the need to avoid a failed state. Which brings us to HOPE. Well scraps off of the table…
Testmark2: Secure a Unionist governing party at Holyrood and rename it the “Scottish Executive.”
Objective E: Avoid the failed state and/or another Eire/Northern Ireland FUBAR.
That, my friends is our HOPE.
If you think these words wrong, I’d ask our ambassador friend to give a few words about the veracity. Even just the direction of travel at this level a. Of how the government works, but he is already under the cosh of “Objective D”. Also to avoid prosecution under the Offical Squirrel Act, much wording and syntax in this BTL have been changed.
Ask yourself this: on 19th September 2014 could you ever have imagined any of this? Alex Salmond being fitted up for jail? You and many of us here detesting the SNP we once loved so much that we are actively considering voting Labour/Conservative as the least-worst-option to Humza’s political cyanide tablet for the SNP.
As for HOPE?
7 to 14 days before the Holyrood election, we will ALL see the mainstream media FINALLY pull out all of the stops to kill off Sturgeon’s SNP. Apparently Queen Nick doesn’t know she is getting chucked under a political bus. The Cheltenham squirrels have a fabulous sense of irony and humour.
All of this brings about the most favored result. Reinstating a Jack McConnell style pretendy wee parliament of impotence. A big version of COSLA. Nothing more. One that keeps enough jocks happy so as to avoid the “Belfasting of Scotland.” That last phrase I have now heard several times.
In order to avoid the “Belfasting of Scotland”, the Tories Adam Tomkins will offer a manifesto pledge to repeal the defective Hate Crime Act if the Scottish Conservatives are elected to lead Holyrood in May (read another ConDem McCoalition).
A certain member of the House of Lords who is fond of conducting polls has already run three on this as requested by Squirrell HQ. The biggest poll was the most problematic as they are jittery about this coming out. In excess of 2,000 Scottish women have been asked a barrage of questions on their voting intentions. Buried within there are very subtle indirect probers… if the Conservative Party in Scotland places a policy GUARANTEE to repeal the Hate Crime Act before the Scottish electorate to safeguard women in Scotland (biological) what way would they vote?
The back channel number rumours are astounding. Holyrood will have just 19 x SNP MSPs after the 6th May 2021.
Curiosity seems to have gotten the attention of the VC collecting poll taking Lord as he personally added a question. He sought to find out if the next Westminster election could be similarly manipulated. This is an outlier as they are so far out from the Boris Ballot. But figures apparently range between 11 SNP MPs in the House of Commons and 17 SNP MPs.
This has the Tories salivating like Labradors with a dinosaur bone. For Scotland hating Boris, getting rid of that phalanx of SNPs that he calls the jock-squatters sent back to jockistan has his attention as Minister For The Union. He has authorised another 1,200 added to the 3,000 employed at the British post-Covid industrial hub based in Scotland. Leveling-up the sweaties is his major plan as it worked for the Tories capturing so many seats and new blue MPs in Northern England.
Boris wants to be known as THE HAMMER OF THE SCOTNATS.
There has been a lot of champagne corks popping in certain squirrel offices in England. That my friends is an homage to the “Bath Rose” as he is known in certain circles (a thorn in the side of the Establishment).
I wondered about whether to write this. It seems utterly bizarre. But the one thing that caused these words to hit the Wings website before we all go into a darkness none of us could ever have imagines, and whether you believe it or not, Stuart is faced with that horrible choice to make. Keep Wings Over Scotland alive or kill it off (for four years or so).
I have professionally seen the secret squirrel brigade working. They believe in what they do. Many are actually highly principled as our favourite (and relatively muzzled) blogging Ambassador would likely verify.
Make of this what you will.
In short, the Hate Crime Act will be abolished once the final objective has been achieved. Get 28% of SNP voting women to change to Scottish Labour/Scottish Liberal or Scottish Conservative and Boris will give it the green light.
I will end at this point with the question:
Knowing what you now know. Seeing what you have now witnessed with Alex Salmond almost imprisoned, the Sturgeon allergy to IndyRef2, the Hate Crime Act and much else, do you think it conceivable that the Scottish Tories, aided by the State media, BBC etc all, will make a play for 28% of SNP women voters (the adult female variety)?
I believe they will. Soon enough we will all find out whether we have been played or not.
Kcor @ 11:23pm, I stand ready and willing to do what I can from the USA. The problem is that I do not have enough knowledge of what has gone on.
Watched part of debate night on beeb where John Nicolson was shouting and growling at people who were critical of SNP and Sturgeon
He reminded me of the Michelin Man with hair
As for the SNP anyone who votes for them especially females deserves anything and everything they throw at them
Head up people. Scotland invented the passing game in football.
SNP might be a burst ball. Fuck , the Labour Party were meant to do away with the Lords.
@Contrary 11:32pm . Some good thoughts.
I am sick to the core . Anyone who thinks that this has not been designed by the dark forces of the brit state is a mug!
Sturgeon is the selfish witch administering the downfall of the indy movement.
What a horrible disgusting organisation the snp has become!
Instead of voting Sarwar in Sturgeons constituency how’s about Tommy Sheridan a committed independence supporter putting himself forward against Sturgeon ,and if Sarwar is on the regional vote vote for him against Sturgeon
C’MON Tommy Scotland NEEDS you to go against Sturgeon who has put your wife and daughter along with every other female in Scotland in jeopardy
A challenge for Wings readers. The next time Stuart tells you that voting for the SNP will do no good, even if you agree with him, ask: “So who do we vote for instead, and how will that help? What’s the masterplan, (just passing on the message), I’m still voting SNP first and ISP second but AFI might through a spanner in that works, maybe take a poll on voter recognition between them both and push the winner though ISP policy is something I can live with. wings has to get behind someone, now, a shock for the SNP is better than a crash for indie.
Me: Hello Alexa,
Alexa Voice Activated Robot: Hello Alastair, how may I help you?
Me: Alexa my old radio just broke, can you fix it?
Alexa: No Alistair, but I can recommend three audio repair stores within three miles of here.
Me: Alexa it is very old, can you locate an electrical engineer?
Alexa: Yes I can Alastair. What engineer specialist do you need? What is wrong with the radio?
Me: There are no valves, I think an old tranny has blown.
Alexa: I did not understand. Please clarify?
Me: The old tranny has blown. It’s a hard slow job to fix. The going rate may make it worthless to repair.
Alexa: I heard you say “The old tranny gives a hard blow job and tricks. Her going rate is worthless. She has green hair.”
Alexa: I am programmed to report you to the police for comitting a Hate Crime. For your convenience, the police have now been called. Would you like me to locate a defence solicitor for you?
Welcome to Scotland after 6th May 2021 Holyrood election.
Even the laptop computer will squeal on you. Your Iphone will dob you in to the Rozzers.
The New SNP, helping you think the right way, or in the big house of HMP you will go to play.
speech police
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The Hate Crime Legislation is completely unworkable. I don’t know why everyone is so agitated about it. If OBFA didn’t work, and it didn’t, this with its much wider scope has no chance.
Anyway, I’m still confident that it will be the media that brings Sturgeon down. If they don’t bring her down, they’ll completely trash her and her electoral chances. They could do it now, if they wanted to. Timing has always been key and I’m still expecting an avalanche of odious karma to fall from a great height before the election.
The trigger for that avalanche will probably be the Hamilton Inquiry findings. And who knows, maybe the Harassment Inquiry will serve a purpose too. Nothing has changed. If anything, her position is much weaker today than it was say 4 weeks ago.
You’re all panicking.
9.45 3 big scottish covid cops! in tha vid.
where is the common sense party?
I heard on the beeb* earlier Paisley boy Neil unveiling Morgan to his new gig .
We’ll have to preempt them bringing out the “ Fuck your Tranny Army “ slogan even before the Euro’s kick off.
Three games in the next three weeks for the Qatar World Cup 2022 next year.
May elections don’t look good whatever, well not for Independence very soon.
Euros 2020 in June and Scotland are hosting a group game in a finals against Czech Republic and Croatia on 14th and 22nd respectively. Two sovereign states I remember coming into being in the 1990’s very well . A Finals Game at Hampden ! Sandwiched in between that there’s a game at Wembley with England on the 18th to look forward
We all know A Boris De P Johnson has declared he’s Opening the Pubs in England two days after that wee derby. Do wonder what it’s going to be like in Scotland then regards restrictions .
The odds on favourites England are about 5/1 , Scotland about 300/1.
Summer could be the best or worst before Glasgow hosts COP26 .
Happy Birthday to Pete,
Try washing your smelly feet
You look like a Governor General
And are made of stale meat.
The pontificating penis impersonator from Perth is now 59 years old, but was able to queue jump some old Tory coffin-dodging granny’s to “acquire and weave” their Covid vaccine into his own dodgy veins because Sir Peter Wishart of Longshanks has aged so badly he looks 14 years older and passes for a sickly 72 year old.
In fact, words from Sir Pete about Perth’s iconic listed city hall have come back to bite him in his skiddy ‘erse…
To paraphrase the old twat* and you can look this up as it is based on what Woke-Shart actually said…
“Local voters are well known for campaigning to demolish Perth’s listless Pete Wishfart. He has been dating since 1911, they want to replace Pete with an open square head. Something the shape of Murdo Fraser’s noggin. Fact. Voters described Pete Wetfart as “unused, unloved and increasingly unwelcome”, “an incontinent MP whose time has passed”, and said that, “A city free of smelly feet Pete will allow us to attract visitors, grow our café quarter, put on outdoor events and properly organise civic and community events. Every city needs tranny safe place and we must ensure that we will soon have our own.
* As Sir Pete Wishart, Governor General of the Crown Dependency of Scotland is now in his 60th year (happy birthday sire) he now qualifies as a designated old git and as such can take uncorroborated action against anyone he blocks on his Twatter acunt in terms of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotshland) Act 2021.
Source: link to
I will never again vote for the SNP.
In a gesture of support, I have upped my donation to the ISP, so, to all the SNP voters out there – up yours!
NS is ramming this through to uptick her CV when she gets her job in the UN
I think that has always been her program.
Fuck the SNP, fuck the members, fuck Holyrood, fuck Scotland and every last one of us.
Makes the Parcel o’ Rogues almost likeable
Fuck everything for her advancement.
S A Jackson
How does “am no voting for anyone grab your cock and balls?”
If I don’t agree with a party’s policies then they don’t get my vote.
Don’t fucking tell people we should vote for that Hate crime nonsense. Not having it.
Indy my arse, not happening anytime in next 8 years. Take that long to get rid of these weirdos.
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Al at 11:10 pm
The ECHR pre-dates the EU, and is a thing of the Council of Europe of which we’re still a member.
We are still bound by it, for whatever that is worth.
Will state-sanctioned, Scotland-hating poetry like this now become hateful crime? Asking for a friend.
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You know, with this bill Humza is making an epic historical mistake. It is so pernicious, making it illegal to even speak your mind in your own home, FFS. Not even in communist China is that the case!!!!
This makes a laughing stock of Scotland and Scots law.
Does nobody in the SNP care about freedom of speech and thought? The freedom to disagree? The freedom to have different views??? The freedom to state a biological scientific FACT, that a woman is an adult human female???
It truly is orwellian.
This will backfire sooo much. It is the perfect recipe for a Tory govermnment to arise in Scotland. And don’t think that is unlikely, the seething ager amongst Scots at these ridiculous and utterly repressive draconain actions will slowly, so slowly shift the public’s perceptions. It is EXACTLY how once liberal nations end up with right wing governments.
Laws are already in place for hate crimes. That is a FACT. So, what is the point of this bill?? The stifling of free speech and thought. If Humza and his wokie clowns don’t like what you say, even in your own homes, FFS! then off to Barlinnie with you.
This will destroy the SNP. It seems that that is exactly what Nicola Sturgeon has been all about. Destroy the independence movement and SNP from within.
To hell with humza’s odious, pporly drafted, Kafka-esque bill, to hell with Nicola Sturgeons wokey nonsense, and to hell with the SNP. (saying that today, because tomorrow the SNP would put me in jail.
In History, many years from now, Nicola Srugeon will be remembered for one thing, Successfully destroying the SNP from within, whilst at its peak, and with indepedence so close.
The independence movement will continue without them. In time, they will be as irrelevant as the ‘scottishy’ British Labour and unionist branch office.
Similar is happening in the US banana republic re. Cancel Culture Woke mob (dark sinister forces are at play):
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Gregor, this shite came from America in the first place. It’s nothing but a sick joke.
SNP down and approvals down.
Greens still far too high
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They can also scrutinise your movement in the dark these days with heat signatures….
WHY NOW: Given that public well-being is near rock-bottom (public emotions are at acute levels): Arguably the most inappropriate time ever to fu** with national culture: HAVE THESE MASS DESTRUCTIVE CLOWNS NOT GOT ANY SENSE OF PUBLIC AWARENESS…
Too right: ‘This SNP’ is the mirror image of US Democrats.
This legislation is daft (but I dinna hate it – just for the record) but I think the role of the Greens and especially the nasty Patrick Harvie is under-recognised on this site and others.
This hateful legislation and the gender woo woo stuff is the price the SNP had to pay to get the support of the Greens. Any boy did they need it given the Salmond scandal! Don’t get me wrong far to many SNP MSPs are happy to support this agenda but the Greens and Harvie were the catalyst.
If you want Independence vote for the SNP candidate in the constituency but vote ISP (Independence for Scotland) on the list – NOT THE GREENS. (And I say this as a former Green voter)
Reminds me of the 70’s when emigrating was seen by many as the best option rather than live somewhere that’s going down the drain. Sadly it’s not so easy now, but it’s still probably the best option for those that can. Ridiculously this time it’s all thanks to the SNP.
I took the night off and watched Argo on Netflix. Recommended BTW.
Looking at Twitter #IAmTheStorm and BTL here and I feel as hopeless and angry as everyone else. Fuckin shitstate.
As a certain M.E.Smith once sung-ah:
Eggheads, boneheads, queue
Queue for them
We were early and we were late
But, still, live at the witch trials….
Women could potentially be protected under this legislation…if they get mistaken for a trans woman. Yep, Yousaf actually said that. Creepy guy; clearly not much of a fan of women. Clip:
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Humza became a government minister at only 27. An astounding achievement.
‘Yousaf took part in the IVLP programme, an exchange that is run by the US State Department.
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Perhaps like Douglas Alexander before him, he has retained his connection to America.
Told you, the SNP needs to be disbanded, declared a terrorist organisation or something along these lines, because voting won’t stop them, it’ll take some radical action from somewhere to put a stop to them.
I live in France and I look in from the outside and I’m thankful I don’t live in Scotland anymore. My big disappointment is that I have three years worth of voting rights remaining and there’s not one single party that’s worthy of my vote.
Someone above mentioned JK Rowling and them going after her…
She is the last person they will f**k with. She is a billionaire and can afford an endless supply of top quality lawyers, way beyond the quality currently employed by the SNPG. She would destroy them. I actually hope they do go after her.
Instead they will use this to bully and intimidate ordinary people into just biting their tongue for fear of having to defend themselves at great financial cost.
This bill is all about stifling your free speech.
This current SNP regime are now a serious threat to civil liberties in Scotland and freedom of expression.
Do you know how easy it is to twist what someone says into ‘inciting hatred’. I could have all of you up on charges, I am not really joking either.
This bill is so sinister it is unbelievable.
But this bill in THIS government’s hands with their form takes it to a whole new level of sinister.
People are still worrying about losing your chance at indyref2… what should worry you much more is if this rotten Sturgeon regime was granted indyref2.
Do you really want our ‘last chance’ in the hands of Nicola Sturgeon after seeing what she has done this last 6 years!?
Fuck no.
The SNP clearly do not want to be in charge of Holyrood.
I believe they are deliberately trying to alienate voters, and I think when you look at what would be expected of them in new Administration you can understand why.
We would expect a referendum which we now know they can’t deliver. They have spent the money and have a black hole in the finances which would support that referendum.
It is their core reason to exist but they cannot deliver.
Inevitably their popularity would call off a cliff in the future, so why not now when it could be used to disguise their lack of political ability and management.
I watched the debate yesterday, absolutely brilliant speeches by Joan McAlpine, Johann Lamont and others, they gave parliament umpteen chances to add protections for women to the bill and by those SNP MSPs voting, not of their own free minds like Joan McAlpine did but along party lines, they absolutely shafted every woman and girl in Scotland.
Be in absoplutely no confusion about this, this is the price the SNP paid for the support of the Greens.
Now we have legistlation that breaches multiple articles of the ECHR & Human Rights Act possibly going into law today, unless the bill is struck down and kicked into the next parliamentary term – which it should be, it is extremely dangerous and not fit for purpose and when it hits the next parliamentary term it should be struck off the register completely.
If this bill makes it into law and is not repealed in the next parlimentary term it is going to take someone to be charged with an offence under this bill, and to take it through a judicial review as far as the Supreme Court of the UK in order for this bill to be struck off the statute book.
If the SNP and Greens still hold the balance of power in Holyrood they will instruct government lawyers to fight any judicial review all the way through the courts, appeal courts and on to the supreme court.
There is plenty of habitual evidence to prove that this is the course of action they would take.
Lengthy legal action of that kind is a very expensive effort for any member of the public to have to endure, if it comes to it I will be donating towards any crowd funding efforts to back the case to have this bill struck off as it is extemely dangerous and is a major breach of multiple human and civil rights!
Is it now a crime in Scotland to discuss a potentially-unlawful candidate selection policy that puts a BAME or self-declared disabled person in the #1 position regardless of votes achived?
That would be handy….
I have only sen one list of MSPs who voted down Johann’s amendment ad it was SNP and LDs. Greens also backed the SG against other amendments.
Where to vote now if (WHEN) the Hate Crime bill passes later today?
I will be voting for the guy that’s standing against Stuart McMillan the MSP for Greenock and Inverclyde, that’s the plonker that was on the commitee in the Alex Salmond debacle.
I have been waiting for this to happen for years, two SNP candidates standing against each other.
Chris McEleny ( not sure if I spelt his name correctly ),
It is for me, he seems a decent bloke and I am prepared to give him a chance as McMillan is a nipple.
Chris if your reading this, you have my vote to become our MSP, please don’t change, we need more people like you to get in amongst them and get rid of them once and for all
WHY WHY WHY: did ‘This SNP’ systematically dismantle (DESTROY) its (SCOTLAND’S)’Golden Opportunity’…
This hate crime bill will never work, it will be abused by the SNP , they will be waiting for something to latch on to in WOS, but as long as we have good lawyers to defend us, we will never be kept down by them.
They lost a fortune with the Alex Salmond case, this bill has the potential to cost them a lot more, so bring it on you sniveling self entitled bawbags, bring it on
Tony Little says:
11 March, 2021 at 8:03 am
I have only sen one list of MSPs who voted down Johann’s amendment ad it was SNP and LDs. Greens also backed the SG against other amendments.
Where to vote now if (WHEN) the Hate Crime bill passes later today?
I cannot make that decision for you, for me my mind was already made up before last night which just reinforced my view that the current SNP are not fit for government and not fit to lead Scotland on to independence.
I don’t want to live in a country where even thinking about controversial topics within your own home has become a crime.
Unless another non-SNP-non-Green pro-independence party stand in my constituency I shall be spoiling my constituency ballot, for my list ballot I shall be voting either AFI or ISP.
By spoiling my ballot I am not not voting, I am registering my interest that there is no party that represents my political views in my constituency vote and retracting my political support from the SNP which they gained at previous elections.
Jacqueline McMillan says:
10 March, 2021 at 11:33 pm
“I have no doubt that our big hitters will come back with something strong.”
Why did none of them vote against the SNP today? – Only Joan McAlpine was brave enough. Even those who are retiring didn’t have the guts to stand up and be counted.
Where is this good news Jeggit?- we really need it now.
Will it be a crime to dress up as a woman and go into a ladies toilet, I welcome the opportunity to catch just one of them, he will be stripped bollock naked and dragged around the town with a sign around his joystick, you can make up your own minds what will be written on it
Bob- You are correct.
It’s almost as if the SNP are trying to lose the election. If you remember last year, most people warned about dirty tricks being played by the Tories leading up to this years election.
Is this whole thing being run by operatives in the SNP in collusion with the British state? Sounds crazy I know, but what the SNP are doing is crazy. So it’s not beyond possibility.
It’s a whole new concept.
The Tories get away with murder by
just telling you what you would like to hear.
SNP tell you what you don’t want to hear and
it will result in Murder.
The murder of innocent women and Scottish Independence.
SNP is being run by Unionist infiltrators or the sublimely stupid!
Sturgeon does’nt have the brains to arrange something like this, darker forces have played her like a puppet.
A final warning to my SNP MSP vote for this bill and I will vote for any candidate who expresses reservations and doubt about enacting this misjudged pointless unworkable legislation.
Not only will I not cast a vote for the SNP until they sort themselves out , I will make a point of telling anyone I speak to they should do the same , this is from someone who has supported them in every single election since I was able to vote.
Let’s see how long it takes for this brand of SNP to regain my trust my family’s trust my friends trust it’s a long uphill struggle I wish them well because I will be pulling in the opposite direction .
Aunty Flo says:
11 March, 2021 at 5:05 am
I will never again vote for the SNP.
In a gesture of support, I have upped my donation to the ISP, so, to all the SNP voters out there – up yours!
Are you old enough to vote?
You have no way of knowing what sort of party the SNP will be in five years or ten.
I agree with you. I’ll be voting ISP2. Can’t vote in constituency for SNP or Green (It’ll probably go to the Tories anyway = Ayr) SNP had a chance to win this seat, but not now.
Big Jock 8.24am. There is absolutely no other explanation for it.
Yes spoil your ballot paper, and what will that achieve, give you a clue, the word starts with N and ends with a G
Very quiet over the wall in rainbow land
I know the lurkers are reading this
Question are you and the rest of the ladies over there comfortable with this Legislation ?
Your silence means you approve .
This bill has been passed deliberately to ensure the collapse of the snp vote in may. And thus put indy to bed for however long.
The Green Goblin is behind this whipped vote,
if it doesn`t get its way it will vote for a VONC.
Off out later today to buy a new frock a Rangers strip and a union flag then I will be able to do whatever I like during lockdown.
Tory constituency vote for me and then whatever Indy party on the lists.
And by Indy I certainly don’t mean the SNP.
This is all so unreal.
Anonymoose @8:13
I agree with you. I’m spoiling my constituency vote too unless a miracle happens. I think it’s important to turn up and vote so that it’s registered as a spoilt ballot. I reckon there’ll be quite a few once they’re counted.
Big crayon saying Women are Adult Human Females So Jail Me.
Having been a member of the SNP and a campaigner in 2014 I have been watching what the SNP have been doing to women the last few years with horror and it has led me to give up my membership, decide I can no longer vote for them in any way and now to the point where I can not vote yes for independence given the way things are. I’d rather stay in the union as bad as it is than risk a Scotland that has such bad politicians and such corrupted institutions and mechanisms of power. Womanhood before nationhood – if you want a healthy independent Scotland you need to respect women’s rights and give those rights the protection that is needed in law and until we have the possibility of that kind of independent Scotland I can’t vote yes.
I’ll bet your Murphy’s Law and raise your Godwin’s Law:
“if I hate the Nazis for gassing a trans person,will I be committing an offence under the Hate Crime Law or if I call a parson a transphobe will I suffer arrest?”
link to
I am actually distraught. I feel I can no longer support independence for fear that I will lose the protection afforded to me under the Equality Act. The direction of travel is such that Scotland appears hell bent on removing all women’s rights and if we no longer have the reserved powers in the EA to protect us we are lost.
“Yes spoil your ballot paper, and what will that achieve”
what has voting for the SNP in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019 achieved?
Let me get you a clue:
1. a bill that dictators could only dream of
2. the biggest loss of powers, rights and control of assets since devolution started
3. a bill of millions for the attempt to smear and send an innocent man to prison
4. corruption of levels not seen before even in third world countries.
How can you vote in the Holyrood Election for these three things simultaneously:
independence + the protection of females’ rights + the protection of our freedom of speech?
Only by spoiling the ballot in the constituency.
So be it.
Vote for the Tories,an independista?
“I don’t belieeeeve it”
“You have no way of knowing what sort of party the SNP will be in five years or ten”
The SNP died on the 14 November 2014. What we have seen in the last 6 years is not the SNP, is Sturgeon’s version of New Labour.
After wasting every opportunity put their way, forcing on us the most disgusting piece of legislation a pretend democrat could ever come up with and handing over our rights and powers to England MPs, frankly, who is going to be the idiot that wants to sit around and wait to see what the SNP will become in 5 or 10 years?
Not this one.
No plebiscite? No vote.
McLaurin says:
11 March, 2021 at 8:43 am
Anonymoose @8:13
I agree with you. I’m spoiling my constituency vote too unless a miracle happens. I think it’s important to turn up and vote so that it’s registered as a spoilt ballot. I reckon there’ll be quite a few once they’re counted.
Big crayon saying Women are Adult Human Females So Jail Me.
You might as well write FTP or We Love Mickey, no-one reads it or records it, it’s just tossed in the wasted votes pile.
Wee Chid
I was thinking about Alex and Joanna. Still clinging to hope. Yesterday was disgusting. For first time in my life I will not be voting SNP. Intend to vote probably ISP on the list.
My mind is still reeling after that shite fest. Humiliation and shame.
Brave Johanna, Joan and Elaine. As for the rest I’ve no words. Shell shocked atm. Not even angry.
Craig Murray says both votes SNP
I thought people on here respected Craig Murray.
link to
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of people who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”
From a man who knew something about the subject.
I am withholding my constituency vote. I vote for ISP on the list or any who offer Indy . Gardening is my hobby. I have just planted my beautiful Dahlia tubers which in the fullness of time will produce beautiful blooms.
A bit like where we are just now.We must grow again.
Reclaiming the SNP is I think beyond us, and in any event would you want any of those gutless wonders who voted last night to remain in the party as elected representatives?
You have a stronger stomach than me if you do.
You don’t know what kind of party the SNP will be in 5 or 10 years time,that was your reply to Aunty Flo
And you don’t know if it’s going to rain tomorrow so that makes it kinda even doesn’t it
Just like picking a horse in the 3:30 past performance is usually a good indicator going on past performance with this management in charge it ain’t looking good is it .
Just saying like .
Boris Johnson will dismiss indyref2 calls without SNP majority, Curtice warns
link to
Is he wrong?
Craig Murray can do what Craig Murray likes.
I think for myself.
Here kitty kitty, mew, mew, I’d like to know what shrodingers cat has to say about this hate crime bill shiz, especially when they have previously referred to some trans folk as chicks with dicks, a phrase which I felt was a particularity hateful way to describe those in that group.
Taggart pic needs an edit to “There’s been a statement of biological reality”
Meanwhile, later this morning Taylor Swift will be meeting with her lawyers to find out if the lyrics “And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate” in her song titled Shake It Off, could be construed as condoning or enticing folk to express a soon to be illegal emotion in Scotland.
link to
Right, fuck it, off to enjoy my morning getting root canal…
Big Jock says at 10:59 pm
Sturgeon is creating a country, where being normal is frowned upon.
Normal is being removed from the dictionary. There is no normal anymore so that we can justify all the different genders and their preferences.So if there’s no normal, there’s no abnormal.
Guess anything goes in the new Scotland. Lock up yer kids and wives ‘cos they’re no safe.Better lock up the dugg as well.
@Scots Renewables,
Let me correct that for you.
“Johnson wil! Dismiss Indyref2 calls WITH an SNP majority”
More accurate.
The thing is, I agree 100% the current SNP isn’t fit for purpose. But a pro-indy majority at Holyrood is essential.
And all I can find on here is endless negative shite. Not one single positive suggestion. It’s turning into the Daily Mail. No-one prepared to have an adult discussion, just wall to wall SNPBaaaaad.
As for the ISP – 90% of the Scottish population think that stands for Internet Service Provider. Unless Alex or some big SNP names join them voting ISP is going to be as big a waste of time as voting for Rise wwas in 2016. (And no-one knew what that acronym stood for either).
The WM parties have shown they are every bit as corrupt as the SNP, so why allowing them to control Holyrood is a good idea escapes me. We have a lot more potential control over the future course of the SNP than we do over the future of Boris or Starmer’s Tories.
Lots of ‘gnashing of teeth’ here today. I can honestly state that I have never voted for the SNP, however, I am not averse to the principle of Independence IF it is seen to be economically viable. I have not seen anything to support this. Romantic notions have no place in politics. In reality,I have not voted for anyone for approx 20 years. My wife is the same.
However, we will be voting in May. Neither the SNP, Tories or Greens will be getting our votes, which does not leave a lot of choices. Obviously, we are not politically oriented, which allows us to be objective. The only politician I have seen in the last few months, who appears competent and intelligent is Jackie Baillie. Therefore, at this moment in time, our voting intentions are for Labour. This may change over the coming weeks. Hate is not a crime. It is an emotion.
We can deal with the SNP later.
Much easier to deal with corruption in your own government than corruption in the government of the country next door.
‘Spoil’ the ballot paper with the word « INDEPENDENCE » in BOLD.
It is truly the only choice.
Scotland First! Servile politicians go hang, Woke Wankers to the Wall!
Exciting times, citizens.
@ScotsRenewables – Westminster has been up to scams involving expenses and all the rest of it. Have they ever tried to frame a political opponent and get him sent to jail? We have been compared to a ‘banana republic’ by the Mail and by others. Is that unfair, or is it fair?
Well unless Salmond heads a list (and he better do it soon) then it’s best to vote SNP in constituency and ISP on the list.
Basically the next 5 years are lost, so let’s not give the SNP the excuse of being a minority govt.
We should hammer them in the Westminster elections if they haven’t got rid of this infestation by then. That’s where a lot of the loons are anyway.
Trans ideology is based on Queer Theory. Both believe that feelings define them and their world. (Like missionaries they don’t really believe it so have to convince others that they are right in order to convince themselves). It is this self doubt which makes them so violent and dangerous.
When they quote the children’s rhyme ‘sticks and stones’ as being wrong, they mean it. To them words that hurt their feelings are as violent as physical abuse. Of course they feel hurt when ever biological truth is pointed out and the fragility of their lies is revealed.
SNP & Geen HGB has unleashed the hounds of hell, i would call them puppies of hell but mad children with loaded weapons are no puppies.
It is a sign of this SNP that they are not able to give a free vote on a bill which restricts free speech to a level not seen outside totalitarian regimes.
The only hope is that the insanity gets so bad and so obvious that it has to be reversed.
@ScotsRenewables – groteque green hobgobin Patrick Harvie prevents us from dealing with SNP malfeasance. It is impossible with idiots like him in place.
So are you going to find yourself something more fulfilling to write about Stuart? I wouldn’t blame you and life is very, very short. You have lots of talent that shouldn’t be wasted. Selfishly, I don’t want you to give up but …
Replacing Sturgeon would not solve problem.
Even if say Joanna Cherry got the job as leader they still will face the Blairite Problem.
This problem is what faced Jeremy Corbyn when he took over the labour leadership. He had a party stowed with Blairites who hated his guts and did everything they could to undermine him and betray him.
Well the SNP is stowed full of Sturgeonites and any new leader of the SNP is going to face the exact same problem as Corbyn did.
So the way I see it now is, it does not matter if we are to replace the SNP or salvage the SNP, the next step is the same irrespective.
First we have to clear out the Sturgeonites, as much as we possibly can.
“Much easier to deal with corruption in your own Country”
Really @ ScotsRenewables says at 9:27 am, have you been following the COPFS, Police Scotland and Scottish Governments actions via the courts and Inquiry’s recently?
It doesn’t appear that easy!
Anyway because accusing some SNP MSPs of being corrupt will hurt their feelz to do so now will constitute a Hate Crime and you’ll do 7 years for it.
Dear rev, you’ve reported a lot of what newSNP have been up to and the anger levels have been rising. I hope that you’ve got a productive channel for this anger in mind. I’m hoping that you know that Salmond will enter the contest and head a list party, but if not, you should choose an alternative list party and promote it – and do it soon!
Tony Little @ 8.28 am
Agreed Tony, we are both in the same constituency, but why stop there? You cannot affect the outcome so why not make the scale of defeat bigger in the hope that the SNP get the message and ditch Sturgeon and her cronies before they disappear off the political map forever. Hold your nose and vote for the opposition, in your case Tory. Look upon it as a vote against the SNP rather than a vote for anyone else.
“a pro-indy majority at Holyrood is essential”
If Sturgeon’s New SNP and Harvie’s Greens have proven something for the last 5 years is the they are neither pro-indy parties nor they give a sht about females or democracy. Frankly, we are better off without any of them.
At present there is only one way to vote for:
independence + protection of females’ rights + protection of freedom of speech
and that is by spoiling the constituency ballot. Then spoiling the constituency ballot it is.
To deliberately remove the choices from the electorate as the SNP and Greens on behalf of the British and American establishment are doing to force us into voting for what we do not want and certainly do not need, is not democracy. It is the most appalling form of dictatorship. It is abuse of power.
Independence is not conditional to corruption nor toxic bills nor the caprice of unprincipled wannabe dictators. It never was. That the SNP and Greens are making it so is frankly revolting.
We should not have to renounce to anything we want just because the SNP and the Greens have decided democracy is no longer to their taste.
And because I refuse to give up on independence, protection of female’s rights and to protection of freedom of speech, I will spoil my constituency ballot. If no pro indy party includes in their manifesto a mandate for independence, I will spoil my list ballot too.
No plebiscite? No vote.
In the Holyrood clip above, Yousaf keeps saying ‘aggravator’ instead of ‘aggregator.’
Funny, that.
Can’t stop laughing.
Revenge on white people and women is sweet, eh, Yousaf? Having great fun, aren’t you.
Don’t know if you can post this Stuart, don’t want to drop you in the shit, me? Don’t care.
Help ma Boaby
Will you vote for chancers
Wimmen with dicks an baws
Standing fur election
A threat to Indy cause
Sneaking in the back door
A nod frae up the top
Ye claim to be a wummin
Nae need the get the chop
Nae need fur aw this vetting
Pit own yir nicest frock
Mak sure it is long enough
Don’t want to show her cock
My name is really John
In Fife it sounds like Joan
Ahm sure ahm no a wummin
Ma SNP chance has flown
Never been a member
Tho voted all my life
But never in the future
No wi aw this strife
Done ma share o’ canvassing
Marching fur the cause
SNP has had it
Because o’ wimmin with baws
Captain Yossarian says:
11 March, 2021 at 9:29 am
@ScotsRenewables – Westminster has been up to scams involving expenses and all the rest of it. Have they ever tried to frame a political opponent and get him sent to jail?
Are you for real?
Westminster’DWP has killed thousands of its own citizens, just for starters. Have you forgotten this?
link to
As for trying to send an innocent man to jail, what about Assange?
Then there’s nuclear weapons, arms sales to Saudi Arabia (one of the world’s most anti-woman cultures) and of course the continuing support for genocidal regimes
link to
Sorry Yossers, but Sturgeon’s crew are rank amateurs by comparison. And these are the people you are happy to hand Scotland to on a plate because you don’t like Nicola any more.
Future generations of Scots are not going to judge you well. They will be horrified and mystified that you handed the country over to Cumberland’s descendants because you couldn’t stomach a bit of local foul play or be bothered hanging around to set it right.
Postie just delivered an SNP raffle – I am about to send it back minus address or cheque in their postage paid envelope.
Time to re-read ‘IF” may I commend Rudyard Kipling to you all.
“then it’s best to vote SNP in constituency”
Best for what or for whom?
At this moment in time there is only one way to vote for:
independence + protection of females’ rights + protection of freedom of speech, simultaneously.
And that is by spoiling the constituency ballot.
The three of them are equally important to me, so why should I have to give up on any of them? Because a corrupt politician pretending to be what they are not tells me to?
No plebiscite? No vote
What gets me is this,the SNP were whipped to support this HCB, only Joan McAlpine had any courage.
WTF about the ones who are retiring?
They didn’t have to follow the whip.
So all those folk like Sandra White and the rest, to hell with you.
Katie Forbes was supposed to be one of the good ones, she must have voted for.
NS is following the NWO protocol, she will be gone soon.
I will vote for anyone that gets rid of these deviant evil fuckers.
@Aunty Flo says:11 March, 2021 at 5:05 am
“In a gesture of support, I have upped my donation to the ISP, so, to all the SNP voters out there – up yours!”
Are you sad fks really now reduced to posting at five in the morning in the hope of getting your wee free self-plugs in without censure from the rest of us?
@David Caledonia: “Yes spoil your ballot paper, and what will that achieve, give you a clue, the word starts with N and ends with a G. N—–G”
“Nitpicking” by the sound of it …
“I’ll bet your Murphy’s Law and raise your Godwin’s Law:”
I’ll raise you both Cole’s Law – “Thinly sliced cabbage in mayonnaise.”
(may as well laugh now while it’s still legal)
@Captain Yossarian says: “groteque green hobgobin Patrick Harvie”
Better not call him that, it may constitute a homophobic, ecophobic hate crime now.
Where’s V when we need him?
“Boris Johnson will dismiss indyref2 calls without SNP majority, Curtice warns”
And that is why thanks to Sturgeon and her fabricated S30 con, indyref is dead therefore Sturgeon’s SNP promises of independence are smoke and mirrors and blatant deception.
The only way forward to independence is a party with a mandate to end the union in their manifesto. We just need one party that does this. Just ONE. Any takers?
No plebiscite? No vote.
These SNP diehards take me back to my counselling days.
I often saw women who were subjected to horrendous domestic abuse and inevitably they would always start by making excuses for the abuser. “He’s got problems” ” He’s really a good man” . “I went too far”
Some on here are like that . Making excuses for an abusive party who ultimately see you as nothing more than a convenience. You have the power to change. Use it.
My only positive thought is that if we got independence and I think the SNP will be forced into going for it soon, then people will separate into ‘factions’ and I think the new bill will change the balance of support considerably within a few months. I still look forward to the Murrells being prosecuted
As an aside, I am currently stranded in Portugal.
Portugal has had the equivalent of the GRA in force since August 2018. Transgender individuals can self-identify and change their legal gender on their birth certificates and passports.
I am not aware of any issues arising.
Just saying. Maybe we are making more of a mountain of this than we have to, oversensationalising it, giving it the tabloid treatment.
And if the OBFA can be repealed because it was later deemed to have been poorly drafted, then so can the Hate Crime Act, assuming it is indeed voted into existence today.
It seems to me that some of you are in danger of losing all sense of perspective.
It seems to me that when the SNP retain power in the election the informal policy of ‘Wheesht’-aimed at mugging off the Scottish public with a quick vote at a time of SNP choosing and general dissatisfaction with life-will have mutated into a legal diktat requiring anyone with any Incorrect Thoughts to ‘wheesht’ totally and permanently
“Maybe we are making more of a mountain of this than we have to”
You may think females’ rights are disposable. I do not.
@Scots Renewables,
See my post above. Loss of perspective? Possibly. Loss of reason? Definitely not.
There were a lot of people in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia who ignored the warning signs of Mugabe as it trundled to independence in 1979 and told themselves aloud three times a day that it would be all different after full independence was granted, that Mugabe and his cronies would soon be put back in their place.
Some of them didn’t live long enough to regret it.
Why vote out a government who tried to imprison Alex Salmond in favour of a government that did imprison Julian Assange, that sells arms to the Woman-hating Saudis, that refuses to condemn genocide, whose ‘welfare’ policies kill thousands of their own citizens, tat condones and keeps WMD.
Sturgeon and her cronies are rank amateurs by comparison.
Perspective, people!
“It seems to me that some of you are in danger of losing all sense of perspective”
The democratic rights of the people of Scotland should never be constraint by the caprice of a couple of corrupt politicians following a hidden agenda. To cajole the people of Scotland into voting for what they do not want and what will harm them is not democracy. It is a dictatorship. It is abuse of power. This is what the SNP and the Greens are doing. We did not give consent for this, hence this is not democratic.
So who is really losing the sense of perspective here, those like us demanding to stop something we never gave consent for, never asked for, or those like you expecting us to accept what we know will harm us?
So if the SNP lose their majority because of the gender recognition and hate trim bills and other very serious issues.
And we then have a coalition of Tory Lab Green and libs forming a majority who it appears support these bills and would not get rid of them.
What to do What to do. One corrupt lot or the other, in ma 7th decade I no longer give a monkys, christ almighty I never thought it would come to this.
John Jones says:
11 March, 2021 at 9:42 am
Help ma Boaby
That’s Brilliant! I hope you don’t mind if I save it.
I know! I know!
BUT anyone who thinks voting Tory is a thing,yes the Tories who are British nationalists,well I doubt your motives in saying it.
I can see the sense in what Craig Murray says. We are kept on the field and can change things but not if we are more tightly colonised!
Some here are too obviously anti indy. Be more subtle,eh?
Mia says:
11 March, 2021 at 9:58 am
“Maybe we are making more of a mountain of this than we have to”
You may think females’ rights are disposable. I do not.
Of course I don’t.
As I said, self-I’d doesn’t seem to have caused any great concern in Portugal. But if you can point to any abuse then I will stand corrected.
link to
Not to mention the two men, separate incidences, who were charged with murdering a woman and a girl yesterday. One a serving polis who carried a gun.
I would just like to take this opperchansity to thank humsa and his cabal for GRA and HCB.
@ScotsRenewables says: 11 March, 2021 at 10:01 am
“Why vote out a government who tried to imprison Alex Salmond in favour of a government that did imprison Julian Assange, that sells arms to the Woman-hating Saudis, that refuses to condemn genocide, whose ‘welfare’ policies kill thousands of their own citizens, tat condones and keeps WMD.
Sturgeon and her cronies are rank amateurs by comparison.
Perspective, people!”
Dare one suggest because it this is the sort of mischief Dear Leader, Humza and co get up to with the pathetic slivers of power accorded to them from Westminster, the thought of what they would do with the powers of a Full Fat nation ought to keep you awake in bed at night in terror.
We are losing the plot here folks. Letting the UK Unionist parties regain control of Holyrood and shape it to their ends is NOT the answer.
Hoping Stu is going to cheer up a bit and come out with something a bit more positive soon.
Meanwhile, it is obvious more and more Unionist plants are flocking to this site every day. We see you.
We need to get back to being humans again.
Everything that is going on just now is interlinked. Reckless money printing and debasement of currency, the destruction of social norms, the de-genderisation of people, the shaming of people for being themselves, for saying what they think, the overreach of government into every aspect of our lives, the silencing of any opposing opinions – of any debate. It goes on and on. Just look at the reaction to a virus (that killed only 0.1% of the population last year) the world has stopped, livelihoods have been erased, the economy has been destroyed. How does the future look from where we are currently? This is worldwide and it is to do with the removal of absolutes from our lives – the first of which is our monetary system. We should stop rewarding evil, justifying evil, ignoring evil. Do not be ashamed of what you think nor your own moral code. Remember always, that first you are a free, autonomous human being and you own yourself and your actions – no-one else does. You are not a slave. You are free.
This hate crime bill is the tip of the iceberg, its downhill form here folks, and I don’t know if there is anywhere we can hide. Buckle-up and try not to forget who you are in the coming decade. The objective is to survive so that we can rebuild the world afterwards.
Scots Renewables
Gonnae say it clearly. I’ll vote or not vote for whoever I want to. Your SNP is a burst baw.
I can’t vote for this shower. Not now. And before you start about your – I must not be in favour of independence then shite. I am. Just not endorsing these utter wasters.
As others have stated if laws can be repealed why the fuck did the SNP railroad the HCB through now, 8 weeks before the election? I think it’s clearly because they care more about this than independence.
So they, and you, can fuck off.
Falling back to postcolonial reality, amid the anticipated deceit of the dominant National Party and its pampered bourgeoisie elite in its ‘accommodation with colonialism’, Fanon reminds us that:
“The national bourgeoisie, since it is strung up to defend its immediate interests, and sees no further than the end of its nose, reveals itself incapable of simply bringing national unity into being, or of building up the nation on a stable and productive basis. The national front which has forced colonialism to withdraw cracks up, and wastes the victory it has gained.”
Which gives rise to creation of new national parties driven by like minded people, and which the mass of the people must support if they are to taste liberation. So a warm welcome to AFI, ISP, Solidarity, Scotia Future who must work together in our Cause, hopefully starting with a plebiscite election on independence.
From a unionist standpoint, of course, but Stephen Daisley on the Fabiani inquiry and Swinney’s vote of no confidence (VONC): –
‘Even though the inquiry was set up on their preferred, very narrow terms, and chaired by one of their own MSPs, the SNP has made every effort to hamper the committee’s work.’
‘The gulf in quality between Baillie and many other members of the Scottish Parliament is yawning. She could easily hold her own at Westminster. Most MSPs would struggle to chair a sparsely-attended local book club.’
‘If Swinney is Sturgeon’s attack dog, Harvie is her lapdog. He used his contribution to the [VONC] debate to assail the Scottish Government’s critics…’
‘The SNP parliamentary party is a bloc vote, with whip-breaking, rebellions and conscience votes almost unheard of, but it is in the subservience of the Greens that Sturgeon’s real power lies.’
Worth a read.
link to
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
10 March, 2021 at 10:10 pm
“Then if all is lost, then why not close this blog and hand the baton on to those are more hopeful?”
I’m not stopping anyone from starting a blog. But what I am stopping is you posting on it any more, you tedious wee troll prick.
“Of course I don’t”
Then think what you are saying.
These people refused to include sex in that bill, deliberately exposing females to rights erosion. So they clearly think females’ rights are disposable. And if you think that bill is acceptable, when nobody asked for it, so do you.
“self-I’d doesn’t seem to have caused any great concern in Portugal”
Give it time. Does Portugal have a dictator bill to go with the self-id like Humza’s one?
It does not matter if it has not caused any concern anywhere else. It has caused concerned here and plenty. It is not something the people of Scotland voted for, asked for, consented to or need. It will harm females and it will harm males too. Who will benefit form it? Forcing it on us just because Sturgeon and Harvey want to toe the line of America’s establishment is undemocratic. It is abuse of power.
No plebiscite? No vote
Mark Boyle, your idea that Scottish independence means a continuing SNP government under the current leadership baffles me.
At least half of us have said over the years that post-indy our votes would go elsewhere, that whatever was left of the SNP would become just another party or that it would fragment.
The idea that the Scots or their neighbours on this island would tolerate a failed state that had shut down democracy is laughable.
Nicola is not Mugabe. It ain’t going to happen. Your proposed scenario is just the latest edition of Project Fear.
ScotsRenewables says:
Sturgeon and her cronies are rank amateurs by comparison.
So when you get a tradesperson in do you look for the professional or always plump for the amateur.
If Independence is achieved these are the people who will be in charge.
It is depressing.
Why will ‘these people’ be in charge after independence?
No-one is going to vote for an Independence proposition that suspends elections.
After independence Scotland will get the government it wants. If it votes for a sturgeon it party then hell mend us, but at least it will be our choice.
Personally, I think we will make a better choice.
The SNP was founded in the 1930s when empire had yet to go and British exceptionalism held sway. British military tradition was a dominant cultural meme and Scots were discouraged by their teachers and preachers from eschewing British identity. The early SNP had to battle against such strong forces and significant progress was slow and decades long.
Some people today therefore, have the inbuilt notion that a new indy party is not going to make headway in the short term. I think that is a mistaken view. Independence, unlike in the 1930s, is now the dominant aspiration of Scots. The huge numbers that AUOB put on the streets of Scotland before lockdown attests to that strength. AUOB was/is very far from being an SNP project as we know, and it’s hard to imagine that there isn’t a majority in the Yes camp for a new political grouping that seeks to supplant the SNP and go hell for leather for independence.
Mia, answer this.
If Holyrood can repeal the OBFA then why can it not in future repeal the Hate Crime Act?
This current government cannot tie the hands of future governments.
This is what Humza Yousaf has brought to Scotland,
a tweet from a scared woman after the murder of Sarah Everard,
`People talking today about women not feeling safe when out in the streets. I remember getting followed in department stores and fashion shops. You’d just sense someone standing near, watching. Used to be able to duck into the loos and wait , hope he goes. Not now.`
the loos,the changing rooms,the safe houses,the woman`s crisis centres even the prison cell,
Humza Yousaf has given the keys to woman`s safe spaces and refuges to the monsters and perverts of society,
like Jimmy Saville getting the keys to Broadmoor mental health hospital where him and his friends had free reign to molest and torture the most vulnerable in society,
Humza Yousaf has made 2,500,000 Scottish woman less safe than they were ,
shame on him.
Hate crimes? link to
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:20 am
Why will ‘these people’ be in charge after independence?
Because they are the candidates that will be put up for election.
If they are to be replaced how is that going to be achieved?
“Letting the UK Unionist parties regain control of Holyrood and shape it to their ends is NOT the answer.”
So your choice is between Nurse Ratchet or a bunch of Union Flag waving lunatics off their meds.
Who do you suggest we pick to run the asylum?
Kapelmeister, re. the potential for the rapid rise of new indy parties/movements –
you are probably right.
But it isn’t going to happen before May.
And a future emasculated Unionist controlled Holyrood is likely to put a raft of legislative and procedural obstacles in the way of such groups.
I believe what you envisage is more likely to happen if we retain a nominally pro-independence majority. I also believe that the rise of these groups after May will hold the SNP’s feet to the fire and force reform in the party.
Famous15 says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:04 am
Some here are too obviously anti indy. Be more subtle,eh?
Do you not see? Voting for those who would deny us Independence, and those who would exploit us for our desire for Independence, gives us a double negative option, with neither one option being more palatable than the other.
Thus, the May election becomes a choice between not voting, or endorsing one of two equally reprehensible options, being used, and feeling like a total mug for doing so.
It has NOTHING to do with Independence, hence the understandable mantra, “no plebiscite = no vote”.
You want that to change before May, then change the SNP… a lot.
Ottomanboi 9.28
Yes, I have been mulling this over for some time now. What to do, what to do, with the constituency vote? (My incumbent is Fiona Hyslop maj. c.9,500)
Not that I believe it’ll matter how I deface the first ballot, as I don’t believe there will be sufficient numbers of spoiled papers to make anyone notice, or that the MSM might even report it (very doubtful – as the state is theirs to protect)
So, on the face of it, to write INDEPENDENCE would be an unequivocal message. At least, it’s more positive than writing CORRUPTION after having scored out SNP. (everybody knows)
I guess we’re just outside of the body politic and outlaws now
Like yoursel, and looking at other countries’ experiences, I figure its going to take more organisation than the occasional exercise in one’s ‘democratic rights’ to alter the state of things around these here parts.
“Letting the UK Unionist parties regain control of Holyrood and shape it to their ends is NOT the answer”
Then you have to go back to all those SNP MSPs and MPs and ask them why they are allowing Sturgeon to hand over control of Holyrood to the unionist parties and why they are helping this fraud to alienate yes voters.
It is not the people of Scotland’s job to absorb the SNP mistakes and suffer the consequences in silence in order to continue to keep them in power so they can make even more mistakes and continue to delay independence because the SNP decide something else we did not consent to is suddenly more important for them. It is the SNP’s responsibility to deal with those mistakes and either correct them or face the wrath of the voters.
“We are losing the plot here folks”
You might. I am not.
I have three lines in the sand:
independence, protection of females’ rights, protection of freedom of speech.
I refuse to give up on any of the three. Why should I?
I refuse to be cajoled into voting for what I do not want or need because corrupt politicians are deliberately removing the options in front of me so they can pander to the interests of some lobbyists. Why should I?
At present there is only one way I can vote for those three things simultaneously, which is exactly what I intend to do: by spoiling my constituency ballot.
Then spoiling my constituency ballot it is.
No plebiscite? No vote.
If you don’t vote for an Independence Party or don’t vote
It waste your ballot paper you gift a Holyrood majority to
the Unionist parties.
Then they can get away with absolutely anything just like team Boris.
How about a vote to redraw our boundaries.
Dumfries and Galloway with its Tory English inhabitants becomes part of England?
How about all oil and fishing waters are all England’s?
Remember they have already done this in part so not far fetched.
How about the biggie a Vote to close down Holyrood for ever.
Now if they have a majority, how could anyone stop them?
Our MPs influence the votes on bills just 0.6% of the time.
Essentially what they say counts once in every 200 Bills presented.
They might as well give us mirrors and beads like they did to the Red Indians
as our votes and priorities matter not.
Scotland gets what England can be bothered to give us.
Vote for the hard place as it will be your own or else the rock will be smashed down on your head.
What’s your choice? Do you imagine if we all draw a penis on our ballot papers we will get a penis for FM???
I am putting forward coherent arguments about hard choices. You are wailing in the darkness and gnashing your teeth.
I like to think my approach might bear more fruit.
I am appalled at what has recently become of my Lothian mum’s homeland. It has long been plain that you should be seeking liberation from the Parcel o’ Rogues in Westminster, but it is now equally plain that you should be seeking liberation from the Parcel o’ Rogues in Holyrood.
They will close down all dissenting sites – Craig Murray’s, Ian Lawson’s, GrouseBeater’s and they will come for this one first.
How would people feel about accessing this site through a VPN? And having the site blocked in Scotland so as to be outwith Scottish ‘law’?
This is the standard solution when dissent is banned, but requires a little effort from the readers. Are people up for this?
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:24 am
Mia, answer this.
If Holyrood can repeal the OBFA then why can it not in future repeal the Hate Crime Act?
This current government cannot tie the hands of future governments.
Apologies for interjecting here,
Instead of following the wheest rhetoric of “It’ll be all right we’ll sort it after independence”, you should be asking the question that why there are so many bills being enacted that are required to be repealed?!
If proposed legislation was fully vetted, debated and discussed with MSPs given free votes instead of being whipped before these bills are enacted there would be no need to repeal laws, instead we’ve already had bills repealed that were enacted under the SNP.
It is a blindingly obvious flaw in the political process this government follows that any bill that goes through parliament then need to be repealed because the bills are not fit for purpose, it’s a huge fucking exclamation mark that what they are doing is wrong and does not work.
The Scottish Parliament has a referedum bill, they should be using that to gather the opinion of the electroate on these issues before wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money by throwing it at these bills and hoping they stick.
Hobson’s Choice. Fucked if you do, fucked if you don’t.
And make no mistake, Sturgeon is at the heart of this. It is she who has ditched independence, refocused on woke policies, who has dismantled all internal party democracy and who has used the police and the prosecution service to smash political opponents.
With many people saying they don’t care now, or that they will spoil their ballot paper I say this. If there is a good alternative SNP constituency candidate then vote for that candidate. If there is not , then vote for the most likely to take the SNP candidate out. Sturgeon and the clique could turn things round now, but they are not doing so, never will, so we must take them out.
Otherwise consider wisely your list vote. Voting for an ISP party will deliver seats and it will help prevent the election of the woke candidates the SNP gerrymandered to the top of the list.
This is our election, abandon to come back to the beginning, voting for the current SNP regime is like a turkey voting for Christmas.
Thanks for joining me in the wilderness here.
I agree, vote for the hard place or it’s a rock to the head and lights out for Scotland.
Excellent, although if it does go through it could still fail on its own merits since MSPs own temptations to be disparaging of colleagues, opponents, football fans, ‘science’ deniers, bloggers etc. are many and, arbitrary executions (of the law) notwithstanding, robust parliamentary debate could easily devolve into the type of spectator sport not seen since the golden era of on field arrests in the SPL..
Team Nicola tried to stitch-up an innocent man and send him to prison just to stop him re-entering politics. To call them unfit-for-office is putting it mildly.
The SNP as a result of a very concerted effort has been hollowed-out of independence believers and replaced by Sturgeonite wokerati loyalists. To call the SNP unfit-for-purpose is also putting it mildly.
Put it this way, I don’t know what horrifies me more at this point, that this current SNP regime are handed our last chance in the form of indyref2 or that this SNP regime are in charge of a newly independent Scotland.
People are trying to put a band-aid on it, this foul incarnation of the SNP, and hopefully it will all heal-up by the time we are independent and rip the band-aid off.
But the stench from this is already unbearable and pus is leaking out everywhere you look now. This is not some little thing, it is a rotting, gangrenous wound that, if it is not carved out now, will take down the entire Independence movement or worse.
People need to snap out of the spell. We are not anywhere near independence right now. Even if we were, you would not want this current SNP anywhere near it.
@Willie – as usual, I for one agree with you. Another 5-years of Sturgeon, Swinney and Harvie is not acceptable. We need honesty at Holyrood.
Willie, second name Rennie is it?
I never thought I would see alleged indy supporters on here advocating voting for Unionist candidates and not getting shouted down.
With pals like you the Indy movement doesn’t need to worry about enemies, eh?
A Unionist government at Holyrood means indy through any semocrstic route is finished, Mr. Rennie, and you know it, so stop yer pish and leave the folk who want to draw a boaby on their ballot paper alone.
A sad day for women and women’s hard fought rights. The SNP leadership has indeed crushed many hopes, aspirations, expectations, and support for them as a political party worthy of loyalty and votes. It is quite a despairing situation. Hopefully the majority of the independence movement will remember what we preached in 2014. Scotland’s freedom and independence is not about the SNP it’s about future generations growing up in a country not enslaved by Westminster and free to get the government they vote for and shape our own destiny. Like many others I used to deploy the new house example. You wouldn’t reject it if it was the right size, location and within your price range just because the internal décor was absolutely rotten. You would buy the house and then change the décor as soon as possible. That is exactly the adage which is appropriate on stilts today. Get independence then change the political representatives to suit the common goals and values we share and believe in. Here I am in discussion with longstanding independence movement activist and women’s rights advocate Denise Findlay about the chilling Hate Crime and Public Order Bill. She makes some excellent points which deserve to be shared link to
Yeah it looks like with the Greens at their backs the SNP are going to be untouchable for the foreseeable future. The pushing of odious and unpopular policies concocted by the SNP and with the Greens input looks like being the way forward for them.
Independence has now been well and truly put back on the shelf to collect dust. Where do we go from here is a difficult question, the SNP and the Greens want to shape Scotland in the image they want not the image that we want, it will take time for enough of the electorate to see through them, in the meantime we’re in a sort of limbo, unsure who to vote for in May that’s not ultra woke or union orientated.
We are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I’ve said many times I’ll now be voting for the Tories for one and only one reason: It’s the best way to oppose the SNP. Which at this exact moment in time, somehow actually seems more important than being able to put an exact date on when IndyRef-2 might happen.
Constituency Vote – Tories.
List Vote – ISP.
In future, hopefully by the time another election comes along, I hope that the ISP or some other pro-independence voice is ready to pose a challenge to the SNP. I’ll gladly give them my vote.
Captain Yossarian says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:41 am
@Willie – as usual, I for one agree with you. Another 5-years of Sturgeon, Swinney and Harvie is not acceptable. We need honesty at Holyrood.
Aye, right.
And experience has taught us that the list-enabled second raters the UK branch offices stock Holyrood with are models of honesty and probity.
Away and raffle yersel.
And now there’s some tube just above trying to get us to all vote Tory. Sorry pal, I think you came in the wrong entrance.
I will never vote Tory or Labour. I’m going to go ahead and vote SNP1 in hope of scuppering the UK Tory ambition to take our parliament back and OtherIndy2 in the hope we get enough list indy MSP to challenge The Party and secure independence for Scotland.
“If you waste your ballot paper you gift a Holyrood majority to
the Unionist parties”
No you don’t.
I want to vote for three things simultaneously:
protection of females’ rights
protection of freedom of speech
The three are equally important to me and I refuse to give up on any of them. I WILL vote for the three simultaneously.
What party can I vote for in the constituency?
None. Every single one has removed at least one of those three options from me to cajole me into voting for what I do not want or what will harm me. In other words, there are no longer democratic parties I can choose from.
What is the only option open to me?
To spoil my constituency ballot.
Therefore by spoiling my constituency ballot I am not giving unionists a majority. I am refusing an undemocratic SNP a majority so it cannot use it to continue denying us democracy, to continue denying us our right to self determination, nor to continue foisting on us toxic policies nobody wants, needs or gave consent for.
No plebiscite? No vote
link to
A majority of people in Scotland would vote to remain in the union in an independence referendum, according to two new polls.
It also found that the SNP is no longer on course for a majority in Holryood elections in May.
Anyone heard about COVID restrictions being eased on the 15th March 2020.
Seems that although it has not been announced yet the decision has been made and that SNP candidates have been given advance warning that election leafletting, but not canvassing, can recommence on that date.
Makes you wonder about whether it’s the science or the politics that is driving public health policy. Anyway, forewarned is forearmed.
Lyn Hay 10.34
We are (those of us like-minded souls here) will be very shortly effectively and literally OUTLAWS in this land.
I have no doubt that political opposition websites to the devolutionist/ unionist status quo will be made inoperable by legal means.
If a vpn is where it’ll be, then so be it.
It’s the sheer and utter gulf/ disconnect, that exists between citizens (or are scottish folk still subjects?) and the titled arrogant SNP ‘politicians’ that i find most disturbing.
Good post Tommy .
Lyn Hay – I share your concern, but I believe the Streisand Effect would bring such censorship to the attention of moderates and activists worldwide.
Here’s ‘scotsrenewables’ take on Wings, just so we all know where he’s coming from:
link to
11 March, 2021 at 10:42 am
Like many others I used to deploy the new house example. You wouldn’t reject it if it was the right size, location and within your price range just because the internal décor was absolutely rotten. You would buy the house and then change the décor as soon as possible. That is exactly the adage which is appropriate on stilts today. Get independence then change the political representatives to suit the common goals and values we share and believe in.
So good to see you here Tommy making the case for common sense.
Perhaps Stu would let you expand these thoughts into a timely guest blog.
I hate what has happened in the SNP, but if you and Craig Murray say buy the house, change the curtains later then that is good enough for me.
Just throwing this out for peoples thoughts.
Supposing the SNP are being controlled by rogue agents in the leadership, and I include Sturgeon. If they are trying to turn people against the SNP to wreck independence. Then they are currently being successful.
So are we giving them exactly what they want, by not giving the SNP a majority. In this twisted world of politics and double speak it’s hard to reach a clear conclusion. Is an SNP majority the very thing Sturgeon doesn’t want. Would an SNP majority blow their plans out of the water.
I am not coming down on either side of this, it’s just a possibility. Because right now , I can’t think of this wrecking ball as anything other than deliberate.
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:47 am
And now there’s some tube just above trying to get us to all vote Tory.
Maybe five years of Tories is what is needed to get Independence up to 70%
Let people see what it really means to be part of the Union.
The SNP may have been wrong to protect people from Unionist policy.
Five years for a new Independence party to be formed and not one that is called The Scottish NATIONALIST Party
I will vote ISP in May. Not sure about FPP vote.
We need to keep positive in these dark times. Change takes time. Look what happened to new Labour.
Laws can be repealed, or amanded.
“Do you imagine if we all draw a penis on our ballot papers we will get a penis for FM???”
A drawing of one would probably be better than the one we currently have. At least it would not force on us toxic bills nobody wants, would not hand over to England Mps our rights, powers and assets without even batting an eyelid, would not refuse to deliver our democratic mandates, would not destroy females’ rights or our freedom of speech, would not sink our government, COPFS and pro-independence party into embarrassing levels of corruption, would not indulge into malicious prosecutions and would not waste millions of pounds of our money in attempting to send innocent men to prison.
What’s not to like?
I’m spoiling my constituency vote too unless a miracle happens. I think it’s important to turn up and vote so that it’s registered as a spoilt ballot
The problem with this is that if the SNP don’t win the constituency, they will get more on the list. And that will often mean replacing a possibly experienced MSP with one or more of the horribly weak and divisive candidates they now have topping their lists. So if, say, Angus Robertson doesn’t get in, Graham Campell is nigh on guaranteed to, along with a unionist constituency MSP who will crow that his constituency voted for the union. And who, btw, will also almost certainly favour the same GRA, HCB type policies anyway. Over a barrel completely.
My own feeling is that, if nothing else to demonstrate a continued desire for independence, we have to send as many theoretically pro indy MPs to Holyrood as possible, but preferably including a lot of list ones from the wider indy movement, not just the SNP. If the SNP ones are not really for independence, they’ll be as arse-kicked by that as any other unionists.
Only with that result can we up the fight for independence. If we lose the pro independence majority, we’re lost totally.
ScotsRenewables says:
I hate what has happened in the SNP, but if you and Craig Murray say buy the house, change the curtains later then that is good enough for me.
Difficult to change the curtains if there is a law stating changing curtains is illegal.
Your new house analogy would be better if you replaced house with prison cell. Hard to vote any future chancers out if we’re behind bars.
Ruby Tubesday,
Just a heads up, it is NOT called the Scottish NATIONALIST Party.
Everyone in Scotland knows that, even Scottish Unionists.
You have just outed yourself as an English Unionist troll, well done.
I would say this. Tommy Sheridan is not exactly an SNP fan , quite the opposite. However he has highlighted the danger of being conned not once but twice.
Yes the SNP policies are Toxic, and I despise Sturgeon. However any alternative on the first vote is not available, other than abstaining. I won’t vote for a British party ever.
What evidence do you have that the first post-indy government would be unelected?
Just asking.
BTW, do you know who Tommy is? He has more political knowledge and experience in his pinky than most of us do in aour whole bodies.
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 11:01 am
Ruby Tubesday,
Just a heads up, it is NOT called the Scottish NATIONALIST Party.
@ScotsRenewables – close down Holyrood then. I would be amazed if that wasn’t under active consideration right now.
4 more years of Tory rule in Scotland followed by another
5 year Tory majority and Scotland will be known as Backwatershire, North North England.
And if in 2030 England decide to give Sir Kier a shot with his photo copy Tory Party
he can see by that point that Backwatershire’s votes are worthless and count for nothing.
Spend your time, money and propaganda on England and you are in power.
What could the Scots do about it if they are treated like morons?
@ScotsRenewables says:
You have just outed yourself as an English Unionist troll, well done.
English Unionist troll
I’ll add that one to the long list of names I have been called on this site.
Hugz & Kisses
Ruby Tubesday
And re the campaigning guidelines apparently prepared and ready to be issued to other political parties, as to what they can and cannot do, does anyone think that the restrictions and or the timings of their relaxation has been an abuse by the Scottish Government for campaigning advantage.
No doubt we’ll hear from the COVID Queen herself on the 15th March telling us how Victory over COVID is being won in our streets, homes and houses across our land.
Her Churchill moment awaits – which was as many will recall, the accolade of being booted out of office immediately after the war.
But Tommy, if your analogy re:right house, right location and right pricr holds true then sadly I submit, it doesn’t just need redecorated. The problem here is the house is suffering from foundation failure and is fundamentaly flawed. A quick trip to B&Q is not gonny fix it.
In other words not fit to live in.
It can be sorted but only over time and huge expense.
One cost to the people of Scotland this very day is the detested HCB.
If WM was trying to impose this on Scotland we’d be manning the barracades at the border.
Fcks Sake I despair.
@Tommy Sheridan,
Your analogy stands if your buying a house. However the way the SN P are now run only means you can leads the house.
There are other owners dictating what you can and cannot do to the place.
Centralised power. Membership sidelined. Standing orders changed at will. Legislation without public consultation.
Like a building Independence still stands ,but we are merely tenants rather than owners
Big Jock says:
11 March, 2021 at 11:01 am
I would say this. Tommy Sheridan is not exactly an SNP fan , quite the opposite. However he has highlighted the danger of being conned not once but twice.
Yes the SNP policies are Toxic, and I despise Sturgeon. However any alternative on the first vote is not available, other than abstaining. I won’t vote for a British party ever.
Well said that man, let’s here a few more voices for reason coming out of this troll-infested woodwork.
Stu may be despairing, but he hasn’t told us to vote Unionist. Time to make hard, adult choices.
“The problem with this is that if the SNP don’t win the constituency, they will get more on the list”
Only if you vote for them in the list. I do not intend to.
“And that will often mean replacing a possibly experienced MSP”
Experienced might have been, but willing they have not. Those experienced MSPs have done absolutely nothing to deliver independence, to protect females’ rights and to protect our freedom of speech. As far as I am concerned they have been useless and therefore disposable as MSPs.
What difference is going to make to have an experienced, but unwilling MSP to have an inexperienced one? that the latter will expose Sturgeon’s SNP even more for the fraud it has become. Cutting the SNP’s bluff and moving forward can only be a good thing. The more people opens their eyes to the SNP indyref con act, the more people will be seeking for another pro indy party to put a mandate for independence in their manifesto.
This election may be lost, but we have a GE in 2024 to think about. Hopefully by that time there will be at least one pro independence party that has included independence in their manifesto and that will deliver what Sturgeon’s SNP has refused for 6 years to deliver: independence.
Mia says:
11 March, 2021 at 9:53 am
The only way forward to independence is a party with a mandate to end the union in their manifesto. We just need one party that does this. Just ONE. Any takers?
At least one Independence Supporting Party will have a Plebiscite election front and centre of the manifesto
For pity sake will people stop looking at spoiled ballot papers as something positive.
Nobody will know or care if it happened as you are an idiot that didn’t understand the paper,
a political protest about one or all of the parties, or you were drunk.
You vote for a Scottish Party or a Unionist English Party.
Not voting or a spoiled paper because you dislike the Scottish party
is a vote for the Union.
Use your vote every time and face the consequences of your decision.
There is a binary choice here it’s Scotland or Union. Nothing else!
“Use your vote every time and face the consequences of your decision.
There is a binary choice here it’s Scotland or Union. Nothing else!”
This is complete shite. Spoiling your ballot IS using it. It sends a message in a way that staying at home doesn’t. I wish far more people did it, because then that message would be much stronger.
Your “binary choice” is also bullshit. There is no vote for “Scotland” on the ballot paper. Every party standing in constituency seats will preserve the Union. The truth is that this is actually an election about other policies, and the tragedy is that on those other policies there’s very little choice for voters either.
Its looking like the next five years under the SNP with the Greens backing them are to be written off for those who want independence.
The only thing that I can see that would interfere with that is if enough folk in Scotland demanded an indyref within the next parliamentary term, but then we had hundreds of thousands of folk march through the streets of Scotland and nothing came of it at Holyrood, infact Sturgeon did her best to avoid the marches.
I can’t see a way forward for independence within the next five years, unless something significant happens, and I haven’t a clue what that could be.
You’ll need to run your first point by me again. Not sure what you’re on about.
As regards Tommy – I know who he is. I was involved in the poll tax disruption and the miner’s strike back in the day.
My point stands. How can we vote out this shower if we’re criminalised? Up to 7 years for a “hate” crime after today. Prisoners can only vote if they’re banged up for less than a year.
Hard adult choices means spoiling the Constituency vote and voting another party on the list.
Time for adults to control the unruly wilful child.
I’ve said this repeatedly but no one seems to want to know. This kind of thing is inevitable in a left dominated state. It will ALWAYS happen. You’re going to HAVE to abandon leftist politics, or at the very least, start a right of centre nationalist party in an attempt to get this abomination repealed. I can’t suggest anything else. You’re at a “Sixth Sense” moment now. Bruce Willis has put it together and realised the truth, the looked back to see that everything he thought had happened hadn’t happened at all, and everything he thought he knew was wrong. They really don’t know they’re dead.
Lets be honest it’s kind of Catch-22 for all of us.
We are in the worst position possible. The SNP leader and polices are toxic. We don’t believe they will deliver independence.
However on the other side of the coin. The possibility of Douglas Dross running Scotland ,Jack’s lapdog. Watching devolution being reversed and all hope drained from our lives forever.
I tell you it’s a very difficult one for us, but it’s probably a decision for the head, rather than the heart on this occasion.
Step back and look at the two scenarios and decide with your head which is best.
How has it come to this? The SNP has utterly squandered the best chance we will ever have for indy – Brexit.
The results of the EU referendum categorically demonstrated the fundamental difference between Scotland and England and is just the latest example of us very much getting what they want despite us voting overwhelmingly against it (Tory governments for the last sixty odd years anyone).
There can be only one logical conclusion – that the SNP do not want independence.
When Sturgeon took over I was quite chuffed – a normal Ayrshire lassie as our leader – makes a difference to those Eton educated toffs the Tories enthrone as UK PMs. But, she’s turned out to be worse! At least with Tories you know what you’re getting but she’s sold out independence craving supporters – for what?
I’ve commented before that I genuinely don’t understand her motivation, she could have gone down in history as the leader that took Scotland back to its rightful place as an independent European nation. Instead, the SNP legislates that blokes can call themselves women and bearded AGPs can go into my daughter’s changing room?!
Fuck you SNP and fuck you Nicola Sturgeon for selling out a nation’s dream. I say this as a member from September 19th 2014 until June 2020.
You know things are fecked up
When you are linking to the Spectator
About how the translobby tries to influence the Tories and Westminster behind closed doors
Well worth a read
Especially as the Hatecrime Bill here takes this a stage further
Whereby they no longer have to be secretive
Cos they’ve managed to turn objections to what they want into crimes
link to
I’ll be voting SNP in constituency, ISP on list. Unless something better come along between now and then.
Bit easier, because my constituency candidate is new, so I won’t be have to be endorsing an MSP who has stood idly by and let all this happen. Also constituency SNP vote might help stop parachuted wokist on list vote. Will also help keep tories out. So, three rationalisations for the price of one. Sheesh.
“Time to make hard, adult choices”
I never consider I was doing anything other.
I have three lines in the sand:
independence, protection of females’ rights and protection of freedom of speech.
The three of them are equally important to me and as an adult, I refuse to give up on any of the three nor to indulge on the caprice of corrupt politicians who, following a hidden agenda, are tampering with democracy by deliberately removing from the electorate fundamental choices, so they can cajole them into voting for what they do not want and will harm them.
Is there any party in the constituency that allows me to vote for my three lines in the sand simultaneously? No.
Should I capitulate and play the corrupt undemocratic politician’s game? No
So what is my only “adult choice”?
to spoil my ballot in the constituency.
I challenge you to prove here that refusing to give up on females’ rights, freedom of speech and independence is not THE adult choice.
Football player – “Hey Ref, whit wid happen if I called you a cunt?”
Referee – ” Ah’d send you aff”
Football player – ” Whit if ah jist thought you were a cunt?”
Referee – ” Well, in that case ah couldnae dae anything.”
Football player – ” Okay then, Ah think you’re a cunt.”
Big Jock 10.55am
Whilst I understand your need to cast about to find someone to blame for the current s**t show we are all witnessing in Scotland, actually, you need to look closer to home.
It is a failure by Scots. The Scottish government has failed. The Scottish Legal system has failed. The SNP has failed.
It isn’t me saying that, simply read the articles and btl comments on the last 100 threads here on Wings.
Sorry Big Jock. Scotland had done this to itself.
“How has it come to this? The SNP has utterly squandered the best chance we will ever have for indy – Brexit.”
Yes Calum, that one really hurts, Alex Salmond the only person ever to take us to an indyref, left his successor Sturgeon on 45% all she needed was a six percent swing and Brexit gave her that. But instead of focusing on independence Sturgeon focused on saving England from itself via Brexit, effectively she sold us out.
Fast forward to today and we’re not one step closer to achieving independence under Sturgeon and the SNP, if anything we’re moving backwards, as Sturgeon backed by the Greens, begin implementing unpopular policies we’ve been betrayed big time by Sturgeon and the Greensand it hurts like hell.
I’m assuming you are still allowed to report men being in a ladies changing room but definitely not trans-women.
My question is if everyone is naked in the changing room how would you know who is trans and who isn’t?
I have long been of the opinion that crises are beneficial in the long run. The origin of this crisis seems to have begun In 2016. Did something change after this election or was this the revelation of dark forces in our government?
Putting it into a medical metaphor, the infection, slowly increasing inflammation and resulting boil has fed on latent mal-nourishment and has today escalated into an all-encompassing carbuncle which is leaking, stinking and demands urgent attention. It is now too advanced to be salvaged and will leave scars. How to deal with it?
Crisis management: Surgery? Gangrene? Amputation?
What are the positives of this situation?
There is healthy tissu, how can we save it?
Oxygen therapy? (Now Scotland, emerging curetas yet untested)
Scotland’s young people, untainted by unsavoury, unhealthy exposure to power and privilege and still strong on ideology, namely right from wrong.
Martin Keatings’ crowd funded action.
The forced realisation that we are indeed as fallible and as contaminated as everywhere else.
Our stoic and thrawn nature.
Our ability to get up from all of this, to pick up the saltire again and to fly it higher than before.
Sturgeon has set out with her would be hubby to sabotage independence by fucking up the SNP.
How can it be that with so many MSPs Mps councillors and staff, that so few are prepared to speak up against this sabotage??
Are they all corrupt? Are they all cowards? Are they all compromised and owned?? Are they all greedy careerist bastards or just 99% of them?
“will people stop looking at spoiled ballot papers as something positive”
I challenge you to demonstrate how it can be positive for a yes adult female fearing for her rights, freedom of speech, fearing for democracy and popular sovereignty to vote for the political party that has deliberately made a mockery of them all.
I have repeated it many times now and I will repeat it again:
I have three lines in the sand:
females’ rights
freedom of speech
The three of them are equally important to me and I refuse to give up on any of them.
Is there any party that allows me to vote in the constituency for the three of them simultaneously?
Giving up on any of them is not positive. It is capitulation to the caprice of undemocratic corrupt politicians who deliberately remove from me my reasonable options to cajole me into voting for what I do not want and know will harm me.
What is the only positive option left for me?
To spoil my ballot.
My candidate is Michelle Thompson , so I can vote for her on the 1st vote as an individual. I know how committed she is to independence , and I know she is a good person in a rotten party.
So I suppose it might come down to that for other people. You decide if your candidate is worth voting for on their own merits. I am so glad I am not in Sturgeon’s constituency or Swinney’s.
Mist 001 up thread
Wtf are you on about clown.
You live in France. You’re a Yoon. You don’t have voting rights. You don’t live here. You don’t pay taxes. You’ve been peddling that mince for a few years now, I have voting rights.
Gtf you have fuck awe rights here.
This legislation is unworkable and it’s only purpose is to get the SNP elected with the Woke vote in May.
In a couple of months time it will be scrapped due to the sheer scale of people brought into this criminal system by this, a lot that supports a certain football club and had a wee celebration at the weekend there.
Even if the ISP fail to get one MSP in May (and let’s face it, they probably will), and even if they are anaemic as a party, we need to consider a third independence party as a long-term project. Even if they win a majority there’s a snowball’s chance in Hell of the SNP securing a second referendum in this parliamentary term anyway. The long game is about stopping the rot of division, middle class woke-fringe-radicalisation and New Labour style managerialism within independence politics. Some think the mandate is already secured because the SNP and Greens can get a majority, but look at yourselves – as independence supporters – bemoaning them both. The mandate needs to be stronger and it needs to be BROADER, first of all by stopping the haemorrhage of sane, liberal minded, adult’s votes from independence parties. If we don’t do that we’ll never build a truly solid mandate for independence.
And as for Sheridan and Solidarity reinventing themselves, look they are not the monsters the wokeista fools make them out to be, and are welcome to participate, but sorry a Sheridan leadership would look like old mayonnaise in a new bottle.
Derick fae Yell @ 11:12 am
“At least one Independence Supporting Party will have a Plebiscite election front and centre of the manifesto”
But no seats.
I think we are all agreed we need intelligent, hard working, honest people with integrity in Parliment to sort this shambles out.
Why not vote for someone who has/is working hard in their constituancy with a proven track record of the above qualities irrespective of party.
Spoiling a ballot will achieve nothing but may allow some wokey parachutist in.
The Dug’s having a go at you on his site, he’s saying that he’s just banned you, and gave you a a taste of your own medicine.
Your daughter is standing with a trans man outside a restaurant. Two guys come up and one punches your daughter the other punches the trans.
Who’s going to get the longer sentence?
“Why not vote for someone who has/is working hard in their constituancy with a proven track record of the above qualities irrespective of party”
a) they refused to stand up to protect females’ rights, freedom of speech, the democratic rights of the people of Scotland, their popular sovereignty and their right to exercise their self-determination.
b) at this moment in time, I do not have a clue if they are one of the perjurers. Someone that is willing to go to the lengths of lying in a court of law to send an innocent man to prison is in my book not fit to sit in our parliament.
Like they have done with females’ rights, independence and freedom of speech, the corruption of politics in Scotland is such that they have been allowed to tamper with our democratic rights to removed from us any meaningful choice and to exercise our right to decide if we are prepared to vote for a perjurer or not.
I simply cannot believe that every SNP MSP believes in their heart of hearts that this Bill is right. Consequently, should every one of them vote for it then it will confirm that the entire party structure is morally bankrupt.
kapelmeister 10 March, 2021
“The Hate Crime bill is really a collusion by unionists and Sturgeon’s cabal and its real purpose is to target the pro-independence intelligentsia”
For Gods sake, the Hate Crime Bill was only initiated by the SNP how much more do people like you keep on blaming others for only the SNP’s own failings ? Your the type that would be joining the Stasi the week after after its set up. Try to open your eyes because there doesn’t currently appear anything intelligent going on behind them.Do you seriously think only Sturgeons cabal alone will be voting this through ?
Scots Renewables and Effigy, I have always believed that independence would come solely via the ballot box. Someone like Kenny MacAskill, on the other hand, is not averse to a bit of civil disobedience. That is the way forward.
You see, at the moment, there are no pro-independence parties in Holyrood. The Greens have only ever seen independence as part of a vague local democracy argument. The SNP has forgotten why it exists. Nicola Sturgeon has put the cause of independence back thirty years at least. It needs to be gutted and rebuilt. That will not be done within the confines of Holyrood.
AL – Yes I think you are right.
Have a look at your candidate and decide. It’s impossible to look at the parties, because collectively they are all rotten.
“I have three lines in the sand”
Where have I heard that before?
It’s all Mia, Mia Mia with you, isn’t it?
Derick fae Yell @ 11:12 am
“At least one Independence Supporting Party will have a Plebiscite election front and centre of the manifesto”
Hallelujah! Thon’s ma pairty an ma vote.
I’m in Stirling the heartland of wokeism.
I will be spoiling my constituency ballot, unless there is an independent standing who is not a Unionist, yet to decide HOW to spoil my ballot probably “NONE OF THE ABOVE” and I’ll voting for ISP on the regional list.
I think we have reached the point where only civil disobedience will change minds, so if I get lifted can somebody bail me out?
There was a bit of hope back in Nov 2020 with the ‘rebel’ vote on the NEC. Just enough time for the SNP to have a clear out and put its house in order.
But no. It didn’t. Chapman ‘I’ll find out about the ring-fenced moneys’ is a disgrace.
If the SNP limp over the line in May 2021 with some form of minority government, or even if they become the biggest party within Holyrood – then Nicla will stay, Swinney will stay, Angus Robertson will stay.
MP’s the likes of Alyn Smith and John Nicholson, Stuart MacMillan will stay, along with Wishart and the fat banker from Skye with the eye watering MP expences.
They are the cuckoos in the nest, and while they are there, in numbers and in or near control, then there is no chance that the SNP will deliver – it will in fact damage the indy movement, as has been demonstrated in the last 4 years.
The voters are going to have to wield the surgeons scalpal.
If not, then instead of focusing on Indy – the next 10 years will be focused on – how do we get the SNP back on track and electable.
The Holyrood election this year (if it goes ahead) was always going to be an opportunity to introduce the concept of Plebiscite Indy to the electorate, while at the same time demonstrating the extent of the desire for Indy at the ballot box.
But it would not and could not have delivered! What it is, is the best method we have of advertising the concept.
Only a Plebiscite Indy election at the Westminster GE can actually deliver. And for that we have 4 years to campaign, with a public vacinated against Covid, and the Brit Nats asset stripping Scotland on steroids.
I live in John Swinney and Pete Wisharts constituency – its Nae Votes SNP for me. If I lived in Joan MacAlpines constituency – she would get my vote.
If the voters message is ruthless enough, it might just shake enough of the silent, gravy train, seat warmers to understand – do your job or else.
I think there is very little doubt that the HCB has been passed in an effort to silence web sites such as this one. I personally would be glad to receive this by e-mail – if that is a workaround. I think we are going to need workarounds.
I would very much like to vote ISP – but having made great big noises about Plebiscite Indy Elections – it is not on the ‘policy’ page, and it is not – so far – on the manifesto.
What was done to the SNP, was done before to Labour. And will undoubtedly be done to ISP. Tried and tested.
I’m not giving my vote to yet another carrot dangling party.
As Mia says, no plebiscite – no vote.
There is hope folks, but it was never going to be easy.
Al, every single one of them voted down Lamont’s amendment except Joan McAlpine.
They could replicate the wee baby Jesus in their constituency and, for me, it counts for nothing. When they show you who they really are we’d be utter fools not to believe them.
Skip_NC says:
11 March, 2021 at 11:44 am
Nicola Sturgeon has put the cause of independence back thirty years at least. It needs to be gutted and rebuilt. That will not be done within the confines of Holyrood.
Then I fear it will not be done at all. When Nationalist parties become proscribed organisations I doubt the claymores will be fit for use even if they are dragged out by a cowed population from under the thatch.
– W
@ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:17 am
“Mark Boyle … The idea that the Scots or their neighbours on this island would tolerate a failed state that had shut down democracy is laughable.”
The idea of a Hate Crime Bill which literally made it a criminal offence for Wrongthink inside the four walls of your own home was considered laughable not so long ago. Yet it has happened. As Labour under Blair has proven with the postal ballots swindles in Birmingham and elsewhere, you can have all the outward trappings of democracy within a de facto dictatorship.
Woe to those who utter the old lie “it can’t happen here” …
@Willie says:
11 March, 2021 at 10:35 am
*** big screed of insincere blah blah later *** “… consider wisely your list vote. Voting for an ISP party will deliver seats and it will help prevent the election of the woke.”
Well who didn’t see THAT one coming?
@Ian McCubbin says: “I will vote ISP in May … We need to keep positive in these dark times.”
And again.
Derick fae Yell says: 11 March, 2021 at 11:12 am
“At least one Independence Supporting Party will have a Plebiscite election front and centre of the manifesto”
And again. [“Independence Supporting Party” – ISP – see what he did there?]
For those needing some clarification, Derick fae Yell is ISP member Derick Tulloch, also slipping in another wee plug.
link to
Just in case he tries to scrub the evidence – link to
This is starting to approach Green Ink Gang levels of trying to skew the narrative.
When the HCB gets voted through will it be possible to obtain a list of the MSPs who supported it? I think that would be valuable info to take into the polling booth. Would also like a list of MSPs who voted against the Swinney VONC for the same reason.
I think some people have lost site of or forgotten what a unionist party is.
The SNP may say they are an independence party but their actions show that they are a unionist party.
They willingly concede that power lies with Westminster, that independence is in their gift, that we must ask for something instead of demand our rights.
The SNP is a Unionist party so no matter who gets elected in May it will be a Unionist party.
link to
Mark Boyle,
The OBFA was a similar badly drafted but well intentioned law. It was repealed.
The idea that ordinary sherrifs in Scottish courts are going to start banging people up for dinner table thought crime is highly fanciful, and if it did happen the law would be rapidly revisited.
Too much Kool Aid being drunk here.
Just saw a flaw in my earlier post, I assumed that there was maybe one politician in each constituency with integrity.
I wish Tommy Sheridan would use PARAGRAPHS.
The real Unionists are still afraid of an SNP majority, so you had better tell Boris they are fellow travellers, it will save WM having to dust off and subject us to their Project Fear rhetoric again.
So un-necessary, all the Tories need to do is convince us the SNP don’t want and won’t campaign for independence.
I wish Daisy Walker would post as much common sense as TOMMY SHERIDAN.
Bob Mack says:
11 March, 2021 at 11:43 am
“Your daughter is standing with a trans man outside a restaurant. Two guys come up and one punches your daughter the other punches the trans.
Who’s going to get the longer sentence?”
Apparently both will get the same if your daughter can prove it was done because of transphobia – but not just because they punched her for the sake of it or because she s a woman – that’s OK. At least that’s what I understood from The “Justice Secretary’s” inane ramblings. He really is a bitter twisted wee nyaff.
I have for me a simple solution.
I don’t believe that the SNP are the party of Independence any more. They dangle the carrot full in the knowledge that, many people want it so much, that like the proverbial donkey, they’ll follow and try to get it. The carrot is tied to a stick that you’ll not get to the end of. IF you want to keep going round in circles – off you trot.
Blow that for a game of soldiers. This May I shall send a message by spoiling my constituency vote. I won’t be voting for any unionist party nor the SNP, I’m not a donkey. I will vote for the ISP on the list.
The SNP have calculated that so many people want that carrot so much, that you’ll keep your eyes firmly fixed “on the prize” that you’ll sell your very soul to reach it.
Blinkered Donkeys or what?
“It’s all Mia, Mia Mia with you, isn’t it?”
It is, yes. Me and the future of my children and grandchildren is all what matters to me and what I will be thinking about when I approach that poll in May to cast my spoiled constituency ballot to vote simultaneously for my three lines in the sand:
independence, females’ rights and freedom of speech.
If you have a problem with that you are just going to have to live with it.
Dangeffie!d latest pretty devastating.
TOMMY SHERIDAN 11 March, 2021
“Like many others I used to deploy the new house example. You wouldn’t reject it if it was the right size, location and within your price range just because the internal décor was absolutely rotten. You would buy the house and then change the décor as soon as possible. ”
Its a piss poor analogy , nobody would choose to buy a house in a rotten to the core neighbourhood, they would look for a better house elsewhere that suits them better. This idea that anyone would continue to keep on voting for self interested cretins who have no intention whatsoever of being kicked out of power or changing their ways, Swinneys withholding of evidence should demonstrate to all that we now have are near fascists in the SNP who will hold on to power as long as they are allowed to and the way to help them to do that is to keep on voting for them like sheep thinking that somehow magically thinsg will change, they won’t. Only Votes in the right places make changes and most Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
@ScotsRenewables says:
GRA aside, are you seriously telling people to vote for a party that is bringing the integrity of the Scottish Parliament into disrepute?
There is a difference between the issues with Salmond and Assange.
Assange is trying to let the truth known – it appears that the Scot Govt are doing exactly the opposite.
Imagine people believing that the SNP won’t campaign for independence, wherever would they get that idea I wonder?
To all of you who are going to spoil your constituency vote, or worse going to vote Unionist.
Fine, but you will need to own the result. You are swinging a wrecking ball at the hopes and chances of future generations.
If Scotland is the country I believe it to be the idea that it will be governed by a perpetual Wokust Sturgeonista Stasi is laughable.
Throwing off such a yoke, in the unlikely event that it should ever come to pass, will be a piece of piss compared to breaking Westminster’s choke hold should you succeed.
@ScotsRenewable; “It seems to me that some of you are in danger of losing all sense of perspective.”
Ya hink??? Because England fucks it up more than we do then all is forgivable?
Okay….then tell me about Universal Basic Income, a ‘Green Deal’, a National Energy Company, universal childcare, ‘affordable housing’, closing the education attainment gap, a Poverty Tsar, land reform, open government, local democracy, Council Tax reform or a ‘revolution in care’. You know, the stuff they were going to look into?
Or instead, tell me about what they have done. Years wasted arguing against Brexit and cement the idea a Section 30 Agreement is the only way forward; conceded to Westminster the effective constitutional veto of a Section 30.
Or tell me instead how they’ve not managed to piss off their own membership, the wider YES movement, women in general and those whose idea of politics is having lines you should not cross – like fitting folk up for rape.
Once upon a time the idea of “good governance” was seen as a way to sell independence to the average guy on the street. Unfortunately the opposite is also true.
So short of stabbing myself in the eye to gain another perspective, explain how you think another dose of this ‘government’ is, in any shape or form, a positive step towards independence??? The only caveat is the Scottish National Party is, in the public conscious, synonymous with independence.
For as it stands, if I was a unionist I’d be lending her my vote to ensure independence would be laughed at for generations to come. For based on past performance of sturgeonists, if SNP remain in government their only lasting legacy will be to piss more and more folk off – to the point of killing independence dead.
Beaker says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:05 pm
@ScotsRenewables says:
GRA aside, are you seriously telling people to vote for a party that is bringing the integrity of the Scottish Parliament into disrepute?
The branch office Unionist members do that every day. Why are you contemplating giving them power?
You don’t seem to have thought through your own argument very well.
Another ‘Green’ sees the light and he isn’t even coming from a HCB point of view.
As far as Scottish Greens are concerned, Wee Greta says ‘follow the science’, this lot can’t get their head around basic biology.
link to
Does NS take part in hustings? I get the feeling everything will be protected the same way Boris Johnston never had to answer any questions?
There is panic now in the ranks as WGD covers his eyes and ears and sings LaLaLa. Wishart is blaming everyone except himself. The National is pushing out the daily SNP humiliations of Westminster except now we feel they actually deserve it.
The women of Holyrood, Joan McAlpine excepted, are doing as they are told. Why can’t they see breaking ranks and voting with their conscience might actually earn them votes? As it is even the ones who are retiring are inflicting this terrible legislation on us. What are they getting out of this?
NS really needs a dose of reality about how people feel but it won’t happen. The enablers will feed her sh*te and keeping her in the dark, diverting her with Covid data, badly scripted hairdresser jokes and mawkish sentiment for ‘women’ when she remembers who and what we are.
I always imagined that devolution was being in charge of the window dressing rather than focusing on ownership of the shop.
There are those who advocate sticking with the SNP in the hope that indyref2 will magically appear one day and that key players will transform into heroes rather than villains.
It ain’t gonna happen.
Unless something changes very soon, all our lives will be under threat because accountability and decency have gone out of the window.
These are the dog days of a dying regime and the onyl question is how much more harm will be done.
Here is one answer: link to
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 11:53 am
Mark Boyle,
The OBFA was a similar badly drafted but well intentioned law. It was repealed.
The idea that ordinary sherrifs in Scottish courts are going to start banging people up for dinner table thought crime is highly fanciful, and if it did happen the law would be rapidly revisited.
Too much Kool Aid being drunk here.’
Dear ScotsRenewables – your comment above demonstrates a complete ignorance of the law and the way it operates – including the part played by Sheriffs.
A Sheriff or Judge is not at liberty to interpret laws, ‘as they would wish them to be written’. They must interpret them, and enforce them, as they ‘are written’. I quote directly from Sheriff Drummond on this.
So a badly written law, becomes one that they HAVE GOT TO implement, including following the SPECIFIED GUIDLELINES about what punishment to impose.
But that is at the end of a long chain of actions. Before it got to court, there would be the Police visit, the enquiry, the Interview under caution, the caution and charge, potentially an arrest and a night or weekend in Police Cells before first court appearance.
Then, after all that, a court date of trial would be set, a few months in advance, at which point the Sheriff would listen to all the evidence.
That is an incredible amount of stress and strain to put on a lawful person, for simply saying ‘ a woman is an adult, female, human.’ And for someone else to be ‘offended’ by it.
So I repeat, it is not a case of the Police, or the PF’s office, or the Sheriff having an ability to ignore badly written laws, or apply some common sense, or only apply certain parts of it. If a law is poorly written and becomes enacted, they don’t get to pick and choose. They have a statutory duty to enact and enforce it.
I get that this seems ‘unjust’, an affront to ‘natural justice’, but unless the laws are written, then it all just blows in the wind and is open to interpretation on the day. Laws are written down for a reason, and poorly written laws get enforced as much as well written ones.
That is not ‘drinking the Koolaid’, it is however an accurate description of the way the system works, as aposed to ‘how you would like it to work’.
I have always believed and have said it for years, anyone who “takes offence” has an agenda to be offended.
You couldn’t offend me if you tried.
Guaranteed that anyone making a formal complaint under this legislation will have “an agenda” to do so. They will of course feign indignance. It will not be because they were genuinely offended.
@ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:06 pm
“Fine, but you will need to own the result. You are swinging a wrecking ball at the hopes and chances of future generations.”
The SNP are the ones with the wrecking ball.
SA Jackson. We make up our own minds here, mostly.
Does anyone for definite how Christina McKelvie voted on the Lamont amendment? I didn’t see her name among the ones who voted against, and she’s queen of woke.
Agreed, the idea that this division is caused by the electorate is feeble to the point of farce, this division belongs solely to the SNP.
Well well Scotsrenewables, that’s some change in ‘Nicks notes’ all of a sudden . All the stuff slagging Wings suddenly disappeared. How odd.
You are true Sturgeonista right enough.
Guaranteed that anyone making a formal complaint under this legislation will have “an agenda” to do so.
Aye. My agenda will be to overwhelm the police and the courts by demanding that politicians and celebrities are prosecuted for breaches of this law.
Your post above suggests you have never been in front of a Sherriff. Of course they interpret the law, as I know to my disadvantage from taking someone to the Small Claims Court many years ago, where the Sherriff interpreted the law on intellectual property (which he knew nothing about) in an extremely cavalier manner.
And the rest of it is nonsense. Coppers decide who is charged, then it has to be run past the Fiscal. The idea that a casual slip of the tongue will instantly put you behind bars suggests you read too much dystopian fantasy.
The idea that the legal system from the police upwards si staffed entirely by androids programmed with a single interpretation of every piece of legislation is fanciful in the extreme.
I can see the Hate Crime Act being used to ‘get’ political opponents, but then they didn;t need that to stitch up Alex, did they?
I really doubt normal folk chatting round the dinner table have much to fear. Yes, it is a badly thought out piece of legislation and I am sure a future session of Holyrood will revisit it, particularly if it DOES have the effects you are so paranoid about.
I’m going scroll past ScotsRenewables’ posts from now on, much the same way I did with the previous banned spammer.
Life’s complicated enough without arguing with folk like that.
“Fine, but you will need to own the result”
Just like we are doing right now, taking note of the devastating consequences of having voted SNP from 2015 with a fraud in control of the party.
“You are swinging a wrecking ball at the hopes and chances of future generations.”
No, we are not. Sturgeon’s hollowed up SNP and the sheep sitting in Holyrood and Westminster are the ones who have done that. We are trying to stop the wrecking ball swinging.
A few of us wrote to all our MSP’s with the following analogy.
Imagine you’re walking down the street with the following people.
Barry Humphries(heterosexual male, married to a female) in his Dame Edna guise.
Eddie Izzard, famous Cross dresser –
claims to be quote ‘two parts boy and one part girl. (Nonetheless heterosexual male with female partners)
Grayson Perry famous artist and part time cross dresser (heterosexual male married to a female)
And me. All wearing the same dress.
Despite statistically speaking women being more subject to abuse and harassment, who is protected against ‘hate’?
The three men of course.
Yeah welcome to the new Scotland.
@ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:09 pm
“The branch office Unionist members do that every day. Why are you contemplating giving them power?
You don’t seem to have thought through your own argument very well.”
You are missing the point – the SNP is the cause of the problems. If you cannot face up to reality then so be it. The SNP are not going to get a majority in May, something that was totally avoidable.
Just took the time to have a quick look at the bill itself (rather than get carried away with the sexy stuff) and was intrigued to find so much in the way of unadulterated bollocks that needs snipped from Part 2 that if they do pass it, any genuinely reasonable person with the authority to do so might be inclined to interpret it as stirring up hatred, aggravated by prejudice, against the Scottish electorate/population, and be obliged to issue a warrant to search the person work place(s) and homes of every MSP & researcher involved for 28 days and nights – and detain all related persons and materials found therein – with a view to helping them understand what they appear to be trying to achieve with such disrespectful (see part 4!) poison
Me too!
I am very unhappy with much going on in the SNP and their inaction on very important matters
like Independence.
What sort of things have they done then that would never happen in Boris land?
Free prescriptions
Paid off some horrific School and Hospital PPI deals set up by London Labour
Higher rates of pay for nurses
Free training for Nurses
Positive statements that we welcome foreign medical staff and won’t charge them £1,200 to work here
Free Baby Boxes had already saved lives and given kids a better chance in life
More free ore school care than England
Ended period poverty
Taxed out troubled cheap alcohol deals
Free travel for all over 60’s
Negated the horrific Bedroom Tax that mainly hit the disabled
95% of our kids going on to further education, training or jobs
Free University Places saving £28,000 on a 3 year course.
No road or bridge tolls.
No cut in the Police numbers- England – 17,000.
Our average Council tax bill £400 less than England’s
Free care in the community that’s long dead in England
I’m not a politician and I haven’t researched any of the above but enough of
a difference has been made that I will never, ever vote Unionist and have people
Like Boris and Gideon and Reece Mogg degrade and insult my country while filling
the pockets of the rich elite.
Don @1203 suggest you read what Tommy said again, you might understand it this time.
Tommy Sheriden
Like many others I used to deploy the new house example. You wouldn’t reject it if it was the right size, location and within your price range just because the internal décor was absolutely rotten. You would buy the house and then change the décor as soon as possible. ”
Its a piss poor analogy , nobody would choose to buy a house in a rotten to the core neighbourhood, they would look for a better house elsewhere that suits them better. This idea that anyone would continue to keep on voting for self interested cretins who have no intention whatsoever of being kicked out of power or changing their ways, Swinneys withholding of evidence should demonstrate to all that we now have are near fascists in the SNP who will hold on to power as long as they are allowed to and the way to help them to do that is to keep on voting for them like sheep thinking that somehow magically thinsg will change, they won’t. Only Votes in the right places make changes and most Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
Surely if the Rev is in Bath he is beyond the reach of the hate crime bill, unless his web server is in Scotland.
Only if you vote for them in the list. I do not intend to.
it’s not about how individuals vote but how the electorate does. If the SNP win less constituency seats, they’ll pick up a lot more list ones and that is the worst possible scenario, given who they have topping their lists right now. A pro union coalition with only the weakest, most decisive “identity and offence politics extremists” SNP MPSs will be the worst of all possible worlds. It may be worth holding your nose and voting for a constituency MSP in an attempt to avoid the top placed list candidates taking the place instead of them. Look carefully at who is on the constituency and list ballot before spoiling your constituency vote.
Effigy says
There is no such thing as “Free”
It appears that – Scotsman survey- SNP support continues to fall and a majority is no longer presumed. There is almost a month to go before polling day.
For me, Sturgeon’s mafia are everything I hate about Westminster and I appeal to those who have an intention to spoil their ballot to think again (as the song says) and use it against the SNP.
I have voted SNP for years but the party needs a deep deep clean and one person’s vote could be significant in any constituency.
“It appears that – Scotsman survey- SNP support continues to fall and a majority is no longer presumed. There is almost a month to go before polling day.”
There are nearly two months. It’s the first week of May.
Scots renewabls.Im looking forward to the time when an Sturgeonette accuses me of letting in Tories because I’ll just kick his cunt in. I’m sick of you Tartan Tory bastards.
Beaker says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:23 pm
@ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:09 pm
“The branch office Unionist members do that every day. Why are you contemplating giving them power?
You don’t seem to have thought through your own argument very well.”
You are missing the point – the SNP is the cause of the problems. If you cannot face up to reality then so be it. The SNP are not going to get a majority in May, something that was totally avoidable.
If the SNP don’t get a majority in may it will be because lots of people diidn’t vote for them for lots of different reasons.
If Scotland was independent and this was a proper general Election the SNP would not be getting my vote.
But it isn’t. And so they are.
Don @ 11:44 am
“the Hate Crime Bill was only initiated by the SNP”
We perhaps need to better understand how this works.
‘Initiation’ of bill content/aims tends to come earlier. Holyrood (i.e. its bills and budgets etc) is subject to a high degree of ‘regulatory capture’ by a variety of specific interest groups, most of which are content with the status quo (union). Most bills we see reflect this ‘regulatory capture’.
In addition, under colonialism certain sections of society are less likely to be subject to prosecution, as we can see in the Salmond and related cases. Which implies that laws may be more readily applied to some, but not to others.
Although having lived in the remote west of Scotland, I do not follow the various Scottish orientated sites on a regular basis, and have only commented – if I remember correctly – a couple of times in the past decade.
Anyway, my first serious political debate was at the feet – literally – of Kay Matheson and Winnie Ewing many years ago when they were on an informal personal tour of the Western Isles.
Since these early stirrings of modern Scottish nationalism Scotland has changed almost beyond recognition.
From a city perspective the impact of change from the rise of a Scottish Parliament may not be as visible as in the rural areas; the west of Scotland, Hebrides, and Northern Isles. New Schools, hospitals, fishery piers and infrastructure, and massive support to the agricultural and environmental sector. All support funded from the EU. Project which would never have seen the light of day under the previous regimes.
However, reading Wings – and the current level of anguished comments about the SNP – I am reminded of once having had a very heated row with one of the local public organisations, was contemplating resigning my membership and had a discussion about this with one of the elderly veterans of many local campaigns. His advice, which I paraphrase, “… don’t resign, and do not get dragged in to vicious personalised debate; you can alter the direction from within and not at all from the outside…”
Be very aware that there will be glee in certain southern offices as they watch the pot being stirred – while slyly adding to the brew.
This is a time for cool heads and long term thinking.
Pixywine says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Scots renewabls.Im looking forward to the time when an Sturgeonette accuses me of letting in Tories because I’ll just kick his cunt in. I’m sick of you Tartan Tory bastards.
If you spoil your ballot paper or vote for one of the Unionist parties and a Unionist cabal rends up running Holyrood then you will have to accept some of the responsibility.
Now, are you going to threaten me for expressing my opinion?
(I don’t have a cunt by the way)
I think you fail to note the concerns of former SNP supporters about the parallels of the morphing of Labour into New Labour and the transformation of the SNP into the New SNP.
This new SNP hasn’t finished its transformation yet.
Some classics from above:
– “I’ve said many times I’ll now be voting for the Tories for one and only one reason: It’s the best way to oppose the SNP.”
– “At present there is only one way to vote for independence + protection of females’ rights + protection of freedom of speech and that is by spoiling the constituency ballot.”
– “I have come to the conclusion that the defeat of the SNP and a unionist coalition in power would be infinitely better for independence.”
There are dozens of similar shite-laden nuggets above on what purports to be an independence-supporting blog.
I am no slavish follower of Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond or anyone.
The Declaration of Arbroath arrogated to the people the power to cast a leader out if he or she betrays them, and install another.
I stand with those far-sighted authors.
Meanwhile, our enemies are gathering and through their MSM agents are doing all they can to stop an indy majority becoming a reality. Tragically, they appear to have plenty of fans on here.
Am I aghast at some of the SNP’s shenanigans? You bet.
The party bears all the hallmarks of a rickety old bus driving up a dead end with the indy fuel it needs to do a u-turn lying unused in the boot.
But we have to get it over the line, no matter its faults, rotten panels and misfires.
If we do those on board can make urgent repairs which they will – and get the indy show back on the road.
An indy majority means the new Referendums (Scotland) Act will become law through the people’s mandate
That instruction must be acted upon – otherwise the SNP truly will have embarked on the path to oblivion.
The alternative, a British Nationalist win, would mean indy dead for years – maybe forever.
Scots Renewables has the rights of it: “It is obvious more and more Unionist plants are flocking to this site every day. We see you.”
Al says: at 11:33 am
“I think we are all agreed we need intelligent, hard working, honest people with integrity in Parliament to sort this shambles out.
Why not vote for someone who has/is working hard in their constituency with a proven track record of the above qualities irrespective of party.”
In principle this sounds great, however it overlooks the issue that for a potential candidate to pass the Party’s vetting process in order to be selected and stand, they most likely had to answer a question correctly on whether or not they would follow the Party Whip, even if it meant casting their vote in a way that was not supported by, or even detrimental to their constituents best interests.
A Sherrif cannot interpret the law. Only apply it.
They can ask for mitigating factors before sentence but that is not interpretation of the law..
It is what it says on the tin.
@ Cath
The only thing I can do is to control my vote, which I intend to do. I will not vote for the SNP neither in the constituency nor in the list. What other voters will do with their votes is up to them.
Frankly, at this point, after the way they have undermined females’ rights, independence and freedom of speech, it does no longer make to me any difference if there is an “experienced” SNP MSP in the constituency or an inexperienced one in the list. We have been let down by the “experienced” as much as we have been let down by the inexperienced.
As far as I am concerned both are unwilling to fight for those three things, which amounts at all practical effects, to the same thing for me:
Waffle and false promises coming from an experienced or inexperienced speaker is the exact same thing: waffle and false promises.
I hope you will permit me to say a few words on your blog, even though I am English and I describe myself as a National Conservative, after the ideas of Yoram Hazony (“The Virtue of Nationalism”).
My nationalism is for the whole of the UK from the tip of Scotland to the tip of England, north to south, east to west.
I read this excellent blog because it is one of the most informative and well written and gives great insight into Scottish politics unavailable elsewhere. And it challenges me and makes me think.
So after that declaration for the sake of transparancy may I respectfully say the following: I am in utter disbelief that the SNP can have degenerated to the extent of railroading this Hate Crimes Bill through. Yours is the people who gave us Hume and Smith in a galaxy of greats. Empiricism and the values of self improvement for the individual and society in general.
You have an enormous responsibility to stop this madness at the next election. But can I suggest you should not be pessimistic?
It may be that you will have to hold your nose and vote for whoever can deny Sturgeon a majority. But surely if that happens you will have a real chance of re-building a proper nationalist movement. How can you progress if the SNP as currently constituted consolidates a “dictatorship”?
Of course I hope you will join with similar thinkers in the rest of the UK and develop the Conservative nationalism I alluded to encompassing the whole UK, but that is probably too much to hope for.
I have great respect for your struggle and your views, but the most urgent question you face is the defeat of the Sturgeonite SNP. Given the actions of this party it is a task that is crucial for the whole of the UK. As far as the Hate Crime stuff goes, it’s Scotland today and the rest of us tomorrow. Don’t let them get the idea! Once again, I hope you will not object to me trying to enter your conversation.
The SNP is a Unionist party, your whole argument is based on the premise this isn’t true.
Harry mcaye 12.17
121 out of 129 voted
Dont know if the eight were abstentions or absentees
Did notice Andy Wightman voted ‘for’
link to
@Heart of Galloway,
You see nothing but your own overrated opinion. Your a man for sure.
Well hear this pal. You come for the rights of my wife and daughters ,then you come for me also. I will oppose you all the way whatever it takes.
They are my life, not sometimes up MSP with a sense of duty and a lack of moral compass.
Still, they have the likes of you willing to help them.
@Heart of Galloway – ‘But we have to get it over the line, no matter its faults….. If we do those on board can make urgent repairs which they will – and get the indy show back on the road.’ I’ve never read so much shite in all of my life.
Are WGDs readership paying his Mortgage?
The depute leader of the National party opines;
“Polls are tightening with the vital Scottish Parliamentary election in just eight weeks’ time – and there is no room for complacency.
“Both votes SNP will re-elect Nicola Sturgeon to lead Scotland’s recovery from the pandemic and build a fairer and greener nation, with a focus on our schools, our NHS and delivering the right to choose a better future in a post-pandemic referendum.”
Stuff independence then? Not just complacent but deceitful, devious and phony, very much in tune with the Zeitgeist.
This is a smug political sect inviting a comeuppance.
Bob Mack says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:36 pm
A Sherrif cannot interpret the law. Only apply it.
They can ask for mitigating factors before sentence but that is not interpretation of the law..
It is what it says on the tin.
You obviously didn’t read my personal account. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that many on here hit the keys without even reading what they are replying to.
Tannadice Boy says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:32 am
“You are a paid up member of the SNP. Already a politician, who suddenly realises the end is nigh and so is the gravy train. You are an East coast politician. You are an SNP MSP and I claim my fiver.”
I think you might need to wait until after they have sold their current bunch of raffle tickets – that is the ones that aren’t being sent back spoiled with a metaphorical “F**k Off” scrawled across them.
No they bought his house. He owes them and they own him
“We cannot see a way forward. It is becoming nearly impossible to evade the conclusion that all is lost. Nicola Sturgeon has destroyed it.”
I concur, there is nothing that can be done for these Holyrood elections. Scotland has lost this current battle, so lets focus on the next battle. … Hopefully, on a field we choose. What about the 2024 general elections? Perhaps a new party could be in place by then? A party with one and only one policy. Independence. Everything else is for the Scots to decide after independence.
A majority of MPs elected (or 50% of votes cast plus one, depending on your point of view) would be taken as the sovereign will of the people of Scotland to end the Treaty of Union with the Kingdom of England.
Any MP elected would not take up their seats in Westminster, so will recieve no money from Westminster. They do not get involved with “the club” and so are not so likely to get dragged into it’s comfy corruption.
Speeches in the chamber at Westminster will not win us our independence. Eloquant ways of saying nothing are still ways of saying nothing.
The battle may be lost, but the war is still there to be won. It just won’t be with the “tools” we thought we’d use to gain our freedom. Perhaps it’s time to stop voting for spanners and swiss army twats and time to vote for a sword. A sword only has one point. The point being independence.
Heart of Galloway
I don’t like jam, I like marmalade.
1.8 million people couldn’t be arsed to vote at last Scot elections.So why do I need to bother voting for a party that introduces Bill’s I don’t agree with and offer me more jam?
I don’t like jam.Enough please.
And the same goes to you Scot Renewables
Enough was the fucking jam.
Tommy Sheridan
Heart of Galloway
Big Jock
. . . and precious few others
Thanks for being brave enough to stand up to the torrent of nonsense that is appearing BTL in this blog now.
(No reflection on the owner and author of this blog, who writes it as he sees it fairly and squarely and is still a great investigative journalist, even if he has taken the spotlight off the Unionists for now)
Those who are prepared to stand up to the torrent of abuse, invective and extreme rudeness that characterises the entitled idiots and unionist trolls who make up the bulk of the BTL commentators on articles like this are the ones standing up for freedom of speech, not the nasty little gobshites threatening to kick peoples cunts in.
The attempt to turn the comments section of this blog into a permanent SNP hatefest and to sabotage the possibility of a pro-indy majority in May is an assault on free speech, and the perpetrators are guilty of everything they accuse the Sturgeonistas of.
People, if you really care about independence you need to up your game. And if you don’t care about it then you need to fuck off.
@Scots Renewables,
Oh I read your account. It just didn’t suit you. Very different from what you think it should mean
‘ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:21 pm
Well Scott – I’ll work my way through this bit by bit.
Your post above suggests you have never been in front of a Sherriff.
I have in fact been ‘in front of a Sheriff and JP’s many, many times – as a professional witness.
Of course they interpret the law –
First they interpret the law – THEN THEY APPLY IT. That is what makes them the Sheriff.
as I know to my disadvantage from taking someone to the Small Claims Court many years ago, where the Sherriff interpreted the law on intellectual property (which he knew nothing about) in an extremely cavalier manner.
Can’t speak about this, but I would be surprised if the Sheriff knew ‘nothing about it’, and I’ve never met a stupid Sheriff yet. Not once.
Coppers decide who is charged, then it has to be run past the Fiscal.
For the most part Police officers do indeed decide who is charged, then report to the PF, who decides if it is in the public interest for it to go to court.
However, Police do not work in isolation, where Fiscal Guidelines have been issued, for example, in the area of Domestic incidents, thresholds of necessary evidence can and have been lowered to ensure a prosecution takes place (including the aforesaid arrest beforehand).
Over the last 10 ish years, this has resulted in multiple instances of persons appearing before the court, on charges of Domestic Breach of the Peace – whereby there was insufficient evidence to justify the case – and the Sheriff has done the needful and abandoned the case. This being one instance when the basic laws of evidence have not been removed from the Sheriff.
The same does not apply with STATUTORY CRIMES. If a statutory crime is written one way – its not open to interpretation. Not even by the Judge.
The idea that a casual slip of the tongue will instantly put you behind bars suggests you read too much dystopian fantasy.
I quite like dystopian fantasy. I like reading too. I recommend both.
Define ‘casual slip of the tongue’ please. Woman = adult female human, Woman = adult female human. A male person can never change their sex. A male person can never change their sex – its not physically possible. They can change their appearance to look like a woman, but fundametally they remain male. Oh dear, this opinion has hurt someone’s feelings.
The idea that the legal system from the police upwards si staffed entirely by androids programmed with a single interpretation of every piece of legislation is fanciful in the extreme.
I really doubt normal folk chatting round the dinner table have much to fear.
And if they share their thoughts on facebook or twitter – what then, and if they lose their jobs because of it, what then? Cause that’s already happened.
In our ‘non dystopian’ reality – we cannot currently get a straight answer from our elected politicians about, ‘is it OK for a male bodied person to get access to female changing rooms and undress in the presence of female children?’ Those who ask the question are bullied, threatened and accused of Transphobia.
Yes, it is a badly thought out piece of legislation and I am sure a future session of Holyrood will revisit it.
I don’t mind it being badly thought out. I mind that it is being badly pursued with a view to being enacted.
particularly if it DOES have the effects you are so paranoid about.
Instead of having to FIX a badly written law, how about – don’t impose badly written laws in the first place.
It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you – (borrowed, cause its true).
Dear Scott, I won’t respond further to your posts, your simply too stupid.
ScotsRenewables = limitless wind.
@Scots Renewables,
Are you the “full shilling” as they say ?. You must be a hoot at parties lol
If the Scottish
GovernmentAdministration puts in place un-mandated regressive and oppressive legislation to constrain and criminalise free speech against the majority of sovereign Scots’ wishes, then are said Administration themselves not guilty of inciting and provoking a natural emotional response of hatred against themselves from the majority of Scots due to un-democratically imposing detrimental legislation into our society.Nicola Sturgeon. Your crazy UN policies are turning the voters off. Your insane denial of accepted scientific principle re gender woowoo,your utter failure to pursue the cause of Independence in any meaningful way and the vicious defamation of an innocent man Alec Salmond, incase you’ve airbrushed him out of your memory, the corruption of the Crown Office which in this time of woke hate speech legislation means we can look forward to kangaroo justice in our Courts. Have you been possessed by the spirit of Josef Stalin or Tony Blair? No. You are possessed by the spirit of Hillary Clinton. We’ve seen how Joe Biden got his job. Anyone interested should watch Louder With Crowder on YouTube for an indepth look into certain voting irregularities in Georgia. Postal voting is fatally compromised. There is no way I can bring myself to vote for Tyrants.
When posters resort to personal abuse and threats you know they have lost the argument.
The behaviour exhibited by posters here to anyone who disagrees with their prescription on how to vote, or indeed how to think, is bullying pure, plain and simple.
It is as bad as anything visited on Joanna Cherry and others campaigning to curb SNP excesses.
Yes people, you heard me right. A lot of you are no better than the ‘Sturgeonistas’ you despise. You have allowed yourselves to be brought down to their level. Your bitterness, vitriol and general lack of empathy is truly remarkable.
Well done!
Cenchos says:
11 March, 2021 at 12:20 pm
‘Well well Scotsrenewables, that’s some change in ‘Nicks notes’ all of a sudden . All the stuff slagging Wings suddenly disappeared. How odd.
You are true Sturgeonista right enough.’
This may be what you mean, Cenchos.
From Nick’s Notes: –
‘The latter possibility would be a disaster. And Wings and Stuart Campbell’s carefully ramped up moral outrage will be a major contributor to that disaster. Now is simply not the time. And let me say that having just read the BTL comments on Wings I can 100% guarantee that 90% of the respondents were never independence supporters. Like it or not, willing or just manipulated, Campbell, one of our greatest assets up to now, has become a tool of the British state.’
The full page –
link to
“You are possessed by the spirit of Hillary Clinton. We’ve seen how Joe Biden got his job. “
Do I detect a Trumpster?
Oh dear. A bit of a credibility gap opening up here I fear.
Didn’t you call someone a tube earlier?
The Lernaean Hydra is a part of Greek mythology but the Unionist Holyrood Hydra is alive and hissing and very real thanks to Sturgeon’s Nasty Party.
ScotsRenewables says:
11 March, 2021 at 1:03 pm
When posters resort to personal abuse and threats you know they have lost the argument.
Like calling someone a tube & English Unionist?
@Scots Rsnewables,
I feel a Hate Crime police report coming on.
SNP manifesto 2016/.Not a word about Hate Crime. Find it if you can
You know the Manifesto. The thing we read to decide how to vote. We will know next time though.
AndyH says:
11 March, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Didn’t you call someone a tube earlier?
Yes. Someone telling us all to vote Tory and pretending he supports independence.
Sometimes I just lose all self-control . . . . . mea culpa
I support independence, work towards independence and have suffered a trainload of personal insults from people on here who are no more independence supporters than I am William Wallace reincarnated.
@Scots Renewables
Just an observation, but it may be worth considering that some BTL commenters who are really struggling to vote SNP with their first vote, may live in particular constituencies that have SNP MSPs who have been hugely influential with their various activities which has led us into this crisis position.
Therefore, attempts to remove these specific MSPs is a valid position to hold. In chess, sometimes a necessary sacrifice requires to be made.
Is English Unionist a hateful description?
Doesn’t sound like it to me, particularly if it is accurate.
I have never, ever heard Scots call the SNP the Scottish Nationalist party, as you did.
Only Boris, the ERG, Andrew Neil et al call it that, and their fanboys.
Your cover is blown, Ruby
ISP invokes the Conscience Clause
link to
AndyH says:
11 March, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Didn’t you call someone a tube earlier?
Yes he did. A tube and an English Unionist troll
Your certainly no William Wallace mate.
So calling out corruption and criminality and the most sinister attempt in history to silence free speech in a western democracy is “SNPbaaaad”
Get a grip of yersel, it’s mindless cult like worship like this that has got us to this place. I’ll take my pointers in what a free country should be from people like Jim Sillars and Alex Salmond and not some lying narcissistic psychopath like Nicola Sturgeon or indeed her mindless cult supporters like you. Maybe you are happy grovelling on yer knees in front of a liar like sturgeon but the rest of us aren’t. She needs to be in jail and if that isn’t going to happen she needs to be taken out of politics as soon as possible.
If transwomen really are women, does that mean they aren’t protected by the bill?
I support Independence and have always done so but I think this crazy Hate Bill is odious and I’d rather give a vote to a Tory than the SNP right now.
Not convinced changing them from within is going to happen soon enough.
They need a good political skelped arse.
Vote for the Scottish Libertarians if you want to have at least some opposition.