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Wings Over Scotland

The honesty patrol

Posted on January 30, 2014 by

Earlier this week we had a little fun at the expense of the anaemic “grassroots” No campaign, revealing that almost all of its planned activity between now and the referendum was a single day’s leafleting of some railway stations. Yesterday we found out the reason – they’ve got a new leaflet, all about yesterday’s unspectacular comments on currency by Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank Of England.


We have to assume that the leaflet was printed before the speech, and that any assertions it might make about Mr Carney’s view might not necessarily be entirely true. So let’s see if we can make sure everything stays on the straight and narrow.

Because we know from before that “Better Together” is often simply flat-out lying about the campaigning activities it undertakes. Supposed “events” simply don’t happen at all. Others are hit-and-run affairs staged solely for the benefit of conveniently-located TV cameras. And of course, the leaflets themselves are frequently tissues of lies.

It seems sensible, then, to put tomorrow’s proceedings under some scrutiny, to ensure that the people of Scotland are being told the truth both on the streets and on the internet. And to do that, we need your help.

Below is a list taken from the BT website of times and places that No campaigners will supposedly be handing out the new leaflet. We need people to go there and (a) confirm the event actually took place, ideally with pics; (b) get hold of the leaflet so we can see if it bears even a passing resemblance to the truth; and (c) find out exactly what the public is being told (campaigners will all have been fed a line from BT HQ).

(You may also wish to observe whether anyone is campaigning actually on ScotRail property, because the company has stipulated that any such activity is forbidden.)

Now let’s be absolutely crystal-clear about this, as if it needed saying: we DON’T want anyone harassed. Any photographs sent in will have the faces of the leafleters blurred out. We don’t want anyone insulted or harangued (though of course, if you’re told any lies while picking up the leaflet, feel free to discuss the matter politely). But this is Scotland’s future that’s at stake, and we can’t allow falsehoods to go unchallenged.

(It would obviously have been an ideal job for Labour’s “2014 Truth Team”, but for some reason they seem to have gone rather quiet, so we’ll have to do it ourselves.)

If you can help us with just a few minutes of your time and you live near any of the following stations, post a comment below saying which “event” you’re planning to cover and we’ll mark it on the chart. (If it’s already crossed out, feel free to go along anyway as back-up, or just to meet up with a fellow Wings reader.) Let’s see how many boots the No campaign can really put on the ground, and let’s keep them honest.


7AM – 8AM

Paisley Gilmour Street
Patterton (Eastwood)

7AM – 9AM

Bridge Of Allan (Stirling)
Brunstane (Edinburgh)
Burnside (Rutherglen)
Clarkston (Glasgow)
Drem (East Lothian)
Dumbarton Central
Edinburgh Haymarket
Edinburgh Waverley
Fort Matilda Station (Renfrewshire)
Glasgow Central Station
Glasgow Duke Street
Glasgow Queen Street
Glengarnock (North Ayrshire)
Hamilton Central
Helensburgh Central
Hillfoot Station (East Dunbartonshire)
Kirkhill (Rutherglen)

Lenzie (East Dunbartonshire)
Newton (Lanark)


Falkirk Grahamston
Whitesands (BUS station)


North Berwick
Westerton (Glasgow)

4PM – 5PM

Glasgow Alexandra Parade
Insch (Aberdeenshire)

4PM – 6PM

Edinburgh Haymarket
Edinburgh Waverley
Fort Matilda
Glasgow Central
Glasgow Queen Street
Hamilton West
North Berwick

5PM – 6PM

Dalry (North Ayrshire)

5PM – 7PM


584 to “The honesty patrol”

  1. Richard says:


  2. Atypical_Scot says:

    Arbroath? As in declaration of? Oh dear, lead balloon. I go if no other takers.

  3. bigbuachaille says:

    Mischievously exciting.
    Expect lots of pics.

  4. Euan says:

    I can take Anniesland

  5. I’ll cover Helensburgh Central.

  6. Edward says:

    Just a thought, if BT have a leafleting ‘team’ t each of the locations, why are they not at them all day, instead of specific times? (this may have been mentioned already so apologies). The above would suggest that they don’t and that they are commuting around using the rail network, like something from the ‘Great Escape’

  7. uilleam_beag says:

    Great initiative. If we manage to get all (or most) of the bases covered, it’ll be fascinating to find out just how many actually take place. Past experience suggests not many.

  8. Kendomacaroonbar says:

    Why is Helensburgh crossed out ?

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Why is Helensburgh crossed out ?”

    Because someone’s already taken it. But by all means go along in case they don’t make it, or just to say hello.

  10. Cath says:

    I’ll be passing through Glasgow Central at the right time en route to Nottingham. Will keep an eye out.

  11. Ivan McKee says:

    Rev, I’ll get down to Partick in the morning to have a look see if anything going on.

  12. Jon Kelbie says:

    I’ll ask the wife to keep an eye out at Dunblane station tomorrow morning and to pick up a copy of the “tissue of lies” if anyone shows.

  13. Brotyboy says:

    Can do Dundee at 7am.

  14. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “why are they not at them all day”

    I imagine they don’t think it’s worth it for the small numbers of people who might be there outside of the commuter rush hours.

  15. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “I’ll be passing through Glasgow Central at the right time en route to Nottingham.”

    Morning or afternoon?

  16. Seasick Dave says:

    Obviously, BT won’t allow these events to go ahead if there is not a complementary YES event on at the same time.

    In the interest of fairness, you understand.

  17. Taranaich says:

    I may be in the extreme minority here, but does anyone else get a strange sense of, I don’t know, excitement about seeing someone with a Better Together/UKOK badge? I don’t know, it makes me feel like “hey, they’re invested in the referendum too! Sure, they’re on the other side, but it means they’re interested enough to participate!”

    Heck, when I was at parliament and a woman with a BT badge sat next to me, I nearly turned to her to give her a thumbs-up, as if to say “good luck!” Perhaps I can be this confident in the knowledge that I’m absolutely sure of my position, and so being “threatened” or whatever simply doesn’t enter into my mind.

    So if I happen to see them out and about today, I might stride over to them, complete with Yes badge, and give them a hearty hello. After all, we’re all part of the most important debate in the history of the country, and even though they’re the opposition, I don’t know, I feel a strange fondness for them.

    Not that I have any illusions about their intentions, mind, nor am I naive enough to think I’d be able to change their minds or whatnot, but it’s strange that my reaction upon seeing that wee blue badge is one of glee. Very odd.

  18. MochaChoca says:

    I can take Prestwick, both morning and evening.

  19. fergie35 says:

    I will head over to our station, I’m not wearing one of these UKOK stickers tho.

  20. fergie35 says:


  21. Taranaich says:

    Also, which day is this for? Whichever day it is, I’ll do my best to scout out Gourock.

  22. kalmar says:


  23. Extreme0 says:

    Bah there is none in or near Kilmarnock.

    And here I was excited for some classy “not so secret lesser whistle blower” work! Now my Trenchcoat and fedora have to wait another week.

    link to

    P.S. You should try and get Images to embed in the comments so we can show off more witty responses.

  24. Alex Grant says:

    I’ll go to WAverley if it’s 1600-1800 today?

  25. Pedro says:

    I’ll pay Bathgate a visit.

  26. Fifer says:

    What day are these events?

  27. clochoderic says:

    I can do the afternoon shift in Johnstone. Will take along a few Yes newspapers and leaflets. If anyone else local who can upload photos/videos can make it, so much the better.

  28. Taranaich says:

    Argh, just noticed it said “tomorrow”: definitely going to scout out Gourock, then!

  29. Paul Steele says:

    I can do Glasgow Queen Street at 4

  30. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


    Morning or afternoon?

  31. Big Hollow Man says:

    i’ll check largs in the afternoon. quite looking forward to meeting a no campaigner – be interesting to see how well-informed they are.

  32. Pin says:

    I’ll take Rutherglen

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I’ll take Rutherglen”

      Which of the three? Or all of them?

  33. Mosstrooper says:

    Okay Dokay, Johnstone between 4-6 Been out here with YES with a good response. Now let’s see what The Bitters have.(or should that be the Briters?)

  34. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wouldn’t it be really, erm, funny, if Yes leafleters just happen to pick tomorrow to do the same places and/or the ones BT have chosen not to target?

  35. Jimsie says:

    I”ll do Hairmyres 4 till 5 pm. I find it very odd that the terminal station at East Kilbride is not listed as this is the busiest station on the line and not very far from Hairmyres.

  36. ShredderIsAlive says:

    I’ll take Kirkcaldy in the morning.

  37. James S says:

    I’ll cover Aviemore, morning and night.

  38. Illy says:

    If you’re doing Waverly, remember that there are 4-6 entrances.

    I know I’ve seen a BT guy handing out their “newspaper” leaflet on the princes’ st. entrance (the flat bit by the escalators and bus stops), but what if they have someone on the bridge ramps, or the South entrance, or the east entrance (the little one at the back by platform 2) and I think there’s an entrance to the car park at the south as well.

    It would be a travesty if we claim that they’ weren’t there and they actually were, but were at one of the other entrances 😉

  39. Richard says:

    Keir, kendomacaroonbar

    I am happy for either of you to pay them a visit. I am delivering papers this afternoon and going to canvassing meeting tonight. Let me know

    Or we could all go :-p

  40. Mosstrooper says:

    Hi Clochoderick See you at Johnstone tomorrow

  41. Ericmac says:


    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


      Morning or afternoon?

  42. Ericmac says:

    I expect is the same wee woman going around and around on a cheap travel ticket… probably be photographing the same person!

  43. Cath says:

    Morning or afternoon?

    Sorry, afternoon.

  44. Tamson says:

    I note the almost complete absence of Glasgow suburban stations on that list. Nothing at all on the Cathcart circle, for example.

  45. boglestone says:

    I can wander past Glasgow Alexandra Parade 4-5pm. No problem at all. 🙂

  46. Richard says:


    Just seen a tweet from Duncan Hothersall showing a car in Paisley with windows smashed and YES scratched on side window (I think). Bad news of some wee s**t thinks this is the way to go

  47. Ken MacColl says:

    I’ll check Oban at evening train time!

  48. Ericmac says:


    I have felt the same on occasion, thankfully the feeling passed quickly. (just kidding)

    Seriously good attitude.

    One does have to recognise they are technically zombies, brainwashed for decades. (just kidding again)

  49. clochoderic says:

    Mosstrooper – I have contacted Lewis at Yes Johnstone – we may get a few bodies turning up. Hope you can work a video or phone camera.

  50. Mark says:


  51. Ericmac says:


  52. KatyMac says:

    Hey wings, I can take Bishopbriggs in the morning (7am-9am) with my mum!

  53. Cath says:

    anyone else get a strange sense of, I don’t know, excitement about seeing someone with a Better Together/UKOK badge? I don’t know, it makes me feel like “hey, they’re invested in the referendum too!

    I don’t know about excitement but yeah a sort of affinity, I know what you mean. Used to see a girl on the train with a UKOK badge. It’s quite brave to wear a badge for either side I think, so yeah respect. Also have respect for anyone who gives up their spare time to work for free towards something, having found out first hand now how hard it is to do, especially after a day at work.

  54. A2 says:

    Damn that’s cunning timing, The chances of me getting up at 6.30 after being up all night doing me tax return are slim. 🙁

    I could co-coincidently be in Glasgow central Around 5.00 though.

  55. Dick Gaughan says:

    Richard says:
    Bad news of some wee s**t thinks this is the way to go

    Could also be a provocateur – we’re likely to see a whole load of activity from them in the next few months.

  56. The Man in the Jar says:

    Sorry both local stations are not listed despite other stations on the same line being leafleted.

    So you could conclude a lack of BT boots on the ground for Uddingston and Blantyre? Ya beauty! 🙂

  57. Robin Ross says:


    I can do Waverly am. I’ll scoot round to meet the multitude of BT teams which will be amassed in vast numbers at each entrance

  58. LB says:

    I can swing through Waverley in the morning. As mentioned above there a quite a few entrances but can try and cover as many as possible!

  59. Cankert Callan says:

    I’ll take a walk down to Barrhead for five!

  60. Kendomacaroonbar says:

    @ Richard

    Rodger that Blue Leader 🙂 Kendo out

  61. Mosstrooper says:

    Ahh! just noticed Johnstone at 7-9 am (note to self– read all lists carefully) Will set alarm for an early rise so strike out.

  62. Alan G says:

    Chances that people going specifically to look to see if BT campaigners exist outnumber those leafletting for BT = high

  63. Rod Mac says:

    Barrhead 5-6 ,I literally live opposite the station.

  64. scottish_skier says:

    I can do Lauder railway station.

    link to

    Ideal site for that infamous lonely BT stall.

  65. dougie says:

    What about a flash mob yes voters

  66. Emma says:

    Might take a wander down to Airdrie station in the morning. Sounds fun 🙂

  67. G H Graham says:

    I’ll cover Pitlochry (5pm – 6pm).

    Heavy snow forecast tomorrow so should be nice and quiet.

  68. Richard, I’ll do my best to come to the canvassing event tonight; otherwise see you at Helensburgh Central about 8am tomorrow 😉

  69. edulis says:

    I will do Inverness 7.00-8.00 am. I need to travel in anyway for stuff so it will get me going early.

  70. Gordon Smith says:

    Repeating the comment on “Will it be the same person”, although the faces will be blanked out, will be good to know if these are really only the same few (paid) volunteers.

  71. Ericmac says:

    Scene at BT HQ

    Unionist 1. “Have you seen WOS?”

    Unionist 2. “Aye, we need to call the Dail Mail. The Cybernat Army has been mobilised.”

    Unionist 1. “We are going to be overrun. I told you you shouldn’t have printed all these leaflets last week.”

    Unionist 2. “Do you think we could get that lazy basket McDougall to do Partick?”

    Unionist 1 “Good Idea. And we will say half our supporters came down with a virus”

    Unionist 2. “What all six of them?”

    Unionist 1. “It doesn’t matter old chap. Have you seen what it says on the leaflet?”

    Unionist 2. “Aye, if that wee evil pervert reverend gets a hold of one we are in trouble anyway”

    Unionist 1. “Maybe best we don’t make ALL the stations, lets go for a few out in the country at the end of the line.

    Unionist 2. “Have you ever thought it might just be easier to cross over to the winning side? My Pater won’t like it, might stop the allowance, but it will be much more fun than being a UKOK”

  72. Craig P says:

    If BT are planning to spend fifteen minutes each at say, Helensburgh, Dumbarton, Queen St, Airdrie, then by jumping on the same train as the BT activists Richard, Kendo & Keir, you might be able to cross off four of those leafleting events by yourselves! Though it would be a bit weird I suppose to follow someone all the way to Lanarkshire 😉

  73. Dick Gaughan says:

    Illy says:
    but what if they have someone on the bridge ramps,

    Then they’d be on ScotRail property thereby breaking the law. Photo would be useful 🙂 I reckon Princes Street and Market Street are the likeliest exits.

    Can’t make it to Waverley but there’s a fair chance I might be able to get to Haymarket, afternoon.

  74. Gordon Smith says:

    Could I suggest to take along some YES leaflets / papers, and do the same thing, since we will be there anyway?

    Take a PICTURE of YES leafleting at the same spot, devoid of the planned NO activity?

  75. themadmurph says:

    I can do Johnstone and Glasgow Central tomorrow morning.

  76. AllyPally says:

    Put me down for Glengarnock am and Dalry pm.

  77. Craig M says:

    Re Richard says
    Yeah, bad news.
    As a counter, I heard that there are 100000 Scottish kids living in poverty with “No” all over them.

  78. Ericmac says:

    Just seen a tweet from Duncan Hothersall…

    If anyone was going to find something like that to tweet, I’d have bet my bottom dollar that it it would be him.

  79. Radweesis says:

    I’ll swing by Fort Matilda 4-6.

  80. Cankert Callan says:

    @Rod Mac

    Hi Rod, might see you there!Are you from Barrhead?

  81. Dick Gaughan says:

    It occurs to me that if the point of the exercise is to amass info as whether and where BT actually do turn up, it might be counterproductive to be drawing too much attention to ourselves, particularly as we’re kind of announcing where we’ll be – a direct invitation to the DM to whip up yet more “evil Cybernat” shite. Just a thought.

  82. velofello says:

    I’ll do the morning shift at Ayr.

  83. The Penman says:

    I’m just up the hill from Kelvindale. No guarantee I’ll make it down, but will see how my evening tomorrow pans out (i.e. when I escape from work).

  84. yerkitbreeks says:

    Is the location distribution relevant – they have completely missed out the Borders ? !

  85. Mairi Queen says:

    I’ll do Newton 🙂

  86. Chris Darroch says:

    I can help with Edinburgh Waverley 4-6 p.m. but as someone has mentioned there are a number of entrances/exits therefore we should have a few people there.

    My two teenage kids should help there also.

    Tomorrow then: 31st

  87. Mosstrooper says:

    As for the Hothersall tweet how’s this for a scenario. Find a smashed up car (not hard in Paisley) and scratch YES on it and fake Horror Shock at the evil deeds of the Cabernats.
    I know , I just like being a cabernat,

  88. Swello says:

    Burnside and Kirkhill are entirely different stations (on a different line than Rutherglen)

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Burnside and Kirkhill are entirely different stations (on a different line than Rutherglen)”

      Righto. Will amend.

  89. Robert Dickson says:

    I will try to make Bishopbriggs

  90. Training Day says:

    Hillfoot Station

  91. Gary says:

    Can do morning in Cupar and Edinburgh Maymarket in the afternoon.

  92. Hotchie says:

    Hamilton West is next to my place of work. Will monitor activity there on the way home.

  93. Craig P says:

    yerkitbreeks – if you can find a rail station in the Borders, fill your boots!

  94. kalmar says:

    @Dick Gaughan
    I’m going to do it strictly undercover like. Verify they’re actually there, get a leaflet for the novelty value. Engage in debate politely, and only if they start it.

  95. Illy says:


    That’s what the comment about “provocetures” (sp?) was about.

    We know that the UK Government isn’t above false flag operations and having undercover police making peaceful demonstrations violent to give them an excuse to shut them down.

    We can’t kid ourselves that they won’t do the same and worse for September.

    I expect them to have some saltire-waving nutters cause lots of trouble, while yelling about bannokburn or something. And for it to make national news. For weeks.

  96. Lissa says:

    I know for a fact that BT have broken the rule of no campaigning on Scotrail grounds, because a chap tried to give me a leaflet on the platform of Cupar station a few months ago. Unfortunately I pass through too early in the morning and too late in the evening to check on them this time, but maybe the other half can get there for one of the times.

  97. G H Graham says:

    Please clarify Rev; are these all railway stations that are supposedly going to being leafleted?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Please clarify Rev; are these all railway stations that are supposedly going to being leafleted?”


  98. Michael says:

    No, I don’t feel any affinity with No campaigners. They are hate-mongers intent on spreading lies and fear. That has nothing to do with me or my campaign or my life.

  99. Doug Daniel says:


    Just a thought, if BT have a leafleting ‘team’ t each of the locations, why are they not at them all day, instead of specific times? (this may have been mentioned already so apologies). The above would suggest that they don’t and that they are commuting around using the rail network, like something from the ‘Great Escape’

    Nah, all it means is that due to the lack of volunteers they can count on for canvassing, high street stalls etc, they have to restrict their activities to when they can hit a high volume of people in a short timescale with few volunteers.

    One person can stand at a station at rush hour and distribute loads of leaflets to commuters, who are more likely to just take the leaflet rather than make a fuss, because they’re in a hurry. This also means that they’re unlikely to have people stopping to ask them questions, which is inconvenient as they not only have to back up their bullshit points, but it also means while they’re discussing it with on person, they’re then not thrusting leaflets into the hands of other people.

    Contrast that with Yes groups, who can set up stalls where people are more likely to have a bit of time on their hands and therefore more likely to actually challenge you on the points you’re making. We don’t have to worry about backing up our arguments, because we use facts; and if one person is being held up by an undecided voter, there are plenty of other volunteers to get other people.

  100. Hannarchist says:

    I’ll do Haymarket AM.

    Can’t stay for the full two hours, but will do a cursory check/leaflet grab.

  101. Richard says:

    @Keir Robinson

    I’ll keep a seat warm. I’ll surely be on 2nd cup of coffee by 8am :-))

  102. Michael says:

    It’s a really bizarre form of campaigning this. I mean why target railway stations in particular. If you’re going to campaign in Aviemore why not get a team together and leaflet the whole town. I guess there can’t be many more than a 1000 doors to put leaflets through in Aviemore and you can do that easily in a couple of hours with two folk. This just screams, ‘we don’t have any activists’.

  103. Robin Ross says:

    Stu, if LB is going to do Edinburgh Waverly in the morning I’ll go to Haymarket am instead. Expect to see a phalanx of BT champions there also!!!

  104. Richard says:

    From experience of standing at Helensburgh Central WEEKS ago, it is a cold piece of activity and I certainly wouldn’t count it as an event. Glad to see the other side are up for the challenge

  105. Ericmac says:


    Lots of people passing at rush hour, highly visible.

  106. Michael says:

    But seriously if so many of you are heading out to railway stations why not take some campaign material with you or a box of badges to give away or something?

  107. Cath says:

    “I’m going to do it strictly undercover like”

    Same here. I’ll be passing through on my way to the train so will just see if they’re there and try to get a leaflet. If they open a discussion I’ll chat to them politely. Unless it’s a politician I recognise in which case I won’t be able to resist a dirty look.

  108. Michael says:

    Yes, Eric, I get it, my point was mainly rhetorical. It’s a ‘small party’ kind of activity which reveals their great weakness – nae people. And I doubt very much that all the railway stations mentioned will be covered. On top of that most leaflets will be left on trains and binned by Scotrail staff at the end of the journey. It’s all a bit pathetic really.

  109. Ericmac says:

    @Doug Daniel
    O/T You were being held up as an example of vile anti-englishness over on the NewStatesmen or was it the Spectator… I forget. Whichever one you post on I guess.

  110. Ericmac says:

    @Michael You are right.

    Can you imagine, there must be nothing worse than leafleting or canvassing alone.

  111. Ali says:

    I’ll be at Clarkston station tomorrow at 8.15am

  112. Dinnatouch says:

    Odd that a big town like Motherwell is missing from the list. I suppose since this is pin a red rosette on a monkey territory, they’re taking our votes for granted. Either that or the local Labour activists refuse to work for the Tories.

  113. lumilumi says:

    O/T Just watching/listening to the unelected House of Lords debate on Scottish indy referendum.

    It’d be funny if they weren’t serious. Within the first couple of minutes former tory Scottish Secretary (1990-1995) Lang trotted out all the old cliches starting with fighting together under one flag for more than 300 years (!) and the Empire…

    He continues to tick all the No campaign scarestory boxes, should’ve set up a bingo for this. 😀 I think one of the funniest ones was him saying that independence and then currency union would reduce Scotland into a state of dependency.

    Annabel Goldie is due to give her maiden speech in the House of Lords later.

  114. creigs1707repeal says:

    I can cover Glasgow Queen Street 7-9am.

  115. A2 says:

    That car pic appears to come from Andrew Skinner, whether or not it’s his car is unclear.

  116. faolie says:

    I’ll take a detour past Waverley tomorrow am around 8.30 (black jacket, red/white Yes badge). Big station, lots of entrances. See if anyone’s still there 😉

  117. Dick Gaughan says:

    No, I don’t feel any affinity with No campaigners. They are hate-mongers intent on spreading lies and fear.

    At the top level of politicos and media, I have no disagreement with any of that.

    But a lot of the “foot soldiers” are simply misguided or conned into supporting “No”. Some of them can be persuaded, and some of them are decent people who simply disagree with us, as is their right.

    Whatever, they are fellow Scots and we have to live and work alongside them.

  118. A2 says:

    Should we buy copies of the daily record and cut eye holes in them?

    And can we do that thing with dropping a package in a bin?

  119. HandandShrimp says:

    I will certainly have a look out at Central tomorrow. The weather forecast for tomorrow is not nice – poor lambs. They will be begging to get into Scotrail premises. I take it we photograph them if they are in the stations so we can can use the weight of evidence should Scotrail try to deny us the same.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I take it we photograph them if they are in the stations so we can can use the weight of evidence should Scotrail try to deny us the same.”

      That would be the public-spirited thing to do.

  120. Albalha says:

    Gordon McIntyre Kemp coming up on Jeremy Vine R2.

  121. A2 says:

    Bingo – brilliant idea, could we have a board with little boxes with scare stories to tick off?

  122. Gary says:

    I think the best way to do this is verify that they are there, take a leaflet, and walk away without saying anything. This is reconnaissance, not engagement. There is little point trying to convince BT leafleters, as they are most likely hard no in any case. If a fairly disinterested and sceptical member of public sees obvious yes and no people in heated debate their level of cynicism with the whole thing will only increase, as will their detachment and desire to participate. This is what the no campaign wants.

    However, if you catch one actively talking to a member of public, and it is on a subject on which you are knowledgeable enough (this is very important), listen and interject (politely) giving the other side of the argument, making sure to include the member of public in this (in fact it is probably better to actively engage with the MOP, rather than the BT activists). Pose questions, be calm and above all do not get angry or aggressive. It’s all about getting the weeds of no out and planting the seeds of yes.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I think the best way to do this is verify that they are there, take a leaflet, and walk away without saying anything.”

      Yes, as the article says.

  123. faolie says:

    Jeremy Vine R2: starts with a intro of usual patronising pish. Dear God, they treat the referendum as if it were a lark.

  124. memaw says:

    Good Luck all that have volunteered. My nearest Station is a 100 mile round trip so can’t help this time but — Caw Canny– we don’t want to frighten the timid creatures.

  125. callum says:

    ha ha – at this rate there will be more wings supporters clutching digital cameras and smartphones at stations than no supporters!

  126. Michael says:

    @dick gaughan, sorry can’t agree on that front. The ‘foot soldiers’ aren’t idiots, they are amongst the most committed to the idea of innate Scottish inferiority of any group of people in the country. I can’t respect that on any level. They spread fear, uncertainty and encourage people to feel disgust for the place they live and the people they live amongst. They have even admitted to wanting to spread fear amongst our young people. That is despicable and goes well beyond normal politicking. It’s pathology.

  127. liz says:

    DM Headlines – Cybernat Railway Army organised by Gen Rev Campbell.

  128. Jill Parton says:

    Pedro, I’ll do Bathgate too. I’ll be nearer 6pm. It’ll be very interesting to see if anyone is there. I’m surprised they are not visiting Livingston instead.

  129. Davie says:

    I’ll head to Hamilton Central between 7am and 9am. I can see the station from my flat so it would be lazy not to go.

  130. Michael says:

    But really guys, if you have so much time and energy get out and do some leafletting and canvassing in your own communities. We are busy in our own town delivering newspapers tomorrow. I’d much rather do that than hang about in the freezing cold with a bunch of grumpy early morning commuters and some miserable lone BT ‘activist’.

  131. Gary says:

    One other thing to bear in mind: this is not an official Yes ‘event’; no-one should be doing this because they are a member of the Yes Scotland, SNP (or Greens, or SSP), I am doing this as someone who wants to make sure that both sides are doing their best to engage the public and are being truthful and honest in their intentions and information.

    No-one has ordered me to do this; I do it of my own free will and the desire to see a better Scotland.

  132. David Newbigging says:

    I’ll take Fort Matilda Station from 7-9. Knowing the layout of the station and the fact that it’s un-manned, they must be on Scotrail property!

  133. BuckieBraes says:

    Strictly speaking the stations are Network Rail, not ScotRail, property. ScotRail however operates them, which is where its policies on campaigning will come into force. The exceptions are Glasgow Central (high level) and Edinburgh Waverley, which are managed outright by Network Rail.

  134. Gin says:

    Help me @Rev

    … I seem to have kicked over a Hornets Nest on twitter, and they seem pretty angry. Didn’t even abuse anyone – I think, I can’t tell any more.

    Maybe I could pay you to do this 🙂 as I can’t work and swat 10 of them at 1 time, but u seem pretty good at it!

    Fundraiser next month?

  135. HandandShrimp says:

    That would be the public-spirited thing to do.

    I am nothing if not public spirited

  136. Calgacus MacAndrews says:


  137. nelliejean says:

    Awwww, no UKOK love for the inner circle on the Fife line?

    I see Waverley’s covered, but I’ll keep an eye out at Dunfermline Town in case they get some last-minute volunteers.

  138. HandandShrimp says:

    Didn’t even abuse anyone – I think, I can’t tell any more.

    You sod, there is tea all over my screen!

  139. fergie35 says:

    Montrose in the afternoon

  140. Andy Thompson says:

    I’ll do Leuchars but won’t make it until 5pm.

  141. Paul says:

    If better together do turn up at a station and a tired irate passenger punches one of them in the pus will we Cybernats get the blame?

  142. Jim says:

    No Clydebank or Singer on the list. Will check them out anyway.

  143. Hughiedoc78 says:


  144. Hughiedoc78 says:

    oops, Afternoon.
    ( I really should read all of the instructions shouldn’t I…..)

  145. edulis says:

    I will take my camera Rev but you need to tell me how to upload pictures to your site. Do you have an e-mail address?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I will take my camera Rev but you need to tell me how to upload pictures to your site. Do you have an e-mail address?”

      Drop us a line via the Contact page and I’ll give you the email address:

      link to

      Or you can just tweet them, or use an upload service like Imgur etc.

  146. Cauld Tattie says:

    Will do Perth 5pm

  147. pictishbeastie says:

    I can hae a wee donder up wi the dug by Perth station in the evening.

  148. callum says:

    just stick all pictures on (it’s anonymous) and then post the links here. I’ll sweep past Bridge of Allan between 7 and 9 a few times.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      By my count we’ve now got 54/100 covered. Amazing work, readers. Let’s keep it going!

  149. Albalha says:

    Over at the Lords N Lamont telling it how it is from their view …..’we’ll lose influence in the EU and UN Security Council’ if Scotland votes YES.

  150. heraldnomore says:

    And I’ll head to Drumclog, where the Royal Family spent the night some years ago in the train we provided for them. Oh hang, forgot, closed in the 40s. Still that wee wifie frae BT might just be there with her pasting table dealing with the crowds.

  151. alexicon says:


    I wouldn’t put it past the BT mob to stage manage things like that.

    Wouldn’t it be good for folks here to hand out leaflets, at the same time as the no shower, saying they’re lying.

  152. david says:

    stirling 7-9

  153. Doug Daniel says:

    @Ericmac – Oooh, lovely. Got a link?

  154. Albalha says:

    N Lamont ‘God made the oil not Alex Salmond’, hadn’t realised that Lamont was from Shetland who he claims could declare independence.

    Helen Liddell defending Lang’s World War 1 stuff, dearie me.

  155. Ian Brotherhood says:

    BT are to be applauded for this – it’s murder trying to pin things down to morning or afternoon, let alone hourly slots.

    Well done Better Together! Remember to wear double-layered thermals and get that Ready-Brek in you for a nice orangey glow!

  156. Albalha says:

    Liddell on J Lamont’s script re Ryder Cup and that bill.

    Says not even Paris Hilton would spend that much.

  157. Mealer says:

    I wonder if David Attenburgh will appear with a camera crew,hoping to catch the elusive UKOK on film.By the way,could some of you who have actually seen a real,live UKOK please give me an idea of what to look out for.I wouldn’t want to shiver outside a station for hours and not realise I’d seen one.

  158. heedtracker says:

    Insch (Aberdeenshire) back of 4, there is a lot of south east of England Aberdeen/London weekly commute.

  159. misteralz says:

    If I get into work early enough tomorrow I’ll hack cross-country to Insch for four. No guarantees, but if you see a shady looking character with mental spiky hair come and say ‘hi’!

  160. Albalha says:

    Liddell claims that more women will vote NO because we’re talking about divorce, goodness me.

  161. Tasmanian says:

    Just brilliant to see how quickly the stations have been snapped up!

  162. Gin says:

    Have now read all the replies, sorry 4 OT earlier. But somebody does seem 2 have upset those BT Hornets YESterday.

    I can cover Burntisland but not until about 7:30.

    Will see also about getting someone to Brunstane. But dont cross off yet.

  163. cx2uk says:

    Perth – the evening one. Might be able to swing by in the morning too but evening definitely.

  164. Albalha says:

    I think this Lords debate should be released and given freely to all voters in the referendum.

  165. Paul says:

    I wondered what happened to that Thatcher clone Liddell.

  166. HandandShrimp says:

    Liddell claims that more women will vote NO because we’re talking about divorce, goodness me.

    Is Liddell stuck in the 1950s? This is the 21st century and women are doing it for themselves.

  167. ronnie cowan says:

    radweesis taranaich and david newbigging. The last time BT claimed to be leafleting Gourock, Fort Matilda, Greenock West and Central, they managed one person at the West and one at Gourock (briefly). It is also worth hanging about for 15 minutes or so to see if people actually take the leaflet. Slightly O/T please see yes inverclyde website for local events. We need all the help we can get. Less talk (leave that the the rev) and more , much more action.

  168. scottish_skier says:

    According to Yougov, only 34.5% of Scots think Scotland is most similar to the UK when asked what country it is most like.

    link to

  169. Training Day says:


    “By the way,could some of you who have actually seen a real,live UKOK please give me an idea of what to look out for.”

    I’ve seen one. Elderly side of middle aged English gentleman with..shall we say, a rudimentary acquaintance with Scottish politics.

  170. Mealer says:

    If anyone actually comes across a UKOK,be sure to ask for a signed photo of David Cameron.

  171. Doug Daniel says:

    Ha! Check this comment I left on the Spectator – apparently it’s “anti-english bile”!

    link to

  172. ronnie anderson says:

    @Emma 11.12, say he llo tae Jim Lougue when your their,
    ask him why the Imperial Steel Work,s shut doon,he dissna like that question, he,ll blame the Unions, an ask him what his exspences are from NLC that he,s served his community for 40 yr,s,an trousered a lot. Lol

  173. Kev says:

    Dingwall – 4-6pm – I’m there! Hopefully, with yes mobile ticketyboo! Great idea, by the way.

  174. Ken500 says:

    Take some YES newspapers and hand them out.

    Twa burds with una stane

  175. Ericmac says:

    “No-one has ordered me to do this; I do it of my own free will and the desire to see a better Scotland.

    What you didn’t get the orders from our homogenous Cybernat-in-Chief?

  176. Soda says:

    Shame, i’m only half a mile from Cumbernauld station but have 2 kids to get up and get ready for school…will love to see the results of this tho!

  177. Ian Brotherhood says:

    What’s the betting BT abandons tomorrow’s ‘events’ because of vile Cybernat threats?

    “We had over seventeen thousand volunteers ready to brave the elements and bring our message to the commuters of Scotland, but the health and safety of our people is too important. After the despicable attack on a car in Paisley, we have no choice.”

  178. Ken500 says:

    Is Liddell still with us? Back from the south or end of the world.

    Ian Lang has popped up from where? Thatcher co-conspirator? Fellow liar.

    Looks like a lot of the twa faced liars are getting more lying comments in.

  179. heedtracker says:

    Also but not only, Press and Journal here in ABZ headline coverage of yesterday’s BoE Governor speech, or 70 UK p’s for this kind of professional journalism and they also love the royals and really really hate Scots renewable energy too, eek!

    “Crushing blow” to SNP pound plans.

  180. Pin says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    30 January, 2014 at 11:03 am
    “I’ll take Rutherglen”

    Which of the three? Or all of them?

    Just Rutherglen Rutherglen. Kirkhill and Burnside are abouta mile apart and I’ll be doing this during the school run and en route to work- so I’ll only manage the one

  181. cx2uk says:

    Will do Perth morning – just noticed evening already covered 🙂

  182. Ken500 says:

    Liddell on about expenses? Twa faced midden. What did the sabbatical to Aussie Land cost tax payers. The Unionists wanted rid of her.

  183. Keith Smith says:

    Disgusted that BT are not visiting Livingston. I can go to Linlithgow instead in the morning.

  184. Ron Burgundy says:

    Will try and make Faklirk Grahamston tomorrow at 7am – need to set alarm!!!!!!

  185. Ken500 says:

    It was 70% of women who filed for divorce.

  186. chalks says:

    I overtook a woman in Aberdeen with a UKOK sticker on her window. Drove past her, and then went in front of her in the same lane, Yes sticker on the back window and drove very slowly from then on….have to say the only reason I overtook her was seeing that infuriating and ignorant sticker.

    She was about 50 year old and pulled off to the richer part of Aberdeen…..cults etc

  187. Mealer says:

    Ian Brotherhood……As if anyone’s going to believe there are 17000 Tories in Scotland!

  188. Robert Kerr says:

    I may well walk the dug past a station, no names, no pack drill.

    Of course as we have forewarned in advance they may turn up till there are no reserves.

    Like the Zulu commander counting the guns at Rorke’s Drift?

    You are a devious cybernat Rev.

    I salute you with respect. (Añjali Mudr?)

  189. Morag says:

    Of course they will be reading all this. I wonder if they’ll make a special effort to get someone at least to the ones that are being covered?

    Or as Ian said, maybe they’ll say they had to cancel because of vile cybernat threats.

  190. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    If BT get wind of this plan and are watching out for us at railway stations, will they be Cyberspotting?

    Choose life, choose YES …

  191. Les Wilson says:

    Mobiles should be used to photo where and of course if, they are on railway property. Even photo them, they will not like that.

  192. Dan Vevers says:

    I’ll do North Berwick 4-6

  193. Tom Kelly says:

    I can be at Johnstone between 10 and 11am

  194. ronnie anderson says:

    O/T, Lord LANG OF MONKTON,has now opened his mooth,

    Would the good people of MONKTON, open their,s &

    re-clain their name,fae this Twat,did he ask the people
    to use their Village name.

    His Lordyness title will disappear on Independence.

  195. Ken500 says:

    The Lords have absolutely NO power, as soon as Scotland votes YES, they are finished in Scotland. There will be no time for them to have any influence.

    Don’t worry about them. It’s a total expensive talking shop. HoL should have been fazed out long ago.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      Okay, we’ve actually got the leaflet now:

      So let’s see how many people they can get out punting this appalling lie to the people of Scotland.

  196. Hotrod Cadets says:

    I wonder if more people have responded to this thread than BT have activists?

  197. DocMacAlba says:

    I can be at Kirkhill a little after 8am if that helps, it’s just along the way from me.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I can be at Kirkhill a little after 8am if that helps”

      They’re supposed to be there until 9, so yes it will 🙂

  198. Robert Louis says:

    That leaflet, aside from being one big lie, is just pure unadulterated FEARmongering.

    Woooooo.. be afraid, be very afraid.

    Seems like they planned all this prior to seeing the text of the speech from the Bank of England governor, so they now need to stick with the lies they have written.

    What a truly reprehensible bunch better together are.

  199. Dunblane covered.

  200. Mealer says:

    Waving goodbye to the pound? We wave goodbye to millions of them everyday as they head South to the London treasury,never to return.

  201. HandandShrimp says:

    The leaflet was clearly written before the speech. What a disappointment Mr Carney must be to them.

  202. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Can someone knock together a printable version of the latest Ladbrokes ‘currency union’ odds to hand out?

  203. Mary Bruce says:

    This new BT leaflet we are talking about, it’s not the one that National Collective just tweeted a minute ago that says that leaving the UK means waving goodbye to the £?

    Surely not? God, I hope it is…

    link to

  204. ronnie anderson says:

    Rev, noo ah dont like tae mention the war, but taking aleaf oot of that era, ( loos mooths sink ships ),
    awe they Wingers posting have revealed the battle plans
    could you no make up a code, such as the PHONIC Alphabet
    tae communicate in secret with WINGERS,after all the BT mob
    have difficulty in understanding the English language, its just a thoucht.

  205. Mary Bruce says:

    Should have refreshed the page before I wrote that last comment, Looks like it is indeed the leaflet. Bloody hell, they are idiots right enough.

  206. DaveyM says:

    I’ll have a wee wander past Waverley in the evening after I finish work 🙂

  207. Papa docs says:

    Well the bawls on the slateS Noo!

    Our lords and master have awakened from their castles and counting houses to give the serfs a earbashing and remind us of our place, UNDER THE HEEL & ON OUR KNEES.


    Thank you Baroness liddle of coatdyke. You are the proof that BBC, SLAB is a route to true EQUAITY & GREATNESS. hope Johan took note.

    As for the shit about ww1 I despair for these comments from the house of unelected LORDS.

  208. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Only 28 stations to go…Rob Murray will be preparing a Press Release right now:

    ‘Hey guys, how do you spell ‘regrettably’?’

  209. Doonfooter says:

    O/T Ronnie Anderson – the good people of Monkton will have the opportunity to come to the launch of Yes Monkton, Friday 7th March, Carvick Webster Hall, 7.00pm.

    One of almost twenty Yes village launches taking place across South Ayrshire through February and March. Village campaign kicks of tonight in Coylton, Claude Hamilton Hall, 7.00pm.

    Check out South Ayrshire for Independence FBook page for full details.

  210. Robert Louis says:

    chalks @139pm

    You have no idea who that woman was, or indeed how she may have felt at your deliberate slow driving. Not a clever thing to do, IMO.

  211. laukat says:

    Milngavie 7-8am, Hillfoot 7-9am, Westerton 7-9 am That looks like they are following the train line so will it be the same individual in each place? I suspect the photos might show some interesting results

    I might be able to get to one of these if no-one is else is better placed?

  212. kalmar says:

    @Robert Louis I agree. Poor show.

  213. Gavin WIlliamson says:

    I an check out Thornliebank in the AM. I had said i would cover Giffnock and Cathcart but they seem to have disappeared from the BT schedule.

  214. X_Sticks says:

    Les Wilson says:
    “Even photo them, they will not like that.”

    Just pretend to be from the DM!

  215. uilleam_beag says:

    I have just been doing some double-checking of scheduled times, and noted a couple of changes/additions:-

    The morning one in Perth isn’t scheduled to start until 8am and run for an hour.

    The same goes for Aviemore and Stirling, though the latter will keep going until 10am.

    Another one has been added in Aberdeen from 4.30pm for an hour, outside the Marks&Spencer on St Nicholas Street … if anyone happens to be doing their messages and passing by at that time.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “The morning one in Perth isn’t scheduled to start until 8am and run for an hour.
      The same goes for Aviemore and Stirling, though the latter will keep going until 10am.”

      Fixed, ta.

  216. desimond says:

    Oh the ‘fur coat nae knickers’ people of Burnside will be affronted to see the phrase Burnside (Rutherglen). Made me laugh mind.

  217. dmw42 says:

    In answer to this leaflet:

    a) we can use whatever currency we like;
    b) we are in ‘hock’ to the tune of of £1.4trn;
    c) we’re paying £49bn p.a. to service this debt; and
    d) as of 24 January 2014, £sterling was described as ‘volatile’ – “The British Pound (GBP) has a major bar to cross today in the form of the latest update to UK GDP. Exchange rate markets are expecting big things, so any disappointment will likely hit Sterling hard”

    link to

  218. desimond says:

    That leaflet…can someone with a Euro based mortgage please confirm its talking absolute shite!

  219. Grant_M says:

    The No campaign have also listed an event at St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen tomorrow (Fri 31st) 4:30pm-5:30pm – link to

    (The morning event at Aberdeen Station, is apparently across the road at The Station Hotel – link to

  220. dmw42 says:

    Sorry, should be as at 28 January 2014 sterling described as ‘volatile’

  221. wee162 says:

    Quite a nice wee get it up ye that the vast majority of locations for the massive “leafleting for a couple of hours” campaign are covered within under 4 hours by the wings readership 🙂

  222. Jimbo says:

    @ Stu 1.47 pm

    That leaflet looks like an Alistair Darling speech.

  223. chalks says:

    @Robert Louis Yes, my driving 30mph in a 40mph zone was clearly cybernat baiting.

  224. Morag says:

    Hmm, I was discussing this with a friend on another forum, and look at this little remark. (Hi Soapy, if you’re reading this! *waves*)

    link to

    She-who-must-be-obeyed used to work for Alistair Darling and as a committed unionist, she actually donated to the BT campaign early on.
    She is now beginning to regret it. (Not because she has changed her view, but because their organisation seems rather dis- organised.) [….]

    Anyway, the latest mailing from BT suggests a soupcon of panic in the ranks, with requests to organise leaflet campaigns, erect barricades in the streets etc. (I exaggerate somewhat).

    This was posted yesterday evening. BT have been trawling round their ordinary supporters asking them to organise leaflet campaigns. Soupcon of panic in the ranks? I like the sound of that.

    Meanwhile, in reality-ville, my neighbour (gammy leg, can’t get out) folded a huge stack of Yes newspapers ready for delivery. I collected them and put them in my garage, and made the location known to the local activist base. Delivery is co-ordinated by email so we don’t do the same street twice.

    They’re vanishing steadily. If I don’t get in there tonight and grab what I need to do my own wee section, I’ll be out of luck I think. And this, by the way, is in one of the villages that had the honour to contribute its Golf Club to the alleged “only 17% in favour of independence” earlier in the week.

  225. Mary Bruce says:

    I still can’t get over this leaflet, they have to pull it, and the station campaign surely? On the same day that Ladbrokes say that it is 99% certain that Scotland will keep the £, BT release a leaflet that says we won’t be keeping the £.

    I’d love to hear Mark Carney’s comment on it.

    As much as I loathe those guys over at BT I’m actually starting to feel embarrassed for them. They really are making a fool of themselves.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I’d love to hear Mark Carney’s comment on it.”

      I’ve emailed him to ask. Wonder if I’ll hear back?

  226. lumilumi says:

    What a tissue of lies that leaflet that leaflet indeed is!

    Meanwhile, in another place: awfully many “noble lords” seem to be worried about how Scottish independence would diminish Eng… United Kingdom.

    The worst was Liddel, blithely lying that Alex Salmond alone spent £54,000 on accommodation on the Ryder Cup trip. (The truth being that £51,000 was the bill for a delegation of 17, incl. airfare, accommodation, local transport etc.)

  227. kalmar says:

    I’m going to be so disappointed if they decide not to do this leafletting.

  228. desimond says:

    Pause for thought:

    Am i the only one thinking..Isnt this a man who was accused of being part of a big linked web of Anti-NO people now organising a big web of Anti-No people.

    The Daily Mail is sorted for Saturday then!

  229. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @desimond says:
    30 January, 2014 at 2:15 pm
    That leaflet…can someone with a Euro based mortgage please confirm its talking absolute shite!

    The leaflet is talking $hite. I have had a Euro mortgage for 3 or 4 years. It hasn’t ripped me off the way the mortgages I had from UK lenders did.

  230. HandandShrimp says:

    It is looking impressive, the only biggish station left that isn’t covered is Paisley Gilmour St.

  231. uilleam_beag says:

    Further addenda:-

    Whitesands BUS station, due to run 8am-9am.

    Lenzie train station, 7.30am-9.30am.

    Thornliebank, Burntisland, Cumbernauld, Lockerbie and Falkirk Grahamston are also scheduled to start at 8am and run till 9am.

    Similarly, morning sessions in Westerton (Glasgow), North Berwick and Bishopbriggs run from 8am to 10am, an hour later than listed above.

    I think that’s about it, but if you’re heading to one it’s probably best to double-check on the Better Together website to see if it’s been rescheduled. I wouldn’t want us to be reporting any no-shows when in fact they had changed the time!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Further addenda:-“

      Also fixed.

  232. uilleam_beag says:

    Ugh, it’s a hassle working through their website, having to invent fake – but real – postcodes on which to centre the search.

  233. Illy says:

    “Quite a nice wee get it up ye that the vast majority of locations for the massive “leafleting for a couple of hours” campaign are covered within under 4 hours by the wings readership :)”

    Isn’t that the story of the whole campaign?

    Yes has the grassroots numbers, No has the establishment and money.

  234. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Rob Andrew:

    “Hey, guys, how do you spell ‘intimidatory’?’

  235. heedtracker says:

    Alistair Darling looked hysterical by 5pm yesterday, even in an “interview” by BetterTogether/BBC news. It looks like oor Alistair has finally realised that he is the Westminster/Tory sacrificial lamb/patsy and his career really is over after indy. They’ll stick him in the Lords though as he is a Londoner, who keeps saying “we Scots” which is a bit weird too.

  236. uilleam_beag says:

    That’s a really encouraging response from the good readers on Wings. I’m only sorry I won’t be able to play a part as I’m in the wrong continent at the moment.

  237. Jim Mitchell says:

    Is anyone else starting to get the feeling that those on the NO side are starting to look on the debate over the pound as their last throw of the dice? what with their ‘interesting’ interpretations of what the Governor of the Bank of England actually meant yesterday, through the fact that, as the Rev put it, their leaflets must have been prepared before the speech, to Johanna’s rather despairing comments at FMQ’s today that as he was leaving yesterday the Governor was heard say, it’s over, it’s over.

    Who know’s he may just be a Roy Orbison fan!

  238. Morag says:

    They’re still ahead in the opinion polls. What the bleep are they panicking about?

  239. Fergus H says:

    Happen to be passing Haymarket after 4pm, will distract any BTers I see.
    “I thought the pound was a fully trade-able currency” will be my opening line…

    On a related note YesEdinburgh plan to be at Haymarket in numbers next Thursday. RSVP and see you then.

    Thursday 6th Feb – 4:30pm – Haymarket Leafleting
    link to

    And nearly 100 of us plan to be in Pilton/Drylaw on Saturday.
    Saturday 1st Feb – 11am – YesEdinburgh – Super Saturday – Pilton and Drylaw

    link to

    A proper grass-roots campaign!

  240. ronnie anderson says:

    @Doonfooter2.01, weil done they canny keep Aryshire doon,
    nor the rest of Scotland,mind spread the word of Wings,
    lang may yer legs cairy ye, awe er Ayrshire,& beyond.

  241. Andy-B says:

    I can cover the Kelvindale one Rev, as I live in Broomhill and its not that far away from Kelvindale. Between 4pm and 6pm I’ll drive around the area and see if I can find any of the BT camp leafleting, and try and obtain a leaflet and sneak a few pics if I can.

  242. Mary Bruce says:

    Look: #weethings is trending in Washington DC, LOL:

    link to

  243. Illy says:

    If only I knew how to do image tags, and they worked here…

    link to

  244. MochaChoca says:


    “It is looking impressive, the only biggish station left that isn’t covered is Paisley Gilmour St.

    That’s surprising, It is a big station and folk in Ayrshire often talk about “getting off at Paisley”

  245. Luigi says:

    They’re still ahead in the opinion polls. What the bleep are they panicking about?

    Perhaps they now realise that they are “bleeped”.

  246. Alex Grant says:

    I’ll definitely do Waverley pm – all exits should covered?

  247. Andy-B says:

    o/T Rev.

    David Clegg of the Daily (Drivel) Record in a two page spread has actually said that Mark Carney said that Scotland would need to cede national sovereignty, and would have to give up independence in order for a currency union to succeed.

    Clegg,who makes up the duo of the Laurel and Hardy of political journalism the other being Torcuil Crichton, seems to me to be trying to outdo the Daily Mail, in who can print the most lies.–governor-bank-england-3092266

    Another interesting comment I read elsewhere, slams Jackson Carlaw, and his eagle Nazi comment, it states, that the Tory party logo of an oak tree, the leaves of the oak were used by the Nazi SS on their uniforms. Does that make the Tory party a Nazi party under Jackson Carlaw’s logic.?

  248. SquareHaggis says:

    My grandma can talk the back end off a donkey and will be holding up a BT leafletter for a full half hour between trains, 7.30 & 8 am, Aberdeen.

  249. Seasick Dave says:


    Every time I see an eagle soaring over the hills I immediately think, “Heinkel” and dive for cover.

  250. MajorBloodnok says:


    Might be worth seeing who can keep the BT leafletter talking/distracted for the longest. There’s nothing worse than having to start with 100 leaflets and finding that after you’ve been standing there for more than an hour that you still need to hand out 99 of them. Oh the humanity!

  251. martyn says:

    carluke covered tommorow morning

  252. desimond says:

    @Major Bloodnok, @SquareHaggis

    An alternative idea could be we try and be overly nice..kill with kindness…take a NO campaigner a wee cuppa tea etc.

    When they say thanks, we simply reply “YES, thats what Scotlands all about, YES it is. Caring for each other and making no one suffers hardship. Now then.. whats the UKOK parties policies on that again?”

  253. I’ve been reading this site for about a year without commenting. I don’t reside any longer in Scotland (one of Thatcher’s victims) but I follow the debate very closely.

    I would like to ask what might seem a very stupid question to some, but it is something I’ve pondered on many times.

    Why doesn’t BT do rallies, and why don’t they have a grassroots movement. They have the money, the media and the British establishment backing them. My own home baked theory is that they possibly don’t have the support of the people. A family member who campaigns for Radical independence told me that they are nowhere to be seen.

  254. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @Morag says:
    30 January, 2014 at 1:40 pm
    … they’ll say they had to cancel because of vile cybernat threats.

    That’ll be the BT excuse on Saturday if they have a ‘NO’-show tomorrow.

  255. Peter Macbeastie says:

    I can do Lenzie. I only work just up the road from there so I’m sure I could swing past there on my way to work; it’s only a wee diversion. And if, as I suspect, they won’t be there anyway it won’t be a long job.

    Would have said earlier but only just noticed it on the list….

  256. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Seasick Dave

    Yes, circular word association thing for me. Golden Eagle, The Eagle Has Landed, Nazis, Heinkel 111, Rudolf Hess, Spandau Prison, Spandau Ballet, New Romantic, Midge Ure, Vienna, Goodnight Vienna, Hapsburg Empire, Hapsburg Lip, congenital idiot, Lord Robertson, UKOK, Alisdair Darling, uncontrolled twitcher, ornithology, Golden Eagle. Voila.

  257. Seasick Dave says:


    I agree, take them a cuppa and a wee biscuit.

    Maybe not Tunnocks though. 🙂

    Our house is next door to a polling station and I once invited the Tory candidate in for a cup of coffee as it was a cold and miserable day.

    He basically sat in the kitchen looking like a startled rabbit, probably fearing for his life!

  258. Oneironaut says:

    I can make the 5pm-6pm Ayr one if you want 🙂

    I’ll go incognito (as in taking the Yes badge off my jacket and hiding it in my pocket!)
    And try to avoid the temptation to ask them any awkward questions they probably haven’t been properly briefed on.

    (Though the idea of converting an entire group of No campaigners to the Yes camp would be highly amusing…)

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I can make the 5pm-6pm Ayr one if you want :)”

      Yes please 🙂

  259. desimond says:

    @Seasick Dave
    A wee cup of tea and one of these tasty treats would be ideal

    link to

  260. Greannach says:

    Dick Gaughan says:
    30 January, 2014 at 11:07 am
    Richard says:
    Bad news of some wee s**t thinks this is the way to go

    Could also be a provocateur – we’re likely to see a whole load of activity from them in the next few months.

    I agree. This is mild in comparison with what will probably be revealed in the months to come. Remember the British security services in the 1970s, and that was only against devolution.

  261. Luigi says:

    After expressing his opposition to adopting the eagle as the national bird of Scotland, Jackson Carlaw went on to suggest that a “tenacious robin” would be more suitable.

    A robin! FFS

    Don’t you just love the unionist mind set.

    Well, let’s see how many “tenacious robins” turn up at the railways stations around Scotland tomorrow. Or are they really “timid” robins? We’ll soon find out.

  262. Jon D says:

    @Fergus H

    Organising car loads from the south side to join you on Saturday.

    Keep us informed if you need help with the logistics. We will bring supplemental resource; it always goes.

    Keep up the good work,

  263. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Alternative circular word association …

    Eagle, Legal, Lawyer, Comical Ali, Blair McDougall, The Mekon, Dan Dare, The Eagle

  264. Edward says:

    I see Anabelle Goldie sitting in the House of Lords, so now she cant be arsed with Holyrood and preferring to claim her £ 300 appearance fee.
    Noticed her, while watching the diatribe of bollocks being spewed in the Lords

  265. ronnie anderson says:

    Rev, Lads,n lasses, ah hiv tae hawn in ma Wing,s ave
    developed a fear of great hights,oony how Wings ur
    to wee fur me noo,I,ll still be involved in supporting the grassroots campain, but am joining the YES ASTRO TURFER,S
    a 1000 blades o Grass per square inch,ah want tae be in at
    the development stage,were laying the foundations the noo,
    we intend tae cover awe er Scotland,much like WINGS but wie mair grassrooters

  266. Euan says:

    i have got a family member covering Larkhall for you too

  267. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @MajorBloodnok –


  268. chalks says:


    Don’t tell them about McCrone…..the west coast oil, the democratic deficit, the maritime border changing, the minutes on devolution, thatcher,the 1950’s 2 million signatures for home rule, the 1979 referendum shambles….ETC

    People in Scotland have a right to be angry.

  269. ronnie anderson says:

    is there a lot of traffic here today ma PCs slow

  270. desimond says:

    Alternative circular word association …

    Eagle, Golden, Shower, C*nts

  271. Les Wilson says:

    I think you have really started something Rev, motivation is what is needed, this is showing that indeed works. Kudos to you!

  272. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    I hope people won’t think we are KOK-watching tomorrow …

  273. Seasick Dave says:


    Congenital idiot indeed!

  274. liz says:

    The better half likes a paper to read so I looked around for the least offensive headlines which turned out to be The Times.

    Front page -‘Currency union will sacrifice sovereignty’ – no mention in the headline about which country and inside,
    ‘Bank chief’s balancing act keeps all sides in credit’.

    I have to admit I haven’t read the articles.

    I’m thinking that AS has played a blinder as the timing of this means that there is plenty ot time to dis the scaremongering.

  275. Norrie says:

    Password phrase for tomorrow “the eagles have landed”.

  276. Ken Mac says:

    Rev. Put me down for Lenzie am.

  277. desimond says:


    Bravo!…now pass the cloth so i can wipe the tea from my keyboard.

  278. Lanarkian says:

    Lanark & Carluke stations will be covered by YES Clydesdale

  279. crisiscult says:

    I’ve contacted someone in Yes East end of Glasgow to get someone along to Glasgow Duke Street station – I haven’t read all the posts above but guess it’s not covered as not crossed out. Also, I’m assuming you just want someone to pop down and do a quick video or a few photos? Anyway, if no one can do it then I’ll definitely do it. It’s a wee tad out of my way to work tomorrow but not a big deal.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Also, I’m assuming you just want someone to pop down and do a quick video or a few photos?”

      Yep, just a check to see if anyone’s there and ideally a pic or two.

  280. Roboscot says:

    The House of Lords is great for finding out some people are still alive.

  281. Dick Gaughan says:

    Greannach says:
    Remember the British security services in the 1970s, and that was only against devolution.

    But the trump card we have today is the Internet. The world has changed, we have adapted to that change and our opponents have not caught up yet. For one thing, they think “the Internet” is synonymous with “the WWW” but there are enough of us old troublemakers who remember the Internet tools we used while hyperlinks were still a vague idea in Tim Berners-Lee’s mind and who can route round any attempts to censor us.

    Sure, they can try to shut us up by shutting down the entire ‘net but here’s why they won’t do that – such a shutdown would last 5 seconds until they started getting loud screams that they were screwing the flow of business and all the revenues from it. But the loudest screamers would be the security services themselves – the NSA and GCHQ would have a fit if their main tool for surveillance suddenly disappeared and they had to go back to good old wire-tapping and steaming open letters 🙂

    Look how quickly we have responsed to this current “leafleting” idea, all by a loose association of people volunteering to monitor their “campaign”. That’s why they’re scared.

  282. bald eagle says:

    stu strike of kelvindale they just stop there to brush the platform

    if you havent seen kelvindale its at the back of beyond and if anybody uses it from that area they are labour anyway you will be wasting your time will have a look anyway in the morning

  283. desimond says:

    Cybernat Spies confirm that this is Blair MacDougalls favourite movie scene:

    link to

  284. Jim Mitchell says:

    Maybe the Better Together lot are just getting shy, they announced by the e mail that they send out to interested folk like me, (I like a good laugh), that the launch of Better Together Clackmannanshire would take place this Saturday, at 10 am! It will include speakers from all four of the unionist supporting party’s, It’s to be held in Alloa Town Hall.

    The day after the e mail went out, I checked the local newspaper, looking for an ad for the event, there was none, no list of speakers etc, It’s not going to be crowded, there is nobody down to hand out leaflets for them at Alloa railway station for them either and you might have thought that as this is Transport Sect’ Keith Brown’s constituency that they might have made the effort, but no.

  285. HandandShrimp says:

    They’re still ahead in the opinion polls. What the bleep are they panicking about?


    They wanted us dead and buried by now. The fact that they are slipping back and we are picking up is giving them shades of 2011. I would have thought relentlessly dissing (as the yoof say) your own country must be soul destroying too.

  286. ronnie anderson says:

    Airdrie Yes public meeting tonite Shyberry Stadium, 7pm, Gerryparker, am gonny try an make it

  287. DocMacAlba says:

    Burnside is on the same line as Kirkhill, depending on the BT presence or (otherwise) at Kirkhill I might be able to swing by that as well. Can we take copies of Carney’s speech and ask them to point out where he says we can’t have the pound and also ask if they placed a bet at Ladbrokes yet? Fifty to one after all!

  288. creigs1707repeal says:

    It’s Scotland’s too:

    link to

  289. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @Dick Gaughan says:
    Look how quickly we have responsed to this current “leafleting” idea, all by a loose association of people volunteering to monitor their “campaign”. That’s why they’re scared.

    Dammit. The Daily Mail was right all along. Today’s Wings activity is the undeniable proof that the Cybernasties are indeed CO-ORDINATED.

    They’re being co-ordinated by … err … themselves!!!

    What’s the password again …?

  290. Morag says:

    They wanted us dead and buried by now.

    Well, I wanted them dead and buried by now. We don’t always get what we want. But we’re not ahead in the polls and we’re not panicking.

  291. cx2uk says:

    Should be OK if they are there at 8am we can be there at 8am – we’ll try not to look TOO eager 🙂

  292. Doug says:

    I’ll do Ayr at 5pm!

  293. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @Morag says:
    They wanted us dead and buried by now.

    Nobody mention bayonets please.

  294. jingly jangly says:

    O/T sorry cant help no railways on Arran, but here is something to make you smile

    link to

  295. Niall says:

    Here’s an idea…Turn up with a UKOK badge on and ask if you can help them to hand out the leaflets. Once you’ve got a bundle, run away!

    N.B. Recycle

  296. Luke says:

    Is that Partick Station in Glasgow? I live 2 mins away so I’ll be back up if so.

  297. handclapping says:

    Kirkcaldy 4-6

  298. Johngrant says:

    My god what is wrong with that bile filled witch that leads the shower of nodding eejits in holyrood , I didn’t think I could loathe the Labour Party any more than I do just now , but fmgs today well . No hope no vision yes it seems we only deal with the wee things . Get it right fucking up the lot of them .

  299. Macandroid says:

    “They’re being co-ordinated by … err … themselves”

    And They’re doing it on purpose!

  300. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Hairnets, not bayonets!

    link to

  301. Dick Gaughan says:

    Calgacus MacAndrews says:
    What’s the password again …?

    I’m only gaunnae tell you this once so pay attention –


    Don’t mention it.

  302. Helpmaboab says:

    It’ll be easy for me to loiter around Kirkcaldy station on the 4pm to 6pm shift. I’ll bring a camera.

  303. gerry parker says:

    @ ronnie, great – see you there.

  304. ronnie cowan says:

    I have to confess having monitored BT activity in Inverclyde for some time and been amazed (and delighted) at the lack of any. I was perplexed to note that tomorrows leafleting of stations (an event they have attempted before but failed) is not run by BT Inverclyde, it is run by BT Renfrewshire and having read their leaflet (thank you Rev) I am staggered by their claim that their intention is to be “delivering our new leaflets on our positive case for Scotland remaining a strong part of the UK” What part of that leaflet puts a positive case? I did however have a laugh at the other claim “there will be plenty of experienced campaigners who will tell you all you need to know”. If you are attending a station and plan to take a photo you better pack a wide angle lens to get them all in.

  305. G H Graham says:


    Tick off Pitlochry 7am to 9am.

    I’ve already committed to PM period but since its only 10 miles up the road for me, I’ll do the morning session too.

  306. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @Macandroid says:
    And They’re doing it on purpose!

    Macandroid (by the turn of phrase) is unmasked as the secret Cybernat CO-ORDINATOR :-
    link to

  307. GCHQ says:

    Hello chaps, I think that it would be an awfully good idea if we all posted our names and addresses here. It would make it ever so easy for us to keep in touch.

    Sour Alba etc. Toodle-oo!

  308. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Looks like there’s going to be more Wingers than leafleters at some stations.

  309. Tattie-bogle says:

    i might pop down to bishopbriggs i’ve never seen one of these mythical creatures will it be like catching a leprachaun.cant wait 5 to 7 pm next to quinns pub

  310. Beef Curtice says:

    I will be lucky enough to be at Glasgow Central and Queen St tomorrow so look forward to having a chat with these activists. Hopefully they will have some of their superstars present. Be nice to have a debate with them before and after work. They do welcome the debate don’t they? Im sure I remember Anas saying that.

  311. Ken500 says:

    The last BT in Aberdeen beside M & S?, consisted of five Labour/Unionists, including two councillors (not the most popular) on Aberdeen CC. ACC the laughing stock of Aberdeen/shire. The sight of them would increase the Aye vote.

  312. Extreme0 says:

    Once the leafleters have left. Make sure to put a picture of anything relating to Wings over Scotland in the photos where they were.

    Of course. if Rev approves of it.

  313. Jimbo says:

    We should remember that many of our own countrymen/women are politically uneducated. Many will be innocently campaigning on behalf of the NO camp because they have been gulled into believing that what Darling and Co are telling them is the honest truth.

    Please be gentle with them. When the referendum is done and dusted we all have to live together. I get the impression that Roden at the Daily Mail and Cochrane at the Telegraph are trying their best to foment ill feeling and bitterness – don’t let the likes of them win.

    link to

  314. msean says:

    I’m just curious,there are no SNP members of the house of lords,but do any of those hundreds of unelected peers even remotely support Independence for Scotland?

    I have never heard of any,but surely there must be at least one?

  315. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Hi Rev, put me down for Inverness in the afternoon. One more strike through…

  316. Boorach says:

    Right WoSSERS, remember that if the BBC’s cameras are there you are to form an orderly queue when approaching the BT leafleter, be properly spaced about 5 yards apart, smile happily when receiving the bullshit and most importantly ignore the camera!

  317. Stuart Black says:

    I’ll do Stavanger Sentrum in the morning, oh wait…

    Genuinely proud at the response of you guys, this is why we will win this thing. Thank you all.

  318. Kenny Ritchie says:

    I’ll do my best to cover Kirkcaldy 4pm – 6pm Rev.

  319. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    I get the impression that Roden at the Daily Mail and Cochrane at the Telegraph are trying their best to foment ill feeling and bitterness

    Thanks for the link. I read Mr Cochrane’s piece. It’s obviously been constructed as part of the recent “nasty (Cyber)nationalist” offensive from BT.

    I thought this morning’s ‘Call Kaye’ (with Louise White standing-in for Kaye) on Radio Scotland was a much better indicator of where we are now, both in terms of the tone of the debate, and more importantly how the arguments about specific issues like the currency are now firmly grasped by a growing number of ordinary people.

    We are all going to get along fine in the New Scotland that we will all be building together after September.

    Happy Days …

  320. Tony Little says:

    Bravo Major Bloodnok

    Also on the wrong continent. Good luck one and all. Play it safe and don’t give them any “aggressive YES cybernats (or indeed cabernats)” ammunition.

  321. Connor Cloughley says:

    I can take Larbert.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I can take Larbert.”

      Many a man’s said THAT before and come unstuck 😀

  322. Niall says:

    At least the pages of their leaflets would be better togther.

  323. call me dave says:


    Not SNP policy to take a lords seat I believe.

    Here’s Forsyth,he not daft looking ahead. Bit he insults Scotland just the same.

    link to

  324. John H. says:

    I’ve just listened to the PPB for the SNP. Very powerful I thought.

  325. lumilumi says:

    @ msean 5.32pm

    I think supporting Scottish independence precludes the “elevation” to HoL. 😉 Also, it’s SNP policy to not accept peerages (even should those be offered, which they of course won’t).

    I had that debate running live in the background for hours, it was just unbelievable. Roboscot above (4.12pm) said “The House of Lords is great for finding out some people are still alive.”

    I’d add that it’s great for seeing real, live dinosaurs. One of them began his take on why we are better together by citing all the things we share, starting with Magna Carta…

    It was all TWTPTS, all the BT scarestories, worry about the rUK’s clout in the world etc. I couldn’t help thinking that it was all woe and betide, why don’t the uppity natives love us as they should.

    Made me wonder about parliamentary privilege, too. This convention basically allows telling lies unchallenged in a Westminster parliamentary chamber. One that was repeated several times was that Mark Carney’s speech yesterday had somehow ruled out currency union, Scotland wouldn’t be allowed to use the pound etc.

    That debate is too long to show to undecided voters (some 4 hrs) but it’d be very educational. This is what these unelected people, who make laws for you, think of you.

  326. TheGreatBaldo says:

    May I make a humble suggestion?

    This is from the leaflet,

    “With experts,including the Governor of the Bank of England, criticising Alex Salmond’s claim we would keep the pound after Independence,”

    Perhaps folk could approach those leafleting in the most polite and courteous manner and say..

    ‘Hello, I’ve just had a wee scan of your leaflet and I was just wondering I’ve got a copy of Carney’s speech here and was just wondering where he actually criticised the plan ?’

    Take a mental note of how they respond, if they say anything at all and any examples they may point to in the speech.

    After they’ve responded, don’t engage them in a heated debate or accuse them of being ‘lyin Tory basturts’ just thank them for their time again in the most polite manner possible.

    Then send the feedback to the Rev, it would be interesting to see if there’s an official BT line or whether the BT volunteers just wing it and make stuff up.

    Only a suggestion like…..but here’s a pdf version of Carney’s speech.

    link to

  327. Susan says:

    There is no train station on these islands, sorry I can not help! 🙁 But then perhaps this is where they will be hiding precisely because there is no station.

  328. msean says:

    I was just curious, just in case I had unfairly missed some lone voice in the wilderness,as is it seemed undemocratic (lol) to have a group of approx 900(?)people who scrutinise and have the power to alter/remove/introduce legislation pertaining to Scotland,but not a one could speak up for a large part of Scotlands’ population.

  329. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Is this the busiest WoS thread ever? Must be close to it…

  330. Conan_the_Librarian says:


    On the Telegraph:

    “Lord [Ian] Lang of Monkton, a Conservative cabinet minister under John Major, said that splitting up the Union would “dishonour the sacrifices made in common cause of those who died for the UK”.”

  331. uilleam_beag says:

    Very good suggestion, and something worthy of deeper study beyond our immediate resources (tho if fowk collate the data it can be handled later).

    Looking at that list of largely strike-throughed placenames makes me immensely proud of the commitment of this site’s readership.

    Get the word out and get those last few covered too!

  332. I can do Patterton in the afternoon.

  333. HandandShrimp says:


    It is kind of fun, I’ll be a bit disappointed if there is no one at Central. They don’t seem to be doing my set off station. I’m guessing they will do Central as along with Waverley and Queen Street as they are the busiest and easiest to get to.

  334. WallaceBruce says:

    I will be at Longniddry am and pm.

  335. Oneironaut says:

    I’ll definitely be at Ayr tomorrow then, doing my “covert agent” bit… 🙂

    Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on them.
    If anyone on the train from Ayr to Kilwinning hears someone shouting loudly, it’ll probably just be me releasing all the ranting I suppressed back at the station! 😉

  336. call me dave says:

    Very interesting parliamentary committee discussion. Mr Davidson (without bayonet)in the chair. 15/01/14

    Covers a range of points currency union , after YES negotiations, trident and EU entry and a thread throughout of how to thwart Scotland from achieving it’s potential.
    Hope the link works.

    link to

  337. annie says:

    No train station in Dornoch but I am with you all in spirit.

  338. Morag says:

    BBC1 showing Kirsty now. For those of us who haven’t already seen it a dozen times!

  339. Albalha says:

    @Calgacus MacAndrews

    Re ‘Call Kaye’ it’s now called ‘Morning Call’, Kaye A only does a Friday, Louise White Monday to Thursday.

    They did have Ivan McKee of B for S on this morning.

  340. Westie7 says:

    Just seen “Kirsty” PPB

    Emotive stuff!

  341. Morag says:

    Turns out it WASN’T (quite) in the top 10. I’ve added a “Most Commented” panel to the right-hand sidebar, in fact the 500 questions one is indeed the most commented at 691.

    Well, this thread has been on top since about half past ten this morning.

    That would be a hint, actually….

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Well, this thread has been on top since about half past ten this morning.”

      Deliberately so, to maximise the number of people who see it and possible volunteers. Plus I had to go out and buy a rat prison, because two of the wee sods nearly took the whole site down yesterday. First the power cable to the external hard drive with EVERYTHING on it, then the one to the router.

  342. lumilumi says:

    @ Conan 6.33pm

    And poor wee Ruthie desperately trying to distance herself and her lot in Holyrood from that abominable statement…

    link to

    I heard Lang’s speech live and immediately thought of those Scots who did not fight under the Union Jack in 1715 and 1745…

  343. Caroline says:

    Hi,I’ll take a look at Cupar station between 4 and 5pm!

  344. rabb says:

    Man alive!!

    I’ve just logged on and it looks like almost every BT event has been covered!

    What’s encouraging is that this has been achieved by Wings readers alone. I have a good feeling about September 18th 🙂

  345. Fraser Graham says:

    Was at Hairmyres to pick the Mrs up. Sat there from 4.20 til 4.40. Tumbleweed was all I saw! (East Kilbride is not that bad, but you take my meaning!)
    Incidentally, enjoyed the unionist press coverage of Mark Carney destroying Salmond’s Pound plan! Honestly… Face palm!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Was at Hairmyres to pick the Mrs up. Sat there from 4.20 til 4.40. Tumbleweed was all I saw! (East Kilbride is not that bad, but you take my meaning!)”

      It’s tomorrow, Fraser…

  346. Aldo says:

    Interestingly the last time I saw better together leaflet in Rutherglen station they were actually on station property.

    They were in the entrance way on Victoria Street just before the covered bridge. After the external time table and station sign.

    Possibly an easy mistake to make. However definitely part or the station.

  347. Elaina O'Neill says:

    Wings I have a Friend that is an Sultan in Dubai and he might want to be a Silent backer for our purpose, He is just a nice man I met on Twitter a few years ago. I mentioned to him about silent backing, his name is Sultan Bin Mahfouz
    @sultan60000.. Just letting you know 🙂 Elaina @elainaoneill

  348. KillieBoab says:

    No Kilmarnock area stations on the list, but I see that no-one has yet claimed Ayr in the afternoon. How do you think I would be received with a YES badge and a Killie scarf/bunnet?

  349. Morag, an nothing on NNS! Whit’s goin on?

  350. Cyril Mitchell says:

    If that Whitesands Bus Station is Dumfries I will go down between 8 and 9am

  351. rabb says:


    I’d ditch the scarf & bunnet mate!

  352. Krackerman says:

    Anyone know where in Stirling the u-kok’ers are going to be – railway station???

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Anyone know where in Stirling the u-kok’ers are going to be – railway station???”

      They’re all train stations except the one marked bus station.

  353. Krackerman says:

    Doh forget the last post – just read the full article – Railway Station front door it is 🙂

  354. G H Graham says:

    There are a staggering 760 members of the House of Lords & to make absolutely sure no one is fooled into believing it is anywhere close to being a democratic institution, it includes 26 Church of England archbishops and bishops.

    They typically sit for no more than 15 days a month and charge from £1.5 to £2.0 million per month on daily allowance expenses and up to 200k per month for travel expenses.

    All the grubby details available here link to

  355. lumilumi says:

    I won’t be able to witness and document BT leafleters at Scottish stations so I’ll go O/T again, sorry. 🙂

    “Scotland could join EU in 18 months, says expert”, from the BBC (!)

    link to

    It refers to evidence given to the Holyrood European and external relations committee today.

    link to

  356. themadmurph says:

    Since no-one is brave enough to take Paisley, I’ll do that tomorrow morning. I’ll need to make sure and set my alarm since they are packing up at 8am.

    If need be I can get on at Jonhstone, off at paisley – literally to avoid confusion, and get back on and check out Central when I get into town.

    If anyone else is doing Jhn, it’ll save me having a convoluted journey to work! 🙂

  357. msean says:

    Up to £2m per month ffs.Shocking.

  358. lumilumi says:

    @ G H Graham 7.21

    Never mind the bishops, they’ve at least achieved something (studied theology, made a career in church, that sort of thing).

    What about the 90+ peers who sit in the HoL by virtue of who their dad was? These people need not have done anything in life, they’re there just because they’re aristocrats and supposedly better than common folk.

  359. Ivan McKee says:

    @ Luke re-Partick

    I plan to get down there about 7.15, get a cuppa, hang about for 15 / 20 minutes or so to see if anyone turns up.

    If you want to pop down after 8 sometime to check whether they turn up later that would be good.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I plan to get down there about 7.15, get a cuppa, hang about for 15 / 20 minutes or so to see if anyone turns up.”

      Good show on the telly today, Ivan. Mr Boyle was a bit exciteable, wasn’t he?

  360. scottish_skier says:

    Plus I had to go out and buy a rat prison.

    Is that an ‘incentive’ for them to stop sponging benefits off you?

  361. heedtracker says:

    I’m going to the Insch (Aberdeenshire)4PM – 5PM BetterTogether “event” but checked timetable and there is only one Aberdeen train that arrives at 16.01, next train at 18.00. The Insch to Aberdeen train leaves Insch at 16.03 and next Aberdeen train’s 17.06!

    Insch is an unmanned commuter station and only has a ticket machine, like say Keith, so who are the BetterTogether activists going to leaflet from 16.03 or infact their whole “event” hour? Insch arrivals/departures tend not to hang around Insch railway station in the dark, late Friday afternoon, in January. Hmmm…

  362. Ivan McKee says:

    @ Scottish Skier

    That poll is very interesting.

    34% say Scotland is most like the UK
    Total of 29% say we are most like a Scandinavian country
    12% Ireland
    4% others

    This is a different country.

  363. Ivan McKee says:


    Mr Boyle was a bit exciteable, wasn’t he?


    He made it too easy for me frankly.

  364. Albalha says:

    @Rev Stu

    FYI The Ivan/Boyle show was Sky on Sunday from the Chris Hoy Velodrome, Glasgow, not today. They broadcast a 2 hour extravaganza.

  365. turnip_ghost says:

    So….people here will be seeing if the event actually takes place, whilst at the same time Daily Mail jour no’s will be there seeing if the evil cybernat army has been assembled….who’s going to be looking for the journalists…?

  366. scottish_skier says:

    “That poll is very interesting.

    34% say Scotland is most like the UK”

    They’re the 1/3 who are attached to Britishness. The core No. The same 1/3 that said they’d definitely vote No in the recent ICM poll. The rest are open to independence.

  367. turnip_ghost says:


    By that logic, the joining of our parliaments was a dishonour to all those who fought under The Saltire for Scotland and St george’s cross for England for the 1000 years before 1707….?

  368. Andy-B says:

    We only know about the comment in the House of Lords, because there was a SNP spy, in the gallery, otherwise, we wouldn’t be any the wiser, not even Baroness Anabelle Goldie, would have stuck up for Scotland, now she’s getting her £300. per day, just for showing up, well done that SNP spy who posted it on Twitter.

  369. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @turnip_ghost says:
    So….people here will be seeing if the event actually takes place, whilst at the same time Daily Mail journo’s will be there seeing if the evil cybernat army has been assembled….who’s going to be looking for the journalists…?

    Maybe the whole thing is a cunning plan to lure the nasty Cybernats away from their flickering screens in their bedrooms and onto railway platforms, where shadowy figures can bundle them onto trains and … (internet connection cuts) …

  370. Finnzz says:

    Well done to everyone making this effort to cover the BT bunch lie-fest. The one thing they fear is the truth.

  371. lumilumi says:

    @ Andy-B

    No need to go to the HoL gallery, it was all live online on BBC Democracy.

  372. Albalha says:

    @Andy B

    Are you referring to a comment in the HOL that wasn’t broadcast on the incongruously named ‘Democracy Live’ feed?

  373. scottish_skier says:

    Maybe the whole thing is a cunning plan to lure the nasty Cybernats away from their flickering screens

    Surely they’ll take their flickering ayepads / ayephones and hooded tops with them?

  374. turnip_ghost says:

    I’ll be about Aberdeen even though it’s scored off. I’m gunna play “Spot the Cybernat!”


  375. Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant says:

    Me and a pal for Mosspark in the PM.It is only two minutes fae the local Labour Ganghut, they should appear.

  376. albaman says:

    I`ll take a walk over to Rannoch just incase!.

  377. Albalha says:

    Re Scotrail/First Group attention to protocol in recent memory Iain Wilson is the man in charge. Very heavy duty re breach of their regulations.

  378. tartanpigsy says:

    Couple of things, went in to BT site to have a look at eventspage, hoping to make it down to Larkhall or Hamilton for the afternoon shift, anyway checked out the page for Hamilton Central where, I quote

    ‘we will be meeting…and spending 2 hours bla bla bla…’

    Thing is, it then told me there was one person, myself included volunteered for this.

    Second point is all these groups, Larkhall and Stonehouse, Hamilton, Eastwood, it no doubt goes on, they’re making them up aren’t they, a bit like their Facebook groups.

    I can see there being a lot of disappointed WoSsers tomorrow.

    Last point Heraldnomore, Drumclog? I reckon I know who you are 😉

  379. Gray says:

    As there seem to be a few turning out in Bathgate tomorrow, can someone bring/drop off some leaflets/newspapers we can hand out whilst we’re hanging about?

    I know Jill will want some flags to give the weans too.

  380. Albalha says:

    Just spotted Dundee 7-9 am I’ll be getting off a train from Glasgow to Dundee at around 0720 will have the Nikon poised.

    Realise it’s scored out but more the merrier and all that.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Realise it’s scored out but more the merrier and all that.”

      Absolutely. Some folk are bound not to be able to make it for one reason or another, extra bodies are always a good thing.

  381. gordoz says:

    @Ivan McKee

    Played a blinder as always Ivan – mind you Boyle is a complete screaming Unionist nutter.

    Why do they always have to start off by telling everyone they are as good as other scots even though they put Mother Britain first ? Baok, dry boak and another dry boak.

  382. gordoz says:

    “Was at Hairmyres to pick the Mrs up. Sat there from 4.20 til 4.40. Tumbleweed was all I saw! (East Kilbride is not that bad, but you take my meaning!)”

    It’s tomorrow, Fraser…

    Ya beauty guys.

    This will clearly be picked up and spun into vile cabernet internal degradation by Daily Mail !

    Though it made me chuckle

  383. Thomas William Dunlop says:

    Good bye indeed! Really really invites people to say ta ta to the union.

    Methinks there are going to regret that slogan to, on top of Laments Lawerence of Arabia moment “wee things” for a wee (to smaa) little people.

  384. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    too wee wee things
    too poor wee things
    too stupid wee things

  385. Croompenstein says:

    Irvine no more..WTF I was hoping Flipper and Blahblah McDougall would turn up wae their pishy leaflets

  386. west_lothian_questioner says:

    I see Bathgate is already crossed off, but it’s the only one on the list that I can realistically get to. I’ll drop by for the afternoon session and hope to see either a Winger or a UKOKker… or both.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      Folks, I think there’s a very real chance we’re going to have more people on the streets tomorrow than “Better Together” does. Give yourselves a warm hand (you’ll probably need it) 🙂

  387. Thepnr says:

    O/T Cameron to give Pro-Union speech in Edinburgh in March at the Conservative conference.

    Thought he was going to butt out and that it was for Scots only to get involved. Next up, debate with Salmond?

    link to

  388. Sutherland says:

    I can do Cambuslang, after all i can see the station form my flat, would be wrong not to 😉

  389. rabb says:

    I shall endeavour to take a swing past Lenzie station in the morning.

  390. Graeme Reid says:


  391. crisiscult says:

    Ok, I’m getting Duke street tomorrow. Don’t let that put anyone else off popping down. As I understood, we’ve already got sight of the leaflets they’ll be handing out. Actually, I’ve just visited BT facebook and I see from their information there that the understanding of Carney speech is that its another huge blow to Salmond. I also note that everyone seems to be an economics expert. Considering that most economist can’t agree on anything (I’ve got two mates who did Economics degrees and they have no argument with the dismal science tag), not sure how so many post grads and professors in the subject have gravitated there to warn against independence and the inevitable calamity of a yes vote.

  392. Jalal says:

    I see Dundee has been crossed out, but I will be in the vicinity at 8AM.. the more the merrier indeed.

  393. Morag says:

    Well good luck chaps and chapettes. Being in the Borders, I ain’t gonna hit any of them. I will be going to the Green Yes meeting in Biggar at seven though. (Yes, venturing into darkest Lanarkshire for that. I was born in darkest Lanarkshire, stop your tittering at the back there.)

    You know, there are BT activists in the Borders. This is one of their strong areas. But not a sniff of an “event” that I can see.

  394. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    We just watched ‘Kirsty’ on the iPlayer.
    Not a dry eye in the house.

    A brilliant PPB.

  395. Rough Bounds says:


    I suspect you are experiencing a touch of Stockholm Syndrome.
    It can be attractive but it is a lure. These people are the enemy buddy. They are selling out your prospects of independence. If Scotland votes No you will find out just what sort they are.

  396. Shady Lady says:

    We’ll swing by Linlithgow a few times at some point between 4pm and 6pm 😀

  397. Ian Brotherhood says:


    re ‘busiest’ thread.

    I don’t mean the total number of comments – it’s the rate they came in at this afternoon which struck me. I don’t know if WordPress lets you measure that, but it would be an interesting stat.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I don’t mean the total number of comments – it’s the rate they came in at this afternoon which struck me. I don’t know if WordPress lets you measure that, but it would be an interesting stat.”

      It doesn’t. But from memory the “Who’s coming to the rally?” posts and the 500 Questions post went at similar rates. It’s up there, though.

  398. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    It’s a joy that ‘Kirsty’ (all about the future) is broadcast on the ‘Day of the Dinosaurs’ in the House of Lords.

  399. pmcrek says:

    Unlike BT it looks like Wings readers could actually manage to hand out 500,000 leaflets in a day.

  400. Diane Sutherland says:

    Just had a look at the list and how very postive to see so many scored out – great response Wingers! Think Stuart is right, will be more Yes than No. Can’t wait to see the photos but will also try to swing by Haymarket on the way to work in the morning to say hi and grab a few leaflets – do you know how expensive toilet roll is these days : )

  401. Jon D says:

    Anyone notice how Better Together St Kilda have been quiet all day.

    Clever double bluff.

    That’s where it’s all kicking off tomorrow.


  402. Norman Will says:

    I can say most definitely from my extremely strategic view of the front door of Inverness railway station today that there was no no activity between 7.30am and 6pm today 🙂

  403. Norman Will says:

    And would be very amused if any tomorrow. But will be delighted to cover Inverness all day at the same times 🙂

  404. twenty14 says:

    Rev – Think what should be recorded is how many Yes people can be positioned in the space of 24 hours notice – BT must be shittin themselves

  405. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Enterprising art students should try and get their hands on the unused leaflets – if you’ve the time and inclination, you could make some pretty impressive exhibits out of that amount of anything.

    Like this:

    link to

  406. twenty14 says:

    Do you mind if we just keep posting till we reach a new record – Just for the hell of it

  407. Siggy says:

    By shoving cameras in peoples faces who may have questions to ask the BT lot you will put them off.

    This is pathetic.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “By shoving cameras in peoples faces who may have questions to ask the BT lot you will put them off.”

      Nobody’s going to be doing any such thing. You appear to have completely misunderstood.

  408. MajorBloodnok says:

    I’m game. Oh look, an eagle owl.

  409. Duncan Mason says:

    I’ll get my train to work from Glasgow Duke Street tomorrow morning about 8.30

  410. CU Tommy says:

    A real-life civilised independence debate.

    YES Man
    Would you agree with the following analysis of the Independence debate?
    1. The two committed sides of the debate can be designated as, those who support the union (The Unionists); and those who wish Scotland to be an Independent Sovereign Nation, (The Nationalists). 2. Committed Unionists generally believe that on the enactment of the Acts of Union in 1707, Scotland ceased to be a nation and became a region of a larger entity called Great Britain or The United Kingdom. Committed Nationalists on the other hand generally believe that on the enactment of the Acts of Union, The Nation of Scotland entered a union with the nation of England, but remained a Nation.
    No Man
    I disagree – on the Acts of Union with Scotland and Ireland, the nations agreed to share sovereignty and from that built political, social and economic ties and structures. There is no argument that Scotland could leave the union and make its own way in the world. Of course it could. The question, for those of us in the No camp, is why. Why waste the next ten years building the same structures (inland revenue, defence, even the DVLA!) we already have, negotiating endlessly over maritime borders and EU rebates, when we have children growing up in poverty today in Newarthill and Newcastle, Paisley and Portsmouth. Electing a Labour govt in 2015 gives us a much faster and better way to deal with those problems. In my humble opinion.

  411. CU Tommy says:

    YES Man

    But that doesn’t really address the question I put to you? What in your opinion is Scotland’s status within the ‘Union’, A Nation or a region? I believe it’s a Nation.

    No Man
    Scotland is a nation and the United Kingdom is a union of nation states. But the status in 1707 or 1800 is not so relevant after 300 years of shared enterprise and history. It is the entanglements of these 300 years which makes separation unfeasible, in my opinion, not necessarily the legal basis on which union was originally agreed.

  412. CU Tommy says:

    YES Man

    The question of Scotland’s status within the UK is important when we consider the democratic deficit. Under the current constitutional arrangements, Scotland never gets the government it votes for unless there is majority support for Scotland’ preference in the remainder of the UK. This is perfectly reasonable if Scotland is only a region of the UK, but as a nation Scotland should be governed by the people of Scotland. Many lifelong labour supporters, including Charles Gray, Alec Mosson and Dennis Canavan now agree that the people of Scotland would be better served in an independent Scotland. I also regret the poverty today in Newcastle and Portsmouth. I also regret the poverty in Calais and Cork, but responsibility for their poverty should be addressed by their own national governments. In my humble opinion. ?

    No Man

    I have heard this argument about the “democratic deficit” before. It presupposes that the people of Scotland have a uniform view when they vote and that is clearly not the case – LibDems finished only 1% behind the SNP in share of the vote at the last UK general election after all and the SNP registered less than 20% of the vote. The election arithmetic in the UK tends to be more complex than you suggest – Tony Blair would still have won all three of his elections without Scotland.

  413. CU Tommy says:

    YES Man

    You stated, “Tony Blair would still have won all three of his elections without Scotland.”
    I can’t believe you just said that, because it illustrates my point perfectly. Another way of expressing that statement is, if every single person in Scotland had refrained from voting in these three elections, the outcome of the elections would have been unchanged. Sadly, your observation holds good, not only for these three elections, but for almost every election in the last 50 years. One would have to be wilfully blind to fail to see your statement as a democratic deficit for the people of Scotland, that is unless you reconsider your choice of whether “Scotland is a nation and the United Kingdom is a union of nation states.”, or simply a small region of the UK. I am happy to continue to debate with you even if you decide to change your position. ?

  414. CU Tommy says:

    No Man

    The part of your argument which I find difficult, having spoken to and listened to you, when you talk about matters of social justice, is your sentiment that Newcastle is as foreign to us as Calais. I think this is the point at which socialists and trades unionists will part ways with you, because on these islands, if you regard national identity as more important than matters of class (as the Marxists would see it), then we have reached a fundamental disagreement about how we view society.

    YES Man
    On the issue of solidarity, you have obviously misinterpreted my position. You stated, “If we believe that society requires a fundamental change, then we make common cause with comrades, brothers and sisters, because we share the same values, not because we share the same birthplace.” The fact that I included Cork and Calais in my concern for social justice would suggest that I do not limit my solidarity to national boundaries, while your comment “your sentiment that Newcastle is as foreign to us as Calais”, suggests the your solidarity is limited to those resident within the borders of the UK. I think however that our socialist credentials are something of a diversion, a tactic often employed by those who are losing the argument on the central proposition.

  415. CU Tommy says:

    No Man
    The other element which people in the NO camp have not articulated properly, is the shared achievements in social justice working together on these islands: the national minimum wage, the NHS, the legal protections for workers, were achieved by people working in solidarity. Scotland setting off by itself with a government whose only tax commitment is to make corporation tax 3% lower than anything rUK offers will inevitably bow to pressure from inward investors to reduce the minimum wage below England, to repeal H&S legislation and we will end up in a race to the bottom, with no protection for jobs or employment. Again, that is why the trades unions will come out for NO – the GMB has already done so.

  416. CU Tommy says:

    YES Man
    “Scotland setting off by itself with a government whose only tax commitment is to make corporation tax 3% lower than anything rUK offers,” This is a huge leap of imagination and an admission that you don’t think that Ms. Lamont’s Labour party can win the next election. This would be astonishing given that the labour party in Scotland has been elected to the largest number of Scottish constituency seats in every Westminster election in the last 50 years. It is however possible that an SNP government would be elected, since the Labour party in Scotland disrespects a large section of the Scottish people by failing to produce a manifesto for a possible Independent Scotland.
    You refer to “the national minimum wage, the NHS, the legal protections for workers,” and “pressure from inward investors to reduce the minimum wage below England, to repeal H&S legislation” Are you completely unaware that the current UK government are working diligently to undermine the rights of workers in every one of these areas? Did you know for instance that Oliver Letwin is currently redrafting Health & Safety Legislation in the UK. One of his proposals is to withdraw H&S protection from the self-employed. But then when compared with Alec Salmond, Letwin, Osborne and Cameron are cuddly socialists. ? If you don’t believe me, have a look at the Hazards Magazine, sponsored by Unison, Unite, The NUT and Stirling University.

    I will keep you posted on future developments.

  417. msean says:

    No,it’s an eagle robin:-)

  418. msean says:

    Can’t seem to get those smileys right.

  419. msean says:


  420. Caroline says:

    Just checked out Better Together North East Fife on F/book – they’ve got 5 likes. Is this a record?

  421. R Bruce says:

    What are the daily mail going to call you guys? FleshNats?

  422. R Bruce says:


  423. call me dave says:


    That’s scraping the bottom of . . . I’ll get my coat.

    Amazing support out there, well done and good luck everyone.

  424. Just had a wee look at this Facebook event from Better Together – link to

    Looks like no one’s offered to join 😀 Could be a lonely morning for some at Helensburgh Central…

  425. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    I know poetry is banned, but (in the interest of many postings) here’s a ‘wee’ song …

    Les U-KOKs

    One day more!
    Another day, another Daily Mail
    This never-ending road to Perjury
    These Wings who seem to know our crime
    Will surely meet our train on time.
    One day more!

    Tomorrow we’ll discover
    What our Boss in London has in store!
    One more dawn
    One more day
    One day more!

  426. Morag says:

    Rev – Think what should be recorded is how many Yes people can be positioned in the space of 24 hours notice – BT must be shittin themselves.

    This isn’t even Yes Scotland. It’s just a bunch of folk who post on Wings.

    We’re going to win this, lads.

  427. msean says:

    Yes we can.

  428. mamaclanger says:

    Has anyone seen BBC Scotlandshire in the last wee while??

    link to

  429. Midgehunter says:

    msean says to Major BK

    No,it’s an eagle robin 🙂

    robin the rich to help the poor methinks 😉

    I see Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof isn’t on the BT list – what a shame… 🙂

  430. Andy-B says:

    An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea who’s time has come.

    victor Hugo.

    and our time has come.

  431. Morag says:

    By the way, have you all read The Tipping Point like we were told to? All the little things you can do to start a trend and make it “sticky” and all that?

    Since late last year I’ve been wearing a Yes badge all the time. I’m not expecting anyone to start a conversation about it, I’m not looking for a confrontation. (It did cause an Italian citizen I work with to ask me where he could buy a copy of the White Paper though, and I was able to give him the phone and email contacts so he could get his free copy. Another Yes in the bag I think.)

    But the point of the badges, more so than car stickers, is to personalise Yes, to make it normal, to show that it’s something normal people believe in and aren’t ashamed to show in public.

    Make sure you have yours, every day.

  432. faolie says:

    O/T just watched Keith Brown on Scotland Tonight replying to something my Lord Lang said in the non-democratic HoL about dishonouring the dead in the world wars if we vote democratically for independence? Don’t think I’ve been more astonished. Did he really say that?

  433. Horacesaysyes says:

    My bus home stops at Leuchars station. I’ll be happy to get off and wait the ten minutes for the next one.

  434. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    @mamaclanger says:
    Has anyone seen BBC Scotlandshire in the last wee while??

    Dammit. Our cover has been blown.
    link to

    Better change the password.

  435. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I’m an active BT/UKOKer. I’ve got my batch of (dunno, maybe 500?) leaflets and I’ve been tasked with distributing them to bleary-eyed punters between 7 and 8 tomorrow morning.

    I have to be up at 6, but it’s already getting late, my belly is knotted with butterflies at the very thought of handing this stuff out (because I KNOW it’s a clumsily produced lie), and there’s no way I’ll get a sleep now.

    I’m sitting here, reading WoS (as most of my BT colleagues are) and I’m not even sure if anyone else from the BT Facebook page is going to make it. They all sound so wishy-washy.

    I’ll be there, alone?


    I know what I’ll do…

    I’ll just stay up, leave at 5, put a brick of leaflets in the wee dispenser they use for Metro papers, scatter a few about the seats in the shelter, then bolt before the punters start assembling for the first train.

    Then I’ll get back home, job done, and have a decent kip.


    Slainte! Sorry, I meant, bottoms-up!

  436. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Here’s aversion of the the “Aye Right” flyer that you can download and print on A4 paper on a laser or inkjet printer.
    It gives 2 per page.

    link to

    I’m taking a bunch of them with me tomorrow …

  437. boglestone says:

    I can also do Mos Eisley spaceport 7-9am.

  438. Andy Reynolds says:

    Fantastic idea people, utterly brilliant. Nothing better than to see a mass organisation like this. I’m away this weekend but my god, I’ll jump at this when we do it again.

  439. Lanarkist says:

    Rev, I believe I saw earlier on the thread that Lanarkian said that Yes Clydesdale would cover both Carluke and Lanark Stations. Carluke has a score through it but not Lanark. Maybe one more off the list.

    Apologies if I misread the thread.

  440. JGedd says:

    A family member might be passing Whitesands Bus Station, Dumfries around time given and can observe. Dumfries has a railway station about a mile away. It isn’t mentioned on the list. Perhaps just one person handing out leaflets and can’t spare the time to do the rail station as well?
    Perhaps we will see…..

  441. Alan Mackintosh says:

    Boglestone, those aren’t the droids you’re looking for…

  442. msean says:

    I don’t know,I heard that a spaceport may be somewhere in Moray. 🙂

    link to

  443. DonUnder says:

    Blair McDougall already tweeting about harassment of their activists. Careful guys, you know that BetterTogether are just itching to make more “cybernat” capital out of this.

  444. Albert Herring says:

    Tories robin Scotland. Who knew?

  445. Taranaich says:

    @Michael: No, I don’t feel any affinity with No campaigners. They are hate-mongers intent on spreading lies and fear. That has nothing to do with me or my campaign or my life.

    It could be because I have several acquaintances, two of whom are very close friends, who are very staunch Nos who I think might be involved. I know for a fact they’re good people, even if I cannot and will not respect the causes they uphold. Like Dick, I have nothing positive to say about the top brass and the more active campaigners like Hothersall, but I know some of my friends well enough to know otherwise.

    I have no truck with the Better Together campaign as you can well guess, and certainly I vehemently disagree with those who are BT for the TWTPTS agenda, but I know that there are definitely good people in there. In fact, part of the reason I’ve signed up is because I have a suspicion that one of my friends might well be one of the leafleters.

    I guess at the end of the day, I’m just happy to see people getting involved and out there. Part of the problem recently is that many Yes events have been cancelled or prohibited because BT didn’t have anyone available to offer a counterpoint: the more active BT becomes, the more opportunities there are for BOTH sides to have their say. BT events are so rare that it isn’t much trouble for Yes folk to pop along to give a balanced view. This is a good thing.

    That’s why I’m doing this. When it comes to the facts getting out, I have nothing to fear from a debate. And, as I said above, I would do it with a smile and a handshake. People know me as a pleasant, cheerful, amiable chap in Gourock. I wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less troll or harangue anyone. I’m hilariously incapable of lying, since my face reddens like a great frigatebird’s wattle. I have nothing to fear, because I’m confident enough in myself and my view to know that I won’t get angry or frustrated. So what do BT have to be afraid of if I come along?

    But really guys, if you have so much time and energy get out and do some leafletting and canvassing in your own communities. We are busy in our own town delivering newspapers tomorrow. I’d much rather do that than hang about in the freezing cold with a bunch of grumpy early morning commuters and some miserable lone BT ‘activist’.

    Yup, everbody should get involved. My & my ma delivered newspapers last year, and had a really positive time meeting Yes voters *and* No voters.

    @ronnie cowan: radweesis taranaich and david newbigging. The last time BT claimed to be leafleting Gourock, Fort Matilda, Greenock West and Central, they managed one person at the West and one at Gourock (briefly). It is also worth hanging about for 15 minutes or so to see if people actually take the leaflet. Slightly O/T please see yes inverclyde website for local events. We need all the help we can get. Less talk (leave that the the rev) and more , much more action.

    Thanks ronnie. Damn, missed the Gamble Halls event, argh.

    @desimond: An alternative idea could be we try and be overly nice..kill with kindness…take a NO campaigner a wee cuppa tea etc.

    Honestly, that’s the sort of thing I do anyway. I don’t need an interior motive to get someone a cuppa!

    @Rough Bounds: I suspect you are experiencing a touch of Stockholm Syndrome.
    It can be attractive but it is a lure. These people are the enemy buddy. They are selling out your prospects of independence. If Scotland votes No you will find out just what sort they are.

    I don’t know about that. “Enemy” implies the possibility we could lose, and Stockholm Syndrome implies that BT has ever had any power over me. In all frankness, I think it’s more like “I’m Superman and they’re the two-bit hoods shooting at me ineffectually with handguns.”

    Just take this very thread. This is one of BT’s biggest grassroot events, with hundreds of thousands of leaflets being printed, and at least one person in all these stations across Scotland. One pro-Indy site has managed to attract enough interest to have someone go along within a single day of the post’s publication. It’s going to be hard work, and people are taking time out of their day to do this, but we’re up for it. That’s the difference, and that’s why we’ll win.

  446. Connor Cloughley says:

    The Larbert Better together branch have actually shown up this time, all two of them.

  447. Richard says:

    Helensburgh visited but no pics yet. Dumbarton has 1 lonely guy picture to follow. Back door empty pic to follow

  448. Richard says:

    £5.60 the cost of independence

  449. Two at Dunblane blocking both entries to the station – Had a word with Scotrail.

    Back out for the next train!

  450. callum says:

    Bridge of Allan calling. 1 BT rep at southbound entrance 7.30. Has goodbye leaflets. Not engaging anyone, just handing out leaflets. I will check platform bins at 9.

  451. Connor Cloughley says:

    Sorry scratch that, make it one BT campaigner and one guy who just happened to be smoking next to him. Handing out leaflets and not engaging anyone except when I asked him what currency an independent Scotland would use. “The pound of course”

  452. Alex Taylor says:

    Hamilton Central at 7.05am:

    One BT leafleteer at each entrance. Think they could be man and wife. Tried to engage them in conversation but they were very shy so I wished them well and headed off.

    Noticed that the bins already contained discarded leaflets.

  453. Taranaich says:

    Just back from Gourock, were was indeed a BT leafleteer. More to follow.

  454. Ivan McKee says:

    Two at Partick at 7.15.

  455. callum says:

    Correction. Bridge of Allan, there are 2 BT reps on southbound entrances. I’ve been here for half an hour, 40 ppl take leaflets.

  456. MochaChoca says:

    Old chap at Prestwick town station handing out leaflets in the car park. Cold and damp, felt kinda sorry for him.

  457. Brotyboy says:

    3 at Dundee, all male, joined by a fourth around 7.30am.

    Looking at the types they could be tories from the Ferry or the West End, but one thing’s for sure, they ain’t from the Hilltown.

  458. Mairi says:

    Newton, prime commuter time, not a leaflet in sight.

  459. MochaChoca says:

    BTW I think the leaflet itself looks like it’s conceding it’ll be a YES vote, but it’ll cost us 2 quid.

  460. DocMacAlba says:

    Kirkhill confirmed, two late middle aged camera shy non-engaging (beyond “have you got a leaflet”) gents with a carrier bag of at a guess a couple of hundred leaflets. Both gents carefully avoiding the station proper but loitering in the car park and section above the bridge, not sure if they’re part of the station. Off to check Burnside now. And yes it’s the inaccurate leaflet the Rev posted yesterday.

  461. Mairi says:

    Folk getting on at Rutherglen with leaflets. Then openly laughing while reading them…

  462. Aldo says:

    Rutherglen. 825 old guy young guy. Defo on station property. But just off the road.

  463. cx2uk says:

    6 campaigners at Perth – including a well kent local Conservative councillor – handing out the goodbye leaflets – have moved from the fronts doors (might have just arranged to meet there) to the entrance of the car park. I await to hear if my stooge has engaged in any polite debate…. my stooge is very polite, I suspect a couple of No doorstep campaigners are having second thoughts thanks to my stooge 🙂

  464. Richard says:

    5 folks at Helensburgh. 1 lonely guy at Dumbarton Central. I took the train to see. Dumbarton Central back door not covered. As many peeps coming in that way (not that many) gave out Wings card to each. Had conversation with 1 youngish guy (much younger than me) in Helensburgh. He wished us luck and made an effort to be positive which was nice given the ‘we arra peepul’ stuff on twitter.

  465. Training Day says:

    One elderly man at Hillfoot.

  466. Back over from the 8:13 at Dunblane – still two standing at entrances to station and platform respectively.

    Last time we were leafleting we were ordered off pavement. Next time we have a photograph.

  467. WallaceBruce says:

    One guy in his 60’s at Longniddry standing in the car park bike shelter. His optimistic one liner was “can I give you one these?” A well placed recycling bin on each platform would have been a good idea.

  468. PictishStealther420 says:

    Hamilton West confirmed. Two young females standing near the entrance chatting with “better together” leaflet bags in hand.

  469. cx2uk says:

    Aaaw my stooge is lovely – didn’t manage to get a photo from Perth but reports having a lovely chat with a campaigner who basically said that Trident is a deterrent, Uni fees are inevitable in Scotland and the Bank of England do what Westminster say so me MIGHT not get the pound – altogether a charming BT leafleter who would be quite easy to believe if you were persuadable. Unintended consequence, he didn’t hand any leaflets out for the 20 minutes or so he was charming my stooge (oops!)

  470. Gary says:

    Cupar 7-8am: Four Trains, around fifty people through the station in the hour, me and no BT campaigners, leaflets or anything. I was there from a bit before 0700 till after the 0800. There are three places they could have stood, and I kept them all in sight, just to make sure.

    Nothing, no-one. Now having a well earned lorn roll.

  471. Peter Macbeastie says:

    Can confirm two cold looking lads at Lenzie. No advance on that, however, since if you know Lenzie station you’ll know the wee quickly filled carpark. Drove round, observed, no evidence gathered. Figure it was the same leaflet everyone else would find though, so probably no matter.

    Shame they were cold. A nice Yes hoodie would sort that out.

  472. Peter Macbeastie says:

    I don’t think they were on Scotrail property, sadly, unless that extends across the carpark which I don’t think it does.

  473. JamesS says:

    No BT leafleters at Aviemore.

  474. Andrew Parrott says:

    5 UKOKkers at Perth at just after 8 outside the ticket office doors. Asked a Scotrail staff member who was watching them if they were allowed to be there. He said they were not. I suggested I would join them with YES newspapers and he went and asked them to move to the public pavement beyond the car park which after protest from one female member of their group, quietened by another male member of the group, they did. The protesting female departed the group shortly after. When I got to the main station car park entrance to the station 2 more UKOKkers were moving from the station premises to the public pavement. Will go back at 9 to see if they have left.

  475. DocMacAlba says:

    Burnside has two as well, although much friendlier (one middle aged chap, one mid-twenties I would say). Not only openly saying they were from No! Naughty Scotland!, the older chap was very willing to engage. Sadly though it was all scare stories about Ireland and Iceland. Intelligent chap but ill-informed and decidedly vague. Still I wish him well, as he seemed sincere, just a pity that he is on the wrong side and so poorly served by his cause.

  476. desimond says:

    No one at Glasgow Central Hope Street entrance\exit….which seemms apt

  477. Keith Smith says:

    One particularly sad Ukok fellow at Linlithgow this morning. Stood for about 20 minutes watching most people ignore him, some take the leaflet and quite a few rip it up. Never a mention from our friend that it was a BT leaflet until one man asked and he quietly advised it was the BT campaign. At that point the man just snorted and said NO thanks vote yes in a loud voice. Priceless.

  478. dmw42 says:

    2 BraTs and 1 BinT at Stirling around 7:30, seemed more interested in shifting quantity than entering into any conversation.

    Only seen 2 passengers with leaflets boarding at Larbert, 1 at Lenzie (I had a quiet word).

    The young fella at Queen Street looked utterly fed up as, by and large, he was being ignored.

  479. So much for the 9:00 finish! – Went back over to Dunblane station at 8:45 to give them a copy of your ‘Goodbye’ flier, but they were gone – didn’t even wait for the 9:03.


  480. Nebula says:

    Confirming what Brotyboy said; saw the same four at 8:15~ on my way down. Also definitely confirming the last part. Spoke with one of them, and if he’s a Dundee local, I’ll eat my fedora.

    Also seemed decidedly uninterested in discussing anything that was in the leaflet, which was surprising. The most he’d say on the subject of Mr. Swinney criticizing Mr. Salmond was that it was a matter of opinion, he’d leave it up to ‘the powers that be’ (yes, I was confused too) and to direct further inquiries to the BT website.

    Oh, and he was sick of being out in the cold. Poor guy, having to stand there and have a laugh with two of the other campaigners while what appeared to be the oldest of the lot of them vigorously handed out the leaflets. At least one of them has the work ethic to reach that 5k mark.

  481. Ken Mac says:

    Went to Lenzie station this morning. No one at the main entrance to the station. Went on to the platform, no one there, no one reading a leaflet. Look across the tracks and there is a chap at the less used entrance. Walk round to see him and get a cheery good morning and a comment on the weather. He hands me a leaflet and I ask him if he believes these lies. Yes he does, why I ask. Because he believes the experts (never a wise policy). So you believe that Mark Carney criticised ‘ Alex Salmonds claim that we would keep the pound’. Yes quoth he. I suggest he reads the Governors speech as he said no such thing. So you believe after we are independent Scotland won’t be able to keep the pound. Yes says he. Why not? It is not ours to keep he says there would have to be negotiations. For a currency union yes but not to keep the pound. In either case he says. Why do you believe this I ask. ‘Because I am the no vote’ he says. I have no idea what he meant by that unless he believes he is the only no voter. I left him with a less than cheery ‘It’s total nonsense son’ and crossed over the rail bridge. Several leaflets were dumped on the bridge, more in the bin at the other side. I walked up and down the platform which must have had about 80 people on it at the time. Not a single one was reading the leaflet, there was no evidence of anyone even carrying one. Still the guy was there so in Better Togethers eyes this was a successful ‘event’.

  482. Malc says:

    At least three leafleteers outside Edinburgh Haymarket this morning.

    Also another one (possibly two) at Edinburgh Brunstane!

  483. John McGuire says:

    At Ayr Station at 8.00am this morning ( Friday) just two wee old middle class ladies. Pathetic. But quite pleasing too, in a kinda perverted way…

  484. Insch74 says:

    One UKOK lass at Queen Street at 8:45 between the station entrance and Buchanan Underground. No one taking leaflets and none lying around.

  485. rabb says:

    I took a swing past Lenzie this morning too on the way to work (Couldn’t stop in the car park) and saw no one handing out leaflets. Granted it was going on nearer 9 so the hoardes of UKOKERS may have left by then leaving their hardcore noman out of view up the back passage!

  486. martyn says:

    Went to Carluke, not a single campaigner there. have video to prove it.

    Got to Waverley and there were 2 at the top of the stairs. I challenged them on the “loose the pound” issue and after one of them got himself tied in knots he shouted the other one over. After about 5 minutes of me disproving every “fact” he told me by using my 3G connection (including statements that Mark Cairney DID NOT make) he told me that he was too busy to chat any longer…

  487. andy says:

    Nobody at Motherwell at 8 and nobody at Haymarket at 9

  488. Sutherland says:

    Cambuslang. One guy showed up at 7:40 another joined him at 8:00(ish) they stayed until around 9, I watched as very few leaflets handed out, some returned, most placed in pockets without reading. At the end they disposed of their leaflets in the bin which was promptly collected by the Council bin man

  489. Brotyboy says:

    Strikes me that there will be more than a few rather more demotivated BT campaigners around after this morning.

    Some will have been challenged and perhaps made to think a little, some will be cold and tired and unable to take the negativity.

    And the leaflet itself won’t help their cause. I’m sure it was printed before Carney spoke as it bears no relation to what he said. It could rebound on them spectacularly.

  490. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Dearie dear me…poor old BT.

    If they can’t even get someone to man the Hope Street exit of Glasgow Central then their goose is cooked.

    Looking forward to McDougall/Murray’s assessment of today.

  491. Macandroid says:

    @Calgacus MacAndrews
    Macandroid (by the turn of phrase) is unmasked as the secret Cybernat CO-ORDINATOR

    Damn – exposed so early in the campaign.
    I’ll have to go back to hide in the House of Lords (and collect my £300)!

  492. Richard, I got down to Helensburgh Central shortly after 8, and they were still outside the front entrance to the booking office. After dragging an admission out of them that Carney had not actually ruled out keeping the pound, their next straw-clutching exercise was to go for the “he didn’t put a firm currency union decision down either” – well, duh, that wasn’t his job! 😆 They’re certainly good at being evasive when challenged…

    Still, at least I relieved them of one leaflet, now winging its way to our backyard recycling bin…

  493. Richard says:

    I took train to Dumbarton Central. 1 guy there. Jackie Baillie just tweeted that she was just back from there. Wasn’t at the venue at 7.30 as back door had nobody

  494. Richard says:

    O/T Keir

    Some events coming up in Helensburgh are if you have the time. Meeting at Ardencaple on Wednesday 5th see yes Helensburgh and lomond

  495. velofello says:

    The two old ladies at Ayr station had gone by 8.15.

  496. Mealer says:

    None at Montrose at 8.30 am.Unless they were hiding in the toilets,too ashamed to show their faces after the disgraceful debacle in the House of Lords.

  497. desimond says:

    @John McGuire

    Youre painting such pretty mental images there of the 2 ladies at Ayr Station..were they dishing out more than leaflets?

    Im now picturing Helen Mirren and Celia Imrie in a new hit movie ‘Leaflet Girls’

  498. Mark says:

    Report from Aberdeen, two BT folk handing out there pathetic leaflet of lies but before you got to them two YES folk handing out latest YES newspaper. Yes folk were positioned before you crossed the road and the BT after, seemed to me a lot of folk took the YES paper and declined the BT leaflet once they had crossed the road.

    BT folk just couldn’t answer the question of when Mark Carney said we couldn’t keep the pound. They just trot out the usual line of “Why do you want to mess with something that has been working well for hundreds of years” – laughed, I almost pi££ed myself!

  499. Marcia says:

    How many of the sites added yesterday on the BT site were fake venues? One thing this exercise has shown is that the Yes side are more active. Just saw a picture on twitter of last night’s Yes Airdrie meeting – packed.

  500. faolie says:

    Passed through Waverley back of 8. 1 at Calton Rd, 4 top of the Waverley Steps, 2 at the north ramp, 2 at the south ramp and 2 at Market St. Watched one at the top of the steps for about 10 minutes and I reckon he got rid of about 12.

    I refused to take a leaflet from one, and complained to another about his spoiling my morning with a leaflet telling me my country was too useless to run its own affairs.

    At the ramp I told one lady she seemed much too nice to believe this rubbish and she waffled something about Carney and negotiations (to which I agreed) and told the other that she looked way too young (20s) to be peddling this stuff. Had a wee discussion with her about the pound and ownership of the BoE.

    It was a reasonable turn out I suppose (not as many though as the last Yes leafletting I attended at Waverley).


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