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Wings Over Scotland

Sailing away

Posted on July 21, 2020 by

Farewell, civilised world.

But don’t worry, readers. The SNP have a cunning plan to secure independence by 2050, maybe, if they can find time in between letting rapists into women’s changing rooms, criminalising almost any sort of speech and stopping you getting cheap pizzas. No rush. There’s still a lot of MP wages and Short money to be claimed.

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    Sailing away | speymouth

301 to “Sailing away”

  1. P says:

    By 2050? Doubt it
    New pro independence party/parties – just fkin do it!

  2. Sharny Dubs says:

    Pigs standing on their back legs, noses in the trough and making deals with the farmers.

    Now where have I heard that before?

  3. susan says:

    Scary isn’t it, how easily powers are getting stripped. This was always in the pipeline yet there was no plan of action. Supine.

  4. Republicofscotland says:

    Well I think we all knew this was on the cards after we left the EU. The question is what are the Scottish government going to do about it. Scots will not stand by and let our beloved NHS fall into the clutches of Trumps corporate buddies.

    The pressures building on Sturgeon, we really need her to act now.

  5. Ian McCubbin says:

    Well how are the mugs we are all Indy activists and SNP members.
    Ian Blackford makes £3700 a month for 8 hours work on one of the many committees he sits on.
    He ain’t going to lead us to Indy.
    Nicola we don’t know yet why she won’t.
    But when we do it will be like all the pennies fell from heaven.
    Scotland is about to be recolonised by England.

  6. Liz g says:

    Now that’s a health matter, a serious health matter,I expect the FM to be warning us of it live on TV at the daily briefing??
    She will won’t she?

  7. Stoker says:

    Now let’s see the SNP apologists rejig this one:

    Our NHS now opened to plunder despite SNP saying they’d introduce a law protecting our Scottish NHS.

    And now it’s also confirmed that whilst Sturgeon copes with her inability to multi-task, despite lots of attention being given to extreme minority issues, London has stated emphatically:


    So much for that “partnership of equals” eh? It now officially does not exist. Mind you, most of us knew that already. To every ‘No’ voter in 2014, this is down to you, you helped put us in this position. It’s your shit, own it.

  8. G H Graham says:

    Not to worry folks; gravy train conductor, Pete Wishart has a “Secret Plan”.

    If he can just get another 5 years on £82k plus £15k for a chair plus a £30k pension plus about another £1/2 – £3/4 million in expenses, he might by then, have set aside enough cash to allow him to take the risk of thinking about releasing the “Secret Plan” to an unsuspecting electorate.

    It’s the same “Secret Plan” that Sturgeon’s been working on these past six years or so.

    If you didn’t know already, while she was making it socially unacceptable to drink original Irn Bru, she & Obergruppenfhurer Murrell have been developing a nuclear grade, constitutional weapon that no British Prime Minister dare defend against.

    As soon as the SNP receives its next mandate to add to the trophy cabinet of lots of other mandates, they are going to … wait for it … here it comes … hope you’re sitting down folks … shock … horror …think of the kids … God Save The Queen ….

    ask Johnson for an S30.

    Clever, eh?

    Just when Johnson was expecting 50 plus MPs to walk out, the Scottish Gov to approach the EU/UN with a plea deal, an embargo on tax receipts to London, diplomatic blockades & a refusal to engage with Whitehall by getting rid of all the Unionist stooges in Holyrood/Bute House, Sturgeon is going to ask for a wee bit of paper politely requesting permission to conduct a popularity poll on independence.

    Quite why Wishart hasn’t gambled his retirement fund on this win-win “secret plan” is quite the mystery.

    And with such an open goal, you would think Sturgeon would be salivating at the thought of having complete control of the behaviour of the Scottish electorate.

    Just image how progressive we could be when she finally makes it illegal to tell rude jokes, walk on the cracks on the pavement & make it safe for bearded blokes in tutus to casually wank off in the womens’ toilets.

  9. A C Bruce says:

    Thoroughly depressing.

  10. Thomas Dunlop says:

    Whilst I understand your frustration, Stu, the only way is shore up the soft No to Yes support that is currently shifting. I am all for plan B, but it has to be written into the manifestos of the SNP, greens and whoever wants a go at the next election. I think a lot of folk gladly will vote for that, come the turn of the year.

  11. Stoker says:

    Click on & scroll down, folks, and see the part where London makes it official to the world: Scotland, we don’t need your permission, consent or anything else’.

    link to

  12. Josef Ó Luain says:

    At a time when the Duke of Buccleugh’s agent and arch neo-liberal, Benny Higgins, is feeding into S.N.P economic policy, anything is possible.

  13. Bugger le Panda says:

    The streets and GB wide insurrection?

  14. Willie says:

    Oh dear, another humping for Scotland as Westminster start to remove power from the Scottish Parliament.

    A humping a day keeps the doctor away. That should be the SNP high commands new message as the political prostitutes trough on their salaries delivering nothing. No wonder so many members, so many yessers are aghast at how ineffectual the SNP has become.

    If this is the Russian supported insurrection to break the U.K. they ain5 doing a very good job of it. More like an establishment deep state manoeuvre to destroy independence. Anyway, Nicola probably enjoys getting humped by Boris. I really don’t think I could put it more inelegantly than that as this defeated amendment shows.

    Vichy is hanging out her and her coterie.

  15. Matt Seattle says:

    Westminster is only supreme because IT says it is supreme and because enough of us believe it, including our dear leaders.

    The people of Scotland are sovereign as we know, and as has even been upheld in Westminster, but not enough of us believe it, including, it seems, our dear leaders.

    If 54% of the people of Scotland now believe we should be independent, Scottish Parliament should now enact our Independence as law with the proviso of a confirmatory referendum in 5 years (no-one ever voted to rejoin the British Empire).

    Independence means NOT having to ask permission: laws are man-made, it’s high time we made our own.

  16. Effijy says:

    England have voted Tory to deliver a pathological liar as PM,
    To cut the NHS Budget and ignore the dire epidemic warning of the Cygnus Exercise,
    To repel the biggest trading block on the planet
    To make the thousands of EU doctors and nurses unwelcome when we desperately need them
    Charge Foreign medical staff £1200 if they want to stay and risk their lives for us.
    Charge medical staff for parking at work,
    Stop bursaries for people looking to train in the medical field,
    Cheer in Parliament when rejecting a pay rise for NHS Staff
    Send medical staff into treat a killer disease without PPE
    NOW open up control of our NHS to Trump’s America.

    Goodbye England from Scotland.

    I’d never set foot in their country again after all this.
    Their morals are a toxic cesspit and not for me.

  17. Willie says:

    Joseph O’ Luain.

    Benny Higgins. Economic adviser to our Queen Nicola.

    Is that the guy who was head of retail banking at Westminster Banking Group ( previously know as the Royal Bank of Scotland ), the Halifax Bank of Scotland ( previously the Bank of Scotland ) and now chief executive to the biggest of the landed gentry, the Duke of Bucleugh Estates.

    Queen Nicola certainly chooses her advisers well. Tells you all about her politics.

  18. Gary45% says:

    Mr Salmond,
    Its time to dust yourself down.
    Scotland needs now, more than ever.

  19. Casabian says:

    Stoker 9 56am

    “To every ‘No’ voter in 2014, this is down to you, you helped put us in this position. It’s your shit, own it.”

    I feel your Stoker.

    I remember every one of those No Voters and still to this day feel an anger against them.

    I also remember driving past farmers fields, which had huge purple “Vote No” banners in them.

    We’ll see how British they feel once all the cheap food starts arriving on these shores from all around the world and undercut the price of Scottish farmers.

    Who will they turn to for support?

    They will want us to help them out in their hour of need.

    And would I help them,,, would I fuck.

    Many farmers still fly the Butchers Apron to this day.

    Hell fuckin mend you.

    Same goes for all you Brexiteer Scottish fishermen/women.

    Boris will sell you out just the same as he will sell out the whole UK.

  20. Casabian says:

    That would be your pain I am feeling Stoker.

    Typo. LoL

  21. Casabian says:

    Scotland Wales and N Ireland back to being completely ignored in all our National News outlets.

    Sky News, BBC News and ITV News back to reporting in all things english.

    Back to “across the country…” reporting.

    Where the country in question just happens to be fuckin engerland.

  22. Republicofscotland says:

    Just a wee shout out to those who oppose Scottish independence, do you oppose it enough to see our NHS privatised by US corporations, that will see a two-teir health system where many folk will not receive the treatment they need, which might include your loved ones.

    Is the union more important to you than the health of your loved ones? I hope not.

  23. ahundredthidiot says:

    Please don’t expect the First Minister of Scotland to say anything about this…….she doesn’t have time for this nonsense…….dealing with all you crazed conspiracy theorists.

    Don’t you know she is 100% focused on the COVID response and the economic legacy of COVID.

    No time for this piffle.

  24. Bob Mack says:

    Westminster is a monster, but at least it has a spine and teeth. We are defended by a jellyfish.

  25. wullie says:

    Scotland slowly coming out of lockdown. They still do not realise they have been locked up since 1707 and have been unable to see their neighbour stealing all their resources.

  26. Patricia Spencer says:

    As a retired Health Care Professional I find this sell off our our last public asset deeply disturbing. Enraged at the SNP for their manifesto lies of ‘stop Brexit’, ‘protect Scoland’, ‘Scotland’s NHS is safe in our hands’. This must be stopped dead in its tracks! We the people own most of our NHS and MUST NOT consent to its sale and any further privatisation.

  27. One_Scot says:

    I genuinely believe for the sake of Scotland’s future, we really need another prominent Independence party involved in Scottish politics to pull the SNP back on course. A bit like the influence the Brexit party had on the Tories. Without this guiding force I cannot see how anything is going to change from where we are.

    Scotland and the Independence movement need an Independence List party for a number of reasons. First off, the SNP would be more focused on the prize if they had to depend on support from another true Independence party to pass Bills in Holyrood. It would also look better to the Scottish voting public, if at least two parties brought an Independence referendum to the table rather than just solely the SNP.

    Given where we are in terms of debate and progress of Independence List parties, I believe if a big name does not stand up soon to pull together or create one ‘super’ List party before next years Scottish election, then we will have missed a trick that we may never again get the chance to perform.

  28. Polly says:

    We need them to do something and despair that they won’t. Only they can do something at this time and it is so frustrating fearing they won’t. Maybe the threat to the NHS is what is needed for a lot of unionists, especially older ones who need the NHS. I have a relative like that and will be deploying this argument even more from now on. (And on my tv listening to Stuart Hosie on the Russia report and interference from that country in our indyref.)

  29. Scozzie says:

    Liz g @ 9.55
    Bloody spot on. I agree that this is a public health matter that NS needs to bang on about relentlessly every day in her press briefing. The NHS being dismantled is a waaaay bigger threat than COVID. Jesus even the hated Thatcher didn’t dare touch the NHS (as much as she’d have liked to).

    It’s glaringly obvious that Scotland really doesn’t have time on its side to act on independence. The guts are going to be ripped out of Scotland. I really do now fear 2021 is too late.

    Message to NS: Something makes me think that legacy is important to you…. Do you want to be known as the First Minister that allowed Scotland’s NHS to be sold for a bucket of chlorinated KFC.

  30. Johnstone Macphersoh-Stewart says:

    Finally time for a Wings party to take to the air?

  31. Casabian says:

    Staunch Scottish freedom fighter Stewart Hosie, front and centre of reading out the findings of an English Establishment report into Russian interference.

    FFS SNP,,, you are being used and abused by Westminster and you can’t even see it.

    Hosie, Wishart and Co, you have been down there far too long.

    Infact I would go as far as to say you have developed Stockholm Syndrome.

  32. scunner says:

    This is depressing but entirely expected.

    As I’ve often said (well whined at indy-supporting friends and family!), that the longer we dither, the less likely we’ll have the ability to do anything about it.

    The UK establishment are hell bent on removing our rights as well as our economic ability to go it alone, a sort of “scorched earth” policy.

    What’s even more scary is that in rejecting some of these clauses, they appear to be removing some of their own UK MP powers too.

    Thanks No Voters.

  33. Breastplate says:

    link to

    “ Two-thirds of people who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a key contributor to their financial downfall.”

    This is the shape of things to come and what will be visited on us our parents and yet another burden for our children.

    It won’t matter how rich or poor you are when you are ill as private health will relieve you of what you actually can’t afford.

  34. Bob Mack says:

    Yet I bet there are still those who think this is all part of a master SNP plan to let Westminster take hold of the Scottish NHS just to create had feeling.

    I have had news for you. It’s not. It’s simply lack of resistance from our representatives who will boldly claim they will fight it to the very end. Wait and see.

    Just like Brexit and everything else, it will be a story of “courageous resistance”. Promises without foundation .

    I need to take some time off. I am becoming demoralised by the truth instead of lies. It’s uncomfortable.

    Alex, where are you?

  35. Vivian O'Blivion says:

    If the Conservatives have a HoC majority of 80, who contributed to the 101 majority against the “devolved administration, consent amendment”? Who apart from Ian Murray of course?

  36. Robert Louis says:

    And despite all that things carry on as normal at SNP HQ. The completely inept and out of touch First Minister carries on telling folk that if they just get one more mandate, then Boris will have to give a section 30 – yet never explains why.

    Their will be NO section 30. That has just been repeated, for the hard of understanding at SNP HQ, by Boris himself. Which part of the word NO, do the SNP not understand????

    So what are the SNP going to do? I’ll tell you, sweet F all.

    Let’s be clear ALL our political leaders in Scotland have let us down. The SNP are running feart to do anything, in case it upsets anybody, and ruins their media profile. The First Minister spends her days tweeting pics of her wedding and her birthday, while Westminster trashes Scotland and its parliament.

    It could not be clearer, we need independence. Not next year, but ASAP. It is now extremely urgent. We need to assert Scotland’s constitutional rights to determine the nature of governance for Scotland – the claim of right.

    Waiting until May next year, there will be no parliament left. The trade deals selling off Scotland’s whisky industry and NHS to America will be done. There will be no way back. None.

    Meanwhile, Pete Wishart is still telling folk that Boris will change his mind if we just stick at it. Talk about being in denial. Jeezo.

    Come January 1st 2021, my anger will be aimed totally at one political party, the SNP. They have had mandate after mandate for the last six years to get us out of this, but still they dither and procrastinate while Westminster systematically strips Scotland’s parliament of ALL meaningful power, whilst simultaneously stripping Scotland of its assets to be sold to TRUMP.

    I and many other will NEVER forgive the SNP. When they had to step up and defend Scotland, they did nothing. An absolute shower of timid, cowardly sh*tes, every single one of them.

    They will never again deserve our votes.

  37. Casabian says:

    Hosie should be shouting out about all the English Establishment Interference in indyRef1.

    Not telling us of some bullshit nonsense about Russian interference on behalf of the Yes Movement.

  38. Alec Lomax says:

    The UK : the best democracy that rubles can buy.

  39. Casabian says:


    You are a fuckin embarrassment to Scotland.

  40. Alec Lomax says:

    Robert Louis – posted in green ink.

  41. Oneliner says:

    When ‘democracy’ fails you, what is left?

  42. Alec Lomax says:

    Casabian – sure, tovarisch.

  43. Casabian says:


    Bought and sold for english gold.

    He’ll be round at the Ermine shop after that english establishment meeting getting measured up for his new Lords rig out.

  44. Oneliner says:

    Is there any point in an SNP presence in Westminster? We cannot speak to / negotiate with these people.

    Looks like Sinn Feinn called it correctly.

  45. Mike Lothian says:

    Stu you seem to care more about cheap digs at the SNP (the only party with any chance of bringing about Independence) and spreading more anti-trans hate and fear than bringing about Independence yourself

    What happened?

    I defended you when you were accused of homophobia – it was a bad taste joke but you can’t deny you’re transphobic

    Now I’m going to say this again for those that are still refusing to listen

    Supporting trans rights doesn’t mean harming women’s rights

    Like supporting same sex adoption didn’t mean “destroying children’s lives”

    Like repealing Section 28 didn’t mean “gay sex lessons in schools”

    Like equalising the age of consent wasn’t “a paedophile’s charter”

  46. schrodingers cat says:

    I look foward to welcoming our new russian overlords

  47. Robert Louis says:

    If the SNP had their wits about them, they would be walking out, never to return, from Westminster. But they won’t. Cowards.

  48. Josef Ó Luain says:


    Yep, the very same dude. Thanks for the addition of Benny’s C.V. I shouldn’t assume that everybody, unlike yourself, keeps-an-eye on such things.

  49. Bob Mack says:

    @Mike Lothian,

    Cheap digs?

    They are facts, whether you consider them cheap or not.

    That is the truth.

  50. Casabian says:

    When Ireland won it’s freedom from the english, they were lead by leaders who would literally have died in their persute of their Independence.

    You just don’t get those same vibes coming off if our own Scottish leader of her Scottish National Party do you?

    We have NO leaders in the Independence Movenent,,,None.

    Rudderless, drifting, in limbo.

    All these terms describe present day Scotland, oh and I forgot,,, gutless.

  51. Robert graham says:

    o/t Warning
    The English Government on full Propaganda Mode with the release of the report into Russian interference in the democratic process in Britain.

    From the outset no interference was found now here’s the BUT continued reference is being made to Russian interference in the 2014 vote , Remember NO evidence .

    Alex Salmond presented documented evidence in a reply to innuendos by Ruthless that the SNP were being assisted by Putin ,
    He presented evidence in Holyrood of Cameron’s plea to Putin for assistance in stopping the SNP gaining independence through the 2014 referendum vote,

    This English government believes everyone in Scotland has had a majority memory lapse and are totally bloody stupid , this isn’t a security report it’s a propaganda exercise before the 2012 election

  52. Ian says:

    This is just part of the UK’s great plan for the economy since the 1970’s, ie not to have a real economy, just sell off whatever you can. Oil, gas, telecoms, British Rail, BA, Royal Mail. Not much left so the NHS was always on the cards. Lowering food standards will tie in nicely with this too – unhealthier food = more medical sales.

    When you’re down to the 10th largest UK export being – Collector items, art, antiques: $12.3 billion (2.6%), you know the UK is just about done. The sale of the NHS will be like all the other fire sales, just a slight delay to the inevitable relentless economic decline that’s been evident since the UK’s trading balance went negative in the 1980’s.

    link to

    link to

  53. Neil Anderson says:

    I see Nicola Sturgeon is still pushing the SNP 1+2 line.
    Maximising the SNP vote rather than the effective Pro-Indy vote.
    Party before country.
    Predictable but sad.
    Expect the Greens will do similar.
    Also waiting for all the list-only parties to become one list party.
    Essential to avoid the same mistake.
    No room for any of us acting contrary to common goals & nobody has a monopoly on the way until there is agreement. Nobody gets to hold the rest of us to ransom without having to take responsibility for risking damage to us all.

  54. Bob Mack says:


    We do have potential leaders made of the right stuff, but their own party is trying to get them out. That is a major issue.

  55. Casabian says:

    Tried watching Hosie,,,had to turn him off.

    Why can’t Sturgeon deliver a similar speech regarding Scottish Independence?

  56. Casabian says:

    Bob Mack 11.32

    SOMEONE has to step forward.

  57. Robert Louis says:

    Alex Lomax at 11am,

    Not sure what your comment means. A bit cryptic.

  58. Alec Lomax says:

    Bots getting their knickers in a twist about Hosie.

  59. Johnny says:

    Too much to expect the Feeble Forty-Eight to fight back a bit?

  60. Bob Mack says:

    Hosie has just stated that Russia tried to discredit the Scottish referendum result, and it should have been a warning to Security services that Russia was involved.

    Ammunition we could have used to press for another referendum,just became a comfort blanket to Westminster courtesy of an SNP rep.

    Am I going mad?

  61. Allium says:

    The misogyny from SNP true believers continues to amaze me. Redefining women in law to include men obliterates womens rights. Completely.

  62. Stuart MacKay says:

    Wait a minute, what’s this “other parts of the UK”?

    Does that mean that the NHS in England is protected but in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland it is not?

  63. dakk says:

    Certainly important to get news of this vote out there.

    As it only took place late last night, bit early to say SNP are acquiescing.

    The garish rapey comment sounds a bit like a dog whistle for the faux women’s rights trans obsessed shite house sentinels on here.

  64. Polly says:

    @Mike Lothian

    ‘Supporting trans rights doesn’t mean harming women’s rights’

    No it doesn’t for I support the rights of transgender people and I’m sure Stuart and most of the gender critical people do as well.

    Supporting trans rights doesn’t mean harming women’s right – but self ID does.

  65. Robert graham says:


    The Daily Record

    Torquinl or whatever his stupid name is wading in innuendo , oh my Alex Salmond is a Ruski never short of laying it on thick hint hint nudge nudge if this was a Panto it would be pulled as being so bloody stupid and farcical it’s beyond belief , Scottish independence vote 2014 constantly being referred to ,

    NO EVIDENCE because they didn’t look for it Christ that’s a new one job done NO evidence just massive innuendo I really hope Hosie isn’t involved in any way in this Propaganda exercise his name is being mentioned on the Radio LBC presentation just now

  66. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Robert Louis @ 11.24am

    You wrote: “If the SNP had their wits about them, they would be walking out, never to return, from Westminster. But they won’t. Cowards.”

    Yes, cowards, however, walking out of Westminster would be wrong – that action would merely increase the Tory majority and they would carry-on regardless, unfettered by even the gnats bites they currently endure from the SNP members.

    What the SNP group should be doing is, mounting a guerrilla campaign, designed to make it as difficult as possible for the Tories to have their way at Westminster.

    Alex Salmond knew ‘Erskine May’, the House of Commons handbook backwards. He knew every possible way of disrupting proceedings and making life difficult for the government of the day. That is the tactic which the SNP ought to be utilising.

    Interrupt business at every opportunity. Make life very-difficult, don’t give them a moment’s rest.

    For a start, they should be using EVEL against the Tories. Pointing-out, with so-much law being recovered from Brussels to WEstminster, then the Scottish Grand Committee has a duty to inspect all law since it affects Scotland, no matter how loosely.

    If they are repeatedly over-ruled, it emphasises to the Scottish people, who little Scotland matters to Westminster. At the very least, it will have some on the Tory benches asking if it is worth holding on to such a disruptive bunch – and, since getting rid of the Scottish MPs would immediately increase the Tory majority by over 50 seats, it’s a winning situation.

    Walking out and leaving them with an open goal over Scotland would be completely the wrong move.

    The only problem is – do we have a sufficiently-high number of SNP MPs who would commit to this course of action? Or, are there too-many of them, too-comfortable on the green benches?

  67. Bob Mack says:

    Well there we go. RT and Sputnik now mentioned and linked to Alex Salmond of course. The implication being Alex is a Russian agent.

    How scared are they of Alex?

  68. ahundredthidiot says:

    Mike Lothian is here to derail the conversation…..again.

    and I don’t have time for him/her/ze/they (who gives a f*ck) – I have Health Insurance to arrange!…..

  69. Johnny says:

    Stuart MacKay:

    Nope, it was an acknowledgement that the Tories can wreck England’s health service and claim voters have given them permission by electing them. An attempt made here to state that they have no right to do that in the devolved countries was, predictably, ignored by Tories who believe they can do as they like whether they have mandates for it in the devolved countries or not.

    Are our politicians going to make more than this token effort to dispute this is the question.

  70. Polly says:

    Bob Mack ‘Am I going mad?’

    No, though he did qualify it by reference to page 13 footnote. But it gave a chance to slyly bring up Salmond being on RT and dragging it and him back into disrepute. It also obviously leaves the chance for these unionists under cover of being on guard against foreign interference in future elections/referendums to target yessers – target them even more than has been done already, all under cover of protecting democracy.

  71. ahundredthidiot says:

    Socrates says;

    ‘that action would merely increase the Tory majority and they would carry-on regardless, unfettered by even the gnats bites they currently endure from the SNP members.’

    oh yeah…..cos whats happening now is just fantastic, isn’t it!

    or are we to just be satisfied as flies on their arses?

    Sorry Socrates – you’re wrong and Robert Louis is right.

    No Scot belongs in Westminster – not anymore.

  72. K1 says:

    I see Oscar is back.


    This isn’t news, to turn the UK into a single market for their trade deals they have to destroy devolution and that was always going to include unifying the NHS across the UK so they could trade chloronised chicken for access to NHS, Scottish Water and every public sector asset within the UK.

    This was utterly inevitable in a post Brexit deal, we’ve all known since 2016 vote that this is the only way this works. You can’t have 4 different health services or other differentiated sectors within a unified ‘single market’ as this scuppers trade deals with other single markets, like the US.

    They’ve been carving up the spoils since the 2016 vote.

    The real issue is that it unfortunately has to actually happen before any kind of action can be taken, ergo the refrain that ‘Brexit hasn’t happened yet’. But to say our Scottish government has done nothing or isn’t aware of this isn’t true.

    Their hands are tied until we have our independence, but here’s the problem, until enough Scots as sovereign people really see this happening, literally not rhetorically then we don’t have the momentum to secure our independence.

    So what has this to do with getting rid of NS et al, who replaces her and how would they tackle this any differently?

    And this is a Scotgov issue, not just an SNP one, we know that all the Tory MP’s in Scotland voted against the protective clause in this legislation and that all Tory MSP’s are likely to be on board with the wholesale dismantling of devolution and everything that this means for our way of life in this country. What about Labour and Libdems?

    Sure they can all vote in the Scots and Westminster parly against this, but it seems obvious as this progresses that we are going to have to go into a full scale civil disobedience campaign against this legislation as it gets rolled out.

    This is actually up to us, I think the SNP have been fighting Brexit as the main issue because it is the main issue that is going to unite Scotland’s people against what’s coming down the line, but again unfortunately necessity is the mother of invention in all things, it has to actively happen before people, no voters, wake up to it.

    Can anyone tell me how they think Labour, Tory or Libdem being at the helm in Scotland would be approaching any of this differently? Let’s not pretend that the SNP have and are the best fighters we’ve ever had on our side and let’s not pretend that toppling the current incumbents within the SNP changes anything regarding the current crisis we’re all about to face in the post Brexit landscape.

    The onus is on us when push comes to shove, to ensure we don’t get dragged out of the E.U. against our will, it’s now just a matter of how that reality unfolds in the coming months, we have the networks and we will soon have the literal reality, then the next steps will become clearer.

  73. Stuart MacKay says:

    Well, Boris just handed an overwhelming victory to the SNP next year, or did he?

    They certainly know that this will cause an almighty sh*t storm – or at least I am hoping it does – so why go down this path? Do they:

    a) think nobody will notice
    b) think nobody will care
    c) have worse to follow
    d) know it will be quickly forgotten
    e) be meekly accepted with ne’er a whimper

    This is not stirring or finger-pointing. It clearly shows that either Westminster is out of touch with the damage it will do or really don’t give a fk. The answer to that is probably the key to independence success.

  74. Johnny says:


    I am afraid that’s fraught with risk, i.e. your argument that ‘it has to happen before anything can be done’.

    Some of us will blame the Tories/WM for cutting our economy to shreds in pursuit of their aims.

    Others, though, will blame the SNP for ‘letting it happen and not trying to stop it before it did’.

    So it’s not all going to be one way and the road to ‘wahey, we all agree on indy now the Tories have shown just how bad they are!’.

    I’ll be of the mind that blame should be shared but that of course you vote Yes to try and get out of it BUT….how much of our economy and NHS will be sold off via contracts we cannot reverse even if we vote Yes in any indyref 2? If the answer is ‘lots’, then not trying harder to fight it before it occurs is going to look even more catastrophic.

    It makes you wonder if the more right wing of the ScotGov’s advisers are there to make sure this happens and then say ‘NOW you can have your indy, it’s all sold off anyway’.

  75. Bob Mack says:

    Did Hosie give any indication of English interference in the 2014 referendum result? The paid celebrities gushing with love for all things Scottish. The constant barrage of threats from Banks ,the Treasury,and al! the business moguls? Add to the mix the criminal VOW? The media .

    No of course not.

  76. dakk says:

    Certainly important to get news of this vote late last night out there.

    The garish changing room comment sounded a bit like a gog whistle for the several faux women’s rights, trans obsessed shite house sentinels on here.

    First comment in moderation for using the ‘r’ word.

  77. Daisy Walker says:

    It’s not up to Alex. It’s up to us.

    There has never been more appreciation for our NHS than now. Particularly amongst the elderly, and dare I say it by some of our new Scots from Englandshire.

    The American Health ‘Service’ is the worst in the world and the most expensive. 2 out of every 3 bankrupt there state medical bills as the reason.

    We can’t do door to door canvassing, but we can do leaflet drops. Make people aware.

    Maybe we can’t do Billboards, but we can do posters in windows and cars. Make people aware.

    If you have a printer, print off the facts and do your nearest 5 houses, just 5.

    And if the SNP stay silent, mealy mouthed and ineffectual on this – hell smack it intae them – for even their most loyal supporters will feel the penny drop.

    With Brexit we lose our NHS, our Food Standards (and farms) our water, our whisky, our human rights and our parliament.

    YES we can, and Now We MUST

  78. mike cassidy says:

    Mike Lothian 11.23

    Supporting trans rights doesn’t mean harming women’s rights

    It does if trans rights include the right to take their penises into legally established women’s safe spaces

    And note that at the moment

    the trans lobbying has been so successful in equating opposition to this and everything else as transphobia – a hate crime –

    that the law works as if they already have that right – even although they don’t.

    And its been happening for some time.

    This is from March 2019

    Under the UK Equality Act, it is perfectly lawful to provide discrete services for men and women if this is a better or more effective way of providing the said service. You’d think this would very much apply to rape refuge centres. But the bullying and harassment from trans-activists towards politicians, funders, sponsors and patrons has frightened them into opening their doors to transgender women. The law that is supposed to be protecting women is left hanging by a thread.

    link to

  79. dakk says:

    Dog whistle

  80. K1 says:

    Johnny, human nature and risk are not by their nature controllable.

    And it is inevitable for those risk averse to wait till the last moment before making a move. This is why the great ‘don’t know’ section in polling etc play such an important part in final decision making processes.

    They are the deciders, while both sides of the aisle are certain of their positions, the middle don’t knows wait till the moment in the booth to decide.

    It’s why all political parties try to woo the undecideds.

    As for the outcomes, well look at post ref14 outcome as an example, both sides hardened in outlook, but now the shift is happening, no doubt covid is playing a part, but also just more interest in what is happening politically has been a by product of this as the numbers increase for Yes.

    And yes perhaps so wrt to the burning it all down afore ye depart, many former colonies can attest to that outcome, I’m inclined to think that that approach is far more likely the mindset of the establishment though rather than the snp, left of centre party, pulled that way by disaffected former Labour in Scotland, doesn’t fit that m.o.

  81. K1 says:

    It’s the classic, 10 people have to get injured or die afore a new set of lights is installed in a notorious ‘black spot’, that residents have known for years but no one would listen to, until a wean is killed. It’s human nature we’re up against.

  82. schrodingers cat says:

    the power grab will get worse.

    the russian report is a white wash, who wadda thunk it?

    westminsters latest wheeze is to try and broker a deal with the efta countries, even though norways prime minister has already said the uk would not be welcome. it smacks of desperation.

    link to

    we are 5 months from jan 1st,

    any chance of an extension has already been rejected.

    there is no sign of any eu deal on the horizon

    a limited amount of infrastructure to deal with brexit has only now being planned for, but still hasnt been built.

    jan the 1st isnt a cliff edge, its the point that we hit the ground at the bottom of the cliff with a splat.

    will folk notice the power grab on our nhs? probably not.

    will folk notice a shortage of medication and food? you betcha

  83. Ottomanboi says:

    The art of devolving, rather like those dog leads that lengthen and shorten at the will of the ‘leader’.
    The dog can have its day though by unexpectedly and mischievously dragging the leader into a nasty thorn bush.
    Wish the SNP had the brains of a dog.

  84. Sinky says:

    Another broken vow. Yoon journalists asking Nicola about Russian influence in 2014 but no question on Westminster,

    Astonishingly none ask about the Westminster power grab of NHS and public health services on a Covid briefing

    This amendment would have ensured that the consent of a devolved government is required for regulations under section 2(1) if those regulations contain matters which are within the remit of the devolved government.

  85. cirsium says:

    @Daisy Walker, 12.22

    With Brexit we lose our NHS, our Food Standards (and farms) our water, our whisky, our human rights and our parliament.

    So true. The galling thing about this is that it was entirely foreseeable. The cherry on the cake is the tired “Russian interference” gambit to distract from the planned looting of the NHS.

  86. MaggieC says:

    No words to describe this other than Murdo does it again , here he’s having a dig at Alex’s show on RT and not a mention of the 6 Scottish tories voting for this bill last night .

    link to

    We need to make sure that he loses his seat in the next Scottish elections

    And as day follows night here’s Ian Murray at it as well ,

    link to

  87. Sinky says:

    Daisy Walker says: 21 July, 2020 at 12:22 pm
    It’s not up to Alex. It’s up to us.

    All Indy supporters should more sure this is on the agenda on every MSM papers radio and TV along with threads to food standards etc.

    The pro UK media will give more prominence to Tory propaganda on Russia than the treats to Devolution.

    Scotland in Union’s Prof Hugh Pennington in Scotsman attacking EU Covid response and Scotland wouldn’t cope without HM Treasury.

    link to

  88. schrodingers cat says:

    link to

  89. HYUFD says:

    Well done Stewart Hosie on playing a full part with Tory MP Dr Julian Lewis in leading the Intelligence and Security Committee’s investigation and report into Russian interference in the recent Scottish and EU referendums.

    Also interesting as it shows the increasing influence SNP MPs are getting at Westminster

  90. Casabian says:

    Schidinger Cat

    You seem to be riding two horses at the same time.

    You are either for Sturgeon and her policies or against her and her policies.

    You can’t be on both sides of the fence at the same time.

  91. Sinky says:

    Intelligence sources reported that David Cameron sought support from 34 foreign countries to interfere in the 2014 referendum to attack independence.

    link to

  92. Ottomanboi says:

    Further on Prof Tim Spector the talking head on all things Covid, his specialism is dietetics.
    Wrote a book on fad dieting apparently. He’s often described as a ‘food guru’.
    Just about right for putting us all in the picture about that nasty wee virion.
    Snake oil anyone?

  93. Polly says:

    Ottomanboi 12:58 pm


    K1 ‘until enough Scots as sovereign people really see this happening’

    But then why aren’t the SNP screaming this to the crowd at the back at each and every opportunity? We and they know it’s coming down the line even if the no’s and undecided don’t, so SNP should be warning of it loudly and often in stark terms. They haven’t and don’t seem to want to show only independence can stop it. Instead now they’re fielding questions on Russian interference and avoiding mentioning Alex Salmond or his great show on the perfectly legal channel RT. They’re always on the back foot now. Their hands are tied but their mouths shouldn’t be. And for the dog analogy they don’t even bark anymore far less bite.

  94. cirsium says:

    It seems the idea is to kill two birds with one stone – loot the Scottish NHS and smear the Scottish independence movement. Craig Murray’s latest complements the Rev’s post link to
    This btl comment gives food for thought Could be a fresh effort to forestall a Salmond comeback now folk are getting wise to his successor. The Weinstein strategy didn’t work so now they’re reheating the insinuation that he’s the Kremlin’s man. (U Watt)

  95. Bob Mack says:

    This is what we are up against.
    On another forum a poster states that the Tories are enough route to take charge of the SNHS and possibly Scottish water.

    He then urges everyone to wake up.

    A former posted on here then replies.

    “Why should we waken up to something that only exists in your imagination”

    That’s what we are up against here.

  96. schrodingers cat says:


    it isnt sturgeons policy to strip scotland of powers, its bojos. no matter how much you blame nicola

    there is no way for nicola to stop this. how would you stop bojo? bleed on him?

  97. Joe says:

    @Mike Lothian

    Trying to work out if you are actually only capable of 2D thinking?

    Its something I have trouble with. I naturally assume that anyone who can’t see more nuance than ‘good and bad’ or ‘bigot and not bigot’ isn’t really that thick and must have an angle.

    But since you copied and pasted half your argument from someone elses twitter post then maybe you are?

    Ive noticed that the progressive left use conflation and mockery to attack people who aren’t taken by hysterical, overblown and often hypocritical narratives that are pushed by the same progressive (woke) left. So let me return the favor:

    I think the only reason a grown man can pretend not see the potential inherent problems in both the GRA and hate speech proposals is that he might actually want to slip into a shower room with some wee lassies and be protected from the backlash from the decent moral people in society.

    And to call someone ‘phobic’ for seeing and expressing that readily apparent problem looks blatantly disingenuous and dishonest.

    In short – youre coming across like a thick wee hypocrite creep. Perfect SNP inner party material.

  98. CameronB Brodie says:

    This is what happens when you rely on narrow minded solicitors who lack sufficient legal and political insight. The rule-of-law is on Scotland’s side, as British constitutional practice no longer holds legal force, only authoritarian force. So it looks like it’s time we took over the role of protecting Scotland’s civic society, and appeal directly to the International Court of Justice ourselves.

    I don’t know how best this could be organised but it needs done pretty much immediately, IMHO, as the party does not seem interested in upholding the rule-of-law. Their deference to Westminster’s unsubstantiated authority must not be allowed to sacrifice Scotland’s history and future.

  99. dakk says:

    You just know this much touted AZ/Oxford chimpanzee virus vaccine will be weoponised come any upcoming electoral event.

    Won’t matter if it’s a pile of shite.

    Leave us and we’ll let you all die of Covid.

    It will make the incredible bearded lady
    tales sound like innocuous fixation.

  100. defo says:

    “You can’t be on both sides of the fence at the same time.”

    The Cats in a quantum super position, until we actually observe him, he can!

  101. schrodingers cat says:

    by the way what would any new indy list msps, isp or ap, do? what pressure could they bring to bear on nicola or bojo?

  102. schrodingers cat says:


    a bit of light relief from the 11th dimension 🙂

  103. liz says:

    Will the Sturgeon lovers now accept, she has no plan.
    Even waiting till the 2021 Holyrood election will be too late.

    Breeks has been saying for ages, we need a constitutional backstop before the end of the year.

    Wake up, NS has been telling us who she is for years.
    I believed her as well but then noticed she never said, I am doing, it was always might, may, could, should.

  104. Karmanaut says:

    I know. Utterly depressing.

  105. Ottomanboi says:

    When you’re in a mess distract the punters attention with something external. Never fails.
    Russia, China, The Vatican….anything’ll do as long as it masks the horrific internal reality.
    Some half million plus Russians have Scottish heritage links and they have the same patron saint.

    “For I love enemies, though not in the Christian way. They amuse me and quicken my pulse. To be always on one’s guard, to catch every look and the significance of every word, to guess intentions, foil conspiracies, pretend to be deceived and then to overthrow with one blow the whole vast edifice of artifices and designs raised with so much effort – that is what I call life”.
    Mikhail Lermontov.

  106. schrodingers cat says:

    Breeks has been saying for ages, we need a constitutional backstop before the end of the year.


    sean clerkin has been calling for the shape shifting alien royal family to be arrested for years. what will you do when bojo ignores this constitutional backstop? cry?

  107. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one to convince folk that I’m not over-exagerating. Scotland has been sold down the river but we can still appeal to international law ourselves.

    Human Rights
    Guide to Human
    Rights Law

    link to

  108. defo says:

    Cheers SC, may your wave function never collapse.

    I see he’s up. Incoming!

  109. schrodingers cat says:

    Their deference to Westminster’s unsubstantiated authority

    didnt westminster just strip control of our nhs away from holyrood?

    westminsters authority seems pretty substantiated to me

  110. Mike Lothian says:

    @joe yes I used Duncan’s tweet, it perfectly stated what I wanted to say

    Please go look up what the word transphobic means

    So, what do you think should be the process for a trans person to legally transition?

    What is stopping anyone from abusing the current rules to do the despicable acts you mentioned?

    What improvements/changes would you make to the GRA to set people’s minds at rest?

    Why do you think it requires a whole new political party set up by Stu?

  111. CameronB Brodie says:

    Like this eh?

    Should the Law Reflflect the World?: Lessons for Legal Theory from Quantum Mechanics
    link to

  112. K1 says:

    I think Polly that the SNP have been informing Scotland’s electorate since 2016, again it is perceived and conveyed as scare mongering and opinion in the msm.

    Y’know it’s miraculous what can happen when it’s ‘game on’ (campaigning mode when there is actually an outcome that is being sought) which it isn’t right now, Ref14 showed that, there is movement from no to yes happening and our enemies are doing a lot of the hard lifting on that score.

    It’s my opinion that the SNP are the best fighters we’ve ever had, who right now or even over the last few years could we have chosen to replace them?

    Alex resigned, Nicola pleaded with him not to, we can all look back in anger and blame the incumbents for where we are but that involves ignoring the true causes, Westminster rule, Brexit will be their downfall and covid crisis is ensuring more and more people in Scotland see where the true causes of our inability to seek our own solutions, whether Brexit, immigration et al arise.

    I seriously don’t understand the outcry against current Scotgov, notwithstanding policies that are very unpopular but nonetheless with sufficient pressure can be undone. It’s the rage that’s incomprehensible imo, not for a moment suggesting you, but in general btl, where does it get us?

    I’ve said above that when push comes to shove I’m very much for civil disobedience if and only if the impositions takes place, I can only cite the poll tax as my own experience of civil disobedience at that time. I never paid and I never paid later when the bastards where attempting to arrest payments from people’s wages,

    Finally Alex destroyed that course of action just after indyref when once again Labour and I think Tory controlled councils wanted to use the registers to go after those newly joined to vote in indyref for poll tax non payments.

    SNP can scream all they want, they don’t have the megaphone in Scotland, as we all well know, but that’s okay ‘cause plenty on our side are doing a fine job of ensuring they are getting it from all sides now, how that moves things forward I’m at a loss to understand.

  113. tartanfever says:

    Rev Stu maybe should have included this vote, which really seals the power grab.

    ‘Clause 4’ would have required any new Trade Deal to be agreed and voted on in Parliament (trade deals would include access to public services, like the NHS – or farming or fishing), requiring consent from devolved legislature on such things as food standards, animal welfare, health and the environment.

    It was voted down 326 to 323.

    The short of it is that now the executive ( Johnson’s Government) can now push through any trade deal without amendment or rejection from both Houses in Parliament or any devolved legislature

    It’s not just the Scottish NHS that was lost last night, it everything that would be deemed a public service or a public protection (food standards etc)

  114. CameronB Brodie says:

    It is hard for the law to incorporate phenomenology, without the law taking account of quantum mechanics. I bet you didn’t know that.

    Order and Disorder
    Legal Adjudication and Quantum Epistemology

    The central issue of this paper concerns the discretion of judges in the application of the law, discretion that has expanded enormously, since judges are engaged in the direct application of principles drawn from the constitution or even – at times – from other legal orders altogether.

    Every legal system has its own methods of selecting and instituting judges, but of no system can it be said that they enjoy full democratic legitimacy and may be free to create law at will. Both in the US and in continental Europe many perceive the need to find some strategies that might bring the interpretative discretion under control, seeking suggestions sometimes in the theory of legal sources, sometimes in the theory of legal interpretation.

    The point of this paper is that no answer can be found because we are asking the wrong questions. The work is divided into two parts. In the first part, I make use of some hints provided by epistemological reflections of quantum physics theorists, above all Heisenberg.

    The critical perspective is that of “ontological materialism”, i.e. the idea that in the process of legal interpretation and application, the interpreter is dealing with a “thing” that exists independent of his/her intervention. In the second part, I attempt to suggest a possible solution to the impasse, exploring the meaning of the institutional dimension of legal interpretation and application.

    link to

  115. defo says:

    Poor show Spammers!
    Internet search 1.01.
    Key words… Quantum, Law.

  116. CameronB Brodie says:

    I don’t know what you are trying to prove, I’m trying to teach constitutional law. So what’s it gonna be, lover? Are you gonna grow up, or continue to be a prick?

  117. Bob Mack says:


    I know you like to defend the SNP, and I wholeheartedly agree some are worth defending. Regrettably though they made us commitments during an election in their manifesto. They have not honoured those commitments.

    Currently, I am a captive voter,or else I would go elsewhere.

    If they adopt your mantra that it’s not worth doing anything because Boris will ignore it anyway, then we really are in trouble.

    You inadvertently admit the SNP are powerless to prevent anything, which is not why we elected them in the first place.

    We thought they would fight cleanly or dirty, whichever best suited Scotland’s needs.

    Ask yourself this question.

    If the SNP are going to remain powerless in the face of this assault as you imply, then why vote for them at all?

    If they follow all the rules then Scotland being integrated into the UK permanently is already a fait accomplie.

  118. mike cassidy says:

    Mike Lothian 11.23

    Supporting trans rights doesn’t mean harming women’s rights

    It does if trans rights include the right to take their penises into legally established women’s safe spaces

    And note that at the moment

    the trans lobbying has been so successful in equating opposition to this and everything else as transphobia – a hate crime –

    that the law works as if they already have that right – even although they don’t.

    And its been happening for some time.

    This is from March 2019

    Under the UK Equality Act, it is perfectly lawful to provide discrete services for men and women if this is a better or more effective way of providing the said service. You’d think this would very much apply to r*pe refuge centres. But the bullying and harassment from trans-activists towards politicians, funders, sponsors and patrons has frightened them into opening their doors to transgender women. The law that is supposed to be protecting women is left hanging by a thread.

    link to

  119. schrodingers cat says:

    @bob mack
    If the SNP are going to remain powerless in the face of this assault as you imply, then why vote for them at all?


    because our only way of stopping westminster is by winning our independence

  120. tartanfever says:

    You have to hand it Johnson’s Govt. They have played an absolute blinder.

    Inside Tory HQ:-

    Under pressure to release Russia report.

    ‘Let’s do it right at the end of term’ (parliament summer recess happens tomorrow)

    ‘While the media are all shouting ‘Russia report’, lets get through the legislation that will allow us to destroy every public services not just in England, but across the UK’

    ‘Let’s chuck in standards – environmental, health, animal welfare and every other sodding thing we hate.’

    ‘Let’s give no-one any say on anything, not just the Scots, but the English, Welsh and Irish and both Houses of Parliament. We should have the power to do what we want, when we want without any obstacle.’

    ‘And while they’re still shouting ‘Russia Report’- lets claim there was interference with the Scottish Independence Referendum even though there is zero evidence, except from the guy Ben Nimmo, in the pay of the Department of Statecraft’s Integrity Initiative or own misinformation ministry.’

    ‘So let the s**t hit the fan and see where it falls, it’s summer holiday time, see you in September.’

  121. Republicofscotland says:

    Boris Johnson met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in the garden of Number 10, today, on the agenda Russian interference, China, and probably an update on how the door is almost open on mass privatisation by his corporate buddies in the devolved nations of the UK.

  122. Bob Mack says:


    I think you know in your heart of hearts that the time to claim Independence is rapidly coming to an end.

    We are already on borrowed time. Westminster are putting all the laws in place to neuter Holyrood as we write. They are active focused and determined.

    Us? Not so much.

  123. CameronB Brodie says:

    schrodingers cat
    Offs, I think that’s obvious to everyone. Instead of trying to tell us all what the state of play is, what about finding some respect for the rule-of-law and public morality? Oh, and gender equality.

  124. Joe says:

    @Mike Lothian

    ‘Please go look up what the word transphobic means’

    OK: Definition of transphobia
    : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people.

    Irrational fear, aversion or discrimination is not being expressed soley by opposition to GRA. To pretend that it is is disingenuous in the extreme.

    ‘So, what do you think should be the process for a trans person to legally transition?’

    Im not interested. However I wont ever accept a biological male having access to female only spaces and being legally protected from criticism at the same time. Further I know that nobody born biologically male can ever be biologically anything else. Just as equally as I cannot be a black man by tattooing myself black and taking those big dick pills you see advertised on dodgy internet sites.

    ‘What is stopping anyone from abusing the current rules to do the despicable acts you mentioned?’

    Well as it stands if you call yourself Susan and go try to enjoy a shower with wee lassies in a public swimming pool you can be legally removed and people can criticise you for it without fear of prosecution.

    ‘What improvements/changes would you make to the GRA to set people’s minds at rest?’

    Id drop it.

    ‘Why do you think it requires a whole new political party set up by Stu?’

    It doesn’t really. I think people should simply not give any party their votes who even proposed it – especially coupled with the hate speech proposals. However coupled with all the other absolute bullshit of the SNP id welcome someone with Stuart Campbells profile (or bigger) setting up an alternative because I sure as shit am not casting a vote the SNP’s way again unless there is a radical clearout right through the party.

    Gender dysphoria seems to be a real and difficult mental illness. Id certainly wish all who suffer from it to get whatever help they need. Im not interested in satisfying someone else delusions however. Even, no – ESPECIALLY, if it is legally mandated.

  125. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think that might be Joe punting political disengagement again. The SNP can be, and must be, saved.

    Feminist perspectives on addressing violence against women and girls:
    Reframing the language of “gender-based violence” away from feminist underpinnings

    link to

  126. schrodingers cat says:

    @bob mack

    i pointed out the risks a while back, the biggest is not westminster stripping powers, it is them trying to stop you voting

    the only way to do that is to physically shut down holyrood.
    if they dont, then there is nothing that can stop us for voting for a party with independence as its mandate.

    this 50%+ vote would supersede the 2014 indyref result. thats why the unionists on here refuse to answer my question.

    regardless bob. this is our crunch moment, if we fail to get 50%+ we are fucked. we wont get another chance

  127. William Wallace says:

    I’ve almost lost all hope of seeing Indy in my lifetime tbh. My faith in the SNP has been severely dented and I don’t even know why I am keeping my membership active any more. I am essentially without a mainstream political home.

    I can’t shake the thought that the security services have something on NS and PM and whatever that is, it appears to be enough to prevent NS from acting on independence. I want to be wrong about that but, I can’t for the life of me understand the timidity and lack of action from our FM.

    Yes she is a great administrator but, our country needs more than good administration right now. We need leaders with the guts to stand up to Westminster and tell them to GTF. We need leaders that are prepared to defy convention and act in Scotland’s best interests whether a S30 is forthcoming or not. We need revolutionary thinkers at the heart of our Scottish government with the guts and determination to lead us to independence.

    The Catalan leaders had no such fear of the Spanish state and were willing to defy Spain’s laws in the pursuit of Independence (even with the threat to their own liberty hanging over their heads). That is what separates leaders from administrators. Scotland is well run but, it is not being well led.

    Where do we go from here? Blindly marching up to the top of the hill and back down again, whilst great for morale, is getting us absolutely nowhere. At what point do we engage in a far greater degree of civil disobedience? If we can’t rely on the political process, what other courses of action are open to us as a movement and likely to bear fruit?

    Do we just go along with everything and accept our fate or do we rise up as Scots (as we have done throughout history) and take our independence? There has to come a point where we stop accepting NO and start demanding YES. We are running out of time.

  128. Bob Mack says:


    What you say is accurate. Moreover If the Brexit legislation kicks in before the possible May elections, then it all becomes meaningless.

    Holyrood will have less authority than a parish council by that stage regardless of numbers elected.

  129. liz says:

    Do you know what’s concerning our elected reps today, older people losing their fucking TV licence.

  130. schrodingers cat says:

    @bob mack, the numbers of msps elected are irrelevent.

    it is the % of the vote which counts.

  131. Gregor says:

    Why would any authentic Scottish independence party act as an unmitigated leading ‘useful idiot’ (Geo-political/political weapon & mouthpiece) for the rotten British establishment.

  132. schrodingers cat says:

    @william wallace
    Do we just go along with everything and accept our fate or do we rise up as Scots (as we have done throughout history) and take our independence? There has to come a point where we stop accepting NO and start demanding YES. We are running out of time.
    no we dont, but the democratic route to independence maybe about to run out of tarmac. but it is beholding to all of us to stay on this route until its end

  133. schrodingers cat says:

    Gregor says:
    Why would any authentic Scottish independence party act as……..because only a minority of the sovereign people of scotland support them. until this minority turns into a democratically voted for majority, they dont have a mandate to do otherwise

  134. mike cassidy says:

    And remember.

    The genderwoowoo the SNP supports keeps on coming

    I spent lots of money on medical treatment so I could identify as a woman

    And look!

    Now I get to cry

    link to

    This is why one of the candidates for deputy leader of the Greens in England and Wales can say

    Being a woman is an attitude

    link to

    Laughing at flatearthers is easy.

    But at least they’re not running for political office

    I think.

  135. schrodingers cat says:

    Bob Mack says:
    Holyrood will have less authority than a parish council by that stage

    probably, but that cant and wont stop us expressing our wishes through the democratic system of voting

  136. Dogbiscuit says:

    Since we are more controlled by London today than we were ten years ago is it worthwhile voting SNP at all.
    Hello Bungle.

  137. William Wallace says:

    @ SC

    Let’s say we go all the way to the end of the democratic route (As you have said yourself we are running out of tarmac). What then? How do we get the plane off the ground before it crashes and burns at the end of the runway?

    Time is not a luxury we currently have.

  138. Effijy says:

    Brilliant plan for Trump fake trade deal.
    We buy the Chlorinated US Chicken and the Steroid Beef
    That makes millions of Americans ill each year then
    We go bankrupt paying excessive US medical bills and US
    Banks take your house from you.

    The 2 nations with psychotic leaders who have the worst Covid death figures on earth
    Warming up to kill and rob the masses.

    Independence and the EU is the only life saver for Scotland

  139. Dogbiscuit says:

    K1 clearly on some kind of psychotropic.

  140. Bob Mack says:


    Will even 90% of Scots voting for the SNP make an iota of difference to a Tory government with an 80 seat majority?

    No, neither do I think so.

    We are on the last lap of a long race. If We have anything left we must give it very very soon before we are overtaken by events.

  141. Bob W says:

    “Nicola pleaded with him not to“


  142. Dogbiscuit says:

    I voted for Independence in 2014 partly to free Scotland from the Establishment the SNP are so desperate to be a part of.
    The Scottish Parliament are in ‘lockstep’ with criminal British foreign policy. They also have a taste for crony capitalism.
    All of those seat warmers in the Parliaments are horse trading with the public’s lives.
    Damn the bastards.

  143. schrodingers cat says:

    @william wallace

    if we get 50%+ on a manifesto uniquely for independence,
    what happens then?

    i dunno, maybe bojo will cave in and say ok then. after all, it will be a democratic expression by the sovereign people of scotland which would supersede the 2014 indyref1 result.

    while many hard unionists in scotland would still reject it many softer unionists would accept it. There would also be a lot of support in england for bojo to say yes. they believe emphatically that they subsidise us.

    and if he says no……..

    wings btl probably isnt a suitable place for such discussions william

  144. schrodingers cat says:


    the next election is the end of the track

  145. Dogbiscuit says:

    I bet Nicola Sturgeon has nothing to say about this legislation.

  146. Dogbiscuit says:

    Schrodinger skat can we have jam with that promise?

  147. schrodingers cat says:

    Bob Mack says:
    Will even 90% of Scots voting for the SNP make an iota of difference to a Tory government with an 80 seat majority?

    maybe, maybe not. but none the less, we stay on the democratic route until the end. it ensures that we hold the moral high ground

    regardless of what happens next, we need majority support from the sovereign people of scotland before we do anything and going forward, we need to keep the majority onside

  148. Stoker says:

    liz says on 21 July, 2020 at 2:43 pm
    “Do you know what’s concerning our elected reps today, older people losing their fucking TV licence.”

    Aye! Useless! And just watch tonight’s “news” screaming about all the fake-as-feck Russian crap. And there will be absolutely no mention whatsoever about last nights 2 historically major votes regarding our NHS and our “consent”.

  149. schrodingers cat says:

    “Do you know what’s concerning our elected reps today, older people losing their fucking TV licence.”

    why wouldnt they? after all, these people, almost 100% actually bother to vote, switching them from no to yes is a priority.

    losing their tv licence really rips their knitting, the power grab by westminster.. meh..less so

  150. Stoker says:

    Dogbiscuit says on 21 July, 2020 at 3:12 pm
    “I bet Nicola Sturgeon has nothing to say about this legislation.”

    Of course she won’t have anything to say about it, she’ll be far too busy selecting the next Covid appearance outfit.

    She’s already had at least one opportunity, since that vote, to make it known to the public what UKGov are doing and what she plans to do about it but didn’t take the opportunity.

  151. William Wallace says:


    That’s all fine and dandy but, it would require the SNP to participate in the next SP elections on an independence only manifesto. Can you truly see them doing that? Holyrood may be well and truly neutered by then so even if they were prepared to do so, it may well be too late.

    With regards to your comment regarding “Bojo” accepting that outcome, I simply cannot agree with that. Bozo has an 80 seat majority and little Englanders love him despite him being being an absolute failure of a prime minister and a despicable human being.

    He is not going to accept any result that will see him lose Scotland nor be seen to be the PM that broke up the union. The only way that would happen is if the English electorate demanded in significant numbers that England becomes independent. Boris will travel with the wind in that regard.

    With reference to Wings BTL not being the most suitable place to discuss tactics regarding civil disobedience, I concur. My biggest concern is that the wider movement may not even be prepared to consider such a strategy. What then? Do we all just pack away our flags, discard our hopes and dreams and accept that the campaign for independence is over? I can’t do that, can you?

    So what then?

    Surely the time to begin thinking about planning for such an eventuality is now upon us. The threat to Scotland looms large and time is of the essence. We need a plan B and we need it soon.

  152. schrodingers cat says:


    what can she do about it?

    indeed, what can any english mp in westminster do to stop the power grab?

    even if it was against the law, cummings would simply pass a bill through hoc making it legal?

  153. SilverDarling says:

    Stewart Hosie getting praise from Andrew Neil. Hosie played it completely straight, avoiding any political point scoring(!). Speaking, as a good committee man, of the threat to democracy. Basically he is giving Nicola Sturgeon all the ammunition she needs. But will she use it?

    Now a leader with any nouse would make some capital, pointing out the hypocrisy of the Tories. Looking at the bigger picture where Scotland is a pawn to be used and abused by bigger players . Our coastline and geography make us so important to NATO etc but will the SNP step up and say that? We are worth so much to the UK yet they continue to play it down and a complicit media go along with it. But no, we will have the cluster in Motherwell to divert us (apologies to Motherwell).

    The Scottish Tories, with honorary Tory, Ian Murray, apoplectic that the UK security might have been undermined by the Russians playing mind games and seeking too blame the SNP. Oh the irony, wee Stewart McDonald will be champing at the bit to show how on side the SNP are with ‘Russia Bad’. His nasal pan loaf utterances will be at a pitch only dugs can hear. Russia is no friend to Scotland but their grievance, it seems, is with the British State – and we are collateral damage.

    Those pesky Russians, if it wasn’t for Scooby Doo and friends (Leasky, Dr Jennifer Jones et al) they might have got a way with it!

  154. Polly says:

    @ K1 says:1:54 pm

    The fact they’ve been warning since 2016 in their quiet way isn’t enough, as you say they don’t get much airtime, so it means they should be far louder and more passionate in getting those facts out when they do – and since January’s capitulation on leaving EU they’ve become much quieter even than they were before. Also on the airtime thing, Sturgeon is First Minister, as First Minister she could call a press conference any time she wanted and the press would rush to it. A good day for instance would be such as the day Westminster Vote to take powers from the Scottish government and make it impossible to defend the NHS or Scottish agricultural standards. So far today she hasn’t even tweeted about it on her own site far less any government complaint. If or when she does, a bit like Salmond’s book, it will be less effective because of the delay. Quick denunciation, then prolonged attack is needed in my opinion.

    As for the rage of independence supporters who are heartsick at the prospect of SNP losing them the chance of many lifetimes to gain our country back, I don’t think there’s much curious about that sentiment. I’m rather surprised you’re surprised. I only supported independence since about 2002 and other than always voting for the party and financially supporting it or independence blogs on occasion I haven’t actually done much so far to get independence, yet even I’m scunnered. I can’t even imagine how people who are older than I am or who have supported independence all their lives, and worse, who have campaigned and leafleted and worked for the party in real life, given time and effort, and fought to defend themselves and the party online against unionist attacks and had to put up with some SNP officials condemnation of them as ‘cybernats’ to then find the party they have given their heart to are willing to leave it to the very last minute (if we’re lucky) to start to fight back. You’re correct though, that feeling doesn’t get us anywhere, to me it seems a wail of frustration and desperation that the party cannot or will not see the damage of GRA to independence and they seem unable or unwilling, for whatever reason, to fight for Scotland now when it really matters.

    Also ‘policies that are very unpopular but nonetheless with sufficient pressure can be undone’ Salmond pushed through pro NATO policy against opposition, that hasn’t been undone even within the party, repealing laws are even harder, especially with a social engineering experiment which doesn’t even rely on preexistent laws as we know Stonewall and Mermaids have been very successful in getting policies into organisations as things stand now.

    I agree with you about civil disobedience afterwards, but after what? Next January, after 2021 election (assuming we can have them then, or that Holyrood is still extant), or after the tanks roll in? As someone else said above (sorry can’t remember who) time has already almost run out, Westminster vote yesterday clearly say they’re coming for Holyrood and anything we hold dear, the tories up here who voted against us yesterday will cheer, so when will SNP fight back? I would hope you and schrodingers cat are correct, but reading a post last night from him about not knowing much about GRA despite jumping in feet first to complain about people who criticised it and who did know more than him doesn’t show he has his finger on the pulse of SNP strategy, and forgive me saying so but I’m not sure about you yet either. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong but I fear the worst. Capella is aware of the risks and is prepared to fight SNP from within and naysayers from without and I admire her position though it’s not something I could do but you’re right it is people like her who might save us all.

  155. schrodingers cat says:

    William Wallace says:
    it would require the SNP to participate in the next SP elections on an independence only manifesto. Can you truly see them doing that?
    yes i can. its a high topic of conversation in my branch. it will of course depend on the polling figures closer to the time of the election. but presently on 54% and when we brexit on 1st jan, that figure will rise


    Holyrood may be well and truly neutered by then so even if they were prepared to do so, it may well be too late.

    never to late to cast a vote, regardless of how power stripped holyrood will be

    as i said, i genuinely dont know how boris will react. i hope he says yes, but he might say no. never the less william, we stay on the democratic route until the end.

    because i have served in the military in african countries at the moment the rule of law and democracy was suspended. it wasnt pretty and to be avoided at all costs. I dislike civilian uprisings, they dont drink blood.


    My biggest concern is that the wider movement may not even be prepared to consider such a strategy. What then? Do we all just pack away our flags, discard our hopes and dreams and accept that the campaign for independence is over? I can’t do that, can you?

    So what then?

    probably not the armchair generals on here, but no, we wont put away our flags or discard our hopes and dreams, we will probably just meet in the pub more often mon ami 🙂

  156. Robert graham says:

    BBC showing a clip of Nicola Sturgeons comments about Russian interference in the 2014 vote,

    Not a bloody word about English interference every hour on the hour for weeks we had doom and bloody catastrophe if we voted YES never before has one small country been subjected to the biggest propaganda exercise mounted in peace time ,

    And Nicola speaks about Russian interference,

    Aye what about bloody English interference oh that’s to be expected then nothing to comment on.

    As for Stuart Hosie no wonder he’s getting publicity the Tory party must love him doing their bidding I don’t know if stupidity runs through some of our MPs or they have to work at it , bloody baffling some of the things they are doing , or more to the point NOT DOING Christ I give up

  157. callmedave says:

    Today’s figs:

    Scotland ……………00…….Total….2491:
    N. Ireland……….today……00…….Total…..556:

    UK Gov web site:

    link to

  158. Denise says:

    What totally amazes me is the complacency. Our future and our children’s futures are blighted but people won’t wake up and smell the coffee. We are out of the EU with all the economic damage FOM is Gone. Our parliament is being neutered and our NHS sold to Trump, but people still think Nicola has a plan. She does have a plan and that is to stay in power as FM. It is certainly not a plan for independence. They promised us we wouldn’t be dragged out of the eu against our will – we have been, they promised us a choice they didn’t give us one. They lied. When people show you what they are believe them. Time for new leadership

  159. defo says:

    Eerie, strange silence over Holyrood being emasculated.
    Open goal?

  160. CameronB Brodie says:

    schrodingers cat
    Are we expected to forget about Natural Law jurisprudence and our human rights?

    Millennium: Journal of International Studies 2018, Vol.47(1) 87-98
    Social Action in Quantum Social Science

    link to

  161. Sensibledave says:

    CBB 2.33

    “ I’m trying to teach constitutional law.”

    …. hmm … and You have decided that an internet blog is the place to do it?

    … you are not very bright are you. If people wanted to learn about constitutional law, then doubtless they would find some resources that gave a balanced account. They shouldn’t rely on a nut job like you.

  162. Juteman says:

    So i’ve read the article, and most of the comments, so i want to make sure i’ve got it right.
    Nicola Sturgeon went down to London and lay down in fron of 10 Downing Street. Boris came out and she begged him to take over the Scottish NHS as we Scots are incapable of looking after it.
    Is that what happened today?

  163. Robert Louis says:

    Here’s what is happening in Downing street today. The unelected dictator, and chief Tory sociopath, Dominic ‘let them die Cummings, mulls over the stripping of Scottish parliamentary powers last night, with his advisor De Pfeffle ‘Bojo’.

    Dom ‘so, how did it go last night, stripping the jocks of powers?’

    Bojo ‘Oh, the usual shouting by the SNP. Nothing important’

    Dom ‘But what about sturgeon, surely she has taken action and called a referendum on ‘separatism’ today??’

    Bojo ‘No, she has done nothing. Quite bizarrely, the SNP seem completely unwilling to take any kind of substantial action about this. I mean I thought at the very least they would withdraw all their MP’s from the house, but no. It’s business as usual’ Apparently…get this, they think I will give them a section 30, if they keep asking. I mean, how many times do we need to say NO??

    Dom ‘Told you. They have no backbone. Lots of whining I guess??

    Bojo ‘yes, lots of whining – ‘boo-hoo, that’s not fair’ kind of thing.. The usual’

    Dom ‘Haha, what a bunch of diddies. You know, I’ve been thinking, since they are such fearties, and won’t do anything, I think we should just proceed and shut their crappy wee parliament on 1st Jan anyway.’

    Bojo ‘yeah, that’ll shut the jocks up for good’

    Make no mistake, what was done last night is the tip of the iceberg, and the longer the SNP do nothing, the more Westminster will take. They may as well, since their are no consequences for them.

  164. Robert Louis says:

    William Wallace at 241pm,

    I must say, I have been thinking what you think about NS, for some time. Their is now a clear disconnect between her lack of action and what is being done to Scotland.

  165. North chiel says:

    Surprise Surprise , with the Britnat WESTMINSTER Tory “”government “ presiding over the ongoing Covid and Brexit. omnishambles , and up to their neck in financial jiggery pokery , downright corruption and glaring incompetence Synonymous with the Public school millionaire twats now “ running the UK “ ( into the ground) , “ International bogeymen “ in the shape of Russia and China appear out of the political fog conveniently to act as a “ smokescreen” to “ distract ” the gullible electorate away from their daily increasing domestic woes . The classic BRITISH Establishment diversion away from “ domestic matters” is always an “ international crisis” of some description . What’s new ?
    As for “ Russian interference” in the 2014 referendum don’t make me laugh ? The only state sponsored “ interference” in the 2014 Scottish referendum was essentially from the “ ENGLISH STATE” , in the form of the 24 hour state sponsored propaganda output from BBC LONDON and their “ lackeys” at Pathetic Quay , together with a Blitz of MSM propaganda from the Billionaire owned English press . Notwithstanding the daily dose of so called celebrities eg JKR , and co . All of course culminating in the infamous “ vow” ( which now obviously came from the Kremlin).
    What a farce!!

  166. Robert Louis says:

    The Russian report is a distraction. Focus on the stripping of Scottish powers.

  167. CameronB Brodie says:

    You would say that though, eh? I’m pretty sure I have a firmer grasp on reality than you do, and think I can identify where sharing my perspective might find most purchase. You just hate the thought of us plebs having any legal insight though, as that might give folks ideas. Not found a way of supporting universal human rights yet, Toryboy?

    Inquiry An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy
    Volume 46, 2003 – Issue 4
    The theory of justice from a hermeneutic perspective

    link to

  168. Alec Lomax says:

    Robert Louis – it’s the way you tell ’em !

  169. The way things are looking just now for our freedom and the way most of our trusted SNP MPs are acting puts me in mind of the words of the song Land of mine said the warrior lad though all the WORLD betrays thee one faithfull sword thy rights shall guard one faithfull voice shall praise thee aye the good and just lie in the dust and tiranay reigns but I keep on believing that right will win in the end or maybe it’s a case of no fool like an old fool ???

  170. I wonder if this got will be reported on any Scottish TV news programmes or in any newspapers?

  171. Karmanaut says:

    Guys. Search for “Scottish independence” on Google. It now brings up unionist sites.

    Also as of today, the major indy websites are being removed from Google listings.

    Wings is still up, as of this moment. But I don’t know if it will still be there tomorrow.

    Craig Murray’s site is gone.
    Wee Ginger Dug, gone.
    Scot Goes Pop, gone.

    They were all there yesterday.

  172. callmedave says:

    I can still get.

    link to

  173. Karmanaut says:

    It doesn’t happen for me. Craig Murray was reporting that people could get his site thru google this mornring, but I still could.

    Presumably it takes time to filter through.
    Check again tomorrow.

  174. Karmanaut says:

    *couldn’t get his site

  175. CameronB Brodie says:

    Reality changes in the blink of an eye, and new forms of government can appear overnight. I was going to give folk a peek at quantum politics, which draws insight from condensed matter physics, and offers a possible source of political theory that supports social equilibrium. I think I’ll save that for later. 😉

    2017 Michigan State Law Review 425

    link to

  176. Gary45% says:

    CM WGD and SGP sites are all working fine.
    No problems opening them.

  177. Sarah says:

    I can’t get Craig, ScotGP nor WGD on Google. Bing still has them.

    Now this is really scary. Time to email MP and MSPs plus petition Holyrood.

  178. Bob Mack says:

    Sites are open. I can get them.

  179. mike cassidy says:

    Space the words.

    Wings Over Scotland.

    That worked for me.

  180. Sarah says:

    What I mean is, if I search Google for Craig Murray I don’t get offered his site i.e. You have to put in the www etc in full and then it does come up. So casual searchers won’t easily find them.

    Same for Wee Ginger Dug and Scot goes Pop. I’ve just tried again.

    I.e. a deliberate hampering of access.

  181. Beaker says:

    I think political suicide has just been committed. Problem is, it will take 4 years to happen.

    Governments can (and do) hammer defence, education, housing etc but there’s never any serious objection.

    But to attack the NHS at this very time is… I honestly can’t think of a suitable word without resorting to extremely foul language.

    Something needs done, not only for the Scottish NHS but the whole UK. FFS even John Major warned about the threat to the NHS from Boris.

    Twitter has gone bonkers unsurprisingly so.

  182. schrodingers cat says:


    it is to do with the S.O.E. algorithms google uses

  183. Sarah says:

    No I can’t get Scot goes pop even when I put in his full http etc title.

  184. Sarah says:

    @ schrodingers cat: Er? Sorry but I don’t understand! Oh I see – Special Ops?

  185. HYUFD says:

    Beaker Unless healthcare in this country becomes funded by private insurance rather than tax the NHS remains

  186. Me Bungo Pony says:

    “Yeah!!! The SNP is sh*te. Let’s destroy them and replace them with a one trick pony party. That’ll convince the Scottish people to put their trust in the independence movement (which is just us and not anybody who disagrees with us) and move towards YES. Yeah. Destroy the SNP and we’ll be independent tout suite”.

    …… said every delusional lemming on this thread.

  187. schrodingers cat says:

    search engine optimisation

    to get to the top of list in a google search, you need to pay and optimise your html script with the use of meta tags. the google algorithm is being continually up dated

  188. schrodingers cat says:


    i didnt

    then again im not a lemming, i’m a half dead cat 🙂

  189. schrodingers cat says:


    your browser also remembers what you frequently search for. a bit like auto correct

  190. CameronB Brodie says:

    Me Bungo Pony
    The party has done well at gaining support, but without apparent forward-thinking strategy or legal insight. This means Scotland is on the point of being legally and political expunged. I’m not happy about that and neither are a lot of indy supporters, but you appear ambivalent.

    What are Economic, Social and Cultural rights?
    link to

  191. CameronB Brodie says:

    Let’s not forget the most relevant legal protection that Westminster want to deny you access too.

    Human Rights Education Project
    Comparative Analysis of Selected Case-Law ACHPR, IACHR, ECHR HRC
    The Right to Health
    What is the Right to Health?

    link to

  192. liz says:

    Ah the ever faithful Bungo. That you just back from your cooncil job?

  193. Andy Ellis says:

    I see the Sturgeonista ultras like Bungo are still infesting the thread then?

    When will these hard of thinking zealots finally get it?

    It’s not about destroying the SNP or replacing them. Many Scots trust the SNP as a stolid “steady as they go” party of government. In truth, that’s as much a comment on the execrable opposition both in Scotland and Westminster, as even the most timid gradualists look like world class statesmen in comparison with BoJo or Scots yoons.

    Being competent – perhaps even over comfortable – devolutionist governors is not the same as promoting the cause of independence however. It’s increasingly obvious to anyone who isn’t an uncritical party loyalist that SNP strategy will not deliver independence in the short or even medium term. It’s a strategy of course…just not one a sizeable minority agree with.

    There’s nothing delusional about holding the SNP’s feet to the fire by fielding list only candidates. It is vanishingly unlikely to do anything other than decrease the number of britnats at Holyrood. If the SNP win an outright majority in 2021, it’ll make no odds of course, tho’ a lot can happen in the next 9 months of course.

    The question is what are all these magical thinking no-marks like Pete Wishart, Alyn Smith and Bungo going to do when #indyref2 gets kicked into the long grass again? Doubtless there will be another excuse after Covid-19, a call for yet another mandate, or sustained polling above 60%….anything to avoid Plan B or actually having to do something, huh?

    After all, those mortgages aren’t going to pay themselves are they, and to maintain your hold on power, your pension contributions and all those sinecures to reward your acolytes with it might be handy to carry on as a big faux indy fish in the devolutionary pond for a few more years.

    The SNP are truly becoming the St Augustine of Scottish politics: “Lord give us independence: but not yet!”.

  194. Karmanaut says:

    This morning on Twitter Craig was saying people couldn’t find his site through a Google search. Lots of people confirmed it. However, some people were still able to find it (it came up as first result for me).

    Then I checked back later, using the exact same search term (“Craig Murray”) and found that it was now gone from Google searches I tried. Same with WGD and SGP.

    Maybe it takes time to filter through ISPs?
    Or maybe it’s geographical?

  195. schrodingers cat says:

    The SNP are truly becoming the St Augustine of Scottish politics:

    or what was god doing before he invented time?

  196. Confused says:

    no martin luther jokes about “splitters” – open goal, surely?

  197. Sarah says:

    @ Karmanaut: it is hugely sinister that sites that always came up on Google search first page no longer appear at all. I looked at them every day so they would be at the top of my search list too.

    It looks like government or Party influence and scares me to death.

    The timing of last night’s anti-democratic votes, this attack on indy sites and the Westminster recess tomorrow is too sinister.

    I have emailed my MP, Ian Blackford, to inform of the Google problem and to point out that Holyrood must act immediately to protect itself and us by calling an advisory referendum on indy, at the very least. AND to suggest that the SNP MPs stay at Westminster instead of taking the recess.

  198. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Two points from previous comments…

    1. I constantly castigated my computer-illiterate boss for tediously, one-fingered, typing a url (web address) into Google’s search box, instead of typing into the url bar.
    Eventually, I was able to get him to bookmark the pages he visited regularly.
    If you regularly visit a page, why would you search for it via Google, rather than save it in your bookmarks for one-click access?

    2. A number of comments up above regarding independence for England.
    I’m thinking of all the stuff typed in the media since around 2013 and turning it on its head.
    If England voted for independence, we would be left with two entities – England and “rUK”. “rUK” would consist of Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland.
    Unfortunately, two hurdles present themselves, namely, England does not have a parliament and the parliament of the rUK would still be in Westminster, albeit with NO English MPs or Lords.
    Would England want to reclaim Westminster as THEIR parliament?
    If so, how much compensation would be due from England to rUK, for rUK to build a new parliament in Scotland, Wales or N. Ireland? Would rUK agree, or create an enclave of rUK covering the HOC and the HOL?
    Jiss ponderin’…

  199. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Just picked this up from Twitter… Apologies if previously posted.

    Scottish independence: Vladimir Putin says referendum ‘a domestic issue’ From the BBC…

    link to

  200. Beaker says:

    @schrodingers cat says:
    21 July, 2020 at 6:40 pm
    “or what was god doing before he invented time?”

    Preparing Hell for those who asked stupid questions 🙂

  201. crazycat says:

    I’ve just tried google search (not autofill) on Craig Murray and WGD,and they come up straight away.

  202. Benhope says:

    All Wings readers, please go back to the previous thread and read (Breeks) entry at 9.56am on21 July.

    As it was near the end of the comments many may have missed it.

    This is a very clear analysis of the situation and highlights that we have five months left to save the sovereignty of Scotland and remain in Europe.

    Action is needed now !!! Covid 19 is important but a sideshow compared to regaining our INDEPENDENCE.

    Thank you Breeks for your clarity of thought and ability to express the dire situation that the Scottish nation finds itself in.

  203. msean says:

    Are there any Tories who asked Mr Putin for help during indyref1 and maybe others who played tennis or something with Russians and got donations to Tory party.

    The amount of Russian money in property in London and football clubs etc makes me think that Tories are once again accusing others of what they are doing themselves.As usual.

  204. ahundredthidiot says:

    Just been on Gumtree – a fella selling the NHS off for buttons, I couldn’t resist calling, but some fella called Dominic rejected my ten bob.

    to be fair, it was a cheeky offer – he had it on there for a fiver.

    bye bye NHS…….bye bye……blame the fucking 2014 unionists…..c*nts the lot of ’em.

  205. Sarah says:

    Google is now coming up with the three sites – it must have been a trial run to see how well they could destroy our communications.

  206. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi msean.

    link to

  207. MorvenM says:

    The wisdom of Kezia Dugdale:

    link to

  208. msean says:

    I might also add that the latest hope of Unionists also has a show on RT and used to have one on Press TV,the Iranian news channel.

    Reds under the bed etc,etc…

  209. Dogbiscuit says:

    Bungle the SNP are supposed to be the ‘one trick pony’ party if only.

  210. schrodingers cat says:

    Benhope says:
    This is a very clear analysis of the situation and highlights that we have five months left to save the sovereignty of Scotland and remain in Europe.

    its full of empty rhetoric and fails to saw what we can actually do. breeks thinks the SG can bring forward a backstop for scotland that will cause westminster to cave in??

  211. Stuart MacKay says:

    I was sort of amused by the apparent blocking of Craig Murray, etc. as Google should be sort of immune to that. So I searched for “Scottish Independence”. Well, well, well. Here is a condensed version of what showed on the first page of results:

    Top stories

    The Telegraph
    Russia report: Kremlin ‘tried to meddle in Scottish independence vote’ – but did not target Brexit

    Financial Times.
    UK ministers accused of turning blind eye to any Russian interference

    Sky News
    Russia tried to influence Scottish independence vote, report expected to say

    Search results:

    1. Scottish independence – Wikipedia

    2. › politics › scottish-independence
    Letters: In response to an article by Rafael Behr, Julie Darling thinks he confuses support for independence with nationalism, Alastair McLeish …

    3. John Curtice issues alarming Scottish independence prediction › News › Politics

    4. Russia tried to influence Scottish independence vote, report … › story › what-we-can-expect-from-the-r…

    5. UK ministers accused of turning blind eye to any Russian … › content

    6. Scottish Independence | The Scotsman › news › politics › scottish-indepen…

    7. Scottish independence – BBC News › news › topics › scottish-independence
    Darren McGarvey: What’s the hurry for another referendum? Author and musician Darren McGarvey says there should be no rush for another Scottish …

    8. Scottish Independence referendum and Russia’s involvement … › … › Independence referendum

    9. Scottish independence can only be achieved by IndyRef2 and … › News › Politics › Indyref 2

    And the good folks at Google wonder why people armed with pitchforks and torches are up in arms. Clearly this is just the MSM rehashed but that’s the problem. The search engines are simply too dumb to understand the nature of the results and that’s also why they are simply “not fit for purpose” and easily gamed to suppress, minority, opinions.

    The future is mediocrity – better get used to it.

  212. defo says:

    What will today’s Russian revelations say to the Shires Tory who still buys the Great Britain of old schtick?

    Similarly, what will our ‘best of both worlds ‘ self centred make of the lies they were fed around the SNHS,standards, and the obvious fact that devolved powers are evaporating, and all subject to the whims of Tory England?

    I’m thinking it’s not helping the bad guys.

  213. Is there any mention of a certain Great Brutish Army Colonel and member of the Conservative and Unionist Party accepting £20,000 from a Russian who is a personal friend of Vladimir.

  214. Shug says:

    It is funny watching unionists and the BBC and herald in particular always trying to connect Alex salmond and Russia because he is on rt

    Like max kysler is a Russian spy because his show is on rt

    What a joke

    If they investigated the tory dark money coming in from Ireland they would do better and could call themselves journalists

  215. bitie45 says:


    Westminster is moving fast. Last night they were talking about blaming those Pesky Ruskies for the Brexit vote (not sure which way!) and now this morning they are saying they were interfering with the 2014 referendum!

    I don’t doubt 60% will be required at the next IndyRef to ensure the democratic process follows a stable first-past-the-post example of Britas Demoncracy.

    Things are indeed happening. Welcome (NOT) to a new Oligarchy.

  216. PacMan says:

    Komrades, Komrades. Please don’t get distracted by the filthy, imperialist, decadent capitalists and their degenerate insults on the Motherland. Lets not forget the real message.

    We don’t want nuclear weapons. We want tractors on our fields.

  217. CameronB Brodie says:

    schrodingers cat

    “This is a very clear analysis of the situation and highlights that we have five months left to save the sovereignty of Scotland and remain in Europe.


    its full of empty rhetoric and fails to saw what we can actually do. breeks thinks the SG can bring forward a backstop for scotland that will cause westminster to cave in??”

    You’ve admitted you don’t know the law, so why are you claiming authority of knowledge? You can’t and you’ve already shown yourself to be someone who’s not exactly on the ball. Next time you want to lay the law down, gonna lay some law down?

    Interpreting the International Right to Health in a Human Rights-Based Approach to Health
    link to

  218. PacMan says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says: 21 July, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    Just picked this up from Twitter… Apologies if previously posted.

    Scottish independence: Vladimir Putin says referendum ‘a domestic issue’ From the BBC…

    link to

    Seriously though, Putin has present and potential independence movements in the Russian Republic coming out of his ears. Why would he get himself involved in an independence movement in another nation that would inspire movements in his own country that would give him no end of problems in the near future?

    Think about it but don’t take too long.

  219. boris says:

    The Tory Government has nobbled Westminster’s powerful Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) by loading it with right-wing apparatchiks.

    link to

  220. winifred mccartney says:

    Talk about Trojan horses – put out Russia Report to hide the votes in Parliament that do not allow food standards, farming to be deluged with chlorinated chicken etc and wheat with chemicals and most especially to protect the NHS which the USA has its eyes on.

    And of course in Scotland we have Murdo pontificating on Salmond on RT and no mention of the million given to Tories by Russian donors or Ruthie’s lunch for £20,000.

    No doubt London is a laundromat for Russian money – its not a Trojan horse – its a set of Russian Dolls.

  221. Lochside says:

    For those of us who have been contributing on this site for years, gradually morphing from mild criticism into downright bloody vengeful hatred of the SNP/SG because of their weak-kneed capitulation in the face of…well everything…. that the English Establishment and their caledonian lackeys throw at us. Well, this latest capitulation in silence by them in the face of the stated intent by Westminster to vanquish our political power once and for all…the SNP, the supposed vanguard of our political struggle for regaining our Independence, this is the final straw.

    TOTAL SURRENDER to England: No Independence; Full Brexit; total denial of our Sovereign Status, as a supposed equal partner of the UK ; and now this:total surrender, without a whimper, with the invitation to the USA to murder our economy and privatise our welfare system.

    They have all been bought and sold…compromised…how else can we explain the idiotic refusal, without explanation, to appeal to the ECJ and UN for recognition of our subjugated plight as a oppressed nation robbed of its democratic rights? How can we believe the utter pish that a devolved ‘parish council’ can or could ever to stop it’s imminent demise along with our remaining democracy?

    Even Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair admitted that the MAJORITY OF SEATS at Westminster would dissolve the Union if the SNP won them. Somewhere, along the line, gutless weaklings and or tra*tors decided, without telling the Scottish public that was no longer the case. One Ref completely ‘interfered with’ by England..not the devious Russians…and a year later 57 seats wasn’t good enough, nor was 50+% of the popular vote for the ‘leadership’. So how in God’s name is 50-60% in a toytown talking shop going to ‘trump’ that?

    Some deluded rockets such as the unmissed entity ‘GEEO’ etc. will still be insisting that Perfidious Albion will be for turning…Well I’ve got news for you….there aint’t any SNP plan ‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’. Just like AS’ disastrous currency moment of truth ‘foul up’ on TV, they have been so busy stabbing each other in the back and virtue signalling that it’s nearly all over. BTW don’t expect him returning anytime soon as a saviour.THERE NEVER WAS A PLAN…it’s all been a puppet show and we’ve been sold a dummy.

  222. Walter Jones says:

    Does Nicola Sturgeon ever talk of anything other that Covid19?

    The world is passing her by and she seems oblivious to any impending crisis.

  223. Willie Hogg says:

    I was struggling to find ISPs site with Google but found it first time with Yahoo. It seems that as suggested by others there is filtering going on on Google.

  224. Colin Alexander says:

    The SNP aren’t worried. They know youse are still stupid/spineless enough to keep voting SNP. “Who else but the SNP? ” Even Craig Murray still supports them. It’s pathetic. Few are willing to accept the reality that the SNP leadership are British Imperialists now. They sold us out.

  225. Willie says:

    So the Brexiteer Parliament voted down an amendment to protect the NHS from external corporate control arising out of a trade deal…….with the US?

    And tQueen Nicola says not now, just give us another mandate. SNP ONE, SNP two.

    If it wasn’t so serious, I’d destroy the SNP. But let us remain positive about our party. What does Queen Nic think about the Bill. Up for s trade deal is she. Maybe Benny Higgins can help set up the deal. Lever a bi5 of American corporate into our NHS.

    Aye, how’s not the time Nic.

  226. Dan says:

    What’s to say other than we told you so… 🙁
    For a country surrounded by water that used to build ships, you’d hope tae fuck we’d be better at launching our lifeboat in an #SaveOurScotland situation.

    Will it be 1min30 second goat rodeo.
    link to

    Or a 30sec stylish 9.8 score gymnastic dismount from the Union.
    link to

  227. Fergus Denoon says:

    Don’t think you’re making any attenpt at being civilised there, falacious yes, civil… Nope.

  228. Walter Jones says:

    Should Nicola Sturgeon be charged with Treason?

  229. schrodingers cat says:

    how else can we explain the idiotic refusal, without explanation, to appeal to the ECJ and UN for recognition of our subjugated plight as a oppressed nation robbed of its democratic rights?


    amnisty international accused spain of tyranny for imprisoning the catalan leaders, 41 mep’s signed a motion condeming spain. 41…. out of 750 !!

    the un also criticised spain
    link to

    the un is a talking shop. the us ignores it, so does the uk. they both also have a veto.

    waste of time lochside

    wont someone somethere do something!!

  230. Walter Jones says:

    During indyRef1 the SNP were NEVER mentioned.

    We don’t need the SNP to win our Independence.

    Once the paper work us out if the way, the people will take over.

    Joanna Cherry could handle any legal documentation and then leave the rest to us, and this time we will win.

  231. schrodingers cat says:

    Willie says:
    Queen Nicola

    Walter Jones says:
    Should Nicola Sturgeon be charged with Treason?

    Colin Alexander says:
    the SNP leadership are British Imperialists now


  232. schrodingers cat says:

    and a year later 57 seats wasn’t good enough, nor was 50+% of the popular vote for the ‘leadership’.

    actually it was 56 seats and 49.5% lochside

    the 2015 general election wasnt fought on a manifesto for indyref2 or independence

    see 7mins 20 secs in of tommy sheppard’s maiden speech
    link to

    you need to wait a bit longer before rewriting history loch side

  233. PacMan says:

    schrodingers cat says:21 July, 2020 at 11:22 pm

    Willie says:
    Queen Nicola

    Walter Jones says:
    Should Nicola Sturgeon be charged with Treason?

    Colin Alexander says:
    the SNP leadership are British Imperialists now


    Is the SNP going to bore Westminster into submission?

  234. Walter Jones says:

    If Sturgeon was your star striker she would have been hooked long ago.

    She lost her eye for goal years ago.

    We need to dip into the transfer market and get new blood in.

  235. schrodingers cat says:

    We need to dip

    who’s this we?

  236. Beaker says:

    No need to panic everyone. McDonalds is now open for takeaways.

    Do you know what they call a Big Mac in Rutherglen?


  237. Joe says:

    If you want to find a country that punches well above its weight in foreign meddling and lobbying you can’t do better than Israel and their donkey called USA.

    Russian Oligarchs, that Putin kicked out for trying to sell out Russia to globalist financial interests, are a poor 2nd when it comes to pushing corporate take over and control. When it comes to the NHS id be more worried about American/Jewish capital and their criminal murderous pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.

  238. CameronB Brodie says:

    The cat has served in UN peace keeping exercises and appears to think that qualifies him as some sort of expert in democracy and democratic process. However, he is a party activist who admits to being ignorant of the law, and has shown he is not fully up to speed with current affairs. He has also admitted he thinks morals are a fantasy, so I really would urge caution in following his opinion.

    Remember, HMG have accepted the principle of the right of self determination of nations, and that internal law can not be used to bind them (see Kosovo).

    Procedures in International Law pp 273-293
    International Legal Adjudication

    link to

  239. CameronB Brodie says:

    That’s the second time Joe has referenced Jews in a hostile manner. Just saying.

  240. CameronB Brodie says:

    At least the second time.

  241. schrodingers cat says:

    link to

    hows that working out for the catalan political prisoniers.

    the un aint gonna come to our rescue

  242. CameronB Brodie says:

    schrodingers ca
    Scotland is not Catalonia, cat!

  243. schrodingers cat says:

    I never said it was

    human rights violations are human rights violations regardless of where they occur

    my point was that sending begging letters to the un/eu is a waste of time

  244. Davie Oga says:

    “actually it was 56 seats and 49.5% lochside

    the 2015 general election wasnt fought on a manifesto for indyref2 or independence”

    Congragulations. You seem to have identified the problem.

    I expect that 2021 will be fought on “standing up for Scotland / and agreeing a gold standard referendum that will never happen. I also expect that the next Westminster election will be fought on keeping out the tories/ putting Labour into power, while Labour insist that they won’t do any deals with the SNP.
    And round in circles we go. The only thing that could possibly threaten the the SNP’s hold on power is a hard independence manifesto. Its in the SNP’s interest to stick with what works. Can’t see the current leadership risking the soft unionist/don’t knows/ don’t care, who vote SNP at Holyrood, with the assurance that it isn’t a vote for independence. Independence is the biggest threat to SNP hegemony in Holyrood.

  245. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland and England were joined as equal political partners under Treaty law. Though the British constitution is unwritten, it is based in common law, though common law protection of constitutional rights apparently does not extend to include Scotland. British constitutionalism was never intended to support expansionist and authoritarian English Torydum’s expunction of Scotland. Please start respecting the law, or it will be used to crush all your hopes.

    Chester Brown. A Common Law of
    International Adjudication.

    link to

  246. CameronB Brodie says:

    sorry, wrong link.

    link to

  247. schrodingers cat says:

    problem? utter havers davie

    2015 ge was 7 month after the indyref1. we had no mandate or reason to pursue another indyref. it was the euref in 2016 which set us off down this path.

  248. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brexit articulates English Torydum’s cultural prejudice against, and hostility towards, international law and order. Allowing Scotland to be dragged out of the EU without the most strenuous resistance, actively harms the fabric of international human rights law, which will only remain relevant and forceful if it is respected and adhered too.

    The European Journal of International Law Vol. 28 no. 1 EJIL (2017), Vol. 28 No. 1, 13–72
    Plurality in the Fabric of
    International Courts and
    Tribunals: The Threads of a
    Managerial Approach

    Starting from the observation that there has long been – and continues to be – a preference for a plurality of international courts and tribunals, this article explores the emerging threads of a managerial approach in the fabric of international dispute settlement due to the increased number of fora in recent years.

    It argues that, while plurality remains the choice, both judges and states are actors in efforts to order this plurality as the need for judicial awareness and tools to organize jurisdiction has become more acute. In particular, judicial actors have woven common normative threads through various communicative practices and their approach to matters of procedure.

    Further, procedural mechanisms are being used to a greater extent to mitigate the risks of overlapping jurisdiction and parallel proceedings. In this respect, international economic law is serving as a laboratory for the development of these mechanisms. They include, among others, adapted versions of lis pendens, connexité, or fork-in-the-road provisions.

    That said, similar threads of a managerial approach can be seen to be emerging beyond international economic law. Further reflection is needed on a creative means for
    ensuring coordination and coherence without compromising the preference for plurality.

    link to

  249. Al-Stuart says:

    Davie Oga,

    I can empathise with what you, and so many write in respect of Stu Campbell pointing out the democratic insult at the head of this thread.

    But so many good people miss out something that WILL happen as the MSS from Alex Salmond is already being proof-read by the publishers. The puff of white smoke has been seen exiting the chimney at the Old Mill in Strichen. Relax everyone.

    Alex said the following in one of the most statesman like speeches he has ever given so far (he even defended the gutter press when many of us heard one of them Covid-coughing at the start and would not give a damnn if they did catch it).

    But Alex Salmond is a genuinely honourable politician…

    link to

    What does this mean?

    In March 2020 with Covid19 AND Boris about to kill 45,000 Brits, Alex Salmond famously said (and I paraphrase)…

    The evidence and facts that need airing WILL see the light of day, but not now (March 2020) as it ain’t safe because of Covid19. Go home, those of you who can, look after your families and God help us all.

    Well by September/October 2020 it will be about the time the Alex Salmond book to hit the shelves.

    Titled: Remedying my one great mistake: Nicola, her part in her own downfall”.

    Okay, you can suggest your own title of the book Alex WILL publish.

    It will become a best seller.

    Especially amongst the ordinary SNP voters who are oblivious to all the Murrelesque controlled SNP excrement that Stuart Campbell has been exposing so long.

    By that time, those poor wretched Queen Nicola souls who have not yet got the memo of her fingerprints being all over the weapons of Mass Alphabet Conspirators Destruction, will get their wake-up call…


    Nicola and her groupies efforts will be laid bare before all the world’s media.

    A political tsunami will follow.

    By January 2021 Scotland will still be witnessing a winter Covid death resurgence, but it will be a LOT safer than when Alex gave that speech linked earlier in this post.

    With visceral anger rising amongst the ordinary SNP voters boiling up because of the lies from Boris causing 70,000 Covid deaths and now St Nicola and her pals, many of whom conspired to get Alex Salmond falsely jailed with their outrageous false allegations, the voting dynamic will change.

    During this tumultuous period Alex will lead one of the Guaranteed IndyRef2 List parties.

    Then my friends, Stuart Campbell will be released from his dungeon of Sturgeonite misery, and we can watch as one after another Sturgeonite MPs/MSPs/ex-MEPs are righteously named and shamed and then EXILED from Scottish politics.

    The SNP and the new IndyRef Guaranteed party will need to govern on a confidence-and-supply basis. But their MASSIVE MAJORITY SCOTTISH GIPOVERNMENT WILL STEAMROLLER ITS AND OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS.

    Joanna Cherry will become First Minister in May 2021. Alex Salmond will be DFM and then President of the Republic of Scotland once we ASSERT OUR LEGAL AND MORAL RIGHT TO END THE UNION.

    Today’s article, here on this thread may seem depressing. But it is just a flagstone on the path to Scottish Independence.

  250. Melvin says:

    It is now clear to most of us that Westminster wants scots to revert to violence it’s crystal clear.
    They have now effectively made Holyrood irrelevant and now all devolved powers are back in Westminster. It was on the cards with brexit. If the SNP don’t act now they are finished
    I will never renew my membership I have been a member for 34 years They must act now , withdraw from Westminster and declare that we will ignore every law passed by the British. It’s now or never. SNP have played the British game to long. We need to take it stop asking

  251. twathater says:

    @ Lochside 10.52pm Just like Breeks , WELL SAID SIR you echo my thoughts

  252. Breeks says:

    link to

    Alex Salmond from early to mid 2014 (Speaking in May, but the article he holds is dated January) – six years ago, but still a more potent voice regarding Russian interference in Scotland’s Independence than the current crop of SNP doormats who are happy to espouse Westminster’s chronic paranoia and Russophobia.

    Scotland only has one natural enemy, and it’s not Russia.

    Well done too, to Phantom Power. You have a great pair of hands for catching this stuff. Bravo!!!

  253. Walter Jones says:

    Alastair Carmichael screaming yesterday that he wants a full inquiry Into Russian interference in the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014.

    We see what Carmichael is up to. He is trying to put doubt into the public mind
    because of the recent rise in favour of Scottish Independence.

    But Carmichael should be asked, would he also be in favour of an inquiry Into English interference in the 2014 Referendum?

    Somehow I don’t think the fat Unionist bastard will be too keen on the latter.

  254. Ottomanboi says:

    Now we have it Scottish nationalism is a Russian plot. Time for a Zinoviev letter #2 and the release of Great Game the Next Generation?
    Hope the Scottish lion is sharp in tooth and claw.

  255. schrodingers cat says:


    Jon Snow@jonsnowC4 · 57m
    UK abandons hope of US trade deal by end of year via @FT
    It was all going to be so easy – Get Brexit done – and the Americans will be there waiting.

  256. Casabian says:

    Sturgeon knows that we can shout and scream about how poor a leader she is when it comes to Scottish Independence.

    But she also knows that no matter how loud we shout, we will STILL go into that Polling Booth and put a cross next to the initials SNP as our FIRST choice.

    She has played on this since day one of her rise to power.

    She knows the high life will still be there for her after the Holyrood elections next year.

    She is playing us like an old fiddle.

    Sturgeon and her man will still have the mansion house, the Chauffeur Driven Limousine, the huge joint salary.

    So she is in no hurry to move out.

    Hence her complete lack of commitment to Scottish Independence.

  257. Karmanaut says:

    Folks, after my comments Yesterday about indy sites not showing up in Google searches. As of today, they are all back and showing again.

    I don’t know what happened.

    Have they returned for you, too, Sarah?

  258. Ottomanboi says:

    Russia and Indian independence.
    link to
    The enemy of my enemy….
    Not a bad maxim. When dealing with the Brits all options are copacetic.

  259. Effijy says:

    I know the purpose of UK Media is to confuse, fake and bury
    But are they not saying that due to Russian Interference at
    Indy Ref 1 the result is now nil and void and therefore it
    Must be re-ran.

    David Cameron asked Putin/Russia for assistance in supporting a No
    Vote to stop Scottish Independence.
    So if it is against Scotland foreign interference is acceptable but it
    Operated against Tory England it’s bad?

    I’d also state that more than 10% of the No vote was generated by Scots
    Who were threatened by Westminster of being kicked out of the EU.

    Now that we are to be dragged out against our will and with all the interference
    It is essential that Indy Ref 2 must be organised immediately!

    Covid cannot be used as an excuse not to have this vote as other nations have
    Held successful elections with the virus and America were able to hold an election
    In the middle of their Civil War.

    Final word on Covid, as Boris announces further lifting of lockdown restrictions
    England has averaged over 500 new cases per day over the last week and had
    over 100 Covid Deaths yesterday.
    Can anyone else see those stats translate into let’s take more risks.

    I think it would prove beneficial to the outside world if English Covid testing centres could
    Carry out Brain Scans on the Tory voters.

  260. Republicofscotland says:

    As the British government cry wolf once again over Russian interference, the Intelligence and Security Committee in their report noted that the undemocratic unelected House of Lords, had a substantial amount of members, who have business interests with Russia, or work directly with Russian companies linked to the Russian state.

    The stench of hypocrisy emanating from Westminster is overpowering.

  261. Famous15 says:

    Russian interference? Sheesh!

    On the Scottish Independence Referendum day I had several calls saying I would lose my pension if I voted YES.

    I was too stunned at the first few to ask how did they know I was a Pensioner etc. When I eventually got round to “chatting up” the callers one was suspiciously Labour but the final one was from a LibDem call centre in London. That final caller admitted,after I scared her a little with threat prosecution under the Data Protection Act,that they got their information from local Libdem constituency offices. But how did the others get the information I was a pensioner?

  262. Dan says:

    Talking of external sources influencing the democratic result of elections and referenda… Maybe the UK (Un)Civil Service deserve another award from Scotland.
    How does the “You Twats Can Own This Shit” awards sound?
    “Winners” na fuck it, Wankers win a huge steaming turd mounted on a plinth to sit on their mantelpieces to remind them their previous actions interfering in the democratic decisions of others helped bind Scotland into England’s “Brexit” which results in all the shite we are now enduring.
    Cheers for that Ya Absolute Fuckers.

    “We all had something in common, we’re trying to save the Union here, and it came so close. We just kept it by the skin of our teeth. I actually cried when the result came in. After 10 years in the civil service, my proudest moment is tonight and receiving this award.”

    “As civil servants you don’t get involved in politics. For the first time in my life, suddenly we’re part of a political campaign. We were doing everything from the analysis, to the advertising, to the communications. I just felt a massive sense of being part of the operation. This being recognised [at the Civil Service Awards], makes me feel just incredibly proud.”

    “The reality was in all my experience of the civil service, I have never seen the civil service pull together in the way they did behind supporting the UK government in maintaining the United Kingdom. It was a very special event for all of us.”

  263. Breeks says:

    If you take the Declaration of Arbroath at face value, then the Nation of Scots originally came from Greater Scythia, which is the name given to the EuroAsian area of Southern Russia. We have the same patron saint in St Andrew, and a long, long history of constructive relations with Russia.

    A Scottish sailor, Samuel Greig of Inverkeithing (1736-1788) rose to the rank of admiral and earned the title ‘father of the Russian Navy’ for his modernisation of the Russian Navy. Kinda ironic, that another Scot, John Paul Jones from Kirkcudbrightshire (1747-1792) became known as the ‘father of the American Navy’ for his exploits in the American war of Independence. I wonder if they ever met to compare notes…

    Bloody Scots eh? travelling all over the world and setting up the Navy’s for these Nations which grew into global superpowers…

    I’ll say it again. Scotland only has one natural enemy, and it ISN’T the Russians.

  264. Republicofscotland says:

    A new secret group of MP’s have formed a group to try and crush Scottish independence. Its headed up by Welsh MP Robin Millar, its called the Conservative Union Research Group, modelled on Jacob Rees-Mogg’s European Research Group.

    Press reports say there are around 30 MP’s in the anti-Scottish independence group, most of them are Scottish, with Welsh and MP’s Northern England involved as well.

  265. Oneliner says:


    Funny that!

    At my former address, after ticking the ‘anonymity’ box on my voters roll form, I still got circulars from the Libdems with my name on them. Just another question which will remain unanswered, like the tank girl’s evaluation of the referendum postal vote.

    @Walter Jones

    Alastair Carmichael – a man for whom the term ‘eentyteentyhullagalumph’ could have been invented.

  266. David Arnott says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    One thing that makes humans equal is their cross-racial/ethnic/religious potential to behave like absolute cunts when in the possession of power. It also happens to be a cross-sex trait also (for those who think women will automatically make better leaders than men by virtue of possessing a fanny).

    Apparently as the science goes the Jewish community has a higher IQ as a group than any other. So if their business leaders and politicians, who by virtue of human frailty, were to behave in a corrupt manner like all other politicians and business leaders we can expect them to be pretty capable at it.

    Further – extreme religious fundamentalism and ethnic in-group preference doesn’t stop at the point where it reaches the Jewish community.

    A group cannot sport the highest average IQ and a disproportionate representation in business and politics and expect not to have a spotlight shone on them.

    It seems like all other groups are open season.

    I recently saw a (very rich) person suggest that all Russians should be escorted out of the UK at gun point. There were no repercussions. Some even agreed with him.

    If he’d said that about the Jewish community his professional life would be over.

    Yet many times more Orthodox Christian Russians were brutally murdered in Russia by tyrannical state policies than any Jews did during the 20th century. There’s not much in the way of Hollywood coverage of that either.

    So i’ll repeat – if the NHS is taken over by foreign business interests it will be mainly Jewish and American business people doing it. If you don’t like it then that’s fine. Its how the real world is though.

  267. David Arnott says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    One thing that makes humans equal is their cross-racial/ethnic/religious potential to behave like absolute c***s when in the possession of power. It also happens to be a cross-sex trait also (for those who think women will automatically make better leaders than men by virtue of possessing a fanny).

    Apparently as the science goes the Jewish community has a higher IQ as a group than any other. So if their business leaders and politicians, who by virtue of human frailty, were to behave in a corrupt manner like all other politicians and business leaders we can expect them to be pretty capable at it.

    Further – extreme religious fundamentalism and ethnic in-group preference doesn’t stop at the point where it reaches the Jewish community.

    A group cannot sport the highest average IQ and a disproportionate representation in business and politics and expect not to have a spotlight shone on them.

    It seems like all other groups are open season.

    I recently saw a (very rich) person suggest that all Russians should be escorted out of the UK at gun point. There were no repercussions. Some even agreed with him.

    If he’d said that about the Jewish community his professional life would be over.

    Yet many times more Orthodox Christian Russians were brutally murdered in Russia by tyrannical state policies than any Jews did during the 20th century. There’s not much in the way of Hollywood coverage of that either.

    So i’ll repeat – if the NHS is taken over by foreign business interests it will be mainly Jewish and American business people doing it. If you don’t like it then that’s fine. Its how the real world is though.

  268. Dan says:

    Concerned about the loss of your EU freedom of movement?
    Don’t fret, simply declare Refugee status.
    A refugee is someone who was forced to flee because their home country is unsafe and their government cannot or will not protect them.

    Is your country now overwhelmed with crazy psychopaths making life intolerable and unsafe?
    Don’t fret, simply declare Asylum Leaver status…

  269. Damn Rebel B*tch says:

    Who’d have ‘funk’d’!

    The gift that keeps on giving…

  270. Republicofscotland says:

    A excellent article from Kevin McKenna, its not Russia that is Scotland’s enemy, its Westminster.

    link to

  271. CJ Robertson says:

    Flipin’ ‘eck.
    Some of the frothing comments under this piece wouldn’t look out of place in the Daily Mail comments section.
    Strange times indeed…

  272. Bob Mack says:

    Do you all remember Nicola in 2017 stating that a Westminster power grab on devolved issues would be unacceptable, and would be resisted?

    What happened?

  273. Sinky says:

    Casabian says: 22 July, 2020 at 8:31am

    Your Westminster handler must be proud. Indy division is what they want.

    It is obvious that the Unionist propaganda machine, very ably supported by the gullible BBC/Sky/ITV and 90% of MSM, is in full attack mode against Indy.

    CJ Robertson says: 22 July, 2020 at 10:24 am

    Unionist trolls are well motivated. It’s time we commented on Daily Mail, Times etc online sites rather than attacking SNP leadership as whether we like it or not Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP is our best bet to achieve independence. It is through the art of reason we will persuade the more non political voters to support independence.

  274. Dave M says:


    If MOST of the 30 MPs in CURG are Scottish, then there must also be SNP members, since only 11 of our 59 MPs are Unionists. So you’re either wrong or there’s something unusual happening…

  275. Sinky says:

    link to

    The Conservatives have received £3.5 million from a number of Russian donors and their associates, an investigation has uncovered.

    Well-connected Russian oligarchs and companies heavily involved in lobbying for Russian interests have stepped up their funding of the Conservative party in recent months.

    Including Ruth Davidson’s £20k lunch paid for by wife of former Russian government minister.

    link to

  276. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Breeks says: at 9:41 am

    “If you take the Declaration of Arbroath at face value, then the Nation of Scots originally came from Greater Scythia, which is the name given to the EuroAsian area of Southern Russia. We have the same patron saint in St Andrew, and a long, long history of constructive relations with Russia.

    A Scottish sailor, Samuel Greig of Inverkeithing (1736-1788) rose to the rank of admiral and earned the title ‘father of the Russian Navy’ for his modernisation of the Russian Navy. Kinda ironic, that another Scot, John Paul Jones from Kirkcudbrightshire (1747-1792) became known as the ‘father of the American Navy’ for his exploits in the American war of Independence. I wonder if they ever met to compare notes…

    Bloody Scots eh? travelling all over the world and setting up the Navy’s for these Nations which grew into global superpowers…

    I’ll say it again. Scotland only has one natural enemy, and it ISN’T the Russians.”
    Peterhead has a statue of James Keith, another one of Scotlands sons who made a good military career in Russia and also in Prussia, rising to Field Marshal.

    link to

    link to

    Scots made a good name for themselves just about everywhere and I haven’t even started on Glover..! 🙂

  277. Casabian says:


    My “Westminster handler”???

    It is roasters like you, with your blind loyalty to Sturgeon, that is holding Scotland back.

    What have I said that is any different to what the majority on Wings are saying?

    Is it just because I am not a rabid Sturgeonista that you think I am an uncover agent for Westminster?

    You Sturgeonites are getting worse.

    Get back to your knitting Sinky.

    Sinky think:

    If you don’t support Sturgeon and her women with dicks policies, then you are obviously a Unionist Troll.

    You need to come up with something better than that Sinky,,, like when is your glorious leader going to get her finger out and start fighting for Scottish Independence.

  278. Casabian says:


    Do you support Sturgeon and her approach to Scottish Independence?

    Do you support Sturgeon and her GRA Bill?

    This bill being passed could lead to women being sexually assaulted in toilets and changing rooms.

    Well Sinky?

    And what about indyRef2?

    What about our EU membership?

    You are fully behind Sturgeon Sinky?

  279. Stoker says:

    Wikileaks dumps *all* its files online: link to

    link to

  280. Casabian says:


    Do you believe Sturgeon was behind the move to send an innocent man to hail.?

  281. Daisy Walker says:

    @ Lochside ‘They have all been bought and sold…compromised…how else can we explain the idiotic refusal, without explanation, to appeal to the ECJ and UN for recognition of our subjugated plight as a oppressed nation robbed of its democratic rights? How can we believe the utter pish that a devolved ‘parish council’ can or could ever to stop it’s imminent demise along with our remaining democracy?’

    Re the above…. I think very few have been bought and sold, I think its more likely that some very dangerous people have had a quiet word in the ear of the key players within the SNP, about how easy it would be for accidents to happen to their nearest and dearest.

    To sweeten the pill they will be told that Scotland had its chance in ’14, and then some lovely opportunities will open up for them and their children, Oxbridge anyone, or how about the BBC. Or what about a national blind eye being turned to a new relationship – one which is a clear conflict of interest in their current Government position…

    There will never be evidence, or if there is (like Willie McRae) it will never see the light of a court room, but a message will have been sent. Bit like Alex’s trial (although on the plus side, that one has kind of back fire on them a bit).

    So, game plan heads on. This was always going to happen – a when not an if – the finances of the British Establishment are thoroughly fucked without Scotland’s assets, even on a good day, and Brexit no deal, will not be a good decade, never mind day.

    They cannot afford to lose us. They wrote the dirty playbook of tricks and if they have to rip out all the pages and write a new one, that’s exactly what they will do.

    They cannot afford to lose Scotland.

    All those who support YES need to look at what ground needs covered and if it is not being covered, we need to do it. Not Alex, not the SNP, not SIP – us.

    We’ve just lost our NHS and our food standards and farms and we are just on the cusp of losing our parliament. Once that’s in the bag , democratic methods of voting for Indy (or Devo max) are vastly reduced.

    They will only get away with doing that if the greater public is unaware. Oh look a russian squirrel.

    Margo said if every one of us converts just one person to YES its in the bag. That is do-able.

    The SNP has always said it represented a broad church. If they respect the YES movement at all I think they should start behaving in a statesman like fashion (if parties can do such a thing). And respect the voters ability to make up their own minds.

    The Holyrood voting system. There are 3 Unionist parties. It beggars belief that there is only one Indy party (the greens don’t count – sorry if that offends, but they don’t). Well done to the SNP for managing that broad church so far. But time now to be big enough to recognise they cannot please all the people all the time and recognise the validity of voters choice.

    But most importantly – they have a fundamental responsibility to use their current position to highlight – we have just lost our NHS, our food standards and farms, and Holyrood.

    If they are not banging that drum night and day, from every roof top, regardless of their supposed loyalties – then they are not up to the job, and we must go round them.

    If you have a home printer folks, then leaflet your street, or the 5 nearest houses, or just one. If you can convert just one person, or one street to YES, we can save our NHS.

    UKOK – is a chlorinated chicken.

    Vote No Borders – is so the English can come to Scotland and spread the virus

    Better Together is Bollocks fae Boris

    It really is down to us.

  282. Sinky says:

    Casabian. I am persuading moderate non SNP voting Scots on the merits of independence and they are very impressed by Nicola Sturgeon. I campaign for Indy every day by speaking to and interacting with non political acquaintances.

    Why did the BBC send Andrew Marr to ask Vladimir Putin his views on Scottish independence in January 2014? Putin supplied a pro-Union answer.

    There is strong evidence that the BBC was acting at the behest of the UK Govt. That’s the *real* story.

    link to

  283. Daisy Walker says:

    And another thing… no Russian ever called me a Porridge Wog.

  284. Sarah says:

    @ Karmanaut at 08.53: those sites reappeared on Google search yesterday evening – I posted on here at 7.46 p.m. to suggest perhaps it had been a trial run to see how easy it would be to disrupt our communications and who/how many would react.

    BDTT suggested we shouldn’t have to search as we can bookmark but my point was that a new person would have to search and wouldn’t find the sites i.e. a massive problem for spreading the word.

  285. Clapper57 says:

    @ Walter Jones @ 7.54am

    Hi Walter does he also want FULL inquiry into any Russian interference in Brexit Ref as apparently Lib Dems were the most Remain party in the UK….well according to them anyway….so that would make MORE sense.

    Though apparently there was a lack of interest by previous and subsequent Tory governments in establishing whether the Russians were in some way interfering in UknotOK elections…Oh and one of those governments i.e. Cameron’s was one where he, Alistair Carmichael and his Lib Dem colleagues, were members in a cosy Tory/Lib Dem coalition ……….also thought it was POST the Indy Ref that the Russians supposedly interfered not before or during….is Carmichael just carping like a Lib Dem again….

  286. Casabian says:


    You never answered one of my questions.

    You went off on some rant about the BBC.

    What the fuck has that got to do with me?

    Please answer the questions I put to you.

  287. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I take your point, Sarah.

  288. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course something strange is happening, Scotland is being expunged from the international legal order, and Scots are being stripped of the legal right to have legal rights. Unless we get someone who is clued up in international law defending Scotland, we will be unable to defend Scotland from Expansionist and authoritarian English Torydum.

    We will find it much harder to exert out legal identity once removed further from international law and order.

    International Journal of Constitutional Law, Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2017, Pages 393–413
    Subsidiarity, margin of appreciation and international adjudication within a cooperative conception of human rights

    link to

  289. Clapper57 says:

    Re Private Healthcare there was programme transmitted late at night that was made by John Pilger in December 2019 and below is comments I made at the tome on here about it :

    A REAL journalist John Pilger.

    It really had it all.

    Started with Thatcher.

    Tony Blair PFI scandal…New Labour.

    Tory/Lib Dem coalition producing the NHS bill 2012…Lord David Owen said Conservatives AND Lib Dems LIED to the public.

    Vince Cable instigating the privatisation of a hospital in Cambridge and promoting a PRIVATE HEALTHCARE Company Circle Health…Cable took along founder of this private company to the hospital and spoke to a woman who worked at the hospital and told her that the hospital was to be run like a BUSINESS and when she challenged him on this by stating healthcare was not a business he said …” No dear it IS a business”…when Vince was asked by the programme makers about this comment that he had made to her he said “Could not recall this conversation”…how convenient…no recall…but then no denial either.

    And yet here in Scottish parliament we have wee Willie Rennie paying lip service to the ‘state of the mental health’ in Scotland under the SNP while his colleagues at HQ have been promoting and aiding the private healthcare companies to infiltrate the NHS….via their coalition with the Tories while under Cameron’s leadership…..oh yes they are culpable.

    We also saw yon Kate Andrews organisation Institute for economic Affairs mentioned among other lobbying companies with access and close location to parliament …funded by a Tobacco company and advocating for private health companies ( American) to have access to NHS….so NOT a Think Tank but mere lobbyists paid by those with dubious intentions….yeh medical insurance here we come eh Kate..cause you think the NHS is currently unsustainable….how convenient….programme also mentioned their access to the …..BBC…yep seen her on Politics Live, press review and QT ( though Kate is also a favourite on SKY).

    And NOW Matt Hancock also involved with same founder of private healthcare firm Circle health who now has a NEW project/company Babylon Health…and Matt is promoting their infiltration in the future of the NHS…one main idea an APP with virtual Dr’s…so no face to face consultation with GP in person….no just access to a Robot Dr…get to the point what is the trouble…misdiagnosis you say…sorry you never mentioned THAT symptom….I recommend you BUY that medicine…Do you have medical insurance ?…wink wink.

    Did I mention BTW that the hospital in Cambridge that Circle Health took over…FAILED…and Circle Health pulled the plug on this…as obviously targets/money NOT met…when they were reviewed it showed how they were FAILING to achieve joined up Health reform ….so this is the people Matt Hancock is now pinning the future of NHS on…a company who failed now operating under a NEW company name…same founder though …failed because (Their)targets / profit were the only factors in how they ran the hospital….healthcare a very very very low second…or rather a minor consideration of their BUSINESS….profit before people…..they were rated as failing to meet heath objectives for the public…colour me surprised eh Vince ‘healthcare is a business’ Cable.

    It was also genius to show by comparison how private medical companies via private insurance plays out in America…where people are unable to access healthcare as they are unable to pay extortionate fees for insurance…so many people go untreated and ….DIE……Brexit ‘Britain’ future….a tier system Healthcare where greedy monopolies dominate and where the poor die off….early.

    Think we know what Farage’s motive was in promoting Trump’s America ( and the businesses of America i.e. private Healthacre co’s) and his pal Banks insurance company…makes sense does it not….

    So ALL major three UK parties complicit in privatising NHS and yet these f*&*%*s have the audacity to slate the SNP ( aided by the media obvs) on THEIR NHS performance in Scotland…the Scots are being taken for mugs…England has fallen…on Brexit and the NHS….

    Scots need to wise up because it is not ONLY our future in the EU at stake BUT the NHS itself….

    If you have NOT watched this programme please do so on catch up because a REAL journalist , investigated, researched, produced and presented a clear and fact based piece that showed how we, the public, are totally being conned by our politicians…or as Malcolm Bruce succinctly put it “politicians lie”…some more than others though…eh Malcolm Bruce from the renowned masters of lying aka the Lib Dem party …follow the money…ALWAYS……

  290. Sarah says:

    @ BDTT: I knew you would! 🙂

  291. Casabian says:


    Another wee dyed in the wool STURGEONITE.

  292. Karmanaut says:

    It is odd. A trial? Maybe. The Tories have precendent for working with Google to suppress searches and predictive searches in particular. I wonder if an FOI would return anything useful, although they usually find a way to avoid answering. I’ll fire one in.
    I had noticed a while back that searches on certain indy-related topics were bringing up a particular UK propaganda site.

  293. Sarah says:

    @ Karmanaut: good idea to send FOI to Google. And that is interesting about the UK propaganda site. I am hugely troubled by it and have told my MP about yesterday’s Google issue. After Cambridge Analytica and all the dark money problems he and SNP must surely be aware of the danger we are in?

  294. robbo says:

    Casabian says:
    22 July, 2020 at 12:20 pm

    See this what happens when kids are off school too long,they plague online forums for months with diddy names. Casabian along with Walter Jones the latest in a long line of pests.Who needs the covid virus when we have our very own 13 year old child virus.

  295. Republicofscotland says:

    “Dave M says:
    22 July, 2020 at 11:16 am

    If MOST of the 30 MPs in CURG are Scottish, then there must also be SNP members, since only 11 of our 59 MPs are Unionists. So you’re either wrong or there’s something unusual happening…”


    Here’s the story with the wording check it out for yourself.

    link to

  296. Me Bungo Pony says:

    @schrodingers cat (21/7 6:17pm)

    You have not advocated the demise of either the SNP or NIcola Sturgeon, while deluding yourself it will magically bring independence closer, therefore you do not qualify as a “deluded lemming”.

  297. Casabian says:


    Another wee Sturgeonista

    I don’t need to make up names numbnut.

    Unlike yourself

    And all the rest of the shite names you come up with.

    All to save your glorious leader Sturgeon

  298. Me Bungo Pony says:

    @Dave M says: 22/7 11:16 am:

    CURG are made up of “mostly” MPs from Scotland, Wales and the North of England.

  299. Mike d says:

    Well all you no voters this is all down to you, you better hope you have no pre existing medical conditions, and plenty money for good health insurance when Donald comes a calling for your English government owned SNHS.

  300. Craig Murray says:

    Graf Midgehunter

    Field Marshall James Keith gave Frederick the Great the best and most efficient army in the world.

    A firm believe in Scottish Independence, he had to flee Scotland after the 1719 Jacobite Rebellion. (Yes, 1719, not a typo) where James Keith, George Murray and Rob Roy MacGregor commanded a small Jacobite force at the battle of Glen Shiel.

  301. bittie45 says:

    Thanks Stu, for retrieving my last comment from moderation.

    Note: bitie45 is the identical twin of bittie45 but has lost the ability to spell even a profile name correctly. This follows having ignored advice and listened to too much Radio Scotland, consequently suffering brain damage, also severely affecting self identity.


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