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Wings Over Scotland

Saying what everyone’s thinking

Posted on April 01, 2015 by

This is an extract from this morning’s Today programme on Radio 4 (starts about 2h 5m in), in which James Naughtie expresses an unusually frank and forthright opinion on Jim Murphy’s claim about the biggest party forming the government.


We couldn’t have put it better ourselves.

Of course, we’re sure Mr Naughtie isn’t saying what he appears to say, though we can’t work out what else it could have been (we haven’t tampered with the recording in any way, as you can check for yourself at the link in the first paragraph).

But the interesting thing is that Murphy says Labour would “work very closely” with the SNP in the event of a Conservative government. So we’re a bit confused about why the idea of working with them IN the government is so intolerable.

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    Saying what everyone’s thinking | Speymouth

298 to “Saying what everyone’s thinking”

  1. John Daly says:

    I suspect he’s saying “But, that’s…..”

  2. Rennie says:

    I think Naughtie say’s “but that’s”…however much I would love it to be the other word mentioned.

  3. uilleam_beag says:

    Fun though it would have been, I think he actually said, “But that’s…”

    Presumably he’d meant to add “…a heap of utter bollocks”, but caught his tongue just in time.

  4. Morag says:

    I can’t honestly tell what he said, it’s so fast. I wonder if some sort of audio analysis could clarify?

  5. Lanarkist says:

    Working together in opposition is just so different from working closely with them to achieve power, isn’t it?

  6. Camy says:

    I thought that the Grand coalition of Scottish, Welsh and English Labour was interesting – surely welding these three widely disparate elements together will make a formidable force?

  7. Chani says:

    Think he says “but it’s..” but it’s not totally clear.

  8. dakk says:

    Didn’t hear Naughtie say anything on that clip Stuart.

  9. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    This whole ‘biggest party’ line is so shambolic that anyone with any sense would have dropped it and moved on long ago.

    The fact that, day after day, we still have the same theme (albeit with variations) shows what a dreadful state labour are in, as they obviously have nothing else up their sleeves!

    There isn’t even anything comical about this situation (being mindful of today’s date!), it’s just sad 😉

  10. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Murphy will claim this as a landmark victory on the basis that Naughtie didn’t call him a cunt.

  11. dodecostanza says:

    OK 5 listens and I can’t make out what he said….help 🙂

  12. Caledonius says:

    “of course we will work together, we’ll work together very closely.”

    “work together, very closely”

    “work closely”

    Sorry I think my mind just imploded. If this isn’t Naughtie losing his marbles and forgetting his parties whole ‘SNP bad’ mantra, then I ask him this – why the hell would it have to be in opposition? You will have the numbers to lock Cameron out if you are wiling to ‘work closely’ with us. I’m sure you’ll probably get slapped down for not sticking to the utter pish that is big lie. Still, thanks for helping to undermine the SLabour argument even more.

    Thank you very much. 😉

  13. James says:

    Think the game has been up for a fair while now.

  14. marydoll says:

    well if he didn’t say it he should have. How much gibberish can this man spout? There will be blood coming out of every BBC ‘interviewer’s’ ears before the GE day listening to this stuff.

  15. Schiehallion! Schiehallion! says:

    Nawchtie needs to get up to speed. That was a shambles of an interview.

  16. Sandra says:

    Slippery Jim must be the most frustrating interviewee ever so Naughtie deserves some sort of award for keeping his expletives under control.

  17. Snode1965 says:

    So Dim Jim would happily work with SNP at Westminster, just not in government. He has admitted Labour would rather stand aside and let Cameron stay in power??? Is this another April fool spoof? Or is Dim Jim the April fool? 🙂

  18. Dan says:

    Well, that was a waste of time.

  19. Iain Donald says:

    That was frustrating, he let Murphy talk over him constantly.

  20. AnneDon says:

    Since Labour don’t work with the SNP in opposition now, that would actually be a big step forward. #McBainPrinciple

    However, if the SNP do as well as forecast, these SCottish Labour numpties, by definition, will not be at Westminster, so there won’t be a problem with Labour working with the SNP.

  21. Scott hunter says:

    The real panic for Jim regarding the snp is that his ambilical chord might be cut from the Westminster I’m first system!

  22. One_Scot says:

    I have been trying to work out the problem for over six months now, and today I think I finally solved it.

    The problem is not that Scotland does not want Independence, oh we want it alright. The problem is, they will always make it look like we don’t.

  23. ForgotMath says:

    Sounds like a little cough.

  24. Chitterinlicht says:


    All I could hear when Murphy was speaking was:

    ‘Dem polls, dem polls gonna walk around.
    Dem polls, dem polls gonna walk around.
    Dem polls, dem polls gonna walk around.
    Now hear the word of the Lord.’

  25. Luigi says:

    The naughty one was actually trying to say:

    “But it’s not working, is it? We need a bigger lie!”

  26. fred blogger says:

    what i think he is saying is; but no party has…

  27. chossy says:

    but that’s or no that’s

  28. donald anderson says:

    Naughty, naughty, Rev.

  29. a2 says:

    I am starting to get the impression that as much as the BBC (and perhaps the rest of the media)want to help ScotLab out, they are stating to get a bit irked at how the Party line is so shoogly. It’s pretty transparent that a fibby, question avoiding attitude isn’t going to lead to competent government regardless of how much you want to support them.

    It’s like being in a footy team gearing up for a big match where one of your best mates is the centre forward. He tore his cartilage doing something stupid last year but is determined to play on with his knee in a brace claiming everything’s fine and he’ll be just as good as he was before he had to walk with a stick.

  30. Luigi says:

    Snode1965 says:
    1 April, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    Is this another April fool spoof? Or is Dim Jim the April fool? 🙂

    JM has a personal callendar with 365 days marked down as April 1st.

    It helps him to sleep at night.

  31. Neil McAdam says:

    The most telling part of this interview came after your clip.
    James Naughtie showing himself to be completely useless and allowed Murphy to do his usual shouting down routine.
    Naughtie didn’t pursue him at all, and did not simply state that the PROBABLE voting intentions of the Scottish electorate, combined with a non-majority situation, means that it is likely that the circumstances of 1924 are repeated.
    Why can’t any reporter pu this shite to bed?

  32. Surely Naughty should have said “the only way you will be sitting on the opposition benches, is if you have refused a deal with the SNP and allowed Cameron to form a Government.”

  33. scott says:

    What a waste of a man that is,waffel on all the time,some presenters should just tell him to shut up and go away unless he is going to answer questions,First Minister what a bloody thought.

  34. Spout says:

    Interesting to hear that Labour would work with the SNP – off message loose chat from Murphy certainly but..

    Naughtie was supine and useless – although the BBC are experts at letting Unionist politicians prattle on with their Establishment message unhindered.

  35. Fiona says:

    Jim Murphy clearly believes his line “when was the last time….” is a show stopper. And it clearly is, because it is very seldom dealt with properly during these interviews.

    But what interests me more is his repeated assertions that a vote for the SNP will lead to Cameron being returned to Downing Street, because if the tories do not have an overall majority they cannot govern. All I have heard Mr Murphy say is that the tories will not give up power if they are the largest party, but he is never pressed to say how they will avoid it. The decision is not theirs to make, on any realistic outcome in line with the polls

    So I wonder why that part of his argument is not addressed by a clear challenge to this. “You say that the tories will not give up power if they are the largest party, but without an overall majority: exactly how will they hang on to it? Do you intend to vote to ensure that they can?”

  36. Murphy has just admitted that the Labour party would rather have a Tory government than work with the SNP on the government benches for the good of the country. I despair.

  37. Cherry says:

    I’m pretty sure he says “nuts” used my headphones and it was clearer than without…so …is there a prize…did I get it!


  38. mogabee says:


    Sorry, this episode is not available blah blah..

    Can I listen any other way?

  39. James Scobbie says:

    I also heard the Naughtie – Jim exchange this morning on Radio 4, but I though Naughtie was weak, at least weaker than his usual self. Jim just keeps going like a doom laden undertaker version of the energizer bunny. I hope that if they stick to the ‘biggest party’ rubbish it is slowly undermined between now and May 7th.

  40. Ronbon says:

    To be honest Jim Murphy’s strategy has been to keep talking and repeating the same thing time and time again to avoid answering any difficult questions.

    As an aside I received a letter from my local MP Thomas Docherty on House of Commons paper thanking me for contacting him about badger culling and Bovine TB. For the life of me I can’t recall ever contacting him about this!

    Hopefully we will see a lot of culling of labour MPs, including Thomas Docherty.

  41. mogabee, the Rev’s already done it for you. Click on the “blue” Today program at the start of the article. 2hour 5min in.

  42. ErinT says:

    “Murphy has just admitted that the Labour party would rather have a Tory government than work with the SNP on the government benches for the good of the country. I despair.”

    Yes, that is the real take home message.

    Since we know that the composition of Labour or SNP MPs sent from Scotland makes no difference on the ability of the Conservatives to pass a Queen’s Speech the implication here is that Labour would happily not vote against a Tory QS if it meant having to rely on the SNP to push their own through and would rather end up in opposition.

  43. Craig P says:

    he said “But it’s”

    shame the clip stops just before he says “patent nonsense, Jim.”


  44. Cyborgnat says:

    The “Largest Party” is the straw the drowning Slab are clutching at.
    Best give them a cheery wave back and let them get on with it.

  45. Caledonius says:

    Correction: My first post should say (murphy) not (naughtie)

    Also im sick of him bringing up the 1920s as a defence against coalition in every single interview since the Rev stumped him weeks ago. Is no presenter capable of reminding him that he tried to form a Lib/Lab pact with labour being smaller than Tories in 2010. If the Libs chose you, then we can bet Labour would have clung onto power. Or how about mentioning the many experts now disagreeing with the Labour line.

    Weasel words from a weasel of a man.

  46. Ian Watt says:

    Couldn’t help a wry chuckle when late in the interview dimjim defends slabs status as underdog with, “it’s early in the campaign, that’s only the first ball been kicked”.

    Looking forward to the change in tonal pitch when the second ball is kicked !

  47. Heather McLean says:

    “The Tree of Liberty says:
    mogabee, the Rev’s already done it for you. Click on the “blue” Today program at the start of the article. 2hour 5min in.”

    I clicked on that link but it says it’s not available on iplayer at the moment!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I clicked on that link but it says it’s not available on iplayer at the moment!”

      It definitely is – what do you think I recorded it off?

  48. Clootie says:

    Naughtie has one job – provide a forum for Labour (SCottish Branch) to spout propaganda without challenge. He is very successful in that role.

    Naughtie is not a journalist. He is a media door mat.

  49. marydoll says:

    Am I missing something? Why would SNP ‘work very closely’ in opposition with the Labour party?. They are obviously not in opposition to the Tories when they support all their policies whereas SNP and other progressive parties are against all that the Tories stand for.

  50. Brian Powell says:

    The recording with Naughtie was on iplayer, but is not now available.

  51. Heather McLean, me too! Curiouser and curiouser!

  52. BOB Mooney says:

    Just heard Ed Balls call the Labour Scottish Branch manager Jim MacMurphy,

    oh dear oh dear!

    How much you are loved down south by your leaders when they don’t even know your name.????

  53. Jim Thomson says:

    Have to agree with other posters – “Sorry, this episode is not currently available on BBC iPlayer Radio” says the wee banner across the image of a R4 studio.

  54. Jim Thomson says:

    Looks like you’ve broken Radio 4 Stuart.

  55. heedtracker says:

    If Naughty had any sense of professionalism or honour even or just the chops for the job, he’d have asked creepy old Morphy if “Labour would “work very closely” with the SNP in the event of a Conservative government.” does that mean Labour wont deal with SNP?

    Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. Its just one more day of great British lies and deceit.

  56. David Wardrope says:

    Sounds like ‘Butt cracks’ to me. Also, what is this position of “Pry Minister” that the Murph speaks of?

  57. Lollysmum says:

    Nope-still not available on iplayer

  58. Papadox says:


    Balls talking balls in Glasgow today, who’s in the front row trying to look understanding and intelligent? Gordie Matheson with a wee bobbing head. SLAB must have an off the shelf audience as wee Gordie was in the same place same look at big Gordies diatribe.

    At least on the Titanic they moved the seats around as she went down, SLAB are just sitting there like rabbits in the headlights. ….BANG! Another one bites the dust.

  59. bjsalba says:

    Nawtie Numptie.

  60. X_Sticks says:

    “Sorry, this episode is not currently available on BBC iPlayer Radio”

    Looks like McTernan has been on the phone to the bbc to get the evidence removed.

  61. shona paton says:


  62. TJenny says:

    Heather McLean, I’m also getting the ‘ not available on iplayer at the moment’ message! BBC are probably editing Naughtie’s sounds like ‘bollocks’ bit out of the recording. 😉

    Oh, how the BBC must love WOS and Wingers. 🙂 😉

  63. Mike says:

    The iplayer is still offline for this programme, perhaps if Stu posts a link to all of the BBC propaganda then we will be permanently able to spare the electorate from this drivel. Keep up the good fight.

  64. Wee Jonny says:

    What JN actually went on to say to JM was “But it’s the way you look in the flesh that does it for me Jim. Just how do you do it Jim. Just how do you kept yourself lookin sooooo svelt Jim. How do you juggle being Westmister’s guy Jim, Holyrood’s guy Jim, Aibirdeeen’s number 1 keepee uppy champ Jim, the Ald Firum’s anti-sectarian sectarian chanting sing along champ Jim, woman fir dependence group pin up, the Clyde’s número uno jogger upper and dooner, the cybernat swatter, a at the same time Jim? Can I call you Jim. In fact can I call you later?”

    That was what was actually said.

  65. Grouse Beater says:

    A wee fable about sleeping with the Enemy:

    “Slipping in Westminster’s Slop’:
    link to

  66. Grouse Beater says:

    Bob Mooney: Just heard Ed Balls call the Labour Scottish Branch manager Jim MacMurphy,

    Seriously, Balls suffers from a stutter! 🙂

  67. Craig Macinnes says:

    For fawkssake! Is that twisted fud Murphy with his creepy uncle voice on BBC every frigging day???

    I think that Uncle Tom Naughtie is saying “But that’s…just pure dead brilliant Jim. See you in the park after the show boy!”

  68. Jim Thomson says:


    Just tried to download the programme using get_iplayer and it tells me that it’s not available even though it’s listed in the indexed list that the get_iplayer program generates.

    I then changed the index ID to another programme and it’s downloading fine.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    Probably a bit of “post-production” taking place somewhere in the bowels of our extremely trustworthy BBC.

  69. ronnie anderson says:

    Is that the BBC started charging for iplayer viewing,ah dont pay Licence Fee tae watch live TV, sos there,s nae chancety i,m gonna pay tae watch or listen tae ah recording.

    Dont Pay The BBC Licence Fee to be Told LIES.

    Ma Grannies still oan the bus, its Aunty BEEP that is thrown aff.

  70. Caledonius says:

    Huh, It really is down. This could just be coincidence – but had some labourite been looking on Wings and seen this…

    Well done Rev, seriously well done. Bit by bit you are chipping away at the central pilar of Labours campaign. It’s close to crumbling. I only wish the rest of our media were this determined to call out labours crap.

  71. Ali says:

    The Beeb handed the microphone to Labour long since.

  72. think again says:

    Reference to what Jim Murphy was talking about appears here, although it is not a transcript.

    Jim claiming SLAB are within striking distance of SNP.

    link to

  73. ian gould says:

    could only hear smurphy

  74. Clydebuilt says:

    I reckon the Beeb have taken the episode of iPlayer so as to edit macMurphy’s interview…….

  75. Jamie Arriere says:

    Maybe he said “Butt Hats” which is possibly the radio-friendly equivalent of bollocks.

    It doesn’t matter, as soon as Jim Murphy says anything, all that repeats in your head is bollocks, bollocks, bollocks

    That’s what I hear anyway..

  76. Edward says:

    Well I played it in reverse at 33 rpm and I’m sure he said ‘socialism is dead’ – but I could be wrong 😉

  77. Doug McGregor says:

    Murky changed his line this morning by the addition of “traditionally” to his big lie, “the biggest party forms the government” , said not once but twice.

    Is it not the tradition here to traditionally traduce troughing tricksters who try to trump-up truckloads of trouble.

    Traditional is now new labour speak for a fact that winnae ding. We must all use it mercilessly. .

  78. gerry parker says:

    Clear, succinct and truthful.
    That’s what I like about Munguin.

    link to

  79. Ian Sanderson says:

    Sorry Rev mate your recordings been got it. There’s only about 30 seconds in total….

    Interestingly, the programme, accessed through you link on line one, “Is no longer /not available….

  80. Ian Sanderson says:

    Sorry Stu mate, you’re recording’s been got at. All that’s available is about 20 secs. of the Smurph.

    Interestingly, the programme, accessed thro the link on line 1 is “No longer available”


  81. mogabee says:

    Yeah I give up with Iplayer!

    Interestingly the podcast does not have Smurphy on it…

  82. DerekM says:

    So we are not good enough to prop them up in UK government but they will work with us in opposition ehh? Shut up spud you havering loon.

    So when do we wave the keys to no 10 in front of Cameron with a wee condition of FFA for Scotland in the first year of a new UK parliament,yes its dodgy but i reckon the tories would sell their own grannies for power and might need to deliver on it or we could with labour help bring them down,that is provided that Labour does actually want to be in government.

    i know it goes against the grain dealing with tories but at the moment i do not see any difference with dealing with labour they are as bad as each other.

  83. Chic McGregor says:

    I downloaded Stuart’s clip into Audacity.

    After trimming to the point in question and using the high and low frequency filter, noting that Naughtie has a higher pitch than Murphy, it sounds a little clearer. Sounds like he is saying ‘Come back soon’ to me.

    link to

  84. boris says:

    link to

  85. Caledonius says:

    @ gerry parker

    Ha, the 1%. How depressingly true.

    I think it was Manandboy in a separate topic that mentioned North Korea as a comparison to what the Bristish state is turning into. ‘A bit much’ I first thought at that remark, but then I got to thinking about what the U.K government says about NK

    U.K government on N.korea:

    -A small rich elite who hate true democracy run the country
    -Developed nuclear weapons in the face of international treaties demanding global disarmament
    -Spend huge portions of nations wealth on weapons while it’s people starve
    -Media totally loyal to the state
    -Undemocratic Head of state

    The U.K 2015:

    -Richest 1% group of elites that pretty much run the country and interfere in true democracy
    -Wish to renew nuclear weapons in the face of international treaties demanding global disarmament
    -Spending 100 billion pounds on nukes while people starve and food banks up 700%
    -Almost complete media loyalty to the Westminster Establisment parties at expense of others.
    -Undemocratic Head of state

    Now I’m not saying the UK runs death camps or other nonsense like that, I just wish to point out the Union is far far from some utopia that has the moral right to criticise others when it commits many similar sins.

    And anyone who heard Malcom Bruce the other day – its no exaggeration to say there are those in Westminster circles that do truly hate the process of real democracy. Shame on each and every one of them.

  86. jackie g says:


    A friend has just shown me this from the BBC website.

    Syrian Journey: Choose your own route

    From the section Middle East

    The Syrian conflict has torn the country apart, leaving thousands dead and driving millions to flee their homes. Many seek refuge in neighbouring countries but others pay traffickers to take them to Europe – risking death, capture and deportation.

    If you were fleeing Syria for Europe, what choices would you make for you and your family? Take our journey to understand the real dilemmas the migrants face.

    It then takes you to an interactive quiz and asks questions on how you and your family would flee and what you would take with you.

    Seriously? not kidding.


  87. Tom Thumb says:


    If you google SNP you’d think it would come out at the top of the search, would you not ?

    JIM MURPHY: SNP are David Camerons little helpers comes up top

    Paranoid ? Moi ?

  88. Caledonius says:

    ‘SNP-backed Labour government would leave UK looking like ‘pre-crisis Spain’, says US fund manager BlackRock’

    From a telegraph article, I won’t link it here. Also the second top search on google if you type in SNP.

    And so it begins, friends of the British Establisment once again riding in to tell us SNP BAD.

  89. Murray McCallum says:

    If you play it backwards I think he is saying “SNP bad”.

  90. Chic McGregor says:

    P.S. That is “Come back soon.” in a very sarcastic and cutting way.

  91. DerekM says:

    @ Caledonius its not what you would call a death camp but i do not see any difference to a concentration camp – Dungavel, and at the moment there are people locked up without any due process and not that you would have heard on good old British TV but there is also a hunger strike going on in the UK “detention” centers over the way they are being treated.

    The SNP have already said they would shut it down if they had the chance.

  92. Robert Peffers says:

    @Camy says: 1 April, 2015 at 12:40 pm:

    “I thought that the Grand coalition of Scottish, Welsh and English Labour was interesting – surely welding these three widely disparate elements together will make a formidable force?

    What a great idea, Camy. They could find a really good solid name for it. Something like, “The London Labour Party”, Or, “The London Labour & Unionist Party”, or as there is just going to be the one Unionist & Labour Party why not just call it “The Labour Party”? … Oh! Wait up …

  93. Glamaig says:

    If you google SNP you’d think it would come out at the top of the search, would you not ?

    JIM MURPHY: SNP are David Camerons little helpers comes up top

    FFS youre right it does, that is f**** outrageous

  94. manandboy says:

    Just testing to see if Stu’s page is OK.
    On my PC, there are no names above comments.

  95. Allie Neave says:

    Ronbon 1.39 I have also received a letter about badger culling from my MP that I do not remember contacting them about.

    My MP is not Thomas Docherty. My (soon to be ex)MP is Pamela Nash. Have we just entered a parallel universe, or is it something more sinister?

  96. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Rev its still not available , the suspenders ur getting tighter n tighter,the blood flow will be cut aff shortly.

    nae cheering in the cheep seats.

  97. Robert Peffers says:

    @marydoll says: 1 April, 2015 at 12:46 pm:

    “well if he didn’t say it he should have. How much gibberish can this man spout?”

    Aw! Cummon Marydoll, This is Jim Murphy we are considering here – that means the answer to your question is, “One helluva bloody lot more that he has to date.”

  98. CameronB Brodie says:

    Edward @ 3:03pm. Lol. 😉

    Surely society is what we make it?

  99. John says:

    I thought Naughtie was next to useless as he let spud talk all over him and prevent him asking questions. In any case I would think most people have stopped listening to whatever Labour say now as they assume it just lies.

  100. Glamaig says:

    If you google SNP you’d think it would come out at the top of the search, would you not ?

    JIM MURPHY: SNP are David Camerons little helpers comes up top

    that’s a BBC link. I don’t know how these things work, but doesn’t the owner of the link have to do some work to get it to the top of a search?

    I just googled ‘Scottish labour’ and a link to a Grauniad article came up first in the list. ‘labour-fears-snp-election-landslide-as-scottish-party-post-clear-lead-in-poll’

    ‘Scottish Conservatives’ gets just the Scottish Conservatives.

  101. Iain More says:

    I don’t see how the SNP can work with the Brit Nat Labour Party as their ideas of fairness are diametrically opposed. Take Labours latest media star for instance. What about him well

    It is going to get interesting for Mr Fairness Freeman. I expect people are trawling Company Check as we speak to see what directorships (if any) he holds……I wonder what they’ll find?

    Oh dear me – You mean like a wholly-owned limited company for him to siphon money through and reduce his tax bill? Aye he’s got one of those (Geoffrey Joseph Ltd)

    Work with that lot in Govt or Opposition – you have to be kidding me Jim Macmurphy.

  102. ronnie anderson says:

    Third labour leaflet delivered today The scottish Labour Party has a plan, with photo,s of their supporters all 8 of them.

  103. Caledonius says:


    I had no idea there were hunger strikes. Heck even the basic wiki page on Dungavel mentions that the British media failed to cover this story. Utterly disgraceful.

    As if my opinion of MSM couldn’t get any lower.

  104. dave the squirrel says:

    No foul rev, imo. His impatient huffing in the background certainly implies he’s thinking it, though.

    This is all a pantomime. A show of strength from Labour,and not a very good one, as many have pointed out that this makes no sense because they can have the glory by teaming up with the essenpee anyway.
    So it’s a bunch of pointless bullsh*te, all this.

    There will be an snp/labour coalition. The election is effectively over. There’s nothing more to say so they just put this stuck record of an arsehole on every single day.

    He’s the worst politician I’ve ever, ever heard.

  105. Grouse Beater says:

    I wonder if those watching or listening to Murphy bully interviewers will be scunnered by his tactic of talking right through questions and interventions? The repetition alone must be turning off viewers. When Salmond felt an interviewer was getting ‘uppity’ he never lost his cool or bullied them into submission. Often as not, he let the end of his response go without completion, listened to the new question, and answered it.

  106. Croompenstein says:

    OT – just got in and the wife is greetin because the TV licensing guy has been back at the door with their threats and pish talk. I have versed her well in what to say to these guys and to not let them in the house, this guy told her if we have internet we need a licence and the next visit will be the police and we will get fined a thousand quid! They never seem to come in when I’m in… 🙁

    We don’t watch live brainwash shite since we were lied to during the ref, always had a licence before that, so fuck off BBC and Capita..

  107. Kenny says:

    It is amusing to watch the compilation of clips on YouTube when people film BBC license goons going round houses and they end up hotfooting it when they see a camera.

    It would be nice if we could get someone to film what happens when the Red Tories go out chapping on doors in Glesga.* I’ll bet the reception they get would be enough to make a cat laugh!

    * Do they have the manpower? I seriously suspect their membership numbers will have dipped below 5000 by now — and many of this number will probably be the WM and Holyrood troughers themselves and relatives of troughers who will have no interest in walking the streets.

  108. Robert Peffers says:

    @ForgotMath says:1 April, 2015 at 12:56 pm:

    “Sounds like a little cough.

    I didn’t know that’s how to spell C … … Err! Perhaps not.

  109. kalmar says:

    “This programme has been edited since broadcast”.

  110. Robert Peffers says:

    @ronnie anderson says: 1 April, 2015 at 4:55 pm:

    “Third labour leaflet delivered today The scottish Labour Party has a plan, with photo,s of their supporters all 8 of them.”

    Naw! Ronnie. four o thaim wir the candidate’s ain family twa ithers wir Students commin oot tae be Doctors, anither ain wis a penter commin oot fir a pee an the last ain wis the photographers apprentice oan a zero hours contract.

  111. Dr Benway says:

    Caledonius 4.57pm

    RT (freeview 135) covered the hunger strikes quite comprehensively.

    Don’t forget what we’re dealing with here, during indyref campaign when the egg thing with Murphy happened it was trumpeted from the msm rooftops as irrefutable evidence of the thuggery of Independence supporters.

    When a pregnant Yes-supporting woman was kicked in the stomach by a BT thug, the bbc/msm deliberately buried it.

    That’s the true nature of the low life scum we have for a mass media. (For now)

  112. frogesque says:

    Here ya go folks – make it viral!

    link to

  113. Chic McGregor says:

    Naughtie file 2

    Did a bit more trying to tweak Murphy out using the graphic equaliser on Audacity.

    Now about 90% sure it is “Come back soon.” but when you think you know what a sound is it does tend to sound more like it each time you hear it anyway.

    link to

  114. kalmar says:

    OH I HATE HIS SLIMY CONDESCENDING VOICE SOOOO MUCH. Rarely does one hear an interview where Naughty is the least hateful guy in the room.

  115. boris says:

    link to

  116. gerry parker says:


    Contact the police. No one has the right to put anyone into a state of fear and alarm as your wife was.

    Also complain the the licensing people. I am sure they will be disappointed that their employees are threatening law abiding members of the public with threats of this nature.

    link to

  117. sinky says:

    Dreadful election coverage by bbc radio scotland at 5.15. Instead of playing clip of michael mathieson they played ukip on immigration. Bbc falied to mention that police forces in england do not pay vat and that was the point of snp raising the issue. Plus mathieson was recorded with a noisy background whereas everyone else with no background noice

  118. Chic McGregor says:

    Caltonjock has cranked up of late to a huge throughput of useful information. Going to start promoting it like I do Wings, Bella and NNS.

  119. Ken500 says:

    The Bookies are at it. William Hill – no bets on no of SNP MP’s to be elected. Bets on all other Parties no of MP’s to be elected.

    Coral are offering even on over 43.5 SNP to be elected (under 43.5 – 8/11) but not taking bets over £25.

    At the Referendum they were taking any bets, after the postal votes were illegally scrutinised and they were tipped off. Fleecing YES punters.

  120. No no no...Yes says:

    Whilst I’m no fan of Mr Naughtie, I could hear some frustration in his voice. It’s only day 3 and Murphy cannot keep this up all the way to polling day. Folk are already unconvinced by Murphy’s nonsense and Radio 4 listeners are many things, but they ain’t stupid.

  121. Scotspine says:

    Just listened to what claims to be bbc radio Scotland.

    They ran a report on the Election and what the parties were up to today.

    Tories and Labour up first. Clear sound and comment from MPs and lengthy explanation from the reporter.

    Next up Lib Dems and same clarity and length of explanation.

    Then the female reporter asks what SNP are up to today. The male reporter blurbs something about single issue and VAT and cuts to the supposed SNP soundbite. What do we get? A loud and clear recording of someone banging on about unrestricted Immigration. Cuts back to male reporter who waffles “oops my mistake, fat fingers on the computer before cutting to a recording of an SNP MSP which is of very poor sound quality.

    A shocking example of shoving SNP to the back of the bus, shutting up their voice and confusing listeners as to their message.

    Here we go again folks. If thats the way this continues, we either get serious and take a class action against the BBC or give up.

  122. almannysbunnet says:

    @glamaig and Tom Thumb
    Don’t panic chaps. That’s just how google works these days. Look closely and the first 1-2 items come under “In The News” then there’s a line and the normal google search results. If there is no “news” about your search topic then it’s straight to search results. We can safely remove the tin foil hats 🙂

  123. Dave Walker says:

    Hopefully, Murphy speaks the truth. If, as is most likely, Labour don’t win in Scotland and don’t win in England – then they don’t have a mandate to form a government. None of the 3 national political parties will work with the SNP as it would be electoral suicide. The Labour Party would never get in to Government again if they worked with the SNP this time round. They would be dead in England henceforth.

  124. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Ken500 at5.44

    They were offering SNP votes long before the postal votes were in. They knew (and William Hill’s certainly knew) what the postal vote was going to say before it was in.
    William Hill’s also posted huge fake bets on NO to justify the odds they were offering.
    Over 90% of the individual bets went on YES yet the kept offering odds-on NO. I don’t know any percipient poerson that can’t smell the fraud

  125. almannysbunnet says:

    @chic mcgregor
    but when you think you know what a sound is it does tend to sound more like it each time you hear it anyway. You’re right, I listened over and over, couldn’t make it out and it suddenly sounded like “too much”. Now “too much” is stuck in my brain no matter how much more I listen. Maybe that’s what’s happened to Murphy when he keeps repeating “the biggest party BS” over and over, maybe he’s hearing something else. 😉

  126. manandboy says:

    @ frogesque says:1 April, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    A great job frogesque, well done.

    I’m sure you will want to finish it
    by spelling ‘comands’ properly.

  127. ClanDonald says:

    Even though I now expect Jim Murphy to lie about all this it’s still a total shock to hear him actually lie through his teeth. And so frequently.

    Don’t people like Jim Murphy think that being know as a liar is something to be ashamed of? I’d be horrified to ever be caught lying to one person never mind half the country.

    I genuinely think there’s something wrong with these people who think it’s acceptable or even desirable to be a liar. Do they think the voters don’t care about things like this?

  128. Lollysmum says:

    You don’t need a licence ‘if you have the internet’. Capita guy was lying. You only need a licence if you watch something as it is being broadcast which is why you get a reminder if you watch anything live on BBC or iplayer.

    Write a letter of complaint to TV licensing about his lies & the upset he caused to your wife. Tell them they need a search warrant if they come back & want to be let in.

    I always leave it a couple of hours after it was originally broadcast before I watch a program on the web. It doesn’t apply to YouTube & catchup tv other stuff online.

    You also don’t need a licence if you only listen to radio even when broadcast live. It only applies to TV /computer broadcasting

  129. Faltdubh says:

    I think Naughtie said “we” as in Labour. 😉

    He has previous.

    Nah, I’ve no idea at all – it’s too inaudible. He’s probably getting himself in a fuss at the thought of Murpho and the “Natz” on the opposition bench and 5 years of Tory rule.

  130. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Bit o/t ,but BBC 6.00 news just said that George Osbourne has asked John Swinney to help him balance the books .


  131. Lollysmum says:

    It looks as though BBC have given up on trying to shut you up-now they just remove the source from their website so no one can verify your statements.

    Just like ‘someone’ took down the YouTube video of JM ignoring the elderly lady’s question on his irnbrucrate tour.

    Think we’re going to have to learn to be even sneakier 🙂

  132. Thepnr says:


    Beyond belief, well it would be if it wasn’t the UK and the BBC. I just listened and as kalmar says the introduction states “this program has been edited since broadcast”.

    Absolutely disgraceful, no sign of the “naughty” piece with Murphy (unless is has moved). Now we have the BBC rewriting history. Never mind us complaining the SNP must complain about this and get it out into the open.

  133. Jim Thomson says:

    Back on iPlayer … “this programme has been edited since first broadcast” oh, really …

  134. Robert Louis says:


    This April fool malarkey is hard going. For the briefest of seconds, I was incredulous that Lallands was jacking it all in. I reckon his is the best I’ve seen today.

    link to

  135. Nana Smith says:


    Baron Bilimoria of COBRA Beer describes the SNP as a ‘nightmare. Cobra off my shopping list.

    Moonpig gave £156,500 to the Conservatives

  136. Nana Smith says:


    Really sorry to hear that. I can imagine how your wife felt.

  137. Croompenstein says:

    @gerry @Lolysmum @Nana – Thanks folks

    It’s thanks to the good advice on here that we can counter this.

    Thanks for the link gerry will ask them to desist the harassment.
    On a brighter note I got my iScot magazine today and it’s a terrific edition this month well done to the iScot team.

  138. Thepnr says:

    They have moved it to start at 2:11:40

    The section highlighted by the Rev above has been removed. The interview ends at 02:20:53

    My view this has nothing to do with what “naughty” says but the fact that Murphy says “Of course the Labour party and the SNP will work together, very closely together, but it will be on the opposition benches”. This of course has disappeared.

    Jim Murphy right now getting his arse kicked from London.

    A disgrace by the BBC to try and rewrite history, an absolute scandal only Orwell could have foreseen.

  139. Michael McCabe says:

    In the interview Murphy Says the first ball of this campaign has been kicked. Oh how I would love to kick Jim Murphy,s Ball.

  140. frogesque says:

    manandboy says:
    1 April, 2015 at 6:09 pm
    @ frogesque says:1 April, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    A great job frogesque, well done.

    I’m sure you will want to finish it
    by spelling ‘comands’ properly.

    Bugger! lol – sorted, thanks for pointing it out early!

  141. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    Well done for sticking with this Rev Stu.

    You know – I think they are going to brass it out with this nonsense all the way to May 7th.

    Nicola will pick him up in the debates and demolish this lie once and for all.

    Live on TV with no editing this time!

    I cannot wait for it – it will be brilliant.

  142. Dr Ew says:

    Just to say the relevant section actually begins at 2h 10m.

  143. FairFerfochen says:

    Was listening to the clip just as my grand-daughter came charging into the room.
    She suddenly stopped and asked me what I was listening to and I told her it was Murphy.

    “That doesn’t sound like donkey” she says.

    Had to tell her it was a different donkey, bless.

  144. Caledonius says:

    At least Wings still as that small 30 second clip proving Murphy said what he did. But yeah Thepnr, if the BBC has started to rewrite history hours after it happens, it’s very troubling. Add it today’s reports of various media trying to Sideline the SNP…

    It appears our imperial masters do not wish us to question, analyse or critique what they say to us. We should just believe the one repeated lie. Be good drones. And rembember, there are only Two political parties, red or blue. Rule Britannia.

  145. Thepnr says:

    The BBC has just committed hari-kari. If anyone could ever have doubted the bias from the BBC towards the SNP just point them to this article and the “revised” version on iPlayer.

    What a PR disaster and it reeks of desperation. I won’t make a complaint to the BBC about this as we all discovered what a waste of time that was. I’m writing to my MP and demanding that he demands answers.

    Hiding the truth and/or facts as were stated from the electorate when the election campaign is underway is in my opinion unforgivable.

  146. Artyhetty says:


    I think thats terrible that your wife was threatened by tv license guy, never let them in without a warrant again. It also sounds like blackmail, which is illegal. They have no right to harrass you or anyone in thwir own home, I would take it further and seek legal advice. I know they think they are a law unto themselves, but to cause anxiety and alarm to someone,mwithout due cause is surely not above the law.

    Oh and on ipad I can only hear smurphy for about 19 seconds teling the big porky he loves so much.

  147. Chic McGregor says:


    When I listen expecting to hear ‘too much’ I can hear it but when expecting ‘Come back soon’ I can hear that as well, including the ‘n’ sound at the end. Weird, since they are not very alike phrases.

  148. Dr Ew says:

    James Naughtie still let him off the hook. he never pinned down Murphy on what they’d do if the Tories are the biggest party but Labour plus SNP (and maybe Plaid, Greens, SDLP and others) could form a majority, or at least vote down any Tory attempt to form a government.

    Also irked by why no one at the BBC dares ask a Tory to rule out a coalition with the DUP.

  149. Chic McGregor says:

    My money is still on ‘Come back soon’. There is definitely a third utterance after the two sounds that are possibly either ‘Come back’ or ‘Too much’ although that third sound is at a lower volume. And it does to me seem to have at least ‘oo’ and ‘n’ sound ending.

    When you are expecting ‘Too much’ that third sound is at a lower enough level for your mind to ignore.

  150. Stoker says:

    Unbelievable, the British Bullshit Corporation have started running their BBC1 Reporting Scotland 6.30pm News on their Parliament Channel at the exact same time it is being shown on BBC1.

    Immediately after that, on the same Parliament Channel, they are showing the Murphy/Balls show under the programme title of “Labour Glasgow Campaign Event”.

    I suppose it’s fair enough to show the Murphy/Balls panto as that would count as a “political” programme but who made the decision to start running a “News” programme (which also contains Sports reports) on a political channel?

    Mind you, if you had witnessed the patronising propaganda on tonights Reporting Scotland at 6.30pm you’d know why.

    The BBC – utterly disgraceful broadcaster with absolute ZERO credibility.

    The BBC – nothing but liars and deceitful manipulators.

  151. Robert Peffers says:

    More than 100 Bosses back the Tory Party.

    Shock! Surprise! Startling Revelation!

    Who Knew?

    Who would believe it?

    Now if it had been, “More than 100 Bosses don’t back the Tories – That would have been news.

    A bit like, “Dog bites man”, is not news but, “Man bites dog”, that is news.

    Where are they getting reporters and news editors these days?

    Answers on a post card to …

    Oh! Forget it –

    everyone else has.

  152. Stoker says:

    Michael McCabe wrote:
    “Oh how I would love to kick Jim Murphy,s Ball.”

    “Get in line son there’s five million waitin”
    Did ye see whit ah did there Michael.

  153. John says:

    At 2h:19m:33s, big Jim says (quite emphatically) “and the SNP are just getting in our way in our ability to form a government”. Oops.

  154. Molly says:

    Do you know what bothers me about the BBC and all this Murphy stuff, I keep thinking so what’s going on behind the scenes?

    Talking to some ‘ sensible’ folk and even they’re confused as to whether they are even registered to vote as it seems patchy across the country?

    I saw the item on STV about ensuring homeless people use their vote in Glasgow but not sure about other areas?

    Anyone know if there are any campaigns ongoing like RIC did for the Referendum ?

    Got mine too but having problems subscribing for the monthly DD. Paypal keeps telling me , an errors occurred but will persist anyway .

  155. Brian Nicholson says:

    In these serious times, a small bit of humour is always welcome.

    My apologies to Ernest Lawrence Thayer ( author of Mighty Casey at the Bat)…..

    The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Labour crew that day:
    The polls stood four to two, with but barely time to play.
    And then when Blair sent packing first, and Brown did follow same,
    A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.

    A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
    Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
    They thought, if only Murphy could get but a chance to wear the hat –
    We’d put up even money, now, with Murphy at the bat.

    But Gray preceded Murphy, as did also Johann Lamont,
    And the former was a lulu and the latter was founding want;
    So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
    For there seemed but little chance of Murphy’s getting to the hat.

    But McTernan wrote a jingle, to the wonderment of all,
    And McDougall, the much despised, joined tall Jimmy’s stall;
    And when the dust had lifted, and the men saw what had occurred,
    There was Jimmy safe in office and Kezia a-hugging Byrd.

    Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty cry;
    It rumbled through the valley, it rattled across the sky;
    It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
    For Murphy, mighty Murphy, had advanced and took the hat.

    There was ease in Murphy’s manner as he stepped into his place;
    There was pride in Murphy’s bearing and a smile on Murphy’s face.
    And when, responding to the cheers, he shyly climbed his crate,
    No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Murphy at Gallowgate.

    Ten thousand eyes were on him as he filled the air with dirt;
    Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped egg from his shirt.
    Then while the writhing listeners ground their teeth in never-ending grip ,
    Defiance gleamed in Murphy’s eye, a sneer curled Murphy’s lip.

    And now another putrid egg came hurtling through the air,
    And Murphy stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
    Close by the sturdy crate the eggs unheeded sped-
    “That ain’t my style,” said Murphy. “Day one,” the Nat man said.

    From the media benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
    Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.
    “Kill him! Kill the Nat!” shouted someone from his band;
    And its likely they’d a-killed him had not Murphy raised his hand.

    With a smile of Christian charity great Murphy’s visage shone;
    He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the day go on;
    He ignored again the picture, and once more the polls shone through;
    But Murphy still ignored them, even as McTernan cried, “Vote Blue.”

    “Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered fraud;
    But one scornful look from Murphy and the audience again was awed.
    They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
    And they knew that Murphy wouldn’t let the Nats fly by again.

    The sneer is gone from Murphy’s lip, his teeth are clenched in hate;
    He pounds with cruel violence his fist upon his pate.
    And now the voters are in the hall, and now they make their judgement so,
    And now the air is shattered by the result of Murphy’s show.

    Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
    The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
    And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
    But there is no joy in Labour – mighty Murphy’s been found out.

  156. Thepnr says:

    The question is did the BBC edit the today program because Wings posted an article questioning what Jim Naughtie said?

    Or did the BBC edit the today program because of what Jim Murphy said?

    Who demanded the edit and why?

  157. One_Scot says:

    And to think, there are probably still some people who pay the BBC TV licence.

  158. Gary45% says:

    Tried listening to Jimbo Numpty a few times.
    I am pretty sure he says, “FUD you are a Lying, Deceitful,
    Tortoise impersonating, Dull sounding, Brain Dead, Moronic FUD.
    I also think he says Just give an honest answer. Bollocks.

  159. Vince says:

    O/T sort of.

    Nice wee article about stats surrounding Andy Murray’s journey to 500 victories on the tennis tour BUT….

    Last stat though. He has used 2,000 pairs of wrist bands during that time. They then tell us that that would be just enough to go round all the people at William’s and Cate’s wedding.

    Andy, greatest British tennis player ever. Don’t get above yourself, as you are just insignificant compared to the wondrous royal couple, who can afford to invite 2,000 guests to their wedding. WTF is that about. They can’t help themselves.

  160. Vince says:

    SORRY, my note re Andy at 7.43pm was on the BBC Sports Page.

  161. Terry says:

    Daily politics today. About 7 mins in. Frances ogrady TUC general secretary spoke about (in connection with migrant workers and low wages ) ‘people from Scotland, people from europe’.

    We didn’t achieve independence did we? Cos she’s acting like we are migrant workers ie the scots who go to England. Can you see them referring to all the English up here with the oil as migrant workers? What a neep!

  162. Mac an sealgair says:

    Methinks the worm is turning and trying to twist his mantra to claim that hes always said of course they’ll work with the SNP. Adding “traditional” to his usual spiel changes it completely. And working with the SNP against the Tories in opposition is only a sidestep away from agreeing to working with the SNP to keep the Tories out.
    Head office been on the phone?

  163. Unchained says:

    The cats out of the bag. Flip board loaded a Telegraph page with a The Smirks comments. Maybe he plans on running as an independent.

  164. David says:

    As Murphy ‘plumbs’ the depths of deception yet again, Naughtie interrupts his flow and says “ballcocks”.


  165. Croompenstein says:

    @Terry –

    Frances ogrady TUC general secretary

    I wonder if she’s the daughter of Rosie O’Grady? 🙂

    link to

  166. Patrick Roden says:

    Murphy saying that Labour aren’t doing as bad as some make out because they are only 6% behind in a lot of seats, in a poll out just the other day, not the 16%, that a lot of polls have suggested.

    What he did not mention is that Labour are indeed 6% behind in all these seats, as they are seats that they held after the last election, sometimes by huge majorities!

    I think the overall swing to the SNP in these Labour Safe Seats, has been 34%.

    The man just can’t stop lying and deceiving, and he’s doing this to his own people.

  167. Effijy says:

    yes that is what he said!

    He, or rather his Westminster masters, will not work together with SNP to keep the Blue Tories out, but would work with SNP to complain about them being in power???

    It is a Murphyism all right!

    STV news at 11pm last night claimed Scottish NHS A & E targets are being well missed, below 70%, but went on to name Gartnavel Hospital as one of the worst, but I’m certain they don’t have an A & E Dept?
    Can anyone confirm this?

  168. Caroline Corfield says:

    No, Gartnavel does not have an A&E and to my knowledge has never done so.

    link to

  169. Fiona says:

    @ Patrick Roden

    I think he is perhaps doing it to himself.

  170. Laverock says:

    Frogesque and manandboy

    I’m a bit confused today about who is joking and what is real. But I spell commands with two ‘m’s .

  171. Caledonius says:


    Orwell you say? Can see it now.

    Eurovision – the near future…

    “Good evening Austria, this is London calling, we just wish to say what wonderful show you have put on tonight. And now for the results of New Oceania jury. The proles were of course not consulted, tonight’s acts were judged only by loyal members of the Red and Blue Parties, in consultation with the BBC council.”

    “All Europe – Nil Points.”

  172. Kenny says:

    The BBC, the British establishment and now the Americans are bleating about how RT is all “Putin propaganda” and they need something to combat it making inroads into the Western media world. The Guardian have their knickers in a permanent twist about RT.

    They just don’t get it that most of the problem is that everyone knows the BBC, ITV, paper media are completely compromised and filled with establishment journos and failed Tory/Labour parliamentary candidates (before we even get onto the paedophiles and dirty old men allowed to flourish in the BBC!). This disgusts people.

    It would be SO EASY to counter RT “propaganda” and gain back viewers. Just be impartial AS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE! But that would be too easy: they would much rather dream up ways of setting Ofcom on RT, rather than set their own ship to rights.

    Why? Because they are troughers first and foremost, beholden to the rotten union, and an utter disgrace to their profession!

  173. Grouse Beater says:

    Michael McCabe wrote: “Oh how I would love to kick Jim Murphy,s Ball.” “Get in line son there’s five million waiting”

    For more ironic patter: ‘A Christmas Cracker’ link to

  174. liz says:

    O/T One hour left for Kirsten Oswald crowd fund if anyone can spare £5. Taxi for Murphy??

    link to

  175. orri says:

    Question for Murphy.

    In a scenario where Labour, either together or in coalition, have a majority of only one seat and he is fortunate enough to have been re-elected will he still resign if he manages to get a seat at Holyrood? Even if by doing so he risks Labour losing said majority?

  176. Lollysmum says:

    Magrit Curran strikes again

    Photographed carrying cardboard cut-out of David Tennent around the streets. That takes scraping the barrel to a new low although one tweeter said they’d get more sense from the cut-out than Magrit. Bit difficult to argue with that 🙂

  177. Stephen McKenzie says:

    BBC editing.. Ah but the Telegraph caught the “would work with the SNP” line and have put the story of what Murphy said in their Scotland web pages.

    Relating directly to the BBC interview this morning they quote quite specifically what Murphy said..

    “If these opinion polls are repeated on election day in Scotland, of course the SNP and the Labour Party will work together, we will work very closely together, but it will be on the opposition benches and we will be looking across at David Cameron as prime minister.”.

  178. Kenny says:

    This caught my eye at the end of the SCOT GOES POP blogpost for 29 March:

    “A Scottish poll published this morning showed the early signs of a backlash, with 74% of respondents – including 53% of Labour voters – agreeing with the statement that “only the SNP were serious about getting the Tories out”. Meanwhile, support for independence had crept up again to 54%.”

    Have we ever been higher than 54%? Granted, if we had the referendum right now, Project Fear could probably beat the number down to 48%.

    But the momentum is with us, people, and with Queen Nicola leading a 100K+ strong SNP, the Greens finally getting noticed, all the sterling work of the likes of the RIC, Women for Indy, SSP, Business for Scotland, as the UKOK led by the Blue and Red Tories sinks further and further into debt, disgrace and corruption… does anyone seriously think Scotland will NOT be an independent country within the next five years???

    Anyone, it is only a question of time before those who voted NO but wanted Devo Max see that not only were they cruelly cheated (which was a disgrace, by the way), but that the only way of ever getting “Devo Max” is by securing independence…

  179. Effijy says:

    As listed above, the link below will take you to last night’s STV
    propaganda, sorry news. at 1.42 mins in, they announce that NHS
    Scotland A & E targets have been missed again with Gartnavel
    A & E performing at 72%. As another confirmed for me above, Gartnavel Hospital doesn’t have an A & E Dept???????

    Can we get retraction as they have obviously got 100% record as
    no one requested A & E treatment,they were dealt with immediately

    They are in full blown just lie and nobody can do a thing about it.

    link to

  180. Gavin Greig says:

    The interview’s still there after the edit but it now starts around 2h10m rather than 2h5m. Something else must have been inserted.

  181. frogesque says:

    @laverock 8.45

    It was me wot dun it! Cannae spell for toffee.

    All sorted on the original link. Can’t get anything past Wingers lol

  182. frogesque says:

    8.24 !

  183. mogabee says:


    Gartnavel’s A&E closed more than 15yrs ago!

  184. Ken500 says:

    Only 100 Bosses back the Tories

  185. boris says:

    link to

  186. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Kenny at 8.57

    “but that the only way of ever getting “Devo Max” is by securing independence…”


  187. carjamtic says:

    SLabber Smurph “in zugzwang” mode…….tick tick

  188. caledonia says:

    more like the truth
    link to

  189. Effijy says:

    100 Bosses back the Blue Tories!

    Shock and Surprise that they filthy rich would side with the
    party that continues to take from the poor to make them richer!

    You will never guess what Bears do in the woods?

    Pathetic line from a pathetic party,

  190. Onwards says:

    @Kenny says:
    1 April, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    I saw that – it was a spoof scenario if Labour let the Tories govern in a hung parliament. The last full-scale Scottish poll was the Ashcroft one on Labour held constituencies only:

    SNP 43%
    Labour 37%

    Too close for comfort, if the Labour big lie starts to sink into the general public that don’t read politics sites.

    Regarding Devo-Max, I think the SNP should campaign far harder on it, rather than focusing on austerity and getting dragged into Westminster politics.
    Just call it ‘more powers’ though. That’s more easily understood.

    Labour have got one simple message, even if is isn’t true. It will fool many people.

    I’m concerned the SNP message isn’t focused enough to hold their current lead.

    IMO we should focusing on a similar SIMPLE message.
    The ‘more seats more powers’ idea.
    Holding the balance of power to give Scotland power.

  191. Grouse Beater says:

    Kenny: Have we ever been higher than 54%?

    Interesting question, Kenny.

    Britain has never quite managed revolution in the modern age. Can we match the crowds seen in Greece or Spain for anything other than a Royal occasion?

    Unless there was a tidal wave of revulsion at England’s political values, I can’t think we’d ever get beyond 60% because of the number of people in Scotland who rightly or wrongly see themselves as British first, Scottish second, or are British-English, that is, they believe the natural home of government is Westminster, plus those who have an irrational fear that confuses independence with isolationism.

  192. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    I had given up putting complaints into the BBC. But I have to make an exception on this one.

    Trying to subvert democracy by editing out parts of interviews with Labour Politicians when Wings has the copy of the radio program they have removed.

    Absolutely Shocking – just blatant bias and caught red-handed.

    Has it become that bad that the BBC just think they can ignore any criticism and do what they like to fit their and the Labour Parties agenda.

    They are a complete disgrace.

    Phone number for BBC complaints 03700100222 – Option 1 and option 3.

  193. laverock says:

    @ Frogesque 9.07

    I should have said too – I like the link, I have passed it on already.

  194. Macca73 says:

    Just a quick thought here but IF they stand back and allow the Tories to take power in in Westminster without opposing them what would it does to the Labour party is irrelevant.

    It’s my belief that at that point the people of Scotland will put pressure on the SNP to call yet another referendum OR put pressure on the SNP seats to declare UDI by means of a vote of some sort.

    Even those who DID vote Labour in this election would have no option but to admit that they’ve been lied to really badly if the Tories were allowed to govern.

    Check mate ladies and gents!

    Murphy has almost played out his last move!

  195. Edward says:

    Just reading over on Guido Fawkes blog, ‘Order Order’ that Ed Miliband has been caught out on his constituency leafleting which had ‘ordinary’ members of the public that just happened to be Labour party activists!

    One was even a councillor

    Are we surprised? Naw Labour just cant help themselves

    Perhaps closer scrutiny of the leaflets being pushed through doors in Scotland

    link to

  196. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Nana Smith I copied your post on NHS Cabal to,its getting plenty of hits. I did give you all credit Thanks Nana.

  197. Natasha says:

    Just wanted to say that I was out canvassing last night and the very first door I knocked on, the guy said, “Aye, I’ll be voting for Nicola.” After that it was pretty much solidly SNP all along the street. This is in Roxburgh, Selkirk & Berwickshire, which was 61% NO at the referendum. 🙂

  198. Lenny Hartley says:

    I was at tart aver for an appointment today and definitely no a+e that I could see

  199. Lenny hartley says:

    Sorry that should be gartnavel in last post. My first post with new iPad and didn’t notice auto correction

  200. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    These recent Ashcroft polls were in some selected strong Labour held seats and they were still behind SNP. Hence Labour will still be losing these seats in current polling.

    It did not stop Murphy from pretending that the gap had fallen to 6%.

    The polling gap between SNP and Labour in more of the region of high teens.

    The real gap may actually be larger as many of the polling companies still down weight the SNP polling number due to their comparatively lower polling in the 2010. It suits the Unioinst agenda to downplay the SNP at all times.

    Murphy is a complete psychopath – did you here him telling Naughtie that silence on the radio is bad.
    He is completely nuts and the BBC will not be able to protect him forever

    So I am just waiting for Jim Murphy to implode some day and have one of his Fuck off x 3 moments live on air. Hopefully, it will happen in one of the live debates.

    Then the gap opens up to 25% and SNP wins a landslide and Labour are finished in Scotland.

    Here’s hoping.

  201. Caledonius says:

    @ Natasha

    Very encouraging! 🙂

  202. gerry parker says:

    @ lollysmum at 8:44.

    A cardboard cutout you say?

    Couldav been worse, couldav been an inflatable one.



  203. Bob Mack says:

    Murdo Fraser on Scotland tonight talking about the immorality of leaving debts to future generations ,hence the need for severe cuts .I remember hearing last year, we only just paid off debts from ww1.What happened to that theory then ?
    It appears immorality is a moveable feast.

  204. liz says:

    @Onwards – Scot goes Pop has a few interesting things to say about that poll.

    link to

  205. Natasha says:

    schrodinger’s cat
    If you’re out there, Loretta says hello. 🙂

  206. Gary45% says:

    Just listened to FUD on radio4 from this morning (edited version)
    FUD is still spouting the same SH*TE as normal.
    The BBC should be pulled up for allowing this clown to lie repeatedly on the state run broadcaster,
    Lies, Damn Lies.

  207. frogesque says:

    Re an impending Murphy meltdown…

    He does indeed seem to be crossing the line from being completely bonkers to full blown self delusion.

    All he needs is a turquoise jump suit and he will be the second coming of David Like.

  208. Hamish E says:

    Radio programme back on iplayer. Announcer states that programme has been edited.
    Murphy speaks long and his usual creepy manner and tells us the usual 1924 story, that snp is in the way of labour and that he wants to form a coalition with Wales Labour, English Labour! Then a strange thing happens the interview ends at 2:20:39 secs with the announcement that it was 821. A full 20 secs is missing which in radio terms is a long silence. Why the edit? Was something taken out or was something re recorded?

  209. Morag says:

    I had given up putting complaints into the BBC. But I have to make an exception on this one.

    Trying to subvert democracy by editing out parts of interviews with Labour Politicians when Wings has the copy of the radio program they have removed.

    Don’t embarrass yourself.

    I don’t know what they’ve edited, but Jim’s indecipherable interjection is still there after the editing process. I listened to Stu’s extract both this morning and just now, and to the version that’s on iPlayer flagged as edited. The section in question is identical. Nobody has tampered with it.

    I do wish people would check their facts before sounding off and making official complaints and urging others to make official complaints. It’s embarrassing.

  210. Hamish E says:

    Re Gartnavel General in Glasgow

    Go online and you will see the big signs that state that there is no A&E. Been up for over 15 years!

    The Western Infirmary is the A&E hospital in that area of Glasgow

  211. call me dave says:

    Excerpt from ‘Pop goes Pop’ From poll of polls.
    Both David Maddox of the Scotsman and Magnus Gardham of the Herald have taken the ComRes voting intention figures for Labour-held constituencies only, and pumped them into the Scotland Votes calculator as if they were national figures, thus producing an utterly nonsensical seats “projection” of SNP 30, Labour 27.

    Holy Jesus. Even on a uniform swing, the ComRes poll suggests that the SNP would take 28 of the 40 Labour seats.

    Here’s the thing, Magnus and David – the SNP already hold six seats. So if you add 28 to those six, you’ve already got 34.

    Surely that very basic piece of arithmetic ought to have been enough to set alarm bells ringing about your “projection”?

    In reality, the SNP would also be winning at least seven of the 11 Liberal Democrat seats, plus Eric Joyce’s Falkirk seat, so there’s no conceivable national projection based on the ComRes poll that would give the SNP fewer than 42 seats.

    Man of my acquaintance, long time labour and NO voter in the sports centre tonight, looking glum. Speaking about recent by-election loss in Glenrothes to SNP… volunteered with a whisper and a scary face “and see that Murphy..don’t know what the f@#k he’s all about”

    He’s a nice man really(my acquaintance) but will never desert the cause…pity! 🙂

  212. boris says:

    link to

  213. Caledonius says:

    frogesque says:
    1 April, 2015 at 10:57 pm
    Re an impending Murphy meltdown…
    All he needs is a turquoise jump suit and he will be the second coming of David Like.

    Hell of an image you put in my mind frogesque. I can see murphys full mental breakdown now:

    “it’s those SNP folk! They are all lizard people! They will take over Westminster and consume the flesh of the Speaker, and they will mind control Black Rod to give us all daily beatings with that … Black rod to keep us loyal to the new lizard regime! We’re doomed if you don’t listen to me! Biggest party Ukoksnpbad biggest party!

  214. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Onwards (9.56) –

    ‘Labour have got one simple message, even if is isn’t true. It will fool many people.’

    Spot-on, IMO. But how can the SNP be expected to reach the ‘many’ you refer to via MSM outlets? They can’t. At any rate, they can’t do so in terms which will resonate with the so-called ‘Low Information Voter’ SLab now pins its entire survival upon.

    NS, Hosie, and all of the pro-Indy reps, be they MPs, MSPs, activists or ordinary citizens, cannot appear onscreen and say ‘See yon Murphy? He’s full ay shite, and here’s exactly why…’

    They can’t do it because the ‘media’ does what it says on the tin – it mediates: it dilutes, moulds; makes things appear as they have to be in order to uphold the narrative we’ve all been made to buy into over the decades. (I’m not preaching at you here Onwards!, just thinking out loud…)

    There is nothing remotely natural or normal about people having discussions in television and radio studios, and that’s why we have ended up with the crop of creatures who dominate the political/media arenas – it also explains why so many of them segue effortlessly from one to t’other (or bestraddle both) according to where the kudos/perks happen to be.

    But that doesn’t prevent US from telling it like it is. There’s nothing to stop us going on the streets and talking to those LIVs, using their own language if need be. Few people enjoy confrontation, and no-one likes calling anyone a liar. (It is a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ that politicians are not allowed to do so for the entirely practical reason that, if they were, they’d have no time to do anything else.)

    But I am not a ‘gentleman’ – that said, I won’t call someone a liar unless I can back it up, as Rev has done on this site, repeatedly. As far as I know, not one of the people he has thus accused (of being ‘a Liar’) in post headings has ever made any effort to contest his use of the word.

    The next five weeks present us with a unique opportunity to prove that the perverse referendum result does not – and will not be allowed to – represent the settled will of the people of Scotland. It was a wretched, poisoned thing borne of fear and petty selfishness – the midwives were the usual suspects whose existence depends upon the defence of a Realm that has long since expired.

    The ‘choice’ this time may not be a binary one, but it is our job to ensure that the result nullifies any debate about minor fiddling, box-swapping, postal-related shenanigans or anything else. The people who orchestrated the global humiliation of this country last September must be allowed no wriggle-room whatsoever – on May 8th, they will finally be exposed for what they are, and for what they did.

    Good luck to all for this final leg. We deserve our day in the sun, and I suspect that many of our BTUKOK foes realise and acknowledge that – it may, finally, be in sight.

    Thus endeth the rant.

  215. Tackety Beets says:

    Macca73 @ 10.02pm

    If SNP are required to Prop up Labour for the magic 326 +ve Votes and as you suggest Labour step back ? In that situation they possibly would have to ally with SNP as this converse of this would mean the Total of ALL other MPS can only be 324 , not technically enough to Govern , especially as SNP have been clear they would not help Tories .

    It is for this reason that it is VERY VERY important we get as many SNP MPs as possible .
    This may force a Labour Party with the smaller number of MPs to do an SNP deal, all be it policy by policy , & govern .
    I definitely would enjoy a Murphy announcement on that one .

    Alas if they bottle it , as you indicate , well ……..
    If the SNP are pivotal there is a Plus , the “Better Together” lot , McTernan & Co , will then have to explain to the rUK what Better Together really means and why the Unionist wanted it so badly .

    Wooohoooo this is the best Politics has been in my lifetime (60 years)

  216. Ross McKenzie says:

    Naughtie bottles it. This shouldn’t be so difficult:

    “What if the biggest party CAN”T form a government?”

    Easy question journos. Just fucking ask it.

  217. Robert Peffers says:

    @CameronB Brodie says: 1 April, 2015 at 4:40 pm :

    “Surely society is what we make it?”

    Only when we have, in the hands of the sovereign people of Scotland, the power to run our own sovereign Kingdom/Country.

    Like it or not we are, ATM, still a Kingdom but one that legally, in 1320, affirmed that the Monarch was King of Scots and just the defender of the Sovereign People of Scotland’s sovereignty.

    Probably another example of Scotland leading Britain. Note that Wales, a Principality, was annexed into the Kingdom of England in 1284 and the Kingdom of Ireland annexed into the Kingdom of England in 1542, and that three country Kingdom remained when, in 1603 the kingdoms of Scotland and England found themselves still independent but with the same head wearing both crowns. The two Kingdoms remained independent until the Treaty of Union, 1706/7, but by that treaty Scotland retained the independent Scottish legal system mainly based on the principle of the people’s sovereignty.

    In effect that means that as the people are sovereign and not the monarch, as in the three country Kingdom of England, where the royal power is wielded by the Westminster Parliament, The People of Scotland are still legally sovereign.

  218. Thepnr says:


    Your right and it is embarrassing. Think I need a break from Wings.

  219. Cadogan Enright says:

    Any suggestions on which bookies I can call to put a bet on Murphy being allowed to repeat unchallenged on the BBC between now and the election “the largest party forms the government”

    Maybe we could get odds like

    9/2 10 times
    4/1 100 times and so forth

    we could make it easier for the bookies by having to supply times and dates – or maybe restrict it to just TV or just Radio?

    Or even broaden the target subjects to include other LIEbor favourites like Curran

  220. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Liz ah dont think ComRes have heard of Mr Ed the Talking Horse,ah dont know if he wiz any relation to the ither Ed lol.

  221. macnakamura says:

    Morag says:
    1 April, 2015 at 11:06 pm
    II don’t know what they’ve edited, but Jim’s indecipherable interjection is still there after the editing process. I listened to Stu’s extract both this morning and just now, and to the version that’s on iPlayer flagged as edited. The section in question is identical. Nobody has tampered with it.
    At last, someone has given me reason for not repeatedly playing the clip and iplayer.
    I agree that there is no discernible difference between the two.

  222. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ronnie Anderson –

    It’s a panto-horse, and Ed the Talker is the end that can eat apples.

  223. ronnie anderson says:

    @ gerry parker 10.43 Now now gerry, your Wife might see your comment lol, an whit dey you know aboot blawup dolls, that Coatbridge,s ah den of iniquity its awe Tom Clarks fawt lol.

  224. feedhunter says:

    Lollysmum says:
    1 April, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    You don’t need a licence ‘if you have the internet’. Capita guy was lying. You only need a licence if you watch something as it is being broadcast

    Completely correct about the internet not requiring one, however, the rule applies to watching or recording live on any device (time shift).

    The worrying thing is that it’s not just UK broadcasters. If you have emigrated from France and only watch TF1 you still require a licence here. I use a motorised satellite dish for broadcasts across Europe and a 4 foot dish is hard to hide, it remains the one and only reason I still pay my tv tax.

  225. No no no...Yes says:

    Some good news and reality dawning in Labour circles:

    link to

  226. Morag says:

    It may be that they always do an edit pass over the live broadcast, to smarten it up for posterity. Removing ums and ahs and stammers or whatever.

    I don’t know what they edited, but it wasn’t Jim Naughtie saying “but that’s…” or whatever it might have been that he said.

  227. Kenny says:

    Morag, how are things going on the ground in your constituency? I read that Lord Ashcroft has found a 13.5% swing to the SNP “which would mean a recount or even a toss of the coin were this snapshot to be repeated in nine weeks’ time”…

    Have you noticed a sea change in people’s attitudes or is it still very hard work in Scottish Toryland? I know you will certainly not want to tempt fate by being too optimistic at this stage.

  228. stephen says:

    Did I hear right?.ken macintosh on bbc2 Scotland 2015,say that foodbanks are a sign of hope.

  229. Natasha says:

    @Tackety Beets 11.32pm

    This may force a Labour Party with the smaller number of MPs to do an SNP deal, all be it policy by policy , & govern .
    I definitely would enjoy a Murphy announcement on that one .

    You’d be waiting a long time, then. He’d have crawled back into the woodwork.

  230. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    I listened to the clip a few hours ago on the iplayer radio app and it did not have this part in it. I was listening to it precisely to hear the end of the Naughtie comment and I did not hear it. So I listened again and it was not there.

    I am not the only one who did not hear the exchange above, hence my compliant. thepnr and others have also noted its omission and the fact that the link was off air for a significant amount of time.

    My complaint stands but I know what the answer will be – this part was never edited as the original has been re-instated. The BBC have the proof of that, I do not.

    As far as being embarrassed – I am not but perhaps you should be.

  231. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood awe MR av,e went awe day an never hud tae chinge ma big boy pants, dey you mean ah,v been feeding the wrang end of the horses awe ma days.

  232. Kenny says:

    No no no… Yes: That link makes for some interesting reading, especially the comment by someone who is clearly a diehard unionist and both dislikes and knows the SNP. Even he says:

    “Firstly, the talent in the SNP leadership is such that they would run rings around the Labour cabinet.”

    Can you imagine if the SNP were to end up in a position of power over the next five years as the third largest party or equal to the Lib Dems (especially if you add our Welsh and Green friends)? Not only would they be delivering “death by a thousand cuts” to the Labour Party, but you would have Nicola, Hosie et al on the box and radio all the time, calmly putting across principled policies against austerity, Trident, demeaning of people… I hope it would win them and us Scots many friends in England!

  233. A MacRitchie says:

    Beware of sneaky Nick!

    Question from Saturday who the Tories trying to get support from?

    Well looks like sneaky Nick (lib Dems) is having sneaky talks with Tories to arrange EU ref. It would seem they still think they have aspirations to continue coalition.

    We better hope they are annihilated at election and are reduced to less than 20 seats at least to prevent them supporting Tories. This is a huge threat. As looks like SNP heading for 30+ seats Labour don’t seem to be heading for above the 270 – 280 at present only good thing about this is the fact UKIP pissed off about this arrangement. Lets hope tuition fee nick looses his seat cause hes already sold his soul to the Tories without him the Libs may reject Tori advances

  234. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Robert Peffers Wee question do you know when Toll Roads were abolished in Scotland, the last one being Perth to Dundee.

  235. Grouse Beater says:

    Hoss: My complaint stands

    Knowing what happens behind the scenes, believe me it’s easy to alter history these days. Check the next HIGNFY to see if they picked up on Naughtie’s latest howler.

  236. Tackety Beets says:

    Natasha LOL

    Just thinking , having listened to Nochty an Murphy , we are forgetting 2 things .

    His Creepy Pervy Uncle Jim Voice slipped up a few times recently when he got a wee touch shouty ! Sorry there that much flying about can’t recall , but it was recent.

    Murphy of course is scramblin to hold his MP job , all be it only for a year .
    If no MP job he is straight doon the Labour Exchange or whatever it’s called now !
    I think I’m right in saying if not a Member of either PARLIAMENT he can’t be SLab leader .
    He has a fair bit at stake .

    I did not like the lie about SNP running about saying vote SNP if you want a Labour Gvt.
    Many have posted before . we don’t actually want either right wing party Labour or Tory .
    We want SNP to represent us as they will do a good job for Scotland particularly at WM .
    The current ” scare ” stories about SNP bad just verifies how poorly prev MPs have represented our interests as all other colour of MPs are fine in WM .

  237. cearc says:

    Tackety Beets,

    I reckon that Labour Exchange will be pretty busy with people fighting in the queue for 2016 handful of list places!

  238. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    Thanks Grouse Beater,
    I am not an expert in the Radio Iplayer but it looks as if it all immediately available with no time delay like the TV. Checked quite a few programs and they all come up immediately.

    So I would think it is unusual to take a radio program of the iplayer – hence Rev Stu’s surprise on the earlier comments that it was not there. Even if you wanted to edit it you could do it in the background and swap a new version over in a few seconds.

    However, it is a classic line – I will work with the SNP in opposition but not in Government.

    Once the Telegraph and Wings picked up on it then there is no option but to re-instate the original.

    Of course it just might just be me and some others going mad – Murphy has that effect!

    Or perhaps some not so subtle BBC biased editing – I guess we will never know now?

  239. Morag says:

    Kenny, I’m astounded by the number of new members we’ve got, and I’m sitting here copying and collating maps and directions for leafleting rounds I used to have to do myself, maybe get round once if I was lucky. Now we have loads of volunteers.

    But I’ve not been canvassing so I don’t really know how that side of it is going. Maybe in a week or two I’ll have more of an idea.

  240. Achnababan says:

    Check out the photo on the BBC main page about the big leaders debate…..

    Farage is by far the most prominent and the woman have been pushed to the side

    link to

  241. manandboy says:

    With these polls and the mood on the street,
    Murphy’s only hope is Postal Voting.
    You can bank on it.

    I would hazard a guess that Independence/SNP voters
    across Scotland would breathe a little easier,
    if they knew that the forthcoming elections in Scotland
    were guaranteed to be fair.

    One little step that would make the postal vote more credible.

    It’s not who you vote for that counts.
    It’s who counts the votes.”

    The biggest cause of concern is Postal Voting.(at Indy 20.3% of total votes were postal)

    The Unionist Gov. is going to do nothing to make PV secure,
    as that will remove the PV advantage –
    which in Scotland is traditionally associated with Labour .

    But is there anything that might be done easily and simply
    to increase the security and credibility
    of the postal vote in Scotland,
    and which can be promoted for inclusion in GE15.

    The answer is Yes.

    The ‘how’ is by keeping the postal vote
    completely separate from the main count –
    including announcing the PV results separately

    (Under the present system, postal ballot papers
    are lumped with the rest making them invisible.)

    Then a simple comparison between the postal vote result
    and the ballot box result
    would show up anything suspicious.

    There is another safety check, which was conveniently left out
    of the Referendum by the BBC who normally conducts it,
    and that is the Exit Poll – always a reliable guide.

    It is extremely unlikely that the BBC will conduct an exit poll
    at GE15 in Scotland, and even if it did, who would trust it?

    Would the SNP be willing and able to conduct its own exit poll?

    Some background:
    From the Mail 2010 : “The integrity of our voting system used to be taken for granted. Whatever their allegiance, voters could have absolute faith in the outcome of a General Election.
    But, like so many other British traditions, the credibility of our democracy has been badly weakened during the last 13 years of Labour rule.
    Thanks to the introduction of mass postal voting on demand, the stench of malpractice now hangs over the process, whether it be through serial abuses on the electoral roll or widespread fraud in the casting of postal votes.

    Labour’s willingness to exploit a dodgy system was graphically illustrated in its two unexpected recent by-election triumphs in Scotland.
    At Glenrothes in 2008, the neighbouring seat to Gordon Brown’s at Kirkcaldy, there was a fourfold increase in postal ballots and Labour’s opponents demanded to see the marked official register which showed whether individuals had voted or not.
    Unbelievably, the Sheriff ’s Clerk’s Office in Kirkcaldy had to explain, after five months, that the register had ‘gone missing’.
    And Labour’s win in Glasgow North East last November followed a dramatic increase in postal votes, with almost 2,000 applications submitted less than three days before the registration deadline.”

    Responding to mounting concern about corruption, John Turner, chief executive of the Association of Electoral Administrators, admitted ‘fraudulent activity’ was easy to perpetrate.
    ‘It’s not a properly verified system and it should be.’”

    The theoretical justification was to boost turnout at a time of growing public apathy. But in reality, Labour saw that an insecure-system could work to the party’s advantage in urban areas where the population is more fluid.”

    Read more: link to

    link to

  242. ronnie anderson says:

    ICO complaints procedure.

    I have write to the Slab, with name /address / tel number ect.
    does that not defeat the purpose of getting Labour to stop sending unsolicited e mails, now who,s stupid ?.

  243. Onwards says:

    @Ian Brotherhood says:

    But how can the SNP be expected to reach the ‘many’ you refer to via MSM outlets? They can’t. At any rate, they can’t do so in terms which will resonate with the so-called ‘Low Information Voter’ SLab now pins its entire survival upon.
    NS, Hosie, and all of the pro-Indy reps.. cannot appear onscreen and say ‘See yon Murphy? He’s full ay shite, and here’s exactly why…’..


    I think SNP politicians should call it out at EVERY opportunity, and make clear that if he is lying about that, what else is he lying about ??
    And explain WHY Labour wants a clear majority without the SNP holding them to account – because they don’t want to be forced to deliver any major new powers for Scotland.

    It’s all very well being gentlemanly about it, but negative campaigning helped to win the referendum for No. There’s no time to be nicey-nice or complacent and let him get away with it this time.

    There is a 7% average lead in Labour seats according to that poll. Even accounting for differences in seats, the problem is that only a small swing back to labour could make a huge difference.
    That’s why they are trying to fool people, and reduce it to a Labour/Tory binary choice – it only takes 4% to be deceived according to that poll.

    I wish the National would pull that same trick as some of the articles here..with a blatant LIAR accusation next to Murphy’s visage – debunking his ‘only the largest party’ crap.
    I would spend the day going around Glasgow supermarkets, moving it to the front of the racks.

  244. Dorothy Devine says:

    I see the Herald on line is happily highlighting the fact that Mr Farage will support the Tories by attacking Ms Sturgeon at the TV debate.

    The fact that he is NIgel Farage I presume is a wee mistook.

    And then there is this drivel,”teacher-accused-of-forcing-pro-snp-views-on-children.”
    And that nice man Ian Davidson is heading up the witch hunt.

    May the Glasgow Herald rest in peace and the current one in pieces.

  245. LONDON CALLING: How the BBC stole the Referendum

    POLITICAL COMMENTARY. ‘London Calling – How the BBC stole the Referendum’, chronicles the descent of the BBC in Scotland from that of a trusted broadcaster bringing news into homes throughout Scotland, to an institutionally corrupt organisation so despised that thousands of ordinary Scots marched on its Scottish HQ in protest at its anti-independence bias.

    Due April 2015

  246. Ken500 says:

    MSM just makes people annoyed and angry.

    No Brown, Straw, Balls.

    The 100 Bosses list. Everyone knows who to avoid. BP the worst company in commercial history.

  247. john king says:

    Gerry Parker say@ 5.43
    Also complain the the licensing people

    Oh Jings
    there’s a form to complain about reception problems? (how do you do the smiley one with the horns?)

    We could put in mass complaints that every time we put our tellys on, instead of getting good unbiased balanced factual news from a trusted and revered source we get some pirate station coming on instead and feeding us silly provable lies and even worse they have the cheek to steal the BBC’s name and use it for their own evil purposes!
    Michael McCabe says @ 6.49pm
    “Oh how I would love to kick Jim Murphy,s Ball.”

    Only one?
    Hmmm I feel a song coming on
    Hitle… yes dear?
    Gary45% says @7.43pm
    “Tried listening to Jimbo Numpty a few times.
    I am pretty sure he says, “FUD you are a Lying, Deceitful,
    Tortoise impersonating, Dull sounding, Brain Dead, Moronic FUD.
    I also think he says Just give an honest answer. Bollocks.”

    Thats what I heard too Gary,
    word for word. 😉
    Hoss Macintosh says @ 9.59
    “Has it become that bad that the BBC just think they can ignore any criticism and do what they like to fit their and the Labour Parties agenda.”


  248. Lollysmum says:

    A Dorothy Devine
    You mean that nice man Iain Davidson who is still calling himself MP after WM has been dissolved so there are no MP’s currently-just prospective candidates. It is illegal & I’ve been calling him out on it on Twitter.

    I probably need a few more people to join in to make ourselves heard.

  249. Tackety Beets says:

    Ian Brotherhood , Onward and others

    I agree , being ” too gentlemanly and respectable ” was SNP ‘s way in Ref 14 and it seamed same again GE15 .
    I think they are a bit more “argy” , Derek Mackay was definitely a bit more nippy sweety & fighting his corner with Mag C the other night .
    Nicola continues to say that if there are more Anti Tory MPs etc …. This is perhalps easier for some to understand , I’m referring specifically to those who do not follow or know about politics like we do on here .

    Remember many on here are engrossed and pretty much up to speed , but those out with ” on line” need the KISS message. Keep it simple stupid !

    I think we all agree tho that every time a Pro SNP person is asked a question they should get the
    ” Of course we all know that if there are more Anti Tory MPs ……… “. And then address the question .
    Reality one of the things that may stand out tonight , hopefully , is how the SNP actually just answer the question ! For me this can be very striking for viewers , perhalps more so than the actual answer ?

    Standby , Ruthie on GMS !

  250. Nana Smith says:

    @Ronnie Anderson 10.14

    Well done Ronnie for passing on the links.

    link to

  251. Robert Peffers says:

    @Glamaig says:1 April, 2015 at 4:42 pm:

    “I just googled ‘Scottish labour’ and a link to a Grauniad article came up first in the list. ‘labour-fears-snp-election-landslide-as-scottish-party-post-clear-lead-in-poll’#

    Nah! Glamaig. Pay close attention and you will find that if you have searched on-line for any particular item, for example I was searching yesterday for spares for my electric razor, then you start surfing political websites that allow adverts you will note ads for just the things you were searching for appear as if by magic.

    It’s not magic, it is payment by advertisers for their ads to be shown, and you need to do a cookie and/or antispyware scan to remove their cookies.

  252. Grouse Beater says:

    “The real game-changer is Scotland, where an insurgent Scottish National party is currently projected to wipe Labour out north of the border and become the third largest party in Britain with 53 seats. Even if the SNP’s lead narrows in the next month, it’s hard to see the party – which has captured a mood of rejection of the status quo that goes far beyond nationalism – losing its commanding position. Which means any likely Labour administration will only be able to govern with SNP support. Cameron has already tried to use that to stoke anti-Scottish feeling. And mutual hatred between Labour and the SNP in Scotland runs deep.” Seumas Milne

  253. Ken500 says:

    MSM still promoting the Deficit lie.

    Scotland raises £54Billion+ in tax revenues. Get’s back £54Billion. £35Billion Block Grant, £16Billion (UK) Pensions/Benefits and £3Billion Defence. Scotland has lost £4Billion+ a year in Oil revenues since 2011 because of the 11% (£2Billion) in Oil tax in the 2011 Budget. – £16Billion.
    Scotland could save £Billions on Trident/illegal wars and £Billion on a tax on ‘loss leading’ drink. Scotland would not have £4Billion of debt repayments on money it doesn’t borrow or spend. – £10Billion a year. Scotland could pay less on fuel and energy, in surplus and nearer the source, and gain more from exports.

    The UK raises £466Billion in tax revenues. The rest of the UK raises £412Billion (borrows and spends £90Billion more) less pro rata than Scotland (9%). In 2010 when the ConDems came to power the UK raised £600Billion in taxes and borrowed £120Billion. – £720Billion.

    Westminster Trident/illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion has cost Scotland dear. £Billions.
    Westminster are sanctioning and starving the vulnerable and increasing the wealth of the wealthiest who caused the crash. Blair/Brown should be in jail. Westminster are criminals, child abusers, fraudsters and murderers who use the Official Secrets Act to cover up their crimes. Where is the Chilcot verdict? Being blocked by unelected civil servants.

    The SNP Gov have mitigated the ‘bedroom tax’ provided social care, prescriptions, mitigated welfare cuts, increased nursery provision, supported students, increased spending on Education/NHS and will protect public services and end austerity.

  254. Col says:

    This ITV debate tonight is going to be a joke if they can just shout each other down!

  255. Macart says:

    Paul Kavanagh in the National today. 😀

    Just go buy one.


  256. Tackety Beets says:

    Just a further thought ref ITV debate tonight .

    Nicola uses the phrase ” If there are more ANTI TORY MPs in Parliament than Pro tory …….. ”

    I have no doubt she will be well versed.
    It would be fantastic if she said
    ” Of course we know how SNP , PC and Greens stand regarding Tories , but maybe we need to ask Milliblunder if labour would work with the Tories like they have done recently , Voting for Tory £30Bn of Austerity ? ”

    That would make the program worth watching .

  257. Macart says:

    RE: Tonights bear pit.

    This will not be a debate, its a showpiece UFC cage match. The winner will be the one who comes out wearing the least bruises.

    Happily Nicola is well versed in political kung fu and I’m fairly sure she’ll have strategy and flexibility well sorted. This lady is no stranger to either cameras or political argie bargie.

  258. Arabs for Independence says:

    I think BBC GMS Gary Robertson must’ve been eating his toast during his ‘interview; with Ruthie. She just went on and on and to be fair to her she was allowed to. Anyone would think that Ruth used to work for the BBC.

    Maybe the Beeb have decided that Murphy canna stop the SNP so lets give Ruth a go.

    Whenever I hear Ruth trying to dictate national policy and criticise the SNP for getting too big a voice, I remind myself that she only got 1800 votes at the Scottish elections

  259. Stoker says:

    Tackety Beets wrote:
    “ of the things that may stand out tonight , hopefully , is how the SNP actually just answer the question ! For me this can be very striking for viewers , perhaps more so than the actual answer”

    Funny you should say that..

    I just attempted to watch the BBC Scotland 2015 ‘Poverty Debate’ on the iPlayer.

    After the intros by Smith they go to the “specially selected” audience to take the first question and then start the replies by going to Alex Neil first.

    He stuck to the question, camera panned to a shot of the questioner who was nodding rapidly in agreement with AN’ answer who kept it short and straight to the point.

    Next up for a response to the question was some dittery old Tory bint fae the Highlands, her name momentarily escapes me :), who went on to ramble on and on and on and completely avoiding accepting any Tory responsibility for the levels of poverty in Scotland.

    I swiftly reached for the off button and that was before the other 3 party reps got their say.

    If people like me, who consider themselves to “know the score” can’t stomach that avoidance rambling crap from Unionist politicians what chance do we have of getting AND keeping others interested.

    Another fact to back up your theory TB is that we, as humans, determine whether we are interested in something or someone within a very short period of experiencing it/them.

    They would all do well to remember that before the snore factor kicks-in.

  260. HandandShrimp says:

    It will be a bear pit but it will be a multi way bear pit because Nigel will want his pound of flesh from the Tories on immigration and Ed will have to defend those stupid mugs. If Labour, UKIP, Tories and Liberals join in an unholy anti SNP, PC Greens alliance it will not play well for Ed.

  261. sunshine says:

    Thanks for the link @8.14 Nana Smith
    Wow, I could not believe what I was reading when it states in that report, that the whole cost of the Trident system was charged to Scotlands account in 2005.
    Surely that is still not happening today, or for all the years in between?
    Unbelievable that someone is sitting in an office making up these accounts as we speak.
    Please let that someone be a friend of Wiki-leaks.

  262. manandboy says:

    Time for Scotland to bin Labour’s politics of fear

    From George Monbiot, writing in January in the Guardian.
    This might be old, but, like a good wine, it gets better with age.

    “Compare this vision of hope with Labour’s politics of fear.
    Compare it with a party so mesmerised by the City and the Daily Mail
    that it has promised to sustain the Tory cuts for “decades ahead”
    and to “finish that task on which [the chancellor] has failed”:
    eradicating the deficit.

    Far too late a former Labour minister, Peter Hain,
    now recognises that, inasmuch as the books need balancing,
    it can be done through measures such as a financial transaction tax
    and a reform of national insurance rather than through endless cuts.

    These opportunities have been dangling in front of Labour’s nose since 2008,
    but because appeasing the banks and the corporate press
    was deemed more important than preventing pain and suffering
    for millions, they have not been taken.
    Hain appears belatedly to have realised that austerity is a con,
    a deliberate rewriting of the social contract
    to divert our common wealth to the elite.

    There’s no evidence the frontbench is listening.

    Whether it wins or loses the general election,
    Labour is probably finished.

    It would take a generation to replace the sycophants
    who let Tony Blair and Gordon Brown rip their party’s values to shreds.
    By then it will be history.

    If Labour wins in May, it is likely to destroy itself
    faster and more surely than if it loses,
    through the continued implementation of austerity.
    That is the lesson from Europe.”

    link to

  263. almannysbunnet says:

    @cynicalHighlander says:
    LONDON CALLING: How the BBC stole the Referendum

    Thanks for the link. Just read the 59 page “keek-inside” and ordered a copy immediately. What we all know and suspect about the BBC. Buy one and let your “old folks” read it first. This could be a game changer if disseminated widely enough. We absolutely must insist in a devolved media as a prerequisite to any deal with labour. Even then we would have to hold our nose to get into bed with this lot!

    link to

  264. Luigi says:

    Tonight’s debate is actually lining up for a good old boys v girls fight. You won’t learn much, but it will be entertaining. Those ladies will wipe the floor with that sorry bunch of spoiled, over-promoted schoolboys.

  265. Robert Kerr says:

    Just for the record here is the archive of the Telegraph’s mention of Murphy and SNP .

    link to

  266. Macart says:

    I reckon that’s exactly how it will play Shrimp. If Nicola and the other progressives can maintain a mutual respect group and most importantly Nicola performs as we know she is well capable of by this point, then a gaping chasm opens up before Labour.

  267. Stoker says:

    RE: Tonights ITV Leaders Debate.

    BBC News this morning announced the names of the LEADERS.

    Very strange indeed, absolutely no mention of a Dim Jim but they did say something about a Milibland representing Labour.

    That’s right, Murphy, yer jist a fricken branch manager.

    Yer days are numbered Labour, tic fricken toc.

  268. caz-m says:

    Stoker 9.03am

    Your summary about the BBC Scotland debate last night was my feelings as well. I gave it five minutes, then gave in. Utter mince, designed to bore the arse of the electorate.

    I doubt many people would have watched this from start to finish.

    I think that wummin presenter Smith had a lot to do with how bad it came across. You can see her hatred of the SNP just pour out of her.

    And what is that stupid false grin of her’s all about.

    Any BBC Scotland debate is going to be set up as, bias BBC presenter and unionist guests, against the SNP rep.

  269. Ken500 says:

    Is Ruth Davidson not a list MSP? Dugdale list MSP. Murphy not a MSP.

  270. bookie from hell says:

    link to


  271. caz-m says:

    When I came home last night I tuned into English BBC News 24 programme. For half an hour the only political Parties they talked about were the Tories and the English Labour Party. No other Party got a mention.

    I then turned it over to Channel 4 News and guess what? The only two Parties mentioned were the Tories and the English Labour Party.

    Where is all this balanced news coverage that we are meant to be getting during the “Official Election Campaign” period.

  272. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Nana I,ve goat ah bit of dylema,ma british passport hiz run oot ,whit dept of Uk gov do I apply fur ah EXTRA-REGIO TERRITORY WAN.

  273. Kevin Evans says:

    So the BBC and Kaye Adams are now pro poverty by the sound of it

  274. john j says:

    Radio Scotland this morning: Gary Robertson is usually a combative interviewer but he pretty well gave Ruth Davidson a clear run to expound her vile political and economic views. However I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he was just giving her plenty of rope to hang herself.

  275. orri says:

    Perhaps the most telling point here is the introduction of the word “traditionally”.

    Traditionally Scotland has voted Labour, or at least there are traditional Labour seats. However some say traditionally Scotland voted Tory. Then again history tells us that they avoided the use of the word, perhaps due to the way it sounded like tòraigh/toerag

    Then again all sorts of traditional rivalries are put aside when needs must. Such as uniting against a common foe, advocates of independence perhaps.

    Or perhaps Jim will remember his own childhood and the ending of apartheid.

  276. HandandShrimp says:


    Yes, Leanne is an excellent speaker too and a gets her message over very clearly. Natalie has had a bit of a baptism of fire and knows she needs to be more focussed. However, if she follows Nicola and Leanne’s lead she should be fine. I would imagine that Nigel will want to press Cameron on the EU so there will be a lot of cross fire.

  277. Free Scotland says:

    Classic Bateman on Naughtie and Murphy:

    link to

  278. Ken500 says:

    Gordon Brown is a malicious greedy liar. A warmonger who has caused death and poverty the world over. Gordon Brown is a threat to Scotland and the rest of the world.

  279. Nana Smith says:

    Now Ronnie that’s a very good question. I’m afraid I’m just not able to answer as my grey matter is diminishing somewhat.

    So perhaps we need to ask a much greater brain.

    Jim of the irn bru crates maybe???

  280. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    manandboy at 1.53 am

    The postal ballot is a recipe for electoral fraud and has been for some time, though in numbers it was peripheral to the result until fairly recently.
    We were gobsmacked to have nearly 15,000 for Argyll and Bute at the referendum – and more gobsmacked to have a 97% take-up in those that appeared to have been applied for. Quite frankly, this is impossible yet it happened in five areas with many other achieving middle 90 percentages.
    “Defending Democracy”, the worrying study on the postal ballot, carried by the DFS, is available in hard copy from Forward, 186 Argyll Street, Dunoon PA23 7HA (01369 703228) for £3 (includes P&P)

  281. Nana Smith says:

    The fsll of the ……. empire

    link to

    link to

  282. Faltdubh says:

    Just like I heard “I can’t wait for this referendum to be over” from many folk who were ‘undecided’ when it looked like Yes were going to win.

    I’ve heard a couple of “This 7 party debate is a waste of time. They’ll all talk over each other” from some No voters.


    Surely it’s got nothing to do with the fact that the SNP will NOT be getting squeezed this year at the ballot box, polling well, and Nicola will be given a prominent role on TVs across the UK.

    I’m already looking forward to the post-debate cringe anylasis, I’ll even stick in a few cliches which will hear from the Britnat press – even money on ”Duck out of water” or ”small fish in a big pound”

    I’ve put a couple of bets on. a few quid on Nicola to win, and £2 wee single on Wood being the winner at 20-1.

    I really hope Nicola has a good go at Farage. Labour and the Tories will be too scared too as they are both tring to court the 12% UKIP vote.

  283. Nana Smith says:

    Re tonight’s debate, I won’t be watching. No way as my blood pressure can’t handle it.

    I wonder how many BNP and EDL people will be in the audience.

    Anyway go get em Nicola

    link to

  284. schrodingers cat says:

    @Grouse Beater
    in 1997, the tories got wiped out. for 18 years now, their support has stayed fast at 15%
    in scotland, the far right has coalesed under the ukip banner but remains at 5%
    the remaining 5% who still vote libdem are of the union jack underpant wearing variety

    25%, nothing anyone here can say or do will make them vote snp or yes.

    that leaves 30% who currently still vote labour.(25+30?? ring any bells??). we need 10-15%, half, to cross the floor. some may have already done so which is why we see polls of 50/50 concerning independence. 50/50 is heartening, but nicola will not propose another referendum next year unless yes is on 55-60%. what happens after mays election is crucial. i dont think it would happen but should labour form a coalition with the tories, that would do it, im certain. of these 30% labour voters, some are undoubtably of the union jack underpant variety….the question is how many?. those that are not are our target group of voters…..10-15%??? it isnt a lot

  285. Lollysmum says:

    Twitter being vile this morning. I’ve just forwarded one to Police Scotland suggesting NS should be hung from a tree!

    According to unionists it is cybernats tweeting abuse. It certainly isn’t in this case.

  286. Macart says:

    @ Lollysmum

    They’ll never learn. In public domain there is no hiding place and an offence is still an offence.

    This can be laid firmly and accurately at the feet of party spads from all of the Westminster unionist parties. This is the result of their narrative, their rewriting of history, their spin. When you preach the politics of fear, intimidation and othering don’t be surprised that it breeds hatred and resentment. Don’t be surprised if the society you are meant to care for falls apart and most especially don’t be surprised when that society some day returns the favour.

  287. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  288. schrodingers cat says:

    o/t…shameless plug

    spare a thought for us in NE fife, we are up against a concerted effort by the libdems. this is a tough nut to crack. this crowd fund finishes in a few hours,

    link to

    it would be nice to see stephen gethins get over the line, and would be a real boost for us to announce this at his adoption night on friday, alex salmond will be there, a few tickets(very few) still a vailable 🙂

    link to

  289. Stoker says:

    @ Everyone.
    Re my post @ 9.31am, my disclaimer.
    To address someone, or organisation etc, by their name is considered a mark of respect. I would just like it to be known that in no way whatsoever did i use the word “Labour” in my post.
    It has obviously been changed by moderation and that there is no way on this earth that i will ever be forced to show ANY form of respect to ANY Unionist party or organisation.

    @ caz-m (9.46am).
    Aye, Smith, along with all the other BBC political “presenters”, certainly steers any discussion favourably in a Unionist Slabber direction. Absolutely nothing balanced about the BBC.

    @ Lollysmum (10.51am).
    Excellent, well done, that should NEVER be allowed to pass because they certainly wouldn’t hesitate to report it were it one of us. BTW, any news yet on all those Unionist thug arrests in Glasgow back in September? What do you mean no? Now there’s a surprise, eh, i think not.

  290. bookie from hell says:

    Fraser Paterson


    My name is Fraser.Im a freelance journalist.specialising in golf.Scottish history & PR work.Recent clients include The Scots magazine & The List.


    @alcampian I’ll be signing up on the first day Ian. Save Bute House, but hang Sturgeon. A tree in Chltte Sq Gardens will do #SNPout
    9:39am – 2 Apr 15

    bfh–me thinks as augusta approaches he’s not the master of his own words

  291. boris says:

    link to

  292. Michael McCabe says:

    just been on Democracy live. No Sound. Anybody else getting that ? BBC at it. B–t-rds.

  293. Lollysmum says:

    Shro…….. cat -can’t remember how to spell it!

    Just contributed & have to say that GoFundMe is best site yet for ease of use.Simplicity itself.

  294. a2 says:

    A Labour Majority of One with jim hanging on by his fingernails as someone mentioned above would indeed be the most interesting result of all. It would Leave them vulnerable to their own MPs defying the Whip and voting with their conscience and thereby having a lot more influence on forming Policy which would undoubtedly pull them back to the Left a bit. It would also still leave them Reliant on the other parties for support to ensure a Majority every time and that would have to be case by case.

    Then of course, come next year Would Jim be able to stand for MSP realistically. I don’t buy that you can actually do both Jobs properly , which is where I don’t support Salmond doing it although he has the advantage of being able to not attend on “english only” matters Jim doesn’t have that luxury (although Gordon’s shown us that actually showing up doesn’t seem to be important)

    I don’t share the crit of Naugtie letting Jim off a few of you have. Seemed more like let him run and he’ll hang himself to me, if he’d rained Jim in a bit, he’d have come across more reasonable than he did.

  295. Effijy says:

    This Twitter Twit who wants to hang SNP leaders-
    The poor man is just promoting his Vile Monosyllabic
    skills as a journalist in hope of landing a job with the Record or Scotsman who are hiring anyone who can promote
    a bias view, distort the truth, or who is just happy to lie with a wee threat on the end for good measure.

    I think he’ll et the job as he is obviously off his rocker
    and willing to say and do anything for a few pieces of silver.

  296. Fred says:

    Lesley Riddoch is excellent on the land issue in today’s Nash, also an article by the Wee Ginger Dug, should mebbes be the Gnash? The paper just gets better folks.

  297. schrodingers cat says:

    @ lollysmun
    big thanks xxxx


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