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Wings Over Scotland

We don’t need no thought control

Posted on January 11, 2024 by

After yesterday’s disturbing article about the indoctrination of Scottish schoolchildren into transgender ideology via the Scottish Government’s proposed new “conversion practices” legislation, Wings was contacted by a number of current Scottish teachers telling us we had no idea how far it had already gone.

The message below was by no means untypical:

“This stuff around the UNCRC has been a concern for a while. Some of the articles seem to be being interpreted in ways they were never intended. It has become a vehicle for activist teachers to push their own agendas, all the while hiding behind ‘children’s rights’.

Getting certified is being pushed heavily in every school. Headteachers seem to be under a lot of pressure (coming from Scottish Government) to get it all implemented. We’re currently working towards silver.”

And we asked: getting certified for what?

The answer turned out to be this:

It’s actually rather difficult to work out what you have to do to achieve any of the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Awards (hereafter URRS). If you visit the website – click the pic above – you’ll dig through levels and levels of waffling boilerplate jargon that tells you absolutely nothing. Mostly it’s framed solely in reference to itself, such as:

(“To achieve Bronze you simply have to undertake Bronze training and do all the Bronze stuff, which will prepare you to achieve Silver, which is like achieving Bronze only more so.”)

There’s page after page of this garbage, spinning off in a labyrinthine tangle of woolly wonkspeak, none of it telling you what the actual goals or requirements are.

Although it appears this important work is to be driven by seven-year-olds.

(We suspect the amount of time expected to be devoted to all this is why more and more pupils are coming out of school completely unable to spell or count. Never mind achieving a basic command of grammar or maths or science, develop a Resilience Growth Mindset Strategy during Philosophy For Children Circle Time, kids!)

One document on the site takes time to refute the apparent myth that the UNCRC gives children the right to be happy and loved, which makes the interesting claim that “emotions such as love and happiness are impossible to legislate for or put into law”.

What it DOES tell you is that the scheme “involves re-evaluating the school’s ethos and practices to make sure they embed the principles of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Which is, in itself, a fine and laudable aim. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Convention, but it’s a document which we found yesterday has already been grossly distorted by the Children & Young People’s Commissioner Scotland in the service of trans ideology.

That’s despite the fact that as far as we can tell there’s no mention anywhere on the URRS site of “gender identity”, although its search facility isn’t to be trusted – it doesn’t return a single result for “gender”, even though some pages definitely do mention it.

(The search works fine for any other terms.)

But the site’s resource pack discussing Article 8 is pretty clear that when the UNCRC talks about “identity” as a child’s fundamental right, it doesn’t mean gender identity.

Even the “LGBT” pack covering Article 2 uses the oldskool non-trans Pride flag on its cover.

And while it DOES very briefly mention gender identity, it does so extremely tentatively, and in a way which might well in fact be an imprisonable crime in Scotland under the Scottish Government’s proposed new law.

(Because of course you won’t be allowed to “talk about” it. All you’ll be allowed to do is affirm that you’re definitely trans. Anything else will be a crime.)

Interestingly, the pack does NOT link to Stonewall as an organisation children could talk to about their gender identity, even though the URRS site acknowledges the group’s existence.

But it DOES link to this video, which gets to the heart of the issue:

“The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink” is a rather unsettling animation. Depending on how it was presented to children, it could be used either as a healthy message about gender non-conformity (“you can dress and act however you want”)  or as a sinister piece of grooming (“you can literally become things you are not”).

At no point does it suggest how a flamingo would go about changing the colour of its feathers, or explain that a chameleon isn’t actually a flower, it’s just blending in with its environment by altering its appearance. It’s a film that would produce a torrent of questions from impressionable primary-schoolers, and how those questions were shaped and answered by the teacher is wide open to both appropriate education and gross abuse.

The Scottish Government’s track record, we’re indescribably dismayed to have to relate, points heavily towards the latter. It’s already working to enshrine the UNCRC in law, but the misleading guidance published by the Children & Young People’s Commissioner, the stupendously biased makeup of its advisory group on “conversion practice” law, and the extreme reluctance being displayed by schools to let parents see the teaching materials involved, all fill us with dread.

Not least because the man who designed the programme for implementing the UNCRC in law was this man:

Ultimately, we’re not sure why schools need to be spending so much time and effort on any of this at all. The world already bombards kids non-stop with morality and diversity lectures, from Disney movies to rainbow laces, and the only reason we can see to push it so hard at primary-age children is so the Scottish Government can burnish its “progressive” credentials with some UNICEF baubles to distract attention from its abysmal record on education.

Readers – and especially parents – might feel it’d perhaps be better and healthier for society if schools did more work on teaching them to question propaganda, rather than force-feeding it to them, particularly as authority has such a wretched history when it comes to screening out paedophiles in positions of power and influence.

Or at a minimum, maybe just stick to teaching them what 2+2 is.

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Anyone who has kids should home-school them if possible. In time this will be made illegal, even if the kids are smashing the exams.

Imagine if James Savile was still kicking around? – where would he be, position himself?

– hooray for uncle jimmy and his “secret tickle games”, a great trans ally and queer advocate.


Home schooling seems to be the only way to keep your kids safe and away from these sexual predators. Education establishments are no longer a safe place for your children.

Jason Smoothpiece

It is time to bring back School Boards who need to be empowered and run by parents who should have the power to stop this madness.

Thank goodness the SNP are leaving office soon however sadly brand new Labour will be just as dangerous to the children

Children need to be protected from these crazy people who do not have the kids interests at the top of there to do list.

Many of these crazy folk who push this on kids should be sacked from education and some jailed

Andrew scott

No wonder education in scotland is failing
Please please ditch all this rubbish and teach reading writing and sums

John C

Ultimately, we’re not sure why schools need to be spending so much time and effort on any of this at all.

I’ve read of teachers struggling to break through to Gen Z (and now Gen Alpha) kids because they have no attention span & have been brought up terminally online so they simply aren’t able, or willing, to learn. Hence why so many kids are leaving school without basic skills.

This indoctrination hasn’t helped. Neither has activist teachers more intent on their own activism than teaching kids. Thanks to the prevalence of Queer Theory in universities since the late 2000s we’re seeing more and more of these teachers but with cuts to education budgets and fewer people taking up teaching has led to a perfect storm where these people can influence the system to this scale.

When all this collapses as the scandals & mutilated children mount up, it’ll be education that’ll be the hardest to clean out Queer Theory. I don’t think home-schooling is going to be the answer for many kids but it’s down to parents to ensure they push schools as to what is going on and what they’re trying to push onto children. This is a scandal that makes the Post Office scandal look like small fry.


It will never end unless enough voters vote for politicians who would put a stop to it.


Someone really needs to put together a suitably qualified team. With a plan to take legal action and sue the arse off 2 or 3 carefully selected individuals who are behind this gender nonsense in Scotland.

This would almost certainly bring the whole filthy case out into the light for the wider public to see what certain individuals are up to with their votes which i’d bet were mostly intended for indy purposes. Not someone’s gender agenda.


That’ll be the baubles & targets that Evans was chasing along with the ones from Stonewall.

It’s just inventing jobs. Jumping on the never ending gravy bus marked free government funding.

Who later splinter into other groups, who then splinter into other groups until we’ve all lost the will to live trying to find out what they actually do besides talk shite for copious amounts of government funding that’s now claimed however many times they can replicate themselves without many people noticing. Zzzzz

This rubbish shouldn’t be in schools. They’re there to learn life skills & basic subjects. That’s all.


Another WAKE UP call for Scottish people. Sadly too many are sleep-walking to disaster by blindly putting an x in the SNP box.

When they do wake up it will be too late and the damage will have been done. The onus is on us all to educate as many peple as possibe as to what the SNP/Greens are doing to harm children. The more this is talked about and becomes more widespread the better the chances of it being stopped in its tracks.

Hell mend the SNP charlatans for what they are doing to our country.


What a load o bollox! How teachers cope with this risible shite is beyond me.
I have one g/daughter whose parents reject Trans anything and she is home schooled.
I have another g/daughter whose parents accept Trans as a real thing and I seriously worry for that bairn.
Both 5. Both vulnerable, impressionable wee souls.

The sheeple following this indoctrination should be sacked and run out of education. Our politicians should stand trial for allowing this to go ahead.

Stuart MacKay

URRS – outstanding, comrade.

Certification is a remarkably successful strategy. So what is the connection between Stonewall and/or related groups and SPECTRE, oops, I mean UNICEF?

Maybe, it’s just a copycat play, but perhaps it’s the backup plan because the ease in which the Scottish Government is on board is more than a little suspicious. After all, if you’re against the United Nations then you must be some Trump-following, Natzee-loving, race-ist.

Stonewall was just the warm-up act.

Heather McLean

“We suspect the amount of time expected to be devoted to all this is why pupils are coming out of school completely unable to spell or count. Never mind grammar or maths or science”

Nail hit right on the head! As a now retired teacher of 44 years I despair at the state of Scotlands schools – an education system which was once the envy of the world is now a shambolic joke.


I will repeat my comment of yesterday

10 January, 2024 at 6:26 pm

Although I DESPISE the Scum Nonce Party, it has to be said that relative to the GRR result the MAJORITY of the deviants and perverts in HR passed the legislation apart from most of the tories but IMO that was a deliberate political move,the perverts and deviants in HR will ALL just nod this through and Alex Cole Hamilton will just repeat and confirm that we are doing this for you BETH , it is also the same for WM they like to proclaim that they protect women and girls BUT their actions show differently, if WM were unsupportive or opposed to this lunacy does anyone think that the bbc would not be held to account

Irrespective of which party is elected to HR or WM they will carry on with their DEVIANT policies and Stonewall points, ALL the political parties are CAPTURED by this lunacy and IF you vote for ANY of them YOU are voting for an acceptance and continuation of these policies, HTF do you think sturgeon managed to get so far with her deviant policies YOU kept voting for her and SHE BETRAYED US


@ Jason Smoothpiece
11 January, 2024 at 3:23 pm

“It is time to bring back School Boards who need to be empowered and run by parents who should have the power to stop this madness.”

That’s all well and good Jason BUT there is no guarantee that these lunatics would not infiltrate them as we have seen by the newly appointed children’s commissioner, remember these boards are APPOINTED

What we really need is a properly constituted people’s assembly to REMOVE those who propose this madness, could you envisage NORMAL mothers being comfortable with this lunacy and perversion

Obviously unicef and uncrc have been captured by this deviancy, unicef was formed to PROTECT CHILDREN, THIS ENABLING does the opposite
ALL the major charities have become businesses with their CEO’s and senior management earning hundreds of thousands of pounds which attracts people who are salary driven rather than charity driven
HOW MANY £5 or £10 donations does it take to pay these salaries and WHEN does the actual charity see the financial benefit of these donations

The “BE KIND” proponents are the cause of all this, they have forgotten the old saying give them an inch and they will take a mile,we have all seen the denigration, insults and targeting of individuals who dare to speak out or highlight the stupidity or downsides of policies and actions, we see it on here every day

Not only is Scotland fucked but everywhere else is as well, the lunatics and deviants have taken over the asylum with the help and assistance of greed driven monsters

To win this fight we need to put THE PEOPLE in power


I’d never realised until that final picture, but Rolf Harris does a passable impression of Mike Russell.

it's comin yet

Perfectly understandable that the Broons were ay big supporters of and fundraisers for Unicef.


Apologies in advance for the upset…
The only way to actually get this dross sorted out is to vote Tory. If Labour gets in, it’s going to be more of the same, so, get the Tories in, clear the decks of this well dodgy shite, then vote in Alba.


Nicola Stone, who wrote the story seems to be quite normal. She says her book is about
2The ‘Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink’ is a #picturebook about freedom of expression & celebrating individuality”
and I suspect that if the debacle didn’t exist we’d all be very happy. I’m more worried about the lasy words on the film about ‘gender equality’ because I don’t think that’s what the author was writing about at all

President sitting bullshit

I think you need to do a bit of digging on the Stryker family and the Arcus foundation and its influence in the UN regarding the rights of the child, it was one of there philanthropic funded Harvard lawyers that had input into Scotlands GRR, stuff I have read and confirmed as fact through further reading about this nefarious influence dressed up as philanthropy is terrifying. It makes me so glad I wasn’t lucky enough to be a Dad

President Sitting Bullshit

Did you know that the UN special rapporteur on the rights of woman and girls Reem Aslem and her team are critically under funded and even struggle with phone bills while the Transidiocy supporting in commissions on the rights of the child or whatever its title is, are travelling the world 5 star because of people like John Stryker and his family business, The UN and its willingness to accept donations from wealthy “Philanthropists” is every bit as subversive as political lobbying and donations


May I rely on the sanity of the Scottish voter?

Antoine Bisset

Maybe it is time for parents and teachers to create their own schools. Catholic parents arranged this around the end of the 19th century, with the schools being subsumed by the State early in the 20th century.
The approaches now being made by extremists to turn children into conformists to their various perverted cults is akin to the Komsomols and Jugend. It worked in the Soviet Union and in Germany. This should be a clear warning and a clarion call to action.
Parents need to stand up for their children and stand for their own rights and responsibilities.
The education of children is the responsibility of parents. No one else. In a free society parents may allow the State, and pay for the State, to run schools and colleges, but where teachers are “in loco parentis”, that is a temporary thing, and it is expected that teachers will respect, even implement, the views and ethics of the parental group.
It is completely unethical and morally wrong for State schools and teachers to inculcate children in the vicious evil nonsense being promulgated by the State.
Parents must oppose this


UNICEF are a heavily funded org. Mainly Western Governments , World Bank, IMF, and public donations , how do you stop this ? I think the answer is right now until there is a change in the collective mindset globally around gender we really are fucked. What started out for me as a polite “uch what harm are they doing” is now a full on nuclear klaxon alert.

Lorna Campbell

What we need to ask now, is why? Well, you’ve an answered a lot of it with those pics, Rev.

1. the ‘trans’ movement has been piggy-backed by PIE under yet another guise; it has also been piggy-backed by men’s rights/men’s sexual rights activists

2. it is essential that the larping, sexually-motivated, cross-dressing, autogynephiliac and fetishistic men be free to practise queer theory in peace and undetected as to their real motives under the guise of being denied basic human rights (all human rights carry corresponding obligations, despite what the propaganda claims, and they have all their rights), and telling kids that they have no obligations is instilling a nihilistic mindset, the precursor to totalitarianism

3. the females of all ages and the children provide the smokescreen for the queer theorists’/autogynephiles’/fetishists’ sexual motivations (many females are so dumb, they actually believe these men are allies). Note that this kind of dumb bears no relation to one’s education or lack of it. The better educated, the more susceptible to b***s**t some appear to be

4. the hard left post modernists/post structuralists (nihilists) wish to bring society to its knees by turning it on its head, shaking it loose and changing everything to suit their Maoist agenda (these people are the political cousins of the Maoists of China, Pol Pot’s murderous young acolytes and Stalin’s Komsomol who grew up to put bullets in heads under the Kremlin

5. the utterly vacuous hard left has allied itself with the hard right and psychopathic billionaires of the new global corporate and mega industries of the West just as Hitler allied himself with the huge German corporates pre WW II in order to advance an agenda that involves mega bucks and technological stuff that most have no idea of, but who will be sacrificed to them regardless. The so-called ‘trans’ movement, something magicked out of the ether is the vehicle that will drive the new technology by setting the societal conditions for it to thrive and for its backers to make squllions off the backs of the rest of us, the social experimentees aka mugs

6. since the politicians have not a scoobie about how to prevent it happening, because they long since surrendered any power they had to the global corporates whose CEOs now make all political policy, do not expect them to save us. They are far too busy hob-nobbing with said global corporate CEOs to find out what policy they are to enforce tomorrow on their long-suffering populations in return for a bauble or two or an honour, that the wee man and woman and child will have to save themselves

First off, we could march on the schools and demand the withdrawal of this material, the teachers who promote it, then march on Holyrood/Westminster and demand the removal of all MSPs/MPs who support this utter b***s**t, all MPs who have ‘transed’ their own children and all those who are too dim to be allowed out on their own (the last of which would see most of the Greens and SNP ‘woke’ depart promptly). No MSP, MP, councillor, head of any public institution, etc. should be allowed back into the building if he or she supports any of this nonsense or who has any dealings with Stonewall or any of its arms.

We should be demanding that they explain what ‘trans’ is in clear, scientific and biological terms. Since it does not exist, expect no quick answers. Laugh in the face of the outrage and howls of manufactured anguish that these larpers will try to use against us. Photocopy the Denton’s Document and leave it in every public institution and space so that the public can see for themselves what Stonewall did to keep its own troughers in place, to usurp power from our democratic institutions and our legal systems and courts, and, last, but not least, from our political institutions – on behalf of American and Canadian billionaires who own the global technology sectors, AI, the global p*rn industry, the global pharmaceutical sectors, etc. They are worth more than the entire military-industrial complex, so think about that and wonder no more how we got here, folks.


No dark sarcasm in the classroom.

Hey teacher leave them kids alone.

Don’t you just love Pink Floyd’s The Wall?

Thank goodness for the new X function.

We can easily avoid the dark sarcasm in this btl classroom now.

I’ve been rabbiting on in the previous thread. Perhaps it’s a good thing this thread has opened I was getting a bit too ‘adult’ back there.


I’m reposting this because it is extremely interesting. Eithan is a hero and he deserves to have his work & fundraiser widely published.

Here’s a ‘YouTube’ link to the interview with the
‘Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower’

link to

Link to his fundraiser:

link to

Keith B

I can’t say I’m surprised by this, because it was one of the more minor of many reasons I took early retirement from teaching several years ago.
Unfortunately, the volume and language in everything shown in the article is completely typical of what was used in education universally when I was teaching – use a thousand words to say what could be said with a dozen bullet points. Teachers do not have time to read this level of shite, and I certainly didn’t even attempt to unless I could see the relevance to me and MY pupils. I’m not sure how many others did the same, but I do know that a lot were stressed by the constant effort to try an make sense of it.
You’ll find the same nonsense used in, for example, all the guidance documents from SQA regarding Curriculum for Excellence – ambiguous and long winded, almost as if it was designed to put the reader off, or miss something important. Ha!
I suspect the only teachers who did read it were the ambitious ones who saw it as a means to make a name for themselves and gain whatever paltry promotion opportunities were available, often more of a sideways move into Guidance (sorry – Pupil Support!) where of course they then have even greater influence to push this.
I could go on a lot more, but I won’t bore anyone further. Suffice to say, I’m so very glad I don’t have any school age children.

Anton Decadent

I feel that this is exactly the right place to ask this question as someone here will definitely know the correct answer to it. How many NGO’s are currently operating in Scotland?


Wouldn’t it be nice to crowdfund an Islamic lawyer to lead a court action against this proposed Bill ?
Be very interesting to see a Scottish Devolved Administration led by Mr Yousaf defending this appalling perverts charter against a competent legal team who had a personal as well as financial interest in protecting the interests of parents.


Strange times, where the people who we pay to be our servants, take our possessions and tell us what to do.
And we let them.

Jan Cowan

Time to set up Primary/Secondary Schools employing retired teachers. Get our Educational (John Knox) System back on track!

Pat Blake

Socialism was set up to defend the underdog. This was originally meant to support the many poor workers being exploited by a few bosses. Over the years it has been warped into support for minority numbers over the majority, regardless of other attributes. So a well off, six foot, young, black, trans lesbian is deemed far, far more vulnerable than a four foot, poor, old, white widow or a two foot child in a normal family. All parties, but especially the left have been captured by this insanity. The more they fail at the basic things you want from a government, the more they throw these things into the mix as a distraction. ‘See, we are working very hard on your behalf’. Political busy work.


I wonder how many sub post masters put cash into their account when the system showed a shortage, in order to avoid an investigation and where the cash is now?

Did the post office keep it or did fujitsu get it?

Will they ever see it back?

In terms of the lord advocate is that the one that keeps leading of failed cases?

Will the compensation come from the GPO, fujisu or the taxpayer?

Can wee dougie pin it on the SNP


I think at least at primary school level it would surprise how may children are being home schooled.

I appreciate that this is being done by parents who have the commitment and resources to home school, bit it is a growing trend.

All of this focus on sex and secrecy and where a teacher is to maintain confidence. Possibly using a secret nae that only the pupil and child know is going to lead to horrendous Jimmy Saville. Gary Glitter type atrocities. Maybe not as high profile but utterly horrendous never the less.

And of course turning young minds is another big strand of this Scottish Government’s fascist diktats.

Trulyfor the sake of our children, and for their right to a good education without filling their heads with perversity and early learning support with Nutella and Bannanas people must stop this insanity.

Time to clear out the toilet time politicians. And like the perverted North East SNP Councilor let him fuck off and squish in his nappies out of sight and away from normal folks.

Lorna Campbell

Keith B: when it was mooted that CfE was to be ‘student-led’, I suspected that it would dish up total ordure. I would never subscribe to corporal punishment again, but some form of discipline in schools that informs children that it is the teachers who are in charge is now essential. No child has the capacity to make big decisions for itself. What has happened in society is that people are told to reach out for greater and greater freedoms for more and more ‘victim status’ while, simultaneously;y, fewer and fewer real freedoms continue to exist. Our real freedoms are being denuded daily while we are told through various propaganda outlets (the MSM and television media being the most vociferous) that we must all ‘be kind’. What is kind about allowing a child to cut off her healthy breasts and have a fake, useless ‘penis’ in the form of a roll of arm or thigh flesh and skin sewn on to her sewn-up vagina? What is kind about removing a young boys testicles and penis and telling him he is now a girl? These people are sadists, at the very least.

As for long-winded, people used to have the stamina to read properly, and at length, so long as what was written was factual and to the point (gobbledygook was never acceptable until now). That is another faculty that so few possess these days.


11 January, 2024 at 5:37 pm

May I rely on the sanity..

Who will we vote for. Alba seem the best bet but if folk are giving The tories a glance then they should be aware that they are in on this too. It is maybe end stage new liberalism. Free markets, deregulation, personal freedom, do nothing, talk shite constantly, no to nation states and traditional cultural identities. Its the modern western’liberal’ elite. You have to believe to get in. Politics, Universities, Civil service, Public and private sector.

Luckily for us its coming to a close. Unluckily for us it will be destroyed by the problems building up in societies from Europe to Australia. To state that we have the wrong people in place at just the wrong time is pretty obvious.

Colin Carroll

SNP doing something Herr Goebells would be proud of! Indoctinating schoolkinder!

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh


“The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state”. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 16:3 and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 23:1)
“There is an inextricable link between the protection of the family and the protection of fundamental freedoms in liberal democracies…The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get at the children, to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families, and indoctrinate them in their rulers’ view of the world. Within limits, families must be left to bring up their children in their own way.” (UK Supreme Court Judgement contra Scottish Gov ‘Named Person Scheme’, 28 July 2016, Para 73, pages 32, 33) 
“The fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the state to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of the state; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” (Justice McReynolds, delivering the Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States: Pierce v Society of Sisters 268 US 510 (1925), 534-535)
“So long as organized communities are a necessary factor in the inner vitality of a nation, the state has indeed the… juridical task… to take measures that support, restore and stimulate the life of non-political communities. Primarily this applies to the natural organized communal life of the nuclear family…” (‘The Crisis in Humanist Political Theory’ by Herman Dooyeweerd, 1931, Paideia Press, 2010, p 178)

John Main

@Sven says:11 January, 2024 at 6:48 pm

That’s an innarestin idea.

I don’t think it would work.

The community you refer to will make damn sure their kids aren’t taught this shite, one way or another. Death threats are the usual way of handling things south of the border.

They will also think that if other communities are just prepared to roll over and let it happen to their kids, then that’s their lookout.

And on that subject. When Lorna Campbell posts:

we could march on the schools and demand the withdrawal of this material, the teachers who promote it, then march on Holyrood/Westminster and demand the removal of all MSPs/MPs who support this utter b***s**t, all MPs who have ‘transed’ their own children and all those who are too dim to be allowed out on their own

Any of the knee-jerk saltire wavers prompted to change their plans for the coming summer? Or is it going to be the anniversary of Bannockburn and other remembrances of the Ancient Guff again, for the umpteenth year?

This shit really is happening primarily because we allow it to.

In my adult life, I can remember only one instance of when the Scottish people were galvanised out of their pits to really sound off and make a change. And that was over money, specifically the Poll Tax.

Makes you think, eh?


Excellent article Rev, it looks like Jenny Gilruth the SNP and Scottish minster for education is quite happy for our kids to be propagandised into feeling insecure about their natural born sex all the time, but she’s less worried about them being able to read write and count.

Schools in Scotland should get back to the basics and build on education from there.


Interesting reading. This is dystopian.
Similarly, can I point readers to the NMC (nursing and midwifery council) who are members of Stonewall diversity schemes. Under new guidance, If a patient is misgendered, nurses face being struck off the register. The NMC also state in updated guidance that it is a ‘belief’ that people can’t swap sex. Yeah, seriously.
Not sure if I can post links but if you look at NMC freedom of expression and fitness to practice, example 2.

When will this stop?


I hope more teachers will get into contact to expose all this via Wings.

Dorothy Devine

Shiregirl, I cannot believe that the medical profession is denying biology and I wonder how many nurses , like teachers, will leave the profession.


Utterly dismal prospects for children in Scotland with this shower of circus clowns running everything into the ground, or the buffers, take your pick.


Gotta love your selection of images Rev. One in particular stands out for reasons which sadly not many folk are aware. One day, perhaps…

Agent x

“Nadia El-Nakla, an SNP councillor and the wife of Scotland’s first minister, says she is “pleading” with the UK government to let her host her Palestinian brother, as she revealed that her sister-in-law and their four children had escaped from Gaza after an intervention by the Turkish government.”


Just beyond comment

Andy Ellis

@John Main 8.37pm

In my adult life, I can remember only one instance of when the Scottish people were galvanised out of their pits to really sound off and make a change. And that was over money, specifically the Poll Tax.

Makes you think, eh?

You’re right up to a point, but I don’t think it was only about money: a lot of it was a sense of rage at the general unfairness of the principle and the fact Scotland was being used as Thatcher’s guinea pig.

I tend to agree that a big part of converting undecided Scots unionists is answering the “show me the money” question. We all know that the SNP dined out for far too long on their much vaunted reputation for competence, and perhaps that “don’t scare the horses” approach isn’t what we need anymore?

Whether it’s the metaphysical TRA guff, or other areas of manifest policy failure, the inertia appears to have become second nature to far too many in the movement. Of course for others the answer is to turn Scotland in to their fantasy mash up of Brigadoon and Albania, but they’re about as relevant as blue nosed loyalists.

There’s definitely a place for some righteous anger: with luck we’ll see some of that Poll Tax action going on when it all hits the fan after #GE2024 lays the SNP low.

A guy can dream, right…?

John Main

@ Agent x says:11 January, 2024 at 9:30 pm

host her Palestinian brother

Only fair it should be women and children first.

Haud oan though. What’s the Hamas take on self-id?

I think I see a possible solution …

J Davidson

Many years ago, there was a similar movement to stress the rights of the children in schools. It was very obvious to the teachers that there was no corresponding push regarding pupils’ responsibilities: attendance, behaviour, respect, positive attitude to work in the class, having the necessary books, pencils, whatever. With rights come responsibilities, and these seem to be missing in the UNICEF material too.

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says:11 January, 2024 at 9:41 pm

I tend to agree that a big part of converting undecided Scots unionists is answering the “show me the money” question

Indeed, and it’s just about the only part of converting the ever growing contingent of New Scots.

No less an authority than Professor Alf Baird agrees with me that immigrants, AKA New Scots in Scotland, aren’t motivated by charitable considerations when they decide which country to make their new home.

They choose the country that promises to benefit them most. Harness that eternal essential human desire to get on and better themselves by showing them the money they stand to see in an Independent Scotland.

After all, like you, I don’t think they are going to be disenfranchised on the day, so if Indy doesn’t get their vote, the opposition will instead.

David Hannah

I heard a couple of teenagers on the train talking about someone “being raped in the metaverse… ” And talking to an AI chatbot as a friend. Called black Noir… I tell you what I won’t be doing. Googling what that is.

It’s time to ban the smart phone on the classroom. Another reason why we need Kate Forbes.

Owen Mullions

Men turning into women! Intellectual manure for the feeble minded and my god it has found fertile ground among the assorted purple haired loons currently dominating SNP decision making. Until the party is free of their baleful influence, which is Sturgeon’s only real legacy, the SNP will continue on its death spiral regardless of who’s in charge.

Lorna Campbell

John Main: I remember, many years ago, talking to an old Irishman about Irish independence. He told me that the Irish had been too subdued by poverty, famine and whatnot to rise up against anything – till they did. The rest, as they say, is history.


Rev, FFS! I swear, if i got any slower i’d come to a complete standstill. I’ve only just caught on to your title for this threads article.


No wonder your articles title was ringing a familiar distant bell. It’s only just taken me all day & night to catch on. This ageing process certainly comes with a load of baggage, eh? LOL!

John Main

David Hannah

“The global chatbot market size was valued at $4.7 billion in 2022. The market is projected to grow from $5.4 billion in 2023 to $15.5 billion in 2028”

Plenty of the chatbots out there already count their numbers of frequent users in the hundreds of millions. There’s a wealth of information online, some of it may even be true.

What I want to know is what happens when you set up the chatbots of two rival vendors in a conversation. If this has ever been done (and I can’t believe it hasn’t), then the results are being suppressed.

I strongly suspect it is because they both just end up messaging “Fecking fiscast nitza cant” at each other after a few exchanges. Which would be a frightening indication of just how human they have become.

Mark Beggan

When asked about Sturgeon ‘s departure Mhaira Black replied

” quie healthy because I’m a big believer in politics should be about policy and for me personally, yes it always made me feel uncomfortable, but as I say I do think she’s certainly one of the best, if not the best performing politician I,be ever seen”.

Ok Mhaira can I have pie n chips we plenty a salt.


Why are people bringing up Dumbzas religion like that would save us from this nonsense?

This madness aligns right in with it. ie, women & girls do as they’re told. They’re 2nd class citizens. A good beating is justified if a woman dares open her gob in protest, where honor killings are common place, female children are gifted to old men & they don’t like homosexuals – they’d rather modify them into straight at least on paper.

It ticks all the same boxes. It won’t be the first time I’ve heard commentators say this will glide easily into Islam & will be the next fad for young people.

Dumbza is a serial adulterer. Also perfectly acceptable.

He isn’t about to start throwing stones. The media & the pampers brigade would bury him LOL


Should’ve added female mutilation to that list too.


The song is called

‘Just another brick in the wall’

The most interesting homework assignment I ever had was to listen to the song and write an essay about it.

‘Stand still laddie!

If you don’t eat your meat you can’t have any pudding’

If the lyrics were update I wonder what that command would be today.

If you don’t eat your tofu you can have a banana!

The rest of the lyrics are fine maybe the title should be

‘Just another brick in the pink wall’

Although that might cause confusions due to the band’s name.

link to

link to


Oops can’t not can.

If you don’t eat your tofu you can’t have a banana

fruitella the hun


“6. With rights come responsibilities. Inaccurate – there is a common misunderstanding
that children’s rights are linked with responsibilities. But this is not correct. Children’s rights, like all human rights, are unconditional. This means there are no conditions attached to rights. Rights can never be a reward for the fulfilment of a responsibility.
and they can never be taken away because a ‘responsibility’ hasn’t been met.”

…was how I understood the principle. I found the idea in the Access Code (i.e. what people call Right to Roam) that you only had a right to be on private land if you were behaving responsibly, tricky.

But I had long since concluded that the whole concept of Rights was faulty anyway because it required an authority to implement them. No such authority had been concocted – as far as the poor were concerned – so the rights they were supposed to enjoy were largely illusory. It’s a primary way the ecological outlook differs totally from the communist one.

You need to build and maintain your protection from those who would trample you and take your living. Kids should be taught how to do that, along with the history explaining why. Such skills are central to environmental education, not that many environmentalists would currently agree having faith in our institutions (which many work for). Disillusion is beginning to seep through now though.

Alf Baird

Somehow I dinnae think the bourgeoisie colonialist elites running private schools for the privileged in Scotland are subjected to all this crap:

link to

Which means the trans ideology nonsense is mainly targeted at the working classes in state schools. Some might call that ethnic discrimination.


As I type this the UK is bombing Yemen in an attempt to ignite a full on regional war.


Scotland needs to very loudly and publicly distance itself from this shite RIGHT NOW


Did we ever hear anything more about the
‘Adultery in the time of Covid’?

Geri I think Humza might be restricted to only four women.
He can’t just have a whole serious of women.

He’s only got one more to go. He’s had three already.
How many sons does he have?

Only daughters? I think we know how he can change that.

The idea that men be allowed to have four women came about because a lot of lives were lost in a recent battle so the male population desperately needed to be increased. The ideal solution they believed was for a family to have four babies at a time. Obviously it was male babies they were looking for to replace the soldiers lost in recent battle and that is why the term ‘father of daughters’ became to be the ultimate insult. A swear word even stronger than the C-bomb.

Looks as if efforts are being made in Scotland to ensure the population does not increase.
It’s all totally mental!


I heard the father of a girl at Stewart Melville’s complaining about a boy being in his daughters class. He said that he should be in the boy’s school.

I think Stewart Melville’s is the boys part of the school. Mary Erskine’s is the girls school.

It’s also a boarding school. Which could be a bigger problem than unisex toilets.

Maybe the school doesn’t promote transgenderism but that doesn’t mean there will be no transgender children at their school.

Children going to private school & their parents are not going to be immune from the transgender cult & Tik-Tok. If they are paying their money the school would have to accommodate them.

The say

‘The ESMS model combines the academic benefits of single-sex education with the social advantages of co-educational, giving students the best of both worlds.’

They are selling the school as single-sex & having students boarding could be a huge problem for them.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Ruby says:
11 January, 2024 at 11:49 pm

Oops can’t not can.

If you don’t eat your tofu you can’t have a banana

No, no, no. Get it right! It’s “IF YOU DON’T EAT YOUR TOFU, YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY BANANA! HOW CAN YOU HAVE ANY BANANA IF YOU DON’T EAT YOUR TOFU?!” It’s a statement reportedly heard in Guardian-reading households when the kids are being fussy and mum’s having a bad day 😉


Rolf Harris was a miscarriage of justice. He did some sleazy things, but there’s no evidence of anything illegal.

John Main

@ Scotsrenewables says:12 January, 2024 at 12:14 am

As I type this the UK is bombing Yemen in an attempt to ignite a full on regional war.


Naw, UK forces have been taking out the missile sites and munitions stores of a bunch of testosterone addled nutters who have decided to disrupt world trade in pursuit of their unhinged “holy mission”.

It’s critical for our peace and security, and for the ability to affordably eat of the less fortunate all around the world, that the Hotties are put back in their box. Best smashed in their box, but lessons need to be learned.

Scotland needs to very loudly and publicly distance itself from this shite

Aren’t you one of those New Scots anyways? Frankly, I’m sick to the back teeth of New Scots claiming to speak for Scotland.

Maybes the key to Indy will be us Sovereign Scots speaking for ourselves.

John Main

@ Ruby says:12 January, 2024 at 12:36 am

Looks as if efforts are being made in Scotland to ensure the population does not increase

What ever gave you that idea?

Last time I saw a pic of oor ain pretendy FM and his family, I realised they must have had to bring in a bigger camera.


Ruby 12 January, 2024 at 12:36 am

Looks as if efforts are being made in Scotland to ensure the population does not increase.
It’s all totally mental!

Or maybe the population will instead increase through external migration?

Andy Ellis

@Lorna Campbell 10.22pm

John Main: I remember, many years ago, talking to an old Irishman about Irish independence. He told me that the Irish had been too subdued by poverty, famine and whatnot to rise up against anything – till they did. The rest, as they say, is history.

It’s pretty hard to argue that the Scots had it as bad as the Irish: I can’t think of any Irish person I know who isn’t disdainful of Scots trying to claim they were colonised like Ireland or suffered ther way the Irish did.

John Main and others have previously observed that perhaps the problem for Scots, whether historically or today, is that they’re just too comfortable with the status quo and probably don’t think that the new lot in the case of independence would be that much better than the old lot.

Judging by the past 9 years, he may well have a point.

Even if the Scots do bestir themselves in righteous indignation in coming months however, it also has to be said that the main reason the Irish had to take their independence by force was that the imperial power didn’t accept the basic concept. All Scots have to do today is put an “X” on a ballot paper. The fact that the movement can’t persuade a majority to do so is a sad indictment not just of the movement’s shortcomings, but of the Scottish people themselves.

Andy Ellis

@scotsrenewables 12.14pm

As I type this the UK is bombing Yemen in an attempt to ignite a full on regional war.


Scotland needs to very loudly and publicly distance itself from this shite RIGHT NOW

Not in your name perhaps, but I doubt you speak for the majority. Doubtless there will be polling along directly to advise us. The Houthis are just reaping what they sowed.

You may be entirely sanguine about the closure of the Red Sea to international shipping, but most reasonable people aren’t, because they know that forcing ships to sail all the way around Africa increases the cost of living for everyone.

You may be prepared to take that hit to advance the cause of appeasement of Islamo-fascism of course, but I don’t think you have any evidence the majority supports your pacifism in this particular case.

Free trade and the right of ships to freely pass through international waters is a fairly fundamental principle. Perhaps we should take the Houthis to the ICJ?

I’m sure that’d work, right?

Mark Beggan

“Hey teacher, leave them kids alone”.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 9.59pm

No less an authority than Professor Alf Baird agrees with me that immigrants, AKA New Scots in Scotland, aren’t motivated by charitable considerations when they decide which country to make their new home.

Speaking of immigration and nativism, I see our Catalan friends are in the process of ensuring control of immigration policy is transferred to the Generalitat by the Spanish state as part of the price of propping up the Sanchez government.

You see, that’s why Scotland can’t have nice things! We don’t have an independence movement worth its salt that has any political balls, any parliamentary nowse or any legislative leverage.

I wonder if Barcelona will be busily disenfranchising all the non-Catalan speakers? Alf Baird and his mates should take note!

link to

Dorothy Devine

It is with horror that I read this morning ‘we’ are bombing Yemen , joining the Saudis in criminal activity against Yemen.

What right have we to behave as the world bully along with the USA? I am ashamed and disgusted by the UK , it has no moral principles , no backbone, no ability to be peace maker ,no ability to contradict US actions.

Where is the bold Blair in all this – that wondrous Middle East Peace Envoy ?


Andy Ellis says:

“Free trade and the right of ships to freely pass through international waters is a fairly fundamental principle”

Maybe say a bit more on the rights of ships to pass through waters that don’t meet the criteria for the loose concept of “international waters”. And then explain too how a principle gives us the “right” to blast anyone transgressing our conception of it.


They better begin building more prisons cos they are soon goin to be jam packed if the Scottish Government get their daft conversion therapy law through.


I don’t know why folk are surprised by the UK bombing stuff.
They have the 2nd largest military budget in the world. They’ve got to do something with all those bombs, planes, chemicals & tanks

‘Our Boys’ have got to be given something exciting to do. They are not going to be satisfied marching up and down the Royal Mile & having their photos took by tourists.

They were promised an interesting career:

‘Join the Army, See the World, Meet Interesting People’

One of the reasons I voted YES was because I didn’t want to be part of a warmongering nation with the 2nd largest military budget in the world.

But here again the fuckin’ NO voters knew better. Better Together NO thanks.

Cool yer jets ‘teachers’ no need for any pedancy or ‘dark sarcasm in the classroom.’
Whether the military budget is the 2nd largest or the 3rd largest in the world it’s fuckin’ massive.


George Galloway excoriating Keir Starmer…

I did not realize he was a lead player in the Post Office scandal. The guy really is a piece of shit.

Unfortunately this is only going to help the SNP as Starmer shows just how hideous he is.

I used to say that Isr@el is a lens and so it is proving to be the case, bringing into sharp focus the utter vileness of people like Starmer.

The genocidal intent been there for decades, it has just been outed. This is the strategic victory of Ham@s. Isr@el has walked right into it. They are so predictable. They are really not very clever it seems.

The Houthis are a very stoic people according to Galloway, I believe him. Attacking them is another mistake.

The only thing that is going to end this is a huge defeat for the West, and it is surely coming. It already happened in Ukr@ine. There is now blood in the water…


At my first school in Iraq, liberated by US etc, at the age of four, i had to negotiate possible car bombs, potential suicide bombers and being searched incase i was a junior version of the latter, contemporary Scotland for kids is worse.
I was being protected, they are not.

Andy Ellis

For the hard of googling, and since especially in this place the glibly thrown off lie will travel around the world before the truth has put its baffies on, the UK’s military budget is the 6th largest in the world (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2023 Factsheet for 2022) at US$ 68.5 bn, which is 2.2% of GDP and 3.3% of global spending.

The US, China, Ruskiland, India and Saudi Arabia all spend more.

Also according to SIPRI figures, we don’t figure in the top 15 in the league table of GDP % spent.

As a comparison, the small neighbouring countries we often like to compare ourselves with come in as follows:

Norway: 29th on the list, $8.4 bn pa, 1.6% of GDP
Sweden: 32nd on the list, $7.7 bn pa, 1.3% of GDP
Denmark: 39th on the list, $5.5 bn pa, 1.2% of GDP.

All of those last 3 are significantly increasing the amount they spend of course due chiefly of course to the “war which shall not be named”.

I’m not sure aligning the movement with the likes of Galloway and fringe pacifist appeasers is the vote winner that some of the denizens BTL here seem to think. I’d rather see the future independent Scottish republic standing shoulder to shoulder with our Scandinavian friends.

fruitella the hun

Andy Ellis says:

“Free trade and the right of ships to freely pass through international waters is a fairly fundamental principle”

Maybe say a bit more on the rights of ships to pass through waters that don’t meet the criteria for the loose concept of “international waters”. And then explain too how a principle gives us the “right” to blast anyone transgressing our conception of it.

[previously posted with mistake in name format and went into moderation]

Robert Hughes

As if the comedy duos of Sturgeon & Murrell ; Slater & Harvie ; Yousaf & Robinson weren’t/aren’t sufficiently spirit-sappingly awful , that grim trilogy of naffness is now supplemented by yet one more pair of unfunny bores …Ellis & Main .

How fckn predictable to see them straight out the traps cheering-on yet more violence in the M.E . Watch them cheering-on ” our boys ” from their armchairs , again ; exulting in the deaths of more inferior , brown , ” no mark ” humans . This week’s appointed ” enemies ” .

” Protecting shipping ” , aye , is that what it is ? Nothing to do with the fact of this being an election year in both the US and it’s faithful poodle ENGLAND and the weapons of mass distraction are being deployed ?

No mention of WHY the Red Sea traffic is being targeted , no context , no insight , no fuckn honesty and no sympathy or compassion for the atrocities taking place under the stupified gaze of the world which has motivated this response .

It says it all that the WOS * comedy * duo are more concerned about the cost of goods than they are about the cost of lives .

Who cares , eh , it’s only ” Pallies ” n ” Houties ” , y’know ” Ragheads ” getting whacked .

So what ? Pass the bagels , John . Sure thing , Andy , anything else I can do for you , Sir ? No , that’ll be all for now , back to your kennel , thatta boy


I ain’t been Xed by Ellis.
What a silly man!
I knew it was too good to last.
Main can’t resist either.

I wonder if he realises that he can’t go clyping to Stu any more ‘cos Stu will just tell him to press X for ignore.

Hard of googling is it? Makes a change from scheemie,
foul-mouthed harridan with tourettes, lump of pork who can’t be educated, moon howling natavistic fringe nutter.

Aye well he’s a cunt who has never heard of artistic licence and is totally devoid of any sense of humour.

Want to know what ‘the teachers’ the kids are singing about in the Pink Floyd song are like check out ‘Ellis & Main’.


Current thought control:
‘Hamas has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Future thought control:
‘The Houthis have been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Past thought control:
‘The Stern Gang has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Andy Ellis

@fruitellathehun 10.02am

Which waters is it you think don’t qualify?

The Houthis are attacking ships in international waters, not the territorial waters of Yemen, which they’re not entitled to police anyway because they’re not the government of Yemen.

What response do you think is appropriate or proportionate?

Who is it you think is going to do something to stop the Houthis hijacking ships, or just blowing them up because they think blackmailing the world in pursuit of their islamo-fascist aims is appropriate?

I’m all for the UN taking on the responsibility for protection and enforcement. How’s that going to work? Who will provide them with the kit and the £?


The British imperium helped shape the Levant, Mesopotamia and Arabia, fostering the sectarian Saudi hegemony.
So as they sow etc. The only Brits who knew anything about the region were T.E Lawrence and Gertrude Bell and they managed to get things rather wrong.
As in social matters one solution does not fit or suit all.


Ignored says:
12 January, 2024 at 10:35 am
Current thought control:
‘Hamas has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Future thought control:
‘The Houthis have been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Past thought control:
‘The Stern Gang has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK government’.

Shelling civilian vessels in the Red Sea is bad. Send in missiles.
Shelling civilian Hospitals in Gaza is fine. Send more missiles.

The UK is now an active participant in this shit storm, (I know, it always has been), and to all UK subjects, your “side” has been chosen for you.

I detest the UK. It is a curse upon every facet of Scotland.


Top of the morning Robert.

Another very fine post.

Bagels is it? I thought they would be having scones.
The ones that rhyme with cones.

None of these plebs scones that rhyme with gone.

Main wont be having any bagels. They are too European for his taste.

I think they might also be Jewish but I won’t go there.


When will the SNP be labelled «terrorist»?….????
Better watch it Hamza!

Alf Baird

Robert Hughes @ 10:08 am

” ”Protecting shipping ” , aye , is that what it is ?”

Aye Robert, its another imperial illusion and delusion, because Britannia no longer has an international shipping industry worth talking about, neither has USA. Most Anglosphere trade, which is now mostly imports as we produce very little (Scotland is an exception) is today carried by major Asian and European shipping lines. Most former British empire shipping lines are long since gone, along with their protected trading monopolies serving former colonies; the latter since independence set up their own shipping lines to serve their needs after the colonizers were sent packing.


Sorry Robert.

I can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.

I realise now why they were having bagels.

Bagels with gefilte fish?

Ian Brotherhood

The ‘defence’ being presented by Israel in the ICJ right now is unbelievable.

The utter chutzpah of these bastards chiding the world – we didn’t see what we saw? We imagined it all?

As Alexei Sayle said in his ‘Christmas’ address – ‘they lie and lie and lie and lie (repeat for a solid minute)…about everything.’

To hell with anyone who still supports these disgusting maniacs or refuses to engage with reality because ‘it’s complicated’.

It’s not fucking complicated at all.

But, yet again, their untouchable status has dragged ‘us’ into yet another war we had no say in.

We have to get out of this putrid ‘union’ and join the rest of the nations, however small, who have the freedom and decency to condemn the neonazis in Washington, London and Tel Aviv.

Andy Ellis

@Robert Hughes @10.08am

You seem a tad excitable Robert: can’t be good for you this early. Too much caffeine perhaps? Anyhoo, since you’re another soon to be red boxed I won’t have to trouble myself with your responses in future.

Not sure why a reasonable person arguing in good faith would jump to the conclusion anyone is exulting in the deaths of any humans. Could it be because you’re not a reasonable person Robert? I fear that must be the case.

You’re hardly alone in here of course, but nobody is really taken in by all the emoting and name calling.

I hadn’t heard about weapons of mass destruction being deployed: sounds a bit suspect to me, but doubtless you’ll be able to provide backup for those interested.

“Pass the bagels”…that’s an interesting turn of phrase, isn’t it? Whatever next….blood libel? The Jewish-bolshevik conspiracy? WEF?

I dunno about Mr Main, but I am partial to a bagel or two.

It takes a special kind of person to descend to the use of atavistic tropes about Jewish identity.

Alert readers will know what kind of person we’re talking about, hmmmmnn?


Any Ellis, the self-confessed “war pig”, supporting another disgraceful western intervention that involves violence and killing people. Can we regard anything he says as impartial?

In this case it’s all to protect “free” trade and international shipping, of course, not Israel’s genocide. At least, that’s the story if you happen to live within the confines of the Stalinist propaganda bubble and are subject to The West’s “free” press.

People are starting to understand what they mean when they say the best things in life are free. Look at the free vaccines, served to us on a plate just like their wars (with the usual fanfare of free press lies); the outcome much the same in human terms but shhhhhhhh…

Actually, on reflection, there’s a case for saying the vaccines are more effective weapons than the actual weapons. I heard recently that around 17 million are predicted die worldwide as a consequence of Covid vaccines. Read that again. And again.

Recent humiliations in Western Russia, Syria, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Yemen (we’ve been bombing them for years), suggest The West’s weapons are quite useless and often counterproductive, much like the vaccines; effective when it comes to killing innocents and lining pockets, but not much else.

Oh look over there, it’s a UFO! Don’t worry, though, it’s free.

And you’re free too.


Ignored says:
12 January, 2024 at 10:50 am
When will the SNP be labelled «terrorist»?….????
Better watch it Hamza!


The Union is quite safe with SNP in Holyrood.

The SNP only strikes terror into parents.

Andy Ellis

I think they might also be Jewish but I won’t go there.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

And here was me thinking I’d hidden it so well: oy vay!

Who would have thought it’d be a taste for bagels that would give it away.

Now that I’m apparently bang to rights as one of the chosen people, perhaps I could start a movement to free Scotland? After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Andy Storrie

Let me guess: London will come riding to the rescue by turning against the very same debauchery that was tailored and pioneered in London. Fuck London. Those shit bags have wrecked the place, and if Scotland stays hooked up to London for much longer, the place will be as unrecognisable as England has become. To hell with the worthless, parasitic shit bags. And to hell with their political herding mechanisms and tactics.


Andy Ellis
12 January, 2024 at 11:08 am

@Robert Hughes @10.08am

You seem a tad excitable Robert: can’t be good for you this early. Too much caffeine perhaps? Anyhoo, since you’re another soon to be red boxed I won’t have to trouble myself with your responses in future.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I just couldn’t resist reading it.

Maybe everyone is correct that we need posts to totally disappear when we press the X.

Robert has been given a pair of the Andy Ellis red boxers.

I thought I was safe in the Andy Ellis proof red boxers but sadly not.

Sorry folks.

I’m going to do my best from now to totally ignore the two cunts. I wonder how Hatuey will fare?
Will he be getting a pair of the Ellis proof red boxers?

Main gave ‘Hatuey’ the nick name ‘Hatbox’.

I never got that did you?

‘Hatter’ would have been wittier but ‘Main & Ellis’ ain’t got no wit.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 11.12am

Ah, another one hoves in to view to be newly redboxed to tell us of “things he has read” off the interweb….so they have to be true, AMIRIGHT!

Also…how can I be a “war-pig” when I’ve been unmasked as a “person who loves bagels”?

Something doesn’t add up bud!

link to


Andy Ellis
12 January, 2024 at 11:22 am

I think they might also be Jewish but I won’t go there.

Well good for you Andy.

Cheerio! Over! Over and out!

Ian Smith

Whether bombing Yemen will be wise or effective is certainly open to question.

However the morality is fairly clear. The Houthies attacked warships with several dozen drones first. FAFO.


Hatuey now got the Andy Ellis red boxers.

Aw! the nice!

Hatuey’s pair has got wee love hearts on them.


link to

Who can blame his partial fancy?
Nothing can resist the Hautey?

Two days on and I’m still miffed that Nancy didn’t die.

OK I’ll go and see if I can find something serious to post about.


A few months ago if you’d asked me if Isr@el faces an existential threat I would have said none. Now I think they are in real peril. And it is all of their own doing.

I don’t see how they stop it, it is like a runaway train of raging insanity at this point. You can see their desperation in all the wild provocations going on, trying to draw in Ir@n and then the US. They know they are in real deep shit here, it is like watching a drowning man grabbing onto those around them, pulling them down also.

It is like the entire mythology of the IDF has been shattered. The entire mythology of Isr@el has been shattered…

The people in charge nowadays are so extreme they make Bibi look like a moderate and they seem to believe they can ethnically cleanse the holy lands in front of the entire world and then go back to normal afterwards… they are off their fucking heads. If they do this Isr@el will be finished, it will just be question of when not if, total pariah state. It may already be too late. Crazy.

And of course it is taking the US and UK down with it. The Isr@el lobby and the Epstein tapes will make sure of that.

I am not sure people in the US and UK can fully grasp how hated they are becoming as a result. And it is global. The damage being done is off the scale. And it is going to be irreversible.

Ukr@ine versus Isr@el now serves a huge catalyst for building awareness of Western hypocrisy. We just make it up as we go along… Everyone can see it.

Some folks need to wake up and smell the river, ‘we’ in the West are getting our arses kicked on just about every front. And at every defeat ‘we’ raise the stakes…

Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.


Heartfelt plea Ruby, please don’t be returning to the “c***s” mode of address all over again.
It didn’t end well last time, and you do have at least nodding acquaintance with a plethora of languages from which to select your epithets.


Found something serious to post about.

Can ‘war-pigs’ be educated?

I don’t think so.

The ‘war pigs’ are proving that it is in fact true that ‘you can’t educate pork’.

Not only can it not be educated the pig is unclean and shouldn’t be eaten.

No ‘bacon bagels’ for you this morning laddie’

Better eat your tofu and then get some banana.

James Che

There are multiple parties in the Devolved Scottish Government and it is hard to hear their voices of protest above their silence on this subject.

The problem is that every party in this Westminster legislated pretendy Scottish government is under Westminster laws and the abuse of indroctrinating the Scottish primary school Childrens minds is the responsabilty of all of them.

The management of all areas of Scotland including Scottish Education comes under statues and legislation of Westminster.

The whole group of politicians in Holyrood has the responsibility on all their shoulders to be protesting loud enough to be heard in all MSM outlets around the world
However Even in Scotland for the parents and benefit of these young children future, the silence of Scottish politicians protests and opposition to this indoctrination is deafening,


12 January, 2024 at 11:59 am

Heartfelt plea Ruby, please don’t be returning to the “c***s” mode of address all over again.

Thanks for your concern Sven. I am trying honest.

The thing is the Spanish have adopted the word cunt. Which is fair enough because we have stolen their ‘cojones’.

Even with the Spanish ‘cojones’ we don’t seem to have enough.

Might need to go for ‘les couilles’ too.

I think the word cunt is great and it’s international who needs a whole string of made up words when the C-bomb does the trick.

I didn’t learn the arabic for ‘father of daughters’ which to me is a lot worse than the C-bomb. Perhaps upper case TURBANDIN aka Ottoman Boy could help us out with that one.

I will try to please you Sven but I don’t think I will every manage. You might be best just to give me the X.

James Che

The problem is that their parents have also been educated and indoctrinated into believing that the Devolved government under the Scotland Act is a real Scottish government in Origin.


PS Sven

I didn’t get sentenced for using the word cunt.

It was the word ‘nutter’ that got me the PMT.

Who would ever take Stu seriously again if he were anti-swearing? 🙂

OK I admit I did call John Main a nutter three times in a row.

He informed Stu and off I was sent to the naughty step.

Now I feel I am being protected by the ‘X ignore’ and that is why I ‘heart’ it.

You don’t like being called a ‘nutter’ well you know what to do.

Press the X for ignore. Same goes for ‘cunt’ Sorted.

Enough about me lets get back to more serious issues.

Should we eat pig or should we fry the fuckers and have them on a roll with some tomato sauce?

I find a banana wrapped in pig is very tasty.

That is very tasty but I ain’t eating tofu just to get some banana.

I understand you live in Glasgow Sven is that correct.

You must have to put on your ‘earmuffs’ when you go out in the street to avoid hearing the X-bomb.

These earmuffs of yours. Are they crotchless? 🙂

Andy Ellis

@Mac 11.48am

I am not sure people in the US and UK can fully grasp how hated they are becoming as a result. And it is global. The damage being done is off the scale. And it is going to be irreversible.

I’m sure there are many “Hate-ins” going on in some parts of the world, but I’d beg to differ that it’s general, let alone global. Plenty of Arabs and muslims loathe Hamas and their supporters in Iran and those fluffing for them in the West.

If you have any exposure to Indian opinion, you’ll note that in general they’re none too supportive of Palestinians.

I think your Cassandra like predictions of existential threats and global opprobrium are a bit overblown myself: most folk don’t see the world in such Manichaean terms.

They’re capable of simultaneously holding two thoughts in their heads at the same time, so they realise there’s a context to what is going on and a long history.

There’s no lack of insight or lack of sympathy for those on the receiving end of conflict, wherever they are: just a realisation that there are no easy answers. Nobody would say Western governments policies are without blame, or that they can or should be trusted, but the alternatives are what exactly?

Turning all these issues over for final decision by the UN? How would that work? What other body is going to be able to bring about a mutually acceptable resolution to this issue, or any other conflict situation you can name. The Arab League? China? Because they’re all such paragons of virtue, democracy and open government?

We’re honestly all ears for the architecture of the Brave New World. Let’s hear it…..

James Che

Warmongering come before all else in the creation of the fallacious British Empire.

So much so Queen Anne was to far busy with the old wars of England to take the “Scottish Oath” during her coronation in England, nor make the effort to come to Scotland to be “coronated as Monarch of this Kingdom of Scotland.”

Warmongering was always the considered priority.
Making sure you became the Monarch of Great- Britain was secondary.

And therefore all the heirs that came afterwards were monarchs of England. Not Scotland

War has priority.

Lorna Campbell

fruitella the hun: the concept of rights and responsibilities, privileges and obligations is philosophical and jurisprudential and Enlightenment-based. All rights and privileges have corresponding responsibilities and obligations. Of course they are enforced in civilized societies which are founded on the rule of law. People are arrested every day and/or have their assets frozen and/or confiscated when they default on their responsibilities and obligations. An example: you have a ‘right’/’privilege’ to drive a car; you have also a ‘responsibility’/’obligation’ to have a driving licence and not to mow people down with your car. If you renege, chokey awaits. The only way that people get away with evading their responsibilities and obligations is if the law itself. the law-makers and the law enforcers all conspire to overlook them. That is precisely what is happening with Stonewall law/’trans’ transgressions as opposed to the actual law of the land. These bar stewards are allowed to act with impunity. No one else is. They were to be afforded privileges, via the GRRB, which no other males have been afforded since female safe spaces, etc. were created.


What is it about anglo-saxons/anglo-americans that i so dislike.
Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Somalia…..think that will do for a start.
Now whatever you do mr president do not press the red button.
Tell me again, which one’s the red one?


The nutter incident was my first offence.

2nd and most recent one was when I suggested to ‘A Scot Abroad’ that nobody actually gave a fuck what he was saying and there was a little ‘contretemps’ with the ‘Captain of the Sinking Schools’

Both the ‘Captain of the Sinking Schools’ & ‘A Scot Abroad’ have disappeared. Might have to wait until next New Year when Stu releases all the current PMTers.

‘contretemps’ that is now British English.

Just as well I’ve got a French O grade otherwise I might not be ‘au fait’ with all the new British words.

soit dit en passant, à propos, raison d’etre

Want to improve you English vocabulary and sound posh well study French.

The Spanish higher comes in handy too but my book of ‘Colloquial Spanish & Slang’ is much more useful. There was zero mention of ‘cojones’ in the higher Spanish class. That was only mentioned in the English class studying Hemingway.

James Che

Englands old war of crusades have never really really finished.


“…Both the ‘Captain of the Sinking Schools’ & ‘A Scot Abroad’ have disappeared…”

Oh, I wouldn’t put money on it….


12 January, 2024 at 1:04 pm

What is it about anglo-saxons/anglo-americans that i so dislike.
Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Somalia…..think that will do for a start.

For me personally it’s the ‘father of daughters’ thing.

But I don’t think we should be killing them just because of their swear words.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 12:57 pm

“lack of insight”

The only insight Scots need is to realise that as a colonized people we are ‘out of the game’, i.e. we have no influence ‘on matters of war or peace’.

Whilst Scots remain held captive in the UK Union we will continue to be dragged into ever more armed conflicts by our Anglo-imperialist rulers, over 80 since WWII. Meantime our Celtic cousins in independent Ireland and many other former colonies avoid such carnage, which is reputational too.

No coincidence that an Irish advocate helped put post-colonial South Africa’s case to the ICJ on Israel’s genocide, with the Anglo-imperialists on the wrong side of history again.

As Fanon wrote, ‘independence is a fight for a national culture’; Scotland’s perishing ‘clandestine’ culture needs the air of independence to breathe and we would surely do things very differently from the Anglo-imperial culture.


Ruby @ 12.44

I’m from Glasgow, Ruby, I now exist in a township outwith it.
I have no idea what subtle meaning I’m missing in the concept of “crotchless earmuffs”, however please don’t bother with an explanation.
Having grown up in the Whiteinch area of weegieland and started work in a city centre warehouse when I left school at 15, followed by a series of low quality manual jobs I’m not particularly offended by swearies.
It just seems unfortunate that with the language qualifications and knowledge you share with us you find it necessary to reduce the impact of your chosen form of personal abuse by frequent repetition.
However, as you said, enough about you, let’s return to more serious issues; although I’m not entirely clear in what way pigs, rolls, bananas, tofu or even where I live and what I hear in the street could ever be viewed as, “more serious issues”. Perhaps only in “Ruby world”.

Towbar Sullivan

Yeah well tbh it might be better to be taking aim at London’s latest exploits. It’s once again playing Sancho Panza to the US’s Don Quixote. I mean bombing the Yemen. It’ll be another fk up and all done in the cause of defending genocide. Neocon loons like John Bolton wants war with Iran and this is what this is about – and it’s going to be a much bigger shitshow than Iraq or Afghanistan. (In fact part of me would like to see Bolton get his war with Iran – and get it good and hard).

Humza is right on this and it’s a bigger issue than gender bollocks.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sven.
Thank you. I wondered how much Ruby paid attention to his/her own Xs. Crotchless earmuffs are the preferred, otherwise when you’re walking around, you have to keep your knees well bent.
I have a box of phone-less cords if anybody needs one. Also a couple of immobile phones.

Jim McIntosh

So the UK has bombed a sovereign nation she is not at war with. If this has been carried out without the explicit permission of the Yemeni government I have to assume that the UK has been designated a terrorist organisation by the Yemeni government.

In that case any UK citizen in that country who voted Tory should be liable to arrest and imprisonment. After all we do that to supporters of the elected government of Gaza. Just ask Craig Murray.


BrianDoonthetoon @ 13.45

Between you and Red, I so often wish when reading comments there was a “ Ima having a real good belly laugh, so thanks”, button.
On a different topic, I’m hoping you’re keeping well, Bri, always nice to see you posting again.



This is nothing new. Americas only mission in life is for world domination. It’s henchmen in every country acting like the mafia. Empire part two. Its a britnat thing.

Israel is a terrorist state & always has been. They live & breathe military & surveillance & it’s mandatory from birth or from entering the region.

Israel isn’t drowning America & the UK. It’s the other way around. Israel was always an American outpost. It’s man in the ME. It’s boots on the ground.

Plus, There’s untapped billions of Gas & Oil in them there hills & waters & a nice shipping route they want their hands on. ALL of it. Guess where the lions share of it is? Oh dear, Gaza is in the way – it needs to go. The UN ruled they’d need to share it with Palestine. The US & Israel ruled a genocide was far better. Leave no one alive cause they’ll want a share.

The UK poodle will follow along hoping for a share of the spoils.

The UN is in the spotlight. They’ve continually proved ineffective with Israel continually breaking hundreds of rules, resolutions & international laws. 28 coming from the security council which is *supposed* to be super weight & legally binding.

Looks like there needs to be a new UN. The USA has completely fcked that too & just ignores rules to suit themselves.


People might well react more to the insult rather than the reason they were «insulted».
In my culture the worst insults involve shoes, and their soles not the usual «parts».
Footwear is perceived as dirty from the street. The sole of the shoes even more unpleasant.
Sitting cross legged or worse placing one foot on your knee american style is TABOO.
We keep our feet on the ground, others may care to do likewise, in every sense.


12 January, 2024 at 1:13 pm

“…Both the ‘Captain of the Sinking Schools’ & ‘A Scot Abroad’ have disappeared…”

Oh, I wouldn’t put money on it….

Whit? Do you think they have transitioned back to their old ‘dead names’.

You have a suspicious mind James.

But hey it’s always good to be a lert.

Our country however doesn’t want/need any lerts.

If you are too much of a lert you will be cancelled & get not just PMT but 7 years of the hard stuff and that will be just for saying

*’my sister is not a boy’

* That came from the ‘Assimil book of English for French learners’

it also had phrases like ‘my tailor is rich’ and ‘the lightening has struck the lightening conductor’

I think you would be safe enough with those two but never say never.

PS Where’s Chas of the ‘Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade’ fan club?
Tnuc! That’s code and it ain’t about teacakes. You know the Tnuc’s tea cakes! I suspect he’s also a big fan of ‘the teacake’

Teacakes & bagels for Chas please! He also likes the cone scones.

You are what he eat. Fat Bar Stewart.

They had to extend the bar up there at his golf club where he works so that his cojones I mean his balls didn’t get squashed. I don’t think the Spanish play golf with their cojones. But hey they are very ‘macho’ so they might!

Wait a minute is ‘macho’ not Spanish. Sometimes it hard to know what language I’m speaking.

I think they greet one another using the term ‘macho’

I’ve heard it used a lot in road rage incidents.

I think they were saying something like ‘I’m calling you ‘macho’ just in case you are it’s hard to tell’

That was a long time ago. I wonder if ‘macho’ is now a Spanish pronoun.


We have doormats for the dirty shoes and also for keeping us in the Union and ensuring men are allowed into women’s spaces.

They tell us these men just want to pee but if you keep up with their many fetishes you will know that they really just want to listen to women peeing, show us their cocks, and take photos under the cubicles doors. Some also want to dilate their new fanny and other such weird & wonderful things.

Then there are the men on here who want to take back control. They often get together to bully women and tell them what they should or shouldn’t be posting telling them off for swearing, being off topic and not sticking to their rule of only posting five words per hour (FWPH) and worst of all to ‘wheest for Indy’

Aye Macho!

You can tak back yer forum but you’ll never tak my freedom


fruitella the hun

Andy Ellis

I can see you’re far too busy to answer the points I implied. I’m visiting family and don’t have time at the moment to elaborate but I think the Christo-fascists are much more if a concern, entitling themselves to fight back for the “free” world they once commanded.



You are not alone. It’s because they are such land grabbers & such liars. Driven by greed & sense of entitlement. International treaties mean absolutely nothing to them. Indigenous populations mean absolutely nothing to them.

Not just in the Middle East. Look at the absolute horror they imposed in the lands they grabbed for themselves in America & Canada. The reservations where they’re treated as not worthy & where the rule of law doesn’t apply.

They want the total dismantling of Ruskie & will go to the ends of the earth to achieve it because they’re empire driven. They’re never happy & will always desire more instead of just concentrating on their own patch.

A push back will come & it will come in hard. Ruskies could nuke the yanks at a touch of a button before Biden has his special phone answered because while they invaded half the known world & wouldn’t listen to international reason to cease & desist – P*tin updated his precision hardware & is ready to rock n roll. The armchair champs on here would be mid sentence LOL

So it’s not just the ME who is heart sick of American interference. They need taken down a peg or two & it will come either by force, by ditching the petro dollar or by imposing sanctions of their own.

Andy Ellis

@fruitellathehun 3.07pm

I can see you’re far too busy to answer the points I implied. I’m visiting family and don’t have time at the moment to elaborate but I think the Christo-fascists are much more if a concern, entitling themselves to fight back for the “free” world they once commanded.

I wasn’t trying to be evasive, I just didn’t quite see what your point was and then had other stuff to do. The ships the Houthis are attacking are in international waters, not their territorial waters. While there isn’t any real definition of international waters the rights of ships of any flag to wend their way across the oceans without being molested – particularly by pirates and terrorists groups like the Houthis – seems pretty unexceptional.

Things might be a bit different in areas like the Bosporus, Hormuz and Bab al-Mandab: some of those have specific treaties and conventions covering them, though the latter doesn’t. Be that as it may, there’s not justification for attacking neutral shipping.

As for whether attacking the Houthis is justified or proportionate, I guess where you stand depends on where you sit. Seems to me a case of FAFO. Absent an end to the conflict, I’m not sure the correct interim response is just to allow the Houthis to close the Red Sea / Suez Canal route until they get their way. Doubtless others are willing to pay any price to placate islamo-fascists: ’twas ever thus.


A random “war pig” in the crowd says; “there’s not justification for attacking neutral shipping…”

What about neutral kids, people, and hospitals in say Gaza?

All attacked with bombs and weapons that we supplied in our neutral shipping.

Andy Ellis

@Turabdin 1.04pm

What is it about anglo-saxons/anglo-americans that i so dislike.

Try to look on the bright side bud, those WASPs may be a rum bunch, but how much better would it be if your ancestors had been left to the tender mercies of the Ottomans (asking for a couple of million Armenian friends), or if those oh so efficient Germans had won in 1918 or 1940….?

The post WW2 rules based international order may have it’s faults, but much like Churchill’s views on democracy itself, it appears to be the worst possible system apart from all the others that have been tried from time to time.

Of course if the crank left have their way, we’ll all have to get used to the benevolent rule of our future Chinese masters. That’s bound to be better, right? Look at Hong Kong, Tibet and the Uyghurs…definitely nothing to see there.


You know, Ellis, there’s a word for what you do on here — paltering.

People might not know that word but they see through what you do.

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 1.17pm

Whilst Scots remain held captive in the UK Union we will continue….

It’s a strange definition of being held captive when, for many decades past, the captor has expressed no selfish interest in detaining you surely?

It’s not a want of freedom of colonialism that’s the issue Alf, it’s just a lack of political balls. Perhaps it’s true as the American daughter of a Scottish migrant once said her father told her before she came back to the auld country to do her JYA at St Andrews university: “all those with the get up and go, got up and went”?

Of course, our Irish friends are so committed to their neutrality and independence that they rely on the RAF to police their airspace, and lack the naval forces to protect their own EEZ. Awkward one that….

Anton Decadent

I posted yesterday asking if anyone knew how many NGO’s are operating in Scotland but no one replied. I tried looking online but no success although there is someone registered in Bulgaria offering a list for twenty five Euros. Somewhere else you had to be a registered paying member to access their list.


‘Anglo-Saxons’? Who are they exactly in the modern world? Or is it wildly inaccurate code for ‘the English’?

Andy Ellis

@Southernbystander 5.30pm

Anglo-Saxons’? Who are they exactly in the modern world? Or is it wildly inaccurate code for ‘the English’?

Oh, I don’t think it’s code. Amongst a certain subset of denizens of this place it’s just nativist obfuscation to try and mask their regressive racism.

It matters not if the target is ordinary English, British or American people being othered for the historic or current sins of their governments, or if it’s something more sinister (c.f: “pass the bagels” à la Robert Hughes at 10.08 am above: sounds better than Juda Verrecke I reckon, but as our French cousins say: “Quand en parle du loup, en voit la queue”?).

fruitella the hun

Andy Ellis

International trade has choke points that give leverage to whoever controls them. You have to show them the money or expect trouble. I favour increasing self-sufficiency to reduce dependence on our need to react militarily. Some folk can’t see the stupidity of continuing with the current system because it’s worked for us for two or three centuries. They ignore the damage and the huge risks.

Andy Ellis

@fruitella the hun 6.42pm

Laudable aims no doubt, though short term I’m not sure how much they’ll help given the amount of world trade that goes through similar choke points.

The world didn’t react militarily when the Suez Canal was closed in the past….but I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to sell 3 day weeks and power cuts these days?


Gonzalo Lira has died in a filthy dungeon in a nasty failed state in Eastern European.

“Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.”

link to

Meanwhile the Great Satan (US) and its minion the UK have bombed Yemen, they can bomb to protect shipping routes but they cannot even bring themselves to say that the children of Palestine are being murdered by the occupying Zionist force that’s committing genocide and war crimes against the women and children of Palestine.


As families across the UK struggle to heat or eat, or even get a dentist or doctors appointments due to cut backs, the PM Rishi Sunak who has visited that failed state in Eastern Europe today, promised its leader £2.5 billion pounds of taxpayers cash for military aid.

I’m sure many, many folk in the UK will see this as a huge waste of money, money that should be used to help struggling families keep their heads above the waterline back home.


“US-UK-Saudi imposed a man-made famine on Yemen from 2016 because they didn’t like that their client ruler, Abdrabbuh Hadi, had been overthrown.

The starvation programme lasted 6 years + pushed 2.3 million children to hunger/starvation.”

However this isn’t the first time the UK has bombed Yemen and killed civilians.

link to

And this, the Saudi’s couldn’t continue to murder civilians with impunity in Yemen if it wasn’t for US aiding and abetting them, are you ashamed at finding that out? No? Yes? you should be.

link to

John Main

@Hatuey 4:45

Could you settle an argument in the Main household?

I maintain you still have your calendar set to Xmas Eve 2022.

Why? Because you swore blind on here that the Covid Spreaders would invade Taiwan by Xmas 2022 and you just can’t bear to ever admit you got anything wrong.

Anyways, there’s £5 riding on your answer, so be a sport, help us out.

Thanks in advance.

John Main


Are you saying civilians were killed in yesterday’s attacks?

Why would civilians be launching missiles at the civilian crews of merchant vessels? Ordinary Filipino or other third-world working guys, just trying to hold down a job.

Why would civilians hang around obvious military targets after days of warnings they would be attacked?

Maybes the Hotties like to surround their gun emplacements with pregnant mums and babes in arms so they can snare useful idiots like you.

It’s a tried and tested policy. I believe it’s nearing the end of its useful life though, as the cost to western citizens in cold, hard cash of being duped into eternally pointless virtue signalling finally starts to be made clear.

And not before time.

President Xiden

‘Rights respecting schools ‘ is a Trojan horse and yet, as with the original Trojan horse , nobody realises.


“Could you settle an argument in the Main household?”

You know I can’t.

A bitter old guy sitting alone in a room-n-kitchen, nursing his gammon like a woman scorned, cannot be considered a household.

John Main


I’ve missed you.

I’m done with my 2023 calendar. Admit you were wrong about Taiwan, drop your details with Rev Stu, and I’ll post it on to you.

There’s been a lot happening and you need to move on. No need for you to be stuck at December 2022 indefinitely.


I wasn’t wrong about Taiwan. I was simply relaying what Clayton Morris on Redacted had said.

Glad we cleared that up.

fruitella the hun

Lorna Campbell 1.04pm

Just spotted your response to my post concerning rights and responsibilities. You seem to dismiss the idea, explicit in the consultation document, that the rights a person enjoys are independent of their behaviour behaviour regarding apparently connected duties.

I found this which I think backs up that view:

“No matter how well intentioned, there is always the possibility that a court or public body may mistake the statement of a duty as a call for it to be made a precondition for the exercise of a right. This being the case, the question arises as to what is likely to be achieved through any effort to set out the duties that attach to particular rights. Although it can be argued that articulating such duties may help the public to better understand the role played by rights in the legal system and counter concerns that rights are overly individualistic and undermine social cohesion, there is always a risk that any statement of duties will become the focus of attempts to give it legal meaning. Moreover, articulating such duties may also give the false impression to lay citizens that there is some contingent relationship between rights and duties.”

It’s from a report by legal academics, section 5.6 Conclusion (page 31)
link to

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    • Geri on Seeding the briar patch: “It’s not all indy supporters who vote SNP. Yoons do too. The ‘have yer cake & eat it’s crew. They’ll…Feb 5, 18:55
  • A tall tale

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