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Wings Over Scotland

The Weekend Cartoon

Posted on June 19, 2021 by

Alert readers will have noticed that our quasi-regular crayonsmith Slacky The Holiday Boy is off again this week (and indeed next week), so as a special emergency service we bring you something almost as funny, albeit in a rather darker vein than usual.

The punchline, of course, is the last sentence of paragraph 9.

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Swept under the carpet

Bill Fraser

When we get more money we will replace the money we used for purposes other than the stated ringfenced purposes. ( at the very least an apology and resignations would be welcome)



Enjoy the Sabbatical and stay Stu.

Dorothy Devine

I’nt that just dandy?

Who can possibly query the efficacy and honesty now???


Took them an awful long time, an awful lot of complaints and requests for refunds, and a few resignations to come up with this feeble excuse.But I daresay it will keep the sheeples happy, they will even opt to donate more for the 2022 appeals.


They think that nobody outside the SNP has an understanding of company accounts, cash flow and basic economics, greater then the sociological gender studies based woke brigade.


A canny wait for the next critical political watershed.


Crystal clear …it exists as an unsecured IOU but there is nothing like that amount in the bank


I hope you are having a good break. Your skills are sorely missed. Now we don’t know what’s going on behind our backs.

Jason Smoothpiece

They are as clear as mud. They can go whistle with their further fund raising. For the first time in many years they will not get my vote and will not get a penny from me.

I do believe they think we are daft.

The time has come for the leadership of the SNP to step down.

The question asked was where’s the money. The answer is it’s here and there and there’s some there and things.

What’s that smell?

Trust you are well Stu missing your aggressive truth telling.


It’s meaningless claptrap. Sturgeon is an out and out liar and so is her husband. I suspect that many of the side-kicks are simply stupid.

Kevin McKenna’ article in the Herald is alarmingly commendable.

It’s good to know you’re still there Mr Wings and I do miss your contributions to my daily political thinking.

However, if, you’re happier and doing well and considering what to do with your future; and keeping watch; and feeding stray cats – then I don’t begrudge you your time away from here – even if it becomes permanent. Yours has been a long stretch with a great deal of hard labour.
Best of luck

Eileen Carson

“Creative” Accounting lol


I think you told us this was the case about 100 years ago, Rev. I expect you will be swamped by requests for interviews by all those very special, strictly IPSO-monitored, MSM journalists. No?

Derek Cameron

They just keep digging. What a crock.


Parapagraph 5

Of course, the SNP is the party of independence and, as such, every penny we spend – directly or indirectly – is in support of winning independence

Aye, right.

My donation was not for generalized spending. By refunding it, they’ve acknowledged that.


…. Rest assured they’ll be getting F-all from me.

And I reckon a lot of other people will feel the same, regardless of their ‘explanatory’ word mince.

As well as hollowing out the party finances, the Murrells have probably seriously damaged its future ability to attract fund raising.

It’s almost as if it’s all a calculated, many pronged, global action plan to stamp out independence once and for all.

In another universe, the covid pandemic would be the perfect weapon for climate change activists. No aviation, traffic gone, reduced trade, markets shut down etc.

In the same universe Sturgeon would be the equivalent weapon for unionists.

….. Shit, I’ve run out of tin foil…..

Tam Fae somewhere

How can you spend £600k when the money does not appear to exist in the accounts?

No more money until all of this is clarified and future funds ring fenced in a separate account.

Alain Mack

Interesting as well Stu that Colin Beattie has been reappointed as Treasurer.
He and the Murrells are up to their necks in this.Beattie was Treasurer during the Weirs donation. I SMELL **** !!!

Andrew Davidson

So with no campaign, no campaign staff, nothing about independence happening at all they’re going to spend GBP615,000 in the remaining 6 months of this year so that they then need to raise more money next year.

Uh hu.

We don’t all zip up the back, SNP.


Good to here from you, Stu.

Hope you are fine and keeping well. X

panda paws

Sweet baby Jesus, they have just admitted fraud surely. We’ve got a wee note saying IOU or IOLots circa £600k and we’ll use that for what we raised it for when we raise some more.

Err naw. It was raised for an indy ref and we’ve not had one but the money is gone but we’ve kept a marker isn’t going to get you off the hook.

Oh and welcome back.


So all that big weasel really says is “Earmarked is the new woven-through”…

Eileen Carson

Silly me I thought we were getting the DRAFT accounts today …. not the DAFT ACCOUNTS

Elizabeth Hagan

You are sadly missed Rev. The Scottish people need you & your investigative prowess. Please continue watching over us.

Neil H

Is this all in relation to an equivalent ear-marked ring-fence of our money, or the actual ear-marked ring-fenced dosh (neither of which actually exists anyway). Please help. I’m confused.



“…donations are all treated in the same way…they are recorded as donations and accounted as such in our books.”

Donations to a separate online indyref fund have no place being recorded in ANY political party’s books.

And donors to that fund did not “express a wish” to any party for that party to use the money in that way. The website appeal expressly stated that that was its purpose and solicited donations on that basis.

Do they seriously think we can’t spot what they *haven’t* written just as clearly as what they *have* written?


I guess I read badly. I didn’t notice the words ‘ring’ and ‘fenced’ anywhere.

Neil MacKenzie

The fundraiser was to be spent on winning a referendum not achieving a referendum


I commented previously that if people are angry at the deception and insult they should come together as a group and report this creative accounting lies to polis Scotland.

Now we are faced with more disengenuous excreted bullshit that is an EVEN BIGGER insult to people’s intelligence , all to cover up this blatant misuse of specific RINGFENCED funds , I have now changed my opinion I think people en masse should DEMAND the return of ALL their donations immediately and FORCE these charlatans and spivs to realise that we are not the walking SNP brain dead , we value honesty and integrity and by sturgeon’s and her cohorts actions those actions exposed are neither


What they’re really saying is that the electorate are stupid and will continue to finance Murrell’s lifestyle. If they can’t live within their means, how can we trust them with the country’s finances?
Please come back and hold those charlatans to account. You’re needed more than ever.


2022 !



“Thank you for the donation you made to the Scottish National Party last month. Your donation, along with many more, has been put into a ring-fenced fund to build up a war chest to fight a future Independence Referendum that we all hope is not too far off.“
This was sent to me in May 2019
It is explicit.
This is not now what they are saying.
I have received my requested refund.

Deryck De McBoomer

I take it that from their statement that they are saying that Douglas Chapman is either an idiot or a shit stirrer.


link to

link to
“The term has its origins in the ring-fences that are built to keep farm animals in and predators out. In financial accounting, it is used to describe a number of strategies that are employed to protect a portion of assets from being mixed with the rest.”

Jeannie McCrimmon

Hoping upon hope this is an indication of your much needed comeback Stu.


BTW Stuart I realise the last decade has been monumentally hard on you , your privacy and mental health , the name calling and abuse , but without being disrespectful to any of the other indy bloggers you are the independence SEER , the perfect example is the ringfenced funds , you uncovered and exposed the TRUTH before anyone even had a smell of it ,you pursued it like a terrier after it’s prey (sorry I nearly said rat) and enlightened through your determination the indy movement to the lies and corruption of the leadership

If you hadn’t done that they would NOT be responding and panicking and people would be none the wiser ,YOU DONE THAT you encouraged people to DEMAND the truth

The indy movement is WEAKER without you , WE NEED your strength and determination to show these bastards they will NOT win , and BTW I hate waking up to no new WOS posts


I’ve been a member of the SNP since the 70s
Never have i felt so disillusioned with independence as I do now.
SNP = old labour. Taking us for granted and our money to do with what they think best, which is not independence for Scotland.
Nicola PLEASE GO and take Peter with you.

Frank Waring

For this dodge to ‘work’, just to point out the bleedin’ obvious, the party would have to receive in future £600,000 in donations, for which the donors had not specified what it shuld be spent on, and have spent these donations on independence campaigning, etc.
So the ‘paragraph 9 funds’ — if raised in response to a specific appeal for referendum/independence preparations — should not be used to reduce the earmarked-for-indy ‘Fund’ balance.
This bears a strong resemblance to a Ponzi scheme: it remains a true fact that the party has spent — on (as yet unrevealed?) purposes — money which was specifically donated for independence campaigning and preparation.

Donald Kerr

I do not believe points 3 and 4.

Point 5: “Directly” (i.e. on an independence campaign post referendum date announcement) or “indirectly” (i.e. on the SNP) … f’in LOL. “… will go directly to our work to secure a referendum …”, eh? No, no! It was for the independence campaign, not “work to secure a referendum”.

Point 6: Bollocks.

Point 7: More bollocks.

Point 8: Money that does not exist cannot be “earmarked”. Fundraiser for X spent on Y. Some day in the future money that doesn’t yet exist will be spent on X. More bollocks. That, for me, is the definition of a con.

Point 9: “2022” Whit? “Critical political watersheds” = Bullshit guff. “Further fundraising exercise”. Hahahahahahhaha Nae chance.

Point 10: “The concern expressed is [what the SNP thinks the concern is]”. The concern actually is that money was taken, I think, under false pretences and spent on something else. The money that was donated no longer actually exists. It’s gone.


If everything is so hunkydory with the ring-fenced money, don’t the SNP still have to explain where the money came from to repay the Weirs’loan?
Have I got that right?


Bet you were absolutely stunned to read this. Not.

Donald Kerr

BTW, if you donated and want your money back then just email Jim Henderson – Party Fundraiser: I asked last week and got my money back. I still feel as if I’ve been conned. They’ll be getting not a penny more from me.

Carol Neill

Glad to see you back ,even it’s just a temporary replacement


To the SNP leadership, the expensive SPADs and the communications “gurus” that wrote that embarrassing piece of verbose crap and the useful lackey of the day that agreed to give their name to it:

“Of course the SNP is the party of Independence”

Is it?
Well, you could have knocked me with a feather. I don’t see the leadership of that party lifting a finger to deliver independence. Hell, they don’t even have the backbone to actually respect democracy and deliver the numerous mandates they hoarded with no intention of deliver it seems, not even one.

I guess that what you mean is the SNP WAS the party of independence but ceased to be so the minute Nicola Sturgeon took the driving seat. Ever since, she appears to be determined to drive the party on to the wall.

“Every penny we spend, directly or indirectly, is in support of winning independence”

Prove it.

Prove it with facts no with embarrassing verbose like this. You can write 100,000 words of deflecting pish if you wish but that will not regain an ounce of credibility or trust. Until the moment you show the fcknig books and we see for ourselves where our donated money has gone to, we will not believe you. And the SNP seriously expects us to trust them with another penny? You cannot be serious. This is like watching the Benny Hill show.

Where are the actions that demonstrate Nicola Sturgeon and Murrell have not been leading us on since 14 November 2014?
I see none. I see however a truckload of actions that demonstrate the precise opposite.

Where are the actions that demonstrate Nicola Sturgeon and Murrell are not dismantling the SNP from within to stop it remaining the party of independence?
Again, I see none. I see a truckload that points to the opposite.

Where are the fckng books that demonstrate the moneys spent were “directly or indirectly” linked to independence and not to engorge the bank accounts of gravy train enthusiasts and to brush off a few legal inconveniences at the expense of the donors?
You tell us. That piece of verbose crap ain’t the books.

Please stop insulting our intelligence. Your party has done it every single day since Mr Salmond stepped down. That is near
to SEVEN years. How long do you think you can fool us with crap?

Here is a summary of the record of “Nicola Sturgeon’s pretend party of ‘independence'”

Days Nicola Sturgeon has been in control of the SNP: 2,407

Wasted days of her/she delivering nothing more than vacuous, deflecting waffle and pathetic excuses: 2,407

Elections Nicola Sturgeon has wasted as opportunities to progress independence: At least FIVE

Mandates for indyref Nicola Sturgeon has deliberately wasted:
Lost count

Money given by supporters to be ringfenced to deliver indyref?

Outcome of that donation?
Goodness knows. 5 years on and there is no longer a trace neither of the money or of the promised indyref

Money actually used to campaign for independence:
One penny?
Difficult to tell really because the endemic and chronic lack of transparency under this leadership is so outrageous that the party rather waste the membership’s money writing truckloads of deflecting waffle like the one above than actually opening the fckng books and show us so we can see it for ourselves.

Days when Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the SNP at Westminster, the MSPs and the MPs actually did something to progress independence:-2407.
Why negative?
Because during all that time every single action they have chosen to take has been to ensure Scotland remains in the union, that England’s rulers have a free ride to steal our rights, powers and control of our assets and that we are in no position to see our own democratic mandates being delivered because Nicola Sturgeon’s new sport appears to be burning mandates in one of Bute House’s fireplaces rather than actually act as a democrat and delivering them.

Apologies offered to the people of Scotland for her incompetence at progressing independence, for making a mockery of our rights, our powers, for undermining our sovereignty, for handing over our powers reverting our autonomy, for laughing at our democracy while brushing our mandates and majorities under the carpet and for using our pro indy votes to preserve this union?


Some credentials for a so called party of independence and a “leader”, don’t you think?

You are embarrassing yourselves now. Either piss or get off the pot.
Sturgeon’s so called SNP has been outrageously wasting our time, our majorities, our mandates and by the look of it, they appear to have wasted our money too in anything but what it was donated for.

In any other political party such astonishing dishonesty, lack of delivery and astronomical waste of mandates, majorities and opportunities would be followed by an immediate resignation of the incompetent leadership. Sturgeon’s SNP however take it as a licence to continue taking membership and voters for fools. Because if you didn’t you would not need to go to this ridiculous verbal acrobatics to attempt to fool the people who in good faith donated that money FOR INDYREF, not to take us for a ride.

And the question remains:


Annie 621

Listen up SNP..My boyfriend’s back and you’re going to be sorry!

Roddy Macleod

OK, here’s the plan we need to kidnap the cartoon guy!

Robert Hughes

Brilliant Mia .

No one quite nails n lacerates the sheer fuckn dishonesty n uselessness ( if it’s possible to useless n dangerous simultaneously ? ) of New SNP like you do


twathater says:
19 June, 2021 at 6:09 pm
BTW Stuart I realise the last decade has been monumentally hard on you , your privacy and mental health , the name calling and abuse , but without being disrespectful to any of the other indy bloggers you are the independence SEER ,……..

The indy movement is WEAKER without you , WE NEED your strength and determination to show these bastards they will NOT win , and BTW I hate waking up to no new WOS posts

Totally agree with you but I really want Wings to become applauded and valued for his excellent talents as a writer and thinker and do fear that these SNP people would really like him not here at all and will do anything in their power to achieve that end. The SNP are mercilessly self-interested deceivers and liars and Stu deserves far, far better.
BUT I know how you feel:-)


crazycat says:
19 June, 2021 at 5:19 pm
Parapagraph 5

Of course, the SNP is the party of independence and, as such, every penny we spend – directly or indirectly – is in support of winning independence

How strange. Because apparently while Scotland was being unconstitutionally subjugated and forced out of Europe contrary to the emphatic democratic will of the Sovereign Scottish people, throughout that critical eighteen month period, the SNP’s National Executive Committee DIDN’T EVEN DISCUSS Scottish Independence…Neither directly or indirectly.

The “Leadership” wouldn’t even mention the fkg “I” word.

It will be very illuminating to reconcile the chronology of this seismic events and injury to Scotland’s interests, with the SNP blowing it’s way through the ring fenced cash of an explicit IndyRef war chest at a time when the SNP was manifestly doing NOTHING.

Now I really want to see the unredacted accounts.


“FORMER Scottish constitution secretary and current National columnist Michael Russell has been appointed as political director at the SNP’s independence unit.”

Yipeeee! we’re all saved, they must think we all button up the back.


If anyone has a rhubarb patch, spread that statement round it and you will have a bumper crop.

Everyone who donated should request a refund. If enough people do this it will provoke a reaction in the SNP administration.

Pity there is no legislation requiring political leaders(and their spouses) to publish their tax returns. It could provide interesting reading.

Hope you are well, Rev. Take your time in deciding how to proceed in future. Perhaps the SNP membership will wake up and smell the manure!

Tom Kane

How to undermine, lead and gaslight a political party all at the same time… co-opting the judiciary, tv news, unionist newspapers and Scotland’s only newspaper supporting independence.

You are well out of this at the moment, Stu. Scary biscuits.

Dave M

What an utter shambles


@Frank Waring

My thoughts as well. Somewhere in hell Bernie Madoff is having a laugh.


Utter gibberish.

About as plausible as a ‘business partnership’ proposal from a Nigerian prince, but not as well written.

Scam, scam, scam.

Members of the SNP, rise up and put your house in order.


If Murrell needs a new suit for independence related interviews
can we pay for it?
How about a wee Caribbean cruise to mentally prepare for a section 30 rejection?
He will need a new car if he had to meet Boris in London.
Tea bags, they will need them to keep themselves refreshed.

Yes all those could be paid for from the independence related funds.


I wonder how much of the missing £600k went towards court orders akin to super-injunctions that we’re not meant to know about.

alan turner

What can be done teflon Nicola, will the worshippers wake up ?


£600,000. ffs, by how much has Scotland been looted over the last seven or so years.

Annie 621


Well put!

Saffron Robe

There is one thing that is tangible – the stench of corruption. They have not ring-fenced the money objectively i.e. for the explicit purpose to which it was intended. Instead, they subjectively ring-fenced the money so that they could feed from the trough and all they have left now to show for it is a promissory note. All my life I have tried to make it a matter of principle not to make promises I can’t keep. All the SNP ever do is make promises they have no intention of keeping.

And ear-marking is not the same as ring-fencing. Ear-marked monies can be used for something else if need be, ring-fenced monies cannot. It seems to me that the SNP are admitting their own culpability – they ear-marked the ring-fenced money, incorrectly implying ownership, and subsequently used the money for purposes other than that to which it was intended.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Annie 621 at 7:20 pm.

You typed,
“Listen up SNP..My boyfriend’s back and you’re going to be sorry!”

Thank you for reminding me of this cover from 1978.

link to


I can think of a reasonably plausible explanation for the missing £600K and why it’s not in the accounts BUT I can’t say it here because when they read it, I don’t believe they’ve thought of it and I’m not prepared to give them the get out excuse.


Was that work of fiction put together by the “new for old ” treasurer who had been accused of making up two false Lies on this issue already ?
link to

How are the Wee Ginger Doggers coping with the News or don’t they know yet ?


Mist001 19 June, 2021 at 8:39 pm

“I can think of a reasonably plausible explanation for the missing £600K and why it’s not in the accounts BUT I can’t say it here because when they read it, I don’t believe they’ve thought of it and I’m not prepared to give them the get out excuse”

It was called “Ring Fenced” money there are no plausible excuses for it not being there , the SNP are experts in making excuses for the last 7 years they are experts in the field (perhaps the only field they are experts in).
The only thing for the status quo to be changed is for all to ask for their donations back and force their hand.


@ alan turner at 8:09 pm

“What can be done teflon Nicola”, Sadly and realistically not a lot to her personally,BUT see the end
“will the worshippers wake up ?”
Only when they are squealing.
THE END, should this path. be something THAT IS SOUGHT then it can be done.


There’s a good chance that with the recent figure of 1.1 million mugs sorry, folk still “intelligent” enough to cast #BothVotesSNP, a future fundraiser would actually still steal sorry, hoover up a significant amount more lucre…

Johnny Rotten – SNP Fanboi Remix

Ahh Ha Ha Never get the feeling you’ve been cheated… Goodnight

link to


6 stood out to me the most, “independence related” and specifically raised to be used during a referendum campaign are not the same thing.
I can’t remember the exact total from the two referendum donation campaigns but if any of that admitted £50k spend came from it surely that is already incorrect use.

Brian Doonthetoon

Personally, I took the decision on the day after the Alba Party launch. I had emailed my MP and MSP (both SNP) in February, raising my concerns about the the direction and management of the party of which I was a member, the SNP, and received no replies to reassure me.

Therefore, on that Saturday, I resigned from the SNP and joined Alba. I emailed the secretary of the Dundee West group, as a courtesy, to let her know I had left the party, only to find out on the following Tuesday that she had also left the party and was standing as a list candidate for NE Scotland.

The upper management are destroying the SNP. The 2015 GE should have been an indicator to what the people of Scotland wanted. We even have people like Bob Costello, a staunch SNP member, who did the conversion work on Chris Law’s “Spirit of Independence” green goddess, supplied the battlebus for “Business For Scotland” and organised “Team YES Bus” raising questions about the direction of the party from 2015 onwards, and he was ridiculed by the Sturgeon sycophants.

I paste below, what I emailed to Chris Law and Joe Fitzpatrick in February 2021…

Hi Joe & Chris.

Once upon a time, the SNP was a political party driven forward by the desire of independence of its ordinary members, through the branches and so on.

However, I’ve just discovered that the party that used to be a “bottom up” organisation, has become a “top down” organisation.

I wasn’t happy about your sacking, Joe. The fact that Scottish drugs deaths were not revealed to be recorded differently from other countries should have been mooted in your defence – but your boss threw you under the bus.

And Chris – I still have the ’Spirit of Independence’ pen you gave me at City Square in early September 2014, which I used to mark “YES” on September 18th.

It seems that Bob Costello was right all along.

I will state that a woman is an “adult human female”. A transwoman is a “transwoman”. A transman is a “transman”.

Spaces reserved for “women” should not be opened up to anyone who decides to self-ID as a “woman”, or fetishists from Aberdeen who are male but like to impose themselves into female toilets and are quite proud that they do and announce it on social media.

The penultimate nail has just been hammered into my coffin of SNP membership. The only reason I am hanging on (for the moment) is to have a vote in the next leadership election.

The sacking of Joanna Cherry – and the accusation of her “homophobia” by Nicola’s acolytes – was sheer stupidity.

The stitch-up Alex Salmond and the resultant cover-up. Anyone remember Watergate? I despair.

When I saw Blackford state umpteen times in the House of Commons, that “Scotland will not be dragged out of the EU against her will”, I actually believed that the upper echelons of the party had a great plan that would be unveiled at some point.

Then came Nicola’s speech of January 2020, as we were dragged out of the EU against our will.
What a disappointment!
She had spent so much time trying to overturn the democratic vote of England & Wales to leave the EU, attending a rally in London and so on, that she lost the will to see the bigger picture that the “material change” had taken place and that Scotland was being dragged out of the EU “against our will”. The reason for holding a referendum on independence. And she bottled it.

Then the fact that I was at every march/rally for independence in 2018 and only missed the Oban march/rally in 2019, but NEVER saw Nicola at any of them, although they were attended by SNP MPs, MSPs and councillors. I was even on the Glasgow march in January 2020, walking with Craig Murray for a while. No Nicola. However, she did have the time to be at “gay pride” type marches/rallies.

Was this supporting the SNP’s raison d’être of independence for Scotland?

I’m guessing you both read ‘Wings Over Scotland’? You want to read the comments btl, if you want to get a feel for what we, ‘independistas’, are feeling about the state of the party. There are so many leaving the SNP and joining the ISP that it should be worrying the ‘high head yins’.

The only thing that will save the SNP is if it has in its manifesto that the May Holyrood election is a plebiscite election, like in the old days of the SNP. Along the lines of (I paraphrase slightly from the link)…

“The Scottish people are sovereign, and we hereby announce our intention to declare Scotland independent and submit that intention to the will of the people in this election for their approval.

Accordingly, if the Scottish National Party should secure more than 50% of the constituency votes in this election, we will consider that a clear mandate to withdraw from the Treaty Of Union, declare Scotland to once more be an independent state, and seek recognition from the international community on the basis of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the UN Charter, the right of all peoples to self-determination, that self-determination having been expressed by this vote.”

link to

No more faffin’ about with a ‘roadmap to a referendum’ – what we want is a roadmap to INDEPENDENCE!

I’m getting’ on… I want to see an independent Scotland before I pop my clogs.

I thought about making public this email when I send it to you. However, I would prefer to hold it back until I receive replies from you both, affirming that WE, the ordinary members, with your help, can remake our party as a ‘bottoms up’ organisation.

If I don’t receive any response with seven days, then, regretfully, I will have to put this email, and lack of response, into the public domain.

link to

One more thing before I finish.

At any next election, whether it be Westminster, Holyrood or local council, I will not vote for any individual who feels the need to add to their social media profile, the terms “Pronouns she/her”, or “Pronouns he/him”.

I act towards people as I find them. I don’t need THEM telling me how to treat them.

Och, really lastly… I will not be voting SNP for my regional vote in May. There’s no point. Unless the SNP really melts down in the constituency vote – and that doesn’t look likely, going by recent polling. This SNP 1+2 nonsense is just that. Have a look at this:-

link to

Nah, this is lastly. After a couple of hours snooze, I woke up to find that our party, once proud to fight for independence, has become the butt of the joke. Really, you should read the comments up to midnight, if not further.

link to

If that’s me expelled from the party, so be it. The ISP beckons…

Brian Doonthetoon


Charlie Vietch is worth a watch. link to

Anne Marie D

When at last you see you cannot unsee. It is like those clever visual deceptions in psychology experiments. You can’t go back once you work it out.

The really really insulting part is that they will spend most of the remainder this year. HOW will they do that? Is the pandemic over? Is Scotland rebuilt? They clearly despise us because any organisation can only blatantly lie like this when they believe there are no credible threats to their power.
I can hardly believe I am writing this but we are truly now in total farcical times. Will any MP/MSP call this out. Take a fucking stand or fall because it will fall.


Dark Horse goes into the nitty gritty. link to


Just in case you didn’t know, this subject is now firmly on the radar of Private Eye.


Hey folks!

I’m currently raising money for a trip to Disneyland for orphans.

I hope to raise £6000, which will be ringfenced in my current account.

I’ll be undertaking a fact-finding trip beforehand, with my family, to check arrangements at Disneyland; the suitability of the accommodation, quality of the food; accessibility of the rides, etc. etc.

The cost of this fact-finding trip will be taken from the ringfenced funds – it is part of the overall purpose of taking the orphans on a trip of a lifetime, so that makes it ok as far as I’m concerned.

If there is a shortfall as a result of the fact-finding trip, I may run another fundraising event nearer the time.

Any questions? No? Excellent!

Cheque books at the ready then?


Well well. The elected former treasurer was denied access to the books, giving him no option but to resign. And who was waiting in the wings to take over again, and carry on ‘weaving’ his web?

Looks like Mr. M. is able to dictate who he wants as treasurer, someone who is willing for this sort of thing to be put out in the treasurer’s name or at least with his acquiescence.

What did Nicola say recently about the SNP finances being the strongest they have ever been, or something like that?

An SNP treasurer would seem to need to agree to having lots of strings attached to his arms and legs, not be averse to being dangled, and answer to the name Pinocchio.


“There may be a need for a further fund raising exercise”

I think that sums things up…


What is the stated purpose of the CEO of the SNP?

Is there as job description?

Does it include performance based incentives?

What performance is required to justify his eye watering and ever increasing pay?*

A member of the party might say:

increase membership,
further the stated aims of the party,
strengthen it’s expression of those aims,
manage the raging ego’s of those attracted to power,
deflate confusion regarding government and party,
defend it from it’s natural antagonists and
leave the party in better shape than found.

An apparatchik might say:

Let us put aside all notions of probity
Let us decide on what and who is voted for
If we are divided from our spoils,
Let us deny them to others.


Without power you can do nothing!
(think WM)
with power, you can do even less
(think SP)

(An aside, did NEWSNP ltd furlough any of its almost completely non essential staff 20/21,CEO included,?)

*I don’t really know if CEO pay has gone up,down or woven, but neither does anyone else.


Future Fundraising ideas for SNP…

Next car to be raffled

link to


Independent Trading Co

Bute House – France – Helensburgh

Go for it Lukewarm Dave…

Ian Brotherhood

@pixywine (9.27) –

Thanks for that link.

A lot of it goes over my head, but there’s no doubting the sincerity of these people.

They’re doing their best to warn us.

Let’s see what kind of turnout there is in London next Saturday – feels like the tide is finally turning.


Hugh Jarse

Shite toon!

Not pleasant to the aye at all.

What’s the quote about ‘ending in farce ‘ ?

The wheeshters will need to dig deeper.


Doh, that should have been Independence Trading Co

Wonder who came up with this idea. She / her or Humza “Scrubs” Yousaf.

link to

Lyn Hay

Para 8: In fact the money is “earmarked” … and will be deployed fully through future cash flow.

“future cash flow” means there is no present cash flow to cover it – he admits here that there is no money.

James Barr Gardner

SNP have sat on Mandates !

SNP have been given money for IndyRef2 !

SNP have been given votes (900K squandered) !

I will not give another penny until I see significant movement towards a referendum !

James Barr Gardner

Has anyone got a proforma letter to request return of donations in regards to towards the SNP donation request for the IndyRef2 ? Please post !


So now it’s official.

The money was never ring-fenced.

SNP leadership has lied.

By the way, just because you don’t have to do something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.


Received a picture of DRoss and Andrew Bowie
at the Scotland vs England match.
They got in with Beckham and other English supporters.

Wonder how they got VIP tickets but not what team they supported.


Incidentally, for anyone who has ever written, reviewed or received a letter from auditors, how many people do you think wrote the (ahem) explanation above?


Bob Geldof said it better when he said “give ‘s your fuckin’ money.”


None of the waffle in that has anything to do with accounting or accounting terms. There is no such accounting term as ‘earmarked’, to denote money you were given for a specific purpose then spent on something else but have kind of written a mental IOU for. Even if they were to use genuine accounting terms like “accruals” and “liabilities” they would give themselves a little more credibility, eg “When we totally bottled it in 2017 and decided to maliciously prosecute Alex and hound Joanna out instead of going for indy, we decided to use the money to pay off various helpful parties. However, on the off chance we did ever decide to become a party of independence again, we also noted all such monies in the liabilities column as a debt which would be required to be repaid to that fund.” That would at least give a ring of sincerity.


Effigy, I suppose you can say that they are actually England supporters.

Lorraine Glass

We still don’t know what is paid in wages. Would be suspicious if alphabettys suddenly got big 6 figure jobs given to them …say 3 years ago.


Alan says:
19 June, 2021 at 6:07 pm
link to

link to
“The term has its origins in the ring-fences that are built to keep farm animals in and predators out. In financial accounting, it is used to describe a number of strategies that are employed to protect a portion of assets from being mixed with the rest.”

Ring-a-ring-a-rosies in;
Wi’ chancers in the middle in
Wha’ rattled their collection tin
So a’ thae dafties roon aboot
Wid gi’e them money… Loads o’ loot
Tae spen’ awa’ on prosecutions –
Th’Executive needs executions –

“Let predators” cry they, “keep oot.
An’ never mair within set foot!
So form a ring, for independence
An mak’ a fence, tae weel defend us!
Donators are wir human shield,
Wha’ feed us nicely, in wir field…
An’ their daft heids are a’ weel beeled!

So, thus, the inner circle sings its tune
Wi’ outer members birlin’ roon
A’ dizzy, till they a’ fa’ doon…
Wi’ spinnin’ heids an’ unclear mind.
Until… Awake…! They rudely find
That a’ that money that they gave,
Has gone! An’ no’ a penny o’ it saved!

It’s gone! It winna noo cam back again!
The Big-Shots thocht it theirs tae spen’
On projects mad, that were their ain!
The donors’ wishes didnae coont,
The sums the ‘Shots’ took soon did moont
Till a’thing vanished, i’ the storm:
Th’account wiz empty – it had gone!

Ca’ the polis, tae investigate
A crime that’s bigger than fake hate.
Money’s real, there’s nae debate:
If it’s no’ there, account for it!
Ye cannae weave it in thin air!
Or say it – vaguely – must exist somewhere!
Failure to produce means prosecution’s fair!

Ring-a-ring-a-rosies oh!
A pocket full o’ posers!
There needs to be exposure, so!
By Scotlan’s Mighty Polis!
An’ if there’s no’…? Then is there fraud,
A-top that Force’s Mighty Squad?
Most folk will think it very odd…

If false accounting is acceptable
In the Ruling Party’s strange Receptacle
Of funds that were indeed respectable
When they were given, and received;
It simply isnae richt for fowk to be deceived
‘Bout gifts that they in honesty believed
Would not be diverted from their purposes, by thieves

Whose agenda wer’nae theirs, for which they’d naethin’ give.
For such deception is the work o’ Liar, Louse an’ Spiv:
Gaining money under false pretence – a crime, it surely is!
So, some prosecution really ought to follow very quick,
Afore that Lying Virus spreads like fire tae mak us very sick
Throughout oor hale society, an’ a’ wir Body Politic…
Yon Rosey Posie rhyme’s aboot … an epidemic! Think o’ it!


A tissue, a tissue – We’ve really got an issue:
The SNP accounts have fallen down.
They dished the dirt on everyone to trick you, to trick you
But noo, upon themsel’s, it wull rebound!

The ring to fence their daughter to protect her frae a slaughter
Has gone! It’s cracked, an’ soon it will fall down!
As a king-and-queen she wull go out to fetch a pail of water
But it’s hersel’, in it, culd drown!

A tissue, a tissue – We’ve really got an issue!
The SNP accounts are really down!
The sturgeon on the steeple keeps singin’ to the people
But they’re no’ listenin’, noo her smile’s turn’d tae a frown.

Ring-a-ring-a-rosies, a pocket full of posies, thae pocket-fillin’ posers are aboot tae be undone!
A tissue, a tissue – There really is an issue: Scotlan’s cause’ll no’ fa’ doon, an’ wull be won!


A case against the Government? link to


I bet the Scottish fans in London have pissed off Sturgeon no end. She’ll send them all to the “digger”.


Ian. I think you’re right about the tide turning.


Hello I’m a Scottish Princess and I was wondering if you would like to earn a little cash. If so I require your bank account details in order to facilitate a large cash transaction. What can go wrong?


Lol @ “It is worth noting that there are other items of expenditure that it would have been perfectly legitimate for us to apply against this income…”

In other words, consider yourselves lucky that you’re being fleeced by well-meaning angels. And since everything we do is arguably part of an indyref campaign, we could blow the whole lot and there’s not a thing you could do about it.

Got it? Good. Now fuck off back to your miserable lives which we just spent 16 months saving for you.


I pray this man is wrong. link to


Stu – hope you are well. And, obviously , I wish you would return to reporting.

Secondly – do I detect a glint that something huge is about to happen ?

Thirdly – police Scotland you remain a disgrace. Investigate and arrest those responsible. The longer you delay the worse it will be. See Cressida “trustworthy” Dick.

Fourthly – Lord woolfe – the truth will out.


@Effigy says:
19 June, 2021 at 10:40 pm
“Received a picture of DRoss and Andrew Bowie
at the Scotland vs England match.
They got in with Beckham and other English supporters.

Wonder how they got VIP tickets but not what team they supported.”

Apparently there was a Scot Govt Minister there as well.


Translation…We Are being assessed for fraud by the Police. Some credible witnesses might give statements. More folk are claiming refunds with evidence of the ring fenced status if the fund. We really don’t want a full scale investigation


Donald Kerr 19 June, 2021 at 6:29 pm

“I do not believe points 3 and 4.
Point 5: “Directly” (i.e. on an independence campaign post referendum date announcement) or “indirectly” (i.e. on the SNP) … f’in LOL. “… will go directly to our work to secure a referendum …”, eh? No, no! It was for the independence campaign, not “work to secure a referendum”.
Point 6: Bollocks.
Point 7: More bollocks.
Point 8: Money that does not exist cannot be “earmarked”. Fundraiser for X spent on Y. Some day in the future money that doesn’t yet exist will be spent on X. More bollocks. That, for me, is the definition of a con.
Point 9: “2022” Whit? “Critical political watersheds” = Bullshit guff. “Further fundraising exercise”. Hahahahahahhaha Nae chance.

Point 10: “The concern expressed is [what the SNP thinks the concern is]”. The concern actually is that money was taken, I think, under false pretences and spent on something else. The money that was donated no longer actually exists. It’s gone.”

I predicted about three weeks ago they would make some excuse it was spent on things “pursuing Indy” but not actually on Indy2 itself. It seems just a lot of BS because they know they have been getting away with feeding Scotland nothing but BS for the past 14 years and its worked so far.

I seem to remember someone else raisng money for a project but the money raised was used to pay out to existing members instead then as more people joined their fundraising went to pay for other needs and so it went on , His name was Bernie Madhoff ..whatever happened to him anyway ?

Taking money out a ringfenced account then replacing it with IOU’s with a promise to pay the IOU’s with more money raised from other subscibers or even the same subscribers a second time isn’t really that different is it, but if you can’t find enough new subscribers to pay the needed funds to fill the deficit then the pyramid collapses.
Not exactly the same situation but not too far away from it either. Basically the SNP is going to look for more suckers to replace the missing money from the previous ones, but in the meantime no-one still really knows where it went in the first place. link to


I’ve enjoyed clicking on those links you generously provide, pixywine, and feel thoroughly entertained.

Everything you link to suggests we face a bunch of megalomaniacs who have decided to wipe out a significant proportion of human beings using a vaccine that they know to be highly dangerous.

It must be rather uncomfortable to wake up to that belief. Do you wake up to that? Is that what you believe is going on?

If that were true and those involved were as powerful, determined, and unscrupulous as is implied, do you think they’d allow people to openly publish videos about it and discuss it on public forums like Youtube?

Are we to assume Google aren’t in on it?

You must realise that as far as conspiracy theories go, this is really is the mother of all conspiracies. By comparison, theories surrounding 911, Roswell, Bilderberg, the illuminati, “Hitler ate my hamster”, etc., are like microscopic specs of dust blowing around the base of the highest mountain.

Of course, as you know, that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

For balance, we might point out that the number of experts who trust and believe in the efficacy of the vaccine also make something of a mountain as compared to the dust-like vaccine-sceptics out there who blow around the base, scaremongering and making names for themselves on Youtube.

Which beggars the question; why do you ignore the mountain and give so much emphasis to the dust?

In other words;

1) why do you ignore the many hundreds of thousands of health experts and scientists who quite clearly don’t share the view that the vaccine is deadly and/or part of some mass human extermination plot?

2) why do you ignore those expert voices who praise the vaccine and celebrate its apparent efficacy?

3) most importantly, on what basis do you regard yourself qualified to make such a judgement?

Thanks in advance.


Just to add to this re the missing money , They are still emailing members two months before their membership expires looking for members to renew their membership early . So they are desperate for funds .


@ Roddy Macleod 7.27pm NOW Roddy that is a plan that would work and maybe have the support of Mrs Cairns

Hugh Jarse

You think he’s ‘on holiday’ twathater?

He’s comfortable, and well looked afer.
Compliance will keep him that way.
You know what we want!


“Every penny we spend, directly or indirectly, is in support of winning independence”

How much did you pay out of party funds to settle Big Daddy Smith’s court case brought against him for stupidly defaming brexiteer Farage? North of £50k I believe.


The ponzy scheme holds until a referendum is called. Then it implodes when people realise there is no ring-fenced cash. There never was. That is why a referendum will never be called. That said the chickens will come home to roost. Something will give eventually. Then panic sets in key players realise they are liable start jumping ship and plea bargaining sets off. Seen it all before. Just a matter of time before someone cracks. These are after all not strong characters we are talking about.


“The First Minister claimed in Parliament to have “no concerns” over accusations money donated to a “ring-fenced” fund for fighting a referendum campaign is missing.

But emails passed to the Sunday Mail written by SNP corporate governance and compliance officer Ian McCann appear to contradict this”.

link to

John McNab

“..a further fundraising exercise..” Should we start calling them the Beggars?

Eileen Carson

Thanks Sylvia! One thing I’ve noticed was that the law changed in 2019 regarding “ring fencing” (due to Investment arms of banks endangering normal banking clients funds) and this may explain why the fundraiser was closed at that point n 2019.
From Investopedia

[i] A new British law that went into effect at the start of 2019 requires financial institutions to ring-fence their everyday banking activities from their investment arms.[/i]

However, the simple fact is the SNP don’t HAVE the £593k funds (ring fenced or not) therefore a fraud has been committed against the donors and SNP cannot make a promise to repay it in future (an IOU) since no administration can know what their future holds. This is just kicking the can down the road and hoping Police Scotland & COPFS swallow it. Nobody gets off with committing a crime by saying they’ll “PUT IT BACK” when you wouldn’t need to replace it if you hadn’t taken it in the first place.


The BBC this morning with help from the Telegraph tore the Tory
Travel traffic light decisions apart.

10’s of thousands were allowed to travel in from India where their variant was
rampaging across their continent.
Boris wanted to keep the door open for them to aid a planned visit there to look for trade deals.

Hancock told parliament he closed down Pakistan and Bangladesh as rates were 3 times higher than India? Turns out to be yet another Whopper as in one country it was lower and the other
marginally higher.

Later when challenged he said the data he used was not updated at the time?

An expert in the field at the time described the Tories decision not to bolt the door as Insanity.

Through the situation India’s transmission and Covid death rates pro rata were by far the worst in
the region but Boris was happy to loose a few more Brits to aid his chances waving any kind of
paper he could call a trade deal.

No one ever explained to my why a country like India would consider giving Britain a better trade deal than it would give to the 27 Nations and growing EU?

After all Westminster robbed, rap*d and murdered India for hundreds of years and Boris is renowned
for being happy to break trade deals and international law.

Who on earth would want to give their sweetest trade deal to a country with that history?



Be careful with Charlie Veitch. The guy was a crisis actor before getting into giving opinions on social media.


What is your take on the difference on the WHO, Public Health England and Kary Mullis advice on the use of PCR versus the way most governments are actually using it?

If you don’t know the WHO and PHE regard PCR absent any other information as meaningless. So basically all PCR positive results absent symptoms are worthless. That pretty much should put to bed our current situation with the lockdowns and emergency authorisation of vaccines that are still deep in the clinical testing phase. Right?

Why would governments, that have been found to be playing for the benefits of friends in PCE contracts, want to continue the rollout of still experimental vaccines for which they have given blanket protection to the manufacturers shareholders while ignoring the advice of the WHO and other public health bodies?


Hatuey. You spend a lot of time denying the obvious. Have you taken your “vaccine” yet?


*PPE contracts. Apologies


Effigy. ” Variants” are propaganda. That Government tactic was predicted a year and a half ago.


‘After all Westminster robbed, rap*d and murdered India for hundreds of years and Boris is renowned
for being happy to break trade deals and international law.’

Churchill was probably responsible for the deaths of about 5m Indians in WWII by diverting food away from them.

It is obviously sheer coincidence that he is on record stating how much he disliked Indians


Bill Gates is making a fortune out of the frightened public.
Hatuey. You can sign up for the DNA altering gene therapy experiment if you want but no one should be fooled coersed threatened blackmailed or bribed into it.


Was not the 14th Army in Burma made up mostly of Indian troops?


John Mnab. Or the ” borrowers”?


Hatuey. Hundreds of thousands? You make arguments that sound like Government talking points. The one sided nature of the MSM reporting on the virus is highly suspicious. You can’t ignore that while still claiming one sided media in 2014. You know how media works in this country. You’re a condescending bastard aren’t you?


According to the Record’s article

link to

“…Sturgeon said the party operated on a “cash flow” basis and didn’t have separate accounts…” In other words as liabilities fall due (eg salary costs, political advertising etc) they are settled from cash held in the bank account (income from membership and donations etc). The party is able to say it is solvent as it can currently meet its debts as they fall due – should be enough for the auditor and I expect the electoral commission. I’d be surprised if the Electoral Commission could complain or do anything about a political party alledgedly not keeping its promises on future spending.

In the SNP’s accounts for 2019

link to

the auditor states that as of 26 June 2020 – “…the National Treasurer has not disclosed in the financial statements any identified material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt about the Party’s ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for a period of at least twelve months from the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue….”

The 2020 accounts must be due for publication quite soon. I wonder to what extent these accounts might disclose a contingent liability to cover off the fact that some disgruntled members have been asking for and receiving refunds of donations previously given, or in plain English, how much more cash does the Treasurer think he will have to continue to refund? If it’s not a material amount it probably won’t impact the auditor’s sign off.


Regarding the actual topic at the top of this thread: What a load of bullshit, obfuscation and waffle. Not one bit of this was stated when the appeal for indyref campaign went out. The vast majority, if not all, of that statement is clearly an afterthought. Made up on the hop!

There’s also the little matter of proven liar Sturgeon stating “the money is there, it has been ringfenced.” Not one reference in that pile of waffle mentions the word “ringfenced”. But we seem to have moved on to the latest word being “earmarked” which is entirely different from “ringfenced.” Earmarked being a roundabout way of saying ‘when we apply for a loan’.

Meanwhile, keep the pennies coming you pathetic peasants because we need to make sure we have our legal fees to pay and it takes money to promote extreme minority issues. Imagine all the badges we have to get made and then issue. And don’t forget, newspaper injunctions are expensive.

The SNP achieved the bulk of those donations via deception. Fact! The Murrell’s love playing semantics because they think they’re clever. But they detest it when semantics are used against them.

In other news, folks, Sturgeon has announced on her personal Twitter feed how “delighted” she is that the SNP NEC have “chosen” her recommendation/proposal for the ‘Director of the Independence Unit’ (Mike Russell). For the campaign towards the end of this parliament. So there you have it folks, it’s official, we’re fucked as far as indy goes. And she’s backtracked on her pre-election announcement of “the first half of the next parliamentary term.”


Don’t be a doughball and be a donor to the SNP.

SNP doughnors are folk with more money than sense.

You don’t need to aim for transparency SNP.

We see through you no problem.

And Spouse

Well Stu, interesting when you think about it. The big bath wolf has stepped back and the real media are going to have to step up! Ruth Wishart today, in the National, Lesley Riddoch next?
Interesting what will happen now you have created a vacuum.
Also note the dug is writing interesting stuff, but not about what’s happening in Holyrood.
You still our hero.


Why does the SNP have an “Independence Unit”?

The party’s raison d’etre has always been independence. The whole party is supposed to be a big independence unit. Nothing gives Sturgeon’s game away more than the existence of this unit.

And Spouse

So if the money wasn’t really ringfenced and has been used. Where exactly was that money spent. Are there any accountants out there who can tell from the various accounts where the money was actually spent?


BTW, folks, try and avoid helping to finance and support The Daily Record by clicking on the BritNat ‘Stan Stans’ direct link at 9:54 am. Remember how The DR has constantly waged a 24/7 campaign against Scotland’s right of self-determination, including producing the con that was ‘The Vow’.

And so-called indy supporters such as ‘Stan Stan’ reward it by promoting it. Is it any wonder we are where we are *and* losing our greatest indy contributors into the bargain. I say “contributors” because we’ve also lost Zarkwan from Twitter. How long before his site is gone too?

There are those who call themselves indy supporters who are too fuckin lazy to even archive BUM links yet they want folk like Stuart Campbell to continue, his work involving far far far more effort than archiving something yet some can’t even commit to simply archiving.


A wee “heads up” for all the ” Anti- Vax hard of thinking”.
Bill Gates has just sent me a Bluetooth message, it appeared directly onto the back of my retina, “modern technology is amazing.”
Message reads.
Summer solstice is tomorrow, and Cosmic Moon Child is coming to earth to take all the Anti- Vaxxers back to planet Quork 12 in a Galaxy far away, past Mars and in another Milky Way. As you cannot travel by Bluetooth you may experience some Ripples during travel.
It will be safe for you all to look up at the sun as you are already blinded by stupidity.
Safe travels, and Big Hugs.xx


@ lawrenceab at 6:23 am

It was Richard Tice who is seriously wealthy, Tice being in charge of Investment Company
His solicitors stated “Legal firm Wedlake Bell said the comments represent “a direct assault on the integrity of our client and strikes at the heart of his professional and business reputation”.
Given the last two words, one would think that Smith could have been bankrupted.
Smith alleded that his company was a “Shell Company” and a “Money Laundering Front”
Smith being a smarty pants thought He could get away with it because a political could not sue(in this case)and Smith didn’t actually name Tice, but clearly identified him
It is possible Smith who knew the precedent for the case was set,
Completely underestimated Tice , and made an complete arse of himself


BUM rags that at some stage along the way have put down our beloved Wings Over Scotland. And here we are, losing the number one, by a million miles, indy blogger and so-called indy supporters continue to promote those very rags on this site. Way to fuckin go! What a kick in the balls, tumshies!


And Spouse. The money I believe went to the Weir’s to pay back their loan to the SNP. The ‘ring fenced’ fund was never meant to be spend on Indy, the intention was to use it to pay back the loan. This is what you call common law fraud.


Colin Beattie
Call in Beattie

They call him in whenever no one else wants to be Murrell’s powerless pretend treasurer.


You may categorise all of the reservations about several new vaccines hitting the market at exactly the same time , all equally 100% safe but the fact of the matter is we know that they are not 100% safe.
Of course, the counter argument is that nothing is 100% safe.
What you and I or anyone else for that matter don’t know, is how safe or unsafe these new vaccines are.

I’m sorry if these facts are inconvenient for your argument of any concerns only come from conspiracy theory nutters.

Instead of puerile attempts to devalue opposing arguments by playing the man and not the ball, why not instead indulge in reasoned debate.

The Tree of Liberty

So the reason for the reluctance to have a second referendum, was if they did call one, we would then realise that the money was already spent?
Does that make sense?

K Campbell

what utter bol..ks
What is the breakdown of snp members donations to the fund versus non snp members? After all, the snp have been at pains to tell us that no snp members have requested refunds!

Fairly sure that non-snp members will be very unhappy to know that their money, donated in good faith, to the indy ref fund was used for party business ( and don’t give me that bs about snp being the party of indy, hasn’t been since Alex stepped down)!!
FRAUD, pure and simple


Hautey…Presently 5 people a day are dying from the Covid jab in the U.K, that’s 5 more than Covid ever did. Go onto the U.K. Gov’s ‘Yellow Card’ scheme, it’s all there.


The National saying Mile Russell to take key roll in Indy campaign.Of course this is merely to keep the faithful happy and with no intention of persuing Indy. It makes you want to vomit when you read the posts trilling at the news.


Joe: “What is your take on the difference on the WHO, Public Health England and Kary Mullis advice on the use of PCR versus the way most governments are actually using it?”

If I had a take, it would be valueless.

What I find interesting is that others who apparently know as little as me have a take.

With some stuff you’ve just got to listen to the experts and hope they’re right. When 99% of them are saying the same thing, that the vaccine is good and more or less safe, you can probably take that to the bank, providing you wear a mask and stay 2 metres apart, etc., just in case.


Who claimed the vaccines were 100% safe?
Did you read that in the Daily Quork12?
As far as reasoned debate goes, what’s the point? it won’t be reasoned, you’ve already posted “100% safe”, which is bollocks, hence no debate.
I’ll away the now, I’ve got to count some blades of grass, then Bluetooth the results to Bill.


Jim, in January around 2000 per day were dying of covid, and that was with half the economy closed down.


Let’s be honest £600k is a drop in the ocean compared to the hundreds of millions the SNP have squandered in the last 7 years. I expect that the missing funds will turn up when wee Katie, the financial colossus, with the History degree, is forced into some creative accounting by the Murrell family. This, of course, will never see the light of day in any ‘Government’ accounts.
Good to have you back Stu, albeit temporarily.


Scottish Prism broadcast starts at midday.

link to


You can deflect as much as you wish but I suggested that you MAY feel that they are 100% safe if you wish, that does not make them so.

But we have made progress because you have now verified that you don’t believe they are 100% safe and in this we are in agreement.

Which leads us to the next question, how safe are these new vaccines? Can we quantify how safe or unsafe they are?
If we can, I would like to know how this quantifying process works.
If we can’t, how we can compare various risk factors when deciding to accept a new vaccine?

But perhaps this isn’t worth troubling your little head with when it’s easier to portray everyone that disagrees with you as loons.

Alf Baird

The ongoing fiction of the SNP accounts, the increasing number of political persecutions, the dominant national party’s bottle job on independence, and much more, reminds us of Frantz Fanon’s mention of the important role of ‘witch-doctors and caids’ in colonial countries, whose role is to mystify the natives with their gobbledygook, in the interest of the colonial power of course – who pays them well. Which is what all colonial institutions do – mystify the natives with gobbledygook – in education, ‘justice’, politics, media, and all else besides.


I think the problem that we all have is that experts disagree.
This leads to people selecting experts to believe and denouncing other experts.
It is no surprise that most people believe publicly endorsed experts.
Perhaps they are right to do so, perhaps not but time will tell.


@Hatuey 11:32am

Our covid response is down to statistics in death and covid cases. This includes the lockdowns and emergency declaration that is facilitating the roll out of these vaccines whose clinical trials do not end until 2023.

The majority of those statistics are compiled using a testing method for which the advice of public health bodies have been ignored.

Lets put the vaccine aside for a minute. Let’s say that it is the healthiest product the world has ever seen. That still does not mitigate the massive effects of lockdowns on mental health, physical health and the economy whose sole excuse came those same flawed and possibly fraudulent statistics.

If that weren’t enough we have seen a very similar kind of fraud with the swine flu vaccine just over 10 years ago. A vaccine which was ultimately halted and resulted in injuries to thousands – many of them children.

Have you considered this?


According to the UN, Covid restrictions are expected to plunge an extra 130 million people into starvation, Oxfam are talking about a “hunger pandemic”.

These are just some of the consequences of the way that the coronavirus has been handled.
Perhaps black lives don’t matter, after all.

Dorothy Devine

BriabDTT, I do like your letter. I still have many photos of marches on my computer but the photo of you be-badged fair cheers me up!


It’s looking very likely that deaths caused by covid restrictions are going to dwarf victims of covid itself.
I suppose it’s difficult not to adhere to parochial thinking when the worst of what’s happening isn’t on our tv screens.


No vaccine or medicine, or in fact anything you consume, is 100% safe. There are always people who have severe reactions to them. I got hit pretty bad by the 2nd AZ jab and it floored me for over a week. But I got a similar reaction to the live typhoid jab. What I do not want though is compulsory vaccinations, unless there are overwhelming medical reasons in individual cases.

I agree that the restrictions are going to cause more problems. I think things need to open up as much as possible. Most people will decide whether or not they want to go into pubs, shops, work etc.


Here is the Daily Record/Sunday Mail link archived:

link to

I didn’t need to open the link (give them clicks) to archive it.

I right-clicked on the link that was pasted here, and then chose “copy link address”, pasted that into, and obtained the link, which already existed. If it hadn’t, I’d have had to wait a short while for it to be created.

(As BDTT has often told us, there are alternative archiving sites available; I use that one because I can never remember what the others are!)


I believe in essence what you say is right and proper and I agree with you.
What we will have in reality, which has already begun, is societal pressure to comply to the main stream view of vaccine take up.
A new class of untermensch is being created right now, although in its infancy, that will be excluded from society because they do not have a vaccine passport.

Although not physically forced to be vaccinated, the pressure to do so will be overwhelming for many.
The bigotry and intolerance of the unvaccinated will not only be unquestioned but will be condoned, under the guise of the greater good.

It doesn’t take a genius to recognise which slippery slope we are on.

If people are indeed forced to get vaccinated, logic dictates that most of them would like the safest and best one.


That should read ‘the bigotry and intolerance towards the unvaccinated.’

Which is well evidenced on these pages alone.

Robert Hughes

Breastplate @ 1.46 .

Personally , I reckon I’ve said enough on this subject and I’m loathe to clog-up the thread with more comments , but your comment above is precisely my central concern of * all this * .

Covid Apartheid is on it’s way unless we start really applying our attention to what’s being done under the cloak of * Health * .


HR boss behind botched Alex Salmond probe apologises to cops for being ‘cloak and dagger’

link to


link to

I’d give this a special recommendation for folks to listen to this.

I will also restate my own personal observation that the YES Movement, even the progressive, positive and proactive YES Movement of 2013-14, actually put to sea, and set sail with big hole in the bottom of the boat, because it hadn’t sat down and formally determined the explicit Constitutional details which defined where the finishing line was.

Virtually everybody hitched their ride on the Democracy wagon, but without first boiling away the superfluous flesh of the 1707 Treaty of Union, and understanding the bare bones of the basic contract signed between the Nations.

In other words, what change was there afoot to change the status of Scotland from a non-Independent Nation, and to resurrect the Independent “Auld Scotland”?

My friends, the answer to that question has never been a referendum. The Union is a Legal Contract, (and one of highly dubious foundation), but simply that. It could, for arguments sake be terminated arbitrarily and unilaterally if either Government of either component Nation resolved to do so. The Contract / Treaty would cease to exist.

While I wouldn’t endorse the arbitrary resiling of the Treaty without good cause, it might nevertheless be perfectly lawful and sound for Scotland to do.

But who needs an “arbitrary” excuse to terminate the Treaty when we have the screaming justification to cite the Treaty as irredeemably breached and destroyed by Brexit, and Scotland’s brazen and unconstitutional colonial subjugation? The sovereign entity of Scotland is letting itself be subjugated, when it has every legal and Constitutional right to overthrow and reject that subjugation, and deem the Treaty of Union to be already torn up by Westminster’s reckless misadventure.

Scottish Independence is there, right in the palm of our hands. We have a legal and Constitutional right to walk out of the Treaty of Union, citing Westminster’s colonial misappropriation of Scotland’s Constitutional rights and usurpation of Scottish sovereignty as more than adequate cause.

We can worry about the Democratic deficit later, after the Treaty is no more, when we can hold a ratification plebiscite, and probably elect our first Independent Scottish Government since 1707.

We criticise Sturgeon for presenting Boris Johnson with the gift of a veto over Scottish Democracy, when really, we should criticise ourselves, because that’s exactly what we are doing by presenting Sturgeon with the gift of an equally bogus “veto” over Scotland’s Sovereignty.

If Sturgeon won’t break the Treaty of Union, then we must circumvent Sturgeon. Impeach her, take her out the equation. She has let Scotland down, and thus we can resolve to “drive her out as our enemy”. Ask yourself whether that is any less a stain on Scotland, deposing a corrupt leader who has failed Scotland, than her charge sheet, which includes stitching up her political rivals on trumped up sex charges and trying to jail the journalists who would condemn her for it?

Create an assembly, literally a gathering type assembly of all Scotland’s elected representatives and have that body assert that it is the formal opinion of Scotland that the Treaty of Union has been breached, the terms broken, and that it exists no more.

To Hell with Sturgeon’s enigmatic agenda and bewildering “strategy”.

Take the initiative and end this rotten Union. Once dead, it cannot be resurrected.

Even just begin to take the initiative, and watch the panic set in down in Westminster.

And a small footnote… If Charles Edward Stewart, was indeed the legitimate heir to the Scottish throne, then his repeal of the Union In Prestonpans 1745 ought to be recognised as lawful.


SNP National Treasurer Colin Beattie speaks, there’s plenty of heat but not much light in my opinion on the missing indyfunds.

link to


Breastplate 20 June, 2021 at 12:22 pm

“It’s looking very likely that deaths caused by covid restrictions are going to dwarf victims of covid itself”

What a lot of complete Bullshit. No actual evidence given to support that invented assertion , because none exists. It doesn’t take even a child of over 14 to work out Covid deaths would have been a multiple many times over in the UK without those restrictions recomended by real expert epidemiologists and what qulifications do you have in this field …absolutely none. All you have is access to the Internet and a list of Bookmarked Conspiracy Theory Websites to drool over.
Have look at the numbers of Deaths in Brazil and India to see the numbers of deaths due to lack of proper intervention and lack of lockdowns.


Summary: ‘No-one said the ringed fence didn’t have a gate in it, ha ha’.


I’m 100% supportive of vaccine apartheid. Those who refuse the vaccine are a bunch of freeloaders, hoping to benefit from the herd immunity that the rest of us build. I’d have them welded into their little safe spaces, if it was up to me.

Someone above suggested the experts were divided on the vaccine in terms of how safe it is. True, and by that standard experts are also divided on the theory that the earth is an irregularly shaped ellipsoid.

The argument that lockdown has done serious damage to lives and the economy should be something that we all acknowledge and agree on. But it isn’t an argument against the vaccine; it’s an argument for it. And if anyone thinks it’s an argument against lockdowns then they are irretrievably stupid since much more damage would have resulted from not locking down.

The pattern that I identified in August 2020 continues. Like clockwork, when infection and morbidity rates fall, the crackpots appear and tell us we are dumb victims of a scam.

The history of their arguments is worth recounting; covid-19 doesn’t exist, the tests don’t test for covid and don’t work, doctors were deliberately mis-diagnosing, it’s just like the flu, we have already achieved herd immunity (august 2020), the vaccine is part of a plot to exterminate humans, and today they tell us that the vaccine is actually the virus.


Andrew F

Stu just flicks the wrist filling in for Holiday Boy and it’s worth 1,000 words. Thanks.

In my mind’s eye I see a cartoon done in Cairns’ style illustrating this post.

It’s “The Producers” with Murrell as Zero Mostel and Sturgeon as Gene Wilder. Crayon Fella would work out the details, but the tag-line for the movie was:

“Once upon a time there was a Broadway producer…who met a “creative” but timid accountant. Together they concocted the most outrageous $1,000,000 scheme in the annals of Show Biz.”


@J.o.e 20 June 2021 at 12:12 pm

“Our covid response is down to statistics in death and covid cases. This includes the lockdowns and emergency declaration that is facilitating the roll out of these vaccines whose clinical trials do not end until 2023.”

Still banging away at your own invneted conspiracy theorist drivel of the Vaccines being in trial when it can be easily found that they are not in trial at all. Perhaps you are just to thick to be able to read and understand plain english language ?
link to
“The COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for use in the UK are:
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine
Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine
Moderna vaccine
Janssen vaccine (available later this year)”

Are you incapable of understanding what “approved for use ” means ?
link to

Colin Alexander

More of the same patronising deceit from the SNP.

Bad Peter

This is a statement in mitigation to a charge of embezzlement. It is not a plea of not guilty. Clearly the £600k originally raised has been disbursed. It is ring fenced in the accounts only as a deficit coded to a particular category. It can’t be used for its originally stated purpose before new funds are attracted to meet that deficit.

Andrew F

Hatuey, just saw your last post.

I’m probably one of those people you hate and would happily weld into a box to prevent me freeloading from you and everyone else who got injected.

I’m completely supportive of vaccination, but it must be 100% voluntary. There is no place in grown up medicine for forcibly injecting people with these drugs.

Here in Australia we had a total of 910 deaths labelled COVID.

For about 4 months we have been injecting people and have now done about 18% of the population.

303 people have died after getting injected.

If that rate keeps up more people will have died after getting the injections than died after getting the virus by about Christmas!

Personally, I don’t like the looks of those odds for a virus with a very high (>99% for most) survival rate.


Stoker says:
20 June, 2021 at 10:18 am
…The vast majority, if not all, of that statement is clearly an afterthought. Made up on the hop!

There’s also the little matter of proven liar Sturgeon stating “the money is there, it has been ringfenced.” Not one reference in that pile of waffle mentions the word “ringfenced”. But we seem to have moved on to the latest word being “earmarked” which is entirely different from “ringfenced.”

Meanwhile, keep the pennies coming you pathetic peasants because we need to make sure we have our legal fees to pay and it takes money to promote extreme minority issues. …

The SNP achieved the bulk of those donations via deception.

In other news, folks, Sturgeon has announced on her personal Twitter feed how “delighted” she is that the SNP NEC have “chosen” her recommendation/proposal for the ‘Director of the Independence Unit’ (Mike Russell). For the campaign towards the end of this parliament. So there you have it folks, it’s official, we’re fucked as far as indy goes. And she’s backtracked on her pre-election announcement of “the first half of the next parliamentary term.”

Thank you Stoker, especially for that last bit. Amazing how quickly after the election, and how brazenly, she contradicts what she said pre-election in terms of the timing for Indyref2. Like a snake slithering neatly into its second skin.

Mike Russell is a disgrace. “Snake-on, folks! Charge!” “S T O P Sorry: don’t forget ‘Charge’ is a code-word meaning ‘Slow March!’ Extra-Slow, that is!. Extra-extra very-very-very SLOW! Somewhere between ‘Halt!’ and ‘Reverse, in fact!!!”

Meg merrilees

Republic of Scotland @2.33

Reading the new SNP treasurer’s statement –

Just one thought:

If the SNP had ringfenced £600,000 in 2017 when the money was raised and put that money in an interest earning account how much extra would have accrued in the intervening period?

Instead, they’ve spent it as they went along on who knows what and when the appointed time comes, I presume they will have to ‘borrow’ the £600,000 from another source???

Seems a bit daft to me? But then again, if you are short of funds and your donations are drying up then it is too tempting not to dip into those ringfenced funds isn’t it.

So, basically, they’ve spent the ‘ringfenced’ money on other things but don’t worry because they’ll go to the magic money tree and get some ‘earmarked’ money when we have to, but that won’t be necessary until the latter part of this Parliament. Won’t they have to raise funding for the upcoming General Election then? Hmmm!

Robert Hughes

Breeks @ 2.31 .

Correct as ever : we need to bin the slavish devotion to Referenda .
Even assuming Shrek’s love interest Princess Hopeless could deliver a Referendum ( extremely doubtful she could , or even wants to ) we would very likely lose it , thereby putting an end to any possibility of Independence , terminally .

Hatuey aka ” The Good German ” @ 3.46

” And if anyone thinks it’s an argument against lockdowns then they are irretrievably stupid since much more damage would have resulted from not locking down. ”

Yet countries that didn’t lockdown – yes Sweden , for example – had less fatalities and minimal economic damage relative to the UK

So if lockdowns are so effective explain this anomaly . If you can without referring to other Scandinavian countries that * done better * , which they did undoubtedly , but there are other causal factors that can account for this .

You like to characterise this issue as the Science ( whose Science ) followers,the common sensers ( ie You ) versus the anti-vaxx , crackpot , conspiracy theorists ( anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with you ) , as if the whole thing is THAT simple .

I have no idea if this has all been orchestrated and have never said it was – it doesn’t need to have been for it to have BECOME an opportunity for those with malign agendas .

What I do see is an awful lot of effort , money , threats , coercion , emotional blackmail being exerted in response to a virus with a 98.7 % survival rate which poses very little risk to those not vulnerable through age , pre-existing conditions , obesity or general bad health .


Andrew F, I was with you all the way until you unilaterally declared your stupidity with this unforced error;

“If that rate keeps up more people will have died after getting the injections than died after getting the virus by about Christmas!”

Do I need to go into the depressing detail of Australia’s highly effective strategy for minimising the spread of coronavirus compared to the “keep the beaches open” crap we had forced on us here? We’d be comparing one of the most effective responses against one of the worst, easily and starkly measurable in corpses…

The choice for Australia with regards to the future is slightly more complicated by the fact that you had a strategy that worked. Lucky you. You can continue with it and lock the world out or you can reluctantly roll your sleeves up for the jag, like the rest of us are doing.


I love the way Sweden is being used as an example again. Using Sweden as an example went out of fashion in the final months of 2020 when infection rates and deaths started to rise and the government introduced social distancing and strategies for protecting the elderly.

But let’s pretend they did absolutely nothing to mitigate the spread of covid because it’ll help you win a diabolically stupid argument and who knows, maybe a few gullible fools will listen and reject a vaccine that 99% of scientists tell us has saved millions of lives…


“Instead, they’ve spent it as they went along on who knows what and when the appointed time comes, I presume they will have to ‘borrow’ the £600,000 from another source???”

Meg Merrilees.

The time will never come under Sturgeons tenure, so loaned money to show on the accounts to keep the masses placated, will be handed right back to whoever or whatever company loans it out.

Robert Graham

What’s up hauteyman bored ?
in need of some sort of company ?
Or are you Just naturally dumb and stupid or do you need to work at it ?
Idiots like you believe any old shit that’s tossed in their direction don’t you, take this take that because it’s for your own good ,
You as dumb as the day you were born and your too stupid to realise it , don’t you get it Governments tell lies , Drug manufacturers hide the truth about their products to fool the public, Chemical companies hide the harm their manufactured products cause and all the aforementioned get away with it because of fkn dummies like you yah fkn dick .


How long before the SNP rank and file finally wake up and realise they have been had??
James the pop kelly thinks we should wait till 2024…. MUG!

How long before the SNP msp gravy train develop a spine??

How the love of money corrupts!


link to

BBC lies and propaganda challenge from Ivan continually interrupted
and when shot down in flames the BBC web site refuses to admit to lying
by deleting.

Every Indy supporter must stick these facts on to every bbc interview.
They have no interest in the truth or attempting impartiality.


The murrells get a big fat fail on strategic thinking

1. She taunted Theresa May that she hadn’t been endorsed by the voters in an election. So Theresa may (who had done her homework) went for an election and gave snp a bloody nose. They knew that brexit was quite popular with some Indy supporters. Of course May boobed over Corbyn. But that election was a fatal blow to snp finances.

2. Nicola presumed that 62% Eu vote was then 45plus some No votes who were all magically now Indy supporters. So briefly she announced that Indy was on. Big deal. May said “now is not the the time”. Then later on launched the surprise general election. See 1 above.

3. After the 2017 boob and rumblings against her Nicola then sought to build a praetorian guard round herself. Cue all the TRA activists and identity politics fanatics. The dye was firmly cast.

4. Then the most stupid plan of all – to fit up Alex salmond. That’s a slow motion car crash and will ramble on for some time. Hell mend them on that.

5. Wasting so much time , in hindsight deliberately, to keep U.K. in Eu and campaigning against the democratic will of England.

Of course there’s the gerrymandering, the bullying, the indyref fund the prosecutions of manny sigh, Craig Murray, mark hirst, Marion millar and that poor guy already doing six months.

It’s a feckin mess. They should be thrown out. It’s a disgrace.

Ian Brotherhood

A word for those who may not be familiar with ‘Hatuey’.

‘He’ (?) has been caught, right here, repeatedly distorting fatality stats to suit his pro-jag agenda.

He ignores sourced data and never provides any to support his own ball-park figures and vindictive generalisations.

He’s a serial liar and propagandist for the ‘official’ narrative, whatever that happens to be on any given day.


Robert Hughes says:
20 June, 2021 at 4:57 pm

…..we need to bin the slavish devotion to Referenda .

Even if the Scottish “Government” just started talking about the Constitutional principle, you would immediately change the whole political landscape and put Westminster on the defensive, and the BritNat Propagandists would go into meltdown. Bring it on!

Mind you, the amount of Constitutional strength and leverage which Scotland has at it’s disposal is absolutely wasted on a dud, pedestrian “leader” like Sturgeon. Her only strategic acumen is finding a corner to paint herself into.

Meg merrilees


So the SNP is effectively operating a Ponzi scheme with our donations?


It is completely illogical to get a vaccine that you don’t need.

Your argument of people freeloading on the herd immunity that vaccinated people build up relies on the premise that vaccinated people achieve immunity (they don’t) and that people who have had Covid already need vaccinated against something their body has already successfully dealt with.

Hatuey, why do you think getting a vaccine against the coronavirus confers immunity when you have already been told that it doesn’t by the people who have made the vaccines?

We were told that the vulnerable in society needed to get vaccinated, this sounds logical so no argument from me on that.

Now we are told those who aren’t vulnerable need to be vaccinated, this should seem illogical to most reasonable people, perhaps I’m wrong and you can explain why people that have an immune system that can easily deal with the virus need to get a vaccine to help their immune system deal with the virus?

Again, why do people who don’t need the vaccine have to be vaccinated.
Please try to explain without leaning on emotional arguments.


@Effigy 19 June, 2021 at 8:05 pm

“If Murrell needs a new suit for independence related interviews
can we pay for it?
How about a wee Caribbean cruise to mentally prepare for a section 30 rejection?
He will need a new car if he had to meet Boris in London.
Tea bags, they will need them to keep themselves refreshed.

Yes all those could be paid for from the independence related funds.”

£500K to pay off Salmond from Scottish Taxpayers
50K to coach Inquiry Witnesses
£1.4Million on ministerial Limos link to

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” Animal Farm : George Orwell


Breastplate 20 June, 2021 at 7:22 pm

“It is completely illogical to get a vaccine that you don’t need.”

Wow , what an utterly stupid statement, how stupid do some people have to be to think they can wait until they fall seriously ill before refelecting whether they should have got Vaccinated beforehand after all ? Are you working in some sort of Russian Troll factory doing your best work for Putin ?

link to

link to


Covid doesn’t hurt if you’re rich at Ascot apparently link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Breastplate –

He won’t answer, because he can’t. He never ever does.

If the vaccination of children goes ahead there will be fist fights, blood, snotters, tears, hair and spare bits flying all over the place, especially at school gates and vaccination centres.


But Hatuey and his self-satisfied ilk will be nowhere to be seen – they’ll leave it to the cops to do their dirty work for them.


@Effigy 20 June, 2021 at 6:23 pm

link to

“BBC lies and propaganda challenge from Ivan continually interruptedand when shot down in flames the BBC web site refuses to admit to lyingby deleting.2

HahaHa That will be the same Ivan McKee who homslef was part of the Business for Scotland fake propagnda unit before he got elected to Hollyrood off the back of it ? Nobody knows better on how to go about producing fake propaganda than Ivan McKee


Hatuey. You are absolutely lying about Sweden. They did business as usual with no problems. So did Florida South Dakota Japan Belarus.

Robert Louis

So, let me get this right, the treasurer released this with a straight face and the remaining deluded souls still in the SNP cannot see what is wrong?

In essence, the SNP spent every last penny of the money that folk like myself donated into their ringfenced indyref fund, so the money is gone. However, when the money is required they will hold another fundraiser, and that is ‘ok’????

Are folk still in the SNP actually swallowing this utter sh*te. At least Tories admit they squander money, whereas the SNP pretend it is virtual money. Mibbes even schrodinger’s money – it neither exists nor doesn’t exist, and the harder we look, the less likely we are to find it.

Those respnsible for this in the SNP should be put in jail for fraud. They lied to those who donated. Openly brazenly lied. They know it, and are still, despite all the evidence pretending the money exists. Crooks, the whole lot of them.

This as with everything else done to destroy the indy movement and SNP has been done on Nicola Sturgeon’s watch. Am I alone in thinking it is quite, quite deliberate. I think she is a total fraud.


Don. Fuck off back up Johnson arsehole you Nazi bastard


Re SNP fraud. I’ve known people who went to prison for a long time for stealing less money


Hatuey 20 June, 2021 at 5:13 pm

“If that rate keeps up more people will have died after getting the injections than died after getting the virus by about Christmas!”

Complete utter Bullshit.Try and get properly educated

“Do I need to go into the depressing detail of Australia’s highly effective strategy for minimising the spread of coronavirus compared to the “keep the beaches open” crap we had forced on us here?”
More Bullshit, Australia is a country approx 2000 miles from any other country , UK is 22 miles from Europe and we know people smuggle themselves across the channel to the UK, do they take Covid Tests first ?
Australia also has had a closed border policy since March 2020 but yet put a new lockdown in place last month to help try to deal with the current Delta Variant so feel free to explain exactly how Australian policy has “worked” when it clearly hasn’t at all.

Kenneth McDougall

It was better when you didn’t post things
You said that you wouldn’t


Hatuey. People like you were 100% in support of the Nazis in 1930s Germany. Youre either at the wind up or youre a moron.


Pixywine 20 June, 2021 at 7:41 pm

” You are absolutely lying about Sweden. They did business as usual with no problems. ”

You don’t half spout some rubbish , even the Swedish Prime Minister says you are wrong “Sweden’s prime minister has admitted that the country misjudged its response to the second coronavirus surge, as intensive-care units in the capital Stockholm become overwhelmed with patients” link to


Pixywine 20 June, 2021 at 7:50 pm

“Hatuey. People like you were 100% in support of the Nazis in 1930s Germany. ”

LOL LOL LOL “people like you were in 100% support of the Nazis”
link to


I’m sorry if this is difficult for you to understand but usually if you don’t need something then it follows that it is not necessary.


Don. You come across as very immature all that lol business and your half baked Belingcat talking points


The reason you Government trolls are working your booties off is because you know your Governments are committing criminal acts against the people. Crimes against Humanity.


The Gaurduan is being funded by Bill Gates. You don’t see a conflict of interest Don?


Pixywine says: at 7:45 pm

Re SNP fraud. I’ve known people who went to prison for a long time for stealing less money.

Or even just having to resign over mishandling finances.

link to

Saffron Robe

I watched the video that Pixywine (19 June, 2021 at 11:18 pm) kindly posted the link to, and although it wasn’t anything that I’m not already aware of, it is heartening to see someone in authority speak out so eloquently and diligently. Coincidentally all the points raised against malfeasance in public office in relation to Covid could equally apply to the SNP and the missing ring-fenced money. Particularly the point that the police have a duty to act.

One thing that stood out for me was the question as to why the “vaccine” is being administered willy-nilly even to those who have/had already developed antibodies. If it was a genuine medical programme then people would be tested for the presence of antibodies before being offered the vaccine. The fact that it is being administered indiscriminately indicates that it is more akin to the Josef Mengele school of medicine than to the preservation of life.


“SNP accounting and referendum funds.”

It’s an ecumenical matter.


Don. Hatuey Toby Ellwood or whoever you are. You seem to have flushed 200 years of medical knowledge down the toilet.

Ian Brotherhood

@Saffron Robe (8.24) –

One of the biggest alarm bells for anyone who’s trying to be objective about all this is the absence of any ‘control group’.

Having a control group (i.e. a specified range of citizens who receive placebo instead of the drug being tested) would be an acknowledgement that these things are being trialled in real time.

So they can’t do that. Instead, those of us who can’t or won’t accept the jags are the ‘de facto’ control group.


Don. Hatuey. Ellwood.This for you


If you want a laugh


Looks like my links aren’t making it to this site now. There’s nothing like fighting with your arms tied behind your back. So much for politics. Fucking shit


@ Meg merrilees at 4:55 pm

Republic of Scotland @2.33

Reading the new SNP treasurer’s statement –

Just one thought:

“If the SNP had ringfenced £600,000 in 2017 when the money was raised and put that money in an interest earning account how much extra would have accrued in the intervening period?”
a quick use of a spread sheet about 82,000
More if it was invested with Tice

There was an earlier post that had the “legal” status of Ringfenced money
Beattie and earmarked is nothing to with “ringfenced” which is locked, and not flexible as Earmarked is

To describe what the SNP have done is in very simple term, used all the money coming in and going out ,is via a Current Account
The Ringfenced money should have been in a stand alone account ,a bit like a “term bond” it stays there and can’t be touched,( this is a very simple explanation) but what appear to be happening was those who had access were utilising the funds in the “current account” and not giving a thought to the fact that it was being “borrowed” and would need to be repaid at somepoint, which would be the referendum Except they have spent the money and there is NO Referendum on the horizon
Beattie and his statement is a crock of crap,He is either a numpty or he knows how flawed this wondrous set-up is.
I would suggest what has been set-up in potentially illegal, it certainly looks that way via the theft act
when you look at the account 2019,there seems to be discrepancies or large variations in Legal Fees and IT costs also the Banking charges again seem a bit on the high side for a firm that employs 21 people
Beattie defends his not “disclosing Financial aspects” as not required due to the “business status”
More rubbish, the business is an an “unincorporated association” the power lies with the members, and if there are 50,000 then that outnumbers the 35 ( based on 21 and 14 others


@ Pixywine

You just mucked up your links, that’s all.
Remove the https :// before the www when posting a youtube link and the site will create the correct link when you submit your post.
If you leave the https :// bit on the actual vid will embed in the comments and Stu gets the hammers out for that.

Here’s your 1st vid link (3min)

link to

Here’s your 2nd vid link (10min)

link to

In other news. Stats still show there’s been more folk shagging than dying. Man and woman mating still beating the virus in the numbers game.

link to

Bill Craig

Thanks for publishing that, Stuart. Stay safe and well. By the way, I’m wondering why there are posts on here about Covid vaccinations. I’m sure the SNP treasurer isn’t responsible for those, but you never know.

I could weep at what has been happening in the SNP. Apologies to folk who’ve already made some of these points.

It’s an accident of birth that I happen to be one of those who joined the SNP many years ago, a lifetime ago, to fight for independence. All those years, and it has come to this. I remember the people who came before me, and people of my generation who have given their whole life to the cause of independence through the SNP.
Bathgate, no more
Sutherland, no more
SNP the Party of independence, no more.

We might have hoped for an honest admission of what had happened to that ring-fenced referendum fund, but with the chief executive being married to the party leader that would have been a foolish and false hope. No large professional organisation, other than a cult, would tolerate having a married couple in those two positions. That fact, alone, raises questions about Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell. When I expressed concerns inside the SNP I was told: “but they’ve been married for a long time” and “I was at their wedding”. Come on down, Homer Simpson!

We might characterise where we are now as “the lunatics have taken over the asylum”, and that may be part of the problem, but I think it’s more likely that individuals acting for the UK had infiltrated the party in order to undermine it. Objectively, for anyone to succeed in that task they would need to be accepted as genuine (fool most of the people most of the time) in order to maintain their position and be able to influence or control events. As for the lunatics, they may be happy with reflected glory and with whatever power they can seem to have.

Apart from the two people right at the top of the pyramid, I would not want to cast aspersions against any member of the SNP. Being elected, either internally or externally, possibly for a long time, doesn’t make you a rogue. I’m sure there are still many honourable people left inside the party, although some of those may have become a little too comfortable.

That long-winded and dishonest document submitted to the NEC is an insult, but it probably couldn’t have been any other once the decision for dishonesty had been taken. It reads as if the treasurer really believes our heids zip up the back. It’s a load of tosh, garbage, crap.

Some of it is weird:
“a running total of such expressions of wish (is) recorded.” A running-total of expressions? Aye, right! Gobbledegook.

“expenditure directly related to the campaign for independence”. Yes, that’s what the SNP is supposed to be all about. Achieving independence. It’s in the constitution.

HQ told us the money was “ring-fenced”, but now they say it’s “earmarked” and they hope we’ll not see the difference. Dishonest.

“Treasury Managed cash flow of the party”. Whit? Garbage.

“While these monies are not separated out, their existence in terms of the commitment as to what they will be spent on is tangible”. Is that like a commitment to buy the kids some Xmas presents?
Promises, promises, ad infinitum. Garbage.

“There may be a need for a further fund-raising exercise early in 2022 as we approach critical political watersheds.” Jesus wept. More garbage.

As for the final point, 10, how many years does it take for some treasurers to get the basics right? That’s an admission of shear incompetence being made as a cover for what looks like straight bloody dishonesty. They promise to do it better next time, but there should be no “next time”.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Pixiwine.

Links work here – you didn’t format your comment very well.

Paste the link on a separate line then delete the “https://”.

link to

I posted that link without the “https://”. This site adds it in itself.


Terry @ 6.36

I have not posted any comment on here since the HR election. It seemed pointless to fight on since the majority of the Scottish electorate, or at least the independence supporting element, were obviously too stupid to see what was happening. I dip into Wings now and again and the occasional post such as yours does make me realise that some of us still carry the torch. The only part of your comment I would disagree with is the last sentence. They should not be thrown out – they should suffer hefty prison sentences for what they have done to our nation and the injustice they have wreaked on individuals who have only sought to reveal the truth of


Terry @ 6.36

Submitted the comment too early by accident. The rest reads ….. their corruption and lies.


Hi Don,

Give us a few examples of Ivan being better that
Boris, the Tories, Westminster and the BBC at Fake News.


@ Elmac at 9:44 pm

“They should not be thrown out – they should suffer hefty prison sentences for what they have done to our nation and the injustice they have wreaked on individuals who have only
sought to reveal the truth of their corruption and lies”

That is the only thing that can and should be done.
It is the right thing

I will have no sympathy when it happens

President Xiden

If I was the cynical type I would be asking myself why did the Queen have to sit alone at her own husbands funeral yet was mingling freely at the G7 knees up and at Royal Ascot? Talking of G7 did you see ALL the main players arriving fully masked and elbow bumping each other yet for the remainder of the week resorted to hugs and handshakes, no masks and no social distancing. This is a very clever virus I tell you.


How about a petition to parliament to get em to discuss the “ring-fenced” money scandal.? Now there’s a thought. 🙂


The real game. link to




Charles Windsor is a Fascist.


Briandoonthetoon. You’re right enough. As far as tech goes I’m a caveman. Thanks.


Brotherhood: “One of the biggest alarm bells for anyone who’s trying to be objective about all this is the absence of any ‘control group’.”

Not true. Phase I trials put a lot of emphasis on control groups. More than that, control groups are intrinsic to phase I trials.

Safety and side effects are given emphasis right through all phases, from preclinical to phase IV, after the vaccine goes to market.

All vaccines currently licensed for use in the UK went through the normal 5 phases in terms of testing and safety, although we are technically still in phase IV now as I understand it.


Pixywine says:
20 June, 2021 at 8:32 pm
Don. Hatuey Toby Ellwood or whoever you are. You seem to have flushed 200 years of medical knowledge down the toilet.

I’ve always just pictured Don as Manky Jaikit, Allastair McConnachie, turning up like the proverbial bad penny, and braying his bigoted idiocy down a megaphone.

99.9% of rational people just walk past and ignore the weirdness, because you never know just how mental he really is.


We bemoan the demise of the SNP as an Independence party as it morphs into a save the Union devolution party.

We bemoan the electorate who do not see what is happening.

However, if one reads Brig General Sir Frank Kitson the military man who developed and was responsible for deploying them in countries like Kenya, Aden, Cyprus and Ireland then one will understand why things are going the way they are going.

Military strategy is to infiltrate, observe, false flag, agent provocateur, issue false information, censor political comment and do all of the things like bribe or blackmail to achieve destruction of the independence movement.

Using the police, prosecution and courts to selectively jail political leaders and key activists is another key Kitson strategy.

Kitson’s books, Gangs and Counter Gangs, Low Intensity Opeations, and the Bunch of Five redacted for decades, set the strategies out which were described as everything below symetrical warfare.

The selective prosecutions of Salmond, Murray, Hirst, Singh, Kelly, and Millar together with the award of punitive costs being sought from Michael Keating – along with the concomitant bias of the MSM are examples of the Dirty War now being waged in Scotland by the establishment.

But a look at what actually went on in Northern Ireland in the 70,80, and 90s where the military Force Research Unit in conjunction with MI5 and the Special Branch were responsible for around 200 civilian deaths, and where local loyalist thus were armed and directed to take out targets like layers Pat Finucaine and Rosemary Nelson. Or where they killed an innocent pensioner to cover ne of their double agent informers.

And so, would the establishment do the same here. Well if you think they wouldn’t you should believe in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy.

Meg merrilees

Just been announced on radio-
Boris Johnson wants all ex-pat Scots in England and Wales, about 800,000 people, to be able to vote in the next Indy ref.
He also wants to appoint (t)Ruthless to a newly created post of ‘Constitutional Secretary’. As such, she would lead the next Indy ref campaign.

Funny how the pandemic is not preventing him and the Tories from planning for the next Indy ref yet here, in Sturgeonland, we have done no planning for years.


Well said Willie. It’s about time that Indy supporters of all political colours woke up. The SNP conference announcement is a coup d’etat for Sturgeon and her cabal. The SNP needs a clear out, starting with her in court.

Captain Yossarian

@Willie – “These are dark, even dangerous days in Scotland. The stramash between the country’s two most famous politicians, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, has resulted in vital public documents being censored or banned, important information being suppressed, the media cajoled and cowed, the legal system brought into disrepute, the Scottish Parliament neutered and even bloggers being threatened with jail.

The relentless twists and turns in the Salmond-Sturgeon saga make it hard to follow, not just in the rest of the UK, to which Scotland is increasingly another country, but even north of the border.

So many have just switched off. But that is a mistake because what is happening in Scotland is a clear and present danger to democratic accountability, the impartial rule of law and a free Press – an integral part of these islands.”

I’m neither a Unionist or a Nationalist. I’m like the majority of Scots – somewhere in the middle and ready to be persuaded one way or the other. At the moment, I am Unionist.

Is there any proof that the above situation has been brought about in Scotland by anyone other than the SNP?

It seems to me that the near total shambles we have in the present day Scottish legal profession is an all-Scottish, all-Holyrood affair.


All that’s true Willie, … but it also didn’t work. Even Northern Ireland is failing before the inevitability of a United Ireland. All that bloodshed, every drop, is the catalyst now forging a stronger Ireland.

The insidious evil you describe is a double edged sword, because once it’s exposed, the revulsion and anger it spawns is more like to provoke a greater backlash against the oppressor than consolidate their tenuous grip.

Perhaps Sturgeon’s SNP is indeed the bullet magnet for Unionist plots and subversion, but which has inadvertently given us ALBA, light on baggage, pure of heart, and purged of carpetbaggers and charlatans.

I find it very telling that the SNP’s most vindictive spite is directed towards against ALBA rather than than any disgrace suffered upon Scotland like Brexit or Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation.

You could interpret that to mean the creation of ALBA was the moment their plan failed. The Evil Empire may have taken the SNP castle, but the Spirit of Independence eluded capture because it had already gone, …and now it knows the names of it’s betrayers.


Captain Yossarian,
“I’m neither a Unionist or a Nationalist.”

Your pejorative term for people seeking self determination tells me you are a British nationalist.

Ian Brotherhood

Hatuey (@12.42) needs to use all his fingers and toes to work out how many months a woman is pregnant and how many months that leaves for trials, testing etc.

He believes that four separate concoctions can be developed at unprecedented speed and just happen to become market-available within the space of a few weeks.

He believes that thousands of women worldwide are making up stories about their periods going haywire after ‘vaccination’.

And it doesn’t matter how many people die with days of getting the jag, because, according to Hatuey ‘the benefits outweigh the risk’.

Don’t be like Hatuey.

Aunty Flo

Meg merrilees says:
‘Funny how the pandemic is not preventing [Boris] and the Tories from planning for the next Indy ref ..’

Is the following also part of a covert ‘plan’?

A friend who has her house in a scenic part of the Highlands, has found that 90% of her viewers are from England – I recall a recent comment on this blog about Scottish properties being aggressively marketed in England with a view to ‘diluting’ the demographic here.

Then a few days ago another friend in a Housing Association property in Moray tells me that, puzzlingly, the last 3 vacancies in the development have been filled by people relocating from England, with few or no ties to the area. Shouldn’t priority be given to locals? A definite policy strategy it seems?

Well this kind of thing is not unprecedented – just look at the plantation of Ulster!

Anybody got any similar stories or observations on this?

Aunty Flo

*has her house for sale


Great analysis here from Iain Lawson. link to

Meg merrilees

Aunty Flo
It has been commented on before but I have been struck this week by the number of times, when listening to Scottish news or news about Scotland, that the radio announcer/interviewer (Scottish accent) goes over to some expert/ person holding a senior management position/ person in influential position for comment who invariably has a non-Scottish- usually English- accent.
Listen out for yourselves this week. It does seem to be a lot more common than a few years ago.
With the exception of Jason Leitch!

John Mcgregor