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Taming the lion

Posted on May 23, 2015 by
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Mundell is just a fool. Who in their right mind would vote for such an embarrassment. Some borderers what are yous thinking? How could anyone vote for such a clown. He is in the wrong outfit. Mr Trimble.


Good one Chris-wonder if this is how he views himself?

Depicting Fluffy Mundell as a lion tamer is being a tad optimistic Chris. Of course, Scotland’s demands have grown from the drivel that slithered out of Smith Commission.

I percieve much fun ahead as #Team56 run rings around Fluffy-the poor man is not going to know what’s hit him.

Game on 🙂




Nice one, Chris.


Loving your work Chris.

Is that a Milking stool about to become a malkying stool by the time the SNP are done with Moandrell?

James Barr Gardner

Well done Chris, puts me in mind of another comedian Don Estelle aka Gunner Lofty Sugden (It Ain’t Half Hot Mum). A least you could get a laugh with Lofty, whereas Fluffy is just pathetic!


Thank you Chris.


Is this our own version of The Taming Of The Shrew.


Great work Chris.

@ Desimond..

One leg of the stool for each Unionist MP. Just saying like………

Free Scotland

The big-game hunter’s incontinence pad must be bursting at the seams.


Excellent, Chris. Is Carmichael under that paw?


Wow, Hamish has really been hitting the protein supplements!

ronnie anderson

Cmon noo Chris the Lion,s Claw Nails should be longer,in keeping with his Stature lol.

Mair power tae yer pen.Your gonna be busy fur ah long will.


Ah yes I missed that point earlier-Fluffy using the milking stool instead of the traditional chair. Well, they are always ‘milking’ Scotland’s wealth aren’t they so it must be the most appropriate tool for them to use 😉


Milking Stool

Roaring with laughter




Aye right!


They say Gaelic doesn’t pay. Gaelic music and culture brings in £Billions to Scotland. The tourist, music, film, costume, fashion, literature and historical trail. £Billions in exports. Including The 40Million Scottish diasporia, in US, NZ, Australia and the rest of the world. The Oil technology contracts, and contacts with the rest of the world worth £Billions. Scotland is always punching above it’s weight, and could do even better without outside interference and Westminster.


O/T As part of my morning survey of BBC r4 propaganda, I listened in disgust at James Naughtie trying to rewrite history. Parts of the media were skeptical about Frenchgate. The BBC covered it repeatedly for days with very little sign of any question about its accuracy, that doesn’t sound like skepticism to me.

Louis B Argyll

Thankyou Chris, could have used a ringmaster uniform but this says it all, genius… Oh and the size of his backside…


Why are 83 year olds sitting in Parliament, taking up seats. There are no 83 year old Doctors, engineers, lawyers allowed to practise. Westminster gets away with murder and non professional standards. Milking it. It is just unbelievable,


They are leading by example. They wish all of us to work until we drop. Course there is a difference between what they call work and what the rest of us call work…. they don’t have to turn up unless they want to

Grizzle McPuss

Aye indeed, the Don Estelle of Scottish politics.

Nice one Chris

Kevin Evans

Mundell will be gone by Christmas – he’s not up to the job what so ever. The first bit of pressure applied to that little wessel and he’ll start crumbling.

Rock and a hard place comes to mind – hex gonna be gettin it from Tory HQ to rule with an iron fist those uppity jocks and then sturgeons gonna have him in knots.

He’s gonna melt down in a matter of months.

I mean seriously folks think about it. If that man came to any of yous trying to lay down the law you’d look at him up and down and then tell him to bolt.


Oh my, Hamish, what big claws you have…


Nae Ronnie,

The claws are retracted….. for now!



One of they legs is looking a bit shoogly now.

How will Fluffy cope if he is left with a 2-legged milking stool?


Brill Chris although I now can’t get the image out of my head of Fluffy and Fozzie Carmichael singing Whispering Grass the trees don’t need to know 🙂


Good one Chris…You’ve managed to depict succinctly what a comical figure Mundell is.

Aceldo Atthis

The barns o’ Shetland burn weel….


Last colonial governor of their Scotland region and they’re desperately trying to bury their latest scandal and fraud on Scottish democracy too.


Great cartoon as always.
Umm, Imperial masters GTF….
Scotland has awoken. …..


The situation nicely captured!

Thing is, the pre election proposals actually fell well short of what Smith suggested. And, what Smith suggested fell well short of the offers/vows/promises made to secure the No win! Submissions to Smith by everyone except the Unionist parties DID match the promises.

Ashcroft exit poll, question …

“I am going to read out three reasons people have given for voting NO. Please can you rank them….”

25% of No Voters gave their main reason as…

“A NO vote would still mean extra powers for the Scottish Parliament together with the security of remaining part of the United Kingdom, giving the best of both worlds”

OK, it’s muddled because “extra powers” is combined with “security”, but this is a strong indication of the effect offers of extra powers had on the result.

IMO They NEED to deliver what they offered, or the result was invalid. Simple.


We can only hope Hamish rips his flabby arse out before bolting to freedom.

Beautifully drawn Chris.

Connor McEwen

Just catching up.
The new Gray man is denser than a Black Hole.Rev., back on track.
Cheechmichael should be extricated from Government.
Milking Scotland indeed is Mundane sorry Mundell.

On another subject. I like a gamble but will not be frequenting Betfred ,just saw him gushing over the Tory win on channel4.


“Milking stool”

The perfect description of Mundell.

Great work as always Chris.


I assume the lion has just eaten Carmicheal for dinner.


Great work Chris,as always.
Should Mr Carmichaels special adviser,Euan Roddin,be investigated by the police?

Dan Huil

Mundell’s “Claws 5” moment?

@Grizzle McPuss. Don Estelle right enough. As far as Mundell’s future is concerned: “Oh dear. How sad. Never mind”.

gavin Barrie

And soon wee Mundy will play the part of lone gladiator in the Westminster arena – Scottish Question Time.


And here’s another thing.Mr Carmichaels smear fraud was aimed at Nicola Sturgeon,the First Minister of Scotland.The First Minister of Scotland was the target of fraudulent,deceitful dirty tricks.This was not just an attack on Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP.It was an attack on our democratically elected Scottish Parliament.It is important we recognise that.Its important Ruth Davidson,Kezia Dugdale,Patrick Harvie,Willie Rennie and Nicola Sturgeon reflect on that.I would expect the Speaker in the Scottish Parliament to take a very firm line on this.A full enquiry should be launched.
Mr Carmichael should also be called before The Scottish Affairs Committee in Westminster.As should Euan Roddin.


How could anyone vote for Mundell?

He seems to be a pleasant enough chap in person. He gives the impression of working hard in the constituency, although much of that mainly consists of taking the credit for routine stuff the council does well. He’s never held high office or had a position in the political limelight so there’s been much less opportunity for him to have committed a serious blunder. And there has never been a whiff of scandal about him. He seems to be happily married and his expenses are nothing out of the ordinary. He’s never been accused of trying to feather his own nest.

Of such trivial virtues is a successful election campaign made.

An Teallach

Perfect,Chris! You must’ve been working all night!

Let’s keep up the signatures on the petition. Carmichael must go! Share the link far and wide!

link to


With Mr Carmichael’s admission of guilt – Mr Rennie’s 100 phone boxes listening tour should go even better then?

Love the nonchalance of Hamish’s crossed paws – waiting patiently.

Robert Peffers

Great Cartoon, Chris.

Does Wee Hamish grow bigger as the SNP Westminster contingent grows bigger? Can we also expect to see him grow bigger with the Holyrood contingent too?

ronnie anderson

@ Morag Noo that he,s resigned as a Elder of his church the collection plate donations might

Jamie Arriere

The Tool with the Stool!

Aye, Whispering Grass, don’t tell the trees, tell the Telegraph


An Teallach says lets keep up the signatures on the petition.

Only problem is you can’t sign it except via Facebook.I tried to sign but not everyone uses Facebook!


O/T Rev Stu
Could Wings front a case against Carmichael as per Peat Worriers suggestion this morning.I’d happily contribute 🙂

Robert Peffers

@cearc says: 23 May, 2015 at 9:13 am:

“One of they legs is looking a bit shoogly now.

How will Fluffy cope if he is left with a 2-legged milking stool?”

Oh! cearg, He’ll manage just fine. After all he’s used to not having a leg to stand upon.


Wow -3 minutes for a post to appear. What a difference that makes. Whatever you did Stu, keep doing it!



Link to Andrew’s (Lallands Peat Worrier) article:

link to


O\t sort of – no action to be taken against Carmichael – that shoogly leg has had a wee bit of plaster stuck on it – for the moment!!!


Tories with whips … ooh Doctor!

Either Hamish has grown or you’ve done Mundell under a microscope. Smashing cartoon as ever Chris.


Ken500 says ”Why are 83 year olds sitting in Parliament, taking up seats. There are no 83 year old Doctors, engineers, lawyers allowed to practise. Westminster gets away with murder and non professional standards. Milking it. It is just unbelievable.”

Worst still Ken are the 800 plus totally UNELECTED people sitting in the House of Lords: The HoLs that can only cope with seating 400 people.

No interview for the job necessary, no particular skills required, no IQ or psychological tests carried out.

Each one costs us, the taxpayers, approximately £124,000 per year in ‘running costs’.

These are the buffoons, strutting about in their wigs and gowns, that are making decisions that impact on all of our lives for example the 13 members of the Economic Affairs Committee that rushed through fracking licenses. At least 5 of the members of the EAC have interests in Fracking companies such as Baroness Noakes.

All have a job for life. No need to retire.

link to

Auld Rock

Having difficulty try this link:-

Auld Rock

Lenny Hartley

I have heard that the libs were sending out an awful lot of mail shots during the campaign, maybe somebody kept a copy of all the correspondence from Carmichael along with the envelopes and perhaps if he is found to have spent over the limit, surely the electoral commission would order a reelection?


Hehe nice one Chris but me thinks wee fluffy is about to get mauled unless he can stay hidden under Cameron`s desk 🙂


Looks like Hamish has grown a bit,has anyone told his ‘handler’? 🙂


Morag says:

23 May, 2015 at 10:41 am

How could anyone vote for Mundell?

” He seems to be happily married and his expenses are nothing out of the ordinary.”
Isn’t he now divorced? I thought he’d come out as gay?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robert Peffers.

Your comment,
Oh! cearg, He’ll manage just fine. After all he’s used to not having a leg to stand upon.,
Reminded me of two jokes…

What’s the difference between a duck?
One of its leg is both the same.

And the addendum my son supplied,
What’s the difference between the other duck?
It’s got one leg less too many.


jock mc X


jock mc X


jock mc X

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