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Wings Over Scotland

The Tory Calculator

Posted on March 29, 2017 by

The figure below is my own, but it’s also remarkably typical:

Click the pic to get yours.

(It actually feels like a lot more than that – quite possibly because I have, in fact, not for one minute of my entire life been represented by a government at Westminster – or anywhere else, come to that – that I voted for, unless you count the token presence of the Lib Dems in the 2010-15 coalition. Which I don’t, because they immediately betrayed every policy and principle for which I’d voted for them in the first place.)

For Scotland, democracy in the UK simply doesn’t work.

The 57% figure also matches that of the average Wings Over Scotland reader, going by the age data on our longstanding reader survey. And if you measure it at 10-year intervals back to WW2, the average also comes out at 57%:

Born in 2007: 67%
1997: 36%
1987: 57%
1977: 62%
1967: 57%
1957: 60%
1947: 59%

Average: 57%

That number is, of course, in reality an understatement, because we definitely have at least three more years of Tory rule to come, and realistically at least eight. Assuming I live until 2025, my figure will by then be 63%. The average also increases if you go back further than WW2.

The data, then, is pretty unarguable. The UK is a fundamentally Conservative country that occasionally elects a Labour government for a little variety. Indeed, few people realise that Labour only formed the UK government for 22 years in the entire 20th century, and only 19 of those with a working majority.

(And of course, by far the longest period of “Labour” rule in the last 100 years was an administration which bore little resemblance to the radical socialist workers’ party that Labour was formed to be.)

Scotland, on the other hand, has resolutely resisted the Tories for almost the entire period. The Conservatives have won just five elections in Scotland in the last 100 years, and none at all in the last 60 years.

That resistance has had no effect. Scottish MPs have only affected the colour of the government for around two years of that century, and as such have been powerless to prevent Tory legislation from being passed on Scotland, even when the Tories didn’t have a single MP in the country.

This isn’t new information, of course. We’ve always known that to reject independence was to submit Scots to Tory rule for most of the time. We just thought that on the day Britain sets out on a path that will make it more Conservative (and more English) than ever before, you might like a way to bring that fact a little closer to home.

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Bob Mack

I am horrified to find I have lived under Tory governments for 63% of my life having never ever voted Tory.

It rather hammers home the point that England and her inhabitants call the tune to which we all dance



I had to scroll a depressingly long way back on the dropdown.

Don’t know about the rest of you but I’m not having a good day. Brexit is nearly as bad as 19 Sept.

I hope we can wake enough of Scotland up to get us out of this horrendous situation. I’m not altogether optimistic though. Seems to be too many ill-informed morons in our country.


Having never voted Labour either 61% Tory is only part of my problem.


I can (just) remember a time when Scotland voted Tory, although I only ever knew one woman who admitted voting Tory. I don’t recall that whatever colour of government Scotland voted for meant that life was any easier for the people I grew up around.

Ms May, via her mouthpieces in Scotland, David Mundell is threatening to ignore the Scottish Parliament and not allow an Independence referendum to be held. How much more will opponents of Independence for Scotland swallow?


When it comes to second independence referendum campaign, this should be one of the main points in addition to EU/efta.

And of course highlighting we are at the brink of a new oil boom.

Bob Mack


Let’s be clear about this. There are more than enough people who vote for independence. I know them in my village. I talk to them daily ,and they proudly fly their Saltires from flagpoles and shed roofs.
The media may try to distort that image to keep the United Kingdom together but the fact remains that though those who want independence are choked of publicity in preference to Unionist views, we are not going away any time soon.

This fight is in round 2. I am prepared for at least 12 rounds. In fact for however long it takes.

Ian McCubbin

Time for change in this day after section 30 order sent to 10 Downing Street.
On the brink of article 50 being sent to EU I am in no doubt Scotland is ready to go alone and form our own society of mixed politics with consensus government.
The road is still a difficult one, are we pushed to UDI as T May has said now is not the time on Independence Referendum. A nation who wishes to sucede can not legally be blocked by the larger state .
If this happens there are a number of courses of action unilateral UDI. THIS I think the least likely of actions. A disbanding parliament of holyrood and holding an independence election.
Or taking an envoy of FM and key MPs to U.N. council and European countries to seek a group to put pressure on UK Gov to let Scotland be independent.
It will be interesting to see what Nicola Sturgeon does after the Easter recess.
I am sure Theresa May will not have replied to the section 30 order and has no intention of in he next year.

Desimond it really all its cracked up to be?

Nice to see Channel 4 wheeling out Alasdair Darling last night who said “Its not the country it used to be!”..Correct Alasdair, we have unplugged from The Matrix.

It also has me thinking back to last nights Twitter when Anas Sarwar played the “Its like when the SNP brought down the Labour Govt and allowed the Torys and Thatcher in!”

He duly got ripped a new one and no mistake by loads of people, including many Labour\former Labour members.

Black Joan

Grim and depressing indeed.

Agree with you X_Sticks, Brexit day feels awful. Not quite as awful as 19 September, but almost.


Messed around the with calculation tool last night. There may be higher figures but the highest I found was 65% for those born in 1979 and 1980.

I was born in the latter year, boo hoo!

In truth, though, every year I looked at could be summed up thus: ‘you get Tory governments you didn’t vote for during the majority of your life’.

Robert Graham

A truly sad reminder of the situation we are for the time being in.
Another wee gem is the UK National debt clock currently standing at an eye watering .
£1.837.386.919.202 forget the last six digits because it is increasing by £5.170 a second .
And the brexic deadline clock stands at
730 days 12 hrs 34 min


If you include the Red Tory regimes under Blair and Brown then it gets even more awful.

Scotland voted for a socialist Labour and got Tory labour instead.


I did 2 calculations, one from when I was born and the other from the first election I could vote, 62% & 58%. The 58% one is actually worse as the Tories had 0% majority support during this period.

It would seem for Tories like Davidson a mandate is only when it is to their advantage.


In the name of the invisible man that lives in the Sky, I’m at 60%.
The other day I was having this very discussion with my 19 y/o son, who has recently started muttering aloud “effing tories”, I pointed out that most of his life he’s been lucky he’s had Labour governments, (thanks to this post I’ve found out he’s only at 36%), anyhow he looked at me with a confused expression and snapped back “Labour! they’re just red Tories!” I nearly choked on my dinner laughing, the conversation ended, I mean… what more could I say?.


My main argument in seeking independence has always been that we don’t get the party we vote for.

For this next campaign we need to remain positive and talk like winners. Let WM know that we will never stop the fight.

schrodingers cat

i have never voted for a unionist party ever, so that’s 100% of my life time I have not been represented by a government at Westminster that I voted for


63%, how depressing. Just as bad as seeing the great bearded socialist republican getting his elevation. Grrrrr.


If you smooth over the distinction of the EEC and EU, and say quite reasonably the EU started in 1958, it has had to deal with UK tories for 60% of its lifetime.

But not any more…


X_Sticks says:
29 March, 2017 at 11:06 am

“I had to scroll a depressingly long way back on the dropdown.”

I had to scroll a bit further back to 67%. I’m sorry that you’re having a bad day, my Friend, but let’s not call other Scot’s morons, uninformed is a more friendly name for them and we want as many as possible to become informed and realise the truth that has been held from them and to reconsider their position.

I hope you get back to your usual positive self soon.

Peace Always
This includes Peace of Mind and Spirit. I wish you well always.


That’s why the unionists can treat Scotland with total comtempt. Unionists Parties do not need Scottish votes. Greens collude with unionists against the SNP. The majority Party in Scotland since Devolution for good reasons. The only ones to stand up for Scotland ever since 1928 and before.

Limited Democracy only came to Scotland with Devolution. The corrupt Unionists at Westminster could do anything to Scotland and get away with it. Illegally and criminally cheating and lying and keeping it secret under the Official Secrets Act. Under the terms of the Act of Union Scotland was supposed to be treated equally. It was not. Revenues were secretly and illegally taken and policies which the majority in Scotland did not support were imposed on the society and the people. The Westminster charlatans just got away with their criminal behaviour time and time again. No one in Scotland could hold them to account.

No more.


62% of my life lived under UK Tory Governments.
0% of my life lived under a UK government I voted for.


OT but I know we all just LOVE Johnston Press so I thought I’d share :

“The publisher of titles including the Scotsman, Yorkshire Post and the national i has reported a £300m pre-tax loss due to a tough advertising market and writing down the value of its 200-plus local newspapers….

…The company said the non-cash writedown related to a string of acquisitions in the early part of this century, such as the Scotsman newspaper group, which was acquired for £160m in 2005. The writedown reduces the value of Johnston Press’s publishing titles to £120m…

…total ad revenues fell 15.4%, with print ads dropping 17.1% and digital advertising falling 8.5%….

…The company’s net debt increased from £179m to £203.9m last year. The drop in profits means that the company’s ratio of net debt is more than four times profits, a key metric watched by the City.”

Not really surprising as they have the fuckwit who cost the BBC £200million for their “Digital Strategy” which failed. Getting sacked from the BBC is also quite an achievement at his level.

Ashley Highfield is his name & I’d like you all to raise a glass to him.

AFAICT he’s cost the yoon media somewhere north of £400million by being utterly useless.

Good man Ashley, keep it up 🙂

Pictish Freak

That stinks. Badly.

I wonder how NI compares.


I wonder if the man in the photo proudly carrying his beliefs aloft was thinking, you know what, I would not be surprised if I end up looking like that fud below me.

Robert Roddick

I’m already at 62% the future doesn’t bear thinking about.
Independence Now!

Iain More

Are you counting the Callaghan, Blair and Broon years as Tory years because they not only felt like Tory years bt in policy they were effin Tories.


The joke about the only Tory in the village. Repeated by the only Tory in the village but even some Tories support Independence. In the secrecy of the Ballot box they will vote for Independence. The hypocrisy. The corrupt unionists politicians who the Electorate can’t get rid of although the majority can’t stand the sight of them. They have got the electoral system sewn up. 3rd rate rejects. No wonder they are so smug and self satisfied. Sprouting a load of lying nonsense.


I was pondering over the events of yesterday and still find it difficult to understand the acceptance from the unionist parties to the UK Gov possibly overruling the parliament that they are members of.

This is further compounded by Brexit kicking off ‘based’ on the premise that the EU parliament was continually overruling the UK Government.

Off to sit in a dark room and find out about getting an Irish passport.

Dave McEwan Hill

Terrific National today with a historic front page worth keeping


A little OTT, but only a little.
The BBC website published a story about TM signing the paper yesterday evening. No comments allowed. They have re-published that this morning and it has a couple of hundred comments.
Meantime they published a story about Holyrood backing a new referendum. Coming on for 3000 comments so far, and many received overnight entirely rabid about Scots, the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon. The sorts of comments we’ve come to expect on the Express or Scotsman.
Project fear continues unabated courtesy of the BBC in allowing comments on this story and not on most others. Up with which we should not have to put.
link to


Aye, most of us have had a life under ‘foreign’ Tories we had rejected.

I was glad to see Blair replace the Tories, but I hadn’t voted for him.

The Feeble Fifty had finished Labour in my mind. They had a mandate to stand up for Scotland, but put their Union first and let Thatcher loose on Scotland. And that came on top of their torpedoing of our 1979 parliament win. Labour can never be forgiven for all that.

The Tories are what they are, the live down to low expectation.

Labour, on the other hand, try to keep up moral pretences, and from Blair onwards they were really just Red Tories anyway.

Iain More

I forgot to add that I have been living under Loony Toon Westmidden Govts for 100% of my life none of which I ever voted for.


59%. Jeezo.


Not depressed at all. Sad for the majorityin rest of the UK because the Tory deluded them again. Cheated and lied to win a Referenfum, but they voted for it.

First time being happy in over two years because of the vote in Holyrood. An increased prospect of
Independence and staying in the EU becoming a reality. Absolutely Ecstatic for the future. A future which never seemed possible, in a lifetime, but the SNP Gov have made it possible. How far Scotland has come to self determination.

Just have to sit back and watch the Tories destroying themselves as per usual. Rats in a sack. They are like rabbits in the headlights they haven’t got a clue what they are doing, Twice as destructive. The deal with Qatar. The most absolute despot monarchy in the world. Human rights abusers will not be going very far.. Good luck and Good bye.

Phil Robertson

“Scotland, on the other hand, has resolutely resisted the Tories for almost the entire period. The Conservatives have won just five elections in Scotland in the last 100 years, and none at all in the last 60 years.”

Interesting switch of timescales here. having started talking about “since WW2” you move to the “last 60 years”. That allows you to avoid the fact that the Tories achieved an absolute majority of the votes cast in Scotland in the 1955 general election.

“quite possibly because I have, in fact, not for one minute of my entire life been represented by a government at Westminster that I voted for”

A distinction you share with UKIP and BNP supporters. Democracy is not a merry-go-round where everyone “gets a shot”.
(For those who still don’t know what a majority is, they got more than 50% of the votes cast.)

Bob Mack

I think you will find a majority can actually be attained with much less than 50% of votes cast. Are you Kezia Dug dale perchance?


63% 🙁

Dan Huil

Tractors like Darling sicken me to the core. I need a drink.

schrodingers cat

here we go

eu says
should Britain seek to negotiate any free trade deals with other countries while it is still an EU member state, there will be no future discussion of a deal with the union.

there will be no special deal for the City of London “providing UK-based undertakings preferential access to the single market and, or the customs union”.

Britain should pay all its liabilities “arising from outstanding commitments as well as make provision for off-balance sheet items, contingent liabilities and other financial costs that arise directly as a result of its withdrawal”.

a future relationship agreement between the European union and the UK “can only be concluded once the United Kingdom has withdrawn from the EU”.

schrodingers cat

so, no trade deal until after brexit

john young

Common Weal the way forward,good/clear/incisive and forward thinking policies,we are a country full of young innovators not hidebound by party agendas and this includes the SNP,let us give our country back to the people not to be confused with “the peepil”,with a country of circa 5.3mil rich in energy/tourism and a host of others we could become a jewel in the crown,cast of the chains of party political dogma and surge forward.


I think I see a rerun of the Scotland-UN Committee which forced devolution in the first place, only this time it’ll be Council of Europe driven and MUCH quicker.

Interesting times.

I doubt Theresa will have a peaceful Easter 😀

clan rossy

I am a sovereign scot

from the day i was born and till the day i die
i will always be a sovereign scot
i will never accept or be subserviant to any
uk or english way of life or rule .

i am a great admirer of many people who post on here
i,e mr peffers thepnr,smallaxe,nana,proudcybernat,i
could go on all day about the good people on here
who post there views on this site.

but the reality of the matter is our voice the
scottish parliament our way of life our democracy
is being torn to shreds by a right wing xenophobic
fascist tory govt aided and abetted by the lib dumbs
and the judas labour party .

i now think it is time to make a stand i now think it
is time to secede from this pit of hell they call a union
i really am fearful for the future and my grandchilds
futures as we all are and i for one will do anything to
see scotlands right to be recognised as a free independent
country in this world .

Craig P

57%? For the first time in my life, in 2015 someone I voted for got elected to Westminster. Maybe I would have been delighted 20 years ago but I felt a bit meh about the whole thing. Holyrood is where it is at now.

Hoss Mackintosh

Phil – your Scottish history is not very good I am afraid – the Conservatives have never won outright in Scotland in the fifties.

The Party was the Unionist Party and they were supported by the National Liberal party in 1955.

So by today Tory logic they never had a right to govern as they did not have a overall majority or mandate.

Also the electoral system was different too as compared to Holyrood.

If Holyrood was elected by FPTP, the SNP would now have a 81% to 19% majority.

Kind of puts it in perspective…

David Wardrope

65%, what do I win? (apart from crippling poverty, lowest life expectancy in UK, nukes, etc.)


Wow, just looking at the results since I was eligible to vote (1993) and the Tories have had TWO (different) people elected to Westminster from Scotland since then.


Still, I’m sure they’re working hard for Scotland’s interests…


The nightmare begins.

The Tory calculator is appropriate on today, Black Wednesday. I feel sick, like we have already left the EU, and we are shackled to the ship, we know is named Titanic.

I know we will keep going, I know we are luckier than any recent generation, with a party of talent in charge of Scotland, but we MUST get away.

The height of ignorance and stupidity in the piece of theatre around A50, is making me nauseous.

schrodingers cat

the eu
the cut-off date after which EU nationals coming to the UK lose the automatic right to residency in the UK must not be before 29 March 2019, when the country leaves the EU, or the British government will be breaking EU law.
boom, Theresa May’s cut-off date as the notification date, just got blown out of the water

schrodingers cat

the phoney war is now over, we now know the eu’s position

it doesnt look good

Alba woman

I am trying hard not to feel like I am living in a captive nation. What an absolute nerve those Toriestheir Labour and Libdem pals have. Totally unacceptable, undemocratic behaviour.


60% Deary me

Hope this cheers you all up a little

Alex Salmond making TM squirm

link to

Patrick Roden

So let me get this straight:

The EU is refusing to negotiate a deal with Westminster until After they exit the EU..

And Westminster say they will refuse to negotiate with the Scottish Government about the referendum until they know the terms of the agreement reached between Westminster and the EU countries?

So we now have it in black and white that we will be pulled out of Europe against our will, because the Tories have made a pigs ear of the whole of the UK, just to satisfy the rabid right wing branch of their Party and to stave off Ukip?

Oh Brilliant 🙁


Says it all about the U.K.’s pseudo-democracy… no proportional representation for voters.Effective forms of social control when the rich and powerful can invest resources and energy in censorship and propaganda to maintain the fiction of UK democracy.

The EU Referendum result in England showed what happens when the elite get together with the mob… ideology, racism and imperialism and the twin mechanisms of fear and false hope, aided and abetted by the major corporations of the mass media.

They failed to colonise the inside of people’s minds in Scotland and I will never ever consent to th

e tyrannical authority of Westminster.

We have always known that Independence has been a long-term struggle.We now need to respond accordingly, organise harder than ever, mobilise more people than ever, knock on more doors than ever and fight like we’ve never fought before.As Peter Bell said, the work that we do is not for ourselves but for the generations that will come after us.And the work we do now stands on the shoulders of the generations that came before.

A final thought re media bias… seems to me that there will be 2 versions of Brexit negotiations, namely the EU’s explicitly transparent and open one and the UK’s organised lying and distortion of the truth.Given the sovereign people of Scotland’s right to choose in ScotRef and that our consent has to be informed if it is to be meaningful, it is time to change the rules on our right to a free and fair legitimate platform in which to do so.What can we do and what can the Scottish government do to make this happen?


“Democracy”, ”60 years”, ”100 years”.

Westminster is a pathetically poor example of democracy by 21stC European standards. The awful FPTP system means governments can be formed representing little more than 35% of voters, and 40% is the norm.

While other Europeans are used to PR and governments which represent a majority of voters, we are forced to accept elected dictatorships.

However, guys, it has been worst over the last 100 years!

Voting age was 21 prior to 1969 which meant many conscript soldiers fighting in the World Wars, and Korea couldn’t vote at all! Old enough to die, too young to have their say.

1969 Northern Ireland achieves universal suffrage.

In 1928 everyone over 21 got the vote with no property restrictions, unless you lived in Northern Ireland.

In 1918 property restrictions were lifted on men, giving all men over 21 the vote. However only 40% of women were given the vote with property restrictions and a minimum age of 30.

1917, 100 years ago, the the voting for me was 21 and property restrictions applied. Women couldn’t vote at all.


Nice we bit in The National about the three stooges meeting up to re-brand BT. New Direction, apparently. Or Nude Erection more like. With Darling in a role but not the lead, which might default to Ms Rude. They’re getting the gang back together again, which’ll play out well as the council elections close in.

Nude Erection, remember Willie and the pigs.


Ayep cat, that’s the true information that should have been publicly disseminated before EU vote.

Lying conniving bastards the lot of them. England’s been screwed and we’re not going to allow Scotland’s debit card tae buy them out of their reckless fraudulent and criminal scam.

call me dave

Tried this yesterday no matter which date, ‘born’ or ‘able to vote’ date it is 56%

I was listening to Radio 5 (couldn’t cope with ‘your call’) and heard a few pundits all ‘non Scots’ ‘no SNP MPs’ giving Brexit large.

When Henry VIII was in charge of Britain…err I mean England he fell out with the Pope etc etc he introduced a law which allowed Britain …err England to trade with the Turks instead of Europe… I mean FGS!

Can’t get the facts right this was in the 1500s. There was no Union… but the mother of Parliaments will Buckle etc etc and so it goes.

Buckle up folks!

@Desimond says:
29 March, 2017 at 11:15 am

“We have unplugged from The Matrix”.

That’s a coincidence as I have just watched the whole trilogy over the previous two days to take a break from all this Union crap. (I took notes) 🙂

Why do we persist? Hard to distill it all down to a single drop of essence but Neil Anderson goes on to the end… we must too!

Shades of Rude Davidson I’m afraid. (I’m not afraid really) 🙂

link to


48% for me.

Just did some quick calculations and it appears that I’ll move over the 50% mark shortly after the proposed indyref2/brexit dates, assuming the Tories are still in power.

Lets achieve independence before I become auld and jaded like the rest of ye! 😉


The EU has been signalling their position since June, 2016, and they haven’t changed. Just no one that matters, cared to listen, there would be nothing if the 4 freedoms/pillars, were not accepted.

Many learned academics shared the way the EU were getting organised, but we are sick of experts.

The UK, and the idiots in charge have heaped insult on insult, and still expect the EU will bend the knee.

Now we will see how that shapes up for them. I used to feel sorry for those down south that voted Remain, I don’t now, it’s everybody for themselves, as we craft a lifeboat.

The Remainers in the south should have been a lot more forceful, with Labour, or with better pressure groups.

Instead, I see the polls supporting Tories and Brexit, and it makes me sick.



I think the Blair years should be classed as Tory.

[…] Wings Over Scotland The Tory Calculator The figure below is my own, but it’s also remarkably typical: Click the pic to get […]


The source for the first response from the EU on transitional deal:

link to


(Oh as Valerie points out, it’s not their ‘first’ response at all, they knew and papers like the guardian knew too…they all have played a decisive part in the utter clusterfuck of Brexit)


60%. Life sentence. But since 2007 in Scotland I have been getting the Government I vote for and what a breath of fresh air it’s been. Long may it continue.

@ call me dave – so what does Mr Anderson answer???


These insights into the governments we get is part of a wider narrative that could with benefit be brought together in a concise message for voters in an Indyref2.

I recall seeing, perhaps here on Wings a year or so ago, an analysis of the impact of General Election votes in Scotland on the party that forms the government in Westminster. My recollection is that over the past c. 50 years or so, Scotland’s votes changed the final outcome on only one occasion. If I recall, the key message at the time was that Scotland’s votes in General Elections ‘cannot secure a Labour government in Westminster’ or something similar.

This narrative should also include the impact of Scottish MPs on the results of votes in the House of Commons.

In a Commons debate on EVEL in October 2015, Chris Bryant Lab MP for Rhondda refers to research carried out by the House of Commons Library into the impact of the votes of Scottish MPs on the outcome of HoC’s divisions (link to ). Bryant states:

“The Library has examined every Division since 2001—some 3,000 Divisions in all. Library staff looked at what would happen if no Scottish MPs had voted in any of those Divisions. They found just a tiny proportion where that would have changed the vote— 25 in all.” So voting in only 0.7% of divisions would have had a different result without the involvement of MPs from Scotland.

The HoC Library report can be found here: link to It provides the following additional information:

“In the 2010-15 Parliament the lobby in which the majority of English MPs have voted coincided with that of the majority of UK MPs for 99% of divisions. The majority of Scottish MPs has coincided with the majority of UK MPs for 26% of divisions; that of Welsh MPs for 28% of divisions.” And despite this, EVEL was PM Cameron’s priority in the immediate aftermath of Indyref1!

When you put together all these various ‘facts’ with: (a) the ‘being dragged out of the EU against our will’ reality; plus (b) the current Westminster parliamentary arithmetic with one Tory MP from Scotland; (c) the rejection of all amendments from Scotland’s MPs to both the Scotland Act and the Article 50 Bill; and (d) the Supreme Court ruling on the Sewell Convention; it all builds to an overwhelming case for a UK democratic system that demonstrably no longer works for Scotland.

There should be benefit in aggregating all this evidence and amplifying this message over the coming months – the challenge is over how best and where best to communicate it concisely and effectively.


Theresa Mays letter on article 50 has just been published in full on many sites. Here’s a snippet:

From the start and throughout the discussions, we will negotiate as one United Kingdom, taking due account of the specific interests of every nation and region of the UK as we do so. When it comes to the return of powers back to the United Kingdom, we will consult fully on which powers should reside in Westminster and which should be devolved to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But it is the expectation of the Government that the outcome of this process will be a significant increase in the decision-making power of each devolved administration.

Looks like the Tory government still intend using Scotalnd’s assets as bargaining chips.


SNP MP condemns Home Office. Fishing: ‘Total indifference’ to letting non-European migrants solve crew shortage. The Press and Journal …

This story says that some boats cant go to sea due to crew shortage Mr Goodwill says that it was not current policy to introduce non-EEA nationals to meet labour needs at lower skill levels I wonder if this stupid Tory would like to come face to face with fishermen and tell them that their skills are lower level.
About the article according to my age I have been ruled 62years by these barstewards like Davidson.

Chick McGregor

63% But I would add the Blair/Brown tenure to that.


I’m at 59% but the interesting figure is the final one – tory popular vote victories in Scotland.

There’s one of them in my lifetime, from 15 attempts. That means I’m old.

And it also means Scotland gets the government England votes for. But nor for much longer.


re Brexit and consultation

I see May and Fluffy Muddle spell consultation telt!
Who the hell would trust these people to look after the best interests of Scotland? They would have the sugar out of your tea if you turned your back for 10 seconds. We will need a long spoon, ideally our own Foreign Office, to sup with these people.

Tinto Chiel

62% and, to make it worse yesterday, I had to watch Ruth Davidson being outrageously rude to the FM of our country while she spat out lie after lie like a wee, belching puddock.

I’m sure she got a pat on the head and a wee treat from her masters, but she’ll never be anything more than a Sweaty Sock and Useful Idiot to them.

What can you get with thirty pieces of silver nowadays?

Still beelin’.


Lifted from the international business times, I feel nothing in common with that poll.

No Bregrets! A YouGov poll has found that 69% of people want Brexit to go ahead while only 21% want to see the referendum result overturned. If the poll is correct, then Britain is markedly more pro-Brexit now than it was on 23 June when the vote was split 52/48.


Vestas (11:42 am)

Thank you for that info, didn’t half cheer me up. Thanks!

Troops, don’t forget, after 16:00 hours today you should be able to access the full list of candidates standing in your wards local elections. The sooner you know the list of candidates the sooner you can organise your voting intentions and spread the word in your own area. The info should be available on your local authorities web site.


I tend not to disagree with the Rev’s statistics,
But to my mind Tory Ted Heath won the election
1970. A left wing incompetent Labour government
Gained power in 1974 and held it until 1979 when
Thatcherism took over.

I seriously propose that when new Labour took over
In the late 1990’s, it was no more than a diluted right
Wing Tory government.

Any Scot who will celebrate their 50th Birthday in 2020
Will have lived every day of their life under right wing
Control when Scotland had never supported right wing
policies at any time during this period.

To aggravate this further, it looks like there will be no serious
Opposition to Tory Rule until 2030.

It looks like 60th Birthday’s will be a life sentence of Tory rule.


Seeing some twitter comments quoting PM about brexit, we are all in together, a great fckg union as one, britain great, laws made in our own country, (which fckg country?) the future is fabdabbydoo fckg magic abracadabra sparkly and pretty thingy to look forwards to! Oh, and every time an SNP MP opens their mouth, ‘now is not the time’.

What a despicable, disgusting, dysfunctional, dead duck the UK is now. They will be ramping up the rule britania, get back in your box sweaty jocks meme from now until brexshit is done, and dusted off their corrupt, dirty, disgusting butchers fckg aprons.

Raging today.


Borrowing trouble from the future but given the intent is to give Scotland a taste of Brexit just in case we change our minds am I to assume that regardless of any desire on some in Westminster there will definitely be no public referendum on whatever deal May et al manage to get?

If we vote against that’s be construed as us rejecting Brexit once more and thus the same justification for another independence referendum would exist.

Unless there’s a fair certainty that Scotland might vote in favour that is. If we voted in favour then rather than it being a making the best of a bad situation an attempt would be made to portray it as Scotland willing to accept Brexit.

clan rossy

jesus fckng christ i dont know how the snp mps
can sit there knowing that no one down there gives a fck
about us.

it is time they just resigned and come back to scotland
its time to get out of this union legally or illegally
i dont give a fck anymore the whole set up is completely
fckd up and ive had enough of being stood on

time to end it now.


O/T Bloody tory cause chaos and harm, everything they touch turns to shit

EU Council President Donald Tusk

“What can I add…we already miss you. Thank you and goodbye”

video here
link to


Part of Treeza Mayhem’s letter:

“But it is the expectation of the Government that the outcome of this process will be a significant increase in the decision-making power of each devolved administration.”

Aye, right, and it was our expectation that the outcome of The Vow *and* The Smith Commission would be a significant increase in powers given to Holyrood. Well, to be more accurate, that’s what London promised and we’re still waiting. GTF London, we’ll create our own powers via independence.

We’ll be too busy establishing our forward thinking country in its rightful place in the world whilst you lot spend most of your time avoiding the debt collectors at the door. We hope yous enjoy the view from behind the sofa you bunch of thieving scroungers.


no wonder they’re laughing at us

Marie Clark

Folks, folks, I know how many of you feel today, but can I just suggest that we settle doon a wee bit.

We have a long way to go. We have yet to hear officially, what the EU think. Nicola has a plan obviously, which will become clear after Easter if still no response from the Maybot. Always remember we are EU citizens and don’t wish to leave. Let’s haud fire for a wee while yet.

I know,, I know, how agravating it is, and it’s no very good for the auld blood pressure either, but dinae get too doonhertit.

Steady as we go boys, it’s sure to get worse afore it gets better.Coorie doon and wait for when we are really ready to respond, in oor ain way.


fingers crossed EU take gloves off on April 29th.


May is giving a vow of more powers. Is there anyone in Scotland unwilling to believe her, after all that would require some proof that they have lied about this before. Are we not already living in a near federal UK.

Gavin Alexander


which years did we have popular Tory majorities in Scotland? I can see only one since 1945, on 26 May 1955 (Tory 36:34 Labour seats), but the calculator says there were three.

There was a dead heat with Labour of 35 each on 25 Oct 1951.

What am I missing?


Did the wee calculator thingy yesterday and found out that I’ve lived under a Tory government for 60% of my life. Now I know why I feel so damned wretched every day. Just for good measure I also did my partner and she has had the “pleasure” of living under a Tory government for 61% of her life.

Alba 46

I am a died in the wool Scot aged 70. Having visited over 35 countries in the world i have never wanted to be anything else. I despair that a good portion of my fellow countrymen/women have an allegiance to another country before their own.

Scotland has been like many other colonies of this so called UK raped and abused for centuries. Our resources have been squandered in vanity projects for the benefit of england whilst we get the crumbs from a sneering, lying, manipulative bastard english government.

With all these new oil fields coming on stream you can bet your last cent that they will want to hang on to Scotland with every underhand, devious, lying trick that they can muster ably supported by a subservient compliant media. As far as they are concerned we will be ALLOWED to go free when Scotlands resources have been stolen and, like their other colonies there is nothing left for them they will walk away. See history.

Rennie, Davidson and Dugdale really are the epitome of arse licking uncle toms. They are totally obsessed with unionism. They suffer from a sever form of inferiority complex. They don’t have the basic knowledge, skill, political acumen or backbone to run a country. They are so terrified that they may have to run a country (I know unlikely) that they hide under the comfort cloak of an english government to run Scotland for them as long as they get their ermine at a future date.

I really do despair with my union supporting fellow Scots, get of your bloody knees and fight for your country.


I’d bet that the most prominent thing on the UK governments mind right now is not Brexit but Scottish Independence.

Oops, didn’t plan that very well. Did they?



63% of your life has been under a Tory government

Get me out – Aargh!


I did think Sturgeon was waiting till after May’s Brexit letter so as not to “steal her thunder”, out of courtesy. But having read the letter in full, I’d say Sturgeon and advisers will be poring over it in detail, before sending their own letter to May about the Referendum. Also of course it removed any slight chance May would delay the Brexit letter blaming Scotland.

So yet again perhaps, Sturgeon has out-manoeuvered May.


“and none at all in the last 60”

Last time I looked I was still a little shy of that benchmark, so which 1 of the last 15 is the calculator including in my figures, master?

Dr Jim

My figure is 100% because I’ve never voted anything else other than SNP whenever I got the chance for 56 years

The BBC and Yoon Party are now blaming the SNP for burying the bad news about the wind blowing under the news of Article 50 signing, emphatically proving beyond any reasoned intelligence that the SNP are indeed the only party fit to govern

There’s just no denying the power of the one party SNP one minute while decrying its authority the next

Chick McGregor

Nicola should make it very clear to the EU negotiators that any UK deals made regarding Scottish produce, energy, land or sea assets which the Scottish government disagrees with should be regarded as non binding on the Scottish Government and subject to change if Scotland votes for independence.

schrodingers cat

K1 says:

Ayep cat, that’s the true information that should have been publicly disseminated before EU vote

thing is K1, as val says, it was. I have been saying for months, not because i have a crystal ball, but because the eu sad this before, during and after the euref

the problem has been the media and all politicians in the uk have been arguing in a bubble, without a thought as to the eu’s opinion.

they did the same thing in indyref1 when the eu actually offered to officially clarify its position regarding an indy scotland. cameron
refused to ask them.

why didnt cameron ask the eu to bring forward its official position before the euref vote?

either way, we now know officially, the position of eu citzns in uk and uk citzins in the eu are priority after which the uk pays the bill.
end of brexit negotations

as there is no trade deal until after the uk has left, this means the uk will move from its present position in the single market, into another when it leaves. it doesnt say what that position is, just that it is from that position that trade negotiations will start.

the only possible explanation or position is WTO?

prediction, uk will be out by this autumn

schrodingers cat

marie clark
we already know the eu’s postion, their reply has been leaked

link to

Angry Weegie

Not only have I not been represented by a government I voted for, until 2015 I haven’t even been represented by a candidate I voted for.


In 1955, which was the last time Scotland voted for a Conservative Government, it was a different world.
Harold MacMillan’s “one nation conservatives” were also totally different from the present lot of wild right wingers, and built more council houses than anyone before or since, as well as expanding the NHS and encouraging industry to move to Scotland.
It will be a long time if ever before the present gang will get that sort of support.


Top Tip

Print off how much your weekly shop costs today….c/w today’s date….put away somewhere safe

It may prove useful later….

Every little helps. ?

Free Scotland

I see Mother Theresa is aiming to release a cover version of that old hit by Gogsy Broon and the Vowmakers – “More Powers.” I don’t think many people will buy it.


Teresa May is an manipulating calculating liar. She does not practice what she preaches. Actions speaks better than words. She makes bad decisions with poor outcomes and then blames someone else who is not at fault. They lose their job. That is the pattern of her ‘career’.

Liars never win. She will be found out. She is heartless and does not care. Starving and maiming and killing millions of innocent people. Causing the worst migration crisis in Europe since the 11WW. Then using it to advance herself. A ‘psycho bastard’ Tory. Hundred times worse than Thatcher. If that was possible, Illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion. The Tories and their associates are nothing but lying criminals. They have tried to dupe the people, The will never win.


Tusk’s statement and demeanor said it all – “missing you already”. If you haven’t seen it then worth watching.

The UK (England really) has gone from one of the only EU states to permit Eastern Europeans to work in the UK (2004) to “we’re leaving, fuck all you foreigners” in under 13 years.

Something to think about for sure. Iraq/Afghanistan/ISIS played their part in “bloody foreigners/othering” I dunno.

Its a hell of a change in 13 years.



Westminster couldn’t and wouldn’t acknowledge the EU’s position regarding trade deals. They have been as dishonest over Brexit as they were with indy14. An ignorant and frightened population are much easier to control than an informed one.


That leaked EU Parliament resolution sets the time limit Scotland would need to become Independent and not leave the EU, without special arrangements: “three-year limit on transition arrangement” (after actual Brexit).


It’s all interesting so it is.

Some things we do seem to know from the articles today:

The UK want the trade deal to be completed in the two year timeframe. The EU won’t discuss a trade deal until the exit position is dealt with.

The UK will include all of the UK in it’s dealings including Scotalnd and her assets and people. Wonder what the EU think of that.

If we exit without a deal it’s straight onto WTO rules with however a maximum of 3 years on possibly the most important items to be agreed between the two.

What might that mean for Scotland?

Well it would seem all we will know by the time of the referendum proposed by the Scottish Parliament is that we will be leaving without any idea of what it means for trade.

The position of immigrants from the EU into the UK and vice versa might be known.

What the UK’s bill will be for exiting and security arrangements between UK and EU might be known.

So can we have a referendum without knowing the details? You bet we can if these issues are not resolved. The details are that the UK is screwed without agreement on trade and that aint coming.

Doesn’t look good from where I’m sitting. Car crash coming I think!

Proud Cybernat

I hear that ‘Better Together’ is to be resurrected as ‘New Direction’. It would seem then that the direction they told us was the bestest for Scotland to take in 2014 was actually a pile of steaming keech and now has to be changed. Sounds like ‘Nae Direction’ would be a more suitable name this time round.


Labour and the Tories have been indistinguishable in their negative impact on the people in Scotland since at least the 1970’s.

1. It was Labour that first buried the McCrone report, a scandal of truly immeasurable scale and whose resulting financial deceit can only partly be visualised by visiting Norway today.

‘Prof. McCrone passed the report on to the new Labour government on 23 April 1975, along with a covering letter. The covering letter is the source of the oft-quoted phrase about “taking the wind out of the SNP’s sails”; Prof. McCrone was here outlining what actions he believed would be necessary to prevent support for the SNP from growing further. The report was classified as ‘secret’ by civil servants at the time, and successive UK Governments kept it so, over fears that McCrone’s findings would give a further boost to the SNP’s policy of Scottish independence’.

‘McCrone was saying that an independent Scotland would be Europe’s Switzerland. The Labour party were saying that it would be like Bangladesh’. That is the extent of Labour’s view of the people in Scotland.

link to

2. It was Labour who introduced the 40% ammendment to the 1979 Scottish Devolution referendum that turned a yes vote into a no. Using this rule, Brexit would have failed with the Leave getting 37% not 52%. One rule for the UK and another much harsher one for Scotland.

It’s life under Unionist UK parties that matters in Scotland and Labour for a very long time, not only don’t care about the people in Scotland, but have done as much harm as the Tories have. It made no difference if it was a Tory or a Labour government, it’s what their respective track records show that matters, not the PR nonsense that they spout. It’s what they do that counts not what they say.


@K1 / @Heed
So basically the EU parliament is saying what it said all along. No negotiation with the UK about trade terms until after official Brexit, when it will negotiate with the UK as a “third country”, not a member state – with transitional arrangements for 3 years to stop an immediate impact.

The EU Parliament is a great supporter of Scotland, and really doesn’t like the UK. It also is one of the voting pillars of the EU – any terms of Brexit need its approval.

Basically speaking, the UK is fsked, and Davies is redundant. Minister Without Portfolio for 2 years.


Beat me to it, that’s my third thought. The terms of negotiations won’t be known, Brexit terms yes, like who pays who what and when as aprt of the membership termination package, but future trade cold be anything betweem WTO, CETA (the Canadian trade deal), or not a lot more basically.

Logical for the EU – the UK becomes just another third country, like Canada, Australia, Malawi, Tuvalu. Harsh, but makes sense I suppose to the EU. All it does is treat the UK same as it treats all non-EU states.


I think we now see why the Beard Muncher/TankGirl were talking about 2020’s for indyref2 yesterday?

Clearly the Tories have known of this for some time – and Privy Council members of other parties haven’t.

Deary me. This isn’t going to fly yoons. It’ll crash & burn.

Free Scotland

@Proud Cybernat

“I hear that ‘Better Together’ is to be resurrected as ‘New Direction’ ”

Or, as someone suggested earlier, “Nude Erection”.


Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish government have totally screwed up Theresa May and the Brexiteers negotiating plan for dealing with the EU.

UK: “From the start and throughout the discussions, we will negotiate as one United Kingdom”

EU: “Eh! No you won’t, not before the Scots have a referendum and decide whether or not to remain as a part of the UK”

UK: Oh shit.

The UK is in a very bad place right now. The government are totally clueless and incompetent is too nice a description for this lot.

They’ll reap what they sow. Bring it on right enough.

schrodingers cat

just as well treeza warned everyone that no deal was better than a bad deal cos that is exactly what the eu has just told the uk it is going to get.

what will brillo discuss now?
should the commons have the opportunity to vote on whether they accept the eu’s offer of no deal in 18 months time?

if ever the vaccuos and bubble like nature of the emperialist bbc needed highlghted, this has just done it.

schrodingers cat

so now we know, WTO it is

question, is there any reason to wait till 2018 for indyref2?

Marie Clark

schrodingers cat @ 2.32 thanks for that cat, oh dear, doesn’t bode well does it.

Have to agree with Thepnr @ 3.01 car crash coming up, oops. Well they cannae say that they weren’t warned.


Brought up to believe that the only good Tory was a deid Tory, that still applies to the present lot! 🙂


@ Free Scotland

Or ‘ one direction ‘ down hill,, fast.


I’ve just finished a wee rummage in one of our cupboards and came across this. I’m thinking a certain resident darn surf may have need of it what say you peeps? 😀

link to

Phil Robertson

Hoss Mackintosh says:
29 March, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Phil – your Scottish history is not very good I am afraid – the Conservatives have never won outright in Scotland in the fifties.
The Party was the Unionist Party and they were supported by the National Liberal party in 1955.

You are correct about the naming but, in practice, they all took the Conservative whip at Westminster and some even became leaders of the Conservatives and Prime Minister. So you’ll need the proverbial cigarette paper to define the difference.


I personally don’t think it’ll be WTO that’ll be offered by the EU, it’ll be something like CETA (Canadian trade deal), and it’d be up to the UK whether it wants to accept it or not.

Anyway, I’m going to read up a bit on CETA to see what the UK might be trading with the EU like after that 5 years total. Because that’ll be the basis like as not, for Indy Ref 2.


By continuing to answer ‘now is not the time’ surely May must realise she is keeping the issue alive? It will continue to be a distraction and provide fodder for the SNP until she gives in or commits political suicide by trying to refuse completely.

The latest tactics from those political geniuses of the Tory MSP list is to equate their pathetic SNP bad motions as equal to that of the Parliament asking for Section 30. They try to diminish the status of the Scottish Parliament with their every utterance and end up showing up themselves as the cringing fools that they are.

Bob Mack

I have just read the letter to the EU and more importantly the reply. Now this may seem a bit out of left field as the Yanks like to call it, but there were some very important points.
The letter from May actually threatens to disrupt the security of Europe, probably by refusing to provide nuclear submarine cover.

More importantly however the reply from Europe does several things. It makes clear that EU law still applies to the UK over the next two years. It also clearly indicates that areas of the UK voted to remain.

What then if Nicola applied to the EU courts to decide on our democratic right as a Sovereign people to hold a referendum? They are after all the legal authority for the next two years. They also state that if the UK does not recognise that jurisdiction it would be in breach of international law.

Could there be mileage in this? They would be challenging the authority of the Supreme Court in the UK over their verdict on article 50, so it would not be a “new” case if you like.

Liz g

Vestas @ 3.12
Beard Muncher….. Really!!
Can I ask that if you are standing by that remark as appropriate,will you take note that I am not addressing you in my comments and do me the curtsey (look it up ) of not engaging me?


Perusal of the Comments on the on-line Scotsman and Herald indicates that The Unionist Troll Factory was mobilised after yesterday’s Holyrood vote and have been extremely busy deluging us with their lying verbal excreta.

It also appears from comment above that they are now going full blast on the BBC Site and no doubt on all the metropolitan blats.

I like the description above of the ‘wee fat belching puddock’


As a senior Italian gov’t member said.

Sure, I might not be able to sell Prosecco to one country, but UK will have 27 countries they can’t sell fish and chips to.

I just don’t know how stupid and monumentally arrogant you have to be, to be a Tory, because it’s beyond my comprehension. All this crap about trade deals, when the EU has so many across the globe, because unlike UK, they haven’t been sitting on their arse for decades.

The collective IQ of the EU will rise dramatically after March 2019, when UK leaves. They will heave a sigh of relief, when the truculent, whiny brat of the bloc, demanding special conditions, through the years, is ejected.


Theresa May, speaking in the House of Commons, says “perhaps now more than ever the world needs the liberal democratic values of Europe”. Howls of laughter followed.————–parliament-erupts-as-theresa-may-mentions–liberal–democratic–values-of-europe


@Phil Robertson
It’s a big difference actually Phil, huge, enormous, titalnic.

The Conservatives in Scotland did well, the Conservative and Unionists didn’t.

Part of the battleground in Indy Ref 2 will be for Conservative voters. and one important tactic will be to split them from the Conservative and Unionist party, which doesn’t represent their interests, nor has for many decades.


Liz? Whit dae ye think he (Vestas) meant by Beard Muncher:

link to


I understand that Nicola is heading stateside during the Easter recess.

Is it not a case that Palestinian politicians are given access to and the privilege of addressing The UN.

Should the Scottish Government not also be allowed to address and/or lobby The UN.

Come on Nicola – get in there and tell the world how we are being treated as inferior colonial natives.


If the EU were to offer the UK the deal they have now in it’s entirety, May would jump at it – if she were wise. Therein lies the rub.


Manandboy that just takes ye tae an aol page full of ‘news’ not a link to a ‘video’ you describe.


@Liz g

Indeed, such use of language is disgusting, and there’s been a few of the more extreme types of comment in this thread.

I wonder what or who set them off, mostly in the previous thread, lit the blue touch paper, then retired to a safe distance?


My suspicion is that May intends to not respond to the section 30 request. Then try an prevent any action by claiming to have not refused the request. I would hope the SG have this possibility covered.


@Bob Mack

I think all of your speculation is pertinent. It may be why Nicola is being slow and measured, not cutting across today, allowing first reaction from EU, and seeing if Treeza rethinks (she won’t, can’t afford to).

The EU has recently hinted they will resort to law, if there is any UK refusal to pay their legal debts. They are not taking any shit. It will be civilised, but they will state their decisions, and let the Tories wail and blame.

The rhetoric of the EU being to blame for everything will be ramped up from today.

To think that May has has the temerity to link security across the countries, to getting trade deals is reprehensible. In the week after a terror attack on London, by a UK citizen.

Wullie B

59% for me, thought it ould have been more, mind you B Liars New Labour were poundshop Tories anyway


@Liz G

I think that oblique should have been an ampersand. Beard Muncher is a colloquialism for Mundell Senior. Reading it back after you took offence, I can see why you did – but I genuinely don’t believe it was meant like [i]that[/i].


I’m trying to understand what the problem is with referring to Mundell as a ‘beard muncher’ and why it is so offensive? Ma understanding is that Vestas is literally referring to him in his capacity as one who eats any remaining food missed by his mooth lodged in his beard?

Am ah missing some other ‘reference’ that others are ‘inferring’ from this expression?

link to



Nicola and the stalling of Sect 30.

Perhaps SG discussions with the UN and the Council of Europe will now begin.

Mayhem’s behaviour was ‘just politics’ up until the duly elected Scottish Parliament, with a mandate, formally asked for ‘permission’. After that it became totally unacceptable to keep saying no. There are well established international procedures to allow progress.


Apparently a copy of the response from the E.U. to Mayhem has just been leaked to the media. ?

link to

Bob Mack

Question ? Why should the French now stop migrants from all over N Africa completing their journey to the UK. After all the British have been using other countries as a border guard to prevent them coming.
If they no longer wish to be part of Europe why should the French bother?


Over 50 years ago in my early years in the world of IT in the days of the mainframe long before PCs had been heard of one of the mainframe manufacturers produced a thing called a Buzz Word Generator.

It consisted of 3 columns of computing words from which one could select any word from each column and produce what appeared to be a meaningful phrase but which was in fact total rubbish.

Given the deluge of gut wrenching imperialist platitudes uttered by our Precious PM about her wonderful unstoppable nation could somebody not come up with an on-line Theresa May Buzzword Generator with accompanying soundtrack playing Land of Hope and Glory on an endless loop.


It was 55% for me and I’m only 28 years. So half of my life I’ve been under tory rule. Hmm.

Liz g

Misterals @ 4.01
Then I am sure Vestas will clear the matter up and if you are right then the only problem is being cautious about statements that are not clear as I am sure you will agree no one wants to be misunderstood.

KI @ 4.02
He/She wasn’t talking about Fluffy,both terms were for Ruth.
While Tank Commander is fair comment because of the photos,the other one wasn’t.
I don’t want to derail the conversation any more, just didn’t think that it should be let slide.
People notice and it does matter.

Bob Mack


Yes your missing something .It is an urban expression for a sexual act. !! Nuff said


So let’s talk about the Secretary of States for Scotland we’ve had, without being personal.

David Mundell. Receives memo from Davies, Johnson or May “tell the Scots they can’t have a Ref until 2023” or “it’s not could, it’s should”. Mundell does as he’s told. But did he stand up for Sewell being made statutory in the Scotland Act 2016? No. Did he support any SNP amendments, or Labour ones for that matter? No. And has he been abroad selling Scotland, arranging better access to the UK embassies for Scotland’s businesses? Also No. Positive Scote 1, null points.

Carmichael. Pushed for Crown Estates to be devolved to Scotland, especially after the interests of Shetland and Orkney. That happened, and probably why he was re-elected. Did he fight for CAP uo0lift convergence targetted by the EU at Scotland to be given to Scotland? No, he agreed for it to be shared with the rest of the UK equally, rather than come to Scotland where it properly and financially belonged. Score 3. I’d give him an extra half point for “Help me Rona”.

Michael Moore. Negotitated in a civilised manner with Sturgeon, the S30 transition and the Edinburgh Agreement. Had a civilised debate with Sturgeon, and refused to lie during it. Also went to the US to attract trade and investment for Scotland, did other duties. Score 7.

So the final rankings put David Mundell last out of 3 with absolutely 0 positive points, and that’s not even considering the minuses.

Isn’t that better than calling him a “beard muncher”?


@Liz g
More and more posters are pulling up this sort of thing on the Herald (and National), and it’s a winning tactic, as well as being “right”. Let the Unionists put “nat sis”, “cult”, “Wee Krankie”, “lying divisive SNPee” and let them lose. Yippeee!

Craig P

Stoker says:
Part of Treeza Mayhem’s letter:
“But it is the expectation of the Government that the outcome of this process will be a significant increase in the decision-making power of each devolved administration.”

And it is my expectation that the Tories will stiff us over. Gosh, I wonder who will be right?


BTW, here’s another example of the double standards we in Scotland are expected to accept and just shut the feck up, apart from the 60-odd-percent of the Scottish electorate who voted to remain that is.

Remember the Smith Commission and all its wee clauses the Unionists had written into it, the wee clauses that kept repeating something along the lines of ..not to the detriment of the other parliament/party.. Or was it detriment..?

Well, being dragged out of the EU against the majority’s wishes would be detrimental to Scotland’s interests.


schrodingers cat says:

WTO it is

question, is there any reason to wait till 2018 for indyref2?

We need to wait to see the exit terms, but i have always thought we might know well before 18months have lapsed!

The Brexiteers-UKIPers-Mail-Telegraph-Express and other sundry sub-fascists won’t like what the EU have in mind.

This Guardian article covers the resolution which is to be put to European Parliament. It gives some idea of what they are thinking …
link to
(Won’t properly)

– no trade talks until after Brexit
– limited transitional arrangements for max 3years
– EU citizens arriving up until 2019 will have guaranteed residency
– European Court of Justice stays during transition
– no trade talks with 3rd parties until after Brexit

The loony right Little Englanders will spit the dummy!

So, ScotRef earlier? Why not!?


If I had better skills I would use the Thatcher video/picture in the tank…photoshop TM…i mean there’s not a lot of difference between them. Maybe Proud Cybernat could manipulate…if he could be bothered…


Craig P (4:34 pm):

I’ll have a tenner on you Craig, if i can get any odds on it.


Imagine how the Tories would behave if the EU response was … “You can’t leave, you have no mandate, a majority don’t want it, too many other things going on, now is not the time … now shut up and forget this leaving nonsense for the foreseeable future!”

Aye, they would just accept it and get back into their wee Big Ben decorated biscuit tin.


The main point to me is not how long we have been governed by the Tories but how long we have been governed by parties without a majority in Scotland, it just happens to be the Tories.

To have the government that the nation voted for for only 42% of your life is a democratic disgrace. I could only imagine the screams from elsewhere if this was the case, it was bad enough when some thought the SNP could hold the balance of power.


Correction: 54%. Woohoo, thats a mighty one percent lower I’ve had to put up with their gobs***e. Although to be honest I’m not laughing.

Dorothy Devine

Liz , while agreeing with you entirely ,your’ do me the curtsy ( look it up)……’ had me grinning broadly.

Courtesy maybe?


Can anybody tell me if the proposed protest rally at PQ scheduled for last Sunday took place?

The reason I ask is that I have failed to see any mention whatsoever of it in our wonderful media although 2 marches in Edinburgh were covered extensively.


To newbies and lurkers,

Clicking on the repeated direct link in the post at 4:36 pm helps to fund and maintain that rags survival. Try and avoid helping them to crap all over Scotland. By clicking on that link you are paying them to bullshit you.

Robert J. Sutherland

galamcennalath @ 16:18,

I’m beginning to think that our Legislator-in-Chief has some legal action in mind now. The Supreme Court may have ducked the challenge of the pathetic Sewell Convention, but there may remain some defect in Mayhem’s blank refusal to have the prior agreement of the devolved assemblies to the terms of the Brexit negotiation, especially after she promised that she would, and now that the SG is formally enabled (glorious day!) to seek a new independence referendum.

I could see an SG claim of denial of democratic rights reaching the European Court before Mayhem’s ability to stop it.


That’s actually very interesting.

Article 50 says it has to be involed “in accordance with the member state’s constitution” (or similar). Which means one option Sturgeon and the SG have after Easter, if May and the UK Gov refuse the S30, is to challenge the validity of the A50 invocation itself. Which means I guess, while that was going through the courts, the EU would have to suspend negotiations around the A50, and if the ScotGov won, the 2 year clock would be reset to the start of another, but legal, invocation of A50 in, oooh, say, 1 year’s time.

Mess with Sturgeon at their peril “wha daur meddle wi’ me” indeed!

Jack Murphy

Oh! I’ve just remembered—the Labour Party voted in the Commons with the Tories to trigger Article 50 Brexit!

Scotland beware of Labour and Tories bearing gifts. 🙁


Stoker says:

Direct links.

Sometimes pages just won’t archive properly, as with the Guardian one I posted and you referrered to. seems to have its limits. only redirects and doesn’t avoid the real page.

If something is important to a posting it isn’t always possible to avoid direct links

Free Scotland

When referring to Scotland’s only tory MP – who was caught on camera in the House of Commons picking crumbs from his beard and munching them -, one should give him his proper title, namely, Captain Snackbeard of Mundellia. He has not yet attained the standard required to be referred to as “Self-appointed Governor General of Scotland,” a title vacated by the inept (and possibly insane) Gogsy Broon, after it became clear that he had done his best to damage Scotland in 2014.



I have a selective ad blocker (adguard), the Guardian gets no income when I visit the site, same goes for the Herald. I do allow the ads on the National site.


Beard Muncher refers to Mundell’s culinary habits rather than anything else.

Some of you are WAY too sensitive.

Robert J. Sutherland

jfngw @ 16:44:

The main point to me is … how long we have been governed by parties without a majority in Scotland, it just happens to be the Tories.

That’s how I see it too. With all due respect to Stu, it’s not the “Tory years” that bother me, it’s the “Unionist exploitative years” that do. Going back all the way to the Wilson/Callaghan Labour government which suppressed the McCrone report, of which far too many people (on both sides of the border) are still completely unaware.

They plundered our people and our plentiful natural resources, laid waste to our means of production, then called us beggars.

Well, no more.


@Vestas “Some of you are WAY too sensitive
It’s not us that matter, it’s the lurkers who outnumber us by 100 to 1. Some of whom may be undecided, or potential YES voters.

Robert J. Sutherland

yesindyref2 @ 16:56,

I see we’re thinking along the same lines there!

(And if we are, you can bet NS is way ahead of us.)

North chiel

“Bob Mack @ 0340pm” interesting point as regards the threat of
withdrawing nuclear submarine cover by TM . However, could the FM reassure the EU that any ” transitional arrangements” ( after independence) as regards trident remaining in Scotland for
a period of years would be linked to not only Scotland ( as an EU member in waiting) but all other EU members being ” covered”.
Also , could this threat hasten Scotland’s EU membership?


Hi all. Seen a few references in discussions to something happening over Easter, or end April; can anyone advise what’s scheduled for then? Is this about Section 30? Cheers for any info.


Re: the article in the Guardian about the initial EU response to the Article 50 letter. I could not get it to archive properly. It may be one of the illustrations in the article is preventing the archive process working.

Among the many interesting points in the article is this little nugget about Associate Membership of the EU which seems to be the model applied to the Ukraine. Here is the section dealing with it:

“” It suggests the model for the future could be a form of associate membership, currently enjoyed by Ukraine.

Ukraine is granted substantial market access under its deal but it is not subservient to EU law or the European court of justice.

Neither does the arrangement require the observance of free movement rules and it allows Ukraine to negotiate its own free trade deals.

However, it would require “a substantial payment” to the EU budget by the Treasury, potentially as much as half of as much as it pays today, according to a recent study of this model by the Centre for European Policy Studies thinktank.

The association deal with Ukraine also allows collaboration on foreign and defence policy and on fighting crime and terrorism. Along with cash payments, the EU gets unfettered access to the Ukrainian market.””

Interesting. Associate membership, well well.


yesindyref2 5:11 pm @

“@Vestas “Some of you are WAY too sensitive”
It’s not us that matter, it’s the lurkers who outnumber us by 100 to 1. Some of whom may be undecided, or potential YES voters.”

So I should check every phrase I use in case its in use as some slang with some cultures I’m not aware of?

Fuck right off. Really.

mike cassidy

Guardian article archived.

link to

Its the way I archive them!


galamcennalath wrote: (5:00 pm)

“If something is important to a posting it isn’t always possible to avoid direct links.”

Yes it is!

Anyway, i’m not here to argue about it, if people are going to post direct links then i’m going to warn newbies and lurkers of the consequences of clicking on them. Direct links are completely avoidable and they help fund the BUM Bandits’ campaigns against us.

Bob Mack


“Some of you are way too sensitive”. Can apply to you too apparently.

David Smith

I really do hope the UK close ranks and give the Little Brits the roughest ride possible.
I’ll feel a bit like the old French couple in the farmhouse in The Longest Day, but seeing these buffoons finally get their 500 years of Karma will more than suffice for any collateral damage I sustain here in Englandshire! ?

David Smith

Dammit! I meant “EU close ranks”.
I’m weaning myself back into early starts due to starting a new job next Monday. Been a long one!

Robert J. Sutherland

I know, most of the posters on here (myself included) are in no way sympathetic to the Tories, especially the bunch of brigands who are currently mounting a right-wing isolationist takeover of the UK. And Stu’s calculator (which doesn’t work in my older browser, BTW, presumably because its calculation has to go back so far that it’s taking forever! =grin=) may serve a useful purpose in detaching some more of the dwindling numbers of the Labourite faithful as they finally come to recognise that the game’s up for the crumbling collaborationist party in WM for a decade or more to come, and terminally in Scotland.

But think on this. I had a chat with an agreeable fellow sitting next to me in the public gallery at Holyrood yesterday, and he turned out to be a Conservative for Indy. He had come to witness the passing of the new referendum bill with as much of a welcome as I did. He seemed to find the speeches of the MSPs from the Rude Davidson Party as tired, negative, irrelevant and useless as I did. He was looking forward to an independent Scoland which would provide a complete realignment of politics that had room for people like him. And why not?

So even among old-school Conservatives there is a rupture developing, with people rejecting the mindless isolationist Unionism of the Mayhem Gang in favour of a new start for Scotland, with them along with it.

Many here might still disagree with their politics, but we can surely all respect their legitimate common aspirations.

Reluctant Nationalist

1976 – 60%


@Bob Mack 5:33 pm :


“Some of you are way too sensitive”. Can apply to you too apparently.”

Good call 🙂

Sorry but it might seem naive but I’d never heard the phrase “Beard Muncher” before & frankly you’d have to GO LOOKING on Google to see some of the lunacy associated.

Indeed the “top” Google search from urban dictionary has nothing to do with anything anyone normal could be expected to know!


Ah archived and posted Guardian link at 12.58pm on this thread.

link to


O/T – There seems to be some concern about linking to media that is normally clearly UK biased. However some of them do (very) occasionally run good articles that are either neutral, harsh on the UK’s incompetence or even with a slight independence bias. Since a key factor between now and Indyref2 will be to get people to switch from No to yes, who do you think they would trust more – an article in WoS or, for example, in the Guardian.

So getting to know about these rare positive MSM articles and spreading them around is important in chipping away at the No/Unsure voters concerns about independence. Positive news is just that, regardless of where it comes from and for some I’m sure that a MSM article will carry more weight than most. Preaching to the choir is necessary but it may not be enough.

If you’re bothered about advertising revenues then use an ad blocker.


@ Vestas: “So I should check every phrase I use in case its in use as some slang with some cultures I’m not aware of?

When it’s pointed out, yes!

Fsk right off. Really.

Yeah I know, I swear too much as well. Preacher heal myself!


‘Many here might still disagree with their politics, but we can surely all respect their legitimate common aspirations.’

Can ye no get tell him tae call his other 8 pals in Scotland who feel as he does and get them tae speak up tae… 😉

Liz g

Dorothy Devine @ 4.47
Didn’t even notice it had changed….. I really can spell courtassay curtassie em Mannirs ye know.
But I am glad that it did,wee bit of humour doesn’t go


Archiving the article doesn’t prevent you from noting where the article emanates, a wee description: this is from the Guardian/whatever would suffice surely?

The point of archiving is to prevent ‘clicks’ counting toward those establishment msm outlets revenues and precisely because there is the occasionally informative article is why we are not saying ‘don’t read anything’ from those sites.

Archiving is a simple solution that covers both our need to stay informed and disseminate good articles whilst not adding to the coffers of those outlets.


Stoker says:

Yes it is!

So why didn’t you do so to prove it?

Legerwood @ 5:22 highlights the same problem.

Ok, do it then. Show us all how to avoid bringing up that Guardian page from a link.


Another reason that Treeza would not want to grant us a Referendum BEFORE the Brexit negotiations are complete is that she would have to resign if we won our Referendum.

It would mean her resigning as PM before any Trade Deals are completed between the EU and rUK.

Just thought i would through that into the mix.

schrodingers cat

day one and talks are already in melt down, amber rudd making a complete fud of herself
She said if the UK left Europol, it would take its information with it.
One senior EU source said that it appeared as if Britain was seeking to “blackmail” the EU into giving it a deal.

good news for NI though
It recognises there is a special threat to Ireland and Northern Ireland, Verhofstadt says: “The Brexit agreement has to fully respect all the aspects of the Good Friday agreement” and will not accept a hard border.

i note there is no mention of scotland tho

but merkle steps in and says, no deal means no deal
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has rejected the UK government’s call for the withdrawal treaty and the new trade deal to be negotiated in parallel


WOS archive links for September 2013 now over in O/T.


Apologies if I’m behind the game, but the National is saying Better Together is to be re-branded New Direction.

I volunteer to do some of the branding.



Statement from Nicola

link to


Re Ruth Davidson and the showboating in front of the cameras yesterday.

I thought she looked and acted like a wee street thug showing off in front of her pals.

Definitely NEVER First Minister material.

She made a complete arse of herself in front of a worldwide audience.


@Robert J. Sutherland 5:39 pm :

“But think on this. I had a chat with an agreeable fellow sitting next to me in the public gallery at Holyrood yesterday, and he turned out to be a Conservative for Indy….
So even among old-school Conservatives there is a rupture developing, with people rejecting the mindless isolationist Unionism of the Mayhem Gang in favour of a new start for Scotland, with them along with it.”

Tories in Scotland are between the proverbial rock & hard place now but post-indy they probably won’t have to sound quite as insane as they do now.

They’ll do better in a post-indy election landscape provided they don’t totally tarnish their image (stop laughing at the back) during the indy process. Depends how much “no surrender” they go, could take genarations to recover from if they do it full-on.

There’s a lot of small “c” conservatives in Scotland & post-indy that won’t automatically mean “unionist”. I expect the tories to do better after indy than they have in the last 50 years.

It really makes you wonder, who’s going to be in charge 20 years after indy? Will the SNP still exist?

Hope I see some of that.


gala ah managed tae archive the very article we are referring to above(earlier in the day). The thing is if anyone had attempted to archive it then the ‘original’ already archived article should display immediately, so not sure ‘how’ it failed tae archive as it had already been archived. If ye see whit a mean?

Ah don’t mind archiving as we go on here if am aboot. The only articles ah cannae archive anymore are Herald ones as they are paywalled and I can no longer read the National either as that ipsum thing is happening. Which means wouldn’t be able tae archive them either.

Wondering if the outlets are beginning to suss a way around archiving? On a final note on why to archive. Articles can and do ‘disappear’ on the internet and they can also be ‘re written’ utterly altering the ‘original’ article. We do need to retain archives to keep a record of the sly and devious ‘re writing’ of history. 🙂

Liz g

Could all those “Abnormal” A.K.A. Well Read (but potentially shit spellers ) drop it now.
We have some great other conversations going on and there’s no more really to be said.


Thanks Nana,

Here it is:

Commenting on today’s triggering of Article 50 by the Prime Minister, setting in course the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon said:

“Today’s triggering of Article 50 represents a leap in the dark by the Prime Minister.

“Fully nine months after the EU referendum, the UK Government still cannot answer basic questions about what Brexit will mean for businesses, for the economy generally and for the type of society we live in.

“I wish the Prime Minister well in the negotiations which lie ahead, because a good Brexit deal for the UK is in Scotland’s interests.

“But the UK Government’s hard-line approach to Brexit is a reckless gamble, and it is clear, even at these very early stages, that the final deal is almost certain to be worse economically than the existing arrangements – and potentially much worse.

“Scotland voted decisively to remain part of Europe, but the UK Government only formally responded with a dismissal of our compromise proposals to keep Scotland in the Single Market at the same time as the Article 50 letter was sent.

“The next two years are hugely important and will determine the kind of country Scotland will become.

“The Prime Minister has today confirmed her aim is to reach a Brexit agreement covering a future relationship within two years.

“So the people of Scotland must have the final say on their own future once the terms of Brexit are clear.”


caz-m says:

Another reason that Treeza would not want to grant us a Referendum BEFORE the Brexit negotiations are complete is that she would have to resign if we won our Referendum.

Very true! No PM could stay in position as the UK disintegrated around them and in part because of them.

It really does make you wonder where they get their advice from. It looks like they only get it from people with the same world views and prejudices. I would have genuinely expected there to be unbiased neutral civil servants able to give honest appraisals of the situation. If there are, no one listens to them!

SNP manifesto says IndyRef2 if forced out of the EU against Scotland’s will. Surely it is an inevitable consequence? Nicola suggested there be four nation vetos, Cameron declined. Leave won, hard Brexiteers grabbed power, IndyRef follows …. it’s hardly complex political science, is it?

The price of Leave was likely to be the end of the UK. Did no one bother to actually tell they Tories what was inevitable?

What may have happened it that the ‘rumour’ going round London that the SNP don’t really want Indy and it’s all a ruse to get more powers and money for Scotland was believed as credible!

What chance to May et al have against EU negotiators!?


The English have got delusions of grandeur.

The actually believe that the EU are going to miss them.

Boy, are they in for a right dose of reality in the very near future.


K1 says:
Manandboy that just takes ye tae an aol page full of ‘news’ not a link to a ‘video’ you describe.

Sorry about that, K1. I’ve tried to trace it but without success.


K1@ 5.45

I clicked on your archived link and it did not display properly. The same problems that I had when I tried to archive it.


“she made a complete arse of herself”
I didn’t think she was capable of elevating herself to that standard,as far as being a bully? she is a nobody.
Someone earlier referred to the “wee liar” as a puddock.
Great description.


@yesindyref2 5:52 pm :

“@ Vestas: “So I should check every phrase I use in case its in use as some slang with some cultures I’m not aware of?”

When it’s pointed out, yes!”

Which it wasn’t until someone went googling to find an obscure meaning and you jumped on the bandwagon. Just like you always do.

Fuck right off. Really. This is aimed specifically at you yesindyref2, nobody else.

When you see my posts then skip right past them because I’m nobody you want to read.

I’ll do the same with you & we’ll all be happy and NOT disrupting threads because we went looking on google to try to do that yes?

Apologies to other readers, normal service is now resumed.


Anyone else notice the stupidity of Sky News (also probably BBC and ITV News) when the waffle on about EU laws being enshrined into ‘British Law’

Are they being lazy or just to stupid to realise there is no such thing as ‘British Law’

In the UK there are two seperate legal systems, English and Scottish

As far as Im aware, that Scottish Law, as it is already enshrines EU law

Any thoughts?


O/T again sorry

Joint press conference by Antonio TAJANI, EP President and by Guy VERHOFSTADT, EP coordinator for the negotiations with the UK

link to


Ligger Neil’s interviewing Mayhem at 7pm tonight. BBC. Its like Rupert Murdoch’s got the world at his feet, with his beeb gimps jumping around for him. Hope Mayhem’s washed her arse.

Other news, are Vauxhall pulling out Brexit style? Probably.

link to

Vauxhall drops FA home nations football sponsorship deals
7 minutes ago
From the section Business


K1 says:

ah managed tae archive the very article we are referring to above(earlier in the day). The thing is if anyone had attempted to archive it then the ‘original’ already archived article should display immediately, so not sure ‘how’ it failed tae archive as it had already been archived. If ye see whit a mean?

There was one archive there already, but all the ‘juicy’ bits half way down were gobbledegook.

I tried again with a slightly different URL, and they were still gobbledygook.

Legerwood seemed to get the same as me.

If anyone can achieve an archive, then they are doing something I (and others) don’t know about.

I could have saved the HTML, identified and edited out the offending code, then uploaded. Or, I could just occasionally and when necessary use a direct link!


mike cassidy says:
29 March, 2017 at 5:24 pm
Guardian article archived.

link to

Its the way I archive them!


Sorry but the full article has not archived properly. Scroll down and it descends into gobbledygook – same problem I had.


Doesn’t seem to work in Firefox – at least, not for me. Works fine in Chrome, though.


You can watch today’s proceedings in the commons here. Warning you might be liable to break something

link to


You’ve got to love dear old Auntie Beeb. Firstly they don’t show Tusk saying “bye bye” to the UK. Second Smith in Edinburgh plainly speaking with Prime Minister authority when she says the ScotGov knows the answer to Sturgeon’s forthcoming letter about the S30 request. No they don’t, it ain’t happened yet.

BBC? What on earth can I say, errrr, politely that is 🙂

Poor show old chaps and chapesses, poor show!


Tim Farron: The North East will be hit hardest by Brexit – so you must have the final say

Wonder if anyone has bothered to tell wee Wullie Rennie what his boss thinks?

link to


galamcennalath 6’10

When our English Masters are making policy decisions that affect the whole of the UK, they think of England England and England.

One example is the crisis in Northern Ireland. The English media have just started reporting on it this week and yet the problems have been there for months.

Ditto Scotland and Wales. The English have no interest in any of the other Nations within the UK.


Re the article you are having trouble with. It is only the pages relating to documents from the EU which won’t archive. They will have some kind of lock included to prevent archiving [I think]

May cannot now preach to Scotland about self-determination

link to


Apologies if already mentioned :

Please sign petition for Annie Wells to resign from Scottish Parliament.

Link to sign is on Paul Kavanagh’s twitter account.

Bob Mack

Interesting. A British reporter at the UN asked a European Ambassador what he thought of today’s events. Quote :

“Britain has just shot itself in one foot,—– and we intend to shoot it in the other”

Sound positive?


BBC Katia Adler says “it’s a kick in the teeth for the EU”.
Thanks BBC let’s keep the tone constructive and polite.


Dear Mrs May,

I don’t want to become isolated from the rest of the world.

I would also like to retain my European Citizenship.


Very Concerned Scot.



From the previous thread

link to


Let’s not beat around the bush. this is one gigantic clusterfuck that the UK has got itself into. It can only end with sadness all on our sides.

Exclude Scotland if we take this opportunity to vote for Independence. Let’s just do that then, man the liferaft.


Why do we never hear from the Scottish legal system whatever it’s proper title is. Have we no legal representation of our own. Where do they stand.


Sorry if this information has already been posted.

The panel for tomorrow night’s BBCQT from Carlisle is a really amazing collection of anti Brexit supporters. 😀

Lisa Nandy …Labour
Len McCluskey … UNITE
Kate Andrews … some sort of”think tank” type
Paul Nuttall … UKIP

oh and they have someone on from Scotland … none other than Ruth the bloody Mooth!

Anyone who still has the will to watch this s***e be warned … keep everything throwable well away and out of reach. I strongly suspect a great many objects will be getting thrown at numerous T.V.’s tomorrow night. 😉


Oh good grief.

link to

Line up for bbcqt. Snp baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
link to


I do apologise, I didn’t notice the archive hadn’t worked guys. 🙁

Thanks for explanation Nana. 🙂


comeon lets get this moving the more pressure the better
link to


Nana says:
29 March, 2017 at 6:45 pm

Oh good grief.

I’ve just seen Carwyn Jones’s reaction to the news about Big Gordie and wee Kezia turning up in Cardiff to push their beloved “Federalism” s***e … AGAIN!

link to


caz-m says:

When our English Masters are making policy decisions that affect the whole of the UK, they think of England England and England.

Indeed. Very few people within the London Political Bubble understand the UK. For most there is only their England, which is in fact a Greater England inclusive of ‘the other bits’ which they really don’t understand much about.

Good game if you can pull it off, perhaps. The biggest mugs are the Scottish BritNats who believe there is a Union and a United Kingdom in which they belong.



I’m only guessing K1. I’m sure someone will know more about it.

Have a link

link to


BBC Scotland are making extensive use of Jimmy Buchan today – on KayE and being interviewed on Misreporting Scotland.

However, they seem strangely reluctant to remind us that he is a Tory failed election candidate.


Thanks for that link to Nicola Sturgeon’s statement Nana. I’ve only just learned from that statement that the Scotgov received a formal response to its Brexit proposals today and that its proposals were rejected. I’ve just checked the BBC news website and there is NO report of thet reply. Quite incredible.


@Arbroath1320 hahaha oh it’s crying time again, don’t ever leave me!

Perhaps this is why Kezia’s face is tripping her

From 6 days ago

link to


So in the red corner, we have a UK Prime Minister citing UK sovereignty and a mandate from a UK wide referendum to remove Scotland from Europe against its wishes.

In the blue corner, we have Scotland’s First Minister citing Scottish sovereignty, and a mandate from the same referendum but where there was a clear and decisive majority delivered from the sovereign people of Scotland to stay in Europe.

The million dollar question, the big issue, is whether a distinct and separate Scottish sovereignty is still legitimate in law, (the corollary of which being that Joined UK sovereignty must therefore be judged illegitimate by the same standards). That’s option 1, if the matter is to be determined by legitimacy of sovereignty.

However, Option 2, the rupture in UK joined sovereignty might also be brought about a Scottish referendum where Scotland’s sovereign people elect to separate their parliament from the UK parliament and vote for Independence. Is that an issue Westminster can block? I say not. Neither the UN nor European Court would stand for it.

The third possible option for ending the Union is to cite the conduct of the UK Prime Minister in refusing to respect the opinions of Scotland’s sovereign people, and declaring that this constitutes a material breach in the Treaties and Act of Union, rendering the contract defunked. By equal measure however, the UK Prime Minister might also cite the actions of the Scottish First Minister and Parliament in acting independently as also breaching the said Treaties. The result is the same, the contract of Union is broken and at an end, but there could be ramifications to follow when apportioning assets and liabilities.

So, put crudely, we have 3 shots at Indy, and only one of them requires a referendum.

Game on.

Dave McEwan Hill

Phil Robertson at 12.14

Not entirely as you record. The “Tory ” majority in 1951 included winning Liberal Unionist and National Liberal candidates. These did in fact merge later into what was to become the Conservative and Unionist Party. It also accommodated a huge Orange Lodge vote which lingered on in industrial Scotland for a generation no doubt encouraged by a huge endorsement for the Tories from strong elements in the Church of Scotland.


R4 seem to be bigging up ‘our huge contribution’ to security intelligence etc.

It crosses my mind that is not a lot of it dependent on our ‘listening’ operations in Cyprus and Malta?


Glad you liked that wee photie Nana 😀


gus1940n @ 6:57 pm
I also noticed that
Also they failed to mention that he was fined by the EU for dumping fish or catching over quota (cant remember which)
It was that basis he campaigned for leave, because he ran into trouble with EU regulations

Tam the Bam.

Brexit-What Next?

On being told byy Brillo …’You cant wxpect any deal to be as good as present’
MAY:’… will be different.’……….SOS


Just had a wee look at currency exchanges and it looks like the £ has fallen by roughly half a cent against both the Dollar and the Euro since around 12 noon today.


So the de facto English parliament and a de facto English PM decides not only to take my EU citizenship away but also to impose leaving the EU on this ‘wonderful’ union of all nations in the UK, regardless of the majority views of their different electorates.

And just seen a clip on C4 News where May compares Scotland’s vote to remain with the remain vote in her own constituency. So Scotland does not even merit the status of a ‘nation’ in the UK when it suits her, far less one of two Kingdoms – an equal partner – in her precious union.

The hypocrisy just gets more astonishing.


Watching mayhem with Brillo
Is it just me are is she arguing that the very things that she says we can’t do is exactly what she is planning