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Wings Over Scotland

The Great Bin Fire

Posted on November 04, 2020 by

So, Joe Biden promised to erase women as a legal concept if he got elected, and then by a quite remarkable coincidence there was a small but possibly crucial swing among women of all colours and ages towards a President who boasts of “grabbing them by the pussy” and may well overturn Roe vs Wade (and more) if he wins again.

Who could ever have foreseen, etc?

(It’s also passingly ironic that if Biden does win – as he still may well do arithmetically, although we wouldn’t necessarily want to put a lot of money on him living long enough to ever actually reach the Oval Office after all the legal wrangling/civil war is over – it’ll be on the votes of white men overturning those of women and people of colour, who all counter-intuitively and inexplicably swung to Trump.)

In a world where almost every vote seems to be on a knife-edge, it seems the woke left still hasn’t learned how criminally, recklessly, suicidally stupid it is to alienate 70% of the population to feed the endless, insatiable narcissism of 0.7% of the population.

Quite aside from anything else, that’s because the only votes you secure by doing so are the votes of people who’d never have voted for Donald Trump in a million years anyway. The only votes you’re gambling with are those of the natural left. And even if only a tiny fraction of the alienated actually turn, it can be enough to change the world.

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Monica Worley

I haven’t seen this issue in any of the media. Have you? Can you point me?

G H Graham

I’m calling it, now: Trump wins.

He needs Wisconsin, Pennslylania & Michigan and looks likely to pick up enough college votes to tip him over the 270 mark.

But it will be close and I expect a lot of legal arguments made, even after it’s been called, by Biden, claiming he’s been robbed & that alienating a massive section of society to appease a screaming, tiny minority of extremists had nothing to do with it.

I hope Sturgeon’s watching & learning.

I’m sure she is but I doubt the second part will be true.

Roll on Holyrood 2021, year of “The Punisher”.

John Walsh

Even when presented with clear evidence that they’re wrong, people are still biased towards their customary expectations – Kahan &.al (2013)


I am actually worried now that Biden will win – bookies now backing him.

……something fishy going on across the rust belt and Arizona/Nevada, number are swinging too wildly for my liking. Blitzes Florida and loses those?? – doesn’t make a great deal of sense, perhaps Trump is on to something with his ‘fraud’ claims.

Supreme Court most likely.

Trump win means more comedy.
Biden win means UK kids of fighting age need to protect themselves.


Only one way to know for sure who’s going to win – check who that Labour gobshite McTernan has predicted, and it’ll be the opposite.


The wokeratti are all science-deniers.

Obviously that includes political science.

I think it unlikely that the SNP heirachy will pay any attention. Until they are made to.

David Wardrope

@ G H Graham 12:06pm

Skybet now have Biden winning at 4/11, and have Democrats winning Pennsylvania (odds 2/3) and Michigan (1/3). These odds have swung quite a bit in the last few hours.

David Wardrope

Actually, the odds are collapsing for Democrats in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. I think we can safely say Ruth has seen the postal votes…


So after obsessing about transgender politics in Scotland for the last couple of years you now think that it is the crucial issue in the USA as well. Jeezo, get a grip.

katherine hamilton

I said on last thread, tongue in cheek, Biden would win. Still the same. Now though it’s Nevada or Arizona + Wisconsin+ Michigan, Biden wins. N+A+W+N he wins easy. Doesn’t need Pennsylvania which is just as well cause he’s gonna lose it.

Sharny Dubs

The US sneezes and the U.K. catches a cold.

I fear for our kids.

We may punish the SNP in 21 but they will have put the independence cause at serious risk chasing windmills.

Hell mend them.


Not that it matters but my tuppence, .. I like analysis that makes you think but this is too out there.

As Monica above notes there is no evidence this has been a material issue in this election. Literally zilch.

Sad to see a really good commentator letting his own issues cloud judgement in such an obvious way.


On a point of fact, presidents don’t overturn Supreme Court decisions. That’s why it’s called the SUPREME Court. The Court itself MAY overturn Roe, but only because, as a matter of law, it’s constitutional garbage. An activist court took a political decision and rammed it down people’s throats. Please note that abortion was not illegal in the US pre-Roe. It was a matter for individual states and was, like so many other things, sucked up to Washington by the Democrats in their decades long usurpation of power to themselves, and to hell with the constitution.


Stu,you underestimate Trump’s appeal to women who like authoritarian ‘daddy’ figures with money and fame and telly shows. For every women who despise Trump and all he stands for, there will be a couple who find him a familiar, authoritarian, sleazy figure, the Devil they know. And white women, of course, equate him with their own fathers and grandfathers.

At heart, America, sadly, is still a tight-arsed, confused, conservative, misogynistic country, so any swing to the famous pussygrabber hound is not all that inexplicable. Despite a lot of squawking in the middle class media over there, religion still plays a large part in the minds of some women over there, and they are comfortable and familiar with being dominated (as the success of the risible and worthless 50 Shades of Grey shite demonstrated amply).

Deep down, sections of America, despite their colour or sex, LOVE Big Bad Daddy Dickswinger, so their swing to him is not really inexplicable. Biden is a crusty old asexual weirdo who has nowhere near the star power of the risible Trump.

It’s all aboot money, power, sex, and fame, in America. Nothing much else matters there, to a great many people, except not alienating reasonable people with extremist intersectionalist madness (which women and people of colour don’t like either), as you noted. It’s all just constituent parts of the same big ball of shit.

Robert graham

Something funny with these results

BBC has Biden on 224 Trump 213

RT & Telegraph 238 Biden Trump 213

How can both be right


Edit: ‘for every five women’


If you want to rig the vote, the postals is the way to go, but you have to be careful in case it is too obvious; some numbers geek might notice something but the general public care little for “statistically anomalous correlations” etc

the rules

– don’t do it if you don’t need to do it
– dont’ do it if it won’t work anyway (or to work it would be too obvious)
– restrict it to tight races in key battlegrounds

in the US, what seems to happen is – you let the count get to about 80%, then you see where it is going and consequently what you need to do, ideally a fraction of a percentage (you make the call, and the ballots appear, sitting in a corner, no one had noticed)

the big problem with this is a fast, efficient and openly scrutinised count – you want something drawn out, protracted, or just slow.

“late surge from the silent majority”

“smashed it in the marginals”

western media typically won’t seriously touch vote rigging stories – this only happens in the 3rd world, or eastern europe, or russia


« One of the most revealing justifications for voting for Biden is that he would relieve people of the burden of thinking about politics »
link to
The answer to this is of course authentic, participatory, open-to-all democracy.
Populism is the demos saying what the well healed, globalizing patricians do not want to hear.
Keep them quiet with digital bread and circuses, if that fails try fear.

David Wardrope

@ Robert Graham 12:57pm

I think RT etc. are counting Arizona as done where BBC are not. That only accounts for 11 though so there must be another one

Johnny McNeill

‘…it seems the woke left still hasn’t learned how criminally, recklessly, suicidally stupid it is to alienate 70% of the population to feed the endless, insatiable narcissism of 0.7% of the population…’

“One of the great secrets of the day is to know how to take possession of popular prejudices and passions, in such a way as to introduce a confusion of principles which makes impossible all understanding between those who speak the same language and have the same interests”. Machiavelli.

In short; foment fresh *fault-lines* upon which to agitate entire populations, in order to continue to divide, rule & *recruit*. In this case by *precedented* #GenderAgenda *identity politics*…

‘The #MeToo Truth of Nr5 #RampantSexism’ (Early Warning Signs of Fascism) by #GaslightingGilligan; link to

Militarisation on both sides of the #AtlanticBridge – and beyond – is *inevitable*.

CameronB Brodie

“In a world where almost every vote seems to be on a knife-edge, it seems the woke TOTALITARIAN left still hasn’t learned how criminally, recklessly, suicidally stupid….

Don’t believe me, well here’s a look at the “HEURISTICS AND PUBLIC POLICY: DECISION MAKING UNDER BOUNDED RATIONALITY”. This is what ‘our’ Lord Advocate is helping the Scottish government destroy in Scotland.

link to

katherine hamilton

David Wardrope,
I think the other 2 are Maine

David Wardrope

@ katherine hamilton 1:18pm

Looks like you’re right, thanks.

Alec Lomax

You think the yanks are obsessed by gender ?

Oh ma sides !


Alec, I think you’re right. This single trans issue is nowhere near as important in a huge country with a massively larger populace than it is over here. Barely a bip on their political radar, unlike the hateful constant attacks – political, cultural, verbal, and physical – on white people by the ostensible left wing sections of the media.

Stan Broadwood

Sturgeon daily beefing:-

“Let’s hand you over to the head of the Scottish Fire Service for an update”

English accent,,, heart sinks.

FFS,,,out of all the firefighters in Scotland, they couldn’t find ONE to become their leader.

They actually had to go to another country to find such a person.

That doesn’t say much for the kind of firefighting training they are receiving in Scotland, does it?

CameronB Brodie

“Barely a bip on their political radar, unlike the hateful constant attacks – political, cultural, verbal, and physical – on white people by the ostensible left wing sections of the media.”

There’s the voice of the radical-right again, so here’s a look at the meaning of “Playing the race card: White injury, White victimhood and the paradox of colour-blind ideology in anti-immigrant discourse”.

link to

[…] Wings Over Scotland The Great Bin Fire So, Joe Biden promised to erase women as a legal concept if he got elected, and then […]

David Morgan

looks like kamala harris is gonna be first female president

David Ferguson

John Walsh says:
4 November, 2020 at 12:08 pm

Even when presented with clear evidence that they’re wrong, people are still biased towards their customary expectations – Kahan &.al (2013)

You are CameronB Brodie and I claim my five shillings.

CameronB Brodie

David Ferguson 🙂



This thread from Martin Keatings is quite illuminating (not a surprise, though!):

link to

red sunset

WhoRattledYourCage says:
4 November, 2020 at 12:55 pm
Stu,you underestimate Trump’s appeal to women who like authoritarian ‘daddy’ figures with money and fame and telly shows. .

Absolutely 100% agree with WRYC comment here. You need to understand the US psyche. John Wayne never left the building.

CameronB Brodie

Btw, that wasn’t me suggesting I am John Walsh, though we appear to be on a similar wave-length.

link to


Red sunset, I lived there for over a decade, made a few general observations of my own. Said this before- Americans DO NOT THINK LIKE SCOTTISH PEOPLE, so ascribing them Scottish motives and thought processes, especially when their landmass and population mix have rendered their psyches far less homogenous than ours.


Ertatum: add the words ‘is folly’to the end of that last post.


Biden now ahead in Michigan. All he has to do now is hold on to the states where he’s ahead and he’s won it. Shouldn’t be too difficult *IF* it’s all postals still to be counted.

I think he’s gonna do it.

CameronB Brodie

American culture simply hasn’t managed to deal with the structural racism that defined the nation until the civil rights movement. So what we are currently witnessing is the empowerment of the radical-right and “democratic back-sliding”, which has been encouraged through the denial of history and the encouragement of a “white victim-hood and vulnerability” narrative. Which has been successfully imported into British politics through Farage. 🙁

link to

Grey Gull

O/T. Live in Holyrood at the moment a debate on the harassment committee asking about publishing evidence. link to

Jill Sharpe

Biden is best for the UK – no trade deal and plenty of headaches for Boris.
Trump is best for Scotland if it means further attacks upon Scottish quality and sovereignty.


Looks like the auld yin might do it. Here comes President Snoozevelt.

Les Wilson

For those who are interested in the martin Keatings case the People v C30.
Here is the link for the written doc of arguements, the court has agreed the case should continue. Read it all here

link to


Grey Gull says:
4 November, 2020 at 2:55 pm
O/T. Live in Holyrood at the moment a debate on the harassment committee asking about publishing evidence. link to

Is is just me? Or is that unwatchable for buffering interruptions? Parliament TV should run an audio-only backup if they cannot handle the video.

Hasten to add, it maybe is me. My internet here is shocking, but other stuff is running ok, while Parliament TV is unwatchable.


@Stan Broadwood says:
4 November, 2020 at 1:34 pm
Sturgeon daily beefing:-
“Let’s hand you over to the head of the Scottish Fire Service for an update”
“English accent,,, heart sinks.
FFS,,,out of all the firefig”

Who gives a fuck what someone’s accent is? In case you hadn’t noticed, chief constables / fire service / ambulance service heads tend to work around the UK. So what is acceptable? Only a Scottish brogue? What if someone has an Asian or European accent? Does that matter as well? Are the Irish and Welsh not welcome also?

Personally I’d prefer the best candidate for the job, especially with the emergency services.


President Truman ordered an airlift.

President Biden will order a stairlift.

Grey Gull

Breeks. It’s working ok for me. Looks like the Greens will vote for the motion and Andy Wightman said it would be interesting to see how the SNP back benchers vote. I agree though. Watching parliament is like watching paint dry!

Ian Brotherhood

John Sweeney’s argument about the importance of client/lawyer confidentiality would be more convincing if abody and their dug didn’t already know the obvious, as outlined by Craig Murray, Gordon Dangerfield, Rev Stu and others i.e. the SG’s civil servants – apparently – misled their own lawyers.

A Person

-Jill Sharpe-

No offence but I’m very sceptical of the “let’s hope Westminster destroys our economy and then people will finally wake up and vote Yes” argument.

They’ve been destroying our economy for about forty-five years and there’s still a Union Jack flying over Edinburgh Castle.

Harry mcaye

Jeez, I didn’t know this about Biden. A little conflicted now (only a little). Can’t bear the thought of Trump’s smugness at being a two term President. If he puts through the legislation hopefully there will be an outcry and it’ll get revised or binned.


If Biden is the winner in the US rich guys face off I do wonder how he’s going to deal with this sort if thing.
link to
Being of MidEast Christian heritage I fear that anglophone secularism and its seeming purblind approach to ideological Islamism will fail to handle this with the firmness it requires beginning with the legally and religiously sanctioned second rank status of nonbelievers in the dar al islam ie the Muslim world.
The French, at least, with six million Muslim citizens, whether practising or not, are attempting through consultation with them to tackle disaffection head on. Countries from the Maghrib to Iraq and beyond have also similar issues with this ideology. It feeds off unemployment, poverty, political powerless, clientism, corruption, ignorance and a particular victim culture whose drivers are intellectually western.
Biden’s first world globalist mindset could make things rather worse for all concerned.

Robert graham

Aye yer right about Holyrood TV constant buffering I have a good service with all other websites but this is crap , I doubt if you’re missing much

The results of the US Elections would have been more or less called by now if the Trump gang would stop attempting to halt proceedings by going to Court with spurious questions and filling law suits in an attempt to halt the counting in States all over America.

Biden might have some questionable ideas but Trump is on a whole different planet , last night he said he had won but was going to the Supreme Court because of Massive Vote Fraud , ok if you are winning Donald Why go to Court FFS ,

As for the snide remarks about Bidens age as far as I know Wings Posters have no dog in this fight

red sunset

Beaker says:
4 November, 2020 at 3:22 pm
@Stan Broadwood says:
4 November, 2020 at 1:34 pm
Sturgeon daily beefing:-
“Let’s hand you over to the head of the Scottish Fire Service for an update”

No comment on that particular incident.
But notice frequently that the experts are seldom home grown experts.
For instance, BBC Scotland TV earlier today – discussion on the situation – brought in the fella from Reading University.
He’s been on before, speaks well, presumably knows his stuff.
But there seems to be a pattern on BBC Scotland, both TV and radio, that experts always are brought in from down south.
The sub-conscious takes from that, that we don’t have any experts in the country here, that we must always look to our betters for advice and guidance.


I often wonder if the new radical left has been an elegant and purposeful creation of the new right. It’s been the most disabling, obfusticating, neutering tool for every significant issue from abortion rights to independence, if you think about it. The beauty of it is also which left of centre politician would ever go up against these clearly lunatic positions without a very clear understanding that they are going to be crucified by the twitler youth? Weaponize the left against itself. Genius.


I have no idea if the gender debate was a thing in the USA for this election. However to make a blanket statement it definitely wasn’t, is wrong. If you say it definitely wasn’t about that, then you have to say it definitely wasn’t about anything else we didn’t happen to hear being talked about at length.

(We really don’t understand Americans, we think we do, but we don’t.)

The gender/trans debate still isn’t exactly front page news here, yet here we are talking about it. It seems to simultaneously exist and not exist in the real world – and only exist for sure on Twitter, the users of which seem also to exist/not exist in the real world.

Perhaps like the trans/gender debate – the USA election was decided on shallow surface soundbites and not the nuance of any issues? It was Trump’s deranged snufflings versus Biden’s senile mumblings.

Like I said, I no longer know anything about anything these days. Stuart is right – it is a great bin fire.

Tannadice Boy

O/T Harassment debate on the release of legal advice. Stu must have lent his hammers to the opposition parties in Holyrood this afternoon. I have seldom seen such one sided debate. The vote has not been taken yet but it is highly probable the SG will lose the vote. However the SG (Swinney) have indicated they will still not release the legal advice. So much for the will of the Parliament. An unsustainable position.

CameronB Brodie

The left have simply been defeated by neo-liberalism. So the radical left are simply employing neo-liberal theory to destroy the foundations of culture through genderwoowoo, as they’ve not come up with a politically moral alternative to the radical-right. So that means the ‘left’ is no longer able to support “A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics”, and now openly support the denial of liberal science.

link to


“In a world where almost every vote seems to be on a knife-edge, it seems the woke left still hasn’t learned how criminally, recklessly, suicidally stupid it is to alienate 70% of the population to feed the endless, insatiable narcissism of 0.7% of the population.”

Have you tried asking transsexuals how we feel about being relentlessly discussed on the media? I think you’ll find that we ‘endless, insatiable narcissists’ would MUCH prefer if it everyone – politicians included – went back to ignoring us.


Aldo_macb says:
4 November, 2020 at 12:36 pm
So after obsessing about transgender politics in Scotland for the last couple of years you now think that it is the crucial issue in the USA as well. Jeezo, get a grip.

You may think that Wings needs to ‘get a grip’ on the topic of transgender. I suspect that everyone may need to get a functioning brain and start being logical about the consequences of taking the transgender route. If you’re a woman it’s not an attractive prospect and I think that most would prefer it to be the road less travelled by if they were to discover where the signposts led.

Grey Gull

Tannadice boy.
When do they vote?


Talking of “alienating 70% of the population”, Mike Russell might do even better for the SNP if news of his book in 2006 gets circulated. He wrote “We would encourage the private sector to compete with established NHS hospitals etc… We would encourage NHS management…to buy out existing NHS facilities..and join the private sector.”

See Craig Murray’s twitter “This is absolutely disgusting..” and look for David Ferguson’s comments for the detail.

Can things get worse for those of us who were relying on the SNP to manage the route to regaining independence?

Tannadice Boy

@Grey Gull
After the Care Home debate just after 5pm. Scottish Parliament TV

Grey Gull



Garrison: in America there are three main subjects Americans eternally talk about/around 24/7 365 – race, guns, and abortion. None of them will ever be resolved. Best just to leave them to it.


Trumps team tweeting images of a 128k vote update in Michigan…..with all 100% of them going to Biden.

nothing to see here folks……move along now…

holy shit!, no sooner had I read it and Twitter has removed it….FFS, that’s worrying.


@Cameron 4:19. Agreed, sadly. Although I’m still a reluctant fan of the work of Vladislav Surkov in terms of his reconceptualization of how to achieve military and political objectives by pretty much stepping above the chessboard and filling the whole room with noise and chaos. I see the Trump administration managing this incredibly well, and in a way where the radical left are now could be seen as an instrument of precisely that objective.


@ Sarah

Link to Craig’s tweet.
link to

Craig P

red sunset, Beaker, Stan Broadwood, anyone else

If you’re after intelligent Scottish voices in the media, try Radio 4, not BBC Scotland. Plenty Scots there.

A Person

Right so the government is flat-out refusing to obey an instruction from the Scottish Parliament?


Re Harassment and Complaints Committee ,

The written report from yesterday’s meeting has been published ,

link to


I can’t accept without evidence the implied argument that this issue explains Biden’s poor performance in the election. Exit polls certainly didn’t indicate it was a priority.

Mike d

If you google ‘what has trump said about your country’ you put in the name of your country. Scotland does’nt get mentioned, uk only. Unlike Ireland. What a sad bunch we have become,basically a region of northern britain.

Grey Gull

A Person @5.04
They are in the process of voting now.

CameronB Brodie

That’s pretty much how I see things, which means there’s little hope for “Rules, Rationality, and the Significance of Standpoint”, if we don’t somehow force our law officers to start respecting universal principle of legal doctrine. We’ll not do that standing under Westminster though, which is now openly hostile towards international law and democracy.

link to


To be fair, it’s long been pretty clear to me the “woke” (I really hate appropriating that term which was originally about being genuinely progressive) are just the far right in left clothing. Nothing new in that – the right have always infiltrated the left, but this time they’re laughing their arses off that supposedly progressive people have actually fallen for something as bafflingly, obviously nonsense as “men are actually women therefore women’s rights no longer need to exist”. Both Trump and the “woke” TRA/MRA crew are on exactly the same side.


Its frightening to think that millions of Americans are actually alright with Donald Trump serving another term as POTUS. Taking into account his actions over the past four years, his racist remarks, his misogynistic remarks, not to mention the corruption surrounding him and his family whilst POTUS.

Now Americans are entering new territory, with Trump stating that he’s not standing down as POTUS if he’s proven to have lost to Biden. Trump claims postal vote fraud, and that he’ll take it all the way to the Supreme court, which he recently added a new Republican judge after the death of Bonnie Ginsberg.


Why do the SNP suck up to the huntin n shootin brigade when 70% of the population are against the brigade, and the brigade will never vote SNP?

Ian McLean

As Devil’s Advocate:
Some of the swing among women might be accounted for by a percentage who may have previously been influenced to vote for Clinton because of her sex rather than her politics.


As expected, they lost the vote. Now what? I believe The Times offered to fund the Tories should they need to go to court on this. Will it come to that? Probably.

Grey Gull

O/T. Vote went against Scot Gov. 63. Yes, 54 no and 5 abstentions However, I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to do anything about it.


@ Aldo_macb and Ross whilst you may think STU (obsessing ??) about (gender??) NO ,SEX, is annoying to you, and his time would be better spent concentrating on yoonionist shite, there are a very many REAL Women who have relished and supported his exposures and thanked him for these exposures, if it wasn’t for him and a FEW others taking a public stand against this lunacy then we would be further down the rabbit hole, as it is we are STILL AWAITING the MSM using these GRA ,HCB policies to swamp the public with horrendous exaggerated stories to render the SNP UNELECTABLE

NOT that it matters the SNP are doing such a sterling job of it themselves , what with the Nicola Sturgeon enquiry, the NON RINGFENCED money disappearing act,the recent Martin Keatings exposure of FALSE SG WITHDRAWAL, in fact actually OPPOSITION to Martin’s and our legal claim,the appointment of neoconservative yoonionist placemen to run our NEW investment bank, need I go on, if you and we want independence it will NEVER HAPPEN under the ROTTEN CABAL of Sturgeon and her woke minions

Iain More

I calling it now. Trump wins due to inbreeding run amok and the eating of growth hormone polluted red meat plus consuming too much chlorinated Racoon and rattlesnake..

Tannadice Boy

@ A Person
Late intervention by John Swinney. SG to consider the implications of the vote. Sounds like a U turn. This is when it gets interesting.

A Person

-Grey Gull-

But what happens if the SG flat-out refuse to hand over the documents?

This is a ray of light btw. The first chink in the armour…


Fuck knows why because as you say the hunting-shooting mob have Balmoral as their spiritual home. If there is one thing you can get Scottish people (and, credit where it’s due, any other British people) to agree on, left-wing or right-wing or centrist, nationalist or unionist, Remainer or Leaver, rich and poor, old and young, black and white, it’s that killing animals for sport is fucked up.

A Person

Oh question answer as I was wiring it!

A Person

*Writing (aargh!)


Granted, I haven’t seen all the MSM, but of those I have seen, are all completely ignoring the evidence the Trump campaign are pointing to for their electoral fraud claim. They cannot ignore it – they would do well to either disprove it, debunk it or verify it.

Delay in doing so, and their continuing to completely ignore it, only looks like they are complicit. The sitting US Presidents support is highly motivated and attentive to his messaging. He also has the military as Commander in Chief.

The consequences of ignoring this moment in history is not to be under-estimated.

This, combined with COVID, could prove to be a deadly cocktail.

Real or perceived cheating – this is serious.


@ Dan at 4.52: thanks for the link about Mike Russell wanting to privatise the NHS.



Twitter in full panic mode – taking down Trumps tweet and then retweets with the Michigan figures/graphs side by side showing 100% of the 138,000 vote update ALL going to Biden and all other candidates remaining on exactly the same numbers.

Say what you like about Trump, but the US Presidents free speech is, right now, under direct attack from the Left.

Man, this is worrying. if Twitter de-platform him, all hell could break loose.

Lenny Hartley

ahundredthidiot There is no electoral graud onlyban idiot would claim there is.
Republican states banned postal votes being counted as they arrived so they had to be counted
After the polls close, in other states the rules allow postal votes to be posted the day of the vote, therefore they will arrive and be counted well after the polls close.
Insay that as a neutral , i really dont care who America elects as Potus, Trump may be marginally better for Scotland as more chance of a no deal brexit if he could get his deal with boris though congress whilst there are likely to be no wars under his watch which could lead to young Scots dying in a foreign field.
Now if Biden was a proper socialist i obviously would want him elected, he isnt their both Cheeks of the same arse.


Have been speaking with quite a few SNP members re. priming them for NEC voting.
I know there are a couple of lists produced by caltonjock and Denise Findlay that identify the “good” folk it is preferred we elect to the NEC, but a few things come to mind after the conversations I’ve had.
Firstly: Some candidates are putting themselves up for multiple positions, but surely there is a preferred position that suits their particular knowledge and skill set. Is there the means of identifying and therefore optimising the vote to better achieve that outcome.
If this isn’t done then random votes split between all the preferred candidates may dilute their votes to the point a less desirable person wins.

As the SNP voting site is finicky in use could a list be produced that appears in the natural order the voting takes place so folk aren’t having to scroll back and forth up and down voting site and the list of preferred folk to choose from.

Soz for asking but not everyone is IT slick at producing documents and computer operation so anything that simplifies the process would be very helpful and much appreciated.

red sunset

Craig P says:
4 November, 2020 at 4:57 pm
red sunset, Beaker, Stan Broadwood, anyone else

If you’re after intelligent Scottish voices in the media, try Radio 4, not BBC Scotland. Plenty Scots there.

Absolutely agree Craig P. Have noticed that since the Referendum campaign.
Intelligent yes, also much less bias (if any at all), and often addressing the issue rather than scoring SNPbaaad all the time.

red sunset

Speaking to family in Canada today. They’re discussing how to build a wall.
To quote : “3000 miles of wall. It only has to be a notice that says Brown people live beyond this sign. No republicans would cross over. “

Lenny Hartley

Dan, The current votes are to nominate folk for nec, all nominations count, for major positions such as President you need 100 nominations to get to the final election at conference others just require 20 nominations so therefore every nomination for the good guys count.


Could unionist labour find a way back to success in Scotland??

Seems ridiculous right now, but, if reading the above posts is true and the heavily brit nat infiltrated SNP start supporting partial or full NHS privatisation, then they will be seen as NHS destroyers, and the labour party will be portrayed as the NHS founders and saviours, however untrue that is.

Unlikely, but, the sands of scottish politics shift alot.

Who could possibly have imagined a few years ago that the SNP would have morphed into a Unionist party?

The leadership certainly has!


Funny how Trump wants counting to continue for Nevada and Arizona but not the others eh?

Fraud my arse, cheating git.

Well Trump, they will continue with counting- IN ALL STATES LEFT still to declare.

Do wan you horrible waster.


Cheers Lenny, so we nominate all the good folk.
Just struggling at moment with post anesthetic root canal treated heid, and my currently one armed Mum is having a whale of a time trying to wade through the voting.
The SNP Political Education Officers have been soooo helpful in informing the members on this matter…


Tannadice Boy says:
4 November, 2020 at 4:12 pm

…. However the SG (Swinney) have indicated they will still not release the legal advice. So much for the will of the Parliament. An unsustainable position.

No small amount of rampant hypocrisy either… Are they still maintaining that Boris Johnson will agree to a Section 30 if ‘democracy’ demands it, while Holyrood is free to overrule the sovereign will of Scotland over Brexit, and now ignore a Holyrood majority decree?

My, my, what fickle faith the SNP has in democracy… when it suits anyway.

I wonder if the morale of the SNP rank and file can take much more of this shambles.

Wee Chid

Dan says:
4 November, 2020 at 7:10 pm
“Cheers Lenny, so we nominate all the good folk.
Just struggling at moment with post anesthetic root canal treated heid, and my currently one armed Mum is having a whale of a time trying to wade through the voting.”

Your Mum will have RSI at the end of the process – the site is dreadful – takes about 3-5 goes to get a vote to register and yet one accidental click to “remove nomination” works perfectly.


Dan @ 7.10 pm ,

Re the nominations for candidates who are standing for NEC selection to go forward to the elections at conference , there is no rush to do them just now as they stay open till 13th November and i think they close at 9.00 am on the 13 th .

Tannadice Boy

The disintegration of the SG is not something I enjoy seeing as it will impact on the wider Independence movement by association. But I think a change of leadership is inevitable and essential. I haven’t believe in the FMs Independence strategy for quite a while. It’s all about her and her future career aspirations. I want her to go gracefully and soon. Did you notice the next attack line today? Breach of ministerial code coming up soon. And there is more after that. Time to go and I detected a realisation amongst her MSPs the ba is burst There is still time before May 2021 to refresh the leadership and change. No reprieve for EU membership though that boat has sailed at least for the foreseeable.


Get sharing.

link to


The “Left”, however you want to define it, has a long history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


@ Wee Chid

No pain no gain as they say!

Ok, Have finally found the elections tab in the drop down menu of MY Account (top right of SNP page).
It looks like Colin Alexander’s previous post has selected the good folk from caltonjock’s list by editing out the less favourable yins, and that list also appears to be in the natural voting order so the usual good work by caltonjock answers that query I had.
However, there still seems to be a lack of info relating to Glasgow candidates?
link to

@ MaggieC, thanks, I’m just trying to make it a simple as possible for some folk that I know that aren’t that up the curve and don’t follow all the blogs.
If that list in Colin’s post is correct with no amendments or additions I can copy and paste it to folk for them to use.


Update on Peoples Action on Section 30

We have a small favour to ask.

In light of today’s positive ruling and to celebrate the fact that we’ll now be heading to court to argue the substantive issues at play – as well as to promote the fact to the press that the arguments are now in the public domain (here: link to ):

Tonight at 8pm exactly, we ask that you send out a post or tweet on social media which includes the hashtag #peoplesAS30.

Please send it out like you would any other post or tweet on your social media profile.

If we all do it together, we’re hoping it will make enough noise on social media to get it trending and have the press take notice that it is now game on!

Many thanks



Fookin Hell! Y’all weren’t joking aboot how shit the voting system is. Are they using a server powered by a lazy hamster on an exercise wheel or something…


Is legal advice not confidential? Do both party’s, client and legal advisor not have to work this way together?

Biden looks likely to win, thank God as Trump, his supporters and advocates are vergaing on facist action in an


Re: nominations

If you click once but the button doesn’t change, have faith, your nomination has registered. If you hit F5 (Refresh) at any chosen moment, you’ll find the button/s you clicked on will have changed.

Found this out by experimentation.

Mind you can unselect a button as well if you change your mind, same F5 process to double check that’s worked too.

Iain More

50 Dead Scots???? SNP is now failing us over Covid 19.


@OldPete says:
4 November, 2020 at 8:25 pm

Is legal advice not confidential? Do both party’s, client and legal advisor not have to work this way together?


Tannadice Boy

True under normal circumstances. And I didn’t see anybody deny that in the debate today. However very occasionally the public interest takes priority. And examples were illustrated during the debate of such previous occasions. The Parliament decided it was in the public interest for the SG legal advice to be revealed. Why?. We are talking about a former First Minister of the SG for many years, not some Tom, Dick or Harry. Watch the dominoes fall when this legal guidance is released. I believe in the will of the Parliament. It was the right call.


cynicalHighlander says:
4 November, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Get sharing.

link to

Thanks for that CH, you are a dab hand at these links.



I believe its called copy and paste. lol


@crazycat, 2.23 pm

thanks for that link to the thread with the latest on the Martin Keatings’ case. Am I right that the case will not be heard until 2021?


cynicalHighlander says:
4 November, 2020 at 8:48 pm

I believe its called copy and paste

You’re too modest sir. Being able to send a dropbox link without the whole subscribing, ‘send us your email address’ etc. is very well done.

Kenny J

Trump going to win.
Joe has just gone up to 253.
The looney in still on 213.
Joe wins.

Daisy Walker

Ref Government Legal Advice

Tony Blair had to publish the legal advice his government received (multiple versions) about the legality of invading Iraq.

There is precedent.

This current SNP Government does not seem to respect the law when it comes to democratic and lawful disclosure, even when they have a duty to produce it.

Exactly when was it that Former Finance Minster John Swinney became Minster for Education? And does the timing of that change in role, correspond, in any way, to about the time when senior members of the SNP authorised 1/2 million ‘ring fenced Indy Ref2 funds’ to be ‘inter woven’ (and dispersed) through the SNP general accounts?

Asking for an Indy supporter and former SNP voter.


Lies, damn lies and doctored stats.
link to
All stacked in big pharma’s favour.
Close the door after you….Next patient!

Kenny J

your 0.7 % for the trans screwballs in America is double the rate I have seen mentioned over there.
More like half that 0.33.
And a power-lifting association in the US has told them to take a hike from the women’s competitions. If they want a class of their own , fine.
I would expect that attitude to spread.


US election now leaves Biden just needing the 6 votes from Nevada
To reach the 270 votes for office.
It is tight but he does lead while the count continues there!

Bojo’s pal looks like a petulant child.


When they finally read the legal advice out at the inquiry, can Wings crowdfund Joe Pesci to do the voiceover?

here’s my advice you muthafuckin snake bastids… drop this shit right now, you’re fucked… you have no case…you hear me? You have no case, you fucks… you look like a goddam bunch of crooked bitch bastids… I swear to god, you… fuck this…fuhgettaboutit


@ Effijy at 10.03

I’m looking at the Guardian’s report on this (yes, I know!), and the number of votes remaining to be counted in Michigan is smaller than Biden’s lead there – so why hasn’t it been “called” for him?

Are there some late ballots that could still change the outcome?
Also seems completely daft that Trump supporters are shouting for the counts to be stopped, in states where their man is behind!


Regarding the voice over …..

Surely Francis Begbie would be more realistic.

” A wiz the cunt thit tried tae git um oaf it” !!!!!!!!!!


@ AberdeenPict

I accept your grovelling. Lol


“Athanasius says:
4 November, 2020 at 12:54 pm
On a point of fact, presidents don’t overturn Supreme Court decisions. That’s why it’s called the SUPREME Court. The Court itself MAY overturn Roe, but only because, as a matter of law, it’s constitutional garbage. An activist court took a political decision and rammed it down people’s throats. Please note that abortion was not illegal in the US pre-Roe. It was a matter for individual states and was, like so many other things, sucked up to Washington by the Democrats in their decades long usurpation of power to themselves, and to hell with the constitution.”

Athanasius you’re full of shite. Do you recall that the USA had a civil war about States Rights because the Right that those Southern states thought belonged to them was the power to deny fellow Americans their citizen’s rights solely on the basis of their skin colour? Or that those same States thought that they had the Right to prevent citizens from exercising their right to vote through obstruction, intimadation and violence, again purely on the basis of skin colour. LBJ had to intervene in 1964 to force those States to abide by the Constitution and the laws of the land. By advocating States Rights you are signalling where you stand on these issues.

Abortion rights were not “rammed down people’s throats”. Nobody forces a woman to have an abortion, but the anti-abortion advocates are quite happy to force a woman to bear and raise an unwanted child even though that frequently means a life of poverty for both her and the child. It’s noticeable that the same folk who are against abortion are also against sex education and the availability of contraception for teens that could prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Abortion is the least worst of a bunch of bad choices, but you want to allow a woman no choice at all. It’s also noticeable that the anti-abortionists claim to have a reverence for human life but that seems to end at birth as they don’t seem to have a problem with murdering doctors and nurses or bombing clinics and justifying the same. You’re the same a***holes who would have formed lynchmobs and burnt supposed witches in years gone by.

Here’s a few more court cases that were “rammed down peoples’ throats” according to you:
Brown v Board of Education – ended segregated schooling
Browder v Gayle – ended bus segregation
You can waffle all you like about States Rights but your real agenda is plain to see.

As for political court decisions, the US Supreme Court makes nothing BUT political decisions because it has been stacked with Republican hacks selected not for their judicial expertise but only because they can be relied on to put their political views before the law. Examples of biased decisions:
– in the case of the Florida “hanging chads” in the 2000 election the Republican stooges held that votes should not be counted and handed GWB the Presidency
– the Republican majority stooges on the Court struck down campaign finance laws in the Citizens United decision on the spurious argument that corporations have free speech rights equal to a citizen, with the effect that corporations can now spend unlimited amounts on election advertising.
These partisan Republican stooges are anything but “conservative” and that goes for the Republican Party too. They are the greatest threat to democracy in the USA.

Trump is even worse. I saw an interview on election day with a 56yo woman who voted for Trump in 2016 and against him in 2020. She said that in her rural Pennsylvania county the militia groups carrying guns had surrounded the local courthouse in an obvious attempt to intimidate Biden supporters from voting. Trump has encouraged these and other domestic terrorists like the Proud Boys. He’s a disgrace and not fit to hold office and should never have been President at all given that more voted against him than for him.

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