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Wings Over Scotland

Journalist of the day

Posted on April 02, 2015 by

Ladies and gentlemen, golf and lynching enthusiast Mr Fraser Paterson:


When oh when will the First Minister condemn these vile cybernat oh wait.

EDIT 1.21pm: Zounds, the irony, etc.


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I couldn’t believe this when I saw it.

The sheer stupidity & irreseponsibility of the man is so unbelievable that I & a few others have reported it to Police Scotland.

Supposedly part of #snpout – the level of intelligence in that group must be pretty low if this is anything to go by.

R-type Grunt

I’ve just been ‘researching’ this guy (as you do). Go back a few days & he tweets that hanging is good for child murderers. I’ve retweeted these comments to @policescotland. I urge others to do the same.


Yup……an insightfull piece of political commentary ……..
You couldn’t make it up.


After all the high publicity cases of people making inappropriate comments on Twitter/Facebook etc, it does make you severely question the intelligence of the people who continue to do it!


I’ll wager, there will be no mention of this on the BBC, or in the Record.

[…] Ladies and gents, Mr Fraser Paterson: When oh when will the First Minister condemn these vile cybernat oh wait.  […]


Now, Rev, you realise that YOU will be the bad guy because you’ve brought this to the attention of a wider audience!

I tweeted Mr Murphy this, I’m not expecting any condemnation.

Peter Macbeastie

He works in PR?

I think he might need something of a refresher course in what PR actually means.

david turner

Scunnered what a complete twat he is.

Adam Fitzpatrick

If there isn’t blanket coverage of this for the next 94 days I’m going to sue reality.


Comeback of the day goes to Katie McGarvey: .@journogolfhist @alcampian this is why you write about golf and not politics, bud ????


Unacceptable but Fraser mentions autism on his web site.


Naughty boy in trouble I think. He should stick to playing with his mashie niblick.


I wonder if David Clegg and co will have this on their front pages…..Somehow I doubt it as it is the wrong side for highlighting.

Findlay Farquaharson

wow, threatening a woman, straight from the ian davidson book of cowardice

Dan Huil

Noblick. Sorry, Niblick.

pun king

Should stick to covering golf, though that’s quite the bogey.

Moreida Lord

WOW…civilised debate is one thing – incitement to violence (covert or otherwise) is another. I don’t know what the context was for him to suggest such horrendous action towards the FM, but in any context, this is wrong and should not be tolerated. The FM was decisive in her condemnation of vile abuse towards Ruth Davidson – would her colleagues in the chamber do the same today?


So a fanny behaves like a fanny. Who could have predicted that?


What a shining example of the journalistic profession he is.

(slow clap)

He’s been reported, let’s leave this individual to the police.

Scots Renewables


FMQ now on –

Nicola: ‘Let me just insert a few facts’


Can’t see the likes of the Scots magazine or the List wanting anything to do with him after this, silly wee boy.


Hmm. Threats to a Privy Councillor? That’s gotta be a Special Branch matter… :-/

Alex Smith

Whit a donkey…


Bless, looking at his pic, there seems to be a bit of a want about him.

Bob Mack

It is not acceptable,but is also not uncommon.People on Labour facebook have wished for me to have a painful happy heart attack,and even hope I die from prolonged cancer.It is amazing the depth of hatred you can be subjected to,for nothing more than wishing to determine your own political future.
I am sure they would present as normal people in any given social circumstance, but become subject to an overwhelming madness if they feel the order of their preference is being challenged. Sign of the times perhaps ?

Now's the Hour

Aha, not just a threat of violence towards a woman, but to kill her. No doubt this will get full and extensive coverage in the Mail and Record and on Reporting Scotlandshire. I can see Torquil and Jackie drooling at the prospect of such a hot exposee of these vile Britnats.

What’s that? What do you mean have I been at the magic mushies?


He won’t be freelance for much longer.
A talent like that will soon be snapped up by the Telegraph or the Mail.


Shouldn’t Fraser Patterson and Ian Campbell be arrested and questioned under anti terrorist laws?
Mr. Patterson seems to have crossed a line between political comment and advocating violence with Mr Campbell aiding and abetting him.


He wants to publicly hang a woman from a tree for her beliefs.

How very Medieval of him.


I think I’ll drop a line to the Scots Magazine drawing their attention to this very serious matter.

Graham Macqueen

And such is the level of intelligence of the fanatic supporters of the Union. How sad it is that some people cannot accept that others hold a different view to how life can, and should, be! May the truth behind the neo liberal politics be uncovered! Alba Gu snooker loopy!


Brit Nats, one rule for them, their rules, one rule for Scots, their rules



What an ultra maroon

The pouters are a joke and a positive boon to the SNP campaign.


Let’s just sit back and wait to see the response and word count of the fair and free Scottish print media. And of course, the coverage of the always impartial BBC……


The downside of the internet.


He doesn’t seem to have taken much in while “specialising in … PR work”.

Alistair McGregor

I tweeted Ruth, Jim, Nicola & Police Scotland. Be interesting if his work dried up.


LOL …and those of the Unionist persuasion tell us ‘to try and get over it!’

Seems many of them are absolutely terrified of what may come, and what they are truly struggling with, is the concept that more than half of Scotland now prefers the nation to go their own way.

The Unionists had their chance to heal ‘the rift’ that they go on about. Personally, it’s their fault that the vow was not upheld. It was their side after all, that promised it!. So, they can’t complain with those of the ‘Yes’ ideology who in turn, refuse to accept the status quo of the (dis)United Kingdom.

Jack Murphy

Just imagine the BBC/Press response if this journalist,Fraser Paterson,had directed his Tweet at the Prime Minister or Ed Milliband,suggesting Hyde Park!


Neil Findlay making reference to blogs, and gutter politics. Neil, have you read this very article on a unionist wishing death on Nicola Sturgeon?

Scots Renewables

Bizarrely Labour just asked Nicola at FMQs to condemn ‘vile use of social media’

You couldn’t make it up.

bookie from hell

Neil Findlay raises internet abuse,also says certain websites

WINGS must be getting to him

( : > )


WHOA! Big brave Unionists make threats from a padded cell.

Cowards – plain and simple – spineless Unionist cowards.

btw, That Fraser Paterson looks like a Hitler wannabe.

Nuff said!

fred blogger

where does their delusion of the divine right to rule, come from i wonder?
oh, they’ve done it for so long, it has become normalized in their mind sets.


Just watching FMQ’s Neil Findlay asking First Minister to distance herself and SNP from lunatic websites and tweeters. She gave him short shrift quoting Labour Councillor who tweeted scurrilous remarks about SNP MSP just recently.


This is actually beyond the pale. It’s a full on death threat.

I’m glad that it already been reported to the police. A good argument and debate fair enough but this kind of stuff needs to be stamped out wherever it if found.


I mailed the magazine to say I was no longer a customer of theirs.

A lesson in what we shouldn’t be supporting with our money. Thanks WoS.

Roddy Macdonald

That was quick!

link to

R-type Grunt

I hope you’ve just been listening to FMQ’s Rev. Wings was mentioned (though typically not actually named) as being a hate-filled online blog.

Now, I don’t actually give a shit what my opponents think of me but I’m heartily sick of the SNP’s complete failure to support me and my friends. Nicola Sturgeon is damned lucky she’s the only independence ticket available, it’s the only reason she has my vote.

After independence she might well find herself out of a job as I & I suspect many others look for a stronger, more radical option.


heedtracker @11.55am

#two, and test

This guy has a website? Oh dear, I sincerely hope that the autism is not being used as an excuse to make this kind of utterly disgusting and abusive statements toward anyone. People on the autistic spectrum tend to be loving, caring people. They do not tend have a core personality made up of malice towards others no matter what their difficulties with social situations may be.

This guy is obviously just an unpleasant and vile person, some mistake that for autism, its not.

[…] Journalist of the day […]


I just reported this to the police. I was very matter of fact. Just said that Fraser Paterson used sopcial media to advocate for the murder – the public hanging – of the First Minister. I made it clear he was a journalist. I read out the tweet, gave details so they can check it out for themselves. I’ll be getting a call back.

I also mentioned that what with the unforunate and tragic events that have taken place in the US ie Ferguson, that using imagery associated with racist lynching – hanging from a tree in a public city space – elevate the matter somewhat. FWIW: I said it better than I typed it here.


Now’s The Hour @ 12.17pm

Well done, the headlines are now going to be “Wings Over Scotland Full of Drug Crazed Nats”

Our roving reporter found admissions of using grade A fungi, freely available on the site. And did anyone report this from WOS? No, they just sat there drawing moustaches on Ruth Davidson pictures and snorting Irn Bru concentrate while ranting on about unfair this and bias that. It’s a wonder the United Kingdom of wonderful Britishness took pity on them and wanted them to stay part of our happy family. And now back to the studio where Jim Naughtie will explain just exactly why the biggest party always gets to form the government.


R-type Grunt
What do you mean by the ” SNP’s complete failure to support me and my friends”. What do you want?


The Scots Magazine?

I never go near it nor will i ever if that’s the calibre of its employees.

Someone throws an egg at Dim Jim and is given a sentence, and criminal record, of 80 hours unpaid work in the form of a Community Payback Order.

I wonder what the sentence will be for making threats, incitement to riot and abuse of social media? Can’t wait to see.
Breathing apparatus at the ready.

btw, Anyone know what the Unionist coward got for kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach or what his fellow thuggish cowards got for their despicable offensive behaviour last September in Glasgow?

I didn’t even bother getting the breathing apparatus ready for the outcome of those cases, i don’t have enough of it.


Scots Mag have distanced themselves from him…

link to

Rob James

Let them get on with it. They’re destroying themselves with this visceral hatred. They want their baw back but are starting to realise that we’re keepin’ it.

Grizzle McPuss

Who’s sorry now? Who’s sorry now?
Whose heart is achin’ for breakin’ each vow?
Who’s sad and blue, who’s cryin’ too?

Connie Francis – Lyrics – “Who’s Sorry Now”

Robert Peffers

@Now’s the Hour says: 2 April, 2015 at 12:17 pm:

” … I can see Torquil and Jackie drooling at the prospect of such a hot exposee of these vile Britnats.”


Swami Backverandah

He ‘hangs out’ with some charming buddies on hashtag capital punishment.

De Valera

Why does Scotland have so many of these people? (Brian Wilson is another that springs to mind).

Stick to the golf son.

bob sinclair

Just a wee heads up folks. If you are going to report stuff like this to Police Scotland you need to do it formally, just tweeting them will not do. (Take it from someone who has been on the recieving end of unwanted / unwarranted attention from our guardinas of the peace 🙂 )

Dandy Dons 1903

I bet he wears tartan trousers like most “im a proud scot but” types as well.


Totally agree with “Crash” 12:35, this has to be taken further, if this comment was made against The Queen or Prime Minister, it would be tackled immediately.

Authorities, do something about this!


I can’t recall us saying much unpleasant about Neil, he would have made a better leader than Jim. However, we do put the boot into his party. He maybe needs to make a nice relaxing green tea in his Control Immigration Labour mug.

Pity for Neil that Fraser was tweeting while he was trying to cast aspersions. 🙂


If he is autistic he will not appreciate social boundaries.

The Labour Councillor Willy Young made reference to Mark MacDonald’s autistic son. Disgraceful.

Willy Young (+ a Green) are wasting £Millions of taxpayers money doing the opposite of what the majority of the public want. The UTG (funded) project to predestrianise the City centre and the (funded) Community Football Stadium which would keep the traffic out of the City.

They are spending £33Million vandalising the Art Gallery, £26Million paying off AECC debts, creating a carbuncle in the City centre getting the City into £Millions of debt. They intend spending £330Million on another venue, getting the City into £Millions more debt. They are not fit for public office.


Deluded man makes silly threats style statements online… People lose all sense of reality in response…

Include paragraph breaks or I WILL KILL YOU WITH HAMMERS.


He’s a Golf Writer.

I can only imagine it must be ‘Crazy Golf’ – hitting the ball in amongst and around all the dead bodies hanging/laying about.

Not one for the kids at Easter Weekend is it.. Right honey, you’ve to hit the ball through the Hanging Corpses Legs Akimbo, then into the gaping mouth of the festering corpse at the back there..

bob sinclair

If you are going to report this tweet then do so through official channels. Police Scotland will not take action if you have tweeted them.

David McCann

Andy Murray’s tweeted support for independence on September 17th, evinced the following retort from HarryS …

“Wish you had been killed at Dunblane. Your life will be a misery from now on.”

Also went strangely unreported by our media.


@R-type Grunt says:
2 April, 2015 at 11:47 am

Plenty of folks would agree in those circumstances.
Hanging an democratically elected politician is a different matter.

I daresay it’s meant as a ‘joke’ but it’s just another example of the 2-faced nature of Britnat politics. Nicola takes constant abuse every day, and not a word.

If any of our side said something similar it would be:
“Evil Cybernats Encourage PM Assasination”

[…] Ladies and gents, Mr Fraser Paterson: When oh when will the First Minister condemn these vile cybernat oh wait.  […]

Pam McMahon

FMQs. Kesia dire, as per. This is a sad example of where the Labour party now finds itself.

Wee Ruthie failed to condemn this outrageous tweet, having had the support and condemnation of Nicola Sturgeon of the online abuse she received a couple of weeks ago. No-one in the chamber even mentioned that it might be a bad precedent to set, hanging a 1st minister.

I thought it was a good display by NS today, considering that she is the ONLY party leader actually having to function in her parliamentary role today as a political leader, and not learning lines from the script of the spin doctors as the other party leaders are no doubt doing.

Geoff Huijer

Isn’t it illuminating that when jobs are at such a premium these days pricks like this are employed by someone?



That is clearly meant in jest. Can’t really say the same about the tweet regarding Sturgeon.

And honestly, who would want to do anything to harm Sturgeon? She is an awesome first minister, has been fantastic so far and actually seems to care about the country. Better than Salmond in my opinion.


Very quick response from Robert Wight, editor of Scots Magazine, no doubt others received similar reply.

They have “no plans to commission any further pieces.”


“Wee Ruthie failed to condemn this outrageous tweet”

I hope Ruth will say something soon. Homophobic abuse really isn’t nice. Suffered enough of it myself to know that I don’t enjoy it and others shouldn’t be subjected to it but death threats are another thing entirely and I hope she shows solidarity for what it is worth.

One is abuse by ignorant people for someone simply being who they are. It sucks and it makes you feel awful and low but it doesn’t really intimidate too much. The other is threatening to kill someone because you dislike who they are. That is massively intimidating.

R-type Grunt


What I would like the SNP to do is stand with us, not distance themselves from us. The worst I’ve seen this site do is call a liar a liar. What Nicola did today was cowardly.


“I thought it was a good display by NS today, considering that she is the ONLY party leader actually having to function in her parliamentary role today as a political leader”

She will be the only leader in the debates tonight that actually has to worry about running a country at the same time. Bit of a stark difference compared with the others!


Concerning Desimond’s comment at 1:06pm, I would agree that Fraser Paterson made a silly comment, namely that he would “be signing up on the first day” to a revolution if Salmond became Deputy PM. That’s equivalent to saying that “if Party X win the election I will leave the country”, i.e. it’s nothing but hot air and bluster.

The rest of his twitter message however, is much worse, and has a very nasty tone. Paterson is bringing well-deserved police investigation on himself.

He writes “hang Sturgeon” which could – just – be considered as a 1930s-style expression of discontent without using swearwords. (Similar to “oh bother that chap! He can go hang.”)

But Paterson then qualifies his “hang Sturgeon” reference by writing “A tree in Charlotte Sq Gardens will do”. And THIS puts Paterson’s message in the ‘inciting hatred’ category.

Fraser Paterson is advocating public lynching of Nicola Sturgeon. He is willing to ‘sign up’ to do it himself.

This is the unacceptable face of unionism. Unacceptable, but sadly all too common.


The other problem of course is the tweet below the offending one in the picture. Firstly he just assumes Alec Salmond will have any sort of leadership role at Westminster, should he be elected. Secondly he completely ignores SNP rejections of a formal coalition in favour of either C&S or issue by issue support, neither of which will yield cabinet positions, let alone becoming deputy PM. He is obviously far too ignorant/stupid/badly educated if he cannot understand this.

James U

Thank you for your email. We are aware of Fraser Paterson’s Tweet. He is a freelance journalist and not an employee of The Scots Magazine. I’d like to make it clear that opinions of freelance contributors expressed on social media – or anywhere else – do not represent those of The Scots Magazine.

Having checked our records, we published a single travel article written by Paterson in January 2014. We have no plans to commission any further pieces.

Again, thanks for bringing this to our attention but please be assured Paterson does not represent the magazine in any way.

Yours sincerely,


Robert Wight
The Scots Magazine



I suspect that they are Tories and

1) are pushing the pouters line that we should vote Tory to keep the SNP out and

2) pushing the “evil Alic Samlon is going to take over the world” line to frighten off people voting Labour in England

Transparent (deranged) Muppets of the first water.

Anne Bruce

I’ve had an email from the Scots Magazine. The magazine is aware of this guy’s tweet. They say he is a freelance journalist and not an employee of the magazine. The magazine published a single travel article written by Fraser Paterson in January 2014. The magazine says it has no plans to commission any further articles. He’s just another twitter twit who opens his mouth and lets his belly rumble. There’s a lot of them about. Unacceptable all the same.

R-type Grunt


The point I was trying to make was that this cretin obviously ranks Nicola Sturgeon alongside child murderers.

And yes, many people would like to see those hung. They’d all be wrong.


OT but that’s the beach at Fittie, on Fraser’s twitter header. You can also see how our demented Aberdeen city council of unionist nutters have completely destroyed the boollie aswell. Once upon a time that beach front had gorgeous Victorian swimming baths, huge glasshouses for when it was too cold to sit outside, lovely Italian coffee shops, all of it destroyed by the likes of unionist nutter Wullie Young and all of it replaced with horrific fast food joints, a giant now out of business night club, some kind of architectural horror that makes your eyes bleed etc

Another development disaster from unionist Aberdeen cooncil, tory and SLabour coalition to keep out SNP majority, and they’re not done with old Aberdeen yet.

Jim Finlayson

I wonder if his views are shared by DC Thomson who publish his material in The Scots Magazine?

Bob Mack

Slightly o/t,
It was announced on American news channel that The U.K.has found oil to the North of the Falkland isles,in the apparently named Zebedee exploration site. Two points
1.Is this why the extra troops were shipped to the South Atlantic in preparation of this announcement ? .
2Could this in any way be beneficial to Scotland obtaining its liberty,given they have found an alternate cash cow to milk ?
Not a word on U.K. national media regarding this find.


Politics, they accuse you of doing the thing they just did..



Lib Dem leaflet in West Edinburgh has headline,”I was SNP,but am now voting Lib Dem” former SNP councillor!

Thought I had missed recent bad news but discover Cll Alex Dingwall of Maryhill Glasgow jumped ship over FIVE years ago!

Was Churchill not a Liberal a few year’s back?



Everything the Liberals did was over 5 years ago.

They are going to get a kicking. There has been 11 or 12 council by-elections since the referendum, Liberals have been getting penny numbers of the vote the length and breadth of the country.

bookie from hell

game of thrones election posters

Scotland behind the Wall ( : > )

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi R-type Grunt.

You typed,
“What I would like the SNP to do is stand with us, not distance themselves from us.”

Like this?

comment image

He also mentioned “Wings Over Scotland” during the speech at his adoption meeting.



The guy is clearly a sad jealous spiteful dick and thats aptly demonstrated by The Revs piece on him.

However the moral ‘outrage’ and reaction of folk on here though is also sigh inducing.Least for me it is. Calling the we not, let alone The Police, have better things to do with our time than give warmers like this oxygen?


Fraz seems to be some kind of name-dropping Tory Boy, not just your average nutter. Connections to posh golf clubs, the odd duke & the Scottish National Trust, plus his interest in Scottish history, well the history of the landowning class would seem to be more accurate.

Brevig in Norway was just such a nutter at first. Needs watching & a spell in the Bar L, too old for Polmont, they’d love him in C Block. 🙂

link to


Careful,I Smell a rat here.

If he has autism,then any OTT comments about him will be turned against cybernats yet again.

Craig Patrick

From Cochranes Telegraph posts.

craig •3 minutes ago

@alcampian I’ll be signing up on the first day Ian. Save Bute House, but hang Sturgeon. A tree in Chltte Sq Gardens will do #SNPout

This from a unionist freelance journalist who backs the same tactical voting as Alan Cochrane, welcome to the Telegraphs Militant Right Wing Paramilitary Group.

Rosemary Champion

For what it’s worth, I emailed both publications he’s recently worked for, sent them a link to this article and suggested that they do not tarnish their reputations by employing him again.

Might not make any difference but it mademe feel better.


Now, I think his post is actually more about his suppressed lust for Nicola. He probably follows the Stormy Sturgeon twitter account and has been getting a wee bit hot under the collar recently. He also follows @VelvetLinedBelts and @JuicySatsumas and has the full back catalogue of INXS.

Just a poor wee misunderstood boy, who’s career is going to be exclusively restricted to chunks of 140 letters at a time. For free.


I just got a visit from two lovely policewoman. Showed them the tweet and so forth. They weren’t too well versed on how twitter works but they did say the tweet was not an actual threat. If it was a direct threat that would be another matter. They didn’t state categorically that that would constitute a crime, but there is clearly a line between a direct threat and an observation…in this case of what the journalist would like to see.

I think (at least for myself) it’s good to know where the boundaries are/lay. They wrote down the tweet and the details of the twitter account and will pass the details on. There is a unit/group/dept within Police Scotland that deal specifically with this type of thing – I presume online/social media incidents. They noted that there was another tweet, a reply, from someone critical of the journalist that had included the police in said reply.

They said I did the right thing in reporting the incident, and like i said, they were very civil and polite.

michael diamond

Aye, pond life like paterson are certainly ” scotlands shame”.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour, and well done to those raising it with Police.

We will never have safety and respect on-line unless we have a red line about this type of comment. It may not be serious, but if we ignore it, it will become the norm, and we will never know when the threat is serious.

If someone said that to me in a pub etc, I’d be straight on to the Police.


R type grunt
This is not an SNP website as last weekend’s thread proved. Why should Nicola stand with us? We are nothing to do with her party & she has no control over us.

You are blaming her without any justification for it. If you look at Stu’s About Us section, it very clearly says this website is about Scottish politics and is not aligned to any political party.


Bob Mack wrote:
“It was announced on American news channel that The U.K.has found oil to the North of the Falkland isles,in the apparently named Zebedee exploration site.”

AYE, and my names Dougal, Pope of the Lodge and the Magic Roundabout.


@ heedtracker 1:53pm

Sorry still O/T

They’re nae finished yet heedtracker, there’s every possibility they’ll knock doon the 400 year old buildings on the chanonry and knock up a line o maisonettes and a skateboard park!



My computer seems to have had a mind of its own today. 😉

I just went onto Twitter and wouldn’t you know it I’ve just witnessed an unbelievable phenomenon … my computer has been tweeting the police, Ruth Davidson, Willie Rennie, Kezia Dugdale, wee Jim, BBC, BBC Scotland, STV news, Channel 4 news, Channel 5 news, Sky news, RT and Al Jazeera about this very topic.

It seems that I may have reached a level of sub-consciousness with my computer now that we are at one with each other. I no longer have to physically type my tweets myself any more I just THINK about typing them and lo and behold they are typed. 😀

Big Jock

Leaving the potential criminalty of the whole thing aside. Why do some unionsist have so much venom for their own country and countrymen. They are in actual fact psychologically disturbed. Alan Cochrane springs to mind.

These people should be made to do community service. They probably dance a jig when Scotland is proven to be a failure, by some dodgy economic spin doctor. What other country has people that call themselves patriots for keeping their nation suppressed, and celebrating failure.



How did I not know about Stormy Sturgeon?!

call me dave

@Bob Mack

Oil Falklands:

I expect that it will become part of the negotiations when we get round to discuss the balance sheet. We are part of the union and all its bits until that comes about.


Bitter Togther indeed! Nice to see unionists overflowing with Easter spirit [sarc]

I am sure Police Scotland will deal with this efficiently.

But expect more of the same. It is the UK establishment way to stir up trouble among sections of society and there is a new vector emerging in terms of stirring up anti-Scottish feelings. This comes from the corridors of power and nowhere else. Add wounded pride at the fact that Nicola is now the most popular party leader IN ENGLAND (!) and you can expect more of the same.

The stirring always begins at the heart of the UK establishment and always leads to feeble minds falling for it.

R-type Grunt


Aye, exactly like that. Chris hasn’t been elected yet though. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a change once he is. And he will be, if I have anything to do with it. And I will!


Erin T
Do you know about The Sturgeonater? Hilarious 🙂



I would agree that the police have enough to do without chasing after eedjits like this.

It has been fun having a bit of sport with his twittering idiocy though. 🙂

The pouters, such as there are, seem to specialise in this sort of swivel eyed foamy ranting.


ErinT @ 2.34pm

Next you’ll be telling us you don’t know about @AngrySalmond and #SexySocialism 🙂

R-type Grunt


I’m well aware of what this website is. It just sickens me to see the speed at which the politicians distance themselves from us. What has anyone here done to deserve it? By not backing us she unwittingly supports her rivals claims. Anyway, Dead horse & all that.


Bob Mack says:
2 April, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Slightly o/t,
It was announced on American news channel that The U.K.has found oil to the North of the Falkland isles,in the apparently named Zebedee exploration site. Two points
1.Is this why the extra troops were shipped to the South Atlantic in preparation of this announcement ? .
2Could this in any way be beneficial to Scotland obtaining its liberty,given they have found an alternate cash cow to milk ?
Not a word on U.K. national media regarding this find.

It’s a relatively small find, and the markets aren’t impressed.
They need to be finding billion barrel fields to make that area worthwhile.. with all the extra costs and hassle for the Falklands.


Just wanted to say to the person who referenced autism. I am autistic, it doesn’t mean I make ignorant and hateful comments like this guy.

He’s just not a nice person, differences in cognitive ability does not equal differences in good or bad personalities. I have directly saved lives in my line of work, and have helped give back peoples’ lives (brain injury rehab).


Disappointing to read that he works for the Scots magazine. Always thought that was an innocuous wee magazine.

Arabs for Independence

This is not a nice guy

link to


Dropped a wee mail to Scots magazine to draw their attention to the tweet. Best to make a snip of it, he’ll take it down once he sees it’s gaining attention.


R-type grunt

Use your head & think about what you are saying here. I believe she has a bigger & more important job to do than sticking up for us. We can do that for ourselves & usually do!

Her role is to look after Scotland & it’s interests on behalf of everyone she represents-not just SNP but everyone!

Rob James

Bob Mack @ 2:03 p.m

You didn’t think we went to war to protect those poor Falkland Islanders, did you? Some of the worlds largest oil deposits are believed to be in the Southern Atlantic. Technology will soon make them viable.

I hope WM remembers our share when we divvy up the assets, providing they will still want us to take our share of their debt.


@Scots Renewables

Bizarrely Labour just asked Nicola at FMQs to condemn ‘vile use of social media’

You couldn’t make it up.

Nothing surprises me about SLAB these days. Findlay as usual is acting the goat, what is it with this guy? Do they inject these SLAB types with a SNP hating drug or something?


I remember reading somewhere that the Falklands are rich in Uranium. So that’s one reason why they fought to keep them! So now we have the second reason. Is the killing of peoples from both sides REALLY something to rejoice!



So this guy would be happy to see innocents suffer so that the guilty are punished, and would like to see people whose politics he disagrees with executed. I didn’t know there were so many fascists in golf journalism.


So Fraser would be happy to see innocents killed so that the guilty are punished, and wants people whose politics he disagrees with to be executed. Is fascism common in golf journalism?

R-type Grunt


“Her role is to look after Scotland & it’s interests on behalf of everyone she represents-not just SNP but everyone”.

Wasn’t that precisely the point I was trying to make? We ARE everyone. At least, I am.


The game of golf is full of grassholes…

A MacRitchie

Last nights Scotland 2015 poverty special hosted by the honourable Sarah Smith.

Alex Neil stated that EU policy prevented the Scottish Gov. From implementing minimum or living wage on employers. He quite clearly stated that the SGov had sought legal advice on this.The Slabber Ken McIntosh argued that that was rubbish. So does anyone know the actual EU regulation that stops this happening re rules of competition?

Did the Slaber arse actually say foodbanks were a “sign of hope” I missed that bit?

The wee labour guy planted in the audience who was probably some union guy did anybody have a clue what he was ranting on about??????? Something about employers not accepting that?


If you are on Twitter, continue to read the replies from the friendly Britnats.

They really don’t like it up em. Best to stay polite and keep to facts. They find it infuriating. Most haven’t a clue even of their own arguments.

A MacRitchie

Nobody in their right mind thinks that Westminster went to war with Argentina to save a couple of hundred British citizens. Oil was found to be there decades ago but the British Gov. Cant exploit it because Argentina is in dispute to the islands and its territorial waters. So exploration on hold until resolved. It is also required to get a stake in the south pole region for future exploration if resources are found.

British colonialism to exploit countries resources what American/Anglo wars are all about.


Who can forget the “bayoneting the wounded” quote? Incitement to violence in my wee book.

call me dave

For some historic reason Scotland had much to do with the administration of the Antarctic lands that were earmarked for the ‘UK’.
But Westminster started to meddle a few years back.

There are other documents (too many years gone by) I have read but can’t find but here is one which might be of interest about how things are going.

link to


A MacRitchie

The living wage is calculated to be £7.85 an hour. The Scottish Government apply this principle to their own employees but cannot force employers to do likewise, only encourage them. If it was statute then the living wage would be the minimum wage.

Minimum wage £6.50 an hour is not devolved but it is law and already applies to Scotland.

I hope this clarifies matters

Heather McLean

First class hypocrite!


Willie Bain was in my area today chapping doors asking folk for a piece n butter or jam even margarine with sugar oan it. DESPERADO


My daughter has autism,and I know many parents of autistic children,and I would not expect this type of language from her.
Sometimes she says nasty things,but so do many 11 year olds,and its really down to upbringing and teaching your child to be kind.It can be done even with an autistic child.

So no excuse for this kind of death threat!


Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of UKOK, there was a fairytale that told the story of how the Union Jack must always occupy The Moral High Ground.


As a keen golfer I’m sure Alex will be delighted at this divot’s remarks. As a freelance journalist, specializing in golf, Mr Paterson has just shat in his own nest. Some of Fraser’s other self proclaimed specialities include Scottish history and golf refereeing. As a keen golfer myself I wouldn’t want this “journalist” within 20 miles of a golf course, which kinda limits his movements in Scotland. For more of his specialities, including Scottish National Trust guide, check out his link.
link to

A MacRitchie

The question put to them was why if parties are stating increase to living wage/minimum wage why cant they just implement it? A N reply as stated but the slabber K Macintosh disputed his explanation indicating that it could be done and the S Gov. Just wasn’t doing it? So was the slaber just taking the usual cods wallop? In which case they are just making it up as they go along????????? And if they are how are they getting away with just opening their mouths and stating a lot of piss without it being verified?????? How can you sit their on TV and blatantly get the facts information wrong???????

To resolve this the actual EU legislation which I am quite sure A N a minister wouldn’t dream of stating unless the facts were right.

The Man from Del Monte

I notice that Mr. Paterson has a client list on his website(link to Has anyone enquired with these companies as to whether they are comfortable being associated with such a hateful bigot?


Attacks on old woman, attacks on a pregnant woman
Nazi salutes in George Square along with threats of violence to independance supporters
OO parades intimidating onlookers
And now a call for the public execution in the YES voting city of Glasgow of our First Minister. Unionists will claim a joke, but if one of had ‘joked’ about this same scenario, but replace Nicola with a leading Unionist, it would be no joke, it would be vile evil devilish cyber natery. One rule for us, one rule for them.

Feel the the love people. Our media including te BBC failed to report most of the above accurately if at all. This is acceptable in their eyes clearly. This is the true rotten heart of Unionisim.

Better Together my arse.


Edit for previous post: got the wrong square in wrong city with the hanging remark. Being angry + speed typing = mistakes.

A MacRitchie

Just confirmed sneaky Nick confirms he doesn’t care whose ass he’s got to kiss hell try to be part of Con or Lab coalition.

Ian Brotherhood

RS 6 o’clock news carried this story.


Police probe ‘hang Sturgeon’ tweet

link to


@ icyspark (6.34pm).

You beat me to it.
link to

Bob Sinclair


I am a member of the SNP and avid follower /sometime poster on WoS.

The beauty of this site is that it neither gives or seeks endorsement of any political party, and therein lies it’s strength. It is a forum for ALL supporters of independence & Stu does not need to follow any particular party line.

Aligning with any party would seriously weaken this site and would probably drive people away. If NS has distanced herself from Wings then good, it leaves Wings free from any accusations of party bias.

The one thing that unites us here is a wish for independence, opinions on how we get there differ & that is why I enjoy the WoS meets.


Hi R-type Grunt,

I hold Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond and the whole SNP team in high regard.

Remember, it is decades of hard work by the SNP together with a number of other notable independent activists, that have brought us this far along on our road to independence.

And I do trust their reasons for what they say and don’t say.

Having said that, follow your heart and your own political moral compass! Our Independence movement is a tapestry of threads of many different colours and hues. An emerging work of beauty!

As for Mr Paterson, thank goodness he has been held to account.

Paterson’s tweet was vile, dangerous and inciting hatred.


Sorry, but such despicable “religious” views are pretty much restricted to Scotland and NI within the UK. And these views only reached Ireland because of the Ulster plantations established by King James of Scotland.


He who is without sin………

Doug McRaild

Excellent exposure of a duplicitous idiot walling in double standards, truly hoisted by his own malicious petard.

I have some sympathy for any nationalist, unionist or another making “a” stupid comment, e.g. a comment that is not racist / homophobic / sexist, a one off, a bad day or drafted in haste, etc…. Some contrition is required coupled with sticking to reasonable behaviour going forwards.

But someone who wishes to stir up trouble by highlighting the inadequacies of others to the world, when they themselves commit the same offence, they should be pilloried, along with buffoons who put them in the attack dog position!

Can we look forward to any unionist political using there time at FMQT and condemning hapless Fraser unreservedly?

Doug McRaild

A MacRitchie

Re Poverty special question.

Question centred round procurement contracts.

Article 26 of EU agreement.

You cannot impose the living wage or increase minimum wage because……..

Min wage has to be agreed by Law if you cant specify min wage you cant specify living wage based in law or national agreement.

Thus you cannot impose requirements in public bodies to do this. This is while labour councils don’t even pay equal pay.

Even Boris Johnston tried to last month tried to pay living wage to employees but was told he would be breaking EU law.

So ken McIntosh your a knob get your facts right.


@ A MacRitchie

Can you be more specific in referencing the provision you mean?

TREATY OF LISBON deals with foreign and security policy so that is obviously not what you mean

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