The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The Elephant In The Road

Posted on March 10, 2024 by

Hopefully most of you will have seen this yesterday, but if not, here it is:

So let’s have a chat about Alex’s closing comments.

I’m not sure there is a unity of purpose among the pro-indy new media any more, nor am I even convinced one is desirable. It’s one thing to have all your ducks in a row when there’s a campaign on, leading up to a vote, but in the absence of that I think you have to use the time to make sure you’re in good condition for the next opportunity if and when it comes.

In cold hard practical terms, readers, would you genuinely want the UK government to turn round tomorrow and say “Okay, you can have an indyref in spring 2025”? With the hapless numpties currently running the SNP in charge of making our case?

Assuming that you’re sane and your answer is “No”, then clearly the Yes movement needs to spend some time getting itself shipshape, and unity of purpose isn’t actually a useful way to achieve that.

In this site’s view, one of the strengths of the 2011-14 campaign was its – in the best sense of the word, not the wretched one currently prominent – diversity. Wings spoke to a very different audience to sites like Bella Caledonia, as did others in their turn, and that’s a good thing because you need all of those disparate audiences to forge a movement that can take you to 50% and beyond.

(Ironically, few of those sites understand that and keep trying to force a very narrow political viewpoint, one that alienates and repels large sections of the electorate, to be the only permissible face of independence. Wings has consistently said since its inception that the only way to win is to decouple everything else and fight on the principle of independence alone, and the fact that the SNP’s disastrous governance since 2015 has damaged support for them but not for indy supports that stance.)

In the interview I noted that most pro-indy sites now put the issue inside different frames, and that’s no bad thing. (At least not in principle, regardless of how good or popular or otherwise any of those sites might or might not be.)

When independence isn’t a meaningfully live political issue – which it currently isn’t, with no referendum or plebiscitary election on the horizon, however much WE might wish otherwise – banging on about it simply irritates the general public, who have other priorities and just think you’re a fundamentalist obsessive, like a Jehovah’s Witness who knocks their door every week and never takes the hint.

But keep it always present, but in the background, while you talk about other stuff and it’s always ready to be brought out when it’s relevant again.

Thankfully, with one exception, indy sites have also now pretty much stopped openly attacking each other and focus their energy mostly on their own audiences, which is also a positive thing. And as the site with the overwhelming lion’s share of the market, Wings certainly intends to keep it that way, because the numbers suggest that the way we do things here is what the indy community, taken as a whole, wants.

We’ve maintained our dominance despite what might have seemed the suicidal step of increasingly criticising the supposed main party of independence, and talking quite a bit about what at least used to be an obscure niche subject, because it turns out that what intelligent people really like is being treated like grownups and told the truth, even when they’d rather the truth was something else.

(Stupid people, meanwhile, prefer to be constantly reassured that the Tories/the BBC are bad or that everyone other than themselves is an evil bigot or that there’s definitely another indyref just over the horizon.)

If you keep telling people the truth in general, then when the political focus shifts back to the constitution, as one day it inevitably will, they’re more likely to trust you. And here’s the big secret – rather than keeping banging the same knackered old drum and only preaching to the converted, talking about other things brings a far wider range of people into your audience.

Those people might not agree with Wings about independence, but if we do agree on other stuff it becomes possible to build a degree of mutual respect and good faith that at least creates a chance of getting a hearing in the future. That’s how debate is meant to work, in a perfect world – you do it with people on the other side, not your own, and try to win each other over with reason, in both senses of that word.

Funnily enough, a lot of the Unionists we’ve found common cause with on things like gender also have at least a grudging respect for Alex Salmond, certainly in comparison to his successors as First Minister. So perhaps he ought to better understand the value of what might be seen as Wings’ focus shifting away from independence – because it was by appealing to people who DIDN’T vote SNP, by governing honestly and doing things other parties’ voters agreed with, that he turned a 47-seat minority government into the 67-seat majority one that got us an indyref in the first place, and very nearly won it against impossible odds.

For the avoidance of doubt, it remains this site’s position beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt that independence is the best way for countries to run their affairs, even if the abysmal, disgraceful, arrogant and corrupt governance of the last nine years has sometimes strained that belief near to breaking point. After all, it’s not as though the UK government has been setting a shining example either.

(And the sole upside of being in the UK over that period – the fact that the Tories are broadly sane on the gender issue and, to put it baldly, saved Scotland from the SNP – will dissolve the moment Labour take power later this year.)

But we also remain convinced that the best way of winning arguments is with the truth, and that the best people to tell the truth to are people who don’t already believe it. And whether that’s Unionists or the poor gullible saps who still think the SNP are interested in delivering independence, we’re going to keep doing our best to aim our voice outside our echo chamber.

The joyful innocence and camaraderie of the 2011-14 campaign isn’t coming back. Those days, to coin a phrase, are past now, and in the past they must remain. To be prepared for what may come in the future you need to have the broadest possible view of the terrain, and the best way to do that is to have Wings.

0 to “The Elephant In The Road”

  1. Fiona says:

    Bravo Rev. Hit the nail on the head for sure.

  2. Robert says:

    “Thankfully, with one exception, indy sites have also now pretty much stopped openly attacking each other…” So which is the odd one out?

  3. Ruby says:

    Talking about other stuff is a very good idea.

    I don’t care what you talk about as long as it’s not the same thing on repeat day after day.

    PS I believe Scotland should be an independent country. I have believed that since 2011 possibly before (seed planted when Maggie Thatcher sent ‘our boys’ to the Falklands.) I have no need to talk about Independence my mind is made up.

  4. Graeme says:

    Spot on analysis and reasoning Stu. Have to say, if you don’t mind the plug, more people should read Robin Mcalpines blog as it’s very well written and incisive about the mechanics of politics.

  5. Breeks says:

    I profoundly and fundamentally disagree… But do so respectfully, and hopefully constructively.

    I agree 100% the SNP has betrayed us, whether hapless, corrupt, or infiltrated from the beginning, it makes no difference at the end of the day. The net result is the same.

    But I have always been a passionate advocate of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, the popular sovereignty of the Community of the Realm, and my faith in that legitimacy has never wavered. It is woven through everywhere in Westminster pseudo-constitutional legislation. Do you suppose they make voluntary concessions to the Claim of Right?

    Now is not the time to abandon SALVO and leave the Liberation initiative isolated and ostensibly ostrasiced by the Scottish political Establishment. It is a measure of the incompetence of our dysfunctional political “elite” (don’t laugh), that Scotland’s Constitutional Rights have been so badly eroded to begin with, and so many unholy and darkly unconstitutional precedents have been allowed to pass and embed themselves unchallanged. Scotland’s “Defence” has been Absent Without Leave for decades, while these puppets have led us on a bonnie dance.

    Even Devolution itself, the principle I mean, not the ludicrous Scotland Act, is an outrage before the Constitutional Sovereignty of the people.

    Yes, I too have a complete contempt for the circus freakshow masquerading as a Scottish “Government” of Independence, but that very t(reachery), the flagrant betrayal of mandate after mandate, and their gutless complicity with Scotland’s unlawful sujugation and profound economic disadvantage, presents us, the people of Scotland, the Community of the Realm, with an unparalleled opportunity to haul down this whole rotten charade being lorded over us.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, resurrect a modern equivalent of the Scottish phenomenon known as a Convention of the Estates, initiate a “new” Claim of Right, and use it to dethrone both Holyrood and Westminster just as the 1689 Claim of Right sacked Scotland’s sitting Monarch. IMPREACH this rancid shithouse and present Scotland to the International Community as Auld Scotland resurrected, “Free” after disposing of our Vichy Assembly and Colonial style subjugation, exploitation, impoverishment, and cynical manipulation and displacement of our population.

    Do NOT capitulate over our Sovereign Constitution and serve yet another victory to London’s cynical manipulation and perfidious interference in Scotland’s affairs. How many more decades would you squander until the time felt right?

    Make peace with the infection which paralyses your central nervous system, and you betray the very function and purpose of having a central nervous system. You are already dead and merely twitching.

    For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

    It’s time the SNP, and Holyrood, and any other servant of London Rule, understood what this actually means. Neither London, Westminster, or Monarch, is sovereign in Scotland. End this masquerade and ditch the Vichy Assembly doing London’s bidding with Scotland’s resource, – while it can be ended peacefully.

    Does anybody have Dr Ralph Wilde’s phone number? I want somebody like Dr Wilde standing before the ICJ making the case for Scotland’s Constitutional integrity and the injustice of the “Union”, the way Dr Wilde presented the case of the Arab League defending the people of Gaza.

    link to

    When the road gets tough, you don’t stop, you dig deeper and you keep going.

  6. James Jones says:

    “In cold hard practical terms, readers, would you genuinely want the UK government to turn round tomorrow and say “Okay, you can have an indyref in spring 2025”? With the hapless numpties currently running the SNP in charge of making our case?
    Assuming that you’re sane and your answer is ‘No’…, “

    Actually, folk on here have consistently said ‘Yes’ to that. They’d declare independence tomorrow without recognising the view of the 52% (regarding them as not Scottish enough) and they argue that with independence they’d be able to get better politicians, though where those knights in shining armour are now remains a mystery. Presumably they’d come from the ranks of the Wings BTL, Lord help us. In truth the SNP would be awarded greater powers as a reward for incompetence, corruption and deviancy.

  7. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “So which is the odd one out?”

    You know fine.

  8. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “more people should read Robin Mcalpines blog as it’s very well written and incisive about the mechanics of politics”

    Couldn’t agree more, but the silly big twat limits his reach massively by refusing to be on social media, even just with an account that tweets new articles and nothing else.

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English.”

    I have bad news: we are. And there is no way out of that that isn’t founded on SOME sort of clear democratic mandate of over 50% of the vote. We could declare it until we were blue in the face, but the rest of the world won’t take a blind bit of notice until we’re demonstrably speaking for a majority of the people.

  10. Ruby says:

    “One of the worst medical mistreatment scandals in human history”

    WPATH FILES – Trans Medical Scandal Exposed

    Is this worth talking about?

    I watched this:

    link to

    What amazes me is that doctors went along with this.

    Surely they must have thought castrating a young boy can’t be right equally cutting the breast off a young woman

    I did watch the interview but I didn’t change me opinion.

    I have recently learned about ‘castration fetish’. I found that very disturbing and wondered if boys/men are being castrated to satisfy some sickos very weird fetish.

  11. Breeks says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell
    Ignored says:
    10 March, 2024 at 10:39 am

    ….. We could declare it until we were blue in the face, but the rest of the world won’t take a blind bit of notice until we’re demonstrably speaking for a majority of the people.

    Then do it anyway.

    link to

  12. Ruby says:

    I went to the Robin MacAlpine blog saw an article about diet. I screamed/swore and left immediately.

    I’ve been on a diet all my life up until now. I’ve read everything there is to read about diet & nutrition. I’ve given up now and I just eat what I fancy. Miraculously what I fancy seems to be pretty close to what would currently be described as a healthy diet.

  13. Livionian says:

    Well said Stu. On the subject of diversity of opinion in the independence media, I think a reputable centre-right pro Indy source could be beneficial for getting us above 50, as well as a Eurosceptic indy source to reach the Yes leavers as well as brexiteers.

    A genuinely diverse range of opinions on the independence movement is the best way to build popular support across all levels of our society.

  14. Liz says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell
    Ignored says:
    10 March, 2024 at 10:36 am
    “more people should read Robin Mcalpines blog as it’s very well written and incisive about the mechanics of politics”

    Couldn’t agree more, but the silly big twat limits his reach massively by refusing to be on social media, even just with an account that tweets new articles and nothing else.

    I think Robin’s other issue is that there is no facility to comment or discuss on his articles.

  15. Fiona Moira Brown says:

    It was a good interview. Both the interviewer & interviewee presented well.
    I would like YOU to interview the luminaries/movers in todays independence movement. Any possibility? It os vital that citizenry understand the options Scotlandwide, in their wards GE and same in Holyrood.
    The diff parties, Alba, Salvo, isp, hope over fear and indies4indy, get their messages PLUS their joint working the gither policy to be better thegither NOT better together!
    Well done Stu for past present and ito a free future for Scots & Scotland.

  16. Ted says:

    Your 5th para from the end: “Funnily enough, a lot of the Unionists we’ve found common cause with on things like gender also have at least a grudging respect for Alex Salmond.” That’s certainly the case with me and other Conservative Unionists I know. Indeed I’m actually here because of the brilliant work you do on the gender etc issue. As for what you say on independence, well, it’s exactly what I say about the independence of the United Kingdom.

  17. Ruby says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell
    10 March, 2024 at 10:36 am

    “more people should read Robin Mcalpines blog as it’s very well written and incisive about the mechanics of politics”

    Sounds as if that would be a site for anoraks.

    I can’t think if anything more boring than reading about ‘the mechanics of politics’

    Sure I know I am limited in my understanding of politics because I don’t understand ‘the mechanics of politics’
    I don’t think I am alone I would guess more than half the electorate do not understand ‘the mechanics of politics’ That could be something for ‘anoraks’ to consider.

    Are you alienating people talking about ‘the mechanics of politics’?

    When I start reading ‘the mechanics of politics’ on Robin MacAlpine’s site my mind drifts off and I start looking at the typography.

    Maybe my mind drifts off because of the typography.

    Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.

    You possibly find that boring but hey to each his own.

    I find the taupe & grey typography very annoying. It’s neither readable or appealing.

    It’s all too pale & wishy washy.

    Should someone who hasn’t a clue about politics be contributing to a forum about politics?

  18. Andy Ellis says:

    A timely and “on-point” contribution Stu. I’d like to think more people will take the central message on board, but ah hae ma doots, as a number of contributions BTL here already demonstrate.

    With respect to this in particular:

    I have bad news: we are. And there is no way out of that that isn’t founded on SOME sort of clear democratic mandate of over 50% of the vote. We could declare it until we were blue in the face, but the rest of the world won’t take a blind bit of notice until we’re demonstrably speaking for a majority of the people.

    The extra parliamentary “cunning plans” for indy brigade are simply not open to reason. they are utterly convinced that magical thinking about the Claim of Right, the Treaties of Union, Salvo, Liberation Scotland and compulsory Irn Bru in schools (OK, I may have made 1 of those up…) will waft us to the sunny uplands more quickly and more easily than just persuading 50% + 1 of Scottish voters to grow a pair.

    BTL comments in here are infested with these hard of thinking chumps. granted they are in no way representative of mainstream thought in the movement, or indeed of rational thought or research in to what might actually work in general.

    It has to be wondered however what their dominance in this place, given its centrality in the pro-independence new media, looks to undecided or wavering voters who look in to test the waters?

    It doesn’t amtter how many times you or anyone else ask them to “show us the money” and produce some (any?) evidence of significant academic, political or electoral support for their woo-woo views. Answer comes there nane, and that won’t change because they have nothing substantial to offer, as Roddy Hughes masterful fisking of Sara Salyers not that long ago showed: I doubt it took him more than an afternoon to hole what passed for her case below the waterline.

    Sadly a small section of the population will always opt for the easy but wrong answer. Until that changes, the movement is going nowhere fast.

  19. Effijy says:

    The smaller sites of course are welcome to post here to expand their reach and have greater feedback on the negatives and positives of their proposals.

    We all need to work together for Scotland and not operate in completion against each other.
    The passing game in sport leads to the goal.

  20. Antoine Roquentin says:

    That Wings is pro-indy is a given! Another given is that in some regions of the movement people are also investigating alternative approaches to securing independence, wherein the idea of another referendum is an unwinnable and time-wasting distraction, particularly so under the rubric of a local-authority franchise.

    That Iain Lawson’s Yours for Scotland, which discusses many other issues apart from flat-out independence, is ahead of older, more established blogs in terms of readership, whilst remaining avowedly anti-colonialist can, at least, tell us one thing: framing Scotland’s position as being that of a colony of England, with the quality of research and evidence now available to that effect, has a potentially much wider audience; for few Scots would ever knowingly wish to remain as a colonised people under the authority of a foreign oppressor with no more right to govern Scotland than any other sovereign nation. It is the Scottish people who are sovereign, despite three-hundred-years of lies to the contrary.

  21. Ruby says:

    10 March, 2024 at 11:33 am

    Your 5th para from the end: “Funnily enough, a lot of the Unionists we’ve found common cause with on things like gender also have at least a grudging respect for Alex Salmond.” That’s certainly the case with me and other Conservative Unionists I know. Indeed I’m actually here because of the brilliant work you do on the gender etc issue.

    Hi Ted

    I’ve edited out the last bit of your post. I think we could have a more interesting discussing if we left ‘independence’ out of it for the moment.

    What are your views & those of other Conservative Unionists on the gender issue?

    The gender issue is one of my favourite topics.

  22. James says:

    Livonian thinks Scotland is anti EU/EFTA and centre right, stupid cant. ‘Tory scum out’? Great slogan, that.

  23. ross says:

    I also agree about banging on about it. I support independence with every atom of my being but obsessing about it puts people off. Be grown up, there are other issues in the world. The support can be couched in subtle ways that can have a better impact.

    See The National and The Times. Putting aside the obvious budget differences, credibility of the former is shot by having Independence movement’s inane gossip masquerading on front pages rather than impactful news stories. The think having Indy of whatever fashion keeps it relevant. It doesn’t. It trivilaises it.

    Realise I’m criticising a media player but it’s done with good intentions. Stop being a fanzine and start being a proper newspaper l.

  24. stuart mctavish says:

    James Jones @10:32

    Presumably the only reason we’d want a referendum in Spring 2025 is because we’d buggered the defacto one in 2024 in a not dissimilar way to the no if buts one in 2023 – or even the potential Brexit one at any time between, say, the significant material change and first hint of insanity* in response to seasonal flu 2020.

    * Admittedly the loss of bottle since then (eg for the no if buts) is entirely excusable since, over and above any issues over the franchise and the projecton of fear for leaving so much as the house (let alone the UK), the social media narrative control arising has been off the charts (even POTUS was barred at one point) thus adding to the surprising reversal of (its) formerly positive influence (as touched upon in the interview, :))

  25. Ian says:

    Since the reason for wanting independence is because there is a strong argument to be made that Scotland has and continues to be held back economically and socially by being part of the UK, then maybe a significant focus needs to be on just why that is so. There’s a huge amount of information that in various ways highlights just how badly the ‘UK’ is and has been run for a very long time (squandering North Sea oil or PFI as a means of funding public expenditure to name just two). Remaining part of a badly managed UK is the flipside of independence and one that has very real and serious consequences.

    link to

    So if in the meantime the case for an independent Scotland is seriously weakened by not, unlike before 2015, having a clearly competent Scottish government, until that changes, maybe the best that can be done to progress the case for independence is to highlight the vast amount of damage that has and will almost certainly continue to be done by successive UK governments, with Scotland suffering the consequences as long as it remains part of the UK. Independence poses two inter-related questions – why leave the UK and why become independent. As I see it, not enough has been done to systematically and comprehensively answer the first part.

  26. Ebok says:

    “For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English.”

    Not again!
    Please, someone, tell me I’m wrong: I’ve always hated that quote because my reading of it is that they, the ‘one hundred of us’, is a reference to the controlling elite of the day, nobles and clergy. Nothing to do with ‘us’ working classes.

    Back in the day, 13th/14th century, the ‘us’ (People of Scotland) – serfs/vassals – were looked upon by the ruling class as little more than slaves, useful but disposable, and (pre) cannon fodder.

    The celebrated document from which the above passage comes contains signatories such as Ingram de Umfraville, John de Menteith, and others of similar ilk, who couldn’t give a shit about Scotland and were no different to todays political ‘class’ – Yousaf, Sturgeon, Swinney, Robertson and other odious specimens.

  27. Ruby says:

    link to

    Andy Ellis

    How about doing what Stu has suggested and start talking about something other than Independence.

    I don’t see any way at the moment of expressing our views to the rest of the world.

    We’ll have to wait until the elephant has shifted.

  28. Ted says:

    Ruby @11.33 “What are your views & those of other Conservative Unionists on the gender issue?” I think that might go too far O/T given that the Rev is posting about the way forward for the Independence movement. Broadly I was confirming his comment in that paragraph, that this Conservative Unionist has found common cause with Wings on this issue. As for the views of other Conservative Unionists the ones I know agree too but I might remark that there are many who are unfortunately also captured by woke and are no better than Labour on the subject. (As an aside I am not one of those Unionists who only has a “grudging” respect for Alex Salmond. There is nothing grudging about mine. The man deserves full respect and it’s possible to give that and disagree).

  29. Geoff Anderson says:

    I don’t think you have to sell the idea of Wings staying around……

    Wings (Rev) has like Neale Hanvey, Eva Comrie , WomanWon’tWheesht and others have won people over and gained their trust by being competent and honest.

    Compare that to Chris Law, Pete Wishart, Nicola Sturgeon and many, many others who betrayed us. Proved they had no integrity and therefore will never be trusted again.

    When Parties or Individuals tell us a story…….be there to tell us what they are really saying.

  30. Ted says:

    Ruby @11.33 Apols if this is double post but I got “504 Error message on first attempt. “What are your views & those of other Conservative Unionists on the gender issue?” I think that might go too far O/T given that the Rev is posting about the way forward for the Independence movement. Broadly I was confirming his comment in that paragraph, that this Conservative Unionist has found common cause with Wings on this issue. As for the views of other Conservative Unionists the ones I know agree too but I might remark that there are many who are unfortunately also captured by woke and are no better than Labour on the subject. (As an aside I am not one of those Unionists who only has a “grudging” respect for Alex Salmond. There is nothing grudging about mine. The man deserves full respect and it’s possible to give that and disagree).

  31. Hatuey says:

    Ebok, well said. I think some of the people who quote references to “the people” in those old documents should look into what was meant by “the people”. I think you’re the first person to make that point — I was going to but for tribal reasons decided against it.

    And, of course, the argument that “the people” of Scotland didn’t get a say on the Union can be dispensed with too. The people as we understand the term today didn’t get a say in anything back then. The franchise or electorate in Scotland in 1707 probably extended to about 200 people.

    I’ve been concerned with (not by) revisionist arguments in here lately. I’m at odds with arguments for independence that look backward, giving emphasis to identity, culture, language, etc.

    The best arguments for Scottish independence make reference to the future, not the past. They are the most inclusive arguments and the most democratic — the people that live here ought to run their own affairs. That’s it.

    If you care about giving your kids a nice life in the future, want to avoid the chaos of being dragged into British wars in the future, think poor people should be helped rather than punished in the future, and want to make Scotland the best place to live and work in the world, then we are all on the same side, regardless of anyone’s origins.

    This is what I meant when I said “independence is about democracy, not nationalism…”

  32. Cuilean says:

    So glad the wee ginger stroke survivor (gimme a hoose)! has nose dived! Horrible misogynist.

  33. James Che says:


    Having watched your interview questions asked by AS which were well answered by yourself,
    I wondered if the shoe was on the other foot and you were interviewing Alex, What Questions would you have asked Alex and the Alba party?

  34. Alf Baird says:

    Ian @ 12:13 pm

    “the reason for wanting independence”

    …has always been the same – liberation from oppression, hence decolonization.

    The most pampered native groups/bourgeoisie are usually the last to figure this out, because they are ‘part of the racket’, which also explains the lack of urgency by elites including the national party:

    link to

  35. Ruby says:

    10 March, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    I think that might go too far O/T given that the Rev is posting about the way forward for the Independence movement

    Cheers Ted thank you for your reply.

    Are you new to posting BTL? Just incase you are I should advise you that you get these ‘504 Errors back/end failures now and again. There is also the banned word issue. Long story. Won’t go into it case you have heard it all before.

    What I thought the Rev was saying was the way forward for the Independence movement at the moment is to talk about other things & gain the trust of Unionists.

    I could be wrong.

    Anyway Ted I think I have a good idea what you think about the gender issue.

    Sorry I asked and perhaps put you at risk of being charged with a hate crime. 😉

  36. Chris Downie says:

    Good article and one I agree with in principle. One area where the SNP (deliberately?) missed a trick was to ignore the fact around 40% of their voters backed Leave in 2016, despite a huge push from Sturgeon and Murrell for the party faithful to get behind Remain. Two of their former Depute Leaders (Jim’s Fairlie and Sillars) also backed Leave, as did high-profile YES campaigners like Commie Sheridan, people on both the left and the right, most motivated by a preference for EFTA/EEA over EU, rather than being bampots like Farage, Gove and Johnson.

    With the above in mind, it was always going to be a poor strategic move by the SNP, to tie independence directly to EU membership, but it’s a perfect example of how they have narrowed the broad church over the last decade. When broken down to its most fundamental argument, independence is not about what policies Scotland would take, rather about who decides those policies. Do we stick with a broken Westminster system of a two-party FPTP circus, with less difference between the big two than most people would like – and where the Tories are in power around 70% of the time, against our express wishes since the late 1950’s – or take the leap to deciding our own affairs? On that ground alone, our case is strong.

  37. Gallowshade says:

    Many people that i know are just using the SNP as a vehicle to acheive Independence they don`t believe that the other parties have Scotland`s intrests at heart, if Independence was acheived they wouldn`t neccerarily vote SNP after that, as long as the Political parties in the future were not affiliated too Westminster. If you want to get rid of the SNP then support Independence and create a proper political system that serves Scotland because at the moment we are on the road to nowhere.

  38. Johnlm says:

    I agree Stu.
    Keep laying down the facts and keep it interesting.

    A proper foundation for the next campaign, which maybe closer than we think.

    Politics, economics and science have lost all credibility and a paradigm shift must be due.

  39. Andy Ellis says:

    @Chris Downie 1.35pm

    With the above in mind, it was always going to be a poor strategic move by the SNP, to tie independence directly to EU membership, but it’s a perfect example of how they have narrowed the broad church over the last decade.

    As the OP observed, independence is only going to be won by appealing to a broad church. All the available evidence shows that Scots overwhelmingly support EU membership: indeed from memory the % went UP post brexit from the supermajority of Scots who voted remain.

    Anyone who thinks campaigning on a platform of staying out of the EU is a positive thing is free to do it of course. As things stand, Scotland would have to re-apply for membership anyway although I doubt the EU would have any real interest in making it a difficult or protracted process.

    It’s true that we don’t all have to be joined at the hip on every issue, but it’s not likely “the movement” will make much traction towards the majority it requires by advancing, still less centring, wedge issues.

    Trans rights serve as a perfect example, but the same warnings apply to advocating splendid isolation from the EU and NATO, restricting the franchise to “native born” Scots, and advancing far left policies which enjoy negligible popular support even if they give some of the usual suspects in here a boner.

  40. Mark Beggan says:

    If I had the wings of a sparrow and I had the arse of a crow. I’d fly over Holyrood tomorrow and shite on the bastards below.

  41. Confused says:


    scot pop says wings readership is inflated due to the commenters hitting refresh to see if – “that cunt who slagged me off has responded to my slagging off of him, the cunt … ” – which is all we live for …

    – most analytics packages can give you “unique views”.

    a statistical analysis of the commenters might be interesting – frequency, length, timing; writing style, and textual signatures,,, punctuation, identifying people using different handles. The bad actors are obvious, after a while, for they never have any new arguments, nor do they respond to new information. Then people who post a lot, then disappear, why, it all looks like a shift change, but no one has updated the briefing notes.

    Actual bots? Bard/chat/claude have a style, like clever teenagers, a bit too literal minded. These technologies will only worry me if they ever manage to display boredom, or start to just take the piss. That shows sentience.

  42. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    10 March, 2024 at 12:14 pm
    “For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English.”

    Not again!
    Please, someone, tell me I’m wrong: I’ve always hated that quote because my reading of it is that they, the ‘one hundred of us’, is a reference to the controlling elite of the day, nobles and clergy. Nothing to do with ‘us’ working classes.

    Ok then, if you’re right and clever, be good enough to clarify who ” … and the other barons and freeholders and the whole community of the realm of Scotland send all manner of filial reverence, with devout kisses of his blessed feet…” might be referring to.

    Not the barons and freeholders, but the other bit, that awkward little reference to whole community of the realm bit. Who exactly are those folks making up the community in the realm of Scotland?

    And while you’ve got your thinking cap on, let’s assume you’re content to agree the Monarch of Scotland ISN’T sovereign, perhaps you’ll be able to clarify who is.

  43. Breeks says:

    Antoine Roquentin
    Ignored says:
    10 March, 2024 at 12:01 pm
    That Wings is pro-indy is a given! Another given is that in some regions of the movement people are also investigating alternative approaches to securing independence…

    I’m with you Antoine, but in all honesty, kinda scunnered that so many in the Independence Movement evidently prefer the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom.

  44. Lorna Campbell says:

    Rev: yes, I can see where you are coming from, and I agree, broadly. However, I also agree with Breeks that in dependence cannot be lost sight of and we all have to keep it in our minds at all times, even when we are engrossed in other topics. We really so need to be ready to go when the opportunity arises so that will take, at the very least, a constitutional convention where all kinds of ideas can be played off each other.

    Personally, I think that the biggest threat to independence is not Westminster but the ‘trans’ issue. It overarches every policy, every law, every institution, every aspect of government of this country of ours – and even the UK – and it has to be stopped because it is a massive threat to women and children, but also to our ‘democracy, such as it is. It is yet another hard left, misogynistic movement that is trying to divide us in its complete insanity. Why is the hard left so insane always? Why does it play into the hands of the right every time? Its stupidity is beyond human comprehension.

    Ruby: you are quite right – it is, as is the rest of the ‘trans’ movement, a fetishists’ and paraphiliacs’ paradise. We are living in an age of sadism, narcissism and psychopathy. These things are indicative of a breakdown in civic/economic/political society. By the way, it is not a crime to state that biology is real, and, if they bring in the aggravated part of a ‘hate crime’, they will have to prove the crime part of it. Telling a man he’s a man is not a crime – yet, anyway. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull’s Party of Women is off the ground. People can join and can stand as Councillors and/or MPs and MSPs/Independents (in full time). The main aim is repeal of the GRA 2004.

  45. Andy Ellis says:

    @Breeks 3.02pm

    Perhaps the point is more that as Roddy Dunlop observed in the concluding remarks of his response to Sara Salyers, the performative constitutional pin-head dancing doesn’t really matter….?

    link to

    For these reasons there is no simple fix. Those seeking independence must seek it via political pressure, and thereafter by lawful change. The idea that “the people of Scotland” might rise up, either by popular vote or by attempting to reconvene the Convention, is the stuff of fantasy. That is why the Lord Advocate has brought her reference. Those seeking independence should align therewith. Leaving to the side for the present the controversila idea of a de facto referendum, there is no other route.

  46. MrD says:

    It’s natural that Wings has the overwhelming lion’s share of the audience – you have Hamish the overwhelming lion.

  47. James Che says:

    There are many topic right here in Scotland that involve others from a broader perspective sphere.
    Even those whom are new residents,
    With ramifications to outside realm of Scotland,

    However this thought crossed my mind, that if the SNP in the devolved government are not broaching the topic of a independent Scotland even with all the mandates they have been given from the Scottish electorate,
    Should the grassroots for independence follow suit. And also avoid direct discussion Scotland and the independence topic.

    Perhaps following the SNP into oblivion is not a good idea,
    As that would be a total deflection on independence for Scotland altogether, nothing would overflow the SNPs cup better than No- one in Scotland pushing back.

    The question is how far do Scots veer away from independence to discuss and appease the undecided.
    Relating to your original published “Wee Blue Book” I realised that many were undecided voters not because they always voted for unionist parties.
    But many did not have all the appropriate information that is often behind and blocked by the MSM or by governmental departments,

    That Wee Blue Book opened a lot of Eyes in Scotland and converted many a voter residing in Scotland,
    In the main it did not avoid Scottish topics that related “directly to Scotland” but brought them to the attention of those living here and inspired many living down south and around the World to want to move Here if Scotland became independent,

    It baulked the MSM that Scots had a voice through Wings for the first time in hundreds of years, to respond to Scotland As a organisation oppressing to Scotland on mass, it awakened many to the failings and the lack of good media coverage in Scotland starting with the BBC, and quickly spread south so much so that you planted a seed in Britain that perhaps you had unforeseen.

    It did not happen because you stopped talking about Scottish independence, but because “you did” whilst giving excellent information, links, reports and statistics by .calling those unionist media out for their lack of correct news.

    Although the independence movement has stalled, it is not due to the people in Scotland not all agreeing, as no one generally agrees with all topics, but due to the SNP not providing or carrying out a mandated Scottish electorate voice,
    Which was handed to them on a silver platter from Alex Salmond and original old SNP party.

    Although the people always get the blame for all the wrongs by politicians, in this situation it is directly linked to the NuSNP not carrying through all the earlier mandates,

    We must not fall into the same quagmire as the NuSNP and talk about every other topic except Scotland being a independent Country,
    Like mentioned up above there are many topics that are Scottish problems but also involve other sectors of Britain and the World,

    But lets bring it home,

    The SNHS is one such topic out of many, For many that live here in Scotland use it, but are not nescessarily Scottish independence supporters, .

  48. John C says:

    When independence isn’t a meaningfully live political issue – which it currently isn’t, with no referendum or plebiscitary election on the horizon, however much WE might wish otherwise – banging on about it simply irritates the general public, who have other priorities and just think you’re a fundamentalist obsessive, like a Jehovah’s Witness who knocks their door every week and never takes the hint.

    People have other priorities right now like eating, heating their homes, paying rent/mortgage and generally just surviving. The Scottish Government have mainly given up trying to mitigate seemingly endless Tory cruelty in order to pander to the SNP’s core base. Frankly, right now, independence feels like a middle class luxury policy, especially now the SNP have no interest in any other demographic.

    It still hurts that Sturgeon had the best chance we’re likely to have for a second referendum possibly in many people’s lifetimes with Brexit and utterly squandered chance after chance to boost her party, her mates and of course, herself. I think now independence is dead for a generation at least. It may still simmer in the background but until people’s standard of living improves they’re not going to be willing to dive into something that will hurt for a period of time. Then again, I assume at some point we’ll get competent politicians governing but there’s no sign of that at a UK or Scottish level.

    And the sole upside of being in the UK over that period – the fact that the Tories are broadly sane on the gender issue and, to put it baldly, saved Scotland from the SNP – will dissolve the moment Labour take power later this year.

    The Tories need to go. They’ve caused so much damage in the last 14 years that I can’t see us recovering from it in decades. Austerity has been a terrifyingly bad policy made worse by Brexit which has returned the UK into the broken country it was before it joined Europe politically.

    But, and this is a massive but, their policies on gender and Queer Theory have generally been very good. Of course there’s exceptions within the Tory ranks who have been pushing Queer Theory quite strongly. If Penny Mordaunt had become PM things would be very, very different right now and I’m not sure the victories we’ve had in restoring some sanity in the last few years would have happened. The Tories also brought in equal marriage when Labour were doing everything they could to avoid it, though LGB people’s two or three years of people treated as normal, equal human beings were wrecked in 2016.

    I now approach a general election wanting the Tories gone and destroyed but also fearing what Labour will bring with their soft neoliberalism and pandering to gender which will give us Trans MPs who won’t do anything but push the gender issue. I fear people are so wanting the Tories to go that they’re prepared to see what happens or, as I think is the case, most people are still unaware of what the facts are.

    Then you’ve got the SNP who gave up on independence for a form of corrupt, incompetent governing that’s seeing the poor and working class suffer. People are starving but there’s always money for gender ideology. The feelings and desires of pornsick, mentally ill men and a few women, not to mention children who’ve been groomed by adults, comes before feeding kids.

    Your weans might be starving but here’s some puberty blockers for them.

    The joyful innocence and camaraderie of the 2011-14 campaign isn’t coming back. Those days, to coin a phrase, are past now, and in the past they must remain. To be prepared for what may come in the future you need to have the broadest possible view of the terrain, and the best way to do that is to have Wings.

    The Indyref campaign isn’t ever going to be replicated. The political engagement that happened a decade ago is over. There’s no referendum going to happen in a generation at least & many of us will be dead by the time that happens, if it ever does.

    There are sadly, bigger fights to be had. The fight for a better standard of living for everyone struggling right now and of course, the gender debate, not to mention the ‘Queering’ of everything from politics to art and beyond is a threat to democracy and reality itself. There’s glimmers of hope. The referendum result in Ireland yesterday should send a serious warning to politicians that once people are fully informed of what Queering means, and how that affects women, children and the disabled then it’ll be firmly rejected. There’s also people trying their best from all political points of view, and of course, there’s increasing numbers of ordinary people becoming tired of being poor, while at the same time fighting against what all of this is doing to them, their peers and the most vulnerable.

    But I also think we’re on a verge of a collapse like no other in living memory, so I agree. We’ve got to break out of echo chambers, avoid falling into conspiracy theory and try to prepare ourselves for what is going to be a hard fight on a number of fronts over the coming years.

  49. Xaracen says:

    Ebok said;

    “Please, someone, tell me I’m wrong: I’ve always hated that quote because my reading of it is that they, the ‘one hundred of us’, is a reference to the controlling elite of the day, nobles and clergy. Nothing to do with ‘us’ working classes.”

    I’m afraid your ‘reading’ IS wrong; the earlier Declaration of the Clergy in 1310 described the same situation as the 1320 Declaration. Being the educated clergy, its original text was in Latin, and in referring twice to ‘the people of Scotland’ it used the phrase ‘populus et plebs’, twice. ‘populus et plebs’ = ‘people and commoners’.

    ‘Populus’ can be a little vague about who exactly that covered, but ‘plebs’ is unambiguous, and clearly refers to the commoners, us working classes.

  50. Mike Fenwick says:

    @ Rev Stuart Campbell … I respectfully ask you to consider – where we differ. It is not in any way in the substance, but in the order in which events take place.

    Quotes from the clip … “We declare independence … AND THEN you seek the recognition of the international community”.

    The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative deliberately set out just short of 3 years ago to reverse that order of events.

    The importance of obtaining the recognition of the international community, for me, is the starting point not a follow-on/end point, particularly, as the evidence of the past 10 years proves, we have to endlessly wait on political parties. The Declaration initiative is non-party political, it seeks its mandate from the people of Scotland. Some background:

    The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative is an initiative to regain the independence of Scotland, through the democratic consent of its people who choose to exercise their right to self-determination. Over those 3 years, Scots from all over Scotland have signed their inividual Declaration. As recently as the last two weeks, at Holyrood, and in Glasgow more ACTS of self-determination were established as Sovereign Scots signed their personal Declaration. Each will be scanned and copied before the originals are sent to the United Nations in New York for safe-keeping. They will also form part of further contact with 18 UN Member States as this initiative develops further.

    During the UK Supreme Court hearing this was evidence, and is recorded on behalf of the UK by the UK Advocate General: ‘The Advocate General does NOT dispute that the United Kingdom recognises and respects the right of sef-determination in intrnational law.’

    Very recently, ‘The European Left, a transnational party that brings together more than 40 progressive organisations across Europe, unanimously backed a resolution recognising that “Scotland has the right to self-determination”.

    In reference to the contact now established with the 18 UN Members, each of whom share the key characteristic in that they each gained their independence from the UK, they have now been asked as part of this initiative – ‘Do you have any reasons which you believe deny that right of self-determination to the people of Scotland?’

    Order, order!

    If, and I stress only if, you wish more, please use this link:

    https://ww …. (Insert the missing ‘w’)

  51. John C says:

    For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English.

    I despise this quote. It’s now used in such a way that not only does it deny any democratic solution to the constitutional question, it’s also dripping in xenophobia. Do we really want the cause of Scottish independence to morph into UKIP-lite?

    And for the record there’s a hell of a lot of people not born, or from Scotland living in Scotland who want independence. You want to alienate them because I see a number of Indy supporters not just skirting the line of racism but crossing right into it. Also, do you really want to alienate no or undecided voters and scare thenm off by becoming the worst of nationalism?

  52. Anton Decadent says:

    As a philosopher once said “If we could see politics what would it look like? a cube but with all it’s corners on the inside.”

  53. James Che says:


    Your knowledge of history was never contest by myself, and as you can see paying attention to the smaller details in recordings of the past is worth their its in Gold.

    Well said, done and corrected

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    “The idea that “the people of Scotland” might rise up, either by popular vote or by attempting to reconvene the Convention, is the stuff of fantasy.”

    The real stuff of fantasy is the illusion that we are in a fair and just union with England when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Such as the stealing of our assets the denying Scots the democratic right to choose when to vote on to leave this union or not (NI can vote every seven years) the lies and deceit from Westminster, the installing of their place men and women in our politics, the interfering of the English security services in our politics (Mi5 created a fake Salvo homepage to con folk into signing up on it), the moving of marine borders to steal Scottish assets. The gradual erasing of our languages and culture, the placing of nuclear weapons on our soil.

    There are far too many discrepancies to list in here of abuse of trust from Westminster against Scotland that isn’t fantasy

    The fantasy is that the union is beneficial to Scotland IT ISN’T the union is holding us back.

    When its shown that Westminster HAS broken the rules of the Treaty of Union and it has on many occasions, I’d imagine if enough folk are informed of this, that dissolving the treaty will be easier to achieve.

  55. James Che says:

    Mike Fenwick.

    Waiting for politicians!

    Indeed, it would appear that the people of Scotland are in more accord with each other than the politicians and Media,

    10 years is a long time for voters whom are still undecided to make up their minds and eventually the decision may be taken from them while they dilly dally and prevail in stalling the “Scottish peoples Right to Self-Determination”

    It is not classed or registered as the politicians Right to Self-Determination.
    It is the “Right to Self determination of the people”, that the politicians across Britain are a Colonial stance and structure,

  56. twathater says:

    My,My Stu you have certainly stirred the pot with this post and your comments, IMO your response to Breeks correct me if I am wrong was not adversarial or calling out his beliefs as blood and soil, nativist , moonhowling, xenophobic , misogynist,fantasist or sectarian, my interpretation of your comment is that irrespective of whichever belief is held on the SOVEREIGNTY of Scots and independence, inevitably it will have to suffer the inclusion of politicians at some stage

    It then appears that your number 1 arselicker Andy Pandy the font of all knowledge who had his own blog but gied it up because he’s a boring arsewipe and nae body visted it
    has taken great delight in using your comment to mean that you agree with his interpretation of the SOVEREIGNTY issue but you refrain from calling your readers moonhowlers,nativists,blood and soil,xenophobic

    And then we have Hatuey who thinks anyone relating to independence from the past is a revisionist and independence should be all about the FUTURE, BUT Hatuey is insistent that reparations should be given to ALL the countries that have suffered the abuse and denigration from the empire in the PAST, I think Hatuey should decide whether he’s past it or future proof

    And then we have John C who likes to call anyone who has an opposite opinion from him regarding homosexuality or lesbianism homophobic or xenophobic and now the ever present RACIST, John C is outraged that there may be such a thing as a TRANS MP but if anyone were to point out the glaring over representation of LGB mp’s and msp’s in parliament he feels it his duty to call them his favourite epithets

  57. James Che says:

    The politicians that ignore the peoples voice and bring poverty and constant wars to its nations are begging for a revolution and civil unrest.
    Every Empire has fallen because of this.

    Britain, America, Nato and even the European union at the moment are the modern day versions of old Rome and any old dictatorship that is over-reaching and suppressing its people will fall.

    The farmers, the yellow vests, the truckers, the independence from Colonial managed Countries, Ireland, Scotland and the various nations all fighting back against ideology theories and the stemming of free speech, is just the beginning of the end.of these Empire building oppressors.

    It is history repeating,

  58. Anton Decadent says:

    I enjoyed the video but can’t help wondering what the two people in the top tier of the library were looking at.

  59. Johnlm says:

    Good to see the Irish people stick it to their Government yesterday regarding changing the constitution to fit the Globalist model.

    Gives us all hope that elite censoring of majority opinion from being heard isn’t working.

    The common folk understand what’s going on.

  60. Dan says:

    Hmm, “Ever get the feeling you’ve being cheated…”

    link to

    Aye, lets jist forget about returning Scotland to self-governance and stick in this great Union. I mean it’s totes braw continuing to endure unwanted governments that we didn’t elect foisting evermore policies we don’t want onto us that are the cause of this hellhole of crap we’re enduring.
    About 70 years having the wrong folk in control of oor destiny is jist grand…
    FFS, if folk don’t have the ability or motivation to articulate the reasons why we are where we are and that being in a radically bad and worsen situation will require an equally radical shift to get out of the mire then we may as well give up eh.
    Best tae take wer foot aff the gas and jist let us, and oor land & seas be exploited even more, and have what remains of oor spirit crushed, oor businesses & industries trashed, and oor assets and resources pillaged.
    Maybe tak tae drink or drugs tae ease yer struggles until our comfortably off “brightest and best leaders” tell us otherwise…
    Ach, I’m sure some folk will be VERY happy with us taking that stance and they will be happy to take a break from securing Scotland ever tighter in the Union…

    link to

  61. Stoker says:

    I’m with Breeks and others, in as much as i don’t see any harm in individuals, or groups, pursuing their own indy-related agendas. Whether i agree with them or not isn’t the issue. Because at the very minimum, at some point along the line, there will be some sort of conclusion. Even if that conclusion was only to confirm that the task was a total waste of time. A conclusion, one way or the other, can only be a good thing if it provides some clarity on a situation.

    As usual, a lot of what Stuart writes makes sense, but within his suggested approach there is plenty of room for individuals to pursue their own pro-indy projects and interests. I for one hope SALVO continue to pursue their own strategy/agenda. Simply because i want to see what the official outcome will be. An official outcome, one way or the other, is something far more concrete and substantial than any one person’s take/opinion on the issue as far as i’m concerned.

    @ Mike Fenwick on 10 March 2024 at 3:49 pm

    Great contribution, thanks for that.

  62. George Ferguson says:

    Rev, alleluia to your interview. On this 4th week of Lent. Hope you have still given up on the sweeties. A refreshing Saturday morning magazine broadcast ‘afore the fitba’ by Alex Salmond and Taz. An article that might have been missed by some readers is in the Sunday Times. (I only have a paper copy). The input of professionals to the party machinery or the professionalisation of Alba. I hope that includes input of career professionals on policy. New members, new approach and a credible sensible policy base.

  63. Rab Clark says:

    Big thanks to Rev Stu for amending the market-share chart to show our presence in 10th place.

    A mountain to climb sure enough but we’re chuffed to be making an appearance.



  64. Effijy says:

    Just read about Royal Mail hiking the cost of stamps yet again.
    I recall the Rev having a post on Labour scaremonger Brian Wilson saying that if Scotland became independent the costs of stamps would go through the roof like it has in the independent, free Republic of Ireland.
    The idiot himself and the Unionist press didn’t trouble themselves to check valuable propaganda pieces like this but as shown here it was absolute nonsense as the Postal Service in Ireland was cheaper and more efficient.
    So be careful Scotland if you don’t want thing like that happening to you.

    In 2010 when the Tories where put in power against Scotland will the cost of a First Class Stamp was 41p.
    As of 2nd April the cost increases by 8% to £1.35.
    That’s around a 330% increase for a lesser delivery and pick up time as well as a loss of thousands of fair paid steady jobs that made money for the treasury.

    It’s losing money and it’s heading for bankruptcy so next we will only have private sector options that will cost the earth where workers will be on minimum wages or zero hours contracts.

  65. Hatuey says:

    “And then we have Hatuey who thinks anyone relating to independence from the past is a revisionist and independence should be all about the FUTURE, BUT Hatuey is insistent that reparations should be given to ALL the countries that have suffered the abuse and denigration from the empire in the PAST, I think Hatuey should decide whether he’s past it or future proof”

    I used to wonder what was going on with Chinese whispers but I am starting to understand that I didn’t give certain types of people the credit they deserve.

    1) In my coverage of reparations, I made clear throughout that it isn’t up to us to decide whether they have a case or not; it is up to the victims. That’s not my opinion, it’s how things like that (compensation) usually work. If the law depended on the acquiescence of the perpetrators of crime, the world would be completely lawless.

    2) In my comment above with regards to the historical arguments for independence, I didn’t say history was irrelevant; I said that the futurist argument was more democratic, inclusionary, and an easier sell. That is self evidently true since it excludes nobody.

    On point 2, you could argue both at once but given that so many people in Scotland don’t have Scottish ancestry, you’re basically excluding people (probably about 20% of the population). That’s quite a disadvantage to start with. I appreciate that there are those who want to deny those (“non-Scots”) people the vote, which in itself is an acknowledgment of the gaping flaw in the nationalist approach, but it stinks of gerrymandering and looks bad — it could spectacularly backfire.

    The thing is, I really doubt that anyone here wants independence because of The Declaration of Arbroath. That makes no sense. I think they want to use the Declaration of Arbroath to bolster the argument for independence, that is to say as a means rather than an end. The end itself, independence, is, as a matter of fact, of the future, for the future, and about the future.

    We are fighting for the future whether you like it or not.

  66. Robert Hughes says:

    Dan @ 6.40

    Bullseye !

    Restless horses . all in a row . all tethered-up . nowhere to go

  67. Mac says:

    Alex, if you are reading these comments you are eating the wrong food!

    You look terrible buddy!

    Go Keto. Low carb. Please. Now.

  68. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 7:42pm
    I attended a meeting on reparations out of subject interest. The UN call was nearly twice of the net wealth of the UK at 11 Trillion pounds (2021 figures). Reparations as an argument does not stand up to close scrutiny. How about reparations for the Vikings. Rape. pillage and murder. Many place names are still Viking in origin in Scotland or the Romans and let’s not talk about the Colonisation argument. The first duty of a State is to protect it’s citizens. Doubling reparations equating to the entire wealth of a Nation is nonsense. We would be enslaved.

  69. Muscleguy says:

    I engaged Barhead boy over something a guest said which was not scientifically right. He then started putting words in my mouth and saying I said things I did not. So I told him to shove his invitation to go on if that was how I was to be treated.

    It seems it is his way or the highway and no substantive discussion will be entered into.

    So seeing his audience decline by 88% is sweet.

  70. Mac says:

    It is not that I have lost faith in Scottish Independence, I have lost faith in Western Independence.

    By Independence I mean the idea that we as the population of anywhere in the West will be allowed a true and fair government to represent ‘us’ and what ‘we’ actually want in the land we originate from.

    There is no country in the West that is currently independent by that definition.

    Biden is not America.
    Trudeau is not Canada
    Sunak is not the UK
    Yousless is not Scotland.
    repeat for every western country…

    A cascade of cunts, swindled into position by enormous amounts of money. The donor class. All actually trying to ‘finish us off’ like they tried to do Russia (circa 1990). History does not repeat… but it rhymes.

  71. Frank Gillougley says:

    Dead ones in the road and sleeping with them in bed (for 300 years no less!). Hmmm…. I like both of these metaphors of giant lumbering shibboleths, the SNP and Westminster. However, maybe the use of ‘dinosaurs’ would be more considerate to elephants (who havent really done anything to merit being associated with such foul calumny and who also never forget anything…). Just saying. Wouldn’t quibble about anything else. Keep on truckin’ Rev.

  72. Robert Louis says:

    But without a ‘spark’ nothing will happen. The SNP simply cannot be bothered. The only way independence will become a live issue is if we make it one. Is that not the point??

    It is easy to say it isn’t happening anytime soon…but far harder to be the spark that makes it happen.

    Mibbes forget about the SNP being sh*te, and just start talking about independence once again.

  73. David Hannah says:

    The Daily Record covering the SNP, creative Scotland £85K grant for a porn show that includes anal fisting on stage and “non simulated sex” of people of all ages.

    Megan Gallacher of the Conservatives has been notified. I want Humza to answer why his Government gave £85K to produce a porn film.

    They are sick, and they are depraved. The First Minister of Gaza is wanting to turn Scotland into an Islamic State. Where women are sex objects it seems.

  74. David Hannah says:

    The £85K porn film explores “Dyke Sexuality.”

    This country is corrupt to the core. Let’s hope Humza is in his last week.

    Alister Jack must release the FOI about the Salmond case. Or will the First Minister of Gaza survive diverting money to Hamas?

    There’s no hope in Scotland if he does!

  75. George Ferguson says:

    @David Hannah 9:22pm
    I know there goes my strategy of persuading my daughter to send her children to a State School. I have already lost the argument of home schooling as a credible option. On Mother’s Day Mum knows best.

  76. Hatuey says:

    George Ferguson: “The UN call was nearly twice of the net wealth of the UK at 11 Trillion pounds (2021 figures). Reparations as an argument does not stand up to close scrutiny. ”

    Are you saying it’s a non-issue because you think the UK can’t afford it? Or are you saying it’s a non-issue because… well, because you said so?

    I can assure you that court cases involving historical liabilities take place every day all over the world. If compensation for crimes and errors of the past is a non-issue, someone might have told the lawyers who make a fortune out of such cases.

    Now you seem to be saying that there are limits as to how far back you can go in such cases. If that is true, I am not aware of it. The limits that exist seem to depend on lawyers being able to make a plausible legal argument, presumably with evidence, etc.

    The authorities or courts can put a time bar in place, as I understand it, but usually that would be negotiated with concerned parties. No such time bar is in place now with regards to reparations for colonialism. Indeed, as I said on a previous thread, Italy has recently agreed to pay Libya reparations for its invasion of 1911 (5 billion Euros).

    The British Empire didn’t substantially unravel until the post-1945 era. That isn’t so long ago that it couldn’t be argued (if Libyans and Italians can do it, I am sure others could).

    Anyway, I have never argued for reparations. All I have said is that it isn’t up to people like you (a beneficiary of the crime) to decide if they have a case or not; it is up to the victims and victim countries.

  77. David Hannah says:

    Humza Yousaf. Dishing out public money. Meanwhile Glasgow are sacking 400 teachers. Disgraceful. And he must go this week! He must be sacked.

    And so should 11k Laptop Michael Matheson. He’s waiting for his enhanced pension.


  78. Alf Baird says:

    George Ferguson @ 8:33 pm

    “The first duty of a State is to protect it’s citizens. We would be enslaved.”

    Scots were sold by State elites over three hundred years ago and been enslaved ever since. And the cost of this? Well, the loss of 3-4 million people for a start, plus resources and social and economic under-development ever since.

    Perhaps we should consider also the opportunity cost of 300+ years of colonial under-development? By all accounts our population today should be similar to that of Sweden and our economy stronger than Norway. Instead, today at best we are on a par with weaker eastern European states.

    That gap between developed and underdeveloped state is the cost of colonialism, which in GDP terms will be in the region of £200+bn per annum today.

  79. Alf Baird says:

    George Ferguson @ 8:33 pm

    “The first duty of a State is to protect it’s citizens. We would be enslaved.”

    Scots were sold by State elites over three hundred years ago and been enslaved ever since. And the cost of this? Well, the loss of 3-4 million people for a start, plus resources, lands and social and economic under-development ever since.

    Perhaps we should consider also the opportunity cost of 300+ years of colonial under-development? By all accounts our population today should be similar to that of Sweden and our economy stronger than Norway. Instead, today at best we are on a par with weaker eastern European states.

    That gap between developed and underdeveloped state is the cost of colonialism, which in GDP terms will be in the region of £200+bn per annum today.

  80. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 10:03pm
    Please don’t attribute to me words I didn’t say. Or second guess my motivations. Which Hatuey I am dealing with? I have pointed out that before. If you can’t see that reparations twice the amount of the UK National wealth is grotesque then there is no hope and I doubt you are an Independence supporter. A true Independence supporter will first and foremost give fealty to the citizens of the indigenous population including nu Scots that pay taxes here.Your reparations arguments are from the demented left.The same left that destroys the decency of social boundaries and will ultimately be defeated again!

  81. George Ferguson says:

    @Alf Baird 10:20pm
    Catch up Alf. Trillions not billions in Atlantic slavery reparations. 24 Trillions according to the UN. And that’s only one single aspect of the Empire. On a pro rata basis how much is that for Scotland. Well give up your house, your wealth, your clothes, and your grandchildrens future. We will all walk towards the North destitute, starving into oblivion. A just reparation? I would rather go for the obvious option.

  82. Geri says:

    “Assuming that you’re sane and your answer is “No”, then clearly the Yes movement needs to spend some time getting itself shipshape, and unity of purpose isn’t actually a useful way to achieve that.”

    Strongly disagree, Stu. For what it’s worth.

    Scotland should be an independent nation. The rest comes later.

    Even if we had the most perfect government in office there is absolutely no guarantee they’d remain there after a YES vote.

    If we’re waiting on everything being absolutely perfect first – it will never happen.

    In the event of a YES vote the parliament would change immediately as parties realigned & jostled for position. The SNP would be nowhere near the negotiating table.

    2014 was so successful, imo, because it wasn’t about party. It was a single question.

    You seem to be making the mistake of assuming the SNP would be in charge of the YES movement – something Sturgeon was fond of doing too.


  83. Hatuey says:

    George Ferguson; “A true Independence supporter will first and foremost give fealty to the citizens of the indigenous population including nu Scots that pay taxes here.”

    And why must I do that? Because, to take just one example, I think people who were castrated by British forces (as a form of torture)in the 1950s should be allowed to decide themselves (rather than leave the decision to George) if they want to pursue redress and compensation.

    I guess he’s worried that he might need to pay something through tax towards the compensation. That reminds me of another true independence supporter who frequents this place with the slogan “show me the money”.

    And now I am starting to understand why so many people think Scots are miserable penny-pinchers who put money above all else.

    Shameful and embarrassing.

  84. Hatuey says:

    Muscleguy @ 8.47pm

    I hear you loud and clear.

  85. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 11:32pm
    Hatuey used to be a thoughtful centre right commentator. Now he is a demented left winger devoid of rationale debate. Willing to commit financial genocide to the people of Scotland with trillions of debt imposed on us by generations that are no longer living. He ignores history such as Thurso, Thursa or the local pronunciation now of Thirsa. All viking based in origin. I want reparations from Norway double their current Sovereign wealth. The fact they made the right choices in the 1970s is neither here or there.

  86. Alf Baird says:

    George Ferguson @ 10:39 pm

    “Trillions not billions”

    You are right, England’s colonialism which is now costing Scotland over £200 billion+ every year means Scotland is certainly owed £trillions over the past 300+ years. Few if any other peoples have been colonised for longer than the Scots.

  87. Johnlm says:

    Seems that we compensated the slave owners via The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 with Rothschild loans, finally paid off in 2015, by some reckonings.

    Maybe the beneficiaries of this bonanza and their subsequent investments of the money can pay, for any compensations due this time, … rather than the poor bloody taxpayer again.

    Likewise, should the blame for Brit Government brutality across the globe fall to the innocent taxpayer?
    Sounds just like collective punishment.

    Finding the culprits and making their descendants pay, sounds more reasonable.

    Given that these people own the Government and major Business in this dump, I imagine that the evidentiary documents would quickly go missing.

  88. President sitting Bullshit says:

    I’m sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth
    Ive had enough of reading things
    By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth

  89. Kcor says:

    Yes, it was diversity that brought Scotland close to independence.

    Where is Tommy Sheridan these days?

  90. Kcor says:


    “I agree 100% the SNP has betrayed us, whether hapless, corrupt, or infiltrated from the beginning, it makes no difference at the end of the day. The net result is the same.”

    The inside story of the betrayal by the SNP and who were responsible, as with the inside story of the betrayal of Alex Salmond and who were responsible will hopefully be bestsellers in Scotland in the very near future.

  91. twathater says:

    TBQH I was not impressed or motivated by Alex’s interview of Stu and his, Alex’s comments about independence, TBQH again I felt there was and is no urgency,fire or passion in his interview,I felt the whole thing was stage managed and lukewarm , it was more about tepidly highlighting the ongoing incompetence of the Scum Nonce Party and it’s governance of Scotland as if we weren’t already aware of it,forgetting or refusing to acknowledge that he had been literally begging the Scum Nonce Party to unite with ALBA for months whilst simultaneously being ridiculed and denigrated by sturgeon and her puppet useless.

    Alex is and has always been an establishment figure and will only fight for independence through establishment procedures and pathways so a radical no holds barred fight for independence would be anathema to him

    To all the usual suspects claiming that if Scots “were shown the fucking money” indy would be a shoe in , please bear in mind that both Alex Salmond and the poisoned dwarf sturgeon were both in charge of the independence movement and NEITHER of them produced ANY INFORMATION or documentation to encourage people that their financial futures were secure or beneficial, NEITHER of them produced any information or evidence of the FINANCES that were being STOLEN from Scotland and Scots, BOTH of them agreed with the mutilated GERS figures and signed off on them when they were FM,Scots were PROMISED revised TRUE GERS figures that would expose the theft and corruption of Scotland’s resources, am I the only one that HASN’T seen them, is there some reason that Salmond and sturgeon didn’t produce them when that info could have led to independence

  92. Hatuey says:

    A chunk of stale cheese exclaimed: “I want reparations from Norway double their current Sovereign wealth.”

    And I have said nothing to discourage you from hiring a lawyer and making the case.

    The same aforementioned cheese: “Hatuey used to be a thoughtful centre right commentator. Now he is a demented left winger devoid of rationale debate…”

    I have never regarded myself as any of those things and actually consider such classifications as childish and stupid, entirely at odds with the freedom bestowed upon me as an existentialist (I’m not bound by anybody’s definition or expectation of anything, including my own). You should try being rational and free, starting with freedom from yourself.

    Johnlm: “Seems that we compensated the slave owners”

    Lol. They kinda keep that part quiet, don’t they…

    As far as compensation and reparations go, I think there are some obvious examples where certain countries should cough up, the US for Vietnam and Cambodia, Britain for Kenya and Diego Garcia, several countries for the destruction of Iraq and Libya… I’m sure Republic of Scotland could add a few more, it’s his area of expertise.

    I don’t think Scotland’s case for reparations would be as straightforward.

    Anything that happened after 1945 should in theory be a no-brainer, though, from a legal standpoint. The reason it won’t happen, the reason justice and human rights are disregarded in the world today, is down to the veto power that members of the Security Council wield (in the hands of the biggest criminals as far as acts of aggression and violations go).

    Every single person that reads this knows the score, understands, and probably agrees — basically, anyone that is intelligent enough to type their name should agree. It’s not exactly complicated.

  93. Hatuey says:

    Note often I agree with twat; “I felt the whole thing was stage managed…”

    I thought the Salmond-Wings chat was interesting for what it left out. I believe there are things going on in the background that they aren’t able to discuss, and that those things are probably positive for us.

    They both seemed relatively upbeat, yet they were purportedly discussing the death of independence as an issue, and that’s something you would expect to be a downer for them. Maybe they are over it… it’s been dead for some time.

    It was a strange discussion for that reason, though, incongruous.

    We will know the investigations are going to go badly for the SNP when we hear SNP politicians want to mend fences with Salmond and Alba…

  94. Breeks says:

    Not to add fuel to any fire, but there is another matter to consider.

    If, supposing, the SNP emerges from this past decade disgraced, shamed and discredited, with it’s senior echelons facing jail time and civil actions, and the whole of Scotland’s political landscape tainted by crank and oppressive legislation which may take decades to purge, then you have to ask yourself one question.

    What has the Independence Movement actually done to divorce the disingenuous SNP from the rightful cause of Scottish Independence? Where is the dissent? Where is the rebellion?

    No matter what the outrage, the flagrant dishonesty, the squandering of mandate after mandate, the hijacking of the Independence cause to further Transgender destabilisation of society; bar a few grumbles along the way the Independence Movement might have talked the talk, but on the whole, have acted with supine complicity. (Rare exceptions duly noted, and saluted).

    It churns my stomach to think of the damage these twisted bastards have done to Scotland’s cause, and our Nation’s sense of self interest. They have suffocated Scotland, and not a single one of them has faced as much as deselection for their outright t(reachery).

    Worse than that, even what passes itself as opposition to the SNP is still waiting for leadership and initiative to come from the corrupt and dysfunctional SNP, presumably once it finds the time in between wrecking Scotland’s societal infrastructure.

    Hope you’re proud of yourself Scotland. Maybe we should invite our Scottish diaspora home to vote for us the way we get foreigners to play our sports for us. Maybe we might “win” then.

  95. Robert Hughes says:

    Twathater @ 2.42

    Inclined to agree with your assessment , T . Not sure what the point of this oddly muted ( despite Alex’s habitual air of cheerful bonhomie ) interview was .

    Not disagreeing with Stu’s comments re the becalmed state of Independence as an issue ( though that is a kinda self-fulfilling state ) but the sense of resignation was palpable .

    Seems like after waiting – fruitlessly – for the SNP to leave the * Prog * creche and re-enter the scary world of political adulthood , we’re now expected to wait for ALBA to replace them , with a winning smile & a slightly better formula .Because …that’s right …..NOTHING IS HAPPENING . All other routes , ideas , possibilities have been declared ” NOT VALID ” . HA !

    Can’t wait for all the galleons to assemble at our ALBA-approved * Green * Freeports ; loading even more of Scotland’s wealth onboard , bound for foreign shores .

    Taking our gold in exchange for NeoLib wumpum .

    To those talking about ” another generation ” before , well , anything , worthwhile re Independence will/can happen , I commend your optimism in imagining we have the luxury to wait that long – do you think our enemies will be passive in that time ? – but am utterly dumbfounded at the naivety to think this is the case .

  96. Mac says:

    Craig Murray should be on the list but I understand it would be impossible to separate out his Scottish politics content versus everything else he writes about.

    Stuart Campbell and Craig Murray are the only two Scottish bloggers I read. I will read Robin McAlpine if people post links on here but I am not seeking him out.

    I also like Gordon Dangerfield but he writes fairly infrequently.

    It all seems (outside of Wings and CM) just incredibly ineffectual. Lots of empty rhetoric. WGD is by far the worst. I was really glad when his gaggle of supporters stopped posting comments on here…

    This site and CM) breaks real news. I also know that if they state a fact I can pretty much rely it is true (no one is infallible but they are close).

    The reporting around the Salmond stitch-up was vitally important and continues to be so. Both of you deserve medals for that alone (amongst a few others).

    George Galloway is also the same. You may not agree with his views but he does not lie. Pretty meticulous in his fact checking as well. I guess with all these guys and gals (who talk about things the MSM want to hide) you have to be like that or you won’t survive.

    Or you can sell your soul for thirty pieces of silver, dress up like a ponce, scrounge a house, and produce arse gravy for the National.

  97. Effijy says:

    I see the right wing extremist TV Chanel GB News lost £76 Million last year.
    It is, like the Scotsman newspaper going to continue to operate to keep the Klu Klux Klan
    subscribers focused on the poor and the immigrants as the source of all ills.

    Who could afford to threw these vast sums down the drain?
    Only the rich elite can find it a valuable mask to hide behind while they pile in their ill gotten gains.

    I’ve managed to put the mass murder in Gaza on the back burner due to the shock reveal that Kate Middleton Windsor may have had her wedding ring air brushed out on a recent picture.

    A mass rally is expected in Palestine to support her in these turbulent times.

  98. Mac says:

    It was interesting but I would have preferred to see that interview the other way around with SC interviewing Alex Salmond about the future of the Independence movement and why it is (seemingly) that ALBA is not capitalizing on the growing unpopularity of the SNP.

    If there is any money left in the polling pot it would be interesting to explore this question next time.

    I also would not have described SC as bitter. I watched the 2019 interview and this one and I see no difference. He strikes me as a very calm, logical person who does not speak or write out of emotion.

    Speaking of empty rhetoric though, I see Tommy Sheridan was on after Wings…

    Ahh!! I see I missed the point of the article… after the interview there is quite a bit of bumpf but then AS starts talking about Wings again at the 31.45 mark.

    Ok so watched it now…

    Hmmmm again funny choice of language from AS this time ‘screeds’…

    Sadly AS seems to be asleep at the wheel over all this woke stuff and what is really going on.

    Lastly Stu’s line about still worshipping the same deity he has always worshipped piqued my curiosity… what deity is that?

  99. Mac says:

    Reading between the lines I think what AS is saying here is the site is talking about trannies and self ID etc too much.

    Craig Murray also made some barbed tweet along the same lines after the last Scottish elections I think it was. I think he suggested it played a part in ALBA’s poor showing or something like that… it pissed me off at the time, that I am sure about.

    Well I confess I have wondered myself at times why Wings focused on it so much… especially during that period.

    But not anymore. Whatever the reason was/is it, it turns he had very good instincts indeed.
    For this reason… a must watch.

    link to

    Might be just a fluke but it does not matter, a bullseye is still a bullseye.

    It is time to meet the woke madness head-on and stop tolerating any of it. Because it is extremely dangerous and a massive threat to us all.

    And it not just in Scotland as we can see.

    This is the battle right now. If we lose this one we won’t have to worry about our ‘independence’ anymore.

    And in this regard Wings has been at the forefront of the battle for years now.

  100. Ruby says:

    So let’s have a chat about Alex’s closing comments.

    Mac says

    Hmmmm again funny choice of language from AS this time ‘screeds’…

    Sadly AS seems to be asleep at the wheel over all this woke stuff and what is really going on.

    What Alex Salmond said in his closing comments was

    he(Stuart) bewilders people because he often goes off on tangents. People have looked to the site to have analysis of Scottish independence suddenly find the are reading endless screeds about self-identification incredibly well written, incredibly powerfully written never the less not what they expected

    I was reluctant to mention that because I feel I’m always posting ‘endless screeds about self-identification’ when posters here aren’t interested.

    It seems a lot of people are asleep at the wheel over woke stuff but that’s their choice.

  101. Ruby says:

    So let’s have a chat about Alex’s closing comments.

    something very significant about 50% of the votes still advocating for independence when the party of independence largely ceased advocating for it. I think that is deeply significant I think there’s a sleeping giant waiting to be awoken. Alex Salmond

    A sleeping giant waiting to be awoken

    I think something has got to give things can’t go on as they are.

    I transcribed the above there could be errors if you want to double check listen to the video.

  102. James Che says:

    Colonisation is not past history for Scotland, in fact it is ever present and up to date situation and the world is witnessing it,

    When a Countries peoples have tried through the normal political channels, by referendums, and Court cases, and on each occasion the Colonial master keeps telling them ” now is not the time” .

    Not as long as the Colonial Country over Scotland has Control of the politics, the defence systems, the purse string Status, holds the overriding supreme court system for judgement and justice over Scotland, and decides how your Country will be managed by a secondary governing devolved body put in place over your Country full of their employed civil servants,

    Not when Scotland voting system is fixed at FPTP and also a owned by private Franchise, that is capable.
    The SNP was established over 70 years ago as a political protest to give Scotland a voice following the legal dictates required by the Colonial governing body.
    This has been infiltrated and altered beyond recognition in last 10 years to a drivelling rainbow game chasing party that actual stymies Scotlands voice whilst introducing a variety of restrictions on free Speech, impaling almost every voiced subject in Scotland as a hate crime,

    The fear that our true representation and our very voices are coming under threat of being incarerated.
    Is Colonialism.

    When freedom to choose your own future for your people and Country and all avenues to follow and have the right to self-determination is in the hands and laws of a Colonial arbiter saying No to that freedom.
    Scotland is a Colonised Country in the present day modern times , and has been for over three hundred years,

    When a treaty of union in-of – itself has been Colonised and turned into a chain and collar from England’s Westminster parliament around the neck of Scotlands the people, , by stating that Scotland has no free will or “Right-to- Self-Dertermination” until England says so.

    This is now over 300 years of Scotlands enslavement , and regardless of Nation or Colour of a nation,
    Every Country that has ever been Colonised and sold by the empire and enslaved must understand
    The present circumstances of Scotland in relation to the said parliament of Westminsters Colonising position in England over Scotland.

    The Scots protested loud and were out on the streets against the treaty of union and were beaten back by the invading forces of military might of a larger domineering Country right on its borders.

    It was never a voluntary treaty of union between Scotland and England,
    And Englands parliament of Westminster to this day boasts that “THEY” did not give the Scots a vote to join the treaty, because the Scots would have in all probably have voted No.

    Scots was captured, Colonised and enslaved. There Countries resources stolen, and their land and sea traded to the highest bidders by the colonising Country.

  103. Ruby says:

    So let’s have a chat about Alex’s closing comments.

    A sleeping giant waiting to be awoken

    Further to the above

    I do think it requires all of us on social media to ignite the flames. Alex Salmond

    the trouble is that social media spends as he (Stuart Campbell) says a great deal of time at each others throats

    That’s correct we do spend a great deal of time at each others throats. It’s a Scottish thing?

    The other Scottish thing is the put downs/lack of encouragement.

    I’m thinking about Salvo/franchise ideas. There is always someone saying ‘ye canna dae that’

    Gerard Butler says when explaining the meaning of ‘gaun yersel’

    It’s a sign of encouragement … you don’t get a lot of that in Scotland.

    I’m always prepared when I come on here.

    I never expect any encouragement just the opposite.

    Maybe this ‘ye canna dae that’ attitude leads to people being at each other throats.

  104. James Che says:


    Scotlands case for reparations and redress, compensation would indeed be different,
    As Scotland is at present still Colonised.
    And still being refused the Right to self- determination under its own laws and voting systems.

    It still has to use the Colonisers system and the Colonisers media,

    Both of which stymie free will, free choice and restrict the right to self determination.
    Thats how Colonisation works.

    As long as Westminster parliament refuse Scotland the right to Self- Determination and the free will and mastery of their own voting system,
    The parliament in England is loudly advertising its own Colonial stance over Scotland.

  105. Breastplate says:

    Effigy @ 8:51am,
    It’s the same as it ever was; bread and circuses.

    I disagree completely with the Rev’s take on waiting for the perfect negotiation team being in place before we can even think about independence.

    Even if it’s at the other end of the scale where we were advocating waiting for a party which is less incompetent, the reality of an independent Scotland negotiationing with the rUK would have to entail all parties, including the ones that would cease to be British parties after a vote for self determination.

    Few of the negotiations will be quick and many of them will be prolonged beyond the life of the SNP as we know it.
    It’s for this reason there would have to be, an across the political landscape, negotiations team that will endure the life of any one political party.

    Every political party (even the ones people don’t like) would have to concentrate their thoughts on the future of their Scotland.

  106. holymacmoses says:

    I think Mr McAlpine is often an interesting read. I don’t think he’s interested in off-the-cuff discussion. I think he likes to offer opinions for people to ponder. He also invites people to write in with ideas and would publish those he thought worthwhile.
    I suspect he doesn’t have the patience or intuitive understanding displayed by Wings over many, many years BUT he does have some interesting ideas. He explains what he’s about and how he wishes people to contribute to his work very clearly. Its a semi-intellectual site. I suspect some may view it as a dryasdust writing but it’s not always the case:-)

  107. Ruby says:

    ‘The Goes Pop’ guy certainly knows how to ignite the flames but sadly it isn’t the flames of independence it’s just his usual flame-baits.

  108. James Che says:

    I was reading article 11 of the union with Scotland act,

    It is interesting to note that Queen Anne was not Queen of all of Britain until the treaty of union was ratified,
    And up until that point was Queen of England France and Ireland,


    What authority did Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland have to appropriate Commissioners to Scotland to negotiate the treaty of union,
    She was crowned in Westminster Abbey as the monarch of England, France and Ireland, without taken the “Scottish coronation oath” during those proceedings.

    And without being Coronated in Scotland,

    If she only became Queen of GB after the treaty of union……..WTF,

    Some unionists will say this old guff does not matter any more.

    Except that in Scotland the crown prosecutions relating to Scotland, the old Scottish legal requirement to have a fair trial with a jury, that is mentioned when claiming injustices against king James,
    The system, the Court System under the Crown, and the crown justice system in Scotland and even the royal assents are all related to wether the monarchy has authority over Scotlands legal system.

    However if the monarch and crown of England held no legal hereditary position in Scotland prior to the treaty of union, to give the Scottish Commissioners valid authority in making the terms to the treaty of union on Scotland behalf, due to Queen Anne not being authenticated as Queen of Scots,
    It throws a entirely different slant on the originating creation of the treaty of union,

    And wether Charles is a hereditary king of England, but not Scotland,
    Wether the Sovereignty sitting in Westminster parliament derives only from the English parliament Acts “of Settlement” to inherit on the throne of England.
    And the English parliament Act, The Bill of Rights, setting the Sovereignty of the Crown of England within Westminster parliament,

    This matters in the present day when you consider the “Alex Salmond case” and the “Craig Murray Case” due to the crown position in and over the devolved government in Scotland,

    Jury-less closed trials are not part of Scots Law,

    Supposing the Crown of England never had Crown Courts in Scotland, due to Queen Anne not officially in any capacity being queen of Scots or Scotland.

    The Crown of England, France and Ireland gains access to the (Crown) “courts of Scotland” only via the back door through the devolved government royal assent under the The Crown sitting in Westminster parliament.

    Whereas in Scotland the Monarch is not Sovereign, the people are,
    The Scots Law states that trials must be a trial by Jury.

    I am surprised that Alex Salmond and Craig Murray did not insist on Scots law. Of a open Trial by a
    Public Jury,
    This would have prevented the secretacy of the Alphabet women slapped on by the judge, in both cases.

    Perhaps some clever lawyer in Scotland could explain the difference between Scots Law of a trial by Jury compared to English law, of Jury-less trials.

  109. Republicofscotland says:

    “Who could afford to threw these vast sums down the drain?”


    The taxpayer, here in Scotland the SNP government has funded the newspapers, and in England the English government has funded the likes of the Telegraph and Guardian as has the BBC to keep these establishment mouthpiece outlets going.

    GB news is owned by All Perspectives Ltd.

  110. James Che says:


    Those awkward negotiations surely become easier if started from a point of view that Scotland is a Colony of a Westminster parliament in England refusing Scotland the Right to self Determination since the first military forces of England in the 1700s were sent to Scotland to squash the Scottish rebellion to the Treaty of Union,
    And Westminster parliament has enforced that position of Colonisation over Scotland further over many hundreds of years to this present day by refusing Scots in Scotland the right to Self determination under their own terms,

  111. Hatuey says:

    James Che: Scotlands case for reparations and redress, compensation would indeed be different,… As Scotland is at present still Colonised.”

    And there’s technically nothing to stop anyone who feels their life has been detrimentally affected by the Union taking the Government to Court. You’d probably need a couple of million, but maybe you have it… no win no fee?

    Anyway, I’ll cheer for you.

  112. Chas says:

    75/80% of Scots have no real interest in politics. This percentage is increasing by the day.

    You can understand why when you read the repetitive drivel that 0.1% of the electorate post on here, irrespective of the subject matter in any article. Anyone with even a mild interest will be put off by the constant stream of dross as posters pursue their pet projects.

    I exclude Stu from the above.

  113. David Hannah says:

    Listen to Kieth Brown on good morning Scotland trying to defend Humza the trai’tor to Britain, and Hamas terrorist organisation funder.

    I suspect that Brown trousers Keith Brown and the SNP will be buying Humza Yousaf a bucket of flowers, like they did with Nicola when she was arrested.

    But it’s safe to safe the flowers won’t be the Anemone coronaria – the national flower of Israel. That’s for sure.

  114. David Hannah says:

    You’re right Chas. I’ll make this my last post on the site. I’m a kind, caring and compassionate person outside of my darkest thoughts on Wings.

    We should be talking about Scotland as an Independent country. But the years have made me bitter. Small hits of dopamine in order to destroy the SNP are definitely not it. It doesn’t make me happy. It’s an addiction.

    I’ll keep funding Wings Over Scotland, and hoping for the truth around the Salmond conspiracy to come about. And Sturgeon the Judas to be arrested and a real Independence campaign to commence again.

    God would hate this part of me. And there’s definitely more positive ways I can spent my time than growing increasingly bitter.

    I hope Scotland wakes up. Goodbye and goodluck!

  115. Alf Baird says:

    Hatuey @ 1:02 pm

    “there’s technically nothing to stop anyone who feels their life has been detrimentally affected by the Union taking the Government to Court.”

    The native ‘seldom looks for justice in the colonial environment’ (Albert Memmi).

    If you knew anything about colonialism you would at least know this.

  116. MaryB says:

    Listen to Lloyd Quinan on Through A Scottish Prism: A Scottish Dawn: approx 25.30 mins in. He’s explaining about how Steve Chisholm, new ALBA member is linked to Cromarty Green Freeport; how Kate Forbes negotiated them with Michael Gove; and the wider implications of Green Freeports for both Scotland and the UK right’s globalist ambitions.

  117. Alf Baird says:

    holymacmoses @ 12:15 pm

    “I think Mr McAlpine is often an interesting read”

    I agree. However, postcolonial theory tells us that the main problem with native intellectuals is they are slow to recognise the colonial condition of the people and their nation. This is because they have never undertaken a reasoned analysis of colonial society.

    link to

  118. James Che says:


    In case you have not noticed it is not a one man band situation, you are talking thousands of Scots and more,

  119. Republicofscotland says:

    James Che @12.35pm

    On monarchs you may find this interesting.

    “Bringing events up to date when Charles was crowned King last year he swore his oath to be the rightful monarch and the supreme ruler of England and all her dominions. He was anointed with oil as if he was a divine diety. He was not sworn in as King of Scots because of our different history but most of all he had not taken the Scottish coronation oath. Scotland is not a dominion of England as we are in a political Union only. Our land, laws and culture are different. We are still today a sovereign country.

    Later last year Charles III came to Scotland to see the Crown Jewels of Scotland (known as the honours). He did not wear the crown, he did not swear allegiance to the people of Scotland and he did not take an oath to comply with our separate laws. He is not our king yet the main stream media built up the myth as if this was a coronation. It was not.

    After 1603 the shared monarch had to take both different oaths to stay monarch of each country. It was only after the treaty of political union in 1707 that the Union lie started.

    The last monarch to wear the Scottish crown and take the Scottish coronation oath was James V1 who was crowned in 1567. The last Scottish coronation oath actually taken was by Queen Anne in 1702. We have not had a Scottish monarch since her reign. ”

    link to

  120. Republicofscotland says:

    MaryB @12.50pm.

    Professor Alf Baird exposes freeports for what they really are.

    link to

    Kate Forbes is not to be trusted on independence no matter what she says to the contrary.

  121. Anton Decadent says:

    Re freeports, Private Eye was covering how the one in Teeside was a fiefdom for the local mayor and some of his cronies and their families to buy deindustrialised land at bargain basement prices and lock into multimillion pound rental contracts for future factory use whilst selling off the scrap etc.

    The more you look at politics across the board the more it looks like organised crime.

  122. James Che says:

    Same school tattle tail whinging complainer, please sir, Sir , can I complain that historical records are not important in Scottish history
    As it is to the history of England, same old drivel.

    And yet no one is more tuned in to repeating old history mantra more than Westminster parliament itself stating it is one of the oldest parliaments in the world. Every day, Tut tut.
    And repeats the treaty of union gospel every day on its parliament site. Tut tut.

    Scotland should not have its history records background repeated to its people is that what your saying

    Very Cromwellian, lets take all Scotlands related historical records and leave it with blank canvas.

    Did you know that when England was a Commonwealth and republic,
    It did not include Scotland?
    as Scotland crowned king Charles as monarch of Scotland long before England.decide to return the Stuarts to the throne down south,

    A bit of missing history in Scotland for Scots.
    Scotland was not part of England republic or Commonwealth.
    Someone forgot to tell Queen Liz,

    They also forgot to tell her she was not queen Elizabeth 11 of Scotland, as Scotland never had a queen Elizabeth 1.

    That was England.

  123. Anton Decadent says:

    @Effigy, the organised trans lobby also equates anyone it wants to sideline as the Klu Klux Klan or Nationalists.

  124. Breastplate says:

    James Che @ 12:53pm,

    I’m sorry, I fail to see any merit in thinking negotiations between the rUK and Scotland would be made easier by bringing accusations of past colonial behaviour to the fore.

    I do see bad faith and disingenuous argument being involved leading to the necessity of international arbitration.

    I would imagine a messy divorce is on the cards, parasitic passengers love a free ride and won’t take kindly to extrusion.

  125. James Che says:


    The last monarch to be monarch of Scotland and took the Scottish Oath was king Charles 11 at Scone palace on the 1st January 1651.
    Removing Scotland from Englands commonwealth Countries.
    Whilst England was still a republic Country,

    England did not reinstate their monarchy until 1660.

  126. James Che says:

    I believe you are quite correct when it relates to king Charles 111 coronation in England and his lack of Coronation with regards Scotland recently,

    And having watched the televised Coronation of him in the kingdom of England, You are Correct, during the complete ceremony he did not include the Scottish Oath.

    In the kingdom of Scotland the ceremoney did not witness his Coronation, nor the Coronation Oath during that Ceremony, nor him wearing the coronation Crown of Scotland on his head,

    To touch the Scottish regalia cushion is not a classed as a Coronation in Scotland,
    But then neither did queen Elizabeth 11 of England, likewise her father before her,

    It was media hype and properganda that disguised untruths,

    One of the missing comments by the media, was,
    if Great- Britain is under ONE United kingdom,
    Why the need to have two separate ceremony days/ dates for one monarch.

  127. James Che says:


    King Charles 11 was already king of Scots when he took the additional throne of England in 1660.

    The gap in between 1st January 1651 when king Charles of became king of Scots and 1660 removed Scotland from the Republic of England and the commonwealth.

    When king Charles 11 of Scots took on the addition throne of England that did not remove him from being king of Scots first and foremost, it did not cancel him out as king of Scots,
    Rather the opposite the king of Scots gained a English throne and kingdom,

  128. Hatuey says:

    James Che, I’m sure the broad appeal of the proposal will make the challenges easier… a problem shared, etc.

    Alf, I’ve never had an issue with the claim that Scotland’s relationship with England is essentially colonial, although I would say neo-colonial is a more fitting term.

    I think there are degrees of colonialism though, and not all colonies or neo-colonies are managed along the same harsh lines. I am sure we can all agree, for example, that Scotland is not managed along the same lines as the Belgian Congo.

    Quite a lot follows from that simple and obvious discernment.

    Memmi, for his part, was describing the sort of brutal colonial condition of places like the Congo, and that took him to extremes so that he even justified terrorism against civilians, from what I can gather.

    In the context of Scotland today, those extremes are completely inappropriate, as is much of what Memmi and others say about colonialism when applied to our predicament.

  129. Rab Clark says:

    ‘We did a wee poll asking folk who intend to abstain what slogan, if any, they’ll use to ‘spoil’ their paper.

    ?#EndTheUnion 45.2%

    #NotMyParliament 22.8%

    #WomenWontWheesht 26.5%

    Other (detail below) 5.4%

    294 votes (Final results)

    2:38 PM · Mar 5, 2024


    The poll didn’t attract as many votes as we would’ve liked but it’s enough to be going on with and there’s a clear favourite.

    So, we’re going with #EndTheUnion for now and will be encouraging its use at every opportunity.

    Some folk will stick with one of the other options, or have their own ‘message’ they want to get across. But we echo Peter Bell’s call for unity on this – a united front on this, if nothing else, could draw attention to general discontent and force commentators to pay attention to an issue they would surely prefer to ignore or dismiss as ‘voter apathy’.

    But perhaps more important than the use of the slogan itself is raising awareness of it in the hope that abstention becomes a talking-point before the general election. It’s one thing to hear commentators announcing that x% of papers were spoiled after the event, but it’s another to have people openly discussing abstention before the polling stations open. That might encourage some of the abstainers who had intended to stay at home to take a toddle down the station, perhaps make a day of it and meet some like-minded folk.

    If enough of a buzz is generated about this – and the simple fact of Yessers agreeing on anything would be newsworthy in itself – then we will surely see the main parties getting their knickers in a twist. They won’t like it. It disrespects the system on which their credibility depends.

    An interesting experiment then. The great beauty of it is that we don’t have to ‘do’ anything apart from talk about it, encourage one another to stick to the one catchy hashtag, then ensure that mainstream pundits and psephologists can neither get away with ignoring it as a live issue, nor act surprised when it transpires that #EndTheUnion ‘won’ all over the country. Because if we know anything from recent turnout trends, it’s that such a possibility may not be as unlikely as it sounds.

    Aside from anything else, it would wind them up something rotten.

    What’s not to like!?’


    link to

  130. Young Lochinvar says:

    Community of the realm of Scotland; CORRECT!

    All countries back then had limited suffrage but the Scots had better than most, ie England, with a parliament based on the 3 Estates, not unlike the French model.
    Nobility, Clergy, Burghs.

    Whatever hoops the likes of Umfraville and Menteith went through, they still came out on the right side eventually securing Scotlands usurped independence, rights laws and liberties the hard way, something the likes of Sturgeon, Yousaf et al are in no way fit to be even compared with.

    As for those despising *For as long as but a hundred of us* ie the declaration of Arbroath; pathetic malcontent whingers!
    It was far ahead of anything seen by then (Magna Carta included) and was an inspiration behind the even more famous later *we the people*.

  131. Alf Baird says:

    Hatuey @ at 3:15 pm

    “In the context of Scotland today, those extremes are completely inappropriate”

    You ignore the fact that colonialism is ‘a disease of the mind’ as much as anything else, which helps facilitate the plunder and exploitation of ‘a people’, as well as their confused identity. Inventive Scots even gave the ‘condition’ a name, the Scottish Cultural Cringe’:

    link to

  132. Republicofscotland says:

    Another step closer to an authoritarian society in Scotland, free speech is increasingly under pressure from all quarters.

    “The Scottish Government’s new controversial hate crime law will finally come into force next month.

    The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in March 2021 but it has been one of the most controversial pieces of legislation debated by MSPs in the last few years”

    So why do we need the HCB when hate crime is on the wane, its all about shutting up dissenters by making dissent a hate crime.

    “Figures released by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) last year showed a two per cent drop in hate crimes in Scotland in 2022-23.”

  133. James Che says:


    Colonialism as related to the past for Scotland it is alive and well presently still active, when one side of the treaty of the union itself has been Colonised,

    For the parliament of UK is telling Scotland it has no right to self determination.

    Scotland has never been in a treaty of union with the UK parliament.
    Scotland has never been in a treaty of union with the Great- Britain parliament either.
    The parliament of Scotland 1707 and the parliament of England 1706 held and agreed upon the political parliamentary union, namely the treaty of union.

    However the Scottish side of their parliament came under Dissolution by proclamation of Queen Anne and separated from the parliamentary treaty of union within less than a year in 1707.

    Thus leaving the Upper house of lords from the old English parliament as sole members of the new Great- Britain parliament.

    This is recorded history of events that directly relate to the political parliamentary union.

    Why would you promote yourself to Scotlands independence future troubled and difficult negotiations if you offer to go into political battle without ammunition.
    Your already a dead soldier.

  134. James Che says:


    Colonialism as related to the past for Scotland it is alive and well presently still active, when one side of the treaty of the union itself has been Colonised,

    For the parliament of UK is telling Scotland it has no right to self determination.

    Scotland has never been in a treaty of union with the UK parliament.
    Scotland has never been in a treaty of union with the Great- Britain parliament either.
    The parliament of Scotland 1707 and the parliament of England 1706 held and agreed upon the political parliamentary union, namely the treaty of union.

    However the Scottish side of their parliament came under Dissolution by proclamation of Queen Anne and separated from the parliamentary treaty of union within less than a year in 1707.

    Thus leaving the Upper house of lords from the old English parliament as sole members of the new Great- Britain parliament.

    This is recorded history of events that directly relate to the political parliamentary union.

    Why would you promote yourself to Scotlands independence future troubled and difficult negotiations if you offer to go into political battle without ammunition.
    Your already a dead soldier holding a white flag of surrender.

  135. Breastplate says:

    James Che,
    I can see we’re not on the same page here.

    The negotiations are in progress because we are already independent as per Stu’s article, it is then at a stage of render unto Scotland that which is Scotland’s.

    I see no mileage in past wrongdoings, we want what is ours, regardless of the past.

  136. moixx says:

    Mac @ 9.34 am

    “Ahh!! I see I missed the point of the article… after the interview there is quite a bit of bumpf but then AS starts talking about Wings again at the 31.45 mark.”


    Thanks for highlighting that – I’d missed that bit at the end of the show. And very much agree with your next post at 10.01 am.

    Is this perhaps AS’s response to what happened last week with Eva Comrie and Yvonne Ridley? If so, I’d agree that AS “seems to be asleep at the wheel over all this woke stuff and what is really going on”.

    As are others (apparently), including for example Craig Murray and Robin McAlpine. It seems like they don’t want to engage with the issue in any real way, or address the wider effect it’s having (ie beyond the damage to women’s rights and child safeguarding). I don’t understand their thinking on this at all, but maybe that’s because they’re not really thinking about it.

    I’m now even more worried about AS and Alba’s position on this issue. It may have seemed that having a (slightly vague) policy and then to largely ignore the issue and try to play things down would be enough, but already that hasn’t worked and they’ve lost good people over it (although I’m still not quite sure exactly what happened there, and have been left with more questions than answers). Not sure what to make of it all really.

  137. Ruby says:

    David Hannah
    11 March, 2024 at 1:35 pm

    You’re right Chas. I’ll make this my last post on the site. I’m a kind, caring and compassionate person outside of my darkest thoughts on Wings.

    We should be talking about Scotland as an Independent country. But the years have made me bitter. Small hits of dopamine in order to destroy the SNP are definitely not it. It doesn’t make me happy. It’s an addiction.

    I’ll keep funding Wings Over Scotland, and hoping for the truth around the Salmond conspiracy to come about. And Sturgeon the Judas to be arrested and a real Independence campaign to commence again.

    God would hate this part of me. And there’s definitely more positive ways I can spent my time than growing increasingly bitter.

    I hope Scotland wakes up. Goodbye and goodluck!

    I wouldn’t pay any attention to Chas. He’s never happy. I think he might have some mental health issues.

    Don’t go David. I like your posts. I particularly like them because they are always topical.

  138. Hatuey says:

    Alf: “You ignore the fact that colonialism is ‘a disease of the mind’ “

    I didn’t ignore it any more than I ignored 12 thousand other related factors. You perhaps expect too much of me.

    The problem with diseases of the mind is that people don’t know they have them; it’s a bit like colour-blindness. Maybe we could develop a test for the Scottish Cultural Cringe.

    Outside of the near totalitarian control of the MSM in Scotland on the issue of Independence, we have enough freedom to put up a fight in the information war. I believe demographics and technological trends are in our favour there too, so that we should be able to cure the diseased minds you refer to more easily in future.

    Wings has probably done more than any other outlet when it comes to curing diseased minds. Maybe we should be calling Stu Doctor instead of Reverend. His powers in that regard can be expected to increase as time passes, along with those of others in the field, and that bodes well for us.

  139. Ruby says:


    If so, I’d agree that AS “seems to be asleep at the wheel over all this woke stuff and what is really going on”.

    As are others (apparently), including for example Craig Murray and Robin McAlpine.

    Alex Salmond is not alone. With the exception of a few posts from women on the issue of the ‘woke stuff’ has been ignored BTL on Wings.

    I don’t know anything about Robin McAlpine but Craig Murray came out all guns blazing for self-id just before the last Holyrood election. Because of his strong views he was asked not to speak at an AUOB march.

    He strongly criticised a group of high profile gender critical women (I think JK Rowling may have been one)

    I thought it looked bad and I wondered if it cost Alba votes.

    So no Craig Murray is not asleep at the wheel.

    Things may have changed but back then Craig Murray a high profile member of Alba was a full on trans activist.

  140. Ruby says:

    link to

    I don’t remember the full details of Craig Murray’s criticism of ‘gender critical women and why he was asked not to speak at a AUOB march.

    It might have been something to do with the above.

    So she gathered the sisterhood, fed them posh pasta and fizz, then posed in their drunken embrace. Not as JK but Jo. The photos went viral and so inevitably did criticism: that the butch lesbians looked manly; that they were dining “in chic spaces quaffing expensive wines”, as ex-ambassador Craig Murray complained; that their bodies were old.

    I didn’t know he said the above but he certainly made himself unpopular among women voters back then.

    I had my say about Craig Murray BTL here on Wings back then.

    I’ve forgiven but I haven’t forgotten.

    I wouldn’t have mentioned it again but ‘moixx’ brought him up.

  141. Republicofscotland says:

    “75/80% of Scots have no real interest in politics. This percentage is increasing by the day.”

    HTF would you know, what we do know is that 72.1% of folk from the rest of the UK had no interest in Scottish independence in 2014.

    Scots are the most propagandised people on the planet via the foreign media that supposedly passes as Scottish, pumping out fear and propagandato turn Scots off getting interested in our predicament.

  142. twathater says:

    Ruby, like you I have been concerned and outraged in equal measure at the deliberate ignoring of many posters here and elsewhere on what is a despicable threatening abusive policy proposed not only by the Scum Nonce Party but the WHOLE of the rancid reviled clowns that INFEST the laughingly titled Scottish parliament
    Every party including the tories have embraced this open deviance and perversion and every one of them are GUILTY of conspiring to render our children to the mercy of deviants, perverts and paedophiles, there is NOT one PARTY or POLITICIAN fit to vote for apart from the ISP and unfortunately they do not have the widespread recognition to EXPOSE the sexual depravity being FORCED on our children
    I have commented here and elsewhere that I felt ALBA’S stance on the GRA and self identification was lukewarm and wishy washy, their was NO open bold statement that ALBA was VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED to the GRA and real women and girls would be supported UNCONDITIONALLY and TOTALLY with their safe spaces being protected without question
    IF you are a formative member of any political party and are involved in the formation of policies and proposals and the decision of what those policies will be, why would you accept a policy that you were vehemently opposed to or has someone rewritten the original policy or watered it down to accommodate possible votes and membership
    If the policy has been amended subsequently which necessitated resignations from Eva Comrie and Denise, who was responsible for the change of policy and why was it changed,were the 2 named ladies unwilling to give up their beliefs, honesty or integrity by capitulation,surely the membership have a right to know why their brightest and best officials have felt the need to resign
    ALBA turning into snp2

  143. Ruby says:

    link to

    Edinburgh pensioner David Levenson admitted watching woman as she used toilet at McDonald’s restaurant


    Urolagnia (also urophilia, and, more colloquially, a golden shower or watersports) is a paraphilia in which sexual excitement is associated with the sight or thought of urine or urination. The term has origins in the Greek language (from ouron, “urine”, and lagneia, “lust”). Golden shower is slang for the practice of urinating on another person for sexual pleasure.

    “The pensioner, from Canonmills, eventually left the cubicle and told the angry woman “I was just doing the toilet”

    “He also had a not guilty plea accepted by the Crown to a similar offence at the same location on September 25, 2021.”

  144. Chas says:

    It’s competition time again.

    9 posts from Che this afternoon. Which one do you rate as being the most pish?

    One condition-You are not allowed to select all of them.

    I suspect that as very few will be read, the longest one will be the favourite.

  145. Republicofscotland says:

    So today national steal everything from colonials or ex-colonials day, otherwise known as Commonwealth Day. Its a celebration of what was once empire.

    Meanwhile on doctored royal photos, Chris Spivey has been documenting these altered photos for years, as everyone else catches up.

  146. moixx says:

    Ruby @ 4.49

    Robin McAlpine had this article on his site last year:

    link to

    which I had read hoping for some good ideas, but it all sounded a bit like Alba’s ‘Citizens’ Assembly’, which is basically trying to ignore the issue, with the idea that a ‘compromise’ could be reached at some future point (no idea what that might look like, and he didn’t give any suggestions either).

    I assume Craig Murray’s comments were on Twitter, and although I used to look at it (when you still could without having an account) I missed those ones so I wasn’t sure just how strongly he supported self-id.

    I did see a comment a while ago from him in which (from memory) I think he said his feeling about juryless trials was probably the way women feel about self-id (or words to that effect) which I had hoped might help him see the gender stuff in a different light. Perhaps not, but I don’t understand why he wouldn’t at least consider it, and that’s part of the problem.

    I’ve seen some good posts on Wings btl from (I assume) men as well as women – people who see how lots of the very concerning things we’re hearing about are all interlinked, and that it’s not just about women’s rights. But it still seems to be the case that many people, including possibly the likes of Craig Murray and Robin McAlpine, don’t want to acknowledge that, or just don’t believe that it’s true. But then, some people still think the SNP are the best route to independence, so clearly it can take years for things to become clear.

  147. Ruby says:

    11 March, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    It’s competition time again.

    9 posts from Che this afternoon. Which one do you rate as being the most pish?

    One condition-You are not allowed to select all of them.

    I suspect that as very few will be read, the longest one will be the favourite.

    I don’t know because I don’t read them but every time I see one it makes me swear!

    When it comes to posting pish I rate you very highly.

    I’ll just pick the above as the winner!

    Congrats ‘Chastitty’ you are today’s winner of the ‘Poster of Pish’ award.

  148. Xaracen says:

    James Che said;


    What authority did Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland have to appropriate Commissioners to Scotland to negotiate the treaty of union,
    She was crowned in Westminster Abbey as the monarch of England, France and Ireland, without taken the “Scottish coronation oath” during those proceedings.”

    James, we’ve already done this to death! Once again, and for the last time;

    It is documented in the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland website that she did indeed take the Scottish coronation oath; it was administered to her in London by her Privy Council, which attested, that is made a formal legal declaration, that this had happened in conformance with Scots law and with Scotland’s 1689 Claim of Right. This attestation was formally accepted by Scotland’s parliament on 12th June 1702, when it passed an ‘Act Recognising Her Majesty’s Royal Authority’.

    “And without being Coronated Crowned in Scotland”

    Of no consequence, James, a coronation has no constitutional or legal significance; it is the formal taking of the relevant Oath that actually matters, and not where and when it took place.

    “If she only became Queen of GB after the treaty of union……..WTF”

    Well, she could hardly become Queen of the Kingdom of Great Britain before it even existed. It was the Union that brought that kingdom into formal existence. And anyway, the ‘Kingdom of Great Britain’ was and still is only a name of convenience, because the two prior kingdoms didn’t merge to any significant extent anyway, because there were just too many irreconcilable differences between them.

    Even now, after 316 years, those differences still exist and are still problematic; that England’s establishment has done its level best to bludgeon those differences away and pretend they don’t exist is just typical English establishment perfidy.

    “However if the monarch and crown of England held no legal hereditary position in Scotland prior to the treaty of union, to give the Scottish Commissioners valid authority in making the terms to the treaty of union on Scotland behalf, due to Queen Anne not being authenticated as Queen of Scots, it throws a entirely different slant on the originating creation of the treaty of union”

    It would if it was true that Queen Anne was not authenticated as Queen of Scots, but it isn’t, so it doesn’t.

    As for the rest of your comment, both Salmond and Craig Murray were tried in Scotland under Scots law; Salmond with a jury present because of the seriousness of his alleged crimes, Murray’s case getting a summary judgement because it was of lesser seriousness. Summary cases do not have juries. There is a proper legal term for that difference, but I’m afraid I can’t recall it.

  149. Ruby says:

    (And the sole upside of being in the UK over that period – the fact that the Tories are broadly sane on the gender issue and, to put it baldly, saved Scotland from the SNP – will dissolve the moment Labour take power later this year.)

    Rather than abstaining/spoiling the ballot paper wouldn’t it make more sense for those who feel strongly about gender issues to vote Tory?

    I wonder if this is something Stu will suggest.

    If he did ‘James goes Pop’ would explode!

  150. John Main says:

    Within the past fortnight, Hats has called for chunks of Scotland to be gifted to Muslim immigrants for them to create their own new countries, and for Indy to be put on hold whilst Scots all adopt the cause of a free Palestine.

    Now he’s calling for the descendants of those Scots who may have been alive at the time of the slave trade, to gift everything they have to people who may be the descendants of the slaves.

    All these ideas do indeed have a single common feature to them – nobody rational would ever have proposed them for serious consideration.

    Meantime, in the real world, Portugal becomes the latest EU country to be on the cusp of putting into power a political party that did not exist 5 years ago. That party has political aims that hardly anybody would vote for 5 years ago, but now they are becoming mainstream.

    That’s not an endorsement of Hats lunacy BTW – what’s happening in Portugal and elsewhere across the EU is at least rooted in sanity.

    It does show that voters can be persuaded out of their comfort zones though, and I’m confident it could even happen here in Scotland.

  151. John Main says:

    Within the past fortnight, Hats has called for chunks of Scotland to be gifted to Muslim immigrants for them to create their own new countries, and for Indy to be put on hold whilst Scots all adopt the cause of a free Palestine.

    Now he’s calling for the descendants of those Scots who may have been alive at the time of the slave trade, to gift everything they have to people who may be the descendants of the slaves.

    All these ideas do indeed have a single common feature to them – nobody rational would ever have proposed them for serious consideration.

    Meantime, in the real world, Portugal becomes the latest EU country to be on the cusp of putting into power a political party that did not exist 5 years ago. That party has political aims that hardly anybody would vote for 5 years ago, but now they are becoming mainstream.

    That’s not an endorsement of Hats lunacy BTW – what’s happening in Portugal and elsewhere across the EU is at least rooted in sanity.

    It does show that voters can be persuaded out of their comfort zones though, and I’m confident it could even happen here in Scotland.

  152. Ruby says:

    11 March, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    I assume Craig Murray’s comments were on Twitter, and although I used to look at it (when you still could without having an account) I missed those ones so I wasn’t sure just how strongly he supported self-id

    I think they were but they were also in the MSM. There was a bit of a stooshie at the time. I was ragin’ and ranting about it here BTL on Wings.

    link to
    JK Rowling and the lunch of secrets

    Then the boys joined in. Craig Murray, who describes himself as a historian and human rights activist, seemed to think that our event was disrespectful to a man accused of the rape and sexual assault of two women. “While [Suzanne] Moore was knocking back expensive wine in a shit venue with fellow “victim” J. K. Rowling, Assange was entering his fourth year locked in a tiny cell amongst convicted terrorists.” One wonders whether it is only feminists who should refrain from eating until Assange is free?

    I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue. I can understand that men do a lot of things I don’t understand and I’m just talking about the normal ones not the ones who climb up the toilet wall to see women peeing.

    I’m letting them off I just wont be voting for their political parties.

    Sometimes it’s quite hard to get through to men.

  153. Ruby says:

    11 March, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    I assume Craig Murray’s comments were on Twitter, and although I used to look at it (when you still could without having an account) I missed those ones so I wasn’t sure just how strongly he supported self-id

    I think they were but they were also in the MSM. There was a bit of a stooshie at the time. I was ragin’ and ranting about it here BTL on Wings.

    link to
    JK Rowling and the lunch of secrets

    Then the boys joined in. Craig Murray, who describes himself as a historian and human rights activist, seemed to think that our event was disrespectful to a man accused of the rape and sexual assault of two women. “While [Suzanne] Moore was knocking back expensive wine in a shit venue with fellow “victim” J. K. Rowling, Assange was entering his fourth year locked in a tiny cell amongst convicted terrorists.” One wonders whether it is only feminists who should refrain from eating until Assange is free?

    I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue. I can understand that men do a lot of things I don’t understand and I’m just talking about the normal ones not the ones who climb up the toilet wall to see women peeing.

    I’m letting them off I just wont be voting for their political parties.

    Sometimes it’s quite hard to get through to men.

  154. James Che says:

    It is a interesting conundrum.
    That they said it is all correct, and above board,

    Are you stating her “privy Council of the parliament of England” in London was the people which attested that it be made a formal legal declaration,

    As it would have been extremely difficult for her to have had a “privy Council of Scotland” prior to her taken the that Scottish Oath, that the privy Council in London attested to.

    So are you suggesting that it was the privy Council of Westminster parliament in England that attested and swore blind that she had taken the Scottish Oath, was now Queen Anne of England & Scotland, confirmed by the privy Counil of England. to make her Queen of Scotland,

    So Scotland has to believe faithfully that the privy Council of the parliament of England had made a new Queen over Scotland,

    Details do matter Scotland, that is a great leap of naive faith.

    I have found no related articles to confirm that the queen of England, France and Ireland took the Scottish Coronation Oath except for what you suggest, that the privy Council of “England” within Westminster parliament of England swore and attested that their queen of England they had made into the queen of Scots, by England.

    And then sent aa letter to Scotland and the Scottish parliament, saying the privy Council in Westminster had created the Queen of Scots for them,
    And to a Scottish parliament that had sold Scotland for Ermine and gold, under deceit.documented it as true, they didn’t have a vested interest to tell a lie then?

    Whom do you believe, seeing as Queen Anne of England France and Ireland did not have a Scottish privy Council prior to supposedly taken the Scottish Oath,
    Maybe this has not been done to death,
    To many if and buts and maybe’s.

    Which one came first, the Scottish privy Council of Queen Anne or Queen Annes privy Council of England, making her Queen of Scotland, to obtain a Scottish privy Council,
    it is a conundrum.

  155. Ruby says:

    11 March, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    I assume Craig Murray’s comments were on Twitter, and although I used to look at it (when you still could without having an account) I missed those ones so I wasn’t sure just how strongly he supported self-id

    I think they were but they were also in the MSM. There was a bit of a stooshie at the time. I was ragin’ and ranting about it here BTL on Wings.

    link to
    JK Rowling and the lunch of secrets

    Then the boys joined in. Craig Murray, who describes himself as a historian and human rights activist, seemed to think that our event was disrespectful to a man accused of the rape and sexual assault of two women. “While [Suzanne] Moore was knocking back expensive wine in a shit venue with fellow “victim” J. K. Rowling, Assange was entering his fourth year locked in a tiny cell amongst convicted terrorists.” One wonders whether it is only feminists who should refrain from eating until Assange is free?

    I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue. I can understand that men do a lot of things I don’t understand and I’m just talking about the normal ones not the ones who climb up the toilet wall to see women peeing.

    I’m letting them off I just wont be voting for their political parties.

    Sometimes it’s quite hard to get through to men.

    NB. This incident involving these high profile gender critical women and high profile Alba member Craig Murray took place in the middle of April 2022 the council elections in which Alba were standing 100 candidates took place on 5th May 2022.

    I thought at the time this could have lost Alba votes especially women’s votes. I could be wrong. That’s all in the past and it doesn’t really matter anymore.

  156. James Che says:

    It is a interesting conundrum.
    That they said it is all correct, and above board,

    Are you stating her “privy Council of the parliament of England” in London was the people which attested that it be made a formal legal declaration,

    As it would have been extremely difficult for her to have had a “privy Council of Scotland” prior to her taken the that Scottish Oath, that the privy Council in London attested to.

    So are you suggesting that it was the privy Council of Westminster parliament in England that attested and swore blind that she had taken the Scottish Oath, was now Queen Anne of England & Scotland, confirmed by the privy Counil of England. to make her Queen of Scotland,

    So Scotland has to believe faithfully that the privy Council of the parliament of England had made a new Queen over Scotland,

    Details do matter Scotland, that is a great leap of naive faith.

    I have found no related articles to confirm that the queen of England, France and Ireland took the Scottish Coronation Oath except for what you suggest, that the privy Council of “England” within Westminster parliament of England swore and attested that their queen of England they had made into the queen of Scots, by England.

    And then sent aa letter to Scotland and the Scottish parliament, saying the privy Council in Westminster had created the Queen of Scots for them,
    And to a Scottish parliament that had sold Scotland for Ermine and gold, under deceit.documented it as true, they didn’t have a vested interest to tell a lie then?

    Whom do you believe, seeing as Queen Anne of England France and Ireland did not have a Scottish privy Council prior to supposedly taken the Scottish Oath,
    Maybe this has not been done to death,
    To many if and buts and maybe’s.

    Which one came first, the Scottish privy Council of Queen Anne or Queen Annes privy Council of England, making her Queen of Scotland, to obtain a Scottish privy Council,
    it is a conundrum.

  157. James Che says:


    Of course it matters where, when and who took and Witnessed Queen anne taken the Oath of Scotland.
    Configarate that with no Scottish Coronation and all we have as a witness to it is the privy Council of England,

  158. Agent x says:

    Sturgeon – who is the MSP for Glasgow Southside – urged anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

    what a pity she didn’t urge anyone with information about the money do the same.

  159. Confused says:

    given the damage done to our landscape via e.g. the grouse moor, I would naturally be inclined to “put it back, right” – and so you hear about these “rewilding schemes”. Then I see where they come from and I think :

    I smell -shite-

    it looks to be a stealth version of GET ORFF MOI LAND

    from the billionaire class. Well, fuck them, but fuck them double, with a razor blade encrusted dildo for good measure; these wankers are always on the grift and there is always a shekel in play

    link to

    rewilding schemes are to get a break on inheritance tax. Nice. Don’t these wankers get enough already? Do any of them, pay any tax at all? Not many reports of this in the UK press. Poulsen, Rausing and Buccleuch, why oh why won’t the govmint remove the boot from their necks?

    In other news, an ex world bank economist and professor at ed uni has written a paper basically saying “net zero is a fucking scam and a bag of shite” (to eschew the technical and dry academic boring talk)

    BlackRock is set for a trillion dollar rebuild scythia bonanza, which is all it’s about; all those little old ladies getting their pensions off blackrock.

    Foreign Affairs is now saying scythia is fucked. NB here is how your news propaganda goes – private thinktanks/elite networks -> Foreign Affairs -> New York Times -> BBC / Telegraph -> Mail/Sun -> MAN IN THE STREET (HE’S A CUNT)

    People should go over to kelly pop and hit refresh 10 times or so to get his traffic up. Just to be nice.

    My own rewilding scheme? – a herd of wild african dogs for the holyrood chamber, sharks for st marys loch and the balmoral hotel would look good with a troop of capuchin monkeys on the roof throwing shit at tourists and stealing their cameras.

    nice joab – doesn’t say whether it is keeping them out or bringing them in
    link to

    a decent opening for our very good friend, anthony modest
    link to

    – heard anything about that lad who got plugged?

  160. Ruby says:

    11 March, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    I assume Craig Murray’s comments were on Twitter, and although I used to look at it (when you still could without having an account) I missed those ones so I wasn’t sure just how strongly he supported self-id

    I think they were but they were also in the MSM. There was a bit of a stooshie at the time. I was ragin’ and ranting about it here BTL on Wings.

    link to
    JK Rowling and the lunch of secrets

    Then the boys joined in. Craig Murray, who describes himself as a historian and human rights activist, seemed to think that our event was disrespectful to a man accused of the rape and sexual assault of two women. “While [Suzanne] Moore was knocking back expensive wine in a shit venue with fellow “victim” J. K. Rowling, Assange was entering his fourth year locked in a tiny cell amongst convicted terrorists.” One wonders whether it is only feminists who should refrain from eating until Assange is free?

    I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue. I can understand that men do a lot of things I don’t understand and I’m just talking about the normal ones not the ones who climb up the toilet wall to see women peeing.

    I’m letting them off I just wont be voting for their political parties.

    Sometimes it’s quite hard to get through to men.

    NB. This incident involving these high profile gender critical women and high profile Alba member Craig Murray took place in the middle of April 2022 the council elections in which Alba were standing 100 candidates took place on 5th May 2022.

    I thought at the time this could have lost Alba votes especially women’s votes. I could be wrong. That’s all in the past and it doesn’t really matter anymore.

  161. Johnlm says:

    Like warmed-up cabbage served at each repast, The repetition kills the wretch at last.


  162. Ruby says:

    12 March, 2024 at 7:09 am

    Like warmed-up cabbage served at each repast, The repetition kills the wretch at last.


    I was just testing to see if Wings was working!

    Not all my post are exactly the same. You should read them all very carefully!


  163. John Main says:

    Oh yes they are!

    Soz, but Ramadan is making me feel a smidge light headed.

  164. Ruby says:

    John Main
    11 March, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Within the past fortnight, Hats has called for chunks of Scotland to be gifted to Muslim immigrants for them to create their own new countries, and for Indy to be put on hold whilst Scots all adopt the cause of a free Palestine.

    Do you think we can’t bloody read?

    What tee-shirt you go on today Johhny Boy?

    Is it the ‘Please Love me Hats’ one?

    Within the past three years John Main has grown more and more obsessed with Hatuey. Embarrassing or wot?

    Talking about obsessions have you done what ‘Confused’ suggested and visited the ‘Kelly Pop’


    Kelly Pop! That reminded of this song

    My boy Kellipop
    You made my heart go giddy-up
    You are as sweet as candy
    You’re my sugar dandy
    Oh, my Kellipop

    link to

  165. John Main says:

    @ Confused says: 11 March, 2024 at 11:23 pm

    nice joab – doesn’t say whether it is keeping them out or bringing them in

    I expect somebody with an inside track, i.e. an illegal, will be best placed for the job. A “new” citizen should get a guaranteed place on the shortlist too.

    Good salary and perks on offer, with the opportunity to make a bob or two from the migrant welfare quangos, either simultaneously, or after the gig is up. Or maybes both.

    Nothing to see here for Indigenous Scots though. Just keep paying your taxes to fund the circus, and keep your mouths zipped.

  166. Ruby says:

    John Main is going to be charged with blasphemy if you doesn’t shut up about Ramadan and light-headeness.

  167. Johnlm says:

    Like warmed-up cabbage served at every dinner, John Main’s hatred is not a winner..


  168. Mac says:

    George Galloway is brilliant in this monologue. Apart form several genuine laugh out loud moments he makes some really hard hitting points, especially about the de-industrialization of Britain and now Germany. Highly recommend it.

    link to

    Galloway is giving his maiden speech in the HoC today.

    I think it is going to be an absolute belter.

  169. John Main says:

    @ Mac says: 12 March, 2024 at 9:06 am

    If you’re innarested in the de-industrialization of Britain and now Germany, check this out:

    link to

    Here’s a wee quote:

    “The process is irreversible, and far from complete”

    FWIW, I don’t agree the process is irreversible, but for us to reverse it, we will have to accept the living standards, employment laws, health & safety, life expectancies and standards of health care that are the norms for much of the third world.

    So still a few years away yet, while we continue to insist on our first-world levels of unearned privilege.

    Tak a dander doon yer local High Street, check out the homeless, potholes, litter and lawlessness to form your own opinion on how far we have still to go.

    To summarise, inwards migration will stop when we are just as bad as the places the migrants are coming from. Then they’ll go somewhere better instead.

  170. TURABDIN says:

    Seeing your dentist during the month of Ramadhan.
    link to
    No mention of the effect on the dental team but one may also assume dehydration, halitosis, headache, nausea, irritability and the rest.
    Hold on until 10/04.

  171. Republicofscotland says:

    So Brexit has cost Scotland’s economy plenty, are you listening Sturgeon you treacherous b*stard. The puppet FM Yousaf will make a speech today in England about how Brexit is damaging Scotland’s economy and that independence is the way to stop this, however Yousaf is as interested in dissolving the union, as Chas is in James Che’s comments (not interested at all).

    Yousaf’s coming speech is all about garnering votes for his MPs at Westminster, and to fool what’s left of those who still believe that Yousaf’s SNP wants independence into voting for his party.

    “SCOTLAND has lost out on £1.6 billion in funding for public services as a direct result of Brexit, the First Minister will say.

    Humza Yousaf is set to deliver a speech at the London School of Economics on Tuesday which will see him take aim at the anti-EU policies supported by both the Tories and Labour.

    The SNP leader will use the speech to draw a line between what he sees as the people of Scotland’s opposition to Brexit and the positions of both Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir Starmer.

    Addressing the London School of Economics, the First Minister is expected to say: “A combination of the economic powers that come with independence together with EU membership will be a powerful driver of better living standards and a fairer, stronger Scottish economy.”

  172. Republicofscotland says:

    “If you’re innarested in the de-industrialization of Britain and now Germany, check this out:”

    John Main.

    The Atlanticists that control Germany’s government, have severely damaged its economy by putting US interests first, the now 30,000+ sanctions against the RF, and the huge piles of cash sent to YouCraine from Germany has put the Europe’s economy into a downward spiral, this will continue.

  173. Republicofscotland says:

    “Humza Yousaf’s skint Government is spending £200,000 on psychological tests for senior civil servants.”

    We have a inkling as to why this will happen to make sure all their ships are pointing in the same direction, and that if the shit hits the fan they’ll all have been tested to make sure they don’t crack under questioning, plausible deniability will be drummed into them as a means of dodging liability.

  174. John Main says:

    @ TURABDIN says: 12 March, 2024 at 9:28 am

    dehydration, halitosis, headache, nausea, irritability and the rest

    The halitosis and irritability are needed for everyday protective colouration on Wings BTL.

    I guess nobody cares that brain surgeons, root canal drillers and the gal piloting your 737 to Tenerife might be suffering from dehydration, headache and nausea.

    Ain’t this brave new experimental world just great?

  175. John Main says:

    @ Republicofscotland says: 12 March, 2024 at 9:34 am

    “the First Minister is expected to say: “A combination of the economic powers that come with independence together with EU membership will be a powerful driver of better living standards and a fairer, stronger Scottish economy.””

    A powerful driver of nose length – that’s for sure. Troughing sinecures too.

    Do they do heckling at the LSE? Somebody might shout that the Indy economic powers won’t exist under an embattled EU putting its economy on a war footing.

    Some other wee nyaff might tell the pretendy, fraudulent usurper tae get tae and no come back till the Scots have voted for him – AKA never.

  176. Xaracen says:

    @James Che;

    First of all, the Privy Council was NOT ‘of the parliament of England’ it was of the monarch of England, or the monarch of Scotland. You need to keep your terminology clear and precise because it causes no end of confusion to readers of your comments when you don’t.

    Secondly, “Details do matter Scotland, that is a great leap of naive faith.”

    Of course they do, when relevant. The details you are overlooking here are that the attestation is a formal legal document formally recorded and formally acted on by the Parliament of Scotland in 1702. Documents like that are what is called provenance. The whole point of an ‘attestation’ is to create formal legal provenance, precisely to make great leaps of naive faith entirely unnecessary.

    Your assertion on the other hand contains no such provenance, merely “Scotland has to believe faithfully that the privy Council of the parliament of England had made a new Queen over Scotland”. No, Scotland does not, because they did not make her a ‘new Queen over Scotland’! She made herself ‘Queen over Scotland’ the very instant the previous monarch died, by virtue of being next in line for the Scottish throne at the time. That is entirely undisputed. The legal niceties took somewhat longer to process.

    The only important nicety was the formal taking of the Scottish Coronation Oath, which took place in front of witnesses who formally attested what they had witnessed, and subsequently the Scottish Parliament was informed by letter that this had happened.

    Are you seriously denying that this actually happened, James? If so, where and what is the provenance to support your denial? Why would the monarch of Scotland not want to ensure the legitimacy of her royal authority? Why would she be uncaring enough about that to just fudge it by lying, when taking half an hour to do it properly would put it beyond doubt?

    It is your unprovenanced assertions that require great leaps of naive faith, James. I don’t trust the English establishment any more than you do, but I think it was just as much in their interests that Anne be the real ‘new Queen over Scotland’ as it was hers, and Scotland’s. They were both already planning the Union, so who else were they going to put in place?

  177. Ruby says:

    The song ‘My Boy Lollipop’ is stuck in my head now. It’s very catchy but I’m now wondering about the lyrics.

    What does it mean? What is My Boy’s Lollipop.

    Has this innocent young singer been caught out in the same way as France Gall was with the Serge Gainsbourg song “Les Sucettes”

    link to

    Innuendo isn’t cool anymore.

    What gets you an arts council grant now in Scotland is full blown in your face porn.

    If you are interested in being part of the ‘art installation’

    The day rate for performers is £270 per day with auditions next month in Glasgow’s south side.

    Experience required!

    Three performers with “porn or cam” experience are wanted for an “explicit” sex scene, while the rest are expected to “snog” or take part in “vanilla” sex and other more “hardcore acts”.

  178. Ruby says:

    12 March, 2024 at 10:29 am

    @James Che;

    You need to keep your terminology clear and precise because it causes no end of confusion to readers of your comments when you don’t.

    No worries about that as far as I am concerned as I don’t read ‘Mrs Che’s Horrible Histories’

    Suggestion: Why don’t you take over writing the ‘ancient guff’ Xaracen and give ‘Mrs Che’ her jotters?

  179. Dorothy Devine says:

    OT how much does 10 million quid buy you in favours?

    Is there no cap on donations to political parties by wealthy oafs?

  180. Hatuey says:

    There’s always been a sort of institutional tension in societies between those who are right and those who are wrong, those who are moral and those who are immoral, the enlightened and the ignorant, and above all those who look to the future and those who live in the past.

    Western civilisation as a whole is collapsing under the weight of that tension today, under the weight of its own contradictions.

    Thanks largely to technology which lets people share information and ideas, more and more westerners are realising that everything they have built over the last 500 years rests on the most rancid foundations imaginable. Racism, exploitation, wars of plunder, the core values of capitalism itself (greed and infinite growth), all once considered normal, necessary, and foundational, are at odds with the values that a growing number of people hold dear today.

    What makes this trend historical is its transnational character. Everything that Marx said about the contradictions of individual capitalist societies can be applied and seen to apply to western civilisation as a whole today.

    The response of the collective West confirms the trend, just as it confirms the concerns and contradictions that are in play. On one hand they know what they are doing and must do is essentially barbaric, business as usual depends on it, and on the other hand they know what they’re doing is shameful and cannot be justified.

    Their solution: a global campaign of propaganda, lies, de-platforming, closing down the internet, and generally trying to prevent people knowing and/or discussing the truth. The problem is that it isn’t working. In the age of the Internet, the truth will always get through.

    The West has lost every information war it has fought in the last 20 years. And those losses matter on the ground because funding what they do on the ground requires political support which can no longer be taken for granted.

    The future is bright. The future is progressive.

  181. Anton Decadent says:

    @Confused “heard anything about that lad who got plugged?”

    Not yet other than MSM take but I shall keep my ears peeled.

    Tense situations, kid. You get into five or six of ’em a day, it don’t mean sh*t anymore. I mean, I’ve seen men stabbed, didn’t mean sh*t to me. I’ve seen guns, guns too, they don’t mean sh*t. But that’s when you gotta watch yourself.

  182. Sven says:

    Anton Decadent @ 12.38.

    As quoted by “Repo Men” everywhere, I believe.

  183. John Main says:

    I see the MSM is reporting that EU leaders are planning more actions against the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) cos they are shipping ballistic missiles to the Orcs for use against 404.

    I’m guessing the purpose of these missiles is to force bright, progressive values on the west, one warhead at a time.

    I’m still not seeing it myself, but Hats will explain.

    Shooting protesting women between the legs (protesting because a young woman was killed in police custody after being arrested for showing a bit of ankle in public) is what passes for bright progressivism in Iran.

    Will it catch on here?

    I sincerely hope not, but when you have BTL posters claiming Pres Poot is mild and reasonable, you can’t take anything for granted.

    Anyhoo, break over, and I have yet to celebrate diversity today. Busy, busy.

  184. Breastplate says:

    “I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue.”

    Regarding this issue, I don’t think you realise that men have been on the side of women from the start and in more numbers initially (I don’t know what the numbers are now).

    The vast majority of men see a trans woman as a bloke in a dress and eyebrows are raised when they’re asked to believe that these men with knobs are actual woman.
    I think men have shown what they think when Dylan Mulvaney teamed up with Bud Light.

    I think women were more accepting of geezers with meat and two veg calling themselves females than men ever were and now they are finding out that it was a mistake to tolerate such nonsense.

    So I really don’t think you appreciate how much support men have for women in this fiasco that they helped create.

    Women opened the door to this shit, men can’t close it for you.

    Men can’t refuse to compete with trans women in any and all sports on your behalf because that’s your domain, men have already shown that their willing to boycott this garbage en masse when it enters theirs.
    We’re doing more than we’re given credit for.

  185. Anton Decadent says:

    @Sven, well spotted 🙂

  186. Confused says:

    Anton is our Repo(rting)-Man

    WOS BTL is like the tortured voices of the damned, howling in torment, much of the time – then it all went dead last night. How queer, as it were.

    Innuendo – another old delight stripped from us; Chuck Berry and his ding a ling, the large black lady going on about her toot toot. I think the carry on films died out due to their innate pointlessness – what is the purpose of an expertly delivered double entendre by a comic titan like kenneth williams or frankie howerd, if people in other places are just going on explicitly – “big dick up the arse”. Carry on up the Khyber (a subtle denunciation of anglo imperialism IMO) got a whole film out of one simple joke.

    I rewatched True Detective series 1 the other week (brilliant) – the macguffin of the story was a videotape which showed horrific child abuse; then I thought – aren’t creative scotland handing out grants to produce this kind of thing? Rust Cohle should have been ashamed of his bigotry.

    now check out this creepy little bastard

    link to

    – makes me think bullying in schools had a positive social outcome. Want to piss in the girls loos – we wouldn’t kill you – the girls would do that, on their own.

    Of course the most reprehensible thing about creative scotland is they are dishing out money to people to do “this kind of thing”; word up – everyone is doing it everywhere, for free – try the pornhub, or find out where the local dogging scene is, and take your smartphone; the gays will be in any public lav, drilling their glory holes between the cubicles.

  187. Republicofscotland says:

    “A powerful driver of nose length – that’s for sure”

    John Main.

    Speaking of nose length, Yemeni forces holed a Israel bound vessel called the Pinocchio in the Red sea.

  188. George Ferguson says:

    @John Main 8:23PM 11th March
    Agreed Hatuey thinks there will be no reaction to his Marxist Nirvana. Indeed his latest post at today 11:59pm. Scores exceptionally high on the Flesch Kincaid scale. A cynic might think it’s an Artificial Intelligence source.

  189. Republicofscotland says:


    “The number of suspected drug deaths in Scotland increased by 10% in 2023, figures show.

    The SNP Government began publishing figures on deaths the police believe were as a result of drugs following record high figures in recent years.

    In 2023, 1,197 people died as a result of suspected drug use – up by 105 from 2022.”

    Separated by police divisions, the figures show Greater Glasgow recorded the highest number of drug deaths with 303, more than double the 147 seen in Lanarkshire – the second highest.

    Men continue to account for the highest proportion of deaths, at 73 per cent, while 27 pere cent were women.

    The 35 to 54 age group continued to have the highest proportion of suspected drug deaths, accounting for two-thirds of the total, while under-25s made up five per cent of the total.”

    The Scottish Government’s Minister for Drug Policy, Angela Constance MSP, delivered this statement to the Scottish Parliament on 3rd August 2021.

    link to

    Like in many areas of governance the SNP under Sturgeon the Judas and now Yousaf the puppet have failed Scots miserably.

  190. Republicofscotland says:

    “I see the MSM is reporting that EU leaders are planning more actions against the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) cos they are shipping ballistic missiles to the Orcs for use against 404.”

    John Main.

    The Tory government is pretty reticent on the rich Tory donor Frank Hester who made his money from UK government contracts and who gave the Tories a whopping £10 million quid to fight this coming GE.

    Hester said, MP Diane Abbott made him “want to hate all black women” and that she “should be shot”.

    Diane Abbot says does not drive that she takes public transport and she now fears for her life.

    The Tories have absolutely no intentions of handing Mr Hester back his £10 million fighting fund donation.

    Its was reported that Hester said.

    “It’s like trying not to be racist but you see Diane Abbott on the TV, and you’re just like I hate, you just want to hate all black women because she’s there, and I don’t hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot.”

    The UK is now barely a quasi-democracy

  191. Republicofscotland says:

    I see there’s been calls to remove the Zionists from UN’s (CWS) and rightly so.

    “United Nations to remove Israel from the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) over the occupying regime’s decades-old atrocities against Palestinian women and violations of their rights.

    Women are struggling for survival amid an ongoing and well-documented genocide in Gaza, noting that more than 22,000 women and children have lost their lives as a result, while nearly 3,000 others have become widowed.”

    Shocking figures on the murders of women, the UN need to act fast and remove those barbaric Zionist from office at the UN. The longer the UN sits on its hands with this matter in minds the more it loses credibility.

  192. Ruby says:

    link to


    I didn’t say men aren’t supportive of women I said
    ‘I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue.’

    You say

    Women opened the door to this shit, men can’t close it for you.

    How did women open the door to this shit? Do you maybe mean ‘transwomen’?

    I wasn’t asking men to close the door. I was just trying to track down a political party that would be prepared to take political steps to close the door to this shit that’s all.

    No need for you to be so defensive.

    I have repeated many times here BTL the only way I think the door can be closed on this shit.

    It’s not something you can do Breastplate unless you know how to repeal the GRA 2004 and make ‘woman face’ a hate crime.

    By saying ‘I don’t think men fully understand how angry women are about this issue.’ I was letting you off the hook. Get it?

    Anyway it’s not all just about women anymore is it. This also involves parents Mother & Fathers.

    I would be quite happy for men to give all their support to the children and let us ‘adult human females’ get on with looking after ourselves.

    You have to admit this is a huge issue which needs everyone sane persons support.

    Elite sport is not something I’m concerned about. I don’t fully see the point of elite sport.

    If you want us to fight amongst ourselves Breastplate I’m willing.

    I like a good old ding dong as much as any of the ‘Scottish bloggers’ who are always at each others throats.

    I think it’s a Scottish thing!

  193. Republicofscotland says:

    The Swedish Foreign minister kidding himself on here, and the Swedish public as well.

    “Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom says Stockholm is against the deployment of NATO bases in the country.

    Sweden recently became a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.”

    The reality.

    “On of the things I emphasised in those briefings is that joining Nato isn’t a single policy, it’s giving up all your defence policies and much else besides. Nato is not a club you join to retain freedom, it’s a club you join to receive instructions. You become a junior supplicant in a global project to maintain US dominance over everyone.

    To illustrate this point, go and look at how Denmark bowed to pressure to deport Kurdish activists to Turkey as a price for membership and now look at how Sweden and Finland are about to do the same. International beacon of human rights Sweden will be forced to sell out activists to a despotic regime as a price for joining.”

    That’s what Nato means.”

    link to

  194. Johnlm says:

    Main has remarkably little to say about ‘The Kneecappers’

    link to

  195. George Ferguson says:

    @Ruby 3:02pm

    But it isn’t just a Scottish thing. One of the things that made me chuckle was the Irish Referendum result recently. The rural community of Donegal was 80% against. A proposal that diminished the rights of women. So much for the transnational argument. To put that into context the highest Yes rate during the Scottish Independence campaign was 75%. In my local Council ward at the time. If GRRB was put up to a referendum then the Highlands and Islands would have been 80% against as well. QED proves that men are against this socially progressive multi national narrative. That has no basis in science or reality. Hope for the future and that will be a socially conservative future that guarantees the rights of women.

  196. Geoff Anderson says:

    Photo gate
    link to

  197. Republicofscotland says:

    The warmongering Den of Thieves (Nato) will change its spokesperson mouthpiece in October, with Stoltenberg standing down and Mark Rutte looking like his likely successor.

    Rutte was the PM of the Netherlands, and a protege of that nasty piece of work Geert Wilders.

    “According to the European media, the post of Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, which Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg is to leave on October 1 after ten years in this position, is particularly controversial. His most likely successor is Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. A staunch Atlanticist, he is believed to be able to contain Donald Trump if he returns to the White House. About 20 NATO countries, including the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, are in favor of this candidacy.”

    Rutte is as corrupt as they come.

    link to

  198. Ruby says:

    Here’s a couple of links for those not up to date with ‘Scottish Government Sponsored Porn’

    link to

    Anger over art agency’s grant to hardcore sex show

    link to

    SNP ministers urged to step in over ‘porn film’ funding row

  199. Ruby says:

    link to

    RNLI turns down flute band’s donation
    Aberdeenshire council has voted to ban a march led by the sectarian group, which has paid tribute online to members of the banned Ulster Volunteer Force

  200. Breastplate says:

    “How did women open the door to this shit? Do you maybe mean ‘transwomen’?”

    No, I don’t mean transwomen.

  201. Agnostic says:

    There’s one elephant I have noticed on this site – which I greatly admire, by the way – and that’s absence of any discussion of the latest scandal to hit Useless: the overriding of govt procedure to redirect £250,000 to UNRWA the day before his in-laws were spirited out of Gaza, and his playing the Islamophobia/far-right card when his motives and conflict of interest were rightly questioned. Is it only corruption that doesn’t involve nepotistic ‘humanitarian aid’ worthy of your interest?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “There’s one elephant I have noticed on this site – which I greatly admire, by the way – and that’s absence of any discussion of the latest scandal to hit Useless: the overriding of govt procedure to redirect £250,000 to UNRWA the day before his in-laws were spirited out of Gaza”

      Because there’s no need. It’s been extensively covered in the MSM. We’ve got no new information to add.

  202. London Scot says:

    Good stuff Rev. I enjoy your substack & twitter accounts. This despite the fact that although Scots born with Scots ancestry, I am a Tory & a Unionist. As a student in the late 70s, the Scot Nats were strong on campus. They were in the main socially & economically conservative. They wanted to be independent. That was their raison d’etre. If a future Scottish Government was Socalist or Conservative, well that was up to the Scottish people.

    Now anyone who does not subscribe to socialist economic policies or extreme Marxist Social policies (Queer Theory), or is a practicing Christian (Catholic, Presby, Wee Free) is according to senior SNP politicians is racist, homophobic, a Nazi. Unionists are ("Tractor" - Ed)s. How ‘Iain’ votes these days I cannot say.

    How nationalists can get over the line when they exclude so many Scottish voters I do not know. Frankly I would be scared to live in an independent Scotland with the present SNP in charge. I know I would be marginalised and despised. God knows what the Hate Crime legislation is going to do to Free Speech. It will turn Scots into a nation of snitchers like East Germany.

    One reason that AS is popular with unionists is that although he is tough he does not have this nasty parochial totalitarian streak that NS & HY have.You cam have a drink & a chat with him even though you disagree with him on independence and other issues. Indeed AS has friends accross the political divide. You could not do so with the current mob in charge of the SNP as they would make it clear you are untermenschen for your views.

    I see Glasgow Uni now has trigger warnings on Burns. FFS.

  203. Sven says:

    London Scot @ 17.40.

    “How nationalists can get over the line … I do not know.”

    The two main unionist parties split the unionist vote, whilst even to the present time the SNP have been successfull in making themselves identical in the mind of the independence voter. Thus with roughly around a third of the vote they can ally themselves with the Greens to bring in unpopular and unrepresentative extreme ideoligical legislation such as transgenderism and the new Hate Bill.
    And, in my own view, since 2014 they have been coasting on the well deserved reputation of the competent administrations of Mr Salmond, who demonstrated from the initial minority Executive he led that good governance is well within the abilities of native Scots.
    And, of course, the D’Hondt voting system introduced by messrs Dewar and Blair does tend to afford enormous influence to a tiny minority of MSPs, occupying their positions by means of this voting system and their position on the closed party list.

  204. Sven says:

    “Making themselves identical with Scotland” should appear in my previous post.

  205. George Ferguson says:

    @London Scot 5:40pm
    A fair post. Although I was a student in the late 70s. Never saw any SNP presence on Campus. A historical revision that is stretched too far. At that time there was very little resource on the ground and only one SNP MP in Office. It wasn’t until 2005 when the SNP got 6 MPs that they got noticed.

  206. Ruby says:

    12 March, 2024 at 5:17 pm

    “How did women open the door to this shit? Do you maybe mean ‘transwomen’?”

    No, I don’t mean transwomen.

    OK but how did women open the door to this shit?

  207. Republicofscotland says:

    “How nationalists can get over the line … I do not know.”

    Salvo shows that the Treaty of Union has been broken on umpteen occasions, we then dissolve the union from our end, no open to abuse vote required, the International community will be sympathetic once they find out England has systematically abused and broken the treaty.

    We seek repayment for stolen assets in international courts as we’re not in a territorial union.

  208. John Main says:

    @ Republicofscotland says: 12 March, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    The warmongering Den of Thieves (Nato)

    Classic! Vintage RoS on top of his game, whatever game that is.

    Here’s some 30-second interweb research:

    “In total, 11 of the 31 Nato members spent more than 2% [of GDP on defence in 2023], with the average for Nato members in Europe and Canada estimated at 1.74%”

    “Eighteen of the 31 NATO members this year [2024] will spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense”

    So, not very warmongering after all.

    Mild and reasonable Pres Poot must be quaking in his boots, as his “election” as Czar For Life nears, and all opponents are either exiled, banged up, or six feet under.

  209. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, unless it is someone with the same name the Creative Scotland lead on Diversity And Inclusion had previously worked with an organisation connected to the promotion of queerness and diversity and made their name via a photographic exhibition promoting inter racial breeding. This seemed to be enough to have them taken in to the fold of nepotism, cronyism and political favouritism which is the Scottish Arts scene.

  210. Ruby says:

    link to

    Keir Starmer backs ban on transgender athletes in female events

    This is crap!

    Are transwomen women or not Keir?

    You can’t claim someone is a woman, issue them with a GRC, a passport & birth certificate stating they are a woman and then ban them from women’s sport.

    How will they check if someone is transgender?

    This athlete has a penis therefore isn’t a woman. >WRONG

    Some women have penises. Is that not what creepy Starmer told us.

  211. Johnlm says:

    Fun fact.
    A Tomahawk missile contains 16kg of silver.

    The Silver price market doesn’t seem to rise (and fall) like gold, Bitcoin and the rest do despite declining worldwide silver production.


  212. Republicofscotland says:

    “all opponents are either exiled, banged up, or six feet under.”

    The western puppet Navalny was up for prisoner (spy) exchange, it was well into the organisation of it, with Bellingcat (Nato funded) the US and Germany involved in the prisoner exchange he was worth more alive to the head of the RF than dead.

    So it comes as no surprise that Lyudmila Navalnaya (navalny’s mother) has shunned her now deceased sons Maria Pevchikh, Navalny’s script writer, and Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press secretary who are western funded to bury her son in relative privacy she accepts that he succumbed to a blood clot.

  213. Ruby says:


    Would you want to be part of the Scottish Arts scene or any Arts scene?

    It’s all a bit mental!

  214. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, it is a monopolised racket operating under the banners of altruism and equality. A group of disparate organisations which are all connected to each other, all operating under a front of charitable status and all working towards the downfall of the West as we know it.

  215. Hatuey says:

    A disgruntled peasant in the crowd exclaimed; “Hatuey thinks there will be no reaction to his Marxist Nirvana…”

    I’m a visionary. You’re just a guy.

    If your reaction to the claim for reparations is anything along the lines of “but how can we afford to pay?” then you have already accepted liability.

  216. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ruby says:
    12 March, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    OK but how did women open the door to this shit?

    The women who opened the door can be found as MSPs and MPs and councillors in the Scottish ‘genderwoowoo’ political bubble.

  217. Ruby says:

    link to

    The planned march for Saturday – to mark the opening of a new orange lodge in the area – was rejected by an Aberdeenshire Council committee.
    However an appeal is now scheduled to be heard at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.
    If successful, the event could still take place the following day

    An Orange Order march has been banned in a Scottish town after almost 10,000 people signed a petition condemning the organisation for its “history of anti-Catholic and anti-Irish hostility”.

    One councillor told the meeting that pubs and independent shops planned to close during the march, with one outlet considering “boarding up their windows”.

    The Orange Order said those opposed to the event were “stirring up anti-Orange and Protestant hatred”. 🙂

    Should be interesting to see what happens in Stonehaven if the march is allowed.

    Orange walk marching through a boarded up ghost town.

  218. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 7;41pm
    From a transactional analysis viewpoint you speak in a Parent Critical voice. It doesn’t work with me. My Dad in his nineties always spoke in the adult tape. You should meet him and you would learn from him. I did over the years. I am happy to be associated with being a peasant. Because that is my origin. You lost the intellectual argument because genetics are not based on money. Your claim of being a visionary has the same claim as Mr MacGoo.

  219. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says: 12 March, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    western puppet Navalny

    Woo hoo, you’re on fire tonight, RoS!

    worth more alive to the head of the RF than dead

    I see it all so clearly now. The Great Satan reached out to the solitary confinement cell in the Siberian Gulag to snuff Navalny out, just to put one over on mild, reasonable Pres Poot, and cos they can. Or maybes it was one of the Lesser Satans wot did it. Or Nazis.

    Their testicles are everywhere!

    it comes as no surprise

    No, nothing you publish on here ever does.

  220. Ruby says:

    link to

    That is totally incorrect Brian.

    No MSP was involved.

    MPs voted by 357 to 48 for the GRA Bill 2004.

    Don’t know the breakdown between men and women but I would very surprised if women made up more than 10% of the 357

    Labour made up 285 of the 357

    (Would that be correct? I found that surprising )

    (Labour certainly seem all for the ‘genderwoowoo’ in 2024.

    Labour will defo bring in self-id and lots of other trans right if they get into power.)

    I am not accepting that women brought in this shit I think it would be more accurate to say Labour men brought in this shit.


  221. Hatuey says:

    “From a transactional analysis viewpoint you speak in a Parent Critical voice…”

    You can’t have pudding if you don’t eat yer meat….

  222. Mac says:

    “Indeed anyone currently not being branded as an extremist ought to be deeply ashamed.”

    From Craig Murray’s latest article…

    This is true.

    If you don’t find your backbone during genocide, ethnic cleansing, so blatant it is beyond belief, then you never will.

  223. George Ferguson says:

    @Hatuey 8:55pm
    Was that a quote from MrMacGoo?. Everybody that has read WoS over the years knows Hatuey is a multi user account. You disappeared for over a year. The previous Hatuey was thoughtful and respectful. I liked him and his posts. You should be sacked, disrespectful and extreme left. Bring on the next Hatuey one that has an understanding of Scottish Politics preferable.

  224. Mac says:

    George Ferguson, loving the transactional analysis. Read that book a long time ago and know EXACTLY whet you are talking about. (My Dad was the same by the way, bless him.)

  225. Mac says:

    And that book was “I’m Ok, You’re Ok” if I remember rightly… Late 80’s?

    I remember being blown away by it at the time. Funny now looking back.

    Still very useful, but a different era.

    Cheers for the memories George!

  226. George Ferguson says:

    @Mac 9:15pm
    Agreed Mac, men have to have role models.For me, it still is my Dad. Lived through WW2, rationing and always has a grounded attitude to politics. The last time I saw him I asked how many great grandchildren he had? He couldn’t answer that question not because he has lost his marbles but because there is so many too recount. His legacy will go on. A centrist pragmatic person. And lost in the perversion of Scottish Politics.

  227. Mac says:

    George I am starting to think think we may be long lost brothers.

    My father was born 1934, grew up in Pollock, and lived through the entirety of rationing…

    He told me when the yank soldiers arrived he observed (as a 10+ year old) the British uniforms ‘looked like rags’ in comparison to the US uniforms.

    You can’t read that stuff in books. It shows how Britain was on its knees.

  228. George Ferguson says:

    @Mac 10:26pm
    Two of my Dad’s sisters married Canadian soldiers apres WW2. They had neat uniforms as well. Emigrated to Canada. The highlight of Christmas in a destitute Scotland in the Sixties and Seventies. Always got a big box of goodies from Canada. Opened last. Now my Dad is the last of the Mohicans. A terrible fate when your 11 siblings have gone. Nothing changes if only we had voted Independence in 2014. It would have been a start.

  229. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Mac

    It was called ” Games People Play ” by Eric Berne .

    ” I’m ok , you’re ok ” was the * formula * , the optimum transactional situation .

    I read it in my teens ; thought it was pretty insightful , particularly on how humans interact with each other eg the ” Games ” referred to in the title . Nothing revelatory in it ; more a case of confirming/clarifying what one has already perceived . Good book , nonetheless .

    And it did ” inspire ” the eponymous song by Joe South . Even better 🙂

  230. David Hannah says:

    Our racist, terrorist funding, Urdo Oath taking, Pakistani Garment loyal False Minister of Scotland.

    Is a villian from breaking bad… EL-Nakla… one of the bad guys…

    Except they’re breaking Scotland. His junkie poisoning cunt of a brother in law. Total human filth.

    And their increases in business rates to kill the pubs. The alcohol 65p increase. So that men like myself. End up drinking alone at home and dying on the couch with a can in hand. Alone and isolated.

    Meanwhile, we’re all going to jail with the new hate crime bill for being islamaphobic…

    The football fans Rangers and Celtic are fucked. The protestants and the catholics of this country will not be able to express their identity. Just like Robert Burns.

    A man’s a man’ for a’ that after all.

    *sorry. Trigger warning.

    Our pot call the Kettle WHITE cunt of a false minister. And ten time by-election loster.

    Can go and FUCK HIMSELF. I hope that cunt ends up in jail for being fucking terrorist piece of shit!

  231. David Hannah says:

    Last post I’ll ever make.

    Humza. Is a White phobic. Piece of Human filth. I’m sick of his white phobia.

    It’s a dark day. When I’m rooting for our colonial masters Alister Jack and David Cameron. To ask and remove Humza from the SNP. Abolish devolution and collapse Holyrood!

    He is out of control. He sees himself as a global leader with the £24 million of our money he gave to John Kerry. No doubt he’ll have made contacts with the deep state.

    He must go. He is a fraud. He is corrupt. He is a racist bigot. And Scotland is better off without his horrible family.

  232. David Hannah says:

    And crooked Liz Lloyd is back! To lecture us all on child poverty!

    Crooked Liz Lloyd.

    The Hate Crime Bill.

    The juryless trials.

    GONE is freedom in Scotland. Gone is freedom of speech. They’ll be jailing their political opponents by 2026 if this fucking shambolic shit show of a government isn’t brought down today!

  233. David Hannah says:

    And that’s before you even begin to discuss the funding,

    The £110,000 for the SNP Sex film.

    That money would get your 4 or 5 teachers wouldn’t it? The 400 teachers losing their jobs in Glasgow.

    And zero pounds for Mary Barbour’s statue. The red clydesider. God bless her soul. She fought the bailiffs with the flower. A braw lassie while the men were at war to win rent controls.

    No money for her statue. SNP. Stronger only, for SEX PESTS.

    This is last one!

  234. David Hannah says:

    Scotland needs a Mary Barbour of 2024. And rent controls.

    We don’t need an SNP Porno film.

    We’re turning into an Irvine Welsh novel as we speak under EL NAKLA!


  235. Derek says:

    “Ruby says:

    12 March, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    Would you want to be part of the Scottish Arts scene or any Arts scene?”

    I’ve been part of it for quite a while; less so recently.

    It’s been a lot of fun.

  236. Hatuey says:

    David Hannah: “Scotland needs a Mary Barbour of 2024. And rent controls… We don’t need an SNP Porno film.”

    I concur, but while we are waiting for Mary Barbour and rent controls… oh forget it.

    Transactional analysis gets interesting when you apply it to social media btw. There’s a couple of scholars that talk about it on YouTube but they have French accents and I really don’t think you should talk about stuff like that without a French accent. I can’t really remember much about it except that it was kinda stupid and simplistic — pop psychology.

    It’s hard for children of transactional analysts to distinguish between “critical parents” and “concern trolls”. That’s probably too complicated for most of you but you could just type “lol” and pretend you get it, try and fit in with the group….

    There’s always tomorrow.

  237. President Xiden says:

    Have to laugh at Humza,virtue signalling about sexism whilst his maladministration finances pornos.

  238. John Main says:

    @ Mac says: 12 March, 2024 at 9:09 pm

    If you don’t find your backbone during genocide, ethnic cleansing, so blatant it is beyond belief, then you never will

    It’s been a quiet night on Wings BTL, so I’ll bite.

    Tell us more, Mac!

    Where was your backbone hiding? Hows your life changed now you’ve found it?

    What does the future hold for you and your long-lost but now reunited backbone?

    Spill the beans, Mac. I’ve found some ears and now I’m all ears.

    BTW, I’m obvs missing something. Where’s this “blatant” “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” you write about? I’m wondering if your claims really are “beyond belief”, i.e. lies.

  239. Dorothy Devine says:

    Maybe I have missed something but is Gaza and the Israeli onslaught being ‘downgraded’ in the media?

    We seem to be getting silly tales of editing by Catherine and ‘ooh! ain’t he racist ‘ tales about another – though 10 million quid given to the Tory party should be a very BIG story.

    Has pressure from the government been dumped on broadcast / print media, so keen are they to stop demonstrations of any kind but especially those involving Israel?

  240. Johnlm says:

    21 children (of 24 total) have now been murder3d by starvation.

    More children dead in 4 months than in the last 4 years of war.
    link to

    You never go full Zionist.

  241. John Main says:

    @ Dorothy Devine says: 13 March, 2024 at 8:07 am

    I can assure you that no pressure has been put on me to stop attending pro-Hamas demos. None whatsoever. Categorically.

    I know a belief in conspiracy theories is kinda necessary for regular attendance on here, but my take is simpler – few Scots and/or Brits can maintain innarest and focus on anything for more than a few weeks.

    That’s why Indy collapsed half way round the course, with all the tricky and difficult stuff still to do.

    Face it DD! This place is a luxury holiday home for people who no longer have purposeful lives. There are plenty of people who still do have lives: in Gaza, serving in the IDF, under bombardment in 404, but they can’t live in their bedrooms, typing fretfully on their keyboards. They have more urgent concerns.

    And that’s a crying shame, cos it would be great to get some reality injected into Wings BTL. The heads of many of the usual suspects would burst like rancid plukes.

  242. Mac says:

    It is very true what they say… “a guilty conscience needs no accuser”.

    Every single time as well…

    In other news there is a story circulating that Brigitte Macron is originally a man. The Daily Mail even did an article on it recently saying she wasn’t a man, although it was remarkably evidence free apparently…

    I would not normally spend anytime on it but Candace Owens who I do respect did a deep dive on it and she says “it has legs”.

    link to

    Some French researchers have published a huge amount of evidence to back up their claims. Took her two days to go through it all and she thinks the evidence is there.

    Here is the evidence they published… as you can see these folks are not f**king about.

    link to

    Owens thinks this all about blackmail and control. That is why they ‘select’ them (the Macrons).

    (If this is correct it really makes me think twice about the very similar theories circulating about the Obama’s.)

    We are living in very strange times indeed. This is what it feels like to experience ‘the cultural revolution’. You are living it.

    Up is down, black is white, wrong is right… and it is all very deliberate, and decades in the making.

    Just look at the ghouls on here… I am not sure that they even know what they do… but I’m not Jesus and I am not asking God to forgive them.

    Damn them.

  243. Breastplate says:

    John Main,
    This is what chatgpt thinks about genocide, I’m hoping an artificial intelligence doesn’t have an axe to grind or sponsors to please.

    What is the meaning of genocide

    Genocide is a term that refers to the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, ethnic, or religious group. It involves the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a particular group of people. This destruction can take various forms, including killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to them, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    The term was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer, in 1944, combining the Greek word “genos” (race, tribe) with the Latin word “cide” (killing). Genocide is considered one of the gravest crimes against humanity and is prohibited under international law. The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted in 1948, defines genocide and obliges states to prevent and punish acts of genocide.

    So John, what is your interpretation of genocide?

  244. Johnlm says:

    Illegal West Bank home sales being held in US synagogues.
    link to

    Sure looks like ethnic cleansing.

    You never go full Zionist.

  245. johnlm says:

    Don’t know much about ChatGPT
    but it looks like Google AI needs some work.

    link to

  246. Geoff Anderson says:

    The “Short Money” will keep the Colony held tight

    link to

  247. Ruby says:

    13 March, 2024 at 3:02 am

    It’s hard for children of transactional analysts to distinguish between “critical parents” and “concern trolls”. That’s probably too complicated for most of you but you could just type “lol” and pretend you get it, try and fit in with the group….

    There’s always tomorrow.

    What’s happened to you Hatuey you seem to have turned into a bit of a cunt?

  248. Mac says:

    I never would have predicted what we are seeing in the middle east right now because I never would have foreseen that a country itself can go insane.

    It is like we (the nations of the world) all live on the same street and we are witnessing one of our neighbours systematically beat and murder another one of our neighbours and the neighbourhood cop (the US) is not just standing by doing nothing, they are passing the attacker a steady stream of bats, knives and guns.

    We are all in our houses looking out the windows watching it unfold, aghast, but essentially powerless to stop what we are witnessing…

    So let’s fast forward here and assume Isr@el is successful and either kills or ethnically cleanses the remaining P@lestinians in P@lestine and the Holy Lands..

    Does Isr@el think it just goes back into its house, and then we all carry on as neighbours, as we did before? BBQ’s and chats over the fence? Can I borrow a cup of sugar?

    Are they really that insane that they think they can do this, in front of the whole world, watching it like no other genocide / ethnic cleansing has ever been watched before…and then it is back to business as usual?

    This is how insane they are.

    I am not sure Ham@s knew this would happen but irrespective this is a massive strategic victory for them.

    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

    Something is going to give.

  249. Breastplate says:

    As far as I’m aware ChatGPT collates any digital information it has access to and can extrapolate using this information. I would think there is more weight given to factual information and rather less to emotional outpourings.

  250. Mac says:

    What are witnessing is the modern day equivalent of the Crucifixion of the People of Palestine.

  251. Ruby says:

    I can’t really remember much about it except that it was kinda stupid and simplistic — pop psychology.

    Nothing wrong with pop psychology. I read a lot of those books and found them very helpful.

    I think the book was called ‘How to be your own best friend’ really helped me to stop smoking.

    When I started reading more serious stuff ie ‘The Teachings of Buddha’ I thought this sounds familiar could it be all these pop culture books are based on Buddhism?

    I gave up on the teachings of Buddha it was too complicated and bit hard hitting.

    If you want an easy to understand psychology that is helpful for your everyday life I would recommend these pop psychology books. There are loads of them.

    The one I’m needing to read at the moment is ‘How to clear your clutter’ but I’m not quite ready yet.
    I don’t know if I could manage with just one sharp kitchen knife.

    NB I can do a really good French accent in English and back in the day I could also speak Spanish with a French accent. You should try it’s fun.

  252. John Main says:

    @ Breastplate says: 13 March, 2024 at 8:48 am

    I don’t have any major disagreement with your ChatGPT definition. It matches at a high level (from memory) those definitions available elsewhere.

    It’s innarestin to pick up on one of the terms; “forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”. That’s been ongoing in 404 for two years now, but you will never hear the usual suspects banging on about that.

    But I don’t want to indulge in whataboutery. Israel has vowed to exterminate Hamas. Hamas, and the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) have vowed to exterminate the Jews. One is a legitimate war aim, the other is genocidal intent.

    So unless you want to believe that Hamas and the Palestinians are one and the same thing, that’s not genocide.

    Anyhoo, I clearly understand that this is all too complicated for many of the usual suspects on here. I will do what I have been doing since November – call for both sides to renounce their extermination vows, call for both sides to exchange hostages and prisoners, call for both sides to stop killing each other, and let the humanitarian aid flow.

    Others can feel free to continue to hope for a Hamas victory if that’s what floats their boats.

    There’s no sign of it so far, every day sees the innocent body count mount up, but if people agree with Hamas that the collateral Palestinian casualties are a price worth paying, they can fill their boots. They should have the courtesy and minuscule courage to at least make their preferences clear. That would be breaking new ground on Wings BTL.

    Or they can continue to hide behind their weasel-worded euphemisms.

    To clarify for the thousandth time – both sides in this war have vowed to exterminate the other. A one-sided cease fire means that the side ceasing firing gets exterminated by the side that is still firing. It’s not fecking rocket science.

  253. Mac says:

    (trying again with a few tweaks to avoid the modbot)

    Ethnic@lly cle@nsing the physical descendants of biblic@l times from the Holy Lands….

    …and replacing them with virulent r@cist $ettler thugs from Br00klyn.

    It does not get anymore ‘Evil’ and heinous than that, does it.

    This is a desecr@tion, that is of a glob@l scale.

    All of the Christi@n Zi0nists especially in the US should hang their heads in utter shame.

  254. Ruby says:

    I’m wondering if there is a pop psychology book (Buddhist teachings) on how to cope with the situation in Gaza.

    What should we do? What can we do?

    I need some ancient wisdom.

    In the meantime I have decided to cut off from it as much as possible.

  255. Johnlm says:

    I wasn’t questioning the veracity of your post.

    Just making a general point that these AI inventions are no more accurate than those who design the algorithm. i.e. humans with agendas.

    They hope that AI will replace personal, logical reasoning someday I think.

    Does ChatGPT actually lie?
    link to

  256. Johnlm says:

    Main is tying himself in knots trying to avoid saying that he sides with the Kneecappers.

    You never go full Zionist.

  257. Rab Clark says:

    Does anyone happen to know if any journalist (Scottish or not) has ever asked Murray Foote for an explanation/apology for ‘The Vow’?

    Has the whole shameful episode been memory-holed?

    link to

  258. Mac says:

    The irony is I’d bet good money that Johnicide here is the one with the mutilated genitals.

    I am always amused at how infantile their arguments are.

    Like Bibi standing up at the UN with that childish cartoon of the bomb… they are so arrogant that they honestly think everyone else is stupid.

    And it is their downfall. Their arrogance is all consuming. As we see in Isr@el, right now. The arrogance of course is born from the suprem@cism.

    The whole ‘project’ is destroying itself. It is quite extraordinary to witness really.

  259. Ruby says:

    John Main likes to have a good old ding-dong. He comes here everyday looking for an argument.

    I think I did read ‘The Games People Play’ but I’ve forgotten it.

    I’m wondering how Eric Berne would have described the game John Main plays? Anyone remember?

    I call it ‘See who can piss highest up the toilet wall’ game’

    It’s a man/transwoman thing.

    Is there anything wrong with the ‘pissing game’?

    Personally I just find it boring. It seems never ending and we never find out who actually has the biggest willie.

    The argument always seems to be based on who has the best source of information. For all we know every source of information could be propaganda.

    I was going to say women never play ‘the pissing game’ but then I used to be able to say ‘women never rape’ but that’s all changed ‘cos as Keir Starmer tells us some woman have a penis.

  260. Ruby says:

    link to

    It’s the $ettler word wot done it.

    You should start reading my posts for useful info and not just the ones that are about you! you! you!

    That post peppered with @ symbols looks ridiculous.

  261. Breastplate says:

    John Main,

    It’s not my ChatGPT, I don’t have a problem with whataboutery, it’s the deflection utilised that says more.

    Your simplistic answer of ‘if the Israelis say it’s not genocide then it’s not genocide’ tells us that you are filtering the information through your emotional viewpoint.

    It’s not complicated at all, what Hamas have done does not entitle the Israelis to exterminate thousands of Palestinian children.

    The Israeli trope of ‘if you aren’t for us your against us’ is risible.

  262. Ruby says:

    link to

    I have no idea Rab.

    I just stick to Wings I don’t have much time to read all the Scottish blogs. Good Luck with your blog.

    If you have anything on the ‘gender issue’ I’ll be there in a shot.

  263. Ruby says:

    Talk about Brigitte Macron and Michelle Obama being x-men.

    How can you actually tell if someone is an x-man?

    This is going to be an important issue for the Olympics where x-men aren’t going to be allowed to compete in the woman’s category.

    What will they actually do to find out if someone is an x-man?

    There is also talk about Jesus and Joanne of Arc being transgender. How can we know?

    link to

    It seems according to Dr Michael Banner, the dean of Trinity College, or someone Jesus was menstruating. The blood was flowing from her chest to her groin.

    Not sure what proof there is about Joanne of Arc or if I even want to know.

    Who is trying to prove Brigitte Macron and Michelle Obama are transgender and why?

    First Lady of France is transgender just like Joanne of Arc.

    President of USA (Michelle Obama) is transgender just like Jesus Christ.

    What is all this about?

    Did you know Kaitlin Jenner is transgender.
    That means he’s a man pretending to be a woman.

    Good luck to him at least he didn’t want to compete as a woman in the Olympics.

  264. Ruby says:

    13 March, 2024 at 10:34 am

    Ooops I forgot to include Mac

    link to

    FAO Mac

    It’s the $ettler word wot done it.Mac

    You should start reading my posts for useful info and not just the ones that are about you! you! you! Mac

    That post peppered with @ symbols looks ridiculous. Mac

  265. Effijy says:

    The statements made by Tory Donor and party officials unequivocally show them as racist
    full stop.
    A supposed softer Tory MP feels that if a substantial donation was made to a Black Female Charity was made we could all move on.

    Oh no we can’t!

    The suggestion is that these so called elite can do anything that they like just as long as the slip a charity a few quid.

    Morality doesn’t wear a price tag!

    Over to the Met to appoint 20 offices twiddling their thumbs for a year before saying not enough evidence so move on.

  266. Effijy says:

    The £3,000 offer by the Tories to rid themselves of immigrants.
    Most will have paid more than that for a seat on a patched up dingy.

    Surely it can’t end there.
    Rwanda is not regarded as a safe country so that will break international law?
    Will Rwanda accept people without passports?
    Will they be mugged when they arrive with £3,000 in their pocket and no bank account.
    Will Rwanda take them but also the £169,000 per person promised by Westminster?
    How embarrassing if not one takes up the offer.
    How humiliating if they can make it back again with the cash still in Rwanda.

    If only we could send the Tories to Rwanda it would make life so much better.

  267. Confused says:

    got time for a good read? –
    link to

    most important sentence

    ” the Greeks realized was you have to have some way of canceling the debts, but that requires a political system that does not let an oligarchy develop.”

    all progressive politics is working backwards from this.

    Also, a lot of info about agriculture in antiquity, for people who like that sort of thing.

  268. Ian Stewart says:

    Fantastic post Rev – and congratulations on maintaining an ‘even keel’ whilst others rage around you. As a Unionist I enjoy seeing your analysis and the insights it provides, as well as the balanced approach you take.
    Only one thing I’d disagree with – even as a Unionist my respect for Salmond isn’t grudging. He’s a huge asset to Scotland and its independence movement as a very clever and wily politician.

  269. Johnlm says:

    Rwanda seems to be sponsoring the M23 rebels in DRCongo and could be in a war soon.

    Wonder how that will affect the immigrant farms and if Rwanda can keep the 140 million GBP already sent?

  270. Anton Decadent says:

    The film director/activist Michael Moore was on the US ‘news’ channel MSNBC stating that Israel should recognise that it is not Palestinians who are the real enemy of the Jews but white European Christians. Nice to see the quiet part said out loud rather than in the background via funding and mentoring non whites into all aspects of Western civil infrastructure like the John Smith Institute does here in Scotland.

  271. Anton Decadent says:

    @Confused “They’d run up tabs at the bar, which were run by ale women.” Ale women won’t wheesht and nor should they.

    @Everyone else, I was reading in yesterdays Herald about plans for building student accommodation at Charing Cross and noticed that there are clauses inserted for change of stated use “if future social or market conditions necessitate.” In Eire rules have been changed meaning that no planning permission is needed for change of use of a location if it involves immigrants not that I am suggesting that this template is about to be rolled out across the West.

  272. John Main says:

    @ Mac says: 13 March, 2024 at 10:20 am

    I’d bet good money that Johnicide here is the one with the mutilated genitals

    Woo hoo, that’s a new one.

    How many “Mac”s are there in Scotland anyways? Maybes a million, eh?

    Dinna fash yersel, ye’ll be grand. Just mind ye dinna trip ower the backbone ye were blawing aboot earlier.

  273. John Main says:

    @ Ruby says: 13 March, 2024 at 10:25 am

    we never find out who actually has the biggest willie

    Those who need to know, already know.

  274. John Main says:

    @ Breastplate says: 13 March, 2024 at 10:34 am

    Your simplistic answer of ‘if the Israelis say it’s not genocide then it’s not genocide’ tells us …

    The Israeli trope of ‘if you aren’t for us your against us’ is risible

    Neither that answer, nor that trope, were utilised, nor were they present in my last post.

    Soz BP, you’re unable to comprehend plain written English text, and you’re congenitally unable to engage with any point I, and I suspect everybody else, might ever make.

    In summary, you’re an eejit.

    I have to fall back on the comforting belief that there are far more alert, comprehending readers on Wings BTL than there are posting roasters. So I’ll repeat the points I have been making since November last year:

    In a war between two sides, however ill matched they may be, for one side to unilaterally give up, means the other side will go on to win. When both sides have sworn to exterminate the other, the side that gives up is the side that gets exterminated.

    Now, BP, I want you to seriously consider your environmental responsibility and in response to this post, get tae.

  275. sam says:

    “If you have anything on the “gender issue”…”

    link to

    link to

  276. Tommo says:

    An earlier posted said that they couldn’t believe that a country ‘could go mad’. I suggest that the evidence much nearer home strongly suggests otherwise; as I understand it the assembly is determined to force through the pernicious ‘Hate Crime’ nonsense.
    I’ve seen very little about this on here- but much about affairs far away about which the people of Scotland/UK can do five-eighths of the square root of sod all.

  277. Johnlm says:

    Genocide John Main has the worst ‘comebacks’ since Noel Edmonds.

  278. Hatuey says:

    Johnlm: “You never go full Zionist…”

    Everybody knows you never go full Zionist.

    Anyone know when the highest court in the world will make a more final judgement on the Zionist State, having already found them plausibly guilty of the most serious crimes possible?

    The Palestinian kids that aren’t under piles of rubble are now dying of hunger in the arms of their parents. I wonder how some people here who think they support all this would really react if they came home to find their innocent families dead under a pile of rubble, or had to watch their children and grandchildren die of starvation…

    The US military has done a lot of research on how best to desensitise people. They’ve spent billions. I believe that’s what ‘Men Who Stare at Goats’, ‘MK Ultra’, and other research projects were aimed at. None of it worked. It’s almost impossible to fully eradicate humanity in human beings. I think they settled on putting drugs in their food.

    People act tough and cold until they come face to face with things. It’s one of those games people play.

  279. Red says:

    Ignored says:
    13 March, 2024 at 12:07 pm
    The £3,000 offer by the Tories to rid themselves of immigrants

    Ridiculous, isn’t it? It shouldn’t cost £3,000 to arrest and deport somebody. If you tried sneaking into Pakistan, they’d give you a free black eye and a trip to the airport.

    Enjoy living in your own country while it’s still recognisably yours.

  280. Breastplate says:

    John Main,
    Taking the Israelis at their word is exactly the argument you deployed.

    And ‘if you aren’t for us you’re against us’ is the argument the Israelis deploy to try to stem criticism.

    You don’t have to agree with those observations, you’re entitled to believe what you want, however if you’re going to be vocal or prominent in your defence of the Israelis, you should expect your position to be poked and prodded, or in your case, ridiculed.

  281. Republicofscotland says:

    So the English Tory party’s branch manager in Scotland (there is no such party as the Scottish Conservatives registered with the Electoral Commission) Douglas Ross has said, his boss Sunak should “Carefully review Donations.” Wow! you certainly told him their Dougie boy.

    Ross’s pathetic remark was to do with Tory donator Frank Hester who called for a Labour MP Diane Abbot to be shot, Hester gave the Tory HQ in London £10 million quid to fight the next GE.

    Ross’s boss Sunak at PMQ’s said that Hester apologised (Oh well that makes it alright then..NOT). Listening to Tories in London on being asked by the media should Sunak hand Hester back his £10 million quid, a kind of tumbleweed silence fell upon them, and in some cases the indication from Tories being interviewed erred towards no.

    Always remember Douglas Ross works for Sunak his first priority is party and union, the same applies to Sarwar, and Cole-Hamilton.

    Down with the union.

  282. Republicofscotland says:

    I bet you that treacherous b*stard Yousaf said the below with a straight face yesterday when giving a speech at the LSE in London, when talking about Scottish independence.

    Yousaf is just as cold an calculating as his predecessor Sturgeon the Judas.

    “What we’re saying is, is it not better that we make decisions for ourselves, that meet the needs and interests of the country – and make those decisions in Scotland, as opposed to a country so many hundreds of miles away where Scotland so often feels like a bit of an afterthought.”

    We really need to get the SNP out of office, I’ve had it up to here with them. I’ll be voting for the ISP who practice abstentionism at Westminster.

  283. Alf Baird says:

    ” the poor gullible saps who still think the SNP are interested in delivering independence”

    Aye Rev, the SNP elite appear to be focused on every other minority group and cause under the sun, with the exception of the Scottish ethnic minority aye languishing under UK rule and chains, and who remain exploited and oppressed in oor ain laund. We elected the SNP solely to deliver us Scots from our oppression, to give us Scots our national liberation. But the SNP have forgotten their purpose, much like any pampered bourgeoisie elite in a dominant (yet petrified) national party that inevitably makes its own selfish ‘accommodation with colonialism’ rather than take the vital steps to freedom. Which is why they will need to be replaced asap, the hail daeless deceitfu lot o thaim.

  284. Republicofscotland says:

    The Zionist/genocide loving millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party Sir Keir Starmer who said it was proper that the Zionists should be starving the citizens of Palestine has yet again gotten away with it.

    As the Tories take millions from a donor who wants an MP shot dead, so Labour have taken donations from Zionist lovers, such as the £5 million quid from a pro-Israeli businessman.

    “KEIR Starmer will not be referred to the Commons Privileges Committee for investigation over the Gaza ceasefire debate, deputy speakers have said.

    SNP, Conservative and Plaid Cymru MPs had requested an investigation alleging the Labour leader pressured Lindsay Hoyle to select his party’s amendment during an SNP Opposition Day last month.

    But in a letter, all three deputy speakers have unanimously ruled: “The Speaker’s role requires his conversations with Members to remain confidential. All parties should be able to rely on that confidentiality. Allowing matters of privilege to be raised on the content of confidential conversations would undermine that principle.””

  285. Ruby says:

    John Main
    13 March, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    @ Ruby says: 13 March, 2024 at 10:25 am

    we never find out who actually has the biggest willie

    Those who need to know, already know.

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    Typical John Main nudge nudge wink wink humour!

    This too is a game I just don’t know what to call it.

    Could be ‘the flashing game’

    Is ‘The Games People Play’ still in print?

  286. radgie gadgie says:

    Re: Slavery

    I’m sure all you wise folks are well aware of this but, for the record, slavery was never abolished. Rich countries just realised it was cheaper to have slaves grow cotton (etc) in their own countries than transport them to ours then feed, house and guard them.

  287. Alf Baird says:

    radgie gadgie @ 6:22 pm

    “but, for the record, slavery was never abolished”

    Indeed so, an maist thinking Scots noo ken this fine, our people and nation having been sold and enslaved since 1707. Which fact explains our very independence movement today.

    And because, as Nadime Gordimer put it:

    “Slavery was not abolished, it evolved into colonization”

  288. John McGregor says:

    I’ve said for years n years that the Independance supporters got played for fools under The Corrupt Fraudster’s Embezzler’s n might be Forger’s(alledgly) tenure


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