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Wings Over Scotland

Signs Of The Times

Posted on March 09, 2024 by
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Chris, just class.?


Chris, just class.


Aye. That.



All they have in common is that they use slogans to harvest votes at election times and the fact that they don’t deliver on these promises.


Sniff. Gotta feel for all of them.

Notably: no Libs, as who even knows what their carrot dream is now

Frank McChord

Bang on.


Darwin Nunez’s second goal in Prague on Thursday night was the cleanest and best strike this week – until Chris came along this morning and knocked it into a cocked hat. Brilliant work Sir.

Geoff Anderson

Bang on the money this cartoon.

These headline policies are exactly what the parties don’t do.


Can someone explain this pls?


The Biggest Lies always lie in Plain Sight…


Well done, Chris. The wait was worth it for this inspired dissection of 4 sets of political liars.

The supporters look properly simple, gullible folk – just as I was until the unending stream of “dog ate my homework” excuses for inaction on independence wore away the support.


«Politicians Not Out to Screw the System»


Sums things up perfectly.

And spouse

Even politicians make it okay to deliberately lie. If they can’t be taken to task, what hope for society.

Connor Macleoid

Nice one Chris, I’ve been doing this for quite some time now(voting) and for the first time, I am seriously thinking of scribbling non of the above on my ballet paper,we keep voting and that just keeps the status quo of the gravy train going for the partys and nothing changes.
George Gallaway has the right of it, dont vote for any main stream party.

*Not My Government


So it transpires our glorious leader paid “a ransom “ to Hamas for his families priority release using Scottish taxpayers money. Disguised as aid £250k was paid and 24hrs later his family is out of Gaza. £250k is not going to buy much aid but it certainly is a nice earner for officials deciding who goes and who stays.


Bang on Chris, those shower of b*stards will say anything to get MPs/MSPs into office or government at Holyrood.

A vote for any of them at Westminster or Holyrood is a vote for the status quo or worse.


Its appalling how the SNP believe they actually own the word Independence. The leadership of this party is so desperate that they’ll say and do just about anything just to get your vote on election day. Its now dawning on the SNP who’s become the Evil Dead for the Independence movement, that no one is going to donate to a party who’s just a liar and has been lying for ten years about achieving Independence and have actively been blocking any route to Independence. The leadership promised a referendum no if or buts and set up a fundraising only to squander the money deliberately on anything other than a referendum.

Now they want to rebrand themselves, believing it’ll wipe the slate clean and everyone will believe all is forgiven, lets see how that works for them, because I honestly believe time is running out for the SNP and I feel sure the greens will want to occupy that void.

For me the SNP has cried wolf far to many times and come election night election night, I’m going to use my voting that benefits Scotland not the SNP.

Alf Baird

Dinnae forgit aboot thay Fib-Dums, Chris, for the full set.

link to


No surprises here as a known SNP MP Westminster puppet says that Scottish MPs should not practice abstentionism at Westminster.

“Writing in The Scotsman, SNP MP for Glasgow South Stewart McDonald said: “His (Brown’s) comments last week – that the SNP should ‘re-examine its participation in the proceedings of the UK Parliament’ – were not only wrong and unhelpful but, if fulfilled, would be a total abdication of our party’s responsibility to Scotland.””

link to

McDonald is a known British deep state actor and Russophobe, who received one of highest medal awards from YouCraine behind closed doors in London for his efforts in aiding the country via the MoD.

McDonald is warning us that abstentionism isn’t right, because the Westminster establishment is afraid of it, they know fine well that if we stop participating in their game that eventually they’ll have no power over Scotland.


Your best yet – take another holiday!


Just how much more serious damage this SNP government is going to do to our public sectors in Scotland is unclear, but in my opinion things are definitely going to get a helluva lot worse than they are now. The SNP has sold Scotland out to remain in the union and it will cost us dearly.

“SNP MSP John Mason has been condemned after claiming teacher levels in Glasgow are an unaffordable “luxury”.

He also said it would be unfair to keep teacher numbers at current levels and disputed claims of an “emergency” in education.

“I would agree with you that in an ideal world we should be pushing for more teachers and smaller class sizes, as there seems to be widespread agreement that children benefit from that.

“However, pupil numbers have been falling in Glasgow over a number of years while teacher numbers have been kept constant. This means that class sizes have been reducing on average and our staffing levels have been higher than strictly required.”

He added: “Sadly this is a luxury we can no longer afford. Police, NHS, local councils, and other sectors are all having to trim staff at a time of severe financial pressure.

“Therefore, I am afraid it is just not possible or fair that teacher numbers should be kept at historic levels.”

He accepted there are “challenges” facing schools, but insisted: “I do not accept that it is an ‘emergency situation’.””

link to

James Che

Well done Chris,
The placards in your cartoon could just as easily be changed to.

Labour for Greens,
Tories for Labour.
SNP for Tories.
Greens for Snp.

But you have made your point and captured it to a T.
They are all one and the same establishment.


Republicofscotland @ 10.28.

And of course, those two stalwarts of Scottish Independence, Mr “The Man who would be Squeaker” Wishart and The Humble Crofter would appear to believe that the best way for them to demonstrate abstentionism from the HoC would be to go to the House of Lords.

Frank Gillougley

To think that folk actually VOTE for these fuckers is unbelievable. The Macdiarmid quote is sickeningly true – ‘ all is dead here, save stupidity…’
Time for my mantra – STOP VOTING!


Any suggestions for the back of the signs.

SNP flip side

‘Only kiddin’

Have a carrot!

Peter C.

Good to see Stuart Campbell on the YouTube “Scotland Speaks with Alex Salmond” show this morning. I thought it an interesting and informative discussion.


Green’s flip side

It’s a scientific fact that women have a penis and some people are born in the wrong body.

Have a banana!


9 March, 2024 at 10:52 am

Your best yet – take another holiday!

Chris hates holidays!

Anton Decadent

Influencers shilling for their hidden sponsors.


Great cartoon. I don’t usually comment on them but this one is particularly good. I’d maybe have considered a reference to socialism on Labour’s sign but I’m not sure if they still use the word.

The only people that get what they pay for in western democracies are the lobbyists.


Did you all watch Rev. Stu on the Salmond Show this morning? You can see on YouTube, if you missed it.

In short, the SNP is the immediate and biggest obstacle to independence and, because they are doing nothing towards achieving it, the issue is essentially dead. We all knew that, though, right?

Stu alluded to the MSM giving the SNP an easy ride because they understood that Sturgeon wasn’t going to do anything to threaten the Union anyway, and we all saw that, it’s still the case, but I’ve got to wonder if that is/was a mere understanding or an actual stated agreement.

I don’t suppose it matters, but it explains a lot, not just on the issue of independence but also on other stuff like foreign policy, Brexit, the pandemic, and more. There was a lot of theatrical stuff and rhetoric in some cases that gave the impression of opposition, but the SNP went along with the Tories on everything when you get right into it.

She didn’t hold back, did she… we were well and truly sold down the river. The SNP was basically turned into a political Ponzi scheme.

Stuart MacKay


Abstentionism begins at home. After all Belgium survived two years without a government. I’d imagine a holiday from pointless virtue signalling and half-baked legislation would do everyone a power of good.


The biggest liars win!

Why not promise Zero Tax, Double Pensions and Benefits and World Peace the day after the election.

Back to normal day 2 due to circumstances beyond their control.



Is it entitled “The grifters”.


@Alf Baird

Thanks for the Cole Hamilton link. A man who takes snake oil to new levels of viscosity.

Oh, and by the way, great cartoon, Chris.

Lorna Campbell

Brightened up an otherwise grey afternoon. Brilliant. Says it all as usual, Chris.

Politically Homeless

Good to see only a handful buying into this dark, twisted racist nonsense below the line about Yousaf being in league with Hamas. Let’s pan the establishment without losing the plot.



I’m afraid that as an unreconstructed, middle-aged white male I simply can’t get my head around the Greens’ take on 21st Century living.

I recall with some pangs of emotion the days when everyone was either straight, gay, lesbian or bi-sexual…

When guys who dressed up in women’s clothes were either Transvestites or Drag Queens…

When “inclusion” was inviting your sister’s kid to your own child’s birthday party, even though they couldn’t stand each other…

When “diversity” was only ever used with the prefix “bio” and in the context of plants and animals…

When only high school English Language teachers knew what the hell a “pronoun” was…

When women fought hard and won their rights to live their lives how they and not men, and especially not men pretending to be women, dictated…

And when we could rest assured that “women” did NOT have a penis.

I don’t feel I belong in this world anymore – I doubt I’ll be sorry to leave it.

PS Nice one Chris

Alf Baird

Stuart MacKay @ 12:40 pm

“I’d imagine a holiday from pointless virtue signalling and half-baked legislation would do everyone a power of good.”

Aye, that’s aw we got fae the daeless national party careerists the last 10 year. Tho mebbe the indy movement haes a deith stang in its tail:

link to


The whipping boys (no longer) of the Six Nations Rugby Tournament Italy beats Scotland, well done to Italy for hanging on in there, Scotland were f*ckin garbage today.

Gregor Townsend and his lads were brought straight back down to Earth today, the Italians are celebrating like they’ve just won the Six Nations Tourney.


Sven @10.56am.

Nice one, and very true.


Stuart McKay @12.40pm.

Good points, though I’d think that Westminster Via its House Jocks would want to Stormontise Holyrood, if its not already happened.

Stormontise Definition: A pointless talking shop that has no real powers to do anything meaningful.


I see the Royal Navy/UK Government is saying post Indy, ship building will be decided on a case by case basis. Like just now!!

When is suits them they go abroad.

I hope they remember that when the want the use of Faslane or Glen Mallon or Rossyth or Gareloch or any of the other fueling stations.

Every time they open their mouth like that the rent should be doubling.

David Hannah

My aunt is a school teacher. Class sizes have not been falling. In one day she had 16 Nigerians arriving at her school. Some Muslim and it’s a catholic school. For Scottish catholic children.

The Nigerians are lying on their applications to get into Scotland.

Their families all collectively put money in one bank account so that it looks like they’ve got £1800 to get in. And meet the criteria.

They are on international visas so are not entitled to a number of benefits – rightfully so.

Their families all end up taking the money out the pot again, and they end up skint here in Scotland.

Mothers abandon their children at home in Nigeria, letting dad look after them.

Then they all arrive a few months later. Dad has to get a job around something Mum does – for example healthcare.

The NHS pays the Nigerian nurses £1000 a month tax free, until they pass their OSCE nursing exam. The NHS find them subsidised housing.

That’s the Scottish tax payer paying them this money. According to the NMC website 45 Nigerian Nurses were have found to have cheated on their test in September and that there’s widescale fraud.

Then when they get found out by the hospital, the health board can’t pay them band 5. Because they are not qualified. Causing staffing problems. And they are going off on the sick to spend time with their children.

I would like to see a Scotland for the Scots. And our NHS recruiting Scottish Nurses – build it and they will come – ensuring that Scottish Nurses get the accommodation they deserve.

The immigrant families are all living in the Scotsounhill high rise flats. Cramped living conditions so the kids are all sharing the same bedroom.

And the classrooms are being over run with these foreigners. That all look the same, says my aunt and are proving difficult to teach.

It’s not racism to highlight this. It’s a statement of fact. An observation of change.

As a man in need of an affordable home I play second fiddle to the immigrants. And I don’t like it.

I want to see our NHS give the nurses of our country. Those born in Scotland with British Passports priority.

We know that the British empire was a disruptive force to everywhere it went. And the same can be said about the immigration.

And the dangerous African deliveroo drivers – all masked up – working illegally and not paying tax in the gig economy. all housed in the Brittania Hotel next to the seventh heaven strip club. With all of their illegal deliveroo bikes chained up outside.

Definitely not safe for young women to be walking through to Sauchiehall Street at night. I’d be getting a taxi home from the Kings Theatre. You don’t want to be groped by loitering immigrant men.

That’s the reality of Glasgow today. Yes they do need new teachers. To fund the massive increase in classroom size from immigrant families.




What about a carbon tax being applied to all those planet wrecking cretins that add pronouns to their bios. Every single post they make with the inclusion of their superfluous additional characters requires a server to use more energy to host.


As all eyes were on Scotland and Ireland for a first and second placing in the Six Nations Rugby Tourney, but no one told Italy and England the script and both teams won today.

Like Italy today England won by a tiny margin, but a wins a win as they say.


They say a picture can paint a thousand words. I think in this case, that would be a very conservative statistic. Another belter, Chris. Thank you!


“An Egyptian visual artist has returned a top German award, citing Berlin’s “complicity” in the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza and hoping his move would “awaken” people’s conscience.

Mohamad Alba returned on Wednesday the German Goethe award he received in 2022, over “Berlin’s complicity in Israel’s aggression in Gaza.””

Germany they never met a genocide they didn’t like (Namibia, WWII, Gaza.)

Geoff Anderson

O/T: The Rev’s appearance on the Alex Salmond show today was typically helpful to Humza Yousaf or anyone else at the top of the SNP who needs to know how to regain independence [so that’s all of them].

The answer is simple. At an election [which can be arranged right now in Holyrood] the SNP manifesto should state that a majority of votes for the independence parties is the mandate for declaring independence.

Of course the Rev has said this for some years. Is this the year that the SNP HQ learn to take advice?


Wot, no reference to Mr Useless using a heap of taxpayers’ money to bribe Hamas to release some of his family from Gaza?

Oops, did I say “bribe”? I meant ‘incentivise’.

David Hannah

Humza has bribed Hamas to release his relatives.

Instead of giving Unicef money for bottled water, he redirected £250,000 to the UNWRA to get his family out of Gaza.

It then materialised that the UNWRA helped Hamas carry out the terrorist attack.

Humza needs to own his terror links. He says its islamophobia to suggest he’s an anti white racist. It’s not. His own government in an FOI stated he redirected the funds.

Humza is therefore a terrorist to Britain. He should be deported and have his citizenship revoked like Shamima Begum.

We know he took the oath in Urdo and Pakistani garments. His loyalty is not to Scotland but to Parkistan and his muslim brotherhood.

Send him on a one way flight to Mecca and lets be done with him!

David Hannah

SNP Humza Yousaf subject to a report to Met Police Anti Terror after the Telegraph ran Craig Houston FOI story.

the ten in a row serial by election loser. Has to own his terror links to Hamas.

Just like his horrible wife Nadir has to own her junkie heroin punting smack head of a brother that throws people from tall buildings. *allegedly.

What’s the problem Humza? Will he make Ramadan?

Will the new dad to be x 2 wives make it to Ramadan as false minister of Scotland?

I don’t think he deserves do. He be jailed for being a terror threat to Britain. He’s a disgrace to Scotland.

David Hannah

Also good news from the free Independent Republic of Ireland. Who have voted to protect women, mothers and carers and the family unit.

By voting in a referendum to change the definition of women to include men and the family unit of man and woman.

It’s a disgrace what the WEF puppets and globalist puppets are trying to force down our kids throats.

Fuck them and their woke agenda. The people have spoken. Time for Scotland’s voice to be heard.

David Hannah

The good people of Ireland have rejected 23 million euros worth of tax payers money on a referendum to change the definition of women.

The people of ireland have told them they wont be harassed bulled and intimidated.

Ireland is united. God save ireland said the heroes. James Conolly is smiling tonight.



Humza’s wife’s brother may well be a smack selling scum bag who throws people out of third storey windows. No doubt time will tell the full story.

But it’s a bad look on Humza and his wife who have not been without their own troubles about alleged unsavoury and criminal behaviour.

But sadly, that’s how all too often racist religious intolerants behave. For me this week’s Toon should have maybe reflected the behaviours of some of our elected finest.

David Hannah

I don’t see how he can survive this week but in this corrupt country anything is possible. When confronted with the truth about him bribing the UNWRA to rescue his inlaws with public money.

Humza pulls the race card when confronted with the truth.

£250,000 bribe. Bottled water to Unicef not important. His own FOI release confirms Humza diverted the cash.

He says we’re islamaphobic. The WHITE racist. pulling the race card.

He is the lowest of the low. A dreg of society. And a terrorist threat.

I hope the Tories do the right thing and remove him from office this week.

David Hannah

Major story breaking from the Scottish Family Party. The SNP have given an £85,000 grant for porn film. Welcome to the SNP’s “Modern Scotland”.

Check out the Scottish Family Party Youtube.

The sick porn film welcomes people of all ages, and includes a psychotherapist on set. Because it’s that sick filthy and depraved.

Can you cover this story?

David Hannah

SNP 85K porn film – “a secret cave sex party featuring fisting, squirting, wet work and mess.”

Creative Scotland scandal. Check out the family party youtube. What an absolute disgrace. It goes from bad to worse!


There is one word that unites all the main parties at Westminster


Holy, tell us what that word is… we can handle it.


Cracking toon as usual Chris, you could have saved yourself some time by just writing BULLSHIT on each of the placards, at least that would have been the truth


Checked out the family party site and found this video for primary children.

Not exactly what many parent would want their primary aged children tutored in.

Teaching children that babies are born intersex and that children have the right to be trans is a very selective focused deliberate influence.

And the diagram of a girl or woman with her legs akimbo to detail around a dozen parts of her gaping vulva is also a utterly unnecessary detail for primary youngsters.

Or the diagrams about me and woman having sex, woman and woman having sex, men and men having sex. All good stuff for the kids eh?

Or what about explanations of how woman orgasm or men orgasm and squirt seen from their hard penis.

For me this typifies why education under this SNP is not just failing, but is actually undermining society. This is not what I want my children schooled in.

And without doubt, poor quality malfocussed teaching is why increasingly parents are opting to home educate which is not widely recognised to be their legal right.

But this is only a small part of the Scottish government’s


Worth a repeat mention of Sarah’s comment [Trimmed version]:

sarah says on 9 March 2024 at 7:51 pm:
“The Rev’s appearance on the Alex Salmond show today was typically helpful… The answer is simple. At an election [which can be arranged right now in Holyrood] the SNP manifesto should state that a majority of votes for the independence parties is the mandate for declaring independence. Of course the Rev has said this for some years.”

I think we, Scotland’s voters, need to take on and start promoting 2 issues at every opportunity. First of all everyone starts making it clear no more votes for the SNP until they prioritise an alliance with all of Scotland’s pro-indy parties over one with the “Greens”.

And secondly, everyone should start promoting the hashtag #ScotlandsElectionDeclaration or some other catchy version, #ScotlandDemands or whatever? I’m sure all the brains out there could come up with something. If we don’t do something to raise awareness of these issues we will continue to be stuck in this limbo and the wider public will remain unaware.


Alteration to my previous comment at 7:30 am. Change “Scotland’s pro-indy parties” to Scotland’s pro-indy political representatives. This allows for including any independents for independence individuals.


@ Stoker at 07.42: “…pro-indy political representatives..” not just parties to allow for independence individuals.

As I typed “parties” I thought should specify Independents for Independence also.

Dorothy Devine

David Hannah and Willie , I am not going to check out the site , I’ll take your word for it. I wonder if teaching under age children about sex comes with a criminal offence attached should the lessons stray from the shall we say ‘norm’.

I have never thought it a teachers job to teach sex education in primary school – the parents or those responsible for the child should be the ones doing the teaching.

In secondary school I believe they should be taught about sex , its joys, responsibilities and its pitfalls – all those lovely diseases involved.


Stoker @ 07.30.

I fear I’m hardly one of the, “brains out there”, however I like the all embracing concept of a slogan involving “Scotland” as the central theme, avoiding any individual Party or individual affiliation. Something along the lines you suggest, or “Scotland Speaks” has a much more positive feel to it.
It does seem (to me at least) that the whole thought of “Independents for Independence” has engendered much more positive attitudes here on WOS since it was first mooted.


Just watched the Scottish family party youtube. Unbelievable! What the hell is going on with you Scots? The inevitable Islamification of the UK appears more welcome every passing day.


careful blimp, or you and your kind might receive a fatwa

I had hoped we could reach indy by humza declaring the union to be “absolutely haram” and the indy movement recharged as being a jihad

in other news I see the scottish arts council are funding the “sort of things” which would have got a decent sentence under obscenity laws not that long ago.

– this is progress and something we should all support.

I expect to see soon, within the chamber of holyrood itself, the open use while in session of – arse dildos, clit fiddlers, penis pumps, and a daily prize for anyone who can “go past the elbow”. This is what democracy is all about and all youse bigots need to STFU. Does Douglas Ross have a cum-face, and is it any different from his normal one?

Thistles Bristles

‘Scottish Greens for Scientific Fact’? !!

Would that it were so..

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