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Wings Over Scotland

On the hush-hush

Posted on December 22, 2022 by

The last few days have been perhaps the most turbulent in the entire history of the modern Scottish Parliament. Proceedings have been suspended repeatedly, members of the public thrown out and threatened with arrest, filibusters attempted, carol services cancelled, tempers frayed and sittings going on until the wee small hours.

All of this has happened in the service of the policy that the SNP has made its flagship priority for the last two years and more – the destruction not only of women’s rights, but of the very CONCEPT of a woman.

So you’d imagine the party would have been tweeting about it constantly, keeping its supporters informed about all the dramatic events and the progress of the bill, if only to reassure them that they were determined to get it passed before the Christmas break come what may.

And yet strangely, up until it retweeted a tweet from The National about the bill finally passing a few minutes ago, the SNP Twitter account had not made a single mention of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in the entirety of the last week.

It certainly hadn’t been quiet – it’s been churning out scores and scores of tweets on subjects from the NHS to Rwanda deportations, the COP15 summit, Brexit, early learning, FMQs, winter fuel payments, International Human Solidarity Day, train fares, independence polls, the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, free school meals, income tax, drugs, net zero, industrial disputes, the cost of living and dozens more.

But there wasn’t one solitary word about the thing it just spent three solid days forcing into law. And since it was a thing that most of its own voters, and indeed a huge majority of all Scots, were opposed to, readers might be forgiven for thinking that they just wanted it all kept as quiet as possible, as if they were ashamed.

We suspect, and very much hope, that their wish may not be granted.

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Garavelli Princip

Whit a scunner! All that time, effort and adverse publicity – not to mention the utter damage to the supposed aim and purpose of the SNP – INDEPENDENCE – just to have the ‘flagship’ legislation struck down by the colonial overlord!

You could be forgiven for thinking that it was planned to end precisely this way – except that we know Nikkla cannae dae strategy!

But at least the Greens are still on board!

David Ferguson

They’re not in the least ashamed. They’re simply working to a well-worn and proven strategy – “Keep the ignorati as ignorant as we possibly can, and they will continue to troop into the polling booths like bovine fodder and give us their votes…”

wee chid

How the hell did this pass by as many votes as it did? What a bunch of utterly despicable, spineless, perverted bar stewards we have for a govt.

Gregory Beekman

Won’t Alistair Jack be arrested for a hate crime if he says that in Scotland?


Section 35 incoming.


I suspect that a silent majority of our esteemed Politicians are aware that they have backed the wrong horse in the race. However, rather than do the right thing, they have ploughed ahead. They would rather pass a flawed law in an attempt to save their miserable faces. All aided, abetted and coerced by the Supreme Leader.

There will be consequence but they simply do not care. The tail is continually wagging the dug in our heroic, brave new Scotland.

Incidentally, if any of the novel, new and fancy plans for Independence magically become reality, it will the SNP/Greens who are in charge of EVERYTHING in Scotland. Think on that for a minute.

Garavelli Princip

Irrespective of whether this legislation is truck down by the colonial masters (which seems likely), there will remain a problem about Trans issues. It seems to me that the problem doesn’t primarily lie with those with genuine gender dysphoria – although surely there must be better psychiatric remedies that could be developed.

The main problem would seem to be with men who want to use the legislation to satisfy their perverted lusts.

Perhaps then, in the absence of decent and effective psychiatric remedies, proper legislation would make the issuing of a gender reassignment certificate dependent upon undergoing actual, genuine reassigmnet – surgical reassignment.

I suspect the prospect of having their offending tackle removed would concentrate the minds of those whose desire for a certificate is motivated by their male sexual fantasies and perversions – and would help to subdue these.

Apart from anything else – it would certainly separate the men from the – well – other men!


Nothing tweeted from the Scottish Nonce Party on Twitter but Pete Wishart isn’t happy that Westminster might step in and block the bill, Wishart calls it, “Disrespecting Scottish Democracy”

The majority of Scots don’t want this unamended bill, its Sturgeon and her rapist/paedo enabling MSPs who are denying us democracy.

link to

George Ferguson

Cheers Stu liked the musical touch. There were many eloquent speakers during the GRRB debate most of them were women and Cross party. A few men did well. But to any reasonable person the GRRB debate was lost. Party politics won the day not rational debate. But thanks to you. A consistent informed campaigner against the GRRB nonsense. You did your bit. Women all over Scotland have had their Christmas run up ruined. We will be back!

Kevin Cargill

And so the Unionist Sturgeon has placed another nail in the coffin of Independence. All of this anti-science nonsense has never been believed by her. But it gave her the opportunity to force through the most contested law in Scottish history, knowing full well that two thirds of the population will now hail the Union, as it’s Westminster government steps in to save Scotland from itself, by invoking the devolved/reserved argument to overturn this insane decision and save women’s’ rights. Union Jacks will be the new flag of the Women Won’t Wheesht movement and the dream of Independence will be gone for at least the next century by which time the planet will have been murdered by humanity any way! Merry Xmas everyone!

stuart mctavish

Not sure relying on Charles to save the day is such a cunning plan (the may not be granted link), since odds are high that he’s been relaxed to the idea of crazy bastards in skirts since the Gordonstoun days when his dad will have dug out some old navy stories and consoled him with the tautological foresight that if ever they stop being useless harrys it’ll doubtless be the day they start being useless harridans..

Of which, I remain intrigued as to why gay men did not abstain from this bill since, by strict definition, neither transmen nor transwomen can be of interest to them sexually and their only reason to get involved must be on behalf of constituents (who are manifestly against on grounds of vile misogyny).

Linda McFarlane

The below noted Petition now sits at over 53,500.

Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex
The Government must exercise its power under s.23 of the Gender Recognition Act to modify the operation of the Equality Act 2010 by specifying the terms sex, male, female, man & woman, in the operation of that law, mean biological sex and not “sex as modified by a Gender Recognition Certificate”

link to

It’s over halfway. Please support it.


Joanna Cherry comments on vote
link to

Bernard de Linton

Well, ive decided to eat ,drink, and be Mary.


I don’t agree with the bill but I don’t agree with interference from WM either.

I really doubt they will invoke it.

If parties want to change the bill, they can propose it in a manifesto and let people decide. That’s how it should work.

Jim McIntosh

….and this blog alone is worth the monthly subscription I chip in.

I noticed the Greens have been pushing it desperately all week but I completely missed the silence from the SNP.

Obviously I’m not as alert a reader as I thought. 😉


Garavelli Princip says:
22 December, 2022 at 4:36 pm
Irrespective of whether this legislation is truck down by the colonial masters (which seems likely), there will remain a problem about Trans issues. It seems to me that the problem doesn’t primarily lie with those with genuine gender dysphoria – although surely there must be better psychiatric remedies that could be developed.

The main problem would seem to be with men who want to use the legislation to satisfy their perverted lusts.

Perhaps then, in the absence of decent and effective psychiatric remedies, proper legislation would make the issuing of a gender reassignment certificate dependent upon undergoing actual, genuine reassigmnet – surgical reassignment.

I suspect the prospect of having their offending tackle removed would concentrate the minds of those whose desire for a certificate is motivated by their male sexual fantasies and perversions – and would help to subdue these.

Apart from anything else – it would certainly separate the men from the – well – other men!


There’s not a snowballs chance in hell that those wee creeps in the gallery today will have the balls to get them cut aff.

That was never the plan. They need their tiny wee tackle for other purposes. Not one of them have any honour that genuine people with gender dysphoria(true trans) who do, and that go all the way and do it and lead the life they want.

Two different sets of people we’re talking about.


SNP Out!



Any sign of anyone at all involved explaining what “the gender in which the person is living”, with regards to the 3 month period before the application is made actually means in practice yet?


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.


When some hairy arsed bloke in a frock, a stiff from wearing frilly underwear and a gender recognition certificate commits their first assault on a female in a woman’s only area, you can bet the silence from the Scottish Nonce Party will be deafening.


Sigh. The sneaky charlatans obviously know it’s potentially a serious vote loser. One can but wonder if this is the case, why on earth have they doubled down? Going for broke – that’s a real commitment (if only the same could be said for their fight for independence. The problem is it ain’t a dirty secret anymore, it’s now out in the open. The toothpaste is well and truly out of the tube, and this can only gain traction and grow and grow. Once a critical proportion of the electorate become aware, the tipping point is crossed. Indy supporters will desperately need a sane alternative. One can but hope that the Alba Party will step up and provide one.

David Hannah

Cries of desperation and shame on you screamed down from the gallery.

They ignored the polling.

They ignored the safeguarding concerns e.g. Katie Dolatowski the convicted paedophile from Fife that violently attacked the male inmates self identifying as a woman for transfer to female jail.

Holyrood should be shut down after today. It has been captured a cult. What more can you say. My heart aches for the women and their stolen rights today.

Gregory Beekman

Linda McFarlane @4:56

Thanks – have signed.


GENUINE QUESTION – So now GRR moves on to get royal assent. Is there ANY possibility this will somehow not get royal assent because of potential conflict with English/rUK law? Even though that then raises constitutional issues.


When I look at that coupon I see the GRINCH but a GRINCH that is not caring , empathetic or moral, just a twisted cowardly entity who disguises her hatred of her existence and her personna by inflicting pain and misery on those she despises most , IMO her fake partnership has a very serious mental problem that she refuses to accept, she may be lesbain , bisexual or even trans but her mental state will not allow her to accept it or acknowledge it , hence the reputed court orders , she CANNOT be seen or believed by the public as anything other than a straight heterosexual married person with family values , when in reality she relishes her deviancy and perversion

How can anyone think otherwise with her unabated fanatical insistence to push this abhorrent reviled legislation through , whilst her and her moronic cabal compete with liebours catastrophic previous governance of Scotland in a visible attempt to see whose destruction of Scotland gets top ranking

David Hannah

Self ID rapists, might no longer have to face a jury trial as the next act of self harm for Nicola’s republic of Guilead.

Remember, she wants to abolish jury trials next in sexual offences cases for a trial by postcode.

They are unhinged. Deaf ears. They don’t listen. I’m disgusted with them all.

Mark Boyle

Rogueslr says:
22 December, 2022 at 5:16 pm

When some hairy arsed bloke in a frock, a stiff from wearing frilly underwear and a gender recognition certificate commits their first assault on a female in a woman’s only area, you can bet the silence from the Scottish Nonce Party will be deafening.

And so – alas! – will be the Scottish press.

Even the rape and sex obsessed red tops like the Sun and Record – because they know what side their bread is buttered when circulations in terminal decline means eternal dependency on local government and Holyrood advertising revenue.

Craig P

Oh well, now we wait. Maybe the proponents of the bill are right, we are all bigots, and the fuss will blow over once everyone realises there hasn’t been any adverse effect on women. I will happily hold my hands up then and say I was on the wrong side of history, in a way I wasn’t when Holyrood was discussing Section 28.

But if women find accessing important services harder, get squeezed out of sport, and vulnerable women have their lives made more dangerous, I hope we never forget who was responsible.

David Hannah

link to

Maggie Chapman quoting “the great feminist Judith Butler” and a transgender calling their own mother a “TERF” in Parliament.

She should be locked up in a padded cell with the key thrown away. She’s nuts!

Graeme Hampton

I don’t want Westminster to interfere in Scottish legislation. I want Scots to make there own decisions but the safety of half the population must be paramount.

If they can step in and stop this bill gaining assent then good. Hopefully we will then be able to clear this crowd of misogynists and party line poodles from the parliament and replace them with decent people.


Maureen says:
22 December, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Joanna Cherry comments on vote
link to

My problem with what Joanna Cherry says is she talks about ‘trans rights’ and ‘genuine trans people’ how do you tell who is a ‘genuine trans person’ and who isn’t?

Keep signing! It’s over 5,000 now!
link to

Gregory Beekman

A certificate can’t cure someone of gender dysphoria, so what’s the point of one?


Deceiving, untrustworthy, undemocratic cowards.

May they all be ejected from their seats at the next election and may we live long enough to see them regretting having crushed democracy and treated Scotland’s women with contempt.

From now on, those who voted for this aberration should always be remembered so their names can be said out loud and held responsible every time an assault on women and children is facilitated by the poor judgement and lack of common sense those ignorant MSPs displayed today.

Because it will not be a matter of “if”. It will be a matter of “when”. And we cannot let these cowards brush it under the carpet.

I want Alba to grow and succeed. But I fear that, now that Sturgeon’s SNP empty vessel has served her masters’ purpose, these cowards will seek to abandon their sinking ship and hide somewhere else, so they can recycle their sins on time for when the backlash of voters towards the SNP approaches.

For the sake of independence, I hope Alba does not welcome these cowards on its ranks, so they are denied another chance at poisoning the wells of independence like they have done for the last 8 years under Sturgeon’s fake SNP.

I hope Alba leaves them behind shivering in the cold, just as those undemocratic, science-denying and common sense-defying cowards have left us women and girls today.

David Wilson

SNP lost my vote from now on after 40 years .


Although Joanna Cherry’s comments are welcome the reason we are in this situation is that all this progressive shit is backfiring on people who just want a normal happy existence , they just want to be able to feed and clothe their families and heat their homes with the occasional holiday thrown in

These perverts and deviants have gained control of our governments and parliaments because we have been asleep and apathetic when it comes to them managing our country

Freedom of speech has been manacled and constrained , opinion is frowned upon and dissent is shouted down by the use of epithets , if you want to discuss immigration you are a racist , if you want to discuss religion you are sectarian , anti semitic or islamaphobe , if you want to discuss the GRR you are anything they want to call you

People who want to be caring and compassionate have created their own monster it has been going on for decades and it will only get worse we are only halfway there

Margaret L

I agree with Mia 17.56 pm. Every single word.


Bernard de Linton @ 5.00ppm says: ‘I’ve decided to eat drink and be Mary’.

To which could be added: ‘And tomorrow I’m Di.’

Gallows humour is a form of release from the effects of horror, and there is nothing more horrific than watching a Scottish Parliament trashing the rights of women and girls and applauding themselves.

Why do they think this is a clever thing to do? And the next clever thing is…. you’ll soon find out.


Mia @ 5.56pm

Absolutely. Well said.


Gregory Beekman says:
22 December, 2022 at 5:55 pm

A certificate can’t cure someone of gender dysphoria, so what’s the point of one?

I don’t think gender dysphoria has anything to do with it anymore.
What the hell is gender dysphoria anyway?

A GRC would guarantee you a place in a woman’s prison, women only hospital wards, any awards for women only, being able to compete in woman’s sport, being able to give opinions from a woman’s perspective, access to women’s changing rooms where you can flash your dick & photograph naked women without being charged, masturbate in ladies toilets, get your balls waxed in women’s only spas,

These are all trans rights.
There are lots of perks and nobody can say you are not a genuine trans women.


What is the connection between the Balmoral hotel, a flying iron and gender rights.


Men can probably do all of the above without a GRC.

Who actually asks for a GRC?


“I want Scots to make there own decisions”

For that we need independence, which is what cowards, science-deniers and pervert-apologists have been denying us for the last 8 years.

What happened today was not a display of Scotland making its own decisions. What we have seen today is a bunch of ignorant and negligent cowards, elected to represent the interests of the people of Scotland, doing the exact opposite.

Poll after poll showed that the majority of the people of Scotland does not want this. Yet, they stuck their fingers in their ears, trampled all over democracy and embarked on a power trip so they could blast the barriers that were protecting women and children from perverts.

And all for what? so they can get a pat on the back from their masters at whichever side of the Atlantic, and the promise of a comfortable career?

Isn’t that what the frauds representing Scotland in 1706 got as well in exchange for betraying their country?

What we saw today and yesterday was not Scotland making its own decisions. What we saw was blatant abuse of power by a bunch of useful idiots putting the interests of some external entity/ies ahead of those of the people of Scotland.


I agree Mia @5.56pm.

The MSPs who backed it should also be shunned in public life, I hope many folk join the Alba party now, this will finish the current SNP.

We should all get behind the Alba party, not just for independence but to help Alba back our women and children.

Wilson McBride

I presume the next time we see the Scottish “women’s” swimming team compete at the commonwealth games, they will all be kitted out in matching Speedos?


I will be writing to Rishi Sunak, Kemi Badenoch and my local Conservative MP. Gawd help us all.

Wilson McBride

Women’s football.
Women’s golf.
Women’s athletics.

And many more women only activities will all have to go,,, otherwise be taken to court on charges of discrimination.


Mia says:

Yet, they stuck their fingers in their ears, trampled all over democracy and embarked on a power trip so they could blast the barriers that were protecting women and children from perverts.

What barriers are there currently in place protecting women and children from perverts?

The way I see it whether it’s this legislation or the GRA 2004 a man can put on a dress and enter women’s spaces.

I think the biggest worry about this legislation is the effect it will have on the SNHS.
These folk wanting to have their gender recognised will not be happy with a certificate.
Sex changes are very costly. Can we afford trans rights?

Wilson McBride

Every freak Tranny in England will be packing their bags as we speak and heading for the promised land North of the border.


Mia says:
22 December, 2022 at 6:15 pm

“I want Scots to make there own decisions”

Are you sure look at the mess we are in with Scots making the decisions. 🙂

stuart mctavish

@Craig P

Far as I can tell the result already had Mercedes Villalba MSP in some distress. No idea what side she supported but the stress of taking something so silly so seriously (for last 3 days and nights) cant have helped.

Which begs another question – what on earth were the fillibusters for if they ended up having the vote (and ignoring sensible appeals for delay) anyway; was the strategy incompetent or were presiding officers complicit in setting the agenda?

Bob Mack

If you actually believe the SNP are going to deliver Indy then fair enough. I do not think they can. In fact I would claim they are trying to alienate the public.

Im pretty sure they have seen similar polling to that done ny the Rev on this subject but press ahead regardless. Are they trying to alienate the voting public?

It might suit them not to be in power after the next election, claiming that they were unable to deliver Indy due to reduced numbers in Holyrood.

Sounds bizarre, but never underestimate politicians and why they do what they do,.

Alba for me.


Shug says:
22 December, 2022 at 6:14 pm

What is the connection between the Balmoral hotel, a flying iron and gender rights

That is bloody obvious Shug! Only a ‘woman’ does the ironing. 🙂

Dorothy Devine

How dare they applaud ? How dare they even contemplate this idiotic bill?

They can go whistle for votes and the media who have helped to keep silent on this can go whistle for custom.

Bob Mack


Only a woman does the ironing?

Better change my name to Roberta!!

David Hannah

On the upside to all of this, when there’s enormous queues at Hampden for a pee, can just nip into the ladies no questions asked.

It’s not a kilt, its a dress I’ll have you know, and you’re making me feel unsafe!

Lorna Campbell

Very good piece by David Pratt in today’s National. This is a world-wide effort to destroy female rights. We have become bogged down here by the spaces, but it is the rights we should be even more worried about because the GRC will give any man the right to actually BE a woman in law – that will mean access to anything and everything female. It is not the end either because these deviants want access to children, too, by destroying age restrictions and consent; they want to tear down all prohibitive laws that protect us because that is Queer Theory’s ultimate goal. That is coupled with rampant misogyny and hatred of the female sex.

I’m sorry, Joanna, but it must be spelled out that there are transsexuals (all male external sex organs removed) and those who are motivated entirely by paraphilia and fetishes, and who will disrespect women and girls whenever and wherever they can. Even transsexuals can be autogynephilic (usually are, in fact) and no one can actually change sex, in reality. However, transsexuals are no longer a threat to females, although third spaces should be set up fo them. No men in female spaces. End of.

Female spaces should not, ever, be violated, and no one ever asked females if they wanted even transsexuals in their spaces. It is this total disregard for women’s voices, the utter lack of respect, and the dehumanising that accompanies it that angers me. Had the likes of Ray Blanchard and Michael Bailey, sexologists and psychologists who first mooted entry to female spaces, we would not be where we are. It simply flabbergasts me that so many cannot see how this crushes female human rights.

The world is balanced on the cusp of disaster, and this will hasten its end unless both men and women start to understand that it requires BOTH SEXES to work together to balance out what has been happening. In every civilisation end, insane sexual mores took over. We can let our Western society die or we can fight back. Females, probably through biology, are far less likely to suck the life out of the planet in the pursuit of riches (neoliberalism), but multi billionaire capitalist neoliberals are poised now to reshape humanity in pursuit of the dollar. Females have to be removed from public life in order for this new wave to succeed. On the other hand, without the female input, our planet is doomed.

Lorna Campbell

Mia: well said. Spot on.

Ruby says: Men can probably do all of the above without a GRC. Who actually asks for a GRC?

A GRC will grant access to all female spaces and rights, Ruby, but it is the rights the sharper ones want. The porn-sick wants access to carry out their perversions. It is our rights they want, the ones with the brains behind this, with the ultimate aim to force females out of public life of any kind. This is what those b******s voted through today. Hell mend them all. Time to poster all their faces and names everywhere so that we can rid ourselves of them ASAP. Those idious t***s, the Greens ensured that this would pass, and the SNP, also riddled with people who want Queer Theory promulgated in Scotland and the UK (don’t forget the UK, the longer-term goal). We were the launch pad, the poor suckers who enabled this, but the UK is the prize. THIS is why we have not made one inch of a movement towards independence. THIS, and the new wave of neoliberal economics coming to a street near you.


Splitting the SNP.Trebles all round in Langley and Vauxhall.

Arthur Martin

It would be karma on steroids if the UK Government strike this bill down for being outwith the competency of the devolved Scottish Government. Only with independence could the SNP/Greens hope to have this bill see the light of day. Ironically it’s the same independence that they have spent the last eight years parking up while they went about the business of trashing women’s rights and putting vulnerable people at great risk. Maybe there’s a benefit in having Tories after all.

George Ferguson

@stuart mctavish 6:32pm
A filibuster to protect against bad law is acceptable. A Green Presiding Officer and a Lib Dem Presiding Officer made their decisions based on party lines. The manuscript amendment re the Haldane decision was key. Haldanes decision is 100 % legally challengeable. So why the rush?. When MSPs not known for sitting past teatime with carer and health concerns were continually overridden. A pyrrhic victory for Sturgeon. See you in Court.


Lorna Campbell @ 7.02pm

“We were the launch pad, the poor suckers who enabled this, but the UK is the prize.”

Doesn’t that then mean the UK Govt probably won’t block it? Won’t there already be enough ‘key people’ in place to make sure it’s not done.


It makes sense for any SNP politician or supporter in an official position to keep quiet about this.

Apart from the abuses that they will do everything to cover up but the millions of pounds of scarce NHS money that will be wasted on this with people self-Id’ing and going through the medical process to transition then stopping treatment because they then realise this is now that they thought it would be like.


Aye, they should be shunned for sure and as Mia says ‘…I hope Alba does not welcome these cowards on its ranks,…’ I hope so too. For me that’s a red flag. No excuses or weasely apologies should make any difference. They’ve marked their cards and should live with it.

This is all truly insane. Remember when we could say ‘only in America’, those days have long gone, America came to us and this ‘don’t know what you are until you tell me’ insanity is just their latest punt, and boy is it working!

Chaos chaos division and chaos that’s what they bring and with those people that Ottomanboi has spoken of in previous comments with links to USA this and USA that organisations, they have an insidious straight from the heart of the beast influence on our lives. Those people too should be rejected.

The West is going down, it’s end days for us and none of this may even matter soon so get on your horse drink your milk and pass the ammunition..


Re-protective barriers

The existence of female only spaces acted until now as a protective barrier.

Yes, you may have the old male getting in, but until that bill was passed by those idiots, females were in a perfectly reasonable position to challenge any male entering those spaces.

The combination of the stupidity from an ignorant judge and a bunch of idiots on a power trip in parliament have destroyed that protective barrier in a flash by conflating gender with sex and putting in law the fantasy that sexes can be changed.

If carrying a gender certificate at all times is not made mandatory, which I am sure it will not be, born females are left with no means to challenge any male, wearing a frock or sporting a beard, for their rights to be in a female-only space.

Then of course you have the supreme stupidity of allowing changing sex, in paper, to convicted rapists and sex offenders. The separation barrier that was keeping them apart from potential victims will be destroyed with this bill. In other words, this bill has opened the door for the fox to enter the hen house.

Then you have your innate protective barrier: we are built
for survival and our senses have developed over time to detect danger and act accordingly.

If we see a male dressed as a female, our senses still tell us they are a male and we are disposed to treat them as males – generally speaking, somebody with stronger built than women, and on a one to one fight, with far more likelihood of overpowering us. If they are wearing a dress, our senses will tell us they are trying to disguise themselves into what they are not triggering our sense of alert. One thing is seeing a male wearing a dress on the street. A very different one from a risk perception perspective, is to see them in a female only space where there should only be females.

Until now, a female on her own would see a male entering a female changing room and their sense of alert would immediately go over the roof, and become prepared to fight or flight.

Now you are forced to disengage from your senses for a moment and consider the possibility that individual has a gender certificate and has the legal right to be there. In other words, you have to either ignore what your senses tell you because you may offend the individual and risk braking the law, openly exposing yourself to danger, or be on alert mode and ready to be insulted or reported for misgendering someone or committing a “hate crime”.

In other words, this law appears designed to force us to switch off the natural senses which alert us to danger, exposing us to harm. In my view, this is unnatural and devious.

Another protective barrier is that, before, a gender certificate was only give after a proper medical assessment. Now is being rushed through. And let’s face it, if there are plenty of people around able to beat a lying detector, what would be the likelihood any average smart rapists are going to beat any wishy-washy “risk assessment” this science and nature denying parliament, who has in just one vote happily increased exponentially the risk for half of the population, could design?
I think pretty high.

The biggest danger of this aberration is not to the NHS. It is to the individual, and not just born females. It is designed to change perception, to deny nature forcing us to switch off the senses that are alerting us of danger. And that, as far as I can see, is our ultimate protective barrier being blasted.

Just imagine the level of risk you are putting children at if from very early on instead of teaching them to pay attention to their senses to keep themselves from harm, you have to tell them the precise opposite.

It is a very, very dangerous piece of legislation.


The Edinburgh International Festival has received it’s fist application for a group to perform next year-The Lady Boys of Bathgate!


DaveL says: 22 December, 2022 at 7:35 pm

Aye, they should be shunned for sure and as Mia says ‘…I hope Alba does not welcome these cowards on its ranks,…’ I hope so too. For me that’s a red flag. No excuses or weasely apologies should make any difference. They’ve marked their cards and should live with it.

Simply put, if Alba lets these individuals in then that party will become infected with this woke nonsense the same way which happened to the SNP.

Ian Brotherhood

@Mia (7.35) –

Just to let you know I have C&Ped a quote from your comment there along with link to this post.


Daisy Walker

Gussie Grips being an absolute shero just now in Holyrood.

They had better not arrest her.

stuart mctavish

In addition to the need for an explanation of why gay men voted to abolish women’s rights and spaces, perhaps there should also be some sort of internal inquiry into why labour whipped support for such ill considered legislation – ie presumably its members/ owners will be fine with such abuse if it succeeds in discrediting competitors for English gold from SNP/ Greens/Libdems, Alba, etc. and considerably less so if it means women will soon need to discard their burka and sex if ever they want back into Muirfield.

John Main

The last few days have been perhaps the most turbulent in the entire history of the modern Scottish Parliament. Proceedings have been suspended repeatedly, members of the public thrown out and threatened with arrest, filibusters attempted, carol services cancelled, tempers frayed and sittings going on until the wee small hours.

Have a look at WGD. None of the above has been seen as worthy of mention on there.


link to

Look at these fuckers.

…. The day after a woman was expelled from Holyrood for carrying a YES Saltire, and where a different woman was banned from wearing suffragette colours.

Any takers yet for impeaching this colonial outpost expounding Westminster’s invasive encroachment of Parliamentary Sovereignty in direct violation of Scotland’s sovereign Constitution?


Eloquently put Mia. It IS about breaking boundaries and attacking women’s rights to be independent actors in their life.

Bob Mack


I think you will find its the SNP that promoted this legislation ,not Langley or MI5. No? They split themselves ,by themselves


As for me, my lines are drawn, I won’t acknowledge these men as women and if “true trans” get caught up in this, well that’s just collateral.


@Bob Mack

But who promoted the promotion?

Lorna Campbell

Moixx: I fear that Westminster may decide not stop this madness, but let it stand. If they do, English ‘trans’ will come north and then return with a GRC. Far easier than fighting this thing. I think what must and will happen, as JKR has shown the way, is to start to establish alternative, parallel services, etc. Let the perverts perve on each other. Imagine the man who is head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis having to justify keeping his fetish den open when no one turns up? I can think of no better reward than that they should be stuck in a huddle with each other, watching each other pee. A FOI to look into all laptops and computers used by MSPs and MPs, all correspondence. We would soon discover, I think, that the traffic is a one-sided stonewall. Also, we should keep our peepers open for wodges of cash changing hands, as the Lib Dems in Westminster were found to have been gifted lots of lovely lolly from big pharma. This legislation will be challenged. I am ashamed to be Scottish today. How did we mange to breed such dolts and hand them power?


Part of this debate has been centred on how it has been implemented in other countries. Those for self-ID has mentioned that it has successfully worked in other countries and those against highlight the abuses of the legislation in other countries.

I have been mentioning in previous comments that countries cultural values will have an effect on the legislation but I’ve also asked myself, how is the legislation actually implemented in these countries.

I found this Leeds Uni paper about the implementation of Self-ID in Denmark, one of the first countries to do so and it has some interesting findings:

link to

Summary of Findings
The study revealed that while the adoption of self-declaration of legal gender status was
welcomed in Denmark, its impact has also been limited in practice. Although respondents
were generally positive about being permitted to self-declare their legal gender, they
remained critical of how self-declaration was implemented in a way which:
i) Excludes residents under the age of 18;
ii) Requires applications to be confirmed following a six-month ‘reflection period’;
iii) Continues to restrict recognition to within the male/female gender binary;
iv) Does not include any provisions which would protect people at work, and
v) Does not increase the accessibility of health care in Denmark.


While Denmark’s decision to adopt self-declaration of
legal gender status has been welcomed, its impact has
been restricted in practice. Findings demonstrate that
self-declaration fails to address the difficulties people
face in their everyday lives – particularly in challenging
spaces such as the workplace or the clinic. Within
institutions characterised by unequal power dynamics,
the new Danish law makes almost no effort to ensure
that self-declared gender status will be respected in
practice. When self-declaration is assessed in the
context of the broader reforms of the regulation of
gendered embodiment passed in Denmark in 2014, it is
severely limited. The impact of civil reform is ultimately
undermined by medical regulations, which have different
aims and objectives in mind.
Though policymakers involved in the legislative process
were keen to distinguish between reforms of civil and
medical regulations, both affect trans embodiment in
interrelated ways. In some cases, gaining recognition
from one system is dependent upon being authorised by
the other. So, while all Danish residents over the age of
18 are now permitted to self-declare their legal gender
status, many have been left without the necessary
support to access the benefits of recognition in practice
– and the needs of those who experience socio-
economic marginalisation are no more likely to be met
than they were before 2014.
As well as formally excluding non-binary people and
people under the age of 18 from legal recognition, self-
declaration fails to address problems accessing health
care, employment protections, and other issues of
material concern to trans people. Whether structural
inequalities are likely to be better addressed by other
states seemingly keen to follow the Danish route
remains a cause for concern. In future, the strategic
problems caused by separating civil and medical issues
out within the legislative process in Denmark ought to be
considered by campaigners and policymakers tasked
with responding to proposals to reform gender
recognition legislation in the UK and elsewhere.
Otherwise, the needs and demands of more
marginalised groups of trans people will not be
addressed, and inequalities amongst gender-diverse
communities will continue to be reproduced in law

As well as the cultural effects on Self-ID, there is also the question of how the legislation actually works in practice in these countries.

While Scotland has come into line with all these other countries that have Self-ID, is the Scottish legislation the same and have the same safeguards put in place as these other countries?


Lorna Campbell: I’m also not sure why WM would stop the madness and I’m not even convinced the Tories are as against it as they’d like us to believe, but they’re quite happy to let the other parties do all the heavy lifting to get it introduced.

Don’t know if this sounds a bit mad, but maybe this is also why Sturgeon took the referendum case to the Supreme Court when she did? People were surprised that she went to the SC and that it was done all of a sudden (when it could’ve been done ages ago if she’d wanted to), plus it was a surprise that the judgement was delivered so quickly. That ruling is now established and she has ‘accepted it’.

However, if instead of going to the SC, Holyrood had just passed the referendum Bill, and the UK Govt was then forced to no doubt successfully challenge and block it (because it cut across reserved legislation), then it might have been more problematic for the UK Govt to not do the same with the GRRB.

And yes, we really do need new spaces as you mention.

George Ferguson

@Lorna Campbell 8:03pm
This legislation will be challenged, I agree. My previous comment is in moderation. I fear a yellow card. We need to protect our solidarity on this issue. So that’s me out until the New Year. Looking after my wife recovering from a hepatic cancer, non drink related. We call it God’s wee joke.. she is teetotal. I think Westminster will challenge the legislation it’s in their interest to do so.

Elizabeth Hagan

The next thing will be MAP, minor attracted person. Shame on you all who have supported the SNP. Never mind women’s rights.Hang your head in shame.


Lorna Campbell says:
22 December, 2022 at 8:03 pm
Moixx: I fear that Westminster may decide not stop this madness, but let it stand. If they do, English ‘trans’ will come north and then return with a GRC. Far easier than fighting this thing. I think what must and will happen, as JKR has shown the way, is to start to establish alternative, parallel services, etc. Let the perverts perve on each other…

Yes Lorna. Agreed.

Let Scotland’s Independence struggle turn it’s back on Sturgeon and Holyrood’s treachery and supine acquiescence to Westminster’s invasive doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty, and focus our Independence Campaign through the exclusive Red Sovereignty of Scotland’s Claim of Right.

Holyrood is Trojan Horse designed to undermine the Scottish Constitution, and it is staffed by a fifth column of t r a i t o r s doing untold damage to Scotland’s Constitutional integrity.

We have a Constitutional Emergency, the integrity of our Nation is under attack, and we need an emergency Convention of the Estates to reaffirm the ascendancy of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty throughout the Realm of Scotland.

Let these turncoats rattle around a dysfunctional Holyrood “institution” devoid of all potency or relevance, until due process sees it torn down, burned down, or repurposed.

Scotland’s true Government is a servant of the Scottish people.

What J K Rowling is doing for Women is precisely what SALVO and a Convention of the Estates needs to be doing for Scotland…. Bypassing the compromised institutions and addressing Scotland’s needs directly by first principles; in other words, a Convention raised in the name of Scotland’s Claim of Right which neither Westminster nor Holyrood have any say over.

John Main

Make no mistake, what is happening in Scotland is seismic: in a few months’ time, no one will be able to trust the evidence of their own eyes.

That’s a wee quote from the Unherd article “scotlands-gender-reform-is-a-vote-against-reality”. Well worth a read if you want to know how this tartan rainbow shit storm is going down in the wider world.

A few of the BTL comments reference Wings articles. Good to see that Rev Stu’s journalism is drawing readers and attention from beyond the Indy movement.


Lorna Campbell says: 22 December, 2022 at 8:03 pm

I fear that Westminster may decide not stop this madness, but let it stand.

It was mentioned in another forum that having the spectre of Self-ID will benefit the Tories in England, particularly in the North England red wall seats where they try to keep socially conservative voters from switching back to Labour.

It will also be used as used as a red rag by the Tories towards their disillusioned supporters with the threat of a potential SNP/Labour coalition implementing Self-ID in England.

Both are valid points and flies in the face of what I had said this morning about the Scottish Tory Branch potentially standing on a GRR reform platform.

I don’t doubt that the Scottish Tories are sincere in their position towards GRR that they have shown in Holyrood but they don’t run things and have to march to the same tune as the English Tories. It was hopeful but naive thinking on my part this morning.


Mia says:
22 December, 2022 at 7:35 pm

Re-protective barriers

It is a very, very dangerous piece of legislation.

Lots in your long post that I don’t agree with but I’ll let that go for the moment.

What I would like to know is what you propose we should do.

John Main

@ PacMan says:22 December, 2022 at 8:18 pm

Everything in your post screams “Yeah we got what we wanted, but actually folks, that was just the first baby step in what will be a humungous journey that will see us all out. So our jobs and careers, pensions and holidays in the woowoo industry are safe for the foreseeable future. Cos no matter what we achieve, there will always be more to do”.

These things are always the fucking same. The people who hitch their livelihoods to these things always adopt the same fucking MO.

Gordon Currie

From “The Times”

While gender recognition is a devolved matter, the legislation is a concern for Whitehall because equalities legislation is the preserve of Westminster. A government source said: “This will put us on a constitutional collision course with Holyrood.”

In light of the precedent set by Martin Keatings, you have to question why they chose to challenge the hegemony of the British State in this instance?

President Xiden

Scotland has once again been colonised . Colonised by a fanatical cult leading it destruction.


SusanAHF says:
22 December, 2022 at 7:58 pm

As for me, my lines are drawn, I won’t acknowledge these men as women and if “true trans” get caught up in this, well that’s just collateral.

My problem is I can’t. You can tell me ‘transwomen are women’ until the cows come home but it just doesn’t register on my brain.

What is ‘true trans’?

Ian Brotherhood

@Mia (7.35) –

I should’ve explained that I used the quote from your comment in a tweet.


@ John Main 8:45

I’m put my hands up and saying I don’t have a thorough understanding of this subject but that’s an interesting point you have made.

As little as it means now, the argument that other countries have successfully implemented this legislation can be discarded as these other countries political system may not be as affected by this gender-woo stuff as it is here.

A lot of the public and private sector structures here have individuals whose livelihoods dependent on pushing this so self-ID as implemented in other countries aren’t enough and they need to push more and more beyond what should be reasonably implemented to safeguard their roles.

As you say, this Self-ID legislation isn’t the end but just the beginning.


Ruby I don’t think “transwomen ” are women. They are men, all of them. “True trans” are in inverted commas for that reason.


Bob Mack says:
22 December, 2022 at 6:45 pm


Only a woman does the ironing?

Better change my name to Roberta!!

Yes you’d better.

Your jobs as Bob are:
to take out the bins
fix the car
do the DIY
be the chauffeur
carry the shopping from the car to the house
watch football

If you are going to be ‘living as a woman’ you’ll need to change your name to Roberta.

Ironing is woman’s work. 🙂

I think you might also need a frilly apron and learn to sing

link to

Ian Brotherhood

I’m going to throw this into the mix because what’s happening is so off-the-scale bonkers that no amount of ‘conspiracy theorising’ could even come close…

Many are aware of this Chomsky quote: ‘That’s the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital.’

So, what if that’s what’s really happening here? It’s not about Scottish nationalism. It’s about making the parliament appear so unfit for purpose, so removed from reality, that the people it’s supposed to represent will abandon it in despair and welcome a strong, ‘common-sense’ leadership of the sort envisaged by non-democratic globalists. Soros, Schwab, Gates etc.

Sturgeon has already championed their pet causes via long-term fearmongering over ‘the bug’ and the blue/yellow country. Criticism of either strategy is, in effect, forbidden. The same platitudes about ‘respecting other opinions’ have been trotted out with regard to criticism of the GRA, but everyone knows that her method of dealing with legitimate concerns is a mumbled ‘not valid’ delivered en passant.


SusanAHF says:
22 December, 2022 at 9:03 pm

Ruby I don’t think “transwomen ” are women. They are men, all of them. “True trans” are in inverted commas for that reason.

What do you suppose Joanna Cherry & Roddy Dunlop mean by genuine trans. 🙂

Wullie B

Chas says:
22 December, 2022 at 7:37 pm

The Edinburgh International Festival has received it’s fist application for a group to perform next year-The Lady Boys of Bathgate!

Dont you mean She-Boys from Stirling


Was doing some more internet searching for how self-ID worked in other countries and came across a thread on Self-ID in Greece. There was an interesting comment about a speech from the Greek Communist party who had opposed it:

link to

“An individual’s right to resolve an incongruence between his officially recorded sex and the sex to which he feels that he belongs, needs to be based on objectively scientific criteria. And the institution of a scientifically evidence-based evaluation as well as social support measures not only do not infringe on his individual rights, but rather make the exercising of these rights actually possible.

“The proposed bill moves in the opposite direction, because it rejects even the most minimal social prerequisites in favor of personal choice and the right of self-determination of the individual.

“Individual, subjective experience is made absolute to the detriment of collective experience, in the rejection of objective reality itself, given that the sole criterion is simply, the experience of each individual. Such an obscene distortion of objectivity opens the way for the disfigurement of even the very meaning of ‘rights’ at all.

“A series of biological facts, such as sex, but not only, are associated with the recognition of rights, and with one’s access to those rights. For example, the age of a person – which I would like to assume we can all accept as an objective fact that is not subject to self-determination – is connected to the right to the pension, under conditions of course which thanks to the currently dominant politics [neo-liberalism, basically] are continuously deteriorating.

“The state’s coverage of prescribed medical exams is associated with age, as with sex.

“Much more significantly, individual and social rights must be assigned on the basis of biological facts.

“We seek to defend, for example, the need for protective measures for women in the workplace. Hard-won rights such as these have, today, been cancelled. With the rejection of sex as an objective fact and the consideration of it as something that relies entirely on the desire and self-determination of each individual, we are moving even further away from that need to produce, to recognize, and to protect rights on the basis of sex.

“Would anyone want to defend the right of a parent not to vaccinate his child? If the criterion is the desire of the isolated individual, whatever knowledge each family has, personal experience, the opinion and position of the parents, then we have to accept not only that the vaccination of a child has to fall entirely under the choice of the parents, but also to understand this reality as a ‘right’. But if we make the criterion ‘scientific knowledge and the collective experience of society’ as it relates to the benefits of vaccination, then the concept of the ‘right’ takes on new meaning. The right refers now to the right of all children to the protection of vaccination, free of charge and with the responsibility of the state that vaccines be proven safe and effective, but also as the right of parents to be kept informed in a responsible fashion about vaccination, including its necessity and its benefits.

“The government with this piece of legislation has as its goal to unhook individual rights from collective social rights, from financial, social, and political conditions. No individual right is guaranteed outside of collective rights; the development of one’s self does not happen outside of society; nor can it be left to parental choice.

“The government and the other parties prioritize the same old bourgeois view that proclaims individual responsibility, individual competence, and choice as the greatest human right, with an aim to dissolve and do away with the non-negotiable, ecumenical character of the societal right, on the altar of Individualism.

“Especially in an era when a whole series of collective social rights are being torn asunder, in labor, in education, in healthcare; bourgeois authority and its tools see particular profit from the development of obstacles to consciousness raising for the need for class struggle for modern rights, for everyone of both sexes.

“They are attempting to wall off the only road to change our social reality, which road would be, the overthrow of the exploitative relationships of production.”

And Spouse

link to

Needs no introduction

Daisy Walker

Incredibly angry about this.

Thinking more on it… I think the list of Disgraces needs to be longer.

Joanna Cherry attended the rally.

Where was Dr Philipa Whitford. Her brother’s a high ranking Police Officer, if she needed detailed information about how sex offenders operate, she only had to speak to him.

Their childhood in Belfast, with a father who regularly beat up their mother. Violence against women a lived experience for them.

A medical Doctor, ignoring fact based biology, as laws are rewritten to deny reality.


And where was Tommy Shepherd. Or Chris Law.

Selling out the women and children before selling out their country, while getting fat on the hog.


There’s talk now of Alastair Jack getting Westminster to overrule this legislation.

If that comes to pass, and Indy campaigners support him, it will be impossible to bounce back from that in an Indy campaign. Forever after it will be, ‘but you needed us to rescue you from that Gender Woo woo that Holyrood passed’.

It’s been highlighted that a Holyrood Plebiscite Election would be much more likely to succeed in achieving an Indy majority than a Westminster one, because the voters could revisit the SNP1 Alba2 policy and not have to chose one over the other… how will that play out now?

I cannot ever vote SNP again. NEVER.

And if it comes down to a Westminster Plebiscite GE, 2 things, they will call it in a heartbeat when they think they can win it, so don’t count on a 2026 date, and with Labour, and the Lib Dems siding with the Woo Woo, the Unionist vote has now clarified on the Tories. Recent boundary changes will also take affect.

SNP ers who are raging at this grr woo woo, may get a choice (if Alex stands candidates in every seat) of voting for Alba, or ripping up the ballot paper.

From an Indy point of view, tactically, this is far worse than the supreme court action. Far worse.


Ruby, I have no idea and no interest either. They are all men. Probably it’s people they know personally which has to be the most unscientific, subjective criterion for making exceptions. I say No exceptions; if it’s such a problem, make 3rd spaces.

stuart mctavish

Ruby @8:40

what should we do?

I got curious as to what it was all about and discovered that sex wasn’t mentioned in the bill, so good start for anyone with genuine concerns might be to read the offending document:

link to

Admittedly it makes for heavy reading and bit of a binfire but appears main use of the certificate might be as an excuse to end a marriage (ie on grounds of it being no longer gay or having, perhaps unexpectedly, become so!) so not entirely impossible that its a storm in a tcup (or would have been but for the authoritarian flirtation with covid).

Tinto Chiel

Elizabeth Hagan says, “The next thing will be MAP, minor attracted person.”

Yep, the return of the PIEmen from the 70s, who campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent and were supported by the NCCL (now Liberty) for a time. I’ve no doubt this is the endgame for some of the people involved in this self-IDing lunacy.

@Ian B: there’s no doubt democratic institutions are under attack from globalists. Political and impending economic collapse (the possible pretext being the massive levels of debt in e.g. USA, UK and EU) could certainly prompt calls from Schwab and his merry men in the WEF to let the technocrats take over where politicians have failed.

Our politicians seem incapable of indpendent thought and they simply don’t listen to the electorate. We seem both irrelevant and beneath them. If democracy is to survive, the Augean stables must be cleansed by clearing them out of Holyrood: easier said than done without a clear alternative.

Short of a miracle, Alba will take some time to be seen as such, and we’re running out of time.


Cat-Sith says:
22 December, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Any sign of anyone at all involved explaining what “the gender in which the person is living”, with regards to the 3 month period before the application is made actually means in practice yet?

A perfectly reasonable question-so far as anything in this Alice-in-Wonderland nonce-sense can be described as reasonable; and who is to say when the period of ‘observance’ commenced? Are any intervals permitted for ‘reflection’ (Or just a fancied change of gender ?); is any record maintained ? By whom ?
But answer came there none….

Iain More

I don’t think I could share a room with a member of the SNP now. It would make my skin crawl and I would feel dirty. No amount of scrubbing could rid me of the rank stench of a creepy sexual deviant who should be locked up in a Secure Unit. Except for those that had the guts to stand up to the vile Yoon Plant Sturgeon on the GRA issue that is.


Have ye watched the results in the parliament? Fukking fruitcakes have won.

WTF has happened?

I’ve supported snp for indy since early 70s. These nutters can now fuk the fuk

How did it get to this insanity???

I despair. (Understatement,)


We need to remember the MSPs in this link, the rapist, paedo enablers, must be snubbed in society, the majority of Scots didn’t want or vote for this, these MSP took it upon themselves to defy the will of the people to put women and children in harms way. Your children and grandchildren, wives, mothers daughters now have to think twice about using public women only spaces.

These vile creatures no longer represent us, they are at Holyrood until such times as we can remove them for good, that time will come and hopefully we will replace them with Alba MSPs.

When I think of the SNP/Greens from now on, I’ll think of rapist enablers who are utterly unelectable.

link to


So as predicted SNP has burnt through a huge amount of political capital and caused members like me to resign over a bill which will not get enacted! Westminster is going to step in and SNP think we are going to back them but they can fuck off. How many times have we been marched up the hill? We they can take all their knuckle dragging tranny monsters uo thete with them this time. Anyway, very few MSPs are even me toning this on Twitter apart from Joe the junkie killer and Maree Turd who gleefully ensured that womens rugby in Scotland was destroyed. Anyway I have the joy of having Gillan ‘ I have tranny friends’ Martin as my MSP. I am gladly going to help in any campaign that ensures she never gets back in again. I hope they all have a shite Xmas. Cunts


Let me get this right
The SNP pass gender rights
Alister jack and westminster says it will block it
But Westminster accepts gender rights issues in the eu and southern Ireland
So they accept gender rights issued by everyone but the scots parliament

Hope all you anti gender rights know how to react to this

Ian Brotherhood

@Daisy Walker (10.05) –

I don’t know if Alex Salmond and/or Alba have been as vocal as they could’ve been hitherto but their hand has been forced now.

It’s come to a sorry pass when folk like me find themselves agreeing with Douglas Ross. But all he did was state the mood of the electorate as reflected in the polls – it was an open goal and he did about as good a job as anyone could expect in the circumstances.

But more is expected of the former FM. He’s always been brilliant at sensing the national mood, aye, but even if he wasn’t? the reaction to proceedings in Holyrood this week provides ample reason to declare an all-out assault on this government.

Scots like me i.e. of my generation, cannot vote Tory. It’s as simple as that. So there’s nowhere else for us to go. We now have no one to vote for apart from Alba.

Alex Salmond must now, surely, embrace that reality and give Sturgeon notice that her behaviour has crossed a line – it’s no longer ‘personal’ and he has the overwhelming majority of Scots (let alone independence supporters) on his side.

Many of us supported Argentina in the World Cup because the Messi ‘story’ was just so good. Well, mibbe we’re going to see the Alex Salmond story come to a satisfying conclusion. If he and Alba can at least function as a catalyst to register popular revulsion with this government then Sturgeon and her creepy pals may yet come to regret conspiring against him in the first place.


“Hope all you anti gender rights know how to react to this”


I hate Westminster as much as the next person, a foreign parliament that’s done untold damage to Scotland, however I cannot see a scenario where I back this unamended GRRB, its just a matter of time before a convicted rapist/paedo back on the streets use the pretendy want to be a woman excuse to get access to women and children’s safe spaces, and sexually assaults or worse murders a woman or a child.

Would you want to be the one to tell their loved ones how we as you put it above react to this, and if you think it won’t happen have a look at this.

link to

David Hannah

The Alba party has posted on their Facebook “welcoming the incredible numbers” to the party. Hopefully they are not exaggerating.

With their new numbers they should fund polling into the public’s reaction to this bill and their satisfaction with Holyrood politicians.

Alex Salmond is always brilliant at finding the positives in bad situations. He knows the right thing to say I’m sure he’ll have a measured response on the way.


David Hannah.

Yes here the incredible numbers joining is mentioned by Alba party, the more the merrier, the SNP are finished.

link to

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 10:55pm
Unlike you I can vote Tory in fact any party that promises to repeal the GRRB legislation. But here is a question for you. I knew in 2015 Sturgeon was a wrong un. Why didn’t Alex a year before?. He handed the show over to her. And Alba have been posted missing on GRRB. I voted for Alba twice what a waste of time. And if Alex has all this evidence against Sturgeon why has he not deployed it?.

David Hannah

SNP have backed the wrong horse like everything they’ve done under Sturgeon.

The United States are waking up to this too. Have a look at libs of tik tok on twitter. Matt Walsh what is a woman, film.

It’s the next alfentynal crisis in healthcare.


I have to tell you all the young people I come across, and I mean under 40, seem supportive of gender rights.
folk over 60 seem somewhat puzzled and still seem to be processing gay marriage.
I am not convinced it will work against the SNP but only if they do a plebisitary election in holyrood

David Hannah

Elon Musk spent 40 billion to fire the twitter executives who have been captured.

Policy capture by the minority group was mentioned by an SNP MP today. And that’s exactly what’s happened in Holyrood. And across the World.

This is changing, I believe we’re in the era of woke, but it’s all swings and roundabouts.

It’s a women’s liberation movement now, that’s going to kick off.


You’ve gone a bit binary there. It’s not gender rights for or against. If you’d been following the debate in any way, you wouldn’t have written such a silly comment. Much if not most of the concern is about safeguarding women and girls from predatory men and those socially deficient men who want to engage in deviant practices in women-only spaces (when it’s socially acceptable to masturbate in public toilets then we can retire the word ‘deviant’ for good). The legal point is that one should tread very carefully and not damage the existing rights of one part of the coummunity when legislating to expand the rights of a different part of the community. That is exactly what is happening here. Cultural norms and expectations are to be turned on their head so that a few hundred people each year can pretend they’re something they’re not.
It’s Nicola Sturgeon’s fault for making this such a divisive issue, wearily swatting away legitimate concerns as ‘not valid’. Still the lawyers will be happy. If one of you whizz-bang kids is looking to make a shitload of money, go study law, specialise in discrimination law, and think about which castle, perhaps even in Northumberland, you’d like to buy. Still if the UK Tories say “no thanks” and it fails to gain royal assent, what will have been the point of all this unnecessary divisiveness except to emphasise to indy-minded people that NuSNP care more about fantasists than the deteriorating lives of ordinary Scots.

David Hannah

Last thing I’ll say. The Scottish Public should be polled on the outcome. Should the Bill receive Royal Assent or should it be blocked? It would be very interesting.


“What I would like to know is what you propose we should do”

Fundamentally to not lose focus.

Personally I want two things:

a) the repeal of the Treaty of Union and Act of Union with England with the consequent release of Scotland from the present colonial status

b) the repealing of the aberrant legislation forced on us by the fake feminist to the fingertips Nicola Sturgeon, her pretend SNP minions and her collaborators in labour and libdems

I want a) and b) in that particular order

What are the main obstacles to both?

Sturgeon and her pretend SNP, the Greens, “Scottish” labour and “Scottish” libdems. Within Scotland’s context, I consider the Scottish tories as empty vessels who are merely playing a distracting role.

This means, that if we eject enough SNP/lab/libdem MPs and MSPs from the seats, while keeping the tories at bay, we can get both things.

How do we do this?
By breaking the armour protecting the status quo.

The status quo survives because we are being deliberately and continuously refused the option that will finish it off: a political party with a direct mandate and willingness to unilaterally repeal the treaty/Act of Union.

During the last 8 years we have been denied this in several ways:

1. by gagging the party willing to offer something like that with media blackouts

2. by using fabricated complaints procedures and fabricated criminal cases with perjurers on demand to destroy the reputation of any leader who dares to break that armour

3. by infiltrating the insulting party and substituting a real leader with a fake and fully compliant one -preferably one who will destroy the party from within with unpopular pet projects, giving a chance to the more traditional pro-status quo political arms to regain hold.

4. by managing expectations through MSM whose compliance and silence in delicate matters has been bought off

For the last 8 years the political party in power have been feeding us all manner of distracting flying pigs. Referendums that never materialise, mandates to beg for permission that we do not require, mandates for the sake of mandates, plebiscitary elections where the win is not a win but rather the chance to beg for yet more permission, etc.

Then, when somebody like the Rev had the audacity to present a perfectly valid and feasible option to get that referendum without having to ask for permission, which is having the fake to her fingertips resign and force an election, they make up all manner of pretend excuses to justify not to do it.

But no party has offered us yet, as far as I know, the real deal:

A clear, unequivocal mandate to refuse allegiance to the crown, to refuse taking the seats, directly reconvene Scotland’s old parliament and repeal the treaty and Act of union with England.

No referendum needed. Just an electoral mandate to do it.

Political parties are reluctant to offer this because instead of giving them a comfy ride on the gravy train, this will put them on a direct collision course with the crown, which is really the main interested party in keeping the union and with it secure the succession. It is after all, the entity who pushed and pushed for the union in 1706.

How do we break the status quo armor and get this option in the ballot?
1. by making clear that Sturgeon or any fake pro-independence leader following a deliberately destructive path during the last 8 years will not suddenly make us vote for unionist parties again

2. By changing tack. Instead of letting political parties determine what path we should follow, we choose the path ourselves and then force political parties to follow the path of our choice under the threat of non-compliance and oblivion at the ballot box.

How do we do this?
Some very clever and determined people have already started:

1. SALVO, SSRG and others have started to build the path that shows we do not need political parties to tell us which way to follow

2. Wings, Yours for Scotland, Barrhead boy, Grouse Beater and other excellent pro-indy bloggers have already built reliable and strong platforms that give us a voice to loudly express dissent against the party in power and the status quo. We should use them at every opportunity.

3. Alba is already offering a suitable alternative to the fake pro-independence SNP and Greens. Alba may not be offering yet something as radical as what I would like to see, but it is offering far more than Sturgeon’s fake SNP and the Greens. It has great potential.

Let me be very clear. I am of the opinion we need a three pronged approach:

1. We need an apolitical movement that shows the establishment its political arms are no longer dictating the way and can no longer contain the push for independence.

2. We need to use the blog platforms to continuously scrutinise, dissent and make clear that anything less than our chosen path will not be accepted.

3. We need one political party/coalition of REAL anti-union parties which are prepared to act as the vehicle to deliver the end of the union.

For this to work the message to the political parties and the establishment must be loud, clear and relentless:

“Either you follow this path or you will be left behind”

The message will only be heard if sufficient people shout at once. This means getting behind Salvo/SSRG to keep up the pressure and focus; using the pro-indy platforms regularly to send the message that dissent will not be contained with a bought off MSM, and open the eyes of as many people as we can to what the SNP and Greens in cahoots with labour and libdems have been doing to protect the union.

Once we get a pro-indy political party ready to offer that kind of mandate, we are on. We only need one. I am very much hoping Alba will be that party.

We have to be persistent though as we may not succeed at the first round. The demand for this kind of manifesto must be permanent, for EVERY election and not just a one off. Only by showing determination of purpose and refusing to budge, we will break the status quo and force the end of the union.

I must admit that, personally, I strongly oppose any coalition of pro-indy parties that includes the SNP or Greens. Why? They have demonstrated they are no longer anti-union parties. They are opportunistic pro-union political entities hiding behind the banner of pro-independence to profit at our expense and foist on us toxic and dangerous authoritarian laws. If they spent 8 years finding ways to ride the gravy train and not deliver independence, they are not going to change ways now that they got comfortable on the seats. SNP and Greens have become the biggest liability to the pro-independence movement.

Actually, the SNP has become part of the armour protecting the status quo. You could hear the chinks on that armour when a deeply unethical and unprofessional Sturgeon used an interview on TV to rant about Mr Salmond, or when the perjurers continued to stain his reputation from the shadows. You can also hear the chinks every time comfy slippers rants about Wings and the “albists”, and when the party apparatchicks fill the BTL sections in Sturgeon’s fanzine with derogatory comments about Alba.

Ian Brotherhood

@George Ferguson (11.14) –

You knew Sturgeon was ‘a wrong un’ in 2015?

How did you know that?

I didn’t see the horrible reality until this place published ‘The Betrayer’, way back, was it early 2019 or 2020? Can’t even remember now.

Why didn’t Alex Salmond see it? Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn’t. I have no idea.

Alba can hardly be said to be missing on GRRB given that they have no MSPs, can they? Yes, they’ve made statements here and there to the effect that they stand for Scotland’s women and girls but they’ve stopped short of daring Sturgeon and the Scottish Govt to proceed with what abody knew was a slamdunk ever since the Greens clambered onboard.

You’ve voted twice for Alba? Good for you. I have done likewise and I’ll do so again.

Your final point:

‘And if Alex has all this evidence against Sturgeon why has he not deployed it?.’


Good question.


Phil m
Does the current position actually stop or restrict predatory men??

I think not.

Don’t quote Tory trops at me. I have seen them in the express and mail.

I have Tory friends repeating them. Try and come here with something new


Does anyone know ow of Enema Roddick has made a full recovery after another one of her pseudo fainting episodes? Has she been transferred to a men’s ward in a mental hospital? Has she got her best friend and predator Richard Laird in as her carer or is he too busy knocking out more dick pics to send to schoolkids?

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 11:48pm
How did I know Sturgeon was a wrong un?. I went to the Caird Hall rally in 2015 and apart from being something out of the 1930s. Her emphasis on young people unsettled me. As a Grandad and Dad. I wouldn’t let her anywhere near my bairns. Absolute wrong un. Alba are always missing. What have they done in prevention of GRRB. They have 2 MPs?. What comment is available on Hansard? I may have missed their outrage. Enlighten me on their take?. I have no idea. It leaves us with nothing to vote for, so I will vote Tory if I have to. And I commented on Wings before about the 2015 rally. A turning point for me, in terms of my SNP membership and why I donated money to No2NP in 2016.

Ian Brotherhood

‘This isn’t over yet.’

Wilson McBride

Yes, as others have commented,,,maybe Westminster blocking this Bill will be incentive Sturgeon needs to actually fight for Scottish independence.

Otherwise she will never see her dream of Scotland becoming the go to place for every freak in Europe.

Only under Independence will it become a reality.


For the first time in my life, I am too embarrassed and humiliated to scan through news stories from home and abroad. My country is an international laughing stock.

While the rest of the planet confronts weighty issues such as war, the shifting tectonic plates of global politics, the environment, and reaching out to put men back on the moon and Mars, we have my beloved nation of Scotland humiliated on the world stage by intellectual pigmies triumphantly pronouncing witchcraft is the superior discipline to science…. And the whole world sniggers.

For a nation once celebrated for it’s enlightenment, it’s contribution to knowledge, to science and medicine, from the Arts which have driven forward humanity in ways we can scarcely comprehend, on this day, the eternal souls of Scotland’s great and good must be turning in their graves to witness our Scotland patting itself on the back for such profoundly regressive insanity and witless stupidity.

These cunts have broken my country, a country so strong and robust it’s has withstood 300 years of mind numbing parasitic occupation, and still boasts a visionary medieval Constitution that is still outthinking and besting Scotland’s insatiable colonial adversary posing as our ally, but alas poor Scotland, we are safeguarded to defend Scotland from England. Our Nation has been blindsided and undone by the surreal and abstract stupidity of our own intellectual minnows; the treachery and greed of lunatics and grifters who conned their way into taking over the asylum.

May you live forever Sturgeon, burning in Hell and blinded with lime in your eyes, like those villainous rogues of 1707 who first betrayed the serene beauty and intellect of our prodigy Nation, and betrayed it’s promise and future as a global luminary, to line your grubby pockets by selling off the golden child’s organs for transplant.

You are a vile and hateful creature Sturgeon, and I detest you for confounding science and proving that evil and malignant witches are indeed real and do exist in terrestrial form. Scotland has a coven of such black hearted creatures to prove it, and a captive population duped, spellbound and enslaved into sullen trance as they ripen for exploitation.

You Sturgeon, are the witches wart on the face of Scotland’s serene beauty. May history record your insignificant memory as a curse and disfigurement upon Scotland.

ben madigan

Shug says:
22 December, 2022 at 10:50 pm

Alister jack and westminster says it will block it
But Westminster accepts gender rights issues in the eu and southern Ireland
So they accept gender rights issued by everyone but the scots parliament

Shug – Westminster has no say whatsoever in gender rights issues in the EU. Remember Brexit?

Westminster has no say whatsoever in gender rights issues in Southern ireland – the Republic of Ireland, if you please. The clue is in the name. Remember 1916 and the Proclamation of the Irish Republic?

Westminster has any say it wants in gender rights issues in Scotland because Scotland forms part of the UK. Remember there was an Independence Movement and a Referendum? When Scots voted to stay in the UK?

steve davison

he most baffling thing about all of this is how such a small lobby has overtaken main stream politics in the whole of the UK .How can the SNP belief that this furthers there cause as said this lobby is a minute number of the population .Back when I was young you identified with a music culture or your local area and did not feel the need to been seen as different sexually to stand out from the crowd .Where were these masses of trans peoples up till now I don’t seem to have come across many that are shouting from the roof tops that they are now free . Society will always have its fringe people who’s none main stream views and practices are a mystery to the bulk of a society. Some groups revel in been on the fringe and some are forced to it .As long as you don’t harm anyone and don’t push your agenda down anyone’s throat ( no gag intended ) then good luck to you.Heres hoping that the white fat male over 50 a new definite fringe group will soon have their day in the sun


– what a day …

It’s almost like “politicians” are NOT there to represent and enact the will of the people, but to enforce unpopular policies decided elsewhere by others. But this would be a conspiracy theory. Coincidences are the new conspiracies, people. Stop noticing and remembering things and doing pattern recognition. Nothing is connected to anything else, even if this GRR bill is a lot like developments in Canada, Spain, and every-fucking-where in the west.

One good thing – it just shows how DETERMINED and unstoppable Nikki is when she REALLY DECIDES TO DO SOMETHING; watch her go when the 2023 indyref is next item on the agenda … (rolling brushwood)

– note also how sharp her mind is when it’s something important; she does “recall” where the GRR Bill is!

pic of the day –

comment image

caption contest?

Makes me think of my boyhood, finding nude books in the woods … (its all brazilians and vajazzles these days)

4 time hammer killer and child r4pist, damien bendall – how long till he transitions and starts suing the screws for not using his pronouns? It’s his human rights, you bigots. A human hand grenade who had a suspended sentence for arson, which used to be serious, in the old days.

Some r3tard on the doggers site mentioned GRR positively because his niece is trans. Obviously I know nothing of the details but I know 2 things

– the girl was born female and will be female till she dies

– whatever her problems are, cutting her tits off won’t fix them

anyone who cares for her should be digging (!) into – exactly how she got this into her head, who put the idea there? And if she goes through with it all, who will be there to pick up the pieces when it goes wrong. Tranny suicide rates are sky high, and its nowt to do with “transphobia”. Love can expressed by stopping people from catastrophic actions you know. Just a thought.

Still, if it doesn’t work out – “how long till my tits grow back?” (is a question that some of them ask)

I notice a lot of people are posting in bewilderment about all this madness; someone needs to write a wee essay on “cultural marxism” and “sexual liberation”- the earlier article by nina welsh (“its shite being a feminist – wir colonised by trannies”) is a good start, but its really just an appetiser. A BTL overachieving bigbrain should step up.


To indy supporters this is NOT WM fight this is OUR Scottish fight, I have posted numerous times the WM tories were supportive of this UNTIL their voters warned them off (the blue rinse brigade) the tories in Scotland are using this as usual against independence , NOTE I say against independence not the sturgeon nonce party, the tories may ride to the rescue so that people will consider independence under the greens and snp as hell on stilts and remaining within the warm embrace of WM and the unionists will give us protection

BUT we built independence up and voted the old snp as the vehicle to move it forward , unfortunately FAKE indy REPS damaged that forward motion
BUT we built up the snp by our votes, activities, truth, beliefs EQUALLY WE CAN DESTROY THEM, LET’S DO THAT , let’s show them who the real bosses are, let’s show them what REAL CONTROL MEANS,

I want a statement from ALBA that they will not only repeal this legislation as a first measure when in government but they will repeal the whole 2004 GRA , if ALBA are not willing to do so I am unsure that they will satisfy the real anger that this aberration has created with women

I am sick of voters being taken for granted and I am sick of politicians looking after everyone else’s interests rather than the Scottish people’s

WHY did sturgeon open up the consultation WORLDWIDE

WHY is sturgeon refusing to reveal the individual Scottish responses to the consultation

WHO are the organisations who voted acceptance of this reviled legislation , who funds them, where are they based

What is the legal advice that is quoted by robison that cannot be revealed

sturgeon, harvie and their morons have shown us that we MUST demand more accountability from our politicians we pay them , We DESPERATELY NEED a biting RECALL LAW to dispose of these troughers

Viscount Ennui

Shug says:
22 December, 2022 at 10:50 pm

“Let me get this right

So they accept gender rights issued by everyone but the scots parliament”

There is a big difference between the promotion of rights and bad law to further those rights.
What we saw this week was genuine scrutiny of bad legislation being shut down at Holyrood and this reflects very badly on the exercise of devolved powers.
If WM intervenes, as I hope it will, it will not be because they want to curtail trans rights but because due process has not been followed and because the risks to others have not been adequately assessed.
Sturgeon had a duty to explain how a law passed in Scotland might affect other parts of the UK. She avoided that and thus shot Holyrood in the foot (and possibly the head).

Robert Hughes

Excellent comments above . What a contrast to the infantile Prog-speak of dead-eyed zealots like M Chapman ( bet she loathes having ” man ” as part of her name ) and the usual moronic drivel of WM Village resident idiot Wishart – ” Democracy – deniers ” , FFS ! is there a prize for hypocritical shite-talking , a Nobel for Numpties ?

This from Confused’s typically ( & funnily ) perceptive post leapt out ….

” – the girl was born female and will be female till she dies

– whatever her problems are, cutting her tits off won’t fix them

anyone who cares for her should be digging (!) into – exactly how she got this into her head, who put the idea there? And if she goes through with it all, who will be there to pick up the pieces when it goes wrong. Tranny suicide rates are sky high, and its nowt to do with “transphobia”. Love can expressed by stopping people from catastrophic actions you know. Just a thought.”

Indeed , compadre . What does it say of a Society when * empathy * takes the form of * supporting * teenage/adolescent self-mutilation , when debilitating psychological conflicts are not to be treated , but * validated * , when screaming Norman Bates-in-” mother “-mode * activists * are to be thought of as Freedom Fighters ? I’d laugh but it REALLY is no laughing matter ( weeeell , what else can you do but laugh when you see photos of Nu * Women * like Edwina Izzard ? ) when we witness how much traction this weaponised lunacy is gaining , globally .

As others say ……ALBA really needs to up it’s game – aye , we know they are being effectively ( in both senses ) censored by ( ScotGov funded ) * Scottish * MSM ; still , they must find ways to raise their profile . That statement about the Party seeing a significant influx of new members – in response to the GRR aberration – is good news , though it would be useful to know the numbers involved . Good luck to them . They’re going to need it ; and something a lot stronger than ” luck ” too

A. Bruce

confused @ 2:35

That r3tard on WGD is always going on about his niece in the National. He used to spout his rubbish under the name Scottish Skier on Kelly’s SGP, now he calls himself a doctor.
After watching Adult Human Female on BB’s blog I emailed it to friends in NZ, and what do you know, they’re really concerned about their granddaughter, Emily. Now she calls herself Evan and wants to take puberty blockers.The parents are trying to stop her until she’s older; this madness is spreading like wildfire around the world.


I agree with Twathater 3.38 am.
It’s our fight with Sturgeon. What a way to sink indy. Evil not Evel. Tories will vote for this cf their education minister. This storm will rage for years. Women and children don’t matter a flying one to her, robison and the rest of the perverts. To watch them clapping when the bill passed added insult to injury. It’s demonic. As smithy says ‘I hope they have a shite Xmas. Cunts.’ Got a laugh out of me although I feel like shit. Greens, slab, lib dems and tories are culpable. What a disgrace to Scotland and her people. HER People. Mother nature.

stuart mctavish

Ian Brotherhood

Very worrying that parliament delivered its circus despite the beautiful songs outside as it suggests that they thought they knew exactly what they were doing and they did it anyway (not unlike the covid violatons)

Also worrying that EU institutions appear to hate women too.

Fortunately none of the MSPS being paid to vote on the legislation, and voting in favour, had read it (or if they had, had failed to understand it and/or, like the omerta described above, were keeping silent) for had they done so they, like me, would have discovered that Chambers dictionary definition of gender includes the term ‘neuter’ – especially when applied to anything that may have been written in Europe.

Since the same dictionary defines sexes as either of the TWO classes male or female, into which animals and plants are divided in accordance with there rôle in reproduction, there can be no doubt that sex does not equal gender (of which there are THREE classes at least).

Since the term ‘sex’ is not included in the bill at all (not even to clarify intent), compared to about 250 instances of the term ‘gender’, there can be no doubt that anyone asking for a certificate under such legislation shall be self identifying as neuter.

Accordingly single sex spaces can remain more so (since anyone pointing to their certificate to invoke legal authority, rather than apologising for the inconvenience and explaining their condition), can be instantly identified as an abuser and dealt with.. accordingly.

On the other hand, given their failure to explain the actual meaning of the proposed legislation earlier, those inside parliament probably still deserve shaming* for the circus, whether they were acting deliberately or not.

*Especially those not trying to make a mockery of the place/ country, and for couple of days in any event


Shug says: 22 December, 2022 at 11:50 pm

Does the current position actually stop or restrict predatory men??

I think not.

I don’t believe that personal attacks in any way is helpful to further arguments so I’m careful in what I am saying.

The thing that concerns me made by individuals for GRR including some MSP’s is the lack of critical thinking and parroting memes that doesn’t stand up to the least critical analysis.

An example is this which I have quoted.

Mr Jones

Rev Stu: Do you think the GRA was agreed by Sturgeon with the UK authorities as a way to bring the Scottish Parliament into disrepute and kill off indy? It does not just discourage women from voting Yes, but it actually diminishes and casts a shadow on Scotland’s own parliament.

It would be interesting to trace the actual history of writing the GRA. In this sense the Greens would be like the Red Tories to the Blue Tories in indyref1: useful idiots, rather than actual movers.

panda paws


“I want a statement from ALBA that they will not only repeal this legislation as a first measure when in government but they will repeal the whole 2004 GRA , if ALBA are not willing to do so I am unsure that they will satisfy the real anger that this aberration has created with women”

Alba can’t repeal the 2004 legislation as it’s Westminster legislation.

stuart mctavish

@panda paws

Why would ALBA want into government if not to repeal ALL Westminster legislation?

panda paws

“Why would ALBA want into government if not to repeal ALL Westminster legislation?”

They do that by making Scotland independent, not by pretending that a devolved Holyrood can overturn reserved UK legislation.

panda paws

Tweets from Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls

“We know that #humanrights are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. #scotland had the opportunity to set an example on how to address and resolve the tension between rights and manage risks in an effective manner. Yesterday the @ScotParl decided to bypass that opportunity”

“I regret the adoption of the #GenderRecognitionReformBill by
@ScotParl as is. While some important amendments were introduced, other key ones were disregarded; they would have been key to bringing about the strengthened safeguards many are demanding.”

stuart mctavish

@panda paws

they do that by making Scotland independent

In which case a statement addressing (or not) Twathaters concern can be made in respect of their continuity bill proposal(s)


Sexual offenders are still reoffending , first time offenders are still coming through the system , removing safeguards which are designed to make it more difficult for them to access vulnerable members of society has knocked me for six .
Not one politician has suggested how they will control this worrying subgroup in society that have caused so much harm already and who must be rubbing their hands .
It’s against every piece of safeguarding child care I have ever completed .

I am absolutely gutted for the vulnerable . Their safeguards were dismantled.

Jackson Carlaw had a free vote too and decided to use it to turn on the vulnerable .

I doubt I will ever vote again they are disgusting people .


link to

Keep signing.

No sex changes is the only solution.
Make impersonating a woman a hate crime.
Black face is a hate crime so why not woman face?

More research into finding a solution for ‘gender dysphoria’ the current one on offer is barbaric.


Philanthropynewsdigest (2021): Gates, Ford, Open Society announce commitments for gender equality):

“The Bill & Melinda Gates, Ford, and Open Society foundations have announced commitments of $2.1 billion, $420 million, and $100 million, respectively, over five years in support of efforts to advance gender equality globally…”:

link to

World Health Organisation (2022): Improving the health and well-being of LGBTQI+ people

“…In July 2013, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) launched UN Free & Equal – an unprecedented global UN public information campaign aimed at promoting equal rights and fair treatment of LGBTQI+ people, eventually reaching 2.4 billion social media feeds around the world and generating a stream of widely shared materials, including some that rank among the most ever watched videos by the United Nations.

WHO’s support to Member States is founded on the fundamental human rights principle that all persons should have access to health services without discrimination, including on the basis of SOGIE. The adoption of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and its pledge to “leave no one behind”, based on the normative framework of international human rights law has reinforced the need to understand and improve the health and well-being of LGBTQI+ people, who are often left behind. WHO develops guidelines, technical support and conducts research to strengthen LGBTQI+ inclusive health services and policies…”:

link to

Linda McFarlane


Glinner’s back. Hopefully you’ll be next.


World Economic Forum (2018): Agenda: What Davos taught me about supporting my transgender child:

“Last year when I was in Davos, I received a text from my 11-year-old saying “I’m bi.” The next text said, “Never mind, I’m too young to know.” A month later, my child made it very clear that she was straight and transgender. Although assigned male at birth, she had known for a long time that she was female. And so our family’s gender journey began…

I was not expecting Davos to play a role in our personal challenge. But this year it did…”:

link to


The physical and intellectual sterilization of the Scottish Nation, and no chance of rescue from this butchery.
2023 has to be the year of the Scottish People not their self styled representatives.
Enough havering: Free this lunatic asylum!


World Economic Forum (2019): Agenda: What my transgender child can teach us about the workforce of the future:

“…I was attending a luncheon at Davos 2019 on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inclusion…

I had opened the luncheon by sharing my family’s journey parenting a 13-year-old transgender daughter, and our commitment to create a world where she is safe and accepted. On the same day, that daughter Jordyn was starting at a new school – a small, private one, because the anti-LGBTI culture in her public middle school had threatened her mental health…

One of Jordyn’s icons, social media superstar and transgender woman Gigi Gorgeous, was sitting a few seats away from me at the Davos luncheon. I asked Gigi to text my daughter while she was still on the bus. A few minutes later, instead of a disdainful response to a mother’s platitudes, Jordyn texted me “Omg omg omg, do I text her back?!”

The magic of Davos in bringing global leaders together meant my daughter was off to a good start on her first day of school…”:

link to


Lynn says:
23 December, 2022 at 9:08 am

Sexual offenders are still reoffending , first time offenders are still coming through the system ,

I’m wondering if the authorities aren’t keen to stop them transitioning because transitioning means chemical castration.

There might be an argument for chemically castrating
paedophiles & sex offenders but is this really the answer for innocent ‘genuine trans people’.

I’m hoping Joanna Cherry & Roddy Dunlop can let us know what they mean by
‘genuine trans people’.

Does anyone here have the answer?


World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon: Destroyer of child innocence & woman’s Rights:

link to

Viscount Ennui

People tend to be very harsh on this website.
They keep banging on about the incompetence of Sturgeon, Swinney et al, and the collapse of the rule of law, the erosion of basic democratic principles and the utter failure of the Scottish Government to govern.
However, one of their greatest achievements has slipped under the radar and that is their success with ‘conversion therapy’, whereby a lifelong enemy of the Tory party now finds himself with that only option at the next ballot.
I am not sure if I have to live with this new identity for the remainder of my life or indeed if I am yet allowed into the local Conservative club (b*stards), but the alternatives are now simply impossible.
I will not be flashing my pubes in public.


The notion of human rights has lost all integrity. Politicians, NGOs, «philanthropist» mega rich and other globalist counter democratic agents have made it so.
Governments are become tools of social engineers. This is particularly the case in the once democratic West which now progresses by heady leaps into authoritarianism.


Have you gone from being not bothered about trans people to absolutely hating everything trans.

Nicola Sturgeon & The Disgraces of Scotland have really stirred up hatred of trans people.

Helped by all the so called ‘trans activists’

Scotland is now ‘transphobic’.

I am ‘transphobic’.

Sorry guys but you really need to find better activists & political representatives.

PS Fuck the pronouns!

Mark Boyle

steve davison says:
23 December, 2022 at 1:45 am

The most baffling thing about all of this is how such a small lobby has overtaken main stream politics in the whole of the UK.

Because it suits upper middle class wants and needs, in much the same way most laws passed are to suit them.

Abigail Shrier’s book ‘Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters’ points out that statistics on Transgender referrals before and after the swap from almost all males to almost all females shows they still largely come from the upper echelons comfortable middle class backgrounds.

This again is nothing new. A hundred years ago, the left – nowadays the biggest flagwavers for anything “queer” – were the most anti towards anything other than “the natural state” on the ideological grounds such things were a sure sign of la-di-da Bourgeoisie decadence whilst the noble God fearing working classes struggled.

What’s changed since those times? Well the left now largely being secular bourgeoisie for one, and whose gods are those Guardian columnists not yet defected to the Telegraph …

William G Walker

Ruby at 9.23am is right! Keep signing the petition.

“Trans” supporters love “gender”, easily confused with sex by the general public who are broadly not aware of this huge difference.

It is sex – male or female – that counts. Sex cannot be changed and the use of gender (male, female or neuter – THREE states) that, frankly, most MSPs do not understand, to the delight of “trans” supporters.

All this will come back to haunt us, especially the so-called SNP “Government”.


Ottomanboi says:
23 December, 2022 at 9:36 am

Enough havering: Free this lunatic asylum!

Enough havering Ottomanboi tell us what we should do.

We are in search of a leader. Would you take the job?

Mr Jones

Many people are astonished that Joanna Cherry remains in a party which has done this.

It is possible that she has been promised that, once NS’s shelf life is over, she will be allowed to stand for the SNP leadership.

Power is very often dangled in front of politicians by more superior forces.

Unfortunately, I think she will find down the line (if all this is so, of course) that she is being played.


William G Walker says:
23 December, 2022 at 9:52 am

Ruby at 9.23am is right! Keep signing the petition.

“Trans” supporters love “gender”

Curious that a GENDER recognition certificate allows a change of SEX on your birth certificate.

Do you think we are being conned with the use of the word gender?

If the GRA 2004 had been called the Sex Recognition Act would people might have been more aware of what was going on?

Same for the GRC. Should that not be called the Sex Recognition Act.

Andy Ellis

@Mr Jones

Why would she believe that such a promise would be honoured, or indeed that those making it would be in a position to deliver on said promise?

There’s an SNP loyalist over on WoS FB discussion arguing the toss about staying inside the SNP to change it from within…..but how’s that been working out? What evidence have we seen since November last year when Sturgeon’s NEC Night of the Long Knives happened that things within the party have changed? Have opponents of Sturgeon and her cabal organised and forced any concessions? Have they hell as like.

Cherry and her compadres have a choice: show us the money and change the SNP – and quickly – or accept that it’s a lost cause and join Alba. History will not be kind to those who put their loyalty to the party above the common weal of the independence movement and Scottish people as a whole, however laudable your stance on women’s rights.


Alba could be set to secure Holyrood seats, Panelbase poll suggests

link to


“I doubt I will ever vote again they are disgusting people”

Continuously disenfranchising people with “inconvenient” views while hiding behind a shell of a parliament is the way the privileged and vested interests behind this pretend democracy have used to remain in power.

Holyrood, the same as Westminster, have become tools to effect absolute rule on behalf of those interests, rather than to prevent it.

Don’t give them a free ride, Lynn. Give them hell. Use your vote to express your disgust, and express it loudly.

Vote against the establishment these idiots, on a power trip to expose deconstruct the concept of woman and to expose women and children to harm, are protecting.

If the only way you feel you can vote is by spoiling your ballot, then do so. Use it as another piece of paper to write on it what you really feel and want. But please do not give these arseholes the pleasure of succeeding in silencing you.

What we have seen since the fake to her fingertips took control of Scotland’s government is all smoke and mirrors. I am convinced what we saw the last few days was a staged performance well rehearsed and prepared ahead, including the number of votes for each side, the abstentions, the faux consternation and the “victory” speeches. Just like the Fabiani’s farce was nothing but a performance, and a bad one at that.

When you are forcing a piece of legislation against the will of the majority of people you claim to represent, and who have been deliberately denied a proper and fair consultation because people from outwith Scotland and with a vested interest in this aberration to pass were invited to chip in, this is not democracy, it is autocracy. A dictatorship. Abuse of power.

I wouldn’t be surprised if what we saw in the last few days was a repeat of the poll tax, where Scotland, once more, is being used as the testing ground for a nasty policy in the pipeline for England.

Imposing by force this unpopular and clearly toxic policy in Scotland has the advantage of damaging the independence cause, which is of course a bonus for the privileged hiding behind this pretend democracy.

In addition, because it is in a direct collision course with legislation from Westminster, it has widely opened the door for Westminster’s intervention. I am of the opinion this has been deliberate.

This should not come as a surprise, as the fake to her fingertips has used every opportunity for the last 8 years to invite Westminster’s interference in Scottish business so this monumental coward could dump her own responsibility and accountability for not bothering in lifting an effing finger to deliver independence directly on Westminster. The costly charade of the Supreme court was until now, the last example of the way this fake operates.

It is clear as day these arseholes already have in the pipeline some form of enhanced devolution they are desperate to force on us, hence the ridiculous delays, the dismissing of our democratic mandates, the ignorance of our majorities and the continuous moving of Sturgeon’s fake SNP into Labour’s policy territory.

They are clearly just trying to engineering the right time to deliver the blow. They just need labour to be in control of Westminster.

Forcing toxic laws to fabricate the need for Westminster’s intervention, is an artificial way of legitimising Westminster’s role on Scotland after we have sent anti-union majorities for the last 8 fucking years.

It is clearly a move to entrench Westminster even more in Scotland and of course a new door the fake to her fingertips in cahoots with labour and libdems have deliberately opened for this purpose.

Vote for the most anti-establishment party you can find, Lynn. For me, at present, it is ALBA because I firmly believe the only possible way to break this abuse of trust, abuse of power and pretend democracy is by ending the union and by Scotland, not UK, not England, not USA nor any of their proxies, to take control of Scotland’s own affairs and assets.

At present, Alba seems like the only political party which might be willing to do that. But you may find some other alternative which suits your views better.

If you support independence, join entities like SAlVO and the Liberation Movement to help putting pressure on the establishment and its political arms. On their own they may not be able to deliver independence, but to achieve this goal we need to fight several fronts. Divide and Conquer.

Allowing them to disenfranchise you only helps to remove pressure from them so they can continue abusing our rights to impose their wicked will. And worse, because “there is no dissent”, they can dishonestly claim they are acting “on our behalf”.

Please don’t let them get away with it.


Scotland is just the test environment for the rest of the UK



re. “…Governments are become tools of social engineers…”

This rotten New Woke Order will burn in hell…


This is a window into the Fishwoman’s brave new world.

link to

Nauseating, sickly sweet stink of cultural decomposition.


link to

Turing was allowed to choose his punishment: He could either spend two years in prison or submit to two years of estrogen hormone therapy, a form of chemical castration
Unwilling to give up his work, Turing chose the latter option. Soon after, a slow-release device that leaked a steady drip of synthetic estrogen was implanted into his leg.

It could be argued that those in favour of ‘sex change’ for ‘trans people’ are homophobic.

Quite why gay people like Patrick Harvie & John Nicolson are so keen on chemically castrating trans/gay people is a mystery.

In case you don’t know transitioning involves a life time of ‘estrogen hormone therapy’


Never supported Tories in my lifetime buy get your finger oot Mr Jack n Kim Badendoch FFF STURGEON


Ottomanboi says:
23 December, 2022 at 10:21 am

This is a window into the Fishwoman’s brave new world.

link to

Nauseating, sickly sweet stink of cultural decomposition.

These guys are gay!

Are you homophobic?


I’d willingly take on the job, albeit there are certain criteria i do not yet fulfil.
The politicians and their systems have failed, not just in Scotland, the slumbering demos in «developed» countries is seeing control slipping away into hands of minority, US dominated, interests.
I come from a socio-cultural background where minority interests allied to $$$ have total control. The effect is psychological; depression, cynicism, skepticism, indifference, inertia result.
Scotland is not at that stage, yet.
There are enough people contributing on this site and similar to start a revolution.
It only takes a few. Anger is a powerful driver.


You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

From ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou


Ottomanboi says:

There are enough people contributing on this site and similar to start a revolution.
It only takes a few. Anger is a powerful driver.

Fair enough but like all revolutions we need a leader.

We do have one but she has gone insane and never was what you might describe as a revolutionary leader.

I need a hero
link to


My cultural background used to accommodate those who found boys seductive. No one actually cared, the guys were usually married with kids anyway. Even the effeminate managed to make a living.
Since «gay» culture, an American «lifestyle», has spread into the MidEast things have changed for the worse.
Iran had a liberal homosexual culture celebrated by poets, now the state requires surgery to fix the matter.
Be «gay» if you must but please do not make an exceptionalist career out of a rather banal sexual preference and also expect universal «approval».
As to homophobic…no i do not have any fear of the type.


If London does strike down this BS, it’ll be a gift for Sturgeon. She can then tie Indy totally to genderism. On the other hand, if London does not strike it down, she has won and reality and the concept of ‘woman’ are both dead…


“Never supported Tories in my lifetime buy get your finger oot Mr Jack”

I feel this to be precisely one of the objectives the fake to her fingertips’ masters are pursuing:

to artificially fabricate a need, where there wasn’t one, for Westminster direct intervention in Scotland’s affairs.

The fake to her fingertips has just undemocratically legitimised Westminster’s intervention when 8 years of anti-union majorities have democratically removed that legitimacy.

Previous to this, the fake to her fingertips legitimised the intervention of an English court, of dubious legitimacy over Scotland under the Treaty of Union, to directly deny Scotland’s right to self determination.

If these are not irrefutable proof this fake never had any intention to deliver independence but rather to weld Scotland even more into the UK, what is.

Her latest round of aberrant legislation will damage the chances of the SNP winning at the next GE. Methinks this has been deliberate to force the transfer of vote from the SNP to labour/tories and fabricate their “resurrection” in Scotland.

This fabricated “support” will be necessary for when the establishment decides is the right time for Labour to occupy n10 for a while and enact what even the tories don’t have the stomach. This will create again the desire in a majority in England to vote tory.

The tories cannot be seen as handing more devolution. It will have to be labour. A labour victory, which the fake to her fngertips seems so enthusiastic about, might well be the time the establishment chooses to force on us more worthless devolution to thwart independence. The dishonest fabricated “resurrection” of tories and labour in Scotland will help them claim devolution and not independence “is the will of the people”. And with that, voila! 8 years of anti-union MP majorities erased from Scotland’s political history.

There has to be a reason why we hear many SNP MPs and MSPs are uncomfortable with the way the SNP is going but cannot find the backbone to go independent.

There has to be a reason why under the fake to her fingertips so many MPs/MSPs have been thrown under the bus, but this fake still remains “in control” of the party and those uncomfortable choose to remain uncomfortable rather than properly representing their constituents.

It is obvious SNP members are no longer controlling the direction of the party, and, by the look of it, neither are MPs and MSPs.

So who/what is? What external entity is deliberately directing the SNP to oblivion to engineer Labour/Tories’ resurgence in Scotland?

Is it the crown? Is it Labour? Is it the tories? Is it MI5? Or is it an entity with HQ at the other side of the Atlantic?


One thing that hardly anyone has spoken about are young women who take testosterone etc etc. Probably because they are women and pose no threat. Poor girls. Seems to me they are forgotten about…they will suffer. These perverted men are gloating. Hopefully not for long.
BTW Thanks to Elaine Miller. What a gal !! 😉


Looking forward to hearing more about this:

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Graham Linehan is back on Twitter.

This long article is a nauseating read but valuable evidence worth hanging on to in case you are confronted with Sturgeon/Robison levels of denial.

‘With each case described in more detail below, here are 122 examples of trans-identified males who have raped, assaulted, abused and/or murdered women and/or children. The thing that never happens…’


Ottomanboi says:
23 December, 2022 at 10:59 am
Iran had a liberal homosexual culture celebrated by poets, now the state requires surgery to fix the matter.

I think that might be the way we are heading.

You are a great writer Ottomanboi I am so jealous.

Nally Anders

Courtesy of Glinner from months back.
This is what MSP’s have voted for, International best practice and they can’t claim they weren’t warned.
As it happens Haldane’s ruling on the GRPB Act was a game changer.
Under the Equality Act the provision of single SEX spaces and services was protected and transwomen could be specifically exempt under certain condition. Eg changing facilities etc etc.
because sex is a protected characteristic.
However now that Haldane has ruled “sex is not defined as biological or birth sex

William G Walker

Ruby at 10:01am is right when she says:

“Curious that a GENDER recognition certificate allows a change of SEX on your birth certificate.

Do you think we are being conned with the use of the word gender?”

Of course, the general public and many MSPs have been conned into thinking that gender is sex. Sex is binary and can’t be changed, whereas gender is male, female or neuter. The problem was in 2004 when Stonewall (now completely “trans” fixated) started introducing a “gender spectrum” between male and female. More fool us for opting for an easy life!

Mark Boyle

Scotsrenewables says:
23 December, 2022 at 11:15 am

Looking forward to hearing more about this:

link to

I’m sorry, but I’d take this with a pinch of salt. When those involved won’t show their working on sample size, etc, and most important of all the wording of the questions asked, time to treat it along the lines of Farage and the Reform Party’s claims of “25% surge in membership” yet still mysteriously finishing with under 5% in council to Parliamentary by-elections.

More to the point, if something sounds too good to be true, that’s more often than not because it is.

“36% of 16 to 34 years olds also saying they would give their list vote to Alex Salmond’s party?” The same ones that were happy to parrot that Salmond’s a big smelly transphobic jobby because Auntie Nicola said so earlier this year, and last year, etc? Aye, sure. Generation Tweet may be fickle, but not that fickle.

Prof John Curtice has already poured cold water on this, pointing out the net gain of the poll would correlate to a 4% swing in favour of pro-indy parties and that you usually need 5-6% of the list vote to pick up a seat.

He continued: “So if (and that’s a big if) people were to believe voting Alba might help increase the number of pro-indy MSPs it might just help take them over the line. But even then, it is impossible to know in advance which party might fail to pick up a list seat in a region as a result – that is a bit of a lottery.”

Minor parties in trouble tend to do morale boosters for the troops to make it look “we’ve turned the corner” – especially at this time of year when folk have time over Christmas to take stock and reprioritise for the new year. Ask any volunteer group about the “January slaughter” when people aren’t turning up because “stuff”, promising to be back in a few weeks but never do.

It would be lovely to be proved wrong on this. It would be lovely to see the SNP getting a bloody nose and given a long overdue reminder that it doesn’t “own” Scottish nationalist votes as a given right. But the proof in the pudding is in the eating, and Alba’s pathetic election results to date show this simply isn’t happening.

Ballot box Scotland (link to has Alba’s first preference votes over the year as 0.7%, and the most recent by-election in Scotland (link to for the Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh ward saw Debbie Ewen raise her share of the vote by a whopping, er, 0.4% (roughly the same as that of the Alba candidate in the Glasgow Linn by election weeks before) to an eye watering 81 votes (1.8%). If there was any sort of sign of this alleged “surge” it should have appeared in a seat that’s fertile ScotNat territory.

They have a long way to go and a bloody lot of work to go still …

Nally Anders

Courtesy of Glinner from months back.
This is what MSP’s have voted for, International Best Practice and they can’t claim they weren’t warned.
As it happens Haldane’s ruling on the GRPB Act was a game changer.
Under the Equality Act the provision of single SEX spaces and services was protected and transwomen could be legally exempt under certain condition. Eg changing facilities, shelters, hosptl wards etc etc.because sex is a protected characteristic.
However now that Haldane has ruled “sex is not only defined as biological or birth sex but includes those with a GRC,transwomen have in fact,changed legal sex for All purposes.
In other words whereas we used to be able to challenge men in women’s spaces. Men who claim to be women, have the legal right to be there and there is bugger all we can do about it.
So to summarise, there is a big difference between abusive men who ‘chance their arm’ by going into women’s toilets and spaces and a Government who has just voted to legitimise their presence.
It’s basically an end to single sex spaces. Any provider excluding men with a GRC, will be subject to a legal challenge and smaller providers can’t afford to defend it.
Perhaps why, Primark, H&M, Next and M&S have quietly made their changing rooms, mixed sex.
How many of these sorts do you reckon are genuinely trans/Gender disphoric?
Congratulations SNP, Greens LibDem and Labour.
link to


What is genuine trans?

I keep asking and get no answers.

I’m wonder if those supporting the Tories have lost their marbles.

Do not be conned into supporting the Tories.

Keep signing this:

link to

No sex changes.
Impersonating a woman should be a hate crime
Black face is a hate crime why do the Tories support woman face?

I would love to hear the Tories defending the GRA 2004.


@shug you’re misinformed on so many levels.
@mbmpolicy did a thread on acceptance of trans from other countires, read if you want to be informed, and found that approx 300 people from across the world, have acceptable to the UK, GRCs.

As for, I paraphrase, only old fogies are against, you obviously haven’t read the Revs previous post which proves otherwise.
16-25 year olds support it just but when push comes to shove, young women do not want to share intimate spaces with men.

stuart mctavish


I dont think the women outside Holyrood were homophobic in any way shape or form – which makes the idea of gay men helping to ram through the legislation (and raise tensions in the drama that accompanied it) that was quite clearly upsetting them – despite appearing to not have read, or understood, or perhaps even shared the (draft) document – all the more bizarre!


Anger is a shite driver that can easily lead to the crashes you describe when fueled rather than tempered. Best keep cool and a bit wary (but not overly) of anyone hoping to incite it on your behalf


There was one of the vermin in ermine on radio 4 earlier on; his suggestion was that the SNP had rattled this legislation through because they were unhappy with the supreme court’s decision on holding a referendum.

Andy Ellis

@Ottomanboi 10.43 am

I’d willingly take on the job, albeit there are certain criteria i do not yet fulfil.

Doubtless some of the usual suspects would be happy to see you excluded because you haven’t lived here for 15 years, or weren’t born here, or can’t trace your ancestry back seven generations.

Perhaps the nativists should consider that having more New Scots involved might be a good thing. 🙂

Andy Ellis

O/T on the back of the polling showing that Alba could pick up over 20 seats, Edinburgh Central Alba private FB group reporting 100 new members.

Game on perhaps…?


“the SNP had rattled this legislation through because they were unhappy with the supreme court’s decision on holding a referendum”

And of course the solution in the mind of these idiots is to throw Scottish women and children into the jaws of perverts and rapists to get one back at Westminster. If that is not the reasoning of a 3 year old, what is.

The responsibility for the Supreme Court’s decision lies exclusively at the lap of the fake to her fingertips claiming to lead the SNP.

It was her decision in the first place to let, if not encourage an individual sitting in her cabinet to invite and legitimise the encroachment of an English court, a byproduct of Westminster and with a huge vested interest in the union to continue, in Scotland’s legitimate right to self determination and legitimate right to unilaterally end this union.

Her responsibility and hers only. Just like it is her responsibility and hers only to having wasted 8 years of Scotland’s time, assets and rights by inviting, welcoming and legitimising the encroachment of an English government into Scotland’s legitimate right to hold a democratic plebiscite on independence and to unilaterally terminate this union.

This sounds, yet again, as another instance where this cowardly PR product acting as leader is attempting to hide from well deserved criticism and scrutiny by artificially transferring her own accountability for her own undemocratic and ill-advised actions onto UK entities.

We should not let her get away with it.

Whit Noo

In modern Scotland,’the n word’ now means…Ni…cola.


I’m way beyond fking fuming..

Our Independence vote has been used to push through a minority idea by a parasitic minority party, world wide pervert consolations & with the news bulletins proudly announcing *Westminster was warned not to challenge any move to block it*
What the actual fuckery??

They couldn’t have issued the same warning to an Independence referendum?


I hope every single one who voted for this travesty is jailed when the true horror of this starts to unfold at an alarming rate.

I’ll never vote for those bastards again & WTF is Cherry playing at?


First we had the coca cola, yohoho commercialization of Christmas, now make way for the «queering», or so it seems.
link to
That Jesus guy was so cool, nonbine….the beard, the frock, the theatre…..dead give away.

Indeed, you have to handle anger with skill. In the MidEast there is a lot of it, occasionally it hits the streets, it usually fails owing to lack of strategic «purposiveness».
It simmers but eventually it will boil over.



It may be worse than that – this may turn out to be an English lead consultation just like the last one was dominated by outsiders.

Outsiders consulted on Scots law!! Whoever heard of such a fucking scandal. Last I read Shona Robinson refused to divulge the consultation results of who’d taken part the 2nd time.

If it turn out to be influenced outside of Scotland this should be immediately reversed.


Andy Ellis says:
23 December, 2022 at 12:56 pm

@Ottomanboi 10.43 am

I’d willingly take on the job, albeit there are certain criteria i do not yet fulfil.

Doubtless some of the usual suspects would be happy to see you excluded because you haven’t lived here for 15 years, or weren’t born here, or can’t trace your ancestry back seven generations.

Perhaps the nativists should consider that having more New Scots involved might be a good thing.

Every opportunity to call people names and be abusive.

You might be ignoring my post but I ain’t ignoring yours.

Mark Boyle

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
23 December, 2022 at 1:45 pm

Also, if people didn’t already know that voting Alba on the list would likely produce more pro-indy MSPs, I fear we have an electorate too fucking stupid for independence. (italics mine)

‘It was later after Stu said this, just as he opened the fridge, that a cold realisation passed over him …’


“Doubtless some of the usual suspects would be happy to see you excluded because…”

Mr Ellis, we are under a terrifying scenario where a bunch of either bought off or “persuaded” negligent and ignorant idiots have just thrown women and children as bait to big pharma, rapist and perverts as if we were disposable or second rate citizens.

We have seen how a fake acting as leader of what should be the vehicle of independence, has abused the pro-independence support to team up with the unionist labour and libdems to abuse our parliament and force through a piece of legislation against the will of the people of Scotland and without a legitimate democratic mandate to do so.

The concepts of woman and female are being deliberately deconstructed and biological science denied by this people for the sake of a few vicious males hiding behind trans people as a trojan horse.

We have idiots in Holyrood using highly derogative and offensive terms like cis or TERF without being even challenged and we are expected to accept being insulted like that as normal.

It is a black week not only for Scotland’s women and children, but for Scotland itself and democracy as a whole. For this reason, please, can I very politely beg, just this once, that this very serious issue affecting not only women but also the husbands, brothers, fathers, partners and sons of those women, is not diluted down or trivialised with petty fights in these threads?

I understand that as a male you may not have felt your world suddenly shrink, your possibilities to win a sport competition disappear, your opportunities as a female to finally break the professional glass ceiling or to see equal representation suddenly vanish because now males can take the spaces of women, or your fear, anxiety and aprehension increase exponentially to the point of now having to consider never again going alone to a public toilet/changing room. But many women do. I do. For this reason, I am kindly ask you please not trivialise this matter with petty fights. Please, not today.

I thank you for your understanding.


I’m getting so mixed up now!

Is this Holyrood election where Alba will win 20 seats not going to be a de facto referendum?
What are the implications for the 20 new Alba MSPs if we vote YES in the de facto referendum?

I don’t know if the ‘electorate are too fucking stupid for independence’ they might be but the D’Hondt method isn’t what you might call straight forward.

If it were a de facto referendum would we be voting for Alba or would it be both votes YES.


Mia says:

The concepts of woman and female are being deliberately deconstructed and biological science denied by this people for the sake of a few vicious males hiding behind trans people as a trojan horse.

Sorry to be a pain about this but what are trans people?


On line BBC claim to have a source advising that the nasty Scottish Health Secretary is just going to impose a rejected 7.5% pay increase for Nurses.

A source I have says the BBC like the Daily Hail etc are full of bullshit.

Would the Nurses be angry if this increase was in their next pay and claim it to be part settlement? I really don’t think so but don’t mention the Tories refusing even to speak about pay and lying about there being no contingency plans.


Watch oot gentlemens those trans women will be applying for all the Santa jobs next year Ho ho ho



To me the word “trans” is a short for transsexual. In other words, somebody who suffers from body dysphoria. I see this as a legitimate mental health issue that needs to be dealt with medically and holistically, not just by pumping the body full of hormones and surgery. These are, in my view, the original T.

But let’s be clear. You may undergo surgery and hormone therapy to make your secondary sexual characteristics look like the opposite sex with the hope to reduce that body dysphoria. But it is like applying brute force to reduce symptoms, not to cure the underlying problem which caused the body dysphoria in the first place. Sometimes the brute approach works, but in other instances it does not. The problem is that the change is not easily reversible without leaving permanent scarring.

But in any case, inverting your penis and adding a couple of saline bags under your chest skin does not make you a biological female, mo matter how much you wish to be one and how much you demand to be seen like one. In the same way, chopping a chunk of your thigh skin, moulding it to make it look like a penis and then attaching it to your groin with a pump to make it raise on demand does not transform you into a biological male. It simply makes you look a bit more like one.

The concept of “transgender” is very obscure to me, I must admit. I personally see this as something completely different to transsexual. I feel it is something which has been forced artificially under the same banner as transsexual to hide its real purpose: conflating gender and sex while hiding behind a genuine medical condition to gain mainstream acceptance, sympathy and legitimacy.

I see the mixing of the concepts of transsexual with “transgender” as as form of false commensalism relationship if you like. In the surface, including fetishists, transvestites and the so called “transgender”, whatever that means, under the same umbrella as the original trans, may seem mutually beneficial because the transsexuals appear to have gained a bigger voice to ascertain their rights.

But when you look deeper, this is going to damage the prospects of transsexuals in the long term. This is because they might become the target of false accusations arisen from the abuses caused by fetishists, exhibitionists and predators who are now hiding under the same umbrella as the transsexuals and will use this legislation as an open door to get access to women and children to fulfil their wicked fantasies.

The number of transsexual people is very small. Using transsexual people as a way to “balance” gender representation would be therefore futile. So here is where the “transgender” and self-id concepts come in handy. If the term “transgender” is accepted mainstream, you do no longer need to even bother making yourself look like a female. Just dressing tackily like one or even just saying you identify like one is now enough. And presto! you can have “females” on demand to balance any committee, any political party, any parliament, any work place, any tribunal. It is also a very handy way to sneak rapists and sexual offenders into females’ prisons to avoid having the rapists under constant surveillance in a male prison where they would have to be under special protection because otherwise they would be targeted by the other inmates. Then you can just hide the crimes caused by the rapists in the female prison by saying the sexual assaults/rapes caused by the transfer were from one woman to another. There we go, nothing to see here. All brushed under the carpet.

I find the term “transgender” very obscure because, as far as I understand, there is no body dysphoria to begin with. Just an apparent desire to escape stereotypes. The use of lipstick and high heels are a social construct that has been historically attributed to females, but there is nothing stopping a male using them. The clothes or make up do not define who you are. Your body, chromosomes and upbringing do. Whatever gender you choose to present yourself with, your biological sex and the chromosomes which determine it will not change.

Then a different thing are the transvestites. I understand these to be people perfectly comfortable with their own bodies but who simply enjoy dressing as the opposite sex. Nothing wrong with that. I do not see that as a medical condition at all, but rather as a lifestyle preference.

Then you have the male fetishists who get aroused by dressing as women. Again a completely different kettle of fish from transsexual and transvestites, but which are being sneaked in under the radar by the back door under the transsexual umbrella.

As I said above, to me the term “trans” refers to “transsexual”, not transvestites or the fabricated term “transgender”, whatever on earth that means.

Andy Ellis

@Ms Mia

For this reason, please, can I very politely beg, just this once, that this very serious issue affecting not only women but also the husbands, brothers, fathers, partners and sons of those women, is not diluted down or trivialised with petty fights in these threads?

I will treat your attempts to tone police BTL comments here with the same measure of contempt I treated those of the other usual suspects in the past. At least you have grace not to be a cunt calling harridan, so we should be thankful for small mercies I suppose.

The point made is entirely germane: Ottomanboi is one of the more entertaining and thoughtful posters here. I don’t always agree with him, but he is generally worth listening to, unlike the usual suspects. You don’t get to centralise your hobby horse issue, or to insist that we pay particular attention to it, or discuss it to the exclusion of every other issue.

I happen to agree with you that the GRR Bill and the threat to women’s rights is hugely important, and a stain on the Scottish government and all those ramming this deeply regressive, misogynistic legislation through our parliament.

You don’t get to dictate what issues are discussed, or what fights are picked. I happen to feel just as passionately about franchise restriction and nativist moonhowlers attempting to exclude New Scots from participation in the demos as you do about your issue, OK?

Kindly take your faux outrage and tone policing elsewhere: it won’t wash with me.


@ Andy Ellis.

Thank you for your response.

It is good to know that you don’t give even a shit about women and their concerns and all what you care about is the size of your overinflated ego and a petty win not matter at which cost.

Well you are most welcome to it.

I suspected it to be the case. You have just confirmed it, so thank you for that. I will bear it in mind the next time I come across one of your comments.

You seem to think I was trying to seize your self appointed right to the monopoly of policing the comments here. Let me tell you I have zero interest in that. My only intention was to maintain what until your comment was a very valid and strong platform of dissent almost exclusively directed to the abuse of democracy and power against women the SNP, labour, libdems and Greens enacted in the last couple of days. YOur comment, willingly or not, was pushing it under a different direction a contentious one.

You appear to see the comment section of this blog as your own personal playground. It is not my place to tell you it is otherwise. That will be for the owner of the blog.

I however see the REv’s articles and the comments as a very valuable platform to express political dissent against the abuse of power and undemocratic approach followed by the current party in government in Scotland.

I was hoping you would see the same way. Clearly you don’t

Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and responding to it.

I wish you a lovely Christmas and that no women in your family is ever harmed because of this poisonous legislation.

Andy Ellis


You are NOT the owner of this blog, nor are you entitled to decide what topics are or are not “allowed” to be discussed. Wind your over entitled and over wordy neck in, OK?

You patently ARE trying to tone police speech here, and are now trying to take the moral high ground when called out for your presumption. You can GRTF with that I’m afraid!

My comment relating to the fact that others in here would happily deprive New Scots like Ottomanboi of the right to participate in the Scottish “demos” was entirely legitimate. The fact you felt it distracted from your mono mania is your own affair. You don’t get to dictate what other posters think should and shouldn’t get discussed. If you have any doubts about that, I suggest you take it up with Rev Stu and see how far your whiny arsed opinions get you OK?

I clearly don’t see things your way – thankfully, because you appear to be a tone policing mono-manaic intent on directing acceptable topics BTL, whilst laughably asserting that I’m the one trying to monopolise the threads. Given the prolixity of most of your output, and your urgent need of a good editor, I’ll leave it to others to draw their own conclusions of your MO.

In future I’ll treat your output with a similar level of disdain to that of the other usual suspects and either skim over or ignore altogether unless something particularly inane jumps out from the super abundance of words in your posts.


How many is that you’re going to treat with disdain now?

Seems like it’s everyone.

Is your name Amber *it’s everyone but me that’s nuts* Heard? LOL

Anyone can protest provided it meets the new policing laws that Sturgeon & her crones assured wouldn’t apply to us when knowing fine well that they do.

Plenty have been to indy demos, even hoping over the border so your input was irrelevant to the discussion. It was your usual modus operandi to have a pop at someone. I see you. So do others.


Mark Boyle 9:52am

That was covered in that film that was blocked from Edinburgh Uni.

‘Adult Human Female’

Toffee nosed eejits pandering to thier trans toddlers.

Well worth a watch. Through a Scottish Prism published it on his channel if anyone wants to see it.

*Must remember how to make YouTube links*


Mark 11.50

I think it’s all change now since the SNP seams are unraveling..

Supreme court ruling
SNP duds showing contempt for Kenny in WM
No 2023 Plebiscite
No convention
Maybees a(nother) secret plan in the shiny democracy conference in March
Gender Bill passed.

SNP are toast. They’ll be lucky to haud on to 20 seats. If not, we are too fcking stupid to remove the rot.


Also the *Alex Salmond is a jobbie* age group lol

Is also covered in that film. It depends the question asked

For example

Oi, Scottish you think a minority group should have equal rights?

Answer: fk, yes!

Oi, Scottish you think a minority group should trample all over yours?

Answer: %#% off ya %#% #%!% freaky bastard!!!


Andy Ellis


How many is that you’re going to treat with disdain now?

It’s a fairly select group. A number of the usual suspects qualify. I’m not sure what your comments relating to demos have to do with anything. They certainly don’t seem relevant to the issue at hand. You seem a tad tired and confused. Perhaps you’re posting after your Christmas do…or maybe you’re just always this inarticulate?

I see you too. So do others. It isn’t much to read or look at. yw/hth



You have given me a lot to think about .
Right now I think most politicians are swimming in the same sewer ! I just can’t see how people can’t protect children . Assessments are completely subjective and frequently erroneous so I don’t give any weight to this nod as that is all I believe it to be .
However if someone with Integrity steps up in my area I will definitely get behind them as I do take on board your point that my disengagement seems to the desired outcome .
I also love the fake to her fingertips comment .
The skirt lifter in Parliament has brought a smile to my face . I believe she is viral on tic Tok . Getting her message out and more power to her elbow .

Thanks for taking the time to connect with me and providing some focus .

[…] the Revd Stuart Campbell, summed up the legislation in one of his Wings Over Scotland posts, ‘On the hush-hush’ (emphases […]


While all this was going on it seems the SNP led Scottish Government made the decision to release more information on the Corrupt Ferries contract, all done on the last hours of the Scottish Parliament before the Christmas break. Permission to release the new information would have to have been made from the SNP itself at the highest levels. Do I hear the sound of a Bell tolling for the end of Sturgeons career finally ? Will the Murrell’s go quietly or take the whole SNP down with them ? link to

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