The scorched earth
We’ve just been sent this report from today’s meeting of the SNP’s National Executive Committee, which ended a short time ago. There’s no official confirmation yet but it’s come to us from several independent sources and we’re sure it’s true.
(“NS” and “JC” are of course Nicola Sturgeon and Joanna Cherry.)
Our understanding is that the (elected) Women’s Convener and Equalities Convener were not allowed any input at all on the definition.
We’re also informed that Fiona Robertson and Graham Campbell, supported by Nicola Sturgeon, argued that anyone found tweeting or even retweeting links to Wings Over Scotland should be expelled from the party, although we don’t yet know if any action arose from this discussion.
[EDIT: Now confirmed by Graham Campbell, a man so bright he thinks Mike Small is called “Mike Smart” and Neil Mackay is called “Neil Murray”.]
(The First Minister made a rare appearance at an NEC meeting, seemingly for the sole purpose of forcing the definition through and scowling menacingly at any dissenters.)
30% of the members of the NEC are not elected by conference, and Fiona Robertson was of course voted out by members last year, but appears to be regularly slithering back in as a substitute for representatives from unelected affiliate groups.
It appears the party no longer cares about even a pretence of democracy, so long as it can ensure its current ideology is sustained if/when the First Minister is brought down by the Alex Salmond scandal, as now seems all but inevitable. It certainly looks like Joanna Cherry’s days in the party are numbered, along with several others.
We would advise anyone with any plans involving Scotland being independent in the next decade to reconsider them as a matter of urgency.
Below is the final definition adopted:
We’re not yet clear on exactly how wide the “wider trans people” have to be.
We now have the official minutes of the meeting, taken from the MySNP website, confirming the definition was adopted.
“Decisions of the National Executive Committee – 20 February 2021
The NEC agreed that our priorities are the forthcoming election and securing independence through a second referendum. Leaking and misinformation hinder these aims.
A Campaign Rally will be held online in late March, open to all members, setting out our message for the election in May, and will be the largest online event of its kind.
A working definition of Transphobia was agreed, to help members in the first instance to consider their own behaviour, and work to deliver similar definitions in relation to homophobia and misogyny and further definitions is being developed.
The 2021 budget was agreed, including £1.5m Holyrood election spend, £600k this financial year for referendum preparations, plus new Headquarters staff to support local government and the complaints processes overseen by the National Secretary.
There was also agreement on the further interim recommendations of the Governance Review Group, which has secured input from significant a number of members, on communications, and support for activists and office bearers.”
An online campaign rally! Be still our beating hearts! But that second-last item is rather interesting. The SNP don’t have anything like £2.1m in the bank – in fact they don’t even have 1/20th of that in ready cash, and their total net assets are only £272,000.
Wonder where they’re going to find it?
I despair!
Well that’s that fucked then, eh?
This is where we need the folk.holding back to come.out of the woodwork and slam “NS” as hard as they can. Shame lying to parliament isn’t a jailable offence. Seems its likely what she deserves. Well played the unionists (even though we’ve done this to ourselves).
They’ve just buried free speech.
I’m glad I cancelled my membership yesterday. Independence will come, but not through these arseholes.
I also despair, they are no longer a route to Independence. Let’s hope ISP and other Indy parties put up FPP candidates and against NS in Govan.
I read that thing about RTing Wings being an expellable expense, then just below that saw Ian Blackford was RTing uhm…Wings. I am unsure if this means anything at all. But then I’m increasingly unsure about what anything in Scottish politics means any longer.
Dictatorship is here.
Lol, it’s all over now and surely even the members of the Latter Day Church of the Nicola can see that. Sturgeon has destroyed the SNP and I suspect if she is not gone soon independence is over for a long long time.
*expellable expense*
Expellable offense. Seriously, is dyslexia a side effect of the covid vaccine?
If any of the faithful still think st Nick isn’t a vindictive wee shit and they’re getting a plebiscite on independence, hell mend them. Hell mend them all. ( obvious exceptions do apply).
Jeez, Graham Campbell again. He’s on the list for my area. Graham, please do one. Go.
The NEC illegal vote rigging will have consequences down the line. But how much damage will be done before these charlatans and their enablers get punished by the hoodwinked electorate?
5 bloody years of cancel culture wokikoky. Roll up – vote for these clowns – get all we deserve.
Sounds as if the FM is now a bit demented.
Aye, Slick Nicky – the remuneration for betrayal is never enjoyed comfortably. Up
Nicola Ceausescu keeping it in the family.
But will it be retrospective? And who’s going to police it?
Comfy Pete…
MI5 like to pluck em from the street whilst they’re young I guess.
This will have moved them up another level on the establishment ziggurat.
There will be very few to expel at this rate, They’re selling postcards of the hanging and She’s in charge of the cyanide hole on Desolation row,
I’ve not hated a political leader as much as Sturgeon since Blair circa 2003… in many ways, I despise Sturgeon more.
Can I start crying and rocking myself in a corner yet ?
I am embarrassed that I was a member of this shambles
There was still someone on Twitter in the early hours telling me that I HAD to vote SNP regardless if I wanted independence
Regardless of missing money, conspiracy to jail an innocent man, women’s rights being shoved off a cliff, democracy being jettisoned to keep individuals and their pet projects happy, death threats ignored but crybabies fawned over, und so weiter, und so weiter
YES, apparently only independence matters. We may berate other parties for such corruption but we must vote SNP regardless
What is happening to people ? Is it the lockdown ? Is it me ?
Is Murrell procuring the piano wire?
This is why I’d never join a political party. Too many idiots.
I guess we do need a better Independence party.
The SNP seems to have sold out before reaching it’s goal and collapsed like Labour when it became an establishment party.
What will it take to get independence if the one party supposedly for it cannot get it’s shit together?
Old Alex has her stitched-up like an old kipper. She’ll be scowling on Wednesday night all-right and maybe gone from our lives for good by the end of the week.
She’s a borerline psychotic with a hard edge of mallace to her and has been balancing on the edge on the precipice for months now.
Seems you know who is determined to destroy the SNP as an independence party.
30% not elected by conference
I better dig out my ledder hosen for the inevitable rally .
Now where did I put that party badge?
Such a fall. Swift.spectacular,self induced.
Well if the transphobia definition, which will bear no relation to actual transphobia results in the whip being withdrawn, then I for one encourage Joanna Cherry to join one of the new list parties – probably ISP. She can be its first MP and then stand on the list in Edinburgh Central for Holyrood. Even if she doesn’t win, which she might, it will stop Angus Robertson getting elected.
As for retweeting WOS, anyone who has the whip withdrawn should do the same.
NS really is a vindictive wee besom isn’t she. I’d no idea until the Alex Salmond case what her true nature was.
But hey! Let’s wheesht for Indy, eh?
This is what happens to parties with no opposition and a captive electorate. It’s disgusting.
So, given that we seem to have a decision that would be a hard sell on the doorsteps, what is the election campaign going to look like and who is going to fund the SNP’s campaign?
Will the Sturgeon government find ways of issuing regulations that force parties to campaign a certain way? In the last few weeks we seem to have gone past Unionist v Nationalist and into Democracy v Authoritarianism territory.
Salmond to join AFI or ISP (I don’t care which one) and they need to go for constituent seats. Yes it will put independence back but reality is Boris is not going to permit it anyway. Next time round AFI or ISP become the dominant party
If not then feck em.
Womens and Equalities Officers were sidelined.
I believe it was Oliver Brown who said many years ago “Scotland will be free…In spite of the SNP” It appears he was correct.
Could we fund Joanna to stand against Robertson?
We have to start somewhere.
Anyone willing to put an X in a box with SNP beside it in any polling booth is a fool.
Absolutely bloody insane. Bunker stuff. So amazing that in an awful way its hilarious.
I wish I could have watched it. Just breath-takingly potty.
I’m the same. I never thought much of Blair to begin with so I didn’t feel so let down by him. I really can’t find words to express my total horror and disgust at what Sturgeon has become.
“Dehumanising prejudiced language about trans people.”
Out of interest may I ask on behalf of other vulva owners, menstruators and chest feeders, whether a similar clause will be added for non men?
That other vainglorious tool of the Junta, John Swinney, is close to the precipice too. Similar lawbreaking, intimidation and malfeasance. People of all ages and backgrounds have had enough of their shite.
Time for a new REAL INDY party, the SNP are done, the plot has been taken over.
This has got nothing to do with MI5 or the British state, regardless of how many would like it to be. This is happening in a number of countries and comes from a bunch of spoilt brats being told that the sun, moon and stars shine out of their arses.
Anyone that questions their BS ideology is branded misogynist, racist or transphobe. In Scotland it’s a problem as these wee shits silence the people that’ve suffered real hardship for some wee wank that looses their minds over feckin Microaggressions.
Any party that puts a stop to this nonsense will get my vote and my time.
Right off to do some white colonial oppression and do a bit of gardening.
Anyone representing or have any influence in making decisions in the SNP reading this ?
I really hope you are happy in your new employment and thanks for your service
What’s happened to the SNP? I am so glad I made the decision to leave before this mess! They won’t be getting my vote and they seem to be intent on destroying all the support they’ve built up since the Indy ref!
I’ll need to brush up on my goose-stepping for the EdinBurg Rally
At least my haircuts will improve, and I’ve always thought I’d look good dressed in Hugo Boss
I’m sure I will be fine as a) I don’t understand a word and b) I’m sure it is all happening on another planet (not in my small Scottish town where I am not aware of any trans people). Can I use the word “people”?
We are where we are.
Perhaps we’re all responsible in one way or another.
Keep thinking perhaps it shows we’re not ready yet as a nation for independence.
Hope I’m wrong and 100% sure we’ll get there, mibees not quite as soon as I thought.
Imagine if even a quarter of the energy the SNP had expended on talking about this had been spent on working towards achieving independence.
This is why I’d never join a political party.
I’d be very reluctant to ever join one again. I really enjoyed being in Alex’s SNP – it was a great place to be. After he left, things went weird in the branch. With what we now know, I’m re-thinking some of what happened in 2018/19 which at the time just seemed dodgy. I suspect now it was more sinister than that and there was entrapment and stitching up of anyone in branches not toeing the line or speaking out a bit too much. The key thing political parties need to be is safe places. If normal people with not that much to lose feel their lives and reputations could be ruined just out of spite or because they didn’t support the right person, democracy in a party political system dies.
“… which is subject to further development” is the most frightening bit there.
5 to 9 (By Polly Darton) of the definition are soft definitions and you can bet they will be twisted to hound people. We’re currently living in a world where an accusation is proof of guilt. The SNP have gone mental. Note this little bit of hubris by Dornan;
Just to be clear as other media outlets are available is it just links on twitter that gets you banned.
If using banned words
Does this have to be in context or do these words no longer exist at all
If I go to the next book burning will I get the answers there?
Does anyone know how the new salute goes and what words I should shout whilst at attention when a one of my betters from the party passes by?
Creating secret room in my loft for any who need it in the coming weeks, Will provide a diary and pens for occupants
They haven’t even defined gender or trans. Absolutely crazy.
It seems it is personal between NS and JC after all.
When you seek to exert control to that extent it doesn’t make you seem strong, it makes you look so afraid that you have to silence your opponents for fear they will say the truth.
NS is getting more and more paranoid as the days go on. Does anyone else feel there is something else about to be revealed that she is afraid of?
Ian Spruce says:
20 February, 2021 at 3:57 pm
Womens and Equalities Officers were sidelined.
You have to control troublemakers like them, and keep your eyes on the booby prize.
If this is true then what we are looking at is that the Woke/Green Party have fully assimilated the SNP via unelected affiliate organisations who sit on the NEC.
The SNP have now turned into a fully woke party, the Scottish National Woke Party.
I’ll be expecting a name change coming through the Electoral Commission any day now.
FFS!! Send doon a dove.
Is the definition for within the party or one that’s going into law?
Right this garden ain’t going to oppress itself.
So…can we post this article on Twitter?
No longer a member, but I don’t fancy a visit from the infamous ‘Salmond Section’ of the Polis.
And, is there still time for such a bill to be passed before HR closes down for the election?
Bugger. @ComeToGhana is down again.
For folk who may not know, that African Tourism Authority account provides some mighty fine links and retweets.
Can even be accessed from this page (when it’s not getting attacked by the twitler flying monkeys).
Wow. The sooner the host of the SNP is shriveled to dust by these parasites the better it will be for Scotland. Scotland doesn’t need the SNP which has morphed into some quasi-totalitarian bureaucracy. Better days lie ahead.
So NS turns up, and rams this pish through!
Last desperate acts I think.
Looks like AS evidence next week will see her gone very quickly then.
I concur JC should leave the SNP and contest Edinburgh Central.
A couple of equally high profile should stand against Sturgeon and Yousaf also.
If this is true Sturgeon’s days must be numbered. They know Cherry would win a vote of the rank and file to replace her so they need her out of the party before Sturgeon resigns.
The move to ban Wings is aimed at trying to get rid of Kenny MacAskill, Chris McElheny and Angus McNeil. She not only wanted to finsih Salmond she also wants any pro-Salmond faction out of the SNP.
I hope Cherry, MacAskill, McElheny, McNeil and Salmond have something lined up. We urgently need a challenge to Sturgeon.
Everyone off to the re education camps now !
@SilverDarling – I wouldn’t be surprised at-all. When we have malfeasance to the extent we have here, anything is possible. If it is crime we are talking about, really unacceptable, repulsive heavy-duty crime, then I would put my money on John Swinney.
Just reading James Dornan’s Twitter page there. He’s another disgraceful character full of self-importance but lacking honesty and celebral functionality.
We’re best rid of very many of them. Most of them in fact.
@Frank, there’s nothing quasi about the SNP’s authoritarianism, sadly
Did anyone at the meeting mention independence? Thought not.
This party has been deliberately ruined. It still exists but it has been deliberately altered to be against independence.
AGAINST independence.
New Labour made the Labour Party an anti-socialist party. Before New Labour no-one had difficulty mentioning the ‘s’ word, but after a few years of Blair barely anyone would freely describe themselves as a socialist.
It’s the same playbook folks.
Is this the work of the British state? Maybe, who knows for sure? The effect is the same.
The party could be saved, but is it worth saving?
I can’t vote for this monstrosity and I won’t be persuaded.
An hour’s worth of filibustering by someone who rarely attends NEC meetings? WTAF?!!
Makes you nostalgic for Jack McConnell…
include, but are not limited to:
Maybe we can tack on
‘doubting the FM’s honesty in a public place’.
Lintonbairn @4:08
“…perhaps it shows we’re not ready yet as a nation for independence”.
Oh yeah.
Well any doubt that she has lost the plot and is prepared to burn the house down are gone if this turns out to be true. I will wait until we hear from a few that were at the meeting but I expect any that speak out will be purged. Looks like we are looking for a new party
They’ve got a lot more rights than I have now:-)
How can a nation not be ready for independence? Please try and explain and do it without recourse to mealy-mouthness.
She will use anyone to save herself.
They haven’t even defined gender or trans
Of course they haven’t. Because to do that would show the entire ideology up for the regressive gender stereotyping bullshit it actually is.
Well looks as if I have put myself up for expulsion having just retweeted the Wings report of the NEC !
Point 8. Accusing wider trans people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single trans person or group, or even for acts committed by people who do not identify as trans.
Means that SNP members cannot say that transwomen have the same offending pattern as men or that men may use at trans ID to offend or get access to a women’s prison.
Just to compound my crimes I’ve put it on Facebook too!
Hugh Kerr look out your window two riot vans blue lights flashing have just turned into your street .Resistance is futile
What is the point in adopting a NON-LEGALLY BINDING policy?
I think we now know:
Even when she is found guilty of breaching the Ministerial Code – Sturgeon will not resign.
When Alex Salmond proves he was stitched-up – Sturgeon will not resign.
The Fabiani Farce will find in-favour of Sturgeon – regardless of what evidence to the contrary is proved. – Sturgeon will not resign.
The Unionist Media will throw unbelievable amounts of shite at Sturgeon during the Holyrood Election campaign. Sturgeon will try to brazen it out.
The SNP will lose seats and maybe even control of Holyrood to a Unionist coallition. Sturgeon will fight moves to have her resign as SNP Leader.
Unless she is got rid of – we can kiss goodbye to Independence for a decade.
6. Deliberately using a trans person’s previous name (‘deadnaming’) instead of, or alongside, their current name without their consent.
So, denying factually correct, historically correct – stuff. So the child of a person who transgenders is going to be criminalised for calling their biological father or mother – their father or mother, and criminalised if they use their old name.
There’s bullying, co-ercive behaviour if ever I saw it.
8. Accusing wider trans people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single trans person or group, or even for acts committed by people who do not identify as trans
REAL or imagined folks – its all the same to them. Factually correct – don’t care, just you shut it.
If any sane, independence supporters, with even a small sense of decency, could have a wee look at the SNP rules and regs and look up procedures for VONC in leader. Now would be good.
And if its not possible before May, could you lets us all know so we can ensure it happens at the ballot box.
Now… Voting could take place over several nights due to Covid.
Well if it does, a full time presence – in shifts – to ensure the process is not corrupted (as is done currently) will also need to happen.
And last but not least for the moment. Why. NS and the BritNats have been 2 or 3 steps ahead of us since 2015. This is being done for a very deliberate reason, and will be part of a bigger plan.
What is it. Why.
What are the groups that make up the non-elected 70% of the NEC? How can I find out?
Prior to this the dear leader turned up to these meetings about as often as Nigel Farage did to fisheries meetings when he was an MEP so she wanted this big time. I wonder how many times she blinked while she bustering her filly ?
@revstu – perhaps you should run a page that SNP members can declare “I’m in the SNP and I read Wings, Please expel me Nicola” Just add SNP members to submit their membership number?
I would be first to do so but I resigned after the last NEC shambles.
Jeeeeez. Hopefully this is Sturgeon’s death throes. She will not be missed.
From hero to zero to year zero.
David R says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:04 pm
“This has got nothing to do with MI5 or the British state, regardless of how many would like it to be. This is happening in a number of countries and comes from a bunch of spoilt brats being told that the sun, moon and stars shine out of their arses.”
The cult of the child come back to bite us on the arse.
Would all you fine folk realising that we need alternative parties for independence consider donating a few quid to the ISP campaign crowdfunder, please?
Maybe you’d consider joining us, too. We’re a friendly bunch, and we won’t tell you what you can read!:
So Dornan is doing the “who You Gonna Vote For?” as a campaign slogan?
The answer in two words, “NOT YOU”
This is actually quite frightening.
I hope anybody in the SNP with an ounce of courage left leaves to set up a new party.
Is it possible to be any more done than done with the SNP?
“She” blamed Joanna? Seriously?
Wouldn’t be surprised if oor Nikla now makes sure the cretin, sorry I mean member, that violently threatened Joanna gets top spot for election on one of the lists reserved for a disabled candidate.
@deerhill – Dornan: as thick as shit.
” and I’ve always thought I’d look good dressed in Hugo Boss” JSC.
Brilliant – Stu this line deserves a prize.
When was the last time Sturgeon actually sat down with anyone and discussed Scottish Independence???
This is not a trick question.
@Karen at 4:04pm
The preferred term is “folx”. (Folk the lot of them)
The Wings links ban is quite funny. Why would it specifically be links? Oh yes, Wishart and minions have been tarring and feathering Wings constantly recently – handy scapegoat and way to divert attention from themselves. But here’s where Wishart thinks he’s terribly clever – he only tweets screenshots, of cunningly edited extracts. Thus denying the possibility of reading the actual context, and of course, making it hard for an independently minded person to find a specific quote or comment on a site which has hundreds of thousands articles and comments.
So what it means is that they are desperate not to send people to Wings who might, you know, have a mind of their own, but in the finest tradition of Fleet St, use some carefully chosen scare quotes. This they can keep doing with screenshots. Because, well they wouldn’t want to deprive themselves of a massive diversionary effort to blame and vilify an actual independence campaigner who might just have a different view from them. You have to laugh at their ineptitude and holy moses attitude. So long as the people of Scotland are kept in the dark about what has been going on at the top, they have another term of taxpayer funded luxury to line their nests with. And they can try and find Wings and a few others, feminists and bloggers guilty of thought crime.
Intractable Potsherd says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:27 pm
Would all you fine folk realising that we need alternative parties for independence consider donating a few quid to the ISP campaign crowdfunder, please?
Maybe you’d consider joining us, too. We’re a friendly bunch, and we won’t tell you what you can read!:
I agree and ask you all to join, I did several weeks ago.
It’s time to leave the SNP in our 1000s.
Deliberately using a trans person’s previous name (‘deadnaming’) instead of, or alongside, their current name without their consent.
So you can’t say that “Jasmine Lovegood” who’s just moved into your neighbourhood was Jason Steele before “she” was released from his five year sentence for sexual crimes. Great. And even pointing out that predatory men might abuse these new rights is “transphobia” because you’re then apparently lumping in non-criminal trans people with those who impersonate them.
It’s kind of like saying no one is allowed to ever say priests or football coaches might be sexual abusers because not all priests or football coaches are bad people and if you mention any of them being bad it lumps in all the rest with them. Well no, it bloody well doesn’t. No group of people should ever be “untouchable” or unnameable or never have any safeguarding applied against them because it’s “phobic” of that whole group. It isn’t: it’s basic safeguarding. And priests and football coaches aren’t just an identity anyone can self ID into either if they want to abuse that role…
I would really like the MSM to pick this up and spread it widely across Scotland, to enable parents, grand parents and prospective parents to realise this is just the thin edge of the wedge ,THIS will be pushed even more than it is just now in schools , Do NORMAL people want this TYRANNY and despotism from people who supposedly WORK FOR US
WHAT’S next PAEDOPHILIA being made legal,
Sturgeon and her wokeist cabal are NOT just fucking up independence they are determined to FUCK up Scotland
#novotessnp and remove these lunatics
The Mull of Kintyre and Arran still look like a boaby and clacker-bag.
What are they going to do about THAT?
“Our understanding is that the elected Women’s Convener and Equalities Convener were not allowed to speak at all on the motion.”
Democracy and accountability, eh? Lol
If Sturgeon was intending or hoping to carry on she would be playing it a lot cooler. The accounts of her behaviour at the NEC suggest, as others have said, that she was being vindictive for its own sake and that she knows the game’s a bogey.
Hi K, my thinking is maybe ‘this’ shows not enough of us are pulling in the same direction yet to get over the finishing line, maybe there’s still not the strength, breadth and type of leadership we need to get us there, perhaps being tantalisingly close and the emotions that generates creates tensions rather than direction for the final push, and aw that.
Dearly hope I’m wrong, and that’s what I’m musing on and feeling at the moment.
This looks like a scorched earth policy, ” if I’m going down, I’m taking everyone else with me “. If she had any decency she’d just throw in the towel.
No. 5 is compelled speech. They are forcing people to deny reality and pretend that humans can change sex.
This idiocy is what Yousaf’s Hate Crime Bill is bringing to everyone in Scotland.
If a man tells me he is a woman why does the government demand that I check my perception?
Well, given that they’re all fkin bonkers I suppose I’ll be jailed under No. 9. Say hello if you’re in the next cell.
“4. Deliberately outing someone as being trans without their consent.
5. Deliberately misgendering someone.”
So if I use their new pronouns I’m guilty of 4.
And if I don’t I’m guilty of 5.
NS has jumped the shark.
This summation makes me think of the often tweeted meme of Hitlers diatribe at the fall of the reich.
However, I’m picturing the original film version, not the funny subtitled versions. If NS indeed carried a 1 hour monologue, surely attendees realised what was happening.
WE ARE DOOMED No independence, speak of WOS and you are kicked out oot the door. NS has truly lost the plot she needs to be sectioned. C’mon Alex and Jo get us out of this mess, you can do this kick that lot to touch, and get Indy up n running b4 it’s too late
If the SNP were to become unable to pay its debts who would be responsible for declaring it bankrupt and under what circumstances. Just wondering if one should follow the money when judging some of the behaviour?
“In extreme cases, the police may need to be involved, for example where there has been public disorder, targeted harassment, stalking, criminal damage of property, threats or attempted violence.”
But not if you are a women who simply states the biological fact that men can’t be women.
“However, employers and providers of goods, facilities and services, including political parties, have a responsibility to uphold equality and human rights law and to deal effectively with complaints of discrimination or harassment.”
Does this mean that trans activists now run the country and will be the new Scottish Stasi? Everybody who believes in science over gender nonsense is going to be fired? Will that include actual medical people and science researchers. Are the SNP turning Scotland into a latter day Cambodia with Wokies as the new Khmer Rouge? God help us all!
Come on Joanna, come over to the right side. Join Alex in a list Party – we need you now more than ever. Thousands and thousands of us who were, until recently SNP members would join your List Party and campaign for you both to lead the next opposition.
I thought it was a politician’s brief to adjudicate on competing claims, steering a course which satisifies both sides as much as possible, at the expense of a compromise. Thus you can support trans people and ensure women’s rights are not incompatible. But that was obviously a dream I had.
Such a course would be normal, but when you have a one party state with an authoritarian attitude, which brooks no opposition or open debate, then this is what you end up with – decrees and division. We need an opposition, which is also independence led.
Nicola Sturgeon is entirely unfit for office. That is clearer and clearer with every passing day.
I have never seen a ‘leader’ of a government so lacking in ethical or moral boundaries, and that is saying something.
She reeks of the gutter and has thoroughly shamed and dishonoured herself in her time in office.
It has been non-stop abuse of power from the get-go. She is awful.
Lawrence says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:33 pm
When was the last time Sturgeon actually sat down with anyone and discussed Scottish Independence???
This is not a trick question.
With uk minority conservative prime minister, theresa may.
They both agreed that it was all stuff and nonsense.
They both agreed that it was not the time.
…and they did it in public.
Pentland Communications have a wonderful interview with Jim Sillars on their YouTube channel. Jim predicts that the SNP will fail to win an overall majority (I’m inclined to agreed with him).
Vote SNP in May and watch that definition work its way into the Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Bill.
I’m off to buy shares in Serco Ltd… I expect the prison population in Scotland is going to get a lot bigger.
If I were the minute taker of the NEC, I’d resign through incompetence. Available now on MySNP.
Given that the HCB has protections for freedom of religious expression, its gonna be funtime for the lawyers –
Deuteronomy 22:5 :
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an ABOMINATION to the Lord your God.
is wings “cancelled” then?
– a take on cancel culture; the meat is about 2/3 of the way down tho, if you are skimming (- the recent greenwald article was better)
– NB all modern day lunacy and crap-the-kids-speak has really deep roots, going back to weird french guys most have never heard of, and various “marxists” who ended up in the US after the war; they piss away to themselves in their ivory towers, but eventually it “rains” on the rest of us as their students and students students start filling up the bureaucracies of society. This Marcuse tadger is one of “those guys”.
‘First, what was the provenance of your recent interview with one of the complainants in the Salmond affair? Did you approach the individual? Did she volunteer? Or was she offered up by the spinners surrounding the First Minister?’ – ANDREW NEIL TO BBC SCOTLAND (sent earlier today)
Just wondering if possessing a Wee Blue Book written by Wings is now punishable by a prison sentence – or is it just a fine and a ritual burning?
This is an insane freak show and Sturgeon is at the head of it.
Sturgeon and her coterie are truly weird and vicious individuals.
These people have the mindset of those who attended the Wannsee Conference where they decided how to rid the country of individuals considered no longer worthy of an existence.
Sturgeon is one seriously damaged individual. Of that there can now be no doubt. However what is also now crystal clear is that we must eradicate this intolerant, vicious, abusive and controlling freak show from our movement.
Free speech, protection for women, freedom from oppression, and a honest police, prosecution and civil service is a basic human right and it cannot, nor will it be allowed to be eradicated by people like Sturgeon and her gang.
Captain Yossarian says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:47 pm
‘First, what was the provenance of your recent interview with one of the complainants in the Salmond affair? Did you approach the individual? Did she volunteer? Or was she offered up by the spinners surrounding the First Minister?’ – ANDREW NEIL TO BBC SCOTLAND (sent earlier today)
That’s hopeful:-)
When are they issuing the black uniforms, leather boots and evil armbands. The snitch living across the hall and sinister military thugs knocking at the door in the middle of the night are not far away.
Does the title change mean this isn’t the end of the SNP?
This is the side of Nicola that our thick as shit “soap opera and reality TV watching” electorate never see.
The Queen of Covid will turn up in front of the cameras tomorrow as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.
Very much like the serial wife beater who is mates with everbody down the pub.
Daisy Walker says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:22 pm
If any sane, independence supporters, with even a small sense of decency, could have a wee look at the SNP rules and regs and look up procedures for VONC in leader. Now would be good.
And if its not possible before May, could you lets us all know so we can ensure it happens at the ballot box.
It wouldn’t matter now even if we could raise a VONC on Sturgeon, the Murrells and their allies within the party control all of the strings, even in the NEC they are backed up by unelected affilliate organisations who have a seat on the NEC.
Kirsten Oswald is the business convener, a dedicated Sturgeonite, she controls what is and what is not brought up at meetings and at conference. The last two conferences she has shut down any motions that even mention Scottish independence and she would do the same for any VONC towards Sturgeon or Peter Murrell.
The latest rule changes to the party give her full oversight into any and all things that happen within the party, at conference and at the NEC.
Between Oswald and Keith Brown (Depute Leader), they have the entire operation of the party sewn up and the membership are now blocked from deciding party policy (by democratic vote) at conference, they have also blocked and delayed conference from occuring in addition to controlling what is tabled at conference.
It is no longer the party that I joined in the 90’s, that’s 20 years of support from me completely gone, disenfranchised, and I suspect the same is true for many thousands of other members.
The SNP have now turned into an authoritarianism based regime, where its’ membership are being supressed from defining the party’s policies and stance.
As the Scottish Government, the SNP have centralised power and blurred the lines between state and the independence of the judiciary where they now fully control COPFS, the Lord Advocate and have centralised the regional Scottish police service into the umbrella organisation that is Police Scotland.
Next on the list I have no doubts are extreme equality and anti freedom of thought laws where they vastly promote the rights of a tiny minority high above the rights of regular women and men, those same rights which are enshrined in the human rights and equality acts, thus breaching the common rights shared by everyone to favour a vocal minority who wouldnt stand up to any scrutiny otherwise.
I really do hope this bites the SNP in the arse at the ballot box, unless an alternative indy candidate pops up in my constituency my votes will be this: constituency: spoiled ballot, regional list: AFI/ISP.
I am done with the SNP.
It is like looking through the windows of Bedlam .
Are we all done yet. What next. The Wokerati have captured the SNP.
Rotational therapy
Developed by Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of the famous Charles Darwin, rotational therapy usually involved placing a patient in a chair suspended from a beam by ropes attached to its legs. The chair would be turned 20-40 times one way and allowed to spin back to its original position. Darwin himself, in 1796, recommended the practice be performed for “an hour or two, three or four times a day for a month”.
Deemed an effective way to evacuate the bowels, bladder and stomach and make an impression on the ‘organs of sensibility’ (the brain and the nervous system), it was also thought that this treatment would induce restful sleep in a patient, much like rocking a baby. The swing chair could also be used as punishment – a way of asserting dominance over patients who refused to comply with staff orders.
@holymacmoses – sent by Andrew Neil. They might brush him off, but I don’t think they will somehow.
Brian Wilson made the suggestion and Andrew Neil passed it on.
Senior media folk usually answer each other, don’t they?
Irresistibly reminded of the “Downfall” bunker meme…………
Captain Yossarian says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:47 pm
‘First, what was the provenance of your recent interview with one of the complainants in the Salmond affair? Did you approach the individual? Did she volunteer? Or was she offered up by the spinners surrounding the First Minister?’ – ANDREW NEIL TO BBC SCOTLAND (sent earlier today)
How could they possibly know if the person was a genuine complainer?
Did they attend the trial?
All that editing would reveal her identity to many people in the process.
Is it acceptable to preserve anonymity for someone seeking publicity?
They seem to be upending the old standard of women being seen but not heard.
What we need now, is a commitment from ISP to stand
only on the list – in every area (if they stand on both votes – they enter the same conundrum as both votes SNP)
on a Mandate for Plebiscite Indy
And we need to separate the wheat from the SNP chaff. The good uns (and the longer they stay in that corrupt party, the harder it gets to call them that) get our vote – they become Rump SNP, the bad ones, we Vote out. There’s more than one way to skin a cat or clean out a stable.
Between those 2 tactics, we have a chance of obtaining a 2 or even 3 party Indy majority at Holyrood.
If ISP standing on a Plebiscite Indy vote get over 2 million votes, if they get the bulk of the list seats, then Plebiscite Indy is On the Map… with a GE just 3 years away.
Once in power, they should look to Italy to see how it dealt with the Mafia. Similar Independent (and by that I mean International Judges of standing and experience) need to be brought in to examine the Ranger Scandal – with full judicial powers, the Mark Hirst scandal, the Craig Murray scandal, and of course the AS scandal – including the involvement of Politicians, Judges, Crown Agency, Lord Advocate, and Police Scotland.
High Court Jugde Frank Mulholland, Lady Dorrian – gardening leave while it’s ongoing.
Lord Advocate, Crown Agent David Harvie – suspended – while its ongoing.
Chief Constable Livingston and Senior Officers involved in the AS, CM and MH enquiries – Suspended while its onging.
Meanwhile back on the Brexit front – Fishing, Farming and Haulage companies – we need them, and they’ve never needed us more. I realise they let Scotland down in 2014 (on the whole), but we are better with them, and they are soon to be nothing without us – So why should we be so forgiving, because – if its not Scots fishing in Scots waters, it the Spanish and they will fish it dry – gone forever.
Because, Scottish farm products are second to none – soon to be replaced with Chlorinated Chicken and hormone injected beef from Brazil for heavens sake.
We won’t just lose quality food, we’ll lose the animal husbandry built up by family farms over 100’s of years. We will lose heritage breeds of cows and sheep.
But mostly, in both cases, we will lose Scotland, the fishing villages will become retirement homes for England, the hill farms, housing estates and small holdings – for England.
It will be a very deliberate Clearance, determined to cement the Union.
And in return, as the chlorinated chicken and hormone beef makes you ill, your NHS will be sold off, and you’ll become a valued customer of your new private health service.
So, the fishing and the farming and the haulage companies.
The boats need to stop trying to export.
They need to utilise this time to conserve fish stock.
And by that I mean fish on less days, mothball some boats, or go out to sea 50% less, and do so with a view to building up the Scottish market.
Haulage companies – you won’t be exporting Scottish fish abroad, but you can be used to transport it all over Scotland.
Scottish Farmers – similar, concentrate on the home market.
And for the Boats tied up – we need a civil fishing security patrol, and we need new people trained up in the industry to do it. This will need government will and government funding – sadly at present, the only way you’ll get it is if you all first self identify as Genders that cannot be named, but everyone loves a sailor.
In 2014 we had a country to win. Now we have a country to save.
And we’d best be getting on with it.
….it’s going from ‘woke’ to Wake
@Anonymoose – ‘As the Scottish Government, the SNP have centralised power and blurred the lines between state and the independence of the judiciary where they now fully control COPFS, the Lord Advocate and have centralised the regional Scottish police service into the umbrella organisation that is Police Scotland.’
An Advocate lawyer told me 6 years ago this was going to happen. That was before all the mallicious prosecutions – they all came later.
holymacmoses says:
20 February, 2021 at 4:47 pm
“Just wondering if possessing a Wee Blue Book written by Wings is now punishable by a prison sentence – or is it just a fine and a ritual burning?”
Is the ritual burning for the book or the individual possessing such an evil manuscript?
Were not in Kansas anymore
We must be over the rainbow
If it all implodes, anyone know what the plan for Indy is and who’ll lead us there. 76 days to the election, and by the general mood on here, we could be looking at Douglas Ross as FM and kiss goodbye to Indy for a long, long time.
I hope I’m wrong. Knowing ‘what next, might put my mind at rest.
For those advocating the ISP, I have a simple message: look at your Constitution. Seriously. I’m not kidding. It screams “Closed Shop” at me. That is open to attack by our opponents.
Please, get it sorted so that you can stand up as a viable independence party. You see, Scotland doesn’t have one at the moment and desperately needs one.
One thing I am ashamed of is that the HR profession (with which I am proud to be associated) seems to have become the main conduit for proselytising this malevolent mince. Oswald was a college HR enforcer before hitting pay-dirt as the SNP’s Stonewall stooge. The Salmond complaint gatherers , McKinnon, Allison and Richards are promoting the same narrow woke. worldview. The professional body CIPD has been hijacked by this sect as well. Once this is done there will be a roll-out of re-education through the workforce. Expect it to be enshrined as holy writ in the Fair Work framework. This dead letter of people and development platitudes will be used to enforce it. The SG will of course subsidise it and give the work to their favourite trans-trainers. That racket will be yet another trough for The whole gang. But the reputation of HR already damaged will be in the gutter.
I presume the intention to expel from the party is primarily intended to be a means of removing bothersome MPs and MSPs. However, if this becomes party policy then I can imagine another large tranche of members leaving the SNP, myself included.
Other countries have dealt with trans issues without fuss, though some obvious problems needed to be dealt with. Where it has become a major problem in the SNP and the cause of independence is because a small minority with the support of the FM are using the party to further their own interests rather than simply acting as a pressure group(s).
Party democracy now seems to be largely a sham.
How dare NS blame JC. Since JC is a member of the NEC, was she there?
Why is the rejected Fiona R allowed to make these decisions?
I knew Campbell was dangerous, the way he’s been talking about battling for trans people.
He’s a mixer and a stirrer.
Madame Mao is getting twitchy. When they fail to get a majority you can be sure who will be to blame – bloggers and their own dissidents, because even with the total control of the mainstream they have, it can’t possibly be their fault. Just people who care more about genuine independence than they do. The fallout will be entertaining.
Ffs I go to make my tea and come back to this , I’ve not even had time to read the comments yet .
Big pile of bumf in my letterbox this morning from snp from here ( Cowdenbeath) didn’t even bother reading it
Our Foodbank was open for 4 years before she even bothered her arse to come along and say she supported us ( with photographers ) she actually got fucking lost , it’s a small village ,says it all really
Who is the ISP party leader? Would they be a good shout for connecting with the mass exodus of SNP supporters.? To be fair, perhaps they’ve done it already.
Book burning has changed to think burning.
We’re at the end now folks..,perhaps%20the%20most%20famous%20book%20burning%20in%20history.
Well, I hope now AFI and ISP finally reconsider their message of asking us to give our first vote to this hollowed out shell the SNP has become and instead go for the kill with a plebiscite on the list.
The SNP as a pro-independence political party is dead. The plants in it are forcing it to eat itself alive to stop independence. Any thought that this terminally wounded beast will ever deliver indyref is delusion.
This desperate, pathetic and cowardly move from Sturgeon to eject Cherry by hiding behind the wokes suggests the powers that be pulling Sturgeon’s leash must be really concerned now that the booby price may not make it in on time and Joanna might take over.
Come on, list parties, save your time, go for a plebiscite on the list and bypass completely Sturgeon and her taxidermy SNP!
Of course possession of the Wings Wee Blue Book will be punishable by a prison sentence. How could it be any way different. Dissent, wrong thinking will not be allowed – and that after all is what the Hate Crime Bill is all about.
Make no mistake, if Sturgeon and the gang could have killed Salmond they probably would have. This is Third Reich stuff. The move form democracy is happening before our very eyes.
But you know what, society will, if it has any sense, and it has, will reject and remove this would be tin pot Dictator and her Trans Gang. There are more of us than them and decency will prevail.
Politically Sturgeon is a dead woman walking. She’ll be gone soon to be replaced by a mainstream replacement.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Hi Robbo, what you reckon will get us an Indy majority in 76 days?
That’s not the SNP. I don’t think we’re in kansas anymore.
I now self identify as being a member of the SNP having resigned last year because of this shite…
… I hereby ‘PUBLICLY’ resign as a self identified member of the SNP because of this shite – even if they clean house chances they will ever get another vote, penny or even a positive comment from me is slim to none.
Joanna Cherry –
I beg you for the sake and safety of my young daughters – do not do a ‘Bernie Sanders’. Create or join another indy party and take the other few good souls left in the SNP with you!
I’m sorry but the people now ‘ruling’ the SNP hate you and they will always hate you because you remind them every single day that they are self serving cheats and frauds with nothing to offer voters.
Do the right thing, if the party was going to be saved from this madness change would be visibly happening by now, instead it’s just keeps getting worse.
Odds now have improved on a Salmond/Cherry List party.
6. Deliberately using a trans person’s previous name (‘deadnaming’) instead of, or alongside, their current name without their consent.
So, denying factually correct, historically correct – stuff. So the child of a person who transgenders is going to be criminalised for calling their biological father or mother – their father or mother, and criminalised if they use their old name.
There’s bullying, co-ercive behaviour if ever I saw it.
8. Accusing wider trans people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single trans person or group, or even for acts committed by people who do not identify as trans
So folks, if the person – a member of the SNP from the Stirling area – who threatened JC with ‘corrective rape’ and is facing criminal court action for same, should decide to ‘self identify transgender’ if/when found guilty, none of us will be allowed to use the name on their birth certificate, and which the court would record the outcome of the trial against.
How very, very timely, and what a face saver if said person happens to be in a close relationship with another high heid yin in the SNP – no bad headlines here, no sir.
Of course, as far as anyone is aware the matter is in the hands of Police Scotland… the same Police Scotland that took almost 2 years to ‘investigate’ a no crime incident involving Michelle Thompson, so that the inquiry was ‘live’ during the 2017 GE.
The same Police Scotland that reported AS for 13 charges – of which only 2 or 3 stood any kind of scrutiny.
The same Police Scotland that sent 6 Police to Mark Hirst home, siezed his computer equipment, and had their case thrown out – no case to answer – and are looking at being prosecuted for Malicious Investigation.
The same Police Scotland who were culpable in the Rangers prosecution – now admitted Malicious.
Slightly O/T
Urgent call to action re:Hate crime Bill ammendments.
Have your say.
Any chance of a transcript of NS’s speech? I bet that’s a real eye-opener.
So let’s look at that definition:
“Discriminatory or prejudiced language or actions related to someone’s actual or perceived gender identity or gender expression or to trans people more generally.”
So, if you’re actual gender identity is adult, human female and someone threatens you with say, punishment r*pe, then that’s transphobic? So, there should be at least one expulsion from the SNP, for crimes recently committed, by 9am Monday morning.
Also, Rev. I think you should have plenty of grounds for having the entirety of the Twitler Youth booted out for displaying prejudice against your gender as well. However I won’t hold my breath.
It would all be so hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic. Clearly the work of superior intellects, sigh.
Politically Sturgeon is a dead woman walking. She’ll be gone soon to be replaced by a mainstream replacement.
Tick tock, tick tock.
I do hope you’re right Willie
Hi Mia, I’m sure you’ll know more about this than me. Can I ask are you confident that the AFI and IPS have the profile, resources and leadership to get us over the line on 6th May? I don’t know enough about them to say.
The definition of transphobia reproduced in the article is similar to the definition of transphobia adopted by the Lib-Dems last September.
So now we have a political party, led by a woman & so called feminist, that has given trans people greater protection than women within the party. So I’m wondering how soon we get a corresponding Misogyny definition.
To help them I have adapted their Transphobia definition.
Contemporary examples of Mysogyny in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and wider society, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
1. Hate crimes such as physical or sexual assault, threatening behaviour, criminal damage of property.
2. Female employment or service provision discrimination.
3. Bullying, abuse, harassment or intimidation of people for being female or for supporting female equality and inclusion.
4. Deliberately outing and attacking someone for supoporting women’s rights.
6. Deliberately using a female person’s previous name (‘maiden name’) instead of, or alongside, their current name without their consent.
7. Dehumanising prejudiced language about female people and their biology.
8. Accusing female people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed against another person or group when supporting women’s rights.
9. Making mendacious, malicious, conspiracy-theory, or stereotypical allegations about female people.
OK so #6 needs work but this could in theory be implemented by SNP almost immediately. Won’t be holding my breath that they will though.
“Odds now have improved on a Salmond/Cherry List party”.
How will that work in terms of constituency seats if the SNP are a busted flush?
I genuinely believe the SNP (or at least the ruling elements of it) have lost the plot. We have poverty, unemployment, hunger, homelessness in Scotland – these things are real – and their focus is on imagined fantastical nonsense like this so-called transphobia (no I’m still unclear what the hell it means). As far as I can tell, all of the crimes listed above in their statement are covered by existing laws, so why this focus on a handful of souls. I’m pretty sure there are more cack-handed folk in Scotland (I am one) than folk uncomfortable in the sex they were born with so where’s my special anti-discriminatory category? Shouldn’t Sinistrophobia be a specific crime also?
The dry rot at the top of the SNP emphatically laid bare
Given the choice, would you rather Rhiannon Spear or a random Tory won a seat as an MSP?
3. Doesn’t just protect genuine trans people as it should but gives the same protection to allies of which can be found the people who have threatened Joanna Cherry. They can kiss any majority goodbye now. When women find out what’s been done to them and when trans people find out what’s been done in their names the SNP are going to fold to a fringe party like Labour and not because of Wings or bad bloggers but because absolute power corrupted absolutely
Fiona Robertson has tweeted that Wings has told five lies but she/her does not say what they are.
Stu! We should be told.
I guess we’ve found the Westminster mole after all
James Horace, a random tory
Things need to get worse for the SNP before they get better, and Joe Public needs to know why
I hate to say I told you so……naw, really I dinnae.
Time for all you fearties still in the SNP to put your big gender non-specific pants on and do the right thing.
Depose these people and over-ride this appalling anti-democratic “Night of the Long Knives”.
The SNP is no longer fit for purpose, nor can it be rendered so. If you insist on staying inside the party, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Unless you give these roasters an ultimatum and change the party from within very quickly, you are complicit.
Alea iacta est!
Power drives them all mad eventually.Cant wait until the Wokerati turn in her-and themselves-as they surely will.Once their $hadowy funding by Amazon Gift Vouchers dries up the feathers will truly fly.
Just like Hitler’s Generals, Sturgeon’s Generals will say exactly the same thing, that they were “Only carrying out orders”.
Lintonbairn @ 4:58
“kiss goodbye to Indy for a long, long time”.
Hah! That ship sailed when Sturgeon doubled down on the Salmond witch hunt, or did you sleep through that part? You at the back… WAKE UP!
Indy under Sturgeon is the ‘Norwegian Blue’ of political aspirations.
Can’t believe the number of people who are still in denial where this is concerned…
Sturgeon = No Indy.
John Martini says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:08 pm
That’s not the SNP. I don’t think we’re in kansas anymore.
We are destined to be buried somewhere under the rainbow.
If our government has its way.
It is patently obvious now that nothing less than a total revolution from within the ranks of the representatives will do any good. Even if the FM falls, the coterie around her, the Scottish civil service around her office and many of the SPADs, elected representatives, prospective candidates, councillors and others will remain. This is a reflection of Labour where leader after later goes but the same rancid pus remains in the inflamed boil to infect the next leadership. They all need to be cleaned out. All of them.
Lintonbairn section 6.1 of the ISP constitution states the name of the party leader and the executive committee. Section 14 provides that any constitutional changes must be approved by two-thirds of the executive committee.
Section 6.2 provides for expansion of the executive committee, upon a two-thirds majority of the existing committee.
I would really, really love to support the ISP from here in North Carolina, but the constitution, as it currently stands, makes it difficult to do so.
Has the SNP got a definition for ‘woman’or ‘girl’ or do these not exist anymore.
Hero to zero does not begin to cover it.
We need to expel the SNP from Scotland and end this f/n madness
@Andy Ellis
Many SNP members might take what could feel like a leap in the dark. Many won’t unless there is some sense of a plan, of ‘what next’?
Can anyone say ‘what next?’ and what will things look like come the 6th May?
Perhaps the SNP office bearers unhappy with the truth being
Held up against them here should just respond by saying-
1, it Wisnae me.
2, A big boy made us
3, Gonnae no dae that.
I’m sure I hadn’t yet started school when I realised that disagreeing with
a situation. required me to provide some facts to support an alternative position.
It is quite pathetic for people to vent their displease with this site without any form of qualification.
James Horacde @ 5:17pm, Rhiannon Spear as an MSP would simply aid the status quo. A random Tory would give us the chance to build a pro-independence party that is capable of winning an election when said random Tory buggers things up.
Sturgeon is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Looks like fabian tactics combined with common purpose’s motto of leading beyond authority.
I hope you have a cunning plan.
So, let’s see now: the SNP, in the space of a few short years, has gone from being a broad-brush inclusive everything to everyone party to attain the noble and huge ambition of attaining independence for Scotland: to a narrow-focus group campaigning for equal right for a tiny minority of people who already have equal rights, so to achieve nothing.
Is that right?
Jeez. Fair enough vote for them if you believe that narrow focus is the most important thing in your life. But you can forget trying to tell me ‘a vote for the SNP is a vote for independence’ – there’s more chance of the unionists ushering in independence than those charlatans. I’m not supporting a narrow focus group on false pretences!
The ISP support the Manifesto For Independence I’ve just made a small donation but they’re well short of their target with only 6 days left please consider making a donation.they’re the best hope we have
James Horace
A random Tory please, at least I’m ALLOWED to hate a random Tory.
@John Martini
Cunning plans certainly needed. Any idea what the cunning plan might be if Nicola Sturgeon leaves the hoose.
Lintonbairn says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Hi Robbo, what you reckon will get us an Indy majority in 76 days?
You seem to be asking a lot of questions today.
Don’t make me laugh troll. Indy majority Lol ha ha. What would you do with that majority then Einstein ? Introduce more whacky policies.
Can i ask what dress you’re wearing today? or will that get me the chamber at the border?
@Lintonbairn 5.25pm
The game’s afoot. As I’ve been saying for a while, the clear and present danger to the prospect of achieving indy in the short to medium term now appears to be an unreformed SNP. Only the membership can effect the necessary change, and given today’s events that’s not looking likely is it?
The question then arises: “What next?”. Many of us (particularly I suspect most supporters of WoS) would prefer Salmond, Cherry, MacAskill et al to announce very quickly they were either forming their own party to challenge the SNP head on in both constituency and list, or join the ISP.
We may already be too late to do much good before #HR2021, but since the current SNP has zero intention or prospect of delivering independence this decade, we are no worse off if we start the process of building a “real’ independence party.
I’ve been advocating this for a quite a while. Good to see after today’s NEC the scales falling from a few more eyes.
Lintonbairn says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:31 pm
@John Martini
Cunning plans certainly needed. Any idea what the cunning plan might be if Nicola Sturgeon leaves the hoose.
It would just be one moose leaving a nest. Not acting like she is going anywhere.
Let them burn the party to the ground.
They’ve already started the internal purity war, and they’ll all fall out with each other and claw each other’s eyes out.
This is how today’s NEC meeting is presented in MySNP:
Decisions of the National Executive Committee – 20 February 2021
The NEC agreed that our priorities are the forthcoming election and securing independence through a second referendum. Leaking and misinformation hinder these aims.
A Campaign Rally will be held online in late March, open to all members, setting out our message for the election in May, and will be the largest online event of its kind.
A working definition of Transphobia was agreed, to help members in the first instance to consider their own behaviour, and work to deliver similar definitions in relation to homophobia and misogyny and further definitions is being developed.
The 2021 budget was agreed, including £1.5m Holyrood election spend, £600k this financial year for referendum preparations, plus new Headquarters staff to support local government and the complaints processes overseen by the National Secretary.
There was also agreement on the further interim recommendations of the Governance Review Group, which has secured input from significant a number of members, on communications, and support for activists and office bearers.
Helpful eh?
And who are you Craig? Where does this money come from?
It appears to me Sturgeon is of the mindset that if she is going down she’s taking the whole house with her, if there was ever to be a time when we would desperately need a new party to challenge them on the constituency then that time has arrived.
Who in their right mind could vote for this chaotic mess.
She has betrayed Scotland and there should be no forgiveness.
I despair!
If I were their parents their would be grounded, No computer games or tea!
They seem to have worked out for themselves that they are too wee to play with the big boys here.
Any of them caught on here and Santa will not be coming to them!
Will the Oxford dictionary tear up their own definitions and adopt the new world
order version wonky woke wonders?
They seem to enjoy a good debate as long as it’s only them speaking.
Talking about keep digging themselves into a hole they may find themselves firming
the Aboriginal People’s Front.
Message for the Rev.
I’ve sent a message to you by the Contact form. In the past such messages have not arrived. I don’t know if you’ve decided not to reply, or have not received it.
Likewise I sent the updated timeline to you via your e-mail (which updates me with new posts). I don’t know if you’ve received it and are not replying, or have not read it/received it.
Obviously what you use for your site is your decision and I respect that, however, I would very much like to know if my communications have been received.
Many thanks.
We hereby expel you from the SNP for calling Andrea by her old name of Andy. This is a progressive party and we don’t tolerate fascism.
“Can I ask are you confident that the AFI and IPS have the profile, resources and leadership to get us over the line on 6th May?”
If your house is on fire and there is so much smoke that you cannot longer breathe, do you wonder it may be raining outside before considering leaving the house, or you just hold your breath and get the hell out of that burning inferno while you still can?
Well, the way I see it the SNP is a burning inferno and asking if those parties have “profile” comes across as asking yourself if it is raining outside when your house is on fire.
Leadership? What is leadership by today’s standards? Wear nice clothes and being able to deliver convincingly a speech that somebody else wrote for you? The ability to repeat a few soundbites and answer pre-prepared questions after you ahve been coached? hijacking the position of health secretary for the opportunity of appearing in TV every day?
No, a pro independence leader is one that grabs with both hands every opportunity to deliver independence and does not hesitate. We thought Sturgeon was a leader. Turns out she was just a fraud, and a coward and corrupt one.
The SNP as a pro indy party is dead, so you have to play with the cards you have left and make the most of it. At present the cards we have left are ISP, AFI and Scotia Future.
One thing is clear to me, this hijacked version of the SNP will never get us “over the line” even if they win a majority, actually, specially if they win a majority of seats. So why voting for them? Why giving them most seats? What for? As a self-flagellation exercise?
We may have been ambushed by the British state and this Holyrood election may already be lost for independence, but by hell we should fight the ground to make GE2024 a plebiscite what come may and eject all those gravy train passengers in Westminster pretending to be nationalists.
List parties may not win a majority of seats in THIS election, but symbolism, after 6 years of Sturgeon doing SFA for independence, is what is needed. As somebody who is absolutely fed up of being taken for a ride, fed up of waiting and who just wants the opportunity to vote for independence, I will grab that symbolism with both hands if offered. That symbolism is voting for independence on the list. That is the message I think we should send. It may not win a majority of seats, but the message will be sent loud and clear: the SNP is in borrowed time.
Because what is the alternative?
to continue giving a majority of seats to a party that has been hijacked by the British state and dismantled to make it anti-independence and a convenient vehicle to deliver the most toxic, divisive policies the state does not want to burden its three UK political parties with?
That is no alternative?
That is an excuse to continue kicking the can down the road.
Time to make every election a plebiscite. What is there to lose?
Has the thought that this GRA and Hate bill nonsense might just be a repeat of the poll tax exercise crossed somebody else’s mind? The thought that Scotland is being used once again by the British state as the testing ground before implementing those toxic policies in England?
Well it’s now clear as the day that the SNP’s political priority is Transgender Rights.
I would ask SNP members to put this front and centre in the Holyrood election campaign. Go into schemes where there is dire poverty and knock on the doors. Explain the policy, remind them that People Menstruate , People get Pregnant, Chest feeding and not Breast feeding. Then we can watch the whole corrupt house of cards come tumbling down.
And then start to campaign for Scottish Independence led by honourable and politically astute leaders.
James Horace says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:17 pm
Given the choice, would you rather Rhiannon Spear or a random Tory won a seat as an MSP?
I’d rather see a random Tory win the seat myself.
A note of the outcome of today’s NEC meeting has now been published on my.snp. Find out what really happened here:
Who has the ability to sign in.
“I’ve sent a message to you by the Contact form. In the past such messages have not arrived. I don’t know if you’ve decided not to reply, or have not received it.”
Nothing from you in Inbox, Junk or Spam…
First and foremost I want Indy. Last thing I want is a Conservative Govt. Asking questions cause I’m curious to find out and understand more. Used to visit Wings loads then lost interest as for me it seemed to have become a bit of a one trick pony. Possibly says more about me than Wings. Anyhoos, have popped back in cause trying to get my head round what’s going on and see a way forward. You’ll know more about this than me so can I ask?
Are you saying an Indy majority isn’t crucial on the 6th May?
In terms of your question about my dress. Thanks for asking. Jeans, Borders Reivers rugby top, blue slippers.
What about the EA discrimination on basis of sex? Is that no longer going to be upheld in this new Scotland? Where is the protection for women? This is pure misogyny. What has happened to the “welcoming, outward looking country”? It has become unrecognizable as the party of Independence, in fact, it is now clear it has not been that since 2015.
real Scottish patriots need to take up ‘arms’ and establish a new vibrant mainstream Independence Party for all, from the ashes.
Republicofscotland says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:50 pm
Scroll back up to the top of the page, it has been updated a couple of times now, and all shall be revealed.
One can be forgiven for calculating Nicola’s appearance, and her belligerent attempt to get the hastily composed motion passed, a signal she feels her time as FM is ending.
She probably plans her legacy – and any future job based on it – to be ‘gender ideology’ and ‘baby boxes’.
Luckily, she failed to block Brexit for Scotland, our legal mandate to tear up the Treaty of Union. Creating a second-best legacy is better than acknowledging an inability to secure self-governance by political skill or intellectual acumen.
I hope a new governing party will repeal the dire Bills souring honest debate, strewing hurdles in the path of independence.
robbo @5.44
“ And who are you Craig? Where does this money come from?”
I’m just me. Who are you?
As for the money better ask the treasurer Douglas Chapman. You might have better luck than me given I haven’t had any answers from him as yet concerning the missing ring-fenced money.
The figure that stood out for me was the £600k for Indy preparations. Is this how they are trying to explain away the money that was ring fenced and has already been pissed up against the wall paying Pete Ms wages and the legal bills?
The whole thing looks like utter desperation on Nicolas part. Perhaps she thinks Alex is going to bury her when he appears at the enquiry and is trying to set up as much of her legacy as possible before that. If that’s the case I hope her estimation of Alex is correct.
The SNP are a party who have been in power too long.
We and they had the chance of independence in 2014. That was it. That was the high point. Maybe the once in a generation thing will come true?
They know that they will dominate Scottish politics for some time to come because Scottish Labour is dead and the Scot Tories are not popular enough to win even a minority govt yet. There is no-one to challenge them in Holyrood where they’ll be the biggest party for years to come.
And they will continue to send the most MPs to Westminster.
Even if they get another referendum this year, in 2022 or 2023, it’s doubtful they’ll win it.
It suits the careerist MSPs and MPs to stay in power knowing that indy will remain a carrot for willing supporters but in reality it’ll not happen.
So what can the SNP do but turn on itself.
Alex Salmond and his support will be purged.
Dissenters who voice concerns will be purged.
There will be one voice.
We have a new fascist party in the making.
fun times lay ahead.
-Grouse Beater-
Sorry to hear about your illness.
When do you think Sturgeon’s time will come to it’s end- now or after the election?
I thought it was bad when I left the Party. However I never realised it was so bad!
I’ve had a few calls. Unfortunately every word in the article is true. I think Wednesday will decide the issue of many remaining memberships.
I once didn’t believe my old Party could sink this low. It breaks my heart as badly as the 19th. September that Independence has slipped through our fingers AGAIN. However this time it was Sturgeon who provided the Unionist victory. It is too late to recover now.
Why are MPs and MSPs staying silent!
Campbell just called you a fascist Stu
Want to crowdfund an action against him?
Donation ready
Maybe the cunning plan involves Boris laughing so hard he forgets about ‘giving’ the S30 and decides to negotiate indy instead, thinking (not unreasonably) that Scotland will be quickly reunited once the devils in skirts are fully empowered..
“She probably plans her legacy – and any future job based on it – to be ‘gender ideology’ and ‘baby boxes’”
I am sure you are spot on. I however cannot help by thinking that the imposition of gender ideology is not even her own idea. My gut tells me she is imposing it on behalf and for the benefit of somebody else. What she expects to get in return for forcing this on us, only time will tell.
I reckon Socrates MacSporran Is right…nothing will shift NS over the next short while.
The fact shes giving so much attention to this today suggests some quid pro quo rather than scorching the earth.
Ultimately Thatcher and Blair were forced to go, no-one can beat Time and the day will come for NS and cue years in wilderness for SNP as befell Tories and Labour with folk harking back to those “good old days”
I cant see any of current Indy Champions replacing her despite their quality and outlook. It will need a new face/name who will have to both fight to get anywhere given selection constraints and an ebbing out of the old Sturgeonites as they collect their lovely pensions and gigs on Thursday night Politics shows talking about “how close we brought it!”
We await Our own David McCameron if it is to be SNP giving us Indy.
I know most of you anoraks here are following what’s going on and like me are totally confused as to why , I mean what’s the point all these moves being done all of sight in secret unless the details are leaked , everything secret and hidden from the general public. Why ? .
I doubt if any normal person who doesn’t follow politics closely will have a clue of what’s has been done or proposed to be done , it’s all hidden starting with the candidates making sure the public don’t get to know what exactly they stand for and what they are hiding only to be revealed after the successful election and at a later date.
A personal comment to Nicola Sturgeon I don’t share your vision or dream of the Scotland you are shaping or planning to shape and please take this in the spirit it is given.
FUCK OFF and take yer twisted bloody band with you , yer times up dear .
@Paul 4:09pm
“Booby prize..”
‘Chest prize’ please, or have your collar felt.
In this instance your use of “Transphobic language and actions are not acceptable and can be unlawful. It may be appropriate to use general trans equality awareness-raising interventions to try to resolve a problem at an early stage where there is no indication of malicious intent”
That’s you that is.
“However, employers…have a responsibility to uphold equality and human rights law and to deal effectively with complaints of discrimination or harassment.
This includes using suspensions and disciplinary investigations with potential outcomes including written warnings or dismissal”
Oh well, off to the camp for your awareness raising, there’s plenty of time now you’re laid off.
Do say hello to me, I’ll be the one in the cooler.
Can anyone who is still an SNP member verify if this is true? Apparently the minutes show the crowdfunded money exists?
Grouse Beater @5.57
very well put (as always).
My thoughts are with you at this stressful time for you and yours.
Kindest regards
“Campbell just called you a fascist Stu
Want to crowdfund an action against him?”
It is clearly a deliberate provocation to move the Rev’ focus away from the SNP. I am sure the Rev can see right through the idiot.
It’s getting silly now. Forbid the followers to read anything I say is unacceptable. Really? What’s next. Don’t read the Beano cause I don’t like it?
She must be gone from power. Now.
@Geoff Anderson
In my view, she was largely responsible for the 2014 defeat too.
She was in charge of the campaign while Yes Scotland was set up and staffed and the White Paper was hers too.
The two biggest clusterfucks in the whole campaign are, in their entirety, on her.
How we got anywhere near winning that Referendum having been crippled by those is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the grassroots activists (including this alt-right, alt-nat site 😉) that took matters into their own hands.
Had they been properly nurtured from the start, we would have won in a landslide but that, I am afraid, would have left the SNP unable to control the resultant polity.
That is the hope we can cling to for the future.
I am voting Green from now on, but if Alex Salmond starts a new Party I will vote for him. No more SNP for me. Murrells out!
So I’m wondering how soon we get a corresponding Misogyny definition.
1. Hair pinging
2. Touching a woman in any way, in any place, including an arm around the shoulder
3. Attempting to name or otherwise identify any woman who has accused any man of any crime whatsoever, even if proved to be lying.
4. Saying a woman is not a woman, even if she is 6 ft 4, has a beard and is standing over you with a machete threatening to rape you
I am still a member of the SNP. As a pensioner I only have to pay £5 a year so I thought I would hang onto it till it is due for renewal in June. That way I can vote for list candidates (plan to vote ISP ) and get a vote if there is a leadership contest. I used to follow links from Wings to Twitter sometimes but decided to get an account last year. Imagine my surprise to discover I have been blocked by Pete Wishart – my MP – He must have sent his minions to track me down after I emailed him to ask him to abstain on the WM Brexit Bill at the end of Dec. I did also end my email with the promise to NOT vote for him again if we don’t regain our independence before the next wm election! I had no desire to follow him anyway but it is annoying when commentators btl here post links to some inane post of his and I try to read it! Today I have decided that I will post EVERY Wings article to both Twitter and Facebook. Will my membership survive till June?
Frank Garden says:
20 February, 2021 at 6:15 pm
I am voting Green from now on, but if Alex Salmond starts a new Party I will vote for him. No more SNP for me. Murrells out!
Voting for the woke Green’s is as bad if not worse than the SNP.
They have thrown any green/environmental credentials they had under the bus in favour of promoting minory rights above the rights of everyone else – something which should never happen if they are truly a party for equalities, each person in Scotland should have the same rights as everyone else, no greater no smaller.
The Greens are to comfy at the wokey-kokey trough to go against what the Sturgeonites spout.
Yes HR ( “human resources”, ie pegs not people) is a huge problem. They used to be “personnel”, helping staff attain their potential, making sure they got their CPD (continuing professional development). Now they rule the roost, think they are lawyers (tbey aren’t), hire and fire, “these are our processes” – hint : your processes are sh*t and are against human rights. E.g. Universities.
It is always the money that gets them. Just like capone.
Anything to say President Mike Russell ? Or do you agree with the erasure of women.
“ 8. Accusing wider trans people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single trans person or group, or even for acts committed by people who do not identify as trans.
Was this gibberish by any chance something originally written in a rare Tibetan dialect and quickly translated into English by Google?
Or was it maybe written by one of those infinite numbers of monkeys sitting a typewriter who just got bored with typing Shakespeare, and thought he’d write SNP policy for a giggle?
And finally, how do you actually spot a “wider” trans person? Are there clues? Are they the fat ones? Is that one of the less narrow minded ones perhaps? How can you tell? I’m confused. Will they help us out and start wearing red arm bands and carrying Schmeissers so we can spot Party Members at roadblocks?
It look like Sturgeon has gone fully David Icke now. Pure mental nutcase.
A very active day on Wings. I see many more people are now alive to the corruption and nonsense of the Sturgeon SNP. A few weeks ago I was getting pelters on here for saying vote in the constituency ballot in May for whoever is most likely to beat the SNP even if he/she is a Tory. Not so unpopular now.
There is a widespread realisation that the SNP will not change before May and that under Sturgeon there will NEVER be a referendum. Even if we have to endure 5 years of Unionist control at Holyrood we will emerge at the end of it with a Yes movement that is Sturgeon free and united behind a thoroughly cleansed SNP or a new party such as ISP. We can rely on Boris and the Brexit effect to ensure that the Yes momentum continues and accelerates.
The time for sitting on the fence has passed. If you want a decent accountable government, if you want change, then vote them out. ISP on the list and anybody but Sturgeon on the constituency.
A proud party of teachers and jannies
Were then joined by wokesters and fannies
Their focus on Indy
Went right oot the windae
And now their top focus is trannys
“I am voting Green from now on”
Well, voting Green will not free you from the genderwoowoos. The greens are riddled with them.
Judging by Wightman’s performance in Fabiani’s Farce, it does appear the Greens are quite comfortable suppressing evidence of serious corruption from the public.
Karen – Unsurprisingly ‘human resources’ was a Nazi term, invented by the Nazis. Figures doesn’t it.
Has slippery Pete Wishart been expelled from the SNP yet as he is never done with banging on about Wings over Scotland.
I cannot see today’s loony events, and the fact they are reportedly driven by Nicola Sturgeon, as anything less than her final acts.
I can only guess that she now knows she will be forced out, and it seems she is trying to utterly destroy the party from within.
What could the point be, other than to inflict as much damage as possible on the SNP as a party, out of nothing more than spite? It is bizarre as it is wicked, if so. A sign that the mask is slipping.
My guess is their will be more such nonsense in coming days. Independence? nah, ‘defining’ ‘transphobia seems more important to these bigots.
As to LGBT, and the inclusion of T, well wee history lesson for the liars of the SNP. The original gay pride was called just that GAY pride – eventually sometimes, much later morphing into lesbian and gay pride. Their was no ‘T’. Nobody in the gay world was consulted or balloted on this nosnense about LGBTQQIAA++++ nonsense, it is just rubbish made up by some loony lefties who like to feel important.
For those who agree, it is interesting to note their are LGB rights groups getting set up in many countries now, including in the UK. Groups that previously supported gay and lesbian rights (such as stonewall), are now just obsessed with what they term ‘trans’ issues.
Oh and a new specifically LGB news website, since the others have also become obsessed with ‘trans’ stuff.
“Given the choice, would you rather Rhiannon Spear or a random Tory won a seat as an MSP?”
None. If two unionists are the only two options and there are no other pro indy parties to vote for, I would spoil my vote. Either I vote for independence or I do not vote at all.
A used tae think a Tranny was something you listened tae your favourite music oan.
So if Police Scotland arrest a self ID’d ‘transwoman’ in a toilet trying to interfere with a girl and refer to ‘him’ as Willie Wilson not “Lily Loathsome” are Police Scotland being transphobic?? Asking for paedophiles everywhere ….
SNP dissidents shall take to reading wings under the duvet with a torch, the way we used to read comics past bedtime.
– staffers will take to using Brave browser, with VPN and TOR built in, or hastily deleting browsing history. Honest – I was only looking at milf porn … not reading wings, that would be disgusting
I see GrandPa Marley is at the “everyone I don’t like is a fascist”. Bless. Probably smokin too much of da ‘erb.
The woke make lousy memes – “ALT NAT” never stuck, now they are trying it with STU-ANON … but I must have missed that article, the one where the REV details how the SNP and the Scotttish Establishment are all satanic paedophiles, and the controversy over the meeting involved the Murrells having a blood orgy/child sacrifice at the time when Salmond turned up – he caught them harvesting the blood, organs and adrenochrome and this is what his banned evidence contained. (-thats QANON, more or less.)
I had the ‘pleasure’ of attempting to accommodate NS in the YSN 30 years ago. To say she was troublesome would be an understatement. Watched her rise thru the SNP ranks and knew that if she ever got top spot, then it would be an ‘interesting time’ for the party and indeed the cause. When are the decent MSPs and MPs gonna stand up to this?
I’m trying to find the most theatrical, disrupting and explosive way to destroy every SNP membership card I have, and to get that right in front of the mass of cretins, sociopaths and subhumans that have infected a once interesting party.
Any idea, folks?
Maybe if we gather in front of Holyrood next time there’s something going on and set fire to a pile of them, it may get the attention it deserves?
Socially distanced, of course.
We don’t want to give this shower of opportunists any hook to grapple.
They must go down quickly, screaming in terror.
@ Frank Garden at 6.15pm
You may wish to look over and consider the policy positions of the Independence for Scotland Party (ISP).
@ msdidi at 6:20 pm
If you log out of your twitter account you should then be able to view the tweets of accounts that have blocked you. 😉
There’s some desperate spinning going on from Mike Russell and Ross ‘Strategy’ Colquhoun to divert away from the leaks. They don’t know who to trust because they have lost control.
They are on the backfoot the same way they always are at Westminster, on Andrew Marr or Newsight or in an Andrew Neil interview. This is another PR cluster*ck.
Colquhoun says 600 000k for Independence but asking for donations in the same breath! So another 600 000k to be raised?
It needs to be up to grassroots Indy organizations to do this properly as the SNP will swallow up the donations as usual. I’m beginning to agree that NS in charge of the campaign last time was probably what scuppered it. She wanted her time in the sun and Indy was not going to allow that.
Sturgeon knows she is finished and has now entered the scorched earth phase
Is there going to be a split?
Not for us on here to tell politicians what they must do, in terms of what party they are in etc.
However, unless I am missing something (totally possible, as I have no information at all from ‘behind the curtain’) it doesn’t seem very likely that Joanna Cherry has much of a future in the SNP (and certainly that she’s never going to be its leader, unless something the likes of me cannot foresee happens).
Even in the unlikely event Cherry, or someone from that ‘wing’ becomes leader, would you not now have a situation similar to how Corbyn was treated as Labour leader, i.e. even though voted in by the members, the Labour politicians spent more time attacking him than they ever did improving anyone’s lives or trying to beat the Tories.
Note I am not saying ‘Corbyn was a brilliant leader’, only pointing out what I think most people know to be true; that he had an uphill battle all the time trying to get his party behind him and his policies.
This example in mind, would it not be a dreadful waste of time and energy to get into the leader’s role only to be hamstrung all the time by the equivalent of John Major’s ‘bastards’?
Of course, as I say, this isn’t my decision. I just wonder whether some will decide that it would be easier to achieve what they want to in politics outside the SNP, rather than inside.
What do folk here think will happen?
No, a tranny is nothing to do with a radio at bedtime – it’s a Ford van, known to the world as Transit
“We would advise anyone with any plans involving Scotland being independent in the next decade to reconsider them as a matter of urgency”: Very much agree. In fact, I realised this towards the end of 2018 and moved my family to Denmark. It’s such a shame — Brexit has made Scottish independence an urgent necessity, but Nicola Sturgeon is fiddling while Scotland burns.
Daisy Walker – how is it that we cannot be told who it is from the Stirling area who has been charged with threatening JC with ” corrective rape ”
Why is the individuals identity being kept a secret. And is he a partner of a high profile elected SNP member of parliament. People have the right to know about these things and it is an abuse of power and an undermining of the Police when things appear to be covered up because of political influence.
This type of stuff is just becoming the everyday part of cesspit Scotland – and what trust can you have in the Police who are clearly now a malign political force.
As somebody said previously we need the heads of Police Scotland, the COPFS, the Lord Advocate and many other suspended and an international judge led enquiry into the utter corruption that now sits at the heart of our Rule of Law.
So basically under Sturgeon’s orders they’ll be a witch hunt of Joanna Cherry, until she’s forced out the party. I’d also imagine the other targets hinted at will be Angus B. MacNeil, Kenny MacAskill, Joan McAlpine and Chris McEleny, and a few others.
What has the SNP become under the stewardship of Sturgeon and Murrell.
What is the point in Annual elections, where the members express their choice of officer bearers to represent them, when the Women’s and Equalities officers are not allowed to speak? Yet, someone who was voted off the NEC gets toro mote their views and the members have no choice in stopping her attending. It says something of the PRINCIPLES of Robertson that she ignores the majority and democratic view of the members.
There appears to be no role for the members, National Assembly, or Conference within our Party now!
I recently sent a link to Stu via the contact form. I’ve no idea whether or not it was received. Might be a good idea to consider an automated acknowledgement to everyone who sends a message. That would have the added benefit of helping to put certain “journalists” in their place.
It really is time much as I hate to say it, that the Crown Office snd the police started to take an interest in the absolute mire surrounding the party.
The manic behaviour of individuals within an organisation is sometimes a sign of a developing or existent drug culture within that organization.
Sometimes I wish I was on twitter then realised I can’t really be arsed with the shite ,
I click on the links here and it just compounds my feelings that it’s mainly twats tweeting to twats
Anonymoose @5.56pm.
Is ‘fascistic’ a word? Anyway, no matter, now I’m officially part of the alt-right it probably doesn’t matter.
Incidentally in throwing all these words about I note they still haven’t defined ‘trans’ and so continue with the deliberate conflation that can include everyone from transsexuals, cross dressers, men with fetishes for wearing nappies and babygrows, and sick men that trawl toilets looking for used sanitary towels to perve over.
I’m ashamed I was ever a member of this excuse for a party. Gods how I despise them all.
I am increasingly convinced a lot of this is a deliberate tactic to ensure they fall short of a majority. I don’t believe the leadership have the slightest intention of holding a referendum in the next 4-5 years. The problem is they’ve said they will so how to get out of that?
With the polls looking so good for them getting rid of the most indy committed supporters still leaves them the biggest party but short of a majority but now they can say well we wanted an indyref but those awful malcontents ruined it. This leaves with them a committed support too timid to rock the boat in case they kick the indyref even further down the road like those awful malcontents.
Like Labour before them dangling the promise of socialism that that never materialises they’ll find this tactic won’t work forever but it should last long enough for the Sturgeon creature to get herself a cushy number at the UN or similar.
The SNP haven’t done anything for years that could be interpreted as preparing for indy. Of course there is a school of thought that says we should call their bluff and give them a majority but I’m afraid my total disgust with them prevents me casting a vote in their direction.
I think NS and her woke weirdos have killed killed the SNP stone dead. Islamophobia and transphobia do not exist: concerns about Islam and about gender ideology are both rational and reasonable. Today’s decisions are authoritarianism writ large composed by power mad people.
@ Breeks says: 20 February, 2021 at 6:23 pm
“ 8. Accusing wider trans people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single trans person or group, or even for acts committed by people who do not identify as trans.
Was this gibberish by any chance something originally written in a rare Tibetan dialect and quickly translated into English by Google?
I think this was to ensure that the wider trans people, previously known as the trans fats, were neither excluded from or committed to, any real or imagined acts at the crazy, colourful, cholesterol, festival.
@Mia (6.07) –
He called all of us ‘alt-right fascists’, and this place is our platform.
@Baxter1967 (6.07)
I heard last week that the SNP HQ issued a directive, months ago, to all their branches, saying that there will be no significant campaigning for the HR election. No ‘hubs’, shops, major leafleting, the usual. They’re just not doing it. Individual members who take it upon themselves to do any kind of door to door stuff run the very real risk of having their particulars taken down by Scotland’s Finest. (I only heard this from one source and can’t confirm it – can anyone else?)
Few things in this life are certain, but I’d reckon it’s a pretty safe bet that strict lockdown will be reinstated (if it’s even been lifted at all) for at least the second half of April and first week in May – canny have ordinary punters talkin face tae face aboot aw the politics an that, eh?
On Wednesday Alex Salmond will be doing more than exposing the machinations of a truly evil group who have taken over the party – he will be fighting for the future of independence itself.
We have to wish him every success.
I have reconsidered. I think we should pass Hate Crime Law.
The SNP hate white, heterosexual men and women.
Soon as it’s passed – we can lock ’em up!
Just a silly thought – wouldn’t it be funny if someone else organized a campaign rally in late March? If it were well-advertised it might be the largest online event of its kind.
Good grief, what the hell is going on here? Can I just ask a question of the folk who are still SNP party members. WHY? If Oswald and Brown have everything sewn up and locked ordinary members out, what’s the point of being there. You don’t seem able to do anything about this takeover of your party by the genderwoowoo. So unless you are going to organise a revolution within the party, I ask again, what is the point of being there. I can see this caper bringing a lot of work for the legal profession. They’ve already had advice that this nonsense won’t stand up to a legal challenge, so todays nonsense would fall as well.
I hope if the do try and oust Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill and Angus B MacNeil that they do stand as independents in the election. I’d love to see Joanna stand against Robertson the Odious and beat him, as the great dictator has him lined up to take over.
I hope Alex wipes the floor with the lot of them. There’s one thing for sure, I’ve had it with them. I won’t hold my nose and vote for them, they can GTF PRONTO.
” The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon ” . Brain Damage indeed
Could Sturgeon be gambling that the polls give her enough votes to win the election even if she loses thousands of party members. Nobody can openly campaign against her on the street just now of at least till after covid.
The general public may be unaware of these changes.
Grouse Beater @5.57pm
Your comment about Sturgeon failing to stop Brexit thereby leaving the argument that England’s removal of us from Europe may well be a breach of the treaty of union of 1707 is an interesting one.
Illness has certainly not dimmed your thinking and your commitment to independence shines a bright as ever.
I think Sturgeon’s time as First Minister is drawing to a close. Her leadership or should I say faux leadership in the cause of independence has been exposed – as has her absolutely vile behaviours. Her legacy will not be a good one and the history books will not be kind to her.
Absolutely fantastic to be able to continue hearing your commentary today to a cause that will not die. Your presence is testimony to that.
Setting aside the obvious emotional reactions to this:
1. What remedy, in theory, does the CURRENT constitution offer the membership?
2. Can we call an EGM? How?
3. What is the member led process for annulling all unconstitutional decisions? Eg candidacy rules affecting Edinburgh Central, rules for list ordering, transphobia definitions.
4. Is there legal recourse available for recovering fees and donations collected under false pretences? Ie not used in line with party aims or constitution? Ie is the SNP subject to trading standards?
5. As political parties are registered with the electoral commission, what is the process for the membership of said parties demonstrating that those registering them, were not competent to do so?
6. If the SNP were to be de-registered as a political party, by such a means, what effect would this have?
7. Would it leave elected reps as independents, free to speak out?
8. Or would it let culprits run away from financial fraud and other crimes?
9. Would it automatically force by-elections for any SNP list MSPs to be replaced?
10. Would it deprive any re-organising group remaining from using SNP logos, name and achievements during the upcoming election? This COULD prevent the cabal from hoodwinking uninformed voters in May.
11. Is there any legal expert out there who can look into this?
Reference to the following 2 church organisation cases are the nearest I can think of:
a. In 1900(?) The Free Church successfully argued that although the majority of its members had voted to join the United Presbyterian Church, they had no right under the constitution, to claim the name, logo or property of the Free Church. Thus the minority retained the title The Free Church, and ownership of the College. (Individual local groups owned church buildings, which went either way.)
b. In 2000, the decision went the other way in a sense, and the Free Church (Continuing) failed, in their claim that they had adhered to the constitution of the Free Church, while the Free Church, in disallowing ‘continuing protest’ (think disruptive behaviour) about a controversial subject, had somehow abandoned their aims or constitution. The Free Church (continuing) were NOT allowed to claim the name, logo or property of the Free Church. (Although it took a further 15 years for certain squatters to move out.)
Personally I believe both the above decisions went the correct way. Bearing in mind the constitution of the Free Church. The legal system judged in favour of a minority on one occasion and a majority on the other, so I wouldn’t assume that either a majority of disgusted members, or a minority of persecuted MPs would lose.
12. I just wish I had the health, expertise and contacts to look into this. But I don’t. At this moment I remain a member, in case my INTERNAL vote can assist the cause of Scotland and justice here. If I DO cancel, I’m not sure if my annual membership can be partly reclaimed?
13. To me, not only is she looking to lose the election, to avoid scrutiny and accountability, and blame US. She is also looking to destroy the party in order to bury evidence and avoid repercussions.
I am an SNP member (first joined 1968) & I read Wings. I sometimes don’t like what I read – not always enjoyable having the apparent conduct of the FM exposed forensically but for about the past ten years, Wings has generally been on the nail. I will continue to read and sometimes post links to Wings. The SNP can try to expel me if they want – first they would need to work out who I am – but it’s hardly the way to win support. I want indy. If the SNP leadership don’t they should just tell us. BTW how can Rhiannon Spear be approved as a candidate when she has stated that it’s all about devolution for her?
I know the first minister seems willing to go the extra mile to protect and deflect when project Rhiannon has a spot of bother but I feel she has gone a teeny bit over the top this time round.
‘Second, is she independent of the current political ructions within the SNP? If so, fine. If not, why were viewers not told. And if that was not possible on grounds of self-identification, then why was it still OK to broadcast the interview?’
Question 2 from Andrew Neil to BBC Scotland – sent a couple of hours ago. Regarding Glenn Campbell’s disgraceful interview with one of the alphabet women earlier in the week.
Grayman Candle is the new Rictard Leopard.
@Alibi 7.09pm
Oh mate…the thing you have to ask yourself is why on earth you’d stay in the party after today? If people show you who they are, you should believe them.
Anyone staying inside the SNP now, and anyone voting for them, is complicit in their regressive, authoritarian idiocy. None of you have any excuse after tonight. you’re either part of the problem, or you can be part of the solution. Pick one.
I was going to hold my nose and vote SNP in May, but expecting me to vote for this illegal debacle, is a bridge too far.
The mendacious Murrells have steered the SNP onto the rocks, just when its passengers could see the coast of an indy Scotland, just as we could smell it in the wind, this infiltration has sunk us.
I will never chap doors, shove leaflets through letter-boxes or stand all day outside polling stations wearing an SNP rosette, whilst the phoney Murrells hold high office in my party.
I have not changed. The SNP have changed.
I say,
In my experience Sturgeons produce damned fine caviar.
This particular one seems to produce the unpleasant type of caviar found in the most unsavoury and immoral bawdy houses which a Gentleman of substance would certainly not frequent.
Now good day to you.
I have just burned my copy of Wind in The Willows. All my Terry Pratchetts’ and Winnie The Pooh. Who will say when they will some day be deemed transphobic. Toad in a dress, ooooerrrrrr…bound to be transphobic!!
Glad I self-id’d as a non-binary tall blonde Swedish model. They can’t touch me…or say anything without their erses being sued!
Seriously think I have tumbled into a parallel universe where the insane are in charge! The Hadron Collider has been trying to discover parallel universes. Turn it off now before intelligence
thought becomes outlawed!!
I don’t normally drink, but think I might need a wee lemonade shandy after this!
Graham Campbell appears to have deleted his tweet calling the Rev a fascist. Unsure whether he realised it was defamatory or he was getting ratioed.
susanXX says: at 6:58 pm
“I think NS and her woke weirdos have killed killed the SNP stone dead. Islamophobia and transphobia do not exist: concerns about Islam and about gender ideology are both rational and reasonable. Today’s decisions are authoritarianism writ large composed by power mad people.”
The “phobias” you mention may have a small amount of legitimacy borne out of the way the MSM has utilised them as divide and rule tools.
However, it’s clear they have been developed into polarised hyperbolic extremes so they can be used to blanket cover any critical discussion on the subjects.
Oh, and on a similar line, don’t forget the antisemitism card has also been played within the SNP against those that the upper echelons of the Party choose to target.
Of course Wings has previously called out the hypocrisy displayed by the Party on that score.
Look at the balance sheet for Rape Crisis Scotland company accounts
Seeing the definition of transphobia proposed, if Joanna Cherry were to self-ID as trans, quite openly, for the purposes of progressing justice and democracy within the SNP and Scotland, could she both legally and constitutionally remove almost all of the problem people in one swoop?
They cannot prove that she isn’t.
Mr Campbell of the NEC has obviously been taking too much of his holy weed.
What planet are Wokes living on?
we should all offer them an uninhabited Island for them all to relocate. (gruinard‘s big enough) They can have their Nirvana and when they die out,which wont be long the island could be put back to productive use such as an anthrax test site.
I remember being so elated when the SNP got over the line and became a minority government in 2007. Holyrood had been labelled , sadly at the time but justified, the Numpty parliament: full of semi literate Labour councillors from the rotten Burghs corrupting the nation with its quangocaracy and patronage . The SNP had talent and political acumen. It was pan class and attracted the best and brightest. It went on to reinvigorate Scottish culture and promote a confidence and pride in Scotland.
Sturgeon has turned it into rat shit.
@Ianbrotherhood 7.00pm
I have heard the same. No hubs, no leafletting or door knocking. All campaigning will be done online.
Don’t do twitter so genuinely don’t know.
If someone tweets something, is that someone responsible for the tweeted replies?
Anything to stop folk from simply tweeting links to WoS as a reply type comment?
As well as the goodies, anything to stop folk doing the same to Oswald, Brown, Robertson et Al.
Just asking for a friend?
Once you let Anne McLaughlin and Graham Campbell start running the party it’s all down hill!
Nobody so far has explained why they’re doing all this. And if you don’t understand why they’re doing it, your response is likely to be badly judged.
Why do this? Why now? What’s the immediate goal, the medium term goal, and the long term goal?
If you assume they’re motivated by principle – i.e. a genuine desire to liberate the one in a hundred thousand people who this legislation might affect – then I’m sorry but you’re being played and you’re a fool.
Some day this war’s going to end. That’s important.
Our only hope is that Sturgeon is ousted before May’s elections and an indy friendly person is parachuted in to the top spot. We’ll need the indy faction currently silent within the party to become very proactive to install their man or woman once Sturgeon is history.
Andy Ellis the reason why SNP members need to stay members is that if they leave the Wokes have won, if we dont get the SNP back then Independence is gone anybody that thinks that another party can suddenly take over and be in a position to achieve Indy is living on Cloud Cuckoo land.
It may take a year or two , we may have lost the battle but we will win the War.
Then call her bluff. Demand that she put her money and reputation where her mouth is and put her craven woke obsession to the fore. Campaign on what she cares about most and has drawn the battle lines on. The see how much support she gets. The people might like her cosy ( and must admit it is effective) fire side persona but if the were to vote on her political ideology she would sink.
For Graham Campbell’s benefit,
“The press hate Wings Over Scotland, not least because it is a rival. But for hundreds of thousands of Scots it was an invaluable source of facts and arguments with which to challenge the predominantly unionist message of the mainstream media.”
– Iain Macwhirter (The Herald/Sunday Herald)
Perhaps Graham or one of his ‘friends’ could tell us what he has done to further Independence this past year, especially!
Intractable Potsherd
“Maybe you’d consider joining us, too. We’re a friendly bunch, and we won’t tell you what you can read!:”
I’m afraid that far from finding ISP ‘friendly’, I found them rude and precious, particularly their office bearers. That’s why I resigned my membership andjoined the AFI which is genuinely friendly and interested in members views as well as being genuinely open to teamwork. And that is why ISP wont get a penny more from me – maybe they should have thought about their potential support before showing arrogance and aggression.
Johnny Martin @6.47pm:
Sadly, Jo Cherry has stated she has no wish to be Leader of the SNP and is thinking of leaving politics, probably due to the stress of being continually harassed by the Gender-types and simultaneously ignored and trolled by her own party.
I had thought her an able successor with perhaps the backing of AS, however…I think that’s a wish too far.
I’m a tad hacked off at the lack of capable SNP MP/MSP’s who appear to be standing by and watching this horrific situation unfold without a thought about Scotland and the Scots who are suffering right NOW, under the Brexit-Covid double whammy.
What on earth is holding them back? A new iParty armed with experienced, sensible MPs would absolutely smash the polls and wipe the floor with the vapid remnants of the SNP and the Unionist parties at the next election. Prudent to do this now before HR gets suspended back to being unable to do more than issue commemorative stamps, FGS.
A spine! My country for a politician with a spine..!
@Lenny 7.33pm
That ship just sailed. It’s been evident to many of us for a while that the SNP was no longer fit for purpose. The membership had their chance to clean out the Augean stable over the past few years. They have signally failed to do so. The NEC now is worse than before the supposed rectification on St Andrew’s Day last year.
The current SNP isn’t going to deliver indy, and you and others in the party must bear the responsibility for that. you’re the one living in cloud cuckoo land if you think it’ll change before May 2021. Even if Sturgeon is give her jotters, you surely can’t be naive enough to think pieces of work like Fiona Robertson, Graham Campbell, Rhiannon Spear and their ilk are just going to give up? These entryists are now deeply embedded in the party’s structures and branches.
Not only have you and the other faint hearts lost every battle, you’ve sat on your hands and allowed these zealots to abuse party representatives and members. You’ve actually enabled these behaviours.
Only a new party can save us now. We may as well start preparing for it now, because the SNP have zero prospect of delivering a vote, still less actual independence. I honestly don’t understand how you can stomach being in the same organisation as some of these loathsome individuals, much less campaign alongside them.
The first responsibility of the captain is the preservation of the ship and the safety and wellbeing of all those on board. Sturgeon thinks she knows better. She’s set course straight for the rocks and is steaming full speed ahead.
Lenny Hartley @ 7.33 PM
Lenny, Sturgeon will be there till the bitter end. She cannot afford to surrender control of the party or her hold on events will be gone and she is very likely to be held to account for what she has done. As far as I can see, barring a miracle before May which I agree is highly improbable, the SNP as a vehicle for independence is dead. The Wokes will die with it. We should be concentrating on hastening their richly deserved demise and getting a real pro Indy party off the ground. 5 more years of Sturgeon at Holyrood is the last thing we should want.
She may well have gone mad, but her madness will serve a purpose. Destroy Scottish politics in general, and the SNP in particular. Create chaos. Won’t be long now before Westminster are “forced to intervene.”
Well done her handlers. Promotion and gongs coming your way.
Dear god.
How could we ever get to this state.
This is over a very small group of men who have an odd fetish or are mentally ill.
They always appear particularly disagreeable when attacking normal folk on Twitter etc.
The main thing is they are very few in number hardly a core voting group.
Why destroy the party and the progress towards independence for a few strange people.
A new party is now needed work has to be done over the next few years to fully establish the next Independence Party
Yep. Unfortunately independence is finished, just when we need it most. Divide and rule was always the way in Scotland. The saddest part is, that it’s not the the yoons , it’s our own fucking government.
Sturgeon will go down in history as the First Minister who ended Scotland’s very existence.
For many like me, it’s difficult to leave. If I was under 40 I would be on the first flight out.
Goodnight Scotland.
“He called all of us ‘alt-right fascists’, and this place is our platform”
And neither we feel identified by the insult nor we grant him the attention. It is a deliberate provocation and we should not raise to the challenge. Let’s keep our heads cool and our focus: Sturgeon’s taxidermy SNP and the election.
All the rest, no matter how loud and annoying, is just distracting background noise and not worth our time.
I do not know who wrote these but they are pertinent:
“When you build in silence, they do not know what to attack”
“Mockery is the weapon used by the self-conscious ignorant to feel wise”
Sturgeon is really getting to all you “random tory” fans.
And I think she is now doing it deliberately 🙂
Dakk @ 7.53 PM
Are you reading from your master’s script or are you really still in the Dakk?
Can a woman be guilty of r@pe and if not will they have to change the Law to cover r@pe by a trans woman.
I may have to revise my prediction of 2029 for the next Indy Ref as seems things have just got worse.
It may take a few more years to sort this new mess out.Alas, they’ll be still people carping on many years from now while laying in their beds – both votes Snp.
Seriously, I kind of detest politics now.
Acht it’s Scotland Jim but not as we know it.
“The NEC agreed that our priorities are the forthcoming election and securing independence through a second referendum. Leaking and misinformation hinder these aims.”
But it wasn’t leaks & misinformation that sent 55,000 snp members packing. That was Sturgeon exposing herself as a liar to all and sundry when she announced that everything was being parked to focus the fight on the pandemic.
Then we all witnessed the continued shoving of the GRA issues down our throats and several pathetic attempts to fiddle with “crime” bills etc. On top of that there was statements being made that Sturgeon had assigned several Civil Servants to focus on the GRA issues.
NONE of this, i may also add, is down to Stuart Campbell & WOS, just a spineless discredited lying sack of steaming excrement named Nicola Murrell (Nee Sturgeon). All of this and we haven’t even started on the disgraceful conduct of a Brit employee, Lesley Evans, and her best pal Sturgeon trying to frame an innocent person for rape.
Even before that there was the disgraceful conduct of that same person who was found by one of our Scottish Courts to have acted illegally to the tune of half-a-million quid. Sturgeon then trusts that criminal to run a vendetta against Scotland’s former First Minister via specially crafted laws which will hopefully one day crucify those responsible.
Again, none of these events had anything to do with Stuart Campbell, WOS or the wider Yes movement. They were, at the end of the day, down to the only person in the world with the power to stop them, Nicola Sturgeon. She chose not to and, for reasons known only to her and her slaphead husband, got involved instead.
Sturgeon, for whatever reasons, has always disassociated herself from Scotland’s most powerful & No1 pro-indy political blog. Sturgeon has also always disassociated herself from the hugely successful All Under One Banner, even though there is no love lost between WOS & AUOB. All Under One Banner attracted hundreds of thousands of people from all over Scotland, even folk who dislike WOS.
Maybe these 2 pro-indy organisations were not exotic enough for globe-trotting Sturgeon but then i ask myself why does she attend a wee gathering in Glasgow’s George Square of a few hundred folk?
Sturgeon and only Sturgeon is responsible for the shambles & disarray the whole Yes movement is in. Our greatest ever opportunity for taking back our right to self-determination squandered by a self-serving glorified administrator who appears to be deeper in the pockets of the London establishment with every passing day.
Seven years in the job and she hasn’t moved us one step closer to indy, Mike Russell’s 11-point note to Santa doesn’t count. The UKGov, their atrocious handling of the pandemic and Brexit are the main drivers for the 21 polls in a row showing increased support for indy, not Sturgeon.
We also have to ask ourselves seriously, when she was “fighting Brexit” what did she actually do that can be seriously classed as attempting to stop it? She did nothing other than pay it lip service. All of this i’ve mentioned is only scratching the surface as regular readers of WOS know.
I detest her with a passion now for destroying my lifetimes work & effort to bring back self-determination for Scotland. Sturgeon is not a true leader. Sturgeon is a fraud! Sturgeon the snake oil saleswoman. And that’s as polite as i can keep it.
Lorna Campbell at 5:22pm
I couldn’t agree more Lorna. Unfortunately, if the SNP branches here in Inverclyde are indicative of the rest of the branches around the country, it isn’t going to happen.
Here in Inverclyde, the local branches had the choice between their existing MSP Stuart McMillan or Chris McEleny to be their SNP Greenock & Inverclyde candidate. They decided to stick with McMillan.
Stuart McMillan MSP, best known for being photographed next to pot-holes in the road and for keeping his head well below the parapet when it comes to anything contentious e.g. GRA, shutting down freedom of speech with the ‘Hate-Bill’ etc., and this is the man they selected over Chris McEleny? Mind you, to his credit, McMillan is on the committee on the Scottish Government’s handling of harassment complaints, doing St Nicola’s bidding like the good wee boy that he is.
Councillor McEleny is exactly the sort of politician we need in Holyrood. Unafraid to speak his mind and to take any flak for his views. He also knows the difference between a man and a woman, which is good going for any SNP member these days.
Mr McEleny will continue to receive my vote whilst I wouldn’t even give Stuart McMillan the steam off my excrement.
Come the election, as I cannot bring myself to vote for any Unionist party and I wouldn’t lower myself to vote for the Greens, it will be a spoiled ballot for the constituency vote and the ISP for my list vote. And to save anybody the trouble of asking, no – I do not want a majority for the SNP this time around. In fact, I’m rather hoping (and I can’t believe I’m typing this) the Tories do well in 2021, if only to act as a brake on the non-independence aspirations of an increasing insane SNP, who are still hell-bent on destroying an innocent man – Alex Salmond.
Well said Stoker. In a decent democratic country both Murrells and a few others would be in jail by now. I live in hope!
So, Chelsea Clinton…
Perhaps it’s her and not Mom that NS is enthralled with…
@ Jason Smoothpiece on 20 February, 2021 at 7:50 pm
Yip! See my post just at 8pm there. We really have to wonder. The only conclusion i can reach, and this is tearing my brain apart 24/7, is that Sturgeon has been bought &/or she’s more than content to be the administrator that she is.
We need a complete overhaul of the SNP or, better still, a brand new indy-focussed party created by several big names. If not, we are well and truly shafted for seeing indy in our lifetimes. And that angers me beyond description.
dakk says:
20 February, 2021 at 7:53 pm
Sturgeon is really getting to all you “random tory” fans.
And I think she is now doing it deliberately ?
She might find that her cover is about to be removed and from a totally different quarter to the one she most feared and the rest of us most expected. So don’t gloat too soon:-)
Enough is enough folks. Left the party tonight. See below.
It is with great sadness I have to resign my membership after 30 years.
The current leadership and lack of independence strategy, has become intolerable. The bullying of Jo Cherry is simply disgustng. The obsession with gender politics. The treatment of one of our heroes Alex Salmond, is shocking.
I feel the party has left me and left the yes movement. Like the Ship Of Theseus, nothing of the original concept remains.
Nicola Sturgeon is dushonest, ruthless and has no loyalty. She is a poor strategist to boot. I feel genuinely sad that one woman has destroyed our party. But mostly I feel angry that she has destroyed Scotland’s chance of independence.
Yours Sincerely
Hi there
1. Name and Registration
The “Independence for Scotland Party (ISP)” (hereafter referred to as ISP or “the party”) will be registered in Great Britain.
Elections intended
It is the current aim of the party to stand for election in the Holyrood 2021 Election and thereafter contest any following Scottish Parliamentary Elections.
In the future, other elections may be contested, either at Council, Westminster or European level.
2. Aims and Objectives
The party’s aims and objectives are as follows:
1 Independence for Scotland. To regain Scotland’s independence by any democratic means.
2 Equality for everyone that lives in Scotland.
A sad day for a lot of folks here.
Some of my own alarm and uncertainty comes from a question I don’t know enough about to answer.
What will happen if there is a unionist majority after the election on 6th May?
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
20 February, 2021 at 5:52 pm
“I’ve sent a message to you by the Contact form. In the past such messages have not arrived. I don’t know if you’ve decided not to reply, or have not received it.”
Nothing from you in Inbox, Junk or Spam…
Thanks Rev for letting me know. I have a document to send to you – it is too big for the ‘contact’ box – which also does bad things to the font etc. Although I think it is alphabet safe, I would not wish to risk posting it btl. Please use any of it that you want, if you think its suitable.
Could you send me an e-mail and I’ll pdf it to you.
Kind regards
R Ross @ 8.01 PM
I know its hard but don’t think of it as voting for a unionist party, think of it as voting against Sturgeon’s SNP. No 1 priority is to get these corrupt weirdos out, then we can rebuild.
Nicola Stalin. Complete Autocracy dressed up as democracy and shared leadership
Nicola Sturgeon – the 21st century Malcom Rifkind.
Scot Finlayson says:
20 February, 2021 at 7:59 pm
Can a woman be guilty of r@pe and if not will they have to change the Law to cover r@pe by a trans woman.
Yes a woman can be convicted on a charge of Rape, although up til now the convictions have been based as acting art and part, when a man (Myra Hindley would be a good type of example). So, for once the legality requires no change.
The ZiegNics have taken over the asylum.
Somebody Campbell says this is an alt right fascist group! Why did nobody tell me???
Lintonbairn @ 8:10
“What will happen if there is a unionist majority after the election on 6th May?”
We concentrate on rebuilding and fighting the common enemy while we build up a head of steam towards a plebecite in 2026.
If Sturgeon gets in, we fight ourselves and our direction of travel is backwards.
Talking of definitions:
“extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices”
Sounds about right for the SNP cabal.
Folks should be looking for a plebiscite election party. Onwards to freedom.
All I ask is let this be the adhesive that joins us together again. There will always be the stubborn of course who hear speak and see no evil.
We once we’re a very cohesive movement but Sturgeon played on that and caused rifts through misleading people and promising their expectations would be met. She lied and the movement drifted apart one from the other.
Tonight ,tomorrow,we must resolve to fight together once again,sure by side.
We have a common dream which many of us might never see, but at least we will be remembered as foundations on which our dream was built.
To any Unionist reading. We should have shown you that we care about decency. Would you fight the same if it was a Unionist oarty ?
We want a Scotland fit and fair for all regardless of origin or loyalty
No Votes SNP is imperative now, so far as I’m concerned. Nicola Sturgeon believed she could cut her ties with the past. Hence the purging of Alex Salmond, the discarding of the grassroots Indy supporters and the destruction of our culture and traditions and history. To really cut your ties with the past is a logical impossibility since it would mean denying your ancestry and your ancestors, the purest representatives of your past. In effect, claiming to be born anew, out of nothing. Year Zero.
She has trashed everything Alex and Indy supporters believed in. She is a dangerous and predatory fanatic who will stop at nothing to achieve her fantasy world of science denying gender woowoo ideologues. She is cruel, vindictive and vicious. She feared Alex and is cruel in the way all cowards are. She knew how to inflict injury deep into the bone and always had an explanation to mask the nature of her real agenda.
She and her party must be removed from power. I will vote for whoever is most likely to defeat the SNP candidate in the constituency and Indy party on the list. I do like the idea of no party able to command a majority, a la Belgium, unable to agree on anything and no one with the power to govern. It may give us some protection from harm and injustice. Time to start believing in ourselves again as we prepare for the systemic and radical changes needed. To never again be deceived and duped into thinking they had the answers that we don’t.
Lintonbairn @ 810pm
Well you can blame NS for that too.
Putin poisons his political opponents using Novochok. Sturgeon frames her political opponents on bogus charges of sexual assault.
The grotesque Sturgeon is simply outclassed by everyone, isn’t she.
Salmond will eviscerate her on Wednesday.
That’s them lost both my votes.
Fuck them.
Is it just me or does the SNP no longer have any history (in a 1984 sense)?
A special kind of entryism is the salami slice
*hearty laugh* “This is Nicola Sturgeon’s branch, we don’t VOTE on things” *hearty laugh*
That was the response I received a couple of years ago when, having just been elected as a CA delegate for my new branch because there was literally nobody else to take the role (something I simply could not fathom having moved from Ayrhsire where we still regularly got 40-50 to branch meetings following the membership boom), I asked a recently elected local councillor whether we needed to ask our branch members to mandate us to vote any particular way on anything at the upcoming CA meeting.
That should really have set the alarm bells off for me right from the start.
Seems this is Sturgeon & Murrell preparing to burn the house down on their way out the door. Sturgeon is bricking it now that Salmond will appear before the inquiry despite all their dirty tricks to make sure it didn’t happen.
Would put money on it what ever happens when Salmond appears before the inquiry, later the same day this trans BS will be used to suspended Cherry from the party in order to give the main stream media a different story to run with.
Lintonbairn @ 8:10pm, pretty much the same as what will happen with an SNP majority on May 6th. It really hurts me to type that.
Many thanks Robert Louis for your Post and the two Links put up at
6:33pm today.
I did wonder where the T came from in LGB [T ] a few years ago.
It left me puzzled and a wee bit confused…
Cheers and all the best.
Elmac at 8:01pm
You are probably right there. Here in Inverclyde, SLab came 2nd at the last Scottish Parliament election and the Tories 3rd. When it comes to ‘woke’ matters, SLab along with the Lib-Dems and the revolting Greens will probably vote with the SNP, so no point in voting for any of that that lot.
Which leaves the Tories…
I’ve only ever voted SNP in any election. As an eight-year old, my late mother had me stuffing envelopes and delivering leaflets for Arthur Donaldson way back in 1963 and now I have to consider voting for the Tories?
Christ, I think I need a strengthening drink.
@Big Jock
If it had been me, I couldn’t have resisted something along the lines of ‘like the mighty broom of Trigger, nothing of the original remains, amen Dave’…
Just how much kickback is the SNP leadership getting from trans lobby groups, in other words, the shady AF Stonewall for implementing this nonsensical guff?
It isn’t just the SNP doing this; it’s governments worldwide. The only reason UK Gov has shelved GRA for the time being is so it can be weaponised against Holyrood. Make no mistake, UK Gov are just as much up to their neck in Stonewall as the SNP and Scot Gov are.
Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.
Thanks Robert,
Apologies – wasn’t the best of questions on my part? Should of said ‘do you think it would be easier for us to get Indy from where we are now, today, or after a combination of a unionist Westminster and a unionist Holyrood between 6th May and 2026?
Me? I reckon it would be much, much harder come 2026. The unionist will be more able to play every trick in the book, use every ounce of power they have to do all they can to quash Indy’s prospects. Feckin’ awful.
Corrado Mella
20 February, 2021 at 6:40 pm
The best time would be during the mass online gathering in March
Fighting ourselves again. We have been truly conquered.
In 2012/3 I started posting in various English papers about Scottish independence, the Guardian, the Telegraph,the Times the odd others.
I had access to a forum again predominately English. Mostly it was correcting what was posted. Folk were at that time polite and listened to what was posted
It did take a down turn when Davidson spewed up at a conference, At some point I phone up the SNP and spoke to a Mr.MacCann and said the SNP should be thanking WoS for what the site was doing,He dismissed it by saying the site had called an MSP an arsehole. I duly replied he was
A Convener said I should not post anything in the English media , that would be all of the named above.Plus not to speak about Independence to anyone south of the Border
It got worse as by then Sturgeon was awaiting her pontification
At that point I was told to F*** Off to the Yessers, these folk were openly despised by branch members
I think they believe they were somehow superior
I asked myself what happened?…They got stuck up Sturgeon’s Arse
Not one of those pieces of shit have spoke up for Ms.Cherry or Ms. MacAlpine,spoke against the “bad bastards” threatening violence to woman and others
As for the likes Small….I see the likes of him in cat litter and which is less rancid
A wee look back in history.
In 2014 the British establishment just about lost its jewel in the crown, and they got a very big fright.
In 2015 that fright got given adrenilin, put on a ventilator and rushed to hospital. 56 SNP MP’s.
And the bloody Europeans updated their Tax haven laws – putting every single one of the Crown Principality Tax Havens in full danger of having to comply with them.
That meant that not just this generation’s ill gotten gains could be assessed and auditted and traced to its owner (hello Betty), but the establishement families who have ruled the Empire, since before it had one, and utilised Trust funds since the time of William the Conquorer. Were threatened… and rulers in places like India were arming their forensic accountants accordingly.
Which is why Brexit. It endangered losing Scotland when Scotland is the UK’s cash cow. But there were bigger, much bigger fortunes to worry about.
2016 the Brexit vote. And from that moment until 31/12/20 farcical negotiations from the British Government – and only the equivalent of a No Deal would keep it out of the European Court of Justice – and therefore out of reach of the Tax Haven legislation.
People are asking about the speed of the self destruct / madness within the SNP.
Brexit is the answer. If not for Brexit, it’s not that the same thing would not be happening, but like labour before it, they would have done it over a 20 year period, and the leaders of tomorrow, and the next day, would be the sleepers of today.
It’s not like the British Establishment to show its workings, let you see the strings in this way – terribly bad form, they much prefer the longer game – where you can never decide if they are keeping the powder dry or pulling the punches/ spiking the guns.
If the yes movement does not start to understand the tactics being deployed against us, if it concentrates on trying to save a Party as apposed to the need to save our Country – then I see very little hope.
If May’s election does not afford the voters in every corner of Scotland a chance to vote Plebiscite Indy – AND PUT THE CONCEPT ON THE MAP – then the next 4 years will see the destruction of our economy, our Farming and Food industry, our Fishing Industry, our exports, our Education system, our Parliament, and Scotland will be the new destination for English residents who seek the ‘good life’ in bonny rural Scotland. And in the process re jig the voting balance.
The List vote is a Protest Vote and a back up MSP. If it were to gain over 2 million votes for Plebiscite Indy, and become our YES vote, not only will it get different Indy MSP’s elected, but it will PUT PLEBISCITE INDY on the map for the big one – the one that has to be one – the GE.
Mia @ 5:47
Yes absolutely, Scotland being used a test case for divisive policies just like the poll tax has crossed my mind. Wales and N Ireland do not provide a large and accurate enough sample. The HCB in particular which would be the Tories wet dream.
@Lintonbairn 8.44pm
If the movement conspires to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, we will have only the SNP to blame. For the lead that the SNP and pro-indy parties have now to be squandered due to TRA extremism and/or Sturgeon’s ejection from office will indeed be a tragedy, but in terms of achieving indy it will make no difference because the current SNP had and has no plausible route to achieving a referendum.
Only a palace coup in the SNP, or a new party in opposition promises any real change, and neither seems particularly likely to happen in a timescale to help us achieve either a referendum or plebiscitary elections before 2026 at the earliest.
Only a real political earthquake in the next few weeks could significantly change the landscape such that plebiscitary elections in May 2021 became feasible, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it!
If a week is a long time in politics, what’s five years….?
I don’t care jot about the trans issue but I do care about accountability.
There seems to be less of it in the snp.
Considering resigning membership.
“What will happen if there is a unionist majority after the election on 6th May?”
There will be no change: we have had a unionist majority since Sturgeon’s took over in 2014. Under this unionist majority we have been denied our right to self determination since 2015.We have been denied democracy since the EU referendum in 2016. We have been subjected to constitutional subjugation since 2017. Our popular sovereignty was undermined in 2020, the year when our powers and assets were robbed.
What difference is it going to make if the majority is of unionist seats held by an eviscerated SNP or by any of the other political arms of the British state? None.
Our focus must be
1. to deny the SNP a majority and to take as many list seats as we possibly can by the other pro indy parties.
2. the General Election 2024. We have 3 years to organise and use that election as a real plebiscite.
3. make every vote in every election from now on a vote for independence no matter what. That is the message we should be sending to the British state and its stooges like Sturgeon and the booby price: either we vote for independence, or we do not vote.
What we need to know now is how serious about independence those other pro independence parties really are. Are they serious enough to include a mandate for independence in their manifestos?
Also Graham campbell should be made to show how wings is fascistic.
Not a single piece of evidence of this.
Disagreeing is not fascists.
Worlds gone mad. Or the boring politics types of scotland have anyway.
“And what doe they tell us vainly of new opinions, when this very opinion of theirs, that none must be heard but whom they like, is the worst and newest opinion of all others, and is the chief cause why sects and schisms doe so much abound and true knowledge is kept at distance from us ; besides yet a greater danger which is in it.”
? John Milton, Areopagitica
Unionist and nationalists need to agree this is not an election about Indy – either for or against. This means unionists need to promise NOT to take a fall in SNP vote as a mandate for the union.This is about what type of democracy we want to live in in Scotland be it inside or outside the UK . I don’t want to live in a place where free speech is crushed under a powerful woke cliche of the SNP. We need a war on authoritarian wokeness and then sort out Indy.
Holymacmoses @ 7.25
Page 16/17. £2m from other income? Income from who? What charitable activities”? They also appear to be giving grants to other organisations. Looking at these accounts raises more questions than they answer.
@Daisy Walker
Well said. Exactly what’s needed. A way of saying ‘bad things happen and we are where we are AND we can use this moment to drive ourselves to that better place’ or we can rage ourselves into an anti-SNP, anti-Nicola, anti-trans, anti-woke. anti-Maryhudacanary frenzy that will get us nowhere, will leave Scotland much worse off.
Needs someone to grab the moment and give the 2 million voters someone to rally round, Is that person, that leader in the Indy movement?
“Graham Campbell appears to have deleted his tweet calling the Rev a fascist. Unsure whether he realised it was defamatory or he was getting ratioed.”
I believe it’s from Facebook.
When you view a website that purely posts facts and commentary and posts No Lies as The Enemy whilst you are cosying up to factions and accepting right honorable Committee and Privy Council roles then its clear the baw has well and truly burst.
The saddest aspect is no media coverage means thousands of SNP members have no idea of NEC games and listee manipulation let alone Trans faction and Salmond fit up facts.
Rev..Maybe time to get your advertising fundraiser going as “Folk need to know!” To quote Isa from Still Game.
“What will happen if there is a unionist majority after the election on 6th May?”
Well, we start from scratch again, except:
1. There are an awful lot more of us than the first time round.
2. There are an awful lot more of us that are far more knowledgeable than before.
3. We have learnt a very harsh lesson, that won’t be easily forgotten.
4. The resources that were ploughed into the failed SNP enterprise, can be ploughed into other parties and places.
5. There are a lot of fairly advanced plans being created for Indy already this time round.
6. There are an awful lot more of us far more determined than before.
7. We know who is on the independence side, for the most part, now.
8. There might be a unionist majority, but they can’t form an alliance, and unlikely a government, without losing their core vote. Any gov’t will be a minority one. While they are static, we can be mobilising.
9. We can mobilise getting the covenant signed, as quickly as possible.
10. Gives us a bit of extra time – pro independence parties time to get established, the few good guys from the SNP to settle somewhere else, get general agreements in principle on many of the plans for transition/set up, finally get closure on the Alex Salmond stitch-up with a judicial inquiry, build up information distribution and popularity of other pro-Indy parties, etc.
11. Even if we have to wait 5 years to enact any plans, by then we’ll be very ready.
12. As someone said above, at least we’ll be fighting unionists, not ourselves, freeing up resources.
13. I see the SNP as unionist, so what’s the difference, really, except all the benefits above?
14. The British State is more likely to keep Holyrood running on the current system with a unionist majority in it, and they’ll relax a bit. It means no major changes, maybe, to confound any best laid plans.
15. We aren’t really starting from scratch. We can prepare things quickly from now – now we know the SNP are doing nothing – and maybe even do something with the council elections to get a pro-Indy majority – infiltrarate anywhere and everywhere…
SNP Net Assets
31 December 2018 – £591,077
31 December 2019 – £271,916 (down by £319,161)
31 December 2020 – insolvent?
If there is a Unionist majority after May, after initial euphoria on their part, within three to six months the Unionist Parties will all be at each other’s throats.
Meanwhile, the SNP will either split, combust or reform – or do a mixture of all three of these. Most of Holyrood will be peripheral to the independence movement. This latter will continue to increase in numbers, moreover from across a wider spectrum of Scottish society than ever before.
Whether or not the new independence parties learn to act together – hopefully they will – the independence movement will increasingly become a movement. No one political party will ever again be able to capture it, or presume to do so, as if it were their exclusive possession, property or monopoly. Scottish politics will be quite different from anything it has ever been in the past.
The independence movement will also become the one movement that opposes the various forces of Fascism which will attempt to seize power, and which may succeed in doing so at some point. Everything is changed. At the same time the link between independence and freedom will never have been more evident, and more discussed.
Sturgeonism is a home-bred form of fascist totalitarianism. Other forms of the same, as well as various forms of british fascism, will contest with each other. It will be one terrible stramash – or many of them together – but for sure the old UK / GB or whatever you want to call it is already dead in the water. As everything smashes itself (and others) to smithereens, opportunities for independence will not be lacking.
There is no doubt the NS is a bitter and twisted individual who exudes hatred for all but her woke circle. She surely is unhinged.
And once again absolute silence from the vast majority of MP/MSP`s at this assault on our democracy which must confirm that they are only in it for the money.
I am white hot with anger.
Editor | Definition of Editor at
Editor definition, a person having managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility related to the writing, compilation, and revision of content for a publishing firm or for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication: She was offered a managing editor position at a small press. See more.
Sarah Elizabeth Smith (born 22 November 1968)[1] is a Scottish radio and television news reporter with the BBC. She holds the post of Scotland Editor, having joined the BBC in Spring 2014 for the run-up to the Scottish Independence Referendum on 18 September 2014.[2] She also presents the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
Captain Yossarian says:
20 February, 2021 at 7:10 pm
‘Second, is she independent of the current political ructions within the SNP? If so, fine. If not, why were viewers not told. And if that was not possible on grounds of self-identification, then why was it still OK to broadcast the interview?’
Question 2 from Andrew Neil to BBC Scotland – sent a couple of hours ago. Regarding Glenn Campbell’s disgraceful interview with one of the alphabet women earlier in the week.
John Cleary says:
Her father would be so disappointed.
Lintonbairn @ 8:44
“The unionist will be more able to play every trick in the book, use every ounce of power they have to do all they can to quash Indy’s prospects”
Linton, we have an SNP Govt. at HR (albeit minority propped up by SGP) and the vast majority of Scottish MPs at WM are SNP.
Sturgeon gets returned in May and that situation remains, with the only possible difference being no need for SGP to prop up SNP Govt. at HR.
Despite the current situation mirroring that in May if Sturgeon wins, how does that improve our position???
Did the yellow and black cavalry stop Scotland being dragged out the EU/Single Market, as promised several times by Blackford?
Did the devolved competencies repatriated from Brussels not get snatched by WM under the UK Internal Market Act? Or did the yellow and black cavalry ride to our rescue once again?
To spell it out, it matters not whether Sturgeon’s powder blue and pink shock troops constitute 100% of Scotland’s MPs at WM or form a majority Govt. at HR, they are paper tigers where defending Scotland from Unionist tricks are concerned – as the events above prove.
So even now the Unionists burn Scotland while Sturgeon plays Nero and fiddles with gender-woo-woo and hate speech, (When she’s not playing Brutus to Salmond’s Caesar that is).
What’s more likely to boost the prospects of a majority for Indy in 2026? Unionists openly pissing down our backs while telling us it’s raining? Or Sturgeon and the flat Earth biology and free speech denying zealots running amok for 5 years?
Pete Wishart feels sorry for us lot on Wings.
“The anti-SNP bloggers and their followers seem to have gone into total meltdown tonight. It’s just so angry, intolerant and pointless. Really feel sorry for those caught up in this.”
-Contrary, Wull-
Good points. I have been predicting a unionist majority at Holyrood for donkeys so let’s how it turns out. However you both make the good point that they will fight like rabbits in a sack and any coalition would fall apart within a relatively short period of time.
It would be quite a thing for a revitalised, refocused SNP to win a majority under new management in say October 2021- maybe even declaring it a plebiscite!
It’s worth noting though that whereas most politicians, if they lose an election, resign as a matter of course, if NS loses the election, an egotist of that scale won’t accept it. It’ll be “the voters’ fault” and it’ll be blamed on “that Wings”. Like Trump, she will almost be unable to accept that she lost, nor will her acolytes. The question is then, would she be forced out and replaced by a committed leader, or would her supporters continue down the rabbit hole of turning the SNP into the Cult of Nicola?
Mhairi Hunter called today’s NEC business “Good Stuff” WTF.
Mia says:
“What we need to know now is how serious about independence those other pro independence parties really are. Are they serious enough to include a mandate for independence in their manifestos?”
That’s the crux. Sturgeon thought that after 2014 she inherited a “once in a generation situation” – and bedded in nicely with her ‘husband’ to have a nice comfy and lucrative time running a devolved part of the UK – prioritising her ‘social’ agenda.
Unfortunately for her the Scottish people decided otherwise – and in 2016 we had a ‘material change’ in our relationship with Europe dictated by England that made her comfy arrangement untenable – and her biggest nightmare has arrived this year with endless polls showing majority for independence PLUS the failure of her little plan to remove Alex Salmond – by jailing him if necessary. Scuppered twice-over by the common people of Scotland – the electorate and a jury.
Salmond’s crime was to be a true-believer who honourably made way for someone who proved to be a poseur and charlatan – and then worse – an evil, diabolical schemer and liar. He realised his mistake and she feared his political return.
Today is the last throw of the dice by someone gambling on high personal poll ratings, and a supine bunch of careerists in elected office letting her off the hook.
Sadly it could work. Which is why Alex could yet do his country his greatest service to date, by driving a stake through her evil heart on Wednesday.
Andy Wightman captured hook, line and sinker by the wokeratti as he gets behind Rhiannon Spear 100%.
‘This is the biggest story in UK politics and it’ll run till Salmond has Sturgeon’s head on a stake and we’re rid of her criminal gang.’
Great Post G Princip!!
“Unfortunately independence is finished”
No it is not. If we are pushed down, we pull ourselves up, we stand up and carry on walking. If the goal simply vanishes because a few corrupt, self-serving and disloyal frauds have fooled us for 6 years, then it was never was a strong enough goal to begin with. What are 6 years compared to 300?
We may lose this Holyrood election, so what? Haven’t we been told time and time again that Holyrood is not a real parliament, but just a branch of the English one? Fabiani’s Farce appears to corroborate that too, so our fight is in Westminster. We have a GE2024 to plan for and there is no time to lose. And THAT election must be a plebiscite where a majority of seats is a mandate for independence. Using a GE as a plebiscite has advantages:
1. is FPTP – we can win it. We have had 3 test runs: in 2015, 2017 and 2019. The only thing we need now is a real pro indy party taking those seats. Sturgeon’s eviscerated SNP is not that party.
2. The British state will have to fight 2 fronts simultaneously, convincing disgusted voters in England and Wales after Brexit and the covid disaster, and a furious Scotland. Divide and conquer, they say. Well then, let’s divide and let’s conquer.
3 years will give us time to organise, to crowdfund and to form a strong enough party with the balls to end the union, no excuses and no questions asked. With the booby price taking over from Sturgeon, you can guarantee independence under the SNP will not have advanced in those 3 years one inch. This means more people fed up of the SNP and ready to vote for another indy party.
That the British state has hijacked the SNP and the fraud Sturgeon has betrayed us? Well, she is not the first one who sold Scotland and will not be the last. But nobody is irreplaceable. No party is indispensable. Look at all what we have learned: we now know indyref is a fluke, Holyrood is a mickey mouse parliament and there has only ever been one way to gain independence and that is via ending the union by withdrawing our MPs from Westminster.
So what do we use this Holyrood election for?
To prepare the ground. We must deny the SNP that majority. Why? Because we don’t want those toxic policies forced on us, because we don’t want them to set up the narrative anymore and because they and those controlling the party must be taught a lesson: if Scotland wants independence, Scotland will get its independence, so either you help us or you will be bypassed.
We knew it was not going to be easy. But difficult does not mean impossible. Look at all what we have learnt. Determination and focus on the prize is what will get us to win.
Stuff Sturgeon. Stuff the booby price. Stuff their genderwoowoo. Stuff their taxidermy SNP and their army of supine gradualists.
They have delayed us enough forcing us through the scenic route. Time to take the shortcut.
We need those new pro indy parties to include the end of the union in their manifesto.
Blackford has posted a tweet about playing a Wings record. Is he trying to be satirical?
“Leaking and misinformation hinder these aims” is particularly funny in this context. It is of course true, but the way to ensure that there aren’t any leaks or misinformation (or at least as little as possible) is to seek consensus, and to be as open and transparent as possible – and definitely not be divisive
We really need tae clear oot the poseurs like wightman. Him and his ilk, colonised and deweaponised the land reform debate 20 years ago…. I can tell ye for a fact he is nae fur independence
Young Mr Mennie is pleased as punch at what Der Fuhrer, Sturgeon dictated today in the Wolfs Lair. is important, essential we clear oot the greens fae Holywood. Patrick Harvey never wanted independence… is all tae dae with him and his queer theory
“essential we clear oot the greens fae Holywood”
When I talk about “other pro-indy parties”, I do not include on those the Greens. I am referring to AFI, ISP and Scotia Future.
Garavelli princip @ 7.00
I would go so far as to say that Alex Salmond will be fighting for the very ‘soul’ of Scotland next week and all our futures.
The current Guardians of our native land have been poisoned.
Woke’ism is not the (fascist) right re-branded. Quite the opposite.
Identity / progressive / woke politics is the re-brand of the extreme left.
The people who tried and failed to sell you (extreme) left wing politics during the 70’s and 80’s (they nearly destroyed the labour party which then led to Blair) also resulted in a decade of Thatcher and a rejection by the working class of socialism (who all bought those council houses).
They old left got resoundingly rejected. After Labour got annihilated post 2014 they were desperately seeking a new host.
They flocked to the SNP and our rat leader allowed them to execute a reverse takeover.
They wear the clothes of the SNP but they are imposters. They destroy everything they touch.
Invasion of the body snatchers as someone said recently. They are so toxic it is unreal.
“TRANSPHOBIA: Discriminatory or prejudiced language or actions related to someone’s actual or perceived gender identity or gender expression.”
There is a difference between perception and reality. Reality is objective and perception is subjective. What we perceive ourselves to be may in no way correlate to the reality. Law must be based on objective reality and not subjective perception. That is why justice is blind. It cannot be applied subjectively, according to individual perception. For instance, I could perceive of myself as a woman, but nevertheless commit a crime as a man. Would my crime be obviated because I thought I was a woman? Would it lessen the suffering of the victim because I didn’t perceive that I had committed a crime? The SNP have become a cesspool of ideological fantasy far removed from reality, and in the process are making a mockery of the law and of democracy.
Christopher McEleny giving it beans on twitter, he just tweeted a long thread of everything the SNP has been doing under Sturgeon’s leadership which is destroying the party with divisive measures from the inside, worth a read!
Agree with what you say old boy however I can’t understand why.
Why did this nonsense happen I honestly don’t understand.
I was an activist a candidate for the SNP now I don’t think I will vote for them I can’t be alone.
What was the thought process by the leadership which brought us to this with members leaving and former loyal members looking to form new party’s of independence.
And where’s the cash gone?
Land reform under this government is just an organised transfer of money from tax payers to the wealthy landowners who are disposing of a few pieces of mediocre ground on the edge of their holdings.
Case in point,
This was sold pretty heavily as a great opportunity at putting a former grouse moor to good use by on the land-owner side and by conservationists. I wonder what the true value and true opportunity is?
Guess these fuckwits like Robertson and Campbell have never heard of the Streisand Effect?
Woke’ism is basically the re-brand of militant labour.
This is their new political vehicle / IED.
They used to pretend to represent / care about the working class.
Now they pretend to represent / care about ‘minorities’.
Freshens up the whole socialism gig right?
Anonymoose @9:50
Good on Chris McEleny for tweeting that list.
Chris McEleny on great form tonight!!!! 🙂 🙂
Republicofscotland @ 9.23
He’s reaching….. there’s nae need to feel sorry for Wingers or the visitors to this site…
We’ve been well warned of the true nature of our government for quite some time now.
It’s nae surprise tae us that this happened , thanks to the Rev, we’ve all been in the know for quite some time
His NEC today just validated everything Wings said and fine well they know it
He should reserve his sympathy for those they’ve kicked tae the kerb who never saw it coming.
Something’s afoot
Today is the worst day politically for me
Indy 2014 was bad, Alex resigning brought many tears
Now it’s just mental!! WTAF is going on??
This is why it was so important that the SNP stayed firmly in the middle of the political road. In the ‘consensus lane’.
Salmond did this instinctively and brilliantly for his entire tenure as leader, while also being principled and brave when need be (e.g. versus Blair when he was lying about the Iraq War and sucking Bush’s evil wee tadger.)
(I do wonder how much of what we see now is being directed by our American allies.)
The second Sturgeon took the helm of the SNP she violently pulled the wheel towards the ditch of progressive politics.
Consensus making, ground up policy making within the SNP went flying out the window faster than a Czech politician the day Sturgeon took over and instead the party became obsessed with a tiny, tiny demographic of extreme nutcases.
The diehard Russophobe, SNP MP Stewart McDonald who longs to see Russia, held to account, and who if fuming that Westminster isn’t doing more to do that, is very pleased with what the NEC, or should I say Sturgeon came up with today at the SNP NEC meeting.
Is anybody out there? Help! Help! I’m being held hostage by something. It’s got Wings I think. Pete, you are my MP. Help me. Free me.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Too late. My mind’s bent. OK. Vote SNP. Saved.
@ ‘Liz g says:
20 February, 2021 at 10:03 pm
Republicofscotland @ 9.23
He’s reaching….. ‘
Sadly I don’t think he is. The more I see of these ‘candidates’ the more I am reminded of the worst series of Big Brother ever – the more extreme the personallity disorder, the greater the commotion and attention. That seems to be what motivates them and what they appear to deem success.
I would not trust any of them to run a bath. And I cannot see them winning over the bulk of the voters either, even with the party machine and resources behind them.
The ‘wokerati’ are no more nationalists than the were socialists before that.
They are political parasites at best but are probably something more sinister.
Something that is used to infect and destroy grass root movements that the UK state feels threatened by.
It is the same trick made to look different.
John Cleary says:
20 February, 2021 at 9:22 pm
Editor | Definition of Editor at
Editor definition, a person having managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility related to the writing, compilation, and revision of content for a publishing firm or for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication: She was offered a managing editor position at a small press. See more.
Sarah Elizabeth Smith (born 22 November 1968)[1] is a Scottish radio and television news reporter with the BBC. She holds the post of Scotland Editor, having joined the BBC in Spring 2014 for the run-up to the Scottish Independence Referendum on 18 September 2014.[2] She also presents the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
Thats a long winded way of saying she is a Yoon Whore.
Mike Russell claiming that it was a vigorous debate at the SNP’s NEC meeting today, when in reality it was Sturgeon who called the shots.
” Here is what actually happened at a positive and detailed meeting which of course had vigorous debate on issues as it should.”
Prince Phillip – has he passed?
When is Nicola getting the operation and becoming Nick? Talk about a long-winded way to announce your intentions…
Boils down to this:
Are you still voting SNP at all in May ?
I’m not.
Let them carry on with this madness, you can’t do anything about it now. The only time you can do anything about it is when casting your vote in May.
No constituency vote
ISP List vote.
Dearly wish their was another party to support for my wasted constituency vote.
SNP have to go. ISP and others now need full support and money.
Those are the considerations/options we should be looking at, and doing it right now.
So looks like no womens’ rights allowed in Scotland. K, try that on here in Dundee and I think you will find that most women here will kick that into touch. Kettlebilers n a that. Fiona Robertson needs sacking AGAIN. I think Sturgeon has mental health problems, that’s the only way I can rationilize this nuttiness. I am now officially very frightened for women and Scotland.
Meg merrilees says:
20 February, 2021 at 9:45 pm
Garavelli princip @ 7.00
“I would go so far as to say that Alex Salmond will be fighting for the very ‘soul’ of Scotland next week and all our futures.”
I don’t think I could disagree with a single word of that, Meg.
When you put at the top of your Twitter page that you’re the Shadow chancellor for the SNP, it gives out the impression that like Pete Wishart, you’re fully embedded in the Westminster system.
Stuart Mackay
You are right .. there is a reek aboot this. Using taxpayers money to pay rich landowners ‘full market value’ for a marginal bit of land and turn it into a nature reserve….. help ma boab!
This is a raquet dreamt up between rich landowners, a government that has no idea where to go with land reform, and local do gooders who want a nice place to walk their dug.
To start with Land values are hyper inflated because the uber rich want use some of their bucket loads of cash to shoot wee animals and land is a good way to invest as prices keep on rising as land value is not based on productive use but more or less determined by how many uber rich there are who want to avoid paying tax.
They then act out their power plays on the local people.
Instead of taxing the buggers to the hilt or legislating against this unsustainable land use the Scottish Government, in our name, hands over millions of our money, that could be spend on schools and hospitals, to ‘create a nature reserve’ of questionable natural value and that most certainyl does not have ‘the community at its heart’
Load of horsehit!
The Eigg and Assynt communities had it going in the right direction, but then the cappucchino reformers such as Wightman based in Edinburgh and Aberdeen neutered it by taking over the narrative and diverting it away from the fundamental problem of having most our land owned by people who could not care less about sustainability – only the fun to be had from blasting as many animals and birds as they possibly can.
I had to read this shite again aye First impression was right it’s total crap
I hope you lot know this might be your last chance to access this site , the SNP and Humza have you in their sights , and you are on the LIST
The LIST will be in turn used to deny you access to any and all facilities including shops medical care etc so basically yer fucked unless you behave yourself.
Don’t believe this could happen ? Aye a whole country being told to stay indoors and be denied travel and contact with family members including weddings and funerals couldn’t happen either
here goes – am not only an SNP member, I’m also seeking a place on the list for HR21; being an MSP isn’t actually on my bucket list, but watching this debacle unfold is so sore after decades of membership, support, fund raising & donating that I couldn’t stay quiet. Thank heavens for this resource where in addition to Stu’s factual analysis we can read similar tales of disquiet and disillusionment, and know that we are not alone. It seems that the next ten days or so will reveal much more than we already know about the direction of the SNP, its motivations and aims. I didn’t know about today’s motion and wasn’t asked my view, but seems I’d need,as a potential candidate, to defend that new policy with which I have some pretty fundamental disagreements. I can’t do that. I don’t want to think of my elderly Mum in a hospital ward vulnerable to attack from the bearded woman in the bed beside her and that isn’t transphobia, it is just safeguarding. If that results in my expulsion so be it. I signed up for Independence,not book burning, witch hunts and censorship.
Robert graham @ 10:50
“I hope you lot know this might be your last chance to access this site”
In that case…
Let’s be absolutely clear here. Sturgeon and her (lgb)TQanon goons are reaching peak paranoia. This is an attempt to bring about an internal form of Lèse-majesté.
Lol Robert
I was just about to post that. Lol
NovotesSNP will be trending soon.
Sad days.
Roll on Wednesday when Eck will deliver the coup de gras.Friday could be resignation day to save her perjuring herself once more. Drawing up a chair to watch the drama unfold.
Tea,coffee or Moet????
Och Moet it is then
Genuine question: how many trans people are there in Scotland? I mean medically altered, not just saying they are women. I have only met one in my whole life, a few years ago, in Dundee, in her 20s. I had a perfectly civil conversation with her about music and literature and stuff in a pub. It was slightly odd to me to talk to what had been a man, now with breasts, but it was just talking to a person; nothing more, nothing less. What honestly IS all this shit? We are all so very tired of hearing about it, and it has caused so much division, as I suspect it has been meant to.
I can’t be bothered hating/fearing trans people, too much energy required, and have no reason whatsoever to do so. Can’t say the same for the SNP now. As for our Burst Minister’s psychotic obsession, the Hell with that nonsense too. If only she had had more attention paid to her when she was younger, we would not have been put through Hell for our boorish hetero ways. Tragic and boring.
Stuart MacKay:
Here’s what an actual progressive Scottish government would be doing, instead of sucking up to big landowners; a very important policy (unlike the trans issue, which has been inflated beyond all proportion, and which could have been handled efficiently without angering women):
Is one still allowed to be an occasional transvestite or has that been politically rebranded to signal some worthless politicians virtue?
These measures imposed by lunatics are positively Fascistic.
Can Alex Salmond talk for as long as he wants on Wednesday, or is their a time limit put on him?
My Daughter and me in a restaurant in Glasgow.
Served by a big man in a nylon baby doll pyjama suit.
I, not mistakenly, called him HE.
He didn’t hear me calling him HE.
My Daughter is very worried.
Toilets were unisex and stunk of men’s pish!! They really did.
Cheers Scottish Nicla Party.
You will regret this.
Build more jails for the likes of me.
Can we not have a chat thing on this site? Most of the comments I make these days are not of the calibre I enjoy reading in Wings’ comments and it’s be great to have somewhere to post mutterings, disgruntledness and casual observations, like tw*tt*r 🙂
so what?
1. they put clear indyref in the manifesto and we vote for it and we win/lose.
2. they put clear indyref in the manifesto, then don’t do it.
3. they don’t put clear indyref in the manifesto
1 – we vote in our (new?) ‘pr’ system for the things we are for/against. No need for indy hegemony, let alone SNP; we did it – WE WON, better nation etc…
2 – we vote in our pr system for the things we are for/against. No need for SNP hegemony as long as we maintain indy majority. SNP showed their colours one last time – game’s up the polie!
3 – we vote in our pr system for the things we are for/against. No need for SNP hegemony as long as we maintain indy majority. SNP showed their colours one last time – game’s up the polie!
We can’t make the SNP do anything.
2 & 3 need new party/s
fuck them – if they make it take longer, so be it, we’ll win.
So we get indy soon, or we work to remove the SNP majority and leave an Indy majority.
Sharon says:
20 February, 2021 at 11:20 pm
Can we not have a chat thing on this site? Most of the comments I make these days are not of the calibre I enjoy reading in Wings’ comments and it’s be great to have somewhere to post mutterings, disgruntledness and casual observations, like tw*tt*r ?
That would be great, esp for those banned from twatter but it would be too much for one man to cope with.
Stu’s doing a bloody magnificent job as it is and I really don’t know how he copes with the work AND all the flack 😉
Seems like the Woke problem is not just in Scotland.
Every day I think I have slipped through a worm hole into a parallel universe, I mean Trump as US president, NS as Reichsmarshal, Boris Johnson as PM, global pandemic….am I in an episode of the Simpsons ?
I continue to try and turn die hard unionists
but facts and reason are of little consequence to them.
I’ve been bombarded a disgrace by them for a story about
Scot Gov going to fly the EU flag as opposed to the suppressors.
Butcher’s Apron.
In my constituency, and appeal was made to allow the Saltire to
replace the unionist flag on St Andrews day and Burns night.
The request was categorically rejected.
The Saltire must never fly on council buildings on any day.
So Scots are not permitted to fly the Scottish flag in Scotland
and what flags are permitted must be decided by England?
If every SNP M/SP was wiped out…
That moment of absolute clarity when you realized that the Independence Movement was now totally free.
So they’re posting about their fantastically successful meeting today on Twitter. However when people ask, not unreasonably, to see the agreed text on transphobia, they will not find one. Instead, helpful commenters point them to the site which mustn’t be mentioned, where you can read it. You couldn’t make it up #389
I hope Nicola doesn’t resign. That would deny me the pleasure of watching her been skewered on Wednesday and again a week later and then by Holyrood followed by the humiliation of moving to the back rows. However the real fun is her having to watch the Wokerati being thrown out one by one. We deserve nothing less after the pain she has put us through.
It would also help them get their woke candidates in.
Sturgeon already tried to game the constituency selection process with woke candidates, but that largely failed, hence why these rigged lists suddenly became a thing.
The goal is probably to reduce the constituency vote just enough so that they lose the seat to spite the non-woke candidate there, while also getting their original chosen woke candidate in via the list.
I’m surprised Sturgeon went against fellow Lesbian members of her LGB community.
Because they are firmly against the Transgender crowd.
So what has made Sturgeon come out so strongly in favour of the Trans Community?
Republic of Scotland – Mhairi Hunter used to run a market stall. Nothing wrong with this, but it about her level of intellect. A pigshit-thick careerist who just spouts whatever drivel (do you honestly think she cared about, or had ever even heard of, trans rights, before a couple of years ago?) the high heid yins tell her to dribble. A total oxygen waste.
Mac said: Something that is used to infect and destroy grass root movements that the UK state feels threatened by.
I agree. Curious that the UK Tories have just recently rejected the trans agenda.
It’s the same schtick as Trump and Boris use: provoke a culture war to divide people and use up all the oxygen of debate. Also, use it to smear and get rid of internal critics who might be more effective than you.
See what our Sunday papers say about this.
WRYC @11:30
“Mhairi Hunter used to run a market stall.”
C’est magnifique wokey street.
Re the SNP MP’s putting the word ‘shadow’ in their job description, they really don’t understand the concept of stoor being blawn, do they?
This is the Scot Gov who utilise the following job titles…
while all the complainers came from a group of SPAD’s and Civil Servants within the Scottish Government, this is also the government which utilises such job titles as:
Scottish Government Director of Communications Ministerial Support and Facilities
Scottish Government Director of Safer Communities
Director of People
Deputy Director of People Advice
With couthie job titles such as the above in abundance (and these are for example only), anyone attempting to jigsaw identify complainers, by job title, is going to find it the worst version of Cluedo ever.
Alison Thewlit has her’s as Shadow Chancellor – at Westminster – oh really, preparing an opposition budget are you Alison.
And the sad thing is, its not even Westmonster who have issued the names, its the SNP.
Utter fannies Self Identifying themselves into positions of power – cause you know – that’ll work.
From Jason Allardyce Scottish Editor of The Sunday Times
“Interesting talk around tonight that an interdict may be sought to try to prevent so-called “bombshell” Salmond evidence being published after all”
@ Criag Jones re why such strong support for Tran
HRT became linked to breast cancer in 2002. There was a huge drop in sales at this.
The global hormone replacement therapy market size was valued at USD 21.8 billion in 2019.
It appears forecast to increase sales by 6 ot 7% by 2025.
It is surprisingly difficult to ascertain what market share of this is atributed to Transgender patients.
The increase appears to be attributed to increasing population age group of ‘women of a certain age’.
I did not try, but I suspect it will also prove quite difficult to ascertain the difference in quantity prescribe to the average menopausal woman, compared to a male to female transgender patient – although clearly the latter will remain on hrt for the rest of their lives..
Trotters 3 wheeler not safe. Really not safe. I have actually seen one blown over. I was a child and hadn’t clapped eyes on one for years until recently saw one in Easter Road.
Sticky wicket, shoogly peg, nicla is a disgrace. She will not resign, she doesn’t care to know she’s done anything wrong. Arrogance is overwhelming.
She will go at some point after she’s caused as much damage as possible to the Indy movement. What a leader!!!!
NS is deffo pursuing a scorched earth policy
Every opposition party at Westminster has an MP who shadows a particular cabinet minister. That is, the shadow leads for his or her party in specific debates. With the smaller parties – the Lib-Dems, or the SNP pre-2015, it might be a case where one MP shadows several different ministers.
I am no great fan of the current SNP controlling group, but, appointing a particular MP as a shadow is not giving them grand titles, it is merely common sense and something which has to be done.
Sturgeon and her gang at Holyrood and Blackford and his gang at Westminster might be making a lot of mistakes, but, having a go at them for not pursuing Independence is a better stick to beat them with than criticising shadow spokesmen or women.
I have met Mhairi Black at a couple of Rallies,,,and she really does sound like a wee 16 Yr old Gorbals (male) ned.
She would pass as a male, no bother at all.
She has a very strange voice for a grown woman.
Maybe with all that free time she has in London doing fuck all in Westminster, she dresses up as Gary the Groper fae Govan.
A white woke middle class dad asks his bairn,
“what is the magic word/s to get what you want”
the bairn says,
“tell nicla `I`m offended`”
the dad replies “well done bairn you`ll go far”.
Willie @ 10.34
Don’t know Don’t care ( and no reflection on you Willie I’ve seen the speculation too )
Tonight I left the local hospital humbled and grateful to a nurse who didn’t have to tell and only needed to take her stuff from me that I could see my mum, ( who doesn’t have long) from the window .
She left the building and directed me to the relevant window, told me to get my phone ready and give her a few minutes to open the curtains.
There I stood in the Scottish drizzle talking to mum on the phone ( that the kindly nurse answered and gave to her) for 5 or 10 minutes…. we waved and chatted .
It was fantastic..
Then driving home I hear the cheery reports that Charles Windsor had a visit with his Dad …that’s when I felt really cheated…and stupid..
I stood there in the rain on a phone thinking how lucky I was to be given the opportunity to do it, and there were others who had an appropriate visit for the circumstances.
The kind of visit we all deserve.
Oh man was I angry…… so no I don’t particularly care what’s going on with that family….but I am resolved more than ever to do all that I can to achieve an equal society where we either get to give our care or we all stand in the rain ….
Random thoughts…
Interesting how NS prevaricated for an hour today, when she doesn’t usually deign to appear at NEC meetings.
Compare that with the rush to produce a ‘pro-trans’ video the other week.
A display of priorities?
The downer on WOS proclaimed by the NEC, ie any SNP member sharing WOS links online should be expelled from the party…
Wouldn’t it be fine if the MPs/MSPs/Councillors targeted by this policy, and threatened with expulsion from the party, just left, then approached the AFI, offering to stand in ‘certain’ constituencies, like AS in NS’s constituency, JC against Robertson, Tommy Sheridan in Husaf’s constituency, ABMcN in his home constituency, and so on, in return for first place on the AFI list in whatever region the constituency is?
The MSM couldn’t blank it. It would be “NEWS”. More ‘ordinary people’ would start asking questions.
@achnababen, Stuart Mackay
The gap between words and actions is evident in other areas. For example, the Scottish Government has a policy of community empowerment – remember this from December
The Scottish Government also has a policy on “island proofing” and look at this current situation
Socrates MacSporran
Until recently they were known as Shadow Spokesperson-they’ve appointed themselves with the titles. ie Alison Thewliss is SNP Spokesperson for the Treasury – Twitter account reads – SNP Shadow Chancellor. Parliament website -Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Treasury)
The smear campaign against Joanna Cherry continues courtesy of the TRA pet scribbler Hannah Rodger. That funding reprieve they got obviously paying dividends.
“Here in Inverclyde, the local branches had the choice between their existing MSP Stuart McMillan or Chris McEleny to be their SNP Greenock & Inverclyde candidate. They decided to stick with McMillan.”
complaints were sent to HQ (and duly ignored) about McMillan breaking covid rules and going around chapping the doors of members to get them to support him, as well as using his parliamentary staff to do likewise by chasing up members and create videos/ photos and online posts for his reselection campaign. McMillan also ditched his members bill days before Xmas (to avoid press scrutiny) It was to do with companies complicit in asbestos poisoning of staff being surcharged to pay NHS for costs. He failed to get a similar bill through in the previous parliamentary term (ran out of time even though the bill was written for him by Thompson Solicitors but he waited around 6 months before raising it at SNP Parliamentary group!). McMillan is a timewaster and will never deliver Indy.
So peter smurrell’s salary is £160 K. 160 Grand
My goodness
They’ve worked really hard for that
The beginning of the end.
But differences between the Gradualists and Radicals is not new. Will the current unrest result in a repeat of the 1955 expulsions?
Scotland national anthem should be “ hermless “ Michael Mara
El Mariachi @ 12:25
Wouldn’t it be nice if Evans took on the role of Smiling Assassin and took ’em all out the door with her. 🙂
For any of you lot still up I had a look over the wall and ventured in to La La Territory it looks like a lot of them have went for a paddle a bit far for a wee dip I thought Egypt aye now that’s a fair wee trip isn’t it
Egypt Christ they are all in ” Denial ” boom boom
Aye well what do you expect this time of night and it’s free
Night all
Sunday Times reporter hearing “rumours” of possible interim intdedict against Salmond evidence being presented.
No verification as yet.
That would be the final nail in the coffin lid if true.
El Mariachi @12:25
The beginning of the end.
The end of the beginning.
Mandarin Leslie Evans faces sack over Salmond debacle
“Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of Transphobia: Discriminatory or prejudiced language or actions related to someone’s actual or perceived gender identity or gender expression or to trans people more generally.”
If it’s not legally binding, then do tell how it can be discriminatory or prejudiced? Is a non-legal person now empowered to make that judgement and enforce any retribution?
Is the animosity between NS and JC because one of them is out and other isn’t?
Re Edinburgh list: There’s a BAME candidate other than Graham Campbell, and it seems that our Kenny likes him – so you might like him too: Irshad Ahmed.
National Sept. 2020: ‘”I’m standing to ensure we deliver, not talk about independence.”
[Irshad] Ahmed’s candidacy was boosted by former Edinburgh Eastern MSP Kenny MacAskill. He commented “good man” and shared the announcement on social media.’
@Skip_NC 4:58
I agree. I joined a few months ago and raised the closed shop NEC question as I did so. I got a prompt reply but not entirely reassuring. I can see the point of a tight ship when you are an infant party but as soon as the first conference is convened, that body should assert its sovereignty over NEC with immediate effect. If not, bad sign
Dear Nicola,
This is an open letter from an independence supporter. I am addressing this to the Wings site, rather than to your personal address – whatever that may be – but I am sure it shall be forwarded to your good self by people who are paid to do that kind of thing.
Please do the honourable thing. Please announce that you are standing down as party leader and as First Minister. Please also confirm that your spouse Peter Murrell is resigning his position in the SNP.
Call a plebiscitary election: independence YES or NO.
Yours sincerely,
Vladimir Jamnicky
The purpose of the distractions revealed.
Is NS holding on to try and get AR to take over, and the Mrs.
Saw some betting sites have him and Katie as 1st and 2nd for the job.
@ Davie: “Hermless” for national anthem. Agree – and then make our country in that image.
@ Liz g: I feel for you and your Mum. Take care.
@ Hatuey at 1.26
Here’s your link archived:
What a strange article, though. Presented as their own investigative journalism (“we” uncovered, “Sun can reveal”, “our revelation” etc), yet everything or almost everything in it was “revealed” by Gordon Dangerfield and/or Craig Murray months ago!!
I don’t think there was a single assertion in that article that I hadn’t already come across. A lot of it came from the proceedings of the committee, but the piece is dated today and tagged “exclusive”. Maybe they really don’t know that there’s a world outside their MSM bubble.
I wish wings would start to focus on anti independence movement again like it did back before the first referendum. Surely the snp are going to be the quickest way to achieve another referendum, media is biased enough as it is without having the talent of your journalism damaging movement too.
crazycat, I agree, there’s a lot of lag. It’s probably been about 8 months since we heard anything new.
Most of the substance in this particular article seems to have come straight from Dangerfield’s latest post (which was a spanker).
In terms of the pace, I suspect the MSM has its own priorities. Maybe they are working to a certain timescale. Maybe there are legalities we can’t see.
The next three weeks are certain to be eventful.
Remember people, don’t feed the troll @2.50am!
Interesting that the Sun is running that story. It’s been a fairly reliable SNP paper for the last decade but it’s turning against us recently. It’s also the paper most reflective of working-class Scots’ views- which is telling…
The call for heads to roll on the basis of the new definition has already gone out:
Teddy Hope @Bonjour_Teddy (recent SNP flouncer)
“Disclaimer : while the @theSNP ‘s definition of transphobia has been Implemented, we still to see it being acted upon ;the snp still has an NEC hosting multiple anti trans activists (One of whom I know to have abused me) don’t go thinking it’s safe just yet
The sad thing about @TheSNP’s decision is how unlikely trans survivors will gain accountability for historic abuse. I do hope they make a follow up to their instances of historic abuse by inviting an @EHRCScotland investigation into them”
El Mariachi says:
21 February, 2021 at 12:25 am
You shouldn’t just post links EM you should explain briefly what they’re about. This one is a Times story suggesting that the SNP are going to try to weasel out by throwing Leslie Evans under a bus. Fat chance of it stopping there.
With this Times story alongside the Scottish Sun “bombshell exclusive” (basically lifted lock, stock and barrel from Gordon Dangerfield’s work) it seems the MSM have decided it’s finally time to load up and take aim.
I think a lot of people who smugly believed they were leading actors in an ever-so-clever conspiracy (and I include Sturgeon, Evans, Lloyd, and Murrell in their numbers) are about to discover that in fact they were diligently painting great big targets on their own backs and setting themselves up.
A Person: “ It’s been a fairly reliable SNP paper for the last decade but it’s turning against us ”
Surely you mean “them”?
“The 2021 budget was agreed, including £1.5m Holyrood election spend, £600k this financial year for referendum preparations, plus overseen by the National Secretary.”
Where the hell is the SNP going to get 2.1 million quid from? The Party is skint – they didn’t have 97K of spare cash sitting around at 31/12/19 because they owed 357K to Trade Creditors relating to the 2019 WM general election that was payable nearly immediately in January 2020. The only way that the SNP could pay that was to pay it out of 2020 members’ subscriptions and/or go into overdraft. In fact, given the degree of chicanery in those accounts it wouldn’t surprise me if some of those creditors weren’t already overdue but that the SNP had delayed paying them to disguise the Party’s dire financial situation from members. Either that or the cash was held back to fulfill the SNP’s primary purpose – paying the inflated salaries of Pete Murrell, Sue Ruddick and the other troughers on the SNP payroll.
As for “new Headquarters staff to support local government and the complaints processes” the SNP needs new troughers like a hole in the head. The Party is in financial trouble because Murrell & Co have spent money like drunken sailors and putting all their mates on the SNP payroll. The HQ needs less staff not more, and we can start by removing Murrell and Ruddick.
The SNP’s dire finances is Sturgeon and Murrell’s Achilles heel and the best chance for the SNP members to excise this cancerous cabal. Don’t resign your SNP membership, that only leaves Sturgeon and the Wokerati in control of the Party and lets them hoodwink the voters into thinking a vote for Sturgeon’s SNP is a vote for independence. Instead let your branch and CA officers, your MSP & MP know that they will get no money and no campaign volunteers unless Sturgeon & Co are gone. Tell them: support a VoNC in Sturgeon or you’re gone. “Nothing concentrates a man’s mind so much as the knowledge that he’ll be hanged in the morning”. That should get those MSPs to grow a spine.
crazycat says:
21 February, 2021 at 2:04 am
@ Hatuey at 1.26
Here’s your link archived:
What a strange article, though. Presented as their own investigative journalism […] the piece is dated today and tagged “exclusive”.
‘Exclusive’ = we’re the first MSM to put our heads above the parapet on this.
‘It came after we uncovered…’ = we got one of our reporters to do a bit of online reading & this turned up.
‘Sun can reveal’ = this stuff probably is a revelation to their typical readers.
Interesting that both the Scottish Sun & the Sunday Times are making such a big splash. Just have to hope Philip doesn’t pop his clogs so it all gets drowned out.
If I may say, cheers to ye TOMMY SHERIDAN, you speak the truth, I met you briefly one time down at Kelvingrove Park, cheers dude, listened to what you said on stage in amongst the many excellent others. It’s good to have you here.
We are with you Craig Murray, cheers man.
They certainly know how to put the ‘Oh’ in dear, glad I jump ship a while back to the ISP, but we still need the good people that are still in the SNP to get it together and claim back the party.
I think the FM is suffering some for of mild psychosis, I think it’s part of the managerial phycology, they have to be led, but who’s doing the leading.
Graham Campbell has just put it black on white that the SNP are a national socialist party. Why not be honest and officially change the party’s name to NSDAP. There’s only two letters to add.
that was meant to by mild form of psychosis, not for psychosis.
and that was Jumped not jump, as well, need to get an edit button for this page.
Sturgeon and her mafia have emphatically destroyed the prospects of Scottish Nationhood for decades.
And they’ve embarrassed and besmirched, even crippled, the Scottish Nation and its historic institutions along the way.
Time for her to go into hiding in Davos, Washington DC, Brussels, the West End of Edinburgh, or somewhere else that’s in another dimension to Govanhill.
Decisions of the National Executive Committee – 20 February 2021
“ The NEC agreed that our priorities are the forthcoming election and securing independence through a second referendum. Leaking and misinformation hinder these aims.
A Campaign Rally will be held online in late March, open to all members, setting out our message for the election in May, and will be the largest online event of its kind.
A working definition of Transphobia was agreed, to help members in the first instance to consider their own behaviour, and work to deliver similar definitions in relation to homophobia and misogyny and further definitions is being developed.
The 2021 budget was agreed, including £1.5m Holyrood election spend, £600k this financial year for referendum preparations, plus new Headquarters staff to support local government and the complaints processes overseen by the National Secretary.
There was also agreement on the further interim recommendations of the Governance Review Group, which has secured input from significant a number of members, on communications, and support for activists and office bearers. “
But whooperseedoo –
– we got a forthcoming election and it’s priority – WOW
– after that there’s a referendum priority – DOUBLE WOE
– a working definition of transphobia was agreed to help members with their behaviour OH -OH!
– after that there was work to be done defining homophobia and mysogony – QUITE RIGHT TOO
– oh yes, and there was going to be an online Rally at the end of March – WHOOPERSEEDOO
– £1.5m was going to be spent on the election, £600k on independence referendum, and new HQ staff – WHERE THE DOSH COMING FROM THE PARTY’S SKINT
– And the new staff will help deal with complaints – THAT’LL GET US INDY FOR SURE
“As some day it may happen that a victim must be found …..”
Ko-Ko, Lord High Executioner, The Mikado.
From Chris McElenys Twitter page, I’m sure there’s a lot can be added
1. HQ staff pressurising the Police to bring charges against the former party leader
2. Trying to block Joanna Cherry from standing in the 2019 General Election hot off of her defeating the U.K. Government in court.
3. Booing SNP members who wanted to have a debate on independence at an SNP conference
4. HQ staff allegedly suborning individuals to bring forward complaints against the former party leader
5. Referendum cash “ threaded through the accounts “
6. Blocking debate on independence strategy and attacking individuals asking for one
7. Blocking Joanna Cherry from standing in the Holyrood election, via a secret survey monkey poll that took “a considerable time for {redacted} to count the instant online result”
8. Cabinet Secretaries standing on podiums at rallies shouting Trans Women are Women immediately after resetting the consultation on the Gender Recognition Act
9. Saying SNP members should be banned for sharing the content of, or publishing in, the worlds best read independence supporting blog in the world
10. Submitting a response to the British Government’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy that supports multilateral disarmament and fails to mention support for unilateral disarmament
11. Long standing MP’s putting themselves forward for Speaker of the House of Commons
12. Calling women in the party “Jeremy Hunts”
13. Sacking the party’s most competent member of the UK Parliament from the front bench, briefing against them, with the resulting social media hysteria resulting in a horrible threat on her.
14. Ignoring thousands of people leaving the party over misogyny but releasing a video late at night saying the party has an issue with transphobia without citing a single example
15. Paying a QC to tell you discriminatory list rankings would be struck down but proceeding to enact an unlawful process when legal advice tells you it’s unlawful
16. Paying the substantial legal fees of a member who stupidly defamed a private citizen
17. Unelected members of the NEC pushing through incoherent definitions of Transphobia with the intention of instigating the Jackson’s Entry Witch Trials
18. Ignoring the will of the Scottish Parliament then wondering why the UK Government finds it so easy to do so
19. The Long Standing member of the UK Parliament attacking independence supporters on a nightly basis
20. Asking for a mandate to have a mandate to implement the mandates of the Scottish Parliament
21. Hiring the architect of the Vow
22. Acting unlawfully against the former party leader
23. Hate Crime Bill
24. Selfies with the architect of the dodgy dossier justifying the UK’s illegal invasion of Iraq that resulted in the death of 100,000s innocent civilians
25. Boycotting independence marches and rallies
Lol sorry I was remembering the days when I automatically supported the party of independence!
Oh! Look here. Could this be the start of the house crumbling around NS?
Rape Crisis Scotland has warned that the ruling went against legal advice and could leave parliament open to legal action. Some MSPs believe an attempt may be made to secure an interdict banning the publication to avoid jigsaw identification of one of the complainants in the trial of Salmond, which led to him being acquitted of sexual harassment charges.
Mr Salmond was acquitted of all charges because he was found NOT GUILTY by a jury.
Rape Crisis Scotland seem to be controlling a lot with their 2 million funding (1 million justice funding).
Do either Sturgeon or the Scottish Government have the power to sack Evans? Wasn’t she appointed from WM and selected from a chosen few by Sturgeon?
Well, that’s her leadership in tatters – NEXT ! As Kenny MacAskill wrote on Friday, no one is bigger than the party and the party will survive. She must simply pass the leadership baton like Alex did before her and watch from the sidelines. Not before time too.
I made my decision weeks ago that I will NOT vote SNP at all in May. I will likely just stay at home if there are no suitable candidates. I’ve leagieted abs door chapped year after year for SNP but never again. I feel sick, that I was a member and supporter of this shambles of a party.
@Fishy Wullie
Calling Yes & SNP supporters Cybernats and keyboard warriors.
Lynne says:
21 February, 2021 at 4:14 am
They didn’t even have to work that hard. It’s lifted lock stock and barrel from Gordon Dangerfield’s blog
To be fair, it’s going to come as a revelation to everybody outside of the blogosphere. Where else would they have heard about it? And to give them their due, the Sun have produced a very clear synopsis of GD’s findings.
It’s not going to go away. The Sun has quotes from all the Yoons on the Committee. And its not just the Sun and the Times now. Sunday Mail, Spectator, Andrew Neil all on it too. The MSM are busy getting their ducks in a row. They’ve clearly decided that it’s time to lock and load, and Sturgeon and her buddies are toast.
@ Holymacmoses
“Do either Sturgeon or the Scottish Government have the power to sack Evans?” This development is more to do with the withdrawal of British forces.Of course they don’t have the power.
Los says:
21 February, 2021 at 6:38 am
Academic Richard Parry, of the Centre on Constitutional Change, said: “Leslie Evans had a difficult choice between her duty to the complainants, to protect their confidentiality and respect their wishes, and to the law, to report evidence of serious or systematic criminality to the police.
“Even if it hadn’t been spelt out in the procedure, the ultimate discretion of the Scottish government to go to the police against the complainants’ wishes remained.
“Hindsight, and the outcome of the criminal trial, suggests that she probably made the wrong choice.”
Mr Parry is an English lawman. But whatever nationality you are , it is surely inconceivable that an employer can have the legal right to report any offences of a personal sexual nature to the police..: that is surely up to the complainant alone. To attempt to create a law which has this sort of power over employees is obscene – just think how it could be used.:-) One could report a person they don’t like and blackmail a woman (threatening to lose her job if she doesn’t comply) into going along with a malicious prosecution.
Good luck them, they have have done their critical analysis and have decided that the synchronised flapping of their featherless arms is the way forward.
I wonder if newspapers have ever received ‘privileged’ information via Rape Crisis Centres
The National doing a story this morning on Tory corruption while completely ignoring same in the SNP.
…not a priority. If you want to read about SNP corruption buy one of the (other) English-owned blatts.
On the other hand, if you want to read about Tory corruption ….
If it’s true that Councillor Graham Campbell has said that anyone Tweeting or posting something from Wings is not fit to be a member of the SNP, then I am becoming curious to know more about him.
I wonder if an investgative journalist has done any work on that?
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows…
The National is Nic’s Fanzine, nothing less.
Haven’t bought it since the post-trial hatchet job with the complainants.
In fact, don’t buy any dead wood scrolls – a plague on all their houses!
What the critics of Wings fail to appreciate is that it is a broad church and powered not merely by an ideology but a strong desire to see good governance.
If you believe in tramsparency, justice, the rule of law, and ethical decision-making, that now makes you an enemy of the current ruling elite.
What NS has done is not only to prevaricate over indyref2 but to destroy the grassroots support for independence from the electoral base she inherited from AS.
I don’t believe those opinion polls. Much of the ‘Yes’ vote is actually quite soft and will be eroded by a fierce unionist campaign focusing (legitimately) on currency, EU memberhsip, pensions etc. But now they have another weapon. Institutionalised corruption.
Had NS built a strong economy, enhanced a once-respected judicial system, and shown competence in her management of the public sector, then the argument for independence would be so much easier to articulate.
Instead we are obliged to keep the whole thing vague, use distraction techniques, and place our faith in tokenism (baby boxes for example).
The sad thing is that NS and her colleagues do not have the competence to run a local authority let alone a new nation and increasing numbers of the electorate know that.
Like many on these pages, I sense that independence is further away now than it was in 2014 both in terms of the prospect of success, and desirability.
Unless the leadership changes and changes very soon, we will be stuck with a constitutional argument characterised by hate, bitterness, and flag-waving (or burning) rather than a passion for nation-building.
The message of hope appears to have been lost and many dreams are being shattered.
Bill Craig – my thoughts exactly.
The exceptional arrogance of coming to a country, being accepted fully, then telling us what we can and cannot read is simply fascism. Councillor graham campbell should be expelled from the SNP.
TNS2019 – Perhaps she was always a borderline psychotic and, over the years, she has been indulged by far too many people.
I think that this time next week the clear-out may have begun. It is already attracting press and media the attention and I expect Alex Salmond to increease that many times.
The facts of this case and of several other cases I am aware of are insupportable and there will soon be a new political landscape free from Sturgeon, Swinney and Wolffe ahead.
Our other public bodies, trades unions and legal profession ought to be issued a warning to start doing their jobs. They have let many of us down.
At least we know that most independence supporters are not afraid to read and retweet Wings. We’ll be better off without Nicola Sturgeon and her gang. Only true “yes voters” remain. ONWARD!
John Martini says:
21 February, 2021 at 8:34 am
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows…
And that’s why it will probably all turn out for the Good.
Everybody knows that Boris is a thief
Everybody knows that Sturgeon’s a liar
Everybody knows that Brexit will break them
Everybody know that Britain is rotten
Everybody in Scotland knows that they have an option
Everybody knows that things CAN change
OR cease
TNS2019 says:
Your sort of negativity is as destructive as the Sturgeonite hypocrisy. I think the people of Scotland have WOKEN UP and are aware of the possibilities for their children if we become Independent. SNP isn’t one person and Sturgeon is simply a passing phase – Mr Salmond’s legacy is far more enduring. We have that and the Boris and Brexit fiasco on our side and independence is NOT lost – it is there to be won if we seize the day.
Astonished says:
21 February, 2021 at 8:40 am
Bill Craig – my thoughts exactly.
The exceptional arrogance of coming to a country, being accepted fully, then telling us what we can and cannot read is simply fascism. Councillor graham campbell should be expelled from the SNP.
Always follow the money:-)
@holymacmoses – you can optimistically shout ‘seize the day’ when we are known the world over for honesty, accountability and ingenuity. We were for at least a hundred years and I know that better than anyone.
At the moment, we are known for the opposite of these things and by the end of the coming week most of us are hoping that the corrupt old-guard are gone, or are going, and we can start again with new folk.
It took 10-years to inflict this casual malfeasance on Scotland and it will not be reversed overnight. Even Alex Salmond would agree with that.
If that is the actual “definition” then it isn’t really anything .
I’m not sure if they meant to but they’ve started with a introduction that would see most of their young team thrown out for misogyny.
Key points for me are the statement that service providers using the exemption provided in the Equality Act to legally exclude individuals who do not meet the criteria for said service or whose inclusion would mean an unnecessary financial burden are being transphobic rather than practical.
The obvious problem deciding if someone is deliberately misgendering .
The dead naming bullshit. Which is being used to restrict reporting. The right to change your name is restricted, in Scotland, so it doesn’t enable fraud. So unnecessary naming of someone might be a violation of privacy but pointing out someone is an offender is OK and necessary. If I remember correctly there’s some who want “deadnames” and any criminal records associated with them not to be reported in official Disclosures.
The most alarming bit is the end. The bit where they say that there’s things not covered and they’ve effectively farmed out policing of it to Stonewall.
Found this on Alex Salmons twitter page. Shows Scotlands wealth in a structured way, with references of where the person got the information.
A good read & worthy of saving, for when Indy Ref2 does finally happen & unionists try to tell you, you are too wee & too poor to succeed as an Independent country.