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Wings Over Scotland

The last ten seconds of life

Posted on August 21, 2021 by

Our cartoonist is still on holiday, but he’d never have beaten this for a joke anyway.

Even if it’s an old one.

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Robert Louis

Aye, any second now…once ‘covid is over’…and you re-elect us again, and again and again…then definitely, mibbes indyref2 is ‘iminent’ by the second half probably of the middle term of another government sometime around the middle stage of this century, but definitely likely before 2022, if possible and feasible, following the ‘green‘ recovery.

Meanwhile we have a coalition with the greens to be getting on with, you know the one we forgot to mention in our manifesto at the elections a few months ago, the one that SNP members had no vote on, the one we actually do not need.

Top of the SNP GREEN agenda…GENDER woo woo ideology!

Just keep voting SNP, suckers, ‘independence is coming’.


The National has become the New BBC and funded by the New SNP.


I await the ringing endorsements from the utter cowards that are the SNP MSPs and MPs.

” You are never betrayed by your enemies “.

P.S. Mike Russell is looking awfy old. This lying cannot be good for his health or his self-esteem.
P.P.S. Next year the tories will come for the NHS and Scottish Water. And Scotland will be utterly powerless.

I will never forgive sturgeon and her cabal of clowns and cowards. She is the new dundas.

Mighty S

Should we expect a swathe of MSP’s defecting to Alba?

If not, why not?

Elizabeth Hagan

There is no honour among thieves, rogues & charlatans. May they hang their heads in shame. Hopefully the Scottish people will have their eyes opened enough to rid Scotland from this diabolical duo.

Jeanette McCrimmon

36 votes to become a Scottish Government Minister shows how lacking in democracy Scotland is.


One green seat gives the New SNP a majority in Holyrood so that gives the Greens two seats in the New SNP government, this will be conditional from the green in any future agreement for majority government with any party in Scotland. If you are a new re-elected SNP MSP who has just been elected by first passed the post system and just been ignored for a possible seat in cabinet and thrown to the back benches when the greens are relying on a rigged system to get elected is pretty bad if you’re a re-elected SNP MSP.
I’m so glad I don’t buy or read The National.

John McNab

“Indyref2” has been postponed so often, that it’s bound to have passed its’best before’ date. Would it not be better just to bin it and go straight for “Indyref3”?


All nations used to have another nation that it used to tell non-pc jokes about their stupidity. Usually it was their neighbouring country. If Scotland isn’t already being used as the stupid nation by all other nations for such jokes, it surely will very soon.

The Scottish Numpty Party – led by donkeys and supported by asses.

(In no way do I mean to suggest that donkeys and asses are dumb. They aren’t. They are clearly much more intelligent than those in or who support the SNP. I meant this only figuratively)

Andy Ellis

If it hasn’t dawned yet on those SNP MSPs and MPs who are unhappy with the approach of Sturgeon’s cabal that they would have a fairly strong hand if they were to defect to Alba, then there is little hope for them. Given the current electoral arithmetic it wouldn’t even take that many for them to hold the balance of power.

There *might* have been some argument at the time of the last Holyrood election that they should wait and see what happened, but surely even that “Hail Mary pass” has been shown to be fruitless? We now have a coalition in all but name with the odious Green Party which is if anything even more extremely misogynistic than Sturgeon’s acolytes. We’ve seen continued appointments of unsuitable TRA extremists, expressions of anti democratic deeply regressive plans to extend Covid powers indefinitely, failure to address how #indyref2 will magically fall in to our laps.

Hard questions now have to be asked of Joanna Cherry, Angus McNeil and any MSPs who want to see Sturgeon gone. What will it take for you to act? There comes a point surely where the interests of the independence movement have to be put before those of your party, your concerns about your own positions and your concerns about to your staff if you leave the SNP? Since we aren’t getting #indyref2 anytime soon, is it really worth spending the next several years trying to make an electoral silk purse out of the sow’s ear that is the current SNP?

Politics is full of examples of parties that have split for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but what else do they – and we – have to lose?


They haven’t got a clue!
Never in history has there been more corruption and incompetence in an English Tory
government ruling over Scotland and SNP are barely able to whimper about it.

The boy who cried wolf deserves to be eaten by wolves for being so stupid.

SNP will be out on their ear at the next election and they are the grave diggers for independence.

Robert Hughes

Sturgeon , lacking anything resembling honesty , integrity , character or imagination has put the final piece of the * jigsaw * in place that will see the destruction of Scotland as anything other than a demented experiment in Gender Ideological social engineering , enforced by State power and , unless some as yet unseen circumstances lead to her ejection , has hammered the last nail into the coffin marked ” Independence .

This has to be deliberate . no one , surely , can be THIS politically deranged


I’m a member of the Alba Party and I’ll stay a member but Alex Salmond can go and take a flying F*ck if he suggests SNP 1 & Alba 2 in May 2026, it just isn’t going to happen I’ll for Alba or any other Pro-Independence party. At next year at local election I will not be voting for the SNP at all, Mike Russell couldn’t even state what membership the SNP had, the SNP don’t seem to be boasting about their membership anymore.

Robert Hughes

Andy @ 8.47

Yes , if any of those * dissidents * you mention remain in the SNP now they will lose whatever credibility as * voices of reason * the currently have

Any bullshit about * working from within to effect change * just won’t cut it now . GTF out of that no longer fringe lunacy immediately or be considered pathetic enablers


I take my hat off to Kenny MacAskill and Neale Hanvey for putting country before self interest aren’t these the unspoken heroes in Scottish politics along with every single Alba Party member and supporter.

Doug McGregor

Poor Ivan McKee , despite doing a good job looks like the one who loses out here. Too man of a certain age and not wokey enough for the Nicoletties.


Andy, you are obviously perfectly aware that it’s really a coalition. If two or more parties have ministerial posts of any kind, it’s a coalition. Just more bending of the meaning of words by SNP and Green to pretend otherwise and of course they do this quite a lot.

Robert Louis

So, Angus Brendan MacNeil, and Joanna Cherry, are you prepared to stand up against this ridiculous undemocratic green coalition, or are you enjoying your salary too much?

And then what of all the other SNP MSP’s and MP’s, not one with a backbone. Not one, prepared to voice dissent of any kind. They will all be clapping along.
Meanwhile homophobic and women-hating policies will be enacted by Sturgeon and Harvie. And they just keep on clapping, like trained monkeys.

Andy Ellis

@100Yes 8.25 am

I doubt that will be there advice in 2026 somehow? I’m a member too, but couldn’t bring myself to vote for Angus Robertson in my constituency whatever Big Eck said! There was some logic to the policy, however distasteful it was for many to vote for the current SNP. In hindsight it would probably have been better just to have pressed the nuclear button and stood candidates against the SNP, particularly in a few targeted locations. Sadly the time available was probably against us for the last elections: it was just too soon after Alba had been announced.

For 2026 all bets are off. A lot could happen between now and the next Holyrood election of course, but if the past few years have shown us anything it is that the Sturgeonite poison in the SNP isn’t going to be drawn. The SNP can’t be reformed, it has to be either removed or forced to change from the outside by having to come to terms with a real independence party holding the balance of power.

The excesses of the Woko Haram entryists inside the SNP and Greens, and the lack of progress on #indyref2, will do some of our work for us. The scales will start to fall from people’s eyes as they see the full effects of both of these things over the next few years. We need to concentrate on building up Alba to offer a real alternative.


Just wait, be patient, soon, haud yer wheesht.

As the days turn into months and the years drift into decades independence gets more and more like Never Never Land.

Squatters rights do not apply in Bute house or Holyrood.

Robert Louis

Johnny at 0839am,

Exactly. It IS a coalition, no more, no less.


More Jam Tomorrow on the cover of the Dear Leader’s fanzine and the WGD idiots lap it up.

Meanwhile, the place will be flooded with puberty blocking pills for kids and teens just so that big pharma will get its cheque book out. After all, short money and a wedge taken from the salaries of its MPs only goes so far towards an over-inflated bill for HQ staffers…


Nothing but mouldy jam-covered carrots from Sturgeon and her Stasi.

Don’t try and tell me there are still “some good folk in the SNP”. No good person would put up with this. Anyone worth their salt who is still a member of Sturgeon’s Stasi would be burning that membership at this latest *5-year* mouldy carrot insult.

Ah, but we’re staying “to fight from the inside” they tell us. OK, so how’s that going then? Especially since elected members on internal bodies are being booted, along with indy, into the long grass. Have you fought or are you as big a bum as Sturgeon?

BTW, here’s a fact, i only ever heard *ONE* person, pre-election, stating “within 5-years” (those actual words). Can yous guess who it was? Lorna Slater! And now, after “negotiations”, we have Sturgeon The Betrayer spouting this crap. Allowing a unelected nobody to hold that much sway over Scotland’s future is unforgivable.

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t hold the pretendy Greens responsible. I hold Sturgeon & Murrell 100% responsible. This latest move by Sturgeon is all part of her grander plan to push blame & responsibility for various delays and actions on the “Greens”. A problem shared is a problem dumped.

Never in a million years will any of the current crop of the SS get another vote from me. I will not be a party to Sturgeons destruction of Scotland. You now can’t place a cigarette paper between Sturgeon’s Stasi and the LibLabCons.

Any mass demos should be taken direct to Sturgeon’s door.

Captain Yossarian

Adam Tomkins is a chap that many on these pages dislike. He said during the Fabiani Inquiry that John Swinney would ‘do anything to save his own neck’. I’ve dealt with John Swinney a few times and that has been my impression of him too.

There were two votes of no-confidence in him as a result of the Fabiani Inquiry. His neck was saved by Patrick Harvie who accused those voting for John Swinney’s removal as having ‘political motives’. The implication being that they were dishonestly trying to get rid of an innocent, honorable man.

My reading of it at the time was that they were trying to get rid of a dishonest man and were prevented from doing so by another dishonest man.

Anyway, Patrick Harvie has been duly rewarded. That’s my reading of the situation.


I see they’ve got the serial bankrupt Gordon Macintyre Kemp puffing this.

Everyone should be extremely worried about the New SNP / Green deal. An act of sheer desperation by a corrupt and broken New SNP leadership desperately trying to appear relevant before COP26 and paper over the fact that the New SNP membership is in free fall. Someone with better insider knowledge than me will know what the membership figures are but the fact the right wing lunatic Russell wouldn’t reveal the numbers as he lied about the theft of the £600k says it all.

When the misogynistic little creep and sexual deviant Harvie starts pulling the strings and making it government policy to erase women and ram trans doctrine down the necks of 4 year old children damage could end being done to society that will take decades to put right. Generations of children are going to have their lives ruined.

That’s before we even think about what else is coming, the oil and gas golden goose might as well shut up shop because it’s now done for. Farming is going to be in for a tough time, our famous scotch beef and lamb and whisky is going to be in the firing line and millions of taxpayers money is going to thrown at London millionaires and foreigners to plough up our farms and plant trees to avoid inheritance and income taxes tax. In wales they have worked out the damage this is doing and are scaling back the forestry grant schemes, won’t happen here as that would require common sense. The rest of the business sector is going to suffer due to the rise of the lazy entitled little shit that the greens want to encourage where hard work will become a crime and taxes are going to go up to snuff out private enterprise as much as possible.

The worst of it is the whole thing has been orchestrated by a criminal. I see Sturgeon is on some bullshit list of influential women, yet no one in the media speaks out to say that she should be in jail rather than bathing in the adulation of the feminist wokerati. The disconnect that enables these people to praise her as she deliberately tries to erase women is breathtaking. Mind you if people hadn’t been stupid enough to vote for her none of this would have happened. Well done folks, you know who you are.



Good for you, this New SNP /Green deal is the biggest of fuck yous to Salmond and Alba. It’s directly attacking the Alba party policy of standing up for women. Never in a million years will there be any cooperation from the New SNP as long as sturgeon and her cult are in charge. The only way things will change is when she is in jail.

Colin Alexander

The SNP are the biggest enemies not only to independence but to democratic values, like freedom of speech.

They are warped. Crooked.

Evil. Dangerous.


The Yoons were right when they said neverendum…


I refuse to accept these people as the SNP. As far as I’m concerned , they are The Murrellites. They will go down in history as the group who did more damage to Scotland than Westminster could ever do.


Mighty S says:
21 August, 2021 at 7:52 am
Should we expect a swathe of MSP’s defecting to Alba?

If not, why not?

Hand on heart, do we either need or want them to?

Let them own the despicable con and trans bollocks dystopia they’ve suffered upon Scotland, and go down with their ship.

I actually feel the same way about the dim and gullible twats lapping it all up and begging for another bowl of sugar coated Indy Tomorrow Flakes. Hell mend them. Unpardonable pricks the lot of them.


link to

‘Let’s set aside for a few moments that a party which has never won a single seat in six Scottish elections over 21 years – nor even come close – has now managed to secure a couple of ministerial posts. One of their co-leaders, Lorna Slater, couldn’t even win enough support in her own party originally to gain a list seat in May’s Holyrood elections. She picked up only 36 votes but was elevated to second place on the regional list for Lothian.

But only after Andy Wightman, one of Scotland’s most respected politicians and an authentic environmentalist, was forced out for expressing reasonable concern about the Greens’ sinister views on women’s sex-based rights. There can only be one big personality in this party, you understand.”


Poor Ivan McKee , despite doing a good job looks like the one who loses out here.

He’s my MSP and the only reason I voted SNP in May. Had I been in a fair few other constituencies I wouldn’t have given a first vote at all. I’d love if he went over to Alba at some point and carried on his work for them. But I can also see why it would be hard for anyone to jump right now. You can imagine the howls from the Alba haters if people they voted for as SNP shift over. Understandably, to be fair – the election was only a few months ago. And jumping in response to the Green coalition is still too niche – few understand the GRA, HCB issues. Timing will be critical, when there’s a good reason, a principled stand to be taken. Like when Whiteman resigned over the sex of an examiner. I imagine the new coalition will give them plenty chances for taking such stands over the next year or two. Also, if Alba is a step too far, there’s a long tradition of party MSPs jumping to become independent.


Yet, if she / her should give up what she / her has begun, and agree to make us or our kingdom subject to the King of England, the English or Science denying misogynistic Paedophiles, we should exert ourselves at once to drive she / her out as our enemy and a subverter of his own rights and ours, and make some other man or woman who was well able to defend us our Leader; for, as long as but a hundred of us remain in the ALBA Party, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule or SNP dystopia.


Basically Sturgeon is now like a highly-controlling religious cult leader who rakes in the money whilst making promises to the gullible and confused followers.


@ Andy Ellis

Re. Some current SNP MSPs crossing the floor to Alba, or even just becoming non-party affiliated independents to distance themselves from what the SNP is pushing and where it will lead Scottish society.
It was muted in the recent Holyrood election campaign that there were SNP candidates that were potentially up for this, but would stay where they are for the time being.
As you say, if not now after all we are seeing, then when?

I stated ages ago there is straightforward way to initiate moves, and with the Green Party now playing a part in Scottish “Government”, it would be even more viable.
All someone needs to do is step up and defend women’s rights against all the genderwoowoo stuff and the usual suspects in the SNP and Greens will do what they do to hound them out their Parties.
But, as the majority of a constituency’s electorate don’t buy the piss SNP and Greens are selling, they would most likely still agree with and support their elected MSP for having the conviction to stand up and counter some of the un-mandated and unwanted policies being foisted onto our society.

Eel-like politicians may think they can ignore what’s going on and wiggle out at a later date. But they need to be reminded the electorate aren’t self-serving twats and often just want decent honest folk to represent them.


What can we actually do about it?

I’m with Breeks on this.

Let them get on with it. We should just sit back, watch the show and have a good laugh!


IndyRef2, the Graphic Novel and Comp. Game.
Check out IndyRef3, 4, 5, 6….coming soon.
Deep Yawn!
FM in some poll as influential «woman»….OOOPS!.
Give them the rope…hoisted by their own arrogance….also coming soon.


Getting Boris to agree to a ‘section 30’ is one thing but the big question is how will that ‘load of duds’ ever win an IndyRef2?

‘Holiday Boy’ is going to have a hard job competing with the jokes coming out of Holyrood.


“For many women in the SNP this tawdry arrangement with the Scottish Greens is a declaration of cold intent. Much of the misogyny that’s been directed at them for standing up for women’s protected characteristics in the debate over transgender rights has come via the sewer than runs beneath the Scottish Greens. This was most recently evident following a column written last week by the journalist Ruth Wishart in The National.” Kevin McKenna

Scot Finlayson


even if some SNP MSPs decided to stand up for woman and vulnerable children and vote against Self ID the British Labour Party at Holyrood would support the vote for Self ID,

Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC is just as in thrall to the transcult/Stonewall as She/Her and the Green Goblin.

Geoff Anderson

….are we there yet?….are we there yet?……are we there yet?…..

Robert Hughes

I don’t find it hard to imagine the UK State will allow a couple of years of SNP/Green madness to infect the body politic then * grant * an IndyRef secure in the knowledge – after it and the MSM drop the shit they have on her – the result will be a resounding defeat .

Case closed . All hail the New Union Hegemony


Where did Lorna Slater come from? How long has she been a Green member?

They had to have a presentable women as a shield for this gender crap.
Chapman always looks deranged.

Slater was interviewed, was doing well answering questions until they asked her,what is a woman or something about sex, stuttered stumbled could hardly speak.

She is either a plant or a trougher


How many people comment on the articles in The National now there in the single figures. We all remember the New SNP telling us not to call the next referendum Indyref2. Its how everyone is cashing in on the idea of a referendum when certain bloggers, newspapers and politicians are making a good living out of Indyref2, change isn’t coming because they don’t want change it affects the wallets of those who are taking us all for fouls.


Robert Hughes says:
21 August, 2021 at 10:03 am
I don’t find it hard to imagine the UK State will allow a couple of years of SNP/Green madness to infect the body politic then * grant * an IndyRef secure in the knowledge – after it and the MSM drop the shit they have on her – the result will be a resounding defeat

That would be the script according to Occam’s Razor.

Perhaps the non-believers need more time to see the great deception and deconstruction of the SNP and YES movement, but I fear this is the only explanation which can accommodate all the absurdities and insanities.

Sadly, Scotland hasn’t the time to spare. We are under attack and our defences have been sabotaged.


Liz says:
21 August, 2021 at 10:06 am
Where did Lorna Slater come from? How long has she been a Green member?

They had to have a presentable women as a shield for this gender crap.
Chapman always looks deranged.

Slater was interviewed, was doing well answering questions until they asked her,what is a woman or something about sex, stuttered stumbled could hardly speak.

She is either a plant or a trougher


Has anyone who supports self-id given a satisfactory answer to similar questions?

Andy Ellis

Imagine the panic at SNP HQ if BoJo turned round tomorrow and said he’d changed his mind and decided to grant a S30 order.

Given current circumstances I’m not that confident we’d win.


And in other news, Liz Lloyd is ‘rewarded’for her loyal service (knowing where all the bodies are buried is a powerful thing) and is being appointed Sturgeon’s new Strategic Advisor.

Robert Hughes

Indeed Breeks

Time is the one * commodity * we don’t have .

It’s almost as if Sturgeon’s role is to delay any meaningful effort to gain Independence just long enough to allow the further dismantling of the Independence Movement and the effective take-over of what little autonomy Scotland has left .

Before anyone starts ….I’m not saying this is all a * conspiracy * by the nefarious U.K State – though it would be naive in the extreme to think it isn’t exerting itself in some way to enable the impending carnage .

No , Sturgeon and the Wrecking Crew are more than capable of doing this by themselves .

It’s what happens when lunatics run the asylum : a downward spiral of irrational behaviour ending in disaster


@ Scot Finlayson at 10.02am

Even if it were the case that Labour would assist passing the legislation, the point is for decent individuals to at least take a stand against this bollox as it would potentially be a catalyst to raising awareness amongst the electorate, with political ramifications.

It’s about way more than just the genderwoowoo. The way the SNP Party has been so corrupted by She / Her and her clique with the Party constitution changes and ongoing NEC shenanigans.

Doing nothing means they are complicit and facilitating those in power to continue on their desired trajectory.
After all…
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good wo/men to do nothing.


If a referendum does come its destined to fail and why not, because SNP want it to fail. The PM, his government and the unionist don’t even need to lift a finger. I even heard a SNP figure saying to Ian Lawson, that the next referendum held, if we didn’t win it would have to mean a generation before the next referendum, I thought, where are these people coming from and what planet are they on? Are the SNP advocating that if they lose another referendum then people shouldn’t vote for them, because this is what’s going to happen if that’s their attitude to the constitutional question for it to be laid to rest for 40 or 50yrs. The UK should turn around and say to the New SNP well grant a referendum provided its held in the next six months the New SNP and Greens would be in a panic and we wouldn’t win it, why because since Sturgeon took over from Alex she done nothing regarding the constitutional question for god sake the New SNP spent our 600K to stop us having a referendum. We the Yes should be at a point of joy because we where ahead in the polls and people who supported the union where now joining the Yes side because they considered the EU more important than the UK, well regards to the EU its like the referendum no progress is being made to take us back into the EU, so really why have we just voting for the New SNP and how do we go about getting rid of the New SNP. I hope and pray people have the goods sense to not go out and vote for the New SNP at local elections next year because I won’t be.


A national party with no interest in self determination and a green party with no time for the environment.

A marriage made in the heaven of convenience and utility.

Perhaps the hallmark of the FM’s reign.

However, all the hard work is in trusted hands:

After 6 years as FM Chief of staff pleased to say I’m taking up a new post next week as First Minister’s Strategic Adviser focussed (sic) on long term transformational policies for Scotland incl net zero, poverty & the economy. First up #cop26.

I’m sure when she’s sorted out these problems, she will be 200% focused on preserving the union.


It strikes me, seeing all these headlines over a long period of time, that the Nicolytes are actually addicted to the dopamine release each time such a headline comes out and that is why they cling on so hard and so blindly to the NSNP.

It is well-documented that random rewards are a very powerful addictive mechanism – think fruit machines with the promise of a sometime and entirely random reward. The same principle underlies random rewards to dogs and other animals being treated for getting a response correct. We all know the sheer tedium of constantly waiting for an anticipated reward – Sturgeon’s Brexit speech on 31st january 2020 was one such major occasion ending in a damp squib. But these occasional ‘official’ announcements of the ‘coming indyref2’, making huge The National headlines, may well act as the random triggers for dopamine release, the internal reward for having been patient and trusting in St Nicola. When combined with the cognitive dissonance being used to deny what is happening in reality, to deny that one has been so completely fooled, the random rewards of Sturgeons repeated indyref2 announcements are a powerful force to retain the loyalty of susceptible individuals, and those who dont look too closely but just tend to go with the flow.


Andy Ellis says:
21 August, 2021 at 10:19 am

Imagine the panic at SNP HQ if BoJo turned round tomorrow and said he’d changed his mind and decided to grant a S30 order.
If I was in his sweaty shoes, that is exactly what I would do.

Given current circumstances I’m not that confident we’d win.

Not with the fourth and fifth new members of the better together gang.

Even if they did, they’d negotiate hard for slightly less than Haiti got from France.


Indeed this broken record on independence, will just go on and and on, with one excuse after another as to why we can’t hold one.

Meanwhile Mike Russell, prattles on about Afghanistan in the National newspaper, as if the West hasn’t tried to manufacture enough consent to do something via its propaganda, Russell has to add his tuppence worth.

Also that vile creature Liz Lloyd, Sturgeon’s Chief of Staff is to return to work after a leave of absence, Lloyd who earned £108,000 per annum in that role, will return in a new role, she will become Sturgeon’s Strategy Advisor, likely a made up role (at the taxpayers expense) for services rendered.

Lloyd is the vile creature that prompted David Davis (English MP) to use his parliamentary privilege to speak out in the House of Commons, that Lloyd had interfered in the Salmond debacle.

Colin McAllister will become Sturgeon’s new Chief of Staff, previously he was John Swinney’s Policy Advisor.


Very recently some of the posters on here have doubted my ‘Independence credentials’. That is up to them-I am not required to convince anybody.
I have stated many times that the beginning of the road to an Independent Scotland is the removal of Sturgeon and her acolytes. Is any one seriously suggesting this is wrong given the events of the last day or two or the past 7 years with Queen Nicola at the helm.
Alex Salmond and the Alba party have got a golden opportunity to present to the Scottish people a real, honest route to Independence but they cannot do this by sitting on their backsides and doing nothing. It may be that their view is to play the long game and simply allow the SNP to self destruct but, given the gullibility of the Scottish electorate this is a dangerous tactic.
Alba should also be reluctant to take on board any current SNP MSP’s who seem to be totally spineless and simply in Politics for their own personal benefit.
Difficult times ahead for all in Scotland.

Stuart MacKay

Grumpy Scottish Man has it exactly right. Our Lady of Betrayal is just taking another page out of Jacinda Ardern’s playbook in her quest to build the Progressive Jewel of the Northern Hemisphere because the impostor syndrome is real and she’s too inept to do anything original. Like a wispy reed she bends to the will of the slightest breeze.

link to

Alba is starting to get the finger out. Now Scotland is finally getting some traction. Time to stop crying over spilled milk and prepare for the succession.

Dave M

I agree with both of Abdy Ellis’s posts. I live in the Edinburgh Northern and Leith constituency, and I couldn’t bear vote for Ben MacPherson. I even emailed him before the election to tell him why I wouldn’t be doing so. To be fair to him, he did actually reply to me but didn’t address any of my concerns, particularly over women’s rights, gender identity ideology/queer theory, and safeguarding, as well as the SNP’s authoritarian turn.

I had already made up my mind to vote Alba on the list, and I voted Labour for the constituency as I was impressed by their candidate and she had said on record that she felt the constitutional issue was one for the people. It was a vote for her rather than her party.

This shady wee deal means that it’s goodbye to women as a category, never mind their hard-won rights, and the ushering in of authoritarianism and the Thought Police.

If I could afford to do it, I’d be packing up my life and buggering off elsewhere, because I don’t like where I see Scotland going. Sturgeon and her poisonous, men’s rights activist cabal need to be brought down, fast.


Special place on the mantelpiece for Gordon McIntyre-Kemp as he tells us to put party politics to one side.
Indy 2 is coming?
And yet
Sturgeon refused to work with Alba ffs
Still boilin


I must admit it, I’m not a big fan of Peter A. Bell’s writing, however on this occasion I must take my hat off to him, as he and The White Rose Rising Group intends to hold a demo outside the Holyrood parliament on Tuesday the 31st of August at 2pm, the Scottish parliament resumes on that day, after its Summer recess.

Mr Bell and the group wants Sturgeon to name a date for the next indyref, as we all do.

Good luck Mr Bell, you’ll need it.


Patrick Harvey is an absolute tube of a man.

I recall back in about 2014 when being asked about taxing the pips off of people earning over £120,000 a year he said he would go for it irrespective of the fact that it would very substantially reduce tax take.

With the simple fact that there at that time were around 17,000 individuals earning over £120,000 per year to absolutely huge salaries beyond that, Harvie was not prepared to accept the HMRC analysis that around 40% of the very high earners would legally, through their circumstances, be able to legally establish tax domicile in England, or maybe elsewhere, therefore causing the Scottish Exchequer to lose not just the extra 2% tax on higher rate earnings, ( say 42% to 44% ) but also ALL of tax on ALL of the earnings of this select band.

Think for example of how easy it would be for Scottish MPs to flip tax residency to England and you get the picture of how the Revenue calculated that the Scottish Exchequer would lose hundreds of millions of tax.

But this reality of a tax take fall did not phase Patrick Harvey, on how many hospitals or whatever would need to be cut to accommodate the income cuts. No, rather it was the case that he clenched his fist and declared that it was all about solidarity. And that was it, a bite your nose off to spite your face politico, wholly unsuited to dealing with the realities of the

Life saving drugs, life saving treatment, but from an organisation that Harvie doesn’t agree with because it is non trans supportive, is profit making, doesn’t support gay rights, delivers drugs or life saving equipment to Israel, and our wee man would deny folks treatment for ‘ solidarity ‘ This is exactly the type of logic that this wee green weirdo espouse.

The world is certainly not perfect, but that evening when I heard Harvie say he would forego hundreds of millions of tax, to show solidarity, I fully realised what a an extreme tube of wee man Harvie is.

But you know what, this is what we voted for. Two votes SNP with 1,091,000 second SNP votes delivering absolutely zilch save a minority SNP.

Never a good idea to criticise the voter, but it’s difficult not to think there a more tubs than just Harvie. At least his party got a when of seats with a very small number of votes compared to the huge utterly wasted SNP vote.

John Main

@Andy Ellis 10:19 am

Astonishing level of cognitive dissonance there Andy.

Of course we wouldn’t f*****g win!

What will it take before reality sinks in? Every political party active in Scotland, possibly excepting Alba, is in the lie-peddling business. Labour aren’t interested in working people. The Tories don’t protect traditional values. The Lib Dems won’t protect rights and freedoms. The Greens have already sold out on the environment.

And yes, the SNP want to run a devolved government, subbed from WM, in perpetuity. Collectively, they have no more idea on how to organise the affairs of a sovereign nation than I have.

What the SNP are doing is managing the transition from being a party with a defined destination, to being one with an ongoing journey. The key thing to understand is that the journey is now the raison d’etre, and the destination has been abandoned. By doing this, the SNP expects to remain in power indefinitely. I think it highly likely that they have already gamed how to hold IndyRef2 (eventually), how to lose it again (just), and how to therefore retain power afterwards. Where else would the Indy supporters put their crosses?

So what about Alba? They have to start building the case for Indy again, not from scratch, but not from where it was when NS took over either. Too much has happened in the wider world since then. Alba has to be crystal clear in putting the message about that the SNP “brand” has been hollowed out just as much as the brands touted by the other parties. TBH, that should not be too difficult.


Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, of whom I’ve always found as an informative guy, with an upbeat outlook on Scottish independence, has said in the National newspaper today, that Autumn 2022, or Autumn 2023 is the latest the SNP can hold an indyref, because the following year in 2024 there’s a GE, and other indy parties, such as Alba will put up candidates for that, and that the SNP would lose half their Westminster seats because the trust in them would have gone by then.

MacIntyre-Kemp adds, that the SNP would disintegrate, if they go back on their word this time to hold an indyref, also MacIntyre-Kemps says, if Westminster tries to block an indyref through the courts, that Scotland could go, on via a vote, to declare UDI.

This is the toughest talk on independence I’ve read from MacIntyre-Kemp, he’s usually quite reserved.


Thanks rev once again for showing the sham that the SNP is and the National for what it is.
What does it take to wake people up.

ronald anderson

The Greens are supposedly a autonomous political party but Patrick Harvey see’s fit to consult Jacinda Ardern & other Green parties .

Calum Baird must be sick of printing those Headlines on Referendums/Independence FEK NIKLA STURGEON & all the snowflakes in the SNP .


Re my 11.26am comment I forgot the link apologies.

link to


For what its worth my view is that She has in fact an extremely shrewd ‘political’ brain-ie she is entirely without moral compass, self seeking and devious
I don’t doubt that she would LOVE to be the head of an independent WooWoo World but my belief is that she and her inner cadre know that if they held a referendum now they would lose. Hence her statement some time ago that they ‘would hold a referendum when the time is right’
If the ludicrously-named Indyref2 were held- and lost- then She and her party would be a busted flush for the foreseeable
Far better to beat the drums and wave the Saltire every 6-9 months or so, retain power and ‘wait for something to turn up’.

Stuart MacKay


I don’t know whether this coincides with his decision to leave the SNP or not but Peter Bell’s writing has improved dramatically in recent months. It’s crisper, clearer and more direct. So much so that I’d rate him and Grouse Beater as the two people who are really worth paying attention to right now.

It’s interesting to see how fortunes change. Rob Brown’s recent assault against Alex Salmond was definitely a foot gun and you can tell he knows it in his writing also (not just the mea culpa post). The May elections burned out Barrhead Boy and Iain Lawson and they don’t seem to have recovered yet. The others are generally firing on all cylinders and overall I think the state of the indy bloggers is much better – I wonder if that’s because there’s more attention available after the Rev. “retired”.

On I’ve been collecting stats on what links are clicked (but not who clicked on them). There’s three months worth of data now so it might be possible to start looking at trends. I’m hoping to add the stats to the site so you can see who’s stock is rising, falling, etc.

What I really want to find out is whether the blogs are waxing or waning. Traffic to the voices site is up, but the low numbers mean it’s hard to judge whether there’s more interest in the indy bloggers and hence less in the media stream propagandists or not.

Right now, Peter Bell’s “makeover” is a great contribution to the cause and I’m hoping to see more like him.

Meg merrilees

Wow Stu, seriously impressed with the drawings!

Not impressed with the message from she/her but it is par for the course. She is taking Scotland into dangerously unchartered territory and we should all be worried, unless, of course, you have shares in Big Pharma and other gender disrupting chemical sales.


Thanks for the link Stuart, you might be right, and on Peter A. Bell, I think you might be correct as well, his link I posted @11.54am is certainly inspiring.


New SNP-Green party Cabinet.
comment image
50% transitioned
50% transitioning
Nikallah akbar!

Scot Finlayson


strangely and sadly the only party protecting woman and vulnerable children would be the British Conservative party at Holyrood,

and about the only MSP that has put their head above the parapet has been Murdo Fraser (maybe Baillie not sure)

how f@cked up is that,

the world is upside down.

Bill Mackay

I never thought it was possible to create a scenario where I’d possibly vote NO in an indyref, or at best abstain.

Sturgeon has quite remarkably and in the space of seven years made the unimaginable real for me.

She is horrific. When you start looking at Westminster as a welcome brake on her it would be very hard to knowingly give her so much more power and probably 5-10 years to do what she wanted.

But I suspect she will get indyref2 because you’d want her in charge to lose it.

She’d be straight on TV saying that the matter was now over for at least a generation blah blah blah… pleased as punch but putting on a sad face.

The SNP are completely lost to me now. I want nothing but failure for them.

The greens are even bigger wokeballs than the imposter roasters occupying the SNP these days. The combination is going to be very destructive to Scotland’s economy amongst many other things.

I don’t think the average SNP voter in Scotland has a clue just how dumb and dangerous the SNP now are and what they have unleased on Scotland for the next five years.

By the time they do realize it, the damage will have been mostly done. The gleeful media for sure will not be pointing it out or highlighting it to them.


Stuart MacKay – regarding stats for your (very useful) site, I tend to have my favourite blogs open in tabs anyway, and only click on the ones I’d infrequently view, via your website. That is, my most popular ones are not accessed by clicking the link (for the most part) – just something to take into consideration while reading any statistics (though I can’t speak for anyone else’s habits!).

I gave up reading that jaggy blog after a few of his initial articles – self-aggrandising twaddle as far as I could see – so I missed nearly all his shit-stirring re Alba. He does produce good headlines that are always tempting to click on – but I stand by my initial impression: it’s all about him, not independence, and how clever he can make himself look.

Good to hear traffic is up for your site, it’s a great resource.

Geoff Anderson

I think Stuart McKay is Peter Bell! @11:57

Stuart MacKay

Thanks Contrary. The voices site is just one small blip but I’m hoping it will capture enough traffic to get some understanding of the state of play of the indy blogs and see which way the winds are blowing.

What I really want to see are new blogs popping up – though twitter and facebook have probably changed the landscape forever – that would be heartening signs of a Scottish Spring.

Remember, The Shout! is on 31st August at Holyrood.



When you say it’s gonna happen “now”
well, when exactly do you mean?
see I’ve already waited too long
and all my hope is gone …


Robert Hughes at 8.33am

‘… working from within to effect change just won’t cut it now’

I disagree Robert. Assuming, as you do, that dissident MSP’s should leave SNP, then all they could do is declare themselves independent. (It would be a grave mistake to raise the ALBA banner in these circumstances, given ALBA’s poor showing in the election. They’d be crucified in MSM. And even if they did, could you ever be completely sure of their motives?)

IF there are any of the SNP’s HR contingent really wishing to show some backbone, then their best option would be to take a leaf out of the handbook of the ‘masters of collusion’ and form a group, similar to the ERG, and work WITHIN the party. The small ERG contingent successfully held WM to ransom for years and there is no reason why it couldn’t be done at HR.

It would require a leader within, but only 8 MSP’s in total, then they would effectively be replacing the greens in holding the balance of power.
Should that occur, then at least you’d know for sure who could be trusted. It would be difficult for even MSM to ignore this group – just think of the publicity ERG and JRM got, even though they couldn’t enact anything, they were just spoilers, but we all know the outcome.

All this is wishful thinking, however. It’s not going to happen while there is not a single outspoken voice to be heard.
So, there must be a wholly different approach to the tragic mess we are in, and it may be best to wait and hear what ALBA come out with next month: the four months since the election will surely have enabled the party to come out with some inspirational ideas and fighting talk to give us hope.

James Che.

To avoid any chance of any strange upcoming accusations on trumped up charges in a false court case and to avoid any surreal accusations of being an extremist against governments I will refer to to those whom are incarcerating people and going against the people in the kingdom as mythology or fairy tale characters, no one will have a name attached, a bit like victim A or victim B so I cannot be accused of placing a jigsaw together.

Nowadays you have no idea how big brother or big sister is watching our comments, but one thing is for sure. They do.
The second thing that is guaranteed is people whom write something that is not to the liking of the wicked witch or the green goblins are challenged to court case as the writer whom is semi retired was by a red female goblin not so long ago.

In all the confusing of fairy tale myths whereby evil magic was put upon the people in the kingdom to change boys to girls and girls to boys,
And where the young children in the kingdom were being stolen for purposes we are fearful to guess at mostly by the green goblins an blue downy south wizards.
It is the wonder of others in that kingdom why the parents have not come together to resist the evil.

But it also has come to light that at the other end of the age scale, the older people of the lands have been attacked unmercifully, for they are to be put to work until they drop down,
should they survive extended work age they are to be imprisoned in old people’s homes by decree.
and there to the delight of the wicked witch a plague should be let loose kill upon those old people that cannot escape, any thing could be done now to these old people of the land.
The downy south wizards planned the same.
For it was a good plan,
especially if you temporarily locked up their children into their homes, banned them from visiting the vulnerable in their old homes,
stopped autopsies or them seeing the older people even on the day they were to be buried and the.evilist plan to lock down any repercussions of justice and law.

Disposal of the elderly that are no longer of any use as a work force and reducing having reduced many pension pay outs was all for the good.

However this cannot be guaranteed to have success, so all measures must be taken to ensure that none survive.
So an attack is made upon the old by stealing of the rest life savings called pensions.
However the wicked witch nor her friends the Downey south wizards think this will be ample to dispatch the old or to change the attitudes of people in the land,

There must be a subversive mental attack on the younger people to disrespect the old people of their kingdom by comic pictures of the old beaten up in there homes,
or advertising death preprogrammed messages for planning when they will soon die .

Never include old people in advertisements as buying a new sports car or swimming or cycling unless for joint pain,

Or perhaps showing magnifyed black and white pictures that have exaggerated wrinkles on their faces.
And perhaps ensuring that the young are disassociated from their parents and grandparents by introducing pre child child care by strangers.

The elderly were once very important to a community as they used to look after their grandchildren while parents were at work,
The community system often kept three generations in close bonds an ties.
Family discussions on care and health of the whole family took place.
All three generations had connections with the outside world plus neighbours at varying levels,
Making a vibrant community with others.
And of course the elderly passed on and instilled years of wisdom to the young, helped them set up their new homes, pressed a bit of pocket money into little hands. And shared laughter and tears.

For years the wizards and witches planned that the young and old should become separated,
That they should not care or help each other.

For they could see that young people were vulnerable and easily brainwashed, by early teachings,
They could be used to destroy human society. Giving total control an power over to the wizards and witches.

Is this a fairy story. Or is this what has happened to our young and old.
Is it to late to reconnect with our young,
for the young may not have the wisdom to know they have been stolen and used at all by the witches and wizards to go against their own families.


Police in Australia are shooting rubber bullets into crowds of anti lockdown protesters. The SNP will be creaming themselves.


If Patrick Harvey is seeking direction from the crackhead Jacinda Ardern then we are in Big trouble. New Zealand is an open air Concentration Camp. Horrendous.


A very important anniversary is coming up in four weeks: on September 18th it will be one generation since the 2014 Indy referendum.
Seven long, frustrating, years.
One political generation.

Our political leaders need to be reminded that Scotland wants independence, and that we expect them to focus on achieving it.



“Seven long, frustrating, years.”

You forgot to add “wasted”.


Liz says:
21 August, 2021 at 10:06 am
Where did Lorna Slater come from? How long has she been a Green member?….”She is either a plant or a trougher.”

I read somewhere (via someone’s comment) she was originally from Northern Ireland but that seems to have been bullshit. According to her Wiki-page she’s from Canada, attended the University of British Columbia.

It goes on to say she booked a one-way flight to Scotland intending on traveling across Europe but when she got to Scotland she decided just to stay. She apparently became “politically active” during our IndyRef campaign.

I don’t like or trust her, there’s a certain reek about her.


Tommo says:
21 August, 2021 at 11:56 am

For what its worth my view is that She has in fact an extremely shrewd ‘political’ brain-ie she is entirely without moral compass, self seeking and devious

That is her forté

Politics in the office sense,not policy.

Bernard de Linton

Lorna Slater on national tv ” Middle age white men make all the bad decisions” Just proves you can be racist whilst hugging trees.


link to
To any snowflakes who may watch this. There’s a fairly grim piece of footage in this video.

Hugh Jarse

“I don’t like or trust her, there’s a certain reek about her.”

Eau du Toronto, masking the guff of testosterone and self entitlement.
The National IS our Pravda.

Ian Brotherhood

If you’d been asleep since September 2014 and woke up to that ‘historic’ statement yesterday, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s some kind of wind-up.

Even hard-core Sturgeonites must now be wondering – is she sending some kind of coded signal, ‘Flee! All has been dioscovered!’-style?



Meanwhile yesterday SNP health minister had this to say in George Square –

“ Not one single ounce of compassion from the UK Government even now at the most desperate time of need for our Afghan brothers and sisters.”

“If you’re looking for sanctuary, then Scotland can be your home.”
“If you’re looking for a place for refuge, then Scotland can be your home.”

“Go further and go quicker and I promise you our Scottish cities, our Scottish islands, our Scottish towns, our Scottish villages, they will welcome Afghans here as we have done for many years before with our Afghan community “


Willie, I WON’T welcome them, they are a fifth column for Islamic. Nicola Sturgeon I hare you and all you stand for.


link to
This is not normal.

John Main


Surely some mistake.

Plenty of UK government compassion. 20,000 Afghans expected/planned for under the Afghan Citizen’s Resettlement Scheme.

Who’s telling porkies here? And why?

James Che.

In short, societal breakdown starts and continues with the separation of child and children from their home in the early days of their life and into the education system to become processed.

Breakdown of society leaves a cohesion gap,

A cohesion gap between the young, their parents.

And their parents,

No one in a society any longer has a united goal to resist impositions into the home, the neighbours home, the street, the village, the town the country, the nation, the sense of belonging.
The roots that have far flung branches, the new young shoots will never develope to produce the next generation of fruit, with a knowledge that who they are came from the old roots, not a graft onto the stem.

Some things sound like fairy tales, others sound like horror stories.


link to
In Paris right now.

James Che.

Nurture your children wether they are three months old or thirty years old,

Show love, warmth, a listening ear, a helping hand, a regular communication, understanding they are not copy printouts of yourself,
visit for short regular periods and try take the sunshine with you to make them happier with you’re visiting.
Invite them for a simple meal, and find time to help them with the garden shed or painting and decorating,

Forget the divisions and old arguments.

Re- Grow your family and bonds,
Grow your community
And strengthen your nation

For if we do not start with the fundamentals of society. Every thing we hold dear for ourselves and our children will be lost to us all.

That is what is wrong with the yes movement, with Scotland, the cohesion is disappearing.

Mark Boyle

“The White Rose Rising Group” – Jesus fking Christ.

Do these people even stop to consider what the ordinary punter in the street they’re hoping for support (or at least money) from is going to think of it, before coming up with their stupid DC Superheroes wee gang names?

At least the Pie & Mash Squad picked their completely moronic name because they were making a conscious effort to appeal to complete morons. But the “White Rose Rising Group” – sounds like somewhere between John Buchan and Enid Blyton territory.

As for Peter Bellend, a broken clock’s right twice a day. He may do proofreadering before posting now in his bid to become a career blogger, but he’ll always be nothing more than the thinking man’s Sean Clerkin, who himself is the thinking man’s Peter Dow.


For reading and contemplation
link to


Antilockdown demos in France & Australia. If the Scots hadnt had their balls cut off by Old Nick they might join them.
Rogues, parcel, bin. Make a sentence.

Geoff Anderson

Can anyone get rid of pixywine?

I mean in a posting sense of course ?


I see the SNP getting decimated at the next UK GE. By decimated I mean losing as many as two thirds of their MPs.

The Greens should not be allowed within a mile of government. Certainly not the current crop.

wee monkey

In the meantime: banning your personal property.

What’s going to come first

Your car or your gas boiler?

wee monkey

James Che. says:
Quote: 21 August, 2021 at 4:48 pm

“Nurture your children whether they are three months old or thirty years old,

Show love, warmth, a listening ear, a helping hand, a regular communication, understanding they are not copy printouts of yourself,
visit for short regular periods and try take the sunshine with you to make them happier with you’re visiting.
Invite them for a simple meal, and find time to help them with the garden shed or painting and decorating,

Forget the divisions and old arguments.

Re- Grow your family and bonds,
Grow your community
And strengthen your nation

For if we do not start with the fundamentals of society. Every thing we hold dear for ourselves and our children will be lost to us all.

That is what is wrong with the yes movement, with Scotland, the cohesion is disappearing.”


Do you not think that is probably the plan with the BAME/LGBT agenda being enforced by the SNP, starting with 4 year olds??

Destroy the cohesion of the family unit; start by isolating the young [very young] then gain control of their minds.

Orwellian, it has been ongoing for a decade at the minimum.


@ wee monkey at 5:59 pm

Banning the internet on “environmental” grounds must be high up their list.
I’ve a mate that travels around Europe carrying out software upgrades to the servers of various organisations.
We are talking about massive buildings located near every major city housing huge rows of racks of servers dealing with all our 0 and 1 typings.
Each row has its own metered power supply and the consumption figures are immense. There’s also massive aircon systems to deal with attempting to get rid of the heat generated by thousands of servers.

Grouse Beater

Two pieces on the same subject, the SNP-Green deal.

Your essential weekend reading:

‘A Hundred False Dawns’: link to
‘A Tawdry Deal’: link to

Robert Hughes

James Che @ 4.48

Lovely post my friend .

Ebok @ 1.33

When has working from within to effect change ever actually worked positively in Party political terms ? Working from within to effect change negatively seems historically to have been more successful.

I take your points but is it not about time politicians who have an ethical position contrary to their Party stopped giving a fuck about being ” crucified by MSM ” ? Just do the right thing or shut-up and accept you care more about your career than taking a stand .

In Scotland what would/should it matter what the MSM say ? With the feeble exception of the SNP Smash Hits equivalent known as The National , all MSM are hostile to Independence anyway

President Xiden

Seriously, our friends the Greens may be onto something and perhaps we really should be thinking of what kind of world we are going to leave behind for Keith Richards!


Dan says:
21 August, 2021 at 6:22 pm
@ wee monkey at 5:59 pm

….Each row has its own metered power supply and the consumption figures are immense. There’s also massive aircon systems to deal with attempting to get rid of the heat generated by thousands of servers.

Didn’t Microsoft experiment with installing Internet Servers under the sea somewhere in Scotland as I recall, to help with cooling?

Seems a bit wasteful just to dump surplus heat into the ocean when it could surely heat some community venture or something.

Andy Ellis

@Beaker 5.53 pm

If it’s a Westminster GE what does it matter? Unless Scottish MPs were going to be holding the balance of power (which given the abject state of Labour and the LDs hardly seems likely) they aren’t going to make a bling bit of difference. Even when they DID have some leverage during May’s brexit travails, they squandered it in an undemocratic attempt to deprive English voters of what they voted for, so the track record of Scottish Westminster MPs is hardly something we should be talking up.

Alba should announce they’ll take the same stance as Sinn Fein: if nothing else it’d be worth it to see the yoons heads explode and the Nicolytes shit themselves at the thought of losing their seats because they’ve pissed off enough pro-indy folk to make them abandon the SNP. Few tears would be shed over the loss of Wishart, Nicolson and most of the other troughers.

Alba has several years to get its house in order. It doesn’t need to aim to replace the SNP in the short to medium term, just to attract enough support to deny them a majority. For Holyrood 2026 it should selectively target SNP constituency MSPs who are the worst offenders or most slavish Sturgeon loyalists and/or Woko Haram extremists.

When ordinary voters start to see the full fat SNP/Green prospectus over the next few years, the imposition of the deeply regressive and misogynistic TRA agenda, the failure to deliver #indyref2, and the continuing failure to deliver anything radical or progressive on education, land reform, drugs policy or anything else they will soon start to desert the SNP. We just need to show that there is a worthwhile alternative.

wee monkey

Dan says:
21 August, 2021 at 6:22 pm
@ wee monkey at 5:59 pm

Quote “Banning the internet on “environmental” grounds must be high up their list.
I’ve a mate that travels around Europe carrying out software upgrades to the servers of various organisations.
We are talking about massive buildings located near every major city housing huge rows of racks of servers dealing with all our 0 and 1 typings.
Each row has its own metered power supply and the consumption figures are immense. There’s also massive aircon systems to deal with attempting to get rid of the heat generated by thousands of servers.”

I would doubt that. It is, at present a effective means of control.
Change the internet to a “closed” one perhaps?

{ I have had someone say to me “it’s all over social media so it must be true” quite alarming as he was quite a clever chap too }


“Mark Boyle says:
21 August, 2021 at 4:52 pm
“The White Rose Rising Group” – Jesus fking Christ.”

I can’t say I’m a big fan of Peter A. Bell, however at least he’s getting off his arse to try and do something for the indy cause, tell me Mark, what have you done, for the cause that supercedes Bell’s, if nothing then kindly put a sock in it.


As for being green, I think the elephant in the room which people don’t want to face is the growing human population.

It probably isn’t helpful to describe humanity as an “infestation” of the planet, but it might be a sobering notion to think about it as one.

We are now living longer than the design life of the “modern” houses we’re meant to live in, while the Earth is losing virgin forests it cannot replace.

I think it would be sensible for humanity to address human over population while we have a say in the matter, and before Mother Nature decides to get ruthless and make it for us.

Everybody has seen the movie(s) The Day the Earth Stood Still, but maybe the movies we should be making should be the day after the day the Earth stood still, when humanity has had it’s life changing threat / warning / epiphany, and is suddenly putting all it’s energy and resources into healing the planet and rehabilitating it’s wild ecosystems.

Otherwise, we are no different from a swarm of locusts consuming everything in our path and leaving devastation in our wake. I hope as a species we turn out to be better than that, but so far the jury is out.


@john main.

Don’t know who is telling porkies here.

The proposal to flood Scottish islands with Afghani immigrants is not a new concept. Indeed some years ago there was proposal by the UK government to import tens of thousands of Hong Kong emigrants to populate Scottish Islands. At the time is was mooted that it would create islands of entrepreneurial excellence – which says a lot about what certain folks in Westminster think about existing Scots and Scotland.

Suffice to say the proposal went nowhere but the sentiment is still extant – and indeed extant in bro Humza Yousaf’s mind since he is reiterating it.

Maybe, and I joke a little, but just maybe Humza would like to see the offshore Scottish islands as some kind of Caliphates in the making.

Who knows though. We live in wild outrageous times where the only thing that is certain is that there are forces that utterly want to destroy Scotland and its potential for independence.


Breaks! Have you any evidence to back up your belief that the earth is overpopulated?. There seems to be lots of conspiracy theories flying about at the moment.


O/T more inappropriate application of “rules” to Craig Murray reported by the Rev today:
– his letters are opened and given to him minus their envelopes. So he can’t reply if sender’s address is only on the envelope.
– Craig isn’t allowed stamps nor books, magazines – fear of them being soaked in drugs, apparently. As if.
– his emails are printed out i.e. he can’t read and reply on a laptop.

I suggest we start writing to the prison governor David Abernethy to tell him what we think and suggest he adjust the clearly inappropriate “rules” including the ludicrous one of Craig having to wear a prison track suit when his family visits him. Plus query why Craig hasn’t seen a doctor yet.


@ Breeks at 6:53 pm

I don’t know about them putting servers in the ocean, though I would have no issue if twitter and facebook servers got thrown in the sea! 😉
Putting anything metal and electrical in the sea has drawbacks.
The ROVs as used in the oil & gas industry require high voltages and currents to power them, so they need all sorts of kit such as line insulation monitors and trip breakers to ensure no main power conductor wire’s insulation breaks down, and the subs also had loads of anodes as sacrificial protection to stop the sub’s metal structure and electronic junction boxes fizzing away in the seawater.

As you say though, the heat from all those servers could be recovered for community heat projects or swimming pools if the joined up thinking and will was there. Think pronouns are more important for out “Government” though… 🙁
Iceland of course harnesses the geothermal heat from their volcanoes to keep its roads ice free and also heat and power their polytunnels to grow their veg.
But of course, that is just an example of what a sensible independent country can do…

Saffron Robe

Paul says:

“A national party with no interest in self-determination and a green party with no time for the environment.

“A marriage made in the heaven of convenience and utility.”

Exactly what I was thinking, Paul.

Or, in other words, a match made in hell for the rest of us.


@ Saffron Robe

Try to find the positive in every situation. Why not take the opportunity to learn to speak Pashto and Dari so you’ll be able to explain Scotland’s complex historical political mire, and the D’Hondt and Single Transferable Vote systems to the NuScots arriving from Afghanistan…

James Che.

Wee monkey.
It started a long time ago, going backwards in time line we can observe.

In ground gained by methods disguised as easing problems for working parents. Child care support. Replacing grandparents and aunties care.

Placing older people in care homes as young adults/parents had no time for each other at the end of their day. Never mind parents. Or vice versa for working grandparents.

The encouragement of setting up young single mothers into council houses often further away and replacing parents support.

And before that, deliberately taking out [ local ] employment, as locals losing local employment meant having to raise early to travel to work miles away and arrive back at home late in the day or early evening just as children went to bed.

Closing down high street amenities, , garages, bakers, public toilets, ironmongers, greengrocers, haberdashery, high street banks, news agents butchers, street car parking spaces,

post offices, high business rates, and taxes for local businesses, electrical shops, local pubs,
And it began with closing down railways branches as far back as the late 60s.

The new minimum wage is also the new maximum wage for the future

It has been a slow and steady regression to withdraw a lifestyle that had improved for the average man/woman and child in the town or country after WW2.

Now why would the leaders of countries want to go backwards?

At present the NHS system we payed for through our wage packets all those years is being destroyed. and our pensions we payed for through our earnings is being raided, or manipulated as supposed government money.

Meanwhile the tax breaks are going solely to big cooperations, big food chains, big pharmaceutical companies, energy companies, etc.

None of these changes that place people, families, villages, towns Or country at a distinct disadvantage are there by accident or error.
As that would be to numerous in numbers to be accidents and errors for any government to say they made a mistake.
And then not rectify them.

We only need a climate change mantra to take us back to the late 1800s, to complete the picture of regression backwards for common people.
Whereby the rich will continue to live to a high standard of transport, eating well, holiday travel around the world through exemptions.

Meanwhile the well to do do not discourage flying large jets from contaminating the sky, do not away with their mobile phones, or say no to Branson or bezos to experience-holiday flights to outer space using gas tanks of fuel, nor do they safely dispose of nuclear weapons, stop bombing countries to Smitherians,

Everything that is being changed is for us.
Eroding the cohesive bond that family, neighbours, friends, and workmates had will make the objections to these changes much easier for governments to handle and knock down as single or small group protests.
As they recently did with 1950s women and their pensions.
Along with worker inability to now go through unions to have a fair hearing.

REALITY can seem like having a good moan about bad things,

But REALITY is having a bad moan about the good things that is fast disappearing.

Saffron Robe

A couple of interesting quotes regarding the discussion around overpopulation, and which I think complement Breeks’ comment at 7:32 pm:

“Mankind, if unchecked, functions like a plague, a cancer…our numbers intensifying with each successive generation until the earthly comforts that once nourished our virtue and brotherhood have dwindled to nothing…unveiling the monsters within us…
This is Dante’s nine-ringed hell.
This is what awaits.
As the future hurls herself toward us, fuelled by the unyielding mathematics of Malthus, we teeter above the first ring of hell…preparing to plummet faster than we ever fathomed.

“Mankind is hovering now in a purgatory of procrastination and indecision and personal greed…but the rings of hell await, just beneath our feet, waiting to consume us all.”

Dan Brown – “Inferno”

“We now know, as Adam Smith and Macaulay did not, that material progress is implicated in a dialectic of concomitant damage, that it destroys irreparable equilibria between society and nature. Technical advances, superb in themselves, are operative in the ruin of primary living systems and ecologies.

“We no longer accept the projection, implicit in the classic model of beneficent capitalism, that progress will necessarily spread from privileged centres to all men. Indecent superfluities in developed societies coexist with what seems to be endemic starvation over a large part of the earth. In effect, improvement in the chance and duration of individual life as brought on by medical technology has fuelled the cycle of overpopulation and hunger.

“It may be that the coming door opens on to realities ontologically opposed to our sanity and limited moral reserves.”

George Steiner – “In Bluebeard’s Castle”

wee monkey

James Che. says:
21 August, 2021 at 8:25 pm

Quote. “Wee monkey.

It started a long time ago, going backwards in time line we can observe.

In ground gained by methods disguised as easing problems for working parents. Child care support. Replacing grandparents and aunties care.

Placing older people in care homes as young adults/parents had no time for each other at the end of their day. Never mind parents. Or vice versa for working grandparents.

The encouragement of setting up young single mothers into council houses often further away and replacing parents support.

And before that, deliberately taking out [ local ] employment, as locals losing local employment meant having to raise early to travel to work miles away and arrive back at home late in the day or early evening just as children went to bed.

Closing down high street amenities, , garages, bakers, public toilets, ironmongers, greengrocers, haberdashery, high street banks, news agents butchers, street car parking spaces,

post offices, high business rates, and taxes for local businesses, electrical shops, local pubs,
And it began with closing down railways branches as far back as the late 60s.

The new minimum wage is also the new maximum wage for the future

It has been a slow and steady regression to withdraw a lifestyle that had improved for the average man/woman and child in the town or country after WW2.

Now why would the leaders of countries want to go backwards?

At present the NHS system we payed for through our wage packets all those years is being destroyed. and our pensions we payed for through our earnings is being raided, or manipulated as supposed government money.

Meanwhile the tax breaks are going solely to big co-operations, big food chains, big pharmaceutical companies, energy companies, etc.

None of these changes that place people, families, villages, towns Or country at a distinct disadvantage are there by accident or error.
As that would be to numerous in numbers to be accidents and errors for any government to say they made a mistake.
And then not rectify them.

We only need a climate change mantra to take us back to the late 1800s, to complete the picture of regression backwards for common people.
Whereby the rich will continue to live to a high standard of transport, eating well, holiday travel around the world through exemptions.

Meanwhile the well to do do not discourage flying large jets from contaminating the sky, do not away with their mobile phones, or say no to Branson or bezos to experience-holiday flights to outer space using gas tanks of fuel, nor do they safely dispose of nuclear weapons, stop bombing countries to Smitherians,

Everything that is being changed is for us.
Eroding the cohesive bond that family, neighbours, friends, and workmates had will make the objections to these changes much easier for governments to handle and knock down as single or small group protests.
As they recently did with 1950s women and their pensions.
Along with worker inability to now go through unions to have a fair hearing.

REALITY can seem like having a good moan about bad things,

But REALITY is having a bad moan about the good things that is fast disappearing.”

Can’t disagree with any of that.


Some Covid news:

It will all be over in two years time. I can say this with authority because it’s what Mrs. Murrell said in relation to a second independence referendum.

“The 51-page agreement pledges another vote on Scottish independence by the end of 2023”

So, it’s only two years until the end of the pandemic.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Recently read a lovely wee book by Ronald Blythe called ‘Voices of Akenfield’.

It’s testimony from people who lived and/or worked in the Suffolk village, and was first published in 1969.

One of the chapters is by a district nurse who, I assume, was working in the 20s and 30s, certainly well before the NHS was established. It’s sobering stuff. She had to travel all over the area, was admitted right into the heart of families, usually working alone, and helped the people endure every ailment imaginable.

At one point, she remarks, almost as a by-the-way, how it was not unusual to find elderly people being kept in cupboards. And this wasn’t considered ‘cruel’ – it was just practical, because they were taking up too much space and there was nowhere else for them to go.

I’m only writing this because some earlier comments tonight have mentioned the NHS, and social cohesion of different sorts, and I’ve been thinking about that stuff a lot since reading that book. The fact that my own old dear is just about clinging to independent living via sheltered housing is also a factor, no doubt, but the horrible hairy-arsed fact is that many of us have relied on the NHS to do the hard stuff that we can’t, or simply won’t do, and that’s not sustainable, or fair.

Thirty, forty years ago, it wasn’t unusual to have a ‘granny’ as a permanent fixture in the recess of the main room. Now? Folk don’t expect to have to bear that burden and would really struggle, big-time, if it was suddenly landed on them.

I’m not saying that we should have to deal with that burden – and fuck knows I couldn’t countenance the idea of my old dear living here permanently – but I wonder sometimes if we really are honest about our relationship with the NHS.

Tricky stuff.


@Stuart Mckay, 11.57
The May elections burned out Barrhead Boy and Iain Lawson and they don’t seem to have recovered yet.

This reads like a recovery to me, Stuart

link to


Quite right Dan at 8.24.

What a splendid idea. Let’s all learn Pashto. I mean what better a time to do so. No doubt Bro Humza in his brief as health minister will have developed plans, mandatory plans for swathes of us to have to learn Pashto. To not do so would I suspect be a Hate Crime.

Mind you when Pashto meets LGBTIQ++ what will we get.

Ah, Dan, You need a string constitution of stoicism and a sense of humour or you’d go off your head. But as someone once said, those who the gods would destroy they first make mad.

Robert Hughes

Ian @ 10.12

Fine , honest post Mr B . Raises some uncomfortable questions .

Indisputably the NHS has been a tremendous source of help to millions of people : an honourable example of what societies can do to ensure those citizens that require care receive it regardless of financial , or any other, considerations

Have we become too reliant on it ,not only , as you say , to do some of the caring that formerly was done by families , offspring , also to take less responsibility for our own health ?

Obviously in cases of accidents , serious physical illnesses , birth handicaps etc there is little the average person can do , trained professionals will always be required , but in the wider sense of ” Care in the Community ” have we lost something invaluable by gaining the benefits of a NHS ?

Trouble is this is an argument used by Tories , in their case of course an example of their “everything has- primarily – a monetary value , survival of the fittest ( richest ) ” worldview

I know that’s not where you’re coming from Ian .

Is it not one of the many injuries of life under Capitalist/Materialist systems that we’re all so locked into lives of work, consumption , debt , simply to have a half-decent standard of living or even just to keep heads above water we lack the energy or will to look after others , even family members and close friends , to the degree we once did as a culture ?

James Che.

Saffron robe.

I to have read those at the top of our society whom believe we will reach the mark of over population and therefore will be a strain on food resources.

(1) At the moment Scotland is under populated due to many believes of invaders of Scotland, pre the middle of the 1600s Scotland had a much higher population, even if they were poor. Many were ship of to the new colonies as indentured slaves.
Now due to lack of employment the rest have been a voluntary migration.

(2) who chose’s the section of people causing the over population, the leaders at big world events is where I first heard the depopulation of the planet.
However it is interesting to learn that the Downey south wizard ruling the kingdom at the moment has produced many children he does not recognise or support.
The crownie wizards had 5 offspring…plus many unaccounted for,
And the speaker one for them has six offspring.

Now who decides which members of society should be culled.


…stop me stop me stop me

stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before…

(was never really that into the Smiths, but it seemed apt)

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Hughes (11.30) –

Aye, it’s difficult stuff, and it certainly doesn’t help that the NHS, as a ‘national treasure’, has been fetishized to the point where any criticism of it – as an institution, or any individual who happens to work for it – has become virtually taboo.

All very dispiriting, and I apologise for the negativity, but it feels like we are in seriously dangerous times now, and nothing – not even our sainted health service – is beyond suspicion.


I can’t remember if I have asked on here how many will be going to NowScotland’s “Use the Mandate” protest at Holyrood on 31st August at 13.00.

The truth is that the Scottish Government has been given several mandates to restore Scotland’s independence. The only person stopping us is M/s Sturgeon in her roles as SNP leader and FM.

Not only is she blocking the way by not declaring the May election as a plebiscite, she also brainwashes the public into believing that we need another vote, AND that such a vote can only be after Brexit/covid/economic recovery/whatever excuse comes to mind, AND that we have to ask Westminster for permission as otherwise it would be illegal to ask the voters opinion on the question, AND FINALLY that we have to wait to persuade enough No voters because if we lose the referendum we won’t be able to vote again for a generation.

What childish codswallop. Yet we see it daily trotted out by MP/MSPs, in The National, and in btl comments.

So it is up to all we sensible Yessers to apply pressure on her
to stop blocking our way. A substantial public protest will be a good start. It will encourage some of the MSP worms to turn.


“New Zealand is an open air Concentration Camp.”

Some of my mates live there, but they seem quite content with her leadership. How so?


@James Che, 4.48, 8.25

Thanks for these posts – fables for our time.

You ask Now who decides which members of society should be culled.

Pepe Escobar would say the 0.0001%. Catherine Austin Fitts would say Mr Global. Frederich Nietzsche would say the Ubermenschen.
Nationwide pushback against Tyranny August 21 Australia – link to


With regard to the picture of the Press Conference that opens the article above …

Why is Nicola wearing a tiara? Has she transgendered into the Pope? Or maybe just into an effigy of the Pope? (If so, it might not be one her best ideas – effigies are always in danger of getting burned down in this great land of the free; and maybe especially that particular one.)

And is she so out-of-date that she doesn’t know that the Pope no longer wears his tiara. And hasn’t done so for years (John Paul II never used it, and neither has any Pope since then.) Did someone steal it from the Vatican Museum to present it to her?

And, although her glamour adviser makes sure she eschews hats, did she really take a shine to this one? ‘I do fancy a wee bit of that old man’s tiara…’, or something like. ‘Suits down to the ground – or rather Up to the Heavens!’

Is this all part of the New Transgender Policies of the New Government Coalition (since that’s what it is, While-Pretending-Not-to-Be-One, so that the Greens can still continue to milk the Holyrood cow for as much as they can possibly get out of it)?

Is this the next campaign on Nicola’s rise to international stardom, taking over the oldest multi-national in the world? And turning it into a TRANS-National?

In other words, Nicola for Pope!

Is this the new campaign that was launched yesterday? Not for Indyref 2, but for World Domination by Nic the Infallible? You must admit you have to admire it: the Lady’s ambition (she did say that ‘her’ was her pronoun) really has no limits.

Just imagine: Pope Nicola the Numpteenth! Has a kind of ring to it, don’t you think? Will she be the first in a line of Infallible Numpties who will transgender the Papacy itself? Leader of the A-team that will impose their A-gend-A on the whole wide world. Long live the new Dogma of A-Genderism where there will be No Gender At All, just like A-theism got rid of God by saying there was No God At All. Just like A-Gnosticism – with apolgies to all my agnostic friends, no offence intended – literally means Not Knowing Anything At All.

From A-Gnosticism to A-theism to A-Genderism – this is pure and simple logic. Like elementary arithmetic, in fact. The Abolition-of-God + The Abolition-of-Knowledge = the Abolition-of-Gender! (And, all together, it leads to the Abolition not just of Gender, but also the Abolition of Sex and Procreation, and of all links and connection between them!)

Maybe (with apologies to John Wesley!) we can call it Dis-Connexionalism!

Or, to adapt a slogan (with apologies to E.M. Foster, when he was a Passage-Boy to Ibdia) … ‘Only Disconnect’!

To go back to the wonderfully staged set design for the picture… Besides the Lady crowned with the chandelier-styled tiara taking centre stage, look at her flankers (set up so that the eye remains focused on her). Who was the genius who choreographed this whole performance? Put him/her/it on your unending pay-roll Nic – he has done you proud!

Oh! You already have done, you say? I didn’t realise it was her … ‘Oor Liz’, you say, if I am hearing you right! Your Liz, whom you have depLloyd to such wonderful effect… What a strategist: I should have guessed it must be her. Behind the picture, I mean.

To get back to the flankers – with an ‘fl’ – I don’t just mean the two St. Andrews flags, carefully draped Boris-style and hanging down on either side of you to keep the focus firmly fixed on … well, on YOU, of course. I mean the two other perfectly positioned fl ankers, both of them half-in the picture and half-out of it. This keeps the focus just right, with the one BigWit in the middle and the two HalfWits on either side of her.

What a fantastic choreographer you have, Nic, working so well for you. You can’t have three BigWigs after all: there can only be One that Dominates. But one Biggie with tow sidekicks comes across as just right for a govenment that’s going to replace God with itself after all. Especially if it’s the Christian – and Jewish – God it’s replacing. The one that made male and female, and thought it ‘very good’. That Old Fogey, who got it all wrong, is now to be a Gonner, having transmogrified into his replacement: BigNic and the Twa Bairns. (Still some kind of threesome, so at least the Christians should be pleased, shouldn’t they?)

(Otherwise known, someone is telling me over my shoulder, as ‘KnowS*ite and the Green Dwarfs!’)

And look at these two on either side of Big Her, the hero of the tale the picture tells, with their pint-sized desks compared to her Really Big One. She of the two microphones (everything flanks her) while they only have one wee one each.

And the positioning – the visibility – just wonderful: what a genius for symbolism. On one side one leg, on the other side another leg, and in the middle – de-genderisation personified – the central character has no legs at all.

Look at the leg to our left – a trousered leg? Does that symbolize maleness? Even manhood? Wow! But even if it does, does that necessarily mean the person inside the trouser is actually a male? ‘Maybe Aye, Maybe Naw’, as Kenny Dalgliesh would say.

Now, look above him, and behind him (above and behind the Trousered-Leg One, that is). What do you see? No tiara for him? No chandelier either: he/she/it or whatever is NOT the light of the world, not even of this little press-friendly choreographed world of the picture. Instead, there is, precisely, ‘The Portrait of a Lady.’
And who is that Lady? I’m not sure, but I think it might be Flora MacDonald… Don’t you?

And look at what’s above the head of the person, apparently female (although it could always be a disguise) on the opposite side of the picture. Yet another painting… This time, as far as I can see it, of a man. And who does this man look like? Well, I might be wrong, but doesn’t he resemble one Bonnie Prince Charlie…

Now keep looking to your right, to the other Bairn, the one underneath the portrait of the Bonnie Prince (the bigger of the two Dwarfs but not big enough to compete with our central character, no matter how horsily she flings her (or whatever pronoun is preferred) head and her hair in the air. And look at that ‘other leg’ protruding to our right, tucked against the mini-podium which stands there… That is, look, and see the leg that wears a skirt. Is that a symbol of femaleness? Even of womanhood? Maybe. But even if it is, does it mean the possessor of that leg is actually a female? A full-blooded woman? Well, maybe. But then again, maybe not! Who knows? In this Transgendered world everything is possible. And ‘nothing is impossible’ to this new governing trinity which now rules Scotland, under Little Miss Biggie.

Again, such perfect symbolism. Most folk (with apologies for the use of religious language) are blessed to have two legs, but these two are only showing one leg each. Not shyly, but a bit ‘coquette’ all the same, don’t you think?

Or, to put it another way, here too we have two legs, but each of them belongs to a different person. A trousered leg on one side, and a skirted leg on the other.

And – maybe this is the key point – between these two one-legged creatures at the two sides of the picture, there in the middle, beaming and crowned with her tiara, supreme in all her splendour, stands the One behind the Giant Podium, the One-With-No-Legs at all….

What subtlety this symbolism is! But what does it mean?

Does it mean that the one with the trousered leg we see has a skirted leg we don’t see? And maybe … just maybe … at the other extremity, does the skirted leg we do see have a trousered leg we do not see?

Or does all this mean that the two – one trousered and one skirted – have become one, at long last, in the beaming, crowned and legless person behind the central podium? This triune icon, centred on the Middle Person, Scotland’s Saviour(ess), says so much, and tells us what our future is to be. That future in which all knowledge, every gender and God Himself will have been abolished; everything will have been brought into one in the glorious person in the middle; that is, in the one with the glorious tiara whose brilliant light shines up to Heaven and whose invisible feet never touch the floor, aided by her minions to the left and right of her (/him/ it /whatever).

And us? All of us? Yes, we will have been transmogrified, all of us, into that central lime-lighted person’s genderless image, now and for always, for ever and ever, AMEN.

Sexless, genderless, and personless, all our freedoms will be gone. For ever.

There have been false ideologies before. There have been heresies and heresiarchs before. There have been anti-Popes before. This is not the first time in history that Evil has stalked the corridors of power, presenting itself as an Angel of Light. Scotland has been turned inside out before, with all her essence and her core values being betrayed by those who purported and pretended to defend them. But all these ‘befores’ are as nothing compared to what is coming afterwards; that is to what is coming now.

And what is coming now will stop at nothing – absolutely nothing – to achieve its perverted aims and goals. It may be incredible to us that this is happening in Scotland, of all place – BUT IT IS. It may be incredible to us that just when we were on the cusp of achieving and regaining our cherished independence, it has all been turned around against us and against the very notion of Scotland itself – BUT IT HAS. We may feel as if we are in total disarray, staring calamity in the face, as if Scotland’s enemies are about to finally dissolve her and gain the complete victory that always eluded them, BUT THAT IS HOW IT SEEMED IN 1304. And in 1306, Robert Bruce was crowned, and despite initial defeats and apparent disaster, the abolished nation rose like a phoenix from its own ashes, AND THAT IS WHAT MUST HAPPEN NOW.

It is not just Scotland’s fate that is at stake. This is a global, world-wide fight, at a key historical moment for humanity. Scotland looks as if she has already been captured by the enemy, and will be at the forefront of the barbarity that is to follow. IT IS UP TO US, IN THIS SMALL AND SEEMINGLY IRRELEVANT BUT ALWAYS HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT PLACE, TO START THE BACKLASH, AND BEGIN TURN IT ALL AROUND.

It is not just our independence that is at stake but, together with that independence, something much deeper, and of global significance. Scotland is not a backwater, and never has been, though anti-Scottish propagandists have always wanted us to believe that it is, and done their damnedest to convince us of that lie. All lies must be resisted, and we are in the midst of the biggest of these. This is a global fight, and we are in the midst of it. Time to stand up, and resist by every acceptable means. When you are the victim of lies and injustice and terrific violence, even verbal, you must not employ the same means in your defence. We are going to have to use our imagination, it will require subtlety and perseverance and belief in the fundamental rightness of the cause; it won’t be easy but it can be done. No one should despair.

As a footnote to the above, the set-up of the press conference as pictured above, is very deliberate and revealing. Whoever conjured it up thought through every detail. There is nothing in it by accident. This is stage set; and stage sets already tell you plenty about the drama that is about to unfold on them.

If I am right – and I admit I might not be – that the two 18th or 19th Century portraits on either side are of Flora MacDonald and Bonnie Prince Charlie, these historical figures have been incorporated into the new narrative the SNP-Green arrangement intends to impose on us in a way that would have been totally inimical to these historical characters. Charles Edward Stuart escaped dressed up as a woman, as Flora MacDonald’s maid-servant. You can immediately see what kind of icon the Green-SNP alliance will make of that one! They will have no compunction about re-writing history – that is perverting it, and turning it into a pack of lies – to suit their agenda, and brainwash children. The SNP already proved that they had no qualms about such authoritarian practices when they set about erasing Alex Salmond from the history of their own Party.

Lies breed lies, more and more of them, one after the other, the next still more brazen than the last. Resistance means sticking up for the truth, even when it hurts, and never letting go of it. We are already far down the slippery slope, but we do not have to continue down it further. It is imperative that we do not.

James Che.

I suppose if you wish to CULL the human population without being to obvious, there are a few ways to do this,

Wars en mass are handy.
Pandemics en mass are handy.
Floods en mass scale are handy.
Fires en mass scale is handy.
Climate change on mass scale is handy.
Poverty en mass is handy.
And food shortages en mass are handy.

Now the first time I had heard that anyone was thinking about controlling the weather or cloud seeding was in an old black and white film with Loretta Young, the movie was called,
It Happens Every Thursday. ( 1953 )

Later on I learned they had been trying it during WW2, to help planes in the sky, a documentary on the German warfare if I remember correctly.
I wonder if the research was continued and how it would affect our weather today.


I have noticed there has been a great deal of HYPOCRISY been shown by the purveyors and promoters of the civic nationalist shite , it appears the civic nationalists are NOT so civic nationalists when it comes to their views being ignored or overruled by the all inclusive NEW SCOTS that we should be grateful too for choosing our wonderful country

Apparently NEW SCOT Mridul Wadhwa from India and NEW SCOT green MSP Lorna Slater who is from Canada I think and who was elected as a MSP with 36 votes are causing some anger and resentment from the civic nationalists because they are more interested in pushing their own views of what constitutes a woman and are DETERMINED that those views will take precedence over any objections from indigenous Scots

Those NEW SCOTS are favoured and revered by the ruling junta so much so that the ruling junta ensures that Mridul a man who has NO GRC and who is the Chief Executive of Edinburgh Rape Crisis is generously funded by Scots deluded taxpayers through the SG

And NEW SCOT Lorna with her 36 votes will probably be awarded a ministerial post in the power sharing SNP and Green SG

But it appears that these examples of civic nationalism towards NEW SCOTS is NOT what OUR civic nationalists on WOS believe the term means
BUT again they should be aware of Sturgeons meaning of civic nationalism and inclusion when she opened up a SG consultation on GRA which would only impact the WOMEN of Scotland to views and opinions from vested interest parties from around the world


James Che. says:
22 August, 2021 at 2:48 am

I suppose if you wish to CULL the human population without being to obvious, there are a few ways to do this,

Now the first time I had heard that anyone was thinking about controlling the weather or cloud seeding was in an old black and white film with Loretta Young, the movie was called,
It Happens Every Thursday. ( 1953 )

Later on I learned they had been trying it during WW2, to help planes in the sky, a documentary on the German warfare if I remember correctly.
I wonder if the research was continued and how it would affect our weather today.

There was at least one avengers episode along those lines.

The real shit seems to be here:

Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025


James Che. says:
22 August, 2021 at 2:48 am
I suppose if you wish to CULL the human population without being to obvious, there are a few ways to do this…

I wouldn’t do anything as drastic as culling any human population, but the exorbitant rise in human population is unsustainable in the long run. We are emptying the seas of fish, clearing the birds from the sky, virtually every species known to us has it’s existence impacted by the ubiquitous loss of natural habitat, even the insects are dying out because of us… and all to accommodate our insatiable greed for Earth’s resources. Jeezo, even the atmosphere is being altered by us.

Humanity needs to live within it’s means. And I mean it needs to, not treat the matter as a lifestyle choice.

It isn’t adequate or acceptable to reduce our natural environment to pockets or enclaves of wilderness where species cannot easily find breeding partners. The expansion of the human environment comes close to desertification for other species, typically with the apex predators taken out early doors until the whole ecosystem collapses and cannot recover.

I don’t know what the answer is, and I don’t know if we have it in us to do it, but life is being reduced to existence for people, and life reduced to survival for critters. The animal kingdom is already holding on pockets, like vault dwellers trying to survive it’s Apocalypse. Their extinction level event is already happening, for many species it has already happened, and unfortunately “we” are it.

I have an increasingly forlorn hope that an Independent Scotland would lead the way in rewilding our natural habitat, and resurrecting the globally unique phenomenon of the Great Caledonian Forest, complete with it’s apex predators, wolves, bears, eagles, and massive salmon in our rivers.

If the return of apex predators is incompatible with our farming methods, for God’s sake change the farming methods. Change our behaviour. And if the consequence of that is that it’s harder to feed ourselves, then so be it, we regulate our population to the point we can feed ourselves.

If humanity is reduced to feeding itself by over processed “test tube” foodstuffs, you kinda have to wonder whether we’re doing it right, and whether life is / was a much richer experience when people are closer to nature.

I don’t mean close the supermarkets and force everybody to survive Ray Mears style, or wringing the necks of their own chickens, but recognise both of those options are extremes on the spectrum, and we need to find a happier point in the middle somewhere.


When I was a college, I shared digs with medical students, and they talked about the medical philosophy of adding life to years rather than years to life.

But as a society, does that mean we have to live as “monsters” who just let our elderly die? Surely not.

If we want avoid facing that scenario, in my opinion, we are back at the numbers game. We can make those decisions as a choice now, or do nothing until we have a society that’s unsustainable and collapses. It an unpopular proposition, but maybe families do have to take care of their old folks in the family home, though hopefully not keeping them in cupboards.

We need to find a way to make that the positive solution. For a start, we can stop building matchstick housing with tiny rooms, and be more generous when building more robust and flexible housing, and building it to last over generations.


Housing should not be a currency or commodity to generate wealth.

A house is your access to sanctuary, refuge, and a modicum of self security, and nobody should want for that. Our homes should be child friendly and oldies friendly, and Tories, property speculators or buy to let landlords should be forced to look elsewhere for a stellar income. Housing should be flat and unprofitable investment which is not treated as a business until it’s top end.

Hugh Jarse

Burn the billionaires.

Socrates MacSporran

I see, thanks to Friday’s agreement between the Sturgeon National Party and the Scottish Greens, we have been promised an Independence Referendum: “Within five years.”

That means, we will be going to the polls on Independence, by 20 August, 2026 – which, as I type this, is 1824 days away.

However, we are told (from what happened on the lead-in to the 2014 Referendum) that it takes around nine months to set-up a Referendum. Nine months is approximately 275 days, so that gives them 1549 days of wriggle room.

However, since the Scottish Parliament only actually meets for around 110-120 days per calendar year – the coallition only has around 490 days in which to get the appropriate legislation through Holyrood.

Sturgeon really is backing herself into a corner on this one – she will need to stop talking and start doing – quickly – or be seen for the waste of space many of us consider her to be.

Robert Hughes

Breeks . Typically perceptive comments from you . 100% agree .

Also from Ian B and – on a different subject- from you Twathater , aye some degree of dissonance on the Civic Nationalism front . excuse me while I chortle at the absurdities/contradictions inherent in just about everything NSNP * stands for * .


David 2.18

You wrote “ Our political leaders need to be reminded that Scotland wants independence, and that we expect them to focus on achieving it.”

I don’t mean to be picky, but there is no evidence that “Scotland wants Independence”. The Revs recent graph shows (other than a couple of polls) that Scotland doesn’t want Independence.

As I may have mentioned a few times, that is probably the reason that Ms Sturgeon isn’t currently pushing for indyref2. And, if indyref2 was to be run anytime soon, the Yessers would, in my view, be defeated substantially… and the dream shelved or 25 years at least.

You need powerful, inspirational, compelling arguments to convex current No voters to change their minds. I haven’t heard anything of the sort I’m afraid.


Hugh Jarse says:
22 August, 2021 at 7:50 am
Burn the billionaires.


David Caledonia

All some of them have to do is resign from the snp and become independent

Union of twats scuppered

David Caledonia

The only poles that make any sense are the one’s from Poland, the rest are all crap, have you ever met anyone that contributed to these poles ?

David Caledonia

All things must pass

Sturgeon and her crappy pals in the green party will
eventually disappear and die a natural death and decay,
yes, even a load of shite eventually passes away

David Caledonia

Do away with oil and the infernal combination engine

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol



Of course people in Scotland w@nt independence, you have no proof whatsoever that people in Scotland don’t want independence.
One of us must be wrong, so why not have a referendum to find out?

Would you not like to find out or are you concerned that your preferred choice for Scotland’s future may be altered?

Yes, we know you say you don’t care what Scotland votes for and blaa, blaa, blaa.


Sensibledave says:
You need powerful, inspirational, compelling arguments to convex current No voters to change their minds. I haven’t heard anything of the sort I’m afraid

TBH honest, that’s not always true. Facts won’t ding but they also don’t tend to create a chime of bells with people either.
The current situation can be so negative as to make any alternative good enough: I think that’s why the folk in England chose to leave the EU.

The ‘message’ needs to be uplifting

‘Without vision the people will perish’

Malo accepto stultus sapit (from experiencing trouble a fool is made wise).

What we need is a message of hope to counteract the corrupt and greedy world of Westminster and Holyrood as they are at the moment.

The country needs a media which exposes rather than protects the corruption which currently abounds amongst most governments .

Alex Salmond has shown remarkable resilience, trust in ordinary people, self-restraint and above all – a love of his country. What more could a country wish for in a leader?
He is a man far more sinned against than sinning and yet still he puts his country first.

People decide what they don’t want NOT what they DO want

However the situation is not new

In a major departure from Hesiod, the 6th-century BC Greek elegiac poet Theognis of Megara states that

Hope is the only good god remaining among mankind;
the others have left and gone to Olympus.
Trust, a mighty god has gone, Restraint has gone from men,
and the Graces, my friend, have abandoned the earth.
Men’s judicial oaths are no longer to be trusted, nor does anyone
revere the immortal gods; the race of pious men has perished and
men no longer recognize the rules of conduct or acts of piety.[15]

Wikipedia – Pandora’s box entry.

and for us there is only the trying:

Captain Yossarian

@holymacmoses – A great post. Whilst I wouldn’t call Stuart Campbell uplifting, his absence is sorely missed at the moment.

Mark Boyle

Republicofscotland says: 21 August, 2021 at 7:27 pm

“I can’t say I’m a big fan of Peter A. Bell, however at least he’s getting off his arse to try and do something for the indy cause, tell me Mark, what have you done, for the cause that supercedes Bell’s, if nothing then kindly put a sock in it.”

I had a big cup of tea and a jeely piece in solidarity with the indy cause – it’s about as much use as all the small lonely men who know the world will never build a monument kidding themselves they’re doing something more than merely feeding their own egos.

Or for that matter, sad anti-semitic clowns with “the holocaust never happened” bullshit …

Sturgeon is going to dig herself into a giant hole with transgender self ID with the general public long before they pay attention to the shipyards or any of the other fiascos she and her cronies have been piling up.

Doing things for the sake of doing them is beyond counterproductive.

John Main

@Willie 21 August, 2021 at 7:39 pm

Thanks for the clarification.

So the alleged statement from the alleged SNP spokesperson about “Not one single ounce of compassion from the UK Government” for the Afghan refugees is a porkie.

TBH, I suspected that to be the case. No SNP government wonk would depart so far from the party line, and use regressive, imperial units of measure.

If the alleged statement had started “Not one single gram …” it might have carried some plausibility.

O/T, but related to your other information.

The Hong Kong Chinese have a track record of taking barren, worthless, offshore islands and turning them into a mega-rich industrial and financial powerhouse. In theory, we have plenty of barren, worthless, offshore islands of our own, so I would certainly be up for letting somebody else have a try at making some money from them. Alas, the analogy does not stand close scrutiny. HK sits offshore from a vast hinterland with hundreds of millions of industrious people, largely free of the rules and regulations that hold us back, and all of the natural resources of a continent-sized country.

The Afghans have a solid track record in fighting for and achieving the independence of their country in the teeth of what always looks like overwhelmingly disadvantageous odds, so most people would think the Scots Indy movement would welcome them with open arms as exemplars of how to revitalise the Indy cause. But then again, that’s the Afghans who have stayed in Afghanistan to take control of and run their own affairs.

The Afghan refugees who come here will be from the losing side. Perhaps they can teach the Scots Indy movement some lessons in what not to do when fighting to establish your country as a free, sovereign, independent nation.


Captain Yossarian says: Whilst I wouldn’t call Stuart Campbell uplifting, his absence is sorely missed at the moment.

I looked forward to reading the Wings blog and I looked forward to reading Wings on twitter. Stuart Campbell is never dull or boring and he is always true to himself. I consider it uplifting to have something to look forward to:-)
The Scottish Narcissistic Pseudo-para-pedagogues have tried to destroy Salmond, Campbell and Murray and others – it is very important that those who really want independence don’t allow the best of us to be silenced. At some time we will all need to put our head above the parapets.

Stuart MacKay

cirsium @10:19pm

Lawson’s “Destroying the Yes movement” was an excellent way of framing the current situation. It captured all the inaction and subterfuge in a way that was crystal clear and damning. Even if it’s not 100% true it’s a charge that needs to be answered. I’d say, for that reason, it’s one of the more important posts from the indy bloggers.

Having said that, I stopped reading halfway through and skimmed the rest. The reason was that it was just more “SNP Baaaad”. If I want to read “Baaaad” I’ll just head over to WGD.

I’m still a fan of Lawson for two reasons. First, he lifted the lid on several cans of worms that opened the eyes of a lot of people to what the SNP had become. Second, he’s slightly less to the left than many of the other bloggers and I think that’s important as without a broader political base, independence isn’t coming. However I no longer read his posts as soon as I see them published. I hope he gets back to his old form as quickly as possible.


Theoretically, all 7 billion of us could easily fit in a Texas-sized city


JimuckMac says:
22 August, 2021 at 11:11 am
Theoretically, all 7 billion of us could easily fit in a Texas-sized city

Some theories can be tested: some can’t.:-)


Its shows you just how desperate the West is to keep the Afghanistan narrative alive to manufacture consent, and demonise the Taliban, that they’ve rolled out war criminal Tony Blair to speak about it.

The Western corporate media have even allowed ex-Nato chief Lord George Robertson to comment on Afghanistan, as all the monsters emerge from their cesspits to justify and placate, and persuade Western citizens that the invasion of Afghanistan actually meant something.


Listening to Barrheadboy’s podcast, and they just had a quip I picked up on… about “Both Votes SNP” so the SNP could do a deal with Greens, and end up with a dominant Constituency Party augmented by a List Seat Party, which is in fact Alex Salmond’s ALBA strategy, which the SNP indignantly rebuffed.

So much for “Both Votes SNP” with “the greens” in small print. .Why didn’t they embrace the Greens before the Election?

Far more likely that Sturgeon is expecting trouble with her GRA reforms and pressure on party discipline, and it’s that, certainly not Independence, that needs emergency shoring up.

Meanwhile, the ALBA conference is looking to be very positive and constructive. It’s been many months since I’ve felt anything approaching cautious optimism, but some of the things I hear from ALBA feel like rays of YES sunshine on a cloudy day.

It’s young, and it’s new, but give it a chance, a wee bit faith, and ALBA will put the smile back on your face and the spring back in your step.

John Main


I kinda think the Taliban demonise themselves.

If you are not aware of why that is true, do some research into their methods and the fates of those who disagree with them and fall into their hands.

As is usually the case with your posts, your use of one-sided arguments serves only to repel rational and level-headed readers away from the cause you claim to support.

Mark Boyle

John Main says:
22 August, 2021 at 1:13 pm


I kinda think the Taliban demonise themselves.

If you are not aware of why that is true, do some research into their methods and the fates of those who disagree with them and fall into their hands.

As is usually the case with your posts, your use of one-sided arguments serves only to repel rational and level-headed readers away from the cause you claim to support.”

It has probably more to do with anyone who hates Jews is okay in his book.


“I kinda think the Taliban demonise themselves”

John Main.


The Taliban were the good guys, and the toast of the town when they were invited to Washington for doing their part to repel Russia/Soviet Union from Afghanistan.

Now the Western narrative has changed, and they are the bad guys once again.


“It has probably more to do with anyone who hates Jews is okay in his book.”

Mark Boyle.

No its more to do with the Afghan Diaries, released by Wikileaks, do yourself a favour, and read them.

Hugh Jarse

Blair worries about “Western interests ” suffering in Afghanistan.

Lord (general)Dannatt today on Blairs shoulder to shoulder in Iraq.
“Mistake of biblical proportion”

And Craig fucking Murray is in jail?


Hugh Jarse.

That’s it that’s all it ever was, the interests of a few in the West, that led to the invasion of Afghanistan, oh they might have built a few schools etc, but the UK spent £4 billon over there and the USA spent over a trillion dollars, during the twenty-year occupation of the country.

James Che.


There is a happier and more even balance to contributing to a greener planet,
When something works it pays to remember it,

I am watching old film of how the country pulled together during World War Two to sustain a food chain to an island like Britain.

People’s gardens were not covered in concrete, lock block or tarmac. Their little patch of land was put to good use, and swathes of Britain were green and useful. And people were incoraged to raise a hen or two depending on garden size) for their own eggs.

Nowadays we are taught to fear hens, through bird flu, in fact we are taught to fear everything that was natural.

I remember oldies, the aged, the pensioners took great pleasure in their gardens, it kept then a lot fitter than modern pensioners sitting in care homes, it kept their interest in the community and their feeling useful higher too. They had children and grandchildren over and taught them, While providing a little extra for the table.

Now I am not suggesting slave driving the pensioners,
For their children also did the same in their gardens, everyone contributed to a sustainable lifestyle that made the planet greener.
There were more birds in the gardens, more hedgehogs, more butterfly’s.
These little patches of green grew when you take note the garden n t door was the same, and the one next to that, the street was green, the towns were green, the countryside was green, and the nation was green.

On the opposite side of the coin nowadays,
People have been shoved into multi high rise buildings made of concrete. The base of these buildings are covered in concrete slabs, the paths to these building are slabbed, the road to these paths are tarmac,

The play areas for children are no longer natural grass, nor are the parks covered and surrounded with trees.
Football games are banned, stay off the grass signs are everywhere. And now we’re banned from sitting talking to anyone in these areas .
Life and happiness is pretty much banned in general.
What does this do to society, to mental illness, to the lonely, to the elderly, to the suicide statistics..

Modern local Councils have been the biggest evil set upon our society, changing it beyond recognition.
They talk of green belts and green areas as if they were and should be alien to people, as separate areas from people, something not inclusive to people.
With buildings that starve the every day man woman or child of a green environment.
Public Land that used to belong to the people for centuries was sold of by these councils, to big favoured friends for houses that the average income could not afford.
Councils put profit before community.

The green sustainable gardens parks and play areas of old worked before, they would be quite viable today at re- greening a good portion of the world.
When you mathematically work out the acreage and miles of villages, towns and cities in our country alone
Scotland could go green without extremism.

This is one way everyone can make a difference,
And just one idea of many,
I do not believe in the re-wilding Scotland project that brings threats to future farming, and a possible future safari hunting ground for the rich. No sir.

mike cassidy

On Afghanistan

From two years before ‘9/11’

‘The point is that we created a whole cadre of trained and motivated people who turned against us. It’s a classic Frankenstein’s monster situation.’

link to


James Che
Nice idea – greening Scotland – But when you come down to it the main problem for the world is over -population.
In 1950 the world population was about two billion. It is now seven billion and forecast to rise to ten billion. All those people, naturally, want a decent life and perhaps a car and and a house, and they all need food.
So the cities expand into concrete wildernesses – Mexico City is already twenty million people. The forests are destroyed. The seas and rivers polluted. The atmosphere has twice the carbon dioxide as in 1900 and so temperatures are rising everywhere.


Mike Cassidy @2.2pm.

Your link mentions Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, is the Arabic word for base, in the West it means database I think. Al Qaeda was/is a CIA database made up of former Mujahadeen fighters, and arms smugglers.

Robin Cook British MP revealed this in the House of Commons.


James Che: “ When something works it pays to remember it,… I am watching old film of how the country pulled together during World War Two to sustain a food chain to an island like Britain.”

That’s a great story. And like most great stories, it’s complete bullshit.

Malnutrition levels in Britain were off the scale during WWII, and after. Actually the stupid British government declined the offer of food from the US in 1948 because they didn’t want to lower themselves to admitting the truth — that about half the population was malnourished.

During the war itself, Britain was exposed as hugely dependent on food imports. That’s why they brought in rationing, why they put so much emphasis on the Atlantic shipping, and why the primary objective early on was to bring the US into the war…

Rationing continued until the mid 1950s in the UK and it stood out amongst other European countries as a country that couldn’t adequately feed its own people right into the 1960s.

Alastair Naughton

Merely confirms my decision to cancel my subscription to the National. It is merely the Sturgeon Fanclub Newsletter. Do they think we came down the Clyde in the banana boat?


Breeks at 1.10pm

I feel more optimistic after reading your post Breeks. Cheered me up.


Is anyone going to the “Use the Mandate” protest at Holyrood on 31st August at 1.00 p.m.?

It is an important message and it is a significant change – the Yes movement hasn’t criticised the Scottish Government aka SNP in public before.

It might make some of the MSPs think a bit…

John Main


“Malnutrition levels in Britain were off the scale during WW2 and after”

Nah, they weren’t.

I don’t know where you got that BS from but I suggest you go back and re-read.

This time, don’t skip over the long words.


link to
Stay up to date with the latest Fascism from Australia. You won’t see this on BBC.


Derek. Its because they believe the hype?


link to
Willie. This is what you get when you combine Pashtun with LGBT

Tannadice Boy

@Hatuey 3:58pm
That’s an interesting contribution to the debate. But I prefer to listen to someone that lived through those times. So during my Sunday afternoon call with my Dad I asked him about it. According to him rationing ended in 1953 but had all but broken down before that. Ways and means etc. He says they were hungry during WW2 but less so than the 1930s where real hunger existed. You may have heard of the expression the Hungry Thirties. Another expression you may have heard “The bairns can’t eat medals”. Origin Dundee, I have personal experience of this as I have spent decades trying to track down my Grandfather’s WW1 medals. (I was named after him) Sold in Dundee 1936. I went to a famous Scottish shopping Mall this morning it’s not hunger we have to worry about.


Breastplate 10.09

…. There was a referendum. The people of Scotland voted to remain part of the Union. We have that evidence. Since then, as per the Rev’s graph (not mine or anyone else’s) the majority of the people in Scotland don’t want Independence.

No one is stopping and independent Scotland … other than the people of Scotland. Until something changes, independence is getting further away, not nearer. The economic s***show in Scotland, together with an increasingly loony toons government are pretty much guaranteeing the trend continuing for the foreseeable future.

James Che.

The fables of fairness.

The invented world of wizards and witches.

I know there must be a land in some faraway place that I have not visited yet.
For it is told that in that country everyone is the same. That all are equal.
Where the downy south wizards held a meeting upon a sustainable living program for all. Well for some,
As the downy south wizards knew that this was hogwash,
In fact they knew the conversation they were holding was akin to a slick oil salesman selling air to the hot ballon club.
Now they wanted to change the human world, and they had plenty of magic at hand, this had been useful for disappearing small items like money,
in fact even the wicked witch of the north had been able to do that spell.
No they needed something special, something more impressive if they wanted to change the world.

They agreed that it had to be subtle, but all powerful, sneaky perhaps, but definitely Nooo use of lighting and thunderbolts, that would draw attention to them.
And the Wicked Witch of the North might copy the idea.

So a meeting was held where wizards from all around the globe were invited to this closed door event.
The first conversations were all unanimous. That the long sleepy spell put on humans around the world had been successful. And the Confusion spell had worked a treat, bringing much smiley faces to all the global wizards, There was a pause while, much hand shaking and patting of shoulders, nods and glasses were raised, after a few guffaws and grunts they settled back into their seats and conversation was resumed,
All were in agreement that for the wizards to complete their rule over humans they would have to speed up the magic of destroying everything the humans held dear….
Now these humans had one or two weaknesses.
Humans seemed very attached to work, they did not mind working for themselves, for their neighbours, for bosses, in fact they traveled far and wide to get more work and better jobs.
Now The wizards lived longer than most on earth, and through long studies and record keeping had observed this had been the history of humans for many many centuries,

This would be one of their Achilles heels,

The second weakness was not quite as weak, however they ( the Humans ) did seem to have a family structure that placed a mother and father as hierarchy and taught the cubs how to maintain this structure,

There was a third weakness to humans, They often displayed anger toward their fellow human if one should get the better of the other .

The wizards and witches had been slowly and steadily working together for many years on the last two items. So suggested continuation of this strategy.

The wizards were finding it a bit of difficult trying to control the humans, while the witches kept interfering, trying to out smart the wizards, the wizards continuously had to keep an eye on the witches for the plans to succeed.

A lower ranking wizard, Wizard amoeba, suggested that if witches were turned into wizards by wizard magic, the wizards problem would be solved, MR wizard amoeba immediately got promoted, .This is how all the wizards gain a bench at the back of the great and mighty important hall of sublime untruths.

Now when a brother wizard in the hall heard this, he feared for his mother and sisters health, and sent a message to the witches as fast as could be expected through the green goblins,…
The witches and green goblins thought this a brilliant idea, but they would turn the tables on the wizards by turning wizards and their apprentices into female witches,

After a number of days had passed both parties Realised they had snookered each other and they called a truce,
Each reaching the conclusion that instead the it would be wise to settle the idea of gender chaos onto the humans.
And once enthusiasts got hold of the idea, they extended it to colour coding humans so as to cause more chaos.
And good against bad, for laws of certain humans would change humans ideas.

Now to turn the Achilles heel into a nightmare.
Humans must be stopped from working, they must be taught to obey new laws to be imposed to stay at home, all places of employment must be shut down…….

To be continued.


Pixywine @4.47pm.

linking to Katei Hopkins, are you for real.


“As I may have mentioned a few times, that is probably the reason that Ms Sturgeon isn’t currently pushing for indyref2”

I don’t think so.

That Scotland as a whole wants independence or not is totally academic. Sturgeon and her quadriplegic SNP were elected both in 2016 and more recently in 2021 on a mandate TO DELIVER indyref, not to just say that they “might” deliver it.

When you do a search for “fraud” in google, this is what comes up:

wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”

If you ask the electorate to vote for you so you can deliver something the electorate wants, but you have no intention whatsoever in delivering it, then, in my view, this could be easily construed as an exercise in political fraud. You are using a deliberately and knowingly false premise to get votes and get a position as MP or MSP otherwise you would not get. In other words, you are selling something to the voters that is not fit for purpose.

Sturgeon and her quadriplegic SNP have been in a position to deliver that referendum SINCE the day after the EU referendum. That is FIVE YEARS. The only thing that has been stopping them was their own will to not delivering it and their will to continue to legitimise Westminter and the UK government against the will of the Scottish people who voted them in to do the exact opposite. In my eyes that sounds a lot like political fraud. The SNP has had control of the Sgov, Holyrood and the absolute majority of Scotland’s MP seats all that time, so there is no excuse.

Not delivering that indyref has nothing to do what what the people of Scotland wants, and an awful lot with what whoever is pulling the strings of Sturgeon and Murrell wants. The only thing somebody who claims to be a democrat has to speak for themselves is their actions and their integrity and credibility as perceived by the electorate.

In my eyes, this woman and her quadriplegic SNP lost all their integrity and credibility the 29 January 2020, the day when with her actions, she deliberately undermined firstly Scotland’s popular sovereignty, and secondly democracy itself by letting our perfectly legitimate democratic mandates to exercise our right to self determination and that she and her quadriplegic SNP used to get elected, to deliberately expire, forcing Scotland to remain in this union.

So far, what this political fraud and her quadriplegic, toothless SNP has done is to tease voters with porkies, with vacuous waffle, with deflection, with project fear and with excuse after excuse for 7 long years.

The minute the blond buffoon delivered brexit in the middle of a pandemic, her covid excuse was dead.

There is only one plausible conclusion I can find from her actions during the last 7 years: the woman is a political fraud and so is the toothless, inefficient, undemocratic, new labour-like political contraption she metamorphosed the original SNP into during the last 7 years.

Her actions and that of her quadriplegic SNP tell us that their aim was never to progress Scotland’s autonomy, but rather to regress it. Just like how she has regressed women’s rights while calling herself a feminist and how she has regressed the credibility in the justice system and the Scottish government, while calling herself a democrat.

Sorry. There are no excuses for this woman to not deliver indyref. If you are a democrat, you deliver the democratic mandate you were elected on. If you are a democrat, you do not abuse the yes votes to erode females’ rights. You rely on those votes to deliver the mandate.

Being a democrat, pro-independence and feminist are things that you do not need to tell others you are, because your actions show it on your behalf.

What we have had for months in Scotland is a rather ridiculous and embarrassing situation where Sturgeon’s apparatchiks, spin doctors and party trolls have been falling over themselves to tell us that she is a pro independence, democratic feminist because, quite evidently, her actions happen to inconveniently point in the precise opposite direction.

Saying you are pro independence, a feminist and a democrat does not make you one. ACTING and DELIVERING like a democrat, like a feminist and like a Scottish nationalist is what makes you one.

The actions of this woman tell us that she is not calling indyref because she is a tool of the British state whose mission for the last 7 years has been stalling Scotland’s independence, dismantling the main political vehicle for independence, remove from the political front line every individual who could have delivered independence, regress Scotland’s autonomy by handing the powers to control Scotland’s assets to England and keeping the yes movement on a leash, burning its soul in frustration and spinning its wheels but going nowhere.

We have already seen the cost of the actions of this political fraud: 7 years of opportunities and mandates lost, haemorrhaging of millions of pounds of Scottish taxpayers’ funds in what looks like an extreme corruption case of political vendettas, 600,000 pounds “woven through the accounts”, total discredit of our democratic structures, total discredit of the judicial system, total questioning of the sound judgement and ethics of the most senior judges, total questioning of the integrity of the police, total discredit of women, total discredit of COPFS, total discredit of Parliamentary committees and total discredit of the Scottish government and civil service.

Coincidentally, this bonfire of credibility, ethics and integrity under Sturgeon’s watch has been happening at the weakest possible political, judicial and economic point of the British state. Right at the precise time when a REAL Scottish nationalist FM and leader would have been using all our energy, focus and countless opportunities put in front of her to end the union and to deliver Scotland’s will and right to self determination, all while protecting democracy. Instead, we have a political fraud burning Scotland down to the ground in a desperate attempt to stop the end of the union by denying us democracy, justice, our rights, our powers, our sovereignty and our own fcking will.

But the most embarrassing and disgusting part of it all has been watching how the monumental cowards in the SNP, allegedly pro independence MSPs, MPs and party apparatchiks have enabled her to destroy everything by sitting on their hands, by keeping their mouths shut, by deliberately looking the other way, by feeding us nothing but waffle and by frantically attempting to polish the cosmic size turd this woman has been attempting to force down our throats with for the last 7 years.

Next stop?
Council elections.

I received a survey from the SNP asking me who I am going to vote for. They deliberately exclude Alba. Well, if the quadriplegic SNP cannot be arsed in looking at all the options available to voters, and the most obvious to a yes voter, neither can I be arsed in responding to their biased and lip service questionnaire. Their “survey” has gone where Sturgeon’s quadriplegic SNP belongs: the history bin.


link to
A stout defender of Liberty.


Republic of Scotland. Its called having a laugh.


Unless the SNP has a change of leadership pronto and an equally rapid change of direction, they are going to enter a decline, and start haemorrhaging support to ALBA like Better Together started losing “No to Yessers” in 2014, only I think, much faster.

The down side is it will probably split the YES Movement at the worst possible time for any Constitutional gymnastics, because anything radical could suffer from divided support when it needs to be emphatic and uniform.

Arguably, you could say the same about Sturgeon, and that her strategy too is compromised by division, and as a consequence, it is her chance of victory looking forlorn. I suppose you could make that argument, but there is no equivalence in the arguments.

That Sturgeon’s “strategy” should be comprised is entirely down to Sturgeon’s dismal leadership and division which she has created. Ironically, if ALBA’s chances are also compromised with divided support, that too is down to Sturgeon’s dismal leadership. Spot the common denominator yet?

Sturgeon has robbed Scotland of confidence and time, but if you stop a minute to look at this in reverse perspective, if YES itself was “stalling”, you’d be seeing a reciprocal resurgence in Unionism, but Unionists look as glum, charmless and desperate as they ever did.


“if YES itself was “stalling”, you’d be seeing a reciprocal resurgence in Unionism”

Yes was never stalling. If it was stalling the British state would not have unleashed Sturgeon, would not have infiltrated the SNP and destroyed it from within nor they would have gone after Mr Salmond in the despicable way they had.

Yes has been deliberately kept on a tight leash by a political fraud pretending to be a pro independence leader for 7 years and counting.

The only thing that 7 years of Sturgeon’s deliberate “wait” have done is to allow for a continuous string of no voters from elsewhere to boost the unionist side. For as long as this crooked franchise remains, every year that Sturgeon pushes indyref back, means a higher proportion of no voters than yes voters coming in, helping to frustrate the vote of the natives. She is not helping the yes vote by pushing indyref back. She is helping the British state to block it.

The question here is at what levels would yes be today if instead of this political fraud who has deliberately removed the wheels of the yes movement, regressed Scotland’s autonomy and trashed Scotland’s democracy and justice system, we had somebody like Salmond or Ms Cherry in control of the SNP and giving the yes movement what it has always been pinning for since the day after the EU referendum: a serious campaign, leadership and an effing date for indyref.

Even more importantly: where would Scotland be today if Salmond had remained as FM instead of handing the baton to this political fraud in November 2014?

Would we be hearing convenient “green” voices poopooing all over our massive Cambo oil deposit to make us think, once again, that Scotland’s assets are worthless while England happily siphons the bulk of the revenues Scotland’s assets generate, or we would be quietly and rightfully exploiting that oil field for the benefit of the Scottish people and making up for the lost 40 years of oil trust fund?

Would we be watching how this political fraud helps the British state to seed division in the yes movement by using yes votes to erode females’ rights?

Would we be watching how this political fraud helps the British state to boost the no vote in Scotland by pushing indyref back and retaining a flawed franchise?

Would we be mourning the loss of thousands of Scots today because this political fraud never had the interest to depart one inch from British nationalism narrative so she refused to lock Scotland’s borders to stop the plague continuously re-entering Scotland?

Would we still have, after 70% of the adult population have been vaccinated and after 17 months of lockdowns, over 3000 cases per day and rising as we have now?

The number of cases, as predicted, is creeping up. What are the odds that the political fraud is going to re instate the lockdowns to stop the Alba conference?


RE: UBI AGFRR proposal

link to

So I was delayed on this one due to time and energy constraints. You could pretty much write a book on the pro’s and cons and possibilities of radical economic idea’s like this.

To keep things tight i’ll try to get to the gist of what I think without many paragraphs.

Firstly. I hold the opinion that: things need to change drastically economically to ensure the well being and future of Scots. This is undeniable so I am onboard with the idea of big changes being required.

Secondly – the proposal is really just a more detailed plan than the typical UBI but ultimately has the same problems (to my mind) and I will list them here:
1 – it is organised top down with government holding full control over the access and process and ultimately the inevitable expansion of the scheme (see further down).
2 – once such a scheme is in place it will become the biggest of political footballs and political parties will become enslaved to it and it is unlikely there will ever be the political will to say ‘yup, that’s it – no more of this’ until the negative effects reach a climax.
3 – the basic negative effects of the scheme would be similar to other UBI proposals. While not actually adding to the money supply the velocity of the money in the economy would increase massively. This would be a bonanza primarily for the big international businesses and the debt industry, while local Scottish businesses would be second to see any boost from the initial surge and would be left with the consequences. The drawback would be inflation. The price increases could be enormous and would continue so long as the scheme continued. This would lead to the expansion of the scheme in order to make up for the drop in purchasing power of each pound and so the cycle would go. With the powers government would have to strip people of property for not paying this could easily be used to strip businesses of assets or use other punitive measures – again with international businesses being able to weather this far better and ultimately collecting the most benefit from the scheme. As I mentioned it is possibly the debt industry that would see the biggest windfall. Another question would be if we are going to continue with a near open-borders policy while the scheme is in place? There are more negative possibilities and probabilities but i’ll stop there.

Thirdly – UBI is the corner stone of the corporate chatter about the Great Reset and 4th Industrial revolution which brings into focus some of the points I mentioned above. I’m not going to elaborate further on that as I think its pointless – if someone doesn’t feel the chill crawling up their spine from that fact then they are clearly an insanely optimistic character.

Fourth – to my mind it completely misses the elephant in the room. It really is just a top-down authoritarian patch placed over an international financial system that is utterly doomed in the long run and does nothing to address the issue of debt (which is what this system is all about), the loss of local community business and the staggering growth in power of international corporations.

It might seem funny to say but even if the proposal itself rang positively to my mind I would not trust any political party or single politician or even a committee of ‘experts’ with the running of it anyway. Given the top-down nature of the proposal politicians would be empowered to screw up even more than they ever have already.

If the goal is to give Scots a financial stake in the nation then it makes more sense to make them independent owners of land and property themselves rather than recipients of government tax-derived stimulus that will ultimately bleed off-shore anyway. Couple this with the introduction of a currency that doesn’t carry a debt burden automatically attached to it and you have a much more stable condition to build a strong economy of free people. This debt-free currency alternative is far better to my mind and has been implemented in the past (but always crushed by the debt cartel).

Really though this is all theory. We, the Scots, like most of the people in the world to a greater or lesser extent have no real power to make any of this happen. The Scottish government is not acting for our benefit. Neither are any of the political parties (I will hold judgment on Alba but im skeptical) Anything we can do would be necessarily totally bottom-up, and there are ways to do it in my opinion but it will require a disciplined and organised effort by a movement that educates and motivates members and other citizens beyond merely voting and protsting.


There’s more to this than meets the eye, something that we simply don’t know about.

Salmond MUST have known about Mrs. Murrells character traits and yet he handed the whole thing over to her.



There’s definitely a competition on here regarding who can write the longest post without saying anything. Save us all some time and keep it short and to the point.


You need to understand the new Corporatist aka old Fascist world evolving under your nose.
This is educational.
link to
A sample:
“The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. All stakeholders, especially global business, must urgently come together to minimize its impact on public health and limit its potential for further disruption to lives and economies around the world.
But the sum of many individual actions will not add up to a sufficient response. Only coordinated action by business, combined with global, multistakeholder cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed – can potentially mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis»
Stakeholder? multistakeholder?

Tannadice Boy

JimuckMac 8:18pm
That’s because they are not authentic posts. Everytime someone posts something that is a worry to the Union, bring on the long posts. There is a history of this malevolence. Real posts with real information and dare I say it, actual Scottish experience. We have got them there. Here is one experience encountered today. Never mind Gazzas five bellies how about 10 bellies?. Confused?. I am not, I met young women today, although not exclusively women, in case I am challenged by the Misogynist brigade. Absolutely shocking, the future medical crisis. Hunger don’t make me laugh. There is enough food to last them for 18 months wrapped around ther bellies. And here is me worried about my tiny beer belly. That’s life under the SNP. Divide and Conquer.


My continuing debate with her indoors re SNP/Sturgeon vs Alba/Salmond produced the following question.

‘So who should I vote for, a failed lawyer or a failed husband?’

Geoff Anderson

A typical mist001 question would be “have you stopped beating your wife yet”

He strives to twist questions into impossible puzzles. A Unionist determined to plant seeds of doubt with every comment.

Geoff Anderson

…and oneliner strikes the ball tee’d up by mist001.

A Unionist tag team in action.


@ Geoff Anderson

What you mean is that this is a question that you wouldn’t dare ask.



Mist says WHY.
This is the great unanswered question. As much as I admire and support Alex Salmond as a politician and champion of independence, I was puzzled at the time that the reins were handed over to someone so obviously lacking in anything but the desire for self promotion and self advancement. Perhaps he was exhausted at the time and was just happy to pass the burden on to someone else, or saw her drive and energy as an asset, not realising how it would be used, I don’t know.

What I do know is that the result has been catastrophic for the advancement of Scottish independence.


@ Mist001 at 8:05 pm

“There’s more to this than meets the eye, something that we simply don’t know about.”
Yes But this part
“Salmond MUST have known about Mrs. Murrells character traits and yet he handed the whole thing over to her.


I would suggest AS really didn’t know, he might have a feeling, I’m sure he didn’t know, as I said before a solicitor told me “she couldn’t get a job at Irvine Cross”
That suggest to me that there was in the legal profession some thing wrong. and she got punted to Glasgow to get lost, and then the first of the shit happened, there could have been more.
I don’t think she has anything of AS , simple she would have dropped that by now, I suggest to would be AS over NS.
BUT consider She via Murrell have that much crap on SNP member that the ugly sisters have complete control , and they are afraid
Was Mackay’s only offence texting.
Why employ the Comms Officer and the Complaints Office, they are not that bright but their behaviour makes them vulnerable to their “bosses”
You get my drift
So the member who crapped on the curtains doesn’t want it revealed, the fact he was shagging the staff same idea, just take that further
The first serious court case against a “personality SNP”
Will be hopefully Teas Out
And I hate to say this, Unless something happens withing the next 5 or 6 week independence is finished.
Slight aside there are a few complaint lodge , waht will happen the complainer will be offered council seat, as payment for their trouble, and will be promoted as case worker on the payroll starting next month
I’ll be surprised if I’m wrong


Hatuey says:
Malnutrition levels in Britain were off the scale during WWII, and after.

It is arguable that more people were better nourished during the war . The division of food by rationing (although cheating went on with out doubt) meant that the poorest people had a fair enough share of what was available and increased their intake of proteins and vitamins. Even the rich-dicks had to cut back on some things

What people need to eat to be healthy is vastly over-egged these days. A diet of:

7.30 am One Weetabix with hot milk
One cup of tea

10.30 1/3 pint of milk at

12.30 School dinner eg 1 slice of cold ham OR 1/2 Scotch Egg OR
ladle of stew OR 1 fish cake. PLUS 1 potato & one veg OF
salad (couple of pieces of lettuce/1 slice cucumber/1
slice tomato.
6.00 1 slice of bread with either jam or dripping plus 1 cup
of tea

8.00 1 mug Ovaltine or milk one slice bread and dripping OR
two malted milk biscuits

I bar of chocolate per week

The person I know who was reared on this diet was extremely healthy and very active and a great sportsperson. Also very intelligent and was educated to degree level and beyond.

James Che.

Saffron robe

I tend to agree with you ,
So do we get to chose whom is expendable,

Most of us would start at the top and work our way down as to be methodical and logical.

Obviously we would start with those skimming of the cream from the rest of the populations.
Thus a more equalising land and food reorganisation

Next on the list would be all those whom favour culling of the present population, weather it is disguised as engenics, vaccines, deliberate food shortages or fake wars.
Next on the list would be all those in favour of war whom endanger wildlife species while dropping bombs on innocent civilians and through the storage of dangerous nuclear weapons

.next on the list would be the big cooperations and big businesses that continue to damage the planet on a massive scale by producing plastic in all forms, and lithium batteries that cannot be disposed of safely without harming nature.

Next on the list, All cooperations that avoid paying taxes through ownership of land they do not live on nor allow anyone else to live on, this may stop the false narrative of hill burning by big estates.

All climate change thumpers whom jet and travel around the world.

Now if we start there, which is just a drop in the ocean, the change would be amazing.
my o my, how quickly some of the planets errors would be corrected

Then we could do sensible family planning for the future.


@ Merganser

What I’m getting at is was it a deliberate choice?

Alex Salmond doesn’t strike me as gullible, naive or just plain stupid, so he must have had a fairly good idea of the way that Mrs. Murrell is and yet he handed the reigns over to her.

Maybe Alex Salmond isn’t all that he appears to be. He maybe thrives on turmoil and strife which would be preferable to him than the settled will of the Scottish people when it might be a bit more peaceful.

In fact, looking at his actions and all that he’s been involved in since transferring the leadership to Mrs. Murrell, his own show on RT, the trial and so on, does he see himself as more of an agent provocateur than a person actually capable of delivering Scottish independence?


@Merganser says:
22 August, 2021 at 9:32 pm
Mist says WHY.
“This is the great unanswered question. As much as I admire and support Alex Salmond as a politician and champion of independence, I was puzzled at the time that the reins were handed over to someone so obviously lacking in anything but the desire for self promotion and self advancement.”

Maybe he was expecting the SNP to fall apart over the 2014 result, give it a couple of years, then come back refreshed. That was scuppered by losing his seat in 2017, which cemented Sturgeon in post. Had he kept his seat, I think she would have been ousted by now.


I firmly believe that the decision to leave the European Union changed everything for the Union, for Westminster and for Scotland. I think Mr Salmond saw it as a great opportunity for Independence. I think that Sturgeon was offered the choice of destroying Mr Salmond and all effective pro-independence people ( Wings and Murray etc) or being destroyed along with them
It is, after all fairly obvious, that England would find life extremely difficult with Scotland to shore up the defences on a regular basis.


I firmly believe that the decision to leave the European Union changed everything for the Union, for Westminster and for Scotland. I think Mr Salmond saw it as a great opportunity for Independence. I think that Sturgeon was offered the choice of destroying Mr Salmond and all effective pro-independence people ( Wings and Murray etc) or being destroyed along with them
It is, after all fairly obvious, that England would find life extremely difficult without Scotland to shore up the defences on a regular basis.


Sorry about the double post. Mea culpa Mr Wings.


Fascism. A few quotes from a net search:

‘Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.’

‘Fascism is a far-right political philosophy, or theory of government, that emerged in the early twentieth century. Fascism prioritizes the nation over the individual, who exists to serve the nation.’

‘a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual’

Their is nothing about the preservation of our race or nation in what is happening today. In fact what is happening is the exact opposite.

If you think trans rights, open borders, LGBT, black lives matter, the demonisation of Europeans, the setting up of increasingly powerful global institutions and political blocks that seeks to eliminate the power of nation states to decide their own futures is fascist then you need to rethink.

What is happening now is exactly what certain fascist leaders warned us about – global communist tyranny in the mould of the early USSR or the cultural revolution in China.

That obviously brings up questions on the veracity of what we have been taught about history.

Its important to know the difference to get a clearer idea of what to expect and who the major players are.

Pro tip – just as people should turn off the TV, if its still on Youtube its probably not landing too close to the mark either.

Tannadice Boy

@holymoses 9:54pm
A hopeless analysis one million Scots voted for Brexit. Why? Take back control, of our laws etc. And now we hand that all back to an unelected German of dubious background. Doesn’t bear up to intellectual argument. I voted for Independence. Is the rest of Scotland so inadequate. If Sturgeon handicaps IndyRef2 with entry to the EU I will be part of the 30%. Yes is going down but maybe that’s the end game.


Tannadice Boy says:
22 August, 2021 at 10:24 pm
@holymoses 9:54pm
A hopeless analysis one million Scots voted for Brexit. Why? Take back control, of our laws etc. And now we hand that all back to an unelected German of dubious background. Doesn’t bear up to intellectual argument. I voted for Independence. Is the rest of Scotland so inadequate. If Sturgeon handicaps IndyRef2 with entry to the EU I will be part of the 30%. Yes is going down but maybe that’s the end game

I’m not sure how your argument affects what I’ve written.
I simply said that a vote for Brexit changed the future for Scotland. It seems futile and childish of you to threaten the greater good of Independence because of a churlish need to get your own way – sounds awfully like WM politics to me. After Independence you can fight your corner and see who you can persuade.

Tannadice Boy

@holymamoses 10:40pm
Words like childish and churlish reflects on you. Study transactional analysis. Then come back to me and deal with a grown up. You never stood on the streets promoting Independence if you did you wouldn’t speak that way. And if by a miracle you did which I doubt, then your task is a thousand times harder. Good luck I will still vote Independence but my family won’t and they did before. Keep going you will help my ten grand bet on a failed IndyRef2.


Tannadice Boy says:
22 August, 2021 at 10:53 pm
@holymamoses 10:40pm
Words like childish and churlish reflects on you. Study transactional analysis. Then come back to me and deal with a grown up. You never stood on the streets promoting Independence if you did you wouldn’t speak that way. And if by a miracle you did which I doubt, then your task is a thousand times harder. Good luck I will still vote Independence but my family won’t and they did before. Keep going you will help my ten grand bet on a failed IndyRef2.

That’s not a terribly useful post. But I’m pleased you’ll vote for Independence and I don’t expect anyone to have control over the voting behaviour of anyone else. Why on earth do people bet against themselves?

Tannadice Boy

@holymacmoses 11:03pm
Well the solution is simple. Named me one Independence event you attended?. Location and others?.It’s the Scottish experience the only thing that saves us from Internet Unionism. I am waiting. The 5 Ws. What, Where, Why, Who, and When. I don’t expect a real response. Because you can’t answer.


Tannadice Boy says:
22 August, 2021 at 11:18 pm
@holymacmoses 11:03pm
Well the solution is simple. Named me one Independence event you attended?. Location and others?.It’s the Scottish experience the only thing that saves us from Internet Unionism. I am waiting. The 5 Ws. What, Where, Why, Who, and When. I don’t expect a real response. Because you can’t answer.

That’s quite aggressive. You are seriously naive if you think that my being able to name Independence events I have been to with friends proves anything. I think you’re really angry and I happen to be here . So if it helps then carry on. Life hasn’t been too good for lots of people for the past few years and we all get down.

Tannadice Boy

@holymacmoses 11:03pm
Well she/he/her/indeterminate has clocked off. End of the shift I suppose. No answer though. They can’t do difficult questions. I will answer my own questions. The 5 Ws. What, Scottish Independence, where,outside William Hills bookies Dundee, Why? I was trying to win Scottish Independence, who- stood next to Brian Cox and the SNP provost of Dundee, when pre referendum 2014. It’s all in the Yes Library. My answer to the 5 Ws.

Tannadice Boy

@holymacmoses 12:03pm
Lots of transactional rubbish from you. Can you answer the 5 Ws. I noticed you didn’t the first time. So last chance. Any verifiable connection to the Independence movement?. I will include SNP membership for a laugh. What happen in Scotland today any verifiable personal experience.


Sleep well and take care

Tannadice Boy

@holymamoses 12:33pm
Well thank you. Even though it’s from Artificial Intelligence. They are getting clever folks. I have a dichotomy I have a decision to make a 90 year old versus a one year old. The dilemma a machine can’t deal with. One represents the past the other the future. I want to leave Scotland but I can’t because I am not a machine.


holymacmoses; “It is arguable that more people were better nourished during the war”

No it isn’t. We call that British propaganda, not grounded in fact.

Undoubtedly access to food before the war was so bad for some that rationing improved their predicament, but it’s farcical to suggest that was the case for the majority. You’ll see a lot of people saying that but they’ll never ground it in facts or data.

All the indicators point to serious nutrition-related health issues in Britain as a consequence of the war and continuing afterwards when the records show relative improvements in other countries.

One of the biggest indicators, if you really want to be serious, is infant mortality which shot up in Britain between 1939 and 1941. There are other indicators.

Only when the US entered the war at the end of 1941 and American and Canadian supplies were better able to reach Britain (thanks largely to the US navy escorting ships) did the situation in Britain stabilise.


ALBA membership is now over 10k.


Yes Breeks the number of members that Alba has is most certainly starting to swell. And the Alba members are motivated active members too.

By comparison reports suggest that the real SNP membership is now below 50,000. And that figure very probably counts those who have lapsed and will not rejoin.

The difference between the two parties could not be more stark. No wonder the SNP – Tory establishment had Alba banned from the media in the run up to the election, had their logo banned off the ballot papers.

New Labour, New SNP, the parallels could not be more clear. Alba are on the march with wind in their sails and people behind them. The SNP are on the way down and their colonial masters will not be able to save them.


Mandy Rhodes, editor at Holyrood Magazine, on Patrick Harvie (etc) ..

link to


Is it just me or does ‘Politics’ seem to attract the wrong type of individual into the fray?
Do people enter into this sphere with a strong desire to help their fellow man/woman/thing or is it a lust for personal gain, wealth and power over those below them in the totem pole?
Looking at those at and near the top in Holyrood and Westminster is there one individual you would trust and deem in any way competent? Would you employ any of them in a business that you ran?
Surely it is only a matter of time before they are found out and cast aside but the real scary part is who takes over from them!


Hatuey says:
No it isn’t. We call that British propaganda, not grounded in fact.

Undoubtedly access to food before the war was so bad for some that rationing improved their predicament, but it’s farcical to suggest that was the case for the majority. You’ll see a lot of people saying that but they’ll never ground it in facts or data.

I suppose when there aren’t many reliable figures we will make a judgement using personal knowledge plus whatever info is available. Our family history has two generation of the last century with mothers dying before their youngest babies were a year old. Only after rationing did they begin to get enough food. The national health also saved the family and an improved schooling system did the rest. I know what the family lived on foodwise and what age they now survive to. As you said yourself, the first two years of the war were excruciatingly bad – after 1942 there was more to go round. The privileged classes do not suffer want of nutrition in war or peace. The very poor actually got the right (by dint of ration books) to more food than they might otherwise have had.
I carelessly wrote ‘more people’. By that I didn’t mean ‘the majority’ – I simply meant that more of the very poor were better nourished. I don’t, for one moment believe that fact was anything but expediency on the party of a government which needed to conserve ‘people’ for a ‘defence of the realm’


chas says:
23 August, 2021 at 9:36 am
Is it just me or does ‘Politics’ seem to attract the wrong type of individual into the fray?

It’s not just you – it’s at least you and me:-).
We have career politicians and career civil servants these days.
The problem is that politicians get a seat for odd reasons.
There’s the ‘party’ choice -which in Scotland means both candidate selection for ‘safe seats’ and in the case of the regional vote people who ‘suit’ the leadership.
Then there’s those who ‘talk a good game’. MP’s get elected on ‘promises’. It’s an ephemeral version of the role of the church and clergy who promised an afterlife of grace.
Sermons either terrified or cajoled – political rhetoric and policy, likewise


Breeks – just wondering how you know the current Alba Membership? Just would like confirmation that it is from a trusted source, which I imagine it would be when it is you who have shared it. I know you are one of the few credible btl commenters here nowadays.

Fishy Wullie

Fionan says:
23 August, 2021 at 10:56 am

Breeks – just wondering how you know the current Alba Membership? Just would like confirmation that it is from a trusted source, which I imagine it would be when it is you who have shared it. I know you are one of the few credible btl commenters here nowadays.


I’m wondering the same thing, someone on Iain lawsons blog quoted the same figure but has so far not linked to any evidence supporting it


ALBA Membership confirmed on Twitter Diane in Lithgae @everywoman61
as 10442 on photocopy of membership card which is issued numerically


@ chas at 9:36 am

“Is it just me or does ‘Politics’ seem to attract the wrong type of individual into the fray?”
You are not alone.
The current standard is “you need to be 23 years old and have a lifetime of experience”
And a knowledge of nothing( dumb,thick or just stupid), never worked , being a case work for a a piece of trash helps, getting touched up by MP,MSP or at a push , Councillor and your a shoo-in

And then there is the MONEY and EXPENCES

But I,m getting old and more cynical


The plastic cards for ALBA, which have an app connection on them, arrived last week along with relevant membership paperwork etc.
My Card no is:1257 and the image show would be identical to the image on twitter apart from the membership number.
Another member of the household has one in the 2000 range

James Che.


You forgot to include one of the major reasons why their was such a thing as poverty of food during and after WW2.

The goverment took the food you produced to feed war,

I remember my grandmother explaining that every hen, cow, pig, horse, duck, sheep you had was registered.

People from the goverment came around to check on home grown food supplies. And it was more tha three quarters of the stock they took,

The population were not starving due to the inability of the people not producing, but due to the government tally men..

I remember my gran saying if a hen layed an extra egg, she would try hide one of them, so she could make something to feed the family.

War has always been such. Feed the army, wars has always caused food shortages and starved the people at home.
An army marches on its belly is a old saying .

The invention of malt and cod liver oil came about during WW2, as did Ovaltine, these were meant to be food supplements, from the government in exchange for the produce the goverment took from the people,

And recovery after WW2 was slow with food supplies as to be expected, Half the men that used to work the land never returned home to farms or Croft’s.

Most of the ships that could have imported food were bombed, along with the Harbours.

Britain was a country on its knees, due to the governments lack of historical of foresight. not because the People.
Hence rashons after the war.

James Che.


It may be true there were some that fared better when war came along.

Many families had become poor during the Great Depression that were not poor previously,

And taken into account that recovery from the First World War was still happening prior to that,

Governments and banks have a lot to answer for. The Wall Street gamble crash starved many people, made many people homeless, dying and starved to death on streets,.

So much so the better of started complaining about the dead bodies. I watched an old black & white documentary on it..

Whenever governments blunder from one disaster to another, you will find hungry starving people.


Nicola’s World.
link to
If you screw your eyes up tight the Wicked Witch frae Dreghorn and her little helpers might go away…or maybe you could get this.
link to
Nicola with a beard, just call me Trudy.


Thank you Holymacmoses, that sounds pretty good 🙂 Sturgeon will be spitting, not feathers but scales!


Gotta tell you, I got vaxed last Tuesday with the Johnson and Johnson stuff and was fine until about Thursday. Since then, I’ve been feeling kind of whacked, headaches and stuff and sort of on the brink of a cold or something.

Vaccine side effects or coincidence?


Holymacmoses do you have a viable link to that tweet? Seems to be conflicting info on this, and it would be no surprise to find dirty tricks at play here. The same trick is often pulled via polling, to raise expectations then depress the mood when the real stats are revealed. Not worth taking any info/data/stats as credible unless there is strong supporting evidence these days, and we all know that dirty tricks are now the order of the day in Sturgeons Scotland.

Robert Hughes


“It is exactly the example of the kinds of things you need to do to counter the she-cession and turn it into a she-covery,” Trudeau said.”


She-er pish from the ET that is JT .

It can only be a matter of time before he appears at one of those elite elbow-bumping farces wearing a ball-gown , falsies and 6in heels , or maybe excuses his absence from same due to period pains .

He’s the perfect example of the clownish * personalities * currently leading the assault on what used to be known as ” Reality “



However rude I might be I hope you start to feel better soon and you don’t suffer any ill-effects.

David Caledonia


Boris Yeltsin handed over the reigns to the X.KGB man, yes the one and only Mr Putin
Poor Boris was as thick as that other numpty in Downing Street, Putin played him like a fiddle and got control because Boris was not the brightest pebble on the beach
Alex Salmond gave the reigns over to the right person, but power corrupted the idiot and now she is damned forever as a twat of the first order


@David Caledonia

Yeah, I lie awake at night tortured by the reality that Putin is pulling the strings in Britain.

America is in a similar situation with the Chinese. If you move enough dual citizen Israeli Americans out of the way in the US political establishment you can find the occasional Chinese asset buried underneath – which is obviously the big story in the U.S.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Fionan.

link to


Does anyone know – or able to find out why Lorna Slater came to the Uk
Her wiki entry reads

In the year 2000, a month after she was due to graduate, she purchased a one-way ticket to Glasgow
My emphasis.
Why did she choose not to graduate?
Why did she purchase a one-way ticket?
What is her background?
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong BUT when a person is in public office then people are entitle to know their background. I do NOT doubt for a moment that she studied for an engineering degree.
I can find nothing and wonder if she has changed her name?

Meg merrilees

Well – true to form –
The Ministry of Defence has decided that is getting a bit risky in Afghanistan for anyone other than Scottish troops.

I see the black Watch is just departing today to help out at Kabul Airport yet in another article the minister ( inaptly surnamed Wallace) says the evacuation will last hours now, not days.

Think about it, how do they get the last few planes out once the soldiers are embarked? or will they come out in helicopters?


Brian Doonthetoon says:
23 August, 2021 at 1:47 pm
Hi Fionan

Thanks for giving this info – I’m never sure about how to link to twitter and I follow no-one there so so really feel free to so do


Re ALBA Membership, everybody is getting their Membership Cards at the moment, and somebody posted their Membership Number as 10,460… or something thereabouts.

As far as I know, the Membership No doubles up as a count, because these cards are founder members…

That was my source, so anecdotal, but I think it’s also credible.


Reading back the quotes… It might very well have been the same Tweet I saw as Holymacmoses already posted.

It was definitely 10,400 something…

Brian Doonthetoon
Sensible Dave

Mia 5.26

I have no skin in this game so my thoughts are based on a logical assessment of what I have witnessed over the last few years.

Of course its possible that Ms Sturgeon is a fraud, or a trougher …. it could also be that she is trying to save you from yourself?

What if she had all the numbers and research to be reasonably sure that indyref2 would be lost if held in the near future. What if she has concluded that you should only fight the battles you can win – particularly if losing again now effectively shelved any further talk of independence for a further 20 years?

Clearly, I do not “know” the reasons behind her general lack of “push” on this matter, but it may well be that she is actually defending the possibility of Independence – by not having the battle she can’t win (at this time).


A referendum will never win independence for Scotland. The establishment and establishment-controlled media will just lie and further disseminate its lies and selective polls online. It’ll have to be done through the ’normal’ electoral system.

Referendum is a big red herring.

Wally Jumblatt

I think the fact that the Sturgeon regime is now * held to be undeniably incompetent, nasty, undemocratic and in bed with the wrong people, might suggest that any referendum-route she elected to go down, would fail.

* I mean such a viewpoint as might be held by objective citizens who try and form their opinions for themselves ………

Wally Jumblatt

-so my view on another referendum would be don’t hold it until we have cleared out the Augean stables and have a leadership in place that is trustworthy and competent to run the country.

Either kick out the leadership or leave the party and form or join another (hopefully with a bunch of like-minded MSPs & MPs) to start down that road.


Some party or other puts independence first and fights an election on that ticket.
It couldn’t be more «honest», probably why the SNP leadership has an issue with it.


Well it didn’t take long for the Great Satan (USA) to sell out those who aided and abetted its forces in Afghanistan, ordinary Afghans won’t now be airlifted out of the country, only US personnel, Nato personnel and those who possess a Green Card will be evacuated.

As if the resentment towards the Great Satan (USA) couldn’t get any higher from the Afghan people, it will now.

Colin Alexander

Alex Salmond backed Sturgeon because she is a centre-right who masquerades as left of centre,just like Alex Salmond does.

Salmond used Sillars and Margo McDonald to gain fake credentials as being an economic social reformer to steal the votes off the other fakes: British Labour.

Salmond, Sturgeon, Ian Blackford and Michael (privatise the NHS) Mike Russell, Fergus Ewing and Angus Robertson etc etc:

Friends of the aristocracy, pro-monarchy; in other words chums of the enemies of Scottish sovereignty. Tartan Tory neo-liberals.

People who are more at home supping fine claret with the Duke of Buccleuch than discussing poverty in the housing schemes of Scotland.

Robert Hughes

” What if she had all the numbers and research to be reasonably sure that indyref2 would be lost if held in the near future. What if she has concluded that you should only fight the battles you can win – particularly if losing again now effectively shelved any further talk of independence for a further 20 years? ”

In the unlikely event there’s any truth in this one of the main reasons we would lose is because that fraud has done absolutely nothing to persuade the undecided of the case for Independence , has , in fact , done more by her incompetence and duplicity to disuade people of the necessity of Independence


So we have Lord Ian “Beefy” Botham, as UK trade envoy to Australia, and now we have David “Fluffy” Mundell, as a UK trade envoy to New Zealand, Fluffy is also tasked with drumming up business abroad for Scottish farmers, we know that the Tories have already devastated the Scottish farming and fishing sectors, now Fluffy will add the final nail in the Scottish farming sectors coffin.

James Che.

Meanwhile in the more northern hemisphere the wicked witch had been offered the most precious of gifts.
For the Downey south wizards this was an insult, for they had been fawning after idolation from the people in that kingdom of Scotland for such a long period of time. For centuries.
They had wanted unrequited love that placed themselves high above on a pedestal, blind adoration, no matter how they treated the people,

The sad fact is this rejection was felt deeply by the wizards for they had bullied many countries into loving them before and it had worked, Why Had It Not Worked with this little country of people?

So if they could not have the love and blind obedience of the Scots from their kingdom then it was better to rape and pillage their land and exterminate them all, the As high wizard leader had messaged to the world.

However the wicked witch of the north did not see it this way, she did not value the small but precious and important gift the people in the kingdom of Scotland gave her.

The people’s mandates for a successful future kingdom and country were small fry in her scheme of things,
She had managed to control the people of the land for years through confusion and lies, and piling up excuses, the last was the best for their fear of the plague would hold the people in a time warp of forever imprisonment.
How susceptible were the people in her kingdom,

NO, Her plans were much bigger than that,
queen of a tiny country indeed! This only bought tears to her eyes. small dreams, phiff.

She wanted to be Queen of the world,
Queen in particular of the woke World, of the transgender world, the black and white world, the climate change world, Queen of the little innocent little children, lock their parents up.

SHE wanted to be all POWERFUL, TO Trans everyone into Something different across the global world,

No one could hold her back,
She had the little green slaves that marched around her feet, following her every word, echoed her every syllable, and copied in tandem her actions and laws,
And The next stage of her ultimate plan was to join forces with the green slave goblins, to increase her political armoury and challenge the Downey south wizards.

Not for the poor people of her land, not for a freedom of their country, not for prosperity and good health of the land and people,….But for herself to gain more and more power, to be leader of the transition groups all around the world.

Now once a long time ago their used to be another race of people, these people were sort of a vague kind of red colour, but no one was certain as they were akin to cameliaons,
They could disguise themselves as in amongst the green goblins producing big nosed brown offspring,
Sometimes they merged with the royal blue Downey wizards and they produced purple slight of hand offspring whom still had big noses.

The northern queen knew and welcomed this red race into her boudoir to produce orange offspring for she also knew camouflage may be as important as lies and excuses, and the more the merrier to build a political armoury,

Is this confusing yet?

The little country of Scotland thought so, who was who? and which colour still held faith in the blue flag they doubtfully waved?

For The influx of colour had changed their Queen, she too had now morphed into a cameleon dragon… that was unrecognisable as the queen they had put in power.

What were the people in the small kingdom to do?


Today is the seven-hundred and sixteenth anniversary of the execution of the Scottish hero William Wallace, Edward I had him put to death on the twenty-third of August 1305 for treason.

Wallace replied how can I have committed treason, when I’ve never sworn an oath of loyalty to Longshanks.


“one of the main reasons we would lose is because that fraud has done absolutely nothing to persuade the undecided of the case for Independence , has , in fact , done more by her incompetence and duplicity to disuade people of the necessity of Independence”

I think that Sturgeon has not simply failed to do anything to persuade voters, I think she has actively dissuaded people by deliberately failing to refute WM/unionist propaganda. She has failed quite deliberately to support the case for indy in any way, means or fashion. And she has permitted the continued gaslighting of Scots voters and the continued theft of our resources. Duplicity she has in spades, but incompetence – not so much, she has been pretty competent in hanging on to her support by dangling fusty carrots in front of them and she has run circles round snp members in her removal of democracy and honesty and communication within the snp. She has been remarkably competent in replacing the snp with the NewSNP without members even realising she has done so.

Incidentally, the system used to generate Alba party member numbers does not issue these numbers serially, so the Membership no. does not reflect the number of members. I thought it seemed too good to be true for membership to almost double in such a brief time since the 6000 member announcement.


Breeks 7.41

That’s the most encouraging one-liner I’ve read since … March.
10.5K + is an impressive number, given the media embargo.
At this rate of increase, and the rate of decline in SNP numbers, perhaps we can now hanker for the time when ALBA has the largest membership in Scotland?


Afghanistan through the looking glass.
If citizens of your country were being paid for actively helping and supporting a foreign army occupying your country what might your attitude be?
I suspect that many might not be sympathetic.
Traduttore, traditore?
Is Sturgeon signalling for a job in Nato?


Bad news for Pixywine & other anti-vaxxers pushing the experimental vaccine rhetoric, the FDA have given Pfizer full approval.

link to

Back to Bill Gates did it and ran away!


link to

Good Lord.

Wish I’d known. I could do with a new helicopter…

75,898 vehicles left behind for the Taliban? 4702 Humvees? Must keep an eye open for EBay Afghanistan…

I am stunned. Did anybody check the docks yet? Maybe they left an aircraft carrier or two.

They’ll be calling Afghanistan the Duchy of Grand Fenwick after this…

link to


Ottoman, Sturgeon would fit right in at NATO, an organisation founded on mistruth and failure. And take my word for it, if she ends up NATO president or something, you can kiss Western civilisation’s ass goodbye.

I listened to a BBC radio 4 chat about Blair’s attack on Biden and the implications of the Afghanistan withdrawal for Western hegemony. We’ve all to pretend this is just one failure in a sea of success. Forget the trail of misery and destruction in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine. Actually, even in Afghanistan we’ve done huge amounts of good which will pay dividends in the future…

The problem, according to Blair and these experts on Radio 4 then, is the damage to reputation. Seriously. Apparently we’ve been going around the world for centuries trying to help people and promote order and this Afghanistan stuff is going to make some people think they maybe can’t rely on us for help and support.

Imagine you could talk like that about Britain’s reputation without bursting out laughing.


“it could also be that she is trying to save you from yourself?”

And how would that be?

By rubbing it in our noses and forcing disgusted Scottish taxpayers like me to continue overpaying obscenely big and totally undeserved salaries to the supreme incompetent, deeply corrupt, rogue and untrustworthy civil servants and spads she surrounds herself with instead of sacking them on the spot for gross misconduct and gross incompetence?

Or would it be by directing our hard earned taxpayers money into coaching the said corrupt civil servants and spads and teaching them how to deflect the questions from the parliamentary inquiry that should see them prosecuted for breaking the civil service code of conduct and for landing a totally unnecessary and unforgivable million pound bill onto Scotland’s taxpayers?

Would it be by having allowed millions of taxpayers’ pounds being haemorrhaged in a political vendetta happening right under her nostrils and that she could have put an end to by ordering Swinney to release ALL the evidence to the parliamentary inquiry and the public?

Or would it be by keeping Murrell in post when everybody and their dog knows keeping him as CEO of the SNP is a sign of deep corruption and that she should have sacked him years ago?

Would it be by taking voters for a ride using their yes votes to preserve the union, to transfer powers and assets to England and to erode females’ rights?

Or would it be by keeping Scotland’s borders wide open so variant after variant of the virus entered Scotland and feasted on the weak? How many of those over 8000 people who lost their lives to COVID could be alive today if this woman had used the mandate, had acted like a real nationalist FM instead of a spineless puppet of Westminster and locked those borders?

If this woman is trying to save something it can only be her own corrupt arse and the union. And by hell she appears to be burning every democratic and legal structure in Scotland down to a crisp in order to cover her own arse and to preserve that union.

Her actions speak louder than every meaningless and vacuous word she has been uttering non-stop for the last 7 years. There is no “maybes” about it. We have had 7 fckng years of maybes. What her actions tell us is that she is a political fraud, totally corrupt, with no moral or ethical compass, she has no integrity, she has the biggest contempt for democracy, international law and for the voters she pretends to represent, and she has no intention whatsoever to use our mandates for Scotland to exit this union.

Insulting those who, quite rightly, demanded the Scottish borders to be closed in order to stop the virus to continue re-entering Scotland and provoking deaths, has to be one of the most cynical, cold and disgusting interventions of this woman.

The lives of thousands of Scots who died of Covid because this political fraud refused to stretch Scotland’s autonomy by locking those borders are not the blond buffoon’s responsibility. They are HER responsibility. The buffoon has no and had no mandate to act, speak or represent Scotland. SHE did, but chose not to.


link to
This has fuck all to do with a virus.

Sensible Dave

Mia 5.10

You wrote “And how would that be?”

… I tried to provide a theory in my original comment – but you clearly dismiss it.

As an aside, if an indyref was to be run in say 3 months time, do you believe the result would be yes or no?

If you think no, then that would be the reason to not hold the referendum.

If you think yes, then personally, I think you are deluding yourself.


Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, as I see it, represents the first thing the US has got right in foreign affairs for about 50 years. It’s something to celebrate, a classy expression of determination based on principle rather than the usual pragmatism.

When demonic creeps like Blair are attacking you, you know you’re doing something well.

Countries involved in the attack and occupation of Afghanistan have no legally meaningful obligation to the Afghans who cooperated and colluded with them. They knew the risks.

To my knowledge there was nothing in any contracts that committed us to offering anyone citizenship. If that’s true of the US and British governments, it’s certainly true of Glasgow City Council — who gave them permission to plough the city’s resources into this? Glasgow has enough problems.

If the SNP are in a humanitarian frame of mind, they should devote themselves to the impoverished stateless souls here.


Roguesir we’ve been saying the “vaccine” will be approved. You haven’t won anything you dumb NPC.


Hatuey. You have Trump to thank for the Afghan withdrawal. His administration ordered it.


I find that people don’t face facts – they select facts to suit their agenda.
The problem for anyone wanting change at the moment is apparent lack of choice. Both Westminster and Holyrood are headed up by arrogant, hedonistic, self-centred, careless people who are only interested in keeping power to themselves. This problem signifies a total lack of choice for voters, so they would probably maintain the status quo.

However that ‘doldrums’ problem existed in rUK at the time of Brexit and the Leave brigade were able to bulldoze through with a load of lies and lots of false enthusiasm.

Today, in Scotland, we don’t need to tell lies in order to ascertain that Scotland would be better off going it alone. BUT we do need another party loaded up with energy and enthusiasm to awaken the voters. ALBA has come along at the right time , and , in my opinion, anyone who can’t recognise that 4,000 extra members in less than a month is indicative of a surge in positive popularity, is, in my book, deluding themselves.


‘Bad news for Pixywine & other anti-vaxxers pushing the experimental vaccine rhetoric, the FDA have given Pfizer full approval.’

Which means they have been pushed on children without full approval.

Thanks for telling us what we have been arguing you dumb cnt


“You have Trump to thank for the Afghan withdrawal. His administration ordered it.”

Ehhhhh. Do you realise what you’re saying here doesn’t make sense?


Honestly. We have had more than a year of saying ‘these vaccines are not approved, they are only being authorised due to emergency powers afforded by misuse of PCR’

To which the arseholes calling us anti-vax would say:
‘oh no, they really ARE fully approved’

But NOW someone holds up the very predictable approval by the FDA (it was slated for August this year) as if it somehow goes against our argument.

Utter fuckwits. Beyond contempt.

Any of you who take this position and aren’t actual paid up PR shills or 77th arseholes are hitting levels of human stupidity that I thought was limited to the severely damaged.

Again I find myself sympathizing with the elites. Maybe there ARE too many stupid cnts on this fucking planet.


“who gave them permission to plough the city’s resources into this? Glasgow has enough problems.”

Agreed Hatuey.

Glasgow city council has reduced community services, libraries are earmarked to close, and the city is filthy. The official narrative was to help women in Afghanistan, that ruse is still being spun in the corporate media, whilst back home in Scotland, the Scottish government is eroding women’s rights.

Sharia Law exists in the UK today and is practiced within our ethic communities via the Hadiths, which were written after the Quran. It would fit Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford who’s on the news parroting about Afghan rights etc, if his party/government focused more on rights of women, ethnic included, closer to home.

stuart mctavish


Two implications of FDA’s reference to a requirement for POSTMARKETING risk assessments, as part of the ongoing safety monitoring, are:

(a) the trial(s) on which the drug is approved may have been marketing data from Pfizer rather than unbiased testing by FDA.
(b) they are incomplete

One upside might be that Pfizer can no longer have corporate liability protection in recognition of the experimental nature of the product so it now ought to be (slightly) easier for anyone suffering side effects to hold the directors jointly and severally liable in a judicious court of law.

James Che.


Thanks for thumbs up on fables, Happy to to show the surreal world and time we are living through on a lighter note,

Fables, fairytales, and horror stories mingle and intwine a surreal story full of green mischievous goblins the big red nosed race, the blue race of Downey wizards, and the chameleon dragon queen of the north.

Not forgetting why the people of the little kingdom in the north are so angry with the chameleon queen, ?

James Che.

Thanks for the link, appreciated.

James Che.


Thumbs up to some sensible commentary


@Meg merrilees says:
23 August, 2021 at 2:00 pm
“Well – true to form –
The Ministry of Defence has decided that is getting a bit risky in Afghanistan for anyone other than Scottish troops.”


2 Para are already there. They are part of “ready to move” groups, which includes RM. Other units are selected based on readiness and suitability for the required tasks. The MoD does not just send out a unit to a theatre on a whim.

Mark Boyle

holymacmoses says: 23 August, 2021 at 1:58 pm

Does anyone know – or able to find out why Lorna Slater came to the Uk? Her wiki entry reads

In the year 2000, a month after she was due to graduate, she purchased a one-way ticket to Glasgow
My emphasis.
Why did she choose not to graduate? Why did she purchase a one-way ticket? What is her background?

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong BUT when a person is in public office then people are entitled to know their background. I do NOT doubt for a moment that she studied for an engineering degree.
I can find nothing and wonder if she has changed her name?

You’re committing the classic rookie mistakes:

1. taking Wikipedia at face value.
2. not going back through the earlier entries to see what the Newspeakers have been editing off.

Trust me, you’ll often find the good stuff in the edits.

Ol’ Lorne Sausage Face has a degree in electro-mechanical engineering alright – she’d never have got a job with Aquamarine Power Ltd if she couldn’t prove she had the qualifications.

‘Not graduating’ means F-all, that just means not turning up to the ceremony, you still get your certificate. It’s becoming more common nowadays, possibly because with the stupid fake “graduations” they have for primary and secondary schools, by the time people have the chance of one for the real thing they feel slightly jaded by it all. Some graduation ceremonies are a hoot in the number of no-shows they get – they read out a long list of names for certain subjects, only for a few to go up to collect.

Always take politicians own self-declared back stories with a bucket of salt – preferably to dump over them.


“What if she had all the numbers and research to be reasonably sure that indyref2 would be lost if held in the near future”

There is not “what if” about it. The longer she delays indyref, the lower the chances of a yes win. I have no doubt her handlers have done the research and that is precisely why they have her delaying indyref under the cynical lie that the delay is to help “convert no voters” or “to exit the pandemic”. Each excuse as big a pile of bullshit as the other.

For as long as this political fraud is allowed to use the same flawed franchise that we were subjected to in 2014, yes will never win and the native population will never be allowed to self-determine, because this flawed franchise seems to be designed to work in combination with the enormous proportion of no voting non-natives continuously migrating into Scotland compared with the diminutive increase in the original yes voting native population.

But don’t take my word for it. I invite you to take a close look at the census data for 2001 to 2011 and see it for yourself.

From 2001 to 2011, the total increase in Scotland’s population number was 233,392. Of those 233,392 extra people, only 1,484 were born in Scotland (more people were born in Scotland during that time, but a larger number died or migrated so they are no longer in the census. 1484 is the net gain).

As I said in previous threads, This means that of the net 233,392 extra people that Scotland gained in those 10 years, over 99% were from non Scottish ancestry, with no sense of Scottish nationhood and much less motivation to vote yes.

This is worrying because it is telling you that Scotland appears to be haemorrhaging yes voters and swapping them for no voters. One wonders how long this has been going on. One also wonders if this is precisely the reason why this political fraud continues to delay indyref. Personally, I am inclined to think this demographic problem together with the determination to keep Scotland subsidising England’s economy and acting as the parking lot for England’s WMD are the main motivators in Sturgeon’s delaying tactics.

The data in the census tells us that to keep the yes/no ratio the same, for every native, with innate sense of Scottish nationhood, that you convert to yes, you have another extra 99 more individuals to convert, but with the added difficulty that they are coming from elsewhere, have no yet allegiance to Scotland as a nation at all, no allegiance to Scotland’s history and heritage, no interest in Scotland’s language and culture, no interest in Scotland taking control of its own assets and destiny, no interest in Scotland’s political views but instead wanting to bring to make Scotland politically an extension of their “home” and with no interest in Scotland becoming independent. And that is just if you want to maintain the yes/no ratio as it is.

Do you see the problem that the political fraud’s delay is causing? I think it is rather obvious.

For as long as she maintains this flawed franchise, each year of delay is not giving the yes side a better chance. Is taking those chances away. Each year of delay is giving the no side a better chance to frustrate the natives’ vote thanks to the continuous influx of potential no voters from elsewhere.

The idea that with such flawed franchise and with more years yes will naturally increase is a fallacy. That would only be the case if the net increase in the native population was higher than the increase in the non native population. In Scotland the net increase of the non-native population is much higher than the net increase of the native population. So this is another of Sturgeon’s cosmic size cons, just like when she hides behind the label of “feminism” to shred females’ rights with impunity.

Only 1484 more people in 10 years in an original population of around 5 million is an increase of less than 0.003% per year. This tells us that the native population in Scotland is stalling and approaching zero population growth. In contrast, the non native population is increasing exponentially and clearly the unioinists (and I would say Sturgeon too) are taking advantage of this to deny the natives independence.

Why did the buffoon and others said that we had to wait 50 years for indyref?

Well, let’s see:

if every 5 years over 230,000 non natives, predominantly no voters, come into Scotland, after 50 years of same migration rate you could expect the net figure to be over 1,100,000 people. In the meantime, the Scottish native population of today would have increased by 1484 x 5 = 74200. 1,100,000 mostly no voters vs 74200 mostly yes voters. A unionist dream.

And that, of course, is without taking into account the number of children that over those 50 years will be born in Scotland from those non-natives and that will be brought up in families with allegiance to another country, no allegiance to Scotland as a nation and no interest in seeing Scotland independent.

We have been told that in 2014 the native population of Scotland voted for yes. It was the overblown no vote from the non-natives what frustrated that yes vote. The census tells us that every year this political fraud delays indyref, she increasing even more the risk of that happening again.

For the last 7 years she and her praetorian guard have been feeding us the bullshit that “we need to convert more no voters”. What these individuals did not tell us is that every year they delay indyref the number of no voters we have to convert compared with the yes voters increases exponentially, not because native yes voters move to no. It is because the majority of the migrants coming from elsewhere into Scotland and that constitute the biggest portion of the population increase in Scotland per year, are no voters.

Either the fraud is forced to change that flawed franchise or her and her handlers will use it again to frustrate the yes vote from the native population.

So, coming back to your comment, I have not a shadow of a doubt that she is, the same as I am, reasonably sure indyref will be lost in the future if she insists in keeping the same flawed franchise, is allowed to get away with delaying indyref for enough years to let enough no voters from elsewhere to balance the modest increase in yes vote since 2014.

Considering how many non-natives and with little allegiance to Scotland as a nation there are already in Scotland and watching the total determination of this woman to not launching an indyref campaign, I don’t think they need many years to balance the yes vote out.

This is why I think this political fraud has kept yes on a leash for 7 years, has had no interest whatsoever in launching a proper pro independence campaign, has not exploited those points in time when yes was over 50% and instead she proceeded to delay indyref for 5 years, plus now another 5 blaming the Greens, allowing another 330,000 potential no voters to come into Scotland to help frustrate the natives’ yes vote.

The difference between me and her is that while my blood boils because I can see how she is harming yes with that flawed franchise, her totally unnecessary delay and her stalling the campaigning, she appears to be rejoicing at the prospect of Scotland remaining in the union until the time England has bleed it dry of wealth and rendered the original native Scots population a minority in their own country.

Isn’t that what colonialism aims to after all – to swap enough of the native population with non-natives to remove the sense of nationhood and transform it into allegiance to the colonial power? Isn’t that what was done in NI and Gibraltar?


Beaker says:
23 August, 2021 at 7:07 pm

…2 Para are already there. They are part of “ready to move” groups….

2 Para is “Warry” Para, and it’s the most warlike because it’s traditionally full of Scots… or used to be.


“As an aside, if an indyref was to be run in say 3 months time, do you believe the result would be yes or no?”

If the political fraud is forced to change the franchise imposing one that allows the natives to actually self determine, which should be the aim of any independence referendum, then yes will win, even without campaigning.

But if the political fraud gets away with using the same proven flawed franchise, considering the over 330,000 potential no voters that entered Scotland in the last 7 years, and looking at the total lack of interest of this woman to promote independence, I think yes will lose.

Having said that, the chances of yes to win in 5 years’ time with this flawed franchise, no leadership, no campaigning, a corrupt FM bent on destroying females’ rights, the yes movement and to hand over to England Scotland’s assets, and after allowing an additional 330,000 non-natives potential no voters to take part in Scotland’s referendum, are, in my opinion, even lower.

Does that answer your question?


I’m a Kiwi, I’m in touch with folk back home and you could not be more wrong about NZ or about how the truly vast majority of Kiwis are behind the govt’s measures which have kept them safe from Covid.

Wind your neck in please.


A demo for craig Murray was held yesterday outside saughton prison. How come such a total betrayal of human right and free speech doesnt have the masses on the streets in protest?
Well done to those who were there.


Mark Boyle says:
23 August, 2021 at 7:14 pm
holymacmoses says: 23 August, 2021 at 1:58 pm

Hi and thanks for the help. It never crossed my mind that she didn’t have her degree. She was at uni slightly longer than usual but that means nothing. I graduated from a university which insisted I attend the ceremony or find myself a very good reason:-) I’ve studied at Glasgow, Strathclyde and Paisley and I think the first two didn’t like posting papers out to folk. (But of course that was some years ago)
I know that in Canada you don’t have to start paying back student loans for 6 months after you get your certificate and I met some folks over the years who took one way tickets to ride away from debts:-)
In her introductory video on you tube she speaks of ‘intending to travel through Europe on her ‘then European Union passport’ – a phrase which interested me. Canadians can get dual nationality passports on the strength of grandparents.
I like a bit of background on folk who potentially have some control over my existence in this country.


This was on the eve of the Holyrood Election.

Nicola Sturgeon promises to work with Labour to rebuild Scotland after Covid pandemic”

“I am not ruling out anything at the moment,” she said, before clarifying that this did not apply to the Tories and Alex Salmond’s Alba.

link to

So off the back of that and thinking ahead to the Local Authority Elections next year…
It would be grand if we could have some clarity on whether the SNP would form a coalition with Alba or ISP if it facilitated gaining control of a Council.
Or would She / Her refuse to work with Pro-Indy Parties and rather have Councils controlled by Unionists, with all that entails.

David Caledonia

I had a look at a dating/porn site just out of curiosity as it came up in my inbox
What an eye opener it was, seems that a lot of women find me terribly sexy and handsome, five minutes and just about half the women in scotland where after my body, they can have it, its not much good to me lol
Anyway, I was allowed 3 free messages then I had to pay, I had a message from somebody in Inverness and I used my free goes on messaging her
To message the rest I would need to contact my good friend Donald in america and ask for a tap, the last time I asked him for a tap, he told me to ask a plumber lol

David Caledonia


First part of my double came up when seville scored in extra time, now I am going to watch boavista, I need them to win for a nice wee double

James Che.

Here is a new slant on Scottish independence for none natives and natives.
And some kind of honest discussion between both sides would be needed. If you are not from England please feel free to answer just the same. Perhaps saying where you are from.
I have not heard of any such survey having taken place in Scotland and I am curious to say the least.

Just how do English born people feel about Population increase in England.?

Do they feel that if Scotland and England ran two independent countries, would this give them more choices on where and how they could live in the future ?

How do they feel about the price of living down south. Compared to Scotland.?

Do they believe there is a better way of lifestyle in Scotland,?

Do they think the average age group moving to Scotland is above or below retirement age.?

Are they are working age themselves.?

Do their children go to school here.?

If the governments ban all cars, but electric, how will they travel the vast areas between towns, to hospitals, etc.?

Do you feel that Scottish pace of life is preferable to that around London , Manchester, Kent, Birmingham, Sussex. Etc,?

What was the major decision maker that decided you to move to Scotland,?

When in Rome do as the Romans’ do, is an old saying, Do you feel that attitude fits well into how you think and thought about you’re move to Scotland.?

Do you feel that more people would return home from abroad if Scotland and England become independent of each other.?

The point is unless homework is done on why so many people from elsewhere wish to move to Scotland we are batting into the dark.
We like anyone else need more friends than enemies,

And we have to remember many many people in Liverpool , from abroad, Yorkshire, north and South Wales, etc said if we did get independence for Scotland they wanted to move here,
They cannot vote yes in our elections unless they do move here.
And if they do decide to do that, to give two governments to Britain, to have two choices, then surely they are to be welcomed.
There actually was enthusiasm for an independent Scotland down south of the border in 2014,
I dare say it will be more so now.

I would like and welcome people to answer the small questions above, and I personally will not be nasty unless you are offensive, and I will keep an open mind,


@ J.o.e

Just to say I noticed you’d posted some thoughts on UBI within an AGR context.
They are both subjects that encompass many factors and variables at different levels so difficult to nail down any particular hard and fast view for and against them.

The overall tax avoidance figure within the current UK setup is reckoned to be a significant amount, and had those monies stayed in “the system” rather than being squirreled away there would have extra funding to pay for “stuff” if the will was there.
One aspect of AGR is that you supposedly cannot hide or take land offshore to avoid paying taxes due.
As the current UK system is radically bad and leaks like a sieve, is Scotland implementing a system that attempts to correct that weakness not a viable endeavour?
Caveat: I acknowledge that this is basically a theoretical discussion at this point in time, as the current crop in positions of power to move forward with this seem a bit too focused on pronouns rather than dealing with important stuff.


Go down to London, loads of Scots (and Irish) live there. Why did they want to leave Scotland to go there?


Mist001 says:
23 August, 2021 at 10:02 pm
Go down to London, loads of Scots (and Irish) live there. Why did they want to leave Scotland to go there?

Sure the streets are paved with gold

Scot Finlayson


`a month after she was due to graduate`

what does that even mean,

Lorna/she/her could have been have been `due to graduate` for months even years,

as in someone saying “i`m due to graduate next year”,

`after` being due must mean Lorna/she/her did graduate or she would still be `due` to graduate.


Suddenly the whole West cares about nothing other than the plight of Afghanis… Can anyone explain why that’s the case?

It’s not like we are short of innocent victims of Western interventions.

I smell a big rat. And I won’t be surprised if the rat turns up wearing a blue helmet.

I see Turkey has embroiled itself. That’s never a good sign.


Joe! Could you confirm what the FDA have approved with Phizer.

This story is a nothing burger ?
The only thing this clarifies is that the FDA are full of shit.
It’s a rebrand ‘Comirnaty’ with some additional warnings and precautions regarding…
Myocarditis and Pericarditis. ?

The FDA Did Not Approve The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine. Contrary to their own press release today. ??

link to

They Only “REISSUED” The “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA)
Read their statement on this from their site.
“Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA LOA reissued August 23 2021” ??

link to

I’ll let Biden explain the real reason behind this bullshit, smoke and mirrors statement in the video below. ??

Robert Graham

Muscleguy ever watch Sheep ? The dumbest fkrs on the planet always go where they are pushed without hesitation and if the vast majority are in favour of being pend in Well I guess the Kiwis couldn’t pass the Australian entry examination that’s why they got shoved off to the Arse end of the planet to keep them out of the way , have a nice day now , Baa ,Baa , that’s Kiwi lingo G’day mate .

On a lighter note I see the protesters are at last picking the right target for a change the MSM and the News ( government propaganda ) outlets And the top of the Pyramid sits Google making sure the plebs only see what they want them to see ,

Government mantra to justify terror tactics that keep people scared shitless ” we only follow the Science ” Aye whose fkn Science because the only ones allowed a voice are the ones who follow the program because if they don’t then their job disappears Fkn Independent Scientists my Arse

Aw shit it’s past midnight and Cinderella has lost her charming demenor Oops fk it .


And so it emerges that the UK has been evacuating Afghans who were on the ” no fly list”.

With some having made it into Britain, and indeed into other places like Franfurt, the safety issues become apparent.

That the UK has been traumatised by so called, ‘radicalised’ groups and individuals espousing Islamic hatred, one has to ask what is going on brininging no fly individuals, and others to our shores.

This exodus of Afghanis could well contain the feedstock for another wave of terror on our streets.

A. Bruce

Pixywine, you’re full of shit. I’ve been in NZ since the end of 2019 until a few weeks ago and practically everyone was happy with the stance of the Ardern Govt. And even now with the latest lockdown, there’s widespread support. Your slur comparing it to an open concentration camp is moronic.

David Caledonia

Why, do people keep repeating what’s on the news, we have eyes and ears

Football news

Seville ….. Won
Boavista….. Won

Caledonia wins again….. More shullins in the pocket lol

David Caledonia

I read about New Zealand, it seems we scots are not as dumb as some people

Nobody has the right to curtail anothers freedom, especially if the same person is swanning about all over the place and paying no heed to the crap they are preaching to others


what’s the latest on the missing money?


James says:
24 August, 2021 at 1:31 am
“what’s the latest on the missing money?”

Re-frame your “missing”…

Socrates MacSporran

I came across a definite keeper on Iain Lawson’s Yours For Scotland blog yesterday.

One btl commenter came up with The Boke as a description for the bunch of “woke” bampots currently running the SNP.

I like that description and commend it to the House.


link to
FDA approval? Hahahahaha hahaha.


A Bruce. The New Zealanders must be as gullible as the Scots. I watched a video of your psychopathic puppet leader smoking crack. A crack head for a Prime Minister. What can possibly go wrong.?


Muscle guy. One day of being locked down is an outrage never mind going on two fucking years with no end in sight. Your leader seems to share a similar psychopathic wokeness as every other leader in the Western World. A real plague of idiots. You should get off your bloody knees and understand that our present politics are not for the good of our health.
There’s far too many idiots claiming to distrust Sturgeon on everything except bogus 19. Such a disconnect confounds me unless you’re really all Government trolls and this site an elaborate psyop which I don’t think is the case so the general public are probably just as daft as Governments take you all for.
If you can’t see the holes in the Governments covid story then I’m glad Scotland won’t fall into your clammy frightened hands.

President Xiden

I see the fanatical Northern alliance of SNP and Greens have appointed a behavioural scientist as chief policy advisor thus treating Scottish citizens as ‘Pavlov dogs’ all to easy to manipulate. How very Soviet.

Alf Baird

Socrates MacSporran @ 6.16

“Boke as a description for the bunch of “woke” bampots currently running the SNP”

Aye, raither ‘boak’ nor ‘bowk’, tho A ken whit ye mean. ‘Its eneuch tae gie fowk the boak.’ As in: ‘tho SNP haud yer wheesht gies fowk the boak.’

Us Scots miss out on a great deal of our culture by not teaching oor ain braw mither tung in the schuil, in mair weys nor yin tae. A fowk’s langage maks thaim wha thay are, e.g. Scottis, an gies thaim thay’re naitional identiti – which is why our oppressors don’t permit the language to be taught = linguistic imperialism, a standard feature of colonialism.

link to

A. Bruce

Socrates; I’m glad you liked my term ‘Boke’ I hope it catches on.

Pixywine; I’m not a Kiwi. I’m a Scot who got stranded in NZ due to Covid happening. Normally I’m there for a few months in the year, and it was the best place in the world to get stranded. You don’t know what you’re talking about. As for Ardern, she’s not my PM, but she’s a thousand times better than that devious bitch Sturgeon.


Dan says:
23 August, 2021 at 9:10 pm

So off the back of that and thinking ahead to the Local Authority Elections next year…
It would be grand if we could have some clarity on whether the SNP would form a coalition with Alba or ISP if it facilitated gaining control of a Council.
Or would She / Her refuse to work with Pro-Indy Parties and rather have Councils controlled by Unionists, with all that entails….

I’d like to see her asked the question. Her answer is fairly predictable, (as ever), but restating her small minded prejudices could increase the chances of rebellion in the ranks.

The mark of a good politician is their capacity to find common ground with their enemies and turn it into progress, often against all odds. Sturgeon doesn’t fit in that bracket anywhere.

I see no progress for Scotland until she’s gone, but on the upside, I think the matter of “her going” is increasingly being taken out of her hands.

Wishart too. He’s another gobshite who paints themselves into a corner just by opening his mouth. What’s he going to use as a crutch once ALBA hasn’t just got 1.7% of the vote?

It’s going to be such a lift to morale seeing these feckless underachievers booted out on their arse, and no small irony that they’ll have nobody to blame but themselves.

Those 10,000+ ALBA members aren’t just a number. It is my firm conviction they are some of the most astute people in the YES movement, and many are seasoned political campaigners who were at the heart of the SNP and YES Campaign of 2014.

It takes a lot for such people to change allegiance. The lure of Alex Salmond alone would not have done it. Be in no doubt, it is Sturgeon’s inadequacy and failure which has fostered a massive amount of disillusionment and anger. If and when such sentiments are shared with the wider electorate, who don’t normally “do” everyday politics, then Sturgeon’s SNP is in big trouble.

Arguably, in Mike Russell, Sturgeon is using her best, and most YES friendly face to try to engage with the YES Community, but Mike Russell is looking like an old man pulling a home made horse box behind him. You actually wonder whether it is an SNP initiative, or an OAP initiative he’s paid for himself with his weekly pension. I’m actually sorry to say that Mike Russell, but it’s true.

Either way, who does Sturgeon have left to fire up any Independence Campaign proper? Herself as Poison Aye-vee ? Creepy charlatan Daddy Bear Smith? Blah Blah Blackford? Cosy Feet Pete? Serious question – who? What a joke. What a mess.

Sturgeon has restructured and hollowed out the SNP solely to champion Transactivism, and she has thrown the Independence baby out with the bath water, and the real reason she can’t work with ALBA because she can’t look them straight in the eye.

The only possible salvation the SNP currently has, is Joanna Cherry, but even Joanna Cherry is having to fight the SNP rather than the UK Establishment. One more valuable resource being poorly deployed and thus squandered.

Right now, I wouldn’t change places with Sturgeon for anything in the world.

ALBA is rising, and just by surviving, ALBA is living testimony that Sturgeon has failed dismally in yet another campaign.

A. Bruce

I know Alf, I got the spelling wrong, but what the hell, it sounds good.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your 10 part series. It really deserves a huge readership. I’ve been a fan of Frantz Fanon since discovering his “Die Verdammte dieser Erde” in my girlfriends bookcase in Germany in the 70’s. I have never met anyone who had heard of him, but am now going back to reread all his works.


Today’s NATIONAL homepage.
link to
Ploughing the same old, same old furrow…
Oh the tedium.

Alf Baird

A. Bruce @ 8:33 am

“I’ve been a fan of Frantz Fanon since discovering his “Die Verdammte dieser Erde””

Thanks for that, much appreciated.

Aye, the postcolonial literature fits us like a 300+ year auld glove, and Fanon is richt up thair in defining Sturgeon’s confused colonial limbo regime:

“This fight for democracy against the oppression of mankind will slowly leave the confusion of neo-liberal universalism to emerge, sometimes laboriously, as a claim to nationhood.”


Breeks – there are NOT 10,000 Alba members. It has only been a mistaken idea that membership number = no of members. The software used by Alba counts clicks by anyone having a look, not all of those go on to take out membership. There are only around 6500 members currently. Sorry to disappoint but that is the fact of the matter. No doubt an updated figure will be given at the Alba conference, but there has been no sudden surge in membership.


Some days this great British Tory government with access to untold debt levels
and the mighty English Army full of elite soldiers and with the consent of the Taliban
have only managed to get a few hundred people repatriated.

Over 800 refugees against insurmountable odds crossed the English Channel.
With thousands of miles to cross and with a U.K. £54 million bribe to the French
authorities and the mighty Tory Border Control team headed up by an immoral bully
they just can’t stop them.

Should we put some of these refugees in place to organise the Airlift from Afghanistan as
they seem to be able to do a much better job than team Bojo?

Where is the opposition? Where is the media hounds to tear them apart.
Well they are all quite cosy in well paid jobs so no need to get excited. Is there?

Robert Hughes

Ottomanboi says:

24 August, 2021 at 8:48 am
Today’s NATIONAL homepage.
link to

” Ploughing the same old, same old furrow…
Oh the tedium.”

Could this be The Tin Pot * Lady * preparing the ground for selective lockdowns – we can assume the hysteria will mount when the entirely normal increases in seasonal viral infections come in Autumn/Winter ?

Maybe there’ll be a convenient surge in * cases * round about the time of the ALBA conference , mercifully decreasing for the COP26 ( Gotta laugh at the implications of * COP * ) and distressingly reappearing thereafter , though particularly virulent when any anti-SNP/ScotGov public protests are mooted


A. Bruce. You’re comparison between leaders I may have to agree with although Ardern only redeeming quality is that she’s a crack head.


Fionan says:
24 August, 2021 at 9:35 am
Breeks – there are NOT 10,000 Alba members. It has only been a mistaken idea that membership number = no of members. The software used by Alba counts clicks by anyone having a look, not all of those go on to take out membership. There are only around 6500 members currently. Sorry to disappoint but that is the fact of the matter. No doubt an updated figure will be given at the Alba conference, but there has been no sudden surge in membership.

Happy to stand corrected Fionan, (well, mini-disappointed), but I was just quoting the Tweet I saw. Apologies to all for the bum-steer. I should be more careful in future and check first from official sources, not Twitter.



The chief problem with the current system isnt the people who avoid taxation.

The problem is that we are used as guarantors of debt by international banks for every economic move our countries make that is often done without our consent.

The core of the problem is the banking establishment. It doesn’t matter how you reorganise and refiddle and rework anything until you deal with his. Without dealing with this there will be an ever increasing load of debt to service as time passes.

UBI explicitly ignores this and in fact is supported by the banking/corporate establishment as part of the 4th industrial revolution hype.

I hate to be this negative about something that so many are enthusiastic about but it is the truth from my perspective.


RE: FDA approval

Im not so interested in the details of this. More the argument made by the people bringing it up as some kind of gotcha moment against people on my side of the argument when in fact it flies in the face of the bullshit we kept being hit with that these vaccines were already fully approved.


Breeks says: at 8:25 am

I’d like to see her asked the question. Her answer is fairly predictable, (as ever), but restating her small minded prejudices could increase the chances of rebellion in the ranks.

The answer is important, not just because it may provoke a reaction from within what has effectively become her own pet Party as a result of the ongoing removal of influence and semblance of control from the wider SNP membership. As can be seen here.

link to

But the answer would also be useful because it can be used now in campaigning to build awareness amongst SNP supporters and the wider electorate of what she really is all about.
Of course the words of a politician such as her are flexible in the extreme, but it would be good to get an answer nailed down now so we know where we stand at this moment in time.

For me Party politics in Local Authority is far from ideal as folk generally just need sensible local representation. But with Party affiliated Local Councillors now having to conform to Party diktat decided by someone / or group outwith the local Ward it makes a mockery of genuine local representation.


@ J.o.e

Aye, the global system is what it is and we will struggle to change that solely by ourselves.
However, other countries appear to function in a more beneficial way for their citizens and they are still located on this planet.
We could for a start at least attempt to emulate what these more successfully run countries do.


A. Bruce says:
“practically everyone was happy with the stance of the Ardern Govt”

I believe that – because exactly the same experience is happening here. If you take a straw poll, most people will tell you that Sturgeon is doing a good job.

There’s an interesting scene in the movie Snowden where Rhys Ifans’ character sums it up perfectly. Despite acknowledging what the NSA were doing (and probably continue to do) was wrong he states quite succinctly- ‘people don’t want freedom, they want security’.

Because they believe the lies, whether it’s NZ or Scotland- that’s exactly what the majority of people value most – their security before their freedom.
And that’s what they are willing to offer up.


Breeks says:
24 August, 2021 at 9:52 am

Fionan says:
24 August, 2021 at 9:35 am
Breeks – there are NOT 10,000 Alba members. It has only been a mistaken idea that membership number = no of members. The software used by Alba counts clicks by anyone having a look, not all of those go on to take out membership. There are only around 6500 members currently. Sorry to disappoint but that is the fact of the matter. No doubt an updated figure will be given at the Alba conference, but there has been no sudden surge in membership.

Happy to stand corrected Fionan, (well, mini-disappointed), but I was just quoting the Tweet I saw. Apologies to all for the bum-steer. I should be more careful in future and check first from official sources, not Twitter.


Alba counts clicks by anyone having a look? Eh ? What are you talking about?

If you join you get a membership number. When you pay the monthly subscription you get a receipt number for that transaction(for the ledger). The issue was months ago people were saying their member number was the ~ receipt number etc. I mentioned this back then.

When people join they were given a member number if they were quick enough to jot it down. This disappeared for a while too and still doesn’t show in back office. Anyhow a receipt number will always be different from a membership number. You could give a donation now today and you’d be given another one #123456 blah blah. That’s for money receipts.

If the member who quoted on twitter 10,200 or whatever it was was the number on their membership card then that’s their membership number- nowt to do with clicks which is for something totally different and website stats.
If it was a receipt number given when they made an off the cuff donation then it’s a receipt number for accounts- simple.

Anyhow , where do you get the 6500 number from Fionan ?



If the impressive manner in which Ardern governs New Zealand
saving an incredible number of lives and their economy from Covid
is because she once used recreational drugs and is referred to as a
Crackhead, I suggest we get these drugs to the Tory government ASAP.

We have a complete and utter Crackpot in Boris.
A man more delusional than any drug could impose.


Scot Finlayson says:
23 August, 2021 at 11:05 pm

`a month after she was due to graduate`

what does that even mean,

Lorna/she/her could have been have been `due to graduate` for months even years,

as in someone saying “i`m due to graduate next year”,

`after` being due must mean Lorna/she/her did graduate or she would still be `due` to graduate.

I assume that it means that she never attended a graduation ceremony and had the papers sent to her by post.
Given that she said ‘month’ – that is attention to detail – and I assume that she waited to get the certification before she skipped away from ‘a mountain of student debt’ (on her video) on a one way ticket to Europe. She had a (then) European passport and no Scottish ancestry so some of her closish family/ancestors seem to have come from elsewhere in UK


‘We could for a start at least attempt to emulate what these more successfully run countries do.’

We certainly could.

Just need to get the right election result. Right?

So we are left with only bottom-up solutions. Solutions that only a strong and truly nationalist movement by and for Scots could provide that would serve to educate Scots on how to preserve and defend the well being of their country by using money wisely and becoming producers and providers for their local communities and by slowly taking back economic power from international corporations. To educate them on perspectives that combat the woke anti-european propaganda that seeks to turn us into self hating minorities in our own countries. To teach them how to be an absolute stalwart nationalist in a way that demands the same rights for every people of the world and shows solidarity with other groups over the world.

A nationalist movement needs to teach people how the world really works and what the dangers are and where they come from.

Political parties need to be wondering how to pitch their political broadcasts to a population of nationalists that have been shown how to think of themselves and their country and how to operate in society for the benefit of their nation – having had the lies and bullshit of decades taken away.

The irony is if we only did those things even half successfully we would be in position to start taking the country back anyway.

What we have now is nowhere near this and we are completely at the mercy of a political and financial system that will never give us what we want.

Sorry for the rant

Graf Midgehunter

Re. Alba members.

Nearly all software for websites records the clicks/views from readers. Some have visual counters on the page but mostly they are counted in the stats.

That’s how the Rev knows how many readers visit WOS. etc.. 🙂

Clicks are NOT membership applications..!

No sane party gives random numbers to applications, it’s serial allocation starting with 1 and then 2 etc..

If someone has a 10,000 + Alba membership no. then the probability is quite large that Alba is actually making its mark.. 🙂


Graf Midgehunter says:
24 August, 2021 at 11:48 am
Re. Alba members.

Nearly all software for websites records the clicks/views from readers. Some have visual counters on the page but mostly they are counted in the stats.

That’s how the Rev knows how many readers visit WOS. etc.. ?

Clicks are NOT membership applications..!

No sane party gives random numbers to applications, it’s serial allocation starting with 1 and then 2 etc..

If someone has a 10,000 + Alba membership no. then the probability is quite large that Alba is actually making its mark.. ?


Correct Graf.

I’ve no idea where the 10k number came from. Apparently someone posted something on twitter that they had a 10k number. If that was on their card and it was a genuine card then that’s their membership number.

The confusing thing right at the start was people were posting # receipt numbers when they made a donation or whatever and were claiming this as a membership number. I picked up on this months ago and now it seems it’s still being touted. Anyhow it would be beneficial if Alba could confirm or someone with a big membership number could post to confirm.

Clicks have nothing to do with it and I’ve no idea what Fionan has that idea?


Mia 7.37

You did answer my question thank you. But, as I said, I think you are deluding yourself.

At this time, I do not believe Yessers can overcome the negative arguments; economy, debt, deficit, currency, EU, etc whilst at the same time, the prospect of an SNP/Green coalition government with all their wokery, would also be a killer.

I see no prospect of a potential indyref, so I guess our discussion isn’t that relevant.

Graf Midgehunter

Re. New Zealand.

link to

Maybe the orcward squad here in the UK could learn something from our cousins.. 🙂


Archived link for above Guardian link fro Graf Midgehunter

link to

Robert Hughes

J.O.E @ 11.25

No need to apologise for that excellent post .

It’s so refreshing to hear someone state the – what should be – obvious case for an unapologetic Nationalist position in the face of ever-increasingly dominant Trans-National corporate power . How else can any resistance to such power be mounted than by a well-informed , unified national consciousness ?

For my part , I’ll consider myself a capital ” N ” Nationalist until such times as Scotland is once again an independent nation , at which time I’ll no longer feel the need to do so , that particular argument having been won

A. Bruce

Graf Midgehunter@ 11:48

Maybe we should ask Corri Wilson ; she’s in charge of the ALBA membership stuff. You never know, she might tell us.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robbo.

Membership card…

link to


Update on shortage of Firefighters in rural areas which I mentioned a few days back.

I happened to meet and speak with a young retained firefighter last night. He has a small flat in the area.
He said they try to have 12 retained folk at the local fire station but currently only have 6 so struggle to muster a crew when their pingers go off. So the full time crew from another station further away have to muster and travel to cover the callout.

Not unexpectedly there are loads of older incomers buying up housing stock to retire here as it is a nice area, or as second homes, and some properties are also rented out as Air B&B and holiday lets, which means the young fit able bodied folk that still live here and could become firefighters are totally priced out the market.
The younger folk that remain in the area also have to travel to find work as there’s little industry left that pays a decent wage, so there is no way they could respond and travel back to the fire station in a timely manner when required.
He said it was similar for the other small local stations that don’t have full time crews.

That sounds like an issue that needs addressed as it’s unsustainable in the current form if we expect decent fire service protection.


J.o.e says:
24 August, 2021 at 11:25 am

….Political parties need to be wondering how to pitch their political broadcasts to a population of nationalists that have been shown how to think of themselves and their country and how to operate in society for the benefit of their nation – having had the lies and bullshit of decades taken away.

The irony is if we only did those things even half successfully we would be in position to start taking the country back anyway.

What we have now is nowhere near this and we are completely at the mercy of a political and financial system that will never give us what we want.

Sorry for the rant…

I hear you J.O.E., but I believe that’s exactly where we were back in 2014 / 15. Scotland had the bonfires of revolution burning nicely, but with zero risk of escalating out of control. We were in a very good place back then, when 56 out 59 MP’s sent to Westminster were SNP.

The problem doesn’t lie with YES Movement. The YES Movement has always done it’s bit. The massive problem is full square Nicola Sturgeon, who is the talentless, constant puncture in our tyres.

Frankly, I genuinely struggle to imagine how any other SNP Leader could have been any worse for Scotland. That’s said with a cool head and as much objectivity as I can muster. She might be “our” leader, but she’s not on our side.

She is a total douche bag in strategic terms, constantly painting herself into a corner. Her strategy of “Both Votes SNP” was ridiculous, blatantly stupid and counter productive (from a Scottish Independence perspective that is), but having “won” a hung parliament, she’s now just holed her own “Both Votes SNP” strategy by embracing support from a List Party, thereby giving tacit acknowledgement that Alex Salmond’s ALBA strategy was actually bang on the money.

Sturgeon now looks weak, petulant and vindictive, and less and less pro Scotland, while more and more anti ALBA and anti Alex Salmond. If Sturgeon was to surprise us all and launch a proper Indy Campaign, I genuinely think she would struggle to give it any momentum. Even if Sturgeon turned up at a YES march or AUOB rally, I have my doubts about her even getting a warm reception.

Ian Brotherhood

Sturgeon there, laying the foundations for the next lockdown.

Oh, and something about an ‘inquiry’.

(And we all know how scared she is of inquiries, eh?)


Brian Doonthetoon says:
24 August, 2021 at 12:30 pm
Hi Robbo.

Membership card…

link to


Thanks Brian.

I’m not on twitter so sometimes can’t get clarity as twitter have blocked you reading without joining the poisonous site(which I won’t do)so good to actually see a tweet where someone posted their card number ie the membership number! Depending on when that member joined it’s certainly progress and way beyond thon Fibdems i would assume.

James Che.

Joe you’re rant may hold some slivers of truths in it,

Those closer to the land, The people whom work the land, they are the ones that hold steady, speak common sense, and generally have their feet literally on the ground and in the real world, in character overall balanced.
Where as some of the extreme boak brigade seem to come from pretty well to do families with nothing to do or to occupy them,

I have often wondered in these days of covid and mass unemployment, whom pays them if they were from lower class genuine workers backgrounds.

And how they can spend so much time away from their homes and families.
They do not appear to have the normal attachments to life the average joe ( no name offence intended) on the street does,

I noticed the climate change group blocking the streets down south getting pretty much a free pass from the police,
Meanwhile they could have been contributing to stopping climate change. By planting some trees, or cleaning plastic of beaches, encouraging and helping others to garden.
Or pressing councils to bring back green parks and playgrounds with shallow ponds for wildlife,
But NO, there they are messing up the streets for two weeks, blocking everyone’s access, getting people riled up the wrong way against them.

As an observation they are a good few we’ll paid organised group travelling miles to get from one geographical point to another even during covid fears.

I wonder what their pass cards look like, and who issued them,

The idea that people start producing their own food or structures is something I mentioned yesterday,
This does take some, if only limited control back from big cooperations.
It also gives some form of safety guard if food shortages were to become an issue through governments.

However you will always get some know-all telling you you are speaking a heap of shite, these qualify as the boak group..

But from our small postage stamp sized garden this year We have had carrots potatoes, peas, lettuce, and beetroot, chives, shallots, parsley, strawberries, red currents, rhubarb and dessert gooseberry,
Our garden is not big, but by using window boxes, troughs, flower pots and old tubs and stands, and removing concrete slabs we have had the freshest of Un-sprayed greens all summer,

This not only saved money in our pockets, it gave us an occupation in lockdown, fresh air,
and fresh veg when lockdown and shops was at its height,

Having said that we took up cycling to the shop, and giving small trees we had grown, to other people for free,
Providing water supplies for smaller birds and animals.

We seem to be more climate change friendly than those shouting the loudest, that are causing congestion in streets down south.

I noticed they nearly all had mobile phones,
We decided they were unnecessary and gave ours up,
You don’t need computers AND mobiles,

And I wonder if the all used electric cars, jets and trains to get to London.


“Sturgeon there, laying the foundations for the next lockdown.

Oh, and something about an ‘inquiry’.”

Ian Brotherhood @1.01pm.

A judge led inquiry of all things, Lady Dorrian’s services will be required again by the looks of it.

Graf Midgehunter

Dan says: at 12:14 pm

Archived link for above Guardian link fro Graf Midgehunter

link to
Thanks, I was in a bit of a hurry due to that age old problem, having to work..! 😉


“Suddenly the whole West cares about nothing other than the plight of Afghanis… Can anyone explain why that’s the case?”

Hatuey @11.07pm.


Its all about manufacturing consent from the public to allow thousands of Afghani refugees into various countries, and using media propaganda to try and force the hands of several countries to keep troops in Afghanistan, of course with the Great Satan (USA) pulling out, and its minions such as Germany and the UK they couldn’t possibly remain themselves.

Add in the demonising of the Taliban by the West, and how hard life is going to be for average Afghani, now the invading occupying force has fled with its tale between its legs, and you get the point.

I suppose the usual media hacks and ex-military now moving in influential and political spheres, will have said it was all worth it, and we should remain in Afghanistan ad finitum

The real outcry from the propagandist media is via their global corporate buddies, who don’t want China or Russia, moving in to Afghanistan, after the West has scurried away.

Remember this the West including the Great Satan (USA) the UK and country such as Germany, has bombed and killed thousands of innocent Afghanis, they’ve plundered via their corporate buddies much of Afghanistan’s wealth in precious metals and rare earth elements, they even refused to return 1,700 gold bars that belong to Afghanistan held in the Great Satan’s Federal Reserve building.

Now that’s its all over and piper has to be paid, through refugees into Western countries, as happened in Libya, and Syria it won’t be the super rich Global Corporations that will pay for it, no it will be the taxpayers of Western countries.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robbo.

Twitter changed last week. I have 9 Twitter pages in Firefox tabs, which I refresh daily, to see what’s new.

Last week, I started to get a pop-up window (when I refreshed), saying,

“Don’t miss what’s happening
People on Twitter are the first to know.”

There’s an X in the top left corner of the pop-up window. Click on it to make the pop-up disappear.

If something piques my interest on the page, I don’t just click on it – I middle-click to force that particular tweet to open in new tab.
In that new tab, the pop-up window appears but I just close it by clicking on the X at the top left corner then am able to read ok. Once I’ve read to my satisfaction, I close that new tab.

Captain Yossarian

RoS – Scotland’s legal fandango continues I see. A Judge led Inquiry. John Swinney will get to use his redactor pens again. It’s been months and he has missed the self-satisfaction it brings when he can obliterate whole groups of people a personal whim. I wonder who the ‘alphabet folk’ will be this time. Those who must be protected, no matter the cost.

Maybe the SNP girls at St Andrews House can all issue a simultaneous tweet saying: ‘It was all the fault of the English….crossing the border without asking first’.

Not the vainglorious Lady Dorian again?

Any Judge led Inquiry, held in Scotland, just holds us up for more worldwide ridicule. We just don’t do honesty in Scotland any more, do we.

Jack Murphy

One bit of good news today.

BBC Scotland on-line: “The Scottish government has struck deals worth £35m to buy out the car parks at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Negotiations are also “progressing” to take over the site at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh…”

Long overdue.


@ James Che

Good to read that you are getting so much produce from your efforts dans le jardin.
And I also like that you are pointing out the hypocrisy of so many that claim to be all for saving the environment when their actions suggest otherwise.
There’s far too many plastic fucking hippies that vote Green as if it somehow compensates for their own pathetically woeful individual efforts to actually live a greener existence.
I had uni educated millennials as neighbours that would cry as they watched a David Attenborough program which showed animals dying through ingesting plastic waste. Yet these “highly intelligent educated folk” couldn’t be arsed with even basic recycling as a regular peek in their general waste bin confirmed. And before I get accused of spying or bin voyeurism, I took a cursory glance when I took their bin out for them because even with the superior high end taxpayer funded education, they could never remember which day was bin day either, so being a decent sort of cunt I’d drag it out for them to save it becoming a stinking overflowing mess until the next pickup day.

I’m doing well with the self sufficiency malarkey. One of my courgettes appears to be taking steroids and is going for it. It’s almost 8 inches diameter now (8 inches is about two mobile phone screens long for the young uns reading in) and 16 inches long (that’s about four mobile phone screens long).
Going to have to find some kind of animal to mince up and stuff it with… And that rogue deer is still at large in my garden…
Of course, if I attempt to protect my crops then all I’ll be consuming will be porridge, as I’ll no doubt be incarcerated by the laws that some dogooder twats that have never gardened in their life have come up with. Grrr.

Meanwhile facebook is filled with fat folk sitting on their armchairs liking pictures of beavers which have totally fucked the local watercourses with their tree gnawing and damming building efforts.
No love shown for the poor native brown trouts though that used to habit those once flowing streams but have disappeared as the watercourse turns to a stagnant marshland. There will be no eco friendly locally and sustainably sourced trout for my tea now. 🙁

John Johnstone

I have my ALBA membership card right in front of me and the membership number is 7864. Don’t really care about the actual numbers in the party at the moment as long as every member is a vote for ALBA and not for the SNP.


Robbo “Anyhow , where do you get the 6500 number from Fionan ?”

From official Alba sources, Robbo. It is not Alba who ‘count the clicks’, it is the particular software being used – and I got that from official, tech-savvy sources as well, who actually operate that software. Yes the number on the membership card is the membership number, but the highest membership number is NOT the number of members. And membership numbers are not being assigned in sequence. As everyone will find out at Conference. You can argue this all you like, I wont be arguing back, but all you are doing by trying to insist membership is over 10,000 is to put a downer on everyone at conference who is led by you to believe there has been a huge surge in membership. Or to allow accusations that Alba is artificially inflating numbers, any potential dirt will suffice for certain people.

In my opinion, the only benefit that membership myth provides is for Sturgeon & co, who would love to see the Alba Conference mojo being damped down by any disappointment. If people want to check anyway, Alex himself announced the 6000th member just around a couple of weeks ago, and he went to visit that new member. I would suspect that the 10,000th member would also be getting a visit, or at the very least would be hailed at Conference – hasn’t happened, not going to happen, not yet.

Breeks, sorry, I know it is disappointing, I am glad I checked though. Rev Stu has taught us all well to look for reliable evidence to support statements, especially where other parties might have a wish to interfere. It just seemed a very rapid increase since the 6000 announcement with no particular event having happened to explain it. And I still consider you to be one of the most reliable and informed commenters here, I agree with most of what you say.


My Membership 7412 received yesterday , I am Alba International ( Cardiff , Wales.)

A good friend of mine also Alba Int. is 9486


Brian Doonthetoon says:
24 August, 2021 at 2:37 pm
Hi Robbo.

Ah now I see. Cheers batman!


Captain Yossarian @2.59pm.

I think what the outcome of the inquiry will be is that, it will be shown that the Scottish government did make mistakes, albeit under difficult circumstances and in hindsight decisions made could’ve been better.

There will be apologies all round, no one will be held accountable, reprimanded or sacked as in the Salmond fit up inquiry, and we’ll all just move on with several memorials popping up around Scotland to remind us all to do better, and to remember those unfortunate souls who died through no fault of their own.


The people who cooperated with the American, British, Australian etc military in Afghanistan the new régime considers tr**t*rs. Whether the military involved have an obligation to such people is a classic moot point.
In the past, in mandate, protectorate or occupied territories the British for example employed locals, usually members of minorities, for a variety of functions, admin, intelligence, security, interpreting etc. and then left them to their fate when they were kicked out. The reasoning being the functionaries were well paid and had a measure of job security and would certainly be aware of what might happen to them when the occupier left.
The Syriac/Assyrian minority in Iraq helped the British during the post Ottoman mandate. They were promised a homeland, still waiting, on the back of it. Faisal, the Hashemite prince of the Hejaz the British installed as king of Iraq exacted revenge on that minority when they attempted to advance the idea of Syriac/Assyrian autonomy. The British, who had previously bombed Kurdish «rebels» did nothing.
You trust the British etc at your peril.

A. Bruce

Fianon, an easy way to solve the membership number mystery would be to ask the elderly lady, the 6,000th member which number she has on her membership card. According to you it could be a random number 1,000 something up to 10,000


The Westminster Tory government is threatening to bypass Holyrood and deal directly with Scottish councils on transport.

In my opinion if this comes to fruition and is a success, I can see Westminster bypassing Holyrood in other areas as well.

The need for independence is even greater.



How would the bees for independence be greater if the UK government are better at dealing with local transport needs than your life hero Nicola Sturgeon?

It would seem to me that like all sturgeonites you have no interest in making things better, just fostering grievance. This is exactly why the New SNP have failed the campaign for independence.

Geoff Anderson

A few quick calls and emails to family and friends seem to indicate quite a spread of numbers from 1000 to 8000+.

Seems a strange way to allocate numbers with large gaps between them….if Fionou is right!


@ Joe , Robert Hughes, Alf Baird and Dan stop all these nasty divisive nationalist comments or you will be ostracised and demonised by the NATIVIST HUNTER Andy Ellis who is a great exponent and promoter of civic nationalism (as long as that civic nationalism aligns with Andy’s form of civic nationalism) if it falls outwith Andy’s criterion you will hear from him

James Che.

Bj said he was going to by pass the snp Scottish gov, to help buy council voters I suppose.
After all he has mentioned his displeasure having a devolved government,

And the wicked dragon witch will clap hands no doubt while the not really green goblins dance and chant all around.

The Scottish devolved government is a joke to the people of Scotland as well,
Perhaps it should go.


Fionan says:
24 August, 2021 at 4:12 pm
Robbo “Anyhow , where do you get the 6500 number from Fionan ?”

From official Alba sources, Robbo. It is not Alba who ‘count the clicks’, it is the particular software being used – and I got that from official, tech-savvy sources as well, who actually operate that software. Yes the number on the membership card is the membership number, but the highest membership number is NOT the number of members. And membership numbers are not being assigned in sequence. As everyone will find out at Conference. You can argue this all you like, I wont be arguing back, but all you are doing by trying to insist membership is over 10,000 is to put a downer on everyone at conference who is led by you to believe there has been a huge surge in membership. Or to allow accusations that Alba is artificially inflating numbers, any potential dirt will suffice for certain people.


That makes no sense to me. I’m not arguing with you just stating the actual normal way a membership works in any organization.

To register an erroneous number as a membership number via a bit of software via clicks means absolutely zilch to me. What has clicks got to do with anything when allocating a membership number? How would that work when an auditor came along. This says you have 10xxx members – aw naw we only have 6500 siree .I mean seriously?

If you’re saying an Alba party member said this then tell us. See all this she said/ he said stuff and dodgy fecking rumors is where SNP got itself in shit. I’m dammed if am listening to more of it.

A membership number should be allocated to a physical member who pays dues. That’s the basics and xref’d to money receipts from people like direct debits. Donations are also recorded to a receipt number for auditing purposes so they can be tallied too on separate register. Follow the money as they say.

Sorry for being curt and glib, but ducks in a row need to be in a row, not more secrecy bullshit. Auditors will not fall for sweet talking- it was the software gov!

See ,same thing happened right at the beginning when people posted the receipt number they got when the made a payment
# xxxx and said it was a membership number .I seen it.

Membership numbers need to be accurate and tally with monies received and a name and address- that’s basics..

If your telling me that some type of software has allocated 10,442 numbers already but the actual number is 6500 and has somehow now come to pass that 3942 members who CLICKED AS YOU SAY and jumped already then that’s mince. If a membership number lapses over time and not renewed then it lapses that can be shown in books as there wouldn’t be any monies coming in monthly from that direct debit, but -3942 ? nonsense. we’re 5 months old.

When we joined we were given a number and paid a direct debit( min a pound) there’s actually three options. Numbers should be allocated by that – not clicks! Clicks have nowt to do with it.

If it’s crap software then get rid of it. Obviously it can’t do the job.


At” this time, I do not believe Yessers can overcome the negative arguments”

I see no negative arguments. They are made look negative because this has never been about Scotland becoming independent. The main point has always been that if Scotland becomes independent, England will have to survive without Scotland’s natural assets, without Scotland’s land to use as its own backyard and dumping ground for its waste, without Scotland’s coastline, without Scotland’s human resources, without Scotland’s markets to shift its own produce, without the benefit of Scotland’s geological position, and of course while watching how one of its main “consumers” becomes a direct competitor. It is, and has always been, a question of the perspective you use to look at those “arguments”.

When you look at all those “arguments” from the perspective of England (which is the perspective followed by the UK gov, the scrapyard of political rejects, otherwise known as House of Lords, England Mps, the England parties and their useful idiots in Scotland) each and every one becomes evidently negative, so unionists, the MSM and England gov mouthpieces pump all sort of propaganda to make us believe it is negative.

But if you look at those “arguments” from the Scottish perspective, which is from where I am looking at them now, I see nothing wrong with them. In fact, from where I am looking, each of them is a strong positive argument to leave the union as soon as possible.

economy – for as long as England keeps siphoning 85% of the revenues from our resources, continues to deliberately keeping Scotland as a consumer stopping it developing its full economic potential, and continues to impose on Scotland policies that damage Scotland’s economy, society and demographics, Scotland cannot improve its economy. The only “negative argument” I can see here is with remaining in the union and perpetuating that debauchery and exploitation of Scotland’s economy by a greedy England.

Debt – It is not our debt. It is mainly England’s debt. The “union” has been for 300 years an excuse to lumber Scotland, NI and Wales with a portion of England’s debt while pretending it is “ours”. For England everybody else’s assets are her own but her own debt is everybody else’s debt. We would never have such debt if we were independent. Therefore the negative argument here is remaining in the union.

Deficit – How can you ever calculate Scotland’s deficit if we are not even told how much Scotland generates? How can you ever calculate Scotland’s deficit when Scotland is being deliberately kept in a position of “consumer” rather than producer for the sake of England using Scotland as an extension of England’s internal market and stopping it becoming a direct competitor? How can you ever calculate Scotland’s real deficit if vast areas of Scotland’s economy are being kept deliberately undeveloped to avoid direct competition with England? Again, the only negative argument I can see is for Scotland remaining in the union and allowing England to continue stopping Scotland’s economic progress.

Currency – Scotland has a wealth of natural assets. If you read the McCrone report you will see that having its own currency was never a problem for Scotland. The problem was for England, because if Scotland’s assets are used to boost Scotland’s own currency and Scotland’s economy as they should, they cannot be used to boost England’s currency. This means England loses out and Sterling tanks. Again, that is not our problem. That is England’s problem. I see no negative argument in Scotland having its own currency.

EU – where is the problem? If you are thinking in a border between Scotland and England, hell bring it on. If we only had a proper border and a proper FM instead of a political fraud we would not be mourning today the totally unnecessary deaths of thousands of Scots because the so called FM was uncomfortable wearing a backbone and locking the darn borders to stop the virus coming in.

“the prospect of an SNP/Green coalition government”
Why is this a problem? This fudge designed for the political fraud to hide behind the greens to advance her toxic policies and to deny Scotland its self determination while retaining a modicum of credibility is going to be a disaster that may end up sinking Sturgeon. It cannot come soon enough, quite frankly. N

The total loss in credibility by Sturgeon’s New Labour operating under an SNP flag and the Greens when their voters see they have no intention in progressing independence or real green policies at all but just a niche of toxic policies perceived as damaging by the majority of the electorate, will become the ideal scenario for an emergent ALBA and for real pro independence politicians sickened by the fabricated procrastination and unwanted toxic policy detours to push the independence agenda.
Bring it on, I say! If you think yes voters are going to return to vote labour or libdems, frankly it is you who is deluded. It is precisely because labour and libdems are only surviving in Scotland when connected to the life support of their counterparts in England that the SNP has been at all practical effects transformed, under Sturgeon’s watch, into the fourth political arm of the British state in Scotland.

“I see no prospect of a potential indyref”
Neither do I, but I do no longer want one either.
In the present circumstances, with a political fraud with extreme allergy to independence and democracy at the wheel, and with a deliberately flawed franchise that used in combination with a much higher increase of non-natives population vs natives over time, will frustrate Scotland’s self determination, what use is indyref for?

Just like the political fraud’s S30, the only use I can see for indyref is that of serving as a tool for the British state to continue to frustrate Scotland’s independence under the guise of “democracy”.

To me Sturgeon has devoid the concept of Indyref of any meaning. She has transformed it into a tool to deny rather than to deliver independence. Just like she has transformed the infamous “S30” into a free veto over Scotland’s popular sovereignty for England MPs. Or just like the meaningless expression “civic nationalism” is a deception to make a flawed franchise that is knowingly frustrating Scotland’s natives’ self determination, acceptable. Or just like Sturgeon constantly has to remind us she is a feminist to hide the fact she is burning women’s rights to ashes. Sturgeon has transformed the word “indyref” in an obsolete and meaningless term. A deception.

Scotland will never achieve its independence through a bent referendum, with a flawed franchise. The way forward is either by a plebiscitary election or by voting a majority of real pro indy MPs into westminster on a mandate to end the union.

Clearly those real pro indy Mps are not the SNP amoebas currently enabling Sturgeon to destroy our rights and to haemorrhage Scotland’s assets while exhausting our many independence chances before even attempting to use even one of them.

“I guess our discussion isn’t that relevant”
It was relevant enough for me to realise you are frantically looking for excuses to delay Scotland’s independence. Just like Sturgeon has been doing for the last 7 years.


@ twathater

Au contraire! Ever one to find the positive in something, I’m hopeful some of the NewScots coming in from Afghanistan will be farmers that actually know how to deal with Himalayan Balsam, as opposed to what seems like every Scottish organisation where folk get paid to just sit at desks churning out shit on webpages about this invasive species rather actually removing it.
One thing is that at least the Himalayan Balsam is giving the beavers a run for their money in taking over territory.

A keen capitalist could do worse than looking to get into the biofuel and fake vanilla extract game as there seems to be a glut of resources to sustain such businesses.
Could be marketed as eco friendly too. Fuel from an invasive plant species, and castoreum from the anal glands of the beaver. It’s win win, well as long as you don’t mention the vanilla extract came from an arsehole.
Apologies, I’ve probably said too much seeing as it’s teatime…


I wonder what Moira Brown’s number is on her membership card? We all know that she was 6,000:-)
It is of course, possible that some people wanted it to be a really pleasant surprise when we go to Greenock in September – and someone’s gone and blown it.
Alternatively Alba may allocate every number to be the previous one issued – (n = 3 – 6 + 2 x1.9342567) to every 3 or 4th ticket they print.


@Robert Gordon
Kiwis were not ‘penned in’ they were much, much freer than we were. In fact they will living normal lives while we were still deep in lockdown. No masks unless flying. Got to the pub, go see friends and relatives etc.

Until the Aussies screwed it up there was travel bubble with the penal colony in the West Island. Similar have been arranged with the Islands. My sister was in Rarotonga, Cook Islands before this lockdown happened swimming with the turtles.

So if you call that being penned in then you are stupid.


Shocked @5.28pm.

Regardless of Sturgeon, there is no circumstance in the world that Westminster is better at handling any Scottish affairs above that of Scots themselves.

The Tory government at Westminster are trying to find ways to undermine our Scottish parliament, and that is not acceptable. Sturgeon is temporary, independence will not be.

Andy Ellis

@twatminded 5.41 pm

Civic nationalism is the only game in town, much as it appears to enrage the nativist moon howlers who have (sadly) come to infest BTL comments in here of late. The criteria aren’t mine, nor is the definition. As hard as you and other sub Siol nan Gaidheal ethnic nationalists try to deny it, you’ve never shown a scintilla of evidence that your regressive platform enjoys support outwith the tub-thumping, spittle flecked nationalist fringe.

It may start with reasonable sounding calls to discuss small changes to the franchise for a referendum, but it doesn’t take long for the mask to slip in most cases to reveal the “blut und boden” outriders. I see the recent hobby horse is to deny entry to Afghan refugees who worked for the UK government or NGO’s fleeing the Taliban, because *muslims*.

You have no appreciable support in any political party in Scotland, no major political figure has supported your nativist dog-whistles, and there’s vanishingly little evidence of any popular support, yet like dog’s returning to your own vomit you just can’t stay away. If it isn’t “TL/DR” Mia tilting at the windmills of the imaginary tidal wave of incomers, it’s Alf Baird touting the failed “Scotland as colony” narrative.

We’re not swamped or colonised, we just lack the political cojones. Nary a single one of you has answered the intial questions posed by Rev Stu weeks ago in his trenchant dismissal of the nativist circle jerking.

One might almost think it’s because you have no case as well as no clue?

John Main


Despite myself I am developing a sneaky admiration for your unflagging ability to spout great gobs of largely fact-free text at regular intervals. Do you just cut-and-paste the same stuff each time?

Here are a few thoughts.

Covid – Those places that just closed the dam borders are trapped in a never-ending cycle of outbreaks and lockdowns with no end in sight. Even the darlings of the Zero Covid fans, Australia and New Zealand, are starting to accept that their solution is not sustainable. Turns out that nobody “defeats” Covid until herd immunity is established within the population. Imagine that.

Currency – Never in the history of the world has one currency been converted into another free-of-charge. Please explain to the millions of Scots who have a little put aside for their old age, how much of a “haircut” they are going to have to accept on their savings when big business, the markets, currency traders and speculators, etc. get their greasy mitts on the post-Indy conversion of Pounds to whatever currency Scotland is going to adopt.

Franchise – No taxation without representation, as many of us still believe. Perhaps you wish to extend tax-free status to Scottish residents in return for denying them the right to vote in IndyRef2? That could work. I, for one, might find the bargain a good one. Otherwise, forget it.

Debt – Certainly a wonderful idea that a country can declare itself debt-free on Day 0 of the New Order. Makes me wonder why post-Brexit UK owes eye-watering sums to the EU and will still be paying that back long after we are all dead. Will the Indy Scotland walk away from that debt too? That could considerably cool the ardour of the EU when we start to negotiate waltzing back in. Or will our share of the Brexit debt just be rolled up into the price we are charged for renewed membership?

Brian Doonthetoon

As I see it, it’s eminently reasonable to impose a 5 year residency qualification for voters in an independence referendum.

That limit would bar students, only here for a 4 year course, and holidaymakers, with absolutely no interest in the future of our nation. (Medical students undergo 7 years but the ‘powers that be’ hope they will stay on after qualification.)

I don’t see that as ‘blood and soil’ nationalism. It appears to me to be common sense.


The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, or MHRA, which is meant to be a neutral body that makes sure medicines and medical devices are safe for the public to use, has accepted £3 million pounds from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundations.

The Gates Foundation already has substantial shares in Pfizer and BioNTech.

John Main

RepublicOfScotland 6:21 pm

That’s certainly news to me.

For my next Covid vax, I’ll insist on the Scottish vaccine.

Your post does prove that there is such a thing as Scottish Exceptionalism though.

I’m of the opinion that some things are better done locally, whilst others are better done elsewhere. Pragmatic realists probably agree. But let’s say you are right. We won’t be rejoining the EU then.


John Main

I am with you regarding Mia although you appear to have done something different from me. You seem to have read her posts!

As soon as I see the apparently mandatory long diatribe I simply move on to the next one.

Sorry Mi, but some times brevity is actually more although I do share your distaste for Mrs Murrell.


“Currency – Never in the history of the world has one currency been converted into another free-of-charge. Please explain to the millions of Scots who have a little put aside for their old age, how much of a “haircut” they are going to have to accept on their savings when big business, the markets, currency traders and speculators, etc. get their greasy mitts on the post-Indy conversion of Pounds to whatever currency Scotland is going to adopt.”

If the preparatory work’s done right, the new currency shouldn’t devalue or overvalue to any great extent. If you remember the Euro, it was launched at a value of around 80p. It bounced around for a bit as the traders gambled and so on, but then settled down to aroud 80p, where it more or less stayed. It’s currently nearer 90p, but that’s down to a drop in the value of the pound more than anything else.



That’s sounds the sort of ethno nationalist drivel that lost the referendum and is now the only thing that sturgeon has left. With the same laws and more resources Queen Nicola has managed to slaughter 5 times as many drug users than the big bad UK gov.

The way to win hearts and minds is to do better, not do worse and then blame the English.


RE: Currency

In order to make a currency instantly viable you simply make it good for the payment of taxes. You do not have to replace a currency, people could still keep their pounds. You would merely start a new currency that would be good for the payment of taxes and managed for the needs of the Scottish economy.

As for the value of currencies versus others the main cause of price changes is central bank manipulation via several different methods depending on what the economy needs (or more realistically what the big money needs the economy to look like).

As a matter of interest: The myth of G.Soros ‘breaking the bank of England’ is just that – the UK didn’t have foreign currency reserves enough to keep the pound in the band for the ERM. Anybody with friends in the right places would have known this would break and cause a fall in the value – Soros merely rode it downward. No genius really required


‘That’s sounds the sort of ethno nationalist drivel that lost the referendum and is now the only thing that sturgeon has left.’

Im honestly lost as to what planet a person has to be to consider Sturgeon an ethno nationalist.

Scot Finlayson

Brian Doonthetoon says:
24 August, 2021 at 7:06 pm
`As I see it, it’s eminently reasonable to impose a 5 year residency qualification for voters in an independence referendum.`

quite right, bit like all other democratic countries,

you would have to be a moon howling bludenboilewr fleck spittles nativist navitist nautalist narcissist clown shoe to think differently.


ALBA membership:

My membership number is four thousand something, and I was an early joiner.

I can’t believe there were four thousand members ahead of me.

However membership numbers are allocated, they don’t start at one, then two, three etc.

They are set to prevent nosey-parkers, especially those of ill-will, from knowing actual membership levels until (in this case) ALBA wants the info public.

Six thousand members, plus some, would be good for a party launched only months ago.

David Caledonia

I walked 5 miles to Greenock today, and if I had to I would walk 10 times that to support Alba in September
I want to be in the philippines right now, but their government is as thick as ours by the looks of it
Even wee Manny lost his fight a few days ago, time to hang up the gloves Manny and concentrate on the presidency, the philippines needs a change of direction

Andy Ellis

@Scot Finlayson 8.47 pm

You don’t HAVE to be that, you could just be ill informed or too lazy to do the background research? As discussed on previous threads, the overwhelming majority of independence referendums since WW2 have used residence criteria, NOT putative citizenship criteria as qualification for participation.

A couple of the referendums have required 24 months of residence. None have required 5 or 10 years residence, as our ethno-nationalist brethren keep demanding, because independence referendums are not general elections. Facts, eh?

To try and deflect from this obvious – if inconvenient – truth the goal posts are then moved to the “Ah, but we’re being swamped/ethnically cleansed by all these incomers” line, ignoring the fact that native born Scots still represent the overwhelming majority of the electorate.

And still, not a single one of you can point to any appetite for this change to the franchise (except amongst yourselves), or to a clamour from voters to jettison the civic nationalism that was one of the shining examples of what made “our” nationalism different from that of Farage, Urban and Le Pen, or of support from political parties or leaders.

All this regressive nativist fixation demonstrates is the enduring truth of the maxim that you just can’t kill a bad idea.

David Caledonia

what does it matter what your Alba membership number is, as long as you support them

David Caledonia

That guy and his history lessons…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Boring


David Caledonia says:
24 August, 2021 at 9:13 pm
what does it matter what your Alba membership number is, as long as you support them

EveryWoman61 was excited about getting her pack with the membership card and posted up a picture of it. Not unreasonably, the figure of 10446 on her card was taken as a membership number and also the number of people who were currently signed up. There is also is the figure of 4400 underneath in very small lettering. I think many were excited at the prospect of a huge leap in numbers from 6000 on 4th August to over 10,000 now. But if hasn’t happened it’s of no consequence. We shall grow bigger and stronger sooner rather than later.



I had no idea RoS was Sturgeon…. But now you mention it….

Brian Doonthetoon

All I can offer is that I joined Alba within 24 hours of the launch, after rescinding my SNP membership, and my membership #, according to my card, is 2752.

Brian Doonthetoon

ALBA Receipt Confirmation # 3071

Date Mar 27 2021

Was for my annual membership, so no relation to my membership #.


“some times brevity is actually more”

How about you tell that to Sturgeon?

She appears to have taken 7 loooong years to progress nothing.


Brian .

I was same. Joined almost on day one 26-3-21. My membership number was #770 . I got a receipt for d/d of #383 same day . Second receipt # 6605 one month later for d/d 26-4-21. No receipts since . People were posting receipt numbers for payments as far back as then as their membership no because they were confused .

So the confusion continued. Now 5 months later we’re back here at confusing stage again.

The receipt number # xxxx is for accounts/books only.

I know Kirk Torrence maybe a busy lad but I think he needs to get that back office on website sorted out.


Don’t you worry David Caledonia you will be referred to as Pike from now on.

“Don’t tell them pike!”


Oh and btw the # 770 number I jotted down at time and was even in the referral link- now gone. This is the number on my card , the same #770


“Covid – Those places that just closed the dam borders are trapped in a never-ending cycle of outbreaks and lockdowns”

Right, Einstein. Now lift your eyes from the script and look at the calendar: We have been in and out of lockdowns for 17 months. A few days out of the last lockdown and we already have over 4000 infections in 24 hours, 10 deaths and a threat from the political fraud that “oh dear”, she may just have to impose lockdowns again. Exactly as it happened last year. You would think they would have learned by now.

Wasn’t a few days ago that she was already attempting to get the power to call lockdowns at any time? It very much looks to me that the incompetence of our politicians has trapped us in a never-ending cycle of outbreaks and lockdowns. We are worse of than the countries that closed the darn borders.

“Even the darlings of the Zero Covid fans, Australia and New Zealand, are starting to accept that their solution is not sustainable”

Where is the sustainability of our solution? And how many thousands more lives were unnecessarily lost in Scotland to COViD because the political fraud chose to keep the borders wide open to justify the lockdowns by allowing new variants to get in instead of closing them as New Zealand?

Are you suggesting the lives of the Scottish people are expendable?

“Turns out that nobody “defeats” Covid until herd immunity is established within the population”

where exactly did you get that idea? 70% of the adult population is already vaccinated and a significant proportion has already been exposed to the virus. If immunity against this virus was sustainable, we ALREADY would have herd immunity. Yet, people who had covid is being reinfected, people who had the jabs is being infected too. And now they are already talking of another boost jab.

So, let me ask again: where are your facts that prove that herd immunity for this virus is actually possible? And at what cost?

“Currency – Never in the history of the world has one currency been converted into another free-of-charge”

How many ex colonies of the UK have retained sterling as a currency?
It seems to me that if all of those colonies chose their own currency and are now in a better position that Scotland is, a separate currency is the way to go.

” Please explain to the millions of Scots who have a little put aside for their old age, how much of a “haircut” …”

Before launching yourself into frantic peddling of project fear, please show the facts that prove moving to another currency is going to cause a bigger haircut than sterling tanking due to brexit, the fall of food standards, the entry in dodgy trade deals and the total arse made by England’s government at managing the pandemic.

And in what kind of box have you been living since 2008?
When was the last time you bothered in taking a serious look a the actual interest rates we have had in the UK for the last 13 years? Those pensioners that you mention have been experiencing a continuous haircut for the last 13 years of England governments controlling Scotland.

“Franchise – No taxation without representation”
More bllcks. Take a look at the other countries of the world. It is not a matter of taxation. It is a matter of allegiance. No allegiance? No fckng vote. And if you dare to refuse to pay your taxes in protest because you don’t have a vote, you end up with a fine or even some countries’ inland revenuw would help themselves to your accounts if you don’t pay voluntarily. Allegiance to the Uk is a requirement for migrants before you can vote in a UK general election or referendum. Well, I ask the same for Scotland.

“Debt – Certainly a wonderful idea that a country can declare itself debt-free on Day 0”

More distracting waffle. You know as well as I do that the debt that is being pinged on Scotland is England’s debt, caused by the incompetence and the greed of England’s mandarins. Scotland should start on day 1 as an independent country without having to pay a fckng penny of England’s debt. The fact that individuals like you still expect Scotland to continue subsididing England even after becoming independent is a travesty. Aren’t those crooks that England continuously force on us as government constantly telling us that we have to live within our means? Well then, when is England going to apply to itself the “morals” that its mandarins are constantly lecturing Wales, NI and Scotland with?

“Makes me wonder why post-Brexit UK owes eye-watering sums to the EU”
Wonder away. I know it is because the UK is run by greedy, self-serving incompetents who will never represent Scotland’s interests and rather sink the entire UK down the tubes than risking VIP taxdodgers losing the opportunity of continuing to happily dodge taxes with their beloved tax havens.

“Will the Indy Scotland walk away from that debt too?”
That debt was generated by the spectacular mismanagement of England’s elected politicians. Therefore, it is for England to pay.

As you can see, your poor attempt at psychological blackmailing and clearly desperate attempts to peddle the myth that Scotland has the obligation to continue paying England’s debt is falling in deaf ears.

Now, where exactly are your facts? Because your comment had absolutely none.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 6:27 pm

“Civic nationalism is the only game in town”

If you want to remain a colony.


link to
An interesting plot twist.


Tonight Nicola Sturgeon spoke to Highlands and Islands SNP members to promote her agreement with the Greens and then took questions.

Not a single dissenting voice was heard and there were many sycophantic comments sooking up to The great Betrayer. These are the hard core members committed to independence.

I despair.


What the fuck is “civic nationalism” anyway? Nationalism with a cringe? Ha.


The idea that you’re either a blood and soil nationalist or a civic nationalist is a good example of the inept and divisive junk that springs from minds that have nothing positive to offer.

You are asked and expected to define yourselves positively, not in relation to or opposition to others.

But that’s the big problem with vulgar nationalism, isn’t it? You always end up “othering” people to make yourselves feel better.

I don’t need or want to be either of those things. Independence is about democracy and, for want of a better word, subsidiarity.

Although we must, thanks largely to random accidents of history, none of us chose to live in these ridiculous containers we call nation states. You’d all do well to remember that.


Andy why if you are such a civic nationalist are you so against and outspoken on the need for the GRA amendments proposed by your fellow civic nationalists Ms Sturgeon and Mr Harvie , they have consulted with the WORLD and they have decided and decreed for the benefit of civic nationalism to amend the GRA to accommodate self identification , to enable our fellow citizens to identify as their gender of choice , surely that freedom would be a central tenet of civic nationalism , the freedom to choose but yet you are vehemently opposed to that freedom

It then follows that that civic nationalism encroaches and dangerously threatens the safety and security of members of our society that most of us hold dear and will protect to the utmost degree

Are you quite comfortable and agreeable that Mridul Wadwha and Lorna Slater as the venerated NEW SCOTS we are supposed to revere and respect have more direct control and impact on policies , rules and laws determined by our government which are reviled and detested by at least 50% of the indigenous population, is that acceptable

That is why I am against the existing franchise , when you have 72% of incomers aligning with the diehard unionists to defeat the indigenous people’s choice of independence THAT threatens the safety and security of not only our country but also the continuation and acceleration of the theft of OUR resources


G7 leaders, why would any of them even join Boris in a conference?
Bungling buffoon, pathological liar, U.K. and International law breaker, etc.

He wants to demand an extension to the Afghan air lift?
What powers does he think he has over the Taliban?

He can’t send in troops to fight them, they have lasted for decades without trade deals,

About the worst thing he can do to them is keep switching them from Red Zone to Amber Zone
to torment tourists willing to go there. Both of them.


In6 regards to civic nationalism I would like to point out that the ones on here pushing hardest for the concept are the same who cannot speak about the covid situation without twisting the conversation in favour of the establishment and who always resort to compariso6ns to flat earth etc.

In terms of government I would like to stress the fact (and you should also among friends a6nd family) that the ones who took away the rights of women are the ones calling for forced ‘diversity’ and mass immigratio6n (while writing laws making it difficult to argue against) as they house a continuing stream of foreign people at our expen6se while our own folk go without.

@James Che
I liked your post talkin6g ab5out you growin6g food and giving things to people. We need more like you. However when im talking ab5out Scots becoming producers and providers for their local communities I am also talki6ng about all necessities – from warm clothes to tools, to kitchen items, to repair services, to property rental etc. The jackpot as a nationalist is if you can provide something for your local community so successfully that you can hire others and pass on6 skills.

@Breeks 1:01PM

I couldnt disagree more. Sturgeon is a result of the underlying liberal exceptionalism that took hold of the yes movement and still has much of it in its grip. So long as she was prepared to talk about fairn6ess and equality the yes movement were prepared to ignore any obvious contradictions or warnings from scum like myself. This liberal exceptionalism will be the final nail in Scotlands coffin and turn us into a country of mass diverse populations who will never cohesively organise under our national cause. The YES movemen6t was the smoking and drinking while our current SNP is the cancer. There was, and still is, absolutely no talking to most of you.

That’s not to suggest any other political wing doesnt share responsibility either.

As for ‘we were there in 2015’. Absolutely no we werent.

We were in a state of delusion in 2015 5believing that the system would somehow allow Scots to walk off into the sunset with 1/3 of the land mass and the majority of ‘British’ natural resources simply by mere political will.

And no – the YES movement hasn’t proposed anything that I am talking about as far as I can see. I havent proposed year-long discussions on which political hack to vote for or where to wave our banners next. I am talking about something far stronger, provides for Scots and is led by people who don’t make a habit of hiding from uncomfortable truths and realities – such as what the result of mass immigration or ‘diversity’ will be or the realities around covid


Apologies for the random numbers appearing – keyboard must be faulty

Andy Ellis

@twathater 3.59 am

Like most other civic nationalists – and as we know from Rev Stu’s own polling – the vast majority of the population I’m against the TRA agenda, self-ID and the Woko Haram entryists who have derailed the SNP as a party. I’m opposed to things which enjoy negligible support – like nativism and ethno nationalism as well as self-ID and TRA – and which are on balance just plain wrong.

Holding up Slater and Wadhwa as examplars of anything but their own regressive agendas and/or trying to paint *all* New Scots with the same brush says a lot about your attitude to the immigration our country needs to ensure a progressive future.

How about you concentrate less on the illusory dangers of immigration, and more on convincing the indigenous people you set so much store by of the case for indy? As it is, all you nativists just sound like tartan Faragists. That may be the kind of Scotland you want to see post independence, but it’s not one I’d relish being a part of.


Supporting mass immigration while also pushing civic nationalism and attacking ideas on Scots being a distinct people is about as obvious an attack on our nation as you can get.

The sick part is dressing it up as some kind of virtue

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 6.27 pm

So rather than be a colony Alf, you’ll win independence by denying the vote to anyone who hasn’t lived here for what…5 or 10 years? Despite the fact that NO other independence referendum in modern times has done so? Alone amongst all these countries, you’re advocating that the only way Scots can win is to queer the pitch by excluding “mud bloods”?

You’re so desperate to push your “Scotland as colony” mantra that you’d really stop at nothing would you? The progressive civic nationalism espoused during #indyref1 is to be ditched in favour of an inward looking, “Scotland for the Scots” nationalism. It’s a trade off that might be attractive to some of course: look at England, the regressive little Englanders managed to convince enough of the electorate to support them. Remind us how that’s worked out again?

Look at some of the commentary above and in earlier threads about restricting the franchise and stopping immigration: it’s just UKIP wrapped up in a saltire and folk who want us all to return to farming and being extras in The Good Life.


I don’t think we will gain political independence via referendum. The concept is a losing one.

By letting in hordes of people from all over the globe into our country and giving them a say in the future of our nation we will lose the ability to ever push our country in a direction for the benefit of Scots. There will be no home for us to return to if things go badly because we will have given that home away.

Andy Ellis

@Joe 7.56 am

Fixed that for you:

“Opposing limited immigration while also pushing ethno nationalism and centring ideas on native born Scots being a distinct people being threatened/colonised is about as obvious an attack on our nation and progressive politics as you can get.

The sick part is dressing it up as some kind of virtue (or pretending it has anything more than fringe support).”


Woke Andy and the civic nationalists. Andy. The problem you describe does not exist. You’re Gaslighting Independists. And besides it’s none of your business how people approach their politics so long as no one’s being hurt.


If Scotland isnt primarily for the Scots then who the honest fuck IS it actually for?


‘Opposing limited immigration’

When was the last time you took a walk in one of our cities, Andy?


Bogging the site down with endless pish about good and bad Nationalism is the tactic of the 77th.

Dorothy Devine

Voting rights of non-Swiss citizens
Foreign nationals do not have the right to vote at federal level. However, in some cantons, they do have the right to vote in cantonal and communal ballots.

And of course we are no longer in the EU so have fewer voting rights in other countries.

5 year residency sounds good to me.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 7:51 am

‘civic nationalism’ is a misnomer in the Scottish context which arguably cost Scots our independence in 2014, and would likely do so again if there is another dubious referendum using a highly irregular local government residence-based franchise for what is a ‘national’ vote on a matter of the very highest national importance to any indigenous people (i.e. ‘their’ self-determination/decolonisation – see UN C-24).

As a concept CN depends on people holding a ‘sense of belonging’ to the country they live in and thus to desiring/holding its citizenship. ‘No’ voter residents in Scotland from other nations reject both.

‘No’ voters also actively blocked the right to self-determination and hence automatic citizenship also for indigenous Scots (for whom self-determination is primarily for/about). That is rather a xenophobic and oppressive act for ‘No’ voters that have been invited to live here and often given the best jobs among us.

Crucially, before independence, Scotland cannot legally offer ‘Scottish’ citizenship (as it does not yet exist) to anyone, not even indigenous Scots. Post independence, Scottish citizenship would require applicants from other nations to take an oath to Scotland, as is the case in any sovereign country incl UK.

Put simply, CN cannot apply to a colony or non-sovereign territory. In the case of Scotland under UK rule, CN is therefore premature and rather a deceit/spin of the neo-liberal class who mis-understand what self-determination independence is – i.e. decolonisation.

I suggest you read this:

link to


‘limited immigration’

And those limits are?

Andy Ellis

@pixywine 8.15 am

That comment probably made sense in your head, but written down it’s just an incoherent rant.

Situation normal in your case admittedly, but at least try to make what you post comprehensible and not just a jumble of incoherent tin foil hattery, hmmm?

Andy Ellis

@joe 8.17 am

Daily. I live in the centre of Edinburgh you plank. Unlike you however I don’t expect it to be like Brigadoon or homogeneously white, Protestant and stuck in the 1950’s.


Andy Ellis says: at 7:51 am

How about you concentrate less on the illusory dangers of immigration, and more on convincing the indigenous people you set so much store by of the case for indy?

Trouble is Andy, there are not necessarily illusory dangers. Unless you see no danger in the effective collapsing of certain local communities due to the displacement of Scotland’s young indigenous folk that should be able to live and work in and sustain the viability of their home areas.
You live in busy Edinburgh which is urban and has a lot of services. Try living out in the sticks with fuck all or limited bus services to get folk to the local doctors or nearest shops.
The house prices are very high as it’s supposedly a nice area and the properties are hoovered up by incomers, or for second homes, holiday lets, or Air B&Bs.
So whether it’s immigration from abroad or internal from within the UK, I can’t see much civic positivity about a significant number of folk moving here and leveraging the locals out to the point the local area struggles to function. See the lack of Firefighters I mentioned up thread, or should we just let everything burn, aye?

And before you retort with your usual blanket derogatory spiel against anyone that doesn’t align with your exact views, I am well aware Scotland requires a degree of immigration at this point in time, however the contention is how best to manage the migration of folk, as some are being pushed out by those coming in.

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 8.27 am

Scotland isn’t a colonial situation, however earnestly you and a minority of others try to push the narrative. The UN doesn’t accept it as such and most Scots think it is at best a facile notion and à my worst disrespectful for those fighting against real colonialism.

Civic nationalism is in fact the only rational and same route to achieving independence in contexts like Scotland, Quebec and Catalonia. If we can’t convince “New Scots” of the merits of independence, and that small minority proves to be instrumental in a referendum, then we haven’t worked hard enough to convince enough of the Scots born population – who still vastly outnumber New Scots – of the case for independence.

When, as has already been demonstrated, virtually no other countries which have held referendums in the post WW2 period have used exclusionary franchises, often in the teeth of much worse political and economic environments than ours, what is it about Scotland that makes us uniquely incapable of winning our independence without excluding lots of people who have done us the compliment of coming to live here?

It’s got nothing to do with neo liberalism or being a colony, it’s about making a case for independence that is attractive enough to gain a convincing majority of those who live here: dozens of other countries have managed it, so can we.

Andy Ellis

@Dan 8.41 am

So your contention is that the problems you discuss are attributable to immigration, or at least exacerbated by them? In a country with negative population growth, the best answer that folk can come up with is to disenfranchise swathes of people who live here because they’re not Scottish enough, and (presumably?) to reduce the numbers allowed entry in future?

Who is it folk think will be providing services to our ageing population in future or paying the taxes to fund the services we need?

Many of the issues your describe are hardly unique to Scotland are they? I heard them in Sussex when I lived there, you hear reports every day about problems finding housing, jobs and accessing services in rural and seaside communities, in upland areas. The idea these would somehow disappear or be ameliorated if only we kept incomers out just sounds a bit UKIP though doesn’t it Dan? It wasn’t immigration that stopped us building more affordable housing, or hollowing out service provision and privatising everything in sight.

I’d kinda like to see a civic nationalist movement that advocates for a progressive Scandinavian style social model, not an exclusionary ethnic nationalism that’d be happy to establish our new state by excluding lots of those who live here and constructing some kind of tartan Faragism.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. I know a voluble claque of sundry nativists in here don’t. I honestly don’t care if they agree or not: I’m not going to change their minds anymore than they will change mine. They shouldn’t be under any illusions however that they represent anything other than a small minority of the Scots population in general or the broader Yes movement in particular, and their views certainly won’t waft us to the sunny uplands of an independent Scotland.

Andy Ellis

I see Hamish Rasputin’s Twitter account has been suspended overnight? Something he said….?!


‘I don’t expect it to be like Brigadoon or homogeneously white,’

Just out of curiosity – why not?

Andy Ellis

@joe 9.32 am

Because it’s 2021 not 1921.

Perhaps you pine for the olden days Joe, most of the rest of us….? Not so much.


This place has taken on the air of ‘fiddling whilst Rome Burns’.

The question of who gets to vote on what and who gets to come and live here from wherever and for what purpose is immaterial.

There’ll be no independent Scotland so long as the New SNP are in power.

All that shower of charlatans have achieved is to split the Yes movement by kicking the Indy can down the road just to turn the place into an ultra-Woke utopia stapled to the arse end of a failed State.

Our efforts should be directed towards removing the New SNP and Green Wokerati by any and every means possible and restoring the momentum to Yes by putting our constitutional future firmly back at the top of the political agenda.

Anything else amounts to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Efforts should instead be put into building support in ALBA, ISP, Now Scotland, anyone who is genuinely pushing for an independent Scotland – and not those who pay lip-service to the idea simply to bag votes and a salary plus expenses courtesy of the tax payer.


But why would anyone expect an African country to not be pretty much black?

Why would anyone pretend a norther European country should be any different but with a white population?


‘I’d kinda like to see a civic nationalist movement that advocates for a progressive Scandinavian style social model’

Is this the same Scandinavian model who now has a decisively split population and the fastest changing demographics with crime, especially against women, soaring?


‘The question of who gets to vote on what and who gets to come and live here from wherever and for what purpose is immaterial.’

Sorry but that is probably one of the most naive statements I have ever read


This from New Model Army’s song ‘From Here’ sums up a lot of what’s been happening lately:

‘Trouble always begins with the naming of things
Like gods and desires and lines in the sand

And now all the sense of scale is
Gone and the splinters think they’re trees
And the stones believe they’re
Mountains and the rivers think they’re seas

And we all gaze down like little
Gods, our feathers think they’re wings
And the glass believes it’s diamond
And the courtiers think they’re kings

And the more of this we take inside, the stupider we become
The rose and glow of approaching fire mistaken for the rising sun.’

Scot Finlayson

Norway was voted the most Democratic country in the world 2021,

even though they are nativists and moon howling bludenboilers and clothed in spittle and Le Pen and Farrage and Hitler and Ghengis Khan and Patrick Harvie ….

`Only Norwegian citizens can vote in the Parliamentary elections,

but foreigners who have lived in Norway for three years continuously can vote in the local elections.`


`How to Calculate Your Residence for Norwegian Citizenship?

To apply for Norway citizenship, you must have lived in Norway for at least seven out of the last ten years.

This means, during the last ten years, you must not have been out of the country for more than two months per year, and if you add up all the time you lived in Norway, it has to total at least seven years.`

moon howling nativist bludenboilers the lot of them 🙂


I’ve just lost one of my gardening customers. Due to my non-vaccinated status, I’ve been designated a de facto Covid leper.

Hey-ho, dark times ahead…

Scot Finlayson

Unionist lickspittle Sir Ian Wood now being `positive` about Scottish oil,

lickspittle couldnae wait to undermine it during Indy1,

what a frick@n Judas.

Ian Brotherhood

@Gregor (9.51) –

Good on ye for speaking out.

Stick to your guns – you’re on the right side.



I’m out working in the woods and picking litter up from along the roadside at the moment and typing on a phone so will keep it short.
You still resort to framing the matter as a simple blanket one size fits all ethno-nationalist outlook, when it should be more nuanced, and is in the instance I brought up, about the lack of local empowerment to address and deal with the sustainability of specific areas which are being severely impacted by current policy.

Robert Hughes

Scott @ 9.50

Is that the same Norway that has one the highest standards of living in the World , that has achieved technological wonders in infrastructure projects that make the UK look like it’s just discovered what wheels can do , that has superb medical and health services , and a few bob in bank from judicious investment of it’s oil reserves ?

How the hell did it manage all this without the aid of a massive influx of New Norwegians ?


Im said this a few times – the immigration and voting issue IS a real issue.

What should worry anyone who hasnt shat out whats left of their brains right now is that the people who are stripping women of their sex based rights for reasons of inclusivity are the same ones filling up our country with foreigners, housing them and shoe horning them into jobs and telling us that we Scots have a history of racism and colonialism that we must atone for.

I have been commenting on here for quite a while and the thing that always strikes me, and which I struggle against, is the sheer willfull blindness of so many of you.

Drop your goodie-2-shoes biases for 1 minute and actually open your fucking eyes.

Sensible Dave

Mia 5.51

You wrote “It was relevant enough for me to realise you are frantically looking for excuses to delay Scotland’s independence. Just like Sturgeon has been doing for the last 7 years.”

Contrary to the above, I am one of very few contributors here that doesn’t have an axe to grind. Like most folk in England (as per recent polls) I don’t mind whether Scotland does, or doesn’t become an Independent country.

On that basis, when I offer a view or an observation on an issue, it is done so on the basis of not being aligned or loyal to a particular policy, political viewpoint or party loyalty.

You wrote a long response attempting to address the problem areas that I identified as problematic. You dismissed them as issues – in fact you described them as “positives” for the Yessers.

It is that lack of ability to independently analyse, understand and therefore make sensible judgements based upon that analysis and understanding – that is your problem.

Your logic tells you that there are no barriers to Scottish Independence – and yet Scotland isn’t Independent and it is my view that the prospect is further away now from that outcome than at anytime in the last 6 or 7 years. The Rev’, for the time being, believes that too.

That suggests you must be missing something – or just blind to facts Mia?

Andy Ellis

@Scot Finlayson 9.50 am

Independence first, citizenship criteria afterwards. That’s how it works. That’s the ONLY pragmatic and sensible way for it to work. There is current no such animal as a Scottish citizen. There are only residents of Scotland. 1 in 13 people in Scotland (409,000) are non British nationals. 231,000 from the EU, 178,000 from rest of the world.

528,000 people were born outside the UK, 45% in an EU country, 55% in rest of the world split equally between Asia & everywhere else. (NRS figures for year to June 2020).

83% of Scots residents were born here (2011 census).

If we can’t fashion a convincing majority from > 80% of those born in Scotland plus those incomers we’ve managed to convince of our case, we might as well just give up and start campaigning for the best Home Rule settlement we can get. Nobody else is going to drop independence in our laps or recognise independence that we have to fiddle by excluding folk who already live here.

Once again, explain why every other independence referendum since WW2 has used a franchise based on those resident, not those born there or using “future” citizenship criteria (which if you were being consistent would include Scots in the diaspora, their children and grandchildren. How would that work do you think?


I’ve really got to laugh at this current debate regarding Civic Nationalism.
A country whose people take pride in it’s history of bloody clan warfare, had an iron grip on the slave trade, formed the KKK and spawned Donald Trump can suddenly become a mishpocha of peace loving Owenites?

The biggest laugh is that at least one of the contributers keen to build this into his new ‘Republic’ is one of the most anti-socratic, antagonistic trolls on this forum.


“There is current no such animal as a Scottish citizen.”

Andy Ellis.

Utter bollocks, you go out onto any street in Scotland and ask people if they are Scottish citizens, and I’m sure in the majority of cases you’ll get a resounding yes I am. Except from the unionists who will say they are British citizens first.


Would you good patriots want to change the voting system if evidence suggested it would have a negative impact on Scotland’s chances of winning independence?

A simple question.


Just read a statement by my local SNP MP declaring that he wants to take in as many Afghanis as possible.

Not sure if everyone will agree with this sentiment. Scotland can not become a home for every foreign citizen from a faraway continent. This is not about being a bad world citizen. Rather it is about common sense, fair to all. Listening to some of these SNP politicians they’d quite frankly take tens, if not hundreds of thousands from Asia given the chance. Humza Yousaf in fact calls those wanting to leave Afghanistan as his Brothers.

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan have a population of over 2.2 billion souls. All have populations with internal differences – as do other regions of the world.

So how many people from the globe can we take in. And do we just disregard the ethnic and religious differences that massive influxes of people from across the globe occasion.

Britain and the US have been bombing the bejasus out of Afghanistan for two decades. The have deployed special forces in their droves too. They have moreover cultivated a coterie of Afghanis to work with the occupying coalition forces against Afghani political opposition – and it has not worked. The Taliban, despite what Westminster would like to spin it, effectively peacefully walked into government.

And this therefore is the rout of the so called mighty Britain. A Britain not so long ago bumming its chat as being a world power displaying lethal force on the global stage.

Not quite turned out like this as the UK shows its ass in absolute tatters. Suez, the fall of Singapore, the UK has been shown to be a second rate declining power.

Boris and the Boy’s bullshit is being shown for what it is – a second rate country, empty shelves, industry material shortages, and a humbled military on the world stage.


Lol @ anti-Socratic

My God. In here.


Andy Ellis

@Robert Hughes 10.03 am

Indeed: 24.8% of people living in Norway are either first generation immigrants or have one or both parents who were born abroad. No wonder the country is a basket case huh? 😉


‘Would you good patriots want to change the voting system if evidence suggested it would have a negative impact on Scotland’s chances of winning independence?’

Yes. Because temporary political independence means nothing if the base fundamentals of our nation have been hopelessly tampered with


Gregor “I’ve just lost one of my gardening customers. Due to my non-vaccinated status”

Never mind. He won’t be so disparaging when the cytokine storm blows in and karma weeds spell out the words “GET IT UP YOU” on the lawns of his soul…


Thanks, Joe.

No further questions.

Robert Graham

I doubt if Scots and if they are even consulted , most people would not be in agreement with the SNP and our esteemed Princess Nicola voicing their support for Scotland to be first in the Queue to accept a influx of people displaced because of this never ending war on terror that western governments and media have been causing mayhem all over the world in the pretence of protecting us , its got fk all to do with protecting us it’s dancing to the tune of Tax avoiding corporations and lobbying from one small nation that has changed the whole complexion of the Middle East to suit their aims every single country bordering this small country has had its
government and functioning society destroyed to ensure they do what they want when they want ,

Sturgeon should be fixing the reason why Scots leave Scotland, that is no future ,no prospects of advancement because all the good employment opportunities are elsewhere and anywhere but the country of their birth , Scotland probably is the only country in the world that the population has remained either static or going backwards , by all means attempt to show the world how enlightened and progressive our country has become but not at the expense of diluting beyond all recognition the Scottish nation .

Robert Hughes

Yes Andy that may be the case now , but did that 28% have any say in Norway becoming Independent from Sweden ?

When Scotland becomes Independent every resident will have full voting rights in every election irrespective of their countries of origin


willie says: at 10:45 am

Just read a statement by my local SNP MP declaring that he wants to take in as many Afghanis as possible.

Surely said MP should be more interested in pushing Civic Afghan Nationalism where upon all creeds get along just fine within the boundaries of their own homeland, rather than them having to be displaced around the planet with the carbon footprint and escalated deadly covid pandemic risks that would entail. Presume both vaccines required prior to entry, aye?

That said, having just spent the morning hauling copiced hunks of trees up and down hills, and picking up yet more litter discarded along our “bonnie” roadsides by minging twats, I could possibly be persuaded to adopt a a few Afghans to help out with the chores.
Now call me un-civic if you must, but healthy good looking females with firefighting training would be preferred. If I don’t get a shift on and procreate soon, there will be a cat shelter in for a bonus win on my demise…


link to
Wake up you dozy bastards.


Hatuey at 11am That was hilarious.


stop baiting ellis, it is cruel; anyway

nationalism is not binary, it is a spectrum

we need 200 nationalism identities like

pan-global demi-scot anglo-curious islamo-highlander vaxx-positive

dont be a CIS-SCOT, you fucking bigots, be a TRANS SCOT


@Ian Brotherhood, et al

Despite my vaccination status, thank you for accepting me as an equal citizen.


Andy Ellis

@ Robert Hughes 11.41 am

In 1905 99.95% (on an 85% turnout) of Norwegians voted to dissolve the union with Sweden. Women couldn’t vote.

If 99.95% of Scots had the spirit of their Norwegian cousins the votes of incomers would be irrelevant.

James Che.

Andy Ellis.

One sure way to define wether you are a colony or not……….

Can we choose to free stage a vote or referendum in Scotland on any subject, or do we have to ask permission from the colony masters ?????????

The distinguishing factors of weather or not you are colonised.


The ‘Scottish Government’ has been allowed control over a few things, to tweek a few things, most of which will cause some or much internal argument within the boundaries of the ‘country’.

Scotland IS a region of rUK. Any powers given to us by central WM will never allow Scotland to act on the world stage.

If WM decides that they can open the borders to lots of refugees and house them in Scotland – that is what will happen under the current circumstance. To pretend that we have a choice is falling under a similar illusionary concept to ‘self-declaration’ of gender. WM will let us decide if it suits their purpose. Have a care for what you wish for.

I want Scotland to be a country in its own right. I want us to get it right. To do that we need to act and enlighten the people so that they can face the facts that the folk running Holyrood are as inefficient, crooked and self-serving as those in Westminster.

I believe (but don’t KNOW) that Mr Salmond recognised the opportunity in 2017 and it is why he has suffered so badly.

In 2021 I think it’s right for Mr Salmond to use a patient, political process in order to turn both these boulders of anti-independence. Watch, learn, teach and act as both useless ‘governments’ roll down the hill to leave us to carry our own little piece of rock up to the top.

Both Johnson and and Sturgeon are doing a fine job of self-destruction. The Scottish YES movement needs an atmosphere of hope and happiness – that’s what will draw people. If optimism is considered to be banal then Independence is a lost cause.

It’s time for Scotland to enter the construction process. Mr Salmond and the Wings books are a good starting point. ALBA is a fine vehicle and a great name
This country has enough brains, beauty and brawn to look after itself – and you’d better believe it:-)

Robert Hughes

” If 99.95% of Scots had the spirit of their Norwegian cousins the votes of incomers would be irrelevant. ”

Agreed , though I think you would agree our relationship with England is more fraught – by history and religious affiliation ( alas ) – than that of Sweden and Norway .

I respect your stance Andy , I supported the franchise in 2014 . I just want Independence and honestly believe an IndyRef can’t be won with a similar franchise , compounded by the increase in non-Scottish residents .

To lose a second Ref would surely sound the death knell for our aspiration . The UK State would make sure of that


Andy Ellis says:
‘Independence first, citizenship criteria afterwards. That’s how it works…. There is current no such animal as a Scottish citizen’

As the next independence referendum seems farther away than ever, perhaps now is the time to reach out to new Scots of the future.
To cover all eventualities, we must offer voting rights to any non-Scot thinking, or about to think, or who might think in the future, of coming in Scotland.
After all, we don’t want anyone arriving on our shores 5 minutes before close of polling and unable to get their vote registered.

I’d got further, the referendum should be an international ballot for anyone who’s ever heard of Scotland, but I really don’t see the point of indigenous Scots being included.
After all, what do they know about it, it’s no longer their country?

Andy Ellis

@ James Che 12.46 pm

We’ll, the answer to that question hasn’t been tested in court yet. However, even if the courts found it was out with Holyrood’s competence, there are other options open to us like plebiscitary elections or even in extremis UDI. The fact the SNP is wedded to the “Gold Standard” S30 certified indyref route isn’t the slam dunk proof that Scotland is a colony you appear to think it is.

Given the likelihood that an “agreed” referendum is highly unlikely in the next 5 years – and probably longer – it makes sense to shift the expectations of both the Scottish voters who have to vote for indy, and the international community who have to recognise a Declaration of Independence, to victory in plebiscitary elections being an acceptable route.


link to
A wee insight into American politics.


Tongue in cheeky…lets have as many «Afghans», no such ethnic entity by the way, as we can take.
Suggest you try them on woke, SNP and see where that leads.
The 70 million Pashtun are a fiercely independent people too.
A jag of Pashtunwali might put some lead into that faccid ScotNat political organ.
Shukhi mikonam…only kidding, Not.


Democracy isn’t obsolete, but it is badly outdated, and currently, particularly in Scotland, democracy is completely compromised by a corrupt and biased media, that is infinitely more devious and sophisticated than the pedestrian and amateurish charade of Scottish politics.

It is so badly compromised, that I have precious little faith in Scottish democracy when we all know there are unseen hands pulling unseen strings pretty much everywhere in the “Scottish” media. Who actually needs to rig the count when you’ve already rigged the narrative leading up to the vote?

Consequently, I firmly believe fretting about democratic niceties and voters franchise is choosing the completely wrong hill to die on.

It is Scotland’s sovereignty and sovereign Constitution which is in existential peril, and relying upon the foibles of an ephemeral electorate that is thoroughly indoctrinated by a biased and hostile media, frankly, seems stupid beyond belief.

Line the ducks up in the right order, and that means putting Sovereignty and Sovereign Constitution much higher up the priority list than democracy. In fact, put defending Scottish Sovereignty at the top of the priority list, where it belongs. Democracy can be the “tail-end-Charlie” ratification plebiscite held AFTER Scotland has repelled all boarders who are currently trying to subordinate Scotland through unlawful colonial adventurism.

There are bigger fish than democracy to worry about.

James Che.

J. O. E.

I am 100% with you on that thought,

And yes taking an interest in how your food gets to your table and wether it is clean wholesome food while helping to sustain yourself or you’re country. and nation can only be encouraged.

Inclusion of the other structures that you mentioned is definitely in short and long term, advantages for a country to thrive and be prosperous.

A few additions to you’re suggestions if I may.

Apprenticeships for learning no matter what age. Let’s become a nation that teaches our skills to others while expanding our future economy,

Now I am not young by any means, but I learned new skills during lock down, that perhaps I would never otherwise have thought of.

I turned my attention to a more sustainable way of food production,
Preservation of food, canning and bottling is a gap area that could be improved in Scotland.

Because of and due to enforced covid isolation it dawned on me how important cohesive social society was.
How important it was to help others,
How to expand the “one” inside the box, to helping outside the box, for the neighbour or relative who couldn’t manage,
How you can give things to others with no expected reward other than a little inward happiness you feel tingling inside afterwards, that you had helped your fellow man.

I am old enough to remember this is how it used to be for nearly everyone at one time in the local communities. We help each other, sometime it was just free labour,

During lock down there were things needed like hairdressers, so I learned to cut the families hair by watching YouTube videos, they were pleased,
this encouraged me to try more.

I learned from YouTube videos how to cut nails for those in the family whom would normally have seen chiropodists. I even do the dogs nails, again a good response from all.

I got hold of an old sewing machine, watched more YouTube videos on learning how to sew so I could mend our clothes instead of buying over the Internet.
I’ ll Give you a laugh, I got brave and thought I could run before I could walk,

So set about making some trousers, they looked good, copied the suggestion to use an old pair of trousers as a template. Finished by ironing as it showed in the video,
Well when I tried them on, they came up under my armpits and were wide enough to fit two elephants in. And when I let them go they where massive anklets. Perhaps left to much material for margin of error.

Now I am learning to play an instrument from YouTube,

I used to be a cartoonist for the local papers before retiring, ( self taught,) now I paint pictures for birthdays, Christmas presents, and for my own walls, etc,

I came out of school with no valid qualifications,

The point is wether young or old we all can learn new skills. Contribute to making Scotland thrive and have a laugh or two along the way.

James Che.


Thank you, thank you.

I had almost given up trying to get people to recognise the road for us to take towards independence.
I felt that I was chirruping in the dark for the last year or so.


“Just read a statement by my local SNP MP declaring that he wants to take in as many Afghanis as possible.

Not sure if everyone will agree with this sentiment. Scotland can not become a home for every foreign citizen from a faraway continent.”

Willie @10.45am.

That’s why the media are pushing this relentless sob story on Afghanistan, to manufacture consent in the UK to allow Afghan immigrants into the UK, the same media barrage occurred with Libya and Syria.

I wish the people of Afghanistan well, but you must remember that many of them collaborated with the foreign invading and occupying forces of the West, and some of them got very rich from it.


Does anyone else get the impression that the SNP-Green government are on full squirrel mode? Anything to distract the dumb voters. Nothing gets done. All we hear is “Westminster Bad”, “Boris Bad”, “Brexit Bad”, “Power Grab”, “blah blah blah”. To those SNP-Green politicians who seem happy to shout from the rooftops, I have a simple question:

What are you going to do about it?

Ron Maclean

The Scottish people regularly entrust their sovereign power to outnumbered MPs and subservient MSPs.

All MPs and MSPs take a lucrative oath of allegiance, or similar, to the Queen.
The Queen has sworn to govern the United Kingdom.

Therefore all MPs and MSPs are unionists?


Labour’s largest donor UNITE has elected Sharon Graham as its new General Secretary replacing Len McLuskey.

Graham is on record that Scots should be able to hold a referendum on whether or not to become an independent nation or to remain in the union.

“Graham said Scottish self-determination is “absolutely critical” and insisted the trade union’s membership would decide its position on independence.”

“She said the trade union’s political decisions relating to Scotland should be devolved to the Scottish membership.
She said: “For me, self-determination of Scotland is absolutely critical and I support it. The idea that Westminster thinks that they can decide whether or not Scotland is allowed to have a vote on its own course is totally inappropriate. Self-determination has to happen by the people of Scotland in Scotland.”

Will SLAB now sit up and listen to its biggest donor, and change its position on holding an indyref, or will Sarwar continue to stick his head in the sand on the issue.

link to

Sensible Dave

RoS 12.26

You quoted Sharon Graham as saying “For me, self-determination of Scotland is absolutely critical and I support it. The idea that Westminster thinks that they can decide whether or not Scotland is allowed to have a vote on its own course is totally inappropriate. Self-determination has to happen by the people of Scotland in Scotland.”

But …. the people of Scotland did vote in a refendum and, as per The Rev’s graph they reached the same conclusion in virtually every opinion poll since i.e. No to am Independent Scotland.

Is it only nationalists that have the right to self-determination? Or, do the minority have the right to keep demanding a re-vote every 5 minutes – although there is no evidence that anything has changed?

From here, it appears that those that favour Unionism in Scotland have no right to self determination that has any value.


SEnsible Dave.

You know fine well that Brexit changed everything, the majority of Scots didn’t want it and didn’t vote for it, we were told in 2014 that we’d be out of the EU if we voted yes.


Sensible Dave says:
Is it only nationalists that have the right to self-determination? Or, do the minority have the right to keep demanding a re-vote every 5 minutes – although there is no evidence that anything has changed?




Sensible Dave says:

From here, it appears that those that favour Unionism in Scotland have no right to self determination that has any value.


Due to Brexit?

Ian Brotherhood

This isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, and certainly isn’t intended to cause offence, but I can’t be the only one who is thoroughly sick of seeing intelligent people quibble over constitutional issues.

We’re staring another lockdown in the face. There’s no point trying to ignore it. Depending on who you choose to believe, there’s a serious possibility that this could go on for another three, possibly four years. And if we allow it to go on that much longer, we may as well resign ourselves to ‘living with it’ forever.

Our lives have been turned upside-down by a de facto global government issuing diktats which, apparently, trump any form of sovereignty, no matter how respected/recognised it may be. We have the leader of a Western democratic nation (Canada) openly threatening his own people, and our own FM is ramping up similar rhetoric. The ‘othering’ of those who resist ‘vaccination’ is well underway.

And they’ve started on our children. A year ago that wasn’t even discussed because it was unimaginable. But it’s now happening.

That link posted by Pixywine at 11.58 is a warning – similar scenes will happen in London before this year is out because those of us who have decided not to take the jag are, for the most part, resolute. We are not going to change our minds.

‘Sovereignty’? If any of you are seriously considering sending people like me away for ‘re-education’, or making our lives so miserable that we eventually break, you might want to have a wee think about what the word means – in a Scottish context, naturally – and the circumstances in which it can simply be ignored because it’s ‘inconvenient’.


FAO Sensible Dave

“The idea that Westminster thinks that they can decide whether or not Scotland is allowed to have a vote on its own course is totally inappropriate”

Do you think it is appropriate for English politicians to decide if Scotland is allowed to have a vote Dave?


Ron Maclean says:
25 August, 2021 at 2:13 pm
The Scottish people regularly entrust their sovereign power to outnumbered MPs and subservient MSPs.

All MPs and MSPs take a lucrative oath of allegiance, or similar, to the Queen.
The Queen has sworn to govern the United Kingdom.

Therefore all MPs and MSPs are unionists?

I think, perhaps, MPs and MSPs are all in danger of being seduced – that’s not quite the same thing.

We have to be ‘in it to win it’
I enjoy the wisdom of Sun Tzu:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Perhaps some Scots suffer from ‘not knowing themselves’.

The problem for the Scottish people is that we have been seen, and usually see ourselves, through the prism of ‘Britishness’ for so long that it can be difficult to reduce the angles and look ourselves squarely in the face. As a wise but sadly fascist old boy once observed, ‘human -kind cannot bear too much reality’.

It can be an easy option to be servile and have someone to blame

We have a lot to learn from powerful opposition and we won’t do that at a distance. .


Ian Brotherhood says:
This isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, and certainly isn’t intended to cause offence, but I can’t be the only one who is thoroughly sick of seeing intelligent people quibble over constitutional issues.


What is it you are expecting people to do?

I met an acquaintance in the street the other day who had similar views to you and OMG was he angry! He immediately started to rant and I said nothing and he started screaming at me to waken up! waken up! waken up!

It was a very unpleasant experience!

PS Is this site not about independence & constitutional issues?

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby –

As you know, I ignore your contributions here because I don’t believe you write in good faith, but others may be asking the same question.

So, FWIW, I don’t ‘expect’ you or anyone else to do anything. What I’m pointing out is that ‘sovereignty’, as we’ve been saying for years, lies with ‘the Scottish people’. Therefore, it’s for Scottish people to decide what happens to other Scottish people, like me, when we don’t toe the line.

Hiding behind orders from Sturgeon, Johnson, or any other high-heid yin isn’t good enough. Ultimately, you have to decide what happens, and you have to own it.

Hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens will continue – no matter what happens – to refuse to take this thing.

What are you going to do about that?


Ian Brotherhood says:
25 August, 2021 at 3:18 pm
@Ruby –

As you know, I ignore your contributions here because I don’t believe you write in good faith


Why ask me questions?

James Che.

Sovereignty or the lack of recognising what people sovereignty actually is, and is ignorance by the people for not using it.

For as long as governments continue to pretend their is democracy,
for as long as governments pretend you have the right to vote,
for as long as governments say people chose them the government
For as long as the government continue to pretend they work for their constituents.

People are sovereign above governments.

When they stop the pretence then you worry.

James Che.

Nicola sturgeon, the greens and the devolved Scottish government and Scots law are on the threshold of stopping the pretence.

do you not stop a dictatorship by asking the very same dictatorship permission for a vote to stop them in the totalitarian governments.

Only in fairytales can people be that stupid.

And Andy Ellis, UDI is the illegal position that governments cannot do, not even devolved governments in Scotland.

However that legal position does not hold water from the position of sovereign people.


Ian Brotherhood posted the following:

Hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens will continue – no matter what happens – to refuse to take this thing.


Anyone know what ‘hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens are doing about it’

Sensible Dave

To those who reply “Brexit” to my previous comment

Please see the graph produced by the Rev’ on the thread entitled “Two Leaders Unalike” dated 27th July 2021 here on Wings.

Its not my graph, nor Westminster’s, nor “unionists’s graph – it the Rev’s.

You will see a rise at the time of the Brexit vote (maybe even a small majority for a day or two). At all other times before, and since, the graph shows, when asked, that the people of SCotland (i.e. the majority) for whatever reason, repeatedly indicate that they do not want independence.

The notion that nationalists speak on behalf of “the people of SCotland” is just not true is it.

So, returning to the the subject of self-determination, do the majority not have the right to self-determination?

James Che.

Ron Maclean.

As you pointed out the Scottish government swore allegiance to the crown,

The sovereign Scottish people did not.

When the devolved Scottish Parliament was voted for by the people of Scotland, the wording in that election did not include,
“ oh,” and by the way the Scottish people have to swear allegiance to the queen too.

So legal logic the devolved Scottish government are in fact a British government in branch name.

However It is still by de facto that the Scottish people remain sovereign and that still remains so under our claim of right in the Scotland act, and by reinstating to ourselves time and again.

The Scottish people were sovereign from government and king at the time the treaty of the union was signed, and remained so after the treaty was signed,
Only the Governments and elite hooked up together in that treaty.

A scam that has lasted more than 300 years.


Ruby, come along to George Square on the 4th September and we will show you what we are doing to expose this Covid scam.

Colin Alexander

How can any politician genuinely assert their belief that the people of Scotland are sovereign then swear allegiance to their Sovereign Empress Queen Elizabeth of the British Empire?

SNP, ALBA, Greens, all fakes: asserting the people are sovereign but bending the knee to Purring Betty.

Bought and sold for UNITED Kingdom gold.


The UK is a monarchy, parliament whether Westminster or Holyrood has an odour of monarchy about it, both imagine they have a divine right to rule.
Small wonder when the sovereign people revolt things get very hot.
The established powers need an occasional reminder of who is boss.

Sensible Dave


James Che wrote above at 3.27:

“People are sovereign above governments”.

Perhaps with a caveat James? …. Unless they happen to want to remain in the Union?


Sensible Dave says:

So, returning to the the subject of self-determination, do the majority not have the right to self-determination?


Yes they do but first you have to establish through a referendum what the majority want.

I think you are confusing a referendum with independence.

Sensible Dave


Based upon the referendum and the Rev’s graph, we can be clear we know what the majority want – and its not independence.

As usual, please do not take my comments of implicit support for unionists in SCotland. They are not.

As I have repeated many times here, the reason that Scotland is not yet an Independent country is simply because the majority of of the scottish electorate have not voted for it. If there was a referendum today, next week, next month … they still wouldn’t vote for it.

There is no positive, inspirational vision that folk have been given to get behind … and there are no realistic or convincing answers to the negatives that have been listed previously.


O/T: For anyone who wants to email Craig Murray, here is my summary of what to do – the fruit of having spent ages reading the FAQ on the site emailaprisoner:

1. Register on the emailaprisoner site by going through the sign up process.
2. Enter Craig’s name and prisoner number on the tab “My recipients”.
3. Credit some money – min. £5 – via the lefthand menu. Credit/debit card or Paypal [tho’ postal order and cheque also possible].
4. “Write new message” on left hand menu.

James Che.

Sensible Dave.

The amount of tweets and messages from down south and around the world in hundreds of not thousands that asked could they come and live in Scotland if we got independence prior to the 2014 election belies your rhetoric,
Some even asked if we could re-arrange the Scottish border further down south to include them.
It’s not just Scottish people whom are fed up with Westminster.

Even the wicked witch of the north got to hear about it,

I dare say the way things are going down south right now and around the world it will only make people more determined to have the choice of a second government.

We just are waiting for the Scottish people to use their claim of right as sovereign people and chose a different government of their chosen that is not devolved.

Ron Maclean

The fall back position for independence supporters is always the UN Charter, Article 1 s2, and the UN Declaration on principles of international law friendly relations and co-operation among states. The UN does not specify time intervals for peoples’ attempts to regain their sovereignty.

I accept that might be irritating for those who want to see the aims of this site subsumed.


Sensible Dave says:
If there was a referendum today, next week, next month … they still wouldn’t vote for it.

There is no positive, inspirational vision that folk have been given to get behind … and there are no realistic or convincing answers to the negatives that have been listed previously.


You don’t know that!

Possibly the inspirational vision & positive answers would come with a referendum from both sides of the argument.

Keep in mind there are around half of the electorate who are not happy with the Union. It’s not just one side that needs to be inspirational & give positive answers.

A referendum would give both sides a chance to state their case and possibly eliminate all these divisions Unionists complain about.

You have to admit there is a problem in Scotland and just dictating ‘NO to IndyRef2’ is not going to make it go away.

What on earth is wrong with having a referendum?


Sensible Dave talks about a majority as if it’s something huge when in fact it’s a couple of % either way depending on which way the winds blowing.

James Che.

The only caveats that got in the way of a majority YES in 2014 is we let the the British unionist goverment arrange the election and allowed them to do the control of how and where it was actually counted.

Next time around the votes will to be counted in the buildings, ( not traipsed around the country being lost on roadsides or found in bins) that was used for voting, and cameras from all angles in them same buildings that work continuously, We don’t want the kind of cameras that were in Epstein’s cell..
And we would want independence yes people in [equal ] numbers to unionist that oversee the counting. Along with people say from other countries.
To many idiotic loop holes last time.
Do any of us in Scotland trust the British status quo, any more. Nooooo we do not.
Look how David Cameron bought in Evil the very next day.

And the second big caveat was not having a main stream media of our own in Scotland that did not give opinions of tony Blair, or spout the Spanish voice, and America’s Voice in what was supposed to be solely a Scottish people’s election and decision.

The threats that spewed forth of losing pensions for instance from British newspapers and politicians is not something I think the people in Scotland would fall for a second time around.

Fear of the unknown held back the YES in 2014,

Now the world is full of unknowns.

What have we got to loose,

A dam sight more if we stay.


Disillusioned US drone pilot releases video of drone killing for the sake of killing in Afghanistan

link to


Re my previous comment for those of you who wish to know why those men risked their lives to hang onto a US C130 cargo plane, this is why.

“They are members of the Khost Protection Force (KPF) and the National Directorate of Security (NDS), counter-insurgency auxiliaries, like the Vietnamese of “Operation Phoenix”. They were responsible for torturing and killing Afghans opposed to the foreign occupation. They committed so many crimes that the Taliban were like choirboys next to them”

Ron Maclean

@holymacmoses 2:57pm

‘I think, perhaps, MPs and MSPs are all in danger of being seduced – that’s not quite the same thing.’

Do pushovers need seducing?


@ Breeks 1.44pm as usual breeks I agree with you regarding the futility of arguing about the voter franchise when we have OTHER means of declaring our democratic views and opinions
BUT and it is such a big BUT, this current shower of arseholes are NOT only unwilling but actually REFUSING to look at or adopt ANY other avenue to pursue independence

You set great store on Joanna Cherry fighting and DEFEATING the clownshoe’s prorogration of parliament , she used the constitutional issue to do that, WHY then has she sat idly by and allowed herself to be ridiculed , denigrated , publicly humiliated abused and threatened with violence and sexual violence by a cohort of predatory deviants in thrall to a leader of perverts and paedophiles who OPENLY REFUSES to support her
Why would she NOT use the same constitutional means to highlight and EXPOSE the LIES and CORRUPTION endemic within her own party and the deliberate avoidance and complete FAILURE of Sturgeon to utilise the legal route to challenge WM on a referendum

Ron Maclean

@James Che. 3:57pm

Once MPs and MSPs are elected we have little or no influence over how they use our sovereignty.

I think the significance of the oaths taken by Scottish, allegedly independence-seeking, parliamentarians has been overlooked. For example; how would they go about breaking up the United Kingdom without lying under oath?


“So, returning to the the subject of self-determination, do the majority not have the right to self-determination?”

You can only say that Scotland has exercised its right to self determination when Scotland’s natives have done so, independently if they are a majority or not.

If the natives are not allowed to choose their nation’s future because their vote is frustrated by the incomers with allegiance to another country, then you cannot say it is self-determination. it is a denial of self-determination.

How many of the people living in Scotland who refuse to see Scotland as a nation have allegiance to another country or non scots ancestry?


Sensible Dave says:

I’m intrigued by the self-awareness of ‘sensible Dave’
Unlike myself, he has chosen an epithet which he believes reflects honestly and openly his views on Scotland and his political stance on the country

Could I ask ‘Sensible Dave’:

What does the Union bring to Scotland?

Here I am asking about the country as a whole. NOT individuals and families and generations who have been forced to leave to fulfil ambitions or simply get a job or be thrown out to populate another country or be thrown out to be replaced by another set of animals for breeding and financial purposes.
I am asking you about the land and the people who live here.
What has and does the union with England donate to this land of ours that makes it so ‘sensible’ for us to hand over every asset we possess and thus accord total power to London?

PS and to give you an idea about my perspective on life. In the Bible (which I read for its prose and wisdom , not for its religious value) there is a parable about talents.
For me , the word ‘sensible’, in your case, is the guy who buries his talent and keeps it safe for his Master to use when he returns.


@ Dan 8.41am so when you describe your personal hands on and current situation which you and your village are experiencing and which you have previously and sometimes humorously commented on, Andy then uses people’s lived experiences as he always does as an opportunity to throw his accusations of racist or anti immigration taunts about

I would put Andy’s commitment to independence on a similar level to Nikla’s, about lukewarm but only if it is done their way and follows their rules

I am nativist patriotic and proud

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