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Wings Over Scotland

The same as it ever was

Posted on March 15, 2018 by

Particularly alert readers may have experienced a pang of deja vu at yesterday’s story highlighting media misrepresentation of polling figures.

We can’t imagine why.

(The actual “new low” of support for a referendum turned out to be… 75%.)

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Highland Wifie

Sigh, well it must be all over.

(Bellyaching laugh)


Support for Independence according to that 2009 poll was 20%. It is 48% in yesterday’s published poll by the same polling organisation. Good direction of travel.



They truly are a disingenuous and deceitful shower.

If they’re sooooooo confident that’s the case? Then they won’t mind when we call a referendum regardless. I mean they’re confident of their opinion, right? What could possibly go wrong for them? 😉


Polls can be organised to produce results to favour a particular viewpoint, with considerable ease, by a knowledgeable polling organisation.

The only real result is an actual vote ( and even that can, as we all know, be manipulated!!) – so let’s just wait for Nicola to ‘bring it on’.


FFS 20% opposed to a referendum at any time somehow becomes those who back Scotland going-it-alone!! Not even a distortion but a complete lie.


If you were to tell me back then how the press would report everything to do with independence, I’d never have believed it. I must have been very naive to think we had balance somewhere

Bob Mack

Well it is an old result, but no doubt it will have a makeover and take centre stage again.

Uncanny how these experts always get it so wrong. Is John McTernan running a correspondence course for journalists with political interest?


i suppose if you get polled ‘out of the blue’ & are not politically minded, you will say that you don’t want to have to vote, at all.
but once the indie trigger is fired, you will become aware of the issues & form an opinion, even if you’d rather not, cos of the resultant media onslaught


Do those dead tree and decling media organisations think that distorting the facts make them come true.
That’s worked well for them!
Their sales are flat lining and their media is increasingly more irrelevant.
Poor old yoons, who else can they rob.


We love the smell of panic and desperation in the morning 🙂


From the EU, Scotland and NI, pressure continues to build behind the dam of the English Establishment with all its Austerity, its entitlement, its supremacy, its lies, its corruption and its propaganda.

It is only a matter of time; but don’t waste it by doing nothing. Get a Saltire, join the SNP, and engage with the movement for Scottish Independence.

Degradation, desolation and isolation are coming to Scotland unless we get Independence.


More smelly stuff oozing from the waste expulsion pipe


The relentless everlasting bollox of the Meeja.

Thanks Rev, had my mate chatting about this, and now, he is so tipping onto ‘Yes’ its hilarious.


Pure banana kingdom, ministry of dysinformation stuff. The BK, an appropriate name for this comedy country.

Mark Whittet

link to

Time for new Scottish Independence referendum as new poll shows most Scots (60%) believe they will be worse off when UK leaves the EU

March 14, 2018

With six in 10 Scots (61%) fearing they will be worse off as a result of leaving the EU in a UK-led Brexit, the time is fast-approaching when a new Independence Referendum for Scotland is needed.

Commenting on the results of the IPSOS MORI poll, Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said:

“The 2014 Scottish independence referendum was based on Tory-led Brit-Govt lies that Scotland would be worse off outside the UK, and that the only way Scotland could remain in the EU was to vote ‘No’ to independence from England.

“As recently confirmed by official Brit-Govt leaked data, the real truth is that Scotland will be worse off outside the EU – and the only way that Scotland can remain in the EU is by leaving the United Kingdom.

“The Brexit bourach is a game-changer for Scottish independence and proves beyond reasonable doubt the grounds for a new referendum in Scotland on independence – not least because support for Scotland’s independence is growing, up to 48% now from 45% in the 2014 referendum.”

Craig P

Well, you can’t say toeing the line is not profitable. As a reward for his commitment to establishment-bolstering fake news, the author of that article was made editor of the Sunday Times Scotland a couple of years later.

David Mills

Who are they kidding, those that support and follow the Scottish political environment know the truth so are they trying to lull those that are opposed in to a false security, if so we thank you

Big Jock

So we had a referendum in 2014 based on polling figures of 25% Yes to independence. In 2018 we have 48% yes, but apparently there is no need for a referendum. The logic escapes me.


So there’s this bloke in the pub, and he says what about the millions of English people who live in Spain, or France, the Caribbean or in the many countries throughout the world where English people live. Being English or British does not stop them from living in another independent country.

So why, he says, can’t English people or Scots who feel British, live in an independent Scotland?

The Man in the Jar

May I suggest that the future runs of the Wee Blue Book include a large print edition. If someone is disinclined to read it then the small print is the perfect excuse not to.

These large print editions could be targeted at older voters.

Would the additional cost be worth it?


STV news last night seemed to get themselves in a tizzy with ipsos Mori spekesperson very excited for now real reason. IM JOHN MACKAY was stating “No wish for 2nd referendum!” and then the figures showed 46% a definite YES and 4% dont know with 50% saying NO. Seems to me thats a bit of a swing AWAY from NO but what do i know ( and I know some dont knows may not have voted at all etc)

The coverage then ended with heralding how SNP could take back many seats ( 6 i think) if an Election was called tomorrow


And this is one of the reasons that today I stopped my subscription to that paper.

From now on I refuse to watch any of the anti Scottish media or read the anti Scottish press. They can all GTF and further if I had my way!!

Isn’t it nice that all these media stories has just resulted in less people believing what reporters print and falling readership.

Here’s a reliable % for press barons to contemplate. I absolutely 100% will NEVER help fund their lifestyle. 😀

Dave McEwan Hill

Interesting to note that the current Ipsos Mori Poll is a largely landline phone poll (though they do concede they are now using a few mobile phone contacts).
This means that they are contacting largely the demographic that is the least favourable to independence.

I would say we are more than ready to go now.


That 20% who are “completely opposed to a referendum at any time” are the same voters who put into power those that would take free school meals from the very poorest children and evict disabled people in trouble with their rent because of welfare cuts.

Heartless and selfish in the extreme. Greedy, grasping Scottish Tollies. I despise the lot of them.


Great response from Alex Salmond to the anti-Russia hysteria. I’m much more in tne with this than woth Ian Blackford’s contribution. Although I can understand, sort of, why he and Nicola take the position they do.
From Stu’s twitter:
link to


tne = tune

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 11:49,

We all know by now that the ~20% are the diehard Unionists of whatever political affiliation or none. The Tam Dalyells as well as the Michael Forsyths. The rump who have never become reconciled to devo, let alone anything more. They don’t want a debate because for them there can only be one possible answer.

How their mindset works is entirely beyond me. But since they will never be persuaded we don’t need to waste any of our time and energy on them.

They have a potential usefulness, though, if we can isolate them and show them up as being unreasonable hidebound diehards determined to force their personal preferences on everyone else, like it or not.

(Well, provided we don’t come across as that ourselves!)


@Robert J. Sutherland

“We all know by now that the ~20% are the diehard Unionists of whatever political affiliation or none.”

Yes you are of course right that these diehard British Nationalists could be of any political persuasion.

I maintain though that those that wrap themselves in the Butcher’s apron are principally Tory supporters and a selfish bunch that will happily take food from the mouths of the poorest children if they themselves believe that they personally will be better off.

Tam the Bam.


FM’s Questions: How ironical that Miles Briggs accuses the Scottish Government of not doing enough to combat suicide rates in Scotland when the reasons surrounding suicide are due in large part to the policies his friends in the tory uk government are inflicting on the most vulnerable.


The current estimate suggests that 120,000 UK citizens who are disabled or reliant on benefits, even temporarily, will have committed suicide by 2012.

The Tories also have blood on their hands for the 5 Disabled people per day that they kill when putting them through strenuous
test trying to suggest they are fit for work.

Will you or a family member face the next Tory attack on your well being?


The Brit Nat media hate RT because every so often it shows programmes that expose the lies, propaganda and deceit of the MSM.

The Ruth is a total hypocrite. The Tories take millions in donations from the Russians.
The BBC has more lies and propaganda than RT will ever manage.

Leonard is a plonker who will be remembered for continually asking the Scot Gov to resolve problems in areas that are reserved to the UK Gov.

Maurice Golden trying to wrestle the total Tory Bampot crown from Ross Thomson. Thomson who recently voted to take away free school meals from children IN ENGLAND. His vote does not count as he is a Scottish MP. Perhaps the Ruth needs to remind him he is Scottish.
Ross Thomson = total Tory Bampot.
The Scottish Tories the lowest of the low.

It’s amazing how many people have forgotten all the lies told re weapons of mass destruction re the Second Iraq war. Have no lessons been learned from this?


The thing is, I’m still not convinced that even if a majority in Scotland voted Yes, that we would actually win.

Which in a way is the sad reflection of the unionist controlled society we now live in.


One _Scot

Oh well we might as well just give up then. Happy now?


Current Tory strategy is to maintain the electorate as either uninformed or misinformed, and to ridicule anyone who questions British Democracy .

Meanwhile almost unnoticed, the Tories have cut free school meals from a million children.

Not only that … but the DUP supported the Tories despite the cuts not affecting children in NI.

And … our ‘all in it together’ MPs still have their subsidised restaurants and bars at Whitehall.

And not unnoticed that the means tested income limit is £7500 in mainland GB but £14,400 in Northern Ireland.

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 15 March, 2018 at 11:10 am@

“So why, he says, can’t English people or Scots who feel British, live in an independent Scotland?”

Oh! That’s an easy one to answer, manandboy.

It’s because of a little thing called, English British Patriotism. Now that British Patriotism is definitely not the same as Nationalism for everyone knows that Nationalism is BAAAAD! while Patriotism is very, very Good.

Robert Peffers

@Dave McEwan Hill says: 15 March, 2018 at 11:49 am:

“(Interesting to note that the current Ipsos Mori Poll is a largely landline phone poll (though they do concede they are now using a few mobile phone contacts)”

Now then, Dave, here’s a wee question to ask yourself, (and then ask Ipso Mori).

The phone book publishes land-line phone numbers and addresses but there is no phone book of mobile users. Where then do Ipso Mori get the mobile phone numbers they poll?

Robert Peffers

@Thepnr says: 15 March, 2018 at 12:24 pm:

“I maintain though that those that wrap themselves in the Butcher’s apron are principally Tory supporters and a selfish bunch that will happily take food from the mouths of the poorest children if they themselves believe that they personally will be better off.”

Nah! They are the Unionist Westminster Establishment and the mix in the HOL of the three unionist parties plus the English Law Lords and the Establish English Church Bishops are testament they will always stand shoulder to shoulder together to defend, “their”, union:-

link to

Ian Foulds

‘Mark Whittet says:
15 March, 2018 at 11:02 am
link to


March 14, 2018

Commenting on the results of the IPSOS MORI poll, Mark R Whittet, leader of Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party, said:

“The 2014 Scottish independence referendum was based on Tory-led Brit-Govt lies that Scotland would be worse off outside the UK, and that the only way Scotland could remain in the EU was to vote ‘No’ to independence from England…..’ here.

What is this about ‘… independence from England’?

I thought we were two independent countries, unfortunately with a common (very) parliament and a single royal representative with two separate crowns.

Surely there is no Independence involved. Only the matter of separating the parliaments is required, at the moment.

No doubt a certain Mr. Peffers will be putting me straight, shortly. ?


‘Oh well we might as well just give up then. Happy now?’

I think that says more about you than it does me.


I think we can confidently say that The Alex Salmond Show on RT has less political influence on the UK than the current Tory government accepting £820K of Russian donations.

I fully expect the government financed BBC to continue it’s attack on the government financed RT, that is the role of a government channel.

Ian McCubbin

This is what will continue as long as we are held to ransom by unionists on opposing side and process bureaucrats on the independence side.
SNP gov should just declare independence as they have enough breeches of governance of Scotland by Westminster and its Government.

Robert Peffers

Just reading through the comments here on Wings should be an eye opener for those who would jump in with both feet. If the political activists, or at very least those interested enough in politics to be reading Wings when there isn’t even an election in the offing, the obvious errors in thinking would frighten any political party from calling a referendum.

Look up thread and you see those who think that Scotland and England are two countries and Scotland wants out of a union of two countries.

First up England is a single distinct country but what is in union with Scotland is the Kingdom of England and it joined the Kingdom, not the country, of Scotland and the Kingdom of England brought two annexed countries into the union along with the country of England . Those two countries were integral parts of the English Kingdom from long before the Union. England did not go into union with Wales and Ireland it annexed them but not as parts of the country of England but of the Kingdom of England.

The United Kingdom is a bipartite Kingdom and neither of the two partner kingdoms joined as countries, they joined as Kingdoms.

The point being twofold. First what Westminster is now legally wrong for Westminster is functioning as both the de facto Parliament of the country of England in a four country set-up with England devolving bits of what Westminster sees as the Queen of England’s sovereignty to the countries of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

That is Westminster cannot devolve the Sovereignty of the Queen of Scots because the Queen of Scots isn’t sovereign under Scots law. Thus Westminster doesn’t have legal sovereignty over Scotland to devolve Scottish kingdom powers to Scotland. they must therefore be only English sovereign powers.

Legally the United Kingdom is just that a bipartite kingdom and thus the MPs from The Kingdom of England, (three countries), elect their MPs who then, under English law since 1688, are legally exercising the sovereignty of the still legally sovereign Queen of England.

In Scotland the legally sovereign people of Scotland choose their MPs who exercise the legal sovereignty of the people of Scotland. That is the Scots MPs are people’s chosen delegates but the three country kingdom of England MPs are Her Majesty’s delegates.

There is no legal way that Westminster should be operating as the parliament of the country of England and devolving sovereign powers to three other countries and ignoring that their only legal partner in the Union is the Kingdom of Scotland.

Which is the real reason that there isn’t a United Kingdom Written Constitution – the whole bloody mess defies logic and legal definition unless it made the Country of England the master race and the rest of the countries their dominions but that is exactly who Westminster has been functioning since devolution began and they couldn’t even get that right for each country has different devolved functions except England that has no devolved functions because Westminster is the Master Parliament but is factually the Parliament of England – the country.


Aye Robert, but whilst it micht be wrang tae think o’ it simply as a union atween twa countries (wie wan o the landowners haein a few back gairdins), if ‘these obvious errors in thinking’ were enough tae frighten any political party from calling a referendum then wid you no agree wie me that thon buggers shouldnae be in politics?

Connor McEwen


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