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Wings Over Scotland

Ready For Drowning

Posted on November 03, 2023 by

With the shock defection of Ash Regan from the SNP to Alba last week, followed by councillor Chris Cullen, Alex Salmond’s party now has representation at every level of Scottish politics – Westminster, Holyrood and local.

But it still awaits a mass breakthrough, either in politicians crossing the floor or in the polls. In the meantime the SNP is plunging to new lows, recording just 32% in two polls last week, one of which saw them trailing six points behind Scottish Labour.

It seems reasonable to assume that the SNP’s fall is going to continue, with lots more bad news looming in its future – Operation Branchform, the likely humiliating loss of the Section 35 challenge in the wake of Lady Dorrian’s judgement this week, the ongoing ferries and trams inquiries and now the already-damaging COVID inquiry.

The party and its media cheerleaders are pumping out increasingly desperate “please don’t leave us” messaging, ironically only drawing attention to its stricken state.

So the future of the political side of the independence movement appears to be very much up for grabs and open to debate. With that in mind, Wings sat down by Zoom with Ash Regan to quiz her about where she saw it going.


WINGS: A lot of people will have been expecting you to leave the SNP before now, for lots of obvious reasons. Why did you leave it so long?

ASH REGAN: You’re correct that there have been moments where differences have been apparent. However, my commitment has always been to the cause of Scottish independence and the wellbeing of the people who live here.

I remained in the SNP to work constructively from within, especially on key issues like the gender reform bill and independence. My hope was to bring about a balanced perspective and influence the course of the party in a way that I believed was beneficial to the country.

WINGS: And you finally concluded that that was impossible?

AR: Yes, it became increasingly clear that the SNP Group was wedded to continuity rather than open to what I, and many others, feel are necessary—particularly with regard to independence strategy. When it became evident that my efforts to steer the party were not gaining traction, I had to re-evaluate my position.

I concluded that the most effective way to serve the causes I am deeply committed to is from a platform that unequivocally supports them. Hence, my move to ALBA.

WINGS: Yet Alba themselves are still committed to the Scotland United strategy, which involves working to get lots of those same SNP MPs re-elected. If you couldn’t get through to them as a colleague, can you realistically expect to have more success as – at least technically, even if you don’t personally feel this way – an opponent?

So far the SNP has not reacted kindly to any sort of what it sees as “disloyalty”.

AR: In me we have a MSP committed to holding the ScotGov to account without talking Scotland down. That’s one thing. ALBA will support the Scottish Government on areas we agree, but that support comes with a requirement for mutual respect between Scotland’s two independence parties. In short: leverage.

The Scotland United strategy is the only sensible way forward; this is where we ask the 50% of pro-indy Scots to back Yes candidates at the General Election.

As we’ve seen in Rutherglen and Hamilton West, the SNP is polling downward. Therefore, a Scotland United position is the only hope for keeping and – I believe – expanding the Yes majority in the House of Commons. So, political realities will go a significant way in re-introducing reason.

The dynamic changes when you’re part of a different party. As a member of the SNP, any internal dissent is often seen as disruptive or divisive. But as an external force, Alba can contribute to a broader dialogue that could help refocus the movement.

I may be an opponent in the technical sense, but I remain committed to the same cause. Sometimes it takes an external perspective to bring about the change or clarity that a movement needs. Alba aims to be that constructive external force.

We can hold the SNP accountable in ways that are difficult to do from within, especially when it comes to prioritising the independence agenda.

In short, while the methods may have changed, the mission has not. I believe that ALBA can serve as a catalyst to unite and energise the independence movement, including the SNP, towards our common goal.

WINGS: That’s presumably a lot more likely if more people do what you did and join it. From the conversations you’ve had within the party up until now, do you think that’s a realistic prospect? Do you think there are many considering it? Compared to other parties the SNP’s divisions are still remarkably private.

AR: Absolutely, the effectiveness of any political movement is amplified when it gains more support. And yes, while the SNP tends to keep its internal discussions quite private, that doesn’t mean those discussions aren’t happening.

I can’t speak for everyone, but from my conversations within the party up to my departure, it’s clear that there are members who share my concerns about the current direction, particularly when it comes to making independence a priority.

Whether they choose to join Alba or not is, of course, a deeply personal decision that involves a variety of factors. But it’s a decision that more might consider as they evaluate the most effective platform for achieving our shared goal of independence.

ALBA isn’t just an alternative; it’s a necessary vehicle to achieve the independence we all seek. The recent news about the Scottish Greens potentially propping up Labour just underscores the need for a robust, unequivocally pro-independence party.

With two main Unionist parties, it’s only logical and strategic to have two strong indy parties, especially given the unique electoral setup of the Scottish Parliament.

This system was initially designed to prevent majority governments and was arguably put in place to thwart the SNP from pushing for independence. However, with ALBA and the SNP working in tandem, we can turn that electoral framework to our advantage. Together, we can use the system meant to suppress the independence cause as a lever to achieve it.

It’s not just about making noise; it’s about making effective, strategic use of the parliamentary system to bring about the change we all want to see.

WINGS: But don’t you think trying to work with the SNP – who couldn’t have been more hostile to Alba so far – is a bit like chaining yourself to a grand piano while you’re trying to swim away from a sinking ship? The latest polls have them on 32% and still falling.

The SNP brand is toxic now – many indy supporters will simply never vote for them again under any circumstances. That new survey this week found that nearly half of indy voters have abandoned them already. Isn’t it better to just let them die and start again?

AR: It’s no secret the SNP faces some challenges. Nevertheless, the independence movement needs two strong independence parties. And —again —the Green Party is a fair-weather friend when it comes to independence, and can not be trusted on the issue. So Alba and the SNP are both critically needed.

Given support for independence is much higher than support for the SNP alone, it would be advantageous for the SNP to co-operate in a Scotland United “democratic alliance” with us. If Alba is able to pull focus onto areas where the SNP need to course-correct, we will be doing so.

It might be that some in the SNP remain too close to the trees to appreciate the best route through the forest. My colleagues in Westminster and I will be helping the SNP to find their way back to matters of importance to the people of Scotland, and none is more important than independence as an immediate priority.

The optimal outcome would see the SNP regrouping and reassessing the counterproductive Bute House agreement with the Green Party. It’s crucial that they pivot away from divisive identity politics towards a more inclusive civic nationalism that unites rather than fragments.

The key move forward is to establish the long-awaited independence convention and to forge a robust Scotland United democratic alliance. This coalition’s mission would be to ensure that every Scottish Westminster seat is contested by a candidate who has a steadfast commitment to independence. For any party wishing to be part of the Scotland United coalition, independence shouldn’t be a mere convenience but the core of their political ambitions.

The least favourable scenario would be if the SNP persists in a state of denial – a kind of political paralysis amidst the five stages of grief – allowing the Greens’ priorities to overshadow their own. This could lead to a perpetual cycle of crises, diverting attention from the urgent quest for independence.

If such a situation arises, the SNP may find themselves preoccupied with a multitude of issues, losing sight of the objective that was central to the party’s founding.

So it is not a question of if, but when the SNP will collaborate with ALBA. The longer the SNP wait, the more damage they’ll inadvertently do to themselves. I’ll remind my friends in the SNP: a positive campaign always wins out over a negative campaign.

Whatever happens, both Alba and the SNP are crucial to Scotland regaining national statehood.


So now you know the theory. In truth, Wings remains deeply unconvinced that the SNP has any role in the future of the Yes movement. In our view the party is simply too rotten, too corrupt, too infested with careerists and worse, and – crucially – too unwilling to listen and learn even as its support melts away in droves.

It demands they come back, and barely conceals that it wants them to do so in the interests of the SNP rather than independence, but in any event it isn’t prepared to address any of the reasons they’ve left.

Indeed, its representatives continue to roundly abuse anyone who wants to fight for indy from outwith the SNP, even when those people magnanimously overlook that abuse and still hold out the olive branch, like Ash Regan herself and Joanna Cherry, whose recent swing into line behind Humza Yousaf has surprised (and let’s be honest, disappointed) many.

But Regan makes a rational case for co-operation, and maybe we’re wrong. Perhaps the current slow bleed to Alba will become a flow and the SNP be forced to grasp at that branch before it goes over the edge of the waterfall. What’s beyond any credible doubt is that if it doesn’t, the SNP will meet its doom next year, and deserve it.

Only time will tell.

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Corbin was no friend to Scotland.
But your Zionism must be corrected.
Look for ‘The Labour files’ (4 episodes) on YouTube.


A Scot Abroad said;

“The law of the land, of the 4 lands, supports me.”

The law of the land only supports you on the presumption that the law of the land is actually valid. But that presumption doesn’t hold in all cases. At the very least the law in Scotland differs in many respects from the law in the other three, and at worst much of so-called UK law is demonstrably fraudulent.


Johnlm says:
6 November, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Corbin was no friend to Scotland.
But your Zionism must be corrected.
Look for ‘The Labour files’ (4 episodes) on YouTube.

No, I won’t.


James says:
6 November, 2023 at 2:36 pm

The Guardian and the Times of Israel eh? lmfao

Ever heard of Craig Murray? You should give his blog a read.

No. I won’t


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 2:43 pm

It’d help you greatly if you realised there are various factions.

There are Jews who support Corbyn.

That’s nice.

I really can’t be bothered discussing ME issues. Your original claim was about English nationalist fascism. You are straying and screeching.


I have had a couple of family members accuse me of betraying our Irish catholic background by speaking out against stuff like this as apparently it is just like how the Irish were treated.

Ah, so the weans should shut up for the sake of diversity.



I’d report suspicious activity to the police or social services & have them investigate. At least your concern will be logged with them at least.

Better to be safe than sorry.


“Your original claim was about English nationalist fascism. You are straying and screeching.”

No, I’m really not.

Brexit was English Nationalism. The BNP & Tories have morphed into one. On everything including its rabid fixation with people in dingies & deportation.

Your anti Semitic tropes are the ultra right ramblings proving fascism is here. The *Nuke everyone* world view we don’t share.

Two MPs were sacked for calling for a ceasefire. That’s where you’ve ended up & why we’ll be out of the rancid UK.

& You really should watch The Labour Files. The GB parliament is being influenced & run by too many outsider gangster thugs shitting themselves they’ll lose support in the UN security council. That’s why they make up the fictitious anti semitism shite to censor ppl from even talking about peace.. yoons are trying to bring the same shite to Scotland.

They’re unelected lobbyists. Dictating behind the scenes & corrupting parliament. That’s interference & supposed to be a matter for the security services. They’re worse than the pampers brigade, same tactics tho..


fruitella the hun says: at 11:15 am

Where to start…

…I’m as dependent on fossil fuels as the next person for the comforts of life.

May I suggest as a start you alter your life choices so you are only reliant on fossil fuels for the necessities of life rather than comforts.
It may sound harsh or difficult to do, but the reality is that kerbing consumption of fossil fuel derived products on comforts and luxuries would at least be a start.
I can’t believe you have the audacity to come on here telling us all we need to be more ecologically sound in how we live our lives and stop fossil fuel usage, but you still run an oil fired boiler.
Make some effort and sacrifice to the cause will you.



I can see their point.

You complain about something & it’s you that may end up arrested in this topsy turvy snowflake world we live in these days.

I see lesbian Nana Banana was pepper spraying passersby the other week just for standing on the pavement observing her ninja moves LOL

They’ve all went batshit crazy…

A Scot Abroad


Scotland doesn’t have its own constitution. The rest of your comment fails as a result.

Want a constitution? Well, gain independence first under the pathway laid out in the Scotland Act, then declare whatever nonsense you like about sovereignty and places like Arbroath.

Until then, suck it up, buttercup.


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 3:56 pm
“Your original claim was about English nationalist fascism. You are straying and screeching.”

Your anti Semitic tropes are the ultra right ramblings proving fascism is here. The *Nuke everyone* world view we don’t share.

MY antisemitic tropes! what on earth are you babbling on about now?



Scotland could lead the world on ecological matters and start punting the likes of environmentally friendly tattie picking holidays.
Save the planet and instill a sound work ethic and a connection to, and understanding of our land and food supplies, by letting your kids pick spuds in the autumn during what were once termed the tattie holidays.
We could even do the same for summer with berry picking holidays…


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 3:56 pm
“Your original claim was about English nationalist fascism. You are straying and screeching.”

No, I’m really not.

Brexit was English Nationalism.

It really isn’t. You could say that Brexit is more popular amongst the English than the Scottish but that’s all.


Geri – can’t trust the police.


“what on earth are you babbling on about now?”

Your nonsense that Corbyn is anti Semitic.

Bullshit. He was a threat that needed to be removed on jumped up charges.

I’m no fan of Corbyn. He caved far too easily. Especially over the brain dead *push the button* freaks but even I couldn’t accuse him of being anti Semitic & neither could Holocaust survivors who agreed with him.

Every criticism isn’t anti semitism but that’s what the UK has signed itself up to which one day, will achieve the exact opposite, cause no one can be arsed with the boy who cries wolf once too often..


‘You could say that Brexit is more popular amongst the English than the Scottish but that’s all.’

No. Brexit was imposed on everyone else by English Nationalism.

Who were the only ones who got what they voted for & Scotland was told to fck off?


Musings Part Deux (The French Connection)

The Auld Alliance between Scotland and France reached near breaking point in a Scottish town earlier today when a garage undertook the task of replacing the failed heater / demister motor in a Renault Master van.
“Ooh La Fucking La Ya Bass!” Just wasn’t quite adequate wordage to describe the utter dystopian scene as an engineering minded observer walked into the workshop mid job and witnessed the almost complete removal of dashboard, steering column and dozens of other associated components so that the failed motor could be accessed, removed, and replaced.
The person that came up with that design has without doubt excelled themselves, and as a result has been duly added to the ever growing list of folk to be lobbed into a woodchipper and returned to space compost in a Fargo stylée.



Don’t give the Tories ideas or weans will be in fields fae dawn till dusk with the

Work will set you free.. aye right. Pinch a berry & yer shot..


“Do you agree that in any shooting war, all belligerents have to cease fire at the same time?”

John Main.

You know fine well that this isn’t a war, its the ethnic cleansing of Gaza by the Zionists.

Four f*ckin times the Zionists bombed a refugee camp so don’t ever describe the slaughter of over 4,000 children as war. Not to mention that the US/UK/AUS and some EU nations are aiding and abetting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

In a REAL war which this isn’t I agree.


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 4:36 pm
“what on earth are you babbling on about now?”

Your nonsense that Corbyn is anti Semitic.

So. According to you, accusing someone of being anti-semitic is anti-semitic. Strange logic. I will not say anymore here on this subject.

[…] have probably read this interview – with Ash Regan on Wings but it is worth a read and I have a different question for […]


“whatever the moral rights and wrongs around Israel since 1948 – and I acknowledge that Israel has often times behaved outwith international law”


Israel is breaking International law, and committing war crimes, and the UK/US/AUS and the EU are helping it by lying.

The right to self-defence does not give you the right to commit war crimes against humanity.

The ICC even ruled against Israel’s apartheid state wall, and the international community has a DUTY not to aid assist Israel but actively work against it to bring down the apartheid wall.

“Given the character and the importance of the rights and obligations involved, the Court is of the view that all States are under an obligation not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem. They are also under an obligation not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction. It is also for all States, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law, to see to it that any impediment, resulting from the construction of the wall, to the exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end. In addition, all the States parties to the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 are under an obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention.”

link to

One has to wonder why the ICC hasn’t issued a warrant for the arrest of Netanyahu, as it did with P—n.


@ Geri

So Tories and Greens could presumably form an alliance as it’s a win win for both of them.
Importing cheap foreign labour through financial migrants must have a significant carbon footprint, and raising a new generation of Scottish bairns that have a bit of a scooby about the hard realities of their existence would be no bad thing seeing as the current lot seem to have been overly mollycoddled to the point they can’t accept no for an answer and think certain tasks are beneath them.

The tapestry of a lived life involves all sorts of ups and downs; Ups like catching a good fish, knitting a splendid hat for your napper out of locally sourced wool, or tanning a drink of an eccy and busting moves on the dancefloor, and downs like dealing with a bereavement, told your preferred pronouns don’t really matter, or jumping into a septic tank to clear a blockage of shite, piss, fannypads and condoms all melded together with congealed fat.

I think Scotland needs more resilient folk with fortitude. Natch, stating what I just have may not be marketable on the tea time news within the current political paradigm, but in my opinion we defo need more straight talking compared to the current mountain of worm tongue magnolia elected eels. Jist sayin’ like.


Republicofscotland says:
6 November, 2023 at 4:58 pm
“whatever the moral rights and wrongs around Israel since 1948 – and I acknowledge that Israel has often times behaved outwith international law”


Israel is breaking International law, and committing war crimes, and the UK/US/AUS and the EU are helping it by lying.

Maybe you should ring the international polis then.

Or the Thunderbirds.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:6 November, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Ach, RoS, we all have lots of fun on here, arguing pointless points about meaningless, unimportant guff, and wading knee deep in the “playground shit”.

But I’m not going to join in with you on the latest war. It’s too serious, and your track record of hysterical falsifications over too many years means that as far as I am concerned, you can’t be trusted to respond to anything in good faith.

You know fine well that this isn’t a war

You’re fabled for your ideological purity – nothing is ever quite what it seems, eh? So the current situation where two implacably hostile entities, each sworn to wipe the other from the face of the Earth, are slugging it out mercilessly, with no concern whatsoever for collateral damage on any side – that doesn’t quite qualify as a war in your eyes.

Nuff said.

A Scot Abroad


international legal opinion is indeed of the view that the 4th Geneva Convention applies to occupied territories in Gaza and the West Bank.

The reality is however politics. Israel just shrugs, and the USA and the west look the other way and whistle Dixie. Big boys’ rules.

Now, what about Rooosia and the 4th GC? China? Indonesia? Half a dozen countries in Africa?

Big boys’ rules. The 4th GC is only applied to countries that lose. It is only useful as an exercise in retrospective justice.


Oh dear. John Main walks into a field full of rakes again.
Geopolitics isn’t his strongpoint.

John Main


Blimey, I go away for a few hours to earn an honest crust and when I come back I find you have been calling for everybody to be nuked!

Bad Blimp!

Or has somebody just been making stuff up again.

OK, panic over, that’ll explain it.

John Main

@Dan says:6 November, 2023 at 5:29 pm

jumping into a septic tank to clear a blockage of shite, piss, fannypads and condoms all melded together with congealed fat

Soz, Dan, but I started reading half way through your post and thought you were writing about reading Wings BTL.

OK, so I now know that was never your intention at all.

At least not consciously. But the subconscious – now that’s something that never lies, and will insist on inconveniently pushing thoughts to the surface of the conscious mind …


Musings Part Three…

Potential collapse of Scottish Administration of Devolved Powers as Greens rage at SNP due to the ecological damage to the environment it turns out Swinney has caused from all the nasty chemical solvents such as toulene, xylene, and butyl ether evaporating off into the atmosphere during his extensive marker pen redactions of official documents.


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 4:44 pm
‘You could say that Brexit is more popular amongst the English than the Scottish but that’s all.’

No. Brexit was imposed on everyone else by English Nationalism.

Who were the only ones who got what they voted for & Scotland was told to fck off?

Don’t ask me, I voted remain. I was living and working in Germany at the time so why wouldn’t I?


Musings Part Four…

Epic scenes in the Holyrood chamber as Swinney quickly counters and silences the Green’s outburst with an epic four nut plant. An initial firm but fair malky applied to whinging Greer then bagatelles the wee ginger’s napper onto and adjacent Harvie, which in turn ricochets and takes out Slater and then Chapman. Say what you like about John, but the baldy geezer can fair stick the loaf onto somebody if he wants to.
As the clanging of empty green headed vessels is occurring Swinney states: “Youse Greens dinnae gie a fuck aboot chemicals so shut yer pusses ya bunch of radges. Jist look at how busy you are tryin’ tae get all manner of pharmaceutical chemical products intae oor bairns for your own nefarious reasons”.


“Maybe you should ring the international polis then.

Or the Thunderbirds.”


And maybe you could take a long walk off a short plank..tosser.


A Scot Abroad said;

“Scotland doesn’t have its own constitution. The rest of your comment fails as a result.”

Ha, ha, Scotland does indeed have its own constitution, and the Treaty of Union obliges Westminster to uphold it, and so too must the UK’s monarch, much to his recent obvious disgust.

Your style of assertive ignorance does you no favours, and the rest of your comment failed as a result of that asserted ignorance.

A Scot Abroad


Maybe you be kind enough to link to the written Scottish constitution then.

An actual proper written Scottish constitution defined in existing law. As opposed to begging letters to popes or the like.


“You’re fabled for your ideological purity – nothing is ever quite what it seems, eh?”

On the contrary Main, this ethnic cleansing is exactly what it seems.

Dropping bombs on residential areas, bombing schools, hospitals and refugee camps isn’t war, its war crimes, lets be honest here (if you can) the world knows fine well that the above are war crimes, but its very unlikely that the ICC will ever be allowed to put Netanyahu in the dock to face the above war crimes, along with cutting off water, food and energy supplies to Gaza which are also war crimes.

So other approaches must be found such as widespread sanctions and boycotts of Israel and Israeli goods by those nations that don’t back ethic cleansing in Gaza or the Occupied West Bank.

What might happen to get Israel around a negotiating table to thrash out a two-state solution the only real answer, is either the sanctions and boycotts, or the less favourable option a regional war.

Captain Yossarian

I notice from Channel 4 news that phosphorus is being used in Gaza. Phosphorus pellets leave tell-tale injuries on bodies and they tend to burn their way through to the bone or to vital organs. That, plus almost 1,000 bombs being dropped, per day, on the Gaza strip means that the situation there is not improving. It is getting worse and more and more vicious. “I will kill you and destroy everything that you own”. We are seeing the total failure of politics and diplomacy.


A Scot Abroad said;

“Maybe you be kind enough to link to the written Scottish constitution then.

An actual proper written Scottish constitution defined in existing law. As opposed to begging letters to popes or the like.”

You first, ASA. Provide a link to the written UK/English constitution then.

An actual proper written UK/English constitution defined in existing law, and also the text of the Article of the Treaty of Union which provides for that constitution to be exerted over not just England, but over Scotland, too, despite its Treaty guarantee of the permanence of its own constitution as set out in the Tenor appended to Article XXV of the Treaty, and which was ratified by both Scotland’s parliament AND England’s parliament.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:6 November, 2023 at 7:17 pm

the less favourable option a regional war

Pants on fire, RoS. I know you better.

Hostages released (dead or alive), possible prisoners in Israeli custody released, as part of a third-party mediated cease fire, followed by UN boots on the ground.

That’s a compromise, allowing neither side the joy of exterminating its avowed enemy, but stopping the killing, Palestinian and Israeli, and allowing aid into Gaza.

But neither side wants a compromise. It’s victory or nothing, for either belligerent. And so the killing of the innocents continues.

And on social media, it’s also victory or nothing.

Captain Yossarian

Just reading Dan’s “Musings part 4…..” and if I’m not mistaken he is crediting the vainglorious, balding gangster Swinney as having some value, albeit nuisance value, to the Scottish populace. I trust I have somehow picked Dan up wrong?


That is what they want. Complete inhalation.

They’ve been banging on about initiating a “Final solution” (their words, not mine)
Everyone must die. Leave no child alive..

& The International community says, Aye, on ye go. Knock yerself out! We’ll even help with the weapons. We’ve a stockpile of illegal ones. We’ll send those tae.

Absolutely shocking. They’ll be in the Hague one day for war crimes. This isn’t war. It’s sanctioned murder. Even pre arranged safe passages are targets & boobie traps.

The UN has casualties. I’m sure families will spark outrage & demand the UN to act – they’re the international police & should start by sanctioning Israel tae fck..

We know they won’t until decades from now. The yanks have corrupted every thing they touch & the UN has no spine to stand up to them..


Who knows what HAMAS’ game is?
Sponsored by Qatar with Israeli support.
Closely aligned with the Muslim Botherhood who are proxies for the Anglos.
HAMAS founder Mosab Hassan Yousef, an Israeli spy, whose son now recommends that the Zionists use gas in the tunnels.
HAMAS agrees with the Zionists that there be no two state solution.
Aided by Iran but, until very recently, anti-Assad.Syria.

A Scot Abroad


I’ll not be playing your game.

It’s you that asserted that Scotland has a constitution. I merely pointed out that it doesn’t. You then challenge me to provide evidence of an English constitution.

There isn’t a written English constitution. Nor is there a written Scottish constitution.

So, back to your initial assertion that there is a Scottish constitution. Where is it, or are you just making it up as you go along?


Geri says:
6 November, 2023 at 8:06 pm
That is what they want. Complete inhalation.

I think you are getting this mixed up with the proposed vaping ban.


Johnlm says:
6 November, 2023 at 8:11 pm
Who knows what HAMAS’ game is?

I was watching ‘Homes under the Hammas’ this afternoon. The build quality of those houses was appalling.


Highest UN death toll of any conflict – after just 30 days, with 88 UN staffers murdered by the Israeli Zionists.

I foresee this genocide by the Zionists breaking all kinds of gruesome records before its over.

Captain Yossarian

They say that you can dismiss Syria and Iran and those who will shape the solution for Palestine, whatever that is, will be Qatar and Saudi Arabia.




*Fckn auto correct!*


@ Cpt Yossa at 7:58 pm

That’s an exceedingly small scrap to grab and run with. But you should have waited for, or even created and posted Musings Part Five yourself to add to the twists and turns of political shenanigans playing out in Scotland.

In some respects Swinney has indeed been useful, for his involvement and actions relating to many contentious aspects over a considerable length of time have furnished us with plenty of evidence to see how he and others like him operate.
He’s probably got a lucrative sponsorship deal with Sharpie or Bic due to the high volume of marker pens he has used to carry out so many redactions of documents. The need to hide so much clearly shows that we do not have adequate transparency to observe what our elected officials and others in highly influencing positions and control in Scottish society are actually up to.
Lets face the facts, these folk must spend so much of their time playing their own wee power and positioning games that it’s little wonder they have performed so badly in the duties they were actually elected or employed to do.

John Main


Is that what happened to you?

Always inhaling, never exhaling?


It always amazes me why the World leaders, movers and shakers don’t read and implement what the sages, who post on Wings, recommend.

All wars would cease, poverty would be eradicated, no diseases would exist, cheap energy for all AND Scotland would be the bestest country in the whole world with an honest, caring, competent Government.

Somebody surely has to inform them? They could also pop over to WGD if further evidence is required!


John Main says:
6 November, 2023 at 8:41 pm

Is that what happened to you?

Always inhaling, never exhaling?

No. I’m just a fat bastard, John.

Captain Yossarian

The most accomplished redactor of them all was Captain Yossarian. When he was a patient in the field hospital he used to redact letters before they were sent home by the men. He redacted everything, except prepositions. Swinney redacts everything, including prepositions. What does that mean? It means that Swinney’s a tool.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 8:18 pm

“So, back to your initial assertion that there is a Scottish constitution. Where is it, or are you just making it up as you go along?”

Here it is, also in Scots language, that should get you excited. Mostly this is from the Claim of Right Act 1689 which, as you may be aware, is a condition of the Treaty of Union, oft violated of course, which renders the Treaty void.

link to

If the Scottish constitution were respected the current governments in Edinburgh and London would be dismissed, and serious questions would be asked about the alleged King o Scots.



So true.

They always try to erase it, belittle it, give it no importance, deride it as ancient guff yet without it there is no union. Yay!


A Scot Abroad said;


I’ll not be playing your game.

It’s you that asserted that Scotland has a constitution. I merely pointed out that it doesn’t. You then challenge me to provide evidence of an English constitution.

There isn’t a written English constitution. Nor is there a written Scottish constitution.
So, back to your initial assertion that there is a Scottish constitution. Where is it, or are you just making it up as you go along?”

‘Written constitution’ was exclusively your phrasing, ASA, not mine. You challenged me to provide a link to Scotland’s ‘written constitution’, knowing perfectly well that it’s just as unwritten as England’s. You’ve just admitted it right here.

So who’s the one playing games, here ASA?

Mike d

Geri, 6 nov 11.19am.
Brexit was rampant english nationalism.
The welsh did’nt agree, they voted to remain.
EXACTLY, google ‘ prof danny dorling welsh brexit vote’.

Dundee Scot

A Scot Abroad is absolutely correct is saying there is no Scots “constitution.”
The Salvo link is to a self-styled “constitution” that was never voted on by any legal, representative body, and has about as much effect is something penned by three drunks at a football game.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

what a total nonsense. There’s no Scottish constitution. There’s hope for, suggestions of a Scottish constitution, but none actually exists right now. The lunatics and hopeless dreamers in Salvo might say “but, but, but…” but there’s no butter for their parsnips.

It’s a nonsense man, and you know it. Even with your professional title, you should be ashamed for trying to pretend that there is such a thing. You are peddling a deliberate deceit.

fruitella the hun

Dan said: “I can’t believe you have the audacity to come on here telling us all we need to be more ecologically sound in how we live our lives and stop fossil fuel usage, but you still run an oil fired boiler.”

You think that gambit works? Trying to shame a critic of the political and economic set up because they haven’t managed to build the alternative themselves.

You want to keep the oil swilling because…well why exactly, considering more than most on here you can imagine alternatives?

Please don’t lecture me about the failings of ASHPs in your reply, Capn Y’s comments suggest ( in the nicest possible way, mecho a mecho) that you are a bit out of date.

A Scot Abroad


Scotland has no constitution. It’s not written down. You admit that now.

Scotland has no unwritten constitution either. It might have existed as a body of uncodified understanding and general judicial practice prior to 1707, but even if it did, the union made it irrelevant. Overtaken by events. A relic of the past that only James Che could get excited about.

The whole matter is nuts territory. It even suckers in Professor Fruitloop.


How our ancient constitution came into being.

A snippet.

Chapter VII – Ancient Constitution of Scotland

“It is remarkable that, in this Parliament, where we can for the first time ascertain the presence of the Third Estate, we have the first development of what are now considered the fundamental principles of a representative constitution. There was a compact between the king and the three Estates; a claim of right, redress of grievances, a grant of supplies, and a strict limitation of the grant. The three estates acknowledge the great merit of the king, and all that he had undergone for restoring the liberties of all. The grievous burdens of the people, through arbitrary taxes, are pointed out; sustentationem non habuit absque intolerabili onere et gravamine plebis. The king is to impose no other “collectas” and to mitigate his legal exactions of prisae et cariagia. On the other hand, the Estates grant him the tenth penny of all rents, a gift which they declare shall be null if the king defeats its application to the public service by any remissions granted beforehand; and the grant is to cease with the king’s own life.

The next important change in the constitution of our Parliament arose from pure accident. The frequent meetings of the national council, and their long deliberations, had been felt extremely burdensome, especially by the class of small freeholders, among whom, as yet, no representation was established. Many of these attended with reluctance, and could not continue during the session without much inconvenience. To ease that class, and also to avoid the inconvenience of popular discussion of certain questions, for the consideration of which expressly the national council was summoned, Parliament devised the plan of delegating its power to certain committees of its members.”

link to


How sad is this.

Scottish Gaelic is not an official language of the United Kingdom or Scotland.

Well worth a read.


“My research focuses on Indigenous language revitalization, decolonizing language education, and language education policy. My experiences as a Gàidheal growing up in Glaschu (Glasgow) inform my work. I was raised by my mother who is from the Gàidhealtachd,1 more specifically, Dalabrog (Daliburgh), in the north-western island of Uibhist a Deas2 (South Uist) in na h-Eileanean Siar (Western Isles) (see Figure 1). I remember hearing Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) all the time around my fluent speaking grandmother, who was a core of our family. However, Gàidhlig, an endangered Indigenous language in Alba (Scotland) with approximately 57,000 speakers, was not available to me in the educational system. Gàidhlig and Gaelic culture were almost eradicated due to many factors, such as the forced eviction of the Gàidheil (Gaels) from their traditional homes and lands during the Highland Clearances in the mid-18th to -19th centuries and the destruction of centuries-old Gaelic clan-based society after the Battle of Culloden in 1746 by British government and imperial forces (e.g., Hunter, 2014; MacKinnon, 2011; 2017; 2018). In more recent times, members of my family and older generations recall being beaten for speaking the language in classrooms. An example is the maide crochaidh (the “hanging” or “punishment” stick) that children passed along to those who were caught speaking Gàidhlig (MacKinnon, 2019). Moreover, Gàidhlig, spoken for more than 1500 years in Alba, is still not recognized as an official language in the United Kingdom. The multi-generational and psychological impacts of the trauma associated with the repression of Gàidhlig and Gaelic culture linger to this day and have been driving factors for language shift, “loss”, socioeconomic and sociopolitical inequities, and the near destruction of family and community intergenerational language transmission in Alba.”

link to


@ fruitella

It’s not trying to shame folk, it’s merely pointing out the hard cold reality that many folk that talk green really need to make a bit more effort and sacrifice to practice what they preach. And it appears you just don’t seem to be able to handle it when it’s pointed out.
But to counter, do you think your gambit works coming on here telling us all we need to stop fossil fuel use now, and trying to tar folk by calling them pumpers just because they understand it will take time for society to transition to more ecologically sound practices.
I’ve stated way more on ideas about environmental matters than just ASHPs so get tae with that pathetic line of attack and come up with some viable technical ideas and options to improve matters, and not just running with the greenwashing pish that so many green voters still think is a great thing.

FYI I’ve used less than one KWh of leccy today (like I have averaged for nearly 20 years) and I’m sitting in my shorts in 32 deg room temps proving that alternative ways of comfortably existing with minimal fossil fuel use are possible if folk are minded to take that fulfilling life path.


These two paragraphs by Grouse Beater, sum up what could be our undoing.

“The fear of a plantation Scotland arises out of irrefutable demographics; in the past decade there has been a huge influx of settlers, in the first instance, English-born looking for cheaper houses, free education, free health services and relatively safe jobs in Scotland’s central belt. And then there are the new Romantics, searching for the ‘good life’ in remote areas, usually settling on islands and deconstructing existing communities while boasting they augment and give life to a withering community.

We are here to invigerate the area is the old colonial line about ‘saving’ the poor uneducated native who cannot fix things by their own ingenuity. Large influxes of incomers has a deleterious affect on a nation hoping to reinstate its rights. With the increase of non-Indigenous families, we Scots lose our native language, culture, traditions and a material loss of jobs and places to live.”

link to

Dundee Scot

There was no Constitution of Scotland, ancient or otherwise.
But to aid the fantasists, I humbly offer my help to them.
Here is a link to an AI program that enables one to generate your own “constitution.” link to
The program can generate a “constitution” for Middle Earth, for the Loch Ness Monster, for three drunks at a football game, or for “Salvo.” None of the “constitutions” will be real, but for fantasists, that doesn’t matter.
To aid with how your self-generated “constitution” will appear, try link to


Energy (like all significant powers) is reserved to London Rule, so there’s little Scots can actually do to diverge from the current UK trajectory until we return to self-governing status and hold all powers and have better control over our resources.

link to

David Hannah

Rememberence day is for the British soliders. I’m a Celtic supporter but I went to a Protestant school, despite coming from a Catholic family lapsed due to beatings from nuns.

The Harvest, our local kirk we chapped thd doors and gave in food parcels. We paused for remembrance every year. We wore our poppies. It’s how I was raised. I’ve a good friend in the British army.

Rememberence day is for them. For the Scots.

It’s for Pat Crossan, and McCreae’s Batillion:

“I think we should play fritz at football. I am certain we would do them.”

It’s for remembering the futility of war and imperialism. Wars faught and ultimately ended by the working class.

The 9 million allies that died, and in flanders fields and the somme. Where have all the flowers gone?

I’m not happy about Humza Yousaf coming out with this pish.

“We’re on the right side of history.”

What the feck. I went to a rally for Palestinians. I paused for reflection. I didn’t go shouting allu Akbar or from the river to the sea. Unlike white “Join the university block” wankers.

I’d find it a gross insult if these morons try and destroy the rememberence day services taking place in the squares of Glasgow and London. As encouraged by Humza Yousaf.

That’s our war dead. They better respect it.

David Hannah

The British weren’t all bad. I was listening to GB news as I like to hear the alternative view to Scottish independence.

I’ve learned that the West Africa Squadron, as a matter or moral imperative saught to end the trans Atlantic slavery in the 1800s. Which caused the loss of 20,000 British men fighting the people traffickers. Fascinating. Aparently slavery in the United States was invented by a black man as well. Who know after 7 years, the black slave owner went to court to Say no. A slave is for life.

So you could say that slavery was uniquely evil. But the British were uniquely good as they abolished slavery.

The wokies don’t want you to know that story do they?

I think the white middle class university students that are supporting Palestine should do it elsewhere away from the remembrance services. And remember that the British actually fought to end slavey. They may not know that.

David Hannah

Rememberce day is for the British war dead that’s Scots fighting under the Butcher’s apron. I want Scottish independence. I want out of NATO. I want to stop the war in Gaza. The zionist massacre of Palestinians. I said it from the beginning.

But I respect that this a very important day and I don’t support Sharia law on our steets disrespecting our war dead.

Humza Yousaf. HANG your head in shame. The wrong side of history. Get to fuck.

David Hannah

link to

“The right side of history.”

One of the most insulting phrases that comes out of a politicians sneering and judging mouths. They think they are so high and mighty what they are saying is that the opposing view is lesser to them. That they are backwards.

You hear it all the time from university students. Free free Palestine. Right side of history. Shame on you. Just Stop Oil. Etc etc.

Scotland deserves better than Humza Yousaf. Respect the British war dead Humza. We know you don’t like white people but will you respect the British war dead that is the question?

Alf Baird

Geri @ 9:27 pm

“They always try to erase it, belittle it, give it no importance, deride it as ancient guff yet without it there is no union. Yay!”

Aye, the “arrogant colonizer” seeks to ensure the colonized are “in no way a subject of history anymore” and he makes “all memory of freedom seem distant”; “the most serious blow suffered by the colonized is being removed from history” (Memmi).

Our past is erased, including oor verra ain constitution; in the usurpers ee we dinna e’en exist!

Billy Carlin

Chas 6 Nov 12.37pm

“Everybody knows Carlin is not the fizziest tin of Irn Bru in the fridge then along comes ‘confused’ with his/her/it’s attempt at a novel (see Mia). I wonder how many people actually read it far less understand whatever he/she/it is on about?”

I see Chas the THICKO is back or is it Merganser under a different paid shill name or one of the other names these shills come on here with. Typical name calling and slagging off people exposing the TRUTH with EVIDENCE and absolutely NO counter EVIDENCE from the likes of Chas because that would take having more than one brain cell – stick to the trainspotting Chas and it will save you taxing your brain cell with CRITICAL THINKING that all of us big boys and girls do every day of our lives.

As I have already said to your alternative shill account Merganser the intelligent people will read what I and everyone else on here and elsewhere has posted and go and look at the links and use their CRITICAL THINKING to see if the EVIDENCE that I and they have posted is valid and then they will go and do more research for themselves to gain more KNOWLEDGE and gather more EVIDENCE for themselves and to pass of to others – hence why more and more people are waking up to the LIES and PROPAGANDA of our corrupt governments and political parties all over the world every day and why they along with their TREASONOUS paid shills such as you are failing to stop this awakening.

John Main

David Hannah

Good posts from you there. Thanks for telling it like it is.


A question for all the dafties

If there is no Scottish constitution of any legal standing at all then why has it been quoted throughout the ages by the following..

Religious leaders

Do they just pluck shit out of mid air?

Another question for the dafties..

What breed are you? Lol!

You can’t be Scottish – happy to erase yer country’s status, deride her & belittle her to being no more than a snivelling servant & slave to the English & should be gagged & bound like a hostage forever, by force would be just delicious eh?

Yer not Scottish are you? Yer nose pokes fae next door. Curtain twitchers. In that case, fck off & mind yer own bizz..

Yer English nationalism killed the Union.
The moment Brexit happened it was the final nail.
Not because we voted remain but because the section 30 pish was proven to be just that, pish!
England didn’t seek our permission to exit. They didn’t even wish to compromise to Scotland who’d voted 62% & tabled a compromise.
All four Nations had too show a majority to leave to trigger article 50, that’s what Parliament had said to the SNP, “it was only advisory” & they threw that out the moment their result was in & just stormed ahead & fck you, Scotland, yer getting nothing.

There will be a convention & we will end the Union & get away from all this ancient guff once & for all cause it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.

Scotland, Wales & NI should be demanding England has a devolved Parliament. No one made them boss of Westminster. They wanted their *independence day* well let them have it.


Alf Baird says:
6 November, 2023 at 11:48 pm
Geri @ 9:27 pm

“They always try to erase it, belittle it, give it no importance, deride it as ancient guff yet without it there is no union. Yay!”

Aye, the “arrogant colonizer” seeks to ensure the colonized are “in no way a subject of history anymore” and he makes “all memory of freedom seem distant”; “the most serious blow suffered by the colonized is being removed from history” (Memmi).

Our past is erased, including oor verra ain constitution; in the usurpers ee we dinna e’en exist!

Wow! a written constitution penned by young Sara Salyers so it’s not ancient guff after all! Impressive stuff. I’m going to write a constitution for Engerlund now and chuck it up on me blog then we’ll both have one. Brilliant!

Footnote: as an Englishman who has suffered under the colonialism of the Norman yoke since 1066 I feel your pain, Alf, I really do.


Scotland, Wales & NI should be demanding England has a devolved Parliament. No one made them boss of Westminster. They wanted their *independence day* well let them have it.

I couldn’t agree with you more, Geri. Although I see it differently. I see it as the English are possibly the only ‘nation’ in the world who are not represented by their government. Can you imagine how that feels? So good luck with your struggle for independence.



As I have already said to your alternative shill account Merganser the intelligent people will read what I and everyone else on here and elsewhere has posted and go and look at the links and use their CRITICAL THINKING to see if the EVIDENCE that I and they have posted is valid and then they will go and do more research for themselves to gain more KNOWLEDGE and gather more EVIDENCE for themselves and to pass of to others – hence why more and more people are waking up to the LIES and PROPAGANDA of our corrupt governments and political parties all over the world every day and why they along with their TREASONOUS paid shills such as you are failing to stop this awakening.’

Wow-that is a BIG sentence.

I have no idea who Merganser is.
I hate to break it to you but I would be very surprised if anybody on here actually reads your ‘prose’. I take it when you say ‘the intelligent people’ you are referring to people like yourself? Sorry, but if so, your argument falls flat on it’s face before it has even started.

I do however hope that Santa brings you some full stops and commas. Have you written your letter yet?

fruitella the hun

I can do this as a job lot.

John Main challenged me to claim that I didn’t make any use of oil-derived products. The implication being that my credentials for wishing a quicker end to its role in destroying everything that matters – a role being cynically dragged out by every oil producing company on Earth for the last 30+ years – were false.

James Che does something similar, using an unintelligible story about how life depends on CO2 and to wish its presence reduced is reprehensible.

Dan, the backwoods survivalist man, tough, salty, six chainsaws so don’t mess, similarly paints the middle-class people he lives amongst, perhaps Green voters, as hypocritters (vs. pumpers…?) because their efforts stop short of massive lifestyle changes. At least they are trying. Many middle-class environmentalists I have known (including me) do have chainsaws, a scrap of woodland a tattie patch and pay attention to their energy consumption. So I find the picture he paints, repeatedly to deride, tedious.

Red, well, I’m guessing, “…the Lord put it there for us to use, it’s blasphemy to ignore it when it could do so much good. Evil Green climate change scam. Cant argue with that. Cuts no ice with me. Can’t quite fit that with his marxist-style views on social issues by hey, who said we had to be consistant?

There’s more but I’ll just say this: policy to extend oil use directly or indirectly is totally at odds with policy to sufficiently reduce it in the timescales we are now aware of. Opposing oil-soft policy is not the same as stopping all oil use now – which is totally unrealistic. Saying it is – and I’m talking about the intelligent and traditionally educated contributors here – is probably dishonest.

I know dishonesty is not a crime in politics, far from it, but this site is about ideas. Politics is about building alliances, not destroying the partners needed. Saying that, I reckon environmental support for meaningful independence is more important than oil industry support, even in the short term.


‘Wow! a written constitution penned by young Sara Salyers’

No actually.

Scotland’s written constitution.
Ratified in both parliaments.
Recognised by Chucky.

Why don’t the English vote for devoloution?

Why did they only want Indy from the EU & not everyone else?
That’s a bit stupid eh?
Take back yer borders & yer money! Oh, oops! We only meant the one at Dover..
Oh fck, we forgot about Ireland.
Oh shit – now the EU has erected 28 other borders!

I thought we were *special* & would still have a VIP lane?! Lol!


Some freedom fighters you lot are. You can’t even muster a diddy we administration to see what magical sums they can invent to show the other three nations they’re not being royally shafted.

Stand on yer own two feet. You’ll need to. The rest of us are leaving so gett yerselves prepared.

A Scot Abroad


Scotland doesn’t have a written constitution.

I’ll be kind to you. With your clearly extremely limited understanding of constitutional matters, you may have misunderstood things. If so, my advice to you would be to not try again to cross deep waters before learning how to swim.


A Scot Abroad said;
“Scotland has no constitution. It’s not written down. You admit that now.

Scotland has no unwritten constitution either. It might have existed as a body of uncodified understanding and general judicial practice prior to 1707, but even if it did, the union made it irrelevant. Overtaken by events. A relic of the past that only James Che could get excited about.

The whole matter is nuts territory. It even suckers in Professor Fruitloop.”

What I actually said was that ‘it’s just as unwritten as England’s’. That’s not an admission that Scotland’s constitution doesn’t exist.

Scotland’s constitution is written down, just not all in one or a few related documents, as you know just fine. That is all that ‘not written’ or ‘unwritten’ means in this context. This is in no way different from England’s or the UK’s constitution.

Your assertion that “the union made it irrelevant” is the exact opposite of the truth, because the Union’s founding document, the Treaty of Union, formally guarantees the permanence of Scotland’s key constitutional Act, its 1689 Claim of Right, an Act which spells out and confirms most of the key principles of Scotland’s constitution and legal system, and that Act is still current legislation in the UK today, as the UK government’s own website verifies.

Who’s the fruitloop, now, buttercup?


Geri stridently screeched…

Some freedom fighters you lot are. You can’t even muster a diddy we administration to see what magical sums they can invent to show the other three nations they’re not being royally shafted.

I have no doubt we are being shafted by royalty… and by everyone else.

Stand on yer own two feet. You’ll need to. The rest of us are leaving so gett yerselves prepared.

Yeah right, I won’t hold my breath LOL.

Dundee Scot

If the 1689 Claim of Right Act is the “key constitutional act” of the alleged “Scottish Constitution,” that means the following (taken from the Act) is part of the “Scottish Constitution:”
No Catholic schools
No saying of a Catholic Mass
No government hiring of Catholics
No Catholic books to be published
No Catholic army officers
There’s more, along this theme….

Has anyone here–and especially those touting the act–actually read that act?


fruitella says :

Dan, the backwoods survivalist man, tough, salty, six chainsaws so don’t mess, similarly paints the middle-class people he lives amongst, perhaps Green voters, as hypocritters (vs. pumpers…?) because their efforts stop short of massive lifestyle changes. At least they are trying. Many middle-class environmentalists I have known (including me) do have chainsaws, a scrap of woodland a tattie patch and pay attention to their energy consumption. So I find the picture he paints, repeatedly to deride, tedious.

Tedious as this may be for you…
So again you try to deride folk that actually are living a more sustainable and ecologically sound existence over those that just talk the green talk.
I mentioned I currently have a collection of 6 chainsaws not because I am tough, but because having a back up saw and a larger one for bigger jobs is needed, the other ones are just items I picked up to sort because I can and it makes environmental sense to recycle and keep viable equipment running rather than just throwing away and replacing stuff that could have been fixed.
The neighbour with a noisy ASHP also has a hot tub and patio heater so you are wrong to paint the picture that they are genuinely green in outlook. It’s production of exactly that sort of superfluous “luxury” crap which needs to be cut back, a greeny owning a patio heater ffs…
The neighbour is just a victim to the green washing propaganda, they are nice enough, just ill informed and as a result taken advantage of by dodgy companies hawking dubious wares.

You admit you are middle class so presumably ain’t on the breadline struggling to get by. Therefore you could switch to using renewably generated leccy rather than burning fossil fuels in an oil boiler. Aye it would be more expensive because of the shit way that energy pricing is formulated in the UK, but you would be greener and step closer to practising what you preach, and that extra financial price you would be paying (due the desperate need to decouple renewable and fossil fuel derived energy unit pricing) should be a motivating factor for you to be far more focused and driven on the need for Scotland to return to self-governing status. That way we would have far better control over our land, resources, and how the companies that operate in our jurisdiction are managed for the betterment of our whole society rather than just profit for a few.


@Dundee Scot;

Those religious aspects are no longer enforced, despite still being on the statute books. Much of what was deemed acceptable in bygone times is now seen by society as unacceptable, and the courts quietly ignore them. Much the same is also true in England. The social zeitgeist evolves and adapts.

The secular elements are still enforceable unless the courts deem it unfair to do so in some instances. Judges don’t just apply the law, they also interpret the law.

Iain More

The SNP has become a Party of Quisling Yoon Wokists. Vote for them – not in a million years. They have stabbd us all in the back. Oh and left us at the mercy of Greedy English Tories aka Greedy English Facists by thier failures to hold an Indy Referendum when thet had the Electoral Mandates to do so – TRAITORS!!! The SNP are beyond salvage now. I dont know how anybody can defend them.

To Joanna Cherry and others I would say that once Trust is lost you cant get it back ever. The SNP has lost that Trust years ago now. Stop dithering and leave the SNP. They have no integrity left eithhr.

Dundee Scot

To sum up, people who (absurdly) claim that Scotland has a fundamental law of the land, a “Constitution”:
1) Don’t know what it says;
2) Can’t point to anything that has the words;
3) Point to parts of the “constitution” they think are so NON-fundamental that they proclaim its provisions have been, and should be, ignored.
4) Cite as a “constitutions” things (almost literally) written on a cocktail napkin 2 years ago by a tv journalist.

It’s always amusing when people try to label pigs as elephants. They’re free to do so, but that doesn’t make a pig an elephant.

John Main

@fruitella the hun says:7 November, 2023 at 9:31 am

John Main challenged me to claim that I didn’t make any use of oil-derived products

Naw, I didnae.

fruitelka the hun
David Hannah

Celtic have just lost 6-0. The directors better be getting those fences back up around Celtic Park. After all the penny pinching once again.

I couldn’t care less about Joanna Cherry.

She’s served her purpose and completed her goal. She’s going down with the SNP. No more 84k plus expenses.

David Hannah

Give me hope Joanna, Give me hope Joanna till the morning comes.

Could have been her song of freedom.

But it isn’t. She’s enjoying all the soup takings in the English Parliament.

Lord knows, she’s not coming back.

John Main

@fruitelka the hun says:7 November, 2023 at 8:53 pm

Aye, ye did

Sae I did! I sit corrected. Gowd, that’s an ill-tempered post. Wings BTL has sure improved in recent months.

Bit c’moan, that was back in June. There’s been a lot of oil pumped, and shandies swallowed, since then.

Incidentally, did ye ever take up the “John Main Challenge”? How did it go? Be honest now.


Man, Ash Regan is everything I hoped she would be and more.

Thank you.

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    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Was Eamon de Vallera a Nazi? Is he guilty of the mass exodus out of Ireland. Or was he a…Feb 15, 19:08
    • Nae Need! on The thickness of blood: “Totally agree, Alf.Feb 15, 19:01
    • Nae Need! on The thickness of blood: “Spot on. And much more nicely expressed than I could ever do. I am so fkn raging at what is…Feb 15, 18:59
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “It’s the way religion is interpreted. Most Muslims are among the most honest people in the world.Feb 15, 18:58
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “It doesn’t take a Superhero to bring these people to book. It just takes a Woman to say NO.Feb 15, 18:56
    • TURABDIN on The thickness of blood: “Islam is more social ideology than religion. From its foundation all alternatives were to be either eliminated or restricted. I…Feb 15, 18:54
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “I support and respect Marie. She’s a Scotland Champion.Feb 15, 18:44
    • Ali MC on The thickness of blood: “As a woman I’m weary of using the ladies after bumping into a man, wearing a short skirt, in the…Feb 15, 18:40
    • Nae Need! on The thickness of blood: “I’m having issues too. Stu, I can access your back catalogue of articles through a saved URL , but your…Feb 15, 18:39
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “Fa’s Geri? Twa deid in Munich. Mother and child. Reports coming in the driver’s name is Navid, or something like…Feb 15, 18:34
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “As I’ve pointed out before, colonialism takes many forms, and many different strands work in parallel, which is why it’s…Feb 15, 18:26
    • TURABDIN on The thickness of blood: “«Gender» is just another ideology. In common with all typical novel ideologies it will not rest content until all perceived…Feb 15, 18:23
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Where as Yoon scum is seriously full shitFeb 15, 18:18
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “You get voted down not for the content. But the barrage delivery method you apply.Feb 15, 18:16
  • A tall tale

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