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Wings Over Scotland

Ready For Drowning

Posted on November 03, 2023 by

With the shock defection of Ash Regan from the SNP to Alba last week, followed by councillor Chris Cullen, Alex Salmond’s party now has representation at every level of Scottish politics – Westminster, Holyrood and local.

But it still awaits a mass breakthrough, either in politicians crossing the floor or in the polls. In the meantime the SNP is plunging to new lows, recording just 32% in two polls last week, one of which saw them trailing six points behind Scottish Labour.

It seems reasonable to assume that the SNP’s fall is going to continue, with lots more bad news looming in its future – Operation Branchform, the likely humiliating loss of the Section 35 challenge in the wake of Lady Dorrian’s judgement this week, the ongoing ferries and trams inquiries and now the already-damaging COVID inquiry.

The party and its media cheerleaders are pumping out increasingly desperate “please don’t leave us” messaging, ironically only drawing attention to its stricken state.

So the future of the political side of the independence movement appears to be very much up for grabs and open to debate. With that in mind, Wings sat down by Zoom with Ash Regan to quiz her about where she saw it going.


WINGS: A lot of people will have been expecting you to leave the SNP before now, for lots of obvious reasons. Why did you leave it so long?

ASH REGAN: You’re correct that there have been moments where differences have been apparent. However, my commitment has always been to the cause of Scottish independence and the wellbeing of the people who live here.

I remained in the SNP to work constructively from within, especially on key issues like the gender reform bill and independence. My hope was to bring about a balanced perspective and influence the course of the party in a way that I believed was beneficial to the country.

WINGS: And you finally concluded that that was impossible?

AR: Yes, it became increasingly clear that the SNP Group was wedded to continuity rather than open to what I, and many others, feel are necessary—particularly with regard to independence strategy. When it became evident that my efforts to steer the party were not gaining traction, I had to re-evaluate my position.

I concluded that the most effective way to serve the causes I am deeply committed to is from a platform that unequivocally supports them. Hence, my move to ALBA.

WINGS: Yet Alba themselves are still committed to the Scotland United strategy, which involves working to get lots of those same SNP MPs re-elected. If you couldn’t get through to them as a colleague, can you realistically expect to have more success as – at least technically, even if you don’t personally feel this way – an opponent?

So far the SNP has not reacted kindly to any sort of what it sees as “disloyalty”.

AR: In me we have a MSP committed to holding the ScotGov to account without talking Scotland down. That’s one thing. ALBA will support the Scottish Government on areas we agree, but that support comes with a requirement for mutual respect between Scotland’s two independence parties. In short: leverage.

The Scotland United strategy is the only sensible way forward; this is where we ask the 50% of pro-indy Scots to back Yes candidates at the General Election.

As we’ve seen in Rutherglen and Hamilton West, the SNP is polling downward. Therefore, a Scotland United position is the only hope for keeping and – I believe – expanding the Yes majority in the House of Commons. So, political realities will go a significant way in re-introducing reason.

The dynamic changes when you’re part of a different party. As a member of the SNP, any internal dissent is often seen as disruptive or divisive. But as an external force, Alba can contribute to a broader dialogue that could help refocus the movement.

I may be an opponent in the technical sense, but I remain committed to the same cause. Sometimes it takes an external perspective to bring about the change or clarity that a movement needs. Alba aims to be that constructive external force.

We can hold the SNP accountable in ways that are difficult to do from within, especially when it comes to prioritising the independence agenda.

In short, while the methods may have changed, the mission has not. I believe that ALBA can serve as a catalyst to unite and energise the independence movement, including the SNP, towards our common goal.

WINGS: That’s presumably a lot more likely if more people do what you did and join it. From the conversations you’ve had within the party up until now, do you think that’s a realistic prospect? Do you think there are many considering it? Compared to other parties the SNP’s divisions are still remarkably private.

AR: Absolutely, the effectiveness of any political movement is amplified when it gains more support. And yes, while the SNP tends to keep its internal discussions quite private, that doesn’t mean those discussions aren’t happening.

I can’t speak for everyone, but from my conversations within the party up to my departure, it’s clear that there are members who share my concerns about the current direction, particularly when it comes to making independence a priority.

Whether they choose to join Alba or not is, of course, a deeply personal decision that involves a variety of factors. But it’s a decision that more might consider as they evaluate the most effective platform for achieving our shared goal of independence.

ALBA isn’t just an alternative; it’s a necessary vehicle to achieve the independence we all seek. The recent news about the Scottish Greens potentially propping up Labour just underscores the need for a robust, unequivocally pro-independence party.

With two main Unionist parties, it’s only logical and strategic to have two strong indy parties, especially given the unique electoral setup of the Scottish Parliament.

This system was initially designed to prevent majority governments and was arguably put in place to thwart the SNP from pushing for independence. However, with ALBA and the SNP working in tandem, we can turn that electoral framework to our advantage. Together, we can use the system meant to suppress the independence cause as a lever to achieve it.

It’s not just about making noise; it’s about making effective, strategic use of the parliamentary system to bring about the change we all want to see.

WINGS: But don’t you think trying to work with the SNP – who couldn’t have been more hostile to Alba so far – is a bit like chaining yourself to a grand piano while you’re trying to swim away from a sinking ship? The latest polls have them on 32% and still falling.

The SNP brand is toxic now – many indy supporters will simply never vote for them again under any circumstances. That new survey this week found that nearly half of indy voters have abandoned them already. Isn’t it better to just let them die and start again?

AR: It’s no secret the SNP faces some challenges. Nevertheless, the independence movement needs two strong independence parties. And —again —the Green Party is a fair-weather friend when it comes to independence, and can not be trusted on the issue. So Alba and the SNP are both critically needed.

Given support for independence is much higher than support for the SNP alone, it would be advantageous for the SNP to co-operate in a Scotland United “democratic alliance” with us. If Alba is able to pull focus onto areas where the SNP need to course-correct, we will be doing so.

It might be that some in the SNP remain too close to the trees to appreciate the best route through the forest. My colleagues in Westminster and I will be helping the SNP to find their way back to matters of importance to the people of Scotland, and none is more important than independence as an immediate priority.

The optimal outcome would see the SNP regrouping and reassessing the counterproductive Bute House agreement with the Green Party. It’s crucial that they pivot away from divisive identity politics towards a more inclusive civic nationalism that unites rather than fragments.

The key move forward is to establish the long-awaited independence convention and to forge a robust Scotland United democratic alliance. This coalition’s mission would be to ensure that every Scottish Westminster seat is contested by a candidate who has a steadfast commitment to independence. For any party wishing to be part of the Scotland United coalition, independence shouldn’t be a mere convenience but the core of their political ambitions.

The least favourable scenario would be if the SNP persists in a state of denial – a kind of political paralysis amidst the five stages of grief – allowing the Greens’ priorities to overshadow their own. This could lead to a perpetual cycle of crises, diverting attention from the urgent quest for independence.

If such a situation arises, the SNP may find themselves preoccupied with a multitude of issues, losing sight of the objective that was central to the party’s founding.

So it is not a question of if, but when the SNP will collaborate with ALBA. The longer the SNP wait, the more damage they’ll inadvertently do to themselves. I’ll remind my friends in the SNP: a positive campaign always wins out over a negative campaign.

Whatever happens, both Alba and the SNP are crucial to Scotland regaining national statehood.


So now you know the theory. In truth, Wings remains deeply unconvinced that the SNP has any role in the future of the Yes movement. In our view the party is simply too rotten, too corrupt, too infested with careerists and worse, and – crucially – too unwilling to listen and learn even as its support melts away in droves.

It demands they come back, and barely conceals that it wants them to do so in the interests of the SNP rather than independence, but in any event it isn’t prepared to address any of the reasons they’ve left.

Indeed, its representatives continue to roundly abuse anyone who wants to fight for indy from outwith the SNP, even when those people magnanimously overlook that abuse and still hold out the olive branch, like Ash Regan herself and Joanna Cherry, whose recent swing into line behind Humza Yousaf has surprised (and let’s be honest, disappointed) many.

But Regan makes a rational case for co-operation, and maybe we’re wrong. Perhaps the current slow bleed to Alba will become a flow and the SNP be forced to grasp at that branch before it goes over the edge of the waterfall. What’s beyond any credible doubt is that if it doesn’t, the SNP will meet its doom next year, and deserve it.

Only time will tell.

0 to “Ready For Drowning”

  1. Andrew Davidson says:

    Good read and yeah I saw that comment from Joanna Cherry on X just before reading this. She’s wrong. The SNP can’t regain trust with the same people around. The current people who have destroyed the trust are still there, hell they’re saying they are continuity candidates which just tells you how much they don’t get it. The SNP are like the scorpion right now with the rest of us the frog, and if they told us to trust them I’d be waiting for the sting because it’s their nature.

    I pretty much fear Scotland is lost to independence for god knows how long now. The SNP will lose the next Holyrood elections, they’ll lose a lot of the current wastrels and liars and hopefully the ones that remain quit but then it has a long hard job of rebuilding and to be frank, without someone with the power, vision and charisma of Salmond at the helm (they don’t come along often) it won’t happen.

    So yes, I think they’re done and with it any chance of independence for generations if not forever because we saw how long it took for the SNP to build up and they DIDN’T have another pro-independence party sniping at them the entire time.

  2. WingsOverFrance says:

    Excellent piece. I’m afraid I’m in the same camp as yourself though. The SNP are finished. I do like Ash but she can be remarkably dim sometimes. For instance, “I’ll remind my friends in the SNP: a positive campaign always wins out over a negative campaign”. That’s just plain wrong. Remember 2014?

  3. Tommo says:

    Interesting post but confusing. Ms Regan’s interview seems to fly in the face of much the Editor has said this long time-namely that the SNP are a collection of troughers, arguably corrupt, sexually fixated and undoubtedly incompetent-who have about as much interest in Scottish independence as I do in knitting.
    However Ms Regan must know better than anyone what the party are really like; therefore it seems to me that either-
    1. The Editor has got it wrong or
    2. Ms Regan is being economical with the truth or
    3. She is adopting the view that they may be incompetent troughers etc etc ‘but they’re oor incompetent troughers etc etc’
    My money is on option (3)

  4. Mungo Armstrong says:

    Joanna cherry’s “ swing into line behind Humza Yousaf ” doesn’t surprise me one bit. I’m a taxi driver and picked up Joanna last summer, I won’t go into the detail of the conversation but she definitely didn’t strike me as someone who’s main priority was Scottish Independence. Her political career sensed to be the main focus.

  5. Cameron Lochiel says:

    I’m not a party animal, I generally support policies rather than parties, as “cabinet responsibility” and “loyalty” are usually euphemisms for cultural straitjackets. I will, however, happily proselytise for Alba. We need to convert as many as possible to the cause. Those suspicious of Big Eck need to have the background and legal process laid out meaningfully and without sarcasm or judgement.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that should a certain individual be found guilty and sent to prison, while some will, inevitably, allude to interference by MI5, the Tories and the like, a great many may acknowledge the error of their ways and join the glorious revolution!

  6. Geri says:

    Good interview.

    Scotland definitely needs a second pro Independence party, or even a 3rd.
    Not only to keep each other in check & fight for votes but to work towards Independence as a collective.

    Unfortunately, like you, I don’t see that being the SNP. They’ve gone full batshit nuts & there’s far too many bad actors & self serving grifters that we’d only question their motives. If some did cross the floor I think it would taint Alba before it’s even had a chance to get started depending on who it was.

    It’s a dilemma. We need a collective to win indy. That’s not the Greens & the SNP. Once you lose trust that’s it, it’s gone. Broken beyond repair.

    Good interview x

  7. Kennedy says:

    I am a chronic cynic. Does anyone else find AR too good to be true?

    Watch your back Alec.

  8. Eric says:

    Agree Alba have a few representatives in office, but none of whom have been elected on that jersey.

    Shame Ash didn’t have the confidence to triumph in a bi-election.

    Alba’s credibility based on sandy foundations until they win at the ballot box.

  9. Lorna Campbell says:

    This same attitude of entrenchment is apparent in all the mainstream parties. They simply double down when it is patently evident that policies cannot work or are so badly drafted as to be useless and a total waste of valuable resources.

    The SNP does epitomise this attitude, though, and, like the Rev, I see no future for it if we are to have an independent Scotland. It is a drag on sense and reason and the politics we are seeing everywhere right now is the politics of the kindergarten.

    Previous generations dissented and showed their dissent through music, dress and marches, eventually growing up enough to understand that drumming your heels on the floor or kicking mummy and daddy’s furniture is not the way to achieve a voice.

    Gaining our independence is going to take nous and smeddum, cleverness and strategy, sleekitness and a willingness to upset people who want us to toe the line. It is going to take the decision that we are not going to be ‘victims, real or imagined, and to not treat a claim to invented ‘victimhood’ as a badge of honour, forcing others to comply with a regime of illogical nonsense. Descending into insanity is not going to cut the mustard. Care in the community is not a comfortable gaff.

  10. Ken says:

    Stu – a short interview, but wondering if it was recorded with intention to be made available to watch?

  11. David Hannah says:

    A touch of class from Ash Regan. Leaving the olive branch to the SNP.

    This is a beautiful day, It is a new day
    We are together, we are unified.

    And on one accord.

    Because together we got power.

    Apart we got pow-wow.

    Scotland United for Independence means cause above party. It is the only way I will vote for the SNP. I will take my orders from my leader in Holyrood.

    The beautiful Ash Regan.

    Yes mam. Rodger that.

  12. Ian McCubbin says:

    Yes a good interview and like Ash’s optimistic outlook.
    I do agree with your views re SNP Stu.
    They are finished and Alba need to take over the driving seat for Independence.
    Joanna Cherry is very disappointing in her stance now.
    She won’t succeed but am sure Alba will. Let’s hope Fergus Ewing and Brendan MacNeill join Alba.

  13. Johnny says:

    I don’t think it will work either, Stu, and believe that the SNP’s preferred option would be to slink into a coalition with the Greens again but, failing that, they would prefer to be in opposition than work with Alba or any other party, such as ISP, which actually seeks independence.

    I can understand Alba has to be careful about not being too big for its boots from its current electoral position and therefore it has to try and look magnanimous and not presumptive, but I do think it’s fair to say that it will not get what it wants until the SNP fully implodes and there’s a (bigger) vacuum for another independence* party to move into because it isn’t going to get it through co-operation with the SNP.

    * = I use the term “independence party” here in the sense of how the wider electorate (still) see things.

  14. Mark Beggan says:

    The Web of Deceit

    Ash Reagan has got to be the hottest female politician I’ve ever seen, however,

    Your caught in the Web honey.

    The more Ash tries to free herself from the web. The more entangled she becomes.

    Cut the chord!
    Make yourself free.

  15. shiregirl says:

    Go Alba!

    Huge respect for Ash and the nonsense she has and still is putting up with.

    I am so disappointed with JC though. Really thought she would follow and join Alba but she appears to be fully supportive of Humza – unsure why there is the sudden support? I remember feeling the same re Phillipa Whitford. Big disappointment.

    The SNP have lost the trust of many of their supporters and there will need to be a monumental shift in direction (and shedding of staffers) before the public trust and consider believing them again. NS and GRC is a toxic legacy and I am unsure how the SNP move on from this. With all that has happened, I personally feel they are done and will never regain their previous popularity.

    I felt absolutely shafted when I realised a few years ago that SNP were not going to deliver indy. So, I joined Alba and haven’t looked back.

    Happy Friday, Wingers 🙂

  16. Johnlm says:

    Interesting interview.
    I agree, Rev.: The SNP is too corrupt.
    A second Indy party is a good idea though to force MSM towards balanced coverage.

  17. Stoker says:

    Rev wrote: “In the meantime the SNP is plunging to new lows, recording just 32% in two polls last week, one of which saw them trailing six points behind Scottish Labour.”

    And that’s with “Scottish Labours” London master, Sir Keir Starmer, refusing to call for a cease-fire in the ongoing Gaza situation. Kind of shows us just how badly the current SNP are loathed.

    Ms Sturgeon Murrell, *that* is your legacy. Hang your head in shame.

  18. LG says:

    If I put aside my fury and soul crushing despondency at what has become of the SNP for a moment. Yeah ok, well if hold the door shut on it for a minute. I can just about see how it would be possible to use the infrastructure we already have (the SNP) alongside a strong Alba (and ISP/others) to elect enough folk to keep independence alive. I’m one who won’t vote SNP ever again and there are many but neither would I vote a unionist party though too many might. If, big if, the SNP don’t hasten their own demise, with good leadership, those still in it, troughers and all would need to toe the new line and it’s easy enough to give posts to actually competent folk. The worst of them are too lazy and self important to do the real work but with reinstated branch/membership democracy etc, they’d need to or be de-selected. So is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? Hmm. I’m not going to be able to hold the door shut much longer but I think too many voters are too complacent to see the urgency this would require.

  19. Sven says:

    Ms Regan wishes to support the SNP in a “mutual aid” type campaign with Alban; at the very time that it’s being reported that the Scottish National Investment Bank is offering in the region of £360,000 for a public relations firm of “spin doctors” to improve its’ image after the potential loss of some £9 million on the unelected Ms Slater’s bottle deposit return scheme involving Circularity Scotland.
    How can anyone, seeming a reasonably competent politician, seek to ally Alba with this tainted Green/SNP administration. Has she no conception of the public disenchantment with them, including many of the most committed independence supporters.
    For goodness sake, keep well clear of the disaster which, under the leadership of Mr & Ms Murrell and Mr Swiney, the SNP has now become.

  20. David Hannah says:

    Ash Regan. “ALBA and the SNP working in tandem, we can turn that electoral framework to our advantage. Together, we can use the system meant to suppress the independence cause as a lever to achieve it.

    I agree with our leader Ash Regan, in the Scottish Parliament. When she says this.

    If I can predict the future and speculate. When operation branchform comes out. The SNP will need a leader that’s not associated with the cabal for it to survive.

    That can only be Joanna Cherry. She can refloat the sinking ship if required.

  21. ScottieDog says:

    I think the olive branch approach is probably still the right tactic – but only just – and not for any practical purposes.
    There still remain alot of bullets that the SNP are going to fire into their own foot (some were fired long ago), and I expect they will plummet.

    I also think they can no longer be trusted given they appear to have more plants than Kew gardens. Even if they did promise to stand on a united ticket, I wouldn’t trust them to deliver if elected.

    The olive branch is at best, alba taking the morale high ground to soak up the disillusioned SNP membership. MSP/MP wise, I’d be very wary who I let cross the floor.

    Also, don’t right off ISP just yet

  22. Red says:

    What’s the difference between the SNP and Labour?

    They’re both anti-nationalist woke open borders parties led by wealthy Muslims who profess not to understand the difference between men and women.

    Is it the rosette?

  23. David Hannah says:

    The SNP need to be gutted from head to toe. They still have loyal Independence supporters worth fighting for.

    I believe the SNP can he saved by Joanna Cherry staying in the party.

    She won’t be damaged by it at all. She stood up against the cabal as a lone voice.

    She can work with our leader Ash Regan, in Scotland United.

    Our two femimist freedom fighters. Fighting for justice and Independence cross party alliance.

    I’ll take my orders from the beautiful Ash Regan and the Alba Party. Thank you for everything you’re doing.

  24. Captain Yossarian says:

    My next door neighbour is retired but used to lecture in politics at one of the big Universities. I met him just after Salmond was arrested and he told me it was a set-up. He didn’t have any inside knowledge or anything like that, but he has a deep understanding of modern politics that I don’t have. We share the same opinion of Salmond and that is a pretty good one. The Nationalist movement is in tatters just now and the SNP are waiting for bad news coming down the tracks and Stuart Campbell alludes to some of it. I am not one of the favourites on here due to my lack of enthusiasm for Independence but I would gladly take the situation back to 2014 and I would implore Salmond to stay-on as he was a great FM and with that great for the confidence of the country. I hear that Humza’s parents in law are returning home and so that is a relief for him, but he will be the last SNP FM for a while. By the way, I do not share the current criticism others have on here about Police Scotland.

  25. Jim Bo says:

    Good for Ash- she can hold her head up high. No idea how she can remain so civil towards the SNP tho. What it does show is that she deserves all the respect in the world and puts her orders of magnitude above the average SNP trougher in every positive metric conceivable.

  26. Ian chisholm says:

    Ash is in the mould of Margo and Winnie. She knows where the goal is and like a top striker will put the ball in the back ofvthe net. She is entirely right in her strategy…we should not abandon the SNP membership only the cabal…the complete cabal including HQ staff and SPADs. Its taken decades and decades to build the corporate identity. Granted currentky its a liabioity but voters memories are short. After Starmer screws up fot two years voters will remember the good snp under Alex. But if the snp continue to hold to the cabak and no dign ofvan alliance for the SP GE in 2026…then we must put a candidate in every constituency and list seat. Ash is a woman of steel…and principles.

  27. Harry says:

    Cherry has been “Westminsterised”.

    She wants to feel the power of sitting on committees in the English capital that deal with mostly English concerns.

    It’s nothing new, we have been saying it on here for a few years now,,,but as per fuckin usual,,,it takes that long for the majority to actually catch on.

    The SNPs favoured bed fellow is the pervert Harvie and his Green machine.

    And it’s not just SNP elected reps who detest Alba,,,it’s also their brain dead membership.

  28. Stravaiger says:

    I’m with ScottieDog @ 1:56pm on this one.

  29. Andy Storrie says:

    By the time that Agent Humza is finished with wrecking the SNP on behalf of London, the Party won’t be worth a blow on a rag man’s trumpet.

    He has wreaked a lot of destruction on that independence vehicle at breakneck speed, and by the time he is through with carrying out the instructions given to him by London, the Party will not be worth a blow on a rag man’s trumpet.

    So long as Humza ugly bloke is at the helm, we can be sure that London is in full control of the SNP, and that any SNP involvement in the pursuit of full autonomy is just a panto act.

    Humza will maybe even get an MBE for the part he is playing in wrecking the SNP at a time when full autonomy is becoming more and more inevitable by the day!

    I can see it now… Humza Ugly Bloke MBE. For services to duffing up the main independence vehicle in Scotland on behalf of London.

    The sooner the bloke is gone, the sooner we can get a true believer installed/elected in his stead.

  30. Harry says:

    SNP MPs are that thick and slow to take in what is happening around them, that their reaction to when they actually do lose their seat will be,,,

    “WTF happened their, was it something we said?”

    They really are that thick, and deserve the severe boot between the legs that they are all going to get.

  31. Robert Hughes says:

    ” We can hold the SNP accountable in ways that are difficult to do from within, especially when it comes to prioritising the independence agenda. ”

    Are you listening , J Cherry ? Or is the * white noise * around WM too loud for you to hear anything other than the babble of committees and the sound of your colleagues stabbing each other in the back as they struggle for places on the ( they imagine ) Holyrood lifeboat ?

    Good on Ash , her joining ALBA is a good move for both ; but I agree , the idea of working with the SNP – at least in it’s current disastrous manifestation , is doomed to failure and will only result in pulling ALBA down with it as it ( SNP ) sinks below the waves of public disgust and electoral oblivion beckons

    ALBA also need to thoroughly disavow the idea that – in the event of it becoming the major Independence Party ( a ways to go there , I know ; but things CAN change quickly ) – it will ” negotiate ” the terms of another Indy Ref .

    NAW ! in that event , the only thing that will have credibility is a DECLARATION either of Independence itself or the intent to hold a Ref with zero interference from WM – Z.E.R.O .

    If the Party is still – however cunningly disguised – essentially asking permission from our oppressor it will ultimately prove to be as useless as the SNP has become .

    Show strength , commitment and unwavering will and people will respond in similar qualities .

    Time is running out . The very concept of Nation States is under sustained attack from the ultra-well -resourced forces of Globalisation : our aspiration to become a * new * one will not be looked-on benignly by those same forces .

  32. Alex Stone says:

    Ash, and ALBA, have this wrong. We certainly need two indy parties, but it isn’t ALBA and SNP, it’s ALBA and ISP.

    SNP has effectively become the 4th unionist party, behind the WM three, with the reptiles in the Green party, the 5th.

    ISP is the only other party that mostly shares the same values with ALBA, including INDY and crushing the Gender cult to protect women and girls from predators.

    But it seems at the moment that the ISP is to ALBA, what ALBA is to the SNP.

    I don’t understand that at all, and this is where ASH is at least looking in the right direction. We NEED two, or three indy parties to counter the unionist criminal organizations that are the WM based political mafia, and their propaganda machines.

    NuSNP are not, and they have made it clear, will never be, a partner to other indy parties.

    By all means wave the flag for some sort of ScotlandUnited. All indy parties working together to overwhelm the colonist organizations are essential.

    However the SNP is dying, quickly. (although not quick enough for me) They will make every attempt to undermine any unity in the indy movement, as they have relentlessly done in the last nine years.

    It is beyond idiocy to cling to the party’s past, in a vain attempt to somehow “bring back the good olde days”.


    ISP and ALBA are our indy opportunities now.

  33. Colin Alexander says:

    It’s no secret, it’s Alex Salmond’s strategy to back the SNP all the way. Seems Alex can’t see how alienated many former SNP voters are and how they will no longer vote SNP, even if Alex suggests it yet again.

    It would be interesting to examine how democratic the Alba Party is.

    I would like to know if it’s really controlled by its members or controlled by Alex Salmond and his friends at the top of the party.

    How are motions to conference decided?
    Who decides who can speak at conference?

    I know Votes on motions are made by delegates, not by one-member-one-vote.

    Ordinary members don’t have a vote on NEC candidates but only on office bearers – so who chooses them?

  34. Stoker says:

    Joanna Cherry states: “People want integrity in politics & that is what we must give them.”

    Well, you need to start with your parties current leader and how he was shoehorned into position. Then address what really happened to the £600,000 fraudulently obtained from party members and foot-soldiers. That should keep you busy as a starting point. Good luck! 😉

    Folks, from a personal level, *nothing* Ash speaks of will ever take place while the Sturgeon & Murrell sockpuppet remains in post. Hoozat Useless has no integrity and wouldn’t recognise an olive-branch even if someone severely slapped him across his puss several times with it. And if Ms Cherry thinks she’s going to get near the SNP leadership she’s seriously deluded. She will be kept well away from the top table. Of that i have no doubt.

  35. lothianlad says:

    Wings remains deeply unconvinced that the SNP has any role in the future of the Yes movement. In our view the party is simply too rotten, too corrupt, too infested with careerists and worse, and – crucially – too unwilling to listen and learn even as its support melts away in droves.

    I agree with wings 100%

  36. Shug says:

    There will be no SNP vote from me until woman H is identified and jailed along with anyone else that benefited from or was involved in the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

    This act alone makes the SNP unelectable. The uk gov knows what they did and can blackmail anyone involved.

    The act was dishonest and compromises them. They cant work for undy while this stands

  37. Stephen says:

    Sadly the SNP have yet to reach the bottom. Election defeat will remove the careerists and most of the rotten core of the party. Only at that point will they hopefully come to their senses and start working with Alba to deliver independence.

    It’s that HOPE that kills you.

  38. A Scot Abroad says:

    Rather than the micro tactics of whether Alba and the SNP are spitting at each other or kissing each other, it would have been useful to ask Ash Regan what her plan is for an iScotland. You know, all of that hard stuff such as currency, central bank, trade policy and trade alliances, immigration, taxation. There’s a very long list of practical matters.:

    The sort of stuff that anyone sensible in Scotland wants to know about before ticking a box marked “Yes”.

  39. lothianlad says:

    The SNP are riddled with brit state informers and influencers. The SNP careerists and gravy train passangers have done incalcuable damage to the independence cause!

    In years to come poems and songs will be sung about this betrayal.

  40. Ian says:

    If the sheenanigans of the SNP since 2014 remain largely hidden, then I expect that the political drive for independence involving the SNP and Alba will simply result in a weakening and confused split among voters. Why have two independence parties? Would this simply be another version of the pre-2014 SNP with one being the ‘sooner’ fundamentalist party (Alba) and the other being the ‘later’ gradualist party (SNP). What is beyond doubt is that the SNP repeatedly lied about gaining independence using a referendum. They lied about it being a gold standard. They knew it would fail but kept pushing it even when it did.

    From 2015 the SNP had a staggeringly powerful case to gain independence but chose not to even try. For years. Trusting those that were and still are part of that callous deception would be political suicide for anyone seeking independence. The SNP primary plan was and is to string voters along with false hopes and it worked for far too many years. I only hope that enough of what the SNP did since 2014, but want to remain hidden, comes out and that that finally exposes them for what they were and still are. Manipulative self serving chancers with no interest in independence. To now trust the SNP’s words or promises when all the evidence indicates the opposite would be staggeringly naive. Fool me once etc.

  41. Penvelope says:

    I cannot understand why you place so much hope/ belief in Ms Regan or Alba.
    Right now Alba is basically a one man band nearing his 70 th birthday.
    They got less than 1% of the first preference vote at the last election & all the defectors have lost their seats.
    AS has been rendered toxic to most women and most importantly they have no funds to fight a meaningful campaign.
    Money honey-That’s their main problem which you’ve never addressed- you seem to comprehend the financial difficulties the SNP face but don’t address the even greater problem which Alba face??
    Political parties require to reach a critical mass which attracts funding- not just from the faithful but from the usual suspects- companies, pressure groups, rich individuals buying favours etc etc – it is thus and has always been thus.
    How do you think they can make a dent before Salmond is 80- do you think he’ll even live that long?
    As for Regan- come on – she’s just another politician who is looking out for her future- not Scotland’s- she has the charisma of a tin of tomatoes , poor orator and of limited intellect & experience.
    It’s time to reset the dial not rake over the dying embers.

  42. Antoine Roquentin says:

    “Deeply unconvinced”, how could anyone be otherwise in light of all we know about the SNP (and that’s unlikely to be the half of it). It’s not as though we’re dealing with normal people in a normal political party here. Even beginning to slightly trust the SNP would be a huge hurdle for many people: of which I’m but one.

  43. Black Joan says:

    Shug @ 3.15pm said “There will be no SNP vote from me until woman H is identified and jailed along with anyone else that benefited from or was involved in the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

    This act alone makes the SNP unelectable.”

    Absolutely necessary, but forbidden by the prevailing legal system. And if it were ever to be allowed to happen it would require a complete purge of any remnant SNP.

  44. Graeme George says:

    Israeli warplanes open up on an ambulance convoy carrying injured people including children towards Rafah border.

    This is Israel exercising it’s right to defend itself

  45. David Hannah says:

    I think we should at least try Scotland United.

    The Alba Party are not going to replace the SNP in entirety.

    It took the SNP 35 years from formation to get their first Councillor if I’m not mistaken.

    Big Eck will do it quicker. It will take 10 years or more for the Alba Party to replace the SNP in entirety.

    The way I see it, Scotland United is a win win, should the SNP choose to take it.

    They will get my vote. Allowing a loser, gimp style politician a few years on the gravy train.

    But Scottish Nationalists will have exercised our right to self determination.

    We should give the SNP, a little bit more time to come to their senses yet.

  46. Liz says:

    I will not support any ex SNP except maybe those who voted against the GRR.

    I personally believe if the likes of Wishart or any of the other troughers join with a SU, it would be to keep their noses in the trough.

    Plus I also don’t believe they will keep any promises made

  47. David Hannah says:

    Shug @ 3.15pm said “There will be no SNP vote from me until woman H is identified and jailed along with anyone else that benefited from or was involved in the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

    This act alone makes the SNP unelectable.”

    We know lady Dorian knows all about woman H. And the whereabouts of her nickers, at the party she wasn’t at! She couldn’t explain. And she had the arm in the cast.

    See the post in the other thread. The secret court report the press didn’t want you to know about.

    Aparently Woman H, was involved in the set up of the whatsapp group.

    Lady Dorian of course. She knows all this. Don’t you Lady Dorian?

    She knows all about the perjury that she’s helping to protect. She knows all about it.

    I would say that the SNPs reputation is tainted, along with Lady Dorian’s.

    We know she’ll never apologise for sending Craig Murray to jail.

    I would say, that we need to start the Male Me Too Movement. And Lady Dorian and Woman H can be up there with the face of the Male Me Too Movement. They are the problem in this country. When they lie in court and the state protects them.

    You’re right. The cabal are unelectable. I don’t blame anyone that will never vote for that shower again.

    The only person that can tell me to vote SNP is Alex Salmond. If he says vote SNP. I will.

    God bless big Eck. A hero of mine. A leader. A man I love.

  48. Stoker says:

    Here’s another thing we foot-soldiers need to see and hear but will not: A complete and utter distancing from the political prostitutes, The Scottish Greens.

    It’s a bloody liberty when some unelected chancer, from another country, can openly state that indy is not important enough to be a deal breaker. OK, not in those exact words but that was the general gist of her spouting.

    The Scottish Greens will prostitute themselves to anyone offering them a wiff at power. Slater’s words were the equivalent of The Greens turning on their red lights and flaunting themselves.

    Until i see the current SNP ending their alliance with Harvie, Slater & Co i will continue to treat the SNP with the same contempt they have shown towards indy and the Yes movement.

    There can be absolutely no place in the Yes movement for anyone treating ScotsIndy in such a dismissive fashion. Humza Yousaf recently blew his top with Ash’s defection to The ALBA Party by announcing he didn’t want anyone onboard who wasn’t interested in furthering independence.

    Lorna Slater, of The Scottish Greens, has since stated that “independence isn’t a red line which would prevent the party potentially doing a deal with Scottish Labour in the future.”

    OK Humza, the floor is yours, let’s see if you’re a man of your word or just the lying political bullshitter we know you to be.

  49. Shug says:

    Black joan @ 3.39

    Yes for as long as the establishment protect Nicola.

    But then when it is in their interest to finish off the SNP and with it Nicola they will not hesitate.

    The only thing that is certain is, westminster can be counted on to betray their useful helpers.

    To maintain their dignity they throw her under the bus and hold up their arms and say “gosh these NATs are a bunch of rotters”.

  50. sog says:

    I assume the bulk of the Alphabetties remain? Not asking names, obvsly, only know one thanks to Dani.

    The SNP’s credibility hangs substantially on this for me.

  51. Merganser says:

    Shug @ 3.15 and Black Joan @ 3.39.

    The (legal) exposure of all those involved in the Salmond persecution is absolutely required before Scottish politics can get back on an even keel. The people need to know what Sturgeon and her mates did, and how they were rewarded for it, and what the SNP have covered up. That would bring about momentous change. A way must be found of doing this.

    This subject needs to be kept in front of people, A big hitter could consider applying to Lady Dorrian to lift the gagging order in view of the disgraceful way the Alphabetties have behaved after the trial. They have been given a free hand to continue to smear Alex Salmond with impugnity.

    Even if the application failed, it would keep the matter in the public eye, and let the guilty ones know that their anonymity forever is not a foregone conclusion. Those who have been so evil deserve to have continual sleepless nights about their exposure.

    As far as Ash is concerned, in her position she cannot be as critical of the SNP as the Rev. and us can be. She has nut sunk to the type of rhetoric used by Humza, and comes across much more statesman like for it. She is playing a canny game..

    I think she knows that the SNP are done for , but her magnanimity will attract much more support and acclaim than a full frontal belly-ache about them.

    I suspect she still has strong links with some of the better people at the top of the SNP (or perhaps the less worst) and that will stand the independence cause in good stead when the the SNP finally goes belly-up.

    Let us do the ranting about the SNP and see how her tactics pay off.

  52. TenaciousV says:

    Sticking with SNP is the Definition of Insanity! Repeating the same task expecting a different result! Scotland was awakened by Indy referendum. We found out a LOT we did not know before. Many learned how Labour had screwed us over. We do not need to keep giving SNP another chance as we did Labour in Scotland for over 50 years. Come in SNP,yer times’ up!

  53. Mia says:

    “it would be advantageous for the SNP to co-operate in a Scotland United “democratic alliance” with us”

    Of course it will be advantageous for the SNP to embrace that alliance so they can secure their gravy train seats and lavish lifestyle. The question here is to what extent the pro-indy voting electorate is prepared to take the risk of watching the SNP gravy train riders abusing yet again the “democratic alliance” for their own personal benefit rather than for progressing independence.

    On the balance of probabilities, and looking at their performance for the last 9 years, it is safe to say it is far more likely the SNP will exploit that alliance to continue halting independence rather than getting up their lazy, deceiving arses to deliver it. If ALBA cannot see this, then I am sorry to say, but there is little point in listening to ALBA either.

    This “democratic alliance” appears designed to benefit the SNP. If ALBA is really independent from the SNP, then it should leave the SNP to sink in its own 9 years of detritus and get away from it as fast as it can unless it wants to be splashed with it.

    The SNP have become so untrustworthy and so undemocratic that we had Yousaf foisted as FM after the dodgiest leadership contest ever seen in politics. To top it up, as soon as he got in the driving seat, the first thing he did was to rejoice in insulting Scotland by handing the stone of destiny to the English king, so he could sit on it while being crowned with the English crown to portray the subjugation of Scotland to the English crown. If that was not enough, now, without the backing of an election, Yousaf and other colonial-minded within the SNP have self-awarded themselves the right to completely ignore our democratic mandates, change course by 180 degrees and sail at cruise speed towards devolution. In other words, purposely travelling in the diametrically opposite direction to that intended by the voters who put them in the seats they are today. This is unacceptable at every possible level and, in such circumstances, inclusion of the SNP in any pro-indy alliance would do nothing at all to highlight democratic and pro-indy credentials of such alliance and instead would tarnish them. I cannot think in a faster way of driving pro-union voters away than this.

    The chances of the SNP embracing that “democratic alliance” only to maximise their vote to secure their gravy train seats and then rub in our faces, for another 5 years, their inaction and pro-pervert policies is simply too high for it to be worth the risk.

    After 9 years of deception, the word of the SNP means nothing. Actually, it seems to mean the precise opposite of what they are telling you they will do.

    If I have to choose between potentially voting SNP and face yet another “anti-union” in name only SNP MP majority, or potentially risking losing a pro-indy MP majority by spoiling my ballot in absence of an ISP or ALBA candidate, I will choose the second option every time. 9 years of having been taken for a fool are more than enough, thank you.

    The SNP’s continuous and deliberate failure should be paid with their p45s, not another gratuitous opportunity for them to fck up for another 5 years.

    As far as I am concerned, involving the SNP in that strategy of “unity” is setting the strategy to fail and ALBA would do well to change course while they still have the opportunity to gain/keep voters’ trust. When the ship is sinking, you do not hold onto it. You swim away from it as fast as you can.

    Unity alliance or not, either there is an ISP or Alba candidate in my constituency or I will spoil my ballot. Heaven will freeze between I cast a vote for the SNP deceivers ever again.

  54. Scottydog says:

    Alba will not be credible until they stand against the SNP across Scotland. There needs to be a public Indy fight where Alba debate in every constituency pointing out the errors of the SNP. This united front is too soon, Alba need SNP voters to cross the floor also.

  55. Mia says:

    @ Mia (4:36)

    apologies for the typo.

    Where I wrote “I cannot think in a faster way of driving pro-union voters away than this” I meant to write “I cannot think in a faster way of driving pro-independence voters away than this”

  56. sarah says:

    It is solely a matter of simple arithmetic that Alba calls for a Scotland United approach.

    The Holyrood electoral system means that there have to be 2 different pro-independence parties standing – one for the constituencies and one on the regional list.

    I am sure everyone reading Wings knows this – that if a party wins many constituency seats then its list vote is reduced proportionally, which means that it is far less likely to win many list seats.

    In 2021 the SNP insisted on telling voters to vote for SNP in both constituency and list ballots. Their 1 million list votes brought them about 4 seats. If those votes had gone to Alba it would have resulted in about 30 more pro-independence seats i.e. 30 fewer Unionist MSPs.

    As the voting public don’t yet realise fully just how incompetent and malevolent the SNP leadership group is, they are likely to continue to vote for SNP constituency candidates. All we can hope for is that there are enough SNP parliamentarians with some principles [e.g. the 9 who voted against the GRR] who will make some headway in returning the party to its fundamental principle and will work with Alba and ISP, and others.

    It is a long shot but it is where we are.

  57. Geri says:

    Ian 3:31

    The recent advice Alba sought from an international lawyer stated to seek Independence & recognition it must be a cross party collective. It can’t just be one single political party. That’s why they’re trying the Scotland United route.

    I genuinely don’t see it being the SNP. Cherry already said on Alex Salmonds show she’d NOT stand on a united ticket. She wants to go it alone. I dunno what she hopes to achieve. She’ll never change the SNP from within so we can only surmise her recent *conversion therapy* meeting with Dumbza over to the compliance dept is to keep her place in Westminster & that’s all she’s interested in.

    Scotland needs various pro indy parties but it won’t be the SNP or the Unionist Greens. They need to go. They’re just a roadblock & a dead weight.

  58. David Hannah says:


    “This subject needs to be kept in front of people, A big hitter could consider applying to Lady Dorrian to lift the gagging order in view of the disgraceful way the Alphabetties have behaved after the trial.”

    Lady Dorian. She’s turning a blind eye. She’s looking away. She’s Turing a blind f*cking eye. There’s not enough brasso on Lady Dorian’s gravel to polish the stain of injustice.

    According to the secret court reporters transcript. She reprimanded woman H 4 times for trying to lead the jury. Saying she’d be in contempt.

    She witnessed perjury in front of her very eyes. And yet, she continues to turn her head.

    Nothing to see here. Sweep. Sweep. Sweep sweep.

    I know what to do. Let’s jail Craig Murray for contempt of court instead, of woman H she reprimanded 4 times for the same thing.

    Only to see Dani Garavelli, choak on her scone, during the post match anylisis on the retrial by media.

    Nothing to see here. Says lady Dorian. Sweep. sweep. Sweep. Sweep.

    What absolute disgrace from Scotland’s so called top judge.

    Set the truth free wings.

  59. Black Joan says:

    Merganser @4.17pm

    Agreed, but I doubt there is a valid procedure for anyone other than AS to challenge the anonymity order.

  60. Stoker says:

    Rev, reading this article and most of the btl comments thus far, now would be a good time for one of your polls. Ask Wingers what would make them vote again for the SNP. Give 4 or 5 options with one being never or none of the above, please state reason in btl comments. Just a bit of weekend fun. Results could be interesting.

  61. Mia says:

    “it still awaits a mass breakthrough, either in politicians crossing the floor or in the polls”

    What are the chances such breakthrough will not happen until ALBA takes the gloves off and stops the nicey nicey approach towards the SNP?

    Unless ALBA radically separates itself from the SNP, voters are going to see both parties as the exact same thing, so they may think there is little point in moving across.

    Insisting in getting the SNP in the alliance is a way of endorsing the SNP (nonexistent today) credentials on independence and democratic values.

    Personally, I think if you want to poach politicians and voters from the SNP, you have to stop the nicey nicey approach and go down the aggressive, back against the wall approach. You have to offer real choice.

    How many pro-independence voters are currently in limbo because they feel abandoned by the SNP but are not convinced ALBA is serious about pursuing independence or respecting Scotland’s popular sovereignty?

    We have seen for the last 9 years that the SNP has been far more occupied in ways to stop independence and the referendum than in delivering it. It has been more occupied in finding ways to frustrate democracy and Scotland’s popular sovereignty than endorsing it and implementing it.

    Insisting in bringing the SNP into the alliance is doing nothing to convince those voters in limbo that ALBA is serious about independence, democracy or popular sovereignty

    Just saying.

    I also disagree with Ms Regan that to achieve independence we need both the SNP and ALBA. In its present form, saying we need the SNP to progress independence is the same as saying we need Labour or Tories to progress independence. We don’t.

    I agree that to achieve independence two independence parties at least are needed. But we have those two parties: ALBA and ISP. Greens and SNP are no longer parties of independence if they ever were in the first place (Greens).

    Isn’t it time to cut the rope of false hope and move beyond the SNP?

  62. Skip_NC says:

    A Scot Abroad, you missed one vital question that Alba must – absolutely must – answer before any vote for independence. What type of alien will land on Glasgow Green to invade us after independence?

  63. Dan says:

    @ David Hannah

    If you’re a big fan of Alex then have you looked at and are you supportive of the Alba Party’s immigration policy?
    It’s a bit simplistic and tbh all a nebulous as in the current UK constitutional setup immigration is a policy reserved to London. So in my view it would be far better if there was much more detail to explain it because the fact it is so superficial and ill-defined is off putting to many Scots that I know because they seriously and justifiably question an open door immigration policy when Scotland is in no position to adequately look after many of our own folk.

  64. Mia says:

    “It is solely a matter of simple arithmetic that Alba calls for a Scotland United approach”

    And this is completely understandable, but calling for a united approach with a party who is unionist in all but in name and has forgotten what being democratic means, will do absolutely nothing to progress independence and everything to stop it. And what is worse, will do nothing at all to convince disenfranchised pro-indy voters that ALBA and the ISP are serious about independence.

    At present only the ISP and ALBA are pursuing independence, so the political unity alliance should be between those two parties.

    The most basic marketing strategy is to differentiate the brand. This means first and foremost to establish that unity alliance as THE pro-independence option in the minds of committed pro-independence voters. Second, to establish that alliance as THE pro-women option, and third, to establish that alliance as THE democratic option. This would be impossible if they have to move with the discredited SNP and Greens on tow.

    Differentiating that alliance sadly means separating it as much as possible from the SNP and Greens. Attempting to bring the SNP/Greens into that alliance is doing the exact opposite: it is diluting the alliance brand.

    We have to understand that the targeting audience for that alliance is pro-indy voters, most of whom would never consider voting labour or tories, and most of whom are totally fed up of not seeing a proper route and plan for independence laid out after 9 years of majorities and feel betrayed after years, if not decades, of campaigning and voting for the SNP.

    A diluted, softy-softy slowly-catch-the-monkey approach is not going to work with such audience. It will disenfranchise them even more.

  65. Mia says:

    “Ask Wingers what would make them vote again for the SNP”

    In my case, nothing. I will never vote for that party again.

  66. velofello says:

    Oh Penvelope – political parties require to reach a critical mass which attracts funding from companies, pressure groups …etc…to buy favours….influence?

    Would – Critical Mass Corruption – be a useful term to describe this deviation from democratic governance to a parliamentary “Who pays the piper decides the tune”? style of rule.I say rule rather than governance since the political “industry” has assumed a power of attorney that “democratically” they do not hold.

    The public’s electorate role in the his political charade is to trot along and vote, and then be denied any further engagement in the rule/governance of the country.Seems that our votes are CRITICAL but our views of no concern to our political “servants”.

    Example? The Holyrood GRR Bill forced via “the Whip” and against the clear expressed will of the public.Consider the miniscule trans activism group aided by – ” I did it for you Beth” – that MSP – ACH still sits at Holyrood, consuming our taxes as salary.

  67. David Hannah says:

    I love your posts Mia.

    I think we should try, something different. It’s what were crying out for.

    There may come a time when we’ll have to build up the Alba Party and return to our partisan ways. I can see that being the case.

    We must give the SNP as long as possible to come around to our Scotland United plan.

    Yes. It’s a devil’s choice tick a box for the SNP. The unionists will be tactically voting.

    Only under the orders of Alex Salmond. Will I vote an SNP poltician standing only in Scotland United.

    We must give the SNP just a bit more time to come around to this idea.

    I await my orders from Alex Salmond. The leader. He must come to a decision but I want to try something different. I want the next vote I cast to be my vote for Independence with Scotland United.

  68. David Hannah says:

    When Alex Salmond speaks. I listen.

  69. Dan says:

    @ Mia

    Re. Never voting for SNP again. Aye to that.
    Reasons being: Having committed a great deal of time and effort to that Party since the Sturgeon cabal took over the reins, I saw firsthand how it deteriorated and morphed into something very different from what it once was. The crushing of the grassroots membership and internal Party democracy, pushing out decent folk, and the top down dictating and control of nearly every aspect of Party business.
    That this was allowed to occur highlights that anybody in the SNP whether supportive of what was happening or not, was still effectively complicit and unwilling to take a stand against it.
    Folk jumping ship now imo just reeks of self-preservation.
    The list of triggers over the years that could and should have motivated anyone with integrity to walk out of the SNP is long. That they chose to stay in the Party is significant in highlighting a lack of spine or severe lack of awareness of what was going on to the point it is debatable that they should hold any position of office.

    A reminder that when Alba formed there was talk of maybe a dozen SNP politicians that were potentially going to jump ship, but they chose to stay with the SNP and use the SNP’s Party machinery to get elected instead. As mentioned, a great deal of stuff detrimental to the indy cause has happened in the past few years, yet still their personal gravy supply was the priority over the quest to return Scotland to self-governing status…

  70. David Hannah says:


    “If you’re a big fan of Alex then have you looked at and are you supportive of the Alba Party’s immigration policy?”

    Listening to Alex Salmond speak to the residents of the Wyndford estate warmed my heart. 600 beautiful south facing social houses lying empty. The residents I can relate to them. I loved hearing from them.

    We have a housing crisis, that will stir anti immigrant sentiment. I know it annoys me. That’s the truth. It’s upsets me that Johnny Foreigner gets to jump the housing list.

    This isn’t Albas policy. It’s my personal view.

    Massively upscale house building and stimulate the economy.

    Social housing should be the default housing normality for citizens of an Independent Scottish state.

    I would then abolish the Crown Estate and reclaim the stolen land and nautical miles by the Royal Familys ancestors.

    And then, this is just me. But I’d support building a 96 mile wall from the East to the West. To make sure that Westminster never again tries to invade and steal our natural resources.

  71. Merganser says:

    Black Joan @ 5.01.

    I think it’s too much of an ask to put this on Alex. He must be sick to the back teeth of courts, and the way he wasn’t allowed to put before the jury the evidence which would have exposed the conspiracy. Fortunately it was enough for the jury to see who is accusers were and the close knit group they were for them to realise what a put up job it was and deliver their verdicts accordingly, even without seeing all the messages which passed between them

    When the Alphabetties were going public some time ago I suggested to The Spectator that they should make another application for ammendment/cancellation of the order as it seemed grossly unfair that they could fire their (metaphorical) bullets from behind their protective shield. I received an acknowledgement, which said the appropriate person was on holiday. After that – nothing.

    There is a real public interest question involved here: do complainants in sexual cases have an absolute right to anonymity no matter what they chose to do and say, or does there come a point where justice and fairness demands that they lose their protection, because a person who was cleared by a jury cannot properly answer their continual sniping without revealing their identities.

    I think any MP or MSP would have the necessary standing to make an application to quash the anonymity order, and there is an abundance of evidence to show why it should be quashed, provided by the Alphabetties themselves in how they have abused the way they have sheltered behind the order and smeared Alex.

    It would be no use asking a mere blogger like the Rev. to do it. We know very well how bloggers are viewed compared to “real” journalists.

    No English MP has an interest in doing it. No votes in it.

    The Scottish press certainly have an interest in resolving this conundrum, but they are too cowardly to go anywhere near the subject. The English press are happy to see things as they are

    So the matter has to be tackled by a Scottish MP or MSP. It’s time for one or more of them to stand up and restore Scotland’s reputation for fairnes, openess, and democracy. If it doesn’t happen, it will forever linger in the backgroun as the greatest political travesty which ever occured in Scotland since the Scottish people were ‘bought and sold’ all those years ago.

  72. David Hannah says:


    “If you’re a big fan of Alex then have you looked at and are you supportive of the Alba Party’s immigration policy?”

    The Alba Party needs to adopt a Scotland first approach. Affordable homes for Scottish men. Scotland first.

    The SNP sadly, want to give the 5,000 illegal asylum seekers – who are not refugees fleeing conflict – a £400 per person free bus card.

    I do not support Africa first policies by the SNP/Greens. Which saw John Kerry handed £24 million for Malawi, Rwanda and Zimbabwe to level up their coal fired power stations, in the name of ‘climate justice.’

    That annoys me. That will end if I was ever in office.

    It looks like Africa is doing just fine with the false green agenda. The world’s poorest country on planet earth is building the super mega dam. The entire river Nile is being dammed. To support the entire continent with drinking water.

    They seem to be doing just fine these days.

    If I had my way. Charity starts at home for me. I want a Scotland first approach. Out of NATO. And neutral. Like the Free and neutral Switzerland that Craig Murray has escaped to via motorbike.

    Scotland like Switzerland. Has our own gold reserves. In whisky the world’s finest gold. We must protect our assets and our borders.

    We can build our own maritime sea fleet to shoot down any pirates trying to siphone off our oil.

    Hopefully it works out that way for us all.

  73. Robert McAllan says:

    Regan apparently seeks ‘a more inclusive civic nationalism’. Really? Does this suggest ALBA seek nae change in the voting franchise?

  74. Republicofscotland says:

    Good questions Rev, Ash Regan still appears to be a bit defensive or sympathetic towards her former party, I suppose that’s natural, but surely she must know the SNP with its current leader and more than a few staff/MSPs/MPs are utterly opposed to Scottish independence.

    If there’s a big clear out of SNP MSPs come 2026, then maybe they will work with Alba.

    First up though is big clear out of SNP MPs come next year.

  75. Mia says:

    “We must give the SNP as long as possible to come around to our Scotland United plan”

    Only if you want that plan to fail. The SNP have demonstrated for the last 9 years that delivering independence is the very last of their priorities. If 9 years have not been enough to get them to move nor to convince you they have no intention to deliver independence, how many more years and opportunities are you prepared to waste giving them a chance they do not intend to use?

    I am not prepared to entertain the idea of giving them another chance them for even another second.

    “Yes. It’s a devil’s choice tick a box for the SNP”
    As far as I am concerned, it is not a devil’s choice. It is a very easy choice, actually. If no ISP or ALBA candidates are standing in my constituency, my ballot will be spoiled. That is it. The SNP have not been a party of independence since 14 November 2014. Trying to portray it otherwise is, in my opinion, deceiving voters.

    “The unionists will be tactically voting”
    Tactical voting with pro-independence parties is not an opportunity we have because there are only 2 pro-independence parties: ISP and ALBA. If they join in an alliance there will be only one of them standing in a given constituency. Voting for the SNP or Greens will do absolutely nothing to progress independence and everything to stop it, so it is only tactical if you wish your votes to be misused again to preserve the union.

    Including the SNP and Greens in that alliance will not increase the number of pro-independence votes. It will decrease them because it will disenfranchise fundamentalists.

    9 wasted years is long enough and we are far too close to the next GE. Time to cut the rope.

  76. David Hannah says:

    Who can forget. The declaration of the Alba Party.


    “We hereby proclaim the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs, and declare and pledge that in all our actions their interests shall be paramount.

    We further declare and pledge that our deliberations shall be directed to the following ends:

    To assert the sovereign right of the Scottish people acting through their Parliament to secure independence.

    To mobilise Scottish and international opinion to ensure that this right is respected and acted upon.

    “For in truth it is not glory, or riches, or honours for which we are fighting but for liberty – for that alone, which no honest person gives up but with life itself”

    Delivered by ALBA this 6th day of April 2021”

    Alex Salmond.

  77. Sven says:

    Merganser @ 18.10

    I fear it won’t be an MSP who discloses information about the A Salmond stitch up, as the devolved administration at Holyrood do not enjoy the “Parliamentary Privilege” in place at Westminster.
    In fact, they are not even covered by the Public Interest Disclosure Act, 1998, so it seems unlikely that any of them, from any Party, will risk prosecution.

  78. ronald says:

    Ash Regan is wonk thunk if she promotes unification of Alba/Snp . Let the Snp reap what they sowed ( & that was division within the Yes movement )

    Rust in pieces ya two faced fuckers .

  79. Mac says:

    SNP = Damaged Goods

  80. Dan says:

    @ David Hannah

    It’s not just a housing crisis though. The whole economic situation is not conducive to being able to look after our own folk first. Folk with housing can still struggle to afford to heat the place.
    Our health services are also struggling to treat folk in a timely manner.
    Established businesses also have issue having to compete with under the radar operations that don’t have to deal with the extra burdens and cost obligations of conforming to proper licensing and operational constraints, taxation matters, and insurances.
    We’re often talking many thousands of pounds of extra costs for businesses to properly conform and operate. I have assisted a few businesses in a voluntary capacity to help guide them through the seemingly endless myriad obligations they have to deal with. There is just no way some of the immigrants with limited understanding of our language and the rules are conforming to the same obligations as the businesses I have helped. This creates justifiable resentment because some of these immigrants are gaining advantage over law abiding Scots.

    So I again ask, how can a Party hold a badly defined pro-immigration policy position without having full control and oversight of all the levers of power to properly steer the course to improve our society. The answer of course is that it can’t until Scotland returns to self-governing status, so it’s currently just a catchy virtue signalling soundbite to lob a “pro-immigration policy” into a constitution or manifesto at this point in time.

    And on the subject of ongoing immigration and seeing as Mia is posting, it is worth recalling the scenario highlighted in past posts. Where’s that census data…

    link to

    link to

    Plus this article.

    link to

  81. robertkknight says:

    “both Alba and the SNP are crucial to Scotland regaining national statehood”…

    just not the current SNP, which is wedded to Westminster’s funding stream and is far more interested in the SNP than in independence for Scotland – which wasn’t always the case, and certainly wasn’t when I was a member.

    Thinking about it, the only thing that hasn’t changed since 2015 is the party name. The rest… unrecognisable!

    Amazing how a movement can become a party only to then morph into a business, run by self-serving “professionals” who treat voters as “consumers”, then proceed to treat those same “consumers” with a level of contempt that’d make Gerald Ratner blush.

    Independence for Scotland!
    SNP OUT!

  82. Merganser says:

    Sven @ 6.35.

    I think you have mis-understood what I am suggesting. I would like an MP or MSP to make an application to the court to lift the anonymity order in view of the way it has been abused.

    I am not suggesting that any MP or MSP should just stand up and disclose the identities. No -one will do that.

    But if the court which made the order was persuaded that the complainants had abused the order to such an extent that they should lose their anonymity, that would provide the necessary authorisation to name them.

    Any MP or MSP who is genuinely interested in Scotland’s future rather than there own cosy existence should be champing at the bit to have a go at this. The fact that they have all, every single one, done nothing whatsoever to redress this national outrage shows just what a lot of wastrels are representing us.

  83. blue white dynamite says:

    My sister works with Scottish Prisons and has had a few dealings with Ash Regan in the past, I suppose when she was the community safety officer. She says she’s pretty and she knows it, and was more interested in her expensive shoes, than she was with the matters she was supposed to be dealing with when Scottish Prisons were melting down last year. As a member of Alba myself, I have not been particularly impressed with her – her public speaking lets her down – she just feels like another career politician – more interested in being famous and being on the telly, and this stinks of jumping before she was pushed, but time will tell. I hope I am wrong. I suppose its good that Alba have their first MSP, but I dont feel she has the mettle needed to win over the doubters and turn the party into a real political force.

  84. David Hannah says:

    Dan: re. Alba Party pro immigration.

    “it’s currently just a catchy virtue signalling soundbite to lob a “pro-immigration policy” into a constitution or manifesto at this point in time.”

    Well we want Independence. I want the benefits of Independence. I want our fisherman to protect their fishing stocks.

    And I want us to adopt a neutral position on foreign policy.

    I don’t think we should be part of NATO. I know the Alba Party position is to leave NATO. I support that.

    I would abolish the Royal family and reclaim the 12 nautical miles of Crown Estate sea beds. That sturgeon gave away in the reverse auction. That’s the real problem for me.

    We can have land reform with Independence and even today. Reclaiming the stolen land.

    As for immigration. Build more homes and I won’t have a problem with 5,000 illegals.

    If I had my way. I’d build the 96 mile great wall of Scotland, and partition Bewick upon tweed. After the whole town votes to join an Independent Scottish state. Free from Westminster control.

    Never again, will Winston Churchill send his tanks north to George Square to quash the spirit of the working class.

    As for a naval fleet. Well, they can protect our fishing stocks. From the French trawlers trying to steal our catch.

    We can patrol the north sea is psychopath club in nato so wish us to do. We can make sure no Russian subs are going to sabotage our pipelines or wires.

    We know they hate pipelines so much that the Russians blow up their own. Yeah right!

  85. Andrew scott says:

    I think you will find that inhabitants{ of Scottish Borders and Dumfries who voted strongly
    NO in 2104 will want to be on the Ruk side of any mythical wall

  86. A Scot Abroad says:

    It will be interesting to see if Alba start taking members and their money away from the SNP, or attracting large donations. Having such a small number of elected representatives means no Westminster Short money, or much in the way of office support grants. Ultimately, to become a political force, a party needs money to pay for staff and policy development.

  87. Dan says:

    @ David Hannah

    Aye, Scotland should be able to defend itself fairly cheaply as the yoons say we have nothing of any value here, so raises the question of why would anybody go to the bother of invading us.
    I mean the yoons keep telling us the oil and gas is running out, plus nobody is going to steel the leccy because of Ohm’s law and they can make it in their own land anyway.
    Maybe Norway has the ultimate passive defence strategy, charge 15 quid for a pint and serve pickled herring rollmops. Soldiers of foreign lands thinking of invading will be like “Fuck that!”

  88. sarah says:

    @ Mia: “..calling for a united approach with a party that is unionist in all but name…will do absolutely nothing to progress independence…”.

    Of course I agree with your analysis and your feelings given the way the SNP is in thrall to a corrupt leadership. I just think that the voters and the ordinary members are not corrupt and are all as desperate for independence as we are so IF [and it is a gigantic IF] the members managed to get rid of their shackles and ousted the control and other freaks currently deciding who and what the party did, then it is a quicker route to progress on independence than waiting for the voters to see the light and vote for ISP, Alba and other independence parties.

    I don’t belong to any party but send small donations to ISP and Alba from time to time. So I am not privy to why Alba propose Scotland United – it just seems to me that the electoral system arithmetic requires some alliance. I would prefer that ISP and Alba be the partners in that alliance given the current personnel in SNP Holyrood and Westminster.

    However I am not enamoured of all of Alba’s policies. For example their view that the Sovereign People express their wishes through the Scottish Parliament. Perhaps in the current situation that is necessary but I would prefer that the Scottish Parliament be explicitly recognised by Alba as subordinate to the Sovereign People.

    And “civic nationalism” – I never liked that when the SNP said it and I still don’t like it. It needs to be defined so we know what is being intended. It smacks of doing nothing to limit who gets to vote on our constitutional status.

  89. A Scot Abroad says:

    David Hannah.

    Scotland can’t even build two miserable ferries. How do you think Scotland is going to build ships with the sophistication to detect, find, and chase away Russian submarines?

    There will be precious few Scots currently serving in the Royal Navy who would want to join your little coastal patrol force. There are more Irish in the British military than there are in the entire Irish Defence Force, simply because it’s more interesting work. I don’t see why that would be any different in iScotland.

  90. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Wouldn’t it be great, if an about-to-retire MP (David Davis?) used parliamentary privilege to name the alphabetties in his final speech in the HOC?

    The fallout from that info would be cataclysmic, would be plastered all over the MSM, both paper, online and TV, and would make the Scottish public aware of the Sturgeon-inspired plot to “Get Salmond”.

    I can name 4 of them, worked out from the MSM on the web. When you look at the history of “H”, prior to the Salmond ‘complaints’, you can see the truth in the old adage, ‘hell has no fury like a woman scorned’.

    You can’t but wish that the truth will out.

  91. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi A Scot Abroadat 7:35 pm

    You typed,
    “Scotland can’t even build two miserable ferries.”

    Correction. The current Scottish government and the current management of CMAL “can’t even build two miserable ferries.”

    There is plenty Scottish expertise available regarding ferry building but the 2 named entities are loath to utilise it. Why?

  92. Sven says:

    Merganser @ 19.00

    You’re correct,Mergster, my misunderstanding, apologies.

  93. Merganser says:

    Brian Doonthetoon @ 7.46pm.

    If only! What a farewell gift it would be to Scotland to enable it to draw a line under the whole torrid affair,

  94. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The same ‘space’ I’ve posted the link for previously is back up again. Powerful stuff.

    link to

  95. robertkknight says:

    Andrew scott says at 7:21 pm

    “I think you will find that inhabitants{ of Scottish Borders and Dumfries who voted strongly NO in 2104 {sic} will want to be on the Ruk side of any mythical wall”.

    Well, Andrew scott, you and others like you will be free to pack your bags, put your house on the market and flit south to find somewhere nice to call home in Englandshire…

    Don’t let the door skelp your arse etc.

  96. Alf Baird says:

    robertkknight @ 6:45 pm

    “Amazing how a movement can become a party only to then morph into a business”

    According to Frantz Fanon, the problem with the nationalist parties is they copy their methods from those of the colonial political parties. They fail to direct their propaganda at the right people, which is the most oppressed native group.

    Instead, the middle class national party elites direct their attention toward those like them who are the most pampered elements of colonial society; they think they are ‘soft No’s’ but the fear of this group is always too much to embrace the liberation challenge.

    The focus must shift toward the more oppressed elements of colonial society as the base of the independence movement, and the message has to be re-drafted to fit their lived reality, an thair ain langage an aw. This is beyond the SNP, others need to pick up the baton.

  97. John Main says:

    @David Hannah

    5000 illegals

    You wish!

    More like 5000 a week.

  98. David Hannah says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Wouldn’t it be great, if an about-to-retire MP (David Davis?) used parliamentary privilege to name the alphabetties in his final speech in the HOC?”

    The secret court reporters transcript the media doesn’t want you to know about.

    Woman H:

    “I have a plan and means we can be anonymous but see strong repercussions”

    Summary to the prosecution evidence. Rebuttal by different defence witnesses.

    The first charge was rebutted by the witnesses own statements to the police . She made 4 statements and in the first she had her underwear on.

    In the second her underwear was round her knees. The third it was round her ankles and the fourth it was somewhere on the floor.

    The defence later proved using three differeent diarys that there was no time during the dates in the charge
    It also came out in her evidence that she had been party to setting up the whatsapp group that went trawling for other people one who became a complainant after ” not having realised that it was sexual assault until the police turned up at her door to tell her that it had been reported to them that she had been sexually assaulted.

    The judge reprimanded her 4 times for trying to lead the jury
    eventually threatening her with contempt if she didnt stop it.

    The second charge was blown out of the water by a current friend of hers who was present at the dinner with the celebrity the night the second alleged assault had taken place.

    The witness who is a well known business woman stated that it was only her and the celebrity and ALex at the dinner as was corroborated by the private chefs dinner diary from that evening. Moreso the blatant lie was proved to have been taken from Alex book to get details of the evening where reference was made to a womans football internaytional the following day that Tasmina Ahmed Sheik was due to attend but had to call off due to the sudden death of her father which WItness H would have known about IF SHE HAD BEEN AT THE DINNER OR THE FOOTBALL GAME THE FOLLOWING DAY.

    Also the description given of the woman at the dinner by the celebrity forgot to mention something that would be noticeable to anyine not accompanied by a labrador

    (1) and (2) Woman H had not hurt her arm fighting Alex Salmond off but broken in in a cycling accident and it was in plaster. Something that the celebrity completely missed out in his description if the woman he met that night. Something that you would remeber having had dinner with the First Minister and a lady companion. She never did explain who he managed to remove her clothes whilst she had an arm in a cast.

    I overheard Sarah Smith say to her cameraman outside that there was no way the jury would convict him on her evidence as can be witnessed from the viddeo i made just after hearing it.

    There was other evidence given that I cant say as it would lead to jigsaw identification of the witness but if she appears in Kirsty Warks video I will tie it to this post

  99. David Hannah says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Wouldn’t it be great, if an about-to-retire MP (David Davis?) used parliamentary privilege to name the alphabetties in his final speech in the HOC?”

    Woman H is a bunny boiler. And she’s escaped justice for too long.

    It seems that our own lawyers in Scotland have no spine to set the truth free.

    Journalists are jailed. While criminals walk Scotland’s streets.

    And all taking place. Under the nose. And watching eye. Of Lady Dorian.

    Lady Dorian. Who wants to abolish juries because she doesn’t like the result of juries, in the case of Stuart Hogg. Her team let them go. Making a mockery of her meddling in Scottish Legal.

    And there’s the jailing of journalist Craig Murray. For telling the truth. She’s turned Scotland into a pariah kingdom.

    Yet is happy to reprimand woman H 4 times during the Alex Salmond trial for contempt of court.

    And says absolutely nothing about it.

    She’s tainted in my opinion. She’s tainted the seat of Lord Justice Clerk.

  100. John Main says:

    Innarestin to hear oor very ain pretendy FM HY on the BBC at T time.

    He was telling a yawning world about how his in laws had suffered weeks without electricity, erratic water, and scarce food.

    Great, I thought. If he won’t listen to us Sovereign Scots, maybes he will listen to his in laws, especially if Mrs Y gets in on the act. His government’s insane objections to oil & gas development, over taxation of individuals and businesses, criminally inept wasting of taxpayer’s receipts, and general inability to achieve anything practically useful what so ever, is putting our own first-world comforts at risk.

    Throw in his pet project of importing another one or two million useless eaters and all of us will be suffering erratic water, electricity and food supplies.

    Maybes HY should take some permanent time out to counsel his traumatised in laws. Then we can get a Scottish FM who will actually do the job us Sovereign Scot taxpayers are already bankrolling.

  101. moixx says:

    Mia @ 5.34pm

    “Second, to establish that alliance as THE pro-women option…”

    Must admit, I’m not overly impressed with Alba’s policy on gender issues. They’re suggesting a ‘citizens’ assembly on how best to reform the Gender Recognition process’ which feels a bit like can-kicking to me. And the ISP policy is fairly weak too (they oppose self-id).

    It’s time this issue was dealt with robustly, but the approach by both parties doesn’t feel like nearly enough.

  102. Big Jock says:

    There is no going back. Once a brand is tainted, the public can no longer support them. It takes decades to build a strong trustworthy reputation.

    Sturgeon destroyed the SNP brand from within. She was the Trojan Horse. She will be remembered as someone who ended a hugely successful party. Someone who may have actually stopped independence from ever happening. That is her legacy. Who the fuck is she?

    I am not convinced that independence will ever happen now. The unionists have trapped Scotland. No-one seems to have any coherent plan to get us out of the morass.

    The SNP will disband after the General Election humiliation. What will be left will be like Custers last stand. All the troughers will try and save themselves.

    Scotland is the victim of all these selfish bastards actions. They sold us out, betrayed their oaths and failed every single one of us.

  103. John Main says:


    Dinna be daft.

    Even you have already acknowledged that just about all the resources that will make iScotland rich are offshore, sometimes hundreds of miles over the horizon.

    The infrastructure to harvest these resources costs billions. It needs to be protected. No commercial organisation will invest the necessary development funds if there is no credible policy to protect the infrastructure from hostile actors.

    Either the iScotland state will have that capability in house, or iScotland will pay others to do it on our behalf. My money is on the latter, and I expect it will be rUK military assets we will hire.

  104. sarah says:

    We will just have to press on with through Salvo. At least every step is progress and is organised by highly principled folk who want the Sovereignty of the People restored and the politicians subject to the People.

  105. John Main says:

    @Alf 8:16

    If you want to pick up the baton and pitch for membership of the vanguard of the proletariat, fill your boots.

    Just be mindful of how that worked out for the intelligentsia, last time around.

    BTW, how does a professor’s “lived reality” compare with that of the “more oppressed members of colonial society”? I have picked up from your writings that you feel doonhauden within the Scottish tertiary educational establishment. But do you truly believe your predicament resonates much with, for example, an unemployed third generation miner from Cowdenbeath?

    I think the member’s of Scotland’s colonially oppressed communities will see the university-educated elite as part of the problem, not the solution. Even if the members of that elite are fluent in Scots.

    Why do I think that? Because history teaches us that is usually how revolutions work out.

  106. Andrew scott says:

    At robert night
    You obviously wear rose coloured glasses
    You wont mind if the population who dont wear rose coloured glasses say scotland will be a complete disaster when,independent under the snpeeee ,leave to pay less tax cheeper booze
    To a land that believes a man is a man and a woman is a woman unlike the snpeee and their green friends
    Good luck with that

  107. Geri says:

    The coherent plan is simple:

    50%+1 & we’re out.

    It’s over, finto, get yer coat.

    In order for that to happen we need a giant who won’t fold like a cheap suit to call it & tell them to go fck themselves if they offer trinkets.

    The time for sec 30 & polite conversation is over.

    I agree with Alf. The parties need to look down from the Mollies of this world. There’s no appeasing them as they’ll always prioritize their stash of pretty ribbons & sugar cubes. They’re not the voters. The Independence voters are the ones that have fck all & are hoping for change. I remember Tommy Sheridan during indyref banging on about this & he was so right. There were no Mollies to be found in George Square in 2014. Just a sea of ordinary folks who were desperate to better their lot in life.

    Yes voters need to get behind Alba immediately. Once the impending election is over then hopefully they’re on a sure footing to work with other smaller pro indy for Holyrood 2026..

    If not, it’s yoons in charge & they WILL shut the YES movement down by passing shit in WM unopposed.

    The SNP & the Greens need to go.

  108. Geri says:


    I agree regards Salvo & Liberation.

    Someone needs to call a convention.
    Not sure if Alba has already done this?

  109. A Scot Abroad says:

    John Main,

    it would be an extremely complicated “negotiation” with rUK about hiring military assets. Bottom line, U don’t think there would be a deal as you suggest.

    Some elements of difficulty:

    Legal: under whose authority are they operating if they need to board an illegal trawler? Prosecute a submarine contact?

    Equipment: How much is Scotland willing to pay for the use of a Type 23 frigate? A type 45 destroyer? An Astute class submarine? A Typhoon jet? A fully integrated air defence system, and the associated command and control that keeps hostile submarine and bombers away. It’s that level of high end that iScotland would need.

    The kit exists, no doubt some would be demanded as part of a divorce agreement but if granted, then you’d need Scottish crews, based in Scotland. But most of the enabling facilities (maintenance, training, basing, radars, and so on) are in England. Nothing anti-Scottish about that by England, it’s a legacy from WW2 when the threat was to the south and east of UK. Most Scots in the forces wouldn’t want to be part of a small little defence force, they’d apply to transfer to the rUK forces, because it’s a better career. I never met a Scots nationalist in my Regiment over 20 years. Even the Roman Catholics from Glasgow. It will be the same in the Navy and RAF. I have met a couple of Irish fast jet pilots in the RAF, who joined because they could, and Ireland couldn’t offer them fast jets to fly.

    Finance. Can iScotland afford it? Ireland can’t, and Ireland is financially far better off than Scotland.

  110. Aberdeen70 says:

    Did you see this Stu, Ipso media watchdog has rejected Kirsty Blackman’s ludicrous complaint about Joanna Cherry and the National….

    link to

  111. John Main says:

    @Geri 9:31

    desperate to better their lot

    Try showing us all the money.

    Convince enough of us, and your majority for Yes will follow. As surely as night follows day.

    In your own time now …

  112. A Scot Abroad says:


    The “coherent plan” is nuts, and would be completely ignored by everyone from the UN to London via the EU.

  113. Geri says:

    All the yoons with their bells of doom..

    Remember, the Union loves us. If we find we’ve made a mistake I’m sure they’ll be glad to take us back.

    We can always hold another election to rejoin. Simples.

  114. Geri says:

    It isn’t nuts.

    It’s exactly the advice of a respected lawyer on international law.

    50%+1 & as a collective or through a convention.

    Instantly reconsider by EVERYONE outside of the UK who hold absolutely ZERO power over Scotland & her territory. Even the SC decision recognised that fact. It would seriously alter the UK relationship.

    It’s only frantic yoons who scaremonger.
    The International community recognises democracy.
    States recognise other States. Not permission slips.

    Is the UK gonna object? I don’t think so. They’d be internationally shamed even more than they are now. Plus, they’d want their share over the spoils.

  115. Johnlm says:

    Nice to see Fran and Anna back together again.

  116. Shug says:

    What the bulk if the snp fail to realise is that they are now A joke.

    Watch people’s reaction just say ferries gender rights bottle return or campervan. Also more recently whatsapp messages

    It is impossible to return from being the but if the joke. Ask david steel, or tony blair

    They are toast

  117. John Main says:


    Sure, it would be pricy.

    But just going with the flow on here, iScotland will be rich, and rUK will be skint. It’s a marriage made in heaven.

    Bottom line, that billions of dollars worth of offshore infrastructure can’t be left undefended. And again going with the flow, iScotland will be selling vast amounts of surplus electricity to rUK. They won’t put their eggs in our basket if we can’t guarantee continuity and security. And if rUK won’t buy our surplus leccie, who will?

    It’s a no brainier IMO. Of course, the very idea will have the ideological purists foaming at the mouths.

    But the ideological purists have had 10 years with their lunacies, and the results are all around for us to see. Indy, if it ever comes, is going to belong to the sane realists.

  118. Johnlm says:

    “Remember the rules, Brian, rich countries pay in, poor countries hold their national hands out, and we will be a rich country.”
    John Main @10pm 16 August 2023

  119. Anton Decadent says:

    @JohnIm, soon to be rewritten as Frank and Anna.

    I met them once, they came up and said hello to me in the street. They were wearing matching tartan dresses. Early 1980’s. Things were crunchier in the old days.

  120. A Scot Abroad says:

    No Geri, 50%+1 UDI is absolutely nuts, and for some very simple reasons.

    Money. Nobody is going to invest in Scotland if some painted Braveheart loons in the West of Scotland think that they’ll pull out of every single international deal they’ve got as part of the UK. It’s nuts because the Scottish financial institutions would collapse the day the 50%+1 result is called: they wouldn’t have a lender of last resort, and would have to cease financial activities in Scotland. By law. It’s nuts because there’s no currency, and no central bank. It’s nuts because it would destroy businesses across Scotland, 70% of whose exports go to England, and there’d be no trade deal in place. It’s nuts because people wouldn’t be able to pay their mortgages. It’s nuts because anyone with any intelligence and portable talent would leave Scotland. It’s nuts because it would put Scotland thousands of miles away from being able to qualify for membership of things like the EU. It’s nuts because nobody would lend to Scotland that has just demonstrated that it will walk away from debts and international law.

    It’s also nuts because if the 50%+1 prospect was seriously threatened, then every single No voter would turn out, and because the half of Yes voters who are not unintelligent painted Bravehearts singing in George Square wouldn’t endorse it, so you’d never get anywhere close to 50%+1.

    It’s nuts all round, and intelligent people know it. So you go out and paint your face blue, and shout and sing with other nutters in George Square. Just don’t ever expect to achieve 50%+1.

  121. Alf Baird says:

    John Main @ 9:15 pm

    “BTW, how does a professor’s “lived reality” compare with that of the “more oppressed members of colonial society”?”

    Not all academics come from privileged backgrounds, a few (professors) have working class roots, though they may have been refused a place at ‘elite’ universities because they never went to a private school. However, they will have insights as to forms of oppression in a colonial society that the more pampered privileged classes do not.

  122. Geri says:

    “Make a unilateral declaration of independence. This requires a clear majority of people representing Scotland to indicate their approval ***but it should not be done by the Scottish Parliament, as the latter is within UK domestic law.*** This could be done, for example, through a convention of elected and diverse representatives from across Scotland with a clear majority in favour. This approach relies for its effectiveness on the recognition by States of the Statehood of Scotland (Paragraph 135 b).”

    Straight from an international lawyer.

    & why a convention is top priority along with Salvo & Liberation.

    As I’ve said on twitter before, I disagree on the Holyrood approach because it’s only an administration – a branch office under WM control & a domestic setting.

    The recognised *seat of power* is Westminster. Alba & any independent minded party need to throw everything behind the next general election – unfortunately it’s just at a time when ppl are sick to death of grifters lording it up in Westminster & now want to vote no one to go there at all.

  123. Johnlm says:

    @Anton decadent.

    Our BTL tribute band wear tartan microshorts I hear.

    My brush with greatness is that my Great aunt’s brother’s wife got knocked down by a Bay City Roller.
    Anyone want my autograph?

  124. Geri says:


    I wonder when Stu is going to put you on moderation for your constant sniping & personal attacks? It’s long overdue.

    Nutters, loons, braveheart..yawn.

    Btl is turing into a Britnat playground.

  125. John Main says:

    Woo, johnlm dipping into his archive of my posts. Guess I should be flattered at this level of obsession.

    Love to debate johnlm, but my hands are all soapy. From doing the washing up, so don’t get excited.

  126. Anton Decadent says:


    I don’t think that one can be beat.

  127. A Scot Abroad says:

    Your international lawyer is wrong. That’s par for the course: 50% of all lawyers are wrong when it comes to settling things in court. But he won’t care, lawyers are like ladies of the night: if you pay them enough, they’ll say and do anything you want them to say or do. It’s part of the job spec of being a lawyer. In this case, he was paid by Alba to say something that the rather useless Alba wanted him to say. And then he walked off with a cheque in his pocket.

    Even I can see where he’s starting to go wrong. A UDI by a Convention isn’t within U.K. domestic law.

    UDI is a completely nuts idea. It would destroy Scotland.

  128. Kcor says:

    “In truth, Wings remains deeply unconvinced that the SNP has any role in the future of the Yes movement. In our view the party is simply too rotten, too corrupt, too infested with careerists and worse, and – crucially – too unwilling to listen and learn even as its support melts away in droves.”

    “But Regan makes a rational case for co-operation, and maybe we’re wrong.”

    You are only wrong in thinking that Regan makes a rational case for co-operation.

    Regan should be as deeply unconvinced about the SNP as you are.

    Her case is just politics.

    It was once my opinion that Scotland would never become independent as long as Pravda GB existed.

    Since the betrayal by the biggest betrayer in Scottish history, it has been my opinion that Scotland will never become independent as long as the SNP, and its rotten to the core MPs and MSPs, and Pravda GB exist.

    I don’t trust Regan one bit either.

    She knew perfectly well following the result of the leadership election that there was no hope in hell of mending the SNP from within.

    What made her wait so long?

  129. Kcor says:

    Mungo Armstrong says:
    3 November, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    “Joanna cherry’s “ swing into line behind Humza Yousaf ” doesn’t surprise me one bit. I’m a taxi driver and picked up Joanna last summer, I won’t go into the detail of the conversation but she definitely didn’t strike me as someone who’s main priority was Scottish Independence. Her political career sensed to be the main focus.”

    Totally agree and I have been pointing this out for a long time.

    She has not done a single thing in favour of independence since becoming an MP.

    Fat good it did for independence to get the Westminster parliament recalled to discuss Brexit.

  130. A Scot Abroad says:


    that’s entirely up to Rev Stu. But consider this: if a concept is nuts, then people who advocate it could be fairly described as nutters. If I’m regularly called a Yoon, a derivative of loon, then it’s not that wrong to retort. Would you prefer that I used the word Noon to describe Nationalists? And Braveheart is all that those wandering around with saltires and painted faces want to emulate.

    As I understand matters here on WoS, BTL is a place for debate. It’s not an echo chamber.

  131. Gordon says:

    People, please stop engaging with ascot, a broad, a better name for him is the crown’s clown- ideal material to replace Dross. Only yesterday he was claiming BRICS GDP 10% of the global total,when the reality is that it’s GDP is greater than the G7 and that’s before the OPEC nations that he denigrates start trading through the BRICS financial system.

    His comments on Scotland having a central bank are even more ludicrous – with the advent o digital currencies, Scotland could form its own central bank right now in partnership with Ripple inc, using the £ as the base currency. To become an international CBDCit would simply choose a different base currency in a distributed database and switch on the ramps to other countries’ CBDCs

  132. Gordon says:

    I forgot my new strapline for ASA – OAAAAA. Stick a comma in after letter 3 as a clue. I promise Lady Dorrian wont prosecute if you get it right!

  133. John Main says:

    Sure, there was a wee bit of face painting in Braveheart, but there was far more erse painting.

    True Scots paint their erses. Then we can go about our daily routines without the colonialist oppressors twigging our rebellious, true nationalist natures.

    Paint yer erse blue – unleash yer inner outlaw – Freedoooommmmmm!!!!

  134. Johnlm says:

    Just been watching film from Gaza.
    Zionists are disgusting.

  135. John Main says:


    An alert poster would not have chosen the day a bitcoin peddling billionaire went down for a multi-decade stretch to claim iScotland should embrace digital currencies.

    Best you find a better idea for iScotland’s currency.

  136. Johnlm says:

    An alert poster would know the difference between a CBDC and a Bitcoin.

  137. Mark Beggan says:

    Everybody knows.

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
    Everybody knows that the captain lied
    Everybody got this broken feeling
    Like their father or their dog just died
    Everybody talking to their pockets
    Everybody wants a box of chocolates
    And a long-stem rose
    Everybody knows

  138. Geri says:

    ‘I’m regularly called a Yoon, a derivative of loon’

    Just for the benefit of onlookers ..

    Yoon = Unionist.

    Shortened to Yoon for Twitter purposes of limited characters.

    It’s not difficult, ASA, stop inventing shite.

    As for yer guff about you knowing better than an international lawyer who has presented cases to ICJ on international law..

    LOL!! Sit down FFS!

  139. Geri says:


    What special currency do you use cause all of them are digital.

    It’s very easy. Common weal even has various vids on setting up both a new currency & a central bank.
    Scotland has set them up before eh?

    That’s yer trouble. There’s oodles of info out there should you wish to educate on *showing you the money* as well as 12 yrs worth of Wings articles. The very site yer posting no one is showing you anything lol

    Reminds me of that brill batshit crazy tweet from batshit Jill from butterfly rebellion ..

    ‘Nats never answer all my questions’
    & then pasted a looooong list of all her questions being answered LOL

    I think I have that bookmarked somewhere..

    I think yoons need reminded that support for indy isn’t going away. A fact they continually miss when they issue insults about how nuts the idea is.

  140. A Scot Abroad says:


    What is it that I’m inventing?

    If you have the intellect, tell me where you think I’m going wrong in my deconstruction of your 50%+1 at every election, and how I think that would be so financially destructive of Scotland. At the moment, you have done nothing more than write a trite little slogan. You haven’t actually issued an argument as to why that would work, and I’m wrong.

    Maybe you can’t?

  141. Geri says:

    I don’t need to.

    You are moaning on a website that has literally answered
    every single question on Independence for over 12 yrs on every. Single. Topic.
    Every. Single. Invented problem.

    From oil to enclave. From currency to the batshit crazy notions of yoons.

    Use the search bar, simples.

    Why do you require spoon feeding? Do you need it spelled out to you from the BBC?

    Democracy is very simple. Majority rules.
    A majority can declare UDI after a democratic event. Elections are a democratic event.
    That’s how it works.
    It’s internationally recognised as “the settled will of the majority”
    Regardless of what fuckwits say.

    You are a democracy denier. We can’t help you with that. Yer on the wrong site. Try the Daily Fail or the BBC.

  142. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeon is tangling herself in her own web.

    It seems she can’t confirm or deny the existence of whatsapp messages unlike everyone else.

    Why lie Nicola? What have you got to hide?

    The inquiry has revealed that horrible slimeball Matt Handcock wanted to decide who lived and died.

    I wonder what your messages are saying Nicola?

    Send in the cops boys.

  143. David Hannah says:

    link to

    Matt Handcock on he who dares wins. It looks like he’s came face to face with Lady Dorian. Ahaha.

  144. A Scot Abroad says:


    I’ve looked at some of those counter-arguments that you suggest that are hosted on WoS. The vast majority are uninformed, simplistic, unrealistic, and won’t work in the world as it is. They’re almost entirely a nonsense, credible only to the gullible. Which is why nobody external to the pro-Indy movement takes them seriously.

    Turning to UDI, can you point to any examples of where that has previously worked in the world? Perhaps over the last 100 years. There are a few, but all of them characterised by being geographically remote from the country they were declaring independence from. That ain’t the case with Scotland.

    Since de-colonisation, when geographic remoteness was common, it’s a declining trade. It’s basically now either civil war and bloodshed (Ireland in the 1920s is an example), or just being ignored (Catalunya in the last decade). That’s the reality.

  145. Breeks says:

    The problem with the SNP’s corruption is the extent to which it remains undefined. All the grubby evidence is suppressed, few of the “names” are ever named, few of the “deeds” are subjected to proper scrutiny. This is not accidental. This is being orchestrated and prolonged because it suits the interests of the UK Establishment who want Scottish Independence to fail.

    This is why the air of corruption lingers like a bad smell, and we never ever get to the bottom of the skullduggery. We’re not meant to.

    We, the people, are not in control of this. We, the people, are being spoon fed another’s agenda.

    It’s easy to blame Sturgeon as the midwife who delivered the NuSNP, but Nicola Sturgeon has neither the intellect nor the strategic competence to engineer the SNP’s downfall and dismantling of the YES movement. Yousaf has those same deficiencies, and the real is for us is that we need to know who it is who can exploit those deficiencies.

    There is something very “British” about giving the electorate a choice between candidate A and candidate B, when both candidates are simply two cheeks of the same arse. It’s not a choice, but an illusion of choice. The true power, the “Establishment”, lies elsewhere.

    In swapping Sturgeon for Yousaf, the SNP simply swapped one sock puppet for another, and it is telling that perhaps the only issue which survived the transition intact and unaltered was the SNP’s visceral hatred of ALBA and everything ALBA stood for. Strange priorities you’d think, unless you’re a rabid Unionist.

    If you’re a true Independence supporter, the SNP’s bitter antithesis towards ALBA doesn’t make rational sense, while in contrast, ALBA’s aspirations to steer the SNP back towards the path on enlightenment is sincere, although that sincerity seems increasingly naive and misplaced.

    The SNP doesn’t know what to do about Independence except vilify the other Independence bodies, (not just ALBA) who do. It is that intrinsic hostility towards the wider YES movement which erodes trust in the SNP, because if you’re not one of those bastards responsible for the corruption, then you’re one of those too dumb to recognise what’s been done to the SNP. Either way, you’re not much good to the cause.

    I fully understand the Scotland United strategy, and I support it. The concept is sound, or would be, IF it was creating a united front and common cause for Scottish Independence, but it just won’t work if it’s uniting one community which wants Independence with another community which manifestly doesn’t.

  146. Geri says:

    “The vast majority are uninformed, simplistic, unrealistic, and won’t work in the world as it is. They’re almost entirely a nonsense, credible only to the gullible. Which is why nobody external to the pro-Indy movement takes them seriously”

    You saying all of Wings articles are entirely nonsense?

    Then why are you here? Why don’t you start yer own Yoon website & put the world bang to rights?

    It’s you that’s the nonsense. The whole world accepts a democratic vote. It’s legal, legitimate & perfectly acceptable.
    That includes Scotland.

    The UK has no written constitution. It can’t just rock up to the international community & start spouting other countries written constitutions as somehow magically applying to the UK in regards to Scotland. We’ve just had a renowned international lawyer laugh at the idiocy of that from the Supreme Court..

    They also can’t rock up with ‘well, it’s unwritten but we know what we mean. We make it up on the hoof’ either LOL!

    Scotland DOES have a written constitution tho. Bugger!
    Scots are sovereign & will always remain sovereign.

    A sovereign nation is fully entitled to end a trading union when it decides to.
    We never agreed to become Engurlund.
    We never agreed to the robbery of our resources.
    We never agreed a square inch of territory.
    We never agreed a square mile of our maritime sea boundaries.

    It’s a nonsense a treaty cannot end of that it needs permission.

    Every. Single. Election. Then it also has majority backing. No one can deny that. If Engurlund wish to go get their guns I’m sure we can call on hauners.
    Thats the thing about the international community. It tends to shut up roasters talking shite.

    They stick to facts. As I’ve said before, it’s countries that recognise other countries. Not permission slips from Engurlund.

  147. Captain Yossarian says:

    I used to work with an Irishman. He paid a subscription to the Irish Times and I paid a subscription to the Telegraph. I gave him my password for the Telegraph and he gave me his password to The Irish Times and so I have read it ever since. That’s about 8-years ago now. I think you get 2-articles for free and so anyone can look this up just now if they want. The Irish President, Michael Higgins writes about the Middle-East conflict in a way you won’t see from any other western leader. The lack of empathy, calls for a cease-fire, calls for war-crime investigations, offers of mediation from the west etc I find unacceptable, pretty disgraceful really. Michael Higgins is different though and he writes a measured and I think ethical (if there is such a thing just now) article. This is what a statesman doing his job and representing his country looks like. We don’t have anyone of his quality in Scotland and he is far ahead of even Salmond somehow.

  148. Ruby says:

    Mornin Stu
    I hope you are well and not too busy. I’ll try not too post too much over the week-end to help reduce your workload. Have you given any thought to the banned words malarky? :-). anu*s ura*nus

  149. Ruby says:

    link to
    A Scot Abroad says:
    3 November, 2023 at 11:36 pm

    Your international lawyer is wrong. That’s par for the course: 50% of all lawyers are wrong when it comes to settling things in court. But he won’t care, lawyers are like ladies of the night: if you pay them enough, they’ll say and do anything you want them to say or do. It’s part of the job spec of being a lawyer.

    Did Crawford & Boyle prostitute themselves for taxpayers money when they said exactly what the UK Gov wanted them to say in 2014?

    Not everyone knows this about lawyers so can be easily fooled.

    Lawyers are not the only ones who will prostitute themselves for money.

    The same applies to journalists, politicians and all types of experts. The medical experts are the big problem at the moment.

    You may even be someone who is prostituting themselves for money. How can we know?

    Seems pointless having a debate if all the info being presented is lies.

    I think presenting people with a load of lies & misinformation is much more ‘personally abusive’ than calling someone a nutter.

  150. Viscount Ennui says:

    On the currency issue:

    1. Yes it is relatively easy to setup a new currency.
    2. It is very, very difficult to leave an existing currency (pensions, mortgages, savings etc)
    3. The value of any new currency will be determined by international money markets which will base their calculation on bond yields, interest rates and inflation, as well as economic performance.
    4. The fundamental issue will be the state of the economy and the differentiaL between government revenues and government expenditure. I high deficit equates to a lower currency value.
    5. Capital fight would be a genuine concern in any move to a new currency and that would undermine confidence, and thus the value of, the proposed currency.
    6. The value of a currency can be increased by raising interest rates but that hurts mortgage holders and business and would also be inflationary – which then reduces the currency’s value.

    The point I am making is that the value of a new currency will not be determined by a future Scottish Government.

    There are massive risks and it is foolish to deny that they exist.

    The cause of independence may be bigger than economics alone, but there has to be a degree of pragmatism because nobody will send an indy dream to the soft middle-ground on the basis of “It’ll be alright on the night”.

    The SNP as a party is economically illiterate.

    There is more hope elsewhere.

  151. Mac says:

    “The SNP as a party is economically illiterate.”

    This is absolutely true.

    I used to have some dialogue with Jim Fairlie Snr many years ago and even if you did not agree with him the guy was impressively highly economically literate. Same with Alex Salmond. That is why these guys are able to make such convincing arguments for independence, because they really know their stuff and can present logical coherent arguments using a multidate of examples while effortlessly dismantling the sophist bullshit thrown at them.

    The Sturgeon SNP are completely ignorant of all of this, willfully so, and that is one of the main reasons they are completely unable to make the case for independence.

    These idiots don’t ever make the case for independence BECAUSE THEY DON”T KNOW HOW TO. It is that simple, it staggers the mind but it is totally true.

    When was the last time you heard anyone in the SNP talk about the economic case for independence or any detailed case, political, social, economic… It was Alex Salmond. It has been that long.

    The Sturgeon SNP are all so dumb it is beyond them. They could not make the case for independence if their lives depended on it. They are illiterate and it is not confined to just economics, it is everything.

    The are totally unfit for purpose and office as was Sturgeon who made the SNP into her image, rotten.

  152. Graham Alexander Fordyce says:

    It’s difficult nowadays to figure out who is sincere in politics. I once had tremendous faith in Nicola Sturgeon, but her self-serving narcissism has left me very, very suspicious of all politicians. I suspect, but don’t know, there was a time when Sturgeon believed in the cause of independence, but sadly she was completely corrupted by the power we bestowed upon her. In fairness, all of us are open to temptation and given the tidal wave of popularity which swept Sturgeon to power in 2014, it’s perhaps understandable what happened; but unforgivable.
    I wish Ash Regan well. She strikes me as sincere. She’s learning her craft and clearly developing her communication skills. If she achieves the status of leading a government in Scotland, I earnestly hope she remembers her roots and her comment of ‘country before party’. We’ll see.

  153. Mia says:

    “Make a unilateral declaration of independence. This requires a clear majority of people representing Scotland to indicate their approval ***but it should not be done by the Scottish Parliament, as the latter is within UK domestic law.*** This could be done, for example, through a convention of elected and diverse representatives from across Scotland with a clear majority in favour. This approach relies for its effectiveness on the recognition by States of the Statehood of Scotland (Paragraph 135 b).”

    Holyrood is within UK domestic law for as long as the crown tools sitting there continue to embrace and abide by the Scotland Act, which, by the way, has already been shredded to pieces the minute representatives of the Kingdom of England assaulted it to steal our powers after brexit.

    If it was an agreement between two parties, it should have been declared null and void by now because, as far as I remember, the absolute majority of our representatives in Westminster and also in Holyrood voted against the theft of powers.

    The only reason why that Act is standing is because we have had political frauds in control of our majorities of anti-union parliamentarians and because what we thought were anti-union parliamentarians turned out to be loyalists and self-serving careerists with a personal interest in preserving the union for their own benefit.

    If we had MSPs and MPs with a backbone and principles, it would have been declared null and void right now, just like the TOU should have been declared null and void after centuries of violations of its fundamental conditions by Scotland’s partner.

    Scotland needs a constitutional mechanism to eject rogue MPs and MSPs who are elected on a particular manifesto and then, just like Yousaf and the SNP have done, change that manifesto from a pro-independence to a pro-devolution one at will without the backing of a democratic election to endorse it. That is completely unacceptable.

    The most direct route to end the union is and has always been through Scotland’s MPs at Westminster. Those are the custodians of Scotland’s old parliament and, in the same way they dragged Scotland into this union on a simple majority of parliamentarians’ vote, they can end the union in the exact same way.

    The people of Scotland opened that route on the 8th May 2015 and has remained open ever since for the last 8 years. The political fraud Sturgeon rushed to put a barrier on that route by claiming a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence, because clearly, she had no intention to ever deliver independence.

    That barrier has only remained in place for this long because our SNP MPs are lacking a backbone, and rather than respect the constitution of the party and put the political fraud in her place, chose to either look the other way, sit on their hands and indulge her in her undemocratic methods, her fabricated obstacles, her subjugation of Scotland’s popular sovereignty to the English convention of parliamentary sovereignty, and her systematical denial to the people of Scotland of their fundamental right to self-determination.

    In other words, that route has been blocked to us by the SNP and the SNP only. So shame on them.

    Now we are heading towards a fabricated closure of that route thanks to the collusion between Sturgeon, Yousaf, a SNP full of perverts and careerists with no interests for democracy or independence and of course the other political arms of the British state.

    We are going to lose the route because the majority of what we thought were anti-union MPs is going to disappear by design. This is thanks to the political frauds transforming the SNP into a unionist party first and then sending it on a political kamikaze trip to become unelectable to help labour resurrect in Scotland so the pro-union MP majority is restored.

    For the last 8 years we have been shown time and time again that Scotland’s politicians have zero interest in democracy, zero interest in delivering independence and even less interest in upsetting the crown by ending the Treaty of Union. We are not in a democracy, just a pretend one.

    They have demonstrated for the last 9 years that they will systematically deceive voters, abuse their power and our anti-union votes to preserve the union and indulge the crown at all costs.

    It is for this reason and this reason only that the people of Scotland should show the middle finger to politicians, bypass them with the convention and give them all their well deserved p45 for which they have screaming since 8 May 2015.

  154. Mac says:

    When examining the actions of Sturgeon post 2014 and her ‘legacy’ you are faced with two possible conclusions.

    If Sturgeon is not a rotter then you are meant to believe she is one of the most tragically flawed individuals to have walked the planet. Someone who not only fails to achieve what they set out to achieve in life (independence) but someone who through her own ‘good intentions’ and actions systematically and methodically destroys any real chance of what she hopes to achieve. It would be kind to call it Shakespearean, it is way beyond that…

    Or you can believe she is a rotter and suddenly her destruction of the SNP and the horrific legacy she leaves behind makes perfect ‘sense’.

    I know what I believe.

  155. fruitella the hun says:


    Salmond is an economist so you would expect him to have advanced skills in describing how our current system could work better.

    Problem is our current system has brought us, my tribe would say inevitably, others say through greed and mismanagement, to an environmental, social, and ECONOMIC crisis.

    Salmond has only more growth, based on burning more oil and somehow intercepting the tax harvest currently gathered by the UK, to offer. More of the same done harder and with better luck. That has been, for many, the purpose of independence.

    Nearly all economists (nationalist, unionist, globalist) think like this, in my experience. In 2014, this problem was less distinct to many folk and faith in our orthodox 20th century economic system was stronger than now. Until that lost faith is replaced – exceeded – by a faith in Scotland’s ability to secure food, energy, security and care, despite the economics being adverse, then independence is stalled.

  156. johnlm says:

    Here are the current Credit Ratings by country.
    UK paying higher yields because of a poor score.
    Quite a few small N. Euro countries near the top.

    link to

  157. A Scot Abroad says:

    Geri, at 3:44,

    You’ll be able to provide a link to this written Scottish Constitution, then? Because as far as everybody else is concerned, there isn’t a Scottish Constitution. Written or unwritten.

  158. TURABDIN says:

    Independence is a «stand alone», a cause too precious to be the preserve of career politicians and their peculiar and particular interests.
    Creating a movement with mass support from both «left and right» is the challenge.
    Surely not such a formidable one? The times are flammable.
    Hey, mr Fawkes, gotta light?

  159. Alf Baird says:

    Mia @ 8:28 am

    “our SNP MPs are lacking a backbone”

    Yes indeed, postcolonial theory actually tells us to anticipate this, that the “dominant national party lacks courage at the decisive moment. Inside the nationalist parties, the will to break colonialism is linked with another quite different will: that of coming to a friendly agreement with it” (Frantz Fanon).

    The SNP is effectively blocking independence, that is its role. Many in the movement now realise this and the SNP is clearly finished.

    However, any other national party hoping to fill the void rapidly needs “to undertake a reasoned study of colonial society” and consider postcolonial theory. Modelling themselves on political parties in the mother country will always be insufficient, as we can see with the impending demise of the SNP.

  160. Captain Yossarian says:

    Mia – When 55-60% of Scots want Independence, and that is shown at elections and by opinion polls and all the rest of it, then the sort of argument you explain above can be presented.

    Persuading enough middle-aged voters to change sides is what it’s all about and it’s the reverse of that that’s happening just now. This will continue until you find a formula that works.

    I admire what is going on at Alba with Salmond and MacAskill and now Regan but some of their policies will turn middle-aged voters right-off and they will not vote for it.

    Amar Anwar is doing some kind of job (he thinks he’s doing well, but I’m not so sure) in holding Scotgov to account for the Covid response, but the real investigation, the investigation that really frightens Sturgeon, is the UK one. That will show us all how far we have drifted in Scotland from proper accountable governance.

  161. stuart mctavish says:

    Excellent interview which showcases what a class act she is and how lucky we are she loves us/ Alba (ie Great strength of character and conviction, zero pettiness or unfair criticism)

    Goes well with another interview that might prove surprisingly uplifting (incl for Celtic fans, haters and any whose trust has many a good reason to play hard to get):

    link to

    eg if the manager dropped the double edged hand and arm analogy for long enough to take in the bit about the magic genie, he might realize that in 5 years time*, assuming the robots dont give us the Palestinian treatment too, every member of the green brigade is going to be as rich as Elon – and will be able to boot out his (labour party?) ventriloquist(s) at leisure

    *if he doesn’t hope to stay that long, a better bit yet implies the world of abundance being shared even quicker if (UK?) government restrictions are removed/ pre-empted.. 😉

  162. willie says:

    Saturday morning. Cold and dreich outside I turn on the TV to watch the Al Jazeera news.

    And the pictures from Gaza being beamed in to my house are absolutely inhumane.

    People with their bare hands picking up the bits of bodies, women and children blown to bits with Israeli airstrike. Reports of more hospitals being hit, hospitals being hit, the Israeli governments actions are unforgiveable.

    And all the while Netanayu exhorts the Israeli Forces to Samuel 15:3, from the Old Testament wherein –

    ” Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass ”

    And that is exactly what the Israeli forces are doing. God is on their side. their Prime Minister tells them so, and God exhorts them to bomb men women and children to bits of meat.

    Hell on earth and we relatively comfortable sit in our homes disregarding what is happening and our governments actively supporting it.

    What importance independence when you see what is going on in places like Gaza. But maybe a reflection on what you would think if the RAF undertook the same action against Belfast or Glasgow.

  163. Viscount Ennui says:

    johnlm says:
    4 November, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Here are the current Credit Ratings by country.

    Thank you for this. Very helpful. A valuable addition to the debate.

  164. Stoker says:

    This from a BritNat, who doesn’t live in Scotland and doesn’t have a vote: A Scot Abroad says:

    “I’ve looked at some of those counter-arguments that you suggest that are hosted on WoS. The vast majority are uninformed, simplistic, unrealistic, and won’t work in the world as it is. They’re almost entirely a nonsense, credible only to the gullible.”

    Who then goes on to say: “As I understand matters here on WoS, BTL is a place for debate.”

    Referring to most of its readership as “gullible” isn’t exactly “debate”. It’s deliberately insulting folk.

    He’s an arrogant BritNat who understands “debate” as him knowing everything about everything and anything else is dismissed off-hand simply because he says so. A typical BritNat former squaddie with matching ‘Rupert’ trousers.

    If the Rev was being consistent he’d ban him because not only is he deliberately repeatedly insulting most of the WOS readership, who have never insulted him, he is also calling contributors to this sites articles fraudsters and the articles produced are utter mince.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t looked at any of the articles we refer to. He’s here to grandstand his perceived greatness among the plebs, that’s his thinking in a nutshell. He sees coming on here as getting down and dirty with the peasants, such is his arrogance.

    Folks, this character appeared on WOS immediately after ‘Andy Ellis’ said his farewells. Make of that what Yous will. His comment style is also exactly the same as Ellis’. Patronising, condescending, insulting and arrogant.

    He’s an arrogant BritNat who will give Yous the run-around by simply dismissing anything you put to him, regardless of its accuracy etc. He lives in his own wee world where he’s ‘The Man’ and everyone else is wrong. He has to control the “debate”, on his terms.

  165. Alf Baird says:

    Mac @ 8:08 am

    “The SNP as a party is economically illiterate.”

    Aye, it would be pretty hard to find any country’s political leaders giving away £60 billion-per-year worth of its peoples future resources (renewable energy) for a few pennies.

  166. Mia says:

    “When 55-60% of Scots want Independence, and that is shown at elections and by opinion polls and all the rest of it, then the sort of argument you explain above can be presented”

    When exactly did the threshold increased from 50%+1 and who exactly had the authority or the mandate to instigate that change?

    I do not remember to having ever been asked.

    The scenario I present above can be put in practice NOW. It could have been put in practice since 8 May 2015. The UK union is “allegedly” a parliamentary democracy. The rats who forced Scotland into the union in 1706 did not need a 55 or 60% support from the public. In fact, they deliberately ignored the overwhelming public rejection to the union. They deliberately ignored popular sovereignty, just like the SNP has been doing since 8 May 2015.

    I appreciate that parliamentarians will want to get the backing of the people before taking this route because they lack guts and commitment to their “principles”, but that is 50% +1 of the vote, not 55 or 60%.

    By the way, on the 18 September 2014, over 50% of Scotland’s natives voted for independence. So, if we were to follow the conditions and voting franchise of every other state in the world, including the UK, Scotland should have been declared independent on the 19 September 2019.

    Also, you will remember that in GE 2015, over 50% of those who cast a vote in Scotland did so for what we thought were anti-union parties. So not only Scotland sent an absolute majority of anti-union MPs in 2015, it did so with a backing of over 50% of the vote too.

    The only thing that has stopped independence since May 2015 is the crown, Sturgeon and the SNP MPs and MSPs who have indulged her in her deliberately undemocratic practices, her consistent abuse of Scotland’s popular sovereignty and her systematic denial of Scotland’s fundamental right to self-determination.

    This path, of course, is now continued by her continuity candidate Yousaf.

    Until when are we going to tolerate this abuse?

  167. Stoker says:

    Folks, here’s another thing he has in common with Ellis. For all his perceived greatness, and being a former squaddie, he often makes glaring mistakes with his command of the English language. He lacks the attention to detail you’d expect from a 20-year vet. Take this one for example, he typed:

    “..that are hosted on WoS.”

    It is not ‘Wings of Scotland’, it’s Wings Over Scotland (WOS). A small but telling mistake. No attention to detail. LOL!

    Have a great day, Troops. 😉

  168. Dan says:

    A decent read and much to ponder.

    link to

  169. Gordon says:

    As I’ve often said, ASA the Crown’s clown is best ignored. Leave him be to his own devices, he spouts stuff that’s demonstrably untrue within 30 secs via any search engine.

  170. Captain Yossarian says:

    Mia – I suggest 55-60% and you suggest 50% plus one. It’s subjective though, there is no definitive ruling on it, and that’s my point. When it’s so subjective, then you need a pretty clear majority in order to take the next step.

    A few have alluded to this above, but the key I think is in making the honest, economic case and repeating it so that it sinks into peoples’ consciousness so that is what they want to talk about and ask questions about.

    Only then will you recreate the spirit and optimism of 2014 when you had a great many supporters out knocking on peoples’ doors. That has vanished and that needs to return. Only then will the Independence movement start marching again.

    I like Salmond, MacAskill and all the rest of them and they are trying but no-one is listening and I suspect it will be the same for Regan. Short-term, I don’t know what the answer is frankly. The only sort of reasonably large scale communication that I am aware of being done on Independence is done here, not in the comments but in the articles themselves.

  171. John Main says:

    @willie 9:41

    I’ve paid attention to the pronouncements from all parts of the political establishment over the past few weeks and I see no evidence of “our governments actively supporting” anything.

    IMHO your beef is that our governments aren’t wading in, ordering this, demanding that, threatening boots on the ground to separate the belligerents by force.

    Plenty of Sovereign Scots have had enough of that and I’m one of them. Soz.

    Hard as it is to accept, two sides, each sworn to annihilation of the other, are slugging it out to a conclusion. They’re not listening to anybody, maybes they never will. There was a time, perhaps even within living memory, when our government could have stepped in and stopped it. But we wanted shot of that whole, imperial, colonialist thing. So we got shot of it.

    So here we are. The best our governments can do is work to stop it spreading further. There is plenty of evidence they are working very hard to contain the situation. Just as there is plenty of evidence that if both sides (not just one side) ever agree to cease fire, our governments will be immediately on hand with aid, food, medicine, and plenty of our hard-earned tax payer’s cash.

  172. John Main says:

    Captain Yossa

    “economic case”

    Amen, brother. Day by day, poster by poster, the meme spreads:

    Show us the money!

    Deep down, everybody knows it makes sense, so why continue to fight it?

  173. Xaracen says:

    John Main said;

    “economic case

    show us the money!”

    Show us the case and the money for Scotland staying in this abusive, gas-lighting, thieving Union.

  174. JockMcT says:

    Like Mia,

    I will not vote for SNP ever. I simply don’t trust them. They need to go off and clean house or die, and we know they won’t be getting the hoover out any time soon.

    As for Scotland United, it needs to be formed away from SNP, by ALBA, ISP and any other Indy parties that arise. If they (SNP) eventually come to their senses then they can apply to join.

    Conditions for joining the alliance; no greens, no GRR, no alphabetties or their enablers and none of the current bench warmers. A clear and explicit declaration of intent to seek Independence directly and without input from WM.

    One thing that strikes me, and nobody seems to talk about, is what about a breakaway or new Scottish Labour that comes out for Independence, with the appropriate left of centre socialist policies and no ties to Starmer’s tory lite party or other WM ties.

    They would surely attract a lot of Indy supporters who lean that way and have reluctance to put in with Alba and AS due to issues over his leadership or some of their more lukewarm or centre right policies.

    This could be the tipping point and as part of the above alliance would surely get us over the winning line.

    Meanwhile, Ash and ALBA need to tread a fine line but keep a very watchful eye on the SNP. Waiting for the sword to fall on them or them to fall on their sword may prove very long and fruitless.

    The clock is ticking though and I see the SNP marching over the cliff in procession, following the Pied Piper Humza…

  175. Johnlm says:

    My Economic model for independence.

    Scotland is a wealthy country with a colonised dependency mindset
    – Reduce the size of the bureaucracy
    – Exports based World Trade Organisations are an AngloAmerican invention to control the rest of the World
    – Man Made global-climate-warming-change is a con invented by the crooks mentioned above.
    The sky is not falling.
    – Scotland should move to a more self sustainable model founded on our ability to feed ourselves, (which climate temperature rises should aid.)
    – Redistribute all land owned by non-residents, to people willing to work the land.
    – Redistribute all land not being used by residents, to people willing to work the land.

    Take it from there.
    The biggest hurdle will be getting politicians and their ‘hingers oan’ to approve such a scheme.

  176. James says:

    Yosssarian; “..I suggest 55-60%..”

    Really? That wasn’t the cry in 2014.You unionists only got 54% – should we have been questioning the result?

  177. stuart mctavish says:

    John Main @11:02

    Its a good point but..

    IF your own lived experience prevents you from accepting the word of two of the most powerful and wealthy billionaires on the planet (especially when they show us the money) wouldn’t you and your entourage be smarter to lead the charge for UDI first thing Monday morning – and the ability to extend instant credit to all true Scots, based on the guarantee that we’ll all be billionaires (or artificially identified as Palistinian) within a decade at most, regardless.

  178. Johnlm says:

    Should we return to the Means Test?
    Thatcher’s abolishing the Means Test enabled the rich, (who were good at filling in grant application forms), to fill their pockets.
    A bloated bureaucracy of non-productive, well-pensioned, civil servants also thrives.
    Get back to a smaller Government.

  179. Geri says:

    Show me the money…FFS, yoons have been showing you the money they’ve robbed in the past, the present & even their plans on what they’re about to steal in our future.

    You even have ultra yoons tell you..

    “Of course Scotland is a very wealthy country. Of course Scotland could make it on her own but we don’t want her to go”

    David Cameron 2014.

    Jeremy Hunt with his £80 billion from the North Sea 2023

    What kind of fcking dunce are you? Scotland has oil. Lots of it. That writes its own cheques. It’s hard currency along with the renewables boom. Look at norway. Read McCrone. Read the late John Jappy. Read Common Weal…but why do that eh when you can buzz around here..

    You are just repeating a single mantra like the *once in a g-e-n-e-r-a-s-c-h-u-n* bullshit like a babbling fucking idiot thinking you’ve found yer eternal *gotcha* moment to use ad nauseam.

    Another thing Ash suggested during her leadership contest was for Scotland to START RECORDS of its own income. Not the pish estimate every economist laughs at with GERS.

    Scotland also needs to campaign for English devolution at every opportunity & highlight it to fck in Westminster. If we really are in a mysterious place renamed the UK & the seat of all magical power under a *union* & Scotland & England were *apparently* erased then the English need to take their business out of a *GB* parliament & publish it’s accounts to the other nations. It has no business awarding itself endless seats above everyone else. It started with 45 each between Scotland & England in 1707 & in over 300 yrs we’ve increased by 11! LMAO! Now it’s 533 Vs 56. If they want to bleat about population then hand over immigration control. Simples.

    Mia, agree with everything you say. I believe Salmond would be the one not to be fobbed off in the political arena but must work in tandem with a *permanent* convention. That should never have been shut down along with various Yes groups. The sooner it’s officially reconvened the better & a permanent body that scrutinises the shit coming out of Westminster regards Scotland’s constitutional laws. It’s a stupidity this was never done. Scottish constitutional lawyers. Not English ones who see everything with an English squint.

    It’s shocking the Supreme Court thought it fit to include other countries constitutional law as somehow applying to their arguments for denying Scotlands democracy.

    As for Sturgeon. She is rotten AND an illiterate dunce. She couldn’t say whether Scots were sovereign or not FFS! The moment she was refused a sec30 was the time to trigger an indyref. Naw, she went down the route of her fictitious gold standard nonsense to waste more time & hand her opponents an ideal get out by simply never agreeing to one. They’re all dunces on Scotland’s constitution.

  180. Andouilette says:

    No because ‘us unionists’ were representing the status quo, not seeking change.

  181. Geri says:

    To those who say they’ll not be voting again.
    Unfortunately we need to.
    If Scottish yoons go to WM as a majority they’ll hail in a permanent lock. Maybe even the new Act of Union banning secession that’s been quietly cooking in the background since 2016.

    Vote an independent. Or a pro indy candidate. (Obvs not SNP/Green) Scotland needs to take the seat even if they choose not to sit in it later which should have happened in 2015.

    Instead of looking for their offices like excited school weans on a class trip.

  182. Geri says:


    Then apply the same rule to Brexit. That was change & it was only 52%

    See how yer stupidity works?

  183. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @willie (9.41) –

    Well said.

    We’re through some kind of looking-glass now, utter horror.

    Last night I saw tweet(s) from folk we *know* are veteran independence supporters, bleating about it all being Hamas’s fault.

    Quite incredible to see people you thought you ‘knew’ even attempting to justify what’s happening.

    It’s diabolical.


  184. James says:


    So what? If a simple majority works one way it has to work both ways, except you unionists love moving the goalposts to suit yourselves, eh?

    Also, if the UN approved franchise was applied to Scottish referenda (as it should be) the Scots would have walked it, and we would currently be showing 60%+.

    Inconvenient truths for you, I know.

  185. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird, at 10:08,

    Your maths seems a bit out. Scotland is not giving away £60 billion of renewable energy each year for pennies. The actual value in 2022 was £4 billion, at market prices elevated by the general energy inflation caused by you know what. At one point, in September 2022, at the height of the market, the price across Europe for wholesale electricity was £580 per Mwh. The wholesale price today is £106. So you are out by an order of magnitude even at the highest point of the market, and two orders of magnitude at today’s price. See direct quote below from ScotGov:

    “The value of Scotland’s electricity exports had an estimated wholesale market value of £4.0 billion, which is a 63% increase on the estimated wholesale market value of electricity exports in 2021. This will be mainly due to large increases in the average price of electricity in 2022.”

    (From link to )

    Scotland’s currently installed renewable capacity is close to (95%+) of average Scottish demand. That’s if every turbine is spinning 24/7 at 100% efficiency, which of course isn’t a likely scenario. In broad terms, Scotland is in reaching distance of being totally self-reliant on renewables when the wind is blowing and everything is working well. That’s a good thing: add in some instant backup power stations using Scottish gas, and things look very good.

    But there’s a wider, more systemic issue in your analysis. It’s certainly feasible for Scotland to keep building out the infrastructure to generate yet more, but to which country is Scotland going to export it? Every country within 500 miles (which is the current engineering limit for HVDC transmission _without_ boosters) is building out the same infrastructure for itself. Why would they buy energy from Scotland when they can generate it themselves using their own wind, solar and tidal? And the other countries can also build out infrastructure to export to their neighbours further into the heartland of Europe, within 500 miles, not needing boosters, and running HVDC overland, which is far cheaper than undersea cables.

    There isn’t much of an investment case for building the infrastructure for exports of renewable energy after 5 years from now.

  186. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ian – Might the solution be to hand-over the hostages and export Hamas out of the Gaza, to Qatar, for example?

  187. shug says:

    The Scot abroad position is very interesting, particularly how it is written. Over the months it has moved from orange unionist thuggish to quite sophisticated arguments. I suspect they have upgraded his software.
    Classic positions are:
    Scotland is to poor.
    Scotland is full of Braveheart with blue faces.
    We don’t have the ability to run a bank or currency.
    Ireland is richer.
    We are part of a unitary state. London’s laws don’t allow change.
    We need London for protection.
    We get to be part of the big boys game.
    Who will pay our pensions.
    These are all classic tropes of the feart knee benders in the Labour and Conservative party. I do not think the liberals think that deeply!
    It is interesting that as we approach Remembrance Day where we mark the sacrifice of those that died fighting to protect democracy will also be stained by the presence of so many unionist that deny that very democracy to Scotland.
    Interesting thought for all you for working with Scot Abroad.

  188. James Che says:

    Alf Baird,

    The Parliament of Scotland was officially dissolved by proclamation of Queen anne in 1707.
    The parliament of England claims it closed after Scotland parliament date, however it has no official date for closure, and was never official closed. Further evidence can be provided that the parliament of England simply re-branded itself but never ceased being active, if required.

    The Institute for Government org.Uk.

    Explains the position of a dissolved government as follows.


    1: MPs under dissolution no longer have a Seat to Represent their Constituents.and lose all access.

    2: MPs can no longer refer to themselves as members of parliament.

    3: All unfinished business falls,

    4: Including any bills that have not been given royal assent,

    5: They “cannot” be carried over from one parliament to the Successor parliament,

    The only two things that was given Royal assent regarding “Scotland” by queen Anne before the parliamentary unions could be created for the parliament of Great Britain to begin was.

    1: that the parliament of Scotland would join in Union with the parliament of England in a treaty of union, royal assent given 1706/1707. Respectively.

    2: the Dissolution of the Scottish parliament, by Proclamation and Royal assent,

    Numerically number (b)2 voided and terminated number 1. (Dissolution)

    (a) 5,
    Once a parliament is ( Dissolved ) nothing can be carried over to its successor parliament as binding to or upon the successor parliament.

  189. Alf Baird says:

    A Scot Abroad @ 12:54 pm

    “Scotland is not giving away £60 billion of renewable energy each year for pennies.”

    You might wish to consider the forecast export to England of renewable energy produced in Scotland in 2030, at current energy prices. Though I expect you might not.

  190. James Che says:

    A dissolved parliament (Scotlands)

    MPS from a dissolved parliament cannot represent their Constituents.

    Cannot carry over any unfinished business or make it binding on its successor parliament.


  191. Johnlm says:

    Don’t forget the toff wind up.
    Morningside childhood.
    Ancestor plantation owners.
    Second home in Scotland.
    Owns a small forest.
    Two fields to his next door neighbour.
    Superiority complex.

  192. Chas says:

    The country of Scotland has no oil or gas and does not produce any electricity.
    Companies, mainly huge, foreign owned concerns, with a base in Scotland, do.

    Maybe after Independence these Companies will sell their products cheaply to the people living in Scotland instead of seeing what they can get on the open market, at market rates. Possibly as an act of charity?? The country of Scotland, via it’s Government could attempt to ‘buy out’ or nationalise these foreign concerns but where would the money come from?

    The well known philosopher/academic Heinrich Muller states that individuals who continually comment on one particular issue are bereft of original thought. Domingo Gonzales takes this further and states that said individuals who continually use ‘quotes’ from others to try and support their warped views lack intelligence or knowledge. Both Muller and Gonzales state that the use of dialect or vernacular is counter productive as it actually alienates vast swathes of the audience they are attempting to convince.

    Money does solve lots of problems but I accept, not all.

  193. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird,

    nobody, apart from some hopefuls in Scotland, guessing at capacity, supply and demand that haven’t been realised yet, and at market prices that nobody at all in the world can forsee, can possibly put a figure on future export values for renewable energy 7 years hence.

    You don’t mention two salient points: your analysis is from Scotland, and concerns only Scottish renewables. You haven’t included the huge build out of offshore wind in the English part of the North Sea, which will on current development plans and funding, add annually the total capacity that Scotland currently has: in short, the need for Scottish exports of energy to England will annually decline. The second point is the Barnett Consequentials, which see an annual transfer to Scotland of a total (coincidentally) of £4 billion a year (2022). That tracks back to your initial point, where you wrongly stated £60 billion a year in terms of a giveaway. It’s not: it’s a sale at global prices, and combined with the Barnett money, it means that Scotland is a net recipient of money for energy, plus money for old rope.

  194. James says:

    Look out, folks, they’ve let two of them out on manouvres at once….

    Time and a half Saturday, lads?

  195. Confused says:

    chas … idiotic nonsense as usual

    Main your entire activity on this website proves nothing in the positive, only

    – you have nothing to say (and you don’t know very much)
    – you are a unionist, but with no compelling arguments for it

    what a lot of effort, for so little return; pointless snark

    your contributions only survive due to the lack of a downvote button

    playing wormtongue to Ellis “saruman” was about your limit

    and you don’t have the merest-fucking-clue about “money”.

    the forced-meme clanks …

    whenever ASA posts I start to think, maybe, just maybe – Pol Pot had the right idea about a lot of things …

    – the landlord class
    – students, which in our case is entirely “woke”
    – the bourgeois, i.e. middle class bastards with their knife and fork jobs and fat pensions

    while Alex Salmond is our guy, a weeks worth of Alex deLarge might do the trick, a bit of the old ultraviolence

  196. dasBlimp says:

    It’s hilarious you all creaming your knickers about AR defecting to Alba. You’ll be queueing up to stab her in the back in a few months.

    You mark my words.

  197. Shug says:

    Oh look chas is using scot abroad software

  198. shug says:

    I think Chas and Scot Abroad as good unionists should were a yellow poppy on Armistice day as a mark of their total surrender to, and acceptance of the powers that deny the right of self determination to the people of Scotland.

    The very rights Scots, English Irish and Welsh died fighting to protect.

    Shame on you.

  199. Red says:

    Renewables aren’t a money making opportunity, they’re a money losing opportunity. The more we “invest”, the poorer we get.

    We’re never going to get rich building windfarms, windfarms only make posh landowners and Chinese manufacturers richer while you get poorer. The whole thing is a scam.

    TEAM SCOTLAND needs to step up the pace, because as of now the Scots are second class citizens in our own country, subject to Humza’s Hate Act to menace them for speaking their opinions.

    The so called Scottish Parliament would rather crawl over broken glass than do anything for the Scots. Such a parcel of jobbies in a nation.

  200. Chas says:

    Some abusive comments, which is to be expected from the brain dead.

    No counter arguments for some reason-too thick to respond. Usual shite produced instead.

    What do we want-INDEPENDENCE
    When do we want it-NOW
    What will we do if we get it-FUCK KNOWS

  201. A Scot Abroad says:


    why don’t you find your nearest branch of Legion Scotland, at about 12:00 on Sunday 12th November, walk in and tell the 100 or 200 people gathered there after the Remembrance commemoration, that they should all be wearing yellow poppies. See how far that gets you, although wherever that is, it’s probably going to be via a long wait in A&E.

    link to

  202. Alf Baird says:

    Red @ 2:54 pm

    “as of now the Scots are second class citizens in our own country”

    Yes, a national party co-opted to run a colonial administration implies two layers of oppression for a colonized people.

    We already know the Scots, as a UK minority people, are deemed inferior by Westminster. And Holyrood prioritises various other minority ethnic groups and ideologies, ignoring the needs and rights of indigenous Scots.

    A fowk twice doun-hauden in thair ain laund, hits nae wunner thay want leeberated.

    link to

  203. Breeks says:

    Alf Baird says:
    4 November, 2023 at 1:47 pm
    A Scot Abroad @ 12:54 pm

    “Scotland is not giving away £60 billion of renewable energy each year for pennies.”

    You might wish to consider the forecast export to England of renewable energy produced in Scotland in 2030, at current energy prices. Though I expect you might not.

    Steady on Alf, we all know it’s only the GERS crystal ball which can officially predict how an Independent Scotland will flounder function.

    You’ll be giving the Children nightmares if you mention the possibility of a happy and prosperous Scotland. 😉

  204. A Scot Abroad says:


    renewable energy is useful in that it can reduce (possibly even by quite a lot) the cost of consumption of energy and production of goods, thus letting the consumer keep some more money in their pocket, or increasing the price competitiveness of Scottish products in a global market. But there’s a limit to that.

    There’s no sustainable market for Scottish renewable energy exports beyond the next decade. Everyone else in the region will use their own wind, solar and tidal. So from an investment perspective, there’s little point in Scotland having surplus renewables beyond a small margin over domestic consumption. Scotland cannot store excess energy with current technologies: it’s use it as it is generated, and have some fossil or nuclear backup for when renewables are not providing enough juice.

  205. Stoker says:

    Some Wingers may find this article important.

    Global shortage of ADHD medication:

    link to

    Some folk are being advised to cut back on their medication while Doctors etc are being directed not to issue the medication to newly diagnosed patients.

    And suddenly stopping certain types of ADHD medications can be very dangerous for the individual.

    Remember during the Covid pandemic the UKGov Health Minister, Matt Hancock, instructed suppliers to prioritise England over Scotland. I’m wondering if the same directive will be issued by the UKGov over the lack of ADHD medications?

  206. shug says:

    A Scot Abroad

    I am sure they are all there remembering people who died fighting to preserve the democracy you masters in London so roundly reject.

    Support for the crime syndicated that currently control Westminster is your only position. They destroyed Britain and any concept of it. They now destroy and rewrite Scottish history as seen with their treatment of Scottish regiments. Even the oldest and first regiment formed in Britain gone!! That’s what your masters think of you. Entirely expendable.

    When I am there I think of member of my family that died and the irony of no democracy for Scotland.

    Stick that in your Bot

  207. A Scot Abroad says:


    what is it that’s going to make Scotland happy and prosperous? It certainly ain’t going to be renewable energy. England already has over twice Scotland’s installed capacity, and funded schemes going out to past 2030 to install another 4 times that capacity on offshore wind.

    Scotland sold £4 billion of excess renewable energy to England in 2022. £4 billion is chickenfeed, that was during a time of high market prices, and capacity in the southern (English) part of the North Sea is growing faster by a factor of 3 than in the Scottish part of the North Sea. Those are the facts.

    So where else is Scotland’s prosperity coming from? Ireland has sewn up the tax haven market and is in the EU, so that’s not really a starter.

  208. MaryB says:

    Shug @2.30pm
    ASA and Chad are using ChatGPT. Simples, see.

  209. James Che says:

    Englands Parliament of elections under England Triennial Act.

    The triennial Act required elections to be held every three years in Englands parliament and was continued from the Westminster parliament of England into the rebranded name the Westminster parliament of Great Britain without break up until 1708.
    With the same members from the parliament of England to the parliament of Great Britain.
    Until 1708 the parliament of England still was not dissolved.

    The parliament of England thus dissolved the parliament of Scotland in 1707, while it continued still active in their election process of the parliament of England under their triennial act 1708,

    A dissolved 1707 Scottish parliament has no Scottish representatives from Scotland as of the time and date it was dissolved,
    Members of the Scottish parliament that ceased were no longer entitled to refer to themselves as members of parliament.
    And any business of the 1707 Scottish parliament could not bind ( once under the date of dissolution ) any successor parliament to the old dissolved Scottish parliament.from 1707 onwards.

    The parliament of England IS the parliament of Great Britain by a rebranded name only,

    If Scotland should decide to open a new parliament in Scotland after it was dissolved in 1707 in Englands parliament, Scotlands new parliament cannot be bound by its predecessor parliament.

  210. James says:

    A HouseJock abroad;

    “…capacity in the southern (English) part of the North Sea…”

    Do you mean the stolen part?

    And do you just make it up as you go along, or just post what you “think” or “want to be” true, hoping some people will read it and believe it?

  211. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Confused says:
    4 November, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    whenever ASA posts I start to think, maybe, just maybe – Pol Pot had the right idea about a lot of things …

    – the landlord class
    – students, which in our case is entirely “woke”
    – the bourgeois, i.e. middle class bastards with their knife and fork jobs and fat pensions

    while Alex Salmond is our guy, a weeks worth of Alex deLarge might do the trick, a bit of the old ultraviolence

    Ah, Pol Pot! I remember how he demonstrated to the world the roaring success of the communist model – ’twas truly a paradise back in the good auld days of the Khmer Rouge when everyone, er, ah…

  212. Geri says:

    Yellow poppies. Love it!

    I’d happily go into the Legion. Oi, fckwits, did you know yer a double amputee to keep Chucky, the man child & Tampax identifying Nazi lover, in luxury while yer mates are homeless or brought back in body bags?

    The Remembrance Day bullshit is exactly that, bullshit. Joe Glenton had it right. A parade of Walter Mitty elites with their gazillion medals for doing fck all & who abhor the skivvy & the peasants who actually fight.

    Everything after WW2 has been invasion, mayhem & genocide.

    All at the behest of a foreign fuckwit sitting in the White House who thinks they’re entitled to build Empire 2.0 & be Team America – World police.

    Inventing conflicts to instill their fcked up brand of democracy:

    Pick Guy A.
    Or Pick Guy A.

    Btw, give us a huge chunk of real estate, a nuke base, a training ground, a % of yer earnings for us to keep Guy A on yer side.

    The British Army isn’t quelling threats. They’re helping to create them. Spending decades blowing things up.

    Someone should’ve seriously given them a set of Meccano as a child lol..

  213. George Ferguson says:

    Stu well done on securing an interview with Ash. Her responses were from a politicians perspective. I expected that in terms of the bile she would get from SNP members if she had rubbished the SNP. I note from the UK Covid Enquiry a lack of “Real life experience amongst MPs”. Ash has done real jobs and is able to walk away from politics if needs be. In contrast I watch about 30 minutes of the Trams Inquiry from the Scottish Parliament. A school prefect led the Scottish Government response. More abdication of responsibility on show.

  214. A Scot Abroad says:


    you decide for yourself where I mean.

    link to

    There’s going to be an awful lot more installed offshore wind in English waters than there are in Scottish waters. And those projects are funded, unlike half of the Scottish ones.

  215. John Main says:

    @Confused 2:29

    “Pol Pot had the right idea”

    Stand out post of the day so far.

    Ah well, Confused, Pol may well have been your kind of poster boy, but what did he know about making soap?

  216. Geri says:


    They sure will. We seen during COVID they’re dying to reintroduce the Alien Act.

    Diabetic drugs too.

    The USA has the same problem because all the fake TRAs are taking up supplies to deal.
    It’s a scandal. Just as bad as taking someone’s cancer treatment even tho they don’t have cancer.
    This GRR bullshit has legalised a lucrative drug pusher enterprise.

    The English government are introducing a Police & an authoritarian state. All while britnats take their eye off the ball & focus on a diddy administration & who farted last in a devolved administration without a section 409 cause they didn’t seek permission from the UK government, the international community & God first.

  217. Mia says:

    “what is it that’s going to make Scotland happy and prosperous?”

    The freedom for Scotland’s people to have control over its own country’s resources, the freedom to elect and control Scotland’s government without having England, USA and Israel stuck on its jugular sucking the life out of it, the freedom to control their country’s territory and waters, direction of politics, economy, decisions, policies, treaties and diplomatic relations.

    Scotland will never prosper in this toxic union because Scotland is deliberately kept underdeveloped and as a consumer so it cannot compete with England. This toxic union was forced on Scotland against its will by a group of rogues passing as MPs for the benefit of the crown and their own.

    It continues to be forced on Scotland today by a different set of rogues who every day shamefully fabricate new obstacles to systematically deny Scotland democracy, systematically deny Scotland its fundamental right to self-determination, forcefully suppressing its constitution and its popular sovereignty and systematically ignoring the multitude of assaults on the Claim of right and the Treaty of Union itself inflicted by themselves and England’s representatives over the last 300 years and counting.

    Despite the irreparable damage this toxic union has inflicted on Scotland’s demographics, language, landscape, culture and economy, and despite being abused continuously for 3 centuries by England representatives to exploit Scotland’s territory and resources, those who were elected to represent Scotland still insist in betraying Scotland over and over again for the benefit to the crown and England and to the detriment of their fellow countrymen. Shame on them all.

    Nothing has changed since 1706 and nothing will change until the time we bypass the corrupt to the core body of politics that is infesting Scotland and that is willingly betraying their own country daily to enable the abuse over Scotland by the crown, England’s representatives and their “allies” to continue.

  218. Geri says:

    Can someone inform ASA Engurlund has very little water to build anything at all? Lol!

  219. John Main says:

    Geri 4:39

    The period since 1945 has seen the greatest expansion and improvement in the diet, housing, health, life expectancy, education, working practices, leisure time, retirement prospects, disposable income and personal freedom of us Sovereign Scots in all of our history.

    I am truly sorry that somehow or other you fell through the cracks.

    haha, just my little joke. obviously, I don’t give a shit.

    Still, from personal experience, I know how easy in the post war Scotland it has been to game the system to extract a comfortable life at the taxpayer’s expense while doing feck all but sit on the sidelines bumping your gums. I’m assuming your poisonous hatred and misandry has come about cos you lack the wits to manage even that pathetic achievement.

  220. John Main says:

    @Mia 4:55

    Another over-long dribbling screed blaming everybody under the sun for puir, wee Scotia’s woes.

    Stop press! Even Israel now being added to the list of perps. And there was me thinking you were incapable of ever changing the record! OK, so I got that bit wrong.

    Yeah, blaming every body under the sun, but never the person looking back at you in the mirror, eh Mia?

    “bypass the corrupt to the core body of politics”

    Let me tell you how to achieve that bypass, Mia. You and around another 100 grass-roots “geniuses” stand for office. Local councils, HR, WM, whatever. Close your laptop, get aff yer flabby erse, stop eternally greetin intae your dram, DO SOMETHING.

    Hell, if you show any kind of spark of authority, charisma, sanity, eloquence or competence, I’ll vote for you.

  221. Geri says:


    ..showing his inherent bigotry & bile.

    The stereotypical Scots are spongers routine.
    Away & take yer head out yer arse.

    Scots continually pay in more than it ever gets back.
    A FACT demonstrated during indyref – even BEFORE oil & Gas even came ashore.
    It was so embarrassing, & with very little explanation of where Scotland’s money was being spent in Scotland, the UK closed the books & banished all recording forthwith. Last entry 1921.

    & Still today, despite the advent of the world wide web & super information highway, we still have fcking dunces amongst us with the stereotypical bullshit were all scroungers & mighty Engurlund keeps us all in the lap of luxury.

    Feck off!

  222. Mia says:

    “Mia – I suggest 55-60% and you suggest 50% plus one. It’s subjective though”

    No, it isn’t. There is nothing “subjective” in mathematics, so please do not insult my intelligence. A majority is a majority. You like it or not, 50%+1 is a majority and that is that.

    That majority was already reached in 2014 by Scotland’s natives voting yes. That majority was also reached on 8 May 2015 with the number of pro-independence votes cast in the GE.

    It is precisely because that majority has already been reached that the bullshit talk of “supermajority” started. Stop taking us for fools, please. It is obvious this is yet another fabricated obstacle to deliberate stop Scotland’s democratic rights, fundamental right to self determination and legitimate right to unilaterally end the ToU at any time of its choosing.

    50%+1 that is it. Any more attempts to manipulate us, gaslight us and take us for fools must be faced with loud mockery, point blank rejection and ultimately bypassing the culprits.

    “When it’s so subjective, then you need a pretty clear majority in order to take the next step”

    We have already established that there is no subjectivity in mathematics, therefore, as the premise where you are basing your assertion is false, the assertion is also false.

    50%+1 is a clear majority. What you need to act upon it is balls, a backbone and commitment to your principles, respect to your voters and to the mandate you were voted in.

    And if as a politician you lack that, then it is best for everybody you move aside, stop taking voters for fools and stop wasting Scotland’s opportunities and time.

    We have endured 9 years of fabricated obstacles and bullshit. Any attempt to impose on Scotland yet another fabricated obstacle to stop independence should be boycotted.

  223. johnlm says:

    Mention of war gets the morris dancers here all aflutter.

    The myth of empire is all they have to cling to.
    – Murder and rapine.

    Those glory days are gone never to return.
    Poor saps.

  224. Mark Beggan says:

    The Plastic Hardman will get you all!

  225. John Main says:

    Maybes I am the only reader on here who can see that amidst all the claims of mathematical certainty, and counter accusations of subjectivity, a statement like:


    is nonsensically ambiguous.

    Because every alert reader will immediately ask, “plus one what?”

    As the only unit that is specified is “%”, the de facto unit for the “+1” must also be percent. And thus the expression is simply “51%”.

    “Bit naw!” I hear the cry. We mean 50% plus one more vote. In which case, the alert readers must cry in unison:

    “Fecking write down what you fecking mean then!”

    Or spend the next decade mired in interminable arguments over whether the threshold was or was not met.

  226. Chas says:

    I would hazard a guess that the average age of posters on here are in their 60’s. Reading a lot of the posts it would not surprise me to discover that the average IQ is around the same level.

    I can understand the frustration, when it dawns on them, that it is extremely unlikely that they will never see Independence in their life times.

    As I have said, umpteen times, I am not against the idea of Independence but I, along with hundreds of thousands of my fellow Scots, want answers to a myriad of questions. It would also help if there was a competent Government in place or in waiting.

    Some of the brain dead will reply that if you care to do some research then all the answers will be found. Their faith is touching but unfortunately naïve. Round and round we go.

  227. Captain Yossarian says:

    Mia – When the vote is cast, then a simple majority of 50% plus 1 is all that is required. That is accepted.

    In order to allow an Independence Referendum to take place though, a majority of 55-60% should be demonstrated for a sustained length of time, perhaps through a combination of opinion polls and election results as the SNP are currently suggesting.

    In the run-up to the vote, that 55-60% may increase, or it may reduce. Who knows? What is subjective about it is that the 55-60% may change but maybe only slightly? That means that you should be concentrating your energy in putting as persuasive a case as possible in front of Scots.

    Once the UK Covid Inquiry, Branchform and all the rest of the banana skins are out of the way, the SNP may be stronger than they are now, but they will most likely be weaker. The Scottish Covid Inquiry is shaping-up to be another Fabiani Inquiry, isn’t it? History re-written, Sturgeon-style.

  228. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    4 November, 2023 at 4:39 pm
    Yellow poppies. Love it!

    I’d happily go into the Legion. Oi, fckwits, did you know yer a double amputee to keep Chucky, the man child & Tampax identifying Nazi lover, in luxury while yer mates are homeless or brought back in body bags?

    Well said. And they will be singing an anthem which isn’t a national one but a song about a member of the royal family and how they hope he will reign over them. Idiots. Lest we forget? We forgot a long time ago. Take any major city and look around. The enemy has already beaten us and is within.

  229. Shug says:

    @mary B

    That explains the improvement in grammar. When he started he had the grammar of an 8 year old in port glasgow

  230. dasBlimp says:

    johnlm says:
    4 November, 2023 at 5:35 pm
    Mention of war gets the morris dancers here all aflutter.

    The myth of empire is all they have to cling to.
    – Murder and rapine.

    Those glory days are gone never to return.
    Poor saps.

    … and as we all know, the Scots had no role in the british empire whatsoever.

  231. Shug says:

    Channel 4 has a programme titled fortress britain. Where do they start Henry VIII.
    These people either know nothing or are rewriting history

  232. John Main says:

    @Chas 5:49

    Good post.

    Of course a majority of us Sovereign Scots want some certainty that post-Indy, we will have an iScotland government that will have the competence, integrity and professionalism to keep our country in the style to which we believe we are entitled – aspirational first world.

    And of course a majority of us Sovereign Scots look around and see no evidence of competence, integrity and professionalism within the bunch of losers, eejits, fantasists, pervs, crims and back stabbers that are currently troughing it within the Scottish contingents at WM and HR, and that are delivering third-world levels of mismanagement and malfeasance in public office.

    Deliver a majority in favour of that shitshow, with pretendy, outsourced FM Yousaf prancing and preening in top spot?

    In the inspired words of oor verra ain Geri, “feck aff”!

  233. Dundee Scot says:

    The latest poll (Redfield and Wilton) has:
    SNP 32% (-2)
    Labour 32% (–)
    Conservative 23% (+2)
    Lib Dem 8% (-1)
    Green 2% (–)
    Reform 2% (+1)
    Other (1%)

    The Alba Party doesn’t even register.
    In another poll (Scoop), Alba is at 1%.
    On the bright side, Alba is polling a bit better than the Monster Raving Loony Party, and has more seats than the MRLs!
    Can independence be far off?

  234. John Main says:

    @dasBlimp 5:58

    Defining who the “enemy” is, though, that’s the tricky part.

    Deeply satisfying though it is to shred the arguments and refute the facts of some of the regulars on here, they aren’t the enemy.

    But they would never agree with my assessment of who the real enemy is, just as I don’t agree with theirs.

  235. Mia says:

    “Another over-long dribbling screed blaming everybody under the sun for puir, wee Scotia’s woes”

    And there is you yet again resorting to ad hominem as an amateur attempt to divert attention.

    You have been reading and commenting in WOS for long enough to realise we all know here ad hominem is not only the tool of last resort but also the most clear admission you can ever give of not having any credible counter-argument.

    So why do you bother?

    “You and around another 100 grass-roots “geniuses” stand for office. Local councils, HR, WM, whatever”

    Do you actually bother reading what I write?

    Since 2014 I have ZERO trust in politics. ZERO. I have ZERO trust in elections. I have ZERO trust in the traditional political parties. I have ZERO trust in Westminster and Holyrood. I have ZERO trust in the COPFS. I have ZERO trust in the civil service. I have ZERO trust in the courts. I have zero trust in what the real interests of the crown with regards to Scotland might be.

    I do not believe a single word of ANY of the official “results”. Not one. I am one of those who is convinced referendum/election results are decided before hand and the “prognostics” for elections we are given on TV and newspapers are not prognostics at all, but rather part of an integrated marketing strategy designed to manage expectations by positioning the result chosen by the powers that be ahead of the election.

    In light of this, what kind of monumental idiot would I have to be to enter a world I profoundly distrust, I see as a tool currently used to frustrate rather than deliver democracy and the right to self determination of Scotland, a world I know I will never manage to change or make it work because, for as long as Scotland remains in this union, it is specifically designed to not work, and functions by putting inadequate people with serious flaws in power so they can then be kept under control by the powers that be exploiting those flaws, and, in the rare case when a politician without weakness makes it through beyond certain point, the powers that be will stop any pretence of democracy by deploying criminal cases fabricated out of thin air to stop that politician?

    Why do you think I seek to end this union as quickly as possible and through the fastest and most direct route available to us?

    Why do you think I despair and find ironic when politicians cry for democracy to exit the union when those politicians are part of a deceiving machine which is designed to systematically denying democracy to Scotland to stop it ending the union?

    Do you seriously think, in such circumstances, I would ever entertain wasting my time entering a game I know is flawed by design and play pretend democracy when the rules of the game have been designed to frustrate real democracy?

    No thank you.

    But I most certainly will consider your proposal once Scotland becomes an independent state and politics in Scotland are no longer determined by how strongly the powers that be in London poke and prod on the weaknesses and peccadilloes of politicians from Scotland to control them.

  236. A Scot Abroad says:

    I can guarantee that the atmosphere at the branches of Legion Scotland after the Remembrance commemoration on 12th November will be rather more pleasant and civilised than it will be at this place. Old comrades in arms, meeting up with friends that they may not have seen for a year, commiserating as they recall old colleagues who died either on the battlefield, or more recently. All of them with more humanity for their fellow man and a proper sense of service to a wider and greater community than just themselves.

    Don’t forget, people fight for their comrades and community around them and back home. Not for their country or King. That’s too remote a concept. The man next door to you is your brother in arms.

  237. dasBlimp says:

    John Main says:
    4 November, 2023 at 6:32 pm
    @dasBlimp 5:58

    Defining who the “enemy” is, though, that’s the tricky part.

    We’ll see them next Saturday in London and it’s the successive governments of Westminster that have brought us to this. They are the real enemy.

  238. Alf Baird says:

    John Main @ 6:32 pm

    “Defining who the “enemy” is, though, that’s the tricky part.”

    Not really. In a colonial society that would be the colonizer (including co-opted native elites) whose role “is to make any prospect of liberation for the colonized seem impossible” (Memmi).

  239. John Main says:


    Thanks for your reply.

    Maybes we can agree to disagree on the meaning of “ad hominem” too. Because me criticising the length and focus of your earlier post is not ad hominem to most of us.

    Credible counter argument against what? I was pointing out that as long as Scots sit on their erses, expecting others to lead them to the promised land, Indy will go nowhere. I was asking you to get off yours and try to be the change you want to see.

    Your reply? “No way, Jose”.

    Fine. How old are you? How many years do you think you have left, waiting for somebody else to gift you, and the rest of us, Indy?

    Soz an a’ that, but that’s not how the real world works.

  240. George Ferguson says:

    @Dundee Scot 6:28pm
    Which election polling are we talking about? The General Election or the Scottish Parliamentary Elections? They are two different things. Of course Alba has no electoral success to date. But somebody will capitalise on the stubbornly high Independence vote of 47% despite the freefall in the SNP vote. The link between the SNP vote and Scottish Independence vote is well and truly broken. As recognised by Humza and Pete Wishart themselves. And that’s without the industrial criminality coming home to roost.

  241. Tommo says:

    Can I suggest it would do ‘both sides’ of this website credit to allow those-like me-who have regard to the sacrifices made by others (my father being one) in World Wars to have their brief time of Remembrance.
    Only this few days now
    Leave it out
    Won’t kill you….

  242. Dan says:

    England currently importing 20% of it’s leccy needs from mainland Europe. (Scroll to right to see Euro connection gauges)
    And even with 20% being imported England is still generating nearly 40% of its leccy by burning gas (it will also be using gas directly for cooking and heating).
    And note there’s a retro stylée revival as 3% of grid demand is being met by burning coal.

    link to

    Now this is one of those rare times when Scotland is receiving 0.75 of a GW from England which is a relatively small amount compared to what Scotland usually transfers to England.

    link to

    NB: But do remember that around 50% of UK domestic gas production comes from Scottish gas fields so in real terms Scotland is still net exporting energy.

    ASA states England is working to increase its own generation capacity, but that will take time so the exploitation of Scottish energy reserves continues.
    But over that time the flow of internal UK immigration to Scotland will continue and effectively mean the ongoing colonisation of Scotland will reach the point the democratic will expressed by “Scots” will be altered.

  243. Shug says:

    A scot abroad

    All the british legions shut around here ages ago. I can think of 3 in this area in the 80s none now

    They don’t care about the soldiers that are serving and they dont care when they come home.

    There were a couple always begging at waverly, heard one died haven’t heard of the others but there is no shortage

    Yep better together right enough

  244. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird,

    you are one of few here who clearly posts under a real name. It may be wise for you to resile a little from describing fellow citizens of the U.K. as “the enemy”, although I’m sure that you don’t mean it in a literal sense. It could however be over-interpreted by some, and should anything kick off among hotheads of both unionist and nationalist sympathies, the Police will wonder who sympathises.

    That is most sincerely meant. I am absolutely not having a verbal go at you, on this occasion at least.

  245. sarah says:

    Excellent article over on Yours for Scotland about Denmark.

    Nothing is rotten in the State of Denmark because they are independent.

    As many have said, why oh why are our politicians all so craven and ignorant about the legal rights of Scotland and the Scots to withdraw from the Union?

  246. dasBlimp says:

    Alf Baird says:
    4 November, 2023 at 7:07 pm
    John Main @ 6:32 pm

    “Defining who the “enemy” is, though, that’s the tricky part.”

    Not really. In a colonial society that would be the colonizer (including co-opted native elites) whose role “is to make any prospect of liberation for the colonized seem impossible” (Memmi).

    Correct. And in the case of the English the most effective colonialists, the Normans, humiliated and subjugated the English, stole their land and replaced their language. The Norman elites are still in charge and the English will never be free. Ring any bells?

  247. dasBlimp says:

    Spot on, Shug.

  248. Dundee Scot says:

    According to most commenters here, the SNP is a fake independence party, and Alba is the only true independence party.
    And Alba is at 1% in the polls.
    Not a good look for independence, when the only party actually supporting it is at 1% in the polls.

  249. Johnlm says:

    I wonder where all the poppy money goes?
    There are obviously many fewer servicemen in hospitals as time passes.
    Half the grounds of Erskine Hospital were sold off for an hotel and Golf course decades ago.

  250. John Main says:

    Alf Baird

    Haha, you’ve just swapped “coloniser” for “enemy”. I could just repeat my question with your substitution.

    But I already see who I think the colonisers are, every time I watch the TV.

    As you know, I think your colonising trope is of little relevance to Scotland right now. But where it does apply, it is instructive to observe how colonisers are themselves colonised. It’s a recursive phenomenon, nested several layers deep. Some of the colonising layers are worse than others IMHO.

    If we in Scotland are colonised, then it’s the colonisers of our colonisers that gets ma goat.

  251. John Main says:

    @Dan 7:35

    Always remember that “show us the money” works as well on New Scots as it does on Sovereign Scots.

    Arguably better. Always remember that immigrants are the most pushy, greedy, grasping and upwardly mobile sectors of their original host populations. Show them the money and they’ll have your arm off.

    If iScotland really has what it takes to make us all better off, just make that economic case. Simples.

  252. Mia says:

    “In order to allow an Independence Referendum to t….”


    This is a parliamentary democracy and the people of Scotland are sovereign. So who exactly has the legitimate right to deny the people of Scotland a referendum if they cast an unequivocal democratic mandate for one?

    No one. You cannot pretend you or your party are democrats nor pretend the UK is a democracy when you are deliberately denying democracy for Scotland.

    Denying an independence referendum when the people of Scotland elected a pro-independence majority with a mandate for one is not only undemocratic. It is actually an assault on the Claim of Right because it is at all practical effects an imposition of absolute rule.

    “a majority of 55-60% should be demonstrated for a sustained length of time”

    Since when?
    By order of whom?

    What right has that whom to restrict the legitimate right of the people of Scotland to hold a referendum if they have cast a mandate for one?

    It is, yet again, another fabricated obstacle designed to deliberately frustrate Scotland’s democracy, its legitimate right to self determination and to unilaterally terminate the treaty of union.

    For instance, where exactly was that sustained 60% majority in support of brexit in the UK before that referendum was “allowed”?

    what was the support for brexit BEFORE legislation for that referendum was rushed through even before the Scottish Indyref took place?

    Where exactly in Scotland was the sustained 60% supporting brexit before the EU referendum was foisted on us?

    Where was the sustained 60% supporting brexit in Wales before the EU referendum was “allowed”?

    What about NI? Where was that 60%?

    What about London?

    You have just made that up. The UK is a parliamentary democracy. There is and there has never been a need for a sustained majority among the voters for anything. Goodness, we just had a by election in Scotland where over 60% of the people did not cast a vote and yet the result was trumpeted as a “surge” for Labour despite that party losing votes compared to the previous election.

    Remember this quote:

    “I think you have got to have a look at what means to be winning. We do have clearly set up between the parties whether they support independence for Scotland or whether they do not. You do not get a referendum for free, you have to earn it. So, if the Greens and the SNP and the SSP or any of the other parties who declare an interest in independence get over the line and can make a coalition, get a majority, get the votes in parliament, then they will vote through a referendum. That is what democracy is all about”
    Ruth Davidson, 5 May 2011.

    Ruth Davidson does not say anything about 60% nor “allowing”, nor even mentions Westminster. A simple majority between pro-independence parties in HOlyrood is all what is needed to call a referendum.

    Being fair to Davidson, in 2011 we did not have an unelected representative of the crown making a complete mockery of democracy and installing absolute rule by handing control of Scotland’s legislative power to the crown, so this can stop any pro-referendum legislation entering Holyrood as we have now.

    Enough with the fabricated obstacles, please.

  253. Geri says:

    Tommo. No.

    The Walter mitty yoons turned it into a laughing stock.

    This is their favourite time of year.
    Fapping all over their computer screens at who:

    Isn’t wearing a poppy.
    Who isn’t singing a bigoted theme tune like they know all the words.
    Who is tweeting on twitter during the 1 minute silence
    What politicians don’t have a twibbon
    Which football club isn’t in full mourning.
    What Sinn Fein politicians are posting about.

    It’s a busy time for yoons.

    I’ll save my 1 minute for the victims of Gaza & the true vets of WW2.

  254. A Scot Abroad says:


    the people of Scotland most certainly aren’t “sovereign”. That ancient guff is a red herring. Any sovereignty stopped dead in the water in 1707. You are a citizen of the UK, Scotland doesn’t confer any citizenship itself.

  255. Mia says:

    “How old are you? How many years do you think you have left…”

    I do not expect you are in the business of selling headstones nor I believe you have a real interest in how old I am.

    Segmentation and selection of the targeting audience is usually done at the beginning of the marketing campaign, not in the middle.

    So unless this is a last minute corrective measure, it seems to me you are now moving on from amateur ad hominem to a soft attempt at emotional blackmailing.

    Where will you be heading next?

    And what dimension of the “real” world are you talking about?Because nothing in UK politics is real. Democracy in the UK is an illusion.

  256. Geri says:

    Well said Mia.

    The mathematical gymnastics is only the yoons invention.
    Used by the ultra undemocratic Labour party in ’79 where they coined the 70% rule & included the dead as a naw vote..LMAO!

    What were the Scots thinking to accept that mince?

    Same with, also ’79, “vote naw for a *better deal*”

    Jeez, where did we also hear that? Indyref 2014.

    The 60% rule was also resurrected by the Greens after Holyrood SNP Election success. They had a sniff at the trough & weren’t so keen on giving it up so quick.

    It’s universally accepted 50%+1 does it. & That’s what we’ll be sticking to.

    It wouldn’t even matter if it was 60%
    They’d then change it to 80% then 90% then 100%
    Then best of 5..zzzzz

  257. George Ferguson says:

    @Tommo 7:29pm
    There is only one side of the argument. Those that have cause to remembrance. That their sacrifice allowed free speech and demonstrations to occur now. I wrote sometime ago about the ex serviceman defending the Glasgow War Memorial during BLM and how I admired him. Now I will inform you why I left the SNP the first time a lifetime ago. The movement was infiltrated but the Seeds of the Gale. White poppies and desecration of War memorials. They were eventually dumped by the SNP but not before I left the SNP for the first time. History repeats itself seemingly on a groundhog cycle.

  258. Geri says:

    Scots sovereignty most definitely did not stop or the union is null & void.
    There were conditions attached, still recognised & played out today. Scotland still retains her crown & her crown institutions that Chucky swears to uphold in the claim of right.

    What kind of serf boy are you that dismisses yer own Country’s status?

    Oh, a Britnat plastic NuEnglish. I forgot there for a mo..

  259. Geri says:

    White poppies are for peace are they not?

    Only war memorials I seen desecrated were from britnats. Same with desecrating Bannockburn & giving Nazi salutes during Indyref Better Together campaign.

    There is nothing wrong with being against invasion & occupation for absolutely no other reason that to pillaged, oppress & destabilise while Mr America installs a puppet regime.

    This isn’t the 1930s anymore. That ride & myth has ended.

  260. George Ferguson says:

    @Tommo 7:29pm
    Sion Nan Gaidheal for the Gaelic speaker destroyed the SNP the first time round. Now we are on a groundhog repeat cycle. It’s GRR white, yellow poppies Nicola take your pick. The destruction of the SNP is inevitable. And thank goodness. I can’t understand the Gaelic support for the SNP the most put on and abused section of the SNP Scottish Government. They wasted your language and your ferries.

  261. Captain Yossarian says:

    Mia – You certainly have spirit. Whether it is 50% or 55% or 60% it doesn’t really matter, does it? You are nowhere near that. My guess you are at somewhere less than 40%.

    However, there are two potential short term problems:

    1) Branchform is investigating among other things “embezzlement”. Did you know that?

    2) The UK Covid Inquiry may conclude that Sturgeon deleted her WhatsApp messages, Swinney, Freeman and Leitch followed suit and that was unlawful.

    If you get the best possible outcome from both, you will remain on 40%.

    However, I suspect that there are more, even more shocking, revelations to come.

  262. Geri says:

    “That their sacrifice allowed free speech and demonstrations to occur now”

    I think Assange & Craig Murray would beg to differ. As would various football fans. As would environmentalists. As would women & girls. As would some politicians.

    Same with protesters being arrested in the UK establishments new Police state they’ve allowed themselves to introduce where even though is a crime.

    & We’ve not included the topic in hand. Scotland’s right to govern herself on 50%+1.

    It’s a weird kind of free, democratic world yer all romanticising about in 2023.

  263. Geri says:

    What are you on about George?

    Some SNP choose to wear Scotland’s white rose. A national emblem. What’s wrong with that?

  264. Mia says:

    “Any sovereignty stopped dead in the water in 1707”

    No, it did not.

    That, just like the 60% rule and “parliamentary sovereignty” are fabrications of the 20th century that, interestingly enough, started to be unilaterally embraced in force (always by the same side, mind) when oil was discovered in Scotland’s territorial waters.

  265. stuart mctavish says:

    ASA @7:45

    Apparently there’s about 2.5 million millionaires in the UK.

    That means there must be about 60 million Englishmen who could benefit by becoming friends with a true Scotsman (drinks/ shelter/ tide them over until everyone gets their magic genie, etc) when we all become as rich as Crassus as early as Monday afternoon..

    I fully appreciate why some might fear the English too much to allow that to happen (especially the better looking ones) but rather than pander to such weakness perhaps it would be feasible to ensure that these particular Scots are denied their fair share until they’ve completed citizenship camp/ therapy and an unreasonably extensive post indy re-education program.

  266. A Scot Abroad says:


    I’ll not argue the maths with you, but the legal fact.

    Scotland doesn’t have a “right” to govern herself even if 50%+1 is reached. All Scotland has a right to do is to request an IndyRef under the Scotland Act.

    All you are doing is talking up an idea that isn’t part of any party’s policy, and isn’t going to be.

  267. George Ferguson says:

    @Geri 9:44pm
    There is a world of difference between a white rose and a white poppy. A poppy is an act of remembrance. Your making the same mistake as the Sion Nan Gaidheal did years ago by conflating them. 10% of Scottish casualties in WW1, a disportionate amount in the UK Context. Nevertheless it causes a lot of grief when 5 minute cause of BLM or the latest Palestinian cause tries to take precedence.

  268. sarah says:

    O/T: Does anyone know what Barrhead Boy is doing? There is no mention of Through a Scottish Prism this weekend. Is he taking a break?

  269. James Che says:


    As soon as the Parliament of England and Queen dissolved the parliament of Scotland from the treaty of union, that was it, kudo, No more treaty of union.
    As Xaracen points out the Scottish parliament was never in the treaty of Union,
    The commissioners negotiated every thing, not the parliament,

    The 1707 Scottish parliament did not Ratify the treaty of union,
    One of queen Annes Commissioners did that for her the Duke of Queensbury,

    And after all that effort the dumb Queen Anne in her hurry and greed to grab Scotland then failed by dissolving the Scottish parliament out of the treaty union before creating a two parliament Great Britain parliament in union.

    A dissolved parliament cannot represent its constituents, in this case Scotland.

    All people that were members of the said dissolved parliament cannot thereafter that date consider themselves as members of the 1707 Scottish parliament.

    All business from the dissolved 1707 parliament falls.

    The old (1707 Scottish) dissolved cannot bind any successor parliament Ie, England Westminster parliament to its predecessor Scottish parliament.

    This is from the Institute of Government org. UK.

  270. James Che says:

    A dissolved Scottish parliament has no member that are allowed to consider themselves MPs of Scotland.
    Anc cannot represent Scotland.

    As non members of the 1707 Scottish dissolved parliament, they could then not proceed into the union of both parliaments between Scotland and England,

    The Great Britain Westminster parliament could not be legally constructed or given a foundation without the Scottish parliament joined in union, once they dissolved the 1707 Scottish parliament

    Westminster parliament of England and westminster parliament of Great Britain are one institution and the same continuous parliament without any new Scotlands parliament being bound to it.

  271. James Che says:


    Not only are the Scots people as a nation but so is territory,

  272. Captain Yossarian says:

    James Che – James, I think I have made this point before, but only once. By contrast, you have made your point many, many times and so let me repeat: Once you start work, you are deemed to have accepted your working conditions. It is not entirely as simple as that of course that basically, that’s the way it works. You cannot go back after 300-years and ask to re-negotiate.

  273. Captain Yossarian says:

    James Che – One small point of detail for you: Was the Duke of Queensbury not some kind of nutter? He fell-out with a servant and had him killed and roasted his body over an open fire? His old gaff, Queensbury House, is part of the Scottish Parliament, isn’t it? It’s that lime rendered building with the pan-tile roof? It’s where the Presiding Officer has her office.

  274. Geri says:

    “All you are doing is talking up an idea that isn’t part of any party’s policy, and isn’t going to be.”

    Wrong. & You’ve obviously missed the whole concept of Scotland United, the Alba party, the ISP & so far, 1 Independent who are not requesting anymore. They’re telling. The conversation is over. The UK had 9 yrs to play nice. They chose not too.

    Sarah, barrhead boy was taking a break for week. I think they’re back for a mid week special.

    George, Scotland can commemorate any way it pleases. I’ve conflated nothing. I’ve no interest in the ultra right, gung ho division of the military mafia crying over war dead when they are democracy deniers & hypocrites.

    Given a chance, those same hypocrites can be found in town centres kicking fck out a homeless ex veteran or burning £50 quid notes or urinating on them for the lolz.

    The British military deserve zero respect until King & country stop tossing them on the scrap heap & leaving them a drug addled mess. Only to be used for Remembrance Sunday & those fcking fake poppies that now represent everyone. Its Appropriation & has been for decades. Next week Trans *genocide* will no doubt be included to the list..

    Meanwhile, back in Gaza, Actual genocide is occurring with British weapons.

  275. A Scot Abroad says:

    James Che,

    no matter how many times you relentlessly make essentially the same point about some ancient guff (which I think you’ve completely misinterpreted and are hence wrong anyway), it doesn’t change the price of fish. There is literally nobody in public life in Scotland or England who is going to do a damned thing about it at all.

    I could say the same about Mia and Geri: they’re never going to see their misinterpretations occur either.

    You’ve got to live with modern reality. Not fantasy.

  276. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If you haven’t already seen the latest from Wilderness of Peace, it’s causing a bit of a stir.

    link to

  277. John Main says:

    @Geri 8:34

    “I’ll save my 1 minute”

    Ach, Geri, Xmas is coming, treat yersel.

    Gie yersel a month’s silence. Believe me, yer worth it.

  278. msdidi says:

    sarah @10.12pm

    His X post says….

    Barrhead Boy (The dream will never die)
    Sunday at noon. There are many pretenders to our show but only one Through A Scottish Prism. The show that is the voice and bedrock of the independence grassroots. See you all on Sunday at noon and again on Wednesday when we have an exclusive that will rock you to your core!
    There wasn’t a Prism last Sunday because of the ALBA conference but he did put out a pre recorded midweek show on Wednesday.

  279. sarah says:

    @ Geri and msdidi re Through a Scottish Prism: thank you for the info. Now there’s something to look forward to the morrer!

  280. John Main says:


    You sure? I struggled to read through to the end. But I forced myself. Twice. And I still can’t work out how boycotting WM elections will improve Scotland’s Indy chances when we return 59 Labour, Tory, LibDem, Green, etc MPs instead.

    Pity the author failed to extend the “river” metaphor to his beloved EU though. The EU we left no longer exists. Whatever the future may hold, we can’t go back to something that has disappeared.

    It’s a crying shame Indy no longer has anything positive to offer us Sovereign Scots. That reversion to negativity wasn’t forced on us. We, and our elected representatives, the SNP, did this all by ourselves.

  281. Geri says:


    Interesting read, thanks!

    I’d be up for abstention but two things would worry me.

    1. The new Act of Union they’ve been drafting since 2016 could be passed through parliament in our absence (tho I suppose they’d do that anyway even if we had a full house)

    2. Westminster is the official seat of power. Recognised as such by the international community.

    Holyrood is only a devolved executive. A domestic administration. No one can gather there either without swearing an oath to a foreign relic who hasn’t even ask us for our consent. They’d just issue an order to close it.

    Sarah, yer welcome. I remember him mentioning he was missing a week. I’d forgot it was for the conference. Time flies!

  282. Geri says:

    Main Dumbo.

    You can win & seat & not sit in it. They don’t automatically award it to an unelected person *for showing effort* d’oh!

  283. Tom says:

    Some clown asking me today if I wanted to buy an English Army poppy.

    He said it was for ex English Army veterans to help them through some hard times.

    I said, you were willing to fight and die for your Queen or King and England, and once you become surplus to requirements, they want you to go out on to the streets and beg for money to survive.

    I told him I wasn’t Interested in buying one of his English Army poppies and told him to get the money he needs from the same people who signed him up in the first place,,,the English establishment.

  284. stuart mctavish says:

    Captain Yossarian @12:58pm

    Might work if Israel delivers its government to the Hague in parallel (even if only to be absolved)

    An interesting aspect of the magic genie theory that ought to have been spotted by now (particularly as I posted about it contemporaneously)* is the manner in which it will sweep away the old trope about the poor having no lawyers.

    ie Assuming its not possible to murder ALL 7billion of us, AI assisted war crime/ truth tribunals can be expected within the next decade and, perhaps ironically, extending the contempt of court overreach principle to accessory to genocide it is therefore, ignorance notwithstanding, very much in the personal interest of the people currently in position of authority to achieve immediate and permanent ceasefires.

    *anonymously no less (to avoid it being tarred with my prejudice) – thus implying that AI might still have some fundamental issues with its own bias (the upside being that if we take indy tomorrow and our credit lines by Tuesday, our blossoming friendships with thousands of Enligh folks risk lasting even longer than currently anticipated.. 🙂

  285. Robert Hughes says:

    Such a pleasure * seeing * – in particular – Mia & Geri kick the arses of the dribbling Yoon twats on here . Personally , I don’t waste my time reading their pish , they’ve displayed their pathetic Union worshipping ignorance and fatuous * arguments * with monotonous regularity , so we know what they stand for – fuck all of any worth .

    So , thanks to the above mentioned – and the brilliant Confused & others – for bothering to engage with the ridiculous toy soldiers , anglicized kid-on * Scots * and tedious nitpickers whose main occupation is saying ” you cannae dae that “. ZZZzzz

    Aye , we kin ; n wull

  286. John Main says:

    And then we have the not too hypothetical situation where the “winner” of the WM election commands a small majority, which can be wiped out by the tactical block voting of 59 Scottish MPs. As in the recent situation where 2 or 3 Irish MPs essentially held the balance of power at WM and by negotiating the use of their votes in aid of the Tory administration, were able to extract substantial concessions for their country and constituents.

    Just think what new advantages (economic and political) a well organised, well lead, competent, intelligent, professional, disciplined block of 59 Scottish MPs could achieve for Scotland in a situation like that!

    Actually, having read that sentence through again, I see the problem.

  287. John Main says:


    You’ve had 10 years. Look around you. What have you achieved?

    A Scotland that is an international laughing stock. A byword for failure, corruption, reality denial, cronyism and criminality. An “Independence” movement that has fraudulently outsourced its leadership because there is no Sovereign Scot up to the job.

    You bleedin obviously “cannae dae that”.

    Embrace reality, Bob. Only by accepting the truth, can you start to map out the route to a position where Scotland actually can dae that.

    Ah well, you’re gonnae scroll on by with fingers in ears “la la la la”. Dinna fash then, the next 10 years will just fly by.

  288. Debatable Lands says:

    I think what Ash is actually saying here is, ‘I didn’t want to get off the best gravy train until I was certain I was going to be pushed off. Alba isn’t as good a gravy train, but it’s supporters are even easier to lead with the independence carrot on a stick than SNP voters. I don’t even have to make sensible arguments, they’d grab at independence if it was a concrete block and they were a mile out from the shore.’

    ‘Meanwhile I’ll not say anything terrible and emphasise working together with the SNP, so that if there is a change of regime or some sort of coalition, I could scuttle back into the foldk.

    As you can tell, I’m not a fan. She always seemed like the Nadine Dorries of Scottish politics.

  289. Geri says:


    If you are referring to the DUP – they achieved hee-haw.

    They weren’t that bothered. They’re Britnats & Big bird Mayhem & WM was their God. They bunged them £1.5 billion & threw in some free RAF uber flights.

    If Mayhem had totaled Belfast & returned to direct rule – the DUP would be cheerleading. That’s what they want. They want the Assembly shut down & they went tonto over remaining in the EU, despite NI actually voting remain.

    So what exactly were all these concessions you speak of?
    A corrupt party won a payday…what else?

  290. Towbar Sullivan says:

    They said Scotland was too stupid for self-government.
    Then Sturgeon and her cabal of pervert-petting wine aunts turned up and proved it.

    Now we’re going to have 10 years of Tory-lite Starmer in power…and everything will just get slowly worse.

    Corbyn represented change, but they took him down with bullshit claims that he was ‘antisemitic’…now we have that c@nt Starmer.

    Salmond represented change, but he was taken down by the lying and scheming of a cabal of otherwise fkn useless wine aunts.

    But they loved the Greens…of course. Because they’re led by a loon and a rodent-faced beta he/him.

    Fuck it all..

  291. dasBlimp says:

    Tom says:
    5 November, 2023 at 3:10 am
    Some clown asking me today if I wanted to buy an English Army poppy.

    … that didn’t really happen though did it.

  292. John Main says:

    @Debatable Lands

    Regan campaigned for the position of SNP leader, and hence FM of Scotland, on the policy of making every election, WM and HR, a plebiscitary one on independence.

    I supported her because of that policy.

    The key to answering the question as to whether she is a politician of principle, or just another sharp-elbowed trougher with her eyes on the deepest trough, will be when we discover if her signature policy is now Alba policy.

    If Regan had been permitted to win the fraudulent leadership election, Scotland would now be gearing up and airing the arguments for an Indy plebiscite in 2024 or 2025, and another one in 2026.

    If the price of her Alba “conversion” is the loss of these opportunities, then she’s just another waste of time and tax payer’s money, skilfully grifting from Indy supporters, with no real intention of ever delivering.

  293. Geri says:

    “You’ve had 10 years. Look around you. What have you achieved?”

    The silver lining, if you really want to see it..

    The complete breakdown of Westminster both at home & abroad.
    It’s not fit for purpose, is undemocratic & it’s English.

    Its not a GB parliament belonging to a *wee family of Nations* bullshit, it’s just one dominant part, England.

    Nothing can be gained there for Scotland. Not even coming armed with a mandate, reasoning & compromise.


    Devo is a complete waste of time. Over 80 powers stripped despite no cross party consent. It’s an empty shell regardless of who is in charge.

    Both events highlighted on the world stage since Brexit.

    England is increasing moving towards an isolated fascist state.

    Independence is the only answer. We have absolutely zero in common with England, zero.

    You’ve been asked to name Yoon benefits – I’ve yet to see you answer it.

  294. David Hannah says:

    Humza has lost another council by election last night. Just what Nicola would have wanted.

    Hopefully the Greens will be vacating Holyrood this week.

    Fingers crossed guys.

  295. David Hannah says:

    Really pathetic childish stuff to hear colleagues say they can’t share an office with Regan. I’m upset for her.

    The offices at Holyrood are God awful. Personally I think the building is absolutely horrendous. An Independent Scotland deserves a better Parliament than the monstrosity that Holyrood is.

  296. David Hannah says:

    The Green floor will be stinking of BO. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Let’s hope Fergus Ewing is ready to launch a takedown of the majority.

    Come on Fergus.

  297. Geri says:

    **will be when we discover if her signature policy is now Alba policy.**

    It was ALWAYS Alba policy.

    Honestly, do you ever venture outside of the Wings comments page?

    She was shouted down during the leadership contest to *piss off to Alba because that was: insert *Salmond/Wings/Torrance/McAlpine/McEleny/McNeil policy* LOL!

    So she did.

    Now everyone claims “I knew it!!!* 😀

  298. Andy Anderson says:

    Interesting reading all the comments above. My personal view is that we get behind Salvo as a viable non political option to get independence. Salvo must be a worry to the establishment already as there websites suffer attack.
    Regarding the GL vote I will vote ISP if they have a candidate in my area. They have the best policies for independence and are abolitionists. Failing that I will vote Alba. It is important to vote for an Indy party to show the unionist colonists that we are still here. Alba will be more verbal in defence of independence although from reading their website I cannot see how they plan to get it.
    It is a depressing time just now but we just have to keep supporting the cause, keep talking to people and support those you think have focus. Support your local Yes groups also.

  299. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    5 November, 2023 at 9:35 am
    “You’ve had 10 years. Look around you. What have you achieved?”

    The silver lining, if you really want to see it..

    The complete breakdown of Westminster both at home & abroad.
    It’s not fit for purpose, is undemocratic & it’s English.

    Partly true but it definitely isn’t English.

    Its not a GB parliament belonging to a *wee family of Nations* bullshit, it’s just one dominant part, England.

    See my reply above.

    Nothing can be gained there for Scotland.

    Except for Scotland’s 41 billion per year share of UK taxpayer’s money.

  300. Geri says:

    Ash should request a move.

    It deliberate bullying to put a gender critical woman on the same floor as the brain dead raging deviants fcking about with their pronouns all week.

    It will be stinking. They’ll probably have a goat tethered in a cupboard somewhere called Beth..

  301. David Hannah says:

    link to

    The Holyrood offices. It’s like something from Lord of the rings isn’t it?

    You can just imagine Frodo Baggins walking about, and Smeageal. It’s small enough for an elf.

    And then all of sudden Patrick Harvie and Nicola Sturgeon appear.

    The entire building needs redesigned. I don’t see a resemblance to Charles Rennie Mcintosh anywhere.

  302. Bobbyp says:

    I’m voting Alba,

  303. Mike d says:

    One here for ass hole abroad,
    Search utube ‘ ricky nixon the poppy song.

  304. John Main says:

    “Zero in common with England”

    Ah, c’mon now Ted, you don’t mean that.

    Both England and Scotland have outsourced their leadership to overseas, broadcasting a crystal clear message to the world that neither “nation” can muster an indigene with the necessary leadership qualities.

    That’s a bad vibe for a nation in terminal decline, like England. But it’s an order of magnitude worse for a nation supposedly rousing itself for the breaking of its colonialist, imperialist shackles. Nae Scot up to the job, so a fraud has to be shoe horned in instead? FFS. How does that travesty look to the rest of the wondering, heid-scratching world?

    Maybes you meant “zero we can be proud of in common with England”, eh?

  305. Xaracen says:


    (Sorry for taking so long to produce this comment. Knocking words into shape can take me a while.)

    “It has no business awarding itself endless seats above everyone else. It started with 45 each between Scotland & England in 1707 & in over 300 yrs we’ve increased by 11! LMAO! Now it’s 533 Vs 56.”

    It was never 45 MPs each, Geri, it was 45 MPs for Scotland, who joined the existing 513 MPs already at Westminster from the English kingdom.

    The current number is 59 out of 650 total, though it’s about to change a little. The non-59 are the MPs of the Kingdom of England.

    But actually, it really isn’t about MP numbers anyway, because Westminster is using the wrong numbers in the wrong way for the wrong reasons.

    MPs numbers reflect the size of the populations of the two Kingdoms of the Union. They reflect nothing else, and certainly not the relative authorities of the two equally sovereign kingdoms that actually founded the Union in the first place, and Westminster has no business using those numbers as a proxy for authority.

    Being equally sovereign means neither kingdom has any formal authority over the other, and the same is therefore true of the two sets of MPs who represent their parent kingdoms in the Union’s shared parliament.

    The idea that England’s MPs can numerically outvote Scotland’s MPs on any matter of the Union’s governance is based on nothing more than English establishment conceit, and has no constitutional nor democratic validity, because it presumes that Scotland’s MPs must submit to England’s foreign majority.

    Scotland owes no obeisance to England or its MPs, and nothing in the Treaty or Acts requires it to, so constitutionally England’s dominance is entirely unwarranted. Even in democratic terms, there is no good reason to take MP numbers as the basis of the voting method to determine the outcome of debates in the Commons.

    Constitutionally the Union is of TWO sovereign kingdoms which negotiated, agreed, signed, and ratified a Treaty. It is not a Union of 558 (now 650) non-sovereign constituencies which didn’t!

    Neither kingdom gave up their sovereignty. They just gave up independent governance for joint governance. Democratically, therefore, the correct number of votes in the Union’s parliament is two! One vote per kingdom, determined by simple majority vote by each of the two sets of MPs that formally represent them. If both votes are Yes, the matter debated may pass, otherwise it must fall.

    Any legislation passed by English MP majorities without Scottish MP majority approval are unlawful because England’s MPs cannot and do not represent the Union on their own, and lack the authority to impose them over Scotland and thus the Union, so such decisions are ultra vires, not having been passed by the Union’s two sets of representatives, and that makes all such legislation fraudulent.

  306. Alf Baird says:

    John Main

    I see you have been accused of “deliberate mischief” over on Craig Murray’s site. Geopolitical debate there a bit out of your league?

    link to

  307. Captain Yossarian says:

    stuart mctavish – I wonder sir, is that the same AI that gave us Humza?

  308. Geri says:


    Ah the good old days when yoons were in charge & everything was just tickety boo in the yoons world where Slabber never wasted money, no siree!..

    It’s was only £400 million over budget to match the trams lol!!


    In everything .
    In voting.
    In world view.
    In policy.
    In warmongering.
    In racism & immigration.

    How does Dumbza look to the outside world?

    He looks fine if not a big bit stupid for tanking his own party for the mad Greens. Scotland is his home. He gamed the Westminster system – well done him..

    TO Dumbza?

    He’s having a wankfest that he’s been accepted by the British Establishment. Whit an honour! They’ll have to remove his cold dead hands from its grip on FM cause he ain’t letting that gig go. Stockholm syndrome in full swing. He’s wan of them nooo..where do I sign, Mister? Anything you want? Just take it! Just leave me the title..

    That’s how the Britnats work. Trinkets & baubles. Employ the foreigner to be anti foreigner..if it backfires we can just blame them..

    Any benefits yet?

  309. John Main says:

    Alf Baird

    Anybody who troubles to follow your link will see that the debate is more nuanced than your above post suggests. But you already know that.

    Whether interpreted as “nuisance” or not, I believe my post is factually accurate, if perhaps not relevant.

    Craig Murray’s blog is most certainly replete with BTL posts that evidence that the writers are out of their league.

  310. Chas says:

    There has to be an alternative to what we currently have. SNP is clearly not it. Alba has failed to gain traction. Labour is better than Tory but……… not by much! The rest can be ignored. When the SNP is exterminated there may be a chance of ‘the alternative’ emerging but who is going to tell and convince the WGD types?

    Years and years in the wilderness incoming. We have already had 10 years of that. Far too many are totally disillusioned with Politics and have simply lost interest. I keep hearing that 50% of the electorate want Independence but how many would actually vote for it, given the chance, without any real idea of what it would mean for them, their kids and grandkids. 30%/40%?

    The less cerebral amongst us can vent their feeling on here everyday but in all honesty it changes absolutely nothing, but I suspect it makes them feel good about themselves. A few words of support from their fellow fanatics and off they go again and again.

    Society, as we used to know it, is broken. It is not coming back. There is only so much money to go around and those that have it are not going to give it up easily. Who wants to be poorer or richer in an Independent Scotland because at the end of the day, that is what counts for the majority. The brain dead can argue otherwise.

    Life is not fair, never has been, never will be. Look after your own.

  311. Johnlm says:

    Another for AsshoIe and JM.

    Eric Bogle – The band played waltzing Matilda.

    Mission creeps.
    Who believe that all methods are acceptable

  312. James Che says:

    Captain Yossarian,
    10: 43pm.

    Re your comment,

    Once you start work, you are deemed to have excepted the working conditions.

    So who Started the work?

    No one from the Scottish parliament took part in those working conditions, ( as it is and was dissolved ) and so were its MPs, and just to bring the old guff up to date, it has never been reinstated and is still dissolved from the treaty of parliamentary unions in 2023.

  313. stuart mctavish says:

    @Captain yossarian

    Goodness knows, it seems to work in mysterious ways.

    I mean if she hadn’t resigned for nothing with plenty in the tank then the SNP1- Green/Alba/ISP 2 supermajority would still have been likely (implying an increased incentive to delay UDI beyond tomorrow morning)

    Now the incentive for urgency is presumably twofold:
    (a) money, as outlined above and
    (b) prevent further hemorhage of true Scots to the wild partying Tories (who dress well, get things done and, admittedly with less reason, dont whinge)

  314. Geri says:


    First I’ve heard that one, thanks!

    It’s tragic. 🙁

  315. John Main says:

    @Chas says:5 November, 2023 at 11:02 am

    There is only so much money to go around and those that have it are not going to give it up easily. Who wants to be poorer or richer in an Independent Scotland because at the end of the day, that is what counts for the majority


    Every reader on here knows in their bones that what you write is true, because no reader on here ever parts with a single brass farthing more than is necessary for their necessities and the luxuries they feel able to afford.

    So the flip side of that brass farthing is the certainty that shown a clear, certain, unambiguous, incontrovertible case that Indy will make us all (or even a majority of us) better off, then the majority vote in favour of Indy, among Sovereign and New Scots alike, will be in the bag.

    As sure as death itself, as my late granny used to say.

    Show us the money, then get out of the way, as the stampede for Indy will crush you in the road

    All the rest, the Ancient Guff, the English hating, the Colonialist Trope, the Scotland as cuddliest, nicest wee country in the world, is a sideshow engaging only a small minority, and leaving the grounded Realpolitik voting majority of Scots apathetic and switched off.

  316. James Che says:

    The treaty of union is a fallacy and a hoax played upon Scotland and I can understand why people strongly supporting the union that never happen do NOT want me to talk about old “guff but factual history” of the fallacious union.
    But the to bring those historical events up to date in 2023 it relays the message that they want you to keep fighting for independence of Scotland through the politicians bubble in a never ending political battle of struggle,
    It keeps us right where they want us to be,

    Union supporters tell us it is Old guff History, and it no longer counts as valid any more, and yet in the same breath tell you the old guff treaty of union is true and counts from 300 years ago,

    These are two CONTRADICTORY positions in 2023 being held by union supporters over the 1707 parliamentary union between Scotland and England that may never have happened,

    And every Scottish independence supporter should consider the ramifications of a 1707 dissolved Scottish parliament from the treaty of union,

    The Institute of government, org. Uk . explains in detail the position of a parliament under dissoltution.

    Once dissolved the members no longer are considered members of parliament.
    All business of that parliament falls
    A dissolved parliament and cannot represent their Constituents,
    And a dissolved parliament can not carry anything binding over to the successor parliament,

  317. Geri says:

    Mike D..

    “Search utube ‘ ricky nixon the poppy song.”

    Wow!wow!wow! He got them all in there! I’d never heard that one either..

  318. James says:

    Looks like the Yoons are ramping it up again,trying to swamp the site with pish…. what on earth could they be so worried about??

  319. Peter A Bell says:

    The restoration of Scotland’s independence is a matter of the utmost urgency. Fantasists will agree with this while simultaneously insisting we can afford to wait until Alba Party acquires some political clout. At the same time, Alba Party continues to defer to Westminster in exactly the same way that the SNP does, thus ensuring the party is not going to acquire that political clout any time soon.

    I suppose it all hinges on how “utmost urgency” is defined. Alba Party devotees choose to define it as however long it takes for Alba Party to be in a position to influence the course of the fight to restore Scotland’s independence. SNP loyalists define it as whatever ties in with the leadership’s strategy du jour.

    Realists, on the other hand, tend not to write the British state out of the equation. While SNP loyalists and Alba devotees alike take a very relaxed view of the now quite explicit intention of the British state to lock Scotland into a ‘reformed’ Union, realists take due account of this and consider what the British state will be doing while SNP/Alba struggle to get their farmyard fowl into formation. And when they are likely to do it.

    The when is easy to calculate. It will be in the course of the next Westminster government. There are at least two reasons for making the precautionary assumption that action on the constitutional issue must be initiated before the next UK general election campaign gets underway. The first is the British state’s imperative to preserve the Union. That is an ever-present reason to act with all possible haste.

    Then there is the fact that this imperative is common to all the British political parties. Combine this with the fact that the two parties contending for the keys to No. 10 are now so closely aligned on pretty much every issue that both are struggling to find a way for the voters to differentiate. Neither really wants to spend the election campaign talking about the economy, as would usually be the case. The Tories won’t want to talk about the economy because they’ve made such an arse of it. British Labour won’t want to talk about the economy because the fact that the ‘solutions’ they offer are indistinguishable from those offered by the Tories, this can only mean that they’d make an arse of the economy as well.

    What they can talk about is the Union. About their ideas for making Britain great again. Which necessarily implies their ideas for preserving their ‘precious’ Union. They will compete to be seen by voters in England as the party most likely to deal effectively with the troublesome periphery of their vestigial empire.

    What this means is that regardless of which party wins the UK general election it will become a government with a mandate to put a choke-chain on Scotland. and the will! Or at least, we must assume they will. We cannot afford to assume they won’t.

    Here’s the bit of plain logic that both SNP loyalists and Alba devotees have great difficulty with. If as we must assume the election is going to turn into a battle of the BritNats with known consequences for Scotland; and thus something must be done immediately to pre-empt this; and the something that needs to be done must be done by the Scottish Government; and the SNP is the party of government; and there is no way to change this before the Westminster election, then it follows that only the SNP can possibly take that action.

    SNP loyalists complacently assume their leaders have the situation in hand. Alba devotees fantasise about Alex Salmond somehow riding to Scotland’s rescue. The British Nationalists just get on with the job of tightening Britannia’s grip on Scotland.

    Hence, we are all but certainly fucked. Because ALL of Scotland’s politicians are betraying Scotland’s cause and their supporters are too blinded by partisan loyalty to see it.

  320. James Che says:

    Alf Baird.

    My post on the union is also factual accurate, but not quite as irrelevant, as the parliament of Scotland and all it members are dissolved from the treaty of union officially.

  321. Geri says:

    James Che

    Professor Tom Devine was interesting during indyref speaking at The university of Edinburgh you maybe interested in.

    It’s still on YouTube.

    O:2 of Scotland had a vote lol!

    They wanted out immediately but events took over…

  322. Peter A Bell says:

    James says:
    5 November, 2023 at 12:15 pm
    Looks like the Yoons are ramping it up again,trying to swamp the site with pish…. what on earth could they be so worried about??

    What, indeed? The Union is under no threat from Scotland’s supposed pro-independence parties. Alba Party and the SNP are too preoccupied with tribal squabbling and playing political games to be any kind of threat to the British state.

  323. dasBlimp says:

    James says:
    5 November, 2023 at 12:15 pm
    Looks like the Yoons are ramping it up again,trying to swamp the site with pish…. what on earth could they be so worried about??

    What are you so worried about? … or do you feel more comfortable in an echo chamber?

  324. Johnlm says:

    How shit must mining have been that the toffs had to invent catholic pits and Protestant pits to hate each other to increase productivity?
    How shit must mining have been that miners were refused to join the army?

  325. Mike d says:

    Geri, yes a very powerful and emotive song,
    Love your posts by the way.

  326. Captain Yossarian says:

    James Che – Let me put it another way? If your ancestor sold his best sheep in 1707 for a sum of money and it was actually worth much more than he was given, do you think that you would have any recourse to renegotiate with his ancestors? Do you think anyone would listen?

    I anticipate Sturgeon appearing in front of the UK Covid Inquiry and being torn to shreds. She will be portrayed as a chronic liar who is trying to re-write history. This time, she’s not going to be questioned by Lady Dorian, or James Wolffe or any of the other paid-up crew.

  327. James says:

    Like I said….

  328. Alf Baird says:

    Peter A Bell @ 12:19 pm

    “The restoration of Scotland’s independence is a matter of the utmost urgency.”

    Yes Peter, and a colonised people must consider that ‘fascism lies at the root of colonialism’ (Cesaire). So long as colonial oppression is allowed to continue that is where a colonised people are headed, as this example demonstrates:

    link to

  329. James Che says:

    It may not be the case that Scotland has to get itself approved as a nation in its own kingdom territory, to the UN or the EU Countries ,

    but rather that the Westminster parliament of England has to prove itself as IS the Westminster parliament of a united kingdom, after it dissolved the Scottish parliament.

    The shoe is actually on the other foot in factual evidence.

    If Scotland was to call a entirely new successor parliament it is not bound by the previous parliament of Scotland having been dissolved by Westminster and Queen Annes proclamation of dissolution,

  330. Robert Hughes says:

    I hope readers take onboard what Peter Bell is saying @ 12.19 – and has been saying for a while .

    I don’t indulge in alarmism eg hysterical ” we’re all gonna die unless we heed the utter bollocks around the – alleged – * Climate Emergency * ” , but Peter is absolutely correct that the Brit State is intent on making Scottish Independence effectively impossible , by * legal * means , anyway ; and doing so at the earliest opportunity .

    Peter is also correct in stating ( the obvious ) that the SNP will be our government at least until the next GE : my disagreement with him is that anything can be done to make this SNP Party/Gov wake-up to the extreme danger presented by what will almost certainly be the intention of whatever rag bag of Unionist mouth-breathers to lock Scotland into it’s colonial knackers yard . I commend him and others for trying to wake them up , but I believe those efforts will be futile . The SNP as currently constituted is a lost cause .

    Which , realistically , leaves only ALBA as possible * saviours * of our cause : no offence to ISP , but their profile is even lower than ALBA’s and time really is of the essence .

    As stated previously , most recently on this thread , ALBA needs to up it’s game significantly and start displaying awareness of the danger facing our country and manifest the requisite defiance and sense of urgency to stand against those that seek our continuing oppression .

    I also repeat …..I don’t think we can afford any more than one non-SNP pro-Independence Party ; all of the former should unite into one bloc . Not to do so risks what I seen happen in Catalonia .. a multiplicity of Independista Parties all squabbling with each other over policies , personalities & strategies , fragmenting their core support and in the process allowing their REAL opponents to walk all over them .

    We can’t allow that to happen here .

  331. MrD says:

    Hey I’ve been waiting maybe twenty years for a WoS Straight Debate!

  332. James Che says:


    Thanks for the link,

    I have already been made aware of this,

    Perhaps other events I have researched are relevant also.

    The UK parliament states that after the main negotiations were held by the commissioners it was debated wether or not to put the vote to Scots in 1707 to join the treaty of union,
    The politicians came to the conclusion that it was better not to do so, as the Scots would probably vote NO,

    This is a interesting statement from UK parliament in 2023 as it indicates the nation people of Scotland are not in the treaty of union at all.
    And that the old 1707 parliament of Scotland was not Sovereign of all the Scots as a nation,

    The old Westminster parliament and Queen Anne (whom was never crowned Queen of Scots or Scotland) then did a bit of a legal over-reach by dissolving the Scottish parliament “from Englands parliament.”

  333. Confused says:

    Over on Wings Over Palestine

    Johnmud al-Main says : these paraglider attacks are all very fine but what currency will we be using in the palestinian state and what is our tax policy?

    (Johnmud al-Main is really Rabbi Moshe Shekelsteinbergman)

    Anglos should be compelled to wear Morris Dancer costumes so people can identify them and be on guard.

    – around the anglo, stay frosty and check your wallet, they can’t help themselves, e.g. Bobby Moore in Mexico

  334. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Except for Scotland’s 41 billion per year share of UK taxpayer’s money.”

    Have a look at this graphic, which displays Scotland’s Revenue 1900-1921.

    link to

    Any reason to suppose that the percentages recently are not within a couple of bawhairs of the historical figures?

  335. Ruby says:

    dasBlimp says:
    5 November, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    James says:
    5 November, 2023 at 12:15 pm
    Looks like the Yoons are ramping it up again,trying to swamp the site with pish…. what on earth could they be so worried about??

    What are you so worried about? … or do you feel more comfortable in an echo chamber?

    I reckon the worry would be that it spells the end of ‘Wings Over Scotland’ as an independence supporting site.

    Could it be that is the Yoons intention?

  336. Mia says:

    “I anticipate Sturgeon appearing in front of the UK Covid Inquiry and being torn to shreds”

    About time. What are they waiting for?

    Actually we know what they are waiting for, don’t we? Labour is so dead in Scotland that the British state needs to pull out all the stops at once to manufacture its “resurrection”, so it can effect “regime change” in Scotland under the pretence of democracy.

    Transforming the SNP into the political kamikaze which has systematically betrayed its voting base and has deliberately made itself completely unelectable did not help increase the actual number of votes for labour in Rutherglen.

    60% of the electorate were so appalled by the whole thing that could not bring themselves to waste their time voting. This suggests the electorate never supported the by-election in the first place. And why should they? The constituency elected Ms Ferrier. What kind of democracy is this when political parties collude to force a by-election so they can effect transfer of the seat from one to another?

    60% is the majority. But not the right majority, it seems, so the UK fake democracy ignores the majority by pretending it does not exist. It is only that way it can talk about imaginary “surges” and “seismic wins” despite Labour clearly losing votes since 2019 even after tory and libdem voters voted tactically in mase for labour. Support for labour has not increased. It has decreased in real terms. Its share of the vote has only increased because of unionist tactical voting and a ridiculously low turn out that should embarrass any democrat.

    Branchform, the Covid inquiry, etc, all appear to be time-coordinated so their outcomes all hit at once, to finish off the SNP and effectively disenfranchise SNP voters on time for the next GE.

    Because that is the only way Labour can win and the British state can continue making up that Scotland supports the union. Removing that anti-union majority from Westminster is and has always been the objective since the first poll in 2014 announcing a landslide win for the SNP.

    “She will be portrayed as a chronic liar who is trying to re-write history”
    A chronic liar who re-writes history? Well then, Sturgeon must feel right at home among all those colonialists hiding within the bowels of the British establishment.

  337. TURABDIN says:

    It is a «truism» that nations and peoples too often get the leaders and politicians they least deserve, whether that be Scotland or «Palestine».
    A Gordian knot of human folly that self-restores.

  338. James Che says:


    According to UK parliament statement in 2023 the Scots are still a Sovereign people and nation separate from the treaty of union and separate from the old Scottish parliament.

    The Scottish parliament and all it parliament Members was then “dissolved in Englands Westminster parliament in 1707.

    Thereafter there were no members of the old Scottish parliament in the treaty of union that could represent Scotland from their parliament.
    And the Scots people did not get a vote to join the treaty of union even though it was considered that they by right should,

    The people elected from Scotland into Westminster parliament in 1707 were Not Members of the Scottish dissolved parliament,
    They were ordinary random rich blokes from Scotland with no relation or connection to the now dissolved Scottish parliament,

    When issue of votes and elections comes to the fore right from the beginning of the fallacious treaty of union we find that the dissolved parliament of Scotland could not provide member representative of Scotland,
    And we Find the “Scots people” out with the treaty of union as it was decided not to include them in the votes,

    I am failing to see any legal connection to a treaty of union between the old Scottish dissolved parliament and the people of Scotland with the old Westminster parliament of England.

    Scotland and its people Being lied to and fraudulently hoaxed into falsely believing there was a connection to a parliamentary treaty of union on Scotland side cannot be deemed to have accepted your working conditions,
    Especially as those that accepted those conditions and signed up to them were no longer members of the old dissolved Parliament of Scotland.

  339. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Confused

    ” johnmud al-Main ” . Lol , ‘kin cracker .

    Wee Johnny Gas Main always reminded me of the psycho character played ( brilliantly ) by Ben Kingsley in the movie Sexy Beast , still muttering threats and grievances even from his below the swimming pool grave .

    Easy to imagine johnmud still demanding ” show us the money ” as he’s deep-sixed for eternity in his Union flag bedecked * box *

    Not that I wish JM any harm or an early death , y’unnerstan . In fact , I reckon if we ever met we’d probably get on fine : as long as he we didn’t discuss , well …..anything 🙂

  340. dasBlimp says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    5 November, 2023 at 1:25 pm
    “Except for Scotland’s 41 billion per year share of UK taxpayer’s money.”

    Have a look at this graphic, which displays Scotland’s Revenue 1900-1921.

    1900-1921. LOL. Look, I’m not arguing that Scotland will not survive as an independent nation. But Scotland does receive 40 billion from the UK taxpayer and that’s a fact. Whether most of that is Scotland’s money is a different argument and a bit unfair. It is a union after all. I can see that and I am no unionist.

  341. Geri says:


    Come to think of it, maybe the yoons should take a listen. It explains how we arrived at Scotish nationalism.

    It’s interesting in the fact the Union was tickety boo but still disparaging to Scots.. *tartan swarms* were depicted & circulated that we were going to take over *their* parliament. We were over represented and….we were, get this, far too bright & educated for them. LOL! The teacher, the banker, the Dr, technology, medical advances were all Scots.

    The more time went on the more things remain the same eh? Cameron also claimed a tartan swarms had descended on *their* parliament in 2015 too.

    But Scottish nationalism is in direct response to English nationalism.

    Thatcher. Euro skepticism, the Tories, the Farages of this world & Blair’s departure from left to Right, to Iraqi war gung ho to present day that they still despise Scots, Devo & wish it never happened.. too bad, sunshine. That’s democracy.

    So next time britnats say it’s all the SNPEEEEs fault! Everything would’ve been fine before the SNPEEE! If the SNPEEE would just go away!
    We can remind them of English Nationalism & it’s utter contempt for others that gave birth to it & that shows no signs of changing. In fact, only worse as we see the English go full fascist without so much as a blush.

    It also lays bare that myth we’re all too stupid & thick to run our own affairs. Scots were very successful & invented or run rings round Westminster that we’d to be quashed & put in our box cause we made them look thick..

    Too wee, too poor my arse!

    Mike d ..aww cheers! At least I have one fan on here. Yay! Lol..

  342. Ruby says:

    James says:
    5 November, 2023 at 12:15 pm
    Looks like the Yoons are ramping it up again,trying to swamp the site with pish…. what on earth could they be so worried about??

    Worried about Wings?

    Maybe not all those posting pish are yoons.

    Might be friends of Fatima, Amber, Pete, & the very many others who would like to see Wings disappear.

    Do the other independence supporting sites have a similar problem with yoons/trolls?

  343. James Che says:

    Robert Hughes,

    This is why it is important to start at the very beginning and conception to discover wether there is such a entity as the Brit State,

    They are fast trying to close any further advancement to independence in 2023.

    But the loopholes and errors have already been made at the conception of the Brit State in 1707, and it is impossible to shaw them up 300 years later.

    The supporters of the union are trying ( very hard for us not to look) at the beginning of the treaty union.

    That is the Brit state they do not wish to investigated and call it old historical guff.

    All we have to ask ourselves is why the panic and abuse when it comes up for discussion in Scotland.
    Its a very similar conversation to Scotlands oil and the MacCrone report,

    The conversation is not Scotlands to discuss apparently even although it Scots, Scotland territory and Scots Sovereignty all in one.

  344. James Che says:

    All that is taking place in the Devolved Scottish parliament is “controlled” opposition parties against independence.

  345. Geri says:

    Peter Bell/Robert Hughes

    I agree with everything you say but I don’t see SNP do anything at all. Ever.
    They’re completely captured. We seen that during the leadership contest. The SNP is infiltrated by yoons who fell over themselves to row back on indy & the membership backed that up by voting the continuity dud.

    Dumbza is captured too. He immediately went into Britnat establishment mode by entering a raffle for an invite to an adulterous couples coronation.

    Some *first day activist* he turned out to be. He folded quicker than Mains wallet & reverted to doff capping serf boy by caving in over Ferrier, who’d already been more than punished FOUR times..
    Arrested, charged & fined, served community service, served her WM suspension but he still offered her up to add a fifth by permanently removing her completely.

    Yet unabashed yoons partied on..

    Scotland United looks doomed to fail too. Not helped by the SNP being wedded to GRR either.

  346. James says:

    “….But Scotland does receive 40 billion from the UK taxpayer…”

    And Scotland pays in how much do you think? In total?

    C’mon, give us a GERS figure to laugh at….

  347. Captain Yossarian says:

    Mia – The WhatsApp messages from all UK parliamentarians have been handed-over to the UK Covid Inquiry. The reason for that is because not to hand them over may constitute law-breaking. If Sturgeon, Swinney, Freeman and Leitch elected to destroy them instead of hand them-over, then the public expectation may be that they are arrested? That’s the process which is gone through nowadays so that they can be questioned under caution. It may interest you to know that I worked for a large overseas company who had some involvement in the Grenfell Tower fire and all at that company were reassured that the Inquiry would be public and would be held in London. Law applies equally to all in London and the above gang of four will be no exception. That’s why Douglas Ross has written to Sturgeon this week. “Why did you delete them and when?” The force-field which has protected the SNP for the past decade is gone and they are under legal threat now, pretty serious legal threat if you ask me. If those that have submitted WhatsApp messages to the Inquiry weighed-up in their heads what the damage would be to submit them against what the damage would be to delete them and they all elected to submit them, then the gang of four will have problems ahead. As far as Branchform is concerned, I have no inside knowledge and I am only hoping that something sticks. Anything really. Like many on here, regardless of our political position, the SNP has turned into a putrid movement that we perhaps all want to be rid of.

  348. James says:

    Geri – keep going, they Yoons don’t like the truth and they don’t like it up ’em!!


  349. James Che says:

    Brian Doonthetoon,

    What is Scotland national share of any debt, any debt, with Westminster government if we discover there is no such treaty of union with Scotland from its conception?
    A dissolved parliament cannot have members of parliament or have representatives in Westminster.
    And all business falls once a parliament is dissolved.

    This is the legal explanation of what happens under dissolution to a parliament,
    It can be found in, The Institute of Government. Org. UK.

  350. Robert Hughes says:

    @ James Che

    I value the work people like yourself , SALVO , Liberation.Scot are doing to bring to the fore and public awareness the details surrounding and implications of Scotland’s forced * union * with England .It’s * incredible * that the actions of a handful of upper class failures and mercenary sell-outs – alone – 300+ years ago is still capable of keeping us tie to the ” dying animal ” of English exceptionalism and long-since evaporated imperial * greatness * .

    In the end though , it’s going to take more than the raising of awareness of the things you post about to break the spell of Unionism political will and concerted effort in the here-and-now .

    Knowing one’s history is invaluable – indeed , necessary , as an aid to severing the colonial yoke ; but only if it’s fused with sustained pressure from committed * activists * able to ( yes , raise awareness , not only of history , but present conditions also ) harness the energy of the people to the desired end ….

    Liberation . Nothing less will suffice .

  351. James Che says:

    Brian Doonthetoon.

    The Bank of England connected to the Exchequer in Westminster parliament remained the bank of England it never became the bank of Britain or the bank of the united kingdom,

    On a different note Brian , I hope you are feeling well and recovering.

  352. James Che says:

    The official people with a connection to treaty of union with Englands old Parliament kindly signed there names for us all to see,

    These So called Scots were not members of the dissolved 1707 Scottish Parliament and could no longer represent Scotland or its constituents in Westminster,

    It is true those particular signed family names from Scotland would hold a personal treaty of union to Westminster parliament.

  353. David Hannah says:

    The Scottish Government was put on notice not to delete WhatsApp messages by the UK Covid Inquiry in July 2022, it can be revealed. At this stage, Nicola Sturgeon was still in office as first minister.

    The inquiry’s ‘Protocol on Documents’ – published on July 29, 2022 – makes it clear that it would be a criminal offence to “intentionally alter or destroy” any “relevant documents”. The protocol also explicitly states that this should be taken to include “WhatsApp messages” as well as meeting notes, emails and memos.

    This appears to be at odds with the statement to MSPs by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison, who told Holyrood last week: “The UK Inquiry, to date, has not written to the Scottish Government with a specific request for record retention.”

    Ms Robison did, however, acknowledge that the Scottish Inquiry wrote to the SNP Government on August 5, 2022 “requesting that all material of potential relevance to the inquiry be retained”.

    Your organisation must ensure that a full and clear record of its part in events remains
    intact and accessible, and as such you must take a cautious approach.This should
    involve retaining all material that could be relevant to the Inquiry under any of the

    Terms of Reference, including emails, text or WhatsApp messages and other

    “You will be aware that there is an offence under section 35 of the Inquiries Act 2005

    of altering, destroying or preventing relevant documents from being provided to the Inquiry.

    You may wish to remind departments/your staff not only of the importance of
    preserving all relevant documents but also of this offence and the related criminal

  354. John Main says:

    Two posters this afternoon alone who just can’t accept that Ferrier’s replacement by a Labour MP was solely as a result of the popular democratic process.

    Even if anybody is prepared to swallow the idea that the recall process was gerrymandered and rigged, the claim, by Mia at 1:35 that this was anti-democratic collusion to force the transfer of the seat from one party to another is delusion big enough to be seen from space.

  355. David Hannah says:

    “Scottish Inquiry DID serve Section 21 notices on the Scottish Government on two separate occasions – on April 13, 2022 and again September 13, 2022.

    This means the SNP administration has known for more than 18 months that it would be legally obliged to hand over evidence, including WhatsApp messages, to the Inquiry in Edinburgh – regardless of the absence of a legal order from the UK Inquiry.”

    All this legal Jargon but. I want to know what the whatsapp messages said.

    I think the inquiry will resoundingly reveal they none of them knew what they were doing.

    My colleague has, been watching it. He said its revealed by Dominic Cummings that Boris Johnson’s wife Carrie was coming up with what to do with the county. She was coming up with ideas! And that Handcock wanted to decide who lived and died. What a sick sociopath.

    They treated us like shit.

    I wonder whet Sturgeon and the Dentist have got to hide.

    They were making it up as they went along as well.

    I want to know if Sturgeon wanted to kill off all the old people that’s what I want to know. Me thinks she did!

  356. dasBlimp says:

    We can remind them of English Nationalism & it’s utter contempt for others that gave birth to it & that shows no signs of changing. In fact, only worse as we see the English go full fascist without so much as a blush.

    Tell me more about English nationalism and its morph into fascism. I’m intrigued.

  357. John Main says:

    @Bob 1:51

    Looks like you’re going all soft on me, unless your subtext is that death is too good for the likes of anybody who doesn’t spout your official Indy line.

    That line that has seen Indy support flat lined (no pun intended) at 45% (Rev Stu figures) for the past decade.

    Any evidence for these “threats” you mention? I am aware that simple disagreement is deemed “threatening” by members of the snowflake generation these days, but Scotland and Indy needs supporters with some backbone, or smeddum, as Alf would put it.

    Man up, Bob. You’re useless to your country otherwise.

  358. Dundee Scot says:

    Alba, the “true” independence party, is on the rise!
    The polls show that Alba is maintaining its lead over the Monster Raving Loony Party. Alba is also ahead of “Prince Ankrit Love, Emperor of India”–though the Prince received more votes than Alba did at the recent Rutherglen by-election.

  359. David Hannah says:

    Leaky Liz Lloyd. Sturgeon’s hench woman has handed over her messages to the covid inquiry in July.

    I wonder if Nicola Sturgeon’s messages are in there. Fingers crossed.

    Sturgeon’s former aid. She’s a horrible woman isn’t she?

    Let’s hope nothings redacted and Sturgeon gets 50 years in jail for what she’s done.

  360. Ebok says:

    Peter A Bell @ 12.19pm

    Lots of good comments today, as we reach the half-way point on this disastrous administration.
    And some hard-hitting realities from you, though I’d disagree with this conclusion: –

    ‘Hence, we are all but certainly fucked. Because ALL of Scotland’s politicians are betraying Scotland’s cause and their supporters are too blinded by partisan loyalty to see it’

    The betrayal part of your statement may be correct, but most of us plebs do realise the depths politics/politicians has sunk. The evidence is that half of SNP’s former 125,000 members have disappeared, but not to other parties, they’ve simply disappeared. THEY are not blinded by partisan loyalty, nor have they given up on Indy – as SNP support plummets, Indy support remains constant. What that means is that there are nearly 2 million independence supporters out there – we know the score, we’re not blind, we are simply crying out for someone to show leadership, integrity, and a convincing plan.
    Without that leadership, the first part of your quote above is almost certainly true.

  361. David Hannah says:

    I want to know what Sturgeon thought about Midazolam and morphine injections to suppress an already under strain respiratory system.

    People were categorised in red, green and blue pathways and denied high flow oxygen and escalation to high dependency units at the very beginning.

    Nurses were instructed not to provide CPR, on covid patients in event of peri arrest.

    1 nurse per CPR. Just continual chest compressions no, breaths. No more than 15 Litres of oxygen via trauma mask if required.

    And that’s before they send the patients home to their deaths without testing them to clear the decks for the wave of overwhelming patients.

    Then all the people dying today from delayed cancer treatment etc. I feel sorry for them.

    The field hospital that was never needed or used. Louisa Jordan.

    Sturgeon does say she didn’t get everything right. I’d respect her more if she admitted she hasn’t a fucking clue what she was doing.

    This is the woman that wanted to saw off the bottom of doors to increase ventilation in schools.

    She’s a fucking loonatic. I hate her.

  362. David Hannah says:

    I know for a fact, patients with covid were denied use of respiratory saving equipment. We’re talking nebuliser boxes. CPAP machines to help people blow off excess CO2. Chest psychotherapy usually provided by hospital teams. Suctioning mucus plugs. Humidified oxygen.

    They were told to lie on their chest literally on their chest. Their entire body weight. Google that one. Explain to me how lying flat on your chest was more beneficial to alleviating your respiratory illnesses with covid 19 than taking the pressure off and sitting up.

    Nurses were asked to go against all their life saving instincts. Provide respiratory suppressing medications like oromorph. An opiod pain killer. It relaxes you yes. Takes your pain away from all the excess muscles you are using when your breathing is compromised. You’re muscles in your chest are tight. But it slows your respiratory system. In serverely compromised patients.

    How do I know all this? Well I listen.

  363. Livionian says:

    Has Chris Cairns the cartoonist packed it in? Would be good to see some again.

  364. Mia says:

    “Ferrier’s replacement by a Labour MP was solely as a result of the popular democratic process”

    I am not sure who you think you are fooling.

    There was nothing democratic and there was even less about popularity in the disgusting way Ms Ferrier was driven out of the seat by her own colleagues colluding with Labour.

    When you have more than 60% of the electorate not voting, you cannot claim the result is “democratic”. It will never represent the majority.

    That low level of turnout suggests the option preferred by the majority was not in/had been purposely removed from the ballot. In other words, the majority was disenfranchised.

    Forcing a by-election in the way this particular one was done was a disgraceful assault on democracy. It showed a clear intent to overturn the will of that constituency and install an establishment puppet under a veneer of legality. That constituency had selected their candidate in 2019. That candidate was Ms Ferrier.

    I have been racking my brains trying understand why the British establishment and the SNP colluded and got their hands dirty in such a blatant manner to remove Ms Ferrier from the seat.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the funding. Ms Ferrier had become an independent MP, therefore the SNP would lose the funding corresponding to that seat for the following election.

    With the large majority she had, it would have been quite likely Ms Ferrier would have won at the next GE again had she that funding available for her own campaign.

    It seems the SNP much rather see that funding and the seat in the hands of an England, staunch anti-independence political party than in the hands of a supporter of independence. This might just be yet another of the many examples which demonstrate how far this version of the SNP would go to frustrate independence.

    I also found interesting that the official vote in Rutherglen in the indyref was 50/50 (20,844 for yes and 20,915 for no), despite having elected a Labour MP in 2010.

    But I am not convinced. There must be something else. I wonder what that constituency has/will have that the establishment wants to control so badly.

  365. David Hannah says:

    how lying on your front can help get more oxygen into your body

    link to

    I don’t agree with this. If you have a dodgy heart. You should sleep on your left hand side where your heart is.

    I’ve you’ve got a bit of weight around you. And you have covid. The weight is crushing. So why was this thd guidance to lie flat? Where did it come from.

    No one seen it before. Absolutely fucking crazy. That’s what they got patients doing with covid 19. Goes all against all instincts for the Nurses to sit people up off their chest. With maximum oxygen and provide CPR if needed.

    Rest in peace to all the dead. Gone but not forgotten. Let’s hope the covid inquiry gets to the bottom off all this madness.

  366. Billy Carlin says:

    Mark Beggan 3 Nov 1.14pm Re The Web of Deceit ” Ash Regan has got to be the hottest female politician I’ve ever seen”.

    Afraid this person lives in his mum’s basement or needs his eyes checked by an optician if he thinks that Ash Regan is the hottest politician – you need to get out into the big wide world sonny boy. Afraid you will never find any female you could call hot from the Westminster or Scottish Parliaments and they are all just as dumb and useless as the male members of those parliaments as well clueless as to what is REALLY going on in this country and world.

    Here in this video is one single female politician that is hotter than all of our female politicians put together and far more intelligent than them and all of the males put together as well exposing what is really going on especially with regard to the SCAMDEMIC and in this video she is giving EVIDENCE of how she has been harmed by the bio-weapon jabs in a REAL Pandemic Investigation being carried out by her government unlike the SCAM being carried out by our governments in the UK/Scotland and most western countries who are covering all of this up while “exposing” the drivel about how the FAKE pandemic was handled and how politicians were partying while this was all going on to make out that it was all real so that they “can learn lessons for when the next one comes along – They ARE going to do it all again soon and it will be the WHO and UN that will be telling our governments what to do and forcing them to keep on jabbing the people with many more of these TOXIC jabs. Our governments are handing over all their powers to these two CORRUPT organisations right now while you are all distracted by all the other FAKE stuff they are putting out.

    Watch her and see a REAL honest politician in a REAL Pandemic Inquiry involving PEOPLE in this video here :

    link to

    The UK/Scottish FAKE Pandemic Inquiry will also NOT be looking at or allowing any of this EVIDENCE of what is in ALL of the vaccines now and what they have done and are doing to those who took them to be exposed in their SHAM “inquiry” either :

    link to

    Every single politician in this country and every other country are personally responsible for allowing this and taking part in this SCAM as are those involved in giving these jabs to the people and are personally responsible for the harm and death that has resulted from these bio-weapons and these two videos alone expose this SCAM Covid Inquiry for what is is – Let the people see these links Stu to see for themselves as everyone involved needs to be brought to justice for all of this.

  367. fruitella the hun says:

    2021 Election

    Constituency. List.
    1,291,204 1,094,374. SNP
    592,526 637,131 Conservative
    584,392 485,819. Labour
    34,990 220,324. Greens
    187,816 137,151. LibDems
    44,913. Alba

    Geri, Red

    Total List vote for independence parties 1,359,611

    Total List vote for unionist parties: 1,260,101

    I’m wondering why you are both doing all you can to alienate Green voters? Do you think their votes will transfer to Alba (you both put the boot into SNP). Or is the reason too difficult to explain?

  368. Sven says:

    Maybe it is just me, however is no one else finding the remarks about Ms Regan’s looks and whether or not she’s a “hotty” just a tad in bad taste.
    What was that great line in “Yes Minister” about readers of a certain newspaper not caring who was Prime Minister, as long as she had, “Big t*ts”. I’d hate to hear that said about readers of/contributors to WOS.

  369. stuart mctavish says:

    Great impromptu integrity/ progress test to help decide whether to trust the AI (in which case indy next week is a no brainer) or not (in which case indy next week is a no brainer) would be to get it to insert some compromat* into the whatsapp conversations and monitor which bits the media runs with or hides..

    ..and if its results can be used to assist the inquiry in fine tuning the search for the most revealing media or trade union conversations from the FFS years there may be good uses for them too (hoho)

    *Even imagery as mundane as AIs idea of what the characters might want most from their magic genie could add value if, for whatever reason, next week’s no brainer is delayed!

  370. A Scot Abroad says:

    It seems likely to me that pro-Indy parties are NOT going to be forming a majority in Scots MPs in WM at the next U.K. GE, nor a majority (or lead a coalition) in HR at the next elections in Scotland. I could be wrong, none of us can foretell the future, it’s just the probability.

    Given that, what is the path to power for pro-Indy party/ies in HR and to claim dominance of Scottish representation in WM? I can’t see that being realistically achieved until at least 2035, which is also one generation on from 2014.

    Alex Salmond is certainly a canny, and charismatic leader. He’s achieved a lot for the cause of Indy, even if not everything. But he’s 69 this year, and does Scotland want to go all Biden with an elected leader in his early 80s?

    Apart from Salmond, I don’t see any other pro-Indy politician in Scotland with the intellectual capacity, skills of diplomacy and strategy, and the experience in both the private sector and in public governance to make the case for IndyRef2, to win the case by convincing Scots with a sober analysis of the financial outcome, to negotiate a fair settlement with rUK, and to set safe course through what could be choppy international waters: UN, WTO, World Bank, EU or EFTA, as well as all of the policy areas such as the economy, trade deals, health crises, immigration and demographics and a thousand other areas of importance.

    Does anyone else see such a person?

  371. David Hannah says:

    I’ll never take another covid vaccine again. And all their boosters. I’m as fine a fettle. I’ll take my chances.

    I like an orange. One a day. Vitamin C. Keeps the doctors at bay!

  372. Dan says:

    @ fruitella

    Aye, Scots should vote Green for pie in the sky “green” policies such flawed Deposit Return Scheme, and dodgy taxpayer funded installations of Air Sourced Heatpumps and solar PV arrays. Not forgetting screwing children up with the genderwoowoo nonsense.
    Oh, and let’s tack on that returning Scotland to self-governing status isn’t a bolt on for the Scottish Greens.

    And you never answered if your grandbairns picked tatties by hand to save burning muchos diesel in the tattieharvester machines.
    If you dinnae practive what you preach and all that…

  373. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Billy Carlin

    I can’t say agree with ALL of your posts and your perceptions of ” what’s really going ” – I don’t know if such knowledge is even possible .

    I do agree with you on what you rightly describe as the farcical * Enquiries * currently taking place , which , like all such government-funded * enquiries * will almost certainly cost a fortune , take ridiculous amount of time ( long enough for the issue to diminish in public attention ) , evade the central issues and conclude with some mealy-mouthed garbage about how ” mistakes were made ” and how “lessons have been learned ” and none of culprits being held to account .

    The article linked below by Carl Heneghan ” general practitioner physician, a clinical epidemiologist and a Fellow of Kellogg College. He is the director of the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine ” and one of many credible , dissident voices rubbished for his contrary view during the Covid hysteria

    link to

  374. dasBlimp says:

    James says:
    5 November, 2023 at 2:48 pm
    “….But Scotland does receive 40 billion from the UK taxpayer…”

    And Scotland pays in how much do you think? In total?

    C’mon, give us a GERS figure to laugh at….

    My answer to that is in my reply above.

  375. Dan says:

    As all the significant powers in the UK setup such as Energy Policy remain under London Rule, there is very little Scotland can currently do to steer us on a more ecologically sound trajectory.

    We know how loads of folk have left the SNP and their vote share is falling because the Party has been captured and is no longer driven by their supposed main policy, well it’s much the same for the Scottish Greens, Andy Wightman was effectively removed and now the the Scottish Greens have “quality” in the form of Slater and Greer.

    link to

  376. Dan says:

    Having a veg curry, homemade using garlic, onions, tatties, spinach, and coriander grown in my veg garden. And now see talk of GERS, so meld the two together and was reminded of this article.

    link to

  377. TURABDIN says:

    Unionist contributors btl might take a close look at the «real» government located in Westminster before critiquing Scotland’s pretend version.
    The «experts» have given us the total failure of Brexit, an economy over dependent on the Square Mile’s money market and the English south east property dynamic, an international profile well within the shadow of US interests and a superannuated Commonwealth which is indifferent if not hostile.
    In addition the British state has had years of «lazy government» by conceited privileged types whose very Westminster hot air chambers are in an advanced state of decay through management incompetence and whose repair costs are likely to be on a HS2 trajectory.
    Scotland, very small beer by comparison, but then Scotland does not have the expertise.

  378. twathater says:

    Confused and Shug now look what you have done Chas is really upset at your nasty comments when he is trying so very hard to convince people that he could possibly support independence if only someone would “show him the fucking money”
    Chas @ 2.18pm could someone maybe explain to Chas the meaning of the word irony , Chas tries to ridicule people for using the quotes of others (presumably our good prof Alf Baird) by using the quotes of others, try thinking it through Chas before you post your shite

  379. Merganser says:

    Svem @4.51.

    It’s not just you who found it distasteful to see politicians described in this way. It undermines serious debate about serious subjects and adds nothing to finding out the truth of why decisions were taken to do things.

    I didn’t find the video very helpful from a scientific point of view. It just came across as a rant from a politician.

    If an expert had analysed blood samples taken from the lady and had given a professional opinion about his/her findings that would have would have been much more persuasive, especially after crooss-examination as a witness and if appropriate confronted with differing views.

    I’m afraid the lady fell into the trap of complaining about what she was accusing others of – i.e that people should just do as they are told – in this case by her, rather than all the other orgnisations who she claimed were conspiring against humanity.

    I do hope that the Scottish Covid Enquiry and the UK one will be conducted in a more clinical manner. By all means let ordinary people express their emotions and feelings, but let decisions on vaccines and other medical matters be judged by reference to properly scrutanised expert evidence. Fortunately there are senior lawyers involved to assist these tribunals in revealing the truth.

    If all the relevant material is made available, that is.

  380. Confused says:

    ‘sup twathater, hope you are having a good one – just in time for a new service …

    wings now offers free careers advice for all you lazy universal credit abusers, lying in your wankpits till lunchtime …

    if you bag this job you will have access to the raw data and in-house modelling for the covid epidemic

    link to

    and if you get a job at porton down maybe you can find out if it was a bioweapon (before you die in a bizarre suicide)

    one for ASA

    link to

    Dan might want it tho

    I fancy it myself, but only so I can work out how to get a free hookup for my, er, organic indoor farming in an out of town industrial unit, guarded by bully XLs

    wanna know why your energy bills are so high – analyst with ofgem
    Reference number 321423 on the civil service website

    supposedly on an internal MOD page there is opportunity for “wet work” for a loose cannon, currently on the lam in Switzerland – dunno who that could be; you need familiarity with the snake venom based neurotoxin that mimics heart attack; serving military only, usual dodge, you “leave” your regiment so you become a civilian, an “ex soldier” with total plausible deniability.

    ps everyone should remember on bonfire night to keep all your palestinians indoors, as they get scared

    insurance claims assessors for the gaza strip should be bullish, hiring now

  381. John Main says:

    Ah mind Covid weel.

    It’s a genetically engineered bioweapon precursor, cooked up in a Wuhan lab.

    It escaped into the local community due to slapdash and amateurish biosecurity measures.

    Its escape was covered up by the CCP, who persecuted and jailed whistleblowers, and then went into full denial mode when the outside world got wind of it.

    While in full denial mode, the CCP allowed unrestricted movement of Chinese citizens to and from just about every part of the world, thus ensuring global spread of the pandemic more or less simultaneously.

    Everything I have written so far is fact.

    Conjecturally, the attempt by the CCP to completely isolate China in pursuit of their ill-fated Zero Covid policy, which they persisted with for a year, can best be explained by their need to find out if they decide to deliberately unleash a new improved Covid2 on the world, will they be able to avoid it coming back for them. That’s the only explanation that makes sense to me. Luckily for us, Zero Covid didn’t work, so the release of engineered bioweapons into the world, if it happens in the future, probably won’t be done by rational, state actors.

    As I wrote, ah mind Covid weel. Wake me up if the fatuous “Covid Enquiries” ever look at the facts I have outlined above.

    It’s just about the biggest crime in human history, yet most of us collude to pretend it was an act of God. 7 million dead so far. Hundreds of millions injured, or pushed into poverty. The cost running into Trillions of dollars.

  382. Viscount Ennui says:

    Some pointers as to where things are going wrong.

    Spoke to two people who work closely with ScotGov. Both in the private sector but involved with government procurement of IT systems and transport contracts.

    Verdict from both: “The Scottish Government does not have a clue about business. Changes the rules arbitrarily. Put off investors. Unreliable. Late in making decisions.”

    OK, we know that large-scale corruption has happened south of the border during COVID but I do not believe that unnder Salmond things would have got so bad here.

    Missing billions from Covid grants

    What are these high paid ministers actually doing?

  383. Captain Yossarian says:

    TURBADIN – All agreed on this. Our over-reliance on the Square Mile’s money market of course produced the banking crash which doubled the National Debt and all but condemned the UK to ever-lasting penury.

  384. Captain Yossarian says:

    Viscount Ennui – Two words describe Scotgov Ministers:

    1) Dishonest
    2) Unaccountable

    Sadly, it as started as soon as Salmond left and the latest continuity candidate will ensure it continues for another two and a half years, if he lasts that long.

    Holyrood has turned into a huge disappointment for all of us, hasn’t it? Whatever your politics, we can all agree that Holyrood is crap.

  385. Willie says:

    The UK is considering adopting a new definition of “extremism” that includes anyone who “undermines” British institutions or values, The Guardian reported on Saturday, citing internal government documents.

    “Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values,” reads the new definition, reportedly drafted as part of a national counterextremism plan announced by cabinet minister Michael Gove’s Department for Leveling Up, Housing and Communities earlier this year.

    The source documents, marked “official – sensitive,” trumpet its potential to “frame a new, unified response to extremism.” The lack of public debate or consultation regarding the new definition has worried activists, who fear it will effectively criminalize dissent.

    Ah well that’ll be Alba, salvo, liberation, AUOB, Yes or any Scottish nationalists that want to ditch Westminster turned into criminals then.

    It’s heading that way already and no doubt the blackshirt Police Scotland will be getting ready with the batons to deal with Scottish dissenters

    I mean in the 80s the Thatcher government banned Sinn Fein from the media. Internment of politicians was big business. Political killings even of pesky lawyers and that includes the 1985 killing of Willie MacRae’s.

    The jailins and attempted jailing of people like Alex Salmond, Craig Murray, Mark Hirst, Manny Singh, Marion Millar and others was just the start.

    Fascism is here folks and learning to crawl and or cower is going to be derigeur.

  386. sarah says:

    @ Sven at 4.51: Agreed. It is demeaning to refer to anyone’s appearance at all e.g. “a fat so-and-so”. Stick to what is said not the looks of the person saying it.

  387. Dan says:

    @ Viscount Ennui

    And don’t forget the SNIB venture.

    link to

  388. Anton Decadent says:

    @Dan. Enjoy the curry, sounds great, I haven’t made my own veg curry in ages, time for another go. Cauliflower, broccoli, onion, potato, carrot and tomato. On the last of those here’s a recipe for you which is really good, made it a few times now. I am currently raising a cup of tea to someone who tried to send the political class tae feck and whose failure is being marked by fireworks outside.

    link to

  389. Chas says:


    Comments from the likes of the individuals you name, or your goodself, will never upset me. Empty vessels make the most noise and one track minds never achieve anything.

    My supposed comment at 2.18 does not even exist, which sums up your grasp of reality.

    Anybody with even half a brain would have realised that I simply made up a few names to counter the repetitive, futile drivel that Baird produces every single day. Don’t get me started on Che.

    I suspect that irony, to you, is something to do with getting nice creases in your troosers.

    Try thinking it through twathater before you post your shite although it is patently obvious that rational thought is out with your scope.

    The big question, I have to ask myself, is why I even bother replying to the likes of you and your cohorts.

    What do we want-INDEPENDENCE
    When do we want it-NOW
    Who will form our Government-ERM, ERR, HMMM
    How will we pay for everything-IT WILL ALL BE FINE. TRUST US!!!!

  390. Anton Decadent says:


    That’ll be this Guardian.

    link to

    One of the things mentioned in that article, Reuters, was involved in producing the Denton Files. Whilst recently looking up fact checkers who police sites such as FB I found that the organisation which does this was set up by people from The Washington Post and that one of their largest donors was one Sam Bankman Fried. Having everything we see, read and hear monopolised by one group which also censors our responses to it is not a healthy state of affairs.

  391. Johnlm says:

    The research into ‘gain of function’ in coronavirus in Wuhan was partly funded by the US Government (via Ralph Baric) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    China had 4500 Covid deaths by April 2020 and the absolutely none for the next 2 years.!!! -we are told.

    Scotland had no excess deaths in 2020 except when we shut the NHS.
    Excess deaths only became commonplace after the 2021 experimental gene therapy was administered.

    The excess deaths in Scotland are down to misfeasance and manslaughter.

  392. Captain Yossarian says:

    SNIB – I noticed from the article that Shona Robison, when questioned about apparent shenanigans (I don’t want to call it corruption) at the bank was said to look “uninterested”. She sounds like a worthy successor to Mr Swinney then. Another continuity candidate.

  393. fruitella the hun says:

    Dan revealed: “Aye, Scots should vote Green for pie in the sky “green” policies such flawed Deposit Return Scheme…etc.” and the usual checklist I’ve seen whenever he comments on my posts.

    My point, plenty Scots do vote Green, why attack them (that’s the voters) when the Greens support independence. I can’t figure a sensible explanation.

    And Dan, you know perfectly well that I do not support the Scottish Green Party, because they lead with relic communist policies and not with Ecology Party ideas. But they see the stupidity of maintaining dependence on oil in the daft hope that will deliver prosperity and not disaster. That’s why 220,000 people (at least) back them, people you attempt to mock.

    My grandkids are too young to pick tatties. People without access to land have every right to comment and vote on environmental stuff – you think otherwise? You seem to.

  394. A Scot Abroad says:


    thanks for the job advice.

    Sadly for you, I don’t need one. I do what I want to now. About 5 days a month paid on consultancy, work passed along by just the sort of old boy net that you dislike. The rest is my own time.

    That’s the breaks. Perhaps you should angle your ire at your ancestors, who didn’t set you up for that?

  395. George Ferguson says:

    @Dan 5:24pm
    A good post Dan. And we mustn’t forget the Scottish Greens see no red line with regards to Independence by a coalition with Labour. In other words their ministerial cars and privilege take priority. I confess I don’t understand why the SNP vote has collapsed and the Scottish Greens vote has not similarly collapsed. In my opinion the Scottish Greens are worse than the SNP. Their so called Green policies have been very damaging to Scotland.

  396. Billy Carlin says:

    Merganser 6.04pm

    “I didn’t find the video very helpful from a scientific view” and “If an expert had analysed blood samples taken from the lady”….

    You really sound like the treasonous paid shills that haunt social media etc such as the 77th Brigade to protect the corrupt governments and Mafias that control them all with the rubbish that you have just spouted re this video and this politician who has been severely harmed by these bio-weapon jabs and as she says in that video she does not know if she is going to die like the MILLIONS all over the world that have died from them so far with hundreds of millions severely harmed by them as well who may well die from them also. People are dropping dead from strokes, heart attacks every day and from the turbo cancers from them as well.

    Experts and doctors HAVE analysed her blood samples and shown her what is in her blood – she is showing some of THEIR pictures of what is in her blood in the video – and they are monitoring her as well as she is telling you and everyone else.

    The EXPERTS in that other video – SCIENTISTS and DOCTORS from a Spanish University have been analyzing and exposing what is in these bio-weapon jabs since they governments started to roll them out and they managed to get their hands on these “vaccines” and they exposed that they are 98% full of TOXIC Graphene Oxide which is causing the blood clots that are causing the strokes, heart attacks, turbo cancers etc. Plenty more of the La Quinta Columna videos on that link by clicking on their name under the video exposing what is in the jabs and what they are doing to people.

    Of course the “experts” you probably want to look at this stuff are the ones that are paid by and controlled by the very same Mafias that are behind everything that is going on – just like the fact checkers and mainstream media are owned and controlled by them – to say that there is nothing to see here just like their Covid Inquiry will do as well and betting you they totally ignore all of this in these two videos in my comment above and the millions of excess deaths happening in every country all over the world including here in the UK.

  397. Republicofscotland says:

    “what currency will we be using in the palestinian state”

    There has to be one first.

    Looking at history especially that of South Africa, I’m of the opinion that the only way to deal with Israel is to use boycotts and sanctions to put pressure on Netanyahu.

    Like South Africa during its apartheid stage, Israel must face hefty sanctions by the International community, it mustn’t be allowed to participate in many fields such as international sports, EU events such as the Eurovison Song Contest etc.

    Its businesses and goods must be boycotted at every level, and this kind of pressure must be kept up until things become intolerable, and it forces the Israeli government around the negotiating table, where a two-state solution can be thrashed out.

    Yes the US will keep funding Israel as will the EU, but EU officials and European governments can be removed via the ballot box, I’d imagine that already some European politicians know that come voting time, that if they’ve backed Israel that its likely they’ll be out of job, on that subject surely Ursula von der Leyen will be shown the door for her rabid support of Israel and a non-ceasefire on Gaza.

    Boycotts and sanction worked with South Africa, they can work again with Israel in mind and force them to participate in the set up of a two-state solution, which in my opinion is the only way the Palestinian people will find some sort of security, if not the slaughter will continue but a concerted effort is needed by the international community, Israel IS NOT above International Law and boycotts and sanctions MUST take place to bring it into line.

    What to boycott.

    link to

  398. Alf Baird says:

    dasBlimp @ 3:28 pm

    “Tell me more about English nationalism and its morph into fascism. I’m intrigued.”

    There are different forms and definitions of nationalism, some more aggressive than others, some even encompassing imperialism and colonialism, the root of which is fascism. English nationalism is clearly very different from Scottish nationalism, in a number of critical ways:

    link to

  399. Billy Carlin says:

    John Main 6.14pm

    “Everything I have written so far is fact”

    NO it is NOT fact – It is all DISINFORMATION put out to make out that the SCAMDEMIC was real when all they did was use the NATURAL Flu and Common Cold symptoms to scare people into thinking that they had a FAKE “COVID Virus” that only existed in Patents from way back in the late 90’s/early 2000’s and also only exists in COMPUTER SIMULATIONS. It is the 98% Graphene Oxide and other nano-tech as per my other comments and video links that have been causing the millions of deaths and serious injuries so far from ALL vaccines – not just the COVID jabs as they have put this crap in them all now and also in the local dental anesthetic as well as exposed by the La Quinta Columna experts as well.

    Dr David Martin’s company has been investigating the Patent FRAUD re the Coronavirus/COVID for decades now on behalf of the insurance companies and he is exposing how this virus does NOT exist and only exists in Patents and in Computer Simulations in this video ” A MANUFACTURED ILLUSION” here :

    link to

    NOT one government, health service, scientific establishment anywhere in the world has any EVIDENCE of the COVID “virus” – or any virus as a matter of FACT including the Scottish Government and Health Service etc and you will find all of the FOI’s exposing this on this website as per this video here :

    link to

    Of course the COVID Inquiry will never mention any of this either.

  400. Merganser says:

    Billy Carlin @ 8.35.

    You burnt your boats with your sexist remarks in the first two paragraphs of your post. You are now just embarrassing yourself further with these comments.

    If you wish to convince people of your views, try using reasonable language. It would be a pity if you were right, but no-one believed you, because you come across like a cross between Violet Elizabeth Bott and Attila The Hun.

  401. John Main says:

    @RoS 8:38

    Only because you brought it up first …

    Do you agree that in any shooting war, all belligerents have to cease fire at the same time?

    Binary answer, please, Yes or No.

  402. A Scot Abroad says:


    whatever the moral rights and wrongs around Israel since 1948 – and I acknowledge that Israel has often times behaved outwith international law – there are also facts on the ground that are equally unignorable. Prime among them is that Israel has clearly decided to do things differently this time.

    I don’t think that Israel will send troops in for a limited mission, only to withdraw and for the previous cycle to resume. No. I think what they will do is to spend a number of months, a year even, to entirely clear Gaza. Push 2.3 million people into Egypt, and let the UN and the world deal with them. And then possibly repeat the exercise in the West Bank.

    That would be hugely controversial if that’s what they try to do. A breach of all sorts of international laws. But the Israelis wouldn’t care. They’d shrug. And the world would keep turning.

    If Israel were to clear Gaza and the West Bank, far from Boycott, divestment and sanction, the money would flood in. Israel makes some high tech stuff (not just weapons, it’s their software sector in medicines, cinematics, machine learning, real time video processing, data analysis and orbital dynamics that’s truly interesting to western money).

  403. John Main says:

    @Alf Baird 8:54

    As with nationalism, the definitions of fascism vary, but a constant is that a fascist government tolerates no dissent.

    Given the high levels of dissent seen everywhere throughout the UK, both online and in the streets, I am happy to report we are as yet a long way short of fascism.

    And that’s great news for Rev Stu, both of us, and every other poster (and reader) on here.

    My advice is to acknowledge where things are bad, but don’t over exaggerate, and also to acknowledge where things are not so bad, without playing that down. Your theories will gain more traction with ordinary Scots if they are grounded in the same daily reality that ordinary Scots experience.

  404. Dan says:

    fruitella the hun says: at 7:26 pm

    My point, plenty Scots do vote Green, why attack them (that’s the voters) when the Greens support independence. I can’t figure a sensible explanation.

    And Dan, you know perfectly well that I do not support the Scottish Green Party, because they lead with relic communist policies and not with Ecology Party ideas. But they see the stupidity of maintaining dependence on oil in the daft hope that will deliver prosperity and not disaster. That’s why 220,000 people (at least) back them, people you attempt to mock.

    I’m not “attacking” or “mocking” Scottish Green Party voters as you like to infer. I’m merely pointing out and trying to raise awareness that anyone voting for the current “Green” Party in Scotland doesn’t actually deliver sensible environmentally sound policies as can be seen by flawed DRS, and ASHP and solar…
    The voters really need to wake up and understand who and what they are voting for, because their ignorance is causing the stagnation of positive progress and instead causing revulsion at the political class as they roll out unwanted policies like genderwoowoo.
    You can whine all you like about me continuing to mention the dodgy ASHP and Solar installation aspects, but the reality is they are not the best environmentally sound policies to be implementing and wasting taxpayer money on for reasons I am sick of stating. FFS, insulate and install double glazed windows would be the first thing to do because if you don’t do that, then you’ll just have to use more energy to try to heat a property because the heat loss will be higher than it should be. If you improve thermal efficiency of the property then you could most likely just use silent and reliable programmable leccy storage heaters instead of clagging on a shit load of expensive machinery that costs more to install than it would have cost to insulate the property.
    As I type I yet again can hear the near constant droning of the neighbour’s air sourced heatpump cycling away, and we aren’t even into the cold depths of winter yet when it will inevitably be working even harder than it is now.

    If you think it’s environmentally sound policy to turn once silent villages into what sound like industrial zones which cause disturbed sleep and associated issues then those delivering current “green” policy can get tae fuck.
    Even the bats that lived in my roof for decades have now left which I can guess is because the noise / resonance is most likely fucking up their acoustic sensitivities. Thought “greens” would be all over #BatLivesMatter but strangely no interest on that front… And it’s a similar situation with the beavers indiscriminately gnawing and felling trees…

    This week I hope to get a shot of the DB meter from a motorsport scrutineer so I can begin to measure the noise levels being emitted by the ASHPs. Having spoken to a sound engineer pal they tell me depending on the type of DB meter it may struggle to pick up constant humming so we also have a plan to try this if the DB meter isn’t capable.
    It’s kind of pricey so can’t be used in the pissing rain.

    link to

  405. Captain Yossarian says:

    Dan – Stand-by generators used to be noisy, but that has all been reduced in recent years and they are housed nowadays in soundproof cabinets. I know what an air source heat pump looks like and they are not soundproofed, but can vented, soundproofed walls and a ceiling not be installed round them? Either that or pour wet cement inside it during the night and that will silence it permanently.

  406. Captain Yossarian says:

    Dan – One final point before I go to my bed: I know you’re a lime mortar man but lime mortar is no good and it has to be OPC, Ordinary Portland Cement. Pour it in using a watering can and then dispose of the watering can. Wear dark clothes and wash your hands afterwards. Got that? And don’t worry about these Green buggers.

  407. George Ferguson says:

    The Scottish Greens where do we start?. We have a multi million pound failure of the DRS scheme. Absolutely nobody has accepted responsibility. We have the daft policy of ripping out gas boilers without listening to the manufacturers of AHSP that say the equipment is in unsuitable in many locations in Scotland. We have a housing emergency in Edinburgh and are asked to believe the Green inspired rent controls has no consequence on the current situation. We have the GRR and sharing a platform with minor attracted people. That’s paedophilia to me and you. The Greens will stop North Sea tomorrow. Tens of thousands of jobs gone overnight. With the consequence of energy dependence on foreign powers. Particularly those that face Mecca 5 times a day. Aye but the Greens are progressive so that’s OK then.

  408. A Scot Abroad says:

    Capt Yossarian, we used to dig our generators into the ground, typically a 4x4x4 hole, cover them up with board and earth, flexible exhaust hose to ground level. One would hardly hear them from more than 10 yards away.

    I’m not an engineer, but a similar type of thinking might worth it with ASHP. One would need to think about drainage for a year round installation, and a pipe to suck in air. But in principle, it should be feasible.

  409. fruitella the hun says:


    The Greens tried to establish an insulation project by withholding their vote in 2009. Salmond and Swinney faced them down. Insulation has traditionally been the eco priority before resorting to high tech energy “solutions”.

    The high tech greenwash stuff is not what your average informed green voter is looking for. It happens because of business and industry drivers, cloaked as environmental ones. Most necessary environmental policies involve restraint on business. Politicians don’t want to do that so seek out tin-bashing growth-chasing Green New Deal stuff instead. Agricultutrsl subsidies used to be similar, maybe still are.

    The EU directed this stuff and I guess the SNP needed a patsy to draw fire when folk started to notice green-badged restrictions and inconveniences. Up stepped Patrick and Lorna, neither steeped in the traditional ecological outlook (nor the politics of the marxist left as far as I know). I did meet socially a senior technical professional in one of the organisations Lorna oversees who was very pleased with her.

    It’s a shame the clique of environmental critics on here don’t (can’t?) distinguish between fake (clunky DRS, maybe ASHP, I don’t know, never seen one) and real measures – like not proceeding with A9 dualling and spending the money on social or environmental outcomes instead of feeding the construction industry and increasing car speed and use (i.e.oil demand – every little helps).

    Anyway, my original question was to Geri and Red about the what the strategy behind alienating green indy voters by attacking all green policies is. maybe you can explain.

    My oil boiler puts out 45db (phone app) at 1 metre, and some fumes.

    Yosser’s ‘solution” would work on cars too, I imagine.

  410. Alf Baird says:

    John Main @ 9:49 pm

    “Your theories will gain more traction with ordinary Scots if they are grounded in the same daily reality that ordinary Scots experience.”

    Talking of reality have you been in a Scottish court recently? What did you think the Salmond and Murray and various other cases brought against independence campaigners were about?

    Was it not the colonial power, merely “progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its punishment” (Cesaire)?

    An ever present descent into “fascism…is the dialectic result of states which were semi-colonial during the period of independence” (Fanon). Scots are in the decolonization phase and ‘devolution’ is semi-colonial status, hence fascism is never far off.

    In order to discard theories you first really need to understand them.

  411. Geri says:


    Tell me more about English nationalism and its morph into fascism. I’m intrigued.’

    I already did.

    It started under Thatcher, Eurosceptics (is it even legal to have a party within a party?) & has only amplified under successive Tory governments to where they can barely hide their contempt for Scotland & their total disregard for parliamentary process & democracy.

    Look at Bojo as a classic example. Surrounded by Yes men & happy to install his own ppl in the many Independent institutions that are supposed to hold government to account..

    Prorogation of Parliament to avoid scrutiny.
    Deliberately overruling HoL procedure/ Cash for honours
    Overruling OFCOM
    Overruling BBC to trying to install his own guy
    Overruling Electoral Commission
    Trying to remove the courts from meddling in parliament.
    Voter ID – despite knowing this removes thousands from voting.
    Boundary changes..
    Corruption & theft..

    The list is endless & so is all the shit the Tories have snuck through Westminster to give them absolute, perpetual power culminating in the police bill which gives them a police state where even *thoughts* can be a crime. Protests & Strikes are banned..

    Then there’s all the anti democratic bullshit & the contempt the Tories have for Scotland – witnessed every week from the despatch box just dripping in bile & bigotry.
    Truss, Mordaunt, Mogg, Mundell..

    While every dumb fck Britnat has been focusing on a diddy wee administration in Scotland, Sturgeon,GRR, GERS & who the fck travelled during COVID illegally & should be practically publicly executed (Despite the King his Maw, his son & his wife being four of them!) The Tories have been organising in plain sight.

    & When I say Tories – I mean BOTH shades..

  412. George Ferguson says:

    @fruitella the hun
    Can’t you get a real name it would be a lot easier responding to your comments. Of course just about everybody in Scotland know it is a wet dream of the Scottish Greens to stop the dualling of the A9. Which is why the SNP have delayed an announcement on plans. And they will soon be put out on their arse. Where does that leave the Scottish Greens?. With an Executive co chairman Elle Gomersall that doesn’t know if he is a man or woman. Or leaders sharing a platform with paedophilia. Tick tock the voting public will catch up with you.

  413. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird,

    in order to advance a theory, in your case the colonisation of Scotland by England, you really need to understand it. And in the case of your theory, to then discard it, because it’s utter bollocks. And no amount of endless quoting of the same 3 failed fourth rate and ignored cod-academics can rescue it.

  414. Geri says:


    “I’m wondering why you are both doing all you can to alienate Green voters? ”

    Do I think they’ll go to Alba?

    Fck no! Please spare us!! I don’t give a fuck where they go at this point – just don’t let it be anywhere near government! Go hug a tree or something – preferably away from other people.

    The Greens are NOT environmentalists & they are NOT Independence supporters. They’re unionists & they are batshit nuts.

    Slater, like Sturgeon, is still not forcibly removed from office despite just blowing her way through £9 million of a £10 million investment fund. Dumbza still has faith in her while the SNP morons clap like seals that she’s the best thing to ever happen to Holyrood.

    Then there batshit Maggie who wants 7 yr olds to legally change sex & Harvey who wants to drop all charges if the BDSM community *accidentally* strangle someone.

    I see a theme emerging that should have them ostracised immediately.

    They are sabatours. They have deliberately acted like morons to derail the Independence movement & make Holyrood a bunch of brain dead unelectable space cadets more interested in pronoun shite & minors than they are about the environment.

    You are either one of them or you need to lay off whatever it is yer smoking..

  415. fruitella the hun says:

    George Ferguson

    The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (not a Green Party member, or voter) said:

    “This country is proud to be a world leader in reaching Net Zero by 2050. But we simply won’t achieve it unless we change.”

    England was committed to phasing out installing oil and LPG boilers from 2026 but following Sunack’s recent backtrack will now ban installing them in 2035. Nothing to do with the Greens there. Scotland will fall into line no doubt

    Somewhere I got the idea that you are an energy industry analyst. “The Greens will stop North Sea tomorrow. Tens of thousands of jobs gone overnight.” Is that your professional opinion or btl banter?

    That picture of John Hein (don’t think he was convicted of sexual assault and was a member of the Liberal Party in the 70s) has LibDem and Labour politicians in it as well if I remember correctly. The GRR was voted through by MSPs from all Holyrood parties. You are plain wrong to smear all SGP members with the unsavoury proclivities or beliefs of a few sexual minority campaigners found in all parties.

    Maybe you can answer my question to Red and Geri: why alienate green indy voters with claims that are quite contestable?

  416. Geri says:


    See also Willie 6:39pm

  417. Geri says:

    Alf 8:54

    Cheers for that link.

  418. Geri says:


    The Greens have no democratic mandate.
    Them & their policies were rejected at the ballot box.
    *All parties* voting for Self-ID had absolutely zero authority to do so.

    Do you understand that?

    Politicians aren’t elected to go off script & start fannying about with their own personal wooo wooo agenda spat at them from an unelected fringe group & AGAINST public opinion.

    The exact same with their Juryless trials pish – on who’s authority?

    And Greens are Not Independence supporters. They’re parasites latching onto a winning host. Look at them run to Labour lol!!

    I hope this answers yer question..

  419. fruitella the hun says:


    Seems you can’t grasp the difference between 5000 SGP members and 220,000 voters willing to endorse them, and thereby the indy ticket. Maybe it’s your reading skills when afflected with the red mist.

    I don’t smoke. I’m an opponent of the SGP over TWAW and putting a social wishlist above environmental stuff (that seems to be changing now, since Maggie lost out to Lorna), the SNP (pre Sturgeon) over their lack of environmental concern and focus on growth and oil extraction, the SNP now over all the stuff exposed here, particularly using the courts against Salmond, Labour over the troughing and abandonment (in the 70s) of any serious plan to tackle poverty and deprivation, the Tories, Alba over their Scotland’s oil tribute act, the LibDems. Politically homeless

    George Ferguson

    £2.5b more on the A9 – how many cyclists could you save with that, or old folk from hypothermia. Just to get a car up or down 10 minutes quicker. Scandalous.

  420. Geri says:


    Did 220,000 voters ever read the Green Manifesto?

    Every horror is in it. They either endors it all or they don’t even know what they’re voting for.

    & A poll of Green voters showed they’re more Unionist than indy & would vote no to Independence. (Holyrood magazine)

    Harvie is a bitter twisted troglodyte consumed by hatred for Fergus Ewing. My money is on that being the reason he wants the A9 shelved. Feck all to do with cars & petrol FFS! That mutant couldn’t care less…

  421. James Barr Gardner says:

    link to

  422. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    fruitella the hun says:
    6 November, 2023 at 1:50 am

    £2.5b more on the A9 – how many cyclists could you save with that, or old folk from hypothermia. Just to get a car up or down 10 minutes quicker. Scandalous.

    Aye, but not everyone lives in a city. When I am, travel by rail isn’t an option due to that Dr. Beeching tube and the buses are a joke. Mind you, they’re worse in the cities due to the SNP’s idea of free bus travel for kids, this being a mastermind policy which transformed the buses into hang-outs for arsehole neds. Not exactly what you would call safe, and if I were still attached and the Iron Lady (Lordie no, not that one) was leaving work at 1AM, you can bloody well bet that Iron would be there to collect her in the car. As for cycling…I dunno. Maybe within a city, if you’re young and don’t have to transport a load of supplies / shopping / tools / children / other stuff. Still, perhaps it’ll be the only option in a possibly-forthcoming dystopia where the SNP cling onto power and transform the country into the People’s Democratic Republic of Scotland? Maybe if you’re a good enough comrade you’ll be allowed to have a solar-powered scooter-type thing which the people will loathingly refer to as “Humza Hurlies”? We can only hope that such horror never descends upon our land… 🙂

  423. Johnlm says:

    In May 2024 the WHO hopes to take control over health internationally via the
    ‘The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty’

    Having changed the definition of ‘pandemic’ in 2009, now, nobody needs to die for a pandemic to be declared.

    There are strong efforts now being made to add Climate as a WHO health responsibility.
    Some amendments to the Treaty, shortening the implementation time of new additions to the treaty, will pass by default at the end of this month.

    A formal announcement of the WHO regarding a pandemic is called ‘a public health emergency of international concern.
    PHEIC -???

  424. stuart mctavish says:

    Geri @2:12 am

    Bet the greens would declare indy later today (cos its a no brainer) if they led a majority of Scottish MPs (& MSps)

    If they were feeling particularly radical they could even attempt global chattering class change by offering a Scottish- palestinian passsport (of the type that allows one to leave the occupied territories) to replace every unionist left winger that keeps their promise to leave, and a Scottish- israeli passport (of the type that guarantees a safe homeland) for every unionist right winger doing the same.

  425. Alf Baird says:

    A Scot Abroad @ 12:35 am

    “in order to advance a theory, in your case the colonisation of Scotland by England, you really need to understand it.”

    Understanding a theory is very important, however you do not appear up to speed on any theoretical aspects related to Scotland’s ‘condition’, such as cultural imperialism, or postcolonial theory, internal colonialism, or internalised racism, and many more. You do not appear to know anything about these established theories. You merely condemn what personally you do not like.

    As you may be aware, I have developed the only theoretical framework on the subject of Scottish independence, as published in my book ‘Doun-Hauden: the Socio-Political Determinants of Scottish Independence’, and summarised in this academic journal article:

    link to

    That theoretical framework is built from analysis of many established theories and related empirical research, including those noted above, and reflecting the world as we know it. It required very careful in-depth study of the phenomenon people refer to as ‘Scottish independence’.

    For you or anyone to criticise my theoretical work you would first need to refer to alternative theories which explain Scotland’s ‘condition’ differently. If you have alternative theories that suggest Scotland’s condition is not colonial, then you should present them. Otherwise you might be accused of spouting hot air.

  426. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 12:14 am

    Tell me more about English nationalism and its morph into fascism. I’m intrigued.’

    I already did.

    It started under Thatcher,

    Not one item in that list is an example of English Nationalism, fascist or otherwise. It is a list of failed English Tories who are total shit and I agree. But don’t blame their failings on the English as a people.

  427. Robert Hughes says:

    @ JohnM

    I’ve been referring to this fckn outrage here and elsewhere and no one – least of all ANY politicians , inc those in ALBA , seems even vaguely interested .

    This is an truly sinister quantum leap in un-elected , undemocratic power accruing to another elite body over which we have no control or influence . The point here being neither will – so-called – * sovereign nations * .

    You’re almost certainly correct that they will include/define the totally bogus * Climate Emergency * as another * Health Emergency * under the aegis of W.H.O control ; all * justified * by the same deliberate , hysterical , scaremongering which worked so well during * covid * .

    The capacity of * ordinary * citizens to have any say in what’s being done – not for them , but to them – has never been great , even in so-called * Democracies * ; but what’s going on now is on a whole other level of socially engineered insanity over which we , the people ( remember them ? ) are being rendered impotent to resist .

    But fuck it , it’s all just Conspiracy Theories , right ?

  428. Captain Yossarian says:

    ASA – It’s some sort of acoustic absorption that’s needed, whilst still allowing it to be vented. In the old days that used to require heavy walls to deaden the sound but nowadays the opposite is the case and the sound is absorbed instead of deadened. Dan is resourceful and so he’ll think of something.

  429. Dan says:

    Interesting take from fruitella stating the A9 work is just to make journeys quicker.
    I understand dualling the A9 is to improve overall safety rather than primarily to reduce journey times.
    There are so many dangerous junctions where accidents occur, plus other accidents caused by overtaking attempts on single carriageway due to folk trying to pass slower moving (because of different vehicle speed limits) traffic which causes long tailbacks.
    Driving on dual carriageway will likely slightly reduce vehicle emissions compared to single carriageway because vehicles will be more able to travel at a constant speed or on cruise control rather than having to often decelerate and accelerate as they catch up to and then overtake traffic which causes the engine to use more fuel / energy.

    Having said that and driven on some of the newly dualled A9, I do question some of the new junction designs as they really don’t seem to be the best thought out in road layout and also lack continuity of design which will cause more incidents.
    Why incorporate a tightish S shaped curve on a slip road rather than a use a conventional diamond shaped junction with straighter slip roads on and off to a bridge over the carriageway.
    If you understand the mass of a vehicle and the forces involved in driving then it’s obvious those S shaped curve designs will cause accidents in ice and snowy conditions, as those sections likely won’t get gritted or snowploughed to the same extent as the main road. Some drivers will lose control as the mass of the vehicle and the lateral force of making the turn breaks traction and the vehicle will spin out.

  430. Mike d says:

    So the ‘uk’ government are considering a new extremism ‘law’.
    That anyone who undermines british institutions or values will feel their wrath.
    I bet Sinn Fein are quaking in their boots, lol.

  431. Stoker says:

    The UKGov is changing the way they issue Oil & Gas licences. You know, the stuff BritNats told everyone during our 2014IndyRef that is running out and indy Scotland couldn’t rely on it etc. Well, guess what, seems there’s a lot more of it. Just like the pro-indy side told everyone. So much so that UKGov are factoring in a wealth fund from it, not for our benefit, but to help with England’s renewables industry. Here’s a snippet from the PAMedia:

    “Data published by the Climate Change Committee showed the UK will continue to rely on oil and gas to help meet its energy needs even after net zero in 2050.”

    Oh yes, you read that correct. Seems the gas and oil is going to last well beyond 2050 afterall. Just as the pro-indy side repeatedly stated. Now watch the BritNats come out with all sorts of ‘AH BUT!’ bullshit.

  432. Mike d says:

    ‘ but dont blame their failings on the english as a people’
    Why not? They repeatedly keep voting for them.

  433. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird,

    I have always found life to be better when one looks from a practical – or “applied” – perspective than the theoretical perspective. I’m interested in what works in practice, rather than theory. I have no time for, and even less respect for, theory. And I don’t indulge in the academic circle-jerking of papers and citations indulged in by unintelligent wasters.

    What you fritter your life doing is unproductive, doesn’t result in any betterment, for anyone, and consumes the time and resources of others for no output of practical use, even if a few self-invested and allied seals clap their flippers at you. That last is the condemnation.

  434. Red says:

    The Green Party vision for Scotland:

    * ban oil and gas
    * mandatory Lysenkoism for farmers
    * ban central heating
    * ban private cars
    * 5,000,000 more New Scots (each more Scottish than the last) from Palestine, Nigeria and Somalia
    * drag queens in every baby sensory class

    All this stuff makes sense if you’re Ross Greer, I suppose.

    You won’t recognise the place when they’re done, because it won’t be Scotland anymore and you’ll be queuing in the pishy freezing rain to get your protein ration at a warm bank.

    Why would anybody who is for Scotland support the Greens?

  435. Dan says:

    @ Cpt Yossa

    Aye, as an ASHP works by taking heat out of the outside air, covering the pump unit in an acoustic absorbing chamber to reduce noise can reduce the airflow it requires to operate efficiently.
    The “planet saving” machines are still humming away now as they did all through the night. The thing is this noise isn’t just for a few days as if it’s being generated by work being carried out by tradesmen, it’s going to be like this for the foreseeable future so basically it has trashed the quality of living here.

  436. John Main says:


    One million (or is it two million) New Scots needed (or is it wanted) to cement the Scottish demographic handover. Pay attention to pretendy FM’s speeches.

    They can’t all go in the Central Belt.

    Get the A9 dualled as far as Wick to speed them, their groceries, and their new house build materials on their way.

    And then there’s Climate Change. North of Inverness is where the early adopting smart folk are heading to get away from water shortages, unbearable temperatures and humidity, and all the pests and diseases that are migrating north, across the Channel, and into England. Everything from malarial mosquitos to bed bugs.

    Innarestin times, don’t you agree?

  437. Sven says:

    Dan @ 08.52

    I suspect that the underlying cause (or at least one them) for the roads design and layouts you mention are down to the roads design concept of traffic management adopted over the past few decades with a view to adjusting traffic flow.
    This has resulted in, for example, the introduction of Hazard boards on the approach to roundabouts blocking off the view of drivers comingnup to the roundabout, the theory being they will reduce speed rather than just negotiating an empty roundabout at a safe but still slightly higher speed.
    Similarly the curvature of roundabouts themselves has been tightened, in an attempt to coerce driver to negotiate them at a slower speed. That this causes our ever increasingly longer artics to enroach onto the adjoining lane as they traverse the roundabout enters not into their planning.
    And so on, with slip and exit roads all being designed and constructed to force drivers into reducing speed without the presence of physical barriers.
    It’s an example of what can occur when design theory intrudes into “real” life.

  438. Dan says:

    @ Stoker

    It’s going to be a real laugh when the time arrives and anywhere on the planet actually claims they have achieved Net Zero.
    Just like fruitella rocking up here telling us we need to stop fossil fuel use now to “save the planet”, and that his oil boiler puts out 45Db…

  439. TURABDIN says:

    The story of political unions is that inevitably they break up. Europe’s history offers many examples of unified empires, commonwealths etc that have not survived the course. Wars have generally put paid to most of them. The one that survives in our day is a result of a fossilised political culture and societal inertia; isolationist, provincial and mired in a history derived exceptionalist conceit.
    The writing is on the wall for the UK, the self belief that once was the cement has crumbled through lack of restoration and general indifference.
    What are nationalist politicians waiting for? Something just to turn up and knock the thing down?
    What has become of the pro-active initiative?

  440. Captain Yossarian says:

    You get acoustic louvres Dan. Smooth metal on the top and foam and perforated metal underneath and they absorb the sound. I don’t know how effective this would be to be honest, but that’s the way design has been going in recent years. An acoustic ceiling in a school classroom or hospital for example is a soft tile which absorbs sound. The old plasterboard ceilings are out now, because of sound. If the heat pump is presently 40dB or something like that, you would be looking for it to be reduced to 25dB?

  441. Dan says:

    Right sod it, going to drown out the noise of the bastarding ASHPs by firing up one of my 6 chainsaws for a ten minute session to cut up the locally sourced windfall bits of trees I have collected.
    I use about 1 gallon or 5 litres for millennials of petrol to cut enough firewood for the year. How may litres of heating oil does fruitella use a year…
    As my chainsaw engines are 2 strokes, to make the woodcutting more enjoyable in the smell sensory department, I managed to get some Castrol A747 oil for fuel premix which is the modern synthetic version of Castrol R. #EpicScents

  442. John Main says:


    With climate change, the pishy rain won’t be freezing.

    So that’s a plus.

  443. dasBlimp says:

    Mike d says:
    6 November, 2023 at 8:57 am
    ‘ but dont blame their failings on the english as a people’
    Why not? They repeatedly keep voting for them.

    As do the Scots for the SNP. So should we now define all Scots by the actions of the SNP? Do you realise how ridiculous your statement is?

  444. Alf Baird says:

    A Scot Abroad @ 8:58 am

    “I have no time for, and even less respect for, theory.”

    You may have heard of ‘applied theory’? Theory is of course largely determined by practice. We really do need theory, not least because it tells us where we are heading, otherwise we remain, for the most part, ignorant:

    “He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast” (Leonardo da Vinci)

  445. Red says:

    John Main says:
    6 November, 2023 at 9:23 am

    With climate change, the pishy rain won’t be freezing.

    So that’s a plus.

    Aye, but climate change isn’t real.

    All the terrible damage green politics are doing to Scottish children and their future is real.

  446. Geri says:


    Have you missed all the BNP, EDL, Ukipper, Neo Nazi, brexit shit & the steady rise of the right “Let’s nuke everything” emanating from Engurlund along with the Union jack stamped on everything incase we forget who we are..

    English Nationalism seems to even transfer to the plastic ones we apparently have on here..LOL

    Little Georgie jackboot just itching to wrap a chain round Scotland’s neck & yank it tight.

    If you don’t think it exists then you must have yer eyes & Ears closed.

  447. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird,

    Some fine words, written by others and parroted by you. You’d be wise to heed them. In your case, you are applying a nonsense of your own prejudice to a theoretical construct of your imagination, and finding that the answer to 2+2 = the smell of the colour of the number 17.

    I apply myself to life as I find it. You apply misunderstanding of reality to a flawed preconception. That’s theory for you.

  448. Mike d says:

    Das blimp, yes but english people dont get snp policies foisted on them.

  449. John Main says:


    I’m a Sovereign Scot living in Scotland.

    My winters are getting consistently warmer, with consistently less snow and ice, and fewer days and nights below freezing.

    My summers are getting consistently hotter, with more sunshine, more days of uncomfortable humidity, and more days when the car AC has to be on.

    When you try to tell me climate change isn’t real, you are saying I’m deluded, or a liar.

    Climate change is real for every Scot who has their eyes open. Scotland is in the fortunate situation where the benefits of climate change will likely exceed the disadvantages. We should adopt our policies accordingly.

    Firstly, because charity begins at home. Secondly, because all of our wee Scotland could revert to the Stone Age tomorrow and global climate change would be completely unaffected.

    The supposed biggest losers to climate change, the third world, are the ones most resolved on accelerating and maximising fossil fuel extraction and use. We Scots owe them feck all.

  450. Geri says:


    ‘As do the Scots for the SNP’

    SNP has only been in power since 2007.
    It started to veer off the railings in 2017 & went batshit nuts in 2020 onwards, ramping up the corruption & GRR. That’s only 3 yrs & already Scots want rid of them..

    The Tories on the other hand…FFS! They’ve been annoying every fecker since Moses was a lad & they’re still lower than vermin..

    The English obviously like them because they suffer the same exceptionalisim & superiority complex that the Tories do. The Tories could murder everyone’s first born, starting tomorrow, & they’d still be voting for them.
    Even some LBC callers would be calling in wondering if they could make it two..

  451. Dan says:

    @ Cpt Yossa

    The rather significant issue with all these proposed solutions to noisy heatpumps is that the pumps and land they are on do not belong to me. Ergo this means a lot of time and emotional effort expended trying to bring up and work to resolve the problems with multiple different neighbours.
    This is just another aspect of the badly implemented taxpayer funded policy being rolled out. I’ve stated the legal noise limit for an ASHP is 42Db, but specifications state they can put out 40 to 60Db, we’ve been here before but will restate it anyway for info. 50Db is almost ten times louder than 40Db, and 60Db is around one hundred times louder than 40Db, so how is it even legal to install an ASHP when the noise they emit will be breaking the law.
    Some surveys of properties to check viability of installing some of this equipment are clearly flawed and don’t factor in various planning constraints. Solar PV on a listed building in a conservation area, and compromised further by having massive trees shading the PV array all day. It’s insane how that installation could go ahead. If I rocked up on an eco forum and suggested I wanted to do this I’d likely get laughed out the place or sectioned.

  452. Geri says:

    Mike d


    England needs its own devolved administration & to exit the GB parliament & must be forced to leave.

    Westminster is a GB parliament, not an English one.

  453. Gordon says:

    The crown’s clown is at it again. How can you put something into practice without a theory of the outcome of your actions?

  454. Alf Baird says:

    A Scot Abroad @ 10:00 am

    “In your case, you are applying a nonsense of your own prejudice to a theoretical construct of your imagination”

    On the contrary, that statement rather better explains your biased political and ideological connection to the blessed ‘union’, a union that disnae e’en exist aside frae a mankit violated treaty, that is nae mair than a ‘cultural illusion’, and which theory confirms is part of the long-established ‘colonial hoax’ played out on a naive native people in order to plunder their land and resources.

  455. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 9:59 am

    Have you missed all the BNP, EDL, Ukipper, Neo Nazi, brexit shit & the steady rise of the right “Let’s nuke everything” emanating from Engurlund along with the Union jack stamped on everything incase we forget who we are..

    The BNP is a British nationalist Party (the clue is in the name.) and a minority party at that.
    The EDL is a English nationalist minority party with very little support or sympathy in England.
    UKIP is/was not a national party and was not solely English.
    Neo-Nazi ????
    Brexit had nothing to do with English nationalism and the Welsh agree.
    The Union Jack is a British flag. Not English.
    Your spelling of England reveals what you really think: you hate the English don’t you? That is the root of all your bile.

    English Nationalism seems to even transfer to the plastic ones we apparently have on here..LOL

    Little Georgie jackboot just itching to wrap a chain round Scotland’s neck & yank it tight.

    If you don’t think it exists then you must have yer eyes & Ears closed.

    Georgie jackboot??? It exists alright but nowhere near on the scale you would have us believe. My eyes and ears are always open to the hysterical,the liars,the obfuscators and the nasty little bigots, Geri.

  456. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 10:34 am

    ‘As do the Scots for the SNP’

    SNP has only been in power since 2007.
    It started to veer off the railings in 2017 & went batshit nuts in 2020 onwards, ramping up the corruption & GRR. That’s only 3 yrs & already Scots want rid of them..

    The Tory’s have been in power since 2010 and the UK will be rid of them come the next GE. Historically governments in rUK flip/flop between Tory/Labour because there is no other choice and the whole system is rigged to maintain this… and that is why I don’t vote.

  457. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 10:45 am
    Mike d


    England needs its own devolved administration & to exit the GB parliament & must be forced to leave.

    Westminster is a GB parliament, not an English one.

    Has the penny finally dropped, Geri.

    But tell me, why does ‘England ‘ have to leave the GB parliament and not the Welsh, Scottish or N. Irish. You’re being anti-English again. All this hate and bigotry is not good for you you know.

  458. dasBlimp says:

    Mike d says:
    6 November, 2023 at 10:19 am
    Das blimp, yes but english people dont get snp policies foisted on them.

    Only the non-devolved ones are foisted on the Scots and Sturgeon did try to foist her nasty GRR policies on the rUK via the backdoor – and failed. If all this bothers you then you need to vote for independence. Unfortunately, the Scots are serial rejectors of this.

  459. fruitella the hun says:

    Where to start…

    “Just like fruitella rocking up here telling us we need to stop fossil fuel use now to “save the planet”

    We need to break our dependence on fossil fuels to save our essential systems. I’ve said it often but you don’t seem to grasp the difference between that and how you present it. I’m as dependent on fossil fuels as the next person for the comforts of life. I’m just aware that we need to change that but see no serious political moves to do so. And the wee efforts that are made are shouted down by folk denying there is problem or relying on the second coming to sort things.

    The average speed cameras produced a significant fall in casualties on the A9. Looking briefly at the casualty figures, other dualled roads still have serious fatalities.

    Lysenkoism?! You need to explain how that one has a place in environmental thinking to this darwinist.

    I’m busy till this eve.

  460. Geri says:

    Brexit was rampant English Nationalism.

    The Welsh didn’t agree. They voted to remain.

    English ppl living in Wales voted Brexit.

    You are obviously blind to it.

    And Labour has to change into Tories to win elections. So the English will vote for them.

    & Look at the treatment of Corbyn & the anti Semitic shite like they’re a mini Israel & just as fascist.

  461. A Scot Abroad says:

    Alf Baird, at 10:58,

    A theory confirms nothing at all. By definition. No wonder the rest of your deductions are so wildly off-beam if you start with such a flawed concept.

    I’d advise you to stick with counting containers and trying to find the most useless bits of water in the world to try to host your fantasy of a cost effective transshipment hub. You are completely hopeless at trying to understand history, trade and reality.

  462. Geri says:

    & the BNP wasn’t a minority party.
    It morphed into UKIP along with the Tories, suprise, surprise..

    As I said waaay back.. it started under Thatcher.

    English Nationalism is very much alive & well..

    & yes, they are hysterical – demanding everyone apologise for calling an end to genocide & all gung ho about putting the world to rights..from the EU to the UN.. democracy deniers & international law breakers.

    Wasn’t too long ago they were trashing the GFI to get their English Nationalism.

    *Their day of Independence*

    Or have you conveniently forgot about that too?

  463. Colin Alexander says:


    You could vote the Independence For Scotland Party ( ISP) who believe the Scots are sovereign, so will not swear fealty to the unelected UK head of state so won’t be taking seats at WM.

    The SNP and Alba also say the Scots are sovereign but then they become UK Privy Counsellors, MPs and MSPs swearing fealty to the UK head of state – who is NOT even the King of Scots. Playing the plebs and broon nosing the British Establishment at the same time.

    Aye, I know before anyone tells me: “They say they’ll get rid of the monarchy after indy.”

    Aye. The same auld “Jam the morra” talk from our “pro-indy” British Establishment politicians.

  464. Geri says:

    **Only the non-devolved ones are foisted on the Scots and Sturgeon did try to foist her nasty GRR policies on the rUK via the backdoor – and failed.**

    Also WRONG.

    It was the UK Labour party who introduced the GRR bullshit here.

    Another thing that you’ve seemingly forgotten.

    Lily Madigan anyone? Lol!! Surely you remember?

  465. Billy Carlin says:

    Merganser 9.26pm

    “You burnt your boats with your sexist remarks in the first two paragraphs of your post. You are now just embarrassing yourself further with these comments”

    Again you are spouting DRIVEL! I am NOT sexist – I was answering someone else who was saying how he thought that Ash Reagan was the hottest female politician he had ever seen and I showed him and everyone one female politician in that video who just happened to be hotter than EVERY female in the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments put together and the main FACT of my comment is how that female in that video is has more INTELLIGENCE and HONESTY than every politician male AND female put together in both Parliaments put together as well – NO sexism there – As I have already said ALL of our politicians in ALL Parliaments here in the UK and most other countries are useless waste of spaces just as clueless as most of the rest of the population as to how corrupt this entire system is and how they are all working AGAINST their families and the people in everything that they are doing. The only politician who is exposing what is going on re the massive rising excess deaths from these “vaccines” in any of the parliaments is Andrew Bridgen

    I do not wish to convince people of any “views”. I present people with the EVIDENCE and then let them decide for themselves hoping that they then actually go and do their own research using CRITICAL THINKING and then learn KNOWLEDGE of the FACTS for themselves. FACTS and EVIDENCE that can be used in a REAL Court of Law and not the FAKE Private Corporation LEGAL System Courts that are there to protect our Private Corporation Governments etc and this SCAM system. The intelligent people go and look at the links etc and decide for themselves and then carry on doing more research while the dumb and paid shills just slag off the message and messenger. Another big difference between me and the likes of you is I actually use my own name everywhere.

  466. Confused says:

    ASA would reckon himself a “winner” but he seems to have started the race of life on the halfway line. And he leveraged this into some chocolate-soldiering and a soft sales job with a defence firm; “underperform”. With such advantages your motto should have been “emperor or nothing”.

    – so, maybe your ancestor did something to merit privilege / position; seen Blenheim Palace? A prize for beating for the French. That’s a big deal. Or sometimes it is something else; one dukedom (at least) was the result of the original being James 6 catamite.

    Being proud of being of the class who sold his own country out, is not a good look, is it? Maybe it’s just the poverty of your education, the penny fails to drop.

    Are people from Norfolk vaccinated against foot and mouth?

    – this would explain a lot.

    Or maybe it’s the pesticide runoff getting into the water.

    ASA, the wings “training dummy”.

  467. Geri says:

    Colin Alexander

    That’s cause the Royals are a different union entirely.

    Union of Crowns.

  468. Red says:

    John Main says:

    When you try to tell me climate change isn’t real, you are saying I’m deluded, or a liar

    It is you who said it, so take your pick.

  469. Confused says:

    PDF time – a serious treatment of a serious subject, the first such study I have ever seen (why does no one even ask the question?) – an economics/maths paper modelling immigration using broad assumptions

    – capitals mine

    [my comments in square brackets]


    10.2 Conclusions
    Immigration leads to a large complex of different questions.

    [NO SHIT]

    Allowing for immigration is, on one side, a laudable act of ALTRUISM, a grandeur of humanism. On the other side, however, allowing for immigration may equally well be driven by lower motives, ranging in the worst case down to the INTENTION TO EXPLOIT a weaker sub-population.

    [humanitarianism, or cheap labour, rigging labour markets to suppress wages and erode workers rights?]

    The present article does not try to evaluate and compare advantages and disadvantages of immigration but only to study the question

    ”When can it work out in the long run?”

    [this is minimal and doesn’t even touch on questions of identity and culture, i.e. do you want to be “someone else”? Most of us would just like to improve our economic situation and quality of life, not change who we are.]

    The philosophy behind working out is that

    [A1] – the inviting home-population should be entitled to keep those parts of national identity it insists to maintain,

    [A2] – and the immigrants should be entitled to import and live their own culture as far as these are not incompatible.

    This means in particular, NONE SHOULD WIPE OUT THE OTHER ONE.

    [not having a bloody civil war 3 generations down the line should be a goal]

    [no one I have seen in the media, politics, academia -ever- dealt with A1 and A2 or even stated such concerns, nor would dare in the modern climate – you will be accused of racism to suggest that natives have rights which should precede those of incmers]

    A LONG-TERM EQUILIBRIUM between the respective effectives is seen as a necessary condition to make this possible, and for this objective, and here it is Mathematics rather than Economics which must deliver answers.

    [the unstated assumption from the modern wokist is – things just naturally work out for the best, by themselves, without any effort – casually disregarding all of human history in which different peoples come together; such solutions – “long term equilibria” may not even exist or require very skilled policy making; the cynical view is this is all well-known and that a balkanised society with people crying out for “security” aka a police state, is the long term goal.]

    Although the mathematical arguments in this paper are mostly elementary, tailoring our models in such a way that we can apply mathematics, and such that the models do not become unrealistic, this was more demanding. As pointed out, Steele’s extension had much influence on our approach. Moreover, our results seem interesting.

    [“interesting” is a sleekit code word in academic writing ]

    The mentioned SENSITIVITY OF THE SOLUTIONS AS A FUNCTION OF THE PARAMETERS IS SOMETIMES TRULY SURPRISING, and it is good to have now explicit equilibrium criteria to see the exact reasons why.

    [sensitivity in this context is a danger word; it means things will blow up even if you get them slightly wrong]


    [why dat?]

    The author would be pleased to see the approach attract the attention of real SPECIALISTS IN OPTIMAL CONTROL and/or optimal transport. As we have seen, it is the optimisation part where the work of implementation in real life will have to begin. And, if one shares the author’s conviction that immigration will be an extremely important issue for the future of mankind, this work will be the one which will really count.

    [control theory is an engineering discipline concerned with – e.g. stabilise a helicopter in flight, or landing one of those spacex rockets back on its tail – tricky stuff; but why should immigration policy be “tricky stuff” and do you think any professional politicians know anything about “tricky stuff”]

    [- the treatment is general, applies to London retirees selling up or people on boats; the real sticking point is this – A1, A2 – are necessary, i.e. both sides must want to play the game; this does not apply to little englanders who think UK=England and Scotland is just like Kent, or East Anglia, nor does it apply to folks who will play the waiting game, vote as a bloc, then setup their own thing once they have the numbers – you might think of the NEW ENGLISH in the midlands who want a caliphate, or for a concrete example – how the jewish sttlrs in palestine behaved, they bided their time, then pounced with extreme violence. It would seem like “civic nationalism” is a liberal fiction of middle class western minds, a mental disease no one else on earth is afflicted by. And Scotland still awaits the new census results.]

    A1/A2 – “playing the game” with the English?? Can we square the circle?

    – I don’t hate the english, just their behaviour, they draw it out of you, you are -expected- to put up with their ceaseless shit and petty provocations; if you react, then it’s your fault …

    the problem of english sttlrs could be smoothed over, to mutual benefit, if the english lost their “tin ear” and listened to the locals.

    If they said – okay, we will come up here to live BUT WE WILL NOT VOTE, ON ANYTHING, e.g. we won’t use our middle class foghorn voices to dominate local politics, nor will we vote in any referendum

    – and we will also willingly pay MUCH HIGHER COUNCIL TAX RATES, the extra money goes into a HOUSING FUND for affordable, rent-only, high quality housing, which is only available to locals, people born within a radius, or with family who are long term residents

    This would lead to mutual benefit, not clnisers using their economic power to ride roughshod and drive out the locals

    In time, the incmers kids and grandkids become “the new locals” with full political rights, including access to the subsidised housing.

    But no “little englander” in his range rover, loading up on supplies at house of bruar, would EVER contemplate such a deal, which is why they all have to go.

    If Scots don’t wake up, in 30 years time they will all be living on a reservation, the M8 STRIP, while north of us is Murdo McWankas Outlander Hielan Golf Resort and Oligarch Pleasuredome, and to the south we have North-Northumbria.

    – still waiting for the census.

  470. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Confused (11.47) –

    Really interesting, thanks.

    Has anyone even tried to offer an ‘excuse’ for the non-appearance of census results?

  471. Red says:

    In time, the incmers kids and grandkids become “the new locals” with full political rights, including access to the subsidised housing.

    In time, eh?

    How about now.

    Have you been to Glasgow this decade?

  472. Geri says:


    You’ve got mine. We’ll put.

    I’d never dream of rocking up to a referendum held in another person’s country. It’s just not cricket.

  473. Geri says:

    *well put.

  474. A Scot Abroad says:


    how much chocolate soldiering do you do behind your keyboard?

    Have you ever led an assault on an Iraqi position while liberating Kuwait? Taken over two hundred rounds of strike on your vehicle even before you get out on your feet with 32 brave lads, and close with the matter in hand? Walked through the scene of a recent war crime recording the atrocities for a UN report in a remote village in Bosnia? Is that chocolate soldiering?

  475. Chas says:

    Everybody knows Carlin is not the fizziest tin of Irn Bru in the fridge then along comes ‘confused’ with his/her/it’s attempt at a novel (see Mia). I wonder how many people actually read it far less understand whatever he/she/it is on about?

    Dear Santa,

    Please send some commas and full stops to oor Billy for Christmas. He desperately needs some.

    Reading the posts on Wings is really hard work sometimes!

  476. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 11:19 am
    Brexit was rampant English Nationalism.

    The Welsh didn’t agree. They voted to remain.

    English ppl living in Wales voted Brexit.


    And Labour has to change into Tories to win elections. So the English will vote for them.

    & Look at the treatment of Corbyn & the anti Semitic shite like they’re a mini Israel & just as fascist.

    And the Tory’s have morphed into Labour qnd now the English won;’t vote for them. The Tory party no longer believes in the traditional conservative policies.

    Corbyn is the anti-semite. You are obviously confused.

  477. Geri says:

    Oh FFS, here comes Col. Nathan Jessop LMAO

    **Have you ever spent time in an infantry unit, son?**

  478. dasBlimp says:

    Geri says:
    6 November, 2023 at 11:35 am
    **Only the non-devolved ones are foisted on the Scots and Sturgeon did try to foist her nasty GRR policies on the rUK via the backdoor – and failed.**

    Also WRONG.

    It was the UK Labour party who introduced the GRR bullshit here.

    The Scottish labour party may have done but it was the Scottish parliament that tried to push it through.

    link to

  479. A Scot Abroad says:

    Within the United Kingdom, is there any legal difference in citizenship between the Scots, the English, the Welsh or the Northern Irish, regardless of where they live or what skin colour they wear, or whose God or no god they follow?


  480. Anton Decadent says:

    @Confused, good read.

    @Red, continuing our conversation with regard to certain Operations in the Greater Glasgow area. Down in Rotherham/Rochdale things first blew up between the Sikhs and the Muslims. The grooming gangs targeted the Sikh girls to try to bring shame to their community, convert the girls to Islam and show that they ran the town and had immunity for literally anything. The Sikhs repeatedly asked the police, social work, media and local Labour party for help to no avail and eventually went in hard and stormed a restaurant/takeaway beating the living shit out of the Muslims in it. Some of the Sikhs received lengthy prison sentences for this and the reason for the attack on the establishment was covered up. A couple of years down the line when the authorities were literally forced to take action against large scale organised paedophilia in the area some of those arrested were living in the premises directly above this restaurant/takeaway which were owned by the same people who owned the restaurant/takeaway and used to accommodate people who worked there.

    When a Special Investigator was sent in to actually check on what was going on her office was raided by the local police with a senior officer present accompanied by members of the local social work department along with members of the local Labour Party and all of her evidence was seized and on return had been heavily redacted.

    I got that from Private Eye back in the day when it still gave a shit about stuff like that.

  481. Johnlm says:

    Every time I hear the song
    ‘A pair of brown eyes’
    I think of ASA and JM

  482. moixx says:

    Email today from Sex Matters re ‘conversion therapy’, asking people to write to their MP, using/adapting their suggested text: link to

    Email reads:
    “Please read and act on this email today.

    Tomorrow, Tuesday 7th November, is the opening of Parliament. We have heard different things about whether a bill to “ban conversion therapy” will be announced, or whether there will be a plan to publish a draft bill for pre-legislative scrutiny by a committee, or nothing at all.

    What we do know is that MPs are getting lots of emails from supporters of Stonewall’s proposed ban, which would threaten parents, teachers and therapists with criminalisation and have a chilling effect on any professional who does not affirm a child’s gender identity.

    We say that if the government is going to ban anything it should not be any form of talking therapy, but the provision of drugs and surgery to patients who are too young, too vulnerable or too uninformed or unrealistic in their expectations to be allowed to take these steps – we are calling this “modern conversion therapy”.

    Read our proposal: link to

    Please do this one thing TODAY.

    Write to your MP using our email tool and ask them to think again and to support our proposal to ban “modern conversion therapy”.

    Sending the email takes about two minutes. It is a good idea if you can personalise the letter – mention if you have been in touch with your MP before, or if you have a personal connection to the issue. But you can just send it as it is.

    This issue will continue to run and run. It is important that MPs understand that “banning conversion therapy” is not the simple matter they might think.

  483. James says:


    “…Reading the posts on Wings is really hard work sometimes!…”

    Why don’t you just fcuk off then?
    I’m sure no-one would miss you.

  484. Geri says:



  485. James says:


    “…Corbyn is the anti-semite.”

    With that comment, sunshine, you have confirmed yourself to be the complete fcuking idiot that we all thought.

  486. Robert Hughes says:

    Confused @ 11.47

    On the subject of how fckn wonderful & progressive immigration is ….

    I was reading recently about how in places like Leicester a majority ( small , but still a majority ) identify as Non-British and in the same city – I think is was last year – there were street fights between gangs of young Indian Hindu and Muslim ( from various Islamic countries ) men . Fantastic , multiculturalism at it’s best , eh ?

    As for the increasing inflow of English people to Scotland , I’m seeing it in my own community and know from talking with friends and acquaintances it’s happening all over the Highlands at unprecedented levels . It seems to have accelerated since * covid * , more specifically Lockdown , with more people working from home ergo able to work from ” anywhere ” .

    You can’t really blame individuals for making what they believe to be beneficial ( to them ) changes of location , most of us have done that to some degree or other in our own lives , but let’s not kid ourselves that these demographic shifts are without consequence for our own culture and , in particular , the aspiration to become Independent .

  487. Colin Alexander says:

    Geri ta, but KCIII is head of state / monarch of the UK state, not of the Scots.

    KCIII was crowned King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain etc. That is the post 1707 UK political state.

    He is not crowned King of the united Kingdoms of Scotland and England under one monarch, which was / would be the Union of the Crowns. He did not take the Scottish coronation oath. He did not take a Scottish coronation service. He did not obtain the consent of the Scots to be King of Scots.

    He did take a coronation service in England, sat on “Edward’s Chair” and the reputed Stone of Destiny to symbolise the military crushing of Scotland’s freedom and forced acceptance of overlordship by England’s King.

    He took the oath not to interfere in the Church of Scotland which is a requirement under the political Union of the UK state.

    So, Alex Salmond, Sturgeon, Blackford, MPs and MSPs swear fealty to the UK’s head of state and accept the UK monarch as Sovereign to uphold “Crown in WM Parliament” sovereignty but also claim it’s the Scots that are sovereign.

    Scots and KCIII can’t both be sovereign: It’s hypocrisy. Dishonest. Playing both sides.

  488. Geri says:


    Is that the same restaurant that the young lass was supposedly eaten while her bones were ground down?

    Young girls used to turn tricks in the alley for fags & alcohol?

    Can’t remember the girls name but she’s never been found. The restaurant was running a pedo outfit.

    No one wanted accused of islamaphopia. Taken over now by the transphobia mob.

  489. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dan.

    At 8.52 you typed,
    “If you understand the mass of a vehicle and the forces involved in driving then it’s obvious those S shaped curve designs will cause accidents in ice and snowy conditions, as those sections likely won’t get gritted or snowploughed to the same extent as the main road. Some drivers will lose control as the mass of the vehicle and the lateral force of making the turn breaks traction and the vehicle will spin out.”

    Back in the early 80s, I was driving my work’s 18 month old Datsun Sunny van down the M90, heading for the Dunfermline area. I turned off at Junction 2 (the Pitreavie Spur, I was subsequently told). As you leave the motorway, there is a gentle curve to the left, then a short straight section, then a rather vicious bend to the right – vicious, because the further you get into the bend, the tighter it gets. See on Google Maps –

    link to

    By the time I got to the bend, I was doing just over 40mph, which was ok for the first part of the bend but, as the bend got tighter, the tail of the van started to go. I managed to correct the skid 3 times but on the final attempt, the van swung round and rolled. You know how on TV and in films, when a vehicle rolls, the inside camera shows you the rolling? Not in real life! I realised, subsequently, that my eyes had automatically closed as the van started to roll.
    When the van came to a halt, my eyes opened and the van was lying on the road on its driver’s side. I checked all my limbs for utility, released the seat belt, then climbed out of the passenger side window and down onto the road.
    The van had a large dent across the bonnet from the offside headlight, which continued across the roof at the top left of the windscreen, which had broken. The front of the van was, therefore, rather bent.
    A lorry turned up a couple of minutes later and the driver helped me to get the van back on its wheels. He said to me that my type of accident was not unknown on that stretch of road, because drivers don’t realise that the bend gets tighter, the further you get into it.

    From the damage to the van, he reckoned that it had rolled and the long dent was caused by the van hitting the crash barrier and bouncing back onto the road. Good job it bounced back onto the road – there’s something like a 30 feet drop on the other side of the barrier. See streetview grab –

    link to

    A police car turned up around 5 minutes later and after checking me and the van (which had started no bother) gave me the go-ahead to drive it back to Tayport at low speed, where my employer was based. I had let the work know of the accident, because the van had two-way radio. With the folded windscreen in the back, even at less than 30mph, it was a chilly drive back, via the A92 and the back roads, to Tayport.

  490. Geri says:


    I’d have distanced a new name from anything related to conversion at all.

    It’s just decent common sense.

    The state don’t own ppls children.

    Good letter.

  491. Anton Decadent says:

    @Geri, I do not believe that it was the same takeaway as these rings appear to operate around takeaways and taxi firms across the country/countries.

    With regard to the girl you mentioned no one was convicted and the police turned their investigations onto her parents treating them as major suspects. The people suspected of murdering her and disposing of her body via the kebab route remained in the area and I believe that her brother was convicted of battering one of them on sight.

    Far closer to home I have seen teenage yt girls getting out of cars driven by adult Asian men in the Four Corners area of Glasgow and also saw a teenage yt girl in pyjamas being transported from a BMW into a waiting taxi in the early hours of the morning outside a late night Asian establishment in the Tradeston area.

    I have had a couple of family members accuse me of betraying our Irish catholic background by speaking out against stuff like this as apparently it is just like how the Irish were treated. Which takes us back, again, to Killing Joke. I am currently going through my vinyl and just got to the Ha! 10″ EP. In the same protective sleeve I also found another 10″ EP called Our Great Leader Mao Tse Tung by unknown artist. One of the songs on it is called Chairman Mao Is Dearer To Us Than Our Parents.

  492. A Scot Abroad says:


    The law of the land, of the 4 lands, supports me.

    It’s only in your little world of fantasy that you can get to pick and choose who counts, and who doesn’t count in one of the four lands.

  493. dasBlimp says:

    James says:
    6 November, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    “…Corbyn is the anti-semite.”

    With that comment, sunshine, you have confirmed yourself to be the complete fcuking idiot that we all thought.

    Additional to him being anti-semitic he is also a IRA sympathiser but I suppose you applaud him for that.

    link to

    link to


    Instead of internetting you could just resort to using your memory.

  494. Ruby says:

    A lot of talk about the English but that term has never been defined.

    Who are the English?

  495. Captain Yossarian says:

    I notice that Michelle Mone has finally admitted to being connected in some way to the Company at the heart of the great-big £200m Covid PPE scam. What that means to you and me is that she, and her husband and I think her kids too? have trousered some of the £200m, for doing absolutely nothing. It puts the camper-van into some perspective doesn’t it and it proves that Police investigations continue, even when you think they have stalled and are going nowhere.

  496. Geri says:

    No it doesn’t.
    I’d assume the glaringly obvious one is the different voting franchise & who can vote.

    Can 16/17 yr olds & EU citizens vote in England?

  497. Xaracen says:

    A Scot Abroad said;

    “Within the United Kingdom, is there any legal difference in citizenship between the Scots, the English, the Welsh or the Northern Irish, regardless of where they live or what skin colour they wear, or whose God or no god they follow?



    The correct answer is YES!

    The native Scots own the sovereignty of their country, kingdom, and nation. The others do not. Scotland’s constitution and legal systems both formally back that ownership up, and so does the Treaty of Union, courtesy of an obligation for the permanence of Scotland’s constitution as set out in the Tenor appended to Article XXV, and ratified by both former parliaments, and thus is permanently binding on the Union and its parliament.

    How’s that for a legal difference?

    Nobody on these islands or beyond has ever held the authority to remove that sovereignty from the Scots, nor pass it to any other body, nor subjugate it to another body, and Westminster is no exception.

    That Westminster and its English MPs have repeatedly breached that obligation is beyond all rational doubt and it will ultimately cost the Union its life.


  498. James says:


    The Guardian and the Times of Israel eh? lmfao

    Ever heard of Craig Murray? You should give his blog a read.

  499. Geri says:


    It’d help you greatly if you realised there are various factions.

    There are Jews who support Corbyn.

    There are the ultra right, zoomed up, gung ho, lobbying *friends* groups who didn’t. They even created their own code of warped conduct where everything is anti Semitic.

    Guess which one screams ‘anti-Semitism’ to

    It threatens their position busy committing crimes against humanity & carte blanche genocide.

    I see you must be one of those nationalists you say doesn’t exist?

    How did the GFA ever become negotiated? Or do you think that shouldn’t have happened either?

  500. Geri says:


    What Xaracen said..



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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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