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Wings Over Scotland

When they come for your children

Posted on January 10, 2024 by

The bespectacled older person in the clip below is Aedan Wolton, a biological female (formerly called Aimie) who is the Strategic Lead for Equality at Sport England.

It’s from a 2018 BBC3 documentary called Becoming A Trans Man – Leo. The 15-year-old child in the video plays with a Rubik’s Cube as Wolton, who was 31 at the time, enthusiastically grooms her into transitioning into a “man”, advocating chest binders, a double mastectomy and the irreversible mutilation of her genitalia (“Lower surgery – you want that”) that will, Wolton confirms, lead to her permanent sterilisation, as well as the destruction of her future adult sexual function.

The BBC presents it as a heartwarming tale of friendship.

Wolton became the subject of media attention yesterday in the wake of a highly significant employment tribunal judgement in which Social Work England (SWE) was found to have unlawfully discriminated against and harassed a social worker called Rachel Meade over her feminist views on gender, after a complaint by Wolton.

The verdict handed down by experienced tribunal judge Richard Nicolle was absolutely scathing about the behaviour of both SWE and Wolton.

“The opinions expressed by the Claimant could not sensibly be viewed as being transphobic when properly considered […] but rather her expressing an opinion contrary to the interpretation of legislation […] by trans lobbying groups to include, but not limited to, Stonewall.

[Social Work England’s] failure to check if Mr Wolton’s complaint could be malicious, and not checking his previous social media history, is indicative of a lack of rigour in the investigation and an apparent willingness to accept a complaint from one side of the gender self-identification/gender critical debate without appropriate objective balance of the potential validity of different views in what is a highly polarised debate.

Mr Noyce said that there was no evidence that Mr Wolton was a trans activist. However, we consider that this represented a failure by Mr Noyce and others to undertake an appropriately balanced and objective assessment of the complainant’s motivations […] he used the word “terf”, which is widely accepted as derogatory and used as a slur against many gender critical women and that he refers to gender critical arguments as “hate” or “terrorism”.

In response to a question in cross examination Mr Noyce appeared to accept that Jack Aitken, investigator (Mr Aitken) and Mr Wolton were known to each other and had a shared social history but he made it clear that this was not known to him at the time. He retracted this statement during re-examination.

Nevertheless, we consider that the initial response given would appear to indicate a level of awareness by Mr Noyce that there was more than a mere professional acquaintance between Mr Aitken and Mr Wolton.”

Aedan Wolton’s commitment to “Equality” is clearly a highly selective one, and Social Work England will now pay a high price for the two-year-ordeal she inflicted on Rachel Meade, while Wolton herself escapes any consequences, and is free to continue to aggressively advocate what by any reasonable definition of the term is a form of “conversion therapy” aimed at turning gay and/or troubled children into transmen and transwomen via hormones and surgery.

(The traditional definition of the term is “a practice meant to change one’s sexual orientation to heterosexual”, which is of course precisely what transitioning a gay child achieves – a gay male who becomes a transwoman is then a “straight” “female”, still attracted to men but now ostensibly a woman themselves. Their sexual orientation has therefore notionally been changed from homosexual to heterosexual.)

And that’s pertinent to Scottish people because the Scottish Government announced yesterday its determination to press ahead with its legislation supposedly outlawing “conversion therapy”, which will in fact massively exacerbate and increase the practice.

Wings covered this in extremely disturbing detail just over a year ago, revealing that the Scottish Government had employed an overwhelmingly transactivist working group to propose a list of recommendations whereby any parent, teacher, therapist or other concerned person who even attempted to question the gender transitioning of a child or suggest that the child might discuss it with a therapist would be committing an imprisonable criminal offence, and by which “affirmation” of their trans identity would be the only permissible action.

If you didn’t read the piece at the time, we strongly urge you to do so now. But what of the Children & Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, who readers might perhaps expect to be providing some sort of scrutiny and safeguarding around this proposal?

Wings has learned that not only is the CYPCS (whose new head Nicola Killean was hired last September and whose only previous career experience is 17 years working for a music charity) failing to intervene, but is actively pushing the trans agenda in Scottish schools, and grossly distorting and misrepresenting the UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child to do so.

Teaching materials grudgingly provided by Scottish schools to alarmed parents after persistent requests and shown to Wings this week depict an entirely fictional version of Article 8 of the UNCRC into which “gender identity” has been crowbarred.

The source of these materials is clearly the CYPCS. The graphics and language are a straight lift from the CYPCS website.

But Article 8 contains no such provisions. It has nothing to do with gender or sexuality, it’s to do with their nationality, name and family relationships.

(The word “gender” appears just once in the entire 42-article document, where in context it’s very obviously being used to mean “sex”.)

The actual intent of Article 8 was to protect and return to their parents children who’d been taken from them by the state, something particularly prevalent in authoritarian dictatorships like Nazi Germany (in the form of the Lebensborn programme) and under the Argentinian military junta of the 1970s and 1980s.

(Click pic to enlarge.)

It asserts the primacy of the child’s right to be brought up by his or her family. But the CYPCS appears to have taken it upon itself to pervert this directive into the exact opposite. The proposed “conversion therapy” legislation will, quite expressly, facilitate children being taken FROM their parents and put into care if those parents at any point fail to actively and unquestioningly affirm their child’s “trans identity”.

The Scottish Government’s proposals are – as has come to be standard since 2015 – an incoherent shambles riddled with obvious contradictions. At an absolute minimum, it’s clear that one person’s “affirmation” is another person’s “conversion”, and that circle simply cannot be squared.

And while manifest incompetence has been no barrier to Scottish Government bills passing into law in the past – witness the abysmal Hate Crime Act, and the fact the Parliament passed the plainly incompetent Gender Recognition Reform Act and it remains on the books hoping for a more sympathetic UK government to withdraw its veto – we have doubts as to whether this particular atrocity will make it to statute before the next Holyrood election.

But if we were the parents of a child in Scotland, we wouldn’t want to count on it. You can respond to the Scottish Government consultation (if you have the slightest faith in its willingness to listen, which would be remarkably trusting of you) by going here.

Those wishing to actually protect their children from the government’s army of rabid blue-haired Queer Theory activists, though, might want to also consider other steps. Asking your child’s school some urgent questions might be a good place to start.

0 to “When they come for your children”

  1. symonbqm says:

    I made a similar comment online last year in response to a newspaper article about banning conversion therapy in Scotland. I wasn’t aware that trans affirmation was being actively given a free pass, when I feel it’s a conversion therapy as well.

    Another insightful posting which shows how deeply activism has embedded itself into the machinery of government pushing an agenda which I doubt most SNP voters agree with. I don’t know if it was in the manifesto, but I’m starting to agree with Ireland’s take on these issues. Have a plebiscite for GRR, Assisted dying etc.

    In this way, Scotland can truly lead the UK by showing proper respect for its citizens.

  2. Lorna Campbell says:

    I am constantly being astounded, although I shouldn’t be, at the willingness of corporates, councils, governments, etc. to accept ‘Stonewall Law’ but ignore their own law of the land – in every part of the UK, including Scotland.

    “Oh, legal advice section, do you know what the law is on this? Nah, can’t be bothered looking it up and, anyway, I support this stuff, so let’s just plough on with it, courtesy of Stonewall. By the time the eejits have tumbled to what we are about, it will be too late”.

    I think we might start asking why so many people want children to be ‘tranced’ out of existence as the human beings they actually are into some kind of chimera that is sterile. I have listened to all the ‘reasons’ and ‘excuses’, but none ring true.

    At thirteen our fourteen, you know right and wrong, you should know, if you have been raised properly, when someone is trying to get you to do something you do not want to do and you should know when something just does not make sense. If you don’t, by that age, your upbringing has been lacking in proper teaching of what life can be like for those who are vulnerable.

    Even autistic and ADHD children of both sexes should, by the age of thirteen, be aware that it can be a hostile world out there, with people around who will never have your best interests at heart.

    One of the worst things is the socialization of young females into basically, doormats, a condition which they know instinctively, is not normal but extremely abnormal – which is why they try to flee it. Add to that, the fact, indisputable, that young females are naturally more obliging and sympathetic, more drawn to being part of a group and more anxious about their bodies and looks than your average young male (although they are not exempted either, in many instances).

    The real criminality lies in the fact that, for both sexes of young people, they, with mature women, are the shield who have been chosen to hide the sexual deviancy of so many of these supposed ‘trans’ identified men. If women and children are ‘trans’ too, then these men cannot be sexual deviants, can they? Except they are, in the main, and any psychologist and psychiatrist worth his or her salt, knows it. We all knew it yesterday.

    The activists, their non ‘trans’ supporters are, generally, inches and men’s rights activists who want females to be “put in their place” – which, of course, is under the heel – and fists – of men. Make no mistake, this movement is a misogynistic cabal, populated by sadistic psychopaths and global corporatists who want society changed – a la post modernism/queer theory – so that human beings can be exploited even more than they are already by the industries that stand to benefit.

  3. Alice Timmons says:

    Do we know where and how Scottish schools are using those “UNCRC” materials? I think I need to go asking some questions.

  4. Antoine Bisset says:

    Every child has a right to protection. It is, or should be, a priority of our society to ensure that this is what happens. no “ifs”, no “buts” no “lessons will be learned”.
    It is a fundamental tenet of Christian teaching that, under God, the family is more important than the State. The education of youth is for the family to carry out.
    When the State breaks these boundaries by making rules for parents that conflict with religious belief, then the rules must be disobeyed.
    A brief review of what happens when the State steps in “in loco parentis” indicates that the delivery appears to fall short of the minimum.
    In a recent case, horrific abuse was inflicted on children who were ostensibly in care. The culprits await sentencing. Yet here is no suggestion that the care workers were inadequate, or that they were complicit. I do not see any suggestion that they are being investigated.

    link to
    “Colin Anderson, the independent chair of Glasgow’s Child Protection Committee, said it had been a “highly complex case” and the circumstances of the children involved would be subject to a multiple agency review.” Very droll, Mr Anderson.
    This not as unusual as suggested. The Operation Crerrar Report of 2016 reports a large of number of children being groomed and abused by a gang of predominantly muslim men. It was kept secret to avoid harming community relations, apparently.
    One has to ask if the priority of the police is not protecting children, but the notion of “community relations” what use are they, would be my question?
    If the Social Works departments in Scotland do not keep children in their care safe and supervised, maybe they should be investigated in depth for incompetence, if not collusion, in my opinion.
    As for “When they come for your children”. They already have.

    link to

  5. Cuphook says:

    According to Emma Roddick, the Minister for Equalities who will steer this conversion bill through Holyrood,'[E]veryone has some kind of gender identity, even if it is “none”.’

    Having no gender identity means you have a gender identity. This idiocy is from a government minister who wants to imprison you if you disagree.

    She is a believer. A trans zealot. A dangerous fool.

    We need to root this belief system out of our schools just as it is being successfully rooted out of the workplace through Employment Tribunal wins. Perhaps we need some teachers in the dock.

  6. John C says:

    That’s a shocking clip & I find it extraordinary that we live in an era where nobody working on that programme never flagged it as grooming and converting a poor confused girl who is probably a lesbian into life-changing surgery when really all she probably needs is a good therapist and to be allowed to be gay without the Trans movement’s horrendous homophobia affecting her.

    Like any cult, it needs new converts & the best way the Trans movement has found to lock people into the cult is medical conversion. It’s hard to escape when you’re body is so mutilated that you don’t find any partner who finds you sexually attractive apart from AGP’s or predatory perverts who find people locked into a weird pre-pubescence attractive. One needs only to do a brief search online to see the waves of detransitioners realising that their life has been ruined & they’re on the verge of suicide.

    The Scottish Government is on the verge of protecting abusers, while converting vulnerable LGB children and leaving a load of mentally ill young people unable to deal with their bodies in a world they’re not prepared for which will put pressure on stretched mental health services and the NHS for decades.

    That’s why when Stu and others say this is the worst medical as well as the worse chase of homophobic & sexual abuse in history they’re right. Dangerous predatory men (with a smaller number of women) are grooming people on an industrial scale & I fear that in less than a decade we’ll have so many people suffering that it’ll affect all of us. After all we’re living in a time of extreme austerity & many of these people can’t, or refuse to work, while their bodies are failing them making so some will end up in the streets as they’ve burned their bridges with families.

    If it all sounds apocalyptic, then it is. This cult needs people to prolong it but the damage it’s leaving behind it will be society’s problem & the only way to limit what’s coming is to fight it in the courts as it’s the only place mainly untouched by Trans ideology. The Meade judgement is possibly a turning point and sends out a precedent that TRAs should be scared of because if their social media history is now to be observed in these claims then a lot of people are going to be denied what seems to be their only purpose in life.

  7. Mark Beggan says:

    There but for the grace of God go I.

  8. John C says:

    Do we know where and how Scottish schools are using those “UNCRC” materials? I think I need to go asking some questions.

    That’s a very good question. Stu perhaps knows how to dig to find that information but what scares me is how secretive schools are being in releasing this information as if they know it’s wrong or controversial.

    Also, I know from digging into Trans activism over the years that a number of activists know fine well what they’re doing but dress it up under the banner of ‘social justice’ when in fact, it’s grooming.

  9. Red says:

    This is pure evil.

    The Scottish Parliament needs to be torn down and the cursed earth it squats on should be exorcised by a squad of priests and salted so that nothing grows there for a thousand years. Every member of the kleptomaniac grooming gang calling itself our government needs jailed for the rest of their lives or chased into the sea where they can hide among the rocks and the slime like the bottom feeders they are.

    That’s my opinion as a father.

  10. Neil M says:

    Words fail me – I started to respond to the “consultation” but had to stop. It is beyond belief what they are proposing, including a restriction of the freedom of movement within the UK, £10k fine, years in prison and also a kangaroo court of a civil prohibition – aka kangaroo court. What the hell has happened to our country and politicians?

  11. robertkknight says:

    They’re turning this country into a dystopian nightmare worthy of Orwellian fiction.

    Indy for Scotland!
    SNP Out!

  12. TenaciousV says:

    I read that groups buff. They are still promoting adoption of The YOGYAKARTA PRINCIPLES. The Documents seem to have been written in 2022. Refers to what will happen in Noc 2023? Gender seems to have been added into what was DV/ FGM legslation?

  13. Geri says:

    Regards the schools.

    They know & do nothing.
    Roddy covered this in one of his podcasts a year or so back with someone in education.

    Secretive *notes & guidence* with strict instructions *Do not show the parents – they won’t like it*

    The parents are only permitted to see one version – not the additional ones.

    Any teacher who felt uncomfortable was no problem – they had a ready made swat team to parachute in & take over at a moments notice.

    This was all that TIE shite peddled in Holyrood a few years ago & championed by that waste of space, Spears.

    It’s a paedophilic cult. A 31 year old grooming a 15 yr old into life changing decisions should be a red flag, a jail term & involve a register
    ..but this is the BBC. They do love paedophiles. No one there seems to notice anymore.

    Great article Stu. I completed the form last night. It’s absolutely barking mad what they are proposing. I’d urge everyone to complete it. The replies even may see the light of day at some stage once this current batch of deviants are jettisoned from Holyrood. *Fingers crossed*

  14. Allium says:

    At least Sturgeon had the plausible defense of posing as a true believer in all of this crap. EVERYONE knows Humza doesn’t buy it. He must know dumping it all would be a springboard to a personal relaunch. The TRAs aren’t a great part of his power base, and the Greens are toothless now. Why is he handing such potent ammunition to Kate Forbes?

  15. Geri says:


    Because his mission isn’t a relaunch.
    It’s to kill Scottish independence & any hope of a pro Indy parliament in Holyrood. “Only the Brits know best. Look at the arse they’re making ”

    His handlers will reward him later with some over inflated salary in a made up position, in some backwater somewhere no one’s heard of.

    He already has his morning suit pressed & ready to go..

  16. James Che says:

    Stop the transgender ideology of the Scottish devolved government perversion under Westminster statues on Scottish children in its tracks by leaving the treaty of union the Scots did not get a vote to join

    Simple and enough said.

  17. James Che says:

    The problem is Stonewall in a devolved government to Scotland from Westminster.

  18. Lollypop says:

    “Aedan” has got a beetroot red face with possibly the worst acne I have ever seen, no doubt caused by injecting testosterone which is toxic for women. How anyone can take advice from this obviously extremely unhealthy person (mentally and physically) is beyond me. They resemble a demon. Everything about this ideology demands a disconnection from reality, ethics, the most fundamental and blatant natural evidence in front of your own eyes has to be dismissed for this abominable ideology to be upheld. It is exploitative, parasitical and detrimental to other people’s rights.

  19. James Che says:

    The devolved government in Scotland is not a reinstatement of the 1707 Dissolved parliament of Scotland,
    The devolved government is the management of Scots in Scotland from Westminster., so who do you blame really for the transgender trials in Scotland,
    The same government who trialed the poll tax in Scotland first,

    The 1707 Scottish parliament dissolution has never been repealed in Westminster parliament.

  20. James Che says:

    Before Scots can defend their Children from a perverse enemy the parents have to learn whom their foe actually is.

  21. Colin Carroll says:

    No different to what the Nastys or communists did! You’re either for us or we’ll lock you up!

  22. Ruby says:

    Why is everyone commenting on this sci-fi story as if it were real life?

  23. George Ferguson says:

    Aidan O’Neill KC has already provided legal opinion on the proposal from the Expert Advisory Group on banning conversion therapy. Basically it’s beyond the Leglisative Competence of the Scottish Parliament and against existing human rights legislation itself. 2024 the year of Lawfare against the Scottish Parliament. If it is not Women for Scotland, Fair Play for Women, The Christian Institute etc. Developing into The Scottish Parliament versus the People. No respite from the madness.

    link to

  24. Shug says:

    I see the new chief constable is the subject of a complaint by a former army intelligence officer come financial expert come deputy constable. Nothing unhealthy about army intelligence being involved with civil policing.

    Funny this one this, with his expertise surely he could have completed the snp account.

    Wonder what is really happening

  25. Republicofscotland says:

    “They’re turning this country into a dystopian nightmare worthy of Orwellian fiction.”

    Robert Knight.

    If you ask me that’s the plan, to f*ck Scotland up so bad that folk will be too busy trying just sort out the basics, to think about dissolving the union.

    We really need to get the SNP/Greens out of government, if only for the sake of the children and young adults in Scotland. Once we get them out of office we can then go about building cases for prosecution against many of them.

    As far as I know the Alba party doesn’t support this and has dissolving the union at heart.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

    Down with the union

  26. Ruby says:

    I haven’t anything new to say about sex changes.

    Only solution is to repeal the GRA 2014 and have zero sex changes and make masquerading as a man/women when you aren’t a hate crime. Sorted.

    Except for Posie Parker I don’t hear anyone saying this not Kemi Badenoch, not Joanna Cherry and not the Alba Party.

    Allowing folk to change sex is not compatible with womens/mens rights.
    Same applies to boys & girls.

    Maybe eventually those in power will see this.

    The GRA 2014 was a huge mistake.

    Someone mentioned the ‘YOGYAKARTA PRINCIPLES’

    Didn’t someone who was involved in writing the ‘YOGYAKARTA PRINCIPLES’ say that they didn’t take into consideration the effects ‘sex changing’ would have on women?

  27. JGedd says:

    I agree with Lorna Campbell about the softening up of female society. Hierarchies always work this way; it is important for those at the top of the pyramid to have those beneath them quiescent and accepting. All hierarchies work this way whether it is class, race or sex.

    Throughout history, hierarchies have used their power to ensure that those under them are non-threatening and have employed various means to ensure this, sometimes using favour to enlist loyalty from those who can access some of that power for their own benefit and are therefore complicit in the oppression/exploitation of the rest of the population. Often in the past, of course, it was just sheer brute force and tyranny used to subjugate.

    It’s assumed that democracy removes this dominance of elites or at least, mitigates it. Here we can see that democracy can be undermined and subverted quite easily. The homogenized political class we have now has as little interest in the ordinary electorate as medieval elites had in their peasants. Just like those medieval power elites, they exist only to benefit themselves and will use the authoritarian exercise of power to do that. Their use of an unpopular ideology is the very essence of what it means to them be in power. How much more does it satisfy an authoritarian personality to enforce unpopular policies on the despised public than to actually give them policies that they might want? There’s no validation in that.

    It is useful therefore for anyone, including males, to consider how female society has always worked since it’s a lesson on how people can be co-opted into not appreciating their lack of autonomy within society and actually help in policing those within your own class. It’s quite a fascinating – if disheartening – study in how a particular class, in this case female, can become complicit in the disadvantage of their fellows.

    In fact, it’s quite instructive in how lacking in fellowship women often are, despite their propensity for forming groups. Within the group, however, there is a group ethic which ensures solidarity often to the detriment of individuals. The exercise of group-think is usually subtle and unvoiced and the ultimate concealed threat is to be cast out or isolated. There is no greater fear to females – particularly young females – than to find yourself isolated for wrong-think.

    It is apparent then how young females can be co-opted into policing their own sex since their upbringing has taught them that group-think is their best defence in society at large. With it goes the generally ingratiating behaviour instilled in them since childhood to be non-threatening and compliant.

    This trans ideology with its powerful international profile and prominent activists is going to find ready recruits among young women, oblivious to the great disadvantage to females in general. It is just the latest behavioural response to what society has been schooling them to do for centuries.

    Remember witch-hunting? Females were often to the fore in accusing other women of being witches, to the satisfaction of men who were in power who could demonstrate their authority and control by exercising the ultimate power over life and death. Righteous women accusers shared vicariously in the deadly exercise of power, though ultimately powerless themselves. In the end, we are talking about human beings in society. Put into the same position as women, at that time among the most weak in society, most human beings will try and find what seems to be the best options for themselves, though someone looking in from outside might find their solutions, in the end, self-defeating.

    It’s the conundrum of our inherited social behaviour, when sometimes being an individual conflicts with our social drive to belong. Trying to square the circle within a large society quite beyond the scale of the small societies in which humans originally evolved, is always going to be difficult to resolve. We often get it terribly wrong as a species, no less as individuals.

  28. Anton Decadent says:

    For an examination of the cult aspect look up The Call Is Coming From Inside The House by Skirt Go Spinny, it is still on YT.

    I am an atheist but @Rev, you are doing Gods work.

  29. Dorothy Devine says:

    Didn’t Ayrshire get an award for the lovely woke new books it had thrust upon schools?

    I can imagine a whole load of teachers going for early retirement or career changes rather than have to support this abuse.

  30. Ruby says:

    Has all this promoting of transgenderism & queer stuff come about because of the repeal of Section 28?

    I wonder if that like the GRA 2014 was also a mistake.

  31. Anton Decadent says:

    With regard to the targeting of the young I regularly walk past Holyrood secondary school in the southside of Glasgow. There are quite often pro trans stickers placed around it and at the moment pro trans graffiti spray painted. I regularly pass a female impersonator whom I believe is the Green councillor for the area on the same route not that I am implying that they are responsible for the stickers and graffiti.

  32. Andy Storrie says:

    Let me guess… London will come riding to the rescue in time.

    A load of bullshit. Pure herding tactics. In the absence of any policies of substance that actually attracts voters, London has resorted to bullshit like this.

    This garbage originated in London. Probably Tavistock, just like most of the psyop shite that has been used in place of actual policy and substance over the last 30 years.

    I’d bet my back teeth that Nicola Kilean is a London agent, just like Humza ugly bloke.

  33. c. Mackay says:

    100% correct, they’re after our children, that’s what its all about.

  34. Geri says:

    All this equality shit is a massive con.

    You never see women chomping at the bit demanding to go unblock a sewer or up a pillion in Gale force winds.

    Naw, it’s only top paying jobs they want equality.

    & Look at the woeful shite they’ve churned out in politics. Mayhem, Jacinta, Sturgeon & the absolute dross of Sturgeons mentally ill intake who don’t know if they own a vagina or not – despite birthing children.

    Myra Hindley is obviously their inspiration.
    Paedophiles are in.
    Common sense & child safety is out.

    It’s like someone flung open the doors to One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s nest & went for a day out at Holyroods latest recruitment drive.

    The SNP & Greens need to go. Holyrood is going to be tied up in litigation & court battles otherwise. Wasting copious amounts of our pocket money on this bullshit that the public has already rejected at the ballot box. The devious loophole of going off script & adopting a fringe parties manifesto wholesale has to be fixed by the next parliament as a matter of urgency & the only one who can do it is Salmond. On day one call a permanent convention. Everyone else has been infiltrated beyond rescue with Britnats. This GRR crap isn’t an accident.

    Labour isn’t the answer & neither is Forbes who has a whole new agenda to stitch up Scotland as her CV & galavanting proves.

  35. twathater says:

    Although I DESPISE the Scum Nonce Party, it has to be said that relative to the GRR result the MAJORITY of the deviants and perverts in HR passed the legislation apart from most of the tories but IMO that was a deliberate political move,the perverts and deviants in HR will ALL just nod this through and Alex Cole Hamilton will just repeat and confirm that we are doing this for you BETH , it is also the same for WM they like to proclaim that they protect women and girls BUT their actions show differently, if WM were unsupportive or opposed to this lunacy does anyone think that the bbc would not be held to account

    Irrespective of which party is elected to HR or WM they will carry on with their DEVIANT policies and Stonewall points, ALL the political parties are CAPTURED by this lunacy and IF you vote for ANY of them YOU are voting for an acceptance and continuation of these policies, HTF do you think sturgeon managed to get so far with her deviant policies YOU kept voting for her and SHE BETRAYED US


  36. Ruby says:

    10 January, 2024 at 6:26 pm
    Alex Cole Hamilton will just repeat and confirm that we are doing this for you BETH

    Beth recently got free plastic surgery on the NHS.

    He’s now got a female face. Might look like Audrey Hepburn or maybe Maggie Chapman. Both are female I think.

  37. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Lollypop

    ” Everything about this ideology demands a disconnection from reality, ethics, the most fundamental and blatant natural evidence in front of your own eyes has to be dismissed for this abominable ideology to be upheld. It is exploitative, parasitical and detrimental to other people’s rights. ” .

    Indeed . The demand that we deny ” the most fundamental and blatant natural evidence in front of your own eyes …” is one of the lethal weapons being deployed in the War On Reality .

    Once the idea that humans can – literally – change their sex has been * normalised * , it’s shorter step to human/machine hybridisation .

    AI will provide the Elixir of Immortality : for the Elect .

    The price will be the extinction of Women .

  38. Sven says:

    Surely if there is one core cause the true independence supporter can rally round it is that we do not want an independent nation where men are calling themselves women, women are calling themselves men; and their preference of gender can change day to day on their whim.
    I get hetero, I get homo, I get les. I don’t get Beth, furries or similar demanding access to women & childrens spaces.

  39. Dave Llewellyn says:

    They came for my daughter when she was 13. I knew as soon as we were getting the school tour and saw the open plan toilets with the spaces behind the doors that the school had already been captured.
    So I agreed to allow her to go to that school on condition that she was excused any class that mentioned the weirder gender unless it was French where it’s necessary for grammar . At the start of her second year I pulled her out altogether due to another issue that compounded the teaching if fairy tales In place of science.For two years she’s been getting home schooled which hasn’t been easy but has he so VERY worthwhile and this May she will be sitting the exams she chose and not those chosen for her in the Scottish Governments Curriculum for Insanity . As well as the four exams she is sitting she’s been taught that people who talk about gender are either corrupt carpet baggers , howling lunatics or people with the braincells of a newt and to pity the latter whilst pouring scorn on the two former categories and she’s learned so well. You could I have indoctrinated her with common sense and I can’t wait til she goes to college and rips the shit out of all the social sciences students who use the word transphobe unaware that it actually means fear of change . REALITY 1 FAIRYTALES SFA.
    I am so proud of her. GIRFUY. Job done .

  40. Red says:

    Ruby says: He’s now got a female face.

    Huz he goat a bucket and a wee dug called Precious?

  41. Alf Baird says:

    Noticed a while back that a Scottish Government advisory group on GRR included an expert on genocide. I thought it odd, but it kind of fits when you think about it.

    It is only since Holyrood was created that Scotland has recorded its lowest birth rate on record. According to the census, Scots are no longer reproducing themselves; our population has only been growing through in-migration, mainly from England, over the past 25 years. That’s a long time not to be ‘producing’, a generation at least.

    Which brings us directly to the question of a changing identity, and yes that is national identity, as the Rev highlights. For that is the way the Yes/No vote divides to a large extent, by national identity, and is maintained at a sufficient level to keep independence at bay.

    Astute observers will notice the Tories seem to be ensuring all this trans ideology stuff is kept well away from fee-paying schools, no doubt to protect their more privileged supporters. The focus is on state schools, which suggests this is also where the lower birth rate outcomes are mostly targeted; lack of affordable housing and lower wages being added features stopping the working class having families. Perhaps our overseers also believe the lower orders may be more easily duped by dodgy policies facilitated by state ‘authorities’.

    It all sounds rather like ‘colonial procedures’ being used to get rid of restless natives. Similar has been done before, using different techniques, tho no less ‘innovative’, or destructive for communities.

    They say that colonialism is a crime, which suggests that a colonised people should expect to be subject to state-sanctioned criminality, i.e. oppression/’doun-hauden’.

  42. John C says:

    Has all this promoting of transgenderism & queer stuff come about because of the repeal of Section 28?

    I wonder if that like the GRA 2014 was also a mistake.

    No, it’s nothing to do with the repeal of section 28. That was legislation designed to be homophobic and attack an actual vulnerable number of people in society at an especially vulnerable time. The roots of Trans ideology go back further than the 80s, but it’s the 90s that saw it really coming into shape.

    What happened was a group of people (mainly transvestites or transexuals) saw a window of opportunity in the 2000s to tag the ‘T’ to LGB rights and activism and that really took off in the mid 2010s when for all effects and purposes (there are a few issues to still deal with) LGB people achieved equal rights in most Westernised countries.

    ‘Transgenderism’ is a relatively new thing but with old roots going back a century. Trans as we know it is maybe 25-30 years old, and this turbo-charging of Trans ideology is 15 years old at most and ties into the rise of everyone, including children, having smartphones and therefore having 24/7 unfettered access online. Previously they’d maybe have a few hours on the family PC but now had access on the palm of their hand.

    What TRAs have done is piggyback on LGB rights and the fight for equal rights. It’s a movement that has always known it couldn’t get where it wanted to be on its own, and knew the best way to get there was tag onto a group that was suffering extreme injustices. That’s why so many LGB people are so opposed to the Trans movement because there’s a real effect on them as one of the goals of TRAs is to get rid of same-sex legislation and replace it with same-gender legislation therefore wiping out homosexuality in one move. It’s already happening across the world.

  43. Republicofscotland says:

    The genocide supporter and leader of the Labour party Sir Keir Starmer continues to expel what’s left of the decent folk in the party.

    “A well-known and respected Bolton trade unionist has been expelled from the Labour Party after a membership spanning decades, it has emerged.

    Bernadette Gallagher received a letter from the party she had been a member of for 40 years towards the end of November saying her membership had been terminated.

    This came after Mrs Gallagher ‘liked’ several tweets dating back to 2022 calling for a higher living wage and public ownership of energy companies by the left wing “Breakthrough Party.””

    link to

    Meanwhile the ostracized from Labour Jeremy Corbyn, joins the South African delegation in the genocide/ethnic cleansing case against the Zionist occupying force in Palestine.

    link to

  44. Republicofscotland says:

    And so it begins as South Africa’s request against Israel (genocide/ethnic cleansing) kicks-off tomorrow.

    “Request for the indication of provisional measures”

    link to

    link to

  45. John C says:

    Huz he goat a bucket and a wee dug called Precious?

    There’s little he does which shocks me anymore so he probably does. What I’d like to know is how someone with no job or income outwith of benefits & whatever pittance the Rainbow Greens pay him, manages to live the life he does? Sure, he got his face ‘feminisation’ surgery on the NHS (which is a fucking joke when I know people waiting years for actual life-changing surgery) but how can he zip across the UK as he does?

    I really wish any links between him and certain MSPs could be investigated further.

  46. Mac says:

    It is amazing seeing this thing, that is the visible, physical epitome of disease and ill health advising a mentally ill child to mutilate themselves ‘just like I did’, and all promoted and pushed by the Jimmy Saville BBC creeps and perverts.

    Oops. Did I say ‘amazing’? I should have said ‘routine’.

  47. Republicofscotland says:

    The good and the great will be in attendance tomorrow, its a pity the late great John Pilger can’t attend.

    “I have now arrived in The Hague ahead of the South African case before the ICJ on the Gaza Genocide.
    It feels like a key moment in history.

    Has the entire fabric of international law and human rights been completely undermined by the NATO powers?”

    link to

  48. Ruby says:

    10 January, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    Ruby says: He’s now got a female face.

    Huz he goat a bucket and a wee dug called Precious?

    Naw! Nae dog, nae pussy just a smuggled budgie!

    They’ve all got a bucket for ‘IndyRef2 collections’.

    How are you Red? I haven’t seen you for a long time.

    How are the ‘blockquotes’ coming along?

    PS I don’t know who Precious the dug us. Sorry!
    Your post went right over my head.

    Is it wee & ginger?

  49. Geri says:

    John C.
    He’s a male prostitute. He has a full bio of services he offers.

    He seems to get away with everything which suggests he’s MSPs top service provider.

    I haven’t looked but I just can’t see that horror now looking remotely female. Not even after a vat of Buckie would those goggles work.. LOL

    Alf, aye. The population control freaks has to remain steady. There’s too many weans in the world – stop breeding. Except if yer a Royal, obvs – have as many real benefit cheats as one likes.

  50. Geri says:

    Precious is the dug in Silence of the Lambs.

    *It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again*

    Tranny to woman in the pit to keep her skin supple for sewing into a female suit.

    Just for those not in the know & who haven’t seen the film.

  51. John says:

    Off topic but everything is connected.
    Who are Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland
    link to
    First impression it’s another organisation being funded indirectly with our money for their own aims.

    “Booking via Eventbrite
    link to…/scotlands-wellbeing… (NB. this link is from link to and does not work)
    We have 2 ticket types – Free (funded via the Highland Community Waste Partnership) and donation based. “

  52. Geri says:


    I agree on the Tories. The party of *law & order* has deliberately watched this play out where even coppers are now bedazzling their own uniforms with Nazi ..oops, Rainbow insignia lol

    but our next election is 50%+1 = our immediate exit.

    No negotiation for a ref. No negotiation for a section 30.

    We’re out. Union over.

    Not electing anyone will only allow yoons in to modify the Scotland Act further.

  53. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ruby-10 January, 2024 at 8:52 pm.

    You typed,
    “How are the ‘blockquotes’ coming along?”

    I learned to put together a literal communication by scratching words on paper with a pen or pencil and latterly with a typewriter or computer keyboard.

    Blockquotes are an internet invention – I prefer to use what I was taught over the years.

    Is whom I am quoting ambiguous in this comment?

    Keep working on the simple elements, like italics and bold, rather than dissing peeps for not using “blockquote”.
    It’s a matter of personal preference and, honestly, I think my method is clearer than “blockquote”, which some readers may not comprehend without more explicit explanation.

  54. Kcor says:

    Behind all this is the fact that the true rulers of the world are paedophiles, sexual predators and satanists.

    No child is safe from them.

  55. Ruby says:

    John C
    10 January, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    No, it’s nothing to do with the repeal of section 28

    I have to admit I know very little about section 28. Just read a little about it the other day when there was an article about Humza & Brian Souter.

    What I read was section 28 prevented the promotion of homosexuality but didn’t prevent talk about homosexuality.

    I thought that was fair enough.

    I’m assuming section 28 would cover everyone in the LGBTQ+ group.

    I don’t think there was any problem with Lesbian, Gay & bi-sexuality being ‘promoted’ but there certainly seems to be a problem with the promotion of the trans & queer sexuality.
    That is being promoted all over the place.

    What I’m getting at is if a section 28 would have prevented this over promotion of transgenderism.

  56. Ruby says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    10 January, 2024 at 9:37 pm

    Hi Ruby-10 January, 2024 at 8:52 pm.

    You typed,
    “How are the ‘blockquotes’ coming along?”

    It was a joke Brian between myself & Red.

    Blockquotes are no different to italic & bold
    in that it’s all html. I don’t think html was an internet invention I think html created the internet.

    Sure scratching words on paper with a pen is fine but it ain’t going to build you a website.

    If there are some readers who need a more explicit explanation they can let me know.

    I can re-up the post I made earlier. It’s a pretty simple & explicit explanation.

    It’s kinda clear who you are quoting but that is only because you have used html to create a line in bold

    Blockquotes are much much better.

    If you know how to do bold you pretty much know how to do blockquotes. Just replace the b with the word blockquotes

    I’m surprised at you saying this I had you down as a computer expert. I’ve had a fair few computer/internet lessons from you in the past.

  57. Geri says:

    Going back the article..

    They mention frozen eggs.

    Who is paying for that procedure & who is paying for the storage? The NHS. This is why they bang on about Trans health care.

    These eejits have mutilated themselves but want to have the same options as those undergoing cancer treatment that is through no fault of their own.

    This isn’t the same cause as homosexuals. They are same sex attracted & stay that way. These eejits can change gender & pronouns every day of the week & Sturgeon made sure to include they didn’t even need to dress up either.

  58. wull says:

    When you think of the hope that was rising everywhere in Scotland only ten years ago as we moved towards the referendum with increasing hope of gaining independence, and taking full responsibility for ourselves…

    And now?

    Only ten years after the removal of all that great potential, and a defeated Scotland has been turned into a cesspit of irrationality, moral decadence, oppression of human rights, abandonment of common sense, with the abuse of everyone and everything abounding, and the whole country on an exponentially increasing decline into total madness.

    This stuff is diabolical. Such a turn-about cannot be explained any other way. Our mini-politicians with their brains as empty as their egos are inflated no longer belong to us, and do not belong here. Look what’s happening elsewhere in the world. Look at what’s happening in the USA, look at the WEF, look at the billionaires and Big Pharma and wherever the big money is – that’s where they belong. Not here. They have been entirely captured by other people in other places, and the agenda they are promoting has been fired in the furnace from below.

    The slogan used to be ‘Stop the world – Scotland wants to get on.’ Maybe we had forgotten what the world is really like. Or we were naive about what it was about to become. T

    Whatever the case, those who wormed their way into fake power, in what was designed to be our fake parliament, were easy meat for this galloping madness. It’s not so much that they fell into it at the first hurdle; more accurate to say that they ran willingly towards it and gleefully welcomed it, and embraced it, from the minute we lost the referendum.

    With regard to the repeal of Section 28, yes, there were various signs beforehand that this kind of thing could happen. Some will retrospectively see that repeal as one of them. Whatever the case, and whatever your view, I do not believe things would have gone the way they have gone – and so quickly down the drain – if the referendum had achieved the result it should have done. The present devastation of Scotland is much worse, and even more destructive – tens of times more destructive – than what Scotland suffered in the ten years (plus) after Culloden.

    Hold tight – it’s going to get worse before it gets better, if it ever will. But let;s not despair completely.

  59. James Che says:

    Two Brothers.
    One best friends with jimmy Saville.
    one best friends with Jeffery Epstein.

    Lets not mention the lord uncle in Ireland.

    No names mentioned by me, but that family gives us a very good indication and reason to why Scotland must walk away from the perversion of Adults towards our children.

  60. James Che says:


    Maybe we should stop the present world to get off of it.

    But just as crazy is Scots sleep walking under a hoax, a Scam,
    They carry on living the lie made for them from hundreds years ago when they could not check or research reality,
    They can now but indoctrinated by the long standing hoax Lie, they sleep walk like a zombie nation.

  61. James Che says:

    Perhaps those frozen eggs from the past are the new generation geo humans engineered trans.
    I might laugh, but I am not sure I should,

  62. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ruby – You typed,
    Sure scratching words on paper with a pen is fine but it ain’t going to build you a website.

    Really? From the Internet Archive…

    link to

  63. David Hannah says:

    How can they possibly be happier going through with that surgery.

    And to put their bodies into that permanently diseased state.

    I think its horrific. Why would a mother want that for her child?

    Get this shit out of our schools now.

  64. David Hannah says:

    The transgender suicides. That’s what they say. Your daughter is going to kill herself unless you let her transition. What kind of fucking doctor tells you that? Get to fuck.

    NHS Scotland. Transgender care pathway. Get that torn up now.

  65. Alex says:

    From what I read on the consultation, the language used seems open enough for folk from both sides to be prosecuted. Specifically, it calls for intervention of people advocating of “conversion practices”.

    This can equally be read as giving support to someone who wants to transition in the same way that someone who is transitioning is given information critical of changing gender and to revert.

    Maybe I’m wrong in the reading or interpretation but surely regardless of where you stand on this, “both sides” should be rejecting this approach as it criminalises both approaches?

    Reading between the lines it’s clear there is a single direction where criminatity would apply however the words laid down in the proposed law is far from what could be enacted and doesn’t suggest that a particular viewpoint is protected.

    From this point alone, all sides should be against this consultation until either it’s dropped or the required protections are put in place to decriminalise one direction of conversion over the other

  66. Andrew Davidson says:

    I couldn’t read this whole article. I read the top, watched that clip and seeing a kid who is so distracted from the real world that while something like that is being talked about is playing with a Rubik’s Cube – showing just how unready she is for ANY life changing decision – made my blood pressure go through the roof.

  67. John Le Scot says:

    Is there nothing these people will not stoop so low to ?

    Rev Stu, I may not agree with you on many matters, but your very steadfast, logical, moral & principled stance against the gender twisting brigade have my complete admiration, and if (and when) required, you and I are required to man the barricades, I swear I shall be beside you always.

  68. John Main says:

    @ Red says:10 January, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    The Scottish Parliament needs to be torn down and the cursed earth it squats on should be exorcised by a squad of priests and salted so that nothing grows there for a thousand years. Every member of the kleptomaniac grooming gang calling itself our government needs jailed for the rest of their lives or chased into the sea

    Amen brother.

    And to think that just one thread ago, somebody was greetin about the WM government’s likely moves to withdraw powers from HR back to WM!

    I have been driven to conclude the sooner the better. HR was just another of Blair’s historic follies – tear the over-priced eyesore down and get the troughing grifters that infest it hefting bins or erse wiping for their daily bread. Start at the top with the pretendy fraudulent national disgrace that is HY.

    And give us squeezed tartan tax payers our money back.

  69. Stoker says:

    JGedd says on 10 January 2024 at 5:17 pm: “This trans ideology with its powerful international profile and prominent activists is going to find ready recruits among young women, oblivious to the great disadvantage to females in general.”

    I strongly recommend to anyone who gets the chance, to watch a documentary called Cancel Culture (available on Prime Video and possibly other sources).

    It’s all about what’s taking place in Sweden, and spreading like wildfire through the rest of the western world, and the part played in all of it by feminists, the younger modern generation of feminists.

    Long story short – Those so-called feminists truly are digging their own very deep graves. If i didn’t know any better i’d swear this documentary was about Sturgeon & Co. A real eye-opener.

  70. John Main says:

    @ Republicofscotland says:10 January, 2024 at 8:28 pm

    It’s a scab you can’t leave alone. I’ll maybes just lift one edge – no reason why you should get to hog it all.

    Israel reckons it needs all of 2024 to finish whatever it’s doing – maybes getting its hostages back.

    Want to bet it will take all of 2024 for the UN to finish whatever it’s doing – maybes stalling for time – maybes virtue signalling with an ineffective process?

    But dinna fash. That gives you a year of picking at your favourite scab.

    I am going to briefly mention that President P’s forced abduction of 404 kids and forced adoption of them back in Russtiland is in direct contravention of the UN gubbins quoted at the head of this thread, but that’s a scab you won’t ever pick, eh RoS?

    And for all the UN condemnation, nil, zilch, zero, de nada effect in the real world of military force.

    How that must tear you apart, eh RoS? Haha, I crack me up.

  71. Johnlm says:

    “There’s a welter of contradictory claims, statistics and facts online. I don’t have the time to wade through them.”

    John Main @10.54am 17 August 2023

  72. SteepBrae says:

    Here is part of a newspaper report from a year ago in Canada where they are ahead of us with this. It includes quotes from a mother, an endocrinologist and a former scientist now a psychologist.

    5th January 2023 National Post (Canada):

    …Boards of education, education ministries and even the Public Health Agency of Canada are urging schools to both automatically honour a transitioning student’s request to change their name and pronouns — and to keep that information from parents if requested.

    It’s just one way the education system has become intimately involved in the transgender process, which affects an “exponentially” growing number of young Canadians. Schools accept name and pronoun preferences, provide gender-neutral washrooms and teach from a young age about gender identity. In some cases, they can even refer students directly to gender-treatment clinics…

    The mother:
    …“The way that I see it, the schools are triangulating the family — they’re becoming a wedge between the child and parent,” said the mother of a teenage girl-at-birth whose school in Ontario’s Hamilton-Wentworth board adopted a name change immediately after he came out as a boy.

    “It’s not a benign act. It’s a psychological intervention — and it’s not a minor psychological intervention — that teachers and counsellors are entering into without any psychological training at all.”…

    The endocrinologist:
    …Schools have indeed changed “dramatically” over the last few years in their approach to transgender kids — but for the better, says Dr. Margaret Lawson, an endocrinologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and head of the hospital’s gender identity clinic.

    “School is an incredibly important part of this,” she said. “School is a fundamental part of youth experience, growing up and becoming adults. They spend six, seven, eight hours a day at school. It’s fundamental to their wellbeing.”

    Lawson says a new study by the TransYouthCan! research project she co-founded points to potential perils if schools don’t affirm kids’ new identities. It suggests almost 40 per cent of gender-dysphoria patients at Canadian clinics sometimes avoid school because of harassment.

    And despite some parents’ concern, supporting them “is not pointing a child in a direction they wouldn’t otherwise take,” she said. “No one chooses to be transgender.”…

    The scientist/psychologist:
    …The schools’ role is troublesome given evidence that suggests social transitioning makes it more likely for a young person to move on to medical transition, which can include cross-sex hormones and gender-reassignment surgery, argues James Cantor, a former scientist with Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

    “My real concern here is that people are using schools and the education system for decisions that should be made in the medical system,” said Cantor, now a private-practice psychologist and a prominent critic of the affirmation approach…

    …Yet some jurisdictions that have followed the affirmation approach — including the U.K., Sweden and Finland — are backing away from it somewhat, worried that other mental-health issues are being overlooked in a rush to address gender identity.

    A recent report by Britain’s Cass Review into gender-identity services for young people says the decision to start social transition should be made carefully by “the young person, along with their family/carers.”

    Canadian schools, on the other hand, are told that parental involvement is not necessary in affirming a child’s wish to transition socially.

  73. SteepBrae says:

    And this is eight months later, the same newspaper. It includes quotes from a doctor and a trans medicine specialist.

    29th September 2023 National Post (Canada):

    As tensions rise over the medical care of trans children, a new analysis shows hundreds of adolescents in Canada have undergone female-to-male “top surgery” — double mastectomies  — over the past five years.

    Hospitalizations and day surgery visits for bilateral mastectomies for gender reassignment surgery have risen sharply, from 536 in 2018-19, to 985 in fiscal 2022-23, according to data compiled for National Post by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. Of the 4,071 visits in total involving gender-affirming mastectomies or breast reductions reported since 2018, 602 involved youth 18 and under. Of those, 303 involved teens 17 and younger. The youngest age was 14…

    …But concerns have been raised about intervening with permanent, body-altering surgeries in adolescents when uncertainties exist about the long-term health effects, the possibility of regret and whether their trans identity will be lifelong…

    …Sweden, the world’s first country to authorize legal gender transitions in 1972, last year began limiting mastectomies for teenage girls to research settings. “The uncertain state of knowledge calls for caution,” the head of Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare said…

    Public coverage for the surgeries varies from province to province. Most cover the cost of the mastectomy itself, but not several thousand dollars or more in extra add on fees for “chest contouring,” liposuction procedures to give the body a more sculpted, masculine look.

    The rise in surgeries reflects a dramatic shift in the sex ratio of children and teens being referred to specialized gender identity clinics across the country, from once predominantly young boys to children born female.

    One study involving 174 trans and non-binary children and teens referred to 10 gender identity clinics in Canada found 34 per cent of those assigned female at birth were referred for top surgery. Most were 15 or 16 at the time of referral…

    The doctor:
    …The percentage dipped last year as hospitals grappled with pandemic-driven surgical backlogs. “But the private clinics just kept churning them through,” said one doctor familiar with trans medicine who requested anonymity fearing professional repercussions.

    “The fact that you can’t get the numbers from private clinics…. It’s very cloak-and-dagger,” the doctor said. “They’re still billing OHIP [Ontario’s Health Ministry]. That’s tax dollars. That should be publicly accessible information. We need to see these numbers and ask questions,” the doctor said.

    “If this was just about the schools, and just about kids being allowed to wear what they want and say what they want and be called whatever name they want and it stopped there, who would care? But medicine got involved.”…

    … Major medical groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics have strongly endorsed a gender-affirming approach to care to promote “optimal physical, mental and social wellbeing.”…

    …The growth in referrals to specialized clinics could be due to greater awareness and social acceptance, and the teaching of gender identity in school, experts said. But it’s not clear why it’s concentrated in children and teens born female…

    …The handful of published studies on surgery in minors involved relatively short follow-up periods…

    The trans medicine specialist:
    …“What we do know is that regret does take place, and it does take place later on in life,” said one trans medicine specialist, who also agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity for fear of being labelled “transphobic.”

    “If we know that people can come to this realization that maybe this may have not been the best decision for them, if that takes place after five years or 10 years, we don’t have all the information to allow patients to make an informed decision.”

    For such a permanent decision as the removal of healthy breasts, “I’m always looking at the why, and because that hasn’t been answered yet, that’s what leads to my ambivalence,” the specialist said.

    “What all this says to me is that we need to be much more thoughtful in our approach and in our assessments.”

  74. Lynn says:

    Further down the road when the effects of the treatments are causing osteoporosis and chronic health problems , who is liable when the person started the process as a child . Surely if you have brought legislation that criminalises parents for protecting their future physical health which is a pivotal aspect of any parents inherit responsibility. Then who is liable? It can’t now be the parents . Blame will need to follow the decision makers . Including the legislators .
    It has to be the teachers , politicians and those who have affirmed the time was right to go down that pathway .
    Every other professional who carries or participates in any form of medical processes has to carry indemnity . Personal indemnity . Legislation that appears to protect you from this process can easily be amended . I see big issues in the future when the full extent of the problem is uncovered . I can not understand anyone putting their own neck in the line for the storm that is coming . It is clear they have very little experience with the general public in terms of personal responsibility. They want compensation when the problems start to rise .

    I have to say I am slightly bemused that people can’t see this coming .

    Politically all you have to do is go and sit in a supermarket cafe and listen . Can’t wait for the next elections . I can not believe they have their finger so far off the pulse . They clearly are delusional if they think this is a winner . Even I thought they would try and add a conciliatory piece of legislation to warm the public up but they don’t have the capacity. They are more focused on trying to keep the Greens happy . That is the extent of their visual field .

  75. SteepBrae says:

    And in case the above posts are too wordy, this is from The Daily Wire, June 17th 2022:

    A Canadian father who was jailed for opposing his child’s gender transition is still fighting in court.

    In 2018, the dad was informed that a hospital would start administering cross-sex hormones to his child. Thanks to a new Canadian law, doctors may administer transgender drugs to children without parental consent.

    Four years later, the dad, whose identity was put under a publication ban by the court to protect his child, is still fighting in the British Columbia Courts over the loss of his parental rights in the medical transitioning of his teen daughter.

    After the dad spoke out against his child’s gender transition, he was arrested in March of last year and fined $30,000 for misgendering his daughter, who was 13 at the time. He was also charged with criminal contempt of court. He was initially denied bail and held in jail, but he is currently free on bail and awaiting his trial…

  76. Geri says:


    The patient signs a waiver.

    If the procedure has complications (& there are many already) no one is held responsible other than the patient for signing up.

    I think it was Florida that passed a law last year that make Surgeons directly responsible for botched jobs. That would certainly curb their enthusiasm to experiment because that’s all this is – a steady supply of living lab rats with mad surgeons believing they can defy nature.

    I think that would be the only way to halt this in its tracks because governments are going to be taken to the cleaners for pushing this onto vulnerable children & creating a hive mind in schools.


    Its not fit for purpose & would be as well closing. Blair didn’t give us jack shit. The Scottish electorate & the convention did. Stop crediting a war criminal – the fckers took 20 yrs + international pressure to deliver it – that’s your brand of democracy for ya. Anyway, it was a sticking plaster to halt the march to indy. It didn’t work cause the fckers stitched it up in the Scotland Act & have steadily stripped it cause the fckers just couldn’t leave well alone.

    We don’t need a London outpost in Scotland. Indy will happen without it.

  77. Republicofscotland says:

    Main/Ellis @7.03am.

    Read this to see what a bunch of hypocrites Western leaders have become. It wasn’t just the UK that jumped on the below bandwagon.

    “The UK is facing accusations of double standards after formally submitting detailed legal arguments to the international court of justice in The Hague six weeks ago to support claims that Myanmar committed genocide against the Rohingya ethnic group through its mass mistreatment of children and systematically depriving people of their homes and food.”

    link to

    The ICJ and by default the West is on trial here with regards to the genocide in Palestine, if the ICJ fails to do the right thing which is prosecution of the Zionists and their aiders and abettors, then how can it/they ever be trusted to do the right thing again. I fully expect the prosecutions if happens to take years.

    The world is watching.

  78. Ruby says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    11 January, 2024 at 12:29 am

    Hi Ruby – You typed,
    Sure scratching words on paper with a pen is fine but it ain’t going to build you a website.

    Really? From the Internet Archive…

    link to

    You can’t kid a kidder Brian.

    I right clicked on your website and chose ‘view page source’ and found screeds & screeds of html. No I don’t believe you built your website with paper & pen. 🙂

    I think we are way off topic however as I said earlier I have nothing new to say about the madness of transgenderism.

    Over the past two years I have read everything there is available about this madness and now I’m tired of it.

    I posted loads about it on here and with the exception of a few fellow terfs nobody paid much attention to me. I got the impression the franchise was more important.

    Whatever franchise you might choose you ain’t going to get independence without women on your side.

    I’m not hearing much from Alba that convinces me that they are.

    See my earlier posts about Craig Murray.

    Andy Ellis another Alba member seems more interested in the franchise.

    I’ll only be voting for the Posie Parker party.

  79. Young Lochinvar says:

    Common sense is no longer common.

  80. Ruby says:

    Taking about the internet I’ve just had a thought.

    A couple of days ago I discover that it was a Scotsman who invented the fridge now I am thinking a Scotsman played a very large part in the invention of the internet.

    Look at your computer monitor and ask yourself what it looks like.

    Who invented that?

    OK you might be surfing on your phone.

    So you should ask who invented the phone?

  81. Republicofscotland says:

    Well Craig Murray made it into the ICJ’s gallery, he queued from 5am to get in, surprisingly there are only 15 folk allowed in the gallery, well 14 folk the last one in is a copper.

    Murray has said he’s got pen and paper to hand and will report on the proceedings, if his reports on the Alex Salmond fit up are anything to go by, these ICJ reports will be explosive to say the least, we await his recount with bated breath.

  82. Geri says:


    I dinnae ken whit this is aw aboot but can you just wheeshst fir indy? Live & let live eh? They’re not changing laws that will affect you. Wummin need to calm doon…


    What the actual fck? They’re doing whit? Why didn’t someone tell me? This is outrageous! Nutella & what? Eh? Convictions, Jail terms, fines?? We need to stop this… LOL

    TBF it’s only been Wings that’s held fast in spite of all the abuse & flack he took on twitter as a fellow transphobe. Males tended to think it was just a woman’s problem.

  83. Ruby says:

    11 January, 2024 at 10:55 am

    Murray has said he’s got pen and paper to hand

    You can’t go wrong with the old pen & paper. Why not pencil?

    Here’s the thing about Craig Murray and anyone else who believes a man can change sex and it’s A-OK for him to do so has me doubting everything else they say.

  84. Geri says:

    Craig deserves a medal for the work he does at great risk to himself & his family in pursuit of justice.

    He’s certainly earned his place in the history books.

    40 yrs from now the Brit Est will all be revising history & crowing about how much they helped Assange stay safe & helped the poor people of Palestine.

  85. John C says:

    He’s a male prostitute. He has a full bio of services he offers.

    He’s still doing that? I’d have thought after the rape and assault allegations that he’d want to keep his head down.

    I think it’s almost certain he had high profile customers. Someone like him doesn’t get to where he has on merit or skill. It’s also interesting to remember that less than a decade ago he was just an ordinary looking student with an interest in student politics and now he’s got the ear of party leaders and government committees.

  86. Geri says:

    I think he thinks transvestites are the ones of old.
    Those who quietly wanted to blend in without fanfare or favour.

    Not the gobshites of late who have hijacked it.

    I see this too on Blair White podcast for example when she’s reacting to mad tiktokers. They’re not trans & don’t suffer dysphoria.

    That’s what’s helped this cult reach the levels it has. They mangled words & definitions to get their foot in the door before revealing their true self & that they didn’t need gender dysphoria at all & anyone can join. Now we have lesbian males & the pronoun freaks.

    They’ve done the exact same with conversion therapy – people automatically assumes it’s the barbaric, forced chemical castration when that not what the new version means at all.

    The new version IS chemical castration & the permissions from government to do it to gay kids without parental consent.

    I dunno his views. Trans people exist. I wonder if he means the old school type?

  87. Ruby says:

    John C
    11 January, 2024 at 11:40 am

    He’s a male prostitute. He has a full bio of services he offers.

    Are we all au fait with ‘Sissy’ or should I post a link.

    Warning in advance there will be a lot of adult content.

    Going back to the very interesting discussion about language I’m wondering about the word au fait. Is that ‘British English’?

  88. Ruby says:

    11 January, 2024 at 11:45 am

    I think he thinks transvestites are the ones of old.
    Those who quietly wanted to blend in without fanfare or favour.

    These are not the transvestites I have much experience of.

    The ones I knew were dancers. They all looked like super models.
    As I said before I worked abroad and these dancers were part of a group that performed every summer in the local casino.

    They were very popular just like the ‘The Lady Boys of Bangkok’ I never saw them perform so I don’t know if the attraction was because they were transexuals or really good entertainers. I did see them often in the street and can tell you they were stunning. Any man who fancied the idea of dancing with a super model would be attracted.

    Everything was fine until they went to the night club and picked up a man who did really fancy the idea of dancing with a supermodel and show off to his mates.

    It was when his mates started to tease him tell him he was dancing with a bloke that he got angry and the trouble would start. Super model’s FFS was at risk. Nobody likes to be conned and made a fool of.

    It’ll be OK if Beth sticks to those who want ‘Sissy’ and all the other things he has on offer on his website but his new FFS could be at risk if he masquerades as a woman and tries to fool another man into thinking he is a woman.

    None of that is transphobic just the brutal truth.

    I do have some very limited experience of the type of transwomen you are referring to. Those wearing a twin-set, pearls, a tweed skirt and Dora Batty tights.

    I had to share a dressing room & a taxi with him and I felt very, very uncomfortable.

    Again not transphobic just the brutal truth.

  89. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ruby at 10:28 am.

    You typed,

    “No I don’t believe you built your website with paper & pen.” ?

    I taught myself to code web pages – you can’t code a web page without using html. I used a paper and pen to take notes from my text books.
    I didn’t consider using a graphics tablet to convert my handwritten text to ‘computerspeak’ – it was easier just to type it into my leedle Mac by way of its keyboard.

    I just don’t get the point you’re trying to make (if any, or is it just the ramblings of an under-occupied brain?).

  90. Ruby says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    11 January, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Hi Ruby at 10:28 am.

    I just don’t get the point you’re trying to make (if any, or is it just the ramblings of an under-occupied brain?).

    Right back at you pal. You’ve been Xed.


  91. James Che says:

    When you’re government has lost it moral code of conduct and its values are debased to the lowest level of humanity,
    When all the parties that make that government becomes a dictatorship passing laws that harm most humans, that whole government should be No more,
    For all parties that do note against it.and let these new laws pass into legislation.

    Then the people have a right to chose a new government that does not harm them physically, mentally of financially.

    The devolved government in Scotland is not protecting the the people and nation of Scotland or its future. on any of the above topics, it is time to change that whole governance of dictatorship in Scotland.

  92. James Che says:

    When a government stops the free speech of the people, parents and family units, when it imprisons or attempts to imprison people under concocted charges politically for sure we are looking down the barrel of a loaded government,

    When that government transgresses its boundaries and takes away the mother and fathers freedom of Speech to object and comes after your Children……..

    Then you know that those in government has perverted and corrupted morality values and are not fit for the position of governance.

    Scotland has the right to chose a new Government.
    It does not stipulate in the Claim of right and Sovereignty how Scots have to do thiis,

  93. Mac says:

    More very odd UFO footage surfacing. This one is down right creepy. Taken over a US military base in Iraq in 2018 apparently using some infrared camera on a ‘weapons platform’. Could not see it through night vision googles they say.

    Reminds of the evil robot Maximillian in The Black Hole.

    The rest of the footage is said to show it flying out to sea and then stopping and descending down into the fecking water.

    I hope they are faking this footage I really do…

    It would certainly explain why our governments seem to hate us and want us dead or mutilating themselves… taken over by aliens!

    On a more serious note well done Craig Murray. Looking forward to his reports already. These judges are going to be heavily leaned on in ways we can’t even imagine. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. The Isr@elis have indicted themselves with their own insane statements, openly stating genocidal intent, to go along with the atrocities on the ground. I can’t see how the beat this without getting the Epstein tapes out big time…

  94. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 7.03am

    I am going to briefly mention that President P’s forced abduction of 404 kids and forced adoption of them back in Russtiland is in direct contravention of the UN gubbins quoted at the head of this thread, but that’s a scab you won’t ever pick, eh RoS?

    And for all the UN condemnation, nil, zilch, zero, de nada effect in the real world of military force.

    Doubtless there will be much wailing, gnashing of teeth and faux expressions of outrage attendant on the ICJ hearing, and the conflict will be over before the court hands down a decision by which time the attention of the international community will have shifted to the next crisis. ‘Twas ever thus sadly.

    As you rightly mention there are plenty of other cases just as, or indeed more, deserving of referral to the ICJ and all the attendant mass demonstrations, calls for boycott & disinvestment and sanctioning by all right thinking folk. I’m sure action against all of them will be the next thing on the lists of South Africa and others: unless it requires something hard like arresting the visting genocidal Sudanese war criminals responsible for the Darfur genocide, which is probably different because *reasons*.

    I’m all for advocating a “camp of the saints” in future. We should decide who amongst us is the purest morally and in terms of deed and action, and allow them to separate the goats from the sheep.

    Of course many of the usual suspects feel that we’re part of the problem, not part of the solution (“Great Satan” and “Little Satan” and all that…), so I’m not sure who exactly is going to be judge and jury?

    If the post WW2 rules based international order with it’s reliance on the imperfect UN model is going to be torn down, or replaced….what are we to replace it with?

    Here’s a trial balloon: let’s scrap the UN altogether. European liberal democracies should announce they’re going to look to their own security, organise collectively for their own defence, spend enough and rationalise arms procurement to ensure we don’t need a US security guarantee, not sell weapons to anyone else and not intervene anywhere else.

    Let the rest of the world look to it’s own defence and welfare, and good luck to them.

    Hell, we can go full throttle and say we’ll rank all other countries according to an index covering their attachment to universal human rights and democratic values, and give preference in trade and investment to those who score well, and downgrade contacts with those who score badly. In the cases of the worst offenders we’ll isolate them altogether: no trade, no contacts, nada.

    We can target our investment and aid only to those who score well on the index, or are moving up, and penalise those those at the bottom or who slip down the table. Incentives for the righteous, penalties for the wicked.

    It may take a while, but we’ll be able to congratulate ourselves for our moral, social and political purity.

    Of course, as the old Irish directions go, if I wanted to get there I wouldn’t be starting from here….but even the longest journey starts with a single step, right?

  95. James Che says:

    The suggested way to change bad and perverted governments in Scotland is Not, repeat Not by physically attacking politicians,
    but by ignoring the bad dictatorship in governance and setting up our own parallel government of the Sovereign Scots people,
    To start up a parliament of that includes the people, rather than career politicians on high wages protecting themselves with the police that our taxes pay for.

  96. Ruby says:

    James Che
    11 January, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    When a government stops the free speech of the people, parents and family units, when it imprisons or attempts to imprison people under concocted charges politically for sure we are looking down the barrel of a loaded government,

    My reason for voting to remain in the EU was principally because I didn’t want the UK Gov to ‘take back control’. I didn’t want Westminster deciding on my human rights.

    It seems it is being suggested that the EU want to ‘take back control’ but I think they have less chance of doing so because there are a number of EU countries who have a lot of very recent experience with fascism.

    So not likely to vote to go back there.

    ie Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain etc

    Others might be able to add to the list.

    PS Are we in or out of the ECHR?

  97. Ruby says:

    I’ve just had a thought about supermodels.

    Men are better equipped to be supermodels than women.

    Tall flat chested with narrow hips.

    I wonder if this has been deliberate.

    Could it have played a part in girls wanting to cut off their breasts?

    My brain is not under occupied it is fully occupied with the efforts being made to eliminate women & the country heading at the speed of knots to the dystopia described in the book 1984.

    This is not a scare story this is the brutal truth.

  98. Mac says:

    Thinking about it would actually come as a relief if it turned out it was aliens taking over our politicians and working to murder and/or enslave us. At least you can rationalize that, make sense of it, understand it…

    But if it is not aliens behind all this woke insanity and gender mutilation madness then it is worse. It is insanity and/or evil and the two are almost indistinguishable in practice. And these you can never understand, nor make sense of. Just look at the nick of Mr Wolton above. He is like fecking pinhead out of Hellraiser encouraging kids to mutilate themselves. Really fucked up.

    So I am hoping for aliens.

  99. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ruby at 12:33 pm.

    You typed,
    “Right back at you pal. You’ve been Xed.

    Badge of honour – or is it? You have a scattergun approach to ‘X-ing”. Doesn’t matter if the subject is pro-unionist or Pro-YES. If your huff is piqued, you X. Fair enough.

    No more help for you. I’ll scroll past.

  100. John C says:

    What I read was section 28 prevented the promotion of homosexuality but didn’t prevent talk about homosexuality.

    I thought that was fair enough. It was barbaric. It did prevent talk about homosexuality & demonised gay men especially when many were dying of AIDS related conditions. The Tories, and a large part of the SNP back then along with a large amount of the public all supported it. It was only through a decade of campaigning as well as LGB people making clear they were no more of a threat to anyone that any heterosexual person.

    I’m assuming section 28 would cover everyone in the LGBTQ+ group.

    There was no ‘LGBTQ+’ then. There wasn’t even a defined LGB group. It was gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. It was the 80s and 90s which created the LGB ‘community’ which was strained at times but there was a clear goal. The ‘T’ back then didn’t exist as there was no Trans movement. Sure, there were transvestites and transexuals but they only fell under the remit of S28 if they were gay men. ‘Queer’ back then was a slur (still is) and often the last thing many people heard before the boots flew in. As for the ‘+’ bit that wasn’t even a glint in anyone’s eye.

    Basically the Trans movement has inserted itself in history when it didn’t exist (WW2) or when it was barely in its infancy. The idea in the 90s that by wearing men’s clothes would make a woman a man would have been laughed at and was because it was, and is, regressive bullshit.

    The Trans movement as we know it today didn’t exist til the 2000s & it never exploded like it did til the early 2010s. This is why their attempts to insert themselves into the hounding gay men got during the S28 era or even during the Holocaust because they need themselves to be the ‘Most Marginalised Group Ever’ even though the overwhelming majority are white middle class males.

    What I’m getting at is if a section 28 would have prevented this over promotion of transgenderism.

    It wouldn’t have and in fact, it didn’t because Trans has little to do with what gays and lesbians were prior to Trans being a thing. What would have prevented the rise of Trans was more scrutiny from organisations early on in the 2000s a lot of kids wouldn’t have grown up to have miserable lives in bodies so mutilated that normal adult functions are beyond them.

    What the TRAs didn’t expect was for there to be such a kickback as they’d assumed enough institutions were captured in the 2010s but thankfully, much of the law isn’t which is why this Scottish Government proposal is just endless legal action waiting to happen.

  101. Anton Decadent says:

    I wonder if the ICJ will be brought in to mediate the Balkanisation BTL here brought on by the X. The factions and sleekit crawling whilst calling for the banning of anyone who does not share their views. I weep for my country.

  102. moixx says:

    John C @ 2.02pm

    “… much of the law isn’t which is why this Scottish Government proposal is just endless legal action waiting to happen.”


    The SG is determined to get as much trans agenda legislation bedded in as they can, either explicitly or a bit more under the radar. This Conversion Ban one is a clear example, but they’re bringing forward plenty of others which are less obvious. For example, another consultation launched today: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (closes 21 April 2024)

    link to

    Again, they’re using other, disadvantaged groups to push the trans agenda, but it’s there quite explicitly at page 18 of the ‘short’ (35 pages) guide under ‘Relationships’:

    “Members said that people should be able to express their gender and sexuality freely, and noted the increased risk of mental health issues among those with LGBT identities.”

    Part of the consultation is to decide who the Bill applies to when it comes to the ‘neurodivergence’ group. I’m sure I’ve seen the term ‘neurodivergent’ being used more recently in connection with all the ‘gender’ variables (non-binary, gender fluid etc) and no doubt it’ll be used to give anyone who ‘identifies’ as whatever-gender-thing-they-fancy, yet more protections and special status.

    Also, it’s been shown that young autistic people are being caught up in the social contagion of it all in disproportionately high numbers, and there has been strong criticism of this. This Bill seems to be a way around this by targeting that group specifically, and making it more difficult to protect them. As with the Conversion Ban, giving people more ‘rights’ seems to be actively making them more vulnerable, and removes the professional help they actually need.

    Another quote from the short guide that I noticed in my quick skim of it:

    “The Panel felt that any approach towards eliminating violence towards women, girls, and people assigned female at birth should be preventative and empowering.”

    Does ‘people assigned female at birth’ mean biological women and girls? Funny how that seems to be added on as an afterthought. And not sure how we can make eliminating violence ‘preventative’ if we can’t clearly define what the main source of violence is (ie men, no matter how they identify) and we aren’t being allowed to keep all the safeguarding that we’ve had till very recently.

    Maybe the SG strategy is to flood the legislation-making process with as much trans/queer agenda stuff as they can, in the hope that some of it will get through and then that can be used in law even if other Bills fail.

  103. Jontoscots21 says:

    Genuinely chilling. The trans cult and their legal enablers Dentons are using the Yogyakarta principles to piggyback on human rights by briefing overpromoted quangocats like Killean. Indeed just as the cult is piggybacking on gay and Lesbian rights. Scotland it seems. Is their sandpit with Emma Rocket and her chums ready to focus away from every pressing everyday policy priority to meet the needs of this aggressive micro-minority. Alba needs to be much more aggressive in confronting this.

  104. Republicofscotland says:

    “I am going to briefly mention that President P’s forced abduction of 404 kids and forced adoption of them back in Russtiland is in direct contravention of the UN gubbins quoted at the head of this thread, but that’s a scab you won’t ever pick, eh RoS?”


    Like the Zionist beheaded babies which there’s no evidence of, the same appears to apply to kidnapped kids.

    link to

  105. James says:


    It’s a sair fecht, is it no? Draining.

    I gave up with him/it/them on the arrival of the ‘X’.

  106. Ruby says:

    Anton Decadent
    11 January, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    I wonder if the ICJ will be brought in to mediate the Balkanisation BTL here brought on by the X. The factions and sleekit crawling whilst calling for the banning of anyone who does not share their views. I weep for my country.

    Nobody is calling for anyone to be banned. The X actually prevents people from being banned.

    Why do I say this?

    Prior to the X being introduced people who objected to what you were writing reported you to Stu. Lots of objections about the quality of the BTL posts. Stu then has to make the decision whether or not to ban you or punish you. Mostly you got punished and were given a sentence of PMT. The time varies depending on how busy Stu is. Monitoring these posts made by PMTers is really time consuming & pretty boring for Stu I would imagine.

    It has been claimed that Stu never reads BTL and that is a lie.

    So much better if Stu can just say use the ignore X. If you don’t like what people are saying just ignore them. Sorted.

    There is also a financial aspect to all of this in that if a posters is punished/banned and his/her posts are being pre-moderated then they are not likely to be donating to Wings.
    Although that is a bit daft as you are paying for the articles and not for commenting or others comments.

    But hey if you feel hard done by you are going to cancel your direct debit.

    I am not calling for a ban on those who do not share my views I am just asking for the right to ignore the posts of people I find offensive/abusive.

    If you check the recent post by ‘Briandoonthetoon’ you can see he ends the post with personal abuse
    link to

    I feel I have the right to ignore personal abuse/garbage and would be happy with any suggestion from Stu that I do so.

    If I don’t ignore it will just lead to ‘slanging match’ between Brain and I and nobody wants that anymore.
    Well that isn’t totally accurate there are posters who just love a good old ‘slanging match’

    ‘Slanging matches’ may be fine if you were in the pub and all the other people sitting at separate tables couldn’t hear you but now that ‘The Pub has gone online’ that isn’t possible.

    PS You are not paying me for my posts so if you don’t like the quality or quantity of my posts then use the X.

  107. Andy Ellis says:

    @Jontoscots21 2.42pm

    Alba needs to be much more aggressive in confronting this.

    At present the only parties which aren’t addled with TRA are Alba, ISP and the Scottish Tories…and even the latter have a few true believers.

    Doubtless Alba and ISP could be a bit more forthright, but there isn’t a whole lot of evidence that this specific issue is having that big an impact on “top line” support for parties.

    That may be beginning to change, particularly amongst female voters, but even if support for Alba & ISP rises post #GE2024, it won’t necessarily be attributable only or even mainly to their stance on TRA. I’ve definitely seen a fair number of folk saying they’ll never vote for parties supporting TRA and fluffing for Stonewall brownie points.

    However, it may take some time for that to filter through to an actual rise in support: even then, it might take a very public drubbing for the SNP at the next election before the dam bursts. We can but hope anyway!

  108. Ruby says:

    John C
    11 January, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    What I read was section 28 prevented the promotion of homosexuality but didn’t prevent talk about homosexuality.

    I thought that was fair enough.

    A man after my own heart I said exactly that earlier. 🙂

  109. Confused says:

    back to this old crap again; we had some decent posts of late on history, culture, economics, (a good article yesterday by Elspeth King) but now … this … again.

    The trannies won’t leave you alone and you can’t just leave the floor to them, so here we are; ScotGov’s actions have become (in)-famous throughout the world in this matter. Again, we are some kind of petri dish, lab experiment. BTW I read Linehan’s book recently, a good read, but I would like to leave it there. Right now I would vote for any party which had a single policy to send all trannies to carstairs. Sometimes I wonder where would we be if the SNP had the same zeal for independence that they do for this, frankly evil, nonsense? Independent, or at least plunged the UK into a damaging constitutional crisis – the battle would at the very least be “on”.

    – I would not post on this again, but for one irritating and unaddressed matter; a lot of guilty parties are trying to white-white-white-wash themselves. The “ordinary decent gays” say – it was not us; and the feminists who want “protection”, which will have to come from, normal men, the people you have been demonising for the past 30 years – “r4pe culture” – “misogyny” – we dont need no men … okay, so let’s see you handle the trannies … I will stand back, smiling, popcorn in hand. As for “womens sports” – it’s a joke, and always has been, and frankly I am fed up with the pretence that it is anything other than mediocrity boosted by the media; let the trannies destroy it, I say, their one good use, but overall, they need to be stopped.

    The tranny shitshow, a free for all for pervs and paedos in the primary schools – shows exactly that Brian Souter was right all along; it is also the only damn thing that the rightly-hated Margaret Hilda Thatcher was ever right about. We are taught that “the slippery slope” is one of the classic logical fallacies, but it’s not – it’s their principal mode of operation; you give them an inch, they take a foot, and ratchet one concession onto another. No one, for an entire generation has tried to put any kind of brake on the pervs. Now, we are here. Because no one put a stop to it – now you have rainbow parades down main street with pervs in gimp masks fisting their arses.

    – what annoys me about the homosexuals and the feminists is this : they created, empowered, the trans menace, but now are frantically trying to distance themselves from this wrecking golem they made.

    “it wasn’t us” (get the TQ out of the LGB!)

    but it was you, it was always you, … homeo-queero, you were happy to have the bad drag acts get in everyones faces

    and the feminists? Well, they started denying biological realities some 30 years ago. They had won all their battles, but still not “equal” so either feminism was nonsense, biology was real or … they just doubled down, claimed it was all “systemic misogyny”. To a lot of feminists, at least in the beginning, having men cut their own dicks off just shows the superiority of women.

    The whole “sexual liberation” movement is a juggernaut, starting with the pill; a lot of people got on it and had a good time, but the juggernaut does not stop when you think “this far and no more”. It plows on, the final destination being a libertine free for all, where, especially, paedophilia will be de-criminalised, normalised, then protected. We are almost there.

    – thanks gays, thanks feminists. I hope you burn in hell with the trannies.

    Souter, despite having money, was naive about the media and had no notion how it worked. And you don’t do this kind of thing yourself – amateur night.

    If you want to know where it is all headed – trying reading de Sade if you can stomach it, or shorter, watch Pasolini’s Salo (if you can bear to watch it).

  110. Anton Decadent says:

    @moixx, very well spotted.

  111. George Ferguson says:

    @moixx 2:35pm
    Agreed. I would add it is not just the Scottish Government pursuing self identification and gender related rights. It is the golden thread that runs through the Judiciary, Scottish Institutions and the Scottish Parliament, promotion of these rights exclusively over everyone else. I have found that out whilst analysing the failure of the 140 million Scottish Census. Waiting on some FOIs to trundle back to me but already the primary reason is clear, as is the associated cover up hiding in plain view. I hope to get an article to Stu next week (Part 1). Having manipulated the design inputs it is a fair assumption the outputs published this summer 2024 will get the same treatment (Part 2)

  112. Andy Ellis says:

    @Anton Decadent 2.17 pm

    I wonder if the ICJ will be brought in to mediate the Balkanisation BTL here brought on by the X. The factions and sleekit crawling whilst calling for the banning of anyone who does not share their views. I weep for my country.

    You make it sound like a bad thing Anton! It has its uses too I reckon. Apparently the full functionality is meant to make red boxed comments disapparate altogether: sadly it doesn’t appear to work on Rev Stu’s version of WordPress, doubtless much to his chagrin.

    May they howl into the void I say!

    The atavistic urge some have to tone police the speech of others is nothing new of course, nor is the logorrhea or monomania of certain participants.

    It is ardently to be hoped that balkanisation might encourage more people to post again – and hopefully not just about their obsessions with whichever hobby horse they’re furiously thrashing to death.

    If so, I’m all for a bit of “E Pluribus Unum”.

  113. James Che says:

    Viewing news from around the world that MsM are avoiding or censoring in Britain is interesting,

    It will only be a matter of time before all Britains news will be censored except for government selected items chosen to the people, in a most undemocratic manner leaving us with a even larger dictatorship than just Scotland,

    When analysing the limited news that we can still obtain at the moment we realise that Scotlands people are not on their own objecting to the new trend in immoral dictatorship governance,
    It is world wide and the protests are world wide.
    But this is not on British news outlets except for propagating wars and divisions between nations and people.
    Indoctrination of the peoples minds around the world to control the peoples attitudes is in full swing,

    Scotland present governance is a microscopic view of the wrongs of the horrendous world governments in general. And little is spoken of all the all protest going on around the rest of the planet against their governments and the Anti- humane policies,
    From banking, food sources, energy supplies, rainbow genders, enforced euthenasia of the homeless, disabled, and elderly to persuading children to be mutulated for gender re- assignment,

    Scotland has a choice,

    1: The nation of Scots did not vote to join the treaty of union,

    2: The nation of Scots do not share the same Monarch or the same Crown, due to Queen Anne not taken the Scottish oath during her Coronation or ever going through the ceremony to become Queen of Scots in the separate kingdom of Scotland at that time.England had no legal authority not make or create a Scottish monarch.

    3: The nation of Scotlands parliament was dissolved in England by England from the treaty of union,

    4: The parliament of England continued un- dissolved through the path of the House of Lords. Into a duel personality by simply rebranding their name that of Great-Britain,.

    5: And fallacious union between Scotland and England has no legal foundation due to the position of the Scottish parliaments dissolution by Queen Anne’s proclamation. And any genuine new parliament of Scotland cannot now be bound by any previous parliament,

    6: to all legal intents and purposes Scotland is actually a republic at the present time,

    Englands parliament of Great-Britain does not Contain the old Scottish Parliament or its members,
    Because a parliament under dissolution has no member unless that parliament is reinstated in its original form by repeal in England,
    This has never been done in the parliament of Westminster.

    Scots in Scotland have a Choice to chose a new humanitarian government.
    That does not require the permission of Westminster parliament,

    It has not happened yet, due to the Scottish people sleepwalking through the Colonial propaganda and believing it.
    Do not bother debating me, I encourage you to Go and check and research the records for yourselves,
    Because you will have much better faith and belief in your own ability and what your own eyes see,
    Than taking someone else’s word for it.
    Scots may not have been able to check these things in 1707. But there is no excuse now,

    So Go do your historical records research checking. With your own eyes and brain.

  114. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, there was a comment last week threatening to stop donating to the site unless BTL commenting was more heavily moderated. There have been a number of whiny posts with regard to having to read views which do not align with those of the person making the post. The factionilisation is apparent to anyone reading BTL.

    With regard to your final paragraph and using X I read pretty much every comment whether I agree with them or not. By cancelling the views of others you could miss vital information on subjects such as piccalilli shinpads.

  115. Stoker says:

    Mac says on 11 January 2024 at 12:58 pm:
    “More very odd UFO footage surfacing. This one is down right creepy. Taken over a US military base in Iraq in 2018 apparently using some infrared camera on a ‘weapons platform’. The rest of the footage is said to show it flying out to sea and then stopping and descending down into the fecking water. I hope they are faking this footage I really do…”

    There is a wealth of evidence now surfacing. The one you mention isn’t the best one. You should see the one where the American military track this thing traveling from inland near an airport, all the way out to sea, before it enters the water. It then resurfaces and splits into 2 UFO’s.

    There’s an increase in evidence ever since the American top brass instructed their pilots to start reporting sightings. Previously any pilot reporting such sightings were liable to have their mental health questioned and grounded to a desk job or they lost their job. Also, look up ‘Foo Fighter UFO’s.

    It wasn’t just allied pilots that experienced them. After WW2 the Nazi’s admitted their pilots seen them too and thought it was their enemies’ advanced weapon technology. The allied forces simultaneously thought they were a secret Nazi weapon.

    Some governments around the world are letting their citizens in on what they know whereas up until 2021 the American military kept everything hush hush from the public. In 2021 the American government issued a report for public consumption, after some fighter pilot/UFO engagement was “leaked”.

    The report admitted UAP’s (the Americans now call them UAP’s – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) are real and engaging planet Earth etc. Although the Americans have now confirmed the existence of UAPs/UFOs many Americans still think their Government agencies are still not telling everything they know.

    There have been several recent incidents recorded by the American Navy of UAP’s present when the Navy is conducting exercises. 2 or 3 relatively high-ranking American military intelligence personnel have become “whistleblowers” on what’s going on. One of them even quit his post due to what he believes should be shared with the public.

    There’s also 2 well-known school incidents, (one in Australia and one in South Africa i think?). Situations that were witnessed by school children and their teachers. In both incidents the UFO’s landed. Look them up, it will frazzle your brain. LOL! Having 1 or 2 folk involved in a hoax is hard enough to keep quiet but totally impossible to get a load of children in on the act.

    Also, look up any of the following cases if you’re board with nothing better to do: “The Phoenix Lights”, The Shag Harbour UFO and The Battle of Los Angeles. This phenomena isn’t exactly something new. UFO’s have been recorded one way or another for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    And there’s well documented cases in both America and Russia where UFO’s apparently turned up over nuclear missile silos and shut them down or switched them to live, almost causing nuclear Armageddon before shooting off at speeds that would turn a human to pulp, apparently.

    Both countries had to arrange a phone system to inform the other side when their weapons are triggered by sources other than themselves. When it happened to the Russians they stripped their computer system right down to investigate and rule out any faults. Their system was in perfect order.

    Thing is, more and more folk are witnessing these things more often all around the planet. I reckon the vast majority could be due to top secret weapons/aircraft/spacecraft etc being tested. With only a small percentage, if any, not from this earth.

    Among all these witnesses there are a growing number of credible trained observers such as police officers and military personnel. A lot of the witnesses and believers are also very level-headed individuals. As far removed from the iconic tinfoil hat brigade as you can get..

    There are a lot of utter nutters out there with an endless stream of fake/doctored UFO “evidence.” But others are totally mind-blowing and are certified genuine by special FX, editing specialists, photography and videographer experts etc. A small percentage of them appear to be genuine.

    Nick Pope is referred to as the real Mulder, of Mulder & Scully fame. LOL! He ran the UKGovs UFO investigation department back in the day. He is now a retired believer and works on investigations with highly qualified individuals who are also believers.

    Those individuals include his American counterparts, the one who gave up a 20-year career doing a job he loved because he didn’t agree with what was being kept from the public etc. At least that’s the story he tells. Fascinating stuff if you can separate the BS from the interesting ones.

    The BS as far as i’m concerned is any talk regarding “crop circles”, “alien abductions” (and anything associated with it), “livestock mutilations” (mostly cattle) and genetic hybrid human/alien breeding programmes.

    And don’t forget associating anything to do with UFOs with the “paranormal”. If folk continue to introduce such topics into the UFO debate they cannot very well expect to be taken seriously nor complain when folk then ridicule them.

    None of the aforementioned are down to UFO’s. Crop circles are done by some very very clever humans (i’d guess mostly student types). Abductions are probably related to some as yet unknown sleep disorder such as night terrors. Livestock mutilations could be down to a list of causes. UFOs are way bottom of that list if you ask me.

    That’s yer bedtime story for tonight, Troops! Sweet dreams! LOL!

  116. Ruby says:

    link to

    This is fantastic. Well worth watching.

    Anton: Could you please direct me to all posts about ‘piccalilli shinpads’.

    I’m keen to know about all things fitba.

  117. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “By cancelling the views of others you could miss vital information on subjects such as piccalilli shinpads.”

    Or, indeed, the infamous crotchless earmuffs.

  118. Geri says:

    Ruby 12:28

    They were gay men dressed in drag to mock women but they were/are gay.

    Autogynephilia is a whole different ball game as you know. Burley bearded blokes with an attitude & who have no intention of transitioning. Or the Sissy porn crew too & MAPs. They have all hijacked the trans cause to blur the lines.

    I’d have no problem with Blair White, for example.
    But that isn’t the type being pushed. It’s the wackadoos & dangerous shysters that are. Makes the public unaware of what group they belong to which adds to the confusion.

    I could be defending Blair White types while someone else is thinking trans = Dennis Rader – bdk serial killer.. LOL!

    Confused is correct. The Gays had a choir explicitly singing they were going to come after peoples kids – According to Blair this shit was their fault & drag acts in schools. The LGBT community used to police itself from weirdos & Paedos but the NUtrans cult allows a free for all which was always going to spell disaster & a public backlash because it’s went past social boundaries & is now a free for all of who can be more deviant or play hard done by where even Pride events are completely taken over by thugs. They courted this & now that there is the rumblings of a public outcry they’re trying to distance themselves from the beast they created.

  119. Ruby says:

    link to

    Here’s a ‘YouTube’ link to the interview with the
    ‘Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower’

    Link to his fundraiser:

    link to

  120. holymacmoses says:

    I find this current attack on youth utterly despicable at a time when children are being killed, maimed and made into orphans every minute in Gaza.
    Where have our natural instincts for protecting the young disappeared to?

  121. Ruby says:

    Warning this post contains adult content. If you are not prepared to listen to adult content you will not be able to understand transgenderism.


    My attitude to folk like Blair White & the man who calls himself Debbie has changed quite a lot over the past year or so.

    The things they say are interesting enough but the bottom line for me is they are both wearing ‘woman face’ and helping to make that acceptable.

    As you say we don’t know what trans actually is.

    One thing I think people should know about is all the various sexual fetishes indulged in by the ‘trans’. Cross dressing is just a sexual fetish.

    It’s probably not the most agreeable thing to look at but it does help in understanding what’s going on.
    The ‘sissy’ stuff is the most disturbing.
    The furries come a close second.

    Andrea Long Chu has written a lot about sissy. He has recently won a Pullitzer prize for his work.
    I don’t know if it was in the women’s category but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were

    What I’m wonder about Beth is if he is the Sissy or the Sissyee.

    Just to put it crudely ‘Does he get fucked in the way they believe a woman should be fucked or does he fuck the Sissy’.

    Maybe both are on offer in his wide repertoire of sexual pleasures.

    I doubt if he could satisfy the ‘urophiliac’ if it’s listening to women pee that gets them off.
    They would have to continue to sneek into the women’s toilets.

    I’m going to play music every time I go for a pee just to spoil their fun.

    I’ll have to check my playlists to find some appropriate music.

    What was that song that with the lyrics that went

    “They’re coming to take you away ho ho ha ha hee hee
    To the funny farm ho ho ha ha hee hee.”

  122. Ruby says:

    “They’re coming to take you away ho ho ha ha hee hee
    To the funny farm ho ho ha ha hee hee.”
    Where you will be given a nice new jacket and you won’t be able to listen to me pee hee hee ho ho ha ha hee hee.”

    There’s my doorbell! Ding! Ding!

    Oh god! I think they might be here to take me away.

    Ho ho ha ha hee hee.

  123. John Main says:

    @Stoker says:11 January, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    There are a lot of utter nutters out there

    And there’s a lot of evidence available to back up that part of your post.

    The rest? Maybes not so much.

    I reckon the PE cartoon had it right years ago.

    “Look, it’s a UFO. Keep an eye on it while I fetch my very oldest, shittiest camera and take a blurred, out-of-focus pic!”

  124. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says:11 January, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    [some text in comment and link modified to avoid moderation and post resubmitted – replace “poot” with the correct spelling, and “404” with the correct country name]

    Like the Zionist beheaded babies which there’s no evidence of, the same appears to apply to kidnapped kids

    What do I need to say, RoS, so desperate are you for your pathetic points scoring that you freely choose to damn yourself.

    link to

    Here’s a wee quote:

    “Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Pootin, born on 7 October 1952, President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of 404 to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute). The crimes were allegedly committed in 404 occupied territory at least from 24 February 2022. There are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Pootin bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes”

  125. Anton Decadent says:

    @BDTT, that is really good, if HMHB have not already used it in a song they should.

  126. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 6.18pm

    “Look, it’s a UFO. Keep an eye on it while I fetch my very oldest, shittiest camera and take a blurred, out-of-focus pic!”

    I’m pretty convinced that there is intelligent life out there (in the galaxy I mean…not here obvs…the jury’s still out on that given the general standard), but I has questions with the UFO stuff:

    Firstly, if a civilization advanced enough to have faster than light travel reaches here, how plausible is it that their technology can’t stop our relatively unsophisticated capabilities for detecting them catching them on film?

    Secondly: if they’re friendly and wanted to establish contact, they would presumably do better than zinging around our atmosphere and/or doing the odd abduction and medical experiments on the natives.

    Thirdly: if they aren’t friendly and want our resources, or to turn us all in to meat paste for their sandwiches, I don’t hold out much hope of an “Independence Day” fight back to take on their technology and destroy the mother ship.

  127. Republicofscotland says:

    “What do I need to say, RoS, so desperate are you for your pathetic points scoring that you freely choose to damn yourself.”


    Link not working.


    I’ll save you the bother of posting a new link.

    “The ICC prosecutor Karim Khan appeared to have based his arrest warrant on research produced by Yale University’s Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL). Yale HRL’s work was funded and guided by the US State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilisation Operations, an entity the Biden administration established in May 2022 to advance the prosecution of Russian officials.”

    Sadly the ICC is:

    “neither international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal.
    “It is an institutionalised tool – one of many – used by Western corporate-financier interests to coerce and control nations across the developing world.”

  128. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 6.38pm

    It’s not about truth or justice though is it John? The latter day Dreyfus Affair taking place in the Hague is just a way to scratch an atavistic urge for many: their partiality for straining every sinew to anathematise some crimes and not others is telling.

    Hardly a surprise to find so many ardent modern day anti-Dreyfusards infesting this place. Watching them perform intellectual summersaults to justify their hypocrisy is going to be fun.

  129. John Main says:

    @ Andy Ellis says:11 January, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    The universe is a big place, in spatial and temporal dimensions. It has occurred to a few that if some Supreme Creator wanted to set up a laboratory in which to isolate experiments, by such extreme distances that they could never meaningfully interact with each other, then our universe with its physical laws is just what She would design.

    The jury remains out on whether “intelligence” conveys any lasting evolutionary advantage in the medium to long term.

    Short term certainly. But we may have reached the limits, beyond which we will inevitably destroy ourselves.

    And our Creator will be able to write up an innarestin paper. Wonder who will publish and read it?

  130. John Main says:

    @ Andy Ellis says:11 January, 2024 at 7:41 pm

    Hardly a surprise to find so many ardent modern day anti-Dreyfusards infesting this place. Watching them perform intellectual summersaults to justify their hypocrisy is going to be fun

    It’s kinda fun, but it damages the image of Scotland, whether or not you support Indy.

    To attempt to turn iScotland into some kind of pariah state is not the work of those who have Scotland’s best interests at heart. Even seeing it as the wrecking efforts of zealots for whom ideological purity trumps all is probably being too kind.

    They actually want iScotland to be some kind of New Albania. They really want iScotland to make common cause with the likes of NK and Yemen. They rejoice in the idea of the destruction of the West, even although they know Scotland will be crushed beneath the wreckage if they get their way.

    They’re every bit as much carpet baggers on the Indy cause as the pseudo Greens, the troughing SNP grifters and the trans furrys they claim to abhor.

  131. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ruby/J Gedd: yes, the Yogyakarta Principles were decided without female input, but, then, so was the 2004 GRA, equal pension legislation and many other human concerns. So, women are not human, then, would be the conclusion. You are right to suggest that the female of the species is being erased.

    This is, I think – but I may well be wrong – because we stand in the way of total dominance of the human race by male global corporatists and capitalists who want to build society in their image – sadistic, psychopathic, riddled with paedophilia and unfettered misogyny, rape and coercion. Other men are used to boot females into shape – or, rather out of shape, like the vanguard of an advancing army.

    They can rely on us to fight for our kids, so the bitches have to go. Girls are socialized into ‘doormatdom’ from the very earliest age; they are subtly made to realize that their bod is their asset and little else; and, if they happen to have a brain and outdo the menz, then they are going to pay for it. Not saying every man is like this, far from it, but too many are, and too many womenz are complicit.

    The dumbest of them are like donkeys beaten into submission but still carrying a back-breaking burden – just so long as something resembling a male of the species looks twice at them – once to check that she is doing what she is told and secondly, to kick her into a bag of broken bones before jumping those bones, if she reneges. Or if she complies.

    Society will change, but not in the ways that these deviants, sadists, p*rn-adled cross-dressers, global corporatist string-pullers and Scottish politicians imagine. Or ‘Beth’ either. Something’s in the air.

  132. Lee Floyd says:

    Perhaps the best place to start would be a move to England, where we are not quite so barbaric as your society seems to want to be…..

  133. Republicofscotland says:

    An hour ago.

    “The U.K. cabinet is meeting imminently to discuss an attack on Yemen. It will lack even the fig leaf of parliamentary approval.”

    link to

    “It is being reported that Rishi Sunak is holding a meeting of his cabinet tonight about the possibility of UK and US military strikes in the Red Sea, against Yemen’s Houthis.”

    link to


    “Iran is currently holding its biggest military exercise of the year

    The Great Prophet 18”

    It looks like a regional conflict is inevitable.

    Probably the UK will use its updated Oman spy bases as staging posts against Iran and Yemen.

  134. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says:11 January, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Cool, can’t wait to see the Hotties get theirs.

    They’re just another bunch of entitled God bothering grievance mongers thinking they can take out their impotent rage on the innocent of the world. They need to be taught a lesson.

    Plus, they’re about to cost me serious money.

    Look on the bright side, RoS. Maybes the Hotties will surround their missile sites and munitions stores with women and kiddies, so that you have something to greet about in the coming days.

    Standard textbook terrorist behaviour, to get the western useful idiots tearing at their hairshirts.

  135. Agent x says:

    “Nadia El-Nakla, an SNP councillor and the wife of Scotland’s first minister, says she is “pleading” with the UK government to let her host her Palestinian brother, as she revealed that her sister-in-law and their four children had escaped from Gaza after an intervention by the Turkish government.”

    Just beyond comment.

  136. Johnlm says:

    Another deep political insight on world politics by Main, I see.

  137. Lorna Campbell says:

    John Main: I hope you were joking there, because I did actually laugh. Not at the impending (maybe) deaths of innocents, but at the useful idiots. A lot of them about nowadays. We killed hundreds of thousands of people – innocent civilians – in Iraq, in Syria, flattening whole towns and cities to root out the ‘enemy’ (ISIS) which we had armed till just the day before or perhaps till that very morning. It’s just other people we don’t like doing that: especially Jewish people and Russians, a lot of who are Jewish. If you are going to accuse anyone of genocide, I suppose it makes sense that it should be the Jews. Who else knows more about the subject? The minute Hamas carried out that act on 7 October, Gaza was going to be flattened, and the West Bank with it, if they rose up, too. No other outcome was possible from day one, not even America can bring the Israelis to book. It is always the innocent who suffer in conflicts and wars. Mainly, it is the women and children of Gaza who are dying because they are inside the houses when the boys fall. The men and boys are out in the streets. It was mainly Israeli and Jewish young women and children who died in the kibbutzes or were kidnapped. Women and children make easy targets for all sides and/or are usually the ‘collateral damage’. The ‘trans’-inflicted conflict is no different.

  138. Geri says:

    Lee Floyd 8:36 pm

    **Perhaps the best place to start would be a move to England, where we are not quite so barbaric as your society seems to**

    Don’t kid yourself. Your government has allowed this. It’s also in your schools too, & police, university, army & in every single organisation where even Braverman couldn’t get a grip of Lesbian Nana.

    The Tory party, the supposed party of law & order, has sat back & allowed this to poison every government department & organisation.

    They must’ve been too busy interfering in other countries to notice. A bit like yourself.

  139. BLMac says:

    We have an age of consent for sexual activity which currently is 16 years.

    If someone under that age is regarded an not mature enough to to give consent for that, then how the hell can they be considered mature enough to consent to a life changing procedure to alter their gender?

    Surely any adult involved in the process of gender alteration below the age of consent should be charged with grooming?

  140. Fargle says:

    Brilliant and insightful as usual! Have you heard of an insidious organisation called “Common Purpose”? If anyone wonders why government departments appear to have been infiltrated by activists, it’s because they have. Neutrality of civil servants is long gone. Interested to hear your view…


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