The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  2. Thepnr says:

    I thought I posted this along with another diatribe. Maybe not.

    link to

  3. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Ian – that happens to me too, and I read that every time as well!
    It must be the dark side of us creeping out – sorry Cactus honey 😉

  4. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Oneironaut –

    ‘Why stop at Bute? We could start the “Tour de Scotland!”
    Go all over the place, from Shetland to the border! ;)’

    Huh? Naked?

    As someone else said tonight, ‘gaun yersel!’.

  5. Michael McCabe says:

    Never been to helensburgh before. hardly ever leave the capital city. cant wait though. link to

  6. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Aye Michael, that song kinda sums up my view on the helensburgh trip too!

  7. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Gillian Ruglonian 2:14 am if you are going to helensburgh I look forward to meeting you and many other wingers. link to

  8. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood When I posted at 3:10 am I came straight back to this page. Bypassed cactus. Hopefully that is working for everybody else now. Anyway Somebody posted this song before and right now I think it is apt. link to

  9. Wee Jonny says:


  10. Oneironaut says:

    “Hiya Oneironaut, how’s it going, anything new to report?”

    Had some particularly good chips yesterday 😀
    Oh, you mean anything fun and exciting? Nope! You’re asking the wrong person there 😉 hehe.

    @Ian Brotherhood
    “I always glimpse it as ‘I think Cactus will be summarily executed.’”

    Noooooooo! 🙁 Those evil Unionists!

  11. Betty Boop says:

    @ Michael McCabe

    Never been to helensburgh before. hardly ever leave the capital city. cant wait though.

    You really need a wee trip to the boonies then, Michael, or you might end up suffering “cabin fever”! 🙂

  12. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Chips are exactly the level I was going for! (My big news? I had a wee haircut).

    I watched Frost/Nixon last night (should still be on iPlayer) and although I’d seen it before, I was struck by the sense of integrity held by the two men (and of course Sam Rockwells character, he’s brilliant!). Regardless of the realities of their lives, they appeared to genuinely think that they were decent folk in pursuit of the greater good.
    Now, compare with our generally woeful media and Bruce’s recent defence of Carmichael and you can see where I’m going with this… 😉 Anyways, I’d recommend it for anyone who hasn’t see it already.

    A call to all wingers –
    I’m taking a wee daytrip into the capital tomorrow, to avoid certain festivities in my home town, so I’m looking for suggestions on where to go and what to see!!

    • Paula Rose says:

      The Museum of Childhood on the High Street is one of my favourites.

  13. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Thanks Paula, I’d forgotten about that!

  14. Robert says:

    Hi all, have the new WBB’s – the ones with tinfoil hats (hehe), and the badges if one was in a position to provide enough readies for, been posted out yet?

    This is for the bits and bobs of the “let-s-carry-on-for-a-bit” fundraiser.

    ATB guys and gals,


    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Hi all, have the new WBB’s – the ones with tinfoil hats (hehe), and the badges if one was in a position to provide enough readies for, been posted out yet?”

      They should have been, I’m looking into it.

  15. Taranaich says:

    So yeah, a Tory made a joke about selling Scots into slavery, blissfully unaware of just what a horrific thing it is to joke about:

    link to

    Yet if Angus Robertson dared make a joke about Bannockburn he’d be hounded out of the chambers.

    @Oneironaut: Great article as always 🙂

    Would be interesting info to have that. I’d love to know just exactly how weak the Tories’ grip on power is these days!

    I believe if voters in England had had a real alternative to vote for (an English SNP. ENP?) the Tories would have been utterly destroyed south of the border as well.
    Someone down there needs to get busy on that before the next election!

    Thanks, Oneironaut! I can only hope England gets their act together sharpish.

  16. Cactus says:

    @Ian Brotherhood et Gillian Ruglonian ~

    Is that me up for execution, dang! I was planning on sticking around for inevitable indyref2. Worry ye not, I’m a master of escape, I’ll be fine see; they’re out ta get me, they won’t catch me.. 😉

    So only 260ish comments to go till new o/t page.. when we arrive, you could always make the last 10 comments or so about happy/funny things.. 12490 ye know maybe frogs, dogs, rats or cats?

    Then when if getting a jump-back page when posting here, we can all go aweeeee at the animals for sure hehe.

    Here’s a double-play from a band, whose singer happens to be a close relative of the resident Miss Paula.

    link to
    link to

  17. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cactus.

    Check out my post at 00.30 this morning.

    If anyone’s interested, the Murray match is being livestreamed now, here:-

    link to

  18. Cactus says:

    Hey hey Brian Doonthetoon ~

    You should’ve seen the moves I pulled just to get the bronze. Paula deservedly took gold with her 4D performance, congrats honey x

    Also the purry thang in second place was my kind of girl.. so much so, she liked me and we ended up sharing an intimate encounter backstage 🙂

    Not long till we Occupy Helensburgh fellow adventurers!

  19. Betty Boop says:


    Re your wee jaunt to Edinburgh. The National Museum is a good place to visit as is the National Gallery. Once when we visited we found that there was a music recital, which was free of charge, in the evening and went back for that later.

    It was a bit odd, but, exceptionally relaxed, sitting on the floor in surrounded by paintings listening to traditional Scots music and folk still quietly moving through the gallery.

    The High Street could keep you amused all day. St Giles Cathedral is interesting.

    Paula’s suggestion of the Museum of Childhood is also a good one and at the other end of the Royal Mile near the castle there is the Camera Obscura, good when the weather is clear.

    Hope the weather stays fine and you enjoy your day in one of my favourite cities.

  20. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Gillian.

    You could always take a wee daunder up Arthur’s Seat, and imagine that you are an extra in a Rebus story…


  21. Oneironaut says:

    Well if you fancy having a quiet day, you could always come over here to the windswept west coast.

    I’ll show you all the interesting sights down here (should take up a few minutes at least!) 😉

  22. Betty Boop says:

    @ Bdtt

    Hi Gillian.

    You could always take a wee daunder up Arthur’s Seat, and imagine that you are an extra in a Rebus story…

    Not the one that falls off the crags!!! :-0 Or was that another story?…

  23. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Gillian Ruglonian If you do make it to Edinburgh you could visit the Scottish Parliament. free to get in. opened from 10am till 5pm. According to the Parliaments website.

  24. Wee Jonny says:

    I saw a really drunk girl on the way home last night and went to check if she was okay.
    She was fine. We got chatting and I thought she was really nice.
    I said to her “You remind me of Cinderella.”
    “Oh thanks. That’s lovely. Is it because I look like a princess?” She replied.
    “No” I said “it’s because you’ve lost one of your shoes.”

    True Story.

  25. Wee Jonny says:

    I was walking home from a night oot with my friend pished as a fart trying to flag doon a taxi and said to him “I wish we had one of those prizes from that old gameshow Bullseye”

    “Yeah” he said “like a speedboat or something?”

    “Nah” I replied “I’d settle for mi bus fare home.”

    True Story.

  26. Wee Jonny says:

    Kids today don’t know how easy they’ve got it.

    When I was young I had to walk 9 feet through a shag carpet just to turn the TV over.

    True Story.

  27. Wee Jonny says:

    “Excuse me. Do you have somewhere I can try these on please?” I asked the shop assistant.

    “Please take your Durex and leave sir!” She replied.

    True Story.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Wee Jonny – you are lowering the tone dear.

  28. Wee Jonny says:

    Politics can be sooooo draining on those who are into it so my “True Story”s have been my way of gettin awa fay it.

  29. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Onnyhoo, how is it me and Bob Sinclair are the only Wingers who have dipped into Quarantine in the past three months or so?

    Are the movers and shakers in ‘off-topic’ too good for Quarantine? Iye? Iye?

    True story.

  30. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Wee Jonny –

    Disregard Miss Rose – she enjoys a wee Babycham of a Friday and it fair knocks her skew-whiff at times, especially when she’s been dieting.

    Anyway, FWIW, I do appreciate some straight-from-the-hip gags. Did you see Nick Clegg reading one out on that show recently? It was very good (but you have to imagine saying it with a Nick Clegg voice, i.e. the same one he used when he said ‘I’m sorry’.)

    The doctor said to me, ‘You really will have to stop masturbating.’

    I said, ‘Why?’

    He said, ‘Because I’m trying to examine you.’

    • Paula Rose says:

      Oi – I love our wee diddley wotsit boy- just keep it clean folks, the mess in here sometimes!

  31. Wee Jonny says:

    Ian – Tommy Cooper telt me that ane back in ’76 but I still pish misel evreetime I see/read it coz it is a classeec.

    He also telt me this ane –

    I just put £20 on a horse at 20-1. It came in at 1/2 past 3.

    All True Story’s.

  32. Wee Jonny says:

    Brian Doonthetoon – Thepnr gave me a wee prezee (that he probably regrets) earlier and I’ve taken a couple o foatays of it but dinny ken how to post them on here. I’ll send them to yi once I’ve closed Wee Jonny’s Comedy Club for you ti work yir Magic to post them on here if that’s okay.

    p.s. loved yir “True Story”????

  33. Thepnr says:

    I have to stop popping in here, fit to burst. With laughter.

  34. Wee Jonny says:

    Ian – last one I swear doon

    I went to the doc’s on Tuesday, and as he was examining my lower regions he said “Now Wee Jonny, don’t be embarrassed by the erection.”

    I said “But doc’, I don’t have an erection.”

    “No not yours – mines.” He replied.

    True Story.

    • Paula Rose says:

      I’m getting lost now – what’s an erection?

  35. Thepnr says:

    Nobodies perfect.

    A wee tune for those that enjoy a refreshment or two. It’s called freedom of choice, until we’re telt different.

    link to

  36. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Wee Jonny –

    Okay, here’s my last one too, for the O/O brethren en route to Glasgow’s ‘Orangegate’ tomorrow:

    ‘This is the news. A chemist’s shop on Duke Street has been completely ransacked. Everything was removed apart from some combs and condoms. Police say they are looking for a baldy Catholic.’

  37. Smithie says:

    Paula, don’t worry it’s just a tall building dear.
    Thepnr— ah the Rat Pack,Here’s My Way
    link to

  38. Thepnr says:


    Haha I used to sing that at Kareoke nights 🙂

  39. Wee Jonny says:

    Thepnr – nobodies perfect.
    You haven’t met my wife –
    Bad hygiene
    Shocking dress sense
    Full of self importance
    Terrible personality

    Yes Thepnr – Once you’ve rid yourself of all these you can meet my wife.

  40. Wee Jonny says:

    Erections – What Chinese politicians have every few years.

    Too earwy?

  41. Thepnr says:

    Sticking to the Rat Pack theme. Here’s a cracker LOL.

    link to

  42. Thepnr says:


    link to

  43. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Thanks for all the Edinburgh suggestions guys x

    • Paula Rose says:

      btw all you lovely little reekie peeps – have you got yourselves organdieised to get over to Helen’s wotsit in July? To meet, greet and stroke the one and only Kendomacaroonie bar?

      I’m going (winkie thing) and coming.

  44. cearc says:

    Big new, eh?

    I had an hen lay a 4oz. (150gm.) egg this morning.

    that’s pretty big for a chicken!

    • Paula Rose says:

      cearc honey – is she OK?

  45. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    @ Thepnr
    I enjoyed that! I especially liked the jump over the dispatch box, as I just love seeing puppets legs. It’s all Jim Hensons fault for having Kermit riding a bike 😉

  46. Thepnr says:


    That egg will make an omelette by itself, send it to me in a brown envelope. Gimme Gimme Yum Yum.

  47. Smithie says:

    Thepnr and Puula Rose, AH now we are getting into REAL music Lol. AHHH nostalgia. sigh

  48. Smithie says:

    cearc says:
    6 June, 2015 at 12:11 am

    Big new, eh?

    “I had an hen lay a 4oz. (150gm.) egg this morning.

    that’s pretty big for a chicken!”

    Gawd i hate Boasters, but many thanks for the metric equivalent, it really brought it home to me, Lol

  49. Paula Rose says:

    Just once…

    link to

  50. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –

    Superb news. Did you happen to take a snap?

    This, for me, is ‘real’ history in the making, as opposed to MSM-sanctioned pronouncements from bollock-merchants and gas-blowers in Westminster.

    Cearc, I salute you.


  51. Thepnr says:

    If you still pay you TV license BBC4 right now is a 70’s fest from The Old Grey Whistle Test,

    Sorry Ian, will cancel next week. It’s always next week.

    • Paula Rose says:

      If it weren’t for you lot I’d probably have gone insane xx

  52. Thepnr says:

    No excuses Paula. You are insane 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      Here I am singlehandedly building an extension to our lovely social club and all you can do is sit back and eat popcorn. If it wasn’t for us English roses…

    • Paula Rose says:

      No eggscuses – um shall I spin a discy?

  53. Paula Rose says:

    This weekend Ian Brotherhood will lay an egg and livestream will bring us all the action.

  54. Paula Rose says:


    link to

  55. Michael McCabe says:

    Great track paula rose. time for me to shut my eyes but I will leave you with this. link to Somewhere for the red rooster to sleep.

  56. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Rev.

    Nice to see you visiting ‘off-topic’. Yilliv hud yir tea?

    Hi Paula Rose.

    You posted last night/early this morning:-

    Just once…
    link to

    I got the message,

    “This video does not exist.”


    • Paula Rose says:

      They’ve removed it! But it’s one of my finest performances!

  57. Cactus says:

    Been trying to post this comment in Pauls WGD article on Anna Soubry, but no worky? So thought I’d float it here instead:

    Howdy Paul and y’all,

    Re ‘woman’, could be Alex trying out some old scot-speak in the chamber.. remember the characters from Scottish soap (‘Take The) High Road’ speaking with each other anyone?

    I can imagine Effie telling Mrs Mack to ‘behave yourself woman’. It’s what makes us Scottish, our own vocal identity/personality ~ aka Scotland’s voice.

    I’m now approaching 2 years with no television at home.. I removed the cable from the back of my screen and it magically became a ‘monitor’ for other connectible entertainment devices. DO IT too if you can 🙂

    Next step is to ‘normalise’ Scotland/SNP in Westminster (just for now mind!) Coming soon.. indyref2.

  58. Stoker says:

    After all the filth has been washed from Freedom Square it would now seem, from the web cam, the sun is trying to break through.

    Sheryl Crow – Soak Up The Sun
    link to

  59. cearc says:

    Paula Rose,

    The hen is fine, assuming it was the one hopping around the garden with her legs crossed.


    You sweet, young thing!
    (actually there was a typo, it should have been 115gm. – half asleep when I posted).


    Aye, I did.

  60. cearc says:


    The reports are totally sexist.

    I have often said, ‘behave yourself woman’ to females without being criticised for it.

    The criticism is aimed at him because he is a man (probably just because he is Alex Salmond) and is therefore sexist against men.

  61. Lollysmum says:

    You were right first time. It’s because he is Alex Salmond!

  62. Lollysmum says:

    Sorry spelled your name wrong Cearc

    • Paula Rose says:

      It’s a little c at both ends xx

  63. cearc says:

    and an ear in the middle.

  64. Lollysmum says:

    I’ve been telt 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      Chickens like a bit of corn xx

  65. cearc says:


    xx, smiley thing.

  66. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Rock The Casbah’ – Mick Jones, Rachid Taha, Brian Eno (2005) –

    link to

  67. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  68. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    In the last part of my post on 1st June, about the history of ‘Scots Wha Hae’ and ‘Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce’, I mentioned the German power metal band, ‘Gravedigger’, and their ‘Tunes Of War’ concept album, about the Scottish battle for independence.

    link to

    Now, as I mentioned, I had never heard of the band, probably because they’re not ‘British’, therefore not worthy of media coverage in our beloved UK. The British media are like that…

    Onnyhoo, this week, I have managed to download the album but have also downloaded the videos from YouTube, of Gravedigger’s 30th anniversary gig in Wacken.

    I’m only gonna provide one link here – all the rest are numbered in the list down the right hand side of the YouTube page so you can check them out at your leisure.

    Now, when you watch this video, remember that you are watching a GERMAN band in kilts, kicking off their concert, IN GERMANY, with a pipe band. Check out the crowd reaction when the pipe band finish, and play ‘spot the saltires in the audience’.

    I bet you never guessed that Germans appreciated ‘Scotland The Brave’.

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Not surprised at all dear – german men love wearing skirts.

  69. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Paula Rose – du bist so ein Wind-up-Händler!

    link to


  70. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Well, Paula Rose, that’s just INVITING this response…

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:


    • Paula Rose says:

      Should I do the washing up or go to bed?

  71. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose (12.38) –

    ‘I’m in here somewhere.’

    Behind which hedge?


  72. Ian Brotherhood says:

    She keeps singing ‘I just can’t sleep alone at night’ because she’s got half a dozen dudes in the bed – they didn’t show them in this video:

    Rah Band, ‘Clouds Across The Moon’ –

    link to

  73. Michael McCabe says:

    The Auld Triangle. link to the Irish taking over the Albert Hall.

  74. Michael McCabe says:

    Had a good drink after the Barcelona game and I am feeling a bit Delicate. link to

  75. Cadogan Enright says:

    Does anyone know how to find old posts on wings that you need to refer to for info?

    Say when writing a letter?

    For instance how would I find one of my old posts without scrolling for hours.?

  76. Lollysmum says:

    No sorry-I’ve tried putting names in the search box-nothing. Subject in Search has worked occasionally but only seems to be where Stu has tagged it as being in a specific category & I’ve guessed the category correctly. Just gave up in the end though 🙁

    • Paula Rose says:

      Thepnr has a clever way of doing it – he’ll probably pop in and explain, it’s all a wee bit techie for me.

  77. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Cadogan Enright.

    Here’s what you do…

    Go to Google Advanced search.

    link to

    Make sure you’re logged into Google so you can access your ‘search settings’ (the cogged wheel up at the top right). Set it to 100 results per page and save it.

    Then, in the ‘this exact word or phrase:’ box, paste,

    Cadogan Enright

    Scroll down the page until you get to the ‘site or domain:’ box and paste in there,

    link to

    Then hit the enter/return key.

    You should get a list of “About 634 results”…

    I suggest setting results per page to a 100 so you have 7 pages of results, rather than the 60-odd pages you would have with the default 10 results per page. (Saves multiple clicking to go to the next page.)

    As Lollysmum types, if you paste YOUR name into the Wings search box on the Wings page, you’ll get,

    No posts found. Try a different search?

    Onnyhoo, the above method should get you on your way.

  78. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Of course, when you’re on a Wings page, you can use command-F (Mac) or Control-F (Win) to instigate a search for specific text on THAT page.

  79. Natasha says:

    @Michael McCabe 2.57am
    Thanks so much for the Auld Triangle link; I’ve only ever heard it done by The Corries, and it was lovely to see and hear a different version.

    Guys, I’m still here and I love you all; just can’t face some of the vitriolic rubbish over on the main threads just now.

  80. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Natasha Glad You enjoyed it. And it is great we have off topic to escape the mainstream. this place is my wee haven. thanks to rev stu and wings for providing it. All the lovely wingers who frequent it. not forgetting the Housekeeper the lovely Paula Rose.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Flattery will get you everywhere xx

  81. kendomacaroonbar says:


    The Clyde Bar Helensburgh are delighted to host the Friends of WoS party. The owner is looking to provide live music and possibly some street entertainers (yes, me too). Can you let me know who is the goto guy here to liaise with and I’ll forward their contact details to John Rapallini owner of the Clyde Bar.

    I just need to know the exact date and approximate time of arrival. Also, Please let me know if live music if required etc etc


  82. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi kendomacaroonbar.

    For the two get-togethers at Invergowrie, we had Scottish/pro-indy music videos showing on a screen (ok, a king-size white sheet!).

    We could do the same for Helensburgh. All we’d need is a wall for the ‘screen’ and a suitable location for the video projector and laptop, with a feed into the house PA.

    Cactus seems to have been elected as VP Ents, or Social Convener, or Artiste Liaison, or whatever.


    Hi Natasha.

    Have you not tried out the snug yet?

    link to

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      Hi Brian

      Thanks for the reply.. will pass on the request. CACTUS >> Can you DM me your contact details please ? Thanks

  83. Lollysmum says:

    Kendo etc
    Has iScot June issue been sent out yet?

    • kendomacaroonbar says:


      Lyn, sent you an email

  84. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Stone Roses, ‘I Am The Resurrection’, (Live, Glasgow Green, June 15th, 2013)

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      How does one watch the UK parliament live without using a license fee? Please – a serious question.

  85. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This may be useful for anyone who has to deal with Daily Mailers sounding-off about the immigration ‘crisis’, and the UK’s role in dealing with those fleeing poverty.

    Dick Gaughan, ‘Craigie Hill’ –

    link to

  86. K1 says:

    Bdtt, I just used that google search method you outlined to Cadogan and found ma own posts…god when you look back at what you have written, especially before the 18th September, it’s quite ‘poignant’ for want of a better description. I was so certain we were going to do it, it felt like it was happening…inevitable.

    It’s also quite strange to have everything still there, I had never posted on any forum before Wings, and treat writing as I do speaking, the words are said and for the most part in just living life, the words are just gone. Reading back over some of my own comments, there’s a few embarrassing ones interspersed with some that I can live with.

    We are recording our own history as we go…quite literally on here. Funny old life, int it. 🙂

    link to

  87. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    If your in your own house and have no license then to stay within the law you can’t watch it live. Whether it is streamed or not you cannot watch any live broadcast that is capable of being received in the UK without a license on any medium.

    Just watch it at a mates house, cafe or pub, or throw caution to the wind 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      My pussy has just settled down in my lap and needs a stroke – night night all.

  88. Thepnr says:


    Yep you arerecording your own history and it there for everyone to see, like it or hate it.

    I’ve learned to live with any comments I make, mainly because I mean them, though some may said in haste. It’s true though that after making a poor decision and re-reading next day you may say “oh shit” haha.

    If you can’t handle the fallout, maybe best not post, you are after all putting your head above the parapet on the most scrutinsed Independence website.

    You evil, evil, engineers, writers, gardeners, window cleaners, professors, teachers, diplomats, factory workers,
    firemen, nurses, etc.

    There is a shortage of journalists and labour activists, lets make an effort to recruit some.

  89. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Am just about to turn in but can I suggest that, if you’re using Firefox as your web browser, you download “Downloadhelper”?

    It lets you download and SAVE umpteen videos from all over the place, including Vimeo and YouTube, amongst other, mainstream video hosting web sites. You can then watch them as you please, without time constraints.

    Their wee icon animates when you can download something – I suggest downloading as mp4, for maximum compatibility.

    link to

  90. K1 says:

    PR, Don’t need a licence to watch parliament as far as I’m aware.

  91. Thepnr says:


    Sorry you do need a license to watch anything at all being broadcast live even if over the internet. Catch up TV doesn’t count but channels like E+1 or any other +1 do if they are being broadcast live.

    The important words are broadcast and live and the means of reception is unimportant. You can only access TV programmes after they have been broadcast using an “on-demand” service. That obviously is not live but is like hiring a video. I believe I’m right but am welcome to be corrected.

  92. K1 says:

    I sit corrected Thepnr, parliament tv: same premise applies, you can watch it afterwards but not ‘live’. In fact if you watch anything live on any ‘device’ you can be fined if you don’t have a tv licence. 🙁 sorry PR, I was mistaken.

  93. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  94. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon. I seen this and though of you. link to

  95. Tinto Chiel says:


    Was it you who said some weeks ago you had heard the word “whirly” used to describe a shallow mine? Left a message on here then but lots of people don’t visit this thread. If you have any info, please let me know.

  96. boris says:

    Tinto Chiel 8 June 2015

    Hi. Yes it was myself who offered the information about the “Whirlies” My Great Grandfather worked them all over lanarkshisre in the mid 1800’s. Before deep mining took over.

  97. Oneironaut says:

    Afraid Thepnr is right that you do need a licence if you’re watching something being broadcast live, or are living in a house with an aerial or dish set up that is capable of receiving a live broadcast signal…

    Whether or not they can prove you’re receiving a live broadcast, that’s another matter! 😉

  98. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    What do folks make of this?

    Appears to make TTIP look tame

    link to

  99. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks for this info, boris. My maternal grandfather and uncle were Blantyre miners, but they were deep ones mostly.

    This probably explains Whirlies in East Kilbride. The name predates the giant roundabout, obviously.

    Your avatar is very clever! Tapped on it to enlarge it and got all the jokes.

    Thanks again.

  100. Thepnr says:

    Watching Mundell on reminded me of this great ELO song.

    link to

  101. Tinto Chiel says:

    @ boris 1.11pm. Have just re-read my post. Clarification required owing to poor expression.

    “They were deep ones mostly.” I was referring to the mines, nor my relations, of course.

    Mind you, my Uncle Jim didn’t say much…


  102. Oneironaut says:

    Hmm, possibly sort of a “Plan B” by the forces of evil in case the mounting public pressure manages to shut down TTIP?

  103. boris says:

    Tinto Chiel at 1.11: meant to say that the whirlies were the hutches used to move the coal to the pit head. This was done by the ponies OR a couple of youngsters. At the top they tipped the hutch onto the tables, (where the stones wers removed by the wimmen) the hutches were then turned round, (doing a whirlie) on the rail line and taken back to the coal face for more coal. They had a saying in Blantryre, “gies a whirl” used at times a compliment was to be paid to someone.

    My family (Colligan) lived in Blantyre for many a year, up to the present day.


  104. Tinto Chiel says:

    Thanks, Boris, for these details. The name begins to make sense now that you have explained the hutches. My mother’s side were MacDades from Craig Street. None left there now.

    EK had no deep mines but there is now a drift mine on the back road to Newhousemill as you probably know, so your derivation is convincing.

    Thanks again.

    University of WoS, eh?

  105. Paula Rose says:

    Boris darling your comment was number 12345 on Off-topic – congratulations!!!

  106. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    This mention of ‘whirlies’.

    My memory is throwing up a reference to many decades ago, whereby we, in Dundee, could have a ‘whirl’, or ‘whurl’ on a bike, piler, or other childhood vehicle.

    Wonder if it came from the same source?

  107. Chic McGregor says:

    It has to be at a scheduled time and broadcast live to an audience which watch it simultaneously.

    But a skype call to your daughter in New Zealand does not count even if it is at a pre-arranged time and even if it included other family members elsewhere.

    This can lead to a grey area. e.g. watching Independence Live or some other amateur event streaming outlet. Not sure about whether they would require a licence?

  108. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Michael McCabe.

    I must admit I found the James Brown/Led Zeppelin mash-up a tad contrived, like the guy was determined to make them fit.

    Now these, I think, are my favourite mash-ups, up to this point in time. I’ll post the first two I ever came across later tonight, or tomorrow.

    To me, these three show an attention to how the songs fit together.

    First, with a nod in the direction of your offering, ‘Whole Lotta Sabbath’…

    link to

    Then there’s this cracker, which has Debby Harry duetting with Jim Morrison…

    link to

    Lastly, how about The Bee Gees and Pink Floyd?

    link to

  109. Thepnr says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    Loved that, the Bee Gees/Pink Floyd though was brilliant and a cut above the others. Best thing I’ve watched on here for a while. Though I’m easily pleased 🙂


  110. Tinto Chiel says:

    @ BDT: Whirl/whurl/hurl are difficult to split. A free hurl in Lanarkshire could be a cyclist clinging to a lorry, for example.

    Asked this before on a main thread: is pinner still used in Dundee for a purse? As in, ” Ma pinner’s fell doon a cundy!”

    Keep going with your groovy YouTube vibe, BTW.

  111. Chic McGregor says:


    That Pink Floyd/Bee Gees mash was very cleverly done.

    Raises the ironic dilemma of whether real state mind control is through education or pop culture (or indeed, both).

  112. Chic McGregor says:

    Look! Its a CONDIE right?

    Besides I think ‘Condie’ is nearer to ‘Conduit’ than ‘Cundy’.

  113. Tinto Chiel says:

    Same derivation, CMG.

    Dialect forms of conduit. Cundy form given to me by a Dundonian 30 years ago.

    Now, how about pinner?


  114. Thepnr says:

    Definitely a cundy in Dundee, a stank in Glasgow and I think a syver in Edinburgh.

    link to

  115. Thepnr says:

    Yes Chic, a Condie in Perth, see earlier link 🙂

  116. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon I remember you playing a couple of those mash ups a while ago on off topic. and I liked them back then too.

  117. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is two songs from two nice girls. link to

  118. Michael McCabe says:

    A wee live Waterboys track. link to

  119. Thepnr says:

    Hey bear with me, the video quality of this is awful but it is most likely the only video in existence of Johnny Cash in the early 60’s impersonating Elvis.

    I’d guess he was just starting out on his career and his mantra might have been “Elvis Bad” LOL

    link to

  120. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Thepnr 11.48.

    Thanks for the link. It’s still syver in some parts of rural Lanarkshire, though Glaswegian stank is taking over.

  121. Oneironaut says:

    @Chic McGregor
    “This can lead to a grey area. e.g. watching Independence Live or some other amateur event streaming outlet. Not sure about whether they would require a licence?”

    I don’t think they do.
    Although, that said, there are some who think that just having a computer that’s capable of picking up live streams is potential evidence that you can stream live TV channels as well.

    Clearly the ones who are pushing that line are the ones who are geniunely desperate to get more money to the BBC, rather than the ones just doing a job they secretly hate because it requires them to bug the hell out of people.

    (The one who occasionally comes out to check my place falls into that last category and tends to just say why he’s here, asks if I need a licence, accepts my reply of “Nope!”, makes a tick on his clipboard and wanders off again. Not all slaves to the system are willing slaves!)

    Basically, if they don’t know you have a computer with that capability in the first place, they can’t touch you. And the only way they can be sure is to come into your house and verify it.
    And they need your permission to do that. Either don’t bother answering the door to them or just refuse to let them in.

    Not that I ever watch BBC programmes. I find that since I stopped watching TV about two or three years ago, my mind has felt wonderfully free… 🙂

  122. Betty Boop says:

    @ Bdtt

    My memory is throwing up a reference to many decades ago, whereby we, in Dundee, could have a ‘whirl’, or ‘whurl’ on a bike, piler, or other childhood vehicle.n

    Brian, I used to get a hurl on a bike, as in “gie’s a hurl hame, wull ye no?” Hurl in a car, hurl on the chairoplanes, hurl oan a bogey, hurl on anything that moved!

    Whirl always involved rotating, as in spinning.

  123. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Betty Boop.

    The dustier corner of my library of memories is suggesting to me that ‘hurl’ was used where the person having the hurl was under the control of another person, in most cases.

    “Gie’s a whurlie o’ yir bike…” would suggest that the person asking the question would be in control of the cycle. One would only indulge the request for a whurlie from someone you trusted, lest your bike was ridden off into the sunset.

    It was maybe a St Mary’s thing…

  124. Betty Boop says:

    Brian, you could well be right regarding “hurl”. Whurl, though, I don’t recognise. Shall ask the other half because he came from a wee place in the boonies outside Falkirk…

  125. Betty Boop says:

    Brian, the other half hove into view a few moments ago and reckons he used “whurl”. Thought he might. Makes quite a difference growing up three miles apart ! 🙂

  126. Thepnr says:

    Heard this, this morning on radio Scotland and thought I need to put that on Off Topic. Wee bit of ska, post punk.

    link to

  127. Paula Rose says:

    Ooo post punk ska – One of Scotland’s finest (no dusty stuff)

    link to

  128. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Football is a funny old game ? With Ska. link to

  129. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    That was good, never heard of The Amphetameanies but did have a laugh 🙂

  130. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    That video was quite simply BRILLIANT. The funniest video I’ve ever seen here on Off Topic and probably anywhere. I’m amazed it hasn’t got 10’s of millions of views!

    Anyway, thanks for posting, I laughed all the way through and will go to bed with a big smile on my face.

    Yes, it has been a good day all round 🙂

  131. Michael McCabe says:

    I wish you all a good night and leave you with a sweetness riddim. link to

  132. Tinto Chiel says:

    Boris, if you’re out there, a final question: have you come across any written sources which mention whirlies or hutches?

  133. Lollysmum says:

    Kendo etc

    Tried posting this earlier but seems its been lost in the ether.

    Thanks for the mailing. It arrived today.

  134. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Seeing as things are so quiet, here’s a wee half-hour interview which, seriously, I’d be very grateful for any thoughts on.

    It’s Terence McKenna with Jeffrey Mishlove, ‘Time and the I Ching’ –

    link to

  135. Paula Rose says:

    Ian honey – is that ching or change?

  136. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –


    All donations gratefully received.

  137. Thepnr says:

    Yes Ian.

    Very boring tonight YAWN. Liven things up a bit.

    link to

  138. Thepnr says:

    If you don’t like this, your toooo young!

    link to

  139. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Yet another video I’ve never seen before…cheers! 🙂

  140. Paula Rose says:

    Usual tartan embellished flare trousered mullet sporting goal post waving history hugging face painted inmates in my way – shoo kids. work to do.

  141. Thepnr says:

    I really can’t believe this song and video is 45 years old, my favorite Status Quo tune 🙂 It’s good.

    link to

  142. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I typed the other night that I would post the links to the first mashups I came across on YouTube. There’s a story behind the first one…

    My cousin started his course at Dundee Uni in 1969, which gave us a whole new social environment. Onnyhoo, one of the Friday(?) nights at the New Dines was delayed somewhat, by the band’s van breaking down on the way from Glasgow to Dundee.

    We got regular updates by phone and, eventually, the band went on stage around 1am, two or three hours late. An unusual lineup, as they included a fiddle player. A brilliant gig, leading me to go to Chalmers & Joy in the Hilltown (before their move to Seagate) next day, to see what they had by ‘The John Dummer Band’. Bought their first two albums; ‘Cabal’ and ‘The John Dummer Band’.

    At the gig, they had played a number, introduced as “9 Bar Blues” but it wasn’t on either of the albums. It eventually turned up on their third album, ‘John Dummer’s Famous Music Band’, as ‘Nine By Nine’. Wasn’t a hit in the UK but was rather massive ‘sur la continent’.

    This clip is from French TV…

    link to

    For those of you who are not averse to a dose of trivia, the bassist, Thumper Thompson and drummer, John Dummer, went on to form ‘Darts”, after the release of the John Dummer Band’s fifth album.

    Incidentally, Joanne Kelly, her brother Dave Kelly (Blues Band) and Tony McPhee (Groundhogs) were members of the John Dummer Band at various times.

    Onnyhoo, around 6 or 7 years ago, I did a YouTube search for the band and ONE video turned up. (loads of videos now.) It was my first exposure to the concept of the ‘mashup’. This is what I found – and how could I complain? The John Dummer Band, Slade and Linda Carter! (Didn’t she have wonderful eyes, a bit like Leanne Wood?)

    link to

    And to the second mashup I found. I watch this around once a year and it is still liable to cause eye lubrication. I find it quite powerful… I still haven’t worked out whether it’s the fact that John Lennon was taken too soon, the hypocrisy of Bush and Blair, or the images of suffering.

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Typical – out of the snug and no mention of the new off-topic sprung dance floor.

  143. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ooh, Thepnr! Serendipity!

    Status Quo: their first album when they changed style was entitled “Ma Kelly’s Greasy Spoon”. It was named after the mother of Joanne and Dave Kelly, who ran a transport cafe, which was used by all the bands who were on the road around the greater London area in the late 60s.


    link to

    and, just came across this,

    link to

  144. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s one to make you feel ‘venerable’. Status Quo before they existed. 🙂

    The Specters – (We Ain’t Got) Nothing Yet.
    link to

  145. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr I swear I was going to play that same song last night. with the punch line labours new anthem. I will play this Qou one for them instead. link to

  146. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, that should have been less venerable. 😉

  147. Cactus says:

    G’dafternoon folks.

    Has anyone got an up-to-date list of names for the Clyde Bar boogey on Saturday the 25th July in Helensburgh?

    Personalised badges are being arranged.


  148. Thepnr says:

    Here are the quo with the same song 45 years later.

    link to

    Wonder what I’ll be doing in 45 years time 🙂 45 has a certain ring to it does it not:)

  149. Betty Boop says:


    I’m not listening to enough of our old music – really enjoyed hearing SQ’s Down the Dustpipe again.

    Good grief, 1970! Great summer, happy song –

    link to

    and a bit more serious, still playing then,

    link to

  150. Thepnr says:

    @Betty Boop

    Excellent choices Betty for those of us of a certain vintage.

    Continuing with the 70’s theme, bet you don’t remember this?

    link to

    Original and far better than the paul Young version IMO.

  151. Taranaich says:

    I did a post regarding Brian’s comment on Grave Digger, but the comment goblins must’ve eaten it: I encountered the band in college, and was a big fan. They’ve done more Scots stuff since Tunes of War, it’s great.

    Also, I’m still a bit off Private Eye.

    link to

    Silly Gnome.

  152. Michael McCabe says:

    Independence I WOULD GIVE everything I OWN. link to

  153. Thepnr says:


    I don’t know why but I am in the mood for some good songs and a bit of reminiscing and that was GOOD.


  154. Betty Boop says:


    Aye, there’s that “vintage” word again which is just too accurate for comfort. Ach well, all the best songs were way back then 🙂

    Since you are in the reminiscing mood, just to get your feet tapping after Thunderclap, a belter from a wee bit later:

    link to

    @ Taranaich

    Very appropriate from The Jam re the media.

  155. Thepnr says:

    Ahh Suzie, now she was HOT!

    Pherrr, better go and cool off now 🙂

  156. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Michael.

    “Everything I Own”, Ken Boothe.

    In 1974, Pete the Camera volunteered to drive my ex-fiance up to Aberdeen to visit either the ‘Green Shield’ or ‘S&H Pink’ stamp shop/warehouse, to redeem her stamps.

    I think it was around Stonehaven that ‘Everything I own’ came out of the car radio.

    Onnyhoo, the 70s…

    This was another single that I thought had chart potential, but bombed (Got to #42.). An Edinburgh band who shared the BCR’s manager. Originally called “Bilbo Baggins”, they had to truncate it to “Bilbo”, because of complaints from Tolkien’s estate.

    link to

  157. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    Have you seen this pic?

    link to

  158. Michael McCabe says:

    Ah Brian I Remember going to court for Stealing Green Shield stamps. I got sentenced to 3 months and a brand new kettle. I remember Bilbo Baggins. I remember the bay city rollers when Nobby Clark was the lead singer. Anyway this is not the seventies but I think it is a good thing. link to

  159. Michael McCabe says:

    Brian that’s a Brilliant pic of Scotlands Golden Girl.

  160. Thepnr says:


    It’s obvious you were deeply involved in the music scene in Dundee in the 70’s.

    Remember this? link to

  161. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    I have that single! That’s why I was a tad disappointed with the upload to YouTube (which I saw a couple of years ago) – whoever did it has speeded up the track to the extent that it is almost the chipmunks.

    If you want to hear it (or download it) at the correct speed. check out this link on my web space:-

    link to

    And from the same page, here’s a mashup I used to do live in Jaspers Night Club, in the 90s. I found the ‘Pop Will Eat Itself’ track (Def Con 1) of interest, because I lost count at 9, as to the number of samples used in it.

    link to

    BTW: you may have to download those files before you play them. Let me know how you get on.

  162. Betty Boop says:


    That’s it, you have probably floored Alex with that pic. He was already off for a cold shower! Politics and … err…! That’ll put the heart rate up.

    Paula, Paula, Thepnr needs soothing!

  163. Thepnr says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    Regarding shithouse door it had to be downloaded but was well worth it just to hear them sing “I hear you banging on the lavvy door”.

    As a wee boy living on the pletties I can well remember Sunday mornings when you just ahd to “hud it in” LOL

    I read your comments posted earlier on dundee retro, I noticed that a female called Lesley posts, I think I know her. Her friend was Alison Burns and the two of them were part of Dundees first punks. Did you know either of them?

    Alison became a jazz singer with some success.

    This is Alison now.

    link to

  164. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Deee Lite, ‘Groove Is In The Heart’ (live) –

    link to

  165. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Hahaha your at the wind up. You know I’ve already had to take a cold shower? I can only put up with so much in a day.

    Behave yersel 🙂

  166. Betty Boop says:

    I’m rather enjoying this wee stroll down memory lane for us auld yins.

    @Michael McCabe. Got to tell you that I considered myself really fortunate that I managed to filter out most of the 1980s and 90s when it comes to “pop” music. After a year or so travelling relatively media free, I returned to a friend’s home on the continent and turned on the telly in time to see these visions in braces and tartan trousers at half mast and decided to go back into music hibernation mode!

    I did, however, enjoy Fine Young Cannibals, ta.

    @Bdtt, Brian, are you Dundee’s music equivalent of the National Archives by any chance? I hadn’t heard of Bilbo, but, I don’t think I am alone there.

    All this talk of Greenshield and S&H Pink stamps; jings, we led the high life, did we not? Used to be an S&H shop in Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, I recall. Aah, the simple pleasures.

  167. smithie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon you must remember this lol.
    link to

  168. Paula Rose says:

    Darlings if–2#/story gets there I will be doing a live interview! See the real me!

  169. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    Lesley and Alison were members of the first punk generation at the Bowlin’ Alley. (The generations were only 4 years, coz that was the turnover in students, due to length of degree course.)

    The other names I recall from that group were Abe MacIntosh and Mike Strachan, who now (?) runs Beiderbeck’s.

    I have a reel to reel tape of Skeets in the Bowlin’ Alley which is still waiting to be transferred on to my Mac. In it, in the middle 8, Mike Marra(?) goes through a list of public bogs in Dundee, “Not forgetting Seabraes.”


    Hi Betty Boop.

    I’ve been going through my memories to see if there’s anything else Scottish, that maybe you haven’t heard. I did Shabby Tiger a couple of weeks ago, so let’s think…

    Here you go…
    Jim Kelly, who is credited with co-writing this song, was previously with Honeybus and played on their single, “Girl Of Independent Means”.

    link to

    Onnyhoo, this is, probably, the most famous band in the world in Dundee, after The Average White Band.

    link to

  170. Thepnr says:

    The term “he had them eating out of the palm of his hand” could have been written for this man. A true star and has left a legacy that is unlikely ever to be surpassed.

    I know a bit over the top, but he was GREAT.

    link to

  171. Thepnr says:


    I really enjoyed that, thanks for posting the link. Oh innocent days.

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    I’d guess you also knew Vince Piggot too?

    Lesley and Alison wearing fishnet stockings on a minibus to Dunfermline on the way to see The Adverts was a sight to behold 🙂 Sorry ladies if your reading this and I’ve spoke out of turn.

  172. smithie says:

    Thepnr says:
    11 June, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    The term “he had them eating out of the palm of his hand” could have been written for this man. A true star and has left a legacy that is unlikely ever to be surpassed.

    I know a bit over the top, but he was GREAT.

    Thepnr, No my friend, no way over the top. One of the greatest performer ever, sadly missed.

  173. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi smithie.

    I was JUST too young for The Hap, but I do know pensioners who went there…

    Onnyhoo, my last video for tonight. This was inspired by Mike Galloway, the supremo of Planning & Transportation & Economic Development in Dundee, who, in answer to a question at a meeting of the City Centre & Harbour Community Council, gave an answer.

    Q. Why was it decided, in 2005, to remove the roundabouts from the original Waterfront Masterplan, adopted, after public consultation, in 2000?

    MG’s answer? “Roundabouts allow traffic to flow freely”.
    Here’s the ‘Downfall’ explanation,

    link to

    And here’s the explanation from the the video we put together for a presentation at a CC&HCC meeting.

    link to

  174. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Vince Piggott – I know the name but wouldn’t recognise him if he gave me a punch in the pü$$.

    Onnyhoo, definitely my last piece of music for tonight…

    Recorded live in the Bowlin’ Alley, at the final of the ‘Marketgait Marvels’ talent competition, this is Colossus.

    link to

  175. smithie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon, naw nae way mate are you getting away with that yea auld git. You MUST ken o Washingtons in Union street run by Ciano who also had the Hap?. Ps ive met you and you look auld enough LoL.

  176. smithie says:

    Thepnr says:
    11 June, 2015 at 11:30 pm


    I really enjoyed that, thanks for posting the link. Oh innocent days.
    Indeed sir,as an 18 year old that is where i met my wife. Many happy memories indeed

  177. Thepnr says:


    Haha well done that might put Brians gas at a peep for a while! Just kidding Brian see you in Helensburgh next month. You too smithie if you can make it along.

    @Paula Rose

    Well done you, i think an interview with THE Paula Rose on Indy Live would go down a treat. Not just with the Yes supporters, I know you have other fans too.

  178. smithie says:

    Many thanks thepnr, would love to be there (fished there and loved the area) apart fae the midges, but i am shy really

  179. Thepnr says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    A wee bit of whitabootery. You got a problem wie traffic lights like?

  180. smithie says:

    HeHe i was a biker at the time, i suppose nothing has changed,well at least if you lot will tell me so?

  181. Ian Brotherhood says:

    FWIW, I think the exposure of Paula Rose via any form of electronic media is an appalling idea, and I will oppose it with every being of my fibre.

    At the very least, WOS’s very own ‘Rose’ should not be subjected to the salacious probing and ‘creative editing’ which would undoubtedly ensue. The judicious use of Chinese screens and voice modulation may, perhaps, make such an event possible, but the central objection will remain – Paula Rose has been beyond the reach of MSM vulgarity for a long time now, and many of us would have her removed further still, for all our sakes.

    What right has anyone? to jeopardise her hard-won Garboesque aura? That’s why I would urge responsible Wingers to completely ignore link to

  182. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Yes, you may have a point there about Paula. We don’t want her all over the Daily Heil yet, best do at a time of our choosing.

    I know that Paula likes Michael Marra so this is specially for her. “If Dundee Was Africa.”

    link to

  183. Michael McCabe says:

    These home made Drummers. link to

  184. Michael McCabe says:

    This Song did not catch on in fact its Borderline. link to

  185. Michael McCabe says:

    Just found this on you tube so I thought I would share. link to

  186. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    That young guy playing the drums was impressive, glad I watched it.

  187. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to meeting you all at Helensburgh.

  188. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Missing Bateman article

    Serious Trouble at BBC Scotland
    by derekbateman1

    The reputation of BBC Scotland takes yet another serious hit today as details begin to emerge of shocking management behaviour in News and Current Affairs. Since the summer of 2011 when John Boothman became head of the department stories began to circulate of inappropriate activity towards staff and unprofessional relationships with outside interests – some of which I reported here in his dealings with Labour Party spin doctors.


    What the public did not know was the degree of stress placed on staff by an executive whom many at Pacific Quay believed was wrongly put in charge. In recent weeks I have spoken to and heard from journalists either signed off work or operating under duress. Grown men admit to breaking down. One has been under threat of redundancy for over two years.

    Senior management have dismissed and played down consistent staff concerns which have been taken to them both formally and privately. But a situation arose before the General Election which they could no longer ignore when a staff member recorded comments made about them by Boothman. These were not just unprofessional and in breach of BBC guidelines but were profoundly wounding to the individual concerned.

    They gave the BBC no option but to act. The incident has also hardened attitudes in the newsroom to the extent that a threat was made of strike action if Boothman was not removed.

    The Director General has been involved in the case. Whatever action is taken, the line of responsibility goes far beyond one person and reflects badly on the administration of a key national institution which has turned a blind eye to case after case of intimidation and believed itself invulnerable to action. Many thousands of Scots have either stopped believing the BBC’s output or stopped consuming it altogether. The latest controversy will confirm their worst fears about out of touch and dysfunctional management and add to calls for both an immediate change at Director level and the devolution of broadcasting. More details to follow.

  189. Thepnr says:

    Got a new ringtone. Any thoughts?

    link to

  190. Betty Boop says:


    Re Ringtone: Are you having a bad day, Alex…? Or just a wtf day? 🙂

  191. Robert Sneddon says:

    “Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    6 June, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    “Hi all, have the new WBB’s – the ones with tinfoil hats (hehe), and the badges if one was in a position to provide enough readies for, been posted out yet?”

    “They should have been, I’m looking into it.”

    Hello @Rev. Stuart Campbell, not sure if you have posted an update anywhere yet – apologies if you have and I’ve missed it, and apologies for chasing you if you are still waiting on feedback yourself about them.



  192. Lollysmum says:

    A really, really awful day is it? Nothing can be that bad surely?

  193. Thepnr says:

    Sorry if I upset any of you readers, I feel like a bit of a Twat, which reminds me:

    link to

  194. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi smithie.

    Where did we meet?


    Traffic lights…

    If originally planned roundabouts (driver-controlled) are replaced by traffic light controlled junctions (as they have been), who is it supposed to benefit? Drivers, or Siemens?

    link to

  195. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry Brian, but everyone knows they’re called circles, not roundabouts. 😉

    Anyhoo, here are a couple of very flamboyant gentlemen with a very young Hendrix.

    Buddy & Stacy – Shotgun
    link to

    Thanks again bro.

  196. Thepnr says:

    True, in a bit of a mood today. It happens to us all. I’m going to turn in early but will leave you with this. I promise no sweary words in sight.

    link to

  197. Betty Boop says:

    No worries Alex. Stuff gets us down, but, other stuff lifts us up again.

    This one has been going round in my head since my yoof and if you stick with it, I’ve put on a wee show near the end! 🙂

    link to

  198. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –

    Good stuff.


  199. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Very moving stuff here – first part of a documentary about George Melly’s last tour.

    link to

  200. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    Maybe this is more in tune with your mental position today?

    link to

  201. Michael McCabe says:

    Paul Simon This should be Obvious. link to

  202. Paula Rose says:

    Gotta Get Away – from the UK…

    link to

  203. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A wee oddity:

    John Lydon, with Harvey Keitel, doing some ‘acting’ –

    link to

  204. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    On Thursday night, I mentioned ‘Girl Of Independent Means’ by Honeybus, in connection with Dundee’s Jim Kelly. In that post, I didn’t provide a link for that song so here it is – another weel kent riff from the Shadows of Night’s song, which I have posted before, in relation to Bowie’s plagiarism, but will post again.

    Honeybus –
    link to

    Shadows Of Knight –
    link to

  205. Michael McCabe says:

    A wee duet. link to

  206. Thepnr says:

    Hey Brian

    You great sage of all things musical 🙂

    Do you remember this Dundee band who didn’t quite make it to the big time?

    link to

  207. Paula Rose says:

    Please please do not donate to–2#/story because it will be embarrassing for me.

  208. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    The Drive. I’ve been pals with Ronnie Jack, the drummer on that, from years before that recording. He was in City Square on the Saturday after the GE.

    If you’re looking for a wee cyber diversion any time, go to Google and paste in,

    “Ronnie Jack” drummer

    You’ll be eyebrows raised at just how many bands he’s drummed with.

    What do you call someone who hangs about with musicians?
    A drummer.


  209. Michael McCabe says:

    A Bottle of White A Bottle of Red Perhaps a Bottle of Rose instead ? link to

  210. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    Here’s a quote from one of the links you’ll find if you Google (as above).

    Bruce Money – “I played bass on the record. It was reviewed in the Sunday Mail under “Banned Punks Cut Own Sex Single”. I still have the article. Ronnie Jack ‘phoned me the same day concerned that his aunty might read it, since we were named. We were neither banned nor punks. Bruce Money, Exhibition, The Hot Club, Poker Alice, Crawler, Exhibition again reformed.

    link to

  211. Thepnr says:

    Yes Brian

    Roger Patterson played in that band, his old man had the taxis on tofthill. He was in my class at school. I was the brainy one LOL so couldn’t get in a band, nobody would have me!

  212. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Michael.

    Perhaps a Bottle of Rose instead ?

    Here you are, from the early 70s:-

    link to

    Or, you could plump for ‘Spanish Wine’ from 1976…

    link to

  213. Thepnr says:

    I can see the problem that “The Drive” had.

    If the main lyric in your song is “Can’t stop jerkin over you” the executives are not exactly going to be fighting over themselves in beating a path to your door.

    Who cares? well done to the guys that formed The Drive.

    I was going to give you a link to another unknown Dundee band that you would know funnily enough 🙂

    The Junkies lead singer Vince Piggot and on bass Alison Burns, anyway I couldn’t find it on Youtube, which may be just as well. Eeek!

  214. Michael McCabe says:

    Cheers Brian Fair enjoyed they two tracks. Mind I don’t drink Wine. Prefer a pint and a Brandy.

  215. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Michael.

    Brandy? No problem!

    link to

    And here’s your (non-alcoholic) pint…

    link to

  216. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Alex – you must have been hingin’ oot around the Bowlin’ Alley, 1977 – 1983ish?

  217. Thepnr says:

    I’m still hanging about the bowling alley!

    By the way, any spare change widnae go amiss, pal,

  218. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Here’s some Spare Change for you. link to

  219. cearc says:

    Paula Rose, honey.

    You could use purdah. Sit behind the curtain and whisper to an actor who speaks your words.

  220. john king says:

    Dont mind me guys Im just using off topic to check if the problem I had with kewords linking to adverts is fixed
    fingers crossed its fixed because even when I click on the down arrows I get redirected to some bloody advert grrr!

  221. john king says:

    Nope, still seeing the words highlighted in blue with a little square green think with what looks like a tick in the top right corner,and when clicked on it takes me to different ads and in the bottom right corner it now says ad by WA it was another ad like adserve or something earlier.
    Losing the will to live!

    anybody got any advice?

  222. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi John.

    I don’t get anything like what you describe. I’m using Firefox with the Adblock Plus add-on installed.

    I’m sure Rev Stu said ages ago that he wouldn’t allow adverts on Wings?


    Hi Michael.

    I prefer this (Dundee) version of that ‘Spare Change’ song:-

    link to

  223. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    It’s amazing just what’s turning up on YouTube these days.

    “A prime cut from the Seagate Studio, Dundee, recording session of Spring 1981, written and performed by Iain Carnegie, Jim Farrell, Cliff Smith and Kevin Devlin (aka The Megazones)”.

    Cliff Smith worked with me in Claude Alexander in the late 70s.

    link to

  224. Chic McGregor says:

    Basically repeating a point I made on Bella, but which I don’t want to do on Wings mainstreet, even if it is political, so posting here on OT for discussion.

    As you all probably know I am a long time supporter of independence, the SNP and EU membership. I guess a fair number here are too.

    However that does not blind me to the fact there are many pro indy folk who are also anti-EU, for whatever reason(s) and many are understandable reasons as well, even if I do not agree with them.

    In the past, those folk have, therefore, often had to choose between the two at various votes.

    Now we would hope, at such times, everyone would put normal levels of self government for Scotland ahead of their dislike of the EU.

    But really we know that that is not at all likely to be true in every case. Those who are only marginally pro indy but strongly anti EU probably did not vote the way we would have liked.

    Exactly how many are in that category, who knows?
    But it almost certainly has lost us votes in the past, even for the indy ref. (Not helped by the fact the SNP refused to put a post indy EU referendum in the mix. Cameron stole a march on us there.)

    But that is all water under the bridge, what concerns me now is this suggestion that a no vote for the EU referendum could be the ‘changed circumstance’ which triggered an indy ref2.


    To me it sounds such a stupid idea I really wonder whether they have thought this through.

    They are proposing that at a time when the UK has, effectively if not actually, left the EU, we then give pro indy/anti EU voters an even starker choice than they have ever had before.

    Vote Yes to get indy and return to the EU
    Vote No to stay in the UK and remain out of the EU.

    No future conditionals involved here.
    A clear and present split choice, immediate effect, mandate.

    Also this would be done at a time when after a brutal and highly polarising EU campaign the No voters, including the indy leaning ones, would still be in various stages of euphoria.

    I do not think we would have a chance of winning an indy ref 2
    in those circumstances.

    I would much rather they had given indy ref triggering ‘change of circumstance’ examples like 1. if the polls indicate it is what the people want 2. If the UK leaves the ECHR. 3. if the UK embarks on another illegal war 4. if the the Smith Commission/Vow is not met 5. if they bring in EVEL 6. if they allow TTPI to operate on Scottish NHS 6. If Trident renewal goes ahead 7. If the reactors of nuclear submarines are to be buried at Rosyth 8. if the Barnett formula is dropped – and umpteen other ‘circumstances’ it is possible to choose.

    Anything else but a forced, immediate effect, EU membership choice tied to the indy vote.

    Even, in the highly unlikely event that the SNP belatedly saw sense and included a post indy EU reverendum timetable in the indy proposals, it would be too little too late in those circumstances. IMHO.

    What are your thoughts?

  225. Oneironaut says:

    @john king
    Sounds like you got a bit of a malware infestation in your browser there…

    Been at the naughty websites? 😉 (Like the Scottish Labour site!)

  226. Michael McCabe says:

    Come On Scotland link to

  227. smithie says:

    Oneironaut says:
    14 June, 2015 at 11:31 am

    @john king
    Sounds like you got a bit of a malware infestation in your browser there…
    Thank god i got that wrong, i read that as infestation in your trousers there…Jeez you would be in trouble then John.
    By the way,when does the party start?…
    OK may i kick off with this?
    link to

  228. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi smithie.

    You have neglected to answer my query from 12 June, 2015 at 6:23 pm.

    link to

    Don’t start posting YouTube vids until you’ve dealt with the more important matters! I didn’t get to where I am today, by being in a different place at another time.


  229. Smithie says:

    LoL sorry Brian i wiz knackered (excuse) that night mate. Think back to a Brechin centre with Tartan Tory and Thepnr/and the wonderfull Mz Rose, and also The count at Arbroath at the Ref. So now may i continue to post my friend?, cheers ta lol

  230. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi smithie.

    I blame Tartan Tory. He, obviously, assumed that we all knew each other and, therefore, neglected the introduction protocol. What an erse, iye?

    Still looking in TT?

    I love you really – you let me and Pete hang on to the very end at the Arbroath count, while you…

    We absorbed your pain.


    • Paula Rose says:

      Smithie dear, Bdtt just spins the discs he has no say over door policy.

  231. Smitie says:

    OK Brian while you think about it, i’m gonna sneek this one in,

  232. Oneironaut says:

    Well, a malware infestation in the browser, is probably not as bad as a maleware infestation in the trousers! 😉

  233. smithie says:

    Paula Rose says:
    14 June, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    Smithie dear, Bdtt just spins the discs he has no say over door policy.
    Bless you dear, was trying not to upset anyone, so may i post some more vids? Lol

  234. smithie says:

    No sweat whatsoever peeps, all good, lets get onto some good sounds now, ( well as long as at it aint punk) lol

  235. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s a sneak preview of a clue in tomorrow’s National crossword:

    ‘Old Scots offal that Lee gummed wildly (5-4)’

    Please don’t request a sneak preview of the answer, for two very good reasons:

    1. Refusal often offends.
    2. I’ve forgotten it.

  236. Paula Rose says:

    Smithie – OUT!

  237. Paula Rose says:

    Ian Brotherhood honey – we enjoy Greg Moodie’s previews on twittie, enough said?

  238. smithie says:

    Ok Paula son, pfft

  239. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Oh smithie – you’ve $h@† your troosers, or blotted your copybook, with your “no punk” comment. Paula Rose, from this day forward, will no longer bear your offspring.

    To try and get her back onside, I will offer this…

    link to

    And for smithie,

    link to


    link to

  240. smithie says:

    Ok cheers Brian, sorry bud, much appreciated.

  241. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Ach well, ye can’t please all of the proverbials etc etc…

    Let’s just crack-on and start a new leaf, eh?

    To that end, I have just cracked another bottle of ‘Bawbag’s Moet’, i.e. Lambrini.

    Bottoms-up! 😉

  242. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Chic McGregor.

    An interesting post but I am tended towards the EU for one reason – the TUPE regulations, which prevented us, University employees, from being transferred to NHS Tayside, in Ninewells Hospital.

    The reason the transfer failed was because NHS Tayside THOUGHT they knew it all, because they had handled TUPE transfers in the past.

    The difference was that their previous transfers were bringing previously outsourced employees back ‘in house’, which was what these employees wanted, compared to us, who didn’t want to be transferred.

    When we hit them with the TUPE regulations, it took a year, but NHS Tayside eventually removed themselves from the transfer process.

    So, generally, I’m in favour of the EU as an organisation but as Farage has divulged, it need reformation.

  243. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Where is Bugger The Panda these days? I haven’t been able to keep across all threads lately, so he may be as active as ever, but I don’t recall seeing his big black and white coupon for a while.

    ‘Broadsword calling BTP…Broadsword calling BTP…come in BTP…’

  244. smithie says:

    Yea your right Ian you cant please all of the proverbials etc, hows yer Lambrini doing?

  245. Michael McCabe says:

    I have noticed Bugger the Panda on twitter Quite a lot.

  246. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    You must have missed this, from a couple of days ago…

    link to

  247. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    !!! 😉 🙂 Cheers. I am well and truly back-and-fronted.

    Sorry BTP – I remember reading that comment, and didn’t even click it was by your good self.

    Well, I hope you know you were missed all the same, even if it was a mistake.

  248. Grouse Beater says:

    BtP last expressed disappointment in some aspect of Wings, maybe the delay in responses appearing on the board – sorry, can’t remember. Good fighter for the cause. I like him. I’m sure he’ll pop by again soon.

    I think immediacy of Twitter suits him more, although personally I find its severe constraints reduce good argument to mere base opinion. But it sure as hell sharpens up my one-liners.

  249. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Unusually, this track has had NO (i.e. ‘zero’) views on Youtube. If it does show ‘1 View’ when you click on it, that’s me…

    TBH, sounds alright to me.

    Diplomatic Shit, ‘Drunk In The House Of Lords’

    link to

  250. Grouse Beater says:

    I seem to have upset some twitter self-abuser called Jill Stephenson. Sensed a callow male yoof behind the pallid smoke screen of infantile responses. After I got in three barbed hits she-he backed off into the night.

    BD on BtP – that long post on BBC shenanigans you remind us of confirms what I thought – he is saving his ammo for the big stuff, and dipping in here less often.

  251. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Smithie (11.51) –

    Thank you kindly for asking.

    I must inform you, with immense regret, that the Lambrini, like me, is totally done.


  252. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    Usually, a YouTube video has at least one view, by the person uploading it, checking it’s appeared ok.
    If it has zero views, it indicates that the uploader wasn’t really bothered how it looked.

    Not a good advert, iye?

  253. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Grouse Beater –

    Seeing as you’re in the howff at this ungodly hour, it gives me a chance to ask something I’ve been meaning to sound you out about for a while.

    The Christmas Tree files?

    I don’t know to what extent you are restricted by having been employed in the Beeb, having to sign OSA etc, but this has been bugging me for a long time. Like many others, I’m a jobbing writer, and, being Glasgow-based for most of my life, spent many years trying to get a toe in Qn Mgt Drive. Almost did it, good few times, but there’s always the nagging suspicion that the ‘file’ has been stamped.

    I believe that Michael Rosen, author, secured confirmation that his personnel file had indeed been stamped with that infamous logo, but that was a good while ago. I wonder if they still do it, and whether or not they have a new ‘stamp’ to indicate that the miscreant is of a ‘nationalist’ bent? (A small thistle, perhaps, would be tasteful?)

    Curious for any insights.

  254. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –


    You’d think they would’ve got their pals and grannies and some neighbours to have a swatch.

    Then again, maybe they really don’t care what anyone thinks about their stuff, in which case, fair play to them.

    Perhaps, now that they’ve been highlighted in the Off-Topic section of a Scottish Independence-supporting website, they’ll become global. Stranger things have happened.

  255. Grouse Beater says:


    Remember, I’ve been out of the BBC well over a decade (hence I never met Bateman) and so can’t confirm if the tree is still used – a government imposed icon. I’ve dealt with them many times since, of course, as a freelance with a production company.

    I suspect the icon as a method of identification got traded for another once Rosen ‘outed’ the practice.

    I do know heads of department keep informal black book lists of people ‘inappropriate’ to be commissioned or employed. If your submission fails for some reason, and it could be the most trivial of reasons, your commercial value is pretty well tarnished. Sorry to be so depressing.

    Mind you, sensing I was placed on a blacklist I determined to fool the BBC. I used a pseudonym and refused to meet the BBC producer on the basis I am incapable of travelling distances, doing all my communication by e-mail and phone. I was given 5 new commissions.

    Might resort to the same ruse for this female-driven television play I have smouldering away. 😉

  256. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Grouse Beater –

    Cheers for response, and please don’t apologise – nothing ‘depressing’ there for anyone who was aware of the reality. It merely helps confirm what we knew all along, and anyone who tries to raise the old ‘tin-foil hat’ canard can just GTF.

    The BBC is a rank rotten organisation, and the people of Scotland do not need it.

  257. Michael McCabe says:

    A lot of People have done this Song. This is my Favourite Version. link to

  258. Michael McCabe says:

    Next link to

  259. Cactus says:

    G’dmorning nightshifters, cheers for Sunday nights music and entertainment.. here’s a song by another Scottish band that’ll get your Monday going.. try playing this on the bus/train when you’re heading to work 🙂

    BBB by N
    link to

    New page award goes to Michael, congrats dude and
    Welcome to off-topic Page 25 y’everybuddy!

  260. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Cactus That was a Great Track. Cheers.

  261. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    Further on ‘Drunk In The House Of Lords’.

    If you click on ‘more info’ underneath the video, you find “Auto-generated by YouTube” and the uploader is named as “Various Artists – Topic”.

    If you look at the list of videos to the right of the video, there are others by “Various Artists – Topic” with either one view or no views.

    The question is, why is YouTube auto-generating uploads? Someone should explore this further; I can’t be @®$€d!

  262. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I see we’re back to being returned to the previous page when we submit a comment…

  263. Chic McGregor says:

    The other day standing in the garden in bright sunshine when a quite heavy shower started, I was reminded of this oldie.

    Not one of Fogerty’s most melodic efforts (he wrote a LOT of great tunes, up there with the very best of them) but it has something less definable about it.

    link to

  264. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    Hmm, curious. I hadn’t heard of that before.

    I suspect if I was ever to be in a position to submit something to the BBC, my own file would probably have a few “undesirable” stamps on it.
    (In fact it would probably end up looking like a children’s sketch book with all the little pictures all over it!)

    I know if I ever publish anything, I’ll be using a pseudonym, as I really really hate my own name.

    Maybe you should try using one of your own.

    Might I suggest “John Knighthood”? A good “British Sounding”(tm) name they can’t possibly turn down! 😀

  265. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Chic.

    The Bay City Rollers used to do that CCR song, along with “Hey Tonight”, also from CCR’s ‘Pendulum’ album.

  266. Chic McGregor says:

    Aye Brian, a few have covered that one including Rod Feart.

    Really liked their stuff back in the 60’s. Always popular with bands at the dancin.

    Here is a less popular one which for me was the first real example of heavy rock, a kind of proto metal.

    link to

  267. Jim Thomson says:

    Stuck here watching the Westminster voting shenanigans.

    Made me think of this

    link to

  268. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    You’ll have to excuse me for taking ‘off-topic’ off topic with this post.

    I’m sticking it here (I did think about Quarantine but decided here was appropriate) to save sticking it on one of the main pages. It’s for Grouse Beater, yesindyref2 and Robert Peffers.

    All the typing about Scottish involvement in polar exploration leads me to flag up the link below. If you check it out, you’ll find that I have provided further links in the text. And other contributors have added padding.

    link to|

    And I’ll even provide an appropriate music video:-

    link to

  269. Grouse Beater says:

    Brian: Scottish involvement in polar exploration

    Pure coincidence (and perfect timing) my topic is all over the MSM tabloids today – I began my research months ago, got intense three weeks ago, zapped out the essay Saturday overnight, refining it Sunday morning.

    Prescient, or what? 🙂

  270. Grouse Beater says:

    Gawd, I hate midnight!

    Something to do with losing daylight and facing another morning rise before yesterday’s work still before me is complete. However, for some mysterious reason once it’s 1am I ease out of the blues.

  271. Michael McCabe says:

    If at first we don’t succeed Lets. link to Aye till I die.

  272. Paula Rose says:

    Who’s going to Glasgow on Saturday and can do a detour to Brechin?

  273. Paula Rose says:

    Ooh just posted that and went back in time!

  274. X_Sticks says:


    Very sorry I won’t be able to give you a ride this Saturday even if you did wear the heels and offer those delicious strokes. I’ll be winging off to the land of freedom and democracy (no, not London, the yooessaa) early Sunday 🙁

    Nae back ’til next weekend. Bummer.

  275. Paula Rose says:

    X_Sticky – does that mean we will be graced by your presence in Helen’s burgie?

  276. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hiya, more generally Paula, who’s all going to be in the square on Saturday?

    I am 😉

  277. X_Sticks says:


    Nope, not going to make it. Should be passing by at 36,00ft around 06:30 on Sat. 🙁

    Watch out for golden showers around then 😉

  278. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Pete the Camera & yours truly onnyhoo…

  279. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And, I understand, a minibus from Dundee.

  280. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    So, for everyone travelling to Glasgow on Saturday:-

    link to

  281. Oneironaut says:

    If it’s the STUC rally on the 20th everyone is talking about, then I’ll be going along there with the Ayrshire SSP crew.

    Either be spending the day attached to one side of a banner, or doing my unofficial photographer bit (maybe both) 🙂

    Might see you all there! 😀

  282. Chic McGregor says:


    One of my favourite bands from the 60’s, plus I get to continue the rain theme with this early influential, if unacknowledged, classic.
    At the time Hendrix said it was the best release of 1967.
    It has an incredibly rich underbelly due to the highly unusual usage of two base guitars. A few months later Status Quo had their first UK hit with Matchstick Men which, while by no means a cover, had a similar look, feel and vibe.
    Dean Ford is another songwriter who is not as well known as he should be.

    link to

  283. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Chic.

    You posted that link almost exactly a year ago.
    We had a blether about Marmalade and The Poets and so on, at the time. (7-8th June 2014)

    link to

    Believe it or no’, that’s on Page 4 of ‘off-topic’ -we’re now on Page 26!

    So here’s a couple for you, from 1967ish…

    “The Left Banke is an American baroque pop rock band that formed in New York City in 1965, disbanded in 1969, reformed in 2011 and again in 2015, with original lead singer Steve Martin Caro. They are best remembered for their two US hit singles, “Walk Away Renée” and “Pretty Ballerina”. The band often utilized what the music press referred to as “baroque” string arrangements, which led to their music being variously termed as “Bach-rock”, “baroque rock”, or “baroque ‘n’ roll””

    link to

    link to

  284. Paula Rose says:

    Page 26 of the world’s greatest off-topic page ever! Who would of thought that from a wee acorn such a mighty oak would grow?

  285. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Best as I can make out, this was recorded on Sunday, in Dublin, as part of Bloomsday celebrations.

    On Independence Day we’ll all, as if by magic, remember how to dance like this dude:

    link to

  286. Paula Rose says:

    Darling – you were dancing like that at the last Wings thingie – don’t you remember?

  287. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    I do remember, but I don’t know how I did it. Mind you, that eighth pint of Guinness tasted a bit dodgy – I hope you didn’t slip anything in it.

  288. Thepnr says:

    Currently stranded in NE of England, I was going to attend on Saturday with my wife, her friend and Paula, but now personally cant make it due to work.

    For various reasons even though my wife and her friend will still be going, Paula has been left without transport from Brechin, seems like though if she can make it to Dundee there might be a bus.

    It’s my fault so if anyone could lend a hand to make sure Cinderella gets to the ball, please let her know.

  289. Paula Rose says:

    1 Pumpkin – check

    Some mice – check

    Fairy Godmother – glance around…

  290. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    I just got a message saying that a perk was winging its way to me!!

  291. Kelpie says:


    Me too!

  292. X_Sticks says:

    @Gillian & Kelpie

    Got my notification too!

    “The Wings Over Scotland Dispatch Team”

    Makes it sound almost organised 🙂

  293. Chic McGregor says:

    Thanks for the links Brian, never heard of them.
    Of course I’m familiar with the 4 Tops version of the first track but never heard the second one.

    SOS about repeating that link. Too many posts, they become a blur.

  294. majestic12 says:

    I think this is so important that it needs to be spread widely. I know off-topic is usually a bit light – hearted. This is anything but, but Scotland, whether independent or not needs to know what is going on internationally,especially as we are still part of the UK and therefore complicit in this murderous madness. I hope the link comes through ok.

    link to

  295. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @majestic12 (7.26) –

    Cheers for that link.

    It’s interesting that you chose to post it here, in ‘off-topic’. From what I can gather, BBC Question Time tonight touched on a lot of the issues which these documents allude to, directly or otherwise, so it’s certainly ‘topical’.

    But that’s where the old chestnut about ‘self-censorship’ comes in – the whole concept of interconnectedness suddenly falls apart when any ‘off-message’ elements are introduced. That’s why anything smacking of conspiracy-theory, state-sponsorship of ‘terrorism’ etc. is a real spanner in the proverbials.

    And this place isn’t immune – there are some very talented spooks/trolls who swiftly pounce on anyone daring to raise such matters in what they ‘claim’ as sacrosanct indyref campaigning territory. Alex Salmond challenged those people this evening by pointing out that the ‘boat-people’ problem in the Mediterranean has been caused, at least in part, by the policies of previous UK governments. That’s probably about as radical a statement as it’s possible to make in the current climate, and he deserves great credit for saying it.

    But let’s see what happens to him tomorrow – Salmond knows precisely what’s he’s doing, and his comments are calibrated to elicit a precise response. The failure of his critics to behave otherwise will only serve to prove how desperate they’ve become.

    (P.S. Gut-feeling is…some Steve Bell effort involving ‘Haggis’ Salmond surrounded by hundreds of grateful, smaller, brown puddings.)

  296. Michael McCabe says:

    The Sensational Alex Harvey Band. Framed (Live) 1974 link to

  297. majestic12 says:

    Ian Brotherhood@12.59am

    I posted the link here because it was not related to any of the threads and I didn’t want to get a bollocking from Stu. Didn’t know where else to put it. Topical it is, but that’s not the same as on-topic.

    Our complicity in everything from 9/11 onwards is a field of great interest to me, and something very close to home. I am really pleased that Alex alluded on QT to our involvement in creating the current chaos in the Med , but that is very far from saying we did it deliberately and are still fostering destabilisation in the Middle East for geopolitical advantage, mostly but not completely with the intention of lessening Russian and Chinese influence in the area. It’s a hugely complex issue and as long as we are part of the UK and sending our Scottish troops and other operatives into these areas, then I believe Scottish people have a right to know what is being done in their name.

    It’s hard to get such information disseminated, believe me, I know, because it is so utterly awful that most people believe it must be “conspiracy theory”. I choose this particular link because it is from a respected source and the documents bona fide declassified papers sought through FoI and through the American courts.

    And yes, I am aware of the type of people monitoring sites like this. I have had past experience in this area. I couldn’t give a flying f**k, to be honest. If even just a few people read the links I have posted, then I’m happy. Yes, I believe passionately in Scottish independence but I’m also very much an internationalist. The lies we are choking on in the MSM about Scotland sometimes, for me at least, pale into not insignificance but limited importance when confronted with the global lies that are ruining millions of lives. If we want to stand on the world stage as a free country of honesty and integrity then we need to know what we are confronting.

    I sincerely hope that one of the first acts of an independent Scotland is the re-opening of the Lockerbie case. It will show the world what we are made of. Or am I just a hopeless idealist?

    Thanks, Ian, for responding to my post.

  298. Michael McCabe says:

    Not bad Entertainment for a railway Station. link to Getting tired. Night all.

  299. Paula Rose says:

    @ majestic 12 – we do heavy-hearted here as well, thanks for the link – very timely for a chat I was having elsewhere.

  300. cearc says:

    majestic 12,

    Thanks very much for that. Nice to have more material on IS being a USUK backed and promoted creation.

    It would be well worth putting in the main threads. ‘Perfidious Alba’ is never off-topic. Stu just (rightly) objects to different topics being raised near the beginnings of threads.

  301. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m glad there is another voice to have joined us, who is aware of the UK’s involvement in promoting international terrorism.

    Waves to GCHQ.

  302. CameronB Brodie says:

    Some history (from an Anglo/American perspective), regarding the “arc of instability”. Contrary to popular belief, Zbigniew Brzezinski didn’t devise the plan to radicalise the Islamic states along Russia’s southern border. Apparently, it was sold to him by the British spook Bernard Lewis, and appears to be a continuation of the Great Game, the objective being the conquest of central Asia.

    link to

    Funny how Foriegn Affairs failed to mention Opperation Cyclone.

    link to

    Please excuse the occasional typo. Thierry isn’t writing in his native tongue.

    The “Clash of Civilizations”
    link to

  303. majestic12 says:

    Thanks folks. It’s heartening to know I’m not a lone “loony” on a hopeless crusade to open people’s eyes to venality on such a huge scale that it’s mind-boggling.

    The aphorism that the bigger the lie the easier it is to sell very much pertains in regards to all things going down in the Maghreb and the Middle East.

    To all these politicians and journalists who sit wringing their hands wondering how we stop the radicalisation process of young people all round the world, and stop them running off to join Daesh in Syria, here’s the answer. Tell them the truth. The Muslim Brotherhood (initially financed by the British Foreign and Commomwealth Office), the Taliban, al-Qaeda, numerous other offshoots and latterly IS are all tools of Western hegemony. When you go and fight for Allah, indeed give up your life for Him, you are actually fighting for the West, and have fallen right into the carefully laid trap. That would stop recruitment stone dead.

    But we can’t be having that, can we? Bashar al Assad and Iran must remain evil and demonic. So too Russia. When I heard Nicola offering her support for American policy in Ukraine and Syria, I felt physically sick. I can only hope it was through unpalatable expedience, rather than conviction.

    It might be an idea if we had another platform on this site, other than off-topic, where such a discussion could continue. Not sure Stu would approve, though. It’s pretty much not Scottish politics, which is Wings raison d’etre.

  304. red sunset says:


    Thanks for putting up that link. I’ve been saying the same for years, the US wanted to destroy all the Arab powers in that region, and have been so cack handed about it. But it really annoys me that the UK and Europe have been involved in this game too. It’s no way to a peaceful world, “violence begets violence”, but they’re so up their own bank accounts they can’t see the dangers.

  305. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi majestic12.

    Welcome the playground that is ‘off-topic’. If you want to explore, you could always go to the location behind the bike sheds, which is for the hardier souls.

    “If people really can’t behave in other comment threads and insist on derailing them with irrelevant and disruptive posts, as a last resort the comments in question will be moved here. People are also free to use it for general off-topic chat.”

    So, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Quarantine” in the left corner.


    Hi Chic.

    It’s a long story, why I’m discovering stuff from the late 60s, that generally comes under the ‘sike-pop’ moniker, and can be kindly described as ‘obscure’, but I won’t bore you with it tonight.

    Here’s a decent one for you:-

    link to

    It gets interesting from 1’55” onwards…

    They were managed by Brian Epstein. You can read a bio here:-

    link to

  306. Paula Rose says:

    Cannot bear the idea of not being with you all tomorrow – so have set up an indie wotsit gogo to crowd fund my chartering of a Lear jet from Brechin airfield to Prestwick- please donate at RavishingBlondNeedsALift thingie – does that work?

  307. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    If you wear the tartan heels and the crotchless balaclava, you may be able to creep onto this bus…

    Bus will be leaving from unite office blackness road Dundee @ 9.30am Saturday.

    link to

  308. Paula Rose says:

    Lear jet halfway funded already Bdtt – and onboard comfort stuff. Strutting onboard – leaves Brechin airfield at 11 am.

  309. Jim Thomson says:

    and a wee digression .. (is that possible in O/T?)

    This makes me think of those awfy nice tory folks in wastemonster.

    link to

  310. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Lear Jet? Are you sure that you believe what your travel agent is telling you?

    From Brechin Airfield, I would have expected a biplane or triplane (less its crop-dusting equipment) and probably landing along St Vincent Place, rather than Prestwick.

    Isn’t Prestwick to Glasgow rather a long way to hobble in your heels? Or, will you be wearing boots?

    link to

  311. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    That last link I gave reminded me me of this sort of stuff…

    link to

  312. Paula Rose says:

    Rev Stu is sending the one we paid for.

  313. Paula Rose says:

    I will be there darlings – be there or be square. Darlings don’t worry I’m bringing my own barstool. (Ronnie Anderson honey – you are coming dearest?)

  314. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Oh, that’ll be the Wings then?

    From Brechin? And you believe?

    Ah preach ma dear friends, you are about to receive…


  315. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    This could work better…

    link to

  316. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    CU 2Morrow, Paula.


  317. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If Brechin does ever get its own airport, we should petition to have it named ‘Paula Rose International’.

    The Motors, ‘Airport’ –

    link to

  318. ronnie anderson says:

    Wings banner under Sir Walter Scott column , thats the tall wan in the middle of the Square

    Hi Paula see you tomorrow.

  319. Paula Rose says:

    The only thing Brechin lacks is an Ian Brotherhood – sob, distraught and grief- stricken.

  320. Paula Rose says:

    Big huggy lovely man – ronnie anderson strokes and kisses xx

  321. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    I may visit one day, if a donkey and suitable quantities of palm leaves can be secured (that’ll give me time to grow a messianic beard!).

  322. Paula Rose says:

    @ Ian B – spankie time.

  323. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @majestic12 –

    It’s heartening to see you got such a positive response to your comment yesterday.

    Fact is, we have broached the heavier stuff before and it all got very nasty. Not so much here, in O/T, but back in the day when ‘Quarantine’ was the only option to the normal threads.

    So many folk are terrified of even listening to certain topics being aired, it’s quite incredible – I can’t locate the precise quote, but I’m sure it was Arthur Miller who said something like this: ‘the very idea that The State can brutalise its own people is so horrific that it must be internalised and denied.’

    We’ve had examples of that happening here, and a tacit consensus appears to have developed whereby certain topics simply are not addressed. If I felt strongly enough about that, on principle, I wouldn’t comment here at all, but I suppose I must be ‘unprincipled’ enough to hope that, eventually, when common sense prevails, such material will be up for discussion.

    In any event, we are where we are – if, for example, some folk can’t handle the fact that all our understanding of science must be (at least temporarily) suspended in order to ‘explain’ what happened in particular terrorist spectaculars, they must also accept the fact that they themselves are being castigated as potential terrorists/’the enemy within’ etc etc for even daring to express a democratic will to be free of Westminster rule.

    We’re down the rabbit-hole here, and the only feasible way is ‘out’. But how to do it?…

  324. Bob Sinclair says:

    Looking forward to tomorrow & catching up with all my wings buddies, those I’ve met before & those I’ve still to meet.

  325. Paula Rose says:

    Ian B dear – you are the only lovely winger not to have visited Brechin even Will Podmore made the pilgrimage xx

  326. Paula Rose says:

    Back on Off-topic, toenails, cerise or turquoise?

  327. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Will Podmore went to Brechin?

    Cor blimey…

    Something about the syllables there…

    The Charlie Daniels Band, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’ –

    link to

  328. Paula Rose says:

    O/T exists for post-punk preambulations and serious discourse, often at he same time xx

  329. Oneironaut says:

    Sometimes, I wonder…
    “Why oh why didn’t I take the BLUE pill?”

    Must have been that lingering scent of denial. The red one had a nice hint of strawberry and freedom in it 🙂

  330. CameronB Brodie says:

    Macy Skipper – Bop Pills 🙂
    link to

  331. Croompenstein says:

    This just came on.. thought i’d share

    link to

  332. Oneironaut says:

    Back home from Glasgow now.

    Was nice to meet some of you again! 😀

    Glad Paula Rose managed to get the Lear Jet sorted out ok there. Red carpet down the steps too. Nice! 😉

  333. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Croompenstein Brilliant Track. Here is our own Aly Bain meets the Cajuns. link to

  334. Paula Rose says:

    Darlings! Touch down in Brechin.

    Well – what a day, finished off by ronnie anderson taking a group of us to his favourite cocktail bar.

    I ordered ‘sex on the rocks’ and you can imagine the discussion that followed! Yes bauxite, basalt, mineral extraction and depletion, glaciation and prevalence of heavy metals in various geological situations!

    I resisted a ‘screwdriver’ as I had a plane to catch.

  335. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Great to see y’all today. We were lucky with the weather, and it was a decent turnout. Job done.

    Where and when next?


    Martha & The Vandellas, ‘Heatwave’ –

    link to

  336. Graeme Doig says:

    Great to see the usual suspects today.

    Ronnie, Ian, it was a pleasure as always.

    Smashing to be in the company of so many good folk fighting against the corruption and abuse of the WM establishment.

  337. Ian Brotherhood says:

    To mark Paula Rose’s heroic effort to attend the rally, here’s an image of the best album cover of all time:

    link to

  338. Paula Rose says:

    @ Graeme Doig – USUAL – Moi?

  339. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Graeme Doig –

    Likewise. Good to have a chat. Hope all goes well for you and yours, and here’s to the next WOS shindig.

    Slainte! 😉

  340. Graeme Doig says:

    Paula Rose

    It was an education 😉

  341. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Paula Rose Glad to see you got home ok, & Pauls no kiding about the discussion, a guy at the back of us chastised me for being a intelectual Ha Ha Ha ( he wiz fae Larkhall)but he joined in on our conversation ( he,s a Unison official) so we will have another Lurker, his friend a now X Slab member, due to Johann Lamont (not geneticaly programmed speech), heartening to see people are taking notice.

    Kendomacaroonbars (april edition) Iscot magazine Raised £63.50,so that will be handed over to Ken.

    PeteTC & BrianDTT did a good job with the badges monies donated will go to foodbanks Pete will post up when he,s counted.

    Thanks to all the Winger & Lurkers who come & support us,many Thanks.

  342. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ronnie anderson –

    Great to see you today, albeit fleetingly. Gutted I missed out on the cocktail session, but I was properly shattered – people simply don’t realise the physical exertion involved in standing for hours with the end of a long pole jammed in your pocket.

    Having said that, managed to squeeze in a couple of jars before getting the train back. Now, totally aching, feel as if I’ve done a cage-wrestling session with Jackie Baillie.

    Nice warm glow though – job done, and done well. Roll on the next time. We have all helped to build something which will last for a long long time, no matter what the Tories chuck at us.

    Hoots all!


  343. majestic12 says:

    As you all may realise, I’m quite new to Wings. Didn’t know about behind the bike sheds, so went to self-imposed quarantine.

    I’ve had my suspicions about Paula Rose for quite some time- but you’re so nailed now! 🙂

    I am a qualified therapist, so if you have any issues that might be, how shall I say, conflicting you, I’m sure I can help, next time I’m up in Brechin. Never been there in my life, actually.

    Was going to post a great link to how America’s sanctions on Russia are destroying Europe, but thought, fuck it, it’s Saturday night and I’m going to listen to The Devil Came Down to Georgia and get plastered with an old school friend from Glasgow.


  344. majestic12 says:

    The devil WENT down to Georgia, of course.

  345. Paula Rose says:

    Don’t mind me just trying something out –

    I am a qualified therapist, so if you have any issues that might be, how shall I say, conflicting you, I’m sure I can help, next time I’m up in Brechin. Never been there in my life, actually.

    I’ve had my suspicions about Paula Rose for quite some time- but you’re so nailed now!

    Didn’t know about behind the bike sheds, so went to self-imposed quarantine.

    Yippee sussed the HTML wotsits! Now all I need to work out is the smiley thingie 🙂

  346. Oneironaut says:

    @Paula Rose
    As a philosopher once remarked to me:
    “Smile. It makes people wonder what you’re up to!” 😀

    Not sure how many different smileys are on here. I suspect I haven’t found them all yet! 😉

  347. Paula Rose says:


  348. Betty Boop says:

    @ Paula Rose, 10:30am

    Yippee sussed the HTML wotsits!

    Dahling, why didn’t you just ask?

    There are so many lovely, hunky IT-wise men on here that they would have queued up to come to the aid of a lady in distress! 😉

  349. Paula Rose says:

    Betty Boop, love – although there are many things I like to do on my own, I actually saw the light on this due to Proud Cybernat and Robert Peffers over on the ‘Papering over the cracks’ thread.

  350. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Is there any Wings presence at this?

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Well there’s lots of us watching it!

  351. CameronB Brodie says:

    What’s with all the new age rave music….and no disco lights?. 🙂

  352. Oneironaut says:

    @Betty Boop
    “There are so many lovely, hunky IT-wise men on here that they would have queued up to come to the aid of a lady in distress!”

    1 – Lovely
    2 – Hunky
    3 – IT-wise… Well, I’ve got that one.
    4 – Man… Either that, or a woman who’s really let herself go!

    Two out of four isn’t bad! 😀

  353. Thepnr says:


    Well here’s two for one. Stick with it until the end if you want to see some classic guitar playing from 1973. Steely Dan.

    link to

  354. Thepnr says:

    This is class 🙂 link to

    but you can’t beat the original:

    link to

  355. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr link to

  356. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Nice one, I liked it. Here’s one for Ian Brotherhood 😉

    link to

  357. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe (7.38) –

    FFS, that is just insane. It shouldn’t be possible.

  358. Paula Rose says:

    calm dwn dears

  359. Paula Rose says:


  360. Thepnr says:

    Here;s something just a wee bit different. Living out of the box lol.

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Non-stop Ennio Morricone babes if you are not careful. Anyways I’m in anger mode so keep a distance.

  361. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Cheers amuch 🙂

    Here’s one for you.

    Hot Gossip, ‘Satisfaction’ –

    link to

  362. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Just sitting here nodding my head saying Ooh!

    That’s what I say lol.

  363. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    A’body else will be too scared to ask, so I’ll do it…wassup?

  364. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s a proper oddity – this was mainstream ‘entertainment’ 30 years ago, from the most popular comedians of the day.

    The Two Ronnies, ‘Insurance Against Becoming Jewish’ –

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Ian B – I’m getting hassled about a badge, I’m just a wee person – all quiet in the corner -truly. Just me – but I’m being given heroine status, not used to such, bit frightened.

  365. Paula Rose says:

    I’m feeling small and frightened – I’m not really the person you think, just a really peaceful sort of thing – reason why there are no photos… maybe time for me to retire permanently.

  366. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Hearing you, but not sure how to respond.

    Can’t imagine you ‘retiring’, but if you do, I’m sure it will be gracefully, and suitably spectacular?

    In any event, keep the heid pal. You are much-needed and well-loved hereaboots. (‘Boots’ being the operative there…)

    😉 XXX

  367. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Nah, Paula Rose.

    We need you to provide a modicum of whatever to the Wings pages.

    You’ll just have to run to keep up! (Even in the tartan heels…)

    link to

  368. Paula Rose says:

    Ian and others – its hard now as the reality bites – I am affected like so many, perhaps I will just be a wee bit quiet for a while – so many new ways to deal with things. (I will be watching)

  369. Cactus says:

    Here’s some rockage to get your day going:

    Finish What Ya Started ~ Van Halen
    link to

    Ah whizznae able tae make it alang tae Freedom Square oan Saturday.. but looking forward tae the hanky-panky in Helensburgh next month 🙂

    Baby come on!

  370. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Paula Rose 1.01am Oh! Ms belay any thoughts of retiring,we,re all sailing on the high seas somtime calm wasters more often than not stormy,think of all us sailors,& sailoreses.

    There are plenty of pictures of Paula Rose on scot2scot site.


    We dont get much chance to have a blether at these events,we,re there to do a job,& whit ah job we do ( thats every one of us) knackered at the end of the day, but elated,by the People we meet & conversations we have, Onwards & Upwards.

    Thepnr nice to meet Karon & friend there.

    BrianDT I was to knackered to attend the Scott St event on the Sunday.

  371. Oneironaut says:

    @Paula Rose
    Would be sad to see you go. Though I can understand how you’re feeling.
    I don’t like getting my picture taken either (ironic for a photographer perhaps!)

    I’ve never been a strong person, and since I got involved in campaigning, I’m feeling a bit like I’ve opened Pandora’s Box.

    Seen a dark side of the normally aimiable friendly people around me that only seems to be visible to those running the street stalls.
    I don’t think I can look at people the same way again. Like growing up and losing what innocence I had.

    Even if there turns out to be an end to this road, I doubt I’ll be able to live among people the same way as before.
    My eyes are opened, and I can’t close them again…
    Thought I might go off and live on an island somewhere, modern day hermit, in a cave with internet access! Hehe.

    Anyways, just wanted to say, if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to get in touch.
    I think Ian has my E-mail address. Not sure who else.

    (Not posting it on here for the Daily Heil stalkers to get their claws into, I got enough people randomly tampering with my communications already!)

    Hope you feel better soon.

  372. X_Sticks says:

    @Paula Rose

    Retire, dear?! Don’t you bloody dare!

    And who’s been hassling you about your badge? There’s VERY few on here who would have the right to do that, and Stu hasn’t said a word. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. Keep on keeping on.


  373. cearc says:

    Paula sweetie,

    Retire? You who are so young and beautiful.

  374. Paula Rose says:

    Oops – one too many ‘Magrittas’ last night – got all carmichaelly with a frisson of smartiestuff, must learn to behave. Please forgive dears, sometimes overwhelmed by my own fame.

  375. Paula Rose says:

    btw – who broke the sherry glass? – Or was it a schooner.

  376. cearc says:

    Erm, you don’t remember singing? That attempt to hit the high ‘C’?

  377. Paula Rose says:


  378. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    For Paula Rose, and any others who aspire to the heights of ambition… or high C…

    link to

  379. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Paula Rose Hiv you found ah sailor wie ah Schooner lol.

  380. Paula Rose says:

    (Ian yummy-hood can you send me Oneironaut’s email?)

  381. X_Sticks says:


    Don’t know about sailors with schooners, but I know the cut o’ yer jib has always been important to Paula 😉

  382. ronnie anderson says:

    @ X Sticks Paula & me are just good Friends, dont You be starting any roumors or IanB & other suitors will be hinging me fae ah Jibbet lol.

  383. Betty Boop says:

    @Paula Rose

    Been feeling a little wobbly m’dear? Paint the smile on your face, head up and face the world like a boss. We do it all the time ;-).

    This is for you and it is my favourite version.

    link to

    (especially in those heels!)

  384. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    OOOH Paula!

    link to

    (And for any United fans who are hingin’ aroon’ here…)

  385. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    An interesting article in the Guardian, aboot Dundee an’ thah’, ken, iye?

    link to

    The comments are quite entertaining as well, but you’ll have to copy and paste the original link at the ‘’ page to access them.

  386. Thepnr says:

    Great song with a sad ending.

    link to

  387. Paula Rose says:

    I want a cuddle with Natasha – realised why I’m feeling blue.

  388. Paula Rose says:

    and a cuddle with Tartan Tory – gosh total knee tremble.

  389. David says:

    (Inspired by ‘School’s Out’ by Alice Cooper)

    ‘SLab’s Out’ by Angus Coupar

    Well we got no choice
    All the Blairite boys
    Makin’ all the noise
    ‘Cos they found new ploys.

    Well we can’t salute ya
    With no Saltire flag
    If that don’t suit ya
    Then that’s a drag.

    SLab’s out for summer
    SLab’s out for ever
    SLab’s blown itself to pieces.

    No more Short Money
    No expense books
    No more Salmond’s dirty looks.

    Well we got no Willie Bain
    But we got his Principle
    And we got no innocence
    We can’t even think of a word that rhymes.

    SLab’s out for summer
    SLab’s out for ever
    SLab’s blown itself to pieces.

    No more Short Money
    No expense books
    No more Salmond’s dirty looks.

    Out of Westminster
    Out of city hall
    We will not get back at all.

    SLab’s out for summer
    SLab’s out for ever
    SLab’s got ‘SNPBad’ fever
    SLab’s out completely.

    The original:
    link to

    Just blame the political awakening I received from the referendum- that must be what made me link Willie Bain and his Principle to this great Alice Cooper song. 🙂

  390. CameronB Brodie says:

    How do you follow that? Nice one David. 😉

    How about FEAR of insurrection and revolt? Not a new experience for the Establishment.

    Here’s another back-story to the social reform movement and the labour movement, which emerged from the ‘liberal enlightenment’. Perhaps not-so-liberal? Given the Establishment’s apparent view that Scots are intrinsically incapable of governing themselves and Scotland uniquely unable to support itself, are Scots the new children of Ham?

    Racism: A History [2007]
    link to

    (I know it’s the BBC. 😉 )

  391. Paula Rose says:

    Guess what I’m wearing all you wonderful people!

  392. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Well, Paula Rose, eh huv a feelin’ in meh wattir that you have on the crotchless balaclava…

  393. CameronB Brodie says:

    I just can’t keep up with fashion, Paula? Is it your boots, for the walking over with?


  394. Cactus says:

    Received a package in the post earlier today, ching-ching.

  395. Michael McCabe says:

    I Like a wee bob Dylan cover to myself. link to

  396. Thepnr says:

    Take back the media!

    link to

  397. Jim Thomson says:

    Ahhm wi’ Cactus … brown paper package arrived OK here too 🙂

  398. Michael McCabe says:

    This was on a while back and I had not seen it. Now I have and Enjoyed it. So I thought I would put it up for anybody who has not seen it for various reasons. link to THE RISE OF THE SNP

  399. Jim Thomson says:

    I’ve posted at least one vid by this guy before. Dave Gibb is a great live performer and if you can hunt down some of his stuff you’ll be well rewarded.

    link to

  400. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Paula Rose is being tampered with…

    link to

  401. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Jim Thomson Cheers for that. I already have night of the mitts. and here is one I have just found on you tube. link to

  402. Michael McCabe says:

    I meant Night of the fiery mitts (at the wanlockhead hotel)

  403. Jim Thomson says:

    @Michael McCabe – Night of the Mitts – we’ve all been there (apparently?) :-p

  404. cearc says:

    Paula Rose,

    It’s flaming June. I’ll guess you’re wearing your thermals?

  405. X_Sticks says:

    @Paula Rose

    Hot pants?

  406. Ian Brotherhood says:

    James Brown, ‘Hot Pants’ –

    link to

  407. X_Sticks says:


    JB must have had Paula in mind when he laid that one down 😉

  408. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @X_Sticks –



    Thanks to modern technology (don’t ask me – all that GPS stuff, apparently), it’s possible to prove that when JB cries ‘the girl over there!’, he is, in actual fact, pointing towards Brechin.

    Strange…but true.

  409. Jim Thomson says:

    Been doing “things” in the Fife Escape Pod. Suffice to say, the people who install heavy storage heaters against plasterboard walls really need to have their fekkin’ hands chopped off so they can’t make such a total arse of a job by using the worst possible solution for anchoring the said heaters.

    Fekkin’ butterfly hollow wall thingies! I ask you, arseholes! Not only do they leave HUGE holes through the wall, they are almost impossible to unscrew and then disappear into that magical kingdom of Lost-things-never-to-be-found-ever-again between the plasterboard walls.

    Lucky for them (or should that be “me”?), I’m a resourceful soul and keep many strange things in random ice-cream tubs (yes, of course they’re empty of ice cream) … and … breathe.

    Rant over (for the moment)

  410. Thepnr says:

    It’s getting hard to find a song that’s not already been played. I know this hasn’t.

    As well as the pensioners we need to convice young guys like this.

    link to

  411. Cactus says:

    For those who love their ROCK music..

    ..have yee’s heard this one, a personal favourite of mine, check out the awesome guitar solo (especially at 03:05 minutes), cracking lyrics.

    Boston ~ Hitch A Ride
    link to

    So ‘mon you 55%.. just hitch a ride, over to the independence side.

  412. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Jim.

    Have you tried magnets on the end of one of those springy pipe cleaning things?

    My music for tonight before I turn in. I’ve been listening to this regularly since 2969, know all the verses but can never get them in the right order, or with the correct lines in the appropriate verses.

    However, prog at its best…–Sh7YE

  413. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    2969 = 1969, of course.

    That’ll teach me.

  414. Cactus says:

    Aweright thepnr, hehe that video went viral in Glasgow when it was first released.

    I remembers some other comedian said the name for a Spanish ned was ‘coco banjo’, ye heard of that one? T’wood be funny to hear a voice-over like they did in the Dolmio adverts.. see below an ‘mon the neds!

    link to (subtitles n/a)

    Good morning also to our international community, we trust you are enjoying the educative read.

    Cheers the now dude.

  415. Cactus says:

    Hey Brian Doonthetoon, 2969.. twas a very good year! That’s up there with Buck Rogers in the 25th Century:

    link to

    Twiki says “biddy-biddy-biddy” 🙂

  416. Michael McCabe says:

    The List link to

  417. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Fleetwood Mac, ‘Tusk’ (live) –

    Who needs magic mushrooms when you can just watch stuff like this?

    link to

  418. Paula Rose says:

    Ian Brotherhood is now officially my hunky, sexy, fabby, big dicky, licky knobby, wowsit of the twentieth century!

  419. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –


    What did I do now?

    • Paula Rose says:

      Sweet boy – he spent so much time in between his other obligations providing me with a foot massage that rivalled Jock Scot. So lucky to be adored by such hunky natz!!!

  420. Paula Rose says:

    If it wasn’t for Ian beautyhood I might not be here!

  421. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Steady now. There is a battle still to be won. Canny be doing with those that easily get distracted.

    This is weird but aren’t we all?

    link to

  422. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    That is some well-creepy material there mister.

    Please remember that some of us are tripping on mushrooms and/or old Fleetwood Mac videos.


  423. cearc says:

    Great vid, Ian

  424. Michael McCabe says:

    So when we get independence our destinies will be entwined. link to

  425. Stoker says:

    @ Brian Doonthetoon.

    Figured i’d have more of a chance of you seeing this by posting it in here instead of on the “Soapbox” thread.

    Just to let you know i’ve only just noticed your post addressed to me on said thread @ 12.03pm and to let you know i wasn’t being rude by ignoring you, especially since i replied to Tackety Beets and not you.

    I could not see your post, @ 12.03pm, until now. It certainly wasn’t visible to me earlier in the day. I only noticed its presence because i’ve been busy all day and now back on site playing catch-up and reading through the threads again.

    Anyway, nice to know i wasn’t the only one thinking i had lost it.

    I’m also leaving this wee tune here because it’s been in my head all weekend, ever since hearing it in the film, Cops & Robbersons, on Friday night. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Mockin’ Bird Hill – by Patti Page:
    link to

  426. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Stoker.

    For some reason, the post that you see from me at 12.03, went into moderation when I submitted it and wasn’t approved until later in the afternoon.

    I’ve no idea why…

  427. Stoker says:

    Cheers, Brian, that would explain why i didn’t see it.

  428. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This popped into my heid today – we used to sing this in primary school. Our teacher was a proper cranky battleaxe, but she had a lovely voice – we all did our very best to sing well because it kept her happy and prevented her teaching us normal stuff.

    Andy Stewart, ‘A Scottish Soldier’ –

    link to

  429. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    There was a piper playing that at my Uncles funeral, first and only time I ever saw my old man cry.

  430. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    It’s a beautiful tune. I can imagine it must’ve been very moving.

    Here’s a comment I posted on Quarantine last night, but it hasn’t drawn much response – apart from a typically positive reaction from BDTT 🙂 – so I’m copying it in here. I’m serious about it, and have some ideas about workshops/potential speakers, but would really like to hear what others’ gut reactions are:

    Who’s up for a proper ‘conference’?

    Same idea as the WOS gatherings, but not quite so frantic.

    Yeah, it’s nice, meeting-up, but it’s always finished before it’s even started, and we never get the time or space to have proper discussions.

    If we knew for sure that a minimum number of us were committed, we could book a hotel somewhere, preferably off-season, for a week-end. Say, for argument’s sake, the Friday evening, check-out Sunday. Early Spring 2016, well before the Holyrood campaign proper kicks off.

    We organise workshops/seminars. We invite speakers and entertainment. We crowdfund it in advance so that the professional participants can be paid their going rate. We publicise it well in advance and make sure the MSM are invited, most cordially.

    (I have specific place in mind. I can ‘see’ it happening in my heid, and I’d be happy to sound the place out re prices and likely availability. The place happens to be on an island, but it’s not that dear to get to.)

    Anyway, I’m just throwing this out as an idea, and would be grateful for any response.

    Hoots all 😉

  431. Paula Rose says:

    Ian B honey – read it last night and have been giving it some thought. I could run a couple of workshops on matters related to Westminster – such as “How The Whip Works” and “Division for Beginners”.

  432. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I like that, I remember asking the Rev if he would stand for Holyrood 2016. If I remember rightly the answer was along the lines of never say never.

    Anyway, why shouldn’t we who visit Wings get a bit more serious? I believe that Wings and those that visit have a voice.

    A voice worth hearing.

  433. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Scottish Soldier”…

    It uses the pipe tune “Green Hills Of Tyrol”, which pipe bands often play along with “The Battle’s O’er”, like this video:-

    link to

  434. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    I suspect that, if you organised a Knitting Bee and charged £150 a skull, it would still be a sell-out. 😉

  435. cearc says:

    Sounds like a great idea, Ian. (As long as the hotel has a pool!)

    Scottish Soldier, easily brings a tear.

  436. Paula Rose says:

    Actually – we could have an exhibition of famous high heels!

  437. ronnie anderson says:

    Ok Mr IanB am sold on the idea.

  438. Paula Rose says:

    ronnie anderson will be running a creative writing workshop!

  439. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ronnie, Paula, et al (whoever he is) –

    Very good.

    Now we need suggestions as to where and when.

    We can do the nitty-gritty about speakers etc later, right?

    First, we need to establish a place which is agreeable to the mostmost of those willing to get involved.

    Anyone have a solid, identifiable location that the rest of us can disagree with, just by way of getting this going?

  440. Paula Rose says:

    The place happens to be on an island, but it’s not that dear to get to.

    Which island did you fancy corralling us in?

  441. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    “First, we need to establish a place which is agreeable to the mostm?o?s?t? of those willing to get involved.
    Anyone have a solid, identifiable location that the rest of us can disagree with, just by way of getting this going?”

    Pete and I were discussing this a wee while ago. We felt that somewhere central to the four corners of ‘Wingsland’ would be fair to all. The suggestions we came up with were Stirling and Dumfermline.

    Of course, there is a more central location at Gleneagles…

  442. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    “First, we need to establish a place which is agreeable to the mostm?o?s?t? of those willing to get involved.
    Anyone have a solid, identifiable location that the rest of us can disagree with, just by way of getting this going?”

    Pete and I were discussing this a wee while ago. We felt that somewhere central to the four corners of ‘Wingsland’ would be fair to all. The suggestions we came up with were Stirling and Dumfermline.

    Of course, there is a more central location at Gleneagles…

  443. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    A third attempt to submit this, then I’ll give up…

    Hi Ian B.

    “First, we need to establish a place which is agreeable to the mostm?o?s?t? of those willing to get involved.
    Anyone have a solid, identifiable location that the rest of us can disagree with, just by way of getting this going?”

    Pete and I were discussing this a wee while ago. We felt that somewhere central to the four corners of ‘Wingsland’ would be fair to all. The suggestions we came up with were Stirling and Dumfermline.

    Of course, there is a more central location at Gleneagles…

  444. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    A fourth attempt to submit this, then I’ll give up…

    Hi Ian B.

    “First, we need to establish a place which is agreeable to the mostmost of those willing to get involved.
    Anyone have a solid, identifiable location that the rest of us can disagree with, just by way of getting this going?”

    Pete and I were discussing this a wee while ago. We felt that somewhere central to the four corners of ‘Wingsland’ would be fair to all. The suggestions we came up with were Stirling and Dumfermline.

    Of course, there is a more central location at Gleneagles…

  445. Paula Rose says:

    I want an island with a swimming pool – stamps foot.

  446. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    JEEZ! WordPress didn’t give me the error message about ‘duplicate post detected’.


  447. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Didn’t give me the error message about the dodgy spelling of ‘Dunfermline’ either…

  448. Michael McCabe says:

    I Wish it could be here. link to

  449. Paula Rose says:

    Oh dear Bdtt you’re close to becoming a pedantic bore – ROFL, silly Rock!

  450. Betty Boop says:

    @Ian Brotherhood, 28/6/15, 9:19pm

    The place happens to be on an island, but it’s not that dear to get to.)

    It’s Millport, innit? 🙂

  451. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Betty Boop –


    Er, well, no…but you’re very very close!

  452. Betty Boop says:

    @ IanB

    Aah, must be Fraggle Rock then! 😉

  453. Michael McCabe says:

    Nice and mellow. link to

  454. Michael McCabe says:

    Its all part of the Process link to

  455. Michael McCabe says:

    Feel Free to put your records on. link to

  456. Cactus says:

    @ Betty Boop ~

    Yeah the Fraggle Rock. Sprocket the dog was my favourite character. The genius of Jim Henson.

    “Dance your cares away,
    Worry’s for another day,
    Let the music play,
    Down at Fraggle Rock”

    Check out the cast of characters, theres loads of em!
    link to

    ps I’m up for the do too Ian B.

  457. David says:

    (Inspired by ‘Ballroom Blitz’ by The Sweet)

    ‘Michelle Mone Quits’ written by ChinnlessChap

    Are you ready McTernan? Uh-huh
    Roden? Yeah
    Jackie Bird? Okay
    Alright unionists, let’s go!

    Oh I’ve been getting so mad
    Living with what unionists do to me
    Their lies are getting so strange
    I’d like to tell you everything I see.

    Oh, I see Murph at the back as a matter of fact
    His eyes are as red as the sun
    And the Dugdale in the corner let no-one ignore her
    Cause we think she’s the whiny-voiced one.

    Oh yeah! It was like lightning
    SLab was in-fighting
    And the Ultimo was soothing
    And Michelle started moving.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
    And the SpAd in the back said unionists attack
    And the media said Michelle Mone quits

    And the author of Harry Potter said Nats I want to warn ya
    It’ll turn into Michelle Mone’s Hits
    Michelle Mone quits, Michelle Mone’s Hits, Michelle Mone flits, Michelle Mone’s Hits.
    [End Chorus]

    Oh reaching out for Indy
    Giving nothing’s all they ever do
    Oh I softly call for Indy
    But in Smith Report there’s hee-haw left of you.

    And the SLab in the back is ready to crack
    As he raises his expenses to the sky
    And the Baillie in the corner is just a big Jack Horner
    She could kill you for a bite of your pie.

    Oh yeah! It was electric
    So perfectly hectic
    And the Blairites started leaving
    ‘Cos they all stopped believing.

    [Repeat Chorus]

    Oh yeah! Tories were shiteing
    SLab was in-fighting
    And the union was cracking
    And Michelle started packing.

    [Repeat Chorus]

    It’s it’s Michelle Mone quits
    It’s it’s Michelle Mone’s Hits
    It’s it’s Michelle Mone flits
    Yeah, it’s Michelle Mone’s Hits.

    The original:
    link to

    The idea for this came equally from Michelle Mone’s pouty-lipped decision to quit Scotland, and from Tommy Reckless’ epic version of Suzie Quatro’s stomper ‘Michael White’s Moustache’.

    I censored myself for fear of being put on a SLab list, writing Hits instead of something else, but it has to be said that Michelle is nice and curvy. (Shame about her politics, though.)

    If unionists are the problem, then glam rock is the solution!

  458. David says:

    I saw this guy on CNN, talking sense in a Scottish accent.

    link to

    Professor Mark Blyth, born in Dundee, now at Brown University in the US.

    “While it makes sense for anyone, family or firm or even state, to try and reduce its debts in order to grow better, if everybody tries it at the same time it becomes self-defeating. You need income from which to save, so if everybody tries to save at once nobody’s generating any income and therefore the project becomes self-defeating”

    “I find this (austerity politics) personally offensive because, although I’m an Ivy League professor today with a named chair and all the rest of it, the only reason I’m here is because of the British welfare state. I grew up in a single-parent home with my paternal grandmother on basically no money at all, and if it wasn’t for free schooling and free university… I don’t know where I’d be, but I wouldn’t be an Ivy League professor.”

    Another person to be proud of, Dundee!

  459. majestic12 says:

    Have you lot decided where you want to meet? I have a suggestion,in response to Paula Rose’s demands. It’s not exactly central, and not exactly an island like Bute or Arran, but you do get to have a wee 20 min sail doon the watter from Gourock to DUNOON! Unless you want to go by road over the Rest and be Thankful.

    There is a swimming pool a 100m from the pier and it even has a windy shute. And the Methodist tea shop next door does a mean latte.

    There is a massively successful cross-party Yes community who have a Yes property on Argyll Sreet,funded by punters’ standing orders and regular donations.. It’s mobbed every day. They put on lectures and music gigs at the Borough Hall to raise extra funds. There’s plenty of hotels in the area. A big topic at the moment is ghosts and the paranormal. Well, we are Celts, aren’t we?

    One of the Wingers is the de facto leader of the Dunoon set-up,so if you are interested i can run it by him. Let me know.

  460. David says:

    From 2013 – “For David Cameron, cutting spending in a highly unequal society works because it doesn’t affect those who matter to him.”

    link to

    “Follow the money in terms of who benefits and who loses from such a policy of perma-austerity.”

  461. Betty Boop says:

    @ majestic12 (and a’body else interested)

    Re: wingscon 1

    Like your venue suggestion especially because of the enthusiastic local support, but, think that we should probably aim for somewhere relatively central and easily accessible by train/bus, eg Stirling, Perth, Falkirk.

    Having said that, I have no actual objections to Dunoon! 🙂

    Does anyone else think we should maybe again make comments on this subject over on Quarantine and just note on Off Topic that we have posted there? Might save ideas being lost in the eclectic conversations.

  462. Paula Rose says:

    (stroke test)

  463. X_Sticks says:

    @ Paul


  464. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  465. K1 says:

    CameronB, I saw this on Rev’s twitter, a tweet from Billy Bragg, and thought of you…;-)

    link to

  466. Michael McCabe says:

    That’s the thunder and lightning just hit Edinburgh big style. made me think of this AC/DC COVER. link to

  467. Marco McGinty says:

    A new project (The National Yes Registry) has just started up, with information here link to

  468. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks, two things,

    There’s a group of us from the Rutherglen area going to Edinburgh on Saturday for the Syriza and Holyrood rallies, so I hope to see some of you there (you’ll find us under our rather large banner!).

    Also, who can give me the lowdown on the Helensburgh jaunt? Who’s all going, where’s the recommended accommodations, what entertainments have been arranged etc, etc 😉

  469. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Gillian.

    Pete the Camera and I will be there, with two ‘others’. You know, ‘others’.

    We’re going in Pete’s car, so won’t be staying overnight. When I was researching options, the Travel Lodge flagged itself up on Google. It’s around 500 yards along the prom from the Clyde Bar and was quoting around £65 for a double room for that night, around a month ago.

    I know other Wingers are staying the night so they may be able to offer more advice. Onnyhoo, see you Saturday, in that Embra!


  470. Paula Rose says:

    Hi Gillian_Ruglonian see you on Saturday doll!

  471. Paula Rose says:

    Sit back – kick my heels off – play one of my faves

    link to

  472. Paula Rose says:

    I often forget to mention when I play that track – that the creator of that song is blind, the beautiful in the main (some are tragic) sights you see he never has. That man has done so much for his people.

  473. Jim Thomson says:

    test post

  474. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is something random for off topic. link to Hope you Enjoy

  475. Paula Rose says:

    gonna be in Auld Reeekie on the four thee

    you too? see you theresie.

  476. Michael McCabe says:

    Been looking for this song for ages. link to Got a feeling Paula Rose would Approve.

  477. Paula Rose says:

    Michael darling – I do! and so lovely to see you in Edinburgh today with many other lovely wingers. I’m somewhat amazed at the attack some of us are getting on the main threads – is it a Brigade 77 convention?

  478. Thepnr says:

    Oh deery me, forgot to take the http off again trying to play this earlier.

    Good song from 1970 link to

    What I didn’t know was who else played it:

    link to

  479. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    Brilliant link to the Beatles one there. Cheers amuch.

    Seeing shots of them so young like that is very moving – incredible, to think what they achieved in such a short time.

  480. Ian Brotherhood says:

    By way of thinking about our brothers and sisters in Greece – who’ll be getting used to a ‘new pad’ after this has played-out?

    Basement Jaxx, ‘Good Luck’ (Live, with a big-ass orchestra…)

    link to

  481. Betty Boop says:

    @ Gillian_Ruglonian

    Re Helensburgh, JimT and I will be staying overnight at the Travelodge. Unfortunately, didn’t book it when I first looked at it and it was around £65; was £76.00 non refundable by the time I got around to it. Just checked and it is now just over £85 on the saver rate.

    It’s the closest reasonable accomm (difficult to find available B&B in town), but if anyone is thinking of staying, it would be a good idea to get on with it – price will go up, no doubt.

  482. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Don’t you about anybody else but I can’t think about anything other than Greece sice last week. This is monumental.

    I’m praying for a No vote, there is nowhere else to go. I believe the

  483. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Don’t you about anybody else but I can’t think about anything other than Greece sice last week. This is monumental.

    I’m praying for a No vote, there is nowhere else to go. I believe the EU, IMF will all back down in face of a No.

    I just hope I’m right.

  484. Thepnr says:

    Oops first double post for a while, best go to bed LOL

  485. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Likewise mister.

    Here’s hoping, whatever happens tomorrow.


  486. Michael McCabe says:

    OXI OXI OXI No No No

  487. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    OXI OXI OXI No No No

    Don’t want to count my chickens but looks like a big FUCK YOU to the Lizard people 🙂 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      Greece has big bolloxi!

  488. Michael McCabe says:

    It is looking like the No’s have it the No’s have it. Well done Greece.

  489. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  490. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Ooooh, naughty Greece, what have you done!?

    Just heard the locals in the bowling club giving it big licks when this started:

    Billy Ocean, ‘Red Light Spells Danger’ (live) –

    link to

  491. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    This web site is giving the running figures for the Greek referendum. At the moment, it is showing NO 61.34%, YES 38.66%.

    You can reload it as you wish, for updated figures.

    link to{%22cls%22:%22level%22,%22params%22:{%22level%22:%22epik%22,%22id%22:1}}

  492. Thepnr says:

    Very funny exchange between the Guardians Michael White and the Rev over on his twitter feed.

    link to

  493. Quentin Quale says:

    RBS bailout – $541 billion. Tick.
    Goldman Sachs bailout – $814 billion. Tick.
    CitiGroup bailout – $2.5 trillion. Tick.

    Greece – $370 billion. Oh no, no, no…

  494. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Came across this link on one of my Facebook pages tonight.

    I’d be grateful if someone can nudge Robert Peffers to have a wee skeck at it, for comment.

    link to

    It can also be found here, in case it mysteriously disappears from the original web site:-

    link to

  495. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And those previous links kinda go with this one:-

    link to

  496. Thepnr says:

    Fcuk Brian, you need to post those type of links at 11 am rather than 11 pm. Might read it tomorrow if I remember 🙂

  497. Thepnr says:

    Acropolis Now

    The Doors – The End

    link to

  498. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    The second post I did has a much more accessible style. I would read that one first. Then go to the dry prose of the parliament link.

    Onnyhoo, re ‘The Doors – The End’.

    I saw this at the Gaumont in Cowgate in the 70s. I already had the album, which is one of my all-time faves.

    This video is sobering…

    link to

    If you’re interested, the full album is downloadable from YouTube.

    link to

  499. Paula Rose says:

    Boys! Are you all wanting a poke o chips noo?

  500. Paula Rose says:

    Lets have some prog rock…

    link to


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    • twathater on Signal and noise: “@ Sarah MaryB, yet our esteemed host the fount of inumerable investigative and explosive articles showing the despicable actions of…Mar 15, 16:01
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Perhaps UK media simply beg to differ. Perhaps UK media are crystal clear that Indy will simply swap one set…Mar 15, 15:43
    • Alf Baird on Meet The FILTH: “UK media blackout on the big news that independence means decolonization, and SNP leadership none the wiser: 15, 15:26
    • Sven on Meet The FILTH: “Mia @ 14.20. Oh, I’m very sure that with Mr Swiney’s bold and courageous leadership the present SNP and devolved…Mar 15, 15:09
    • Marie on Meet The FILTH: “Thewliss, Oswald, McLaughlin. These women-loathing harridans make my blood run cold.Mar 15, 15:00
    • I. Despair on Meet The FILTH: “Well said!Mar 15, 14:52
    • 100%Yes on Meet The FILTH: “Our jailers seek re-election after being chucked out of politics. This isn’t being stronger for Scotland, its all about the…Mar 15, 14:52
    • Mark Beggan on Meet The FILTH: “Sorry I meant to say ” will enter the donkey” in keeping with SNP policy.Mar 15, 14:43
    • Mia on Meet The FILTH: “What is the likelihood that the SNP mandarins are planning to put all these (useless) heavy weights in the list…Mar 15, 14:20
    • Captain Caveman on The tint of rose: “Hardly, Xaracen. I can’t speak for Aidan, but for my own part I can confirm that being repeatedly bombarded with…Mar 15, 14:17
    • Sven on Meet The FILTH: “Mark Beggan @ 13.47 An ass on an ass, so to speak.Mar 15, 14:12
    • Liz on Meet The FILTH: “Sick of these troughers Everyone of them useless except I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the…Mar 15, 14:10
    • Ian McCubbin on Meet The FILTH: “Do glad I am not a member of SNP to be subjected to this fake and corrupt process. Not an…Mar 15, 14:02
    • Mark Beggan on Meet The FILTH: “The battle of the baldies.Mar 15, 13:52
    • Mark Beggan on Meet The FILTH: “I take it Flynn will enter Edinburgh on a donkey.Mar 15, 13:47
  • A tall tale

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