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Wings Over Scotland

The plainest sight

Posted on March 16, 2025 by

You know what, Surrey Live, we think you’re probably right.

We DO think people will remember him.

Some of those details are the sort of things that stick in the mind.

And Ireland didn’t exactly keep it under wraps.

The cover art is particularly on the nose.

“Stay weird.”

“Just be you.”

“Be that creep!”

(Ironically, Ireland also recorded a song called “Grow Old With You”, which he can perhaps sing to his future cellmate after he’s sentenced in June.)

And of course, the UK has something of a track record with open-secret paedos.

You’ll never guess who Stephen Ireland was a big fan of.

Savile was protected for decades because of his links to power and authority.

(Indeed, a lot more than just protected.)

And Ireland enjoyed a remarkably similar closeness with the police in particular, to the extent that they even let him use police cars to pursue his vendetta against Surrey’s elected, moderately gender-critical, Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend .

(Despite the 2022 apology issued by Surrey Police for endorsing Ireland’s hate campaign, little has changed in the culture of the UK’s police forces. A tribunal is currently ongoing with regard to trans propaganda and policy being aggressively pushed on officers by the Metropolitan Police in 2023, and it was also revealed this month that Police Scotland are still openly breaking the law regarding single-sex changing rooms, while the Scottish Prison Service is letting trans-identifying male officers conduct invasive intimate searches not only of women prisoners but also their visitors.)

(Surrey Live, of course, has consistently attacked PCC Townsend for “transphobia”.)

Stephen Ireland wasn’t only relentlessly promoted and lionised by his local media, but also by many others including the BBC and The Guardian, which publishes the annual “Pride Power List”.

Something else that Ireland shared with Peter Tatchell is that both were given privileged access to schools and children as part of the controversial “Educate And Celebrate” charity, which also comprised prominent transactivists like Channel 4’s pet trans star Jordan Gray (he of the amazing performing micro-penis) and which abruptly shut down last year with no explanation.

(Gray was eventually too much even for Educate And Celebrate, who sacked him in 2022 after he got his mini-cock out on TV, but had kept him on for six years after he boasted in 2016 of indoctrinating “toddlers” into gender ideology, delighting in how easy it was to brainwash four-year-olds rather than teenagers.)

Surrey Police were also only too happy to lend their support, naturally.

Wings readers may of course be finding all this tale of transactivists and actual definite convicted paedophiles being ushered into the nation’s primary schools and given access to vulnerable children a little familiar-sounding.

Indeed, today’s Scottish Mail On Sunday carries a disturbing story.

The wording of the Care Inspectorate’s statement sounded a lot like something we’d read before and we had a check back. And sure enough, it was word-for-word identical.

That sentence comes from the Scottish Government’s document “Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools”, which we revealed last year to be a slightly-rewritten version of an earlier document written by a taxpayer-funded LGBT youth charity in a very similar vein to Educate And Celebrate.

And there are no prizes whatsoever for guessing which one.

It’s the work of LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity ostensibly for 13-25-year-olds but which continually insists on forcing itself into primary schools and imposing its contested sexual ideology on what Jordan Gray so gleefully called “toddlers”, enjoying lavish funding from the Scottish Government and numerous Scottish councils to do so.

So readers will probably also be dismayed, but rather less than astonished, to learn that the Care Inspectorate is fully signed up to LGBT Youth Scotland’s charter scheme.

It appears that there’s simply nowhere vulnerable children in Scotland can turn where they won’t be handed over to an organisation with a troubling track record of the worst sort of child sexual abuse and grooming.

(They certainly shouldn’t try looking to Police Scotland for help, who can’t wait to get their flags out and use their vans as mobile billboards for the organisation, when they’re not actively soliciting donations for it even while it’s under investigation for more child abuse.)

Public bodies in Scotland, led by the Scottish Government, seem to be pathologically unable and/or unwilling to learn a lesson no matter how many times it’s taught, and no matter how little effort paedophiles like Jimmy Savile and Stephen Ireland make to conceal themselves.

0 to “The plainest sight”

  1. sarah says:

    What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act? I am in despair about this.

    It is blindingly obvious, and has been for years thanks in large part to you, Rev, that illegal treatment of women and children is being encouraged by nearly every organisation in Scotland, and the rest of this island.

  2. Anne says:

    It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye .
    I feel sick

  3. Hatey McHateface says:

    Channelling my inner Braveheart here:


    From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.

  4. Lorn says:

    The PDF Information Exchange (acronym: pastry filled with meat or fruit) latched on to the LGB movement several decades ago to sneak under the radar. It is doing so again with the TQI++++ with, seemingly, less resistance this time around. After this year’s Oscars where films that won included one vacuous bore about a lap dancer and a Russian oligarch’s son, another featured a ‘trans’ identified man and another a male rape. Next year, I expect it will be a celebration of those who “just love them kiddies, ain’t they cute?” and all the usual seals will be clapping their flippers in adoration of the latest “stunning and brave”.

    Apparently, a TV series I’m the States has black women hopping mad as it tries to equate black women’s fight for equality with that of ‘trans’ identified males, as if black women are not biological women. They have already done this with lesbians, negating their femaleness and equating it with ‘trans’ identified male ‘lesbians’ with penises. Parasitism is part and parcel of the overall movement. The level of cognitive dissonance it requires to not see this movement for what it actually is, in all its various manifestations, is way off the chart. As one old friend, now deceased, used to say, in a different context: :There are wiser craiturs oot there in the parks chawin grass!”

  5. Willie says:

    All I can say is that any middle aged man who rapes a 12 year old boy is an absolute animal.

    That he was a high profile campaigner for Pride LGBT+ tells you all you need to know about those who inhabit these organisations.

    In some countries they would castrate animals but animals are protected and venerated by the political perverts that inhabit our government.

    It is I think a public service for Wings to expose this vile debauchery that otherwise would be hidden from view by the politicos and their tentacles inserted into our society.

  6. Young Lochinvar says:

    A couple of questions;

    How much public money do these various groups/ organisations get from government?

    How much in donations from special interest groups do political parties and politicians receive?

    Follow the money/ pink dollar..

    • Mia says:

      “Follow the money/ pink dollar..”

      Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the only thing these weirdos supply to those in power. I actually wonder how many of these organisations could be operating as fronts for paedophile rings and domestic sex trafficking.

      We all know that the deep state loves having perverts and weirdoes in positions of power so they are easy to control and manipulate. I therefore wonder how many are hiding within the echelons of power and if that could explain why governments are so invested in funding these dodgy organisations.

    • Mia says:

      “Follow the money/ pink dollar..”


      I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the only thing these weirdos supply to those in power. I actually wonder how many of these organisations could be operating as fronts for paedophile rings and domestic sex trafficking.

      We all know that the deep state loves having perverts and weirdoes in positions of power so they are easy to control and manipulate. I therefore wonder how many are hiding within the echelons of power and if that could explain why governments are so invested in funding these dodgy organisations.

  7. Mia says:

    Disgusting paedophiles cosying up to the police and being promoted and funded by governments with our money, for goodness sake.

    You have to wonder what kind of cosmic scale idiots those at the police can possibly be to willingly parading around in that ridiculous car with these disgusting weirdos without having actually done a background check on them first.

    Did those officers chose of their own accord to parade around with that disgusting paedophile or were they instructed from above to do so? If so, by whom?

    Paedophiles appear to be infesting every public service, wrecking the reputation of police forces and find ways to access schools to hurt our children. Yet, the powers that be appear to be willingly opening the doors wide for them to do so and to do untold damage.

    Meanwhile, MI5 of course is far too busy to chase paedophiles and rapists, it is 24/7 focused in infiltrating our pro-independence political parties, in making a complete mockery of democracy by rigging our postal vote, in fabricating criminal cases against Scotland’s independence supporters and in protecting perjurers.

    Because, of course, how could MI5 possibly offend the crown by chasing paedophiles and rapists when disgusting individuals such as Saville, Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell managed to get so close to the upper echelons of the crown. One has to wonder how many more of this filth is surrounding and actively engaging with the crown at present.

  8. dearieme says:

    Coo! I had expected that any sneering at the bad folk of Surrey would involve banter directed at supporters of Manchester United.

    Instead the story is about behaviour you might expect from radicalised/politicised poofs. My old gay friends, decent sorts, must despair at this kind of thing.

    How fortunate that devolved government has protected the stern Presbyterians of the north from such filth. Oh, it hasn’t? Then what’s the effing point of it?

    “We want our own government so that it can more rapidly and more thoroughly debase our country!” doesn’t sound like an appealing political line to take.

    • twathater says:

      I think you’ll find that OUR deviants and perverts in Holyrood have watched the long long long list of deviants and perverts in the engerlish parliament and learned from their despicable behaviours over the centuries , they have even imported msp’s from engerland into HR to carry on that perverted tradition “we did it for you BETH”

      It’s amazing that yoonionists like to point out how utterly despicable some of the politicians in Holyrood are and AUTOMATICALLY assign it to relate to independence, trying to be oblivious that EVERY party in HR the Scum Nonce Party and ALL the yoonionist parties including some from the tories VOTED FOR this DEPRAVITY

      BUT it is also a well known FACT that ALL the political parties in the MOST DEPRAVED parliament in the uk, WM, had and has similar policies that they were about to enact until they saw the outrage against the Scum Nonce Party and HR by the electorate
      So the holier than thou pish doesn’t wash

  9. SuperTonkatsuFighter says:

    Also, this week:
    A Labour councillor – one Sam Gould – pleaded guilty to charges of indecnt exposure. He was seen whacking off in his car by a teenage girl, he got out of the vehicle and gave chase to her. Mainstream media not saying ssying much about this…

  10. John C says:

    Ireland should go down for a long, long time yet much of the media that praised him are ignoring his crimes and the fact his ‘trans ally’ status provided him with a shield to become confident enough to commit his crimes. There’s the problem with Trans identities. They provide cover for people to commit crimes as we’ve seen now over and over again

    We know paraphillias cluster so it’s not a leap for a cross dresser to leap to being a rapist. It’s one of the reasons trans identified men have such high conviction rates for sexual offences.

    But these men are in the open. There’s hundreds of examples online yet society encourages them until they get caught but the minute they start talking about children in a remotely sexualised way it’s a red flag. They feel confident enough to give away their agenda which is why people like Jordan Gray and his ilk need to be krot away from children before they end up hurting someone.

    All trans ideology needs to be removed from schools. It’s dangerous, misogynistic & homophonic. It’s pushing confused young gay children into the trans pipeline and that’s their life ruined before it even starts.

  11. diabloandco says:

    It’s all very well you exposing these foul folk but sadly the MSM doesn’t seem to bother its arse exposing them – or are they a bunch of evil perverts too, busily protecting their own arse or someone elses – for shame if that is so.

  12. Peter McAvoy says:

    Why were the disclosure certificates or its English equivalents and PVGs ignored.

    This is a failure of the state to protect women and children who are often confused and vulnerable from this toxic ideology that has invested society.

  13. Kcor says:

    IMHO, this is the agenda because the secret rulers of the world, who pull the strings of our “democratically elected” puppets are all paedophiles.

    How long before Trump is forced to back down from his anti-woke policies or is eliminated?

  14. Hatey McHateface says:

    New York Times reporting that President Trump is extending his travel restrictions and outright bans policy to cover 43 countries.

    As far as I know, Scotland is not on the list. Still, on the world’s most read Scottish politics website, we maybe better all be a bit more polite and forgiving towards the Good Ol USA in future. The Trump International Links probably buys us a bit of slack, but lets not push it, eh?

    It’s defo encouraging that the boy who used to be never off of here, wanging on aboot his “Satans” and such, has disappeared.

    Has onybody received a PC from Guantanamo Bay?

    • Young Lochinvar says:

      Mendacious McCarthyismface

      Back on message again eh?

      Hauled over the coals were you for your little poke at Uncle Sam the other day..

  15. Chas says:

    Whilst I have no interest whatsoever in the LBGQT, whatever it is, ‘community’, I can’t stop thinking that some people deserve a regular severe kicking.
    Years ago, I had a pal whose 12 year old son was raped by a degenerate. I can’t exactly remember the length of prison time the pervert received but it was shockingly light.
    My pal’s son become fearful of everything and everybody. Eventually they emigrated to Australia for a fresh start. Initially, there were problems but they say it was the best thing they ever did. They vowed that they would never return to Scotland, even to attend funerals etc. They kept their promise.
    The good news is that the lad is now married and has a family of his own.

  16. McDuff says:

    It’s sickening that these creeps are allowed to strut their vile beliefs in primary schools with the apparent backing of the establishment . It makes you wonder as to the mindset of that establishment .


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