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Wings Over Scotland

The easiest job in Scotland

Posted on January 28, 2014 by

There’s been a nice graphic going round social media this afternoon. It’s a map of Yes Scotland activist branches across the country, and it’s pretty impressive.


So for tonight’s And Finally, we thought it’d be a chuckle to compare it to the nearest “Better Together” equivalent, which has a rather less nationwide coverage.


The image above is what we got from the No campaign’s “Events” page yesterday. At maximum search radius and going all the way up to the referendum in September, it listed just SEVEN events (no “rallies”), of which four were taking place in the Dumfries area, which is already heavily No-leaning.

But we’re conscientious professionals here at Wings Over Scotland, so before we wrote this article we went and double-checked our facts this evening, whereupon we were startled to note that the BT schedule had grown exponentially overnight, with a whopping 77 “events” now being undertaken by their massive activist base.

A closer inspection told a slightly less inspiring story.


Because no fewer than 56 of the items on the list might more honestly have been described as a single “event” – namely “The Day Of Leafleting Train Stations”. All taking place this coming Friday, BT’s enthusiastic footsoldiers will be standing somewhere near railway platforms and ticket offices across Scotland (but not actually in them, as ScotRail forbid campaigning on their property), handing out wee bits of paper warning commuters that they’re too poor and stupid to run their own country.

(One of these “events” took place when we were home for the independence rally in September. It comprised a solitary wee middle-aged woman standing on the pavement by Bathgate station car park with one of those old-lady shopping trollies on wheels. She stuck it out for the morning rush-hour before vanishing.)

To add further comic value, alert readers may have spotted that the list identifies leafleting a station in the morning and in the afternoon as two separate “events” in order to pad out the activity list a bit. After Saturday, the entire “Better Together” campaign comprises just 24 events in seven-and-a-half months, and even then it has to count some of them twice for no immediately apparent reason.


We’ve no idea how much Rob Murray, BT’s “National Campaign Manager (Grassroots)” gets paid for somehow managing to orchestrate this chaotic frenzy of operations, but we congratulate him on evidently having found a very rich vein of old rope.

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jingly jangly

Should that not be Raleigh as in a bike, we will give them some slack and allow a tandem!!!

Diane Sutherland

Might have to take a wee trip to Haymarket or Waverley on the way to work on Friday just so I can tell them where to stick their leaflets!

Seasick Dave

I’ll take the bus, thanks.

Calum Craig

No, I’m sure there’s no connection to the sudden burst of events and you Tweeting the seven events thing. Honest…

Better Together St Kilda

We have been keeping our alert readers up to date with the plethora of events being organised by Better Together. At all events (as our facebook page points out) we tell our supporters not to stray onto Scotrail property, and that each event will have the support of seasoned campaigners.

An Duine Gruamach

To be fair, most of their activists are probably concentrating on their heroic work winning the online propaganda war against the Horrid Vile Cybernats. (BTW, isn’t it endearing to know that some people still use the word “cyber”?) Take the sterling work that’s gone into Labour Hame, for example. OK, they may not have had any posts there since before St Andrew’s Day, but I assume that means they’re preparing an almighty long post in the near future that they’ve taken almost two months to write. I hope their server can handle the file size.

Or Tory Hoose – that vibrant, vital contribution from Scotland’s centre-right, which we’re always being told has such potential in Scotland. They must be doing… something.


Might I suggest that if you see anyone handing out BT leaflets, take plenty and ask for more for colleagues etc.

Then unceremoniously dump them in the most convenient recycling bin.

Andrew Morton

OT, anybody got a link for the Scotland’s Smoking Gun documentary on BBC2 tonight?


“The day of leafleting Train Stations” 😀


I for one shall be quite happy – where appropriate – to retain the best of British terminology after independence; so is it not a railway station?

‘Train station’ – grrrr! These Better Together folk are throwing away all we hold dear!


Great idea, but for a comic twist,why not pop into the station loo, and leave a few in the cubicles for appropriate use.


On the plus side, the northernmost pin on that second map has whetted my appetite for what appears to be the launch of Better Together Lochnagar.


There are multiple BT events every day. You can find them in any Scottish newspaper or on the BBC.


But at least with train stations they should be able to find them as they are rather static very much like their campaign.

But I am a little bit confused about the BT campaign anyway has any one actually seen any of their activists or had one of their leaflets through their door ???

Or is the only way to get a leaflet is to go to a train station once in a blue moon. Or do I have to wait for a YES rally and then join a line in a quiet back street and have a leaflet conveniently handed to me?

Any ideas.

Alex Grant

Yes should arrange to leaflet at all of the BT venues. Wouldn’t take long?


Drem, North Berwick, Ayr. Hohoho…….

GP Walrus

Next month – BUS stations!!!


Well, we are not all raving BritNats in the south. Check Facebook for Radical Independence Dumfries and Galloway, Yes Stewartry, Yes Wigtownshire, Yes Moffat, Yes Annandale, Yes South Annandale and Yes Dumfries, and Yes and Galloway pages. Plenty likes !

David Smith

@BuckieBraes. Thanks bud, I was going to moan about that one as well.
Just like the use of ‘train tracks’ instead of railway line.
One of those infantilisations of every day speech that really choke ma dug!
Anyway. When are all those events in Dumfries meant to be going on?
There’s a big Rangers/Right Wing/Military element round there from what I can gather.
Pretty embarrassing really.


Ps Brian Taylor’s Big Debate was in Dumfries last Friday. I was there. At the end he asked for a show of hands. Roughly 3 way split between Yes, No and undecided. So no ‘BritNat’ majority here.

Jamie Arriere

Maybe the second “leafletting” in the day is to collect all the leaflets they dished out in the morning (lend them out like a library). Must be short of leaflets or their printers are buggered.

Watch out for the late return fees!

Big Jock

sorry you missed out the meeting they have every week night with BBC Newsnight.Or is that just me being paranoid!


Better Together event in Dumfries was attended by 10 people, 2 of those being local Labour ‘couldn’t be arsed to vote against the bedroom tax’ scumbag Russell Brown and Elaine ‘my Scottish sister in England wont get a vote, bleat , bleat’ Murray. Hardly a great turnout for a town of 40,000. There are virtually no Bitter activists on the ground down here,most leafletters are local Tory party members and cronies of David Mundell. The Yes campaign has 6 active groups,don’t believe everything you read about D&G

Arbroath 1320

I have checked the listing of Better Together “planned” events up till September 18th and am over the moon. Why might you ask?

Well it’s simple. They, Better Together, are coming to my village/township and it will allow me to take our truck out for a wee spin. :- Nothing wrong with that you might think. However it’s not just taking out the truck that is important it’s WHERE it’s going. 🙂

The truck, for some inexplicable reason, is covered in YES stickers.;) I have a feeling that our truck may very well be following Better Together round when they come to visit. 😀

Hell I may even get out and ask some pertinent questions! O:):)

Apologies if all these emoticon don’t work Stu, I found a site that give information about emoticons in HTML so thought I’d try a few out. 🙂

Roddy Macdonald

I do hope MacDougall is paying Murray appropriately. After all it must take a real astro-turfing marketing genius to work out that after 5 years of falling incomes, the one thing bleary eyed commuters will want as they set off for the last working day of the fiscally longest month of the year, in the depths of winter … is a Better Together leaflet telling them how ticketyboofeckingtastic it is to live in the UK.

Arbroath 1320

Damn these typos. O:)


As most of these BT ‘events’ are not public meetings, they seem to do a lot of leafleting stations. Perhaps they may attract Yes leafletters as an antidote. At least our lot are putting items through voters doors on a regular basis.

I wish the Yes people could give us newspapers that don’t make your hands black when we are folding them for distribution. Back to folding more tomorrow. The only time you wash your hands before going to the loo. 🙂


Nice to see my wee toon on the YES chart. Let’s face it if there isn’t a Co-Op in your vicinity then you ain’t going to see BT leafleters. Any update on the supposed BT unionist rally in Glasgow recently, anything? … Anybody?


We did a counter leafleting at Edinburgh train stations in September. It let us hand out more indy rally leaflets. 😉 there were two young guys there for a while from Better No. However we’ve loads of stuff coming up in Edinburgh, so we’ll set our own timetable!

Doug Daniel

Hold on, June? Better Together D&G have a leafleting “event” for JUNE?! That’s hilarious!

Better Together St Kilda

Remember – Better Together leaflets have a pre-paid postage, if you agree with them, send it back so the leaflet can be re-used.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

@ Sandy

Thanks, I wondered what his reaction was all about at the end of his roadshow. The cheeky wee joker never bothered to tell us.

I’m betting he’ll not bother asking for a show of hands next time, or ask better togethers to raise theirs twice, once as Scotch, and once as Nutcases.


So despite being ahead in the polls and commonly cited as the “majority opinion,” the number of Yes Scotland events positively dwarfs the number of Better Together events.

How can one side be the top dog and the underdog at the same time?


@Andrew Morton

It’s on again tomorrow at 11.20pm.

My advice, remove from vicinity of your TV all items of a throwable nature.


ahem…Surely the Station Managers should refuse BT the right to leaflet on their property if there are no YES campaigners in attendance too ? just saying like/


… I’ve walked/driven/biked passed about 4 of their listed events around Edinburgh recently. No-one was there. No-one. Phantom events.

Closest they have is Mike Crockart using his taxpayer funded office as a base for BT activities.


o/t oh dear – just post on UK Polling;

Tonight’s daily YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 34%, LAB 37%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 12% – so a second YouGov poll with a somewhat lower Labour lead than of late. Again, could still be margin of error, or perhaps we are seeing the lead narrowing. Time will tell.

Labour should be polling in the high 40’s at the mid-term stage.

ronnie anderson

Well they never mentioned Airdrie,ah did the last one, 4to1

one wins stood beside them again on the Sat Main St, they geid up.

Arbroath 1320

kendo there is NO leafleting permitted at all by any one on Scotrail property. I sort of sent them an e-mail about an ‘event’ Better Together had managed to get into the local Annandale Observer claiming to have done leafleting at Annan station. Scotrail confirmed this is not allowed on their property.

One of Better Together’s ‘events’ coming up shortly, well May actually, is at Lockerbie railway station so needles to say another wee e-mail is begging to be sent. 🙂

Dave McEwan Hill

YES Bute has just contacted me to point out that YES Bute is not on the map. They are very active

Murray McCallum

What a sad excuse for an activity map that better together one is.

Must be embarrassing when UKOK heads have to explain use of funds to donors.


Um, Rev [clears throat, fumbles nervously] – the plural of ‘trolley’ is ‘trolleys’.

‘Trollies’, on the other hand, is possibly a term of endearment for what you get here sometimes.


Ach leave them be. The politicians, media and Better Together themselves are worthy of all the ridicule in the universe. But I feel a bit sorry for the wee wummin with trolleys and the people who, for whatever reason feel some affinity for the union (other than just they’re Labour drones).

They’re being badly let down by their own side and possibly aren’t even engaged enough to know it. If it’s a yes in September some of them will be lost for a while and genuinely terrified. And again that’s their own side doing it to them. But they must be noticing the lack of engagement and lack of arguments. It can’t be any easier for your sweet auld woman who loves the Queen and union Jack right now than it is for us “cybernats”. We’re all being let down by the same folk who’ree in it for themselves and will be okay whatever.


Did anyone ever find out, where was the Better Together rally that wee Dougie was supposedly speaking at?


The description in some of the Facebook versions of the “events” make clear that it is not permitted to be on Scotrail property.

For example, in Aberdeen “they” will actually be meeting across the road outside the Station hotel – a regular-sized pavement with a permanently homeless man on it.

It’s a good spot actually because that’s the main walking route from the train station to Union Street for many. Hence the homeless man.


Telly tonight seems to be an “uncertainty” special.


Yeah. They’re obviously standing outside a railway station for a while before they rush to catch their train. A BNP stranger used to do the same at Clydebank Central.

Did anyone see the article in the Metro yesterday about Better Together setting up call centres in England and Wales to “convince” the Scots to vote No? They also intend to bus people in to Scotland from south of the border for a weekend in March!

How desperate is that? Panicking they are!


“Seasoned campaigners”? Do you rub some salt and cumin on their heads before they go out?

If the leaflets are anything like the BT leaflets shown on this site a month or two ago, Yes should be preparing to quickly produce a rebuttal leaflet showing exactly how BT’s leaflet is bogus, ready to print and distribute at the same stations a week later. Does Yes Scotland have that logistics capability?



The call centres have been “up and running” for a while, even down in London – that’s their ‘Blether Together’ thing.

Arbroath 1320

The call centres have been “up and running” for a while, even down in London – that’s their ‘Blether Together’ thing.

I’m dying for them to give me a call. I can’t wait for the day the phone rings and I find it’s Better Together on the other end. Oh wait a minute that won’t work will it, I’m X directory, damn and here’s me begging to have a wee ‘blether’ with them as well. 🙂


Their call centres and bussing in people from south of the border had no effect at the last Scottish election. They are now dealing with a much bigger movement that is beginning to laugh at them. I was just saying!

It will begin to haunt them before they start!

Les Wilson

Well I guess they will never knock on my door while canvassing,I have a YES poster on my front window. They might push something through the letter box though, then run!

call me dave

Copied from a tweet: Good result in Perth tonight.

#indyref debate in #Perth for BME & migrant communities was

Yes 51% No 22% DK 27% at start &

Yes 60% No 19% DK 21% at end.

Les Wilson

The YES map IS impressive,BT will be shaking in their boots.
Also could not find Dunoon there, the hard working guys there will be disappointed.

Does anyone else think that Blair McFuddle was distinctly uncomfortable in last nights interview on STV with Blair Jenkins?

Seasick Dave

I see that Brora has gone off piste.

Dave McEwan Hill

It’s OK. Dunoon is Cowal YES


We’ve got both Yes Tweeddale and Yes Peebles and I’m never quite sure which I am. Yes Tweeddale I think. And Yes Borders. Hey, maybe there are only five of us altogether!

I wonder about the BT lot having all these events on the same day. Can they staff them all? Wouldn’t they be better off staggering the dates and spreading the effort?


There seems to be a few BT on the border, likely as they have activist from England that can come across relatively easily for the day without much travel.


I’ve got a friend lives in Longtown, a mile south of the Border, but he would be a Yes if only he had a vote. So it doesn’t always follow.

Andrew Morton


Perhaps we should offer to help them out. We could offer leaflets to passers by and urge them to send them in with, ‘Vote Yes’ scrawled on them.

Chic McGregor

Jings! What did Dumfries do to deserve that wee cluster? Or are the ‘reivers’ fae ower the Border?


link to

here is the latest from the conservatives…

David Smith

Sandy. Thanks for the reassurance. I’m concerned because I might be living in that area in a few months if plans bear fruit!
PS. Sorry about the layout of my previous post, Stu. Input via mobile which seems to have made each sentence look like a paragraph. 🙁

Neil MacKenzie

BT advertised street work in Forres a couple of months back and the postcode for the local organiser were in an industrial estate. The street work didn’t happen. I doubt if many if any of the leafleting they advertise will happen.

Alistair Livingston

I live in Castle Douglas in Dumfries and Galloway. I have been leafleted by both Yes and No. The No leaflets were delivered by an elderly gentleman who I know also delivers election material for Alex Fergusson our Tory MSP- and has done so for the past ten years. In contrast the Yes leaflets were delivered by a group of six Yes Stewartry (Kirkcudbrightshire) campaigners, with only one a familiar local SNP face. So even here in the Tory heartlands, Yes have more boots on the ground than the Noes.

call me dave

Most impressive map indeed and some still to go in. Just proves that it is a grassroots up force for independence.
Looking good.

AS meeting today on currency talks. Cochrane sounds worried.

link to


OT link to

having quickly looked at what Mr Charmichael(sic) has posted as he looks to contribute to improving the White Paper I had to respond to the Key Feedback question [as on all good Web pages] Is there anything wrong with this page?

I couldnt resist telling them … perhaps you might like to do the same

call me dave

Carmichael’s a bit slow,two months, why darling read and rubbished the whole thing in 10 minutes on publication day.

Warships! Research! and all have been debunked. He’s running on empty,marking time before he retires for pastures new as he said a few days ago.

call me dave

Topical new book recommended. I’ve ordered a copy sounds good. Previewed it on kindle first.

link to


There’s 8 months to go and BT are so really poor that something will have to be introduced to spice up their campaign.

Now what can that be? The unionist politicos are a well spent force. The press is so distrusted they have little impact left, the BBC and STV are not respected. So what is next to come on the scene – big time?

The UK puppet-masters will be involved, the US strategists, who are already in place, will be involved, the loads-a-money wheelers-n-dealers will be throwing money at it, the UK’s finest, M15 and MI6 will be challenged to shape opinion and not to forget the celebrity love-bombing heading our way.

Even Dr Who’s got a newly prescribed BBC blue crombie coat with fetching red lining and a pristine white shirt underneath and Il bet Peter Capaldi shudders each time he slips it on.

You really couldn’t make this stuff up!

ronnie anderson

@Gin1.02,left a comment, on what went wrong,(no truth)

Wings over Scotland ( information highway to Independence)

pity so wee plooky researcher will read it.


OT Is this going to affect us at all ?
link to


I didn’t see Kinross on this list. There’s a YES branch there, too.


I expect so. I imagine it’ll give them some legal ability to harass grassroots movements (since it targets whatever they define as “non-political” campaigns, a definition that seems to have been left suspiciously vague).

Can’t help wondering if this is why they’ve been desperately trying to force this new law through so badly in recent months. I mean it’s been knocked back a few times since last year, but they refused to just let it drop.

ronnie anderson

See this sleep deprevation thing wie me,an ahiv a

appointment with the ATOS medical examinors at 10am,if Im

not back on here today, watch the news, medical examinors

take flight from loony Winger,fell to their death from a

third floor window in Argyle St Glesga,Winger last seen

loop the loop,above the building.

john king


Sky news have it on good authority that Mark Carney is coming to Scotland today to tell those chippy Scot just what the real “consequences of (separation) are and and to complete the insult they had their ahem artist draw a comedy Scottish pound note,

So basically are already admitting defeat on the “no sharing the pound” pish but it’ll be an effing car crash if we do.

Next up much more sinister
“It is reported that the Ministry of Defence is to hand over the management of its entire military estates to a private firm.

The Financial Time claims that
“A number of sites on prime property will be sold off in an effort to meet budget targets”

Anyone smell a rat here?

Anyone else think Sky news’s Washington correspondent Amanda Walker is thinking mans totty?

john king

“Or do I have to wait for a YES rally and then join a line in a quiet back street and have a leaflet conveniently handed to me?

Any ideas.”

Do you think they hand them out to just anyone?
first you have to learn the walk (which is an alert to the canvasser that one of us is coming)
then you give a cheesy line like
oh imagine that just as I was thinking of how bad a yes vote would be on of my patriotic compatriots has kindly given of his precious time to remind my of what a foolish idea it would be (straight to camera) ala Ronald Villiers (chewing the fat.

Only then if your lucky will the canvasser give you this precious gift of enlightenment. 🙂


ronnie anderson

Good luck for today.

john king

“Must be embarrassing when UKOK heads have to explain use of funds to donors.”

The’ll be keeping the money for their quick exit after a no vote,

Maybe they’ll start a colony in Panama 🙂


Good luck Ronnie.
At least you have a good chance of being ‘cured’ at that ATOS/Lourdes meeting.


So, BT’s idea of getting their message out there, is to stand for an hour outside train stations handing out leaflets.

On analysis, this can work both ways. Yeah, they are passing out their message. The problem is if folk do take a leaflet, then either they glance at it, fold it up, and put it in their pocket and thus forget about it, or they just toss it into the bin twenty yards down the road.

At those times of the day (8am and 4pm), most folk just want to get to work, or better still …to get home from work. Even if BT decided to stop them to have a chat, the last thing most folk would want at those times of the day is to be stopped to discuss politics in length. They have priorities at those times. Speaking about the Union would not be one of them for the vast majority of people.

People at 8am or 4pm just WANT to get to work or go home.

So, are BT going to succeed here? Doubtful. In my opinion …it is actually a very lazy way of canvassing.


Sandy says:

Re : Brian Taylor’s Big Debate last Friday.

Cheers mate. Me and my workmate, Pete were listening to it when Brian did a wee poll within the studio. He finished off with ‘That’s interesting …so, goodby from here at Dumfries.’

Me and Pete just looked at each other and went ‘Well, what did he mean? What was the outcome of the vote?’ Bloody annoying!
So, now we know. It was a 3 way split, which basically ties in with the Poll from last Sunday (that Yes and No are really neck and neck).

Not really a big fan of Mr Taylor. He just seems to keep things back when it comes to offering any good news for the ‘Yes’ campaign.

john king

Keep the heed Ronnie, don’t say anything daft and give those bastards an excuse.


O/T How did Bathgate go, anyone attend ?



You asked about last weekends BT ‘rallies’. Pics were posted online : they were activist meetings Sat in Edinburgh, Sun in Glasgow. I’d estimate from pics around 30 to 40 people @ each.

ronnie anderson

@JohnKing,nae much sleep john strees level,s very high,disna take much tae git me rantin,but thanks oonywie

ronnie anderson

@ Juteman, Luords, luords yeah know ahm fae lanarkshire,

carffins nearer, but thanks anyway

ronnie anderson

@mogabee, thank,s pal,say a prayer fur them lol



Compare and contrast the BBC headline with The Herald, refrring to same report today –

Incentives Call as Drilling ‘Falls’
link to

North Sea Fields in Startup Boom
link to

Very subtle, but the BBC chooses the only mildly negative element to the whole report (a small year on year drop in exploratory drilling) as the focus for the headline…

Dave Lewis

There is also a Yes Clacks team we are out and about everyweekend. Have had two public meetings ALVA in excess of 250 people attended. Alloa 100+. PS BT have a public meeting on Saturday AllOA Town Hall 10:00am – 11:00am.
OT One Show last night just sent off an email to them asking for a apology on tonights show.



Could you post any details of #Yes Kinross thanks.


tks for the message to Chamichael :-] Hope all goes well today – c how many of the inteviewers u can pursuade !!!


If they’re not sweating yet, they really, really should be soon.

Grassroots has been slower than media carpet bombing, but way more effective at putting friendly faces on the door step. Face to face is making distinct inroads at engaging people and dispelling fear and myth and so it should. Scratch up two more nos to undecided just this week in the workplace. Its take a wee while but worth the patient approach. Just getting people onto Wings or slipping them a pdf of the white paper abridged version and quietly talking them through their fears on a one to one works wonders.

We’re within an ace of turning this on its head.


I tried looking at the NO Better Together website to see where their grassroots groups are but there was no mention of them. I wonder why they don’t show how widespread their support is at local level.

ronnie anderson

@Gin,sittin here day efter day hour efter hour month efter month, antbody like tae share

whit the fuck am ah talkin about am invited tae a day oot
wull a tae a wee rifle whey me,thanks Gin



We all know how effective Carpet Bombing was against the North Vietnamese Army!

call me dave


SG visit Bathgate answering questions in public. Longish but pleasant intro, some nice glimpses of Scotland, worth it.

Starts 2min 30secs in for those who have seen all of Scotland #:o)

gerry parker

@ Ronnie, hope you can make it to the Airdrie Stadium Thursday night.


All that talk of ‘local people’ makes me realise that Better Together really would fit in quite well with folk in Royston Vasey from The League of Gentlemen.

Coincidentally, The preceding radio series On the Town with the League of Gentlemen was set in the equally fictional and almost identical town of Spent

Harry Shanks

I observe BBC Scotland are heavily trailing the Mark Carney meeting today with AS.

We are told that, after the meeting, Carney will treat us to a “speech” where all will be revealed. Presumably that’ll be the speech Blair MacDougall knew the content of 3 days ago then – so unless Carney is planning to rewrite it, the meeting with AS seems a little disingenuous does it not, and we already know what he will say.

But let’s be clear what is happening here – an unelected official has been dispatched by the British Govt to tell the restless natives up in Jockland what they can and cannot do – all with the connivance and approval of Labour, Liberal, and even the 1 Tory MP elected to actually represent the “natives”

When exactly did the Scots have their collective backbone removed?


Australia lead the way in calling out their biased media…come on Eck…get into BBC Scotland

link to

Dal Riata

Compare and contrast the two images at the top of this article – says it all. That is people power in action right there. On the 18th of September the people of Scotland will show that *they* are sovereign, and with the power to change history will give a majority vote for ‘Yes’ to an independent Scotland.

@Rev Stu

[Cough! Cough!] Emm, is that a zero (0) we see before us instead of a capital ‘o’ (O) in the word “N0-leaning [sic]” above? We know you love your pedantry, so I thought I would just point out your mild infraction…! (Runs for cover. Expects to be banned sine die!)

Feil Gype

ahem …Huntly and Turriffs nae on the Yes map ….lots o activity in that area ana ….

Dave McEwan Hill

There is a YES Oban and Lorn organisation and a YES Kintyre organisation to go with the YES Bute organisation which don’t appear on the map and they’ve all been active and a YES Mid Argyll is being formed this moment.
Who is responsible for the map so we can let them know


Who’s all going to the Airdrie stadium on Thursday? I’m going to try and be there myself.




Sometimes being the nimble and highly adaptive underdog with a shit load of determination makes all the odds. The networks of YES support are all there throughout the country, people on the street and people on the doorstep. Independence support pretty much own new media and the whole thing is self perpetuating.

BT and Westminster, for all their power and influence couldn’t shift our presence now with weapons grade draino.

We just need to keep doin’ what we’re doin’. Get the message out, keep it clean, keep it positive and we can win this.

Since Mr Woollacott in the Graun fancies himself a Buchan man.

“We can pay our debts to the past by putting the future in debt to ourselves.”
? John Buchan


I see Blair MacDougall’s latest lie that “Norway can only afford its oil fund cos its taxes are dead high” has been slapped down quickly and firmly by the Norwegians.

Their oil fund is now a colossal $930bn, and has risen by 50% since 2012 – it won’t be long before it equals the size of the UK debt!

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Ach, give them time. Better Together keep in touch via Friends Reunited.

Jim Mitchell

Hoi, what happened to YESClacks?

Heads will roll!


Call me Dave. Thanks mate.


Hey Ronnie – orrabest for today!

Dinna be too hard on them, eh! They’re just barstewards trying to to a jobby for Osborne and his pals 😉

jingly jangly

Harry Shanks
I think mr Carney will be more diplomatic, I would imagine there will be a joint statement saying that talks were productive and will continue.

The last thing the UK wants to do is spook the markets, they have already one of the worst balance of trade deficits in the world, the markets are already looking for higher rates for UK Bonds. Basically it is in the interests of both to use a sterling zone.


I reckon they squeezed in every Yes group they could manage, but eventually the designer said ‘That’s it, guys – any more and it won’t be legible.’ Leaving several people asking WTF?


To dismiss better togethers canvassing would be a mistake.Better to concentrate on making sure that the Yes campaign get their independence message across.

gerry parker

I’ll be there.


Re Norwegian Sky-High tax rate: I heard that there is no council tax, and that taking that into account, their overall taxes are not much higher than ours. Is that true?

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • sam on Bricked-up windows: “I’m reminded of Hamish Imlach, “Coppers’ Song” It was doon in auld Invertoddie The Gestapo were oot on their beats…Feb 12, 10:23
    • TURABDIN on Bricked-up windows: “At the heart of the matter of combatting civic corruption is the paradox that even in the supposedly well regulated…Feb 12, 10:09
    • gregor on The Front On The Volga: “Elon Musk: “NATO needs an overhaul.”: 12, 09:55
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee: “If the U.S. government funded Lula’s defeat of Bolsonaro, would that bother you? I’d be *livid*…” Elon…Feb 12, 09:51
    • Mark Beggan on Bricked-up windows: “And your point is caller?Feb 12, 09:41
    • Mark Beggan on Bricked-up windows: “Very true. What is the public.Feb 12, 09:36
    • Dan on The Front On The Volga: “Careful Geri, that could be construed as you not liking young people. 😉 12, 09:35
    • Geri on The Front On The Volga: “Aye. Globalists only care about ruling the world. You’ll own nothing, eat bugs & do as yer telt via yer…Feb 12, 09:34
    • Andy Anderson on Bricked-up windows: “Very droll. Sarcastic wit indeed.Feb 12, 09:23
    • Geri on The Front On The Volga: “As far as I’m aware Trump has only banned transexual women from womens sports. Call me a cynic but that’ll…Feb 12, 09:19
    • Sven on Bricked-up windows: “Although, defining “public” will always present challenges. Would, for instance, the motoring public be content with the draconian enforcement of…Feb 12, 08:41
    • Mark Beggan on The Front On The Volga: “The thinking being German Field Marshalls never surrendered. Paulus became a hero of the Soviets.Feb 12, 08:11
    • yoon scum on Bricked-up windows: “You have to face it guys Scotland is in no way ready to make the leap to being an independent…Feb 12, 08:10
    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “From what I’ve seen the (actual) female nurse in an open courtroom has been required to discuss extremely personal details…Feb 12, 06:56
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “Those millionaires/billionaires, Trump and Musk do not seem to be following your “reasoning”. Thank goodness.Feb 12, 04:58
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “Where have all the trannies gone? In my younger, more dissolute days I often visited certain bars in Amsterdam. Some…Feb 12, 04:53
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “I read in a report of the proceedings that the employers suggested that the nurse could change in a closet…Feb 12, 04:49
    • Mark Beggan on Bricked-up windows: “Definition of policing by consent. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their function and duties…Feb 12, 04:41
    • Henry Wood on The Front On The Volga: “That looks a little like a doctor in the news just now.Feb 12, 04:39
    • Henry Wood on Bricked-up windows: “That’s you telt! The Polis sez the public is no interested in any of this. So there!Feb 12, 04:17
    • twathater on Bricked-up windows: “So what they are saying is that they AGREE the information WOULD be in the public’s interest , and the…Feb 12, 03:29
    • Peter McAvoy on The Front On The Volga: “Do they include white people as undesirable?Feb 12, 02:44
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Rep. Anna Paulina Luna @RepLuna: “It is my solemn duty to begin to form a new relationship between the government…Feb 12, 02:13
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Elon Musk: “Treason at the FBI!”: 12, 01:54
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “I think out of all the ashes on the political front – Neale Hanvey would be one to watch, a…Feb 12, 01:07
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “We The Kingdom: Don’t Tread On Me: “Oh no, you’ve done it now Gone against the King Gone against the…Feb 12, 00:14
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Fake Robin McAlpine News: My top eight indy myths: “We just need a new messiah… When people get stuck or…Feb 12, 00:03
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “OCCRP (2021): The Pegasus Project: “They never heard it. There was no beep, no sound at all. But in those…Feb 11, 23:38
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Enter The Haggis: Casualties Of Retail: Twirling Towards Freedom: 11, 23:22
    • Young Lochinvar on Bricked-up windows: “Quality Polis Toshan strung it out for as long as they could. Isn’t it now propping up a desk leg…Feb 11, 22:55
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