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Wings Over Scotland

The personality crisis

Posted on June 01, 2017 by

We’re being told that this Tory leaflet, where Stephanie Smith is described as “Ruth Davidson’s candidate” for Edinburgh South, is standard across the whole country.

Which is unfortunate timing.

Because a week from the vote, Brand Ruth isn’t doing so well.

The spectacular 26-point decline in Davidson’s popularity since Ipsos last asked eight months ago is probably much more sudden than that, as after years of unquestioning adoration in the Scottish media she’s been made very uncomfortable in recent weeks over the rape clause, a string of revelations about bigoted and racist candidates, a mess of completely incoherent and contradictory policies, and an increasingly open contempt for the entire concept of democracy in Scotland.

And that’s before you even get to the catastrophe of a Tory manifesto that has seen Labour surge from more than 20 points behind a few weeks ago to within three points in UK polling, according to YouGov.

It hasn’t taken very much in the way of challenge from interviewers to see Davidson crumble, to the point where she completely ducked the BBC’s hour-long Kaye Adams phone-in special this week without explanation, sending the hapless Jackson Carlaw in as her substitute – just as Theresa May did last night with Amber Rudd, despite having similarly made the campaign largely about her own personality.

We’ll be watching tonight’s BBC “Ask The Leader” with keen interest. It’s not like Glenn Campbell will be short of ammunition.

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Cripes. What will they say on the 9th, after yet another vote to dump them?

As Murdo so eloquently puts it: “I’m too stupid to understand”.

Roll on the future.


Well and truly found out.

Won’t be long now till a new leader is in place. Murdo anyone?

Bob Mack

The big problem they have with this, is simply they have come to believe in their own bubble that she is popular,therefore why not use her as a figurehead. Unfortunately the initial premise is untrue.

The fact is I could dress up a chimpanzee in a Unionist rosette and Unionists would vote for him, trusting him to run the economy and the Health Service. That is what it has become.

In this case I am not far off the mark.


It’s the exposure that’s done for them. The media had portrayed them as saints, but with that increased coverage also came more actual media appearances. It appears the public is making its own mind up on seeing the individuals themselves, not as how they were previously being portrayed.

Dave McEwan Hill

And with Kezia as the other leg…..

It occurs to me that in this election the SNP is closer to Corbyn than the Labour Party in Scotland is.

Hoss Mackintosh

Aye Glenn Campbell is sure to give Ruthie a really tough time!

Ian McCubbin

Well it would actually make sense because the Conservative party in Scotland in the past did have some values of respect dignity and some sense of fair play.
This modern Tory party is devisive and inciting constitutional and social unrest in Scotland.
They condemn others for actions of terrorism yet they themselves are not far off this with their rhetoric.

Joe of the Coutts

Ha!Ha!Ha! Tories even have advertising in their own battle – bus. Panels saying STRONG AND STEADFAST.


Personality you say. Ruth Davidson has the personality of a sociopath.

Antisocial, forever angry when things don’t go her way and worse of all she cares for no one other than Ruth Davidson, no empathy.

Ruth Davidson’s Candidate indeed, bampot as we say in Scotland.


Across the U.K. we have Feartie McFeartie whilst in Scotland we have Scaredy McScaredy. Of Course this is not her only name she does have some aliases. For starters there is Abusey McAbusey then there is Uturny McUturny and not forgetting Shouty McShouty of course. 😀

Greg Drysdale

I got one featuring Stirling’s Tory. What’s with all this “Ruth Davidson’s candidate”? They’re “Teresa May’s candidate”. Or is it because she’s too toxic?

Thomas William Dunlop

All this banging on by the Tories about another independence referendum /Brexit means Brexit, leads me to believe that its a subconscious cry from a leadership that feel they are being held hostage to militant fundamentalists on both topics.

Could explain why they are both wanting to throw the election.

Phil Robertson

Oh dear, got the selective reading glasses on again?

Your piece so obviously fails to mention the change in Nicola’s Sturgeon rating. I’ll leave it to you to inform your readers.

Street Andrew

Much as I distrust the trend towards personality politics we’ve seen in recent decades when it comes down to it you can’t vote for someone who doesn’t ‘smell’ right.

Must dash! here’s the fish van… Oh! No, it isn’t the fish van.


Glenn will say fuck all.
He will skirt round what he can’t ignore completely.
He, along with the majority of his cohorts are so establishment biased it is a miracle we are allowed to watch their discomfort.


The “Scottish” branding of branch offices by the three Unionist parties never was very convincing. It always was a ‘marketing’ con because there can only be one set of UK wide policies.

If they were to be honest (which is asking a lot) they would drop this and go for direct rule from London, which is what they are trying to sell anyway. Labour certainly did this until recently. The problem is, of course, most Scots don’t actually want London rule, they want something between DevoMax (RIP) and Indy.

This ‘personality branding’ is just another attempt to avoid the unpalatable. That too, it seems, isn’t setting fire to the heather either.

Alex M

Ruth’s denial of the Holyrood mandate for an Indeyref2 is accompanied by her speaking on behalf of the Westminster Tories, as though she were Mundell. She holds in contempt the parliament she was elected to, but speaks on behalf of another one. I heard her refer to “we” all the time she was trying to defend Westminster’s actions. Is she going to be appointed Secretary of State for Scotland after this election? May can send her to the Lords to do that. Or is Ruth just completely out of touch with reality?


Yep, we got similar Tory leaflet stating: Only Ruth Davidson’s candidate can beat the SNP here

Obviously Ruth Davidson trying to raise her profile while keeping her toxic party’s name out of it.

We can’t take anything for granted. We need to get out in force to try and be rid of these Unionist parties who hold Scottish democracy and Scotland’s people in contempt.

ronnie anderson


Share & save ink for Livestream for Saterday’s Indy Rally.


I was discussing Harrison, Dugdale and Rennie’s anti democracy stance with a yoon aquaintance when I was told that I do not respect democracy either as the Brexit vote was a democratic vote taken by the whole country.

I then asked him a simple question “When the prime minister or any minister of state of the United Kingdom talk about the North of the country where are they referring to?”

Like Old Nick Robinson would say ‘he didn’t answer’.. he just sat there rocking back and forth fidgeting his fingers saying ‘But we are all the one country, we are all the one country…’

Yoons, mad as tits on a fish


Ditto. A Ruth Harrison candidate leaflet hit my mat yesterday.

After I’d stopped laughing and nursey had applied the paddles and oxygen, I noted that the first mention of the word ‘conservative’ was in the body text.

Oh, and they’re against a referendum… etc.

[…] Wings Over Scotland The personality crisis We’re being told that this Tory leaflet, where Stephanie Smith is described as […]

Dan Huil

Davidson is shallow and vindictive.

Socrates MacSporran

Can any Wingers who live in his constituency tell me: Is David Mundell – “Ruth Davidson’s Candidate”?

David Caledonia

The polls say the SNP will get 50 MPs, who does these polls and who do they ask, and who in their right mind would vote consevative in scotland, well we have one organisation that tells its members to do it, yes folks the grand order of the orange order or whatever they call themselves expects all its members to vote for unionism, god bless the queen, and no surrender and all that jazz la dee da dee dum, i remember the morons who appeared out the pubs around george square the day after the last referendum, it was like feeding time at the zoo, the cry that day was no surrender, and they went around shouting and assaulting people who dared to be carrying the St Andrews Cross, their own flag, their own countrymen and women and the police did little to stop it, makes you proud to be scottish does’nt it, just as well the worlds media was there, or it would never have been reported what is really happening in scotland, with the moronic hoards and battle of the boyne no surrender brigade


Has any “leader” ever hid from so many of their own party policies?

As much as Struth likes to pretend she is the party not the Conservatives the policy platform of her party has caught up with her. Not her doing for sure but as leader she carries the responsibility

I saw that some Tory MPs down south have ditched the Theresa’s Team stuff and are desperately campaigning on their own local record to try and salvage their campaigns. That is not an option in Scotland.

Jack Murphy

TODAY.The Ruth Davidson/Theresa May Tories:

The Mirror:- Britain’s Top Doctor says,”The money’s run out and NHS is penniless”.

The Tories have starved the NHS of cash ever since coming to power, with the Lib Dems in 2010,and alone in 2015 and is forcing it to make £22 billion worth of cuts by 2020!!

Theresa May,Ruth Davidson,Willie Rennie and their cohorts are a danger to our health in England and Scotland.

What gets cut in NHS England is passed on to the Scottish Parliament as a consequential annual financial cut.

The Shame Corner Ruth Davidson and Willie Rennie! 🙁

link to

Andy Anderson

What a mess UK politics are just now. Then when you add in what is happening inside the devolved nations it looks after still. This chaos is due to unionist parties not understanding the UK structures at all. Pathetic. Lot of tests the lot of them.

Good to hear Duties standing has dropped. 1% would be high enough.


Come on Glenn ask your friend Ruth about this.

Ruth Davidson poses with bigoted trawlerman who tweeted ‘take her out’ threat about Nicola Sturgeon

I wonder if that trawlerman is a friend of Peter Chapman MSP they are from the same part of Buchan

Andy Anderson

Ruthies not duties…..aargh

Meg merrilees

Still waiting for my Ruth Harrison’s candidate leaflet…

Plus, I think our TV interviewer’s in Scotland are getting exasperated by the parrotlike responses they are receiving from ALL the non SNP parties in debate after debate. There is no point asking them any other questions now. These so called leaders are making fools of themselves on a daily basis

I love the way the Tories are furious because the BBC had a left-wing biased audience’ in the debate last night.

link to

The polling company chosen to select the audience for the BBC’s election debate has defended its political make-up amid claims of “left-wing bias”.
Andrew Hawkins, founder of ComRes, said the recruitment of people to watch the seven-way debate had been “more complex” than he had ever witnessed.
He said five of the parties were left of centre – which meant “cheering is going to be skewed in one direction”.
But Boris Johnson said the debate was an “echo chamber for left-wing views”.

They didn’t know till yesterday afternoon that Corbyn was taking part.
Apparently, however, the fact that there were 7 parties, 5 of which were left of centre meant the debate would be biased..
Isn’t that what happens to Nicola EVERY time she is on a debate and how many times have we commented on the right of centre bias.

Obviously right of centre is the norm for audience policy but the BBC duffed it this time.
Imperial Masters are not happy.

Ruth Davidson’s candidate Amber Rudd was shamefully left to hold the debate by a callous leader who was impervious to Ms. Rudd’s family circumstances and would rather not take part.

Robert Graham

if you dont capture half the scottish seats + 1 you have failed ruth , now will you give us a break and shut the f/k up , PS take yer Dug with you , come on Kezia fetch , no its fetch Kezia .


Meanwhile, in Larkhall, every lamp post now plays host to a large UJ, which left me feeling quite ill after driving the length of the main street.

I’m of a mind to ask our newly elected councillors why, if street furniture cannot be used in election campaigns, it seems to be fair game in what I assume to be the ‘marching season’.

Proud Cybernat

Are any of these people actually aware that they are Ruth Davidson candidates?

Might be worth asking them.

Marie Clark

Aye, I had one of those Ruth Davidson candidate thingys a few days ago. Alistair Jack, Ruth Davidson’s candidtate, and in one of the farmer’s fields,Alistair Jack to stop a 2nd Indy Referendum.

Who said it was up to them to decide, unless they are going to win a great majority of all the Scottish WM seats, they can all go an bile their heids.

Oor Ruthie has displayed a hell of a lot of hubris in all of this. She should remember what follows hubris. Nemesis. Hell slap it intae her when it arrives.

donald anderson

Just had a plumber in to discuss my new kitchen sink. Turns oot he is a Wings fan and we spent an hoor discussing politics and 5 mins aboot the joab.


Conservative and Unionst Party on Linlithgow and Falkirk East election blurb.

Is this a splinter group of the Ruth Davidson Party ?
I feel cheated !!


You deserve the Ruth, do you swear to tell the Ruth, the whole Ruth and nothing but the Ruth?

link to

You know who’s after Ruth’s job right? One of the finest carpet baggers in UK politics today.

Careerist doesn’t come close to my Slovenian girlfriend’s plans, for Professor Smirky, Lord Prof Smirky one day, oh yes!

Adam Tomkins MSP?Verified account @ProfTomkins May 29

Vote Labour, get indyref2. To stop a second referendum, and to stop the SNP, vote for Ruth Davidson’s @ScotTories


Socrates MacSporran says:
1 June, 2017 at 1:10 pm
“Can any Wingers who live in his constituency tell me: Is David Mundell – “Ruth Davidson’s Candidate”?”

Nothing yet Socrates, although I think that I may have damaged my ambassadorial aspirations when I was approached in the street by the greet man himself bearing leaflets a couple of weeks ago. I was so disgusted by the little “bag o’ wire” that I could only growl, “fck off fluffy” and off he did fck, very rapidly!

I apologise sincerely for letting the team down. 🙁

Addendum: “greet” not a typo, “Bag o’ Wire” Jamaican patois for a Tr8tor!
Peace Always


In Monday’s May v Corbyn Show the audience openly laughed at May’s litany of slogans and buzzwords.

In last night’s debate Amber Rudd was on the receiving end of laughing and jeering form the audience.

It would seem that The BBC has learned from the above.

On today’s FMQs it was interesting to see how the sound from the back benches was ramped up when Nicola was speaking to reveal laughing and jeering from the desk slapping parties.

Liz g

Donald Anderson @ 1.50
OT…. sorry…and I hope this isn’t out of order or something Rev stu?
If you can get his permission and his patch is around N.Lanarkshire ?
Will ye stick is contact information over on OT, I am looking for a Plummer.

Joe of the Coutts

That reminder from heedtracker at 1.52 is a brilliant reminder of a strong and stable orator, before she makes a uturn. My perception is, that Ruth is insufferable.


Daily Politics trying to make accusations of biased audience for the debate last night !!

Without even a hint of irony nor smame.

Free Scotland

If Rape-Clause Ruth farts during the interview, Glen Campbell will say it was him.


I’ve just watched FMQ’s from a link by Jack Murphy on the last thread. link to

I wish I hadn’t, I’m totally disgusted by Ruth Davidson.

Christopher Whyte

I admit, I never got the admiration for Davidson.

She’s consistently crumbled when pressured, and it always struck me as odd how easily the media in Scotland went on her; was it in order to rebrand Conservatism in Scotland as somehow the inheritors of Blairism?

I do think it’s interesting, however, to loosely correlate two things:

1) We now know that Wings Over Scotland is astronomically well-read considering it’s a one-man blog.

2) Her drop in popularity can be roughly equated with the increase in scrutiny from this site.

It’s a jump, but the Guardian was recently waxing lyrical about how influential alternative media can be. It doesn’t cite Wings Over Scotland, but the readership and social media presence it boasts dwarfs some of the sources the Guardian DID see fit to mention…

… And we know Michael White’s views on Stuart.

I think it’s entirely possible that Wings Over Scotland is playing a far more important role in shaping political opinion in Scotland than a great many of us potentially realise (ignoring the Yes surge following the Wee Blue Book).

Kezia Dugdale’s recent meltdown could only have sped up the procession of people now coming here for their commentary.

It bodes well.


Andy Murray berating himself at French Open…commentator says…”they (crowd) must be thinking, this englishman is nuts…Scotsman even..”

They just cannot get over themselves.

Iain More

Ruth the Mooth would tell Glen Campbell to kiss her ass and he would ask how many times. He is a whining Yoon lap pooch!


smallaxe…yer a leg end, he he

call me dave


Aye it just slips off the tongue, never an afterthought! 🙂

‘Mad dog’ Murray doing away fine in the midday sun!

Jack Murphy

First Minister’s Questions.
A very emotional question to the First Minister from an MSP:

“Does the First Minister agree with me that the Dementia Tax which is essentially a plot to allow the Financial Services Industry to asset strip dementia sufferers,has to be one of the most inhumane pledges ever devised?

First Minister replies.

link to

Scroll to 39:19.


The Guardian really loves Ruth and their Scotland region really is “the perfect climate for a Tory revival.” How Graun liggers know the outcome in Scotland next week, is not certain. Ruth D had better deliver that dozen or so tartan tories though, so no pressure…

General election 2017
Anywhere but Westminster

A fishy business: why the Tories are back in Scotland – video
Play VideoPlay

Duration Time 10:58
Harris and John Domokos get immersed in the towns and cities of north-east Scotland, where the oil price crash and the ups and downs of the fishing industry have created a political storm around Brexit and Scottish independence – and the perfect climate for a Tory revival

John Harris, John Domokos and Johnny Burke,
Thursday 1 June 2017 13.14 BST

Calum McKay

What would possess a young woman to be a tory candidate (or anyone for that mater?)?

Looks to me it would be more to do with getting the exposure to get on TV, rather to help with sorting out benefit problems for poor people.

Free Scotland

If Rude Davidson farts during the interview, Glenn Campbell will take the blame himself.

Bill McDermott

Here is an interesting read from the LSE on May’s unfit leadership personality and the Tories incapacity to understand free markets. I hope upon hope that Corbyn shades it on June 8 with a minority administration.

link to


@ Proud Cybernat at 1.41

Are any of these people actually aware that they are Ruth Davidson candidates?

One of them should be; I annotated their leaflet and sent it back to them. They will have received it because I even used a stamp – second class and secondhand (delivered to me unfranked). Might just have been a minion who saw it, of course.

Dr Jim

Meanwhile up here in Ruths new renamed country Norn England
Ian Murray the sole Labour party MP is actively telling voters if they feel they can’t vote for him they should vote Tory

When folk talk about a one party state which party would that be then


Just finished Graun vote tory video, Graun ligger ends his ten minute FUD with “SNP honeymoon over now.” 10 year honeymoon is nae bad. Presumably Graun’s thing to tell us how we’ve all gone off independence now, too much uncertainty, doubt, fear. Just shows how important it is for the UKOK squads to get in about Scots this GE but how many more liggers are they going to send up to tell us to vote tory, now! Its really is that big a deal for UK rule in Scotland.

Wullie B

“We’re being told that this Tory leaflet, where Stephanie Smith is described as “Ruth Davidson’s candidate””

Ruth Davidson isnt even a candidate for Westminster so can someone please explain it to me in laymans tersm, WHAT PLANET DOES RUTRH THE MOTH TANK DRIVER HARRISON live on, does she realise that the nation doesnt revolve around her

Proud Cybernat

Strong & Stable. Just don’t fall over, hen…

link to

Roger Hyam

I’m in Edinburgh South. Looking forward to my first Stephanie Smith leaflet – anytime now…. They have done nothing to tell me who she is or why I should vote for her and I’ve not seen a single blue poster in a window.

Labour leaflets have arrived saying I should vote for Ian Murray because he will work very hard and stop the SNP. I wonder what Stephanie will offer that can possibly top that 😉


Election leaflets. Ann Le Blond all about Devolved issues! link to

Proud Cybernat


link to


So the tories want people to judge them by their record. Ok.

link to


If as rumoured, UK politics is being given a shake-up and a makeover and turned into a 2-party system, under the guidance and influence of the Republican Party in the US, then the name ‘Conservative’, as a toxic brand, would have to be ditched.

‘Theresa May’s Team’ and ‘Ruth Davidson’s Party’ are possibly just temporary titles until something more permanent is chosen.

All part of Britain’s glorious new future outside the EU as a sovereign independent super-successful global trading nation. Like taking up tightrope walking in old age and crippled with arthritis.

Jack Murphy

STV News reporting today that Labour and the Lib Dems are back in bed with the Tories in Scotland. 🙁

“….Scottish Labour, the Scottish Conservatives and the Scottish Liberal Democrats are fielding contenders in all 59 seats but some will be ‘paper candidates’
– they will appear on the ballot paper but will not be actively campaigning…….” !

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

Yes, one of those arrived the other day in Sutherland Towers. A complete waste of their money here in Glasgow, but what do I care?

I wonder if these sockpuppets all have to swear a vow of allegiance now to their Great Leader?

This Ruthie personality cult thing though is getting seriously creepy. Someone in a previous thread remarked on the curious physical resemblance to Kim Yong Il, but what worries me more is the apparent similarity of mindset.

(As for the Tory card, it was great for scooping up a slug that had somehow got in to the kitchen. Seemed apt.)


What’s happening now with Rape Claause Ruth is just as happened with Theresa May: the more that people see of them, the more we realise they’re just not very nice people.

iain mhor

@Phil Robertson

I’m lead to believe it’s -4 and a fall of 18 points for Nicola Sturgeon.
Ruth apparently at +5 having a higher satisfaction rating although a greater fall, but SNP polling at 48% against 25% for the Conservatives in voting intentions, though the satisfaction percentages for Nicola are running at almost the same as Independence voting intentions (47-53% against)
and SNP to hold 50 of 56 seats.
With the overall voting intentions for GE for the 4 main parties in Scotland standing at 55 – 43% against the SNP – then, by extrapolation, my understanding is… zzzzzzz ?


Looking forward to some probing


Looking forward to some probing questions from Glenn Campbell, like “What’s your favourite colour?”.

Robert J. Sutherland

Jack Murphy @ 16:36,

That desperate strategy will only work of course if enough people are willing to blindly follow their cunning “stop the SNP” plan. But I’m not at all sure that enough people are. There are always exceptions, but most ordinary folk don’t share their blind obsession against the SNP, who have actually worked well for us in WM as at home.

In fact, all this monotone ranting on and on about “no-ref” may well be backfiring now. Just as happened with “Project Fear” in the latter days of the indyref campaign. People can smell a rat if given enough time.


O/T but relevant to the election.

Two bits of information. The first on Police numbers in UK. It comes from a House of Commons briefing report from 2016 which shows that Scotland is the only part of the UK where police numbers have been rising almost continuously year on year. There is a link to the full report from the summary

link to

The second is on the situation in English schools in an article in today’s Guardian. It is headlined as ‘British’ schools but is in fact English schools.

link to

Given the frequency with which the Unionists attack the SNP record on schools, without producing much of anything by way of evidence, then this article and information therein provides a useful counterpoint.

link to


Re shadow candidates to defeat SNP – so they believe.

Shows all that is bad in this so called democracy.

Labour Tories and libs are abusers of the democratic process

Robert Graham

The latest load of junk, FOI Requests ,the government has been criticised for its handling of these requests by the media including the BBC, the SUN etc with a sprinkling of left wing sites just to add a bit of credibility , it’s seems in Unionist land these lazy b/stds expect our government to do their job for them, they expect ,no they demand the government provide any and all information with which these outfits can troll through looking for wee titbits in which to do damage .
Most of the information is out there if they are to bleedn lazy to look, Well Tough Shit ,
Just another way of trying to bugger up progress on real work that has to be done, this lot don’t really want a answer they just want to gum up the works, it’s the same with some of their bloody repetitive questions week after, they don’t want to hear the answer, they just want a moan, childish.

Bob Mack

I suspect the tactical vote will not yield the results they hope. Why ? Although matters of Constitution do become emotional there is an everyday reality in life that you have to live with those choices both financially and emotionally.

Mrs May was doing rather well until she let slip that it was at cost to the pensioners and others due to charges and Nat Ins increases. It is OK to be partisan to a point, but when you know the cost is down to you it focuses minds.

I suspect there will be those who outwardly defend the Union but enjoy the mitigation from the SNP government. Ultimately we are all selfish and vote accordingly.

We shall see. I spent many many years studying human behaviour and I think I have this one right.

Auld Rock

Hi Dave McEwan, considering that Corbyn has copied SNP policies already installed and working in Scotland you shouldn’t sound so surprised. We in the SNP should look upon this as a compliment that we are on the right road. Maybe he could have a word in Kez’s ear?

Auld Rock

call me dave

Jings! Shurley not… from Revs twitter.

Theresa May has refused to appear on @BBC Radio4 Woman’s Hour tomorrow morning. She is sending Justine Greening who standing in for Amber Rudd who was standing in for Theresa May… 🙂


It’s been said by others, but worth repeating …

I hate the Tories for what they are.

I hate Labour for what they are not.

Lots of twitter chat about Labour cooperating with the Tories against the SNP, again.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Labards don’t change their spots. The Feeble Fifty of the 80s put the Union first and left Scotland at the mercy of Thatcher.

Labour are completely willing to do the same, all over again.


Awe. Wonder what these beeb gimps will do for tory bottler in chief Teresa, comic take wise?

BBC Radio 4?Verified account @BBCRadio4 2h2 hours ago
A comic take on the SNP manifesto from @Guardian satirist John Crace.


And….Miles Briggs (standing or Edinburgh SW) is apparently another one of Ruth Davidson’s Candidates. Oh-er.


Wow! If you can find comic takes in this really nasty BBC smear, you’ve got a very odd sense of humour. £150 a year for this level of grot? anyone…

link to

Robert Louis

So, now we have it on STV news. Labour actually working to get Tories elected.

Any media in England going to raise this with Corbyn??

Unbelievable stuff. We sometimes joke calling them the red tories and the blue tories, but now we know, they are just tories.

Serious question, has Scottish Labour been taken over by the orange order at grass roots level, and in cahoots with those in the Tories? I just can’t see genuine Labour folk trying to get more Tory MP’s elected, no matter how much they hate the SNP. Rationally, it makes no sense.

Has Kezia/London effectively lost control of Labour in Scotland?


A comic take on the SNP manifesto from @Guardian satirist John Crace but he’s a Graun ligger. Ofcourse he is:D

John CraceVerified account
Parliamentary sketch writer for Guardian. link to … Writer of Digested Read.ESPN Spurs blogger. Grazia fashion juror.

Joined May 2009


Ditto here in Ross, Skye and Lochaber – some woman who isn’t a Westminster MP and isn’t leader of the Conservative Party is putting up a candidate for a party which has no existence at Westminster – “Scottish Cons and Unionists”.

She says her candidate is the only one who can beat the SNP here.

Oddly the “Scottish” LibDem – another non-existent party – says that only she can beat the SNP.

The 3rd non-existent party “Scottish Labour” are more modest and just want to fight Tory and SNP cuts,and oppose a divisive second independence referendum.

Letters pointing out the dishonesty of all the above have gone to multiple Scottish papers – anything to try to get the truth out. Also been delivering Ayemail postcards to send people to alternative media for information. Fingers so crossed it hurts!

I agree with the person btl yesterday [sorry can’t remember the name] who asked if Wingers could organise setting up a radio station. Or TV or buy ownership of The Scotsman – what fun to see the latter become rational and positive all of a sudden!


I have not read all the comments but has anyone considered the possibility that the Tories want to win this election big-time or lose it big-time. Nothing in-between will do the trick.

Win and trample over all the peons, or lose and dump the whole nightmare of Brexit in Jeremy’s lap?


@ heedtracker – I only managed 30 secs before I had to turn it off. Turgid and humourless stuff. Are there no new Janey Godley sketches about Big Treeza, Scaredy Cat?

Spent ages reading Craig Murray’s article about Amber Rudd and her shady financial connections. The comments are also pretty scathing. I take back what I said previously about the commenteers on Craig’s blog. Mostly insightful and well informed on this topic.
Amber Rudd Really Is that Horrible:
link to

Strangely, the MSM are not very interested in these “anomalies”.


Not short of ammunition but will Campbell pull the trigger or pull his punches? My money is on the latter.

This GE campaign has shown the BBC Scotland politicos for what they truly are; a bunch of bungling, biased amateurs.

Of course, it may be their intent to look & sound as parochial as possible when discussing Scots politics but I do wish they would at least try and lift their game, even in this last week. They’re an embarrassment. I don’t know which are more irritating; the inept yoon answers or the inept yoon questions.


“Stephanie Smith has grown up in Edinburgh South and cares passionately about the area.”

So passionately if fact, that the wife of a serial ultra-yoon troller is putting hersel up as a paper candidate, to allow a pseudo Tory, the sticker-phobe himsel Murray a clear run.

Tit for tat.

So passionately, after being elected councilor a few short weeks ago too!


Labour voters need to think carefully about voting tory to “save the union”.

Unintended consequences and all that.
The reality here, is that labour voters will simply NOT VOTE where the see labour as not interested.

The only way this type of plan works is if labour supporters vote Tory.

If labour voters were to vote tory, rather than vote labour, or not bother voting at all, they could give Theresa May a WM majority.

Imagine if the Labour votes for tories in Scotland was the difference between a Hung Parliament and a Tory Majority !!

In what seems an ever closer election, labour supporters voting tory in Scotland, is ABSOLUTE electoral insanity.

It makes more sense for labour voters to vote SNP than Tory.

If the SNP win ALL 59 seats, the Tories win NONE.

Labour lose no ground with the tories in Scottish seats (1-1 just now).

If labour vote tory tactically, the polling data suggests

50 SNP




That is a 6 seat loss to the tories.

Labour supporters are NOT “saving the union” by voting tory.

They are handing a Scottish seat advantage to the tories.

Note that the tories are not saying “vote labour to save the union” to tory supporters.

Labour supporters need to wake the fuck up here, the tories are making you look like idiots.

The GE has ZERO do with independence mandates, so cannot “save” the union, only a No vote in the upcoming, already mandated referendum can do that.

If you support labour, vote labour, surely ?

If you Vote tory, remember not to come whining about it when we get a Tory government and there is STILL an indyref happening anyway.

Liz g

Re… The collision of the three Unionists parties,to field paper candidates…

Has anyone heard if the JOSEPH ROWNTREE FOUNDATION /TRUST ( canny mind which one )are counting THIS as the kind of democracy they are happy to fund?

STV never said if they had made a statement or not?


Capella says:
1 June, 2017 at 6:10 pm
@ heedtracker – I only managed 30 secs before I had to turn it off. Turgid and humourless stuff.

I know, I’m sorry about that. They only did SNP and UKIP too, but the UKIP one’s not nearly as all out nasty as the SNP one. Imagine actually getting paid for them.

At least you’ve not been paying into that Graun twit’s pension for the last few decades. And then they wonder why they’re so not loved, although they probably don’t:D


The National:-

link to


Rock (13th May 2015):

“Ruth Davidson is the most disgusting and nastiest politician in Scotland in my view.”


I’ll see your Ruth, and raise you Murdo Fraser !


Labour were saps in the Council elections for backing Tories, fewer votes were reciprocated back and with May’s majority on the line if Labour think Tories will put Labour MPs back into Westminster they need their heads felt. Davidson is pushing only one thing in the hope of taking votes from the other Unionist parties. Rather than nail her lies by taking her head on regarding Tory policies they pathetically try to out Unionist her.

It is hard to figure out who is trying to throw the election more May or Kezia.

Vote for sanity Vote SNP.


Mmmm, from the Hearld: “Giant Saltire flag stolen from Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf course … between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning”

Own up whoever you are!


Is there a debate on somewhere I’m missing? (Christ I’ve become a junkie)

Joe of the Coutts

Just realised. RentaRuth. ‘I’ll just say what I’m expected to say. Next please!’


Well what a mess that was wae Neil and Farron. Voters are no wiser,pure useless that guy.


FWIW both my daughters (19 & 21) will be voting in England & they’ll be voting “anyone but Tory”.

That’s not me doing that BTW, I may have helped but the rest is all their age/friendship group on social media.

My eldest daughter – who previously has shown as much interest in politics as a rabid dog has in water – seems to have formed the opinion that “you can’t vote these idiots in, they’re too stupid to represent anyone”.

She raised the topic with me, not vice versa.

There may be hope for the under 25 vote this time around – after all many of them are now getting hit with interest rates of 6.5% on student debt. Even the yanks don’t shaft students like that!

We’ll see what effect it has but I think more of the under 25s will turn out this time and their vote is “anyone but tory”…


Gave up on ‘Ask the Leader’ after 15min, Campbell was useless, real kid gloves interview.

I did hear Davidson trying to justify doing the 180 degree turn on the EU, apparently it was the will of the people. What is strange then is at the last general election over 63% of voters didn’t want a Tory government, but the Tories ignored the will of the people. It would seem the will of the people is a variable percentage.

Robert J. Sutherland

Liz g @ 18:57,
I think you meant “collusion”, though the mental image of a collision is much more appealing!

As for LibDem funding, it’s the “Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust” (or JRRT for short). I imagine they have sent Wee Willie a nice tidy sum – it’s what he means by “Better Together”. (You can look up their website to see where their money has gone, at least they are transparent about that.)

I would be willing to bet though that the FibDems (at the UK level, but some will filter down to their northern accounting unit) are also getting very handsome support this time around from Gina Miller’s lot in the hope of engineering a soft Brexit that keeps London finance sector in the European mainstream.

I doubt if the “separatists” are getting any of that support because it’s London that’s paying to protect itself. “Better together” again?


yesindyref2 @ 7:44

Hahaha….from years ago,a wee birdie told me,a huge ‘Welcome to Scotland’ sign,tightly strung and at a dangerously high level,between two big flagpoles,at the entrance to Oban Harbour,disappeared one foggy night in 1974 in a similiar fashion.

Any resemblance to a big Scotland sign at Anfield a few days later, re: Wales v Scotland World Cup qualifier is purely coincidental,could it be the hand of God,strikes again ? spooky.


Robert Graham

Seeing all these Tory party spokespersons being wheeled out recently, what struck me was the total ease they lie on national TV , down right total bare faced f/n Lying not a hint of embarrassment not a bloody blush in sight, it’s their trade they don’t have an ounce of compassion, or even a moral compass, I have had this feeling about this Tory party for a while they are f/in EVIL .


WAK apparently also has some chap running for the Ruth Davidson Party. Absolutely no mention of PM either, which looks intentional.

Dr Jim

Ruth Davidson there on TV telling Glen Campbell You can’t trust the polls

But wants Scotlands future decided by them

Have you noticed Ruths new phrase when discussing benefit cuts “Parity of esteem” she uses it a lot
How can a one size fits all cut of life support to the disabled and needy in any way be described as “esteem” by any normal human being

I can’t ever meet this woman, ever


The Labour Party members in Scotland (few as they are) deciding to back the Tories is one thing but ordinary Labour voters is something else. Their reasons for being Labour voters is more like “I’ve voted Labour all my life”. I cannot see them changing their vote because Kez and Ruthie says so.

Such voters are likely, if anything, to check out the manifestos of the Party they are interested in. For Labour that would be Corbyn’s which is back to old Labour and they would probably like. For the Tories that would be Mayhem’s manifesto and they might, like most of the population, dislike the dementia tax and other items intensely. They may even vote Labour! I cannot see Labour voters changing from Corbyn’s offer to vote for Mayhem’s offer.

Of course the above is mainly the older voters. But the younger voter’s will probably put more research into it and are also more likely to prefer Corbyn’s offer or the SNP’s with no higher education fees, if they vote at all.

The polls are showing Labour and Tories neck and neck in Scotland. That is people saying how they will vote. I really doubt many will change from that now, especially for such an ideologically different manifesto. I don’t think Ruthie is held in such adoration as she believes and that many would change their chosen vote because she says so.

But what would I know? 🙂

schrodingers cat

corbyn has run a good election, much to the dismay to scottish labour, dugdale and murray were not his biggest fans. but corbyn has ensured that there will be no tory landslide, indeed, even a comfortable majority looks less likely, leaving may with the same small majority she had before she called this election. NI will offer no change, wales will probably offer the same result albeit 3-5 tory seats may go back to labour.
no, there will be little to comfort treeza about this result, except the results in scotland.
this is where treeza will raise her victory flag, she and ruthie will will be the toast of the britnat media,

why scotland?
1. there will be no where else that anyone can point to in the uk and declare any sort of victory, except here.
2. it has been pointed out by others that this time the unionist are not fighting each other as much, will pay dividens, even a fraction of their voters voting tactically will win them seats.
3. the turnout bounce we got from the interest generated by indyref1 has dissapated somewhat, indeed our support largely comes from the younger, poorer and more left wing parts of society who tend to be less movivated to vote than the older conservative unionists voters.
4. polls show us at 43%, down from the 48% we had before 2015 ge, and the 49.5% the snp actually won.
6. some of our mps are pretty safe,(eg roger mullens with 62% etc)but it is the high profile ones, alex salmond, stephen gethins, john nicolason, angus robertson, pete wishart etc who are fighting marginals.

all in all even if we win 50 seats, some of the names above will be causualties but we may actually lose 10 in total

the good news, the above is nothing more than an evening out of results in a FPTP type election, we will still have about 45% of the vote, the vast majority of mps and a mandate for indyref2.

45% of the vote will always win us elections but it isnt enough to win a referendum. indeed im increasing of the belief that in the present msm snpbad environment we cannot win. but amid all of the wringing of hands, acrimony, gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes by the yes supporters as we watch ruthie gather the applause and thanks from a greatful andrew neil on june the 9th, just remember that these jubilant brit nats will embark on a voyage of hard brexit 11 days later, and while we cannot win, they can and will lose big time.

keep the heid folks, our enemy will be our greatest weapon in the next 6 months and the question of who will lead the yes campaign may also be decided 🙂

ronnie anderson

@ yesindyref2 I’ll keep ma ein peeled fur yon big flag at the AUOB rally on Sat lol.

ronnie anderson
Bob Mack

Why do we need 45% to win a referendum ? Is Nicola talking to herself ? She has repeatedly stated that a majority in Holyrood has already decided that issue. It has only been delayed because May called a General election. Nothing more.

schrodingers cat

Bob Mack says:
1 June, 2017 at 9:35 pm

Why do we need 45% to win a referendum ?

cos 50% +1 wins referendums


That’s kind of what I was thinking 🙂

I was at that match in ’77, working in London, looked at the TV schedule and what did I find? Some stupid friendly England match. So off to the station, suit and all, off to Liverpool. What a great night, think I got the first train back in the morning and straight to work to be honest I can’t remember.

Parcel up to 30Kg to Inverness 48 hour £10.85 +VAT. Same size and weight limit to Cork, £9.95 + VAT. (online contract rates). Much more road miles to Cork + ferry, Scotland really needs to do something about that to open up the “Highlands” more, considering Inverness is not a small town and has industrial estates. Same parcel to say Edinburgh, £7 + VAT. I give same rates to H&I as I do to “lowlands” Scotland, doing my bit 🙂

ian murray

Our position should be “Scotland, Strong, Stable, Secure and Prosperous within the EU”
there is no come back from the Unionists


O/T Journey to Yes Indiegogo fundraiser for Phantom Power films has only 3 days to get another £10,000 for their target of £17000.

Can Wingers spread the word?


schrodingers cat

You’re being too pessimistic SC. Every last SNP vote I know is even more determined than ever. I do not know anyone that’s even remotely wavered since 2014.


@ yesindyref2

Ach 1977,how could I get the year wrong,must have been distracted by those two denim clad Bonnie Tyler’s we had to comfort after the match.

Up the Kop,with their big cardboard leeks in tatters,mascara tears running down their cheeks,but the fire was still there,their passion was undiminished,as we found out later,when they threw a half brick through our bus windae….that was a cauld journey up the road.

North chiel

Taylor , earlier on ” misreporting” tonight emphasising that
polling percentages won’t be uniform throughout Scotland on June 8th.
( Stating the obvious really , as their will be local variances ). However, I can’t help thinking
that this will be ” cover” for ” possible postal vote irregularities” in ” certain constituencies ” , with
Moray ? Possibly ” top of the list”. Perhaps it’s just my ” suspicious mind” as the song goes?

schrodingers cat

to a large extent i agree bob, this is an election for nothing in scotland, we still won the holyrood election and have a mandate for indyref2
this election is offering no change for treesa anywhere outside scotland, indeed, the change in scotland will be down to largley tactical voting and the lost of 10 seats by the snp to the tories will give treeza the only bragging rights anywhere in the uk.
i merely caution people about what will happen on the 9th.

but whether we have 46 or 56 mps matters little, the point being made is that support stubbornly remains for yes at 45%. i just dont believe that we in the snp/yes movement can do anything more than we already do, to increase that number in the present msm environment

but we might not need to, the yoons are more than capable of doing that 4 us. I believe the hard brexit will deliver us the 50%+ we need to win us our independence, so to that end, this election is irrelevant, whether we get 46 or 56 mps changes nothing.
brexit will cause the polls to move from 45% to 50%+ and when it does, nicola will action our nuclear options and indyref2 will deliver a yes


Perahps it wasn’t the result that caused them to throw the brick, but the comfort administered …

Liverpool was amazing after the match, and having of course found some drinking pals, we toured around drinking with Liverpudlians, Welsh, anyone. What a night.

schrodingers cat

me neither heed
but you and i exist in a bubble, albeit a fairly large bubble.
i am merely cautioning people about the result on the 8th of may and how the bbc will spin it.
I am also pointing out how unimportant this will be in the grand scheme of things. ie the imminent indyref2


In calling GE17, has Theresa May merely repeated David Cameron’s error of judgement by calling EU Ref16, and put the Union at greater risk.

Since 2010 and the SNP’s overall majority in the Scottish Parliament, which guaranteed an Independence Referendum, and put the Union under threat, UK politics has been about saving the Preciousss Union.

Why? Because not only will Scottish Independence signal the end of the Union, it will plunge England, Wales and Northern Ireland into a massive financial crisis, and seriously damages the very foundations of the British Establishment.

Therefore, this General Election is most likely being held so as to improve Westminster’s position relative to the next Independence Referendum in Scotland.

Make no mistake. The EU is not the priority for the British Establishment. The Union is.


schrodingers cat says:
1 June, 2017 at 10:14 pm
me neither heed
but you and i exist in a bubble, albeit a fairly large bubble.

A virtual bubble. I hardly talk about Scottish politics, since 2014. I just listen. Mainly because of the nonsense that people come out with about the Scottish nation. It makes my worry mole throb.

No one has changed from Yes to No but either way, June 8’s a bit of a thriller.

Dr Jim

I just forced myself to watch a BBC Alba program filled with kilted Scottish people overjoyed at being kept as pets for the entertainment of the English Monarchy and even expressing their loyalty to it dancing on shortbread tins, not for themselves or their culture but like native American Indians or Maoris wheeled out in the hope of being not forgotten by their betters…..I saw no redeeming features, I saw a theme park drive through zoo
I expected pennies to be thrown throughout

This is not Scottish culture this is a Scottish monkey on a stick embarrassment

I thought culture is something a country has and shares WITH others, I had no idea some folk think their soul and obedience should go along with it

I might be a tad biased


Having watched Bernard Ponsonby interview Tam Dalyell I could sense total respect for the man but tonight watching him interview Dugdale I saw none of that, not even a hint.

I get the feeling that Ponsonby is sick of the obvious lies and incompetence and toys with the likes of Dugdale and Davidson for his own entertainment pleasure.

Jock McDonnell

I’m not fooled by the SLAB apparent dithering over #indyref2
They are trying it on.
Mibbes aye mibbes naw they’ll support it. Whatever you want.

See that brexit, big opportunity so it is, that’s why there’s a pile-on to join the EU and nobody is looking to rejoin the U.K.
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ghana, Jamaica, India – naw

Big Jock

BBC Scotland just showed a clip of Davidson squirming defending rape clause. They then cut to applause to make it look like it was for her. I watched it the applause was for an audience member who said if Ruth found it difficult to talk about this then how did she think women who were raped felt.

This is not paranoia the BBC are working for Ruth.


I didn’t see it, but I have seen him in action on TV, and saw some of a program where he was talking about his interests in politics and so on.

The guy can smell bullshit from a mile off, and doesn’t like it. The best any politician can do with him is answer the questions, and be honest.

I have no idea what his politics are thes days, I think he just tries to do his job.



It was on stv 2 earlier on, you can actually see him dying inside at constant lies and sound-bites.

Even watching Glen Campbell during ‘ask the leader’, you can see that even he is sick and tired of the bullshit!

Alan Stewart

Phil Robertson @ 12:31
Can you expand a little on the “Sturgeon rating” ?
Does it have anything to do with eggs ?


As the UKOK zone thrashes around in a pointless GE, that may even see a completely different UK gov from the one that held the Brexit ref,

European Commission in the UK
Sponsored ·

The European Commission is ready to begin the #Article50 negotiations with the UK. The EU’s first priority is to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU. The Commission wants open and transparent negotiations so our negotiating documents will be released to the public on this website:!rN43JF #Brexit

Eddie Munster

Correct me if I’m wrong, but did Ruth Davidson say on the “ask the leader” today, that the UK would be high up the queue and get a speedy trade deal because”we already follow the rules” or some such?. (I have to say she said it, almost word for word, what Nicola Sturgeon has said about how Scotland would get in to the EU quickly).

If so hasn’t she just blown the argument against indy putting Scotland at the back of the queue for the EU by saying that the UK would be near the front.

Don’t we, already part of the EU follow the same rules as the RUK?

How brassy does her or anyone else neck have to be now to claim the UK would be welcomed quickly, but an indy Scotland would be waiting behind Turkey?

Major own goal by Ruth there.

Sorry for not posting for a while, became a Dad for the first time last year. I’m still the happiest man in the world, even though I’m still not getting much sleep at night :oD

Robert J. Sutherland

North chiel @ 22:06:

I can’t help thinking that this will be ”cover” for ”possible postal vote irregularities”

Every time I read something like this on WoS my heart sinks, since it only serves to suggest to casual visitors that this site is inhabited by paranoid “fruit loops”, and thereby diminishes the force of your fellow posters’ solid arguments as well as Stu’s very grounded articles.

If you have any concrete proof of postal vote rigging, let’s see it. It would be a real sensation. But nah, you don’t and you can’t, can you? Otherwise you or someone else would have already done it.

Just unsubstantiated throwaway insinuations which (even if placed in weaselly quotation marks) do nothing except damage our precious credibility. Give it (and us) a break, please.

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Tomorrow’s National front page

comment image

BBC Scotland Tells Lies

Tomorrow’s “National” twitter pages:-

link to


I’ve thought of the antidote slogan to this ‘coalition of chaos’ meme that the Tories are attempting to wedge into their opposition to a progressive alliance: Coaltion of Care. Any use?



Like your thinking, however, SNP support will never be as part of a formal coalition as we know.

How about just a simple, punchy and direct description.

Not The Tories.

Big Phil

Honestly? you think the postal votes were honest? Let yer heart sink and look at argyle and bute postal votes , never ever trust them barstewards. Its not a conspiracy its FACT. we wer robbed.


Aye geeo, I’m raising it in the ‘unlikely’ but now being openly discussed as a ‘possibility’ of a hung parliament in the UK context. This is what May keeps coming out with drone like, progressive parties working together (except for Kezia Dugdale, who went to great pains to tell us aw that it would be the SNP’s fault if they didn’t just fall in line wi Labour manifesto, if hung parliament was the outcome) at Westminster as the ‘coalition of chaos’?

It needs shot down. Ergo ergo 🙂

Robert Graham

Well that’s twice in consecutive nights UKIP has promised to dump the Barnett formula, well done any of their support defending that one. As most have seen recently UKIP haven’t went away, they have just been absorbed by the Tory party, a bit like getting their attack dog under control,
If Mayhem wins on Thursday be prepared for UKIP policy’s to be enacted here, because they are as Tommy Sheridan always used to say cheeks of the same arse .


Dr Jim says: @ 10.29pm

“Scottish people overjoyed at being kept as pets for the entertainment of the English Monarchy and even expressing their loyalty to it dancing on shortbread tins, not for themselves or their culture but like native American Indians or Maoris wheeled out in the hope of being not forgotten by their betters…..I saw no redeeming features, I saw a theme park drive through zoo”

No, Dr Jim, what you saw wasn’t a zoo, zoos have bars and cages. What you saw was a Reservation!

Peace Always my Friend

Wullie B

“Robert Graham says:
1 June, 2017 at 8:54 pm

Seeing all these Tory party spokespersons being wheeled out recently, what struck me was the total ease they lie on national TV , down right total bare faced f/n Lying not a hint of embarrassment not a bloody blush in sight, it’s their trade they don’t have an ounce of compassion, or even a moral compass, I have had this feeling about this Tory party for a while they are f/in EVIL .”

Robert, have you noticed they only whell them out once or twice so they cant trip themselves over their own lies let alone tory lies

Big Phil

I’ll always agree to peace ,and Smallaxe my hat goes to you for your earlier comment to fluffy.. it was a diamond mate. well done you. 😉


I’m going to hesitantly and cautiously in a round about way without actually stating outright or in any way suggesting there is any truth in what I’m about to infer, that Kezia Dugdale is displaying interesting characteristics that weren’t obvious in her demeanour until very recently. It’s not so much that she’s confident, it’s that the speed and ferocity and arrogance that is accompanying this confidence is ‘laced’ with exaggerated body languange that seems ‘enhanced’ in some respects.

She is literally ‘barking’ at interviewers.

Is it just me noticing this?

Big Phil

K1 the result is a foregone conclusion, they know what they’re doing , I still think that the tories want to lose, brexit is a sham. Labour are patsies. either way we have a battle for oor independence. I’ll bet a poond that labour will win in england. (I dont bet.)lol

Robert Graham

Big Phill – Agreed, 24th April 2015 Daily Teligraph , Quoting the Electoral Commissioner, his verdict on a recent trial which involved postal voting fraud, it has become so easy to commit fraud, I believe it is widespread and without more scrutiny and security it can only get worse.
That’s from the people who oversee these votes .
Nite all .

Liz g

Eddie Munster @ 11.27
Belated Congratulations on your little one.
Don’t worry it’s the first 18 years that are the worst LOL.
Seriously though… let’s get on and get that child a better future.

Ian Brotherhood

@K1 (12.20) –

Ye’re a natural diplomat!


The Kezia Dugdale approach……

You walk along the road and meet a guy you completely disagree with on everything and do not like.

As you pass each other, a gang of several well known vicious bastards shout out “heh…we are gonna fucking smash you 2 feckers”

Do you ….

a) agree quickly to a truce and join forces to give yourselves a fighting chance of winning ?

b) say nothing and just hope your only chance of avoiding being hospitalised, backs you up when the shit hits the fan ?

Kezia picks b).

That is all you need to know about Kezia.

Big Phil

Robert Graham. its nice to be nice but when you look at postal votes , then im sorry but.. we was robbed. We(SNP) always play by the rules ,but we are being pumped rotten at every turn,I would have put my house on us winning indy in 2014. it used to be a thing up here ‘spot the only tory in Scotland’ .too many tractors now.;-(


You mean she’s out her tree on the old Bolivian marching powder ?
I couldn’t possibly comment 🙂

Check out the yaks. A dead give away.


Big Phil;

Thank’s Phil, I believe peace is the only way but I have, like any other person, the capability of being angered, I was surprised to find him approaching me and when he did the joke that wee all see him as left me completely, I saw a man who denied that our Scotland no longer existed.

Let me just say, unashamedly, that he’s lucky that I am a peaceful person. To see a tr8tor to his own people, a snake who’s venom will poison the future of my grandchildren in such close proximity to me, tested me greatly, I managed to bark and not to bite but the temptation was excruciatingly difficult to resist.

I know that we in Scotland can and will set the example of peaceful democracy to those would try to corrupt the democratic processes of a civilised nation.

Wa’s like us, damn few n’ their awe deid.

Peace and Love to You and Yours Phil

Big Phil

couldnt have said it better smallaxe. Yer a better man than a lot of us. Oor day will come. 😉

Eddie Munster

Thank you Liz.

I am amazed how much becoming a parent has changed me in so little time, before I wouldn’t say boo to a goose, now I have no fear speaking up even though my introvert brain is screaming at me to stay quiet.

My main aim is to make sure he has the best chance in life. During the first Indyref I convinced Family and friends to vote Yes and argued on Facebook with the Yoons to counter the media crap that was floating around.

In the next IndyRef I’ll be knocking on doors, not arguing in the echo chamber of the internet as many people still don’t have internet or don’t get their news from it, or even both sides of the debate on the internet, because recently if you searched for Scottish Independence on Google, you would get an Ad from the UK Government telling you how great Scotland in the UK is.


Och, Phil, I’m just like all (or most) of us on here, just a man who wants to live in a peaceful and fair society who’s elected government has the welfare and education of the people as its main priority.

Once we attain our independence and can make our voice heard in the world, once when we can show the immense peaceful contribution that our Kingdom Nation can make now, as it has in the past, then we will all have made a start in regaining the respect and dignity that has been stripped away by over 300yrs of Westminster rule.

Peace Always

Robert J. Sutherland

Big Phil @ 00:57,

The trouble with that view is that it takes the deep disappointment that we all felt watching our dream of a brighter future dissolve and transmutes it into a lame excuse. Gold into lead. It’s essentially defeatist. It’s just a step away from saying that there’s no point in trying anything anyway because the system is completely fixed against us. (Which is the point of view of a well-known pessimist on here.)

More importantly maybe, that attitude also tells us absolutely nothing about what must be done to improve things sufficiently to actually win it next time, apart maybe from hoping that sufficient postal-voting oldies who predominantly vote “no” will have shuffled the mortal coil by the time the next indyref comes around.

I recognise there have been abuses with postal voting in the past, but nothing on a scale – as some in their disappointment appear to assume without any evidence – that would be anywhere near sufficient to bridge the 10% gap of the last indyref. I don’t actually like postal voting in principle myself either, except where absolutely justified, because turning up in person at a polling station is the one relatively sure way of demonstrating that you are voting for yourself without any “assistance”. Voting, like justice, should be seen to be done.

The real answer though lies somewhere else, and is staringly obvious: we need, by word and deed, to convince just a handful of percent of the more-hesitant among us that our dream is viable, not just in general, but for them in particular. Moaning that “we wuz robbed” just won’t cut it. With 50%+ support, no amount of dodgy fiddling with some postal votes on the sidelines can stop us.


Where’s that wee sneaky David funt* who was going on about ‘benefit cheats’ and single mothers on here the other day?

Here stick this in yer ‘economic’ assessment of where the fault lies in terms of fraudulent cheating of the ‘system’.

Here’s excellent research from Norway, researchers ‘said their goal was to “correct global inequality statistics in a systematic way so as to better capture the very rich”.

The reality:

‘The richest 0.01% of households, involving those with more than £31m assets, evade paying 30% of their taxes on average, according to an academic study of tax evasion based on data revealed in the Panama Papers and the leaks concerning the HSBC Swiss private bank. Economists, who matched people named in the leaks with public wealth records, found that “the probability to hide assets rises very sharply with wealth”.


‘The paper found that the super-rich evaded more than 10 times as much of their due taxes as the wider population, which on average evaded 2%.

Most of the tax was evaded by hiding wealth in offshore accounts, which the researchers said was “extremely concentrated” in the hands of only the very wealthy, who could afford accountants, lawyers and bankers to advise them on setting up such holdings.

“The probability to hide wealth offshore rises very steeply within the top 1%,” the paper, entitled Tax Evasion and Inequality, said. “By our estimate, the top 0.01% of the [wealth] distribution owns about 50% of [the wealth].”

Whilst the research covered only Norway:

‘The researchers said they found that about 40% of the richest 0.1% of households in Norway hid on average about 50% of their assets offshore. “Because most Latin American and many Asian and European economies own much more wealth offshore than Norway, the results found in Norway are likely to be lower than for most of the world’s countries,” they said. “Our results highlight the need to move beyond tax records to capture the income and wealth of the very rich, even in countries where tax compliance is generally high.’

The sooner people get it into their heads that these obscenely wealthy individuals are cheating everyone and are directly robbing the exchequers of all nations causing the widening and gaping inequality that we see reflected in the UK context with rising food bank use, wage freezes, zero hours contracts and crushing austerity imposed upon us from the very government who have sitting millionaires in their cabinet.

Whose response to the greed and outright criminal actions within the financial industry has been to impose draconian eye watering social security cuts that are harming the most vulnerable, destroying any ‘safety net’ for any of us and effectively killing off those who they’ve deemed as undeserving. On the grounds of ‘reducing the deficit’ which hasn’t actually worked whilst their billionaire friends profit from the agencies set up to inflict these punitive policies upon the population. The sooner we can move away from the right wing narrative of blaming those that wealthy media publications, owned by these same billionaire ‘businesses’, insist are the true culprits in our society.

Instead of falling for the daily mailesque headlines blaming immigrants, benefit cheats and any and all other minoriities for our economic woes, the light needs to be shone as the Norwegian researchers are doing, on the real networks of lawyers, accountants and the offshore banking industry for what they really are. Criminals.

link to

Rant end.



K1, is this what you were looking for? “n”, take this one, I’ve got plenty.
Peace Always my Friend


K1, SORRY! I meant “c”, I’ve got tons of them also, you’re welcome. 🙂
Peace Always


@Robert J. Sutherland

I attended the counting of postal votes as a representative of Wings Over Scotland in Angus and if there was any jiggery pokery going on then it wasn’t done there.

Let’s face it most postal voters are elderly and most of them support the Union. Let’s instead try and focus on persuading these people otherwise.

That’s your mum or dad, granny or granda. Get their vote we win.


Who’d have thought that Sarah Smith of the BBC is a Tory? She is.

link to

ian murray

The gap is closing between the Tories and Labour
Another few debacles by the Tories and Labour could be in with a shout
Meanwhile in Scotland Labour is encouraging their people to vote for the Tories

The plan is to “punish” the SNP at all costs
As I see it Scottish Labour is undoing any progress the big party makes in England
A handful of seats lost by the SNP changes nothing, but if they go Tory they could keep Labour out
we already have a mandate for indyref2

Socrates MacSporran

I know he faces a very tough fight to hold onto his seat, but, I just hope those wavering SNP voters in his constituency, who are thinking of voting Tory and ousting Angus Robertson think again.

On TV this week, in the so-called Leaders Debate – which Mother Theresa ducked – and on Question Time, Angus came across as a true, genuine statesman.

Scotland, never mind the SNP, can ill-afford to lose him to a Tory backlash, driven by those out-and-out charlatans and liars, Mother Theresa and her haridan Mini-Me who runs “The Ruth Davidson Party”.


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In England, Theresa May as PM is trying to take away kids’ school meals, in Aberdeenshire, the Tories are trying to take away the schools.
Video here
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mike cassidy

BBC News 24 is patronising us with a visit to Dunfermline.

Of course it helps if you can get a forlock tugger to accept your ‘leading’ questions and give you the answers you want.

Check out the laughable contribution of Professor David Bell of Stirling University in 60 seconds of in depth analysis around 6.55.

Will oil ever cease to be a burden to us?


‘Judge us on our record’ says Amber Rudd. Whoever created this poster did just that
link to

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Nana: Good Morning, Thank you for your links, they’re much appreciated.
Kettle’s on! Peace Always. 🙂


Good morning Smallaxe. It’s a nice bright morning here, good day for a spot of gardening.

link to

The U.S. Is the Biggest Carbon Polluter in History.
link to

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One possible outcome of this election which I’ve not seen mentioned anywhere is that the Tories could scrape home with an overall majority in single figures courtesy of tactical voters in Scotland handing the “Ruth Davidson” party 8-10 seats. “It was Scotland wot won it” the Sun and others would proclaim. I’d have to emigrate.

Liz Rannoch

Sooo angry already at this time of the morning!!! Had ma wee bit o’ mischief all lined up and the damn car has let me down. Went in for a service yesterday and the sump thingy is leaking or something, they’re sorting it today.

No car, no flags hooked up in the windaes, no wee slow drive past the Glen Gates (several times!)

I. am. so. annoyed.


Aweright geeo (late last night) ~

“How about just a simple, punchy and direct description.

Not The Tories.

Good slogan, or to add to…

“Now is Not the Tories”

It’s Friggin’ Friday!


BBC 1 news on tel from Dunfermline . Newspaper held up Torygraph, Mirror, Scotsman, Times…….. Yip no paper supporting the largest party in Scotland. Thought Pat Kane might have commented on the bias.

Maybe he’s rock in disguise!


BBC Better Together going ‘full pelt’ tonto anti Scotland on breakfast TV to convince us to its WM view of life in Dunfermline.
So blatant with selected ‘guests’, editing and life as we all know it – Aye Right !!!

Anyone else see the loving words for the FM in this stries comments section ?? Disgusting.
link to


@Hamish 100

Aye saw the papers guff ! The Daily Mirror of Scotland ???

Wee ding dong from Stirling – usual suspects etc.

Who was the ‘Better Together’ Muppet on with Pat Kane ?
Seemed more like a Labour worthy than anything else.


BBC oil price is down even so revenue tonScotland hav dropped . Eh?

We have never got a penny in 40 odd years .

BBC biased. Ouch aye the BBC presenter has learned a new word Smirrrrrrr or is it Dreik ?

Patronising BBC . One lot of migrants we can send back post haste -,Och aye the noo yi Ken.


Smallaxe ~

Did ye ken that your “tr8tor” actually ‘looks like’ a tractor.

That’s pretty cool 🙂

Liz Rannoch

Bit disappointed in Pat Kane and who’s the pseudo Brillo? and where’s the National?

Dunfermline’s looking good though but who’s the idiot in the ‘Bruce’ get up?

Me and him got married in the Abbey in ’76, still going strong.

Gonnae kick the car when we get it back.

Socrates MacSporran

I cannot get STV2, and have been unable to locate the programme on the STV player.

Can anyone tell me where I might see Dippity Dug’s latest car-crash bashing from Bernard Ponsonby?


What’s the beef? BBC is establishment for goodness sake, defending the Union is in their DNA, madness to think it would be otherwise.

Get out canvassing instead of complaining on here.

ronnie anderson

Thinking about the BBC rubbish this morning maybe this was good advice back in 1985.

link to

Liz g

K1 @ 3.03 am
It was also interesting to note that the narrative
….”we can’t tax the super rich too much,they will just move their wealth beyond us being able to tax any of it”….
Being dropped in to “received wisdom” now!
Why it’s almost as if some are realising that the majority are starting to question where their share is!

OH Really???
Where they? gonnay more it too ????the moon????

This is no more credible than the “Don’t scare Businesses” they don’t like it,and you will be sorry you did,bullshit that’s been punted at us since Thatcher’s reign.

It’s no that complicated at all.
Make the rules so that they couldn’t.
This is done ALL the time to the Unemployed,so they do know how.
Easy to say?? Well it’s also easy to do…

Start with the Land and Water, if ye didn’t produce it and cause it to be there,then you don’t get to decide what happens to it after you die.
It must be returned to the market.
But your kid’s could buy it and there is not even any death tax to pay,ITS just that they need to demonstrate where they money came from.
Just like the poor do for a Council Tax rebate.
And bring any tax due up to date.
Don’t want to OH DEAR never mind,not to worry another buyer will be along soon….like buses…they are!
Then the Super rich won’t want to own land in Scotland..will be the cry…
But there’s a profit to be made from that land or they wouldn’t have wanted it in the first place.
So nobody buys it…..well it still has an owner..US and the
potential for profit hasn’t gone anywhere.
Be good for jobs? I would think,but more than that,all the tax is now getting collected.

If most of the measures designed to scrutinize the poor were applied to tax,then we should see fraud and avoidance levels equalised,with benefits, and benifits fraud is very low.
There’s probably more spent to broadcast “Poverty Porn” than is ever lost in any given tax year to benefit fraud.

A very simple but probably the most difficult thing to do,is to get measures in place so that the people who are getting into government are not drawn from one demographic.
There is something far wrong when multi millionaire’s are desperate to get and hang on to a job, which by their standards has very poor pay and conditions.
A burning desire to serve the People…my aunt Fanny!

The People Are Sovereign….all of them, every where, all the time, always have been!!!
It’s not just the Scots, (sorry Robert Peffers,where are you any way) we might have documents to proclaim and give us a leagal foundation of our Sovereignty,
that only means that we are a wee bit more advanced in understanding our power.
But if the people decide to organise society (and that’s all Sovereignty actually is) to distribute the wealth better…then there is nothing 1% of society can do about it.
My rant over!

Jack Collatin

You may ask: why does the cowardly Mundell, SoS for Scotland, allow this chubby wee ungulate feeder to take over his role as ‘leader’ of the Blue Tory campaign in Scotland.
Likewise Rushed Off His Feet Murray and the Frenchgate Liar Carmichael are hiding under the duvet while MSPs Dugdale and Rennie make a right fuck up of their Yoon Parties’ campaigns?
Says a lot about these three men: heads down desperately trying to wring another 5 years out of their non jobs, on the Gravy Train, and fuck Scotland.
I posted on Ruth’s Roast last night over on WGD. She is showing all the signs of being completely out of touch with reality now. Sad really.

Alex Beveridge

Footsoldier @ 8.15 am.

Agree entirely. In our constituency we have been out for the last four months, and as far as I am aware, we are the only party to be doing the work on the ground.
Of course, you have to remember that not all of our supporters are physically able to assist us, but many lend valuable support behind the scenes.
So each to his or her own. Back out today, and every day, up to and including the 8th.


Socrates MacSporran

I go to , and click on ‘Find progs’, and type “Scotland Tonight”.
Works Ok for me, hope it does for you.



I’ll see you tomorrow at the Green. 😎
Peace Always

schrodingers cat

corbyn may peg treeza back to a slim majority

the tories are set to make gains in scotland

they might be the difference that keeps treeza’s majority

it would be helpful to have all of the tweets and tv clips by dugdale, ian murray, macdougal etc in one article, where they ask people to vote tory.

this could backfire on slab, we simply blame them for the tory gains ?

Dave McEwan Hill

Thepnr at 4.04

Of course it wasn’t done at the count. Nobody has suggested it was. You obviously haven’t read the Dunoon report “Defending Democracy”.

Here is some of what the Council Of Europe said about the UK postal voting system

“Reforms to the postal voting rules introduced by Labour have made electoral fraud in Britain “childishly simple”, a European human rights watchdog said today.
The Council of Europe claimed the British voting system was now open to fraud and the system “makes it extremely easy to add bogus characters to the voters’ lists”.

That is how Argyll and Bute and five other parts of Scotland achieved an impossible 97% take up on postal votes.


Thepnr says at 4:15 am

“Who’d have thought that Sarah Smith of the BBC is a Tory? She is.”

link to

Probably not as like rest of Brit Nat establishment she is just anti SNP.

The Unionist press and media now ramping up the anti SNP message, while Labour resorts to smearing SNP candidates.

link to



I don’t know if my memory is failing me but I cannot remember there having been any referendum on whether or not The UK should join The Common Market in 1973.

My recollection is that we joined under the auspices of the Heath Government which had campaigned for joining but without
consulting the electorate other than by manifesto committments.

There were 2 referenda on whether or not to remain members the first under Harold Wilson in 1975 and last year’s one.

There seems to be a sizeable number of people who are under the impression that there was a referendum on joining one of whom mentioned such a vote on last night’s QT.

Could somebody let me know if my memory is correct. If it is should there not be an effort to kill off this false belief in a joining referendum once and for all.



There was no referendum prior to joining the then EEC.


If tories win seats in Scotland, it will be one of BBC led tory media’s great triumph’s, not winning indy ref 2014 levels of attack propaganda, but certainly up there.

Yesterday, Graun tories were pissing all over the SNP in the north east of Scotland, Peterhead especially.

What happened when the tories last campaigned up there? Vote NO, Vote tory, for £billion carbon capture investment, gone.

Not a peep out of Graun tories, in particular, just SNP bad Peterhead, and the lovely tories coming back. If tories do get in up there, their voters deserve everything the tories do to them.

link to

UK government carbon capture £1bn grant dropped
25 November 2015
From the section Scotland business

Its hard to quantify what carbon capture would have done for the area, with a tens of millions already spent in Scottish research and planning.


Socrates MacSporran says:
1 June, 2017 at 1:10 pm

“Can any Wingers who live in his constituency tell me: Is David Mundell – “Ruth Davidson’s Candidate”?”

I do Socrates & I couldn’t tell you-I’ve not had a single leaflet from any party-although that might have something to do with several SNP stickers on front & rear screens on my car 🙂


schrodingers cat says:

the tories are set to make gains in scotland

they might be the difference that keeps treeza’s majority

… which is a truly Hellish possibility! They gain say 4 seats in Scotland that gives them a small majority. Sigh!


The heavyweights are back. Jim Naughtie and Nick Robinson back in Scotland to boot up the Vote anyone but SNP message on Radio 4 – yes, the proper big people’s radio from London. Nicola was interviewed, followed by a critique by Sarah Smith. Kezia was interviewed followed by no critique whatsoever.

Dr Jim


There was no referendum to join the UK either



Caught up with devious Nick this morning when driving to work.

All about possible Tory gain in East Renfrew and how Scotland at one time gave 50% of its votes to the Tories.

Of course that was well before the people wakened up to the reality of both Cons and Labs and what they stood for in Scotland. Nowt. Now the SNP are now so well mainstream that they are now a force to be reckoned with and need to be stopped at all costs by the Establishment fronted by the BBC gimps such as Tricky Nick, Naughty Jim, Bad Andra and Dimblebum et al.

Dr Jim

Are folk so thick they don’t understand that no matter who’s Prime Minister they’re not the ones who do the negotiating
It’s lawyer types and negotiator types and diplomat types and counting up types
The Prime Minister just shows up to sign it off and for the lunches,
Why do you think Theresa May wants to keep Nicola Sturgeon as far away from this as possible, because the Wee Barra’s been a politician for 30 years and the EU likes her plus the UN thinks the FMs the Bees Knees and so do the foreign press, so who’d “Nic” the headlines

I think we all know the answer to that

Proud Cybernat


Tory candidate Craig Mackinlay has been charged after an investigation into 2015 general election campaign expenses, the CPS says.

link to

meg merrilees


I heard some of that rubbish this a.m on the radio.
James Naughtie managed to find three english people to interview to tell them how it is in Scottish politics.

and of course, there is a Tory resurgence and a titanic struggle between SNP and SLabour for most of the seats!!!

Kez was interviewed by Nick ‘he didn’t answer’ Robinson and within 10 seconds had got her answer round to stating no to independence. Apparently we’re all angry with Nicola. She side stepped the question of whether or to she supported Corbyn and Robinson didn’t press her anything like hard enough ( which he is certainly capable of doing) to get an answer.

Whitewash- as usual.

Didn’t hear FM or Sarah Smith but I notice she has a lengthy article about the Tory ‘Resurgence’ on the website.

Well, we’ll see next friday!


Driving the kids to school earlier,I noticed the big Tory billboard in a field at the Sherrifhall roundabount had been altered with “Tories kill the poor” spray painted in black all over it.
Not subtle, but I salute you sir/madam. Whoevs you are 😉


Capella says:
2 June, 2017 at 10:04 am
The heavyweights are back. Jim Naughtie and Nick Robinson

Back from France, where they were desperately bigging up Le Pen and then they flopped. Even Naughtie sounded deflated and dejected at Le Pen losing. It was very weird listening to beeb twerp like Naughtie trying to get France to vote Le Pen. Its not that a tory like Naughty was over there trying but that tory beeb gimpery actually seemed to believe that what they wanted to happen, really would.

Such a strange world of beeb tory bubbles in that outfit. To be fair to Naughtie, he did put a lot into getting UKIPers like Jabba the Hut elected in Scotland, via BBC Scotland, in 2014 was it, just before the Scots ref.

Imagine an EU where the BBC tory creepshow actually kept getting tories like Le Pen into government, like here.

If Le Pen had won, the EU might well be heading for collapse. Psycho tories like the BBC are a real threat to progressive democracy, not just in their Scotland region but everywhere they go.

Jack Collatin

Shades of the Omen, and I register mild surprise that the Crossword Fiends haven’t noticed it before, but ‘Hurt’ is an anagram of ‘Ruth’.
Can you wheel me out into the garden, nurse?
The creeping insanity of the Yoons is truly frightening now.
Sarah Smith writes in the Beeb blog that if the Tories got 10-12 seats, and SNP only managed 45, then the case for Independence was over.
Her Da must be turning in his grave.


A thought. The Tories won’t close down Holyrood. They need to keep it.


Because without Holyrood we would revert to the old system of only needing a majority of MPs to achieve a mandate for Indy.

North chiel

“Robert j Sutherland @1137″ , obviously you have never read the very detailed report compiled
by Andy Anderson ” defending democracy” as regards the referendum vote in Argyll&Bute .If you want “evidence “then go read it Robert.
I find it rather childish Robert in calling posters names . I might be a cynic ( and I would accept that as a compliment)however I am certainly no ” fruit loop”.


Breaking News.
Craig Mackinlay charged so will Lib/Lab and Davidson call for him to stand down oh I am sorry he is Tory and not SNP


Re R4 Today from North Britain where it’s all different.
Nicola sounded cool calm and collected in her interview by Nick Robinson, and he sounded rather charmed by her. He left it to Sarah Smith to put the stiletto in.

Kezia, on the other hand, sounded as demented as she usually is now – flatly denying what we all heard Jeremy Corbyn say with our own lying ears.

During Jim Naughtie’s questions to as many English people as he can find, he did say that the Unionist parties had a discreet arrangement not to put up real candidates against each other where they think they can defeat the SNP.
He can say it – but the party reps can’t say it – presumably because they would all have to be suspended if it’s true.

Liz Rannoch

@ Footsoldier 8.15

“Get out canvassing instead of complaining on here”. I don’t know if that was directed at my post 8.08am? Perhaps you missed my original post 7.45am.

I also agree with Gordoz @ 8.20 yes good advice.

Some people need to realise that not everybody has the wherewithal or the health to ‘get out there’.

People do what they can whether it be donating tenners when they can or even doing a drive past when EBC are in their home town!

Some of us can do loads by way of canvassing and going on marches, some of us have big ‘online’ bases and can reach out quicker and to more voters and I thank them for it.

Dr Jim

Adam Boulton of SKY news just interviewed what he described as the four main parties
Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, and Ukip

I must have nodded off and wakened up to Scotland being Independent already then seeing as how Scotland isn’t in the UK any more

By any stretch of a monkeys imagination how are Ukip a main party anywhere with absolutely no representation whatsoever in Parliament
Let’s just forget about the SNP and the Greens eh according to Sky
While over on the BBC they’re still maintaining their impartiality drivel by reinventing and bending their own rules to suit their agenda by saying that journalists can say what they like because of their journalistic experience

Britain first! (is that what we have to say Mr Trump)
OK, tugs forelock!


“Sarah Smith writes in the Beeb blog that if the Tories got 10-12 seats, and SNP only managed 45, then the case for Independence was over.”

With her Tory soulmates making this election a constitutional test Jack, I’d call 45 v’s 10/12 a win for Yes, and a UDI would seem apt.
UDI denier freaks. Save your typing finger. I was joking :-0

Robert Louis

Liz at 1111 am,

I agree. I also agree however, that people DO need, if they can, to get active for the SNP. People are needed to get the vote out and other tasks. The fact is, their are many ways to help, including telephone canvassing, paper work, foot canvassing, and helping on election day (they really need people to get the vote out).

We simply cannot assume things will be ok, or that ‘others’ will do the work. I sense a lot of complacency among posters here.

I personally just cannot do much at all right now (bad timing), but I help financially where I can.

The point is, if you can, then maybe just do it, as people are needed. We all help in different ways.

link to


The BBC used to be OK, before Thatcher destroyed it. Here’s a Play for Today, Destiny, from 1978 on youtube. It’s about Britain/England after the war and loss of India when all our “coloured cousins” got to come and live here. For racism, fascism and the nasty party manipulating the poor lower middle class, little Englander, it’s brilliant.

Very topical now.

You can’t imagine the BBC being able to produce anything like it nowadays. By David Edgar 1hr 50 mins.
link to


Robert Louis
I agree.

I have been highlighting the dangers of complacency for some time, we need to be active NOW. And we can start with a decent turnout at the rally on Saturday so please if you really are passionate about independence be there.

Socrates MacSporran

Finally managed to catch-up with the Bernard Ponsonby/Kezia Dugdale interview.

Old Bernard has a heart, he soft-pedalled on the lassie. Mind you, even I found myself feeling sorry for her, a wee office junior, over-promoted way above her pay scale and abilities.

On one hand, she is drowning, not waving, is fathoms out of her depth and should be removed from office and sent to a less-arduous job. On the other, she and the Fat Tory Controller are the two best recruiting officers the cause of Independence have.

Brian Powell


Sarah Smith needs to say that in front of groups of real people and hear them laugh their socks of at her.

uno mas

Lots of posts today fulminating at the bias of the msm as is habitual.

Meanwhile in a parallel place of the independence campaign, Phantom Power Films, the people who make those outstanding “No to Yes” video´s that we all appreciate and enjoy so much, are struggling (badly!) with their fundraising efforts.

10K short of 17K with three days left.

I seem to remember also that the brilliant i Scot magazine (published by a fellow Winger) also fell badly short of it´s fundraising target.

Earlier in the week the chatter on this site was all about how many individual viewers WOS had in May, 480K I think, but we struggle to raise the funds to support ventures such as Phantom Power and i Scot!

As has been commented here ad infinitum until we start making inroads in to the virtual monopoly that the media has over political conversation and opinion forming we frankly are pissing in to the wind and in the future historians will describe this period of time in the political history of Scotland as “The Scottish Spring”.

I have attached the link to Phantom Power fundraiser.

See what you can do please.

link to


@Dr Jim

That’s reminds me of John Cleese in Shortlist magazine this week. He was moaning about democracy and how “UKIP get 4m votes, and 1 seat…SNP get 1.5 votes and get 56 seats! is that fair?”

Always been something about him I didn’t like

Free Scotland

Jack Collatin at 10:58 am says:

“The creeping insanity of the Yoons is truly frightening now.
Sarah Smith writes in the Beeb blog that if the Tories got 10-12 seats, and SNP only managed 45, then the case for Independence was over.”

Maybe they think it’s like a game of golf, where the aim is to finish with a lower number than everyone else next to your name.

uno mas

Continuing on the subject of Phantom Power Films, but this time on a lighter note, have a view again of their simply brilliant “What Was Done” video.

I thought it was very clever and entertaining when it first came out about a month ago but in light of recent events in GE17 it really deserves to be shared widely.

Great soundtrack also 🙂

link to


Here’s how the Tories are selling off the NHS, on the cheap.
Essential viewing.
Chris Holden, on T.Mays plans to implement the Naylor report.
It’s happening now. Stop it.

This, this alone should sink the Tory election. Spread it far and wide, like a virus on an airliner 🙂

Richard Duncan

Regarding turnout .

I am an SNP member and ensure both my sons and their wives vote . I also run 4 of my Mates who have never voted before to the polling station and even bribe the buggers with a pint or two for 2 mins work .

If possible i give as much moneywise as i can to indi blogs . A minimum of 30 quid a month . Every little helps .

I have a car but struggle to walk , i also get tired quick so physical stuff is too much at the moment but getting folk out voting is the most important thing.

I dont believe the polls . I find it hard to believe anything nowadays that doesn’t get tested by Wings and the other indi groups so dont feel we are under any pressure. ( Why do i feels so frustrated tho ? )

Labour and Tories have shot themselves in the foot so many times that only an idiot or Queens 11 yoon would waste their vote for them . And most folk i spoke too see this as an English election . regardless of the result we wont see much difference here.

Like most of you , they are waiting for the referendum . Patience is the key here. We must have all our ducks in a row before we start shooting .

I find that tough and have to give myself a shake and a good read through comments here to keep me right , but its hard .

Trust our FM and the team . They always have something planned and i am sure once the Brexit shit starts flowing things will be very different .

keep the faith folks .

Eddie Munster : Delighted to hear the news ” Daddy “. Like many of us we see the future this govt brings and fear for our kids . This puts the ball firmly in our feet . Save Scotland , not for us but for our kids and their kids .

Thats what motivates most of us . Congrats my friend .


I’ve tried 10 x to post this, same as the other day with the youtube link to Boris conspiring to commit GBH.
I’m no tinfoil hatter, but i’m now pretty sure this site is compromised, and being fiddled with.

Youtube “Chris Holden, Naylor report”. Please

uno mas

@ Defo



How to find the Andy Anderson report on democracy re Argyll and Bite

Jack Murphy

I’ve just found this from 9:52pm last night:-

Sarah asked:
“O/T Journey to Yes Indiegogo fundraiser for Phantom Power films has only 3 days to get another £10,000 for their target of £17000.

Can Wingers spread the word? ”

Fantastic Films of former NO voters Journeys to YES. 🙂
Currently on Film Number 13.
Here’s their Fundraiser. Some way to go:-

link to

Richard Duncan

Journey to YES

£10 in …. still need a few more pounds folks. These vids are worth their weight in gold . Please help if u can. I always leave with a smile on my face and belief we are winning when i watch these videos .

link to



Let’s see if it works for me

link to

uno mas

@ Defo

Let´s see if this works.

link to

uno mas

@ Nana



Can’t stress this enough.

G.Y.V.O (Get Your Vote Out)

link to

It’s your democracy, so use it or lose it.


‘with our own lying ears.’ Laugh out loud funny Capella.

Also yes, brilliant film, watched it a few weeks ago…Prescience, back then they allowed fantastic writers with insight and a good grounding in the realities of post war Britain to work for them, now? It’s back tae back ‘reality’ and ‘murder in every sitcom’ fodder for the masses.

I’ve often wondered even just been raised in the seventies with the quality of the BBC creative output that existed back then, that it did perform a real service to our populations. I remember being hooked on I Claudius at 12 years old, getting to watch ‘Play for today’, ‘Tomorrow’s World’ et al. I’m almost certain this input naturally expanded the neural pathways by the same token I’m almost certain the output across all channels shortens these pathways and serves only tae ‘dumbdown’ people.


@uno mas

what a team!


Nana/uno mas

Well if it’s not WoS that’s compromised…

If i’m found hanging from a door knob, with a piece of orange in my mouth… Copyright F. Boyle

Tell my kids I loved them 🙂

Robert Louis

McDuff at 1136am,

Well said. Complacency is the enemy here. If possible, people need to attend the march for independence on Saturday, no excuses.

As I said earlier, we cannot simply assume that ‘others’ will attend, so it’s then ok to go to the pub/shops instead. We already know if it is successful, the biased media will ignore it, but if their is a low turnout, the mainstream media will be talking about it for weeks/months.

Don’t assume ‘others’ will do the work. We all need to get involved, in whatever way possible, if we can. Think how sick you will feel, if late on Saturday you have a gloating jackie bird on telly, telling us the march for independence was very small, and so now Ruth Davidson is saying their is definitely no demand for a referendum. We will all feel sick.

So, make sure you go, and take your granny, kids, budgie,dog, whatever with you.

The details of the March for independence in Glasgow on Saturday (tomorrow) are on that facebook thing;

Link link to

If you can’t make the march (mobility problems etc..) head down to Glasgow green for when the march arrives, and cheer them on. Let’s make sure the march is big.