Meet The FILTH
Posted on
March 15, 2025 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
They really are the mafia of the mediocre.
I’ve heard of “Who’s Who” … this bunch are more like, “Never Were”.
Sick of these troughers
Everyone of them useless except I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the doubt
“I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the doubt”
What makes this shifty snake-oil salesman a lesser trougher than the others of whom you .are sick?
Who in their sane mind would vote for these useless cowards?
I mean, some of them were in Westminster for years and as part of absolute majorities which could have ended the union right there and then had these individuals dared to use their backbone.
If, when given of the tools to end the union, they chose instead to do absolutely nothing about it, what is the actual point in voting these useless cowards into Holyrood now?
To continue get more of nothing?
And why are they wanting to be in Holyrood? Is that because they know Holyrood is nothing but a useless product of Westminster that has not power to progress independence by itself, so they can hide their own self-servitude and embarrassing cowardice behind the same tired old mantra of being all Westminster’s fault?
Well, the voters are beyond sick of that excuse already.
In the real world, normal organisations do not reward losers, failures and non-achievers with contract renewals, new contracts or gravy sinecures. They are given the p45 and shown the door. So why are these undemocratic losers, who threw every single opportunity they were given to progress independence and sat their fat arses on every democratic mandate they were given instead of applying them, now wanting access to Holyrood? To continue the racket? To piss all over democracy again by ignoring our mandates? To laugh at us?
How can these individuals possibly be this crass? What exactly do they have to offer other than hot air? What actions to progress independence during the last 10 years do any of them have to speak for themselves? What did they do when the political fraud Sturgeon was dismantling the party from within and removing its dentures as a political vehicle for independence? What were they doing when the political fraud Sturgeon was pissing all over our democratic mandates for indyref whilst force feeding us the gender ID crap and destroying women’s rights?
Flynn really has a nerve. He was the effing leader of the SNP at Westminster when the SNP had an absolute majority. He did absolutely nothing with that majority. Nothing. He wasted it. And he seeks now to be the leader of the SNP?
You have to be kidding. That guy is no better than the buffoon Blackford.
Well said!
Oh to be a fly on the wall in the room where they fight it out to get their names as high up on the regional list..
D’Hondts git; the troughers lifetime employment mandate for the mediocracy..
And before the usual chime in, this has been par for the course for the Unionist parties as well as the unelectable Khmer Vert.
Young Lochinvar.
And, of course, career politicians Messrs Blair & Dewar were careful to ensure that the “Closed List” variant of D’Hondt was imposed on Scotland, rather than semi open or open.
Ensuring that selection of candidates may be prioritised by their List position at the discretion of those who are in authority within the Party.
Just a job to them. A pretty well-paid one at that with money they couldn’t hope to earn in the real world. Fkin parasites living off the back of a pro-indy vote that’s still too fkin thick to see what’s happening.
Collectively Useless Now Trough Scotland
A new day, a new trough, different coloured cushions, same result. I don’t care what the strategy is, not voting for any of this lot, no way, unless I plead insanity first.
We’re all doomed…Doomed I tell you.
I take it Flynn will enter Edinburgh on a donkey.
Mark Beggan @ 13.47
An ass on an ass, so to speak.
Sorry I meant to say ” will enter the donkey” in keeping with SNP policy.
The battle of the baldies.
Do glad I am not a member of SNP to be subjected to this fake and corrupt process.
Not an honest candidate amongst them.
What is the likelihood that the SNP mandarins are planning to put all these (useless) heavy weights in the list to remove the rag from Alba’s feet?
I think by now a large proportion of the SNP voters has sussed out that voting SNP 1 and 2 (actually voting SNP at all) is not only a complete waste of time but also a waste of a perfectly good vote and a potential seat. The SNP will have to do something a bit more creative, than simply having the political fraud of the day and their praetorian guard parroting the “vote SNP1 and 2” to attract votes to the list.
I wonder if this is part of the strategy: to use these well known names to attract votes to the list.
I hope the voters give them pelters.
Let’s never forget that Swinney is siding with the staunch anti-independence parties Labour and Conservatives to fight off Reform not to fight for independence. In other words, the SNP is so, so entrenched in UK politics now that is even daring to use the yes vote to protect the UK status quo. In my view they cannot get any more disgusting and pathetic than this.
Our jailers seek re-election after being chucked out of politics. This isn’t being stronger for Scotland, its all about the french benefits and keeping Scotland tied to this Union. I despise Hannah Bardell and I’d vote for reform to keep her out of Holyrood, I’ve already rejected her at the ballot box, isn’t once enough.
Pesky today, gone tomorrow
Thewliss, Oswald, McLaughlin. These women-loathing harridans make my blood run cold.
Mia @ 14.20.
Oh, I’m very sure that with Mr Swiney’s bold and courageous leadership the present SNP and devolved administration can get much more disgusting and pathetic than this.
In fact, to paraphrase Trevor Howard in, “Mutiny on the Bounty” “They may yet do things which shall astonish you.”
UK media blackout on the big news that independence means decolonization, and SNP leadership none the wiser:
link to
Perhaps UK media simply beg to differ.
Perhaps UK media are crystal clear that Indy will simply swap one set of colonisers for another set.
Are you really believing we will control our own affairs, even after Indy?
You should pay attention to the story the UK (and world) media have been saturated with for several months now. The one that demonstrates just how little real sovereignty even economic and supposedly sovereign blocs 100 times the size of Scotland possess.
You’ve been fixated on England’s colonisation of Scotland for so long that you’ve failed to notice the coloniser of England, the EU and most of the rest of the west.
Mendacious McCarthyism face.
You’ll get in trouble with your handlers talking like that y’all..
@Hatey McHateface
I have agreed with you in the past on this subject. Naivety in Holyrood thinks it’s a well meaning religion. The evidence suggests otherwise. And now the laws are to be amended to prevent criticism of said values. Meanwhile back at the ranch our historical agreed cultural values are being undermined by the SNP Government. Luckily some of us old yins remember what Scotland used to be like prior to an SNP Government.
I posted this response on the previous post re your previous comment,as you are still carrying on regurgitating your usual Scotland PISH and Scottish PISH I can use this comment again
Alf Baird please keep educating these deniers of democracy
twathater says:
16 March, 2025 at 3:01 am
Bastard TAX John MOAN I wouldn’t expect anything less of a response from you, you are well known by everyone as one of the most vociferous arsewipes that loves to decry ,denigrate and belittle everything about Scotland and Scots, your constant negativity about all things Scottish is only mirrored by your fellow yoonionists jumping on your bandwagon of risible comments
I am not surprised that you would take every attempt to undermine and demean SALVO and Liberation.Scot your constant praise of the situation in the middle east shows where your true allegiance lies
Excellent Alf!
I assume that colonisers like. myself will be deported in your dream Scotland
We’ll channel our inner Musk and maybe fire you from the jobs you’re doing.
After a month or so, when just about everything has ground to a halt and our economy has tanked, we’ll rehire you on twice what you were getting before.
There’s another consideration too. Just as Trump is about to learn when the reciprocal tariffs come home to bite him on the erse, no wee country that has a solid track record of emigration and colonising can afford to start deporting people.
If other countries start deporting our ex-Scottish emigrants back to here in retaliation, we’ll be swamped.
I’d imagine blow-ins would be welcome to stay or blow-out as takes their fancy.
Just don’t expect us all to do YOUR will anymore as you flip flop to and fro across the border to suit yer fancy whinging when everything isn’t set up to suit your Rule Britannia narrative.
Have a nice night.
Does anybody know who is the favourite to stand in Sturgeon’s seat? I’m just wondering who we’re going to have imposed on us!
My favourite as like for like replacement – Alyn Smith. Marco Biagi almost meets the criteria but perhaps lacks the oleaginous quality of Smith.
Sturgeon is standing down. And well she might because suggestion is that save for a list seat Sturgeon will be toast at the next election,
She know she sold out. She knows the electorate have bad blood against her and she is therefore well aware of the need to pursue post political opportunities.
No doubt somewhere she will be remunerated for the great disservice she has performed taking the wheels off what was a fabulous independence movement.
English gold is an old tale but however played this time it is as true today as it was then.
Why are you all thinking about the list – look at who is standing down – how many are presumed to be safe seats?
Because they hedge their bets thereby sidestepping nasty surprises on the constituency vote wher voters give them a clear two fingers..
@Hatey McHateface
I have agreed with you in the past on this subject. Naivety in Holyrood thinks it’s a well meaning religion. The evidence suggests otherwise. And now the laws are to be amended to prevent criticism of said values. Meanwhile back at the ranch our historical agreed cultural values are being undermined by the SNP Government. Luckily some of us old yins remember what Scotland used to be like prior to an SNP Government.
George Ferguson.
Whilst I agree entirely with you on the disastrous state of an SNP devolved administration, since 2014, this auld yin looks back to the ones between 2007-2014 as a golden example of what could have been.
For me, Mr Salmond’s 7 years (including a minority administration) was an example of just how well this country could be run if competent politicians had power and were truly interested in bettering our lot rather than making fatuous political gestures.
I except both amalgamating our Police Forces into one national service and renaming an administration a government from this period of competence.
Agreed 100% Sven.
In retrospect, a golden age.
Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He recognised that Indy has to carry all Scots of all political flavours and none with it if it is to gain traction.
With his departure, his predecessors relapsed into their tribal comfort zones, pursuing their sophomoric “Red Clydeside” vision of big state, low personal responsibility, handouts and free entitlements.
And now we’re stuck with that for a few years yet. An island of failed, left-socialist, unaffordable fantasising surrounded by a continent moving ever further to the right.
GOOD NEWS. To adapt a quote from a well-known figure, “the more fronts the UK has to firefight on, the better”.
The formation of a Scottish Liberation Movement was the only way to take action independently from the politicians. The political process is completely in the hands of the UK government.
Iain Lawson was always one to use imagination to find solutions to problems, and the energy to bring success. Think Ravenscraig – he marched with a few others to London, and gained 10 more years of production and employment at the plant.
Iain saw how forming a Liberation Movement put the power in the hands of all we grassroots independence supporters instead of with the politicians who have completely failed us since 2014 – criminally so. He understood the significance of Sara Salyers’ research into Scotland’s Constitution, and the value of that Constitution in giving priority to the welfare of the ordinary citizen, and the power of the people over all elements of Scotland’s administration and executive.
The aim of the case at the UN is, simply, to gain us the unassailable legal right to hold a referendum on leaving the Union. If we are recognised as being a Non-Self-Governing Territory i.e. a colony, the UN will supervise the referendum.
It takes it out of the UK’s hands. They could no longer deny us a referendum. Nor could they interfere in any way with the voting process or the campaign.
The referendum vote would still require politicians calling a democratic event BUT they would have no more excuse of it being “illegal” to do so.
20,000 people have now signed up to be part of the Scottish Liberation Movement – an increase of 3,000 in the few days since the documents comprising Liberation’s case were made available to the UN and to the public.
All that people need to do is go to, read the Edinburgh Proclamation and, if you agree with what it says [and you will!] then sign to join the Liberation Movement. There is no fee nor any obligation to do anything else.
Obviously, it would help show the UN that there is a huge desire for Scotland to be out of the UK if the number of signatures grew to hundreds of thousands. The problem is the lack of mass coverage.
@sarah –
Good on ye for plugging away.
Slowly, slowly, catchee that proverbial.
Can but try, IB! I see that Through a Scottish Prism tomorrow has a slot for the Liberation case. Previously Roddy was rather dismissive of Salvo so it will be interesting to see if he is a convert.
Well done Sarah in NOT letting the naysayers beat you down, you have explained the aim of the Liberation movement admirably
You are correct that Roddy was rather outspoken in his decrying of SALVO and Liberation and in fact had arguments with Robert Hughes and myself when we commented about it, I think it was more to do with his falling out with Iain rather than the concept, fortunately they became friends again and he has realised that the TARGET of independence is more important than any individual and unity of purpose to reach that TARGET includes every means available
TBQH I find PA bell very self opinionated and narcissistic and I have had many arguments with him mostly about his sycophancy around sturgeon, but our family collectively have signed up to the Manifesto For Independence
Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and focus on the prize, as you say.
I’ll join with Ian B & Robert ( aka Twathater ) in praising your positivity and patience in the face of relentless negativity , Sarah . Good onye , I wish there were more like you .
Personally , I’m so repulsed with * Politics * – geopolitical ; English and most of all , Scottish I’m finding it difficult to give a fuck about any of it .
The truly cringe-makingly awful state of the SNP needs no further comment , but it’s * depressing * to see WOS’s casual dismissal of the efforts of SALVO/Liberation – or , it seems , any initiative – other than a tepid promotion of ALBA .
The disappointing aspect of Stu’s attitude vis-a-vis SALVO/Liberation is his apparent ignorance of what it is they are trying to achieve , eg – as you’ve explained , above , they’ve never claimed what they are doing will , in itself , lead to Independence : he also recently referred to those groups as – sigh * “tin foil hat wearers ” , bizarrely .
Of course there will have to be a clear majority of pro-Independence support before acting upon such a result being demonstrated in a Plebiscite Election / Scottish UDI as advocated by Peter Bell : my preference – it has always been the case , and remains so …..Independence must be taken – not granted/conferred/pled for .
Taking our * condition * as a virtual prisoner in a so-called ” Union ” ( the consequence of the bad faith of a handful of useless , treacherous c***s 300+ years ago FFS ! ) to a wider , international arena – and out of the possessive , asphyxiating maw of domestic , ie English/Mock Jock control must be a good thing , and should be supported by all of us who claim to be Scottish patriots .
I also agree with Pete Bell that the S.E next year may be the last chance we have of keeping the idea of Scottish Independence alive in any meaningful sense . It really is that critical .
If the proven failures/rejects and their fellow-travelling useless fucks are voted in for another 5 years of time-wasting , tough-gluttony it could well be the final, fatal blow to our Cause : needless to say …..ditto if any of the – overtly – Unionist mob gain a significant foothold .
How many more articles do we need on the ” Trans ” pish , or of the SNP ARE SHITE variety ( WE KNOW !! ) ?
Contrary to ” received opinion ” …..there ARE things happening in Independence Politics – but you would never know from reading WOS .
How about offering , eg S Salyers an opportunity to – further – elucidate what SALVO are about , here on WOS ?
Giving some support/space to I4Is ?
Getting out of the straightjacket of myopic Party Politics and opening-up to the alternative ideas /approaches being manifested by others ?
I fear WOS will itself fade into insignificance if it keeps to it’s present , IMO unnecessarily , limited field of interest and become – even more – the province of timewasting , circularly-arguing , tediously repetitive Unionists; pro-War vampiric bloodsuckers & infantile propagandists .
” trough ” gluttony
Agree with much of that, Robert, particularly your final paragraph.
Since party politics is clearly irretrievably corrupt and the SNP is just a devolution party there to give its representatives an excellent income while doing nothing to scare the horses, a “constitutional” approach like Salvo’s becomes even more important.
No-one is suggesting it will magically bring independence by itself, nor that a properly-run plebiscite would not be required either but it would be fun watching the SNP squirming after a positive decision from the UN decolonisation process.
I suspect a Patriotic Party or somesuch would have to be formed to fight for independence on the basis of such a UN decision, since the SNP would be both incapable and uninterested.
Hi T.C .
Yea , I think it’s going to take some kind of genuine , deeply-felt patriotism to create the necessary energy to take us to our goal anyway – whether in the form of a party or otherwise – irrespective of what may come from SALVO/Liberation’s efforts .
It’s beyond farcical that the current so-called ” Party of Independence ” and it’s flock think Scottish Liberation can come about with zero reference to Scots/Scottishness .
The presumption being if we’re just nice / DEI-accommodating / * Progressive * enough Independence will be bestowed on as a kind of reward . A pat on the head for ticking all the * correct * boxes .
It won’t .
If not actual ( hopefully ) , then certainly metaphorical blood will have to be spilled before our oppressor/s are made to release their grip on our nation .
Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded , naive or doesn’t really care about the destiny of Scotland
Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here.
Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts further down.
You genuinely could not make this stuff up.
I’ve heard of the metaphorical “fighters for peace” before. This must be the 21st century slant – killing people to prove your anti-war, virtue-signalling credentials.
Nah. Never attribute any motive or justification to anything when sheer, asinine stupidity provides an adequate explanation.
far right boot licking English cap doffing cunt here
How long do I have to sell up the house and return to England so I can wave my union jack and sing god save the king?
Of course the name missing is Mhairi Black – the First Minister in waiting, the saviour of Scotland, the foul mouthed arsehole to represent Scotland on the World stage.
Oh well, I’ll ask as everyone else is flirting round the subject like moths and a light bulb..
Did she/it/ they s**k off Rees Mogg or did she/ it/ they strap on and give him a good ol’ Tory public school- boying?
Just asking on behalf of a concerned constituent that could never get her/she/ it on the phone..
As someone who try to see the good in everyone
Which is bloody hard with manky
I will say the fact she actually talked to people from other political parties is a big plus in my book
Fcuk sake, Campbell. Support for breaking free from the failed state, disloyal, unrecognisable, hostile UK is riding at over 50%!
Miby try adding to the momentum, instead of shitting on every player on the field, lad.
You do know you are part of the problem?
As I bet you do not have the balls to question anything the SNP do
The seat to look out for is in Midlothian where an almighty battle is about to take place. Colin Beattie perhaps still standing and a scurry to replace him could be put in the News of the World if it still existed.
I am told that leaving the union will result in a dramatic improvement in the quality of politicians elected in Scotland
And lets be honest
Who wouldn’t love to see that as they are MOSTLY fecking useless both YOON side and TRUE SCOTS
I am told that this will come about as it will be
SCOTTISH voters electing SCOTTISH MPs from a SCOTTISH party to stand in a SCOTTISH parliament based in SCOTLAND
Now unless I’m a bit thick I can’t see how that doesn’t describe the SNP
So with that in mind
I’d deeply appreciate a list of the top 20 SCOTTISH politicians who I can admire and trust
Here you go YS:
[See what I did there?
Holyrood is a nice wee “Pretendy Parliament”, Billy Connolly got that right, because “Power devolved is Power retained” – Westminster still has the final say.
The two places where we attack this ridiculous unfair Union are The United Nations and Westminster; in the latter place by making it ungovernable.
The SNP could have done this when they had all those 50-plus Scottish MPs – insisting the Scottish Grand Committee convene to discuss every law being debated, as to how it affected, or might affect Scotland.
With the handful of place men they now have, this option is no longer available to them. Another wasted opportunity.
They could have so gummed-up the Westminster works, they would have paid us to leave, but, the SNP blew it, because it would have meant putting-in the hard yards and the long hours.
The likes of Blackford and Flynn were, at the end of the day, nothing more than a 21st century parcel o’ rogues.
@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament.
And why didn’t the 56 MPs take tough, disruptive action? Alex Salmond was in that group – I am always surprised that he didn’t seem to make things happen in that time.
MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight.
Haha, just my little joke.
He’s been raining death & destruction on those people he doesn’t like. The troughers at the UN will be reading about it in their newspapers, just like everybody else.
But please – don’t let me rain on anybody’s parade. Ignore Rev Stu and Robin McAlpine on this too. What do they know, eh?