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Wings Over Scotland

Sometimes there are no words

Posted on January 23, 2023 by


[EDIT 11.58pm: ENCORE!]

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They’ve gone and done it haven’t they.

They’re identifying as inanimate placards…

Geoff Anderson

It’s working!


Top legal eagle you have there 😉 Is anyone with brain cells still going to be voting Green?


Legal Eagle?, more like Eddie the Eagle.


Ryan is quite clearly desperately mentally ill.

Linda McFarlane

If he were mine – I’d be a tad disappointed.


I thought they all got badges anyway just to let each other know what they are. Live and learn eh…except when it comes to comprehension.



This GRR thing, I still cannot believe this is happening right now in my, what used to be, a beautiful proud nation. Scotland’s people are being ripped apart from each other and forced into little groups of insignificance,(some fighting for what I call, ‘perverse status’)! Will someone put their foot down and say, enough.. Time for the sovereign Scots’ to get a feckin’ grip and remove these ‘leaders’ from their ‘power-trip’ and salaries. I mean, now, soon as possible, no later than this years end! Suggestions?


“Fran says:
23 January, 2023 at 10:44 pm

Is anyone with brain cells still going to be voting Green?”

I’d like to vote Green. Ain’t gonnae happen in the current climate.

David Beveridge

Read the headline and expected a match report on the Dons game, Darvel v Drivel…

Anyway, these folk are clearly mentally ill, but this “mark of identification” stuff is on a whole other level. No doubt it’ll be getting repeated throughout the ranks of the delusional until it’s accepted as fact. How can folk be so far up their own butt-cracks? And how can the powers-that-be be so in thrall to them? I genuinely don’t get it. Less than 0.4% of the population or whatever it is equates to hardly any fkin votes and the thought of getting votes is what gets our representatives off their lard arses and into “work” every day.


There is a Dissent rally @ Bute House 25th at noon.

perhaps it’s time to let NS hear from independence supporters

David Hannah

Just finished the article the Grooming of Holyrood. Sturgeon is the beast of Bute House.

Outstanding journalism. It was like the Laidlaw Novel. Something from Taggart.

I fear for the women at the Let Women Speak demo with these psychopaths on the streets.


Don’t know what being a legal eagle is but if you’re not a solicitor you cannot claim to be a solicitor without getting into potentially real legal trouble. The same looks likely to happen to the word ‘lawyer’ and ‘advocate’. I would hazard a guess that Mr McSaughton knows this, hence the phrase ‘legal eagle’. If he’s not studying for an LLB, for a Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, or working under a training contract with a law firm then even ‘legal eagle’ is highly misleading. Perhaps someone should push him on what he means by ‘legal eagle’…if anyone can be bothered that is…
Maybe like Raj from the Big Bang Theory he enjoys the novels of John Grisham or maybe he is legally an ‘eagle’ or has self-id’d as an eagle…a trans-eagle.
I miss reality…


Witnessed in real time…Ryan McNaughton…these tweets are protected…run away…run away!!!

Bob Mack


” I will find something in anything to feel persecuted. Its what gives my life meaning”


A ‘legal-eagle’ of the same calibre as Ms Sturgeon, obviously


Well that’s news to me – I hadn’t realised that the people who turn up with ‘Decapitate TERFs’ type placards at trans rights rallies might actually NOT be trans activists at all, and we’d actually need some additional ‘identifying mark’ to know who the ‘real’ trans activists are. Fascinating.

George Ferguson

Sometimes you have maintain perspective. The vast majority of the Scottish Public are against this GRRB legislation and now we are reduced to a blank piece of paper refuting a S35. The end game coming up. I think I will watch Hey Duggee with my grandchildren. It makes more sense than GRRB and the Scot Gov response to a S35.

stuart mctavish

Nice one.

Guessing that despite his embarrassent the legal eagle bit means he’ll be more aware than Conservatives appear to be that, rather than releasing SG legal advice before going to court over it, Shona Robison can quite legitimately propose that parliament reconsiders the bill under standing order rule 9.9-2(b) and repeat ad absurdium until such time as Holyrood notices that the Scotland Act MUST have been written in order to let parliament ignore the secretary of state as an when it saw fit (presumably, back when the electorate still thought politicians had different objectives, labour assumed it would be in office forever and may need to lure conservatives into fake battles from time to time..) which point indy supporters in the SNP might reveal that double jeopardy principles ensure that a referendum bill can only now be stopped in the Scottish High Court by a judge misconducting themselves* – and all that that implies 🙂

* any such decision being against the interest of the court in so far as it breaches the treaty of union and renders Scots’ law subordinate

Daisy Walker

This is quite clearly an attempt to provoke you into legal action.

I’m not in your shoes or your profession – and I would understand completely if you had to do so.

I will back you, as best I can, whatever you decide, but I doubt the wisdom of rising to their bate and fighting in their arena, with their referees.

Like Alex, the better justice would be to keep playing your own game, to your own strengths and carry on doing outstanding invetigative journalism.

Now that! really would GIRFUEM!

David Holden

Just another sad little man acting the keyboard hardman to get some Greenie points from his mates. Way past your bedtime Ryan so here is a nice glass of warm almond milk to help you sleep.

Lorna Campbell

Once these people have something in their head, there is no argument to shift it. It is always about them, always about being a victim. I simply wouldn’t give it any credence, Rev. The thing is that you can’t actually say anything at all about anything because they accuse you of all sorts: bigot and transphobe for saying that biological sex is real. Part of you feels sympathy for them because they must be very sad people, and the other part of you feels rage and, frankly, loathing, at times. They all seem to have one thing in common, and I include all the three strands here (transsexuals, paraphiliacs and the social contagion ones) and that is that they show no empathy whatsoever with you; you are not entitled to have a viewpoint or to try and protect yourself. Everything is about them. You’re traumatised? Reframe your trauma while I indulge mine. Even the most mild-mannered ones, when you suggest third spaces and not breaching female boundaries, get very shirty. Don’t take their insults seriously. They are angry because you didn’t bend the knee to their wee power trip.


@Stuart McT
Cheers for pointing towards the Parly’s Standing Orders. I think I read them a few years back but nothing lodged cos I do not remember anything!
Looking at the full list of points for 9.9, I think we have to wait and see what the Supreme Court says i.e. whether the rejected bill relates to a ‘protected subject-matter’. If it does, reconsideration with necessary amendments to resolve a section 35 order can be undertaken in parliament but the amendments under reconsideration procedure are only admissible if they DO actually try to resolve the section 35 ‘problem’. Then the PO has to weigh in on the bill’s status before it can be passed again.
A reconsideration amendment still needs to adhere to the general principles around amendments. Rule 9.10 5 (a)-(d) inclusive.
Rule 9.10 5(d) is interesting. Shona Robinson will have to be seen to be sincerely trying to resolve the section 35 problem because once she proposes an amendment and the parly votes on it that decision itself cannot be amended at the reconsideration stage. If the PO decided there was a legal problem with the reconsidered bill, it could conceivably be totally rejected and fall. The fever pitch during all this would be off the scale. But then maybe the Lord Advocate might get involved at this point? Is that procedurally still possible at recon stage? It seems to me that the SG might have to back down at some point or be accused of misusing public funds? I don’t really know but the Auditor General might have a view at the stage of a second or third Supreme Court challenge.
Or it could be it’s very late, I’m totally bewildered at this point and I’m talking oot ma erse. Wouldn’t be the first time or the second or ad infinitum…

George Ferguson

I would rather watch Hey Duggee with my grandchildren than get involved with this shit. All men have a responsibility for the safety of their women. I have been married a long time. I guess my wife has benefitted from my concern. Perhaps it is time you guys did the same. Women don’t have a penis.


There is absolutely no honour, logic, decency or respect in these lunatics. They suffer from deeply disordered personalities which pathologically require them to define themselves as victims completely regardless of reality. These are people who would scream that you are hurting their fist with your face.

If they want a legal fight let them bring one and we’ll back Stuart til his nose bleeds….

George Ferguson

I guess it’s time for bed Stu. I am on holidays. You did well today. Lot’s of twitter angst but to be expected in the world of PiE Scotland.


You’ve got them rattled Stu. What a lot of nonsense they’ve made up. As if they needed a mark to single themselves out as trans lmfao it’s bloody obvious they are pretend women, no label required

Andrew Davidson

Watch out. In a couple of days time Wishart will be quoting about how you want transactivists to wear patches. ?


I see that the loon has now locked his Twitter…

Robert Louis

The Question remains, just why has Sturgeon allowed and encouraged this rot? Despite how angry many folk are, she is not simply ‘stupid’, so that just doesn’t rationally explain all of this.

Why has she sacrificed our chances of independence, and destroyed from within, one of the great Scottish political parties (the SNP), and all for these creeps, fetishists, bullies and thugs.

The question still needs asked why??

Tom Halliday

How dare you deny Trans people the right to wear badges



They say the mummy was a boy – but how do they know he was a boy? He was dead so they couldn’t have asked them their pronouns.

It all sounds very transphobic – best call Polis Scotland.

link to


OT…. but kinda not.

Let me say I’m not posting this link to r-open discussion or promote talk about the war, but rather how the West deals with information it doesn’t like, and seeks to discredit those brave enough to be faithful to the truth.

Independence, trans extremism, and media manipulation are the three big disks in the Scottish Venn diagram, and what Ritter and Sare have to say is worth listening to the morning after Rev Stu’s stunning piece of investigative journalism is picked up by virtually nobody in the mainstream “media”.


McNaughton? That’s an ironic surname given the Insanity defence context.


Soon these people will go so far that even the majority of the trans community (who these people not part of nor represent) will realise the damage these people are doing to their cause and things will shift.

This crowd of young men (for it is always young men) are really just incels by another name. Ready to hijack any cause to push their own vile agenda. That Sturgeon and her people have fallen for it, and with us needing to rely on the effing tories to protect women, is a sad indictment of modern Scotland


Are any of Douglas’ friends speaking out in his defence? Or are they all just screaming at Stu and/or inventing distractions?

Joyous Hate

The beauty of nominative determinism in action, McNaughton Rules: guidance to juries on the defence of insanity.

John Main


Hey, if you are playing with 5 cards, that’s a winning hand!

Doesn’t matter if aces are high or low. The pot is yours.



Martin says:
24 January, 2023 at 7:44 am

That Sturgeon and her people have fallen for it…

Martin, I fear things are worse than you suppose, and I believe Sturgeon is one of the primary hijackers, not a victim of the hijack.

She is the essential component to ALL of this shite happening, and an equally essential component in various positive and momentous Constitutional things “NOT” happening… You will note however I stop short of saying she’s orchestrating this, because I don’t believe she has the brains to be in command. She is “somebody’s” ace in the hole / useful idiot.


PhilM says:
23 January, 2023 at 11:43 pm
Don’t know what being a legal eagle is but if you’re not a solicitor you cannot claim to be a solicitor without getting into potentially real legal trouble.

Hmmm looks like you touched a raw nerve their Phil as I see from clicking on his twitter account that the fake lawyer Ryan has crapped it and removed the term ‘legal eagle’ from his profile.

Looks like he is a ‘not-so-legal chicken’, puk, puk, puk.

#imposterpetrocelli #shitepants

Dearie me.


Perhaps a peace offering might calm the raging beasts?

Holyrood could give them even more money and fund a tattoo saying Vagina on their Penis.

As they said in Blazing Saddles “We don’t need no stinking badges”.

SNP haven’t learned politics from the most successful political party.
U Turn your policies as soon as you see the electorate rage at them.

This Bill just gained 30 votes and lost a few hundred thousand.

If they can’t listen, count on their fingers or know the difference between reproductive organs the future is Blight.


There have always been creeps, deviants, freaks, call them what you want, promoting their choice of lifestyle and there always will be.

What is different this time around is that, for whatever reason, one particular group has the full backing of the Government of the day. The vast majority of the populace are opposed and will never be convinced otherwise.
The good news is that it will not end well for the ‘Government’ and the sooner the better.

If the Poileas do not get involved in rooting out certain individuals others will. It is not the right way of going about things but it is human nature to do so.

Scotland is in a troubled place just now. All caused by the grievance ridden, hate filled, incompetent, SNP, with a totally different agenda to what is purportedly supposed to stand for. Ably assisted by the deviant loons in the Green Party.


Part of all this is simple cowardice.
The SNP won’t push Indy cos that would mean squaring up to the British state.

The Greens won’t push for decarbonization cos that would mean squaring up to the big oil companies.

Labour won’t push for social democracy (let alone socialism) cos it would mean squaring up to big business and the billionaire oligarchs.

So instead we get this fake radical gender BS in which words are ‘literal’ violence, the ordinary knocks of life are ‘trauma’, and men are women.

What a load of auld shite.

Stuart MacKay


There are a couple more disks you forgot about:

The use of NGOs as an extension of government policy. In turn the NGOs reciprocate for all that money with support for government policy. Then everyone can say all the decisions were made by experts.

Then there is the internet laying waste to news organisations. A little bit of government or oligarch money goes a long way.

All the problems we see in Scotland are happening all across the West. It’s only magnified here because the government is only playing at being a grown-up government so the trendy issues, the cool kids love, get more attention.

Throw in the revolving door between the government, business, lobby groups, etc. and you have a management class quite devolved from reality who love hot-topic issues like trans rights to keep everyone looking the other way while they enrich themselves.

The downside to this clown show is that the clowns will mostly have to be pensioned off across the board before there is any real hope of sanity being returned. Right now that’s looking like a generational thing than something that can easily be corrected in a year or two.


The constant overreaching, trying to make out people are fascists or nazis, based on them merely having an opinion they don’t like is very revealing.

In this case coming out with a smear so pathetic it is laughable but it reveals the insane mental depths they are plumbing to position themselves as the perpetual victims.

What makes them dangerous is I really do think most of them believe their own press releases so to speak. It is really mad stuff, like proper mental illness.

But there is a much more sinister side to it as well.

When they characterize someone as a nazi or a fascist or a racist they are implicitly legitimizing violence against them. They are ‘putting a green light on them’ to be physically attacked as such. They are inviting it… imploring it, calling for it, saying it is ok to attack these people physically because they are nazis or whatever shite they make up that day to throw at innocent people just expressing their opinions.

And of course they are always without fail the innocent victims on the righteous side of this terrible battle they are facing, a battle for their life or death… so obviously that makes it ok for them to kill you if you disagree with them (disclaimer: oh only joking officer, honest.)

Calling ordinary people nazis and fascists is just another form of verbal violence and another precursor and step towards actual violence. I notice they never accuse anyone of being a communist though.)

People like Ryan here are so delusional they actually think they can convince people they are the victims through the power of their own delusional self-belief. It is a very circular argument.

While the truth is it is them who are often mentally unstable, volatile, angry and bitter men, who are threatening real women with very serious violence, stalking them to meetings, and using their size AS A MAN to physically intimidate them.

I can really understand why Joanna Cherry and others including the police took these threats very seriously.

The fact that all of this insane toxic maleness is empowered by and thus emanates from the person who also sat atop the Salmond stitch-up is really painting a picture of Sturgeon that I don’t think history will view kindly.

They say you can judge a person by the company s/he keeps.

Well we can see the company Nicola prefers. These are her attack dogs, her Brown Pants army of the mentally deranged angry men seeking their revenge on society, willing to do her dirty work for her.

Bob Mack

I wonder if they have a checklist before going to a trans meeting?

I kill terfs t shirt——-check.
Multi coloured flag ——-check
Long handled axe ———-check
Placards advocating violence– check.
Sufficient angry trans to intimidate women –check,

Oh no. Stu Campbell wants us to put a J on our banners to indicate our threats are just JOKING.



link to

Interesting article.

I found the following very interesting:

Autogynephilia, the feeling of sexual arousal some men feel as they pretend to be women, is according to some researchers behind many or even most cases of gender dysphoria among those born as men. It is legitimate to ask whether non-consenting women ought to be participants in such sexual fantasies.


Roger says:
Part of all this is simple cowardice.
The SNP won’t push Indy cos that would mean squaring up to the British state.

The Greens won’t push for decarbonization cos that would mean squaring up to the big oil companies.

Labour won’t push for social democracy (let alone socialism) cos it would mean squaring up to big business and the billionaire oligarchs.

So instead we get this fake radical gender BS in which words are ‘literal’ violence, the ordinary knocks of life are ‘trauma’, and men are women.

What a load of auld shite

Roger. You are correct, sadly ?


Watch out Stu, he’s got 474 followers . Oh ma sides.


Rev Stu, you really don’t get enough credit for what you do. It’s too early in the morning for this kind of shite! I really don’t know where you get the energy from to deal with this crap every day.

Andy (not Wightman)

I’ve just checked the GRR bill to see if there is a J at the bottom of it.


Just remembered a BTL comment from an article on another site about this who described the situation perfectly as Scotland and Gomorrah.

Very apt. Scotland, the land of filth, perversion and stupidity.

stuart mctavish

PhilM @ some ridiculous hour

You may be confusing SoS intervention with a different procedure that encourages arbitration in the Supreme Court over reserved matters (or bills thought to encroach upon them).

In this case, whilst we’re reliably informed that standing orders are subject to change, there appears currently to be nothing written down, either there or the referring document, to confirm your assertion that

“amendments under reconsideration procedure are only admissible if they DO actually try to resolve the section 35”

Accordingly the presumption MUST be that the intent of the Scotland Act is to have Secretary of State give full and factual reasons for his intervention (“boys cant be girls, duh” would probably suffice in this instance!) but the Scottish Parliament is not bound to any arbitration process in a lower court* in event it decides to over-rule his (/her) reasons

link to

link to

*Worth noting in respect of my previous comment that this interpretation is entirely consistent with administration of Scots law prior to the union – when Scottish Parliament was the highest court of appeal.


Darvel 1 Aberdeen 0

Sometimes there are no words.


Looks like this wee pr*ck has hidden the tweet.

link to


I read this on twitter and It’s a belter……
“You only take flak when you’re over the target”
This one was a direct hit 🙂 🙂 🙂


Nice one Stuart! You have them rattled. All we need now is the alphabet, Vietnam group, to be investigated.
Keep up the good work sir.


Gender dysphoria = someone with a paraphilic disorder autogynephilia (someone who gets sexually aroused when wearing women’s clothes)

Is this a good enough reason to allow them to change sex?
Would it not be more honest to call a gender recognition certificate a sex recognition certificate? Are they trying to con us with the word gender?

By allowing autogynophiles free reign to woman’s/children’s spaces you leave the door open for the following:

The most common paraphilias are pedophilia (sexual focus on children), exhibitionism (exposure of genitals to strangers), voyeurism (observing private activities of unaware victims), and frotteurism (touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person).

Other Paraphilic Disorders are:
Coprophilia (feces)
Klismaphilia (enemas)
Necrophilia (corpses)
Sexual masochism – undergoing humiliation, bondage, or suffering.
Telephone scatologia/telephonicophilia (obscene phone calls, particularly to strangers)
Urophilia (urine)
Zoophilia (animals)

What % of those with gender dysphoria aka autogynophilia are also sexual masochists?

Sexual masochism – undergoing humiliation, bondage, or suffering.

It would be interesting to know more about the violence experienced by the transgenders aka autogynophiles

I want a badge that says

‘Make 1984
Fiction again’

or maybe

Make The Handmaid’s Tale
Fiction again


the only thing missing from this article is a wings/glinner credit
link to


The lies just fall off her tongue so easily
link to


Is this another in the style of Kezia? Or is it more in the style of the Who, “My name is Bill and I’m a headcase”?


A great piece of work, Stu, so first thing is to thank you for all the hours of thought and investigation. You are unquestionably a very talented journalist.

It’s worth remembering that Sturgeon has been accompanied and guided all the way by Liz Lloyd and her other political and strategic advisors, so what we have come to is no accident.
The net effect is usually what is planned for from the start by Westminster, and always deviously.
In this case, as many recognise now, their goal is the destruction of the necessary political infrastructure for Independence.
Still, it could be worse – we could be living in England!


I’m very disappointed, the Media should have been all over this.
Was DonalJohn right after all? Fake news, Fake media!

Everyone except Mr Campbell are shitting themselves are they really so afraid of M&Co?

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: absolutely agree. I am reading about Scotland’s witch hunts, and they could be a mirror image of this stuff. What was informative was the kinds of torture they put these females (mainly) through. We would call it sexual sadism today. All females should get to grips with this stuff because it really is an eye-opener.

I’m afraid I have never subscribed to the “they didn’t really know what they were doing” nonsense and that “they really believed in God and the Devil”. Nah. Many probably did believe it because they were ignorant and uneducated. That is how you keep a population under control – by keeping them ignorant and uneducated.

Although many are educated today, they are not educated in critical thinking. Educated people (mainly men again), I believe, knew exactly what they were doing then, during the witch hunts, and they know today, and I’d count 16th, 17th and early 18th Presbyterian Church ministers in that number.

The change from Catholicism to Protestantism allowed for the old, laid-back ways to be obliterated, not that the Catholic Church itself was innocent of persecuting females (Paul) but it was far less into the sado-sexual aspects than the Presbyterian Church appeared to be, especially under Knox’s influence. This is the man who married a sixteen-year-old lassie when he was middle-aged.

Burns, no great respecter of women himself, did, though, have the measure of them when he wrote ‘Holy Willie’s Prayer’. At least he wasn’t a hypocrite. I have absolutely no doubt either that this is driven (after the money aspect) by sexual deviance, and the young girls who are being mutilated and the children, too, are a smokescreen for the sexual proclivities of some men.

I also have no patience with the ‘true trans’ trope. Even transsexuals, fully transitioned, are likely to be autogynephiles, and it was they, hiding in plain sight for decades, who opened the door to this latest wave of deviance. Third spaces. They have had six+ decades to get their house in order. Ours should no longer be open to any of them – not if we want to avoid a repeat of this madness down the line. Third spaces. Repeal the 2004 GRA.


Brilliant, brilliant bants Rev. Just ripping the piss is the perfect response to these clowns. Please keep going, funny as fcuk

John Main

@ Maureen says:24 January, 2023 at 10:28 am

Thanks for that great link.

Here’s a wee quote – says it all:

Last year, Sturgeon issued a formal apology for the witch trials that rocked Scotland between the 16th and 18th centuries. When is she going to apologise for the very modern witch-hunts that she herself has witlessly helped to facilitate?

I think that news is getting out and about though. People are posting that placard pic on FB, etc. etc. Ordinary, non-political Scots are wakening, IMHO.


Maureen says:
24 January, 2023 at 10:35 am
The lies just fall off her tongue so easily…

It’s tragic stuff. Imagine the cheek of Westminster just waiting until the end before intervening…

Sturgeon’s clearly never heard the quote attributed to Napoleon, “Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake”.

What will it take to be rid of this idiot charlatan?


Difficult not to draw a correlation with the fascist religious zealots that cry death to the infidel.

The Greens and the SNP are now the party of the Doo-Lallytans. The cry to cut of heads is very real. Death to the TERF, or women in more normal parlance.

And if we burn their holy book of commandments, or defy their holy commandments, then we shall know the wrath of the Lallytans of Scotland.

Enough is enough. I, like the vast majority of others want to live our lives without threat and without having our world turned upside down by a vicious group of zealots.

And if they want to threaten us with head decapitation and violence, and the state offers no protection than I do think people need to decide how to neutralise this thinking.


Excellent post Lorna Campbell. Yes it is like the witch hunts. Is it the inner Calvinist or just deviance that encourages it I wonder.

Gerry Wilson

He’s now deleted Legal Eagle from his bio too I see. Nothing like having conviction in your actions.


On a side note, when I look at the Wings twitter account, at the side I am advised that “possibly of interest to you” is the Blair Jenkins account.

I thought I would take a look, as I could not imagine what his twitter account would be like, to be honest.

For some odd reason, it is very high on retweeting of the AIM nutters in Aberdeen.

Is Blair from Aberdeen? Just seems rather incongruous.


As you will be aware, monasteries and convents were the hospitals and clinics of their time, dispensaries where herbal preparations ie drugs were tried and tested for efficacy.
The Protestant Reformation in Northern Europe put paid to such medicare, free at point of access, and threw the overwhelmingly poor population onto «the market».
The closure of convents put single women, many of mature years, in need of earning a living. Their medical skills were considered by some to be magic and diabolic in origin. It is likely from this fear that the witch hunts got traction.
The notorious and fantastic German work Malleus Maleficarum, which the new printing presses helped to broadcast, supposedly a manual for witch hunters, is often cited as a «prequel» to this mania but like the heresy suppressing activities of the inquisition aka Holy Office the secular powers were also instrumental and had their own political rationale as the Catholic religious authorities did not have the powers to execute death penalties.
The emergence of «state churches» in the post Reformation era, however, changed that.
link to
It is disturbing that the desire to «witch hunt» is still present in our times.


Sturgeon is owned by MI5.


Lorna Campbell @ 12.10pm

‘That is how you keep a population under control – by keeping them ignorant and uneducated’

Spot on Lorna. I said in a previous comment that I thought that Alex’s greatest mistake was in not reforming our education system, and that education is to route out of poverty, to Independence, and to self- esteem.

The corollary of the historic ‘keeping them ignorant and uneducated’ ploy is poverty in perpetuity, being conditioned by media hype – including on Indy, and low self-esteem.

James Che


Your brilliant at research, would you be willing to sort out these three position for us,

Position 1:
If The Scottish parliament ceased to exist in England 1707. Which parliaments are in the treaty of the union?

Position 2:
If the Scottish parliament was subsumed into the English parliament before the British parliament existed by signing the treaty of union, Can a subsumed parliament hold a individual treaty of union thereafter with Englands parliament?

Position 3:

The English parliament prorogued the old Westminster parliament in England, then resumed itself when the British parliament held its first opened session.
In Scotland, the Scottish parliament Sine Die’d the Parliament of Scotland in 1707.

The connumdrum here is that the Scottish parliament under Scots law and a Scottish kingdom, did not cease to exist in Scotland,
However in Englands prorogued parliament and in the new british parliament under English laws and the kingdom of England took the Stance it had cancelled the Parliament of Scotland in (England only) , as it had no authority to do so in Scotland.

Did The treaty of the union cancel the Scottish parliament being a active member of the the Treaty of the union and in England?
And if so, whom does theWestminster parliament now hold a treaty with?

Lorna Campbell

Ottomanboi: “… Their medical skills were considered by some to be magic and diabolic in origin. It is likely from this fear that the witch hunts got traction… ”

I think the real reason was that they were rivalling male ‘doctors’, especially in the rural areas. Yes, have read that hundreds of thousands of the poor died as a result of the dissolution of the monasteries and nunneries, from starvation and illness. However corrupt the Catholic Church was, it did provide shelter, sustenance and medication to the poor. The Protestant Church thought, to an extent, that it was your own fault if you were poor, although, to be fair, it did set up parish benefits for the poor.

I have read Malleus Maleficarum. I suppose we can be slightly morally superior: as far as I know, we did not burn children as witches, as they did in Germany, although, perhaps, mutilating them, as we are doing now, comes down to much the same thing. It is also a point of interest that James VI kicked the witch hunts off and he took them with him to England when he became king of both countries, in 1603, and started a conflagration there.

This present-day madness is far more ingrained here and, if allowed to stand, the GRRB will infect England, too. I think we have to make a stand and allow no exceptions. Transsexuals have had, as I said before over six decades to set up their own spaces. We can no longer afford to “just be kind” because our kindness is used as a stepping-stone to worse things. If we are going to halt this, all biological men have to be kept out of our spaces, our rights, our sex-specific jobs, services, etc.

No half-way house is possible now if we do not want our granddaughters to meet this stuff yet again down the road – because, as sure as sure, they will, and it just keeps getting worse. We have to face the truth: that some men, too many, hate us, resent us and want us confined to the margins. It is truly frightening.

James Che


The green party and the snp party are inciting and encouraging violence against other sections of the public, as can be seen from their association to the threats in the public media domain.

It is a legally chargable offence to incite violence.
The police Scotland will be collecting evidence that is on public media that every one can see At this present time I am sure.

For they are adverse to looking incompetent idiots whom cannot do a simple job that is not only in evidence publicly, but is actually spelled out for them with pictures included like a childs book.

I am sure they are above primary school level 😉


Lorna Campbell says:
24 January, 2023 at 1:58 pm
Ottomanboi: “… Their medical skills were considered by some to be magic and diabolic in origin. It is likely from this fear that the witch hunts got traction… ”

I think the real reason was that they were rivalling male ‘doctors’, especially in the rural areas. Yes, have read that hundreds of thousands of the poor died as a result of the dissolution of the monasteries and nunneries, from starvation and illness. However corrupt the Catholic Church was, it did provide shelter, sustenance and medication to the poor. The Protestant Church thought, to an extent, that it was your own fault if you were poor, although, to be fair, it did set up parish benefits for the poor.

I have read Malleus Maleficarum. I suppose we can be slightly morally superior: as far as I know, we did not burn children as witches, as they did in Germany, although, perhaps, mutilating them, as we are doing now, comes down to much the same thing. It is also a point of interest that James VI kicked the witch hunts off and he took them with him to England when he became king of both countries, in 1603, and started a conflagration there.

This present-day madness is far more ingrained here and, if allowed to stand, the GRRB will infect England, too. I think we have to make a stand and allow no exceptions. Transsexuals have had, as I said before over six decades to set up their own spaces. We can no longer afford to “just be kind” because our kindness is used as a stepping-stone to worse things. If we are going to halt this, all biological men have to be kept out of our spaces, our rights, our sex-specific jobs, services, etc.

No half-way house is possible now if we do not want our granddaughters to meet this stuff yet again down the road – because, as sure as sure, they will, and it just keeps getting worse. We have to face the truth: that some men, too many, hate us, resent us and want us confined to the margins. It is truly frightening.


If Mary Tudor was still aroon they’d be none of this gender woo hoo nonsense in the first place.

Transphobe? I’ll transphobe ye!


John main
Wouldn’t it be nice that in the future somewhere in the history books, sturgeon is denounced for her attacks against women and their rights. Not the legacy she is hoping for, I’m sure.

We can hope that enough people come to their senses and boot her out. If it wasn’t for wings, how many of us would know what was going on and the sick depths the party is willing to go to usurp our rights. It beggars belief that is has come this far.


Lorna Campbell @ 12.10pm

I agree with you that witch hunting was not exactly about ignorance and superstition. Yes, with much of the population that was true ( and still is the case in modern times that people can suspend reason in the face of the intoxication of irrational beliefs, as in trans ideology which actually requires you to abandon all logic.)

However, why it took such a hold in certain places is difficult to say. It isn’t true for example to sweep aside the Catholic Church in this since there were outbreaks of witch hunting in continental Europe too. Scotland’s version of this contagion came from Denmark apparently via James VI’s visit to Denmark to bring back his Danish bride. James was fanatical in his belief in the malign power of witches and witch hunting in Scotland took off with royal sanction.

That seems to be the key, being given official sanction to pursue this practice was important. I think this desire to join others in persecution of an ‘out’ group is part of ancient behaviour which is why it can be called up so easily and entered into with such enthusiasm. Social animals do hunt out and persecute members of their own species if they don’t belong to their particular social group. It is a primitive way of proving to the group who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’. So, it is a means of social binding within the group. ( There is nothing like a war to bring a population together even now which is why it is often eagerly employed by elite groups like politicians today.)

However, being human, there are often other complexities in the mix to add fuel to the fire and it seems plain in accounts of witch trials and executions that sexual sadism played a part. Class and the exercise of power played a part too, of course. The majority of so-called witches were poor and often old (because they were powerless and without protection of family, like widows, for example). Social outcasts or marginalized poor (which tended to be most often, women) were at risk. In many cases, those who denounced them were other women.

Exercise of power played a significant part and probably exercised cynically as you say, as a means of demonstrating political control which is true even today. The ultimate power is, of course, the power of life and death. It was also, however, the case that witch hunting was not the same throughout the country which was a lot to do with who exercised that power, sometimes religious, sometimes secular, often a combination of both.

Years ago, I came across local annals of my area which demonstrate that the fate of women accused of witchcraft often hung on who was administering power in any particular district. In the main town of the region, there was enthusiasm for witch burning; in one particular occasion, several victims were burned all at once, which must have been an orgiastic celebration of cruelty.

However, a community outwith that administration treated accusations of witchcraft against a woman differently. Those women making accusations ( cows’ milk drying up, hens no longer laying due to her malign influence, that sort of thing) were listened to by the kirk session ( I think it was) and were dismissed brusquely and told to go home and just try to get on with one another. It helps prove your point that belief in witchcraft was not so universally held and what lay beneath this killing of innocent people is more complex and better explained by human behaviour and the dark power of exercising control.

(Again, Shakespeare, it seems, did not believe in witches and though in MacBeth which was written to curry favour with James VI now James I of England, there was the inclusion of witches, a belief close to the heart of the Scottish king. Shakespeare came as close as he dared, to undermine that belief by someone who did not share the king’s known convictions. In much the same way as Burns, at a later date, made the witches’ sabbath in Tam O’Shanter comical rather than frightening by melodramatic exaggeration.) It shows that both knew there were sophisticated members of their audience who understood the intended humour of disbelief.

There are many episodes that show that this interaction of political power with sexual politics played a part in the witch hunting fever and the sinister interplay with the powerless and the powerful in the horrifying persecution of targeted poor (usually women) by other women, gives us a template of how this can be deployed even in modern societies. ( For example, the Salem witch trials used by Arthur Miller in The Crucible as a metaphor for the McCarthyite political witch hunts.)

Personally, I’m fascinated by human behaviour and what drives it because frankly it often scares me to death what it has shown it is capable of.


Transgender woman found guilty of two rapes when she was a man

link to

James Che

If your conclusion is the Westminster english parliament subsumed the Scottish parliament. And the therefore the Scottish parliament ceased to Exist within the british parliament and within the union treaty.

1: there can be a legal basis for the treaty of the unions of two parliaments from two kingdoms if one became extinct and no longer exists.

2: As the sine die’d parliament of Scotland no longer exists or is recognised within the treaty of union as according to Westminster parliament site to Englands assessment of the situation one wonders how a 1707 non existinal Scottish parliament could be held to account to the treaty of union ending.

3: On the other hand if Westminster suddenly realises their error in making the Scottish parliament extinct and not responsible for the end of the promised treaty. How and whom would it hold responsable?

3: As it was the commissioners that negotiated the treaty of the union, and Scotland ratified it thereafter under domestic Scots law, not international law,) and England did the same under English domestic law, not international law of a treaty.
English domestic laws cannot ratify the Scottish parliament out of existence prior to the two parliament joining in a union,

Here I propose that the Scottish parliament of 1707 still exists today in Scotland,
Or the alternative, is the Scottish parliament does not exist in the treaty of the union,


I say I hope the bastard gets killed in prison


Where exactly do they get racist from? It’s about gender, not race. They really are as stupid as they look

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

John Knox’s plan for universal education was stymied by greedy nobles and slow to be implemented by the Scottish Parliament. The following is from a University of Edinburgh (Moray House) site —

“EDUCATION FOLLOWING THE REFORMATION IN SCOTLAND: In August 1560 the Scottish Parliament approved a number of acts leading to Scotland becoming a Protestant country. The Reformed Scottish Church recognised that education had to be a national priority, both for its intrinsic worth but also to ensure everyone could read the Bible. John Knox in 1560 outlined a plan for ‘the vertue and godlie upbringing of the youth of this Realm’. Education for rich and poor alike was seen as a joint enterprise between the family, the school and the Kirk. His Book of Discipline provided an outline for the establishment of a national education scheme, which encompassed parish primary schools, burgh grammar schools, high schools and the ancient universities. At first the achievement of this aim proved difficult because of Scotland’s relative poverty and the prevailing political circumstances, despite the continuing efforts of the Kirk. However, in 1696 the Scottish Parliament passed its ‘Act for Setting Schools’, whereby every parish not already equipped with a school was required to establish a schoolhouse and to provide for a schoolmaster. The Kirk had a central role in the supervision of such schools and in the appointment of the schoolmaster or dominie. From these early developments there grew a respect in Scotland for education and learning. From the 18th century onwards parish and burgh schools provided many Scots with a good standard of education leading to Scotland at this time having the highest standard of literacy of any European nation.”
link to

Also this from online article ‘JOHN KNOX AND EDUCATION’ —

“John Knox the 16th century Scottish reformer made a lasting impact on the Scottish nation in the fields of society, politics, church and education.[…] Knox’s national educational system provided for schools to be ?nanced by the accumulated wealth of the church and monasteries, which were being overthrown in Scotland, but the nobles refused to approve this ?nancial scheme because they wanted to divide the spoils among themselves. […] It is interesting to note that gender issues do not feature in his educational design. […] Poverty was not to be a determinant in access and success in education: ‘The children of the poor must be supported and sustained on the charge of the church, till trial is taken whether the spirit of docilitie is found in them or not.’ (?Book of Discipline? 1560). In this scheme, universality emerged as a fundamental principle allowing for the education of the ‘lad o’ pairts’ [ie gifted child from a poor family who has the ability (ie ‘docilitie’) to bene?t from it]. Universities were to be upgraded.”
link to


Stu you really have put the cat amongst the pigeons, well done again man, this is worth a monthly contribution. I tip my hat dear chap, brillaint.

James Che


Thanks for replying to my comment, sorry for time machine drag always belatedly catching up.
Obviously causes overlap.

The reason I approached you with these Treaty of union scenio’s , Is the parallels to how closely the same principles are being applied and adapted to self ID,ing as anything you choose to be, Without changing the foundation or structure,
Just claiming a new identity is not enough to make it believeable,

Just like the self ID,
The government of England cannot choose to self ID into the British state, just by claiming it is self ID,ing .

Without the participation of the Scottish Parliament since 1707, as being active, and living as a legal entity within the British Parliament as it entered into the treaty of union.
There is no treaty between the two parliaments.
Thus a misrepresentation takes place of snps MSPs from a ceased Scottish Parliament in Westminster,

On the other self ID perception from Westminster, they claim the Scottish Parliament was subsumed by the English/Westminster Parliament due to the treaty agreement,

That implies that the original treaty has been swallowed up and subsumed itself out of existence,

The self IDing of the English Parliament to British Parliament does not make it a truth or a fact, any more than self IDing as humans other than your birth.

Sometimes the foundations are not changed, just because “ you claim “ you have a certificate or a treaty.
While others see through the false façade easily.

I believe the Westminster Parliament in 1707 self ID,ed into the British Parliament without a genuine certificate.


I reckon he is a Legal Eagle because he thinks (a) the GRR is already Law, (b) it includes the right to self ID as an animal and (c) he has always thought he was an Eagle, and now it’s Legal


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