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Wings Over Scotland

The Silent Revolution

Posted on January 23, 2025 by

Robin McAlpine published a very important piece yesterday, detailing how the SNP is about to become even more of a leadership dictatorship than it already is.

You can read the article to see why this is a change of enormous importance, and a catastrophic one for the independence movement. It will make it just under 17 times harder for any sitting SNP leader to be challenged for the leadership – let alone defeated – and effectively turns the party into a private oligarchy every bit as total and unaccountable as that of Reform (which is not a member-directed political party in the conventional sense, but a limited company personally owned by Nigel Farage, who holds a majority of the voting shares and can do whatever he pleases with it).

We’re annoyed at ourselves, because we got sent the document revealing the change a month ago, but we missed it. And now we’re going to show you why.

Below we’ve highlighted the only mentions of the policy change.

The ironically-titled “Transparency Review” has two page 13s – certainly unlucky for anyone in the party still clinging to a belief in democracy, or as the paper calls it in a stark piece of cynical gaslighting, “the supreme mandate of the members” – and buried on the second page 13 are the two curt paragraphs detailing the proposal for anyone who has somehow managed to remain awake through the preceding dozen pages of tedious wonkspeak and tables of implementation progress reports.

It’s perhaps worth pointing out that the SNP has not suffered from an excessive churn of leaders. Since taking its recognisable modern form it’s had just seven in the last 56 years – William Wolfe, Gordon Wilson, Alex Salmond, John Swinney, Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf. The typical SNP leader holds the office for almost a decade, with Yousaf’s hapless 13-month misrule dragging that figure down considerably.

(Scottish Labour, by contrast, have burned through 10 different full-time leaders in just 26 years and the Scottish Tories 4 in 13 years. That means the average reign for an SNP leader, even including the Yousaf aberration, is 8 years against 3.25 for a Scottish Tory leader and just 2.6 for a Scottish Labour one. Whatever issues the SNP has, switching its leaders too often is not one of them.)

There was no problem to solve. The last time the party chose a leader there wasn’t even a nominal contest – only one person wanted the job. Nor have its leadership elections usually been close or bitterly fought. John Swinney won in 2004 with 84% of the vote, Alex Salmond succeeded him with 76% of the vote, and Nicola Sturgeon took over unopposed, as did Swinney for his second stint. Only Yousaf’s was a meaningful contest, and much good it did him.

But nevertheless even that microscopic prospect of possible future dissent has now been ruthlessly stamped on. As Robin notes, the new rule would make mounting a leadership challenge to all practical intents and purposes impossible. Once a leader is in place, nothing can realistically be done until they voluntarily step down or die.


(This seismic change has been seemingly brought about by just six people. We can safely assume that it’ll be duly rubber-stamped by the payroll vote at the withered and tightly-controlled conference in a few weeks’ time.)

John Swinney is now less of a leader, not even a President, but a King, ruling without election for life. And given that Swinney has never really been all that bothered about independence, that ought to worry anyone who cares about it.

We really don’t know how much clearer it needs to get.


FOOTNOTE: As further evidence that internal democracy is dead in the SNP, at the same meeting in December it was also quietly determined that the “branch dividend” – the proportion of membership income allocated to branches to run the local parties – will be reduced in future from 25% to 15%.

In recent years that payment has been largely imaginary, as SNP HQ has raided it to plug gaping holes in the accounts, but nevertheless it’s a significant signal that the leadership wants to centralise power even more and eliminate whatever remaining tiny scraps of influence ordinary members might have.

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  1. 26 01 25 22:31

    Leaked report reveals SNP Treasurer's fears over finances as party loses more members | CyberSec Bulletin

0 to “The Silent Revolution”

  1. Geri says:

    Who really cares anyway? I doubt the SNP will even be a thing so any leader they bolt in for life will be of little importance.

    Unless of course the yoons start voting for them & all interlopers came with the same set of instructions.

    Holyrood is deid. It’s past the point of return just as predicted it would be in the event of a No vote. Said elsewhere the only sickner is that it was done supposedly by our own side.

    • Zimba says:

      I get it, but that’s a counsel of despair. I agree that the SNP has been turned into something more even than a mere road block, but worse — an actual positive instrument of active obstruction which is going to be ruthlessly maintained in place and even strengthened, so long as it fits that purpose, to police that barrier. But in the absence of any alternative party coming through, that means there is zero, zilch, by the way of democratic instruments for establishing self-determining sovereignty for Scotland. So I can kind of understand why people are holding on, though it is from a place of denial. Just to add to the counsel of despair, it is also hardly any accident that the only alternative party which is being greenlighted in Scotland by mainstream media platforms — from a base, it has to be said, not only originally at least a low *if not immeasurably lower in Scotland* than say Alba — is the one I will not name, which, principally due to calculated and relentless punting by those same platforms, Guardian, BBC Scotland, and even, by default, to be generous, National included, even when they are each pretending to express worry about it, will get seats in the next Horror petulant.

      Those last two words were meant to read Holyrood parliament, but I’m swyping quickly and don’t feel minded to correct.

      • Bobo bunny says:

        Who actually are the SNP any more? Is this all Angus Robertsons doing? Is it his door we need to turn up at with torches and pitchforks?

  2. Harry Dunlop says:

    I find it amusing that people still believe Humza Yousaf succeeded Sturgeon as the result of poll of SNP members at the time. And here we are today…

  3. Tommo says:

    Would the 2.5% requirement be of then current membership or-as in the case of the ‘100 members constitutes just 0.15% of our membership at the most recently published figure’- be based on that last ‘published figure’ ? I suspect I know the answer.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      As it says – it would be based on the membership at the time.

      • Campbell Clansman says:

        But what if the SNP “leadership” lies about membership numbers (as many say they’ve done in the past) in order to manipulate the 2.5% requirement and discourage challenges?

      • Andrew Morton says:

        The membership is whatever the leadership claims it is, so how would anyone know if they cleared the 2.5% bar?

      • Mia says:

        That is the thing, they will not. They are completely at the merci of whatever the dictator installed as “leader” chooses to disclose. And when the “leader” is Mr Redacting Black Pen himself, well, it will be absolutely nothing.

  4. johnny says:

    “John Swinney won in 2004…”

    2000, no?

    Not the point of the article and I am sorry for the pedantry.

  5. Jim Thomson says:

    I really can’t see why so many of the current members are still hanging in there. There is zero chance of any meaningful change to the constitution that will bring back a truly democratic NEC i.e. one without the gerrymandering additions of the “interest” groups with full voting powers.

    What an effing shambles.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      They are in fact reducing the size of the NEC, but retaining the number of seats for special-interest “affiliate” groups, so ordinary members will have still less of a say.

      • Willi says:

        Less ordinary members on the NEC more special interest. That ells you that nothing has changed in this rank rotten special interest party.

        But that’s why after 37 years membership I left. The runes were becoming crystal clear, at least to me during the Covid shutdown

        Back then Nicola Sturgeon was still a saint sent among us. Indeed. I remember back then onel Argyll and Bute MP spitting venom shouting at members for the temerity to suggest that Surgeon might not be just as wholesome in approach as was at that time still generally perceived.

        Greatest living Scotwoman ever was the cry of Brendan O’Hara as he remonstrated how he would brook no comment about her.

        Aye, greatest ever Scotswoman eh? But hey ho the rigged slush tub is still at the same games.

      • Bobo bunny says:

        She could have been a national hero like Wallace or Bruce. Instead she’ll be remembered as the rat that sold us. Bought and sold…

  6. Dan says:

    TBF this tightening of rules was probably a prescient or preemptive move by the cabal what with James Kelly rejoining the NuSNP…

    • Bobo bunny says:

      Boy is a clown. That fuckin hat of his says it all

  7. Ian says:

    Rudderless and heading into Corryvreckan. Ironic that 1984 was written nearby but nearly wasn’t because of it.

  8. Ian says:

    If I were to be cruel, I would suggest that it won’t take that long until 2.5% of members equals 100 members anyway.

  9. Mark Beggan says:

    The remaining members of the SNP will organised into the Volksstrum Schotland and sent to defend the river Order.

  10. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Battening doon the hatches for the storm to come (and I ain’t referring to Storm Eowyn). Party finances are circling the stank.

    The once munificent £1.3 m pa in British State, Short money is a fond and distant memory. The 10% tithes they extracted from the £90k salaries of MPs is decimated as the feckless 56 elected in 2015 are now the nonentity 9. Tithes from MSPs will diminish (to a lesser extent) after next year’s Holyrood election. The £600k ringfenced, Indy fund vanished into a miasma (the Gartcosh Polis doggedly pursue the case in the face of Permanent State obstructionism). Other “creative” revenue streams are closed off. *
    * The “donation” Anum Qaisar’s daddy (allegedly) made to Jackson’s Entry got the pint-sized bimbo three years as the MP for Airdrie & Shotts. Not much of a return on investment.

    • Geri says:

      They’ll find the same dark slush fund as Ruth the tank commander found & they’ll chalk it down as the proceeds of an anonymous raffle lol…

      They’re a permanent block in Holyrood & good little soldiers now. That no doubt rakes in the perks to keep it just ticking along…

    • Willie says:

      Anum Qaisar. Was she not the shooie in one time MP who was one of the dlevout Humxa Yousaf’s harem.of lady .

  11. jock mctavish says:

    Is this a precursor for Sturgeon’s return?

    • Geri says:

      Jeez! Never thought of that…

    • Mia says:

      That was the first thought that crossed my mind. Judging by the comments in her fanzine “The National”, it does look like her fan base is shrinking and fast. It is becoming quite obvious that the only way to instal her back in the position and keeping her there is by diktat.

  12. Mark Beggan says:

    If left untreated syphilis can affect parts of the brain.

    • Willie says:

      Aye and other parts too Mark!

      A lot of boaby wallopers the SNP. Many of course are of course Jakess the Peg types too. In fact our survey tells us two to one.

      Finest ever Scotswoman eh?

  13. Hatey McHateface says:

    The stage is now set for a brand new Popular Scottish Independence Party.

    Cometh the hour, cometh the man or woman?

    I’ll kick off by drafting the first rule of the PSIP’s constitution:

    1.1.1 No person who has ever represented, been employed by, or held office for the SNP in any way, whether paid or unpaid, professionally or other, openly or clandestinely, may join, work for, represent, or exert control or influence in any way over the PSIP and/or its members.

    1.1.2 Any person who is a member of the PSIP, or who is employed by them in any capacity whatsoever, who is subsequently found to be in contravention of 1.1.1 will be immediately expelled, sacked or otherwise dismissed from the PSIP.

    OK, that’s a good start. I’ll leave it to others to build on this foundation.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      1.1.3 Four legs good Two legs bad.

    • Tartan Tory says:

      I once delivered leaflets locally for the (good) SNP before 2014. Does that exclude me from becoming the Indy messiah?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I think you will be OK, TT.

        Back in the old days when we still had paper persons delivering the newspapers through our letter boxes, we would never have held them responsible for what was actually in the papers.

        I’m assuming you were acting voluntarily. If you accepted money though, then you’re suspect 🙂

  14. Mac Cuill says:

    Colin Cameron MacDonald fully deserves the knighthood gained while at The Scottish Office ‘for services to Empire’. Who’d have thought that recruiting two law students in Edinburgh could ever have such a long-term impact on the independence movement?

  15. Mark Beggan says:

    Look up to the sky and behold!!
    Queen of the Baby Boxes descends from heaven in her Focke-Wulf FW 200 Condor.

  16. Hatey McHateface says:

    “Only Yousaf’s was a meaningful contest, and much good it did him”

    My recollection is that the contest was riven by procedural irregularities, with a threatened legal challenge from Ash Regan at one point.

    Before she was put back in her box.

    I prefer to see Yousaf’s brief tenure as the high-water mark for poorly-concealed DEI in Scottish Indy politics.

    Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      The creatures outside looked from man to pig and then from pig to man again….

    • Nae Need! says:

      I find myself agreeing with you, yet again. Wtf is wrong with me? Purely rhetorical, I don’t want to hear it 🙂

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Just tell people you’ve become deranged by the onset of Trump 2.0.

        Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a real condition.

        link to

        “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”

        I don’t know if you can get signed off indefinitely with it, but only because I haven’t looked.

        When he won the election, there were credible reports of people being given compassionate leave from work and study so they could grieve.

      • Skip_NC says:

        I wouldn’t say folk were given compassionate leave but they were certainly offered it. My wife works as a nurse for a large health system owned by a major university in North Carolina. All staff were offered three days compassionate leave. Nobody in my wife’s office felt the need to take it. I daresay there were a few who were happy Trump won but we live in a very liberal city in a predominantly liberal county, surrounded by counties that are even more liberal.

        I can’t speak for every employee, but my wife felt that she had patients to take care of.

    • gregor says:

      The Fraud (2023): GCHQ drafted in to keep SNP leadership vote secure:

      THE SNP is working with UK spy bosses to ensure the ballot to replace Nicola Sturgeon is secure…”:

      link to

      link to


    • Mia says:

      the contest was riven by procedural irregularities”

      That is an underestimation. From the outside, it had all the look of having been completely gerrymandered and rigged.

      Ash and Kate were not even told the actual number of members the party had and were forbidden to contact members by email, yet, if I remember correctly, somebody from the Yousless team was caught sending an email to all the members of a particular area and was let off with less than a slap on the wrist.

      The political fraud’s praetorian guard came out in force to gaslight the public and stop anybody else other than Yousless winning. Mhairi Black, was trying to ramp up fear by claiming, for example, that the SNP could split if Kate Forbes was to win.

      In a twist of irony, Murrell even recruited the GCHQ “to watch” over the vote, and the omnipresent Liz Teflon Lloyd was caught with her paws all over Yousless campaign. Again, she was let off the hook with not even a slap on the wrist.

      I distinctly remember something rather dodgy about the vote. It was reported on the 12 March 2023 that the polling company was given 78,000 names and had sent that number of online voting forms. However, soon after, it was reported that the official number for the electorate was only 72,186. On the actual vote day, the official number was given as 72,169. So what happened to the extra 5831 voting forms that were sent above the 72,169 and how did all those adjustments of membership and turnout took place?

      On the 12 March 2023 it was reported that Mi-Voice claimed to have said that “just 54,600 people were expected to actually cast a vote as they presumed there will be a 70 per cent turnout”

      Okay, so they were already at that time telling us that they were assuming a 70% turnout. Why, on the basis of what and what for do you have to make such assumption? Why do you need that information a priori before the vote? It sounded to me like an attempt at managing expectations ahead of the vote. But why was that deemed necessary?

      But that 70% turnout was, based on the 78,000 figure for the electorate and the 78000 online forms sent. However, that electorate figure was an overestimation of the real figure, which was, according to the SNP on the day the results were released, 72169. We just had to take their word for it.

      The actual number of votes as published by the SNP was 50494. Still an almost exactly 70% of the “official” new figure for the electorate. We were expected to believe that the number of members was not really known, that almost 6000 extra online forms were sent above the actual official membership figure, and that the number of members seemed to change wildly from one day to the next, but at all times, and independently of every possible variable directly affecting the turnout being unpredictable, that “turnout” would be a constant of 70% no matter what. You really have to laugh at this. At the time I honestly wondered if this strategy of creative “statistics” using the turnout as the reference point would be part of the “advice” package provided by Ms Lloyd.

      When you only look at the results where a preference candidate and a second one was selected, Forbes was selected as first preference in 17140 ballots (that is 83% of the votes that had Forbes as first preference). Regan was selected as first preference in 5027 (90% of the total votes that had Regan as first preference). Yousaf had 14573 (That is only a 60% of the total votes that had Yousaf as first preference).

      So here is the first anomaly: we are expected to believe that an astonishing 40%, which is more than double the proportion in the case of Forbes and four times the proportion for Regan, cast a single vote for Yousaf.

      Of the members who only selected one candidate and no second preference, 572 cast a single vote for Regan and 3419 cast a single vote for Forbes. Yet, we are expected to believe that an astonishing 9763 people, almost 3 times the number for Forbes, cast a single vote for Yousaf. I do not believe that figure for even a second. I am of the opinion that figure has been substantially inflated.

      If we just look at the ballots which had a second preference, Forbes won 17140 and Yousaf won 14573.

      Therefore: 17140 – 14573 = 2567. This is the number of extra single vote ballots that Yousaf would have needed to match Forbes’ vote in the first round.

      When you look at the second preferences, Forbes was selected on 12509 ballots as second choice. Yousaf was selected on 11281 as second preference.

      Therefore, 12509 – 11281 = 1228 votes needed by Yousaf to match Forbes’ on the second round.

      We also know that Yousaf won by 2142 votes.

      Therefore: 2567 + 1228 + 2142 = 5937 is the total number of single votes Yousaf would have needed to win assuming he had obtained the same number of single votes as Forbes.

      Right, and what was, allegedly, the amount of extra voting forms that the polling company sent when they assumed the total membership was 78,000?

      That would be 5831. Ooft! look at that. Isn’t that close?

      I would argue that the above figure is just illustrative and I would be of the opinion that it underestimates the number of the “extra” forms sent .

      Here is my hypothesis:
      It must have been known that Regan was the less popular of the three, and that it was far more likely that Forbes’ voters would select Regan as second choice than Yousaf’s voters, therefore they must have known that there is no way on earth Yousaf would have won if the proportion of single votes for Yousaf was similar to the one for Forbes. Therefore that figure had to be inflated.

      But by how much?

      They would have needed to make estimations, but what could they have used as reference point? I would argue that it was that magic figure of 70% turnout.

      As part of my hypothesis, I would argue that the SNP mandarins could not tell us the “official” number of members they had in their lists because, at those points in time, they still did not know how many “extra” online forms might have been needed to be “filled” as a single vote for Yousaf in order to ensure he would beat Forbes.

      • twathater says:

        And TBQH that is one of the reasons I have very little trust that Ash Regan would fight tooth and nail for indy, she can talk the talk but as has been shown by your rough estimates Mia , Ash Regan said that alongside Kate Forbes she would legally challenge the veracity of the result due to the clusterfuck of the organisation but when the wee free twee backed off Regan all of a sudden went silent

        Personally I was sickened at Regan’s capitulation and acceptance of the fix, I believe it showed someone with NO INTEGRITY, just another self serving member of the “fk you jack I’m all right brigade”
        If Regan had made a complaint to the electoral commission it would have had to be investigated and the snp evidence of membership and votes printed and cast would have to have been produced , which may have resulted in the whole VILE edifice crashing down

  17. Garrion says:

    Full tinfoil hat here, but it’s almost as if the party is being reconstructed not to achieve independence, but to be a constitutional and political blocker and permanent ‘gish galloper’ of any political advance towards independence. Reminds me of how the British intelligence services ended up hollowing out and in fact running the IRA and to a lesser extent Sinn Fein. They really are very very good at what they do.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      Force Research Unit. Fishers of Men.

    • Alf Baird says:

      The co-opted national party chooses ‘neutrality’, it depends on slogans and for the most part leaves the question of independence to future events. It takes the movement up a blind alley, delaying independence. The dominant national party elite becomes part of the colonial racket, it behaves like a gang, feathers its nest and builds up its pensions. Colonialism, which is always a co-operative venture with native elites, effectively draws the national party leaders under its wing. (Fanon)

      • Nae Need! says:

        It’s certainly behaving like a mafia. And that’s a few steps up the ‘control-freakery scale’ fae a gang.

    • Dan says:

      This is really just further tinkering to stitch it up even further.
      It was basically sewn up 7 years ago as this article from 2021 explains.

      link to

      Folk will remember the attempts by the “good guys” to try to regain some control but that came to nothing because the cabal already had enough control and power to see off all challenges and continuing to dictate the Party’s trajectory.

  18. David Hannah says:

    Time to put Peter Murrell & and nasty Nicola Sturgeon in prison. What is Dorothy Bain waiting for? At least they can now testify against each other, since dissolving their lavender marriage. Sturgeon is a black widow spider. And I suspect she will devour the former love of her life, and partner in crime when he takes the stand! Hahaha! I suppose it’s time for him to firefight on all fronts isn’t it?

    • Robinovski says:

      Well if you are waiting for Dorothy Bain to do anything about Nicola, then you’ve not been paying attention. Remember though, the Chief Mammy can spout off all she wants about the ex but that can go the other way too. A bit like the whole Nuclear Stand off – Mutually Assured Destruction. Only this time, it’ll be a sight to behold.

  19. Geri says:

    “This seismic change has been seemingly brought about by just six people.”

    That’s a marked improvement from just three last time. Bolting in Sturgeon & her hubby & removing party democracy. All masterminded by Angus Robertson, allegedly.

  20. gregor says:

    OMG, rotten SNP (hierarchy) has ring-fenced itself.


    • gregor says:

      Plebs release:

      “NEW: Justice Secretary Angela Constance gave an emotional apology to the families of Katie Allan and William Lindsay as she told MSPs the state accepted there were ‘systemic failures’ which resulted in their deaths in prison.”

      “In a statement responding to a report which identified a “catalogue of failures” in the systems meant to care for them,”:

      link to

      link to


      • gregor says:

        BBC (2025): Abuse claims were ‘brushed under the carpet’:

        “The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has heard that allegations of physical, emotional and verbal abuse suffered by children in secure care in Edinburgh were “brushed under the carpet” for more than a decade by senior council managers

        Ms McKinnon told the inquiry that she identified 30 cases of abuse between 2008 and 2019.
        These included children being punched, restrained inappropriately and locked up for hours for trivial reasons…

        Ms McKinnon said there was a toxic, dysfunctional culture

        ‘Lessons have not been learned’
        Ms McKinnon said there were numerous missed opportunities to tackle the abusive behaviour but senior managers in the City of Edinburgh Council‘s childrens and families department “turned a blind eye” when concerns were raised…

        She added that she does not have confidence that young people currently being looked after by the council are safe, nurtured and protected…”:

        link to

        link to


        BBC (2017): Systematic child abuse claims published:
        “Dozens of accounts of systematic abuse in Scottish schools, residential homes and hospitals have been published.

        The allegations released by the National Confidential Forum, external include child sex abuse, violence and bullying.

        Many of the 59 testimonies describe a “veil of secrecy” within institutions…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Sniveling Wings tribes don’t give a fu** about the children –


      • twathater says:

        Constance is just another robot who has failed at every post she has held , a block of cheese has more empathy and feeling than her, and is more intelligent

      • gregor says:

        I empathise with you, Twathater

        The people of Scotland deserve far better than this…

  21. Kenneth Jamieson says:

    The public don’t care, they just want something they can vote for that will get Independence, most people don’t give a damn about internal squabbling, if anything it puts them off even more, I just want a party with a leader that shows leadership, get out of westminster as I won’t be voting for any party who sits in Westminster.

    • Dave Hansell says:

      The key questions are, firstly, how is that “want” going to be achieved?

      And secondly, are those who “want” this prepared to do anything whatsoever towards achieving that “want”?

      Because doing nothing and expecting that “want” to appear by a process of spontaneous combustion (ie magic), whilst lamenting as squabbling the systemic and structural difficulties faced by the minority of the public who do attempt to do something towards achieving that “want”, has neither worked nor managed to move matters towards that “want” so far.

      And that is unlikely to change no matter how long the public adopt that position of waiting for someone else to deliver that “want”.

  22. Mia says:

    Oh dear!!

    Does this move mean the clique were anticipating a serious challenger from outwith the clique that they urgently needed to block? In that case, who? Flynn? Cherry?

    Which of the two comedians will take the helm when Swinney decides to retire, would it be Mhairi Black or Sturgeon? Or will Gordon Brown give the position a shot? I mean, we already had the other half of the vow as CEO, didn’t we?

    You can be incredibly cynical, of course, and think this move was not really to preserve Swinney’s unpopular leadership, but to ensure that once the political fraud returns to the driving seat that Yousaf and Swinney were simply keeping warm for her, she will not be taken down from the podium ever again.

    In the short term, this may just be the ticket the establishment demanded to ensure the SNP fully tanks in 2026 to guarantee the “Scottish” Labour resurrection despite the serious bludgeoning that Sir Kid and Elderly Starver and Rachel from Accounts Mismanagement have taken to its credibility. I am sure we will not have to wait long until they wheel Curtice out again to give a “landslide” prediction for labour.

    With every dirty move the SNP “leadership” makes, the prospect of not voting at all to accelerate the demolition of the whole rotten political edifice, becomes more and more attractive.

    So, what does this dirty move mean for those who still are dreaming about “unity” and insisting in including the dirty SNP on any move for independence? Can they finally see what the rest of us has seen for years, that the SNP is nothing more than a Jupiter size lead balloon tied around its neck and strangling the independence movement?

  23. Alison says:

    It’s their own coffin they’re hammering nails into, I don’t actually have a problem with them fast tracking their own demise.

    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

      I think it is Salmond’s coffin they are still anxiously hammering nails into. They are very frightened people.

    • 100%Yes says:

      Aye and their taken Scotland with them. We need to end the SNP dominance in Scottish politics and educate the public the reason why the SNP needs to be destroyed and these Individuals bought to justice. This is the reason they won’t allow Scotland to have a vote on the constitutional question, they know their skin is on the line.

    • gregor says:

      Keep wielding your reality-hammers…


    • twathater says:

      If only

  24. 100%Yes says:

    I’ve stated this since the she stood down that Sturgeon would return as leader of the SNP and FM again in 2026, this has been the SNP leadership game plan from day 1 of her resigning.

    This is the reason Humza and then Swinney had to become leader it was to prevent anyone else from becoming leader and blocking the chances of Sturgeon returning when the dust had settled.

    Everything that’s happened or happening is all at the behest of Sturgeon she in complete control and she has the full support of the UKG.

    I hear people F*cking banging on and on about Westminster for F*ck sake Westminster isn’t the problem open you F*cking eyes its the SNP. We need a leader who has the voice of the WHOLE YES MOVEMENT to be able to challenge the SNP’s treasonous behavior.

    In the coming Holyrood election we need to organize to prevent certain ("Tractor" - Ed)s in the SNP from being elected again, come up with a single plan in order to get the message out there about how these individuals have spent the last Ten Years stealing votes and ruining Scotland reputation in the world and that Independence will never happen with these Individuals in charge as these are the people preventing it and the reason why GREED.

    • Nae Need! says:

      Very well said.

    • Dan says:

      We need a leader who has the voice of the WHOLE YES MOVEMENT

      I’m afraid you’ve more chance of finding rocking horse shit than that ever happening.

      It’s clear that a significant number of human brains in this instant gratification binary world we now unfortunately inhabit have lost the ability of critical thought; So this means folk will inevitably find a reason and issue not to support someone, even if they are for the most part broadly aligned with said person.
      Numerous examples of this are available within the movement for returning Scotland to self-governance.

      Has a funny voice, doesn’t look attractive / is too good looking, dodgy haircut, swore once, told a joke you didn’t like. These are all now show stoppers to success in the current modern political world packed full of snowflakes who rush to take offense or deem everything hateful that doesn’t totally align with their exacting views.

      That being the case if folk still can’t muster the self-belief and motivation to get aff their knees and do stuff themselves so still require a leader, it would be far better to have a group of folk leading that would cover a range of demographics and knowledge bases, and that would also diffuse the ability for an individual to be taken out the game if it were just one leader.

      The things is, needing a plan for Holyrood was something that some of us were trying to do last time round but that came to fuck all and a million 2nd votes wasted for the reasons already given.
      Now the folk that were telling us to shut up because we were wrong back then are telling us we need a plan for Holyrood…
      Forgive me but I have little trust in folk that were so behind the curve on the way things were playing out but now want everyone to follow them.
      There’s an awfy Pied Piper vibe about this sort of thing, and undoubtedly with the stakes in play there will be folk that are not what they appear to be.

  25. Young Lochinvar says:

    The ripple effect among the woke and depraved following the Democrats defenestration across the pond..

    • PacMan says:

      There is a distinct possibility that Trump’s term in office could have a detrimental effect on the woke politics in our country.

      If it does, it remains to be seen whether it will continue after he leaves office but would could have a more longer lasting effect is through the actions of the Progressive Democrats themselves.

      While I have no doubt that the lecture by the woke Bishop at the recent televised church event attended by Trump went down well with some quarters but how will it be viewed by the majority where it was nothing but self-promotion on the part of the woke Bishop rather than a Sermon on the mound moment?

      Whether it was planned or not, it does give credence to this notion of the deep state acting against Trump but there is an element of truth in it where we live in a society now gripped by post-modernism where it is expected for individuals to act against the established order.

      There is nothing wrong with stand up for what is the right and there is a moral obligation to whistle blow against wrong doing but it has went beyond that where individuals employed by the government actively working to thwart political policies that goes against theirs.

      The Trump administration is making efforts to get rid of these individuals through initiatives like removing the ability to work from home but if it isn’t enough and in the coming years, these Progressive individuals are seen to actively hinder Trumps policymaking, will it result in turning the majority against this Progressive politics?

      It remains to be seen but I think we are in an era now where money is tight and everybody is feeling the pinch. It means people are more critical of things and the action of these self-absorbed individuals in positions of authority who acts against the wishes of the majority is going to be seen in a different light than it would be in better times.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        I detest the term “progressive”, just as I hate the other hijacked phrases and words like “gay”, “pride”, “gender “ “self identification”, “diversity”, “inclusivity” and countless others increasing in number by each passing year.

        The only things these people are progressing from rapidly is reality and the facts of natural reproduction.

        Depravity is a word they haven’t been able to make cool yet.
        Give it time I suppose.

        Borderline interesting to be a fly on the wall in 50 years and see what crimes against nature and morality are considered “way to go” and full on “fashionable” then..

        AND: which/ those politicians who are following it like funeral directors behind fire engines.

        Apart from the fact I think beatified JFK was a rogue no better or worse than those who came before or after, his speech writers had one thing right that todays modern self absorbed selfish culture completely denies, when he said “what can you do for your country, not what can your country do for you”..

        Mind you he also said “Ich bin ein Berliner”, a sausage similar to a Frankfurter so his speech writers had their off days as well.

        The fact is, who anywhere anymore puts the common weal of their society and country before personal gain anymore?

        Damn few Id suggest,

        Pull the plug out: switch on switch off reset required.

      • PacMan says:

        I had mentioned in my OP that there it is possible that Trumps cultural reset may be reversed after Trump leaves office.

        It is plain to see that most Americans are as disgusted with this woke cultural as we are but the culture of having to the freedom where anything goes and any excess is tolerated is too ingrained in that countries society for this Progressive movement to disappear.

        In fact, it is only going to get worse as these Progressives seek to normalise every other taboo in the name of post-modernism.

        We can see this now where despite the overwhelming Trump victory and rejection of this culture, Hollywood has given a Trans musical 12 academy awards including Best Actress for the lead of that movie who is Trans.

        While it is none of our business how Americans live their lives and run their countries but their society impacts our country, both politically, socially and culturally.

        Rather than being at the mercy of never ending cultural war cycles, we need to find ways to break free of this American cultural influence of excess without breaking the shared social links that both Americans and Scots feel about the others countries.

      • Young Lochinvar says:


        They are a thoroughly brainwashed social construct directed towards moulding schooling, media and probably most tellingly ; advertising in their crusade to reform humanity in their warped image.

        Haven’t quite sussed out though: who really except deviants wants to look and act like (for example) Rue Paul or it’s imitators..

        Tory Peers need not respond..

      • PacMan says:

        There is no doubt that there is an agenda being pushed by globalists and you have the choice to either blindly follow it or not.

        It can be argued that we have no choice as this agenda has thoroughly infiltrated education but given that globalism has all but destroyed professional jobs in the UK that require university level education, does it really matter at this present time?

        In the context of this site though, this Progressive agenda is being cynically used by both the traditional left and fight as cultural conflicts and censoring debate & criticism to allow them to continue doing what they are doing.

        You can see this in the Guardian with a puff piece about resisting Trump’s neofascism by essentially blindly following the Democrats/Labour position regardless of what they are as it isn’t Trump’s position.

        The frustrating thing is how do you get beyond that to put forward alternative positions that is actually beneficial to people?

      • Dan says:

        The frustrating thing is how do you get beyond that to put forward alternative positions that is actually beneficial to people?

        Well we can ascertain that a significant amount of the electorate don’t agree with the bullshit being foisted onto us, and voter disengagement through disfranchisement pretty well confirms that’s the case.

        So a start to redress this situation might be to work away and have face to face conversations with people in our respective communities to bypass the MSM’s and captured Political Parties’ influencing narrative.
        From there the next step is to move to having our communities’ voices and needs represented in a democratic political process by them voting for a candidate that genuinely offers and guarantees them that process by the electoral candidate standing on a manifesto to do just that, and with an additional much simpler recall procedure so the voters can get rid of their elected representative should they fail those that voted them into power.

        The above won’t be an walk in the park but anything worth doing generally isn’t easy.
        I naturally expect a pile of reasons why it won’t work by the comfortable status quo-ers and downright lazy that would rather just sit and whine rather than stepping up and putting the effort into doing what needs to be done.

  26. Aidan says:

    Who’s to say that 2.5% will be more than 100 members, the way things are going . .

  27. Sandy Howden says:

    Poor James “War and Peace” Kelly. Out of the frying pan into the fire and he is not even aware of it. His exit from Alba is longer than War and Peace and he has not finished yet.

  28. Ian Brotherhood says:

    King Swinney, as we presented him on OTS last year…

    link to

    • Ian Brotherhood says:

      Sorry, just discovered the image is no longer available.
      Pity, it was a good one.

    • gregor says:

      OBN Dev: Fraud Files: King of Fraud:

      “And often the self-described, “Greatest Swiper of All Time”
      Stolen Bank ID numbers were also apart of the alleged crimes
      Investigators say that tracking cash on Social Media was not hard

      We hit the road with them cards in the back
      We come back with phones, so we cash out
      Racks in our pocket, we walk in and spendin’ at Saks
      I done been broke once
      No, I ain’t YoungBoy
      But, I know I never could ever go back
      They say I couldn’t but I went and did that
      And now I’m on top, and it’s makin’ ’em mad
      I hear all the hate, I just sit there and laugh…”:

      link to

      Holyrood: John Swinney: from bank manager to head boy:

      “…there has also been a change in Swinney’s image. Those commentators who once compared him to a bank manager now refer to him as Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘head boy’…”:

      link to

      • gregor says:

        The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Éowyn’s Dream (Instrumental:)

        link to

        #Storm #NoEscape

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        “Rue Paul assured me it was this wide! Size of the Dartford tunnel!..
        Well like any progressive politician I just had to check the old fashioned way and make sure”..


  29. Peter McAvoy says:

    Last night (Wednesday) on pointless the first question was guests at the Kings coronation and it showed a board of pictures of 16 people did anybody else think Humza Yousaf would be pointless ?

  30. gregor says:

    BBC (2025): Government scraps plan for National Care Service:

    “The Scottish government has scrapped its flagship plan to create a National Care Service.

    The reform, which had already been scaled back and delayed, was axed by Social Care Minister Maree Todd in a statement to parliament.

    The government still intends to pass the National Care Service Bill, though it will be stripped of the fundamental pillar of a National Care Service.
    Instead, it includes smaller reforms that have cross-party support.

    Opposition parties accused the Scottish government of wasting time and money on the scheme.”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:


      BREAKING: Millions of Scots will soon hear a ‘loud siren’ from their mobile phones to alert of danger from Storm Eowyn, the Government has warned

      link to

      • robertkknight says:



      • gregor says:

        ‘It’ ?

        “Used as the subject of a verb, or the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to a thing, animal, situation, or idea that has already been mentioned:

         “Where’s my pen? It was on my desk a minute ago.” “You left it by the phone.”

        Used as the subject or object of a verb to represent a phrase at the end of the sentence:

        “I liked it in Scotland.

        I find it convenient to be able to do my banking by phone.””:

        link to


      • gregor says:


  31. twathater says:

    As I commented on the previous post

    Is this not another Angus Robertson’s version of democracy for the membership of snp, but don’t worry VOB they will suck it up like the wee brain dead clones that they are , just like the deliberate sabotaging of the executive which they let happen

    Robin is obviously a nice guy which allows himself to be involved on the perimeter of the snp machinations , BUT as you already highlight Dan his cringing acceptance that Forbes is anything other than a self serving grandstanding tr@itor to Scotland and Scots defies his reputational credibility
    If Robin is so blinded by the wee nice lassie act he is in the wrong profession and should be focusing on the evidence of her misdeeds which are plentiful

  32. robertkknight says:

    If 100 constitute 0.15% of SNP members, by my reconning the total membership would be approx. 67,000.

    Therefore the 2.5% threshold becomes, under the above figure, 1,675 members.

    Again, if the 67,000 is accurate – which I very much doubt.

    • sarah says:

      Rev tweeted today that the membership in June 2024 was 64,525, so you’re not far off, robertkknight.

    • gregor says:

      Don’t give it a rest, Robert

      You might find the truth, one day, if you persist

  33. agent X says:

    Millions of phones across Scotland to sound ‘Armageddon’ alert siren ahead of deadly Storm Eowyn

    Stay safe.

  34. shug says:

    I hear what they are saying about 100 members – seems a low number right enough. However 25% of a number nobody knows or believes is equally nonsense.
    I think it should be for the MPs and MSP to decide on the leader.
    As the representative I would need to have confidence in my leader.

    • sarah says:

      There were never any challenges. And it’s not easy to get 100 supporters from 20 branches when there is no address/contacts list available! I know because I began the process myself [in 2020 I think] so looked into what was needed. [No longer a member, of course.]

      Leave the choice to MPs/MSPs? The trough dwellers? Also what if the party only has a handful of parliamentarians [if any]?

  35. shug says:

    The SNP needs its own security service to weed out the plants.

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      It’s well past that I think.

      The so called party of independence hiring the “pen for hire” Murray Foote as CEO, author of the infamous “Vow” – a blatant act to derail the only chance many of us will see to achieve independence through the referendum route- I think pretty well sums up both the SNPs Devolutionist mindset and their AWOL will to achieve THE goal. 1: independence nil.

      Thanks a bunch SNP..

      Special place in hell and that..

    • Oneliner says:

      Not much point. The ‘security service’ would require Westminster ‘vetting’.

  36. George Ferguson says:

    O/T This post will probably not get through. First let’s deal with the substantive core of Stus article. Is anybody surprised about the antics of the SNP. See Operation Branchform and past shenanigans about the diminution of the power of SNP members. Unbelievable evidence available. Sometimes you have to wake up to the evidence. And that’s one for SNP members. But what has every MSM and blog missed today?. The central story of the day. Nobody has addressed the fundamentals of the day. A young man throughout his life was never challenged. At that was the fault of politicians but also of senior men. A timely challenge would have prevented much of it. And that’s the fault of men.

  37. Stevie says:

    The Swindler – the Batman villain with no Batman to end him ; wtf is the SNP anymore, other than a pointless sequel to the very fishy She/her years ? Does the SNP still actually have a base of activists ?

  38. Cruachan says:

    Our branch submitted six resolutions to HQ earlier this month.
    We suspect we were one of the very few branches who did so.
    We were seeking simple changes to help ensure more transparency and accountability. Basic stuff; familiar to any decent, modern membership organisation.
    To absolutely no-one’s surprise, none were included in the draft agenda for consideration at the special conference in March. Not even an acknowledgement or an explanation of the process for how resolutions were chosen.

    The leadership really has circled the wagons.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      The leadership has stolen the wagons. Do you actually pay these sickos.

    • Andy Ellis says:

      I’m sorry, but at this point anyone who insists on remaining part of the SNP given all that we know and have seen in recent years is very much part of the problem, not part of the solution.

      There is no realistic prospect of the part reforming itself: at every opportunity the cabal in charge have chosen the path of excluding members from having a say, never mind actually exercising control.

      Perhaps the rump of the party may be able to stage some sort of coup or night of the long knives to get rid of those responsible. Like many former members and supporters however, ah hae ma doots!

      The best way for the movement as a whole to progress is destroy the SNP as a political force. There is no place in nationalist politics for a milquetoast devolutionary party which has meekly accepted the right of the British nationalist state to veto the self determination of the Scottish people.

      Perhaps a few electoral drubbings for the SNP and reduction in its number of MPs, MSPs and councillors will have a salutary effect. Perhaps not. What is absolutely necessary is that the movement as a whole makes it abundantly clear to what is left of the SNP (whether it is reformed or not) that it will never again be allowed to dictate the course of the movement of which it forms only a part.

      It is earnestly to be hoped that pro-independence Scottish voters will in due course deliver their own verdict on the SNPs baleful record and lack of progress on promoting the cause.

  39. gregor says:

    The Herald (2025): Don’t get too excited, SNP: this lead may not be all it seems:

    “…the SNP’s polling lead is based on voters’ rapid disillusion with the new Labour Government at Westminster, leading to both a further fracturing of the unionist vote and a growing pool of undecided voters…

    …the SNP’s polling lead and prospects of winning over 50 seats – the benchmark past which they are nearly guaranteed to remain in power – hangs by a thread. Secondly, we remain in an anti-incumbent political environment. And thirdly, the polls may well be overstating the SNP’s lead..

    The SNP’s position looks less certain when we add to this the overall political environment of low trust in politics and both the Westminster and Scottish Governments, one with an anti-incumbent bent, and the fact that a great deal of water still has to flow under the bridge before the next Holyrood elections – not least the long-awaited outcome of Operation Branchform…

    The SNP’s emergent lead over Labour may not be as big as it seems and could rapidly evaporate.”:

    link to

    link to

  40. Andy says:

    Bite my head off, but I’m actually starting to wonder what proportion of Scots actually want a pro-independence party to vote for.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Many people remain ambivalent about independence because they have never had it properly explained to them what independence actually means (i.e. decolonization) and why it is necessary and indeed urgent (liberation from oppression):

      link to

      • Dan says:

        Aye Alf, it is disappointing that so many folk still can’t seem to comprehend the constraints that keep them down.
        They may feel they have a reasonable life of sorts, but jeezo, how can they not see the farcical situation of the likes of the economic model our society is continuing to endure with for examples:
        The ludicrously high prices needing to be paid for owning or renting a house.
        The ludicrously high prices they are paying for energy and fuel whilst living in a country that has an abundance of such resources.

        Sort of relevant:

        link to

        And the lack of urgency from some of our supposed leaders, and the resultant despondency across our wider society which stifles attempts to begin to resolve this situation is what gets me most.
        It does indeed appear as you have pointed out before, that many in the national liberation cause have indeed found a comfortable niche within the Union status quo that serves them a little too well and has removed the motivating fire from their hearts.

        Hope everyone is safe during the breeze and managing not to get clocked by flying wheelie bins or migrating trampolines.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Well, I clicked on the link as suggested, which promptly took me right to a publication entitled ‘The Theoretical Case for Scottish Independence’, as authored by none other than… Alf Baird.

        Honestly? Whilst this (oft-repeated) shameless self-promotion on your part is quite hilarious, you’ve got to admire the sheer chutzpah, notwithstanding.

        Out of curiosity, I read the 1st para:

        ‘… Aye, deid richt, us Scots ur unalike aw ither fowk and thon’s whit we’re fechtin fir – oor ain cultur an langages, oor ain naition, oor wey o daein awthing – oor verra bein! …’

        Genuinely fascinating, though I doubt for the intended reasons.

      • Dan says:

        Well we’re 116,334 days into the Union and I’m still waiting for a Unionist to produce
        ‘A Theoretical Positive Case for Scotland being in the Union’.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Knock yourself out mate. Probably a more constructive use of time than worrying large rodents.

      • Dan says:

        Is that lame jibe the best you’ve got ya droll selfish twat.

        Let us hear the positives from you as a Unionist for London Rule facilitating selling aff all manner of stuff which now benefits foreign interests more than our own.
        C’mon, turn on yer intellect and style and convince Scotland we’re better served in yer Union.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Well, I’m taking the RR 550e as pretty positive. I know you’re a fan. Very nice ride.

      • Dan says:

        Always about the self innit. Rarely gives a fuck about the folk in our wider society and how so many of them are struggling to get by.
        You can keep you piece of modern over-priced over-complex Range Rover junk.

        Back in the day I used to work as the mechanic for an offroad centre and Landrover Experience so know all too well how they morphed from being a reasonable simple utilitarian vehicle into a load of complex crap that suckers think is great.
        Aircon on a 110! Yer having a fucking laugh when the vehicles still air gaps you can see round the door seals.
        Traction control is like ABS in reverse and when Freelander 1s and Disco 2s were used offroad wading in muddy water they’d eat the rear brake pads or shoes in as little as 40 miles.
        TD5 engine was a piece of shit for a new blank sheet engine design.
        Disco 3 V6 engines were no better with the crankshafts snapping in half!
        I used to build 4x4s and serviced for hillrally / comp safari crew.
        I’ll try to find a pic and post it of one of the original 2 door Rangeys I did a complete every single nut and bolt and panel rebuild on.
        Early 70s model and running gear was full metric chassis and axles with a 3.9 V8 hot wire injection non cat engine, and 5 speed LT77 with manual diff-lock LT230 transfer box. It was the best and last of the mechanical stuff before Landrover went Pete Tong with modern pish. A headlight for one of the new Rangeys is well over 3000 grand and is on back-order so dinnae hae a bump. lolz.

        Anyway, a while back I thought we’d resolved to ditch the antagonistic shizzle and discuss other stuff, like farming viability in the future. If you like your cars then have you watched any of the Harry’s Farm vids?

      • Captain Caveman says:

        It does have a fridge though. Perfect for a half-sized bottle of Moët NV.

      • Dan says:

        FFS ya lightweight, what use is half a bottle of Moët, especially when you’re driving.
        Mind you, Range Rovers are so unreliable I suppose if they manage to complete a journey without a fault code or breakdown that is cause for celebration.
        Nae way I’d be dropping way over a hundred grand on a piece of shit that depreciates like a stone.

        One of the positives Scotland has regardless of being in or oot the Union is that it’s so cold here for half the year that we don’t need to pay for and waste energy powering a fridge to chill oor drinks, nor need a fucking fridge in oor car.

      • Captain Caveman says:


      • Geri says:

        That reminds me of my brother’s first car in the 80s. It came with a fire extinguisher LOL!

        He was proud as punch & showed everyone. You know where this is going…first sign of danger & it didn’t work lolz…

        Range Rovers are for farmers. I doubt they’ve any need for a fridge unless they’re planning on entertaining some farmyard animals in the back seat…

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        It’s Jeremy Clarkson folks, on a roll to wind up as many non English as possible.
        Best ignored.

      • twathater says:

        Typical yoonionist when challenged change the subject , how stupid are people when they are shown the truth that they WALLOW in their own misery , yoonionists , no voters and snp voters are truly stupid

      • Geri says:

        Do yoons not think there’s such a thing as importing & exporting? LOL!

        Do we need a political union with China now so that Range Rover can still make cars?

        That a FAIL for remaining in the Union I’m afraid .

        Do try again…

        At this rate I’m inclined to ask Musk, for the shits & giggles, to put up a $million dollar reward for the first Yoon to actually answer even just one benefit Scotland receives from this Union & one that we’d be unable to do better ourselves.

      • Chas says:

        I am no Unionist but one positive of being in the Union is that everything in Scotland is not in the control of the SNP.
        A quick swatch of the things they are in control of makes sorry reading. Nothing theoretical about that.
        Of course, after Independence, there will no SNP I hear you say. All the current MP’s/MSP’s and their hangers on, will simply disappear into the sunset, job done. The gravy train will no longer be required!
        I maybe as bad as Baird for repeating myself, sorry no one is as bad as Baird. but where do you see the honest, competent Government coming from in an Independent Scotland?
        By magic?

      • Geri says:

        Don’t be a fud.

        Typical dullard Yoon. Zero outlook past 2 secs. Spoon fed bullshit & swallows it whole. Did no one equip you with some basic critical thinking?

        In an independent Scotland new political parties will emerge. The Lib Dumbs, Labour & Toxic Tory will still exist but will be registered in Scotland, therefore, serving & answerable TO the people of Scotland. Some may be so disgusted they’ll return to their own country – others won’t.

        The SNP will disband, change it’s name or fck off to their true respective parties. No one has ever claimed they’d resign from politics.

        SNP is full of ex Labour supporters & some Tories. I expect they’ll rearrange themselves back to those political homes.

        Only a complete roaster thinks MSPs & MPs would just disappear after indy when it’d really be the most exciting time to be alive in politics. A brand spanking new parliament with brand spanking new parliamentary oaths & rules & brand spanking new political parties emerging.

        It was actually discussed during Indyref that Labour had the golden opportunity to entirely re-invent itself in an independent Scotland. To dump the Blairite red Tory pish & get back to its socialist & working class roots – it baulked at the idea & ran into bed with the Tories instead. Bitter Together. Too dumb to see the Tories played them a blinder – they just shot themselves in both feet & doubled down to shoot itself into political irrelevance still felt today.

        Musical chairs on a grand scale is all that’d happen with Holyrood & with many new runners & riders emerging to take office. Oh & all those brand spanking new civil servants & staffing government offices…Scots would also be having a lottery win on the jobs front…

      • Chas says:

        Wings comments section was a far better read when you were on your sabbatical! Crude, coarse, bigoted, arrogant and thick sums you up perfectly.

        According to you, an Independent Scotland will have the same useless Politicians but representing totally different party’s. Isn’t that a prospect to look forward to? Will any of them be able to answer the hundreds of unanswered questions before, during or after the election process? Indyref was 11 years ago-has anything changed in Scotland/UK/World since then?

        Maybe you should stand for election Geri. You could lead one of the new Party’s! I am certain the electorate would appreciate a good laugh.

        ?If only all of us could read the future like you. You are truly blessed!

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Totally agree. What a tiresome imbecile.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Then gents, you are just not listening..
        Horse to water and all that..

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Regardless, priority no. 1 is no repeat of the Union!
        No nay never!!

      • Alf Baird says:

        Maybe you realise now that independence ‘is a cultural emotion’ and hence ‘a fight for a national culture’ (Frantz Fanon) against the forces of Imperialism.

        Imperialism is about changing peoples identity, making them into something else (e.g. ‘British’, or ‘trans’, or whatever), which is a cultural illusion.

        The ‘bulwark against Imperialism is national cultures’ (Edward Said).

        Colonialism ‘is a disease of the mind’ (Albert Memmi); Imperialism and ‘the torture of colonial bi-lingualism’ leads to an oppressed people suffering from a colonial mindset:

        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “the torture of colonial bi-lingualism”

        Is that a wee typo there, Alf?

        I’ve replaced “torture” with tortoise and tonsure. Even triptych.

        And it still makes as little sense as your original.

        It’s a well accepted and widely recognised fact that mastery of more than one language not only makes people smarter, it enriches their lives culturally too.

        And then, of course, if they choose to cash in on the advantage, they can benefit materially also.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Aye, lairning twa langages wad shuirly be braw…..

        BUT the colonized are only taught the language of the colonizer, and told that thair ain Scots langage is ‘invalid’, as are thaim wha speak it!

        Hence the racism of colonialism, the cringe, and ‘the torture of colonial bilingualism’ as the native is forced to cast aside his ain language.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        “BUT the colonized are only taught the language of the colonizer”

        Weird, that. Last time I looked, French (Spanish and numerous other languages) were being compulsorily taught to secondary school – and primary school – children. It is deeply encouraged at every turn.

        I suppose making shit up is the last recourse if your whole narrative is so vastly off the mark.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I’m sorry, Alf, but most of what you post does not match my personal lived experience.

        I’m regularly conversing with ordinary, indigenous Scots who speak their natural, local language, little changed from their great grandparent’s time.

        It’s not been cast aside, and nobody is cringing or feeling tortured.

        Leaving that to one side, a typical visit to most Scottish High Streets in 2025 will expose you to something like half a dozen spoken languages and dialects. That’s an inevitable result of EU freedom of movement, coupled with uncontrolled, unlimited immigration from the world’s shitholes.

        That situation is not likely to change, barring the coming to power of our own Trump. That situation may well develop further, given our Scottish government’s insistence we need EU membership, plus at least another million immigrants.

        That’s not my favoured scenario, perhaps not yours either, but given it’s what we are told most Scots want, if not need, Scotland will need a common language if (yet more) chaos is to be averted.

        That language will be English. Neither Poles, Rwandans, Philippinos nor Bengalis are going to be learning Scots.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        The thing is though, Alf, it is perfectly possible to maintain a strong Scottish (or English, Welsh) nationality AND be British. They aren’t mutually exclusive.

        I completely respect the iScot view that being British isn’t wanted. But it is not intrinsically an either-or scenario as you imply.

        Nor is Scotland “colonised”; there is an open border on the same island and it is inevitable that there will be free movement of Scottish, English and Welsh folk in both directions, as has been the case for millennia. To characterise this two-way, mutually beneficial traffic as “colonialism” (akin to, say, Australian aborigines et al, as opposed to a mutually agreed union of similar peoples) is absurd.

      • Alf Baird says:

        Scottish nationality?

        Colonialism is primarily economic plunder and external political control of a territory.

        Colonialism may or may not involve ‘se**ler occupation’ and even ‘banishment of natives’ and in Scotland’s case our history and census records suggests it does.

        link to

      • Geri says:

        Does no one own a fucking dictionary in Yoon land?

        Colony = full or partial political control by another country.
        To have blow-ins to out vote the natives.

        Are we politically controlled by another country? YES.
        If we weren’t we’d be able to hold a referendum eh?
        We’d be able to collect our own revenues eh? We’d have our own foreign policies..
        Our own trade agreements..
        Our own shipping ports & fishing..
        Our own defence.
        Our own treasury.yadda, yadda….Durrrr!!

        So we are a colony & not even in charge of who moves here. Another country is in full control of that too. Even putting Scottish businesses out of business. See fishing & Toxic Tories hostile environment to immigration that seen many go bust after Brexshit. All control of our vast seas too. We own oil fields & wind energy in our vast sea area & don’t even have as much as a fcking row boat patrolling our own waters.

        But look at little Engurland with a teeny wee chanel. A navy, ski jets, F16s, Subs, the Red Arrows doing a fly over & even an angry mob on the beach with a foghorn cause a fucking dingy is up ahead…LMAO!

        Fck all to do with Borders. People move freely to the Republic of Ireland too through reciprocal government agreement & shared intelligence agencies on criminals. Same would happen in an independent Scotland. Only yoons invent their own bullshit & end up believing it.

        So WE ARE A COLONY. Write to the dictionary & tell them they have it all wrong FFS..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Have you seen the prices of chanel stuff, Geri?

        It’s few who can afford anything but a teeny wee bottle.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Of course, the Supreme Court “demolished” the SNP’s (self-evidently) ridiculous claim that Scotland is a “colony” barely 2 years ago, back in November 2022. Various pertinent points are as per Lord Reed’s quote to the media at the time:

        “… The SNP rely on the judgement of the Canadian Supreme Court in a case concerned with Quebec. But in that case, the court held that the right to self-determination under international law only exists in situations of former colonies, or where a people is oppressed, as for example, under a foreign military occupation, or where a definable group is denied meaningful access to government to pursue their political, economic, cultural and social development.

        The court found that Quebec did not meet the threshold of a colonial people or an oppressed people. Nor could it be suggested that Quebecers were denied meaningful access to government to pursue their political, economic, cultural and social development. The same is true of Scotland and the people of Scotland. …”

        Still, I’m sure “Geri” off the internet (ever fragrant) knows better. Maybe Alf could also chip in with some more of his bespoke Scots language gems here, maybe along the lines of “Och aye the noo Scootland is independent, Memmi, Fanni says so”

      • Hal Martin says:

        Fuck the English ‘Supreme Court’, in existence for five minutes. Joke of an institution.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Righto Chief (lol).
        What was it Andy Ellis said? “You can’t educate pork”

      • Geri says:

        Take a good look at yourself. You don’t even live in Scotland so do one..

      • Geri says:

        GTF ya eejit.

        Scotland is a country. In a political union. We aren’t a region, a Provence or a city centre.The English can drag out every hee-haw it likes to trump otherwise, it doesn’t make it so.

        The ‘Supreme court’ isn’t unbiased. Whit a Shocker!

        An international court is where it should’ve been held but we all know the SNP was looking to their imperial masters to save them from fulfilling their mandate – even telling them, if they agreed a ref, they didn’t have to respect the result.

        So please fuck off with yer bullshit. Even the court couldn’t deny a democratic process would have consequences for little Engurland. That told everyone what they needed to know, Engurland see Scotland as a possession.

        & Don’t make us all laugh at being governed by our own parliament. It’s an administration tied up tight in the Scotland Act. If we could surely govern ourselves we’d be allowed a fucking referendum eh considering that’s what Scotland has voted for countless times.

        Id love to have seen those arseholes if the EU had denied them Brexshit.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        The highest court in the land – and the entire case predicated on international precedent to boot (i.e. not “English” law), but hey folks, “Geri” says it’s all “fukn bullshit”, so that’s that!

        Like, as if, you utter clown. Embarrassing.

      • Geri says:

        It isn’t the highest court in the land. It’s the highest court in England working on the English parliaments behalf.

        Not just me saying it, sunshine. A UN constitutional lawyer. See, you don’t get to pick & choose completely irrelevant bullshit taken from other countries written constitutional arrangements & try bastardise & mash them up into a new English one. It doesn’t work that way on the international stage & in international law. We aren’t Canadian or Spanish or any other bullshit they tried to invent.

        & Behave on them being any kind of unbiased, independent legal authority – they’re the same hee-haws that ruled BoJo proroguing parliament & lying to his Queenie wasn’t unlawful. Scots law said otherwise as it was forced to get it open again & pronto!

        So piss off with that bullshit. An international court would have a field day ripping that bullshit ruling to pieces.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        The UK Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal for civil cases in Scotland. The High Court of Justiciary is the supreme criminal court in Scotland, both as a trial court and an appeal court.

        The Constitutional Reform Act of 2005 transferred jurisdiction over human rights and devolution issues to the UK Supreme Court which had previously been under the jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council which was controversial because it was seen by some in the Scottish legal profession as placing an English court in a position of superiority to the Scottish High Court.

        However the Scotland Act of 2012 ensures that the UK Supreme Court cannot determine the final judgement of a Scottish criminal case as such cases cannot be remitted to the Supreme Court; the latter can decide points of law, but it is for the Scottish High Court to decide the outcome of the case.

        Doubtless someone like Roddy Dunlop would be able to explain the position for the hard of thinking: he’s usually pretty good at showing up folk spouting nonsense about the Treaties of Union, Salvo and assorted other Brigadoon fantasies of Conventions of the Estates, or how to win independence in a Cheerios packet or by tapping your heels together three times, turning around and saying “I wish, I wish” 3 times.

      • Dan says:

        Was Roddy Dunlop “hard of thinking” when “He validly inquires as to how one can determine which clauses are still in force in law, and which aren’t.” with regard to the sectarian aspect of the Claim of Right.

        link to

      • Andy Ellis says:

        No indeed. As I recall Roddy’s take down of Salyers bloviating about Salvo was pretty magisterial.

        Rumor is the global shortage of Savlon started after the burn he gave her.

        Mark McNaught wrote in the piece you link to (from 2022 I think?):

        Therefore, the only thing preventing Scotland from withdrawing from the 1706 Treaty of Union by peaceful and democratic means and becoming independent is political will. Let’s hope that in the coming weeks this will becomes manifest and effective.

        Remind us how the manifestations and effectiveness parts are going again…..?

        Still waiting huh?

        Roddy’s original cogent response to Salyers is here:

        link to

      • Geri says:

        As I seem to recall, ather than your arrogant dismissal, he admitted:

        1. He wasn’t a constitutional expert.
        2. He didn’t really give a fuck to read arguement he didn’t have time & wasn’t being paid.

        Funny how you’ve twisted his response into yer usual Brigadoon insults.

        Didn’t Alba instruct a real UN constitutional expert opinion? You seem to be in the wrong party.

      • Dan says:

        And as you have alluded that you are a supporter of the idea of a plebiscite election, does Roddy’s statement on the matter make you a hard of thinking spouter of nonsense?

        From the same linked to article.

        “For these reasons, there is no simple fix. Those seeking independence must seek it via political pressure, and therefore by lawful change. The idea that the ‘people of Scotland’ might rise up, either by popular vote or by attempting to reconvene the convention, is the stuff of fantasy. That is why the Lord Advocate has brought her reference. Those seeking independence should align therewith. Leaving to one side for the present the controversial idea of a de facto referendum, there is no other route”

      • Andy Ellis says:

        As far as I’m aware (though doubtless Roddy can talk for himself) he’s not set this face against plebiscitary elections though Dan. That’s certainly not what the text you quote says. I suspect from what I’ve read of his analysis and some of the discussions online at the time that Roddy still thinks a “legal” referendum à la 2014 is still the most likely route to independence.

        He’s certainly pretty sceptical (as are many others) about the kind of prospectus being offered by Salyers, McNaught et al.

        I haven’t seen anything that suggests he’s explicitly rejected plebiscitary elections of the type advocated by many of us instead of a referendum being used as a mandate for independence based on a pro-independence majority of votes for parties standing on an explicitly plebiscitary platform.

        I think you’re over-reaching Dan.

      • Dan says:

        I didn’t mention the alternative methods (outwith plebiscite) that might bring independence suggested by Sarah or Mark, so why are you bringing them into your responses.
        First post was in regard to Roddy’s comments of the sectarian clause which is very little to do with methods to achieve independence.
        Second post was specifically about a using a plebiscite election to achieve independence and you again try to bring in the wider proposals from Sarah and Mark to deflect.
        So here is his text again with a my bolding.

        “The idea that the ‘people of Scotland’ might rise up, either by popular vote or by attempting to reconvene the convention, is the stuff of fantasy….
        …Leaving to one side for the present the controversial idea of a de facto referendum, there is no other route”

        It’s not my field of knowledge but I’m well aware that matters legal require careful and accurate use of words, so it would be more helpful if you focused on what I actually wrote rather than fucking off on a tangent by bringing in other stuff that has nothing to do with what I posted.

        That being the case it would be helpful if clarity was brought to “the stuff of fantasy” which a few lines later is reduced to only “the “controversial idea” of using a plebiscite election, seeing as that is pretty much the only remaining way Scotland will be allowed to express its self-determination unless it is a contrived fix “allowed” by UK.

        It’s utterly farcical that ten years on from IndyRef, and legitimate democratically expressed material change in circumstances to return to the question of Scotland choosing self-governance, there still isn’t a clear way for us to do that.

        Is this article from Stu bullshit?
        I’ve tried several times over past couple of months to get a response to asking about tweaking it due to the way things have transpired and current circumstance but still can’t get clarity.

        link to

        Is it really so difficult for all the big brains to simply qualify what the case is so plans can be made or forgotten about.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Either you haven’t read Roddy’s article, or you didn’t understand it. Yes, I am a supporter of plebiscitary elections and have been since they were first posited in response to the lack of progress on securing #indyref2. The selective quote from Roddy’s piece you quote doesn’t support your inference, because it doesn’t refer to plebiscitary elections, but to the other woo-woo proposals he’s attacking in his fisking of the hapless Salyers.

        His discussion of the sectarian issue was part and parcel of his response to the interpretation by Salyers and others of how novel, non referendum routes by passing parliament could be advanced and used.

        Roddy certainly regards the use of elections as de-facto referendums as a controversial idea, and indeed says as much, but nowhere does he say that supporting them makes one hard of thinking.

        Do you have reading difficulties or are you just being disingenuous for the lolz?

        There is a clear way: plebiscitary elections. The trouble is the SNP as the (current) largest pro-independence party is ardently opposed. That’s why Rev Stu and many others particularly in Alba, have been pushing the plebiscitary election route.

        That’s decidedly not the “stuff of fantasy” touted by those insisting that independence can be achieved without a referendum or plebiscitary election, but merely by convening some mystical Convention of the Estates, or have a majority of Scottish MPs or MSPs abrogate the Treaties of Union whether they represent a majority vote or not.

      • Geri says:

        We’ve had plebiscite elections. What do you think the past ten yrs was? Clear mandates to exit.

        It didn’t work. It wasn’t just the SNP. Angus MacNeil also wrote to Mayhem who deliberately stalled with ‘now is not the time’

        So tell us, Einstein, what makes you think the English will sit up & listen to YOU next time?

        As for Sarah, can you point me to where she is planning a great escape without an electoral process/referendum cause I must’ve missed it! As far as I’m aware she is questioning the bullshit authority of Westminster to continually fob us off & deny the democratic process. Typical Britnat, you sound like you don’t even have a scooby what Salvo is doing but seems more interested in degrading her efforts & other Scots.

        Roddy must surely know that the Claim of Right, confirmed twice by both parliaments, is an active pre condition of the Union. No one can alter it, if they did the union would be void.

        & Another thing, Scotland could leave this union anytime it liked, it’s just when they nearly lost that every Yoon & fucking lord hee-haw for miles decided to make shit up. The one nation pish never happened. Scots never joined a territorial union & we definitely didn’t join to be under English rule.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        History lesson:
        It was a majority of Scottish (bribed) MPs that got us into this mess.
        So logically it’s a majority of Scottish (voted for) MPs that should get us out of this mess.
        Heck, even the witch Thatcher admitted on record as much.

        Holyrood, devolution and the Scotland Act was (no secret) a Unionist construct designed to derail independence.

        They did their job well and have been supported in this by the machinery of UK (otherwise bankrupt) government and state machinery.

        Referendum was plainly devolutions “carrot dangled” git, mires the pity the SNP being duped once fail to grasp it!

        Back to basics, majority of Scottish independence supporting MPs then start the cogs turning and watch the “state” and folk like yourself invent ever higher bars and elastic goalposts to trip the whole thing up. Just remember; the oils run oot and the Berlin wall will be rebuilt along the border if we dare.

        So it has always been, at least some of our (and your disdainfully discarded) ancestors and kings didn’t just knuckle down to that rubbish.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        The positive case for the Union thanks to Teflon Tony & co. and clearly worshipped by you!

        Would hate to play a board game where you were in charge, change the rules, argue pedantry and sophistry and in short generally make it up as you go along cos it’s “your board game” the scream and scream and scream until you get your way!

        Mater and Pater Caveman must be so proud of how you turned out after your expensive John Browns schooling..

        Take a cold shower but wear boxing gloves if Herr Hateface is bigging it up in the next cubicle..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        We aren’t a region, a Provence or a city centre”

        We could be a Provence if we wanted to. Just like them, we have the lavender.

        Ah’ll get ma coat 🙂

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Can’t fault a lovely Provence rose wine. Best served slightly chilled on a beautiful Spring afternoon in the garden, perhaps with a bowl of Stu’s Co Op Chardonnay S&V crisps as an accompaniment. (I agree with his assessment wholeheartedly: they’re the best).

        The wife’s a big fan of Chanel, as my wallet can attest.

      • Geri says:

        You always seem to be overcompensating for something.

        Chanel is overpriced granny perfume. Proving a fool & his/her money are easy parted. Ye cannie buy good taste.

        I do enjoy watching people open Advent Calendars on YouTube at Christmas to get me in the festive spirit & see what tat is in them for little rich kids. Go look up Chanels LOL! Fo $825 it came in a polystyrene takeaway case & included key fobs & stickers…stuff you wouldn’t even put in a weans Christmas stocking unless you were a cruel barsteward ..LMAO! It was so bad it even went viral & made the news…

      • Captain Caveman says:

        “Chanel” was a (derisory) reference to yet another one of your crass typos, fool.

        Pretty much everything goes over your dunderhead, eh.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Pointless comment.

        Where’s your blunderbuss moderation here then Rev or are you having a Jekyll and Hyde moment and inventing these seemingly unmoderated bollock talkers yourself to stir up things on the site?

        Seriously hope not.

      • Captain Caveman says:

        Wow. The unmitigated spewing forth of unlimited spam and nonsense, and you, “Young Lochivar”, choose to pick out my single, brief post from under the pile (which was entirely deserved and fair comment against possibly the rudest poster here).

        Dry your tears, son.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        I suspect from the rant Jeremy that it’s you that’s having a wee greet as you tailgate alone on yer Land Rover with your expensive perfume to console yourself.
        The people you seem to live/ love to criticise are those who see clearly, and for whatever entirely fathomable reason Clarkson you just don’t like it.

        Have a nice night.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        “Mutually beneficial”.,
        Yer avin a larf guvnor!

  41. Confused says:

    Not much point in going out today, let’s read the papers.

    When among friends, people talk candidly, even indiscreetly. This is why I read the telegraph – the english, bless’em, they just “come right out with it” (e.g. andy critchlow on north sea oil)

    – this is a cracker, a neo imperialist fantasy about “why we need to keep antartica british” and how there are vast oil reserves “10 times the total of the north sea”. No one is giving it large about net zero – that is just propaganda bollocks to bully the average fanny into buying an electric car or a heat pump that doesn’t work in winter and buzzes like a fridge on steroids.

    link to

    Of course, the “british antarctic claim” exists purely in the minds of the little englanders, and nowhere else in the world. Nor has britain the world’s largest navy to send a gunboat upriver to sort out the fuzzy wuzzies anymore (they won’t send their carriers past yemen in case they get hypersoniced). But, suppose they did hold onto that territory – if we got indy, then half of that is ours. I mean, if the english can claim it, why not us? Not that I think any of the current claims will be upheld when the treaty is torn up – it will be carved up by the big players; and for the record I don’t think the norwegians will get even diddly, even though they would claim the lion’s share of it on the basis of amundsen’s walk to the pole. No one gives a shit about these boy’s own stories of derring do, not even in norwegian.

    • gregor says:

      Reuters (24/01/25): K***lin says P***n is ready to talk to Trump and is waiting for word from Washington:

      “Trump said on Thursday he wanted to meet P***n as soon as possible to secure an end to the war with U***ine and expressed his desire to work towards cutting nuclear arms, something the Kr***in said P***n had made clear he wanted too…

      P***n had made it clear he wanted to resume nuclear disarmament negotiations as soon as possible, but said such talks would need to be wider than in the past to cover other countries’ nuclear arsenals, including those of France and Britain…”:

      link to

      link to

      • James says:

        Amen to that.
        Let’s cancel “Trident”.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        On you go, the rest of us will follow.

      • G m says:

        We intend to do just that after stripping The Rump of billions in rent for a good few years of course

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        That would be the mature, grown-up approach to take. And then, of course, when Scotland has been assimilated into her proper junior role within the EU, we’ll have to roll over and provide the French with a second home for their nuclear subs. Or any other EU member state that decides to wake up and smell the imminent threat if Trump follows through with his plans to abandon those countries that won’t defend themselves.

        Can’t have all the nuclear eggs in one basket!

        Sadly, the mature, grown-up approach won’t get much traction on here.

      • G m says:

        Fair chance the EU won’t exist by then

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Odd. Is the Tsar talking to his subject Orcs, do you think? Some of them regularly tell the world they want rid of their nukes by firing them off at anybody who looks at them the wrong way.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “a neo imperialist fantasy about “why we need to keep antartica british” and how there are vast oil reserves “10 times the total of the north sea”. No one is giving it large about net zero”

      Major failure of your logic there, Confused (yet again).

      By keeping it British, we can ensure the oil stays put and doesn’t fall into the hands of the fuzzy-wuzzies, Orcs, Covid Spreaders, or other lesser lifeforms.

      Because they would just burn it all and wreck the environment.

      Haud oan though, fits this?

      “it will be carved up by the big players”

      So you knew the answer all along and were just taking a chance to vent.

      So who are the big players? The Yanks and the Covid Spreaders. As it happens, the same ones who are going to carve up the moon too. That old saw about possession being nine-tenths of the law doesn’t apply when it’s virtually impossible to get to the object to be possessed. Possession then is everything.

      Incidentally, have you been following the progress the CS are making with their fusion reactor? You should. It maybe started as a fancy way to eliminate viral lab leaks, but it’s making solid progress on the clean, limitless electricity front now. That Antarctic oil will probably stay exactly where it is.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        You know, in between all your provocative posts once in a while you make a point worth considering.

        But what is it with your all consuming hatred for all things Ruskie?

        Did Granny Frau Hateface get sh@@@ed by a division of ruskies back in Berlin 1945??

      • G m says:

        England has been at loggerheads wi’ them for centuries. The Russian bogeyman is a thing in their heids andin the heids of those indoctrinated. We fought in their military and helped create their navy.

      • G m says:

        We are mair able, psychologically, to take or leave the propaganda

      • Confused says:

        I think it’s more

        “the czar killed my great grandad”

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        But would that not suggest he’s a red under the bed?

      • G m says:

        Could be..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I guess the odd good point must slip through sometimes. Law of averages and that.

        Granny always considered herself as superior to everybody else. The way she told the story, it was a billet for the officers of a Guards Unit, all of them holding Headquarters postings, most of them highly decorated, and not one beneath the rank of Major.

        She would talk fondly of those times to anybody who would listen.

        So naw, you’ve got that all wrong.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        The old wartime upper class English and shortages thing then; passing round their favourite rubber johnies while claiming the last one in is the daddy..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Aww, what a sheltered life you must have lived.

        It’s always the last one out 🙂

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Ah well.
        As an outsider looking in I defer to your lived experience then..

      • Confused says:

        main, you miss the point in such slapdash ways I wonder why I bother with you.

        What happens to antarctica will not be determined by britain, no matter how many penguins speak up for them.

        The point is – it attests to mindset, the thought process of the anglo when shown unfiltered, i.e. greed and pillage. The article is worth reading in full, you can almost see this nigel, trousers at his ankles singing zadok the priest.

        Fusion power is bullshit IMO and I did a physics degree – those punks are always selling a breakthrough so they can get funding for the next tokamak (talk for 30 years). The chinese are good at big projects, but they are not as smart as they think they are and a bit prone to exaggeration, e.g. their new “6th generation” fighter jet – why show the world? Why not build a 1000 and destroy the USAF. Maybe the engines are crap and it has a radar signature the size of a battleship.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “the thought process of the anglo when shown unfiltered, i.e. greed and pillage”

        I get it. And when somebody else comes along to seize whatever is under discussion, that’s not greed and pillage at all.

        That must be neo-benevolence or somesuch.

        Talking of thought processes, do you have one? And what was it you did to your physics degree?

      • Confused says:

        “if we don’t steal it, someone else will”?

        – anglos have this confusion about “mine” and “yours” which they take to mean “also mine”.

        my physics degrees did just fine.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Looks like the count of your physics degrees increases from one post to the next.

        Assuming you’re not just confused, Confused, is it an incrementing series, or something more exciting, exponential, say?

      • Geri says:

        Why show the world?

        To sell it to other countries of course. They could have 1000 made & heading to customs by teatime. Nae danger.

        They’ve no plans on attacking USAF when it’s much better fun to see them humiliated & their $ take a tanking. Karma can be a bitch at times..

        As for the English. Did you read that roaster Wallace the other day saying they should build a wall around Ruskiland LOL! WTF do they find these space cadets? Barring Cuba it’s the most sanctioned country on earth & doesn’t give a fck about it, little Europe or the USA either. It never needed them & still doesn’t.

        They’re just pig sick their wee colonial enterprise to get their mitts on all that free booty went tits up. While they were fecking about selling off their country to the highest bidder & de-industrialising – others weren’t as daft.

        They’ve hee-haw chance of remaining Americas friend when the new seating arrangements are made, far less a bite of the Arctic.

      • Hal Martin says:

        Fuck off, unionist plant cunt. You’re not even worth saying anything sensible to.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        A marriage made in heaven, Hal, as you have nothing sensible to say.

    • Andy Ellis says:

      The claims of Britain (and six other states to be fair) are hardly “just in their heads”. Given Trumps outbursts about Greenland, Panama and Canada of course it’s quite possible that the USA might want a slice of the action….or indeed decide that all of Antarctica belongs to them now.

      Perhaps we should demand 9% of the UK claim in Antarctica during the independence negotiations? 🙂

      That way of working appears to be something many of the usual suspects in here are quite sanguine about of course given their shameless fluffing for Uncle Vlad.

      It ought to give them pause for thought if they don’t believe the Donald is more than capable of deciding that Faslane is essential to US security and should be Scotland’s Guantanamo.

      • Confused says:

        I have thought for a long while that, under pressure, the US might just “go nuts” and dispense with all the “rule of law” “international community” fig leaf teasing.

        If climate change does turn out pretty bad all the cold places of the earth – siberia, scandinavia, (scotland!), patagonia, northern canada – become valuable. The US might just annexe Canada and the canadians will just sell themselves out. The historical reason of why “canada exists” gets back to the war of 1812 and the redcoats burning the whitehouse, but I digress.

        The tech boys are eyeing canadian energy for their AI datacentres and trump seems to be onboard, like a new manhattan/moonshot project.

        They say the last thing a boxer loses is his punch, and this is an empire in decline, with a huge air force and navy.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        On the plus side, the portion of the Earth north of the 66 degrees of latitude line (and the equivalent portion in the southern hemisphere) will never be permanently inhabited by strict followers of the Religion Of Peace.

        So, if climate change does happen, we’ll have somewhere to go to get away from them.

      • Confused says:

        well … you might get a camp of the saints situation, that mad old dystopian fantasy

        – maybe getting rid of gaddafi was not so smart after all

        then we shall enjoy “the camp of the nigels” as the anglos flee to our highlands once they’ve realised that half of england is on a flood plain 

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Liking the cartoon, but if you seriously believe sea level differs either side of Hadrian’s Wall …

        Then again, yours isn’t the first post to allocate miraculous powers to that line of Roman era masonry.

        There’s some who believe it deflects nuclear blast and that radioactive fallout can’t cross it either.

      • Confused says:

        poor grasp of physics there, main

        link to

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        But then I lack the advantages of your many degrees, Confused.

        What academic institutions did you attend? I’m thinking even the most degraded would still balk at a dissertation citing the Daily Mail as a reference.

        But perhaps you can vouch that these places do indeed exist.

      • Confused says:

        You have outed yourself as an aggressive fuckwit who struggles with the concepts of “higher” and “lower” but feel the need to stick your uninformed oar into every other post …

        – you are having a nightmare, take a time out and engage brain before posting 

        I would have thought the daily mail was your kind of thing.

      • Geri says:

        & it was gubbed in the Red Sea by goat herders lol

        I think the Arctic is safe for now..All they done so far is park yet more junk & then abandoned it.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You’re bang on par with your grasp of the subject matter for this post.

        Antarctic, Arctic, who cares? They both start with ‘A’ and end with ‘ctic’.

      • Geri says:

        ‘The Orcs’ as you like to call them, own over 50%. They’ve also been there for centuries. Those same Orcs have China agreements in place & the Chinese know a yin or twa thing about shipping routes, infrastructure & silk roads as they’re busy building them faster than the US can carpet bomb civilians.

        LMFAO if you think little Engurland would have as much as a sniff at a snowball in the area.

        Interesting times ahead. I wonder if Denmark will trigger NATO article five. An invasion on their territory. I doubt it. They’ll hold one of those pretendy self determination referendums that are only given to a ppl if it suits.

        Told you Shiteface, you need to follow the UN, it’s much more exciting for news & drama. They’re currently under enormous pressure to reform the seating arrangements & bring it into the 21st century. That includes jettisoning little Engurland, the terrorist yap & disrupters, off the security council & I think USA may just agree to that condition considering it’ll have to readjust at losing its empire & find more influential & powerful friends.

        I can’t wait. A new word order & one that adheres to international law without fear or favour because it’s mayhem at the moment.

    • gregor says:

      New York Times: Trump Bars Transgender Women From U.S. Prisons for Female Inmates:

      “President Trump has ordered federal prisons to house inmates who are transgender women in men’s facilities and halt medical treatments related to gender transition…

      The Women’s Liberation Front, which defines women based on sex at birth and advocates single-sex prisons, called the directive “a major victory.”…

      Mr. Trump’s order echoed those arguments, saying that “efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety and well-being.”…”:

      link to

      link to

  42. Mark Beggan says:

    The Scottish Greens are being accused of being too middle class for voters
    This is totally untrue.
    The Scottish Greens are too degenerate, perverted and sick in the mind for the Scottish voters

  43. Lorna Campbell says:

    It must be evident now to all but the most wilfully blind that the SNP cannot be saved because it does not want to save itself. It is impossible for anyone from the younger generations to take over and make something of it because nary a one is anything but ‘woke’ or willing to go along with the ‘woke’.

    The ‘woke’ do not want independence as it would upend the ‘woke’ agenda. If we did, miraculously, vote for independence without a thorough cleansing of the party of these parasites, they will be brought into an independent Scotland to do even more damage. ‘Woke’ is inimical to any kind of progress because it is, in its essence, regressive.

    ‘Woke’ covers all intersectionalities, from race to gender via green issues, and Maggie Chapman epitomises its all-encompassing nature in a uniquely insane way. Note that Maggie Chapman and Lorna Slater are Tranadian and South African/Zimbabwean respectively, and have led the fight in Scotland to destroy Scotland with the help of the SNP leadership and behind-the-scenes manipulators, faux compassion, faux empathy and faux kindness for the least deserving ‘victims’ in the history of humankind.

    Forgot the £600,00: millions, if not, billions, have already been wasted on the ‘woke’ issues and continue to be wasted.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Yes Lorna, woke is surely a variety of fascism, always aggressive and looking to punish those who disagree with whatever crazy ideology is being stuffed in our faces by authorities and agencies. As you imply, woke ideology seems not in any way culturally Scottish and much of what is being imposed on us is by people from other cultures, helped by the usual useful idiots here.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Indeed, Alf. I believe this was deliberate. All the countries that fell first, and fell hardest, have been second to or smaller than, bigger entities: Scotland/UK; Canada/America; New Zealand/Australia. The Dutch are further down the rabbit hole than the Germans; the Norwegians as opposed to the Swedes. Where I would disagree is in your definition of them as ‘fascist’. To me, they are totalitarian and on the hard left. Totalitarianism and Fascism are but two sides of the same authoritarian and nihilist coin.

        The ‘woke’ wanted the small fry to fall first before they extended into the bigger entities. I just wish that people would stop seeing it as a distraction and start seeing it for what it is: a malign kind of revolution to overturn ‘Western values’. We may wish to leave the UK, but we, and all the European nations, have a Western (philosophically Christian and tenuously democratic) culture in common, while retaining our own individual and distinctive cultures. Postmodernism wants to destroy that and replace it with poststructuralism/queer theory/cultural Marxism. We should be very afraid.

      • Geri says:

        They’ve been used to hail in authoritarianism. They’re fascist. Look at the long list of new laws they’ve enacted, the censorship & the media blackout to what’s really cracking on.

        It’s a classic trick of colonialism too. Have a constant warring faction & if none is available – just invent & fund one. That’s what they do. TRA wasn’t a grassroots movement. No one gave a shit until suddenly it was a rash everywhere in 2017..astroturfing.

        I think it’s the Zzzs. It would fit their supremacist world view, remove the undesirables from the gene pool & make everyone scared to speak under fear of being arrested. It’d certainly explain why it was instantly adopted everywhere in the West & there was none more willing to adopt it than the authorities.

        Have you seen the footage of at least 40+ riot gear police break down doors in Englandshire cause someone dared support Palestine? When did we all vote for that bullshit?

        We’re heading into Fascism. Dissent will not be tolerated & it appears neither will democracy as Europe is currently eating itself alive on ways to try stop elections altogether or jail who looks to be set to win. Even the SNP is trying to bolt in a shoo-in because the shit is about to hit with full force.

        Things are going to get ugly.

      • Hatey McHateface says:


        The delicious thrill the Scottish schoolchild gets from defying the dominie.

        When the dominie is busy elsewhere. Natch!

      • Nae Need! says:

        If by postmodernism, you mean Globalist, then I agree wholeheartedly with everything you have written on this topic.

        The Globalists are entirely nihilistic. Their aim is massive depopulation. Post modernism, on the other hand, means very little to me as a classification. Maybe I need educated on that.

        But that aside, even if we are to quibble about the lexical semantics of this ‘taxonomy’, I still agree wholeheartedly with everything you have written on this topic.

        You are spot on.
        A lethal ideology.

    • Mark Beggan says:

      The terrible thing about Wokism is the amount of women who advocated the destruction of womens rights. A high proportion of these Scottish women are Lesbian or one of the other 24 varieties. The outright attack by the whole political, media class on the very basics of life. An agenda of self satisfaction and sexual revulsion on the back of democracy and to the utter disgust of the majority of the Scottish people.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        I would have to agree, Mark. However, many lesbians are standing up to it, too. Its source is an unhinged and suicidal form of ’empathy’ and ‘kindness’ which are actually neither, but which so many have been conned into accepting. It is virtue-signalling horse manure which daft people have shovelled down their own throats.

        Yes, many, many women have fallen for the baloney, but, as per, there is always a man pulling the strings – in this case, billionaires and fetishists and unhinged political ‘children’ and cowards. Women are always their own worst enemy, simpering after these men who despise and detest them in equal measure. If anything, my rage against them is greater for being conned and used endlessly despite all the evidence over millennia.

      • Marie says:

        I agree Lorna. The “be kind” handmaidens are beneath contempt.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Women, I think, have a natural empathy bred of biology, but they are also more easily conned because they have been conditioned into a societal form of ’empathy’ which is entirely against their best interests. Of course, the thing is that female people are less strong than male people so more easily overpowered by violent threat, even if it is only psychological.

        I believe that females in any society on the planet suffer from a permanent state of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, always in fear of their lives, even if subliminally. If you read about the fall of Berlin and what happened, you get a real sense of how females are singled out, even in conflict.

        Any woman with one brain cell should understand at a biological level that they will always be vulnerable until they learn to stand up for themselves. That is going to take an evolutionary revolution – and I suspect it is coming.

      • Hal Martin says:

        ‘Women, I think, have a natural empathy bred of biology…’ Really, aye? Tell that to Beverly Allitt and Lucy Letby. But no empathy for men, eh? I genuinely believe, although you are a very intelligent person and make some good points, you are one of the most bitter and weird and angry and hateful people I have ever unfortunately stumbled across on the net.

        Then again, I would say that, cos I’m the male oppressor, eh? Tunnel vision NUTTER. 😉

      • Marie says:

        I agree Lorna. The “be kind” handmaidens are beneath contempt. Exhibit A – Nicola Sturgeon.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        You and Lorna talk sense, a lot of sense.

        However how does “SHE whose name shall not be uttered” fit exactly into that narrative?

        I don’t see a male controlling “her/she/ it’s” narrative, indeed lavender Pete looks somewhat like a used and discarded tool..

        On the other hand; Broad spread wings over and warming/ nestling and nurturing the depraved, male, female, or whatever depraved infestations their mores advocate..

        That’s the rub of it.

      • Marie says:

        How could you forget the sight of Sturgeon turning herself inside out on the news trying to defend the “Cornton Vale” rights of the beautiful fragrant Miss Isla Bryson? THATS a Handmaiden!!!!

      • Nae Need! says:

        I think within the cohort, there’s an element of this simpering/indulging/promotional behaviour that is nothing but knowingly vengeful and nasty.

        She who must not be named typifies the type of person who only ‘cares’ about her own class, her own worshipers. All the people NOT in her chosen congregation are dealt old testament shit. Ergo it’s old testament shit for the vast majority of the people of Scotland.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        This has to have been the plan. Get people into power who support this horse manure and brainwash the rest. Women and girls need to understand what has been done to them by malign elements.

      • Mark Beggan says:

        Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

      • Mark Beggan says:

        And Lesbians too! Many are as disgusted as I am. They too are victims of this insanity that has swept a generation.

      • Geri says:

        I remember listening to a Blair White podcast a while ago about how Pride used to police itself & distance themselves from the more depraved & darker elements then suddenly they were everywhere acting all menacing & threatening the lesbians branding them terfs.

        It was definitely an orchestrated take over for it to be so complete in no time at all & as I said, for those in authority to accept it with such gusto as they did, no questions asked. On the contrary, willing to make an arse of themselves arresting & harassing ppl for tweets.

        Everyone from Uni lecturers to politicians babbling nonsense to a camera trying to justify it and even a willing media falling to it’s feet to slavishly pay homage.

        Everyone shit feart to lose their jobs if they didn’t. That’s an instruction. Not a natural event or grassroots.

      • Lorna Campbell says:

        Totally agree. Completely orchestrated. Read about the rise of the Nazis and how they infiltrated every institution before they pounced. Read about Stalin and his infiltration of every public institution.

      • Nae Need! says:

        Completely agree. The infil has been happening for decades.

      • Hal Martin says:

        Piss off with your ‘men are always behind everything’ crap. manhater. The way you deign to show that women have no free will or power, and thus are easy to drag along by the nose into shite, and are not responsible for anything they do because of ‘the patriarchy’…is hilariously sad. That utter shit is just another form of the divisive ‘woke’ nonsense you’re always railing against. Women always Good, men always Bad. News at eleven. Laughable.

      • twathater says:

        I have seen Lorna’s comments over many blogs and have interacted with her on occasions with many issues and many policies and I do not understand your assertion or interpretation that she is a man hater , you are of course entitled to your opinion, to be clear I am a heterosexual male with a daughter and granddaughter, wife , and mother
        When SC started to raise awareness of the vile and despicable actions of the snp and Scottish parliament in the GRA and HCB there were very few supportive comments from the males on this blog ,in fact there were those who demanded that SC stop posting about that shit and return to posting about independence, totally ignoring or not caring that the IMPACT of this perversion and deviance has consequences for ALL of us
        Fortunately SC ignored their demands and continued EXPOSING the corruption and depravity

        I stated OPENLY then and I do so again that I stand fully supportive of REAL women against this vile depravity promoted and pursued by deviants and perverts who are in the majority MALES who have PROVEN that they are only too eager and willing to inflict horror and extreme VIOLENCE against women to SILENCE THEM
        As Lorna has also stated there are too many females unaware or unconcerned of the impact this vile aberration will have on girls and womens safety and security now and in the future but it has to be faced
        I say again you are entitled to your opinion but you weren’t commenting on here at the height of the clusterfuck

  44. Skip_NC says:

    I see James Kelly has posted on his blog about the rules for leadership elections in the SNP and Alba. I submitted a comment which initially appeared but has now disappeared. So, for anyone here who is not an Alba member, let me observe a flaw in his argument. He states that, to stand for Alba Leader or Depute Leader, you need nominations from a higher number of LACUs than are currently in existence. That is wrong. What you need is 100 nominations from twenty different local authority areas. So, an Alba member who lives in a council area without a LACU can nominate someone for Leader or Depute leader and, on a plain reading of the rule, would count as one of the twenty.

    Thus, the argument that Alba is somehow less democratic than the SNP falls at the first hurdle. As Mr Kelly has been on the NEC and on a couple of party committees, it is disappointing that he makes a fundamental error.

  45. gregor says:

    Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law: Criminal Preliminary Hearing: Glasgow High Court (Monday 27 January 2025):

    link to

    • G m says:

      What charge is he up on Gregor?

      • gregor says:

        I can’t find any information with regard to charges.

        Glasgow High Court indicates the seriousness.

      • gregor says:

        BBC (09/06/2024): Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law in court accused of abduction and extortion:

        “…charged with abduction and extortion following an incident where a man fell from a block of flats and later died.”:

        link to

        BBC (15/01/2024): Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law in court on drug dealing charge:
        “Ramsay El-Nakla, who is the brother of Mr Yousaf’s wife Nadia, was concerned in the supply of heroin…”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        The Courier (2023): NADIA EL-NAKLA: I know impact addiction has on families – the 38 people lost to drugs last year in Dundee were part of us:

        “Lives tragically cut short, lives we were trying to save.

        In 2020 I had the privilege of completing my two-year counselling placement at We are With You, a third sector organisation based in Dundee helping those with addiction issues.
        I worked with clients suffering from addiction and their families. I began to understand the complex struggle my clients were experiencing…

        Addiction can befall anyone. I know first-hand the effect addiction has on a family and the stark reality…”:

        link to

        link to

      • twathater says:

        Yes it appears the brother was allegedly helping addicts to , is allegedly being engaged in the supply of drugs classed as helping addicts, or is it maybe classed as a despicable and heinous action profiteering from the misery of others
        It is a quandry (Not)

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        Wait, what?

      • Mark Beggan says:

        Don’t get high on your own supply. People fly out of windows.

      • G m says:

        Serious charges indeed.

      • G m says:


  46. Dan says:

    Things going on in Scotland…

    link to

  47. Confused says:

    one for the welsh
    link to
    also a bit about a land tax, would apply equally to us 

    • Skip_NC says:

      That article has severe problems with regard to Land Tax. It argues for an exemption for land being farmed and goes on to say says 88% of Welsh land is farmed. Yet the article’s starting point is that 70% of the total acreage of Wales would fall within the lowest tax-paying band. Those numbers simply don’t make sense.

      That’s not to say that a Land Tax is wrong but any analysis has to start with assumptions that actually make sense.

      • Confused says:

        I think it is work in progress. Don’t sweat the details.

        Of interest was the fact that there used to be a land tax, but grouse shooting hume got rid of it, looking after the class interest,then labour never reinstated it.

        There are many options in this, but land ownership, taxation, usage – is a colossal screwup in this country.

      • James says:

        £1,000 per acre annual land tax should cover it.

        And listen to the Tory millionaires squeal.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I’ve heard that supporters of “the blues” want £2,000 per acre from landowners whose acreages are predominantly green.

      • Skip_NC says:

        Starting one’s argument with something that is a mathematical impossibility is not a detail. It is a major flaw.

        There has been an argument that land and buildings based taxation would be the only tax needed in an independent Scotland. Yes, it should be part of our economic policy but the argument that every square inch of land in the country has to earn its keep is not rooted in reality, especially if we start granting exemptions to the loudest voices. Those voices tend to belong to those who have most to lose and have the deepest pockets. This is something I see with tax policy all the time here in the USA and we must not let ourselves go down that same path.

      • Confused says:

        You seem to have written an overly detailed response to things not said.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        The assumptions that make sense to me are that only ordinary people with bigger houses and bits of garden will pay it.

        Large landowners will find ways of offsetting it.

        The people most in favour of it, think tenement flat dwellers, will be exempt.

        It’s Rule #1 of taxes. Popular support for any tax is inversely proportional to the likelihood of being caught up by it.

        More alert readers might question, in the context of a Scottish Indy site, why anybody should be bothered about taxes at all.

        Post-Indy, we’re all promised we will be filthy rich, even after the Scottish state, drowning in lucre, has splurged torrents of cash on all its social commitments.

        It’s not exactly going to set the heather alight as a campaigning policy – vote for Indy, become filthy rich, then get taxed until your squeaking pips pop!

      • Skip_NC says:

        Anyone who thinks we’re all going to be filthy rich on Day One is woefully ill-informed. It would be nice, though, to build a society where a full week’s work lets you rent a wind and watertight home, buy a table, put food on it and be able to see what you’re having for tea in the middle of winter. Oh, and not just cold cuts either.

      • Dan says:

        Have you read and got any comment on Graeme McCormick’s AGR proposal.
        (This link may not be the latest evolution of his proposal as he certainly tweaked the concept a few times)

        link to

      • sarah says:

        I’d also like to hear Skip’s views. I was at a zoom meeting to hear Graeme’s AGR, as was Kate Forbes – needless to say she didn’t greet it with enthusiasm, from what I remember.

      • Skip_NC says:

        I suppose my general view is that, whatever a government chooses to tax, it should adhere to Smith’s Canons. By that, I mean the original ones not the bastardizations dreamt up by extreme right-wing (usually American) economists.

      • Skip_NC says:

        I tried to buy the book but they don’t ship to the USA., or didn’t the last time I looked.

        In general, though, relying on one source of taxation is dangerous. The economy changes and, when it does, those with a narrow tax base are screwed.

      • Dan says:

        If book posting is a problem there are various vids on youtube of Graeme giving his public talks at events like Sarah mentions above.

        Are economies changing through boom and bust manipulation by non sustainable policies being implemented not part of the problem though.
        Surely having a more robust sustainable and consistently performing economy that is more resilient to external force leveraging is a better plan?
        Scotland has an abundance of resources in play within the economy to juggle with, and if say the energy demand provided by fossil fuels should take a hit then any shortfall will need to be met by renewables.
        Likewise food is a fairly essential product, so farming will be required to help provide that sustenance.
        Graeme’s proposal has differing rates of taxation for different land uses. And it is tweakable from year to year to cope with changing factors such as demographic changes and the needs that comes with it.

  48. Confused says:

    so, this mad-lad says : “your beer tastes like piss and you are all a bunch of trannies … ”

    danish chick fears her pussy will be grabbed, but he wants to grab more than that 

    link to

    I expect a danish trawler will launch a sneak attack on an american warship, minding its own business.

  49. Scot Finlayson says:

    “While Europe’s eye is fix’d on mighty things,
    The fate of empires and the fall of kings;
    While quacks of State must each produce his plan,
    And even children lisp the Rights of Man;
    Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention,
    The Rights of Woman merit some attention.”
    Robert Burns,

    • sarah says:

      The more quotes I see of Burns, the more I think what a waste that he didn’t live longer and become a major statesman. We could do with him now – he would make mincemeat of the paltry crew in Holyrood and Westminster.

  50. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Mainly for Alf. From Holyrood Parliament. Just as related info. Not making any points about it —

    This briefin supports Memmers in their consideration o the Scottish Leids Bill at Stage 3. The briefin maks cutty the provisions o the Bill as pit forrit, wheen o the main threaps at Stage 1, whit wey the Bill was amendit at Stage 2, and a puckle o ither ongauns syne the Bill wis pit forrit.


    The Scottish Leids Bill wis pit forrit tae Pairlament on 29 November 2023. A SPICe briefin on the Bill wis furthset afore the Stage 1 consideration. The Bill is in twa mensefou pairts gangin ower provisions relatin tae Gaelic and Scots. Inwith thae twa pairts are Chaipters gangin ower uphaudin fur the leids and education.

    Stage 1 consideration.

    The Bill is in twa mensefou pairts gangin ower provisions relatin tae Gaelic and Scots. Inwith thae twa pairts are Chaipters gangin ower uphaudin fur the leids and education.

    Pairt 1 – Chaipter 1 o the Bill is on uphaudin o the Gaelic leid and the provisions in the chaipter include:

    • Gaelic haein official staunin in Scotland
    • chynges tae the functions o Bòrd na Gàidhlig
    • makkin a pooer tae cry geographical areas as “areas o muckle linguistic mense”
    • pittin a duty on the Scottish Government tae set oot a National Gaelic Straitegy, takkin the place o the National Gaelic Plans
    • giein Scottish Ministers (the Government) mair pooers tae pit duties on public bodies tae forder, forrit and uphaud Gaelic.

    Pairt 1 – Chaipter 2 o the Bill is on Gaelic education and the provisions in the chaipter include:

    • garrin Scottish Ministers forder Gaelic education
    • giein Scottish Ministers the pooers tae set staunarts and pit forrit guidance fur local authorities as relates tae Gaelic education
    • chyngin the statutory definition o schuil education
    • garrin local authorities forder Gaelic education
    • makkin sindry ither chynges connectit tae Gaelic Medium Education includin a process fur parents tae speir fur Gaelic Medium Early Learnin and Bairncare.

    Pairt 2 – Chaipter 1 is on the uphaudin o the Scots leid. 

    The provisions in the chaipter include:

    • Scots haein official staunin in Scotland
    • garrin Scottish Ministers pit thegither a Scots leid straitegy and report on ony progress makkit
    • providin that Scottish Ministers can pit oot guidance fur public bodies as relates tae forderin and uphaudin the Scots leid and the development o Scots culture.

    Pairt 2 – Chaipter 2 is on schuil education as relates tae Scots.

    This includes provisions that wad:

    • gar Scottish Ministers forder and uphaud Scots leid education in schuils

    alloo Scottish Ministers tae pit oot guidance and set staunarts fur local authorities as regairds tae Scots leid education in schuils.

    • Alf Baird says:

      Aye, better late than nivver! However we should await to see what is actually delivered for the national Scots language that provides for at least a measure of equality with current public expenditure and policy relating to English and Gaelic languages, e.g.:

      Regulatory body; Scots langage teachers in primary and secondary schools; Scots taught up to Higher; Univ Degrees in Scots Language/Lit; Scots Langage TV Channel; and of course adequate funding to deliver all of the above.

      Up till now the Scottish Government legislative process continues to fail across the board sae A widna haud ma braith! In addition there is only at present a CabSec for Gaelic which perhaps indicates the real priorities of this Gov and this Bill.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      I’ll defo take it seriously when they stipulate that all proceedings in the HR parliament, verbal and written, should take place in Scots.

      Leading from the front and by example.

      Maybe there’s a wee referendum they could hold, without needing Westminster’s permission either. Ask us, as pensioners freeze, addicts OD, and beavers rampage unchecked, if we want our taxes spent on this.

      Meantime, why don’t some of the posters in favour of this take to posting only ever in Scots? Show us how it’s done 🙂

      • Alf Baird says:

        Whan a fowk ken wha thay are thay’re mebbe no sae eithly maneepulatit.

        Plenty money in Scotland, but for the continued ‘union’ colonial and cultural hoax, which is to a large extent language-based; peoples in self-determination conflict are aye linguistically divided, efter aw:

        link to

      • Andy Anderson says:

        You are a eedjit. Stop being stupid. Obviously you are an Anglophobe. Some people support Scotland and our culture. If you are unhappy go south,

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Sorry, Andy, could you repeat your post but this time in Scots?

        You see, I have a strong aversion to being lectured by people who tell me I must use a different language, yet don’t, won’t and can’t use it themself.

        Thanks in advance.

        P.S. Div ye ken fit “Anglophobe” means?

      • Alf Baird says:


        Alf Baird

        Bourdieu telt us, oor cultur’s the ki
        We lairn oor cultur as bairns, on grannie’s knee
        Anely tae forfaut thon in colonial schuils
        Creenge’s aw aboot! Tho A’m nae fuil

        Langage is the verra foond o cultur
        Oor braw Scots langage comes fae the hert, no yon gutter
        We’re makkit Englis tae get on, Anglo bools in yer mooth
        Yet ma mither tongue is nivver fae sooth

        Croods o Scots cast oot thair ain laund
        Supplantit bi yon Anglophone meritocratic baund
        Thay fowk cruin the Union pairty sang
        Mak shuir o Scots leid’s deith stang                     

        Frantz Fanon wad hiv nae doot
        Scotlan’s a donsie wee colonie, its taes nar oot
        Juist lyke India, Kenya, Ireland or Algeria
        Colonialists wrack native cultur, makkit gae heeligoleerie
        Naitional consciousness isnae nationalism
        Scots appen yer een, kest oot thon tirranies
        Englan’s Anschluss, A Scotlan dashelt
        A Union wi nae veto? Scots dae whit yer telt!

        Estaiblishment Scotlan, A joub mankit cesspit
        Thay haud doon oor fowk, maks loass o speerit
        Dicht claen Scotlan’s maukit unionist slump
        Kest oot thon British yoke, thay can tak a lang hyke

        Thon Union Treaty’s a muckle fankle
        Soveranety aye haundit tae a bunkle
        Maks Scotlan a wee pouerless colonie
        ‘Leeberty’ fowk cry, lat’s awa fi sic joukerie

        Scots cultur gies us belangin, an oor ain naitional identitie
        Denee’d o yer leid, Scots are rind duffie
        Colonised fowk aye quaisten thair wirth
        Ethnic doun-hauden maks Scots aflocht

        Sel-determination’s oor richt, on Scots Claim therrs nae dout
        Tho bewaur tratours, deceiverie an clout
        An ivery day mair Anglophones muve in aw the whill
        Stowenlins Scottis soveranety, if ye staun by – tak it thay wull

      • silverfox says:

        “Scots” language.
        Well lads, I was born and brought up on an Angus farm and have moved about a bit since then. I can converse with and in the tongues and dialects of Angus, Dundee, Fife, The Mearns, Aberdeenshire, the Highlands (with a smattering of Gaelic), Glasgow and the Borders. But the invented twaddle of Alf Baird and others on here fair gars me grue. And for Alf to use Billy Kaye as some sort of Scots language guru is laughable in the extreme.
        Who in their right mind would want this taught in schools.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Angus farm” = Tory.

        £1,000 per acre per annum land tax will soon sort you out 🙂

        (OK, I’m having a laugh by repeating the lunatic claims of other posters. But they’re deadly serious)

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Well clearly not you!

        A few rehearsed chosen phrases tucked away to use at choice opportunities at cattle markets across the country with semi or full on gentry does not constitute understanding the leid nor less appreciating the real reason behind it and Gaelic’s state sponsored erosion..

        Church, professions and their spawn; “aye ye’ll neir git a joab speaking like that” is the recent historical reality.

        Yours is just “playing at it” and it comes across in your touristy style commentary.

        No wonder Burns is getting dropped from school curriculums in preference to early 17th century’s Shakespearen English. It’s being taught out of us and reinforced by Unionist media regardless of how unintelligible Rosencrantz and Guildenstern p1sh is..

        Can you also drop phrases kept in your pocket of 1950s high pitched jowly mouthed “Queens English” as occasion demands to secure a choice cattle transaction too?
        Talented man..

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Well then YL, I cordially invite you to post in Scots from now on.

        Those of us reluctant to be coerced into using a language we don’t particularly want to, need all the encouragement going.

        Those who are keen on putting Scots front and centre of Independence need to lead from the front. You can’t just leave it all up to Alf.

        Right now, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that many of the most rabid and enthusiastic adopters of Scots lack the ability to string even half a dozen words together in it.

        And that’s not a good look 🙂

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        I’ll speak as my peers and neighbours do, whit do I have to prove to a feckless one like you?

        You do like to challenge everyone with a view so step up to the plate, what about you?

        You keep saying you’d vote for someone who stood but don’t include yourself in that..

        Or is it easier to be negative and ‘just point fingers?

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        If you can’t write in Scots, YL, there’s no shame in admitting it. Nae need for bluster.

        I don’t believe there is anything like a majority in favour of Independence in Scotland. Sure, there are polls saying 55% or whatever, but the best gloss that can be put on that is that it’s unrepresentative people telling the pollsters what they think is wanted in response to a loaded question.

        Once in the secrecy of the ballot box, it’s always a different story.

        I’m adamantly of the opinion that in a free, democratic system, if a true majority want/need/longing exists, then dedicated, committed, determined leaders and movements come into being to see that goal achieved.

        It’s a truth that has held for as long as humans have organised themselves, and it’s just not possible for Scotland to be an exception to humanity.

        On top of everything else, we see new personalities, political movements and policies springing up all over the democratic world right now.

        But in Scotland, supposedly crying out for freedom, sovereignty and self determination, nada.

        So that’s why I’m not interested in standing for office. I’m betting that’s your reason too, although you will never admit it.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Thanks, Alf, that was interesting to puzzle out.

        I wish more regulars would routinely post in Scots. That would enable better assessment of true support for your claims.

        I have no interest in my birthright as a Sovereign Scot being watered down because I allegedly “don’t speak the language”. I have no interest in being denied employment because I’m not fluent in written and spoken Scots.

        Neither will any of the million or so immigrants we are told we need.

        As far as I’m concerned, it’s another luxury belief. Another lingering hangover from an age of plenty we can all see we have now left behind.

      • Geri says:

        Listen Shiteface, If Westminster has billions of taxpayers money to send to the drug addled green t-shirt, stop whining about pensioners freezing & drug addicts …

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Talking of whining, Geri, I was waiting for the green man yesterday to cross Kittoch Street and three F16s in a row came along the road.

        Damn things can’t get aff the ground.

        And the noise! You wouldn’t believe the whining.

      • Hal Martin says:

        Nae bother tae rip the pish ootay semi-sentient probably-peyed unionist shite like yersel, fannybaws. Ye really need yer…ah better no say…Yousaf’s Omnipotence Law will swoop doon oan me…

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Nothing like a pseudo-proud Scot, posting playground insults from behind an assumed name, yet still feart to say what he/she really thinks, to build confidence in and support for Scottish Indy.

        Keep it going, Hal. You already have the Neanderthals with you. Just another 5.5 million of us to bring onside.

      • Dan says:

        Nothing like a pseudo-proud Scot, posting playground insults from behind an assumed name

        Pot, meet kettle…

  51. gregor says:

    The Resistance (2025): Donald Trump’s return suggests Nazis are back in power:

    “I do not say that lightly but rather because it is what the evidence tells me.

    This week saw Donald Trump inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States of America…

    Nazism blames the world’s wrongs on the J***sh community, the LGBTQ+ community, the BAME community, immigrants, and the disabled community.
    Once they took power, Nazis banned books, outlawed drag shows, changed the school curriculum….

    …he ended all government programmes, policies, statements and communications that promote or support “gender ideology”….

    Musk doing a literal Nazi salute from the presidential podium is not really much of a surprise…

    …obsess over trans people and so-called “gender ideology” and they fuel disinformation and fund hateful behaviour. It may not be goose-stepping with a red armband and a swastika, but the ideals of Nazism are undoubtedly back.”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Thee Avant-garde (Pat Kane): Oscar nominated film about trans person great antidote to Donald Trump:

      “As the ill-coiffured Sauron chucks lumps of fiery rock across the world, his White House a Mordor of executive orders, here comes what looks like a jaybird’s cheep of resistance…

      In that weird, prophetic way Hollywood often operates, Emilia Pérez will raise at least two flags against the early days of the Maga regime. And they will glitter and shimmer in the ways only an Oscar ceremony in March can manage…

      I think Emilia Pérez just about deserves the ultimate Oscar night accolade. Its flawed, gaudy, open-hearted, brightly-feathered cheep will be well heard against the current American pandemonium.”:

      link to

      link to

      • Dan says:

        Stopped reading the clearly tainted by jealousy article after 3 words in…
        Bald guy starts with “As the ill-coiffured…”
        My luscious abundant locks are a fucking shambles, but I know what a woman is so would no doubt get Pat’s playing the man rather than the ball treatment.

      • G m says:

        A poser.

      • Dan says:

        You need to be a bit more informative with this internet communications lark. Is it Pat Kane, Donald Trump, or me that’s the poser?

        If rocking about fixing stuff in a manky boilersuit with decently dirty finger nails & paws, and a burst mattress of not yet grey hair stuffed under a hat my late ma made is considered posing, then ya got me banged to rights.


      • G m says:

        The fake social justice cult recently imported has been hard on our home grown poser class. Particularly those getting on in years. The more they try to stay ‘in touch’ the more out of touch they become.

      • G m says:

        Apologies Dan. I should have clicked reply to Gregor’s post wi’ the picture of Monsieur Kane. I couldnae make it to the end of the article posted.

      • Dan says:

        Nae bother G m, jist felt the “A poser” post was a bit ambiguous as to who it was aimed at.
        Got to have a chuckle at a trans supporter having a go at someone for having dodgy hair though.
        Guess a folically challenged individual is often too jealous to look at someone’s heid and noticed it is rainbow coloured.
        Do hope all those chemicals in the hair dyes are environmentally friendly seeing as so much of Scotland’s fluid waste jist gets discharged untreated intae oor rivers.
        Have still only seen one spent salmon kelt on the riverbank and two jumping during spawning this season and have spent a lot of time by the river this winter. Used to see hundreds.
        Nae non indigenous rainbows to be seen either so chemical pollution due to punting goodness knows how much chemical nasties into oor rivers hasn’t caused salmon to trans intae being rainbow troot either.

        Not sure Scottish Water giving their execs big bonuses and buying shit leccy fleet vehicles on taxpayers’s dime instead of updating our archaic sewerage treatment infrastructure is really “saving the planet” and helping oor rivers.
        But fuck it, it seems maist of oor society is stuck on facebook so not likely many actually notice the shit going on ootside.

      • G m says:

        I don’t know you Dan. I have you down firmly in the good cunt category though. Minus the trolls I would be fairly confident in getting along with everyone on here in person. Also, Breadalbane folk exiled in Glasgow like to know what folk from the wider Perthshire area are thinking. It has changed a lot.

      • Geri says:

        You did better than me. I seen ‘The National’ & that was me

      • G m says:

        You should have a go at it Geri just for the craic. It’s feckin wild.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        A pseud and a poseur..
        Probably takes it up the a@@e..

      • gregor says:

        Apologies for any distress caused, Dan (et al)

        I made an effort to condense the bulk of it (didn’t take too long).

      • Hal Martin says:

        Kane is a hyper-PC fucking fanny, second only tae Billy Bragg in pompous self-righteous wankerdom.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      You missed gypsies and Slavs from your list of untermenschen, gregor.

      I think you’ll find, if you pay attention, that our own school curriculum gets changed regularly. Oddly enough, there are regular protests on here and elsewhere about it, dating back decades.

      The other interesting detail is that Musk did no Nazi salute, not even a “literal” one.

      • willie says:

        And you omitted to add the Irish too. They were immigrant public enemy number 0ne not so many years ago.

        Simple fact is, the British, but not exclusively the British or their Anglo American successors have no end of people, races, cultures and or colours they scapegoat.

        And lest we forget what about the Subsidy Junky Scots. They’re a bit of an anchor too on the superior ones.

      • gregor says:

        “your list of untermenschen”

        I don’t have any list of untermenschen (& gypsies and Slavs).

        You think I’m here to appease your school needs –

        Make your own fu**ing list, McLazy

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I’m sorry, Gregor, I had no idea you were simply compiling your fuck list online.

        As somebody upthread was just saying, it’s easy to read careless posts wrong.

        Anyway, good luck. I probably speak for everybody in hoping you don’t keep us appraised on your progress.

      • gregor says:

        Suck it up, McLoser/s…

    • Geri says:

      What a crock of horseshit. She seriously needs to see the shite she’s been peddling for years if she wants to throw around Nazis slurs..

      Let’s compare some shall we…

      Mass government sterilisation programs *check*

      Freak experimental programs on the most vulnerable in society including children *check*

      Rewriting books & cancelling Artists *check*

      Infesting school curriculum without parental consent *check*

      Secretive pish aimed at the youth to keep quiet. *check*

      Cancelling/Harassing dissenting voices *check*

      Having ppl arrested for not buying the nonsense *check*

      Taking over places of worship to erect Rainbow flags *check*

      i could go on.

      Trump is a racist but …..H-E-L-L-O! America is built on racism, ya plank! They’re blow- ins.

      As an side, Musk giving a zoom call to a German crowd is bang out of order. So much for them always banging on about R interference in elections. He’s obviously setting Germany up to be the next U. They have rocks in their head if the fall for it because it was the yanks who blew up their gas pipe.

    • Hal Martin says:

      Fuck that dumb careerist bitch n iviry word thit comes ootay her fake-working-class pie-eating gub. Annoyed ah goat taken in by her initially. She soon proved whit fucking side she wis oan.

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      It’s fascism..
      Just not her kind of fascism..

      The banners don’t take kindly to being banned eh?!

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Maybe the direly unfunny “funny” one should just eff off behind the bike sheds with her idol “Flo Blow” and leave the wains alone..

        Maybe SHE whose name shall not be uttered will rock up with her polycule to join in..
        Makes you want to be sick.

        Where’s quality polis Toshan when you need them to collar the writhing pile of them for indecent exposure or worse or are they too busy tarting up their rainbow face paint woke “statements”?


    • diabloandco says:

      Ian , I don’t do X but I could live without 3 of the 4 – which is what I do!

      • Ian Brotherhood says:

        Twitter polls are, of course, pretty-much meaningless but as a general indicator of feeling they can be thought-provoking.

        The thought ‘provoked’ by that one is: either James Kelly has a lot of friends and/or relatives or Wings-haters generally felt compelled to vote for anyone who wasn’t Wings but couldn’t go so far as to vote for Bella or WGD.

        In the comments below the poll thus far it’s quite striking that Stu-bashers seem content to display their personal animus while completely ignoring the very obvious status of this place in independence discourse over the past decade. Not sure where cognitive dissonance and blind hatred overlap but perhaps the poll helps identify that particular space.

        Should I have selected other blogs? Peter Bell, Craig Murray, Robin McAlpine? Perhaps we should have a World Cup-style competition to see who is most/least valued.


      • Dan says:

        FYI I don’t do and have zero interest in using platforms like twitter or facebook for political discourse. I don’t have a twitter account so can’t even view the site properly since its functionality locked down non logged in users.

        Always thought it odd that the likes of Craig Murray regularly complained about his posts not being properly disseminated to his followers, yet he continues to use it…
        Craig, like Stu has a lot of interesting stuff to say, and always found it odd that they were drawn to using other platforms rather than hosting their content and drawing readership traffic and engagement onto their own respective sites where it could even have generated an income stream, instead of keeping all the traffic on sites that imo have been a significant cause of spreading so much of the divisive guff we are having to deal with.

        But this site judging by recent addition of like / dislike function (that I refuse to use because it is a lazy and pointless function because you have no idea why someone likes or dislikes a post because they are too lazy to even bother posting their thoughts now), along with the much reduced amount of posts, shows site engagement is very poor.

        I have only been hanging around to see if that changes but that doesn’t look to be the case.
        I’ve been outspoken enough on here about Stu’s continued stating that there is nothing going on, which is bullshit. Because if you continually say there is nothing going on then folk will switch off, and well you know just let Reform make hay.
        ISP produce a weekly update on things going on which I post a link to each week, but that in most cases doesn’t even stimulate a response to the various discussion points in the content of the article they went to the bother of collating and posting.

        Bottom line is your twitter poll just highlights the continued pathetic factionalism and lack of unity of cause between supposed Indy influencers.
        These folk really need to give themselves a shake and sort this ongoing negative divisive shit out. Coz the longer they continue to play this out it just reeks of them wanting to harm the cause of returning Scotland to self-governing status rather than help it.
        There’s massive potential to make political capital from the vacuum that has been forming for years, yet silence and / or distraction / disruption from folk of supposed influence… Something seriously stinks.

      • Ian Brotherhood says:

        Thanks for that response. Much to chew over.

        After an initial chew I’m in agreement with most of what you say.

        I like to imagine that I’m just a ‘regular’ Scottish guy and that whatever I feel about this or that is probably, more or less, approximately, how other Scottish guys feel. (NB, not Scots generally, but Scottish blokes specifically.)

        Maybe I’m not ‘regular’, ‘normal’? Maybe I’m too hung-up on all this stuff. Maybe I’m obsessive? Who can tell? I can’t.

        What does the imaginary ‘typical’ Scottish man want right now?

        My gut-feeling/best guess/honest feeling is that he’s knackered, constantly worries about his childrens’ future, despises the ‘Union’, loathes mainstream politics, looks forward to ‘voting’ about as much as his next dental appointment and is becoming ever-less tolerant of English accents in whatever few ‘affluent’ areas Scotland has.

        My imaginary friend cannot thole any more rhetoric from the self-appointed arbiters of what’s ‘right’ for us, be that in relation to the environment, foreign affairs, ‘gender’ or whatever else.

        He wants to see some significant resistance to this relentless misery and he wants to see it happening outwith the sainted ‘democratic process’ which has so failed all of us.

        Even small acts of civil disobedience, right now, would provide a sliver of hope.

        How they might happen, and who might undertake them is beyond my ken but if we don’t see some kind of shift to active resistance then we’re as well chucking it altogether.

        That’s my take on it anyway D.


      • sarah says:

        I agree on the need for some visible resistance. Any normal person, male or female, must be sickened by the way Scotland and the rest of Britain are being run. The whole of our existence is tainted by the failure of public bodies/services to speak the truth, support the truth, and do the right thing domestically and internationally. Police, NHS, newspapers/tv/radio – you name it.

        We need to make enough noise to force the current lot of politicians to at least stop lying and misleading us, and to try instead to spend our money wisely. It’s not that difficult a task for them, for heaven’s sake.

        We also need to force the SNP to co-operate with other independence candidates in the 2026 election. That of course is what the Manifesto for Independence is trying to achieve – all independence parties/candidates to incorporate that Manifesto in their own, in order to unite on a process for gaining independence by Holyrood taking control instead of deferring to Westminster. Again, a simple thing to do and you’d think the SNP couldn’t refuse. But the current SNP is remarkably resistant to changing its ways for the good of Scotland. To exert pressure on them we’ll need a large number of signatures on the Manifesto for Independence petition – so far it has 350 signatures. Come on everyone – go to New Scotland Party site and sign the petition. It is a direct route to show our MSPs what we want.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        So, sarah, you’re another one just waiting for somebody else to take the lead?

        You’re another one for whom government isn’t that difficult. You’re another one who reckons people just need to “do the right thing”.

        Have you any idea how it looks to a “skeptic” when one finds somebody claiming to have all off the answers, yet lacking the basic guts to put herself in front of the voters with a policy, a plan and a promise?

        Eternally talking the talk. Never ever walking the walk.

        Still trying to “force” the SNP to do your bidding. You have to be having a laugh 🙂

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        A general level of support for specific racism, along with a wish that somebody else would do “something”.

        I think that’s an accurate summary, but let me know if I missed anything.

        It’s all a long way removed from the heady optimism of 2014.

        And what is probably the saddest thing of all. You’ll be incited to nothing but rage and fury by me pointing this out.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Interesting isn’t it? I particularly liked the section:

        Maybe I’m not ‘regular’, ‘normal’? Maybe I’m too hung-up on all this stuff. Maybe I’m obsessive? Who can tell? I can’t.

        “Know thyself” indeed!

        So let’s lay this out: Ian and others don’t know what the imaginary “typical” Scottish man wants. But they want something done. they want action “outside the democratic process”, including small (but nor large…?) acts of civil disobedience.

        Was anyones independence ever secured on the basis of small acts of disobedience? “Loud tutting and side eye for indy!” doesn’t have much of a ring to it does it.

        Odd that apparently Ian is somehow allowed to speak on behalf of “ordinary typical Scottish men”, but those he disagrees with are told that they aren’t entitled to do so.

        Are most (or even many?) ordinary, typical Scots really ever less tolerant of English accents, or in favour of small acts of civil disobedience or unspecified “acts of resistance”?

        If they are, what are they, and how does Ian know? The usual suspects in here constantly accuse me of daring to speak for the majority, but now apparently it’s OK for them to clothe themselves in the cloak of speaking for “ordinary typical Scots”?

        I don’t fucking think so!

        Typical, ordinary Scots don’t do nativism or “direct action”: we’ve seen the ghost of sectarianism, bigotry and exceptionalism and put it firmly back in its box. We’ll have none of that Ulsterisation pish here thanks very much, any more than we’ll entertain those fluffing for Uncle Vlad or The Donald, or those banging on about post colonial theory, the WEF and how climate change and vaccines are all a sham.

        No wonder BTL engagement has dropped and most “ordinary, typical” Scots don’t engage. They see the standard of most discourse in here and leave well alone.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        From what I’ve learned about history, Andy, the evolutionary course is always preferable to the revolutionary one.

        Take the Orcs for example. Over 100 years now, and they’re still in a mess far worse than the one they had before the true Tsar was replaced by the new ones who hijacked the revolution.

        Scotland under Salmond was on course to evolve naturally to Independence. Based on sound, rational and responsible policies too. Exactly the small ‘c’ conservative programme suited to Scotland, which remains a majority small ‘c’ country at heart. Setting the minds of all Scots, pro and anti Indy, at rest, so that even the opposed ones could be persuaded that the step to Indy wasn’t such a big and risky one after all.

        But that all got derailed by the institutional capture in ScotGov that was allowed to grow and fester. Which means we will have to do the mature, sensible and rational phase all over again. And with new politicians too.

        It’s sad that the recent history lesson on how far evolution could take us towards Indy has already been forgotten by some.

      • Geri says:

        You seriously need to take yer head out propagandas arse.

        The Orcs are not in any kind of mess. Far from it. They booted out the oligarchs intent on selling out, they survived thousands of illegal sanctions & half arsed invasions. They’re self sufficient & a real Sovereign Nation. P is a popular leader & if the world rankings weren’t rigged R would be way above little Engurland & the fudging at the IMF.

        Everyone even calls it a gas station calling itself a country, rich in all manner of resources the world wants, yet we’re to believe little old UK, with fuck all, outranks them by counting in all manner of shite to inflate it’s GDP.

        Trying thinking beyond the Daily Fails bilge. They even think they won WW2 & are still an international player FFS.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        How’s aboot a wee post detailing how the world rankings are rigged then, Geri.

        We’ve all heard of GERS. Time to celebrate the birth of GERIS?

      • Geri says:

        It’s the exact same method as GERS.i.e – Made up manipulated shite to make resource rich countries look shit..

        World Bank & IMF are colonial outfits. Only America has a veto. That means they have full control of whether a country will be approved loans & investment – or not. Usually not if yer outside the G7.

        The USA imposes illegal sanctions, Tarrifs, manipulates markets, blocks loans & investments, sets repayment rates that’d make a loan shark blush, gives good rates only to its mates, sends in the attack dogs (corporations) to deliberately keep a country poor & refuses industry so that country can be stuck selling them raw materials instead of the more lucrative finished product or just block trade. Then, if all that fails, just fucking overthrow/regime change/start a war or just take it for free & laugh about it. It must be an Anglo thing…

        Then they take the absolute piss & describe them as 3rd world, pish poor & joke. 55th on the GDP chart & world rankings. Any leader trying to change his lot is either a terrorist or a dictator & must be removed or just assassinated.

        Take Venezuela as an example. USA doesn’t need any more oil but it will just take it anyway & give it to its greedy friends in corporations & investors. It’ll even just steal it’s reserves too for shits & giggles at the orchestrated press briefings & a brain dead media who never really question anything. Another colonial outfit sticking to the memo…

        So, that being said, how do we know the true wealth & world rankings if these countries didn’t have colonial overlords? Well were finding out as the (alleged) pish poor Global South & African nations are being helped to industrialise & boot out the colonisers. China is investing & building roads, airports & mega shipping ports & these countries are thriving & ditching the $… quelle surprise, now they want a war with China because they can’t compete & ummm, they’re doing good things that make them look shit. Where have we heard that before I wonder? Oh aye, Lord Fuckner.

        There ya go matey. That’s how it’s fudged. Let’s see what you have as an irrelevant comeback…no doubt you’ll revert to yer usual racist tripe that everyone outside the West is looking to invade little Engurland & steal it’s jam & jellied eels.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “no doubt you’ll revert to yer usual racist tripe”

        Not at all, Geri.

        It’s even worse than you describe it.

        The Anglos also sell people weapons that don’t work and F16s that can’t even get off the ground!

        I read that somewhere online, so it must be true.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        A very poor response to an eye opening assessment.

        You do your cause no good with facetiousness, whatever your cause is that is other than sparring with certain other posters here.

        Question; You post here more than most. Why don’t you stand for political position. It’s what you call everyone else out for..

        And please please please don’t tell us you are Pete Wishart incognito..

      • Geri says:

        They don’t. Have you been napping for the last three + yrs? I know the propaganda runs deep with you lot but wake the fck up. It’s not the 1940s anymore.

        The yanks turned war into a business plan with shareholders. Business only care about profits. What can they do? AHH, make a fighter jet that costs millions to maintain – that’ll keep the money rolling in on a monthly basis. A few grand for a bag of bolts too – ya dancer. One that needs a nap every few hours, a blankie, a personal runway sweeper, a beautician every few flights & nice weather LOL! That’s the F16 sorted. Now the user manual & training. Sorry, computer says no. Need at least 3yrs but we’ll train U in three weeks. Aww fuuuuuck, they’re deid. I guess that’s a fail. Didn’t use mirror, signal , manoeuvre correctly. Oh well, never mind. He’s not one of ours – NEXT!

        Let’s move onto big boy bombs – sorry, computer says no. Only America has the tech…

        Okay – our shiny new aircraft carriers then? Surely that’s money well spent? Awwww fuuuuuck here comes a thousand drones *sinks* if they haven’t crashed it into a port already.

        Okayish at mowing down unarmed civilians. Not so great at fighting an actual army. Those F16s were gonnie save the day & everyone home by teatime. Are they still in hiding? Do they even still have a runway?

        Face facts. China & R is way more advanced. They got busy being creative & innovative despite the Sanctions & guess what? They’re state owned. They don’t need to phone a friend. The Americans, the West & the EU got lazy making trillions for shareholders & their rich corporations while others actually got down to business of defending their country in the 21st century.

        They’ve even dancing robots now & they’ve shut up the West with Deep seek. Imagine that – a wee backwater trumps them in everything from solar tae EVs, from dancing robots to free AI & all at a fraction of the costs. No billionaire capitalist. Wee socialist countries that owns all of its own shit & has the worlds manufacturing industry & helping & assisting ppl escape the trap of colonialism with payment systems & technology.

        Good luck picking a fight with them next. My guess is they’re already ready. U was just a war of attrition & to demilitarise. You ain’t seen the full force unleased & only a fucking idiot would think NATO to the rescue! Keep drinking the kool aid, grandpa.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Face facts. China & R is way more advanced”

        “Imagine that – a wee backwater trumps them in everything from solar tae EVs, from dancing robots to free AI”

        And with these two quotes, separated by a single paragraph, I rest my case m’lud.

        “You ain’t seen the full force unleased”

        I’m guessing you mean “unleashed” (unless you’re discussing some kind of novel financing arrangement). But enough futile speculation from me. When the full force is unleashed, will it include beavers?

        Because they’re mean, destructive mofos.

      • Geri says:

        You’ve no case to rest. Yer just a troll that’s tried desperately to have the rest of us believe they’re all coming tae get us. Lions & tigers & bears, oh my!

        They’re so poor they’re fighting with shovels one minute & the next they’re under the bed wanting to pounce & steal all yer jellied eels & jam.

        The UK has fck all they want, Grandpa. You’ve not a pot to piss in & according to financial experts yer heading straight for a debt death spiral. Mismanaged & uncle Sam dependent. The UK will crumble all the faster. Hegemony is over. Colonialism is over. So I think you can shut it about F16s now. The delusion of being the best in the world at everything has been well & truly defeated & it’s time to get back to the real world. You’ve been gubbed. Deal with it.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Sweet 56 and never been gubbed.

        There’s a book in there somewhere, maybe a fillum. I’d prefer a musical, kinda like Family Guy occasionally does. Maybe gregor could come up with some lyrics. I’ll pass on the royalties and take a back seat on the production process but I do have one request.

        I want to be played by a young Sean Connery, reanimated in holographic form by the magic of AI.

        None of that Covid Spreader shit AI, mind, proper, expensive, resource-hungry, bestest, bigly, climate-wrecking, way OTT, Uncle Sam’s AI.

      • twathater says:

        And lo and behold the franchise fanny is off on one of his regular speakathons

      • G m says:

        ‘There’s massive potential to make political capital from the vacuum that has been forming for years, yet silence and / or distraction / disruption from folk of supposed influence… Something seriously stinks.’

        I hear ye. I go to the the ISP site semi regularly. And other places. Never been more worried about the country, in summary. An awful lot is going on and to our detriment and the punters opinions are not welcomed. The disintegration of the little democratic input we had is unfolding before us. Same all across Europe actually but at least they have a chance, being independent.

        The media, old and new. We are being kept apart from each other and the issues extant in the areas in which we live.

        Accident or design?

    • gregor says:

      Wings is indispensable to Scotland.

      • gregor says:

        re. Total visits 559,284 –

        Total visits will surpass 1,000,000 (mark my words)…

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Here you go, gregor, from top right of the page:

        Stats: 6,696 Posts, 1,210,104 Comments

        I cordially invite you to “do the math” 🙂

      • gregor says:

        Evidently, I was referring to these stats:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Can’t you read, Hatey:

        link to

      • Andy Ellis says:

        That being the case, it’s a pity freaks like you take advantage of Rev Stu’s patience and spam the BTL comments with endless screeds of extraneous off topic cut and paste BS.

        Hopefully you’ll eventually outstay your welcome like your unlamented predecessor Cameron Brodie.

      • gregor says:


        “Freak is a not-so-nice noun that refers to either a person who expresses such an intense obsession with something that it resembles addiction, or a person or animal that is monstrous and deformed.”

        link to

        link to


      • Dan says:

        If you can keep up this consensus building work Andy, soon you’ll be the last man standing and have won; And then be free to deliver Scotland back to self-governing status all by yersel without all us moonhowling usual suspect fringe nutters hindering the process.
        We’ll wait…

        Although I guess you’ll need to find some bravery pills for this process of being oot and aboot interacting with joe public and the many different opinions they hold, seeing as how you shat it and locked yersel in the hoose and got jabbed tae fuck during ra covid.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Look on the bright side Dan, when you and your muckers get the your way, you can be Farage’s RFK.

        “Covidiots for Indy”: how’s that for consensus building? 🙂

      • Dan says:

        I think you’ll find I was and remain “vaccine” critical…

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Like I said….covidiot. Happy to help. 🙂

      • Dan says:

        Careful Andy. You’re still a member of Alba aye?

        link to

      • Dan says:


      • gregor says:

        Well said, Dan

        Keep exercising your independence (Scotland values your opinions, experience and special contributions)…


  52. gregor says:

    Keir Starmer

    “Happy Burns Night to Scots at home and around the world celebrating over a Burns Supper this evening.”

    link to


    Lawrence Chaney:
    Regarding their gender identity, Chaney stated in an article for the i:

    “I still don’t know if I am male, female, or somewhere in between. I think the best way to describe my gender is fluid, but this isn’t finite. I see myself as ever evolving”:

    link to

    • Ian Brotherhood says:

      Five minutes after that picture was taken she ate him along with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

    • gregor says:

      Jim Ferguson

      “Reporter: “Elon Musk says the UK has gone full Stalin and is a police state. What’s your response?”

      Starmer: “We’ve brought in over £60 billion of investment.”

      No denial. No defense. Just a canned soundbite while the UK’s freedoms are under attack. Musk’s warning rings louder: Is this the Britain we want?”:


      link to

    • Marie says:

      I don’t want kid starver’s Happy Burns Day wishes. I don’t like grotesque ugly parodies of women either. #womanface.

      • sarah says:

        It is an outrage. Can you see even PMs as recent as David Cameron doing this kind of thing?

      • Geri says:

        Aye! In private tho. It wasn’t that long ago we’d the News of the World where the Tories would feature nearly every week in an exposé cavorting with these eejits or dressing up as a babies, being whipped by a dominatrix, midnight runs to the local care home or doing things with dead animals heads.

        It wasn’t that long ago either that sex workers were banned from parliament. Who even knew that was a thing? Bring an escort to work day…LOL!

        I dunno what they teach those ppl at private schools. There’s a want with them & something tells me these eejits will be any gender ya like if the price is right..

      • James says:

        Didn’t he prefer pigs?

      • Geri says:

        I was about tae get triggered cause at first glance I thought #DragQueenSupper was actually a thing & trending LOL

        I was just thinking – FFS is that hijacked now too..

        I can stand doon lol, it’s just Gregor taking the piss..

      • gregor says:

        Yup. Sorry for almost triggering you, hehe…

      • gregor says:

        Elon Musk:

        “Nemo me impune lacessit” – Sulla:

        link to

        “Nemo me impune lacessit (Latin for ‘No one provokes me with impunity’) is the national motto of Scotland. It also served as the national motto of the historic Kingdom of Scotland prior to the Treaty of Union 1707.”

        link to

      • gregor says:

        “According to legend, the “guardian thistle” (see Cirsium vulgare) played a vital part in Alexander III, King of Scots’…”

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Britannica: Alexander III King of Scotland:

        “Alexander III (born September 4, 1241—died March 18/19, 1286, near Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland) was the king of Scotland from 1249 to 1286, the last major ruler of the dynasty of kings descended from Malcolm III Canmore (reigned 1058–93), who consolidated royal power in Scotland. Alexander left his kingdom independent, united, and prosperous, and his reign was viewed as a golden age by Scots caught up in the long, bloody conflict with England.”:

        link to


      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Awa wi ye an yer kings!

        For it is written. An Independent Scotland shall be a republic.

        (By the people who believe they are going to fashion iScotland in their own image)

      • gregor says:

        Scotland’s heritage matters –

        You’ll never be a Scotland King/Queen with an attitude like that –

        Keep looking for your independence to be issued (you won’t get very far).


      • gregor says:

        re. “shall be a republic”

        Elon Musk:

        “New name for the water that separates England and France.”

        link to

        “At the end of the American Revolution, king George III asked his American painter, Benjamin West, what George Washington would do next. West replied, “They say he will return to his farm.”“If he does that,” the incredulous monarch said, “he will be the greatest man in the world.”…

        George Washington was the man who established the American republic. He led the revolutionary army against the British empire, he served as the first president…”:

        link to

      • gregor says:

        I love my electric guitar…

      • gregor says:

        “Rion is a gender-neutral name of Irish, French, and Japanese origin. Meaning “little king” or “little queen” in Irish, this name is sure to make baby feel like a born leader. Whether you dream of baby becoming the next president or you simply want him to know his own mind, a regal name like Rion is a sure bet.”

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Dinna Forget…

        “The Kingdom of God Is Within You”
        (Luke 17:)


      • gregor says:

        Friends Of Wings

        “It’s interesting to note what points have been included in this wee bio of the Stone of Destiny…”:

        link to

        Originally used in the coronation of Scottish kings, it was seized by England’s King Edward I in 1296…

        The stone’s origins are shrouded in legend. Some accounts connect it to biblical tales, identifying it as the Stone of Jacob described in Genesis. Others suggest it was first used for the coronation of Kenneth MacAlpin, the King of Dalriada, or brought to Scotland by Fergus Mór from Ireland…

        remains an enduring symbol of Scotland’s heritage and its historical ties to the British monarchy. While many questions about its past persist…”:

      • gregor says:

        Ma wee chair:

      • gregor says:

        “Nemo me impune lacessit” stands as a powerful motto that emphasizes the importance of honor, justice, and the consequences of aggression! It has historical roots in both Roman and Scottish contexts and continues to resonate in discussions of morality, identity, and national pride.”

        link to

      • Michael Laing says:

        Gregor does nothing but take the piss on this site. There’s a never-ending litany of his pointless and irrelevant copyings-and-pastings below. OK, almost never-ending. I’m so sick of wading through them that I rarely look at WOS any more.

      • gregor says:

        I love and cherish Scotland –

        You obviously don’t, Michael


      • gregor says:

        Pointless ?

        “Something that is pointless has no purpose, and it is a waste of time doing it:

        This is a pointless exercise.

        It seemed pointless to continue.

        It’s pointless arguing with him.”:

        link to


      • Peter McAvoy says:

        Unless it’s the BBC quiz

      • John H. says:

        If people leave this site because of that, then these folk will have succeeded.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Sadly the same phenomenon has occurred before with the late unlamented Cameron Brodie. He was eventually booted off the site by Rev Stu, but not before he had had a similarly deleterious effect on BTL commentary and discourse.

        I think many who used to contribute agree with you, which is why the number of comments is so much lower than “back in the day”, though granted there are fewer articles posted than there used to be then.

      • gregor says:

        What have I posted that isn’t true, Big Andy.

        Give Wings your list…

        Still persecuting defenseless Cameron Brodie like a piece of sh** – years later (sick fu**).

      • Andy Ellis says:

        The issue isn’t the truthfulness or otherwise of the tsunami of off topic and irrelevant bilge you post “gregor” it’s the fact that it diverts BTL discourse, necessitates people scrolling past your irrelevant input and serves to discourage involvement from folk who might otherwise engage because they can’t be arsed wading through the screeds of stuff you insist on inserting.

        CBB isn’t missed. You won’t be either when – with any luck – Rev Stu treats you the same way he treated him.

      • gregor says:

        Notice Andy Pandy focusing his deplorable attacks on the person – while dismissing the actual content/information/messages/news.

        The gifts never end.

      • gregor says:

        CameronB Brodie (7 years ago):

        “Let’s see if I can shed any light on the nature of your common-all-garden uber-Yoon, who’s values do little to support the ethical content of the democratic process….

        Moral foundations theorists propose that the moral domain should include not only ‘‘liberal’’ ethics of justice and care but also ostensibly ‘‘conservative’’ concerns about the virtues of ingroup loyalty, obedience to authority, and enforcement of purity standards. This proposal clashes with decades of research in political psychology connecting the latter set of characteristics to ‘‘the authoritarian personality.’’…”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        Unlike Andy and his ‘Ministry of Truth’ – I don’t seek to claim the thoughts and opinions of others.

        I would never dream of obstructing his nostalgic warped mind.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        It will surprise precisely nobody in this place that you have no original thoughts or contributions of your own “gregor”, content as you are to endlessly recycle off topic, extraneous material that only you appear to be interested in.

      • gregor says:

        I’m as one, Andy –

        I’m waiting for ‘you lot’ to find yourself and your independence (yawn).

      • gregor says:

        Thank God for the real women…


  53. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    A good Northern Irish documentary on Robert Burns, personal, literary and political life. Commentary in mix of Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and English (with English subtitles throughout)


  54. Dan says:

    link to

    The GERS for India figure is higher than the amount previously calculated.

    link to

    Will post this old image highlighting the scale of tax avoidance versus benefit fraud seeing as it is also mentioned.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      I’d focus on the wee purple one at bottom right.

      Because they’re the ones who can’t fight back, and who therefore are overwhelmingly likely to cough up.

      It’s a universal truth about big money. People who control it can divert a portion of it to protection, such as layers of impenetrable lawyers. Anybody who tries to go after that money spends millions and squanders years, yet gets nix.

      That’s as true for our filthy rich as it is for the politicians in post-apartheid South Africa, as it is even for the head tunnel dwellers, all sitting fat, rich and comfortable in Qatar.

      You claim to be grounded in the real world, Dan. So you really should know better.

      Tell you what, though. If you really are immune to the promises of lucre, whether from business or organised crime, and you really believe you could get a solid crew of like-minded comrades with you, then formulate some policies and stand for office.

      You’ll need to propose true Indy, none of this EU compromise. You’ll need a permanent Scottish currency, no short-term stop gap. You’ll need the death penalty for crims and grifters who seek to profit from the misery of our people. You’ll need to be honest with your predictions for our standard of living. You’ll need to tell ordinary Scottish workers that every hour not spent on doing what the job description says will be an hour not paid, then sit things out while everybody goes on (unpaid) strike for weeks.

      Show us you’re serious. Show us your working. We can all see what the problems are.

      What we need is somebody with the solutions.

      • Dan says:

        I guess by your rate of posts Stu has let you off moderation to continue with your dross again. That say’s it all…
        Of course you were too busy wanging on about matters external to Scotland and got yersel moderated for such a protracted stint of being a disrespectful to this site bawbag.
        The others caught out by his recent moderation block don’t seem to have returned but you of course are back with a vengeance.

        FYI I’ve posted reams over the years on a wide variety of matters that is the basis for sensible policy to evolve from.
        That the likes of you and everyone else for that matter won’t pick up and flesh it out so it meets an agreeable and viable prospect of a policy, again says it all for the worth of this site which brags about being the most read Scottish Politics blog. You are no help to the cause because it is generally always negative criticisms you post and rarely if ever post anything that actually assists developing an idea.

        You can twist my posting on here as me being a parasite on Stu’s site. Be careful with trying that though because what are you doing here…
        But I only post here because it has the supposedly widest reach and exposure and therefore presumably the most scrutiny of the largest range of people.
        (That’s why wee bubbles on twitter and facebook are shit.)

        Off the top of my head:
        I’ve posted about immigration policy which you agreed with just the other day.
        I’ve posted a lot about energy.
        I’ve posted about genderwoowoo lunacy.
        I’ve posted about DRS being shit and that what should have been done was a national campaign to get the public educated and motivated to use the already existing waste management systems in place in the 32 local authority areas.
        I’ve posted about Scottish Water, SEPA and Nature Scotland being unfit for purpose with continuing to pollute our watercourses and creating lax legislation and farcical issues created by their “save the planet” and “rewilding” ideas.
        I’ve posted about how the past two land reform acts have done effectively fuck all because now even more of Scotland is owned by a smaller number of folk.
        I’ve posted about shite solar PV and ASHP installation policies.
        I’ve posted about ULEZ crap and how if we used the fuels we have differently we wouldn’t need so much bureaucratic and costly crap like no go zones for vehicles in some of our cities and ridiculous vehicle excise duty rates based on emissions.
        I’ve suggested a simple to implement DRS for disposable vapes years back rather than allowing hundreds of thousands of batteries to not be disposed of and thrown away to pollute our environment.

        You though, you are just a trolling cunt that will likely be relatively well aligned with me on most of those subjects but still endeavors to troll and try to put the onus of sorting all society’s ills on me rather than offering any help.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        As usual, a bit strong on the personal insults, Dan, but TBQFH, I’m past caring about that.

        As you write, I’ve agreed with some of your stuff in the past. And TBQFH again, that’s as much help as anybody can give on here – post agreement and hit the upticks. And none of that amounts to a gnat’s smidge in the real world.

        The best help I can advance to anybody who thinks they have the answers, and who IMHO looks like they might have them too, is to get out there and stand for office. If I would be likely to vote for you, there may be one or too others similarly inclined.

        We’ll never know if nobody tries.

      • Dan says:

        I’ve agreed with some of your stuff in the past. And TBQFH again, that’s as much help as anybody can give on here – post agreement and hit the upticks.

        No it isn’t. Folk could actually post their insight based on experience and knowledge on particular matters so everybody reading would have a better comprehension on various subjects and be better informed on a wider range of matters and what policies are needed and would garner support.

        A lazy tick does absolutely nothing to assist developing a suitable consensus because it is clear folk that have now been drawn into using a low brow lazy arse facebook style binary like or dislike are often doing it purely on factional grounds of who’s making a post rather then the content. But nobody will ever know because it will always be in the person clicking the button. Utterly pointless and distracting function rather than actually articulating information and views.
        But as the number of folk actually making posts now has diminished so much it also renders the platform practically worthless now for anything other than reading the occasional article.

      • willie says:

        ULEZ is more about other things than it ostensibly is purported to be about.

        Take Glasgow. It has a hugely under capacity motorway in the M8 from about Govan to just before Blochairn. Anyone who travel this route will especially be aware.

        But what they might not additionally know is that the M8 is a very sick motorway on the section of elevated highway just after Charing Cross and near where the old Stow College was.

        And by sick I mean very sick. Underspending on maintenance has allowed the elevated highway structure to deteriorate to the extent that many many hundreds of millions is now being spent on repairing the deteriorated structure. And that is why there are lanes out on that section of the motorway and why, in combination with the huge over capacity volumes the motorway is a log jam of crawling traffic.

        And so dear readers, can anyone think what miles of crawling traffic does to air pollution as car, buses and lorries crawl along at stop start rates. Quite different from vehicles traveling at an even efficient speed of say 50mph to 60mph. But its the crawling traffic in the town that’s causing the problem not the miles of crawling motorway traffic.

        And therein lies the issue. The ULEZ is part and parcel to cover up for the motorway fiasco. That’s what’s causing the pollution. The busiest motorway in Europe crawling in second gear. Oh how the little people get suckered from the truth.

        Ah well, there some good income from fines for breaching the ULEZ. Every little helps when it comes to hoovering up some cash from the hapless sucker who strays in to the restricted zones.

        ( Post script. For the M8 Woodside Viaduct read the Hammersmith Flyover in London which had to be totally closed in an emergency due to the bridge being at risk of a catastrophic failure. Inadequate maintenance, corrosion of steel, deterioration of concrete, the structure was, not unlike the grim situation in Italy a few years ago where the bridge did fall down, a disaster waiting to happen. )

      • Geri says:

        “then formulate some policies and stand for office.”

        You don’t get this oligarchy shit do you? The super rich donate to politicians. How much does it cost to stand for office? To buy airtime, to hire venues, to travel, to do the circuits, to print flyers? Who is immediately restricted on their spending limits? Who dodges those limits & gets away with it? Who restricts airtime or decides who not to invite to debates? Who pays the plants in the audiences?

        The UK has a two party state, same as the USA precisely for that reason. It takes $millions to run for presidency – effectively blocking opposition but pretending it’s ‘free & fair elections & democracy’

        Another con trick…

        Oligarchs should be nowhere near elections. They’re ruthless & not working for the common good, just their own good that seldom cares for public services, healthcare & schools.

        Even the EU the mega rich are now thinking of just dispensing with the whole election malarky altogether & just choose dictatorship & forget pensions & healthcare, buy their weapons instead.

        The UK is a lily-livered coward. It’d rather shut it’s mouth to foreign (corporations) benefit cheats evading paying their dues & go after the small fry instead.

        & Buckle up, cause the UK government has just committed £trillions to the green goblin while pensioners can just freeze & the NHS can just fck off. What benefit is that to the UK? None.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        So it’s hopeless then.

        We really are a special wee nation.

        All over Europe and the wider democratic world, new parties, new people and new policies are breaking the mould.

        The only place it’s impossible is here!

      • Dan says:

        Aye John, we may on occasions over the years have had a few feisty interactions trying to thrash out our agreements and disagreements.
        But what you say there is true as Scotland really does have an incredibly high proportion of meek, weak, passionless, visionless, directionless subservient cretins that seem averse to simply doing what needs to be done.

        “The movement” is packed with egos that refuse to unite and work together for a common cause. If some of these influencers and those that think the sun shines out their arses weren’t so doggedly stuck in their ways then we could easily join forces and crowdfund the cost of standing candidates in each constituency and campaigning for a simple end the union manifesto.

        But no, all we get is division and “it cannae be done”. All these supposedly switched on and connected folk yet it’s beyond their wit or jist too fucking hard to identify 57 folk to stand because it seems nobody in Scotland meets the exacting standards of a bunch of my way or the highways.
        It reeks of deliberate interference and obfuscation and that’s why I have suggested that we need to go about things differently, and other than initially agreeing a way forward on a national scale, we go local and activists campaign in our own areas which would liberate us from the dead weight of arseholes who have clearly shown that they don’t have what it takes to harness political capital whilst Reform make hay.

  55. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:


    « Private chats on trans ideology could fall foul of Government plans to protect workers from harassment, the equalities watchdog has warned.

    « The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has urged MPs to ensure free speech on contentious beliefs is protected under its Employment Rights Bill.

    « Hospitality industry representatives fear the proposals risk landlords having to police conversations at the bar or over a meal for fear customers might be breaking the law.

    Free speech

    « The EHRC told the House of Commons committee scrutinising the Bill that the legislation raises “complex questions” about “the appropriate balance” between third-party freedom of expression and employee protection from harassment.

    « It advised the Government to “undertake further analysis to understand how to balance third-parties’ rights to freedom of expression”.

    « Such an analysis, it added, “should also take into account any additional complexity that may arise if the third party is expressing a philosophical or religious belief that is protected under the Equality Act 2010”.

    « Agreeing with the EHRC, UKHospitality said it did not believe “the burden of policing these issues should fall upon employers”, while the British Beer and Pub Association said pub workers cannot be “expected to decide whether private conversations between customers constitute a violation of law”.

    Lawful beliefs

    « In September, Free Speech Brighton reported that it was evicted from the back room of a local pub after the landlord allegedly took offence at a presentation against transgender ideology being taught in schools.

    « An attendee at the event said: “A hushed room listened to a measured and informative 15 min speech about safeguarding children against pervasive gender ideology”.

    « However, she continued, just as the speaker “was taking questions, two security guards told us the manager wanted us to leave immediately because there’d been ‘a complaint’.”

    « Responding to the EHRC, a Government spokesman said: “As with all cases of harassment under the Equality Act 2010, courts and tribunals will continue to be required to balance rights on the facts of a particular case, including the rights of freedom of expression.”


    « In 2023, a report by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) warned that transgender ideology is ‘profoundly endangering’ free speech and democracy in society.

    « IEA’s Head of Cultural Affairs, Marc Glendening, said: “The freedom of individuals to express opinions on trans issues is under serious threat. This is undermining the ability to have sensible and necessary debates on controversial topics”.
    « “A philosophical line in the sand needs to be drawn in this regard if the drift towards authoritarianism is to be halted.” »

    (From The Christian Institute website, 25 Jan 2025)

  56. gregor says:

    Express (2025): New blow for Keir Starmer as Donald Trump doesn’t want either of UK choices as ambassador:

    “Donald Trump is threatening to create a huge headache for sir Keir Starmer by rejecting the UK’s top two choices as ambassador to the USA.

    Republican sources have revealed the new US President could turn down the appointment of former Foreign Secretary David Miliband as our man in Washington.

    It follows warnings that Mr Trump could reject Peter Mandelson, the Labour grandee who is Downing Street’s official choice for the role…

    An ally of the President said: “Trump doesn’t like Peter Mandelson, but he has no time for David Miliband either.

    “These lefty political appointments are bizarre.”…”:

    link to

    link to

    • willie says:

      Sir Keir Starmer did everything he could to interfere in American politics and undermine Donald Trump, and Starmer is still briefing against the new president.

      The BBC as the UK state broadcaster is also showing a flash of the political bias for which it is renowned.

      Absolutely no surprise then that President Trump administration will have thoughts about who the UK Prime Minister and his team seek to put forward for slots like ambassador.

      Starmer made a big enemy of Donald Trump and the republican party. And he remains so. Anyone with half a brain would recognise this to be not the best course of action.

      And then of course, the mini Brit John Swinney has indicated that President Trump is unwelcome. Another man with no brains and a stupid mouth. But he’s an appendage to Starmer and the Labour party.

      Tariffs John, ever though about tariffs. Malt whisky especially John. Its a huge export to the USA. Makes a big contribution to the UK trade deficit. Go for it John boy, go for it. Go tell Trump to keep away. You’re the man!

      • gregor says:

        Well said Willie – accurate summary of the geopolitical situation.

        Exciting times, indeed…

      • Alf Baird says:

        Aye, good call by our co-opted woke SNP colonial administrators to back Harris considering that ‘son of Scotland’ President “Trump is the most influential person in the world” (David Davies MP, Question Time).

        Can just imagine President Trump saying to Swinney: “well John I’ve just liberated Americans from tyranny and I hear you want to liberate Scots from 300+ years of English domination? How you gonna do that John? Can I maybe help you there John? I love Scots and Scotland. So lets do a deal to liberate Scotland John.”

        We should make him King Donald if he leeberates us, as is oor tradition. He would surely deserve it, an the Scottis croun’s aye vacant onywey. A Macleod on the throne, canny be bad!

      • willie says:

        Yes Alf, sensible pragmatic words. Trump could indeed change the landscape for Scotland.

        Starmer and Swinney picked a big enemy in Donald Trump and the Republican Party. And Trump will not forget the interfering and undermining Brits,

        And maybe, just maybe, that is what his comments about annexing Canada were all about. Canada, a sovereign country and member of the Commonwealth with King Charles as its head. That would certainly be a bit of a laugh a bit of a giggle for Sir Keir .

        Certainly would not be beyond the wit of the new President to have a bit of fun telling the Prime Minister Starmer that he might just decide to take Canada. You know, who has the big balls now Keir. Go ahead Keir you’re the boy. Make my day. Drill baby drill!

        And what of the mini Brit the hopelessly incompetent John Swinney in the service of Sir Keir.

        Well here is a quote from the conservative MSP Murdo Fraser who appears to understand that our First Minister Swinney’s undermining of Trump might not be the wisest of strategies, when in parliament he said –

        “As Christine Grahame has fairly said, tariffs on Scotch whisky during Donald Trump’s first presidency were calculated to have cost the industry £600 million, and we cannot run any risk of that damage being repeated.”

        “Does the First Minister therefore agree that all politicians here should recognise the need, in the interests of our economy, to work constructively with the new US regime, whatever our view of Donald Trump might be, and that, in the words of the new president of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, some need to “haud their wheesht” when it comes to criticising the President?”

        And in response John Swinney, the mighty John Swinney, indicated that he might not go that far saying that –

        ” If Murdo Fraser will forgive me, I will just be accountable for my conduct and contribution”

        Yes, President Donald John Trump and son of Mary Anne Macleod from Lewis could change the face of Scotland.

  57. gregor says:

    The Resistance (2025): Donald Trump ‘will sh** on Scotland’, former aide warns:

    “…Anthony Scaramucci issued a firm warning about dealing with Trump – saying he “honestly doesn’t give a shit” about Scotland despite his roots in the country.

    Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born in Lewis and it has been suggested that the connection could be leveraged to Scotland’s advantage – with Scottish Secretary Ian Murray saying last week that Trump has a “deep affection” for the country….

    However, Scaramucci has warned that it would be best to remain off the US president’s radar…

    He gives a shit about one thing. That’s Donald Trump. And in the Donald Trump reptilian brain, there are two things that he cares about: attention and money.”:

    link to

    link to


    • gregor says:

      Fortune (2024): FTX sues Scaramucci to recoup money put into showy investments:

      “FTX filed a lawsuit against Anthony Scaramucci and his hedge fund SkyBridge Capital as part of a broader effort to claw back money for creditors of the bankrupt company…

      “One connection that Bankman-Fried poured significant time and money into” was Scaramucci, for his “established financial, political, and social” network, according to the filing…

      In September 2022, Bankman-Fried and Scaramucci announced that the venture arm of FTX would acquire a 30% stake in SkyBridge. Financial terms were not disclosed at the time. Scaramucci said then that the investment reflected that he was “thinking about the next decade of SkyBridge.”

      Within a few months, FTX had filed for bankruptcy and Bankman-Fried had been arrested in the Bahamas on fraud charges.”:

      link to

      link to


    • gregor says:

      The Rerun (Wee Ginger Dug): REAL SCOTTISH POLITICS:

      “Scotland has been advised by Anthony Scaramucci – a former Trump aide turned adversary – to keep its head down and to try and avoid attracting Trump’s attention. Scaramucci warned that Trump “will hurt” First Minister John Swinney if he tries to get too close.

      In a clear warning to those who believe that Trump’s Scottish family connections could be leveraged to win favourable treatment for Scotland from the notoriously capricious president, he also said that Trump “doesn’t give a sh*t” about Scotland.”:

      link to

      link to

  58. gregor says:

    The Saboteur (2025): Leaked emails show Kenny MacAskill’s concerns of Alex Salmond’s Alba:

    “ALBA was becoming a commercial enterprise under Alex Salmond – but the party’s “fan club” membership saw no issue in that, Kenny MacAskill said in emails leaked to the press…”:

    link to

    link to

    • G m says:

      Aye right, sure MacAskill said that. The TransSturgeon Pamphleteers going all MI5 on us ?

    • gregor says:

      The Herald (2025): Leaked report reveals SNP’s struggle to stem membership exodus:

      “The SNP has lost yet more members despite party bosses attempting to “redouble” efforts to recruit supporters.

      Accounts released in August showed membership numbers had fallen to a new low, hitting 64,525 at the beginning of June, close to half the 125,000 high achieved in 2019.

      New correspondence leaked to the Mail on Sunday shows John Swinney has struggled to tackle the drought…”:

      link to

      link to

      • sarah says:

        The Rev gave this figure of 64,525 on twitter about a week ago. Does the article credit him? 🙂

      • gregor says:

        Rotten MSM follows Wings, Sarah…

        Reality credits you/Rev.


      • gregor says:

        The Old News: Tommy Sheppard: Rule change must take place at SNP conference:

        “…NEC reps evolved. In strange way a mechanism which was meant to give grassroots members more direct say in the running of the party ended up doing the opposite…”:

        link to

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Andy Ellis: Announcement:

        “It will surprise precisely nobody in this place that you have no original thoughts or contributions of your own “gregor”, content as you are to endlessly recycle off topic, extraneous material that only you appear to be interested in.”


      • twathater says:

        It looks as though Tommy boy is starting to get a wee bit panicky about his job prospects

        Maybe he is actually listening to the shouts of the snp BETRAYAL from people who REALLY NEED independence and now realises that sturgeon,useless and spineless the regional mayor of Jock land have been lying to everyone about the drive for independence

        And maybe I’m kidding myself on that Tommy has a brain and was unaware that his leaders are more interested in sexual perversions and debauchery than an independent Scotland

      • gregor says:

        Yeah, something has changed (hmm)…

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “correspondence leaked to the Mail on Sunday shows John Swinney has struggled to tackle the drought”

        How can you get a leak from a drought?

      • gregor says:

        Speak to MSM.


  59. sarah says:

    O/T It is good to see that the Manifesto for Independence is gaining signatures – was 321 the other day and is now at 358 – but if we are to bring our SNP politicians back to their duty of obtaining independence asap, we need thousands to sign. I can’t think what is holding back the thousands of Wings readers from signing – they only need to go to the New Scotland Party site to sign.

    • Andy Ellis says:

      358 out of 4,007,200 registered voters as of December 2022. So only a couple of million to go…..?

      • sarah says:

        Very droll. It just needs enough previously-SNP voters in each constituency to make the MSP nervous about the security of their seat. Depending on the majority it could be that only a few hundred would be necessary. You will remember that Pete Wishart’s majority on one occasion was less than 100.

      • sarah says:

        Siobhan Brown, Ayr, majority 170.
        Karen Adam Banff & Buchan 772.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Oh, I’m not denying that in particular seats can come down to a handful of votes. I’m just not sure petitions are the route to indy.

        In principle I agree that for plebiscitary elections to works and that absent the self destruction or electoral gubbing of the SNP (personally I think I’d prefer the film humiliation of the latter) the movement as a whole has to get behind forcing all pro independence parties to agree that a majority gained with their collective votes is an automatic mandate for independence.

        I don’t think those parties have to like each other or agree on any other policies than that one. People are prone to over complicating things.

      • sarah says:

        This Manifesto for Independence isn’t a “petition” in the usual sense. It is an accumulation of signatures on a demand that is backed by a punishment – “No inclusion of this independence process in your party’s manifesto = No vote from us” i.e. ignore us at your peril.

  60. gregor says:

    The Herald: Operation Branchform: Call for SNP to refund Indyref2 donors:

    “He said the reaction to his complaint had exposed him to the “uglier side of the nationalist movement.“…

    Sean Clerkin, the pro-independence activist whose complaint led to the police probe, said that people who donated to the Indyref2 fund should be offered a refund and an apology.

    “All of the 2000 people that gave money to the SNP for this ring fence referendum have to be given an unmitigated apology. And secondly, what they want is an offer of refunds from the SNP to them.

    “Some SNP members don’t want to take the refund because they don’t want to bang up the party. Well, that’s their choice, but it should just be an offer of a refund to all the people on the list.”

    “The bottom line is it’s dragged on for far too long,” he added. “This cannot be allowed to drag on for the sake of justice for the 2,000.

    “Nobody has spoken up for the people that donated. They’re just ordinary people, working class people, lower middle class people who donated money. Only one person’s ever been fully refunded.”:

    link to

    link to

    “pointless and irrelevant” (Michael Laing)

    • sarah says:

      I got a refund. I asked for two items to be refunded but the accounts could be unwoven enough to identify that only one donation was for the ring-fenced fund [yes, I believed them].

      • gregor says:

        Your experience is worth more than any donation.

        I’m sorry that you’ve not received an apology, yet.

      • sarah says:

        I can live without one!

      • gregor says:

        I like your humility and dignity.


      • crazycat says:

        Same here. I was fairly sure my second donation was for the local elections in 2017 (no idea now why I gave them money for that since I’ve never been a member; must have been the threat of a Tory) but asked for it back just in case.

        As you say, their record-keeping is good enough to identify what each of my donations was for, so they know exactly who donated to the missing funds. Also, telling me I couldn’t have one donation back because it had been used for the intended purpose, then refunding the other one, is a concession that that hadn’t been used for its purpose.

        So Yousaf was completely out of order (surprise!) when he said no more refunds would be given.

      • Geri says:

        2017 would’ve been the General Election.

        2016 was local elections & Brexit.

        Just saying.

        There were various organisations taking funds. It’s hard to keep up. Elaine C Smith was another fundraising & then after congratulating themselves on meeting their target – seemed to just disappear into the woodwork never to be heard of again unless I blinked & missed it.

      • crazycat says:

        2016 was Holyrood and Brexit
        2017 was local elections and Westminster

        Five years later:
        2021 Holyrood
        2022 local elections

        My e-mail from the SNP confirms that my 2 2017 donations were for the dodgy fundraiser and the local elections, in consecutive months.

      • sarah says:

        Interesting, isn’t it, that they found that they could tell one payment from another! The whole thing was appallingly handled by the party – showed themselves to be a complete lot of devious, undemocratic, dodgy people.

      • crazycat says:

        Yes; my receipts were identical apart from the date, amount, and a reference number. No indication of the purpose of the donation.

        But they knew; their records should, of course, include that information, and that they do makes it even less excusable that the money itself is nowhere to be found (allegedly).

      • twathater says:

        TBQH Crazycat and Sarah I am extremely disappointed in those who requested and some who were given refunds, the very fact that your donations were given towards a ring fenced appeal for a referendum and were then misappropriated to purchase furniture and other items unrelated to the appeal I would consider as fraud

        Considering that sturgeon and the wider snp were deliberately lying about their intentions to hold a referendum and were treating the donors with utter contempt that would have been the most opportune time to collectively mount a joint legal challenge to recover the misused funds
        THAT would probably have resulted in the snp going to the wall because they were impoverished and that would have saved the independence movement from many years of turmoil, deviance and pain

  61. gregor says:

    BBC (2025): CIA says lab leak most likely source of Covid outbreak:

    “The CIA on Saturday offered a new assessment on the origin of the Covid outbreak, saying the coronavirus is “more likely” to have leaked from a Chinese lab than to have come from animals.

    But the intelligence agency cautioned it had “low confidence” in this determination…”:

    link to

    link to

    BBC (2022): Covid origin studies say evidence points to Wuhan market:
    “Scientists say there is “compelling evidence” that Wuhan’s Huanan seafood and wildlife market was at the centre of the Covid-19 outbreak…

    One of the researchers involved, virologist Prof David Robertson from the University of Glasgow, told BBC News that he hoped the studies would “correct the false record that the virus came from a lab”…”:

    link to

    • gregor says:

      BBC 2021 Covid: White House defends Dr Fauci over lab leak emails:

      There is no proof Covid-19 came from a lab….

      The NIH, which is a US public health agency, gave $600,000 (£425,000) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology from 2014-19 via a grant to the New York-based non-profit group EcoHealth Alliance, for the purpose of researching bat coronaviruses.

      Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance, emailed Dr Fauci in April 2020, praising him as “brave” for seeking to debunk the lab leak theory.

      “Many thanks for your kind note,” Dr Fauci replied…
      Department of State officials discussed the origins of coronavirus at a meeting on 9 December 2020.
      They were told not to explore claims about gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab to avoid attracting unwelcome attention to US government funding of such research…

      Gain-of-function studies involve altering pathogens to make them more transmissible in order to learn more about how they might mutate.

      The Wall Street Journal reported last month that three employees at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill and were admitted to hospital in November 2019, just before the first reported Covid-19 cases

      During congressional testimony on 12 May, Dr Fauci emphatically denied the US had ever funded controversial gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.

      Covid-19 is known to have infected some 172 million people, killing more than 3.5 million.”:

      link to

      link to


  62. gregor says:

    BBC (2025): Poland warns against restarting R***ia gas supplies:

    “Poland’s president has said that gas flows from R***ia to Western Europe should never be restored, even if R***ia and U***ine reach a peace deal.Andrzej Duda told the BBC that the Nord Stream gas pipelines, which have not been used since 2022, “should be dismantled“….”:

    link to

    link to

    The Guardian (2024): U***inian team blew up Nord Stream pipeline, claims report:

    “The Nord Stream gas pipeline was blown up by a small U***inian sabotage team in an operation that was initially approved by Volo***yr Ze***skiy and then called off, but which went ahead anyway, according to claims in a report in the Wall Street Journal.”:

    link to

    “The deliberate destruction, disruption, or damage of equipment, a public service, etc, as by enemy agents, dissatisfied employees, etc.”:

    link to

  63. gregor says:

    Daily Express (2025): SNP in another secrecy row as ministers admit they DO know names of police probing fraud probe:

    “The secretive Scottish Government has admitted that it does know the identities of 11 police officers currently probing Operation Branchform despite refusing to disclose it earlier this month…

    The Mail on Sunday has revealed following a protracted Freedom of Information battle that Ministers were privy to the names and titles of the police squad investigation the party’s finances.

    Police Scotland has contacted serving government officials for statements and to arrange meetings and some of the names and titles of detectives are known.”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Andy Ellis:

      “It will surprise precisely nobody in this place that you have no original thoughts or contributions of your own “gregor”, content as you are to endlessly recycle off topic, extraneous material that only you appear to be interested in.”

      • gregor says:

        re. “no original thoughts or contributions of your own “gregor””

        It is my firm belief that Andy Ellis isn’t capable of publicly expressing his love, admiration and appreciation for Scotland and its people, on this/his Wings forum, nor anywhere.

        Feel free to prove me wrong.


      • gregor says:

        Polish-Scots put you exclusive sniveling frauds to Scotland/universal shame…

        Why I Fell In Love With Scotland:
        Steeped in a rich and dynamic history, boasting miles of wild and unspoiled land along with friendly and hilarious locals, Scotland is a country that is hard not to fall in love with…
        Though Scotland is a rather small country, it effortlessly manages to make itself, its culture, and its beauty well-known around the world. That’s exactly what it did for me. Scotland pulled me in.

        I came to this vibrant country sixteen years ago. Though excited for the transition and change of scenery from my home country of Poland, I was nervous. I was afraid of failing in the country, of not integrating myself properly, and of feeling lonely and unhappy.

        Despite my fears, Scotland quickly began to feel like home – while embracing the usual challenges of moving abroad. It’s quite enchanting when you feel at peace in a new country, and you never grow tired of the scenery, the people, or the culture.”:

        link to


      • gregor says:

        Dear grandad,

        Wings tribes f**king hate you for helping defend UK/Scotland/world from the wicked nazi (for being Polish-Scots) –

        Revolting xenophobic Wings bigots.

        Love you grandad/WW2 heroes:

      • gregor says:

        Looks like I’m Scotland’s original lover (blush)

        Nobody is willing to step up for Scotland, huh

        You lot don’t deserve Scotland (if you cannot value yourself).


    • Hatey McHateface says:

      Defo good news that Police Scotland still has 11 officers.

      Haud oan though. Maybe it’s nae 🙂

    • Dan says:

      Eleven… ELEVEN… EEEFUCKINGLEVEN! cops is a bit suspicious and reeks of Burnistoun Quality Polis and the lift scene.

      link to

      • gregor says:

        I like your description and sense of humour, Dan

        Keep expressing (while the regressive Wings wretches carp from the sidelines)…


  64. boyce says:

    The SNP are now a complete irrelevance in Scotland. I ask reasonably, who can repeatedly vote for a party whose manifesto is always “Vote for me and I’ll ask WM for referendum for you every five years”? It needs the electorate to catch up with events and realise this. The Scottish electorate is canny or smart. They are slow to catch on. But eventually they will. The SNP is a political cul-de-sac, a unionist net for Indy supporters. It is now a neutered party full of neutered individuals who are so uninspiring I’d sooner watch paint dry, and then fade away in the sunlight, than vote for them again.

    • Andy Ellis says:

      The Scottish electorate is canny or smart. 

      The evidence of successive elections – and indeed your own post – strongly suggests otherwise. Being so slow to catch on doesn’t suggest canniness or smarts of any description.

      A canny and smart electorate would not have tolerated the current situation. Even absent any clear and settled will for independence, a smart and canny electorate would surely at the very least have ensured that their elected representatives would have secured a better “devo max” or full Home Rule deal out of Westminster than we currently have.

      Instead, we’re left with the worst of both worlds: a moribund referendum process stymied by the meek acceptance by the SNP of a British nationalist veto over whether we’re even allowed to hold referendums and a Scottish unionist alternative that has no interest in securing greater powers for Holyrood, and indeed seems content to see Westminster diminish Holyrood’s powers by diverting resources and powers to local government to bypass the devolved parliament.

      It’s beginning to look like things will have to get worse before they get better. The lumpen Scottish electorate show very little sign of giving the daeless SNP the coup de grace any time soon. It suggests that absent some political earthquake we’re in for a long not short haul journey.

      • gregor says:

        re. “The lumpen Scottish electorate”

        “Stupid or unthinking.”:

        link to

        Still claiming Scotland’s thoughts (sigh:)

        link to

      • Geri says:

        Never mind. You strike me as someone who is absolutely delighted that we’re still chained to Westminster & little Engurland. In your wee world they’re Sovereign & far superior & were stupid moonhowling brigadoons.

        If only you’d been here eh? Wed have had EU bunting up while Lizzie was on her knees holding aloft a section 30 on a silver platter….

        Newsflash, bozo, 2015 GE landslide was a mandate to GET OUT. Followed by TWO others in quick succession, EU Brexshit 2016, Holyrood elections 2016, giving the SNP a TRIPLE mandate. So what the fuck would we be wanting a better Devo max deal for?!!

        Showing yer true colours eh? You’d fold like a cheap suit & barter for Devo just as fast as Sturgeon did.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        I don’t agree.
        Not overnight no but the SNPs electoral defenestration over the last few years shows they have (no pun intended) woken unintentionally the sleeping giant of voters who bit by bit aren’t putting up with their lunatic schemes and depraved indoctrination of their children and grand children anymore.
        That’s why other parties, small to start as is the way with things, are needed to fill the need for the 50%ers come election time now the NuSNP is lame and no longer fit to run.

        Meantime, in argument to one of your put downs of a genuine poster venting their non legalese frustration further up, what exactly is wrong with civil disobedience?

        Ok, didn’t work for the miners but certainly worked for Ghandi..

        And FFS, try and be positive for once about the prospect of us regaining our status as a sovereign status independent state free of obligations to join other lunatic “gangs”..

        Have a nice night.

    • sarah says:

      I can’t remember, boyce, if you are one of the btl folk who have signed the Manifesto for Independence [on New Scotland Party site]. It does something to address your [and my] concern that the SNP does nothing to get independence. The Manifesto says – “you’ll only get my vote if you include the Manifesto for I in your own manifesto”.

      The MfI states the process i.e. that Holyrood is the only body that speaks for Scotland [so repudiates the s30 process]; that if there’s a majority for independence at Holyrood, the MPs will be recalled; a wide member [i.e. not only politicians] Convention established; and a Scottish vote held asking the voters for approval to dissolve the Union.

  65. agent X says:

    link to

    Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law to stand trial over extortion and drug dealing

    • agent X says:

      The brother-in-law of former first minister Humza Yousaf is to stand trial after he was charged with extortion and class A drug offences following the death of a man.
      Ramsay El-Nakla, 37, pleaded not guilty via his legal team to the allegations during a hearing at the High Court in Glasgow on Monday.
      Co-accused Stephen Stewart, 51, Jennifer Souter, 39, and Victoria McGowan, 42, also face charges on the same indictment including the culpable homicide of 36-year-old Ryan Munro.
      El-Nakla is not accused of being involved in the alleged killing.
      It is instead claimed El-Nakla, along with the other three, “with the intention of menacing” Mr Munro did put him in a state of alarm that he would be harmed at a flat in Morgan Street, Dundee on January 9 and 10 last year.
      Prosecutors state they did “intimidate” the man and did “extort a sum of money from him by threats”.
      El-Nakla alone is separately accused of being concerned in the supply of cocaine in Dundee.
      Along with Stewart and McGowan, he faces a similar charge in relation to heroin.
      Stewart, Souter and McGowan are alleged to have killed Mr Munro at the flat in Morgan Street on January 10.

      A trial was set and is schedule to begin in December 2025. It could last around ten days.

      • twathater says:

        So allegedly 4 people entered the flat with the intention of menacing the victim and EXTORTING money from the victim who it’s alleged owed them money , probably from the drug offence charges

        YET ONLY 3 of them have been charged with the alleged killing of Mr Munro

        Is there not a charge that if you are present you are deemed to be an accomplice of the killers, or is that only if you are an ordinary criminal that doesn’t have powerful connections
        I’m sure that COPFS know what they are doing

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        They’re all lovely people.

        I’m sure there’s been a big mistake.

        Shame we will have to wait nearly a year to get at the truth, so we must spare a thought for what they will all be going through until they can clear their names.

        Sadly, Scottish justice has a bad rep when it comes to trying accused innocents of a certain demographic (think the Lockerbie trial) but they won’t be allowed to make the same mistakes a second time on another high-profile case.

    • gregor says:

      Andy Ellis doesn’t want an informed Scotland.

      Carry on, Agent X…


      • gregor says:

        The Fraud (2025): Scotland’s top judge suggests Operation Branchform has been held up:

        “Lord Carloway, who is stepping down from his role as Scotland’s Lord President – the country’s most senior judge role – was asked by broadcasters about Operation Branchform.

        He said: “I know absolutely nothing about Operation Branchform. I don’t know where the hold-up is, whether it’s with the police or the Crown Office.

        The judge added: “It looks as though there is a hold-up, yes.””:

        link to

        link to

      • gregor says:

        Correspondence regarding Operation Branchform: FOI release: Published
        28 January 2025:

        Information requested:
        1. A copy of any briefing for the First Minister that relates to Operation Branchform.
        2. The last email or message sent by the First Minister’s office or the man himself that mentions Operation Branchform. 
        3. Any Scottish Government document sent to First Minister that refers to ‘Operation Branchform top lines’.
        4. Copies of any phone or text messages sent by the main man in the last seven days that mentions arrests or operation branchform:

        link to

  66. Mark Beggan says:

    The next election in Scotland will have nothing to do with Independence. The next election is all about governance and honesty. Who can govern honestly without hidden agendas, pet projects, ego trips and sexual deviancy. Who can get the job done.
    Basically the removal of the present occupants or the complete destruction of The Willy Wonka experiment.

  67. gregor says:

    The Flying Iron of Doom:

    “Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?”

    link to


  68. gregor says:

    re. “Revolution”:

    “The overthrow or repudiation of a regime or political system by the governed.”

    “(in Marxist theory) the violent and historically necessary transition from one system of production in a society to the next, as from feudalism to capitalism.”

    A far-reaching and drastic change, esp in ideas, methods, etc.”:

    link to

    #StoneMe #StatusWingsQuo

  69. gregor says:

    BBC (27/01/25): Glasgow child sex abuse gang given life sentences:

    “The seven members of one of Scotland’s biggest child sex abuse rings have been given life-long sentences and warned that they may never be released…

    Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to horrific sexual abuse and violence in a Glasgow drug den dubbed “the beastie house” over a seven-year period.
    Police said the children had suffered “unimaginable abuse“, with the offences including rape, attempted murder and assault

    These orders are reserved for the most serious court cases in Scotland which do not involve murder, and mean the individual will either be in prison or on parole for the rest of their life…

    Judge Lord Beckett told the gang, whose jail sentences totalled more than 93 years, that they may never be released from prison.
    He said: “This court is used to hearing the worst examples of human behaviour but such depravity towards young children is beyond my experience

    The judge also highlighted the victim impact statements and said one child wrote with “agonising articulacy” about her ordeal and the suffering of the other children.
    He added: “In stark contrast to what was inflicted on her, and its impact, an impression of innate humanity shines through her words.”…

    Two girls and a boy were violently and sexually assaulted on multiple occasions between 2012 and 2019.
    The trial heard that the gang would hold “rape nights” and “dance and sex nights” in a squalid flat in Glasgow that was frequented by drug users.
    A girl was raped by members of the gang while she was still young enough to wear a nappy

    She described the flat as the “dark and scary beastie house” because she had been locked in a cupboard with a box that was full of spiders.
    The girl was also shut in an oven and a fridge and was forced to eat dog food.
    An older boy and girl were also subjected to savage beatings and sexual violence.
    Members of the gang also used Class A drugs in front of the children and caused them to consume alcohol and drugs

    Owens, Lannery, Brannan and Williams were found guilty of attempted murder.
    Charges related to causing the children to take part in seances and witchcraft

    chief executive at Children First, said no sentence would reflect the “extreme cruelty and horrifying abuse” that the children experienced.
    She added: “The depths of their suffering will be unimaginable to most people in Scotland, but none of us should turn away from it.
    This is one of the most extreme cases of abuse ever seen in a Scottish court, but every day children and young people in Scotland are experiencing violence and abuse.”…”:

    link to

    link to

    • gregor says:

      Up-vote if you value Scotland’s children.

      • gregor says:

        Yet you claim moral authority over me (sigh)

        Take a good look in the mirror:

        You are an abomination to Scotland’s children and are complicit.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “Yet you claim moral authority over me (sigh)
        Take a good look in the mirror”

        You do realise you’ve posted that to yourself?

        Are you re-enacting the Jekyll & Hyde story with a 21st century, online twist?

        That could be a lot of fun, but if so, could you get a second “handle” so we know which archetype (Jekyll or Hyde) is posting at any time?

        Many thanks in advance.

      • gregor says:

        Whatever/wherever I post over Wings forum is for everyone.

        Hopefully that helps, McTard.

    • Hatey McHateface says:

      “told the gang, whose jail sentences totalled more than 93 years, that they may never be released from prison”

      Math time.

      link to

      “The overall average cost for running a prison place for a year (per prison place) in 2022-23 was £51,724″

      So that’s £4,810,332 at today’s prices just for dinner, bed and breakfast, and all because as a society we lack the guts and the determination to string up the scum who prey on our kids.

      Whether it’s a case like this one, the recent slasher of the three dancing lassies, or the boy and his new wife who beat his wee daughter to death over a period of months.

      And the trendy lefties bleat and whine about the “extreme right-wing”? They ain’t seen nothing yet.

      • Skip_NC says:

        Here in the USA, it has been demonstrated that the death penalty costs seven times as much as locking them up and throwing away the key. If you are going to impose the death penalty, it is critical that you have a robust system in place to make sure that appeals are handled properly. That costs money on both ends for the government. They have to fund the prosecution and, in almost all cases, the prisoner is indigent and natural justice tells us that they are entitled to a defence.

        Incidentally, there are very few states in the USA that use the death penalty for anything other than murder with aggravating circumstances.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        My response to that, Skip_NC, is that whoever came up with that answer must have been asking the wrong questions.

        It’s fashionable, of course, to pretend justice brings no deterrent effect with it. That enables the right-on defenders of manifest injustice to rule out of the equation the costs of all of the additional crimes committed by those who see the lenient treatment meted out to previous perps.

        Meantime, those who deny the effectiveness of deterrents nevertheless admit that it’s difficult to get convictions against violent gangsters and drug traffickers. Witnesses are terrified of testifying because of the harsh punishments they expect to receive from the crims! And the sure-thing kick back expected from going after adherents to the Religion Of Peace means they get off lightly, time after time. So we can clearly see that deterrents do work, when it’s the crims punishing the innocent.

        Sure, a robust appeals process is needed. But some murders still are fucking open and shut cases. The recent Southport ones for example.

        IMO, a murder victim who is a child is all the aggravating circumstance needed.

      • Skip_NC says:

        Aye, the case of Stefan Kiszko was open-and-shut. Until it wasn’t.

        Consider the numerous studies that have been done on the cost of the death penalty. See link to – in particular, see if you have time to read the 2009 report from Duke University.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Don’t tell me – tell some struggling, tax paying, law abiding citizen who can’t get medical treatment because there’s no money left.

        Justify to him the state’s prioritisation of spending the huge costs of keeping an unreleasable murderer for life, over the smaller cost of funding the medical procedure that will make him well again. Perhaps for the rest of his life too.

        As I wrote earlier, some murders are fucking open and shut cases. You citing a case that isn’t, doesn’t refute my argument – SOME MURDERS ARE.

        Of course, not the least argument in favour of the death penalty for heinous child murder is the simple fact that for any finite state prison system, as more and more murderers are banged up “for life”, the system soon fills up.

        So then lesser criminals are released earlier back to their lives of crime and in the UK, even the less notorious murderers are quietly back on the streets after a decade or less.

      • Skip_NC says:

        Who decides what murders are open-and-shut and what are the criteria? Stefan Kiszko would assuredly have been hanged if we still had the death penalty. What about the various alleged IRA bombers around that time?

        You seem to have difficulty accepting that there are costs to pursuing the death penalty that do not exist with a long life sentence.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You seem to be resolutely opposed to accepting that when several witnesses testify to a knife-wielding nutter running into a kiddy’s dance class in broad daylight, and several witnesses testify to the same nutter slashing three kids to death and a few others to serious injury, then that’s an open-and-shut case.


        Maybe you accept nothing whatsoever at face value, in which case your life must be an unbearable purgatory.

    • gregor says:

      BBC (2025): Children raped and abused in high street hotel chains, police data suggests:

      “Police have received hundreds of reports of child sexual abuse in high street hotel chains

      Of the 504 offences recorded in hotels in 2023, 92% (464) involved physical contact with a child, while 40% (203) were recorded as rape.

      The NPCC says some of the most serious offences imaginable are now committed in hotels, and police forces are “working with hotels to try and raise awareness of child sexual exploitation”..

      The NPCC says where specific hotels were recorded by police many were in major towns and cities, with transport links such as train stations and motorways nearby making it easy for perpetrators to meet victims…”:

      link to

      link to


  70. Chas says:


    A bit of advice for you. Get a life.

    • gregor says:

      My life is Scotland, Chas.


    • gregor says:

      Tell my war hero grandad (blood) and his pals to fu** off, Chas

      And look them in the eyes (soul):


      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Why the down votes again?
        This place is becoming a Unionist tick box site.
        Needs sorted or genuine people are going to drift away due to the Trolls.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        “genuine people”

        Wasn’t it yourself, just a few days ago, who posted admitting you’re a long way past the age when anybody could classify you as “young”?

        That being the case, what’s “genuine” about you?

        On a serious note, I see little to no evidence that any regular poster on here is young. Many posters are obviously retired and with too much time on their hands – many happily admit to being in their sixties and seventies.

        Few posts ever seem to indicate a POV that looks like that typically held by a young Scot in 2025.

        There was a young, regular poster on here for a while – TURABDIN. He seems to have disappeared. While he was on here, he was mercilessly hounded for, among other things, being young.

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        And your point is caller – other than being ageist?

        If it’s any of your business, which it it isn’t really it was a term of affection/ nickname for me used by my dear late faither many many years ago.
        Kind of stuck.

        Anyway; old bull, young bull..

        You probably don’t get that (whatever your pseudonym is there) on TickTock where you “young bloods” (sic) hang out..

      • gregor says:

        Look on the bright side, Lochinvar

        The insatiable forever-losers are shining a torch for everyone…

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Not particularly sure what or where that torch is shining..

        Possibly something to do with where and when the Olympics opening ceremony reintroduced the torch ceremony I reckon.

        Who knows, but some of those torch bearers certainly don’t add anything meaningful or positive here..

  71. Dan says:

    Seeing as I mentioned NatureScot recently and this subject matter previously after the Revive event.

    link to

    • Dan says:

      Fantastic evening with BASC Scotland marking the end of the shooting season at the wonderful Scottish deli in Dunkeld. With John Swinney

      link to

      • MaryB says:

        Thanks for that link Dan. I hope this action by Nature.Scot and scotgov is investigated. Nature.Scot should be independent of government an unbiased.

      • Dan says:

        Hi Mary, I think it’s always useful to share links with content like that which folk may not have been aware of.

        This may also be of interest re. Corporate interests clashing with Scottish wildlife (wildcats).
        February 2024.”Wind farm legal challenge over wildcats thrown out”
        link to

        December 2024
        link to

  72. David Holden says:

    Well after a couple of days without power and a day or two with no internet pop in to catch up and the place is clogged up with a deluge from one poster. At least this one does pictures unlike some who went before.

    • gregor says:

      ‘This one’, David ?

    • gregor says:

      Keep belittling and degrading your defenders, as sub-human scum:


  73. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    (Hopefully posted to correct thread this time!)


    The link above should take you to the first 50 min episode of Irish TG4 channel’s dramatised documentary series on Éamon de Valera. The title means ‘De Valera in the Wilderness’. For English subtitles click the white rectangle at bottom right of screen.

  74. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Poem for Holocaust Day:


  75. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Second poem for Holocaust Day:


  76. robertkknight says:

    55 out of the last 124 posts… FFS!


    • Insider says:

      Yup !
      Somebody’s trying to shut this site down by swamping it with gibberish !

      • gregor says:

        List what isn’t true…

      • gregor says:

        Not willing/capable of standing behind your convictions (gibberpish) ??

        I’ll continue duly defending Scotland (holding the champions trophy) while you lot tear yourselves to pieces.


      • gregor says:

        No, unlike you and Andy (et al) – I don’t claim the thoughts/minds of others –

        I love it when bigots/wannabe bullies speak (particularly in groups/mobs, etc)

      • Andy Ellis says:

        You could always try complaining to Rev Stu. The experience of trying to get him to ban the bampot Cameron Brodie who had a similar MO is not encouraging however.

        Sadly there will also be a minority of useful idiots defending him. It’s a sad reflection of what BTL used to be like before the usual suspects pissed ordinary posters not impacted by the phases of the moon.

      • gregor says:

        Why don’t you make a direct complaint to Rev.


      • Andy Ellis says:

        Because he was pissy about it with Cameron Brodie. It’s his site: if he can’t be arsed taking preemptive action when it’s so obviously merited then I don’t see why I should bother.

        Been there, seen it, done it. You’re doing a fine job of pissing everyone off yourself. Your manic bullshit isn’t significant enough to waste time emailing Stuey.

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Maybe the “falling school” boy could lure gregor in, just as the roof collapses 🙂

      • Insider says:

        Did that school ever actually fall down ?
        Haven’t seen anything reported in the newspapers !

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Can we volunteer a few others to lure in…? This place would be all the better for it. 🙂

      • gregor says:

        Can’t you fight your own battle, Big Andy

        I’m only 5.6ft (just a little nothing-gardener)

        I don’t mind if you bring your backup mob –

        Especially given that you speak for all Wings participants, as self-appointed Wings convenor (Governor?).

        I’m more than willing to help you bring an end to your battle (with yourself:)

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        I think that once the stories about public buildings constructed with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) made it into the media, it was accepted that Scotland is hoaching with falling down schools.

        Come to think about it, that story has gone very quiet lately.

        Maybe it’s because all the crumbling schools were re-built double quick under Yousaf’s rule.

        Haha, I do like a wee joke.

      • gregor says:

        I admire Hatey’s unmitigated resilience, despite his forever-masochistic tendencies.

        He’s even got a sense of humour (unlike a cohort of miserable Wings wretches)

        Furthermore, he never fails to supply me with an abundance of gifts (power:)

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        Cheers, gregor. Leave your details with Rev Stu and I’ll forward you my OnlyFans account details.

        Live cam every evening – UK time zone.

      • gregor says:

        Still universally claiming the thoughts/minds of others (eyes roll).

        Unlike you, I value individual freedom of thought.


      • Geri says:

        That’s right. It’s his site.

        Of course you’ve been there before, Herr Flick. I bet you’d have loved being in the Gestapo. I bet you’d have done yer civic duty curtain twitching above & beyond the call of duty..a 5 star grass…

      • Young Lochinvar says:

        Andy, you seem to have developed a trait in your written opinions assuming that you and the Rev speak, if not as one, but from the same hymn sheet.

        Isn’t that a classic symptom of groupthink bullying?

        Just saying before you ask your “alleged” bestie to pre moderate me..

        Again!! 🙂

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Not so. Rev Stu and I have had our disagreements too on a range of issues. I don’t really get his (at least in my view) hostile attitude to the promotion of Gaelic for example. On *most* issues our general political views and position of the “political quadrant” are pretty similar. What of it?

        I agree with many (most?) folk in here about gender woo, even as I disagree with them on a range of other issues. What of it? Such is life.

        Why is it “groupthink bullying” to point out where your views align with other people, or to echo the frustration of many other posters (including not a few I can’t generally stand) who are in agreement that “gregor’s” input is unwelcome. Others defend him. Again: so what? It’s pretty obvious more are against his MO and spamming of BTL threads than support it.

        I wasn’t aware I’d ever asked for you to be pre moderated. I don’t recall interacting with you at all until recently in fact.Your moniker seems new to me: no idea who you are, nor do I particularly care.

      • gregor says:

        For those who don’t know –

        Andy Ellis has been slandering and belittling defenseless Cameron Brodie (a former Wings participant/contributor, whom deeply cared about Scotland and its people), on a regular basis – for years and years.

        He’s a very sick man, indeed.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Truth, honest opinion and publication on a matter of public interest are adequate defences “gregor”.

        It’s pretty obvious from the manic posting who the sick one is here. Very much CBB’s MO. Odd that.

      • gregor says:

        What are the big matters of public interest, Andy…

      • Geri says:

        What have I missed?

      • gregor says:

        You’ve missed the reality-hammer, Geri

        Scotland’s zombies and lost souls find it difficult to take.

        I’m confident well get there in the end (even if we have to drag Scotland to liberation, with our teeth:)

      • gregor says:

        Correction: “we’ll” (I’m only human:)

      • Geri says:

        Does it ever cross yer tiny mind that it may have been YOU that pissed them off?

        Leave Gregor alone. So what if he posts current news articles. At least it can generate discussion & spark conversation.

        Unlike Shiteface McShitface & his fellow Britnats who disrupt & troll everyone here & you’re no better – Get onto yer favourite topic, tthe franchise, & you kick off with the pish poor attempts at degrading & insulting Scots.

        Those in glass houses shouldn’t go throwing stones…

        Just as a bit of fun though can you name all these great posters you liked but no longer post? Maybe they’ll post to say hi…

      • gregor says:

        Thanks Geri,

        Your defence of Scotland is noted among the frauds/useful idiots.

        I value Team-Scotland Champs like you…


      • G m says:

        You dpn’t bother me. I pick up the odd thing from your posts having tossed oot the telly and given up on the msm a while back

      • gregor says:

        Cheers G m (makes the effort worthwhile, while I enjoy my annual work holiday) –

        Latest UK developments…

        Liz Truss

        “Utterly Orwellian from the British state:

        ‘“claims of ‘two-tier’ policing” are a “Right-wing extremist narrative” and… grooming gangs are an “alleged” problem “frequently exploited” by the far-Right.’:

        The Home Office itself is the problem.”:

        link to


      • Hatey McHateface says:

        A careful reading of some of gregor’s recent posts, geri, suggests he still has his own teeth.

        I believe that used to signify quite a catch in parts of Scotland not so long ago, and maybe still does.

        Just saying 🙂

      • gregor says:

        I’ve still got all my own teeth (apart from the front one I smashed while diving into the deep end of Perth swimming pool as a kid:) and have a great relationship with my wonderful dentist (over 30 years).

      • Hatey McHateface says:

        You must have hit some of that “hard” water they used to tell us about in school physics lessons.

        Just a rare turn of bad luck for you, as the majority of water in Scotland is of the “soft” kind.

      • gregor says:

        Nope – I hit a hard tile at the bottom of the pool.

        I love water.

      • Andy Ellis says:

        Oh I’m sure some are pissed off, but given who they are it’s a matter of supreme indifference to be honest. Pissing off moonhowlers, nativists and bigots seems like a win to me, so…meh.

        I’d be as bothered about pissing them off as I would pissing yoons, britnats or the assorted vatniks, tankies and science deniers who have sadly taken up residence in this place in recent years, much to its detriment sadly.

        Maybe some of the old posters still lurk, or maybe they’ve wandered off to pastures new or just decided that since there appears to be SFA going on in Scottish politics, they just can’t be arsed. Some of them are still around on twitter/X. Back in the day I seem to recall there were daily articles here, and often several hundred posts a day. Changed times indeed.

    • gregor says:

      I can confirm that nothing is obstructing you from posting, Robert

      • robertkknight says:

        I can confirm that nothing is obstructing you from getting your own website, Gregor.

      • gregor says:

        Dismantling your integrity is way more fun (and far easier).

      • gregor says:

        You are currently functioning like a mini WEF/exclusive rotten SNP hierarchy –

        You lot are the worst Team-Scotland players, ever.

        You’ve got some fu**ing audacity.


    • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

      Maybe in about seven hundred years time they’ll be calling him the Spammer of the Scots, who knows? 🙂

  77. Dan says:

    And these aren’t even my words! lol

    Anyone who says ‘solar panels’ or ‘heat pumps’ can seriously fuck off to whichever spreadsheet they emerged from.

    link to

    I’ve been calling this out for years though, and here’s one of my posts on the subject just to make the point again. No beaver content so be thankful for that but be warned there will be more on that subject soon no doubt…

    I really don’t think it is helpful perpetuating the idea that using solar PV in compromised locations such as fence panels or facing the wrong way is the right thing to do. Have you actually looked at the real world generation figures for compromised solar PV array system installations?
    I have firsthand real world experience because half a dozen neighbouring properties have recently had compromised PV systems installed through taxpayer funded subsidies, and the generation figures are absolutely atrocious with numbers as low as just 200kWh being generated in 6 months. Generation in properly installed 4kW systems should be about 10 times those amounts.
    Those low outputs are made all the worse because the 4kW residential PV systems produce virtually no power during the short daylight hours and cold winter months, so they are zero help in assisting the residents heat or even power other electrical items in their homes.
    An old smallish property with single glazing and poor insulation with the resultant low thermal efficiency figure that yields would require to consume about 4kW every hour (day and night) to keep it close to warm in winter.
    It doesn’t take a genius to work out that 200kWh generated over 6 months is only a baw hair over 1Kwh produced during the daylight hours of one day, so it is nowhere near being of any help in providing the level of electrical energy required to heat a home.
    And I’ll tack on that some of the above PV systems were installed along with Air Sourced Heatpumps under permitted development planning rules. This means the installations lacked any scrutiny by Local Authority Building Control to check if the systems were appropriate and met the various compliance standards with regard to performance and noise levels.
    So now what was once a lovely quiet rural village sounds like an industrial zone with multiple ASHPs humming and resonating away at all hours day and night.
    I’ve checked the noise outputs of my neighbours’ ASHPs with a calibrated decibel meter and none meet the 42db noise limit, with some being 50db which is almost 10 times the legal limit, and one that even puts out 59db which is almost 100 times the legal limit.
    And for reference my old diesel car puts out 62db when ticking over.

    And here’s a pic of 3 taxpayer funded extremely compromised shitey solar PV arrays producing effectively heehaw power over the entirety of winter.

    As my sleep is now so disturbed due to the fucking noise the dodgy ASHP installations kick out as they rev their guts out in the inefficient zone of operation because they are being asked to produce more heat than they can; I recently tried a melatonin tablet which helps with circadian rhythm and finally got a relatively decent nights sleep and felt way better for it. Wonder if all these “saving the planet” twats factored in aw the drugs folk need to take to mask out the issues created by their greenwashing pish…

    • Alf Baird says:

      And on our ongoing economic plunder, heard freeport Forbes on Radio shortbread this am announcing some kind of ‘investment’ arrangement between ScotGov and the Corporation of London nae less! Seems they have been having cosy Burns suppers these last few years, nae dout in a Tory laird’s schloss somewhere in the highlands. She accidentally said ‘the Mayor of Scotland’ also attended meaning Mayor of London, tho maybe she was referring to Swinney.

      SNP suppin wi the deil noo for sure, pairt o the colonial racket. And on our continued economic plunder here’s another upcoming energy opportunity SNP Ministers are busy promoting to international corporations where Scots fowk shuirly winna see ony royalties: link to

      A colonized fowk are aye bocht an selt, ower an ower agin, i.e. ‘enslaved’.

      • Dan says:

        Aye Alf, dire stuff watching all this play out isn’t it.
        The hydrogen sellout isn’t new news though as I’m sure you’ll be aware. Robin had this article in Nov 2023.
        Has Angus Robertson content which seems a standard built in feature for aspects detrimental to Scotland.

        link to

      • The Flying Iron of Doom says:

        That photovoltaic arrangement in your photo was just…oof. If only such things could be planned and installed by people who actually understood the technology and its deployment, eh? Sadly that would appear to be too much to ask – oh no, it’s all about the optics of showing your dedication to the impossible quest for Net Zero®. Makes you despair just a wee bit, doesn’t it? :/

      • Dan says:

        Aye, It’s a kind of MTragic…

        For several reasons I haven’t posted pics of the worse taxpayer funded installs on north facing roofs…

        If anybody rocked up onto a eco-sustainabilty forum and stated they were going to fit a PV array on a north facing roof in Scotland or do the install of those 3 arrays in that pic it could result in them getting sectioned for the insane lunacy of it.
        So how the hell is this shit happening as part of policy rolled out by our Administration of Devolved Powers.

        In fact the amount of lunacy coming from Holyrood might be grounds for Scots to get our “government” sectioned and off the scene.

      • twathater says:

        I don’t always agree with Robin because I view him as being eager to be part of the establishment but that post was 150% correct , unfortunately everything he says about politicians and civil servants NOT having the expertise , experience or ability to understand daily life for others is not restricted to the snp , every party and politician have failed abominably to plan policies which will benefit the electorate , every thing they touch or try to improve turns to shit

      • Cynicus says:

        She accidentally said ‘the Mayor of Scotland’ also attended meaning Mayor of London…”
        Wonderful. She has obviously picked it up from observant commenters here or elsewhere.

        The tragedy is that it is deadly accurate: Swinney himself seemed absolutely at home in the company of mayors of English metropolitan counties a few weeks back – quite pleased to have been thought the equal of a big beast like Andy Burnham.

      • Geri says:

        The USA, in its race to thwart China, has unleased it’s mate BlackRock. BlackRock loves private ownership of everything for it’s rich investors.

        Sir Kid “Starver” “Starmer” “Stormer” What’s his name again? (LOL that was a classic from Belarus press conference the other day) Recently had a power nap with BlackRock. Co- inckidink? Don’t think so.

        I’ts amazing the information you can gleam from outside the UK. It’ll be the one handling Freeport Kate.

      • gregor says:

        The Colonizer (2025): People ‘moving to Scotland from rest of UK to boost population growth’:

        “The NRS data, published on Tuesday, said that Scotland’s population is expected to grow by 4.4% over the 10 years from 2022, from 5.4 million to 5.7 million.

        Over a 25-year period, from 2022 to 2047, the Scottish population is projected to grow by 6.2% to some 5.8 million people.

        However, the NRS said that “all of the projected population increase comes from inward migration to Scotland [from elsewhere in the UK]”.

        “The projections suggest Scotland’s population will not experience ‘natural growth’, as there are more deaths than births projected each year going forward.””:

        link to

        link to


      • gregor says:

        @X Trending: UK Population Projected to Reach 72.5 Million by 2032:

        “The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has projected that the UK’s population will increase to 72.5 million by mid-2032 due to net migration. This represents an increase of approximately 4.9 million from the current population of 67.6 million. The growth is anticipated to challenge infrastructure but could also contribute economically.”:

        link to

      • Confused says:

        where will they all go?

        link to

        Our wonderful leaders are already making arrangements – anglos to highlands and borders, BAMs to the central belt, the Scots to the reservation, the McGaza strip

        link to

        Orwell gave as a vision of the future a boot stomping on a human face forever; but for us it is 

        Farage (and his kind) farting in our faces forever 

      • Confused says:

        where will they all go?

        link to

        Our wonderful leaders are already making arrangements – anglos to highlands and borders, BAMs to the central belt, the Scots to the reservation, the M8 strip

        link to

        Orwell gave as a vision of the future a boot stomping on a human face forever; but for us it is 

        Farage (and his kind) farting in our faces forever 

      • gregor says:

        re. “where will they all go?”

        Doesn’t everyone belong to a home nation.

        It’s our tapestry of nations that make the world so unique and special.

      • gregor says:

        Absurd Smoque: Evolution: Pathway Home:
        link to

        Absurd Smoque: Q: Tapestry:

        link to

        link to

      • Confused says:

        Going over “demographic changes” the other day I forget to post an extra one … “missing Scots”

        – A RECORD NUMBER OF ABORTIONS last year – 18000, and almost all of them done for reasons purely of “inconvenience” / “economic hardship” (not r4pe, not incest, not deformity, not threat to the mothers life – these edge cases almost never happen) – thanks feminism, another triumph for the sistaz. Abortion is the feminist sacrament.

        And now for the comedy – Scotland is the only place that lets you have 3 FULL GOES AT THE IVF, when you have decided to finally settle down and become a mum (post retirement obviously) – hot needle and dustette for all that vibrant healthy life at one end, and lets spend millions at the other end getting barren old crones up the duff.

        Does anyone “think things through” anymore? Let’s abort 18K a year and do 7000 IVFs. Yeah. Because wimmin doing shitty office cubicle jobs moving paper and emails from cubicle to cubicle, is really important. Feminists – ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? “having it all” came from a new york socialite, mind. Career first, family later – more like shitty office job “career” first, cat sanctuary, later. If you don’t have a family no one gives a shit about you past 30, you are an old boot, damaged goods (why don’t the clubs let me in for free anymore – why did that doorman say it’s not your night, luv)

        Another cracker – the big feminist heroines who started all these “family planning” (abortion) clinics – they were all posh women who were into eugenics who thought the “lower orders” bred too fast, lower orders meaning the working class and “N1ggers” … so there you go – thanks feminist heroine, you lovely nazi racist b1tch

        Life is really one big intelligence test; and some people are so stupid it makes you think “they get what they deserve” – but then the stupid drag the rest of us down, because … that’s “democracy” … and the best system there is, that makes you free. 

        So, Scotland – you are losing 10s of thousands every year, and killing thousands more as well, and “replacing” them all with – anglos and “bams” – who are not us, don’t care about us, both types being up here simply for what they can get (another chortle – the anglos are on the run from their own “bams”), and don’t give a shit about Scotland, its history, culture, and have no interest in becoming scottish, not even “new scots” a laughable 360 degree insult if ever there was. The Landward-Scottish-Field gaslit bright new tomorrow won’t be happening for the natives.

        Scotland, do you deserve to live?

    • gregor says:

      BBC (2025): Scottish Water bills set to rise 9.9% in April:

      “Water bills in Scotland will increase by almost 10% from April.

      Scottish Water said the 9.9% rise was necessary to invest in infrastructure to cope with periods of “drought and intense rainfall” brought on by climate change.”

      link to

      link to


  78. Hatey McHateface says:

    MSM reporting that a judge has ruled that a £166m legal claim against the Scottish government over the failed deposit return scheme can go ahead.


  79. gregor says:

    WHAT DID I TELL YOU, Scotland (yawn)…

    BBC (28/01/2025): Child sex abuse victims ‘failed’, says minister:

    “The victims of one of Scotland’s biggest child sex abuse rings were “failed”, the SNP government has said.”:

    link to

    link to

    link to


  80. Muscleguy says:

    This is because Swinney is a paranoid android so of course he has moved to ensure his paranoid fantasies of being replaced can never come to pass.

  81. doddsotheglen says:

    The Yes movement was not this lot and is far bigger, having been shut out for a decade didnt kill off the Yes movement, poverty hasnt killed off the Yes movement, because we all seek justice and a more equitable Scotland, and Scotland is being hacked to death in front of our eyes and the incumbents just draw a salary…


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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Mia on The Long Future: “@ Geri So the current invasion of P, Syr, and Lbnn is because they have rare metals? Is that the…Mar 28, 11:37
    • sarah on The Gender Of Mountains: “Nailed it again, Rev. And I am horrified, again, by the quangos who occupy Scotland. Please let there be some…Mar 28, 11:36
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Scotland is in a political union with England. The United Kingdom is two Kingdoms United by a contract. That Union…Mar 28, 11:32
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Ian – there seems to be some on here who think the UN is going to impose an ethnicity voting…Mar 28, 11:17
    • Geri on The Long Future: “It is a colonial tool. It’s widely accepted the BBC won the NO vote by playing propaganda TV 24/7. England…Mar 28, 11:16
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Why do you support immigration for one country but not for the UK? The people that turn up there have…Mar 28, 11:08
    • sarah on The Long Future: “Thanks for the link – makes it easy for people to hear the case for themselves.Mar 28, 11:07
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Geri – the principle of self determination is universal, it applies to all people. The structure and nature of a…Mar 28, 11:01
    • Mia on The Long Future: “I completely agree. And it is another reason to stop watching, reading and supporting the BBC. Scotland needs to have…Mar 28, 10:39
    • Geri on The Long Future: “The UN will reform. The imperial veto will be removed to reflect the new word order. Trump can either reform…Mar 28, 10:31
    • Mia on The Long Future: ““signed up and swore oaths to do a job of work” Did they now? Are you openly acknowledging then that…Mar 28, 10:20
    • Grendel on The Long Future: “The problem with Alba, and I say this as a member, is that the SNP have done an outstanding job…Mar 28, 10:12
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Aidan I didn’t say Catalonia would have any lesser of a claim. I said their constitutional arrangement would be completely…Mar 28, 10:08
    • Mia on The Long Future: ““it is a completely useless organisation that will die under Trump” Actually, that very much depends on your point of…Mar 28, 10:03
    • Liz on The Long Future: “Don’t know if you’ve noticed but there is an increase in the removal of Scottish voices from the media. Can’t…Mar 28, 09:55
    • Ian on The Long Future: “The UN played a crucial role in ending apartheid by condemning the policy, establishing an arms embargo, and promoting international…Mar 28, 09:48
    • Mia on The Long Future: “My apologies if I have misunderstood your comment, Rev, but I am not convinced it would be for Scotland itself…Mar 28, 09:45
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Long Future: ““The whole point of going to C24 and asking for Scotland to be declared a non self governing territory is…Mar 28, 09:20
    • Mia on The Long Future: “@Lurker (Part II) The third point of the manifesto is “Assert the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in matters…Mar 28, 09:19
    • Iain McGlade on The Long Future: “Who exactly said that Unionists wouldn’t be allowed to participate? That’s just ludicrous and it’s most certainly not something you’ll…Mar 28, 09:16
    • MaryB on The Long Future: “There’s a big education job to be done about the Salvo stuff. I’m not Scottish, though I’ve lived here for…Mar 28, 09:04
    • diabloandco on The Long Future: “// Watch and weep.Mar 28, 08:54
    • Mia on The Long Future: “@aLurker Thank you very much for your comment, for the clarifications and the links to the manifesto for independence. I…Mar 28, 08:50
    • Geri on The Long Future: “Billy I’ve heard various commentators say it’s the banking wankers. They seem to have a gambling addiction & every time…Mar 28, 08:39
    • Aidan on The Long Future: “@Xaracen – no it absolutely is a strict , foundational requirement. It is probably the single most important defining feature…Mar 28, 08:31
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: ““the U constitution actually states it’ll remain a neutral country & actually forbids foreign aggressors & hostile nations from any…Mar 28, 08:27
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: ““Scotland will be a republic” Awww, Geri, and there was me wanting you to be my queen. Sure you won’t…Mar 28, 08:17
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Good points Cynicus. The key takeaways remain that the hereditary principle was paramount. Where the heritage was more diluted (through…Mar 28, 08:06
    • Xaracen on The Long Future: “@Aidan; You said; “a key defining feature of a NSGT is that there must be ‘salt water’ between the territory…Mar 28, 08:04
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Awww. Marie’s family members volunteered, signed up and swore oaths to do a job of work. And now she’s puling…Mar 28, 07:50
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