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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

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Brian Doonthetoon

OOH, Paula Rose!

I thought you were a ‘stroker’, rather than a ‘poker’.

You started wearing apparatus?

Oo-er missus! I think I will retreat from this game…

Brian Doonthetoon

Prog Rock?

Nah, this is prog rock!

link to

Paula Rose

Lets have some prog rock…

link to


Betty Boop

Ok, guys and gals, the comments certainly picked up with all the interest in oxi, oxi, oxi! Kudos to Greece, taking the dog by the tail and telling them it ain’t good enough!

Liked the prog rock links. A wee bit o’ anarchy can be a tonic!

@ Bdtt I shared an FB post about the Treaty of Union last night and come on here today to find you are on to it already. Is your Dundee residence really the home of the National Archives? 🙂

@ Paula R. 12:56am

Thanks for you particular “prog rock” preference 🙂 You know how to stroke souls like mine.

Attended such a service in North Uist when we live in the Hebrides; no organ music thank goodness, just pure voices and a rather Hellfire type of meenister! Bare wood church floor and probably a good thing it was a summer night because I doubt there was any heating. One of the few memorable church services I have attended.

The scenes in that video made me nostalgic and fairly “homesick”… despite the fact I’m not a born islander. Must visit the islands again soon. Thank you (again!) :-))

Michael McCabe

Two guys Jamming in Greece. Think they might make it big some day. link to


Liar Liar!

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Betty Boop.

I picked up the ‘’ link from Facebook last night.

When I read the page, it reminded me of the ‘tarffadvertiser’ page, hence my posting of that link.

Very interesting read….

I’m sure the guy who writes that blog is a Winger.

Betty Boop

@ Thepnr

Hi Alex, definitely worth trying to keep up with Brian’s links even if you need matchsticks to keep the ol’ eyes open. Ta Brian, our very on version of Wikipedia; would that be Tecklepedia, iye?

Loved the Liar Liar link although they missed out yon ither pairty.

Brian Doonthetoon

I prefer this ‘Liar’…

link to

Betty Boop

@ Bdtt

You got the big guns out with Freddie! Unsurpassable.

Brian Doonthetoon

A ‘heads up’…

‘Off-topic’ regulars really have to check out the pi$h that Rock has come away with tonight, typing about this web site:-

“Unfortunately a group of sycophants and pedants, and quite possibly unionist agents, have been attempting to take it over.”

That’s me, Paula Rose – and RONNIE ANDERSON!

link to

I feel we need more input on that page…

Betty Boop

One of my favourites, this one has a few liars featured too, but, right now I like it particularly because it chimes with the “Nae Fear Greeks”, except the very end bit 🙁

link to

Michael McCabe

@ Thepnr 9:13pm I would be kidding you on if I said I did not like that. Cheers good link.

Brian Doonthetoon

Jiss catchin’ up on other pages.

Re my ‘Rock’ mention of a wee while ago…

You want to check out the posts since this time last night on this page:-

link to

Methinks someone’s trying to frack this web site.

Michael McCabe

Peace of Iona link to

Betty Boop

@ Bdtt

Felt compelled to follow your last link to the main pages. There are times when the comments section of this site become more than a bit intemperate and displays all the charm of p***ing contest.

I’m sorry to say I felt further compelled to make comment, but, probably more would be gained by just a few deep breaths.

Chic McGregor

Way back in 2007 on the TAMB (Tartan Army Board) before the recession and before the ‘Bank Crisis’, a chap posted a question regarding the purchase of RBS shares.

He had noticed that they had been dropping in value for some weeks and wondered if they had bottomed out yet and was it time to buy?

Several respondents were quite quite in favour of that plan, so I felt compelled to stick my oar in with advice not to and the following post explaining why that would be a bad idea. That this was not a normal economic cycle, that it would last for years and how it was a consequence of the rise of neoliberal, monetarist/globalist policies long consigned to the economic madhouse but unleashed on the World in the 80s.

Of course, bearing in mind this was ostensibly a football fan forum, I attempted to couch the message in non jargonised form.

I also posted a version of it on the UK Politics Forum which was immediately attacked by economic ‘experts’ who flatly stated that there would be no recession, no financial crisis.

Reposting it there a year or so later, was, I confess, pure schadenfreude.

It is a long post and may exceed the size limits here so may need to be split.

Chic McGregor

This is not a ‘normal’ boom and bust cycle.
This is not going away any time soon.

This a consequence of unfettered capitalism and the lunatic ‘policy’ of globalisation bought into by Reagan and Thatcher (both sufferers of degenerate brain disease) and carried on by Bush, Blair and Brown. But these ‘leaders’ were just mere puppets. The multinational corporation mentality is the real villain of the piece.

Those ‘captains of industry’, most of whom are unable to chart a course beyond next month’s balance sheet, sought only two things:

1) To run after the lowest available wage bill using workers with no rights in China.

2) To create a Global market place whereby they could maximise profit.

In order to pursue these policies, Western leaders of gullibility or criminality or just plain bonkers were connived into place and the required trade deals and other changes made.

Whether they were incapable of understanding the consequences of blindly pursuing those policies on the stability of the World economy, on the stability of World peace or on the environment or whether they simply did not care doesn’t really matter, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Huge sectors of manufacturing have headed East to the slave prisons and low wage resource of China. Lovely balance sheet. Only problem is the loss of manufacturing jobs in the West.
But never mind eh? We can all service each others jacksies and those nice Easterners will pay us handsomely for our ‘services’ too, right?

What a load of bollox. Does anyone really believe that once China had most of the manufacturing industry that they were going to hand money back to the West for ‘services’ they could easily provide for themselves in order that we can buy goods from them?

And look at the effect this has had on the environment. China is very nearly 100% coal burning for its electricity production. So goods once made in Europe where a high percentage is nuclear, hydro, wind etc. are now being made using coal. Not only that, but because of the cheaper prices for goods due to the artificially low labour costs, we are using far more, changing and discarding far more often. Meanwhile our idiotic and/or dishonest Western leaders crow about GGE reductions in their country which are largely due to reduced manufacturing when the relocation of that manufacturing is actually resulting in a massive increase in Global pollution.

And the new, as yet in its infancy, affluence all that manufacturing is creating in China has already, even at their still low GDP pc, put pressure on food and oil prices World wide too.

Now I am certainly not against China being capitalised and their standard of living raised to Western levels but China is quite a different kettle of fish from the other Pac Rim capitalisations of the past. Quite aside from human rights issues, the difference in scale is huge and way beyond anything the World economy can ‘ride out’ as per it did for Japan, Korea, Taiwan etc. this needs to be done in a controlled manner which does not create destructive instabilities.

For a start, to create the basics of a level playing field, workers there should have normal workers’ rights. The environment should be protected by insisting on clean coal burning technology.

From the capitalists’ point of view the extra costs involved in those measures would make China less attractive and that would have slowed things naturally and in a constructive way.
However, the Chinese government was certainly never going to put these measures in place voluntarily.

Foreign investors would have had to insist on them but that would have required what amounts to a UN backed investment policy which would never have flown.

Anyway, capital has probably already accrued in China beyond the critical mass required to self-fund its own expansion, which, although perhaps at a lower rate, is still way fast enough to continue to destabilise the World economy and environment.

And China has learned from the orchestrated East Asian Banking crisis of the 90s and made sure the yuan is seeded away in dollar, pound and euro areas, there is no option of selectively destabilising and slowing things in the that way again, a ploy which was used to throttle back on Japan’s expansion when it threatened American economic hegemony in the 90s.

The introduction of capitalism to the Pac Rim countries was not without its problems for World economic stability in the past but those bumps, although large, were rideable until their wage rates approached Western levels which restored balance, halted the drain on manufacturing and even reversed it in some areas.

However, the same thing cannot be done with China it is simply far too big. Development there has to be controlled. The World economy would simply not survive a 20 year timescale expansion of China from zero to Western levels as seen in other Pac Rim countries. China is like ten Japans rolled into one. Also Japan was largely nuclear so there was not the environmental consequences historically either.

Demand on food and fuel will continue to increase, the West will stay in recession and unemployment will continue to grow until,… someone points out “Wait a minute just a couple of decades back Europe and America grew all it needed to eat and produced all the goods it needed as well. Why can’t we go back to that?” And so trade tarrifs and a degree of isolationism will inevitably need to return which will enable the West to get back to similar standards of living they enjoyed previously (provided we stay cosy with Russia for oil and gas). But the interim will be grim, and sadly NOT just for the Gadarine swine parasites of the City or Wall Street.

And we are talking at least 5 years before that can be fully implemented. So that is how long I expect things to keep going down.

Oh there will be normal boom and bust cycles driven by domestic policies in countries superimposed over the downward trend, sometimes even hinting that things are on the way back up, but always the underlying trend will be down until a Western manufacturing base is restored.

One lesson that should be learned is that a roughly equitable geographical spread of manufacturing base is a requirement for World stability and needs to be maintained by sensible trade agreements.

Although this may entail local subsidy to counter exchange rate differences, to ensure efficiencies are still market driven, there should be no local monopolies allowed and fixed and equal support for all local competitors.

Strategic controls need to be overlayed over the investment process. (e.g. min. hold time limits etc.)

The other lesson that should be learned once and for all is the difference between wealth creation and wealth acquisition.

How often do we hear in Scotland how much wealth is ‘generated’ by London and the SE? In point of fact they are very very poor at generating wealth on a pro rata basis.

Wealth is simply the things we use in life. Food, fuel, clothes, cars, shoes, TVs, fridges, microwaves, computers etc.etc.etc. The generation of wealth entails, mining, drilling, growing, manufacturing, fishing, hunting etc. etc. etc.

The invention of money made exchange of wealth easier, however it also brought an inherent problem. Through various mechanisms e.g. speculation, ‘service’ charges, exchange rates etc. it is possible to accrue money without actually generating wealth.

The general effect of this on ethical values can be bad enough, but when those who indulge in some of even the more primarily wealth accruing practices equate them to wealth generation the delusion has become pathogenic.

Wealth acquisition is not wealth generation, doesn’t matter how clever or devious the particular little scam someone may have thought up to accrue wealth is, it just isn’t.

And whereas a parasitic micro-economy may be tolerated in a host nation (with the complicity of the Government, say), when such self-delusion leads to notions that the entire Western economy can be likewise based, with the East generating nearly all the wealth, the plot has been well and truly lost. When parasites grow to a similar size as their host, there is a problem.

It will take 5 years before things turn around but the lessons, if learned, will be beneficial in the longer term.

Chic McGregor

You can call me Cassandra if you like.

In hindsight my 5 years was a bit optimistic, but it did rely on Western leaders responding sanely. However, for the most part the penny seems to have dropped. Even the Tories are supportive of moving from financial services to manufacturing if only in a very quiet way lest the Thatcher god myth suffers.

My thinking that the bankers would suffer was naive.

But I did say even then that the European people would not accept resetting to Victorian standards of living.

Here is post from 4 years ago, not in Tambese, where some of that is reiterated but with more emphasis on the predicted European unrest, since the measures which Western leaders could have taken to avoid that have not been.

Chic McGregor

Taking a laissez-faire approach in a market a la Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand of God’ does generally lead to a more rapid rate of real progress (i.e. real increase in pro rata wealth creation) than other systems, provided there are safeguards against monopolies and cartels of course.

However, that presupposes that ‘a market’ is a self-evident thing. Is ‘a market’ only about supply and demand, or is it required to work with inbuilt social criteria as well?

In the socially developed World we have things like the right to strike, collective bargaining, welfare infrastructure, health care, health and safety, building regulations, environmental regulations and a lots more. Those things are what most would consider the trappings of a society which would call itself socially civilised. Most people, certainly in the West, would consider that these things, which do indeed cost a lot of money, are required target outputs for ‘a market’ to achieve.
A basic social development level is part of the Western market.

These things are not natural developments of the market however. They have had to be won by countless struggles over 200 years or thereabouts.

It was understood that Western economies exist and compete in a market which accepted these overheads and where the provision in each country was broadly the same.

However, with the acceptance into the market of China etc. where a lot of those things we would consider basic social expectations and provisions are not provided or paid for, then we have a situation where it can be quite viably claimed that we no longer have ‘a market’ where everyone is playing by the same rules, but we have instead two markets competing with completely different rules.

In that scenario, Smith et al, falls down.

I’m all in favour of bringing China into a ‘Global’ market, but it should have been done in a way which maximised the social progress for the Chinese people and which preserved sufficient genuine wealth creation capability in the West to maintain the socially civilised standards that it had attained there.

To do this, trade with China should have been subjected to a tariff system where tariffs were reduced as pro rata percentage GDP spend on social infrastructure and citizens rights and freedoms targets were met.

Instead not only did we allow China full access to the WTO (Clegg lead the EU team which accepted China) but the GAT tarrif levels were ludicrously, massively in favour of Chinese exports.

It is as if, Global strategist capitalists want to use China to ‘reset’ workers rights in the West to circa 1850.

If that is the case, then they are in for a rude shock, because the people of Europe know that, even in isolation, they could easily go back to a situation where they grow and manufacture all they need to maintain the living standards they are used to AND to maintain social provisions as well. So if that is the plan it will not wash and there will be a new wave of revolutions.


@Chic McGregor


Here’s me too thinking all along that you were a physicist only to find out that your grasp of economics is better than those that have won the Noble Prize for economics.

Noble prize for economics a misnomer I know.

Chic I can’t say I understood all your arguments but I certainly agreed with them.

Having worked all my life in Industry and watching its destruction I could plainly see with my own eyes how damaging it was to society and in Scotland in particular.

One thing I do know is that the Scots may be wee, they may be poor but they are certainly not stupid!


Or mibbees yer jist a Scots fermer that reads a lot?

Ian Brotherhood

Good stuff here, in the wee oasis… 🙂

Ian Dury & The Stranglers, ‘Peaches’ (live) –

link to

Paula Rose

In an Independent Scotland there will be none of that looking at “peaches” whilst strolling on beaches – instead you will all join Thepnr in joyfully reading all about economics!

Brian Doonthetoon

Good essay, Chic McGregor!

And for Ian B…

Was this song put together as an analogy of Westminster?

link to

Ian Brotherhood


Interesting cross-class/cultural stuff going on there what with it being in the Royal Albert All.

Someone said the string section was all gorgeous lassies wearing camouflage gear. Bummer! I couldn’t see any of ’em. 🙂

Paula Rose

Behave yourselves, men.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

I’ve always had a penchant for prog rock and when I first heard “Down In The Sewer”, I was dumfoonirt, coz The Stranglers came in on the punk tide. “DITS” is classic prog rock, IMHO.
Mind you, The Stranglers had been pro musicians for a fair old time before The Stranglers evolved.

There was a Dundee band called “The Visitors”, whose keyboard style was very similar to The Stranglers, and they were on the go at the same time.

If I can find time, I’ll upload the B Side of The Visitors only single to my webspace, so you can have a listen.

Won’t be tonight though…

Brian Doonthetoon

Paula Rose – I’ve already told you umpteen times, I am not having your babies!

What would the meenister say?

Betty Boop

@ Chic McGregor

Some of us realised much of what you describe would happen way back when Thatcher was doing her worst to our manufacturing industry. Most of us, however, could not have produced such an eloquent and descriptive analysis.

When it comes to our Western leaders, it would be bad enough to consider them inept, but, really, I think they just didn’t/don’t care about the consequences of their actions upon people.

Ian Brotherhood

Doesn’t matter if you don’t like so-called ‘punk’ music, or ‘anarchists’ – this dude is wise:

Penny Rimbaud, in interview (2007):

link to

Chic McGregor


I have taken a holistic interest in economics since I was an undergraduate. Still have my copy of Mill’s ‘Principles of Political Economy’ on my bookshelf from student days. A tough read by the way, as indeed are most of the tracts on economic theory. In that respect, it is a subject equal to that of Law and Medicine in creating a linguistic fence.

However, my approach to economics is from a scientific perspective.

It is known as the Queen of Sciences, but IMO it is just about at the same stage of development as science was circa 1600 with astrology, alchemy and pseudo-science along with their shamans, shysters and charlatans still being given more or less equal credence with the emergent astronomers, chemists and physicists of the nascent rational age.

It should be a genuine science and treated as such. The problem is, up till now, it has not attracted the serious interest of the scientific community. First because, well frankly, it is not interesting enough and secondly because of the extreme opposition they would have to endure, given the vested interests involved.

If a team of genuinely scientifically minded people were to address the problem, I think it would fairly quickly be put on a far sounder, more rational basis, than it is at present.

The first thing they would address, is the fundamentals, as they did in science. Without those, no rational progress is possible.

To take one as an example.

What is an economy for?

Being somewhat subjective, that is not an easy question to answer.

For some people, it is entirely about competitiveness. It’s a game to be won. Winner takes all. This is a manifestation of that kind of thinking which has at base, the justification that there is still some meaningful level of ‘survival of the fittest’ evolutionary process going on for humanity. I would suggest two major flies in that particular ointment. First, human population has long since passed the numerical point where any such evolution could actually (statistically) take place and secondly the human characteristics which are most useful in succeeding in that scenario, dishonesty, lacking in empathy and ruthlessness, by most reasonable interpretations would be considered recidivist rather than progressive in human evolutionary terms anyway.

Then there are those who might take the polar opposite view, that no one should be economically disadvantaged by their lack of ability, since they did not choose to be born in that position. Therefore the economy should provide for everyone equally, regardless. The main fly in the ointment of that approach is that ‘regardless’ can pertain to lack of effort as well as lack of ability. Humanity has evolved a capacity for laziness. A capacity which we should realise has perfectly reasonable evolutionary credentials based on the often precarious balance between energy expelled versus energy intake (i.e. food). Therefore, there is more than a danger that such a system would lead to mollycoddling, encouragement of indolence and lack of incentives to the detriment of most of the recipient population in terms of their own personal development as well as to the sum production of wealth available for distribution.

However I hope and believe, that were a World wide poll ever taken to test for a fundamental consensus (as it would be if scientists were charged with the task) that the vast majority of humanity would plump for something like this:

As a fundamental principle, an economy is there to enable as many people as possible to get as close as possible to fulfilling their personal potential. That requires an economy to make sufficient welfare, health, housing, infrastructural and educational provisions as required but also, sufficient reward for those who are extraordinarily innovative, creative or imbued with a strong work ethic, thereby acting as an effective incentive while keeping that reward differential within reasonable limits (e.g. by income gap capping). There should also be restrictions on the size a corporate body can get to before it is required to fracture into competing entities to guard against monopolies.

If something like that third option was demonstrated to be a World consensus, then it could be enshrined in a UN Declaration of National Economic Principles.

Against which nations could be assessed for either admiration or admonishment (via tariff settings).

However, I do realise that such enlightenment is some way off, but hopefully not the full 4 centuries worth.

Paula Rose

Quiet please dears – i’m reading a new book called “Pavement” – just coalesce in the kitchen, give me ten minutes.


Andrew Tyrie – Chair Treasury Select Committee is a ignorant, arrogant, pompous and totally out of touch.

Stewart Hosie brilliant.

Osbourne furious


When you hear the Tory version
It’s really quite atrocious

Living wage
Existence wage
Subsistence wage
Minimum wage

Our language is being corroded by the bankers`pals and ‘I’m alright Jacks’ in Westminster.

Our welfare state is being reduced to begrudged benefits.

Our economy is being ruined by silver-spoon imbeciles.

We really, really gotta get out of this place.

Brian Doonthetoon

@Brian Doonthetoon

Your no wrong my friend.


Ronnie, proofs sent to your hotmail account – awaiting your verdict!


Will be offline for a few days while I go and commune with nature at Strathallan Castle. Unlikely to have decent comms and I can’t be ar5ed with phone.

Here’s a little thing from my first festival to keep you busy while I’m away. It should be LOUD 😉

link to


Some Thursday morn entertainment for y’all..

The Streak ~ Ray Stevens
link to

ronnie anderson

@ Gillian Ruglonian Thanks Gillian I forwared them on to the Rev for his approval, so its wait & see.


@Brian Doonthetoon
Yes, that’s the theme song inspired by this budget.

And speaking of Burdons and animals:
The unionists see Scotland as a burden the UK has to bear. The reality is we are their ‘beast of burden’, doing all the work of keeping the UK solvent with our export earnings, while being whipped like a mule.

Rolling Stones “Beast of Burden”
link to

Paula Rose

Sorry to put a downer on the party – but Cur Mick Jagger is not exactly Indy supporting material – can we ensure that the tunes we post meet the high standards we expect of ourselves (eek can’t remember how to do the emoticon thingie).

Brian Doonthetoon

Nice one, David.

I posted this in the relevant thread (you-dont-get-to-do-this) just now but, with the fast turnover on the main pages, it will probably be missed. “Don’t Blame Me…” T-shirts was the subject, at the time.


Re: T-shirts, mentioned many hours ago.

Check out this link:-—t-shirt.html


Och Paula, if Jagger’s anti-indy it only means he’s reading too many MSM papers in whatever country he happens to be in.
We should crowdfund a subscription to The National for him…

How about posting David “Stay with us, Scotland” Bowie – I’ve always loved his “Laughing Gnome”.

Michael McCabe

No Arguing with Paula Rose Because. link to


Hi folks
we recently live streamed a “safety walk” by concerned local citizens in Maryhill about the stopping of a free bus service to kids as part of an austerity drive by Glasgow City Council who promised the local community that they would always provide this service before closing their local schools. The council are now going back on this and stopping the free bus service.

The route itself I would not want my kids to walk as it is so dangerous. Other impacts includes sucking about £200,000 out of the local community as well as putting another barrier in front of kids from a deprived area from getting an education.

Instead of a 7min bus ride the walk will take upto 55mins in our wonderful Scottish weather along one of the busiest roads in Glasgow.

Please sign the petition:
link to

Chic McGregor

Wrong answer for 13 Ac today took ages to suss.

I had chapel.

Brian Doonthetoon

Signed, Kevin.

BTW, this is hilarious. Guy trained a wild gull to dance for food.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Massive Attack, ‘Daydreaming’ –

link to


@Brian Doonthetoon

Poor wee seagull.

Plenty of them in Helensburgh, maybe you could train one. Wings meet up for fun and chat on 25th July at the Clyde Bar.

Hope you can make it.

Ian Brotherhood

Heard the end of this on Smooth yesterday, and was certain it was Gladys Knight.

Candi Staton, ‘Nights On Broadway’ –

link to

Tackety Beets

Chic , thats pretty much sums it all up.

Thanks for taking the time to write these posts.

Large business has taken control , hence every Gvt makes bizarre decisions we struggle to understand.

I have been Self Employed ( small scale) more or less all my adult life.
I reflect , its all about big business bullying little business.
They hide behind “small print” and know we are too busy to have time to challenge them.

Ian B , I bought the Candi Staton 7″er in the 70’s Sweet Soul Music . Classic !

Ian Brotherhood

This is for wir ain dearest Paula Rose – don’t let Rocky Rock Rock get to ye pal.

Ray Charles, ‘You Don’t Know Me’ (live) –

link to


Hi guys, what’s happening?!

@thistle – I like this use of the live stream to raise awareness of a specific issue, there’s a few things in my area that could use that sort of attention.
I wasn’t able to come to the CH training nights but I am still interested in picking your brain!! Are you going to be in Helensburgh on the 25th?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Thepnr.

Pete and I will be at Helensburgh; we’re bringing two lady lurkers from Ninewells – Sand Holmes, who missed Glasgow because of her lad’s motorbike accident, and Pam, who’s a character.


@Ian Brotherhood

Thanks for that, been struggling to find good tunes and was looking for inspiration, settled on this.

link to


PRose…here’s a little meditation for you 😉

link to



I seem to remember that Thistle said he would make it along, I hope he does.

Brian Doonthetoon

Great Brian see you and Pete there and look forward to meeting your pals 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –


Good shout there mister.

Reminds me of queuing for lunch, 1st-yr at Holyrood Sec, Glasgow – knew, by how many guys were ahead, whether or not I’d get pie/beans/chips. (Very few of the first 32 ever opted for fish.)

Good pies…


Michael McCabe

Paul Simon Singing Stevie Wonder. link to


@regulars ~

Here’s a song you may have heard on the radio, but may not have seen the music video for:

Moonlight Shadow ~ Mike Oldfield with Maggie Reilly
link to


Hiya Cactus, if I remember correctly that song was written about John Lennons assassination?

Brian Doonthetoon

It was good to see Tartan Tory being one of the first to post a comment on one of the pages yesterday.


Been meaning to post this link for ages. It’s dedicated to Lumilumi – A Finnish band with Scottish scenes.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Robbie Sheppard just played this – instantly catchy.

Skipinnish, ‘The Island’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

…and methinks it owes at least a nod and a wink to this:

The Pogues, ‘Streams of Whiskey’ 🙂 –

link to

Ninja Penguin

Yew Choob’s back! link to

Ian Brotherhood

Looks like we’ll be hitting 440,000 comments later tonight…keep the peepers peeled to see who gets it.

And where’s Paula Rose anyway?

Ian Brotherhood

Synchronicity’s a ‘real’ thing by the way!

Yesterday, was sorting out the CDs my late uncle left behind (approximately 250, all Classical stuff) because I was rejigging the room and had to make a new space for them. They’re mostly series he must’ve bought along with magazines – fifty of this or that ‘collection’, and a good few boxed sets of the big well-kent names. I know not a solitary jot about classical music, but enjoy playing these and remembering him. I don’t even know that he listened to them all, or what his favourites where, but he did have a wee plastic bust of Beethoven, and the boxed sets are, for the most part, conducted by Karajan.

So, anyway, yesterday, sorting them best as I could, I was thinking about the very few pieces of classical music I do know, and the ‘theme’ tune of the movie Gallipoli popped into my heid. I was wondering who composed it, and made a mental note to check it later online. I forgot to do so.

Just twenty minutes ago, I was surfing Youtube for any decent tunes, remembered Karajan, searched for him, but all the first results are major pieces, an hour or more long. Except one.

And you don’t have to guess what it was.

So here it is. The theme from Gallipoli, or, as it should be properly called, ‘Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor’ – you’ll know it as soon as you’ve heard the first few seconds.

(Hey, Uncle Bill – aye, okay, very good! Stop laughing, ya bass ye!!)

link to

Michael McCabe

Trance music with a Guitar ? link to Digging the lamp shade.


Ian @11:04, aw bless, the older we get the more we have to deal with this senario. Not a fan o clssical music, but liked the subtext of yer post. Aw the best uncle Bill.

Ian Brotherhood

@smithie –

Cheers aplenty – much appreciated.


Ian Brotherhood

It was me! It was me!

Ian Brotherhood

It was me! It was me!

My comment above was the 440,000th on WOS.


That’s me made-up now.


I thank you all.

Please be seated.

:0 😉 🙂


LoL made up fer ya Ian,there goes my 5%, bugger.

Brian Doonthetoon

Ninja Penguin / Yew Choob – EXCELLENT!

Now, how about “Ballroom Blitz”? Words by ‘David’ on 30th June, up above.

link to


Paula Rose

@ Ian Brotherhood – have you calmed down yet,dear?


The EU and Merkel in particular still playing real hardball with Greece. Make no mistake “they” want no agreement with Syriza and their only aim is to bring down a democratically elected government, even if it causes chaos.

Mark my words.



We have a new political journalist Terry Houston who has written an article on London Labours downfall and continuing downward spiral. If you can find the time can you go visit the website and leave a comment if possible ? The Lost Tribe or Kier Hardie

On a different note I met with Dixie & Cactus this afternoon at the Clyde Bar for the next Wings Ding Doo. Looking forward to seeing many of you on the 25th.

Yours aye



Hi Kendo

Regarding the 25th, I’d recommend just setting aside a portion of the lounge for those making the journey. their is no way of known how many will turn up.

Obviously the more the merrier but wouldn’t want the owner to lose out in any way by us claiming the whole lounge on what could be a otherwise busy Summer Saturday night for him. Cheers.



Bleeding predictive text – it’s the bane of my life. Thanks for the heads up.

Re the Clyde, the back stage area has been kept free until about 11.30pm when the DJ starts his biz and the general public will have access. The local Yes, SNP and CommonWeal guys will hope to join you, and Dixie will be providing live music – so all’s good.

There is a curfew at 12 meaning if you leave the bar you can’t get back in – but drinking until 2.00 a.m. should be a good night !


Hey Ken you missed out the i from iscot.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

🙂 😉 🙂

It was me! It was me!

🙂 😉 🙂

Yeeeeeee-ha! Wooooo-hooo! 🙂 🙂 😉

YES!! Get right fucking in there!!! 🙂 😉 😉


Cheers Ken

Sounds good, looking forward to meeting others that I haven’t met before as well as some old friends from past meet ups.

Tam Jardine, TJemmy, Quine fae Angus. Jock Scot Hello!

Michael McCabe

Lots of Smiley faces. Here is a song to go with them. link to Congratulations Ian.

Brian Doonthetoon

Just a quickie, furnoo…

Finally got the ‘Proud Pedant’ badge design finished.

comment image

Kendomacaroonbar – if you’re still hingin’ aboot here…
I’ll email you in the next 24 hours.

Brian Doonthetoon

Another quickie…

If anyone wants a personalised badge for the ‘Wings Over Helensburgh’ get-together, stick a post in Quarantine, saying what name you want on the badge.

link to


Paula Rosa 4.05pm
Didn’t see you at the Harley D gig yesterday.


I’m meaning to have a couple of nights at Celtic Connections in January.I’ve been advised this is the place to get guidance as to the best digs and gigs for craic.Any suggestions?




I’ll be furtively lurking for a wee while. You can get me on e mail if needed ?

Paula Rose

Mealer honey – we missed each other, you should have let me know – I could have let you know which cocktail bar I was going to xx


@ Mealer, anent the Celtic Connections, how about Babbity Bowsters or The Old Print Works.


Paula Rose 9.28,
Sorry I missed you.My wife dispatched me to The Glebe at ten to three.She probably thought it a safer environment for me….away from the attentions of any “cycle sluts” who happened to happen upon Scotlands greatest city that day.Among the several spectators at said “fitty” was a man weel kent by you and I.Why the hell he was at the Glebe instead of the gig in the stables car park,I don’t know.But it’s a bit sad,I have to say.Anyway,we’ve got the L.We’ve got the G.We’ve got the B.We’ve got the T and now we’ve got the I.Its a long,long,road to YOUR destination,but I’ll be there for a party if,heaven forfend,you ever get there!

Ian Brotherhood

Don’t think we’ve ever had this one. What a fantastic tune it was, and right at the height of the Thatcher years.

Culture Club, ‘Karma Chameleon’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

It’s one thing to be able to play a guitar like this, but to do it whilst having a drag is something else. Class!

Reminds me of seeing two locals cycling up to the train station one afternoon – one was riding the bike, standing up, his pal was on the seat, holding the rider’s waist. Impressively, they were both smoking fags, no hands required.

Django Reinhardt, ‘Honeysuckle Rose’ –

link to


Fred 9.28
Thanks for that.

Cadogan Enright

I have been going back over the last few days looking for a quote someone posted from the German finance geezer Wolfgang Schaeuble saying (basically) that if they wrote of debt for Greece, they would have to do the same for Ireland

anyone help me find it?

Ian Brotherhood

@Cadogan Enright –

Happy to try and help, but the Google results don’t throw up anything obvious. So much out there right now…

Have you any specific phrases which might help whittle it all down a bit?


Time for an extended holiday.

You folks be good now. 🙂



Have a good one!


What i actually popped in to say before seeing Macarts post was that this Greek “agreement” is a disaster whether agreed or not.

Maybe the headstrong will stay at home until the result of their parliaments vote is known. Then again maybe not, not a good time to be in Athens 🙁

Cadogan Enright

@Ian Brotherhood 12.02
It was posted on Wings – possibly by or near a post be De Valera – with a link to Wolfgang Schaeuble talking in English

Ian Brotherhood

@Cadogan Enright –

Aha! Misunderstood you – so it’s in here somewhere…

Got a rough time frame? Was it in the past week?

Paula Rose

@ Ian Brotherhood – sometime around the 440 000 comment I believe.


So they think Mhairi Black speaks like a Glasgow docker? What would they make of this? Hilarious. Fair cheered me up.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

I want it carved into my headstone (or at least, to be printed on the big sticky label they put on the plastic jar) – ‘Supplied The 440,000th Comment On WOS – Verily, He Was Never The Same Again’.

Ian Brotherhood

Another oddity here –

When trying to explain and/or understand the BBC, it’s important to make some effort to understand where it came from, and the main characters involved.

Not that it’s ever that ‘obvious’, but the elders amongst us may be able to make wee connections here and there using archive stuff like this:

‘Thanking Yew From Mr and Mrs C. Fletcher’

link to


@Ian Brotherhood

Hahaha “The Establishment” old school though before they all became lizard people 🙂


OK I know many have been waiting on the start of some more decent music. Hope this fits the bill.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –

Remember him on ‘That’s Life’?

I could never stand the prick. He had that wee bit screened-off on the stage, decorated with pot-plants, and he was wearing a smoking jacket or a tuxedo. Throwback to Edwardian ‘The Good Old Days’ shite, and he was so un-funny that the audience didn’t even know when to laugh. A creepy cross between Roy Orbison and Noel Coward, with none of their talent.

And as for Esther?…

Bleeeuurgh – the further we get away from irrational trust in these people, the clearer their behaviour becomes, and the BBC, as a ‘brand’, plummets exponentially. When the BBC is finished? That’s the ‘Empire’ officially done.

Please, all known Gods, let us see that day, and let’s see it soon.


@Ian Brotherhood

Sorry my friend, I can’t even remember somebody I met yesterday. Not that I’m dowally yet, just cant be arsed. I do remember for some reason the blonde one.

Anyhoos, a follow up to my last great record lol.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –


Good shout there mister. Never saw that video before.

Here’s a disco tune from around the same time:

Pointer Sisters, ‘Automatic’ –

link to


Vote SNP, get Basil Brush. 🙂

The Sweet- “Fox on the Run”
link to

“Basil Brush and the Airbed”
link to

Jamie Foxx- “Real in Rio”
link to

Fox Dives Headfirst Into Snow Nature prog
link to

Jimi Hendrix- “Foxy Lady”
link to

Vote pro-fox, get right up the Tories’ noses!

Quinie frae Angus

Hello dear Wingers

Sorry to have to say that one again I won’t be able to make it along to the Helensburgh Wings Night.

This is because I will be down in Merry Old England that weekend for a classic rock fest known as “The Ramblin’ Man Fair”.

Hope my Wingy friends will forgive me when I say that the line-up was just too tempting to turn down:

The Temperance Movement, FM, Ian Anderson, Rival Sons, Saxon, Blue Oyster Cult, Greg Allman and The Scorpions!!! I’m sure you can imagine the excitement of a quiverin’ Quinie at the prospect of such a panoply of rock gods a’struttin’ and a-strummin’ against a Kentish sunset.

However, love and solidarity to all the Wingers and here’s hoping that I’ll be able to join you all again for the next one.

Are any fellow Wingers going to this Ramblin’ Man Fair? If so it would be a hoot to meet up for a drink! (I will of course be wearing my Yes and Wings badges, including my precious “Wings over Invergowrie” one, and the classic “I’ve been stroked by Paula Rose”, so I should be easily identifiable).


@ Brian Doonthetoon, I’ll second that, YewChoob’s latest song is excellent! We are lucky to have him and also Tommy Reckless, providing the satirical soundtrack to the Indy movement.

I’d be surprised/proud/happy/delighted if either of them were to use my humble little song. It would mean that “all my hard work ain’t been in vain for nothing.” 😉

Also thumbs up to Michael McCabe for Mick Jagger’s “She’s the boss”. Now that was for Paula Rose last weekend, but I think we can repeat it today for Paisley’s Mhairi Black, to celebrate her kick-ass maiden speech!

link to

Or maybe it should be the Pussycat Dolls with “Don’t cha wish your MP was hot like me”, cos Mhairi was hot.

In fact forget hot, she was on fire! Burning down the house.

Very proud to have her representing Paisley and Scotland.


Ian Brotherhood, you want Cyril Fletcher, you can have Cyril Fletcher, as spoofed by the ‘Not the Nine O’Clock News’ team:

link to

Spot on, and viciously funny.


(Inspired by Mhairi Black’s maiden speech, and by the Pussycat Dolls)

“Don’t Cha Wish Your MP Was Hot Like Me” by the Pussycat AwrightDolls

I know you vote for me (I know you vote for me)
I know you do (I know you do)
That’s why whenever I come around Kezia’s all over you
And I know you want Indy (I know you want it)
It’s easy to see (it’s easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be in Westminster with me

Don’t cha wish your MP was hot like me
Don’t cha wish your MP had a first-class degree
Don’t cha, don’t cha
Don’t cha wish your MP was honest like me
Don’t cha wish your MP was a Buddie like me
Don’t cha, don’t cha

Fight the Tories (fight the Tories)
Leave our budget alone (leave it alone)
Cause if it ain’t Indy
It just ain’t enough to mend a broken home
Let’s keep up the pressure (let’s stick it to them)
Unionists can’t play fair (you have to play fair)
See, ah dinnae care
But I know UK ain’t gonna wanna share

Don’t cha wish your MP was hot like me
Don’t cha wish your MP had a first-class degree
Don’t cha, don’t cha
Don’t cha wish your MP was anti-austerity like me
Don’t cha wish your MP worked in a chippy
Don’t cha, don’t cha

I know I’m on your side
I know we’ll have a good time
I’m your voice
I’m fun
And I’m fine
I ain’t lying
Look at me, you ain’t blind (2x)

See, I know Kezia wants you (I know she wants you)
I understand (I understand)
I’d prob’ly be just as crazy aboot ye
If you were mah ain man
Maybe next parliament (maybe next parly)
Possibly (possibly)
Until then, Oh voter yir constituency’s safe wi’ me

Don’t cha wish your MP was hot like me
Don’t cha wish your MP was frae Penilee
Don’t cha, don’t cha
Don’t cha wish your MP had chips fur her tea
Don’t cha wish your MP was a Jags fan like me
Don’t cha, don’t cha

The original:
link to

Ain’t politics great nowadays!


Haha David, very good. That doesn’t mean to say that now is the time to get yourself carried away 🙂

Jock Scot

Hi folks,

Have been having a wee bit of a sabbatical but Ninja Penguin sent me the Lyrics for All The Free Scots (Thanks Brian for commenting) and well, it was another song up for the murderin’..hope it didn’t put too many folk off as Ninja’s lyrics just keep getting better.

David, I would suggest you try recording your lyrics yourself, you don’t have to be a good singer, as many can testify tae my efforts but you wrote them so you have the idea in your head and are in the best position to express the lyrics as they ought to be done.Yew Choob’s mission statement is to encourage people to put their creative ideas out there no matter how they come out at first..they will get better.

Sorry I haven’t contributed for a while but the ‘gestapo’ have been doing my nut in lately but now is the time to say Fuck ’em. Time to write a will and record Long Live this space.

Cheers folks

Cadogan Enright

@Ian Brotherhood says:
13 July, 2015 at 9:05 pm Got a rough time frame? Was it in the past week?



The Clyde Bar (Helensburgh)

Yeah, we met up on Sunday with kendomacaroonbar & company at The Clyde Bar. The venue is old school awesome, you’re gonna love it Wingers.. they’ve even got a single bed (I tried it out) for customers! Here, check out the website and cheers for having us: 🙂

link to

‘A’ and by the way, who’s got the clipboard with the up-to-date list of guests.. is it time to take registration again before first class?

Hey Quinie frae Angus, that’s a smashin’ line-up, enjoy le rock and see ye at the next.

Hey Gillian, aye, I didnay ken that song was written about JL.. it all makes sense now after playback, cheers 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cactus.

I’m keeping a list in ‘Quarantine’, of those who want personalised badges for the Helensburgh get-together.

As it was suggested some weeks ago, that personalised badges may put off lurkers, we’re only doing badges for those who actually request them.

Therefore the badge list is not a list of everyone who’s intimated that they’re gonna be there. You’d have to trawl back through ‘off-topic’ to collate that list…

pete the camera

“Homecoming Scotland a success” sticks in Jackie burds craw on reporting Scotland tonight

Tackety Beets

P T Camera ,
Ref JB

Aye an they (RS/JB ) had to get the “scaled Back Bannockburn Event ” No mention o the other crap that was put on the same day in Stirling no less , aye for spite nae doot.

David @ 9.50 Excellent , email it to Lewis Hamilton for the crack!

Tackety Beets

P T Camera ,
Ref JB

Aye an they (RS/JB ) had to get the “scaled Back Bannockburn Event ” No mention o the other crap that was put on the same day in Stirling no less , aye for spite nae doot.

David @ 9.50 Excellent , email it to Lewis Hamilton for the crack!


Hey Brian Doonthetoon, cheers for the directions, heading for the containment suite..

So aye, see ye there lurkers, bar’s open till 2am.

..teleporting to Q the now..


Hi folks, I’ve been having a wee play about with an idea and wondered what you thought and whether anyone would like to contribute a story to it? link to

I thought it would be nice to create a repository for indyref experiences from ordinary people – so basically us reflecting on our own history, rather than the likes of Torrance & Cochrane.

Betty Boop

@ majestic12, 13/07/15, 11:07pm

Thanks for that link; I’m fair helpless noo! 🙂

CameronB Brodie

So, NASA have already made discoveries that challenge current scientific wisdom. What other amazing discoveries do you reckon there will be? Perhaps a positive case for the Union?

Nah, this isn’t science fiction.

Putopia (1951)
link to

CameronB Brodie

So, NASA have already made discoveries that challenge current scientific wisdom. What other amazing discoveries do you reckon there will be? Perhaps a positive case for the Union?

Nah, this isn’t science fiction.

Plutopia (1951)
link to


They’re baaaaaaack.

link to

As ever, if I’ve misread/misunderstood/miscalculated anything here, I’ll happily amend.

Brian Doonthetoon

If Carlsberg did Paula Rose’s favourite songs…

link to

I believe this was on the sound system, during that famous Invergowrie pool party.

Brian Doonthetoon

Or, should that be ‘infamous’?


Nah, they haven’t got enough power to left to get to another universe!


Still recovering from T in the Park. I’m definitely getting too old for it, but just can’t stop. Here’s why: Gerry Cinnamon on the BBC Introducing stage on Sunday morning. Gig of the weekend.

link to


Betty Boop

@ X_Sticks

Well done, you! Where do you get the stamina? 🙂
That was encouraging, hopeful even, hearing all those young folk enthusiastically belting out “Hope over Fear” at T!!!

Hope for the future yet. Still trying to figure out if the organisers knew what they were letting themselves in for.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi X_Sticks.

That video’s a cracker! Why? Because that’s a mainstream crowd at a mainstream festival.

I know the song because I’ve been at all the George Square rallies since ‘Hope Over Fear’ in October last year but the question is, how does a mainstream audience know it?

I can only surmise that the links to to the various clips on YouTube are being shared to those who aren’t particularly politically active and it’s striking a chord.

Gerry Cinnamon has a gig in Dundee on Sunday, 11th October; 7.30pm in Buskers.

link to


Glad to hear you survived wallowing in mud with thousands of other people// Oh, sorry that was ‘communing with nature’ was it not?

As they say, your as young as you feel (afterwards!)

Paula Rose

Just mastered the grinder – couple more links to go and that unicorn will be unchained!


@ Tackety Beets, ta, but I don’t want to distract poor old (young, successful, rich) Lewis Hamilton from his day job.

@ Jock Scot, thanks for the suggestions, but I think the world is a better place without my ‘vocal stylings’. I’ll stick to typing. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Chipmonkey’s been in touch – no detrimental effects from the Alyth flooding.

Hi Paula Rose.

Typing about unicorns…

You may like our latest badge, available at Helensburgh next weekend.

comment image


Can anyone give me the name of the background music to this vid?
Try and ignore the videos content, it’s the music i like and it’s
doing my head in, i can’t remember where i’ve heard it before.
I may be wrong but i think it’s a Scottish tune.
link to


Glad to hear Chip ‘n’ Quin are OK.


X sticks
Thanks for posting that video.Great reaction from the crowd.We know there was big support for Yes among young folk,but a lot in that crowd didn’t bother voting.I hope that song prays on their minds and haunts them a bit.Make them more likely to get off their butts and vote next time round.And there were bound to be atleast some No voters in the crowd.I wonder what was running through their minds.Great stuff.


Stoker 8.32,
That tune is called “The Gael” and was written by our good friend Dougie McLean.
It was made famous in the movie “Last of The Mohicans”.


Cheers, Mealer, you’re a star!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cactus.

Do you want the pro-indy/Scottish videos for Helensburgh next weekend?

If so, I’ll arrange things with John. If not, it’ll give me a night to socialise.



Nae probs,Stoker.I was actually playing it earlier this evening,so there’s a coincidence.Though I probably wasn’t playing it quite the way it was written.More practise required!


Great to see, hope for the future right enough.

Well done big man on coming up with the answer for Stoker

This is the reason why I love this site…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Well, you know, Thepnr, on this site, anything goes…

link to


@Brian Doonthetoon

Your a nutter! By the way was that a duet by Boris Johnson and that German bloke lol.


Aweright Brian Doonthetoon ~

Might be a good idea to have both live music and pro-indy/Scottish videos at The Clyde Bar, Helensburgh.. options are always good.

‘It’s aye better tae have and nae need, than tae need and nae have’ 🙂

D and me’ll arrive earlier in the day to set up stage.


Loved this song from 1979 you may have loved it too 🙂

link to

Quentin Quale

Ronnie A – thanks for asking. We are OK but Alyth Square and streets in that area are in a helluva state. Will take a huge clear-up operation. Good folk of Alyth out in force. John Swinney & Pete Wishart have both turned up to help/show support.


Fir ‘a’ Dundonians wherever they may be.
link to


@bddt love the unicorn badge 🙂
Busy so won’t be at Helensburgh.
Next time.


Or as the Dundee street poet would say.
link to

Ian Brotherhood

Can’t post this on main thread as it’s just too ‘out there’ and may put folk off, but Alex Salmond is going to be tearing strips off the Tories on Monday over the whole ‘Isisgate’ scandal, and that will, in turn, involve raising the unpleasantness of Blair/Iraq etc etc.

Just checked the Iraq Body Count website – 408 civilians killed/executed in the past week (not including the estimated 80 killed by a car bomb tonight). And that’s just the confirmed fatalities.

When the Tories (and any Blairites) get up to defend what’s happening, and/or what’s happened, it may help to mentally blank out whatever they’re saying – this could be a suitable alternative soundtrack for anyone watching British ‘democracy’ in action:

Joy Division, ‘Atrocity Exhibition’ –

link to



Love the badge, sad I won’t be there.



Oor Alex had a big prescence on PM this afternoon talking about this in some detail.

I don’t think Labour are too worried (don’t want to upset the tory voters, don’tcha know.


@Gerry Parker or someone associated wi iScot, I want to get the monthly hard copy subscription, but don’t do paypal. Any assistance gratefully received 🙂


@K1. Hi there. E mail me and we’ll work something out for you


Hi K1, if you’re in the neighbourhood, we’re all heading for event Helensburgh next Saturday.

Most of the usual suspects will be there and more.

Come on down 🙂


Thanks Ken, just emailed you…and Cactus…I’ll be along to the west end one? Can’t recall when that is happening, but I’ll be there 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Well, K1. Helensburgh is to the north-west of Glasgow so I guess it could be described as “the west end one”. That’s next Saturday, the 25th, in the Clyde Bar.

That’s the only Wings get-together I know of. Unless you mean the Kelvingrove Park to Glasgow Green trek on 1st August? I believe there will be Wingers at Glasgow Green but this Winger, onnyhoo, will not be getting his hiking boots on for the hour-and-a-quarter trek!

Ian Brotherhood

Dr Feelgood, ‘Milk & Alcohol’ –

link to

Paula Rose

@>–>– (test)


Here’s an unusual one, Billy Idol Mony Mony

link to

Ian Brotherhood

If you’re running short of stuff to have nightmares about, check this:

STV News, John Mackay, The Krankies & John Barrowman, plugging panto at ‘the ess-ee see-see’.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Thepnr –


Aye, and this is ‘unusual’ too – Billy Idol being interviewed by ‘Loose Women’.

The sexual tension is almost unbearable, as evidenced by Judy’s nervous giggling…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

This is extraordinary:

Hunter S. Thomson confronted by one of the Hell’s Angels he lived with, during a chat show (1967) –

link to


Check out these talented classical ladies:
link to


@ Cactus (12.21am).
Thanks for that, there are no suitable superlatives available.

Brian Doonthetoon

Now that was good Cactus!

Brian Doonthetoon

Further on 1st August.

Looks like the ‘All Under One Banner’ event is just a march to Glasgow Green, finishing at 1pm.

However, it looks like a demo has been organised against BBC bias, at Pacific Quay from 2pm to 4pm.

link to


Thanks, Cactus.

That was hilarious.

Brian Doonthetoon

Ust found another video of Gerry Cinnamon doing ‘Hope Over Fear’ at TITP.

This one doesn’t cut off the start and is clearer.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

‘Ust’ = ‘Just’!


Cheers BDtt.

I see pretty much the whole gig is on that page (on the right).

Off to go watch it again. 😀

ian foulds

Campaign for an English Parliament

Is there any ‘mileage’ in our bid for Independence in supporting this Campaign?


@ian foulds

Campaign for an English Parliament

Yes, why not until the goal of full Independence could be achieved?

Basically four separate Parliaments within one United Kingdom must result in a kind of federalism with in effect FFA for each Parliament.

I really can’t see me supporting this in anything other than tacit agreement. Too busy with our own battles.

Brian Doonthetoon

I posted this on one of the main pages a day or three ago, and sensibledave took umbrage.

England needs proper devolution, ie ‘regional’, meaning that there would be 8 regional parliaments, plus Scotland, Wales and NI, each with FFA, paying a sub to Westminster for Defence and Foreign Affairs.

Then, abolish the HoL and use the space for the ‘upper chamber’, ie 9 members from each ‘region’, giving an upper house of 99 members, so no need for a casting vote.

Of course, adoption of this idea could kill off the desire for Scottish independence.

So, maybe I’m talking out of my @®se…

Brian Doonthetoon

My last post for tonight – roast beef is waiting for my enjoyment.

I suppose this could be regarded as the signature tune of Fluffy, Carbuncle and the Morningside chappie.

link to

Funnily enough, the B side of that single could be their song as well.

“And we’re bet-ter together…”

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Jeez, it’s quiet in here…

Onnyhoo, a quote from the link below, that shows that ‘the 56’ are making their presence known in ‘that London’.

One Tory’s response to the SNP 56 may have been prescient. “There seem to be more of you Scots,” he told the new nationalist MP, who pointed out that there were exactly the same number of Scottish MPs as in the previous parliament. “All the same,” he replied, “there seem to be more of you.”

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

I’m gonna let you see another couple of badge designs we’ve come up with in the last week or so. (Available at Helensburgh.)

But, there’s a story behind the first.
I’ve just finished reading Dan Brown’s “Inferno”, in which there is much mention of Dante’s “The Divine Comedy” and, in particular, “Inferno”.

Thanks to Tommy Sheridan, the rallies in George Square and, of course, Gerry Cinnamon, the phrase “Hope Over Fear”, I believe, has become chiselled into the psyche of a large percentage of the Scottish nation. Gerry Cinnamon’s performance at TITP would tend to confirm that.

So, while reading Dan Brown’s book, when I came across the reference to Dante’s (probably) most famous quote from “Inferno”, “Hope Over Fear” immediately flagged itself up in my mind.

That quote is, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”. You see where I’m coming from, iye?

So, I did a Google image search and found what I was looking for. A bit of tweaking in Photoshop and I had the background. A wee bit adjustment of Dante’s words to fit in with “Hope Over Fear” – and a sticker on the road sign to reinforce the message, and the design was complete.

You can see it here:-

comment image


The second design is self-explanatory.

comment image


Both excellent, BDtt.

Brian Doonthetoon

Thanx, cearc.

Ian Brotherhood

@BDTT (8.32) –

‘Jeez, it’s quiet in here…’

Aye, it is my friend. As it is on the main threads.

Perhaps it’s because we’re now seeing the rawness of what the British ‘State’ involves.

What the Labour Party did tonight in the HOC; the ‘new’ scandals about child abuse (none of them are ‘new’ at all); the disgusting behaviour of that slug Cameron, ramping-up yet another Crusade…

It’s no wonder people get tired of it all – so tired, and scunnered, that they can’t even bring themselves to summon a comment.



Aye, cracking badges Mr Doonthetoon. I wonder if Gerry might join us on Saturday night..

Howdy cearc & Ian Brotherhood 🙂


Tonight’s theme song for Diane Abbott and the 47 other Labour MPs who defied their party whip & voted against the Tory welfare cuts:

Argent – “Hold Your Head Up” from 1972

link to


And for the SNP song:

Bachman-Turner Overdrive – “Takin’ Care Of Business” (1974)

link to


And for the Tories:

AC/DC – “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” (1976)

link to


Aweright David, good choice of tunes, rockin’ it up, chairs dude!


Try this one night-shifters, drummer for hire:
link to

Sharp Dressed Man cover (originally by the ZZ’s.)


Nice one Cactus, that drummer must be of the “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing to excess” school!

Ian Brotherhood

I’ve got a prize for anyone who can submit a dodgier 80’s music video before midnight.

Kelly Marie, ‘Feels Like I’m In Love’ –

link to

PS Was she Scottish?


Kelly Marie is from Glasgow/Paisley (?) I met her in Red Bus Studios around 1977 whilst trawling demo tapes. Nice lassie.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian.

From Wikipedia…
“Kelly Marie (born Jacqueline McKinnon, 16 October 1957, Paisley, Renfrewshire) is a Scottish disco singer. Her only notable hit was “Feels Like I’m in Love”, a #1 hit in the UK in 1980.”

Here’s one for you from 1988:-

link to

(I assume you’re old enough to watch it!)

Paula Rose

I will not be tempted…

Ian Brotherhood

I might just end up keeping that prize for meself…

Goombay Dance Band, ‘Seven Tears’ –

link to

Paula Rose

Any of you nice peeps going to mention our Saturday night soiree on the main threads?

Ian Brotherhood

Cheers KendoMac/BDTT, and hoots to ye Cactus – didn’t see your greeting earlier.

And as for Paula Rose? Well, if the lady’s not for tempting, so be it, but we can dream…

Ian Brotherhood


Ah, yes ‘Sabrina’.

I remember the day they shot that video, near Greenock it was. They were very lucky with the weather.

Unfortunately, the video is too good to have a chance of winning the prize. 🙁


Did our mutual friend block you too, Paula? Awfully touchy, isn’t he?

Paula Rose

No he hasn’t – but I was being correct in that his tetchiness is due to his illness, I’ve noticed it before. He is often very funny and I enjoy his tweets – Bit amused that he took umbrage at “dears” as Iv’e used that term of endearment in previous tweets to him.

Do we have the wondrous pleasure of being in your company in Helensburgh on Saturday?


McTernan calls Labour members stupid for supporting Corbyn who is polling in the lead over Burnham hahahahaha.



Got your email forwarded, looking good for Saturday at the Clyde Bar in Helensburgh. All welcome.

Party time!


Helensburgh? Saturday? Probably not, it’s a bit far.

Paula Rose

Morag honey – borrow Nicola’s heliwotsit.


He got snappy when I responded to a tweet of his about hypoglycaemia with a joke – I’m on a diet. He expected me to know he was diabetic, but I didn’t. I only followed him on a whim, I’m not psychic and I don’t hang on his every tweet.

I apologised quite handsomely, but he didn’t acknowledge the apology at all. I tried to take his side in an argument with some stupid woo who was trying to claim a fad diet could cure diabetes or arthritis or something, and he turned on me, calling me stupid and ignorant for remarking that an ultra-low calorie diet can cause some mild cases of type 2 diabetes to go into remission. Which is a simple fact. (Actually effective in about 80% of cases in cats, though I didn’t bother to tell him that bit. Works on a smaller percentage of human cases.)

Apparently he doesn’t acknowledge that some cases of type 2 diabetes are milder than others, or that these cases respond to a drastic diet. So I’m stupid and he blocks me. I’m just the one with the biochemistry degree.

I probably won’t even notice. Tetchy is putting it a bit mildly though.


I ought to go to Millport, really.


@Paula Rose


Ah Morag shame you can’t make it.


Tell me what time, just in case.



There is no time but 19:00 seems about right, I hear the music starts around 19:30 🙂

I think hotels and B&B’s are in short supply, I’m sure though something could be organised. That is if your not too fussy 🙂

Michael McCabe
Michael McCabe

I got my Mojave Working. link to Cheers Afro-Celt Sound System.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Michael McCabe.

Your new gravatar is similar to one of our new badges.

See my post here:-
link to


Aweright thepnr, aye Saturday night is gonna be a belter. Maybe everywhere being booked-up is a good sign.. the sooner people arrive the better the boogey!

Calling all musical people.. singers, poets, guitarists, mandoliners, violinists, pipers, pianists, tambouriners, percussionists, bodhranists, foot-tappers, spooners etc.. drop a message here if you fancy doing a turn. You’re in for a treat, you don’t wanna miss this one.

Also, I wonder if Independence Live are gonna make an appearance.. what-say Kevin & Derek?

I’m heading out of office for a few days on another adventure, see y’all Saturday party people!



You missed out the berry pickers and tattie howkers. Good Dundee fowk!

An auld ain bit a guid ain. Hear the words.

link to

Paula Rose

NATASHA – where are you sweetest – will need pretty girlies apart from moi in Helen’s burgh!

Ian Brotherhood

Long-ish watch at 35 mins, but if you’re a Patrick McGoohan/The Prisoner fan, this is very good – interview, from 1977:

link to


@Ian Brotherhood

Bookmarked for tomorrow, loved the Prisoner but bedtime looms and sweet dreams.

link to

Michael McCabe

Romeo’s Tune link to

Michael McCabe

Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with. No not that one. link to

Michael McCabe

some early Jimmy Cliff. link to

Michael McCabe

Jolene No not that one. link to

Michael McCabe

Till it happens to you. link to

Michael McCabe

I was really looking forward to Helensburgh on Saturday. Just found out today some friends have booked somewhere on the same night for my Birthday so Alas I Cant make it (Bummer) Any how next time. Hope you all have a great Weekend.


For my 100th post on Wilderness of Peace, I think Private Eye has finally lost me for good.

link to

For a while, I’d been content to praise them for the genuine good they do. But when you toe the Unionist line so completely that *Kevin Hague* is cited as a credible source about economics & business (last issue presented the Lib Dem’s side of the General Election campaign in Ian Blackford’s constituency with absolutely no scrutiny & took the “SNP cybernat” story completely at face value) you’ve just lost me. Add in a petty jibe about Jeremy Corbyn being electoral suicide, and I’ve lost any respect I had left for them.

Hell mend ye.

Michael McCabe

K1 put this up on the main topics which he got from the Revs Twitter feed. Quite good if you ask me. link to


Hey Michael

Sorry to hear you can’t make it to Helensburgh on Saturday. I hope you have a great birthday wie yer pals.


This Saturday wings over Scotland are coming to the Clyde Bar
Not to be missed

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Brian Doonthetoon

And this Facebook page:-

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Joe Walsh & Billy Gibbons – Life In The Fast Lane
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CameronB Brodie

Me also cavemen. 🙂

The Groupies – Primitive
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Brian Doonthetoon

A track I played at many a party over the years. A band from Hawick…

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@Brian Doonthetoon

That was braw, put I smile on my face. I was that age once 🙂

Just getting myself warmed up for the morn with some hot stuff!

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And if you get to the Clyde bar early then you might be in time for…

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Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Thepnr.

Maybe this should be the song of 25th July…

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This is one for Paula.

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Brian Doonthetoon

Because this came up after a previous Youtube video, I listened to it again, for the first time in a couple of decades.

A classic of ‘Scotch humor, y’all’…

link to

Paula Rose

Just finished washing up – sticks head out, oh Thepnr dear – very funny xx, where’s my lovely Natasha?


Shakira – Gypsy
link to


Shakira – Gypsy: link to


Here’s one for all the party goers tomorrow night, have a guid yin.

The McCalmans – Still Gonna Die
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