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Wings Over Scotland

The Groomers’ Union

Posted on May 06, 2024 by

We were going to write a follow-up piece to this last week, until the SNP detonated a hand-grenade in its own trouser pocket. But with the coronation of John Swinney this afternoon after the only challenger sold out for some shiny beads and trinkets, we can get back to some serious news.

The controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland, which has been involved in a number of serious child sexual abuse scandals, continues to exert considerable influence on Scotland’s education system, thanks to extremely lavish funding from taxpayers – well over a million pounds from hard-pressed councils in the last year alone to address unspecified issues whose urgency is difficult to identify.

After our last piece we sent LGBTYS a letter raising our concerns about their improper interference with primary schools, something we were obliged to do before we could file a formal complaint with Scotland’s charity regulator, the OSCR.

We received an automated reply on 24 April saying “We are currently experiencing staff shortages and it may take up to a week to respond to your email.”

That deadline expired five days ago, and we will now be writing to the OSCR. But in the meantime LGBTYS persists in exceeding its remit, with deeply alarming results.

Daniel Sanderson in the Telegraph continues to do some sterling work exposing the charity’s activities, and last week the paper published this upsetting story.

The article speaks for itself, but the very last lines caught our eye.

Because readers might find it enlightening to know where that “Scottish Government guidance” came from.

It was first published in 2021, by the education secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville – a fact which all by itself may set Wings readers’ alarm bells ringing. Or at least, it was first published by the Scottish Government at that time.

Because to cut a long story short, the Scottish Government’s guidance with regard to the treatment of “transgender children” in schools was written by – prepare yourselves for a big surprise! – LGBT Youth Scotland.

The guidance, “Supporting Transgender Pupils In Schools”, is in fact a slightly rewritten iteration of a document published by LGBTYS in 2017 under the title “Supporting Transgender Young People”.

That document was itself funded by the Scottish Government, created in association with extremist trans-advocacy groups Scottish Trans (an offshoot of the trans-focused Equality Network) and Stonewall, and endorsed by 16 of Scotland’s 32 councils.

(Indeed, the Scottish Government website still uses the LGBTYS title.)

The LGBTYS version was “disappeared” when the Scottish Government version came out to try to stop people comparing them, but Wings has obtained a copy and it can be viewed here. Let’s look at a few key passages.

Here, for example, is the original LGBTYS advice on how to tackle the thorny issue of young girls wearing damaging “binders” in an attempt to appear more masculine by forcibly crushing their breasts against their ribcages:

And here’s the Scottish Government version:

Other than the addition of a shrugged half-sentence about unnamed health risks, the two passages are word-for-word identical. Staff are warned not to give advice, but to “allow a young person to decide for themselves” whether or not to wear a binder.

Then there’s the LGBTYS guidance on toilets – any girl expressing concerns about a trans-identifying boy using the girls’ toilets is to be told that, in essence, that they’re a bigot peddling “misconceptions” and need to shut up:

And here’s the current Scottish Government version, again identical:

We should in fairness note that this is one of the few areas where the new document has made a few small concessions. The original LGBTYS one continues by simply saying that the wishes of the “trans” child should at all times take precedence:

The new version pays lip service to the idea of consideration being given to both sides and a compromise solution sought, but ONLY “if it is established that [the non-trans child] will experience disadvantage as a result”, a barrier with no definition which it’s very difficult to think of practical proof for.

On the issue of whether parents should be told that their child has been transitioned at school, the two documents are again functionally identical, and both versions allow for the information to be hidden from parents. Here’s the LGBTYS version:

And the Scottish Government version:

For sport, the two documents are once again almost word-for-word copies. Here’s the LGBTYS guidance from 2017, which says “trans kids get to play wherever they want”:

And the 2021 Scottish Government version, which is actually slightly MORE draconian, specifying that trans kids alone get to choose, even if sports are expressly organised by SEX rather than GENDER:

In both cases, readers will note that other children are given no right to be told whether they’re competing against a “trans” child, so that – for example – girls playing rugby or other contact sports could be facing male opponents without knowing.

With regard to sharing rooms (whether on trips on in full-time residential schools), the LGBTYS guidance once more insists that only the “trans” child’s feelings count, with parents again to be kept in the dark about whether their 13-year-old girl might be sharing a room overnight with a boy:

The Scottish Government version slightly tones this down, graciously permitting the non-trans child or children a say in the matter:

But there is now no guidance at all as to whether parents should be informed. Schools are left to decide for themselves whether parents count among “those involved”.

The LGBTYS version of the guidance is unambiguously dogmatic about the existence of transgender primary-school kids. But even then it’s happy for parents to be kept in the dark about such a serious issue in children as young as five.

This is one of the very small number of areas where the Scottish Government version of the guidance has been rewritten to any significant degree.

It no longer contains the old blanket assertion that primary kids should be transitioned without their parents’ knowledge, although it’s extremely vague and woolly as to how much they can be consulted.

But what makes this interesting is that it shows the Scottish Government clearly, albeit belatedly, recognising that (a) there is a significant difference between primary and older children, and that (b) LGBT Youth Scotland cannot be trusted to determine policy when it comes to the former, which is presumably why the charity is only supposed to be concerned with young people over the age of 13.

So it’s therefore deeply disturbing that more and more Scottish primary schools are still being signed up to LGBTYS’s “Charter” scheme. It’s very hard to find out which ones have done so, but Wings has so far managed to establish the following list.

Glencoats Primary, Paisley
Downfield Primary, Dundee
Broomhill Primary, Glasgow
Portlethen Primary, Aberdeenshire
Gylemuir Primary, Edinburgh
Gowanbank Primary, Glasgow
Glendale Gaelic Primary, Glasgow
Craigton Primary, Glasgow
Hillington Primary, Glasgow
Golfhill Primary, Glasgow
Aultmore Park Primary, Glasgow
Sciennes Primary, Edinburgh
Lorne Primary, Leith
Bridge Of Weir Primary
Miller Primary, Glasgow
Kilbarchan Primary, Johnstone

But those 16 represent fewer than half of the 40 primary schools that LGBTYS claims to have enrolled in its scheme of indoctrination, boundary eradication and pushing “wonderful” puberty blockers on confused kids.

Despite boasting as recently as last month of its targeting of primaries, outwith its stated remit of over-13s only, LGBTYS is curiously reluctant to identify which ones it’s working in. No list of its “clients” can be found on its website, and concerned parents have to rely on either the school announcing the fact itself, or FOI requests.

The fact that the Scottish Government outsources its guidance to organisations like LGBTYS, who then refer any queries back to the claim that they’re merely following “Scottish Government guidance”, is unfortunately extremely typical of the Scottish Government’s modus operandi since Nicola Sturgeon became First Minister in 2014.

As with “women’s rights” groups, quangos sympathetic to government aims are funded to pursue those aims (their funding often being entirely conditional on their backing for those aims), then “consulted” to provide predetermined “independent” support for those policies by way of justification in the face of public opposition.

(The current guidance does not credit LGBTYS for its original authorship, listing it only in its “Acknowledgements” alongside a veritable panoply of other government-funded transactivist groups. No gender-critical groups are identified as having been involved or consulted over the guidance. The National Parent Forum of Scotland is of course Scottish Government-funded and trans-inclusive.)

It’s a tidy little arrangement for all concerned. The quangos get scores of well-paid jobs – LGBTYS employed no fewer than 48 full-time staff last year, costing taxpayers over £1.1m, although clearly not enough to be able to answer emails – with little to no oversight or scrutiny, and are allowed to do whatever they want as long as they agree with the Scottish Government when called upon.

No amount of scandal is allowed to touch them. Events which would destroy ordinary charities are simply waved away, and present no obstacle to the patronage of First Ministers even while the charity is under police investigation.

(Although perhaps they feel sufficiently safe from prosecution while Police Scotland itself is raising money for the charity.)

But more and more light is slowly and painstakingly being shed on an organisation which very much prefers to operate in darkness, and we hope that the OSCR will be able to open windows and doors which at present are firmly closed because nobody wants the public to know what’s going on behind them.

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Brings a new meaning to the word ‘incestuous’.

Dorothy Devine

I never thought that I would see child protection take a back seat on something like this.
I never thought I would see a rainbow sporting police force in Scotland.
I never thought that a child’s education could be encroached upon in this manner.
I never thought that parents would keep silent on the subject or are they just unaware?
Come to think of it I never thought a beautiful rainbow could be purloined to promote grooming.

I. Despair

And notice the jargon of the school sector, government and the quango/charity hangers-on: all very keen to refer to children as “young people” because that makes them sound older and more mature: developmentally, educationally and, ah yes, sexually… which just happens to suit some people’s agendas very well.

Igor Stravinsky

I fear that in around 10 years time – perhaps earlier- the Scottish Government and NHS will face a tsunami of allegations of malpractice and civil claims from those who were ‘treated ‘ as Children.

The CASS review is unusual in this field as it cites actual evidence (and the utter lack of reliable evidence) and on the basis of it the UK Government and NHS have suddenly become firmer in outlawing some of these highly dubious practices practices and prescribing habits


Well done Stuart. This is good work that you are doing.


Thank you, Rev. It is appalling that any school, primary or above, is using “guidance” that is provided by completely unqualified people. It is yet another form of child abuse. How can the state get away with it?

You are taking one step more than anyone else is doing and I am grateful.

Anton Decadent

Someone somewhere is possibly writing a fictional, dystopian novel in which a senior government official of a fictitious government is blackmailed over children disappearing in Portugal.

Lorna Campbell

When all the ordure hits the fan – which it will, eventually – some people will sit back, their mouths in a round ‘o’ and say: how did this happen? Because the government you voted for promoted this stuff. Let’s use that word, ‘promoted’ because how could they possibly not know about the allegations made against this lot? That is the thing with all these ‘groomers’: they always tell it like it is to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The terminally dim light bulbs go down still screaming that it’s all lies. Poor Ash Regan is being torn to shreds by the dim light bulbs of the SNP who couldn’t tell a political offer from a tadpole.

If I discovered that a child of mine had been allowed by the school to change ‘gender’, I’d challenge the teachers, the council and the government that allowed it, then remove my child and home school, if necessary. Why, though, should everyone else budge up to let these people in? Why can’t they fit in around the majority? If they can’t just be ‘trans’ and leave everyone else, especially children, out of it. Many people are too spineless to object to anything, but others are complicit and others still are actively pushing this Queer Theory stuff on to children to hide the lie that it is all about being in the wrong body. Is it, aye? Well then, explain where your body has gone and whose body you are in by some mistake? Is the other person in your body? Do they know that? We’re waiting…


This government disgusts me with its duplicity and deviance. Labour will be no better though.

Ian McCubbin

Well done Stu. As a former PT Guidance and PT Supportnin 2 secondary schools where my job was pupil support and protection and nurture.
These revelations could be seen as abusive at best and certainly in some instances grooming.
I would find it difficult to now do the job in some of the schools illustrated here.
In my opinion this is appalling abuse of children.
Notice I use the term legally as children.


If SNP support this then call a press conference to tell everyone that their children ages 4
Can be approached by these people without parental permission.

Substantial tax payer funds are diverted to this group and some monies spent on Drag Queens with disgusting name being sent to primary schools.

Show it loud and proud on your election literature and manifesto.

These disturbed individuals are to have privileges over the child’s parents.

This would for sure wipe out all SNP candidates and remove all of their powers to support child abuse.

Lorna Campbell

Rev: just what does the SG do? I mean, everything is farmed out to lobbing groups. Do the civil servants, SPADS, researchers, etc. leave it all up to them? Are they all ‘trans’ affiliated, too? All of them? Does no one within that building ever think for him or her self? I believe someone in England is working on the total amount of public money given to these groups, and two councils I have heard about have all but bankrupted themselves while doling out money to these parasites in our midst – and not just a wee bit of money, but millions. While children go hungry, benefits are cut, transport is cut back, people wait for cancer treatment and hip replacements… Someone somewhere is going to reap the benefits of this stuff and it will be the corporates. Nothing else makes sense. They are using the ‘trans’ movement as an advance force, and they are backed, in turn, by the Queer Theorists of the universities and the Post Modernists of the Hard Left. It is a middle-class phenomenon. Only those with more money than sense could possibly afford to spend time on this ordure. Thank you for the tremendous work you do on this subject and many others.

John C

Here, for example, is the original LGBTYS advice on how to tackle the thorny issue of young girls wearing damaging “binders” in an attempt to appear more masculine by forcibly crushing their breasts against their ribcages

If people aren’t aware as to how bad binders are, I know a family where their daughter (now trying to pass as male) has been using binders since 2013. She has spinal issues, constant pain & her mobility has been seriously reduced to the point (in conjunction with the testosterone she’s on and the blockers she took) where she’s in her early 20s and walks with a stick.

If you give a drug addict heroin they’ll feel good. Give an alcoholic a drink and they’ll feel good. Give a mentally disturbed young girl who’s been told online & by the Scottish government that binders will make her feel better then she’ll feel good, even though like the addict and alcoholic the damage being done to pander to their problems is damaging, even life-threatening.

The fact the Scottish Government is following the advice of an organisation of zealots more interested in validating their own beleifs than science or actual healthcare should be something that brings a government down, but as we don’t have a functional media in the UK and they especially don’t want to deal with the effects of Trans ideology. That however, is slowly changing. Cass has had a definate effect hence why Labour are now desperately backtracking as the adults in that party know it’s going to win them more votes than they’ll lose and also, the lawsuits are starting to pile up & every time Trans ideology loses.

the charity is only supposed to be concerned with young people over the age of 13

They’ve ran groups for people aged between 13 and 25. It doesn’t take a genius to work out how that’s a safeguarding risk, especially in light of the police investigation and the previous scandals that involved them.

If however they’ve expanded into primary schools as show here then lets be blunt here, young children are at serious risk of being groomed without their parents, or possibly even their teachers knowing. At no other time in the last 40 years would an organisation with a paedophile scandal under their belt and an ongoing police investigation be let near any school pupil, let alone primary kids.

Also, why on earth are schools wanting to let adults talk to kids about sexuality & ‘gender identity’ who are still learning to read, write and have a basic education? It is as said, grooming in plain sight.

The quangos get scores of well-paid jobs – LGBTYS employed 48 full-time staff last year, costing taxpayers over £1.1m

If Labour do form a government in Holyrood, I hope they remove funding from LGBTYS and other such groups. Taxpayers at any time shouldn’t be funding them, and especially shouldn’t be funding them in a recession when people can’t heat their homes or eat, assuming of course, they have a home.

Betty Boop

Where are parents in all of this rotten mess? Why aren’t parents knocking on the school doors? Surely parents know at least something about what is going on. It’s a few years since I told a nominee for MSP candidate selection that if I had school age children I would withdraw them from school and find a way to have them educated without exposure to this evil.


We must keep these freaks away from our bairns.

John C

And notice the jargon of the school sector, government and the quango/charity hangers-on: all very keen to refer to children as “young people” because that makes them sound older and more mature: developmentally, educationally and, ah yes, sexually… which just happens to suit some people’s agendas very well.

I’ve no issues with kids from around 12 slowly getting a sex education, or primary schoolchildren being taught very basic things about how to protect themselves in the real and online world. Just as long as it’s based in reality and appropriate to an age group, so you don’t teach 5 year olds about contraception but you would 15/16 year olds.

But yes, ‘young people’ is a sly term that suddenly is being used to throw all ages together so we have no idea what 5 year olds are being taught, and who from LGBTYS is teaching them? We don’t even know if LGBTYS is putting their people through disclosure or even doing the basic screening one would expect as it seems they’re not hence this reluctance to answer these questions.

John C

I fear that in around 10 years time – perhaps earlier- the Scottish Government and NHS will face a tsunami of allegations of malpractice and civil claims from those who were ‘treated ‘ as Children.

If Sam Cowie’s allegations are proven in a police investigation to any degree then it should open up a mass of complaints, but that ultimately depends if there’s a political will to do so. Right now the SNP/Greens do not want any light shone on this, though this may change under Labour who are certainly making some better rhetoric on this but we’ll see what happens when they gain power in the general election.

Antoine Bisset

We are looking at activities that are close to rape? No one under 16 should be exposed to this propaganda, this grooming, this perversion of normal? Instead of promoting this repellent evil, schools should be safe havens?


I see this everywhere in the English press-

Research found 81% of people who took part in a public consultation agreed ‘with the intention for separate single-sex toilet facilities’.

So SNP can piss off 81% of the population and hope to be elected?

More chance of a snowball fight in the Gobi Desert!

John C

just what does the SG do? I mean, everything is farmed out to lobbing groups. Do the civil servants, SPADS, researchers, etc. leave it all up to them? Are they all ‘trans’ affiliated, too? All of them? Does no one within that building ever think for him or her self?

People are believers in Trans/Queer ideology or too scared to say anything should they lose their jobs or worse. It’s an awful situation and I fear in the future we’re going to see inquests & prosecutions but the damage will have been done. I fear for those kids now who when they hit their late 20s and 30s will have to face up to what’s happened to them & their bodies. We’re seeing now many of the first wave of people who transitioned in the late 2000s to 2016/7 starting to launch lawsuits and detransitioner forums are rammed with horror stories.

John C

We are looking at activities that are close to rape?

If you search for Sam Cowie’s account on Twitter then that will explain the reason why LGBTYS are being investigated by the police, but basically yes. LGBTYS have also had a massive paedophile scandal in the past as well.


And this shit will continue unabated under Swinney’s tenure.


I generally avoid commenting on the LBTG, or whatever it is called, shit as it is simply a mental disease with another name.

Most primary school kids have notions to be ‘something’ when they are older. It might be a footballer, a nurse, a train driver, superman/girl or whatever but, as they mature, their ambitions generally change of their own free will. A primary school boy wanting to be a girl, or a girl a boy, will, in 99.99% of cases, grow out of this phase. Those ‘charities’, basically operating under the radar, but with Government approval and funding should be a concern to ALL NORMAL adults in Scotland, yet I see very little reporting of this in the mainstream media and I have to ask the question WHY?

I have only ever seen one adult male trying to be ‘a woman’ by wearing a dress and what a sorry figure it looked.

I have 4 grandchildren in 2 different primary schools in Scotland and have today written to the respective head teachers asking for clarity on their policy. More people should do the same.

Every day Scotland sinks lower in so many ways.

Not one comment on this thread about 300 year old shite, Colonialism pish, Sovereignty mince etc. How long will that last?


One thing to ponder is where would we be now if the “Named Person” scheme hadn’t been blocked by UKSC?

Taken in combination with the above mentioned revelations, that Named Person scheme now seems to take on a more sinister character. “There but for the grace of God…”


Swinney in. Dad’s Army here we come. Don’t tell them your name Pike! Let’s do the time warp again. I give this a month tops.

Eddie H

I second,
peter says:
6 May, 2024 at 3:24 pm
Well done Stuart. This is good work that you are doing.


I usually ignore this POS but ‘being gay is a mental disease’ is a new low.

Garavelli Princip

Interesting to see that your list of contaminated schools contains none from the RC sector.

I have been opposed to segregated schools having attended one myself in that sector. (I sent my own children to non-denominational schools).

But it looks like the RCs are holding the line on the contamination of children’s minds by what was always called ‘filth’. A good term in my view. Primary children are far too young for explicit sexual information of any kind, and should NEVER be exposed to perversion.

I guess I am going to have to review my position on school segregation.

Yet another unfortunate consequence of the pervo NuSNP-Green coalition.


Section 28 looking pretty good at this point. That should be a sobering thought.


Welcome to the NuSNP’s Scotland where you can feel free to leave your morals, but not your children, at the door.


It’s absolutely astonishing that these people can just keep doing whatever they want, in plain sight, reaping public subsidies, without anyone in a position of authority holding them to account. It’s a huge scandal waiting to happen, except that I question whether these tangled knots of corruption will ever get unraveled.

I’m very relieved that the Edinburgh secondary school my own daughters attended had no truck with LGBTYS. We had the Stonewall posters and the gender neutral bathrooms, of course, but we got off lightly.


It’s a good question. Why aren’t the press & media on this? Don’t they have children/grandchildren?
This is worse than grooming gangs due to the fact it’s in the throws of being made legal!!!
The police, press and media need to take action before the public does. This could get very nasty.


This sh1t is classic Newspeak, surely? Scare us all into silence and normalise their batshit crazy policies. Sleep into this or rebel and kick them all out asap. Enough!

George Ferguson

A brilliant piece of investigative journalism Stu. I think you should be nominated for an Award. The consequences of these shenanigans are real. Parents home schooling is one determinant of State avoidance. Swinney has a short time to reversed 10 years of this pish.


There’s a world of difference between 13 year olds and 25 years old anyway. They should never be allowed to extend their remit to younger kids.

Though slithering downwards is what they do.

George Ferguson

A brilliant piece of investigative journalism Stu. You should get an Award. There are real time consequences to allowing the degradation of social norms. A determinant being the avoidance of State controlled public education. I think the SNP have woken up to an existential electoral threat on their horizon. Back pedalling furiously now. Prepare for an election soon. The Greens will not tolerate a reversal of so called Progressive Policies. Or as I called them Pervy Policies.

Louise Hogg

If they are government funded, can a FOI request not be used, to get a list of which schools they operate, or have ever operated in?

Can FOI requests also elicit a list of schools containing one or more trans/socially transitioned children?

And information about whether such children have ever been allowed to share overnight accommodation intended for the opposite sex?

They might try to say they hold no such information. But if they do, request info on whether any of the trans/socially transitioned children have attended overnight camps/events.

If this returns a positive, request info on the risk assessments carried out. If they don’t have any, contact school inspector as to why not.

If they have risk assessments, request FOI on whether cross-sex overnight accommodation happened. (All duly anonymised obviously. None of the children involved should be identified.). If cross-sex overnight accommodation HAS been used, the parents in those catchment areas or local authorities might be interested to know …


Why would the Unionist Media mention it now when they have an atomic bomb to
drop at election time?

Give the SNP more rope maybe every home will be forced to have signs on their doors to say Trans Pissers and Drag Queens made welcome.

Maybe we could give the cocks in frocks free toilet paper to go with the free feminine hygiene products they can’t be refused.

We have plenty of money to waste don’t we?


Our laws set an age of consent to protect our young from sexual activity before they are mature enough to be aware of the life-changing consequences.

Surely this is a age below which they are also not mature enough to make the decision to destroy their reproductive organs.

This whole youth rainbow business has the stench of paedophile infiltration and grooming.

Hatey McHateface

“LGBT Youth Scotland is proud that Scotland is the first country in the world to have lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inclusive education”

I’m not proud at all, quite the opposite.

I will be proud when the inevitable reaction to this home-grown travesty that is rapidly gaining momentum ensures that Scotland is the only country in the world and the last country in the world to have lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inclusive education.

That will be something to be proud about.

Something else I’m not proud of. Rev Stu’s list of primary schools has over half of them in Glasgow. I really hope that’s because Rev Stu has had difficulty identifying them all, and that once he does so, Glasgow’s disgraceful over-representation in the list will disappear.

As for Yousaf, I was never proud of him, not once.


A couple of relevant articles from earlier this year highlighting other sources where this subject matter is emanating from.

link to

link to

Agent x

Swinney should be the topic today.

Lorna Campbell

Yes, why have you never been nominated? No reason I can see why bloggers cannot be nominated. They are still journalists. Imagine the stooshie, though.

David Hannah

Excellent work as ever by Wings Over Scotland. The best investigative journalist in Britain my opinion.

Good to see there’s no Catholic schools on that list of child grooming. Let’s hope it’s a thing of the past that brought shame upon the Catholic church and does still today.

The schools captured by Woke ideology have been named and shamed.

It’s time to make the head teachers position untenable.

David Hannah

Bring in the death penalty for child groomers. Hang them by their testicles. That would my preference. But Turkey’s don’t vote for Christmas – so it would have to be when the SNP/Green Government are removed from office.


The SNP has been in power for almost 17 years at Holyrood and the major party at Westminster for nearly 10 years. At this time, most parties have run out of ideas and feels stale where they will lose power.

With the bombshell of the contents of this article, which the unionist MSM, as other posters have mentioned, will drop into the public consciousness just before the election, it is going to turn into a disaster for the SNP.

If this does come to fruition, only the SNP have themselves to blame.

George Ferguson

If I were Swinney trying to save the SNP what would I do? Immediately repeal the GRRB which hangs over us all. Repeal the HCA. Don’t proceed with conversion therapies you will lose Greens but ask the Conservatives to support your motions. I very thin pathway to save the SNP. Tick tock.

Ian Smith

What the hell have we become?

Why the hell has Humza departure not been used for a clear out, rather than promoting a man front and centre at the spiral down into the cesspit?

Alf Baird

Agent x @ 8:50 pm

“Swinney should be the topic today.”

He is. Swinney’s colonial administration are the facilitators and funders of this highly damaging gender ideology and promoters of related bad legislation, which has absolutely nothing to do with his supposed core objective of independence.


“Swinney should be the topic today.”

Agent x

‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss’.

Sturgeon in a cheap suit.

What’s to discuss? His choice of hair tonic?

Billy Carlin

The biggest laugh is these NGO’s being classed as “charities” when they are listed on Dun & Bradstreet as Private Companies and being traded on the New York Stock Exchange for PROFIT and worth $BILLIONS at least so you have got to ask yourselves why is the Scottish Government, Councils etc putting all that money into these so called “charities”.

The answer is is that the Governments, Councils etc are also listed on Dun & Bradstreet and all being traded on the New York Stock Exchange as well and all worth $HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS at least and yet there is supposed to be no money for doing the things that need to be done in our countries while all of the profits from these tradings go to the Mafias that really own and control everything in the back ground who created and control all of these Private Corporations listed on Dun & Bradstreet including ALL of these LGBT’s including the Youth wings, Green NGO scams etc etc and one of the biggest scams on the planet the cancer “charities” worth $BILLIONS at least on Dun & Bradstreet and the New York Stock Exchange while they kid on they are “seeking a cure” while hiding all of the natural cures that would kill off their massive money making scam and massive profits for their drug companies with their useless treatments that have a 97% failure rate.

That is the big question that should be asked of the the governments and councils re their funding to these FAKE charities such as LGBT Youth Scotland. Go to Dun & Bradstreet and in the Company Search put in “LGBT Youth” and you will find them there.

James Barr Gardner

Whits next ? Angus Robertson in the cabinette ?

Saffron Robe

First class work, Stuart, shinning a light on the depravity and corruption at the heart of government and what is essentially state-sponsored child abuse.

David Hannah

Billy Carlin:

“That is the big question that should be asked of the the governments and councils re their funding to these FAKE charities such as LGBT Youth Scotland. Go to Dun & Bradstreet and in the Company Search put in “LGBT Youth” and you will find them there.”

I’ve just checked out that website. It says their office is located on 30 Bell Street, GLASGOW,G1 1LG,GB. The heart of the Merchant City. In the same building as the Scottish Police Museum.

Very sinister indeed. The police don’t have to go far to find the paedophiles. It looks like they share a building together.

Sickening stuff. Isn’t it?

David Hannah

LGBT Youth Scotland Offices:

30 Bell Street,

26-28 Brewery Street,

Mitchell House,

The Paedophile organisation child grooming gangs have three offices as above.

David Hannah

First floor of 30 Bell Street, Merchant City, Glasgow, G1 1LG

The Glasgow Police Museum literally shares the same floor as the child grooming gang – LGBT Youth Scotland…

No wonder the rainbow lanyards feel like they can get away with anything they like.

They’re having donuts and coffee with Joe Farrell’s hate crime boot boys every morning. No doubt they all go out to the Polo Lounge just around the corner after work for some grooming…

They make me sick!

David Hannah

That’s the same building as the Scottish Police Museum.

OK Stirling…. OOT THE CAR!

Fucking hell!


I had hoped this subject and others would disappear. But it looks like the SNP is going to remain beholden to the Greens and they will undoubtedly persist with their ungodly and anti-human agenda. Oh well.

How long before Swinney is in crisis? How long before his government is in crisis? How long before the next motion of no confidence? Things to look forward to… I don’t think they will make it to Christmas.

We have much else to look forward. The investigations will surely develop and reach a conclusion in the next few weeks. The General Election is going to be a hoot. And we have Scotland in the Euro cup finals…

Of course, that’s all on the basis that we don’t get vaporised anytime soon.


Ignored says:
6 May, 2024 at 10:03 pm
The SNP has been in power for almost 17 years at Holyrood…

7 years were priceless, 10 years worthless.

I wonder if the SNP’s bitter animosity towards Alex Salmond stems from their own dismal inadequacies compounded by narcissistic hubris.

I really don’t know how any of these shameless parasitic c#!%ts can look the people of Scotland in the eye. I despise them all, as deeply as somebody abused despises their abuser.

The tragedy is, Alex Salmond, the clever and mighty architect of those progressive seven years and who awakened such glowing aspirations in our people, has been on hand and faithful to the cause throughout, steadfast in his objective, yet his appalling treatment by these loathsome jerk-offs has been nothing short of scandalous; a shameful and embarrassing indictment upon Scotland’s lamentable shambles masquerading as a “government”.

Impeach Holyrood. Bury it deep. End this deception and free Scotland from the blight of colonial subjugation.

Raise our people to be the stoic and steadfast Scots of old, firm in grim resolve, but equally progressive, creative and enlightened. Stop electing these intolerable frauds and charlatans as our champions and representatives. They bring shame upon us all.


The travesty is when all this deviancy and perversion is finally stopped and the claims for compensation are piling up with the no win no fee lot, WHO will be paying for this lunacy, the poor Scottish taxpayer, all the perverts and creeps will have disappeared over the horizon with their ill gotten gains

When independent we must bring in an effective corporate responsibility bill where clowns like these will face the repercussions of their actions, they are all desperate to be given the big salaries and great pension pots but everyone of them runs away from any responsibility when they are exposed


Evidence of the extreme minority fully in control of the wrecking-ball levers, aka “Cancel Culture”, and coming to a school and council near YOU. Sturgeon’s Scotland!

Hatey McHateface

@ twathater says: 7 May, 2024 at 3:08 am

“WHO will be paying for this lunacy, the poor Scottish taxpayer”

The ink’s barely dry on your last post, where you were shouting that anybody who objects to paying the extra Scottish taxes should fuck off to England.

I couldn’t make this stuff up, but fair play to you, you can do it in your sleep.

Seeing as AS is under discussion above, can anybody ever remember him saying “Pay more tax for Scotland”? As I recall, during the years when he held sway, Indy was going to make us richer, not squeeze us until the pips squeaked.

socrates macsporran

Well, if we didn’t know before – we ken noo.

In all the video clips and sound bites from Swinney’s coronation yesterday, the one word he failed to utter – or we were allowed to hear him use was INDEPENDENCE.

We’ve been fooled again, he’s a devolutionist; fighting for Independence is the last thing on his mind, it would get in the way of his pension planning.

Hatey McHateface

@ Breeks says: 7 May, 2024 at 2:20 am

“I wonder if the SNP’s bitter animosity towards Alex Salmond stems from their own dismal inadequacies”

Of course it does.

Sorry to see you use the increasingly discredited term “progressive” twice. We’ve had more than enough of “progressive” policies, the resultant destruction is all around us to see, and the tide of “progressivism” is now on the turn.

It was “progressive” policies that gave us Yousaf, a stain on Scotland’s historic honour that can never be expunged.

The pendulum of history is now on the return stroke and is gathering momentum. That’s always the way when historic errors have to be corrected. Those who cling to the idea that “progressive” policies are still the solution are going to be bitterly disappointed.

None of this in anyway precludes Independence. But it does mean that Indy needs to get with the zeitgeist and ditch the “progressive” baggage.

Starmer’s promised five years will be enough to kill the idea of “progressive” for a generation. Nothing focuses the collective mind on the basics better than bankruptcy.

Rab Clark

@Confused (on previous thread) –

Thanks for posting link to that Sturgeon/Council on Foreign Relations interview, hadn’t seen it before.

Not an easy watch, had to take it in small doses as her voice and gallusness induces nausea.

My take-away was that the hosts wanted assurance that independent Scotland wouldn’t be a nuisance and she was more than happy to provide the same, in spades.

Curious for your thoughts on it.

link to


Bring the MET GALA to Scotland, freaky politics, deserves a freaky people show.
LBGTXYZ in its element and all in such exceptionally bad taste.
Given enough rope……


Even the Torygraph…

«maybe history is about to be made, with the Tories facing as wretched a plight as the country itself»

link to

Now, what is the SNP doing to take advantage of this opportunity…this opportunity…this opportunity…


We are way beyond the Cuban missile crisis here… I genuinely now think WWIII is more likely than not.

I believe the same is true of the use of some form of ‘tactical’ nuclear weapon. Either in Ukr@ine or Isr@el or both.

But reading this latest article, Scotland being incinerated in a nuclear hellfire is perhaps a fitting end. Every mushroom cloud has a silver lining…

Hard to argue when your own Government is endlessly thinking up new ways to abuse your children, actual full on child abuse.

And going into Primary Schools with weirdos who want to talk to them about their genitals. That is so disgusting it is hard to put into words.

It really shows that these people are, for all intents and purposes, evil.


A good interesting read from the year Sturgeon lost 21 seats in the general election:


ALSO NOTE: January 2017 was the time Sturgeon started going much bigger on “gender equality” to appeal to the female vote. But we all now know what her true motivation regarding “gender” was. A childless individual playing absurd dangerous games with everyone else’s children.


The little French fanny has officially sent the foreign legion to Ukr@ine. That is as good as deploying NATO troops and is crossing a clear red line that has been spelled out, over and over again.

The Ru$$ians are now drilling with non-strategic (their term for tactical) nuclear weapons. They will use them, they have said so, over and over again.

Meanwhile it is glaringly obvious by now that Isr@el has been hijacked by religious fanatics (supremacists). The demographics there mean now there is no going back, it is a runaway train of ever increasing extremism, insanity. There is no one there to stop it.

The US is supposedly run by a senile old man, the neocons pulling the strings in his regime are fully on board with what the fanatics want despite what they might say for domestic consumption. Trump will be the same if not worse in this regard.

Isr@el is on a course of self destruction and if that happens the chances of them using a nuclear weapon become a near certainty. And they are on a path of self destruction… They openly talk of the ‘Samson Option’. 100-300 nuclear weapons in their arsenal.

It’s happening folks, it is hard to see how it is not given the circumstances.

Curiously Candace Owens has gone all-in on saying that Macron’s wife is a transwoman…. Would anyone on here be surprised at this point. I know I am not.

A lot of things seem to be converging and not in a good way.

If this kicks off in a major exchange the UK is toast, literal toast. ‘We’ have played a big role in bringing all of this to be. I have no idea why but apparently ‘we’ have.

War is coming.


Scotland is a colony.
Colonists require willing indigenous collaborators to keep the robbery going.

Scotland ticks all the boxes.

A foreign power overseas everything from our elections to our borders. From policy to our resources. From what democracy is allowed & what isn’t. From civil servants to permanent secretaries.

The SNP SHOULD drop the word “Independence” & the YES movement needs to drop all mention of the SNP as an indy party.

They’re a unionist party now & have been since nasty Nic took office. Think back to 2014 – we had WM by the nuts. Momentum was soaring. Scotland, for the very first time, had something to actually vote for. Membership was up. Hydro full to capacity. Sturgeon took office & immediately capitulated to the Smith Commission. A set of fcking worthless “recommendations” that were not even put into law.. wtf does that? A unionist does that. Smith not worth the paper it was written on as was proved less than a year later with “Now is not the time” Who accepts that answer with not only the momentum of a whole nation but with a solid triple mandate in their pocket? A unionist does.

There’s no revival (honestly, who amongst them would you keep? LOL!)

The lunatic policies, the authoritarian bullshit, the incompetent government, the endless bullshit of using independence to be elected, the pretendy “democracy” the pretendy “parliament” (That can’t take a shit without permission) The copious amounts spent on unelected lobbyists for fuckwittery. Even down to the pretendy police. All from the colonisers playbook.

There is no surprise with this article. It’s already been prosecuted for being a pedophillia ring but it still exists receiving government funds, breaking rules & now advising government. Why is that? Have the lost their fcking mind? No. They want to make the YES movement as unpalatable as possible.

Lay with dogs & you’ll end up with fleas. The YES movement must disassociate itself from the SNP completely.

Independence was NOT party political until Sturgeon took office and assumed it along with all the roasters she selected to stand.

Swinney should drop independence from his lips just like the independence movement should drop him & his unionist cabal the first chance we get & don’t forget their deranged lunatic friends, the Greens, who are no more environmental or indy as nukes are.

Philip Patrick

I like Craig Murray’s ‘troughocracry’ to describe the SG but I would suggest ‘nonceocracy’ now has some validity too. It goes without saying how appalling this is and what a sick society we are becoming. But does no one else see a link between the creation of the Scottish parliament and this vertiginous decline? Regardless of how you feel about ‘indy’ can anyone now make a case for the benefits of devolution? We desperately need fewer layers of government, fewer politicians and the people to be left alone to get on with their lives unmolested by these opportunistic ghouls. It’s time not just to leave the kids alone but leave people alone. Abolish Holyrood.


“We are way beyond the Cuban missile crisis here… I genuinely now think WWIII is more likely than not.”


The Axis of Evil are deep into preparations for an invasion of Yemen, this may well be where it all starts.

Ian Smith


The indy movement would be in a much better place if it were to drop the instinctive campaigning and associations with all the problem spots of the world, the knee jerk reaction that everyone, everywhere needs to hear our opinion. To be told how the most progressive wee country in the world thinks should happen. Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, Burma, wherever.

One of our few advantages going for us is being in a relatively calm part of the world.

We have plenty of our own problems and nothing to gain from importing others. Unless you are campaigning for international awards.

In fact it is one of the most compelling reasons to detach from the Foreign and Commonwealth office, which are even more fanatic about involvement or opinion on everything, as if the last century hadn’t happened.


The nonce’ification of the SNPG is very much in line with the nonceocracy that is Westminster.

Thatcher’s government for example was stuffed full of nonces and that was 40 years ago. Three letters from her imploring that Jimmy Saville be knighted… who was best pals with the current King! By the way, how is Prince Andrew doing these days anyone know?

And all that long before devolution. Hmmm how can that be.

I think we all know where all the never ending nonce’ry is coming from Phil. It is your M.O..


Holyrood should be abolished. It’s a colonial outpost on Scottish soil.

Nothing meaningful can ever happen there without meddlers from top to bottom.

It served it’s purpose. Unelected unionists can only yoon at how shit everything is while doing fck all to make things better. That’s because they’re not supposed to make things better.

Salmond was a fluke. They never thought indy would be that close.

Close it & reconvene the real Scottish parliament. A Scottish convention & a return to the Scottish estates with no Scotland Act bullshit.

Holyrood was only a sticking plaster. Now it’s a liability. An endless parade of free seats, talking endless guff with endless sub divisions of cadgers pushing endless bullshit nobody wants because that’s all they’re permitted to do.

Scotwind needs a full investigation. That’s another scandal that receives very little attention. Foreign owners cashing in on millions while Scotlands landscape is trashed & we’re energy piss poor.

Captain Caveman

Philip Patrick says:

“But does no one else see a link between the creation of the Scottish parliament and this vertiginous decline? Regardless of how you feel about ‘indy’ can anyone now make a case for the benefits of devolution?”

I think the thing to bear in mind is this: the individuals at the centre of all this are home grown Scottish politicians. That being the case, were Scotland to be independent tomorrow, it’d be these same individuals, those members of the ruling political class, who would be *wholly* in charge (e.g. without the benefit of having the WM Conservative Party block the worst excesses of the devolved Scottish Parliament, when acting beyond its reserved powers).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: given all of the above, can anyone in all conscience honestly say they’d want independence tomorrow, if it was possible? I shudder to think what dystopian depths would be plumbed if such a thing were possible. Ugh.

James Che


You forgot Cyril Smith, in Westminster and a few others.

Graf Midgehunter

Graeme McCormick is the next one to lay down with the dogs and Iain Lawson is rightly not very happy.

link to

If you want independence you’re going to have to fight for it. Non-violent of course.

Start with the GE. No votes for the SNP. (Plenty for ALBA, ISP and independents)

No MPs – no short money (broke!)
No members – no subs


Anton Decadent

Here is a photo from a drag queen story hour in a public library in the US, the toddlers present have been cropped from the image. Demonic?

comment image


James Che
Ignored says:
7 May, 2024 at 11:36 am

You forgot Cyril Smith, in Westminster and a few others.

It’s always the fault of WM or the English with you lot isn’t it. You have to take responsibility for your own actions. When you learn this lesson you will be ready for independence but thats a long way off.

Anyhow, the English establishment is full of nonces. Agreed. But the difference is they are bad individuals whereas your government is promoting noncery and making it policy.

Own it!

Alf Baird

Captain Caveman @ 11:35 am

“I think the thing to bear in mind is this: the individuals at the centre of all this are home grown Scottish politicians.”

Not quite.

Evans, Slater, Chapman, Lloyd, Farrell etc etc?

UK civil service elites aye sent north by Whitehall to ‘manage’ the UK’s Scotland ‘department’?

More generally, elites are mainly recruited from outside Scotland to head up most of our social institutions (e.g. 16 out of 19 universities)?

The more privileged native elites with a ‘colonial mindset’, i.e. the most assimilated native group, hold only to the ideology and values of the colonizer, and protects their interests?

Postcolonial theory confirms all this, and that all an oppressed people can ever expect from a colonial administration is ‘a mediocre meritocracy’ (Fanon), widening inequality (Cesaire), and worse. Holyrood and the ‘devolved’ Scottish Government prove the theory in all respects.

Scots are not to blame, the UK ‘internal colonial’ system is.


In the good old days England would have sent an army to slaughter us annoying Scots getting in the way of its plundering.

But England probably wouldn’t get away with that approach in the 21st century – Scotland would be independent within a fortnight if it tried, in spirit at least if not actually. And even then Scotland’s actual liberation would be a matter of some little time and inevitable.

The military option being unavailable, England in its stead cunningly uses its colonial administration service, or the Scottish Government as it calls it, to introduce strange, perverted ideologies and implement new and weird legislation in Scotland in an attempt to induce the Scots to slaughter themselves out of despair.

I’m fairly confident England’s machinations will fail, though. It couldn’t even hold onto an empire that dominated a quarter of the planet at one time. Inept or what?

In England’s diminished current state it’s unlikely to hold on to its last colony for much longer either.

And then the Scots can just toss aw the weird stuff they’ve hid tae endure oot the windae an intae the midden; along with all those who implemented and enabled it – metaphorically speaking of course ( or perhaps, more literally, intae the jail).

James Che

Simply extending their policies to Scotland , through civil servants and a fake Scottish SNP party as a front in their wee pretendy sub parliament,

Calling it the laws of Scotland, but through their “Scotland Act” and of course given royal assent by the Monarch,


Sturgeon and her rainbow army of deviants.


Off Topic interesting factoid;
The term “Nonce” originates from high security Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital where certain patients were classed as “Not On Normal Concourse Exercise”, for periods extending from a few days to their entire detention.
Often this was due to them being regarded as quite exceptionally dangerous to staff or other patients.
The term then spread to Prisons and was applied to sex offenders who were segregated from the general populace for their own protection, to finally be thought of in terms of sexual predators only.


On the 7 May, 2024 at 12:09 pm The buck-toothed Baird said…

Scots are not to blame, the UK ‘internal colonial’ system is.

I refer you to my midday post.


Top class research and facts, Stuart.
Parents especially need to wake up to the fact that our government is stuffed full of state sanctioned child abusers. Schools are not supposed to be political activism training camps yet Stonewall and the government are joined at the hip, thick as thieves, regarding guidance for schools on the “ trans “ bullshit.

“Trans” is an illusion, a lie. Billions of dollars are behind the “ trans gender” ideology, a marketing campaign by pharma corporations and industries selling drugs and mutilating surgery. The absurd belief that a man can be a woman and the heinous proposition that a child can be born in the wrong body, allowing schools to politically indoctrinate children and failing to act on foreseeable harms with thei gender ideology.

The Equality Act 2010 is misrepresented by charlatans posing as educators. There is no such thing as “trans” or “gender” identity in law. Concerned parents should raise a class action to sue the government and head teachers for breaking the law in imposing this curriculum in schools, obsessed by so called “sexual health” showing graphic sexual images designed to excite and titillate for the sexual gratification of vested interests.

This is unlawful and criminal. This concurs with the NSPCC’s definition of non contact offences of child abuse. This government is eroding the safeguards built up for our children, in plain sight now. They need to be removed from power and if the SNP thinks that John Swinney, aka the Nosferatu of the daylight hours, is the answer, I predict and hope for a massive wipe out of seats.We can’t wait to get rid of you.

Philip Patrick

David Starkey: ‘Scottish devolution in 1998 creat(ed) this grotesque parody of a government in Edinburgh, contriving to reproduce all the worst features of pre-union Scotland: the factionalism, the corruption, the idiotic Knoxian pursuit of purity, every single undesirable feature of clannism and Calvinism combined in the detestable person of Nicola Sturgeon’


Alf Baird


“your government is promoting noncery and making it policy”

A colonial administration is never a government of a native people seeking liberation, rather, it is an arm and often the boot of their oppressor.

As Sartre put it:

“Here, the mother country is satisfied to keep some feudal rulers in her pay; there, dividing and ruling she has created a native bourgeoisie, sham from beginning to end; elsewhere she has played a double game: the colony is planted with se****rs and exploited at the same time (as) the tin-pot bourgeoisies are placed in the colonial saddle”.

Captain Caveman

@ Alf Baird

“A colonial administration is never a government of a native people seeking liberation, rather, it is an arm and often the boot of their oppressor.”

Honestly, I reckon when your bloody toast falls butter side down is because (checks notes) “ mumble mumble CoLOnIALism(tm)”

Change the bloody record.

Tinto Chiel

@Anton Decadent 11.54: I suppose it’s a small thing really in these dark and very dangerous times but I find the appropriation and subversion by these twisted people of something as naturally wondrous, fragile and beautiful as a rainbow to be deeply offensive. It must be my age or the poet in me, maybe.

Evil seems to be in the ascendancy in our world, most of it to be found in the “elites” and the completely compromised and corrupted political class, who arrogantly ignore the concerns of their constituents and slavishly obey their parties’ lobbyists and donors, some of the most sinister and authoritarian entities on Earth.

The party system is now more obviously than ever the enemy of democracy. Somehow truly independent “active citizens” (to use an 18th century term) need to stand for election and replace the amoral troughers in Holyrood and WM but success for individuals in our political system is very difficult to achieve.

Ironically, a Unity is Strength approach to make truly independent MPs more effective tends to lead us back to the party system and all its corruption.

Oh for a “None of The Above” option at every election so that politicians know that this rotten system confers no legitimacy to them in our eyes, but that’s never going to happen.

And how low would voter turn out have to go before they accepted they have no real mandate from the electorate?


Christine at 12:57

“There is no such thing as “trans” or “gender” identity in law”

To my understanding this should be true, as the legislation, for now unamended, removes ambiguity from the identity issue – if you have the paperwork, you have a new identity and a new gender (?). Now correct me if I’m wrong, and apologies if this has been said elsewhere, but doesn’t the inclusion of trans gender identity in the hate crime bill as a protected characteristic introduce trans gender self identification into Scots law?

We have (at least) one law that recognises it now, despite the law about the recognition of gender reassignment not aligning with it.


Geri @ 9.42am and 11.22am
Succinctly put, Geri. This needs to be said more widely until folks get it.


Alf Baird speaks and his decriers come running in gleeful anticipation of their attack; ready and all too willing to flaunt their vulgar despisal of Scotland and the Scots.

Alf Baird speaks and his decriers come to heel, scampering to oblige his summons; their ill-considered non-think slides easily from drooling keyboards.

Alf Baird speaks and in a frantic flurry of fulminating vitriol his decriers, at his command, bark their ignorant doodlings for all to see.

Alf Baird welcomes, I am sure, the often childishly crude and rude retorts to his maturely measured comments. For in those retorts the face of Scotland’s oppression is revealed; underscoring in vulgar gaudy flashing neon-lit lettering the truth of his argument.

Every threadbare worn and weary wearisome word attacking the premise that postcolonial theory is manifest in contemporary Scotland serves only to secure the veracity of that premise.


“A colonial administration is never a government of a native people seeking liberation, rather, it is an arm and often the boot of their oppressor.”

Spot on Alf keep em coming

Captain Caveman

“Alf Baird speaks and his decriers come running in gleeful anticipation of their attack; ready and all too willing to flaunt their vulgar despisal of Scotland and the Scots.”

Alf Baird speaks utter mince mate. It’s got nothing to do with “despisal” of Scotland and the Scots – I love Scotland and her beautiful lands and (most) of her people, from whom a finer hospitality I’ve yet to find anywhere.

What I do despise, though, are the things that Stu points out in his piece above – and those who refuse to take any collective responsibility for it & endlessly blame the English or whoever else. I’m right wing and I completely accept collective responsibility for all sorts of stuff, ranging from the Lawson Boom, the sale of council housing stock at rock bottom prices, austerity and above all, Brexit. It’s a heavy burden, right enough, but lessons are (hopefully) learned this way, in this grown up world.

The Left, typically, never accepts any responsibility for anything whatsoever – and will use any tactic to ensure this happens, ranging from abject denial to revisionism. The playbook of the Left reads like the bloody Narcissists’ Prayer.

Just inserting “colonialism” in response to whatever the grievance du jour happens to be is about as weak as sauce gets. As Blimp notes, facing up to the manifest unforced errors of your own side is the first step to rehabilitation.



Are you forgetting Westminster is half Scottish?

You prove Alfs point regards meddlers & those with a sense of entitlement.

Not only yer arrogance in assuming Westminster is English but also yer presence here on a Scottish independence website, meddling in Scottish politics & a Scottish parliament.

Why is that do ya think?

You’re English. You live in England. What is the SNP to you? They don’t stand in Manchester (tho hold that thought)…

Coming on here telling us we’re not colonised lol

Take yer time…


Captain Caveman

It’d help if you stuck to facts.





Can we hold a referendum? No.
Can we control our own borders? No.
Can we collect ALL revenues from our own resources? No.
Can we exercise democracy? No.

Yer colonisers. Own it.


I see the brain dead praising Professor Plagiarism.
I often wonder if Baird has an original thought in his head as he constantly refers to his ‘heroes’ in his repetitive junk.
If Alba is ever going to make ground in Scotland it simply has to take votes from disillusioned SNP voters. I wonder how many people falling into that category, visit Wings, and read the bilge posted by Baird, Che and a good few others and subsequently form the impression ‘not for me-the site is full of nutters’?
5 out of the 8 I regularly golf with have done exactly that and are now politically homeless.

Captain Caveman

@ Geri

Yawn. “It wisnae me”

Actually, Scotland did vote for these numpties in their droves: “Oor Nikla” was politically *untouchable* for a decade despite all the warning signs; “Both votes SNP”, “SNPBAAAAD”, remember?

Like I said. Narcissists’ Prayer. Own it.


“Just inserting “colonialism” in response to whatever the grievance du jour happens to be is about as weak as sauce gets. As Blimp notes, facing up to the manifest unforced errors of your own side is the first step to rehabilitation.”

We own nothing until we have a fully independent parliament.

No one in Scotland voted for this shit other than a minority Greens.
No one in the parliament we have is even fcking registered in this country.

The yoons take up the free cheap seats gifted to them by a foreign country, under a foreign country’s elections & under a foreign country’s rules, with foreign MSPs registered to a foreign country..

We’ll own shit when it’s ours to own, pal.

You & dasBlimp conveniently forget three, yes THREE Yoon parties voted for this shit through parliament LOL! Did you forget that bit?

Haven’t you Brexshit to worry about?


Alf Baird
Ignored says:
7 May, 2024 at 12:58 pm

Meh. Whats up Doc?


“Actually, Scotland did vote for these numpties in their droves: “

No they didn’t actually. This wasn’t in the SNP manifesto. Not even in debates. It just magically appeared.

SNP gave their indyref mandate to the lunatic Greens who implemented this shit.

A devious act that would never have been permitted in an independent Scotland with our OWN voting rules & our OWN parliament constitution. Going off on an unscripted tangent would be forbidden. People would be able to sack their government. We can’t. Why not? Cause of the moronic, outdated, antiquated pish of Westminster. No one else.

Three Yoon parties voted for this. What’s yer excuse for them? We’re they just having an off day?


I see the Raptors have shown up..

Colonisers tend to lose their shit at being called colonisers.

Keep up the good work Alf. It hits their spot.

They’ve nothing but insults.


“5 out of the 8 I regularly golf with have done exactly that and are now politically homeless.”

They must be as moronic as you then.

The last time I looked this site stopped supporting the SNP years ago LMAO!

You really must try harder. No “top trolling” badge for you this month. Stick to making the tea.


Alf Baird speaks truth. Alf Baird speaks truth and therefore his argument logically, rhetorically, and by any measure of common sense alone, is unassailable .

No amount of diversion or barely rational false equivalence or fantastical pre-determined outcomes or any one of the host of fallacies built into the ‘arguments’ put forward by erroneous Unionist thinking can alter the truth.

The truth is this: Scotland is a colony.

And as a colony Scotland’s indigenous people, despite the most meagre of illusions of self-determination suggesting the contrary, have no say at all, none at all, in what happens to them in their own country and in their name.

Scotland is a colony. The Scots need to understand what that means for them…and then they need to do something about it.



Do you accept that most colonies had their own governments.

Do you accept that control over the British colony is kept by “reserved” powers.

Do you accept that in most British colonies an elite helped the colonisers to maintain their hold?

Do you accept that Scotland was forced by law to speak English rather than its own. Until the 1980s children would be punished for not speaking English.

Do you accept that most British colonies imposed a sense of cultural superiority over colonies which may yet have an impact?

Do you accept that the Scottish “Cultural Cringe” exists? If you do what do you suppose caused it?

Do you accept that the UK applied colonial tactics and behaviour to NI during the Troubles?

Do you accept that English politics is the cause of much of the health inequalities in Scotland?

Do you accept that your own perception of Scotland, whatever that is, may be conditioned by the sense of superiority that many English have towards other parts of the UK?

Have you now or ever thrown a pigeon’s head at Irish women in their own country protesting about housing?


Ignored says:
7 May, 2024 at 3:31 pm

The truth is this: Scotland is a colony.

Ah diddums. Suck it up buttercups.

Geri says Westminster is half Scottish. A nation of 10 mill has a 50% political share of 50 million. So, who are the colonisers now? And lets face it – the Scots have form as colonisers.

Captain Caveman

Seriously, I’m not even going there. None of this laughable “colony” BS changes anything that *I* have asserted here, namely that the SNP *were* voted in – in their droves – and their “progressive” agenda and manifesto was painfully clear. Deal with that, or not, at your leisure. I couldn’t care less either way, but one thing is for certain: it’s done the Indy Movement no good whatsoever.


Captain Caveman
Ignored says:
7 May, 2024 at 4:07 pm
…’s done the Indy Movement no good whatsoever.

The only ‘indy movement’ happening in Scotland is last nights takeaway curry making its peristaltic progress through their bowels.


“Actually, Scotland did vote for these numpties in their droves: “

When exactly did Scotland’s voters vote for Yousaf as FM?

When exactly did Scotland’s voters vote for the Bute House Agreement?

When exactly did Scotland’s voters vote for Swinney as FM?

How many people actually voted for the Greens?



English delusions of grandeur.

Yer not getting into it? Aye that’s cause yer talking absolute horseshit.

Point to the bit in the SNP manifesto where it states they’re going to adopt self ID, sexualise weans, indoctrinate children in schools, hate crime bullshit or imprison rapists with women. I challenge you to find it.

Scotland voted for independence. SNP was having a ref in 2023. No if’s, no buts.

Then Sturgeon gifted that win to the UNELECTED Greens who went holiday daft on the kool aid enforcing everyone to accept their authoritarian shit no one voted for as Sturgeon fcked off from the ensuing backlash.

Neither party had a mandate. Nearly 70% of Scots oppose this bullshit. Probably even more now since the HC bill.

Independence isn’t over. The SNP & the Greens were never the independence movement, ya eejit. Indy is cross party & a collective. They’re political parties. Unionist political parties. This bullshit changes nothing. All it’s proved is that vehicle is fcked & everyone on this site has been well aware of that for years even before the GRA bullshit. You ain’t coming here with fresh news to anyone lol. We’ll get another party or maybe even none at all & just go direct on the legitimacy of the treaty of Union.

Colonialism is over. I suggest the English *take back control* and become independent too. Not latch on suckling fae Scotlands tit. Stand on yer own two feet as a nation or are you bricking it? Jellied eels & jam is just what the world wants right now.

It looks like the dying embers of imperialism are about to be extinguish for good as everyone dumps the puppet master from their countries & told Tae fck off & go home which will include the poodle UK government. Oh deary me.


You deserve a medal rev for your tenacity in exposing this sinister insanity and the Scottish government`s involvement.

Hatey McHateface

@ Geri says: 7 May, 2024 at 7:45 pm

“We’ll get another party or maybe even none at all & just go direct on the legitimacy of the treaty of Union”

You won’t though. You’ll spend the next ten years endlessly bellyaching on here while waiting around for somebody else to take the lead.

Past performance provides the guarantee to your future behaviour.

“Somebody needs to do something” is the only constant I see on here.

John McGregor

The parents at all of these primary school’s needs to get involved in getting these cvnts out Our children are getting brainwashed by these Dev#$@&*

Captain Caveman

Sigh. I see “Ms. EightAce” is back, delighting us all no doubt with her intelligent, insightful musings. So glad I was busy elsewhere.

Captain Caveman

“You won’t though. You’ll spend the next ten years endlessly bellyaching on here while waiting around for somebody else to take the lead.

Past performance provides the guarantee to your future behaviour.”


Of course, I’m not suggesting it’s for the likes of Geri et al to come up with a credible post-Indy economic strategy and plan – this is (or should have been) down to the SNP these last 10 years – or maybe 20. But I do certainly agree with your broad sentiment: far too many people are happy to impotently whine all day on internet forums/twitter rather than actually get up off their arses and *do* stuff. I have the greatest respect for ardent Indy supporters fundraising in the rain, getting themselves elected onto councils and committees and freely giving up their own time, taking their message onto the doorsteps of the country – even though I categorically disagree with them? I have zero respect for lazy empty vessel types.

If you want something doing, do it yourself.

[…] escocês. Pode sobreviver a uma história crescente de escândalos de pedofilia e abuso infantil, deixe completamente em branco quaisquer perguntas sobre suas atividades por mais claramente que pareça estar a violar o seu mandato legal, e rejeitar desdenhosamente o […]

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