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Wings Over Scotland

What might have and what did 84

Posted on May 12, 2014 by

It’s been fascinating to watch the media slyly turning Chris and Colin Weir’s quite understandable objection to being defamed by loathsome right-wing newspapers and MSPs into an attack on “cybernats”.

But this morning Alan Cochrane of the Telegraph – who we rarely read even for laughs now, so far gone is his grasp on reality – added a particularly deft twist which we thought worthy of note for those who like to study how the press does its business.


And yes, we entirely meant that double entendre.

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The triple standard 116

Posted on May 30, 2013 by

When UKIP’s Nigel Farage was recently made rather unwelcome in Edinburgh, a whole slew of Unionist politicians and commentators – most notably Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie – took to the nation’s airwaves and newspaper columns to piously condemn the protestors who peacefully but loudly voiced their disapproval of Farage’s policies. Angry online No supporters, as is their wont, were less measured in their fury at the “suppression” of Farage’s free speech.


Today, the subject of the media’s blanket outrage – there are sizeable stories in the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Scotsman, Herald, Daily Record, The Times, Express and many more – is the saintly British Olympic cyclist, Sir Chris Hoy. The unfortunate sportsman has been the subject of what the Mail calls “vile abuse” for some comments in yesterday’s papers in which he ostensibly refused to take sides in the independence debate (but in reality could barely have made his position any clearer).

But another similar (and rather more serious) story, about online abuse directed at a Scottish public figure every bit as well known as Hoy, inexplicably gets only a microscopic fraction of the coverage.

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The phantom menace 215

Posted on May 01, 2013 by

We’ve spent a fair bit of time over the course of this website’s existence documenting the multi-media witch-hunts that invariably arise in the Scottish media whenever some obscure and/or anonymous independence supporter on the internet says something slightly intemperate (or even just expresses an unpopular opinion).

We especially enjoy contrasting it against the way that the elected, taxpayer-funded representatives of major political parties can get away unremarked with comparing the First Minister to dictators and genocidal mass murderers (of the sort “Better Together” donors like to give hundreds of thousands of pounds to).


The vast difference in the amount of media weight given to abusive behaviour from British nationalists and that from the independence side (the infamous “cybernats”) has long been a feature of Scottish political debate, but over the last 12 hours the phenomenon has seen an intriguing new twist.

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    • Lorn on The Long Future: “What no one appears to articulate is that politics has moved away from the old left, right, centre where specific…Mar 27, 16:06
    • JWMackenzie on The Long Future: “I can think of 3 other strategies: 1. Build a large grass-roots organisation from the bottom up and pressurise all…Mar 27, 16:02
    • SophiaPangloss on The Long Future: “It takes about 20-30k votes in a region to elect an individual on the list, Mario Mcdonald managed on those…Mar 27, 15:58
    • Anton Decadent on The Long Future: “IMO it is not necessarily the sabotage of the party to stop independence at the behest of England but to…Mar 27, 15:50
    • boyce on The Long Future: “I disagree. I would vote for a party who is only dealing with independence. That is, saying that they will…Mar 27, 15:39
    • 100%Yes on The Long Future: “I’ve been saying for years that we need Holyrood shut down and the SNP out on their ear. Lets be…Mar 27, 15:36
    • panda paws on The Long Future: ““Wings hasn’t paid any notice to organisations like Salvo is that no matter what the legalities of the situation might…Mar 27, 15:33
    • Iain McGlade on The Long Future: “I think anyone involved with Salvo/Liberation would agree about the democratic event having to take place. I think it’s important…Mar 27, 15:23
    • twathater on The Long Future: “As you have eluded to in this and many other articles the Scum Nonce Party is a dead party walking…Mar 27, 15:11
    • 100%Yes on The Long Future: “What makes matters worse, you have the likes of Gordon Ross talking and talking about Independence from his car and…Mar 27, 15:10
    • Karen on The Long Future: “Can I just say that my top election issue- women and children’s rights – is not even on that list.Mar 27, 15:09
    • Shug on The Long Future: “Untill the SNP has the courage to out the vietnam group they will be saddled with the fact they have…Mar 27, 14:57
    • Young Lochinvar on The Long Future: “Kenny McCaskill on STV last night made the right noises, List vote, Independence, Grangemouth closure and the disgrace of energy…Mar 27, 14:53
    • lothianlad on The Long Future: “The SNP is totally infiltrated by the brit state and careerists! As a former snp member of 30 years, they…Mar 27, 14:49
    • Rocky on The Long Future: “I hate all the parties equally, I want more referenda.Mar 27, 14:49
    • Jon Drummond on The Long Future: “Yes indeed. One can’t disagree with any of your article, Rev Campbell. WITH REGARD TO INDEPENDENCE THE SNP ARE MOST…Mar 27, 14:42
    • I. Despair on The Long Future: ““So in fact you really be a list-only party”…?? (Just above the Buckaroo graphic.) YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I…Mar 27, 14:34
    • Confused on The Sacrifice: “Geri – 27, 13:42
    • Hatey McHateface on The Sacrifice: “Good one Geri. I note you’re still not telling us fit a NGI is, or about the civil war you…Mar 27, 13:16
    • Aidan on The Sacrifice: “@Geri – it’s stuff like this that just shows how delusional you are. The U.K. is one of the largest…Mar 27, 11:53
    • Geri on The Sacrifice: “Jamie Ignore Hatey shit face. England has fck all resources so has hee haw security threat. Ireland has an army,…Mar 27, 10:53
    • Liz on The Sacrifice: “AFAIK The trouble makers resigned one after the other This caused maximum damaged to a fledgling party Most of those…Mar 27, 10:10
    • Hatey McHateface on The Sacrifice: “Meantime, in other parts of the world, people take to the streets in protest against the utter shambles their so-called…Mar 26, 20:43
    • Mike D on The Deep-Fried Banana Republic: “Absolute truth, well said Mia.Mar 26, 19:22
    • Young Lochinvar on The Sacrifice: “I see Kid Starver is telling Swinney to change Breathy Bains LA purfew.. All because of SHE whose name shall…Mar 26, 14:57
    • Hatey McHateface on The Sacrifice: “Well, Jamie, I can see you defer to nobody when it comes to ignoring awkward facts. This particular strand of…Mar 26, 13:00
    • Marie on The Deep-Fried Banana Republic: “No chance John – because the State regards them as less important than human (my opinion).Mar 26, 11:54
    • John Higgins on The Deep-Fried Banana Republic: “I agree Marie. I have a friend, a disabled widow aged eighty three, who is very worried about what’s coming…Mar 26, 10:33
    • Jamie on The Sacrifice: “To hateymchateface All you are doing is proving right all the things people have been saying to me for years…Mar 26, 09:50
    • Jamie on The Sacrifice: “To Geri All the more reason why we need independence then by any means necessary.Mar 26, 09:45
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